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15 Best Crystals for Travel: Stones For Safe Traveling

Navigating through crowded airports and unfamiliar streets, the best crystals for travel might just be the safety tool and secret sidekicks you didn’t know you needed.

These travel crystals are believed to offer protection and promote relaxation if you feel overwhelmed, turning travel turmoil into a tranquil journey even when modern times throw us a curveball.

Think of them as your personal entourage of helpful companions, always ready to deal with the chaos of overbooked flights and the ever-present feeling of being overwhelmed.

Short Summary

Ting the suitcase of knowledge, this article will crystallize your understanding of travel-friendly gems, detailing the top crystals to pocket for safe travels. You’ll learn not just which rocks rock for your journeys but also the why behind it — from the defensive properties of Black Tourmaline to the anxiety-dissolving vibes of Amethyst. It’s not all about just wearing crystals here; it’s also about keeping them charged and ready to roll. So, you’ll get the scoop on common ways of cleansing and maintaining your crystalline companions; whether you’re going to meditate with a Moonstone or setting up a crystal grid in your luggage for an extra layer of travel Zen, these crystals for safe travel are here to help.

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What are Safe Traveling Crystals? Do they Help with Physical Travel?

Crystals for Travel: Looking outside a plane window, showcasing a gorgeous view.

Imagine you’re about to embark on a long-anticipated hiking trip, but the thought of jet lag looms over you like a dark cloud. Crystals for safe travel, often touted as earth’s natural healers, come into play here with their unique properties that some say can ward off the grogginess and synchronize your body to new time zones.

Now, picture tucking a small, smooth healing stone into your pocket, a perfect companion for your journey. These crystals are believed by many to guard you against the noise of unwanted energy that crowded airports and planes tend to amplify.

Wearing a piece of crystal jewelry embedded with these calming minerals might just be the traveling hack you didn’t know you needed, turning a potentially difficult voyage into a more serene experience.

You’ve probably heard tales of healing crystals like these used as a tool for travel safety, with claims of their ability to promote relaxation and keep the negative vibrations of traveling stress at bay.

While science might raise an eyebrow, crystal enthusiasts will tell you that whether you’re on a business trip or exploring the great outdoors, these shimmering crystals might just add an extra layer of peace to your life on the move. And trust me, you don’t want your journey to be difficult.

7 Benefits of Crystals for Travel Safety

  • Protection from Negative Energies : Black Tourmaline, a powerful stone, acts as a psychic shield, absorbing negative energies and providing a protective shield against unwanted energy. This stone is one of the best crystals for travelling, ensuring your energy field remains clear of negative vibrations, which is crucial for any journeyer stepping out of their comfort zone.
  • Promotion of Physical and Emotional Well-being : Healing stones like Rose Quartz and Blue Lace Agate work as emotional balancers, bringing positive energy and promoting relaxation for a more peaceful physical journey. Rose Quartz, with its gentle and soothing energy, is a great stone for fostering inner peace and self-love , crucial for enjoying travel’s transformative experiences.
  • Enhancement of Mental Clarity and Focus : Tiger’s Eye and Turquoise are excellent crystals that serve to enhance mental clarity, which is essential for staying focused and connected to your surroundings during traveling. As stones of light, they are believed to carry the power to lift the fog of negative thoughts and bring clarity to the mind, helping travelers remain present in the moment.
  • Energetic Support for Personal Power and Confidence : Yellow Jasper, connected to the solar plexus chakra , is an excellent stone for boosting self-confidence and personal power. Its grounding energies helps in dealing with travel nerves, while Citrine’s joyful vibration can help maintain a sunny disposition, ensuring that travel stresses do not overshadow the excitement of new adventures.
  • Spiritual Growth and Connection : Crystals such as Amethyst and Aquamarine, packed with calming energies, support spiritual travel by promoting deep healing and self-discovery. Amethyst, known for its ability to enhance intuition and ancient wisdom , is perfect for those seeking spiritual growth on their journeys. Aquamarine, revered since ancient times, helps the person to stay connected to their journey.
  • Promotion of Cautious Traveling : Aquamarine and Malachite are powerful crystals historically used as protective talismans for travelers. These stones for travel are believed to offer travel protection by lending their strength and stability, ensuring a safe journey, and protecting against the perils of travel, from the evil eye to the dangers of road rage.
  • Support for Physical Vitality and Reduction of Travel Fatigue : Hematite and Red Jasper are beneficial stones that aid in maintaining vitality and reducing stress, making them ideal for a seasoned traveler. As they are connected to the root chakra , they are believed to help with anchoring and stabilizing the physical body, promoting endurance and resilience in the face of long-distance travel.

Quick Overview of Travelling Crystals

  • Amethyst : A stone of spiritual protection and purification, Amethyst can create a bubble of spiritual light around the body, safeguarding travelers from negative energies and ensuring a peaceful journey.
  • Black Tourmaline : Known as a premier protective stone, Black Tourmaline repels and shields against harmful energy and reduces travel anxieties, especially in unfamiliar environments.
  • Malachite : Malachite is a traveler’s stone, offering powerful protection in flying and driving, helps absorb negative energy, and emanates a shielding force over the wearer on their journey.
  • Moonstone : Celebrated as a talisman for travelers, Moonstone promotes intuition and brings luck, ensuring a safe passage and a harmonious balance between body and spirit.
  • Turquoise : Revered since ancient times, Turquoise serves as a defensive guard and a source of strength, beneficial for air travel and known for its stress-relieving healing properties.
  • Tiger’s Eye : As a stone of courage and protection, Tiger’s Eye enhances focus and resilience , grounding the traveler and providing a boost of confidence on their adventures.
  • Aquamarine : A soothing stone for travelers over sea or land, Aquamarine clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect, and clears confusion, ensuring a calm and centered energy while in transit.
  • Citrine : A bright, beautiful travel crystal known to carry the power of the sun, Citrine energizes, inspires, and stimulates positive energies, helping to maintain your uplifted travel spirit.
  • Clear Quartz : As a master healer, this crystal amplifies positive intentions and energies, ensuring clarity and protection in new surroundings, a key ally for any kind of travel.
  • Jade : A stone of serenity and purity protects against misfortune, encourages journey, and can help make a business trip as fruitful and prosperous as possible.
  • Smoky Quartz : A protection stone with a strong link to the earth, this crystal is a natural stress reliever, providing resilience and removing negative energy during traveling.
  • Hematite : Known for grounding and protecting, Hematite helps to dissolve negativity and prevents travelers from absorbing the negativity of others; it is perfect for those traveling in crowded spaces.
  • Rose Quartz : The stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, Rose Quartz is an essential companion for traveling, providing loving energies that soothe heartache and loneliness on long journeys.
  • Shungite : Offering protection from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of airport scanners and in-flight Wi-Fi, Shungite is a must-have for the modern traveler.
  • Yellow Jasper : A strong protection stone for travel, Yellow Jasper safeguards travelers and offers a guard against physical dangers and ailments on the road.

15 Best Crystals for Your Trip

Embarking on a journey can transform life in ways that range from the subtle to the seismic, and that’s where the best crystals for safe travel come into play, acting as miniature compasses of energies that create a protective bubble in unfamiliar cultures.

Each of these different crystals carries a suitcase of benefits, from protecting your spirits to amplifying your traveling wonders, ensuring that every aspect of your trip is imbued with a sense of knowledge and adventure.

1: Amethyst: Third Eye Chakra – Fosters Spiritual Growth and Calmness, Aids in Overcoming Jet Lag

Amethyst Crystals

Nestled in your pocket, Amethyst , the loyal crystal of the Earth, takes on the shape of a silent guardian, promising to infuse your excursions with the tranquility of restful sleep and the warmth of helpful people whom you met along the way.

It’s not just any crystal; it’s a geometric marvel, crafted over eons, that forms a natural barrier, turning turbulent travels into a soothing quest for safe passage.

2: Black Tourmaline: Root Chakra – Absorbs Negative Energy, Acts as a Protective Shield during Journeys

Crystals for Safe Travel: Black Tourmaline Crystals

With Black Tourmaline in your travel bag, you’re not just carrying a stone; you’re packing a personal bodyguard that specializes in benefits like travel protection and keeping you grounded and your spirits high as you navigate new terrains.

This healing crystal acts like a transformation wizard, turning feelings of travel fear into an amazing journey, ensuring that the only thing you’re not protected against is an unstoppable urge to roam. Who knew a crystal could make you feel like this?

3: Malachite: Heart Chakra – Known as the Traveler’s Stone for Safe Travel, Balances Emotional Body

Malachite Crystals

In the tapestry of travel tales, Malachite is the stone that not only adds a splash of color but also weaves in layers of protection, with properties said to break the grip of negative travel vibes and ensure your adventures stay on the sunny side.

When you put this gem in your pocket during expeditions, you might find its cleansing energy acts as a rock-solid companion, keeping the journey’s unpredictable twists in check and your spirits in the right shape.

4: Moonstone: Crown Chakra – Promotes New Beginnings, Soothes Stress in Unfamiliar Environments

Moonstone Crystals

Moonstone , that glimmering piece of the moon you can hold in your hand, isn’t just for show; it’s a seasoned traveler’s talisman, believed to offer guidance and unearth the truth of what lies around the next bend.

As you meditate on your journey’s intentions with this milky mineral, its ability to align with your inner compass can turn the most directionally challenged into a master of maps.

5: Turquoise: Throat Chakra – Offers Protective Amulets from Ancient Lore, Encourages Communication Clarity

Turquoise Crystals

Turquoise , with its sky-blue hues and earthy veins, acts like a talisman against travel anxiety, its rich patterns whispering ancient travel tips for courage and tranquility to any soul about to traverse the wide, unpredictable world.

Hold this stone tightly in hand, and let its storied powers infuse your life’s journey with a sense of calm as if nature itself plots the course of your adventures with a wink and a knowing smile.

6: Tiger’s Eye: Solar Plexus Chakra – Enhances Personal Power, Provides Mental Clarity for Decision-Making

Crystals for Safe Travels: Tiger's Eye Crystals

A Tiger’s Eye crystal, with its bands of golden shimmer, is like a Swiss Army knife for the soul, offering a range of emotional tools in life; it’s believed to bolster self-esteem and sprinkle a dash of happiness into your traveling mix , making it a go-to mineral for life’s unpredictable itinerary.

Whether worn as jewelry or simply stashed in your bag, this stone is said to tap into a traveler’s inner strength, steadying emotions when the journey’s path zigzags.

7: Aquamarine: Throat Chakra – Calms Travel Nerves, Said to Purify Water for Safe Passage

Aquamarine Gems

Aquamarine , the serene blue stone that sailors once believed calmed waves, can be your secret to mastering travel’s unpredictable nature, offering a sense of control and the truth of a clear mind amidst the chaos of missed connections and language barriers.

These crystals, a piece of nature’s own art, have a fun way of creating a soothing atmosphere, putting you at ease as they whisper, “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back,” making it an invaluable addition to your traveling checklist.

8: Citrine: Solar Plexus Chakra – Bring Positive Energy to Promote Abundance, Aids in Reducing Travel Anxiety

Citrine Crystals

A Citrine crystal, the sunny rock star of crystals for safe travel, winks at the idea of luck, promising to keep your pockets full of exciting positivity and your experiences rich with the cultures of the world.

As you weave through the tapestry of bustling airports and serpentine queues, this cheerful mineral is busy creating safety, ensuring you’re as secure and protected as a bug in a rug, no matter the form your journey takes.

9: Clear Quartz: Crown Chakra – Amplifies Energies of Other Crystals, Enhances Protection in Crowded Environments

Clear Crystal Quartz

Clear Quartz crystals, the all-star of all the crystals on Earth, is like nature’s own disco ball, polished to perfection, that reflects the rich tapestry of your travels right back at you.

Tucked snugly in your pocket, this versatile mineral works tirelessly to ensure that the only thing that gets lost on your journey is a bad mood, not your luggage.

10: Jade: Heart Chakra – Attracts Good Fortune, Offers Emotional Balance and Protection

Crystals for Safe Travel: Jade Crystals

Jade , revered for centuries as a stone of protection, promises a quiet sense of security and a soft blanket of compassion to travelers seeking solace from the breakneck pace of journeying.

These ancient rocks whisper tales of common sense and serenity, ensuring that those who hold it are wrapped in a bubble of tranquility as if the world’s hustle fades into a hushed background hum.

11: Smoky Quartz: Root Chakra – Grounding Energy for Physical Protection, Alleviates Fear of Flying

Smokey Quartz Crystals

Smokey Quartz is the trusty co-pilot of chakra stones , known for keeping travelers grounded as they soar through the skies, ensuring that their attachment to the earth remains unshaken by turbulence or fear.

These crystals have a reputation bigger than their carbon footprint in the universe of travel hacks, offering a steadfast presence that reminds you no matter where the journey takes you in life, your spirit has its own seatbelt.

12: Hematite: Root Chakra – Grounding and Protective Properties, Boosts Self-Confidence

Hematite Crystals

Hematite , with its silvery sheen, this crystal serves as an ironclad travel protector, offering a grounded force that helps keep your intention clear and your footing sure in the most chaotic of airports.

It’s like having a personal force field against negative energy; it will promote relaxation so effectively that even the most dreaded red-eye flights feel like a night in a cozy, dark cocoon.

13: Rose Quartz: Heart Chakra – Encourages Unconditional Love, Offers Comfort and Harmony

Rose Quartz Crystals

Toting a Rose Quartz crystal along for the ride infuses your travel protection with a dash of compassion, ensuring your energy levels and emotions are as harmonized as a well-sung choir, even when faced with the chaos of bustling terminals.

Whether nestled in your luggage or wearing it, this crystals history of soothing the weary traveler makes it as crucial as a good pair of walking shoes, promising to make room for excitement and joy in every corner of your life journey . You’ll feel the love with these crystals.

14: Shungite: Root – Shields from Electromagnetic Energy, Grounds Energy during Travel

Shungite Crystals

Shungite , a stone as ancient as the mystery it’s said to protect against, is your carbon-based comrade for safe travel, believed to powerfully soothe away the worry of transit and the buzz of electromagnetic energy you encounter.

With a presence that may as well have a diploma in EMF defense, this deep, dark mineral is nature’s own armor, keeping your journey grounded amidst the invisible sea of modern life’s waves.

15: Yellow Jasper: Solar Plexus Chakra – Protective Talisman, Energizes for Long Trips

Yellow Jasper Crystals

Yellow Jasper , often hailed as the ultimate travel protection crystal, is like your personal road trip superhero, endowed with powers to increase awareness and guard you against the heat of danger or cultural misunderstandings.

This sunny stone, steeped in the power of nature, serves as a trusty companion, ensuring that each aspect of your journey is infused with a sense of safety and a splash of adventure.

Travel Tips: How to Incorporate and Maintain Travel Crystals to Remove Negative Energies

  • Selecting the Ideal Crystals for Travelling : Before embarking on your journey, whether a business trip or soul searching, choose crystals for traveling that resonate with the protective different energies you seek, such as the sturdy Black Tourmaline, revered by the ancient Egyptians for its safeguarding powers, or carry Aquamarine, a precious gem that serves as an emotional balancer and is considered by many as the best crystal for safe travels. Consider assembling a crystal grid at home that includes powerful stones like Smokey Quartz and Moonstone, each bringing positive vibes and fostering a connection with the protective energy of the earth, which in turn can mirror the security you wish to manifest throughout your travels.
  • Preparing Your Crystals for the Journey Ahead: Cleanse your chosen crystals, such as the gentle Amethyst or the great stone Labradorite, using natural elements like sea salt or moonlight, allowing them to shed negative emotions and store energy that will promote relaxation and bring clarity during your travels. Charge your crystals by setting an intention specific to your upcoming trip; this could be a request for stability and protection from a piece of Hematite or a wish for inner peace and prosperity, which a Green Aventurine might lend to your travels, ensuring you embark with the most potent and positive energy.
  • How to Carry and Keep Your Crystals During Traveling: Keep your healing crystals close to your body in pockets, a purse, or as jewelry—such as Amethyst necklaces or Moonstone rings—to ensure their energetic properties serve as a constant source of comfort and to protect against the unwanted energies often encountered in new places. When packing for safety and travel protection, select a protective stone like the robust Shungite, thought to absorb negative energies and even protect from the chaotic frequencies emitted by technology like cell phones, ensuring your energetic field stays clear and your mind remains present at the moment.
  • Daily Rituals with Crystals to Improve Travel Experience: Incorporate stones for travel into your daily self-care routine by meditating with certain crystals that resonate with your intention, like a protecting Smokey Quartz, to help reduce anxiety and road trip fears or carrying a piece of Rose Quartz to maintain self-worth and promote healing energy in any environment. Place your crystals strategically around your hotel room or lodging to create a sacred space that offers protection and embodies your home’s energetic patterns, which can be especially helpful for those travelers seeking extra protection and a sense of familiarity during uncertain times.
  • Maintaining Your Crystals’ Energy While on the Move: As you explore new cultures, their history, and environments, routinely cleanse your crystals with direct sunlight, smoke, or in the natural waters you encounter to rid them of any harmful energy they may have absorbed and to rejuvenate their magical energy for continuous support. Use a soft cloth to polish your crystals, maintaining their shine and ensuring these powerful gemstones for travel like the miracle stone, Larimar, or the excellent crystal, Tiger’s Eye, keeping their vibration high, serving as tools for anchoring and offering a feeling of security throughout your journey.
  • Reflecting and Recharging Post-Travel: Upon returning home, engage in a quiet reflection of the roles your crystals played in providing travel protection and the lessons they mirrored back to you, celebrating the success of your trip and the deep connection you’ve cultivated with your energetic guardians. Finally, lay your crystals on a selenite slab or place them under the full moon to cleanse and recharge their energy, acknowledging the movement and growth they facilitated and preparing them for future adventures, ensuring that their vibrations remain aligned with your continuous path toward balance, wisdom, and courage.

Close up photo of a person wearing a black tourmaline necklace

Embarking on a journey can often tug at the strings of uncertainty, but tucking a few select crystals into your luggage can be a game-changer.

These sparkling companions are more than just glittering trinkets; they’re believed to protect and boost your energy, ensuring your voyage is not just safe but infused with positivity.

It’s clear that whether you’re stepping out of your comfort zone or just need to leave home and go on a trip, incorporating different crystals into your travel kit and life can be a small yet powerful gesture towards a peaceful journey, transforming each trip into a chapter of life’s grand journey, with these crystals as your steadfast co-navigators.

Frequently Asked Questions

What crystal is good for traveling.

Amethyst is a powerful crystal that is good for traveling, providing a sense of calm and protection from negative energies, making it a great stone for those who are about to step out of their comfort zone into the unknown. Black Tourmaline, known for its strong energy, is also one of the best crystals for travel as it helps to absorb negative emotions and offers protection, ensuring travel safety and a balanced journey.

What crystal do I need to carry?

Carry Aquamarine to harness its soothing energy that promotes relaxation and helps reduce stress; it is especially useful for overcoming travel anxiety and protecting against fears associated with sea travel. Additionally, Moonstone is a perfect companion for travelers as it is believed to bring luck, offer guidance, and serve as a talisman for journeying, helping you to maintain a connection to your intended path and destination.

Can I travel with my crystals?

Absolutely, traveling with crystals is an easy way to secure their beneficial energy during your journey; pack them in your luggage or wear them as jewelry to keep their vibrations close and purify your travel environment. Just ensure that they are stored safely in a bag or pouch to protect them from the rigors of travel and the potential negative energies found in bustling transit areas.

What crystals are good for safe travel bracelets?

Turquoise and Hematite make for great crystals in safe travel bracelets, with Turquoise offering protection and being historically worn by travelers as a symbol of success, and Hematite is known to ground and stabilize energy levels. These crystals, when combined in a bracelet, can act as a protective charm to ward off negative thoughts and ensure a calm, positive journey, keeping the bearer focused on the present moment and their next adventure.

Is clear quartz good for traveling?

Clear Quartz, often hailed as one of the best crystals for travel, embodies the purity of crystal grids and is believed to amplify energy and thought, promoting clearness of the mind — essential for the modern traveler navigating new environments. As a stone that can cleanse negative energy and elevate positive energy, This crystal is an excellent companion, ensuring that both the spirit and space around you remain clear and balanced during your journeys.

What is the guardian stone for travelers?

Black Tourmaline is widely recognized as a guardian stone for travelers due to its strong protective properties, acting as a guard against negative energies and offering a sense of security in uncertain times. Renowned for its grounding capabilities, this powerful crystal is a staple for travel safety, ensuring that travelers are kept from harm’s way and their emotional balance is maintained, making it a great choice to carry or wear while exploring new destinations.

What crystal represents adventure?

Turquoise has been synonymous with adventure and success, prized since ancient times; it’s believed to protect travelers on road trips and promote an adventurous spirit, especially when carried or worn. This vibrant stone, often associated with joy and the courage to explore unknown paths, lends its wearer a sense of boldness and readiness to embrace the mysteries that await in the world.

Is Moonstone the Traveler’s Stone?

Moonstone is indeed known as the “Traveler’s Stone,” offering its bearer not only protection on their travels but also guiding them through spiritual journeys and emotional transitions. Its attachment to the intuitive aspect of one’s nature and the calming energy it provides makes it an essential talisman for navigating new paths and promoting a restful state, ensuring tranquility and stability in motion.

Why should you carry crystals with you?

Carrying crystals, such as Amethyst for calm and Black Tourmaline for protection, can significantly improve your travel experience by promoting relaxation and safeguarding your energy field. These stones are not only a part of everyday rituals for many but also serve as a form of energetic insurance, ensuring that your journey is infused with positive vibrations and a sense of peace , no matter the destination or potential stresses encountered.

Turquoise has long been considered a crystal that represents adventure, embodying the essence of the sky and the sea, often carried by those seeking protection and good fortune on their travels. It’s not just its vibrant color that makes it a great crystal for adventurers but also its history as a talisman for protection and a symbol of courage and wisdom, accompanying many on their journeys across the world for centuries.

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Your Crystal Travel Guide

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Angelite + Aquamarine

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Lemurian Quartz + Amethyst

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Malachite + Agate

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6 Unexpected Stones for Protection

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10 Best Crystals for Safe Travel and Protection

Who doesn’t seek safety and protection while traveling. These 10 crystals for safe travel have certain properties that promote safe travel by car, air or sea.

Quick Navigation

Travel is fun and can be full of adventures, but staying safe is also important. Having a positive mindset is a great factor if you are to enjoy your travels and feel safe. Crystals can help in this regard by helping you raise your vibrations and have that positive mental attitude.

Best Crystals for Safe Travel and Protection

You can place a Black Tourmaline in your handbag for protection. ( Available on Amazon )

Which Crystals are Good for Safe Travel

1. amethyst, stone of spirituality, contentment & meditation.

Amethyst - Crystals for beginners

Amethyst Properties

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It is a stone for travelers to protect the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others.

Amethyst has the power to dispel anger and rage. Amethyst can even transmute negative energies of others, such as road rage, into love and harmony.

Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, and soothes irritability. It can dispel the feelings of fear and anxiety during travel. See the article about crystals for anxiety .

Amethyst calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused on the moment, so you can enjoy your trip.

Shop Amethyst

Natural raw amethyst pendant chain...

Amethyst Associations

Chakras : Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra Zodiac : Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces Planet : Jupiter Element : Air, Water Vibration : Number 3 Colors : light slightly-pinkish violet to a deep grape purple

2. Black Tourmaline

A stone for protection.

Black Tourmaline Crystal

Black Tourmaline properties

Black Tourmaline is another powerful grounding stone . It is one of the most powerful crystals for travelers. It can protect your from the negative energies of others. This is particularly useful if you happen to be at a crowded place such as an airport or public transportation. Black Tourmaline is also excellent for deflecting radiation energy.

Black Tourmaline promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear.

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Natural Black Tourmaline 925 Solid...

Black Tourmaline Associations

Chakras : Root Chakra Zodiac : Capricorn Planet : Earth Element : Earth Vibration : Numbers 3 and 4 Color : Black

3. Labradorite

Stone of serendipity.

Labradorite crystal

Labradorite Properties

Foe those who have fear and anxiety when traveling, Labradorite is well known for banishing fears, anxieties and insecurities, and strengthening faith in the self and trust in the universe. It stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas.

A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change and travel, imparting strength and perseverance.  It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Labradorite is one of the best crystals for anxiety and stress relief .

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Labradorite Associations

Chakras : Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra Zodiac : Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius Planet : Uranus Element : Water Vibration : Numbers 6 and 7 Colors : Pale green, blue, grey-white – with iridescent blue or gold flashes

4. Malachite

Stone of transformation.


Malachite Properties

Malachite is a great travel and adventures stone as it encourages risk-taking and change, breaking unwanted ties and outworn patterns.

Malachite also protects you by absorbing negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere. Malachite is an important protection stone . It guards against radiation and clears electromagnetic pollution, very useful at airports.

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Ross-Simons Malachite Cuff Bracelet in...

Malachite Associations

Chakras : Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra Zodiac : Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn Planet – Venus Element – Earth Vibration : Number 9 Colors : Light to dark green – banded

5. Smoky Quartz

Stone of cooperation.

Smokey Quartz Crystal

Smoky Quartz properties

Smoky Quartz is one of the grounding Root Chakra stones .  It disperses fear, and lifts depression and negativity. 

If you feel stressed during travel, Smoky Quartz brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety . Mentally, Smoky Quartz aids in concentration and assists in communication difficulties, this can be helpful if you are traveling to a foreign country and have difficulty communicating with the natives.

Shop Natural Smoky Quartz

Ross-Simons 3.50 ct. t.w. Citrine and...

Smoky Quartz Associations

Chakras : Root Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra Zodiac : Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Element : Earth/Air Vibration : Numbers 2 & 8 Colors : Brown to gray

6. Moonstone

A stone of new beginnings.


Moonstone Properties

A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a great stone for embarking on a new journey or traveling to a different country. It is a stone of inner growth and strength.  It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. 

Moonstone enhances intuition and promotes inspiration. Moonstone brings luck, success and good fortune during your travels.

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Gempires Natural Raw Rainbow Moonstone...

Moonstone Associations

Chakras : Third Eye Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra Zodiac : Cancer, Libra, Scorpio Planet : Moon Element : Water Vibration : Number 4 Colors : Cream, yellow, blue, grey, peach, pink

7. Aquamarine

Stone of courage.


Aquamarine Properties

Aquamarine is a protector of travelers, especially if they are traveling on water. Aquamarine shields the aura and aligns the chakras. Aquamarine clarifies perception and clears anxiety and confusion.   

Aquamarine is a stone of courage. It is also a calming stone and one of the effective crystals for anxiety . Aquamarine helps in reducing anxiety, stress and in quieting the mind.  Many people have fear of flying or traveling on a boat, in which case Aquamarine may help soothe their fears and increase sensitivity.

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Aquamarine Associations

Chakras : Throat Chakra Planet : Moon, Neptune Zodiac : Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces Element : Water Vibration : Number 1 Color s: Green-blue

8. Turquoise

Stone of spiritual attunement.

Turquoise stone

Turquoise Properties

Turquoise has traditionaly been used as an amulet for protecting travelers. It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.  Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm. 

Turquoise is an excellent stone for depression and exhaustion, especially on long flights. It also has the power to prevent panic attacks. Turquoise has been used in jewelry by the Ancient Egyptians , for protection and other religious purposes.

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Ross-Simons Turquoise Bracelet in...

Turquoise Associations

Chakras : Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra Zodiac : Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces Planet : Venus & Neptune Element : Earth/Air/Fire Vibration : Number 1 Colors : Turquoise, blue, green, yellow-green

9. Yellow Jasper

Supreme nurturer.

Yellow Jasper Crytsal Stone

Yellow Jasper Properties

For travelers, Yellow Jasper is an extremely protective stone. Yellow Jasper also has the ability to neutralize radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution. It is a nurturing stone, helping to calm the nerves and emotions.

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Yellow Jasper Crystal Jewelry for Men :...

Yellow Jasper Associations

Chakras : Solar Plexus Chakra Planet : Mars Element : Air Vibration : Number 6 Color : Yellow

10. Rhodonite

Stone of self love and unconditional love.


Rhodonite Properties

Rhodonite is a stone that integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energizing the soul.  Rhodonite opens the heart , lifting depression and encouraging a positive and cheerful outlook. It improves self worth and soothes emotional stress. 

Rhodonite encourages a positive attitude, creativity and innovation.

Shop Natural Rhodonite

How to use crystals for safe travel.

  • The best way to use crystals for travel is in the form of jewelry . Wearing your favorite crystal as a pendant, bracelet or ring will ensure that its vibrations will stay with you always.
  • You can also place your crystals in your pocket or handbag.
  • You can place them on your night stand, especially if your staying at a hotel, to neutralize negative vibrations in the room.
  • You can place protection crystals in your home to protect it while you’re away!

Explore how the best crystals for yoga can provide protection and guidance during your travels, allowing you to carry the energy of your practice with you wherever you go.

Best Crystals for Safe Travel and Protection

You can wear Amethyst in the form of a necklace, available on Amazon .

What crystal is good for travel

Amethyst is the best all around crystal for protection when traveling. It is my favorite as it is also a highly spiritual stone for shielding and purification.

Amethyst is my favorite stone, but any of the crystals mentioned above are also great.

Best Crystals for Safe Travel and Protection

I like this crystal kit from Amazon which contains several different crystals that you can easily take with you on your trip.

Should you travel with your crystals

Travel Chakra Crystals and Healing Stones Collection

Travel Chakra Healing Crystals Collection Kit

It is perfectly fine to travel with your crystals, to add an extra layer of energetic protection. Take the ones you feel more comfortable with. Take the smaller crystals as they are easier to carry around.

To balance your chakras on the road, you can get a special travel healing crystals kit to take with you. This has the advantage of being portable and versatile. You can have an interchangeable necklace where you can wear any stone you want that day.

What crystals are good for car travel

Some people like to keep crystals in their car to create a positive environment and to help keep them safe while driving. Here are some of the most popular crystals for car protection and safety.

Crystals for the Car

Conscious Items - Spiritual Stones -...

  • Clear Quartz – for protection against negative energy and to promote clarity and positive thinking while driving.
  • Rose Quartz – for self-love, compassion, and stress relief while on the road. This crystal emits a soft, calming energy that can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It’s perfect for keeping in your car to help you stay calm while driving in heavy traffic or during other stressful situations.
  • Amethyst – for sobriety, spiritual guidance, and protection against accidents. This violet-hued crystal is associated with peace, serenity, and spiritual protection. It can be helpful in warding off negative influences and promoting positive energy flow.
  • Tigers Eye – for focus, courage, and vitality while driving.
  • Pyrite – for manifestation of wealth and abundance on your journey.
  • Lapis Lazuli – for wisdom, truthfulness, and serenity while traveling. This deep blue stone is known for its abilities to stimulate wisdom and intuition.
  • Turquoise – for good fortune, luck, and safe passage during your travels.
  • Blue Lace Agate – for communication, peace of mind, and calmness while driving.
  • Black Tourmaline is a strong protector and shielding stone. This crystal is known for its ability to protect against negative energy and absorb electromagnetic radiation. It’s a great choice for placing in your car to create a protective shield against outside negativity. You can place a Black Tourmaline in the glove compartment, or secure it under your seat.
  • Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is said to amplify the energies of other crystals, making it a good choice for all types of crystal healing.

I hope you enjoyed this list of the best crystals for safe travel. Choose one or more crystals that you are drawn to. You can also complement the use of crystals with other techniques such as counseling, positive affirmations, and a positive mental attitude. Crystals for safe travel can give you the peace of mind and the support you need in boosting your energy, so you can focus on your trip and have fun.

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  • 10 Best Crystals for Manifesting
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  • 17 Powerful Crystals for Good Luck and Success
  • How to Charge Crystals: An Easy Guide for Beginners

Last Updated on January 23, 2024

Amber, a certified crystal healer and spiritual teacher, shares her decade-long expertise on CrystalsAlchemy.com. Passionate about the transformative power of crystals, she helps others lead balanced lives through personal growth, spiritual development, and holistic well-being.

Last update on 2024-09-02 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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How to Store Crystals and Stones

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All content is strictly for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, medical or other expert advice.

This article was originally published on CrystalsAlchemy.com . If this content appers on any other site, then it has been copied without permission from the copyright owner CrystalsAlchemy.com .

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10 Best Crystals for Travel: Enhance Protection and Luck on Your Journey


Planning your summer adventures and looking to jetset to new destinations? We've got you covered with the ultimate travel companions – crystals! These magical stones not only add a touch of sparkle to your journey but also offer powerful protection against negative energy.

These crystals will help you during your travels, whether you're exploring ruins, relaxing on beaches, or enjoying city life. They guide you with their energy and keep you grounded.

Walking on a journey, whether a thrilling adventure or a peaceful retreat, can be an enriching experience. However, it's essential to prioritize your safety, well-being, and comfort while traveling. This comprehensive guide will explore the 10 best crystals for safe travel, offering protection, luck, and positive energy to make your journeys even more memorable.

For a long time, people have valued healing crystals as helpful companions for those who travel. They can make you feel safe and help you change when you leave your usual routine.

So, pack your bags, grab your passport, and let's dive into the world of crystals for protection and adventure!

Best crystals for Travel protection

  • Malachite: As the Guardian Stone for Travelers, malachite is renowned for its ability to protect against negativity and accidents during travel. Since ancient times, this vibrant green crystal has been used as a talisman for safe passage. Carry malachite to ensure a shield of protection around you, inviting good luck and positive experiences during your journeys.

malachite crystal for protection

2. Quartz: The versatile and powerful crystal, acts as an energy amplifier and protector. It purifies the energy around you, creating a shield against negativity and enhancing your safety. Clear quartz is particularly beneficial for travel, as it promotes mental clarity, focus, and decision-making. This crystal will help you navigate through unfamiliar territories and manifest your desires for a fulfilling journey.

crystals for travel protection

3. Tourmaline: Tourmaline, the stone of transformation, is an excellent choice for travel protection. It forms a shield against negative energies, including electromagnetic radiation, offering a sense of grounding and security. Black tourmaline protects against jet lag and toxins, making it essential for frequent travelers.

crystals for travel protection

4. Obsidian: In ancient times, obsidian was used as a protective stone during travel and exploration. This volcanic glass crystal acts as a shield, deflecting negativity and promoting a sense of inner strength and resilience. With its powerful energy, Black obsidian absorbs negative energies and purifies your surroundings, ensuring a safe and harmonious travel experience.

5. Citrine: Known as the stone of good luck and abundance, is a great companion for travelers. This sunny crystal invites positive energy and helps ward off financial or logistical challenges that may arise during your journeys. Its uplifting and joyful energy enhances your mood, bringing a sense of optimism and prosperity to your travel experiences.

protection crystals for travel

6. Tiger's Eye : With its captivating beauty and protective qualities, tiger's eye is often considered a guardian stone for travelers. This crystal combines earthy grounding energy with the energies of the sun, promoting personal power and confidence. Tiger's eye protects and helps you trust your instincts, so you can handle surprises and stay comfortable.

crystals for safe travel

7. Amethyst:  A popular healing crystal, offers protection and relaxation during travel. Its soothing energy helps ease anxiety, stress, and jet lag, allowing for a more peaceful and restorative journey. Carry amethyst to create a tranquil atmosphere wherever you go, promoting a harmonious travel experience.

what crystal is best for travel

8. Selenite: Selenite is a gentle and purifying crystal known for its ability to clear negative energies and create a protective aura. This crystal is great for travel. It makes things peaceful, keeps away outside influences, and helps you connect to higher guidance. Selenite ensures a safe and spiritually uplifting journey.

absorb negative energies

9. Hematite:  A grounding and stabilizing crystal, is an excellent companion for travelers seeking protection and balance. This stone's energy helps you stay rooted and focused during your adventures, enhancing your sense of security and inner strength. Hematite also guards against electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices,

protection crystals for travel

10. Moonstone: Moonstone, with its ethereal and calming energy, is an ideal crystal for travel. This rock is linked to the moon and nature's cycles, helping with intuition, emotions, and harmony. Moonstone is particularly beneficial for female travelers, offering protection and nurturing energy throughout their journeys.

crystals for safe travel


As you embark on your travel adventures, harness the power of these 10 crystals for safe and fulfilling experiences. Crystals like malachite, quartz, tourmaline, and citrine have special qualities that can make your travels better. Malachite protects, quartz amplifies, tourmaline grounds, and citrine attracts abundance.

Whether you seek protection, luck, or a transformative journey, these healing crystals are your steadfast companions. Embrace their energy, set your intentions, and let the magic unfold as you explore the world with confidence, security, and positive vibrations.

Remember to cleanse and recharge your crystals regularly to maintain their optimal energy. Find travel crystals at Crystals.com and take them with you on your next adventure for their amazing support and guidance. Safe travels and may your journeys be filled with joy, growth, and unforgettable experiences.

Crystals are pretty and easy to carry as palm stones or wear as jewelry, so they're great for traveling. Crystal palm stones are polished crystals that fit in your hand. They help you feel grounded and protected when you need it. They are compact and lightweight, making them easy to carry in your pocket, backpack, or purse as you explore new places.

Wearing crystals as jewelry is another wonderful way to incorporate their energy into your travel routine. You can choose crystal necklaces, bracelets, or rings that resonate with you and your intentions for the journey.

Not only will they add a stylish touch to your outfits, but they will also serve as constant reminders of the protective and grounding energy they offer. Whether it's a pendant necklace with a powerful obsidian stone or a citrine bracelet for luck and abundance, wearing crystals close to your body allows their vibrations to harmonize with your own, keeping you centered and shielded from any negativity that may come your way.

When you go on adventures, bring your favorite crystal palm stones or wear your cherished crystal jewelry. These personal talismans will serve as tangible reminders of your intention to stay grounded, protected, and connected to the transformative energy of the crystals. Embrace the magic of these stones and let them be your guiding light as you explore new horizons, create lasting memories, and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

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15 Best Crystals for Travel (for Safe Travelling, Protection and Adventure)

Pack your bags, because we’re covering the best crystals for travel in this article.

Here’s the list:

  • Malachite – For jet lag, motion sickness and accident prevention
  • Tiger’s Eye – For lone travelers
  • Green Aventurine – To attract opportunities on your trip
  • Aquamarine – For safe travel over water and long-distance trips
  • Yellow Jasper – To beat FOMO
  • Garnet – To explore by your senses
  • Blue Aventurine – To go on an adventure
  • Black Tourmaline – To shield your energy field
  • Amethyst – To curb travel anxiety and sleep well anywhere
  • Rhodonite – For couples going on vacation
  • Crazy Lace Agate – To go with the flow
  • Turquoise – To clarify communication and safeguard your possessions
  • Moonstone – For nighttime travel
  • Jade – For good health and new friendships
  • Shungite – To repel electromagnetic fields (EMF)

Table of Contents

Can I Travel With Crystals?

Yes, you most definitely can travel with crystals!

Crystals can provide you with safety, security and anxiety relief as you travel.

They can suck up bad energy, repel electromagnetic fields and give you more energy to make the most of your trip.

They can protect you on the highway, on boat rides and in the sky flying from coast to coast.

We’re going to dive into which crystals do what below.

But first, a quick note—it’s always a good idea to look up the guidelines and restrictions of any company you’re traveling with, like a cruise ship or airline.

However, in general, crystals are not restricted unless they’re adding too much bulk and weight to your luggage (which can be a serious problem for crystal addicts).

Read Next: Crystals for Adventure

Best Crystals for Travel

1. malachite.

  • Alleviates travel illness, jet lag and physical ailments
  • Guards against accidents
  • Calms travel fears

Malachite is one of the most well-respected travel stones.

It can cure your car or sea sickness, alleviate jet lag, stop vertigo attacks and guide you along safer, more comfortable travels.

It can even soothe your fears of travel, if you have any. For sure, malachite can get you through some long and stressful flights.

And speaking of flights, malachite is also said to provide some protection from radiation.

If you want a stone for accident protection , malachite can do that, too. In short, it’s a phenomenal crystal for taking on just about any big trip.

2. Tiger’s Eye

  • Keeps you savvy and alert
  • Gives solo travelers more confidence and independence

Tiger’s eye keeps you sharp when touring new places.

Traditionally, tiger’s eye is an amulet to protect against evil. Lending you its watchful eye, it focuses your attention to what’s going on around you, so you stay savvy and alert.

You’ll have more insight into what’s happening in a given situation so that you’re better able to stay the course and take the best path.

For all those taking a solo trip, tiger’s eye nurtures your solar plexus chakra, making you more confident, courageous and independent.

Read Next: Best Starter Crystals

3. Green Aventurine

  • Opens up opportunities on your journey
  • Assists you in venturing outside your comfort zone

Green aventurine can open doorways to make your journey that much more amazing.

This lucky crystal is known for inviting opportunities to satiate your deepest desires and create new beginnings.

Even if you’re the timid type, green aventurine bolsters your confidence to say “yes” to what life will offer you.

As it’s especially beneficial in situations where you’re not sure what the outcome will be, it’s perfect for the adventurous soul.

If you want to maximize its benefits, get yourself some green aventurine during the planning stage of your trip. It will shape it into something truly beneficial for you.

4. Aquamarine

  • Keeps you safe while traveling by water
  • Also protective for long-distance trips

Planning any canoe rides, cruises or other modes of travel by water?

Aquamarine is the crystal you want to pack.

A crystal of Poseidon, it’s said that ancient Greeks wore aquamarine amulets to protect them on dangerous voyages, as did the Romans.

Aquamarine is still a powerful talisman when crossing over water, especially expansive open waters. 

In addition to this, aquamarine will protect you on any long-distance trips, whether by car, plane or train.

5. Yellow Jasper

  • Protects in all kinds of travel
  • Creates excitement and enthusiasm
  • Fights FOMO

Yellow jasper has long been used as an amulet for protection with all sorts of travel. This includes travel of the physical, mental and astral types.

It stimulates happiness, courage and excitement , making it a great companion for trying new things.

With its association with the solar plexus chakra, yellow jasper strengthens the ego and will, making you more confident and a better decision-maker.

For anyone who’s wasted precious vacation time fearing FOMO , this is crucial.

  • Enhances your instincts
  • Gives you more energy
  • Triggers your instincts to avoid danger

Garnet is a traveler’s stone that can guide your journeys far and wide.

It enhances your gut instinct, helping you know exactly where to go and what to do.

Strengthening your passion and vitality, garnet is fantastic for discovering through your senses and experiencing in your body.

One great thing about garnet is that it will energize you like a cup of strong coffee. So now you can be sure to cross everything off your itinerary!

As it heightens your instincts, garnet can also make you quicker to react , which can help you avoid danger on the highway or elsewhere.

7. Blue Aventurine

  • Sparks adventure
  • Prevents your things from getting lost

Looking for a new experience on your vacation? 

Blue aventurine puts you in adventurous spirits to make some amazing memories.

You’ll explore with a sense of authentic wonder and amazement , just like you’re a kid again.

Even if you’re only going for the weekend, blue aventurine can make things more interesting for you.

Put it in your bags and it will keep them from getting lost as well.

8. Black Tourmaline

  • Grounds you and keeps psychic attacks out
  • Keeps other people’s emotions from affecting you

This is an important crystal to keep for your treks anywhere you go.

The reason is that it’s going to protect your energy and keep negative vibrations far away from you.

If you tend to feel exhausted from crowded airports, black tourmaline is for you.

It will prevent other people’s travel anxieties, stresses and emotions from entering your bubble and affecting you.

9. Amethyst

  • Reduces anxiety
  • Keeps positive energy around you
  • Makes it easier to fall asleep anywhere

Travelers use amethyst to alleviate anxieties of all types, including anxiousness about flying, sailing and so on.

Grab your amethyst when you’re feeling nervous and just hold onto it. Let its peacefulness flow through you.

Amethyst can also form a cloak of positivity around you, keeping negative influences at bay.

Have a hard time sleeping away from home?

Amethyst can also cure insomnia and give you better, more restful shuteye in your camping tent or hotel room.

10. Rhodonite

  • Good for couples to strengthen their bond
  • Prevents arguments through compassion and understanding

If you’re going on a trip with your significant other, rhodonite is the love stone you might want to take.

With its compassionate and loving energy, rhodonite will help you reconnect with each other on a romantic getaway.

Carried with you or kept on your hotel nightstand, rhodonite reduces the risk of lovers’ quarrels. Because nobody wants to spend their vacation arguing.

Its heart-healing energy can also help you let go of any blockages preventing you from accepting joyful experiences.

11. Crazy Lace Agate

  • Encourages you to relax and go with the flow
  • Brings fun, festive energy

If you feel you’re a little too rigid, crazy lace agate enables you to let loose and be more spontaneous.

A fun, joyful stone, crazy lace agate is also nicknamed “Happy Lace” and the “Laughter Stone.”

It encourages you to go with the flow, which is often exactly what we need when things don’t go as we planned.

In fact, you may even have more fun.

Use crazy lace agate to venture off the beaten path and find out where the action is. It will help you embrace all options and spot a fiesta from a mile away.

12. Turquoise

  • Safeguards your belongings as you travel
  • Can help prevent accidents
  • Aids clear communication

It’s said that turquoise will guard your stuff so it doesn’t get lost or stolen.

So it may be worthwhile to toss a piece of turquoise in your airplane luggage!

Turquoise is another stone that can help to prevent accidents, especially accidents that involve falling.

But it’s also great for communication, allowing you to convey information clearly and to be understood.

This can come in handy if you’re going somewhere a different language is spoken—though is there really ever a time you don’t need good communication skills?

13. Moonstone

  • Provides safety travelling at night and over water
  • Brings good fortune
  • Beneficial for anyone spending time outdoors

As a talisman of travelers, moonstone is most protective at night.

So if you’re on a road trip driving in the wee hours of the morning, consider moonstone as your passenger.

Moonstone can also defend your travels on water and bless your journey with good luck and calm, peaceful encounters.

Associated with the rhythms of nature , moonstone is a fabulous one to take with you on camping trips or any wilderness excursion.

Meditate with it outside to find your inner peace and connect to the natural world around you.

  • Helps to prevent illness
  • Can spark new friendships on your travels

Jade is highly prized for its beauty, spiritual properties and tendency to make good things happen in your life.

But as a traveler’s stone, jade can keep you in fit and healthy condition.

Traveling on trains and planes with little air flow and exposing yourself to various environments, you can easily pick up a nasty bug.

But jade can help prevent illness and speed up recovery if you do catch something.

As it attracts friendship, jade can also bring new friends and acquaintances into your path.

15. Shungite

  • Repels electromagnetic radiation
  • Purifies energy and the emotional body

Did you know there are crystals that can repel electromagnetic fields (EMF) from those airport security body scanners?

Shungite is one of the best.

In fact, shungite can reduce electromagnetic radiation from  cellphones, TVs and other technologies we use every day.

Cleansing your aura and acting as a vacuum for negativity, shungite will leave you feeling light and emotionally stable.

Crystal FAQ

What gemstone represents adventure.

If you want an adventure, these stones will send you off on a journey to remember:

  • Blue aventurine
  • Green aventurine
  • Crazy Lace Agate
  • Golden aura quartz
  • Labradorite

Is tiger’s eye good for travel?

As we mention above, tiger’s eye can assist in the creation of some really interesting opportunities for your travels.

It brings forward your qualities associated with your personal power, making you more confidence and secure.

The universe recognizes this and delivers experiences that help you grow as a person who is fully aware of their power to make their own dreams come true.

Crystals to bring with you

These crystals are recommended for carrying with you at all times:

  • Selenite – Raises your vibration
  • Citrine – An incredible positive energy crystal
  • Amethyst – Expands awareness and soothes anxiety
  • Rose quartz – For love 
  • Black tourmaline – Blocks bad vibes
  • Tiger’s eye – Creates opportunities
  • Red jasper – Increases your chi

Read our article Best Crystals to Carry With You for more crystals and what they do.

What is the best crystal to wear daily?

Crystals you’ll want to wear daily include:

  • Clear quartz – For clear thinking and energy amplification
  • Rose quartz – To love yourself and others
  • Amethyst – To stay stress-free and connect to the universe
  • Citrine – For happiness and abundance
  • Green aventurine – For abundance, wealth and emotional balance
  • Tiger’s eye – To achieve your goals
  • Smoky quartz – To ground and protect you
  • Black tourmaline – To transmute negativity into positive energy
  • Selenite – To cleanse your aura and keep chakras aligned

Read Also:   What Is the Best Crystal to Wear Daily?

What crystal is best for everything?

If there’s a crystal that’s best for everything, it’s clear quartz.

Clear quartz can be programmed to do whatever you want it to do. We’re talking about strong, unlimited manifestation powers.

Whether you want deep healing, spiritual guidance or to manifest a better job, clear quartz will be the antenna that broadcasts your wish to the universe and makes it come true.

What is the luckiest crystal?

Green aventurine is often said to be the luckiest, but it’s not the only one.

Here are some of the luckiest crystals you can buy:

  • Tiger’s eye
  • Clear quartz

Read Also:   Best Crystals for Good Luck

What crystals can’t be in sun?

Many crystals will actually lose color in direct sun exposure.

Others will get brittle, chip and crack.

There’s a fairly extensive list of crystals you shouldn’t leave in sunlight, so we’re just going to list some of the most common you’ll come across: 

  • Common quartz varieties – amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, smoky quartz
  • Fluorite 
  • Sodalite (unless you keep sun exposure to an hour or two)

What crystal is good for anxiety?

These are some of the best crystals to banish anxiety:

  • Watermelon tourmaline
  • Rose quartz

Crystals to bring to the beach

Want to pay homage to the ocean and connect to the ebb and flow of its tides?

Bring these crystals to the beach:

  • Ocean jasper
  • Blue lace agate

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Lunary Crystals

Crystals for Travel: Discover the Best Crystals for a Safe & Meaningful Trip

Are you an avid traveler? Do you want to make your journeys even more special and meaningful? Crystals for travel are the perfect way to do just that! Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just getting started, crystals can help make your adventures even more magical. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of crystals and how they can be used to enhance your travel experience.

Crystals have been used since ancient times for their healing and energetic properties. They resonate with different frequencies that bring balance and harmony to our lives. When used for travel, crystals can help open our minds to new experiences, as well as protect us from negative energies. With so many varieties of crystals available, there’s something for everyone.

From protective amulets to energy-boosting stones, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about using crystals while traveling. Read on to learn more about the various types of crystals and how they can be used during your next adventure!

Different Types Of Crystals For Travel

When it comes to crystals for travel, there are many types to choose from. Some of the most popular crystals used while traveling are citrine, tiger’s eye, and amethyst. These stones provide a variety of benefits that can be useful during any journey.

No matter which type of crystal you choose, they all offer something special that can make travel more enjoyable and adventurous. All three crystals have unique properties that can help enhance experiences while out in the world, so it’s important to decide which one best fits your needs before packing them up in your bag! In any case, using these crystals during your travels should help make any journey feel more meaningful and fulfilling.

1. Amethyst


Amethyst is one of the best crystals to take with you while travelling. Not only is it a popular healing crystal with stress-busting benefits, but it’s also great for protection against negative energy and thoughts that can make your journey difficult. It’s an excellent stone to carry at all times!

Amethyst can support travellers by reinforcing mental clarity and focus during long trips. The calming and balancing energy of this crystal helps soothe road exhaustion, jet lag, nightmares, and provides security when many miles away from home. Amethyst also has prosperity properties which help tap into new business opportunities while travelling.

This powerful purple gemstone has been used throughout history as a spiritual amulet of protection and safety for travelers on journeys over land or sea — making it the perfect crystal for exploration and adventure. You’ll find Amethyst in all kinds of shapes: tumbled stones, necklaces, raw pieces, point wands — the possibilities are endless!


Citrine is another crystal that is perfect for travelers. The yellow gem has long been used to bring abundance, prosperity, and success. All qualities one needs while on the road!

Citrine radiates vibrancy, promoting optimism and enthusiasm in life. It’s very useful for bringing joy and happiness, especially into difficult situations such as long-distance travel or times when you are away from home.

Another reason why Citrine is a great choice for travelers is because of its protective properties. It shields the traveler from negative energy and risk associated with traveling. It balances the body energetically, which helps reduce anxiety and stress accompanying any journey.

In addition to protection and positivity, Citrine also increases clarity of thought and manifestations of will power, making it a great Crystal for travelers who need focus, motivation & manifesting to make their experience successful!

3. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is known as the crystal of love, making it a great choice to bring on your travels. Not only will it help connect you with self-love and increase positive energy, but it can also act as a reminder that people around the world are equal and deserve compassion.

The energies of rose quartz can help promote self-care while traveling, which is essential for maintaining physical and emotional health. The pink color of this crystal represents calming, powerful femininity – another important element when rediscovering yourself during international trips or breaks from routine. In addition, its energy has been said to attract loving relationships, perfect for any adventure!

If possible, consider packing one or more pieces of rose quartz jewelry in your travel bag for protection against any negative interactions you may encounter along the way!

4. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is often most associated with travel because it is the ultimate purifier. Not only does clear quartz help to protect you from energetic parasites and negative entities, but it can also be used as a tool for manifesting your goals and intentions.

When traveling, adding a piece of clear quartz to your luggage will help to bring clarity to your travels, allowing you to remain focused on how you want things to unfold in both your journey and life in general. You can also use clear quartz in meditation while on the journey and set an intention or request that will give you guidance as you move through space. In addition, if utilizing energy healing techniques such as Reiki, this crystal can be especially effective in cleansing away any stagnant and unwanted energies that may have accumulated during your travels.

5. Tiger’s Eye

Tiger's Eye

Tiger’s eye is a powerful stone for meditating and traveling. This special type of quartz crystal helps us connect with wisdom, courage, and personal power. When used in meditation, it can help align our will with our intuition, allowing us to manifest our desires with increased clarity. Because it amplifies our intentions, tiger’s eye is an excellent crystal for setting boundaries and achieving balance.

Additionally, tiger’s eye is known to bring luck on trips or journeys. It lends us the necessary strength and insight when we are away from home. This crystal comforts and protects us during travel. It helps keep us grounded and safe in unfamiliar environments by connecting us with spiritual guides along the way.

6. Shungite

Shungite Lunary Crystals

Shungite is a special type of rock composed of Carbon, Silicon and other minerals. It has been used for protection from electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation from electronics and other sources since the 1800s. When traveling with your technology, shungite is the perfect companion!

Not only will it protect you from EMF radiation, but it’s also believed to help purify water, counter fatigue and protect your energy. It can be placed in a pocket or kept close to you while traveling to absorb negative energies around you to help keep your energetic boundaries intact. Shungite stones will also keep your charms or mala beads safe; wrap them in the stone before you leave home so they don’t get damaged during travel!

7. Moonstone


Moonstone is a special crystal that needs to be included in any traveler’s tool kit. Beautiful and believed to encourage insight, luck, and abundance, it’s one of the few stones that work with both shades of the Moon (new and full). Travelers especially love it because they believe it helps to keep them safe while on their travels.

Aside from being a great friend when you’re exploring new places, Moonstone can relax your tension after a hectic day. Simply sitting with moonstone can turn off the inner mental chatter so you can reconnect with your true purpose. A traveler who carries Moonstone won’t be thrown off by unexpected changes or disruptions.

Finally, for those who are searching for new partners or lovers, carry a piece of Moonstone to seek out kind and helpful people during their travels!

8. Malachite

Malachite Lunary Crystals

Malachite is a beautiful, dark green stone often used in jewelry for travelers. It’s a powerful stone for enhancement and protection of emotional, spiritual and physical travel. Malachite can help protect you from emotional harm and negativity as you travel. It also helps to create an emotional environment where growth, focus and increase of personal power is encouraged.

Malachite also helps to promote clear communication without creating harmful misunderstandings. While on a journey it can help you to stay connected the people with whom a connection can help your travels be more fulfilling.

In terms of physical protection, malachite guards from potential accidents, theft or other dangerous situations which may arise during your time away from home. Many claim that malachite is also great at preserving your energy levels as you travel so that you won’t feel drained while exploring new locations.

9. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an incredibly powerful and protective crystal to bring with you on any journey. It helps keep your energy field clear of negative vibrations and can offer energetic protection from unhelpful energies or situations. You can carry it with you in your pocket or on your body, place it around your hotel room, or simply hold it during meditation sessions on the road.

Black Tourmaline also helps to ground and center yourself in unfamiliar places. This stone can help reduce stress and anxiety by helping you identify, accept, and release limiting beliefs so they don’t hinder your experience of the journey. Physically, this crystal supports health and wellness while traveling through adjustment to changes in climate as well as detoxification of chemicals or electromagnetic fields that may be present in different locations. This is one crystal that would definitely be an essential part of any traveler’s crystal collection!

10. Black Obsidian


Black Obsidian is one of the more powerful crystals for travelers. Its energetic properties offer protection and grounding, helping you to stay safe and secure on your journey, even when in unfamiliar environments. It also helps boost self-esteem and courage so that you’re less afraid to step outside your comfort zone and explore new destinations fearlessly.

Black Obsidian is an incredibly powerful crystal that carries transformative energy, which makes it great when traversing unknown regions or venturing into uncharted territory. If you plan on exploring the outdoors or engaging in activities such as hiking, camping or skiing, Black Obsidian can help keep you focused and centered amidst turbulent winds or unpredictable weather conditions. On a broader level, it can also provide spiritual leadership if needed when navigating foreign cultures and religions with unfamiliar power structures. This stone does an excellent job at keeping us grounded yet open-minded during our travels!

11. Hematite


Hematite is a powerful crystal for travel, as it offers protection and grounding energies when you’re away from home. Its deep and strong vibration keeps the wearer connected to Earth and can help you approach difficult situations with a calm and rational head.

It’s a great stone to keep with you on long journeys when your tiredness, exhaustion or jet lag is taking its toll. It can also be used to keep your energy levels up during lengthy flights or car rides, reminding you of the loving Earth energy that surrounds you wherever you go. Hematite also assists communication issues by allowing you to think clearly and logically through any problems that arise during your travels.

Finally, Hematite helps tourists be more aware of their surroundings so they won’t get overwhelmed or lose sight of their goals while traveling

Benefits of Using Crystals While Travelling

Female Traveler Sitting on a Rock

Traveling can be stressful and exhausting, but the use of crystals can help. Crystals have been used since ancient times to provide healing, protection, and positivity. Having them while traveling can make the journey more calming and enjoyable .

There are many benefits to using crystals while travelling. For example, they help reduce stress levels associated with touring new places or changing time zones. Crystals also promote relaxation on long flights or car trips. They even help keep negative energies away from travelers in unfamiliar environments.

Crystals can also bring luck and protection during the trip. Some people turn to crystals for guidance when making decisions about where to go and what to do while travelling. Crystals can be placed in a pocket or purse as a reminder that you’re safe and secure wherever you go.

Using crystals while travelling is an easy way to stay centered and connected with yourself throughout your journey. It’s a simple practice that can add comfort, security, and peace of mind during travel no matter how far away you may be from home.

Tips For Choosing the Right Crystal for Travel

Choosing the right crystal for travel is an important part of reaping the benefits of using crystals. Different crystals can bring different energies, and it’s important to choose one that will help you on your journey. But how do you know which one to pick? Here are a few tips to help you out.

First, consider what kind of energy you’d like to bring with you . Do you want something energizing or calming? Depending on the type of trip and your specific needs, certain crystals might be more suitable than others. For instance, if you’re going on a business trip and need to stay focused, carnelian or hematite could be great choices.

Next, think about the practical aspects of taking a crystal with you while travelling. Some crystals may be too fragile or too large to take along with you – so make sure your chosen crystal can hold up against being packed in a suitcase and moved around! Also, if possible, try to find an object made from the same crystal — such as jewelry or a pocket-sized stone — so that it’s easier to carry around with you during your travels.

Finally, don’t forget to cleanse your crystal before heading off ! Cleansing helps remove any negative energies that may have attached themselves to the stone while in transit. Using sage smoke is an easy way to do this; just hold the crystal over some smoldering sage for a few minutes and then rinse it off with cold water afterwards. Doing this will ensure that your crystal is ready for use when you reach your destination.

Common Ways to Use Crystals During Travelling

When taking a trip, crystals can be a powerful tool to help you get the most out of your journey. Whether you’re looking for protection from energy vampires, or trying to make an emotional connection with the places you visit, crystals can provide support.

As a Protective Shield

One of the best uses of crystals while traveling is to create a protective shield around yourself. Place your chosen crystal in your pocket or near your body so its vibrations will act as a barrier against negative forces such as energy vampires and low-vibrational people. It’s also beneficial to carry one or two grounding stones such as black tourmaline and hematite which help keep you connected with the Earth’s energy field and promote feelings of safety during travel.

For Deeper Connection With a Location

Crystals are also perfect for connecting more deeply with the places you visit. Carry a stone that resonates with each location and allow it to absorb all the positive energies around it. You can then meditate with this stone when you return home, re-connecting with those special memories and moments from your travels.

To Relieve Travel Anxieties

From worrying about the unknown to feeling overwhelmed by the unfamiliar, travel worries can make it difficult to enjoy your trip. Fortunately, crystals can help ease these anxieties and provide a sense of calm during your travels. Carrying a crystal with you while travelling is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Crystals like amethyst are great for this purpose as it helps to soothe the mind and body, allowing you to relax and stay focused on the present moment. Other calming stones such as rose quartz or selenite are also beneficial for relieving travel-related stress.

So next time you take a trip, consider bringing along some crystals for extra support and guidance!

Caring For Your Crystals During Travel

When it comes to travelling with crystals, there’s more to think about than just being able to take them along. It’s also important to consider how best to care for your crystals during travel so that they can stay safe and in good condition.

Make Sure They are Well Protected

The first step is making sure your crystals are properly protected. Depending on the type of crystal you have, you may need a special pouch or box for storage. If you’re going somewhere humid, it might be wise to invest in some desiccant packets to help keep your crystals dry.

Do Not Expose Them to Too Much Heat

It’s also important to make sure that your crystals aren’t exposed to too much heat or direct sunlight while travelling as this can damage them over time. You should also avoid exposing them to electromagnetic fields or any other energy sources such as wifi or cellphones as this could interfere with their natural vibrations.

Cleanse Them Before and After Your Trip

Before packing away your crystals at the end of the day, give them a gentle cleansing with sage smudge sticks or sea salt water. This will help clear away any negative energy they’ve picked up during the day and recharge their energy levels before they go back into storage. Taking these extra steps will ensure that your crystals remain in good condition throughout your travels.

How To Energize Your Crystals During Travel

Traveling with crystals can be a great way to stay connected to their energy while you’re away from home. But, keeping them energized while you travel is just as important. So, how do you keep your crystals’ energy high? Here are some tips for energizing your crystals during travel.

Keep Your Crystals Close to You

Make sure to keep your crystals close to you at all times. This helps maintain their connection to you and keeps their energy strong even when you’re in unfamiliar environments. You can do this by wearing them as jewelry or keeping them in your pocket or purse during the day. If possible, try to place them in a special pouch or bag that’s made of natural materials like cotton or silk; these fabrics help protect the crystal’s vibrations from outside energies so it stays charged and powerful throughout the journey.

Show Gratitude to Your Crystals

Take time during your travels to connect with your crystals and show them gratitude for being part of this journey with you. Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on what they mean to you and how they’ve helped support you on this adventure. Doing this will help keep their vibration strong so they can continue providing guidance and protection even when you’re far from home!

Incorporating Crystals Into Your Travel Rituals

Traveling is an exciting venture, and incorporating crystals into your rituals can help make the journey even more meaningful. Crystals have unique energies that you can use to empower yourself during this time of exploration. Whether it’s for a short trip or a long one, here are some ways to get the most out of your crystals while traveling.

Create a Travel Intention

One way to use crystals on your travels is by creating an intention ritual before you depart. It’s important to be clear about what you want to achieve during the journey, so before you leave, take some time alone with your chosen crystal and set your intention for the trip. You can hold the crystal in both hands and close your eyes as you visualize success in reaching your destination and fulfilling its purpose.

Use as a Protective Talisman

Another way to incorporate crystals into travel rituals is by using them as protective talismans throughout the journey. If it’s a long-distance trip, carry a crystal with you at all times so it can keep you safe from any negative energy that comes up along the way. When feeling overwhelmed or anxious during transit, take a moment to meditate with the crystal and allow its healing energy to fill you with peace and comfort.

It’s also beneficial to choose different crystals for certain aspects of travel such as protection, adventure, relaxation and grounding. For example, if going on a backpacking excursion choose carnelian for courage and motivation; rose quartz for unconditional love; jade for good luck; amethyst for restful sleep; or black tourmaline for shielding against any unwanted energies while away from home. With these crystals by your side, you’re sure to have an amazing travel experience!

Packing Tips For Traveling With Crystals

When traveling with crystals, it’s important to remember some packing tips too. Here are some:

Wrap Them Up During Travel

First and foremost, you should wrap your crystals in something soft like cloth or tissue paper, so they don’t get damaged during the journey. This will also help to protect the energetic vibrations of the crystal. It’s also a good idea to keep them separate from any other heavy items in your suitcase or bag. That way, they won’t be jostled around too much by other belongings.

Carry Them on Board Rather than Checking Them In

If you’re flying, it’s best to carry your crystals on board with you rather than putting them in checked luggage. This way, you can make sure that they are treated with care and remain safe throughout the flight. Additionally, having them close by can be comforting when dealing with turbulence or long delays.

Provide Some Peace & Quiet for Your Crystals

Finally, if you’re staying at a hotel, consider asking for a room away from traffic or elevator noise so that your crystals can recharge undisturbed while you’re away from home. Taking these precautions will ensure that both your physical and energetic well-being are taken care of during travel.

What Are The Most Popular Crystals For Travel?

From protection to inspiration, crystals can provide a range of benefits that make traveling more enjoyable and worry-free. But which crystals should you choose? Let’s explore some of our popular picks!

Tiger’s eye is one of the most common go-to stones for travelers. It’s known for its protective properties, including shielding from fear and negativity while on trips. Additionally, this stone can help bring focus and clarity of thought when there are so many new places to explore and experience.

Carnelian is another popular crystal for travel. This stone is often used to help boost energy levels and increase courage during times of change or uncertainty. It can also be used as an amulet or talisman — a physical reminder that you are safe and protected along your journey.

The best way to decide which crystals are right for you is by considering your intentions while traveling. Do you want protection? Clarity? Courage? Once you know what you need, then you can choose the crystals that will best serve those purposes while on the road.

Final Words

Travelling with crystals can be a great way to stay connected and protected while away from home. Depending on your intentions, there are many different crystals you can bring along on your journey that will help you stay connected to your spiritual self and protected from any harm. It is important to research the safety concerns associated with travelling with crystals, as well as the best ways to store them while you’re away.

Once you have all the necessary knowledge and precautions, you can focus on using the power of crystals to bring positive energy into your travels. Whether it’s for protection or wellbeing, these crystals will help guide and protect you during your journey. So go ahead and make sure you pack some of these amazing crystals when you travel!

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Choosing the best crystals for travel

Posted on Last updated: July 10, 2024

Whether you’re about to go on a holiday or planning a future trip so that you can live for yoursef and not for others , you should factor in the importance of crystals for travel. Their positive vibes will ensure your trip is a success. Crystals for travel protection can also help you deal with the hectic environment of departures and arrivals.

In this post, you will learn all about how to travel with crystals as well as knowing the best crystals for travel.

Choosing the best crystals for travel

  Why should you travel with Crystals?

  • Help with Jet Lag in new time zones and on the return home.
  • Create a protective shield around you when you’re in crowds.
  • Keep you calm and soothe your anxiety in stressful situations.
  • Make you feel at home and help you sleep well in new surroundings.
  • Guard against x-ray scanners at the airport.

Which are the best protection crystals for travel

The decision of which stones to travel to bring with you, on the other hand, can be a challenge. There are so many travel protection crystals if you brought them all the scales at the terminal would go over the limit with the weight of our collections! So you are going to need to be selective and focus on the best crystals for travel protection depending on your individual needs.

How to Care for your Crystals while traveling

For practicality and because I like beautiful things, I wear crystal jewelry like my Chakra Bracelet every day. It’s a perfect way to keep beneficial stones with me at all times. At night, my jewelry is placed on a Selenite Plate to cleanse and charge. In the morning, I give them intention with my goals for the day ahead.

Before you travel be sure to cleanse your stones for travel and jewelry with a sage smoke bath or lay them on a Selenite crystal. Create the intention for them to protect, keep you calm and help ensure you have a fantastic trip.

When you travel, a sage smudging stick or Selenite plate may not be a practical carry-on. I’m going to give a great tip on how to cleanse your crystals when you travel, check out Tip #5.

To showcase the best crystals for safe travel to take on your trip, here are a few ways to keep them with you at all times. We’ll see which crystals ward off negative energy and block electromagnetic radiation, and which ones keep you calm. Let’s take a look!

The Best Overall Crystal for Travel Protection

How to travel with Crystals

Black Tourmaline is often considered the go-to crystal for protection during travel. It’s believed to repel negative energies and keep you grounded, making it an ideal companion for your adventures.

Bl ack Tourmaline is known for its grounding properties, helping you stay connected to the Earth when you’re jet-setting across the globe. It’s also great for warding off those negative vibes you might encounter—whether it’s a stressful flight or a sketchy hostel room. Just hold it in your hand and set your intention for safe travels before you embark on your journey.

Another good option is Moonstone , often called the “Traveler’s Stone.” It’s said to offer protection on journeys, especially during nighttime travel. Plus, its soft glow can bring a sense of peace and balance, which can be really helpful if you’re feeling a little out of sorts in a new place.

Choosing the best crystals for safe travel

Malachite is a stone of change and transition. Traveling from one time-zone to another is its specialty, so it helps with jet lag. It can also help you overcome your fear of flying.

crystal bracelet for travel

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Known as the guardian stone for a reason, Malachite protects you from harm. This includes negative energy, accidents, time delays or any type of radiation. It’s especially beneficial in airport security and can protect you from the harmful emissions of x-rays.

Malachite also absorbs pollutants in the air and therefore, helps with asthma and allergies. You can even use it as a pain reliever if your travels coincide with monthly cramps or any other aches and pains. There are so many benefits to have Malachite with you at all times.

To create an energy field of protection, wear Malachite Bracelets on each arm when you travel.

Aquamarine is a stone of tolerance and good luck. I don’t know about you, but travel can be very stressful, and most of it’s due to lack of patience. Generally speaking, tolerance of situations, lineups, and inept service is essential when you travel . Sometimes you just have to go with the flow, take a deep breath and hope luck is on your side. This crystal will reduce your stress, lessen your tension and keep you calm.

crystal bracelet for travel

Known to protect you anywhere near water, Ancient lore speaks of Aquamarine being a Mermaid treasure. Seamen also used it as a talisman against drowning and seasickness. If you plan any travel by boat or over water, it is essential to have this crystal with you. Aquamarine will also protect your Aura from outside negative energy.

Shungite is a stone from out of this world, literally.  Estimated at over 2 billion years old, it’s only found in one place on earth, a meteoroid site at Lake Onega, Russia. The Shungite filters the water in this lake which has been used in spas for centuries. Shungite contains every known element on the periodic table and is thought to be instrumental in the origins of life on Earth. This carbon-based mineral can filter, absorb and neutralize all negative energy before it can attach to your aura .

crystal bracelet for travel

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When you travel, you can expose yourself to germs and other ailments when you are in crowds, or when you eat foods from new places. The tolerance of your immune system can become challenging when you travel. Known to cure gastric problems, Shungite is a solution because it absorbs pesticides, bacteria, and free radicals. In essence, it filters pretty much everything!

crystal bracelet for travel

On top of those benefits, Shungite also treats burns, sore throats, allergies and numerous other ailments we seem to pick up abroad. Antioxidant molecules called fullerenes are key to this process. Their discovery earned a Nobel Prize . These molecules absorb all electromagnetic radiation (EMF’s), microwave and other harmful chemicals.

Amethyst is my all-around go-to crystal for travel. It keeps you calm, helps you sleep, and also keeps you alert and sober in a strange place.

crystal bracelet for travel

When you travel, you have to look at maps, navigate new cities, and coordinate tour times. You also have to find new places to eat and new landscapes to explore. Amethyst promotes emotional centering and helps you stay focused. This crystal keeps you in control so you can enjoy all your trip has to offer. It can also enhance your memory.

My favorite thing about Amethyst is it brings a restful sleep. It’s always hard for me to get to sleep in hotel rooms but when I have this crystal under my pillow, I instantly fall asleep.

Amethyst will repel any negative energy and turns it into love.  When you have this crystal with you, it will help make your trip perfect.

Selenite instills deep peace and calm when you travel. It has a fine vibration which clears confusion and stabilizes erratic emotions. This stone is another great crystal to wear when you travel because it assists your judgment and gives you insight. Generally speaking, it helps you stick to your plan and visit all the destinations on your itinerary without getting lost.

As one of the most powerful crystals in the world, Selenite is an essential stone on your travels because it prevents the necessity of smudging. It can clear and cleanse your body, your surrounding environment, and your crystal jewelry when you travel. When you have Selenite with you, it’s a simple and effective way to block negative energy and retain your light .

crystal bracelet for travel

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this brief look into which crystals are most beneficial to take on your next trip. These practical tips for wearing crystals ensure your holiday is a success. When Claire travels to South America again this year, she will have all the crystals she needs. She’ll know the perfect ones for protection, to keep calm and stay positive!

If you would like to find out more about these and other crystals, crystal jewelry, and crystal decor you can find me here at the Adele Walsh Blog. Make sure to check out and follow me on Facebook , Instagram, Twitter , and Pinterest .

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How to travel with Crystals

Friday 20th of September 2019

This is pretty interesting to know about crystals. I love buying crystals not just as accessories and for the effect it has on me.

Monday 19th of February 2018

Great post Adele. I was on a hunt for an article about traveling to Germany, and came across your post somehow. Love the green crystals. My kind of style.

Actually, I just put together an infographic about "10 Must Do’s in Black Forest". Let me know if you’d like to check it out. If you have any ideas about Black Forest in particular, I’d like to know! -Leah

© 2023 Claire’s Itchy Feet  

9 Crystals for Safe Travel

By Mary Ancillette | June 27, 2024

A guide to the best crystals for safe travel

Do you get tense or nervous when travelling? Whether you’re worried others may cause an accident, or find the bustle of busy airports and stations overwhelming, these nine crystals can promote safe travel.

Travelling can be a mind expanding experience – but that doesn’t mean it’s stress-free.

Busy airports, delays and road congestion make any journey difficult. Many people also feel anxious about their safety, particularly when flying or visiting foreign countries.

The good news is that healing crystals can promote safe and enjoyable travel. If you have a fear of flying, feel outside your comfort zone, or are just home sick, these nine crystals and gemstones may help.


Which are the Best Crystals & Gem Stones for Travelling?


1. Amethyst (Stone of Spirituality, Contentment and Meditation)

Colour : Purple to Lavender Chakra : Crown and Third Eye Origin : USA, Mexico, Canada, Russia, India, Sri Lanka, Britain, Brazil, Uruguay, Siberia, Africa

Amethyst has traditionally been used for protecting travellers against thieves. But it has other attributes that make it a crystal to take on your next journey.

With its soothing energy and calming influence, amethyst helps you find a balance between common sense and an easy-going attitude when travelling. This can reduce anxiety when making a decision, so you have a more pleasant and safe journey.

Besides soothing anxieties, amethyst’s protective nature promotes a peaceful journey whilst shielding you against negative energies.

Tip : Do you often feel anxious even when you’re not travelling? If so, take a look at the best healing crystals for anxiety by  clicking here .

Black Tourmaline

2. Black Tourmaline

Colour : Black Chakra : Root Origin : Brazil, Zimbabwe, Australia, USA, Africa, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

Black tourmaline is the master for protection when travelling.

Its grounding properties can protect against the negative energies of frustrated drivers and fellow travellers in airports. In fact, it’s one of the best all-round crystals for protection. You may also find it useful in other crowded environments, such as tourist attractions or train stations.

Aside from its energetic shielding, black tourmaline can promote a more positive and laid back approach when travelling. If you need a bear hug of reassurance, it’s a great crystal to choose.

Tip for Using Black Tourmaline: Carry or wear black tourmaline on the left-hand side of your body, as it’s believed energy enters your aura on the left.


3. Malachite (Stone of Transformation)

Colour : Green Chakra : Heart and Throat Origin : Romania, Zambia, Russia, Germany, Middle East, Australia

Malachite is the Guardian Stone for Travellers. It protects against accidents and is a must have for your collection when travelling.

This crystal’s immense power of transformation encourages you to take responsibilities for your actions. This allows the “ego” to take a back seat, making for a safer journey.

If you’re fearful when flying, suffer from vertigo or have a deep-seated dread of congested highways, Malachite’s protective nature will calm you and surround you with loving energy. These range of benefits make it one of the best stones for travel.

But be mindful: should it start to crumble it’s said that danger is imminent!


4. Moonstone (Stone of New Beginnings)

Colour : White, Cream, Yellow Milky Sheen Chakra : Crown Origin : Sri Lanka, India, Australia, USA

Moonstone is a lovely healing stone if you’re travelling, as it’s thought to bring luck and joy to your adventures. It’s also useful for soothing motion sickness and can ease feelings of being home sick when abroad or away for long periods.

With its links to the moon and reputation for being a traveller’s stone, moonstone is said to lighten pathways and protect you when travelling at night. It’s also an excellent stone for protecting against road rage, accidents over water and easing symptoms of jet lag.

Yellow Jasper

5. Yellow Jasper (Supreme Nurturer)

Colour : Yellow Chakra : Solar Plexus Origin : India, Russia, Australia, Venezuela, USA, Brazil, Uruguay, South Africa

Yellow jasper is a talisman for protection when travelling both physically or spiritually.

It stimulates and balances the solar plexus , which reduces the stress and anxieties that can sometimes occur when travelling. So, if you’re out of your comfort zone or have lost your sense of direction, yellow jasper can ground you and give a welcome boost to confidence levels.

Yellow jasper is also a sunny stone of happiness. Take it in your suitcase for protection and to enhance mental clarity and positive energy. It can also help ease motion sickness.

Tiger's Eye

6. Tiger’s Eye (Stone of the Mind)

Colour : Brown, Yellow, Red Chakra : Solar Plexus, Root Origin : Mexico, USA, South Africa, Australia, India, Brazil, Thailand

Tiger’s eye has a myriad of healing properties that make it a good crystal to choose when travelling.

Combining the earth and sun energy, this gemstone can keep you grounded whilst promoting enthusiasm for exploring new places.

It’s also a stone that promotes courage, releases fear, protects against negativity and provides an overall sense of mindfulness, which are all beneficial when travelling.

Smoky Quartz

7. Smoky Quartz (Stone of Cooperation)

Colour : Light to Dark Smokey Grey/Brown Chakra : Root Origin : Worldwide

Smoky quartz is a wonderful crystal for absorbing negative energy. It’ll help relieve tension and can protect you around erratic drivers or stressed travellers.

It’s also a peace token. So, if you’re feeling unsure of your surroundings or need more clarity, holding smoky quartz brings a calming sense of awareness.

As well as physical travel, smoky quartz can boost intuition during spiritual travel.

Tip for Using Smoky Quartz:  Smoky quartz with amethyst makes a powerful tool for travelling safely.


8. Aquamarine (Stone of Courage and Protection)

Colour : Pale Blue/Green Chakra : Throat Origin : Brazil, Madagascar, USA, Russia, Mexico, India, Afghanistan, Mozambique

Aquamarine’s lovely soothing energy makes it a talisman of good luck for sailors and those travelling on or over water.

Ancient folklore says Aquamarine was the treasure of mermaids. Coming from the Latin Aqua Marinus, meaning ‘water of the sea,’ and combined with it being a Stone of Courage and Protection, this is a wonderful gemstone to travel with.

Aquamarine can also bring a sense of joy to your travels, alleviate stress, calm over-wrought emotions and help avoid delays.

Tip : Want to learn more about using crystals to increase courage? Click here .

Rose Quartz

9. Rose Quartz (Stone of Unconditional Love)

Colour : Pink Chakra : Heart Origin : USA, Japan, India, Brazil, Madagascar, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico

Rose quartz is the crystal of love. So, can you imagine how self-love can enhance your experience when you travel?

By imbuing yourself with compassion and love, you’re tuning into the best version you can be. This amplifies positivity and enhances how you react to situations.

Travelling alone in unfamiliar places can be unnerving. But rose quartz’ loving properties can reduce home sickness, attract positive energies and maybe even protect against accidents.

BONUS CRYSTAL: Shungite (Stone of Life & Winner of Nobel Peace Prize 1996)


If you want a crystal for airports, this is the one!

Shungite, with its natural fullerene (carbon) content, can shield against electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones, laptops and security scanners in airports.

Tip for Using Shungite: Due to its powerful antioxidant properties and purifying ability, take a shungite elixir with you when travelling. You can also place shungite stickers on the backs of your phone, and shungite pyramids by computers and routers.

A man with a plane in the background

Other Tips for Using Crystals and Stones for Safe Travel

The energetic vibrations of the above crystals for travel can help protect you from erratic behaviours and negative energies. They can also bring calmness and clarity.

Here are a few ways to get the most from these crystals:

  • Wearing crystals in jewellery, such as rings, bracelets and necklaces, is an easy way to travel with them.
  • Place crystals in your luggage, handbag, purse or pocket to minimise negative influences on journeys.
  • Make a travel pouch with several different crystals. Place it in your bag or suitcase to benefit wherever you go.
  • If you’re staying in a hotel, lay a crystal grid around your bed or place your favourite crystals on the bedside table whilst you sleep.
  • Make a crystal cleansing spray before you travel so you can cleanse any stagnant energies in cars, hotel rooms, airplanes or train carriages.
  • Don’t worry about choosing smaller stones that take up less space. This won’t affect the crystal’s energetic properties.

Note: While crystals for travel can protect against negative energies, don’t rely on them for travel safety. Proper planning, researching your destination, and using common sense are vital.

Angel Grotto Angel Icon

Which Angels are Associated With Travel?

St Christopher is the Patron Saint of Travel. Some people like to protect themselves by carrying a St Christopher medal with them to invoke a blessing. However, you can also call upon the angels to protect you.

The ones I most associate with safe travel are:

  • Archangel Michael   (Archangel of Safe Travel)  – Archangel Michael releases fear and offers protection when travelling.
  • Archangel Raphael (Patron of Travelling)  – Archangel Raphael has a green aura and is linked to the healing crystal of malachite.

Modern transport has made travel more accessible, safe and enjoyable. But it’s also caused a culture of short-tempers, frustrating queues and negative energies.

These nine crystals, with their links to safe and enjoyable travel, ensure you stay grounded and protected from negative energy. They can also allow your common sense and intuition to guide you.

My favourite crystal for safe travel is malachite. It’s the Guardian Stone for Travellers and gives the sense of protection from accidents whilst empowering me to take responsibility for my actions. 

Mary Ancillette

About the Author: Mary Ancillette

Mary is a spiritual teacher, published author and crystal healing expert from the UK. With over 15 years of crystal healing experience, she’s passionate about helping others improve their lives by harnessing the power of crystals and spirituality.

4 thoughts on “9 Crystals for Safe Travel”

Good Morning,

Is it safe to pair malachite with these other crystals? Thank you, Maria

Yes, malachite is pretty versatile. It works well with copper-based crystals, other green crystals or earth element stones, but can be paired with any of these “Safe Travel” crystals. Don’t use it in elixirs though.

I found your site by accident (or maybe the crystals pointed me to you) I am travelling to Canada on my own so require protection. I asked the crystals that I already had but they did not seem happy – as I was in town I went to a crystal shop (used before) for a piece of Malachite, while there two more crystals made themselves known to me so I purchased them and brought them home. I now feel that I can travel more easily and be less nervous.

On my return I will be coming back to your page to read and digest more information

Hi Rachel, thank you for your comment and I’m glad this article was helpful to you. Have a great time!

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Functional and practical, modern and sporty –– the new Citizen Series8 880 GMT is the perfect companion for daily wear to spirited travel, and everything in between. Featuring a black and blue two-tone stainless steel case with a bi-directional bezel, the 41mm model highlights the best of Citizen's creative watchmaking and finishing techniques. Water resistant to 100m and able to withstand magnetic fields up to 16,000 A/m, the watch is powered by the high-performance Caliber 9054, with the mechanism allowing for local and travel time displays alongside an independently set hour hand. The automatic GMT movement is visible through a sapphire exhibition case back and is capable of maintaining an accuracy of +20 / -10 seconds per day with a frequency of 28,800 v/h and a power reserve of 50 hours. A tapered, integrated stainless steel H-link bracelet secures the watch to the wrist, with its two-tone design following the aesthetic of the case via the use of polished and brushed facets. Beneath a sapphire crystal, the watch's blue mother-of-pearl dial features applied indices and lume-filled hands, each working together to offer incredible legibility alongside a utility-driven 3 o'clock date window; a green-tipped hand assists in keeping track of multiple time zones. Limited to 1,000 unnumbered pieces worldwide.

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Product details, movement technology.

  • Powered by the release of a wound spring, mechanical movements never require a battery. Automatic mechanical movements have an oscillating weight that winds the spring with the motion of the wearer’s arm.

Case Width (mm)

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  • Stainless Steel

Case Material

  • Anti-Reflective Sapphire Crystal
  • Impact and shatter resistant - anti-reflective coating deflects light
  • Fold Over Clasp with Hidden Push Buttons


  • WR100/10Bar/333ft [Swimming, Showering & Snorkeling]

Additional Functions

  • Date at 3 o'clock
  • 50 Hour Power Reserve

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Udmurtia history & culture, Kalashnikov & Chaikovsky 2-day tour to Udmurtia covering its capital Izhevsk and second city Votkinsk Udmurtia The history of Udmurtia starts in ancient times, when the Udmurt people lived in the current Kirov and Tatarstan areas. Ethnic conflicts with other local people (among which the Tatars) as well ,as violent christianisation drove the Udmurts to the north-east, further away of the banks of the Volga river. They settled down in an uninhabited area around the Izh River, which later became the Republic of Udmurtia. The first Russians came to Udmurtia in the 12th century, but it was not until 1552 - when the Russians overthrew the Tatar leadership of neighbouring Tatarstan - that Russian presence in Udmurtia became obvious with foundation of towns. Izhevsk Izhevsk, the city that became capital of Udmurtia in 1921, was founded in 1760 on the banks of the Izh river/pond ,as a settlement for the workmen of a local iron plant producing ship anchors. In the early 1800's, arms and tool factories were built. It was mainly the arms (and arms mechanics) industry that hugely developed over a relatively short period of time.Until now it supplied 12,5 million (!) arms to the army. It is the very same industry that Izhevsk became famous for - especially when Kalashnikov, a local mechanics engineer, had his huge successes in gun engineering. Kalashnikov became a Soviet hero when his AK-47 won many (international) prizes and eventually became the world's most popular automatic machine gun. Modern Izhevsk has 800.000 inhabitants, of which one third are Udmurts. In spite of its importance, Izhevsk has poor transport connections,it is not located at the Trans Siberian Railroad - but it can be easily accessed by road from Perm... Program Day 1 Transfer (5 hours) from Perm to Izhevsk in the morning. Small tour through the centre, seeing the Udmurt presidential residence, the Great Patriotic War memorial with its eternal flame and the central orthodox church. Visit to the Kalashnikov Museum, a large and very modern museum, which boasts a complete range of Kalashnikov models. The world famous AK-47 is, of course, among the collection. Lunch on arrival. Visit to the"National centre of decorative and applied art of Udmurtia". The centre functions as a museum, but additionally offers several workshops where one can see how art is applied, including patterned weaving, patterned needlework, decorative wood working, decorative painting, etc. The centre has a large souvenir shop - the only of its kind where traditional Udmurt applied art (its own work) can be purchased. The building in which the museum is located was built in 1810 and now is an architectural monument. Transfer to architectural and ethnographic museum “Ludervai” ( 20 km). Excursion in the museum with demonstration of udmurt folklore ceremonies and traditions. Transfer back to Izhevsk. Dinner in museum-inn "Podkova". Podkova is a strikingly original combination of a restaurant and ethnographic museum, of which the excellent menu offers some traditional Udmurt dishes. Transfer to hotel, overnight stay in hotel in centre of Izhevsk. Day 2 Breakfast. The Udmurt language (Finno-Ugric) originally had no written form. Instead, decorative art (always rich in colour and variety of typical patterns) was commonly practised to replace the need of cultural expression. It is this very skill that the Udmurts remain famous for in present times. Transfer to Votkinsk, the town where famous composer Chaikovsky was born and spend 8,5 years of his life. Just before arrival in Votkinsk, a short visit to the museum of Galina Kulakova - Udmurtia's most famous sport legend (cross country skiing) - is planned. She won silver and bronze on the winter olympics in Grenoble in 1968, three times gold in Sapporo (1972), gold and bronze in Innsbruck (1976) and silver in Lake Placid (1980). Lunch on arrival in Votkinsk. Visit to the impressive former house of Chaikovsky: the Chaikovsky Museum. Excursion 2 hours. Transfer to Chaikovsky (town on the way to Perm, south of Perm region). Visit to ethnographic museum “Saigatka”. Transfer to Perm, arrival in the evening. Optional program. Dinner. Overnight stay at the museum-house of artists Svedomsky. Day 3 Breakfast. Transfer to Perm. On the way stop in the town of Osa, visit to museum of local lore with unique diorama of historic events, that took place in the 17 th century. Lunch. Arrival to Perm in the evening.   Persons 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-12 12-16 16+ 2-day tour to Udmurtia 942 786 577 504 455 421 394 375 req. Optional 3-day tour 1188 898 752 665 608 567 535 521 req. Prices p.p. in euro (€), subject to change Back to Cultural tours page
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The Republic of Udmurtia, the industrial shield of Russia

M.Kalashnikov, the famous small-arms designer

M.Kalashnikov, the famous small-arms designer

Udmurtia, a land of thousand silver springs and woods - is ideally located in the picturesque parts between the Kama and the Viatka rivers, in the heart of Russia. The republic's capital, the city of Izhevsk, was founded on April 10, 1760 by count Peter Shuvalov. The Republic is the birthplace of the world-wide known Russian composer Peter Tchaikovsky who was born and spent most of his childhood in the city of Votkinsk; the legendary small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov lives and works in Izhevsk. The Udmurt Republic is one of the most dynamically developing regions in the Russian Federation. Its economy is highly diversified, Udmurtia possesses a huge industrial potential and highly qualified workforce, well-developed agro- and construction industries, abundant natural resources, and dynamically developing financial, science and technologic systems. In 2007, foreign trade turnover of the Republic amounted to $ 1.052 bn. In Russia and far beyond, people know the products of Izhevsk's radio factory and mechanical works. OAO Izhstal, the oldest factory in the Republic of Udmurtia and one of Russia's leading steelmakers, retains a strong position in the market of stainless steel products and special steel grades, with its products having the world's highest quality standards. As part of the international project for construction of a pilot nuclear fusion reactor (ITER), the Chepetsky Mechanical Plant is preparing for production of superconducting materials based on NbTi alloy and Nb3Sn compound. Eventually, it will implement a complete superconductor production cycle, from input materials to ready wires with specific technical characteristics. Today, Udmurtia has more than 300 factories and plants, most of which are equipped with modern machinery and employ highly skilled workers. It also has a significant science and technology potential for the development of the nanoindustry. Business incubators were launched in Izhevsk and Glazov to offer good conditions for the implementation of innovation business plans. Udmurtia holds a leading position in the Russian market for several kinds of consumer goods. The Republic manufactures 80 % of Russian sporting and hunting guns and 67 % of Russian motorcycles and accounts for a major share in the country's total output of radio and medical equipment. More than a quarter of Udmurtia's products are exported to 96 countries around the world. Medium-size and big business development has benefited from growth in the machine building sector and oil and gas industries and from the availability of an extensive communications infrastructure, highways, railways and airports, a solid banking system, and social stability. There is also a highly developed small business sector. According to statistics, about 15,500 business enterprises were registered in Udmurtia in 2008. For several decades, Udmurtia was closed to foreigners. In recent years, Udmurtia has substantially improved its investment appeal. Due to Udmurtia's well-developed market infrastructure, strong technology market and extensive research and development potential, the republic has a good investment climate and business opportunities for foreign investors. In order to provide informational support to investors, a State Register of investment projects in the Udmurt Republic is maintained, an interactive Internet site providing information on investments has been established. For long, international and Russian companies have been investing in automobile manufacturing and the oil and defense industries. A new investment horizon is now emerging with the rapid advance of Udmurtia's IT market. At the end of September, Moody's Investor Service assigned to the Republic of Udmurtia a Ba1 foreign and domestic currency debt rating, assessing its outlook as stable. According to Alexander Proklov, Moody's senior analyst, these ratings are underpinned by a record of many years of budgetary discipline.

Related links : The government of Udmurtia

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