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Arles : 5 choses à savoir sur la Tour Luma qui ouvre ses portes au public ce samedi

Caractérisé par une architecture unique, le projet de la mécène suisse Maja Hoffmann, porté par l’architecte Frank Gehry, permettra d’accueillir des expositions et offrira au public une vue panoramique sur la cité arlésienne.

Le public va pouvoir découvrir ce samedi le nouveau lieu artistique de la Fondation Luma, financé par la milliardaire suisse Maja Hoffmann sur les 10 hectares des anciens ateliers SNCF.

Un projet culturel qui s'articule autour de la tour imaginée par l'architecte Frank Gehry. Voici cinq choses à savoir sur la Tour Luma. 

  • Une tour-miroir de 56 mètres de haut

Le bâtiment de 9 étages s'érige comme un phare au milieu de la ville. La Tour Luma sera accessible dès ce samedi 26 juin au grand public. Les visiteurs pourront alors parcourir sa large superficie de 15.831 m2 et notamment ses 2000 m² de salles d'exposition.

L'édifice est destiné à recevoir des galeries d'art et des oeuvres en tout genre. Il doit également abriter des espaces de présentation et d’archives, une bibliothèque, des bureaux, des salles de séminaires et un café-restaurant.

A sa base, une rotonde, à la surface transparente et semi poreuse. Sa forme circulaire est un clin d'oeil aux arènes romaines d'Arles.

  • 11.500 briques métalliques

Pour créer cet aspect réfléchissant unique, c'est l'inox que Frank Gehry, l’architecte qui a conçu la tour, a choisi.

Chacune de ces briques est différente. Car elles n'ont pas la même taille ou la même forme. Elles ont donc été numérotées pour permettre l'assemblage de la tour.

Ces innombrables facettes métalliques sont fixées par des attaches à une structure interne non-visible. Une structure sous forme d'une coque en métal qui assure l'étanchéité de l'édifice.

  • Sept ans de construction

C’est en 2014 que la première pierre de la Tour Luma a été posée. A l'origine, le projet est impulsé par une mécène suisse, Maja Hoffman. Celle-ci souhaite créer un espace culturel à destination des Arlésiens sur les anciens ateliers de la SNCF d’Arles.

Très vite, c'est l'architecte influent de 92 ans, Frank Gehry, créateur notamment de la Fondation Louis Vuitton à Paris, qui s'empare du projet.

  • Des biomatériaux innovants

L'ambition affiché du chantier était d'utiliser des biomatériaux prélevés localement. Une idée destinée à inspirer de nouvelles pratiques dans les méthodes de construction.

Ainsi, 30.000 tuiles à base d'algues de vingt couleurs différentes ont été utilisées pour recouvrir l'édifice. Elles ont été réalisées en utilisant le moulage par injection et en respectant les normes industrielles et de sécurité.

La Tour présente également une variété de revêtements muraux textiles tissés avec du fil bioplastique algal. Certains panneaux muraux cristallisés ont été conçus à base de sel, un matériau abondant dans la région.

Des plantes invasives ont également été utilisées pour fabriquer une partie du mobilier.

  • 33.800 m² de jardins publics

Arbres, plantes, arbustes, c’est près de 140 espèces différentes qui sont venues habiller la vaste plateforme de béton laissée par les anciens ateliers de la SNCF d’Arles.

Un parc conçu par l’architecte de paysages Bas Smets. Il a tiré son inspiration des paysages qui entourent la ville, la Camargue, la Crau et les Alpilles.

Clou du spectacle, un étang de 2500 m² : grâce à l’humidité qu’il génère, il vise à recréer un écosystème méditerranéen.

Un système de circulation d’eau durable qui puise sa source dans le canal de Craponne. Créant un micro climat à la température plus basse (notamment en été), il rend possible la croissance de la végétation.

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LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners

LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners - Exterior Photography, Windows, Cityscape, Facade

  • Curated by Paula Pintos
  • Architects: Gehry Partners
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  15831 m²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021
  • Photographs Photographs: Iwan Baan
  • City:  Arles
  • Country:  France
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LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners - Exterior Photography, Cityscape, Arch

Text description provided by the architects. Since its inception in 2013, LUMA Arles has overseen the transformation of the Parc des Ateliers, a 27-acre former industrial site in Arles, France, to create a new creative campus bringing together artists and innovators of the future.

LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners - Exterior Photography, Windows, Facade

The centrepiece of LUMA Arles is The Tower designed by Los Angeles-based Canadian architect Frank Gehry, which houses exhibition galleries, project spaces, research and archive facilities, workshop and seminar rooms and a café.

LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners - Exterior Photography

LUMA Arles also encompasses six historic, large-scale industrial buildings, five of which have been revitalised by the New York-based German architect Annabelle Selldorf for presentations, installations, exhibitions, and artists’ residences.

LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners - Interior Photography, Glass, Handrail

The entire campus is set within a public park designed by Belgian landscape architect Bas Smets.

LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners - Exterior Photography

Project gallery

LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners - Exterior Photography, Windows, Cityscape, Facade

Project location

Address: 35 avenue victor hugo, 13200 arles, france.

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© Iwan Baan

法国LUMA Arles园区大厦 / 盖里建筑事务所

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Frank Gehry’s Luma Arles tower.

Luma Arles review – Frank Gehry, a billionaire and a wonderland of good intentions

Parc des Ateliers, Arles, France Gehry’s crumpled metal tower is the glittering icon of a new cultural campus in the south of France where high ideals and extravagance feel at odds

I am looking at a wall surfaced in salt. It is the wall of a lift lobby in the Luma art complex in Arles, France, and comes from the salt pans in the Camargue, the beautiful, wild, marshy area between the city and the Mediterranean sea. The material, released by the heat of the sun from seawater, could be called sustainable. Its extraction engages the skills of a local community. You might worry that salt’s well-known habit of dissolving in water could limit its potential as a construction material – might not an inattentive cleaner wash it all away? – but never fear: it has been stabilised with binding agents derived from sunflowers.

Gehyr’s double helix staircase.

Not far from the lifts are other forms of circulation: a double helix staircase and a pair of downward-spiralling tubular slides answering each other across a tall atrium. The slides are by the artist Carsten Höller, crossovers of art and funfair of a kind that he has previously installed at Tate Modern and the Hayward Gallery in London, in the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence , and at other notable venues. The stairs and the building around them are by the great 92-year-old Canadian-Angeleno architect Frank Gehry . If you look up the cylindrical void in their centre, you will see yourself reflected in an angled and slowly moving mirror designed by Olafur Eliasson, the artist best known in Britain for his large, sun-like disc at Tate Modern in 2003.

The stairs and the slides are part of an upward vortex of stone and steel that, erupting through a glass drum that encloses the atrium, coalesce into a crumpled and glittering tower, visible from afar across the surrounding flatlands, where heavy and rigid building materials look as if they have been scrunched like Bacofoil by an invisible fist. At the same time there’s something geological about the architecture’s crags and chasms, reportedly inspired by the nearby Alpilles range. The facets of the crumpled metal catch the changing light: this is a tribute, Gehry has said, to Arles’s one-time local artist Vincent van Gogh, and to his evocations of light.

From this point – the spot next to the salt wall, near the spirals – you might find your way to some galleries placed around the tower, or to a charming cafe created by another artist, Rirkrit Tiravanija , where the walls are covered with panels of sunflower pulp and a 10 metre-long tapestry is woven and dyed with natural materials from the “bioregion” of the Camargue. You might take a lift to the top of the tower, where a panorama spreads before you of Arles and its Roman amphitheatre, the broad river Rhone and distant horizons of plains and mountains.

A view of Luma Arles, where old railway workshops have been converted into studios, performance spaces and artists’ residences.

Or you might go to the campus to which the tower acts as a portal, where an expanse of former railway workshops have been converted by Selldorf Architects into places for the making and display of art : studios, exhibition and performance spaces, artists’ residences and what is described as a “friendly restaurant, offering traditional and generous food prepared with fresh seasonal produce”. Around them are water and vegetation arranged by the landscape architect Bas Smets. One of the old railway buildings contains the works of Atelier Luma , a design and research lab that develops “local solutions for ecological, economic, and social transition”, where rice straw, olive pits, algae and suchlike are made into prototype materials for buildings and furniture. In the buildings and landscape you will encounter more works that, like Höller’s and Eliasson’s, come from the likable end of contemporary art: a fluorescent skateboard park by Koo Jeong A; a swirling mosaic by Kerstin Brätsch.

The main impression is one of benevolence. Luma is the creation of Maja Hoffmann, heiress to a fortune based on the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche. Her connection with Arles and its region comes from her father, Luc, a nature conservationist and bird-lover who set up a research centre in the Camargue. Luma, she has said, is a “unique environment” that “blends indistinctly Architecture , Art, Nature and Design”. It is “the fruit of a number of years of experimentation and of a lifelong commitment to artists and a healthy environment”. It “represents my relationship with Art, which grew and developed in the presence of artists from when I was a child, together with my close relationship with Nature”.

There is ego here, to be sure, but Luma doesn’t feel part of some art-world power play. When Hoffmann talks of her love of art and nature, it’s believable. Her hiring of Gehry, an “architect of free forms … whom I consider to be an artist”, sounds like an extension of that spirit. If your net worth is $7.26bn, as Hoffmann’s is said to be, there are very many worse ways to spend a portion of it.

Gehry’s Luma Arles tower catches the changing light, in tribute to one-time local artist Vincent van Gogh.

But this anthology of good things raises some questions. It’s hard to believe, in this year of fire and flood, that the salt walls will make a significant contribution to tackling climate emergency. The mineral comes, for a start, attached to conventional metal panels, which would function just as well without it. And if you really wanted to save energy and reduce emissions, you wouldn’t build the extravaganza of steel and concrete that rises about them.

That same architectural magnificence has the effect, at least at first, of pushing the art into the background: the Höller slides apart, it tends to be in the basement, round the corner, and none too easy to find. Visitors wander about with a puzzled air, wondering which way to go in the tower’s somewhat confusing layout, and what they’re supposed to be looking at. There’s also a dissonance between the Van Gogh tribute and the palpable expense of the structure. He was someone who could make transcendent a rush-seated chair or a plain jug filled with flowers, and while the auction prices of his work have long mocked the poverty of his subjects, the lavishness of Luma still seems remote from his world.

Carsten Höller’s tubular slides at Luma Arles.

Gehry, for his part, made his name as an architect of modest resources, one who could make poetry out of chain link fencing and plywood. That was some decades ago, and he has since demonstrated that he knows how to play with bigger budgets, but his best work still tends to happen when there is some grit in the oyster, some pushing and pulling between conditions and demands, rather than when he is given a free hand to express himself. The crashes and collisions that come with his freeform approach are more charming when executed in humbler materials.

So Luma is a wonderland of good intentions. They certainly don’t pave the road to hell, but they do offer versions of desirability that are at odds with each other. On the one hand there’s the idea of the big, shiny icon, which the Gehry tower does more engagingly than most, but which requires effortful construction to turn its shapes into reality. On the other there’s the judicious deployment of sunflower products. In a really fabulous version of Luma, spectacle and thoughtfulness would inform one another.

Luma Arles , Parc des Ateliers, Arles, France, is open daily, 10am to 7.30pm

  • Frank Gehry
  • The Observer
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Une tour Gehry, un campus artistique: Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles la Romaine

  • le 25/06/2021 à 10:58
  • Modifié le 25/06/2021 à 16:34

Lecture en 3 min.

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Une tour Gehry, un campus artistique: Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles la Romaine

La tour de l'architecte Frank Gehry aux 11.000 panneaux d'inox, phare du campus de la Fondation Luma, le 24 juin 2021 à Arles / AFP

Connue pour ses arènes romaines classées au patrimoine mondial, la ville d'Arles s'enrichit samedi d'un nouveau monument, une tour aux reflets métalliques de 56 mètres de haut conçue par l'architecte Frank Gehry, phare du vaste "campus créatif" de la Fondation Luma.

Concepteur du musée Guggenheim de Bilbao enrobé de titane ou du Walt Disney Concert Hall à Los Angeles, Frank Gehry, 92 ans, a enveloppé de 11.000 panneaux d'inox cette tour ceinte à sa base d'un vaste rotonde en verre, le "drum".

Elle abrite des expositions d'art contemporain, une bibliothèque, des bureaux...

De loin, l'édifice torsadé reflète les lumières changeantes de cette ville qui inspira le peintre Van Gogh et prend les teintes calcaire du massif des Alpilles.

Sa structure, rappelant un amas de bloc rocheux, s'embrase d'orangé au soleil couchant.

"C'est une ville qui connaît la monumentalité architecturale depuis qu'elle a été fondée", rappelle le directeur de Luma Arles Mustapha Bouhayati en évoquant les arènes et le théâtre antique romains. La tour Luma est "une continuité de cette monumentalité architecturale (...) on construit ici un peu le patrimoine de demain".

Comme souvent, lorsque l'architecture moderne rencontre le patrimoine ancien, les discussions sont allées bon train entre partisans et détracteurs de la tour, même si après des années de construction, elle semble désormais "entrée dans le paysage" arlésien.

Une tour Gehry, un campus artistique: Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles la Romaine

La fondatrice et présidente de la Fondation Luma Maja Hoffmann, le 24 juin 2021 à Arles / AFP

"Le désir est que les gens viennent s'emparer de ce lieu et que les récalcitrants puissent venir voir aussi ce qui s'y passe", déclare à l'AFP Maja Hoffmann, mécène suisse, qui voit l'édifice comme un "phare" de son complexe Luma Arles qu'elle inaugure samedi sur onze hectares d'une friche industrielle située sur les anciens ateliers SNCF du XIXe siècle.

"On franchit une étape importante dans ce projet (...) c'est un chantier de sept ans et dix ans, même plus, d'années de réflexion", ajoute-t-elle.

Une tour Gehry, un campus artistique: Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles la Romaine

L'intérieur de la tour Gehry de la Fondation Luma, le 24 juin 2021 à Arles / AFP

Outre sa tour, Luma compte des espaces d'exposition et de performance dans les anciens ateliers des Forges, de la Mécanique générale ou au "magasin électrique".

Mais aussi un skatepark phosphorescent, créé par l'artiste coréenne Koo Jeong A, et un vaste parc public conçu par le paysagiste belge Bas Smets et réalisé en partenariat avec la ville d'Arles.

- "Arles m'a choisie" -

Richissime co-héritière du géant pharmaceutique suisse Roche, Maja Hoffmann navigue depuis des années dans le monde de l'art contemporain, dans la lignée de sa grand-mère.

Une tour Gehry, un campus artistique: Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles la Romaine

"Productrice" d'oeuvres, collectionneuse, elle détient des archives des photographes Annie Leibovitz ou Diane Arbus, des oeuvres de la peintre et écrivaine libanaise Etel Adnan, raconte avoir côtoyé Jean-Michel Basquiat à New York.

Une partie de sa collection est présentée de manière "éphémère" dans une des salles de la tour, dont un amusant "Théâtre d'ombres" de l'Allemand Hans-Peter Feldmann associant aussi bien un fouet de cuisine qu'un canard ou une statue de la liberté en plastique.

Combien lui a coûté la création de lieu où elle voudrait que se croisent "l'écologie, les droits de l'homme et l'art"? "Je ne parle pas d'argent dans cette interview", élude-t-elle.

Une tour Gehry, un campus artistique: Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles la Romaine

Vue de la tour Gehry de la Fondation Luma en perspective de la ville d'Arles, le 24 juin 2021 / AFP

Pourquoi à Arles, ville de 53.000 habitants? "Ce n'est pas moi qui ai choisi Arles, c'est Arles qui m'a choisie", dit celle qui a pu compter sur le soutien indéfectible de l'ancien maire communiste Hervé Schiavetti et qui rappelle être arrivée dans la ville "à l'âge de 15 jours" avec sa famille.

Son père, l'ornithologue Luc Hoffmann, co-fondateur du Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF), y a créé une réserve destinée à préserver la biodiversité de la Camargue, ce delta formé entre les bras du Rhône et la Méditerranée, connu pour ses flamants roses. Elle a grandi là et, dans la tour, le sel de Camargue est utilisé en panneaux muraux et les algues du delta en tuiles ou teinture textile.

Son père avait protégé l'habitat pour préserver les espèces, Maja Hoffmann a voulu créer un "écosystème pour la création", estime Mustapha Bouhayati.

Une tour Gehry, un campus artistique: Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles la Romaine

Le "drum", la rotonde en verre de la tour Gehry de la Fondation Luma, le 24 juin 2021 à Arles / AFP

Elle affirme vouloir par le projet Luma "augmenter le nombre de visiteurs l'hiver" dans cette ville de contrastes sociaux où près d'un quart des habitants vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté. Cet été environ 190 personnes travailleront à Luma, selon son directeur, une partie en contrat saisonnier.

Le secteur culturel offre depuis longtemps une bouffée d'oxygène à la ville, des Rencontres de la photographie, un des festivals les plus réputés au monde depuis 1970, à la maison d'édition Actes Sud.

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Projet d’architecte: la tour Luma à Arles

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Conçue par Frank Gehry, la tour de la fondation Luma à Arles se présente comme une immense sculpture parée de plus de 10 000 briques en inox.

tour luma arles prix construction

Franck Gehry, connu pour des projets tels que le musée Guggenheim à Bilbao ou la fondation Louis Vuitton à Paris, signe un nouveau « super projet » en France. L’architecte franco-canadien, qui a fêté ses 90 ans en 2019, revient sur le devant de la scène architecturale avec une « tour-sculpture » pour la fondation Luma à Arles.

L’édifice doit ouvrir ses portes au printemps 2021. Il sera la pièce maîtresse du parc des Ateliers de Luma Arles : un lieu dédié à la création artistique installé sur une friche industrielle de la ville.

La tour imaginée par Gehry abritera le centre de ressources artistiques de Luma Arles. On y trouvera à la fois des salles d’exposition et de séminaires, des ateliers d’artistes, des bureaux, une bibliothèque, un café et un restaurant.

Des planchers « pétales »

Le projet de Franck Gehry, où l’on retrouve les lignes déstructurées chères à l’architecte, est un véritable défi technique. Le bâtiment de 56 mètre de haut pour 24 000 m² de surface totale a fait appel à plusieurs innovations.

La structure en est un premier exemple. Au cœur de la tour Luma, on trouve en effet un socle de béton de 8 mètre semi-enterré et une tour centrale « noyau ». Egalement en béton, elle accueillera les circulations (ascenseurs et escaliers) et gaines techniques. Sur ces éléments viennent se greffer quatre tours « pétales » se déployant autour du noyau central.

Les planchers des 10 étages se déploient dans les différentes tours annexes. Ils sont soutenus par une charpente métallique. Le défi architectural tient à ce que chaque niveau est à une hauteur différente. Chaque plancher présente également une forme unique et chaque poutre et chaque poteau de la structure présentent des orientations distinctes.

Façade inox

L’enveloppe de la tour Luma apporte également son lot de défis techniques. Franck Gehry a en effet imaginé une véritable sculpture rendant hommage au massif voisin des Alpilles. Le bâtiment rappelle d’abord ces montagnes par sa forme. D’une certaine manière, il renvoie également leur image à l’horizon aux différents moments de la journée grâce à une surface-miroir.

11 500 briques d’inox

Pour créer cette façade réfléchissante, Gehry a fait le choix de l’inox . Ce sont 11 500 briques de cet alliage, de tailles différentes, qui vont parer les « tours-montagnes » de l’édifice. Celles-ci sont fixées par des attaches non visibles à une coque en métal, fixée à la structure, assurant l’étanchéité à l’eau et à l’air du bâtiment.

Au milieu de la façade, des ouvertures laissent pénétrer la lumière. Au total, 53 « boîtes vitrées », balcons clos en métal et verre, ont été dispersées de manière asymétrique.

Panneaux béton préfabriqués

En dehors de la façade en inox, véritable signature de la tour Luma, une partie de l’édifice comprend également une façade en béton. C’est le cas de l’arrière de la « tour-noyau » centrale et des bâtiments du socle.

Leur habillage se fait avec 1 700 panneaux préfabriqués en béton armé architectonique, fabriqués et posés grâce à un système d’attaches en inox innovantes. La finition des panneaux a été conçue pour rappeler le relief de la pierre des Alpilles. Pour cela, quatre matrices ont été réalisées à partir des prises d’empreintes par protection de silicone effectuées directement sur les parois des carrières des Baux-de-Provence (13).

Rotonde en verre

Dernière composante de l’enveloppe de la tour Luma : une rotonde en verre et métal de 18 mètre de haut qui se déploie au pied de l’édifice. Conçue comme un sas d’entrée, celle-ci a la particularité de ne pas être climatisée.

Pour y assurer un confort climatique optimal en été comme en hiver des modélisations complexes ont été nécessaires. Il fallait en effet tenir compte de la réflexivité de la façade en inox pouvant concentrer les rayons solaires en certains endroits.

Les concepteurs ont fait le choix de vitrages à couche à haut coefficient et de joints résistants à haute température. La verrière est également sérigraphiée et équipée de stores intérieurs motorisés.

A savoir :  la construction de la tour Luma fait appel à plusieurs procédés inédit. Ils ont fait l’objet d’une Appréciation technique d’expérimentation (ATEx), formulée par le Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment (CSTB). Vous pouvez les retrouver dans cet article de la revue Les cahiers techniques du bâtiment .
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Story in brief

This 10-part virtual story is an introduction to the new landmark building designed by LA-based architect Frank Gehry for the LUMA Foundation located in Arles, in the South of France. Gehry’s spectacular tower is the centrepiece of a vast cultural campus, housing exhibitions, events, residencies, as well as the foundation’s offices. What used to be an abandoned industrial railway yard until 2004, is now transformed into beautiful landscaped gardens, where Gehry’s building rises above a ’plinth’, a new city centre off Avenue Victor Hugo.

The audacious architectural concept plays with a range of formal references, such as the Roman Amphitheatre in the old town, as well as the land formations of the mountain region. This virtual story looks at these ideas and how they have been synthesised into an ambitious design concept, showing how boundaries between the exterior and the interior have been blurred. 

Gehry’s much debated architectural approach, enabled by digital technology in design, finds its ultimate expression in the LUMA building. The fractured exterior of the tower, inspired by the paintings of Vincent van Gogh, creates a continuous play with light effects. Gehry’s interest in the expressive power of materials is evident in the highly original formal system, conjured with individual steel modules. 

Designed for maximum flexibility, the interior spaces will enable a wide range of artistic activities and interventions. Artworks by contemporary artists include a double-spiral slide by Carsten Höller, spanning over three floors in the central atrium hall, and a mirror installation by Olafur Eliasson.

The LUMA Foundation in Arles was founded by Maja Hoffmann, a patron of contemporary arts and architecture, and offers an ambitious program created with international curators, artists and researchers. The LUMA Foundation has changed the cultural dynamics in Arles and the surrounding region. As a symbol for this renewal, Gehry’s tower looks towards the future, while deconstructing traditional ideas about architecture.

Marianna Wahlsten

text and images

  • La France vue de l’étranger

Luma, à Arles, le rêve fou d’une milliardaire devenu réalité

Avec l’ouverture du centre culturel Luma, fin juin, le visage d’Arles a sensiblement changé. La ville française a accueilli l’utopie d’une fortune planétaire : la Suisse Maja Hoffmann y a construit tout un quartier consacré à l’art. Si les contours du projet restent volontairement flous, la ville peut déjà s’attendre à un effet Bilbao, écrit Die Welt.


Arrivé tout droit de Californie, Frank Gehry se trouve aujourd’hui à Arles. Nous le retrouvons – vêtu d’un tee-shirt bleu aussi électrique que ses yeux – dans sa dernière création, installé à une table qui ressemble à du marbre mais qui pourrait tout aussi bien être en tiges de tournesols de Camargue. Car les apparences sont parfois trompeuses.

“C’est mon premier bâtiment romain”, lâche l’architecte, tandis que l’on essaie de discerner l’ironie derrière cette phrase, dont on finit par comprendre qu’elle en est peut-être parfaitement dépourvue. À 92 ans, Gehry saisit l’occasion que lui offre une conférence de presse pour critiquer “le modernisme froid” et se moquer du postmodernisme “gentil” . Lui, martèle-t-il, a voulu imaginer un bâtiment chaleureux, doux et accueillant pour la ville d’Arles.

Il souhaite que son œuvre de vieillesse – une tour métallique enveloppée à sa base par une rotonde de verre qu’il appelle “le tambour” – soit comprise comme un lieu engageant. Ce voyage, ajoute-t-il, est aussi l’occasion de visiter les monuments de l’époque romaine, tous ces édifices qui le fascinaient alors qu’il était étudiant à Paris et qui l’ “émeuvent encore aux larmes des années et des siècles plus tard” .

Le rêve le plus fou d’une milliardaire

Les larmes ne sont d’ailleurs peut-être pas le plus mauvais mètre étalon pour parler d’Arles. C’est dans cette petite ville de 55 000 habitants, réputée pour son mistral, ses vestiges de l’époque romaine, sa pauvreté endémique et son festival international de photographie, que la mécène suisse Maja Hoffmann a concrétisé son rêve le plus fou.

Une oasis artistique, une fabrique créative située sur une ancienne zone d’ateliers ferroviaires, un lieu de production et d’exposition, un laboratoire d’idées, une bibliothèque, un parc, un skatepark, un restaurant, un hôtel, bref une ville dans la ville. Baptisé Luma – acronyme des premières syllabes de Lucas et Marina, les enfants de Maja Hoffmann –, ce projet est une véritable utopie de milliardaire posée sur une friche industrielle et constituée d’une série de grandes halles.

La mécène et productrice de films documentaires, qui a passé une partie de sa jeunesse à Arles, a toujours su que son projet devait prendre la forme d’une tour.

Parce que je voulais voir la mer et montrer qu’ici nous sommes ouverts sur la Méditerranée .”

Une tour, peut-être aussi en hommage à son père, l’ornithologue Luc Hoffmann, militant écologiste de la première heure et cofondateur du WWF . C’est à lui que l’on doit la Tour du Valat, un centre de recherche pour la conservation des zones humides méditerranéennes, créé pour sauver la Camargue de la bétonisation.

Dans la presse, on avance la somme de 150 millions d’euros comme coût total du projet, prestation de Gehry comprise. Hoffmann garde un silence poli sur le sujet et personne ne contredit ce chiffre – probablement parce qu’il est très en deçà de ce que la milliardaire a investi pour réaliser son rêve.

Luma n’a officiellement ouvert ses portes que fin juin, mais cela fait longtemps qu’on y travaille, à Arles. La mécène de 65 ans s’est entourée d’un solide noyau dur de conservateurs. Chaque année, elle invite la crème de la crème des artistes, des intellectuels et des chercheurs à participer aux Luma Days. Une sorte de brainstorming géant, pour reprendre la formule du réalisateur Bernard George, à l’issue duquel ne restent que les meilleurs et les esprits les plus affûtés.

“Depuis que nous avons commencé, le monde a déjà changé cinq, six, dix fois”

À l’Atelier Luma, cela fait déjà des années qu’une vingtaine de designers, scientifiques, sociologues et agriculteurs cherchent comment valoriser les ressources naturelles de la Camargue pour fabriquer des objets du quotidien : des carafes transparentes en paille de riz, des dossiers de chaise à partir de noyaux d’olive ou du carrelage fabriqué avec des algues.

Le flou entourant les objectifs de Luma a toujours fait partie du concept. “Les gens ne comprenaient pas ce que nous voulions faire, parce qu’on ne le savait pas nous-mêmes , reconnaît Mustapha Bouhayati, le directeur de Luma. Depuis que nous avons commencé, le monde a déjà changé cinq, six, dix fois ; nous devions donc rester souples, nous adapter.”

Nous tiendrons-nous un jour en larmes devant la tour de Frank Gerhy à Arles, ou fait-il déjà verser des larmes d’émotion à ses contemporains ? Une chose est sûre : les sentiments sont partagés et pour des raisons très différentes.

À Arles, c’est la joie et la colère

Certains versent des larmes de joie, reconnaissants envers la milliardaire pour le cadeau qu’elle a offert à Arles, d’autres des larmes de colère. Ils reprochent à l’héritière du géant pharmaceutique Hoffmann-La Roche de progressivement racheter toute la ville et d’être responsable de sa gentrification à marche forcée.

Maja Hoffmann, elle, a sans doute pleuré de soulagement lorsque, après des années de polémique, la méfiance à son égard a enfin reflué et que les Arlésiens se sont lentement habitués à la tour, qu’on voit briller au loin depuis la départementale.

La tour de Frank Gehry, haute de 56 mètres, présente deux visages très différents. D’un côté, il y a l’élégante façade, tournée vers l’avenue Victor-Hugo, et par laquelle on accède au site ; de l’autre, une structure en pierre, moins spectaculaire. La façade principale est composée de 11 000 blocs d’acier inoxydable, orientés de façon à tous refléter la lumière différemment et modifier l’apparence de la tour elle-même.

Une tour à plusieurs facettes

Le matin, le bâtiment est un miroir froid. Il ressemble alors à un vestige sublime, on croirait qu’un géant a écrasé une boule de pétanque dans son poing avant de la déposer au beau milieu du delta du Rhône. Le soir, lorsque le ciel se teinte de rose au-dessus de la Camargue, la tour de Frank Gehry se dresse, superbe, comme une torche flamboyante indiquant la voie à l’humanité lorsqu’elle est désorientée. “Cette tour doit être un symbole d’espoir, un archipel des possibles”, déclare Maja Hoffmann.

À l’intérieur de la tour, Carsten Höller a construit deux toboggans, dont l’un est plus rapide que l’autre. Au plafond, au-dessus du double escalier en colimaçon, le Danois Olafur Eliasson a fixé un miroir tournant qui, vu d’en bas, fait basculer l’escalier et le monde.


Ce ne sont là que quelques exemples de ce qu’offre ce projet, puisque des expositions ont également été installées dans les anciennes usines, qui ont chacune conservé leurs noms : les Forges, la Mécanique générale, le Magasin électrique. Y sont exposés les travaux du Français Pierre Huyghe et de l’Américain Ian Cheng, qui rappellent ce que l’on peut voir à la Documenta de Cassel [grande exposition d’art contemporain qui se tient tous les cinq ans dans cette ville d’Allemagne] ou à la Biennale de Venise : des œuvres intéressantes, enthousiasmantes, avant-gardistes, mais difficilement accessibles aux non-initiés.

L’“effet Bilbao” ne tardera pas

Maja Hoffmann tient à souligner que ces expositions sont gratuites, contrairement à celles de la collection Pinault, à la Bourse de commerce de Paris, récemment ouverte au public. Pourtant, sans le vouloir, elle fait partie de ces mécènes milliardaires (sa fortune est estimée à 6,1 milliards de dollars, soit environ 5 milliards d’euros) qui, à Venise comme à Paris, marquent la politique culturelle des villes en pensant avant tout aux touristes.

Il est en revanche tout à son honneur d’avoir choisi une ville moyenne comme Arles, plutôt qu’une grande métropole, pour mener à bien son projet. La riche héritière possède également trois hôtels au cœur de la ville, et un restaurant potager étoilé, un peu excentré.

Arles va changer. L’“effet Bilbao” est inévitable. Cette métamorphose fera des gagnants et des perdants. Tandis qu’une partie de la population profitera de la gentrification, l’autre se verra probablement repoussée aux portes de la ville. Le prix au mètre carré a presque triplé en dix ans. En France, les médias évoquent déjà ces résidences secondaires avec piscine sur le toit que des réalisateurs, des acteurs et des “conseillers de l’Élysée” font construire dans la région.

Maja Hoffmann répond aux critiques avec une certaine poésie. Quiconque n’est pas particulièrement intéressé par l’art peut toujours venir pour la beauté de la nature. Le paysagiste belge Bas Smets a imaginé le paysage arboré de l’archipel sur les quatre hectares de dalles de béton des anciennes usines. “Les coquelicots qui poussent là font partie intégrante du projet”, explique Maja Hoffmann. Il s’agit d’envoyer un message d’espoir.

Martina Meister

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Architecture. Demain, des bureaux ouverts aux quatre vents


La Provence a entamé sa révolution culturelle

“Le Monde”, porte-drapeau des éditions Springer, est une sorte de Figaro à l’allemande. Très complet dans le domaine économique, il est aussi lu pour ses pages concernant le tourisme et l’immobilier. Notamment avec sa rubrique d’analyse, nommée Arrière-plan, le journal se revendique conservateur. Il est quotidiennement distribué dans plus de 130 pays. Depuis 1948 paraît l’édition dominicale, Welt am Sonntag, qui fait partie des médias allemands les plus repris.


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LUMA Arles art complex, featuring a shiny new Frank Gehry tower, to open in June

Alexander Walter

Frank Gehry 's team is wrapping up another high-profile project this year: after the $1-billion mixed-use development The Grand topped out in Downtown Los Angeles this week (aiming for completion in late 2021), the LUMA Arles art complex in the south of France just announced its intention to open on June 26 (government-issued Covid-19 guidelines permitting).

tour luma arles prix construction

Construction on the Gehry-designed tower, the centerpiece of the 27-acre campus at the Parc des Ateliers in the city of Arles, began in 2014 . The 15,000 sqm / 161,500 sqft high-rise, finished with 11,000 stainless steel panels, will house exhibition galleries, project spaces, research and archive facilities, an auditorium, and a cafe, alongside workshop and seminar rooms.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Luma Arles (@luma_arles)

"We wanted to evoke the local, from Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' to the soaring rock clusters you find in the region," Frank Gehry described his building. "Its central drum echoes the plan of the Roman amphitheater."

tour luma arles prix construction

The campus also features seven former railway factories, four of which have been renovated by New York-based Selldorf Architects as exhibition and performance spaces. The surrounding gardens and public park are designed by Belgian landscape architects, Bureau Bas Smets .

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Frank Gehry's LUMA Tower opens in Arles

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tour luma arles prix construction

Katherine Guimapang

natematt what is this object? It looks so familiar but I can't place it.

It's a Lego crystal. I'm pretty sure it was introduced in the mid nineties with their Aquanauts line.

Non Sequitur

That’s it! My son never had a silver one, he had a blue one.

I think the original use of the piece was in silver for the aforementioned line. So that's my memory. Though I think many after were neon.

It's known as a 1x1 Rock Crystal 5 point and it was released for the first time in silver/chrome back in the late grunge year of 1995. The first line of lego sets to have it was Aquazone. I may have several myself.

minecraft gehry copying itself, disappointed at the straight elevator towers though.

MIT Out-MITs Itself; Builds Full Scale Campus Replica on Minecraft

With every new project Gehry reaches a new low.

Considering where he started that's really saying something.


At the very least, I'm intrigued by it. It's fairly novel (to me) and isn't his usually predictable stuff. Would you like it any more or less if somebody else designed it?

Nam Henderson

If Gehry did something worth praising I'd be happy to do so. Aside from the Chiat/Day building I have yet to see one, and he's running out of time.


He's running out of time for you to go see his praiseworthy work? There's plenty out there.

He's running out of time to make good architecture. Unless of course you think good architecture is just a series of stylistic experiments. As far as I am concerned that is an exercise in ego, not architecture. https://archinect.com/forum/thread/134061675/what-s-good-architecture

Stylistic experiments don't disqualify something from being good architecture. Dismissing an entire oeuvre as an exercise in ego is lazy criticism. Many Gehry buildings perform beautifully for their users and enhance their communities. It seems being shiny is just offensive to your tastes.

Putting aside the obvious structural inefficiency, expense of construction, and difficulty of maintenance one is left with aesthetics based on form, context, and subjective appearance. That is not what defines good architecture. Aside from that it looks like a bizarro turd that dropped from a giant mechanical cow's ass.

Miles, what's your view on baroque or renaissance architecture? both are largely just a bunch of stylistic flourishes. the florence cathedral has a huge wasteful dome which adds no useful space to the building, and the oversized doors are too heavy for a single person to push open. not to mind the difficulty of cleaning all that marble.

The great renaissance cathedrals were the height of craft and technology at the time, and considering the difficulties in restoring Notre Dame, the craft is still unmatched. In theory at least the cathedrals were a higher purpose, and even if they weren't (a different argument) they have transcended to become truly iconic spiritual places. Many took hundreds of years to construct.

To discuss this in the context of Gehry is inane.

Gary Garvin

Actually, I like the way this irregular shape plus the circle of the base work with the straight geometry and parallel lines of the other buildings. See the last photo, above.

The overhead shots may give a skewed sense of how it appears to residents. From the street it is not so imposing:

tour luma arles prix construction

And Arles, at least in this area, is really flat, so people won't have those views. It provides a marker and an accent for an area that could stand a punch.

The view from further out:

tour luma arles prix construction

"Starry Night" it is not. It reminds me more of the flame of the Statue of Liberty. But Starry Night is how residents will remember it, so it will take on those associations and images regardless.

this looks like a fascinating and complex building for a banal site in a city more famous for its representations in art than its actual qualities. i would actually travel to arles to visit, which isn't something i considered doing before. in that sense, it's a likely success at meeting the clients goals. besides having a compelling weird beauty.

I'll join you in that trip. One of my complaints about Gehry's museums is that even his best work upstages the work displayed, which could well be the case with this building. But here it brings attention to the other exhibition/performance space, for the better. See the Selldorf work, below. The Gehry could well bring status to the center, for reasons good and bad, and make it a vital art center. Again, I like the Gehry only in the context of the entire arts complex. I assume it will get more landscaping.

It's not just a tower. It's a beacon.

Donna Sink

I honestly misread the headline as "Slimy New Frank Gehry Tower".

Miles Jaffe

I'm hesitating to read commentary on this building because people love to hate on Gehry. I think this building looks wild and experimental, and it comes at a time when architecture culture is so painfully repetitive and banal. Furniture design is much more interesting and experimental, honestly. Even Brutalism nostalgia is more satisfying than most of what gets built today. Gehry is one of the few high profile architects still creating challenging and experimental architecture. 

"wild and experimental" just like my clients want to waste their money.....

Why assume that the architect is disobeying the wishes of their client? It's not like these large cultural clients are hiring Gehry to produce a shrinking violet of a building that nobody will notice. They know what they're buying.

you're the one assuming "wild and experimental " has any value in this case, the building is not wild or experimental, rooms are square and plumb, windows had to hatch themselves out of the pixelated "skin" and such skin will begin leaking in 2 weeks. poor attempt at figuration without any consideration for context, use or buildability.

You implied that this is a "waste" of the client's money without knowing what the client values. And yes, this is getting attention because it looks wild and it likely is experimental, based on what we know about Gehry's past, his designs tend to use cutting edge tech and pushes fabrication capabilities. I don't know what else to say. Sure, it isn't reinventing every building system. But that doesn't mean it's not experimental.

i've found liking gehry and his works (i do, a lot) to be almost a political statement within architecture that offends both high-grade academic architects and the ordinary hacks doing big box stores and sfh res. i think that's the effect he seeks too ;)

it appears neoliberalism is still holding strong.

Isn't all architecture currently architecture of neoliberalism? A minimal concrete luxury condo building by Tadao Ando, a neotraditional luxury condo tower by RAMSA, or an undulating steel clad luxury condo tower by Frank Gehry. They're all operating under the same economic conditions with the same agenda. Even the carefully restored townhouse or adaptive reuse project. They are all the "architecture of neoliberalism" .

government funded projects are not operating under the same agenda, for one. there are many counter examples of everyday architecture that do not fit under your luxury-oriented examples.

I'm saying that I don't see an architectural aesthetic unique to neoliberalism. There are banal private buildings and banal public buildings, spectacular and luxurious private buildings and spectacular and luxurious public buildings. I just visited the brand new Eisenhower Memorial in DC. That was also designed by Gehry. It was grand, perfectly crafted with exotic materials, and probably very expensive.

The Eisenhower Memorial consists mostly of brutalist blocks of varying sizes. The statues are nice, but come on.

if there is an aesthetic (which i'm not claiming), gehry would be it.

They are smooth stone blocks and columns. I don't know that it qualifies as "brutalism" in 2021, also since they are not raw concrete. Also, there is a massive metal tapestry that is the length of the entire block. I've never seen anything like it.

A jumbled mass of steel and glass. It looks like a building that was unsuccessfully sent through Star Trek's transporter and reassembled only partially. Experimental art is one thing, in that a person can either partake of it or not. Experimental architecture is another, inescapable to those who live around it or, even worse, are forced to live/work in the buildings. This is an assault in architectural form.

It looks literally like what it is, a unique landmark building created for a cultural institution by Frank Gehry. Are people new to architecture? Are they not familiar with this model? Are they not familiar with Frank Gehry?  This is not new. 

I've disliked Gehry's designs for many years, so yes, I'm quite familiar with both him and the deconstructivist style of which he is the biggest offender. Deconstructivism is an interesting thought experiment and I've enjoyed some of it in art and literature. But for physical spaces it's abominable. It's the height of egotism. People have to live in and near these things. They are Steve Martin's cruel shoes writ large, more a childish repudiation of previous styles than an actual style itself. It's a teenager railing against his parents, in building form, and it's just as impulsive, impetuous and, in hindsight, embarrassing. Only in this case, we're stuck with it. We can't learn and move on. Not to mention the maintenance on these things is horrendous. So no, you're suggestion that dislike of Gehry can only come from ignorance is unfounded.

I've visited many of his buildings and I've enjoyed most of them. I think this has a lot to do with the perspective of the visitor. If you enjoy design culture in general, and the various strands and influences that emerge throughout history, you probably won't go around imagining the "ego" of the creator, or more accurately, the team of creators behind the thing. "we're stuck with it" Most of us will never even visit this building. And even for people who live near it, it's easy to avoid one building in town that you don't like. We don't get to curate our built urban environment to our own personal specifications.

Again, you seem to imply that it's mere ignorance, this time of "design culture," that influences dislike of Gehry's designs. I fully understand the architectural lineage, the "strands and influences," that led to deconstructivism. I simply think there's no reason to deconstruct architectural styles other than as thought experiments, unless it's the ego of the architect who wishes to make his mark upon the profession. The fact that "most of us will never even visit the building" is both a blessing and quite a weak argument for its quality. That's like if someone has COVID and we look on the bright side by saying, "well at least he lives far away." Finally, the inhabitants of a community should absolutely have some say in how their public spaces appear. I've seen way too many empty brutalist benches in awful concrete expanses to believe that people actually like this stuff. 

I don't think Gehry would receive these commissions if there were not a lot of people out there who appreciate his architecture as much as I do.

Also, It should be mentioned that the construction quality of Gehry projects seem to be better than other "starchitect" buildings I have visited. For example, the Broad Museum and the Culture Shed have serious quality problems. I've seen Nouvel buildings and Zaha Hadid buildings that are also very disappointing up close.

The ruling class (financial backers and the cultural elites who drive these projects) likes this stuff, no doubt. But most people don't. Why are pre-war buildings and neighborhoods so highly sought after?

even most of the architects on this page aren't enjoying it- should tell you something.

i mean it literally looks like a polished crystal turd. is this really exemplary avant-garde architecture?

@davvid Honest questions: What do you like about it? Do you find any sense of harmony or beauty in the design? Is a public building the right venue/medium to evoke disharmony if that is the intent?

@square The training that architects receive has a lot of biases built into it. I've encountered many architect friends who hate anything postmodern, anything too playful, and anything that they could describe as "ironic" or "pastiche". Personally, I think I experienced an architectural education that was very much from a white, straight, male perspective. Anything too campy, too colorful, or too decorative received bad reviews. We were even trained to not have any color in our architectural models. Many of the architects that emerged as "starchitects" in the 80s, 90s, and 00s were inspired to break those rules and to embrace visually striking materials, color, and surprising manipulations of form.

@joaquinvargas To your comment about the architectural tastes of the ruling class, plenty of them like traditional architecture. Trump even created an executive order called "Make Federal Buildings Beautiful Again" mandating that traditional and classical architectural styles be used for federal buildings. Biden immediately reversed that order. Both are part of the ruling class. 

To your second comment, I like the texture of the spiraling reflective panels and how they contrast with the protruding windows. I think it probably has a nice shimmering effect in the sunlight. The form is definitely weird, but I enjoy weird forms.

I first saw a model of this project about five years ago in a gallery in Tokyo was having an exhibition on Gehry's work over the years.

Personally, I think I experienced an architectural education that was very much from a white, straight, male perspective.

wow, i haven't heard the argument that gehry is subverting the patriarchy before. it's novel, but gehry typifies the white, straight male perspective. in fact, if we're talking about identity and class here, there are plenty of those in the "working class," and who aren't white, who prefer normal architecture that simply works for them.

not sure what you're arguing here.

Gehry is an architect who did subvert an aesthetic hegemony in Architecture. Zaha Hadid is another, and we all know that she attracted as much hatred as Gehry does, if not more. I think that the hegemony I am referring to is probably most exemplified by Richard Meier.

i think davvid really likes this project.

tour luma arles prix construction

Not a bad tribute to the one-eared lunatic who produced one of the best known paintings of all time. Plus the echoes of Arles rocks and amphitheater.

tour luma arles prix construction

Gehry, however, is not going to do anything literal. Van Gogh works with thick, swirling paint that distorts and transforms his subject for emotional effect. Gehry works with architectural elements, brick-like aluminum panels, stacked, staggered, and twisted to produce swirling shapes, those box-like windows that stick out and are erratically placed, rather comic and, of course, a little crazy. The expected regular tower has been posited and distorted in a variety of ways—like Van Gogh's sky and trees—whose solid facades will be fractured by multiple reflections or dispersed in bright reflection. All of this is anchored and qualified by the straight, regular, solid, stone shaft alongside. There's a dialogue here between light and solid, nature and edifice, without resolution.  Gehry doesn't have a picture frame to contain and charge the composition. Rather he has to relate openly to the entire sky. This shaft serves the purpose of a frame.

It's tempting to compare Van Gogh with Gehry. Neither creates work that is especially intellectual, fits neatly with esthetic movements, or stands in any clear relationship to tradition or the present. Both produce creations that are personal, idiosyncratic, and, again, a little crazy. Or a lot. And however much they both distort and challenge, their work is compelling and readily accessible, which must account for the popularity of both.

It's the association with Van Gogh that redeems the Gehry for me. There's nothing gratuitous about what he's doing here. Instead we are taken to a well known figure and work, and with those to personal questions and wanderings, our own desire for a little madness that still, in another light, makes sense to us.

I'm skeptical of reference to the amphitheater, but the tower needs a base, a regular one for contrast, and a circle adds another form in the overall mix.

In assessing the Gehry, it is important to remember type: this is an art center. It has to evoke visual creation.

And I suspect this project will be quite successful. It will bring attention to this center—and attendance. People will just want to climb the tower to say they have climbed it as well as look out on Arles, their perspective challenged by their ascent, where they are standing.  I'm curious to see the interior. Maybe they will look at the art along the way.

It will also bring attention to Arles, a family nondescript place that could use a place marker. I don't know what other reference might better serve it, or stand better in our cultural confusion today. It is a figure of our times, for better and/or for worse.

I'm guessing it will run into all kinds of maintenance problems.

"a fairly nondescript place"—arrrgh

tour luma arles prix construction

The Selldorf refurbishing of the train sheds merits attention. More pictures at their site .

tour luma arles prix construction

yup. polished turd. especially the first one. the color block version is the best one.

Why is that even a valid critique? I'm thinking of "clay" sculptures by Urs Fischer, one displayed in front of the Seagram building. They really did look like feces. But they also looked like clay. Why is that form "bad"?

it's not a critique, it's an observation.

@davvid The form of feces is bad for a building, full stop. Not sure how that isn't apparent. I'm not interested in postmodern deconstructions that require a working knowledge of critical theory and architectural history in order to "appreciate" a building. That kind of thing is fun in art, but not in permanent, public physical spaces.

@joaquinvargas I see it as a tower. Is it possible that you're just struggling for words to describe a complex shape?

@joaquinvargas Also who really thinks that a visitor needs to know about critical theory to experience a work of contemporary architecture? This is so unbelievably silly and condescending toward the general public. We experience contemporary architecture all the time.

it's not condescending, it's reality (i find this line of argument funny). the majority of people do not like garbage like this.

It is condescending to suggest that the public is incapable of enjoying contemporary architecture unless they have some specialized knowledge.

Also, I don't think that your hatred of Gehry stems from a concern for "real people", whoever they are. I think it is entirely about you and your personal dislike of weird architecture. I think it is the non-normative aesthetic here that offends you. When you say "real people", I'm reminded of when Sarah Palin said "real America". She meant her own personal America. And you mean, your own personal tastes.

please show me the data that a large majority of people enjoy gehry's work, and we'll talk. that is your thesis, right? that the masses love gehry and starchitecture in general?

judging from this page, an audience you would think sympathetic to your claims, you're starting in a pretty deep hole.

Who says that a majority needs to enjoy every type of architecture? We live in a pluralistic world with a diversity of aesthetics that speak differently to different people. David Adjaye's work is going to be different from RAMSA's work. RAMSA's work is going to be different from MAD Architects. MAD Architects is going to be different from Lacaton & Vassal. I am more of a fan of that discourse than I am a fan of any one style.

The theme here follows the conception of Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, where the inspiration for the form was supposedly the contents of an inverted waste bin. 

Garbage in, garbage out.

tour luma arles prix construction

meanwhile, real architecture, for real people, that does require the elevation of their tastes to the avant-garde


"real people" lol 

Do we judge a neighborhood park by the same standards as an amusement park? I like my neighborhood parks...but amusement parks are fun too.

The architecture approach of Gehry's work is not the norm anymore. The focus has shifted heavily on social, sustainability, vernacular aspect. Iconic form making is a thing of the past. Gehry of course can still ride on the reputation and get rich clients to continue to build his usual style of projects. Emerging architects thought, will not get far with only focus on forms. Or should I say, struggle to obtain clients willing to spend such money on iconic forms. Honestly, the more I am into actual practice. The more I feel how "Architecture" is behind political and economical forces. 

Economics rule. Politics is just economics by other means.

In NYC, I think that luxury real estate development is driving architecture culture. And in order to apologize for that development or distract from it, developers and cities partner up to create pseudo-public spaces with access to water, bike paths, public art, event spaces, and shopping malls. The High Line is probably original example of that and Hudson Yards is the hyper-capitalist next generation of it.

yes, there will always be bootlickers for the gehrys etc (who typically happen to be the people willing to work ridiculous hours for little pay), but like you said jay, the conversation is shifting, for the better, towards social concerns rather than aesthetic debates about formalism.

we'll have to see though if the talk delivers, or if like miles says, economics continue to trump the conversations.

“ The architecture approach of Gehry's work is not the norm anymore.” it never was...

@Square. Are you calling young architectural workers "bootlickers"? Shouldn't we be enforcing fair wage laws and making college free, not ridiculing architects for working at firms that inspire them?

only those who chose to work at firms that exploit them because they are simply "inspired," who are also perpetuating that very system of exploitation. this can happen while also pursuing "fair wage laws" and reforming the college system. these things aren'tmutually exclusive.. you can both choose to not be complicit in starchitecture culture and fight for better working conditions. in fact, it's probably important that you do both..

you could instead choose to work at a firm like i do that does great design work, pays you well, and respects your time.

Do you even know if workers are paid less at Gehry Partners than the average firm, or are you shooting from the hip? And btw, we are all participating in a system that exploits us. If you're blaming workers, your analysis is way off.

“The conversation is changing” aka an shallow wokeness is the new Bilbao effect.

@ davvid Concept and funding for high line was put together by a non-profit group. Developers had nothing to do with it, and only capitalized on it with massive construction projects that completely altered the adjacent area after the fact. Developers don't apologize for anything and only provide required quasi-public amenites with the greatest reluctance, minimal expense, and greatest propensity to be perceived as private.

oh davvid, even marx understood that while owners are to blame for most of the misery of workers, those very workers are actors that have a thing called agency.

you might want to stick to ooo etc.

What does Coke, Disney, Greenwashing, and Wokeitectire have in common, anyone, anyone?

tour luma arles prix construction

Night shot, closer to Starry Night

Statement: “There is one driving-metaphor for Luma Arles: that of a living organism. As such the balance between form and function will determine its viability. The trick is to compose a polyphonic score where everything is ordered, but where everything is possible”.

from the Luma site , Maja Hoffmann

The building will never look the same but change with different times, different seasons, with shifts in weather. And it will have different degrees of presence/absence.

I do love how the facade plays with light and reflection, only really hate that poop deck in the rear...

Orhan Ayyüce

Bit of a Bilbao thinking on the municipality side of things. Other than that, Gehry does what Gehry does.

I just took a virtual tour of Arles. Really, in the old part, a charming town, quite walkable, quite attractive, quite human, on a human scale. But as you move away from the center, out towards Luma, the landscape turns banal and all too familiar.

tour luma arles prix construction

A few blocks away. You have to assume the trend will continue, unless checked. Arles will keep growing, and it will grow out.

The Luma center + Gehry may well set the tone for future development, for the better, saving the area from the dismal bottom line. Forward thinking—now was the time to get in.

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Arles : inauguration de la Tour Luma - 26/06

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Timelapse de la construction de la Tour LUMA

Arles / france, description du projet.

Depuis quelques années, la ville d’Arles voit se dresser dans son paysage une tour des plus atypiques. Dans le cadre de la rénovation du Parc des Ateliers, la Fondation LUMA construit un centre de Création Contemporaine comprenant un bâtiment ressource à l’architecture ambitieuse et innovante conçu par Frank Gehry, qui s’élèvera à 56 mètres au dessus de l’avenue Victor Hugo. LUMA Arles sera également composée de six anciens bâtiments industriels, dont cinq réhabilités par Selldorf Architects. L’ensemble du campus sera situé dans un parc jardin imaginé par le paysagiste Bas Smets. Pour suivre l'évolution des travaux, Devisubox a installé 4 boîtiers photo HD 100% autonome sur ce chantier d'exception jusqu'en 2018.

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Ils en parlent…

Sur le site de LUMA Arles (en lien sur l'image), retrouvez toutes les informations sur le projet, ses différents acteurs, le lieu, son histoire, sans oublier les interfaces Devisubox.

Go'met, le média métropolitain en ligne, propose une découverte du projet en photos. Cliquez sur l'image pour découvrir cela.

L'Express met en lumière toute l'audace architecturale de la Tour LUMA. L'article est à retrouver en cliquant sur l'image.

Plan d’accès

Devisubox est le leader européen de solution visuelle dans le suivi de chantier.

tour luma arles prix construction

tour luma arles prix construction

Practical Information

Everything you need to know before coming to the Parc des Ateliers.

Opening hours and tickets

Open from Wednesday to Sunday: 10:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. (Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays) Last admission to The Tower: 5:15 p.m. The admission point for The Tower is located 35 avenue Victor Hugo, 13200 Arles.

Free access (reservation required on site or online)

Due to the French Vigipirate plan, checks of bags and personal belongings are now carried out at the entrance of The Tower.

The landscaped park

The landscaped park is open every day from 7.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.  You can access it through the historic gate at 33 avenue Victor Hugo or through 45 chemin des Minimes.

How to get here?

LUMA Arles,  Parc des Ateliers,  35 avenue Victor Hugo,  13200 Arles +33 4 65 88 10 00  

To connect the Parc des Ateliers to the Musée départemental Arles antique, two 100% electric shuttles make a loop between the Minimes car park, LUMA Arles and the ENSP, and the Musée départemental Arles antique, and the Roman Circus via the avenue Victor Hugo, boulevard des Lices, boulevard Clémenceau and La Roquette. These shuttles, called Vi'Arelate, run every day, including Sundays and holidays, from April 1 to October 31 . These shuttles does not run on Sundays and holidays between November 2 and March 30, 2023."

Download the shuttle bus information leaflet (stops, timetables, etc.)  

A car park is located  24 Route de Crau, 13200 Arles . From there, you can decide whether to take the regular shuttle bus or the 10-minute walk to the Parc des Ateliers.

See the map

Book a parking place

How to discover LUMA?

Download the app.

Enhance your visit: find tips on how to discover LUMA, personalized tours and audio guides.

Guided tours

These guided tours explore the architecture and exhibitions, and offer different approaches to understanding the many facets of the LUMA project.

Group visits

Interested in a group tour?  To find all the information about it, go to our page dedicated to group visits.

Five catering locations, for an offer that adapts to your desires!

Other useful information

Lost and found service.

If you have lost an object at the Parc des Ateliers, you can contact us by phone at:  +33 4 65 88 10 00 Official documents will be deposited at the police station of Arles two weeks after the loss.

Free lockers are available on level -2 of The Tower (individual lockers with codes). The measurements of the lockers are: 45cm (length) x 29cm (width) x 45cm (height).


Specific arrangements make the Parc des Ateliers accessible to everyone. You can find all related information on our dedicated page for accessibility.  

Visitor guidelines


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  1. Découvrez le projet architectural de la tour Luma à Arles

    tour luma arles prix construction

  2. La tour Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles

    tour luma arles prix construction

  3. Frank Gehry’s crumpled Luma Arles tower will finally open this summer

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  4. Iwan Baan photographs Frank Gehry’s Luma Arles tower

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  5. Frank Gehry unveils stainless steel-clad tower for Luma Arles arts

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  6. LUMA Arles a 20-acre, $150 million art campus due to transform Southern

    tour luma arles prix construction


  1. La Tour

    LUMA Arles. Nous connaître. Le Parc des Ateliers. La Tour. Quelques informations et chiffres clés. Hauteur : 56 mètres. Étages : 12 (10 niveaux) Façade : 11000 briques en acier inoxydable, 53 glass box. Rotonde ( Drum) :

  2. Arles : 5 choses à savoir sur la Tour Luma qui ouvre ses portes au

    Voici cinq choses à savoir sur la Tour Luma. Une tour-miroir de 56 mètres de haut. Le bâtiment de 9 étages s'érige comme un phare au milieu de la ville. La Tour Luma sera accessible dès ce ...

  3. Guided tours

    Booking. On Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. On Saturdays at 02:30 p.m. During this guided tour you will be introduced to the LUMA Arles project, and the architecture of The Tower imagined by Frank Gehry. Throughout your journey through The Tower, you will discover the original artistic projects and design research works presented in this extraordinary ...

  4. La spectaculaire Tour Luma, signée Frank Gehry, ouvre ses portes à Arles

    La Tour Luma scintille au-dessus des toits d'Arles, le 24 juin 2021. | PASCAL GUYOT / AFP Voir en plein écran fermer La Tour Luma scintille au-dessus des toits d'Arles, le 24 juin 2021 ...

  5. LUMA Arles / Gehry Partners

    Completed in 2021 in Arles, France. Images by Iwan Baan. Since its inception in 2013, LUMA Arles has overseen the transformation of the Parc des Ateliers, a 27-acre former industrial site in Arles ...

  6. Inside Luma Arles, the Van Gogh-Inspired Arts Tower That Took Mega

    The Luma Foundation, with its gleaming, twisting stainless steel tower designed by the renowned Canadian American architect Frank Gehry, opened in Arles in the south of France last weekend.

  7. Luma Arles review

    It is the wall of a lift lobby in the Luma art complex in Arles, France, and comes from the salt pans in the Camargue, the beautiful, wild, marshy area between the city and the Mediterranean sea ...

  8. Une tour Gehry, un campus artistique: Luma ouvre ses portes à Arles la

    La tour de l'architecte Frank Gehry aux 11.000 panneaux d'inox, phare du campus de la Fondation Luma, le 24 juin 2021 à Arles / AFP. Connue pour ses arènes romaines classées au patrimoine ...

  9. LUMA Arles

    LUMA Arles. Coordinates: 43.673333°N 4.636944°E. Luma Arles is an arts center in Arles, France created by the LUMA Foundation headed by Swiss arts patron Maja Hoffmann. It encompasses several renovated former railroad factories and the LUMA Tower, a 15,000 square meter tower building designed by the Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry for ...

  10. Timelapse of the construction of The Tower

    Timelapse de la construction de l'étang 2020 - 2021 2 min LUMA Arles Timelapse rénovation de La Mécanique Générale 2014 - 2016 2 min LUMA Arles Que se passe-t-il au sommet de la grue du chantier de La Tour ? Search. Exhibitions Ticketing Practical infos Replay of events Guided tours About ...

  11. Projet d'architecte: la tour Luma à Arles

    Projet d'architecte: la tour Luma à Arles. Conçue par Frank Gehry, la tour de la fondation Luma à Arles se présente comme une immense sculpture parée de plus de 10 000 briques en inox. Franck Gehry, connu pour des projets tels que le musée Guggenheim à Bilbao ou la fondation Louis Vuitton à Paris, signe un nouveau « super projet ...

  12. Le 18:18 : Visitez en avant-première l'intérieur de la tour Luma à Arles

    Un symbole, un phare et un nouveau repère pour la ville d'Arles... La tour Luma, un édifice spectaculaire aux 15 000 mètres carrés et 11 000 panneaux métalli...

  13. Les images de l'étonnante Tour Luma qui domine Arles

    La ville d'Arles s'enrichit samedi d'un nouveau monument, la Tour Luma aux reflets métalliques. De 56 mètres de haut, elle a été conçue par l'architecte Fran...

  14. Luma Arles

    The LUMA Foundation in Arles was founded by Maja Hoffmann, a patron of contemporary arts and architecture, and offers an ambitious program created with international curators, artists and researchers. The LUMA Foundation has changed the cultural dynamics in Arles and the surrounding region. As a symbol for this renewal, Gehry's tower looks ...

  15. Luma, à Arles, le rêve fou d'une milliardaire devenu réalité

    Luma, à Arles, le rêve fou d'une milliardaire devenu réalité. Avec l'ouverture du centre culturel Luma, fin juin, le visage d'Arles a sensiblement changé. La ville française a accueilli l'utopie d'une fortune planétaire : la Suisse Maja Hoffmann y a construit tout un quartier consacré à l'art.

  16. Informations pratiques

    Dernière entrée dans La Tour : 17h15 Le point d'accueil pour accéder à La Tour est situé au 35 avenue Victor Hugo, 13200 Arles. Accès libre (réservation obligatoire sur place ou en ligne) ... LUMA Arles Parc des Ateliers, 35 avenue Victor Hugo 13200 Arles 04 65 88 10 00

  17. LUMA Arles art complex, featuring a shiny new Frank Gehry tower, to

    Frank Gehry's team is wrapping up another high-profile project this year: after the $1-billion mixed-use development The Grand topped out in Downtown Los Angeles this week (aiming for completion in late 2021), the LUMA Arles art complex in the south of France just announced its intention to open on June 26 (government-issued Covid-19 guidelines permitting).

  18. Arles : inauguration de la Tour Luma

    VIDÉO - Un Ovni architectural ouvre aujourd'hui ses portes au public à Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône). La Tour Luma est un édifice spectaculaire de 56 mètres de haut. Signé Frank Gehry, cet ...


    Les alpinistes ouvriers d'Adrénaline ont été sollicités pour la construction de la Tour LUMA à Arles. Découvrez les images de ce chantier hors du commun.Nous...

  20. The Tower

    The Tower. In the heart of the Parc des Ateliers stands The Tower, which was inaugurated in June 2021. This 15,000-square-meter building, imagined by Maja Hoffmann with Frank Gehry, is made up of various multi-purpose spaces, from exhibition halls to work and research rooms, and event venues. We wanted to evoke the local, from Van Gogh's ...

  21. Timelapse de la construction de la Tour LUMA

    Description du projet. Depuis quelques années, la ville d'Arles voit se dresser dans son paysage une tour des plus atypiques. Dans le cadre de la rénovation du Parc des Ateliers, la Fondation LUMA construit un centre de Création Contemporaine comprenant un bâtiment ressource à l'architecture ambitieuse et innovante conçu par Frank Gehry, qui s'élèvera à 56 mètres au dessus de l ...

  22. Practical information

    The Tower. Open from Wednesday to Sunday: 10:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. (Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays) Last admission to The Tower: 5:15 p.m. The admission point for The Tower is located 35 avenue Victor Hugo, 13200 Arles. Free access (reservation required on site or online)