Top 9 Solo Travel Tips

Highway to the Horizon

Planning your first solo travel adventure? Below are some practical solo travel tips from a (self-proclaimed) seasoned solo adventurer! 

Tip #1: If you’ve never traveled by yourself before, you’re in for a treat

Traveling alone can be a truly liberating experience. From start to finish, you’re in full control of what you see and do. Don’t feel like sticking around somewhere? Move on. Come across a potentially interesting detour? Explore at your leisure. You’re free to go about it any way you like (and be whoever you want to be).

Some are turned off by the concept – the idea of being alone in a foreign place evokes images of loneliness and boredom. As any seasoned solo traveler will tell you, these fears are overblown.

Traveling alone does not mean you have to be alone the entire time – far from it. It’s actually much easier to meet people when you show up alone. Sometimes, all you have to do is smile at people, and they will want to hear your story.

It’s also one of the best ways to get some thinking done. Solo travel clears the mind – the experience of spending parts of the day in solitude is akin to meditation. There is no more pretending or putting on a show for others – only the reality, and your reactions to it.

In short, solo travel is great way to get to know yourself.

Excited yet? It gets even better.

Thanks to our wired and interconnected world, travel couldn’t be easier. There are plenty of tools and resources online to help you every step of the way (see our “ Travel Resources ” page for a curated list).

With that said, below is some of my personal advice for aspiring solo globetrotters:

Tip #2: If you’re worried about being alone, don’t be!

Before you even set off on your trip, try taking a day off to explore your own town or city. Walk around by yourself and take in all the sights, as if you were a tourist. You may be bored or restless at first, without the company of anyone else. This is entirely normal, and just takes some time to get used to.When you are comfortable spending a full day just by yourself, go on a weekend trip to a neighbouring city or state. Take this chance to explore someplace new – on your own terms.

After a few such weekend trips, you may become addicted to the freedom   that comes with solo travel. You can go anywhere, see places in any order and be free of others’ schedules. Once the journey begins, you will see firsthand just how enjoyable solo travel is.

Tip #3: Set aside enough time and money for travel

One common piece of feedback from recently returned travelers is: “I wish I had brought half as much stuff, and taken twice as much money.” While I can help you with the former (see the “ Packing Advice ” page), you’re on your when it comes to financing your travels.

Some money tips for the road:

  • Don’t plan to see everything at once – slow down. Give yourself enough time to fully explore a city before you move on. This will not only make your trip more enjoyable, but will save you money. A good chunk is typically spent on transportation (e.g. airplane tickets), and taking it slow is a great way to save.
  • Try to stick to a daily budget. Some days you’ll go over, and some under. But do try to stick to one if you’re trying to stretch money out. For an idea of how much things cost abroad, Numbeo is an invaluable resource.
  • Before you set off, figure out how you will be paying for things. Avoid using currency exchange services – they often have horrible exchange rates (especially the ones in airports). While your credit card will probably have the best exchange rate, keep in mind that many businesses are still cash-only (especially in third world countries). For this reason, it may make sense to go with a bank that offers refunds on foreign ATM fees (for Americans, Charles Schwab is the best choice).
  • If you really need cash, simply using an ATM with your debit card is the likely the best way to get a good exchange rate.
  • If you don’t have much cash saved up, consider traveling to a more affordable part of the world. South East Asia, Eastern Europe, and much of Latin America can be done on $40 to 50 USD/day, while costs go up dramatically once you set foot into North America, Western/Northern Europe, or major East Asian cities (e.g. Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore). Note: these are merely ballpark figures, and the real cost will depend on your preferences (e.g. if you’re willing to stay at a hostel).
  • For some ideas based on your budget, check out the latest Backpacker Price Index .

Remember that there are many viable alternatives to traditional hotels. Consider booking a bedroom (or an apartment) on Airbnb.

There are ways to earn money while on the road (e.g. bartending, teaching English, manual labor). If you’ve got some skills and/or willing to work, you can probably make ends meet. Some travel this way for long periods of time (it pays to be resourceful). Note: if you go this route, check to make sure what you’re doing is legal. Also, double check the tax laws of your country of citizenship to make sure you’re following the rules.

Man making a cocktail at a bar

Tip #4: Take advantage of the fact that you’re traveling alone

If you’re willing to be flexible with your schedule, there are all sorts of deals to be had on tickets and accommodations (e.g. airfare is often cheaper when departing mid-week). Many places have a peak (tourist) season, usually when the weather is optimal – if you want to beat the crowds, try going there near the start or end of the season (each city guide on the site has “Best time to visit” info).

Note: many travel booking sites have a “price alert” feature that will send information about price drops to your inbox – this is a great way to snag deals/discounts as they come up. Simply put, do your research ahead of time.

Tip #5: Sort out your medical needs before you leave

While there are many countries with great healthcare systems, the last thing you need is to worry about getting a prescription refill on the road. Get this sorted out before you take off. In addition, make sure you get all the relevant travel immunizations (check the CDC site for destination-specific recommendations).

Tip #6: Keep a diary of your travels

Whether it’s something as simple as an Instagram feed or a full-blown WordPress blog, try to keep a record of where you’ve been – it will be useful later, for reminiscing and sharing with others.

Tip #7: Let your family and friends know where you’re going

They miss you… and they worry too much!

Two young people hiking with backpacks on a trail

Tip #8: Let your bank know you’re traveling, too

Call ahead and give them a heads up – there’s nothing worse than finding out that all your bank/credit cards have been frozen due to “illegitimate” activity (foreign transactions are flagged immediately).

Tip #9: Use common sense on the road

As a solo traveler, you have to rely on yourself. Without friends to get you out of trouble, you must learn to stay alert and observant. A good practice is to try and blend in with the locals. Follow the local customs, and don’t try to show off.

It’s also a good idea to avoid certain conversation topics – the most sensitive ones are religion, politics, and sex. One sure way to stir up an argument is by trying to “re-educate” the local population.

Some cities are considerably more dangerous at night. In any case, try to stay in well-lit areas and always in sight of other people. Keep calm, cautious and use common sense. Avoid picking fights, or starting a scene for no reason. Don’t rely on locals to help you out if you’re causing trouble.

Respect local laws, and be polite.

TL;DR : don’t worry – it’s going to be just fine.

Travel, no matter the form it takes, will open your mind to new possibilities, cultures, and ways of living.

The best part of your trip very well might be the moment you return. Travel has a way of reminding us to treasure what we already have.

PS. Don’t forget to check out our handy guides (all available from the Home Page ). Safe travels! ?

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

How To Travel Solo Successfully: 31+ Tips For A Safe & Fun Trip

By Jessie Festa. This solo travel guide contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

Want to learn how to travel solo successfully ?

Then you’re in the right place!

Solo travel can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you ultimate freedom over your itinerary, but it can also encourage personal growth. Quite honestly, I don’t know if I would have had the confidence to start my own travel business had it not been for my experiences traveling solo.

That being said, it can be intimidating to actually book that first solo trip.

If you have the desire to travel alone but need some guidance on how to prepare for solo travel and actually enjoy it, I’m here to help.

Keep reading for my top traveling solo tips as well as bonus resources to help you successfully travel on your own.

Quick tip: When traveling solo, it’s still smart to pack a few travel safety essentials . One top pick is the She’s Birdie Personal Safety Alarm , which is TSA-approved and can help scare away potential attackers. Other recommendations include Clever Travel Companion Pickpocket-Proof Garments and Speakeasy Travel Supply Hidden Pocket Scarves .

Table of Contents

Travel Solo With Confidence [Free Course]

But first, before we get into our guide to how to enjoy a holiday alone , I invite you to grab a seat in my  free Savvy Solo Traveler E-Course .

If you want to travel solo, this 6-day course is for you. It’s designed to help you feel confident about booking your first solo travel trip and exploring the world alone.

Lessons include:

  • Common solo travel fears and how to overcome them
  • How to choose your perfect destination
  • How to tell loved ones you’re hitting the road solo
  • Mentally preparing for your solo journey without losing your mind
  • Essential steps for staying safe on a solo trip
  • How to take amazing solo selfies

Once you’ve  grabbed your seat , read on to learn how to travel solo successfully and to snag the bonus solo female travel resources .

how to travel solo successfully

Is It Hard To Travel Alone?

No travel experience is perfect, though sometimes it seems like you can get pretty close.

There are both  pros and cons to traveling alone . While the experience can be both rewarding and empowering, it can get a little lonely and your safety risk is a little higher since you don’t have anyone watching your back.

I’m a firm believer that everyone should have the opportunity to experience it at least once, simply because there’s so much to learn about yourself while figuring out how to travel alone.

So, no, it’s not hard to travel alone — but you might come across different challenges you’ll need to overcome. That’s where this handy guide sharing my top travel solo tips comes in.

Tips For How To Travel Solo Successfully

On that note, I’d love to share some of my top pieces of advice for how to travel by yourself. My goal: that you feel confident taking a vacation alone and can enjoy this rewarding experience!

Before Taking A Solo Trip:

1. get clear on why you want to travel solo.

When it comes to how to start traveling alone, it really starts with mindset.

One of the main benefits of solo travel is having ultimate freedom over your itinerary. I recommend taking advantage of this aspect and really getting clear on why this solo trip is so important to you.

  • What excites you about the idea of taking a trip by yourself?
  • What prompted your desire to start traveling alone?
  • When you visualize traveling on your own, what do you see?

In short, the best way to succeed at solo travel is to know what you want to get out of it in the first place and then plan your itinerary accordingly.

woman traveling solo successfully in the Galapagos Islands

2. Set your solo travel expectations

Truth: the first few days of your solo trip will likely be hard. You’ll be diving into a completely new experience in an unfamiliar place, and you might feel lonely, homesick, and culture shock.

Also realize that as you begin exploring and immersing yourself in your destination, these feelings will subside. In fact, for many people they go away completely and turn into a love of traveling alone.

Once it really sinks in just how great traveling without needing to compromise is, your perspective can shift drastically.

And if it doesn’t and you truly hate solo traveling, know that you can always end your trip early and head back home.

3. Turn solo travel anxiety into excitement

Fun fact: fear and excitement are both arousal emotions — so when you’re feeling anxious, try to shift that toward exhilaration.

I’ve actually utilized this little mindset trick many times. Basically, if I’m feeling nervous I’ll actually visualize feeling excited — until I truly am!

4. Do your travel research

It can be fun to add a little spontaneity into your solo trip, but the best solo travel tip is to do your research and show up well-prepared so that you don’t miss anything you’re hoping to experience.

One personal travel research fail happened to me in Zadar, Croatia. I’d been really wanting to go to Plitvice Lakes National Park; however, as I was visiting during the off-season, the buses going there were way less frequent. In the end, the schedule didn’t align with my exact travel dates.

If I would have done my research, I could have easily figured this out. In fact, if I would arrived just one day earlier I would have been able to easily get there.

The worst part? The bus schedule was readily available online, but I just hadn’t bothered to look it up!

In short, knowing where you want to go and what you want to do, along with what areas you should avoid, will help make your trip enjoyable and memorable for the right reasons.

Now I may be biased, but in my opinion, one of the best ways to do research about your solo travel destination is to read blogs. These articles are typically written by people who have first-hand knowledge about the destination. You can even try reaching out to the blogger with any questions or concerns.

woman enjoying solo female travel in  Krka National Park in Croatia

5. Be flexible

Curious how to enjoy a solo trip? The key is being flexible!

This is really true whether you’re traveling solo or in a group. Travel is not always the picture perfect experience Instagram leads you to believe.

There are missed trains, lost luggage, misplaced passports, and general mishaps that can pop up along the way.

But, it’s all part of the adventure.

If you avoid having a meltdown every time something doesn’t go according to plan, and instead see it as part of the solo travel experience, you’ll enjoy yourself a lot more.

Here’s an example:

While traveling solo in France on my way to Nice, the airline lost my luggage — for the entire time I was there!

And while I was frustrated, I decided that exploring and socializing in dirty jeans and an old t-shirt was better than holing up in my room and crying about something I couldn’t control.

I’m glad I did, because it ended up being a really memorable part of the trip. Not only that, but “Sorry for my appearance — the airline lost my luggage” is actually a great conversation starter among travelers, as everyone has their own version of that story to share.

6. Plan a (loose) solo travel itinerary

Now, this solo travel tip really depends on your travel style and the length of your trip. If you’ll be backpacking for a few weeks or months, I recommend booking the first few nights of your accommodation to give yourself time to settle in.

That being said, it’s smart to also leave some room to change up your plan.

When I backpacked Europe for three months , I pre-booked everything — which meant I couldn’t veer from the plan when I met fun people I may have wanted to travel with or when I learned about interesting new places I hadn’t heard of before.

Now, when I travel solo for longer periods of time, I leave room for adventure.

woman taking a selfie while traveling alone in Latvia

7. Research local customs & cultural norms

When traveling abroad alone (or in a group), it’s important to realize that not everywhere has the same norms as your home city.

Some of these differences may be small things that you’ll learn along the way, while others are vital to understand before your trip so that you don’t accidentally offend the locals.

One story that comes to mind is when I was volunteering in Thailand. The volunteers all stayed in a large dorm, and then there was a main house where we would eat and have meetings.

Before entering the house, you were supposed to take off your shoes outside and step over the threshold, not on it. Well, one volunteer missed the memo and stood on the doorframe — which deeply upset the locals running the program.

Why? Because in Thailand, it’s believed that a spirit resides here.

This is just one example of why doing this kind of cultural research is important.

8. Know how to stay safe

Building on the idea of doing research when going on a trip alone, you should also look up local scams and safety concerns to be aware of while traveling independently.

For instance, if visiting NYC solo you should be aware that there are unofficial cabs at the airport that will help you “skip the taxi line” by getting into their private black car — and then they’ll take the scenic route and you’ll end up with a hefty bill.

Being aware of these types of scams can help you stay safe and just have an overall better time taking a trip by yourself.

Additionally, I recommend packing a few travel safety essentials and keeping the usual practical safety tips in mind, like not walking alone at night and always keeping an eye on your drink if you’re at a bar.

If you’re a US citizen, it’s also wise to sign up for the free Smart Traveler Enrollment Program . This allows you to enroll your trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. When you do this, you’ll:

  • Receive important information about safety conditions in your destination
  • Make it easier for the embassy to contact you if there is an emergency like a natural disaster, civil unrest, or a family emergency
  • Make it easier for loved ones to contact you if there is an emergency

woman hiking alone in Virginia

9. Make an emergency booklet to stay safe

All of the important numbers we need on a day-to-day basis are stored in our phones, but what happens if you no longer have access?

It’s a little old school, but prior to your trip grab a small notebook from the dollar store and drop all of the important information you need in it. Go beyond the obvious emergency contacts and make sure you have:

  • Your passport information
  • Hotel name, number, and address
  • Embassy and/or consulate address, phone number, and emergency contact
  • Travel insurance policy number and contact information

Essentially write down anything you might need if you were in an emergency situation but couldn’t access your phone. Hopefully you won’t have to use it, but it could be a lifesaver if you do.

Personally, I also like to save a folder with this information, as well as copies of my passport, license, and credit cards, securely to the cloud. This way, even if I lose my phone, I can still access it from another device.

10. Read bad hotel reviews before booking accommodation

People tend to write reviews for two reasons: they had an awful time and want to make sure no one makes that mistake again, or they had an amazing time and want to spread the word. Rarely do they review about a mediocre time.

While standard solo travel advice tells you to pick somewhere with awesome reviews (you should!), also make sure you read the bad ones.

You want to overlook the personal bias and watch for consistency. If every review mentions bad WiFi and you need to get work done on your trip, you might want to skip that property.

Of course, also pay attention to any reviews that mention safety concerns. When it comes to solo traveling tips, nothing is more important than paying attention to personal safety. Nothing.

Oh, and bonus tip: it’s wise to opt for an accommodation near the city center so you can walk to as many attractions as possible to save on public transportation and taxi costs.

solo female travel usa plano texas

11. Schedule your flight to arrive during the day

One piece of advice for traveling solo is to schedule your flight so that you arrive when the sun is still shining.

You’ll feel a lot safer, especially if you’ll be taking public transportation to get to your accommodation.

Plus, it gives you some time to get acquainted with your destination and ease out of your comfort zone.

12. Get travel insurance

When it comes to solo travel tips, this is one of the most important. Travel insurance should be non-negotiable regardless of how you’re traveling so that you’re protected in case anything bad happens.

However, when you’re figuring out how to vacation alone, the travel insurance safety net is not only comforting but it can help you save money in the long run.

Just make sure you read the terms and conditions before choosing a plan, because some activities aren’t covered. For instance, many plans don’t cover extreme sports or activities that take place above a certain altitude.

Personally, my favorite travel and medical insurance is SafetyWing, as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country.

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

Click here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks .

13. Download helpful solo travel apps

No guide sharing tips for traveling alone would be complete without mentioning apps. Tech can definitely be your friend during a lone travel experience. A few to download include:

  • Google Maps – an invaluable app for getting around both at home and on the road
  • CouchSurfing – this popular app for solo travelers allows you to stay on local couches for free and meetup with locals and other travelers in your destination
  • HerHouse – this platform makes it easy for women traveling alone to connect with background checked female hosts for free homestays, house sits, and house swaps
  • Meetup – meet people who share your common interests in your solo travel destination
  • Facebook – join Facebook groups focused on the destination you’re visiting and see if people want to meet up
  • SoloTrvlr – an online platform with trusted travel advice — by women, for women
  • TripIt – keep your travel itinerary organized in one place
  • Emergency App – one of my favorite travel safety apps
  • Currency – quickly and easily convert local currency so you know how much you’re paying in your home currency
  • Uber (or the local equivalent) – it’s smart to download a ridesharing app, especially since in some countries hailing a taxi off the street isn’t considered safe

One quick note of caution when meeting people in real life: while most people will have good intentions, there may be times where people try to turn your meetup into a date. I’ve had this happen a few times, though fortunately I’ve never felt unsafe.

My solo travel advice here would be to always meet in a public place and, if possible, make it a group outing. You might also mention that you have a partner back home — even if you don’t — in an attempt to weed out anyone trying to make things romantic (though of course some still might).

By the way, I actually have a crazy CouchSurfing story. Don’t worry, it ended up being totally fine and I’m a huge fan of this app:

14. Learn a few words in the local language

Language learning doesn’t come easy to everyone, but it does help to learn a few words in the local language .

Sure, you’ll pick up a few things as you go along; but, learning simple phrases can get you a lot further.

Some you might want to practice up on include:

  • Where is the bathroom?
  • How much does this cost?
  • No — this is an important phrase for solo travelers, particularly when it comes to personal safety

Of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg — the more you know, the better.

Some great advice for solo travelers is to download Google Translate and a language pack, which allows you to use the app offline. Additionally, install a fun gamified language learning app, like Duolingo!

15. Plan for you

The only thing you really need to take away from any travel alone guide is that the experience is all about you.

You don’t have to get the prettiest pictures, have the best travel stories , and do what everyone else does. Your goal is to do and see the things that you want to.

If that means visiting the same museum three days in a row because you couldn’t get enough, eating at the same restaurant the entire trip, or skipping the Eiffel Tower because you’re not into touristy things — do it. It’s all fair game.

Basically, don’t feel like you have to conform to what everyone on Instagram is saying. It’s your trip, enjoy it however you choose.

16. Pack light but smart

You only want to pack what you’re going to use. It can be challenging to determine this on your first solo trip, but you want to minimize your packing list as much as possible.

Nothing sours a trip faster than losing your checked bag before you even get there — so if you can pack carry-on only , it’s a great advantage. This is especially true if you are destination hopping or if your flight has stopovers.

A few tips for solo travelers:

  • Opt for garments that can be used for multiple purposes (like a large scarf shawl that can also be an airplane blanket or hidden pocket garments that function as clothing and a purse)
  • Choose a color palette for garments that you can mix and match
  • Opt for function over fashion — unless you’re traveling for a specific high-class event, you don’t need heels
  • Use compression packing cubes to save space (I love these from Cambond )
  • Only bring one week of clothes and do laundry if going on a longer trip

Even if you can’t narrow it down, make sure your baggage isn’t weighed down by unnecessary items and definitely leave your valuables at home. It’s just one less thing to worry about.

travel scarf with hidden pockets

17. Bring a book along

Introverted? One of the best solo travel tips for introverts (and extroverts) is to bring a book along with you. 

A book can be the best companion, especially when dining alone or as a distraction if it’s your first time flying alone .

Popping open a book on the table and enjoying a solo meal is one of the pleasures of taking a trip alone that everyone should experience. It’s useful for when you’re waiting, eating, or otherwise have a little time to kill.

It can also indicate to other travelers that you’re alone and make for a great conversation starter.

Essential Tips For Traveling On Your Own During The Trip

18. ask your hotel for a few safety essentials.

These include:

  • The hotel’s business card (or a piece of paper with the name and address)
  • An annotated map letting you know where is and isn’t safe to wander alone

Even if you know the name of your hotel, that doesn’t mean the local taxi drivers do. In case you’re ever in a situation where you need to get away, it’s smart to have the address of your accommodation written down somewhere to quickly give to a driver in the event of an emergency.

Additionally, an annotated map is a great reference so you’re always clear on where and where not to go solo.

19. Share plans with a loved one

One of the most basic traveling alone tips is to make sure you share your plans with your loved ones. It’s important that someone knows where you are — even if that someone is back home.

Additionally, make sure you have an emergency plan in place. Your safety is important.

While traveling by yourself is an amazing experience, you want to make sure you can easily contact your loved ones if something unexpected occurs.

woman traveling solo in the Galapagos Islands

20. Start your day early

In most cases, you’ll find the smallest crowds and best chances for photo opportunities earlier in the day — think before anyone’s finished their breakfast.

This also tends to be the coolest time of the day to safely travel around. Try to stay inside or in the shade during peek sun hours if you’re traveling to a warmer destination, and don’t travel alone at night.

21. Bring the perfect solo selfie camera

One downside of traveling on your own is it’s tough to take your own photo — though it’s not impossible!

A few options for solo travelers include:

  • Bring a small travel tripod ( like this ) and put your phone on a timer
  • Bring a small but heavy duty travel tripod, like a Joby GorillaPod , and put your camera on a timer
  • Bring an Insta360 camera with invisible selfie stick

The latter is how I capture fun travel photos with myself in the picture — even if I’m solo tripping.

Here is a sample video and here is an example of a photo:

taking a selfie in Mexico while successfully traveling solo

22. Learn how to cook the local cuisine

When researching local things to do when traveling alone, make sure that some of the experiences revolve around food. One of the best souvenirs you can give yourself from a trip is the gift of local cuisine.

Cooking classes offer a great opportunity to learn how to make something new, meet the locals, and take something back home with you. You can use your new-found skills to share your experience with family, ignite special memories, and enjoy a delicious meal. Plus, the more you practice, the better you’ll get!

One platform to check out for food experiences while vacationing alone is EatWith , which allows you to dine in local homes, take cooking classes in local kitchens, and book food tours led by locals around the world. It’s a really great way to meet people and other solo travelers, too.

Of course, you can also dive into other facets of local culture when on a trip alone. Consider your own unique interests, and explore them locally.

For instance, if you’re interested in art, you might take a fresco-making class in Florence , a calligraphy class in China , or an Ikebana (flower arranging) class in Japan .

23. Make a solo travel scavenger hunt of it

Here is a creative addition to our list of tips when traveling alone. Building a scavenger hunt can be a great way to give you direction, even if you’re feeling a little lost.

There’s no right or wrong way to do this, but a few ideas for solo travelers include:

  • Trying to check off all the best bookstores in the city if you’re a bibliophile
  • Making a unique souvenir list and trying to hunt everything down
  • Becoming the ultimate foodie by sampling all the top restaurants in the area
  • Aiming to spend time alone on the beach in as many places as possible
  • Booking an actual scavenger hunt in your destination on a platform like Viator

It’s a great way to edge yourself out of your comfort zone without jumping into the deep end. And who doesn’t love a little competition — even if it is against yourself?

woman exploring the beach while learning how to travel solo successfully in Mexico

24. Make friends while traveling solo

There’s no one right answer for how to solo travel, but I can tell you that going on holiday alone doesn’t need to mean  being lonely . In fact, for those that love to meet new people, there are ways to do this while traveling alone.

You can encourage yourself to meet people, including other solo travelers, by:

  • Keep in mind, many hostels have private rooms, so if you’re hosteling later in life you can still keep your privacy and take advantage of common spaces for socializing
  • Joining a local walking tour and chatting with those around you
  • Checking out popular local digital nomad hangouts
  • Using travel apps meant for socializing — like CouchSurfing , which has city-specific forums where you can meet up with locals and other travelers
  • Eating and cooking in local homes through EatWith
  • Meeting locals that share similar interests on

A quick story:

When spending my 25th birthday in Mendoza while traveling solo , I was worried I’d end up alone for the night; however, after posting a message on CouchSurfing asking if anyone wanted to celebrate with me, I ended up having 11 people take me out for dinner and dancing.

These complete strangers turned into friends, and to this day it is one of my favorite birthday experiences!

25. Watch your drinking

Speaking of nights out, one of the best solo trip tips is to curb your alcohol use.

As mentioned a few times in the previous travel alone tips, personal safety should be of utmost importance for solo travelers. You want to make sure you’re never in a position where someone can easily take advantage of you.

When you do opt for an adult beverage, watch it carefully and cover the top of the glass with your hand so that nobody can lace it when you’re not looking.

This solo travel advice isn’t meant to scare you. Almost everyone you meet while traveling on your own while likely be kind; however, the reality is you can’t trust everyone. Keep yourself safe.

having a cocktail on a solo trip to Latvia

26. Get a local SIM card

Unless you purchase an unlimited plan for your phone carrier, using the internet while roaming can be extremely expensive.

That’s where a local SIM card comes in. One of the best tips for solo travel is to ensure you have phone access in an emergency situation or when you need directions. I can’t tell you how many tours I’ve almost been late to because I couldn’t find the meeting point without the help of Google Maps.

Many countries have inexpensive SIM cards and budget-friendly pay-as-you-go plans. You can usually grab these at the airport or local convenience store and set them up with Wi-Fi.

27. Choose alternative meal times

Now let’s discuss solo travel tips for dining alone. One thing to note is that the best restaurants are often booked up around traditional meal times.

Instead of a nice evening dinner, try a lunch or even brunch — which allows you to savor the same food with less of a crowd.

Just keep in mind that typical mealtimes may be different than your home country, so research the local customs so you’re aware of when people tend to eat.

28. Sit at the bar when dining alone

When you go on vacation alone, one concern might be what to do during meal times. Is it weird for solo travelers to eat at a restaurant on their own?

First off, no, it’s not weird. I’ve eaten at tables on my own plenty of times, though I do think it’s less awkward to eat at the bar.

Bonus: if you’re in the mood to chat, you’ll have the bartender and potentially other bar patrons to talk to.

woman dining alone in Mexico

29. Focus on supporting local

Sustainable tourism refers to traveling in a way that positively impacts the people and environments of the places we visit — which also includes supporting the local economy.

And one of the best ways to do this is to shop local. The more you can purchase souvenirs, food, and experiences from local vendors, the more likely your tourism dollars are to stay in and benefit the community.

Plus, items are often much more meaningful when you can meet the people making them and learn their stories.

30. Listen to your gut

When traveling the world alone, realize that your gut will be your best guide.

Your intuition is almost always right. This is especially important in situations where you feel uncomfortable. Even if it means being impolite, always trust that feeling in your gut.

31. Strengthen your relationship with yourself

Traveling solo to find yourself is very common. This makes total sense, as one major benefit of traveling alone is you learn to be with yourself — and enjoy your own company.

Get to know yourself better, allow time for self care, and slow down to just enjoy the moment as much as possible.

This is also a great time to bring a travel journal to really dig into your thoughts and feelings from the trip. Very likely, you’ll learn something new about yourself!

woman enjoying some alone time on a solo trip to Virginia

Packing Essentials For Solo Travel

Now that we’ve covered some top tips to travel alone, it’s time to discuss packing.

Along with any clothing, accessories, and toiletries you’ll want for your holiday by yourself, you should also pack a few travel safety essentials and practical items for solo travelers like:

  • She’s Birdie Personal Safety Alarm
  • Your personal medications
  • Jase Case Emergency Antibiotic Kit (snag $10 off with code JESSIEONAJOURNEY10)
  • Clever Travel Companion Pickpocket-Proof Garments (I’m never without mine when I travel alone!)
  • Speakeasy Travel Supply Pickpocket-Proof Scarf ​​
  • Pacsafe Anti-Theft Bag
  • Door stop with alarm (to help keep your hotel room extra secure)
  • Sunscreen and sunglasses (I love Rheos Sunglasses as they’re eco-friendly, lightweight, and they float)
  • Passport, ID, and any necessary tickets
  • Copies of all your documents (I save these to the cloud in case)
  • Credit card, debit card, and money

Best Solo Trips For Women

If you’re wondering “Where should I travel alone?” this list can help! A few of the best solo travel destinations include:

colorful buildings at sunset in Merida, Mexico

Merida, Mexico

Mexico has a reputation as being an unsafe destination, but that’s not an accurate picture. In fact, there are many great places in Mexico to travel alone — like Merida.

Merida is the bustling capital city of Yucatan state, and is widely considered to be one of the safest cities in Mexico.

It’s an affordable destination that offers you the hustle and bustle of the city as well as an idyllic Mexican beach experience in nearby Progreso.

If you’re solo traveling as a digital nomad , Merida is home to a thriving community of expats living and working abroad and there are plenty of ways to make friends. 

cobbled streets of Dublin, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland

Solo travel in Ireland can be an incredible experience, and no trip to this island would be complete without some time in Dublin.

Home to friendly locals and a gorgeous cityscape, it’s an ideal destination — especially as Dublin boasts a plethora of cultural and historical sites for solo female travelers to explore.

On a solo trip to Dublin , make sure to visit Dublin Castle, shop along Grafton street, and peruse art, history, and archeology in the National Museum of Ireland.

This city is particularly known for its pub life, so you can expect a lively scene after dark, especially in the famous Temple Bar District.

In terms of timing, there is a lot to do and see, so it’s recommended to spend 4 days in Dublin or more to really take it all in.

Don’t forget to bring your camera since Dublin offers a lot of photo opportunities. It’s truly one of the most memorable places to travel solo in Europe !

best solo travel tips

Victoria, Canada

Canada has a lot of beautiful places to explore as a solo female traveler, depending on the time of year you visit; but if Pacific island life piques your interest, Victoria is the place.

You’ll want to visit in the spring or summer to take advantage of the gorgeous greenery and warmer weather.

There are many fun and unique things to do in Victoria . Stroll through the gardens at Hatley Castle, watch the boats come in from the wharf, and grab a delicious seaside bite to eat.

When you’re done, you can take a ferry ride to Seattle or Vancouver!

women walking through the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto is considered to be the cultural capital of Japan , offering a little bit of everything for the female traveling solo.

Not only does it offer gorgeous gardens, delicious food, and rich cultural experiences, but you can take a peek at some truly amazing Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines.

Take in the jaw-dropping architecture and bask in the lush greenery and wonderful mountain backdrops.

March and April are especially beautiful months to visit as the city’s stunning cherry blossom trees are in full bloom.

best solo travel tips

Bali, Indonesia

Traveling solo in Bali is a dream. One of the world’s most sought-after destinations, it’s also affordable, safe, and fun.

There is so much to do and see for solo female travelers. Relax in a Bali flower bath , explore the stunning rice fields, relax on beautiful beaches, and visit the many temples that help give the destination its nickname “Island of the Gods.”

If you have at least 7 days in Bali , you might also choose to hire a guide to do an epic sunrise hike like Mount Batur or Mount Agung.

Quick tip: if visiting this incredible place, do a bit of research into when to go to Bali . For instance, if you’ll be doing a lot of outdoor activities or riding a motorbike to get around, you may want to avoid the rainy season.

Other Top Solo Travel Destinations

A few other great places to visit on your first solo trip abroad include:

  • Tulum, Mexico
  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Rome, Italy
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Guadeloupe, Caribbean

You can check out this solo female travel guide for a full list of recommended solo trips and tips.

woman walking the beach while traveling solo in the Eastern Shores

Solo Travel Planning Resources

While the above tips for traveling solo are a great starting point, here are some bonus solo travel guides:

  • 7 Ways To Have A Blast Traveling Alone
  • 13 Powerful Solo Hiking Tips For Women
  • 17 Safety Tips For Solo Travelers
  • 25 Important Tips For Flying Alone For The First Time
  • 12 Tips For Convincing Loved Ones To Let You Travel Solo
  • 20 Pros & Cons Of Traveling Alone
  • How To Overcome Loneliness When Traveling Solo

You can find additional resources in this in-depth guide to traveling solo . Read it, and soon enough you’ll be a pro at taking trips alone!

Final Thoughts On How To Travel Solo Successfully

The most important piece of advice in any guide to solo travel is that you plan the vacation YOU want, and feel comfortable and confident along your journey.

Learning how to enjoy going on a vacation alone might come quickly, or it might take a few days. There’s no right or wrong answer.

Whether you’re pushing through a series of solo USA road trips or flying across the world, making sure you plan ahead and go at your own pace will ensure you have the best experience. When it comes to tips on traveling alone, this is the most important one to remember.

What would you add to this guide on how to travel solo successfully?

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Jessie Festa standing in front of grafitti wall

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Hi Jessie! cant wait to find someone to take this edventure with!! thank you so much for your info!

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The Golden Rules of Solo Travel

By Olivia Morelli

Image may contain Person Walking Grass Plant Outdoors Nature Scenery Landscape Art Mountain and Mountain Range

The joys of traveling solo are endless. It is freeing to explore new places alone—you can go where you please, eat when you want, and enjoy quality time with yourself uninterrupted. The interest in solo travel has been slowly rising for a while, in tandem with the desire for deeper, slower, more connective trave l. For many, solo travel is the perfect way to achieve this—it provides an opportunity to trust your instinct, go with your gut, and get lost in the experience. You rely on yourself rather than on others’ whims or desires.

But, if you’re not a seasoned solo traveler, it can be a daunting prospect. In an age of constant connectivity, the idea of being alone for an extended period of time is stark. Below, we spoke to travelers who frequently book solo trips about their golden rules for traveling alone.

Dining alone isn’t weird

For most people, the thought of dining alone is one of the biggest barriers to traveling solo. But once you get past the conviction that everyone is noticing or judging you, it’s a totally freeing experience. “Dining alone isn’t as uncommon as you might imagine,” says Estée Lalonde, a creative director and influencer with a passion for solo travel. “I personally find it empowering! Sometimes I bring a book with me or watch an episode of my favorite show on Netflix with my headphones on, but other times I just enjoy the atmosphere and end up chatting to the people at the table next to me.”

Book counter dining at restaurants if it's too weird for you

If you are someone who does feel uncomfortable about dining alone, opt for a bar or counter seat. It’s much less intimidating than having a whole table to yourself, and you are more likely to end up chatting to the staff or the person sitting next to you. "The first time I went out for a meal alone, I went to JG Melon on the Upper East Side of New York City ,” Sarah James, Condé Nast Traveller ’s deputy digital editor, says. “I took a book, and nervously shuffled onto a bar stool for my burger—but ended up chatting away to the charming bartender and the women sat next to me. Now I often opt for a counter seat when eating alone, and no longer take a book with me. Either I end up talking to someone or just enjoy the peace. A general rule I live by—we're all so wrapped up in our own lives, no one is paying much attention to other people."

Consider a hostel

Not only are hostels affordable, but they're also great places to meet fellow travelers—whether they're in the same solo boat as you or not. Many have a cheap bar onsite that allows you to fall into natural conversation with compatriots who may become friends, or at least will have great tips for things to do.

Fake it till you make it

Most people feel nervous about meeting new people, and introverts especially struggle to make the first move when in a new place. But remember that everyone is in the same boat, and most solo travelers will have experienced those same emotions. The first five seconds are the hardest, but once you’ve introduced yourself, you’ll quickly realize it wasn’t as big a deal as you originally thought. You’d kick yourself if you let a bit of shyness ruin your trip, so use that as the motivation you need to approach a fellow traveler. And remember, if you present with confidence, that will show—fake it til you make it is a reliable life rule to follow.

best solo travel tips

Never consolidate all of your assets

“This is a lesson that I learned the hard way after getting pickpocketed in a crowded Jerusalem marketplace,” says global digital director Arati Menon, “I had stupidly carried all my credit cards and cash with me—luckily no passport!—in a single wallet and as a result, had no way of paying the hotel bill later that day when I checked out. Now, I always split my cards and cash (and IDs) across various places: wallet, purse, luggage—and if possible, store at least one of these in a locked safe back at the hotel.”

Don’t fear loneliness

“Remember that a bit of loneliness can be bracing and character-building,” says Toby Skinner, Condé Nast Traveller ’s features director. “My experience traveling is generally that people are decent, kind and interesting—and you found that out most acutely by being alone (whereas everyone leaves couples well alone.) Some of my most memorable travel experiences have been on my own—like when I was stranded in Nanjing at 2 a.m. by a delayed train in 2001, and a local student let me bunk in his dorm room for the night.”

Take the train

“While even the most extroverted of travelers avoid chit chat like the plague on a plane, I have found traveling by train to be a much more social means of transport," says associate editor Hannah Towey. "Last summer, I traveled solo on the Amtrak Coastal Starlight from Santa Barbara to San Francisco and spent the entirety of the 9-hour journey in the communal observation lounge, where fellow travelers rotated in and out, sharing tables and playing cards while admiring the views. As the sun set on the second half of the trip, a few musically-inclined passengers formed an impromptu band complete with an acoustic guitar and mandolin. Word slowly spread and others trickled in from other parts of the train to take turns singing songs in different languages. It might take a few more hours than a flight, but who knows, you might even find the Ethan Hawke to your Julie Delpy and spend a spontaneous evening together in Vienna.”

Plan around cultural events

Arriving at a destination just as the locals are gearing up for an important cultural event can be an incredible way to immerse yourself straight away. Look up religious festivals, bank holidays, and street parties to see what time is best to visit and plan accordingly. You’ll get a real flavor of the people, the food, and even the music, and you might end up making friends along the way.

Research solo travel in your destination

As obvious as “do your research” sounds, it’s an important step to remember. Look at online forums and speak to people who have previously visited the destination. What safety precautions should you be taking? Is it safe to walk between locations, or is it better to use taxis? Are taxis easy to find? What is the destination's culture like after dark? For women, in particular, it is best to plan ahead to avoid getting stranded in remote neighborhoods after dark.

Have a rough plan for each day

It can feel daunting waking up in a brand new destination and not knowing where to start, so make sure to create vague itineraries for your trip. What are your non-negotiables in this destination? Any big attractions you want to tick off? Restaurants you’ve been desperate to try? Beaches you’ve always wanted to visit? “I like to have 3-5 little activities in mind for each day, like visiting a particular store or trying the local cuisine,” Estée tells us. “If you have a bit of direction you can leave space in between each activity to be spontaneous and discover the local area.”

Build in group activities

Booking tours and group events is a great way to meet other travelers. Most hostels have a list of activities available for guests to sign up for, and if not, then there are walking tours or live music events at local bars. “Try to see people as opportunities," Toby advises. “I'd build in communal activities to your itinerary and remember that you’ll probably never see these people again, so you have nothing to lose in almost any interaction and possibly a lot to gain—though there might be a touch of male privilege in that.”

Walk as much as you can

“Sometimes when I travel to a new place, I can be nervous to leave my bed as a solo traveler,” Estée admits. “As soon as I get outside and start walking I feel better—like I’m part of the city and that I belong there!” Exploring by foot is a great way to get to know the bones of a destination. You’ll soon create a mental map of the area nearest your accommodation and might stumble upon some hidden gems you wouldn’t have come across otherwise.

Allow yourself to be spontaneous

On that note, try to allow yourself some spontaneity. Having a rough plan is definitely advisable, but don’t stop yourself from following your gut if you have a sudden urge to pop into a shop, follow the sound of the crowds or head for the beach. It’s often the spur-of-the-moment decisions that result in the best experiences.

Bring good books

It’s easy to whip out your phone and rely on scrolling when you’re by yourself, and while that is a great way to decompress if you’re feeling jittery, there are few things more romantic than settling in at a street-side cafe and getting lost in the pages of a good book .

Bring a journal

Journaling has become a popular pastime of late, and keeping a travel journal is a great way to combine the mental health benefits of getting out your thoughts and feelings with the memories and emotions of traveling solo. “I find all of that time alone enables me to clear my head, and journaling is a great way to regulate those emotions,” Estée explains.

Keep a separate copy of your personal details

Sounds old school, but in lieu of printing out paper copies of all your bank details, phone numbers, and accommodations details, try keeping a document of all your information and emailing it to yourself. This way, if you lose your phone, you can ask the reception of your accommodation or staff at a hotel/restaurant/bar to borrow a phone and log into your email account to access anything you need. It’s also worth memorizing your card details and any emergency phone numbers (both personal and local emergency service numbers).

Take other safety precautions

There are plenty of ways to protect yourself when traveling alone. Sharing your location with your friends and family back home is a lovely way to keep in touch without having to actually message them—they can watch your journey from afar and keep track of your whereabouts if you haven’t contacted them for a while. Remember to bring a padlock for your backpack and lockers if you’re staying in hostels, and study basic phrases in the language of your destination, just in case you get lost and need some help.

Don’t forget insurance

There’s always something that doesn’t go to plan on any trip, and as a solo traveler, you’ll want to make sure you mitigate any stress that comes from changing itineraries. Buying travel insurance is the best way to protect yourself from any transport cancellations and unforeseen circumstances, and will cover any costs from injuries or thefts. Sounds scary, but it’ll be worth it if the worst happens!

A version of this story originally appeared on Condé Nast Traveller .

best solo travel tips

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8 Solo Travel Experts Share Their Best Tips

Find out why you should always buy postcards and stop booking tours in advance

best solo travel tips

Marco Bottigelli / Getty Images

Book a tour. Don't stay out too late. Have a charged cell phone. Pre-plan your transportation. We've all heard the tried-and-true solo travel tips—and while all these suggestions are great (and absolutely important), we wanted to go one step deeper with real solo-travel experts. These writers, photographers, and entrepreneurs have traversed the globe, from Machu Picchu to Morocco , and now we've gathered their top bits of wisdom to share with you.

Protect Yourself in Your Hotel Room

Abigail Akinyemi, the digital creator behind The Lady Who Travels , never leaves home with a doorstop , but she has a simple trick if you forget one. "Use two glass cups on the door handle," Akinyemi told TripSavvy. "If the glass cup breaks, you know someone was trying to enter your room."

Take a Tour at Night

Tours are a popular way for solo travelers to meet others and become acquainted with a new place, but lawyer-turned-traveler Jen Ruiz, founder of Jen on a Jet Plane , always recommends booking a tour at night. "I like to book tours to go out at night, like haunted walking tours or food tours ," she explained. "This way, you feel safe because you're in a group setting, and if you want to stay out a little longer, hopefully you've made some friends along the way."

Book a Night or Two in a Hostel

Yes, even if you think you're too old. While we all reach a point where we're past the hosteling lifestyle, hostels do have some perks for solo travelers, as Sophie Clapton, the writer and photographer behind  We Dream of Travel , found out on a solo trip to India. "After five days without meeting anyone, I found a hostel with excellent reviews and booked two nights there," Clapton said. "This simple change turned my trip to India into the best solo trip I ever took. At the hostel, I immediately found people that would become lifelong friends and who I went on to explore India and beyond with." (Even if you're not comfortable sharing a room, many hostels offer private rooms.)

Don't Book Tours in Advance

It might seem counterintuitive, but photographer and blogger Catherine Xu , who's been to 63 countries, learned early to stop booking tours in advance. Except for tours that often sell out, Xu prefers to find a local guide and agency shop once she's on the ground in her destination. "Once I arrive, I visit two or three tour agency offices to see what all my options are. Typically, many of these tours are not comprehensively found [online], especially in lesser-visited countries," Xu said.

Put Your Phone Down

While this advice could apply to any traveler, putting your phone down and living in the moment is even more important for solo travelers, argues Nate Hake, the blogger behind . "It can be super tempting to always have your smartphone out. It can easily become something of a social safety blanket, a way to make ourselves feel comfortable in public situations," Hake explained. "But your phone is also a barrier telling other people to stay away from you, leaving you more isolated." Hake recommends the Forest App , a game that rewards you for taking breaks from your phone. 

Don't Pack More Than You Can Carry

Lydia Mansel, the founder of Just Packed , a site dedicated to helping travelers prepare for trips, just returned from a four-month solo expedition throughout the U.K. Her biggest takeaway: pack light. "This means carrying no more than two bags, preferably a backpack as one of the two," she said. "This leaves you with a least one free hand to navigate your way as you travel to and from locations. Since you're by yourself, you need to be able to move your luggage on your own—whether it's in and out of an airplane, train, cab, or bus."

Document Your Trip

While it's easy to take selfies and post about your trip on social media, solo travel can be quite personal, and you may find yourself wanting a more profound recollection of your journey after your return. Instead of traditional journaling, Dan Meyer, the founder and director of BACK&PACK , an experiential travel program for 18 to 30-somethings, buys postcards at each place he visits and writes a journal entry on the back about his experiences. "I have a stack of these from my solo trips," Meyer said. "There's a really special feeling when I pull them out every once in a while to read through."

Stay at a Casino Hotel

Even if gambling is low on your activity list, hear us out. Leslie Carbone, the blogger behind Sancerres at Sunset , always looks for a casino hotel when she's traveling solo. She explained that they’re safe, pointing out abundant cameras and security personnel and cost-efficient since rooms are often inexpensive or comped. Also, "there’s always something to do," Carbone added. "There are restaurants and bars, spas and pools, and lots of games."

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10 top spots for solo travelers in winter (or any other time of year)

Dec 10, 2021 • 10 min read

A woman tourist contemplating the amazing landscape of Machu Picchu with arms open. Archaeological site, UNESCO World Heritage

Trekking to Machu Picchu is just one of many South American adventures that's perfect for solo travelers © Getty Images / iStockphoto / Andres Jacobi

The idea of traveling alone can be daunting if you've never taken a solo trip before. Checking in for your outbound flight is easy – it's only when you arrive alone in an unfamiliar destination that it all becomes real. But any initial doubts are fleeting. By the time you've checked into your hotel and hit the streets looking for your first meal, nerves will already be giving way to the thrill of being somewhere new.

A major factor in mastering the art of solo travel is selecting the right destination. Whether you're embarking on an epic multicountry trip or taking an impulsive city break, some places are more suitable for a solo travel experience than others. There are destinations that are naturally suited to solitude, and destinations where travelers are naturally thrown together, making it easy to meet new people.

Best of all, there are solo travel destinations in every corner of the globe, so you can take a solo trip in the depths of winter as easily as you can at the height of summer. Here are 10 sure-fire destinations for lone travelers, organized by interest. Whether you’re into raves, relaxation, hiking or sightseeing, these spots are certain to get your solo travel adventure off on the right foot.

South America: best for solo adventures

With mountains to climb, rivers to raft, ancient ruins to uncover and jungles to explore, South America is the ultimate adventure destination. And the northern hemisphere's winter is South America's summer – the prime time to visit Patagonia and the Andes. From well-trodden paths in Argentina , Chile and Brazil to virgin jungle trails in Ecuador and Colombia , the continent has something for every kind of adventurer. You'll certainly never struggle for company on the trek to Machu Picchu !

Don’t let the continent's size daunt you – with easy border crossings and well-established traveler hubs, South America is ideal for solo overlanding. The well-worn Gringo Trail, which takes in the continent’s most popular destinations, ensures recurring rendezvous with fellow adventurers and ample opportunities to buddy up with travelers heading in the same direction. This, paired with the general warmth of local people and the continent’s premium hostel network, makes solo travel simple.

Epic solo travel experience : Mountain biking down Bolivia ’s infamous Death Road (the name is an exaggeration, in case you were worried) and debriefing with your fellow riders over a few beers afterward.

Pura Taman Saraswati temple in Ubud, Bali

Ubud, Indonesia: best for self-reflection

Whether you loved or loathed Elizabeth Gilbert’s seminal solo travel memoir Eat, Pray, Love , there’s no denying that Bali has a special magic. The island's artistic and spiritual center, Ubud , is where the author found love (and presumably ate and prayed) and it remains a wonderfully laid-back place for solo travelers to relax, reflect and recharge. And Bali is a year-round destination – summer is peak season, but the island has a quieter and calmer charm in winter.

Nestled among emerald rice fields ringed by mist-wrapped mountains, Ubud attracts throngs of solo travelers, meaning no probing glances if you arrive alone at a morning yoga class or ask for a table for one in one of the town’s salubrious vegetarian cafes. To really harness the healing power of Ubud (and for some serious solitude), check yourself into one of the many health retreats that dot the verdant hills around town.

Epic solo travel experience : Getting up super early before the heat climbs to join a holistic class – you find lessons in everything from yoga and meditation, and you can follow up with a massage at a tried and tested spa such as Taksu Spa .

Young people dancing at a Berlin club

Berlin, Germany: best for nightlife

Some say you are more likely to get into Berghain , the most famous nightclub in Berlin , if you arrive alone. Whether or not that’s the case, the rumor demonstrates the German capital’s natural affinity for solo travelers. Legions of solo citybreakers are drawn by Berlin's deserved reputation as one of the friendliest, most inclusive cities in Europe, and by its famous nightlife.

Berlin is one of the best places in Europe to party, offering a collection of colossal clubs and graffiti-spattered beer gardens, but going clubbing is just one of many things to do in Berlin. Thought-provoking history surrounds you from the moment you arrive, from the Brandenburg Gate to the Holocaust Memorial , while quirky cafes, cool boutiques, weekend flea markets and a growing food-truck scene provide more leisurely delights. Berlin is an easy place to wander alone, or join a walking tour for some company.

Epic solo travel experience : Heading out to a bar or nightclub and seeing where the night takes you. For some guided imbibing, join a beer tour with Brewer's Berlin Tours or Berlin Craft Beer Experience .

An elephant passes a safari jeep in Kenya

East Africa: best for a group tour

Have you always dreamed of viewing gorillas in the jungles of Rwanda , meeting a Maasai chief in Kenya  or spotting the “Big Five” in Tanzania , but were daunted by the logistics of tackling East Africa independently? A group tour can simplify the experience of visiting this stunning region of the world, and provide a buffer for the sometimes challenging experiences Africa can throw at first-timers.

East Africa’s tourism infrastructure is well developed and traveling solo in most countries here is quite achievable (particularly in Kenya and Tanzania), but joining a group tour means you can bundle together a string of big game-viewing safaris in multiple countries, without getting hit by additional lone traveler charges or facing the daunting prospect of arranging multiple tours and transport.

Best of all, tours in these bucket-list destinations attract a diverse group of travelers, meaning you’re much less likely to be the only solo traveler sandwiched between canoodling couples, or the only 20-something in a coach full of empty-nesters.

Epic solo travel experience : Catching the great migration from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya – an almost Lion King -esque parade of wildebeest, zebras, gazelles and predators.

View from the walkway on The Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Singapore: best for a solo stopover

With all manner of cultural attractions to explore, a growing collection of hostels and guesthouses, loads of free things to do , and one of the world’s best public transport systems (including excellent airport links), there are few more stress-free solo travel experiences than landing at Singapore 's award-winning Changi airport on a tropical afternoon.

Whether you choose to amble with an audio guide through the Chinatown Heritage Centre , gawp at the otherworldly Gardens by the Bay , plunge into a lavish rooftop pool, or join the hordes feasting in Singapore's hawker food courts , the city is perfectly suited to solo travel. An added bonus is the city's cosmopolitan attitude – locals don't bat an eyelid at the daily influx of international arrivals, and there are few hassles and scams to worry about.

Epic solo travel experience : Checking out the cozy cafes and quirky boutiques in the gentrified 1930s housing estate of Tiong Bahru .

Interior of Rome's Colosseum with a crowd of tourists

Rome, Italy: best for culture

From ancient icons such as the Colosseum and the Roman Forum to the towering masterpiece of Renaissance architecture that is St Peter’s Basilica , Rome ’s cityscape is a kaleidoscopic canvas of artistic flair, architectural wonderment and historical marvels. Whether you’re visiting for two days or two months, there's so much to see that there's little risk of becoming bored.

Though English is not as widely spoken as in some European nations, it’s hard to feel lonely among the 14 million other tourists who visit this cultural hub each year. And solo dining means you only have to worry about keeping one palate happy in Rome's fabulous restaurants . But don’t pack too much into your itinerary, as Rome rewards relaxation; mingling with strangers over a glass of vino at sunset is an essential pastime in The Eternal City.

Epic solo travel experience : Visiting St Peter’s Basilica and walking the 7km (4.3 miles) of artwork-filled halls that comprise the Vatican Museums .

A young woman orders food from a food truck in Portland, Oregon.

Portland, Oregon: best city break

One of the USA 's hippest hubs, Portland has all the cultural advantages of a major metropolis, but the down-home intimacy of a small town. This affable attitude reverberates in the town’s urban wineries, microbreweries and coffee shops, where conversation flows quicker than the drinks can be poured. And with its patchwork of small, friendly neighborhoods , it's easy to discover this easy-going city one district at a time.

There’s more to this bastion of counterculture than its love of a good chinwag, with a host of whimsical attractions highlighting its quirky streak, from a museum dedicated to vacuum cleaners to an urban herd of goats. It’s also a cinch to navigate, with good public transport and a popular bike-share scheme. And while Portland is famous for its artisan restaurants, a more sociable – and undeniably more fun – way to dine is at the city’s 500-or-so street food carts.

Epic solo travel experience : Exploring the Alberta Arts District; for the company of fellow art enthusiasts, time your visit to coincide with the Last Thursday art walk .

A group of tourists prepare ingredients during a Thai cooking lesson in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai, Thailand: best for food

It's a close-run thing, but for solo foodie travel, one destination stands above all others for travelers who view the world through the prism of a knife and fork. The capital of northern Thailand – and once the center of an independent kingdom – Chiang Mai offers the entire Thai package in one compact location: stellar food, rich culture, ancient ruins, responsible elephant encounters , relaxed nightlife and an easy-going traveler scene that's easy to plug into.

Every time of day is snack time in Chiang Mai. From the city's impressive northern Thai restaurants to its fun-filled and frenetic night markets and hole-in-the-wall restaurants serving the city's famous kow soi soup, the city always has a fork or spoon in hand. What makes Chiang Mai especially suited to solo travelers is its collection of cooking schools – ideal places to meet new people and learn how to cook up a perfect bowl of phat thai , green curry or hot and sour tom yam soup.

Epic solo travel experience : Learning to cook Thai food, of course! Most courses start with a market trip so you can learn to identify local ingredients before you start pounding herbs and spices to make your own curry paste ( Small House Chiang Mai is one recommended school).

Palm trees and colorful houses line a beach in Caye Caulker, Belize

Caye Caulker, Belize: best for an island escape

Enchanting atolls aren’t reserved for honeymooners. Pastel-hued, car-free Caye Caulker has always been a great place for solo travelers thanks to its compact size and easy-going, backpacker-friendly vibe, which draws a relaxed, international crowd in search of a less commercialized slice of paradise.

It’s easy to lose days lounging at The Split , the island’s premier beach, but there are plenty of other activities on offer, from snorkeling and diving on teeming reefs to kayaking to lesser-visited parts of the island while keeping a beady eye out for crocodiles. 

Join other travelers at local reggae bars during the afternoon happy hour before sampling Creole-style street food come nightfall. What's arguably the greatest blessing of solo travel? You don’t have to share your shrimp and swordfish dinner!

Epic solo travel experience : Snorkeling or diving in the Caye Caulker Marine Reserve , which teems with turtles and small sharks.

Car driving along a sandy beach on Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia

East Coast Australia: best for road-tripping

It would actually be hard to explore the East Coast of Australia alone. So many travelers follow the snaking stretch of road that runs from Sydney to Cairns that solitude is often harder to find than companionship. For travelers in search of natural wonders, excellent infrastructure, abundant tours and group activities and raucous late-night revelry, there are few places to match it.

But it’s not just the good-time vibe that makes this stretch of coastline so spectacular. The classic road trip route is studded with bucket-list attractions, from lolling on Sydney’s iconic Bondi Beach to rambling through the ancient Daintree Rainforest or blowing bubbles on the Great Barrier Reef . Consider renting a car to explore – the most memorable moments will likely come from interactions with locals in coastal surf towns and one-pub villages in the Outback an hour or two inland from the coast.

Epic solo travel experience : Joining a tour with the East Coast's Indigenous people. Tours led by guides from Aboriginal communities will show you a less-seen side to this well-explored land.

You might also like: Female solo travel: what it's like to travel solo at every age How Black LGBTIQ+ travellers navigate a challenging world What it's like traveling with kids as a single parent

This article was first published Nov 30, 2017 and updated Dec 10, 2021.

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Solo Traveler

Solo travel tips, destinations, stories... the source for those who travel alone.

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Travel Solo for the First Time: Complete Guide for Newbies

Janice Waugh

June 7, 2023 by Janice Waugh

a first time solo traveler gazing in awe at her surroundings

You're going to travel solo for the first time. It's a big deal and yet, not such a big deal if you know how.

You likely have some questions.

You may have some concerns.

Don't worry, we're here to help.

For more than 14 years, Solo Traveler has been helping people with solo travel tips for newbies, as well as for those stretching their solo travel muscles to more challenging destinations.

Some people don't give their plan to travel solo a second thought. Others live with anxiety at every stage of the planning process. For still others, their worries only come at the 11th hour. They are about to leave and start to panic.

Having a good sense of what solo travel is like and planning for it will go a long way to easing you into your first solo trip. There is a lot of information on Solo Traveler. In fact, there are over 700 posts about the many aspects of solo travel.

This post covers the basics of how to travel alone for the first time. It will also point you to more in-depth articles on specific aspects of solo travel. If you're in your 20s or 30s, check out this piece on solo travel .

It's my hope that it will help those who are new to solo travel find what they need to go with confidence.

a make traveler with arms outstretched, viewing the green landscape around him

Table of Contents

How to Travel Alone for the First Time

When first-time solo travelers announce their intention to travel alone, they often face a lot of questions from family and friends. The primary one is, “why”? To get this issue out of the way, read about the why of solo travel here .

Now, let's get on to the how.

Preparation for your first solo trip can be broken down into a number of parts. You need to decide:

  • How much you have to spend.
  • Where to go.
  • How to get there.
  • Where you will stay.
  • How long you will stay.
  • How you will travel at your destination.

Huh! Those six decisions look pretty familiar to anyone who has traveled. Yes, much of solo travel is the same as all travel.

However, there is another list, this time of questions, that first-time solo travelers need to consider:

  • Am I ready to travel by myself?
  • How challenging a destination should I consider?
  • Am I comfortable with my own company?
  • Do I want to meet people on my trips or is solitude my objective?
  • What do I need to do to be safe?
  • How do I ensure my loved ones that I will be safe?
  • Am I better to go solo on a group tour or is independent solo travel right for me?

Those seven questions are not the questions that every traveler asks. They are, however, important for those traveling solo for the first time.

Below, we'll get into tips and advice that will help you answer each question.

senior woman standing in front of a map holding a passport, preparing for first time solo travel

Is Solo Travel a Good Idea? Get Ready for Your First Solo Trip

Solo travel is a confidence booster but you have to actually travel solo for that to happen. So how do you gain confidence before you go? I have a few suggestions.

  • Find your cheerleader . When you tell people about your trip, notice who is excited about it. Spend as much time as you can with those people as they will build your confidence. Try to avoid the naysayers.
  • Stop watching crime shows. They are not representative of the dangers in the world.
  • Plan how you will stay in touch with home . The fact that you will stay connected will build your confidence.
  • Find a local contact . Chances are, someone you know, knows someone where you're going. Get the concept of six degrees of separation working for you.
  • Find out if there is a Greeter program in your destination so that you can meet up with a local.
  • Be patient with yourself . Take your time. Please know that even very experienced solo travelers become overwhelmed from time to time, especially at the outset of a trip. It will pass! Be prepared to handle this by reading Feeling Overwhelmed? How to Conquer First-Day Solo Travel Anxiety .

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Best Countries for a First Solo Trip

Your choice of destination for first time solo travel is important. It can make the difference between a successful, confidence-building first trip with a future of many more solo trips, or one with mixed results. I suggest that first trips be to destinations where it's easy to find people who speak your language. In your own language, you'll find it easier to navigate, feel safer, and meet more people.

Certainly you can travel your own country. There is always more to see near home. But if you want to visit another country, as many new travelers do, consider Canada , the United States , the United Kingdom , Ireland , Australia , or New Zealand .

You'll find more specific ideas for where to go on your first solo trip here.  You may also want to read  Best Solo Travel Destinations: Real Solo Travelers Love These,   Best Budget Destinations for Solo Travelers , and Summer Solo Travel: Great Destinations, Good Times Guaranteed .

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Travel Solo but Not Lonely

Solo travel need not be a lonely experience. Many solo travelers say that they meet more people traveling alone than they do when traveling with others. After all, you are not focused on a companion. You are open to meeting people and that makes people feel comfortable approaching you.

However, there are things you can do to make sure you have a social experience. Here are a number of posts that will help.

  • How to Travel Alone Without Being Lonely: 10 Tips & 12 Posts
  • Eating Alone Is Easy When You Know How
  • Expert Tips for Shy Travelers and Solo Travel Introverts

Stay Safe While Traveling Solo

There is so much to be said on this topic, especially when you are traveling solo for the first time.

Here's a link to our  Solo Travel Safety: 50 Tips post that covers just about everything you need to know.

Here are a few basics:

  • Arrive at a new destination well before dark . Daylight gives you a better sense of the safety of a place.
  • Take the business card of your hotel with you when you go out for the day.
  • Don't tell people you meet where you're staying. Your accommodation should be your safe zone.
  • Be prepared to be impolite if someone is bothering you. This comes up in Solo Female Travel Safety: Advice for What Women Worry About .
  • Always have travel insurance . Since I started to travel at 15 years of age, I've always had insurance. Read: A Complete Guide to Travel Insurance for Solo Travelers .
  • Use public Wi-Fi with a VPN. If you're planning to use public Wi-Fi for doing anything that requires security, such as booking a hotel room with a credit card, make sure you have a VPN. Read  Best VPN for Travel: What, Why, How & New Recommendations .
  • Keep your money and credit cards in multiple places . Here's  How to Manage Money While Traveling .
  • Download these safety apps . Here are 10 Solo Travel Safety Apps to give you peace of mind.

Remember, as you travel you're in a holiday mindset and a different culture. Both factors will affect your ability to judge situations. To keep you safe in a variety of situations, it's helpful to be clear on your safety rules before going. And, most importantly, trust your instincts.

female travelers on their first solo trip walking throgh a city on an audio tour

Should Your First Trip Be a Tour?

When does a tour make sense?

  • being alone
  • your safety
  • finding the time to plan
  • missing important highlights
  • navigating new cities
  • getting lost
  • If you want to go to a destination that you consider challenging.
  • If you want to break up a long trip. If you're on your own for a month or more, you may want to include a tour so that you have company for a while and you can relax while someone else manages the details.

Tour companies are not all the same. There are a wide variety of experiences available and a number of things to consider when choosing a tour.

Read  How to Choose a Tour: Top Tips for Solo Travelers.

Taking a tour can be a good way to get an introduction to a destination and help you build your confidence. By adding time on your own at the end of a tour, you can then travel solo independently for the first time as well.

You'll also want to browse our solo travel tours  page or, if you already have a good idea of what you're looking for, use our searchable trips page to get to what you want faster. Solo Traveler is the best source for a continuously updated list of a variety of tour companies offering trips with no or low single supplements. If you'd like to receive it by email each month, you can sign up here .

a woman on her first solo trip smiling from the driver's seat of her car

How to Plan to Travel Alone

If you have decided that you have the confidence, that you are comfortable in your own company, and that you can take care of your safety, you may have decided that you will travel solo independently.

Here are my suggestions:

  • Make a budget . Know how much you can spend so that you plan your transportation and accommodation, the two most expensive aspects of a trip, accordingly. Here's more on creating a budget , along with a handy interactive spreadsheet.
  • K now the basics . Before you leave, be sure you understand the visa requirements and spend a few moments to understand the currency exchange. Make sure your passport doesn’t expire for at least three months after your trip ends as some countries have such a minimum for visitors.
  • Book your flights/trains.  Yes, you check your passport and visa needs first and then book your flights. You don't want to get ahead of yourself, put the money out for a flight and discover later that you have to pay a fee to have it changed. Also, book your transportation so that you arrive before dusk. Everything looks better in daylight and, if your hotel/hostel isn't to your liking, you'll have time to make changes.
  • Book your accommodation. Arriving in a new city, not knowing how it works, and still having to find a place to stay can be stressful, especially when it's your first time traveling solo. Plus, you can end up spending more than you budgeted because you just have to get a place. If you're looking for a hotel, we use and recommend . Here are a variety of other options: Best Accommodation for Solo Travelers: The Choice is Yours .
  • Study a map. Maps provide a bird’s-eye view of a new destination. They give you a sense of distance between places and, therefore, what’s possible to do in a day. You’ll also get a sense of where the areas are that you want to avoid for safety reasons.
  • Add important numbers to your phone. Research useful apps for your phone and download them when you have free Wi-Fi. While you may not want to stay connected with home as you travel, important numbers should be in your phone before you leave. Get the front desk staff at your accommodation to help you add important local numbers to your phone such as the one for your hotel or hostel.
  • Pack light so you can manage your own things. One carry-on sized bag and a daypack or large purse should do it. Here's how to pack light . A reader recently provided an excellent reason for this from their own experience: “I used the info on your blog about traveling with only carry-on and a small wardrobe when I traveled solo to Peru. Having no checked bag saved me from missing a connecting flight in the Lima airport.”
  • Arrive at the airport, train, or bus station early. Whether it’s traffic congestion or a massive lineup at the airport, many things can slow you down when trying to catch a flight.
  • Don’t plan much for your first day. Take the time to settle in and get to know the city and how it works. Do people line up for the bus? What’s the street food like and where are the busiest stands? What’s within walking distance of your lodging? Take it slow and learn.

best solo travel tips

Tips from Seasoned Solo Travelers

Over on the Solo Travel Society on Facebook, there are many experienced solo travelers as well as people who are new to traveling alone. I asked those experienced travelers what tips they would offer a solo travel newbie and here's what they had to say.

  • Annalie   Carry a game with you, like a backgammon set, chess, a pack of cards. People all over the world can become friends over a simple game!
  • Scott   Leave the third pair of socks and the fourth t-shirt at home. Pack more smiles than you think you'll need, and more patience. Take all the expectations out of your pack and leave 'em at home.
  • Pamela   Go to the market while you are traveling. The experience will shed light on cultural, culinary, agricultural, linguistic, and family composition differences. People are always willing to teach you something new and befriend a stranger with a wealth of information. My first experience of this was in Aruba. I saw very little at the market that I was familiar with, but I came out with knowledge and friends.
  • Tony   Join free walking tours whenever you can! It's great for getting to know the city, learning its history, and meeting other backpackers.
  • Laurie   When you travel solo for the first time–or any time, for that matter–spend Day One at your new destination getting oriented: stop at the local chamber of commerce for a free map and suggestions for must-see points of interest; if you ride, rent a bicycle, you'll cover a lot more ground and still be able to see things up close and personal; chat with storekeepers, cab drivers, and servers and ask them their thoughts about their mayor, their favorite place to eat and drink, changes they've seen in the area over the years, and where they would take out-of-town visitors. Spend the rest of your time following up on their suggestions and return to let them know how you fared.
  • Toni   Give yourself the gift of strangers: ask questions, share impressions, get directions. Use Facebook or Twitter to friend or follow for ongoing exchange and learning.
  • Sam   Make sure (wherever possible) that you arrive at your next destination during daylight hours. When you have to find your way from the airport or train station to your accommodation it is much less nerve-racking to do this during the day when you can see where you are going and there are lots of people around and shops open to ask for directions. Once you get to your accommodation you then still have some time up your sleeve to get your bearings, have a look around, and plan where you will start exploring the next day. Plus, if you are staying at a hostel it is good to arrive before people are making dinner or having afternoon drinks as this is one of the best times to get a feel for the place and meet new people.
  • Tracey   Take the time to observe how people interact and how things work. While sitting at a sidewalk cafe, on a park bench, or just killing time standing in a lineup, I love to watch locals going about their day. If you pay attention to the little things, you can learn a lot: how to use public transit (and how to conduct yourself on it), whether to pay your bill at your table or at the counter, whether people are expected to line up in an orderly fashion or just jump in where you can, how to tip, or how to hail a cab. I find this particularly useful in a place where I don't speak the language.

best solo travel tips

Stories About First Solo Trips

best solo travel tips

What is first time solo travel really like? Well, that depends a bit on you, but here are a few descriptions by readers of Solo Traveler.

  • Deborah I was a late bloomer as far as travel goes. I took my first solo trip to Nassau, Bahamas when I was 34. I was nervous at first, but I got there and made so many travel friends. I had a glorious time. I haven’t stopped traveling yet and I’ll be 64 soon. I'm planning another big trip around the world. I'm retired now and will live on the “road” until I decide to come back.
  • Massy On my first solo trip I went to Japan. I am an introverted person and I get very self-conscious about myself (seriously). On January 1, 2013 I posted on my Facebook page the “2013 mission to Japan.” On my birthday in July 2013, I bought a ticket as a gift for myself. I got a lot of questions from friends because no one really went solo. I made it to Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. It was the most worthwhile and enjoyable experience. It was fascinating to see how communication clashes and cultural differences bring people together. It was just an amazing journey. I learned so much. I met new people. What a journey! It’s addictive.
  • MG I went to Puerto Vallarta and I was depressed. Then I met new friends at the hotel. I didn’t expect to end my vacation having so much fun. This is one good thing about traveling solo. You get to meet new friends that you wouldn’t have if you were in a group.
  • Leslie I had just gotten my professional designation, which took 7 years of exams (post-college) and I wanted to do something big to celebrate. I love to travel, but several of my friends said they couldn’t get the time off or couldn’t afford to go somewhere too far away. I finally decided I shouldn’t be held back just because no one could travel with me, so I booked a camping safari in Tanzania! I love animals and an African safari had always been one of my dreams. Surprisingly, I wasn’t that scared to get on a plane and fly halfway around the world by myself (and to a Third World country, no less). It was exciting! I learned that I’m much more self-sufficient than I thought and that traveling alone can be fun and very rewarding. Now that I know I can travel alone and be just fine, I feel like the possibilities are endless!
  • Zola My first earned vacation out of college I booked a week in Mexico. I loved going on an adventure by myself. I learned a few lessons from first time solo travel that have been useful for my other solo trips I have taken to Bali, Egypt, and Thailand.

If you're looking for even more tips, don't miss The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: Travel Alone & Love It .

Enjoy your first solo trip!

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22 Essentials for Your Next Solo Trip, According to T+L Editors

From portable chargers to door locks, here's what you need for the best — and safest — solo travel.

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In This Article

Tips for Solo Travel

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Travel & Leisure / Kevin Liang

One of the most delightful — and daunting — aspects of solo travel is that you’re in charge of everything. Much like how you get to choose wherever and whenever you eat and sleep or can opt to relax rather than rush to sightsee each day, you also determine what objects are worthy of making the journey with you. 

Packing for such a trip embodies the ethos of solo travel itself: While it’s nice to leave a little wiggle room (be it in your itinerary or for souvenirs), it also pays to be prepared. Ensuring you have everything you need to set the baseline for a safe and enjoyable trip ultimately allows you more flexibility in your day-to-day decisions. Plus, when traveling alone, there’s no one else to blame (or borrow from) if you forget your universal charger or toothpaste at home. 

We’ve rounded up T+L editor-approved, tried-and-true packing essentials for safer, more comfortable, and convenient solo trips. Use this guide when you’re gearing up for your next getaway — and don’t forget your general essentials as well, such as your passport and any necessary visas or vaccination cards. 

Best Portable Door Lock

Addalock the original portable door lock.

We love that this lock is easy to install (once you get the hang of it) and doesn’t require any tools to set up. "I get wigged out by how easy it is to break through many hotel doors. This tiny lock basically adds an extra deadbolt to make sure no one gets through," says T+L senior commerce editor Lydia Price . "I love the handy carrying pouch it comes in so that the hard metal won't damage anything else in your bag."

Best Door Alarm

Lewis n clark travel door alarm.

As an added level of safety whether you're at a hotel, hostel, or home rental, pack the Lewis N Clark Travel Door Alarm, "It works with most hotel and rental doors and windows and it'll make a loud noise if the alarm is triggered, which will wake you up and alert anyone else in earshot that something is amiss," Price said. It's incredibly light and compact, so it's easy to bring with you wherever you go.

Best Personal Safety Device

Birdie personal safety alarm.

Personal safety alarms are invaluable protection for solo travelers and offer peace of mind while out walking alone, especially at night. “Personal alarms are great for added peace of mind and this is the most subtle and stylish, one I’ve ever seen,” T+L associate editorial director Morgan Ashley Parker shared. “I’ve held it in my hand while walking on a semi-busy street after dark, but I’ll keep it clipped onto a belt bag or backpack in certain destinations (so I can easily yank the alarm part off as needed). Note: I did this while unpacking once and, let’s just say, I won’t forget the sound — and flashing strobe light — anytime soon.”

Best Travel Purse

Lululemon everywhere belt bag 1l.

For safeguarding your passport, money, or other important travel documents, you'll want a secure travel purse like this one from Lululemon. "This bag is small but still fits a deceptive amount. I like to wear this across my chest when traveling alone so I keep my belongings close," Parker said. "There's even a zippered pocket on the back that fits a phone along with credit cards and cash if I don't want to open up and rustle through the main compartment on the go." The adjustable strap makes it easy to change the length for a tight and comfortable fit around the waist or across the upper body.

Best Hotspot Router

Glocalme 4g lte mobile hotspot.

As much as we all would love to “go off the grid” a bit more, it’s less relaxing than it sounds—and sometimes outright dangerous —when you find yourself somewhere with limited WiFi and no way to contact friends or family. “If I'm traveling overseas and don't have access to my phone plan, a mobile hotspot is essential for staying on the grid while flying solo,” T+L associate commerce editor Anna Popp said. “It gives me so much peace of mind knowing I have access to the internet 24/7 in case there isn't WiFi readily available.” Mobile hotspots are also great for digital nomads who may find themselves working from remote areas with limited internet access. 

Best Portable Charger

Charmast small portable charger.

Running out of phone battery in an unfamiliar place is one of Popp's biggest fears while traveling alone so she never leaves the house without this ultra-compact phone charger. "This charger is so small that it can fit in my pocket or a compact purse, which makes it easy to bring anywhere from museums to concerts," she shared. "I love that it has an iPhone charging port built-in so all I have to do is plug the charger into my phone without having to deal with cords or a bulky charging pad."

Best Headphones

Jbl tune 710bt wireless over-ear headphones.

"As an introvert and a lover of solo travel, a good reliable pair of noise-canceling headphones is a must for me. I have this pair from JBL and I bring them on every flight," T+L senior commerce editor Jasmine Grant said. "They're great at tuning out disruptive noises on a flight, but I also use them wirelessly in between destinations. The foam of the ear muffs is cushiony and comfy, and I also appreciate the long battery life on these things." With an impressive 50-hour battery, these headphones are perfect for listening to music or podcasts for the entire duration of your solo trip.

Best Tripod

Geometrical pocket tripod.

"One of the hardest things when traveling alone is taking photos without asking for a stranger's help, so I keep this little lifesaver in my wallet at all times — even at home," Parker said, referring to this handy mini tripod. "It comes with inserts so you can perfectly fit any phone or phone case, and it helps you prop up your device so you can grab landscape or portrait shots. The tilt angle can easily be adjusted and I've balanced it on rocks, sand, and window ledges and got excellent timer shots (or use this remote , another solo travel essential)." Best of all, the tripod folds flat like a credit card, so it can even fit in your pocket.

Best Zipper Lock

Bobino zipper clip.

Utilizing a zipper lock can keep your items safe and provide you extra comfort when you're on the go. "You can attach [the Bobino Zipper Clip] to any bag or purse with a zipper to make it hard for pickpockets to open them," Price said. "It gives me extra peace of mind when I'm in crowds or wearing a backpack anywhere. I'm also hopeful it can deter thieves from seeing you as a target in the first place. Plus, it's very small and light so it's an extra layer of protection without much hassle."

Best Eye Mask

Sleep masks in general are a must-have for solo travelers — they’re great for flights when aisle-mates don’t want to close the window shade and can be game-changing in hotels without blackout curtains. We love that this one uses low-intensity light therapy technology, so you have the best sleep possible. "Not only does it fit super well without putting pressure on your eyes, but it also helps you to actually fall asleep, which is a game-changer," T+L commerce editor Taylor Fox said.

Best eReader

Amazon kindle fire hd 8 plus tablet.

T+L senior commerce writer Merrell Readman always brings her Kindle Fire tablet with her on trips as a form of entertainment while on the go. "Last year I took my first solo trip to Portugal, and without a doubt, my Kindle was the best thing I packed," she shared. "Since I was alone I had plenty of time to work through my reading list, and I ended up getting through five books on the trip — but the best part is the Kindle connects directly to the NYPL website, making it so I could swap out books without weighing down my suitcase." The device boasts up to 12 hours of battery life on one charge, which is perfect for long-haul flights and a full day of lounging at the beach.

Best Outlet Adapter

Sublimeware international power adapter.

An outlet adapter is essential for charging electronics in countries that use different sockets. "I never leave the country without this international power adapter. Because it works for most destinations, it majorly streamlines my packing list and makes me feel secure that if all else fails I’ll have at least one adapter that will work no matter where in the world I am," T+L commerce editor Sophie Mendel shared. This one works in over 150 countries and you can charge multiple devices at once.

Best Quick-dry Towel

Rainleaf microfiber towel.

For showering or swimming in the ocean, this lightweight and quick-drying towel is perfect for tossing in a backpack or carry-on. "An endlessly versatile travel accessory, a compact, quick-dry towel is a must for any trip. I’ve used mine everywhere from hostel bathrooms in Bolivia to the cold-plunge saunas in Arctic Norway and beyond," Mendel said. "This one is reliable, dries super fast, and packs down small so you can toss it in your carry-on shortly after use for a quick turnaround."

Best Hydration Packets

Liquid i.v. hydration hero bundle.

"I tend to forget to drink water as much as I should when I travel, but these individual packets are a helpful reminder to stay hydrated," T+L testing editor Jackie Cucco said. "I like that they come in individual packets so you can carry as much as you need for the day." They're especially helpful if you've also packed your own water bottle, so you can stick the travel-size packets in your day pack and fill up wherever the day takes you.

Best Headlamp

Energizer led headlamp flashlight.

While this may sound unnecessary when you’ve got a phone flashlight, you’ll never regret having a battery-operated headlamp in case of emergency, particularly when traveling alone. “Not only did I use it to navigate my way to the restroom in the Sahara, but when I was in Cuba, there was a blackout while I was packing, so I simply strapped it on my head and continued without missing a beat,” T+L contributor Rachel Chang shared. It’s always better to be prepared! We love this model because it’s super lightweight and budget-friendly.

Best Money Belt

Eagle creek money belt.

“I use money belts while traveling to avoid getting my credit cards or cash stolen,” says Popp, who recommends Eagle Creek’s Silk Undercover Money Belt. This satin-lined accessory is sweat-resistant and features two handy zippered pockets to keep your passport, cash, and credit cards organized and secured. “I usually carry a regular purse, too, but having a hidden money belt helps keep track of money or other small valuables,” Popp noted. 

Best Backpack

Herschel packable daypack.

Whether you’re backpacking or carry-on-ing, it’s always a good idea to bring a small, packable bag that you can use for day trips or hikes — and Herschel’s version, made of rugged ripstop material, folds up into next to nothing. “A packable backpack can be a godsend for storing items like a water bottle, extra sweater, phone chargers, etc. while I'm on the go,” Popp said. “I love that this backpack folds up into a built-in small pouch to make storing it even easier when it's not needed.” 

Best Zipper-helper

Sharemoon zipper pulls.

Your wardrobe is one thing that definitely should not be limited by traveling alone. “You don’t want to corner a stranger in the elevator or walk down to the front desk partially clothed, so something like this is incredibly convenient when traveling solo,” Parker said. “While there are many styles to buy, I’d recommend one with a spring clip versus a hook or lobster clasp as this style can work with the widest range of zippers.”

Best First Aid Kit

Curad compact first aid kit.

Wherever you go, it's important to prioritize your health — this first aid kit has all of the basics you need to feel your best for a full day out. "It includes three different bandage sizes plus other first-aid essentials like cleansing towelettes, alcohol pads, and antibiotic ointment," Parker said. "I actually keep this travel-sized first-aid kit at home and pull from it to make smaller kits in snack-sized plastic bags when I travel. Then I can restock the larger travel kit as needed to have all my essentials in one place at home, plus have several little first-aid 'go bags' to stash in my various travel bags."

Best Tech Organizer

Bevegekos tech organizer travel case.

Stay organized on the go with a handy tech organizer for keeping all of your important gadgets in one place. "Chargers and adapters can easily wind up in a tangled heap of a mess in my travel bag if they're not organized in some way. I truly love this one because there are pockets for all of my phone and laptop power cords, my portable charger, and even my wireless earbuds," Grant shared. "It's great to have on hand when I'm solo traveling to avoid forgetting my electronics and accessories from place to place." This one is slim and compact, but it's large enough to store all of the tech essentials and it has a wrap-around zipper to secure the items.

Best Reusable Bags

W&p porter silicone reusable bags.

"I love that these bags are dishwasher-safe when I return home from a trip," Parker says. "I love these reusable bags when traveling, especially the stand-up ones so I can have my snacks set out on the airplane tray in front of me. I've bought other brands and find the quality of these to be top-notch, and I also like that they have a roll-top version that can be sized smaller when I'm halfway through what I'm eating. I usually stash one of the traditional ones in my purse since I'm prone to buying snacks that I don't finish while I'm on my shopping adventures so I don't need to go out alone late at night if I get hungry again."

Best Water Bottle

Que collapsible water bottle.

Staying hydrated on a can be difficult, so consider bringing a compact water bottle like this one that folds down to save space in a bag. "To avoid spending $10 on a plastic bottle of water at the airport, I bring this folding water bottle to save money and space in my backpack," Popp said. "It folds down into a super small size and it comes with a clip to attach it to my backpack when it's filled up. It's not the largest bottle, but the portability factor makes it worth traveling with." Plus, it comes in an array of pretty colors from violent to sage.

Share your itinerary (or location) with someone before you go

Most of my close friends and I share our location using “Find My Friends,” an iPhone app that shares where we are in real time (which can be very comforting while traveling solo). If you’re not keen to share that level of detail, consider at least sharing an itinerary and any general travel confirmations (i.e. flight numbers and hotel addresses) with someone you trust. 

You can also add friends to ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft so that they’re notified whenever you book a ride and reach your destination. (The auto-texts generated by the app have unexpectedly been a great prompt for staying in touch with friends while traveling, leading us to check-in about where we’ve been that weekend or dish on late-night rides home from evenings out.)  

Skip the selfie stick

Paris-based T+L contributor Sara Lieberman , who has traveled to over fifteen countries on her own, suggests skipping selfies and instead asking someone to take your photo, which is often an easy and no-pressure conversation starter. “Asking someone to take a photo of you will not only (hopefully) result in a better shot—feel free to direct them and set it up to your liking—but perhaps a conversation or even a shared experience. Maybe they'd be interested in joining you on a local tour that required a two-person minimum.” 

Go guilt-free

When traveling with someone else, you typically need to make some compromises to ensure you both get what you want out of the trip, perhaps waking up earlier than you’d like, or sightseeing longer than you’d want. The beauty of traveling alone is you get to call the shots, and leave the guilt of not feeling always-aligned with someone else behind. 

“Solo travel has always been my preferred way of seeing the world. I love the feeling of exploring a new place entirely on my own, which leaves me more open to unexpected discoveries and connecting with strangers,” says Yagoda. “Also, I can't lie, I love to do exactly what I want, when I want it—without worrying about a travel partner who may have a different vision in mind. I'm someone who needs a lot of rest and relaxation while traveling, so when I'm alone I don't have to feel guilty about skipping an afternoon of sightseeing if I don't feel up to it.”

Don’t be afraid to talk to strangers

It may go against what we’re taught as kids, but it’s crucial to trust your gut and chat up friendly-looking folks as you go about your travels. I recently climbed up 500 very steep steps to catch a sunset in Vietnam and found myself laughing with the other out-of-breath people at the top, lamenting the climb, which segued naturally into chatting about our respective trips.  

Lieberman puts it this way: “You know that NYC subway phrase about suspicious packages? ‘If you see something, say something’: Well, use it to meet people. But, like, with your general observations,” she suggests, noting that simple comments like, "’Amazing sunset. Do you know another good spot around here?’” can be natural openers for great conversations (and hopefully great travel tips!).

Don’t rely (only) on Google 

Another way to initiate conversations with locals or fellow travelers—and hopefully to enrich your trip in the process—is to ask them for advice. “If you don't know, ask!” Lieberman says. “We travel to learn, and when we're alone we often rely on Google or Wikipedia to educate ourselves rather than, say, another traveler who seems adept at buying metro tickets or a local who knows the right pronunciation for ‘addition’ (the bill) in French.”

Always read reviews before booking accommodations 

This applies to all travel but is particularly salient as a solo traveler: Do your homework before booking a place to stay. The worst thing when you’re weary after a long day of travel is showing up to a place that makes you feel anything less than comfortable. 

Prepare physical and digital copies of important docs

When you're traveling alone, it's important to have copied back-ups of all of your important documents like reservations, passports, IDs, and more. But it can also be helpful to have printed copies as well as digital copies on a separate device in case of lost or theft. For example, if you travel with an iPad or tablet, you should ensure that you save all of the same important documents on that second device as you do on your phone.

Traveling alone can be one of the most incredible ways to connect more deeply with yourself and with the people and places you encounter along your journey. It’s a physical and emotional juxtaposition from your comfort zone, taking you to new places where there’s a good chance you don’t speak the language or know anyone (yet!). And that’s where the good stuff starts: Traveling alone forces you to chat up people you might never otherwise engage with if you had a friend or partner there to keep you company. Often, you may find yourself opening up about parts of your life that you haven’t even explored with your loved ones back home; there’s something about being removed from the familiar (and from the pressure of living up to what those closest to you might expect from you) that allows you to shed certain parts of yourself and try new ones on for size.

While there are ample upsides to solo travel, there’s also an inherent risk in navigating a foreign (or even not-so-foreign) place by yourself — though a GPS navigator can help. To mitigate that risk, it’s crucial to take proper precautions like some of the solo travel tips outlined above, whether that’s sharing your location with a friend or doing your due diligence when picking a place to stay. Carrying some of the travel safety products recommended here as well, like a personal safety alarm and a portable lock for the door in your accommodations, can offer peace of mind and an added layer of security as well. 

For more inspiration and comfort, check out solo-travel-focused groups on Facebook. Many are dedicated specifically to female solo travel, while others may be destination-specific and offer insights into things to be aware of or visa logistics. You’re likely to find a ton of helpful tips and maybe even a travel buddy to link up with somewhere!

The beauty (and at times, most daunting aspect) of a solo trip is that you’re calling all the shots—including how long you’d like to travel for. Of course, there are the typical constraints, like a job that requires you to be on-site, or a family to consider. Budget is a determining factor as well, although there are ample ways to stretch your budget if you’re eager to keep traveling. Otherwise, it’s all up to you. If you’re new to solo travel, start with a shorter trip—maybe a long weekend or a five-day jaunt somewhere—to let yourself find your own rhythm without the pressure of weeks “alone” stretching ahead of you (as most solo travelers know, you’re rarely alone for long—you’re bound to meet friendly new faces along the way!).

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Sophie Dodd is a full-time freelance writer for T+L and other reputable publications. She spends her time working on vineyards, road-tripping through the Pacific Northwest, and seeking out the greatest outdoor showers of all time—all in the name of investigative journalism. She focuses on personal essays, branded content, feature writing, and just about anything that involves Paris. She and T+L writer Taylor Fox spoke with other globetrotting writers and editors to curate this list of the best products and tips for solo travel.

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30 of the Best Solo Travel Tips from Readers (April 2024)

by JourneyWoman Staff | May 21, 2024

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Last updated on May 23rd, 2024

Solo travel tips from women

Curated from our Facebook Group and Email Tips 

This month’s reader tips are all about safety, packing light and being practical when we travel  — no doubt to avoid hefty checked bag fees.  Culled from inbound emails and our private Solo Travel Wisdom Facebook group, we love to share these first-hand solo travel tips with everyone to help you travel safely and well. If you have a solo travel tip share please do so!  (You can do that here!) 

Tip: You can download these tips as a PDF or print them using the icons above!

30 Solo Travel Tips to help you travel safely and well

1. G0 to the places that call to your spirit. — Berta G.

2. Research everything before you go- make your own travel notes. Knowing what you are seeing deepens the experience. — Tracy T.

3. ViaRail cross-Canada train . Toronto to Vancouver. They have great solo cabins; the food is incredible, and the scenery is sublime. The only downside is having to sleep through parts of it and miss huge stretches of scenery. Very tempted to go back the other way one day to catch up on what I slept through. 🙂 And you meet great people from all over. — June B.

4. One of the most uplifting experiences I ever had was when I followed the sound of singing and ended up as the only white face in a church service in Swaziland. I was warmly welcomed, sang and danced with the congregation, and learned something of the roots of our gospel music. Follow your music, figurative or literal! — Marti S.

5. St Viateur Bagels in Montreal. Dream bagels, you will not forget the taste. I haul bags of them back on the train at the end of my stays. The area is nice to walk around to get a feel for the city. — Nancy M.

6. Be sure to check government websites for entry requirements like visas etc as soon as you choose a destination. Many people discover they need a visa on trying to board a plane and don’t have one! — Chris P.

Note: Use a program like iVisa to confirm which visas you need and apply for them through the website.

7. Use the Find Me GF app to find reviewed restaurants for gluten-free food around the world. — Beth H.

8. I’ve been using the Tripit app , If you aren’t familiar with it, I highly recommend it for organizing your itinerary. — Miriam W.

9. Always learn the ‘basic words’ of the country you are visiting. I was once able to get my A/C fixed by a hotel engineer who had very little English. It was blistering hot outside and my A/C would run for ten minutes, then shut off. I managed to convey this to him; he went away and came back in 11 minutes. He fixed it quickly once he knew what to look for. We were both thrilled that we communicated with each other. — Judy S.

10. Google Translate is my new friend! I actually use it at work with the housekeeping staff – they are Spanish speakers. Sometimes I can use my poor Spanish to get my point across, but then I don’t understand them most of the time. — Kitty P.

11. I will only take direct non-stop flights if they are available to where I’m going. Saving money isn’t worth it at this point in my life. I’ve decided I’ve earned the convenience! — Arlene P.

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Solo travel safety tips

12. I take a photo of the front of the hotel where I’m staying. Sure helps me because usually someone drives me there and they look so different walking or in daylight. — Darlene S.

13. Beware of taking taxis in Lisbon – they overcharge everyone and it is much better to use the Bolt app or Uber. However, traffic moves slowly there, so if you are on a timeline, give extra time for the driver to get to you. I also heard that two British women paid 200 euro each for a Tuk-tuk ride, and the driver made up most of the ‘history’ of the city to boot! Lisbon is very safe, but pickpockets are known to take advantage in crowded situations – like subway, and Tram 28, or other situations that have many people in close quarters – like the National Holiday they had on April 25th. — Kerry O.

14. In Barcelona, there is a scam where someone ‘drops’ something in front of you, and when you lean down politely to help them pick it up, they attempt to take your bag. This happened twice to my daughter on La Rambla. Be aware! — Carolyn R.

Read More: How to Travel with Medication: Tips from Women to Pack Smart

For book and library lovers.

16. For local walking tours try the Millennium Tour (also the ABBA tour !) in Stockholm, a Harry Hole walking tour in Oslo.  The latter in particular such a hoot – the guide had arranged for someone to speak out the upper window at Harry’s apt, “oh, he just left – yes, in a black car…”  then ended at his fave watering hole – Shroders, so good that I went back on my own for an exquisite salmon meal.

17. Then of course, there’s Agatha Christie’s room at the Pera Palace Hotel – where she wrote “ Murder on the Orient Express ” – about to book for some September time in Istanbul.  The Barbados resort setting for her “Murder in the Caribbean” was worth checking out for fun – and learning that the management didn’t have a clue about its literary immortality.  Ditto for the Central Hotel in Stockholm , where Wallandur stayed – DID stay there, discovering that management’s missed marketing moment… — Julie

18. Oodi Central Library in Helsinki is most impressive, it’s big & bright with lots of windows, there are coffee shops throughout the library & plenty of light wood. It was chosen as the winner of the 2019 Public Library of the Year award in the World Library and Information Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). The annually presented Public Library of the Year award is presented to a public library that is either newly built or set up in premises not previously used for library purposes. In 2019, a total of 16 libraries from all over the world applied to be considered for this award. The other libraries that made it to the final were Green Square Library and Plaza in Australia, Bibliotheek LocHal in the Netherlands and Tūranga – Christchurch Central Library in New Zealand. The award’s sponsor, IT company Systematic, awarded USD 5,000 to Oodi.

19. ‘Oodi was designed together with customers for a long period of time. We received more than 2,000 ideas from customers to serve as the basis of the architectural competition. ALA Architects designed an amazing and unique building that takes all the elements most desired by customers into account. The customers immediately made Oodi their own, which is our greatest success. The Public Library of the Year award tells us that the world has also taken notice of this,’ rejoices Director of Oodi Anna-Maria Soininvaara. — Lois E.

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Clothing tips

21. I buy scarves as souvenirs. They take up little space and I recall the trip every time I wear a particular scarf. – Arlene P.

22. I LOVE my reversible cotton print maxi skirt . I get 2 completely different looks/colors/patterns. Planning to take it on every trip, and may buy another. I also found a reversible sweater at Goodwill. If anybody knows a source for reversible clothes, other than Amazon, please tell. —Ramona B.

23. When backpacking for 3 months last year in Europe, I wore Teva sandals every day. Not only were they super comfortable, but I could wear them into the water – super helpful when on the pebbly beaches! — Kim H.

To check a bag or not…

24. I have decided that it is OK to check a bag ! I’m tired of wheeling a carry-on through airports, especially when there is carpeting which makes it so annoying. I have a personal item and a smaller bag of stuff too important to check. — Nat H.

25. Heading out tomorrow for 3 weeks. Could take a carry-on and having back issues right now so yup checking my bag so I don’t have to hoist it. Though must admit my backpack is pretty heavy! — Kitty P.

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28. Another thing that relates to luggage. I mostly fly out of Montreal and Vancouver and across Canada. I almost exclusively fly with Air Canada. It’s not the cheapest, but I’ve worked up my Aeroplan status to a level that gets me priority security and there’s bag tracking too! They send bag info via text and on the app, which is very reassuring. So I feel pretty good about checking a suitcase now. — Nat H.

29. Delta has a similar feature on its app. That, combined with an Apple Air Tag makes me pretty comfy about checking. — Kitty P.

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Deborah Brooks

I liked one thing about living a short time in Sarasota, Fl. The Salvation Army store had loads of nice like new clothes for cheap. And the had a senior citizens day.

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Solo travel for women: the 18 best destinations (plus tips).

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Solo Travel for Women

Iceland landscape photo of brave girl who proudly standing with his arms raised in front of water wall of mighty waterfall.

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For your next solo adventure, consider exploring waterfalls in Iceland, rice fields in Indonesia, beaches in Thailand and more.

Perhaps you have a bucket list of places you've always wanted to travel at the ready but you just keep waiting for the right person to go with you. But if your friends are busy, you just broke up with your partner and you're not feeling a family vacation, you don't have to wait to embark on a new adventure – just go solo .

Traveling by yourself, even as a woman, is not as challenging or scary as you might think. There are plenty of benefits: You don't have to adhere to anyone else's schedule, budget or food preferences, so you can truly prioritize yourself. Solo travel means doing whatever you want whenever you want, while seeing the places that you most want to visit. Adventuring alone as a woman can empower you to see the world on your terms.

Whether you're concerned about safety or seeking companionship, there are plenty of places around the globe to consider for your next solo trip. U.S. News has compiled this list of top solo travel destinations (and helpful tips) with expertise from women who have traversed the globe by themselves and loved it.

Barcelona, Spain

best solo travel tips

With a visit to Barcelona , immerse yourself in the local culture at your leisure, whether you want to dine at Michelin-starred restaurants or go cheer at a football (soccer) game. Writer Mona Gable says, "Barcelona is a place of wonder − medieval neighborhoods, sunny beaches, and world-class museums, not to mention Antoni Gaudí's celebrated architecture." She enjoyed exploring the Mediterranean port city, especially because of its walkability and easy-to-navigate transportation system with metro lines and buses. She also noted feeling safe on her own: "As a female traveler, I felt perfectly at ease wandering many neighborhoods alone, even at late hours, when Catalans famously dine out."

Travel tip: Gable says it's best to avoid touristy Las Ramblas – Barcelona's main thoroughfare – except to see La Boqueria, the city's legendary food market.

[See more of Barcelona:  Things to Do  |  Tours  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

African elephant (Loxodonta africana) Calves playing. Okovango Delta, Botswana

Botswana is well known for African wildlife safaris , where travelers might encounter elephants, zebras, rhinos, lions and cheetahs while glamping in luxury tents and dining on gourmet food. "Wildlife travel offers an outstanding combination of camaraderie, safety and autonomy," says Darcie Smith, owner of Great Expeditions Travel . She recommends Botswana's green season (November to March) for solo female travelers; at this time of year the single supplement surcharge is waived at many safari camps, which offers an excellent value and means you're more likely to meet other solo travelers. It is also peak season for birding, and you'll find plenty of opportunities to spot wildlife in the lush landscape.

Many camps will send someone to meet guests upon arrival to help you navigate airports or transfers. In Smith's experience, camp guests are also escorted to their rooms at night, for an added wildlife safety element. "Solo female travelers can enjoy daily shared safari activities in intimate camps that encourage social gatherings with full independence to design the itinerary around what's best for you," she says.

Travel tip: Smith recommends making your social media accounts private when you travel so strangers can't track your location as well as learning about the customs of your destination. "This will help avoid accidentally coming across as forward or flirtatious based on local standards," she explains. "For example, while long eye contact may be considered a sign of self-confidence or being polite at home, it may come across as flirtatious in your new destination."

best solo travel tips

Picture yourself indulging in pizza and gelato, visiting world-famous museums, touring picturesque wineries, and shopping at designer boutiques – all of that is at your fingertips in Italy , writer Martha McCully's go-to travel destination. "Italians want to share their culture and it's part of their personality to welcome you," she says. "Plus, the food and wine are outrageously divine."

The idea that traveling solo means you will be alone is a misconception, according to McCully. "It's simply not true," she says. "Book a group tour at your destination, or DM a friend from your past on Instagram, which is what I did in Bologna." There are plenty of unique ways to meet fellow travelers in Italy; she recommends signing up for a cooking class in Bologna through Taste of Italy, a food tour by Curious Appetite or a painting class with Plein Air Tuscany. "The idea is you will be with like-minded travelers and someone else is doing all the organizing," McCully explains.

Travel tip: McCully suggests sticking to your wellness routine while on the road to keep healthy habits. "I like to take my rituals with me," she says. "When I ground myself with what I know makes me feel good physically and mentally, it's like I'm living in another country, not just visiting."

[Read: The Top Italy Tours .]

best solo travel tips

With glaciers, volcanoes, waterfalls and hot springs galore, the dramatic landscapes of Iceland make it a must-visit destination. The "Land of Fire and Ice" is also known for puffins, its Viking history and women's empowerment, with the country's reputation as a champion of gender equality.

"Iceland is a favorite destination for female solo travelers because it is easily one of the safest countries in the world," says Jenny Ly, professional travel blogger at Go Wanderly . Iceland has one of the world's lowest crime rates and no animal predators dangerous to humans – just prepare for challenging weather and exercise caution if you plan to do any driving. Ly's itinerary recommendations include whale watching, with nearly a dozen types of whales navigating Icelandic waters; visiting Vatnajökull Glacier's ice caves; and chasing the northern lights in the darker months (October to April).

Travel tip: Ly encourages solo female travelers to not let the lack of a travel companion prevent them from exploring the world. "It can be both empowering and rewarding for women to travel solo, at least once in their life," she says. "While traveling alone can be riskier than traveling with others, it can also be more fun and gratifying." Her tip is to always be aware of your surroundings.

[Read: The Top Iceland Tours .]

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

best solo travel tips

While some women may shy away from traveling to Mexico due to safety concerns, travel blogger Jeanine Romo of , who has ventured solo to many countries, recommends visiting the charming town of San Miguel de Allende . "I decided to go on my own and had such a wonderful time," she says. "The people are friendly, the hospitality is amazing, and there are so many things to do if you love art, incredible food, and incredible architecture." San Miguel de Allende is a great option for women travelers because the city center is easily walkable and Uber is available, which Romo says made her feel safe because she could always call a ride.

Travel tip: For women traveling by themselves, Romo advises doing research on transportation options (such as local buses, metro lines and ride-sharing app availability) before you arrive. "I like to know how walkable the city I'm visiting is," says Romo. "This helps me feel so much more confident when navigating a new city."

[See more of San Miguel de Allende: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

New Zealand

best solo travel tips

From pristine beaches on the North Island to snowy mountains on the South Island – and all kinds of geological wonders in between – the diversity of New Zealand is a major draw for tourists. Travelers can learn about the indigenous Māori culture, visit a sheep farm or go sailing in Auckland , among an abundance of other incredible things to do in this island nation.

Travel blogger Nina Ragusa of enjoys visiting because of the welcoming culture, outdoor adventure and feeling of safety. "Traveling New Zealand as a solo woman is quite easy, and if it's your first trip solo, this would be a good country to start in," she says. Ragusa spent a month camping in a van by herself and said she never had to worry about her safety, even in more remote areas. "I went on hikes solo, some of them deep into the mountains for miles and miles, and was either alone or passing other tourists or friendly kiwis to wave hello to," she says. Ragusa adds that New Zealand is not the cheapest travel destination, but her personal recommendation for saving money on longer trips here is to rent – or buy and later sell – a van to live in.

Travel tip: Ragusa recommends steering clear of the outskirts of the bigger cities (particularly if you do travel by van). She warns that, as in most urban destinations around the world, those parts of New Zealand are where you're more likely to run into trouble.

El Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina

People hiking in a row on the ice of Perito Moreno glacier, Los Glaciares national park, Santa Cruz province, Patagonia Argentina

For an outdoor adventure in South America, Argentine Patagonia offers pristine ice hiking, backpacking, kayaking, trekking and wildlife viewing. Nicol Gillum-Thomas, an African-American solo female traveler whose mission is to encourage women to live life as an adventure, enjoyed her time in the town of El Calafate. "El Calafate, Argentina, was the destination that seemed the most off-putting in my imagination, but became the trip with the most adventure, awe-inspiring beauty and ease," she says.

Travel tip: Gillum-Thomas recommends a stay at the América del Sur Hostel Calafate, saying she appreciated the clean accommodations and interesting guests.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Old City of Dubrovnik situated on the Dalmatian coast, became an important Mediterranean sea power from the 13th century onwards. Although severely damaged by an earthquake in 1667, Dubrovnik managed to preserve its beautiful Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque churches, monasteries, palaces and fountains. Damaged again in the 1990s by armed conflict, it is now the focus of a major restoration programme co-ordinated by UNESCO. Clinging to a rock, encased by a girdle of ramparts and lapped by a turquoise sea, Croatia’s famous town is fully worthy of its title “Pearl of the Adriatic”.

If you dream of a getaway that includes picturesque beaches and crystal-clear water, Croatia is the perfect spot to explore. In Dubrovnik , the ancient city walls and medieval architecture of Old Town , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, set a particularly gorgeous scene when the sun goes down. Tamara Williams, owner of solo female travel-focused blog My Elated Odyssey , says the unmatched beauty of the surrounding sea and mountains is only one reason to plan a trip here.

"The locals are some of the nicest people I have ever met," Williams says. "They truly made it feel like a second home. They spoke English well, so no need to worry about a language barrier." She adds that this Balkan country is also considerably more affordable than destinations in Western Europe.

Travel tip: For solo female travelers, Williams suggests staying in the Lapad neighborhood or near Old Town. "Both are full of cafes, bars and shopping to keep you busy," she says.

[See more of Dubrovnik: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Svalbard, Norway

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) sniffs air while walking on rocky shore of Malmgren Island on foggy evening. | Location: Malmgren Island, Svalbard, Norway.

You can't go wrong in Norway , with breathtaking fjords, fascinating wildlife, scenic railways, outdoor adventure and the chance to glimpse the northern lights . Jurga Rubinovaite, founder of the travel blog Full Suitcase , says you won't want to miss Svalbard: a Norwegian archipelago located approximately 800 miles from the North Pole. "It is one of the most unique nature destinations in the world," she says. "Despite being so far north in the Arctic, it's extremely easy to visit and is also a great and safe destination for solo female travelers."

The main town, Longyearbyen, is the focal point of activities in Svalbard, which range from hiking and boat tours in the summer to winter pursuits such as ice cave visits and snowmobiling. "Because of the presence of polar bears, everything you do in Svalbard requires booking a guided tour, so you are always in safe hands," Rubinovaite explains. "Longyearbyen town itself is very lively and safe, with lots of accommodations, restaurants, shops, and a few museums, all within easy walking distance from each other."

Travel tip: For women traveling alone, Rubinovaite advises thorough research in advance of your trip to this Arctic locale; staying in hotels, rather than private accommodations; and booking guided tours or looking for a travel buddy when venturing out to very remote places.

Ireland, County Clare, Lahinch: tourist gazing at the majestic Cliffs of Moher at sunset in late spring.

Head to Ireland for a memorable solo getaway complete with rolling emerald-green hills, fairytale castles and Irish coffee. Experienced traveler Kelie Fiala of the Vacations Planned blog ranks this European country at the top of her list for solo travel spots. "Many attractions in Ireland are wonderful for solo travelers because they offer peaceful spots to stop and enjoy the gorgeous views, but also provide plenty of opportunities to meet friendly people at cafes and other points of interest," she says.

Fiala appreciates the nightlife and music scene of Ireland as much as the history and scenery. She suggests experiencing some of the country's pubs, even if you're a woman traveling alone, since you'll almost always find live music and friendly people. "Even if you start out by yourself, you'll easily find that you're having great conversations in no time," she says.

Travel tip: Fiala warns that for solo travelers, especially women, it's best to be careful how much you drink and leave the situation if you ever feel uncomfortable. But she also encourages women to not be afraid to have a chat. "You could hear some great stories, and make a new friend," she says.

Thai traditional wooden longtail boat and beautiful sand Railay Beach in Krabi province. Ao Nang, Thailand.

Beautiful beaches, delicious food, friendly people, exotic animals and floating markets are just some of the incredible things that you can experience in Thailand . Loredana Gogoescu, head of content for , says she felt safe in Thailand as soon as she arrived. "Thai people are hospitable and kind," she says. "Moreover, as a solo traveler, I was surprisingly never alone. I had to book a private room for myself at one point just to get a breather, as I was constantly meeting new people!"

Travel tip: If you're apprehensive about exploring a new place on your own, especially if you've never traveled abroad before, Gogoescu recommends sorting out all the logistics like accommodations and transportation in advance so it's easier to acclimate once you get there. She adds, "If you're afraid of being alone, join different apps like Bumble and Facebook groups for the destination you're traveling to, to see if you can match up with other solo female travelers who will be in the area at the same time as you."


Amsterdam buildings at sunrise

Nailah Hayward of says the Netherlands is a superb option for first-time solo female travelers, based on ease of transportation, overall safety, the variety of things to do and other factors. "The Netherlands comes out high on all of these areas," she says. "And after multiple visits to the country, traveling through big cities and small towns, I always felt extremely safe." With the country's extensive train system, in addition to local trams and bike lanes, navigating the Netherlands by yourself doesn't pose too great a burden. Hayward also appreciates the ease of communicating with locals as an English speaker, since most people speak English in addition to Dutch.

"Whether you are into the arts scene, outdoor activities, luxury experiences, cultural exploration or culinary delights, the Netherlands has a huge variety of activities to dive into," Hayward says. "All of these elements make the Netherlands a place that I enthusiastically recommend for solo women travelers."

Travel tip: Don't carry cash. Hayward says most transactions can be done electronically, so there's no need for frequent trips to the ATM.

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

best solo travel tips

Luxury family travel influencer Irina Claire Bromberg suggests Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands as a top spot for solo female travel, partially because of its high safety rating from the U.S. Department of State. There's also no shortage of activities in this Caribbean destination, with Bromberg calling Stingray City a must. "The stingrays are peaceful and gentle," she says. "They glide along the ocean floor and you're free to observe and even play with them in their natural habitat." She also recommends soaking up some sun at the renowned Seven Mile Beach .

Grand Cayman is also a foodie paradise, according to Bromberg. "The vibrant dishes are as tasty as they are exciting, representing the fascinating mix of cultures and traditions that make the island so unique," she says. Her suggestions for food to try include the classic Cayman-style lobster, coconut shrimp and Johnny cakes.

Travel tip: Bromberg recommends checking the U.S. Department of State safety rating and other solo travelers' experiences prior to booking a trip.

[See more of the Cayman Islands:  Things to Do  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

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View of the Galata Tower and The Suleymaniye Mosque at dusk in Istanbul, Turkey

Chart your course for Istanbul , the only city in the world that straddles two continents, Europe and Asia. This anomaly is one of many features making the Turkish city stand out as a unique destination; you'll get to experience its Byzantine architecture, Ottoman cuisine and landmarks like the Grand Bazaar on a trip here. Farihah Fuaad, a Muslim solo travel expert and founder of , says, "It offers the best of both worlds – East and West, Europe and Asia, modern and ancient – and lots of surprises." This lively, fast-paced metropolis is also rich in history and culture, with remnants of bygone eras visible in the skyline of Istanbul, according to Fuuad.

For solo travelers, there are endless opportunities for memorable experiences. "Wherever you go in Istanbul, multiple surprises await you at the corner of every street, its cobblestone alleys, or within the maze-like structure in Grand Bazaar," Fuaad says. The network of easy and convenient public transportation options also makes Istanbul a great choice for women traveling solo.

Travel tip: For first-time solo female travelers, Fuaad suggests taking time to adjust to being on your own: "Start small, by venturing to your next neighboring town or city first, or any city in your country first before you make the leap into solo traveling abroad." She adds, "Don't do things you're not comfortable with. Listen to your gut feelings – they're always right!"

[See more of Istanbul:  Things to Do  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

Bali, Indonesia

best solo travel tips

For a tropical island escape, Bali is undeniably magical. Its natural beauty spans volcanoes, waterfalls and stunning beaches, as well as sprawling rice fields, diverse nightlife and breathtaking temples. Katie Caf, travel blogger at , who has been traveling solo full time for the past year and a half, says Bali is by far her favorite place to visit. "The Balinese people are very respectful towards female travelers, there's no street harassment based on gender like you might find in other locations, and while no place is perfect, Bali just feels very safe as a woman," Caf says. She adds that, although Indonesia is a conservative country, she found that women traveling there aren't expected to cover up except in temples or other sacred religious sites.

Travel tip: Caf recommends that travelers always use ride-sharing apps like Uber, Gojek and Grab rather than hailing cabs off the street, since the apps' tracking features make them much safer to use for solo female travelers in foreign countries. Some of these sites also allow you to share your route with chosen contacts for added safety.

[See more of Bali:  Things to Do  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

Young woman tourist in sun hat and white dress standing in front of Eiffel Tower in Paris at sunset. Travel in France, tourism concept. High quality photo

Paris is one of the most iconic destinations in Europe for any traveler. Antoinette Harris, founder and owner of travel blog Frolic & Courage , considers the "City of Love" a superb option for women traveling solo due to its cuisine, cultural attractions and hands-on activities of all sorts. "I consider Paris the city of self-love because it has everything solo women travelers need to care for themselves and their interests," Harris says.

With the flexibility of traveling on your own, you can plan the Paris trip of your dreams. Depending on what you're interested in, you may choose to learn about French cooking, immerse yourself in the Louvre , attend an opera at the historic Palais Garnier or browse local shops, as Harris has done. "Uninhibited by the demands or requests of others, I was able to really take the time to focus on who I am, what I wanted and what sparks joy and life in my spirit," she says. "Traveling to Paris taught me how to truly enjoy spending time solo."

Travel tip: One of Harris' top tips is to not bring more than you can carry, as you won't always find someone to help you with your luggage if an escalator breaks and you have to take the stairs. "By keeping only the essentials, you're able to move quickly to and from your destination without worrying too much about being a target for crime," Harris says. She also recommends downloading an offline map you can reference even without internet connection and sharing your itinerary with family members or friends who could help in a sticky situation.

[See more of Paris:  Things to Do  |  Tours  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

New York City

best solo travel tips

It's hard to beat the allure of the twinkling lights of Times Square , award-winning Broadway shows and Lady Liberty . Melanie Musson, a travel expert with , loves taking a solo trip to New York City , saying she doesn't even have the chance to feel lonely because the hustle and bustle of the big city keeps her sufficiently distracted.

Musson says that, while there are risks for visitors in any city, the odds of anything scary happening to you in New York are low as long as you take appropriate precautions. "New York City prioritizes tourist safety because they know they’d lose this valuable industry if visitors had frequent bad experiences," she explains, adding that you may be surprised how friendly the local residents are. "They're usually happy to help you identify the right subway line to take or bus to catch. They'll probably even give you tips on the best places to eat or things to see."

Travel tip: Musson's pre-trip tip is to check crime reports in the destination you're heading to and stay within the safe areas. "Trust your gut and get out of the area if you don't feel safe," she cautions.

[See more of New York City:  Things to Do  |  Tours  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

Oct 2004

The city of Singapore is known for being clean, green and safe for travelers – as well as expensive. Singapore boasts impressive architecture, the iconic Singapore sling cocktail, street food markets and luxury shopping malls. Daina Cohen, editor at , says, "Singapore is a fantastic destination for solo women travelers because of its vibrant, yet safe culture and exciting sights." On a solo trip to this Southeast Asian city, you can experience the unique blend of diverse cultures and cuisines, Cohen says, in addition to other benefits. "It's easy to navigate with plenty of public transportation options, plus an excellent healthcare system, which makes it a great choice for those who want to travel solo," Cohen notes. Tourists should research Singapore's laws – such as a ban on chewing gum – before traveling there to avoid fines.

Travel tip: Cohen advises staying in a hostel (which often have options for women-only dorms) or renting an Airbnb for more privacy. You'll also want to familiarize yourself with the city's public transportation system prior to arrival.

[See more of Singapore: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Sharael Kolberg is a U.S. News & World Report contributor with a wealth of knowledge when it comes to solo travel for women. Her first trip by herself was to New Zealand when she was 19. Since then, she has traveled solo all over the U.S. and to countries such as Fiji, Argentina, Chile and Italy. Her favorite destination to travel alone is still her native California, which offers a diverse landscape from the city to the sea and the mountains and the desert.

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I’ve Been a Solo Traveler for 15 Years—These Are My Tips for Doing It Right

From essential packing items to how to meet new friends abroad, here’s what you need to know.

I’ve Been a Solo Traveler for 15 Years—These Are My Tips for Doing It Right

Getty Images

I’ll be the first to admit there’s nothing better than sharing a sunset with your partner, exploring a new destination with your bestie, or experiencing the joys of intergenerational travel. But there’s something so uniquely rewarding about traveling solo. Especially if you know how to do it right.

I first fell in love with solo travel in my early 20s, when I sold my car (and anything else I could afford to get rid of) and moved to Australia to start working on organic farms through a program called WWOOF. The freedom of not having to answer to anyone else’s plans or desires was so totally liberating, inspiring countless solo adventures and eventually, a career as a travel editor.

People always seem surprised that I find joy in traveling solo. Not to get all Kelly Clarkson about it, but just because you’re on the road alone doesn’t mean you’re going to be lonely. In fact, I feel it actually makes it easier to meet fellow travelers, or get absorbed into other groups of adventurers. Here are my tips to make the most of traveling solo.

The Buckhorn Bar at Cuyama Buckhorn

Courtesy of Cuyama Buckhorn

1. Sit at the Bar

Sitting at the bar is one of my my most time-tested methods of successful dining solo. It’s a low-commitment way to enjoy a meal by yourself, plus, there’s built-in conversation with a local in your bartender. There’s always a roving cast of characters enjoying before- or after-dinner drinks, making for ample opportunities to connect. If I’m feeling chatty and want to strike up conversation with other diners, I opt for a middle seat if it’s open rather than hiding in a corner. It offers double the chance of interaction, and if someone is giving you the ick, you can always box out to the other side instead of being cornered.

best solo travel tips

Thomas J. Story

2. Bring a Book

My favorite accessory for dining at the aforementioned bar is a great book. They’re not only a form of entertainment and escapism, but they’re also a wonderful conversation starter. I also love bringing a Moleskine journal for jotting down notes or doodling, or even collecting things from a trip to collage for a self-crafted souvenir.

best solo travel tips

MarcoGuti/Getty Images

3. Wear a Statement Piece

Let’s face it: Americans generally don’t have the greatest travel style, especially when it comes to air travel. Instead of opting for slouchy athleisure or cargo pants, bring along some polished statement pieces, which are great conversation starters. I am a big fan of wearing my California-made Wyeth felt hat along with a unique hatband, like those from Andeana , started by a Venice Beach local who sources from craftswomen in Peru.

Guy with Phone on Trail

Yuricazac/Getty Images

4. Get Buzzing on Bumble

There are two apps that have an official travel mode that I am looking forward to trying out on my next trip— Raya and Bumble BFF . Though both are better known for being dating apps, each of these has specific settings for folks simply looking to network with like-minded individuals. With Bumble’s travel mode, which is available to its premium members, you can select the city your profile appears in for seven days. You can also extend it for as long as you like, or turn it off.

Co-Working Space: WeWork Customs House (Portland, OR)

Courtesy of WeWork Customs House

5. Consider Co-Working

Many co-working spaces like Neuehouse and WeWork offer day-pass options, meaning you can work (and network) alongside other like-minded professionals. While working in cafés is great, I find that I’m much more productive in these spaces. Plus, they sometimes offer happy hours and free coffee—it’s another awesome chance to meet local folks.

Woman with Smartphone Listening to Music

6. Turn on Find My iPhone

I do acknowledge that it can be nerve-wracking flying solo, especially in this day and age. I always have at least two close contacts that I share my geo-location with, just in case.

Communal Coffee, San Diego, CA

Garret Van Swearingen

7. Become a Café Regular

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’m not a huge fan of whirlwind, bucket-list travel that has you racing around checking off the boxes. Instead, I like to opt for slow travel , oftentimes revisiting destinations that I love in order to continue diving deeper. One of my favorite things to do while exploring in this way is to find a local café to frequent each morning. It’s a real luxury to pick up local alt weekly, linger over a pour-over, and settle into a space.

Holiday airport travel

8. Get Lounge Access

Not only are airport lounges a great way to be able to get work done, it’s nice to be able to let your guard down just a skosh by having a little bit of space for you and your stuff—especially if you opt for a luxury option like the PS Lounge at LAX . To me, the social nature of an airport bar is ratcheted up even further in airport lounges, and I am here for it.

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17 "I Wish I Knew That Sooner" Solo Travel Tips That Saved Me So Much Time, Money, And Patience

I'll never go on another vacation without following these tips, downloading the apps, and saving alllll this money.

Spencer Althouse

BuzzFeed Staff

Hey! I'm Spencer, and I recently went on my first solo travel trip ever. It was incredibly fun, scary, and a bit overwhelming, but I learned a lot, so I wanted to share some of my best (and unspoken) solo travel tips with you here. Hopefully they're extra helpful for you on your next journey, so feel free to take what you want and leave the rest.

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I'm an incredibly anxious person and love having things planned ahead, so I did everything possible to make this trip go as smoothly as possible. I ultimately spent one week in Paris and then a second week in London. This was my first trip since 2019, and as a 32-year-old, it was my first trip where I'd actually be traveling alone. Here are some things I learned along the way and some I wish I knew sooner.

1. First of all, always put one of your shoes in the hotel safe with your passport. Traveling solo means no one is around to remind you to grab your passport, credit cards, or whatever else you might forget in the hotel safe. But you'll ~never~ check out without making sure that you have full sets of shoes in your suitcase, so this will save you from making a really costly mistake.

A hotel safe with a passport and a sneaker inside

I actually stole this  tip  from the queen of solo travel herself, Travel Channel host Samantha Brown. It'll stick with me for years.

Another great tip I learned from the Travel Channel is to never actually mention that you're solo traveling while on your trip. Most conversations you have will be totally harmless, but as an extra safety precaution, I always mention that I'm traveling with friends and meeting them later in the day. That way the person I'm talking to knows that someone is expecting me. (Hey, I'm not trying to get taken!)

2. If you're traveling to a big city, download a hi-res photo of the area's subway system to your phone. Also, make sure you save the pic in a separate photo album so you can easily access it without having to frantically search your "recent" pics while possibly missing your stop or getting on the wrong train.

A screenshot of my photo albums on my phone, with one labeled as "Paris and London," featuring the map of London's underground system

Getting lost in a foreign city can be an especially overwhelming situation, but I saved myself so many times by pre-saving maps of Paris and London's subway systems onto my phone. This way I knew exactly where to go, which stations I should transfer from, and what area of the cities I was actually in.

3. If you're queer like me, try booking your stay through sites that filter with LGBTQ+-friendly options. Traveling alone can already be scary enough as it is, so I used this feature on as a way to take extra precaution. It's so stupid that we even need to take these safety measures, but I'd hate to be in a foreign country and have something go wrong, so it's an easy thing that makes me feel more welcome and comfortable.

A screenshot from of the LGBTQ filter

There are some cities, states, and countries that I simply won't travel to as a queer person (I'm looking at you, Florida), but I love, love, love that this feature exists. Feeling safe and welcome is SO important, especially if you're alone and in an unfamiliar area, so I can't recommend booking with it enough.

4. I suck at directions, so if you're traveling anywhere new — especially to a foreign country or a place where you won't have Wi-Fi — pre-save some key searches (like your hotel's address) into the free Google Maps app before you leave. This way you can access a real-time, overhead map of where you are, and it'll point you in the right direction, even without Wi-Fi. This genuinely saved me from getting lost soooo many times.

A map of Paris from where I was standing

I'm a Type-A person who always needs to know exactly where I'm going, but when I stepped off the metro in Paris, I got completely turned around and didn't know which direction my hotel was in (and it didn't help that everything was in a foreign language). Luckily, I had pre-saved my hotel's address into Google Maps. Even without Wi-Fi, the app uses a satellite to pinpoint exactly where you and your destination are, and it shows you which direction to travel in. This made navigating through a foreign city SO easy, and it completely calmed my nerves for the rest of the trip. Highly recommend.

5. Another savior app with immediate results is Google Translate . I used it every single day in France , and it was especially helpful with restaurant menus and directions. Basically, you just use your phone's camera as if you're going to take a pic, and the app will translate every word it sees into English in real time.

A photo of how the museum sign reads in French

I used Duolingo every day for five months in order to prepare for my trip, and even though I learned a decent amount, I don't think the majority of it was super productive or helpful for a weeklong vacation. But luckily, I had the Google Translate app because I was able to translate things in real time, even without Wi-Fi, which was a huge lifesaver. It also made me feel more like a local because I didn't need to ask for a menu in English.

6. If you're a first-time solo traveler, go somewhere you're semi-familiar with already. The most important part about your first trip is making sure you're as comfortable as possible, so use it as a way to dip your toe in the water before venturing off and doing even more the next time. For me, that meant starting with a place where English is commonly spoken. This way, if I ~did~ end up getting lost or if something terrible happened, at least I'd be more at ease knowing I could try to talk my way through the situation.

me in a park in London

I studied abroad in London over 10 years ago, so while I wasn't as familiar with the city as I used to be, it was still reassuring to know that I'd been there before. I also have a brother who lives in Paris, so the idea of knowing someone while abroad really comforted me. This way we could meet for random dinners, and I could also rely on him for non-touristy recommendations.

7. Always try to book a hotel or hostel through your go-to site's app instead of on their .com site. In my experience, most companies typically offer additional discounts when booking through their free apps, and I love saving money, so it's a win-win.

A close-up of the discounts offered on the app

I booked my stay through because I saw that they offered extra discounts (as a "member price") when you sign up for free on their site. Most rooms automatically had 10+%-off discounts after I did that, but they also offered additional discounts when booking through their app.

For context, I almost booked my London hotel with 10% off on my laptop, but when I looked on their app, they offered an addition 10% off, so I ended up saving 20% on my entire stay.

8. Be smart about how you travel, and if you know you're going to do certain things ahead of time, always book them ASAP because they'll be way, way cheaper. For example, I knew that I was going to travel from Paris to London, so I opted to take a Eurostar train instead of a flight. The earlier you book, the cheaper they are, so I spent $65 a few months in advance, but if I had booked my ticket the week of, it would have cost over $250.

me on the Eurostar train

The train was more comfortable, convenient, and way cheaper than any flight would have been. Rather than wasting the entire day at the airport, I breezed through security at my Eurostar gate and got on a quick 2-hour ride that dropped me off in the center of London (literally two tube stops away from my hotel in Covent Garden!). If I had opted for a flight instead, my journey to the airport in Paris and through security would have taken more time than the train ride itself, so always look at all of your travel options.

9. Do. Your. Research. Again, I'm anxious about everything, so I plan whatever I can. The first thing I did was set up alerts from different discount sites for flights (like Hopper ). But I found that the most underrated search engine is actually TikTok. There are a lot of great travel and food accounts that consistently post about flight deals and the best places to eat in whatever city you're going to. Watching actual videos of people at their favorite restaurants and seeing their go-to dishes is so much more effective than scouring through a restaurant's outdated website without any pics.

The menu from Akoko

TikTok accounts like topjaw and knivestomeetyoulondon consistently highlight must-try restaurants all across London. The first account features recommendations from chefs, locals, and celebs, while the second account is basically food porn in the best way possible. I had some incredible meals because of their suggestions, and I never would have found them had I not searched on TikTok.

But my favorite meal from the trip was actually a recommendation from Will Poulter during his Times Radio interview. He raved about the fine-dining West African restaurant Akoko in London, and holy crap, I was not disappointed. I've had dreams about their jollof rice ever since, and I'd happily bathe in several of their sauces.

10. But if you're feeling especially overwhelmed about planning everything and have no idea where to start, consider asking AI to do some research for you. AI sites like ChatGPT and ForgeMyTrip can create full itineraries based on your preferences, budgets, dates, and so on. You can get as specific as you'd like, have the responses include prices, ask for free activities, etc., and they'll send you detailed suggestions that can be used to tailor a vacation based on who you are and what you're looking for.

An illustration from Jean Cocteau from a queer art exhibit I went to

Do I think these AI sites will give you perfect results? Absolutely not. But they'll definitely give you a great jumping off point and guide you along the way. For example, I asked for a bunch of lesser-known events in Paris + some free activities that'd be going on in each city. From those results, I was able to do the extra research to see what I'd actually want to see, eat, and do. It also told me about a queer art exhibit (featured above) going on during my stay, and I never would have known about it had I not asked. So, like, I guess AI can sometimes be good?

11. Always have at least one book downloaded onto your phone before you leave for your trip. This way you'll have something to do (even without Wi-Fi) while waiting at a restaurant, on the subway, or in line at a museum without having to physically carry a copy with you.

A screenshot of what I've been reading so far

I'm always prepared with both physical and digital books, just in case, but I find myself reading on my phone more often while on vacation. I don't typically carry a bag while exploring a new city, so being able to keep myself preoccupied without having to lug something around is ideal. My phone was on airplane mode throughout my entire vacation, so having a downloaded book on my phone was a super convenient and comfortable option while out and about.

Pro tip: There are a bunch of free online libraries to get ebooks from, so just do your research. Personally,  Project Gutenberg  has been super clutch for me so far.

12. Figure out your main goal for going on a trip in the first place, and then plan what you actually want to spend money on based around that. For me, I cared more about eating my way through a city than I did about seeing certain landmarks, so I planned my trip around the food. As a result, I felt less stressed and didn't feel like I needed to cram every single thing into one vacation.

my lunch at Cavale in Paris

Vacations are expensive, so figuring out your main reasons for going will help you save time and money, rather than attempting to do, eat, and see everything that's available. My goal while abroad was to eat really good food, so I did a ton of research about the best restaurants for me (and asked friends, followers, and locals for their faves, too), and I built my itinerary around that. This way I basically had a map of go-to spots and could plan my days around what was close by. It also helped that I had been to London before, so I felt like I could prioritize food and great seats on the West End over paying for more touristy experiences, like a tour of Westminster or something.

It's also important to weigh your options and personal safety levels. To me, getting crammed into a tiny room with the "Mona Lisa" and 500+ other tourists was not worth it. I was one of maybe three people with a mask on, and the whole process of actually getting semi-close to the painting took about 20 minutes. There was a lot of pushing and shoving and heavy breathing by everyone around me, and the final result was a picture where I've never looked more tired and stressed out in my life. Basically, if there are some attractions you think you'd be okay with skipping, then it's probably best to trust your gut.

13. If you can swing it, buy one nice, tangible "thing" for yourself while on your trip (and I'm not talking about a random trinket or souvenir with the country's flag on it). Think of this like a jacket or a pair of shoes or even a cheap pair of earrings. Whenever you use the item, you’ll think, "Oh, these are my London sunglasses" or whatever, and they’ll always have you feeling nostalgic about your trip and ready to book another one.

me in a brown Rhone jacket in front of Big Ben

Like, sure, totally grab yourself a shirt with the UK flag on it if that's what you really want. But in addition to that, if you can afford it, I'd definitely suggest getting something more usable and less hokey that'll make you feel extra good when you use it.

For example, when I was in London a decade ago, I remember going into a store and seeing a reallllly nice jacket. It was more money than I preferred to spend on clothes when I was 21, so I left the store, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. A week or two later (literally the morning of my flight home), after thinking about how much I'd regret not getting it, I went into the store and bought the jacket. I still have it today, and every time I wear it, I think, "This is my London jacket," which I think is really cool.

14. Be a local, and recognize that you can't (and shouldn't) plan everything. There will always be hidden gems that you can't find online, but you'll never be able to discover them if you stick to a full itinerary the entire time.

my brother and me riding bikes in Paris at night

One of my favorite nights in Paris was when I had no plan and just walked around like I lived there until I found a restaurant that looked cute. I listened for French speakers who were eating outside because that let me know the restaurant was good enough for the people who actually live in the city.

But if you're pressed for time and don't have the luxury of walking around until you find some hidden gems, just ask the people who you come across who actually live there. I'm normally super introverted, but if I can do something to make my vacation even better, then I'll probably try it. At one point, I walked into a nice-looking shop and asked the woman who worked there for her favorite restaurants nearby. She pointed me to a great spot called The Pelican (featured in the pic above) that I never would have found on my own, and I absolutely loved it.

15. As a way to treat yourself, do small things you wouldn't normally do in everyday life. My family was never an appetizer or dessert family at restaurants (I have three brothers, and it’s expensive to take six people out for a meal, so I totally get it!), but when I was on vacation by myself, I wanted to make the most of it. Ordering an appetizer or a dessert at a nice restaurant — even though I was still conscious of the extra cost — was a great way to make me feel special and worthy of nice things and like I was truly on vacation.

me sitting at a restaurant in front of three desserts

I grew up in a dollar-menu family. Fast-food value meals were strictly off limits, anything other than tap water at a restaurant was forbidden, and I've never seen my parents order off the dessert menu in my life. A lot of that has stuck with me into adulthood. But I wanted to change that when I was on vacation. I'm there to have a good, memorable time, so I often treated myself to "bonus" things that I wouldn't normally do in my regular life. That meant picking something decadent off the dessert menu or splurging for better seats on the West End, which I went to almost every night in London.

16. No matter what you do, keep reminding yourself that you will never be X age in Y city again in your life. I promise that this will change how you interact with and experience everything. For example, I kept saying to myself, "You will never be 32 and in Paris again," and that really pushed me to have more fun and make more memories.

my brother and me in Paris

Obviously, I'm super fortunate to be able to use this mindset on my trip. To be completely honest, I have a really weird relationship with money and often don't think I'm worthy of things, so I never spend it. But I've been trying to change that, and this mindset really put me in the moment and helped me enjoy my trip (and myself!) way more than I typically would have.

I actually stole this idea from TikTok where a guy talked about having the chance to fly and stay in Dublin for St. Patrick's Day for $600 when he was 23. He ultimately decided against it because it seemed like a lot of money at the time (which is absolutely valid!), but looking back now, he'd redo it in a heartbeat. His reasoning is that he'll never have those experiences or memories of being 23 and in Dublin, and life is short, so he shouldn't wait his entire life to save up and have those experiences at a later date. Instead, he'd rather find a way to make those experiences happen now, especially since "later" isn't always guaranteed.

17. And finally: Be. A. Hoe. (Safely!)

A painting of a woman touching another one's body

Vacationing is all about new experiences. It's the perfect time to find out what you like (or don't like), and one way to do that is by taking advantage of the fact that you will never see any of these people again in your life.

Also, real talk, you're bound to get kinda lonely on a solo vacation. And I'm not just talking about physical loneliness. It's a very daunting experience to be alone with yourself for that long. There were a few days when I thought to myself, "What the hell am I supposed to do now?!" But the beauty of solo travel is that you can literally do whatever you want. So if you're feeling overwhelmed and want to relax with a personal "hotel room day," do that; if you want to spend five hours in a museum you've never been to, have at it; or you want to download some dating or hookup apps to get out of your comfort zone a little, go have some fun. (To be completely honest, this is also a great way to meet some locals and fellow travelers and ask for their best recommendations in the city.) Just be smart, safe, and respectful.

That's it! If you have any other solo travel tips that have worked for you, please feel free to share them in the comments. Thanks!

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Why wait? The world is calling you now!

When it comes to traveling, one of the most stressful parts can be the planning, making sure each member of your family or friend group is in agreement on the itinerary, hotel, spending and more. Want to avoid all of that?

We recommend a solo trip!

Traveling on your own can seem scary, but with the proper preparation and a good head on your shoulders, the world is ready for you to explore it right now. Going it solo, there are a few less things to worry about like a hotel room size (you just need one bed!) and group flights, but there also some nuances to make note of.

That’s why we interviewed a professional solo traveler, who now helps others get outside of their comfort zone and off into the great unknown.

We chatted with Jen Tenzer, founder of The Soloist , a luxury solo travel advisory site with all the tips and tricks you could need when going it alone. She let us in on some insider tips, plus mapped out where the best places to venture solo are, from the Americas to Asia, Europe and beyond.

The best places to solo travel in America

The best places to solo travel in south and central america, the best places to solo travel in europe, the best places to solo travel in asia, the best places to solo travel in the rest of the world.

Plus, read on for tips and tricks for who should travel solo

  • Solo travel FAQ

A man with a backpack exploring a canyon and hiking in southwestern America

What our experts say: “Sedona, Austin, and New York City — These cities are very concentrated and accessible, with tons of activities to keep solo travelers busy. Consider a wellness hotel in Sedona, a foodie walking tour in Austin, or a solo museum visit in NYC,” said Tenzer.

What our editors say: What can I say — since New York City is on the expert list and I totally agree. As cliché as it may be, the Big Apple has endless options for solo travelers, from watching a Broadway show to seeing landmarks or just exploring the many museums and parks the five boroughs have to offer.

Sedona, Arizona: If you’re in need of a wellness moment, go it solo to the southwest and head to Sedona, Arizona. For an actual retreat, check out the Sedona Mago Center for a SunTao spa. If you prefer solo excursions, head here for hikes and tours to do solo.

Austin, Texas: For a true blue Texas trip, consider going alone to Austin. This is the best place to catch a live show and vibe with likeminded people, or, as our expert recommended, join a food tour and leave full of BBQ and great memories.

New York City, New York: What can’t you do in New York? Our expert first recommended a Broadway show, and we couldn’t agree more. Find tickets here and then plan the rest of your trip, with tours designed for solo travelers like you.

Couple dressed in ponchos watching the ruins of Machu Picchu

What our experts say: “Costa Rica and Peru — Same as above! These destinations are safe for solo travelers, have a well-established tourism infrastructure, and most people interacting with tourists will speak English,” said Tenzer. “I love the idea of a wellness-focused surf and yoga retreat in Costa Rica or joining a group trek to Machu Picchu!”

What our editors say: I need to add Brazil to this list, since I did take a trip there myself. For a more friendly and party atmosphere where you are bound to meet other backpackers and solo travelers, Rio de Janeiro would be a great home base. I also took a solo trip into the Amazon Rainforest, which was a crazy adventure, but when done right, was a life-changing and introspective trip to do on my own.

Costa Rica: Per our expert, unwind and relax with a yoga retreat, staying at the Pura Vida Retreat & Spa . You can also book surf lessons to stay active or book a multi-day tour here so you don’t have to make your own itinerary.

Peru: Machu Picchu is a top bucket list destination for many, so why wait for a group to go? Instead, join an EF tour that also takes you to Lima and Cuzco, and even the Amazon Rainforest should you opt to extend. If you’d rather explore on your own, book a highly-rated hostel for budget lodging, sorted by city.

Brazil: Brazil is a huge country, so we advise you to pick a few places or spend a long time exploring. For a true cultural explosion, Rio is the place to be and you can take daily tours of Christ the Redeemer, Sugar Loaf Mountain and more. For the more adventurous, take a flight to Manaus and enter the Amazon Rainforest. We did it in spring 2022 and took our tour here.

Female tourist visiting beautiful town in Cinque Terre coast, Italy

What our experts say: “England, Portugal, Italy… I could go on and on! European cities in general make for perfect for solo trips because everything is walkable, there’s tons of activities to keep you busy, and the expansive European train network makes it easy to transfer between cities,” said Tenzer.

What our editors say: I added two countries to our expert list: Spain and Switzerland. Spain is a great one to tack on to the end of any European adventure, as it is super closely connected to Portugal and Italy from the list. You can go from the northern Basque country to the south of Valencia and see a huge range of culture, food and architecture in just one country.

England: To start, flights from the US to England aren’t too hard to find, and savvy travelers can use Skyscanner to find the best deals. Once you’ve arrived, rent a cottage for a relaxing stay in a town of your choice or head into the thick of it and go to London for a full itinerary of solo things to see and do.

Portugal: Portugal is a great country to explore solo, with Lisbon and Porto as standouts for a great combo of nature and city life. If you like to be solo but also experience a place as the locals do, consider a tour or activity with a local guide , like a cooking class or a walking tour.

Italy: Italy may seem like a place of romance, but it can also be a place of self-love for the solo traveler. Use the railroads to book trains throughout the country so you can see it all, from Rome to Florence to Venice and beyond to see the country for yourself. You can also book a solo tour through EF and not worry about making your own itinerary.

Spain: Architecture, food and culture blend seamlessly together in Spain. See it for yourself, with a trip through the country. We personally started in Barcelona and then headed to Madrid and Valencia, all via train or bus. Then load your days with museums, walking tours or even dance classes to fully immerse yourself in the Spanish lifestyle.

Bali, Indonesia, traveler on tree house at Diamond Beach in Nusa Penida Island.

What our experts say: “Thailand, Bali, and Vietnam — These destinations are safe for solo travelers, have a well-established tourism infrastructure, and most people interacting with tourists will speak English. There’s so much to see and explore here,” said Tenzer.

What our editors say: I have to agree 100% with Thailand, as I lived there on my own for six months. The country is easy to explore via public transit, cabs and even short flights, inexpensive to travel in and has some of the best food, nature and culture I have been exposed to.

Thailand: What can I say about Thailand? I personally lived there for six months and still never ran out of things to do alone, and also ran into plenty of other solo travelers and backpackers throughout the country. If you want some guidance, consider a tour with an itinerary. If not, be sure to keep your wits about you and make sure to visit Bangkok , with a trip north to Chiang Mai and a trip south to the islands of Krabi or Phuket for the full Thailand picture.

Bali, Indonesia: Once you’ve booked your ticket to Bali, the rest of the trip is all about relaxing, unwinding and taking in the incredible nature. It is also a surfing hot spot, should you like to take a lesson from just $14. Bali is also famous for yoga, so why not stay at a spa and yoga retreat to charge up for your next adventure?

Vietnam: There are plenty of things to do in Vietnam, making it another hot spot for backpackers and solo travelers who want to explore Asia . Built on the water, be sure to take some tours down Halong Bay and the Mekong River, or take an island day trip to get all the sun and sand you need.

"Eastern Caribbean Sea - February 8, 2010:  A luxury cruise ship anchors in the water as passengers are taken by ferry to the local tropical island for a day of sun and fun."

What our expert says: “Another less-obvious way to travel solo is by joining a group retreat or cruise ! You’re still traveling alone to a new destination and surrounding yourself with strangers, but there’s a comfort in knowing that you’re not  truly  alone in an emergency. It also takes some of the stress out of things when everything is pre-planned for you. Group travel experiences are a great way to tiptoe into solo travel,” said Tenzer.

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Solo travel FAQ with an expert:

What is the appeal of traveling alone? “Solo travel offers a rare opportunity to disconnect from everyday life and reconnect with your core wants and needs,” said Tenzer. Solo travel enables you to explore wherever and whenever you want, stick to a tight budget or truly treat yourself and fill your days with whatever activities light you up! It’s a newfound freedom that allows you to return from vacation actually refreshed.  You’ll return re-motivated to show up for everyone in your life as your best self!”

What are some benefits of solo travel? “Solo travel is incredibly empowering,” said Tenzer. “You don’t know how capable you truly are until you’ve pushed yourself beyond your comfort zone. Solo trips always come with the added benefit of a self-confidence boost. Solo travel is also a fantastic way to meet like-minded new friends. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but I’ve met infinitely more people traveling solo than when traveling with a companion.”

Who should solo travel? “There’s a bit of cliché around solo travel; that it’s best suited for 20-something single backpackers on a gap year,” said Tenzer. “In reality, there are all sorts of reasons why someone may choose to travel alone: A major life transition like a breakup, career change or the loss of a loved one. Maybe they’re feeling burnt out and craving a personal recharge, or maybe they’re just sick of waiting for other people’s travel schedules and budgets to perfectly align. I’ve had solo travel clients in their 20s and in their 70s. The common tie amongst solo travelers isn’t a certain demographic, it’s a certain state of mind — ready to shake things up and have an adventure.”

How long do I need to solo travel for? “Solo travel doesn’t have to mean an intimidating 2-week trip to some far flung destination. The same solo travel benefits can be obtained from a weekend away to a nearby city you’ve always wanted to explore,” said Tenzer. “I always recommend starting small in your own city. Try visiting a museum on your own or dining out alone. Or, if you’re traveling with family, maybe you spend some time alone during the day and meet up with everyone else at dinner.”

When choosing lodging, what are some tips and tricks for solo travelers? “It’s important to pick a hotel that’s centrally-located in the heart of your destination,” suggested Tenzer. “This is not the time to pick a budget hotel located outside the city in a remote area. Ideally, your hotel is walkable to all of the major sights and attractions, so that you have the freedom to come and go as you please without being reliant on taxis. I also don’t recommend Airbnb’s for a first big solo trip, and prefer the support and safety that comes from a front desk staff who can help in a pinch. 

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The 10 Best Group Travel Tour Companies for 2024

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Caroline Morse Teel

Caroline Morse Teel is the Executive Editor for SmarterTravel Media. Caroline has a passion for adventure travel and has hiked to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro and the bottom of the Grand Canyon in pursuit of a good story. Follow her around the world on Instagram @TravelWithCaroline .

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For those truly epic, once-in-a-lifetime destinations, you want to leave your itinerary to the experts. Whether your dream is to see the Big Five on an African Safari, trek tall mountains, explore European cities, or something even wilder, a group tour is the easiest way to do it.

However, picking the wrong group tour company is the quickest way to ruin your trip. Make sure you choose a tour company that aligns with your goals and travel styles. Do you want an intimate group tour or do you prefer to make lots of new friends in a big group? Does the price line up with what you like (luxury vs. budget)? Is the itinerary going to all the places you want to see? 

We’ve done the research and found the very best group travel tour companies for 2024 for every type of traveler.

Best Overall Group Travel: Exodus Adventure Travels

Images of nature around the mountains and lakes of Slovenia as seen on the Exodus Travels' Lakes and Mountains of Slovenia walking tour

With trips on every continent, Exodus Adventure Travels covers anywhere on this planet that you could possibly want to go, from popular destinations like the Amalfi Coast to well off-the-beaten-path adventures like Tajikistan. This award-winning group travel company boasts thousands of repeat customers who sign up for trips year after year (97% of past participants would recommend Exodus Adventure Travels to a friend). 

These small group tours operate with only around 8-16 people and always feature experienced local leaders who can give you a unique insight into your destination. Exodus Adventure Travels caters to any type of travel style, including trips broken down by type of activity (think walking, cycling, multi-adventure, winter, or cultural) as well as type of traveler (family, age group, etc.). There are curated collections (coastal, “away from it all”, European wilderness, and trips of a lifetime) to inspire you, as well as self-guided options for when you want all the benefits of a group tour planner without the actual group. Looking for that special safari? Exodus Aventure Travels just partners with the African Wildlife Foundation to create carefully curated luxury adventures that go above and beyond the standard safari. 

Exodus Adventure Travels tours work for almost any budget, with options that range from affordable to premium. 

Top Trip: Explore under-the-radar Europe by foot on Exodus Adventure Travels’ Lakes & Mountains of Slovenia walking tour .

A Taste of the Sweet Life in Slovenia

Best Adventure Group Travel: World Expeditions

Groups of hikers walking and camping around the mountains of Kilimanjaro with World Expeditions

World Expeditions has been taking adventurous travelers to remote locations all over the world ever since its first group trek through Nepal in 1975. Today, World Expeditions offers active itineraries on every continent. Intrepid travelers can opt for trips themed around mountaineering, rafting, cycling, hiking, and more. 

World Expeditions aims to leave communities and places where they operate tours better than they found them. Trips are created using the company’s Thoughtful Travel Charter as a guideline, which emphasizes respect for the environment, sustainability, having a positive impact on local communities, protecting wildlife, and more. 

World Expeditions’ trips are capped at just 16 people to provide a good experience for participants, and there are no single supplements for solo travelers willing to share a room with someone of the same gender. 

Top Trip: Summit Africa’s tallest mountain on a fully-supported trek up Kilimanjaro on World Expeditions’ eight day trip up the beautiful Lemosho Route . 

Best Budget Group Travel: G Adventures 

People visiting famous sites around China with the G Adventures' China Express group travel tour

For travelers on a budget, G Adventures offers cheap group tours that make dream destinations accessible to nearly anyone. (Think: sailing the Galapagos for just $1,014 , criss-crossing India’s Golden Triangle for $799 , or spending 8 days in Bali for less than $749.)

G Adventures is one of the best tour companies for solo travelers as well, as most trips don’t have a single-supplement. You can choose to share a room with another G Adventures solo traveler, or pay extra to have your own space.

G Adventures keeps costs down by opting for cheaper hotels and local meals, and making certain activities optional (for an additional cost). Pick your travel style—options range from “basic” to more luxe tours run in partnership with National Geographic. Family tours, local living tours (featuring homestays), and wellness-focused tours are also available. 

Top Trip: G Adventures’ China Express trip is a great way to see the highlights of China if you’re short on both time and budget. 

8 Trending Destinations to Visit in 2023

Best Educational Group Tours: EF Go Ahead Tours

best solo travel tips

When you really want to learn about a destination, consider a group trip with EF Go Ahead Tours . EF is the world’s largest private education company, and the Go Ahead Tours arm capitalizes on the company’s relationships with local educators, historians, and tour guides to create group trips that take you deep into a destination. 

These small group tours generally cap at 38 travelers, and feature unique educational experiences. For a bucket list trip, EF Go Ahead Tour’s special event tours are particularly enticing, as they offer behind-the-scenes access to tough-to-plan trips like Oktoberfest in Munich or Cherry Blossom season in Japan. 

Intimidated by solo travel? EF Go Ahead Tours is a great option for solo travelers, since it offers designated trips for solo travelers , where everyone is traveling alone, making it less intimidating.  

Top Trip: Bring the tastes of Italy home with you on EF Go Ahead Tours’ Food & Wine: Piedmont & Tuscany tour (operated in partnership with America’s Test Kitchen), where you’ll learn how to make local dishes. 

Best Responsible Group Travel: Intrepid Travel

Shots from around Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and accommodations provided by Intrepid Travel's Premium Uganda & Rwanda trip

Looking for a responsible group travel operator that focuses on bettering the communities and destinations they visit? Intrepid Travel is the world’s largest travel B Corporation, a certification for companies doing good. 

Intrepid Travel’s tours focus on sustainability, diversity, inclusion, and sustaining communities. The company has its own charity, The Intrepid Foundation , which has donated over 10 million dollars to over 160 community organizations. 

Intrepid Travel’s small group tours attract a wide range of travelers, but they are especially great for younger travelers, as they have a large number of trips designed for people aged 18-35 . (Other trips, including family-focused trips, are geared toward any age.)

Top Trip: Experience foodie trip of a lifetime Intrepid Travel’s South Korea Real Food Adventure , which includes time in three cities and an overnight temple stay.

The 10 Best Sites to Book a Cruise

Best Private Group Travel: Kensington Tours

Aerial shots of various islands and coastlines around the Croatia and Dalmation Islands and shot of sailboat belonging to Kensington Tours

Whether your group consists of just two people or involves taking the entire extended family, Kensington Tours will take all the hassle of planning out of the equation. This private group operator creates personalized trips and itineraries tailored to your preferences, while their experts handle all the logistics and bookings. 

Plans are entirely flexible, and can even be changed while on the trip on a whim. Need some inspiration? Browse Kensington Tours’ travel ideas , to get some ideas for your next adventure. 

Top Trip: Sail around the stunning shores of Croatia and the Dalmation Islands on a private luxury catamaran on Kensington Tours’ fully customizable tour . 

Best Polar Group Travel: Chimu Adventures

Shots of the interior and exterior of the Ocean Adventurer ship and shots of nature around Antarctica as seen on the Chimu Adventures' Antarctica Fly Cruise

Whether you’re headed north to the Artic or south to Antarctica, Chimu Adventures has the perfect polar group trip for you. Chimu Adventures has some of the most variety for polar trips, with options to fly, cruise, or a combination of both to get to your destination. For an ultra-unique Antarctica trip, Chimu Adventures offers cruises departing from Australia or New Zealand (most Antarctica trips depart from Argentina).

Chimu Adventures is one of the cheapest group trips to Antarctica, with rates starting under $6,000.

Top Trip: If you’re pressed for time (or simply don’t have the stomach for the Drake Passage), Chimu Adventures’ Antarctica Fly Cruise will get you to the ends of the earth quickly and smoothly.

Program These Numbers Into Your Phones Before Traveling Internationally

Best Group Tours for Solo Travelers: For the Love of Travel

Collage of images from the For the Love of Travel Lapland Tour

Group tours can be a great way to meet new people, but they can sometimes skew on the older age range. If you’re between 25-39 and a solo traveler looking to meet new people, you’ll love For the Love of Travel . All participants on the trips are between 25-39, and according to the company, 80 percent are solo travelers—so you’ll make friends fast. Hoping to meet someone who will be more than just a friend on your next trip? Trips include a balanced number of “gal and guy spots” to ensure an even balance of genders within groups (and of course, non-binary genders are always welcome). 

For the Love of Travel offers weeklong (or longer) international trips as well as shorter weekender trips to closer destinations like Mexico or Costa Rica—perfect for people without a lot of vacation time.

Top Trip: Sleep in a glass igloo under the Northern Lights, go sledding with huskies, and warm up in traditional saunas on For the Love of Travel’s Lapland tour , already booking dates for 2024.

Best Biking Tours Group Travel: DuVine Cycling

Collage of shots from DuVine's Holland Bike Tour

Biking through the rolling hills of Italy or across the mountain roads of Chile sounds like a dream, but the logistics seem daunting (especially if you don’t want to haul all your own stuff from point-to-point). Enter: DuVine Cycling , a luxury small group tour company that specializes in bike trips. 

With trips across Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the United States, DuVine Cycling is a cyclist’s dream. Choose from all-biking trips or mix things up with a cycle and sail bike tour or a multi-sport adventure —no matter what, everything is included, from luxury boutique accommodations to top-quality name brand bikes. 

Top Trip: DuVine’s Holland Bike Tour promises “tulips, windmills, beer, and cheese”—what more could you need?

Best Luxury Group Travel: Abercrombie & Kent

Collage of images from the different cities involved in the Abercrombie & Kent Wildlife Safari: Around the World by Private Jet trip

Abercrombie & Kent has been delighting discerning travelers since 1962. Today, they take travelers on unforgettable adventures across over 100 different countries and all seven continents. Although Abercrombie & Kent’s trips are pricey, they encompass once-in-a-lifetime experiences like private jet tours around the world or luxury chartered cruises .

There are trips designed for solo travelers and families , and the small group journeys max out at around 14-18 guests.

Top Trip: Swim with whale sharks in the Philippines, feed proboscis monkeys in Malaysia, and photograph wild tigers in India on Abercrombie & Kent’s Wildlife & Nature: Around the World by Private Jet trip , already booking dates into 2024.

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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

8 Ways to Choose the Perfect Tour Company

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

tour group posing with Nomadic Matt during a hike in the hills

That idea of tours being bad is an old and outdated perception.

These days tour groups have become more adept at the changing landscape. They feature smaller groups, more authentic experiences, a better environmental impact, and more local guides.

I love group tours.

Even though I am an independent traveler, I find group tours super fun, a great way to meet people, learn more from an informed guide, go to places you normally can’t, and wet your feet in travel. My first trip overseas was on an organized tour. I didn’t know the first thing about travel and that tour gave me the confidence to travel on my own. It was the taste test I needed to become hooked on travel. Tours give a lot of people time to adjust to the “travel lifestyle.”

Unlike in the past, today’s tours are eco-friendly, cater to all travel styles, over cheap, and make a point to use local transportation and guides. And many destinations (like Halong Bay, the Galápagos Islands, the Serengeti, Machu Picchu, Antarctica, Everest) are virtually inaccessible without an organized group tour!

In this article, I am going to tell you how to find the best tour company so you get one that is inexpensive, eco-friendly, provides local guides, and gives back to the local community:

1. Research the costs

With tour companies, it’s not always true that you get what you pay for. Many tour companies nickel-and-dime you, while some are really good at maximizing value for your every penny. Ask how your money is spent to find out if you are really getting the best value for your money. How much of your fee is their overhead? Are you paying for top-notch hotels but staying in two-star guesthouses? You want a company that is transparent with why prices are the way they are.

Moreover, make sure you ask if there are added fees to pay when arrive. Many companies require you to pay additional money when the tour starts or don’t include park or attraction entrance fees. That cheap tour won’t be so cheap if you have to pay for everything while you’re there!

2. Make sure you are the audience 

Is the tour geared toward older couples? Young people? Families? You don’t want to end up on a loud Contiki tour full of drunk twenty-year-olds when all you want is a quiet holiday.

There’s a tour company for everyone — just make sure you don’t end up on one that isn’t yours. Most tour companies list their guest demographics on their “About” page, and you can usually see from the photos of their tours who goes on it.

You can also tell the audience based on accommodation: if it’s hostels or guesthouses, it’s usually for backpackers and budget travelers; if it’s fancy digs, it’s for older travelers and families.

This is very important because these are the people you’ll be traveling with so you want to make sure it’s the kind of people you are traveling with. I’m still friends with the people from my first tour in 2003 because they were people like me. The tour in Japan that was filled with older families? Not so much. We didn’t have much in common. Wonderful people but we didn’t connect.

So, I always look for tours that have my demographic in them.

3. Get local guides

Guides can make or break your trip. They are going to explain everything to you and keep the flow of the tour going. I don’t want them hiring some young kid, non-expert, or someone who doesn’t know the place well. I’ve been on tours where the guide was a walking encyclopedia, and on somewhere the guide was a glorified timekeeper.

Make sure the company uses knowledgeable, local guides. The guide should be a local or at least a long-term resident, know the local language, have travel experience, and know life-saving techniques.

If you are unsure about the guides, call the customer service line and ask them about their guides.

4. Safety record 

Make sure the company follows all the proper safety requirements and is accredited by the local government, the government where they are registered, and any other appropriate trade organizations.

5. A balanced schedule 

You’re paying for them to fill most of your day. How do they do that? Are they doing that? Do they have a lot of activities organized, or do they leave you to your own devices?

That said, you don’t want a schedule that is crammed with things to do. Make sure you get a schedule of all the activities and pick a tour that is balanced. Running around will leave you wishing you had a holiday from your holiday, but you don’t want to be sitting around all day, either.

I love taking small group tours because they generally have a good balance. Any tour that requires you to be on a huge bus and hits 6 cities in 5 days is not a tour to take!

6. Environmental impact

There’s a growing trend among travelers called ecotourism . It’s about more responsible travel, not only toward the environment but also toward the locals in an area. This means using local guides, hotels, and services, and making sure to reduce waste and your footprint on the local habitat.

Moreover, these companies tend to offer better and more interactive tours that also give you a good degree of autonomy.

I think it’s important to pick a company that provides great value and gives back to the place you are visiting. After all, did you go there to ruin it for others? Doubtful.

Check with groups like the International Ecotourism Society for a list of companies that have been certified “eco-friendly.” With so much money pouring into the industry now, you have a lot of companies fraudulently saying they practice ecotourism but end up being involved in terrible labor practices, animal abuse, and waste.

7. Group size

Tour companies that have smaller groups tend to be much more mindful of the environment and the impact they are leaving. It’s a lot easier to meet people in a group of 10-15 than it is in a group of 60. I don’t like to go on tours with more than 15 people on them. However, I have friends who love Contiki tours with 40-50 people. Know what you are getting yourself into, so you don’t find yourself with a group too small or too large for your tastes.

Just remember larger groups tend to stay at bigger, more impersonal accommodations (they can only accommodate the numbers), eat at more touristy restaurants, and tend to travel to more destinations quicker.

In my expert opinion, small group tours are the best.

8. Check their reputation

How have other travelers enjoyed their time? Look for online reviews to see what a company’s reputation is. It might not always be what they claim, and it’s important to find out the truth before you book.

Remember that MOST people only write a review if something goes wrong. Someone might give a tour company one star just because their eggs were runny. Find the average. Someone might hate a tour because the weather was hot. Seriously. These are actual negative reviews from the tour operator company, Thomas Cook:

“On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don’t like spicy food.”

“We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish.”

“We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our own swimsuits and towels. We assumed it would be included in the price.”

“No-one told us there would be fish in the water. The children were scared.”

“Although the brochure said that there was a fully equipped kitchen, there was no egg-slicer in the drawers.”

“When we were in Spain, there were too many Spanish people there. The receptionist spoke Spanish, the food was Spanish. No one told us that there would be so many foreigners.”

“We had to line up outside to catch the boat and there was no air-conditioning.”

So how can you trust the reviews you read online?

Take them with a grain of salt. You can read reviews on websites TrustPilot . The approval rating should look like a bell curve but with more A’s and B’s than C’s. I look for companies that average 85% or higher (or 4 out of 5 stars). If a company is that highly rated, the negative reviews are probably just outliers.  

My Recommended (Best) Tour Companies

Here are some of my favorite small, day-tour, or backpacker bus tour companies:

  • Take Walks – This is my favorite walking tour company. They run a wide variety of insightful and entertaining tours around Europe and the US. What makes them so good is they get you inside access to attractions and places you can’t get elsewhere. Their guides rock too!
  • Get Your Guide – A massive marketplace for tours, activities, and excursions. If you’re looking for something niche, you’ll find it here!
  • Devour Food Tours – My go-to tour company for tasty food tours around Europe and the US.
  • Kiwi Experience – A hop-on, hop-off bus tour company in New Zealand for backpackers!
  • Baz Bus – A hop on, hop off again bus tour company in South Africa for all travelers.
  • New Europe – Free walking tours throughout Europe.
  • Free Tours By Foot – Pay-what-you-like tours throughout Europe and the United States. They are one of my favorite free walking tour companies in the world!


When it comes to multi-day, multi-week tours (think trips through Morocco, sailing in the Galápagos, etc.), I highly recommend using Intrepid Travel .

Intrepid is my favorite and best small group tour operator out there! I really love their guides, their small groups, off-the-beaten-track itineraries, and their commitment to the local environment and community. I always have an incredible time on their tours. They are my favorite multi-day tour operator and the only one I use now (the picture at the top of this page is me on their Patagonia trip). Intrepid is environmentally friendly, uses local guides and transportation, doesn’t rush their tours, and are quite inexpensive. I don’t even consider anyone else when it comes to multi-day trips.

I love tours. They are a great way to meet people, get a local to add value and knowledge, and see places you can’t get to alone! I don’t take them often but I do take them. And, since I follow the above rules, I always have a good time. Some of my favorite travel memories were when I was on a group trip. If you follow my tips above, you’ll never go wrong either.


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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

Is Cancun Safe to Visit in 2024? Travel Warnings And Safety Tips

Written By: The Planet D

Updated On: June 11, 2024

We have been to Cancun many times over the years, and one of the main questions that we always get is, “Is Cancun safe?” Truthfully, the situation has always been fluid, with various safety concerns such as crime and cartel activity. While we have personally felt safe in Cancun, it is important to check your government website warnings, follow basic safety precautions, and be aware of your surroundings. Mexico takes its tourism seriously and they want international visitors to continue to spend their dollars, so they are working hard to keep Cancun safe, especially in the tourist zones and the tourist hotspots.

Table of Contents

Is Cancun Safe to Visit?

As of March 2024, the US State Department updated its travel warnings for Quintana Roo, which is home to Cancun, Playa del Carmen , and Tulum. It removed the warning about an increased risk of kidnapping, but the country is still under a level 2 advisory. There are no travel restrictions for U.S. government employees in Quintana Roo, but they are advised to exercise increased situational awareness.

As of March 2024, the Government of Canada notes that the region of Cancun has high rates of violent crime, such as homicides, kidnappings, carjacking, and assaults. Travelers are advised to exercise increased situational awareness, avoid areas with illicit activities, and promptly leave potentially dangerous situations.

Cancun’s Current Safety Situation

Is cancun safe in 2024?

Cancun is located in the State of Quintana Roo, including Playa Del Carmen, Tulum, Cozumel, and the Riviera Maya. These areas bring in a lot of dollars into Mexico, and this is certainly one of the safer areas in the country, especially compared to other states. However, crime and violence can affect tourists, so it is important to follow safety tips, maintain situational awareness, and avoid dangerous areas.

If you follow these tips and do your own research, you will find that you will feel a lot safer on your next trip should you choose to travel to Cancun. While emergency services are available, it is important to note that local emergency services may be limited outside the state capital or major cities.

Short Summary

Cancun’s security has been under a microscope due to incidents of criminal activity involving tourists. The Mexican government has taken great action to ensure the safety of visitors and citizens in Cancun. According to the US State Department, the Yucatan Peninsula is the safest region in Mexico for Americans in 2024. However, the State Department does have a travel advisory of “ exercise increased caution ” in the state of Quintana Roo.

  • Cancun is generally safe for travelers, but take necessary precautions and take government website travel alerts into consideration.
  • Follow safety tips like avoiding walking alone at night and sticking to well-known establishments.
  • When traveling in Cancun, familiarize yourself with local laws, use reputable transportation services, and opt for filtered water!

Mexico Travel Advisories and Safety Concerns

Is Cancun safe to visit Cancuns current safety situation

For the latest advisory warnings, visit th e US State Department’s Website . Right now, the State Department website warns that ” Violent crime – such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery – is widespread and common in Mexico.” However, when you read further, it states, “Exercise Normal Precautions When Traveling To the Yucatan State.

The State Department also notes its limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in certain areas of Mexico.

Update: On February 27, 2024, the U.S. Embassy & Consulates In Mexico Department issued a warning for all U.S. travelers visiting Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean for Spring Break Travel in 2024. Only Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum were mentioned in the warning. You can check out the full message here and what they suggest.

Canada currently has a warning of “High rates of violent crime, such as homicides, kidnappings, carjacking, and assaults, including in popular tourist destinations such as the Mayan Riviera (Cancún, Playa del Carmen, Puerto Morelos and Tulum), and Acapulco.” It states that drug cartels have a presence in tourist areas. There has been intergang fighting at establishments frequented by tourists where innocent bystanders have been killed or injured.

Incidents like this can happen in any large city or tourist destination. To put things into perspective, Cancun currently has a crime index of 56.33. When you look at the crime rate in New Orleans, Cancun is much lower than the rating of 67.92. See the comparison here.

To stay safe, travelers are advised to remain in well-lit pedestrian streets and tourist zones, especially after dark, to exercise increased situational awareness and avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Crime Rates in Cancun

Cancun has a crime rate that is similar to many major cities in the United States, most of which revolve around drug-trafficking turf wars and gang-related violence. Tourists are rarely the target, and if you keep yourself out of trouble. Avoid buying drugs, don’t stay out until the wee hours of the morning, and limit your alcohol consumption off the resort. By following common sense safety measures, you can lower your chances of any incident.

Compared to other Mexican cities, Cancun’s crime rate remains relatively low, meaning vacationers shouldn’t be too concerned about any crimes during their visit. However, they should still exercise a degree of caution.

Mexican Government’s Efforts

The Mexican government has increased security around Cancun International Airport by dispatching extra police forces and protection systems, in order to put a stop to petty crime that mainly targets travelers.

The Mexican government has taken extra security steps to protect Cancun’s standing as a favored tourist spot. These include a greater police presence at popular tourist areas such as resorts within the Hotel Zone , surveillance cameras, and gated entrances for visitors.

Initiatives were also undertaken to reduce corruption among law enforcement in this area, which resulted in the removal of numerous police officers from their posts and several top-level personnel from office due to misconduct. You can read about it here .

Collaboration between local companies and tourism workers also supports a safer atmosphere. Extra tourist police, state police, the National Guard, and even the Navy patrol the beaches.

The Hotel Zone

Is Cancun safe in the Hotel Zone

Staying within the Hotel Zone Cancun is one of the safest areas to stay in Cancun . Police patrols, surveillance cameras, and gated resorts all provide an extra layer of security for guests staying at the numerous high-end accommodations in this area. That doesn’t mean you should let your guard down, but we still recommend that you avoid walking alone at night or in secluded areas. Stick to well lit pedestrian streets to ensure your safety.

Cancun is a popular tourist destination, and efforts have been made to improve safety and security in this vibrant travel spot.

Cancun is a popular destination for Spring Break, and the kids love to party the nights away in the clubs of Playa del Carmen or Downtown Cancun. Our advice is to party responsibly. If you decide to go downtown Cancun to party for the night, exercise increased caution if you are going to local bars, stay in groups, don’t overdrink, and make sure to use an authorized taxi. It is when you drink too much and let your guard down that you become a target.

Best Practices for Staying Safe in Cancun

Best Practices for staying safe in Cancun

When vacationing in Cancun, it is important to remember that even though you are enjoying a vacation in popular tourist destinations, that doesn’t mean you let all common sense go out the window. A lot of people tend to think they are invincible on vacation, but this is when things can go wrong. Visitors to Cancun can have a great experience if they use common sense and exercise safety precautions. When visiting Quintana Roo or any other Mexican State, exercise increased situational awareness, avoid areas with illicit activities, and promptly leave potentially dangerous situations.

Additionally, be aware that local emergency services in Cancun may have limitations, especially outside the state capital or major cities.

Cancun Airport Safety

Landing at the airport can be one of your most vulnerable times. The arrivals area is crowded and confusing, which makes it easy to fall victim to a travel scam. We recommend that you exercise caution and think before you accept any rides, offers, or help from a “good Samaritan.” Despite its relatively low rate of violent offenses, visitors entering through Cancun airport can still fall victim to potential scams such as fake taxi drivers and pickpocketing in crowded locations.

Our safety advice for landing at the airport is to a private transfer in advance to your hotel, keep an eye on your valuables, and don’t leave anything unattended. If you need cash, go directly to the ATM, but we suggest bringing American dollars and small bills with you.

Transportation Safety

Transportation Safety in Cancun

There are many different ways to get around Cancun. If you want more freedom, we recommend renting a car. We have also taken local transportation without incident. However, if you want to have added safety, booking an organized tour is a good option. You can book a night out bar hopping with a local guide, city tours with a guide, and excursions with a guide, making it safer to travel. It is important to exercise increased situational awareness, especially when using local transportation.

Local emergency services in Cancun are available but may be limited outside the city center. Always be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions.

Taxis and Ridesharing Services

Travelers in Cancun can enjoy secure and reliable transportation options by utilizing authorized taxis or reliable apps like Uber. When getting into a cab, make sure to ask them to put on the meter. Also, plan your route beforehand, and be aware of the approximate costs before setting off so as not to be scammed.

Ridesharing services such as Uber are available in Cancun. But use caution, as there have been reports of violence between taxi drivers and Uber drivers due to contract disputes. If you are staying in a resort, we recommend using the taxi drivers with whom they have a contract; otherwise, you will have to leave the resort to book an Uber.

Buses and Public Transportation

Cancun’s buses and public transportation are typically reliable, inexpensive, and easy to access for anyone looking to discover the city. Public transportation is generally safe, but it is better not to ride it alone or late at night.

Rental Cars and Driving Tips

Using a rental car in Cancun can be an ideal way to enjoy the sights and attractions at your own pace. Make sure to book with trusted car hire agencies; we use You will have to get additional insurance Third Party Liability and Public Liability Insurance are mandatory. And make sure you avoid being on the roads after dark.

By observing these tips, people will reap all the benefits associated with renting cars while feeling safe traveling through Cancun’s streets and reveling in views of its glorious bright blue Caribbean Sea.

Food and Drink Safety in Cancun

Food and Drink Safety in Cancun

Food is generally safe to eat in Mexico, especially in popular destinations. We generally avoid eating raw foods unless they are cooked or can be peeled. When eating at restaurants, we always look for places packed with locals. This is how you know it will be fresh. Think about raw foods that would be washed in tap water. We don’t eat fruits and vegetables unless they are cooked or can be peeled.

Tap Water Safety

Visitors to Cancun should not drink unfiltered tap water, and it is recommended that they stick to bottled water. We like to use a SteriPen so that we don’t contribute to plastic and avoid ice.

Although tests may show local tap water as safe enough for drinking according to regulations, microorganisms can still be present, which could lead to health problems.

Street Food and Restaurant Precautions

We have eaten street food in Mexico, and it is delicious, but tourists should still be cautious when choosing where to eat. Don’t eat salad or vegetables that aren’t cooked, and make sure the meat is freshly cooked in front of you. You don’t want to eat something that has been sitting in the heat for hours. Select freshly prepared meals, steer clear of uncovered dishes, and go for a well-known, busy place to eat.

Health and Medical Safety in Cancun

Is Cancun Safe Health and Medical Safety in Cancun

When visiting Mexico in general we highly recommend having travel insurance. Medical emergencies can happen, and it is a small price to pay for peace of mind. You may also want to look into what medications and vaccines you need. Make sure that your routine vaccines are up to date, and you may consider additional vaccines. Hepatitis A and B are good to get, and you may want to update your tetanus. For up-to-date travel health notices in Mexico, visit the CDC website.

Mosquito-borne illnesses can also be an issue, so pack bug spray and wear lightweight long sleeves if going into the jungle. In case of a medical emergency, there are healthcare services available that tourists can access if required – adding another layer of protection on top of their Mexico travel insurance policy.

Is Cancun Dangerous for Solo Travelers?

Is Cancun Safe for Solo Travelers

Many people travel to Cancun as solo travelers, and it is considered generally safe to visit alone. Before traveling, solo travelers should research the area and let people know where they will be. Check in with family and friends back home frequently by providing them with information about where you’ll be going during each part of your journey so they know your whereabouts. Solo travelers should exercise increased situational awareness, especially in areas classified by the State Department as ‘Exercise Increased Caution,’ such as Quintana Roo. By adhering to these basic guidelines for security, an unforgettable trip awaits any adventurous solo traveler who decides to explore this picturesque Mexican destination.

Local emergency services in Cancun are available but may be limited outside the state capital or major cities.

Many of our recommendations, regardless of the destination, are to not walk alone at night or in secluded areas, so if you are traveling alone, stay in lit areas, don’t stay out too late, and stick with the crowds.

Make sure to choose a safe hotel in a good area, use trustworthy transportation services, and avoid any illegal drugs or areas with high crime. Signing up for local tours can provide additional safety as you’ll be able to go sightseeing in a group with an expert guide. Plus you’ll make friends with some other tourists.

Is Cancun Safe for a Solo Female Traveler?

Solo Female Travelers Safety in Cancun

Cancun is largely considered secure for solo female travelers as well. The same recommendations can be made to avoid deserted areas and walking alone at night, and take taxis. Choose safe accommodation, preferably in the hotel zone, and use common sense and take extra precautions.

Women are more vulnerable than male travelers, and a woman can catch unwanted attention. Don’t go out alone late at night, use trustworthy taxis, don’t wear expensive jewelry, and the hotel room safe for your valuables.

Hurricane Season

Hurricane season in Cancun typically runs from June through November, with the peak period occurring between August and October. Travelers considering Cancun as a destination often wonder about safety during these months. It’s important to note that while the risk of hurricanes exists, Cancun is well-prepared with robust infrastructure and comprehensive emergency plans in place to ensure visitor safety

Here’s the lowdown: yes, hurricanes can whip through, especially from August to October when things tend to peak. But, Cancun is pretty savvy when it comes to dealing with these big storms. The hotels and local officials have got it down to a science with solid buildings and tried-and-true safety plans that kick into gear when needed.

Plus, with all the advanced weather tech these days, everyone gets a heads-up well before a storm hits. So, while it’s smart to keep an eye on the weather, Cancun remains a fab spot for a beach vacation, even during the stormy months. Chill vibes and safety can totally go hand in hand here!

The Mexican Peso is the official currency of Cancun and Mexico, but establishments readily accept the US dollar. Hotel ATMs often dispense US dollar currency instead of Mexican Pesos.

When withdrawing cash, try to use ATMs in secure locations like inside a bank or a busy mall, rather than those on the street, to keep things extra safe. And hey, while it’s tempting to carry a wad of cash to avoid transaction fees, it’s smarter to keep just enough cash for the day and use your credit card when you can. Credit cards are widely accepted and give you that extra layer of fraud protection. By keeping these practical tips in mind, you’ll make sure your financial dealings in Cancun are as smooth as the local tequila.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Cancun Safe to Travel FAQ

Is Cancun safe right now 2024?

The US State Department notes that Cancun has friendly locals and is one of the safest areas in Mexico, with a low crime rate. So you can have an amazing experience by planning your getaway to this destination come 2024! Relax, knowing you will be safe during your stay here. Making it absolutely unforgettable.

How safe is Cancun for American tourists?

The US State Department has assessed Cancun as one of the safest places to visit in Mexico, and thus, it is Safe for tourists making a trip there in 2024. To ensure you enjoy your time while still staying secure, practice caution with regard to where you go and who you talk to, and always be aware of your surroundings.

Is Cancun safe to walk around?

When you visit Cancun, you should always take precautions to remain safe. The Hotel Zone, in particular, offers a secure atmosphere with numerous all-inclusive resorts, international hotels, and beaches for visitors to enjoy without fear of crime rates that are low outside the hotel zone.

Overall it is possible to have an unforgettable trip when exercising caution and keeping safety measures at hand during your time here, which will result in a rewarding experience.

Is Cancun safe at an all-inclusive?

When it comes to booking an all-inclusive holiday in Cancun, you can be confident that the resort is secure. Most properties have measures such as security guards with firearms to make sure visitors feel safe during their stay.

With some planning and investigation beforehand, travelers will be able to enjoy a stress-free break away from home in one of Mexico’s picturesque cities.

Is it still safe to travel to Cancun right now?

With care and knowledge of local customs, Cancun is an excellent, relatively secure destination for travelers. Hence, caution and respect should be exercised to make sure a safe journey is had while visiting the area.

Stick to the Most Popular Tourist Destinations and Tourist Zones

When you’re planning a trip to Mexico and wondering about safety, it’s handy to know which spots are a bit spicier when it comes to risk. Some areas, particularly along certain parts of the northern border and specific regions like parts of Guerrero, have a bit more heat due to higher crime rates and travel advisories. Cities like Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez often make headlines, urging travelers to stay street-smart and keep up with travel advisories.

Some regions, like Colima, Guerrero, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, Michoacán, and Sinaloa, tend to be hotter on the risk radar due to higher crime rates and consistent travel advisories. While these areas can have their share of challenges, don’t let that put a damper on your whole itinerary.

Mexico is a vast country with safe and serene destinations in the most popular tourist destinations and off the beaten path, far from the troubled spots. By staying sharp and keeping up with the latest travel advisories, you can navigate your way to a smooth and secure Mexican adventure. Remember, a little prep and awareness go a long way in making sure your vacation vibes remain as calm as a seaside sunset!

Our Safety Recommendations For Cancun

Is Cancun Safe to travel to Today

Cancun is an attractive tourist destination to visit, offering a secure holiday when the appropriate steps and precautions are taken. Staying up-to-date on safety updates, bearing in mind some basic security tips, staying up to date on current Mexico travel warnings, and keeping any dangers that may arise at bay will enable travelers to enjoy Cancun fully without worry.

So get ready for your trip by packing all you need (including sunscreen) for what promises to be an unforgettable experience – complete with sand, sunshine, and, of course, memories galore!

Plan Your Next Trip to Cancun with These Resources

  • Mexico City: Best Things to Do in Mexico City for an Epic Trip
  • Cancun: 21 Amazing Things To Do In Cancun
  • Cancun: Where To Stay In Cancun: Best Hotels And Areas For Every Budget
  • Playa Del Carmen: 29 of Best Things to do in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
  • Yucatan Peninsula: 23 Amazing Things To Do In Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula
  • Tulum: 23 Best Things To Do In Tulum
  • 23 Best Beaches In Mexico
  • Best Mexican Dishes: 27 Most Popular Mexican Foods

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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1 thought on “Is Cancun Safe to Visit in 2024? Travel Warnings And Safety Tips”

We just got back and Cancun is extremely safe. We didn’t stay in resorts but three different locations and took local buses and walked around at night and at no time did we feel even the slightest concern about our safety or security. Using common sense travel, having a reasonable control of your faculties and not engaging in extremely risky behavior with strangers keeps any risk low. Mexican people are hard working, friendly and helpful.

best solo travel tips

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International travel documents for children

See what documents a child needs to travel to or from the U.S. alone or with a parent or relative.

Children traveling to the U.S.

All children, including infants, must have their own travel documents such as a passport or document from a Trusted Traveler Program to enter the U.S. If you travel or are going to travel with a child, consider taking the following documents:

  • If the child is traveling with only one of their custodial parents, they must have a letter of consent, preferably in English and notarized, from the other parent or signed by both parents. The letter should say "I acknowledge that my son/daughter is traveling outside the country with [the name of the adult] with my permission."
  • If one parent has sole custody of the child, a copy of the custody document can take the place of the other parent's letter.
  • Parents who frequently cross the border by land with a minor must always carry a letter of permission from the other parent.

U.S. citizen children traveling abroad

Ports of entry in many countries have security measures to prevent international child abduction . If you are traveling alone with your child, you may be required to present documentation proving you are the parent or legal guardian. You may also need a letter of permission from the other parent for your child to travel. 

If your child travels alone, depending on the country, they may be required to present a notarized letter from both parents or their legal guardian. If a minor is traveling abroad and is not accompanied by both parents or a legal guardian, contact the embassy or consulate of the country you will be visiting and ask about entry and exit requirements for that country.

LAST UPDATED: December 6, 2023

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best solo travel tips


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  2. The Ultimate Solo Travel Guidebook for 2024: Tips, Tricks, & Destinations!

  3. Top 10 Solo Travel Destinations for 2024

  4. The Ultimate Solo Travel Guidebook for 2024: Tips, Tricks, & Destinations!

  5. Solo Travel Safety Tips

  6. Solo Travel: 10 Life-Changing Tips for Fearless Explorers!


  1. The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: Travel Alone & Love It

    As a solo traveler, you'll meet more travelers and locals than those who travel with a partner. Ask a traveler about the best thing they've done so far or a local for the best hidden gem restaurant in the area. The people you meet and the advice they offer will greatly enrich your trip. 5. Be flexible with your plans.

  2. Single Travel: Essential Tips for Planning a Solo Trip

    Best Single Travel offers vacations, cruises, and weekend getaways for solo travelers of all ages. Flash Pack leads small-group trips of single travelers in their 30s and 40s.

  3. The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Solo Trip: 20 Tips You Need

    Make a Few Plans in Advance. One of the best ways to make yourself more excited for a solo trip is to plan a few activities or meals that you can look forward to. I always try to have at least one nice dinner reservation on the books, and one or two activities scheduled before each trip.

  4. Expert advice for female solo travelers

    20 expert solo travel tips for women from the Lonely Planet team. Lonely Planet Editors. Nov 17, 2023 • 10 min read. ... One of the best things about solo travel is the freedom to make or break plans whenever you want. Some of my favorite travel memories (including meeting my husband!) are because I took a chance and made a plan with new ...

  5. Solo Travel Tips: Advice for the First Time Traveler

    Tip #9: Use common sense on the road. As a solo traveler, you have to rely on yourself. Without friends to get you out of trouble, you must learn to stay alert and observant. A good practice is to try and blend in with the locals. Follow the local customs, and don't try to show off.

  6. How To Travel Solo Successfully: 31+ Tips For A Safe & Fun Trip

    11. Schedule your flight to arrive during the day. One piece of advice for traveling solo is to schedule your flight so that you arrive when the sun is still shining. You'll feel a lot safer, especially if you'll be taking public transportation to get to your accommodation.

  7. The Golden Rules of Solo Travel

    The Golden Rules of Solo Travel. We ask our editors and favorite solo travelers for their savviest tips and tricks. The joys of traveling solo are endless. It is freeing to explore new places ...

  8. Travel Alone: Learn Where to Go and How

    The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: Travel Alone & Love It When you travel alone, you travel on your terms. Here are 50 of our best tips, plus links to additional resources to ensure solo travel success. Eating Alone is Easy When You Know How Eating alone is one aspect of solo travel that some people really don't like. Here are casual and elegant ...

  9. 30 of the Best Solo Travel Tips from Readers (February 2024)

    30 Solo Travel Tips to help you travel safely and well. 1. I never wear a backpack. It targets you as a tourist, huge red flag. I was once grabbed and held down by my backpack straps. Unfortunate thug had no idea I was raised by a soldier and able to react fast and defend myself. My size 13 boot knocked his jaw sideways.

  10. 8 Solo Travel Experts Share Their Best Tips

    8 Solo Travel Experts Share Their Best Tips. Book a tour. Don't stay out too late. Have a charged cell phone. Pre-plan your transportation. We've all heard the tried-and-true solo travel tips—and while all these suggestions are great (and absolutely important), we wanted to go one step deeper with real solo-travel experts.

  11. The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: 16 Secrets From Experts

    Most travel experts agree that you should only pack what you absolutely need. But for those hitting the road solo, a few extra items might make you feel safer while you're exploring. "Use an AirTag in your personal bag," advises Kristin Lee, travel expert and author at Global Travel Escapades.

  12. The Best Places to Travel Solo, According to a Traveler Who Has Visited

    Lewis may have needed Clark, but for most trips, I think it's OK to be a party of one. In fact, my favorite style of travel, #solotravel, is now trending on TikTok and in real life.But if there ...

  13. 30 of the Best Solo Travel Tips for Women 50+

    30 Solo Travel Tips to help you travel safely and well. 1. The middle seat on planes has the most leg room and underseat storage. Before takeoff, discuss with your seatmates who gets the front and who the back of the arm rests. And if you are cold on planes (or hotel rooms) an inexpensive solar blanket from a dollar store is great.

  14. 10 top spots for solo travelers at any time of year

    Best of all, there are solo travel destinations in every corner of the globe, so you can take a solo trip in the depths of winter as easily as you can at the height of summer. Here are 10 sure-fire destinations for lone travelers, organized by interest. Whether you're into raves, relaxation, hiking or sightseeing, these spots are certain to ...

  15. Travel Solo for the First Time: Complete Guide for Newbies

    For more than 14 years, Solo Traveler has been helping people with solo travel tips for newbies, as well as for those stretching their solo travel muscles to more challenging destinations. ... Solo Traveler is the best source for a continuously updated list of a variety of tour companies offering trips with no or low single supplements.

  16. Hacks for Mastering Solo Travel

    That includes your fancy camera, laptop, phone, and other things you might be waving around. One good option: switch to an older wallet or pop on an older cell phone case, so you're less of a ...

  17. Solo Vacations: The 36 Best Places to Travel Alone in 2024

    Santa Fe, New Mexico. Solo travelers seeking clear skies and a laid-back trip should consider visiting Santa Fe. Offering more than 320 days of sunshine per year and plenty of things to do, this ...

  18. The 22 Must-haves for Solo Travel, According to T+L Editors

    Amazon. $10 at Amazon. Your wardrobe is one thing that definitely should not be limited by traveling alone. "You don't want to corner a stranger in the elevator or walk down to the front desk ...

  19. 30 of the Best Solo Travel Tips from Readers (April 2024)

    2. Research everything before you go- make your own travel notes. Knowing what you are seeing deepens the experience. — Tracy T. 3. ViaRail cross-Canada train. Toronto to Vancouver. They have great solo cabins; the food is incredible, and the scenery is sublime.

  20. Solo Travel for Women: The 18 Best Destinations (Plus Tips)

    Luxury family travel influencer Irina Claire Bromberg suggests Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands as a top spot for solo female travel, partially because of its high safety rating from the U.S ...

  21. 8 Best Solo Travel Tips, According to a Travel Editor

    Here are my tips to make the most of traveling solo. Courtesy of Cuyama Buckhorn. 1. Sit at the Bar. Sitting at the bar is one of my my most time-tested methods of successful dining solo. It's a low-commitment way to enjoy a meal by yourself, plus, there's built-in conversation with a local in your bartender.

  22. 17 Best Solo Travel Tips For First-Timers

    14. Be a local, and recognize that you can't (and shouldn't) plan everything. There will always be hidden gems that you can't find online, but you'll never be able to discover them if you stick to ...

  23. Solo Travel Tips for First Timers : r/solotravel

    Keep an emergency fund of cash on you (~100 USD/Euro in local currency) and a good reserve of money on your bank account. This will especially prove useful when having an medical emergency and you have to see a doctor. You have to pay upfront and will get reimbursed later by your travel/medical insurance. Reply.

  24. Best places to travel solo: 14 top destinations, per an expert

    The best places to solo travel in South and Central America Getty Images/iStockphoto. What our experts say: "Costa Rica and Peru — Same as above!These destinations are safe for solo travelers ...

  25. The 10 Best Group Travel Tour Companies for 2024

    The best group trips for solo travelers, adventure travel, budget travel, and more. ... Expert travel tips, dream destination inspiration, and timely travel news delivered to your inbox daily ...

  26. 8 Ways to Choose the BEST Tour Company in 2024

    I've been on tours where the guide was a walking encyclopedia, and on somewhere the guide was a glorified timekeeper. Make sure the company uses knowledgeable, local guides. The guide should be a local or at least a long-term resident, know the local language, have travel experience, and know life-saving techniques.

  27. Is Cancun Safe to Visit in 2024? Travel Warnings And Safety Tips

    Cancun is located in the State of Quintana Roo, including Playa Del Carmen, Tulum, Cozumel, and the Riviera Maya. These areas bring in a lot of dollars into Mexico, and this is certainly one of the safer areas in the country, especially compared to other states. However, crime and violence can affect tourists, so it is important to follow safety tips, maintain situational awareness, and avoid ...

  28. International travel documents for children

    If you travel or are going to travel with a child, consider taking the following documents: If the child is traveling with only one of their custodial parents, they must have a letter of consent, preferably in English and notarized, from the other parent or signed by both parents. ... USAGov is the official guide to government information and ...

  29. Travel News, Tips, and Guides

    The latest travel news, deals, guides and tips from the travel experts at USA TODAY. All the travel insights you need to plan your dream vacation.