Centre Ophtalmologique Transparence Tours

Prise de rendez-vous

Horaires et contacts, ouverture du secrétariat téléphonique.

Lundi : 09h/12h – 14h/17h

Mardi : 09h/12h – 14h/17h

Mercredi : 09h/12h – 14h/17h

Jeudi : 09h/12h – 14h/17h

Vendredi : 09h/12h – 14h/17h

Samedi : 09h/13h

En cas d'urgence

En cas d’urgence, contactez le 02 47 31 65 00. En dehors des heures ouvrables du centre, en cas d’urgence, contacter le CHRU de Tours au 02 47 47 47 47 (urgences ophtalmologiques).

Notre expertise

Première fois et dépistage, suivi et traitement de pathologies.

chru tours ophtalmo

Première fois

Chirurgie de la cataracte, exploration et traitement des maladies de la rétine.

chru tours ophtalmo

Dr Godiazek

Chirurgie du strabisme, chirurgie des paupières.

chru tours ophtalmo

Dr Précausta

Chirurgie de la rétine.

chru tours ophtalmo

Dr Vandermeer

Maladies de la cornée, greffe de cornée, chirurgie refractive.

chru tours ophtalmo

Renouvellement de lunettes avec un(e) orthoptiste

Vous avez la possibilité de renouveler vos lunettes avec un(e) orthoptiste du cabinet, ce rendez-vous s'adresse aux patients ayant déjà consulté un ophtalmologiste, il y a moins d'un an pour les moins de 16ans, il y moins de 5 ans de 16 à 42 ans, il y a moins de 3 ans pour les plus de 42 ans, l'examen par l'orthoptiste ne se substitue pas à votre suivi médical ophtalmologique habituel, en cas d'anomalie constatée par l'orthoptiste, une consultation avec un des médecins vous sera proposée, docteur précausta, prise de rdv en ligne..

En cas de problèmes, vous pouvez contacter le secrétariat par téléphone au 0247316500.

Docteur Vandermeer

La prise de rendez-vous en ligne n’est pas encore disponible pour le Dr Vandermeer, vous pouvez contacter le secrétariat par téléphone au 0247316500.


Questions fréquentes, dois-je venir accompagné .

En cas de dilatation de la pupille lors de la consultation, vous ne pourrez pas conduire après le rendez-vous.

Cette dilatation est faite en cas de fond d’œil, de consultation pré-opératoire ou de traitement laser.

Combien de temps va durer la consultation ?

Il n’y a pas de consultation type. La durée de consultation est variable et fonction du motif de consultation. Elle peut être rapide pour un simple renouvellement de correction optique mais plus longue en cas de pathologie avec des examens complémentaires à interpréter, prévoyez en général une heure sur place. Il y a habituellement plus d’attente en fin de demi-journée qu’en début.

Nous avons bien conscience que la consultation peut parfois etre perçue comme rapide par rapport au temps d’attente. Néanmoins le centre acceptant les urgences, nous avons parfois du retard par rapport à l’horaire initialement prévu. Merci de votre indulgence.

Acceptez-vous de nouveaux patients ?

Oui, nous prenons en charge de nouveaux patients. De ce fait, les délais de rendez-vous sont parfois longs. Pensez à prendre votre dossier médical et ancienne correction lors d’une première consultation.

Prenez-vous la carte vitale ?

Oui. La télé-transmission sera faite à la fin de la consultation lors du règlement. Vous serez directement remboursé par votre organisme d’assurance maladie en quelques jours.

En revanche, nous ne pratiquons pas le tiers payant sauf pour les ayants droit (CMU, ACS, AME). Pensez à prendre votre attestation à jour.

Pratiquez-vous des dépassements d'honoraires ?

Les praticiens du centre Transparence sont conventionnés secteur 2 . Ils fixent librement leurs tarifs et peuvent donc pratiquer des dépassements d’honoraires avec tact et mesure.

L’ assurance maladie rembourse les consultations sur la base du tarif fixé par la convention médicale. Le montant des dépassements d’honoraires reste à la charge du patient et/ou de sa mutuelle .

Acceptez-vous les enfants ?

Le centre Transparence accueille l’ensemble des patients, dès le plus jeune âge pour une consultation spécifique et complète même chez les tout-petits.

Où se déroulent les chirurgies ?

Les opérations chirurgicales sont réalisées quasi exclusivement en ambulatoire à la clinique NCT+ / Alliance à St Cyr sur Loire.

Nous contacter

Pour les rendez-vous, vous pouvez prendre directement rendez vous en ligne avec les Dr Précausta et Dr Vandermeer. Vous pouvez également joindre le centre par téléphone au 02 47 31 65 00 ou nous envoyer un courrier postal.

Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour vous répondre dans les plus brefs délais.

30 Boulevard Heurteloup, 37000 Tours

02 47 31 65 00

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  • orthoptiste

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CHRU de Tours Ophtalmologiste à Tours

02 47 47 47 33

Hopital Bretonneau, 37000, Tours

Affiche HandiCapZéro Critérium du Dauphiné - Guide-Vue

Le Critérium du Dauphiné avec HandiCaPZéro

Le Critérium du Dauphiné commence le dimanche 2 juin 2024. Cet événement est un véritable condensé de montagnes qui donne le ton à quelques semaines du Tour de France.


Streetlab, mieux évaluer la vision fonctionnelle pour plus d’autonomie

Créé en 2012, peu après que l’Institut de la Vision soit sorti de terre, Streetlab est une plateforme de recherche qui vient adresser un pan de la vision jusqu’ici resté un peu dans l’ombre : l’évaluation de la perte d’autonomie liée à la déficience visuelle. Présentation de cette plateforme d’évaluation de la vision fonctionnelle, nichée au cœur de l’Institut de la Vision, avec son directeur Emmanuel Gutman.


2e partie, les déficiences visuelles chez l'enfant : les étapes post dépistage

2e partie de notre dossier spécial déficience visuelle chez l'enfant. Après la phase de dépistage, viennent les phases de traitement de la pathologie, la prise en charge de l'handicap, ainsi que l'orientation scolaire de l'enfant, et professionnelle pour les adolescents.

Déficiences visuelles chez l'enfant GuideVue

Les déficiences visuelles chez l'enfant, causes et dépistage

Chez l’enfant, la déficience visuelle pose des problèmes différents de celle de l’adulte. Selon sa gravité, elle peut affecter à des degrés divers le développement psychomoteur et les possibilités d’apprentissages. Le jeune enfant atteint de déficience visuelle sévère d’apparition précoce peut présenter un retard de développement cognitif, social, émotionnel, moteur ou de langage qui aura des conséquences tout au long de sa vie.Première partie de ce dossier spécial enfant.

Trouvez votre ophtalmologiste

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Chukchansi Gold Resort

Near the majestic splendor of yosemite national park, chukchansi gold resort & casino brings the beauty of the sierra foothills into a world-class destination for gaming, dining and entertainment., san jose/gilroy/los banos line run – thursday.

San Jose – 8:00am,   Park&Ride Camden Ave. at Hwy85

Gilroy – 8:30am,    HomeTown Buffet, 7950 Arroyo Circle

Los Banos – 9:30am,   Walmart, 1575 W. Pacheco Blvd

Salinas Line Run – Sundays

Marina– 8:00am,  Best Buy, at Emjin and 2nd.

Salinas – 8:45am,  Kmart, Laurel and Davis

Image de profil de Dr Chartier Jerome

  • Dr Chartier Jerome

Ophtalmologue Tours

  • Lemedecin.fr
  • Ophtalmologue
  • Indre-et-loire


Docteur CHARTIER Jerome est ophtalmologue à Tours, SELARL CHARTIER-VISION  est au 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU à Tours dans le 37000. Docteur CHARTIER Jerome est aussi disponible à d'autres adresses.

Tarifs et remboursements

Conventionnement Non renseigné

Carte vitale Non renseigné

Informations pratiques

Adresse Dr Chartier Jerome 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU 37000 Tours

Langue parlée français

Accès handicapé Non renseigné

Autres cabinets de consultation

Praticien(s) à la même adresse.

Image de profil de Docteur HALFON JEREMIE

Informations administratives

  • Consultation au 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU à Tours dans le 37000
  • Consultation au 22 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU à Tours dans le 37000
  • Consultation au 1 Avenue DU PROF ALEXANDRE MINKOWSKI à Chambray-les-Tours dans le 37175
  • Chambray-les-Tours

chru tours ophtalmo

Si votre médecin traitant n'est pas disponible dans un délai compatible avec votre état de santé : Consultation remboursable si le médecin téléconsultant appartient à une organisation coordonnée de votre territoire.

Si vous n’avez pas de médecin traitant : Consultation remboursable si vous résidez dans une zone avec une offre de soins faible et dépourvue d'organisation territoriale coordonnée. Si, en tant que patient, votre cas ne correspond pas à une des 3 options citées ci-dessus, cela signifie que votre consultation ne sera pas prise en charge et ne donnera pas lieu à l'émission d'une feuille de soins. Pour bénéficier d’un remboursement, nous vous invitons à transmettre la note d’honoraire émise à l’issue de votre téléconsultation à votre mutuelle. En fonction de votre contrat, une prise en charge pourrait être prévue. LEMEDECIN.FR n’est pas un offreur de soins mais un opérateur de mise en relation entre un patient et un professionnel de santé. Aucun lien de subordination n’existe entre les médecins libéraux adhérents de la plateforme et LEMEDECIN.FR. L’émission d’ordonnances, d’arrêt de travail, de feuilles de soins ou de compte-rendus médicaux demeurent de la seule responsabilité du professionnel de santé et en aucun cas, LEMEDECIN.FR ne peut s’immiscer dans la relation entre un patient et son praticien, laquelle fait spécifiquement l’objet d’une protection par l’intermédiaire du secret médical. Un outil est mis à votre disposition pour tester votre éligibilité à une prise en charge par l’assurance maladie.

  • Je confirme que le praticien recherché n’est pas disponible dans un délai compatible avec mon état de santé
  • J'accepte une consultation vidéo avec un autre praticien
  • Le parcours de soins coordonnés avec votre praticien habituel reste à privilégier

Santa Clara University

SCU Campus Visit

We are excited to welcome you to SCU! Visiting our campus is one of the best ways to see for yourself why it’s a great time to be a Bronco. We offer a variety of opportunities to explore campus either in person or from home.  

Book Your Visit

Campus tours are offered Monday through Friday and most Saturdays during the academic year (October-May). 

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM Information Presentation and Campus Tour    1:00 PM Information Presentation and Campus Tour

Select Saturdays (available on select Saturdays October-May)

9:00 AM Information Presentation and Campus Tour     10:30 AM Information Presentation and Campus Tour

Additional Visits

There are times during the year where we will offer visits that are only an information session or only a tour. They will be noted as such on the calendar.  On dates students are not in session, guides may be limited and self-guided tours may be offered as an alternative. Self-guided campus tours are a great way for visitors to see the campus on their own time and at their own pace. Online registration will remain open until we reach our capacity; otherwise, online registration will close the day prior to the tour date. If your preferred date and time are at capacity, please call us at 408-554-4700. It is possible that we may have cancellations or may open extra spaces. 

Safety Protocols

The well-being and safety of our visitors and campus community are our top priority. During your visit, we will be following federal, state, and local public health orders ; as well as institutional policies, to minimize the spread of COVID-19.  Guests should plan to reschedule their visit if anyone in the party or household has tested positive for COVID-19 or displays symptoms of COVID-19. Additionally, should anyone in the party feel unwell, we ask that you reschedule your visit.  Please note: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public spaces where people are present. By attending our in-person information sessions, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.  Masks are recommended, but not required for vaccinated persons. Unvaccinated individuals are required to wear masks. Our campus visits are designed to be small. We have a limit of two guests per prospective student. Additionally, we ask that you limit your party to your immediate family only. Since space is limited, our tours will be first come, first served. We are unable to accommodate same day drop-in visits or larger, unauthorized group visits until further notice. Due to unforeseen circumstances surrounding COVID-19, poor air quality (based on an AQI of 150 or higher ), or other situations, the Undergraduate Admission Office may cancel your visit and will contact you via phone and email. 


Choose an available date on the calendar below. Then click on the "Campus Visit" for the time that works best for you. Fill out the registration form and submit. You'll receive a confirmation email with details. If you are interested in joining us virtually, check out our calendar of virtual information sessions and LIVE virtual campus tours.

  • Campus Tours
  • Visits & Events

Explore SCU's campus by using the multiple resources our community has put together. We know traveling can be difficult, so tell us if you plan to visit.

We will stop offering tours starting Dec 12 and resume on January 9. You are more than welcomed to come visit campus and do a self-guided tour.  

Santa Clara Students on campus

Book your visit to Santa Clara University. The tour begins with a presentation with an admission counselor and is followed with a campus tour with one of SCU's own student ambassadors .

Santa Clara student on a computer

Unable to make the trip to SCU? We offer virtual sessions and events with admission counselors, current students, staff and faculty.

Santa Clara Engineering student attaching wires in a classroom

Join us to experience what's happening at the School of Engineering! We are excited to offer small, virtual and in-person tours to prospective high school or transfer students and families, led by our undergraduate engineering students

Specific for users with an IOS device. Once you download the Mobile SCU app, navigate over to the Visitor's Guide in the app for our tour. 

Specific for users that use Google Play store. Once you download the Mobile SCU app, navigate over to the Visitor's Guide in the app for our tour. 

Download for directions to our campus check-in and parking.

Visitor Resources

Driving Directions

Campus Brochure 2021-2022

Campus Viewbook

Campus Map PDF

Covid 19 Updates

 - QR codes Link to file

To view SCU's 360 tour, click on the image above.

The Sobrato Campus residential building at Santa Clara University

Take a look inside of the 9 housing options at SCU.

chru tours ophtalmo

Franklin Square Shops, services, and restaurants including Mio Vicino, Jasmine Thai, Taplands, and the Saturday Farmers Market. Santana Row The Rodeo Drive of Silicon Valley. High-end shopping, trendy apparel, dining and treats. Westfield Valley Fair Upscale shopping mall. 250 retailers and restaurants, 2.2 million square feet of retail space. Santa Clara Town Center Sprouts Market, Target, Habit Burger, China Stix, Chipotle, Peet’s Coffee, Panera Bread, and Mission City Grill. San Jose Market Center Large shopping center for anything you need. Target, Trader Joe’s, Office Max.

San Pedro Square Market Downtown San Jose’s vibrant hot spot. Local food and drinks, patio dining, live entertainment.

San Jose Municipal Rose Garden Named “America’s Best Rose Garden” with 3,500 plantings and almost 200 varieties. The Tech Museum This hands-on museum also features an IMAX movie theater San Jose Museum of Art Modern and contemporary art museum in downtown San Jose Villa Montalvo A scenic, tree-themed park filled with gardens Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Games and rides on a mile-long stretch of sandy beach.

Santa Clara Farmers Market Open every Saturday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

The Hut(BBQ) 3200 The Alameda, Santa Clara

Jasmine Thai 1211 Franklin Mall, Santa Clara

Ike’s Sandwiches 2235 The Alameda, Santa Clara

Taqueria La Veracruzana 1510 Jackson St, Santa Clara

Achilles Mediterranean 2521 Newhall St, Santa Clara

Park Station Hashery 1701 Park Ave, San Jose

Kenji Sushi 385 S Winchester Blvd, San Jose

Pizza Antica 334 Santana Row #1065, San Jose In-N-Out Burger In-N-Out Burger, 550 Newhall Dr, San Jose

Almaden Quicksilver County Park County park with a history of mining offers hiking,  biking & equestrian trails amid wild flowers. Alum Rock Park Spacious park featuring hiking & biking trails,  mineral springs & several picnic areas. St. Joseph’s Hill Preserve This 270-acre site welcomes dogs & provides challenging trails for hikers, bikers & equestrians. Castle Rock State Park Park offers 32 miles of hiking & horseback riding trails among redwoods & other regional trees.

Mission Peak Regional Preserve Vast mountain preserve popular for biking, hiking, horseback riding, R/C flying and hang-gliding.

Tour Questions

Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission for any questions. 

Front Desk: 408-554-4700 Email: [email protected]

A group of students on a campus tour

Book your group visit to Santa Clara University. Group visits are only available for groups of 10-60. 

11 AAPI celebrities who are changing Hollywood

  • As AAPI Heritage Month draws to a close, these are some of the most famous AAPI celebrities today.
  • Dwayne Johnson, who is Samoan, has been the highest-earning actor in Hollywood multiple times.
  • Ali Wong, who is Vietnamese and Chinese, made history with her Emmy win.

Insider Today

May is AAPI Heritage Month . AAPI stands for Asian American and Pacific Islanders, a population that encompasses millions of people throughout the US from all over Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Pacific Islands, such as Samoa, Hawaii, and other Polynesian islands.

As AAPI Heritage Month concludes, we took a look at some of the most influential AAPI celebrities in Hollywood, including actors, directors, producers, and musicians. All have broken records and broken boundaries in terms of AAPI representation on-screen, behind the scenes, and on the radio.

Here are some of the most famous AAPI celebrities who are changing the entertainment industry.

Dwayne Johnson has been the highest-paid actor in Hollywood four separate times.

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As reported by Forbes , Dwayne Johnson was the highest-paid actor in 2016, 2019, 2020, and 2021 for his roles in films such as "Central Intelligence," "Moana," "Jumanji: The Next Level," "Hobbs & Shaw," "Jungle Cruise," and "Red Notice."

The former pro wrestler is now one of the most famous people in the world and a face of the Samoan community in mainstream entertainment.

In addition to Johnson's movie roles , he is also a producer of many of his films, and he co-created a sitcom about his life growing up in Hawaii, his time at high school in Pennsylvania, and as a college student in Miami. Fittingly, it was called "Young Rock" and aired from 2021 to 2023.

Mindy Kaling has created multiple successful shows.

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Mindy Kaling is one of the most influential showrunners in streaming right now. After starring on "The Office" (which she also wrote for), Kaling co-created and starred in her own sitcom, "The Mindy Project," which aired for six seasons.

Since, Kaling has somewhat stepped back from acting and is now focused on developing TV. Her Netflix series " Never Have I Ever " was a huge hit until it wrapped up in 2023. Her next hit, the Max series "The Sex Lives of College Girls," was responsible for introducing audiences to Renee Rapp , now a star in her own right.

Kaling also co-created the animated series " Velma ," which was almost universally hated … but got enough people hate-watching to greenlight a second season.

Two more shows created by Kaling are set to hit streamers soon: A comedy on Hulu called "Murray Hill" about 20-somethings in NYC and "Running Point," a Netflix comedy series starring Kate Hudson as the new president of a fictional Los Angeles NBA team.

Olivia Rodrigo is currently on a mega-successful world tour for her second album, "Guts."

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Rodrigo, who is just 21 years old, has been hailed as the future of pop music after her stratospheric rise in 2021 due to her debut single, "Drivers License."

Since then, Rodrigo has released two chart-topping albums, won three Grammys, was named Time's entertainer of the year, and gracefully exited the Disney+ series that gave her a platform, "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series."

She also became the first Filipino-American to be featured on the cover of US Vogue in July 2023, according to Next Shark.

Director Jon M. Chu is gearing up for the release of "Wicked" this fall.

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Chu is a high-profile director who has helmed multiple big-budget productions — besides the two-part "Wicked" adaptation, Chu directed Justin Bieber's concert film "Never Say Never," "In the Heights," "Now You See Me 2," and most famously, 2018's " Crazy Rich Asians ," the first modern-day major studio film featuring an Asian cast since "The Joy Luck Club" 25 years prior.

"Crazy Rich Asians" made $239 million worldwide, which is significant for a rom-com considering many consider the genre dead.

Now, he keeps fans hyped for " Wicked " this fall by posting photos from set, engaging with people online, and praising how amazing the cast is.

Steven Yeun is an Oscar nominee and an Emmy winner.

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It might've taken a bit for Yeun's career to rebound after his character Glenn was killed off "The Walking Dead," but it was worth the wait. Since he exited the show in 2016, his career has only skyrocketed.

Yeun was nominated for an Academy Award (best actor) in 2021 for his performance in "Minari," making him the first Asian-American actor to ever be nominated in that category.

In 2023, he starred in and executive-produced the Netflix series " Beef ." He won two Emmys, two Golden Globes, two Critics' Choice Awards, and an Independent Spirit Award for the show.

The Korean-American actor also plays the super-powered teen Mark Grayson on the critically acclaimed Prime Video series "Invincible."

Ali Wong has also won numerous awards for "Beef."

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Wong also won two Emmys and two Golden Globes for "Beef," making her the first Asian woman to win the Emmy for outstanding lead actress in a limited series or movie.

In addition to "Beef," Wong has produced three stand-up comedy specials. In the first one, "Baby Cobra," Wong was 7 ½ months pregnant and making dirtier jokes than almost anyone else, pushing the boundaries of what stand-up comedy can be.

Wong also wrote and starred in her own rom-com, "Always Be My Maybe," and cast Keanu Reeves as her love interest, a true power move.

Priyanka Chopra is the most-followed Indian actor on Instagram.

chru tours ophtalmo

Chopra, who won Miss World in 2000, has become a powerhouse in both India and the US. In 2012, she became first Bollywood star to sign with the American talent agency CAA.

Since then, she's cultivated a massive Instagram following (91.1 million followers and counting), has become a lifestyle figure (with a hair-care line, an NYC restaurant, and a home-goods line), wrote a best-selling memoir, and is a successful actor and producer.

In 2020, Chopra signed a "a two-year multimillion-dollar first-look television deal with Amazon," Variety reported. Her first project after the deal was the 2023 spy thriller series "Citadel," with a second season already on the way.

Bowen Yang is the last true "SNL" breakout we've had in years.

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Yang, who joined the cast of the sketch show in 2019, is a star. The first Chinese-American comedian to ever join the show, Yang almost immediately cemented himself as an important addition to the cast. He's already been nominated for three Emmys (one for writing, two for acting).

He's also branched out into movies, appearing in "The Lost City," "Fire Island," and "Bros." Later this year, he has a supporting role in "Wicked," and is set to remake the Ang Lee rom-com "The Wedding Banquet" alongside recent Oscar nominee Lily Gladstone.

Chloé Zhao was the first woman of color to win best director at the Oscars (and the second woman ever).

chru tours ophtalmo

Zhao made history in 2021 when she won best director for her film "Nomadland." She was the second woman to ever win that award, behind Kathryn Bigelow in 2010, and the first Asian woman to owin.

Following "Nomadland," Zhao directed the MCU film "Eternals," which made a respectable $402 million at the box office, even though it wasn't a huge hit with critics or fans.

Next up for Zhao is an adaptation of the hit novel "Hamnet," starring Paul Mescal and Jessie Buckley, Deadline reported.

Auli'i Cravalho is the voice of the first Polynesian Disney princess.

chru tours ophtalmo

Cravalho made her film debut in 2016 as the voice of Moana, the first Polynesian Disney princess, a huge step forward in AAPI representation at Disney. She'll return to the role in 2024 for "Moana 2."

And though she won't play Moana in the live-action film in order to "pass the baton to the next young woman of Pacific Island descent," as she told The Wrap , she will produce the film alongside Dwayne Johnson.

Cravalho is also a live-action star, recently appearing in the musical film adaptation of "Mean Girls" and the Hulu rom-com "Crush."

Dev Patel made his directorial debut in 2024.

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In addition to the internet demanding he be cast as the next James Bond, Patel is a busy guy. After starring in the runaway hit "Slumdog Millionaire," Patel has been one of the most reliable (and charming) stars in Hollywood.

He was nominated for an Oscar in 2017 for his performance in "Lion," starred in the Middle Ages epic "The Green Knight," collaborated with Wes Anderson for the Oscar-winning short film "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar," and made his directorial debut with the action film "Monkey Man." He also stars in the film.

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