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How To Teach Travel And Tourism

Published: December 13, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Basia Gladden

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Welcome to the exciting world of travel and tourism education! Teaching travel and tourism is not only a rewarding career choice, but it also plays a vital role in shaping the future of the industry. Travel and tourism education equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate this dynamic and multi-faceted field.

As the travel industry continues to grow and evolve, the demand for well-trained professionals is on the rise. This is where travel and tourism education comes in. Whether it’s guiding students in understanding the cultural, social, and economic impact of tourism, or teaching practical skills such as travel planning and hospitality management, educators play a crucial role in preparing the next generation of travel professionals.

In addition to preparing students for a future career in the industry, teaching travel and tourism also helps foster a sense of global citizenship and cultural awareness. Through interactive and engaging learning experiences, students gain a deeper understanding of the world, its diverse cultures, and the importance of sustainable travel practices.

Throughout this article, I will explore key concepts in travel and tourism education, effective teaching strategies, available learning resources, assessment methods, as well as the challenges and solutions in teaching travel and tourism.

So whether you’re an experienced travel and tourism educator looking for new ideas to enhance your teaching or someone considering a career in this field, this article will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to make your travel and tourism education journey a successful one.

Importance of Teaching Travel and Tourism

Teaching travel and tourism is not just about imparting knowledge and skills; it is about shaping future industry professionals and creating a positive impact on the global economy and society as a whole. Here are some reasons highlighting the importance of teaching travel and tourism:

  • Economic Impact: The travel and tourism industry is a significant driver of economic growth in many countries. By teaching students about the industry’s economic impact, including job creation, revenue generation, and foreign exchange earnings, educators contribute to building a strong workforce and promoting economic prosperity.
  • Cultural Understanding: Travel and tourism education fosters cultural appreciation and understanding. Through learning about different destinations, customs, traditions, and languages, students develop a deeper appreciation for global diversity. This leads to a more interconnected and tolerant society.
  • Sustainable Practices: In an era of increasing concern for the environment, teaching sustainable travel and tourism practices is crucial. By emphasizing the importance of responsible tourism, such as reducing carbon footprint, preserving natural resources, and respecting local communities, educators help shape environmentally conscious individuals who can contribute to a more sustainable future.
  • Professional Development: The travel and tourism industry offers a wide range of career opportunities. By teaching students about different job roles, industry trends, and necessary skills, educators prepare them for successful careers in travel, hospitality, event management, tourism marketing, and more. This empowers students to pursue their passion and contribute to the growth of the industry.
  • Global Citizenship: Teaching travel and tourism cultivates global citizenship by encouraging students to explore different cultures and engage with diverse communities. This not only broadens their perspective but also develops empathy, cultural sensitivity, and respect for others. It helps students become responsible global citizens who are aware of their impact on the world.

By recognizing and embracing the importance of teaching travel and tourism, educators can empower students to become future industry leaders, promote sustainable practices, and contribute to the growth and development of the sector. Through comprehensive education, students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a fast-paced and ever-evolving industry while making a positive impact on the world around them.

Key Concepts in Travel and Tourism Education

When teaching travel and tourism, there are several key concepts that form the foundation of a well-rounded education. These concepts help students develop a comprehensive understanding of the industry, its impact, and its various components. Here are some essential key concepts in travel and tourism education:

  • Tourism Management: This concept focuses on understanding the principles and practices of managing tourism destinations, attractions, and businesses. Students learn about destination marketing, hospitality management, event planning, tour operations, and sustainable tourism practices.
  • Cultural and Heritage Tourism: Cultural and heritage tourism emphasizes the exploration and preservation of unique cultural traditions, historical sites, and tangible and intangible heritage. Students delve into the significance of cultural tourism in promoting understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.
  • Travel and Tourism Marketing: Marketing plays a critical role in the travel and tourism industry. Students learn about marketing strategies, consumer behavior, digital marketing techniques, and destination branding. They explore how marketing can effectively promote destinations and attract tourists.
  • Tourism Policy and Planning: This concept involves understanding the policies, regulations, and planning processes that govern the tourism industry. Students explore the role of governments, organizations, and stakeholders in shaping tourism development and ensuring its sustainability.
  • Sustainable Tourism: Sustainable tourism emphasizes the importance of minimizing negative impacts on the environment, culture, and local communities while maximizing positive socio-economic benefits. Students learn about sustainable practices, responsible tourism, and the role of eco-tourism in preserving natural resources.
  • Customer Service and Experience: The travel and tourism industry heavily relies on delivering exceptional customer service and creating memorable experiences for travelers. Students learn about customer service techniques, hospitality skills, and the importance of personalized experiences to enhance customer satisfaction.

These key concepts provide a comprehensive foundation for students in travel and tourism education. By understanding these essential concepts, students gain a holistic view of the industry, its challenges, and its potential. This knowledge equips them with the necessary skills and insights to excel in various roles within the travel and tourism sector.

Teaching Strategies for Travel and Tourism

Teaching travel and tourism requires a dynamic and engaging approach to ensure students grasp the concepts effectively. Here are some effective teaching strategies to enhance the learning experience:

  • Real-World Case Studies: Use real-world case studies to provide practical examples that connect theory to the industry. This helps students understand how concepts apply in real-life scenarios and encourages critical thinking.
  • Field Trips: Organize field trips to tourism destinations, hotels, or travel agencies to give students firsthand experience of the industry. This not only brings the learning to life but also exposes students to different job roles and operational processes.
  • Guest Speakers: Invite guest speakers from the travel and tourism industry to share their experiences and insights with the students. This offers a valuable opportunity for students to learn directly from professionals and gain insights into industry trends and best practices.
  • Group Projects: Assign group projects that require collaboration and problem-solving. This helps students develop teamwork skills and encourages them to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Technology Integration: Utilize technology tools and resources to enhance learning. This can include virtual field trips, online simulations, interactive quizzes, and multimedia presentations. Incorporating technology keeps students engaged and allows for a more immersive learning experience.
  • Role-Playing: Encourage role-playing activities where students take on different roles within the tourism industry. This helps develop their communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and decision-making capabilities.
  • Industry Internships: Facilitate internships or work placements in tourism-related organizations to provide students with real-life work experience and develop industry-specific skills. This practical exposure contributes to a well-rounded education and enhances employability.

By employing these teaching strategies, educators can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that fosters active participation and knowledge retention. It is important to remember that teaching travel and tourism should be a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application to prepare students for the industry’s demands.

Learning Resources for Travel and Tourism Teaching

When it comes to teaching travel and tourism, utilizing a variety of learning resources can enrich the educational experience and cater to diverse learning styles. Here are some valuable learning resources for travel and tourism teaching:

  • Textbooks and Reference Materials: Utilize textbooks and reference materials specifically designed for travel and tourism education. These resources provide a comprehensive overview of the industry, including concepts, theories, case studies, and best practices.
  • Online Learning Platforms: Explore online platforms that offer specialized travel and tourism courses and learning modules. These platforms often include interactive lessons, quizzes, and discussion forums to facilitate engagement and knowledge retention.
  • Professional Associations and Industry Websites: Many professional associations and industry websites provide access to a wealth of resources such as research papers, industry reports, statistical data, and industry-specific news. These resources can be used to enhance learning and provide the latest industry insights.
  • Industry Events and Conferences: Encourage students to attend travel and tourism industry events, conferences, and trade shows. These events provide opportunities for networking, learning about industry trends, and gaining a deeper understanding of the industry’s current practices and challenges.
  • Documentaries and Videos: Incorporate documentaries and videos related to travel and tourism into your teaching material. These visual resources can bring destinations, cultures, and tourism concepts to life, making the learning experience more engaging and memorable.
  • Online Travel Platforms and Booking Websites: Introduce students to online travel platforms and booking websites such as Expedia or Airbnb. This allows them to explore travel itineraries, compare prices, and understand the role of technology in the travel and tourism industry.
  • Industry Case Studies: Utilize industry case studies to demonstrate real-life examples and challenges within the travel and tourism sector. Analyzing these case studies helps students apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios and develop problem-solving skills.
  • Social Media and Blogs: Engage with travel and tourism-related social media accounts and blogs. These platforms provide up-to-date information, travel experiences, destination guides, and insights into the latest travel trends. Encouraging students to follow reputable sources helps them stay connected to the industry’s dynamic nature.

By utilizing a diverse range of learning resources, educators can cater to different learning preferences and create a well-rounded learning experience. It is essential to stay updated with the latest industry resources and encourage students to explore the vast array of available materials to foster a deeper understanding of the travel and tourism industry.

Assessment Methods in Travel and Tourism Education

Assessing student learning is a critical component of travel and tourism education. It allows educators to evaluate students’ understanding of key concepts, their ability to apply knowledge to practical scenarios, and their overall proficiency in the field. Here are some common assessment methods used in travel and tourism education:

  • Examinations and Quizzes: Traditional examinations and quizzes are effective in assessing students’ understanding of foundational knowledge and their ability to recall information. These assessments can cover topics such as destination knowledge, industry terminology, tourism management principles, and marketing strategies.
  • Case Studies and Written Assignments: Assigning case studies and written assignments allows students to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. These assessments can involve analyzing tourism development plans, developing marketing strategies for a destination, or evaluating the socio-cultural impacts of tourism.
  • Group Projects and Presentations: Group projects and presentations encourage teamwork, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students can be tasked with designing a sustainable travel itinerary, creating a tourism marketing campaign, or presenting a research study on emerging trends in the industry.
  • Practical Assessments and Simulations: Practical assessments involve hands-on activities that demonstrate students’ ability to perform specific tasks related to travel and tourism. This can include role-playing customer service scenarios, managing a simulated travel agency, or creating sample tour packages.
  • Industry Internships and Work Placements: Assessing students during their industry internships or work placements provides an opportunity to evaluate their practical skills and professional conduct in a real-world setting. This can involve supervisor evaluations, reflective journals, and performance assessments.
  • Online Assessments: Online assessments, such as quizzes and interactive modules, can be used to gauge students’ understanding of specific topics or concepts. These assessments can be self-paced and provide immediate feedback, promoting independent learning and knowledge retention.
  • Peer Reviews and Feedback: Incorporating peer reviews and feedback allows students to evaluate each other’s work and provide constructive criticism. This promotes self-reflection, collaboration, and the development of analytical skills.

When selecting assessment methods, it is important to align them with the learning outcomes and objectives of the course. A combination of different assessment methods ensures that students are evaluated on various skills and competencies, including knowledge recall, critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and industry-specific skills.

Furthermore, providing timely and constructive feedback to students is crucial. Feedback aids in their learning and growth, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and build upon their strengths. It also helps to encourage engagement and motivate students throughout their travel and tourism education journey.

Challenges and Solutions in Teaching Travel and Tourism

Teaching travel and tourism comes with its own set of challenges, but with the right strategies and solutions, these challenges can be overcome to create an effective learning experience. Here are some common challenges faced in teaching travel and tourism, along with potential solutions:

  • Keeping Pace with Industry Changes: The travel and tourism industry is constantly evolving, with new trends, technologies, and practices emerging. To address this challenge, educators can stay updated with industry news, attend professional development programs, and collaborate with industry experts. This allows them to incorporate relevant and up-to-date information into their teaching methods.
  • Engaging Diverse Learners: Tourism students come from diverse backgrounds and have different learning preferences. To engage these learners, educators can incorporate a variety of teaching strategies, such as case studies, group projects, role-playing activities, and technology-based learning. This ensures that different learning styles and preferences are accommodated, creating a more inclusive and engaging learning environment.
  • Promoting Practical Skills: The travel and tourism industry relies heavily on practical skills. However, teaching these skills can be challenging in a classroom setting. To address this, educators can incorporate hands-on activities, simulations, industry internships, and guest speakers. These practical experiences provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and develop essential skills that are directly transferable to the industry.
  • Fostering Cultural Sensitivity: As travel and tourism involve encounters with diverse cultures, it is important to foster cultural sensitivity among students. Educators can facilitate this by incorporating cultural experiences, promoting respectful interactions, and encouraging open dialogue. Guest speakers from different cultural backgrounds can also provide first-hand insights and help students develop a global perspective.
  • Promoting Sustainable Tourism Education: Sustainable practices in travel and tourism are crucial for the industry’s future. Educators can address this challenge by integrating sustainability into the curriculum through case studies, discussions, and projects. Students can be encouraged to explore sustainable tourism practices and strategies, promoting the importance of responsible tourism and its impact on the environment and communities.
  • Access to Industry Resources: Access to industry-specific resources and networks can be limited in an academic setting. To overcome this challenge, educators can forge partnerships with local tourism organizations, invite industry professionals as guest speakers, and utilize online resources, such as industry blogs, webinars, and research papers. This provides students with exposure to current industry practices and trends.

By recognizing and addressing these challenges, educators can create a more relevant and impactful learning experience for travel and tourism students. Through continuous professional development, engagement with industry partners, and an inclusive teaching approach, educators can equip students with the knowledge, skills, and cultural sensitivity required for successful careers in the dynamic travel and tourism industry.

Teaching travel and tourism is a fulfilling and important endeavor that prepares students for a dynamic and ever-expanding industry. By imparting knowledge, fostering skills, and promoting cultural understanding, educators play a crucial role in shaping future travel professionals and global citizens.

We have explored the importance of teaching travel and tourism, highlighting its economic impact, cultural significance, and role in promoting sustainability and global citizenship. We have also discussed key concepts in travel and tourism education, including tourism management, cultural and heritage tourism, and sustainable practices.

To enhance the learning experience, we have examined effective teaching strategies such as real-world case studies, field trips, and guest speakers. We have also discussed the importance of utilizing diverse learning resources, including textbooks, online platforms, and industry events, to provide a well-rounded education.

Assessing student learning in travel and tourism education is crucial, and we have explored various assessment methods such as examinations, group projects, and practical assessments. These methods enable educators to evaluate students’ understanding and proficiency in the field.

While challenges exist in teaching travel and tourism, we have provided solutions to overcome them. From staying updated with industry changes to fostering cultural sensitivity and promoting sustainable practices, educators can address these challenges through professional development, engaging teaching strategies, and industry partnerships.

In conclusion, teaching travel and tourism is an exciting opportunity to shape the future of the industry and inspire students to become well-rounded professionals. By embracing innovative teaching strategies, collaborating with industry partners, and nurturing a passion for travel and cultural understanding, educators can create a transformative learning experience that prepares students for success in the dynamic world of travel and tourism.


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What is Educational Tourism: Stats, Benefits, Examples & More

What is Educational Tourism: Stats, Benefits, Examples & More

What is educational tourism?

Benefits of educational tourism, types of educational tourism, who is it for, real-life examples, what´s next.

The global tourism industry is very diverse. With the number of different types of tourism and the number of ways travelers interact with tour packages increasing, it can be pretty hard to keep track of each travel sector’s subdomain. 

On the other hand, getting insights from a particular travel sector subdomain can help you make informed decisions, such as whether or not to add new travel products to your offer.

One of the tourism forms that became very popular recently is educational tourism. While it’s not a brand-new tourism concept, educational tourism accumulated enormous interest. To help you understand what it is, we’ve decided to put together an educational tourism ultimate guide that covers everything from its definition to real-life examples.

Educational tourism or edu tourism is a form of tourism. As we mentioned earlier, it’s not a brand-new concept in this vertical – it can be traced back to the 17th century . History records the success of the “Grand Tour,” which marks the beginning of educational tourism as we know it. When it began, it was mainly popular among the aristocratic British youth . It was essential to their education through the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

After the UK, other European countries followed, and many scholars traveled to the old continent in search of new knowledge or to learn from their peers and study languages.

It goes beyond the other forms of tourism that mainly offer business or pleasure travel packages. This new trend in the global tourism industry has one purpose – to create opportunities for travelers to obtain new experiences and knowledge on a wide range of topics. 

Every travel product that enables travelers to learn about foreign cultures, study new things, engage in study tours, or apply a learned skill is considered an educational tourism’s product. Large-scale mass tourism is still popular, but some travelers seek other options that enable them to travel and yet be able to acquire new knowledge. The shift in travel demands is one of the main factors driving the growth of this sector.

Now, that you understand what educational tourism is, let’s see the current state of the educational tourism market, including recent trends and projections.

Most sectors declined during the past few years, and the educational tourism industry was no exception. The tourism sector has experienced a decline because many countries imposed international travel restrictions. Compared to previous years, foreign tourism decreased by 22% in the first quarter of 2020 and 65% in the first two quarters of 2020 . 

However, the sector quickly came back on its feet the moment governments around the globe lifted the travel restrictions. The latest research findings support our previous claim that educational tourism is increasing in popularity. 

The global educational tourism market value in 2021 is estimated at $399.8 . It means that the market exhibited a year-on-year growth of 16% . The same research projects that the market will continue to grow with a compound annual growth rate of 17.2% . By 2031 its value is projected to reach $1,947 billion.

edu tourism market value

According to Future Market Insights , the total number of global educational tourists in 2022 was over 6 million . They’ve identified four main contributing factors to the market growth and increasing popularity of this sector:

  • Access to new information;
  • Emerging education styles;
  • New research techniques;
  • Enormous exposure to science.

Furthermore, the FMI report indicates that most inbound educational tourists are interested in obtaining a master’s degree, making students one of the most significant demographic segments driving the sector’s growth. More precisely, the age group of 19–25 years generates a whopping 73% of global educational tourism market revenue. The students alone generate 39% of the overall sector’s revenue . 

Educational tourism offers many benefits for all parties involved, including travelers, the host community, and the host nation. It has the power to drive the growth of many sectors and help develop entire regions and communities. With this in mind, let’s see the more specific benefits this type of tourism brings.

Monetization of previously unexplored places

Educational tourism travel can help a region leverage unexplored places and make them available for tours, trips, and excursions . Monetizing these locations can help bring more money to the region and enable it to thrive, make necessary improvements, and attract more travelers in the future.

Improved international collaboration

Governments can recognize the value of educational tourism, especially if they identify travel patterns that indicate their educational tourism offer attracts travelers from a specific country. Governments can improve international collaboration, opening room for more exchange programs, workshop travels, and international scientific research.

Improved image of a city, nation, and country

Educational tourism has the power to improve the image of a city or an entire nation or country. Offering a memorable and pleasant experience to foreign travelers can help a country build a positive image. It can help other tourism sectors attract more visitors and secure stable revenue streams. 

Increased number of employment opportunities

The only way to deal with the increasing educational tourism demand in a specific location is to hire more professionals. It’s a great opportunity for countries to lower unemployment rates and offer new employment opportunities in the travel sector to local communities.

New entrepreneurship opportunities

Tourism is one of those industries that can facilitate the growth of other verticals, such as entertainment and hospitality. With the stable influx of educational tourists, there will be plenty of new entrepreneurship opportunities people can pursue to launch successful businesses. 

The rapid development of infrastructure

Educational tourism can create the need for new infrastructure in some areas . With the revenue it helps create, local governments can develop new infrastructure plans and have sufficient budgets to build infrastructure to both the local community’s and travelers’ delight. 

Lots of benefits for the travelers

Travelers engaging in educational tourism activities stand to gain much more than just exploring new destinations. Educational tourism can help them change their perspective or worldview , increase independence and self-confidence, enhance cultural awareness and dispel stereotypes, and facilitate intellectual and cognitive growth.

Education tourism is a big branch of tourism. Over the years, the market demand has enabled educational travel organizations to develop various educational packages and trips . Some of these packages have many things in common, allowing us to outline several major types of educational tourism.

Language schools

There is no better way to learn a foreign language than to do it by immersing yourself in it. And the best way to do it is to travel to the country where it is spoken. Language schools for foreign languages attract language learners from all over the world.

Learning the native language inside the classroom and then interacting with it outdoors while exploring the cities and country is something language students find attractive. As the final result, we have language schools as one of the major types of educational tourism.

Youth traveling

Youth traveling is the next major type of this tourism branch, involving a wide range of activities mainly developed for children and adolescents. Some youth traveling products include school excursions, youth exchanges, and other programs stimulating creativity and development. 

A unique combination of learning and travel e xperiences engages kids and adolescents and invites them to obtain new skills and knowledge while learning about other cultures and exploring iconic sights worldwide. 

Workshop travels

Workshop travels include group and individual travels that share one common goal – acquire knowledge from renowned experts while traveling abroad. Workshop travels’ final destinations are often workshops, seminars, and symposiums. 

This type of educational tourism is popular among people of any age, which makes it a pretty prominent kind of tourism. Besides individuals, organizations are also common buyers of workshop travel products. It enables businesses to diversify their professional growth and development programs and keep employees engaged.

Student exchange programs

Student exchange programs were always popular. However, student exchange programs became quite popular after introducing systems that enable students to earn credits towards their degree despite where they attend courses, such as the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

These programs enable students to work with some of the best professors worldwide and experience their teaching methodologies firsthand. However, these programs don’t exclusively offer students access to courses. They can encompass various camps, internships, and sports competitions as well.

International scientific research programs

Masters and Ph.D. students must research a chosen topic to get a degree. Many choose to do it abroad, working with renowned professors and researchers . 

Given the popularity of this type of travel, international scientific research programs make a unique type of educational tourism.

Tourism education

Students seeking knowledge in developing tourism sectors abroad must travel and spend time in a country. The hands-on experience and unique insights complete the tourism education and add additional value to students and operators in a location. 

Tourism education helps create more sustainable tourism and encourages young entrepreneurs to start their own tourism businesses. 

Educational tourism is not exclusively reserved for any specific demographic group or country . There are examples of very young kids engaging in educational tourism activities . While it is the most popular form of travel among students, older generations benefit from it by visiting seminars and symposiums in foreign countries. 

This type of tourism is an excellent opportunity for travel businesses, transportation, and accommodation providers. They can work hand-in-hand with local educational institutions and governments to create attractive programs and enhance the travel experience to invite more people to come and spend their time in a location.

Many organizations exclusively specialize in educational tourism. Let’s take a closer look at some examples to better understand this unique tourism model.

GVI Company

GVI Company specializes in connecting like-minded people to enable them to collaborate on social development programs . They have tailor-made programs for people interested in internships, volunteering, and studying. The company is based in several communities worldwide and works with partners in those communities to deliver the best possible experience to young travelers. 

EF Tours has been a go-to company for teachers and parents around the globe for quite a few years now. The company specializes in bringing different student tours at very attractive prices. However, the attractive prices are not the only thing that makes EF Tours so popular. 

The company regularly includes new programs to ensure there is an excellent opportunity for all students who go beyond the classroom to pursue new knowledge, no matter how specific their interests might be. 

Meridian Overseas

Meridian Overseas is the leader in connecting students eager to study and travel to educational tourism consultants . They help students find the best programs for their needs in the UK, USA, Italy, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Germany. The company went even further, enabling students to take IELTS coaching classes to excel in programs where English is their native language.

Global Volunteers

Global Volunteers, as the name suggests, brings numerous volunteer opportunities in the USA and abroad to people who want to be part of the change. The company has a vast network of professionals and partners. Thanks to its extensive networks, the company enables travelers from all possible walks of life to volunteer in various organizations, from classrooms and clinics to childcare centers and farm fields. 

ACIS Educational Tours

ACIS stands for the American Council for International Studies. The organization was established back in 1978. Several decades of extensive experience and an extensive network of partners enable ACIS to deliver excellent educational trips to middle and high school students . 

The company has branches throughout the US, including those in London and Paris. They offer many unique educational travel products, such as culturally immersive tours, private tours, youth, young women’s leadership tours, STEM-focused tours, and many others.

We already have a clear understanding of what educational tourism is, as well as the different types and their benefits. However, it is also interesting to address an unavoidable situation, which has to do with the passage of time.

What is the future of educational tourism?

Given the different circumstances experienced over the past few years, we can detail some particularities.

The Importance of Environmental Care

It is imperative to note that the world is undergoing a general paradigm shift in terms of environmental care.

This action has become a key piece in educational tourism , and travelers are increasingly aware that their actions and responsible practices will leave a footprint and set a milestone for the future.

For this reason, it is interesting to note that there are increasingly more offers available with accommodations based on ecological activities as well as wholly educational programs designed for such purposes.

Cultural diversity

Culture and its diversity are one of the keys to educational tourism.

Travelers are increasingly eager to engage with different communities , learn their languages and customs with the goal of understanding even more about their secrets and concerns.

For this, the school plays a fundamental role in enriching experiences with its exchange trips through homestays or even those that involve visits to different indigenous communities.

The arrival of the digital world

Technology is not only changing the lives of all the inhabitants of the planet but also everything related to the educational field.

Experiences such as virtual reality, augmented reality, or interactive applications allow for enjoying incredible landscapes and experiences without moving from one’s place .

Similarly, we can relive epic battles and historical content as if we were part of them.

These experiences, added to those offered by educational-oriented video games like the Assassin’s Creed series, undoubtedly create a link between the classroom and the outside world in a much more accessible and attractive way for students.

Constante learning

Educational experiences are not limited only to the school environment or to young students but are part of a growth process that continues to grow and accumulate knowledge from different experiences.

Even great professionals or elderly people increasingly seek opportunities to acquire new knowledge through personalized experiences that provide them with value and personal growth.

Tourism companies that offer this type of service will have an advantage in responding to a need that grows day by day.

Educational tourism is one of the rapidly growing tourism industry branches . It offers a unique value – a perfect mix of adventure and learning . There are many types of educational tourism, each one offering specific advantages. Given the range of benefits, it offers to travelers, travel and educational institutions, communities, and countries – it’s safe to assume that this sector has a bright future ahead of it, as is reflected in the projected global educational tourism market growth .

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Cristóbal Reali, VP of Global Sales at Mize, with over 20 years of experience, has led high-performance teams in major companies in the tourism industry, as well as in the public sector. He has successfully undertaken ventures, including a DMO and technology transformation consulting. In his role at Mize, he stands out not only for his analytical and strategic ability but also for effective leadership. He speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. He holds a degree in Economics from UBA, complementing his professional training at Harvard Business School Online.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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Educational Tourism: Definitions, Types and Popular Destinations

Educational tourism offers unique opportunities for people to travel and learn by combining the joys of visiting new places with acquiring knowledge. This type of tourism includes various experiences such as study abroad programs, exchange student experiences, and school trips to historical sites or natural wonders. The primary goal is to enrich the learning experience, enhance cultural understanding, and nurture personal development.

As globalization continues to make the world more interconnected, educational tourism has become increasingly popular. People of all ages are eager to broaden their horizons while discovering new environments and cultures. Educational tourists also play a significant role in supporting local economies, fostering cultural exchanges, and contributing to global understanding.

Educational tourism has evolved in response to rising demand and greater availability of diverse travel experiences in recent years. From attending language schools to participating in workshops or seminars, there are endless ways to learn and grow while exploring new destinations. This growth underscores the importance of educational tourism in fostering lifelong learning and bridging cultural divides.

Definitions of Educational Tourism

Defining educational tourism, types of educational tourism, motivations for educational tourism, popular educational tourism destinations, suppliers of educational tourism, educational tourism programs and companies, benefits of educational tourism, challenges of educational tourism, future of educational tourism, what are the examples of edutourism.

Definitions of educational tourists and educational tourism are following as:

An educational tourist (or educational stayover) may be considered as:

a person who is away from their home town or country overnight, where education and learning are either the main reason for their trip or where education and learning are secondary reasons but are perceived as an important way of using leisure time

An excursionist (or same-day educational tourist) is:

a person involved in any educational/learning activity or excursion, which does not include an overnight stay away from their home destination, and for whom education and learning is seen as an important way of using leisure time.

Therefore, educational tourism can be defined as:

tourist activity undertaken by those who are undertaking an overnight vacation and those who are undertaking an excursion for whom education and learning is a primary or secondary part of their trip. This can include general educational tourism and adult study tours, international and domestic university and school students’ travel, including language schools, school excursions and exchange programmes. Educational tourism can be independently or formally organised and can be undertaken in a variety of natural or humanmade settings.

What is Educational Tourism

What is Educational Tourism

Educational tourism, also known as edu-tourism or educational travel, is a form of tourism whose primary purpose is gaining knowledge and engaging in cultural exchanges. It involves travelling to a different country or region to learn about various subjects such as history , languages, art, and environmental issues.

Education tourism isn’t limited to academic learning; it can encompass any activity or experience that enriches the traveller’s understanding of the world. The goal is to explore new places, foster personal growth, and broaden one’s perspective.

Several types of educational tourism cater to different interests and age groups. Some of the most common include:

  • Language Immersion Programs: These are designed for those who want to learn a new language by visiting a country where the language is spoken. The immersion environment enables participants to practice their language skills and better understand the local culture.
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: These programs foster understanding and appreciation of other cultures. Participants live with host families, attend local schools or workshops, and partake in community-based activities to learn about the customs and traditions of the host country.
  • Study Abroad Programs: These are popular among college and university students, allowing them to complete a portion of their degree in a different country. It promotes cross-cultural understanding, enhances global awareness, and broadens academic perspectives.
  • Eco-Tourism and Sustainable Tourism: Travelers visit natural habitats and engage in activities that support their preservation and conservation . It increases environmental awareness and promotes responsible travel practices.

Educational tourism presents countless opportunities for personal development, academic enrichment, and cultural exploration. As a global phenomenon, it encourages learning from different perspectives and fosters a deeper understanding of our diverse world.

educational tourism motivation

Personal Growth

Educational tourism provides numerous opportunities for personal growth. Travellers are exposed to new environments and experiences that can foster self-discovery, adaptability, and resilience. They can develop interpersonal skills through interactions with diverse groups of people, enabling them to communicate effectively in different cultural contexts. Furthermore, participating in educational trips can also enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities as individuals learn to navigate unfamiliar situations.

Professional Growth

Pursuing educational tourism can significantly contribute to professional growth. Acquiring new skills and knowledge, particularly in a global context, can make individuals more competitive in the job market, set them apart from their peers, and increase their chances of employment. Additionally, some educational tourism programs provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and exposure to industry professionals, which can result in valuable connections and insights that can propel one’s career forward.

Cultural Knowledge

Engaging in educational tourism immerses individuals in the destination country’s local culture, history, and traditions. This exposure to diverse cultures enriches travellers’ understanding of the world and broadens their perspectives. By participating in culturally immersive activities, like workshops, visiting museums or engaging with local communities, individuals can gain a deeper appreciation for and understanding of various cultural practices. This increased cultural knowledge promotes tolerance, respect, and empathy towards other cultures.

Educational Tourism Destinations

In Europe, France is a top destination for educational tourism, offering cultural experiences like art galleries and museums and language immersion programs. Italy is another popular choice, known for its history, architecture, and cuisine. Students can visit famous landmarks like the Colosseum or the Leaning Tower of Pisa while learning about the country’s rich heritage. Germany is an ideal destination for learning about its technological advancements and history, with attractions like the Berlin Wall and BMW Museum. Finally, the United Kingdom offers various educational activities, including famous landmarks such as Buckingham Palace and the British Museum.

Japan is a sought-after educational tourism destination in Asia, known for its technological innovations and deep-rooted traditions. Visitors can participate in tea ceremonies, learn about samurai culture, and explore high-tech cities like Tokyo. Thailand provides opportunities for learning about Southeast Asian history, visiting temples and ancient sites, and exploring its rich biodiversity. India is another popular choice, featuring architectural wonders like the Taj Mahal, rich cultural heritage, and diverse traditions.

North America

In the United States , educational tourism spans from historical landmarks, like the Washington Monument and Ellis Island, to scientific institutions, such as NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. The US offers numerous educational activities, including visiting national parks and learning about the country’s diverse demographics.

Australia is recognized for its unique flora and fauna, making it an ideal destination for biology and ecology students. The Great Barrier Reef, the Outback, and various wildlife sanctuaries can be visited for learning opportunities in Australia.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and plenty of more destinations are available for educational tourism across the globe.

The Canadian Tourism Commission (2001) notes two main components to the supply side of educational tourism:  the primary tourist product and secondary or support elements.  

A variety of organisations combine to form the primary educational tourism experience, including:

  • Attractions and events  which provide the venue for learning experiences (e.g. parks, historic sites, zoos, bird and wildlife sanctuaries and archaeological dig sites). 
  • Resource specialists  who are responsible for delivering the learning component of these vacations (e.g. employees, curators, interpreters, lecturers, storytellers, researchers and academics).
  • Affinity travel planners  from organisations who help plan and develop learning programmes for travellers (e.g. special interest groups, conservation organisations, universities and language schools).
  • Tour and receptive operators  who package experiences for customers and organisations and provide destination expertise, local knowledge, escort services and marketing services.

However, secondary suppliers or support services are also required for educational travellers, including:

  • Transportation  such as cruise, bus and train transport as part of an independent trip or package, including travel to and from the departure point. 
  • Hospitality services , including catering, recreation, entertainment, social activities and accommodation options.
  • Travel services , including travel agents, insurance companies, travel media and advertising.
  • Destination marketing organisations  who operate at a national, regional or local level to promote educational travel and tourism to potential tourists.

It is the combination of primary and secondary suppliers which will create the educational tourist experience consumed by travellers. The continued development of innovative partnerships and product development is critical to the future of the educational tourism industry.

Student Exchange Programs

Student exchange programs are a popular form of educational tourism, allowing students to experience other cultures and improve their language skills. These programs often involve partnerships between universities and schools in different countries. Global Volunteers and GVI Company are examples of organizations that facilitate student exchanges. Participants may stay with host families or in university dormitories, promoting cross-cultural understanding and lifelong connections.

Language Schools

Language schools are another popular option for educational tourism, providing immersive learning experiences. Students can attend classes to improve their language skills while enjoying exploring a new country. EF Tours and ACIS Educational Tours are notable companies that organize language school trips, catering to various age groups and proficiency levels. These tours can include cultural activities, excursions, and opportunities to practice conversation with native speakers.

Workshops and Seminars

Workshops and seminars provide focused learning experiences on specific subjects, usually conducted quickly. Travellers can attend workshops and seminars on topics such as art, cooking, photography, or writing, hosted by experts in the field. These educational tourism experiences often include accommodations, meals, and excursions related to the explored topic. Companies like Workshop Travels specialize in organizing these types of trips, offering unique educational opportunities alongside cultural experiences.

Educational Tours Companies

Educational tour companies often offer tailor-made itineraries for school trips and excursions, providing students with hands-on experiences in various subjects. Examples include exploring historical landmarks, visiting museums, and participating in local customs and traditions. EF Tours, ACIS Educational Tours, and School Excursions are well-known companies that arrange these trips for schools and universities. Packages range from short one-day outings to multi-week adventures catering to diverse educational needs and interests.

In summary, educational tourism programs and companies cater to various learning experiences and fields of interest, offering unique travel opportunities for students, educators, and travellers.

Benefits of Educational Tourism

Broadening Cultural Experience

Educational tourism immerses travellers in diverse cultures, art, history, and architecture. This exposure leads to a deeper understanding and appreciation for different ways of life. Tourists broaden their perspectives by visiting historical landmarks, engaging with local communities, and participating in cultural activities. Exploring unique landscapes and learning foreign languages also contribute to culturally enriching experiences.

Enhancing Education and Teaching

Through educational tourism, individuals can enhance their knowledge and skills by learning from experts in various fields. Incorporating hands-on experiences in subjects like history, art, and architecture provides a more engaging and memorable educational journey. As a result, such incidents often stimulate a lifelong passion for learning and a greater appreciation for diverse subjects. Furthermore, educators can bring back valuable insights, tools, and teaching methods to enrich their classrooms and contribute to improved teaching practices.

Boost to Employment and Business

Educational tourism creates a demand for skilled professionals in the tourism industry . This demand increases employment opportunities for local guides, translators, and educators. Moreover, the influx of travellers contributes to the growth of local businesses such as hotels , restaurants, and entertainment venues. Education tourism strengthens the foundation for sustainable growth within the global community by fostering cultural exchange and economic development.

Impact on Local Cultures

Educational tourism offers the opportunity to learn about new cultures and societies but can also significantly impact these communities. Over-tourism can lead to commodifying cultural experiences, with locals feeling pressured to adjust their traditions and customs for tourist consumption. This can result in losing crucial cultural heritage, a decline in authenticity, and socio-cultural tensions between visitors and local populations.

Furthermore, tourists’ motivation to learn about new cultures may sometimes result in intrusive behaviour. The desire to explore and understand can lead to an invasion of privacy or violations of personal boundaries, creating resentment within the local community.

Environmental and Social Issues

Another challenge of educational tourism is the ecological footprint it leaves behind. As tourists travel to remote destinations, they often generate environmental issues such as pollution, littering, and depletion of natural resources. These actions can endanger the ecosystems on which local communities rely for their livelihoods.

Additionally, educational tourism can exacerbate social inequality. Wealthier tourists can consume resources, push up the cost of living, and drive up housing prices in popular destinations, making it increasingly difficult for locals to afford necessities.

To minimize the negative impacts, tourists and educational institutions must be conscious of their actions and strive for sustainable and responsible tourism practices.

Global Trends and Growth

Educational tourism is gaining rapid prominence in the global tourism industry, driven by the increased number of international students, researchers, and individuals exploring new places for learning. The year-on-year growth of educational tourism has been remarkable, indicating its significance and potential for the future of educational tourism . The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of educational tourists globally is expected upward.

With more diverse modes of transportation available, travelling for educational purposes is becoming more accessible to individuals worldwide. As a result, global educational tourists are anticipated to grow exponentially over the coming years. Dark tourism has also garnered attention as an educational sub-sector among the various niche segments. It involves visiting sites associated with death, tragedy, or adverse historical events, encouraging tourists to learn about critical aspects of human history.

International Collaborations

In the age of globalization, international collaborations have become the cornerstone for promoting educational tourism. Universities and academic institutions worldwide have recognized the benefits of global exposure through partnership programs, research initiatives, and exchange opportunities for students and faculty. These collaborations foster cultural exchange, promoting understanding different perspectives and contributing to academic advancements.

International students, in particular, play a pivotal role in boosting educational tourism’s global reach. With increasing interest in studying abroad, greater acceptance of different cultures, and the opportunities offered through international collaborations, international student mobility is expected to rise. Consequently, educational tourism will continue to thrive and evolve, enriching people’s lives with the experiential knowledge they acquire through travel and tourism .

What are the examples of Edutourism?

Educational tourism, also known as “edutourism” or “academic tourism,” involves travel experiences designed to provide participants with opportunities for learning, cultural enrichment, and personal growth. Here are some examples of educational tourism:

  • Museum Tours: Travelers visit museums, art galleries, science centres, and historical sites to learn about art, history, science, and culture. Guided tours , interactive exhibits, and informative displays help visitors gain insights into various subjects.
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: These programs facilitate interactions between travellers and local communities. Participants engage in homestays, language immersion, and cultural workshops to understand different cultures and traditions firsthand.
  • Historical Site Visits: Travelers explore historical landmarks, ancient ruins, and heritage sites to learn about past civilizations, events, and architecture. These visits provide insights into the historical context of a region.
  • Language Learning Trips: Participants travel to destinations where the target language is spoken. Language immersion programs offer classes, cultural activities, and opportunities to practice language skills in real-life settings.
  • Culinary Tours: Travelers explore the local cuisine, visit markets, and participate in cooking classes to learn about food traditions, ingredients, and cooking techniques of a particular region.
  • Eco-Tourism and Sustainability Tours: These tours focus on ecological conservation, sustainable practices, and environmental awareness. Participants learn about local ecosystems, wildlife, and efforts to protect the environment.
  • Educational Workshops and Retreats: Travelers attend workshops, seminars, and retreats related to personal development, wellness, and skill enhancement. These events provide opportunities for learning new skills and self-improvement.
  • Educational Cruises: Cruises often offer onboard lectures, workshops, and field excursions that provide travellers with educational experiences while visiting multiple destinations.
  • Academic Conferences and Seminars: Professionals, researchers, and students attend conferences and seminars to present and discuss research findings, share insights, and engage in academic discussions.
  • Volunteer Tourism (Voluntourism): Travelers engage in volunteer activities, such as teaching, community development, or conservation efforts, while experiencing the local culture and gaining insights into societal challenges.
  • Wildlife and Nature Tours: Participants explore natural habitats, observe wildlife, and learn about biodiversity, conservation, and ecological systems through guided tours and excursions.
  • Adventure-Based Learning: Adventure activities such as outdoor expeditions, trekking, and team-building exercises provide opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and experiential learning.
  • Educational Farm Stays: Travelers stay on farms to learn about agriculture, animal husbandry, and sustainable farming practices. They may participate in farm activities and gain an appreciation for rural life.
  • University or School Exchange Programs: Students participate in exchange programs to study abroad, gaining exposure to different educational systems, cultures, and perspectives.
  • Archaeological Expeditions: Participants join archaeological digs to learn about ancient civilizations and the process of excavation and preservation.

Educational tourism offers participants a chance to learn beyond traditional classroom settings, fostering cultural understanding, personal development, and a broader worldview. The activities and experiences can vary widely, allowing travellers to choose options that align with their interests and learning goals.

The Educational Benefits of Travel

  • Posted March 19, 2021
  • By Gianna Cacciatore
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Global Education
  • Informal and Out-of-School Learning

Yasmine El Baggari

Master’s student Yasmine El Baggari has been to all 50 states. And she hasn’t just “been” to them in a casual, check-off-the-box way. She has been to them, for extended trips, staying in the homes of more than 250 families, riding countless Greyhound buses, and fostering thousands of genuine connections across cultures.

Originally from Morocco, El Baggari decided that she wanted to travel the United States by bus when she was 17, starting from Kansas where she was living while taking part in the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange — a state-department exchange program that seeks to dismantle stereotypes about Morocco, Africa, and the Middle East in the United States. “I told myself, if I can break down stereotypes in Kansas, I can do it in all 50 states,’’ says El Baggari. She continued her travels across the U.S. through college and beyond, visiting her final state — Alaska — in 2019.

Her commitment to the interpersonal and cross-cultural benefits of travel only grew from there, with additional visits to 50 countries. Six years ago, El Baggari founded Voyaj , an international exchange company that seeks to break down cultural stereotypes and foster a sense of global interconnectedness through travel experiences. Voyaj connects people of all ages with others in their destination country who share their interests and values, “in order to have a deeper cultural experience through their lens,” El Baggari explains.

The program, currently being piloted with select communities, has facilitated journeys for its clients to more than 40 countries, including France, Morocco, and the United States. Hosts open their homes to travelers, who then open their hearts and minds to embrace new cultures. The Voyaj process is planned to work through the Voyaj website, where travelers will be able to sign-up, arrange homestays, and share stories about their journeys.

El Baggari’s work at Voyaj, which is currently a venture at the Harvard iLab, is grounded in the belief that when humans from different backgrounds form authentic connections, our increased global understanding can help lead to a more peaceful world. Learning more about how the human mind works while at the Ed School has given her insight into the factors at play when two strangers sit down and form a deep bond, despite their different social contexts — factors she learned anecdotally from her travel experiences. This developmental knowledge, El Baggari believes, will help her understand cross-cultural connections, even when stereotypes, walls, and borders stand in the way.

“It is so important to realize that we aren’t really that different, and that we can embrace any perceived or real differences and identify our commonalities,” she explains.  

When COVID-19 restricted travel, Voyaj created remote opportunities for connection, facilitating online experiences for people around the globe. While these gatherings lack the allure of an international, in-person experience, they have addressed some of the social ills exacerbated by the pandemic like loneliness and isolation. “That’s one of the positive sides of COVID: More communities are looking to connect and to do so more deeply,” says El Baggari. “Because of the isolation, people are eager to meet. These virtual experiences have proven meaningful.”

El Baggari expects the evolution of Voyaj to continue — even as she concurrently focuses on her ultimate travel goal: becoming an astronaut through Space For Humanity’s sponsored citizen astronaut mission. With the support of her global team, she is running pilots for the upcoming Voyaj app, as well working to form partnerships with other exchange and travel organizations in the United States, New Zealand, Morocco, and elsewhere.

El Baggari believes that travel is about more than place. It is about people: the people you see, the people you meet, and the people who change you along the way. “I believe we have the opportunity to learn at every moment from every encounter,” says El Baggari. “We’re here, and alive! We’ve got to connect, to open and share our cultures, and realize who we truly are.”

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travel and tourism in education

  • John Tribe 3 &
  • David Airey 4  

12 Accesses

Like many tourism concepts, tourism education is largely an industry-specific example of a more general phenomenon. In its widest context, education is generally positioned as being something different to indoctrination, training, or instruction. Rather, it is to do with the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and the development of understanding. It is sometimes likened to a learning journey as a result of which the mind, the thinking capacity and abilities of the educated person, have been improved.

For higher education, the term further implies an ability to acquire a deep understanding of knowledge, to critique its validity, to engage in self-reflection on learning, to set a personal learning agenda, and to engage in open dialogue. Applying these criteria suggests the following definition: the critical and reflexive acquisition and application of knowledge, skills, and understanding about tourism.

Tourism is a relative newcomer to education but has developed as a distinct area of...

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Airey, D., J. Tribe, P. Benckendorff, and H. Xiao. 2015. The managerial gaze: The long tail of tourism education and research. Journal of Travel Research 54 (2): 139–151.

Article   Google Scholar  

Dredge, D., D. Airey, and M. Gross, eds. 2014. The Routledge handbook of tourism and hospitality education . London: Routledge.

Google Scholar  

Edelheim, J. 2020. How should tourism education values be transformed after 2020? Tourism Geographies 22 (3): 547–554.

Qian, J., R. Law, and X. Li. 2019. Education research in tourism: A longitudinal study of 77 articles between 2008 and 2017. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 24: 120–129.

Sheldon, P., D. Fesenmaier, and J. Tribe. 2011. The tourism education futures initiative (TEFI): Activating change in tourism education. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism 11: 2–23.

Tribe, J. 2000. The national curriculum for tourism higher education. NLG Guideline 9: 2–12.

———. 2002. The philosophic practitioner. Annals of Tourism Research 29: 338–357.

Walker, J., and V. Manyamba. 2020. Towards an emotion-focused, discomfort-embracing transformative tourism education. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 26: 100213.

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York St. John University, York, UK

University of Surrey, Surrey, UK

David Airey

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School of Hospitality Leadership, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, USA

Jafar Jafari

School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Honggen Xiao

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Faculty of Tourism and Graduate School of Tourism, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan

Kumi Kato Ph.D

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Tribe, J., Airey, D. (2022). Education-Tourism. In: Jafari, J., Xiao, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer, Cham.

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Received : 27 January 2021

Accepted : 03 August 2021

Published : 05 February 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

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UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

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The Global Education Forum Puts a Spotlight on the Future of Tourism

  • All Regions
  • 26 Oct 2023

The UNWTO General Assembly looked to the future with a focus on tourism education and training. The Global Education Forum brought together Ministers, employers, educators and learners to address the biggest challenges and opportunities for advancing training across every part of the sector.

A priority for global tourism

According to data analysed by UNWTO, the majority of the global tourism workforce are young people, many of them without further training or qualifications. At the same time, existing tourism education centres and programmes prioritise hospitality, with UNWTO aiming to fill the gaps and deliver courses and other trainings to allow students to gain knowledge of every part of the diverse sector. Opening the Forum, UNWTO Executive Director Natalia Bayona made clear the opportunities and challenges: Tourism is the top employer of youth: over 50% of its workers aged 25 years old or less 1 , while around 882,000 tourism jobs 2 per year will require vocational training by 2030.

Ministers of Tourism from Andorra, Bahrain, Guatemala, the Philippines and Zambia brought their expert insights to a high-level Debate on Policies to Foster Innovation & Education for Current and Future Generations. Challenges highlighted included the high turnover of tourism staff in comparison to other economic sectors and the lack of tourism as a subject in schools in most education systems. The discussion explored opportunities for shaping new policies, effective instruments, and global partnerships to support inclusive and sustainable tourism development while addressing the skill gap and creating value-added jobs.

UNWTO presents the Education Toolkit for the incorporation of tourism as a subject in high schools

Within the Education Forum, UNWTO presented the Education Toolkit, a guide of recommendations for helping all actors involved on education in the introduction of tourism as a subject of the secondary school curricula with the ultimate goal of attracting and cultivating the right talent for the tourism sector.

The UNWTO Education Toolkit offers an overview of the current status of high schools and vocational education training worldwide, it also gives recommendations derived from the contributions of UNWTO member states, non-member states and academic partners and it also presents successful case studies of integrating tourism education and training in public and private schools. In addition, it includes a comprehensive overview of the benefits, with specialized curricula provided by UNWTO's academic partners: the Cambridge Assessment International Education, American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI), and the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).

Also at the Forum, participants were given an overview of the recently inaugurated Tourism Academy in Samarkand in collaboration with UNWTO, a key outcome of the country's strong partnership with UNWTO.

UNWTO – HSLU Bachelor of Science in International Sustainable Tourism

During Bayona's keynote speech, she also presented the flexible three-year BSc in International Sustainable Tourism that UNWTO and the Swiss public university of Lucerne for Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) have developed to empower the future-oriented transformation of the entire tourism sector. This unique initiative will be the first time that UNWTO has been actively involved in an undergraduate programme, with modules that include a variety of UN-related topics, such as UN Diplomacy & Tourism and Global UNWTO Missions & Initiatives, and deliberately embeds the UN's values and global goals throughout the courses. The first cohort of the programme will commence in fall 2024 with a first year in Madrid, followed by a remote year and a third last year in Switzerland.

Ulysses Prize for Tourism Education

In a fitting culmination to the Global Education Forum, Dr. Bao Jigang was honoured with the prestigious Ulysses Prize, a testament to his remarkable contributions to the field of tourism. Awarded as the 16th laureate of this esteemed accolade bestowed by UNWTO for outstanding achievements in the creation and dissemination of knowledge within the realm of tourism, Dr. Bao's illustrious career stands as a shining example of his invaluable impact. Throughout his distinguished academic journey, he has played a pivotal role in catalysing the growth of domestic tourism, in his homely of the People´s Republic of China, elevating its scale and significance as a premier global tourism destination.

1. ILO (2013 United Nations (s.f.), OECD (2023) 2.ILO (2022)

Related links

  • Download the News Release on PDF
  • UNWTO Education Toolkit for the incorporation of tourism as a subject in high schools
  • AHLEI – Hospitality and Tourism Management Curriculum Brochure
  • Cambridge International – Travel and Tourism Curriculum Brochure
  • UNWTO – HSLU Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Tourism

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1000+ Travel and tourism teaching resources

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Tourism Teacher is the number 1 choice for travel and tourism teaching resources amongst teachers, lecturers and trainers. The extensive resource bank provides a range of travel and tourism teaching resources to those working in secondary schools, colleges and universities as well travel and tourism practitioners and trainers. 

The travel and tourism teaching resources are differentiated to suit learners of all needs and abilities, ranging from entry level travel and tourism students, to GCSE , A Level , BTEC and university level travel and tourism students. With over 1000 travel and tourism resources, including a range of activities, case studies, worksheets and PowerPoint presentations, teachers are well equipped to develop a comprehensive learning programme for their students. 

As any travel and tourism teacher will know, the industry is dynamic and progressive, with ongoing changes to policy and practice. It is for this reason that the Tourism Teacher travel and tourism resources are updated regularly and new resources are developed each month. If there is a particular resource that you require that isn’t part of the 1000 bank of resources, then please do get in contact and I will do my best to produce these for you. 

The resources are organised by topic and there is also a full resource bank for the BTEC Tech Award in Travel and Tourism and soon there will be the entire Cambridge International A Level in travel and tourism and Cambridge IGCSE in travel and tourism.

travel and tourism in education

Types of travel and tourism teaching resources

There are a range of travel and tourism teaching resources available for you to use and adapt for your own classroom, including:

  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Printable worksheets
  • Interactive activities
  • Case studies
  • Reading lists
  • Journal articles
  • Role play cards
  • Classroom displays and posters
  • Exam practice

Travel and Tourism Course Specific Resources

Whilst the 1000 travel and tourism teaching resources provided are useful for any course specification, I understand that sometimes it is easiest to ‘pick up and go’. Therefore I have created resources for the entire syllabus for the following qualifications:

  • BTEC Teach Award
  • Cambridge International Travel and Tourism A Level
  • Cambridge IGCSE Travel and Tourism (coming soon)

Travel and tourism topics

The travel and tourism resources cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Travel and tourism industry
  • Tour operations
  • Sustainable/ responsible tourism
  • Travel agency operations
  • Airlines and airports
  • Business tourism
  • Visitor attractions
  • Researching current issues/ research project
  • Types of tourism/ niche tourism
  • Planning an event
  • European tourism
  • Worldwide tourism
  • Tourism and technology
  • Tourism geography
  • Customer service
  • Ancillary revenue management
  • Hospitality
  • Rural tourism
  • Leadership and management
  • Cruise tourism
  • Events and festivals
  • Entertainment in tourism
  • Nature and effects of world travel
  • Destination planning and development
  • Working in travel and tourism
  • Social responsibility
  • Resort Representatives
  • Passenger transport
  • Safety and security
  • Study skills
  • Employability skills
  • Induction and tutorial activities

Who Developed the Travel and Tourism Teaching Resources?

All resources on this website have been created by the resources development team in line with the relevant specifications. Please note that the resources have not been endorsed by any awarding body and that they are the property of Tourism Teacher Ltd. Copyright laws apply.

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Who developed the travel and tourism teaching resources?

All of the travel and tourism teaching resources have been developed by Dr Hayley Stainton and the Tourism Teacher team.

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You will have unlimited access to more than 1300 travel and tourism teaching resources for as long as you continue your subscription, which lasts for 12 months.

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travel and tourism in education

Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism

  • The Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism is the professional journal of the International Society of Travel & Tourism Educators (ISTTE). This Journal serves as an international interdisciplinary forum and reference source for travel and tourism education. The readership of the Journal is international in scope, with a good representation in college and university libraries as well as high schools and professional schools offering courses in travel and tourism. The Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism publishes quality manuscripts relating to travel and tourism education at various levels, ranging from proprietary schools to advance degree-granting universities. The journal regularly publishes features and columns to introduce educators and educators-in-training to new concepts and approaches. These special sections and features include:
  • tips for teaching assistants and new instructors
  • conference reviews
  • textbook reviews
  • case studies
  • Internet and travel education/learning at a distance
  • Editor-in-Chief: Li-Chun Lin
  • Montclair State University United States
  • [email protected] JOURNAL WEBSITE
  • For inquiries or submissions, contact Li-Chun Lin at the above address.
  • For subscription information call: +1 800 354 1420

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Tourism Beast

Educational Tourism

Educational tourism is an increasingly popular new trend in the global tourism industry. The concept of a wide range of educational tourism, it has been changing the concept of tourism itself. In other words, the main purpose of educational travel is to obtain knowledge and experience on certain topics, rather than travel itself. 

Educational tourism is about learning new things, acquiring new knowledge about culture or history of other destinations. Its main focus is on studying new things, learning about other cultures, study tours, or to apply the learned skills. This is one of the most famous type of tourism activity for past few years, for example people travel to learn foreign languages. Due to the growing popularity of teaching and learning of new knowledge, Educational tourism is growing at a faster speed. Educational tourism has become an alternative of large scale mass tourism.

travel and tourism in education

With the growth of tourism it has led to the emergence of segments within the tourism industry, which includes educational tourism as well. Educational tourism is not a homogenous group; it can vary from person to person or their interest. The number of international students has been steadily increasing over the last 30 years and China, India, and the Republic of Korea are the top three global student providers. The most popular destinations for educational tourism are United States, United Kingdom, Germany,

France, Australia, and Japan. These six countries host around 62% of the world’s total international student population. 

In recent past the general increase in the educational level of society has had a profound impact on the tourism market. Educational tourism can take a variety of directions and serve a diversity of visitor interests, “such as satisfying curiosity about other people and their language and culture; stimulating interest in art, music, architecture or folklore; inspiring concerns for natural environments, landscapes, flora and fauna; or, deepening the fascination of cultural heritage and historic places. Educational tourism goes beyond a curiosity, interest or fascination for a particular topic but includes an element of organized learning (Kalinowski & Weiler 1992). 

History of Educational tourism 

Educational tourism has its roots in the ancient world. Yet, depending on the socioeconomic, political, cultural, and historical circumstances, at different historical stages of its development, it had its own peculiarities. 

Educational tourism is not a new concept; it has existence since the 17th, 18th, and much of the 19th centuries. The ‘Grand Tour’ was seen as the beginning of educational tourism, which was undertaken initially by aristocratic British youth as part of their education during 17 th to 19 th century. Many of these were scholars from England, Germans and other countries, travelling on a grand tour of the European Continent. 

Educational Tourism from Indian context:

India was an important centre for education in South-Asian countries since the ancient period. Scholars all over the world travelled to India for education. India was a famous destination for advanced learning process and knowledge sharing. Taxila University, Nalanda University, Vikramshila University, Odantapuri, Somapura, Sharada Peeth, Valabhi, and Ratnagiri were among the famous learning centres. The most famous and prestigious centres of learning among all these universities were Nalanda University and Taxila University. The three great personalities of India, Chanakya, Chandragupta and

Charak belong to Taxila University. ‘Arthashastra’ is believed to be written here by Chanakya. Arthashastra is the famous ancient book on economics and polity and it is still famous among the scholars. 

Educational tour:

Most of the schools and colleges have educational tour as a part of the academic experience. Educational tours help the students with firsthand experience of various subjects. Example: Educational tours organised by the schools to the zoos and parks to acquaint the students with flora and fauna. This provides the students with an opportunity to see flora and fauna face to face which is quite exciting as compared to see the pictures of these in a book.

Similarly, in order to understand astronomy, a visit to a planetarium is quite beneficial. History students can be taken to places of historic importance or museums with ancient artefacts. Visits to old forts and palaces or the ruins of the ancient kingdoms can make history come alive before us.

Tourism and Education

Tourism and travel activities enhance knowledge because with travelling we come to know about new people, languages, life styles, landscapes, cultures, customs and traditions. This increases our knowledge about the other destinations. Travelling plays an important role in our education and it is essential part of education system. Education without travelling is not complete. Earlier travelling was not easy without facilities but now with the new modes of transportation and scientific improvements it has become quick, easy, cheap, interesting and pleasant. With bthe new modes of transportation like huge ships, fast and comfortable railways, electric vehicals, airplanes the journey has became more interesting and comfortable. Hence travelling has became an important part of education system and it is helpful in in enhancement of knowledge, growing innovative ideas and improving thought process. Travelling provide full knowledge while reading books give half or partial know;edge about things.

Educational Tourism

Classification of Educational Tourism

Although there is no clearly defined classification of education tourism, we can identify some major types:

  • Youth Travelling – It involves school excursions, youth exchanges, and the design and creation for children and adolescents, such as visits to historical, cultural and educational sites, the purpose of the camp of the learning environment, the other tourism projects may also involve access to certain destinations abroad.

2. Tourism Education – Higher liquidity tourism or study can be divided into two types: full-time study program or participate in international exchange program.

3. International research programs- Around the world more and more students decide to complete their degrees in different countries. 

4. Student Exchange Program – Due to a variety of higher education reform and the introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) University students while studying abroad are still one or two semesters studying at the chance to own universities. Including exchange programs designed for students, such as internships, sports, competitions and summer school mobility plan. 

5. Workshop Travels – It usually involves seminars, workshops and Edu-Tourism Symposium. Edu-Tourism Symposium, providing liquidity and travel with the participants , who are not familiar with the subject knowledge as the main purpose . Such a seminar participants are people of any age, the desire to acquire knowledge from experts in specific topics. Travel restrictions within the territory of the country is not necessarily the country, where international transfer may involve seminars. Theme of these workshops may vary, starting from the identification and analysis of marketing policy history book ends. Organization of seminars by the company or the travel supplier, where professionals and students in a common place to gather conduct.

6. Language schools for foreign language learners today to learn the language in a country, it is spoken, and there is the opportunity to become even more important to interact directly with the native language. There are many in the world, provided by language school, which involves not only learning the language, but also to explore the city and country           tours.

Benefits of Educational Tourism:

Education tourism is beneficial for the host nation and host community. It has potential for the development of local community, region and nation at large. It can provide global exposure to the host destination, and a niche to explore hidden areas of that destination.

The benefits from Educational Tourism are as follows:

  • Development of infrastructure
  • New training courses
  • More employment opportunities
  • Availability of skilled manpower
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Exploration of hidden places
  • Social welfare and development
  • Cultural exchange
  • International collaboration
  • Image building of region
  • Global reorganization of destination

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travel and tourism in education

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A new survey, “Travel Improves Educational Attainment & Future Success,” explores the impact of learning-focused travel on academic performance and career growth. The findings demonstrate travel’s power to transform how students approach learning, deepen their understanding of the world and expand their career possibilities. The Wagner Group, a market research firm, conducted the study by surveying a cross-section of 400 American adults who reported taking an educational trip between the ages of 12-18.

The sample carefully balanced across considerations of gender, race and income. An educational trip was defined as any domestic trip taken when the person was between the ages of 12-18 that involved learning about the history or culture of the area visited, either as a school or family trip, and was at least 50 miles from home (one-way) or had an overnight stay regardless of mileage.


Future Success

Regardless of socioeconomic class, the positive effects of youth travel extend far beyond the classroom educational travel correlates with two of the markers most commonly seen as indicators of success: higher education and personal income.

Nine out of ten people who took educational trips during their youth say the experiences helped their education or careers. Educational travel influenced the career choices of more than half (52%) of those surveyed.

Adults who experienced educational travel as teens have a median income $5,000 higher or earn 12 percent greater personal income annually than their peers.

Educational Attainment

Increased travel is linked to higher education, regardless of gender, ethnicity or other demographic factors students who took educational trips were more likely to graduate from high school, attend college and go to graduate school.

A majority of adults (57%) who took educational trips as children and teens attained a college degree or went on to do post-graduate work, compared to those who did not (33%). With each trip, the positive effect of educational travel grew stronger. Nearly all (95%) adults who traveled five or more times were more likely to graduate from high school, and nearly two-thirds (63%) of that group went on to graduate from college.

Nine out of ten people who took educational trips say the experiences helped their education or careers.

Intellectual Curiosity

Many survey respondents noted that travel makes learning come alive, sparking an interest where none existed before. As a result, children who took educational trips had higher grades and were significantly more engaged in learning, both in and out of school.

Educational travel makes school more interesting for 8 in 10 students. Travel helped more than half (59%) achieve better grades.

86 percent say travel in their youth made them more intellectually curious not only in school, but outside the classroom, as well.

Inspired Learning

Respondents report that travel during their school years made them more interested in what they were learning in school, making information easier to remember and making complementary reading and lectures more interesting so interesting as to even spark independent learning.

Respondents said their trips were more than simply educational. Learning-focused travel was also fun (98%), engaging (87%) and inspiring (87%). The experiences provided by these types of trips were a vital part of a complete education according to 83 percent of respondents.

For 80 percent of those surveyed, educational travel sparked greater interest in what they were taught in school.

Cultural Expansion

While teachers and textbooks can introduce students to communities and cultures beyond their own, respondents recall travel experiences as opening their eyes to a world more diverse than they had previously imagined. Some respondents credit early travel as having made them “more tolerant” and having introduced them to “other people and different viewpoints.” More than half of people surveyed describe their educational travel experiences as “transformative.”

85% of adults who took educational trips in their youth say the travel made them more connected to American heritage.

Experiencing local culture and history on their trips had a lasting impact (77%).

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Unveiling the thriving landscape of educational tourism in the US and Canada in FMI’s study

travel and tourism in education

The market for education tourism in the United States and Canada has been experiencing significant growth in recent years. Both countries have established themselves as popular destinations for international students seeking high-quality education and cultural experiences.

The United States and Canada educational tourism market reached a valuation of US$ 83.1 billion in 2022. By the end of 2033, this market is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 304.3 billion.

Sales revenue is likely to increase at a CAGR of 12.6% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2033. The United States and Canada market holds a share of around 25 to 30% in the global educational tourism industry.

There are several factors which contribute to growth in the market. Reputation of the United States and Canada-based diverse course offerings, educational institutions, favorable visa policies, and a welcoming environment for international students might support sales.

Availability of numerous types of scholarships for abroad education, internship programs, and other employment opportunities can further attract students from around the world. Educational institutes, multiple tours & travel agencies, and related service providers have responded by developing tailored programs.

They are also offering comprehensive support services and enhancing the student experience. This trend is expected to continue in the United States and Canada as it would help maintain their commitment to international education and continue to invest in the development of their education systems.

Both the United States and Canada have rich cultural and historical heritage, with numerous landmarks, museums, and UNESCO World Heritage sites. These attractions can draw tourists who are interested in learning about the history, art, architecture, and traditions of these countries.

The United States and Canada are also home to few of the world’s top-ranked universities and educational institutions. Several international students choose to study in these countries to benefit from their high-quality education systems. As a result, educational tourism is on the rise as students, families, and researchers visit campuses, attend conferences, or participate in exchange programs.

English and French are the primary languages spoken in the United States and Canada, respectively. Numerous individuals worldwide aspire to learn these languages to enhance their career prospects or communicate effectively in a globalized world. Educational tourism offers language immersion programs, language courses, and language-focused cultural experiences, which is set to aid demand.

The United States and Canada are at the forefront of scientific research, technological advancements, and innovation. Several people visit these countries to gain exposure to cutting-edge research, attend seminars & workshops, or collaborate with leading experts in various fields. This factor is anticipated to drive educational tourism demand across both countries.

Latest United States & Canada Educational Tourism Market Trends (Listed by Future Market Insights – FMI):

  • Increasing demand for experiential learning programs is driving educational tourism growth in both countries.
  • Growing popularity of virtual and online education platforms is providing opportunities for remote educational tourism experiences.
  • Rising eco-conscious and sustainable educational tourism is focusing on environmental conservation and responsible travel practices.
  • Surging interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) education tourism is aiding demand.
  • Expansion of educational tourism with rising specialized academies and vocational training centers catering to niche fields is propelling growth.
  • Emergence of educational tourism packages combining language learning, cultural immersion, and professional skill development is boosting sales.

2018 to 2022 Educational Tourism Sales Outlook in the United States & Canada Compared to Demand Forecast from 2023 to 2033 The United States & Canada educational tourism market has witnessed significant changes in recent years. The industry primarily involves group tours and school trips to historical sites and iconic landmarks, providing students with a quality learning experience.

In recent years, however, there has been a shift toward more experiential and personalized learning opportunities. With expansion of technology and digital resources, educational tourism now incorporates online courses, virtual tours, and interactive platforms that would enable students to explore multiple subjects from their homes.

Several individuals in the United States and Canada have ancestral ties to these countries or are interested in tracing their family roots. Heritage tourism, including genealogy research, visits to ancestral homes, and cultural exploration, would attract tourists seeking to connect with their heritage.

Both the countries host numerous international conferences, symposiums, and academic events in various fields, attracting scholars, researchers, and professionals from around the world. These events can provide networking opportunities, knowledge exchange, and professional development, contributing to growth of educational tourism.

The United States and Canada also boast diverse landscapes, including breathtaking national parks, mountains, forests, and coastlines. Outdoor education programs, eco-tourism, and adventure tourism have gained popularity as travelers seek opportunities to explore & learn about the environment, conservation, and sustainable practices.

The United States and Canada educational tourism market is projected to witness a CAGR of 12.6% from 2023 to 2033. During the historical period, the market exhibited a CAGR of 9.5%.

The United States and Canada are renowned for their medical and healthcare education systems. Numerous aspiring doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals choose to pursue their education in these countries.

Educational tourism in the healthcare field includes visits to medical schools, hospitals, and specialized training centers. Rising number of new services across both countries is likely to drive demand.

Key Dynamics in the United States & Canada Educational Tourism Market

Collaboration between Educational Institutions and Tourism Organizations

Various educational institutes and tour & tourism service providers are focusing on partnering with each other to serve end users with quality tourism services. Collaboration involves joint marketing efforts, development of specialized programs, and integration of tourism resources. They are aiming to provide students with a more comprehensive and immersive educational tourism experience.

Tours and tourism organizations might contribute their local insights, vast network, and logistical support. Universities might provide educational tourism, whereas student exchange programs would offer specialized knowledge and curriculum.

Together, they can design educational tourism programs which are a blend of academic information related to historical locations, exploration of cultural sites, and hands-on experiences. They might help in fostering a deeper understanding of the destination’s heritage, and traditions.

Collaborative approach would further enhance the appeal of educational tourism. It is likely to attract professionals, students, scholars, and lifelong learners who seek enriching and meaningful educational journeys.

Rise of Educational Tourism Agencies

Rise of educational tourism agencies has been a key driver in growth in the United States and Canada educational tourism market. These agencies specialize in designing and organizing educational trips & programs for students and learners of all ages. These cater to both domestic and international travelers.

By offering immersive experiences, as well as access to educational institutions, cultural sites, and landmarks, these agencies provide a convenient & comprehensive solution for individuals. These also offer new programs for groups seeking to combine travel with learning. As a result, the educational tourism industry in both countries has witnessed significant growth as more people recognize the value of combining travel with educational opportunities.

Growing Blend of Tourism and Education

Blending tourism and education has become a driving force in the United States and Canada education tourism market. This emerging trend combines the excitement and exploration of travel with knowledge and learning opportunities of education.

By incorporating educational experiences into travel journeys such as visits to historical sites, cultural institutions, and academic institutions, individuals can broaden their horizons. They can also gain valuable knowledge and insights.

Integration of tourism and education has sparked a growing demand for educational travel programs. It is projected to create a thriving market that caters to individuals seeking both leisure and educational enrichment.

Which Factors Might Hamper Educational Tourism Demand in the United States & Canada?

  • Strict visa regulations and immigration policies can discourage potential students and tourists from considering educational opportunities in the United States & Canada.
  • Political instability or uncertainty in either country might create an unfavorable perception among international travelers, leading to a decline in educational tourism.
  • Safety concerns such as high crime rates or frequent natural disasters can deter individuals from choosing the United States and Canada as their destinations.
  • Emergence of other countries as attractive educational destinations, offering quality education at a lower cost, can divert students and tourists away from both countries.
  • Increasing costs of education, accommodation, and living expenses in the United States and Canada might make these destinations less affordable for international tourists.

Country-wise Insights

Need for Hands-on Experiences to Push Demand for Educational Tours in the United States

The United States educational tourism market is experiencing steady growth, as an increasing number of travelers are seeking immersive learning experiences to enrich their knowledge. They are also looking to foster cultural understanding.

Tourists are no longer solely interested in traditional sightseeing. But, they are actively seeking opportunities to engage in educational activities that provide them with hands-on experiences and deeper insights into various subjects.

The trend is driven by growing desire for personal development and recognition of the value of experiential learning. The United States market is thriving, offering a wide range of programs and destinations that cater to diverse interests and learning preferences of travelers.

The country is predicted to be one of the most lucrative markets during the forecast period, according to Future Market Insights (FMI). The United States is expected to account for over 73.9% of the market share in 2023.

Cultural Richness of Canada to Spur Demand for Educational Vacations

Canada educational tourism industry is expected to account for over 26.1% of share in 2023 due to the presence of various high-quality educational institutes. The country is home to renowned universities and colleges. These offer excellent academic programs and research opportunities, attracting students from around the world.

Canada’s diverse cultural heritage, including its indigenous traditions and multicultural society, provides a unique learning experience. International students would benefit from exposure to different perspectives and global networking opportunities.

They can further enhance their educational journey. This combination of high-quality education, cultural richness, and global perspective might make Canada a preferred destination for educational tourism.

Category-wise Insights

Demand for Experiential Learning Tourism to Surge among Students Looking to Pursue Higher Education

Based on education type, the higher education segment is anticipated to dominate the United States and Canada educational tourism market. It is likely to expand at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2023 to 2033. It currently holds a leading share of around 35.5%.

Studying in the United States and Canada provides students with the opportunity to network with professionals, researchers, and fellow students from around the world. Connections made during their educational journey can be valuable for future career prospects and international collaborations.

Both countries offer various scholarships, grants, and funding opportunities to support international students in pursuing higher education. These financial incentives can make studying in the United States and Canada more accessible and affordable for several students.

Educational institutions in the United States and Canada prioritize student support and provide comprehensive services such as counseling, career guidance, and academic assistance. This supportive environment would help in enhancing the higher educational experience for international students.

The United States and Canada are also known for their high standards of education and world-class faculty. Students who seek quality education and exposure to cutting-edge research are drawn to these countries to benefit from the expertise & resources available at their institutions.

High Popularity of Student Exchange Programs to Support Academic Tourism

Based on tourism type, the student exchange program segment is projected to dominate the market. It is expected to surge at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2023 to 2033.

Student exchange programs offer students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a foreign culture, enhance their language skills, and gain a global perspective. With rising focus on experiential learning, these programs provide a unique blend of academic study and cultural exploration.

Benefits of participating in such programs include increased intercultural competence, personal growth, and expanded career opportunities. As a result, demand for student exchange programs are rapidly growing, reflecting the desire of students to broaden their horizons and develop a global mindset.

Availability of Good Accommodation to Bolster Sales of Knowledge-based Tourism Programs

Rising popularity of educational tourism has led to an increased need for suitable accommodations that cater specifically to students, scholars, and individuals. These expenses encompass a wide range of options, including hotels, hostels, dormitories, homestays, and student residences.

Educational tourists often prioritize convenient and affordable accommodations that offer proximity to educational institutions, cultural sites, and other relevant locations. Providers in the educational tourism industry in both countries are focusing on offering comfortable and secure lodging options. These would help promote learning, cultural exchange, and networking opportunities.

Demand for accommodation expenses is projected to expand at a robust CAGR of 6.5% throughout the forecast period. As more individuals recognize the value of immersive educational experiences while exploring new destinations, demand would likely surge. Currently, the accommodation expenses segment holds a key share of 33.2%.

Competitive Landscape

Educational tourism service providers in the United States and Canada are expanding their program options to cater to a wider range of interests and educational goals. They would offer diverse programs such as language immersion, cultural exchange, STEM-focused experiences, leadership development, professional training, and specialized academic courses.

A few other service providers are focusing on delivering hands-on, experiential learning opportunities. They might design programs that would involve practical activities, site visits, interactive workshops, and immersive cultural experiences. They are aiming to enhance learning outcomes and engagement.

For instance,

  • In April 2021, UC Berkeley launched the Global Hub, a virtual platform designed to connect students, faculty, and staff from around the world. This platform aims to facilitate cross-cultural communication & collaboration and provide resources for international students & scholars.
  • In 2021, Simon Fraser University launched a new Bachelor of Arts program in Indigenous Studies. It aims to provide students with a deeper understanding of indigenous cultures, histories, and world views.

Theodore Koumelis

Theodore Koumelis

Theodore is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of TravelDailyNews Media Network; his responsibilities include business development and planning for TravelDailyNews long-term opportunities.

  • Theodore Koumelis France’s Travel & Tourism broke all records last year, WTTC research reveals
  • Theodore Koumelis Ambassadors join UN Tourism to look ahead to 2027 Year of Sustainable and Resilient Tourism
  • Theodore Koumelis Mews adds point-of-sale to its embedded payments experience
  • Theodore Koumelis XpresSpa officially open in PHL's Terminal B

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FAA and EASA pledge strong cooperation to address aviation challenges of the next decade

travel and tourism in education

The most exciting fictional destinations


Tapestry Collection by Hilton debuts in York


Emirates powers flights with SAF from Singapore


Etihad Airways and Egyptair sign MoU to deepen relationship


Botswana voted Best Safari Country 2024

The Whimsy Hotel & Spa Saint-Martin – MGallery Collection

Accor and Terres de Légendes announce the development of the first MGallery hotel in the Caribbean

Delta Premium Select

Delta Premium Select to debut on flights between New York-JFK and Los Angeles this fall

travel and tourism in education

Escape your timeshare: Easy steps for hassle-free exit

Akureyri Skald Hotel Curio Collection by Hilton,

Hilton announces two Icelandic hotels

travel and tourism in education

What is desk sharing software

Christy Patterson

Christy Patterson named Director of Sales at the Woodstock Inn & Resort


Turkey’s Travel & Tourism sector reached record-breaking new heights in 2023

Daylesford breakfast

onefinestay partners with Daylesford Organic


Hokuli’a appoints new General Manager and Director of Golf

KSL Resorts

KSL Resorts and Evertreen plant over 1,300 trees in Kenya

ACI Europe

ACI Europe joins stakeholders in an urgent call on EU leaders to confirm the Green Deal

TRAVEL chair

ENAC, Air Caraïbes, French bee and the ENAC Foundation launch the TRAVEL research chair

Τhames Clippers

British Airways customers invited to travel to London City Airport by boat

Hard Rock Casino Rockford

Hard Rock Casino Rockford reveals grand opening date for permanent facility


Ethiopian Airlines inaugural flight lands at new Nekemte Gudina Tumsa Airport

Bobo by The Stay

Bobo by The Stay opens in Bodrum


HotelREZ connects to Apaleo PMS helping hoteliers control cost of bookings

Valley Forge Tourism

Valley Forge Tourism announces Rachel Riley and Samantha Cole as all-female Marketing and Communications leadership team

Koenigshof, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Munich

The Luxury Collection makes its grand debut in Germany with the opening of Koenigshof, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Munich


airBaltic and Diamond sign LOI: Electric planes to join pilot academy


JetBlue announces new daily flights between Boston and Presque Isle

Craig Upshall

Albatros Expeditions appoints Craig Upshall as new Sales Director for Europe, the Middle East, and Australia

Angelo Zuccala

Regent Porto Montenegro announces the appointment of Angelo Zuccala as the new General Manager


Global travel and tourism deals drop 10.9%; PE deals and European markets shine during January-May 2024, reveals GlobalData


Clarity enters the next integration phase with brand overhaul


SAS inagurates new route to Atlanta from Copenhagen

Christian Hein

Corendon Airlines appoints Christian Hein as new Head of Sales & Marketing

Alaska Airlines

Alaska Airlines now flies nonstop between Anchorage and New York City


IHG Hotels & Resorts to establish its first Hawai‘i luxury and lifestyle destination with Coco Palms, A Kimpton Resort

travel and tourism in education

How to choose the right airstream model for your lifestyle

Holiday Inn - the niu

First Holiday Inn – the niu hotel opened in Germany

Orient Express

LVMH and Accor join forces to take Orient Express to new horizons


Ethiopian graduates nearly 800 aviation professionals

New York

New York City’s short-term rental ban spurs growth in neighboring cities


The Broadmoor announces Janell Davies as the new Director of Insurance & Incentive Sales

travel and tourism in education

Campfire culinary arts: Mastering wilderness cooking and survival skills


IHG Hotels & Resorts adds almost 1,000 rooms to Portuguese pipeline

travel and tourism in education

Jump into fun: Why indoor kids trampoline attractions are the ultimate adventure


RLA Global report: Wellness hotels surge in global market, upper upscale properties lead

Utopia of the Seas

Utopia of the Seas officially joins Royal Caribbean

ACI World

Top airport experts gather in Montreal for the first ACI World Committee Forum


Dioriviera opens at The Little Nell as the French Maison’s first mountain footprint and full U.S. spa residency


New survey highlights the need for companies to provide more support for LGBTQIA+ travelers


O‘ahu’s first adults-only hotel, Romer House Waikīkī, is now open


Fly Jinnah launches operations at Bahrain International Airport


ECTAA announces Frank Oostdam as President

Air Serbia

Air Serbia fully renews regional fleet

Evian Casino

Evian Casino restored and new bar, Le Cercle unveiled

Qatar Airways-UEFA EURO 2024

Qatar Airways announces partnership renewal with UEFA

Goway Travel

Goway redefines tailor-made travel with state-of-the art new website and brand


Preliminary insolvency proceedings FTI Touristik GmbH – All FTI trips from 06 July 2024 are cancelled


AeroCloud survey: Boosting passenger experience drives 82% of travellers to spend more at the airport


SEA Milan Airports enhances passenger experience with AirportLabs’ Pocket Flights

Sandbourne Santa Monica

Crescent Hotels & Resorts announces the new Sandbourne Santa Monica, Autograph Collection


VisitScotland launched adverts during EURO 2024 to inspire more visits  

DXB Live

DXB Live advocates sustainability in event management sector, adopts latest green solutions based on renowned international practices


Tourism Cares celebrates one-year anniversary of global relaunch of its Meaningful Travel Map


AIM Group International publishes its first Sustainability Report

EAST Hotels

EAST Hotels debuts progressive rebrand that embraces an alternative to luxury


jetBlue expands its presence in Mexico with new flights to Tulum

The College Hotel, Autograph Collection

Historic Amsterdam Hotel completes multi-million-dollar renovation

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  1. The Benefits of Educational Tourism: Enhancing Learning through Travel

    travel and tourism in education

  2. Education Tourism: Courses, Colleges, Benefits, Examples

    travel and tourism in education

  3. Why take students abroad? The benefits of educational travel

    travel and tourism in education

  4. Diploma in Travel and Tourism: Fees, Colleges, Eligibility, Career, Jobs

    travel and tourism in education

  5. Travel and Tourism Course after 12th: Courses & Colleges

    travel and tourism in education

  6. 5 Reasons Why Educational Travel Is The Best Form of Education

    travel and tourism in education


  1. Tourism 1. (EP.1) Oxford English for Careers

  2. difference between Inbound, Outbound & International Tourism


  1. Educational Tourism- The Best Way To Travel?

    The first is university, college and school tourism, in which the tourist experience is secondary to formal learning and can be described as 'education first'. The second is edu-tourism, defined as general travel for education and known as 'tourist first' (Ritchie et al, 2003).

  2. How To Teach Travel And Tourism

    Travel and tourism education equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate this dynamic and multi-faceted field. As the travel industry continues to grow and evolve, the demand for well-trained professionals is on the rise. This is where travel and tourism education comes in.

  3. What is Educational Tourism: Stats, Benefits, Examples & More

    Education tourism is a big branch of tourism. Over the years, the market demand has enabled educational travel organizations to develop various educational packages and trips . Some of these packages have many things in common, allowing us to outline several major types of educational tourism.

  4. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism

    The Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism is the professional journal of the International Society of Travel & Tourism Educators (ISTTE). This journal serves as an international interdisciplinary forum and reference source for travel and tourism education. The readership of the journal is international in scope, with a good representation in college and university libraries as well as high ...

  5. The Future of Educational Tourism: Where Travel and Learning ...

    Published Aug 9, 2023. In an ever-evolving world, the realm of education is undergoing a transformational shift, and so is the concept of tourism. The fusion of these two domains has given rise to ...

  6. Educational Tourism: Definitions, Types and Popular Destinations

    Defining Educational Tourism. Educational tourism, also known as edu-tourism or educational travel, is a form of tourism whose primary purpose is gaining knowledge and engaging in cultural exchanges. It involves travelling to a different country or region to learn about various subjects such as history, languages, art, and environmental issues.

  7. The Educational Benefits of Travel

    El Baggari believes that travel is about more than place. It is about people: the people you see, the people you meet, and the people who change you along the way. "I believe we have the opportunity to learn at every moment from every encounter," says El Baggari. "We're here, and alive!

  8. Education-Tourism

    Education-Tourism. Like many tourism concepts, tourism education is largely an industry-specific example of a more general phenomenon. In its widest context, education is generally positioned as being something different to indoctrination, training, or instruction. Rather, it is to do with the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and the ...

  9. The Global Education Forum Puts a Spotlight on the Future of Tourism

    All Regions. 26 Oct 2023. The UNWTO General Assembly looked to the future with a focus on tourism education and training. The Global Education Forum brought together Ministers, employers, educators and learners to address the biggest challenges and opportunities for advancing training across every part of the sector.

  10. Sustainability

    Sie et al. defined educational tourism as an organised leisure-travel trip which lasts at least 24 h and usually takes place in an informal setting. Educational tourism is related to non-formal learning and is a form of self-directed learning while travelling; education and tourism are the core services.

  11. The Educational Benefits of Travel Experiences: A Literature Review

    "International Education: What Does This Mean for Universities and Tourism?" In Tourism and Cultural Change , edited by Robinson M., Evans N., Callaghan P. Sunderland: Centre for Travel and Tourism and Business Editorial Press, pp. 191-201.

  12. 1000+ Travel And Tourism Teaching Resources

    With over 1000 travel and tourism resources, including a range of activities, case studies, worksheets and PowerPoint presentations, teachers are well equipped to develop a comprehensive learning programme for their students. As any travel and tourism teacher will know, the industry is dynamic and progressive, with ongoing changes to policy and ...

  13. Understanding Educational School Trip: A Review on Benefits and

    On the basis of a scoping review of the literature about educational tourism—a type of tourism in which the traveller's primary or secondary objective is learning—this study summarizes views ...

  14. Using active learning strategies on travel and tourism higher education

    1. Introduction. Støckert, Bergsland, Fasciani, and Jensenius (2020; 612) suggest that travel and tourism higher education is facing disruptive changes in many fields most recently due external issues such as enforced remote and/or online teaching, COVID 19, BREXIT and the global economic recession.Students want to have the option of learning anywhere, anytime and in any format.

  15. Trends and Innovations in Educational Travel for Adults

    A Growing Segment of the Travel Market. The UN World Tourism Organization estimates that between 35 and 40 percent of "tourism" today is represented by educational travel. The UN notes, "This alternative to mass tourism offers opportunities for place-based engagement that frames context for interaction by the lived space and everyday life ...

  16. ISTTE

    The Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism publishes quality manuscripts relating to travel and tourism education at various levels, ranging from proprietary schools to advance degree-granting universities. The journal regularly publishes features and columns to introduce educators and educators-in-training to new concepts and approaches.

  17. Tourism education and curriculum design: A time for consolidation and

    The paper concludes by examining the future of tourism education in an increasingly mature educational market. Here the development of the new 14-19 diplomas in travel and tourism and employer-led foundation degrees are discussed and the implications for curriculum development in higher education broached.

  18. Tourism Education and Edu-Tourism Development: Sustainable Tourism

    Contends that for tourism educators to meet the needs of this changing industry, programme developers should ensure graduates obtain a breadth of management skills and can add value to tourism ...

  19. Educational Tourism » Meaning, Definition, History, Types, Benifits

    Tourism and Education. Tourism and travel activities enhance knowledge because with travelling we come to know about new people, languages, life styles, landscapes, cultures, customs and traditions. This increases our knowledge about the other destinations. Travelling plays an important role in our education and it is essential part of ...

  20. Travel improves educational attainment & future success

    Learning-focused travel was also fun (98%), engaging (87%) and inspiring (87%). The experiences provided by these types of trips were a vital part of a complete education according to 83 percent of respondents. For 80 percent of those surveyed, educational travel sparked greater interest in what they were taught in school. Cultural Expansion

  21. Student travel programs

    We bottled some of this event's magic in our student Summit video recap. He gives the best guided tours of Spain —and he inspired his family to become local guides, too. Hundreds of destinations. Endless possibilities. EF Educational Tours offers student tours at the lowest prices guaranteed. Learn why teachers and parents choose EF for ...


    Educational tourism is classified as a youth type of tourism that attracts a certain market niche. Therefore, educational tourism is defined as a niche type of tourism. In this type of tourism ...

  23. Unveiling the thriving landscape of educational tourism in the US and

    As a result, the educational tourism industry in both countries has witnessed significant growth as more people recognize the value of combining travel with educational opportunities. Growing Blend of Tourism and Education. Blending tourism and education has become a driving force in the United States and Canada education tourism market.

  24. 42nd International Society of Travel & Tourism Educators (ISTTE) annual

    Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism Latest Articles. Submit an article Journal homepage. 0 Views 0 ... (ISTTE) annual conference, "redefining tourism education and research: critical issues and reflexive perspectives," Toronto, Canada, October 11-13, 2023.

  25. Balance Education with Tourism Experience

    Lifelong learning is crucial in the travel and tourism industry, where trends and technologies are constantly evolving. To balance education with experience, consider online courses or part-time ...

  26. Heralds International

    0 likes, 0 comments - on June 20, 2024: "Elevate your career in Travel and Tourism with our Hotel Management program at HERALDS EDUCATION ...

  27. World's Leading Travel & Tourism Certification Organisations

    The travel and tourism industry and destinations have for many years relied on the indisputable veracity of the professional services delivered by these certification organisations. ... Foundation for Environmental Education is a private company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales with company number 04752279 and registered ...

  28. 4395 Capstone Ct, Roswell, GA 30075

    4395 Capstone Ct, Roswell, GA 30075 is pending. Zillow has 43 photos of this 4 beds, 4 baths, 3,300 Square Feet single family home with a list price of $1,059,900.

  29. China to Include Australia in Visa Waiver Program, Premier Li Says

    China will include Australia in its visa waiver program, Premier Li Qiang announced after meeting with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Canberra, in the latest sign of warming relations between ...