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Khan Noonien Singh

Stop hand

Khan Noonien Singh is the main antagonist in The Original Series episode, Space Seed and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the second installment in the Star Trek film series.

He is the ruthless and strategic leader of the Augments , who attempted to conquer humanity during the Eugenics Wars. After being discovered in cryosleep by the crew of the USS Enterprise in the far future, Khan attempted to seize control of the Enterprise alongside his men to build a new empire for himself, only to be defeated and exiled. Decades later, Khan would make a second bid for universal domination by taking control of the planet-terraforming Genesis device, while also seeking revenge on Admiral James T. Kirk for his previous defeat and the deaths of his men and wife . He is the archenemy of James T. Kirk.

He was portrayed by the late Ricardo Montalbán who also portrayed Vincent Ludwig in The Naked Gun: From The Files Of Police Squad! , Señor Senior, Senior in Kim Possible , and Mr. Roarke on Fantasy Island .

  • 1.1 Early History
  • 1.2 Space Seed
  • 1.3 Following 15 Years
  • 1.4 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • 2 Personality
  • 3.1 Arsenal
  • 3.2 Weaknesses
  • 4 Reception
  • 5.1 Space Seed
  • 5.2 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • 7 External links
  • 8 Navigation

Biography [ ]

Early history [ ].

Hailing from Northern India, Khan was genetically engineered to be the perfect human (or "Augment") in the late 20th century Earth as part of "Project Khan." This project was led by Adam Soong and a number of other scientists. However, to the scientists that created the Augments failed to realize that this would breed arrogance and hubrism since they would believe that their powers makes them superior to all of humanity and that it was their right to subjugate them. Adam Soong's 22nd century descendant Arik Soong came to believe that the genetic engineering used in creating Khan had been faulty and that Khan and his followers suffered from personality disorders caused by neuro-chemical imbalances.

Khan himself became absolute ruler of a quarter of the world from Asia to Iraq between 1992 to 1996 and went to war with the United Nations in what became known as the Eugenics Wars. Though his bid for world domination failed, most of the Augements were dead but Khan and 94 of his followers managed to escape to space in the Botany Bay DY-100 starship and put themselves into cryogenic sleep where they remained for two hundred years. Prior to leaving Earth Khan fathered at least one child who remained behind on Earth when Khan went into exile, and Khan had descendants alive in the mid 23rd century. One of these descendants was Starfleet officer La'an Noonien-Singh .

By the mid 22nd century, Khan's escape on the Botany Bay with close to 100 of his followers was widely believed to have been mythical. Arik Soong doubted that the ship had even existed.

Space Seed [ ]


Khan in Space Seed.

In the year 2267, the Botany Bay was discovered drifting in space by the USS Enterprise . Initially believed to be a dormant threat, Captain Kirk put the ship on lockdown until they found the cryosleep pods. Khan was revived by the ship's historian, Marla McGivers , who wished to learn from him about the distant past. Initially confused, Khan asks where he is and Kirk tells him that he has slept for 200 years before having a medical team to the Enterprise's medical bay. Once there, even Doctor McCoy was amazed at his physical health since most people who slept for that long were anorexic wrecks by this point. As it turns out, 72 of his 84 followers survived the two centuries with 12 pods failing with Kirk still being amazed that Khan and his followers are still alive two hundred and eighty one years later. Shortly after Khan properly wakes up, which follows shortly after Kirk confronts McGiver for her lying about her feelings for Khan, he heard McCoy working in a backroom. He takes a medical knife from a wall mount and confronts McCoy after pretending to be asleep as McCoy checks on him. Khan pulls out his concealed knife and holds him at knife-point at which point he fully realizes that he is in the future (apparently thinking Kirk telling him that he was in the future occurred in his cryodream).

When McCoy decides to be coy and point out that he is in bed threatening to cut his doctor's throat, Khan is enraged but McCoy calls his bluff and points out the most effective way to kill him would be to cut the carotid artery behind his left ear. Apparently realizing that McCoy really isn't an enemy, Khan relents and admits that he is impressed with McCoy's bravery and finally learns where he is. Learning this, Khan asks for Kirk since he is the ship's superior officer and McCoy obliges with Kirk soon arriving and introducing himself though Khan dodges questions about his identity for obvious reasons. Khan asks for their destination (Starbase-12 in the Omega star system) and the status of his entourage (most still alive) although this still visibly upsets Khan due to being very close with them. He tells Kirk to revive them to which he is told when they reach Starbase 12 which Khan is visibly displeased by but finally introduces himself (albeit just as Khan). Once Kirk questions when he left off, only knowing it was in the 1990's, Khan feigns weariness and calls off the meeting for medical reasons. Though Kirk insists due to there not needing to be much explanation, Doctor McCoy cuts him off when he asks about why he went out on an expedition and tells him to wait until later. Before he is left alone however, he requests some reading material about the Enterprise to stave off his boredom. As it turns out, said reading material is a video about it although Khan's suspiciously snakeish thank you raises some suspicions.

Even without Khan's help, Spock deduces that Khan might be an Augment from the Eugenics Wars. Meanwhile, Marla McGivers meets Khan although he already knows of her thanks to McCoy. Immediately smitten, he starts flirting with her before inviting her to sit down even as he questions her on her hairstyle and remodels it to be more "flattering." Even as she tries to remain professional, having come to document the history of his crew for archiving, she becomes increasingly attracted to Khan and eventually falls in love with him. Later that night?, Khan (now in a yellow jumpsuit) finds Marla in her quarters and admires her artwork especially his admiration of Genghis Khan and Napoleon. He does get a shock though when he finds a painting of him much younger and cryptically warns her of the danger he poses before they kiss. Shortly after that, Khan sits down with the command crew of the Enterprise where he is once again confronted for his evading of questions and lack of mention in the history books. Spock confronts Khan for the actions of the Augments and Khan reveals how delusional he really is; stating he was trying to bring people together to prevent wars. After exchanging a look with Kirk, he tries to backtrack and say it was just other aspirations until Spock basically said to his face that he was a tyrant. Kirk confronts Khan for his militaristic terminology but decides to drop the matter since it would be improper in a get together to talk about topics so dark. Unfortunately for Khan, once he drops an off-hand comment about about social occasions being passive aggressive "wars" and that Kirk shouldn't be mincing his words, Kirk confronts him and says that it's very convenient that he left around the same time ninety Augments disappeared from the face of the Earth. Unfortunately for Khan, his follow-up statement about offering the world order gives away his real nature although this just impresses him more.

After departing the dinner for reasons of fatigue, he stands around outside only to be found by McGivers who apologizes to him for the confrontation but he shrugs it off since he is an enigma to them. After a bit more flirting, Khan tells her to stick around or go away but she decides to stay although he demands a firmer response than "can I stay?" which he gets. Taking her hand in his, Khan then reveals his real objective which is to commandeer the Enterprise . Although McGyner worries about people being hurt, Khan tells her to go away then so she accepts which pleases Khan greatly. Unfortunately for Khan, shortly afterwards, the Enterprise command crew discover Khan's true identity and have him arrested for crimes against humanity where Kirk quickly confronts him in his quarters. Khan initially feigns ignorance until Kirk reveals that he knows who he is which impresses Khan who then reveals his truly pompous and bigoted nature by insulting humans for being inferior and not "evolving" in 200 years. Kirk leaves but first angers Khan by saying he didn't answer his questions well. Unfortunately, once Kirk leaves, Khan uses his brute strength to pull the LOCKED door open and send the Red Shirt guarding the door flying. Khan wants to take the Enterprise and use it to create a colony for himself and whoever would follow him. The request for reading material was so that he can learn how to operate the Enterprise's controls. As he does so, McGivers takes control of the transporter room from the engineer guarding it with Khan then snapping his neck and taking his phaser. Presently, Khan wakes up the entirety of his crew and they take control of security command just as Kirk discovers his escape. Cutting off all doors and life support, Khan offers to negotiate with Kirk even as Spock fails to pump knockout gas into the air vents due to the computers being disabled. Even as Uhura fails to reach Starbase-12 and the air supply runs thin, Kirk refuses to surrender so Khan just sits and waits for them all to pass out before delivering a speech about obsolescence to the hostage McCoy, Uhura, Scotty and a Gold Shirt. He soon thinks McCoy is the communications officer and threatens Uhura when McCoy of course doesn't know how to work a viewing screen.

When that failed, Khan realized his mistake of killing the bridge crew as all he has done is create martyrs though he decides to blackmail them by saying "join me or the bridge crew die." Khan reveals his master plan which is to take control of the Enterprise and establish a colony for him and his followers. Unfortunately for Khan, he loses the connection to the bridge and decides to send Spock to his death in the decontamination chamber next only to lose contact with the guard. What Khan doesn't realize is that McGivers has turned turncoat on him now and has freed Kirk with the two of them knocking out Spock's escort. When knockout gas floods into the room he is hauled up in, Khan flees as his crew are knocked out and makes his way to engineering. Upon hearing over comms that Kirk is coming, he ambushes and takes Kirk's phaser and bends it into a horseshoe. Khan reveals via a blinking light that he plans on overloading the ship and killing everyone and himself on board. When Khan tries to stop it, they begin a slugfest which Khan easily wins due to his brute strength but Kirk uses a baton inside a console to beat Khan unconscious and they stop the overload. Later, with Khan's men in jail, the command crew of the Enterprise hold a makeshift trial in a courtroom to determine his fate. It is eventually decided that Khan and his followers just wanted peace so everyone agrees that Khan and his followers should go into exile on the paradisiacal and uninhabited planet Ceti Alpha V.

Following 15 Years [ ]

As it turns out, Khan seemed to reciprocate McGivers' feelings as he went on to marry her within half a year of "Space Seed." Six months after Khan's exile however, the nearby Ceti Alpha VI exploded, resulting in Ceti Alpha V's orbit being shifted drastically which turned the planet into a desert wasteland. The Augments were forced to haul up in the Botany Bay but were exposed to the native Centi Eels who secrete a substance that cause madness and eventually a very painful death. This was the fate which befell twenty of his followers, including (presumably) McGivers. This enraged Khan, who blamed Kirk for her death and swore one day to get revenge.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan [ ]


Khan in Star Trek II .

Fourteen years and six months after the desertification, making the year 2272, the starship USS Reliant arrived at Ceti Alpha V looking for a lifeless planet on which to test the Genesis Device. Said device was a bomb that one could drop on a planet to create life from nothing but dropping it on an already inhabited planet would result on the new life erasing the pre-existing life. The Reliant's commander, Captain Terrell, warped down with First Officer Pavel Chekov and ended up finding the sand locked Botany Bay. They didn't initially realize it until Chekov pulled away a curtain to reveal a shelf with "BOTANY BAY" carved into it it so rushed out to be warped out only to be ambushed and captured by Khan and his men who were off searching for good. Restrained in the Botany Bay, Khan (having worn a helmet up to this point to shield himself from the sandstorm outside) unmasks and Chekov recognizes him as Khan as well as Khan in return recognizing him.

It is at this point Terrell, after Khan mentions his grudge with Kirk, reveals that Captain Kirk has since become Admiral Kirk due to his intergalactic escapades in the intervening years much to Khan's chagrin. Khan expounds upon his past with Admiral Kirk whilst being surprised that Chekov never revealed his past only to scream at him when he commented that he was left on a paradise. Shortly after however, he realizes that they stumbled upon him by accident so he takes advantage of this by brainwashing them with native slugs. Using them, although it was done off-screen, Khan presumably has them all warped onto the USS Reliant at which point he takes control of it and sends all of the Reliant's crew bar Chekov and Terrell down to Centi Alpha V. Hearing of the Genesis Device from his brainwashed duo, he decides to take it for himself so has Chekov inform the space station Regula 1 that they've found the planet empty and are coming which Khan oversees. What Khan doesn't foresee is that Carol Markus, creator of Genesis, also informs Kirk of how strange this all is and he arrives to investigate.

On his way to Regula 1, one of Khan's followers named Joachim (who is his helmsman and right-hand man) stands up to Khan to question He decides to use the Genesis Device in his plan of vengeance against Kirk, who had since been promoted to Rear Admiral. He attacks Regula I, kills everyone that he finds, but is unable to find the Genesis Device or Karol Markus as both have beamed down under the surface of the moon below Regula 1. He then confronts Kirk, having recognized his ship from their last encounter, plays it cool as he approaches Enterprise before delivering one of his most famous lines about being "one big happy fleet." Though suspicious of their lack of communications, a bridge member sends a message about engine issues though Spock registers that their fuel emissions are normal.

Unfortunately, by this point, the Reliant is so close that missing is impossible and Khan annihilates the Enterprise and kills much of it's crew with one salvo. Deciding to make himself known, Khan confronts Kirk via view-screen and reveals his mission of vengeance at which point Kirk asks to spare the crew managed to hack into the Reliant's computer and shut down its shields using codes designed to prevent a starship from being used against the Federation. Unable to raise their ships, the Reliant is then devastated by the Enterprise's phasers at which point Khan demands revenge. Joachim has to grab a hold of him and remind him that the Enterprise is crippled so isn't going anywhere but another attack is suicidal without their shields. Listening to his right hand man, Khan withdraws behind the moon.

Khan is not seen again for another fifteen minutes when Kirk tells Spock (acting captain of the Enterprise) to flee signal jamming range to alert Star Fleet should they be unable to return. Chekov and Terrell turn on Kirk shortly thereafter and Khan hacks their communicator to reveal his control over them and orders the two to kill Kirk but Terrell kills himself and Chekov's mind bug is obliterated. Grabbing his communicator, Kirk rips into Khan (to the latter's disgust) and calls him a bloodsucker and that he is always trying and failing to kill Kirk. However, a very smug Khan reveals his goal to trap Kirk underground forever on the moon that Regula I was orbiting. This prompts Kirk to scream "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!" at the top of his lungs into his transmitter but Khan just signs off and prepares to leave with Genesis. Unfortunately for Khan, Kirk was bluffing in his call to Spock and is later safely beamed back aboard the Enterprise after a heart to heart with his son and away team.

Upon reentering the Enterprise, Kirk decides to take away Khan's superior maneuverability by entering the Mutara Nebula which renders all tracking materials useless. Khan is initially hesitant but Kirk contacts him directly and mocks his self proclaimed "superior intellect." Annoyed, Khan orders full throttle but Joachim speaks up against him this time since this would take away their advantage and points out that he has Genesis and can blackmail the Federation for whatever he wishes.

In response, Khan grabs Joachim by the chin, screams in his face, damns him to Hell, throws him across the Reliant's bridge, and initiates full impulse power himself. Unfortunately for Khan, Joachim proves to be right in his prediction when Kirk's experience fighting blind allows him to sneak up behind the Reliant undetected and devastate it. Khan survives the initial hit but everyone else on the ship is killed, including Joachim. Even after his right hand man spoke up against him, Khan still cradles Joachim as he died and swears revenge but the Enterprise lands a devastating torpedo hit to the bridge shortly thereafter. Though fatally wounded, and with his face half melted off, Khan activates the Genesis Device in a last-ditch attempt to kill Kirk before collapsing flat on his back and dying. The Genesis effect then destroyed his body, killed any last members of his crew, and destroyed the Reliant.

Despite Khan's last ditch attempt, Kirk and the Enterprise got away safely although Spock had to sacrifice his life to save his crew-mates by sorting out the power cells and getting a massive dose of radiation. The activation of the Genesis Device led to the creation of the Genesis Planet where Spock's torpedo landed and led to the events of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.

That particular cadet cruise became infamous both to the survivors and following classes of cadets. In the years following Khan's 2284 attack on the Enterprise Starfleet adapted the attack into a simulated mission given to command school students. That mission involved the escape of a former Starfleet officer named Jacob McNeil from prison. McNeil and his compatriots then hijacked a Miranda -class ship and used it to attack the students who had been sent to investigate a loss of communication between Starfleet and the ship. (Those who knew the specifics of Khan's attack found the situation with an uncommunicative Miranda -class ship to be very familiar).

Khan's actions had left a lasting impression on how genetic engineering in the Federation was conducted. On Earth genetic engineering for any reason was illegal. Any genetically enhanced person was barred from serving in Starfleet or practicing medicine. When the Federation was formed, a limited exception to allow for correction of serious birth defects was put in place to placate worlds such as Denobula due to the reluctance of such worlds to join a government that completely banned engineering. This did not stop some parents from trying to "improve" their children, however such parents often went to disreputable providers who wound up the children to have lifelong physical and mental issues.

The ban was somewhat relaxed in the 24th century to allow some geneticists to conduct research, despite the concerns of some in Starfleet that it would cause more problems than it would solve. This was borne out when the research caused the crew of a Starfleet vessel to rapidly age and die when exposed to the children of the geneticists, who had been given an "improved" immune system that actively sought out and destroyed viruses.

By the 2370s the ban was being enforced on a more stringent basis. Julian Bashir, Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space 9, was discovered to be an Augment like Khan. However, his career was saved, when father Richard confessed to having the enhancements done in exchange for his son being able to stay in Starfleet and practice medicine. Richard was sentenced to two years a Federation penal colony in New Zealand. Julian suggested to Rear Admiral Bennett the sentence was harsh, but the admiral disagreed, elaborating in the following quote where he states that, whilst he emerged as a good person, there's always a very bad egg like Khan waiting in the wings.

In an alternate reality, Kirk and the Enterprise crew encountered a version of Khan indigenous to that universe. During a battle with that Khan, Spock contacted Spock Prime (the Spock encountered by this iteration of Khan) about the original Khan and was told of his prime-self's death whilst escaping the Genesis Device. This allowed Kelvin Timeline Spock to eventually save Kirk (who died from irradiation like Spock Prime) and even Khan who was imprisoned in stasis pods indefinitely.

Personality [ ]

Khan was a psychopathic and violent war criminal who would even risk his life to get revenge on his enemies. Khan always tried to maintain an absolute calm demeanor but would snap and yell whenever his ideology was challenged. He was a pure sadist, taking great joy in trapping and stripping Kirk of all that he holds dear and having no qualms about murdering the entire crew of the Enterprise (about four hundred people) if it meant he also killed Kirk. Though Khan was arrogant and hotheaded, he was respectful to those who showed genuine bravery and resourcefulness when confronted by danger as shown with McCoy. Khan was also not stupid and knew that giving away his full name would get him thrown in the brig for war crimes given the vast records of the Eugenics Wars that wouldn't be that hard for the Enterprise crew to discover. Even so, when he was discovered, he revealed himself to be a fascist believing that he gave the world peace and order when he actually brought chaos and destruction. Even in spite of his true nature, Khan was always well spoken and extremely polite even after being arrested. Khan was at his core a pompous bigot who often treated those he considered inferior to him like impotent children to be talked down to as demonstrated when he was confronted by Kirk in his quarters.

By the time of Star Trek II , Khan had gone mad with grief and lost much of his calm demeanor and polite attitude in favor of barely concealed contempt and passive aggressiveness. Although he was somewhat bipolar before being exiled, it was dialed up to 11 when he went mad. In his introductory scene in the movie for example, Khan starts off as dismissive and almost bored before screaming in anger when Chekov pointed out that he was supposed to be on Centi Alpha 5. Unlike most other typical revenge based criminals though, Khan was almost completely calm although his temper often flared up whenever he was losing or someone spoke against him. He was traitorous and merciless but showed intense loyalty to his crew (nearly being brought visibly to tears even after hearing that all but twelve made it) as they did to him since they were stuck alone on Centi Alpha 5 for fifteen years. Khan tolerated even helmsman Joachim questioning him as long as it wasn't open defiance and was more playful questioning.

Khan's biggest fault, however, was his ruthless and single minded way of doing things, being completely overwhelmed since he was used to fighting one on one instead of from any given angle and refusing to abandon Kirk even though he had every chance of leaving and settling down.

Powers and Abilities [ ]

  • Master Strategist : Khan was learned in space combat and strategy, shown throughout The Wrath of Khan.
  • Acting : Khan was able to convince the Enterprise crew that he was a good person until he tried to overthrow them.
  • Enhanced Strength : Like all Augments, Khan had superhuman strength far superior to that of any human or even Augment. Khan was able to rip open his locked quarters door with some effort, snap an engineer's neck by lightly pushing his palms against the guy's neck, bend a phaser into a horseshoe shape with ease, lift Chekov right off the ground with one hand and hold him there, and lug around a giant piece of debris with little effort.
  • Enhanced Durability : Like all Augments, Khan could withstand immense amounts of damage with complete ease, shrugging off jumps kicks and punches from Kirk and not getting a scratch on him when the Reliant's bridge took a direct hit from the Enterprise's lasers. It took a direct hit from a proton torpedo to kill him.
  • Enhanced Regeneration : Like all Augments, Khan was engineered with enhanced blood platelets which carried a superior healing factor than humans. As noted by Doctor McCoy in "Space Seed," his regeneration was incredible in allowing him to recover from the two hundred years of cryosleep.
  • Hair Styling : In one of his stranger abilities, Khan was a talented hair stylist as he quickly and easily remodeled McGiver's hair in less than thirty seconds.
  • Expert Combatant : Khan's augmentations, intelligence and strategic abilities made him an awesome fighter, as he used his brute strength and durability to overwhelm an opponent, but also relies on the overconfidence of his opponents.

Arsenal [ ]

  • Fists : Although typically unarmed, Khan was an extremely skilled hand to hand combatant able to overwhelm Khan with his bare hands.
  • Knife : Khan used a knife to threaten Doctor McCoy.

Weaknesses [ ]

  • Inflections : Khan was a virtually flawless actor but his evil inflections had a habit of making people very suspicious of him. Likely due to being a former dictator and not having to ask for things rather than just demanding them, he couldn't even say "thank you" convincingly.
  • Arrogance and Hubris : Khan's greatest flaw was his overly arrogant and pompous attitude which assumed his superiority in all situation and his rivalry with Kirk was ultimately his undoing since he pursued him into an area he would be unable to exploit just to end their battle.
  • One Track Mind : Khan's signature battle technique was a full on frontal attack using overwhelming force to decimate his enemies. However, fighting in the Mutara Nebula removed this advantage due to rendering all tracking technology useless and allowed Kirk to defeat him.
  • Two Dimensional Thinking : When fighting with the USS Reliant , Khan tended to not think of the three dimensional aspects of space combat. Admiral Kirk used this to his advantage, lowering the USS Enterprise by 10,000 meters. Unaware the Enterprise had slipped below him, Khan continued to search while the Enterprise came up behind the Reliant and launched a devastating attack on the ship that nearly destroyed the ship.

Reception [ ]

  • Khan is considered the most popular villain of the Star Trek franchise as he went from the generic threat of the week to one of the most highly regarded villains of science fiction as a whole. Montalban's performance has been universally praised for being intense and menacing but also fun to watch and highly quotable.
  • Despite this, Khan is the most prominent individual antagonist and never redeems himself whereas the Klingons would go on to become allies to the Federation after the events of Star Trek VI .
  • Khan was selected to be the second Star Trek film's villain as the director, Nicholas Meyer, felt the original film lacked a decent villain (given the "main villain" of Star Trek: The Motion Picture was V'Ger , a sentient satellite who was not actually evil).
  • Walter Koenig (who played Chekov) has often joked that his character had made Khan wait overly long to use a bathroom on Khan's visit to the Enterprise and that was why Khan remembered his face so well.
  • This seems to have been very intentional given that he fought in the Eugenics Wars. Eugenics was a special form of selective breeding, the concept itself originating with Plato, and while historically present in the UK, Europe, and the progressives in the USA (e.g. Buck v. Bell), positive (i.e. organized and often non-voluntary), eugenics is today most associated with the Nazi regime, whose numerous crimes against humanity shortly resulted in the decline and fall of eugenics as a morally acceptable means of improving the human condition. Ironically, in-universe, the UN International Bioethics Committee in 2015 distinguished between genetic engineering for human improvement from the eugenics of the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries.
  • Khan is Indian whereas Ricardo Montalban was of Mexican descent.
  • It is also not a coincidence that the other two books he had were Paradise Lost and King Leer which are stories about the villain seeking revenge.
  • It also that it is not a coincidence that Sikh was a monotheistic religion originates in the Punjab section of India and Khan was "born" in Northern India.
  • Kirk and Khan never share a physical interaction in The Wrath of Khan , only talking to each other through the teleprompter and communicators. This was because William Shatner and Ricardo Montalban never interacted on set due to Montalban filming Fantasy Island.

External links [ ]

  • Khan Noonien Singh on the Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki
  • Khan Noonien Singh on the Wikipedia

Navigation [ ]

  • 1 Blood and Cheese
  • 2 Sutekh (Doctor Who)
  • 3 The Boiled One

star trek khan abilities

Khan Noonien Singh

Character » Khan Noonien Singh appears in 67 issues .

Genetic superman, an Augment from the late 20th century. Warlord whose followers controlled nearly a quarter of the Earth before fleeing aboard the SS Botany Bay. Discovered in 2267 by Captain James T. Kirk, Khan would become his greatest enemy.

Summary short summary describing this character..

Star Trek: Khan

Star Trek: Khan

Star Trek/Green Lantern

Star Trek/Green Lantern

Star Trek Magazine

Star Trek Magazine

Star Trek: Khan Ruling in Hell

Star Trek: Khan Ruling in Hell

Khan Noonien Singh last edited by gravenraven on 07/06/23 07:02PM View full history

Khan was created for the original series Star Trek episode " Space Seed ", and was named in honor of Gene Roddenberry 's friend from World War II , Kim Noonien Singh. Roddenberry hoped his friend would hear his name on television and contact him, but never heard from Mr. Singh.

Genetic Engineering

Records of the period, including Khan's origins, are fragmentary and therefore vague. He was the product of a selective-breeding and genetic-engineering scientific program, based on the eugenics philosophy that held improving the capabilities of a man improved the entire Human race.

Augments produced by the program possessed physical strength and analytical capabilities considerably superior to ordinary Humans, and were "engineered" from a variety of Earth 's ethnic groups. Khan's background was suspected to be Sikh, from the northern region of India .

The Eugenics Wars


Khan lived up to the axiom coined by one of his creators, "superior ability breeds superior ambition" . By 1993, a wave of the genetic "supermen", including Khan, had simultaneously assumed control of more than forty of Earth's nations. From 1992 to 1996, Khan was absolute ruler of more than one-quarter of Earth's population, including the regions of Asia and the Middle East. Considered "the best of tyrants" , he severely curtailed the freedoms of his subjects, but his reign was an exception to similar circumstances in Earth history – lacking internal massacres or wars of aggression. In the mid 1990s, the Augment tyrants began warring among themselves. Other nations combined their efforts to force them from power in a series of struggles that became known as the Eugenics Wars. Eventually, most of the tyrants were defeated and their territory recaptured, but as many as ninety "supermen" were never accounted for.

Khan escaped the wars and their consequences along with 84 followers (including Joachim, Joaquin, Kati, Ling, McPherson, Otto, and Rodriguez) who swore to live and die at his command. He saw his best option in a risky, self-imposed exile. In 1996, he took control of a DY-100-class interplanetary sleeper ship he christened the SS Botany Bay , named for the site of the Australian penal colony. Set on a course outbound from Earth's solar system, but with no apparent destination in mind, Khan and his people remained in suspended animation for Botany Bay's centuries-long sublight journey.

“We offered the world order!”

Khan in 2267

They were discovered in the Mutara sector in 2267 by the U.S.S. Enterprise , captained by James Kirk . Kirk and an away team including historian Marla McGivers went aboard the Botany Bay and revived Khan, unaware of his involvement in the Eugenics Wars. Khan studied ship records, quickly bringing himself up to speed on 271 years worth of technological innovation. He then revived his own people and captured the crew of the Enterprise. The crew regained control of the ship and Kirk left Khan to rule on the abandoned planet Ceti Alpha V with 71 followers and McGivers, who became his beloved wife.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

" Ah, Kirk, my old friend, do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish best served cold? is very cold in space! "

But the new colony was on Ceti Alpha V for only a few months when Ceti Alpha VI exploded, shifting the orbit of Ceti Alpha V and killing many of Khan's people. With the loss of most life on the planet, except the Ceti eels, Khan's indomitable will reemerged. The eels took 20 of his followers, including his beloved wife. Fourteen years later, the U.S.S. Reliant went down to what they thought was Ceti Alpha VI, only to find out that due to the planet's shift they were really on Ceti Alpha V.

Khan in 2285

Khan and his people quickly captured Captain Clark Terrell and First Officer Pavel Chekov . The eels were dropped into their ears, affecting the cerebral cortex to allow them to become obedient to suggestion by Khan. He used them to capture the Reliant and strand its crew on the planet, returning to his merciless beginnings as leader. Kirk, now an Admiral, was left with a skeleton crew of trainees to investigate. Khan had the Reliant feign communications problems, allowing him to approach and fire on the un-shielded Enterprise. Khan gave Kirk five minutes to inform his crew that they must unconditionally surrender. Kirk used the Reliant's prefix code to override their shields and fire back. Khan now had to flee, his ship limping away as Kirk beamed to the center of the Genesis planet. Khan's suggestion triggered Captain Terrell and Commander Chekov to transport the Genesis device up to Khan's ship.

Once Terrell was ordered to kill Kirk and refused, vaporizing himself with his own phaser to avoid murdering a fellow officer, Khan decided to maroon Kirk on the planet, leaving him with these words:

"I've done far worse than kill you...I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me – as you left her – marooned for all eternity at the center of a dead planet. Buried alive...buried alive!"

But following another ruse, Kirk and the rest of his party were beamed back up to the ship and fled toward the Mutara Nebula. Kirk taunted him, and Khan once again let his anger get the better of him in his quest for revenge. He pursued Kirk into the Nebula, losing track only to be overtaken and fired on. The ship nearly destroyed, a dying Khan activated the Genesis Device. He perished in an explosion of creative force that failed to reach the escaping Enterprise, delivering his last words, from Melville's Moby Dick as he did so:

" No, can't get away. To the last...I will grapple with thee. From Hell's heart, I stab at thee....For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee... "


"Captain, although your abilities intrigue me, you are quite honestly inferior. Mentally, physically. In fact, I am surprised how little improvement there has been in human evolution. Oh, there has been technical advancement, but, how little man himself has changed. Yes, it appears we will do well in your century, Captain. Do you have any other questions?"

Khan is a megalomaniac who craves power above all else. While competent in many fields, particularly leadership and strategy, he is overconfident to the point that he will assume his "superior intellect" is more than sufficient to compensate for his lack of experience in a particular activity (ship-to-ship combat in space).


  • Name : Khan Noonien Singh
  • Homeworld : Earth, India
  • Born : Mid-20th century
  • Species : Augment (Human)
  • Gender : Male
  • Height : 6'
  • Weight : 175 lbs
  • Hair Color : Black (gray in Wrath of Khan)
  • Eye Color : Brown
  • Age : 300+ (due to cryogenic suspension, 1996-2267)
  • Died : 2285, Mutara Nebula
  • Affiliation : Great Khanate

Skills and Abilities

"It was only the fact of my genetically engineered arrogance that got us into this mess."

Khan possesses incredible physical and mental attributes, making him physically, mentally and intellectually superior to even the most exceptional of humans:

  • Enhanced strength : He possesses superhuman strength, capable of knocking a person into the air, crushing a phaser pistol in his fingers and lifting a grown man off the ground with one hand.
  • Enhanced durability : Khan was extremely durable, and could withstand immense amounts of damage with complete ease, shown during his fight with Kirk.
  • Superior intellect : His intelligence is incredibly high, making him the perfect strategist. He possesses a very precise memory - he never forgets a face - and is capable of quickly deducing completely correct conclusions based on little-to-no information.
  • Master strategist : Khan became extremely adaptivity in space combat and strategy, shown widely throughout The Wrath of Khan .
  • Expert combatant : Khan's strength, intelligence and strategic abilities make him an expert fighter - he uses his brute strength and durability to overwhelm an opponent, but also relies on the overconfidence of his opponents. He only lost his fight with Kirk because of his own arrogance and overconfidence.

Alternate Versions

Children of khan.

In an alternate timeline where the Augments won the Eugenics War, Khan became the ruler of a genetically engineered Human race called the Children of Khan who sought to conquer all of known space. His followers managed to conquer the planet and Khan himself was noted to have finished his conquest of the United States by arriving in Washington in order to accept the President's surrender. His actions led to the Great Ascension of Humanity and he led his people as the First Khan, the Eternal Master and the First Lord of Mankind. Through his actions, he managed to lead his people against numerous alien races and conquered them such as the Andorians who knelt in servitude before him.

His empire later came under attack from the Romulan Star Empire during the Romulan War of the 2100's. At some point, he was noted as having seduced and killed a Romulan commander after which he stole a cloaking device from the Star Empire. It was noted that he died as an elderly statesman after living for over two centuries and had a grandchild who continued to lead the Augment empire. Through his leadership, he became a well respected leader of his people and revered by them for centuries.

Before his death, he was also involved in a program that led to his intelligence and memories being implanted into a computer. With the development of holotechnology, this intelligence was capable of manifesting the appearance of Singh in various points of his life. The program was highly sophisticated as it required three times the processing power of a normal holoprogram. This created a potent counsel which only high ranking Princeps were capable of accessing and thus gained a measure of Khan's wisdom as he advised these younger Augments on their role in the future of their race.

Into Darkness

"You think your world is safe? It is an illusion, a comforting lie told to protect you. Enjoy these final moments of peace, for I have returned, to have my vengeance."

Khan in 2259

In the alternate Kelvin timeline, Khan's origin remains the same, but he instead of being revived by Captain Kirk he is revived Admiral Alexander Marcus of the Federation to construct weapons and warships for an upcoming war with the Klingon Empire. To prevent any suspicion, Khan was given the alias of "John Harrison". Khan would rebel against Starfleet by conducting acts of terrorism, one of which included the murder of Admiral Christopher Pike . The Enterprise crew captures him on Kronos, and he reveals the truth about his motives to them, his past and Marcus' plan to wipe out his people. Khan assists Captain Kirk in an attempt to arrest Marcus, but betrays Kirk, kills Marcus, and capture the massive battleship, the USS Vengeance. Khan attempts to destroy the Enterprise, only to be tricked by Spock . He then attempts at another escape by sending the Vengeance into Starfleet's base and San Francisco .

Khan is eventually defeated in combat by Spock, who uses his blood and regenerative DNA to revive the deceased Kirk. He is then put back into cryogenic sleep along with his cohorts.

Khan is an extremely powerful, unpredictable, ruthless and brutal person who mostly enjoys terrorizing and killing people and destroying everything in his path. Also, as he is confronting and negotiating with Spock in exchange for Kirk and Marcus' daughter, he seems to have a very massive sense of manipulation. Besides being ruthless and powerful, Khan is also an extremely intelligent and brilliant individual who has vast sophistication and wisdom.

  • Aliases : John Harrison
  • Height : 6' 1''
  • Weight : 172 lbs
  • Hair Color : Black
  • Eye Color : Blue
  • Age : 300+ (due to cryogenic suspension, 1996-2258)
  • Status : Cryogenic suspension
  • Affiliation : Great Khanate, Section 31
  • Muscular capacity augmented beyond human extremes
  • Can kick a person several feet into the air
  • Can punch through walls
  • Capable of cracking open a human skull with his bare hands
  • Skin is abnormally tough and resistant to bladed weaponry and explosions
  • Completely immune to phaser blasts and lasers
  • Can jump from vast heights
  • Possesses an IQ of well over 300, approximately
  • Capable of absorbing and calculating enormous amounts of information instantaneously
  • Capable of thinking three-dimensionally
  • Logical to an extreme
  • Possesses an extremely eidetic memory
  • His eyes can process environments with extreme precision
  • Can survive abnormally long periods without fresh oxygen
  • Blood cells possess extraordinary regenerative abilities
  • Speed of heart rate and lactic acid production means can engage intense physical activity for days on end
  • Nervous system and procession of thought means his reflexes are incredibly fast and precise
  • Genius-level intellect
  • Has matched and very nearly defeated Spock in close-quarters combat
  • Capable of wiping out an entire Klingon battalion single-handedly, and killing them all without sustaining a single blow
  • Can pilot a ship larger and infinitely more complex than the USS Enterprise single-handedly
  • Master strategist
  • Master of manipulation
  • Expert on orbital skydiving
  • Extreme arrogance - superiority complex
  • Will do anything to preserve the lives of his people
  • Psychopathic personality means that his sanity has very narrow limits
  • Susceptible to surprise attacks in combat
  • Can be fooled by a person of extreme intelligence that matches or exceeds his own

Weaponry and Equipment

  • Portable transwarp beaming device (Ship only)
  • USS Vengeance
  • Three man cannon (Can carry and wield effortlessly in one hand)
  • Phaser pistols
  • Phaser rifles
  • Combat knife
  • Portable life-support equipment

Other Media

Star trek ii: the wrath of khan (1982).

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Khan is portaged by actor Ricardo Montalbán .

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

Star Trek Into Darkness

Khan is portaged by actor Benedict Cumberbatch .

Khan and his Augments defeat Atrocitus

In 2262, Khan and 72 Augments were awakened by the Red Lantern founder Atrocitus who demanded obedience from them, however, Khan and his followers defeated him. He then took his red power ring as he could sense it calling to him and becomes a Red Lantern, killing Atrocitus. The Green Lanterns try to fight Khan and the Augments, but are quickly defeated and retreat. Khan overthrows Larfleeze and makes a proposition to the Klingon High Council: join him in exchange for their freedom from Sinestro 's rule. To make this alliance more lucrative, Khan is aware of Sinestro's plan after gaining information from Larfleeze, and he wants the Yellow Impurity and use it to destroy the Federation.

The Green Lanterns and the Enterprise crew team-up to stop Khan and Sinestro, with Kirk becoming a Green Lantern.

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Star Trek Into Skull Trauma

Benedict Cumberbatch

Paramount Pictures

Phasers, photon torpedoes, and bat’leths: The weapons of Star Trek are as iconic as they are unused. The original series was meant to show the value of diplomacy, exploration, and peaceful progress . Weapons were a last resort. But when you’re staring down a vexed Vulcan or crazed Klingon, you have to defend yourself. May I suggest using genetically enhanced strength to crush your opponent’s skull?

Spoilers ahead.

Near the end of the latest Star Trek installment, the cunning villain Khan Noonien Singh—played brilliantly by Benedict Cumberbatch—betrays his temporary allies to exact revenge on an old foe. Grabbing the Admiral Marcus’ skull with his bare hands, Khan compresses it with his genetically engineered might until the skull fails catastrophically (which is a nice way of saying the head exploded like a pumpkin with a firecracker in it, thankfully off-screen).  

Trekkie criticism of Star Trek Into Darkness ’ story and its interaction with canon has been voluminous . But I found that the movie decently followed physics. There are some tidbits here and there that I might have changed, but overall I don’t think too much disbelief needed suspension.

What about Khan’s skull-crushing capabilities, though? He later attempts the same technique on Spock, so clearly Khan has some practice. What would it take to crush a human skull with your bare hands like Khan?

As you can probably guess, an ethical skull-crushing experiment would be difficult to devise; the subject is not terribly well studied. But there is an analog we can use to estimate the forces required: helmet research. To neutralize incoming dangers to your noggin, scientists first have to know what it takes to damage it. When testing bicycle helmets, for example, one way to figure out the cranium-crushing limit is to take the skulls of the dead and smash them against stuff. And that’s exactly what scientists have done.

Late last year, a study published in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics used cadaver skulls outfitted with children’s bicycle helmets to test how the helmets resisted smashing and crushing injuries. How the helmets performed is interesting in its own right, but what we want to know is how the controls—the human skulls with no helmets—handled the testing.

The researchers soaked cadaver skulls in water for a day to approximate the squishy environment of the human body, and filled them with four pounds of BBs to get the weight right. Then, like Khan, they subjected the analog skulls to a compression test—using a diabolic pneumatic air cylinder and a steel plate, instead of their bare hands.

The result? “Catastrophic failure [of the unhelmeted skull] during testing…experiencing a maximum load of 520 pounds of force.”

So without actually popping any head balloons, we have an upper limit on skull strength. If Khan could press past this limit, he would be quite the foe indeed. 

Looking to NASA , the Air Force , and even to the MythBusters , all the data that I could find points to an average static push strength of a medium-sized white male of a little over 200 pounds of force (or nearly 1000 Newtons).* This is less than half of the required force to crush a human skull analog according to the bicycle helmet study. Unless you are a genetically engineered warrior, it looks like the only head manipulation you should try is a Vulcan mind-meld.

But Khan Noonien Singh is better… at everything. He is faster, smarter, and stronger. He can easily survive a flurry of punches from Kirk after dispatching an entire Klingon patrol single-handedly. Given these superhuman qualities, it’s safe to assume that Khan could double the compressive force of the average man. He could probably crush your skull—but I wouldn’t suggest trying to turn the tables.

Unless you are the world’s strongest man, or a dangerous product of a eugenics war, you won’t be pulling off a Khan skull crush . At least you will know what to scream if Khan ever comes for you.

* Both NASA and the Air Force collected data on how hard subjects could push with two hands against a force plate. (The MythBusters tested how hard you can press your hands together.) I figure that if you could turn this pressing force inward, as you would while attempting to crush a skull, these numbers would be fair approximations.

Read more in Slate about Star Trek.

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Khan Noonien Singh


Source Text:  “Space Seed.” Star Trek: The Original Series . Writ. Gene L. Coon and Carey Wilber. Dir. Mark Daniels. NBC. 1967.

Entry Author: Emma Baker

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Khan Noonien Singh

Khan Noonien Singh

Character analysis.

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview... a rogue Starfleet commander. Although initially loyal to Starfleet, Harrison suddenly begins launching terrorist attacks against the peacekeeping organization. In hopes of preventing future violence, Captain Kirk is told to stop Harrison using any means necessary. Though seemingly in cahoots with the war-mongering Klingons, Harrison’s motivations may be more complicated than they first appear.

Personality... cold, calculating, and brilliant. Harrison poses a threat to Starfleet not just because of his strong combat abilities, but also because of his brilliant tactical mind. He always seems to be two steps ahead of his enemies, engineering alliances in which he can turn the tables to get what he really wants. Singularly focused, Harrison almost seems more like a machine than a man.


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Star Trek Into Darkness

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

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Star Trek: The Original Series - Khan Noonien Singh » Characters

Edit locked, khan noonien singh.

Played by: Ricardo Montalbán , Desmond Sivan (child, Strange New Worlds )

Dubbed in french by: françois chaumette (star trek ii), dubbed in brazilian portuguese by: darcy pedrosa, appearances: star trek: the original series | star trek ii: the wrath of khan | star trek: strange new worlds.

Khan: Khan is my name. Kirk: Khan, nothing else? Khan: Khan.

A 20th-century genetically-engineered tyrant who ruled a quarter of the world in the 1990s. As his fellow "supermen" (or Augments) were overthrown, Khan and roughly 80 of his followers launched themselves into space in cryogenic sleep before being found by Kirk. With his weakness being his ambition, Khan then tried to seize control of the Enterprise with the help of Marla McGivers , the Enterprise ship historian whom he managed to seduce. It failed thanks to the crew's opposition and an attack of conscience from McGivers . Kirk then exiled Khan, his followers, and Marla to a remote but hospitable planet as an act of mercy, giving them the chance to build a new society. Unfortunately, not long afterwards, the planet suffered a catastrophic ecological disaster and, being completely forgotten by Kirk, Khan grew vengeful toward the man who cast judgement on him...

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  • A Father to His Men : He saw his fellow super humans as a family, to the point where he vowed to avenge Joachim when he died following a crippling blast on the Reliant .
  • Affably Evil : In his first appearance, Khan's pretty charming, polite, and a bit of a rogue, just like Kirk. However, come Wrath of Khan and Khan is just losing it.
  • Alas, Poor Villain : At the end of Wrath of Khan , he's lost everything, including his beloved wife as well as his people, along with any hope of being able to establish a society for them. As he's left to die in the exploding Reliant , he remains Defiant to the End , reciting dialogue from Captain Ahab in Moby-Dick before the Reliant explodes. All that potential he had as a superhuman was essentially wasted out of a desire for control and revenge.
  • Ambiguously Brown : He's a genetically-augmented human from some point in the late 20th century. Culturally, he's a North Indian Sikh, but as he is also a genetically-engineered human, his DNA could contain many different genetic traits (his Mexican accent, however, is difficult to explain - especially after the effects of various Temporal Wars caused his birth to be bumped a half century later ... and to Canada ).
  • Anti-Villain : Cruel and immoral his actions may be, he wants a society that he and his people can thrive in, no matter how many others have to suffer for it.
  • Arch-Enemy : More than a hundred years later , Spock would credit him as being "the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise ever faced."
  • Ascended Extra : Goes from a random Villain of the Week to the main antagonist of The Wrath of Khan and one of the franchise's most iconic villains.
  • A tie-in comic to Star Trek Into Darkness addresses Trek 's Alternate History directly, starting with Khan nuking Washington, D.C. in 1992 .
  • The final episode of Star Trek: Picard Season 2 implies and the first episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds confirms that under the Alex Kurtzman production umbrella the Eugenics Wars are being moved from the 1990's to the 2030's, with the implication that the 1990's is when the technology to create Khan was developed. This could be explained as Spock getting the dates wrong due to incomplete records, if it weren't for one line from The Wrath of Khan in which Khan himself states he departed Earth in 1996.
  • The third episode of Season 2 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds untangles the thread by revealing that Khan is responsible for bringing humanity to a dark age, which ultimately brings humanity to eventually form the Federation and Starfleet. Khan himself is the target of a temporal war to prevent this from occuring, which only succeeds in delaying his rise from the 1990's to the 2030's. His failure to rise culminates in humanity failing to progress beyond their own Solar System, having failed to ally with other species such as the Vulcans who are eventually wiped out in a war with the Romulans.
  • Bread and Circuses : His ruling style back when he was a dictator over a fourth of Earth, at least compared to his competitors, which was enough to give him a legacy as "the best of tyrants." Notably, there were no massacres under his rule, and he didn't involve himself in the Eugenics Wars until after his territory was attacked. On the other hand, the people under his rule were reduced to subjects with few freedoms.
  • Breakout Villain : Originally just a Villain of the Week . Ever since Wrath of Khan , he's arguably the most highly-regarded villain in the entire franchise.
  • Character Catchphrase : He has a particular way of saying "Admiral" he develops once he learns Kirk has gotten a promotion. At least one interpretation is Khan thinking Kirk got that for dumping him on Ceti Alpha V (because why wouldn't it be about Khan?), and raging jealousy that that's what he got while Khan got the shaft.
  • Classic Villain : Khan represents a nice combo of Pride and Wrath .
  • Control Freak : Khan demands absolute obedience from everything. While some of his followers can object, none of them will sway him from his course.
  • Damned by Faint Praise : He is seen as "the best of tyrants" in regards to the Eugenic Wars.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point : A fan of Moby-Dick , Khan sees himself as Captain Ahab and Kirk as his White Whale. Khan seemed to have forgotten how Ahab's quest for vengeance ended. Not just self destruction - he understands and accepts that - but that Ahab didn't even get a chance to make sure he succeeded.
  • The Dreaded : Even a century after his death, Starfleet is still terrified of him. It's outright said that the main reason the Federation still has a No Transhumanism Allowed policy in the Star Trek: Prodigy era is because they're scared of a new Khan rising from the ashes. His reputation even extends into a new timeline: When young Spock asks for information about Khan, Spock breaks his own oath not to tell him about the future to warn him about how dangerous Khan is, outright saying that he's the most dangerous enemy the Enterprise ever faced.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones : While he started manipulating Marla McGivers to betray Starfleet as a tool to escape, he came to passionately love her after she joined him in exile. He forgave her betrayal of him to her old crew, and she ruled as his queen. Her death on Ceti Alpha V - more than that of his other loyal followers - is what drives the man who once conquered a quarter of Earth.
  • Evil Overlord : Back in the day, anyway. He tries to give it another go in "Space Seed" but is thwarted and offered the opportunity of becoming one to an abandoned planet. But when the planet unexpectedly suffers a catastrophe that devastates him and his followers , he settles on a simpler motive.
  • Joachim begs Khan to ignore Kirk and exploit Genesis. Khan shoves him aside and orders the Reliant to follow the Enterprise into the Nebula.
  • Faux Affably Evil : Becomes one in The Wrath Of Khan , blinded by his desire to get revenge on Kirk. That doesn't undermine his intelligence, though.
  • Genius Bruiser : A Superhuman with immensely powerful physical and mental capabilities.
  • Glass Cannon : Has the physical strength to bend a phaser in half with his bare hands and effortlessly lift a spacesuit-wearing Chekov with one arm, but gets taken down by Kirk with a pipe.
  • Greater-Scope Villain : Arguably his interactions with the Enterprise are much smaller in significance compared to how much his role as a 20th Century Dictator defines and causes the creation of the Federation.
  • Heinousness Retcon : In Space Seed , and to a lesser extent Wrath of Khan , Khan is introduced as a 20th century dictator, but otherwise fairly little is made of him. It's in fact noted that he's only one of several dictators active at the time - if the strongest of them. He's otherwise unremarkable and obscure enough that unraveling his identity is a huge chunk of the episode, and the crew need a briefing to explain who the man was. Scotty, and later Kirk even confesses having a degree of admiration for the man. Bones even mentions in slight defense of Khan that "there were no massacres" in his rule, though Spock immediately states, "and little freedoms." Later series would characterize Khan as basically Trek's version of Hitler ( with Captain Picard alluding to both of them in the same breath ). A man whose name is a byword for evil and death, and whose actions are so despicable, the Federation centuries later is still sort of processing the trauma of them, and has laws on the books to stop a man like him from ever being made. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds even had admirals admit that these laws are draconian and discriminatory but humans are still so sensitive about what Khan did that repealing them is unthinkable.
  • Hero Killer : He was directly responsible for Spock's death in the second movie. Hard to fit the trope more plainly when you've done that .
  • Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act : His descendant La'an Noonien-Singh has to save his life as a child in 2022, not just so she will be born but also as Romulans had sent an agent back in time to kill him. It turns out that without the Eugenics Wars to make humanity want to be better, whilst humanity will still reach space they will become the isolationist United Earth Fleet an easier smaller target amongst many rather than the alliance that is the Federation.
  • In Love with the Mark : He started off manipulating Marla, but quickly came to genuinely love her.
  • Karma Houdini : He was this In-Universe for his crimes during the Eugenics Wars. While all the other superhumans were implied to have been killed or imprisoned, Khan managed to escape on the Botany Bay . Even when he's later released by the Enterprise crew, there's no serious talk of putting him on trial and he's eventually given a whole planet of his own to rule. Then Ceti Alpha VI exploded , depriving Khan of his beloved wife and sentencing him to a hellish existence on a Death World .
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All : Khan will be the first to point to his intelligence and superiority, but he's got a complete blind spot when it come to stuff from the 23rd century. His is best seen in Wrath of Khan When he gloats over how he perceives Kirk to be helpless, unaware that the Enterprise can just lower Reliant's shields and he doesn't know where the override command is. Similarly Spock notes that Khan is inexperienced in space combat and fails to consider that it's 3 dimensional space.
  • Morality Pet : His possible son Joachim, who he genuinely loves and cares about.
  • Motive Decay : Initially, all he wants is to create a society where he and his people can thrive, but by the time of The Wrath of Khan , all he wants is revenge against Kirk.
  • Mr. Fanservice : He's almost always wearing an outfit that displays his muscular chest and great physique.
  • My God, What Have I Done? : Khan's final moments include one of these with the death of Joachim, who may very possibly be his biological son and almost certainly is his adopted son. Realizing he got him killed doesn't deter him from further actions, though.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline : A Rare Male Example , his pecs are well displayed.
  • No Shirt, Long Jacket : In the movie (though the jacket is quite damaged), to show off Montalban's great shape.
  • No Transhumanism Allowed : In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , it's explained that Khan is the reason the Federation prohibits genetic modification or engineering.
  • Photographic Memory : Implied to be one of his genetically engineered gifts, and stated explicitly in the novelization of Wrath of Khan and the expanded universe's "Khan trilogy". He tells Chekov he never forgets a face, and even after 15 years he still seems to have the Enterprise 's technical specifications committed to memory, given that he still has perfect knowledge of the ship's weak points.
  • Pride : He has oodles of it.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure : At least to his fellow superhumans. His interactions with Joachim in Wrath of Khan show that his followers are comfortable enough with him to give him critical feedback without any hesitancy, although in the end his own authority is absolute.
  • Vaguely justified in that Khan and Singh are both overwhelmingly common Indian names, however.
  • Revenge Before Reason : He will do anything to kill Kirk, no matter how self-destructive. Even when Kirk is clearly baiting him into an obvious trap, Khan seems physically incapable of resisting the urge to roar into it, so fervent is his hatred. Khan: No... you won't get away. From Hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee...
  • Revenge Myopia : Khan ignores Chekov's observation that he attacked Kirk after the latter had taken in him and his crew.
  • Rule of Symbolism : Much of the conflict between Kirk and Khan plays out like Paradise Lost , with Kirk as God and Khan as Lucifer . Khan even lampshades this in "Space Seed." In The Wrath of Khan , he has two copies of Paradise Lost on his bookshelf (one which included Paradise Regained ).
  • Sanity Slippage : By the time of The Wrath of Khan , he’s lost it thanks to being stranded on Ceti Alpha V and the death of his wife and most of his followers.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can : He and his cryogenically-frozen followers, in the episode " Space Seed ." And again in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , when he's abandoned on Ceti Alpha V (which the crew of the Reliant mistake for Ceti Alpha VI after a natural disaster alters its orbit and destroys its environment).
  • Sequel Adaptation Iconic Villain : Star Trek: The Motion Picture had the crew of the Enterprise confront V'ger as the antagonist. Wrath of Khan brought Khan back and more dangerous than ever.
  • Silver Fox : For a man who was stranded on a nightmare planet for two decades, Khan still managed to age pretty damn well, and he clearly knows it. Check out them pecs, for one.
  • Skilled, but Naive : Other than his pride and ambition, one of Khan's greatest weaknesses is that, despite his incredible intellect, all his knowledge and experience is that of a 20th century man, and he lacks the decades of experience in space that Kirk has. This shows when he's unable to quickly find the Reliant 's command console override despite having memorized Starfleet's standard starship technical specifications, and when he fails to consider that space is three-dimensional during starship combat. Spock: He's intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist : In Wrath , at least regarding Kirk and all collateral damage. Khan: I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you... and I wish to go on hurting you.
  • Stalker with a Crush : Meyer confirmed that the Foe Romance Subtext between Khan and Kirk was intentional, and Khan twists Moby Dick lines to “he tasks me, he tasks me and I shall have him.”
  • Star-Crossed Lovers : He and his wife, a crewman on the Enterprise who suffered from Heel–Face Revolving Door Syndrome.
  • Suddenly Shouting : "This is Ceti Alpha Five!!
  • Why Khan wants Project Genesis. With his homeworld destroyed and his people dwindling in numbers, he feels that terraforming a planet is the only way to ensure his and his people's continued existence.
  • In "Space Seed", Khan makes it clear he believes that he would have been the eventual victor of the Eugenics Wars if things had gone differently (" One man would have ruled eventually. As Rome under Caesar, think of its accomplishments!")
  • The Bad Guy Wins : Yes, Khan is killed by the end of The Wrath of Khan , but what happens after that? Spock — Kirk's closest friend — dies painfully as a result of radiation poisoning in his efforts to repair Enterprise enough to escape the Genesis Device detonation . Then as a result of his quest to bring his friend back from the dead , Kirk loses not only his beloved Enterprise but also his son. Ultimately, Khan has done far worse to Kirk than kill him — he hurt him.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass : Khan becomes far more ruthless and unhinged in The Wrath of Khan , thanks to his Sanity Slippage and single-minded vendetta against Kirk.
  • Tragic Keepsake : Khan wears a Starfleet emblem on a chain around his neck, strongly implied to have been part of Marla McGiver's uniform. note  It's also a continuity problem: The insignia is similar to the belt buckle worn as part of the movie uniforms, however was not actually present on the uniform McGivers would have worn.
  • Tragic Villain : Subverted. Khan has all the hallmarks of a tragic character, having suffered a great loss that drives him to committing evil, but while he is sympathetic, he was a ruthless dictator even before this. The only thing it really changed was how evil he was, causing him to go from Affably Evil to a spiteful, unhinged demagogue.
  • Trouble from the Past : He perfectly embodies both the modern age's charismatic daring and its prideful ambition, transported through time almost 300 years to menace the utopian future of the 23rd century, which he comes to believe is ill-prepared to resist himself and his crew of supermen. Kirk ultimately proves him wrong on that account.
  • Ungrateful Bastard : Kirk and company find a stasis ship just in the nick of time, as Khan's own capsule is about to fail, revive him and his followers, and treat him with frankly undue courtesy given who he is— so Khan decides to steal his ship. Then Khan resents Kirk leaving him and his people on Ceti Alpha V, even though that was more lenient than taking him back to Earth, where he would have been prosecuted as a war criminal.
  • Justifies his quest to Take Over the World as an attempt to unify humanity during a time of war.
  • Subverted by the movie, in which it becomes abundantly clear he isn't as interested in conquering as he is in killing one man over a grudge.
  • Wicked Cultured : His Final Speech comes from Moby-Dick , he mentions Paradise Lost before Kirk exiles him, and the Botany Bay appears to have other classic books. Part of his obsession with Moby-Dick in particular seems to be because Khan was stuck on Ceti Alpha V with only a handful of books to read, leading him to read them over and over again.
  • Young Conqueror : Both Expanded Universe versions of his Origin Story (the 2001 novels by Greg Cox and the 2014 comic book tying in to Star Trek Into Darkness ) place him as being either in his early or late 20's during the Eugenics Wars. The novels indicate that faster-than-normal maturation is part of his genetic modifications.

Commander John Harrison/Khan Noonien Singh (Kelvin Timeline)

Played by: Benedict Cumberbatch

Dubbed in french by: pierre tissot, dubbed in brazilian portuguese by: ronaldo júlio, appearances: star trek into darkness.

Starfleet's top agent, before a perceived betrayal by his superiors sent him on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the entire Federation command structure.

  • The Ace : As Harrison himself claims, he is simply "better" at everything . Justified, as he is genetically designed to be so.
  • Adaptational Jerkass : The original Khan was in no way a nice person, but he was Affably Evil , at least in "Space Seed", and had an entertainingly hammy persona. This one is far more cold blooded and stoic.
  • Adaptational Villainy : As seen above, in Space Seed Khan had committed no massacres in his reign. Here Spock accuses him of planning to commit mass genocide on any being he deems "less than superior".
  • Aesop Amnesia : Openly vows to resume "the work" he and his crew had done prior to banishment. Despite having failed in his despotism in the Eugenics Wars, he still hopes to start right over.
  • He also has a spinoff comic. See Villain Episode .
  • Alternate History : The Villain Episode tie-in comics tackle the Failed Future Forecast issues around the Eugenics Wars head on... by showing Khan nuking Washington D.C. and Moscow... in 1992 .
  • The Antichrist : He's not supernatural, of course, but the tie-in comics use a fair share of "The Beast of Revelations" imagery when describing his rise to power during the Eugenics Wars.
  • Arch-Enemy : For Kirk, much like Nero for Spock in the last film . And well, himself for Kirk in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan .
  • Boasts about his superhuman abilities. Harrison: I am better. Kirk: At what? Harrison: Everything. note  In the novelization , the tone of voice he says this with isn't that of a boast, but a simple statement of fact by a man who knows that it's true.
  • Boasts about how he's going to end you. Harrison: I will walk over your cold corpses.
  • Badass Longcoat : Sports a black trenchcoat with a hood. He even steals one off a chair towards the end of the film to replace it. Presumably, this was to help disguise him to some extent.
  • Benevolent Boss : Zig-zagged between this and Bad Boss . While he does seem to truly care for his crew, he was also a ruthless tyrant and war criminal 300 years prior. Harrison: My crew is my family, Kirk. Is there anything you would not do for your family?
  • Berserk Button : Threatening his crew or implying that they're dead is a seriously bad idea. Admiral Marcus found that one out the hard way.
  • Big Bad : A Starfleet agent with superhuman abilities turned terrorist. He's really Khan Noonien Singh, an infamous war criminal working for Starfleet under an assumed identity.
  • Big Bad Ensemble : Serves as Into Darkness 's main antagonist, alongside Admiral Marcus . Towards the climax, however, Khan kills Marcus , establishing himself as the sole Big Bad .
  • Big "NO!" : He yells "No" when he thinks that his crew has been killed after the torpedoes explode on his ship.
  • Bio-Augmentation : Genetically engineered for superhuman strength, endurance and intelligence.
  • Bullying a Dragon : Nice job trying to force a 300-year-old superman stronger, smarter and more ruthless than you to do your dirty work by threatening to kill his crew (which is essentially his family), Marcus .
  • Byronic Hero : A Villainous example. He fits the bill in a few ways: Brooding, charismatic, sympathetic and physically attractive but also incredibly vengeful, prideful and was once an Evil Overlord back in the day.
  • Canon Character All Along : This is one of Into Darkness 's main twists. John Harrison is revealed to be none other than Kirk's Arch-Enemy Khan Noonien Singh.
  • Canon Foreigner : Subverted. He's actually Khan Noonien Singh.
  • The Chessmaster : Most of the events of Into Darkness are the result of Harrison's planning and manipulations.
  • Chewing the Scenery : While there is some mugging during "annoyed/angry exposition" , when he gets furious, Evil Is Hammy gets into full force. You should have let me SLEEP!
  • Commanding Coolness : Harrison's falsified rank in Starfleet was Commander.
  • Cool Starship : The USS Vengeance , a jet black Federation dreadnought that Harrison helped design and later steals after killing Admiral Marcus .
  • Creepy Monotone : Making him even more scary. And a complete inversion of Ricardo Montalban's hammy original. Benedict Cumberbatch 's performance just drives the whole thing home since you really can't watch him like this without shuddering at least once.
  • Dark Is Evil : Dresses exclusively in black clothing. Benedict Cumberbatch also dyed his hair black for this film again. Also, the Vengeance , a pitch-black monster of a warship, was his design, and he takes command of it near the climax of the film.
  • After Kirk's utterly ineffective beatdown on Kronos, Harrison contemptuously repeats Uhura's invocation of Kirk's rank. Harrison : Captain .
  • During his conversation with Spock after Harrison hijacks control of the Vengeance . Spock : You betrayed us . Harrison : Oh, you are smart , Mr. Spock.
  • Death Seeker : When he thinks his crew is dead, Khan has shades of this when he attempts to ram The Vengeance into Starfleet Headquarters. Harrison : SET DESTINATION: STARFLEET HEADQUARTERS! Vengeance's computer system : Engines compromised. Cannot guarantee destination. Confirm order. Harrison : Confirm.
  • Despair Event Horizon : He crosses it when he believes his beloved crew to have been killed. After that, Khan stops caring if he lives or dies, setting the Vengeance on a suicide run to Starfleet Headquarters.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu : As he notes, Starfleet really should have kept him asleep .
  • Dragon-in-Chief : Marcus forced him to help design the USS Vengeance for Starfleet but he is a much more direct threat to the heroes than the Admiral and only serves him to save his crew, and Harrison shows himself to be the more competent villain when he kills Marcus to commandeer the Vengeance .
  • The Dreaded : Spock Prime's encounters with Harrison/Khan's prime universe counterpart are enough to convince him to give Spock information about him, despite his previous pledge to let Spock walk his own path.
  • Driven to Villainy : Subverted. While his present motivations are to get back at Starfleet for Admiral Marcus for holding his family hostage, Khan was a war criminal before being frozen, and was specifically defrosted for both his intellect and his willingness to use it aggressively .
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette : He has dark hair, retains his actor's pale complexion and serves as a contrast to Kirk and Admiral Marcus .
  • Emperor Scientist : In the tie-in comics it's indicated that this was his ruling style after he accomplished his initial conquests.
  • Empowered Badass Normal : Being a bio-engineered super-human, he's a Nigh-Invulnerable One-Man Army Evil Brit in a Badass Longcoat . Not even an extremely angry Vulcan on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge was enough to stop him without help.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones : Wants to save his former crew who were on board the SS Botany Bay . Harrison: Is there anything you would not do for your family?
  • Evil Brit : Retains the accent of his actor, the British Benedict Cumberbatch .
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good : His terrorist attacks are motivated by his suspicions that Starfleet has already killed his crew, mainly because that's exactly what he would have done in their place. Later, after the torpedo incident, he again assumes that his enemies have killed off his crew and decides to make the Vengeance 's name very literal. One gets the impression that Khan just can't wrap his head around other people not being as murderous and willing to kill for convenience as him.
  • While Harrison/Khan displays similar mannerisms to that of Spock in his initial appearance, the differences in their character increasingly become apparent following The Reveal . Khan actually goes so far as to distinguish himself from Spock by pointing out that he indulges and takes pride in his savagery while Spock suppresses such emotions. Harrison: Intellect alone is useless in a fight, Mr. Spock. You, you can't even break a rule. How could you be expected to break bone ?
  • Evil Is Hammy : Even when he's not raising his voice, he is full of Cold Ham with the way he overenunciates his words.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy : Starfleet really shouldn't have tried to manipulate or threaten him.
  • Evil Is Petty : Being shunned after helping Marcus with his warmongering plans is as bad for him as the fact the admiral kept his "family" hostage.
  • Evil Overlord : Ruled over a quarter of Earth centuries ago.
  • Evil Sounds Deep : Benedict Cumberbatch plays the character with a deep baritone voice.
  • Fantastic Racism : He finds being at the beck and call of the genetically "inferior" humiliating.
  • Face–Heel Turn : He went from a decorated member of Starfleet to a terrorist trying to destroy it. Only not; the John Harrison identity was created for him when he was thawed, and the closest he came to working for Starfleet was his unwilling stint making weapons for Admiral Marcus.
  • Fallen Hero : Subverted. He was a bad guy long before his falsified past.
  • Fatal Flaw : Pride . While his original timeline version was more defined by the It's Personal nature of Wrath pushing him to obsessively pursue Kirk in Revenge Before Reason , here, his condescending contempt for Kirk’s crew manifests as arrogance bordering on blindness— in particular, he seems incapable of conceiving that Spock could have the cunning to match him even briefly, or meet Khan’s savagery with his own. The first costs him his ship, and the second leads to a brutal fist fight with the half-Vulcan that is more than even Khan could have predicted.
  • A Father to His Men : He genuinely cares about his crew and will do anything to protect them. Harrison : My crew is my family, Kirk. Is there anything you would not do for your family?
  • Faux Affably Evil : Though Harrison genuinely cares for his crew, the politeness he demonstrates towards Kirk and others is relatively fake. Once his nominal allies have outlived their usefulness , he'll have no hesitation about killing them.
  • First-Name Basis : Upon the revelation of his true identity, he's addressed solely as "Khan". Only Spock Prime even mentions the rest of his name.
  • Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke : Harrison is a One-Man Army created through genetic manipulation. It turns out to be the first hint of his true identity.
  • Genius Bruiser : He's incredibly intelligent ( within a year, he learned enough about 23rd century technology to design advanced weaponry, as well as the nigh-unstoppable USS Vengeance ) and extremely strong (enough so to crush a man's skull with his bare hands ).
  • Guns Akimbo : For the shootout with the Klingons, he wields a phaser rifle in one hand and a Chainsaw-Grip BFG in the other.
  • Hannibal Lecture : Delivers several speeches while captured over the heroes' shortcomings.
  • Healing Factor : Heavily implied but not seen. Harrison's blood allows his cells to heal at an astonishing rate, which he uses to heal a sick girl in the beginning in exchange for a favor. Later, Bones revives a dead tribble with it, and then uses it to save Kirk .
  • The Heavy : Harrison's actions are what set off and move along the plot of Into Darkness .
  • Heel–Face Brainwashing : The tie-in comics show that after they found the Botany Bay , Section 31 gave Khan extensive plastic surgery, a memory wipe, and a fake life history in an attempt to turn him into John Harrison, Hero of the Federation . After he finds out what was done to him, he's understandably pissed.
  • Hero Killer : This guy has killed a whole bunch of Starfleet officers, including Pike . Near the end of Into Darkness , Khan's attack on the Enterprise manages to kill Kirk himself, although the crew do manage to save their captain.
  • Human Popsicle : Was cryogenically frozen for about 250 years. He ends the film this way, too .
  • Icy Blue Eyes : Which serves to highlight his cold, calculating personality.
  • Implacable Man : Over the course of the film, Harrison withstands a ( completely ineffective ) beating from Kirk, stunning shots from a phaser, an explosion that cripples the Vengeance , and the Vengeance crashing into San Francisco, all of which barely slows him down. Exaggerated during his fight with Spock, where he forces his way through a Vulcan nerve pinch and takes roughly a dozen stun shots from Uhura's phaser without going down. Ultimately, it takes Spock beating him nearly to death to subdue Khan .
  • In a Single Bound : The first time we see him, he jumps an enormous distance into battle and lands perfectly.
  • In Spite of a Nail : No matter the universe, Khan and Kirk will always end up at each other's throats.
  • Ironic Echo : He does underestimate Spock somewhat, telling him that intellect alone is useless in a fight and that Spock "can't even break a rule. How would [he] be expected to break bone ?" Guess what, Spock manages to do exactly that just fine to him in a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown at the climax of the film.
  • Taunts Kirk as he destroys the Enterprise. Harrison: No ship should go down without her captain.
  • Taunts Admiral Marcus as he crushes his skull. Harrison: YOU SHOULD HAVE LET ME SLEEP.
  • Taunts Kirk while securely imprisoned. Harrison: Captain, are you going to punch me again, over and over and over , until your arm weakens? Clearly you want to.
  • Karmic Death : Marcus was planning one of these for Harrison when you take into account that he was to be killed by the torpedoes he designed, which also contained his crew. Luckily, Kirk didn't go through with that plan and opted to arrest him. Even better, Harrison surrenders himself the moment he finds out about the number of the torpedoes.
  • Kick the Dog : Right before he kills Admiral Marcus , he stomps on Carol's leg hard enough to break it.
  • Knight of Cerebus : If you thought Nero was nasty, he pales compared to this guy.
  • Kubrick Stare : Harrison occasionally tilts his head down and to the right and then angrily stares up to look more threatening.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler : Subsequent release materials, his Villain Episode comic mini-series, and even the DVD/Blu-ray cases of Into Darkness make no secret of the fact that Benedict Cumberbatch's character is, in fact, Khan.
  • Leitmotif : Besides the main theme, Khan's theme is the most noticeable leitmotif in the movie. It's oddly heroic, which makes sense when you look at the movie's symbolism and realize he's not so much meant to be Osama Bin Laden as he is meant to be Leonidas .
  • Lightning Bruiser : The thing that stands out most about his fighting style is just how damn fast he is. The second thing is how strong he is, to the point that he can carry a cannon with one hand or squash people's skulls like melons. The third thing is how he can withstand multiple punches and phaser stuns without slowing down.
  • Love Makes You Evil : Played with. He was certainly evil before, but his actions in Into Darkness are driven almost entirely by his love for his crew.
  • One-Man Army : Harrison is a "one-man weapon of mass destruction" who takes on entire Klingon security teams by himself. Admiral Marcus : For reasons unknown, John Harrison has just declared a one-man war against Starfleet.
  • Manipulative Bastard : He cures Thomas Harewood's comatose daughter to manipulate him into suicide-bombing a Starfleet records office. This in turn causes most of the Starfleet officers to gather in one place, where he promptly tries killing most of them.
  • Manly Tears : When he talks about his crew during his capture on-board the Enterprise , tears are seen streaming down his face while he looks away from Kirk and Spock the entire time.
  • Meaningful Re Name : The Villain Episode tie-in comics reveal that his birth name was Noonien Singh; he named himself Khan after completing his conquest of the Middle East and Central Asia.
  • Mirror Character : As he points out to Kirk, both of them would do anything to protect their respective crews .
  • Moral Myopia : Genuinely cares for his former crew and is distraught and furious when he thinks they've been harmed, and while his actions toward Starfleet and the Enterprise crew may possibly be justified, in his mind they were unlawfully kidnapping him for justified actions, his other actions make it clear that he barely considers the rest of the genetically inferior population to even be people. In fact, Spock mentions that Khan was accused of practicing eugenics in Earth's past.
  • More Dakka : His attack on the meeting at Starfleet Headquarters basically consists of him shooting the crap out of his target. He doesn't exactly skimp on bullets when it comes to fighting the Klingons, either.
  • Downplayed. When Kirk confronts him over his massacre of Starfleet officers, he indignantly protests that Marcus was holding his crew hostage. In his eyes, they weren't innocent civilians, as Kirk claims, but military personnel that Khan believes killed his defenseless crew, so he sees it as a case of Pay Evil unto Evil .
  • He also claims that he was labeled a criminal and exiled from Earth, ignoring his actions as a tyrant.
  • When he threatens to kill everyone on the Enterprise if Spock does not return his crew, he says he "will have no choice" but to do it if Spock defies him. However, it was Kirk and Scotty who double-crossed him by having him stunned once they had taken the Vengeance , so in Khan's eyes, the crew is not entirely innocent and have proven untrustworthy, which is solidified when Spock double crosses him again by arming the torpedoes.
  • Takes a huge pounding over the course of the movie, and only ever shows a few scratches.
  • Faked being stunned by a phaser shot at point blank range .
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown : He delivers a pretty vicious one to Spock during the finale of Into Darkness . Once Uhura arrives and Spock manages to recover, Khan finds himself on the receiving end.
  • No-Sell : Takes a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown from Kirk, and only registers some mild annoyance. He also manages to shrug off the Vulcan nerve pinch, albeit with some pain, but considering most beings crumple after being subjected to it...
  • Not So Stoic : At three points of Into Darkness : he sheds a tear as he reveals his story to Kirk and Spock, dissolves into sheer rage while beating Kirk and killing Admiral Marcus, and loses it completely during his Villainous Breakdown .
  • Older Is Better : When Kirk wonders what possible value a man who's been frozen for the past 250 years could be to the leader of Starfleet, Harrison implies that he was awakened to help militarize Starfleet because as a conqueror from the savage 20th century he has a better understanding of combat and warfare than the more peaceful, evolved humans of the 23rd century. His 20th century genetic enhancements also make him far stronger and smarter than any 23rd century human.
  • One-Man Army : Takes out an entire squad of Klingon commandos and several of their gunships by himself, wielding an assault rifle and a beam cannon .
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business : Inverted: the only scene in which he is not menacing is pure comedy, with him giving Kirk a shocked look at Kirk's casual reply to their imminent space jump.
  • Papa Wolf : He's completely bent on recovering and protecting the rest of his people, and his Roaring Rampage of Revenge is mostly because he thinks they're all dead ( twice ) . He even refers to them as his family— see Even Evil Has Loved Ones .
  • The Paragon Always Rebels : Harrison was Starfleet's best agent before he rebelled. Subverted, however. While he could be considered a "paragon" in the sense of his physical and mental abilities, Khan was never truly a Starfleet agent (or if he was, it wasn't by choice); that position, like the entire identity of "John Harrison", was nothing but a lie fabricated by Section 31.
  • Depending on how you look at it, using his blood to cure Lucille Harewood of her illness could count at this. Granted, Harrison was most likely manipulating her father's desperation to get him to agree to carry out a terrorist attack for him, but even so, he could have found someone easier to coerce.
  • Also, his saving Uhura from the Klingons by attacking before they kill her. She was distracting them from him while alive, but her death itself would have been just as good. And sure, it was probably in his favor to keep all of the Starfleet officers alive, since a MORE pissed-off Kirk might have been less receptive to what he had to say, but it's not like Harrison needed a communications officer alive to carry out his plans.
  • Poisonous Captive : The Enterprise crew manage to shut Harrison in the brig, only to receive a withering Hannibal Lecture from him.
  • Pride : His defining character trait is his certainty in his own superiority. The hell of it? He's not even wrong. This is a man so ridiculously good at literally everything that he nearly single-handedly designed an entire militarized sub-Starfleet and then nearly destroyed the entire Starfleet / Federation edifice on his own , with no help from anyone else.
  • Race Lift : He goes from being played by the brown-faced make-up-wearing , Mexican Ricardo Montalban to the white-skinned, British Benedict Cumberbatch. And Khan is meant to be Indian, which neither men are. The tie-in comics detailing his youth and origins reveal that he is really Indian. It's shown that Admiral Marcus gave him extensive plastic surgery along with a memory wipe in an attempt to recruit him as a Section 31 super-operative.
  • Really 700 Years Old : The guy's been in cryo for 300 years.
  • Retired Monster : He wanted to be this... but they wouldn't let him sleep.
  • The Reveal : His true identity is Khan Noonien Singh, of Space Seed and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , a genetically modified superhuman who had been awoken after centuries of cryosleep by Admiral Marcus and forced to develop advanced weapons.
  • The Rival : While he shares several traits with Spock, he and Kirk's relationship has a somewhat competitive edge to it. What did you expect? It's Kirk vs. Khan the remake. They also have a pretty clear understanding of each other, and both are cunning enough to prepare for their inevitable betrayal during an Enemy Mine . And without his revenge hard on from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , Khan proves the victor, because he is "better."
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge : Is out to take revenge on the entire Federation for what he believed was the murder of his beloved crew .
  • Rogue Agent : Was Starfleet's best agent before a perceived betrayal by his superiors sent him on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the entire Federation. It's a cover story for his work at Section 31 and his true identity.
  • Rogues' Gallery Transplant : Khan, in a change up from the original chain of events, ends up with Spock as his primary adversary in this film. He lacks the grudge that defined him from being marooned by Kirk in the prime-timeline, and ends up spending more time in an Enemy Mine with Kirk than he does fighting him, since without that glaring flaw of It's Personal with Kirk, he can make wiser decisions around him. Kirk still seems to gain his respect as a Worthy Opponent with a similar care for his crew, but this movie might be called Wrath of Spock once Kirk's Almost Dead .
  • Sealed Evil in a Can : A former Evil Overlord accused of war crimes, cryogenically frozen for centuries in a derelict ship... until Starfleet Intelligence found him. He ends the film this way, too.
  • Self-Serving Memory : Khan described himself and his followers as being meant to "lead others to peace in a world at war" before being branded as criminals and forced into exile. While it's likely that this genuinely is how Khan sees himself, he conveniently leaves out the minor detail that he and his crew were war criminals who did everything in their power to take over the world. This is quite similar to the scene in Space Seed where Khan gives another romanticized description of the Eugenics Wars, stating that he and the other supermen "offered the world order" and an attempt to unify humanity.

star trek khan abilities

  • Shrouded in Myth : His reputation as Starfleet's top agent precedes him. In his past life, he was also an infamous superhuman tyrant, who was so feared that by the 24th century of the origin timeline his name was apparently on par with Hitler's as shorthand for ultimate evil.
  • Smug Super : Harrison is well aware of his superhuman abilities and makes no effort at false modesty. Harrison: I am better. Kirk: At what? Harrison: Everything .
  • The Social Darwinist : Implied. Spock says that he intends to destroy those he deems inferior. Khan doesn't confirm it, but he doesn't deny, either. The tie-in comics show that Khan genuinely saw himself as humanity's savior and that (unlike some of the other Augment rulers) he explicitly wanted to rule, not destroy. However, the methods he employed to achieve his goal (including nuking Washington D.C. and Moscow) would certainly justify humanity recording in their history that he was an Omnicidal Maniac .
  • Spared by the Adaptation : Khan notably died at the end of his outing in The Wrath of Khan , but was simply put back on ice in Into Darkness — definitely a kinder fate.
  • The Spock : To Admiral Marcus's Kirk . Cold, calculating, and brilliant.
  • The Spook : He worked for Section 31 before the film started.
  • The Stoic : He's usually very calm and calculating.
  • Superhuman Transfusion : Being injected with Harrison's bio-augmented blood temporarily grants others his Healing Factor .
  • Super-Toughness : Barely even flinches when Kirk tries beating on him as hard as he can. Also, nothing seems to be able to incapacitate him for more than a few moments. It takes a Vulcan nerve pinch, a dozen or so point-blank stun phaser hits, a vicious Tap on the Head , then an arm-break, all in rapid succession to finally stun him enough for Spock to get the upper hand.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute : Shares a number of character traits with Khan Noonien Singh from Space Seed and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . That's because he is Khan.
  • Tom the Dark Lord : "John Harrison" isn't an impressive name for a villain. Subverted, as it's actually an alias disguising his true identity as A Villain Named Khan .
  • Tragic Villain : To an extent. See Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds .
  • Transhuman : Harrison has gained superhuman abilities thanks to a little genetic engineering , including a decent Healing Factor , Super-Intelligence , Super-Strength and Super-Toughness .
  • The Unfettered : Khan would do anything for his crew, and after believing them dead, would do anything to avenge them.
  • Villain Episode : Like Nero, he stars in a comic book mini-series exploring his background. The Race Lift issue is brought up on the very first page, with Kirk pointing out at his trial that "Harrison" looks nothing like the very Indian Khan.
  • Villain Respect : As expected from Khan, he gains some genuine, if condescending, admiration of Kirk, especially during their Enemy Mine , and even seems intrigued by Kirk’s reference to his adventure in the preceding film. However, without the It's Personal nature of their feud in the original timeline, Khan is more of a No-Nonsense Nemesis towards Kirk here, and wastes no time in incapacitating him without any fanfare when their alliance is done.
  • Villainous Breakdown : After believing that his crew had been killed, Khan seems to decide "screw it all" and sets the fatally damaged Vengeance on a collision course with San Francisco. The breakdown continues during his fight with Spock. Any emotional control he'd had before is gone , and he brutally pummels Spock in sheer, undiluted rage.
  • Hell, most of the DVD's, Blu-Rays, and even a few digital services outright state who he is.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist : Believes he's ultimately doing what's best for humanity, regardless of what they think.
  • Wham Line : "My name is Khan."
  • Wicked Cultured : Harrison is pretty well spoken for a madman and even paraphrases Moby-Dick (a book that Khan loved in the Prime timeline) at one point when he beams Kirk, Carol and Scotty off of the Vengeance and back onto the Enterprise . Harrison : No ship should go down without her captain .
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds : He may be a bit of an asshole, as well as a ruthless killing machine, not to mention an Evil Overlord at one point, but he's been frozen for 250 years, then turned into a killing machine by the Federation, then tried saving his crew only for Admiral Marcus to take them away from him once again. It's a bit hard not to feel sorry for him.
  • Would Hit a Girl : Breaks one of Carol Marcus' legs.
  • Your Head A-Splode : He can do this with his bare hands and seems to reserve it for people who have really pissed him off. Just ask Admiral Marcus . He also tries to do the same to Spock during their fight and would have succeeded if Uhura hadn't beamed down.
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Star Trek (TV Series)

Space seed (1967), ricardo montalban: khan.

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Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek (1966)


Dr. McCoy : [lying in sickbay, Khan surprises McCoy and holds a knife to his throat, then pauses]  Well, either choke me or cut my throat. Make up your mind.

Khan Noonien Singh : English... I thought I dreamed hearing it. Where am I?

Dr. McCoy : You're in...

[Khan tightens his grip. McCoy continues in a lower voice] 

Dr. McCoy : You're in bed, holding a knife at your doctor's throat.

Khan Noonien Singh : Answer my question.

Dr. McCoy : It would be most effective if you would cut the carotid artery, just under the left ear.

Khan Noonien Singh : [impressed, releases McCoy]  I like a brave man.

Dr. McCoy : [takes the knife from Khan]  I was simply trying to avoid an argument.

Khan Noonien Singh : You are an excellent tactician, Captain. You let your second-in-command attack while you sit and watch for weakness.

Captain James T. Kirk : You have a tendency to express ideas in military terms, Mr. Khan.


Captain James T. Kirk : This is a social occasion.

Khan Noonien Singh : [laughs]  It has been said that, uh, "social occasions" are only warfare concealed. Many prefer it more honest, more... open.

Captain James T. Kirk : You fled. Why? Were you afraid?

Khan Noonien Singh : I've never been afraid.

Captain James T. Kirk : But you left at the very time mankind needed courage.

Khan Noonien Singh : [angrily]  We offered the world *order*!

Captain James T. Kirk : We?

Khan Noonien Singh : [smiles admiringly, realizing he has revealed more than he would wish]  Excellent. Excellent.

Captain James T. Kirk : What's your name?

Khan Noonien Singh : Khan is my name.

Captain James T. Kirk : Just Khan? Nothing else?

Khan Noonien Singh : Khan.

Khan Noonien Singh : [to Joaquin]  It does not matter. The Captain is dead. Take Mr. Spock next.

Khan Noonien Singh : Nothing ever changes, except man. Your technical accomplishments? Improve a mechanical device and you may double productivity, but improve man and you gain a thousandfold. I am such a man.

Captain James T. Kirk : Mr. Spock, I believe our heading takes us near the Ceti Alpha star system.

Mr. Spock : Quite correct, Captain. Planet number five there is habitable, although a bit savage, somewhat inhospitable.

Captain James T. Kirk : But no more than Australia's Botany Bay colony was at the beginning. Those men went on to tame a continent, Mr. Khan. Can you tame a world?

Khan Noonien Singh : Have you ever read Milton, Captain?

Captain James T. Kirk : Yes. I understand.

Khan Noonien Singh : [to Marla]  All bold men from the past. Richard, Leif Ericson, Napolean. A hobby of yours, such men?

[He uncovers a work in progress - Khan wearing a turban] 

Khan Noonien Singh : I am honored, Thank you. But I caution you: such men dare take what they want.

Lt. Marla McGivers : I don't know if you're going to like living in our time.

Khan Noonien Singh : Then I'll have to remould it to my liking.

Lt. Marla McGivers : [Khan moves in to embrace Marla]  Please don't.

Khan Noonien Singh : [pushes her away]  Go. Or stay, but do it because it is what you *wish* to do!

[awkward pause] 

Khan Noonien Singh : Well?

Lt. Marla McGivers : I'll stay a little longer.

Khan Noonien Singh : How many minutes do you graciously offer?

Lt. Marla McGivers : I only meant...

Khan Noonien Singh : This grows tiresome. You must now *ask* to stay.

Lt. Marla McGivers : [timidly]  I'd like to stay... please.

Khan Noonien Singh : Joaquin, the trip is over. The battle begins again, only this time it's not a world we win. It's a universe.

Khan Noonien Singh : Captain, although your abilities intrigue me, you are quite honestly inferior. Mentally, physically. In fact, I am surprised how little improvement there has been in human evolution. Oh, there has been technical advancement, but, how little man himself has changed.

Khan Noonien Singh : Yes, it appears we will do well in your century, Captain.

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Published Jun 5, 2022

Vengeance: A Tale of Two Khans

Revenge is a dish best served cold, but how did it turn out for the villainous Augment?

A Tale of Two Khans

Khan Noonien Singh is, arguably, Star Trek ’s greatest villain. He is a complex character whose intelligence, experience and strength made him a formidable and dangerous adversary for James T. Kirk. Khan’s mythos has proved enduring for Trek fans, who’ve seen this character arise across their screens in different decades and even timelines. This character is compelling not only because his engineered intellect and strength make him a threat to Trek ’s protagonists, but because his failing is one that’s easily reflected in our own character and choices. While Khan was compelled by his drive to conquer and gain superiority over others in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, “ Space Seed ,” it was his need for vengeance in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan that cemented his place in Trek lore.

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On the surface, it could be argued that Khan’s complaint is not entirely without merit. He agreed to be left on a planet that, while difficult, could provide a way of life for him and his crew that would allow them to flourish, but would prevent them from exercising their militaristic and colonial ambition. As Khan recounts the story to first officer Chekov and Captain Terrell, a cosmological explosion caused planetary desolation six months after their arrival, which led to the deaths of several crew members -- including his wife. Neither Kirk nor Starfleet returned to confirm Khan’s viability or whether his planetary conditions had been altered. There is reason for this, given Starfleet’s reticence regarding genetic engineering, but it seems odd that a humanitarian organization such as the Federation would not have registered the potential harm to these people once Ceti Alpha VI had exploded. This began the process of Khan’s 15-year meditation on revenge and an obsession with seeking vengeance upon Kirk for what he’d lost.

In an essay originally published in 1625, Francis Bacon wrote that “revenge is a kind of wild justice.” If an initial wrong is an offense against law, Bacon argues that the need for revenge puts law aside altogether. This is especially the case with what he calls private revenge, which acts out of vindictive desire. Public revenge is an account of justice where a wrong committed is repaid in like manner/measure. However, Bacon prefaces both public and private by noting the harmful psychology of revenge in each instance. He writes that people meditate upon revenge in order to keep their wounds fresh, to prevent them from healing, to maintain the desire and need for retribution.

star trek khan abilities

This can be easily seen in Khan’s desire for vengeance. He’d kept his wounds fresh and made retaliation his singular object of desire. What’s more, on two separate occasions his first officer warns him of this and attempts to persuade him to leave that path. When Khan first captured the Reliant and later when he successfully stole the Genesis device, Khan’s second-in-command highlights that he’s now free. He has in fact beaten Kirk and proven his superiority over the Starfleet captain. Khan responds, “He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him.” The issue is that while Khan had a starship, he was not free. He was not free from his obsession and longing for revenge. He’d meditated for so long on his wounds that he couldn’t leave them behind or live without them. Ultimately, this obsession leads to his undoing. The thirst for vengeance is never satiated and so it begins to consume itself.

star trek khan abilities

It’s easy to see Khan’s desire for revenge be his own undoing; it’s often a villain’s fate. However, in the Kelvin timeline we are introduced to a troubling reversal. Here, Khan is not the only one bent on revenge. Kirk and Starfleet as a whole are at risk of succumbing to a need for vengeance and public protection. Admiral Marcus is obsessed with external threats to the Federation and is willing to sacrifice the Federation’s principles to preserve its structure. In doing so, he resuscitates Khan and holds his crew hostage to manipulate him into doing the admiral’s bidding. In response, Khan attacks Section 31 and later the command council, killing Captain Pike in the process. Khan is once more seeking revenge for his crew and attempting to gain power for his own ends. However, the loss of his mentor lures Kirk to seek revenge. It clouds his judgment and allows him to also be manipulated by Marcus. Kirk’s obsession with avenging Pike’s death and the war declared on Starfleet by Khan brings him close to sacrificing his principles and his friendships.

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Here, the potential fallout of what Bacon called public revenge is also explored. A public wrong has been done, but both on a personal and institutional level, the desire for vengeance causes the implosion of the individuals obsessed with it. Kirk nearly gives up his Federation and Starfleet values, along with his friendship with Scotty, and as Spock points out, his moral foundation. Marcus gives up what the Federation stands for in his need to violently respond to the Klingons he considered aggressors. Khan’s desire for vengeance against all Federation principles and persons results in the loss of those he held most dear. Once more, revenge consumed itself.

In a diary entry written in September 1947, Gandhi wrote, “Anger breeds revenge and the spirit of revenge is today responsible for all the horrible happenings here and elsewhere… Let not future generations say that we lost the sweet bread of freedom because we could not digest it.” In the Prime Universe, Khan had gained his freedom (albeit through violent means), but his obsession with revenge prevented him from digesting that bread. In the end, for Khan, and for Marcus in the Kelvin timeline, revenge was not wild justice, but the abrogation of laws, principles and sanity. The stories of the two Khans show that it’s not just our enemies that can be consumed with a desire for revenge. We, too, must guard against its corrupting tendencies.

Timothy Harvie is Associate Professor of philosophy and ethics at St. Mary's University in Calgary, Canada.  His interests lie primarily in philosophical theology, political philosophy, environmental and animal philosophies, and ideas of the role of hope in society.  He is a lifelong Star Trek fan.

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Interview: Christina Chong On How La’an Is (And Isn’t) Like Khan In ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’

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| May 4, 2022 | By: Laurie Ulster 161 comments so far

When it was announced that Strange New Worlds included a character named La’an Noonien Singh, fans immediately saw a connection to the Star Trek villain Khan Noonien Singh. It has been confirmed that La’an is a descendent of the infamous genetically enhanced Khan, and at the gold carpet premiere in New York, TrekMovie had a chance to talk to actress Christina Chong about that connection and more.

In terms of being a Noonien Singh, does the show explore why La’an would keep such an infamous name?

I don’t know how much I can reveal about that, but what you will see with La’an is the fact that she does carry similarities to Khan in the way she has natural abilities for combat, she’s tactical, she’s fierce, she’s a fighter. She has that hard exterior. But she is not at all like him in her purpose. She has a completely different purpose. Her purpose is to keep her new family alive, the Enterprise crew. They are her new family and they are all she has, actually.

And does she feel the burden of her family name?

Absolutely. One-hundred percent. She feels like the way I relate to it when you’re bullied as a kid. I was bullied for being Chinese as a kid. So in that way, you’re judged for who you are and what you look like and where you come from. I’m descended from a Chinese father. La’an is descended from Khan. But it’s getting rid of that feeling of how you’re not worthy or you’re not good enough, or that you should be painted with the same brush. She very much works through being painted with the same brush. She’s working through that. And she gets through the other side of it—starts to, at the end of season one. And then season two, who knows? Maybe she’s got enhanced genetic capabilities. I don’t know. [laughs]

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Christina Chong as La’an

You are just over halfway through season two, right?

We’re on episode seven right now.

With Jonathan Frakes directing…

Yeah, Jonathan Frakes!

You have done a lot of action in your previous roles, was there new specific training for Star Trek action, or did they assume you know how?

I think they figured, ‘Yeah, she knows what she’s doing.’ I used to be a dancer as well, so the choreography side of it, I love that. I love figuring it out and putting it all together. But yeah, I didn’t really have anything special. It was also COVID as well. So there wasn’t really any time for training. We were in lockdown in London and it was seven days from finding out I had the role to being in Toronto. So there was no time.

But did they give you phaser training, at least?

Oh, yeah. That was like, “Uh, how do I do this? Is it like a gun?” Because obviously, I have never used a phaser before. But yeah, definitely on set there was some. I also remember the first time I used a tricorder, I was like, “Ethan, how do I do this?” [laughs] So yeah, they’ve been great. Ethan, Rebecca, and Anson have been great at helping us figure the world out for the first time.

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Christina Chong at NYC premiere of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Paramount Plus)

And in terms of what you’ve already filmed so far, do you have a favorite episode so far?

Episode eight. Without a doubt. Episode eight, because my little Roonie Boonie is in it. My little dog. She’s a toy Cavapoo and she’s my dog. And I read the script for episode eight and I was like, “I feel like Runa could be in this.” So I asked Chris Fisher, our producer/director on set, “What do you reckon, Chris? And he was like, “I’ll pitch it to [co-showrunner] Henry [Alonso Myers].” I thought he wasn’t going to pitch it, but he did. And the next script the script came she was in it, like proper in it, she’s got close-ups and everything!

Christina’s dog

Last summer, presumably when they shot episode eight, Chong tweeted out a photo of her beloved dog and how she brought joy and smiles to the cast of Strange New Worlds .

That’s just my baby dog… Runa has brought a tonne of joy and smiles to the entire cast and crew of #strangenewworlds #startrek #mascot #cavapoo — Christina Chong (@ChrissyChong) July 21, 2021

Apparently, Runa has taken a liking to the series star.

Runa thinks she’s @ansonmount girlfriend 🤣 — Christina Chong (@ChrissyChong) July 21, 2021

More NYC SNW interviews to come

Stay tuned for more gold carpet interviews from the New York premiere of Strange New Worlds . And check out our earlier interviews with Strange New Worlds co-showrunner Henry Alonso Myers  and executive producer Alex Kurtzman . And with stars Anson Mount and Rebecca Romijn .

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds  debuts on Thursday, May 5 exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., Latin America, Australia and the Nordics. The series will air on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and stream on Crave in Canada. In New Zealand, it will be available on TVNZ , and in India on Voot Select . Strange New Worlds will arrive via Paramount+ in select countries in Europe when the service launches later this year, starting with the UK and Ireland in June.

Find more stories on the  Star Trek Universe .

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Wouldn’t Spock have remembered her and put two and two together when researching Khan after he was awakened? Scratching head here!

Yeah, that’s one thing that doesn’t make a lot of sense about her character’s existence.

Agreed this is what is confusing me, just like T’pring being here as I was thinking this could contradict Amok Time.

I am curious but a little worried how they will do it

So I went back and watched Amok Time. Although I always thought Spock said that he hadn’t seen her since the betrothal, I had evidently just inferred that. He doesn’t actually say it. So he could have met her in the interim, and just didn’t mention it when he was explaining the betrothal part.

That’s probably my biggest problem with this iteration of Trek. They try to include elements from the past and tie it all in, but they do such a bad job executing it. There is so much material in Trek and for whatever reason, the writers haven’t been the best at bridging things well. Discovery had issues with this – largely due to where the initial seasons take place. Picard also has issues with this despite it not being a prequel series.

Strange New Worlds looks like a great show. It is limited due to its setting and established canon. Bringing a descendant of Kahn into the mix feels silly. I’d be perfectly happy with this character and history if she had any other name. It’s not a deal breaker for me, and the show still looks interesting and I’m looking forward to it.

It makes one realise how smart Gene Roddenberry was in his insistence that TNG not reference TOS in those early days. It allowed TNG to be its own show and when it brought TOS characters and references later on they felt earned.

Excellent point, Neill. Something that really hadn’t occurred to me during the years TNG aired.

The attitude back then was different from now. Back then they intentionally did NOT want to reference the original show. It’s why it was set some 80 years later. To distance itself from it. To help it be it’s own thing. I’ve said before I was not a fan of that as I preferred them to stay in the TOS movie era for a new show but I understood why it was done. Now the attitude at Trek is that if they can make a link to an older show then they WILL do it. And a big reason for that is it is obvious that is what the fans want. Why do you think all the TNG cast is coming back for the final Picard season? Pretty sure that was not the original intent when the show was being planned.

Exactly. And when you think about it, it’s kind of asinine in general for us all as fans to be whining about a few minor canon inconsistencies when many of us are kind of demanding they do new series like SNW and Picard’s TNG Reunion season.

It’s a no win scenario for the writers — I feel for them! Canon is not meaningless, but we should focus on the big picture of canon and not sweat the small stuff like this cool new character who is descendant of Khan.

How is this a no-win situation?? What fan was begging to A. see a Noonien Singh descendant and B. Place them on the Enterprise??

This is their own weird obsession with Khan ONCE again. The irony is fans have been saying they DON’T want more Khan. This has been the case since STID. Most fans kept saying we don’t need him in the Kelvin movies, seriously. Just don’t do it. They put (sort of) put him in the movie anyway and we know how that worked out.

And here we are again.

They are only making their own problems. No one was remotely asking for this.

Hmm, you might be confusing the fan hatred (including mine) for the weird STID move with the White Brit version of Khan?

Excepting that, I want to see the Nick Meyer Khan limited series, I have read and really liked Mack’s Khan prequel novels, and I’m very exciting for Khan’s descendant to be in SNW.

I’m fine with more Khan, provide it’s not JJA’s “Peaky Blinders / Khan” mashup ridiculous character…lol

No tons of people didn’t want Khan in STID. That was made clear many times. Trekmovie even created polls about it multiple times and how many wanted Khan prior to STID. He never got more than single digits.

But yeah it help not only did they put Khan in, but then they put in someone who didn’t even act or resemble which begged the question why put him in at all then, but that’s been beaten to death of course.

Even the Khan show idea, you can feel the groans on the boards when it was discussed by most fans and probably a reason why it never got any real traction.

But this team seems oddly obsessed with a character most of the fanbase has moved on from long long ago.

Yea, because the crew was just staring the mission and it was way too early…plus the casting choice just mystified the F out of everyone. Yea, based on all that, I was one of the tons of people who didn’t want that.

And I think we would agree that most fans were really warm to the idea of the Khan Nick Myers story.

So it’s really about how they do it. And we really don’t know yet on SNW regarding this character. Perhaps by the end of the season she will be a fan fav and will be all over the Trek conventions in the next year?

I always hated the Nick Meyer Khan idea. But since it was suppose to be a 3 hour mini-series, it wouldn’t have been a big deal either. Most people didn’t like it when they thought it was another show. And yes it can still be good, it just doesn’t feel necessary to do either since we know the guy’s entire life story. I will say if they want back to the Eugenics war in the story then yeah more people would be into that idea.

And I’m not saying La’an the character won’t be good or interesting. She could be a great character. I just wish they gave her a different back story. She could even still be an augment and maybe a secret embryo that survived from Cold Station 12, but directly related to Khan himself is just fan service no fan was ever asking for.

That right there. I think this would be a bit easier to take if she was a leftover augment. Some sort of secret she had to protect or something. But noooo…. We have to have the link to the Khan man himself. (eyeroll)

When John Harrison announced he was KHAAAAAAN in STID, I nearly walked out of the theatre. It’s the only movie I’ve ever wanted to walk out of in disgust. So many interviews leading up to the movie promising it wasn’t Khan, and I recall Roberto Orci hanging out here saying the same things. Didn’t help that it wasn’t a very good movie either.

For me, I was prepared since I heard the news ahead of time. When I got over my initial eye roll I stayed open minded about it and thought “Well, I assume they will explain it in the movie.” NOPE! So it’s funny people think this situation will get some long thought out explanation and may not even be one at all. I’m just pretty cynical about a lot of this new stuff lately. But we’ll see!

BTW, very off topic but did you also use to post on IMDB? That was my old stomping ground until the message boards with ka-put but I use to time on the Kelvin movie boards, mostly STID and Beyond. There was someone with the same handle there on those boards too.

I knew it was Khan 6 months before the movie came out and couldn’t believe how so many fans were in denial here and elsewhere.

We can add that Khan prequel series to the list of David Mack Star Trek series that really would make great limited streaming series, although I think Vanguard be the most likely to happen.

As I said when they borrowed Control for S2 of Discovery and decided to validate the Kelvin movie version of the Prime Universe future in Picard rather that using the best of the Litverse (Destiny), with the novels carrying the fans for nearly a decade and a half, if the stories onscreen don’t hold up to the stories in the books, better to put aside the egos (and the creator cut of the residuals) and actually use the great IP in Mack’s books that ViacomCBS ALREADY OWNS.

At this point, I can’t think of any logical reason why none of Mack’s series have been adapted.

Hey TG47 it’s great to see you posting again! :)

It seems like you disappeared around the time Picard started but I know you have a life. I am curious about your thoughts on Picard this season. I think you already know mine and it isn’t good lol.

I have never read any Star Trek novels before but I know how much fans like you like Mack’s work. I don’t understand why they don’t adapt any of the novels for TV or films either, especially the way fans praise them. But I guess they have their reasons.

Yea, I love the Khan prequels, and would love to see it on P+ some day.

Like you, I am fine with more Khan, provided it’s done right.

[blockquote] We can add that Khan prequel series to the list of David Mack Star Trek series that really would make great limited streaming series,[/blockquote] The Khan prequel books were actually written by Greg Cox, unless there’s also a separate series by David Mack that I’m not aware of.

Thanks for the correction, you are right, of course. I have them somewhere in my cluttered house.

I have no issues with them making links to past Trek but how they are doing it is feeling absurd. Having the TNG cast doesn’t create any canon problems at all so that’s fine, it works. But having a Noonien Singh on the freaking Enterprise with other characters who knew nothing about Khan in Space Seed is just ridiculous. There is no reason for her to be on this show, none. It only creates canon issues, not highlight them and that’s the problem with so much of these new writers started with giving Spock a sister in Discovery.

It’s like they think audience want all these ridiculous connections for fan service. No fans want good stories with good characters first and foremost. They only put that into question when they do things like this.

I disagree, but I totally get where you are coming from. This is exactly the way I felt about what I think was the biggest fan service dumpster fire of all time — the Enterprise Klingon Augment Virus two-parter. lol

BTW, in WOK, Chekov remembered Khan, but Checkov was not serving on the E at the time of that ep, so this has happened before.

Again, at least it’s orders of magnitude better that White Brit Khan. And at least it’s not as head scratching as to why was this supposedly famous first captain of the E (Archer) and his ship (NX-01 E) were never mentioned in 35 years of Trek eps previously — you don’t see Kurtzman making up new Enterprises and new Enterprise Captains like Berman had the audacity to completely F with canon on, thank god.

I didn’t like the Augment Virus story line and found it unnecessary but it didn’t change canon either.

THIS is changing canon. That’s a big difference.

I’m not defending the Khan remembering Chekhov thing, but you also know that was just a mistake. They clearly just didn’t realize the character wasn’t on the show then. This is apples and oranges.

And Kurtzman gave Spock a sister lol. I mean, that’s messing with canon in a way no one EVER did before. And it looks like it will keep going in this kind of direction.

I’ll wait to see how they do it (as if I have a choice lol) but outside of pulling the usual making it ‘classified’ (A Discovery tradition) I don’t know how it won’t contradict Space Seed in a big way.

Just like Spock/Burnham it’s creating situations no one was ever asking for. I just don’t get the point? Enterprise, Discovery and now it looks like SNW all share these type of issues sadly and why I’m not a huge fan of prequels in the first place.

I know the point. It’s because these writers aren’t confident they can create fascinating and interesting stories with people who mostly stand on their own. They have to throw in a safety net of a link to something in the past to hook in the fans who clearly want it. I find it lazy, myself. But that is the reason. It’s OBVIOUS the Spock-Burnham connection was made in case the show stumbled. And it did the very first season so they went to that lifeline right away. Consider they said you would never see Spock and all that. That was true only if the show worked.

“I know the point. It’s because these writers aren’t confident they can create fascinating and interesting stories with people who mostly stand on their own.”

I’ll buy that. But then again, when many fans “drool” all over the character canon connections on LDS most weeks, and also view the best part of DSC as the season with Pike’s E, I totally get why they aren’t super confident to not bring in these canon character connections. Fans are fickle — like today, it’s oh no, we don’t like this particular canon character connection, but tomorrow night it’s going to be thanks for giving us the cannon connections we wanted.

They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

“And Kurtzman gave Spock a sister lol. I mean, that’s messing with canon in a way no one EVER did before. And it looks like it will keep going in this kind of direction.”

But no, Harve Bennett gave us Sybock. See, right there you say “in a way no one EVER did before” you unequivocally prove the broader point I have been making today that a lot of fans who are acting all shocked like Kurtzman is doing something new here so easily forget that this has all happened time and time again in the Berman, Bennett and Roddenberry eras. I mean you basically just said giving Spock a sister is a canon mess that no one has done before, completely forgetting that Sybock was the same deal, right?

And I would argue that the Bennett thing is a worse canon brainfart, because Michael was adopted and lived with them for what, 10 years only, maybe?

Sybok didn’t lead his own show AND was a Starfleet officer on top of that. He was in one bad movie and disappeared after that. That’s why Burnham was worse MUCH worse!

What’s funny is they didn’t learn from that lesson but doubled down. Doing an idiotic thing because someone else did it first doesn’t make the argument stronger…at all! Especially since Sybock has all been wiped from canon.

I still think giving Spock a sister was one of the WORST ideas Discovery done (and they had a lot of bad ideas lol). It’s part of the reason they had to throw the ship a thousand years into the future just so Spock can pretend she died and never spoken of again. Yeah Sybock was bad, Burnham was worse! At least they got to kill off that mistake. With Burnham, they literally just pretend she stopped existing lol. Man, this show!

I get your opinion there, but I will point out that if they hadn’t figured out a plot device like that to bring in Spock and the Enterprise into a core part of a DSC season, then all Star Trek fans would not be getting to see the premier of SNW tomorrow.

Maybe it wasn’t the best possible plot device, but it got us SNW. All Sybock got us was a really bad movie that most of us would like to forget.

Here is the thing about Sybok though. Kirk directly addressed the elephant in the room in that movie by pointing out Spock never told him of a brother.

We all know Chekov in WoK is a continuity error. I recall Koenig himself said he knew but if he spoke up he knew he would lose lines! So he clammed up. And honestly, and this is the real key, issues like that don’t matter too much if the overall product is GOOD!!!! And there are other plot holes in the movie

BTW from my POV the biggest fan service dumpster fire of all time is the entire Lower Decks show.

“BTW from my POV the biggest fan service dumpster fire of all time is the entire Lower Decks show.”

I stand corrected. You are 100% correct. Nothing else comes close.

I would argue Chekhov wasn’t even a continuity error. Just because Space Seed didn’t show him doesn’t mean he wasn’t there. No ep of TOS or canon references Chekhovs stardate as his first day serving on Enterprise.

Unless you buy Koenig’s joke that Chekov met Khan in the head… Then no. Khan never saw Chekov and should have never recognized him even if he was on the ship elsewhere.

Koenig himself basically confirmed it was a continuity error though.

TNG referenced TOS often in the early days. One of the very first episodes was a sequel to “The Naked Time.”

And that’s all it was, references. This is dropping in a character as a full time cast member and somehow pretending her entire back story won’t be part of the show. If that wasn’t the case, why is she even there? These people just can’t help themselves.

Yet it’s weird how many people here today seem to have forgotten that freaking Dr. McCoy was in the first ep on TNG? An obvious cameo handover from TOS to TNG.

I feel like I am seeing a bunch of fan comments today that are inconsistent with Trek series history. It’s human nature though — people get sentimental about the old shows and eps and tend to forget the issues that bothered them years back on those shows/eps.

How is Dr. McCoy showing up on the Enterprise breaking canon? Dude, your ‘arguments’ are getting silly now. No one cares about a cameo or having old characters show up, it’s about a character whose entire existence makes NO sense from what we know about TOS.

They have been doing ridiculous things on these shows from the start and why fans have issues with these shows. If you and others don’t. that’s fine of course. But it’s funny these writers know the fanbase they have and yet keep doubling on this stuff.

That’s not my point. I was commenting on several people today (e.g. Neill Stringer) commenting that TNG did not have connective tissue to TNG early on. It’s like they forgot that McCoy was in Ep 1. That’s all.

I have no issues with the McCoy scene — I like it and I DO NOT think it breaks canon.

OK, I apologize then. Yeah it’s so many posts so the debates are getting a bit muffled.

No worries. BTW, just saw the Kenobi trailer…wow!

Yet after The Naked Now there were no major references for a few years. Ira Behr recalls the difficulty of being able to mention Spock’s name in the episode Sarek, and this episode featured Spock’s dad.

The Naked Now was the one and only time they brought up the “old Enterprise” in the first few seasons. They didn’t even mention any characters names. I think they did it because one of the things “The Naked Time” did on TOS was give a little character depth right away so the audience could get a little idea of what made some of these people tick. TNG used it the same way.

Well Dr. McCoy was actually in the first ep, Encounter at Farpoint, and he’s in a rather lengthy scene with Data that is a very sappy passing of the torch from TOS to TNG, and the scene ends with them referring to the Enterprise.

I guess they didn’t specifically mention “McCoy” or directly say “old Enterprise,” but that’s a technicality.

OK… But I consider that cameo more of a conceit than a real honest to goodness reference for story purposes. I mean, compare that to Relics, that came some 6 seasons later.

DeForest Kelley was in the first episode. How is that not referencing?

McCoy was a passing the baton moment. Like Picard on Emissary and Quark on Caretaker.

Also notice McCoy was never referred by name.

But Ira Behr said there was resistance to mention Spock in the episode “Sarek”

That’s all legalezze. It’s a two minute scene with McCoy and Data, and everyone watching knew McCoy was being sappy about the old Enterprise, and everyone knew it was McCoy.

It it quacks like a duck, flies like a duck and swims like a duck, it’s most probably a duck. Yea, the were referencing the old E with one of the old E’s characters main characters over the course of scene, obviously.

I love how comments like this act like this didn’t occur in the past Trek eras. Like Alex Kurtzman invented character canon inconsistencies that screw with Trek timeline events? Come on, man!

This has always happened, and will continue to happen. Canon is guidance, but each iteration of the franchise does change it — hopefully it happens in small ways only like this example. It is what it is.

Well, the difference is that these canon inconsistencies usually weren’t right there in the names of new characters. Rather than fudging with the details of a past episode, like Khan meeting Chekov, this time it feels moreover like a marketing scheme.

Like someone said we’re still getting big numbers with this Khan character. Our analytics suggest that using his name, or at least part of the name, might help spark interest in this series, along with Pike, Spock, Number One, Enterprise, etc. It’s spreadsheet thinking.

For me, personally, I can go either way with this canon stuff. Canon schmanon. But this particular instance seems a bit patronizing to fans.

Also novels can work a way round it.

You mean like coming up with a play on Spock’s name, say Sybock, because they know that fans really respond to Vulcans?

Or coming up with and implausible plot device to bring Spock back to life after the actor departed because it was critical to the movie box office?

Been there, done that. Nothing new here.

They never established Chekov’s service record being at odds with his meeting Khan. Not trying to use any pretzel logic here, but it’s reasonable to assume that he was onboard, even though the actor doesn’t appear in the episode.

I don’t like using the Stardates as evidence since they were just making up those dates as they went along, but Chekov is in “Catspaw”, which has an earlier Stardate than “Space Seed.” He was onboard the ship if you accept the stardates.

Catspaw: 3018.2 Space Seed: 3141.9

Koenig himself basically confirmed it was a canon error.

So much for canon being “meaningless”…lol

You know… you should really look the term “canon” up. Every time you try to “gotcha” me about my canon stance, you come off not only as being stalkerish, but also confused.

It’s a shame this site doesn’t have a way for people to block others. The way One Lion follows me from thread to thread is creepy.

A lot of us been begging for a blocking feature for years. That would go a loooong way and cut down on the silly back-and-forth that’s done here with people you have no interest in talking to.

I would love to have that feature. There is nothing worse than someone getting personal with you in a juvenile fashion just because you raise a technical issue with them on their Star Trek remarks. I should know, as I use to be “that guy” a Trek fan lifetime ago…which I guess means I should be more sympathetic to this type of behavior.

OK I will try harder to ignore that type of behavior and just move on.

I’ve been thinking the other way: Since Khan wasn’t that well-known (???) in Space Seed without research or immediatly recognized, why should it affect La’an being a descent of him 260 years later?

Actually I read that as Khan was well known but the story was he was defeated and the fact that scores of them escaped in the sleeper ships was hidden from the public. There was no reason Kirk & Co would think this was Khan and only checked out the story after becoming curious.

Actually, it turned out that Scotty, for one, was totally familiar with him. They just weren’t initially aware of who it was that they’d managed to pick up.

And I don’t know why fans, one day out from the premiere of this show, have convinced themselves that the producers don’t have an explanation for this character’s existence. (Now whether it will be a good explanation is anyone’s guess.)

I think the easiest thing to do would be send La’an Khan forward in time a millennium or so at the end of the series and have everybody else pretend she didn’t exist so that universe doesn’t implode ;)

It’s brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should be a writer for this show Corinthian7! I think they would go for an idea like this!

Kirk seemed to have realised who Khan was too.

The other thing is that some commenters here are mistaken about Eugenics Wars era-Khan’s place in human history. There was an entire scene in Space Seed where the conversation between Kirk, Scotty and McCoy (along with a somewhat outraged Spock) made it very clear that 23rd century humans regard Khan as a controversial historical autocrat but not a villain; Kirk and Scotty even admit to admiring Khan as a historical figure.

So the closest real-life equivalent of Khan is Julius Caesar, not Stalin or Hitler etc.

Christina Chong’s remarks about La’an “feeling not worthy or not good enough” and being “painted with the same brush” can be interpreted in different ways — especially if the “baggage” of carrying Khan’s name and bloodline isn’t regarded as a stigma but the legacy of a Julius Caesar-type ancestor as one of the towering figures of Earth’s history. That could certainly cast quite a long shadow of high expectations, as least where other humans and La’an herself are concerned.

But as you’ve rightly said, it would be best if fans don’t jump the gun but wait for the show, rather than prematurely jumping to conclusions either way.

Just imagine it as a reboot. If TPTB insist that it isn’t one they shouldn’t put that many head scratchers in it.

agree. I’d much rather if they had just started Disco as a new universe and took it from there and then differences are fine. Sure – having three universes is a little weird, but they could have saved themselves from looking like they just don’t care about things like continuity.

I feel like I’m going to have no choice but to do just that when watching SNW. Otherwise these canon violations are going to drive me absolutely nuts. I have to say, things like this ALREADY popping up are not giving me a good feel prior to the premiere.

People forget that these are shows and it’s a fictional universe, not historical footage. We also don’t know how the Soong character will fit in yet. Just because Spock later meets her ancestor doesn’t mean he has to say “I served with your descendent a few years ago”. Sometimes people wind themselves up over a line from over 50 years ago instead of just enjoying the story in front of them. Is DS9 a different universe from TNG because Trills were retconned for DS9? No, you accept it as a retcon and move on.

It’s just annoying that TPTB claim in every fluff interview how important continuity is to them but then make retcons for no good reasons.

Actually, Spock did tell Khan that. Right after the bathroom incident with Chekov!🤣

Been saying since Discovery they should’ve just rebooted the show from that point on and it cuts down the complaints by 80%. But to keep pulling these ridiculous ideas and pretend it fits into PU canon is eye rolling to say the least.

Agreed Captain. This is the most puzzling character addition, and even distracting to a degree. There seems to be a desire to tie Khan to everything. Personally, I would have preferred they flesh out underdeveloped race (like they’re doing with the Andorians). Another Deltan would have been interesting.

Could they really do much with the Deltan in a PG-13 show?

They introduced Deltans in TMP and that movie is rated G. And they just like sex. It’s not like Star Trek hasn’t shown people in bed before. They don’t have to be walking around naked or anything.

Yes but this is a full on series. Eventually they would have to get into the Deltan culture in some fashion. But I made that comment tongue planted party in cheek.

OK, no worries!

Khan is like Trek’s Joker. TPTB just can’t help themselves.

Who says he did not? Episodes do not follow every second of every character’s life and conversations.

Do you see the resemblance? I don’t. And the guy they found in space was “just Khan…” Maybe there are a lot of Khans in the future. The same goes with Zeframs… it took a while to link good ol’ Cochrane with “just Zefram” in “Metamorphosis”.

Reminds me of Berman force-fitting in the NX-01 and Archer, yet TMP established as canon that the previous Enterprise was the XCV-330, and also there had never been a reference from and TOS and TNG ep or movie to Captain Archer which is really hard to believe if you take the timeline too seriously (like I do, lol).

And then there is Chekov remembering Khan…don’t get me started on that on. lol

That sort of thing doesn’t bother me. No one was saying that was ALL the Enterprises. And more importantly…. ST: E did not exist when TMP was made. So it wouldn’t have been there anyway. I guess they could CG in the NX-01 in one of those images on the Director’s cut…

That and that ship is still part of canon. It just came before the NX-01 did which was made clear in STID. So was one of the early Enterprises as the movie stated. I don’t see that a problem at all.

Yea, later in Enterprise the papered over this canon-rewrite with and ep the relegated the XCV-330 to a test ship. So they fix this arrogant canon change by later have a BS app that codifies their canon change.

“XCV-330gate” LOL

But it was stupid canon to break. You could have had the same show. Just make the NX 01. Be the XcV and have it be a ring ship. Done and done.

Agree to disagree. I had zero problems with it. I do not consider very small production issues like blurry photos of old Enterprise’s in a feature made long before any of the Berman shows existed to be something they really NEED to stick to like glue.

LOL, I have the Eaglemoss XL model of it with the Starships Guide that goes with it, which includes the history of it from TMP to why it wasn’t used in Enterprise. It’s awesomely bold and looks so much better than the derivative, cluttery mess of junk known as the NX-01


So your are Starfleet, and you are rebuilding the flagship of the fleet, the Enterprise, and you decide to put a commemorative display of the past Enterprises. So you put in TOS Enterprise, the original sailing ship Enterprise, a military aircraft carrier, and then to round out Starfleet E’s you deliberately don’t include the famous NX-01, which played out such a big role in early Federation/Starship history and which was captained by the famous Admiral archer…but instead include this XCV-330? That just sounds silly! LOL

I have a real hard time buying that, and I have never heard a good explanation from anyone on why I should by that argument.

They’ll probably just handwave it, just like they “reconciled canon” in Discovery S2 by making it “top secret”. Honestly I’m not counting on much. They don’t care.

I hope to God the Khan connection works/make sense. I’m trying to be positive here…

I hope so too but I just have no faith it will.

Same, but considering their record on how they reconciled other canon issues (that THEY created), I’m not particularly hopeful.

It’ll take a huge amount of suspension of disbelief that Spock and Uhura didn’t bother to mention in “Space Seed” that they served with a descendant of Khan.

Yes it certainly will.

maybe they didnt care. like in Space Seed whats spock gonna do when he find out hes Khan Nooiean Singh? – immediately Space Book the descendant he worked with and be like ‘hey ur great great grand father is tryin kill us yo!’ (maybe he did do that lol)

They totally did mention it. It was offscreen so you didn’t see it. Episodes do not follow every second of every character’s life and conversations.

That’s a feeble explanation. Using that logic, literally anything can be ignored, in which case there’s no point in even having continuity between stories.

Seems very similar to Alara and Talla from The Orville.

And that’s EXACTLY why they went that route! 😕

Why even bother with these kinds of gimmicks? You know they are just going to screw it up.

I agree. I wish they would just think of new ideas instead of trying to rehash old ones. We’ll see…

It tells me this staff have little faith in their ability to tell original stories with original characters. That they feel the need for “safety nets’.

I’m all cool with this character, love the actress.. and I think I would have gone for her related to Khan too…. but you can’t help but think you could have your cake and eat it too by making her related to say Joachim from the Eugenics Wars. I mean you just basically ignored the Eugenics Wars in Picard and now you are going to play the difficult game of her being related to Khan but it being not a big enough deal to screw up Space Seed? Okay….

There is nothing in Picard that says the eugenics wars did not happen in the 90s…just like how when Voyager traveled to the late 90s there was no mention of the Eugenics Wars.

That was some war eh!??

It is ridiculous to have this character. First of all, why? Why do they need to do this? They don’t have any other story potentials? Please.

Next, Spock would absolutely remember her.

Finally, all this talk about her having genetic abilities is just ridiculous. She would likely be 7 – 10 generations removed from Khan. There would no longer be any extra abilities. And how many relatives of past conquerors have any notoriety? Do relatives of Napolean have that as their mantra? Again, please.

That’s my point. Even in today’s society having a relation to a known figure in ancient history is considered more of an interesting oddity than anything else. What can they do with her in a time where it is even LESS of a thing in society?

Exactly! I am descended from Mayflower passengers. I’m so far removed from that ancestor that it’s really just an “interesting oddity” that I bring up at Thanksgiving and maybe one or two other times a year it comes up. I have a feeling this will be a defining characteristic.

Also, only a very small fraction of my genetic code is theirs. Heck, I’m as tall as my dad, and he’s only one generation removed from me. My parents both wear glasses (as do I), but my brother has better than 20/20 vision.

There’s two possibilities:

  • Nearly every generation for the last ~200 years has been Augments, with little non-Augment DNA being introduced.
  • Augment DNA (somehow, through the power of “science”) always overwrites non-Augment DNA.

Well, relatives of Napoleon do have a certain cache in France. But Khan I would think would be more comparable to Stalin. Yes, there are descendants of Stalin, but most are not proud of it and most changed their name.

Just to reiterate a longer comment I posted upthread, Khan is not comparable to Stalin but someone like Julius Caesar, a controversial real-life historical figure who elicits mixed feelings or actual admiration in many modern-day people (depending on their perspective). Space Seed had a scene focusing on a detailed conversation between the main bridge officers making this basic point. Kirk, Scotty and McCoy expressed admiration for the historical Khan and even explained their reasons by listing Khan’s positive traits, albeit with the caveat of also admitting to the “appalling” human streak of admiration for benevolent autocrats. They certainly wouldn’t do this if Khan was equivalent to Stalin.

It’s obviously going to depend on how SNW depicts things, but La’an’s “baggage” isn’t necessarily something negative but the burden of having a famous and widely-admired (albeit controversial) overachiever for a direct ancestor. Some people in that situation would just be proud of it, others would feel it’s a hell of a lot to live up to.

I feel like the dumbest part of it is that she still has the same last name as Khan…like, it’s been what, 300 years? People marry other people! It’s so, so ridiculous to think they retained a name like that for so many centuries.

To be fair, perspectives on descendents of “past conquerors” (or ancestors in general) depend on the part of the world you’re from. Historical lineages are still a very big deal in some cultures. But it’s correct that this isn’t supposed to be a big deal for most humans by Star Trek’s 23rd century, whether the ancestor is famous or notorious.

The genetic stuff…Well, sometimes traits do run in families, even centuries later. It depends on how dominant those genes are and how much the families have historically intermarried with people with similar traits.

As for Khan, being genetically engineered as a “superman”, maybe his genes were deliberately “supercharged” in some way so that some of his traits/abilities are inherited and dominant down the generations. I’m just guessing here, of course ;) But it wouldn’t be surprising if SNW has that kind of pseudoscientific explanation for La’an’s abilities.

Question: I watched an interview with the actress last night and she said her character had a secret genetic capability she was hiding. How could she hide her genetic abilities if she had to go through starfleet medical testing with 23rd century medical technology not finding out?

How did Bashir?

He not only came 100 years later but his enhancement was his mind. Seems reasonable that given the advances in the science over that time and that it was his brain he of all people would have the smarts to hide his skills.

Bashir wasn’t a full augment. He was made smarter and had better visual coordination but he couldn’t pick up someone with one hand or anything.

She probably used the same method that Tyler did to hide the fact he was a Klingon. ;)

I’ve figured out her special enhancement: 2.5 DIMENSIONAL THINKING

Lorca, Darvin and Bashir.

next? (I’m sure I can come up with more given time)

This is a comment for TrekMovie folks. Thank you, first of all, for keeping us informed and fostering this community. Even though I am about to say a “but”, I am genuinely thankful and love what you do.

As I read this article, though, and then googled “NYC SNW premiere”, I found that there is this whole multi-week event at the NYC Paley Center, which on May 1, included a screening of the first 2 episodes of SNW… open to the public!

Why didn’t TrekMovie preview this? I mean, we get previews of cruises, and books, and merchandise, and even random obscure auctions. But a pre-screening of SNW open to the public! Plus a whole exhibition devoted to Star Trek… No article about that? Or did I miss it?

I am so bummed I missed it. Fortunately, it seems the exhibit keeps going through May, so I can at least still catch that.

Hi. I’m heading to Paley in a few weeks, but I am pretty sure it’s the same exhibit that was on the cruise as well as Mission Chicago . (I put in links so you can see that yes, we did cover the props and the costumes.)

Thank you both for answering! I hope to catch the exhibit, of course. I mostly meant the Premiere on May 1, and the sale of public tickets on April 22. But understood–links were out there and it was said in the podcast (per Anthony’s next post). I missed that. Thanks again.

It actually was mentioned during a podcast 2 weeks ago and linked here on the site.

But as Laurie said, It was the same thing that we already showed in our coverage from Chicago.

We need an episode where Mr. Arex lends a hand or three.

Then why keep the name? You know, there’s no shame in changing it when it carries that kind of baggage. I remember hearing somewhere that before WW2 there were around a dozen Hitlers listed in the New York phone book. After the war, there were zero. Just sayin, La’an.

The funny thing is, if they hadn’t included the Noonien part of her name, nobody would have much of an issue. Sure, we would wonder if there was a connection to Khan, but Singh is such a common name there would be a reasonable doubt. And they could’ve had fun teasing us whether she is his descendant or not for a while.

Yup, big ol facepalm on keeping a highly-charged hyphenated name for 300 years. Maybe they’re a family of fascists and proud of it?

This feels like a very BAD creative choice for a character. Honestly there really isn’t much you can do with this character. You can’t have her be ostracized because that doesn’t line up with human society of that time. You can’t have her with genetically enhanced abilities because it has been shown time and time again that those who have been genetically enhanced start feeling superior to those around them. Unless that is the point of the character. But then, it would be a repeat of what we have already seen before.

I suppose it is possible something will be done with her that has not been considered that is interesting. But based on this interview it sure doesn’t sound like it. This element of the show does not bode well.

Not as bad as having, I don’t know, Spock’s sister or something. But agree.

Or Captain Archer and the NX-01 Enterprise.

What was wrong with that? It didn’t contradict anything.

Yeah I don’t understand that either? How does Archer contradict anything? We knew Starfleet was around in the 22nd century. And he wasn’t Kirk’s grandfather or anything. (Thank Kahless!)

In TMP, they show a display in the crew lounge that has the previous Enterprises’s on it, and the starship they show before TOS Enterprise is not the NX-01; it’s a completely and radically different design, called the XCV-330. This bold and cool design was suppose to be the ship for Enterprise, and Okuda and Drexler based their initial design on it, but Berman wanted a completely different design done from scratch, so he arrogantly retconned canon by directing those two to redesign it. So they then tried in their second design to present something that still looked a bit like the XCV-330 to be consistent with Roddenberry’s intention, but Berman overruled that design as well an ordered them to start from scratch on a completely new design — so he retconned canon just because he had the power position to do that.

Regarding Archer, yes, a lawyer would say that Archer doesn’t contradict anything, but it strains credibility to me that — given all of the key, formative major events and missions that Captain Archer made, then earning him a promotion to one of the most famous Admirals in Starfleet history — that he is not referenced by any Star Trek character in 35 years of episodes. Surely they could have picked one of the many names of previous Starfleet officers or at least their family names mentioned in various eps over the previous 35 years to make this more believable. I realize this is the weaker of my two points here, but in combination with the starship issue above, it does again point out the footloose-and-fancy-free way that Berman treated canon.

Berman came up with the entire Enterprise series idea without much regard to canon — he just created stuff in the series because it looked and sounded good. For example, all the tech and the “universe look” itself in Enterprise looks much more like a prequel to TNG then a prequel to TOS. Where are the clean-lined ships that we saw in TOS? The ships all looks like pre-TNG ships, not pre-TOS ships. He didn’t care to get it right. He preferred to create his own canon just because he could.

Yeah I know what the XCV-330 is, I actually stayed awake long enough for that part lol. It’s another Enterprise and came before the NX-01, which no one is arguing, so I don’t really follow your argument? It’s still part of canon and that was made clear in STID it was an earlier Earth ship and probably before Starfleet was a thing. It doesn’t mean the NX-01 never existed either. And obviously it didn’t at the time because there was no show in 1979. But it fits in canon well now and STID did a great job fitting both ships in the timeline since everything before the Kelvin incident is still considered Prime Universe history too.

And no offense, it look really ugly to me. I glad it wasn’t the main ship on Enterprise. I didn’t love the NX-01 originally either but it looks more like a Starfleet ship.

As for Archer, the character didn’t exist until the show started. And he was a character from 1-200 years prior from TOS and TNG. He was now a footnote in history by now. It’s not like they ever talked about anyone in that time period before. If they did, then they would’ve just named the character after that guy I imagine. That was the beauty of setting the show so earlier than the others, there was really no hard canon beyond the Romulan war.

But hey, that’s why I say over and over it’s the reason I hate prequels and wish they stay away from ALL of it. But here we are lol. Just keep going forward you wouldn’t have nearly these debates over past canon.

But writers and producers like putting their own stamp on things. That’s why Spock has a sister and a Noonien Singh served on the freaking Enterprise a few years before they ran into Khan.

They used the TOS movie designs as the official TOS style. I thought Enterprise did pretty well as a prequel for both TOS and TNG.

Sorry… But it sounds to more to me that you are annoyed they didn’t use that version used in a 1979 movie more as the ship for the Enterprise show. It doesn’t contradict anything. There is nothing that says that immediately preceded the original E or if there were even 4 versions before it. There were only rooms for what… 5 or 6 images so they chose 5 or six of the many Enterprises that came before the refit. It’s really a stretch at all. Far less than Burnahm being Spock’s adoptive sister.

Admittedly I am pleased with the production design of Enterprise. It really felt like it could evolve into what we saw on TOS over time. Unlike the crap show we got with Discovery. So I’m going to have to disagree on this one.

Well it’s a very slight contradictions but it contradicts TMP when Decker showed the history of Ships named Enterprise.

All he did was say that all those ships were named Enterprise. He said nothing that they were all predecessors to the current Enterprise.

If this were a legal case in court, sure you win that case. That and $3 will buy you a cup of coffee.

Common sense-wise though, it strains credibility as to why the famously important to the Federation founding NX-01 captained by the famous Admiral Archer, would not be proudly displayed on the commemorative display of famous past Enterprises.

I mean, the starship has been built and paid for by Starfleet, for Christ’s sake — of course the NX-01 is going to be there. I mean, can you imagine how embarrassing that would be if members of the Archer family were on board and they didn’t see their grandad’s ship.

So putting on my BS filter, I am not buying that that Starfleet would not have the NX-01 on that display. Of course the NX-01 would be on that display!

True…but still bad enough.

A contradiction? in Star Trek? This is impossible, clearly <Insert hated showrunner> is incompetent!

We’ve never seen instances of characters remembering other ones that weren’t on the show yet. Khan definitely didn’t remember Chekhov in TWOK the Holy.

Exactly, and I was beginning to think I was the only person today who doesn’t have this perspective. It’s like people really think that this approach is something new that Berman, Bennett, Rodenberry would never had done. Lol

I don’t think the issue is necessarily this being something new, but rather used again instead of going in a totally original or different way. I think people here are just annoyed that they had to go to this well again after Burnham and all the other instances mentioned.

The Burnam-Spock thing got us SNW, and that part of that season of DSC with Pike and company I would say was the high point of DSC for most fans. And the near-weekly canon character connections on LDS are drooled over by many fans (not me).

So what is P+ suppose to think given this sort of fan response? Obviously, they will not conclude that they need to be more original and not do more canon-based characters.

I’m not saying Berman, Bennett, Roddenberry wouldn’t have done it. But till Enterprise they always moved forward. Canon is much easier when you look forward and not back.

Here’s a fun advice I’ll give to all “canonistas” (such as I) out there:

After watching a new SNW, BEFORE jumping to conclusions, watch the pertinent linked episode from TOS. It will help you separate real canon from “conclusions derived from what we’ve seen before that somehow become a notion of canon in our minds.” Because SNW (I’ve watched the first five) is threading VERY CAREFULLY, in ways that somehow may seem to condradict canon, but actually don’t. Including pertaining that alien race Akiva loves to mention. You’ll see. :-)

I appreciate that, Salvador. So they’re walking a tight-wire, not surprised.

What, you mean fans shouldn’t assume the worst and complain Kurtzman is f’ing everything up with canon? Wow, you have some nerve suggesting that.

Love the appeal to assessment based on actual evidence rather than headcanon and/or whatever “Blish” added in the Starlogs or gamma canon authors of the myriad of TOS novels have added to colour in the gaps of what’s actually been onscreen.

Which outlet do you work for?

“But she is not at all like him in her purpose. She has a completely different purpose. Her purpose is to keep her new family alive, the Enterprise crew. They are her new family and they are all she has, actually.“

Khan in Into Darkness: “My crew is my family, Kirk. ls there anything you would not do for your family?”

Khan also exhibited deep affection for his crew and followers in Space Seed and TWOK.

Not a big deal. There are plenty of people who are related to tyrants, infamous gangsters and master criminals. The only problem with this, is that it’s too on the nose. Had this new character been just “La’an Singh” instead of “La’an Noonien Singh” (and KHAN isn’t a first name; it’s a title, and “Noonien” is a male first name, btw), this issue wouldn’t be so controversial. Oh, well. Blame it on the timeline changes caused by the Temporal Cold War, I guess.

Looking forward to the show but this is a HUGE red flag of what I suspect will be many unfortunately.

More proof supporting the idea that the current Star Trek writers lack creativity.

Screen Rant

Every khan family member in star trek.


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Star Trek’s Khan Noonien Singh Strange New Worlds & TOS History Explained

What’s la’an afraid of in strange new worlds she’s not like star trek’s khan, 10 most important star trek time travelers.

  • Khan Noonien Singh, Star Trek's most iconic villain, continues to impact the Star Trek universe through his descendants, including Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh.
  • Khan's complex history is further explored in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, presenting a new perspective on his legacy and the struggles faced by his family.
  • The genetic enhancements that made Khan powerful have mostly diminished in La'an, who serves as the security chief on the USS Enterprise, but she still carries the burden of her infamous last name.

Ricardo Montalban's Khan Noonien Singh is arguably Star Trek's most iconic villain, and Khan and his family continue to affect Star Trek stories. Khan first appeared in Star Trek: The Original Series season 1, episode 22, "Space Seed," when Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the USS Enterprise found Khan's ship floating in space. The genetically enhanced Khan had been a powerful tyrant on Earth during the late 20th century. When Khan's reign fell and the Eugenics Wars began, he and his followers escaped on the SS Botany Bay, cryogenically freezing themselves for a long journey with no particular destination in mind.

Khan returned in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan seeking revenge, but Captain Kirk defeated him once again, though not without great personal cost. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is the newest Star Trek property to feature a connection to Khan. Khan's descendant, Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh ( Christina Chong) serves on the USS Enterprise of Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount). Because of Khan's tyrannical reign in Earth's history , everyone knows the name Noonien-Singh, and La'an sometimes struggles with the legacy of her last name. With the introduction of La'an, Strange New Worlds has expanded the Noonien-Singh family tree and provided more details about Khan's complex history.

In the alternate Kelvin timeline, Khan Noonien Singh is portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch. In J. J. Abrams' Star Trek Into Darkness , Khan is recruited by the Starfleet Intelligence organization, Section 31, but later turns on them, seeking revenge on Starfleet. His plan is thwarted by Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) and the crew of the USS Enterprise.

Khan Noonien Singh is the greatest enemy Kirk's Enterprise ever faced in Star Trek: The Original Series, and Strange New Worlds seeds his return.

6 Ricardo Montalban & Desmond Sivan As Khan Noonien Singh

The exact circumstances surrounding Khan's birth remain unknown, but Star Trek has suggested the future tyrant was created rather than born. In the 1990s, Khan ruled a quarter of Earth's population from his power base in the Indian subcontinent. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 3, "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow," altered this timeline and La'an Noonien-Singh encounters the young Khan in 21st-century Toronto . At this point in history, the genetically engineered child is being held at a top-secret facility within the Noonien-Singh Institute for Cultural Advancement. As revealed in Star Trek: The Original Series , Khan will eventually become a powerful tyrant who rules over much of Earth. Although Strange New Worlds changes the timeline of these events, history still seems to follow a similar path.

When Captain Kirk and his crew happen upon Khan's ship in Star Trek: The Original Series' "Space Seed," they are familiar with his history. They bring him aboard the Enterprise anyway, only to discover that Khan has not given up his power-hungry ways. He recruits historian Lt. Marla McGivers (Madlyn Rhue), to help him take over the ship, although she eventually sides with Kirk. Kirk is ultimately able to stop Khan, but he will later regret stranding Khan and his people on Ceti Alpha V . Khan seeks revenge against Kirk in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , setting off a chain of events that results in the death of Spock (Leonard Nimoy). Khan is later killed, with the status of any children he may have had unknown.

5 Madlyn Rhue As Khan’s Wife Marla McGivers

When Khan was awoken on the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series' "Space Seed," USS Enterprise historian Marla McGivers gave into her romantic attraction to Khan. Although McGivers initially agreed to help Khan with his plans to take over the Enterprise, she later had second thoughts, saving Captain Kirk's life and helping him retake the ship. Despite this, McGivers still would have faced a court martial if she had stayed on the Enterprise, but Kirk gave her the option to join Khan and his people on Ceti Alpha V . While Ceti Alpha V was initially habitable for humans, the neighboring planet later exploded, causing Ceti Alpha V to become barren and inhospitable. Khan and his genetically enhanced followers were able to survive, but McGivers, unfortunately, was not.

4 Christina Chong As Lieutenant La’an Noonien-Singh

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds introduced Khan's descendant, Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh, who serves the security chief of the USS Enterprise commanded by Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount). As a child, La'an was bullied because she shares Khan's infamous surname, and she worries that she could become dangerous due to genetic augmentations she has inherited. Perhaps because of the time between Khan's existence and La'an, most of the enhanced genetic abilities seem to have diminished. Although La'an is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, she has not displayed any kind of superior strength or abilities .

La'an may be the last Noonien-Singh at the moment, as she lost her entire family to the Gorn when she was a child. While La'an and her family were living on a colony ship, it was attached by the Gorn, and the young La'an was the only person who survived. After she was rescued by Starfleet, she went on to attend Starfleet Academy and quickly climbed the ranks to the position of chief of security on the Enterprise. La'an has become an invaluable member of the Enterprise crew, and her knowledge of the Gorn has helped in their battles against the dangerous reptilians. La'an has a perfect Starfleet record, but she sometimes struggles to make interpersonal connections.

La'an Noonien-Singh came face-to-face with Khan in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, which should put to rest her fears of becoming like him.

3 Cameron Roberts As Manu Noonien-Singh

In Strange New Worlds season 1, episode 4, "Memento Mori," La'an allows Lt. Spock (Ethan Peck) to mind-meld with her to learn more about the Gorn . Because of the trauma La'an had experienced, she had suppressed many of her memories from the Gorn attack. Through the mind meld, La'an remembers that her brother, Manu, had figured out that the Gorn communicated through flashes of light. This information helps the Enterprise crew trick one of the Gorn ships into firing on the other. While not much has been learned about Manu, he clearly cared deeply about his sister, ultimately sacrificing himself in order to keep La'an safe.

2 Ronu & Sa'an Noonien-Singh

Even less has been revealed about La'an's parents, Ronu and Sa'an. They were on the SS Puget Sound when the colony ship was attacked and were taken to the Gorn nursery planet with the rest of the colonists. The memories La'an revisits in "Memento Mori" suggest that she and her brother had already lost their parents by that point. Ronu, La'an's father, was a direct descendant of Khan Noonien Singh, although it's unclear whether he possessed any special abilities . La'an recalled her father once told her that "not believing you're gonna die is what gets you killed," a message La'an did not fully understand until she contemplated why she was the only survivor of the Gorn attack.

1 Young Khan’s Unidentified Family

In Strange New Worlds' " Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow," La'an and an alternate universe Captain James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley) travel back in time to 21st century Toronto where La'an meets the young Khan. Because of various temporal conflicts , Star Trek' s original Prime timeline has been altered, with Khan now set to rise to power in the 21st century rather than the 20th. La'an saves the life of the young Khan, and then asks him if there are others like him. The boy points to a photograph on the wall showing him and six other young children.

Presumably, Khan and the other children in the photo have all been genetically enhanced, and at least some of them will grow up to be tyrants who compete for power in the devastating Eugenics Wars . It remains unclear if Khan has parents or any family beyond the other children being raised alongside him. Even decades after the character's introduction, Khan remains one of Star Trek's most complex and infamous villains, but La'an has the chance to change the legacy associated with the name Noonien-Singh.

Star Trek: The Original Series , Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds are available to stream on Paramount+.

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Physical Strength Levels of Trek Species

  • Thread starter el Chalupacabra
  • Start date Feb 23, 2011

el Chalupacabra

el Chalupacabra

Lieutenant commander.

  • Feb 23, 2011



Fleet captain.

I think it's stated that Vulcans are 3 times stronger in 'Take Me Out'. Also, Augmented humans beat the snot out of Klingons, so I'd accept that Klingons are only slightly stronger than a human, at least on average. Some individuals of either species may be stronger or weaker. Trill seem to be almost as strong as Klingons, but not quite, so I'd say they're about equal to humans. Ditto for Bajorans and Cardassians.  

If Vulcans are 3 times stronger, not 5 in "Take me Out..", I will have to modify that chart a bit. This also throws off Klingons, because they can't be stronger than Vulcans. I would agree Cardassians and Bajorans are equal to humans.  

From what we've seen, I'd guess Klingons are from half again to twice as strong as humans, on average.  

TiberiusMaximus said: From what we've seen, I'd guess Klingons are from half again to twice as strong as humans, on average. Click to expand...



Vice admiral.

el Chalupacabra said: Star Trek 3, where Kruge picks up Kirk and throws him easily, indicating superior strength. However, young Spock threw a Klingon about as far, himself.? Click to expand...
Ferengi: They seemed the weakest, at probably half that of a human, except in their debut, The Last Outpost. In that, Data said they were "stronger than they appear," and seemed as strong as a human. Click to expand...
Romulans: This is a weird one. They never demonstrated superior strength in any series, and even seemed equal to humans, DESPITE their Vulcan lineage. Click to expand...

Saito S

T'Girl said: A pregnant Kira once dropped a Klingon warrior with a single kick. Did I mention that she was preggers? Click to expand...

I like your Klingon reasoning, T'Girl. Good points,'s really not that clear cut.  

  • Feb 24, 2011
TiberiusMaximus said: I like your Klingon reasoning, T'Girl. Good points,'s really not that clear cut. Click to expand...
  • Sep 17, 2016
el Chalupacabra said: I've always been fascinated as to how humans stack up against alien species, physically, so I am starting this thread. If you have anything to add, or corrections to make, feel free It seems to me that physical strength levels vary in the Trek universe, but I have always been curious how humans stack up against other Trek species. First, it is hard to define the average strength level of a human. For simplicity, let's just accept the following as the "average man." The Average Man: height = 5'8 - 5'10 weight = 160 - 180 lbs. bench press (max) = 135 - 185 lbs. deadlift (max) = 185 - 235 lbs. squat (max) = 185 - 235 lbs. bicep curl (max double) = 60 - 100 lbs. bicep curl (max single) = 30 - 50 lbs. ...and just accept for sake and simplicity of argument, the "average" woman is roughly somewhere between half to 2/3s that. Relative to the average human, it's been stated: Human augments: Khan says to Kirk in Space Seed, "I have 5 times your strength." Vulcans: Their strength level varies, but I believe it is stated in DS9, "Take Me Out To The Holo Suite," Vulcans are 5 times as strong as humans. Other sources seem to indicate 3 times as strong. *Correction: Vulcans are 3 times that of humans, according to DS9's "TMOTTHS" Romulans: This is a weird one. They never demonstrated superior strength in any series, and even seemed equal to humans, DESPITE their Vulcan lineage. However, Star Trek 2009, Nero picks Kirk up like a rag doll, with one hand. It is reasonable to assume they are as strong as Vulcans, I think, so they must be 3 times as strong as a human. Klingons: While Klingons can be agreed to be tougher than humans (redundant vital organs, train as warriors from childhood and assumed to focus on physical fitness and fighting), on average they seem to be about as strong as humans. Worf would be an exceptionally strong Klingon or human, so I am not sure he would be a good example as the average "Klingon," and there is Star Trek 3, where Kruge picks up Kirk and throws him easily, indicating superior strength. However, young Spock threw a Klingon about as far, himself. So, I think Klingon must be somewhere between a human and a Vulcan, at maybe 1-3 times the strength of a human. *Correction: Average Klingons are probably not as strong as Vulcans, so they are likely 1-2 times as strong as humans. Jem Hadar: They seemed on par with Klingons Ferengi: They seemed the weakest, at probably half that of a human, except in their debut, The Last Outpost. In that, Data said they were "stronger than they appear," and seemed as strong as a human. Andorians: When Shran and Archer dueled in United, Shran displayed no superhuman strength. However, in Cease Fire, Tarah, the female Andorian,seemed to be stronger than Archer. Also, in United, Talas took out a Maco pretty easily. This could mean Andorian women are stronger than Andorian men. Data\Lore\B4: I think several times, Data says to various humans he has "many times" a human's strength. I don't know why, but for some reason I have stuck in my mind that Data is 10 times as strong as a human. ODO\Founders: Not stated, but has to be at least equal to Data. Borg: Data overpowered a Borg (assumed to be human) with one arm easily in Descent, but probably depends on the race of the Borg prior to assimilation. Maybe human Borg is as strong as an average Vulcan? Click to expand...
el Chalupacabra said: +2 T'girl, I hadn't accounted for gravity. Even after a couple years on a higher G planet, say 1.2 G, a person would be stronger just walking around and doing normal stuff. Since Nero is the only example of a stronger Romulan, it's quite possible he was an exception, and Romulans are equal to humans. But I minor disagreement here. I can buy Klingons being equal to humans with higher endurance, but not weaker. Saito... Didn't you know? Pregnant Bajorans have 5 times normal human strength. Click to expand...

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Who is Khan Noonien Singh from Star Trek?


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Next Game of Thrones Spinoff Reveals First Look and New Cast as Filming Begins

The boys showrunner reveals original comic book writer's one request, resident alien gets renewed for season 4 with major change.

The galaxy far, far away has Darth Vader, the Emperor, Grand Admiral Thrawn and a host of other iconic baddies. Yet, Star Trek and the galaxy right, right here isn't as focused on individual villains that way. However, if the universe created by Gene Roddenberry has a single, identifiable villain it's a 20th Century human who found himself in the future. Khan Noonien Singh is an important villain in Star Trek , and those who don't already know his story are in for an incredible adventure. The character has a long history in the nearly 60-year-old saga, and he remains important to its past and future.

Originally appearing in the Star Trek: The Original Series Season 1 episode, "Space Seed," the character was conceived as a Viking-style character. Roddenberry, however, wanted to subvert the audience expectations of the 1960s by changing that background. The character was named Khan Noonien Singh, in part because Roddenberry hoped a similarly-named acquaintance from World War II would see it and seek him out. (Alas, he never did.) The character was conceived as an actor of West Asian heritage, but the only actor they could convincingly cast to play the futuristic super man was Ricardo Montalban. In 2013's Star Trek Into Darkness, Benedict Cumberbatch was cast to play Khan Noonien Singh, despite him looking more "Viking" than West Asian. While "Space Seed" is an iconic Star Trek: TOS episode, it wasn't until his return in 1982's Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan written and directed by Nicholas Meyer. Not only did this revitalize the character, but the film reenergized the entire Star Trek franchise after The Motion Picture failed to spark joy in the hearts of Trekkers.

RELATED: This Star Trek: TOS Character Would Fit Perfectly In Strange New Worlds

Who Is Khan Noonien Singh In the Star Trek Canon?

The "Space Seed" episode revealed two things about the Star Trek universe. It revealed the "Eugenics Wars," which involved Khan Noonien Singh. Khan, among others, were genetically engineered to be "perfect" humans. The episode also revealed that as a result of these wars the "records" of that time were mostly lost to Starfleet. Still, Spock told Captain Kirk Kahn ascended into power in 1992 and was defeated in 1996 (30 years from the show's real-world present-day). Khan and 96 of his fellow genetic augments were put into a kind of stasis and sent off into space, where they drifted until the USS Enterprise found the vessel and awakened them. A historian on the Enterprise, Marla McGivers, was charmed by Khan and, almost, helped him take over the ship. Once Kirk and company retook the vessel, he allowed Khan, McGivers and his people to settle on Ceti Alpha V to build a new life for themselves.

In the beginning of The Wrath of Khan , Pavel Chekov (a character not added to The Original Series until Season 2) landed on what they believed was Ceti Alpha VI. They soon found Khan and what remained of his people, because the planet had "shifted" its orbit after a cataclysm. Kahn captured Chekov's ship, the USS Reliant, and used it to take possession of the Genesis Device. Created by Kirk's former partner Carol Marcus and Kirk's son David, it could take a lifeless world and make it teeming with life in hours. Khan wanted to use it as a weapon, but he also wanted to visit vengeance on Kirk. At the end of the film, he's defeated and famously quotes Moby Dick before he uses the Genesis Device to destroy his own ship. "From Hell's heart I stab at thee," he says, "for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."

In Strange New Worlds Season 2, Khan's descendant, La'an Noonien Singh , was sent back in time to the early 21st Century to stop a cataclysm. In Star Trek: Voyager , the crew was sent back to 1996, but instead of a Eugenics War-ravaged landscape, they found the dawn of the internet age. This was established as the "fault" of another time-travel accident. When La'an arrived in her past, she encountered Sera, a Romulan agent from the "Temporal Wars." She was sent back to 1992 to kill Khan in order to prevent the Federation and Starfleet from ever existing. Yet, because of the other time-shenanigans, Khan wasn't born until the 21st Century. "Time pushes back," she told La'an, implying that "canon events" aren't just limited to the Spider-Verse.

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Why Khan Noonien Singh Is So Important to Star Trek Fans and Storytellers

Khan Noonien Singh remains important to the larger Star Trek story because of what he represents about the universe's past. The Eugenics Wars, now set in the mid-21st Century also coincided with "World War III," the cataclysm from which Star Trek 's ideal future emerged. In Star Trek: First Contact , the crew of the USS Enterprise-E are sent back to ensure that Zefram Cochrane makes the first warp-drive flight, causing the Vulcans to visit Earth. Khan represents the personification of the worst of humanity. Notions of superiority, violence and authoritarianism are the main impediments, Roddenberry believed, to the idyllic future humanity was capable of achieving.

His many returns, from "Space Seed" in Star Trek: The Original Series to The Wrath of Khan are a warning that these human foibles, like Star Wars ' Palpatine , will somehow return if people aren't careful. Yet, Khan didn't just help create the universe in the narrative. After The Motion Picture , fans hoped for a return to the type of storytelling Star Trek: TOS was known for. Nicholas Meyer delivered a film that felt a bit like an episode of the show on a grander scale. Yet, it also kicked off a run of four more movies that helped cement Star Trek as an enduring franchise. Fans were enamored by the film and its sequels. Even when he's not present, he influences the story. Star Trek: Picard Season 3 thematically echoed the "trilogy" that started with The Wrath of Khan through Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home .

Khan is a genetically altered super man who was so cruel, violent and despotic he almost destroyed the planet. Yet, like most real-world villains, the actual Khan was charming, seemingly measured. Ricardo Montalban infused the character with gravitas and even humor, along with his impressive bare chest (which was not a prosthetic in the movie). If the heroes of Star Trek represent the best of humanity, Khan represents the worst of it. Heroes are defined by their villains, and any hero that can take out a guy like Khan Noonien Singh is an impressive one indeed.

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Memory Alpha

Star Trek: Khan

A collected edition was published in May 2014 ; the series was also collected in volume 36 of the Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection in May 2018 .

  • 3 Background information
  • 4 External links

Creators [ ]

  • Mike Johnson (#1-5)
  • Roberto Orci (#1-5, consultant)
  • Claudia Balboni (#1-3)
  • David Messina (#1-5)
  • Marina Castelvetro (#1-3, inking only)
  • Luca Lamberti (#3-4)
  • Giorgia Sposito (#4-5, inking only)
  • Claudia Scarletgothica (#1-5)
  • Valentina Cuomo (#3, #5, assist only)
  • Neil Uyetake (#1-5)
  • Sarah Gaydos (#1-5)
  • " Khan, issue 1 "
  • " Khan, issue 2 "
  • " Khan, issue 3 "
  • " Khan, issue 4 "
  • " Khan, issue 5 "

Background information [ ]

  • The press release initially stated the series would have six issues. [1]

External links [ ]

  • Star Trek: Khan at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Mike Johnson's annotations at

Why 'Star Trek' Kheeps Khoming Back to Khan


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These Are Hands Down the Coolest 5 Minutes in a John Wayne Western

Stephen king called this classic scene the scariest moment in horror history, this oscar-winning dark comedy is an intoxicating dive into mayhem.

The genetically-engineered superhuman Khan Noonien Singh first entered the Star Trek universe in the classic Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Space Seed", originally a one-off villain that presented a formidable challenge for the crew of the Enterprise. Khan, and the episode itself, proved so popular that he reappeared, and continues to appear, directly or indirectly in almost all the Star Trek franchise’s movie and television properties. The question is, how does an antagonist who first appeared 55-years ago stand above other threats to the Federation?

Episode 22 of Star Trek: The Original Series' Season 1, "Space Seed" introduced actor Ricardo Montalban as Khan Noonien Singh, one of the first human villains in the series. Rescued by the Enterprise from the 200-year-old derelict ship SS Botany Bay, Khan is wakened from suspended animation. Despite Spock's ( Leonard Nimoy ) research that identifies Khan as a product of selective breeding, an augmented human who had helped conquer a third of the Earth in the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s, the rest of the command crew are captivated by their guest. His true nature is revealed when he coerces Lieutenant Marla McGyvers ( Madlyn Rhue ) into helping him waken the rest of his crew aboard the Botany Bay and take over control of the Enterprise. Kirk ( William Shatner ) eventually takes Khan out, regaining control of the Enterprise. He holds a hearing to judge the fate of Khan and his followers, but in a shocking turn he drops all charges, unwilling to see their potential wasted. He offers Khan a choice: join society as a commoner, or settle on the uninhabited, fertile planet Ceti Alpha V. Opting for the latter, Khan, his crew, and Lieutenant McGyvers are transported to the planet.

RELATED: How 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan' Is the Franchise's Most Human Story

Nothing that happens in the episode is believable without Montalban. He infuses Khan with a depth over and above that of a standard villain. He is charming and mysterious, selling his enchantment of the Enterprise crew with more than mere words. He is sly and intelligent, with Montalban's voice invoking a soothing tone atop a hint of malice. You believe Khan is more than a mere man, and you sense an air of authority about him.

And when Khan was brought back for 1982's Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , Montalban gave the performance of his life, hearkening back to the qualities he brought from "Space Seed" and more. Ceti Alpha V had been rendered uninhabitable due to a cataclysmic event on Ceti Alpha VI, taking the lives of many, including his wife. This Khan was outraged over the loss of his wife, furious that no one thought to check on their welfare, but still calculating, taking control of the USS Reliant and plotting his vengeance on Kirk in cold detail. His thirst for vengeance, and his rage at being thwarted by Kirk, would lead to his death. In bringing Khan back, Star Trek II single-handedly rescued the Star Trek movie franchise that started off with the disappointing Star Trek: The Motion Picture , delivered a fan-favorite entry that to this day tops many lists as the best of the Star Trek films, and brought, "It is very cold... in space" and "KHAAAAAAN!" to the movie-quote lexicon. Whoever didn't know Khan from his first appearance certainly knew, and flat-out loved, Khan now.

But, now he was dead. Short of turning the character into some sort of Federation Freddy Krueger, this great rival of Kirk and the crew was inaccessible. The successful reboot of the franchise with 2009's Star Trek led to hopeful speculation the character would be revived in the follow-up Star Trek: Into Darkness , and he was, but actor Benedict Cumberbatch is no Montalban. Apart from the controversial whitewashing of Khan, Cumberbatch just didn't have the same draw, the same charisma that was brought to the villain by Montalban, disappointing the fan base.

Yet Khan is now so iconic, his legacy withstood the setback of Darkness to open up story possibilities and pique interest in other Star Trek properties, with the mere mention of his name laying a foundation of exposition going in. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has a character named La’an Noonien Singh ( Christina Chong ), security officer, and the name alone has stirred up postulations on how the two are connected. Season 2 of Star Trek: Picard ended with Dr. Adam Soong ( Brent Spiner ) revealing a file labeled “Project Khan”, leading to even more hypotheses, and a subdued hope that maybe this opens the door for an actual encounter between Khan - maybe a clone or other similar augmented warlord — and Picard ( Patrick Stewart ).

The Star Trek universe is filled with a deep history of enemies that have risen to challenge Starfleet. The Klingon Empire, first introduced in the original series episode "Errand of Mercy" and a continual presence throughout Trek history. The Borg, who entered the franchise in Season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation (and the antagonists in Star Trek: First Contact , arguably the best of the TNG films). Gul Skrain G. Dukat ( Marc Alaimo ), the Cardassian that plagued Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . It's easy, though, to make aliens the enemy. There's already an inherent distrust of the unknown, so the mere suggestion that an alien is anything less than noble and honest makes for a quick trip down that rabbit hole. Additionally, time and time again the villains of the franchise are shown to be allies of the Federation when faced with a common threat, or become full-fledged members of Starfleet at some point in the franchise. Worf ( Michael Dorn ), the Klingon Chief Security Officer on board the USS Enterprise-D, or former Borg drone Seven of Nine ( Jeri Ryan ) all come to mind.

Khan, however, stands alone. His humanness is relatable. His charisma draws you in. His thirst for vengeance a cause for fear. Khan is irredeemable, but you believe in his desire to better the situation for those in his care. He continues to impact the world of Star Trek because Trek needs him to. Khan's history is a known history, and anything that touches on that history is guaranteed to capture the imagination of even the most casual of Trekkers in a way that others simply can not.

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  6. Star Trek 2


  1. 10 Most Important Star Trek Time Travelers

    Star Trek's most important time travelers have made a lasting impact on the Star Trek timeline. Time itself is a different kind of final frontier for Star Trek characters, so time travel stories have been a staple of Star Trek since the beginning of the franchise.Temporal anomalies, chroniton particles, Klingon time crystals, and encounters with all-powerful beings like Q (John de Lancie) can ...

  2. Why Star Trek V: The Final Frontier's Visual Effects Were So Bad

    The comedic Star Trek homage Galaxy Quest features a scene near the end where Tim Allen's Jason Nesmith faces off with a creature made of rocks. This was an in-joke for fans who knew the behind-the-scenes lore of The Final Frontier.The original ending of the film would've had Captain Kirk facing off against as many as 10 "Rock Men," assembled from the barren planet's surface.

  3. Khan Noonien Singh

    Khan Noonien Singh is a fictional character in the Star Trek science fiction franchise, who first appeared as the main antagonist in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Space Seed" (1967), and was portrayed by Ricardo Montalbán, who reprised his role in the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.In the 2013 film Star Trek Into Darkness, he is portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch.

  4. Khan Noonien Singh

    Khan Noonien Singh (or simply Khan) was an extremely intelligent and dangerous superhuman.He was the most prominent of the genetically-engineered Human Augments of the Eugenics Wars period on Earth.Khan was considered, by the USS Enterprise command crew, over three centuries later, to have been "the best" of them. Reappearing with a cadre of Augment followers in the 23rd century, Khan became a ...

  5. Khan Noonien Singh (Alternate Timeline)

    Khan Noonien Singh, also known as John Harrison, is the main antagonist of the 2013 film Star Trek Into Darkness. He is an extremely intelligent and ruthless terrorist, and was the most prominent of the genetically engineered Human Augments of the late-20th century Eugenics Wars period on Earth. Considered genocidal tyrants who conquered and ...

  6. Khan Noonien Singh

    Khan Noonien Singh is the main antagonist in The Original Series episode, Space Seed and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the second installment in the Star Trek film series.. He is the ruthless and strategic leader of the Augments, who attempted to conquer humanity during the Eugenics Wars.After being discovered in cryosleep by the crew of the USS Enterprise in the far future, Khan attempted ...

  7. Khan Noonien Singh (Character)

    Khan was created for the original series Star Trek episode "Space Seed", and was named in honor of Gene Roddenberry's friend from World War II, Kim Noonien Singh. Roddenberry hoped his friend ...

  8. Khan & Every Augment Super Power In Star Trek

    In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Khan quickly figures out how to use the USS Reliant and the Genesis device to unleash his vengeance on Kirk, though in his hubris, he failed to predict his own downfall. 8 Dr. Bashir's Intelligence ... He showed psychic abilities, superior agility, and strangely, the ability to produce a slimy blue substance.

  9. Star Trek Into Darkness: Could Khan really crush a skull with his bare

    Near the end of the latest Star Trek installment, the cunning villain Khan Noonien Singh—played brilliantly by Benedict Cumberbatch—betrays his temporary allies to exact revenge on an old foe ...

  10. Khan Noonien Singh (alternate reality)

    Khan Noonien Singh (or simply Khan) was the most prominent of the genetically-engineered Human Augments of the late-20th century Eugenics Wars period on Earth. Many Augments were genocidal tyrants who conquered and killed in the name of order, with Khan and his kind being frozen in cryogenic sleep. In the 23rd century, Khan was revived by Admiral Alexander Marcus to design weapons and ships to ...

  11. Khan Noonien Singh

    Perhaps the most memorable or well-known villain of Star Trek: The Original Series, Khan Noonien Singh is a genetically engineered and selectively bred man intended to possess superhuman powers, both physical and mental.Also known as an "augment," Khan results from an experiment enacted by several scientists on Earth during the 1990s.

  12. Star Trek's Khan Noonien Singh Strange New Worlds & TOS History Explained

    WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, season 2, episode 2, "Ad Astra per Aspera." Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has added new layers to the history of Star Trek: The Original Series' genetically enhanced tyrant Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalban) proving that the character still has a lasting influence on Star Trek decades after his first appearance.

  13. Augment

    The ability to learn all of the latest technologies, beyond many post-doctoral qualifications, is a testament to how their artificially augmented superhuman intelligence was beyond the reach of even the most intelligent Humans. ... (ENT: "The Augments"; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) Earth authorities collected the remaining Augment embryos ...

  14. Khan Noonien Singh from Star Trek Into Darkness

    Khan Noonien Singh. 156. Star Trek Into Darkness Photo Credit: Everett Collection Character Analysis ... calculating, and brilliant. Harrison poses a threat to Starfleet not just because of his strong combat abilities, but also because of his brilliant tactical mind. He always seems to be two steps ahead of his enemies, engineering alliances in ...

  15. Characters / Star Trek: The Original Series

    A 20th-century genetically-engineered tyrant who ruled a quarter of the world in the 1990s. As his fellow "supermen" (or Augments) were overthrown, Khan and roughly 80 of his followers launched themselves into space in cryogenic sleep before being found by Kirk. With his weakness being his ambition, Khan then tried to seize control of the ...

  16. "Star Trek" Space Seed (TV Episode 1967)

    "Star Trek" Space Seed (TV Episode 1967) Ricardo Montalban as Khan. Menu. Movies. ... although your abilities intrigue me, you are quite honestly inferior. Mentally, physically. In fact, I am surprised how little improvement there has been in human evolution. Oh, there has been technical advancement, but, how little man himself has changed ...

  17. Vengeance: A Tale of Two Khans

    Khan Noonien Singh is, arguably, Star Trek 's greatest villain. He is a complex character whose intelligence, experience and strength made him a formidable and dangerous adversary for James T. Kirk. Khan's mythos has proved enduring for Trek fans, who've seen this character arise across their screens in different decades and even timelines.

  18. Eugenics Wars

    Both "Space Seed" and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan give the dating of the Eugenics Wars as the 1990s. At one point during that decade in reality, Ronald D. Moore and René Echevarria had a discussion in which they observed it as odd that the Eugenics Wars seemed to basically be the only evidence of genetic engineering in Star Trek.

  19. Interview: Christina Chong On How La'an Is (And Isn't) Like Khan In

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds debuts on Thursday, May 5 exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., Latin America, Australia and the Nordics. The series will air on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel ...

  20. Every Khan Family Member In Star Trek

    Ricardo Montalban's Khan Noonien Singh is arguably Star Trek's most iconic villain, and Khan and his family continue to affect Star Trek stories. Khan first appeared in Star Trek: The Original Series season 1, episode 22, "Space Seed," when Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the USS Enterprise found Khan's ship floating in space.The genetically enhanced Khan had been a powerful tyrant ...

  21. Physical Strength Levels of Trek Species

    It seems to me that physical strength levels vary in the Trek universe, but I have always been curious how humans stack up against other Trek species. First, it is hard to define the average strength level of a human. For simplicity, let's just accept the following as the "average man." The Average Man: height = 5'8 - 5'10 weight = 160 - 180 lbs.

  22. Who is Khan Noonien Singh from Star Trek?

    Khan Noonien Singh remains important to the larger Star Trek story because of what he represents about the universe's past. The Eugenics Wars, now set in the mid-21st Century also coincided with "World War III," the cataclysm from which Star Trek's ideal future emerged.In Star Trek: First Contact, the crew of the USS Enterprise-E are sent back to ensure that Zefram Cochrane makes the first ...

  23. Star Trek: Khan

    Star Trek: Khan is a five-issue comic book by IDW Publishing. It portrays the story of Khan Noonien Singh before and after the events of Star Trek Into Darkness, including the Eugenics Wars. A collected edition was published in May 2014; the series was also collected in volume 36 of the Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection in May 2018. "Khan, issue 1" "Khan, issue 2" "Khan, issue 3" "Khan, issue ...

  24. Why Star Trek Keeps Coming Back to Khan

    You believe Khan is more than a mere man, and you sense an air of authority about him. And when Khan was brought back for 1982's Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Montalban gave the performance of ...

  25. star trek

    When Kirk dies near the end of Star Trek Into Darkness, he comes back to life when Bones administers Khan's blood. Khan is genetically enhanced to be a superior life form, so why didn't Kirk recieve his abilities (such as improved strength) after being injected with his blood?