• Visiter Paris: quartiers, activités, tous les conseils
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  • Visiter Paris en 3 jours
  • Visiter Paris en 4 ou 5 jours
  • Le quartier du Marais
  • Les Champs-Elysées à Paris
  • Visiter Paris pas cher – En famille ou entre amis
  • Visiter Paris en bus
  • Activités à Paris
  • Les Monuments de Paris
  • Croisières, Bateaux-Mouches

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

Tour en Bateaux Mouches ou Bateaux Parisiens, Dîner Croisière, avis

Découvrez Paris sous un angle original grâce aux dîner croisières et aux Bateaux Mouches sur la Seine.  Profitez ainsi d’une des plus belles vues sur la capitale et admirez les plus beaux monuments de Paris. Trouvez le meilleur dîner croisière à Paris ou le meilleur tour en Bateau sur la Seine . Lisez nos avis et choisissez entre Bateaux Mouches , Bateaux Parisiens, Marina de Paris, Vedettes du Pont Neuf …

Dîner Croisière Paris

Simple balade, croisière déjeuner, dîner croisière à Paris … Les formules sont variées!!! Comment choisir ? Suivez notre comparatif des meilleures compagnies de Bateaux Mouches à Paris et des formules pour faire votre choix.

Notre conseil : Le coucher du soleil est le meilleur moment pour admirer la ville lumière depuis la Seine.  Quoi qu’il en soit, réservez à l’avance votre croisière car elles ont beaucoup de succès.

  • Bateaux Parisiens
  • Bateaux Mouches
  • Vedettes du Pont Neuf
  • Marina de Paris
  • Quelle formule choisir: dîner-croisière, déjeuner, promenade

Quelle compagnie de bateau choisir: Bateaux-Mouches, Bateaux Parisiens, Vedettes du Pont Neuf?

Bateaux-Mouches ou Bateaux Parisiens ? Vous voulez savoir quel est la meilleure compagnie de bateaux à parisien ? Lisez notre descriptif, il vous aidera à faire la différence.

Les Bateaux Parisiens

Croisière Bateaux Parisiens

La compagnie des Bateaux Parisiens, la plus appréciée à Paris , propose différentes expériences sur la Seine allant de la simple promenade en bateau au dîner romantique raffiné.

Dîner croisière des Bateaux Parisiens

La compagnie des Bateaux Parisiens est connue pour proposer l’un des meilleurs dîner croisières de Paris avec ses navires avec vue panoramique.

Dîner-croisière à Paris en juin

Les prix des formules des Bateaux Parisiens varient de 89€ à 205€ en fonction de l’heure de départ, de l’emplacement et du menu choisi. Avec son repas gastronomique et son ambiance raffinée, la compagnie propose une expérience unique sur la Seine qui séduit aussi bien les touristes que les Parisiens.

  • Dîner Croisière Bateaux Parisiens de 18h15: à partir de 95 €
  • Dîner Croisière Bateaux Parisiens de 20h30: à partir de 115 €

>>Réservez ici votre croisière avec les bateaux Parisiens.

Balade et déjeuner des Bateaux Parisiens

Les Bateaux Parisiens proposent de belles balades sur la Seine au départ de la Tour Eiffel.

Vous pourrez choisir entre la simple balade d’1h15 à 16€ et le déjeuner croisière sur la Seine.

  • Balade commentée d’1h15 Bateaux Parisiens: 16€ >réserver
  • Déjeuner croisière Bateaux Parisiens: 69€ >réserver

Nouveaux horaires pour les promenades des Bateaux Parisiens:

  • Ouvert tous les jours. départs toutes les heures de 10h à 22h pour la promenade d’1h15
  • Jusqu’au 3 févier, ouvert uniquement du mercredi au dimanche

En savoir plus sur les Bateaux-Parisiens.

Notre avis sur les Bateaux Parisiens:

C’est la compagnie de Bateau la plus appréciée de Paris . Elle offre une très bonne qualité de service que ce soit pour les dîners et déjeuners sur la Seine ou pour la simple promenade en bateau. Les repas sont raffinés et l’ambiance chaleureuse. C’est un incontournable d’une visite de Paris.

Les Bateaux Mouches (ouvert)

La compagnie des Bateaux Mouches est la plus connue des sociétés de bateaux sur la Seine.

Bateaux Mouches à Paris

C’est la plus connue, c’est donc celle qui accueille le plus de touristes. Les Bateaux Mouches sont très grands avec de grandes baies vitrées. Des commentaires en 7 langues animent la traversée.

Dîner Croisière des Bateaux Mouches

Les dîners croisières sont maintenus pendant la crise du coronavirus avec respect des règles sanitaires.

Les formules Dîner Croisière des Bateaux Mouches :

  • Le Dîner Bateau Mouche à 18h00 :    79 €(pas disponible actuellement) ( durée : 1h15)
  • Le Dîner Croisière Prestige des Bateaux Mouches de 20h30 est à 120 € . (2h15)
  • Le Dîner Croisière Excellence de 20h30 est à 165 € . (2h15)

Pour ces packages hauts de gammes, l’animation est assurée par un concert live.  Toutes les places proposent une vue sur la Seine. Le départ se fait du Port de l’Alma près du Métro Pont de l’Alma. Pour les déjeuners et dîners croisières, arrivez 30 minutes en avance.

>>Réservez ici votre croisière en Bateau-Mouche

Balade et déjeuner des Bateaux Mouches

Bateau Mouche à Paris à la tombée de la nuit

Les déjeuners et promenades d’une heure sur la Seine de la compagnie sont également ouverts

Les Bateaux-Mouches proposent plusieurs formules :

  • La balade d’une heure sur la Seine en Bateau-Mouche à partir de 16€ . 76€ pour les enfants)
  • La formule déjeuner croisière à partir de 80€ . ( seulement le weekend )

Horaires des promenades:

  • jusqu’au 3 février: un départ par heure uniquement le vendredi, samedi, dimanche
  • à partir du 4 février, tous les jours 10h30, 11h30, 12h30, 13h30, 14h30, 15h30, 16h00, 17h00, 18h00, 19h00, 20h00, 21h00

>> Réservez votre balade

>> infos et réservation sur les déjeuners

En savoir plus sur l a Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches, tarifs horaires.

Notre avis sur les Bateaux Mouches

La compagnie des Bateaux Mouches joui d’une incroyable notoriété en France et à l’international. Les déjeuners et dîners croisières offrent une expérience exceptionnelle avec des repas de qualité. Les promenades sont aussi appréciables malgré immense taille des navires. C’est à coup sûr un immanquable d’une visite à Paris.

Les Vedettes du Pont Neuf (ouvert)

Vedettes du Pont Neuf

Avec cette compagnie vous partirez du pont Neuf, tout près de Notre de Dame. Ses bateaux sont plus petits donc c’est la moins “industrielle des compagnies”. Les balades sont animées par un guide, le personnel est sympathique et souriant.

Les balades des Vedettes du Pont Neuf coutent 13€ .

Réservez votre balade des vedettes du Pont Neuf dès 13€ .

Les vedettes du Pont Neuf proposent aussi des diner-croisières .

En savoir plus sur les vedettes du Pont Neuf.

  • 1 square du Vert Galant, 75001 Paris
  • Métro: Cité (ligne 4)

Notre avis sur les Vedettes du Pont Neuf

Si vous cherchez une expérience dans un bateau mouche parisien original, les Vedettes du pont Neuf peuvent pour correspondre. Les embarcation de la compagnie sont plus petites et peuvent proposer une expérience plus intimiste.

La Marina de Paris (ouvert)

Croisière de la Marina de Paris

La Marina de Paris est connue pour ses diner-croisières romantiques . La compagnie propose aux amoureux de passer des soirées inoubliables dans l’un de leurs bateaux VIP. Vous aurez le droit à un repas gastronomique tout en ayant vue sur les plus beau monuments de Paris.

Le déjeuner croisière est plus abordable, à partir de 37€.

tarif déjeuner :

tarif dîner-croisière:

  • dîner de 18h45 : 65€
  • dîner de 21h15 : à partir de 85€
  • dîner romantique : 150€
  • tarif enfant: 35€

>Réservez votre croisière romantique de la Marina de Paris.

Retrouvez une sélection d’activités romantiques à Paris .

Notre avis sur la Marina de Paris

Les beaux bateaux de la Marina offrent une expérience agréable sur la Seine pour dîner ou déjeuner. Les repas sont bon avec un bon rapport qualité prix. Si l’offre est moins haut de gamme que celle des Bateaux Parisiens, elle n’en reste pas moins très bonne.

Le Ducasse sur Seine : Gastronomique et eco-responsable

Ducasse sur Seine

Le chef le plus étoilé au monde, Alain Ducasse , a décidé de lancer son propre bateau restaurant: le Ducasse sur Seine. En plus de proposer une véritable cuisine gastronomique et contemporaine ce bateau restaurant permet de profiter des plus beaux monuments de Paris dans un cadre silencieux. En effet le navire est 100% électrique . Vous passerez donc un moment inoubliable tout en préservant l’environnement.

Plusieurs formules sont possibles:

  • Déjeuner 2 à 4 plats: de 95 € à 250€
  • Dîner “Nuit étoilée” 4 ou 5 plat: de 150€ à 290€
  • Formule “Paris est une fête” (midi ou soir): 500€
  • 19 port Debilly 75116 Paris
  • déjeuner: 12h45 ( arriver avant 12h30)
  • dîner: 20h30 (arriver avant 20h00)

plus d’infos sur: le bateau-restaurant Ducasse sur Seine

Les Vedettes de Paris (ouvert)

Vedette de Paris au coucher du soleil

Avec les Vedettes de Paris, partez pour une balade en bateau ou un dîner-croisière depuis le port Suffren près de la Tour Eiffel.

Vous pourrez admirer les plus beaux monuments de la capitale lors d’une promenade ou d’un dîner dans un bateau parisien qui ne manque pas de charme.

La compagnie propose également des croisières thématiques comme le Paris des impressionnistes, la croisière développement durable.

  • Promenade en bateau d’environ 1 heure : 15€
  • Le diner-croisière : à partir à 90€

(possibilité d’un repas végétarien)

en savoir plus sur les Vedettes de Paris .

Diner Croisière Paris en Scène (ouvert)

Dîner Croisière Paris en Scène

C’est l’offre la moins chère  parmi tous les diner-croisières sur la Seine.

Paris en Scène propose une croisière sur un bateau restaurant avec un repas inspiré des menus des bistros parisiens.

Évidement ce n’est pas de la gastronomie fine (pavé de saumon ou suprême de volaille), mais vous aurez la chance de diner en admirant les plus belles vue de Paris

  • Prix : à partir de 49€
  • Durée : 1h15
  • Horaire : 18h00, 20h00, 22h15 (arriver 30 minutes en avance)
  • Quai des Orfèvres – Mo St-Michel  – de mai à octobre
  • Ile aux Cygnes – Mo Bir-Hakeim – de novembre à avril
  • www.paris-en-scene.com

>> Réservez votre croisière Paris en Scène.

Plus d’info sur notre sélection pour un dîner croisière à Paris pas cher.

Yacht de Paris: le dîner croisière de luxe (fermé)

Dîner Croisière de luxe Yacht de Paris

C’est peut-être le meilleur dîner-croisière de Paris . Le Don Juan II propose un repas et une croisière dans un cadre qui met le luxe à l’honneur. C’est aussi, surement,  le bateau parisien, le plus apprécié par la clientèle haut de gamme.

La compagnie Yacht de Paris propose une croisière dans ce bateau qui a été réaménagé avec un style Art déco. Les repas sont préparés sous les ordres du chef Guy Krenzer et servis dans un cadre intimiste et feutré.

  • Départs tous les jours à 20h30
  • Tarifs: à partir de 220€
  • Port de départ : Port Henry IV 75004 Paris – Mo Quai de la râpée

Choisissez votre Dîner croisière de luxe à Paris.

Quelle formule choisir: Balade en bateau, Diner-Croisière, formule déjeuner? notre avis

La plupart des compagnies proposent plusieurs formules qui vont de la simple balade au Dîner-Croisière VIP.

Les promenades sont plus belles au couché du soleil et durent environ une heure. Elles permettent de voir les plus beaux monuments de la capitale comme la Tour Eiffel, le Louvre, Notre Dame depuis la Seine. C’est un moment reposant et divertissant à la fois.

Si vous souhaitez passer plus de temps sur l’eau, vous pourrez choisir de déjeuner ou de dîner à bord d’un des bateaux. Les déjeuners croisières sont évidement moins chers que les dîners. Cela peut donc être une solution pour les budgets plus restreints.

Retrouvez les meilleures activités à Paris.

Et concernant les dîners , ceux partant à 18h45 sont plus accessibles . Les croisières partant à 21h00 sont les plus hauts de gammes. Ils permettent de partager un moment festif entre amis ou en familles . C’est aussi un très bon plan de un repas romantique dans un cadre exceptionnel.

Si vous voulez sortir le grand jeu optez pour cette dernière formule !

Retrouvez également notre sélection pour un dîner en bateau mouche à Paris .

Questions fréquentes :

Les Bateaux Mouches sont les plus connus, et proposent de très belles croisières. Leur promenade est un peu moins chère. Les Bateaux Parisiens ont des navires plus petits et leur dîner croisière est très apprécié des touristes comme des parisiens. Les deux compagnies proposent une très bonne expérience.

Clairement oui, c’est assurément un bonne expérience à vivre à Paris. La Seine et ses monuments sont plus beaux de nuit. L’offre est tellement variée que chacun pet trouver son bonheur.

Non, cela permet de découvrir sous un autre angle, la Seine, qui est un élément central de la capitale. De plus, les tarifs ne sont pas excessifs. Ça peut être un moment agréable en famille.

Read in english: best boat tours in Paris & Seine River cruises

promenade croisieres 13€

  • promenade croisieres (4.5)

Une promenade ou un dîner croisière en Bateau à Paris est un immanquable d’une visite de la capitale. Bateaux Mouches, Bateaux Parisiens, vedettes… Vous aurez le choix.

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J’ai testé le dîner des bateaux Parisiens l’hiver dernier et j’ai beaucoup aimé. La cuisine etait bonne, le personnel très sympa. Je pense que c’est quelque chose à faire au moins une fois quand on est Parisien.

Nous avons tenté le diner croisière des Yachts de Paris. Ce n’est pas donné, mais ça vaut le coup. C’était un super moment, le cadre très romantique et la vue magnifique. Bien sur le repas était au niveau . Donc aucun regret !

Quand les bateaux mouches pourront-ils rouvrir ? Nous souhaitons participer à un dîner croisière. J’espère que ce sera possible en mars

Pour l’instant nous savons que les dîner croisières ne seront pas possibles avant mi février mais nous n’avons pas plus d’informations concernant mars.

La plupart des compagnies de bateau ont rouvert comme les bateaux mouches, les bateaux parisiens ou les vedettes du Pont Neuf . Avec la baisse du nombre de visiteurs internationaux, C’est le moment d’en profiter !

Effectivement les simples promenades et les repas sur la Seine sont maintenant possible sur présentation du pass sanitaire.


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bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

Home  » 5 Best Seine Dinner Cruises in Paris in 2024 (Personally Tested)

5 Best Seine Dinner Cruises in Paris in 2024 (Personally Tested)

Published: Nov 21, 2023 Last updated: Dec 26, 2023

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

Author: Adam Dimitrov — Owner & Head Cruise Detective

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

🏆 Editor's #1 Choice

✔️ tested by author

After testing the top five dinner cruises in Paris myself, I concluded that Bateaux Mouches offers the best dinner experience . ‍

Here are the top 5 reasons why:

  • Friendliest and Fastest Service (Miles Ahead of the Competition)
  • Best Value (You Get the Most Drinks and Food Here)
  • Highest Quality Food (Gourmet, Tasty and Sizable Portions)
  • Best Ship and Views (Rooftop Deck, Luxurious/Elegant Interior and Large Windows)
  • All-in-all, everything is impeccably orchestrated for a memorable and special evening in Paris.

The problem with dinner cruises in Paris is that there are too many to choose from !

Each promises a great experience, making the decision difficult.

The stakes are high — no one wants a poor choice to ruin an otherwise unforgettable vacation, especially in a city like Paris, which for many is a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Fortunately, the Cruise Detective is here to help.

I embarked on a 12-day journey to Paris to find definitive answers by trying out the five most popular dinner cruises and sightseeing cruises.

Each has thousands of glowing reviews, so the most reliable way to rank them was to experience them all . This guide gives you an incredibly detailed rundown of my findings.

Note: I am not sponsored by any of the companies I review. I pay for my cruises with my own money and review anonymously to deliver thorough and unbiased reviews.

Disclaimer: This website uses affiliate links. I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through my links. This comes at no extra cost to you and helps sustain my work. Cheers!

Summary & Comparison — 5 Best Dinner Cruises in Paris

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

💡 Reviews are calculated using the weighted average and aggregate review count from GetYourGuide, Tripadvisor, and Viator.   I also include listings that I consider "arbitrary duplicates" of the original ones (e.g. the same cruise during the day vs night).

Paris Dinner Cruise Itinerary

Every dinner cruise in Paris follows the same itinerary , which runs between the Statue of Liberty and Pont de Sully. The route passes nearly 20 landmarks, including:

  • The Eiffel Tower
  • Pont Alexandre III
  • Musée d'Orsay
  • Grand Palais
  • Petit Palais
  • Institut de France
  • Île de la Cité
  • Notre Dame Cathedral
  • Hotel de Ville
  • Louvre Museum
  • Place de la Concorde
  • The Statue of Liberty

Video: 5 Best Dinner Cruises in Paris

Is it worth trying a dinner cruise in paris.

Yes, absolutely!

Don’t listen to those who say the food on dinner cruises in Paris is not gourmet enough or that you cannot enjoy the sightseeing while having dinner.

The food is generally excellent, and going on a dinner cruise at least once is a must.

Of course, not all dinner cruises are the same, but you can find the perfect one for you below.

FAQ: Photo Service 📷

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Every cruise offers a professional photography service to capture the evening. Pricy, but could be worth it for high-quality family or couple photos as souvenirs. You can always inspect both the digital and physical photos before deciding to buy.
  • The photo service is most affordable at 15€ per photo on Bateaux Mouches compared to other cruises, which charge 20-25€ per photo.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

FAQ: Birthday Celebrations 🎂

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Every cruise I have tried has been accommodating for birthday celebrations . These take place by the end of the cruise, with a birthday musical cue, clapping, and a piece(s) of cake/dessert with firework candles.
  • Marriage proposals are also possible  on certain cruises, just ask the company if they offer them.

1. 🏆 Best Dinner Cruise Overall (Bateaux Mouches)

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

✔️ Best Value for Money ✔️ Generous Amounts of Drinks Included (Wine, Water, Coffee or Tea) ✔️ Elegant & Luxurious Atmosphere ✔️ Open-Air Rooftop Deck ✔️ Lightning Fast Service ✔️ Classical Piano & Violin Music Duo ✔️ Exceptionally Friendly Staff ✔️ Freshly Prepared Gourmet Food ✔️ Delicious Nibbles (Scones) ✔️ Tasty Starter (Beef Carpaccio) ✔️ Tasty Main Course (Sea Bream) ✔️ Incredible Dessert (Profiteroles) ‍ ‍

❌ Wifi Not Available

Summary & Review — How Was It and What to Expect?

Even though Bateaux Mouches' online presence needs improvement, their dinner cruise does not.

‍ They orchestrated the best dinner cruise in Paris.

‍ I'm not exaggerating. Their attention to detail is impeccable. I truly felt like they wanted to make my night special.

They excel at everything that matters - standout friendly service, fair price, generous drinks package, excellent food, and flawless ship amenities.

I recommend Bateaux Mouches without hesitation if you want to have the best dinner cruise experience in Paris.

Apologies for the hard sell, but they've earned it. The reasons are explained below in detail.

Video Review: Bateaux Mouches Dinner Cruise

Take a look at this short video I made to get an accurate feel of the cruise:

Detailed Breakdown

Quick overview.

  • 3 or 4 Courses
  • Free Bottle of Wine
  • Free Bottle of Water
  • Free Coffee or Tea
  • Live Piano & Violin Duet
  • Excellent Gourmet Food
  • Great Ambiance
  • Open-Air Rooftop Deck

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • The ship is flawless in every aspect - huge (500-person capacity), elegant, luxurious, spacious, and high-end. I felt excited on this cruise , which is a big thing after trying out four other dinner cruises.
  • Note that Bateaux Mouches has 5 dinner cruise boats in its fleet , so you might get a slightly different ship than I did.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • The ship features large windows that offer magnificent views of the Parisian cityscape.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • The interior is tastefully decorated and has a lot of space .

Rooftop Deck

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • The ship has a massive rooftop terrace where you can ascend any time you want to enjoy the view and snap some photos.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Sophisticated, romantic, and high-end — they nailed the perfect energy and feel of the evening.

Live Music 🎵

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • There is a live piano and violin duo playing on the boat, which adds to the " Romantic Parisian dinner on the Seine" ambiance without being overwhelming, like on Le Diamant Bleu .

Staff & Service 🧑

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • The staff is unusually friendly and chatty , not to mention fast , making you feel like a cherished guest. This is rare in Europe , like a white raven, so when you experience it, it leaves a lasting impression.

Food and Drinks 🍴 🍷

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • The freshly made food was delicious and wasn't just gourmet in name but in reality.
  • You get 3 or 4 courses depending on your ticket (nibbles, starter, main course, and dessert and/or cheese).
  • The ticket includes a generous amount of drinks - a 1L bottle of water (per 2 people), a bottle of wine (per 2 people), and a glass of champagne on the Prestige ticket .
  • You get an extra bottle of champagne and a welcome drink on the Excellence ticket .

Tickets & Prices 🎟️

  • There are two ticket tiers: Prestige and Excellence.
  • Prestige tier (115€): 3 courses, gourmet food and drinks.
  • Excellence tier (155€): 4 courses, better quality food, and more/better drinks.
  • The price is middle-of-the-road in the dinner cruise category, and you get the most bang for your buck out of all the cruises I tested.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Seat reservations are not available. In other words, seats are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis .
  • If the ship is not at full capacity, all passengers will receive a window seat (subject to availability).

Dinner Cruise Menu 🍽️

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

Prestige Menu (115€ Ticket)

💡 Bateaux Mouches has two different menus depending on the ticket tier. The more expensive "Excellence" menu includes an extra cheese course, higher quality dishes, and extra drinks. The menu is subject to change.

Welcome Drink:

  • Glass of Castel Mouche (12.5 cl) or Crodino Virgin Spritz (non-alcoholic)

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

💡 Special diets: Bateaux Mouches offers a vegetarian option that can be made vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, egg-free, and nut-free. You can inform them of your requirements when booking.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Prawn tartare with sesame sauce, cucumbers, mesclun, and pineapple
  • Smoked beef carpaccio, cream of gorgonzola, lamb's lettuce, argan oil
  • Beet hummus, raw vegetables, crunchy vegetables, citrusy tofu

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Canon of lamb, herb crust, vegetable millefeuille, fondant berry sauce
  • Fillet of veal, beetroot and bigarade mousse, crunchy vegetables
  • Fillet of sea bream, sweet potato with parmesan, chickpeas falafels, pepper ratatouille, basil jus

Cheese or Dessert(s)

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Assorted seasonal PDO Cheeses
  • Chocolate and raspberry delight
  • Lemon millefeuille and praline creme
  • Chou pastry profiterole
  • Mouton Cadet (white wine) or Bordeaux Agneau (red wine) 1 bottle per 2 persons or 1 soft drink (25/33 cl) for 1 person
  • 1 bottle of Evian water (1L) for 2 persons
  • Tea or coffee

Children’s Menu

  • Sweet potato soup
  • Supreme of chicken, potatoes in all their forms
  • Royal chocolate with praline

Excellence Menu (155€ Ticket)

  • Glass of Champagne (12.5 cl) or Crodino Virgin Spritz
  • Amuse-Bouches
  • Whole duck foie gras, mango and Espelette pepper chutney
  • Heart of semi-smoked salmon in a Nori crust, creamy horseradish and pickles
  • Snail fricassee with mushrooms
  • Butternut squash soup with hazelnuts and a perfect organic soft-boiled egg *
  • Châteaubriand steak with morels, Élysée potatoes
  • Supreme of chicken with truffle
  • Back of line-caught cod, duo of carrots, vegetable sauce vierge
  • Roasted leek with baby vegetables, cream of carrot soup with cumin *
  • Comté aged 24 months, quince jelly
  • Chocolate tartlet, praline crisp
  • Verbena and stewed lemon dessert
  • Coffee cream in a chocolate shell, vanilla mascarpone
  • Meringue cloud, pear and tonka bean sorbet
  • Champagne Moët & Chandon
  • AOP Crozes Hermitage, Chablis La Sereine, or La Chablisienne (1/2 bottle per person) or 1 soft drink (25/33 cl) for 1 person
  • A bottle of Evian water (1L) for 2 people

Quick Facts

  • 📅 Schedule: Every day at 20:30
  • 🎟️ Ticket type: Mobile/printed
  • 🧥 Dress code: Formal
  • 🌐 Wifi: Not available ❌
  • 💨 Open air section: Available ✔️
  • ❄️/🌡️ Aircon: Available ✔️
  • 🐶 Animals: Not allowed (except service animals) ❌
  • 🚬 Smoking: Not allowed ❌
  • ♿ Wheelchair accessible: Accessible ✔️
  • 🚻 Restroom: Yes ✔️
  • 👶 Baby stroller accessible: Accessible (️infant seats also available) ✔️
  • % Children discounts: free for infants age 0-3 (no food served, but children's menu is available), 34€ ticket (age 4-12) ✔️ ‍
  • 🚗 Parking: Free parking is available during the cruise ✔️

Meeting Point

  • 🗺️ Meeting point: Port de la Conférence, 75008 Paris, France

2. 🥈 Runner-Up Dinner Cruise (Bateaux Parisiens)

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✔️ Elegant/High-end Ambiance ✔️ Freshly Prepared Gourmet Food ✔️ Tasty Nibbles ✔️ Tasty Starter (Fish Scallops) ✔️ Tasty Dessert (Chocolate Tart) ✔️ Good Amount of Drinks ✔️ Great Boat and Interior ✔️ Open-Air Section (Small)

❌ Singer/Music Not Memorable ❌ Slow Service ❌ No Rooftop Deck ❌ Not Ideal for Sightseeing ❌ Tasteless Main Course (Duckling Fillet)

Bateaux Parisien's dinner cruise is the cruise the everyone recommends in Paris - so I've put the name to the test!

Verdict? Second best to Bateaux Mouches. Here's why:

  • Price:  Bateaux Mouches' most expensive 4-course ticket costs 155€, while Bateaux Parisiens' middle tier tickets cost 139€ and 179€, while the highest tier ticket is 215€.
  • Value: Bateaux Mouches' highest tier ticket offers more value, including a 4-course meal, a bottle of champagne (per 2 person), and a bottle of wine (per 2 person). Bateaux Parisiens' top-tier ticket (215€) offers a 4-course meal, a glass of champagne and a bottle of wine per 3-4 people. The 4th course consists of cheese on both cruises.
  • Open-air areas: Bateaux Mouches' boat has an entire open-air rooftop deck, while Bateaux Parisiens' boat only has a small terrace at the rear end of the ship.
  • Ship / Atmosphere / Staff:  Bateaux Mouches' boat is more spacious, and the atmosphere is more elegant. Additionally, the staff is way friendlier and more accommodating than Bateaux Parisiens'.
  • Food: The food at Bateaux Mouches is better and more unique, but you get the same amount of courses. There are 3-course and 4-course options on both ships.

Verdict - Bateaux Mouches or Bateaux Parisiens?

Now, this may sound one-sided. Am I saying you shouldn't book a Bateux Parisiens cruise?

They offer excellent cruises in both the sightseeing and dinner categories. They have the most reviews, too.

But as good as it is, I strongly felt that Bateaux Mouches to be better. I may be the only person in the world who has been a guest on all 5 major dinner cruises in Paris, so that's my credibility. And I'm in the business of ranking cruises, after all.

Even by objective standards (price, value, staff, ship, food), it's easy to see that you simply get more and better quality at Bateaux Mouches .

But I understand that not everything is so black and white, and you may have your own preferences and criteria. You will find everything here to help you make your choice.

Overall, Bateaux Parisiens secures a solid second place on my list.

Video Review: Bateaux Parisiens Dinner Cruise

  • Okay Live Music
  • Gourmet Food
  • Small Open-Air Section

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  • Sophisticated, modern decor captures the essence of a chic Parisian dinner cruise. Intimate two-person window tables and spacious group seating are available (with both center and window seating).
  • There are clean, large restrooms on the lower deck and an open-air section in the rear.
  • Note that Bateaux Parisiens also has several dinner cruise boats in their fleet, so you might get a slightly different ship than I did.

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  • The cruise ship is not the best option for sightseeing (due to the lack of a rooftop deck) , but there is a small open-air section at the back of the boat for photo shoots (for perfect shots of the Eiffel Tower).
  • The windows provide a decent view of the city but can fog up, especially in colder seasons.

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  • The cruise offers a film-worthy experience: a fusion of elegance, romance, and culture , accentuated by a stylish crowd and a tastefully decorated interior . A more outstanding musical performance could have made it even more memorable.

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  • While there was a live singer , the music barely registered and faded into the background . Paris City Vision offered the best musical experience among all the dinner cruises I've tried.
  • On the positive side, if loud music disturbs you and you prefer to talk and be able to hear each other, this cruise will be to your liking.

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  • The staff was cordial, polite, and helpful. However, I experienced some service delays (e.g., slow to take orders ), and they almost forgot my dessert .
  • However, these are common potential issues on all dinner cruises (which go along with servicing hundreds of guests in such a short time) and vary from server to server.
  • The quality of the food here is generally high. While the starter and dessert (scallops, tart) were excellent, my main (duckling fillet) was underwhelming (bland). You also get a nibble (1 x scone). ‍
  • A la carte menu for drinks: glasses range from 8-15 euros, and bottles can go up to 40 euros, but the ticket already includes enough drinks, in my opinion.
  • 3-course dinner, a bottle of water, a glass of champagne and wine, and coffee are included, even in the least expensive  etoile service ticket .
  • The  privilege and premium tickets  include a 4-course meal, complete with a cheese course.

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  • Etoile and Decouverte: Center seats (you may still get window seats with etoile service like I did).
  • Privilege: Window seats guaranteed.
  • Premium (best place): Mostly window seats at the front of the ship.
💡 Bateaux Parisiens food and drinks menu available in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Chinese . Dishes are freshly prepared aboard the ship's kitchen. The food is gourmet.

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  • Scallops, citrus gremolata, leeks, Chardonnay sauce
  • French duck foie gras, mild-spiced pear chutney
  • Thin-crust snail tart, spinach and mushroom fondue, Bordelaise sauce, sweet garlic emulsion
  • Beluga lentils and tofu, beetroot condiment, red onion pickles (vegetarian)

Main course:

💡 Special diets: Bateaux Parisiens offers vegetarian, gluten-free, lactose-free, residue-free, fibre-free and diabetic options. You can inform them of your requirements when booking.

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  • Pan-fried veal and foie gras, mashed potatoes, Périgueux sauce
  • Pan-fried sea bass, fondant einkorn, butternut squash and celery, shellfish coulis with tarragon
  • Spiced duckling fillet, a variation on carrots, citrus sauces
  • Toasted buckwheat, confit seasonal vegetables and spiced bouillon (vegetarian)

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  • Iced pear and almond dessert, pear coulis (vegetarian)
  • Chocolate tart, crisp and creamy
  • Honey-roasted pineapple, soft Valencia almond biscuit, vanilla whipped cream
  • Coffee with a twist, coffee-soaked brioche and a light mousse
  • Etoile and Découverte Service: Get a cheese instead of dessert (or pay €8)

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  • All tickets include a generous amount of non-alcoholic (bottle of water, coffee) and alcoholic drinks (glass of champagne and wine per person), so you won't need to order. The exact amounts depend on the ticket.
  • 🧥 Dress code: Smart casual (cloakroom available)
  • 🌐 Wifi: Available ✔️
  • ♿ Wheelchair accessible: Not accessible ❌
  • % Children discounts: 66% off Etoile service ticket (children age 0-11) ✔️
  • 🚗 Parking: Free parking available near meeting point for guests ✔️
  • 🗺️ Meeting point: Port de la Bourdonnais, 75007 Paris, France

3. 🎵 Dinner Cruise With Best Live Music (Paris City Vision)

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

✔️ Best Live Music of All Cruises ✔️ Quintessential Parisian Vibes ✔️ Freshly Prepared Gourmet Food ✔️ Tasty Main Course (Bass Fillet) ✔️ Incredible Dessert (Flan) ✔️ Elegant & Luxurious Atmosphere

❌ Lack of Open-Air Section ❌ Slow Service ❌ Not Ideal for Sightseeing ❌ Low Amount of Drinks Included (Only Water, No Alcholol) ❌ Merely Passable Starter (Foie Gras) ‍

Summary & Review — How Was It and What to Expect? 📝

Paris City Vision's cruise is in the same pay grade as Bateux Mouches and Parisiens - but does it stack up against them head by head?

‍ It's not a bad cruise by any means, but the previous two choices are objectively better. The food is excellent, and the live music is the best I have experienced, but it packs less value for the price, and the absence of open-air sections is a serious downside.

Video Review: Paris City Vision Dinner Cruise

  • 3 Courses Dinner
  • Alcohol Not Included
  • Exceptional Singer & Music
  • Good, but Not Mind-Blowing Food
  • No Open-Air Section

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  • Modern and elegant interior fitting the smart casual-elegant Parisian dinner cruise vibe.
  • Medium-sized and on par with our two top cruises look-and-feel-wise.

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  • An experience straight out of the movies — elegant, cultured, and giving off high society vibes. Quintessential French background music sets the mood, punctuated by live performances.

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  • The situation isn't rosy in this area. The otherwise great big windows were prone to fogging up , and there was no open-air area or rooftop deck available, which made taking a great selfie or photo of the Eiffel Tower impossible.

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  • Their female singer was a shining diamond. She had an  outstanding stage presence, charisma, and  voice. She frequently delivered classics such as Besame Mucho and other romantic Parisian vibes-inducing music.
  • She  often included the audience  in her acts. In between her performances, tasteful French background music was playing.  They nailed this live music and vibe aspect the best of all cruises, I got to give it to them.
  • The service was  polite and helpful but could have been warmer and friendlier . They were helpful in answering my menu questions. 
  • They took my order quite late, which was the norm with most cruises except Bateaux Mouches.

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  • For starters, I chose foie gras. It was impeccably prepared, but it was a strange mix with a sweet pastry, and I wasn't a big fan. But I had to try it.
  • The main course was a bass fillet, which I found tasty but anything to write home about.
  • Finally, I had flan for dessert . I found this to be incredible. The French are truly masters of desserts - it's always mind-blowingly good.
  • A la carte menu for drinks: glasses range from 8-15 euros and bottles can go up to 40 euros.
  • The basic ticket (100€) doesn't quite pack much value - 3 courses, tea or coffee, but no drinks . I had to order a bottle of water and cocktail separately for 6 and 12 euros.
  • Their highest tier ticket (155€) ticket includes a bottle of champagne per 2 people, but it doesn't come close to what the latter two companies offer in value for the same price.

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  • There were two-person tables with window views available.
  • Groups were seated in the center at larger tables and near the windows in the back of the ship.
  • Tickets with guaranteed window seats are available.

Dinner Cruise Menu 📋

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

💡 Paris City Vision menu is available in different languages on GetYourGuide et al. Access it by switching the Getyourguide language switcher to your desired language. The menu is subject to change. Note: The food is freshly made in the ship's kitchen.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Mozzarella di Buffala, tartar, focaccia with Italian flavours
  • Lightly cooked foie gras, red fruit financier with honey from our beehives
  • Gazpacho prima verde with tomato brunoise (vegetarian)

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💡 Special diets: Paris City Vision caters to guests with special diet requirements. You can inform them of your requirements when booking.
  • Bass fillet, creamy risotto with green asparagus, squid ink tuile
  • Yellow poultry fillet, courgette flan, feta cheese, thyme sauce
  • Grilled beef, potato soufflé, yellow carrot mousseline (+9€)
  • Casserole of sunny vegetables with Provençal herbs (vegetarian)

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  • Crème brulee tart, caramel sauce
  • Our Eiffel Tower all chocolate, red fruit nectar
  • Strawberry soup, pistachio crumble (vegetarian)
  • Cheese platter (for 8€ extra)
  • Coffee or black/green tea included
  • "A la carte" drinks, cocktails, wines, beers, soft drinks available for purchase (8-15€)

Children's menu:

  • Starter: Salmon mille-feuille with leek compote
  • Main Course: Suprême of poultry, mashed potatoes
  • Dessert: Chocolate finger cake ‍
  • 📅 Schedule: Every day at 21:15 (shorter & cheaper cruise also available at 18:45)
  • 🧥 Dress code: Smart casual
  • 💨 Open air section: Not available ❌
  • 👶 Baby stroller accessible: Accessible Accessible (️infant seats also available) ✔️
  • % Children discounts: free for infants age 0-2 (no food served, but children's menu is available), 40€ ticket (age 4-12) ✔️
  • ‍ 🚗 Parking: Paid parking options available nearby. ✔️
  • 🗺️ Meeting point: Port Solferino, 75007 Paris, France
  • Note that the nearby Jardin de Tuileries is closed at night by the start of the 9:15 pm cruise, so you have to go around it.

4. 🔭 Best Budget Dinner Cruise With Panoramic Views  (Paris En Scene)

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

✔️ Most Affordable Dinner Cruise ✔️ Most Panoramic ✔️ Tasty Starter (Pumpkin Soup) ✔️ Tasty Dessert (Mousse) ✔️ Rooftop Deck ✔️ 0.5L Water Included

❌ Catered/Not Freshly Prepared ❌ Average Service ❌ Bland Main Course (Guinea Fowl) ❌ Generic Background Music ❌ Alcoholic Drinks Not Included

If you're looking for an affordable and panoramic dinner cruise, Paris en Scène is the perfect choice.

However, if you're looking for a fancy fine dining experience, you may want to look elsewhere. Their main course meals are a bit bland (not the soup and the dessert, though!), and the cruise has a more budget cruise vibe, but it's still a great value and offers a unique, enjoyable experience.

Video Review: Paris En Scene Dinner Cruise

  • 3-Course Dinner
  • Budget Friendly
  • Panoramic Seating
  • Excellent Views
  • Loudspeaker Music (Contemporary/Generic)
  • High Quality and Tasty Food

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  • Spacious, cozy and large, although it may not be as elegant as previous options on our list. Also features a rooftop deck.

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  • During the cruise, you can access to a top-notch rooftop deck with stunning views.

Panoramic Views 🔭

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  • The views are the strongest feature of this cruise. You can enjoy a delicious dinner while facing the windows and enjoying the stunning scenery.
  • There is a small open-air terrace available at the front of the ship, as well as an entire rooftop deck at your disposal.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Although not as high-end as our top 3 contenders, the boat offers a decent atmosphere for a busy dinner night with seats oriented to the sides, providing splendid views.
  • There's generic background music playing in the background. The guests usually crowded it out.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Like on most dinner cruises, the service was so-so .
  • The staff were polite and helpful , but they were not very warm or friendly . It took them quite some time to take my order, and the waiting time for my food was long. The food is catered and not prepared fresh on board.

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  • The pumpkin soup was delicious . The guinea fowl was bland, but the portion was good. The same goes for the fish fillet option, so the main courses aren't award winners . Finally, the mousse (dessert) was delicious .
  • Alcoholic drinks are between 8-15 euros (bottles are up to 40€).
  • For 59€ , you can enjoy a 3-course meal including soup, main course, and dessert alongside a bottle of water.
  • ‍ Alcoholic drinks are available to order separately. The price is reasonable for the quality of the food and service.
  • Only one ticket tier is available , but you can choose between two starting times: 7:15 pm and 9:45 pm.

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  • On this ship, there are pairs of comfortable tub chairs with foldable mini tables attached. These chairs face the windows , providing a panoramic view. For groups of four, regular tables with standard orientation are available in the center and front.

Dinner Cruise Menu 🍽️ ‍ ‍

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Cream of Pumpkin Soup with Hazelnut Pieces and Parsley Oil

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Guinea Fowl with Cider Cream, Spelt and Apples, Dill Oil
  • Sebastes Bream Fillet with Artichoke Barigoule, Fennel with Aioli Sauce and Flat-leaf Parsley

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Harlequin Chocolate Mousse with Sweet Almond Cream
  • Stewed Plums with Rosemary Creamy and with Cottage Cheese

Plant-Based Menu

Available on reservation only. Suitable for those who do not eat meat, fish, or animal products.

  • Pumpkin Cream Soup with Hazelnut Pieces and Parsley Oil
  • Vegetable Lasagna with Coconut Milk
  • Stewed Plums with Rosemary
  • 📅 Schedule: Every day at 19:15 and 21:45
  • 🧥 Dress code: None
  • 🌐 Wifi: ???
  • 🚬 Smoking: Allowed at designated smoking area ✔️
  • 👶 Baby stroller accessible: Accessible ✔️
  • % Children discounts: 28€ ticket (age 4-12) ✔️
  • ‍ 🚗 Parking: ???
  • 🗺️ Meeting point: L'île aux Cygnes, Escale de, Pont de Bir-Hakeim, 75015 Paris, France

5. 😞 An Okay, but Not Extraordinary Dinner Cruise (Le Diamant Bleu)

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

✔️ Freshly Prepared Gourmet Food ✔️ Tasty Main Course (Veal) ✔️ Excellent Dessert (Rhubarb Pavlova) ✔️ Rooftop Deck ✔️ Friendly Waiter

❌ No Nibbles ❌ Slow Service ❌ Unfriendly Welcome ❌ Passable Starter (Scallops) ❌ Not Good Value for Money ❌ Gloomy Live Music ❌ Decor Feels Cheap ❌ Wobbly Tables ❌ Lack of Energy ❌ Sketchy Meeting Point Area

In the final place, we have Le Diamant Blue. 

Unfortunately, their place here is a formality since their dinner cruise is below average . The reasons are explained below in detail.

In short, all other cruises in the same weight-class are better , so there's no reason to choose this cruise.

It's a pity, as I always try to find something unique in each cruise, but unfortunately, I could not find anything noteworthy about this one.

If Le Diamant Bleu wants to remain competitive, they need to improve their services and address certain issues outlined below.

Video Review: Le Diamant Bleu Dinner Cruise

  • 3 Course Dinner
  • Free Bottle of Water (Alcohol No Included)
  • Live Music (Low Energy/Gloomy/Contemporary)
  • Great Gourmet Food
  • Low Energy Ambiance

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  • It was massive, wide, and spacious , with great lighting and audio technology.
  • The windows are tall and wide and offer splendid views . However, the decor , including the chairs, tables, and tablecloths, felt cheap and low-quality , giving a faux luxurious feel . It was not up to the standard of the elegant high-end decor of most other dinner cruises.

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  • The ship also had a flawless open-air rooftop deck . In theory, they only allowed you to go up once you had finished your main course . In practice, people did sneak up. They said they don't want you to complain if the food goes cold. I found this patronizing as if adults couldn't decide whether to go up or not and return in time for their meal. 

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Even though the ship looks amazing in the pictures, the vibe was a bit dull. The meals arrived too slowly , the music wasn't uplifting , and the atmosphere lacked energy . All in all, the night ended with a dud instead of a blaze of glory.

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  • Our singer was a talented guitarist , but his vocals were too loud and did not fit the vibe. The tunes were gloomy , which didn't give off the quintessential romantic French vibe that many people were expecting. The low energy of the cruise wasn't solely due to the music, but the singer didn't quite hit the mark , and the night wasn't memorable as a result.

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  • Upon my arrival, I wasn't greeted with a particularly warm welcome . It was awkward as I had to wait until someone finally acknowledged me and led me to my table. However, despite the shaky start, my waiter was above and beyond attentive and friendly.

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  • The guests didn't get any nibbles , which would have been nice since the service was a bit slow, and we had to wait a long time for our otherwise freshly prepared food to arrive. The starter scallops, which were combined with pomegranate, had a strange taste. Although it was acceptable, it wasn't a crowd-pleaser. I recommend choosing the soup instead.
  • I enjoyed the main course of veal, which was impeccably prepared , delicious, and served in a decent portion size.
  • The dessert was amazing and truly stood out. As I always say, the French are experts in dessert-making.
  • There are 2 ticket tiers , and both are available with guaranteed window seating ("VIP").
  • Although their pricing is in the low-to-middle range (89-144€), the cheaper ticket only includes three courses and a bottle of water.
  • The higher-priced ticket includes alcoholic drinks (one bottle of champagne per two people), which makes them okay but still not great value  for money compared to other cruises.

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  • The dinner event took place in a vast and continuous main area , which had around a hundred tables arranged in four long rows.
  • There was a gap in the center where a live singer performed, and some tables were located in the VIP area at the front of the ship . Two of the four rows were adjacent to the windows , while the rest were in the center .
  • Guaranteed window seats are available.
  • Meeting point in dodgy area:  The cruise is far from the Eiffel Tower, which may be fine depending on where you're staying. However, before I arrived, I had to pass through a very sketchy area along the Seine River. Passing by dozens of homeless people in tents and areas with minimal lighting left a bad impression on me.
  • Wobbly tables: My small two-person table was wobbly . Most two-person tables may have this issue. The window tables appeared to be more stable.
💡 Special diets: Le Diamant Bleu caters to guests with special diet requirements. You can inform them of your requirements when booking.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

💡 Mismatch between menu vs. photos: Like on all cruises, the menu is subject to change. The menu below is what I found online, but I had a different menu on the boat,ests with special diet requirements. You can inform them of your requirem which I unfortunately didn't photograph.
  • Pumpkin soup with hazelnuts, forest mix and ceps, tortellini, bread tuile, chestnut shavings
  • Egg parfait and its vegetable garden with artichoke puree, carrots, radishes, chioggia beetroot, truffle carpaccio

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  • Candied lamb shoulder with caramelized onions, baby carrots, and roasted baby beans, oriental flavour, spicy juice
  • Fillet of cod with fennel sauce, lightly spiced pepper coulis, herb salad with basil, bergamot, sumac, and mashed potatoes

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

  • Chocolate tart with a warm flowing heart
  • Italian-style Chiboust
  • 📅 Schedule:
  • 🚬 Smoking: ???
  • 👶 Baby stroller accessible: Accessible Accessible (️infant seats NOT available) ✔️
  • % Children discounts: free for infants (age 0-2), but no food served (children's menu is NOT available)
  • 🚗 Parking : Paid parking available near meeting point ✔️
  • 🗺️ Meeting point: 36 Quai d'Austerlitz, 75013 Paris, France

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Paris Bateaux cruises - Parisiens or Mouches?

Must take a lovely dusk cruise on the Seine on one of the Bateaux tour companies, but which one to take? Also, I've heard advice to opt out of the dinner option as it's way overpriced for value.. would you agree?

DK, we've only done the cruises with dinner in the evening. To me, all the dining in Paris is overpriced . We've done the dinner cruise on 3 occasions; 2 of them were the "gold" package, the most expensive. My first time was priceless. The silver service was less formal and less romantic, everyone sat at a long table and had 4 or so choices to choose from, I would never choose this again. If you are there with that special certain person and want to impress, choose the better option. Btw, did Bateaux cruise in Dubai and loved the food more then I did in Paris, go figure. I think it also depends on the entertainment, sometimes it's a small band, sometimes it's a solo artist. I held back tears when we passed the small version of the Statue of Liberty and they sang Sinatra's New York, New York.

DK, If you don't want a dinner cruise, take a look at batobus.com Kind of a hop on off boat. It will give you a full day for about the same as the evening cruise Runs until 21:00 in the summer, though still not dark at this time

I've only used the Mouches once and hated it - huge, crowded with hundreds of tour bus folks, etc. I like Vedettes du Pont Neuf, Batobus, etc. much better. As for the previous comments about food in Paris, I've always found great food - but not on the boats and not in fancy places. I prefer to go to neighborhood bistros that are very reasonably priced. If you're interested, PM me and I'll send you a list of my favorite Parisian restos, from Moroccan to hot chocolate to French specialties.

I like the Batobus, you can ride all day, hop on and off, for a price comparable to a dinner cruise. But it's not as comfortable as a tour company boat, there's no narration, and you're under a clear plastic dome the whole time. I haven't done a dinner cruise but others, on this board and elsewhere, have reported the meal isn't worth it. Maybe there are great dinners at high prices, but why spend precious sunset river time eating? If you opt for one of the tour companies, I'd suggest dining elsewhere and sitting on the upper deck if weather allows so you can focus on the sights instead of the food.

I've done Seine river cruises more times than I can count, have done them all, and my favorite one is the one that is directly across from/next to Notre Dame, on the left bank (south side of river). Sorry, can't remember the name. It has the best narration (a live person) and sound system. I only like boats where I can sit outside on top. If the next boat leaving doesn't have that, I won't do it. I've never done a dinner cruise, and never would. Have heard nothing but negative about them. I, too, eat very well in Paris at very reasonable prices. Cafe Med on Ile St. Louis, for instance, is wonderful. Great atmosphere and 3 course meals for under $20.

I liked the Vedettes des Pont Neuf. For me, the ideal time was just at sunset, going down the Seine as dusk fell and the lights began to go on, returning after dark with everything lit up.

Another vote for the Vedettes de Pont Neuf (that's the one Susan meant). And another vote that lots of food in Paris is not bad value for money, so there's no need to accept this. I haven't taken a dinner cruise, but they are very high priced; for that money, you could get a good meal and a good river cruise separately, and be guaranteed of a good experience with each.

This will probably be our plan, dinner separate from the cruise.. Great comments, keep them coming- we will be there mid September. I expect the crowds to be pretty much gone..

DK, "we will be there mid September. I expect the crowds to be pretty much gone." September is "fall shoulder season" and I've found that the crowds can still be fairly thick at times. I typically travel in either September / October (fall shoulder season) or May / June (spring shoulder season). Happy travels!

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elizabeth everywhere

traveling the world, one post at a time

The Best Paris Dinner Cruise? Bateaux Parisiens Review

Best Paris Dinner cruise Bateaux Parisiens Review

Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, known for its incredible sights and delicious food. Combine these elements during a Paris dinner cruise on the Seine for an unforgettable evening while visiting the City of Lights.

Last week, I spent a few days exploring Paris with my boyfriend, visiting the famous attractions like the Louvre and Eiffel Tower and eating every charcuterie plate and pastry in sight. During our trip, we took a Seine dinner cruise with Bateaux Parisiens, and I’m so happy we did because it was one of the highlights of our trip. In this review, I’ll tell you all about our experience, and give you the chance to win a sightseeing tour with Bateaux Parisiens!

This post has been created in collaboration with Bateaux Parisiens . I was gifted the experience, but all views are my own.

Looking for more Paris restaurant recommendations? Check out my guide to the best food and drink in the French capital.

Paris Night Tours

During the cruise, you can visit the back deck and take some photos and soak in the view while traveling along the river. Towards the end of the cruise, waiters come around to settle any additional costs incurred during the course of the cruise.

WIN a sightseeing tour for two with Bateaux Parisiens by commenting on my Instagram post:

View this post on Instagram 🥂 GIVEAWAY TIME 🥂 I’m hosting my first ever contest with @bateauxparisiens, and FOUR of you will win!! To enter, follow my account and @bateauxparisiens , tag a friend, and answer the question “Under how many bridges do you pass during the Bateaux Parisiens sightseeing cruise?” Winners will get a ticket for two people on the Bateaux Parisiens Paris sightseeing cruise, and I’m picking FOUR winners!! Tag your friends who are visiting Paris soon or friends who live in Paris so they a chance to win! 💕 As you may have seen on my stories, I went on their dinner cruise last night and had a lovely time! #gifted This giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram. @bateauxparisiens is sponsoring this contest, and I will randomly select winners who enter the correct answer. This contest will run from 3:00 PM GMT April 3 to 3:00 PM GMT April 17, and all winners will be contacted by me. Travel not included. 😊 A post shared by Elizabeth Rhodes (@elizabetheverywhere) on Apr 3, 2019 at 7:18am PDT

Paris Dinner Cruise – Experiencing Bateaux Parisiens

I had a lovely experience on the Bateaux Parisien Seine dinner cruise, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a memorable experience when visiting Paris. I think it would be perfect for couples celebrating an anniversary or a birthday celebration! I’ve been on other dinner tours in Paris before, and the Bateaux Parisiens cruise had better food and better ambiance than those I had previously been on. Seeing the city lit up at night and passing monuments like Notre Dame and Eiffel Tower while enjoying wine and fine dining is an incredible experience.

Have you ever been on a dinner tour when traveling? I’d love to hear what you thought in the comments. Be sure to enter the contest on my Instagram- linked above- to explore Paris with Bateaux Parisiens.

Check out my posts all about Paris for more Parisian travel inspiration!

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' class=

If dinner cruise , which is better?

Thank you so much!

' class=

Which cruise boat you catch may depend on where you are, as they go from different quays.

I've gone on the Vedettes du Pont Neuf and the Batteaux Moushes and prefer the former. Their boats are a little smaller and they have a live guide who describes what you are passing vs. a recording on the Moushes. And I like leaving from and coming back to the Pont Neuf.

Thank you again!

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bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

France Hotel Guide's Blog

Batobus vs Bateaux-Mouches in Paris: A Detailled Comparison

The descent of the Seine offers a magnificent view of Paris and its monuments that would be a shame to miss. The Bateaux-Mouches are often favored by tourists, but there is an alternative: the Batobus. So, which one to prefer? Here is my comparison.

The Seine

In summary: The Bateaux-Mouches are ideal for a guided cruise with guaranteed seating and an incredible view of Paris, but they do not make stops. The Batobus , on the other hand, allows you to move between the city’s tourist sites, but without audio commentary or guided tours. Both offer different experiences, suited to different needs.


Paris’ Bateaux-Mouches are very popular with tourists wishing to discover the capital from a new perspective. Seated on the deck or behind a glass panel, enjoy an unparalleled view of the City of Light and its wonders.

These large, intimate atmosphere ships set sail at various times of the day and night.

Whether a simple 1h10 cruise or accompanied by an excellent 2h20 dinner , Bateaux Mouches is the leader of the name and it is from this company that the term we use in everyday language comes.

However, there are other companies offering similar services such as Vedettes du Pont Neuf and Bateaux Parisiens .

Route : Concorde – Louvre Museum – City Hall – Conciergerie – Ile de la Cité – Notre-Dame – Ile Saint-Louis – Pont Neuf – Orsay Museum – Invalides – Eiffel Tower – Chaillot Palace


  • The possibility to enjoy a guided cruise . Ideal to discover more about Paris, its heritage and its monuments. The guide, present on the boat, will be happy to answer all your questions and inquiries.
  • The affordable price of cruises without extra , at €15 for adults and €5 for children, for Bateaux Mouches company.
  • Enjoy an exclusive discount of up to 10% with a combined offer for the Louvre Museum, the Orsay Museum, the Arc de Triomphe, or the Montparnasse Tower.
  • Guaranteed seating , on the terrace or sheltered under the air-conditioned planetarium, for optimal comfort. An advantage for the elderly, fragile or young children.
  • The boats are, in general, larger and more comfortable than the Batobus. You will be able to move from your seat to the deck during the entire cruise.
  • Bateaux-Mouches offer the possibility to enjoy a meal during the ride on the Seine. A 1h45 lunch cruise costs from €80 and a 2h15 dinner cruise costs from €115.
  • Unlike the Batobus, with Bateaux-Mouches, you can start the day or night to admire two very different versions of Paris.
  • While simple cruises are quite accessible (€15), dinner cruises are r elatively expensive .
  • No stops during the cruise. If you want to visit one of the monuments you pass, you will have to retrace your steps from the mainland.
  • Bateaux Mouches cruises offer a relatively short cruise duration, around one hour (or two hours for dinner cruises).

Much less known to tourists, but particularly appreciated by locals, the Batobus , of the company of the same name, are more like a means of transport, like the metro or bus with stops all along the river.

However, unlike the metro or bus, the Batobus have the good fortune to offer a breathtaking view of the city and a rare calm within the capital.

The Batobus circuit is similar to that of Bateaux-Mouches and consists of nine stops to bring you closer to the greatest monuments of the Seine such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, the Louvre and many others.

Like the Bateaux-Mouches, they offer balconies and a panoramic view from inside the air-conditioned glass panel.

Route : Jardin des Plantes – City Hall – Louvre – Place de la Concorde – Eiffel Tower – Invalides – Orsay Museum – Saint-Germain-des-Prés – Notre-Dame

batobus paris

  • Small boat, a bit more intimate than the others.
  • There are 2 daily packages : one for 24h and one for 48h. The 24h pass is priced at €21 for adults (€10 for children and free for children under three) and the 48h one at €23.50.
  • Enjoy an exclusive discount of up to 10% with a combined offer for the Louvre Museum, the Orsay Museum, or the Grande Galerie de l’Evolution.
  • Batobus are a good alternative to traditional public transport. They are generally less crowded than buses and metro trains and offer a more playful vision and setting.
  • For locals, the annual passes at €60 for adults and €38 for children, offering maximum profitability.
  • Regular shuttles, more regular than the Bateaux Mouches with, on average, a shuttle every 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Of course, the main advantage of the Batobus are the many stops they offer at key points of the capital such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Jardin des Plantes and many others for a visit that does not stop at the facade of buildings.
  • Despite the fact that the shuttles run every day of the year, they stop quite early. The last departures are at 7pm (and even at 5pm on weekdays in November and December). This will not give you the chance to enjoy a night cruise or use the Batobus to return from your evenings.
  • The quite high price of the 24h pass, compared to cruises without extra offered by Bateaux Mouches.
  • The route does not offer audio commentary or guided tours.
  • Although less crowded than buses or metro, it can happen that the shuttles are full at certain times , forcing you to stand for the duration of the journey or to wait for the next shuttle.
  • The 20-25 minute wait between each boat and the limited number of stops are not enough to completely replace another public transport on a daily basis.

Conclusion: Batobus or Bateaux-Mouches?

  • If you want a peaceful and guided tour of the capital with guaranteed seating, opt for a Bateaux Mouches promenade cruise .
  • If you want an independent visit to the capital, like the “hop-on, hop-off” buses, and be able to take the boat as many times as you want for up to 48h, then the Batobus are for you.
  • If you want to sit down for a meal on a boat while watching Paris’s monuments pass by, then choose a lunch cruise or a dinner cruise . It’s really an incredible experience. There are more companies doing dinner cruises in Paris , but Bateaux-Mouches is definitely one of the best.


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Paris River Cruises: Which bateaux mouches is the best deal?

Jun 24, 2013

Bryan Pirolli

Bateaux Parisiens

The “bateaux mouches ,” Paris ’ pleasure boats, are a surefire way to spend an hour or so any evening or night. The Seine is best experienced by night, when monuments are illuminated and feet are generally tired and ready for a break. Originally from Lyon, these boats have been a top attraction for tourist since the 19 th century, and it’s easy to see why.

While they’re definitely worth shelling out for, there are a few different options to sift through. Here’s our Cheapo guide to choosing the Seine river cruise that’s right for you… and your budget.

Bateaux Parisiens

With departures from both Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower , the Bateaux Parisiens offer the most basic of the “bateaux mouches.” With pre-recorded audioguides detailing the sights along the one-hour trip, it’s a perfectly fine and basic way to experience Paris from the water. Just be sure to go later in the evening or night when there are slightly fewer groups crowding the docks.

At just €13 (€14 from Notre Dame) and €5 euros (or €6) for children, it’s not a bad choice, even if it can feel a bit over-the-top touristy at times.

Vedettes de Pont Neuf

There’s something about having a real human commentating that makes this company seem a bit more interesting, even if the poor commentator might still not have every English conjugation under their belt. The one-hour tour offered by the Vedettes de Pont Neuf are a bit less of a cattle call than the Bateaux Parisiens and leave centrally from their dock off the Pont Neuf . While passing by all of the same monuments, the boats have the added advantage of ending up back at the Pont Neuf, smack in the center of the city.

Deals on their website might allow you to score tickets for €8 instead of the normal €13 ticket price. Pre-buy if possible!


We love the Batobus for its hop-on-hop-off service. Photo: AndyRobertsPhotos

My pick for exploring the river, the Batobus is Paris’s water taxi, taking tourists from major attraction to major attraction. Its eight stops include the Musée d’Orsay and the Jardin des Plantes , meaning you can get off and wander a bit before hopping back on to the next dock. Or just grab a spot on the deck and watch the city go by. You can stay on all day if you want! And there’s no pesky commentary in several languages to distract you.

Tickets start at €15, but Groupon can be your friend here!

While the Seine is the main aquatic thoroughfare in Paris, don’t forget the canal which runs through the east of the city, meeting the river by the Bastille neighborhood . The trendy area is worth a visit from the Canauxrama , the slow-moving cruise that passes through the old lochs and even underground, while offering commentary in several languages. Kids love watching the water rush in and out as the boats pass up and down the canal.

While canal cruises cost €16 for a 2.5 hour cruise, online tickets are reduced to €13.50. For further savings, try Groupon, which regularly discounts the boat tickets up to 50%.

Your favorite way to cruise?

Do you have a favorite way to see Paris by boat? Share your experience with us in the comments section.

About the author

Bryan Pirolli

About the author: A journalist and tour guide, Bryan makes it his mission to cover Paris from top to bottom. He has also successfully defended a PhD in travel communication at Sorbonne Nouvelle, giving him some more street cred. Bryan regularly travels on a budget, experiencing the best of European culture while still trying to make rent.  So far, so good. You can follow his adventures on his blog: www.bryanpirolli.com .

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4 thoughts on “Paris River Cruises: Which bateaux mouches is the best deal?”

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

I think Batobus is the excellent way to go. It makes it worthy to actually get off the boat and wander to the attractions you see on the tour, which adds to the overall experience.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

We are considering a Night Tour to see the city “in lights”. Which tour company is recommended? Also, is a boat tour or bus tour better to see the famous attractions at night?

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

important Paris post! I ALWAYS suggest to my visiting friends a croisiere and often I still go with them because it IS by far the most pleasant and stress-free tour you can take. Just think of not having to worry about the horrendous traffic coming literally from all sides (and that’s not only for the English! – we are being overtaken left, right, on top and underneath, with motorbikes winding through the moving traffic like circus artists and often causing total mayhem)…. You cannot see the Eiffel tower better than from the Seine. You start and end your tour from the most central location you can find – the Pont Neuf! I’m talking about the boats ‘Vedettes de Pont Neuf’ and I’d like to point out that IF you buy the tickets via computer, they are ONLY AND STRICTLY VALID FOR THE DAY YOU BUY THEM. That’s the one catch and if you read your text carefully you’ll see – it’s all pointed out. So buy them in the morning of the day you wish to take the cruise. The personal tour guides are always very enthusiastic, they do that as students and count on a small pourboire (tip) – in the maybe 12 times we took the tour we had ONE guide who was less than very, very good. The explanations are given in French & English so you have nothing to worry about. Given the dismal weather we ‘enjoy’ right now, consider taking a tour in RAIN; it’s special with the raindrops sliding down the glass and seeing the great sights with that ‘soft filter’ – it really is still a treat!

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

Is the Vedette de Pont Neuf the best for night cruises as well?

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Bateaux Parisiens

Access PRMs

Discovery Service Dinner Cruise - 08:30 pm

Explore an unparalleled gastronomic experience with Bateaux Parisiens during our Discovery Dinner Cruise. Enjoy traditional French cuisine prepared on-site while taking in a panoramic view of Paris’s iconic monuments along the Seine. Immerse yourself in central elegance with the Discovery Service, offering a privileged placement at the center of the boat, near the bay windows. For unforgettable moments with family, friends, or your special someone, treat yourself to a unique cruise on the Seine from one of the most beautiful viewpoints in the City of Light. Book now for an exclusive gastronomic experience.

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

Dinner Cruise on the Seine - Discovery Service

Need more information? Please contact us at +33 01 89 16 84 62

  • Useful information

The Dinner Cruise Discovery Service of Bateaux Parisiens is offered every noon of the week at the following times:

08:00 pm :  Boarding 08:30 pm :  Departure 11:00 pm :  Return to the dock

Duration of the cruise: 2 hours and 30 minutes.

All Bateaux Parisiens cruises depart from and return to Port de la Bourdonnais, 75007 Paris.

The Dinner Cruise Discovery service package includes:

  • 2 hours and 30 minutes cruise
  • Panoramic view of the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and other iconic sites of Paris
  • Seating with panoramic view
  • Aperitif + Starter + Main Course + Cheese + Dessert + Drinks (1/4 bottle of wine + mineral water) + Coffee
  • Musical entertainment

*Please note, for Fridays and Saturdays, it is advisable to book at least 15 days in advance.

It is recommended to arrive 20 minutes in advance with your printed reservation voucher or on a smartphone.

Accessibility for people with reduced mobility (P.M.R):  Yes

The bay window is guaranteed with the Privilege Service package.

Les Bateaux Parisiens also offers lunch cruises and a commented cruise .

Campagne Cup

Scallops, citrus gremolata, leeks, Chardonnay sauce French duck foie gras, pear chutney with sweet spices Fine snail tart, spinach and mushroom fondue, Bordeaux sauce, sweet garlic emulsion Beluga and tofu lentils, beetroot condiment, red onion pickles

Main courses

Pan-fried veal quasi and foie gras, mashed potatoes, Périgueux sauce Flat-cooked sea bass, fondant spelt, butternut and celery, shellfish coulis with tarragon Spiced duck fillet, carrot and citrus fruit sauces Grilled buckwheat, candied seasonal vegetables and spicy broth

Cheeses matured by their master cheesemaker

The desserts are created by Lenôtre, to be chosen at the beginning of the meal: Pear and almond ice cream, pear coulis Crispy and creamy chocolate tart Honey-roasted pineapple, soft valencia almond biscuit, vanilla whipped cream Coffee variation, coffee-soaked brioche and airy mousse

(1/4 bottle per person) Pays d'Oc PGI Chardonnay Viognier AOP Corbières Domaine Georges Bertrand Mineral water Coffee

Same menu as for adults, excluding drinks

This menu is given as an indication. It is subject to change without notice. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.

The Bateaux Parisiens depart from the Port de la Bourdonnais 75007 Paris

Nearest car park : Port de la Bourdonnais – 75007 Paris


Are you a group of more than 14 people? Contact us for a personalised quote. Paris en un Clic guarantees you the best seats at the best prices!

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Bistro Parisien Dinner at the quay & Commented Cruise...

bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

Trattoria en Seine Italian Lunch on the Seine...

Welcome to Les Bateaux Parisiens, your must-visit destination for memorable experiences along the Seine! Whether you’re seeking a peaceful river cruise or a delightful taste of French cuisine, this exceptional fleet invites you to explore Paris in a truly unique way.

The diverse offering, including restaurant boats and scenic cruise boats, provides an immersive experience with fully glazed walls. Enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of Paris’s most beautiful landmarks unfolding to the rhythm of the water. Whether it’s a romantic getaway, a special celebration like Valentine’s Day, Christmas, New Year’s, or any other significant event, treat yourself to the magic of the Seine from one of the most beautiful viewpoints in the City of Light.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of Paris while savoring carefully prepared French cuisine on board. Our services are designed to offer you an unforgettable evening, combining the elegance of our fleet with the delicacy of our dishes.

Booking on our site is simple and fast, allowing you to plan your Parisian experience with just a few clicks. Discover the magic and enchantment of the Seine with Les Bateaux Parisiens. Book now and get ready to experience unique moments in the heart of the City of Light!

Included in your cruise

Commented Cruises:

  • 1-hour cruise on the Seine departing from the Eiffel Tower – Port de la Bourdonnais (return to the same location)
  • Panoramic view of the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and other iconic sites in Paris
  • Individual audioguides available in 14 languages
  • Open seating: access to 2 levels (covered and glazed below – open sky above)

Lunch Cruises:

  • 2-hour cruise
  • Lunch Star service: Central location on the boat + Aperitif + Starters + Main courses + Desserts + Drinks (1/4 bottle of wine + mineral water) + Coffee
  • Lunch Privilege service: Bay window location + Aperitif + Starters + Main courses + Cheese + Desserts + Drinks (1/4 bottle of wine + mineral water) + Coffee
  • Lunch Premier service: VIP location at the front of the boat + Aperitif + Starters + Main courses + Cheeses + Desserts + Drinks (1/4 bottle of wine + mineral water + Glass of champagne) + Coffee + Mignardises

Dinner Cruises:

  • 2h30 for the 8.30pm departure or 1h15 for the 1st round at 6.15pm
  • Dinner Star service: Central location on the boat + Aperitif + Starters + Main courses + Desserts + Drinks (1/4 bottle of wine + mineral water) + Coffee
  • Discovery Dinner service : Location with panoramic view + Aperitif + Starters + Main courses + Cheeses + Desserts + Drinks (1/4 bottle of wine + mineral water) + Coffee
  • Privilege Dinner service: Bay window location + Aperitif + Starters + Main courses + Cheeses + Desserts + Drinks (1/4 bottle of wine + mineral water) + Coffee
  • Premier Dinner service: VIP location at the front of the boat + Aperitif + Starters + Main courses + Cheeses + Desserts + Drinks (1/4 bottle of wine + mineral water + Glass of champagne) + Coffee + Mignardises

Adult Rate (12 years and older): 16 euros (instead of 18€ on-site)

Reduced Rate for children (4 to 11 years): 7.50 euros (instead of 9€ on-site)

Free for babies and children under 4 years old

Lunch Star formula

Adult Rate (12 years and older): 75 euros

Reduced Rate for children (up to 11 years): 39 euros

Lunch Privilege formula

Adult Rate (12 years and older): 95 euros

Lunch Premier formula

Adult Rate (12 years and older): 115 euros

Dinner Star formula – 06:15 pm

Reduced Rate for children (4 to 11 years): 39 euros

Dinner Star formula – 08:30 pm

Discovery Dinner formula

Unique Rate for Adults and Children: 139 euros

Privilege Dinner formula – 06:15 pm

Unique Rate for Adults and Children: 125 euros

Privilege Dinner formula – 08:30 pm

Unique Rate for Adults and Children: 185 euros

Premier Dinner formula – 06:15 pm

Unique Rate for Adults and Children: 149 euros

Premier Dinner formula – 08:30 pm

Unique Rate for Adults and Children: 215 euros

Scenic Cruises:

Weekday departures (Monday to Thursday): 10:30 am, 11:15 am, 12:00 pm, 1:15 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:45 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:15 pm, 5:00 pm, 5:40 pm, 6:20 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 8:40 pm, 9:20 pm

Friday departures: 10:30 am, 11:15 am, 12:00 pm, 1:15 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:45 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:15 pm, 5:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:00 pm, 9:30 pm

Saturday departures: 10:30 am, 11:15 am, 12:00 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:00 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:00 pm, 9:30 pm, 10:00 pm

Sunday departures: 10:30 am, 11:15 am, 12:00 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:00 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:00 pm, 5:40 pm, 6:20 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 8:40 pm, 9:20 pm.

The duration of Scenic Cruises is 1 hour.

The selected date during the reservation is a tentative date. Please note that e-tickets are valid for 12 months, allowing you to come on the date and time that suits you.

12:15 pm: Boarding

12:45 pm: Departure

2:45 pm: Return to the dock

Duration of the cruise: 2 hours

8:00 pm: Boarding

8:30 pm: Departure

11:00 pm: Return to the dock

Duration of the cruise: 2 hours and 15 minutes

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Where is the boarding point for Bateaux Parisiens?

All cruises of Bateaux-Mouches take place at Port de la Bourdonnais, 75007 Paris. Boarding and arrivals occur at the same location.

Is advance booking necessary?

For Commented Cruises, reservation is not mandatory, but due to high demand, it is highly recommended (average waiting time on-site: 1 hour). Opt for our E-tickets for direct access to the boats, eliminating any wait at the ticket counters. For a convenient and hassle-free experience, these electronic tickets are not nominative, providing total flexibility in their use. Additionally, for on-site reservations, please note that a surcharge of €2 per E-ticket applies. E-tickets are valid for any reserved day departure and, in case of unforeseen circumstances, automatically remain valid for 12 months, always on the date and time of your choice. For lunches and dinners, advance booking is mandatory. We recommend a reservation at least 15 days in advance.

When will I receive my E-tickets for the cruise?

Upon confirmation of your purchase, your E-tickets are automatically dispatched via email and are ready for use upon receipt.

How long are my Scenic Cruise E-tickets valid?

Your E-tickets are automatically valid for a period of 12 months and can be used at the date and time of your convenience. The calendar aims to keep you informed of any closures in the coming weeks.

Will I be seated in a bay window?

Regarding Commented Cruises, seating is open on the boats. The boats are fully glazed and also have an open upper deck. For lunch/dinner cruises, bay window seats are guaranteed with the formulas:

  • For lunch cruises: Privilege & Premier formulas,
  • For dinner cruises: Privilege & Premier formulas.

Are there stops during the Cruises?

All cruises are non-stop with departure and return at Port de la Bourdonnais, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.

Are pets allowed on board?

For hygiene and safety reasons on board the boats, unfortunately, we are not able to accept pets, except for guide dogs.

What is the recommended dress code for visiting Bateaux Parisiens?

No specific attire is required for Commented Cruises. However, for lunches and dinners, decent city attire is appreciated. Please note that sportswear, flip-flops, shorts, and caps are not allowed.

Where can I park when I go to Bateaux Parisiens?

Port de la Conférence offers free parking reserved for our customers, with direct access to the boats for added convenience.

Are Bateaux Parisiens cruises available throughout the year?

Bateaux Parisiens are delighted to welcome you throughout the year, except on January 1st for Lunch Cruises and on the second Monday of January when the site closes at 5 pm, regardless of the service. Please note that these hours may be subject to changes in case of exceptional navigation restrictions imposed by the authorities.

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bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise

Sparkling Champagne cruise in Paris

Sparkling Champagne cruise in Paris

Climb aboard for a sparkling cruise on one of our riverboats and enjoy a cruise on the Seine while sipping a glass of champagne! A romantic, singular and sparkling moment... to be experienced as a couple as you drift through the heart of Paris, admiring its most magnificent monuments: The Eiffel Tower, of course, as well as Notre Dame, the Conciergerie, Pont Alexandre III, Pont Neuf and more.

croisiere petillante


This package includes a combined ticket for a cruise on the Seine with the Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches® and a half-bottle of EPC Champagne for 2 people to be collected from the bar area located just after the turnstiles, in the waiting area for boarding.

Sparkling cruise on the Seine

Whether at noon just before lunch, in the afternoon to unwind after a long day of sightseeing or in the evening to admire the Parisian sunset, the sparkling Champagne cruise on the Seine can be booked all year long, summer or winter, during the day or in the evening.


  1. Dinner Cruise in Paris with Bateaux Mouches

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  2. Bateaux-Mouches Seine River Cruise & Dinner with the best views of Paris

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  3. Bateaux Mouches

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  4. El auténtico crucero con almuerzo Bateaux Mouches por el río Sena en París

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  5. Croisière dîner

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  6. Very Enjoyable Dinner Cruise

    bateaux parisiens vs bateaux mouches dinner cruise


  1. Bateaux Parisien lunch cruise on the Seine

  2. Eiffel Tower at Night, Paris France /Bateaux Parisiens Dinner Cruise Paris France 🇫🇷



  1. Bateaux Mouches or Bateaux Parisienne?

    The Bateaux Parisiens, Vedettes de Pont Neuf, and others, with smaller vessels all have very nice cruises, but do not have the many levels and large spaces to move around. We've never done a dinner cruise because we prefer to spend the entire cruise enjoying the views versus inside "dining".

  2. Comparatif Croisières Seine : Bateaux-Mouches vs Bateaux Parisiens

    Bateaux-Mouches ou Bateaux Parisiens : Guide pour Choisir Votre Croisière sur la Seine. Naviguer sur la Seine à Paris est une expérience inoubliable, offrant des vues spectaculaires sur les joyaux de la ville. Deux des compagnies les plus renommées pour ces croisières sont les Bateaux-Mouches et les Bateaux Parisiens.

  3. Tour en Bateaux Mouches ou Bateaux Parisiens, Dîner Croisière, avis

    Trouvez le meilleur dîner croisière à Paris ou le meilleur tour en Bateau sur la Seine. Lisez nos avis et choisissez entre Bateaux Mouches, Bateaux Parisiens, Marina de Paris, Vedettes du Pont Neuf …. Dîner Croisière Paris. Simple balade, croisière déjeuner, dîner croisière à Paris …. Les formules sont variées!!!

  4. 5 Best Dinner Cruises in Paris in 2024 (Personally Tested)

    Cheers! 🏆 Best Dinner Cruise Overall. Bateaux Mouches. +3540 reviews. 115-155€ 🥈 Runner-Up Dinner Cruise. Bateaux Parisiens. 🎵 Dinner Cruise with Best Live Music. +4910 reviews.

  5. Paris Dîner-croisière sur la Seine by Bateaux Mouches

    Paris Dîner-croisière sur la Seine by Bateaux Mouches. Par Bateaux Mouches. 998 avis. Toutes les photos. À propos. Découvrez les sites emblématiques de Paris depuis l'eau, illuminés pour la soirée, lors de ce dîner-croisière touristique des Bateaux-Mouches.

  6. Dîner-croisière touristique sur la Seine à bord des Bateaux Parisiens

    Dîner-croisière touristique sur la Seine à bord des Bateaux Parisiens. Par Bateaux Parisiens. 2 202 avis. Toutes les photos. À propos. Améliorez votre visite touristique de Paris lors d'une croisière sur la Seine glamour avec les Bateaux Parisiens, avec dîner et musique live.

  7. Paris Bateaux cruises

    4105 posts. DK, If you don't want a dinner cruise, take a look at batobus.com Kind of a hop on off boat. It will give you a full day for about the same as the evening cruise. Runs until 21:00 in the summer, though still not dark at this time. Posted by Holly. Durham, NC, USA. 04/09/13 04:34 AM. 335 posts.

  8. Dîner croisière sur la Seine à partir de 89 euros

    Les Croisières Dîner. Savourez un dîner gastronomique lors d'une croisière originale. A PARTIR DE 95 € Découvrir. Regarder la vidéo. Découvrez nos prestations. Croisière Dîner 18h15. Croisière Dîner 20h30. Les prestations comprennent. Croisière 1h15. Menu. Boissons & Vins. Service étoile 18h15. Placement au centre du bateau.

  9. The Best Paris Dinner Cruise? Bateaux Parisiens Review

    Bateaux Parisiens offers a lunchtime cruise at 12:45 PM and two dinner cruises: one at 6:15 PM and a longer one at 8:30 PM. I went on the 8:30 PM cruise and had the "Privilege Service," which included a window table, champagne, wine, and water, and four courses.

  10. Bateaux parisiens vs Bateaux Mouches

    1. Francophool. Menlo Park... Level Contributor. 22,258 posts. 3 reviews. 12 helpful votes. 1. Re: River Boat cruise - Bateaux parisiens vs Bateaux Mouches. 13 years ago. Save. Actually we prefer Vedettes de Pont Neuf and do not recommend dinner cruises. Report inappropriate content. Figgygirl. New Forest National... Destination Expert.

  11. Batobus vs Bateaux-Mouches in Paris: A Detailled Comparison

    Bateaux-Mouches offer the possibility to enjoy a meal during the ride on the Seine. A 1h45 lunch cruise costs from €80 and a 2h15 dinner cruise costs from €115. Unlike the Batobus, with Bateaux-Mouches, you can start the day or night to admire two very different versions of Paris.

  12. Paris Seine River Dinner Cruise with Live Music by Bateaux Mouches

    See the iconic sights of Paris from the water, illuminated for the evening, on this Bateaux Mouches sightseeing dinner cruise. Float leisurely down the Seine and take in unobstructed views of the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre, and other must-see sights while enjoying a 4-course dinner and live music.

  13. Paris dinner cruise on the Seine river

    starting from 340.00 € Book. Other cruises on the Seine. As well as dinner, Bateaux Mouches® also provide lunch cruises or simple boat tours to explore Paris from the Seine. Boat Trip on the Seine. Lunchtime Cruise. Brunch Cruise. Dinner Show. Tickets for cruises on the Seine, dinner cruise reservations, special offers, tourist packages and more!

  14. Paris River Cruises: Which bateaux mouches is the best deal?

    Bryan Pirolli. 4 comments. The Bateaux Parisiens offer a perfectly fine, if touristy, experience. Photo: Fabrice Terrasson. The "bateaux mouches ," Paris ' pleasure boats, are a surefire way to spend an hour or so any evening or night.

  15. Dîner croisière à Paris

    Un dîner croisière à Paris est la promesse d'un moment romantique. Embarquez à bord des Bateaux Mouches® pour un dîner croisière sur la Seine inoubliable.

  16. Bateaux Mouches Cruise

    3/24/2023. Paris is one of the most iconic cities in the world, and there's no better way to experience its beauty and grandeur than by taking a Seine River Cruise. While there are several companies that offer Seine River cruises in Paris, Bateaux Mouches is one of the most popular and well-known options.

  17. Paris Seine River Dinner Cruise with Live Music by Bateaux Mouches

    Paris Seine River Dinner Cruise with Live Music by Bateaux Mouches. By Bateaux Mouches. 996 reviews. See all photos. About. See the iconic sights of Paris from the water, illuminated for the evening, on this Bateaux Mouches sightseeing dinner cruise.

  18. Bateaux Parisiens

    Instant confirmation. Discovery Service Dinner Cruise - 08:30 pm. Explore an unparalleled gastronomic experience with Bateaux Parisiens during our Discovery Dinner Cruise. Enjoy traditional French cuisine prepared on-site while taking in a panoramic view of Paris's iconic monuments along the Seine.

  19. Paris Seine river cruise

    Cruise on the Seine with Bateaux Mouches. Compagnie des Bateaux Mouches® invites you on a cruise to explore Paris from its best avenue: the Seine. Book online for brunch or lunch in a quirky restaurant, a romantic dinner on the water or simply a guided tour for an original way to visit Paris' most beautiful monuments, from one of our boats.

  20. Bateaux-Mouches : Dinner cruise • Paris je t'aime

    Bateaux-Mouches : Dinner cruise • Paris je t'aime - Tourist office. From. €120. Read reviews. Must-do. Best price. Book now Or Buy a gift valid for 12 months. Bateaux-Mouches : Dinner cruise. Prestige Dinner Cruise. (See the menu) The 2h15 cruise on the Seine. Aperitif. Starter, main course, cheese duo OR dessert.

  21. Cruise on the Seine in Paris

    Cruise on the Seine in Paris. Compagnie des Bateaux Mouches® is the leading provider of cruises on the river Seine. Take some time to explore Paris a little differently and uncover the historic heart of the city of lights whilst slipping down its most beautiful avenue.

  22. Croisière sur seine à Paris, déjeuner & dîner

    Site officiel de la Compagnie des Bateaux Mouches® - Réservez un déjeuner ou un dîner croisière sur la Seine, ou une simple visite de Paris en bateau par sa plus belle avenue.

  23. Valentine's Day Dinner Cruise in Paris

    starting from 210.00 € Book. Come aboard one of our boats on Valentine's Day for a dinner cruise on the Seine, in the heart of Paris! A great idea for a romantic gift.

  24. Champagne cruise in Paris

    Réservation. This package includes a combined ticket for a cruise on the Seine with the Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches® and a half-bottle of EPC Champagne for 2 people to be collected from the bar area located just after the turnstiles, in the waiting area for boarding. Reservation for Champagne cruise in Paris. starting from 29.00 €. Book.