the roadtrippers

Road trip de Montréal à Vancouver : Astuces & Inspiration

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La célèbre traversée d’Est en Ouest du territoire Canadien attire chaque année, toujours plus de jeunes québécois et français. Bien plus, qu’un simple parcours à bord d’un véhicule, c’est une aventure à la découverte d’un pays aussi immense que surprenant. Au volant de Bob, notre Dodge Ram Van de 1985, nous avons parcouru les 4 700 km qui les séparent lors de notre première expérience Vanlife. Le Road trip de Montréal à Vancouver : un périple sur la plus célèbre des routes du Canada.

De Montréal à Vancouver : les avantages d’une traversée d’Est en Ouest

Ça y est, vous venez de vous décider : la traversée du Canada, vous allez la faire non pas en avion comme tante Maryvonne vous a conseillé, mais en automobile. En voiture traditionnelle ou en van , c’est l’expérience de toute une vie. Rien que ça oui. Pour quelle raison ? Le sentiment de liberté à rouler, fenêtre ouverte et cheveux dans le vent, sur le bitume chaud du pays des Caribous.

Vous êtes français et hésitiez entre un roadtrip de Montréal à Vancouver et une expédition de Vancouver à Montréal ? Vous faites le bon choix de vous déplacer dans ce sens. Et si vous n’avez pas trop le choix du sens du voyage : pas d’inquiétude, vous aussi avez de le chance. Et ce : même si vous êtes bilingue anglais.

Formalités d’immatriculation, assurance, contrat de location, contrôle technique avant la Grande Traversée ou même pour faire un tour chez le garagiste du coin et installer des panneaux solaires sur le toit : l’environnement francophone est juste parfait pour commencer l’aventure. Bien plus rassurant, il sera également facile d’acheter un véhicule sur Kijiji – et de négocier ainsi dans votre langue natale.

Sachez que si vous aviez dû souscrire à une assurance en Colombie-Britannique, le prix n’aurait probablement pas été le même. Au Québec, un coup de téléphone chez Desjardins et une cent-cinquantaine d’euros vous suffisent pour avoir l’assurance de base, valable un an. Comptez approximativement le même montant pour une assistance routière.

road trip Montréal Vancouver

En Road trip du Québec à la Colombie-Britannique : Achat puis revente ?

Vous comptez acheter un camion aménagé pour l’occasion ? Vous faites le bon choix, surtout si vous pensez voyager avec pendant quelques mois au moins. Bien moins cher qu’une agence de location, vous ne perdrez a priori, pas d’argent dessus lors de la revente. À condition d’être vigilant sur certains poins.

Le premier à prendre en compte : dans quelle province planifiez-vous de revendre votre véhicule ? Si c’est dans la même province que celle où a lieu l’immatriculation (le Québec par exemple), pas de problème. En revanche, si vous projetez de l’acheter à Montréal et de le revendre à Vancouver, alors il y a un point particulièrement important à savoir. Lors de la revente, vous sera demandé de passer un Safety Test. C’est son certificat qui prouvera que votre véhicule québécois est également aux normes dans la province étrangère (en Colombie-Britannique, par exemple). Très difficile a obtenir, l’expérience peut s’avérer être extrêmement onéreuse.

Pour améliorer vos chances d’y échapper, il existe une solution : être vigilant au moment de l’achat de votre véhicule et précisément concernant toutes traces de rouille. Ne prenez pas le risque d’acheter un véhicule, vieux, à bas prix et dont la carrosserie ou le châssis est rouillé. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’il sera invendable en BC, sans plusieurs milliers de réparation.

Petite astuce à savoir : il est possible de vendre son véhicule SANS le Safety Test. Nous doutions que cela était possible, mais nous avons bien réussi à le faire. L’astuce ? Le vendre à une personne qui devra le passer elle-même. Bien plus facile à dire, qu’à faire – le risque financier étant grand, pour le nouvel acheteur.

livre roadtrip canada

5 choses que nous aurions aimé savoir, avant de commencer notre Roadtrip !

1 – La traversée n’est pas une course, prenez votre temps, faites des pauses régulières et n’hésitez pas à quitter l’autoroute de temps en temps ! Conduire huit heures par jour, six jours d’affilée demande beaucoup d’attention. Une fatigue se fait vraiment sentir, arrivé à destination

2 – Avoir internet dans le van est pratiquement indispensable. Pourquoi ? Selon la taille de votre réservoir d’essence, il peut être judicieux de savoir à combien de kilomètre plus loin, se trouve la prochaine station service !

3 – Avoir internet dans le van est pratiquement indispensable (bis). Pourquoi cette fois ? Car cela vous permettra de comparer le prix des différentes stations-essences dans le coin ! Dans une même ville, il peut facilement y avoir 20 centimes de dollar, de différence. Une bonne référence ? Les Gas Bar.

4 – Les stations services proposent régulièrement une infrastructure pour se doucher. De quoi reprendre la route et se sentir tout frais !

5 – Posséder absolument une assistance dépannage. Les distances sont longues, tomber en panne au milieu de nulle part nous a coûté 300 $, rien que pour les frais de dépanneuse. Desjardins propose des tarifs de base tout à fait abordable.

6 – En bonus : si vous n’avez pas encore de véhicule, ni d’assurance, ne dites surtout pas que vous compter souscrire à celle-ci, uniquement pour la durée du Road trip. À la place, restez vague et dites que vous souhaitez voyager régulièrement hors du Québec, tout en continuant d’habiter au Québec la majorité du temps.

>> À lire aussi : Comment préparer un Road trip au Canada <<

Les spots pour dormir dans l’Ouest Canadien

Garer son véhicule pour la nuit et dormir dedans, le temps du road trip de Montréal à Vancouver, est globalement répandu. Trouvez une petite route perpendiculaire, enfoncez-vous un peu dans la campagne, et passez-y la nuit. Personne ne devrait venir vous déranger – surtout si vous êtes au milieu de nulle part.

Si vous comptez passer par des grandes villes, tels que Winnipeg, Regina ou Calgary : il est assez aisé de trouver un spot sur un parking isolé en banlieue (ou Walmart). Nettement moins glamour que boondocker dans la brousse, mais au moins vous y trouverez facilement des infrastructures. Pour remplir l’eau, le propane, l’essence ou la bouffe par exemple.

>> À lire aussi : les 31 spots ou nous avons dormi gratuitement au canada <<

En conclusion : Prenez votre temps, profitez du paysage et relayez-vous si vous êtes plusieurs.  Et surtout : amusez-vous bien lors de votre futur Road-trip de Montréal à Vancouver ! Retrouvez tous nos articles autour du road trip au Canada .

L’article vous a plu ? Aidez-nous en le partageant sur Pinterest : )

Plus d'inspiration Road-trips & Vanlife ?

Abonnez-vous à notre Instagram pour être sûr de ne rien manquer (cliquez ici) ! Au programme ? Idées d'aménagement de van, témoignages de vanlifers, spots idylliques pour passer la nuit, idées d'itinéraire, les dernières actualités de nos aventures et surtout (surtout !) une bonne dose d'inspiration au quotidien en attendant de reprendre la route 🙂


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Comment revendre son véhicule québécois en Colombie-britannique ?


Auteur Pierre

Co-fondateur de The Roadtrippers, Pierre Rouxel est passionné de grands espaces, d'aventures et de modes de vie alternatifs.

Rejoindre la discussion 6 Comments

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Bonjour Pierre, Que pensez-vous de l’ idée de partir mi Octobre pour une traversée Montréal-Vancouver. Pas trop risqué avec le temps ?

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Bonjour Danielle, niveau météo, je pense que ça risque de faire un peu juste pour une traversée à partir de mi-Octobre. Après tout dépend de la durée de votre périple et de l’isolation du van 😉

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Bonjour , nous planifions un trip de Montréal a Vancouver en Rav 4 , a compter de Juin et nous aimerions recevoir des conseils et indications sur les meilleurs points touristiques a visiter sur le trajet de Montréal a Vancouver aller /retour

Bonjour Greg ! Vous trouverez toutes les infos sur cette page : Si ça vous interesse, on a aussi écrit un livre sur notre roadtrip de Montréal à Vancouver avec nos meilleures conseils 🙂

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Bonsoir , Pouvez vs me donner le titre de votre livre , nous voulons partir de Montréal à Vancouver en petit motorisé pour environ 90 jours , j’aimerais lire vos aventures ! Merci Claudine

Bonjour Claudine, Très beau projet 🙂 Le livre que vous cherchez s’appelle Roadtrip Makes Me Free : Canada . Vous trouverez plus d’info en vous rendant sur cette page : Bonne préparation 🙂 Pierre

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Kamloops Lake, Trans Canada Highway, British Columbia, Canada at sunset with green land in the foreground, a lake and mountains in the distance.

Road Trip from Montreal to Vancouver

The epic road trip from Montreal to Vancouver is an incredible journey that takes you across the width of the continent: from where the St Lawrence River joins the Atlantic Ocean to the Strait Of Georgia on the Pacific coast and through stunning wilderness.

At over 4,500-kilometres, a road trip from Montreal to Vancouver takes around 48 hours. Key stops can include Lake Michigan, Seattle, Mount Rushmore, Deadwood, Chicago; or Manitoba, Kamloops, Rocky Mountains or Banff if you choose the Canadian Route.

There are so many places to visit on this trip between two of the largest oceans. Read on to discover the options you have available for this incredible journey.

How far is Vancouver from Montreal and how long will the road trip take?

The road trip from Montreal to Vancouver spans a minimum distance of 4,560 km (2,833 miles) and takes at least 48 hours to complete. That's if you were to drive nonstop along the route, without accounting for any stops along the way.

On a trip of this magnitude you will need at least 5 days to cover the distance. But with so many great stops along the way, including stunning wilderness to take in, you should really consider spending up to two weeks to complete the journey.

There are two obvious routes to take, one which largely remains in Canada, while the other cuts through the US. It's important to note that both cross the border and will require documents to prove your identity and visa (if necessary). A passport is usually recommended.

Badlands National Park, South Dakota with the spectacular rock formations in the distance and green land in front on a sunny day.

Best road trip route from Montreal to Vancouver

There are two great routes to take for a road trip from Montreal to Vancouver. The Canadian Route is slightly more direct and cuts straight across southern Canada and through its six largest, most populated provinces.

Our American Route is 420 miles longer but takes in some of America's most interesting states and gives you the opportunity to explore Seattle, Lake Michigan and Chicago. Both routes have impossibly beautiful views so choose the best one depending on your preference of stops.

How to drive from Montreal to Vancouver

The map above shows our suggestions for the best road trip routes between Montreal and Vancouver. Keep reading for detailed descriptions of both routes, where to stay on either, and the best things to do on the way.

The American Route

The American Route will take you through the northern part of the United States. Begin by heading west on Highway 401 and through Kingston, a beautiful city on Lake Ontario.

Follow this road through Toronto and consider a stop at the capital of Ontario, before crossing the Ambassador Bridge into Detroit, on the American side of the border. From here you can explore Lake Erie as well as the city itself.

Next take Interstate 96 a short distance until it meets I-94 and follow this west, to Gary, Indiana, near the Illinois border on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Continue heading west on I-94 through Madison before arriving at Minneapolis. Consider taking a detour to explore Lake Traverse Reservation or Leech Lake Reservation.

Still heading west on I-94, you will pass several towns in North Dakota before reaching Montana. A worthy detour here would be to visit the stunning Yellowstone National Park and cities such as Missoula.

At Billings, take Interstate 90 west and continue on this road for the rest of the trip as you drive through some majestic scenery alongside New Perce Reservation and Kootenai National Forest.

When you arrive at Seattle, change to the I-5 north and follow it all the way to the Canadian border. Once in Canada the road becomes Highway 99, and you can follow this the remainder of the journey, to your destination in Vancouver.

Vancouver skyline, British Columbia, Canada at sunset with boats in the harbor and mountains in the far distance.

The Canadian Route

Our alternative route remains almost entirely in Canada. In fact, if you don't wish to cross into the US for some of the attractions along the border, this route never leaves the country.

Begin by heading north on Quebec Autoroute 20 and follow it to Sainte-Agathe-Des-Monts, where it merges with Route 117. You'll follow this to the Ontario border, before a very brief stint on the Trans-Canada Highway brings us to Highway 11.

Consider a stop to explore La Verendrye Wildlife Reserve for its lakes and beautiful walks, before continuing west to the town of Emo, on the US-Canadian border. Parts of the road will be labelled as Highway 17 and Trans-Canada Highway, as they follow the same route in places.

From here take Trans-Canada Highway north to Longbow Lake and then switch to Highway 17 heading west.

Once you pass into Manitoba, the road becomes Trans-Canada Highway 1, which you'll follow the entire way across both Manitoba and driving through Edmonton and Alberta - both of which would make fantastic stops.

Continue on Ab-16 and take in the sights of the stunning Jasper National Park Of Canada before arriving at Kamloops, in British Columbia.

All that's left now is to take Highway 5 south, until it re-joins Trans-Canada Highway 1, and continue following that south all the way to Vancouver.

Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada with Spirit Island in Maligne Lake in the foreground, tall trees beyond the lake and snow capped mountains in the distance under a blue sky.

Best places to stop between Montreal and Vancouver

With two very different routes to choose from for your road trip from Montreal to Vancouver, you're going to have to choose plenty of great places to stay along the way, to both break up the trip and give you plenty of time to see the sights.

With almost 10,000 kilometres of country between the two routes, it's impossible to point out everywhere worth staying and, quite frankly, discovering things on your own is often part of the fun on a road trip.

That said, here's a couple of our favourite locations and hotels, so be sure to make a longer stop at one of each of these:

American Route - Rapid City

Rapid City itself, while beautiful, is likely a location many people will be unfamiliar with, as it isn't exactly a famous city. However, some of the attractions in the surrounding area are considerably more well known.

Mount Rushmore, USA with the faces of former US presidents carved into the Black Hills, trees in the foreground on a sunny day.

Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse Monument, Deadwood, Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and Wind Cave National Park are just a few of the famous locations located less than an hours drive from the city.

There are very few places in the entire country with so many famous, historic attractions in such close proximity, which is why this is an absolutely perfect place to have one of your longer stops along the route. It's also over halfway through your route, so ideally placed to rest.

Given the cities location to so many fantastic attractions, there's a great choice of nearby hotels. For convenience, comfort and style, a top choice would have to the Cambria Hotel Rapid City. As well as having the all-important indoor swimming pool, a must on a long road trip, the hotel is stylish, rooms for comfortable and generous and there are wonderful views from the restaurant and poolside.

Located just a short drive from South Dakota attractions, this beautiful hotel is the perfect stop for exploring and relaxing in equal measures.

Canadian Route - Banff

Some 950km from your destination on the Canadian Route and an ideal stop before arriving at Vancouver, Banff is a fantastic overnight stop.

Its growing reputation as one of the premier beauty spots in the entire world, located high up in the Rocky Mountains at about 90-minutes west of Calgary, Banff is home to some of the most picturesque views around.

Banff, Canada with a view of a busy street at winter with the mountain in the distance covered in snow on a sunny day.

From here you are spoilt with glorious surroundings - take a scenic walk through the stunning forests or enjoy a hot drink in one of the many beautiful lodges. Then, for the more thrill-seeking among you, there are world famous ski slopes or locations to go boating on its collection of gorgeous lakes.

However you want to experience it, if you're a fan of scenic, naturally beautiful locations, Banff is an absolute must visit location. For an equally breathtaking experience, we highly recommend a stay at the Fairmont Banff Springs.

Luxurious and historic, the Fairmont Banff Springs is a stunning hotel that offers beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. The building, which is like a beautiful castle, has so much on offer. Indulge at the hotel's beautiful indoor pool or enjoy the spa facilities, before relaxing by the fire at its onsite restaurant and bar. You can also enjoy 360-degree views of Banff National Park and Canada's Castle in the Rockies. Wow.

Things to see on a road trip from Montreal to Vancouver

With two routes to chose from for a road trip from Montreal to Vancouver, you've certainly got an important decision to make before you even set out.

Here's a list of some of the absolute best things to do and see along these epic routes:

Both Routes

  • The Great Lakes - Made up of the 5 lakes of Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario and Erie, they are the largest group of freshwater lakes on earth by area and second largest by volume. Our American route passes 3 of the group, the two smallest lakes of Erie and Ontario, as well as the second largest in Lake Michigan, while our Canadian option passes just one, the largest of the group, Lake Superior.

Lake Superior, Ontario looking from a mountain cliff covered in trees to the lake below on a calm, clear day.

  • Detroit, Michigan - The largest and most populous city in Michigan, with nicknames such as Motown, Motor City and Rock City, for its history in the music and automotive industries.
  • Chicago, Illinois - The Largest city in the state of Illinois and 3rd largest in the country. Known as the windy city, due to its location on the shores of Lake Michigan, it's most famous for its history with the mafia in the 1920's and for its unique style of pizza.
  • Wall Drug - Wild west themed tourist attraction, featuring shops, restaurants and art exhibits, as well as the drug store it was originally founded as in 1931.
  • Badlands National Park – One of two national parks located in South Dakota, it is world famous for having one of the planets richest collections of fossils, as well as an abundance of wildlife.
  • Rapid City - The second largest city in South Dakota and a gateway to the beautiful Black Hills National Forest and Mount Rushmore.
  • Wind Cave National Park – The second national park in South Dakota, it features one of the longest cave systems in the world and is known for its incredibly unique formations.
  • Deadwood - The second largest wild west town still in existence.
  • Sturgis - Historic town that is also home to the largest motorcycle rally in the world, which is held every year on the first weekend in August.
  • Crazy Horse Monument - Considered to be the Native American answer to Mount Rushmore and located in the same hills, this carving of one of the most famous war chiefs in history will be one of the largest in the world upon completion.
  • Mount Rushmore - The legendary attraction, featuring the faces of former US presidents, carved into the Black Hills.
  • Devils Tower - Iconic butte that has been seen in movies, tv and works of art for generations.
  • Bighorn National Forest -Site of the Medicine Wheel National Historic Landmark, a sacred location for many Native tribe's, the origins of which remain unclear to this day.
  • Yellowstone National Park - Split between the states of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, Yellowstone is the oldest and one of the most famous national parks in the system, as well as the 2nd largest in the contiguous US.
  • Seattle, Washington - The largest and most populated city in the state of Washington, best known as the birthplace of grunge music, as well as for its iconic space needle and for being the location of the original branch of Starbucks.

Seattle, Washington with the downtown skyline in the background and Mt. Rainier in the distance, and green trees in the foreground under a blue sky.

  • La Verendrye Wildlife Reserve - One of the largest nature reserves in Quebec, home to more than 4000 lakes, 2 reservoirs and over 200 species of birds, fish and mammals.
  • Thunder Bay, Ontario - The most populous city on the shores of Lake Superior, it is home to an incredible collection of parks, gardens and falls, as well as many other outdoor locations and activities.
  • Isle Royale National Park - With less than 27,000 annual visitors, this is the least visited national park in the contiguous US and 4th least overall. The largest island on Lake Superior, it is most famous for the study into the unique relationship between its wolf and moose populations, which has been ongoing for more than 50 years. It also has multiple shipwrecks and smaller islands located in the waters surrounding it.
  • Quetico Provincial Park - A wilderness area popular for canoeing and fishing, which makes up part of Quetico-Superior Country with Superior National Forest on the other side of the border.
  • Voyageurs National Park - A stunning park on the US-Canadian border, full of forests, islands, lakes and rock formations, which are home to numerous species of animals and birds.
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba - The capital and most populous city in Manitoba. Its early railroad history and position as the last major city in the east of the country have earned it the nickname “the gateway to the west”.
  • Calgary, Alberta - The largest and most populated city in Alberta, located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
  • Banff - Canadas oldest national park, Banff is world famous for its stunning collection of lakes, forests, mountains and ski resorts.

Voyageurs National Park, US/Canada border at sunset behind the Ash River Visitor Center (Minnesota) with calm waters surrounded by rocks and trees in the distance.

Best time to go on a road trip from Montreal to Vancouver

Considering a road trip from Montreal to Vancouver takes two full days of non-stop driving, no matter which of the routes you select, you need to make sure that conditions are perfect so you can see and do everything you plan, both along the route as well as at your destination.

Considering the part of the world you will be travelling through and to, and that the majority of our attractions are outdoors, it leaves us with a relatively small window to work with, in order to ensure temperatures and weather conditions ideal.

We'd strongly recommend making this journey in either July or August when temperatures are around 65 Degrees Fahrenheit and rarely exceed 80, giving you the best weather at our destination of Vancouver as well as throughout the journey.

A trip during July would also give you the opportunity to arrive at our destination in time to experience the thrill of Vancouver's Honda Celebration of Light - a three-day festival showcasing incredible fireworks over the English Bay. There's also an International Jazz Festival held in the city for 12 days in late June and July - just plan ahead and book in advance as the city will get extremely busy during these months.

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Road trip Montréal-Vancouver: L’ultime road trip au Canada

Penses-tu faire un road trip de Montréal à Vancouver pour l’ultime aventure à travers le Canada? Mais tu te sens un peu dépassée par toute la planification? Je te comprends très bien!

En août 2020, on a fait nos valises et on a commencé ce road trip en voiture à travers le Canada avec nos deux tout-petits . Un road trip qui nous prendrait plus d’un mois (aller seulement), avec plus de 5000 km à parcourir.Dans cet article, tu découvriras un itinéraire pour faire un incroyable road trip canadien avec tes enfants. L’article comprend la première partie de l’itinéraire, d’Ottawa, ON à Victoria, BC, pour un total de 4 369 km .

Tu prévois un road trip au Canada? Procures-toi mon super guide pour les road trips à travers le Canada


Carte routière pour le road trip à travers le Canada

La meilleure façon de voyager à travers le Canada est de prendre l’autoroute Transcanadienne . Bien sûr, si tu as plus de temps, c’est une bonne idée de prendre un petit détour (c’est-à-dire de sortir de l’autoroute transcanadienne) et d’explorer les petites communautés. Voici quelques cartes pour te montrer l’itinéraire qu’on a fait.

Il y a plus de détails sur chaque étape du voyage dans les sections ci-dessous.

cross canada road trip map

Road Trip de Montréal à Vancouver: un itinéraire complet

📝 Note: La plupart des lieux adaptés pour les enfants qu’on a visité sont documentés sur l’ application GoWhee , l’application de voyage pour les familles.

Arrive à Ottawa

Selon ton point de départ à Montréal, ça te prendra environ 2 heures te rendre à Ottawa. Le première étape de cet ultime road trip au Canada est Ottawa. Après tout, Ottawa est la capitale du Canada et une belle ville à visiter.

Je te conseille d’y passer au moins 3 jours.

Pour plus d’informations sur Ottawa, lis notre article: Visiter Ottawa avec des enfants: itinéraire d’une semaine – quoi faire, quoi voir . Aussi, si tu veux explorer la côte Est, lis notre itinéraire de 14 jours de Toronto (Ontario) à Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse) où tu traverseras la ville de Québec, la baie de Fundy.

One of the best stops when driving from Ontario to BC.

Ottawa à North Bay, un trajet de 358 km

D’Ottawa, diriges-toi vers le nord. Il faut 358 kilomètres pour atteindre North Bay, l’escapade du Nord. Sur ton chemin, arrêtes-toi à Pembroke .

🛏️ Où séjourner à North Bay: Homewood Suites par Hilton North Bay

North Bay à Sault Ste-Marie, un trajet de 436 km

De North Bay, il faut parcourir 436 kilomètres pour arriver à Sault Ste-Marie. Sur ton chemin, arrêtes-toi au Chutes Duchesnay, Sudbury où tu pourras voir l’emblématique Big Nickel, la Plage de Bootleggers Bay à Algoma Mills pour te reposer un peu et profiter du lac Huron avant d’arriver à Sault Ste-Marie.

🛏️ Où séjourner à Sault Ste-Marie: Microtel Inn & Suites Sault Ste-Marie

Sault Ste-Marie à Wawa, un trajet de 227 km

Le trajet entre Sault Ste-Marie et Wawa est d’environ 227 km. Tu devrais considérer t’arrêter en chemin au Chutes Chippewa (c’est le point à mi-parcours de l’autoroute transcanadienne), Old Woman Bay, les “Scenic High Falls” et la grande statue de Wawa Goose .

Wawa à Terrace Bay, un trajet de 260 km

Pendant le 4e jour de voyage, tu conduiras 260 km pour arriver à Terrace Bay. Sur ton chemin, arrêtes-toi à White River pour voir l’emblématique statue de Winnie l’ourson, le parc national Pukaskwa, Marathon et chutes Mink Creek . Termines ta journée à Terrace Bay où tu peux visiter le phare de Terrace Bay.

🛏️ Où séjourner à Terrace Bay: Drifters Motel & Restaurant

Terrace Bay à Thunder Bay, un trajet de 224 km

De Terrace Bay à Thunder Bay, tu devras parcourir 224 km. Arrêtes-toi au Chutes Agusabon, visites le parc provincial Rainbow Falls, l’aire de jeux pour enfants Paddle-to-the-Sea à Nipigon, ainsi que le belvédère commémoratif Terry Fox .

Profites de Thunder Bay (2 jours)

Après 5 jours consécutifs de conduite, c’est le temps de se détendre un peu et de profiter de Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay est une belle ville qui a beaucoup à offrir. Je te recommande de visiter: le Panorama de la mine Amethyst, le parc historique du Fort William, le Prince Arthur’s Landing, le parc provincial Sleeping Giant et le brise-glace Alexander Henry .

Assures-toi également de t’arrêter au Parc Hillcrest . Il y a une belle aire de jeux naturelle pour enfants. De plus, la vue sur la baie est magnifique.

🛏️ Où séjourner à Thunder Bay: Hôtels Delta par Marriott Thunder Bay

Thunder Bay à Kenora, un trajet de 488 km

Aujourd’hui est une longue journée, avec 488 km à parcourir de Thunder Bay à Kenora, mais… c’est ta dernière journée de conduite en Ontario (presque!).

Arrêtes-toi au Chutes Kakabeka, le poste de castor à Upsala pour une collation et un café, à l’aire de jeux pour enfants du Parc Kinsman et le Pont suspendu Roy Wilson à Dryden. Une fois à Kenora, visites le Husky le Muskie ou profites du Parc Norman avec une plage et une aire de jeux.

🛏️ Où séjourner à Kenora: Super 8 par Wyndham Kenora

Kenora à Winnipeg, un trajet de 210 km

Il y a 210 kilomètres entre Kenora et Winnipeg. Lorsque tu suis l’autoroute transcanadienne, il n’y a pas beaucoup d’arrêts autres que le Parc du Centre du Canada . Ceci est le point central du Canada.

🛏️ Où séjourner à Winnipeg: Country Inn & Suites par Radisson , Winnipeg

Explores Winnipeg (2 jours)

Winnipeg est une ville formidable à explorer avec des enfants. Le premier jour, tu voudras visiter quelques-uns des sites suivants: le Musée des droits de l’homme, le zoo et parc d’Asisboine (ne manques pas le musée de Winnie l’ourson), le Village du Patrimoine Mennonite et The Forks .

Le deuxième jour, conduis vers le Lac Winnipeg pour découvrir le patrimoine islandais et viking autour de Gimli.

Winnipeg à Regina, un trajet de 573 km

C’est une longue journée de conduite dans les Prairies avec plus de 570 kilomètres à parcourir. En route vers Regina, arrêtes-toi au Delta Beach, au musée des carrousels et des poupées à Brandon, au Swinging Bridge à Wolseley, et au Bell Barn à Indian Head .

🛏️ Où séjourner à Régina: Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Régina

Explores Regina

Regina est une ville amusante à découvrir. La plupart des attractions sont situées près du centre Wascana. Ne manques pas le Musée royal de la Saskatchewan, le Centre Wascana et le Centre du patrimoine de la GRC . Tu peux finir la journée à l’aire de jeux pour enfants du centre de loisirs Sandra Schirler et le parc aquatique.

Regina à Maple Creek, un trajet de 380 km

Cette journée de conduite de 380 km sera ta dernière avant d’arriver en Alberta. Tu devras t’arrêter au Moose Jaw (ne manques pas les tunnels de Moose Jaw), Chaplin Lake, Doc’s Town Heritage Village à Swift Current .

🛏️ Où séjourner à Maple Creek: Cobble Creek Lodge

Lake Louise captivates visitors with its ethereal turquoise waters, framed by towering peaks and surrounded by breathtaking wilderness.

Maple Creek à Brooks, un trajet de 209 km

Aujourd’hui, tu arrives en Alberta. Sur ton chemin vers Brooks, arrêtes-toi au Parc interprovincial Cypress Hills, visites le tipi le plus haut du monde à Medicine Hat et l’aqueduc de Brooks .

🛏️ Où séjourner à Brooks: Héritage Inn & Suites – Brooks

Parc provincial des dinosaures

Passes toute la journée à explorer les badlands canadiens au parc provincial des Dinosaurs. Il y a 5 courtes randonnées à choisir et un joli petit musée. Si tes enfants aiment les dinosaures, c’est un super endroit à visiter. De plus, le paysage est si unique.

NOTE: Si tu as un jour ou deux de plus, visites Drumheller , la capitale mondiale des dinosaures. Il y a beaucoup de choses à faire à cet endroit avec les enfants.

Brooks à Banff, un trajet de 314 km

De Brooks à Banff, tu conduiras 314 kilomètres. Essaies de partir tôt le matin pour pouvoir t’arrêter à Calgary (ne manques pas la Tour de Calgary, Stephen’s Avenue et Bowness Park ), mais sois certain de conduire vers Banff pendant la journée pour admirer les vues. Arrêtes-toi à Canmore pour te promener dans le centre-ville et peut-être faire le Policeman’s Creek boardwalk avant de se rendre à Banff.

🛏️ Où séjourner à Banff:     Banff Ptarmigan Inn

Explores le parc national de Banff (3 jours)

Tu peux facilement passer une semaine dans le parc national de Banff , mais trois jours te donneront amplement le temps de faire de la randonnée et de découvrir le magnifique parc. Avec les enfants, assures-toi de faire les activités suivantes: visiter les Sources thermales de Upper Banff; faire de la randonnée dans le Canyon Johnston et dans le lac Johnson; visiter les chutes Bow; explorer le lieu historique national Cave & Basin; visiter le lac Louise ainsi que le Garden of Time , …

Pour plus de choses à faire à Banff avec des enfants, consultes notre article ici .

Ensuite, passes une journée entière à conduire le long de la promenade des Glaciers. Il y a 230 km de route entre Lac Louise et Jasper. Si tu as plus de temps, passes quelques jours à Jasper. Sinon, tu peux conduire sur la promenade des Glaciers et faire demi-tour après avoir visité le champ de glace Columbia.

Tu peux trouver ici un exemple d’itinéraire de 7 jours pour un road trip de Calgary à Jasper .

Banff à Revelstoke, un trajet de 283 km

Il s’agit d’une route incroyable où tu traverseras 4 parcs nationaux de Parcs Canada: le parc national de Banff, le parc national Yoho, le parc national des Glaciers et le parc national du Mont-Revelstoke. Sur ton chemin, arrêtes-toi au Spiral Tunnels, le lac Emerald, le Natural Bridge, les chutes Takakkaw, Golden et le sentier Giant Cedars.

🛏️ Où séjourner à Revelstoke: Ramada by Wyndham Revelstoke

Explores Revelstoke

À Revelstoke, tu voudras aller à Revelstoke Mountain Resort et monter le Pipe Mountain Coaster et le Aerial Adventure Park. Ensuite, tu pourras profiter de l’eau au lac Williamson.

Revelstoke à Kelowna, un trajet de 198 km

De Revelstoke à Kelowna, tu devras parcourir 198 kilomètres. En chemin, arrêtes-toi à la Forêt enchantée et au pont suspendu de Malaka à Sicamous .

🛏️ Où séjourner à Kelowna: Econo Lodge Inn & Suites – Kelowna

Explores Kelowna

Kelowna est au cœur de la vallée de l’Okanagan. Tu devrais visiter un vignoble familial, profiter du lac Okanagan, dire «Bonjour» à Ogopoyo et visiter la ferme des Kangourous.

Pour plus d’informations sur Kelowna, lis notre article: Activités à faire à Kelowna avec des enfants .

Kelowna à Vancouver, un trajet de 390 km

Plus que 390 km pour cet ultime road trip au Canada avant d’atteindre la côte ouest. En route vers Vancouver, tu devrais t’arrêter à Merritt, à Coquihalla Canyon, le pont Alexandra, au Clayburn Village à Abbotsford, les 1001 marches à Surrey et le lieu historique national du Fort Langley .

🛏️ Où séjourner à Vancouver: Hampton Inn & Suites, par Hilton – Centre-ville de Vancouver

Vancouver (2 jours)

Avec deux jours à Vancouver , tu peux facilement explorer le centre-ville de Vancouver, le parc Stanley, la plage Kitsilano et l’île Granville . Ensuite, le deuxième jour, tu peux conduire jusqu’au Pont suspendu de Capilano et au pont suspendu de Lynn Canyon .

BONUS: Ile de Vancouver

Tu dois prendre le traversier pour arriver à Victoria sur l’île de Vancouver. Le trajet prendra environ 3h-3h30. Tu dois réserver ton billet à l’avance si possible (si tu voyages pendant la haute saison). Le port de Victoria est à 45 minutes en voiture de la ville. Sur ton chemin vers le centre-ville, tu peux t’arrêter à Sidney-by-the-Sea.

Si tu as le temps en fin d’après-midi, promènes-toi au centre-ville de Victoria .

🛏️ Où séjourner à Victoria: Quality Inn Downtown Inner Harbor

Explores Victoria (2 jours)

Commences ta journée en faisant une randonnée au Mont Douglas . Ensuite, détends-toi au bord de l’océan au Parc Cadboro-Gyro (il y a une belle aire de jeux pour enfants). Après le lunch, visites le Site historique national du phare de Fisgard et termines ta journée au Fisherman’s Whaft .

Step into the vibrant cultural tapestry of Victoria's Chinatown, with its narrow cobblestone streets and vibrant storefronts. It immerses you in a world of history, tradition, and enticing flavors, offering a captivating glimpse into the city's multicultural heritage.

F.A.Q Road trip de Montréal à Vancouver

Ça coûte combien faire un road trip à travers le canada.

C’est une excellente question et cela variera beaucoup selon:

  • Le type de voiture que tu conduis.
  • Le coût de l’essence (2022 n’est peut-être pas une année bon marché pour les longs trajets en voiture).

Le prix de l’essence varie beaucoup d’une province à l’autre. C’est généralement moins cher en Alberta et plus cher en Colombie-Britannique. En avril 2022, il en coûte 1,53$ le litre en Alberta et 1,89$ le litre en Colombie-Britannique. CAA suit les prix de l’essence par province .

  • Le type d’hôtel ou le lieu où tu séjournes.

Le coût de ton voyage road trip à travers le Canada variera également beaucoup selon le type d’accommodation que tu choisis: soit un hôtel où un terrain de camping. Tu peux prévoir en moyenne 125$-150$ par nuit si tu séjournes dans un hôtel et 50$ par nuit si tu séjournes dans un terrain de camping.

  • Où tu achètes ta nourriture.

À quoi dois-tu t’attendre en conduisant de Montréal à Vancouver?

Même si tu séjournes dans le même pays, tu découvriras de nombreux paysages différents. C’est la beauté de faire un road trip à travers le Canada.

  • Ontario – À toi de découvrir

L’Ontario est la province la plus peuplée du Canada avec près de 40% de la population canadienne, même si tu ne le crois pas en conduisant le long de l’autoroute transcanadienne😉. Après avoir parcouru plus de 2 000 km en Ontario, tu te rendras compte que l’Ontario est une grande province. En fait, c’est la deuxième plus grande, après la province de Québec. L’Ontario c’est long, long et long. Mais tu découvriras de beaux endroits à visiter et tu profiteras de la nature: il y a de nombreux parcs provinciaux, des tonnes de lacs et de forêts. Il est parfait pour les amoureux de la nature, les campeurs et les pêcheurs.

  • Manitoba – Amis du Manitoba et de la Saskatchewan – Les terres de ciel vivant

Traverser le Manitoba et la Saskatchewan est beaucoup plus rapide que traverser l’Ontario. Du côté est du Manitoba, quelques kilomètres après Kenora, ON (un arrêt que tu feras probablement), au côté ouest de la Saskatchewan, à 30 minutes à l’est de Medicine Hat, AB, il y a moins de 1 200 km.

Après quelques centaines de kilomètres dans le Manitoba, le paysage change complètement de l’Ontario. Bienvenue dans les Prairies canadiennes. Tu ne pourras pas le manquer!

Les forêts et les lacs ont été échangés contre des fermes et des champs dorés. Bien que cela puisse sembler ennuyeux et long, c’est étonnamment très joli. Il y a aussi un sentiment de liberté, comme si tu conduisais partout et nulle part en même temps. Il n’y a pas des milliers d’activités à faire à Manitoba où en Saskatchewan, mais tu profiteras des beaux paysages.

  • Alberta – Pays des roses sauvages

Principalement reconnue pour ses belles montagnes, l’Alberta fait encore techniquement partie des Prairies. Il y a beaucoup de fermes et de champs dorés pour une grande partie du trajet. L’Alberta abrite également les Canadian Badlands: une terre sèche avec des sols érodés et des roches sédimentaires. Ceci est un paysage complètement différent avec une ambiance préhistorique (alias: dinosaures ;)).

  • Conduire dans les montagnes Rocheuses (l’Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique)

La route est étonnamment tranquille et sécuritaire dans la première partie des Rocheuses  canadiennes, jusqu’à Lac Louise, surtout en été. La conduite est tout simplement magnifique partout où tu regardes. Tu es littéralement entouré de montagnes, certaines avec des neiges éternelles et d’autres pleines d’arbres. Même si la plupart du trajet se fait sur une belle route bien entretenue, il est important de toujours être prudent car les animaux sauvages peuvent traverser l’autoroute à tout moment. De plus, parce que tu conduis en montagne, parfois à une altitude plus élevée, la température peut changer rapidement, alors sois toujours prêt.

  • Colombie-Britannique – La belle Colombie-Britannique

En arrivant en Colombie-Britannique, tu te rendras compte que la province est dominée par de nombreuses chaînes de montagnes. Donc, la majeure partie du trajet de l’Alberta à Vancouver tu passeras par des cols de montagne. La météo varie beaucoup: tu peux partir de Kelowna avec un ciel bleu ensoleillé, et à quelques kilomètres dans les montagnes, ce sera nuageux et avec de la pluie.

Réflexions finales: L’ultime road trip: de Montréal à Vancouver

Le Canada est un pays immense et magnifique à visiter. En conduisant de l’Ontario à la Colombie-Britannique, tu verras de nombreux paysages différents. Il y a beaucoup de kilomètres à parcourir, alors prends ton temps. Je sais ce n’est pas tout le monde qui a 30 jours pour conduire seulement dans un sens, mais cela en vaut vraiment la peine.

Emilie Brillon

Emilie is the founder of Love Life Abroad. She helps moms plan epic road trips and outdoor adventures with their families. Because who said adventuring had to stop once we have kids? She’s based in the Canadian Rockies and shares her love for the region as well as other unique places in Canada & USA. She works with tourism boards and outdoor brands to inspire families to experience new unique destinations and outdoor activities.

Teaspoon of Adventure

The Ultimate Cross Canada Road Trip Itinerary

The Ultimate Cross Canada Road Trip Itinerary

Lately, I’ve become obsessed with planning the ultimate cross Canada road trip. And if my 10+ years as a travel blogger can tell you anything, it’s that I absolutely love organizing, planning and researching for big trips, even if I don’t have a definite date for when I will take them.

For most of my travel life, I’ve prioritized new, international locations over exploring my own backyard here in Canada. But during covid when international travel was restricted, I learned to appreciate travel in my home country. So much so that my husband, Colin, and I took an Atlantic Canada honeymoon!

It turns out: Canada is amazing! Or at least the 32 million people who visit my country each year certainly think so.

And so as a Canadian myself, I would love to spend more time discovering this country outside of the cities I’ve lived in and know well, Vancouver and Toronto. I love the idea of going from coast to coast, exploring cities and wildlife, visiting all 10 provinces on a cross Canada road trip!

Which is why I’ve put together an epic 34-stop cross Canada road trip itinerary from Vancouver to St. John’s!

When I was looking up an itinerary for a road trip across Canada, I noticed that many other posts only covered a fraction of the country. I get it, Canada is a big place. But I want to plan a route that drives across all of Canada (even if I can only drive it in small stretches at a time)!

Below I’m sharing my ultimate cross Canada road trip itinerary – from Victoria to St. Johns , from the Pacific to the Atlantic – and all of the stops in between. I’ll dive into the things you must see, what to do if you don’t have enough time to drive across Canada, how to get around and where to go in each destination.

Hands holding a red cup that says "Canada, Strong and Free, 1867"

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Table of Contents

Canada road trip FAQs

Is canada good for road trips.

Absolutely! Canada is one of the best countries for road trips. Many people have taken on a Canadian road trip so you’ll find lots of infrastructure like free and paid campsites, rest stops, paved roads, gas stations, restaurants and grocery stores throughout the country. If you’re an English speaker, you’ll have no problem getting around most of Canada.

Canada is also great for road trips because it offers something for everyone. Whether you’re into big cities, natural wilderness, water sports, hiking, biking, shopping, art, food or something else, you can design your Canada road trip around your interests.

How long would a road trip across Canada take?

Canada is a BIG country; it’s the second largest country after Russia. So driving across Canada will take a while! The main route of the Trans Canada Highway, which starts in Victoria, BC and ends in St. John’s, NF, is 7,821 km, making it the fourth longest highway in the world.

It would take 100 hours (4.2 days) of straight driving to complete this route across Canada , which doesn’t account for overnight stops, waiting for ferries, stopping for meals or any sightseeing.

Assuming you don’t want to drive 24 hours a day without stopping, you should give yourself at least three weeks to road trip across Canada – though I’d recommend a couple of months if you have the time . My itinerary below has 34 stops and would probably take 2-3 months to really enjoy.

Because the country is so large, driving across Canada can be daunting. But even if you don’t have time to drive across all of Canada, you can still plan an epic east coast Canada road trip, a shortened Canadian road trip (such as driving from Toronto to Vancouver), a road trip around Atlantic Canada or one on the west coast.

Short on time? Check out my suggestions at the end of this post for mini Canada road trips!   

Orange car on the side of the highway with fall foliage behind on a road trip on the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia; cross Canada road trip

When is the best time for a Canada road trip?

Despite our reputation, it’s not ALWAYS cold in Canada. In fact, our country gets really stinking hot in the summers! And of course, being such a huge country, the weather varies a lot from coast to coast.

That being said, I wouldn’t attempt a cross Canada road trip in the winter . While places like Vancouver and Victoria might be mild, other places will be freezing, blanketed in snow and no fun to explore – if the roads are even open to let you through!

Summer is a much better time for a Canadian road trip. While the weather will be hot in places, driving across Canada in the summer means you don’t have to worry about snow chains or snow tires. Parks will be open and camping outdoors will be comfortable (if you can find some shade).

Of course, summer is also Canada’s busiest tourism season, so prepare for crowds. Many popular areas, like Banff, will be teeming with people and campgrounds will book up in advance.

I would plan a cross Canada road trip for late spring or early fall . That way, you still get the best weather but hopefully with fewer crowds.

Car vs RV: How should you drive across Canada?

So you want to road trip Canada but now you have to think: how am I actually getting across this huge country?

Unfortunately, public transportation isn’t a great option. We have very limited passenger train routes in Canada and while you can basically cross the country by train with ViaRail, it will be slow, expensive and skip a lot of great stops.

Your choice will probably come down to driving a car with plans to overnight in hotels, motels, tents, Airbnbs, and the like or driving an RV across Canada (or other motorhome/converted van/trailer) that allows you to sleep and live in your vehicle.

Ultimately, I think this comes down to personal preference as there are pros and cons to both .

A car will be cheaper to buy/rent (if you don’t already have one) and fuel up, easier to drive and likely have fewer parts to maintain. But it can be costly to stay in hotels every night and annoying to constantly be packing and unpacking.

An RV will be more expensive to buy/rent (if you don’t already have one) and fuel, plus more cumbersome to drive, but can be convenient for road trippers who want to have their home with them.

When trying to decide, consider your comfort level with driving, how many people are road tripping with you, what kind of accommodation you prefer and, of course, your budget for your cross Canada road trip. If you’ve never RV-ed before, I’d recommend renting one for a shorter trip before trying to drive across Canada.

Need to rent a car for your Canada road trip? Check out Discover Cars! 

My top 5: What to see on a road trip across Canada?

A quick scroll down to my itinerary will show you that there is so much to see on a road trip across Canada. But here my top five picks for stops you can’t miss:

  • Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC
  • The stunning Banff National Park in Alberta
  • Niagara Falls and the surrounding wine country in Ontario
  • Old Montreal and Old Quebec City in Quebec
  • The Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia

The most popular activities in Stanley Park

  • Enjoy this Stanley Park Walking Tour with a guide
  • Uncover the best sights of the city during this Stanley Park & Downtown Vancouver Bike Tour
  • Experience the natural beauty of Stanley Park in Vancouver on this bike tour

And for everything else you’ll want to see, let’s dive into my full cross Canada road trip itinerary below!

Cross Canada road trip map

The ultimate cross Canada road trip itinerary

Through my extensive research, I found lots of posts that helped to plan a road trip in Canada, but on a smaller scale. Maybe it was just an east coast Canada road trip or a Toronto to Vancouver driving trip.

And while those adventures sound great, I wanted to put together an entire cross country road trip driving the entirety of Canada from east to west. While my road trip itinerary doesn’t cover every inch of Canada, it’s the most comprehensive one I’ve come across!

Below I’ll list every stop on my ultimate cross Canada road trip itinerary, including how long the drive is from the previous stop and what you’ll want to do there. I’ve broken the itinerary up into sections (west coast, prairies, eastern, Atlantic), but they all connect to each other so you can simply continue heading east.

Ready? Let’s drive across Canada!

ULTIMATE CANADA ROAD TRIP: From Victoria to St. John's, discover the ultimate cross Canada road trip itinerary with 34+ stops and planning advice! #canada #travel #roadtrip #banff #vancouver #toronto #niagarafalls

West coast and Rocky Mountains: BC & Alberta road trip

West coast and Rocky Mountains, itinerary for a BC & Alberta road trip across Canada

This portion of the itinerary covers British Columbia and the first part of Alberta along the Rocky Mountains . Stops on this portion of the road trip are:

  • Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island, BC

Victoria Harbour, Victoria, BC, cross Canada road trip itinerary

As you’ll see from the Canadian road trip planner map above, I actually start my cross Canada road trip in Vancouver. I live in Vancouver, so it would be a lot easier for me to pack up my car from home and start heading east, rather than back track to the Island.

Plus, I’d love to do a separate BC road trip around Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, like Galiano and Salt Spring Island (perhaps as a practice road trip before we try to drive across Canada!).

But if you’re not from Vancouver, have never been to the Island and want to complete the entire Trans Canada Highway main route, I highly recommend starting your cross Canada road trip in Victoria, BC .

I’ve visited Victoria a number of times and really love it. This charming provincial capital has a beautiful harbour, world-renowned gardens and great food. From there, you can keep exploring more of Vancouver Island.

Must do on Vancouver Island :

  • Stroll through Butchart Gardens
  • Try surfing in Tofino or check out more things to do in Ucluelet
  • Go whale watching

Canadian fun fact: Vancouver Island is an island off the mainland of BC where the provincial capital, Victoria, is found. Vancouver is a city on the mainland on BC. There is no such thing as Victoria Island in BC or a capital city of Vancouver.

However, a reader let me know that there is in fact a Victoria Island located in the Arctic Ocean (thank you, Marlene!), but don’t go there if you’re trying to find Victoria, BC. I know, it’s confusing! 

Vancouver, BC (3 hrs from Victoria)

Vancouver skyline and False Creek from Charleson Park

If you skipped Vancouver Island, your cross Canada road trip will officially start in my home city, Vancouver! Otherwise, you can take a short and scenic ferry ride from Victoria to the mainland.

Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and a highlight of any trip to Canada. Even as a local since 2010, I’m constantly amazed that I get to live in a place with beaches, mountains, city life and incredible food!

Must do in Vancouver :

  • Walk or bike along the Seawall to enjoy Stanley Park and city beaches
  • Shop and dine on Granville Island
  • Take a day trip to Whistler or another local ski mountain
  • Eat delicious sushi!

Another incredible thing to do in Vancouver (and all of Canada) is discover our indigenous history and culture. My friend Melanie put together this awesome post with lots of ideas for enjoying Indigenous culture in Vancouver!

The Okanagan, BC (4.5 hrs from Vancouver)

winery in Penticton, Okanagan, BC overlooking the lake

From Vancouver we’re heading into BC’s interior to visit the Okanagan Valley. The Okanagan is BC’s wine country and lake country, known for beautiful wineries, water sports and, unfortunately, summer wildfires.

If you’re visiting this area in the summer, make sure you’re aware of any fire bans, water restrictions or other alerts. Other than that, kick back with a glass of vino and a beautiful lakefront view!

Lucky for us, we have family in Kelowna and have visited the Okanagan many times (we even got engaged in Penticton!). But even if you don’t have family to stay with, BC’s Okanagan is well worth a visit.

Must do in Kelowna & the Okanagan:

  • Visit a local winery or join a wine tour
  • Hang out on Lake Okanagan
  • Take a day trip south to Penticton , Osoyoos or another South Okanagan town

Jasper, AB (7 hrs from Kelowna)

View of mountains, water and trees on Maligne Lake in Jasper, Alberta

Many people skip Jasper, preferring to drive straight from Vancouver to Banff or Vancouver to Calgary, but I think a detour north to Jasper would be a highlight of any Canada road trip.

Jasper National Park is the biggest national park in Canada, home to glaciers, waterfalls, lakes, islands, forests and so much more. As soon as I saw a picture of Maligne Lake (above), I knew I needed to add Jasper to this itinerary.

Plus, because it’s a detour off the main Trans Canada Highway, Jasper is never as busy as our next stop, Banff. Fewer crowds? Yes, please!

Must do in Japser:

  • Admire Maligne Lake and Maligne Canyon
  • Witness the powerful Athabasca Falls
  • Ride the Jasper SkyTram or walk the Columbia Icefield Skywalk

Short on time?  If you don’t have time to stop in the Okanagan or Jasper, you can do a Vancouver to Banff road trip in about nine hours, passing through Kamloops, Revelstoke and Glacier National Park. 

Banff, AB (3 hrs from Jasper)

Moraine Lake in Banff, Canada road trip

Another reason to visit Jasper? Because the drive from Banff to Jasper is through Icefields Parkway, one of the most scenic drives in the entire world.

Once you tear your eyes away from the road, you’re in for even more beauty in Banff National Park, Canada’s first national park and visited by more than four million people every year.

Spend your days hiking, camping and admiring all of the beautiful scenery around you. Because Banff is so popular, make sure you book your accommodation ahead of time and wake up early to avoid the largest crowds.

Must do in Banff:

  • Check out the views from the Banff Gondola
  • Be wowed by some of the prettiest lakes like Emerald Lake, Morraine Lake and Lake Louise
  • Soak in a hot spring or set out on any number of scenic hikes in the area
  • Or check out this complete 4 day Banff itinerary !

Calgary, AB (1.5 hrs from Banff)

Calgary skyline, Canada road trip itinerary

In case you didn’t get enough hiking in Banff, you can make a stop in Canmore on your way to Calgary for more beautiful mountain views. Then it’s time to enter Cowtown, aka Calgary.

As a Vancouverite, it’s almost mandatory for us to make fun of Calgary (apologies to my Calgarian friends and family!), but there’s actually quite a bit to enjoy in the city. If you time your road trip right, you could be in town for the annual Calgary Stampede , which happens every July. There are also parks, museums, sports arenas and more to visit in Calgary.

Many people choose to visit Banff on a day trip from Calgary, since it’s only 1.5 hours away. But because there’s so much to do in Banff, I think it’d be better to spend a few days there before moving onto Calgary. However, if you’re short on time, you could do a day trip to Banff while basing in Calgary.

Must do in Calgary:

  • Don a cowboy hat at Calgary Stampede
  • Stroll (or raft) along Bow River and check out the Peace Bridge
  • Visit the Heritage Park Historical Village to learn some Western Canada history
  • Try your hand at some winter sports at WinSport, home of the 1998 Winter Olympics

Canadian fun “fact”: Just to prove how great the Vancouver-Calgary rivalry is, when I asked my husband what someone should do in Calgary he suggested “complain that you’re not in Vancouver.” But we’re just kidding, Calgary is great! 

Prairies: Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba road trip

Prairies: Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba road trip route through Canada

We’re now moving into Canada’s prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Stops visited on this portion of your road trip are:

  • Riding Mountain National Park
  • Whiteshell Provincial Park

Drumheller, AB (1.5 hrs from Calgary)

Rock formations in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada

From Calgary we are leaving the Rockies and officially entering prairie land. This part of Canada is known for being quite flat (and dull) but as you’ll see below, there are some great places to stop on your cross Canada road trip.

First up: Drumheller! Known as the Town of the Dinosaurs, if you have any dino lovers in your car, this is going to be a mandatory stop!

Must do in Drumheller:

  • Check out fossils found in the area at The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology
  • Spot hoodoos in the nearby badlands
  • Take a day trip to Dinosaur Provincial Park (2 hrs from Drumheller)

Saskatoon, SK (5 hrs from Drumheller)

Skyline of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada at sunset with snow on the ground

I was debating which of Saskatchewan’s major cities to include in this itinerary: Saskatoon, Regina or Moose Jaw. Ultimately I decided on Saskatoon as it’s the largest city, doesn’t have as much of a government feel as the capital (Regina), and is closest to Drumheller.

If you prefer to visit Regina, check out Stone Hall Castle, the Royal Saskatchewan Museum and the world’s largest moose statue.

Or if you prefer to check out Moose Jaw, don’t miss the Tunnels of Moose Jaw tours. These are interactive tours that take place in the tunnels below the city and look really fun!

Must do in Saskatoon:

  • Visit Wanuskewin Heritage Park to learn about people’s sacred relationship with the land
  • Stand up paddle board on the South Saskatchewan River
  • Grab lunch at the oldest and largest farmer’s market in the province, the Saskatoon Farmer’s Market

Not into cities?  If cities don’t do it for you, skip Saskatoon and head south to visit Saskatchewan’s Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park or Grasslands National Park for forests, lakes, wide open spaces, wildlife spotting and stargazing. 

Riding Mountain National Park, MB (6 hrs from Saskatoon)

Fall foliage and trees at Riding Mountain National Park, MB, Canada

A great stop to break up the long drive across the Canadian Prairies is Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba.

This park is home to forests, grasslands and great wildlife viewing. It’s a top place to visit in the province and a nice change from city life if you’re driving from Saskatoon to (spoiler alert on the next stop) Winnipeg.

Must do in Riding Mountain National Park:

  • Try out water sports in the summer or cross-country skiing in the winter
  • Take in the view from the top of Bald Hill
  • Go on a day trip to nearby university town, Brandon

Winnipeg, MB (3 hrs from Riding Mountain)

Winnipeg, Manitoba skyline with buildings, trees and the Winnipeg sign; visited on a Canada road trip

Welcome to The Peg! Affectionally called “Winterpeg” in the winter, you may want to steer clear of Winnipeg in the colder months. But in the summer, you’ll find lots to enjoy in this city. With a number of museums, markets, festivals and parks, you’ll have lots to fill your days.

And when you need a break from city life, head up to Lake Winnipeg. Enjoy the white sand dunes at Grand Beach or indulge in Icelandic heritage and Viking statues in Gimli.

Must do in Winnipeg: 

  • Visit the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (I’ve heard it’s incredible!)
  • Get to know the city by riding the Central Winnipeg Bike Loop
  • Escape to the water on Lake Winnipeg

Whiteshell Provincial Park, MB (1.5 hrs from Winnipeg)

Dock on Falcon Lake in Whiteshell Provincial Park, Canada road trip

Our last stop in the prairies is Whiteshell Provincial Park, a park located on the border between Manitoba and Ontario. It’s a great introduction to the natural scenery that awaits you in western Ontario.

If you prefer to drive farther (since Whiteshell isn’t that far from Winnipeg), you could cross the border into Ontario and base in Kenora, a waterfront town with lots of beach activities.

Must do in Whiteshell Provincial Park: 

  • Hit the beach at Falcon Lake
  • Discover the Bannock Point Petroforms
  • Visit West Hawk Lake, a crater lake formed by a meteor

Eastern Canada: Ontario & Quebec road trip

Eastern Canada: Ontario & Quebec road trip across Canada

We’re now moving into the middle section of Canada and our two biggest provinces, Ontario and Quebec. Here we’ll be visiting:

  • Thunder Bay
  • Sault Ste Marie
  • Manitoulin Island
  • Prince Edward County
  • Eastern Townships
  • Quebec City

Thunder Bay, ON (6.5 hrs from Whiteshell)

A man sitting on a rock with trees behind him overlooking Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

From Manitoba it’s a long drive to Thunder Bay to begin the Ontario road trip portion of this Canada itinerary.

The city of Thunder Bay isn’t the most exciting place to be but all of the nature nearby is really worth visiting. They say it’s home to some of the best beaches, waterfalls and viewpoints in the province!

Must do in Thunder Bay: 

  • Explore Ouimet Canyon Provincial Park (Canada’s version of the Grand Canyon)
  • Admire Kakabeka Falls, the second highest waterfall in the province
  • Check out the amethyst mines and find your own to take home , as suggested by my friend Lyn!
  • Visit the Terry Fox Monument, commemorating the spot where Terry’s Marathon of Hope across Canada ended

Sault Ste Marie, ON (7.5 hrs from Thunder Bay)

Historic home in Sault Ste Marie with the Canada flag

It’s another long drive from Thunder Bay to Sault Ste Marie (pronounced Soo Saint Marie). What can I say? Ontario is a big province and you have a lot of ground to cover!

Luckily you’ll be driving along Lake Superior the whole time, affording you lots of places to stop and admire the view or go on a little hike to stretch the legs. Right on the US/Canada border, The Soo is a big port city with a splash of outdoor adventure for you to enjoy.

Must do in Sault Ste Marie:

  • Kayak down or go fly fishing on St. Marys River
  • Unleash your inner aviation geek at the Canadian BiPlane Heritage Museum
  • Ski or mountain bike at Hiawatha Highlands

Manitoulin Island, ON (4 hrs from Sault Ste Marie)

The Cup and Saucer Trail on Manitoulin Island, Ontario

You didn’t think a cross Canada road trip itinerary would include islands did you? Or at least not in Ontario! But it’s true, Ontario is home to a number of islands, such as Manitoulin Island in the middle of Lake Huron.

Manitoulin Island is actually the largest freshwater island in the world and an amazing place to explore Indigenous culture, scenic trails and even see the Northern Lights (if you’re lucky!).

Must do on Manitoulin Island: 

  • Hike the Cup and Saucer Trail for epic views
  • Explore some of Manitoulin’s 100+ lakes by canoe
  • Visit Wiikwemkoong, Canada’s only official Unceded Indian Reserve

Tobermory, ON (2.5 hrs from Manitoulin Island)

Beautiful blue water and a rocky coastline on the Bruce Trail in Tobermory, part of an itinerary across Canada

To get from Manitoulin Island to Tobermory, you and your vehicle will load onto a scenic ferry. Now look at us; we’re island-hopping in Canada!

While technically not an island, Tobermory does feel like a world of its own. It’s absolutely one of the most beautiful, natural places in Ontario with hidden gems (shipwrecks, anyone?) and Caribbean-like waters waiting to be discovered.

Must do in Tobermory:

  • Explore beaches, caves and grottos at Bruce Peninsula National Park
  • Take a boat tour around Flowerpot Island
  • Dive around 20 historical shipwrecks at Fathom Five National Marine Park

Short on time? Prefer cities? You can drive from Winnipeg to Toronto through the US (21 hours) rather than through the Canadian stops above (25 hours) and visit Minneapolis, Chicago and Detroit on the way. 

Toronto, ON (3.5 hrs from Tobermory)

Riana and Colin in front of the Toronto sign at Nathan Phillip Square in 2015

Welcome to The Six, my hometown of Toronto (us locals drop the second “t” so it’s more like “Torono”). Arguably the best known city in Canada and the biggest, no cross Canada road trip could exclude TO.

Having grown up in Toronto, it’s hard for me to see it as a tourist locale. But besides visiting my friends and family, there really is so much to do in this bustling, diverse city. From museums, parks and islands to sports arenas, shopping streets and galleries, there’s something in Toronto for everyone .

But my favourite part of the city is all of the different neighbourhoods that each have a distinct culture and feel. My favourites are Chinatown, The Annex and Kensington Market. It’s also some of the best eating in Canada, no matter what cuisine you’re in the mood for!

Must do in Toronto: 

  • Head up the iconic CN Tower for a view over the city
  • Cruise across to the Toronto Islands and check out the skyline view
  • Watch a major league baseball, basketball or hockey game
  • See dinosaurs at the Royal Ontario Museum or admire art at the Art Gallery of Ontario
  • Get your fill of delicious Portuguese, Chinese, Italian, Indian, Korean food and any other cuisine!

Day trip to Niagara Falls!

Guests wearing red rain slickers on a cruise down to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Having grown up in Toronto, I’ve been to Niagara Falls a handful of times and often stayed overnight. At just over an hour from Toronto, Niagara Falls is an easy day trip.

But if you have the time and budget, I do recommend spending a few days in the Niagara region. Or if you’d prefer to base in Toronto and just see the falls on a day trip , that works too.

Besides seeing the incredible Niagara Falls (and yes, the Canadian side is much better than the American side) you’ll also want to check out Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario’s charming wine country.

There are lots of wine tours through Niagara if you’d rather not drive or find wineries yourself. You can also visit Albion Falls just outside of Hamilton on your way to Niagara, kind of like a warm up for the bigger Niagara Falls.

Prince Edward County, ON (3 hrs from Toronto)

Prince Edward County

Despite having lived the first 18 years of my life in Toronto, I’m sad to say I haven’t been to Prince Edward County. Which is too bad because it seems like the cutest collection of small towns, beaches, wineries, galleries, shops and parks.

The County is an island in Lake Ontario (not to be confused with Prince Edward Island, which is also an island called Prince Edward, but a province in the Atlantic Ocean) home to farmers and makers, perfect for slowing down and enjoying local life.

Must do in Prince Edward County:

  • Hit the beach at Sandbanks Provincial Park or North Beach Provincial Park
  • Wine taste through local wineries (there are also cideries and breweries, if you prefer)
  • Bike or hike the Millennium Trail or shop local in Picton or Wellington

For more suggestions of what to do, check out my friend Renee’s post with 16 things to do in Prince Edward County!

Ottawa, ON (3 hrs from Prince Edward County)

Parliament buildings and trees in Ottawa, ON, one of the stops on a cross Canada road trip

From Prince Edward County we’re heading north to Canada’s capital, Ottawa (no, Canada’s capital is not Toronto!). Ottawa is an incredible place to learn about Canada’s history and hear a mix of our national languages, English and French.

In the winter, don’t miss skating down the Rideau Canal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the world’s largest skate rink at 7.8km.

But there’s lots of fun to be had in the summer in Ottawa too! I’ve visited in both seasons and enjoyed skating in the cold and wandering Parliament Hill in warmer months.

Must do in Ottawa: 

  • Visit a museum such as The Canadian Museum of History , The Canadian War Museum or The Canadian Museum of Nature
  • Take a tour of Parliament Hill
  • Stroll, skate or cruise along the Rideau Canal with a Beaver Tail!

Canadian fun fact: A Beaver Tail is a Canadian dessert that is essentially deep fried dough with toppings on it in the vague shape of a beaver’s tail. No actual beavers are harmed in the making of these treats! 

Montreal, QC (2.5 hrs from Ottawa)

Colin and Riana posing at the top of Mount Royal, Montreal, Quebec overlooking downtown Montreal on a cross Canada trip

Bienvenue à Québec! Ready to road trip Quebec? We’re crossing over from Ontario to French-speaking Quebec and stopping first in one of my favourite cities, Montreal .

I always say that if I spoke French fluently, I would move to Montreal. But don’t worry! You don’t need to be fluent or even rudimentary at French to visit Montreal (but it would be good to parlez français if you want to move there).

Montreal has incredible food , is diverse and bustling, and has a wonderful European charm to it. There are beautiful viewpoints, stunning churches, funky street art, world-class restaurants, and lots of festivals and events.

Montreal feels like a place unlike any other in Canada and is a city where you could never get bored. I’ve visited a handful of times over the years and always enjoy the city.

Must do in Montreal: 

  • Wander Old Montreal and the Port of Montreal
  • Go on a food tour of Montreal enjoying bagels, poutine, crepes and much more!
  • Admire Montreal’s famous Notre Dame and St. Joseph’s churches

Eastern Townships, QC (1.5 hrs from Montreal)

Fall foliage on Mont-Mégantic, Eastern Townships, Quebec, Canada

Despite a few visits to Montreal over the years, I haven’t explored more of Quebec yet. One area I’d love to spend a few days in is the Eastern Townships, just an hour or two southeast of Montreal.

This area is Quebec’s natural wonderland, where many Quebec and Ontario locals have cottages to spend their summers. It’s the perfect place to golf, hike, bike, take to the water and stargaze. There are also wineries, local shops and festivals to enjoy.

Must do in the Eastern Townships: 

  • Get back to nature at Parc National du Mont-Orford
  • Visit the world’s first Dark Sky Preserve at ASTROLab in Parc National du Mont-Mégantic
  • Climb one of the world’s longest suspension bridges at Gorge Park

My friend Renee is once again coming in clutch with her list of 13 villages to visit in the Eastern Townships!

Quebec City, QC (2.5 hrs from the Eastern Townships)

View of the Fairmont hotel in Quebec City, Canada road trip

On your way to Quebec’s capital, it may be worth a detour to Beauce for a sweet treat, since this town is responsible for 20% of the world’s maple syrup production!

All sugared up, you’re off to Quebec City for a few days of culture, architecture and history. There are world-renown art galleries and museums, stunning churches, and North America’s only ice hotel!

Quebec City has always struck me as a very romantic place – in fact, Colin and I thought about including it in our honeymoon itinerary . I’d love to splurge on a stay at the Château Frontenac one day (the most photographed hotel in the world). You can tell how badly I want to visit Quebec City by all of the must dos I listed below!

Must do in Quebec City: 

  • Stroll along the fortified walls of Old Quebec, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Explore the Citadelle de Québec, a military heritage site built between 1820 and 1850
  • Admire Montmorency Falls (they’re actually taller than Niagara Falls!)
  • Get your nature on at Jacques-Cartier National Park
  • Shop from local artisans at Île d’Orléans
  • Enjoy a day at Eastern Canada’s largest theme park , Village Vacances Valcartier, and stay the night at an ice hotel

Tadoussac, QC (3 hrs from Quebec City)

View over Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada with rolling hills, houses, green trees and water

From Quebec City, you’ll drive along the St. Lawrence River to your last stop in Quebec, the historic, small town of Tadoussac. Tadoussac was founded in 1600 as the first French settlement in North America.

Despite being a small place, Tadoussac draws a good number of visitors thanks to its beautiful landscape and wildlife spotting opportunities (whales, bears and beavers!). Plus, it’s the perfect stop before you head to the Maritimes and Atlantic Canada.

Must do in Tadoussac: 

  • Go whale watching and learn all about these mammals of the sea at Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre
  • Hike around Saguenay Fjord National Park
  • Sea kayak on Tadoussac Bay

Atlantic Canada: New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia & Newfoundland road trip

Atlantic Canada: New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia & Newfoundland road trip driving across Canada through the Maritimes

Last but not least is the east coast of Canada! We’ll be visiting all of the Maritime provinces (New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia), as well as Newfoundland. In this section, you’ll stop at:

  • Fredericton
  • Fundy National Park
  • Charlottetown
  • Annapolis Valley
  • Cape Breton Island
  • North Sydney
  • Port aux Basques
  • Gros Morne National Park
  • St. John’s

Fredericton, NB (6 hrs from Tadoussac)

Snow covered Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada with bare trees and a tall church in the background

Ready to road trip the east coast of Canada? A big drive from Quebec has you in Fredericton, the provincial capital of New Brunswick.

While certainly not the most popular city in Canada, Fredericton is known for its colonial charm, military history, and arts and music scene. Since it’s such a long drive from Quebec into the Maritimes, why not spend a day or two in Fredericton?

Must do in Fredericton:

  • Shop the Fredericton Boyce Farmers Market during the day and the Garrison Night Market in the evening
  • Stop by the old British garrison where you can watch the changing of the guard, visit restored barracks and cell blocks, and take part in a soldier’s daily activities
  • Visit Kings Landing (no, not that one!) to see what life was like in New Brunswick 200 years ago

Fundy National Park, NB (2 hrs from Fredericton)

Bay of Fundy, Hopewell Rocks, Fundy National Park, New Brunswick

I remember visiting the Bay of Fundy with my family when I was about 12 years old and being wowed by the changing tides. When the tides were out, we were able to walk all the way out onto the ocean floor. This really is a unique area of Canada!

The Bay of Fundy runs along the south coast of New Brunswick and you can visit a number of sites along it. St. Andrews, to the west, is a National Historic Site and when the tide is out, you can actually drive along the ocean floor from St. Andrews to Ministers Island.

Heading northeast you’ll hit Saint John where you can watch the Reversing Falls Rapids. Next you can visit St. Martins Sea Caves, which you can visit on foot or via kayak depending on the tides. From there, you’ll be into Fundy National Park where even more natural wonders await!

Must do at Fundy National Park: 

  • Hike and visit beaches along the Fundy Trail Parkway
  • Visit waterfalls from Alma such as Dickson Falls, Laverty Falls and Third Vault Falls
  • Explore Hopewell Rocks at both high tide and low tide

Charlottetown, PE (2.5 hrs from Fundy)

Anne of Green Gables, Green Gables Heritage Place outside Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

The next stop on your east coast of Canada road trip is Charlottetown in Prince Edward Island (PEI). PEI is Canada’s smallest province and while there’s lots to see, Charlottetown is a great base to explore from since everything on the island is within two hours of the capital city.

The birthplace of Canadian Confederation, Charlottetown is a historic city full of charm, waterfront features and really delicious food (I could not get enough of their ice cream and fresh seafood!). PEI also has sand dunes, museums, Indigenous history, beaches and lots more to discover.

Plus, it’s the real home of Anne of Green Gables! You might know Anne from the novels written by LM Montgomery. Just outside Charlottetown, you can visit the home that inspired Montgomery’s writing. This was one of my highlights in PEI!

Must do in Charlottetown and PEI:

  • Eat home grown Cavendish potatoes, Cows ice cream and fresh PEI oysters
  • Visit the Anne of Green Gables Museum and walk through her home from the books
  • Go beach hopping in PEI: sand dunes, red sand beaches and more!

PS: On your way from New Brunswick to PEI, don’t miss a stop in Shediac, the lobster capital of the world! 

Annapolis Valley, NS (5 hrs from Charlottetown)

Green fields and fall foliage of the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia

From Charlottetown you’ll head back across the Confederation Bridge, down through New Brunswick and into Nova Scotia. Your first stop in Nova Scotia is the Annapolis Valley, the province’s wine region!

Historically an apple-growing region, the Annapolis Valley is now known for its acidic white wine and Méthode Classique sparkling wine, as well as ciders and spirits. Of course, there’s lots to discover in this area for non-drinkers too! The views are beautiful and there’s lots of nature, history and delicious food to enjoy.

Must do in the Annapolis Valley:

  • Go on a wine tour to try the Valley’s best
  • Visit a recreation of one of North America’s first settlements at Port-Royal National Historic Site
  • Learn about the history and culture of the Mi’kmaw people at Kejimkujik National Park

Halifax, NS (2 hrs from the Annapolis Valley)

selfie in front of the Halifax, Citadel on our honeymoon

Next up is one of my favourite cities in Canada (and another one I’d consider moving to), Halifax. It was one of the highlights of our Atlantic Canada honeymoon .

Halifax is a really cool city with lots to do, great local seafood, an awesome waterfront and just a great vibe all around. I loved that the city had some awesome history to discover in really engaging ways, as well as lots of modern and multi-cultural offerings.

Plus, there are so many awesome day trips from Halifax along the coast of Nova Scoatia, like the famous Peggys Cove lighthouse and adorable town of Lunenberg.

Must do in Halifax:

  • Get dinner at The Bicycle Thief, try Nova Scotian donair and other great eats in Halifax
  • Have a moving experience at the Pier 21 Immigration Museum (probably the best museum I’ve ever visited!)
  • Visit the Halifax Citadel and learn about Canada’s military history
  • Walk along the Halifax Waterfront Boardwalk and take the ferry over to Dartmouth
  • Go on a day trip to Peggys Cove , Lunenberg and Mahone Bay

Need more suggestions? Check out 22 things to do in Halifax! 

Cape Breton Island, NS (5 hrs from Halifax)

Lakies Head on the Cabot Trail, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada honeymoon

From Halifax you’ll head to the jewel of Nova Scotia: Cape Breton Island!

Depending on how much time you have, you can choose to drive the entirety of the Cabot Trail around Cape Breton Island, or just visit one or two towns. The entire trail is only 298 km (185 mi) long, so could be driven in a day. But I highly recommend spending a few days in this picturesque region!

Cape Breton was the most beautiful part of our 2021 Atlantic Canada honeymoon . We loved checking out beautiful coastal vistas, going on short hikes amongst the fall foliage, and discovering small town bakeries and restaurants. I’d definitely suggest prioritizing this stop on your cross Canada road trip!

Must do on Cape Breton Island:

  • Visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Baddeck
  • Check out the stunning views at Lakies Head near Ingonish
  • Hike the Skyline Trail near Cheticamp
  • Eat breakfast at Salty Rose’s Periwinkle Cafe, have dinner at L’Abri and get fresh baked goods at Aucoin Bakery

For more details on where to stay and what to do on Cape Breton, check out my 5 Day Cabot Trail Itinerary on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia! 

North Sydney, NS (2 hrs from Cape Breton Island)

After your adventure around Cape Breton, it’s time to start making your way to Newfoundland, the most eastern province in Canada and the last one to tick off your Canadian bucket list.

The easiest way to road trip to Newfoundland from Nova Scotia is by taking a Marine Atlantic ferry from North Sydney to Port aux Basques. There is year-round ferry service, typically with two departures a day, and you can drive your car onto the ferry. A sailing takes about seven hours.

While waiting for your ferry to depart, you can enjoy Sydney’s waterfront, explore the nearby Fortress of Louisbourg and check out the world’s largest fiddle!

Sydney to Port aux Basques ferry with Marine Atlantic

Port aux Basques, NL (7 hrs from North Sydney)

Welcome to Newfoundland, your final province on this massive cross Canada road trip! Depending on what sailing you took from Nova Scotia, you may arrive at Port aux Basques in the evening or early the next morning.

In case you get seasick like I do, or just need a break from being on the move, you may want to book a night in Port aux Basques before continuing on with your east coast Canadian road trip. While in Port aux Basques you can check out the Cape Ray Lighthouse, go for a stroll along the Grand Bay West Beach Trailway, or head out on a marine excursion.

Canadian fun fact: Despite its spelling, most people pronounce Newfoundland as NEW-fin-LAND and not new-FOUND-land. 

Gros Morne National Park, NL (3.5 hrs from Port aux Basques)

Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada road trip

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Gros Morne National Park is probably one of the most beautiful places in Canada. But because it’s hard to get to and lesser known, it doesn’t see the same huge crowds as Banff or Whistler.

All that means is you’ll have a lot of this beauty to yourself! Explore the rugged coast line and see where tectonic plates once crashed to form epic mountains, rocky tablelands, gorges, ponds, forests and more!

Must do in Gros Morne National Park:

  • Be wowed by the view at Western Brook Pond Fjord
  • Hike up Lookout Hills Trail or summit Gros Morne Mountain
  • Depending on the time of year, you can go for a pond cruise, kayak on Trout River, bike through fall foliage, or ski and snowboard in Burridges Gulch

Gander, NL (4 hrs from Gros Morne)

Come From Away playbill, musical about Gander, Newfoundland

Come from away to Gander, Newfoundland, the town made famous for hosting the “plane people” when air space was closed during 9/11.

On Sep 11, 2001, 38 planes with 6,500 passengers and crew members were grounded in Gander, which had a population of just 10,000. But Gander stepped up and showed the world what it means to be a good neighbour by welcoming and caring for everyone. This is all beautifully depicted in the musical, Come From Away, which I’ve been very fortunate to see in Toronto and Vancouver.

It’s because I’m such a fan of this musical that Gander is on my Newfoundland bucket list. But even if you don’t know the show, this is a pretty remarkable town to visit and an important place in history.

Must do in Gander:

  • Visit the Gander International Airport, once the largest airport in North America
  • Learn about Gander’s aviation history at the North Atlantic Aviation Museum
  • Take a trip to the Appleton 9/11 Memorial where a piece of steel from the Twin Towers is located (passengers from the grounded planes donated money to help build the park where the memorial is located)

Elliston, NL (2.5 hrs from Gander)

puffins at Elliston, Newfoundland

We’re coming to the end of your east coast Canada road trip. On your way to Elliston, stop at Terra Nova National Park, Canada’s most easterly national park, and the Discovery Trail, home to sweeping views and coastal history.

Just before Elliston you can stretch your legs along the Skerwink Trail, once named one of the best walks in the world by Conde Nast, and the perfect place to spot birds and humpback whales.

Speaking of wildlife spotting, that’s why I added Elliston to this Canada road trip itinerary. Nicknamed Bird Island Cove, Elliston is one of the best places in North America to see puffins from land! If you’re visiting between May and September, a visit to Puffin Island in Elliston would be well worth it.

Short on time? Not into puffins? If you’d rather not stop in Elliston, you can carry on straight from Gander to St. John’s (3.5 hrs drive). 

St. John’s, NFL (3.5 hrs from Elliston)

colourful buildings and a tall church in St. John's Newfoundland, Canada

Congratulations, you have officially made it to the end of the ultimate cross Canada road trip! From Victoria to St. John’s, from east to west, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, you have officially driven through every province and the entire length of Canada.

Give yourself a few days in Newfoundland’s artsy, historic and colourful capital to celebrate! Here you can dine out, enjoy Maritime music and discover what makes Newfoundland so unique.

Prefer to celebrate the end of your road trip out in nature? St. John’s has lots of options for that too. Hike the East Coast Trail, go puffin or whale watching, ferry to Bell Island, check out the gardens at Pippy Park or spot wildlife at Salmonier Nature Park.

Must do in St. John’s:

  • Take in the views and learn some history at Signal Hill National Historic Site
  • Push a little farther east to Cape Spear Lighthouse National Historic Site, the most easterly point in North America
  • Learn about the history, art and culture of Newfoundland at The Rooms
  • Check out the colourful homes on Jellybean Row

Canadian fun fact: Don’t confuse St. John’s, the capital of Newfoundland, with Saint John, a city (but not the capital) of New Brunswick. 

A red bike in front of a fence painted with the Canadian flag, Canada road trip

Where to go after you finish driving across Canada

You did it – you drove all across Canada on the most epic cross Canada road trip! Now what?

From St. John’s, you can fly direct to a few places in Canada (like Halifax, Montreal, Toronto or Calgary) or internationally, to places like Orlando, Florida and London, UK . Of course, that would mean either returning your rental vehicle in St. John’s, which may incur an expensive one-way fee, or selling it there, which could take time.

If you’re keeping your vehicle, the easiest way to leave St. John’s is to drive to Argentia (1.5 hr drive) and ferry back to North Sydney . This overnight ferry boards at 5:00pm and arrives in North Sydney the next morning at 9:00am.

If a 16 hour ferry crossing doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, you could drive back to Port aux Basques (9 hrs from St. John’s) and get on the 7 hour ferry to North Sydney from there.

Or, you can put your most seaworthy road trip companion on the long ferry from Argentia while you hop a flight out of St. John’s (this is definitely what I will be doing – apologies to my husband who will get stuck with the car!).

Once back in Nova Scotia, you’re on Canada’s mainland and can continue driving to your final destination from there . Rather than reverse the Canada road trip you just did, why not check out our neighbour to the south and start a US road trip?

From North Sydney it’s only a 7.5 hr drive into Maine, where you can begin exploring the US. That may or may not be the next big road trip I’m planning!

The ultimate cross Canada road trip map and itinerary

What’s missing from this Canadian road trip planner?

Frankly, quite a lot! Canada is a huge country and while this road trip covers 34 places across all 10 provinces, that barely scratches the surface of what Canada has to offer.

I created this itinerary by researching places of interest in each province. Next, I plotted them on a map, which you can see above with all of the purple dots.

I then figured out a driving route that would link as many of the dots as possible without detouring too far from the most efficient east-west route. Sadly, some of the purple dots didn’t make it into the final road trip itinerary as they were just too far away.

The majority of Canadians live along the Canada/US border, so you’ll notice that my road trip route also stays quite far south. That means I missed a lot of central/northern Canada, including incredible places like:

  • Haida Gwaii in BC
  • The home of polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba
  • All of the territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut)
  • The capital of Alberta (Edmonton)
  • Algonquin and Muskoka in Ontario
  • Quebec’s Gaspe Peninsula
  • Labrador, which makes up the province of Newfoundland and Labrador

All of these places are well worth visiting, but difficult to do on an east-west Canada road trip that’s primarily based in the south of the country. I hope to visit them all some day on separate trips!

How to plan a road trip in Canada if you’re short on time

The road trip itinerary I listed above covers 34 stops across Canada and would likely take 2-3 months to enjoy properly. But what if you don’t have 2-3 months to road trip Canada? No worries! There are lots of cross Canada road trips you can take if you’re short on time.

Obviously you can complete just a part of my road trip itinerary above if you don’t have time for the whole thing. But here are a few more suggestions for Canadian road trips depending on how much time you have:

1 week Canada road trip: Drive from Toronto to Quebec City

Toronto skyline with the CN Tower, downtown buildings and Lake Ontario, Canada road trip

Toronto (3 nights) > Montreal (2 nights) > Quebec (2 nights) 

With one week, you could do a mini Ontario and Quebec road trip when you drive from Toronto to Quebec City, stopping in Montreal along the way.

You could also take a half or full day trip to Niagara Falls from Toronto . The entire drive is only 8 hours, making this an easy road trip to complete in a week.

2 week Canada road trip: Vancouver to Banff road trip

mountains, forests and water in Banff, Alberta, Canada

Victoria (2 nights) > Vancouver (3 nights) > Kelowna (2 nights) > Jasper (2 nights) > Banff (3 nights) > Calgary (2 nights)

Two weeks would be a great amount of time for a Vancouver to Banff road trip, seeing the best of the Rocky Mountains and Canada’s west coast. You can stop for wine in Kelowna and even push north to Jasper to really make the most of the area’s beauty!

With two weeks, you would even have time to add on Victoria on the west and Calgary on the east if you’re happy to move fast. Of course, if you wanted to slow down and spend more time at the national parks, you could cut these extra stops and add days in Jasper and Banff.

You can also drive from Calgary to Vancouver if you want to do this road trip in reverse.

3 week Canada road trip: East coast Canada road trip

peggys cove lighthouse outside of halifax, nova scotia, canada

Halifax (3 nights) > Annapolis Valley (2 nights) > Bay of Fundy (3 nights) > Charlottetown and PEI (4 nights) > Cape Breton Island (3 nights) > ferry to Newfoundland (1 night) > Gros Morne National Park (2 nights) > St. John’s (2 nights) > ferry to Nova Scotia (1 night) > return to Halifax 

When we went on our Atlantic Canada honeymoon , we had about 3 weeks to explore the Maritimes and it was a great amount of time.

I would highly recommend dedicating a three week Canadian road trip to one region of the country, whether that’s an east coast Canada road trip or west coast Canada road trip, rather than trying to drive across a few regions.

I’ve started this itinerary in Halifax, as it’s probably the easiest airport to fly into. After a few days exploring the city of Halifax, you can pick up a car and explore Atlantic Canada! You’ll start with wine tasting in the Annapolis Valley and then drive over to New Brunswick to check out the Bay of Fundy.

From there, you’re driving over to PEI for fresh seafood and then back to Nova Scotia to loop Cape Breton Island. Next, you’re on the ferry to Newfoundland where you’ll see the views of Gros Morne National Park and colourful homes of St. John’s.

Finally, you’ll board the overnight ferry and make your way back to Halifax where you can return your rental car and fly home.

1 month Canada road trip: Toronto to Vancouver driving trip

Road trip van parked at night with starry sky and trees

With a whole month, you can make a pretty serious dent in driving across Canada! Rather than stretching yourself to drive from coast to coast, save the Atlantic provinces for a future trip and just drive from Toronto (my old hometown) to Vancouver (my current hometown).

  • Week 1: Toronto, Tobermory & Manitoulin Island
  • Week 2: Driving across the prairies (see my recommended spots in the full itinerary above)
  • Week 3: Banff & Jasper
  • Week 4: The Okanagan & Vancouver

Alternatively, you could head east from Toronto and spend a month exploring Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. You probably wouldn’t have time to make it to Newfoundland, but you could tick off quite a few east coast provinces.

  • Week 1: Toronto, Prince Edward County & Ottawa
  • Week 2: Montreal, Eastern Townships & Quebec
  • Week 3: Bay of Fundy and PEI
  • Week 4: Halifax and Cape Breton Island

Wrapping up: 10 cross Canada road trips tips

Canada flag in front of a parliament building, the ultimate cross Canada road trip

Before you hit the road, keep these road trip tips in mind!

1. Safety first (car edition) : Make sure you’re comfortable driving the vehicle you’ll use for this Canadian road trip and that any necessary maintenance is taken care of. Follow the rules of the road, regularly service your car and have jumper cables available.

2. Safety first (human edition) : Stay safe and healthy on the road by staying in accommodation that you’re comfortable with, and keeping in touch with friends and family (particularly if you’re travelling alone). Make sure your car is stocked with water, a first aid kit and any other emergency supplies.

3. Book ahead in the busy season : Campgrounds, tours and parking lots fill up fast in busy Canadian tourist hot spots in the middle of summer! Make sure you do your research and book ahead when needed. While this might impact your ability to be spontaneous, it could save you a lot of stress and money.

4. Download all the apps : These days there are apps to help you find cheap gas, roadside attractions, free places to park, scenic campsites and so much more! Download the apps you need and be sure you have offline maps downloaded to help you navigate when you don’t have cell service. You may also want to join a roadside assistance or hotel loyalty program.

5. Consider a parks pass : Depending on how many national parks you’re visiting, you may want to buy the Parks Canada Discovery Pass for cheaper entrance to all of the national parks of Canada. Each province also has a pass for their provincial parks, which may be worth looking into.

6. Take it slow : If this is your first time to Canada or first big road trip, slow down. Give yourself time to get used to life on the road and schedule off-days so you can rest, do laundry, etc. Remember, Canada is a big place! You’ll enjoy your Canadian road trip a lot more if you aren’t driving 8 hours a day, rushing from one stop to the next.

7. Have a plan to stay connected : Depending on where you’re going on your road trip, you may not always have cell or internet service. And depending on where you’re coming from, you may not be able to use your home service in Canada. Look into options ahead of time, like buying a portable wifi unit, getting an e-Sim or stopping at wifi-friendly cafes, so you can stay connected.

8. Start preparing early : If you’re planning to be on the road for a couple of weeks or a couple of months, you’ll want to prep ahead of time. How far do you want to drive each day? Are you staying at campgrounds or hotels? Are you eating out or hitting the grocery store?

If you’re travelling with anyone else, make sure you’re having these conversations with them so everyone is on the same page.

9. Be respectful : Your Canada road trip will likely take you through lots of natural areas, so remember to Leave No Trace and be respectful of the outdoor environment. It’s also important to do your homework about whose land you’re travelling on, paying respect to Canada’s Indigenous peoples whose unceded land we live on.

10. Plan your next trip back to Canada! Whether you drive from Victoria to St. John’s or just a small section in between, make sure this trip to Canada isn’t your last. Hopefully you’ll be amazed by the natural wonders, history, culture, food and people here in Canada, and eagre to plan your next trip back!

Need to rent a car for your road trip? Get the best deal with Discover Cars!  

And there you have it, my ultimate cross Canada road trip itinerary. I hope this itinerary has gotten you excited for your own road trip across Canada. I’d love to know: Where in Canada do you most want to visit? 

Check out more adventures across Canada:

  • 10 Things You Must Eat in Montreal
  • How to Spend a Weekend in Penticton, BC
  • Camping at Porteau Cove, BC
  • 5 Day Cabot Trail Itinerary on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
  • 22 Things to Do in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Save my cross Canada road trip itinerary for your future trip planning. Pin it!

ULTIMATE CANADA ROAD TRIP: From Victoria to St. John's, discover the ultimate cross Canada road trip itinerary with 34+ stops and planning advice! #canada #travel #roadtrip #banff #vancouver #toronto #niagarafalls

Riana Ang-Canning is a travel writer who has been sharing her global adventures as the founder of Teaspoon of Adventure since 2012. In that time, Riana has travelled to almost 50 countries on 6 continents, including interning in Eswatini, working in Tokyo, road tripping New Zealand and living abroad in Prague. Riana helps everyday travellers discover the world on a mid-budget, proving that you don't have to be athletic, wealthy or nomadic to have an adventure!

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What a great trip you have to look forward to! I took 9 weeks to do this trip (return) the summer of 2019 and it was amazing — mainly staying in motels and AirBnBs (pre van life). You have many of the same stops on your itinerary. Just make sure to leave time for serendipity — those things you learn about from a sign on the side of the road.

-Lyn |

Thanks so much, Lyn! So cool that you’ve been on this trip and great advice. Definitely have to leave room for some spontaneous stops and detours!

Yes to long-form content! Well done on pulling toegther this insanely comprehensive guide and road trip across Canada. This is content I’d love to read and indulge in. Your stops not only have a great distance to another to not overwhelm oneself and exhaust the driver, but I found all stops to be very engaging and of interest. It shows how much there is to do and see in Canada within reasonale distance, once you are here, why not check out this place, only 1.5h away and this makes a road trip interesting and long-lasting for me. I also appreciate the cafes recommendations along the way. Keep it up Riana!

Thanks so much, Carolin! You are definitely my inspiration for well-researched, long form content. I’ll have to commission you to do the cafe companion post to this one some day!

What an amazing trip ! I love that you provided a shorter version also. However, I would love to do the longer one. I worked in Toronto one summer when I was a student and travelled around by train a little. I visit Montreal regularly as have family living there. But I have only visited a fraction of Canada so would love to explore further especially the West coast and mountain provinces.

Enjoy the trip and safe travels,

Thanks so much! I hope you get to explore more of Canada one day!

After reading this, I am so ready for a cross-Canada road trip! Growing up, my family regularly drove Ontario to BC and back as our summer vacation, and we also drove one summer to PEI and one summer to Newfoundland, so I’ve done it all in sections. (We usually opted for the detour through the States to skip Thunder Bay, sorry haha, but I’d like to give it another chance.) I’d looove to do it all at once as you’ve planned here, and there are a few places I’ve havent seen yet (somehow we skipped Fredericton, for example, and I’d like to see the new Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg). I’d forgotten how beautiful Tobermory is. I appreciate the “What’s missing?” section because it’s impossible to see it all in one trip—we are too lucky in this country!

Aw thanks so much for checking out the post, Melanie! So cool that you’ve been all over Canada with your family and I hope you (and I!) get to do the full road trip soon.

Thank you for sharing your Canada road trip, which looks an epic road trip, I have wanted to visit Canada, but I wont be doing it all in one long road trip in stages would be lovely, this has certainly given me some ideas for the future 🙂

Thanks, Nic! I hope you have an awesome time when you visit Canada.

Great blog! I did road trips in other parts of the world but needed clarification about the itinerary in Canada. Now I know how to plan. Thank you so much!

Thanks for checking it out! Glad it was helpful.

This is an excellent read! I have visited most of the places mentioned (in parts, and before having kids) and I can definitely say this is very practical and comprehensive! Like you said, Canada is sooo big that it takes time to visit most of it. Thank you for all the tips and recommendation. I can definitely use them now that I am traveling with my family (ie kiddos).

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy your next Canadian adventure!

We are planning to do the cross Canada trip this summer. We are really excited about it and appreciate you spending time describing different places to visit. We are really excited about it and now even more so.

That’s so exciting! I’m glad my post was helpful. I hope you have a great time this summer!

Good day Riana

We are planning to self drive in Canada on early fall but we have only 3 weeks to explore . We are from Asia country and we know probably is not enough to explore everything according to the itinerary you recommended . Possible can advise us which is most and must visit from Vancouver to toronto by driving . Really appreciated

Hi Stephanie, thanks so much for checking out my post and how exciting that you’ll be visiting Canada this fall! I would actually suggest two smaller road trips to make the most of your time and see some of the best of Canada. First, driving from Vancouver to Calgary with stops in Kelowna, Jasper and Banff (apx 10-12 days). Then from Calgary I’d fly to Montreal or Quebec City and road trip through Montreal/QC, Niagara and Toronto (apx 8-10 days). Both of those would be one-way road trips, so you’ll likely incur an extra cost for a one-way drop off. You’d also be missing out on the east coast, which is a shame because it’s beautiful. But maybe you can add that to your next trip. I hope that helps and happy adventuring!

Really thanks for the recommendation but may I know the place I will be missing out for the east coast maybe I can adjust for extension

No worries! I actually have a post with my recommended Atlantic Canada itinerary: . I’d say the main places to see would be Halifax, PEI and the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton. I think you could do that in about 7-10 days, though more time wouldn’t be bad. That could also be a round trip drive if you pick up and drop off your car in Halifax.

Wow, this article really got me excited to plan my next road trip! The diversity of landscapes and destinations mentioned here is truly inspiring. I’ve been to a few of these places, but there are definitely some hidden gems I can’t wait to explore. Thanks for putting together such a comprehensive guide with helpful tips and recommendations. Can’t wait to hit the road and create some unforgettable memories! Right now I’m exploring campsites with my toddler.

Thanks for checking it out, Caroline! Enjoy camping with your little one!

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2-Week Bucket List Road Trip Across Canada, Vancouver To Quebec

Travelers who enjoy spending hours on the road will have a great time on this two-week road trip across Canada.

Quick Links

Day 1 - vancouver bc, day 2 - harrison hot springs then kelowna bc, days 3 and 4 - banff ab, day 5 - calgary ab, day 6 - medicine hat ab, day 7 - fort qu'appelle sk, day 8 - winnipeg mb, day 9 and 10 thunder bay on, day 11 - nagagamisis provincial park on, day 12 - iroquois falls on, day 13 - north bay on, day 14 - montreal qc, day 14 (variant) - quebec qc.

Going coast-to-coast across North America is a goal of many travelers and road-trip fanatics. There are more than a few ways of making it across the continent , but here’s one way that goes the entire distance through Canada.

Travelers who enjoy spending hours on the road exploring new places and discovering locations they may never have thought about otherwise will have a great time on this two-week road trip across Canada.

Vancouver has all the major city comforts while being close to many stunning natural locations. Vancouver has an active theater, music, and dining scene that has brought many fantastic restaurants to the location taking advantage of the local resources. Travelers can start their road trip by exploring Vancouver.

  • Must-Visit - Granville Island , Vancouver Aquarium , and Vancouver Seawall

Hydra Estiatorio Mediterranean

The Hydra Estiatorio Mediterranean can be found in the EXchange Tower Atrium. Hydra offers quality Mediterranean dishes with a stylish Grecian feel.

  • Address - 475 Howe St EXchange Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2B3 Canada
  • Contact - +1 604-416-0880
  • Cost - $$-$$$
  • Must-Try - Crab Stuffed Lobster Tail

Harrison Hot Springs is just a quick drive out of Vancouver, so travelers should take a midday stop there to enjoy the hot springs and resorts. It is a small community and a great way to start the road trip off before making a late afternoon drive out to Kelowna to spend the night.

  • Resort Address - 100 Esplanade Avenue, Harrison Hot Springs, BC V0M 1K0
  • Resort Contact - [email protected]
  • Resort Website - Link
  • The Day’s Route

Partially to the long drive out to Banff, and the amount to do here, travelers should spend their third and fourth days exploring Banff. The pristine wilderness of the area draws tourists from all over. Stunning mountain slopes, hikes, and hot springs are just some draws to Banff.

  • Top Hiking Trails - Tunnel Mountain , Sulphur Mountain , and Johnston Canyon to Ink Pots

Mixing modern and pioneer charm, Calgary still holds onto many of its attributes that grew out of being the Canadian West. With incredible access to both nature and markets, Calgary is an excellent location to spend the day exploring.

  • Must-Visit - Heritage Park Historical Village , Calgary Stampede , and Prince's Island Park

The Himalayan

The Himalayan provides visitors with a friendly ambiance and stunning decor as they are served savory Tibetan dishes. The staff is knowledgeable and helpful and helps to provide an excellent experience.

  • Address - 3218 17 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta T3E 0B3 Canada
  • Contact - +1 403-984-3384
  • Must-Try - Kathmandu Veges

Related: From Canada To Mexico: Hike The Continental Divide National Scenic Trail

Medicine Hat will be the last stop in Alberta for travelers. Here they enjoy the quiet town with some important cultural locations that surround it.

  • Must-Visit - Medalta , Echodale Regional Park , and Saamis Tepee

Medicine Hat Brewing Company

Since 1912, the Medicine Hat Brewing company has been serving lagers, ales, and stouts to the city. It was forced close during the Temperance Movement but has since, quite clearly, reopened to serve the public.

  • Address - 1366 Brier Park Dr NW, Medicine Hat, AB T1C 1Z7, Canada
  • Contact - +1 403-505-1260

A small but aesthetic town surrounded by waterways, Fort Qu'Appelle gives travelers a chance to unwind and enjoy what the local community provides. It could be time spent at its parks or perhaps a bit of golf. Either way, travelers will find time to relax a bit in Fort Qu'Appelle.

  • Must-Visit - Echo Valley Provincial Park , Echo Ridge Golf Club , and Katepwa Point Provincial Park

Winnipeg may have been the butt of Simpson’s joke, but it is also one of Canada’s vibrant cultural centers. Having had a long history of isolation and self-sufficiency, Winnipeg has a fun tight-knit community.

  • Must-Visit - Canadian Museum for Human Rights , Assiniboine Park Zoo , and The Forks Market

Santa Ana Pizzeria and Bistro

Travelers to Winnipeg looking for food should swing over to Santa Ana Pizzeria. With a variety of pizzas and a dedicated following, those passing through Winnipeg should definitely stop by and grab a slice.

  • Address - 1631 St. Mary's Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
  • Contact - +1 204-415-1440
  • Must-Try - Mediterranean Pizza

Thunder Bay is a natural splendor on the edge of Lake Superior. With Sleeping Giant Provincial Park and many outdoor activities, visitors will be able to find much to do on land and on the water at Thunder Bay.

  • Must-Visit - Fort William Historical Park , Mount McKay , and Mission Island Marsh Conservation Area
  • Top Hiking Trails - Lost Mountain Loop , Boulevard Lake Loop , and The Bluffs Loop

It is recommended that travelers take advantage of the campsites available at Naggamisis Provincial Park, it is absolutely worth spending a night immersed in nature. There is fresh water for swimming and bathrooms for travelers to get clean in before continuing on.

  • Best Hikes - Nagagamisis Lake Paddle , Nagagamisis Time Trail , and Shaganash Trail

Related: Summer Is Coming: Time To See Canada's Banff & Yoho National Parks

With a population of just under 5,000, Iroquois is a small town in proximity to both the Abitibi River and Lake Abitibi. Travelers passing through can take a moment to enjoy so of the natural wonder and small-town charm of the region.

  • Must-Try - Pine Lake Loop , Hersey Lake Conservation Area , and the Silver Grill

Located on the northeastern edge of Lake Ontario, North Bay takes its name from its position on the shore of Lake Nipissing. North Bay was originally developed as a railroad center and has quite a few entertaining bits for travelers to check out.

  • Most-Try - Duchesnay Falls Trails , North Bay Heritage Train and Carousel , and Burger World

This French-speaking city is often known as the cultural capital of Canada. Much of its architecture and old cobblestone streets speak to its European history. The Basilique Notre-Dame is a confection of stained glass, and the Plateau Mont-Royal district will entertain travelers as they enjoy them and perhaps a local café.

  • Must-Visit - Mount Royal Park , Notre-Dame Basilica , and Old Montreal

Damas Restaurant

An upscale Syrian restaurant, Damas is located on Avenue Van Horne. Travels will be charmed but their authentic decor and refined cuisine. Damas is both modern and authentic bringing Syrian flavors to Montreal as well as those passing through.

  • Address - 1201 Avenue Van Horne, Montreal, Quebec H2V 1K4 Canada
  • Contact - +1 514-439-5435
  • Cost - $$$$
  • Must-Try - Falafel avec humus à la menthe

For travelers less interested in staying two days at either Banff or Thunder Bay, they could shorten one of those two sections to one day, so they have time to hop on up to Quebec for a day before marking the end of this road trip. Quebec is more the speed of travelers who want to spend a bit more time in the city.

  • Must-Try - Old Quebec , La Citadelle de Québec , and Lower Town (Basse-Ville)

Restaurant Légende

Here, travelers can experience and reflect on the culture and history of First Nations people through their food. Inspired by historical elements, Légende pays great attention to the details and content of everything they serve.

  • Address - 255, rue Saint-Paul, Quebec City, Quebec G1K 3W5 Canada
  • Contact - +1 418-614-2555


  • Road trip in Quebec: The best itineraries for 7, 10, 15 and 21 days

Visit Quebec by car: The 4 best road trip itineraries

You’re planning to do a road trip in Quebec and you’re looking for the best itinerary?

You’re at the right place!

Visiting Quebec by car is the best way to optimize your itinerary and discover all the must-see attractions of the country.

In order to help you plan your stay , I have prepared this guide with the 4 best road trips itineraries in Quebec depending on the duration of your stay (7, 10 days, 2 and 3 weeks).

For each duration, I will give you a summary of the itinerary as well as the link to read the detailed itinerary article.

And at the end of this guide, I will also give you my list of the best accommodations in Quebec depending on your budget as well as my best tips to enjoy the perfect road trip.

Which airport should you pick to kickstart your Quebec road trip?

Renting a car for a road trip in quebec, 1) montreal (3 days), 2) quebec city (2 days), 3) la mauricie national park (2 days), 1) montreal (2 days), 2) la mauricie national park (2 days), 3) fjord-du-saguenay (2 days), 4) charlevoix (1 day), 5) quebec city (2 days), 6) back to montreal (1 day), 2) mont-tremblant (1 day), 4) lac saint-jean (1 day), 5) fjord-du-saguenay (2 days), 6) tadoussac (1 day), 7) charlevoix (2 days), 8) quebec city (2 days), 9) back to montreal (1 day), 7) the gaspé peninsula (8 days), 8) quebec city (3 days), where to stay in quebec during your road trip, when should you embark on a quebec road trip, you’re traveling in canada these articles will help you.

Quebec boasts two international airports : Montreal and Quebec City .

Either one is a fine starting point for a road trip in the region.

However, I would recommend landing in Montreal for your Quebec circuit . I find it’s more convenient to explore Quebec by car starting from there and looping back at the end of your vacation.

What’s more, Montreal’s airport has better connectivity , and tickets are typically cheaper.

That’s why all the road trips I suggest here start from Montreal .

If you’re planning to start your Quebec road trip from Quebec City and need some help planning your trip, feel free to ask in the comments. I’d be glad to advise!

To head to Quebec, you’ll first need to apply for an electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). This form, which you can fill out online must definitely be completed before your trip to Canada.

The eTA applies to all travelers who don’t require a visa.

You’ll find all the information you need on this site .

The car being the essential element of any road trip , I’ll start with this.

The simplest option is to rent one right at the airport . You’ll have a broader choice of rental companies (both international and national), and prices are generally lower than in the city.

For your car rental in Quebec, I recommend using the site . Whether it’s a trip to Greece , a road trip in Scotland , or even touring Thailand , I’ve been using this site exclusively for several years to book my cars. Their service is top-notch, and their customer support is super efficient!

Here are the five reasons why I always use Rentalcars:

  • Comparing the rates of rental companies at the Montreal or Quebec City airports is a breeze!
  • You can read reviews from previous customers and see the ratings they gave to different rental agencies.
  • Their comprehensive insurance protection ensures you’ll be reimbursed for any charges in case of an accident or theft during your Canada trip.
  • Modifying or cancelling your reservation is free . So, you can book your car in advance and enjoy a more advantageous rate.
  • They offer a best price guarantee : found the same car cheaper somewhere else? They’ll refund you the difference!

Click on the button below to compare car rental prices:

To rent a car for your Quebec road trip, you’re not required to have an international driving permit

Your regular driver’s license will do , as long as it’s in the Latin alphabet and you’ve had it for over 12 months .

If you prefer to present an international driving permit , you’ll still need to show your national driver’s license . Without it, you won’t be able to pick up your car.

Quebec road trip: One week itinerary

For this first driving circuit, I’ve put together a sample week-long road trip starting from Montreal .

On the itinerary for this 7-day Quebec road trip: Montreal , Quebec City , and the La Mauricie National Park .

All the detailed information can be found in this article: The best one-week itinerary in Quebec .

Here’s a quick rundown!

Day one, two, and three – Exploring Montreal:

  • Old Montreal district
  • The Old Port
  • Mount Royal Park
  • Mount Royal district
  • Montreal Olympic Stadium
  • The Montreal Biodome
  • The Botanical Garden
  • Saint Catherine Street
  • The Atwater Market
  • Jean-Drapeau Park

I’ve laid out a 3-day Montreal visit itinerary in this article: Visiting Montreal . You’ll also find my top picks for accommodations.


On day four of your week-long Quebec road trip, I recommend visiting Quebec City, the province’s capital .

From Montreal, it’s about a 3-hour drive to Quebec City.

As the drive will take up a good part of your morning, you can start exploring the city in the afternoon :

  • Stroll along Dufferin Terrace , where you’ll find the city’s emblem: the Château Frontenac .
  • Visit the Cathedral-Basilica of Notre-Dame de Québec
  • Take a walk around the Petit-Champlain district
  • Check out Place Royale and the Fresque des Québecois
  • Take a cruise on the Saint Lawrence River to watch the sunset

Spend a night in Quebec City.

On day five , continue your one-week Quebec road trip by finishing up your city tour.

Start by visiting the Citadel of Quebec before taking a stroll on the Plains of Abraham . You’ll have the pleasure of enjoying superb scenic views of the river.

Then head over to the Parliament Building , and round off the morning at the Observatoire de la Capitale , which offers a 360° panorama of the region.

In the afternoon, I recommend you get back in your car and head to Montmorency Falls . It’s easily accessible, just 15 minutes from Quebec City. You’ll have the bragging rights of seeing a waterfall even taller than Niagara Falls !

For all the details on things to do in Quebec City, check out my article: Visiting Quebec City !

The next stop on our 7-day Quebec road trip is the La Mauricie National Park or Parc national de la Mauricie as the locals call it. After five days of city sightseeing, it’s time to enjoy the splendors of Quebec’s natural scenery !

On the agenda for days six and seven in the park :

  • In the summer : hike to Waber Falls, bike, fish, and canoe.
  • In the winter : cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, dog sledding, snowmobiling – the whole array of Quebec winter activities!

Waber Falls La Mauricie National Park

Quebec road trip: 10 days

Up next: How about a 10-Day Road Trip across Quebec .?

This one also starts from Montreal, but if you prefer, you can easily adapt it for a Quebec City start , by following the same loop from there.

On the agenda for this 10-day Quebec road trip:

  • La Mauricie National Park
  • Fjord-du-Saguenay

You’ll find all the stages of this circuit in my article: The Ultimate 10-day Itinerary in Quebec !

But I’ll still give you a quick overview right below.

So, we kick off this 10-day Quebec road trip in Montreal . I recommend staying 2 days there to give yourself enough time to explore most of the points of interest , and also to recover from jet lag.

Day one : Here’s an idea for your first day in Montreal:

  • Visit Old Montreal : the Basilica, Bonsecours Market, Jacques-Cartier Square
  • Walk along the Old Port
  • Lunch at Pointe-à-Callières Museum restaurant
  • Discover Mount Royal Park and climb up to the lookout
  • Take a stroll in the Mount Royal neighborhood with its distinctive houses
  • Dinner at one of Montreal’s most famous restaurants: la Banquise ! There, you’ll try poutine, one of Quebec’s iconic dishes.

For the second day , continue your tour with a visit to the Olympic Stadium . You can take the panoramic elevator up the tower to enjoy the view.

Upon leaving the stadium, head to the Biodome right next door. There, you can wander through the different ecosystems of the American continent and meet the animals that live there.

In the vicinity, also make sure to visit the botanical garden with its various themed gardens: Japanese, Chinese, rose gardens…

Wrap up the day by hopping on the subway to downtown Montreal for a shopping spree . The main shopping spot is Saint Catherine Street . You’ll find all international brands, souvenir shops, and restaurants there.

For more tips on exploring Montreal, check out our article: Top 33 things to do in Montreal !

On the third and fourth days of this 10-day Quebec road trip, I suggest spending time in the La Mauricie National Park .

Whether in summer or winter, you’ll find a myriad of activities : hiking, canoeing, dog sledding, snowmobiling, and so much more!

Don’t forget to check out the park’s official website for a detailed list of things to do during your stay in Quebec.

Next up, head to the Saguenay fjord to spend days five and six .

It’s about 4h15 drive from the national park. I suggest taking Route 155 to get there, as it offers stunning views.

Around the fjord, plan to visit two of Quebec’s most beautiful villages: l’Anse St-Jean and Sainte-Rose-du-Nord.

During these two days, you can also do some hiking and take a cruise on the fjord for a chance to spot whales and belugas.

All these activities can be found on Fjord-du-Saguenay’s official website .


On the seventh day of your 10-day road trip in Quebec, you could rest from all the work that you have done, but instead, set your sights on Charlevoix .

It’s a great idea to spend the night here, it nicely breaks the journey in half before you hit Quebec City. Besides, it’s teeming with loads of super fun activities .

In one day, you’ll have to make some choices:

  • Hiking : I recommend the Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie National Park
  • A cruise on the local river
  • A stroll through Baie St-Paul , famous for its art galleries
  • Black bear watching
  • A car tour around Isle-aux-Coudres

On the eighth day , I suggest moving on to Quebec City , where you’ll spend the next two days .

Two days are enough to get a good overview of the city and its surroundings.

To make sure you don’t miss a thing, on the first day you can :

  • Take a walk along the Dufferin Terrace
  • Snap a photo of the most photographed hotel in the world: the Château Frontenac
  • Check out the Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec , classified as a “National Historic Site of Canada”
  • Take a walk through the Petit-Champlain district , passing by Place Royale

At the end of the day, head to the St. Lawrence river for a cruise . It’s the best way to enjoy a splendid view of the entire city! Spend a night in Quebec City.

On your ninth day of this Quebec road trip, continue exploring the city :

  • Visit the Quebec Citadel
  • Stroll through the Plains of Abraham
  • Discover the Parliament building
  • Head up to the Observatoire de la Capitale

And in the afternoon, I recommend you visit Montmorency Falls .

You can find all the Quebec must-sees in my article: The complete guide to visiting Quebec !

And there you have it, it’s the end of your 10-day Quebec road trip , time to return to your starting point: Montreal !

If you want more details on this 10-day road trip , feel free to check out my detailed article: 10-day itinerary in Quebec .

You’ll also find our list of the best accommodations for each stage . You’ll see, planning your 9-10 day trip to Quebec is going to be super easy !


Quebec road trip: Two weeks

If you have 15 days of vacation for your road trip , you’ll be able to get a fairly complete tour of the province .

For this 2-week road trip in Quebec, I’ve chosen to have you start in Montreal , but it’s entirely possible to adapt it starting from Quebec City . All you need to do is follow the stages in reverse order.

You’ll find all the details to prepare this Quebec road trip in this article: 2-week itinerary in Quebec .

But to give you an idea, here’s a brief rundown of the various stages!

On this two-week Quebec road trip , we’ll kick off by exploring Montreal for two days .

You’ll have plenty of time to see the main points of interest and neighborhoods that I talk about in my Top places to visit in Montreal .

First and second days – Do not miss:

  • Old Montreal
  • The Mount Royal Park and its lookout

For the next part of your 15-day Quebec road trip, I suggest you discover Mont-Tremblant for a day.

Among the possible activities on this third day , you can go hiking or canoeing on the lake . In winter, it’s time to strap on your skis and hit the slopes of this famous Quebec resort or embark on a snowmobile excursion !

And if you’re lucky enough to be there in Autumn , you’ll certainly have plenty of opportunities to capture stunning photos of the amazingly colorful trees !

road trip quebec vers vancouver

Next, devote the fourth and fifth days of your Quebec trip to exploring La Mauricie National Park .

In summer , brace yourself for an abundance of thrilling hikes and numerous lakes that eagerly await your canoeing adventures. And to combine these 2 activities , the best option is to go for an excursion to Waber Falls . To get there, it’s an 8 km round trip by canoe + 8 km of walking!

In winter , you can opt for an exhilarating dog sledding experience or snowmobile ride .

The official website of the park lists all the activities you can do there.

On the sixth day of this two-week Quebec road trip, head towards Lac Saint-Jean .

Since a good part of the morning will be needed for the journey, in the afternoon I offer you three options for your visit :

  • The Wild Zoo of St-Félicien : This isn’t your run-of-the-mill zoo: the animals roam freely while you’re the one “caged” inside a small mesh train. It’s home to the typical menagerie of Quebec and Canadian wildlife: bears, moose, caribou… If you’re doing this Quebec circuit with your family, your kids will love the itinerary!
  • The Native Museum of Mashteuiatsh , dedicated to the indigenous nations of Quebec. It’s a really well done and very interesting museum.
  • The historic village of Val-Jalbert , an authentically reconstituted village from the 1920s that will transport you back in time with its post office, school, and charming stores. Actors in period costume round out the experience for a total immersion.

For some slightly more original activities, you can also try:

  • Ice fishing
  • A cruise on Lac Saint-Jean
  • Black bear watching at Lac Saint-Jean (completely safe!).

For the next two days (seventh and eighth days) , settle around the Saguenay fjord in the aptly named town of “Fjord-du-Saguenay”.

You’ll find gorgeous villages (like L’Anse St-Jean and Sainte-Rose du Nord) and can hike the Statue Trail. Once at the top, the view of the fjord is really amazing!

I also recommend you take a cruise on the fjord or go kayaking , to admire this natural wonder from a different angle. You might even get the chance to observe belugas in their natural habitat.

It would be a shame to visit Quebec by car in 15 days without making it to Tadoussac . This is where you’ll have the best chance to spot whales !

Thus, on this ninth day , let’s embark on an unforgettable adventure: a cruise to spot majestic whales in their natural habitat! Get ready to witness these incredible creatures up close and personal.

The best option, by far, is to book this sea excursion in advance:

  • For a 3-hour big boat trip, book your tickets right here !
  • For a 2.5-hour Zodiac tour to get as close as possible, click here !

This is an absolute must-do for this two-week Quebec road trip!


For these tenth and eleventh days of your 15-day Quebec road trip, head to the Charlevoix region .

And if I may offer a piece of advice, first head south on Route 138 up to La Malbaie, then take Route 362 to Baie St-Paul. That way, you can drive on one of the most beautiful and scenic roads in Canada .

In Charlevoix, things to see and do include:

  • A cruise on the Malbaie River
  • A hike in the Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie National Park
  • A tour of Isle-aux-Coudres for its rural and authentic vibe
  • Black bear watching (with a guide)

Here we are already on the twelfth day of your two-week Quebec road trip.

Today, we’ll explore the captivating Quebec City . The first stop is the iconic Dufferin Terrace , a peaceful and picturesque promenade. Don’t forget to capture the breathtaking beauty of the magnificent Château Frontenac in your photos, a true landmark of Quebec City. The walk also offers many stunning views of the river below.

After a visit to the Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec , head down to the Petit-Champlain district . The cobblestone streets lined with all sorts of boutiques are truly a delight to explore. In the district, you also shouldn’t miss Place Royale and the Fresque des Québécois mural .

Just before sunset , head to the docks to take a little cruise . You’ll get to enjoy the view of the entire city.

Thirteenth day : Continue your on-foot exploration of Quebec City in the morning:

  • The Citadel
  • The Plains of Abraham
  • The Parliament Building
  • The Observatoire de la Capitale

And in the afternoon , drive up to the Montmorency Falls , famous among other things for being taller than Niagara Falls!

For all the information on how to visit Quebec City, it’s right here: Best things to do in Quebec City: The ultimate guide !

On the fourteenth day, head towards Montreal to finish exploring the city before your departure the next day.

You could, for example, check out Jean Drapeau Park . You’ll get a unique view of Montreal from the other side of the river.

The Chinatown district is also quite fun to explore especially if you’re looking for some last-minute souvenirs: it’s where they’re the cheapest. I also recommend trying out one of the fantastic restaurants in the area.

Fifteenth day : Say goodbye to Quebec and head to the airport for your return flight.

Montreal Mount Royal view

Quebec road trip: Three weeks

For a three-week road trip in Quebec , you’ll have the extra luxury of exploring one of Quebec’s most beautiful regions, the Gaspé Peninsula or “Gaspésie” in French.

To best plan this three-week Quebec road trip, it’s super easy, as I’ve detailed everything for each day in my article: The ultimate three-week itinerary in Quebec .

Just click the link and you’ll find all the answers to your questions: what places to see, things to do, travel times , and the best hotels to stay in during your trip.

Below, I’m also giving you a quick summary of the planned stops during these three weeks .

To kick off this 21-day Quebec road trip, I recommend you start in Montreal .

Days 1 and 2 : To make the most of your 2-day visit to Montreal , I’ve got you covered with a carefully crafted itinerary. Discover the top attractions and hidden gems of this vibrant city by checking out my article: The complete guide to Montreal !

In addition to the must-see spots and activities to do , you’ll find my selection of places to eat and a list of the best hotels .

Day 3: Spend the day in Mont-Tremblant . Depending on the season, you can go hiking and do water activities , or enjoy the ski slopes at this very popular Quebec resort.

When Autumn rolls in , the whole area comes alive with a stunning burst of warm colors, making it an absolute paradise for photography lovers .

Days 4 and 5 : Continue your three-week Quebec road trip by taking advantage of the numerous activities in La Mauricie National Park .

The Waber Falls hike requires an 8 km canoe ride return trip + 8 km of walking. It’s the most popular, but there are plenty of other shorter and easier ones.

And if you’re visiting the park in winter, it’s the perfect place to go for a dog sled ride or snowmobiling .

Snowmobile Canada

Day 6 : Leave the national park to reach Lac Saint-Jean .

Depending on your desires for the afternoon, I recommend you choose between one of the following 3 visits :

  • The Wild Zoo of St-Félicien , the ideal outing for the family. This is not a traditional zoo since the animals are free, and you will observe them from a little caged train.
  • The Native Museum of Mashteuiatsh if you’re interested in the culture of Quebec’s indigenous nations.
  • The historic village of Val-Jalbert for a trip back in time and a walk in an authentic 1920s village that has been restored.

Days 7 and 8 : Continue your three-week Quebec road trip with a discovery of the Saguenay fjord .

I especially recommend not missing the villages of L’Anse St-Jean and Sainte-Rose du Nord , for the splendid panoramas they offer.

The more courageous can also hike the Statue trail . You’ll be rewarded for your efforts with sublime viewpoints.

And for a quieter outing, I recommend a cruise on the fjord .

Day 9 : Day at sea dedicated to whale watching .

Tadoussac is the ideal place for this. This is where the cruises depart every day. But I’d better warn you, this activity is very popular and you really should consider booking your spots on the boat in advance:

  • Book a 3-hour cruise on a large boat
  • Book a 2.5-hour Zodiac tour

The second part of this road trip of 20-21 days in Quebec will be dedicated to exploring the Gaspé Peninsula or “Gaspésie” as the locals call it.

In 8 days, you’ll have time to see the must-sees of this part of Quebec and to truly appreciate the natural landscapes.

Bonus: if you follow my itinerary, you’ll get to take the famous Route 132 that goes all around Gaspésie. It’s undeniably one of the most beautiful scenic routes in all of Canada.

Days 10, 11, 12 : Gaspésie National Park

Activities on the agenda: lots of hiking, with moments of relaxation and opportunities for fishing or canoeing. In winter, it’s cross-country skiing or ice climbing if you’re not afraid of heights.

Day 13 : Take a stroll through Forillon National Park , famous for its stunning cliffs sculpted by erosion.

Day 14 : Cruise and walk on Bonaventure Island , which is home to the largest colony of northern gannets in North America.

Day 15 : Discovery of Chaleur Bay and the area’s small seaside resorts, like the one at Carleton-sur-Mer.

Days 16 and 17 : Bic National Park

In addition to classic hikes, the park also offers 15 km of well-developed bike paths. Hop on your bike and go on an adventure. The park is also known to be home to seals who have made it a habit to lounge on the rocks by the water.

Gaspé Peninsula Quebec

We’re now wrapping up this three-week Quebec road trip, in Quebec City itself .

Days 18, 19, and 20 : What are the main places to see in 3 days?

  • The Dufferin Terrace promenade
  • The Château Frontenac
  • The Cathedral-Basilica of Notre-Dame de Québec
  • The Petit-Champlain district
  • The Place Royale

In the vicinity of Quebec City , I also recommend visiting (your choice):

  • Montmorency Falls
  • Village Vacances Valcartier – Book your day by clicking here!
  • The Island of Orleans

If you’re planning a trip to Quebec City, you won’t want to miss my article: Best things to do in Quebec City .

Day 21 : The final day of your epic three-week Quebec adventure has arrived, and it’s time to head back to Montreal .

Don’t forget to check out my detailed article for all the ins and outs of this road trip: My detailed three-week Quebec road trip itinerary .

After all this practical info and recommended routes, you now know where to go and what to see during your Quebec road trip .

But there’s one essential point left to tackle: Where to stay at each stop ?

Well, guess what? I’ve thought of everything and handpicked the best places to stay in Quebec ! Sorted by city and stage, and importantly, for all budgets , you’ll find them in the articles I’ve mentioned earlier that outline the best routes based on your vacation duration .

To book, you can also simply click here:

  • Where to stay in Montreal
  • The best hotels in Quebec City
  • List of accommodations in Mont-Tremblant
  • Hotels in La Mauricie National Park
  • Where to stay in Lac Saint-Jean
  • Accommodations near the Saguenay fjord
  • Places to sleep in Tadoussac
  • Hotels in Gaspésie National Park
  • The best accommodations in Percé
  • Where to stay in Chaleur Bay
  • Where to stay in Bic National Park:

The Château Frontenac

When it comes to a road trip in Quebec, there’s truly no wrong time to go .

It all depends on the activities you want to do.

Winter is the best time to visit Quebec by car if you love skiing or snowshoeing in the great outdoors. You can also partake in numerous typical Quebec travel activities in the national parks, like sledding or snowmobiling .

And if you’re doing this Quebec road trip with your family, sledding, ice skating, and snow rafting will undoubtedly thrill your kids! Don’t worry about driving, the cars are well equipped, automatic, and Quebec roads are kept clear.

Spring is ideal if you’re coming to Quebec for hiking and enjoying nature . The weather is delightful and the crowds haven’t arrived yet. You can leisurely stroll through cities and visit must-sees in Montreal and Quebec .

When it comes to exploring Quebec’s national parks , there are a bunch of activities you can choose from. Whether you prefer walking, canoeing, or biking, each option offers a unique perspective and a chance to immerse yourself in the beauty of Quebec’s natural wonders.

No need to remind you that during the fall season , you’ll be treated to breathtakingly vibrant landscapes. It’s the time when trees show off their most vivid colors . A real treat for photography enthusiasts!

Summer is also a good time in terms of temperature and sunshine, but like many destinations, it’s also high tourist season. This means busier roads and pretty high temperatures. Having spent a few summers in Montreal, I can assure you it can get really hot and humid!

Remember to book your accommodations even further in advance , especially in national parks and Gaspésie where options are more limited than in larger cities. A quick tip for your Quebec road trip: in late July and early August, many businesses in the country close for the “construction holidays” when Canadians take their vacations. Plan your activities accordingly during this time and always book early!

Last tip: If during your Quebec road trip, you’re dead set on whale watching in Tadoussac , know that the best time to catch sight of them is between July and October.

So, what are your plans for sightseeing and activities during your Quebec road trip ?

Discover all my articles about Canada : All my articles to help you plan your trip to Canada are listed there.

  • 20 Best Things to do in Canada
  • 20 Best Things to do in Quebec – All best places to visit in the French-speaking province!
  • Itinerary: One week in Canada: The perfect itinerary to visit Canada in 6, 7 or 8 days!
  • Itinerary: 10 days in Canada: All my best tips for organizing your 10-day trip to Canada
  • Itinerary: 2 weeks in Canada: How to visit Western Canada in 15 days.
  • Itinerary: 3 weeks in Canada: My epic itinerary to visit Western and Eastern Canada in 21 days
  • Itinerary: 1 month in Canada: How to visit Eastern Canada in a month!
  • Itinerary: One week in Quebec: How to visit Quebec in 6, 7 or 8 days, with all my best tips!
  • Itinerary: 10 days in Quebec: An amazing 10-day itinerary in Quebec
  • Itinerary: 2 weeks in Quebec: All my best tips to visit Quebec in 14, 15 or 16 days
  • Itinerary: 3 weeks in Quebec: the perfect 3-week road trip in Quebec!
  • Road trip in Canada: The best itineraries for 7, 10, 15, 21 days and 1 month
  • Calgary : Top 11 things to do during your visit
  • Montreal : 33 best things to see and do
  • Ottawa : 15 epic places to visit
  • Quebec City : Top 17 things to do and see
  • Toronto : The 17 things to do during your stay
  • Vancouver : Top 25 places to visit and activities
  • Toronto in 3 days – The perfect itinerary to visit the city in 72 hours!

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Quebec road trip itinerary

Creator of the Voyage Tips blog, travel and photography lover. I give you all my best tips to plan your next trip.

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The Ultimate Quebec Road Trip From Montreal to Gaspé

Barrett & MacKay / Getty Images

Canada's largest province, Quebec , is also one of its most beautiful, diverse, and intriguing. It is steeped in French culture—Montreal is the second-largest francophone city in the world, behind Paris—and offers visitors an abundance of history and nature, from its Laurentian Mountains (a skier's paradise) to its fjords. One of the best ways to get a taste of the region is by embarking on a 10-hour road trip from Montreal to Gaspé.

This roughly 600-mile (965-kilometer) route covers barely an iota of the province—focusing on Quebec's southwest-to-northeast corridor and showcasing very little of the far north—but it's a good sampling of the province's urban and rural regions. It begins where the vast majority of Quebec's population lives, in and around Montreal and Quebec City , then follows the Saint Lawrence River to the remarkable Gaspé Peninsula, home to four national parks and the very famous Percé Rock.

Driving in Canada  is much like driving in the United States, except that speed limits are posted in kilometers instead of miles. Signs in Quebec may be in English, French, or both. Try to travel outside of Quebec's annual "construction holiday," a two-week period over the summer during which many locals take their vacations while the province doubles down on road works (resulting in painfully slow traffic). Travelers should allocate upwards of eight days for the road trip.

Montreal is a major aviation hub, which makes it an ideal starting point for international visitors. With a population of 1.7 million (3.8 million if you count the surrounding region), this city is heavily influenced by French culture, as can be seen in Old Town , Montreal's main attraction. Old Montreal is a central riverside neighborhood that is preserved in much of its original state and profuse with European flair. Seventeenth-century architecture and cobblestone streets are just a couple of the features that make this area special. 

Top sites include the Gothic Revival Notre-Dame Basilica, Olympic Park (home to the Biodome, which hosts four different ecosystems in a spherical greenhouse), and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. To get a real feel of the city's joie de vivre , though, simply sit down for foie gras poutine—a local specialty—and an orange julep at a sidewalk café. You may even forget you're not in Paris.

The Eastern Townships

Smart Cities Dive

The Eastern Townships is a charming region of Quebec about an hour south of Montreal, sandwiched between the Saint Lawrence River's southern shore and the northeastern U.S. At one time a haven for United Empire Loyalists, today the Eastern Townships is known for being a swanky getaway for Montrealers and New Englanders due to its quaint heritage buildings, lakes, and ski resorts.

Magog  is one of the area's urban highlights. This historical town, formerly famous for its textile production, has reinvented itself as a cultural destination with ample boutiques and galleries.

Quebec City

Peter Unger / Getty Images

To get from the Eastern Townships to Quebec City, about a 200-mile (320-kilometer) drive, head north through Drummondville on Highway 55 towards Trois-Rivières, then east along Highway 138. This is the historic and rural Chemin du Roy, a much more scenic (but less speedy) alternative to taking Autoroute 40. En route, you'll discover soaring, double-spire churches, many of which date back to the 18th and 19th centuries. You'll also notice the bright red roofs of the buildings, originally intended to guide seamen to shore. ​

Finally, you'll hit the capital city. Strategically chosen for its position at a point high on the river, this super-sized version of Old Montreal is brimming with history and European charm. Cobblestone walkways, well-preserved 17th-century architecture, sidewalk cafés, and the only North American fortress walls that still exist north of Mexico have all contributed to Quebec City's status as a UNESCO World Heritage site. 

This place is bustling year-round, but especially in July and August and during the Quebec Winter Carnival (held every February and beckoning thousands with night parades, snow sculptures, shows, and ice skating). Hotel choices range from elegant boutique hotels in the Old City to larger chain hotels, but the most iconic is Chateau Frontenac, a castle-like Fairmont property.

A half-hour north of Quebec is Jacques Cartier National Park, an expansive mountainous plateau cut by deep valleys where visitors like to raft, inner tube, fish, kayak, and canoe. A 20-minute drive away, Valcartier tempts families with its acres of kid-friendly ski hills, tubing routes, skating arenas, and more.

On your way out of town, stop at nearby Montmorency Falls (taller than Niagara Falls ) and Île d'Orleans, where sprawling fields of berries, apple orchards, and colorful farmhouses abound.

Robert Chiasson / Getty Images

There are lots of places to stop along the Saint Lawrence Route ( Route du Fleuve ) en route to La Malbaie. This scenic drive covers 30 miles (50 kilometers) on Highway 362 between Baie-Saint-Paul and La Malbaie in southern Quebec's Charlevoix region, known for its agricultural prowess. The route through Charlevoix is lined with picturesque towns, villages, and farms backed by mountains on one side and the Saint Lawrence River on the other. 

About a half-hour outside of Quebec City, the 17th-century Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré shrine cuts an impressive silhouette along the shores of the river. Thousands flock here for the apparent healing powers of the chapel. Baie-Saint-Paul—the birthplace of Cirque du Soleil, where Gilles Ste-Croix took to the streets with his troupe of jugglers, dancers, fire breathers, and musicians in the '80s—makes for a great lunch spot.   Today, the town is a hub for artists and craftspeople. ​

Finally, you'll reach La Malbaie, home to one of Canada's grand historic railway hotels, Manoir Richelieu. The hotel boasts an extraordinary location with exceptional vistas as well as three pools, tennis courts, an 18-hole golf course, and a casino. During the snow season, skiers flock to the nearby resorts, Mont Grand-Fonds and Centre de Plein Air Les Sources Joyeuses .

TripSavvy / Lauren Breedlove

The drive between Malbaie and Tadoussac is only about an hour and a half, but you will need a full day (or two) to explore this region. Tadoussac is one of Canada's premier whale-watching destinations. Located at the mouth of the Saguenay River, this historic town was first settled by Europeans in the early 1500s and became home to the country's first trading post in 1600. 

The Saguenay River flows into the Saint Lawrence River, and this mix of Atlantic Ocean saltwater and inland freshwaters cultivates an optimal environment for a number of marine animals, including fin, minke, blue, and beluga whales. Whale-watching excursions from Tadoussac's harbor range from large vessels to smaller, nimbler Zodiacs. You can even go by kayak. Reservations are highly recommended. 

If you're keen to explore the region in more depth, visit the adjacent Saguenay Fjord National Park , which   lies along the shores of the Saguenay River and is open to visitors for camping, whale watching, boating, and more. The park offers huts and other rustic shelters for accommodation. 

Sainte-Anne-des-Monts in the Gaspé Peninsula

Aurélien Pottier / Getty Images

After Tadoussac, head to the south shore and begin your journey across the Gaspé Peninsula , which starts with a ferry ride across the Saint Lawrence River out of Les Escoumins. The ferry ride (which you can reserve online) takes about an hour and a half. After making your way across the Saint Lawrence River, you'll arrive in Trois-Pistoles and embark on your exploration of the Gaspé Peninsula. This Quebec region's geography puts it in close proximity to the Atlantic provinces with which it shares many maritime features, including rugged shorelines, ample fishing, and a laidback, friendly population.

Enjoy the scenic riverside drive on the south shore's Highway 132, stopping for lunch at Reford Gardens, a 1920s property notable for its imaginative landscape design and unique botanical collection, especially given the challenging growing conditions of the area. Elsie and Robert Reford left this place with a remarkable collection of photographs that depict life in the early 20th century, all on display now in the small-but-entrancing gallery.

Continue along the same highway, passing by luscious river vistas and quaint seaside towns, until you reach Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, a three-hour drive from Trois-Pistoles. From here, take Route 299 to Gaspésie National Park, a stunning protected space with many scenic (albeit challenging) hikes. Tourists can camp here or at the Gîte du Mont-Albert , a gloriously situated lodge in the park with chalets, cabins, and lodge guest rooms. There's a good chance you'll catch a glimpse of the local caribou, as a bonus.

Cyrielle Beaubois / Getty Images

From Gîte du Mont-Albert, hop on Route 198 and make your way to the Gaspé Peninsula's biggest draw by far, Percé. The town, about three hours from Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, gets its fame from this immense limestone formation with a "pierced" ( percé ) arch that elevates it from a mere rock to a sculptural work of art. The famous rocks are easily seen from the shore, but boats are readily available to get you up close. 

Bonaventure Island, just a couple kilometers off Percé's shores, is a migratory bird sanctuary for the northern gannet and has more than 50,000 pairs of nesting birds (the second largest population in the world). Additionally, if you have time, Forillon National Park  offers not just green space for hiking but also a lighthouse, a heritage fishing village, and a rocky beach, all with a layered craggy backdrop that has been thwarted by the elements for more than a million years.

From Percé, it's about an 11-hour drive to get back to Montreal, but you can break up the journey by stopping for a night in Kamouraska. If you head back towards Montreal on Highway 132, you'll make a complete loop of this mostly shoreside scenic Gaspé drive. Kamouraska is about seven hours from Percé, located 15 minutes off the highway on the water's edge. 

Many of the villages that dot the Saint Lawrence shore were resort towns in the 19th century for wealthy Montrealers or New Englanders. Kamouraska has retained its appeal and continues to draw visitors to peruse its lively main street and shop its local, artisan fare. Kamouraska to Montreal is a 250-mile (400-kilometer), four-hour drive.

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What to Do on Quebec's Scenic Gaspe Peninsula

The 12 Best Day Trips from Montreal

The Best Things To Do in Tadoussac, Quebec

What To Do in Magog, Quebec

The 8 Best Day Trips From Quebec City

Your Trip to Quebec City: The Complete Guide

20 Maps of Canada

How to See Canada's Fall Foliage at Its Peak

How to Travel From Montreal to Quebec City by Train, Bus, Car, and Plane

Montreal February Events and Attractions

Canada's Most Scenic Drives

5 Attractions You Shouldn't Miss in Quebec City

5 Popular Montreal Ski Spots

Top 10 Historical Sites in Canada

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Must Do Canada

The Best Things to Do in Canada

7 of the Best Quebec Road Trips

June 15, 2021 By Matthew G. Bailey 14 Comments

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As Canada’s largest province, there’s no shortage of cool things to do in Quebec . From the cosmopolitan city of Montreal to the whale-watching splendors of Tadoussac, Quebec has it all. This is what makes Quebec road trips such a great experience. Whether you’re looking to explore the cities, the wilderness, the small French towns, or everything in-between, there are lots of great road trips in Quebec.

The Gaspé Road Trip

The Gaspe region is one of the top Quebec Road Trips

When it comes to Quebec road trips, the Gaspé region is at the top of our bucket list. Known for its seaside vacations and stunning mountains, this amazing road trip will take you all the way from the major cities to the Easternmost tip of the province. Following Route 132 from the quaint villages of Bas-Saint-Laurent and many others that line the Gaspé coastline, you’ll find plenty of opportunities for savouring local cuisine and wine, observing wildlife, exploring the rich history, and getting outdoors in one of the many national and provincial parks where you can enjoy hiking, deep-sea fishing, boating, and more. Whatever it is you choose to do, don’t miss the legendary Percé Rock at the tip of the Gaspé Peninsula . Taking a photo here will prove that you’ve explored this incredible region of Quebec, which was named one of National Geographic Traveller’s 50 Places of a Lifetime in Canada.

Where to Start?

You can start this road trip from either Montreal or Quebec City. If you start from Montreal, you’ll simply follow Route 132 up towards Quebec City, continuing all along the St. Lawrence River and up the coastline. From Montreal, you’re looking at approximately 920 kilometres one-way and from Quebec City, you’re looking at 700 kilometres one-way.

New France Road Trip

Quebec City is a great place to start or end a road trip in Quebec.

Known locally as the Route de la Nouvelle-France, this is one of the shorter Quebec road trips but combines some stunning destinations such as Quebec City and some smaller communities leading up to Côte-de-Beaupré. Once a supply road connecting the capital of New France ( Quebec City ), you’ll get to visit numerous small communities lined with old homes, churches, and farms, as well as a variety of local museums.

The road trip is only 50 kilometres and winds its way along the magnificent avenue Royale (Route 360) and consists of the communities of Boischatel, L’Ange-Gardien, Château-Richer, Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, Beaupré and Saint-Joachim. You’ll find many attractions that reveal the culture, heritage, and history of the area.

This road trip starts in Quebec City and is just over 50 kilometres in length, making it an incredible day trip from Quebec City.

The Magnificent Fjord Road Trip

The Fjords of Quebec make for some incredibly scenic Quebec road trips.

There are very few inland fjords in the world but one of them is the Saguenay fjord in Quebec. Not only is this Quebec road trip a great adventure for witnessing some spectacular scenery but it’s also home to some of Quebec’s most beautiful villages. Surrounded by 300-metre tall cliffs, this 105-kilometre journey takes you into one of the longest fjords in the world.

In addition to the historic small towns you’re bound to fall in love with, there are also some incredible whale-watching opportunities in Baie-Sainte-Catherine as well as a plethora of options for biking, hiking, or camping. Another cool feature is that you can pick up audio guides and learn more about the towns and attractions along your drive.

This road trip starts in Baie-Sainte-Catherine and has a distance of 235 kilometres. You’ll want at least a day, if not two or three or ten, and you won’t want to miss the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park, Musée de la Nature, the Musée du Fjord, and the Saguenay Fjord National Park.

The Whale Lover Road Trip

Tadoussac Whale Watching

Speaking of whales, one of the best Quebec road trips is the Whale Tour, which consists of Route 138 between Tadoussac to Kegaska in the region of Côte-Nord. Having been whale watching in Tadoussac, I can tell you first-hand that you have a great chance of seeing humpback whales, seals, porpoises, and even beluga whales from time to time. The area, which consists of the St. Lawrence Seaway, is actually home to 13 species of whales, which is what gives this road trip its name.

You’ll truly have a whale of a time (pun intended) as you stop at all the little blue signs that have a little white whale mark, showing you the places where you might be able to spot whales right from the shoreline. But aside from the whales, you’ll also find beautiful views, colourful towns, lighthouses, shipwrecks, wildlife, and delicious seafood cuisine. But whatever you do, don’t miss the chance to jump on a boat or in a Zodiac for some incredible Tadoussac whale watching .

This Quebec road trip starts in the charming town of Tadoussac. The entire road trip is about 850 kilometres, so you’ll definitely want at least a few days to fully enjoy it. Why not a week? After all, you don’t want to miss the Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Centre, Daniel Johnson Dam and Manic-5 Generating Station, Pointe-des-Monts Lighthouse, Vauréal Canyon and falls, and one or two trips out to see the whales.

The King’s Road Trip

Quebec Road Trips for those who love the big cities.

Quebec’s two biggest cities are Montreal and Quebec City and this Quebec road trip connect them! The King’s Road dates back to 1737 when officials decreed that a ‘royal road’ be built to connect the two biggest settlements in what was then New France. Although the road trip is only 280 kilometres, it was once the longest road north of the Rio Grande. Hard to believe when you think of Canada as a whole and the Trans-Canada Highway, which is the longest road in the world. But hey – history!

Although you’ll no longer pass stagecoaches and ox-drawn carts, you will be able to stop at a variety of historical landmarks along the way. You’ll want to visit old towns such as Repentigny and Trois-Rivières, where you can visit beautiful churches and eat local Quebecois cuisine. Then, of course, there’s the cities of Montreal and Quebec City, which can easily take up many days of exploration. Plus, if you’re into cycling, the King’s Road is a Green Route, which means it’s safe for bikers!

You can start this road trip in Montreal or Quebec City. As mentioned, it’s only 280 kilometres and can easily be done in a day, not including time spent in the big cities of course. While there, don’t miss Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade church, the Quebec Folk Culture Museum, the Old Prison of Trois-Rivières, and Lake Saint-Pierre.

The Wine Lovers Road Trip

Quebec road trips for people who love wine.

Although this road trip consists of copious amounts of delicious wine, do not drink and drive. The Winery Road Trip is one of the top Quebec road trips and consists of 21 vineyards that you can easily enjoy by car, by bike, or by tour. Located in the Brome-Missisquoi region , you’ll find two of the oldest wineries in Quebec as well as some new ones as well. In addition to the liquid grapes, you’ll also find amazing restaurants, artisans, and outdoor adventure too.

For this road trip, you’ll want to start in Farnham, which is just outside Montreal. The road trip is approximately 138 kilometres, but if you’re on a bike and drinking wine, you may get lost half a dozen times. Aside from the many vineyards, don’t miss Mont Sutton, Brome Lake, and the wonderful Centre de Santé Euro-Spa.

The Island Road Trip

The Magdalen Islands are one of the most unique Quebec Road Trips

When it comes to island life in Canada, most people probably think of places like Vancouver Island and Prince Edward Island . But another one of Canada’s beautiful postcard-perfect islands is the Magdalen Islands of Quebec. In French, they are called Îles de la Madeleine and in English, they are called the Magdalen Islands. Located in the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, this green archipelago is surrounded by white-sand beaches and stunning red cliffs. In addition to its scenic beauty, it’s also quite famous for its people as they’re known to be warm and hospitable and often chefs, artists, and artisans.

This is another area of Quebec that was voted by National Geographic Traveler as one of Canada’s 50 Places of a Lifetime. Popular activities include wind sports, sea excursions, art galleries, hiking, and indulging in some delicious seafood. There are seven inhabited islands and each has its own features and attractions. However, the entire Route 199 that crossed the entire island is only 85 kilometres long, so you don’t need to worry about any long drives. Instead, it’s recommended to base yourself in one place and explore the other islands as day trips. But, this all depends on how much time you have.

The total distance of the Magdalen Islands is approximately 88 kilometres but if you’re driving from Quebec, you’ll need to cross through New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island before boarding the ferry to the islands from Souris. From Quebec City to Souris, PEI is about 1,000 kilometres, so you’ll want an entire day without stopping just to make it to the ferry. Instead, take some time to explore PEI and New Brunswick along the way. Make it a fun Canadian road trip !

Road Trips in Quebec

As you can see, there’s no shortage of incredible Quebec road trips. Whether it’s cruising between the two major cities or going far up the coast to spot whales and lighthouses, there’s a road trip in Quebec for everyone. But certainly, there are more than eight of them. If you know of some that we haven’t mentioned, please let us know in the comments…or let us know which of these 8 you love the most or hope to do in the future!

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About Matthew G. Bailey

Matthew G. Bailey is the founder and editor-in-chief of Must Do Canada. Growing up in Alberta to a mother from Quebec and a father from Newfoundland, Matt spent his childhood playing hockey under the Northern Lights and hanging out in the forest before moving to Calgary and travelling to more than 250 cities spanning 42 countries and 6 continents. He loves travel, learning new things, playing sports, writing, making videos, photography, and scuba diving. You can also find him at .

Reader Interactions

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June 17, 2021 at 3:47 pm

That’s some beautiful scenery

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June 29, 2021 at 12:00 am

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June 17, 2021 at 6:40 pm

I would like to know more about Canada’s National Parks.

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June 21, 2021 at 10:13 am

Gaspe Pennisula is on my bucket list.

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June 23, 2021 at 12:25 pm

Clustering trips by province or region makes attainable trip planning easier. Budgets and time are critical factors. Local interests make a trip more.likely to happen.

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June 24, 2021 at 8:30 am

Seriously reminded me of how much beauty is in Canada outside my home town

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June 24, 2021 at 4:26 pm


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June 24, 2021 at 7:23 pm

Thank you for the vacation ideas!

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June 29, 2021 at 3:36 pm

Such a nice area, thanks for sharing this article.

June 29, 2021 at 3:39 pm

Such a nice area, my family would enjoy taking a trip to the Gaspé region.

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August 19, 2021 at 3:33 pm

Bookmarking this for sure!

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August 24, 2021 at 7:21 am

I just discovered this site. So handy!

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September 15, 2022 at 2:45 am

You didn’t include western Quebec. We have beautiful scenery and quaint towns. The Laurentien mountains in the fall are spectacular as is the Gatineau Park in the Outaouis region just across from Ottawa. Also Mont Tremblant area for hiking and winter skiing.

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September 15, 2022 at 10:13 am

Okay, we will have to update. Been trying to get over there and do some videos but it’s tough working with the tourism boards there.

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Les voyageuses du Québec | Blog voyage au féminin

Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l’Okanagan

Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Vous pensez partir en road trip vers l’ouest du Canada en voiture? Voici l’itinéraire de notre collaboratrice jusqu’à la Vallée de l’Okanagan, afin d’aller y cueillir des fruits durant l’été. Une expérience à vivre au moins une fois dans votre vie, surtout si vous êtes Québécoise. 

Sommaire de l'article

Mon road trip vers l’ouest du Canada

Ce n’est pas pour jouer les hipsters, mais un road trip  vers l’ouest du Canada est, à mes yeux, un incontournable pour le globe-trotter moyen. Oui bon, je sais, ça sonne millénial cette histoire de road trip mais ça s’explique : on y prend une sacrée raclée en plein dans nos valeurs (et on en sort que meilleur). Je vous ferai donc ici part de mon road trip  vers l’ouest du Canada de deux mois. Et puis, il n’y a pas que des Rocheuses en synonymes de divinités dans l’Ouest canadien. Il s’y trouve également une vallée au microclimat lovant des champs de cerisiers, d’abricots, de poires, de prunes et de vignes : la vallée de l’Okanagan. Oh ! Et vous devinez bien qui les cueillera ces joyaux de la terre ? C’est vous !

Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour la planification et la réalisation de votre voyage, mais que vous voulez un   voyage personnalisé et authentique au Canada , prenez contact avec Sandra, l’expert local d’Evaneos.

Vous pourrez échanger directement avec elle via votre espace client et même  l’appeler au Canada  avec un numéro gratuit ! Vous pouvez demander un devis gratuit ici-même.

Jasper National Park en Alberta dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Jasper National Park en Alberta, un des beaux endroits à voir lors d’un road trip vers l’ouest du Canada

Traverser le pays lors d’un road trip vers l’ouest du Canada de 2 mois

Bien que la destination finale soit la Vallée d’Okanagan, la traversée du Canada dans une voiture bondée de bagages pour trois personnes fait aussi parti de l’aventure et des leçons de vies. Nous partions du Québec le coeur plein d’espoir en notre seul et unique plan pour les 4 932 km qui nous attendaient: Google Maps . Le plan B opérerait sous l’ingéniosité de l’improvisation. Prévoyez de partir au cours du mois de juin, car la cueillette de cerises dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan débute en fin du mois de juin ou en début juillet.

À toutes celles qui partent dans l’Ouest canadien

*** Pour compléter la préparation votre voyage dans l’Ouest canadien , voici ce qu’il vous faut! De quoi rêver en attendant de partir . Laetitia a offert une conférence en ligne sur sa traversée du Canada en van pour la communauté des voyageuses du Québec. Comme on a fait “sold out” en quelques heures, on vous offre la possibilité d’écouter la conférence en rediffusion. Cliquez-ici pour être dirigé vers le lien de nos conférences .

Le meilleur conseil que j’aurais pu me donner avant mon départ en road trip vers l’ouest du Canada va comme suit : surtout, apporte PEU DE TOUT. Il faut voyager léger, car vous n’aurez pas qu’une seule occasion de tomber sous le charme de trésors posés derrière des vitrines. De plus, pas la peine de s’équiper d’un litre de shampooing (vous en aurez curieusement peu besoin dans la vallée de l’Okanagan). J’ai moi-même fait don de beaucoup de mes biens en cours de route, car nous avions parfois parcouru quelques kilomètres à pied sous le poids de notre backpack . Le truc du siècle, c’est de s’équiper pour une semaine de vêtements maximum ! Il y aura toujours une buanderie à votre portée lorsque vous n’en pourrez plus de votre soutien-gorge imbibé de sueur.

Les indispensables (mis à part une parcelle de votre garde-robe): une lampe frontale (une aventure nocturne n’en attendra pas une autre), une paire de souliers confortables (oubliez tout de suite vos converses et vos vans ), un matelas de sol, un sac de couchage allant jusqu’à au moins -15 °C (pour les froides nuits à Banff), un oreiller gonflable puis une tente ou un hamac de camping (coup de coeur pour ce dernier, car il y aura toujours deux arbres à votre disposition dans les champs de fruits pour l’accrocher et c’est très léger à transporter).

Road trip vers l'ouest du Canada dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

En route pour un road trip vers l’ouest du Canada avec ses magnifiques Rocheuses

Première étape de mon road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : L’Ontario

La province la plus longue à traverser au cours de votre road trip vers l’ouest du Canada sera de loin l’Ontario. Ses routes montagneuses mettront d’abord votre véhicule puis ensuite vos relations entre compagnons de voyage à l’épreuve. Vu la largeur de la province, nous avons dormi deux nuits en Ontario malgré le passé du volant aux 4 heures. La première nuitée, nous nous sommes posées sur une aire de camping gratuit trouvé le jour même grâce à l’application wikicamps . Ce qui est totalement génial, c’est qu’elle vous permet de télécharger les cartes des provinces de votre choix lorsque vous avez du wifi pour ensuite vous donner accès à l’application sans réseau ! Elle vous affiche tous les aires de pique-niques et les campings qui se trouveront sur votre chemin et plusieurs d’entre ceux affichés sont gratuits. Rien de mieux pour des vagabonds en liberté.

Camping gratuit en Ontario dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Un camping gratuit en Ontario trouvé grâce à l’application wikicamps

La deuxième nuitée se classe dans le plan B du road trip : l’improvisation. Nous cherchions encore l’enseigne d’un camping que nous avions repéré sur l’application Google Maps , lorsque nous avons dû faire face la tombée de la nuit. Alors que nous avions peine à trouver l’enseigne, nous croisions notre premier ours brun sur la route. Nous avions alors préféré chercher une enseigne un peu plus flamboyante : celle du Walmart. Un petit somme dans le stationnement cordées entre les valises et c’était reparti pour la route.

Traversée de l'Ontario dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Première étape de ce road trip vers l’ouest du Canada, la longue traversée de l’Ontario

Deuxième étape de mon road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : Saskatchewan & Manitoba

La Saskatchewan a fait le bonheur pour l’une d’entre nous par ses vaches à perte de vue et pour les deux autres par son passage très rapide sur notre itinéraire de road trip vers l’ouest du Canada . En moins d’une journée, nous passions la frontière du Manitoba! Je vous conseille de faire un arrêt à Winnipeg, la capitale du Manitoba. Cela vous permettra de dégourdir vos oreilles bouchées par les vents de l’autoroute et la musique assourdissante.

Prairies canadiennes dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Paysages typiques des Prairies canadiennes au Manitoba et en Saskatchewan

Si, comme nous, vous souhaitez tout de même reprendre rapidement la route, je vous recommande d’au moins faire un tour au The   Forks National Historic Site . Non seulement pour ses tonnes de canards flânant au bord de la rivière, mais aussi pour son essence historique. Des sculptures partagent l’espace du site avec des oeuvres d’art, un amphithéâtre offrant des concerts gratuits ainsi qu’un marché où vous pourrez partager un bon repas et une crème glacée.

The Forks national historic site à Winnipeg dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Si vous avez plus de temps, rendez-vous au quartier de la bourse où vous pourrez là aussi apprécier l’architecture historique de 150 bâtiments désormais animés par des galeries d’art, des boutiques et des restaurants. De quoi mêler le passé au présent à la perfection.

Troisième étape de mon road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : L’Alberta (Banff & Jasper)

La suite de ce road trip vers l’ouest du Canada nous a amené en Alberta. Même les athées auront peine à ne pas clamer la divinité des Rocheuses lovant Banff. Les autobus bondés de touristes dispersés aux quatre coins de la ville n’en sont pas venus à me défaire du charme qu’a eu cette région sur moi.

Bien des auberges de jeunesse seront à votre disposition, mais ne vous laissez pas apeurer par les affiches de mise en garde contre les loups! Plantez votre tente dans le sol du Parc National de Banff, vous me remercierez au petit matin une fois la fermeture éclair de votre tente ‘dézippée’.

Parc National de Banff en Alberta dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Quel plaisir de poser sa tente dans le Parc National de Banff dans un aussi beau décor

Également, une tournée des magasins de la rue principale de Banff est un incontournable d’autant plus qu’une tournée de shooter le soir même à l’un de ses nombreux bars.  Dorlotez ensuite votre lendemain de veille dans les sources d’eau chaude du Upper Hot Springs . Une bonne façon de combler nos yeux fatigués d’une imprenable vue sur les montagnes à un prix plus que raisonnable !

Magasinage rue principale de Banff en Alberta dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Viennent par la suite les autres attraits touristiques pour lesquels vous ne regretterez pas d’avoir suivi le troupeau. Les grands classiques de Banff sont comme les grands classiques du cinéma : le temps que vous y accorderez en vaut le coup d’oeil.

Tout en haut de la liste s’inscrit le Lac Moraine. Partez très tôt le matin afin de pouvoir profiter de la vue angélique sans le bourdonnement des tonnes de touristes affolés. Vous pourriez ensuite vous rendre au Lac Louise, mais à mon humble avis, ce point de vue est moins impressionnant que le précédent. Je vous conseille plutôt d’explorer le Johnston Canyon . C’est à couper le souffle et bien moins encombré de gens.  En cours de route vers Jasper, arrêtez-vous pour faire une randonnée au Lac Peyto pour un spectaculaire point de vue sur l’ Icefield Parkway.

Lac Moraine dans les Rocheuses canadiennes en Alberta dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Ensuite, reprenez le volant vers l’auberge jeunesse Hi Athabaska (trouvé grâce à l’application Hostelworld ) située en nature à Jasper, juste à côté des chutes d’Athabaska où vous pourrez vous balader le jour suivant.  Le petit village de Jasper ne tient pas beaucoup d’attractions en ville, mais la région gorge de randonnées dont, entre autres, le Canyon Maligne (4 km), la Vallée des Cinqs Lacs (4,5 km) et pour les plus turbulents l’ Edith Cavell Meadows (8,5 km), le Sulphur Skyline (8 km) et l’ Indian Ridge (12 km).

⇒ À lire également : Un road trip en Alberta 

Randonnée au Canyon Maligne à Jasper en Alberta dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Randonnée au Canyon Maligne à Jasper en Alberta

Quatrième étape de mon road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : Vancouver  en Colombie-Britannique

On se ravitaille de deux-trois grosses bouffées de l’air frais de Jasper avant de tourner le contact de la voiture vers Vancouver en Colombie-Britannique, la dernière province de ce road trip vers l’ouest du Canada.

En cours de route, réservez votre AirBnb : il y aura de quoi passer le temps. Énormément de choix s’offriront à vous et il y en a pour tous les goûts (et tous les budgets)!

Une fois stationné à votre hébergement, évitez les déplacements en voiture à travers le trafic de Vancouver, tant d’autres options s’offrent à vous: le métro, le bus, le skytrain et la location de vélos. L’achat de billets pour ces différents transports en commun se fait directement via des machines ou dans les London Drug Store dispersés dans la ville.

Pour ceux à qui les boutiques leur ont manqué au creux des montagnes de l’Alberta, vous serrez servi sur un plateau d’argent sur la Main Street . Prévoyez un après-midi complet pour la longer, puis régalez-vous d’un bon souper dans l’un des restaurants du Chinatown situé à côté du centre-ville. Digérez ensuite votre festin lors d’une promenade dans le quartier le plus historique de Vancouver : le quartier Gastown .

J’invite les courageux à consacrer une journée additionnelle à Vancouver pour traverser le pont de singe de Capilano.  Un autre incontournable de la Colombie-Britannique : aller surfer sur l’île de Tofino. Pour ce faire, montez simplement à bord d’un traversier depuis la ville de Vancouver, puis campez à l’un des campings sur l’île.

⇒ À lire également : Les incontournables à visiter à Vancouver 

Visiter Vancouver au Canada dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Vancouver, une belle ville à visiter lors d’un road trip vers l’ouest du Canada

Dernière étape de mon road trip vers l’ouest : La Vallée de l’Okanagan au B.C.

La dernière étape de notre road trip vers l’ouest du Canada , la Vallée de l’Okanagan où nous allions passer quelques temps pour travailler. À votre arrivée dans la municipalité d’Oliver, installez-vous au camping Loosebay à seulement cinq dollars la nuit par personne. Les jacassements des tonnes de Québécois venus pour le “cherries picking” (la cueillette de cerises) vous feront sentir comme chez vous. Ce camping ne nécessite pas de réservation et il détient plus de 360 terrains, donc pas de soucis pour la disponibilité.

Avant de pouvoir commencer la cueillette, vous devez d’abord vous procurer vos outils de travail : un bucket et un harnais. Consultez la page Facebook « BC’s» afin d’en acheter un usagé. Vous y trouverez également beaucoup de conseils et d’offres d’emploi de cueilleurs de fruits.

Sinon, le bouche-à-oreille fait bien son oeuvre à travers la Vallée de l’Okanagan. Vous vous ferez généralement approcher pour un travail en flânant au parc d’Oliver ou en fêtant la St-Jean-Baptiste au légendaire Shit Lake (la fraternité québécoise y est à son comble année après année).

Puis, si c’est toujours sans succès, cognez directement à la porte du propriétaire du champ et offrez-vous comme main d’oeuvre. Vous serez généralement engagé à l’instant. Plantez ensuite votre tente au coeur de ce magnifique champ de cerisiers là où les autres pickers se trouvent puis, fêtez ça en trinquant le fameux 2 litres de cidre de la Vallée de l’Okanagan.

La cueillette des cerises débute dans les villes situées plus au sud de la Vallée de l’Okanagan, soit : Creston, Osoyoos, Oliver, Keremeos. Vous travaillerez pour un verger jusqu’à ce que vous ayez cueilli toutes ses cerises. Ensuite, vous vous déplacerez vers la prochaine ville au nord tel que Vernon ou Kelowna afin de vous installer et travailler dans un nouveau verger.

Le cherries picking peut être très payant… pour les habitués ! Effectivement, si c’est votre première fois, vous ne ferez pas fortune cet été à coup de cinq dollars pour vingt livres de cerises, mais l’expérience en vaut votre portefeuille léger. Afin d’être productif, il faudra vous coucher tôt et éviter d’accumuler les fonds de bouteille (bien que le coeur soit à la fête dans la région), car le propriétaire du champ viendra vous réveiller dès 4h30 le matin! Une journée de travail se termine généralement aux alentours de midi à cause de la chaleur accablante qui ramollit les cerises et les rend ainsi difficiles à cueillir. Vous aurez alors tous vos après-midi pour profiter des nombreuses plages longeant les magnifiques lacs de la région.

Et les congés dans tout ça ? Ils se feront rares puisqu’ils ne se présenteront qu’en jours de pluie, dans une région au micro climat plutôt sec. 

Vous pourrez tout de même profiter de ces journées pour vous rendre à l’une des surprenantes piscines intérieures de la région comme Penticton Community Centre qui contient un sauna, un spa et une grande piscine à un prix moindre. Vous pourrez aussi vous y doucher, pour faire changement du boyau d’arrosage du verger de temps à autre. En effet, on profite de notre séjour dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan pour offrir un bon traitement naturel à notre peau et notre chevelure : un break de savon et de shampooing quotidien. On se donne le droit de laisser le gras naturel de notre corps faire son travail dans le royaume des bohèmes.

Ce que vous avez à gagner dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan

Faute de ne pas avoir rempli mes poches au cours de mon été dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan, je m’y suis farci l’esprit de valeurs et de bon sens. Vous y côtoierez des marginaux, des sans-abris, des étudiants, des docteurs et leurs titres mueront tous pour individu. Les préjugés tomberont comme des mouches. L’entraide sans mauvaise intention a surpris plus d’une fois ma mine de banlieusarde. De plus, la vie dans une tente vous dressera une liste de besoins essentiels toute neuve et vos nuits sur votre matelas de sol redresseront votre dos. C’est gagné, non?

Paysage de vignes de la Vallée de l'Okanagan en Colombie-Britannique dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Informations pratiques pour organiser un road trip vers l’ouest du Canada afin d’aller travailler dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan

Avoir un plan b dans l’ouest canadien.

Si la vie en nature ne s’harmonise pas aussi bien avec vous que vous le croyiez, faites comme l’une de nos camarades de voyage: dénichez-vous un Staff accomodation à Banff ! Il s’agit d’un travail où l’employeur vous logera soit dans un appartement ou une maison en colocation.

Comment se déplacer une fois sur place

C’est très commode d’avoir un véhicule dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan puisqu’il nous permet de transporter beaucoup plus d’équipements de camping et de déménager vers un nouveau verger avec un peu plus d’énergie que de carburant. Par contre, être à pied dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan est tout de même très courant. En effet, toutes sortes de surprises peuvent vous attendre à l’autre bout du pays, y compris une voiture qui rend l’âme ou des chemins qui se séparent. Dans ce cas, les déplacements par le pouce se font généralement très bien dans cette région puisqu’en saison estivale, elle est bondée de voyageurs qui sauront se mettre dans vos souliers.

Où dormir lors d’un road trip vers l’ouest du Canada

⇒ Suggestion LVDQ : Lors de votre road trip vers l’ouest du Canada , vous pouvez  explorer les offres sur Booking afin de trouver un hébergement à votre goût pour vos escales. Chaque fois que vous utilisez ces liens pour réserver, Booking nous verse une partie de sa commission sans que cela vous coûte davantage. Ce simple geste permet de nous aider à faire vivre ce Magazine web. Merci de nous encourager dans notre travail de vous fournir de l’information pour vos voyages.

Se rendre vers l’ouest du Canada en avion

Plutôt que de faire un road trip vers l’ouest du Canada , si vous préférez partir vous y rendre en avion, voici nos conseils pour l’achat de votre billet :

⇒ SUGGESTION LVDQ pour trouver un vol pas cher vers Vancouver ou Calgary au Canada  : Nous vous suggérons deux bons comparateurs de prix pour trouver vos vols les moins chers. Ce sont deux comparateurs de vols très populaires et simples d’utilisation que nous avons choisis comme partenaires. On vous recommande   CheapOair   qui offre même une carte en temps réel des destinations et leurs conditions de voyage où il est possible de voyager en temps de covid en fonction de votre pays d’origine et de votre citoyenneté. Et bien sûr,   Expedia , qui est aussi intéressant pour trouver des hôtels à bon prix. En cliquant sur nos liens avant de faire vos recherches et de réserver, sans que cela ne vous coûte plus cher, vous nous encouragez à faire vivre la mission de Les voyageuses du Québec qui est de démocratiser le voyage au féminin et à créer des projets pour la belle communauté que nous sommes.

Assurances voyage pour votre road trip vers l’ouest du Canada

Si vous recherchez une bonne assurance voyage pour votre road trip vers l’ouest du Canada (vous devez avoir une assurance voyage pour visiter le Canada, même si vous êtes Québécoise) , fiable et appréciée des voyageurs depuis de nombreuses années, on vous suggère fortement de faire votre demande de soumission ici, via ce lien, sur le   site de Sécuriglobe , le plus important courtier en assurances voyage et santé au Canada qui représente plus de 7 assureurs différents. C’est un bon partenaire à nous et si vous cliquez sur notre lien ici-haut, vous serez dirigés directement sur notre page partenaire pour faire votre achat en ligne qui vous donnera automatiquement 5% de rabais. Si vous préférez les contacter via téléphone, il est important de leur mentionner le code REF002.

L’outil par excellence de planification de voyage

Pour celles qui adorent planifier leurs voyages, vous serez ravies d’apprendre qu’il existe un outil hyper complet de planification et de gestion de voyage. Créé par deux Québécois, dont Nathalie, fière voyageuse du Québec,   Planning Motion est l’outil en ligne à avoir . Ça fonctionne sur un plan d’abonnement et cette application vous permettra d’avoir au même endroit le calendrier interactif de votre voyage, votre itinéraire sur une carte (qu’il est possible de partager), les informations et documents de vos réservations d’hébergements, de transports, etc, les dépenses converties en une seule devise, des listes de planning, un PDF complet du voyage et bien plus. L’essayer, c’est l’adopter!

Banff National Park en Alberta dans notre article Road trip vers l’ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan #ouestcanada #ouestcanadien #roadtrip #canada #voyage

Est-ce que cet article vous donne envie de  faire un road trip vers l’ouest du Canada? Ou peut-être avez-vous déjà eu la chance de voyager en voiture au Canada d’Est en Oues t pour aller également faire la récolte des petits fruits dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan? Nous serions curieuses que vous nous parliez de votre expérience de road trip vers l’ouest du Canada ,   ainsi que vos suggestions de quoi faire au Canada lors d’une traversée du pays  dans la section des commentaires.

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Road trip vers l'Ouest du Canada : Mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l'Okanagan

* Cet article a été rendu possible grâce à la collaboration de notre auteure, tous les propos et les expériences demeurent les siens. Ils comportent également des liens affiliés de partenaires, choisis  judicieusement par l’équipe de LVDQ, pour vous aider à partir en road trip vers l’ouest du Canada pour aller faire la cueillette de cerises dans la Vallée de l’Okanagan.

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Marika Marchand

Du haut de ses 19 ans, Marika a délaissé sa fameuse chaise de collégienne pour papillonner en direction de la Taïlande. Un mois dans un autre fuseau horaire fût suffisant pour qu'elle se mette à toujours parler de sa prochaine destination plutôt que de ses projets d'études lors des partys de famille. Comme un poisson dans l'eau, elle enchaîne ensuite les avions et les road trips. Le dépaysement devient donc très vite addictif pour elle et réveille sa fibre artistique. Elle écrit, écrit et écrit. Aujourd’hui à 23 ans, elle rédige son premier bouquin. Elle a aussi pris goût à la photographie qu'elle a eu la chance d’exercer en travaillant pour une entreprise locale de produits naturels. Elle adore les sensations fortes. Tout ce qu'elle demande, c'est qu'on la sorte de sa zone de confort!

Voyager seule en Inde en tant que femme : Conseils d’une voyageuse en solo

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road trip quebec vers vancouver

Off Track Travel

Ultimate 2 Week Western Canada Road Trip from Vancouver: Itinerary, Tips & Map

If you have only one chance (and two weeks) to explore Western Canada, this is the road trip for you.

As well as including all of the ‘must sees,’ this two week Western Canada road trip itinerary features many of the contrasting landscapes that make this region so unique. Think temperate rainforest, desert and mountains, all in one road trip!

Banff viewpoint on Norquay Road, showing rugged Mount Rundle looming above Banff townsite

This road trip guide is shaped by 10+ years of experience living and travelling in British Columbia and Alberta. JR and I have tried and tested every single activity mentioned.

Filled with more than 6500 words of local knowledge and advice, this Western Canada road trip guide is intended to be used as a starting point for planning your trip.

A lone tree rests on the sand on long beach, with calm ocean visible on right hand side and forest on left

Adjust the suggestions to your interests or add a couple of days in the locations that sound most appealing to you.

The guide includes a day-by-day overview of the entire two-week road trip itinerary, as well as planning tips to help save you money (and stress!) along the way.

Here’s what to expect:

Road trip itinerary at a glance

Need to know info.

  • Vancouver to Whistler
  • Whistler to Kamloops
  • Kamloops to Valemount
  • Valemount to Jasper
  • Jasper to Banff
  • Banff to Golden
  • Golden to Revelstoke
  • Revelstoke to the Okanagan Valley
  • Okanagan Valley to Vancouver

Camping details

  • Alternative itineraries

More planning resources

Last updated January 2024 . This post includes affiliate links. If you make a purchase or booking through one of these links, we may receive a small percentage of the sale.

Sloped vineyards above Okanagan Lake on the Naramata Bench in Penticton

14 day Western Canada road trip overview

Time to start planning your once-in-a-lifetime Western Canada road trip!

This section of the guide provides an overview of the itinerary with a map and some important need-to-know information.

Vehicle windshield view of Icefields Parkway in Alberta, with mountains rising in distance above road. The road is bordered by trees, some with autumnal colours (yellow, orange)

Before we go any further, let’s have a look at the entire 14 day road trip itinerary from start to finish.

Day 1 : Vancouver Day 2 : Vancouver to Whistler Day 3 : Whistler Day 4 : Whistler to Kamloops Day 5 : Kamloops to Valemount Day 6 : Valemount to Jasper Day 7 : Jasper

Day 8 : Jasper to Banff Day 9 : Banff Day 10 : Banff Day 11 : Banff to Golden Day 12 : Golden to Revelstoke Day 13 : Revelstoke to the Okanagan Valley Day 14 : Okanagan Valley to Vancouver

It is noticeable that the majority of this road trip is in British Columbia. I was tempted to call it the ‘ ultimate 2 week British Columbia road trip ‘ but decided that the inclusion of both Jasper and Banff made it a bit too inaccurate.

If the routing looks too fast for you, I suggest looking at the alternative itineraries noted at the bottom of the page

Travelling to Canada from Europe? While it is easier and faster to drive long distances in Western Canada compared to Europe, you may find that this itinerary includes way too much driving for your preferences. Again, I would suggest checking out the alternative itineraries section.

Please note that this post previously mentioned a two-night stay on Vancouver Island within the itinerary.

I have recently chosen to remove this recommendation primarily due to the high amount of ferry cancellations in 2023 ( more information and advice later in the guide ).

On water view of Emerald Lake, surrounded by snow capped mountains and bordered by forest. The lake colour is bright blue

Western Canada road trip map

Use the below Google Map for orientation and planning.

Each of the suggested activities is marked on the map, with suggested accommodations in each town and city.

2 week Western Canada road trip Google Maps screenshot

  • The best time to drive this road trip is July to September . June is also a good time, though a handful of these activities may have limited accessibility
  • This itinerary is relatively fast-paced . If you choose to do most of the activities listed, you will likely be busy all day. Need more downtime? Stretch this itinerary over three weeks or skip some of the activities
  • The route and suggested activities are aimed at people who enjoy exploring nature and being active while on vacation
  • I have suggested at least one short, easy hike/walk each day (7km or less) . Other hiking trails mentioned are aimed at keen hikers looking for longer, intermediate/difficult level routes
  • Most of the overnight stops are in small towns. During the summer months, accommodation and dining availability and choice can be limited
  • Advance reservations (6 months or more) are recommended for Whistler, Banff and Jasper in particular
  • Before you head to Western Canada , learn how to avoid negative bear encounters and basic outdoor safety
  • This itinerary focuses on free activities over paid ones. I have, however, mentioned half a dozen paid attractions which I think offer one-of-a-kind experiences
  • Keep in mind that this road trip offers just a taste of the activities and hiking trails on offer in these locations. It is impossible to do everything in a 2 week road trip !
  • When exploring , be sure to always Leave No Trace (dispose of trash properly, stay on established trails, don’t feed wildlife)
  • A national park pass is required to visit Jasper, Banff, Yoho, Glacier and Revelstoke national parks (all mentioned in this guide). These parks are all covered by the same day pass
  • Discover more tips and advice in our BC trip planning guide

Narrow moss covered canyon with river rushing through below. There is a fenced bridge crossing the canyon

Day by day road trip guide

Read on to discover a detailed breakdown of this 2 week Western Canada road trip itinerary, including where to stay and what to do each day.

Vancouver (Day 1)

Surrounded by temperate rainforest, mountains and ocean, Vancouver is a strikingly beautiful city.

The downtown area is located at the very end of what is known as British Columbia’s ‘Lower Mainland,’ with neighbouring cities (Burnaby, Surrey, Abbotsford) spreading out to the east.

Vancouver is the ideal place to get your bearings before starting your 2 week Western Canada road trip.

Coal Harbour area of Vancouver with paved coastal path next to ocean with skyscrapers in background - Vancouver is one of the most popular destinations for a working holiday in Canada

Best things to do in Vancouver

  • One day isn’t a lot of time in Vancouver. Depending on the length of your journey to Vancouver, you may want to take this day slowly and not see/do that much
  • The Vancouver Seawall around Stanley Park is one of Vancouver’s most unique features. It’s possible to rent a bike or just walk one section
  • The Granville Island Public Market is a firm favourite for tourists and locals alike – arrive with an empty stomach!
  • Of course, a scroll around downtown is essential. Gastown , Vancouver’s oldest neighbourhood, is one of my favourite areas, with cobblestone streets, galleries, cafes and boutiques
  • If the downtown areas do not hold any interest for you, consider a trip to Grouse Mountain . Take the challenge to hike to the top via the Grouse Grind (2.5km with 800m elevation!) or ride the cable car. Spectacular views await at the top, plus rescued grizzly bears and a lumberjack show

Close up of steaming Gastown clock in downtown Vancouver with six story brick building in background

Where to stay in Vancouver

Looking to stay downtown but want to pay less than $400/night? We’ve stayed at the Moda Hotel several times and enjoyed both the location and heritage building surroundings. The cheapest rooms are not very spacious but they have everything you need for a short stay.

On a stricter budget? I’ve heard great things about the YWCA Hotel . The location is fantastic, being walkable to everywhere downtown. The cheapest rooms have shared bathrooms.

It is important to know that there are no campgrounds in downtown Vancouver.

Vancouver to Whistler (Day 2)

Vancouver to Whistler driving distance: 121km Driving time without activities : 1 hour 45 minutes

Time to get out of the city! The drive to Whistler is a well travelled route though also incredibly pretty. Howe Sound borders the road on one side, with high cliffs and mountains on the other.

A huge granite rock looms over Squamish

Best things to do between Vancouver and Whistler

  • Shannon Falls is an ideal first stop to stretch and get your bearings. The waterfall is just a five-minute walk from the parking lot
  • If you’re curious what lies at the top of the mountains, take the Sea to Sky Gondola to find out. Breathtaking vistas of the ocean and surrounding mountains await!
  • The small town of Squamish is just a little further up the highway. The dramatic Stawamus Chief , a huge granite monolith, can be seen from downtown. Stop for an early dinner or to get food supplies
  • Last stop before Whistler is Brandywine Falls. Allow 20-30 minutes to walk the easy 1km return trail to the viewpoint

Large waterfall cascades from platform into cauldron

Where to stay in Whistler

Whistler has a whole host of accommodation options to choose from. Booking as early as possible is highly recommended.

The Pangea Pod Hotel is right in the heart of the action of Whistler Village, but without the price tag of surrounding hotels.

Families and larger groups may like the Whistler Village Inn & Suites , which offers a number of different room configurations. The location is central but surprisingly quiet.

The closest provincial park campground to Whistler is Nairn Falls , around 25 minutes drive north on Highway 99. Another option is Alice Lake , which is in Squamish (40 minutes south). Reservations highly recommended.

Elevated view looking down on alpine lake, surrounded by snow capped mountains on Whistler Mountain. The views are slightly obscured by smoke

Whistler (Day 3)

Whistler is one of North America’s largest ski resorts. But this mountain paradise is a wonderful summer destination as well.

This is particularly true if you love to hike as the winter lift system can be utilised for easy access into the alpine (almost zero uphill climbs necessary!)

Patio seating outside European ski village style buildings in Whistler village

Best things to do in Whistler

  • After breakfast, board the Village Gondola to reach the peak of Whistler Mountain (2,181m). Take in the extraordinary views and then ride the Peak Express chairlift (Friday to Sunday only) to the Top of the World Summit (2182m). Top tip – buy your tickets online to avoid most of the line
  • Return to Whistler Mountain to take the incredible Peak 2 Peak gondola to Blackcomb Mountain , where more alpine trails await. I’d recommend the easy Alpine Loop (1.4km). When finished, ride the Blackcomb Gondola back down to the village
  • Cool off with a swim in Alta Lake . Note that parking is limited so walk or take the bus if you can (#10, #20, #25 BC Transit buses)
  • In the evening, explore Whistler’s alpine-themed centre and take a photo with the huge Olympic Rings
  • Looking for some downtime? Visit Scandinave Spa for some thermal therapy. Access to this adults-only outdoor spa is available without a reservation, though a waitlist does operate at busy times
  • If they haven’t had enough excitement already, kids may love to try the longest zipline in North America

Here to hike? The premier alpine hike on Whistler Mountain is the High Note Trail . The 9.4km route begins from the Top of the World Summit and descends through rugged rocky terrain and meadows to finish at the top of the Village Gondola

Yellow hiker sign on rock at Whistler Mountain, with snow capped peaks in background

Whistler to Kamloops (Day 4)

Whistler to Kamloops driving distance: 300km Driving time without activities : 4 hours

Highway 99 continues beyond Whistler and through the spectacular Garibaldi Ranges.

The lush mountainous landscape doesn’t last however, with the second half of this drive transitioning into a completely different (and much drier!) ecosystem.

The day finishes in the city of Kamloops, situated in British Columbia’s dry grasslands region.

Dry desert landscape with highway on left and railway line on right. There is a tunnel blasted through the rock

Best things to do between Whistler and Kamloops

  • Nairn Falls is a must-see, situated 25 minutes north of Whistler. The viewpoint is 3km return from the parking lot
  • Enjoy morning coffee or lunch in Pemberton , a cute village surrounded by mountains
  • If you’ve already secured a day pass (only possible two days in advance), stop to visit the famous Joffre Lakes . These turquoise-coloured lakes are very popular but rightly so. The hike is 500m one-way to the first lake, 4km to the middle lake, 5km to the upper lake
  • Beyond Duffy Lake , the landscape starts to change dramatically. Stop in Lillooet to take it all in (pick up some treats from the bakery too!)
  • There is a great viewpoint/rest area 30 minutes west of Kamloops

Where to stay in Kamloops

Kamloops has a wide choice of accommodation and eateries. An alternative overnight destination would be Clearwater. The drive would take around an hour and a half longer but would significantly reduce overall driving time the next day.

Kamloops’ best value accommodation is found at… Canadas Best Value Inn (seriously!) Another good option is the downtown Plaza Hotel.

For upscale lodgings in the downtown area, book a stay at the Delta Hotel . The location is convenient for restaurants and also for departing towards Clearwater (your destination on day 5).

Pauls Lake Provincial Park has a charming forested campground within walking distance of sandy beaches. The park is 25km from Kamloops.

An alternative idea would be to drive directly to Wells Gray Provincial Park (more details below) and stay at one of the three campgrounds there instead.

Reservations are possible for both Clearwater Lake and Falls Creek campgrounds . We find Pyramid to be more conveniently located for waterfalls but it is first come first serve only.

141m Helmckcen Falls plunging into a canyon in Wells Gray Provincial Park

Kamloops to Valemount (Day 5)

Kamloops to Valemount driving distance: 322km (+90km sightseeing) Driving time without activities : 5 hours

The star attraction today is Wells Gray Provincial Park , a protected area just north of Clearwater (1 hour 30 minutes drive from Kamloopos)

Part of a volcanic field that started forming approximately 3.5 million years ago, Wells Gray is host to 40+ spectacular waterfalls as well as glacier lakes, snow-capped mountains and more.

The drive to Clearwater from Kamloops is pretty straightforward. Watch for the Canadian Mountaineer train on the parallel tracks!

On arrival, pick up lunch supplies and then head onto Clearwater Valley Road for 2-3 hours of waterfall chasing.

A tall waterfall dramatically falls from a rockface below

Best things to do in Wells Gray Provincial Park and on the way to Valemount

  • The biggest waterfall in Wells Gray Provincial Park is Helmcken Falls (141m high!), which is located at the very end of the paved section of the road
  • On the way there, stop at Spahats Falls (10 minute walk from the parking lot), Dawson Falls (900m return) and the Mushbowl (roadside)
  • An optional stop is Moul Falls . It is accessible only via a 6km return hike. The first half of the trail is flat, wide and very easy. The second half is narrower and rockier, with the final approach to the waterfall featuring some short, steep slopes and a couple of staircases
  • Beyond Helmcken Falls, the road is unpaved. If you want to continue, the Ray Farm Trail is 3km return (homesteading history, interesting mineral springs)
  • The 1.6km return trip to Bailey’s Chute Trail combines both waterfalls and rapids
  • After driving back to Clearwater, return to Highway 5 and continue to Valemount through the lush North Thompson Valley
  • The drive between Clearwater and Valemount is pleasant, though there are not many easily accessible roadside activities

Here to hike? The best hiking trail in Wells Gray Provincial Park is the Trophy Meadow Trail . Providing quick access to the subalpine, it is one of my favourite trails in all of BC! The one downside is that the trailhead is located at the end of an unpaved road

Yellow and purple wildflowers with rock piles on left and right, with rounded mountains in background

Where to stay in Valemount

Valemount is a small village (pop 1052) with a surprisingly good choice of accommodation. There’s an excellent local brewery , a very popular Swiss-German bakery and an entry-by-donation museum .

Canadas Best Value Inn Valemount is a great no-frills option while the Comfort Inn & Suites offers more amenities and complimentary breakfast.

The most upscale place in Valemount is the Best Western Plus . If you’re looking for something a little more unique and local, try Valemount Mountain Retreat Guesthouse .

Valemount has several private RV parks . An alternative idea is to stay at one of Mount Robson’s provincial park campgrounds . I prefer Robson River over Robson Meadows, but both are good.

Back view of JR standing on rock in front of waterfall plunging into rocky bowl (Moul Falls)

Valemount to Jasper (Day 6)

Valemount to Jasper driving distance: 123km Driving time without activities : 1 hour 30 minutes (+ time change)

The drive between Valemount and Jasper is wonderfully scenic, though it also features a time change. Prepare to lose one hour today!

Before leaving Valempount, be sure to check out the Swiss-German bakery if you haven’t already.

Best things to do between Valemount and Jasper

  • Shortly after turning onto Highway 16 you’ll arrive at Rearguard Falls Provincial Park . A steep and short trail leads down to a number of viewing platforms of this thundering waterfall
  • Around the next highway corner is the most spectacular view of Mount Robson , the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies (3954m). Stop at the Visitor Centre to get a closer look and view indoor exhibits about the mountain. There’s a good café as well
  • The final stop of the day is beautiful Overlander Falls . Allow 30 minutes to walk to the main viewpoint and back
  • Time change in mind, you’ll likely arrive in Jasper in the mid afternoon. Check into your accommodation and enjoy a stroll around the downtown area
  • In the evening, consider the scenic drive to Pyramid Lake , where elk are commonly seen. Take a walk on Pyramid Island

Looking across fields of daisies to forest, with snow capped Mount Robson Provincial Park looming above. There is a single lone clown at the peak

Where to stay in Jasper

Accommodation in Jasper is high in demand. This combined with the small size of Jasper means that prices are high too. For these reasons, I would recommend booking accommodation in Jasper as soon as possible.

The Mount Robson Inn is a solid downtown accommodation pick. A wide range of room configurations offer particularly good value for families and larger groups. Breakfast is included with every stay and guests also have access to a hot tub. Whistler’s Inn is an ideal alternative for couples.

Campers have a choice of campgrounds in Jasper. We have stayed most often at Whistlers Campground , which was completely renovated a few years ago.

Wapiti Campground is located just down the road from Whistlers and is smaller. Both are only 5 minutes drive from town.

Road view of Highway 16 with red clouds above

Jasper (Day 7)

Driving distance: 90km Driving time without activities : 2 hours

Jasper National Park is Canada’s largest, with the small town of Jasper at the centre of it all. With two nights here, you’ll be able to see some of the park’s most impressive sights and also enjoy the charm of the compact Jasper townsite.

Elevated view looking down on canoeist on calm Maligne Lake, approaching peninsula with scattered trees, with background of huge mountains

Best things to do in Jasper

  • With one full day in Jasper National Park, I would prioritise visiting Maligne Canyon and Maligne Lake , both located on Maligne Lake Road (100km return)
  • Allow 2 hours to walk the 5km loop along the rim of Maligne Canyon . It includes six bridges, numerous impressive viewpoints and even several waterfalls. Shorter loops are possible as well
  • Continue the drive along Maligne Lake Road to the Medicine Lake Lookout
  • At the end of the road is Maligne Lake itself. Pre-book a cruise to Spirit Island , one of Canada’s most iconic and spectacular sights. Yes, the cruise is super touristy but there’s no other way to see the true beauty of Maligne Lake quickly ( padd l ing to Spirit Island takes around 8-10 hours return).
  • If you have extra time, consider taking a short drive along Highway 16 beyond Jasper. The road parallels the impressive Athabasca River

Here to hike? Get an early start and head directly to Maligne Lake. The Bald Hills loop is the best ‘bang for buck’ trail in this area, offering spectacular above treeline views of Maligne Lake. The return distance to the summit is 15km with 715m of elevation gain

Wooden bridge with fence leading onto small island on Pyramid Lake with collection of trees. A mountauin rises above the island in the background. The trees are highlighted with golden autumnal colours

Jasper to Banff (Day 8)

Jasper to Banff driving distance: 289km (+10km sightseeing) Driving time without activities : 3 hours 30 minutes

Often cited as one of the best road trips in the world, the Icefields Parkway is a 230km long highway along the Continental Divide. It starts in Jasper and ends near Lake Louise, 60km west of Banff

The road is lined with towering mountains and immense glaciers, providing jaw dropping vistas no matter where you look.

There are numerous roadside viewpoints along the route, as well as hiking trailheads and picnic areas. Be sure to get gas and food supplies before leaving Jasper.

Vehicle windshield view of Icefields Parkway in Alberts, with RV driving on two lane road next to huge snowy mountains

Best things to do between Jasper and Banff

  • Driving the Icefields Parkway without stopping takes just less than three hours. To visit the below sights and stop at half a dozen viewpoints, allow four to six hours
  • Our favourite roadside viewpoints are Crowfoot Glacier , Bow Lake, Waterfowl Lake , Weeping Wall , the Big Bend , Tangle Creek Falls and the Goats and Glacier Lookout (all marked on the road trip map )
  • Athabasca Falls is a powerful cascade accessible within a very short walk of the parking area, optional side trail into the canyon (well worth the stairs!)
  • Make a quick stop at Sunwapta Falls to see the almost roadside Upper Falls
  • The Columbia Icefield  is the largest icefield in the Canadian Rockies, with the Athabasca Glacier being the most accessible part. The easy Toe of the Athabasca Glacier  hike is 1.4km return
  • The bright turquoise colour of Peyto Lake has to be seen to believed! The walk from the parking lot is uphill, just over 1km return
  • Bow Lake is another great spot to stretch your legs during the latter half of the Icefields Parkway

Elevated view looking down on turquoise coloured Peyto Lake, surrounded by mountains in Banff National Park

Where to stay in Banff

While Banff is about double the size of Jasper, it also receives almost double the amount of visitors. The price of accommodation is usually a bit higher too. As with Jasper, I’d recommend booking as early as possible.

Our favourite downtown hotel is Moose Hotel & Suites . It is situated right on Banff Avenue, just a few minutes walk from a huge choice of restaurants, cafes and stores. One of the other highlights of the hotel is the huge roof top patio with hot tub.

There are a number of different campgrounds to choose from in the Banff area. Our preferred campground for tent camping is Tunnel Mountain Village 1 . The sites are relatively private and the campground is just a short bus ride away from downtown.

If your budget doesn’t stretch to staying in Banff, consider the nearby town of Canmore instead (still touristy but more of a local vibe, slightly lower prices). The Pocaterra Inn offers one of the best value stays in Canmore.

Budget not an issue? Consider staying in Lake Louise ! The Fairmont Château Lake Louise is the most iconic place to stay in the Rockies.

Yellow flowers in foreground with downtown Banff views in background, featuring faux alpine buildings and snow capped Cascade Mountain

Banff (day 9)

There are so many different things to do in the picture perfect mountain town of Banff and surrounding Banff National Park .

For many people, spectacular Moraine Lake and Lake Louise are a priority. I would recommend visiting these lakes on your second full day here (day 10). Spend your first day exploring Banff and the immediate surrounding area.

Back view of JR stand up paddleboarding on Two Jack Lake in Banff

Best things to do in Banff

  • If you’re an early riser and loved Maligne Canyon in Jasper, consider an early morning trip to Johnston Canyon (30km drive from Banff). The 2.4km return hike to the Lower Falls takes less than 1 hour. Johnston Canyon is usually very busy between 10am – 3pm
  • In the morning, explore the Lake Minnewanka Scenic Drive (24km). Keep your eyes peeled for wildlife. Walk on the shoreline of the lake or consider renting a canoe ($85/hour)
  • Instead of returning directly to Banff, take a short detour to the Mt Norquay Lookout . It’s my favourite free viewpoint in Banff
  • Feel like a hike? The 2km uphill trail to the top of Tunnel Mountain is well worth the effort (300m elevation gain) as it ascends the slopes of this prominent landmark to reveal a number of spectacular viewpoints over the Banff Townsite as well as Mount Rundle and the Bow Valley
  • If that sounds like too much for you, reserve a spot on the Banff Gondola that ascends to the top of Sulphur Mountain . The views are simply spectacular. I’d recommend taking the bus (route 1) to avoid having to find parking at the gondola base
  • Spend the rest of the afternoon exploring downtown Banff . If the shopping area doesn’t appeal, take a walk along the Bow River to see the falls (close to the Fairmont)

Here to hike? It’s possible to ascend Sulphur Mountain by trail, rather than gondola. The 11km return trip includes 665m of elevation gain. My friend Leigh has written a comprehensive hiking guide . It is possible to take the gondola down instead of hiking, but there is a fee.

View from Banff gondola window showing other gondola car ascending mountain, with views of forest and Banff town below, with Cascade Mountain in background

Banff (Day 10)

Driving distance: 133km Driving time without activities : 1 hour 30 minutes

Start your day with a visit to Banff National Park’s most famous lakes – Lake Louise and Moraine Lake . Please note that Moraine Lake is usually open from late May to early October only.

Since Moraine Lake is only accessible by bus and Lake Louise parking is very limited (and also $21/day!), there are two main options:

  • Use the Parks Canada park-and-ride shuttle ($8) located at Lake Louise Ski Resort, 45 minutes drive from Banff. There are regular reservable buses to Lake Louise and Moraine Lake, with a Connector Shuttle.
  • 8X Roam Transit bus from Banff to Lake Louise Lakeshore. This reservable express bus takes 55 minutes. The $25 Roam System Wide Pass includes access to the Parks Canada Lake Connector Shuttle to Moraine Lake

Best things to do at Lake Louise and Moraine Lake

  • In addition to spectacular lakeshore views, both lakes have great hiking opportunities
  • Lake Agnes is a very popular destination from Lake Louise, 7.4km return with 390m elevation gain (allow 2 to 2.5 hours, note that it is uphill almost the entire way). A teahouse has been located at Lake Agnes for more than 100 years
  • For a longer hike near Lake Louise, choose between the Lake Agnes/Big Beehive/Plain of Six Glaciers Loop (18km with 900m elevation gain) or a summit of Mount Piran (13km return with 900m elevation gain)
  • In the Moraine Lake area, consider the Consolation Lakes trail . Starting just past the Rockpile, this 5.8km return hike features views of high alpine meadows, mountain peaks and the Quadra Glacier as well as plenty of pretty wildflowers and the two namesake lakes

Back in Banff, fill your afternoon/evening with any activities you may have missed yesterday. If you already purchased the $25 Roam bus pass, use it to take the bus to the base of the Banff Gondola (avoiding the need to walk or find parking!)

Banff to Golden (Day 11)

Banff to Golden driving distance: 146km (+56km sightseeing) Driving time without activities : 2 hours

This day is all about Yoho National Park . In my opinion, Yoho is the most underrated park in the Canadian Rockies. Plan to leave the Banff area relatively early to make the most of the day.

Back view of JR walking on wooden bridge, looking up at huge cascading waterfall

Best things to do between Banff and Golden

  • Make a quick stop at the Spiral Tunnel Viewpoint . Depending on timing, you may be lucky and see a train pass through this impressive structure
  • Parking can be a challenge at Emerald Lake after 11am, so head here next. Enjoy the views, rent a canoe ($90/hour) or walk the family-friendly 5.2km loop trail around the lakeshore
  • On the way back to Highway 1, visit the Natural Bridge
  • Turn east on Highway 1 and drive back to Yoho Valley Road . Please note, this road is 13km long with no services, no phone signal and several very tight switchbacks. Trailers and large RVs not permitted
  • Takakkaw Falls , British Columbia’s second-tallest waterfall, is located at the end of Yoho Valley Road
  • Back on Highway 1, head west towards Golden . If you have time, Wapta Falls is a worthwhile stop (3.2km return)
  • Families and thrill seekers may prefer to check out the Golden Skybridge , host to Canada’s highest suspension bridges
  • If you didn’t bring a picnic, Truffle Pigs in Field is the place to go for food in Yoho. It’s not cheap but it’s the opposite of a tourist trap, with everything is made from scratch, with quality ingredients. There’s ice cream too.

Here to hike? The Iceline Trail should be your priority today. Usually hiked as a 20km loop, the Iceline begins at Takkakaw Falls at the end of the Yoho Valley Road. Allow 7 to 9 hours

Natural rock bridge over fast river, backdropped by a mountain

Where to stay in Golden

There’s much more to the small town of Golden than the assorted collection of motels, hotels, gas stations and fast food joints on Highway 1.

Take the signed detour and head downtown to discover heritage buildings, trendy bars and unique boutiques, all with the backdrop of the rushing Kicking Horse River and huge snow capped mountains.

Moberly Lodge ‘s quiet, spotlessly clean rooms are a welcome sight after a day exploring Yoho. Outside, there are stunning views and a hot tub, ideal for a post-hike soak.

If you’re on a tighter budget, Golden has a plethora of motels and chain hotels to choose from, with popular options being the Holiday Inn and Ramada (we’ve stayed at the latter twice).

For camping, consider the 72 site municipal campground , which backs onto the Kicking Horse River. An alternative is to stay at the Kicking Horse Campground in Yoho National Park but you’ll need to secure a reservation early.

Back view of Gemma walking on suspended bridge over canyon

Golden to Revelstoke (Day 12)

Golden to Revelstoke driving distance: 148km (+52km sightseeing) Driving time without activities : 2 hours

Two more national parks are on the itinerary today – Glacier National Park and Mount Revelstoke National Park . Your day will end in Revelstoke, British Columbia’s best up-and-coming adventure town.

Stairs leading through forest on Hemlock Grove boardwalk, surrounded by forest and plants

Best things to do between Golden and Revelstoke

  • Interested in the Golden Skybridge but ran out of time yesterday? Consider dropping by this morning
  • Enjoy the mountain views from your vehicle on the drive to the Rogers Pass Discovery Centre in Glacier National Park. This informative centre is my favourite of its kind in the Rockies
  • Stretch your legs on the Hemlock Grove Boardwalk (350m loop), which traverses a cedar and hemlock forest. I’d also recommend the Meeting of the Waters trail (3.3km loop) but it can be difficult to park
  • Heading out of Glacier National Park, you’ll drive through a number of snowsheds , representing the huge amount of snow (14m!) received here in winter
  • Entering Revelstoke National Park , consider stops at Giant Cedars Boardwalk Trail (500m loop, was closed in 2022) and the Skunk Cabbage Boardwalk (one short section open in 2023)
  • Arriving in Revelstoke , you have some decisions to make. The Meadows in the Sky Parkway is a 26km paved scenic drive into the alpine, with hiking trails and scenic viewpoints along the way
  • If you’re travelling with kids, you may want to prioritise visiting Revelstoke Mountain Resort , home of the 42km/h Pipe Mountain Coaster (the only one of its kind in Western Canada)

Here to hike? There are so many options for this section! In Glacier National Park, choose between the Hermit Trail (6.4km return), Balu Pass (12.8km) or Abbott Ridge (15.6km). All three trails are very steep. In Revelstoke National Park, Eva Lake (14km) is an easier but still very satisfying day hike

Elevated view of a small city (Revelstoke) at the base of a snow capped mountain

Where to stay in Revelstoke

Perched on the edge of the Columbia River and surrounded by the Monashee and Selkirk mountain ranges, Revelstoke is a beautiful outdoor playground.

Revelstoke has a great choice of accommodation. If staying downtown is appealing, book a stay at the wonderful Regent Hotel .

The stylish rooms in this heritage building are surprisingly spacious. Better still, the complimentary breakfast buffet is the best I’ve had anywhere in Canada.

Travelling with the family or a larger group? Look no further than the Swiss Chalet Motel . The property is a 10-15 minute walk to downtown, with exceptionally reasonable prices. I stayed in a two bedroom suite with close family and we all had plenty of space.

Campers should make an early reservation for the Snowforest Campground in Mount Revelstoke National Park. It’s not the most spacious national park campground but the convenience (10 minutes drive from town on the Meadows in the Sky Parkway) is hard to beat.

Other local camping options include Martha Creek Provincial Park and Blanket Creek Provincial Park .

Downtown Revelstoke, with mountain in background and two story heritage buildings in foreground

Revelstoke to the Okanagan Valley (Day 13)

Revelstoke to Kelowna distance: 197km (+5km sightseeing) Driving time without activities : 2 hours 40 minutes

The interior of British Columbia is host to a spectacular landscape of dry valleys, lakes and grasslands.

This is the Okanagan Valley and besides being beautiful, it is also Canada’s second largest wine region.

Kelowna is the biggest city in the Okanagan Valley (pop 140k). If you think you may be craving city amenities by this point, consider a night here.

For me, Kelowna is just a bit too busy. This is especially true in the summer, when the hot Okanagan weather attracts thousands of people from all over BC to this bustling lakeside city.

Vernon and Penticton are small towns located to the north and south of Kelowna respectively. While there is still plenty to do around Vernon , we do prefer Penticton (our home town, so we are somewhat biased!)

A bench is in the foreground, looking out to Okanagan Lake and the city of Penticton resting on the eastern shore. The city is backdropped by mountains

Best things to do between Revelstoke and the Okanagan Valley

  • Have any railway fans in the family? A trip to the Revelstoke Railway Museum would be a worthwhile stop before leaving town
  • The drive along Highway 1 from Revelstoke to Sicamous has plenty of pretty sections but not many places to stop. One of our favourite rest areas is the Last Spike , a historical site celebrating the completion of the railway connecting eastern and western Canada
  • Sicamous is an ideal location for a break. The D Dutchmen Dairy is a family operated farm selling homemade ice cream, cheese and milk. Note that it does get very busy around lunchtime
  • Turn off Highway 1 and towards the Okanagan Valley on Highway 97A. The highway skirts Mara Lake (consider a stop at the provincial park of the same name for a swim!) before travelling through farmland
  • Vernon is 150km from Revelstoke and is a potential overnight destination (see below). If stopping here, my top three activities would be a swim at Kal Beach , a short hike ( suggestions here ) and a visit to Planet Bee Honey Farm
  • Kelowna is another potential overnight destination. If stopping here, my top three activities would be a swim in Okanagan Lake , a winery visit and a walk along the waterfront promenade
  • Penticton is another potential overnight destination. If stopping here, my top three activities would be a swim in one of the lakes, a winery visit and a trip to Munson Mountain Lookout

Here to hike? The Okanagan Valley is usually very hot during the day in summer. I’d suggest an evening or early morning hike. In Vernon, check out Middleton Mountain . Knox Mountain is a great pick in Vernon. In Penticton, check out the KVR Trail from Vancouver Place to McCulloch Trestle

Dirt trail leading downhill through vineyards on the Naramata Bench in Penticton

Where to stay in the Okanagan Valley

Vernon, Kelowna and Penticton offer a wide variety of accommodation options. Summerland and Peachland are great alternatives.

In Kelowna, our top pick is the Hotel Zed . This renovated motel boasts funky rooms and an ideal downtown location close to Okanagan Lake. It has easy access to Highway 97 as well.

My favourite place to stay in the Vernon area is Sparkling Hill , a luxurious adults-only spa retreat. For a quick overnight hassle-free stop, however, I’d suggest the almost brand-new Fairfield Inn & Suites .

In Penticton, the Lakeside Resort has the best location in town. Right on the waterfront, most rooms have views of the leafy downtown area or Okanagan Lake itself.

For camping, we like Ellison Provincial Park near Vernon and Bear Creek Provincial Park near Kelowna. An alternative is Okanagan Lake Provincial Park North near Summerland. Click for more suggestions.

Back view of Gemma walking away along hiking trail with Kalamalka Lake in background, surrounded by rolling hills

Okanagan Valley to Vancouver (Day 14)

Kelowna to Vancouver driving distance: 390km (+20km sightseeing) Driving time without activities : 4 hours 30 minutes

It’s the last day of your 2 week Western Canada road trip! Time to head back to Vancouver. The journey will take around 5 to 7 hours, depending on chosen route/stops.

For a more detailed version of this road trip section, check out this Vancouver to Okanagan Valley road trip guide .

Beach views in Kelowna, with golden sand bordering a calm lake

Best things to do between Kelowna/Vernon and Vancouver

From Kelowna or Vernon, the most direct route to Vancouver is via Highway 97 followed by the 97C, 5A, 5 and 1.

  • The first part of the journey is pretty scenic, with wide open views of Okanagan Lake and then a plateau area. Be sure to get gas before leaving Kelowna as there’s only one service station on the 97C
  • Merritt is the best place to stop for lunch/gas/snacks. If you want to stretch your legs, I’d recommend the Godey Creek Trail (1.9km loop). Please note that there is construction happening in this area
  • My favourite place to hike on this route was Othello Tunnels near Hope, but it has been closed since November 2021 due to flooding
  • A great alternative is Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Park a little closer to Vancouver

JR is sat with his back to camera, sat at a wooden picnic table looking out to views of Merritt and the Nicola Valley

Best things to do between Penticton and Vancouver

There are two routes possible from Penticton – the same highway combination as above or a similarly timed alternative via Highway 3.

  • The Highway 3 route is scenic but slower. The road is more twisty and has more drop-offs
  • I’d recommend driving Highway 3 over the Highway 97C/5 combination as there are more interesting places to stop
  • The small town of Keremeos is the fruit stand capital of the Okanagan region – pick up some fresh peaches, apricots or cherries for your journey (season dependent)
  • Princeton is the ideal place to get gas/coffee/lunch/snacks
  • Take an extended break in Manning Provincial Park . Drive up to Cascade Lookout (open July to Sept, 16km return) for amazing views of the surrounding mountains. Rent a canoe or walk around Lightning Lake (5km short loop, 9km long loop)

Looking down from elevated viewpoint of Manning Park area, with resort in foreground and backdrop of mountain peaks, which are highlighted by sunrise colours

Returning to Vancouver, you have the option to stay in the city again or overnight close to the airport (YVR).

We’ve stayed at various hotels around Vancouver Airport over the years.

The big chain hotels offer standard, reliable service ( Sandman Vancouver Airport , Holiday Inn , Travelodge ). A complimentary shuttle to the airport is usually provided and sometimes breakfast as well.

On the upper end, there is a Fairmont right in the airport (the convenience!)

I’m always surprised at the above-average pricing for the airport hotels and, for that reason, we sometimes choose to stay in the city instead.

The SkyTrain from downtown to YVR takes 25 minutes and costs only $4.45 (+$5 from YVR to downtown).

A river approaches a rockface and thunders through rock canyon below, backdropped by huge mountain

Western Canada road trip: Top tips

In this section, I will share some final thoughts about planning your perfect Western Canada road trip.

The best way to save money while touring Western Canada is to camp.

  • National park campgrounds (Parks Canada) average $30-50/night plus $11.50 reservation fee
  • Provincial park campgrounds (BC Parks) average $20-40/night plus $6/night reservation fee
  • Private campgrounds average $30-70/night

The downside is that you’ll need your own camping equipment. An alternative option is to rent an RV, so you can sleep in your vehicle.

It is possible to buy relatively cheap camping gear and accessories at Canadian stores like Walmart.

A full set-up with an entry-level 4 person tent, sleeping bags (2), sleeping mats (2), stove and other essential supplies would cost around $500CAD.

The specific campgrounds mentioned in this Western Canada road trip itinerary are very popular and, as such, travellers should reserve in advance.

  • Reservations for vehicle-accessible national park campgrounds usually open in January for the following summer. The exact launch dates are usually revealed during the preceding December. Parks Canada reservation website
  • Reservations for vehicle-accessible provincial park campgrounds in British Columbia operate with a four month rolling window . So if you want to book for 7th August, the date will be available to book on 7th April. BC Parks reservation website

A set up tent on campsite in Banff National Park, looking out to forest and mountain views

Alternative road trip itineraries

While we think the above 2 week Western Canada road trip itinerary provides a great overview of BC and Alberta, we know that may not be perfect for everyone.

This road trip route does involve a lot of driving and only short stays at each location.

The great news is that it is easy to adapt the routing to create your own two-week Western Canada road trip itinerary.

Two-week itinerary with Vancouver Island

When I originally put this itinerary together, it included a short stay on Vancouver Island.

As mentioned, I have since removed this suggestion as the current ferry situation would make it potentially stressful (too many cancellations/delays).

Ferry issue aside, I think my new 2 week itinerary provides better pacing, with shorter driving days. It also includes an additional full day in the Banff area.

For those interested, itinerary for my original 2 week Western Canada route looked like this:

Day 1 : Vancouver Day 2 : Vancouver to Tofino Day 3 : Tofino Day 4 : Tofino to Whistler Day 5 : Whistler Day 6 : Whistler to Clearwater Day 7 : Clearwater to Jasper

Day 8 : Jasper Day 9 : Jasper to Banff Day 10 : Banff Day 11 : Banff to Golden Day 12 : Golden to Revelstoke Day 13 : Revelstoke to the Okanagan Valley Day 14 : Okanagan Valley to Vancouver

If Vancouver Island is on your bucket list and you still want to see everything else in this itinerary, I would recommend visiting Western Canada for a minimum of 16 days instead.

Follow the above outline but add an extra night on Vancouver Island (consider Parksville area) and stay in Kamloops and Valemount when travelling between Whistler and Jasper (rather than Clearwater).

Set on Vancouver Island but still want a taste of the Rockies and only have 2 weeks to spare? Check out this new BC Coast and Rockies road trip guide .

Two week itinerary without Jasper and Wells Gray Provincial Park

Not interested in going so far north (Clearwater/Jasper)? I would suggest the following itinerary.

Head directly to Revelstoke from Whistler via an overnight stop in Kamloops or Salmon Arm. Spend an extra night in Golden, the Banff area and the Okanagan Valley. Be sure to take the time to drive some of the Icefields Parkway.

This adapted itinerary would look like this:

Day 1 : Vancouver Day 2 : Vancouver to Whistler Day 3 : Whistler Day 4 : Whistler to Kamloops/Salmon Arm Day 5 : Kamloops to Revelstoke Day 6 : Revelstoke to Golden Day 7 : Golden

Day 8 : Golden to Banff Day 9 : Banff Day 10 : Banff Day 11 : Banff to Revelstoke Day 12 : Revelstoke to the Okanagan Valley Day 13 : Okanagan Valley Day 14 : Okanagan Valley to Vancouver

JR sat on the left side of wide Wapta Falls, which is backdropped by mountains

Three-week Western Canada road trip itinerary

Have three weeks to spend on your Western Canada road trip? Excellent! The extra time offers much more flexibility and better pacing (less time driving!)

I would suggest an itinerary like this:

Day 1 : Vancouver Day 2 : Vancouver to Victoria Day 3 : Victoria Day 4 : Victoria to Tofino Day 5 : Tofino Day 6 : Tofino Day 7 : Tofino to Parksville Day 8 : Parksville to Whistler Day 9 : Whistler Day 10 : Whistler to Clearwater Day 11 : Clearwater to Jasper Day 12 : Jasper

Day 13 : Jasper Day 14 : Jasper to Banff Day 15 : Banff Day 16: Banff Day 17: Banff to Golden Day 18: Golden OR Revelstoke Day 19: Golden to Revelstoke (or extra night in Revelstoke) Day 20: Revelstoke to Okanagan Valley Day 21: Okanagan Valley to Vancouver

As you can see, this more relaxed itinerary includes a stay in Victoria (beautiful oceanside Vancouver Island city), an overnight stop in Parksville (lovely beaches, close to the ferry terminal) and extra nights in Banff, Jasper and Revelstoke/Golden.

Our 2 Week BC Coast and Rockies road trip guide features detailed descriptions of the Vancouver Island sections of the above three week itinerary.

Back/side view of Gemma standing on wooden boardwalk on Rainforest Trail in Tofino, with large mossy fallen trees on left

The Best Vancouver to Calgary Road Trip Routes: Highway 1 & Alternatives Canadian Rockies Road Trip Loop: Detailed 9 to 12 day Itineraries + Map

The Best Okanagan Valley Wineries: A Local’s Guide

What To Do in Wells Gray Provincial Park, British Columbia

Complete Guide to BC Parks Camping Reservations

How to Stay Safe in the Outdoors

Bear Safety in Canada: What You Need to Know

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road trip quebec vers vancouver

One half of the Canadian/British couple behind Off Track Travel, Gemma is happiest when hiking on the trail or planning the next big travel adventure. JR and Gemma are currently based in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Monday 19th of February 2024

Thanks so much for this fantastic guide. I'm planning a trip in late May but was planning your route in reverse, starting in Vancouver and heading towards Banff, last stop Whistler. Is there any reason you prefer starting at Whistler?

Tuesday 20th of February 2024

No - you can drive this route in either direction. When it was originally written, the first few days involved a trip to Vancouver Island and it was logical to do that first (catching a ferry early in the morning vs. later in the day). Driving to Whistler first does mean you will, on a clear day, get a beautiful view of Mount Robson when travelling between Valemount and Jasper.

Monday 21st of August 2023

Thanks a lot for your detailed and very helpful tips !

we just had a family road trip for 2 weeks. We did not exactly follow your suggestions, but it was a great source of inspiration for our trip

thank you very much !!

Wednesday 30th of August 2023

Thanks so much for letting me know Sven! Hope you had a fabulous trip.

Drapeau Canadien

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L'ultime road trip en VR dans l'Ouest canadien

Avez-vous toujours rêvé de visiter les grands espaces canadiens à bord d'un camping-car ?

Si votre réponse est oui, continuez à lire, car ci-dessous se trouve l'itinéraire ultime pour un circuit en VR dans l'Ouest canadien .  

Carte du circuit en VR dans l'Ouest canadien

Résumé du road trip en vr dans l'ouest canadien, jour 1 : calgary .

Bienvenue à Calgary , la capitale canadienne des cow-boys .

C'est ici que commence votre voyage, et pour en tirer le meilleur parti, pourquoi ne pas profiter de l'une des principales attractions de la ville?

Il y a beaucoup de choix: profitez de vues spectaculaires sur 360 ° au sommet de la tour de Calgary   , plongez dans la culture autochtone au musée Glenbow , faites du shopping sur la 8e avenue  ou promenez-vous dans le quartier historique national de Stephen Avenue Walk .

Ensuite, rejoignez votre hôtel pour une bonne nuit de sommeil. Demain, vous prendrez la route!

L'Ouest en VR

Jours 2-4 : banff  (143 km/01h28).

Récupérez votre camping-car de location au Canada en début d'après-midi et c'est un départ!

Votre premier arrêt aujourd'hui sera le parc national de Banff .

Située dans les Rocheuses canadiennes, à une altitude de 1 380 mètres , Banff est connue pour son magnifique cadre alpin .

Une fois bien installés sur votre site de camping, profitez de la soirée en vous promenant dans le village de Banff. Vous serez à coup sûr charmés par ses rues bordées de boutiques colorées.

Banff et ses environs ne sont pas à court de sites touristiques et de randonnées spectaculaires . Je recommande particulièrement la randonnée au mont Sulphur .

À son sommet, vous aurez une vue imprenable sur toute la région . Le sentier lui-même est une succession de paysages dignes de carte postale .

Une télécabine  peut également vous amener au sommet si vous ne vous sentez pas à la hauteur du défi.

Si vous recherchez une randonnée facile et familiale , Johnston Canyon   est fait pour vous. Les eaux turquoise des chutes vous fascineront à coup sûr.

Les autres randonnées et sites touristiques qui méritent une visite dans la région comprennent: le sentier du lac Emerald , les chutes Takakkaw , le lac Minnewanka  et le célèbre Lac Louise   .  

Comparateur de prix de location de VR

Jours 5-7 : jasper    (286 km/03h28).

Votre deuxième arrêt de votre voyage en VR sera le parc national de Jasper .

Pour rejoindre Jasper, vous vous aventurerez sur l'une des plus belles routes du monde : la promenade des Glaciers   .

Partez tôt, car il y a de nombreux arrêts intéressants en cours de route. Le lac Peyto , le glacier Athabasca   et les chutes Sunwapta  sont à ne pas manquer.

Une fois à Jasper, vous rencontrerez à nouveau des possibilités infinies d'activités à faire.

Surtout, ne manquez pas le lac Maligne . Réveillez-vous tôt pour faire sa croisière. Elle vous mènera à l’ île la plus photographiée au monde , Spirit Island  .

Les randonnées incontournables à Jasper sont le sentier Maligne Canyon  et le mont Edith Cavell .

Jours 8-9 : Parc provincial Wells Gray  (322 km/03h21)

La Yellowhead Highway  sera sur votre itinéraire aujourd'hui pour atteindre le parc provincial de Wells Gray . Les chances de voir des animaux sauvages en cours de route sont élevées, gardez les yeux ouverts!

Faites une halte au pied du mont Robson , le plus haut sommet des Rocheuses .

Une fois que vous aurez atteint Wells Gray, préparez-vous à une expérience totalement différente . Ici, il y a moins de touristes et de services. Ce parc luxuriant est particulièrement connu pour ses cascades .

Les Helkmen Falls  sont l'emblème du parc. Elles tombent en cascade sur 141 mètres , dans un impressionnant canyon.

Si vous voulez vous détendre et vous rafraîchir, baignez-vous dans le lac Clearwater .

Enfin, si vous visitez en juillet ou en août , assurez-vous de faire la randonnée de Trophy Mountain . Ses incroyables prairies subalpines de fleurs sauvages sont en pleine floraison.

Jours 10-11 : Whistler    (422 km/05h17)

Partez tôt car ce sera votre plus longue journée de route .

Votre destination aujourd'hui est Whistler , une ville de montagne animée et la plus populaire en Amérique du Nord pour le ski. Whistler a notamment  accueilli les Jeux Olympiques d'hiver en 2010.

Passez votre temps ici à découvrir le charmant cadre montagnard de son village piétonnier  .

S'il y a une chose à ne pas manquer à Whistler, c'est la télécabine Peak 2 Peak .

Elle relie Whistler et la montagne Blackcomb . Lorsqu'elle atteint sa hauteur maximale au-dessus de Fitzsimmons Creek , c'est la plus élevée du monde , à un peu plus de 435 mètres.

Jours 12-13 : Victoria  (219 km/04h22)

Vous vous aventurerez maintenant sur la route panoramique connue sous le nom de Sea to Sky Highway   pour rejoindre la côte de l'océan Pacifique.

Encore une fois, partez tôt car vous voudrez prendre votre temps pour vraiment admirer le paysage.

Une fois la côte atteinte, un ferry vous mènera à l' île de Vancouver   pour rejoindre Victoria.

Je recommande vivement la visite Art Déco du Wharf Street Visitor Centre . Vous saisirez ainsi toute la perspective architecturale de Victoria et c'est la meilleure façon de commencer votre découverte de la capitale.

Les incontournables de Victoria incluent les Butchart Gardens , le Royal British Columbia Museum  et des excursions d'observation des orques   .

Jours 14-15 : Vancouver    (87 km/02h27)

Vous terminez votre voyage à Vancouver , considérée comme la plus belle métropole du Canada . Elle est classée parmi les meilleures villes où vivre au monde.

Vous comprendrez bientôt pourquoi. Vancouver est une ville de taille humaine et il vaut mieux la découvrir à la marche .

Pour cette raison, je vous suggère de déposer votre VR à votre arrivée à Vancouver et de choisir de passer votre dernière nuit dans un hôtel.

Pour votre premier jour, vous ne voudrez pas manquer une visite à Gastown , le quartier historique de la ville. Si vous voulez faire du shopping avant de rentrer, dirigez-vous vers Robson Street   ou Broadway Avenue .

Pour votre deuxième jour en ville, une visite au parc Stanley   s'impose. C'est le plus grand parc urbain du Canada et il abrite également l'aquarium de Vancouver .

Louez un vélo pour profiter au maximum de votre visite.

Et c’est ainsi que votre road trip au Canada prend fin . La tête pleine de souvenirs du pays des lacs et des rivières, il est temps de monter à bord de votre avion de retour !

Alors, est-ce que ce circuit en VR vous inspire? 

N'hésitez pas à poser vos questions ou à partager vos suggestions en commentaires !

Fervente de nos vibrantes villes autant que de nos grands espaces, ma vie gravite autour du voyage et de l’aventure. Il va donc de soi que je partage les splendeurs et les secrets de mon coin de pays aux autres âmes voyageuses. Bonne découverte !


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Vancouver to Quebec City drive

Vancouver to quebec city road trip planner.

Here's a sample itinerary for a drive from Vancouver to Quebec City. If you're planning a road trip to Quebec City, you can research locations to stop along the way. Make sure you check road conditions to double check the weather. Traveling with a dog or cat? Find pet-friendly stops . Camping along the way? Search for RV campgrounds . Find the best hotels, restaurants, and attractions based on the most talked about places recommended by Trippy members.

10:00 am  start in Vancouver drive for about 6.5 hours

day 1 driving ≈ 6.5 hours find more stops

11:00 am  leave from Spokane drive for about 6 hours

day 2 driving ≈ 6 hours find more stops

10:00 am  leave from Bozeman drive for about 6.5 hours

day 3 driving ≈ 6.5 hours find more stops

10:00 am  leave from Theodore Roosevelt National Park drive for about 8 hours

day 4 driving ≈ 8 hours find more stops

11:00 am  leave from Radisson Hotel Bloomington By Mall of America drive for about 5 hours

day 5 driving ≈ 5 hours find more stops

10:00 am  leave from Milwaukee drive for about 9.5 hours

day 6 driving ≈ 9.5 hours find more stops

10:00 am  leave from The Drake Hotel drive for about 7.5 hours

5:43 pm  arrive in Quebec City eat at L'Affaire est Ketchup stay at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac

day 7 driving ≈ 7.5 hours find more stops

Where should I stop along the way?

Spokane   (38 answers)     Riverfront Park   (2 mentions)     questions about Spokane:         What's the best neighborhood in Spokane for a first time visitor? Bozeman   (31 answers) Theodore Roosevelt National Park   (9 mentions) Minneapolis   (71 answers)     Lake Calhoun   (23 mentions)     Lake Harriet   (21 mentions)     Lake Of The Isles   (17 mentions)     Minnehaha Falls   (10 mentions)     Minnehaha Park   (8 mentions)     restaurants around Minneapolis:         The Bachelor Farmer         112 Eatery         Sea Salt Eatery         Midtown Global Market         Psycho Suzi's     hotels around Minneapolis:         Radisson Hotel Bloomington By Mall of America     questions about Minneapolis:         Best free things to do in Minneapolis?         Is the Mall of America worth visiting?         Fine dining in Minneapolis?         What are the best lakes in and/or around Minneapolis?         What are your favorite restaurants in Minneapolis? Milwaukee   (39 answers)     Milwaukee Art Museum   (8 mentions)     Lakefront Brewery   (3 mentions)     Milwaukee Public Market   (3 mentions)     Usinger's   (3 mentions)     Discovery World   (3 mentions)     restaurants around Milwaukee:         Milwaukee Brat House         Milwaukee Brewing Company         Cafe Centraal         Lulu Cafe         Cafe Benelux & Market     questions about Milwaukee:         What's the best neighborhood in Milwaukee for a first time visitor?         What's not to miss in Milwaukee?         Need a beer guide in Milwaukee         Family-friendly restaurants to experience Midwest foods         Milwaukee Food and Bars? Toronto   (182 answers)     Royal Ontario Museum   (18 mentions)     CN Tower   (16 mentions)     Toronto Islands   (16 mentions)     Distillery District   (15 mentions)     Eaton Centre   (12 mentions)     restaurants around Toronto:         St. Lawrence Market         The Black Hoof         Cold Tea         Panorama Lounge         Grand Electric     hotels around Toronto:         The Drake Hotel         Thompson Toronto         Gladstone Hotel         Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto         Hyatt Regency Toronto     questions about Toronto:         What is your favorite restaurant in Toronto?         Which is the best Outlet for shopping?         Must-see during Toronto weekend trip?         Where to catch the best views in Toronto?         Coolest new restaurants?

Where's the best place to stay in Quebec City?

Are you going straight to a hotel, or looking for a vacation rental or Airbnb?

The best resource on neighborhoods, areas, and hotels is the Trippy page on where to stay in Quebec City .

If you're looking for a quick answer, you can check out Fairmont Le Château Frontenac , which was mentioned 15 times on Trippy.

Here are some more hotels people talk about:

Want to research more popular hotels in Quebec City? Click the blue button below.

Where's the best place to eat in Quebec City?

Need some recommendations on somewhere to get food?

Trippy members suggest L'Affaire est Ketchup , which was mentioned 7 times.

Here are some more restaurants people talk about:

Want to research more popular restaurants in Quebec City? Click the blue button below.

What are some things to do in Quebec City?

This section could be endless, so rather than trying to suggest every local activity or attraction, we'll leave it open-ended.

These are some of the places people talk about on Trippy:

Of course, Trippy is the perfect place to ask questions because there's an entire community of travelers talking to each other and sharing tips and advice. Trippy is where you can get answers personalized for your tastes, budgets, trip dates & more!

For example, here are some questions people have asked about Quebec City. Click on any question to see answers from the community!


Click the button below to explore more questions and answers related to Quebec City.

Do I really have to go back home?

Yes, even this step is optional, because if you're on vacation who wants the trip to end? It's okay, you can start planning your next trip!

Want to plan the trip back? Get the reverse directions for a Quebec City to Vancouver drive , or go to the main page to plan a new road trip .

You can also compare the travel time if you're flying or driving by calculating the distance from Vancouver to Quebec City . Or get a full Vancouver to Quebec City flight plan .

Don't forget about exploring your own hometown with a staycation. You can also find some cool day trips or get away for a weekend.

And if you know Vancouver well, please help your fellow travelers and answer their questions about Vancouver!

More info on this route:

road conditions from Vancouver to Quebec City

places to eat

alternate routes

Google driving directions


  • 22 avril 2024 | Communiqué de presse Tourner la page du Magazine CAA-Québec
  • 18 avril 2024 | Communiqué de presse Salon du véhicule électrique de Montréal: CAA-Québec en mode «conférences»
  • 2 avril 2024 | Communiqué de presse L’effet «pires routes»: repaver le Québec, un vote à la fois depuis 9 ans

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Planification de voyage Là où tout commence!

Vous planifiez des vacances en voiture au québec, au canada ou aux états-unis, pour un road trip de 2 jours en estrie, un trajet jusqu’à vancouver ou un séjour en floride, partez l’esprit tranquille en ayant en main tout ce qu’il vous faut., bon à savoir.

Constatant une baisse des demandes pour la conception de trajets routiers TripTik MD , CAA-Québec a repensé ce service pour migrer vers une offre numérique. Le public sera dorénavant autonome dans la conception de trajets routiers en utilisant le Planificateur de voyage TripTik MD , un outil en ligne disponible gratuitement pour tous.

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Découvrez nos idées d’escapades routières au Québec

road trip quebec vers vancouver

Destination privilégiée des amoureux et des amateurs d’art, la magnifique région de Charlevoix offre de plus des paysages splendides!

road trip quebec vers vancouver


Découvrez le Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean en famille… le lac, bien sûr, et ses 42km de plages sablonneuses, mais également une multitude d’attraits.

road trip quebec vers vancouver


La beauté et la diversité des paysages constituent certainement la première raison pour laquelle les gens choisissent de visiter la région du Bas-Saint-Laurent.

road trip quebec vers vancouver


Parcourir les Cantons-de-l’Est, c’est découvrir de magnifiques paysages et des lacs, comme le Massawippi, le Memphrémagog ou encore celui des Nations.

Profitez d’une foule de ressources pour préparer votre voyage

Boutique voyage.

Équipez-vous pour votre escapade.  

Rabais Dollars CAA

Économisez sur votre route grâce à votre carte de membre.

Conseils pour snowbirds

Lisez le dossier sur les séjours de longue durée.

Protection pour interruption de voyage

Recevez un remboursement si vous devez interrompre votre voyage.

road trip quebec vers vancouver


  1. 7 of the Best Quebec Road Trips

    road trip quebec vers vancouver

  2. 17 Best Road Trips From Vancouver

    road trip quebec vers vancouver

  3. L'ultime road trip au Québec

    road trip quebec vers vancouver

  4. Itinéraire de 2 semaines dans l'Ouest Canadien

    road trip quebec vers vancouver

  5. L'ultime road trip au Québec

    road trip quebec vers vancouver

  6. Road Trip Québec: Les 4 Meilleurs

    road trip quebec vers vancouver


  1. Québec vers Trois-Riviere

  2. Québec City in 4 Seasons

  3. Chute de Montmorency

  4. Day 1 Spring Road Trip 2024

  5. FL to Quebec in 2 minutes 30 seconds

  6. Road trip Québec : Vieux-Limoilou


  1. Road trip de Montréal à Vancouver : Astuces & Inspiration

    Garer son véhicule pour la nuit et dormir dedans, le temps du road trip de Montréal à Vancouver, est globalement répandu. Trouvez une petite route perpendiculaire, enfoncez-vous un peu dans la campagne, et passez-y la nuit. Personne ne devrait venir vous déranger - surtout si vous êtes au milieu de nulle part.

  2. Ultimate Cross-Canada Road Trip: Montreal to Vancouver

    Don't be overwhelmed by Canada's size: Embrace it and tackle it head-on with the Ultimate Canadian Road Trip, driving from Montreal, Quebec, west to Vancouver, British Columbia. The Basics . Distance covered: 2,860 miles (4,600 kilometers) Hours driving: About 54 hours, an average of 7 to 8 hours behind the wheel each day

  3. Road Trip from Montreal to Vancouver

    4,560km (2,833 miles) 48 hours. The road trip from Montreal to Vancouver spans a minimum distance of 4,560 km (2,833 miles) and takes at least 48 hours to complete. That's if you were to drive nonstop along the route, without accounting for any stops along the way. On a trip of this magnitude you will need at least 5 days to cover the distance.

  4. Road trip Montréal-Vancouver: L'ultime road trip au Canada

    Plus que 390 km pour cet ultime road trip au Canada avant d'atteindre la côte ouest. En route vers Vancouver, tu devrais t'arrêter à Merritt, à Coquihalla Canyon, le pont Alexandra, au Clayburn Village à Abbotsford, les 1001 marches à Surrey et le lieu historique national du Fort Langley. 🛏️ Où séjourner à Vancouver:

  5. The Ultimate Cross Canada Road Trip Itinerary

    1 week Canada road trip: Drive from Toronto to Quebec City. Toronto (3 nights) > Montreal (2 nights) > Quebec (2 nights) With one week, you could do a mini Ontario and Quebec road trip when you drive from Toronto to Quebec City, stopping in Montreal along the way. You could also take a half or full day trip to Niagara Falls from Toronto. The ...

  6. Road trip sur l'île de Vancouver : itinéraire + carte

    Obtenez votre prix instantanément et partez à l'aventure. Découvrez le meilleur itinéraire de 10 jours sur l'île de Vancouver. Ce road trip vous emmène à travers la forêt tropicale luxuriante, des plages incroyables et une atmosphère des plus décontractées. Avec carte pratique et photos.

  7. 2-Week Bucket List Road Trip Across Canada, Vancouver To Quebec

    The Hydra Estiatorio Mediterranean can be found in the EXchange Tower Atrium. Hydra offers quality Mediterranean dishes with a stylish Grecian feel. Address - 475 Howe St EXchange Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2B3 Canada. Contact - +1 604-416-0880. Cost - $$-$$$.

  8. Road Trip Quebec: The 4 Best Itineraries + Tips (2024)

    The 4 best road trip itineraries in Quebec. All the Best things to do + My tips to plan your 7, 10, 15, or 21-day road trip in Quebec. Search. Menu. Voyage Tips; Destinations. Africa; Asia; Europe; ... Vancouver: Top 25 places to visit and activities; Toronto in 3 days - The perfect itinerary to visit the city in 72 hours!

  9. Driving the Ultimate Quebec Road Trip

    To get from the Eastern Townships to Quebec City, about a 200-mile (320-kilometer) drive, head north through Drummondville on Highway 55 towards Trois-Rivières, then east along Highway 138. This is the historic and rural Chemin du Roy, a much more scenic (but less speedy) alternative to taking Autoroute 40.

  10. Quebec City to Vancouver drive

    10:00 am start in Quebec City. drive for about 8 hours. 5:47 pm Toronto. eat at St. Lawrence Market. stay overnight at The Drake Hotel. leave the next day around 11:00 am. day 1 driving ≈ 8 hours. find more stops.

  11. 7 of the Best Quebec Road Trips

    The Whale Lover Road Trip. Speaking of whales, one of the best Quebec road trips is the Whale Tour, which consists of Route 138 between Tadoussac to Kegaska in the region of Côte-Nord. Having been whale watching in Tadoussac, I can tell you first-hand that you have a great chance of seeing humpback whales, seals, porpoises, and even beluga ...

  12. Road trip vers l'ouest du Canada : mon itinéraire vers la Vallée de l

    Traverser le pays lors d'un road trip vers l'ouest du Canada de 2 mois. Bien que la destination finale soit la Vallée d'Okanagan, la traversée du Canada dans une voiture bondée de bagages pour trois personnes fait aussi parti de l'aventure et des leçons de vies. Nous partions du Québec le coeur plein d'espoir en notre seul et ...

  13. Ultimate 2 Week Western Canada Road Trip from Vancouver: Itinerary

    Ferry issue aside, I think my new 2 week itinerary provides better pacing, with shorter driving days. It also includes an additional full day in the Banff area. For those interested, itinerary for my original 2 week Western Canada route looked like this: Day 1: Vancouver. Day 2: Vancouver to Tofino.

  14. Quebec to Vancouver

    The distance between Quebec and Vancouver is 3593 km. The road distance is 4959.7 km. Get driving directions ... Find all the transport options for your trip from Quebec to Vancouver right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make an ...

  15. 8 BEST Vancouver Road Trip Itineraries

    Start: Vancouver End: Whistler Duration: 1 Day Distance: 121 kilometers (75 miles) Best stops: Capilano Suspension Bridge, Tunnel Bluffs Hike, Shannon Falls, Sea to Sky Gondola, Squamish, Brandywine Falls, and Whistler.; You can't visit Vancouver without making a trip to Whistler - that'd be crazy! This one-day road trip takes you along the gorgeous Sea to Sky highway and let me tell you ...

  16. Voyage sur l'Île de Vancouver : Circuits de 7 à 25 jours

    Partez pour un road trip sur l'Île de Vancouver pour découvrir les beautés sauvages de l'Ouest Canadien. Ce circuit de 10 jours en voiture vous fera découvrir Victoria, Pacific Rim (Ucluelet à Tofino), Quadra Island et Telegraph Cove. Prix 2024 en ligne et voyage disponible en mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre et octobre.

  17. L'ultime road trip en VR dans l'Ouest canadien

    Jours 2-4 : Banff (143 km/01h28) Lac Moraine de Banff. Récupérez votre camping-car de location au Canada en début d'après-midi et c'est un départ! Votre premier arrêt aujourd'hui sera le parc national de Banff. Située dans les Rocheuses canadiennes, à une altitude de 1 380 mètres, Banff est connue pour son magnifique cadre alpin.

  18. Vancouver to Quebec City drive

    Day 1. 10:00 am start in Vancouver. drive for about 6.5 hours. 4:15 pm Spokane. stay overnight and leave the next day around 11:00 am. day 1 driving ≈ 6.5 hours. find more stops.

  19. Planifier un voyage en auto (road trip)

    Before departure…. Create an online itinerary. Plan your own trip by yourself with the TripTik ® Travel Planner. With this exclusive tool, you can find detailed maps and useful information based on your own itinerary. It's simple, free and available to everyone! Start planning. Tourist information. Before you leave, check out or order our ...

  20. Google Maps

    Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

  21. Quebec to Vancouver

    The distance between Quebec and Vancouver is 3822 km. The road distance is 5211 km. Get driving directions ... Find all the transport options for your trip from Quebec to Vancouver right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make an ...

  22. Planifier un voyage en auto (road trip)

    Pour un road trip de 2 jours en Estrie, un trajet jusqu'à Vancouver ou un séjour en Floride, partez l'esprit tranquille en ayant en main tout ce qu'il vous faut. Bon à savoir Constatant une baisse des demandes pour la conception de trajets routiers TripTik MD , CAA-Québec a repensé ce service pour migrer vers une offre numérique.

  23. 8 BEST British Columbia Road Trip Itineraries From 1 to 14 Days

    However, a few start in Victoria, which also has an international airport. You can also catch the ferry from Vancouver to Victoria, or even enjoy a seaplane flight and then rent a car once you arrive in Victoria. 1. Vancouver to Whistler Road Trip - Sea to Sky Highway (1 Day) Start: Vancouver. End: Whistler.