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Sono stata presso UCD a Dublino nell’agosto 2022. La struttura è’ molto bella, il tutor che accompagnava il mio gruppo molto operativo e le escursioni ben organizzate! Sarei dovuta partire a luglio ma il Covid, manifestatosi il giorno prima della partenza, mi ha costretto a modificare i piani! Il tour operator è’ stato molto rapido ed efficiente nella gestione del rimborso e nella riprogrammazione rapida del viaggio (volo compreso)! Nulla da dire! 5 stelle dall’inizio alla fine. Emma

Data dell'esperienza : 29 marzo 2023

La vacanza studio a Canterbury troppo poco inglese

La vacanza studio a Canterbury è stata tutto sommato positiva (d'altronde quando non accadono incidenti e disguidi)... mi permetto di fare un appunto, a mio avviso di non poco conto. Alla presentazione è stato sottolineato che i ragazzi avrebbero dovuto interagire in prevalenza in lingua inglese, che i ragazzi sarebbero stati ripresi se li sentivano parlare in italiano... sarebbe stato previsto un certo rigore a pro dell'apprendimento della lingua inglese. Questo non è avvenuto perchè al campus erano presenti in grande prevalenza gruppi italiani... e non internazionali come detto alla presentazione... così in realtà i ragazzi hanno sempre interagito in italiano e svolto SOLO le ore di lezione in inglese. LA VACANZA é PIACIUTA MOLTISSIMO AI RAGAZZI... ma l'obiettivo lingua non è riuscito molto bene.

Data dell'esperienza : 16 luglio 2023

Mia figlia ha avuto la fortuna di partecipare alla vacanza studio organizzata da Study Tours alla St. John's University di New York dal 22 giugno al 6 luglio e devo dire che è stata un'esperienza incredibile! Scoprire New York per lei è stato un sogno che diventava realtà. Grazie a Study Tours per l'ottima organizzazione che le ha permesso di immergersi completamente in questo viaggio.

Data dell'esperienza : 22 giugno 2023

Vacanze studio Canterbury

Vacanze studio Canterbury Ho avuto il modo di conoscere questa organizzazione grazie ad amici che si sono affidati per anni per la formazione all’estero dei loro figli. La scorsa estate ho mandato i miei figli presso il campus di Canterbury dove hanno vissuto 15 giorni con ragazzi da tutto il mondo . Raccomando a tutto questo college per ragazzi di 14 anni in su.

Data dell'esperienza : 10 luglio 2023

Esperienza lontana dalle aspettative.,.

Buongiorno, purtroppo l esperienza al Camp La Fattoria di Principina Terra, non è stata positiva. L'aspettativa era di una settimana all insegna della lingua inglese purtroppo però così non è stato, alimentazione scadente con poca scelta tenuto conto che gli utenti erano bambini entro i 13 anni ed appartamenti maltenuti e poco puliti.

Data dell'esperienza : 01 luglio 2023

Risposta di Studytours

Gentile Cliente, Prima di tutto, grazie per il suo feedback riguardo al soggiorno presso il nostro English Village La Principina. Siamo veramente dispiaciuti di apprendere che la questa esperienza non è stata all'altezza delle vostre aspettative In Study Tours, il nostro obiettivo principale è quello di fornire un'esperienza di apprendimento di lingua inglese di alta qualità, insieme a un'esperienza di soggiorno confortevole e sicura. Siamo noti per la nostra attenzione ai dettagli e ci sforziamo sempre di mantenere alti i nostri standard. Vorremmo qui sottolineare che la struttura nel suo complesso è un 4 stelle riconosciuto tra le strutture d'accoglienza di eccellenza della zona e che in oltre 16 anni di attività nella gestione dell'English Village, i feedback da parte dei nostri clienti, e soprattutto dei bambini, sono sempre stati estremamente positivi, soprattutto nel menu sempre pensato per loro. Questa suo feedback rappresenta per noi un'eccezione e non è assolutamente allineato con i nostri standard nell’insegnamento della lingua inglese e quelli relativi all’accoglienza. Diamo comunque attenzione a quanto da lei riportato perché ci aiuta a migliorare e monitorare sempre più la qualità dei nostri servizi e quelli delle nostre strutture ricettive. Cordialmente, Servizio Clienti Study Tours

Rettifica recensione ottobre 2022

Rettifica recensione ottobre 2022 Buonasera a tutti, nel mese di ottobre ( prima della partenza di mia figlia per la Spagna) scrissi una recensione negativa nei confronti di questa agenzia.. ora ad un mese dalla partenza mi sono dovuta ricredere... mia figlia è stata accolta da una famiglia stupenda, l’organizzazione scolastica è molto buona ( sicuramente sopra le aspettative) e l’assistenza ai ragazzi è presente per ogni esigenza..per tanto il mio parere negativo probabilmente dovuto ad una serie d’incomprensioni mi ha fatto capire che la valutazione va sempre fatta al completamento dell’esperienza, Ho provato anche a cancellare la mia precedente recensione, ma dato che non è possibile, volevo solamente dire che a volte si può anche cambiare parere! Grazie mille

Data dell'esperienza : 05 febbraio 2023


il mio viaggio è stato annullato a causa della pandemia nel 2020. non ho avuto alcun rimborso e non sono potuta partire l'anno successivo in quanto per la meta che avevo inizialmente scelto avevo superato il limite d'età e le mete in quel momento disponibili coincidevano con gli esami di stato che sono OBBLIGATORI E NAZIONALI. sono stata costretta a usare quel voucher per fare un corso di inglese che non rispecchiava minimamente la pubblicità e dove non ho trovato serietà per cui non ho imparato nulla. avevo già anche acquistato la certificazione ma ho dovuto pagare altri soldi! morale: la certificazione che propongono non viene riconosciuta da nessun università.

Data dell'esperienza : 15 marzo 2023

Gentile cliente, Siamo veramente dispiaciuti di apprendere del Suo disappunto con la nostra organizzazione e Le siamo grati per averci concesso l'opportunità di rispondere pubblicamente alle Sue preoccupazioni. Desideriamo prima di tutto sottolineare che i nostri programmi di viaggio e di formazione sono pensati per un'ampia gamma di età, dagli 8 agli 80 anni. Ci dispiace se non è riuscita a trovare un'opzione che rispondesse alle Sue esigenze specifiche in seguito alla sua cancellazione e la sottoscrizione di un voucher a causa della pandemia. In relazione al corso di inglese da Lei frequentato, e considerando il livello risultante dal suo test (intermediate), se avessimo avuto conoscenza – anche in corso d'opera – della sua insoddisfazione avremmo certamente provveduto a trasferirla su un livello più idoneo. In merito invece alla questione della certificazione, desideriamo assicurarLe che tutte le certificazioni che offriamo sono riconosciute dal MIUR e dalla maggior parte delle Università italiane. La invitiamo a consultare l'elenco delle università in cui la certificazione è riconosciuta a conferma di questo. Comprendiamo la Sua frustrazione, ma non sarebbe possibile offrire una certificazione non riconosciuta. Infine, desidero chiarire la questione dei costi associati alla certificazione. Il prezzo della certificazione, come riportato nel contratto di acquisto, è stato di 240 euro. Le spese addizionali che ha sostenuto sono relative a spese amministrative necessarie, tra cui l'invio della certificazione stessa. Dispiaciuti del feedback negativo, abbiamo comunque apprezzato il Suo feedback e ci auguriamo che questa risposta possa contribuire a risolvere alcune delle Sue preoccupazioni. La preghiamo di contattarci direttamente per qualsiasi necessità o se desidera avere ulteriori chiarimenti. Cordiali saluti, Study Tours

Malta : pessima esperienza.

Pessima esperienza dall’inizio: a poco più di un mese dalla partenza ci comunicano che la sistemazione scelta (in famiglia) non sarà disponibile e quindi veniamo dirottati su sistemazione alberghiera (con possibilità di recedere, a onor del vero, ma che alternative avremmo potuto trovare a quel punto dell’anno?); scadentissima la qualità dell’hotel, sia dal punto di vista residenziale che della ristorazione. Escursioni quasi improvvisate, o almeno questa è stata l’impressione.

Data dell'esperienza : 29 giugno 2023

Gentile Dr. GIANBATTISTA BOLLANI, Le siamo grati per aver dedicato del tempo a condividere il suo feedback. Siamo sinceramente dispiaciuti per le difficoltà che ha riscontrato e desideriamo fornirle ulteriori dettagli per chiarire la situazione. Come può comprendere, la sistemazione in famiglia è un aspetto del viaggio che può essere soggetto a diverse variabili, tra cui la distanza dal luogo delle lezioni. Nel suo caso specifico, abbiamo riscontrato alcune criticità relative a questo aspetto e, per garantire il buon andamento del suo soggiorno, abbiamo ritenuto opportuno reindirizzarla verso un'alternativa più adatta. Conformemente al codice del turismo, le abbiamo offerto un'alternativa di alloggio in hotel. Come previsto dall'offerta di viaggio da noi pubblicata, l'alloggio prevede una sistemazione in un hotel di categoria 3 o 4 stelle. Inoltre, per correttezza commerciale, abbiamo deciso di mantenere la stessa quota di partecipazione, applicandole uno sconto di euro di 260 €. Questo significa che non abbiamo richiesto alcun supplemento, mantenendo la stessa quota contrattuale inizialmente prevista. Siamo dispiaciuti di apprendere che la qualità dell'hotel 4 stelle, l'Hotel Canifort, non abbia soddisfatto le sue aspettative. Il nostro obiettivo è di offrire un servizio di alto livello: il trattamento di ristorazione prevede un buffet con tre portate per tipologia, oltre a insalate e verdure. Riteniamo che questa offerta di vitto sia in linea con la qualità da noi ricercata e con le aspettative dei nostri clienti. Se ha avuto l'impressione che le escursioni fossero organizzate in modo improvvisato, ci dispiace molto. Le escursioni previste dal programma includono: una giornata intera a La Valletta & Golden Bay, mezza giornata a Ghajn Tuffieh, mezza giornata a Sliema, mezza giornata all'Isola di Comino, mezza giornata a Ghadira Beach, mezza giornata ad Armier Beach. Come può comprendere, ad eccezione di Sliema e La Valletta, le destinazioni offerte sono tutte spiagge e l'organizzazione consiste nella prenotazione di un pullman che trasporta gli studenti alla spiaggia, dove vengono accompagnati sia dai loro tutor che dai membri dello staff locale. Infine, dal suo messaggio non emergono commenti sul corso di studio e sulla metodologia utilizzata, aspetti che riteniamo fondamentali in una vacanza studio. Speriamo che questi elementi siano stati apprezzati. Il suo feedback è prezioso per noi e lo utilizzeremo per migliorare i nostri servizi. Ci dispiace se, in questa occasione, non siamo riusciti a soddisfare appieno le sue aspettative. Cordiali saluti, Servizio Clienti, Study Tours

consigliatissimo! vacanza studio los angeles 2023

consigliatissimo! rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo, tutor (nello specifico eleonora ) meravigliosi. organizzazione impeccabile, escursioni e organizzazione dei corsi di studio ottimo! insomma tutto fantastico! quest’altr’anno saremo ancora con voi! grazie study tours

Data dell'esperienza : 25 luglio 2023

Faccio seguito a precedente

Faccio seguito alla mia precedente valutazione per scrivere che a seguito di essa mi è stata data possibilità di usufruire del corso on line in altra data. Frequentando la settimana però ho scoperto che le insegnanti non erano madrelingua: una era bulgara e una polacca, avevo sorvolato sul fatto, per non infierire. Poiché, però, nonostante numerosi richieste scritte e telefoniche non mi è stata ancora inviata la ricevuta/ fattura quietanzata del mio pagamento che mi sarebbe servita per usufruire di un bonus aziendale, voglio render noto l'esperienza negativa per esser utile a tutti coloro che si cimenteranno nella ricerca di un servizio di qualità.

Data dell'esperienza : 28 novembre 2021

Los Angeles estate 2023

Los Angeles estate 2023 Una vacanza studio perfetta tante escursioni un campus vicino a beverly hills amici da tutti il.mondo un esperienza indimenticabile

Data dell'esperienza : 18 febbraio 2023

Ho mandato questa estate mia figlia in WINDSOR WELLINGTON COLLEGE

Ho mandato questa estate mia figlia in vacanza studio con StudyTours per due settimane in College e devo dire che è stata una esperienza fantastica sotto tutti i punti di vista per mia figlia che si è trovata molto bene nel College per l'estrema professionalità degli insegnanti, la bellissima struttura all'interno della quale hanno dormito e fatto le lezioni. Nel complesso, quindi, sarà sicuramente una esperienza che rifarò l'anno prossimo sempre con StudyTours.

Data dell'esperienza : 02 luglio 2023

Loughbrougt vacanza studio

Vacanza studio di 15 gg a loughbrougt. In fase di prenotazione sembrava molto chiaro che i ragazzi avrebbero trascorso due gg a Londra. Al momento del programma definitivo scopriamo che il ns gruppo non sarebbe andato a visitare la città. Sbalordita chiamo, e dopo una serie di telefonate con risposte evasive, mail senza riscontro, i ragazzi partono senza sapere se Londra, per noi meta importante, sarebbe stata visitata o meno. Per fortuna tutto si è risolto per il meglio grazie ad un accompagnatore eccezionale, che ha gestito al meglio questo problema. In merito al college poca organizzazione soprattutto sugli sport che purtroppo sono stati fatti male e piscina su 14 gg solo un'ora il giorno prima della partenza. Consiglio a chi deve prenotare con qst agenzia di capire bene meta e programmi per evitare che si parta e non visitare città importanti. Ringrazio cmq la study tours che ha risolto il malinteso avuto( sicuramente per una cattiva pubblicità) ed esaudito il desiderio dei ragazzi di visitare tutte le mete previste. Un ringraziamento speciale a Andrea Dagheti, accompagnatore, ragazzo speciale.

Data dell'esperienza : 24 luglio 2022

Quest estate ho mandato mio figlio a…

Quest estate ho mandato mio figlio a Dublino allo UCD ha frequentato e conosciuto ragazzi da molti paesi in esperienza che consiglio .

Data dell'esperienza : 21 luglio 2023

Supporto Vendita

Supporto Vendita Ho appena iscritto mio figlio per una vacanza studio all’estero , il servizio clienti ed il consulente che mi ha seguito è stato molto professionale e di grande supporto in ogni fase del percorso.

Data dell'esperienza : 09 novembre 2023

In viaggio da 2 giorni per Dublino con…

In viaggio da 2 giorni per Dublino con scalo a Francoforte... coincidenza saltata per overbooking... sveglia al mattino alle 4 per due volte... bagagli saltati... TRASPORTO PER IL COLLEGE ASSENTE E NESSUNA VOLONTA DI ATTREZZARSI PER I TAXI.. CAPACITA DI GESTIRE GLI IMPREVISTI NULLA

Data dell'esperienza : 02 luglio 2022

Pessima esperienza

Pessima esperienza. Mio figlio ha contratto il covid mentre era a Dublino, lo hanno relegato in una stanza, senza visita medica diretta, parliamo di un ragazzino di 14 anni con febbre alta e tosse, cibo fritto o inadeguato alle sue condizioni di salute lasciato fuori dalla porta, lenzuola sporche lasciate dentro la stanza senza che nessuno le ritirasse , insomma assistenza inadeguata alla situazione e all'età del partecipante

Data dell'esperienza : 15 luglio 2022

New York alla Saint Jhonatan University…

New York alla Saint Jhonatan University una vacanza indimenticabile abbiamo avuto la fortuna di seguire il corso delle Nazioni Unite un oppprtunita’ formativa da non perdere

Data dell'esperienza : 08 settembre 2023

Esperienza eccezionale

Esperienza eccezionale. Agenzia validissima nell'organizzazione e gestione dei viaggi. Clima e atmosfera perfetto per passare una vacanza tramite loro. Vivamente consigliato!

Data dell'esperienza : 05 settembre 2022

Metto una stella perchè zero non è…

Metto una stella perchè zero non è possibile. Pessima gestione. Sto aspettando ancora una risposta ad una richiesta di rimborso per un biglietto aereo emesso sbagliato. Non si sono più fatti vivi.....

Data dell'esperienza : 31 agosto 2022

study tours opinioni

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Study tours should offer more 'learning' experience

study tours opinioni

"Ink on paper can only convey so much, true understanding requires putting knowledge into action." The popularity of study tours continues increasing during the summer vacation. Many parents are arranging for their children to go on educational trips, in order to break the relative monotony of classroom education. By providing them immersive real-life experiences, parents are seeking to broaden their children's horizons, enhance their knowledge, and help them integrate learning with exploration and enjoyment.

According to the summer travel data forecast from several online travel platforms, this summer is expected to witness a huge surge in demand, surpassing that of the same period in 2019. Among the emerging trends, "study tours" are new for the tourism industry, contributing significantly to its gradual recovery and improvement.

In 2021 the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released the"14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Cultural Industries", which laid stress on the vigorous development of study tours. The plan is aimed at creating innovative study tour products that integrate cultural experiences, technological innovation, knowledge dissemination, entertainment, leisure and interactive parent-child activities.

According to available data, the number of participants in study tours reached 4.94 million in 2021, far exceeding the pre-pandemic figures. In 2022, the number crossed 6 million, an all-time high.

The concept of "combining learning with travel" has become a new consumer trend, with study tours becoming an emerging tourism model. Study tours promote the integration of "culture, tourism and education", a novel way to experience cultural tourism and engage in practical education by studying people's daily lives. Study tours also combine family education, school education and community education.

Compared to developed countries in Europe and the Americas, China's study tour market started relatively late, with a lower overall market penetration rate, indicating that there is still considerable untapped potential to expand the market.

According to the "China Study Tour Development Report 2022-23" published by the China Tourism Academy, since the joint release of the "Opinions on Promoting Study Tours for Primary and Secondary School Students" by the Ministry of Education and 11 other departments in 2016, people's understanding of study tours has increased. The study tour demographic now includes preschool children, primary, middle and high school students, as well as adults and senior citizens, representing a broader developmental space.

With the combined impetus of favorable policies and the demand for quality education, the study tour market has grown rapidly in recent years. This year, study tourism has experienced even more robust growth, with more than 5,000 "study camps" and related enterprises across the country. To better develop study tours and avoid superficial experiences, tourism destinations can focus on the following aspects:

To begin with, it is essential to clearly define the positioning of the study tour market and expand the supply chains of study tour products. To establish a distinct identity and highlight the core values of "research" and "learning", study tours should not only focus on providing immersive experiences but also prioritize educational aspects, integrating them through products and services. This approach will ensure study tours offer high-quality educational resources for students.

It is also crucial to continuously optimize the study tour product chains. This can be achieved by incorporating the latest educational concepts and technological advancements to create a complete industry chain encompassing base construction, itinerary design, qualified instructors, curriculum development, safety assurance and other essential elements. This comprehensive approach will drive high-quality development in the study tour sector.

Furthermore, there is a need to capitalize on the diverse resources of each region and cultivate study tours as a branded intellectual property. Local authorities should engage in comprehensive planning, and consider study tours to be a significant vehicle for cultural and educational enrichment.

They can delve deep into local intangible cultural heritage, the country's revolutionary culture, ethnic minority culture, and traditional Chinese culture, among other distinctive cultural traits, to promote unique study tours.

For instance, in June 2023, the Guizhou provincial cultural and tourism authorities announced six study tour routes centered on intangible cultural heritage. Leveraging Guizhou's abundant intangible cultural heritage resources and tourist attractions, the province developed high-quality specialized courses to attract more young students to go on study tours in Guizhou.

This initiative aims to facilitate the effective transformation of intangible cultural heritage resources into cultural and tourism intellectual property, ultimately developing the "Study in Guizhou" study tour brand and driving the high-quality development of the tourism industry in the province.

Finally, to enhance the quality of study tour products and promote innovation among students, it is important to prioritize content innovation in study tours. So, local authorities should tailor the development of prominent educational study tour activities with strong regional characteristics. They should introduce innovative elements, such as incorporating technology education, implementing interdisciplinary projects, and creating a series of exemplary study tour bases. Additionally, they can design influential and high-quality study tour itineraries.

Like Guizhou, other provinces and regions can also leverage local events such as Guizhou's "Chinese Rural Football Super League" or "Village Super", which has become a rage across the country, "Village Basketball" and the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope installed in Guizhou, to showcase their unique natural resources and cater to the demands of study tour travelers.

Jiang Yiyi is the deputy head of the School of Leisure Sports and Tourism at Beijing Sport University; and Gao Ziyi is a postgraduate student at the same university.

The views don't necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

study tours opinioni

Eurotafe Education Solutions

Reasons Why You Need To Do A Study Tour

A Study Tour is exactly what it sounds like. It is an interactive way to learn. You could learn about anything. From parliamentary systems in Italy, Food and Wine Industry in France, Dutch’s Water Management System, as well as learning about culture in different countries in Europe. It allows you to study, meet new people from other departments and industries and get firsthand experience at the same time. If you are looking for a team building activity that will actually work and help them learn something new, Study Tours are a great choice.

Interactive and Effective Learning

The aim of a Study Tour, of course, is to learn and gain new skills and knowledge. Wave goodbye to boring presentations or long seminars. Study Tours take you beyond the classrooms or meeting rooms so that you get hands-on learning experience. At our most recent Study Tour on Food and Wine, participants were able to not only study about French’s famous food and wine producers but also able to experience the taste of locally made cheese, olives and pastries. In addition, cooking classes were also available as part of the tour.

Our next Study Tour is dedicated to learning about the Dutch Parliamentary System. As you can tell, Study Tours are designed for clients’ specific needs and can range from a variety of subjects.

Immerse in a Different Culture

Beyond the subject of the Study Tour, the fact that you are placed in a different environment is truly rewarding. Experiencing a different culture is eye-opening!

Whether it would be learning about how various government institutions work or reshaping your views and values by experiencing a different culture, Study Tours are so much more than just learning a new skill.

Go Back to Work Re-Energised

Of course, the main reason you are doing a Study Tour is to gain new experiences, new skills and knowledge to take home with you. Employees will come back to work re-energised feeling fulfilled, educated and filled with new ideas. Studies show that organisations that provide personal development and good culture increase employee retention rates. It is a small price to pay for long-term success and contentment in the organisation.

Are you ready to join a Study Tour? Please contact us to enquire about our next available Study Tours. EuroTafe Education’s Study Tours are tailored to suit our clients’ individual needs and can include airport transfer, accommodation, learning resources, private tours and specific needs such as halal meals. Feel free to contact us for any other queries or for more information.

Contact EuroTafe

EMAIL: [email protected]

Molenvlietbaan 22 3448 DC Woerden The Netherlands

Via dell’Annunciata, 23 20121 Milano ITALY

study tours opinioni

HBCU Lifestyle Logo

College Study Tours: The Top Benefits of Learning Abroad

Last Updated on February 28, 2017

Learners of the World: The Benefits of Study Tours to Students

Note: This post contains affiliate links. Know that, we only share companies and services I know and trust to be valuable recommendations to our readers.

What is a study Tour?

A study tour is an experience where students study abroad as an alternative to traditional classroom-based learning. Students are required to meet course objectives and graded on specific learning outcomes based on the class syllabus. Traditional travel destinations include:

  • Europe region
  • Asia region
  • Latin America region
  • USA and Canda region
  • Austraila region
  • New Zeland region

The most common ages for travelers are 18-35 years old.

Here are the benefits of study tours to students:

Aids in learning.

As one famous adage goes and I quote, “There's no education quite like the lessons of travel.” It is a great and effective way to learn specific subjects beyond textbooks and lectures. Joining a study tour with an expert guide who's very knowledgeable about the place or topic is like having on-hand answers to questions that may not be fully accounted in some books. A study gives you a solid picture of how or what one really is when seen in person.

When we talk of a sculpture, let's say the famous Little Mermaid in Copenhagen, Denmark, seeing it on a picture, many of us may have said to ourselves, I wonder how it looks in person or what made it very interesting. Once you see the actual piece and how impressive and detailed the work is, then you now have instant answers to your questions. Most famous sites even have their own facilities that hold records of a site's/subject's history, founding and everything related to it.

Creates a new and fun experience

We may have heard from someone before that “we learn from experience.” While good teaching is still an important learning foundation for each of us (especially during our younger years – and I don't think that can be easily replaced) the world is also an effective classroom. Although classroom learning can be rewarding, long hours of lectures may sometimes be a daunting event; an option for a study tour anytime in the course of study can be an exciting and fun new experience that students may look forward to.

A study tour helps students appreciate their field of study more and it really helps them better realize the interaction between their chosen fields of study to the rest of the world. Study tours help students open themselves to many possibilities that are not just contained in one geographical location or culture.

Study tours expose students to other cultures

Study tours can be a great way to learn new things about different cultures and be aware of certain differences between them, as well as similarities. It makes students see certain issues in a new perspective and some study tours even allow students to immerse themselves in a different community even if it's just a short period of time. In return, they are exposed to cultures of different socio-economic statuses which help them build compassion and better understanding for these cultures. To a certain extent, we can say that study tours allow people to gain a new perspective on things simply because they've been there; they have experienced it and somehow built a connection to that culture or place.

Opportunity to find new interests and enhance existing ones

After traveling to many places, there will be different things you'll see that may not be available or done in your area or country. Being exposed first hand to things related to your study, as well as new things you'll see for the first time, there are a lot of opportunities for you to discover new interests or enhance existing passions. A lot of business ideas nowadays are based on things they saw in another place but couldn't find it in another – so they decide to build one.

Builds friendship and enhance social skills

Spending time with people outside of the classroom and exploring and finding new things together definitely allows students to have and share a common experience. Especially if you are traveling to a different country for your study tour, before leaving it is definitely advisable to somehow learn quite a few words as well as common practices in that country for a better social experience. Let's say, you are traveling to Denmark, it wouldn't hurt to learn a few helpful Danish words, don't you think? And once you're in that country, maximize the opportunity to socialize with locals; you might learn a thing or two that is way different from the country you came from.

Good study tours offer great possibilities to people of different ages and cultures. They are definitely an effective tool for experiential learning not only about your field of study but also its relation and effects to different places and culture . Study tours may be arranged to accommodate both small and large groups and depending on your needs. Check out your course syllabus if a study tour is included or reputable travel agencies to find out more about your options for great study trips.

So go ahead! Take advantage of a study tour opportunity, make new friends, increase your knowledge and understanding, and explore new terrains, people, and culture.

Abigail Agres and Kaylee Wilson are lifestyle and mom bloggers. They write for TeamBenns, Denmark's premier travel agency for group travel and student tours .

Kaylee Wilson

Kaylee Wilson is a proud single mom and a professional writer. She currently contributes at . Help Your Teen Now brings together a vast collection of resources that will help families find their bearings. Click here to learn more.

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Readers: Are study tours worth it?

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It depends on each family to decide whether to participate in study tours or not. Factors such as time and financial considerations must be taken into account, along with a comprehensive evaluation of the child's specific needs, academic commitments and interests, to arrive at the most suitable decision. It is worth noting that the decision to engage in educational trips does not solely dictate a child's future. The crux of a child's development lies in their day-to-day education and the nurturing environment provided by their family.

study tours opinioni

Study tours should offer more ‘learning’ experience

In 2021 the ministry of culture and tourism released the 14th five year plan for the development of cultural industries, which laid stress on the vigorous development of study tours..

Statesman News Service | New Delhi | July 29, 2023 8:49 am

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[Representational Photo : iStock]

Ink on paper can only convey so much, true understanding requires putting knowledge into action. The popularity of study tours continues increasing during the summer vacation. Many parents are arranging for their children to go on educational trips, in order to break the relative monotony of classroom education. By providing them immersive real-life experiences, parents are seeking to broaden their children’s horizons, enhance their knowledge, and help them integrate learning with exploration and enjoyment.

According to the summer travel data forecast from several online travel platforms, this summer is expected to witness a huge surge in demand, surpassing that of the same period in 2019. Among the emerging trends, study tours are new for the tourism industry, contributing significantly to its gradual recovery and improvement.

In 2021 the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released the 14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Cultural Industries, which laid stress on the vigorous development of study tours. The plan is aimed at creating innovative study tour products that integrate cultural experiences, technological innovation, knowledge dissemination, entertainment, leisure and interactive parent-child activities. According to available data, the number of participants in study tours reached 4.94 million in 2021, far exceeding the pre-pandemic figures. In 2022, the number crossed 6 million, an all-time high.


The concept of combining learning with travel has become a new consumer trend, with study tours becoming an emerging tourism model. Study tours promote the integration of culture, tourism and education, a novel way to experience cultural tourism and engage in practical education by studying peoples daily lives. Study tours also combine family education, school education and community education.

Compared to developed countries in Europe and the Americas, Chinas study tour market started relatively late, with a lower overall market penetration rate, indicating that there is still considerable untapped potential to expand the market.

According to the China Study Tour Development Report 2022-23 published by the China Tourism Academy, since the joint release of the Opinions on Promoting Study Tours for Primary and Secondary School Students by the Ministry of Education and 11 other departments in 2016, people’s understanding of study tours has increased. The study tour demographic now includes preschool children, primary, middle and high school students, as well as adults and senior citizens, representing a broader developmental space.

With the combined impetus of favorable policies and the demand for quality education, the study tour market has grown rapidly in recent years. This year, study tourism has experienced even more robust growth, with more than 5,000 study camps and related enterprises across the country. To better develop study tours and avoid superficial experiences, tourism destinations can focus on the following aspects: To begin with, it is essential to clearly define the positioning of the study tour market and expand the supply chains of study tour products. To establish a distinct identity and highlight the core values of “research” and “learning”, study tours should not only focus on providing immersive experiences but also prioritize educational aspects, integrating them through products and services.

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Study tours should offer more 'learning' experience

study tours opinioni

"Ink on paper can only convey so much, true understanding requires putting knowledge into action." The popularity of study tours continues increasing during the summer vacation. Many parents are arranging for their children to go on educational trips, in order to break the relative monotony of classroom education. By providing them immersive real-life experiences, parents are seeking to broaden their children's horizons, enhance their knowledge, and help them integrate learning with exploration and enjoyment.

According to the summer travel data forecast from several online travel platforms, this summer is expected to witness a huge surge in demand, surpassing that of the same period in 2019. Among the emerging trends, "study tours" are new for the tourism industry, contributing significantly to its gradual recovery and improvement.

In 2021 the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released the"14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Cultural Industries", which laid stress on the vigorous development of study tours. The plan is aimed at creating innovative study tour products that integrate cultural experiences, technological innovation, knowledge dissemination, entertainment, leisure and interactive parent-child activities.

According to available data, the number of participants in study tours reached 4.94 million in 2021, far exceeding the pre-pandemic figures. In 2022, the number crossed 6 million, an all-time high.

The concept of "combining learning with travel" has become a new consumer trend, with study tours becoming an emerging tourism model. Study tours promote the integration of "culture, tourism and education", a novel way to experience cultural tourism and engage in practical education by studying people's daily lives. Study tours also combine family education, school education and community education.

Compared to developed countries in Europe and the Americas, China's study tour market started relatively late, with a lower overall market penetration rate, indicating that there is still considerable untapped potential to expand the market.

According to the "China Study Tour Development Report 2022-23" published by the China Tourism Academy, since the joint release of the "Opinions on Promoting Study Tours for Primary and Secondary School Students" by the Ministry of Education and 11 other departments in 2016, people's understanding of study tours has increased. The study tour demographic now includes preschool children, primary, middle and high school students, as well as adults and senior citizens, representing a broader developmental space.

With the combined impetus of favorable policies and the demand for quality education, the study tour market has grown rapidly in recent years. This year, study tourism has experienced even more robust growth, with more than 5,000 "study camps" and related enterprises across the country. To better develop study tours and avoid superficial experiences, tourism destinations can focus on the following aspects:

To begin with, it is essential to clearly define the positioning of the study tour market and expand the supply chains of study tour products. To establish a distinct identity and highlight the core values of "research" and "learning", study tours should not only focus on providing immersive experiences but also prioritize educational aspects, integrating them through products and services. This approach will ensure study tours offer high-quality educational resources for students.

It is also crucial to continuously optimize the study tour product chains. This can be achieved by incorporating the latest educational concepts and technological advancements to create a complete industry chain encompassing base construction, itinerary design, qualified instructors, curriculum development, safety assurance and other essential elements. This comprehensive approach will drive high-quality development in the study tour sector.

Furthermore, there is a need to capitalize on the diverse resources of each region and cultivate study tours as a branded intellectual property. Local authorities should engage in comprehensive planning, and consider study tours to be a significant vehicle for cultural and educational enrichment.

They can delve deep into local intangible cultural heritage, the country's revolutionary culture, ethnic minority culture, and traditional Chinese culture, among other distinctive cultural traits, to promote unique study tours.

For instance, in June 2023, the Guizhou provincial cultural and tourism authorities announced six study tour routes centered on intangible cultural heritage. Leveraging Guizhou's abundant intangible cultural heritage resources and tourist attractions, the province developed high-quality specialized courses to attract more young students to go on study tours in Guizhou.

This initiative aims to facilitate the effective transformation of intangible cultural heritage resources into cultural and tourism intellectual property, ultimately developing the "Study in Guizhou" study tour brand and driving the high-quality development of the tourism industry in the province.

Finally, to enhance the quality of study tour products and promote innovation among students, it is important to prioritize content innovation in study tours. So, local authorities should tailor the development of prominent educational study tour activities with strong regional characteristics. They should introduce innovative elements, such as incorporating technology education, implementing interdisciplinary projects, and creating a series of exemplary study tour bases. Additionally, they can design influential and high-quality study tour itineraries.

Like Guizhou, other provinces and regions can also leverage local events such as Guizhou's "Chinese Rural Football Super League" or "Village Super", which has become a rage across the country, "Village Basketball" and the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope installed in Guizhou, to showcase their unique natural resources and cater to the demands of study tour travelers.

Jiang Yiyi is the deputy head of the School of Leisure Sports and Tourism at Beijing Sport University; and Gao Ziyi is a postgraduate student at the same university.

The views don't necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

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Are overseas study tours worthwhile?

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Editor's note: Overseas study tours are gaining popularity with Chinese parents who want their children to broaden their horizon and experience a different culture. According to the Chinese travel website Tuniu Corp, even pre-school children and elementary students have joined these trips this summer. The price for such a tour ranges between 20,000 and 30,000 yuan per person. Forum readers share their opinions.

If I were a wealthy Chinese parent, I would find a good camp in China, rather than the US. Better yet, let the children actually relax and enjoy themselves over the summer. Play video games, sports, etc. Let them have a happy childhood instead of just pushing for more educational success all the time. Maybe their grades won't be as high, but I bet they'll have happier memories when they're grown.

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  • China Edition

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Overseas study tours: An eye-opening experience or waste of money? | Updated: 2019-07-27 10:00

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Editor's note: Overseas study tours have grown in popularity in recent years. Many Chinese parents send their children abroad to places like the US and the UK to help broaden their horizons and learn a foreign language. Forum readers share their opinions.

1626548377 (China)

Study tours, whatever that means, cannot help you learn in just 10 days. I think you can tour China with far less money; most of these kids don't know their own country, but then again you can't show off to neighbors and friends that your child went abroad for a holiday.

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Navruz in Uzbekistan

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We also offer online courses and virtual events .  Contact us about faculty-led or other custom options.

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  • Program:   Each program page  gives its specific pricing information. SRAS offers a variety of program choices of varying length and cost.
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  • Opportunities for faculty and administrators to visit lesser known places in Eurasia that we feel have great potential for custom programming.

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At Stetson, we’ve used SRAS to arrange all of our student study abroad trips for the past five or six years. During that time we’ve sent dozens of students on summer- and semester-long programs in Moscow, St Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Irkutsk. In every interaction I’ve had with them, SRAS has been prompt, reliable, knowledgable, courteous and quick to lend a hand when needed.
Just yesterday my student successfully defended her honors thesis on environmentalism around Lake Baikal, a project that would not have been possible without the fieldwork that she conducted on her SRAS study abroad program in Irkutsk. I hope to see more such projects in the future and will keep directing students to SRAS programs!
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Study Tours

About our tours.

Each tour is led by one of our Study Leaders with expertise in the subject matter along with a Smithsonian Representative to handle all the logistics and comforts of the group. The study leader imparts knowledge both formally and informally throughout the tour, with methods that can include a background lecture, handout materials, narrating site visits, and stimulating social engagement with all participants during the course of the tour.

Study tours include day bus trips, multi-day and overnight tours, and shorter neighborhood walks or visits to specific sites. We offer over 70 study tours each year, and we hope you will join us!

Select a tour type to learn more:

Day Bus Tours

Popular day bus tours have included:

  • Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater
  • John Wilkes Booth's Escape Route
  • Western Maryland Scenic Railroad
  • Sultana Cruise & Historic Chestertown
  • The Cloisters of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Overnight Tours

Popular overnight tours have included:

  • Best of Brooklyn, New York
  • Berkshires Summer Sampler
  • Exploring Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago
  • Corning Museum of Glass
  • West Virginia Railroad Spectacular

Walking & On-Site Tours

Popular walking and on-site tours have included:

  • Inside Smithsonian Libraries
  • Architecture on the National Mall
  • Dupont Circle and Embassy Row
  • Sunrise Hike at Great Falls
  • Roosevelt Island Walks
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All upcoming Study Tours

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One of the top theater festivals in the world, the Contemporary American Theater Festival in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, helps shape the future of American theater. Each summer since 1991, the festival has produced bold, new plays spotlighting daring and diverse stories. Washington, D.C., area theater aficionado Lynn O’Connell leads a visit to the festival.

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Travel to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond with historian Justin M. Jacobs for an awe-inspiring look at Japan’s exquisitely crafted samurai armor from one of the largest collections in the world. More than 140 works from the collection of Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller offer a glimpse of samurai history with a focus on the flourishing culture of the Edo period. ( World Art History Certificate elective, 1/2 credit)

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Born into slavery in Dorchester County, Maryland, young Araminta Ross faced adversity from an early age. These hardships transformed “Minty” into Harriet Tubman, the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad, and her childhood knowledge of the geography of the Eastern Shore played a key role in her success in ferrying more than 70 people to freedom by 1860. Historian Anthony Cohen uncovers the saga of Tubman’s life by exploring significant sites in the region where she was raised—and that shaped her dreams of freedom and equality.

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Quilting is a tradition that has transcended the limits of culture and eras. Throughout the centuries, styles and techniques evolved, but the common thread in the creation of quilts was often their makers: women. Led by Alden O’Brien , textile and costumes curator at the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum, visit three museums to explore the role quilting has played in our society, including how it has been used to express emotion and act as a force of social justice.

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Rise early and enjoy a delightful summer walk at Virginia’s Meadowlark Botanical Gardens with American Horticultural Society international travel guide Keith Tomlinson . The 95-acre setting features thousands of ornamental and native plants in numerous collections; lakes and adjacent forests that attract a variety of birds; a restored log cabin that embodies the colorful history of the garden; and a unique Korean bell pavilion.

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  • Oct 10, 2023

International Study Tour Topics(1 of 30) - We Open the World for You

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

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"We Open the World for You: The Transformative Power of International Study Tours"

International Study Tour Topics Catalogue

The Benefits of International Study Tours for Students

Choosing the Right Destination for an International Study Tour

Planning and Organizing an International Study Tour

Cultural Immersion and Language Learning during Study Tours

The Impact of International Study Tours on Global Perspective

Balancing Academics and Exploration during Study Tours

Sustainable Tourism and Ethical Considerations in Study Tours

Enhancing Interpersonal Skills through International Study Tours

Overcoming Challenges and Adapting to New Environments during Study Tours

Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding through Study Tours

The Role of Technology in Facilitating International Study Tours

Collaborative Learning and Team Building on Study Tours

Safety and Security Measures for International Study Tours

Parental and Institutional Support for Students on Study Tours

International Study Tours and Career Development Opportunities

The Role of Tour Guides and Facilitators in Study Tours

Experiencing Art, History, and Architecture on International Study Tours

Impact of International Study Tours on Personal Growth and Confidence

Alumni Perspectives: How Study Tours Influence Long-Term Success

Exploring Local Cuisine and Food Culture during Study Tours

Environmental and Ecological Awareness on Study Tours

Learning from Global Business Practices on Study Tours

The Influence of Politics and Governance on International Study Tours

Integrating Service Learning Projects in Study Tours

Exploring Natural Wonders and Landmarks on Study Tours

Comparative Education: Contrasting Educational Systems on Study Tours

Study Tours in the Age of Virtual and Augmented Reality

Artistic and Creative Inspiration from International Study Tours

The Role of Travel Writing and Photography in Capturing Study Tour Experiences

Promoting Social Justice and virtue/morality Awareness on Study Tours

Chapter 1: The Benefits of Students Participating in International Study Tours

International study tours provide students with invaluable learning and developmental opportunities. This experience not only complements traditional classroom education but also plays a crucial role in personal growth and cultivating a global perspective. Here are some key benefits of students participating in international study tours:

1. Cultural Immersion and Language Learning: International study tours expose students to different cultural environments, encouraging them to understand and respect people from diverse backgrounds. Students have the opportunity to learn and practice various languages, enhancing their language skills and cross-cultural communication abilities.

2. Broadening Global Perspectives: By experiencing the lifestyles, social systems, and cultural traditions of different countries and regions firsthand, students' global perspectives are expanded. They gain a better understanding of the world's diversity, nurturing a more open-minded way of thinking.

3. Extending Academic Knowledge: International study tours can be integrated with classroom learning, allowing students to learn through practical experiences. For example, students can explore historical landmarks, artistic works, or ecosystems, leading to a deeper understanding of academic subjects.

4. Confidence and Independence: Participating in international study tours alone, students face new challenges and decisions. Problem-solving, adapting to new environments, and living independently enhance their confidence and independence.

5. Interpersonal Skills: International study tours often require students to collaborate with other students and locals, improving their interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit.

6. Cross-Cultural Understanding: Students have the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds, discovering commonalities and differences. This helps to eliminate biases and promotes cross-cultural understanding and respect.

7. Career Development Opportunities: International study tours offer valuable experiences related to future career development. In a globalized world, students who possess in-depth knowledge of cross-cultural communication and collaboration are more competitive.

8. Broadening Horizons: International study tours take students out of their familiar environments, exposing them to new experiences and ways of life, fostering enthusiasm and a spirit of exploration.

In conclusion, students participating in international study tours embark on a journey of exploration, learning, and personal growth. Through such experiences, they benefit from cultural immersion, global perspectives, personal development, and future career opportunities. The education sector should encourage and support more students to engage in such study tours, enabling them to become more inclusive and open-minded global citizens in the era of globalization.

For complete article of 30 topics, please download here:

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  • Nicholas Wise 3  

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Study tours refer to trips taken by students or other trainees, normally as a part of their degree programs. An inherent part of higher education study tours, either domestic or international, have a long history. Spending a semester abroad is seen as a way to strengthen a university degree by gaining experience alongside people from other cultures and familiarizing oneself with different customs and practices (Stone and Petrick 2014 ). Many such programs are led by academics with the intent that students will increase their global awareness and complement classroom knowledge. A key objective is to integrate theory and practice. While universities seek to promote international agendas and transnational education, students embrace the opportunity to travel. Combining it with education transcends the traditional classroom, where students are brought into cultural settings through social activities consumed at the source (Kusek and Wise 2019 ). Study tours include semesters abroad,...

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Kusek, Weronika A., and Nicholas Wise. 2019. Human geography and professional mobility . London: Routledge.

Book   Google Scholar  

Nyaupane, Gyan, Cody Morris Paris, and Victor Teye. 2011. Study abroad motivations, destination selection and pre-trip attitude formation. International Journal of Tourism Research 13: 205–217.

Article   Google Scholar  

Stone, M.J., and J.F. Petrick. 2014. The educational benefits of travel experiences: A literature review. Journal of Travel Research 52: 731–744.

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Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA

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School of Hospitality Leadership, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, USA

Jafar Jafari

School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Honggen Xiao

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School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK

David Airey

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Wise, N. (2022). Study Tour. In: Jafari, J., Xiao, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer, Cham.

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Received : 25 December 2020

Accepted : 19 February 2021

Published : 03 March 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-01669-6

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    SRAS study tours are designed to condense immersive, resume-building study abroad experiences into as little as 1-4 weeks. Formulated with students, educators, and professionals in mind, these opportunities are open to anyone with a passion for travel and learning.

  17. All upcoming Study Tours

    About our tours. Each tour is led by one of our Study Leaders with expertise in the subject matter along with a Smithsonian Representative to handle all the logistics and comforts of the group. The study leader imparts knowledge both formally and informally throughout the tour, with methods that can include a background lecture, handout ...

  18. International Study Tour Topics (1 of 30)

    Broadening Horizons: International study tours take students out of their familiar environments, exposing them to new experiences and ways of life, fostering enthusiasm and a spirit of exploration. In conclusion, students participating in international study tours embark on a journey of exploration, learning, and personal growth.

  19. Study Tour

    Study tours refer to trips taken by students or other trainees, normally as a part of their degree programs. An inherent part of higher education study tours, either domestic or international, have a long history. Spending a semester abroad is seen as a way to strengthen a university degree by gaining experience alongside people from other ...

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