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English for tour guides.

Discover the magic of “English for Tour Guides” at MyEnglishPlace! This special section is your go-to resource for all things related to giving amazing tours. Dive into sample tour conversations, explore lessons on various tour topics, and boost your language skills. Whether you’re just starting or have been guiding for a while, our lessons are designed to make your tour guiding journey enjoyable and successful. Join us and let’s make your tours unforgettable with improved English communication!

let me be your tour guide

The Importance of Tour Guide Introductions

Introduction: Think about the last time you went on a tour or traveled to a new place. One of the first things you likely experienced was the tour guide’s introduction. A warm and friendly welcome can set the tone for an enjoyable and memorable experience. In this activity, we’ll explore the significance of tour guide introductions.

  • Why do you think a tour guide’s introduction is important in the tourism industry?
  • Discuss how a positive introduction can impact tourists’ overall experience.
  • Share your own experiences with tour guide introductions. What made a particular introduction memorable or forgettable?
  • Consider aspects such as tone, friendliness, and information provided.

Sharing Experiences

  • Recall a tour guide introduction that left a positive impression on you. What specific qualities made it memorable?
  • Discuss with your classmates and note down any common positive elements.
  • Share an experience where a tour guide’s introduction fell short. What aspects could have been improved?
  • Discuss with your classmates and identify common challenges in ineffective introductions.

Here’s a list of key vocabulary related to greetings, introductions, and background information that can be used in the context of a tour guide introducing themselves to tourists:

  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • How are you?
  • Nice to meet you
  • It’s a pleasure to have you here


  • My name is….
  • I’m [Your Name]
  • Allow me to introduce myself
  • Let me tell you a bit about myself
  • I’ll be your tour guide
  • Today, I’ll be showing you around
  • I’m here to assist you
  • Feel free to call me [Nickname or Title]

Background Information:

  • I’m originally from…
  • I have been a tour guide for…
  • I’ve lived in this city for…
  • I’m passionate about sharing the history of…
  • My expertise lies in…
  • I have a background in…
  • I’ve been working in the tourism industry for…
  • I speak [languages spoken] fluently
  • I’ve guided tours in various countries
  • I love showcasing the unique culture of…
  • I’m familiar with the local customs and traditions

Polite Phrases:

  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask
  • Please don’t hesitate to approach me
  • I’m here to make your experience enjoyable
  • Your comfort is my priority
  • I hope you enjoy the tour
  • Let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like to know

Sample Dialogues:

Dialogue 1: Classic Introduction

Tour Guide: “Good morning, everyone! Welcome to [City]. My name is Emily, and I’ll be your tour guide today. I’ve been working in the tourism industry for over five years and am excited to show you the beauty and history of our wonderful city. If you have any questions along the way, feel free to ask. Let’s make it a memorable experience!”

Dialogue 2: Cultural Emphasis

Tour Guide: “Good morning, everyone! Welcome to [City], a place where history and culture come alive. I’m Sarah, your guide for today’s journey. I have a deep passion for the rich traditions and stories embedded in this city’s tapestry. As we explore together, I’ll be sharing insights into the local customs and historical landmarks. If there’s anything you’re curious about or if you just want to chat, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s make this experience unforgettable!”

Dialogue 3: Enthusiastic Welcome

Tour Guide: “Hello, wonderful people! I’m Alex, and I am beyond excited to be your tour guide as we discover the magic of [City]. I’ve been exploring these streets for years, and each time feels like a new adventure. Today, I’m here to be your storyteller, sharing the fascinating tales of this vibrant city. If you have any burning questions or if there’s a specific spot you’ve been dreaming to see, I’m here to make it happen. Buckle up for a fantastic journey!”

Exploring Warm Welcomes

Introduction: Consider the impact of a warm welcome on your own experiences when entering a new place. A friendly greeting can make a significant difference in how you feel during a tour. Let’s explore the elements of a warm welcome and how they contribute to a positive tourist experience.

  • Think about a time when you felt genuinely welcomed during a tour or visit to a new place.
  • Consider the factors that made that welcome memorable.
  • Write down three adjectives that describe the atmosphere created by the warm welcome.

Key vocabulary related to welcoming tourists:

1. Welcome:

  • Definition: To greet someone in a friendly and hospitable manner.
  • “Welcome to our city!”
  • “A warm welcome awaits you.”

2. Glad you could join us:

  • Definition: Expressing happiness or appreciation for someone’s presence.
  • “We’re glad you could join us on this tour.”
  • “It’s a pleasure to have you with us.”

3. We’re excited to have you:

  • Definition: Conveying enthusiasm and anticipation for the visitor’s participation.
  • “We’re excited to have you explore our beautiful landmarks.”
  • “Thank you for choosing our tour; we’re excited to share the experience with you.”

4. Make yourselves at home:

  • Definition: Inviting guests to feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • “Make yourselves at home as we begin our tour.”
  • “Feel free to make yourselves at home; we want you to enjoy every moment.”

5. Delighted to meet you:

  • Definition: Expressing pleasure upon meeting someone for the first time.
  • “Delighted to meet you all; I’m your tour guide for today.”
  • “I’m delighted to meet each and every one of you; let’s have a great time together.”

6. Enjoy your stay:

  • Definition: Wishing visitors a pleasant and enjoyable time during their stay.
  • “Welcome to our hotel; enjoy your stay with us.”
  • “Enjoy your stay in our beautiful city; there’s so much to explore.”

7. If you have any questions, feel free to ask:

  • Definition: Encouraging visitors to ask for information or assistance.
  • “If you have any questions about the tour, feel free to ask at any time.”
  • “I’m here to help; if you have any questions, feel free to ask along the way.”

8. Your comfort is our priority:

  • Definition: Assuring visitors that their well-being and satisfaction are the main focus.
  • “Relax and enjoy the tour; your comfort is our priority.”
  • “We want to ensure your comfort throughout the journey.”

Dialogue 1: Urban Tour

Tour Guide (TG): “Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our urban adventure in the heart of [City]. I’m Lisa, your tour guide for today. We’re so thrilled to have you join us on this exploration. As we stroll through the bustling streets, I’ll be sharing fascinating stories about the history and culture of this vibrant city. If you have any questions or if there’s anything specific you’d like to know, feel free to ask. Make yourselves at home, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!”

Dialogue 2: Nature Trail

Tour Guide (TG): “Hello, nature enthusiasts! I’m Tom, and I’m genuinely excited to be your guide for our nature trail adventure. Welcome to the breathtaking [National Park]. As we walk through the serene trails, you’ll discover the beauty of our native flora and fauna. If you spot any interesting wildlife or have questions about the surroundings, don’t hesitate to share. Safety is our priority, so I’ll also provide a few guidelines along the way. Now, let’s immerse ourselves in the wonders of nature and create lasting memories!”

Key Points:

  • Both dialogues start with a cheerful greeting to set a positive tone.
  • The tour guide introduces themselves warmly, expressing excitement about the upcoming experience.
  • The guides encourage questions, making it clear that tourists are welcome to seek information at any time.
  • A sense of hospitality is conveyed through phrases like “Make yourselves at home” and “Safety is our priority.”
  • Focus on your tone of voice, ensuring it reflects enthusiasm and friendliness.
  • Use welcoming phrases to create a positive atmosphere.
  • Clearly state your role as a guide and express your excitement about the tour.
  • Provide a brief overview of what the tour entails to manage tourists’ expectations.
  • Encourage questions and assure tourists that you are there to assist them throughout the journey.

Navigating New Places – Guiding Tourists to Meeting Points and Explaining Tour Routes

Introduction: Think about the last time you visited a new place or joined a tour. Navigating unfamiliar surroundings can be both exciting and challenging. Let’s explore the challenges tourists may face when finding meeting points during tours.

Part 1: Discussion

  • Think about or discuss the challenges tourists might encounter when navigating a new place.
  • Consider factors such as language barriers, unfamiliar landmarks, or different cultural norms.
  • Share your insights with a partner or teacher.

Part 2: Personal Experiences

  • Individually, reflect on a time when you faced challenges finding a meeting point during a tour or travel experience.
  • Consider factors that made it difficult or easy for you.

Conclusion: In this warm-up activity, we’ve explored the challenges tourists may face when navigating a new place. As we delve into the main lesson, keep in mind the insights gained from our discussions and consider how effective communication can address these challenges during tours.

Key vocabulary related to giving directions:

1. Turn left/right:

  • Definition: Indicates a change in direction to the left or right.
  • “At the corner, turn left and walk for two blocks.”
  • “Turn right after the traffic light to reach the meeting point.”

2. Go straight ahead:

  • Definition: Continue moving in the current direction without turning.
  • “Go straight ahead until you see the large fountain in the square.”
  • “Continue going straight ahead for about 100 meters.”

3. Meet at:

  • Definition: Designates a specific location where individuals should gather or meet.
  • “Let’s meet at the entrance of the museum at 10:00 AM.”
  • “Our group will meet at the designated spot near the ticket booth.”

4. Follow the path:

  • Definition: Instructs individuals to stay on a designated route or trail.
  • “Follow the path through the park; it will lead us to the river.”
  • “The hiking trail is well-marked; just follow the path up the hill.”

5. The meeting point is:

  • Definition: Specifies a particular location where a group will gather or start the tour.
  • “The meeting point is in front of the main entrance of the hotel.”
  • “Our meeting point is at the central square; look for the guide with a red flag.”

6. Our route will take us through:

  • Definition: Explains the path or course that will be followed during the tour.
  • “Our route will take us through the historical district and then to the local market.”
  • “During the hike, our route will take us through scenic viewpoints and lush forests.”

7. Cross the street:

  • Definition: Instructs individuals to move from one side of the street to the other.
  • “To reach the café, cross the street and turn left.”
  • “Cross the street carefully at the crosswalk.”

8. Go around:

  • Definition: Suggests moving in a circular or alternative path.
  • “To avoid the construction, go around the block and rejoin the main road.”
  • “You can go around the park to reach the playground.”

Dialogue 1: City Tour Meeting Point

Tour Guide (TG): “Hello, everyone! Welcome to our city tour. Our meeting point is right here in front of the iconic city hall. If you’re facing the building, we’ll be gathering on the left side near the large clock. It’s hard to miss. From there, we’ll start our journey through the historic district. As we walk, I’ll point out key landmarks, and we’ll eventually reach the beautiful riverside park. Any questions before we begin?”

Tourist (T): “Got it! We’ll meet by the city hall clock. What landmarks will we see along the way?”

TG: “Great question! We’ll pass by the old cathedral, the central market, and the historic square. Our route will take us through these cultural highlights, and you’ll get a glimpse of the city’s rich history. After that, we’ll head towards the riverside park, where we’ll have some stunning views of the skyline. Ready for an exciting adventure?”

T: “Absolutely! Looking forward to it.”

Dialogue 2: Nature Trail Exploration

Tour Guide (TG): “Good morning, nature enthusiasts! Our meeting point is at the main entrance of the national park, right next to the visitor center. As you enter the park, you’ll see a sign indicating the meeting point. From there, we’ll follow the trail that leads deeper into the forest. Any questions before we set off?”

Tourist (T): “Got it, meeting at the park entrance. What can we expect on the trail?”

TG: “Excellent question! The trail will take us through dense foliage, and we’ll encounter a variety of native plants and wildlife. Keep an eye out for informational signs along the path. We’ll reach a clearing with a breathtaking view of the waterfall, where we’ll take a short break. After that, the trail loops back to the entrance. Ready for a nature-filled experience?”

T: “Sounds wonderful! Let’s get started.”

  • Both dialogues start with a warm greeting and clear instructions on the meeting point.
  • The tour guides use specific landmarks or signs to guide tourists to the meeting point.
  • Tourists are encouraged to ask questions, ensuring clarity and understanding.
  • The guides provide a brief overview of the landmarks or highlights along the tour route.

Subscribe to get access to more English for Tour Guides lessons as well as 10+ sample tour dialogues. Topics include:

-Historical Sites -City Landmarks -Museum Tours -Safety Information -Transportation Details -Understanding Cultural Insights -A City Tour Dialogue -A Hiking Excursion Dialogue -A Brewery Tour Dialogue

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let me be your tour guide

Let me be your Tour Guide

The Let me be your Tour Guide project introduces new teaching methods and brings benefit for the local communities by improving the tourist offer of the cities involved. The time of the pandemic revealed how people can be prevented from moving and traveling freely for a variety of reasons.

Students will create an app and digital content while they enjoy site seeing in their own cities and the cities in the partnership. Looking at what the partner cities need, the partners have established that the app will be a new modern tool in the hands of tourists and that this is exactly what one needs to make one’s cities more competitive in the tourism market.

The partners will get valuable digital content feeding the app that will be publicly available to all interested teachers and students from the local and state environment.

The Mobile app will be a tourist guide to the cities of Schiedam, Reykjavik, Dublin, Nafpaktos, Malta and Split. Digital content will contain the cultural sights of these cities. While improving the tourist offer of cities the process will introduce new teaching methodologies in schools.

In the same process students will improve their computer science knowledge and skills, cultural and historical knowledge and English language skills, because each product will be translated into English in addition to their mother tongue.

Teachers will have an opportunity to work on their IT skills and the products themselves will serve them in processing new teaching units. Instead of just showing pictures, they will have videos made with state-of-the-art 3D techniques available.

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Product Identifiers

  • Publisher Christian Faith Publishing
  • ISBN-10 1641406577
  • ISBN-13 9781641406574
  • eBay Product ID (ePID) 14038399977

Product Key Features

  • Book Title Let Me Be Your Guide : a Clear and Understandable Tour of the Bibles
  • Number of Pages 276 Pages
  • Language English
  • Topic Christianity / General, Biblical Studies / Bibles Study Guides
  • Publication Year 2018
  • Illustrator Yes
  • Genre Religion
  • Author Fred Woodward
  • Format Trade Paperback
  • Item Height 0.8 in
  • Item Weight 17.6 Oz
  • Item Length 9 in
  • Item Width 6 in

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Another role the Holy Spirit is called to play in our lives is that of a Divine Tour Guide. Our job is to learn to sense His leading and obey. Struggling to get our way and turning a deaf ear to His promptings can be disastrous. But if we will put our hand in His and let Him lead, our life’s journey will be an enjoyable experience. Tune in to Home Group as we continue our discussion on the Holy Spirit and You.

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How to watch every stage of the 2024 tour de france: stages, schedule, start times, live stream info.

  • Aidan Berg ,

The most prestigious race in cycling is back, and NBC Sports will cover every stage of the Tour de France on Peacock . Here is everything you need to know about the 2024 Tour de France.

When is the 2024 Tour de France?

The 2024 Tour de France spans from Saturday, June 29 through Sunday, July 21. The event begins one week earlier than usual due to the start of the Paris Olympics on July 26.

How to watch the 2024 Tour de France in the USA

Each stage of the 2024 Tour de France will be streamed on Peacock , and a few select stages will be broadcast on NBC.

Coverage of each day’s stage will begin on Peacock . Stage 8 (July 6) and Stage 14 (July 13) will move over to NBC at 8 a.m. EST. Finally, coverage of the penultimate Stage 20 will be replayed on NBC starting at 4 p.m. EST.

What time does the Tour de France start?

Coverage of the 2024 Tour de France’s first stage begins at 6:30 a.m. on June 29. Each stage will kick off between 6 and 7:30 a.m. EST, with the exception of the 21 st and final stage, which starts at 10:10 a.m. EST on July 21.

What’s the full schedule for 2024 Tour de France?

*All times are listed as ET and all races will be streaming on Peacock.

What are the current 2024 Tour de France standings?

Tadej Pogacar extended his lead and took back the yellow jersey in Stage 4. See the latest full 2024 Tour de France standings here .

What’s the full route for the 2024 Tour de France?

The Tour de France begins in Florence, Italy, and finishes in Nice, France.

Because the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be taking place in Paris, this will mark the very first year that the Tour de France will not end in the “City of Light.” It’s also the first time the Tour ends with a time trial since 1989.

The Tour features four summit finishes and two time trials. The vertical gain will eclipse 52,000 meters over the 21 stages.

The 19th stage climb up Cime de la Bonette will reach an elevation of 2,802 meters (1.75 miles), the highest-altitude summit in modern Tour history. It was last on the route in 2008.

🤩 Here it is, the official route of the #TDF2024 ! 🤩 Voici le parcours officiel du #TDF2024 ! — Tour de France™ (@LeTour) October 25, 2023

Who won the 2023 Tour de France?

Danish rider Jonas Vingegaard won the 2023 Tour de France, his second straight victory in the event. If Vingegaard wins again this year, he would be the first cyclist to win the event three straight years since Chris Froome from 2015-2017.

Relive the defining moments of the 2023 Tour de France below:

Vingegaard suffered a broken collarbone and ribs and a collapsed lung in Spain in April following a crash in the Tour of the Basque Country. He was hospitalized for nearly two weeks and his status for the Tour de France was uncertain, but he will compete when action begins in Florence.

How do I watch cycling on Peacock ?

Sign up here to watch all of our LIVE sports and events, including cycling.

What devices does Peacock support?

You can enjoy Peacock on a variety of devices. View the full list of supported devices here .

What if I already signed up for Peacock?

If you’ve already followed the steps to create your new Peacock account, and you added a password, you can now Sign In with that email and password on all your supported devices. If you never set your password, or don’t remember it, reset it now . To upgrade to Peacock Premium Plus from a Peacock Premium plan, sign in to your account and go to Plans and Payments to select an upgrade plan.

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A Beginner’s Guide To Barcelona

By Louise Peterson · Last updated on July 2, 2024

Alright folks, let me tell you about Barcelona, a city I’ve grown to love beyond its tapas and medieval streets. I now call this city home but it took some time to figure out its kinks and quirks as, like any big city, it can be a bit overwhelming for newbies.


But you probably don’t have any time to spare so let me be your guide to navigating this amazing city! I’ll tell you where to go, how to avoid scams, and where to find the coldest beer!

Neighborhoods: Your Barcelona Starter Kit


First things first, let’s talk about neighborhoods . Barri Gòtic, or the Gothic Quarter, is where you’ll find the city’s ancient roots, with winding medieval streets, hidden squares, and stunning gothic architecture. If you’re into history, this is a must-visit. Next door there’s El Born, a fashionable district filled with boutiques, art galleries, and the Picasso Museum.

Just around the corner is El Raval, a neighborhood that’s transformed from its gritty past into a multicultural hub. Here, you’ll find awesome street art, trendy bars, and the MACBA, Barcelona’s contemporary art museum. But, some areas remain a bit shady so have your wits about you!

Moving on, we have L’Eixample, a neighborhood famous for its modernist architecture. This is where you’ll find some of Gaudí’s most famous works, like the Sagrada Familia and Casa Batlló. If you’re a fan of unique buildings, this is the place to be.


Gràcia, once a separate village, still feels like its own little world, with charming plazas, independent shops, and a lively atmosphere. Don’t miss Park Güell, another Gaudí gem, located here.

Las Ramblas: Skip It and See the Real Barcelona

Las Ramblas

Now, let’s talk about Las Ramblas, that famous (or infamous) pedestrian street that cuts through the heart of Barcelona. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful promenade with trees, street performers, and historic buildings. But honestly, I think it’s a bit of a tourist trap.

It’s crowded, overpriced, and the food is dreadfully mediocre. My advice? Skip Las Ramblas and head to some of the smaller, less crowded streets in the surrounding neighborhoods. You’ll find much better food, shops, and overall atmosphere. Plus, you’ll get a more authentic Barcelona experience.


The street is unavoidable though. It is the main thoroughfare from Placa Catalunya down to the port and makes for a convenient stroll if you are in a hurry. But steer well clear of the giant cocktails and cooked-from-frozen paella. You might as well sit at McDonalds which has exactly the same view!

Chow Down: Tapas, Pinchos, and Tinto de Verano


Let’s talk about food, because let’s face it, that’s half the reason we travel, right? Barcelona is a foodie paradise, especially if you love tapas. But first, let’s clear something up: tapas and pinchos are not the same thing. Tapas are small plates meant for sharing, while pinchos are bite-sized snacks, usually served on a piece of bread with a toothpick.

For an authentic pinchos experience, head to Carrer de Blai, a street lined with pinchos bars. It’s a fun and affordable way to try a variety of flavors. Just grab a plate, help yourself to the pinchos that catch your eye, and keep the toothpicks. The staff will count your toothpicks at the end to calculate your bill.

For tapas, the best bars are often hidden in the streets of El Born and Eixample. Look for places with a lively atmosphere and locals enjoying themselves. Always try the patatas bravas (spicy potatoes), pimientos de padrón (fried green peppers), pan con tomate (bread with tomato), and some jamón (cured ham).

These are staples you’ll find everywhere. And for drinks, skip the sangria and order a tinto de verano instead. It’s a refreshing mix of red wine and lemon soda, perfect for a warm evening.

Getting Around: Public Transit and Airport Transfers Made Easy

Barcelona Metro

Getting around Barcelona is a breeze thanks to its fantastic public transportation system. The metro, buses, and trams will get you pretty much anywhere you need to go. I recommend buying a T-Casual ticket, which gives you 10 rides and can be used by multiple people.

If you plan on using public transport a lot while you’re there, consider the Hola Barcelona Travel Card, which offers unlimited travel for 2-5 days and includes airport transfers.

Speaking of airport transfers, the Aerobús is the easiest way to get from the airport to the city center and it comes in at under €6 for a one-way ticket. It’s a direct bus service with stops at Plaça Catalunya and Plaça Espanya, two major hubs in the city. I frequent the metro for this journey but it takes an hour and includes a transfer, which doesn’t make it the most convenient way.

Hit the Beach: Sun, Sand, and a Bit of Barcelona’s Free Spirit

Barcelona Beach

Barcelona’s beaches are a bit of a sore point, but hey, it’s still the Mediterranean, so they’re worth checking out if you need to cool down or just want to feel the sand between your toes. The beaches here are artificial, created back in the 1990s for the Olympics, so don’t expect a tropical paradise.

The most popular beaches are Barceloneta and Sant Sebastià, which tend to get pretty crowded, especially in summer. If you want something quieter, head north to Bogatell or Mar Bella. And if you’re feeling adventurous, check out the nudist section at the southern end of Mar Bella. Yes, that’s right, Barcelona is pretty open-minded when it comes to swimwear (or lack thereof)!

Public Pool

If you really want to cool off, pay a visit to the public pool at the top of Montjuic. Piscina Municipal de Montjuïc costs about €7 to enter and you can also rent a sun chair. The views from here are nothing short of spectacular! So insane, in fact, that Dua Lipa recently shot a music video in this pool!


There is also a bar with food at the top of the facility called Saltz, perfect for if you simply want the views but also want to keep your feet dry.

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Here's What Happened in the Despicable Me Movies So Far

Catch up on your Despicable Me and Minions k nowledge before the new animated sequel hits theaters!

let me be your tour guide

Summer is about to get gleefully supervillainous, and frankly, we can’t wait. Despicable Me 4 , the latest chapter in the delightful Despicable Me  animated film franchise hits theaters on July 3, 2024 . Seven years have passed since the last movie had us in stitches, so it’s high time for more!

The f lagship movie  laid the groundwork for Gru, a supervillain with a devious plan who has a funny and surprising change of heart. Three  movies, two Minions  spin-offs and countless laughs later, Gru and his family now face a brand new nemesis. Stepping up as Gru is the inimitable Steve Carell, who has led the terrific cast of voice actors behind the characters from the get-go .

RELATED:  Celebrate The Despicable Me 4 Release & the Paris Olympics With This Sweet Deal

I t ’ s been a while since the last movie  came out,   so it’s prime time for a Despicable Me  review. Our refresher tells you what need to know about the past movies and what to expect in the new one.

What happened in Despicable Me ?

A Scene from Despicable Me 4.

Villainous Gru  (Carell)  adopts three orphan girls   — Margo, Edith, and Agnes   — as part of a maniacal scheme  to steal the m oon. But not so fast.   T he girls ’  affection bit-by-bit reforms  Gru. The 2010 film also introduced Minions , Gru’s goofy yellow pill-shaped helpers as well as his nemesis, Vector .

What happened in Despicable Me 2 ?

Gru trades villainy for devoted fatherhood in this 2013 sequel . Then he’s  recruited by the Anti-Villain League to vanquish  a new supervillain, Eduardo/El Macho (Benjamin Bratt). Gru teams up with AVL agent Lucy Wilde (Kristen Wiig), who becomes his romantic  interest.

What happened in Minions ?

Mega Minions (Pierre Coffin) in Despicable Me 4 (2024).

Minions look for a new leader after accidentally causing the demise of numerous others in this 2015 Despicable Me  prequel. In 1960s New York, the Minions join up with Scarlet Overkill (Sandra Bullock), a supervillain out to snatch Queen Elizabeth II’s crown. In a London showdown, a young Gru royally outsmarts Scarlet and earns the respect of the Minions.  

What Happened in Despicable Me 3 ?

In this 2017 release, Gru confronts Balthazar Bratt (Trey Parker), a former child star   turned supervillain , in a battle that leads to his and Lucy’s ouster from the AVL . Gru also discovers his long-lost twin brother, Dru, who  convinces him   to return to super villainy  for one last heist .  Gru secretly uses the crime to get the AVL to reinstate him and Lucy.

Despicable Me 4 Director Won't Let the Characters Age: "They're Frozen in Time"

What happened in minions: the rise of gru .

In the 1970s,  a tween-age Gru aspires to join the supervillain group, the Vicious 6. The film   follows Gru ’ s early encounters with his Minions and his rise to becoming a notorious supervillain.

What happens in Despicable Me 4 ?

Gru, Lucy and their kids are shaken out of their comfort zone by Gru’s new arch enemy Maxime Le Mal (Will Ferrell) and his femme fatale girlfriend Valentina (Sofia Vergara). Poppy Prescott (Joey King), wannabe supervillain who admires Gru, gets in on the unpredictable and comedic adventure that ensues.

Despicable Me ,  Despicable Me 2 , and  Despicable Me 3   are currently streaming on Peacock.

  • Despicable Me
  • Universal Pictures

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let me be your tour guide

Let Me Be Your London Tour Guide: Hotels, Apps, and Things to Do in London!

I’ve had a few USA friends travel to London lately and ask me for tips on this city I love so dearly. I have been to London countless times since the first time I moved to England five years ago. I think that is the true sign of getting to know a place… it becomes more a city you love than a city you can count your travels to. Which is why I would love to be your London tour guide too, and share all my London tips and secrets!

What kind of London tour guide will this be?

I won’t be so full of myself to say these are the ‘best things to do in London’ because if you know London, you know this city is too complex to ever make such a simplistic remark. Instead, these are my favorite things. Imagine me as your London tour guide, walking you through the city as friends and sharing my favorite discoveries. I won’t be the kind of London tour guide to share the biggest or most ‘important’ sights for a first time tourist. I think you can hop on any old double decker tourist bus for that kind of London tour guide. No, I’ll be sharing the things I do every time I visit, what I recommend to my good friends, and what I love most about London!

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

Where to stay in London

Before I get into my favorite things to do in London, I’ll give some tips on my favorite London accommodation. Most people I know in England live outside of London, which means I have stayed in a LOT of London hotels. I really believe that a hotel can have a big impact on your overall experience in a city. London accommodation is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. I’ve tried to provide a variety below for different budgets, starting at £16 (I’ve stayed in them all!). Here are some of my favourite accommodations in London:

  • Pride of Paddington   ($) – A hostel above a famous pub 2 minutes from Paddington station. Ideal for early/late flights from Heathrow. The stay includes full English breakfast!
  • Astor Hyde Park Hostel   ($) – My favorite hostel in London. In a lovely and central area of the city, super clean and friendly. Starts at £16 with option for private rooms too. (Note that you have to be 18-40 yo to stay here, although it’s not  a party hostel).
  • Shakespeare Hotel ($-$$) – A budget hotel near Paddington that I love for flights into/out of London. It is set back a block from Paddington where it is a bit quieter, full of charm, and includes a full english breakfast!
  • Citizen M   ($$) – A fabulous hotel that markets itself as ‘budget’ but in reality is more luxury. Sleep in massive beds with amazing views, access newly released movies and your mini fridge for free, and more. Three locations across London including Bankside , Tower of London , and Shoreditch . I loved the Southbank Citizen M (my favorite neighbourhood).
  • The Pilgrm ($$)  – A newer hotel near Paddington, ideal for early/late flights from Heathrow. Amazing luxury and Victorian decor with an attached bar and restaurant.
  • Plum guide ($$-$$$)  – A posher version of Airbnb that still has reasonably priced houses if you search through it. I’ve stayed in a Plum Guide in the Maida Vale neighbourhood and it was incredible. It’s Airbnb without the sifting.
  • Airbnb   ($-$$$) – There are lots of Airbnb’s in London but they are very expensive and comparable to just staying in a hotel. If you book far in advance you can find a good deal. Use my code for $33 off your first booking!

London's hidden gem Little Venice is rising on the tourist radar. If you're curious what to do in Little Venice London, then read on for my guide!

My London tour guide admin tips!

What else? London’s a confusing place, so here are some miscellaneous tips before you go off on your adventure.

  • Oyster card: I recommend getting an Oyster card for the tube, but walk when you can as you’ll get better oriented! Every tube station has a map of the tube before you go through the barriers, so you can use this to find your route. Also, don’t put your oyster card away once you’re on the tube because you’ll need it to swipe out when you get to your destination.
  • Download Maps.Me : This is a GPS app that gives you access to maps without WiFi or data. It’s gotten so much better over the years and now it has all the same properties as Google Maps, without needing data! Make sure to download the London map while you have wifi, though.
  • Download Trainline : If you are planning to travel outside of London, download the Trainline app which lets you buy train tickets and look at times.
  • Book bus travel through National Express : National Express is quite cheap for bus travel outside of London, but not nearly as nice as the train.
  • Purchase a railcard :  If you are eligible and will be traveling by train quite a lot you should really buy a railcard. You can do this at any train station, but you will need a passport sized photo of yourself (there are booths in the train stations where you can get this done). If you plan far enough in advance you can order a railcard online. There are seven options so even if you don’t think you’re eligible, read up ! All railcards give you 1/3 off fares, so the initial cost can usually be made back after just a few journeys!

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

My 10 favorite things to do in London

At last! The admin is out of the way, your trip is booked, you’re cozy in your hotel after a stress free tube journey. Here are my 10 favorite things to do in London…

1. Walk along Southbank

Southbank is my favorite area of London to stroll around. Walk across Tower Bridge, explore borough market and Southwark cathedral . In borough market, try the nonprofit coffee cart run by formerly homeless Londoners, the 100% gluten free stall called Free From Bakehouse , the incredible (gluten free) onion bhajis, and more. Walk along the Thames until you reach the Tate, The Globe and millennium bridge. You can even keep going all the way through the riverside flea market to the London Eye.

Related: Your Guide to My Favorite London Southbank Walk

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

      2. Catch a view of the London skyline

The London skyline is littered with iconic buildings such as the Shard, the gherkin, the walkie talkie, St Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben (currently under construction waaah), accentuated by the winding Thames. One of my favorite things to do is catch a good view of the city. Here are the best places to do so:

  • One New Change : Free! Take the elevator up to level 6. There’s a bar but you don’t need to buy anything, just go to their grassy area for a stunning view of St Paul’s Cathedral.
  • Sky Garden : Free, but make reservations! Gorgeous plant-filled and window lined top floor, with panoramic London views.
  • Duck & Waffle : Free, but it’s polite (and YUMMY) to get food or at least a coffee. Some of the best nearly 360 degree views of London, and one of my favorite restaurants to boot.
  • The Shard : Check prices here . The tallest building in London. I’ve done this before but it’s more of a once in a lifetime thing, the views from the free places are nearly as good!

3. Get a London brunch

In London, brunching is a full time occupation so it is no surprise that all my favorite London restaurants specialize in the best meal of the day! Here are my favorite London brunches:

  • Duck & Waffle : Expensive but the food is some of the best I’ve ever tasted, and the views really are the best in London. Make reservations in advance. If you can’t get a reservation there are usually cancellations, plus seats at the bar so still give it a shot! It’s also open 24 hours a day so why not go for sunrise?!
  • Breakfast Club : Multiple locations across London, you’ll probably have to queue for a seat so go as early as you can. Super tasty dishes and the best Bloody Marys in London! There is also a secret bar… try and get the pass code online and get in for an evening drink!
  • Farm Girl : A very instagram-friendly cafe in Notting Hill by Portobello Market, specialising in unusual coffees (rose latte, charcoal cappuccino, golden latte), and amazing brunches. I recommend the pancakes, or the gluten free donuts! You may also have to queue here.
  • Beyond Bread : A 100% gluten free cafe in Fitzrovia that is lifeblood for any celiac in London!!! Absolutely go if you are gluten free… try the danish custard pastry and your life will be changed. They also serve sandwiches, loaves of GF bread, waffles, and more.

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

4. Afternoon tea

Any visit to London isn’t complete without a three tiered afternoon tea. I genuinely have an afternoon tea bucket list that I’m slowly making my way through. For those of you who are not GF, check out Sketch or the Ritz. For those of you who are GF, check out my gluten free afternoon tea London bucket list!

Related: Gluten Free Afternoon Tea London Bucket List

5. walk through covent garden.

Another of my favorite areas to stroll through is Covent Garden. This is part of the theater district so you’ll find lots of theatres, restaurants, and cute boutiques here. I always try to hit the seven dials , colourful and hidden Neal’s Yard , and the Covent Garden Market.

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

6. Be a groundling at the Globe

If your visit is during summer or autumn, you need to go to The Globe . This is an open air theater on Southbank overlooking the Thames, built in the style of Shakespeare’s original Globe. They have some of the best Shakespearean productions in the world here, and if you’re not a Shakespeare fan they have non-Shakespeare shows as well. For only £5 you can be a groundling and stand at the edge of the stage for the performance, just like the peasants used to. You can also pay a bit more for a seat in the round, but I prefer the groundling experience… it’s like no other!!

7. Hunt for picture-perfect mews

Nearly every corner in central London is photogenic, but none more so than the hidden mews streets. I definitely have a soft spot for London mews… I’ve written a whole blog post just about my favorite ones. Basically mews streets are small alleys or dead ends that used to be horse stables but are now reconverted into small houses. They are so cute. My personal favorite mews street is St. Lukes Mews near Notting Hill and was actually part of a scene in the movie Love Actually! Read my guide for more information on how to find the mews of London.

Related: How to Find London’s Secret Mews Streets

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

8. Wander through Hyde Park

Hyde Park is one of the biggest parks in London and provides a massive green space in one of the busiest parts of the city. It is my favorite place to wander through to see the autumn colours, or to sit for a summer picnic. Even in winter the weather is so mild it makes for a beautiful stroll. From Marble Arch around the perimeter of Hyde park is about 3 miles, and if you include Kensington Gardens it’s about 4.5 miles, so it is also great for a run if you are staying nearby. Personally I just love to breathe the fresh air, walk the paths, and photograph the occasional small houses around the edge. I also love the Princess Diana memorial and the Peter Pan statue within the park. Hyde Park is also a great starting or stopping point for an Oxford Street shopping spree.

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

9. Explore Little Venice

One of my more recent discoveries in London is the Little Venice neighbourhood , not too far from Paddington. This area is more residential, quieter, and lined with canals reminiscent of ‘big Venice.’ Take a morning to explore Little Venice and its gorgeous canals and canal boats! You can even stay in a canal boat with Plum Guide .

Related: What to do in Little Venice London

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

10. Music at St. Martin-in-the-Fields

One of the best concerts I’ve ever been to was at St. Martin-in-the-Fields near Trafalgar Square. The acoustics are just so special and angelic. Even if you are not a classical music fan I recommend it for the experience. In the crypt of the church there is a cafeteria style cafe with really yummy food, and sometimes they even have dinner time concerts down there. They also often have free lunchtime concerts so I really recommend a visit if you have the time!

Other things to do in London…

Making this list of my 10 favorite things to do in London made me realise that… I have more than 10 favorite things. Whoops! Like I mentioned, London is such a complex city it is difficult to choose. But like any good London tour guide, I’ll leave the choice up to you! Below are some of my other recommendations, either of favorite things, once-in-a-lifetime things, or classic tourist destinations.

  • Have a drink at unique London bars such as Ballie Ballerson (adult ball pit bar)
  • Go on a tour with social enterprise  Unseen Tours , lead by a formerly homeless Londoner
  • Walk across Tower Bridge and tour the Tower of London
  • Walk by Buckingham Palace
  • Get Indian Food (literally anywhere… there are sooo many good Indian restaurants in London you can’t go wrong. My favorite neighborhoods for good Indian are Paddington, Mayfair, Bloomsbury, and Shoreditch)
  • Brick Lane market for ethnic food and hipster finds
  • Portobello Road market for vintage and antique items and cute photos of the houses nearby
  • Museums (my favourites are the Tate and the National Portrait Gallery)
  • Walk through the British Library exhibit or spend a day reading there
  • Kings Cross Saint Pancras train station (for cute shops and platform 9 and 3/4!)
  • Visit the Harry Potter Warner Brothers Studios
  • Take a yoga class (my favorite studio by far is Triyoga )
  • Go on the London Eye Ferris wheel (you can also combine this with tickets to the aquarium for a good deal)

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

Now, you may have to visit London countless times like myself to actually do all these things! Thank you for letting me be your London tour guide 🙂 Hopefully this has provided a good resource for those of you traveling to London. I have stayed in all the hotels I recommend and done all the top 10 things I recommend, plus the majority of the further things I mention.

I hope you fall in love with London the way I have!

Pin it for later…

Planning your trip to London? Let me be your London tour guide. I'm sharing all my top tips for London including hotels, free views, discounts, and more. #london #londontourguide #londonguide #travel #londonengland

*Some of these links are affiliate links. I may make a small commission if you purchase something though my link, at no extra charge to you. Thank you for supporting endless distances!

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let me be your tour guide

We Tried GetYourGuide For Finding Tours And Excursions, And We Love It For Trip Inspiration

T he internet is full of endless sites and tools that claim they can help you plan a trip. One of these is GetYourGuide , a free website and app on the App Store and Google Play. This marketplace platform allows users to search and directly book excursions at the destination of their choice. Activity providers (like tour companies) list their experiences on GetYourGuide and receive commission fees. With this in mind, we decided to test GetYourGuide for ourselves to see if it was worth the hype. 

First and foremost, we found that navigating both the website and app was extremely simple. One of the first things you will see when the app or website loads is a search box that asks, "Where are you going?" If you continue scrolling towards the bottom of the home page, you will find an array of suggested activities from cities like London, Abu Dhabi, and many more. For this review, we chose Los Angeles, one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. 

Using the website, we input the city into the search box, and bam -- we were met with 317 activities and even an itinerary for a trip to Los Angeles  (note this itinerary only showed on the website; the app is more streamlined for the list of activities). Nevertheless, we were happy with the diversity of activities offered in the city. 

Read more: 50 Underrated Tourist Destinations Around The World

Searching For An Activity On GetYourGuide

In Los Angeles, GetYourGuide has something for everyone and every price range. Those wanting to visit the city's iconic attractions, like the TCL Chinese Theatre , can take a 7-hour, $95 grand bus tour of LA. For true crime lovers, there's a $59 dark history and haunted LA bus tour. 

Other activities include bike tours on the beach, walking tours of Downtown LA, guided hikes to the Hollywood sign, dinner cruises, and more. In addition, you can buy entry tickets to various LA attractions on GetYourGuide, including Universal Studios and the Aquarium of the Pacific, to name a few. 

Of course, 317 activities is a lot to scroll through. Users can filter results using price range, ratings, language, duration, time, interests, and points of interest. GetYourGuide tries to simplify finding a suitable activity as much as possible. Despite this, we found that the website was far more in-depth than the app, which has its pros and cons. 

Users who search for a city using GetYourGuide's website are not instantly met with a tidy page with listings, like on the app. Instead, the page is organized to show the top activities of that city, followed by the top sights, and finally, all of the activities. In other words, there's a lot going on, and it can be hard to focus on one thing. If this could be a problem for you, opt to use the app rather than the website, which is much tidier and to the point.

The Booking Process With GetYourGuide

This review would not be complete without trying one of the activities GetYourGuide offers for ourselves. We opted for a $75 Venice Beach food tour . The description states that the tour is 2 hours long and features five food samples, historical information, and various stops around Venice Beach. In addition, it notes that the tour is not suited for individuals who can't walk long distances or have other mobility impairments. 

Notably, the listing makes clear what is included in the price. For this specific tour, guests only have to worry about tips for their guide and getting to the meeting spot. To book, we had to choose a date for the tour before checking out. Once we were ready to pay, we had the option to book as guests or sign in via Google, Facebook, or Apple ID. Alternatively, we could create an account using our email.

Payments can be made with Paypal, Google Pay, and a debit or credit card. Apple Pay is also an option, if you're using the app on an iPhone. Once the payment has gone through, a QR code and a voucher will appear. This has to be presented at the time of the tour. We recommend you download the GetYourGuide app to save the voucher on a phone. However, it can be printed, too.

The Inside Scoop On The Tour We Booked With GetYourGuide

The Venice Beach food tour is provided by a tour company called Junket. It took place at 11 a.m. on a Saturday, and the listing on GetYourGuide said to meet at The Cow's End Cafe, the first stop on the tour. The listing did not mention the tour guide's name or distinguishing characteristics. We ended up being the only ones on the tour and did not know who we were looking for. Eventually, a man named Jean Michel Arlin introduced himself as the guide. 

At The Cow's End, we were given an acai bowl. The second stop was at Vegan Pop Up by XMarket, where we were supposed to eat a vegan fried chicken sandwich. However, the sandwich was sold out. Arlin did ask if we wanted something else on the menu but did not have a backup meal; thus, we declined and skipped ahead to the third stop, Teddy's Red Tacos, for a birria taco. 

The last two stops were at the Sidewalk Cafe for Hawaiian pizza and the Pink Elephant Espresso Bar for ice cream in the flavor of our choice. We ate at each restaurant, and Arlin ordered each item. Every sample was delicious, and Arlin was a gem and clearly dedicated to his job. He provided tidbits of history at each meal and was incredibly engaging as he showed us different landmarks around Venice Beach and the boardwalk. As outlined on the GetYourGuide listing, Arlin took us to the canals, Muscle Beach, and the Venice Beach Skate Park.

The Venice Beach Food Tour Had Some Pitfalls

While the tour was tasty and fun, it was not perfect. There was a disconnect between the listing on GetYourGuide and Junket's website. Jean Michel Arlin did not check or mention the voucher from GetYourGuide -- he only requested our name. When asked about GetYourGuide, he was unaware of its existence and did not know how the tour ended on the platform. 

Likewise, the tour was three hours long, not two, as it said on the GetYourGuide listing (Junket states on its website that it's 2.5 hours). This discrepancy could be a problem for individuals with limited time or who planned something else for the day. Besides the acai bowl, we were not explicitly told in advance what else we would be eating or asked if we had any allergens. While we had none, this could be an issue for people with dietary restrictions. 

This was brought up to Arlin, who admitted that he knew this was a dilemma but explained that the tour was relatively new and that Junket was still working out the kinks. He also acknowledged that the tour needed backup restaurants for individuals with allergens or if a menu item was sold out, as was the case with our tour. 

In another discrepancy, the listing on GetYourGuide states that the tour included a tasting from the Win~Dow and Minor Figures. However, neither was a stop. (After some digging, it seems that Minor Figures partnered with PlantX to create the Vegan Pop Up at XMarket we went to, but this isn't explained and was a bit confusing).

The Final Verdict On GetYourGuide

While GetYourGuide caters to tourists, there are so many activity listings that locals can easily find an activity they haven't done before. Overall, the platform is incredibly comprehensive for those who need to book an activity for their vacation in advance or even on the day of. It's user-friendly, and if something comes up or you change your mind, GetYourGuide allows you to cancel up to 24 hours before the activity for a full refund.

In addition, the price you pay for said activity includes taxes and fees. In some cases, you can find some slight discounts. At the time of this publication, an adult entry ticket to the Aquarium of the Pacific on GetYourGuide is $42.95. On the aquarium's website, it's $44.95. But overall, the prices on GetYourGuide are usually the same as the activity provider's website (the Venice Beach food tour is priced at $75 on GetYourGuide and Junket, for example).

As mentioned, our chosen tour had flaws, but we are unsure if GetYourGuide or tour provider Junket is to blame. Junket's listing on their website is more accurate than GetYourGuide's. Nevertheless, thanks to the yummy food and knowledgeable guide Jean Michel Arlin, we still enjoyed every moment of the tour.

Despite its pitfalls, we would use the platform again. It's perfect for gaining inspiration, searching for activities, and comparing prices. However, before you book anything, we suggest you compare the listing on GetYourGuide to the listing on the tour provider's website to ensure there are no inconsistencies.

Read the original article on Explore .

GetYourGuide App


Field Guide To Boston

Day trips in maine: 3 itineraries for eating, drinking and adventuring your way through vacationland.

  • Tulley Hescock, Maine Public

Summer day trips are a big part of life in New England. We visit our favorite beaches and ice cream spots, and we discover new bookstores and trails.

Journalists from the New England News Collaborative have been on the road, seeking out the best local spots in the region. Find ideas for Maine and other New England states at .

Maine is known as “Vacationland,” and it really lives up to that name. Whether you want a day trip to the beach, a coastal hike or a mountain lake swim, Maine has it all. As you may have heard, we are known for our seafood, especially our lobster. When it comes to finding the best lobster roll, know that fresher is better, but be prepared to spend some money. We are also known for our spectacular lighthouses and ocean views. You might even see a whale or a moose if you're lucky!

Check out this list of fun things to do, places to see, and food to eat in three key regions of the state — southern Maine and the Greater Portland area; Down East Maine; and the Western Mountains. Know that this is not an all encompassing list but a good place to start your day trip plans.

‎Southern Maine & Greater Portland

Southern Maine and Greater Portland offer a great mix of beach aesthetic and small-city living. Known for its vast array of eateries, Portland in particular is a foodie and beachgoers dream. Plus, there are breweries galore to satisfy all your IPA dreams. As someone who lives here, these are the spots I can thoroughly recommend if you're looking to spend the day eating and exploring in the area.

Sunset at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, in June. (Luciana Santerre/Maine Public)

What to do if you're a ...


If you’re looking to surf, relax with a good book on the sand, or find a spot for your dog to run, these are some of the best beaches in southern Maine.

  • Higgins Beach  — This is a great beach for surfing and for lounging. Parking is limited, so make sure to get there early.
  • York Beach  — A classic Maine beach with miles of sandy beach to walk, run and play beach games.
  • Ogunquit Beach  — A popular beach with a cute downtown within walking distance, Ogunquit also has a natural lazy river that occurs with the tidal change and provides a calm area for kids to play in the water.
  • Old Orchard Beach  — This is a busy location, but the beach and activities are well worth it! Ride the Ferris wheel and get some ice cream while you're there.

Lighthouse geek

  • Portland Head Light  — This is a favorite among lighthouse lovers, and is located in Cape Elizabeth, about a 10 minute drive from Portland. The lighthouse is located in Fort Williams Park, with 90 acres of land for walking and outdoor activities.
  • Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse  — A lesser known lighthouse, and my personal favorite, Spring Point Ledge lighthouse is only a 10 minute drive from downtown Portland and offers a great view of the water. Note that it's not easily accessible as it has some large rocks you have to walk across to get to the lighthouse.
  • Nubble Lighthouse  — Located in York, Nubble is a picturesque lighthouse that's classic coastal New England.

Portland Headlight Lighthouse in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. (Tulley Hescock/Maine Public)

  • Evergreen Cemetery  — Established in 1854, Evergreen cemetery is the largest in Maine and, as a garden-style cemetery, it offers walking trails and a pond. It's also a great location for bird watching.
  • Portland Fire Engine Co. Tours  — Take a guided tour in style! Ride a vintage fire engine while seeing historic landmarks and learning about the city of Portland's rich history.
  • Portland Art Museum  — Located in downtown Portland. Note that there is free admission to all 4-8 p.m. Fridays. Through the Portland Art Museum, you can also get tickets to the  Winslow Homer Studio tour  in Scarborough, and see where the famous Maine painter made much of his work. (Available May 20- Nov. 10, tickets range from $25 to $70.)
  • Longfellow Books  — Located in Monument Square, it is easily accessible by foot as you walk through downtown Portland. They have a robust collection of new books and very friendly staff.
  • Cove Street Arts  — Check out Cove Street Arts to learn about Maine’s place in American art history and see multidisciplinary art exhibits. Note that they are closed on Sundays and Mondays.

With so many good food options across Maine, you'll be happy we have three meals a day. (Or more, if you dispense with formality!)

Scratch Baking Co Maine salt bagels and scream cheese spread. June 21. (Tulley Hescock/Maine Public)

  • Scratch Baking Co.  — Located in South Portland, Scratch is known for their bagels and baked goods. Make sure to grab some Maine salt bagels, and don’t worry, the line moves fast! Note that Scratch is open Wednesday-Sunday.
  • Bird and Co.  — This taqueria serves brunch on the weekends and has a wide variety of delicious vegan options.
  • The Highroller Lobster Co.  — famous for their lobster rolls, Highroller is conveniently located right in the Old Port and has a bright inside seating area as well as outdoor seating. Make sure to check out their merch as well!
  • Duck Fat  — As the name suggests, this restaurant is known for using duck fat to fry their Belgian style fries, giving the food a rich flavor. Don't miss the poutine!
  • Sweet Pea's Ice Cream  — Don't forget dessert! Stop by Sweet Pea's after a day at the beach in Ogunquit, Maine.
  • Eventide Oyster Co . — Grab some oysters and fresh seafood at Eventide, and make sure to try their famous brown butter lobster roll.
  • Crispy Gai  — Incredible Southeast Asian street food in a casual dining setting. You have to try their famous chicken wings, which come with your choice of sweet or spicy sauces.
  • Allagash Brewing  — Take a tour of the brewery, order samples and grab a bite to eat. Allagash White, a Belgian-style wheat beer, put this brewery on the map.
  • Bissell Brothers  — Bissell has a large beer selection as well as fun events happening throughout the year, and especially during the summer.
  • Tomasos Canteen  — This is a great casual spot to grab a beer, share some wings with friends and maybe even munch on some fried pickles. Note that they have limited seating.
  • Oxbow Brewing  — Located in Portland’s walkable East End, Oxbow is a great spot to listen to live music and drink an authentic farmhouse ale in their beer garden. Also make sure to grab some Duckfat frites at their takeout window.

Bar Harbor & Coastal Maine

Tourists sit on the rocks off the Ocean Path Trail in Acadia National Park on June 3. (Esta Pratt-Kielley/Maine Public)

The Maine coast stretches some 3,500 miles, including bays and inlets — meaning there are a myriad of beaches, islands and coastal towns to explore. Bar Harbor is just one part of the Maine coast, but it's a top destination, with Acadia National Park as a backdrop and a beautiful, quintessential downtown as well. Maine’s Down East region is known for its natural beauty and fresh seafood, especially lobster! I grabbed a coworker and spent the day checking out some of these spots.

What to do if you're a...

Nature lover.

Coastal Maine is a nature lover’s utopia. Near Bar Harbor, the go-to spot is  Acadia National Park . Acadia has a perfect mix of coast and mountains and has tons of trails and views for everyone. You will need to purchase a park pass for your vehicle upon entering the park, but note that these passes last for seven days.

If you want a chill outdoors experience

  • The Ocean Path Trail  — This is a flat, 4.5-mile trail along the rocky coastline offering some amazing views of the water and nearby islands. This is a great path for all ages and abilities. You can park along the road parallel to the trail and start walking at any point, or you can park at the start of the trail at Sand Beach. This might be my favorite thing to do in the park!
  • Sand Beach  — The name says it all! This beach is tucked between rocky cliffs and provides a great spot to have a beach day, go for a swim or play in the sand with your kids. Be aware that it can be crowded during peak season. Also make sure to take advantage of the free  Island Explorer  shuttle, which stops at all popular locations in the park, to help you avoid parking in the busy lots.

If you want something a little more challenging

  • Cadillac Mountain  — The Cadillac summit is famous for being the highest point on the Eastern Seaboard and, depending on the time of year, it contends for the first place to see the sunrise in the U.S. You can either reserve a permit to drive up to the top; get an early start and hike up the Cadillac North Ridge Trail, a 4.2-mile out-and-back trail; or cycle up  one of the best-regarded, most challenging bike climbs  in the state.
  • The Beehive trail  — This is a rung-and-ladder trail, which can be challenging for some hikers and not easily accessible. But if you’re up for the challenge, the 1.4-mile round trip promises great views that overlook Sand Beach and the Gulf of Maine.
  • Cafe This Way  — a cozy breakfast spot with outdoor seating and friendly, quick service. This was a perfect way to start off our day in Bar Harbor. You can even get a breakfast sandwich with French toast as the bread!
  • Looking Glass Restaurant  — A great spot for breakfast with a view of the ocean. Make sure to order a Looking Glass-exclusive item.

Cafe This Way in Bar Harbor, Maine, on June 3. (Estra Pratt-Kielley/Maine Public)

  • Geddy's  — A classic Bar Harbor restaurant located right in downtown. The interior highlights a rustic Maine aesthetic with high-quality food and fresh Maine seafood. Don't forget to order a lobster roll!
  • Finback Ale House  — There are a variety of whale-themed restaurants in Bar Harbor, as visitors can spot humpback, finback, and minke whales off of the coast of Maine. I had some fresh clam chowder and, of course, we had to grab a beer to finish off our day of eating and drinking.
  • Thirsty Whale  — If you want more of a tavern feel, visit the Thirsty Whale a few doors down that has a wide variety of seafood, appetizers and specialty cocktails.
  • El El Frijoles  – If you are headed down the coast towards Sedgwick, make sure to check out El El Frijoles (a play off of Maine’s famous L.L.Bean). This family-owned summer restaurant serves homemade Mexican food made with local Maine ingredients that you can enjoy indoors in a beautiful screened-in porch area, or share a meal with friends around the outdoor fire pit.

Lifelong Learner

If you’re a history buff or find yourself in Bar Harbor on a rainy day, there are tons of places to check out.

  • Abbe Museum  — Located right in downtown Bar Harbor, the Abbe Museum is the spot to learn about the Wabanaki Nation’s heritage, culture and homeland.
  • La Rochelle Mansion and Museum  — If you are interested in turn-of-the-century homes, you need to take a morning or afternoon and walk through the Bar Harbor Historical Society’s well-preserved home from the early 1900s. The mansion offers a look into a classic New England high class home with beautiful grounds and views.

La Rochelle mansion in Bar Harbor, Maine, on June 3. (Esta Pratt-Kielley/Maine Public)

If you’re more interested in Bar Harbor’s wildlife and ecology…

  • Mount Desert Oceanarium and Education Center  — Here you can meet Maine’s coastal critters including fish and lobster, and learn about coastal habitats.
  • George B. Dorr Museum of Natural History  — If you’d rather stay closer to downtown Bar Harbor, check out the College of the Atlantic’s Dorr Museum, where there's a touch tank for all ages to get up close and personal with starfish, crabs and other crustaceans. If you are traveling on the free  Island Explorer  bus, the shuttle stops right near the Dorr Museum throughout the summer, making visiting easily accessible to all.

If you are an art lover and are traveling down the coast from Bar Harbor, have you ever heard of the giant trolls of Maine?

  • Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens  — The trolls are a big attraction at the Botanical Gardens in Boothbay. Their real name is “Guardians of the Seeds,” and they were made by Danish artist and sustainability activist, Thomas Dambo. The botanical gardens have lots of things to see, including gardens in bloom and a butterfly and moth house. They are open May through Oct. 20, and there is an admission fee. This is a great spot for the whole family!
  • Center for Maine Contemporary Art  — Make sure to visit the gallery in Rockland. This museum focuses on art made by Mainers or people who are inspired by Maine. It’s a great chance to see and support local Maine art.

Rangeley & Western Maine

A waterfall on Cascade Stream Gorge Trail in Rangeley, Maine, on June 19. (Esta Pratt-Kielley/Maine Public)

The western mountain and lakes region of Maine is known for winter season activities including skiing, snowboarding and hunting. But the area also is a great summer getaway, with tons of swim spots, hiking trails and places to eat. I would argue this drive is the most scenic in this guide. I made sure to stop by some of these places and see what Western Maine is all about.

  • Winter skiing  — The mountain region is known for winter skiing. Check out Saddleback Mountain, Sugarloaf, Sunday River, Mt. Abram and Pleasant Mountain.
  • Cascade Stream Gorge Trail  — For a quick day hike for the whole family, check out this short, 1-mile loop that leads you to see a series of waterfalls. This is a great option for kids.
  • Saddleback Mountain via Ski Lodge trail  — If you’re looking for a more challenging day hike, trek the 5.9 miles (about 3.5 hours) up and back.
  • Rangeley Lake State Park  — A great spot to camp, swim or enjoy a picnic lunch by the lake on the public access lawn area.
  • Coos Canyon  — Check out Coos Canyon on Route 17, located right on the Swift River. There are swimming and cliff jumping spots, plus places where you can pan for gold!
  • Looney Moose Cafe  — Located in Stratton, this might have been my favorite meal of the day! Not only can you eat a hearty breakfast, but they also make homemade doughnuts. Stop by on your way to Sugarloaf to fuel up for skiing or hiking.
  • The Red Onion  — Right on Main Street Rangeley, the Red Onion is a local favorite known for their pizza.
  • Classic Provisions  — This is a go-to breakfast and lunch spot in Rangeley. They have a variety of sandwiches and salads, as well as coffee drinks and house-made pastries. Plus you can walk two steps and grab an ice cream next door.

A sandwich at Classic Provisions in Rangeley, Maine, on June 19. (Esta Pratt-Kielley/Maine Public)

  • Rangeley Inn and Tavern  — Not only is this a great lodging spot, but it also has an attached tavern that serves quality food in cozy dining rooms.
  • The Mountain Social Kitchen and Bar  — This is a great fine dining option. They have locally made food and are located right on the main street in Bethel.
  • Furbish Brew House & Eats  – Situated on Main Street in Rangeley, you can sip on your brew while enjoying a view of Rangeley Lake.
  • Outdoor Heritage Museum  — This is a small but robust museum where the whole family can learn about western Maine’s history of hunting, fishing and wildlife from the 20th century. They even have a 100-year-old cabin!
  • Rangeley History Museum  — Stop by to learn about the history of Rangeley and western Maine. This location is right on Main Street.

Lifelong learner

  • Maine Mineral and Gem museum  — Who knew you could hold a piece of the moon in western Maine? Plus, we even got to touch 7 billion-year-old stardust. This museum has the largest meteorite collection in North America, plus tons of beautiful gems and stones. Their staff can answer all your burning questions about space rocks! Note that admission ends at 4 p.m., while the museum closes at 5 p.m.
  • Did you know that Rangeley is located exactly halfway between the Equator and the North Pole? There’s even a spot on Main Street where you can stand and be exactly in the middle!

A couple eats ice cream by Haley Pond in Rangeley, Maine, on June 19. (Esta Pratt Kielley/Maine Public)

  • Day trips in Massachusetts: Hikes, history made fun, ice cream and unofficial hot dog tours

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Let Me Take You on a Tour

Free Olympics Activity Guide for Kids

It’s finally here.

For ONE week only!

A chance for you to save 75% – 90% on your favorite homeschool curriculum.

Think  . . . .

  • Charlotte Mason helps
  • Special Needs helps – I’m always getting questions about this one
  • Love of Learning helps
  • Unit Studies – an entire bundle of unit studies
  • Teaching Bible resources
  • Learning to Read & Write
  • Hands-On Learning
  • Literature & History Based Learning
  • Lapbooking – an entire bundle of lapbooking
  • Copywork, Penmanship and more

I’m serious.

You have the opportunity to save 75% to 90% on dozens of other top-quality curriculum.

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With over 180 resources to choose from, you can become ovewhelmed.

Let me help you!

I want like to be Your BYB Tour Guide , to help you choose only what you will use. So, let’s get started. If you’ve shopped Build Your Bundle before, you need to know there is a new way to save money. I’ve made a short video to explain how it works.

 I’m working on a new video to share with you, but until it is finished, here’s last year’s video that explain how it works. The bundle names are different this year. You’ll discover how to get $800 in homeschool resources for ONLY $80.

That’s right ONLY $80

What do you think?

Does it seem overwhelming?

I understand. I was overwhelmed too, especially after I saw the long list of curriculum, products and excellent homeschool resources there are to choose from. Over 180 resources to be exact.

That’s why I’m going to help you over the next week. As Your BYB Tour Guide,  I’ll help you make the wisest decisions possible.  I’m going to break it down so you don’t waste your money on items you’ll never use! By the end of the sale, you’ll have a list that is worthy of your hard-earned money.

That’s not to say, you might get an item and change your mind. But you won’t feel rushed and unsure about which items to put in your shopping cart.

To start . . . .Make 3 Wish Lists

You don’t need to decide today which one you will use!

  • List #1: Look at the Curated Bundles  by clicking here . If you see any bundles where you want over half of the items in the bundle, put it on your list. Not sure? Go ahead and put it on your list. .
  • List #2: Build Your Own Bundle by using the Planning Worksheet to mark every resource you wish you had. Tomorrow, I’ll talk more about using this worksheet. For now, download it here . Print it. Put a star next to each resource you “wish” you could use.
  • List #3 – COMING TOMORROW. There’s a really cool wish list that I’m still trying to figure out. I plan to send it tomorrow with a video on how to use it. Watch your email.

That’s it for today! Get started getting familiar with the resources and the ones that would be a good fit for your family. We will talk tomorrow about which type of bundle is best for you.

My Best Advice to You:

Take your time! DON’T RUSH! Enjoy the fun …I have some fun things planned for this week.

You have plenty of time to make an informed decision ….and I’m here to help you out!

Why should you listen to me, as Your BYB Tour Guide?

  • I homeschooled for 10 years and all my kids are doing well as adults
  • I continue to help homeschool moms choose the best route for their homeschool
  • I had sneak peeks at some of the resources
  • I have access to many of the authors , access that you don’t get on the website
  • I can ask many of the authors and publishers YOUR questions to help you make a wise decision
  • I have a Bonus Gift when you get your bundle by clicking here . Use my link and you’ll receive over $70 in homeschool & mom resources … more on that later.

If that’s not enough, I’ll be hosting an “All Things Homeschool” Facebook Party to discuss your homeschool questions and challenges. I’ll have homeschool door prizes & giveaways.

It’s free to attend & I’m trying something new. . . a Facebook party on Saturday morning.

I surely hope you can make it, so mark your calendars for this Saturday, May 16 at 11am CDT (or 12noon EDT / 10am MDT / 9am PDT).  We will meet on our Facebook page right here .

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Leave a comment with any questions you might have. I’m here to help YOU!

P.S. What homeschooling questions or challenges do you want to discuss on our Facebook Party?  What bundle questions do you have? Leave a comment below.

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Let Me Be Your Guide: A Clear and Understandable Tour of the Bible

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Fred Woodward

Let Me Be Your Guide: A Clear and Understandable Tour of the Bible Paperback

  • Language English
  • Publisher Christian Faith Publishing, Inc
  • Dimensions 6 x 0.75 x 9 inches
  • ISBN-10 1641406577
  • ISBN-13 978-1641406574
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The Amazon Book Review

Product details

  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1641406577
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1641406574
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.1 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.75 x 9 inches
  • Best Sellers Rank: #5,914,662 in Books ( See Top 100 in Books )

About the author

Fred woodward.

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    Do not be Chaplain Fred Woodward is here to be your guide. Easy-to-read and with clear explanations, readers will study the books of the Bible and build a foundation of biblical comprehension. A great book for those who do not know Jesus Christ and for those who want to deepen their relationship with Him. 264 pages, Paperback.

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    Do not be Chaplain Fred Woodward is here to be your guide. Easy-to-read and with clear explanations, readers will study the books of the Bible and build a foundation of biblical comprehension. A great book for those who do not know Jesus Christ and for those who want to deepen their relationship with Him.

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