
What is a Consortia in Travel? Benefits for Agents and Newcomers Explained

A consortium in travel is a partnership among host agencies, travel agencies, and travel advisors. This cooperation provides mutual benefits. Participants share expertise in marketing, technology, training, and supplier negotiations. These alliances improve operational efficiency and create a competitive edge in the travel industry.

Newcomers in the travel industry find consortia especially advantageous. They gain valuable industry insights and training. Additionally, they can leverage the established reputation of the consortia to attract clients more easily. This support fosters confidence and helps new agents navigate the complexities of the travel market.

In conclusion, consortia serve as a vital resource for both seasoned agents and newcomers. They offer various benefits that include financial incentives, training, and marketing assistance.

Understanding these advantages sets the stage for further discussion. Next, we will explore specific examples of prominent travel consortia and how each one supports its members in distinct ways. This will provide a clearer picture of the landscape and the opportunities available for agents.

Table of Contents

What is a Consortia in Travel?

A consortia in travel is a group of travel agencies that collaborate to enhance their purchasing power and market influence. This collaboration allows members to secure preferred rates and discounts from suppliers like airlines and hotels.

According to the Travel Leaders Group, consortia facilitate partnerships between independent travel agencies and larger organizations, enabling them to compete more effectively in the travel market. These alliances are often formed to share resources, knowledge, and negotiate better deals.

Consortia provide various benefits, including collective bargaining power, training, marketing support, and technology solutions for member agencies. This structure enhances operational efficiency and increases the competitiveness of smaller agencies.

The American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) describes consortia as networks that add value to the travel experience by providing members with access to exclusive fares and opportunities not available to individual agencies.

Factors contributing to the rise of consortia include increased competition, the evolving travel landscape, and the need for smaller agencies to leverage economies of scale. More agencies seek partners to remain viable and profitable.

In a survey by Phocuswright, 74% of travel agents reported that being part of a consortium improved their business performance. Furthermore, the travel agency market is projected to grow by 8.9% annually over the next five years, largely due to the advantages consortia provide.

The impact of consortia on the travel industry includes improved service quality, competitive pricing, and heightened customer satisfaction. These benefits help agencies attract and retain clients.

Broader impacts include the economic growth of local communities through enhanced tourism, a more diverse range of travel options for consumers, and a more sustainable travel marketplace.

For example, Travel Leaders Network supports member agencies in offering tailored travel experiences, enriching both the consumer and local economies.

To strengthen consortia’s role, experts recommend fostering technology adoption, encouraging collaboration among members, and offering continual training programs to adapt to market changes.

Specific strategies include employing integrated booking systems, effective marketing practices, and utilizing data analytics to identify trends and consumer preferences in the travel sector.

What are the Key Features and Operations of a Travel Consortia?

Travel consortia are groups formed by travel agencies to collectively enhance purchasing power and improve service offerings. These groups provide members with shared resources, marketing support, and access to exclusive discounts or deals.

Key features and operations of a travel consortia include: 1. Collective bargaining power 2. Shared marketing resources 3. Training and support for travel agents 4. Access to exclusive deals and offers 5. Networking opportunities among members 6. Technology support and tools for operations 7. Brand recognition and credibility enhancement

The dynamics of travel consortia can greatly benefit members in various ways. Below is a detailed explanation of each key feature and operation.

Collective Bargaining Power : Collective bargaining power refers to the strength gained by travel agencies when they unite under a consortia. This encourages suppliers and vendors to offer better pricing and commissions. According to a report by Phocuswright (2021), agencies in consortia access discounts that individual agents may struggle to secure. This negotiation ability is key in a competitive industry, allowing members to offer more value to their clients.

Shared Marketing Resources : Shared marketing resources provide member agencies with cost-effective advertising and promotional tools. Consortia often create joint marketing campaigns that increase visibility for all members. For example, the Travel Leaders Network allocates funds for national advertising that benefits all members evenly. A case study from Travel Weekly (2022) showed that agencies in consortia can achieve higher return on investment (ROI) from marketing initiatives compared to independent agencies.

Training and Support for Travel Agents : Training and support for travel agents is vital for professional development. Consortia offer workshops, webinars, and resources that keep agents informed about industry trends and best practices. The Association of Travel Agents and Advisors emphasizes this as an important benefit, noting that enhanced training leads to higher customer satisfaction and sales.

Access to Exclusive Deals and Offers : Access to exclusive deals and offers is a competitive advantage for consortia members. These deals can include discounted rates on accommodations, flights, and travel packages not available to independent agents. For example, the Signature Travel Network negotiates special rates that its members can exclusively advertise to clients, enhancing their value proposition.

Networking Opportunities Among Members : Networking opportunities among members foster collaboration and sharing of best practices. Consortia host events and conferences that allow agents to connect, learn from each other, and build partnerships. A study by the Travel Industry Association highlighted that networking within consortia leads to increased referrals and business growth.

Technology Support and Tools for Operations : Technology support and tools for operations streamline the work of travel agents. Consortia often provide members with access to booking software, customer relationship management tools, and reporting systems. According to a survey by TravelPulse (2022), agents using consortia-provided technology reported increased efficiency and sales performance.

Brand Recognition and Credibility Enhancement : Brand recognition and credibility enhancement are significant benefits of being part of a consortia. Members align themselves with reputable brands, which can inspire client trust. The Cruise Lines International Association found that agencies affiliated with well-regarded consortia enjoy higher consumer confidence, which directly translates to increased bookings and sales.

In conclusion, travel consortia serve as valuable alliances for travel agencies, providing numerous benefits through collective resources, networking, and support.

How Does a Consortia Operate in the Travel Industry?

A consortia operates in the travel industry by forming a partnership among multiple travel agencies. Each member agency pools resources and shares experiences to benefit the whole group. This collaboration enhances the buying power of individual agencies. It enables them to negotiate better rates and terms with travel suppliers such as airlines, hotels, and car rental companies.

Members of a consortia gain access to exclusive deals and promotions. They also receive marketing support and technology solutions to improve efficiency. Additionally, consortia provide training and networking opportunities for travel agents. This support helps improve their skills and grow their businesses.

The logical steps involved in a consortia’s operation include gathering member agencies, establishing agreements with suppliers, and creating marketing strategies. Each step strengthens the relationship among members and extends benefits to all parties involved.

Ultimately, a consortia unites travel agencies to create a collective advantage in negotiations and service offerings, thereby enhancing their competitive position in the travel industry.

What Benefits Does a Consortia Offer to Travel Agents?

The benefits that a consortia offers to travel agents include enhanced purchasing power, access to exclusive products, increased marketing resources, and networking opportunities.

  • Enhanced purchasing power
  • Access to exclusive products and services
  • Increased marketing resources
  • Networking opportunities
  • Competitive advantages
  • Training and development programs

These benefits can greatly impact a travel agent’s business operations and growth potential.

Enhanced Purchasing Power: Enhanced purchasing power refers to the ability of travel agents in a consortia to negotiate better rates and conditions with suppliers like airlines, hotels, and tour operators. This occurs because consortia aggregate the business volume of multiple agents, providing leverage during negotiations. According to a 2019 report by Travel Weekly, agents involved in consortia typically save 15-30% on bookings compared to independent agents. This saving directly increases profit margins and offers agents the ability to pass on lower costs to their clients.

Access to Exclusive Products and Services: Access to exclusive products and services means that consortia often have agreements that allow their members to sell unique travel packages or experiences not available to others. These may include special escorted tours, unique accommodations, or destinations. Research by the American Society of Travel Advisors indicates that 60% of consortia members promote exclusive offerings, which significantly enhances their marketability and customer satisfaction.

Increased Marketing Resources: Increased marketing resources indicates that consortia provide tools and support for agents to market their services effectively. This includes promotional material, ready-made marketing campaigns, and digital resources. A study by eMarketer found that agents using consortia marketing resources report a 25% increase in client engagement. These resources allow agents to focus more on client relationships rather than on creating marketing materials from scratch.

Networking Opportunities: Networking opportunities highlight the chance for travel agents to connect with peers, suppliers, and industry experts through consortia-sponsored events or online forums. Such connections can lead to fruitful partnerships and mentorships. A survey conducted by the Travel Agent Association in 2022 indicates that 70% of agents credit networking with their consortia for significant improvements in their business strategies.

Competitive Advantages: Competitive advantages reflect the unique position agents gain by belonging to a consortia compared to independent agents. These advantages, stemming from combined resources and collective experience, often allow consortia members to compete more effectively in a crowded market. According to a report by Phocuswright, consortia agents experience higher customer loyalty and sales retention rates, further emphasizing the value of their collective positioning.

Training and Development Programs: Training and development programs involve opportunities provided by consortia for agents to enhance their skills and knowledge. Such programs include workshops, webinars, and certification courses focused on various aspects of the travel industry. The International Business Travel Association cites that agents participating in continuous education programs within consortia see improvements in service quality and client satisfaction, helping to build a more competent workforce.

In summary, the benefits of consortia for travel agents encompass a wide range of advantages spanning cost savings, exclusive offerings, and professional growth.

How Can Travel Agents Leverage the Resources of a Consortia?

Travel agents can leverage the resources of a consortia to enhance their business capabilities, improve client offerings, and gain access to better pricing and support. This enables them to remain competitive and provide tailored services to their clients.

Consortia provide several key resources that travel agents can utilize:

Negotiated Rates : Consortia usually secure bulk pricing with various suppliers such as hotels and airlines. Agents can access these lower rates, which allows them to offer more competitive pricing to clients. A study by the Travel Industry Association (2020) confirmed that agents associated with consortia can typically access rates that are 10-20% lower than non-affiliated agents.

Marketing Support : Consortia often offer marketing resources, including promotional materials and advertising campaigns. This support helps agents reach broader audiences and enhance their branding. For instance, agents can utilize email marketing templates and social media strategies provided by consortia to effectively promote their services.

Training and Education : Many consortia provide training programs and workshops to enhance agents’ skills. Agents can improve their expertise in areas like destination knowledge, technology tools, and customer service. For example, a report by Travel Weekly (2021) stated that agents participating in consortia training programs showed a 30% increase in customer satisfaction rates compared to those who did not.

Technology Tools : Consortia often offer access to advanced technology platforms such as booking systems and customer relationship management (CRM) tools. These tools streamline processes and make it easier for agents to track client interactions and bookings. The International Air Transport Association (IATA, 2022) noted that technology adoption in travel agencies increased efficiency by up to 40%.

Networking Opportunities : Being part of a consortia allows agents to network with other travel professionals. This creates opportunities for sharing experiences, best practices, and referrals. A survey by the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA, 2022) revealed that 70% of agents believe networking through consortia has contributed significantly to their business growth.

By leveraging these resources, travel agents can enhance their service offerings, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately provide a superior travel experience for their clients.

What Advantages Do Newcomers Gain from Joining a Travel Consortia?

Newcomers gain several advantages from joining a travel consortia, including access to resources, increased bargaining power, and enhanced credibility.

  • Access to Resources
  • Increased Bargaining Power
  • Enhanced Credibility
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Training and Education Programs
  • Marketing Support
  • Exclusive Deals and Discounts

These advantages collectively enhance a newcomer’s potential for success in the travel industry.

Access to Resources : Newcomers benefit from access to a wide range of resources through travel consortia. These resources can include booking systems, destination information, and travel product databases. For instance, a study by Carlson Wagonlit Travel (2019) highlighted that agencies affiliated with consortia like Travel Leaders enjoy streamlined access to industry tools that improve efficiency and service delivery.

Increased Bargaining Power : Travel consortia represent a collective voice of multiple smaller agencies, which enhances their negotiating power. This allows newcomers to benefit from better commission rates and improved terms with suppliers. According to a report by Phocuswright (2020), consortia agencies can negotiate nearly 15% higher commission rates compared to independent agents.

Enhanced Credibility : Joining a well-known consortia lends credibility to newcomers. Consumers often view consortia members as trustworthy and established entities. The American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) reported that travelers tend to prefer booking with agencies associated with recognized consortia due to the perceived reliability and assurance provided.

Networking Opportunities : Travel consortia offer unique networking opportunities. Newcomers can connect with experienced agents, suppliers, and industry professionals. This network can provide support, share best practices, and foster collaboration. Starwood Preferred Guest cited in 2020 that agents who participated in consortia networking events saw a notable increase in referral business due to these connections.

Training and Education Programs : Many consortia offer educational programs and training sessions tailored for newcomers. These programs help agents develop essential skills and keep up with industry trends. A study by the Travel Industry Association (2021) noted that agencies involved in comprehensive training through consortia reported a 25% increase in sales performance.

Marketing Support : Travel consortia often provide marketing resources, including advertising materials, promotional tools, and co-op funding. This support can assist newcomers in reaching potential clients more effectively. According to a 2020 survey by the Agency Owners Association, 78% of consortia members reported significant growth in client acquisition due to consortia-provided marketing initiatives.

Exclusive Deals and Discounts : Consortia members often gain access to exclusive deals and discounts from suppliers, which can enhance their value proposition to clients. These deals can include special rates and unique packages not available to independent agents. A 2022 report by Travel Weekly highlighted that consortia members could offer up to 20% better prices due to negotiated supplier agreements.

In summary, joining a travel consortia provides newcomers with essential tools, support, and advantages that can significantly enhance their success in the travel industry.

How Does Networking within a Consortia Support New Agents?

Networking within a consortia supports new agents by providing them with valuable resources and connections. Consortia offer a platform where new agents can interact with established professionals. This interaction fosters knowledge sharing and mentorship. New agents gain insights from experienced colleagues about industry trends and best practices.

Furthermore, consortia often provide access to exclusive deals and discounts from suppliers. This allows new agents to increase their competitiveness in the market. They can offer clients advantageous pricing and superior service options.

Additionally, training programs are commonly available within consortia. These programs help new agents enhance their skills and become more proficient in various aspects of travel services.

Networking also creates opportunities for collaboration. New agents can partner with others to tackle larger projects. This collaboration builds confidence and expands their market reach.

In summary, networking within a consortia supports new agents by offering resources, mentorship, training, and collaboration opportunities. These elements collectively enable new agents to thrive in the travel industry.

What Should Travel Agents Consider When Choosing a Consortia?

Travel agents should consider several key factors when choosing a consortia. These factors can significantly influence their business success and efficiency in service delivery.

  • Membership Fees and Costs
  • Commission Structures
  • Support and Resources Offered
  • Technology Tools and Platforms
  • Reputation and Network
  • Training and Education Opportunities
  • Marketing and Promotional Support
  • Flexibility in Contracts and Policies

Understanding these points will create a solid foundation for making the best choice. Now, let’s delve deeper into each of these factors.

Membership Fees and Costs : Membership fees and costs play a crucial role when selecting a consortia. Travel agents must evaluate the initial and ongoing fees associated with joining a consortia. High fees may diminish profitability, especially for new agents. Conversely, low-cost options might lack vital resources.

Commission Structures : Commission structures dictate how much money travel agents earn from their sales. Some consortia offer higher commissions for certain product lines. Agents should analyze the commission percentages as it affects their overall revenue. Variability in commission can lead to different financial outcomes based on the agents’ sales focus.

Support and Resources Offered : Support and resources offered by a consortia include access to training materials, business advice, and customer support. A well-resourced consortia provides agents with tools that enhance service delivery and customer satisfaction. It’s essential to examine how comprehensive this support is.

Technology Tools and Platforms : Technology tools and platforms can greatly enhance the efficiency of travel agents. A good consortia should provide access to user-friendly booking engines and CRM systems. Agents must determine whether these technologies align with their operational needs to streamline processes.

Reputation and Network : The reputation of a consortia in the travel industry is critical. A respected network can lead to better partnerships and client referrals. Agents should research reviews and testimonials to understand the experiences of others in the consortia.

Training and Education Opportunities : Comprehensive training and education opportunities are vital for travel agents, especially those new to the industry. Consortia that offer regular workshops and courses help agents stay updated on industry trends and products, thus improving their business acumen.

Marketing and Promotional Support : Consortia that provide strong marketing and promotional support assist agents in reaching potential clients more effectively. This can include access to marketing materials, brand recognition, and joint marketing campaigns, which can be invaluable for building a client base.

Flexibility in Contracts and Policies : Flexibility in contracts and policies is an essential consideration for travel agents. Contracts should allow for changes in business scope without imposing heavy penalties. Understanding these policies can prevent future conflicts and ensure adaptive business practices.

Choosing a consortia involves evaluating multiple factors that affect a travel agent’s success and workflow. By considering these elements, agents can select a consortia that aligns with their business objectives and enhances their service delivery.

What are the Future Trends of Consortia in the Travel Industry?

The future trends of consortia in the travel industry point towards increased collaboration, technology integration, and a focus on sustainability.

  • Enhanced Collaboration
  • Technology Integration
  • Focus on Sustainability
  • Customization of Travel Experiences
  • Increased Competition among Consortia
  • Diversification of Services

The dynamics of consortia are evolving rapidly. Below, I provide a detailed explanation of each trend.

Enhanced Collaboration : Enhanced collaboration among travel agents and suppliers characterizes the future of consortia. This collaborative approach fosters stronger relationships and shared resources. As travel agents work together, they can negotiate better rates and exclusive deals. According to a 2021 survey by The Travel Institute, 78% of travel professionals believe that collaboration leads to better customer service.

Technology Integration : Technology integration plays a pivotal role in shaping consortia. Tools such as customer relationship management (CRM) software streamline operations. These tools help agents manage bookings and client preferences efficiently. For example, a consortia that leverages advanced booking engines sees higher customer satisfaction ratings. A report from Phocuswright in 2022 revealed that agencies using integrated technology solutions reported up to a 30% increase in operational efficiency.

Focus on Sustainability : The focus on sustainability is becoming increasingly significant for travel consortia. Many travelers prioritize eco-friendly options, prompting consortia to partner with sustainable suppliers. According to the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, 67% of travelers are conscious of their environmental impact. By promoting sustainable travel practices, consortia can attract a more eco-conscious clientele.

Customization of Travel Experiences : Customization of travel experiences is a growing trend. Travelers seek personalized itineraries and unique offerings. Consortia are responding by enabling agents to tailor trips to individual preferences. A report by Amadeus in 2023 highlighted that 75% of travelers prefer customized vacation experiences over standard packages.

Increased Competition among Consortia : Increased competition among consortia will shape their future. As more agents join these groups, they innovate to distinguish themselves. This competition fosters better service and pricing options for clients. A study by the National Association of Travel Agents found that new consortia frequently offer lower membership fees to attract members.

Diversification of Services : Diversification of services within consortia is also expected. As consumer preferences shift, consortia will respond by offering ancillary services like travel insurance, wellness experiences, and corporate travel planning. For instance, a consortia that adds wellness retreats to their offerings can tap into the booming wellness tourism market, which grew by 20% during 2022 according to the Global Wellness Institute.

In summary, the future of consortia in the travel industry appears dynamic, with a strong focus on collaboration, technology, sustainability, and customization, all contributing to a more competitive and diverse travel landscape.

Why is Joining a Consortia Important for Travel Professionals?

Joining a consortia is important for travel professionals because it provides access to resources, collaboration opportunities, and enhanced purchasing power. Consortia act as networks that help travel agents leverage collective strength, enabling them to offer better services and deals to their clients.

According to the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA), a consortia is a collaborative group formed to maximize shared resources and enhance competitive advantages in the travel industry. This definition emphasizes the importance of unity among travel professionals for shared success.

Several reasons highlight the importance of joining a consortia. First, consortia offer networking opportunities. Travel professionals can connect with fellow agents, suppliers, and service providers. Second, consortia often negotiate preferred rates and commissions, resulting in better pricing for clients. Third, members can access training and educational resources to stay current with industry trends.

Technical terms such as “negotiated rates” and “preferred suppliers” are essential in the travel industry. Negotiated rates refer to the special pricing agreements consortia secure with hotels, airlines, and other providers. Preferred suppliers are companies that have established favorable relationships with the consortia, allowing members to offer exclusive deals.

Mechanisms involved in the success of a consortia include collective bargaining and shared marketing efforts. Collective bargaining allows agents to unite their purchasing power, leading to better financial deals from suppliers. Shared marketing efforts let travel professionals promote their services together, increasing visibility and attracting more clients.

Specific conditions contributing to the benefits of joining a consortia include market competition and evolving consumer expectations. For example, independent travel agents may struggle to compete with larger agencies. Joining a consortia allows them to access resources and pricing options that rival larger competitors. Additionally, in scenarios where clients seek personalized travel experiences, consortia members can pool expert knowledge to fulfill unique requests effectively.

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MAST works for you! We focus on your needs, your branding, your growth. We supply the tools to fulfill your marketing, networking, and training needs. Our emphasis is on growing your business and increasing your sales. As a MAST member agency, you share in our resources, our growth, and our supplier overrides go back to you!

Exceptional customer service requires skilled professionals. MAST offers a multi-faceted educational program from webinars to regional training to networking events. MAST makes it easy to stay informed and knowledgeable through the endless educational opportunities we offer our members.

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MAST Travel Network is a member-owned and member-driven consortium composed of more than 200 travel agencies across the United States & Canada. Through exclusive agreements, partnerships, training, and support, MAST agencies have the tools to deliver an outstanding customer service experience every time.

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MAST Travel Network has relationships with select travel suppliers. These suppliers work with us and our member agencies to provide quality service, education, discounts, and commissions to our members. We have travel suppliers in categories that include:

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Jennifer Wayland Island Bridal Travel

“ I had been in the industry for over 20 years and owned my own agency for 10 years. All along I had been searching for a consortium that didn’t just offer a lot of bells and whistles, but offered programs that my agency WOULD use and grow with. Then I discovered and joined MAST. Our agency is very active in MAST events, marketing, and programs. They are very beneficial to our success. MAST is all about communicating and working together for everyone’s benefit. All of the MAST staff, including and especially the President, communicate with us as a group and one-on-one as often as we request. “

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Jennifer Walker, CTIE, VTA Jennifer Walker Travel

“ I was introduced to MAST by my host agency when we started in travel. When we moved to be an independent agency and host others I did not hesitate to register ourselves to stay. The staff treats each of us as family and have true integrity and honesty. They have wonderful relationships with the vendors, negotiate good commissions as well as provide great service to our agency. They make having close relationships and connections with the vendors as well as between agencies and the consortia itself easy. In addition to all of that, their training, assistance with business planning, marketing and events are top notch. “

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Jeni Chaffer Journeys Travel, Inc.

“ Joining MAST is one of the best things to ever happen to my agency. I have been with other consortias where I was no more than a number. I was competing with large host agencies for any recognition not for sales awards but for any acknowledgment or recognition from Suppliers. MAST is respected by BDMs, agencies are acknowledged for what they bring to the table & everyone is treated equally. MAST is agent owned and operated too which makes all aspects from marketing to commission levels to decision making more personalized. “

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Phone: 630-889-9817 [email protected]

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What is a travel consortium.

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By Courtney Eisen

February 22, 2024

A travel consortium or travel cooperative is a collective of travel agencies, host agencies, and travel advisors that combine their volume to enhance their presence in the industry. They work together to increase their buying potential, benefits, and commission levels.

The benefits of volume.

Let's break down the benefits of buying power from top to bottom. If an individual traveler visits a hotel for a week each year, which would mean they were pretty loyal, they still only represent seven room nights a year. An agent who sends multiple clients to that same hotel could represent hundreds of room nights per year. Their agency may represent thousands of room nights. The travel consortia could represent tens or even hundreds of thousands of room nights for that property or brand. Do you see where we are going with this? The volume gives the organization more leverage to negotiate. Just like the individual traveler gets benefits by using an agency, an agency gets benefits by joining forces with a travel consortium.

Suggested Article: What is a Host Travel Agency?

Consortia and co-ops provide their members with various benefits and support. They assist with marketing, training, technologies, and supplier negotiations, among other things. For example, they offer direct mailings, hosted websites, social media content, and other marketing tools. They also provide technologies such as websites, CRM systems, online booking programs, and more. Additionally, they offer training opportunities like webinars, online courses, and events with educational panels. Moreover, consortia have greater buying power, allowing them to negotiate higher commissions and more amenities for their members.

You Likely Still Need a Host Agency

However, it's important to note that consortia do not provide an accreditation number or day-to-day back-office support like tracking commissions and basic bookkeeping. If you prefer constant support, a host agency might be a better option. Nevertheless, most agencies offer some level of backend support.

Suggested Article: How to Select the Best Host Travel Agency For Your Business

Independent advisors with their own travel accreditation, are able to join travel consortia as individuals. However, if you're a hosted agent, it's unlikely that you will need to join a travel consortium - your host is likely already a member, which gives you access to the consortium's benefits. To join a consortium, members usually need to meet certain sales thresholds and pay member dues. If you do not meet the requirements to join a specific consortium as an independent advisor, you can choose a host agency that is part of that consortium.

Consortia affiliations can have a significant impact on hosted advisors. A host's consortium affiliation provides benefits that trickle down to the hosted advisor or independent contractor. It powers the booking and marketing tools used by agencies under the host agency, impacting marketing efforts, access to higher commissions and amenity programs, and leads. Consortia affiliations help smaller agencies scale their business and access tools without having to meet prohibitive sales thresholds as individuals.

Travel Consortia Benefits

So, if you do join a consortium or join an agency affiliated with a consortium, what does that mean for your clients? Well, it means you can add a host of benefits. Benefits vary from brand to brand and even property to property; however, here are some common benefits that agents access through travel consortia:

Complimentary Upgrade Upon Arrival, If Available*

$100 Resort Credit Upon Arrival*

Welcome Amenity Upon Arrival*

Complimentary Breakfast For Two Daily*

Early Check-in / Late Check-Out, If Available*

These perks are similar to those offered by American Express. However, American Express only has access to select hotels. By joining a consortium or a host agency that is already affiliated with a travel consortium, you will have access to benefits for a larger selection of properties than even American Express, giving you a competitive edge and more consistent experience.

Our Travel Consortium: Travel Leaders

Our travel consortium of choice is Travel Leaders Network. Travel Leaders Network is a large consortium that represents the collective buying power of over 6,800 travel agencies. It provides various benefits for a wide range of travel vendors. Here is a breakdown of the offerings provided by Travel Leaders:

SELECT Hotels & Resorts

This program consists of premium properties from around the world. It offers VIP privileges to create memorable and authentic experiences for clients. These privileges include a special amenity worth $100, complimentary daily breakfast for two, free Wi-Fi, early check-in/late check-out, and room upgrades based on availability. Moreover, all advisor commissions are guaranteed to be 10% or higher.


This collection comprises over 2,800 private villas in more than 50 destinations across Europe, the Caribbean, and the Americas. SELECT Villas allows the agency to offer clients exclusive, unique, and customized experiences at a great value. The agency receives a guaranteed 12% commission and other benefits for both themselves and their clients.

Worldwide Hotel Program

This comprehensive and price-competitive hotel program offers clients the Best Available Rates at over 44,000 hotel brands and independent properties worldwide. Clients also enjoy flexibility with pre-payment, access to Last Room Availability, and additional amenities such as complimentary breakfast, parking, or Wi-Fi. Clients can book these three to five-star rated properties through GDS, pinSIGHT, or by contacting the property directly.

Enhanced Commissions

This exclusive offer is available to Travel Leaders Group advisors to maximize their earnings with higher commissions at participating properties. Commissions range from 15% to 25% on rooms and suites, in addition to the top-tier levels agencies already receive as Travel Leaders Group members. All properties offering Enhanced Commission are also part of the SELECT and/or Worldwide programs, allowing the agency to optimize both their earnings and their clients' benefits when making bookings.

In summary, travel consortia play a vital role in the travel industry by bringing together agencies, host agencies , and advisors to enhance their collective presence and benefits. They provide support in various areas and offer opportunities for growth and success.

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Enjoy a richer, more memorable travel experience when you choose an Ensemble member agency.

With decades of experience and thousands of travel advisors throughout the U.S. and Canada, Ensemble is a travel consortium that can always help connect you with the trip of your dreams. Here’s how our members make your trip better:

They take care of everything for you

Figuring out all the particulars of a trip can be complicated. Let an Ensemble member travel advisor expert manage the details of your trip, while you focus on anticipation and excitement – the way it should be.

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Get the inside scoop on your destination

When it comes to travel, not everything is on Google. Your experienced Ensemble advisor knows your destination in depth because they’ve been there, and can help you get the best of it.

Go beyond cookie cutter

Why go on the same trip as everyone else? Your Ensemble advisor has access to a whole world of travel options and possibilities – more ways to create an extraordinary and unique experience for you.

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Unexpected things can happen when you travel, but that’s no reason for stress or worry. Rest assured that your Ensemble travel advisor will work tirelessly on your behalf to make your experience right.

Enjoy personalized service focused on your needs

Your Ensemble advisor gets to know you and how you like to travel, so they can make recommendations that are right for you about what you’re likely to enjoy – even if you didn’t realize it.

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  • XAF CFA Franc BEAC
  • XCD East Caribbean Dollar
  • XPF CFP Franc
  • YER Yemeni Rial
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  • ZMW Zambian Kwacha

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Should You Join a Travel Consortium?

If you’re a travel agent, chances are you’ve heard about travel agent consortiums. If you haven’t, don’t worry, we’re going to break it down for you! Once you know all the information, you can decide if joining a travel consortium is the right move for you and your career. Read on:

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What is a travel consortium?

A travel agency consortium (plural: travel agency consortia) is a group of travel agencies, host agencies, travel advisors, travel consultants, and other individuals and organizations in the travel industry. The goal of a travel consortium is to create relationships between travel agencies, vendors, and other relevant entities. This increases the commissions that each individual involved in the consortia is able to make, as well as provides more benefits for each agent.

How does it work?

Many travel consortia will require its members to meet certain sales requirements before they are able to join. There is also typically a membership fee, as well as membership dues you will have to pay once you have joined.

After you join, the consortium will provide you with training and resources . They may also provide you with networking connections that may be more difficult to come by as an independent travel agent. These important resources are why travel consortiums require a fee. It’s basically like a club that members pay to join, but once you’re in, there are some great perks!

The pros and cons of joining a travel consortium

Travel consortia are typically founded by veterans in the travel agent industry. If you’re just starting out as a travel agent , joining a travel consortium can help show you the ropes and teach you everything you need to know to be an excellent travel agent or advisor. Lots of travel consortia will also provide you with industry training, courses, and certification to further your career as a travel agent. Typically, many travel consortia will also provide you with technology help, such as give you a hosted agent website and social media management assistance. Many consortia will also provide marketing assistance to help you promote yourself as a travel agent or consultant.

Like we mentioned before, another benefit of joining a consortium is being able to make higher commissions. Because a consortium is a group of travel agents and hosts, it is usually able to negotiate a larger commission from its partners and vendors. When the consortium makes a higher commission, you will make a higher commission as well.

We also mentioned this briefly, but joining a consortium can also provide you with connections within the travel industry it may be harder to make on your own. Connections with suppliers, partners, and other travel agents and hosts can teach you more about the industry and how to be successful in this field.

Although there are clearly many benefits to joining a consortium, there are also some reasons you may prefer to be independent instead. Firstly, travel consortiums do not provide you with an accreditation number. In case you don’t know, an accreditation number is a series of digits assigned to travel agents and consultants so that their business is recognized as an official travel agency. You will need your accreditation number to book trips, accommodation, and other services for your clients. In order to obtain one, you have to meet certain requirements and go through a process that travel consortia will not help you with.

Travel consortia also do not provide support for day-to-day things such as keeping track of your commissions, helping you with your daily reports, and other daily tasks.

What are some examples of a travel consortium?

If you decide that joining a consortium is the best move for you and your career, the next step is to pick which consortium to join. There are many well-known travel consortia throughout the world. See the below travel consortium list for consortia that are popular in the U.S and Canada.:

  • Signature Travel Network
  • Travel Leaders Network (and its affiliate )
  • Ensemble Travel Group If you are based in the U.K., you may have heard of the popular travel consortia Advantage Travel Partnership or Elite Travel Group.

Another popular travel consortia is Virtuoso , which is based in the U.S., China, and Australia.

How do I choose a consortium to join?

With so many to choose from, it might be overwhelming! Here is a checklist of topics to consider when choosing which consortium is the best fit for you:

  • What is the membership fee?
  • Are there membership dues? How much are they?
  • What is the sales threshold I have to make before joining?
  • Does it provide training and resources?
  • What technology does it provide? (Hosted websites, assistance with social media, etc.)
  • Do they help me with marketing to better advertise my services?

Armed with your new knowledge of travel consortia, we hope you are better able to decide if joining one is the right move for you, or if you would rather remain independent . Congratulations on starting your travel agent journey!

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Guides > Pros and Cons of Being a Travel Agent: What’s the Reality?

Pros and Cons of Being a Travel Agent: What’s the Reality?

  • Darrien Watson


In this guide

Table of contents.

The idea of becoming a travel agent sounds like riding unicorns in the sky—who wouldn’t love getting paid to help others plan their dream vacations and enjoy some perks along the way? 

But as with any career, some pros & cons can make the job a bit more complicated than just browsing travel brochures and clicking “book.” There are over 589,000 travel agencies operating worldwide in 2024, and IBISWorld predicts this number to grow even more in the coming years. 

Almost every travel enthusiast thinks of opening a travel business once in a lifetime. Although it’s a good business idea, being a travel agent comes with many advantages and disadvantages. But if you use platforms like SquadTrip , some challenges could be overcome, especially for booking and payment management to make the job look less stressful and more fun.

Do Travel Agents Still Make Good Money? 

Despite online travel agencies, people still prefer travel agents. Group trips like destination weddings, bachelor parties, and corporate retreats require a travel expert who can derive a package plan that meets client requirements and preferences. 

Travel Agents

People also prefer meeting travel consultants because of personal connection. SquadTrip makes things easier for travel agents to book and manage their clients so that they can focus on planning better travel experiences for their clients. 

What type of travel agent makes the most money?

Travel consultants, travel advisors, and travel providers from host agencies make good money depending on how many clients they attract. 

If you’re just starting, consider what type of travel is most popular among your target audience and create a package plan that sells .

Pros and Cons of Being a Travel Agent

Based on my experience as a travel agent, and talking to other tour operators, here’s what I believe are the worst and best parts of running a travel agency business:

It’s Flexible: You Can Work From Anywhere

Working form home

Most travel agents operate home-based offices or online, with flexible timings . This flexibility can make the job feel less like a traditional 9-5 and more like a lifestyle choice. You’re your own boss! 

Many single parents are independent travel agents for this very reason. But of course, flexibility comes with its own challenges, many believe running your own business means you’re also managing your own schedule, which can be a blessing or a curse depending on how you handle it. 

If you use platforms like SquadTrip , you can manage your schedule since you have your own dashboard to keep track of your booking pages and also help with dispute management. 

You Get Travel Perks  

If you’ve ever dreamt of traveling the world without draining your savings, being a travel agent gets you pretty close. You might score discounts on flights, hotels, cruises, and vacation packages on luxury travel. Travel vendors usually offer these perks as an incentive for agents to experience their services and recommend them to clients.

Successful travel agents also earn commissions on bookings they make for clients, which can add up significantly, especially with higher-end trips. Some vendors also offer bonuses for meeting certain online booking targets, providing another revenue stream.

You Get to Build Memorable Experiences 

Nothing is more rewarding for a travel agent than building memorable experiences for travelers. Many travel agents feel a sense of fulfillment planning honeymoons, family trips, or ticking of bucket lists for their clients. 

You’re doing more than just pushing papers; you’re making a direct impact on someone’s happiness by creating an unforgettable travel experience. That’s a pro not every career can offer.

You Can Travel to New Destinations for Free

travel agencies

Travel agencies are always looking for ways to introduce new and ideal destinations into their own travel packages. Right now, places like India, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe are hotspots in the travel industry. 

The bonus? You often get to explore these destinations along with different types of travel such as luxury travel or cruise lines. And you don’t even have to worry about costs because of the discounts and familiarization trips. 

It’s like getting paid to travel the world while gathering insider knowledge to plan your best trips. 

There’s a High Competition, Standing Out is Tough

It’s no secret that big travel agencies have made it tougher for newer or small travel agents to compete . Furthermore, travelers often book most trips themselves, so convincing clients to use a travel agent often means offering something they can’t get anywhere else. 

It could be a personalized service, a unique location, or a memorable experience, but it requires effort and marketing. For agents just starting out, standing out from the sea of competition can be exhausting.

However, if you use SquadTrip , you can create booking pages, plan itineraries for each day, and add images based on your experience, this makes your trip look even more authentic and fun for potential clients. 

Client Management is Not Always Easy 

Creating dream trips is fun, but dealing with difficult clients can be a nightmare. From those who can’t make up their mind about where they want to go, to last-minute changes and cancellations, it’s not always smooth sailing. One bad feedback can lead to larger reputation damage, so maintaining everyone’s preferences can be a challenge. 

SquadTrip offers an easy-to-navigate booking and payment management system, so your clients can view all details, pick whatever location they like, pick add-ons for personalized experience, and even choose between payment plans . You can also make customizable itineraries based on client preferences to increase customer satisfaction.

Legal Challenges Require More Money

Many travel consultants often complain about high fees for gaining a license and other legalities. You also need to be certified or registered with organizations like IATA (International Air Transport Association) to obtain proper accreditation . Without this accreditation, you risk being unable to compensate clients if mistakes happen, which can seriously hurt your reputation.

Another con is to do with buying travel insurance to save yourself from liable damages during trips. These insurance plans can be quite an expense, especially if you’re starting off with no investment money. 

Training certification programs can help you deal with this to some extent. SquadTrip and Melanin On The Map training program is a 6-month course program with travel perks, commissions, community support, and one-on-one coaching with industry experts. 

Is Being a Travel Agent Right Choice for You?

Like every other career, being a travel agent comes with many good and bad. New travel agents often find startup costs, income instability, and mismanagement, a big challenge. But they also enjoy the perks, the sense of fulfillment, and the excitement of organizing trips for their clients.

So then is being a travel agent worth it?  Yes, especially if you’re passionate about traveling and like exploring new destinations, this job is right for you. 

But you don’t necessarily need to start a travel business of your own. A good alternative could be to work with a host agency. You can gain experience and access industry resources. This allows you to test the waters before diving fully into entrepreneurship. You can also become a travel advisor.

But if you have decided to set up your own agency, make sure you use the right tools and booking software like SquadTrip to assist you in your journey. 

Ready to dive in? Start planning your next group trip for free today.

Start Planning Your Next Group Trip Today

Sign up for a free SquadTrip account and take the first step toward simplifying your group travel planning journey with your professional trip planning software.

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Elite Travel Group

  • About Elite
  • Reasons To Join
  • Testimonials
  • Elite Agencies
  • Homeworkers


Welcome To The Elite Travel Group

We were founded in 1977 by a group of Midlands-based Travel Agents who wished to join together to obtain beneficial arrangements from their suppliers. The primary objective was, and remains, to help and increase the profitability of the members. It is now National with agencies throughout the UK from the South Coast to the North of England. All directors are themselves members and are voted on to the board by the other members so any decisions they make affect their own businesses as well.

travel agency consortium list


Low membership fees.

The membership fees charged are amongst the lowest of all major U.K. Consortia with savings to be made by supporting key partners.

Equal share holding

Every member has an equal share of the company and an equal say!

Member Directors

Up to 6 directors who are actively involved in running their own successful Travel Agencies.

Meetings and Events

2 general meetings are held annually and these are supported by regular meetings / dinners as well as a host of VIP trips.

Industry Leading Commercials

The commercial terms are some of the best in the industry giving you the ability to maximise profits.

Head Office runs on just 5 members of staff thereby keeping central costs to a minimum.

Communications With Members

Our Business Development Manager visits our members and keeps in regular contact with them. Our Intranet site is the prime communication tool with our members. Regular updates are maintained with our monthly members' e-magazine - Elite Vision.

Britain's Longest Established Travel Consortium

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Exclusively Elite

Our supplier of the month.



If you would like to know more about how becoming an Elite Travel Group member can benefit your business, please get in touch. We welcome new members and are confident we can offer you a package that will help your travel agency stand out and become truly Elite.

Alternatively if you prefer to read our membership brochure simply click the option below:

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we are 100% owned by our members

Book your holiday with an elite agent.

Choosing the right holiday is absolutely essential! Our members offer outstanding levels of service, exceptional skills derived from their vast product knowledge and full financial security for you. Enter your postcode below and we'll find your nearest Elite agent.

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Highly experienced advisors, our members are fully bonded, virtually all arrangements sold have full financial protection., competitive pricing, fiercely independent, a complete range of holiday operators and suppliers, prices that are knowingly competitive, close supplier relationships.

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What Our Members Say About Us

The best way to show you why you should join our consortium is to show you what our members say about it. Here our just some of their opinions and to see more, visit our testimonials page.

Most important to us is the opportunity to “have our say”

"We have been members of Elite Travel Group for 20 years now and it is one of the best decisions we ever made. The commission levels help improve our bottom line and the social/training events are invaluable in both improving product knowledge and networking. Most important to us is the opportunity to “have our say” at members’ meetings and the fact that Elite leaves us the freedom to use the operators that best fit our business model. Elite is the perfect example of the best things coming in small packages!"

The levels of commission and benefits have far exceeded expectations

"On an annual basis, as part of managing the business whilst Kinver Travel Centre was a member of Independent Options, I compared commissions and benefits with other consortia, like you do an energy or telephone account. In November 2014, the decision to move to Elite was made, as commissions with Elite would improve the bottom line. Now we are in our second year as a member of Elite and have never looked back. The levels of commission and benefits have far exceeded expectations, whilst all the events and activities provide excellent net working opportunities. All helps to make Kinver Travel Centre a competitive profitable business: thank you Elite."

A pleasure and a honour to be a member.

"Big isn't always beautiful! Elite - great people, great consortium, a pleasure and a honour to be a member."

Connect With Our Social Media

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Elite Travel Group is widely regarded as having some of the best quality independent Travel Agencies in the U.K.

Our members provide excellent travel services to their customers. Elite members benefit from exclusive supplier deals, rich marketing, enjoyable events and friendly support.

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Search NEST - Responsive

N etwork of e ntrepreneurs s elling t ravel.

NEST-Network of Entrepreneurs Selling Travel is the industry’s first and only travel marketing group in the United States dedicated solely to home based travel agencies. In business since 2004, our focus is helping entrepreneurs achieve greater success financially, professionally and personally by championing solutions just for them.

NEST offers choices for experienced Home Based Travel Advisors.

We are a marketing organization offering experienced agencies a choice between staying independent and book directly with suppliers (using their own ARC, CLIA, IATA, or TRUE number) or be part of the newly created extension of NEST called NEST Plus. NEST Plus is an extension of NEST to serve the need of Independent Travel Advisor looking for the resources of a hosted agency. At NEST you have the choice to remain independent or be part of a HOSTED program. NEST provides you with options and a place to call HOME.

If interested in the HOSTED program, Click Here for more information on NEST Plus.

NEST supports the changing needs of suppliers, helping them to connect with the rapidly growing home-based distribution channel, of agencies or Independent Travel Advisors. Today, our membership in NEST exceeds 450 agencies, comprised of the finest home-based travel professionals in the industry. Our goal remains steadfast — to create opportunities, intensify partnerships, and increase profits for our members and our suppliers.

Who Is The NEST Advisor?

NEST advisors are Home Based and Proud. They are experienced travel professionals aspiring for financial, professional, personal growth and recognition. They are: true entrepreneurs, motivated, knowledgeable sales people, focused, creative marketers, strong, invested business professionals.

N etwork of   E ntrepreneurs   S elling   T ravel

Nest is not a host agency, association, or franchise..

We are a marketing organization serving two primary clients: the home-based travel agency and the preferred travel supplier. Agencies join as members and book directly with suppliers (using their own ARC, CLIA, IATA, or TRUE number). They maintain their agency ownership, commissions and client database.

NEST supports the changing needs of suppliers, helping them to connect with the rapidly growing home-based distribution channel to train, cultivate and compensate them. Today, our membership exceeds 450 agencies, comprised of the finest home-based travel professionals in the industry. Our goal remains steadfast — to create opportunities, intensify partnerships, and increase profits for our members.

Our Mission

T o help home-based travel agencies achieve greater success financially, professionally, and personally by championing solutions and opportunities exclusively for them. Read More

Home-based & proud today?

Have you been contemplating transitioning to working from home? Join NEST to truly preserve your independence and enjoy extraordinary benefits.

To help home-based travel agencies achieve greater success financially, professionally, and personally by championing solutions and opportunities exclusively for them. Read More

Join The NEST

Or are you contemplating transitioning to the home? Join the NEST to truly preserve your independence and enjoy extraordinary benefits.


In NEST you will find an entire community of proud entrepreneurs just like you ... over 450 strong and growing. We want to be your "second" home and powerful connection to a new universe of business-building benefits.


Maintain your identity and earn more commission. Read More


Your agency will stay top-of-mind with travelers through our award-winning, professionally designed leisure travel promotional campaigns, all customizable with YOUR brand . . . Read More


Our proprietary technology platforms are all state-of-the-art and integrated. These powerful tools give our agencies a competitive edge to improve efficiencies and productivity . . . Read More


Since 2004 NEST has built long-standing relationships with the travel industry’s best preferred suppliers . . . Read More


NEST Hotel and Resorts Collection with access to over 140,000 hotels and resorts worldwide. Read More


NEST is committed to giving your agency a greater competitive help your clients enjoy the best travel experiences of their lives...and to make your business more profitable . . . Read More

Why choose NEST?

True independence, higher commissions, increased profitability, turnkey sales promotions, supplier recognition, hands on training, dedicated business analyst.

Having come from a very large consortium, I really enjoy being a member of NEST because of its ideal size. It’s large enough to have the benefits of things like free direct mail, rewards, support of the cruise lines and tour companies, yet small enough to know the staff and get assistance when needed. Plus, the networking opportunities like the annual NEST FEST conference and Seminars at Sea are intimate enough to network with fellow members and supplier executives. I believe sharing business experiences with other home-based agents and owners (which I have always been) is extremely beneficial. Fran Card Owner, Card’s Cruise Connection

NEST Products and Services

"To help home-based travel agencies achieve greater success financially, professionally, and personally by championing solutions and opportunities exclusively for them."

Interested in Joining the NEST? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus rutrum ex libero, nec tincidunt nunc euismod mollis. Praesent in enim quis purus mollis feugiat

Click here to find out more. Click here to register your interest.

Membership Requirements

  • Must be home-based .
  • Must be independently owned and operated as a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation.
  • Must already be registered to book directly with suppliers, not booking through a host.
  • Must be a strong producer , generating a minimum dollar amount of preferred supplier sales.

The NEST Advantage

travel agency consortium list

You can rely on our technology to customize marketing programs and solutions  tailored to your needs.

Our technology ensures you are covered in all areas to seamlessly reach your clientele and offers the best, most competitive pricing.

Read More >

travel agency consortium list

We've spent more than four decades building solid relationships with the top suppliers. Our partnerships allow us the ability to negotiate competitive pricing that is passed on to our agents.

NEST Agencies

By providing a wide array of marketing and technology tools, we are committed to helping our agencies increase their share of the market through NEST preferred suppliers while increasing the profitability of their business.

Leisure Agencies

TRAVELSAVERS is committed to providing your agency with a greater competitive edge. We strongly believe that the strength and success of TRAVELSAVERS is dependent on the partnerships we have formed with our individual licensees.

Luxury Agencies

Defining our high end luxury segment, The Affluent Traveler Collection (ATC), American Marketing Group’s luxury brand, is an elite organization designed to help agents increase their luxury leisure sales. It builds upon the resources TRAVELSAVERS travel professionals can access and enhances their ability to attract today’s discerning, affluent traveler.

NEST Preferred Suppliers


NEST is here to help

450 agency members, home-based and proud.

NEST  71 Audrey Ave, Oyster Bay, NY 11771  888-245-6378    [email protected]

CAREERS For information on career opportunities at NEST:  888-245-6378    [email protected]

MEDIA INQUIRIES    [email protected]

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Are you currently a home based agency or contemplating moving home or are you an experienced travel advisor who needs a new home to partner with.

Either way at NEST we have the program that is right for you! We offer two options that will offer you extraordinary benefits and will assist you in growing your current business model and making it more successful in the years to come.

Your success is our success whether you choose NEST or NEST Plus we offer the tools and programs you need to achieve greater success!

For Home-based travel agencies looking to partner with the country's first and only marketing group solely dedicated to Home Based Travel agencies looking for their own independency and currently have their own IATA, ARC or CLIA number

NEST Plus  

For the experienced travel advisor looking for a hosted program to call home

Serandipians Member Agencies – 547 (71 countries represented)

The best luxury travel designers, courtesy of serandipians.

Serandipians is bringing to light the extraordinary talent of Luxury Travel Designers who afford the most appropriate response to the needs of discerning travellers, seeking an appropriate level of service.

The Serandipian Community has created around these Travel Designers an ecosystem drawing together the best players in the luxury industry . This ecosystem allows them to better exercise their talent and to maximize the quality of their travel creations for a seamless client satisfaction.

The best Tailor-Made Luxury Travel Designers

The selection of the best Travel Designers who have become Serandipians Member Agencies was obtained through a 2 step process:

A first list was drafted upon the recommendation of 2 committees of renowned luxury players within the hospitality industry and inbound tailor-made operators. After these agencies were validated as real tailor-made travel designers we invited them to apply to Serandipians. The application form was then confirmed or rejected depending on the detailed information provided.

This list of Top Travel Designers is not definitive. The numbers will depend on our market knowledge and the estimation of industry experts.

Serandipians is a network of luxury travel designers dedicated to providing unique and exclusive bespoke journeys to travellers looking for different and original experiences, requiring skilled and knowledgeable advisors who are committed to fully servicing their clients.


  • 80Days – Charlottenlund
  • Blixen Tours – Loesning
  • Peacock Travel – Hellerup
  • Private Travel Lab Denmark – Hellrup, affiliated to Private Travel Lab Norway
  • Vespal Travel Agency – Tallin
  • HelinMatkat – Helsinki
  • Mr Travel – Helsinki
  • Oroko Travel – Dublin
  • TBS Travel Agency – Riga
  • Stagings Travel Design – Riga
  • Vanilla Travel – Riga
  • Boutique Travel – Vilnius
  • Venturion Private Club – London, affiliated to Life in Style 
  • Private Travel Lab Sweden – Stockholm, affiliated to Private Travel Lab Norway
  • Blixen Tours – Skien
  • byKettil Travel AB – Gothenburg
  • Fieldwood Travel – Ystad
  • Koch & Ljungberg AB – Malmo
  • Moments – Malmö
  • Nygren & Lind – Stockholm
  • Lime Travel – Stockholm
  • Private Travel Lab – Stockholm
  • The World of Envy – Stockholm
  • Trackers – Stockholm
  • Travel Room – Täby

United Kingdom

  • Avenue H – London
  • Ask Laura  – London
  • Bailey Robinson  – Hungerford
  • Blue Marble Private – London
  • Cazenove + Loyd – London
  • Cherry – Wheatley
  • Cookson Adventures – London
  • Collection-World  – London
  • Cream Travel  – London
  • Travel by Christina – Hampton, affiliated to Cream Travel
  • Daunt Travel  – London
  • Entourage Collection Ltd – London
  • Essential Escapes – London
  • Goodacre and Townsend  – London
  • Haslemere Travel  – Haslemere
  • Hurlingham Travel – London
  • Joanna Davies Private Travel  – London
  • Journeysmiths – Northampton
  • Lightfoot Travel UK – London
  • LuxePrivé – London
  • Minerva Private Travel  – Surrey
  • Moxley & Co Travel Group  – Gerrards Cross
  • Nota Bene Global – London
  • Osborne & Denée  – London
  • Pelorus – London
  • RASK Travel – London
  • Real Holidays – London  
  • Red Savannah  – Cheltenham
  • Scott Dunn Private – London
  • Sedgemore Travel , Walton-on-Thames
  • Wanderlux – Brighton, affiliated to Seez Travel
  • SmoothRed – London
  • Steppes Travel – Cirencester
  • SUITE DNA – London
  • The Aspiration Group – Tamworth
  • The luminaire – London
  • Venturion Private Club – London
  • Winged Boots – London
  • Wilde Private Travel  – London


  • Haberl Tours GmbH – Innsbruck/Igls
  • Berglez Travel Concierge – Wien
  • Top Tours GmbH – Mödling (Vienna)
  • Atlas Reizen – Waregem
  • Storytailor SRL – Bousval
  • Eagle Travel – Brussels
  • Exclusief Reizen – Tielt
  • SARLEE Luxurious Travelling – Hasselt
  • Totem Travel – Brussels
  • World-Concierge – Brussels
  • World of Travel – Kortrij 
  • Class Travel – Knokke-Heist
  • Altitudes Travel – Paris, affiliated to Maison Peplum
  • Auderney Excellence – Ville d’Avray
  • Cercle M – Paris
  • Club Faune Voyages – Paris
  • Contrastes Voyages – Nice
  • Denandra – Paris
  • Diamond-Bespoke Concierge & Travel – Cannes
  • Exclusif Voyages – Paris
  • Les Voyages du Marais – Paris
  • LUXeTHIKA – Paris
  • Mauriac Voyages – Bordeaux
  • Mon Plus Beau Voyage – Paris
  • My Concierge – Paris 
  • My Travel Line  – Paris
  • Only For You – Noisy-sur-Ecole
  • Safrans du monde – Paris
  • Sur Mesure, Hotels & Homes – Paris, affiliated to OT Swiss
  • Tapis Rouge – Paris
  • Traveler in the World – Paris
  • Weisse Voyages – Paris
  • Arabella Reisen & Touristik GmbH  – Munich
  • Art of Travel – Munich
  • Bawa Tours & Travel GmbH – Memmingen
  • Berner Travel – Munich
  • Design Reisen – Munich
  • Edeltravel  – Düsseldorf
  • Elegant Travel – Neubeuern
  • Emporium Travel  – Berlin
  • Finest Luxury – Gladbach
  • Gernreisen  – Munich
  • 360 Grad Reisen – Tuerkenfeld
  • Katharina Fenners – Reisen à la carte – Herrsching a. Ammersee
  • Gaby Jordan Travel – Asperg
  • Landmark Fine Travel  – Cologne
  • Mach 2 Sports Tours Entertainment  – Neu-Isenburg
  • NMW Reise Lounge  – Cologne
  • Nova Reisen – Unterhaching
  • onefinemoment GmbH – Munich
  • One Luxury GmbH – Cologne
  • Radermacher Reisen – Gladbeck
  • Reise-Welt GmbH  – Grunwald
  • Reisebuero von Daacke – Hamburg
  • Reiss Reisen und Events  – Düsseldorf
  • RG Private Travelling  – Kiel
  • ROMAN.Traveldesign – Hamburg
  • Schoener Verreisen GmbH  – Hamburg
  • Sonnenschein Reisen e.K. – Cologne
  • Take Memories  – Düsseldorf
  • The Family Project – Aschau am Inn
  • EMU Exclusive Travel – Heilbronn
  • Vladi Private Islands GmbH – Hamburg
  • Windrose Finest Travel  – Berlin
  • My Luxury Travel
  • Travel Club Monaco


  • All Over Tours – Roelofarendsveen
  • Avila reizen – Haarlem
  • Chic Voyage – s’Hertogenbosch
  • Con Questa – Amstelveen
  • Executive VIP Travel  – Hilversum
  • Sapa Pana Travel  – EC’s-Hertogenbosc
  • Talisman travel design  – Breda
  • Tico Reizen – Amsterdam
  • TAQTICE  – Amsterdam
  • Van Loon Travel Creations – De Kwakel
  • Vos Van Loon & Partners  – Amsterdam
  • Wine & Dine Travels – Oisterwijk


  • Ailes  – Estavayer-le-Lac & Geneva
  • Au Tigre Vanillé – Geneva
  • Cosa Travel Ltd  – Zurich
  • Delta Voyages – Geneva
  • Design Travel AG – Luzern
  • Le Bureau Office Assistance and Service SA – Geneva
  • Lucibello AG – Zurich
  • My World Luxury Travel Services AG   – Rafz
  • Najid a partnership AG – Kusnacht
  • RSelection  – Zurich
  • TENco – Geneva
  • Travel Gallery GmbH  – Horw
  • VIP Voyages – Geneva


  • Adriatic Concierge – Dubrovnic
  • Travels in Style – Zagreb
  • Aktina Bespoke – Athens
  • Kyvernitis  – Athens
  • A.Elle Travel  – Bologna, affiliated to Il Viaggio
  • Banfield Travel – Poggio a Caiano
  • Il Gabbiano Livingston – Milano
  • Il Sole 24 ORE Experience – Milano, affiliated to Il Viaggio
  • Mamatours  – Napoli, affiliated to Il Viaggio
  • Lariotour  – Cernobbio
  • The First Creative Travels & Events S.r.l – Italy, affiliated to Onirikos
  • Ruta 40  – Turin
  • Travel Design – Rome
  • Viaggi Moleskine  – Brescia
  • Place Concierge  – Birkirkara
  • Adriatic Concierge  – Podgorica
  • Allways Travel & Lifestyle – Lisbon 
  • Lounge Luxury Travel Consulting – Lisbon
  • The Time – Concierge & Travel Advisors – Porto 
  • TravelTailors – Lisbon
  • Anyway Travel S.L. – Madrid
  • Atria Travel – Madrid
  • Bestours Viajes – Barcelona
  • Bontur  – Barcelona
  • Bontur – Madrid
  • Cris & Kim Travel Designers  – Marbella
  • De Viaje  – Madrid
  • Elefant Travel Consulting  – Madrid, Barcelona
  • Ferrer & Saret – Barcelona
  • Geográfica XXI  – Madrid
  • Godwana Experiences  – Madrid
  • Grand Cru Traveler – Madriad
  • Maestroviajes – Valencia
  • Moah Destinos Exclusivos  – Madrid, Malaga
  • Mundo Expedicion – Madrid
  • Nuba Expediciones SL  – Madrid
  • Premium Service by BMC Travel and Promoviatges – Sabadell
  • Samantha Saret De Vuyst – SARET DE VUYST – Travel Designers –  Barcelona
  • Viajes Ambulo  – Madrid
  • Viajes Team 3 – Madrid
  • Andromeda Viajes  – Barcelona
  • Villas del Mundo – Barcelona
  • Far’n Away Travel – Istanbul
  • Mappa Tur – Istanbul
  • Private Class Travel Services – Istanbul
  • Sestri Travel & Lifestyle – Istanbul


  • Visa Concord LLC  – Yerevan
  • Caspian Breeze – Baku
  • Ideal Tours  – Baku
  • Moonlight Voyage – Baku
  • Pasha Travel  – Baku
  • Royal Sky Group LLC  – Minsk
  • Sunny Travel – Minsk
  • Elite Travel International – Sofia
  • Infinity Travel – Sofia
  • Stars Travel  – Sofia

Czech Republic

  • Amazing Tours – Prague
  • Elite Voyage – Prague 
  • Exclusive Tours – Prague
  • Luxusni Dovolena  – Brno
  • Ocean Luxury Travel – Pruhonice
  • Your Point – Tbilisi
  • Baggio Private Travel – Budapest
  • Grand Voyage – Chișinău
  • The Travel Club – Chișinău
  • CARTER® Luxury Travel – Warsaw
  • Milesaway at PolandEvents – Krakow
  • New Poland – Warsaw
  • Sonriso – Warsaw
  • LifeStyle Travel Concierge – Bucharest
  • Marvel Travel  – Voluntari
  • Alter Via Tour – Moscow
  • Anteco – Moscow
  • Aspera Explorations – Moscow
  • Spring Travel Club – Saint Petersburg, affiliated to Concept Voyage
  • Diamond Tours – Saint Petersburg
  • Diligence – Moscow, affiliated to Quinta Tour
  • Ego Travel – Moscow
  • EuroBusinessTour – Moscow
  • Eve Group Worldwide Solution – Moscow
  • Evro Kontakt – Vladivostok
  • FIT and FUN – Moscow
  • Firenze Club – Moscow
  • ITS (Individual Tourist Service) – Saint Petersburg
  • JSP Business Travel Company – Saint Petersburg
  • Marie Art Travel – Moscow
  • MITS – Moscow
  • Morgan Travel – Moscow
  • Peremena Group  – Moscow
  • PERSONNE Travel Club  – Moscow
  • Quest Travel – Moscow
  • TM Club – Moscow
  • Tour Bureau Renaissance – Moscow
  • Travel Master – Moscow 
  • Ulysse Travel Club – Moscow
  • Veresk  – Moscow
  • Faveo Concierge  – Bratislava
  • Black Diamond Voyage – Kiev
  • Creative Voyage Travel Service – Kharkov
  • Crocus Tour – Kiev
  • Fabrika Turizma – Odessa
  • Luxury Travel Solutions – Kiev
  • Royal Mile Travel Company – Kiev
  • Venera tour – Kiev
  • Yana Luxury Travel – Kiev
  • Zagorye – Kiev
  • Roxstar Luxury Travel  – Cape Town
  • LAhLANhLA Voyages Prives – Saint Gilles Les Bains


  • Almobtaker Travels  – A’ali
  • Egylière – Gyza
  • Excel Travel Leisure Outbound – Cairo
  • High End Journeys – Cairo
  • Privilege Tourism Ltd. – Ramat Gan
  • Red Pineapple – Tel Aviv
  • The Betesh Group – Tel Aviv
  • BespokeWorld – Amman
  • Beyond Travel – Amman
  • Ejazat Group – Kuwait City
  • Luxuria Travel – Kuwait City
  • Travel Story SA – Baabda
  • U group Worldwide  – Beirut
  • Luxury Travel by Latifa – Doha

Saudi Arabia

  • Almosafar Concierge – Al Takhassousi
  • FSMagic – Riyadh
  • Rawnaq Tourism – Jeddah
  • Why Wander – Riyadh

United Arab Emirates

  • Atlantis Holidays – Dubai
  • Escapes – Dubai
  • Immers – Dubai
  • Lighfoot Travel – Dubai
  • LURA Lifestyle – Fujairah
  • Monz Travel – Dubai 
  • Serenity Travel – Dubai
  • Travel Atelier by Paul Herman – Dubai
  • The Marine Concierge – Dubai
  • YOURS, A Luxury Travel Company U.A.E – Dubai
  • Unique Family Travels – Dubai
  • Andaman Travel – Shanga
  • Beijing Yutse Travel Consulting Service – Beijing
  • Bespoke Trip – Jiaxing
  • Beyond Voyage – Guangzhou
  • Bigeyes Tour – Shenzhen
  • Chongqing Cheetahs International Travel Agency Co.,Ltd – Chongqing
  • Clare Travel – Dalian
  • Diadema  – Guangzhou
  • Enjoy –  Shenzhen
  • Expert Travel  – Shanghai
  • Feiyu Travel – Kunming 
  • Leisure Travel  – Guangzhou
  • Go On Vacation Travel Agency – Shanghai
  • 51Club Travel  – Hangzhou
  • Hovering Travel – Chengdu
  • Key & Fork – Shanghai
  • L’Amour Voyage – Shenzhen
  • Lebright International Travel Service (Foshan) Co.Ltd – Guangdong
  • Moments Travel – Beijing
  • Maiyou Travel – Chengdu
  • Now Trip – Chengdu
  • X-Adventure Co Ltd – Beijing
  • PAI Travel – Chengdu
  • Pala Customized Travel Agency – Beijing
  • Platinum Private Journeys – Shanghai
  • Selective Travel – Dalian
  • Shineway – Guangzhou
  • Sparkle Tour – Beijing
  • TravelID – Shanghai
  • Uone Travel  – Guangzhou
  • Van Vacation – Shenzhen
  • Villa Zhai Lifestyle – Beijing
  • WalkingZhou Luxury Travel – Chongqing
  • WeMeet Travel – Shanghai
  • WenCollection – Beijing
  • Wonder Tour – Shaanxi
  • X-Travel – Chengdu
  • Youtrip  – Chengdu
  • ZTraveller – Shanghai
  • 8Z Travel Luxury – Chengdu
  • 24Scope – Chengdu
  • Blue Flower Limited  – Hong Kong
  • Journeys by Chance Limited – Hong Kong
  • Lightfoot Travel – Hong Kong
  • Matthew Rian Travel Limited – Hong Kong
  • Minerva – Hong Kong
  • Reception Expert – Hong Kong
  • International Travel Information Services – Taipei
  • Let’s Travel – Taipei  
  • Aabee Resorts and Travel – New Delhi
  • A Travel Duet – Kolkata
  • All Four Season Holidays – Ahmedabad
  • Amazing Vacations – Mumbai
  • Bookitfree – New Delhi
  • Beyond Ordinary – Bangalore, affiliated to Panache World
  • Destination Globe – Mumbai
  • Duurbeen Bespoke Private Limited – Noida
  • Encompass Experiences LLP – New Delhi
  • East West Travel & Tours LLP – Mumbai
  • Eastern Travels – Mumbai
  • Experiential Travel Journeys – New Delhi
  • Footprint Leisure private Limited – Chennai
  • Haiku Hospitality Services LLP – Mumbai
  • Hansa Holidays – Hyderabad
  • KFT Corporation – Mumbai
  • LUXETROT – Mumbai
  • Luxe Escape – Delhi
  • Namaste Tourism – Mumbai
  • Sulit Style – Hyderabad
  • The Intrepid Club – Haryana
  • The Q Travel Experiences PVT Ltd – Mumbai
  • Welgrow Travels Private – New Delhi
  • Travellino Tour – Banten
  • VC Tailormade Travel – Jakarta
  • Destination Tour – Jakarta
  • Cognoscenti Japan  – Tokyo, affiliated to Regency Group Inc.
  • Deneb – Tokyo
  • Freya International & Tours – Fukuoka
  • Global Youth Bureau CO, LTD
  • Happy Trump – Tokyo
  • J World Travel Co Ltd – Tokyo, affiliated to Regency Group Inc.
  • Magellan Resorts & Trust  – Ishikawa
  • Regency Group Inc – Tokyo
  • Travel Center LTD – Almaty
  • Travel Club Kazakhstan LLP – Almaty
  • Exotic Tour – Bishkek


  • Likha Travel – Manilla
  • Alchemist Travel
  • Amala Destinations
  • Foray Travels
  • Lightfoot Travel
  • UOB Travel 

South Korea

  • Jason Travel Service – Seoul
  • Selectrip – Seoul
  • Tour Di Medici – Seoul
  • T-Percent – Seoul 
  • Gillion Miles – Bangkok
  • Napasai, A Belmond Hotel – Koh Samu
  • World Surprise Travel – Bangkok
  • The Journeys Collection – Ho Chi Minh City
  • Avrud Travel – Tashkent
  • Tamarind Travel – Tashkent


  • Askari Travel – Toronto
  • Black Tie Travel – Calgary
  • Blaycation – Fall River, Nova Scotia
  • Butterfield & Robinson – Toronto
  • Footprints Custom Travel – Toronto
  • Nattress + Company – Collingwood
  • Quench Trip Design – Toronto
  • Quivertree Family Expeditions  – Vancouver
  • Roger Kershaw Luxury Travel – Vancouver
  • Sikeleli Travel and Expeditions – Vancouver
  • Traversing Travel – British Colombia
  • Agencia de Viajes Prestigio S.A. – Mexico City
  • Belo Viaje – Nuevo Leon
  • Boutique de Viajes SA CV – Mexico City, affiliated to Viajes Con Estilo
  • Cantik Travel – Mexico City
  • Intur Travel – Chihuahua
  • Lifestyle Travel Network – Mexico City
  • Link Overseas Travel  – Mexico City
  • MORE Travel Experience – Mexico City
  • Mundana Travel – Monterry
  • Premium Travel – Mexico City
  • RO&CO TOURS – Mexico City
  • Romfel – Mexico City
  • SOCIAL TRAVEL, S.A.S. DE C.V. – Mexico City
  • Tour & Travel Acurlines – Mexico
  • Travel Madness – Mexico City
  • Traveliz – Nuevo Leon
  • Travento Viajes – Mexico
  • Ûnik – Mexico City
  • Viajes Helvetia – Mexico City
  • Viajes Hidal-Mex – Mexico City

United States

Eastern United States

  • A2B Travel New York – Washington, New Jersey (NJ)
  • Baroque Travel – New York, New York (NY)
  • Craft Travel Group – Naples, Florida (FL)
  • Customade Travel – Bay Harbor Islands, Florida (FL)
  • Distinct Vacations – Fairfield, New Jersey (NJ)
  • Eclectus Travel – Newton, Massachusetts (MA)
  • Elevate & Co – Washington (DC)
  • Epic Road – New York, New York (NY)
  • Extraordinary Journeys – New York, New York (NY)
  • Farewell Travels – Westport, Connecticut (CT)
  • Galavante Group Inc. – New York, New York (NY)
  • Go Get It Events & Travel – Louisville, Kentucky (KY)
  • HC Travel Firm  – Fairfield, Pennsylvania (PA)
  • Humboldt & Cook Luxury Travel – Aventura, Florida (FL)
  • Indagare – New York, New York (NY)
  • JB’s World Travel Consultants – New York, New York (NY)
  • JCA Travel Services – Miami, Florida (FL)
  • Jewel World Travel – New York, New York (NY)
  • Latin Excursions – Sunny Isles Beach, Florida (FL)
  • Lead Explorers – Dover, Massachusetts (MA)
  • LuxuryScapes – Miami, Florida (FL)
  • Mayamaya – New York, New York (NY)
  • Toca Travel – Buffalo, New York (NY)
  • The Legacy Untold – New York, New York (NY)
  • Travel Simplicity – Etters, Pennsylvania (PA)
  • Travel USA – Miami, Florida (FL)
  • VOEJA.US – Miami, Florida (FL)
  • Vacanza Travel  – Madison, New Jersey (NJ)
  • Von Graffenried – Austin, Texas (TX)
  • Wac Travel – Nyack, New York (NY)
  • Willing Foot – New York, New York (NY)
  • Worldwide Luxury Vacations – Fort Lauderdale, Florida (FL)

Western United States

  • Beckonaire – Seattle, Washington (WA)
  • Cozy Travel   – Los Angeles, California  (CA)
  • Custom Travel Network – Rancho Santa Margarita, California (CA)
  • Creations Travel & World Concierge – Carlsbad, California (CA)
  • Destinations & Adventures – Los Angeles, California (CA)
  • Exclusive Escapes – Tucson, Arizona (AZ)
  • Explorer Travel Services – Canyon Country, California (CA)
  • Explorer X – Seattle, Washington (WA)
  • Gray & Co – Santa Monica (CA)
  • Gwen Books Lifestyle Management  – Atherton, California (CA)
  • Iconic Adventures  – Steamboat Springs, Colorado (CO)
  • Just Escape Travel  – San Diego, California (CA)
  • Landed Travel – Salt Lake City, Utah (UT)
  • Le Orano – Santa Monica (CA)
  • Modern Adventure  – Portland, Oregon (OR)
  • Neverseen – Los Angeles, California (CA)
  • Outlier Journeys – North Bend – Washington (WA)
  • Private Travel – Heber City, Utah (UT)
  • Scenset – Palo Alto, California (CA)
  • Refined Journeys  – Fresno, California (CA) & Daufuskie Island, South Caroline (SC)
  • Roam Travel Company – Oak Park, California (CA)
  • Terry B Luxury Travel  – Los Angeles, California (CA)
  • The Travel Gallery – Tiburon, California (CA)
  • Travel Services – Seattle, Washington (WA)
  • Tribù – Del Mar, California (CA)

Central United States

  • Charlotte James Travel Design – Austin, Texas (TX), affiliated to Onirikos
  • Key Travel Concierge – Austin, Texas (TX)
  • Down Under Endeavours/Africa Endeavours – Chicago, Illinois (IL)
  • I Travel Group , Woodlands, Texas (TX)
  • Ker & Downey – Katy, Texas (TX)
  • Coronet Travel – Richmond Heights, Missouri (MO)
  • Tripscaper  – Davisburg, Michigan (MI)
  • Vega International Travel Services – Chicago, Illinois (IL)
  • Vilu Travel Designers – Chicago, Illinois (IL)
  • Zoom Vacations – Chicago, Illinois (IL)


  • LEEX – Buenos Aires
  • Mundo MBA – Buenos Aires
  • New Bet – Buenos Aires
  • The Travel Studio – Buenos Aires
  • Viajes Fat S.A . – Caba
  • Viajes Memorables – Bahia Grande Nordelta
  • Travel Workers Boutique Agency – Porto Alegre
  • Ana Terra Turismo – Sao Paulo
  • Art of Travel – Rio de Janeiro
  • Blue Travel – Sao Paulo
  • Camilla Mattar Viagens – Sao Paulo
  • Diario de Bordo – Porto Alegre
  • EJ Travel – Sao Paulo, affiliated to Selections
  • Ellystur – Goiania
  • Estação de Turismo – Belo Horizonte
  • Explore Travel Viagens – Sao Paulo
  • Fernanda Maisonnave Travel Company – Porto Alegre
  • GW Travel Boutique  – Belo Horizonte
  • Hermes Travel Ltda . – Rio de Janeiro
  • Inspiration Travel  – Sao Paulo
  • Inti Experience  – Sao Paulo
  • Nomades – Santiago affiliated to Kangaroo Tours
  • Next2 Travel – Sao Paulo
  • OWT Boutique Travel – Sao Paulo
  • Plantur Turismo  – Sao Paulo
  • Porto Brazil Viagens – Porto Alegre
  • Shilton Tailor Made Travel – Sao Paulo
  • Stroll  – Curitiba
  • Summit Viagens e Turismo – Sao Paulo
  • Sundance Viagens e Turismo – Sao Paulo
  • Viabellu Turismo – Sao Paulo
  • Viana Turismo – Brasilia 
  • Viajan Turismo – Sao Paulo   
  • Black Balloon Travel – Santiago
  • Mandala Viajes  – Santiago
  • Nomades – Santiago, affiliated to Kangaroo Tours
  • Kiboko Voyages – Bogota 
  • MVS World  – Bogota
  • DestinosTravel – Quito
  • U Travel Peru/BCD Travel  – Lima
  • Be Part of the Journey  – Lima
  • Epic Travel – Lima
  • Vip Travel Consultant  – Caracas


  • Incanto Travel  – Santo Domingo
  • Denny’s Travel – Sydney
  • EH Travel – Melbourne
  • Hawthorn Travel – Melbourne
  • Luxury Life Travel – Adelaide
  • Oasis Travel – Brisbane
  • Seven Skies – Brisbane
  • The Classic Safary Company – Woollahra
  • The Concierge by Austravel Pty Ltd – Sydney
  • The Honeymoon Boutique Pty Ltd – Earlwood Sydney
  • World Wide Travel – Melbourne

New Zealand

  • Indigo  – Auckland


Support hours

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Ensemble is a true community of professionals. While our members have many different specialties – Luxury, Cruise, Family Reunions, Custom Tours, and so much more – we all share a common belief in the value of our work as travel professionals, and a passion for helping each other succeed. And we are hundreds more travel professionals, all across the U.S. and Canada. For over 55 years, we have been part of a thriving community that supports each of its members’ success. And today, our ability to empower members is stronger than ever in advisor development, marketing, events, community, and innovative technology.

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  2. Travel agency org chart example

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  3. Agency consortium membership: Travel Weekly

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  5. Co-op Travel Consortium is taking agents to Sicily

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  6. Travel agency consortium Ensemble makes several hires: Travel Weekly

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  1. Members share their Favorite Travel Destination

  2. Advancing Eye Irritation Assessment with Non-Animal Methods for Chemicals: Progress at the US EPA

  3. P-A-R-C Interview: Lina Wendt Rasch


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    for Travel Agencies. Explore our curated list of top travel consortia, designed to help your travel agency connect with industry-leading partners. Whether you're seeking better commissions, networking opportunities, or enhanced service offerings, our directory highlights the most popular consortia in the travel industry.

  7. Home

    MAST Travel Network is a member-owned and member-driven consortium composed of more than 200 travel agencies across the United States & Canada. Through exclusive agreements, partnerships, training, and support, MAST agencies have the tools to deliver an outstanding customer service experience every time. LEARN MORE.

  8. What is a Travel Consortium?

    By Courtney Eisen. February 22, 2024. A travel consortium or travel cooperative is a collective of travel agencies, host agencies, and travel advisors that combine their volume to enhance their presence in the industry. They work together to increase their buying potential, benefits, and commission levels.

  9. Home

    With decades of experience and thousands of travel advisors throughout the U.S. and Canada, Ensemble is a travel consortium that can always help connect you with the trip of your dreams. Here's how our members make your trip better: Figuring out all the particulars of a trip can be complicated. Let an Ensemble member travel advisor expert ...

  10. Choosing a Consortia Is Key to Survival

    The "Consortia Decision: An Advisor's Point of View" was the topic of a panel presented at Luxury Travel Exchange in Las Vegas last month. John McMahon, EVP and Group Publisher, Travel Agent ...

  11. Agency consortium membership

    The next most popular consortium overall is Virtuoso (11%). It is the most popular among traditional agencies earning more than $10 million annually; 20% of those agencies count themselves as ...

  12. Should You Join a Travel Consortium?

    A travel agency consortium (plural: travel agency consortia) is a group of travel agencies, host agencies, travel advisors, travel consultants, and other individuals and organizations in the travel industry. ... See the below travel consortium list for consortia that are popular in the U.S and Canada.: Signature Travel Network; Travel Leaders ...

  13. Travel Leaders Network Consortium

    Travel Leaders Network ( assists millions of leisure and business travelers annually, and is one of the largest sellers of luxury travel, cruises and tours in the travel agency industry.Representing approximately 6,800 travel agency locations across the United States and Canada. Travel Leaders Network's award-winning Agent Profiler agent locator, marketing ...

  14. Being a Travel Agent Pros and Cons

    Pros and Cons of Being a Travel Agent. Based on my experience as a travel agent, and talking to other tour operators, here's what I believe are the worst and best parts of running a travel agency business: Pros It's Flexible: You Can Work From Anywhere. Most travel agents operate home-based offices or online, with flexible timings. This ...

  15. Host agency InteleTravel jumps from Ensemble to Travel Leaders Network

    The travel agency group in 2022 was acquired by Navigatr Group (No. 16 on Travel Weekly's Power List). With the acquisition, the former member-owned cooperative became a consortium and has been ...

  16. List of Tour Operators in Russia

    01. 02. 03. Aba Travel, Moscow. Verkhniye Polya 4. Aba Travel is a new generation tourism company based in Moscow, Russia. We organize individual and group tours, excursions and all kinds of travel services, including tourist visa, air tickets, hotels, tour guides and transport.

  17. Elite Travel Group

    Elite Travel Group is a consortium of leading independent travel agencies based throughout the UK. ... We were founded in 1977 by a group of Midlands-based Travel Agents who wished to join together to obtain beneficial arrangements from their suppliers. The primary objective was, and remains, to help and increase the profitability of the ...

  18. Nest

    NEST-Network of Entrepreneurs Selling Travel is the industry's first and only travel marketing group in the United States dedicated solely to home based travel agencies. In business since 2004, our focus is helping entrepreneurs achieve greater success financially, professionally and personally by championing solutions just for them. ...

  19. Russian Tour Agency

    Welcome to Russia! Grand Russia is a Russian Tour Agency based out of the cosmopolitan Moscow city. We are a prominent Russia Travel Agency engaged in providing travel experiences to the people wishing to explore Russia for more than ten years. We specialise in providing guided tours, custom made packages, exclusive excursions, visa facility services, unexplored destinations and lot more.

  20. Luxury Travel Designers

    The best Tailor-Made Luxury Travel Designers. The selection of the best Travel Designers who have become Serandipians Member Agencies was obtained through a 2 step process: A first list was drafted upon the recommendation of 2 committees of renowned luxury players within the hospitality industry and inbound tailor-made operators.

  21. A Guide to Host Agency and Consortia Education [+Comparison Chart]

    A travel consortium is a collective of host agencies, travel agencies, and/or travel advisors that join forces to combine resources in order to increase their industry footprint. This offers the agencies under their umbrella more buying potential, benefits, and commission levels. To make things more confusing, since hosts are members of ...

  22. Aba Travel

    Aba Travel - International Travel Agency and DMC. +998 91 1327806. +7 705 8734695. [email protected]. Aba Travel is a new generation travel company specializing in providing custom-made tours and holidays to individual and group travelers in several destinations of Central Asia and Russia.

  23. Ensemble members explain why they're sticking with the consortium

    InteleTravel, the Delray Beach, Fla., host agency (No. 24 on Travel Weekly's 2022 Power List), is Ensemble's top producer. After banner years in both 2019 and 2021, 2022 is InteleTravel's "new ...

  24. NEST Consortium

    NEST celebrates you … the home-based travel professional. Since 2004, more than 450 home-based travel professionals have been enjoying multiple benefits that their NEST membership provides them. We are the only travel marketing group in the industry dedicated exclusively to home-based agents.

  25. Ensemble Consortium

    Ensemble is a true community of professionals. While our members have many different specialties - Luxury, Cruise, Family Reunions, Custom Tours, and so much more - we all share a common belief in the value of our work as travel professionals, and a passion for helping each other succeed.