We are PragueWay – an experienced team of locals operating high quality city tours since 2008.

Old Town Tour & Medieval Underground

Embark on an enchanting journey through Prague’s UNESCO-designated area, unlocking the secrets of its 12th-century hidden underground and delving into the captivating narratives of the city’s major historical events, influential figures, and life during the dark medieval era.

Our adventure begins by strolling across the iconic Charles Bridge, setting the stage for an immersive exploration of the intricate labyrinth that is Old Town—a captivating journey that unfolds over the course of nearly 2 hours. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Following this, your experience takes a thrilling turn as you descend into the deep dungeons and chambers beneath Old Town Square, accompanied by an expert guide providing insights into the interior’s unique history. Here, you’ll encounter yet another local guide, gaining a fresh and dynamic perspective on your surroundings. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Dive deeper into the rich tapestry of Prague’s history as you discover the fascinating stories behind renowned sites. Uncover the legends and numerological mysteries surrounding Prague’s most famous bridge, marvel at the world-unique „Orloj“ Astronomical Clock with its intricate mechanisms, and explore the Jewish Quarter, home to a still-preserved old cemetery and historic synagogues. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

From the gripping tales of Prague’s most significant public execution to the enigmatic fate of The Clock master creator, and from Emperor Charles IV.’s „golden“ era to the locals‘ courageous fight for freedom and democracy in the 20th century, this tour promises to unveil a trove of historical insights. Immerse yourself in the city’s major events, get acquainted with important figures, and gain a profound understanding of life during the dark medieval times. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Join us for an unforgettable exploration that blends history, mystery, and local expertise, ensuring you leave Prague with a deeper connection to its storied past.

prag unterwelt tour

  • Explore Prague’s iconic sites, from the legendary Charles Bridge to the world-unique „Orloj“ Astronomical Clock and the storied Jewish Quarter.
  • Traverse the iconic Charles Bridge, a gateway to Prague’s UNESCO area, setting the tone for a captivating exploration.
  • Descend into the mysterious depths beneath Old Town Square, led by an expert guide revealing centuries-old secrets.
  • Benefit from not one, but two local guides, offering unique perspectives on Prague’s history and cultural landmarks.
  • As a bonus, enjoy a breathtaking view from the top of Old Town Hall tower.
  • Old Town Hall entry ticket – including the great lookout tower view
  • Local licenced guide and Old Town Hall’s own expert guide
  • Ponchos in case of rain (on request at the meeting point)

☆ Charles Bridge ☆ Royal Path ☆ Old Town Square ☆ Tyn Church ☆ “Orloj” Astronomical Clock ☆ Old Town Hall – halls, underground spaces, lookout tower ☆ Jewish Quarter (exteriors)

& much more!

  • Please arrive ON TIME (!) – we need to be at Old Town Hall at 11:55 for the interiors tour to start, so unfortunately, there is no tolerance for late arrivals.
  • This is a combined „package“ type of product that is designed to showcase Old Town sights and also medieval underground. You will meet two different guides – one is our own, the second is Old Town Hall’s official guide. This way, you get two different locals’ perspectives.
  • This is the only such „visitable“ underground space in Prague for guided tours. It takes around 20 minutes (!) and the rest of the Old Town Hall interior tour are its historic halls – above ground.

More than 72 hours before the tour, there are no fees. Less than 72 hours before the departure of the tour, will be charged total amount of the service. Light rain is no argument for cancellation of the tour.

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Die 3 grusligsten Geistertouren in Prags Unterwelt erleben (auf deutsch)


Wir zeigen Euch die spannendsten Geistertouren in Prag , und stellen Euch die unheimlichen Stadtführungen durch die Unterwelt und das mysteriöse alte Prag näher vor. Eine Grusel- und Geistertour solltet Ihr bei einem Besuch der Stadt Prag unbedingt erleben. Ihr könnt hier bequem euer Ticket für die Geisterführungen durch die Altstadt von Prag ohne anzustehen online buchen. Abseits der normalen Stadtführungen gibt es in Prag eine große Auswahl an spannenden Touren, die in die düstere Vergangenheit der Goldenen Stadt Einblick verleihen. Wir haben uns 3 Geistertouren angesehen und mitgemacht.

Geistertour Prag Führung mit Georg

Prag: Gruseltour auf deutsch (1,5h)

„eine deutschsprachige führung in die geister und unterweltwelt von prag“.

Spannender gruseliger Spaziergang mit deutscher Führung Sie nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit durch die Altstadt von Prag – erlebe die schaurige Orte von Morden, Hinrichtungen und Spukhäusern.

Highlights der Unterweltführung:

  • Dauer der Tour: 1,5 Stunden
  • Private Führung in der kleinen Gruppe
  • Unterwelt-Tour durch das nächtliche Prag mit den schönsten Gruselgeschichten.
  • Spukhäuser, Flüche, Hinrichtungen und Morde
  • spannenden Geschichten, der düsteren Seite der Stadt Prag
  • Geführter Rundgang mit deutschsprachigem Live-Guide
  • Eintritt ins Museum der Alchemisten und Magier
  • Dauer: 1 Std. 30 Min.
  • Sofortige Ticketzustellung
  • Smartphone-Tickets akzeptiert

Wir waren in einer kleinen Gruppe unter der Leitung des fachkundigen, deutschsprachigen Guides Georg 70 Minuten durch die Unterwelt der Prager Altstadt unterwegs. Sie tauchen verborgene Zugänge in den Prager Kneipen in Geisterwelt von Prag ein, besuchen Kerker und verborgene Höhlen unter der Altstadt von Prag und hören spannende Geschichten von Hinrichtungen, blutigen Morden, gruseligen Spukhäusern oder dunklen Flüchen. Die Führung zeigt verbogene Räume der Alchemisten- und Magier.

Anbieter der Führung : Wroclaw City Tour

Prag Geistertour Fuehrung

Drei beliebte Führungen in die Unterwelt von Prag

Diese Führungen zeigen Euch einen Einblick in die dunkle Unterwelt der Stadt Prag. Geister, Alchemisten und Hexen spielen dabei eine Rolle. Lasst Euch gruseln, im nächtlichen Prag ist hier ein besonderes Erlebnis garantiert:

Fotos unserer Tour in die Prager Unterwelt (copyright)

Geistertour Prag

Das könnt Ihr auf den Geistertouren in Prag erleben:

Bei der Geistertour begleiten Besucher einen fachkundigen, englischsprachigen Guide durch das nächtliche Prag. Im Rahmen des Abendspaziergangs lernen sie die mysteriösen, dunklen Seiten der Stadt kennen. Sie betreten das Jenseits. Die Tour dauert 1,5 Stunden . Sie führt ab 20 Uhr durch die ältesten Straßen der Goldenen Stadt. Im Laufe des Erlebnisses erfahren Teilnehmer Wissenswertes zur düsteren Seite Prags. Sie lauschen den gruseligen Erzählungen des Führers über grausame Hinrichtungen, blutige Morde, erschreckende Flüche und vermeintliche Spukhäuser.

Im Rahmen der Führung schauen sich Ticketbesitzer das Viertel des blutigen Aufsehers an. Sie vernehmen die Volkssage des unehrlichen Ladenbesitzers und warum er ertränkt wurde. Zudem erfahren Teilnehmer, wo früher die Hinrichtungen stattfanden und warum sich Elfen im Burggrafenhaus tummelten. Nach der Tour wissen Besucher, warum sich in der Prager Rathausuhr das Skelett des Sensenmannes befindet und was es mit der Geschichte vom Raubritter auf sich hat.

Im Anschluss besuchen Teilnehmer das „ Alchemisten- und Magiermuseum des alten Prag „. Es befindet sich im ältesten Gebäude der Stadt in der Nähe der Prager Burg. Darin verbarg sich einst das Labor eines schottischen Wissenschaftlers. Mittlerweile ist es ein großer Anziehungspunkt für Fans des Mystischen. In dem Labor arbeiteten im 16. Jahrhundert bekannte Magier wie Tades Hajek, Tycho Brahe und Rabbi Leo. Sie versuchten einen Philosophenstein zu schaffen, produzierten Drogen oder brauten Elixiere, um der Jugend auf die Sprünge zu helfen. Einer der berühmtesten Alchemisten war Edward Kelly. Er soll in der Lage gewesen sein, Geister und Engel mit einer Kristallkugel zu beschwören oder einfaches Metall in Gold umzuwandeln. Im Laboratorium des Hauses finden Besucher eine interaktive Ausstellung über alchemistische Kessel.

Weitere empfehlenswerte Geistertouren in Prag :

Guide: Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch – Tipp: Besonders beliebt mit über 2000 positiven Bewertungen ist die Geister und Legendtour mit David: hier buchen .

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Landkreis Görlitz

Prague Castle

prague underground tour

City of Prague Underground Tour 2024

About prague underground tour.

This is not a standard sightseeing tour of Prague! Experience Prague like never before on this 80-minute long tour of the Czech capital’s medieval underground. On this very interesting tour, you’ll visit many hidden corridors, rooms, and cellars of Old Town Prague and along the way, you’ll also learn about Prague’s history.

prague underground tour


Underground tour.

Book this one-hour-long Prague Underground Tour and discover the city from a different perspective. This guided tour will take you to the covering mysterious locations around the capital of the Czech Republic. Explore Prague’s history while you tour The Old Town’s underground hidden corridors, cellars, and rooms.

The Czech capital is widely famous for its breathtaking architecture, but the fundamental mysteries of Prague are hidden underground. On this Underground walking Tour, you will get a unique opportunity to explore Prague as you’ve never seen it before and uncover the Czech capital’s sinister side.

Your experienced tour guide will lead the way and tell you everything about the part of Prague that hasn’t changed since the 12th century. Learn interesting and exciting historical facts about Prague. Hear the stories about the medieval period, the time when their premises were still in use.

Enjoy beautiful architecture of the Czech capital,  and find out how Prague Old Town was during its era as a medieval city.  On your Prague Old Town Underground Tour, you’ll also visit the underground medieval Dungeon, where you can see displays of executions and torture devices.

  • Local guide
  • Entrance fees to the underground and dungeons
  • Weather-appropriate clothing
  • Comfortable shoes
  • English, German
  • Not suitable for children under 7 years
  • Not suitable for people with walking disabilities

charles bridge prague night

Tour Meeting Point

The tour meeting point is at the Address: Male Namesti Square Nr. 459 / 11, Praha 1 Oldtown.

Certified circle t and t



Enjoy your Prague visit to the fullest!

Soak up the atmosphere and walk around old underground spaces dating back to the 12th and 13th centuries

Tour the hidden rooms, corridors, and cellars up to two floors beneath the ground, as city life continues above you!

Explore 1,000 years of history in Prague’s Old Town with a guide; hear amazing stories from the city’s ancient times

prague underground tour


Good to know before you go.

  • Smartphone tickets are accepted. Show your digital smartphone ticket to your tour guide.
  • Bring a pair of comfortable shoes, and dress appropriately for the weather
  • Bring an identification document
  • Make sure to arrive at least 15 minutes before the intended start time of the tour
  • Please note that this tour is not suitable for wheelchair users and baby strollers.

underground prague old town

Fascinating Experience

We went with Judith, an elderly lady with a lot of dark humor. At first I was skeptical but she explained everything great and showed us the old Prague. I suppose with the right ghost tour you can see the same, but this tour during the day gives you way more.

Book your Prague Underground Tour & see the city from a different perspective!

  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before the tour starts
  • Live Tour Guide

Instant ticket delivery

Smartphone tickets accepted

Skip the line ticket

Prague Underground Tours Logo

Historical Oldtown, Medieval Underground & Dungeon Tour

2024 Schedule :

DAILY in English * SUMMER SEASON (1. Apr – 1. Oct) at 1 pm and 6:45 pm WINTER SEASON* (1. Oct – 1. Apr) at 1 pm and 5:30 pm (*Exc. Dec. 24,25 & 31st eve.)

For more available slots and tour times e.g. 10:30 am, 3pm, 5:30 pm, 7:45 pm see please the Booking Section Calendar


The city of Prague may be famous for its beautiful architecture but there are not only the treasures which are visible on first sight on the streets. Beneath the town is an other city. The one from before. Visit the Oldtown area and the old city undeground from the 12th and 13th century and even older, tour through the hidden rooms, corridors, cellars up to 2 floors beneath the ground and listen to the 1000 years of history of the town. Many times rebuilt, forgotten and again discovered, theese historical undergrounds give an insight into the past, unknown facts , secrets and relations and give a picture of the life in medieval times.You will see the historical expositions, the secret alchemyst laboratory and down in the Dungeon fear about medieval torture and executions…


  • Romanesque and gothic underground from the 12 & 13th century
  • Interesting facts from the town history, the floods of 2002 & 2013
  • Historical expositions of weapons, death & life in medieval times
  • Story of oldtown executions and the secret alchemyst laboratory
  • The Dungeon with the medieval torture and execution instruments

TICKETS: we recommend booking online in advance, other available tickets can be purchased also before the start at the Starting point (Ticket Office, always 10 min before the start) in cash or card

Adult: 600 Czk

Student: 55 0 Czk

prag unterwelt tour

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Prague tours and an information centre right in the heart of the Old Town of Prague.

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Reviews from Trip Advisors

  • Prague Castle after Dark
  • WW2 & Anthropoid Tour
  • Prague Castle & Canal River Boat Tour
  • Old Town & Jewish Ghetto in Brief
  • Ghosts & Legends of Old Town
  • Underground Walk by Lamplight

Copyright © 2011 – 2024 . Prague Trips & Tickets . All Rights Reserved

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  • Food & Drink
  • Food & Drink

Underground Prague: What You’ll Discover Hidden beneath the Astronomical Clock

Kenny Dunn

Walking around Prague, it’s clear that it’s a city of many layers. But it’s not until you’re able to venture beneath the street level that you realize just how many layers, and how far back in history those layers go. For example, in the 19th century, many streets in Prague were raised by one full story from their original level as a way to avoid constant flooding from the Vltava River, which was a frequent problem for anyone living along its banks.

old_town_square prague

I recently had the chance to go underground in Prague, below the current street level at one of the city’s oldest buildings, the Old Town Hall in the eponymous Old Town Square. If you’ve never been to Prague, you may not recognize the Old Town Hall. Among the myriad other gothic, baroque and classical buildings, it doesn’t necessarily stand out all that much. However, you likely would be familiar with one of the most famous sights of the Czech capital that is right on the side of the building: the Astronomical Clock . A visit to the clock, while very touristy, is worthwhile to admire the 15th century engineering of this fascinating instrument, which was used to show positions and phases of various astronomical bodies.

12 th Century Beginnings

However, there is much more to the Old Town Hall than just the Astronomical Clock. The oldest parts of the structure date back to the 12th century, but the original use of much of what remains of the foundations is unknown or disputed due to the fact that the vast majority of the city’s records were lost during the fire of 1689. Nonetheless, a remarkable amount has been uncovered about how the space was used.

old_town_hall prague

The first thing that struck me upon entering the now subterranean world of what was originally the street-level entrance of the Old Town Hall was just how quiet it was. The Old Town Square, from where you enter the building, is bustling with tourists, street performers, cafés and restaurants, and can be a little overwhelming. But as soon as you go underground, the sounds of tour groups, buskers and modern life melt away and you become completely enveloped in a cocoon of silence.

Beneath the Old Town Hall: Kitchens, Breweries and Torture Chambers

There is pretty good evidence that several of the rooms below the Old Town Hall were originally used as dungeons or torture chambers for religious prisoners. Walking through them now, it’s uncomfortable to imagine people being persecuted because of their religious beliefs by being thrown into a pit full of other prisoners and left there to starve to death.

underground prague

Other rooms are believed to have been used as kitchens, tanneries and breweries. The only place I visited beneath the Old Town Hall where I had any sense of the outside world carrying on around me was the space directly below the Astronomical Clock, from where I could hear people walking on the street level above, chattering and admiring the clock.

The Secret of the Astronomical Clock

A small, insignificant-seeming door was pointed out to me at the top of the room, behind which were the controls for the famous clock. Apparently, there is only one person in the world who knows how the clock works, and he comes once a week, climbs a ladder to that door, and works in secret to check that everything is running smoothly.

astronomical_clock prague

So it could happen one day, if this man who knows the secret of the clock suddenly drops dead, that Prague’s most famous sight will be left without a guardian. And then what happens if it unexpectedly stops working? You may not be able to watch the Astronomical Clock in action on the hour, every hour, but at least you’ll still be able to visit the fascinating world beneath the Old Town Hall.

Want to get to know Prague’s Old Town? Why not take a Prague Food Tour ? More than just food, you’ll uncover all the Old Town’s cultural and historical secrets along the way…

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Get the latest food trends, special offers and new tour announcements. Subscription is free

Eating Prague Food Tour

Eating Prague Food Tour

Dine in the same cafe as Albert Einstein and meet the local vendors keeping the city’s food traditions alive. Explore the mysterious history of Prague through its cuisine.

  • Small Group

Prague Evening Food Tour

Prague Evening Food Tour

A magical evening in a side of Prague that most people miss.

  • Private tour

About Kenny Dunn

Kenny’s love for European cuisine was sparked after moving to Rome in 2009. He fell in love with the city’s backstreet eateries, and even more with the people and stories behind each dish. Now he's turned his passion into food tours, so  Eating Europe  guests can also share a taste of local life.

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Prague Tours

Prague tours show visitors the true beauty, history and hidden treasures of the city. tours are led by expert guides and are inclusive of all fees: if transport, a specialist guide, an entrance ticket, or food and drink forms part of the experience, it's included in the price - more info.

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Children under 10 have free admission.

  Tour route

Smetana Hall – Confectionery – Moravian Slovak Parlour – Božena Němcová Parlour – Oriental Parlour – Grégr Hall – Palacký Hall – Mayor’s Hall – Riegr Hall – Sladkovsky Hall

  Admission Combinations

1 Municipal House Guided Tour

2 Exhibition Blanka Matragi – Timeless

Tickets can be bought only at the Municipal House box office.

Tickets can be purchased at the historic box office of the Municipal House (10:00 - 19:00) and online on our website www.obecnidum.cz. Individual discounts cannot be combined with each other. The maximum number of people in a group is 35.

The Municipal House reserves the right to change the route of the tour, the date of the tour or refund the entrance fee.

Private guide tours

For organized groups, special tours can be booked in advance. The minimum price of the extraordinary tour is CZK 2,800. If you are interested, please contact the Head of the ticket office, Lenka Čechová: [email protected] , tel: 724 590 891.

prag unterwelt tour

Best things to do and see in Prague

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and it is known as the “City of a Hundred Spires” or the “Golden City.” This European capital is one of the most visited destinations by tourists in the entire world and not only because of its beauty, but because it is practically a museum where tourists can walk through its neighborhoods and witness Prague’s historic, architectural and cultural legacy. Few cities in Europe can compete with all Prague has to offer, culturally and in terms of its many monuments. Prague’s many squares and corners all have a rich story to tell, full of interesting local history that will bring your holiday to life and ensure you a visit that you will remember for a lifetime. 

When it comes time to plan out what to see in a city that is this packed with amazing monuments, it’s more important than ever to have some criteria based on how much time you’ll have to explore, this way you get to see all those must-see places on your list without missing anything too important. If you end up doing a free tour in Prague (in the morning, afternoon, or evening) with a local guide, you will have the opportunity to see the places that are most significant or emblematic, places like Prague Castle, Charles’ Bridge, the Cathedral, the Old Town Square, Wenceslao Square, the Dancing House, the Prague Astronomical Clock, The Jewish Neighborhood, the Spanish Synagogue, or the John Lennon Wall.

If you’d like to know more about the free walking tours in Prague in Spanish or English that are available, get online where you can read other walkers’ opinions and reviews they left about their gurus and their guided tours and find the best one for you. 

Free walking tour near Prague

Others cities to visit after prague, find other guruwalks in prague, where are you traveling to.

Tours in Prague

All tours in prague.

All tours in Prague - preview image

Prague offers relaxed atmosphere, breathtaking views, rich history, the great Emperor Charles IV, Jewish Quarter, The Astronomical Clock. See it all on your guided tour. Group or private - we offer both.

Tours to Prague Castle

Tours to Prague Castle - preview image

The monumental Prague Castle is much loved by the Czech and the whole world. Visit the largest ancient castle in the world. Some tours are with admissions. As locals, we ae very proud of the castle and its history.

Tours to Charles Bridge

Tours to Charles Bridge - preview image

Emperor Charles IV. was very busy during his days. Walk on the 14th century Charles Bridge and feel the history pouring into you...Fall in love with the views of the Prague Castle standing proudly above the bridge.

Guided tours in Prague

Guided tours in Prague - preview image

Explore Prague, discover the most attractive places and learn about their history. Friendly guides will introduce you to the most important things, tell you interesting stories, and recommend local attractions.

Private tours in Prague

Private tours in Prague - preview image

Just you and your guide! Get to know the most beautiful places in Prague in private or only with your loved ones. Safe anti-covid tours with knowledgeable guides will ensure you unforgettable moments on the most attractive spots.

Old Town Square tours

Old Town Square tours - preview image

Visit the most beautiful square in Prague! A must-see for all lovers of history and architecture. See the unique medieval Astronomical Clock adorning the Old Town City Hall, Church of Our Lady before Týn, or magnificent St Nicholas church.

Historical center tours

Historical center tours - preview image

Take a walk around the very heart of Prague. From the Old Town, most ancient Prague´s quarter, through picturesque Jewish Quarter, across magic Charles Bridge, you will get to Lesser Town and the biggest castle complex in the world, Prague Castle.

Jewish Quarter tours

Jewish Quarter tours - preview image

Choose your Prague Jewish Quarter tour. You will get to know the most ancient synagogue in Europe, The Jewish Ceremonial Hall, the famous Old Jewish Cemetery, and other monuments that survived the Nazi occupation.

Prague Lesser Town tours

Prague Lesser Town tours - preview image

Wander around Prague Lesser Town, the most romantic quarter of Prague abounding with magnificent palaces and gardens. You will see the breathtaking St Nicholas church and picturesque Kampa Island with the famous Lennon Wall.

Special tours

Special tours - preview image

Do you want to get to know Prague while enjoying your daily portion of running? Or will you become a professional Prague photographer for a while? Choose from some specialized and unique tours and experience Prague differently!

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Bus tours in Prague

Bus tours in Prague - preview image

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Food & Drinks tours

Food & Drinks tours - preview image

Would you like to taste what we Czechs like to eat? Knowledgeable guides will show you where to try the best specialties of Czech cuisine. Visit some of Prague’s famous historical breweries and indulge in an array of Bohemia’s finest beers.

Museums & galleries

Museums & galleries - preview image

Book your tickets to the most attractive Prague museums and art galleries. Discover the rich collections of the world and Czech painters, see extraordinary works by contemporary local artists. Get to know Prague´s cultural richness.

Towers of Prague

Towers of Prague  - preview image

A must-see in Prague: climb up the ancient Prague towers and enjoy breathtaking views of Prague. Some towers offer permanent exhibitions. Admire the Prague Old Town Tower and explore the Astronomical Clock from the inside.

Musicals in Prague

Musicals in Prague  - preview image

Visit Karlín Music Theatre or Hybernia Theatre in Prague to see the world ´s renowned musicals such as Jesus Christ Superstar, Sister Act or Czech popular musical Galileo etc. Look forward to top cast, great production, a lovely experience.

Sightseeing cruises

Sightseeing cruises - preview image

Take a boat tour and enjoy unique views of Prague´s most beautiful sights. Whether you treat yourself to a romantic dinner on board or choose an hour-long guided cruise, you will get to know Prague from the river Vltava like never before from its banks.

Day trips from Prague

All day trips from prague.

All Day trips from Prague - preview image

Top-rated tours in Czechia aim to get you familiarized with our beloved country: group or private tours will take you to the concentration camp Terezín, spa Karlovy Vary, scenic Český Krumlov or Kutná Hora with its famous Ossuary.

Český Krumlov tours

Český Krumlov tours - preview image

Don´t miss the most popular day trip from Prague! Český Krumlov is a magic UNESCO-listed town located in the south of the Czech Republic. Get lost in its romantic narrow aisles, admire Renaissance frescos, see the fairy-tale Český Krumlov Chateau.

Guided tours from Prague

Guided tours from Prague - preview image

Explore the Czech Republic, discover the most attractive places and learn about their history. Friendly and knowledgable guides will introduce you to the most important things, tell you interesting stories, and recommend local attractions.

Kutná Hora tours

Kutná Hora tours - preview image

Only one hour away from Prague, you will discover a uniquely preserved medieval silver mining city with the Gothic masterpiece, the Cathedral of St Barbara. If you like unusual things, don´t miss the macabre Bone Chapel in nearby Sedlec.

Karlovy Vary tours

Karlovy Vary tours - preview image

Book your tour to Karlovy Vary and spend a great day in the most famous Czech spa town. Admire the splendid buildings, enjoy the elegance of its collonades, taste Becherovka liqueur and spa wafers, visit Moser glassworks factory, and much more.

Terezín tours

Terezín tours - preview image

The Terezín Memorial honors the victims of the Nazi persecution during WWII. Although the exhibition is emotionally draining, it carries an important message. At these awful times, facing death daily, the prisoners kept a strong will to live and love.

Karlštejn Castle tours

Karlštejn Castle tours  - preview image

Get online tickets for Karlštejn Castle tour, one of the most beautiful and famous Czechia's castles founded in the 14th century by the Emperor Charles IV. See the magical Karlštejn town,enjoy the surroundings of the castle.

Group discounts

Group discounts - preview image

Make use of discounts for groups. We offer discounted tickets for groups of 10+ people. Do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be happy to negotiate the best possible price for you. Just choose your tour, we will take care of the rest.

Hop On Hop Off 48 Hours bus + 1 hour cruise - preview image

Hop On Hop Off 48 Hours bus + 1 hour cruise

June 28, 2024 | 17:10 (Fri)

Explore Prague, visit Prague Castle, Charles Bridge and the Old Town

As a Prague based company, we offer the biggest selections of Prague tours: walking tours & excursions, boat cruises or art tours. Discover Prague, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Walk up to the Prague Castle  with your tour guide. Take a tour in the  Prague Historical Center  or in  Old Town Square . Admire the Charles Bridge. Visit the Jewish Quarter . Walk through the picturesque Lesser Town or explore Vyšehrad Castle .   Prague boat cruises on Vltava river are perfect all year round.

Czechia group or private sightseeing tours in many languages

Explore the most beautiful cities and castles of Czech Republic. We offer group or private tours. Get your tickets for  Český Krumlov tour ! Visit the famous spa city  Karlovy Vary . Pay your respects to the WWII victims in  Terezín Memorial . Get a bus or private tour to mining city  Kutná Hora  with the world famous Sedlec Ossuary (Bone Church) located nearby. Karlštejn Castle is a perfect destination for history lovers. We guarantee the same prices as the tour guides. And our personal touch. 

The best sights in Prague & tours from Prague with local guides

Discover the Czech history. The Prague Castle with its iconic St. Vitus Cathedral is one of the most visited sites in Czech Republic. Highly knowledgable private or group guides can make your stay in Prague the most memorable. Your Prague private tour guide is flexible enough to alter the route according to your needs. Book a tour to visit the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Cathedral, a memorial of Operation Anthropoid. Each sightseeing tour is tailor-made. Private tours are convenient and the group tours are fun! 

4 simple steps to enjoy your event

  • Choose your event on our website
  • Pay on-line by credit card
  • Print your E-ticket received via email
  • Enjoy your event

prag unterwelt tour


  1. Geister & Unterwelt Stadtführung in Prag erleben (deutschsprachige Tour

    prag unterwelt tour

  2. Prag: Altstadt, mittelalterliche Unterwelt & Kerker

    prag unterwelt tour

  3. Geister & Unterwelt Stadtführung in Prag erleben (deutschsprachige Tour

    prag unterwelt tour

  4. Prag: Altstadt, mittelalterliche Unterwelt & Kerker

    prag unterwelt tour

  5. Prag: Altstadt, mittelalterliche Unterwelt & Kerker

    prag unterwelt tour

  6. Prag: Altstadt, mittelalterliche Unterwelt & Kerker

    prag unterwelt tour


  1. UnterWelt-Tour

  2. Zweiter BUNKER der Brandenburgtour mit @bunkercattv

  3. Der GERUCH der HÖLLE mitten in Brandenburg

  4. Prag tour#street #prague #tour #sokaklar #europe#fluss #vltava

  5. 4 BUNKER auf einmal! Brandenburgtour mit @bunkercattv

  6. Ultimate Prague 4K Walking Tour


  1. Geister & Unterwelt Stadtführung in Prag erleben (deutschsprachige Tour

    Geister & Unterwelt Stadtführung in Prag erleben (deutschsprachige Tour) 18. Februar 2024 von Redaktion 625. Gruseltour in Prag Foto: Mario Förster. Wir zeigen Euch die Untergrund-Tour durch die Unterwelt von Prag, durch die mittelalterlichen Keller und Kerker vor und zeigen Euch warum Ihr diese besondere Stadtführung bei einem Besuch der ...

  2. Prague Underground Tours

    The Prague Oldtown is famous for its beautiful architecture. But there are not only the treasures visible at first sight on the streets. ... Prague Special Tours s.r.o., Cestovní Agentura, Bílkova 855/19, 110 00 Praha1, IČO: 246 88 304 Zapsána v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 166201. Last update ...

  3. Prague Underground Tour

    Über die Tour durch die Prager Unterwelt. Dies ist keine normale Sightseeing-Tour durch Prag! Erleben Sie Prag wie nie zuvor auf dieser 80-minütigen Tour durch den mittelalterlichen Untergrund der tschechischen Hauptstadt. Auf dieser sehr interessanten Tour besuchen Sie viele verborgene Gänge, Räume und Keller der Prager Altstadt und ...

  4. DIE 10 BESTEN Prag Unterirdische Touren

    A: Dies sind laut Viator-Reisenden die besten Unterirdische Touren am Reiseziel Prag: Prager Altstadt und Tour durch Prags unterirdische Welt des Mittelalters. Highlights von Prag: Spaziergang durch die Stadt, Bootstour und typisch tschechisches Mittagessen. Prager Kommunismus und Nuklearbunkertour.

  5. Old Town Tour & Medieval Underground

    Explore Prague's charming UNESCO Old Town area including its 12th century hidden medieval underground! Small groups and local guides! 9:00 - 19:00 +420 731 238 264. [email protected]. PragueWay. ... The One-Day See It All Prague Tour. Charles Bridge, Old Town & Jewish Quarter, "Prague Venice" river boat cruise and Prague Castle all in one! ...

  6. Die 3 besten Geistertouren in Prag erleben + Tickets hier:

    Wir zeigen Euch die spannendsten Geistertouren in Prag, und stellen Euch die unheimlichen Stadtführungen durch die Unterwelt und das mysteriöse alte Prag näher vor.Eine Grusel- und Geistertour solltet Ihr bei einem Besuch der Stadt Prag unbedingt erleben. Ihr könnt hier bequem euer Ticket für die Geisterführungen durch die Altstadt von Prag ohne anzustehen online buchen.

  7. Prague Underground Tours

    Prague Old Town, Medieval Underground and Dungeon Historical Tour. 846. Historical Tours. 1-2 hours. Travelers seeking an unexpected view of Prague will love this exclusive underground tour. Visit caverns, dungeons, cellars…. Free cancellation. from. $26.

  8. Tour durch die unterirdischen Gänge und Verliese der Prager ...

    Prager Altstadt und Tour durch Prags unterirdische Welt des Mittelalters in Prag bei Prag, Tschechische Republik buchen Ein Tripadvisor-Unternehmen. Die besten Prag-Aktivitäten. Suche nach Kategorie ... 1,5 h Führung durch die Prager Unterwelt mit netter Reiseführerin, von der Altstadt haben wir leider nicht ganz so viel gesehen und hätten ...

  9. Prag: Altstadt, mittelalterlicher Untergrund & Kerker Tour

    Führung Prag: Altstadt, mittelalterlicher Untergrund & Kerker Tour. Anbieter:Prague Tours. 4,1 / 5 5112 Reviews. Bei einer aufschlussreichen Führung erfährst du, was sich unter der Stadt Prag befindet. Erfahre die Geschichte der Stadt, während du versteckte Räume, Keller und Gänge im Untergrund der Altstadt besuchst.

  10. Prague Underground Tours, Prag

    Sehr interessant und schöne Tour und vor allem super Guide! Prag: Altstadt, mittelalterliche Unterwelt & Kerker Bewertet von Robert, 31.5.2024. Prague Underground Tours Tickets und Führungen einfach online kaufen - Zeit & Geld sparen. Vorab buchen - Plätze sichern - Tickets sofort erhalten Prag genießen!

  11. Prague Underground Tour • Prague Castle Tours & Tickets

    see more options. We found the best value Prague Castle tours & tickets for you! € 29. € 49. € 45. Experience Prague like never before on this 70-minute long tour of the Prague's underground. On the tour you'll visit many hidden rooms.

  12. HOME

    ALTSTADT, MITTELALTERLICHER UNTERGRUND & DUNGEON FÜHRUNG; GEISTER, LEGENDEN & DUNGEON FÜHRUNG; KOMMUNISMUS UND NUKLEAR BUNKER FÜHRUNG; DIE GEHEIMNISSE DES PRAGER U-BAHN-SYSTEMS; ... Prague Special Tours s.r.o., Cestovní Agentura, Bílkova 855/19, 110 00 Praha1, IČO: 246 88 304 Zapsána v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze ...

  13. Prague Underground Tours (Prag)

    Prague Underground Tours (Prag) - 2024 Lohnt es sich? (mit Fotos) Prag. Tourismus Prag Hotels Prag Pensionen Prag Ferienwohnungen Prag Flüge Prag Restaurants Prag Sehenswürdigkeiten Prag Reiseforum Prag Fotos Prag Karte Prag. Hotels. Alle Hotels in Prag Hotelangebote in Prag Last Minute Prag Nach Hoteltyp.

  14. Oldtown, Medieval Underground & Dungeon Tour

    TOURS. Oldtown, Medieval Underground & Dungeon Tour; Ghosts, Legends & Dungeon Tour; Communism and Nuclear Bunker Tour; Secrets of the Prague Subway System; ... Prague Special Tours s.r.o., Cestovní Agentura, Bílkova 855/19, 110 00 Praha1, IČO: 246 88 304 Zapsána v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 166201

  15. THE TOP 10 Prague Underground Tours (UPDATED 2024)

    Prague Foodie Tour. Prague's TOP Sights - Old Town, Jewish Quarter, Charles Bridge (Tip-based tour) Small-Group Karlštejn Castle and Koneprusy Caves Tour. Prague Underground Tours : Check out Viator's reviews and traveller photos of Prague Underground Tours . Guaranteed Low Price.

  16. Prague Trips & Tickets

    Prague tours and an information centre right in the heart of the Old Town of Prague. Prague All Inclusive Tour. This is your All Inclusive Tour, perfect for short stays and city breaks. Accompanied by an experienced guide with an in-depth knowledge... More info. from 84 EUR.

  17. The BEST Prague Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    The best indoor activities in Prague for rainy days are: Prague: Skip-the-line Castle Ticket and Optional Audio Guide. Prague: Old Town, Medieval Underground & Dungeon Tour. Prague: Old Town Hall & Astronomical Clock Entrance Ticket. Prague: Castle Tour with Local Guide and Entry Ticket.

  18. Underground Prague: What You'll Discover Hidden beneath the

    Prague's Old Town Hall dates back to the 12th century. The first thing that struck me upon entering the now subterranean world of what was originally the street-level entrance of the Old Town Hall was just how quiet it was. The Old Town Square, from where you enter the building, is bustling with tourists, street performers, cafés and ...

  19. Prague Tours & Boat Trips

    The Prague Explorer is the most comprehensive of the Prague tours. Includes hotel pick-up, visit to Prague Castle, pub lunch and a boat trip. Duration: 6 hours. Operates all year. Adult: 1600 CZK. Student: 1500 CZK. Child: 1500 CZK.

  20. Guided tours

    Guided tours are available for both individuals and groups. Price of guided tours: Foreign language tours (English, German, Italian, Spanish, French): 250 CZK / 1 hour / person (+ a valid ticket). Contact and booking: e-mail: [email protected] tel.: 224 372 187, 224 373 568. We recommend you to book the tours in advance.

  21. visits

    For organized groups, special tours can be booked in advance. The minimum price of the extraordinary tour is CZK 2,800. If you are interested, please contact the Head of the ticket office, Lenka Čechová: [email protected], tel: 724 590 891. Tue. 24/06/25. 13:00. Guided tour (english) Tickets. Tue. 24/06/25 ...

  22. The best 51 Free Walking Tours at Prague

    4. Guru: Verneus Tours PRO. Art and Culture. Freetour Prague: Prague Castle (incl. Big Changing of the Guards) (6 ratings) 4.50. Duration: 2h and 30min. Starts at: 11:00.

  23. Tours in Prague

    As a Prague based company, we offer the biggest selections of Prague tours: walking tours & excursions, boat cruises or art tours. Discover Prague, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Walk up to the Prague Castle with your tour guide. Take a tour in the Prague Historical Center or in Old Town Square.