Georgian Flag

Last verified: Thursday, 4. July 2024 at 08:20 AM

Georgia Travel Advisory

  • Western Asia
  • Georgia Travel Advice

We advise caution when travelling to Georgia

Local situation: 3.0 / 5.

We advise caution when travelling to Georgia. We detected travel advisories from 4 sources for this specific country.

Regional Situation: 3.5 / 5

Georgia shares a land border with 4 neighbouring states. For this region of countries (including Georgia), the Advisory Index is 3.5 (average value over all countries). All countries have some reported advisories: Russia (4.4), Turkey (3.5), Armenia with 3.3 and Azerbaijan with 3.3 (of 5).

Current informationen on Covid-19 in Georgia

There are currently no officially reported cases of infections with SARS-CoV-2 (or Coronavirus) in Georgia. As reported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control this morning (~8:30am CET).

There are currently no officially reported deaths related to this disease in Georgia.


Advice scoring history for Georgia

Chart of the risk level over that last 200 days. This is the daily calculated travel risk for Georgia.

Chart of the number of sources over that last 200 days. This is the daily number of advisory sources (of any rating) that have been active on that day.

Note: Changes happening on the 28th/29th of July 2019 are related to a change in the software and number of sources processed.

Rating Details (single travel warnings)

These are the individual advisories published by other countries about the destination Georgia from a travellers perspective. The scoring of all messages combined is the foundation for the current rating 3.0 out of 5.0 .

Warning Level Icon

This is the general advisory usually covering the country as a whole.

Advisory issued by: Canada

Flag of Canada


Warning Level Icon

Advisory issued by: New Zealand

Flag of New Zealand

Exercise increased caution elsewhere in Georgia (level 2 of 4).


georgia travel advisory nz

This is a regional information covering specific areas of Georgia.

Issued by: New Zealand government

Info: If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

georgia travel advisory nz

Info: Do not travel to the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and the areas near the administrative boundary lines. The threat of terrorism, crime and unexploded mines and ordnance makes travel to these areas extremely dangerous (level 4 of 4).  Previous incidents of terrorism have included improvised explosive devices and other acts of violence in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. There is also a danger from unexploded landmines in Abkhazia and South Ossetia and mined areas may be unmarked. New Zealanders are advised not to stray off well-used roads and paths in those areas. As these regions are not under the control of Georgian authorities, the New Zealand Government has a severely limited ability to provide assistance to New Zealand citizens.

Warning Level Icon

Advisory issued by: United States

Flag of United States

Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information. Exercise normal precautions in Georgia. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.  Do Not Travel To: The Russian-occupied Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia due to risk of crime, civil unrest, and landmines. Read the country information page for ...


Advisory issued by: Finland

Flag of Finland

Iaktta normal försiktighet - Georgien är ett relativt tryggt resmål. Undvik onödiga resor till Abchazien och Sydossetien. Resor till dessa områden är endast möjliga med särskilt tillstånd av inrikesministeriet i Georgien.


Individual rating changes for Georgia

This is the recent history of individual changes of travel advices that affected the total asessment of Georgia. Most recent events first.

Changes from August 7th 2020

The total rating for Georgia changed from 3.0 to 3.6 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of United States

The United States government increased their existing warning for Georgia to 4.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 1.0 (by +3.0).

Changes from March 22nd 2020

The total rating for Georgia changed from 3.0 to 3.0 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Canada

The Canadian government issued a new warning for Georgia with a rating of 3.0.

Changes from March 18th 2020

The total rating for Georgia changed from 2.0 to 3.0 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Australia

The Australian government increased their existing warning for Georgia to 5.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 4.0 (by +1.0).

Flag of Ireland

The Irish government increased their existing warning for Georgia to 4.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 1.0 (by +3.0).

Changes from March 15th 2020

The total rating for Georgia changed from 1.3 to 2.0 . Here are the influencing details:

The Australian government issued a new warning for Georgia with a rating of 4.0.

Changes from September 25th 2019

The total rating for Georgia changed from 0.0 to 0.0 . Here are the influencing details:

The United States government issued a new warning for Georgia with a rating of 1.0.

The Irish government issued a new warning for Georgia with a rating of 1.0.

Flag of Finland

The Finnish government issued a new warning for Georgia with a rating of 2.0.

About Georgia

Georgia with its capital Tbilisi is a country in Asia (Western Asia), slightly smaller than South Carolina (69,700 km²). The country is located Southwestern Asia, bordering the Black Sea, between Turkey and Russia, with a sliver of land north of the Caucasus extending into Europe. The climate can be described as warm and pleasant; Mediterranean-like on Black Sea coast. The landscape is largely mountainous with Great Caucasus Mountains in the north and Lesser Caucasus Mountains in the south; Kolkhet'is Dablobi (Kolkhida Lowland) opens to the Black Sea in the west; Mtkvari River Basin in the east; good soils in river valley flood plains, foothills of Kolkhida Lowland. With a population of about 4.63 million citizens.

Georgian flag

Flag of Georgia

Introduction Video

Basic Statistics and Facts

Environmental problems and natural hazzards.

These are problems Georgia is facing. Environmental issues refer to damages of the nature due to industry and society. Natural hazzards refer to potential dangers originating in nature.

Environmental problems

  • air pollution
  • heavy pollution of Mtkvari River and the Black Sea
  • inadequate supplies of potable water
  • particularly in Rust'avi
  • soil pollution from toxic chemicals

Natural hazzards

  • earthquakes

Top Industries and Agricultural Products

These are the main product industries and agricultural products of Georgia. This list indicates what this country is good at producing.

  • electrical appliances
  • machine tools
  • wood products

Agriculture products

Georgian Imports and Exports

These are the main product categories of imports and exports to and from Georgia.

Export products

  • copper ores
  • ferro-alloys
  • fertilizers
  • scrap metal

Import products

  • other foods
  • pharmaceuticals

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current travel advisory for georgia.

Georgia is currently rated at 3,0 out of a possible 5.0. Collected from 4 official sources. We advise caution when travelling to Georgia.

Is it safe to travel Georgia in 2024?

Visiting the country Georgia is usually fine. The score is at 3,0 Just keep an eye open, obey local rules and you'll most likely be fine.

How many travel advisories do you know for Georgia?

We currently evaluate 11 official sources each morning. Today, we know of active advisories from 4 individual sources for Georgia.

What is the current Corona virus situation in Georgia?

There are currently no officially reported cases of infections with SARS-CoV-2 (or Coronavirus) in Georgia. As reported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control this morning (~8:30am CET). There are currently no officially reported deaths related to this disease in Georgia.

What is the size of Georgia?

Georgia has a size of 69,700 km² or 26,911 mi² which is slightly smaller than South Carolina.

Common Frequently Asked Questions

For non-country specific questions, please check our global F.A.Q.

Travel safety map for Georgia and bordering countries.

Risk level icon

If you want to embed Georgia travel warning information into your website or application, check out these tools.

  • Is Georgia safe to travel?
  • What's the safety situation in Georgia?
  • Are there security warnings for Georgia?

Grenada Flag

2020-03-10: Integrated data from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (COVID-19/ SARS-CoV-2/ Coronavirus).

2019-09-01: Added timeline charts for risk level and number of advisories.

2019-07-29: Added two more sources (Finland and Denmark). Affects country ratings.

2019-07-15: South-Sudan was missing and was added today.

2019-05-18: Performance improvements for API users.

2019-03-23: Introduced professional API with more data.

2019-02-13: Added three more sources (Cyprus, Ireland and Malta). Affects country ratings.

Before you travel

Avoid surprises — before you go, find and check your passport, pay your fines and check if there are any special travel requirements for the countries you’re visiting.

Documents you’ll need to leave NZ

You’ll need a passport. If your passport is damaged or close to expiring, you might not be allowed to enter some countries.

Check your passport is valid

The name in your passport must match your tickets and your officially registered name.

Before you travel, check if the country you’re visiting has special rules.

Check visa and entry requirements for your destination

Travel advisories

Travel advisories from the NZ government cover security and safety concerns in 137 places around the world.

The SafeTravel website has tips to help you stay safe overseas, what to do if things go wrong, and how the New Zealand government can or cannot help.

Register with SafeTravel

SafeTravel is the official registration facility for New Zealanders travelling or living overseas.

If you’re registered, SafeTravel can:

  • contact you if there is a major incident overseas
  • send you updates about emergencies, natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

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You should get comprehensive travel insurance before heading away. You need to make sure it covers everywhere you’re going, and everything you plan to do.

If you do not have travel insurance, you’ll have to pay any overseas medical costs yourself, including the cost of returning to New Zealand.

Unpaid fines

If you have unpaid fines and try to leave or come into New Zealand, the police can stop you at the airport. You will be allowed to pay by credit card over the phone with a registrar.

If you’re travelling in the next 48 hours and you have fines or reparation you have not paid, call 0800 729 677 to pay with your credit card.

If you get a benefit

You must let Work and Income know your travel plans and your reasons for travel before you leave New Zealand. Partners travelling must also let them know. If you do not, your benefit might stop the day after you leave.

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You need to tell Seniors Services that you’re going overseas before you leave NZ.

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If you have a student loan

If you do not meet your repayment obligations, you could be arrested when you return to NZ. Make sure you keep up your student loan payments while you’re overseas or you could be charged interest and penalties.

Going overseas when you have a student loan

If you pay tax

You might need to file a tax return (IR3) that covers the period up to the date you leave NZ. You may also need to file a tax return at a later time showing details of any income you’ve earned overseas or from an NZ source.

Find out if you should file a tax return

If you have tax debt, contact Inland Revenue to discuss the options for paying your debt. The Australian Tax Office can help recover tax debt owed by New Zealanders who move to Australia.

What to do if you have a tax debt

If you pay child support

You must contact IR.

Child support payments

Who to contact for more help

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Last updated 15 October 2021

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Date printed 04 July 2024

Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

Is Georgia Safe to Visit?

Tbilisi Old Town with traditional homes, several churches, and city walls set into the hills

In recent years, there have been a handful of countries that have emerged as exciting up-and-coming travel destinations. These are destinations that are affordable, interesting, unique, and most importantly, free from the hordes of tourists that have clogged the cultural arteries of cities like Barcelona , Amsterdam , and Venice .

One of those countries is Georgia .

Formerly part of the Soviet Union, Georgia has become a popular destination in the region for both backpackers and digital nomads alike. Tourist numbers are climbing fast, with over nine million foreigners visiting Georgia in 2019 before the pandemic. While the majority of them come from neighboring countries, it’s also a destination that is quickly becoming popular with western tourists, too.

Tbilisi , the country’s capital, sees the most visitors — and for good reason. It’s a stunning city with a picturesque Old Town that has been colorfully restored in recent years. There is also lots to see and do in and around the city, like exploring the Narikala fort ruins, seeing the Jvari Monastery on the nearby mountaintop, and visiting the many beautiful cathedrals and churches that dot the city.

Outside of Tbilisi, travelers can explore the mountains and caves of Georgia’s picturesque landscapes, and if you like wine, you’ll be happy to learn that Georgia is actually one of the oldest wine regions in the world!

Best of all, Georgia is super cheap (a huge plus in my book)!

But is Georgia safe?

While there was some danger a decade back during the Russo-Georgian War, Georgia is now a safe country to visit. Even the US Department of State rates Georgia at 1: exercise normal precautions, on their travel advisory scale . (For reference, even Western European countries that most Americans normally consider safe, like Spain and France, rank higher at 2: exercise increased caution.)

But because many people don’t know much about Georgia, I still get some messages from people asking about the safety concerns there.

So, what do you need to think about before you go to Georgia? Are there any places you shouldn’t go? In this post, I’ll share everything you need to know to have fun and stay safe in Georgia!

Table of Contents

8 Safety Tips for Georgia

Is georgia dangerous to visit, is tbilisi a safe city, is the tap water safe in georgia, are the taxis safe in georgia, is georgia safe for solo female travelers.

1. Avoid South Ossetia and Abkhazia – The regions of South Ossetia (on the Russian border, north of Tbilisi) and Abkhazia (bordering Russia and the Black Sea in the far west of Georgia) are not safe to visit. These are Russian-occupied regions of Georgia that have experienced high conflict in recent years.

There are still car bombs and other terrorist attacks reported periodically in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and there are unexploded landmines too. Even US government officials are prohibited from traveling here .

Just don’t visit the areas, and you’ll be fine. Also, don’t try to travel through them into Georgia from Russia, as doing so is illegal.

2. Stay alert – Like in any country where the locals see the tourists as being wealthier, petty theft can happen. It’s a lower risk than in many countries but it’s still important to take precautions. Don’t wear flashy jewelry or watches or flaunt large amounts of cash. Keep an eye on your bags at all times too.

The most common incidents occur in busy tourist areas or on crowded public transportation. If you can keep your guard up in these places, you’ll be fine.

3. Beware of the bar scam – There have been reports of tourists in Tbilisi being scammed by locals who invite them into a bar for food and drinks and then force them to pay a really high bill. It’s not super common but it’s something to be aware of.

For other travel scams, check out this article on the topic for more info.

4. Be wary of demonstrations or protests – It’s quite common for political demonstrations to take place in Tbilisi and sometimes other parts of Georgia, though they most commonly happen outside the parliament on Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi. While the most likely problem is just an interruption to public transport you should always be aware that protests can turn violent and it’s probably safer to stay away.

5. Be careful when driving – Unfortunately, the road conditions in much of Georgia aren’t great. When combined with reckless driving from the locals, traffic accidents are common. Sometimes road markings are lacking and there is often confusion about which driver has the right of way.

When in a car, always wear a seatbelt. Additionally, avoid driving after dark. The lack of good lighting makes it even more dangerous.

If you drive here, use caution and be sure that your travel insurance covers rental cars. Use Discover Cars to find the best rental car deals.

6. Learn a few words or have a translation app ready – Georgians are usually really friendly, but not many of them speak English. If something goes wrong they are always happy to help you out, but you might need a few words of the local language or a good translation app to help you explain what you need.

The Georgian language is pretty special; it’s one of the oldest in the world and it has a unique script. If you can learn a few words before you go. There are lots of free resources online and you can download Google Translate just in case you need to translate on the go.

7. Be cautious in the mountains – Georgia’s beautiful alps make it a popular destination for skiing and mountaineering. But at the moment, it’s still hard to get up-to-date, accurate information about the weather conditions there, so you need to be cautious. If in doubt, skip the adventure for the day.

Also, although they’re improving, the safety standards for adventure sports in the mountains in Georgia are still lower than you might expect. If you’re having doubts about an activity, try using a specialist guide and check reviews for safety levels before you go.

8. Buy travel insurance – I never leave home without travel insurance . While most trips are uneventful, it’s important to be prepared just in case. Travel insurance can save you hundreds and thousands of dollars and provide critical assistance in an emergency. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry!

I recommend SafetyWing for travelers under 70, while Insure My Trip is the best choice for travelers over 70.

You can use this widget to get a quote for SafetyWing:

For more information on travel insurance, check out these posts:

  • What Does Travel Insurance ACTUALLY Cover?
  • The Best Travel Insurance Companies
  • How to Buy the Best Travel Insurance

Most parts of Georgia are extremely safe to visit. However, you should definitely avoid the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions on the border with Russia. You should also be aware that the Pankisi Gorge area (north-east of Tbilisi) has been known for terrorist training and activity in the past, although recent reports seem to suggest that it is currently safe to visit.  

The Georgian capital, Tbilisi, is generally a very safe place to visit. Be aware that the drivers can be a little erratic so you need to have your wits about you as a pedestrian. There are also some reports of petty crime against tourists like pickpocketing in the main tourist areas, so keep an eye on your belongings, but the risk is lower than in many other European cities.  

While it can be reasonably safe to drink the tap water in some parts of Georgia where it comes from freshwater sources in the mountains, there have been incidents of travelers picking up giardia during their travels. Unfortunately, this means it’s best to avoid the tap water while you’re here.

The best way to make sure your drinking water is safe is to bring a LifeStraw for your reusable water bottle. This way you’ll be able to purify the tap water so you don’t get sick and avoid using single-use plastic bottles in the process.  

Taxis are a common way to get around in Georgia and are usually quite safe. Just make sure you wear your seatbelt as drivers here can be aggressive and the rules of the road are interpreted more as suggestions than law.

Be aware that taxis here don’t have meters, so you’ll need to agree on a price in advance. Ask your hostel or hotel staff for advice about how much you should expect to pay before you catch a ride. That way, you can avoid getting overcharged (one of the most common travel scams to watch out for in Georgia). Alternatively, you can use Bolt, the local ride-hailing equivalent of Uber (which doesn’t work here).

If you’re a solo female traveler, I’d avoid taking taxis alone at night (but that’s my advice for pretty much every city).  

Given how safe Georgia is in general, it’s probably no surprise to hear that yes, Georgia is safe for solo female travelers. The usual rules apply, though: don’t walk alone at night, beware of strangers offering your drinks or food (especially in bars in Tbilisi), and never leave your drink unattended. While it’s rare, there have been incidents of drink spiking in Georgia.

In short, as long as you use the common-sense practices you use at home you should have no problems here.

Here are helpful posts on safety written by our solo female travel experts:

  • How to Stay Safe as a Solo Female Traveler
  • 8 Myths About Solo Female Travel Debunked
  • 10 Common Questions About Solo Female Travel
  • Women Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Travel Alone

So, should you visit Georgia? Yes! It might be a relatively unknown destination to travelers but that doesn’t mean it’s dangerous. Be aware of lower driving and road standards and take the usual precautions with your belongings — especially when you’re in a more crowded tourist area.

Do that, and you’ll have a fun and safe trip to this amazing and underrated country!

Book Your Trip to Georgia: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned!

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. My favorite places to stay are:

  • Fabrika (Tbilisi)
  • Bao Hostel (Kutaisi)

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • Safety Wing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want More Information on Georgia? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Georgia for even more planning tips!

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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A lone stone church on a small hill in Georgia with towering snow-capped mountains looming in the background


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Safe travel logo.

SafeTravel is the official source of travel advice for New Zealanders, with advisories for specific destinations. Checking SafeTravel helps you avoid travel blackspots.

On SafeTravel you can also register your details and travel plans. If a crisis occurs overseas, MFAT will contact New Zealanders who have enrolled to check on their safety and well-being.

We also recommend you take out travel insurance. If you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel.

While you are overseas, make sure you respect cultural norms and obey local laws.

SafeTravel (external link)  is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website designed for New Zealanders who are travelling or living overseas. You will find:

  • traveller’s checklist (external link)  to help you plan your journey
  • news features (external link)
  • travel advisories (external link)   for specific destinations, with up-to-date information on security risks
  • registration facility (external link)   where you can log your travel plans in case you need to be contacted in an emergency
  • when things go wrong (external link)  — information that may assist you.

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  • Switzerland (external link)
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Travel advice and advisories by destination

COVID-19: travel health notice for all travellers

The Government of Canada’s official source of travel information and advice, the Travel Advice and Advisories help you to make informed decisions and travel safely while you are outside Canada. Check the page for your destination often, because safety and security conditions may change. See Travel Advice and Advisories – FAQ for more information.

Where are you going?

Take normal security precautions

Exercise a high degree of caution

Avoid non-essential travel

Avoid all travel

Travel advice from other countries

Travel advice is also provided by the governments of Australia , New Zealand , the United Kingdom and the United States .

Risk Levels

  take normal security precautions.

Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.

  Exercise a high degree of caution

There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

IMPORTANT: The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.

  Avoid non-essential travel

Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving.

  Avoid all travel

You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.

Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution.

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New Zealand Travel Advisory

Travel advisory september 8, 2023, new zealand - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

Reissued with removal of major event information.          

Exercise normal precautions in New Zealand.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to New Zealand.

If you decide to travel to New Zealand:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.   
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .   
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for New Zealand.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .  

Travel Advisory Levels

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12 things to know before traveling to Georgia

Tom Masters

Jun 26, 2024 • 5 min read

georgia travel advisory nz

Plan your trip to Georgia with these tips © Yumi mini / iStock / Getty Images Plus

With its beautiful but rugged mountain ranges, rich culture and Soviet past, Georgia once had a reputation as a challenging travel destination loved by intrepid backpackers. Luckily, it could hardly be easier to visit Georgia these days, and it’s no coincidence that much of the country’s economy is now based on tourism. 

I’ve been visiting Georgia for more than 20 years, and I’ve seen the country transform almost beyond recognition in many respects, while also remaining reassuringly familiar in others. Few countries can boast the charms that win Georgia so many converts among first-time visitors , and it’s rare not to hear people raving about the country after finally getting to visit. Here are a few of the tips I frequently find myself sharing with those about to discover the delights of the country locals call Saqartvelo.

An old city with a church perched on a hill and spreading out downwards towards more modern structures near the river

1. Give yourself plenty of time to explore 

Georgia appears small on a map, leading some first-time visitors to assume it can be seen in just a few days. But due to a combination of mountainous terrain and infrastructural shortcomings, that’s not the case — travel times between regions are significant. Budget at least three full days to explore the capital,  Tbilisi , while I’d recommend spending at least a full week in the country to explore some of the best places to visit in Georgia . Internal flights to the mountains allow you to save a day’s driving in each direction if you are very pressed for time.

2. Pack clothes for all climates

The summer can be stiflingly hot in the lowlands, but as soon as you reach any altitude, let alone the High Caucasus themselves, the temperature plummets and you’ll need a fleece and jacket, even in July. Georgia is generally very relaxed about how people dress, with the only exception being in churches, where skin is best not exposed and where women are expected to cover their heads or don (church-provided) wrap skirts to cover up their pants.

3. Be prepared for some rough roads if you’re driving

Any experienced driver who has driven abroad before should feel fine taking the wheel here. Georgia’s roads have improved immeasurably in the past 20 years, and the vast majority are now sealed, though they remain predominantly single-lane, frequently studded with potholes, and lacking in markings or lighting at night. Nowadays it’s only the famously daunting road to Tusheti that should only be attempted by confident drivers in 4WD vehicles. 

4. Locals give far better advice than apps about driving routes

You may be used to having your apps decide what route you take between two given points at home, but Georgia is not somewhere to entrust your journey to a tech giant. While apps are often very helpful, you should always ask locals before setting out on a long car journey, as what your app might not be able to tell you is how good the road it recommends is or even how surfaced it is. Often in the South Caucasus, it pays to take the more circuitous route!

Two hikers follow a path towards a moutain peak passing a small settlement

5. Keep an eye out for sheepdogs in the mountains

Sheepdogs in the Caucasus are bred to be fierce and can potentially be dangerous, so give them a wide berth when hiking in the mountains and carry a stick if possible. For this reason, when walking in the mountains, do also avoid walking too closely to herds of livestock – even if you can’t see a sheepdog, one may suddenly appear from nowhere, which might be an unpleasant surprise.

6. Be aware of political sensitivities

While speaking Russian can be very useful with older people who are unlikely to speak English, do bear in mind that to many younger people, it’s considered a colonial relic imposed on the country by an empire that continues to occupy around 20% of Georgia’s sovereign territory. The breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia (to which many governments advise against all travel ) are both emotive issues for Georgians, so broach them delicately if you want to ask locals for their views on the subject.  

7. Take it easy on the chacha

Georgia’s far stronger version of grappa, chacha is the national drink and you’ll almost certainly run into it during your visit. While commercially produced varieties are around 40% proof, homebrews can be twice as strong, so do genuinely proceed with caution when you inevitably find yourself handed a glass. 

8. Don’t toast with beer 

Georgians only toast their enemies with beer, so make sure you have a glass of wine or chacha to hand if you’re lucky enough to attend a traditional Georgian feast, or supra  (dinner party). Toasts, which are elaborate and usually led by a specially selected toast giver (tamada) , have their own myriad rules, but it’s easy enough to follow along and just drink when everybody else does.

The top of a turreted castle on the edge of a green lake

9. Rural areas can be very conservative 

Spend a weekend in Tbilisi and you might come away with a rather unrepresentative sense of just how progressive Georgians are. A trip to a remote area, particularly the mountains, will soon even things out. While the people are delightful and welcoming, there’s no denying that the patriarchy still looms large in rural areas and attitudes that some may consider old-fashioned remain common. If you’re not married and don’t have kids, be prepared to field some fairly direct questions about why on earth you don’t.

10. Drink bottled water in the lowlands

The water in the mountains is generally of excellent quality and perfectly safe to drink, but it’s always safest to drink the bottled variety, which is plentiful and very cheap, in the lowlands, particularly in bigger cities. On the plus side, this does at least give you plenty of chances to try Georgia’s much-loved and unique mineral water Borjomi. 

11. Use Tbilisi’s underpasses to cross busy roads 

The Georgian capital is not a great place for crossing the road, particularly along Rustaveli, Tbilisi’s busy main avenue. Luckily, dozens of underpasses allow you to cross the road safely — it’s wise to use them, as one look at the febrile traffic situation is likely to confirm.

12. In big cities, a small tip will be appreciated 

Hot on the heels of international tourism, tipping has now well and truly arrived in Georgia, though it’s still limited to Tbilisi, Batumi and Kutaisi for the most part. In general, leaving a 10% cash tip when you’ve had good service is appropriate in mid-range and top-end restaurants, but not always expected. Do be aware that tips left on credit cards are unlikely to make their way into the hands of your server, though.

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Current travel advisories for Georgia

Hinweis: der Gesamtscore für dieses Land gibt aktuell einen falschen Wert aus. Bitte prüft die Quellen. Note: the total score for this country shows a wrong value. Please check the sources.

Last Update: Thursday, 04. July 2024 at 08:20

  • World Overview
  • Western Asia

We advice caution when travelling to Georgia.

Current situation : 3 / 5, bordering countries: 3.6 / 5.

Georgia shares land borders with 4 neighbouring states. For this country, the Danger Index is 3.6 (average value for all countries). All countries habe been reported as somehow dangerous: Russia (4.4), Turkey (3.5), Armenia with (3.3) and Azerbaijan with (3.3 of 5). See danger map of the region.

Current informationen on Covid-19

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control currently reports of no cases of COVID-19 (infection with SARS-CoV-2 or Coronavirus).


Single advisories / travel warnings

Canadian government.


National warning: This advisory covers the whole country.

Brief summary: Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories)

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Danger level: 0

Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories).

New Zealand government


Brief summary: Exercise increased caution elsewhere in Georgia (level 2 of 4).

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Danger level: 2

Exercise increased caution / Some Risk.

Regional warning: This advisory covers a specific region.

Brief summary: If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.

Reisewarnstufe: 0

Brief summary: Do not travel to the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and the areas near the administrative boundary lines. The threat of terrorism, crime and unexploded mines and ordnance makes travel to these areas extremely dangerous (level 4 of 4).  Previous incidents of terrorism have included improvised explosive devices and other acts of violence in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. There is also a danger from unexploded landmines in Abkhazia and South Ossetia and mined areas may be unmarked. New Zealanders are advised not to stray off well-used roads and paths in those areas. As these regions are not under the control of Georgian authorities, the New Zealand Government has a severely limited ability to provide assistance to New Zealand citizens.

georgia travel advisory nz

Reisewarnstufe: 5

Do not travel / Extreme Risk.

US American government


Brief summary: Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information. Exercise normal precautions in Georgia. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.  Do Not Travel To: The Russian-occupied Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia due to risk of crime, civil unrest, and landmines. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Georgia.

georgia travel advisory nz

Danger level: 1

Finnish government.


Brief summary: Iaktta normal försiktighet - Georgien är ett relativt tryggt resmål. Undvik onödiga resor till Abchazien och Sydossetien. Resor till dessa områden är endast möjliga med särskilt tillstånd av inrikesministeriet i Georgien.

Travel is usually safe. .

If there is more than one advisory/message of a single government for a given country, it indicates regional differences in means of security for your personal health and well-being. Single messages can indicate specific regions to be safer or less safe as mentioned in the main advisory. In these cases it's advisable to consult your own governments information. Additional Disclaimer: Since the evaluation is an automated process, it can only provide first steps for your own research. Please make sure to consult the sources.

Warnindex Description


Country information

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Frequently asked questions

This section gives some brief answers to common questions regarding travel safety in Georgia.

Is Georgia safe to travel in 2020?

We see a slighty raised risk with traveling to Georgia. The risk index is at 3 (out of 5). We recommend you check the single sources.

How many countries have issued advisories for Georgia?

We currently know of 4 countries having issued advisories for Georgia.

What countries does Georgia share land borders with?

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  • Global Health

Mosquito-borne illnesses pose threat to Georgians at home and while traveling abroad

July 2, 2024 4:05 PM

  • Ellen Eldridge

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Primary content.

LISTEN: While Georgia is home to mosquitoes that carry the West Nile and encephalitis viruses, local health officials are warning of mosquito-borne diseases acquired abroad. GPB’s Ellen Eldridge has more.

A man prepares to spray for mosquitoes

A public health worker adjusts his mask as he prepares to fumigate a public school as part of a campaign against dengue-promoting mosquitoes, in the Sao Sebastiao neighborhood of Brasilia, Brazil, Saturday, March 9, 2024. Credit: (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)

While dengue, the most common mosquito-borne infection, is acquired abroad and doesn’t spread in Georgia, cases globally are the highest they've ever been, according to a health alert from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

Symptoms aren't always present but can include high fever, head and body aches, nausea and a rash.

The disease is rarely fatal and only occasionally requires hospital care. Symptoms usually abate within a week or two.

Dr. Cherie Drenzek, an epidemiologist with the Georgia Department of Public Health, said the riskiest travel is to the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, which declared a public health emergency after recording 1,498 cases this year.

"So, because a lot of people travel to these areas, it's important to try to think about mosquito bite prevention while traveling as well as here at home in Georgia while you're outside," she said.

Dengue cases resurged globally after the COVID-19 pandemic, and 4,000 people in the Americas region died of dengue last year.

As of June 24, there have been more than 9.7 million dengue cases in the Americas, which is twice as many as the 4.6 million cases in 2023.

Georgia is also seeing a fair number of malaria cases that are also travel-related, Drenzek said.

"We don't have local acquisition of Zika or malaria or dengue here in Georgia," Drenzek said. "But those are the big ones that we see that people from Georgia can acquire while they're traveling."

Virus prevention comes down to bite prevention, she said.

We want to prevent bites by reducing the mosquito populations themselves, for example, in our backyards, she said.

"The best way to do that is to eliminate or drain any sources of water that might be near to your home, such as water that collects in cans or old tires or, kiddie pools or something like that," Drenzek said. "And that will reduce mosquito populations and avoid the bite."

Secondary Content

About the author.

Ellen Eldridge

Ellen Eldridge (she/her) is the senior health care reporter for Georgia Public Broadcasting.

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Paris Olympic & Paralympic Games 2024

Reviewed: 25 June 2024, 15:38 NZST

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Advice for travellers to France for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games and Paralympic GamesNew Zealanders heading to France for this year’s Olympic Games (26 July - 11 August) and Paralympic Games (28 August - 8 September) are advised to read the following information, in conjunction with the travel advisory for France. Before you goOver 15 million visitors from all over the world will be heading to France for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. New Zealanders travelling to the Games are strongly enc ...Read More

Travelling overseas with moko, permanent markings or tattoos

Posted: 24 June 2024, 10:48 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

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Travelling overseas with taonga (culturally or religiously significant items) - Tō haerenga me ngā taonga

Posted: 24 June 2024, 10:40 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

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New Caledonia: Ongoing Protests and Civil Unrest

Reviewed: 18 June 2024, 09:26 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

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Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Lebanon: Security Situation

Reviewed: 14 June 2024, 15:48 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

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Saudi Arabia: Hajj Pilgrimage 2024

Posted: 29 May 2024, 11:10 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

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Pacific Typhoon and Atlantic Hurricane Season

Reviewed: 29 May 2024, 10:12 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

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georgia travel advisory nz

The Ministry of Health is strongly recommending all people travelling overseas (to any destination) are fully immunised against measles with two doses of MMR vaccine before they go. Current MMR Immunisation rates in New Zealand mean that a non-immune person infected with measles overseas may spread the disease to others within New Zealand on their return. We need at least 95% of people to be immunised to stop an outbreak. This also protects babies who are too young to be vaccinated, and severely ...Read More

Outbreaks of Polio

Reviewed: 22 May 2024, 15:00 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

Polio is an infectious disease caused by a virus that can spread from person to person or through contaminated water or food. Many people who are infected don’t feel sick or have symptoms.  Some people have only minor symptoms such as fever, nausea, headache, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, stiffness in the neck and back, and pain in the arms and legs.  A small proportion of those with symptoms develop paralysis. The international poliovirus situation is evolving, likely due to impacts ...Read More

Yellow Fever

Reviewed: 22 May 2024, 14:20 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

About yellow feverYellow fever (YF) is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. It is endemic in tropical areas of Africa (34 countries) and Latin America (13 countries). Vaccination is the most important and effective measure against YF providing effective immunity within 30 days for 99% of those vaccinated. The disease is spread by mosquitoes that bite mostly during the day. Yellow fever can cause a serious haemorrhagic Illness that can be fatal for humans. The � ...Read More

Reviewed: 14 May 2024, 11:40 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

What is Zika?Zika virus is a flavivirus and is closely related to Japanese encephalitis, West Nile, Dengue, and yellow fever viruses. Since its discovery in Uganda in 1948 Zika has continued to expand its geographic range, from Africa and Asia to Pacific Islands, then, further afield to South and Central America and Caribbean. Transmission Zika, like dengue and chikungunya viruses are transmitted by mosquitos mostly active during the daytime. Rare instances of sexual transmission have been repor ...Read More

Mosquito-borne Illnesses

Reviewed: 7 February 2024, 10:35 NZDT

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Outbreaks of mosquito-borne illnesses are common in the tropical and sub-tropical climates in many Pacific Islands, in North Queensland (Australia), Asia (including India), tropical Africa and Latin/South America. West Nile virus is commonly found in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and West Asia. Dengue fever, chikungunya virus and Zika virus are spread by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito and cannot be spread directly from person to person. Malaria is caused by a parasite s ...Read More

Pacific Cyclone Season: 1 November to 30 April

Reviewed: 26 October 2023, 14:45 NZDT

georgia travel advisory nz

The Pacific cyclone season runs from 1 November until 30 April. New Zealanders travelling to the Pacific are encouraged to register their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Travellers who register can be warned if a major cyclone approaches and given advice on precautions to take. If you are in an area affected by a cyclone, you should follow the advice of the local authorities at all times (including any evacuation orders) and seek suitable shelter. New Zealanders shou ...Read More

Viet Nam: Motorcycle Travel

Posted: 20 September 2023, 13:25 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

For adventurous New Zealanders, motorcycle travel can seem like a great way to see Viet Nam and travel around the country.  But travellers are reminded of the significant risks associated with motor cycle travel in Viet Nam.  Accidents are common and can result in serious injury and even fatalities.  Rental motorcycles are often poorly maintained and the helmets provided do not meet New Zealand safety standards. Roading conditions also bring additional risks and the riding habits you are use ...Read More

Monkeypox outbreak

Reviewed: 12 June 2023, 15:32 NZST

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About Monkeypox Mpox (formerly known as monkeypox and MPX) is a viral infection that is mainly spread through skin-to-skin contact with someone who has Mpox.  Current situationWhile anyone can get mpox, the current global outbreak has disproportionately impacted: -    men who have sex with men (MSM) -    people who have sex with MSM (this may include people of any gender or sexual identity, whether they are transgender, cisgender or non-binary). Men who have sex with men and their sexual ...Read More

Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania: Outbreak of Marburg Virus Disease (MVD)

Posted: 17 April 2023, 10:49 NZST

georgia travel advisory nz

The Governments of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea and the United Republic of Tanzania declared their first outbreaks of Marburg virus disease (MVD), on 13 February 2023 and 21 March 2023, respectively. The virus is transmitted from fruit bats to humans. Human-to-human transmission is possible through contact with body fluids (such as blood, saliva, urine, vomit, or faeces) of an infected person and contaminated surfaces or materials (such as bedding and clothing). MVD symptoms can be very sim ...Read More

Ukraine: Security Situation

Reviewed: 11 April 2023, 10:44 NZST

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The Russian invasion of Ukraine is ongoing, with attacks and heavy fighting occurring in several areas of Ukraine, including in and around Kyiv and other major cities. There are ongoing reports of gunfire, artillery bombardments, explosions and missile strikes. Civilians are being impacted. There is a real risk to life. There is also concern about military activity and shelling around Ukraine’s nuclear power plants, particularly the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. We advise New Zealanders in ...Read More

Top travel tips as Kiwis reconnect with the world

Updated: 5 March 2022, 00:25 NZDT

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Kiwis will be excited to be able to travel again after the New Zealand Government announced the next steps to reconnect New Zealanders to the world. This includes removal of the need for vaccinated New Zealanders to self-isolate on return from any country, and dropping the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s global “do not travel” advisory which has been in place since March 2020. But before they go, travellers will need to make sure they have thought through the complexity of the n ...Read More

Brexit: New Zealanders in the United Kingdom

Reviewed: 5 February 2020, 15:15 NZDT

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New Zealand citizens who continue to live in the UK now that it has left the EU can: use the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) website tool to seek guidance on visa status and rights to stay.  find more information in the UK's Department for Exiting the European Union: If you are a New Zealander who holds a European passport, or who has a European spouse you should refer to guidance from the UK Governm ...Read More

Travelling as a Dual Citizen

Reviewed: 21 January 2020, 11:58 NZDT

georgia travel advisory nz

What is dual citizenship or dual nationality?If you are a citizen of more than one country you are a dual citizen or dual national. This means you are a citizen of both New Zealand and another country at the same time. New Zealand allows dual citizenship and multiple citizenship but some other countries do not. A country could still consider you to be one of their citizens even if you don't accept that nationality if you: have a parent, or in some cases a grandparent, who is a citizen of that ...Read More

India: Severe Air Pollution

Reviewed: 17 December 2019, 11:46 NZDT

georgia travel advisory nz

Major cities in India have recently been experiencing severe levels of air pollution. Some of the most common health effects of air pollution include irritation of eyes, throat and lungs. For people with existing respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis, breathing in air pollution can make these conditions worse.  New Zealanders in areas affected by the air pollution are advised to monitor pollution readings, such as those provided by the Air Quality Index website. If you have conc ...Read More

Drug Crime Overseas: Don't Risk It

Reviewed: 17 December 2019, 11:44 NZDT

georgia travel advisory nz

Every year New Zealanders put themselves at risk of arrest or detention for drug-related offences overseas. Remember that when you are overseas you are subject to that country's laws and penalties - no matter how harsh they may appear by New Zealand standards. In many countries, penalties for drug-related offences are severe. Possession, use or trafficking of even very small quantities of drugs can lead to lengthy imprisonment thousands of miles away from family and friends. New Zealand does not ...Read More

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  • Travelling overseas with moko, permanent markings or tattoos Posted: 24 June 2024, 10:48 NZST
  • Travelling overseas with taonga (culturally or religiously significant items) - Tō haerenga me ngā taonga Posted: 24 June 2024, 10:40 NZST
  • New Caledonia: Ongoing Protests and Civil Unrest Reviewed: 18 June 2024, 09:26 NZST
  • Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Lebanon: Security Situation Reviewed: 14 June 2024, 15:48 NZST
  • EURO 2024 Reviewed: 31 May 2024, 09:10 NZST

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Impacts may be 'catastrophic' as Hurricane Beryl pounds Jamaica: Live updates

Hurricane Beryl was retreating from Jamaica late Wednesday and is expected to pass just south of the Cayman Islands overnight as a major hurricane, bringing intense winds and heavy rain, the National Hurricane Center said.

As of 2 a.m. ET Thursday, Beryl was downgraded to a Category 3 hurricane with winds of 125 mph and was about 110 miles southeast of Grand Cayman — the largest of the Cayman Islands. After roaring by Jamaica's southern coast, the hurricane was expected to unload "devastating hurricane-force winds, life-threatening storm surge, and damaging waves" across the Cayman Islands, according to the hurricane center.

The Cayman Islands could get up to half a foot of rain through Thursday. Weather officials are also warning about life-threatening surf and rip currents along parts of western Cuba, the Yucatan Peninsula, and the coast of Belize.

Beryl was on track to approach the Cayman Islands on Wednesday night and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula about 24 hours later, still as a hurricane but weakened by expected wind shear.

In Jamaica, emergency crews evacuated people living in flood-prone communities and nearly 500 people were in shelters by Wednesday afternoon, according to Prime Minister Andrew Holness.

“We’re concerned about widespread damage and potentially catastrophic impacts in Jamaica,” said Bernie Rayno, AccuWeather's chief on-air meteorologist. "Flooding may last days to even weeks. Widespread power outages are expected. Beryl will likely damage many homes and businesses and cause severe coastal inundation."

The chances of Beryl impacting part of the Texas Gulf Coast have increased with the projected path veering northwest, AccuWeather reported , although it would not bring anywhere near the ferocity of its devastating assault on the southern Windward Islands earlier this week. The current track calls for Beryl to weaken to a tropical storm as it crosses the Yucatan and then becomes a hurricane again before making landfall along the coast near the border of Mexico and Texas.

The storm is projected to drench Jamaica with 4 to 8 inches of rain, and 12 inches are forecast in some places, which could cause "life-threatening flash flooding and mudslides," the NHC said. Holness declared all of Jamaica a "disaster area" and imposed an islandwide curfew Wednesday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

On Monday, Beryl made landfall in Grenada's Carriacou island as a Category 4 hurricane, ravaging the southern Caribbean Islands, flattening hundreds of buildings and causing the deaths of at least seven people. On Monday night, Beryl became the earliest Category 5 hurricane on record. Driven by record-hot ocean temperatures, Beryl's rapid strengthening has stunned experts.

Amazing drone footage: As Hurricane Beryl tears through Caribbean, a drone sends back stunning footage


∎ The death toll from the powerful hurricane rose to at least 10, according to Reuters. But that figure is expected to increase as communications come back online across islands damaged by flooding and intense winds.

∎ The Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston, Jamaica posted on X that a small section of the roof of its passenger boarding pier was damaged by Beryl. "Once the storm has completely passed, a full assessment of damage will be done," the airport stated on X.

∎ The Meteorological Service of Mexico issued a hurricane warning for the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula from Puerto Costa Maya to Cancun, a popular tourist destination, according to the NHC. Tropical storm warnings were also issued for other parts of the Yucatan Peninsula.

∎ Venezuela's vice president, Delcy Rodriguez, and senior officials in her traveling party were injured by a falling tree Tuesday night while surveying an area near the country's Caribbean coast where the Manzanares River overran its banks after heavy rainfall caused by Beryl.

Hurricane Beryl tracker: See projected path of storm

Will Hurricane Beryl hit Texas?

Portions of South Texas are now within the forecast cone of Hurricane Beryl , which meteorologists say could arrive in the state over the weekend or early Monday.

However, forecasters remain unsure of what Beryl will do and how strong it will be as it approaches the Gulf Coast after hitting Mexico: "High uncertainty remains with both the track and intensity of Beryl," the  National Weather Service said Wednesday.

"From Panama City, Florida to New Orleans, there is a low risk of direct impacts from Beryl, but from about Corpus Christi to Brownsville, Texas, the risk increases significantly due to the potential for Beryl to have more direct impacts,"  AccuWeather  meteorologist Jonathan Porter said. "That southern portion of the Texas coast is the zone we have to really watch."

Coastal threats could begin this weekend, warned: "Well ahead of Beryl, onshore winds could lead to increasing surf, rip currents and coastal flooding along parts of the Gulf Coast from eastern Mexico to Texas and western Louisiana beginning as soon as Saturday, and continuing until just after Beryl's final landfall,  said. The rip current threat could also even extend farther east along the northern Gulf Coast.

Brennan said Tuesday that "folks in the Texas coast, as we go into the holiday weekend, you're going to want to make sure you check back on the forecast and make sure you're ready for any potential impact. If we were to see tropical storm conditions affect those areas in the far western Gulf of Mexico, it could be during the day Saturday."

– Doyle Rice

More than 90% of the homes, buildings destroyed

More than 90% of homes and buildings across at least three islands were destroyed or severely damaged after Beryl tore through the southeast Caribbean, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency reported Wednesday. The agency was assisting with the disaster response in Grenada, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines.

Beryl struck the islands with winds of 150 mph and higher gusts on Monday, causing significant impacts to the islands, according to Elizabeth Riley, the disaster management agency's executive director. In addition to infrastructure damages, some islands have also faced power outages and disruptions to communications.

In a briefing late Tuesday, Grenada Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell described "total destruction" on the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

"There's really nothing that can prepare you to see this level of destruction," Mitchell said. "It is almost Armageddon-like, almost total damage and destruction of all buildings. Complete devastation and destruction of agriculture. Complete and total destruction of the natural environment."

— Dinah Voyles Pulver

Airlines waive fees for some in Hurricane Beryl's path

Six major U.S. airlines said they're waiving various fees for travelers who have flights booked in Beryl's path. In most cases, flights booked before July 1 are eligible for the changes. The listed flights include departures from or arrivals in airports in Mexico, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Belize.

American , JetBlue , United , Delta , Southwest , and Spirit Airlines are offering a variety of fee waivers because of the hurricane. Passengers are encouraged to check directly with the airlines on what amended policies apply to them.

The U.S. Department of Transportation said on its website travelers on international flights may be able to recover expenses from a delayed or canceled flight by filing a claim with the airline.

"If the claim is denied, you may pursue the matter in court if you believe that the carrier did not take all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the damages caused by the delay," the agency said. 

− Krystal Nurse

Resort manager in Jamaica maintains composure as Hurricane Beryl approaches

The coming hurricane doesn't scare Tamar Atkinson, the manager of a small resort in Hanover, a community on Jamaica's northwest coast.

"The way I look at it, I can't stop it," she told USA TODAY. "If the hurricane is going to blow your house down, it's going to blow the house down."

Atkinson, 42, who moved back to Hanover a year ago after she lived in the U.S. for 20 years, already has her sea legs in weathering Jamaica's hurricanes. She remembers facing Hurricane Gilbert, a Category 5, as a little girl – the storm blew the roof off her aunt's house, where she sheltered, but left her mother's house in "perfect condition."

When Hurricane Ivan hit two decades ago, Atkinson sheltered at a nearby school. Once again, the storm blew out the school's windows but left Atkinson's house untouched. "I'm not leaving my house, and I'm not going to go crazy like the rest of the people," she said, adding that she's told her guests to "relax their nerves."

Jamaica closes all international airports as Hurricane Beryl nears island

The Jamaica Tourist Board announced Wednesday that the Sangster, Norman Manley, and Ian Fleming international airports were closed as Hurricane Beryl approached the island.

Jamaica's travel website,, doesn't list a reopening time for the airports and encourages travelers to contact their travel agents and/or airlines for flight updates. The website also encourages travelers to heed any instructions from their hotel or private accommodation on sheltering.

"We also encourage you to register with your Embassy for country-specific guidance and support," the board said on the website.

The U.S. Embassy in Jamaica is open on a limited basis and encourages Americans to not visit the embassy for shelter and instead seek a government-run shelter. Citizens in Jamaica are encouraged to call the embassy at (876) 702-6486 if they need assistance. 

– Krystal Nurse

Ahead of Hurricane Beryl, Jamaicans prepare their homes

Donae Maye stocked up on water, candles, and food earlier this week, before supermarkets across her hometown of Montego Bay, a city on Jamaica's northern Coast, emptied.

"There was no bread, no essentials that you actually need, no candles, very few tin products," she said on Wednesday, after a recent visit to some local grocery stores.

Maye, 27, also prepped her home, where she will shelter with her fiance, her son and his father. "We cleared away any trees that might be blocking any electrical wires and stuff like that that might fall and break the window," she said.

She's confident that her house, which is made of concrete, will stand up to the storm better than many buildings did to Hurricane Ivan 20 years ago. Back then, more structures were made of board, which didn't fare well in the storm, she said. Today, "most structures are built to withstand the winds and the hurricane," she said.

Humanitarian groups rally relief for impacted countries

Global Giving and Americares are among the humanitarian organizations collecting money for those affected by Hurricane Beryl. Both promise donations to support various impacted communities, focusing on those who are disadvantaged and on decimated medical facilities.

Cora Nally, international emergency response director of Americares, said the organization focuses on restoring damaged medical facilities and expects to deploy its workers to Jamaica soon after Beryl leaves.

"That is really going to serve as a home base for them, and we are asking them to do an assessment of all the impacted islands in the Caribbean, and we are going to be keeping an eye on the storm as it moves towards Mexico and the United States," she said.

Is Cancun in the path of Hurricane Beryl?

Among the parts of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and surrounding areas under hurricane warnings were Cancun and the island of Cozumel, two popular tourist destinations packed with luxury resorts and cruise ship ports.

The hurricane warnings were issued by the Meteorological Service of Mexico as forecasters warned residents and tourists of the projected impact of Hurricane Beryl.

Brennan, the director of the NHC, said in a YouTube livestream on Wednesday that the eastern coast of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, including Cancun, faces 3 to 5 feet of storm surge as well as up to 8 inches of rain.

The record-breaking hurricane is expected to make landfall along the Yucatan Peninsula on Thursday night or early Friday, NHC said.

In Jamaica, tourists shelter in hotel ballroom from Hurricane Beryl

Cecilia Garcia and her family initially planned to weather the beginning of the hurricane in the bathroom of their hotel room in Ocho Rios, on Jamaica's northern coastline. "We do have windows in our room, so I think the safest option would probably be to go in our restroom," she said.

Moon Palace Jamaica, where Garcia, 25, is staying with her parents, brother, sister and two kids, told hotel guests to evacuate to a ballroom. When Garcia and her family first visited the shelter, they found it too chaotic. "We ended up back in our room because it was very crowded," she said. "It was very hot in there."

But later on Wednesday morning, as the winds picked up, the family returned to the packed ballroom, where thin cots were arranged in rows, according to a video Garcia shared with USA TODAY.

Garcia and her family's flight back to their home of Houston, Texas, isn't until Saturday – the hurricane will strike at the midpoint of their week-long vacation. Garcia said if they chose to end their stay earlier, they wouldn't get a refund. 

Looking out at skies still partially clear on Wednesday morning, Garcia said the family was keeping calm ahead of the storm. "We're kind of used to bad weather and floods like that in Houston," she said. "But again, it's different when you're not at home, so that's the only scary part."

Hurricane Beryl spoiling graduation trip

Mona Parhar, 23, and Arezoo Rafkhani, 24, didn't start searching for early return flights from their vacation to Jamaica until Tuesday night, less than 24 hours before Hurricane Beryl was expected to sweep across the island. By then, they learned airports had closed.

"We really have no choice but to stick it out," Parhar said Wednesday from their hotel room at the Hotel Riu in Montego Bay on the island's northern side.

The two Toronto natives booked their trip to celebrate their recent graduations – Rafkhani from Toronto Metropolitan University and Parhar from York University. "We've never experienced something like this as Canadians," Rafkhani said. "It's kind of nerve-wracking."

The pair were comforted by the hotel staff, who kept guests informed and safe. "Since last night, they've been sending us messages about how to get prepared, what they're doing and will be doing this morning," Rafkhani said. "They've been keeping us calm," Parhar said.

Jamaica braces for Hurricane Beryl

Jamaican officials warned residents to stock up on food, batteries, candles, and drinking water. Residents in flood-prone areas were also advised to prepare for evacuation.

"Secure your critical documents and remove any trees or items that could endanger your property," the Office of the Prime Minister in Jamaica said on X on Tuesday. "Everyone, including those living alone, should take these necessary steps now."

As a precaution, Jamaica's Prime Minister Andrew Holness said Tuesday night that electricity and water services will likely be shut off "if the storm reaches a serious threshold" to prevent fires and protect equipment.

"Only one hurricane has ever affected Jamaica during July," according to AccuWeather meteorologist Jesse Ferrell. "Category 4 Hurricane Dennis in 2005 did not make landfall but killed one person and caused a lot of damage."

Record-breaking path: Hurricane Beryl tears through the Caribbean

Hurricane Beryl breaks records

Forecasters have projected 2024 to be one of the busiest hurricane seasons on record. Beryl has already surprised forecasters and broken records since it formed, including becoming the earliest Category 4 or 5 storm on record.

Beryl broke the previous record set by Hurricane Emily on July 17, 2005, for the strongest Category 5 hurricane. Beryl rapidly strengthened from a tropical storm to a major hurricane in about 48 hours.

The storm is also the earliest Category 4 or larger storm by more than a week, breaking the record set by Hurricane Dennis, a Category 4 storm on July 8, 2005.

It was fueled by  much warmer than normal  ocean temperatures in the Atlantic and aided in that development by light winds that allowed it to build a strong inner core.

— Jennifer Borresen, Dinah Voyles Pulver and Ramon Padilla

Hurricane Beryl tracker: See projected path of Category 5 storm

Smaller islands hit hard by Beryl

Beryl hit St. Vincent and the Grenadines especially hard, according to Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves.

"The hurricane has come and gone, and it has left in its wake immense destruction," he said, adding that Union Island had 90% of homes "severely damaged or destroyed."

After making landfall in Grenada's Carriacou Island on Monday, strong winds and high water levels smashed fishing boats in Barbados, downed power lines in Grenada and St. Vincent, and knocked out drinking water in St. Lucia, according to officials.

Grenada's Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell noted on Tuesday that the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique were significantly impacted by the hurricane. In addition to downed power lines, roads remained impassable and fuel stations were destroyed.

"The situation is grim. There is no power. There is almost complete destruction of homes and buildings," Mitchell said.

Contributing: Cheryl McCloud, USA TODAY Network-Florida ; Reuters


  1. Georgia

    COVID-19. If you are planning international travel at this time, please read our COVID-19 related travel advice here, alongside our destination specific travel advice below.. Do not travel. Do not travel to the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and the areas near the administrative boundary lines.The threat of terrorism, crime and unexploded mines and ordnance makes travel to these areas ...

  2. Travel advisories by destination

    Georgia: Central Asia: Germany: Europe: Ghana: Africa: Gibraltar: Europe: Greece: Europe: Greenland: Europe: Grenada: Caribbean: ... Latest travel advisory updates. Bolivia - Reviewed 27 June 2024; Ukraine - Reviewed 26 June 2024; ... New Zealand embassy locator; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 195 Lambton Quay Private Bag 18 901

  3. Georgia

    Our services; Contact us. Contact us; New Zealand embassy locator; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 195 Lambton Quay Private Bag 18 901 Wellington 5045

  4. Georgia Travel Advisory

    July 26, 2023. Georgia - Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions. O U C. Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information. Exercise normal precautions in Georgia. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Do Not Travel To: The Russian-occupied Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia due to risk of crime, civil ...

  5. Georgia Travel Advisory

    This is a regional information covering specific areas of Georgia. Issued by: New Zealand government Info: Do not travel to the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and the areas near the administrative boundary lines. The threat of terrorism, crime and unexploded mines and ordnance makes travel to these areas extremely dangerous (level 4 of 4).

  6. Before you travel

    Unpaid fines. If you have unpaid fines and try to leave or come into New Zealand, the police can stop you at the airport. You will be allowed to pay by credit card over the phone with a registrar. If you're travelling in the next 48 hours and you have fines or reparation you have not paid, call 0800 729 677 to pay with your credit card.

  7. Is Georgia Safe to Visit? (Updated 2024)

    While there was some danger a decade back during the Russo-Georgian War, Georgia is now a safe country to visit. Even the US Department of State rates Georgia at 1: exercise normal precautions, on their travel advisory scale. (For reference, even Western European countries that most Americans normally consider safe, like Spain and France, rank ...

  8. Travel Advisories

    New Zealand Travel Advisory: Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions: September 8, 2023: Papua New Guinea Travel Advisory : Level 3: Reconsider Travel: ... Georgia Travel Advisory : Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions: July 26, 2023: Ghana Travel Advisory: Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution:

  9. Georgia International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  10. Safe Travel

    SafeTravel is the official source of travel advice for New Zealanders, with advisories for specific destinations. Checking SafeTravel helps you avoid travel blackspots. ... New Zealand Foreign Affairs & Trade | Manatū Aorere. 195 Lambton Quay, Private Bag 18 901, Wellington 6160, New Zealand. Phone +64 4 439 8000. Find all Ministry contacts.

  11. Georgia : we have reviewed our...

    Georgia : we have reviewed our travel advisory for Georgia. We continue to advise New Zealanders not to travel to the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and the areas near the administrative...

  12. Georgia visa requirements for New Zealand citizens

    Learn more before traveling to Georgia in 2024: do New Zealand citizens need a travel visa, is it safe to travel to Georgia right now. Skip to main content ... The safety index is based on travel advisories from independent 4 sources. Safety index is provided by 06/24/2024. Georgia customs rules. Duty-free allowance ...

  13. Travel Advisory Level Change (April 15, 2021)

    Level 4: Do not travel. Under the new system, New Zealand has been reclassified as Level 3: Reconsider travel. New Zealand's Level 3 Travel Advisory is in no way a reflection on New Zealand's COVID-19 response. In fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention recognizes there is a low level of COVID-19 in the country.

  14. Travel advice and advisories for Georgia

    Petty crime. Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, occurs, especially in crowded urban areas and at public gatherings. Ensure that your personal belongings, including your passport and other travel documents are secure at all times. Avoid showing signs of affluence or wearing expensive jewellery.

  15. Travel advice and advisories

    Travel advice and advisories by destination. ... georgia Georgia: Take normal security precautions (with regional advisories) 2024-06-04 08:03:01: germany Germany ... new-zealand New Zealand: Take normal security precautions. 2024-06-04 08:03:01: nicaragua Nicaragua ...

  16. New Zealand Travel Advisory

    Exercise normal precautions in New Zealand. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to New Zealand. If you decide to travel to New Zealand: Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter

  17. 12 things to know before traveling to Georgia

    With its beautiful but rugged mountain ranges, rich culture and Soviet past, Georgia once had a reputation as a challenging travel destination loved by ... Tips & Advice. The best places to go in August 2024. Jun 21, 2024 • 9 min read. August is prime time for an escape. Find out the best places to travel for adventure, relaxation, wildlife ...

  18. United States of America

    General Travel Advice ... Street Address 47 Hawk Road, Newnan, Georgia 30263, United States of America Telephone +1 (404) 290 9727 Email [email protected]. ... New Zealand Consulate-General United States of America. Street Address Suite 600E, 2425 Olympic Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90404, United States of America ...

  19. New Zealand visa requirements for Georgian citizens

    Is it safe to travel to New Zealand? New Zealand has a current risk level of 3.00 (out of 5). We advise to use some caution when travelling to New Zealand. The safety index is based on travel advisories from independent 4 sources. Safety index is provided by 06/10/2024.

  20. Georgia

    Current situation : 3 / 5. Georgia is a country in Asia (Western Asia) with around 5 million citizens and a land mass of 69,700 km². We detected travel advisories from 4 sources for this country. Bordering countries: 3.6 / 5. Georgia shares land borders with 4 neighbouring states.

  21. Georgia Visa for New Zealander citizens 2024

    Georgia Visa free application process for New Zealander citizens is quick and easy, as long as the necessary documents and information are provided accurately. By following these 4 steps, New Zealand citizens can ensure a smooth and hassle-free process in obtaining an Georgia tourist visa. 1. Valid passport.

  22. Travel advice levels

    The New Zealand Government is severely limited in its ability to provide consular assistance to New Zealand citizens in Ukraine. Venezuela Do not travel to Venezuela due to the unstable political and economic situation, ongoing high levels of violent crime, the potential for violent civil unrest, and shortages of food, medicine and other basic ...

  23. Mosquito-borne illnesses pose threat to Georgians at home and while

    While dengue, the most common mosquito-borne infection, is acquired abroad and doesn't spread in Georgia, cases globally are the highest they've ever been, according to a health alert from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. Symptoms aren't always present but can include high fever, head and body aches, nausea and a rash.

  24. Travel advisories

    Find out more about our travel advisories. Travel advisory risk levels. Search for travel advisories by risk level. Before you go. COVID-19; Quick checklist and tips; Disability information; ... New Zealand embassy locator; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 195 Lambton Quay Private Bag 18 901 Wellington 5045 New Zealand.

  25. Home

    Advice for travellers to France for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games and Paralympic GamesNew Zealanders heading to France for this year's Olympic Games (26 July - 11 August) and Paralympic Games (28 August - 8 September) are advised to read the following information, in conjunction with the travel advisory for France.

  26. Hurricane Beryl live updates: Impact on Jamaica may be 'catastrophic'

    Beryl was on track to approach the Cayman Islands on Wednesday night and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula about 24 hours later, still as a hurricane but weakened by expected wind shear.