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The Ultimate Roadmap to an Empowering Fitness Journey

Embarking on a fitness journey refers to the intentional and structured pursuit of improving one’s physical fitness, overall health, and well-being. It involves setting goals, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and engaging in regular exercise and physical activity to achieve desired outcomes. A fitness journey is a personal and transformative experience that goes beyond short-term goals and focuses on long-term sustainable changes.

A fitness journey is unique to each individual, as it is tailored to their specific needs, preferences, and starting point. It can involve a wide range of activities such as cardio exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and mindful practices like yoga or meditation. The journey may also include modifications to one’s diet, sleep patterns, stress management techniques, and overall lifestyle choices.

Embarking on a fitness journey holds immense significance for individuals seeking to improve their health and overall quality of life. Here are some key reasons why a fitness journey is important:

  • Physical health improvement: Engaging in regular exercise and physical activity has numerous benefits for physical health. It helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, improves muscle tone and strength, enhances flexibility, boosts metabolism, and promotes weight management. Regular physical activity also reduces the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
  • Mental and emotional well-being: Exercise has a profound impact on mental and emotional health. It releases endorphins, commonly known as “feel-good” hormones, which promote a positive mood, and reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Regular exercise also improves cognitive function, enhances focus, and increases self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Energy and vitality: A fitness journey can significantly increase energy levels and overall vitality. Regular physical activity improves circulation, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues and organs. This leads to increased energy, improved alertness, and a greater sense of vitality throughout the day.
  • Longevity and quality of life: Adopting a fitness journey can positively influence longevity and overall quality of life. Regular exercise has been shown to increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of premature death. It enhances functional abilities, promotes independence, and enables individuals to enjoy an active and fulfilling life well into older age.
  • Personal growth and self-discovery: A fitness journey is not just about physical transformation but also about personal growth and self-discovery. It provides an opportunity to challenge oneself, push beyond comfort zones, and discover new strengths and capabilities. It cultivates discipline, perseverance, and resilience, fostering a sense of accomplishment and personal empowerment.

By embarking on a fitness journey, individuals can experience holistic improvements in their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It offers an empowering path toward self-improvement, personal growth, and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Starting Your Fitness Journey


One of the first steps in starting a fitness journey is setting clear and realistic goals. Goals provide direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose throughout the journey. When setting fitness goals, it’s important to make them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This means defining the desired outcome, determining measurable indicators of progress, ensuring the goals are within reach, aligning them with personal values and aspirations, and setting a timeframe for achievement.

Examples of fitness goals could include losing a certain amount of weight, increasing strength and muscle tone, improving cardiovascular endurance, participating in a specific event or sport, or simply adopting a more active and healthy lifestyle. Setting goals that are meaningful to you will keep you focused and motivated along your fitness journey.

Before starting any fitness program, it’s essential to assess your current fitness level. This assessment helps you understand your strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need improvement. It also provides a baseline against which you can track your progress and measure the effectiveness of your fitness journey.

There are various ways to assess your fitness level. You can start by evaluating your cardiovascular fitness through exercises like walking, jogging, or cycling to determine your endurance and aerobic capacity. Strength tests, such as push-ups, squats, or lifting weights, can assess your muscular strength. Additionally, flexibility tests like reaching for your toes or performing stretches can evaluate your range of motion.

Alternatively, you may consider seeking professional help from a certified fitness trainer or healthcare professional who can conduct a comprehensive fitness assessment. They can provide a more accurate evaluation of your fitness level, identify any potential limitations or health concerns, and tailor a fitness plan that suits your specific needs and goals.

Before embarking on a fitness journey, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. A healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a registered dietitian, can provide valuable guidance and support to ensure your fitness journey is safe and effective.

During the consultation, you can discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. The healthcare professional can assess your overall health, provide recommendations on exercise intensity and duration, discuss dietary considerations, and offer insights into managing any health conditions or medications that may impact your fitness journey.

This consultation is particularly important if you have a history of chronic conditions, are pregnant or postpartum, are over the age of 40, or have been inactive for an extended period. The healthcare professional can help create a personalized fitness plan that takes into account your individual needs, abilities, and limitations, ensuring a safe and successful start to your fitness journey.

By setting clear goals, assessing your current fitness level, and consulting with a healthcare professional, you establish a solid foundation for your fitness journey. This proactive approach enables you to create a personalized plan that aligns with your aspirations, minimizes the risk of injury, and sets you up for long-term success.

Benefits of a Fitness Journey

Embarking on a fitness journey brings numerous benefits to your physical health. Regular exercise and physical activity have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall health. Here are some of the key physical health benefits of a fitness journey:

  • Weight management: Engaging in regular physical activity helps in weight management by burning calories and building lean muscle mass. It can assist in achieving and maintaining healthy body weight, reducing the risk of obesity-related conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
  • Cardiovascular health: Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood circulation, and lowers blood pressure. It reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, and coronary artery disease.
  • Stronger bones and muscles: Weight-bearing exercises, such as resistance training and weightlifting, stimulate bone growth and increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, strength training exercises help build and maintain muscle mass, improving overall strength and stability.
  • Improved immune system: Regular physical activity has been shown to enhance the immune system’s function, reducing the risk of certain illnesses and infections.
  • Better sleep: Engaging in physical activity can improve the quality of sleep, helping you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep. It also helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle, promoting a consistent and refreshing sleep pattern.

In addition to the physical benefits, a fitness journey has a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Regular exercise has been linked to improved mood, reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, and enhanced overall mental well-being. Here’s how a fitness journey can boost your mental health:

  • Stress relief: Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals, which help reduce stress and improve mood. Exercise provides a healthy outlet for managing stress and promoting relaxation.
  • Enhanced cognitive function: Regular exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. It stimulates the growth of new brain cells and enhances the brain’s ability to form connections.
  • Increased self-esteem: Achieving fitness goals, improving physical fitness, and taking care of your health can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. The sense of accomplishment from overcoming challenges and making progress in your fitness journey contributes to a positive self-image.
  • Mood regulation: Exercise has a positive impact on mood regulation, helping to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. It promotes the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with improved mood and a sense of well-being.

Regular physical activity improves energy levels and enhances stamina. As you engage in a fitness journey, you’ll experience increased endurance, allowing you to perform daily activities with less fatigue. Regular exercise helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, which boosts overall energy levels.

A fitness journey can significantly improve self-confidence and body image. As you progress in your fitness goals, achieving milestones and overcoming obstacles, you’ll develop a sense of pride and self-assurance. Your physical transformations and increased fitness levels contribute to a positive self-perception and improved self-confidence in various areas of life.

In summary, a fitness journey offers a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental well-being. From weight management and cardiovascular health to improved mood and self-confidence, embracing a fitness journey positively impacts various aspects of your life. By committing to regular physical activity and making fitness a priority, you can reap the rewards of a healthier, happier, and more confident you.

Duration of a Fitness Journey

When embarking on a fitness journey, it’s essential to recognize that it is not a temporary endeavor but a lifelong commitment to your health and well-being. Fitness is a continuous journey that involves adopting healthy habits, maintaining consistency, and adapting to various stages of life. While specific goals may have time frames attached to them, the overall fitness journey extends beyond reaching those goals. It’s about cultivating a sustainable and healthy lifestyle that you can maintain in the long run.

The duration of a fitness journey varies for each individual and depends on several factors, including starting points, goals, commitment, and lifestyle. It’s crucial to set realistic expectations for progress and avoid comparing your journey to others. Progress is not always linear, and there may be periods of plateaus or setbacks along the way. It’s important to focus on gradual improvements and celebrate small victories, as they contribute to long-term success.

Instead of fixating on a specific timeline, shift your focus to building healthy habits and making consistent progress. Embrace the concept of sustainable change rather than seeking quick fixes or rapid transformations. Remember that the most significant transformations occur over time and require patience, dedication, and perseverance.

A fitness journey is not a destination but an ongoing process of continuous improvement. As you progress, your goals may evolve, and new challenges and opportunities may arise. Embrace the mindset of constantly striving to be better and finding new ways to challenge yourself physically and mentally.

Set new goals or milestones periodically to keep yourself motivated and engaged in your fitness journey. This could involve increasing the intensity or duration of your workouts, trying new forms of exercise, participating in fitness events or competitions, or exploring different fitness disciplines.

Furthermore, focus on holistic growth beyond physical fitness. Consider incorporating other elements into your fitness journey, such as improving flexibility, practicing mindfulness and stress management techniques, or enhancing your nutrition. The key is to maintain a growth mindset and embrace opportunities for self-improvement in all aspects of your well-being.

In summary, the duration of a fitness journey is not limited to a specific timeframe but is an ongoing commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle. Understand that progress may take time, and it’s important to set realistic expectations and avoid comparing yourself to others. Embrace the concept of continuous improvement, continually challenging yourself, and exploring new growth opportunities. Remember, a fitness journey is a personal and lifelong endeavor that extends far beyond reaching initial goals, and the key to success lies in maintaining consistency and a positive mindset throughout the journey.

Creating a Fitness Journey Plan

One of the keys to a successful fitness journey is finding activities and exercises that you genuinely enjoy. When you engage in activities you like, you’re more likely to stay motivated and committed to your fitness plan. Take some time to explore different types of physical activities, such as running, swimming, dancing, hiking, cycling, or playing a sport. Experiment with various exercises and discover what brings you joy and fulfillment.

Consider your preferences, interests, and lifestyle when choosing activities. If you enjoy being outdoors, you might opt for activities like hiking or cycling. If you prefer a social environment, group fitness classes or team sports could be a great fit. The goal is to find activities that keep you engaged, excited, and eager to participate.

A well-rounded fitness journey plan includes a combination of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Each component plays a vital role in improving overall fitness, health, and functional ability.

Cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, elevate your heart rate and help improve cardiovascular health, endurance, and calorie burn. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week.

Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, help build muscle strength, improve bone density, and enhance overall body composition. Include strength training exercises at least two days a week, targeting all major muscle groups.

Flexibility exercises, such as yoga or stretching routines, improve joint mobility, muscle flexibility, and posture. Incorporate stretching exercises into your fitness plan to enhance your range of motion and reduce the risk of injuries.

Remember to start gradually and progress gradually. If you’re new to exercise or returning after a break, begin with low-intensity activities and gradually increase the duration and intensity as your fitness level improves.

To stay organized and motivated, it’s essential to design a fitness journey plan that includes a schedule and milestones. Set aside specific days and times for your workouts, treating them as non-negotiable appointments with yourself. Consistency is key, so aim for regular exercise sessions throughout the week.

Consider your personal schedule and commitments when designing your fitness plan. Find a balance that works for you, whether it’s early morning workouts, lunchtime sessions, or evening exercises. Choose a time when you’re most likely to follow through with your fitness routine and when you feel energized and focused.

Setting milestones can provide a sense of direction and accomplishment throughout your fitness journey. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable milestones that you can work towards. These could include increasing the duration or intensity of your workouts, reaching a specific weight or body composition target, or achieving a certain fitness milestone, like running a 5K race.

Track your progress regularly, celebrating each milestone you achieve. This can help you stay motivated and provide tangible evidence of your growth and improvement. Consider using a fitness tracker or journal to record your workouts, measurements, and milestones.

In conclusion, creating a fitness journey plan involves identifying enjoyable activities, incorporating a variety of exercises, and designing a schedule with milestones. Choose activities that you genuinely enjoy and that align with your preferences and lifestyle. Incorporate cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to improve overall fitness and health. Design a schedule that suits your routine and set realistic milestones to work towards. Remember, the key is to find a balance that is sustainable and enjoyable, making your fitness journey a positive and fulfilling experience.

Staying Motivated During Your Fitness Journey

One of the most important factors in staying motivated during your fitness journey is finding your inner motivation and purpose. This involves identifying the reasons why you want to embark on this journey and understanding the personal benefits it will bring to your life. Ask yourself what drives you and what you hope to achieve through your fitness journey.

Some common motivations for embarking on a fitness journey include improving overall health, increasing energy levels, boosting self-confidence, managing stress, or achieving specific fitness goals. Reflect on your own aspirations and values to determine what truly inspires you. By connecting with your inner motivation and purpose, you’ll have a strong foundation to stay committed even when challenges arise.

Setting rewards and incentives along the way can provide an extra boost of motivation during your fitness journey. Rewards serve as positive reinforcement for your efforts and help you stay focused on your goals. Consider setting both short-term and long-term rewards to celebrate milestones and accomplishments.

Short-term rewards can be simple and immediate, such as treating yourself to a massage, buying new workout gear, or enjoying a favorite healthy meal. These rewards act as reminders of the progress you’ve made and encourage you to continue moving forward.

Long-term rewards can be more significant and aligned with your ultimate fitness goals. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, treat yourself to a weekend getaway after completing the race. These rewards serve as a culmination of your hard work and dedication.

Remember that rewards don’t always have to be material. Consider rewarding yourself with non-food-related treats, like a day off to relax, a movie night with friends, or a spa day. The key is to choose rewards that are meaningful to you and that reinforce the positive behaviors you’re cultivating throughout your fitness journey.

Building a support system can greatly contribute to your motivation and accountability during your fitness journey. Surrounding yourself with positive and like-minded individuals who share similar goals can provide the encouragement and support you need to stay on track.

Reach out to friends, family members, or colleagues who have an interest in fitness or who are also on their own fitness journey. Share your goals with them and ask if they would like to join you or provide support along the way. Having a workout buddy or a group of people who understand and share your challenges and successes can be incredibly motivating.

Additionally, consider joining a fitness community or finding an online support group. These communities offer a sense of belonging and can provide valuable insights, tips, and encouragement. Engaging with others who are also striving for better health and fitness can create a sense of camaraderie and inspire you to keep pushing forward.

Don’t hesitate to lean on your support system when you face obstacles or moments of doubt. They can offer guidance, celebrate your victories, and remind you of your progress. Likewise, be a source of support for others, as helping others on their fitness journey can reinforce your own commitment and sense of purpose.

In conclusion, staying motivated during your fitness journey requires finding your inner motivation and purpose, setting rewards and incentives, and seeking support from friends, family, or a fitness community. Connect with the reasons why you want to embark on this journey and use them as a source of inspiration. Set rewards and incentives to celebrate your progress and keep you motivated along the way. Surround yourself with a supportive community that understands and shares your goals. By implementing these strategies, you’ll maintain the motivation needed to stay committed and achieve long-term success in your fitness journey.

Diet and Nutrition during Your Fitness Journey

When it comes to your fitness journey, diet and nutrition play a crucial role in supporting your overall health, optimizing your physical performance, and achieving your fitness goals. A balanced and nutritious diet provides the necessary fuel, nutrients, and building blocks for your body to function optimally.

A balanced diet consists of a variety of nutrient-dense foods from different food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that promote overall well-being and support your fitness endeavors.

To maintain a balanced diet, aim to include a wide range of colorful fruits and vegetables in your meals, as they offer an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Incorporate whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread to provide sustained energy and fiber. Choose lean proteins such as chicken, fish, legumes, and tofu to support muscle repair and growth. Additionally, incorporate healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil for their beneficial effects on heart health and nutrient absorption.

Different individuals may have different dietary preferences and requirements. It’s important to explore and find a dietary approach that aligns with your goals, preferences, and lifestyle. Some popular dietary approaches that people incorporate into their fitness journey include:

  • Mediterranean Diet: This diet emphasizes whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, and healthy fats like olive oil. It’s known for its heart-healthy benefits and is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
  • Plant-Based or Vegan Diet: This diet focuses on consuming plant-based foods and excludes animal products. It emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It can be beneficial for those seeking a diet that is higher in fiber, lower in saturated fat, and environmentally sustainable.
  • Low-Carb or Ketogenic Diet: These diets restrict carbohydrate intake and prioritize fats and proteins. They aim to shift the body into a state of ketosis, where it primarily burns fat for energy. These approaches may be suitable for some individuals, but it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before adopting such a diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.
  • Intuitive Eating: This approach focuses on listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, eating mindfully, and cultivating a positive relationship with food. It encourages honoring your cravings while also prioritizing nutrient-dense foods.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition. What works for one person may not work for another. It’s essential to experiment, listen to your body, and find a dietary approach that supports your fitness goals while nourishing your body and promoting overall well-being.

If you find yourself unsure about the dietary aspects of your fitness journey, it can be helpful to seek guidance from a registered dietitian (RD) or a nutritionist. These professionals are trained in nutrition science and can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs, goals, and health conditions.

An RD can assess your current dietary habits, help you identify areas for improvement, and provide practical strategies for incorporating nutritious foods into your daily routine. They can also address any concerns or questions you may have regarding supplements, portion sizes, meal timing, and navigating social situations that involve food.

Working with an RD can provide you with the knowledge, support, and accountability necessary to optimize your nutrition and achieve your fitness goals in a safe and sustainable manner. They can tailor their recommendations to your unique circumstances, ensuring that your dietary choices align with your fitness journey.

In conclusion, during your fitness journey, it’s important to prioritize a balanced and nutritious diet to support your overall health and fitness goals. Aim for a variety of nutrient-dense foods from different food groups and explore different dietary approaches to find what works best for you. If you need further guidance, consider consulting with a registered dietitian or nutritionist who can provide personalized advice and support. By nourishing your body with the right foods and seeking professional guidance when needed, you’ll optimize your nutrition and enhance the benefits of your fitness journey.

Embarking on a fitness journey is a transformative and empowering experience that can positively impact your life in numerous ways. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or have been on it for a while, remember that every step you take toward a healthier lifestyle matters. Take pride in the progress you make, no matter how small, and celebrate your achievements along the way.

If you haven’t started your fitness journey yet, now is the perfect time to take that first step. Embrace the opportunity to prioritize your health, well-being, and happiness. Remember, every fitness journey is unique, and there is no right or wrong path to follow. It’s about finding what works for you and creating sustainable habits that align with your goals and values.

Your fitness journey is not just about physical transformation; it’s also about improving your mental and emotional well-being. It’s an opportunity to discover your inner strength, challenge your limits, and unlock your full potential. Embrace the journey as an opportunity for self-discovery and growth.

Throughout your fitness journey, it’s essential to practice self-compassion and kindness. Be patient with yourself and recognize that progress takes time. There will be ups and downs, setbacks and obstacles, but remember that each setback is a chance to learn, grow, and come back even stronger.

Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or like-minded individuals who share your passion for a healthier lifestyle. Seek inspiration from success stories and individuals who have overcome challenges similar to yours. Their stories can serve as a reminder that you’re not alone and that your goals are achievable with dedication and perseverance.

Lastly, remember that a fitness journey is not just a temporary phase but a lifelong commitment to your well-being. Embrace the changes you make as lasting lifestyle choices rather than quick fixes. Continually reassess your goals, set new challenges, and adapt your routines as you progress. Embrace the joy of movement, nourish your body with wholesome foods, and prioritize self-care in all aspects of your life.

Your fitness journey is an ongoing adventure, full of growth , self-discovery, and opportunities for a healthier and happier life. Embrace it with enthusiasm, dedication, and an open mind. Believe in yourself, stay committed to your goals, and never forget the incredible potential that lies within you.

As you embark on or continue your fitness journey, remember that the power to transform your life is in your hands. You have the ability to create a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant version of yourself. Embrace the journey, enjoy the process, and savor the rewards of a fitter, happier, and more fulfilling life.

Thank you for joining us on this fitness journey! We hope you found our The Ultimate Roadmap to an Empowering Fitness Journey blog insightful and inspiring. Our aim is to provide you with valuable information, expert advice, and motivational content to support you in your wellness endeavors.

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FAQs about Fitness Journey

What is a fitness journey.

A fitness journey refers to the process of adopting a healthier and more active lifestyle with the goal of improving physical fitness, overall well-being, and achieving personal fitness goals.

How do I start my fitness journey?

To start your fitness journey, begin by setting clear and realistic goals, assessing your current fitness level, and designing a fitness plan that includes a variety of exercises and activities. Start with small steps and gradually increase intensity and duration as you progress.

What are the benefits of embarking on a fitness journey?

Embarking on a fitness journey offers numerous benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and endurance, weight management, stress reduction, enhanced mood, and mental well-being, increased energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

How long does a fitness journey usually take?

The duration of a fitness journey varies for each individual and depends on factors such as starting fitness level, goals, consistency, and dedication. It is important to view fitness as a lifelong journey rather than a short-term endeavor, as maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a continuous process.

What should I include in my fitness journey plan?

Your fitness journey plan should include a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and adequate rest and recovery. It should be tailored to your goals, preferences, and fitness level. It is also important to incorporate proper nutrition and hydration into your plan.

How do I stay motivated during my fitness journey?

To stay motivated, set specific and realistic goals, track your progress, celebrate achievements, find activities you enjoy, vary your workouts, seek support from friends or a fitness community, reward yourself for milestones, and remind yourself of the benefits and positive changes that come with a consistent fitness routine.

What are some common challenges people face during their fitness journey?

Some common challenges during a fitness journey include lack of motivation, time constraints, plateaus in progress, dealing with injuries or setbacks, balancing fitness with other responsibilities, and overcoming self-doubt or negative thoughts. It is important to stay resilient, adapt to challenges, and seek support when needed.

Can I embark on a fitness journey without a gym membership?

Absolutely! A fitness journey can be pursued without a gym membership. There are numerous options for home workouts, outdoor activities, bodyweight exercises, and fitness classes or programs available online. It's important to find activities that suit your preferences and fit your lifestyle.

What are some effective exercises for a fitness journey?

Effective exercises for a fitness journey include activities such as running, walking, cycling, swimming, strength training with weights or resistance bands, yoga, Pilates, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), and functional training exercises that engage multiple muscle groups. Choose exercises that align with your goals and preferences.

How can I track my progress during my fitness journey?

You can track your progress by keeping a fitness journal, recording workout sessions, tracking measurements, monitoring changes in weight or body composition, using fitness apps or wearable devices, and assessing improvements in endurance, strength, flexibility, or performance. Regularly review your progress to stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your fitness plan.

Health-and-fitness enthusiasts

Meet Pradeep Singh, your go-to guide for all things fitness, health, and motivation. With over 7 years in the field, Pradeep brings a blend of expertise and real-world experience to his writing. From workout tips to healthy living insights, he simplifies complex topics, making fitness accessible for everyone. His authentic approach and genuine passion aim to inspire and support your wellness journey. Get ready to embark on a path to a healthier lifestyle with Pradeep as your trusted companion and motivator.


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Lean With Style

How to Get Lean [Full Workout Routine Included]

February 15, 2023

Christian Pinedo

Since you’re reading this post, you’ve essentially told me that you’re currently overweight and have a lot of fat to lose (or maybe just a couple pounds). 

You’re wondering how to get lean.

That’s perfectly fine, and in fact, you’re not alone.

Many other people are in this exact situation, including myself when I first started.

I know exactly what it feels like to be at this stage. It feels like you’re a long way off the path that you should be on.

Don’t worry, I’m not someone who’s been skinny their entire life and going to tell you “just put the fork down.”

lean fitness journey

When I was at this point in my life, the very sight of myself in the mirror was very discouraging. 

It wasn’t until I started to change things in my life and got a better understanding of the importance of lifting weights and nutrition, that things began to change.

So that’s the good news.

That you CAN change your current physique state.

It’s possible to gain some quality, lean muscle, lose fat, and, become leaner and stronger.

That’s what this guide is all about.

It’s not going to be easy, but I am here to help show you the way, so let’s get started.

lean fitness journey

The Hierarchy: How to Get Lean

lean fitness journey

As you can see from the pyramid above, your calories and macronutrients are MOST important.

Lifting weights are important, but it won’t matter unless your calories and macronutrients are in place.

After lifting weights comes cardio.

Cardio is not necessary to get the body you desire. Cardio can help, yet, you shouldn’t get rid of cardio altogether. Cardio enables you to stay conditioned which is important for your health.

After cardio is meal timing and how many meals to eat, along with micronutrients and other minutiae.

Then, finally, watching motivational videos and other little things to keep you going. As you can see, it won’t get you very far on its own.

Remember this hierarchy whenever you seem stuck. If something isn’t in the right order, everything falls apart.

We’re going to go over most of the hierarchy in more detail to give you a better overview of how to drop fat.

The first step to take on the way to get lean is your calories and macronutrients.

Getting Lean – Calories and Macros Explained

lean fitness journey

Your first step on your way to “leanness” is to calculate your Caloric Deficit (the calories required to eat to lose weight).

There’s no way to get a lean body unless you drop a significant amount of fat first.

Same with lifting weights (although I do recommend you start regardless of where you are in your fitness journey).

For the purpose of this guide, I’m assuming you have at least 30-50 pounds to lose. Let’s figure out how to lose those pounds first.

Step 1: Find Your Weight Loss Calories

  • You first want to multiply your body weight by 14, 15, or 16 (depending on your activity level throughout the week– example down below)
  • Whatever number you get, subtract 25% from it and you have found your calori e deficit for losing body fat rapidly (but not too rapidly).
  • I have an entire article going more in-depth on calories for losing weight. If you want to learn more,  read this article.

For the purpose of this article, we will use my calories as an example.

Here’s the formula on how I calculated them:

The Formula for Maintenance Calories:   Body weight (in lbs.) x 14, 15, or 16.
  • If you are sedentary, choose 14. in this formula, it would be someone who only gets activity through the gym and nothing else.
  • If you are lightly active, choose 15 (Lightly Active means you workout 3-5 times per week, but also don’t sit around all day – fits most people).
  • Choose 16 if you’re very active (Very Active means you workout 3-6 times per week, but you also move around constantly due to work, or other activities other than the gym)  
  • Again, read this post to figure out which option best suits you.

Example: My body weight is 204lbs.

204 lbs x 14 = 2855 calories.

These are the number of calories I would eat every day if I wanted to MAINTAIN my weight.

To find the calories to eat to lose weight:

Formula for Calorie Deficit: 2870 x .75 = 2140 calories to eat per day to lose weight. (I’m going to round up to 2150)

Now, do this for your own body weight stats and move on to the next section on macros:

Macronutrients for Getting Lean

I’ve written an entire book on macronutrients and how to track them, so I won’t go over everything here, however, you must know that your macronutrient “split” is essential when it comes to body composition (how you end up looking). 

IIFYM: If It Fits Your Macros Book

IIFYM: If It Fits Your Macros Book

Gone are the days of following a boring meal plan. IIFYM allows you to eat your favorite foods while transforming your body.

Here are some of the things that you will learn inside:

  • How to lose fat and get in shape all while eating the foods you love including pizza, ice cream, pancakes, and more!
  • How weight loss and weight gain happen and how to avoid gaining weight.
  • The quantity of each macronutrient that you need and how to use calories, and “macros” for better body composition.
  • The difference between enjoying the fat loss process (IIFYM approach) and being miserable (traditional dieting)
  • How to use the IIFYM method of dieting with today's technology!
  • How to create your own meal plan for maximum fat loss effectiveness and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • How to use our IIFYM Restaurant guide to simplify dining out.
  • An in-depth FAQ section to answer your meal plan creation questions to get the most out of IIFYM
  • And much more...

I cannot stress enough how important getting this right is.

If you do not follow the caloric and macronutrient recommendations, you will fail to obtain your goal, I promise you that.

Remember the hierarchy.

If this part doesn’t work, everything else falls apart.

Protein, Fats, and Carbohydrates

Let’s go over your “macro split.”

Usually, I would recommend 1 gram of protein per lb. of body weight, however, because you have a lot of fat to lose and are a bit overweight, that would be a LOT of protein to eat.

Most people, especially those who’re beginners, have a hard time adjusting to the recommended protein intake of any workout/diet program.

I get it. If this is the case for you, I’d recommend going as low as 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight until you can tolerate eating more protein.

Carbs are NOT the enemy when getting lean. In fact, I recommend for most people to increase your carb intake at times to fuel your workouts.

Carbs are necessary for a lot of things and you don’t need to give them up just because you’re trying to lose weight.

All that matters is that you are in a calorie deficit and as long as you do that and follow your macros, your carb intake should not decrease.

Fat is necessary for a multitude of functions in the body which I won’t go over right now.

Just know that you don’t ever want to go under 20% in your diet.

That’s the limit.

That being said, you could go higher, just make sure you’re getting enough protein (at least 0.7-1.2g of protein per pound of body weight).

The Lifting Routine For Getting Lean

lean fitness journey

Train Heavy Three Days Per Week

NOTE: This is not an end-all, be-all workout routine. If you already have a workout routine that you like and that follows the principles below, follow that. If you already workout 5 days per week, full-body, do that. IDC what workout routine you follow, so long as the principles below are followed. This is just a starting point for beginners and others alike and you are only meant to progress from this point forward.

Three times per week. That’s all you need for now. Could you do more?

But, I want to make this guide as accessible as possible. Therefore 3 days is all I will assign (hit me up in the comments if you want a 4 or 5-day workout split).

You’re going to make the MOST out of these 3 days to ensure you get the body you want.

There are going to be 8-Weeks of weight training workouts that you can follow.

The organization of these workouts is in the schedule below.

Day 1 can be Monday or whatever day works best for you.

Here’s the schedule:

lean fitness journey

As you can see, the schedule is very simple.

Since you’re trying to get lean, I want you to do 2-3 cardio sessions per week to keep your cardiovascular health up and speed up your progress.

More on this later.

The workouts themselves should only take 45-60 minutes.

Here’s a  Video Exercise Library  to help you with how to perform the exercises, which we’re about to go over right now.

All workouts follow a Reverse Pyramid Training ( RPT ) Style. 

If a certain exercise does not have “RPT” next to it, then it will just be a straight-set (SS) which just means to keep the same weight for all sets.

This will all make sense in a second.

Workout Notes

What rpt and the percentages mean.

Everywhere an exercise says “RPT” it means that your first set should be the heaviest and decrease as the sets go on.

For example, in Workout A, the second exercise says: “DB Incline Bench Press: 3 sets/6-8 reps/2-3min rest/RPT (-5%)”

Here’s how this would look:

1st set: 70 lbs – 6 reps

2nd set: 65 lbs – 7 reps

3rd set: 60 lbs – 8 reps

As you can see, the weight decreases by after the 1st set, and again after the 2nd set.

This is called Reverse Pyramid Training (one form of it at least).

Each time you decrease the weight, you want to get 1, maybe 2, more reps than the previous set.

The weight will not always decrease exactly by 5%.

In the example above, if you do the math, set 2 should be 66.5 lbs. However, no gym I know of has 66.5 lb dumbbells.

For that reason, on any exercise that requires DBs, just go 5 or 10 lbs lighter depending on how heavy your first set was.

The image below demonstrates how each set should look. I have put how much of a percentage decrease (5 or 10%) next to each exercise.

lean fitness journey

Depending on how much weight you use, this could be anywhere from a 5 lb decrease to 50 lb decrease so just open the calculator on your phone and subtract the weight you used in your first set and subtract 5 or 10% from it to get your next weight.

  • Row Variation Notes:

There are so many great “row” exercises so I will leave this up to your personal preference.

My personal preference is the Pendlay Row (search “barbell row alan thrall” on YouTube or see the exercise video library above).

Make sure to check the exercise video library for demonstrations and proper form.

Chin-Up Notes:

I put chin-ups as an exercise because that is the ultimate goal in the end. For you to be able to do multiple chin-ups.

Chin-ups, and especially weighted chin-ups, are the ultimate sign of physical fitness.

However, you probably aren’t strong enough (yet) to do chin-ups or at least the amount prescribed, so please do  assisted band  pull-ups, or the lat pull-down instead for now.

lean fitness journey

You could also do regular overhand pull-ups.

After 4-weeks of doing these assistance exercises, see where you are with chin-ups.

Tips for Progressing on Chin-Ups

Extra Tip: If you want to speed up your progress with chin-ups, do some every-day. 

Do 5 jumping (negative) chin-ups 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night).

Jumping (negative) chin-ups are where you jump up to the top of the chin-up movement and slowly go down.

You can do pull-ups like I am doing here, or you can do chin-ups.

This will get you used to the movement and you will be able to do chin-ups in no time.

Once those 5 jumping chin-ups become easy.

Start trying normal chin-ups.

You’ll be amazed at how fast you progress.

As someone who couldn’t even do 1 before ( see my progression here ), I know what it takes.

Obviously, you can’t be at the gym 3 times per day so I highly recommend you get a doorway chin-up bar for your home.

I use  this one  because its high-quality and doesn’t ruin my door like other cheap ones. You can see my full review  here.

Triceps Exercise Notes:

For your Triceps, I believe there are a lot of great exercises that you can do. 

There’s the close-grip bench press, dips (triceps focus – less forward lean), Skullcrushers, rope pulldowns, etc.

Whatever you choose, make sure to control the weight. Really feel your triceps moving the weight. Don’t allow other muscles to interfere.

General Workout Notes:

Do NOT use light weights and just try and hit the rep ranges given.

For example, when you’re doing squats and you’re on your last few reps, those reps should be hard! They should not feel easy.

Lift heavy enough to where you could not get another rep with proper form.

If it says 6-8 reps, you should not be able to get a 9th rep (comfortably) with proper form with the weight you are using.

If it says 8-10 reps, you should not be able to get the 11th rep (comfortably) with proper form with the weight you are using.

Please don’t go light on the weights.

Here’s why:

If you were to do a bunch of sets and reps of certain exercises, you would be targeting something called Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy (hypertrophy means muscle growth).

This type of muscle growth increases the fluid in the muscle making it bigger and puffier, but NOT necessarily stronger. Not what you’re going for right?

Of course not.

You want to get a stronger and leaner body right? If you answered yes, here’s what you want to do.

To get that body you desire, you must strength train and add size to the right areas by targeting Myofibrillar Hypertrophy.

This type of muscle growth is what you want! It increases the density of the muscle and makes it stronger, without making it much bigger (like the man in the picture to the left).

To simulate this type of muscle growth, you want to lift heavy.

The more and heavier you lift over time (progressive overload) the more muscular you’re going to look.

That’s why you must challenge yourself in the weight room.

Lift heavy (safely, of course) and challenge yourself and you will get the body you desire.

With that out of the way, let’s now move on to cardio.

The Cardio Routine

lean fitness journey

Notes on HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

You may have noticed that there is only 1 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) session a week.

Although it says to do it on day 6 (Saturday for example), you can do it on any day if you desire, however, just make sure it’s after or apart from your weight lifting.

This is for recovery reasons.

As far as what to do for your HIIT session, I recommend 20-30 minutes of either:

  • or some form of body-weight HIIT

Notes on LISS (Low-Intensity, Steady-State) Cardio

There are 2 Low-Intensity, Steady-State (LISS) sessions per week that I want you to do.

Do the cardio between workout days or right after your lifting workout.

A sample LISS workout would be 45min on the StairMaster or walking on a incline on a treadmill machine at a low speed, or jogging at a slow pace. 

You don’t want to go too slow where its super easy but you also don’t want to go too fast either.

Somewhere between “Wow, this is going to suck for a bit” and “I could do this for 45 minutes.” You’ll know when you’ve found that speed.

Aim to burn a bunch of calories with this cardio session and listen to an audiobook or watch YouTube/Netflix.

Use LISS to burn extra calories without messing up your recovery. This is why HIIT is on the weekend with an extra day of rest before hitting the gym again.

Notes on “Walk”

“Walk” means don’t sit at home all day.

Go on a hike.

Do something.

Burn calories and don’t sit at home all day. The more active you are, the easier this whole process will be for you.

Higher activity = Higher calorie burn = faster weight loss.

If you want to get technical, go on a 1.5 to 2-hour walk and listen to an audiobook.

Enjoy nature and have some fun dammit 😀

Notes on Cardio in General

Remember that hierarchy we talked about earlier? Remember where cardio landed? It was not as important as your overall caloric and macronutrient intake.

Lifting came after and then came cardio.

If you have to miss a cardio session due to X reason, that’s fine. Just don’t miss a lifting session and stick to your calories and macronutrients.

Cardio is just for increasing your caloric deficit and of course, heart and lung health. Don’t dismiss it but don’t make it the focus of your fitness journey.

We’ve come to the end of your guide.

I hope this has helped you realize what you need to do and how you need to do it.

I tried to provide as much value as possible, however, if something is unclear, or you have any questions in the guide, please email me at any time at  [email protected] .

I will gladly try and clarify something in the guide.

Before you do email me, however, please check out my website to see if I have not already written about the topic, which you can do by clicking  here.

Also, here are some other articles and pages of mine that may help you along your fitness journey:

More Resources:

  • The Best Macros For Cutting  (with a calculator)
  • My IIFYM Guide (With a Macros Calculator)
  • The 40 40 20 Diet & Why It Works
  • Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
  • How to Track Macros – The Ultimate Guide
  • The 16 Best Supplements for Cutting in 2022
  • My Favorite Fitness Resources and Accessories
  • My If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) Book

Also, here are some of the social media platforms that I post on regularly. Come by and say hi!

•   YouTube

•  Instagram

Thanks again for going through the guide and I hope to talk to you soon.

– Christian Pinedo

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1 thought on “How to Get Lean [Full Workout Routine Included]”

This is an impressive article. I wish you had some products to recommend!

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I tried Lilly Sabri's Lean fitness app and I love it

Lilly Sabri's fitness, food, and mental health app retains all the personality of her popular YouTube channel

Lilly Sabri Lean app

Lilly Sabri has recently launched a fitness app off the back of her hugely popular YouTube channel that's sitting at 3M subscribers and still growing. Offering personalised guides, meal plans that celebrate her love of food, and early access to her Lean branded products, the app already ticks a lot of boxes; but there's even more in store.

You can find out what Lilly has planned for the app, from live Q&As and workouts, and a community feature, in our Lean app interview . You can also catch up with her journey so far in our profile of the fitness influencer , but for now, let's dive into what the Lean app has to offer and what makes it so different from the plethora of other fitness apps on the market.

  • Sign up for the Lean app today

Lilly Sabri workout

Lean app overview

The Lean app is intended to be a place where users can get personalised workouts, meal plans, as well as a slew of other content. In addition to the workout guides which are determined by your answers to a few questions during setup, there are classes, warm-ups, activations, and cooldowns that you can mix and match however you like. You'll also find a Challenges section comprised of shorter workouts that can be swapped into your guides in place of the finishers.

The setup asks for your weight, how often you want to workout every week, how many meals you want to eat per day (between three and five), and four options for dietary restrictions: standard, pescatarian, vegetarian, and vegan. You'll also be asked to pick your goal on a sliding scale, with 'fat loss & tone' on one end, and 'sculpt & build muscle' on the other', and 'tone and maintain' right in the middle. You can change these preferences at any time, which will affect your workout guide and meal plan. 

The workouts themselves don't lose any of the personality and engagement that Lilly Sabri fans have become used to from her YouTube channel. Rather than gif-based workouts, the Lean app features real time workouts with everything that made Lilly so popular in the first place; from her dog Teddy sitting on the side or trying to get involved with workouts, to having her cheer you on as she battles through the workout alongside you. 

In addition to the workouts, you'll find a physio section (Lilly's forte after graduating with a BCS in physiotherapy) that covers injury prevention and pain management, as well as a 'Learn Exercises' section to make sure your form is correct for things like deadlifts, side planks, and so on. As with the workouts, these are real time videos – not just gifs. 

There's an exhaustive nutrition section featuring both Lilly, and Lean nutritionist Alan Kenny, as well as a section on Lilly's Lean resistance and HIIT bands. The recipe section lets you browse all of the meal and snack ideas on the app, while the Habits tab is the app's mental health page, offering journaling and a habit tracker. 

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If that massive library of content wasn't enough, fans of the Lean with Lilly brand who have been eyeing up the Lean bands drops and new supplements in the Nourish and Glow range will get early access in the Store tab. While Lilly says the product drops won't be as limited or small as they have been previously, they're still incredibly popular with her followers, so getting a chance to grab them before they roll out for her social media followers is a big bonus for app users. 

I'm actually blown away by the sheer amount of content in the app, and the commitment to not copping out with boring recipes or gif-based workouts which Lilly told us would have been the easy option.  

Lean app workouts

Lilly's YouTube workouts are tough, but the Lean app workouts are gruelling by comparison, although you still have the option to customise the guides to some degree. Each day in your personalised plan is comprised of a warm up, activation, main workout, finisher, and cool down, but you can toggle the activation and finisher  if you're short on time or feel you don't need them.

Nothing is lost in the transition from YouTube to the app, with the real time workouts offering the same level of enthusiasm and motivation you'll find on Lilly's channel. The guides run for four weeks, with off days designated based on your answers to the setup quiz, but thanks to the option to mark them as complete as you progress, you can still take it at your own pace. 

I will note that the app isn't perfect at this stage; there are some teething issues and more tweaks to be done. For example, you can't switch out your rest days at the moment, and my guide got stuck on day five after I tried to manually swap out my rest day for a workout. The day-to-day workouts are now out of sync with the guide, and while I can go into the overarching guide section to pick the 'correct' day, it's a bit frustrating. Happily, Lilly says the ability to swap your off days around is on the way.

Music is a big part of Lilly's YouTube workouts and that hasn't been neglected in-app. As well as casting your workout to the TV, you can click on the Spotify or Apple Music icons to be taken to the respective apps to pick your soundtrack. The Spotify button will direct you to Lean with Lilly playlists for the respective exercises (pilates, cardio, and so on) but you can play whatever you like. 

It's worth pointing out that you'll need an internet connection to play the videos, but being home workouts, that's not likely to present too much of an issue. If you plan on popping out to a park to indulge, you'll need to use your mobile data, so just bear that in mind. 

Lean app meal planning

If you love your food, the recipes and meal plan will not disappoint! From shakes, smoothies bowls, and snacks, to burgers, shakshuka, and malaysian coconut curry, the Lean app is brimming with absolutely mouth-watering recipes.

The library is a mix of mostly Lilly's own recipes (and those of her friends and family) and a la carte meals from the Lean chef which require a little more prep and ingredients. The latter category of meals is currently sitting at 15 total, but expect more recipes from both Lilly and her Lean chef.

Your plan will offer up designated recipes based on how many times a day you chose to eat, but if you're not happy with the selection, you can hit the shuffle icon and browse for alternatives. Unfortunately, this feature is scuppered for me. While less than 3% of users are experiencing bugs across both Android and iOS , a secondary issue appears to be a slower user experience for Huawei users. It's not affected the workout videos themselves, but when it comes to rejigging the meal plan, it's unresponsive for me.

I'm in the minority here though, and I can still browse the recipes. It's not ideal, given the full experience of the plan is being missed in terms of meal planning, but Lilly says the development team is looking into how they can speed up functionality for Huawei users. The experience will be significantly smoother and less irksome if you're using something other than a Huawei handset that's packing more RAM.   

The shopping list functionality is particularly handy. You can view your list for 'today' and the week as whole, with a toggle on the week tab that lets you split your shopping list by the day. 

If it wasn't for my phone's impact on this portion of the app, I'd be a lot more enthused about it. But going by the range of recipes as a whole, foodies will be in heaven! And of course, there's the option to toggle macros on and off if you're rather not see that info and just enjoy your food, knowing that you're eating what you need in order to achieve your aesthetic goal while enjoying every mouthful. 

Lean app mental health 

Mental health was a big aspect of the Lean app. The macros toggle is intended to avoid triggers for people with disordered eating, while the dedicated Habits section allows user to journal and track their habits. 

You can enter a habit name which will offer ideas in a drop down based on your input. You can then set its frequency – either daily, or weekly – and how often you intend to keep it up within that timeframe. Customisable push notifications will help encourage you, and you can allocate colours to spruce up your page. 

The journal feature has a text and image component, and while the habits are visible on the tab, the journal entries are tucked away under the 'My Journal' section so as not to flood the main tab. 

I prefer pen and paper over typing my thoughts into an app, but if you've transcended beyond the need for such primitive tools, this section is a nice way to document your fitness journey. Personally, it's not for me. 

Lilly has mentioned a community features so if there's some kind of integration for that aspect in this tab, that might make it more appealing for the existing community who are very vocal and supportive of one another on social media.    

Lean app verdict

All in all, the Lean app goes above and beyond the standard expectations of a fitness app. It could easily have gone down a less complicated route with regards to the workouts and recipes. But by ensuring that it captures the essence of what made Lilly resonate with so many people to begin with, it knocks it out of the park.

The ever-evolving nature of it, and the nature of the promised content to come make it incredible value for money, as well as bringing the community feature that the Familia have fostered on social media. 

I haven't even managed to explore all of the existing content yet, and knowing there's more being added completely justifies the the £9.99 monthly subscription cost. Lilly has designs on making it an engaging forum where fans can connect with professionals and each other, as well as developing a positive relationship with food alongside their workouts.

Of course, there's always the free workouts on YouTube, but the Lean app offers real value over and above the free content. If you're looking for real time workouts that will keep you feeling motivated and encouraged, a huge library of recipes that celebrate food, and tons of extra content besides, you should give the Lean app a whirl. 

The Lean app is available to download from the App Store and Google Play with three subscription models available. You can pay $13.99/ £9.99 / AU$17.99 / 10.99€ for a monthly subscription, $33.99 / £24.49 / AU$43.99 / 27.99€ for quarterly billing and a saving of 15%, or $111.99 / £79.99 / AU$144.99 / 91.99€ for an annual membership plus seven day free trial that offers a saving of 33%. 

  • I did 100 pull ups a day for a week: here's how I did it and what I learned

Shabana worked at T3.com as News Editor covering tech and gaming, and has been writing about video games for almost a decade (and playing them since forever). She's had bylines at major gaming sites during her freelance career before settling down here at T3, and has podcasts, streaming, and video content under her belt to boot. Outside of work, she also plays video games and should really think about expanding her hobbies. If you have any tech or gaming tips, shoot over an email or DM her on social media.

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Everything You Need To Know About The LEAN TRANSFORMATION Guide Vol 2

Need a new goal or routine to improve your fitness  whether you're already in shape or a beginner to fitness - then join the next lean app transformation challenge read on to find out more..

It’s that time again familia! A chance to challenge yourself, both mentally and physically with our brand new 6 week Transformation Guide! It’s a chance for you to get yourself in the best shape of your life, and more importantly – change your attitude towards fitness with the most unique, fun-filled workouts!


This 6 week guide is an extension of our first LEAN & Strong 6 Week Transformation Guide. We were blown away by the response from the girls taking part, and we expect Vol.2 to be even bigger and better! The mind & body transformations of the LEAN familia during the last 6 weeks were incredible, and we invite you to be a part of the most successful transformation of your life too!


This guide is for absolutely everyone and anyone who either wants to start their fitness journey or may be on their way already – either way, it’s a fresh opportunity for you to really push your limits!

Modifications will always be given, as well as a chance to use equipment if you have it, to intensify your workouts. All we expect from you is to show up – we’ll take care of the rest!


This is your chance to step out of your comfort zone and be guided, step by step, the entire way through these 6 weeks. You are not alone in this! You will have Lilly, with her sunshine energy and expertise in Pilates, Strength and Cardio. Amy, our HIIT specialist, will be taking you through some of the sweatiest sessions yet! Lilly and Amy will also be battling it out with the famous Lilly Vs Amy Workouts – a true LEAN familia favorite!

Not only will all these workouts leave you shaking and dripping with sweat, but they’ll also give you those yummy endorphins, tummy-laughs and support from the entire LEAN Familia. Expect some kickboxing moves, dance-inspired workouts, as well as some surprises along the way…

LEAN Transformation Challenge 2.0


The LEAN TRANSFORMATION Guide Vol 2 will kick off  Monday 28 February and run until the 10 April 2022 . You'll likely get the most out of it by starting it with most of the familia on the 28 Feb, however, you can start later, or join in on a later guide if you prefer because we know sometime's life doesn't go as planned!


YES! We have some motivational prizes in place to keep you focused during your 6 week journey. 

Each week we will be giving away $100 worth of LEAN goodies that help you level up your workouts!

In the meantime follow @leanwithlilly , use the hashtags #LWL and #LEANworkout whenever posting so we can see what you're up to!


This challenge is exclusively on the LEAN App   and you must have a premium membership.   Enrollment for the challenge will open on the LEAN App on Friday 25 February - you will be able to find it in your Content section by the end of the day. 

Make sure your app is the most up-to-date version, or restart your app if the guide isn't showing for you by Saturday!

If you're not on the LEAN App, welcome! You can sign up right here for only £9.99 a month.

Welcome to the familia beautiful!

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Gain muscle or get lean ? It’s an age-old conundrum that plagues physique-builders the world over. To those looking for both it can often feel like the Judgment of Solomon—an agonizing choice that inevitably leads to an all-or-nothing scenario. However, there is a way, but it ain’t easy. yet if you’re willing to put in the effort, lean mass can be yours. The question is: Are you willing—and ready?

The Lean Mass-15 routine is a four-week plan that features a number of advanced training principles designed not just to build muscle , but increase cardio function and burn fat as well. That’s because, with its intense pacing and active rest periods, it’s partly a HIIT cardio routine—just one that also builds muscle.

A ripped and muscular man flexing his bicep in a mirror after using accessory training methods

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Because of its intensity, this is not the type of routine you’ll want to follow for more than four consecutive weeks. A better strategy is to substitute it for your regular routine every four weeks, to give your body a chance to recuperate from this program, and because we always advocate switching things up on a regular basis. The body is always adapting to stress placed upon it (that’s exactly what’s going on with muscle growth), so when it begins to get used to LM-15, you’ll shock it with a new routine, and then go back again.

For the next four weeks, you’ll be moving a lot and resting little. Most of the rest periods, in fact, are active, which means about 95% of the 75 minutes you’ll spend in the gym each day will have you in motion. We understand a lot of guys find it hard to carve out 75 minutes for training, while others can manage 90 minutes or more. Don’t worry—this program packs maximum volume into minimum time for a workout that is as effcient as it is productive, and you can adjust the timing of it by slowing down or speeding up the pace. You’ll just need to adjust the weights used.

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The Build Muscle, Stay Lean Meal Plan

State-of-the-art diet plan will help add muscle without gaining fat.

One other word about this routine: It is designed to elicit muscle hypertrophy , not necessarily strength, although increased strength is a natural by-product of any kind of resistance training. However, while it’s been said that a stronger muscle is a bigger muscle—and there is a general truth to this statement—it needs to be taken in proper context. A well-trained muscle is always going to be stronger and bigger than an untrained one, and it’s pretty safe to say that a guy who can squat 405 for 10 reps is going to have bigger quads than one whose 10-rep max is 135. But when it comes to volumizing muscles, heavier isn’t always better. Case in point: Ed Coan is arguably the strongest man, pound-for-pound, who ever lived. Standing 5’6″ at a bodyweight of around 220lbs, Coan squatted 1,019lbs, benched 584, pulled a 901 deadlift, and has held more than 70 world records. Yet while Coan is impressively thick, he’s never carried anywhere near the lean muscle mass of pro bodybuilders of similar height—guys like Dexter Jackson , Branch Warren , Shawn Ray, and Lee Labrada, who, alternately, couldn’t have come near a 1,000-lb squat on their best days. So don’t worry if you’re not turning heads in the gym with the weights you’re using here; you’ll turn them on the beach. Just remember: If you’ve got time to talk to your buddy about sports while doing the LM-15, you’re doing something wrong.

The Lean Mass-15 routine divides body-part training over three days. Day 1 focuses on back, biceps, and forearms. Day 2 is chest and triceps. Day 3 is thighs and shoulders, with abs done every workout and calves on Days 2 and 3. The split is 3 days on, 1 day off/2 days on, 1 day off—an old-school standard for an average of five training days out of every seven. You’ll note the deliberate use of the word focuses above, as opposed to “is devoted to,” because while each training day has its featured body parts, you’ll also reinforce the previous day’s emphasis and prime for the next workout with light “pumping” sets for the body parts you’re not targeting that day. Studies show that training a body part on consecutive days can lead to greater muscle growth, while working antagonistic muscle groups together elicits a stronger contraction from each. A win-win!

Generally speaking, the set-rep scheme for this routine follows a traditional pyramid format, in which weights increase while reps decrease over the course of each exercise. That being said, the rep range varies quite a bit, but on the whole is probably a little higher than you’re used to doing. In my personal experience, higher reps lead to denser, more detailed muscles, not to mention greater overall physical endurance.

Bodybuilder writing a meal plan with supplements and food ingredients on the table

The 6-Week Diet and Training Plan to Get Lean Fast

Try this 10-point program to blast off pounds of body fat.

The time between working sets is something often referred to as “active rest”. In other words, you’ll work through the set breaks, but at a lower level of intensity. Each active rest period will last for as long as it takes you to complete 15 reps of the ancillary exercise paired up with the primary exercise you’re performing. So, for example, after you finish a set of pulldowns you’ll pick up a pair of light dumbbells and knock out 15 reps of lateral raises at a leisurely pace, and an emphasis on deep breathing. The main goal here is to stay active until your lats have sufficiently recuperated for your next set. And even though you’re going to use a much lighter weight than you do on shoulders day (around 10-lb dumbbells are enough to do the trick), they’ll get a pump, helping accelerate recovery from your last shoulders workout while also stimulating some new growth. After you’ve completed 15 reps of the ancillary exercises, take a few deep breaths, prep mentally for the next move, and then get back to it. Notice that there is always one less active rest set than working set: You don’t need to do an active rest set after the final set of an exercise. That’s the time when you’re moving on to the next exercise.

While this routine’s theme is constant movement, it’s not meant to be frenetic. You don’t want to deplete your oxygen to a point where you’re on the verge of passing out—that’s not going to help you lift with any kind of authority. So, keep the rest active, but also make sure you’re ready to give it your all on each and every working set.

Now head to the gym to put the Lean Mass-15 routine to the test. if you’re currently doing cardio, you’ll probably want to cut it back. Also, be sure to stay well-hydrated through the workout, as you’ll definitely be sweating more than usual. We’ve also included a handy supplement recommendation list, to help power your way through the workouts and support muscle growth.

Diet 911: Lean Muscle Mass Meal Plan

Diet 911: Lean Muscle Mass Meal Plan

Hit the weights all you want, but the wrong diet will stunt your gains.

Want a copy on the go?

Medium-grip pulldown, seated lateral raise, seated cable row, general pushup, dumbbell row, warrior fit incline dumbbell bench press, cross-bench dumbbell pullover, static back extension, standing ez-bar biceps curl, barbell spider curl, narrow knuckle pushup, reverse cable curl, suspended dip, dip bar inverted rows/trx row, supported dumbbell row, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell lateral raise, reverse pec deck, incline pushup, lying ez-bar triceps extension, standing dumbbell biceps curl, seated calf raise, standing calf raise, one-arm cable crunch, kneeling ab wheel, lying leg curl, barbell straight-leg deadlift, abductor machine, bodyweight walking lunge, dumbbell flye, bent-over lateral raise, barbell upright row, barbell biceps curl, barbell shoulder press, dumbbell shrug.

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The Ultimate Guide To Staying Motivated On Your Fitness Journey


Embarking on a fitness journey is a transformative experience that promises a healthier, happier, and more vibrant version of yourself. However, staying motivated throughout this journey can often be a daunting task. There are days when fatigue sets in, self-doubt creeps in, and the allure of skipping a workout becomes tempting. Not to mention that distractions can come from anywhere that could disrupt you from resuming your daily fitness routine.

Thankfully, there are certain strategies and techniques you can do to keep your motivation soaring high and stick to your fitness journey. So, keep reading and get ready to unlock your full potential and discover the secrets to staying motivated as you embark on the transformative path toward a healthier and fitter you.

  • Set Realistic Goals 

One of the challenges of regular exercise is easily losing focus in such a short time. This can happen when you start a fitness routine without any goal in mind. Exercising without any objective can make it easy for you to lose focus since you don’t have any clear direction or purpose. It’ll also be harder for you to track your progress and see any results when you don’t have any goal.

Thus, before starting your fitness journey, ensure to set realistic goals first. Define both short-term and long-term objectives and break down your goals into smaller milestones. Furthermore, don’t forget to celebrate these smaller victories to keep you motivated and reinforce your progress. Remember, the success of your fitness routine is in the journey, not in the results.

  • Find Your ‘Why’ 

Understanding your personal motivation is vital to sustaining your fitness journey. Reflect on why you started in the first place. Whether to improve your health, boost self-confidence, or enhance your overall well-being, remind yourself of these reasons regularly. Your ‘why’ will be a powerful driving force to keep you on track when motivation wanes.

  • Create A Routine 

Creating a routine is a powerful strategy that can significantly contribute to your motivation and success in achieving your fitness goals. The routine will provide structure, organization, and consistency, helping you overcome obstacles and stay focused on your fitness journey.

Create a regular workout schedule that syncs with your daily routine and ensure to stick to them. A routine teaches consistency, consistency breeds discipline, and discipline fuels motivation. Make exercise a non-negotiable part of daily life, like brushing your teeth. The more it becomes a practice, the easier it will be to stay motivated.

  • Find Accountability  

Some people find it hard to stay motivated in their fitness routine when they’re alone or don’t have anyone to share the goal with. To keep you focused and committed to your routine, you can enlist the support of a workout buddy or join a fitness community. Sharing your journey with others creates a sense of accountability and camaraderie.

Having someone to lean on during challenging times can also be incredibly motivating. Consider finding a workout partner, hiring a personal trainer, or joining fitness classes to stay connected and inspired.

  • Embrace Variety 

Sooner or later, your fitness routine can become monotonous, leading to a loss of motivation. Spice up your fitness routine by incorporating various exercises, like strength training, cardio, yoga, or outdoor activities. Exploring new workouts not only challenges your body but also keeps your mind engaged and excited about your fitness journey.

  • Track Your Progress 

Tracking your progress is crucial in staying motivated on your fitness journey. So, document your achievements, whether it’s inches lost, pounds shed, or strength gained, as these details provide tangible evidence of your hard work. You can use a fitness journal, mobile app, or wearable fitness tracker to monitor your progress, steps, and even heart rate with the new technologies like Fitbit HRV accuracy , these tools provide valuable insights into your fitness journey . Seeing how far you’ve come can reignite your motivation during challenging times.

  • Reward Yourself  

Celebrate your milestones and achievements with rewards. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, like a massage, a new workout outfit, or a day off from your regular routine. Rewards act as positive reinforcement, making your fitness journey more enjoyable and satisfying. However, do remember that rewards are a tool to motivate and celebrate your progress. They should be used strategically and in a way that supports your long-term goals. Avoid using ‘rewards’ as an excuse to return to your unhealthy habits.

  • Practice Self-Care 

Taking care of yourself holistically is essential for maintaining motivation. Prioritize rest, sleep, and proper nutrition. Treat yourself with kindness and listen to your body’s needs. Nurturing your physical and mental well-being will optimize your energy levels and overall motivation.

The Bottom Line 

Staying motivated on your fitness journey is a lifelong process. By setting realistic goals, finding your why, establishing a routine, seeking accountability, embracing variety, tracking your progress, rewarding yourself, and practicing self-care, you’ll be equipped with the tools to maintain your motivation and achieve lasting success. Remember, the most important step is to start, and with unwavering motivation, you’ll soar to new heights on your fitness journey.

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June 27, 2023

The Beginner's Guide to Building Lean Muscle in 4 Weeks

The Beginner's Guide to Building Lean Muscle in 4 Weeks


Are you tired of tirelessly working out, only to see little to no progress in your physique? Don't worry, you're not alone. 

Building lean muscle can seem like a challenging task, but with the right approach, it's entirely achievable. In this comprehensive Fit Results Guide, we'll take you on a journey to unlock the secrets of building that lean, sculpted body you've always desired. 

With tips on nutrition, workouts tailored for lean muscle growth, and strategies to track your progress and make adjustments, you'll soon be well on your way to building lean muscle. 

So, grab your gym gear and get ready to dive into a world of fitness wisdom that will transform your body and your life.

Understanding Lean Muscle

Lean muscle refers to the body's muscular tissue with low-fat content, giving it a firm and toned appearance. 

Achieving lean muscle requires a blend of resistance training, proper nutrition, and ample rest, resulting in enhanced strength, endurance, and overall physical performance.

Difference Between Lean Muscle And Bulk Muscle

Lean muscle and bulk muscle vary mainly in appearance, training approach, and nutritional needs.

Appearance: Lean muscle boasts a toned, defined look with lower body fat levels, while bulk muscle may appear larger due to a mix of increased muscle mass and higher body fat levels.

Training approach: Building lean muscle usually involves combining compound and isolation exercises, emphasizing moderate to high repetitions and proper form. In contrast, bulking often focuses on heavy lifting and low repetitions to promote muscle size and strength gains.

‍ Nutritional needs: Developing lean muscle necessitates a balanced diet with a slight caloric surplus, prioritizing protein intake for muscle repair and growth while managing carbohydrate and fat intake to minimize fat accumulation.

Bulking, on the other hand, often involves consuming a significant caloric surplus to support muscle growth, which may lead to increased fat gain alongside muscle mass.

Factors Affecting Lean Muscle Growth

Genetics: Genetics plays a substantial role in determining a person's natural muscle-building potential. Aspects such as muscle fiber type, hormone levels, and metabolism can impact how quickly and easily one can build lean muscle. (1)

‍ Age: With age, hormonal changes, decreased muscle protein synthesis, and a slower metabolism can make building and maintaining lean muscle more challenging. (2) However, resistance training and proper nutrition can help counteract these effects and promote healthy aging.

Hormonal balance: Hormones like testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) play crucial roles in muscle growth and repair. Imbalances in these hormones can hinder lean muscle development. (3)

Sleep:  Ensuring sufficient sleep, managing stress, and maintaining a balanced diet can help optimize hormonal balance for muscle growth.

Training program: A well-crafted training program incorporating progressive overload, exercise variation, and adequate rest is essential for stimulating muscle growth and preventing plateaus.

Nutrition: Consuming a balanced diet with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is crucial for providing the nutrients needed for muscle repair, growth, and energy during workouts.

Recovery: Sufficient rest and recovery are vital for allowing the body to repair and grow muscle tissue. Overtraining and insufficient sleep can impair muscle recovery and growth, further emphasizing the importance of rest days and proper sleep hygiene. (4)

Stress levels: Chronic stress can negatively impact muscle growth by increasing cortisol levels, which can hinder muscle protein synthesis and promote muscle breakdown. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, regular exercise, and a balanced diet can help optimize lean muscle development.

Nutrition for Lean Muscle Growth

Alright, let's talk about something crucial for building lean muscle - food! You can't expect to see any results if you're not fueling your body with the right nutrients. Here is a breakdown of everything you need to know about nutrition for building lean muscle.

Importance Of Proper Nutrition

Proper nutrition is the foundation for lean muscle growth. A well-balanced diet provides the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed to fuel workouts, recover from exercise, and support muscle growth. 

Without adequate nutrition, your body will struggle to repair and build muscle tissue, hindering your progress and potentially leading to injury or burnout.

Macronutrient Ratios

Protein: Protein is your muscle's best friend, providing essential amino acids that help repair and grow muscle tissue. According to ACSM (American College for Sports Medicine), you should aim for 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily, depending on your activity level and specific goals.

Get your protein fix from lean meats, fish, dairy, eggs, or plant-based heroes like beans, lentils, and tofu.

Carbohydrates: Carbs are your body's go-to fuel during workouts, giving you the energy you need to shine.

A generous helping of carbohydrates empowers your body to push its limits, leading to lean muscle growth. Consuming 1.2 - 1.5 g of carbs per 2.2 lbs of your body weight is recommended.(5)  As an example, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should consume 270 g of carbs each day. 

Opt for complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and veggies, which offer lasting energy and essential nutrients.

Fats: Healthy fats are vital for overall health, hormone production, and energy. Strive for a balance of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from sources such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Fats should make up about 20-35% of your daily calorie intake.

Micronutrients And Their Role

While macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide the body with energy, micronutrients are essential for regulating various bodily functions and maintaining good health.

Lean muscle growth's micronutrient superstars include vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Each of these micronutrients plays a distinct role in muscle function and development:

‍ Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a vital player in calcium absorption and bone health, but it doesn't stop there. It moonlights muscle function, with research showing that vitamin D deficiency can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy (8).

Calcium: Calcium is the life of the muscle contraction party, playing a massive role in muscle growth and strength. Getting enough calcium is crucial for supporting bone health, which in turn allows for proper muscle function and lowers the risk of injury (9).

Magnesium: Involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions, magnesium is a true multitasker. It's a key player in energy production and muscle function, helping muscles relax and keeping cramps at bay. (10).

Zinc: Zinc is needed in small amounts, but it packs a punch. This essential trace element has its hands in all aspects of cellular metabolism, from protein synthesis and cell division to DNA synthesis. It's a critical ally for muscle repair, growth, and a robust immune system (11).

Make sure your diet is bursting with a colorful mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to meet your micronutrient needs.

Supplements For Lean Muscle Growth

Protein powder: Protein powder is a hassle-free and effective way to amp up your daily protein consumption. 

Blend it into smoothies, stir it into oatmeal, or simply mix it with water or milk. Opt for top-quality protein sources such as whey, casein, or plant-based alternatives like pea or rice protein.

Creatine : Creatine has been shown to enhance muscle strength, power, and size when paired with resistance training. (6)

It works its magic by increasing phosphocreatine availability, which fuels energy production during high-intensity workouts.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): BCAAs comprise three vital amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) that contribute to muscle protein synthesis and recovery. 

Supplementing with BCAAs may help ease muscle soreness and bolster lean muscle growth, especially when taken before or after exercise sessions. (7)

Importance Of Hydration

Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, workout performance, and muscle recovery. 

Water helps transport nutrients to your muscles, aids in digestion, and supports the removal of waste products. 

Aim to drink at least half an ounce of water for every pound of body weight daily. So, if you tip the scales at 150 pounds, make sure to drink at least 75 ounces of water each day. 

However, this number can also vary depending on the weather and your overall activity level.

Sample Meal Plan For Lean Muscle Growth

Please note that this meal plan and the nutritional values provided are just estimations and may not suit everyone's dietary preferences or nutritional requirements. For a customized diet plan tailored to your specific needs and goals, consult a registered dietitian or nutritionist. Having said that, here's a sample meal plan based on a 2000-kcal intake. 

lean fitness journey

Best Workouts for Lean Muscle Growth

Let's go over both compound and isolation exercises and their benefits, as well as some examples you can add to your workout routine. 

Compound Exercises

Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that involve the use of multiple muscle groups and joints simultaneously. 

These exercises provide a multitude of benefits for those seeking lean muscle growth. 

By engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously, these exercises maximize your workout efficiency, allowing you to target more muscles in less time. 

This leads to an increased calorie burn both during and after your workout, which aids in fat loss and helps reveal your lean muscle gains. 

Furthermore, compound exercises closely mimic everyday functional movements and sports-specific activities, enhancing your overall athletic performance and reducing the risk of injury.

  • Squats: An all-time favorite for lower body strength, squats engage your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles.
  • Deadlifts: This powerhouse exercise targets your posterior chain, working the hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and even your lats and traps.
  • Bench presses A classic upper body exercise, bench presses work your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  • Pull-ups: Pull-ups primarily target your lats, while also engaging your biceps, forearms, and core.
  • Rows: Whether performed with dumbbells, a barbell, or a cable machine, rows effectively work your back muscles and biceps.
  • Overhead presses: This compound movement targets your shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.

Isolation Exercises

While compound exercises are the backbone of any lean muscle-building program, isolation exercises also have a place in your routine. 

These exercises focus on a single muscle group, allowing you to fine-tune specific areas that may need extra attention or development. 

Incorporating isolation exercises can help correct muscle imbalances, enhance muscle definition, and assist in injury prevention and rehabilitation.

  • Bicep curls: Using dumbbells, a barbell, or a cable machine, these exercises isolate and strengthen the biceps brachii.
  • Tricep extensions: Performed with dumbbells, a cable machine, or a resistance band, tricep extensions work the triceps brachii.
  • Leg curls: Leg curls isolate the hamstrings, working them through a full range of motion.
  • Calf raises: This isolation exercise specifically targets the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles in the calves, which are often neglected in compound movements.
  • Lateral raises: Performed with dumbbells or a cable machine, lateral raises isolate the lateral deltoid muscles in the shoulders.
  • Hamstring curls: Using a leg curl machine or a stability ball, hamstring curls focus on the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris.

Workout Frequency And Intensity

To effectively stimulate lean muscle growth, it's important to strike the right balance between workout frequency and intensity. 

Aim to exercise each muscle group 2-3 times per week, with at least 48 hours of rest between sessions targeting the same muscle group. This allows for optimal muscle recovery and growth.

Vary the intensity of your workouts by incorporating a mix of low-rep, high-weight sessions to build strength and high-rep, low-weight sessions to improve endurance and muscle tone. 

Additionally, consider incorporating supersets or drop sets to further challenge your muscles and maximize your time in the gym. 

Supersets pair two exercises together, performed back-to-back with minimal rest in between. 

You can either work for the same muscle group (think bicep curls followed by hammer curls) or target opposing muscle groups (like bench press followed by bent-over rows). 

Not only do supersets save time, but they also crank up the intensity and help your muscles grow.

On the flip side, drop sets are all about pushing your muscles to the limit. 

Start by lifting a heavy weight until muscle failure, then immediately lower the weight and continue the exercise until failure once more. You can repeat this process multiple times, dropping the weight with each round. 

For example, you could do bicep curls with a 30-pound dumbbell, switch to a 20-pound one, and wrap up with a 10-pounder. Drop sets boost muscle endurance and trigger growth by thoroughly exhausting your muscle fibers.

Incorporating both supersets and drop sets into your routine can lead to improved muscle growth, strength, and endurance, all while making your workouts more time-efficient.

Workout Splits

Upper/lower split: The upper/lower split divides your workouts into separate upper-body and lower-body sessions. 

This approach allows you to focus on each muscle group with greater intensity, while still providing adequate rest and recovery time between sessions. 

An example of this split might involve training the upper body on Monday and Thursday, and the lower body on Tuesday and Friday.

Push/pull/legs split: This popular split organizes workouts based on the primary movement patterns: pushing, pulling, and leg exercises. 

Push exercises primarily target the chest, shoulders, and triceps; pull exercises focus on the back and biceps; and leg exercises work the lower body. 

This split is highly customizable and can be tailored to suit individual needs and goals. For example, you might follow a push/pull/legs routine on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with rest or active recovery days in between.

Full-body workout: Full-body workouts involve training all major muscle groups in a single session. This approach is ideal for those with limited time, beginners, or those looking to improve overall fitness and functional strength. 

A full-body workout might include 2-3 compound exercises for each major muscle group, with additional isolation exercises as needed. 

Full-body workouts can be performed 2-3 times per week, with at least 48 hours of rest between sessions.

We go through variations of each split in this 4 week program to get you used to the basics.

Rest And Recovery

Allowing your muscles adequate time to recover is essential for lean muscle growth. Aim for at least 48 hours of rest between training the same muscle group and prioritize sleep, as it is vital for muscle repair and growth. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to optimize recovery.

Incorporate active recovery techniques such as foam rolling, stretching, and light cardio to maintain mobility and promote blood flow to the muscles. 

These activities can help reduce muscle soreness and expedite the recovery process.

Four Week Lean Muscle Routine

Here is a 4-week push/pull/legs workout plan that alternates between a mixture of compound exercise. 

Bear in mind, that this workout plan is just a starting point and may not be the perfect match for everyone.

After all, everyone is unique, with different goals, physical abilities, and wellness considerations. That's why it's essential to have a chat with your personal trainer before diving into any workout plan.

Monday - Full Body (Compound Focus)

  • Squats: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Deadlifts: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Pull-Ups (or Assisted Pull-Ups): 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Planks: 3 sets of 60 seconds

Tuesday: Active Recovery

  • Light Cardio (e.g., brisk walking): 30 minutes
  • (Optional) Stretching and Foam Rolling: 15 minutes

Wednesday - Upper Body (Isolation Focus)

  • Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 4 x 15 reps
  • Tricep Dips: 4 x 15 reps
  • Lateral Raises: 4 x 15 reps
  • Face Pulls: 4 x 15 reps

Thursday - Active Recovery

Friday - Lower Body (Isolation Focus)

  • Leg Extensions: 4 x 15 reps
  • Hamstring Curls: 4 x 15 reps
  • Single Leg Calf Raises: 4 x 20 reps each side
  • Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 x 12 reps on each leg

Saturday - Full Body (Mixed)

  • Lunges: 3 x 12 reps per leg
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 x 12 reps
  • Bent-Over Dumbell Rows: 3 x 12 reps
  • Russian Twists: 3 x 15 reps per side

Sunday - Rest 

Week 2 Progressive Overload

Monday - Upper Body

  • Bench Press: 4 x 8 reps
  • Bent-Over Barbell Rows: 4 x 8 reps
  • Overhead Press: 4 x 8 reps
  • Chin-Ups: 3 x 8 reps

Tuesday - Lower Body

  • Squats: 4 x 8 reps
  • Deadlifts: 4 x 8 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 x 10 reps
  • Calf Raises: 3 x 15 reps

Wednesday - Active Recovery

Thursday - Full Body

  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 x 10 reps
  • Lunges: 3 x 10 reps per leg
  • Lat Pulldowns: 3 x 10 reps
  • Cable Tricep Extensions: 3 x 12 reps
  • Bicep Curls: 3 x 10 reps

Friday - Active Recovery

Saturday - Full Body (Compound Focus)

  • Pull-Ups (or Assisted Pull-Ups): 3 x 8 reps
  • Planks: 3 x 60 seconds

Sunday - Rest

Week 3 - Increasing Intensity

Monday - Push Day

  • Bench Press: 4 x 6 reps
  • Overhead Press: 4 x 6 reps
  • Dips: 3 x 8 reps
  • Tricep Pushdowns: 3 x 10 reps

Tuesday - Pull Day

  • Deadlifts: 4 x 6 reps
  • Pull-Ups: 4 x 6 reps
  • Bent-Over Barbell Rows: 3 x 8 reps

Wednesday - Active Recovery or Rest

Thursday - Leg Day

  • Squats: 4 x 6 reps
  • Romanian Deadlifts: 4 x 6 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 x 8 reps
  • Seated Calf Raises: 3 x 12 reps

Friday - Active Recovery or Rest

  • Kettlebell Swings: 3 x 15 reps
  • Push-Ups: 3 x 15 reps
  • Step-Ups: 3 x 12 reps per leg
  • Core Circuit (Planks, Russian Twists, Leg Raises) - 2 x 60 seconds each

Week 4 - Burn & Tone

Monday - Upper Body High Volume

  • Bench Press: 4 x 15-20 reps
  • Dumbbell Flyes: 4 x 15-20 reps
  • Lat Pulldowns: 4 x 15-20 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 x 15-20 reps
  • Lateral Raises: 3 x 20 reps

Tuesday - Lower Body High Volume

  • Squats: 4 x 20 reps 
  • Walking Lunges: 4 x 20 reps per leg
  • Leg Extensions: 4 x 20 reps
  • Leg Curls: 4 x 20 reps
  • Calf Raises: 5 x 20 reps

Thursday - Full Body Circuit (REPEAT 3X)

  • Light Squats: 15 reps
  • Push-Ups: 15 reps
  • Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows: 15 reps
  • Plank: 60 seconds
  • Jump Rope: 60 seconds

Friday - Upper Body High Volume

  • Pull-Ups (or Assisted Pull-Ups) : 4 x 10-15 reps
  • Bicep Curls : 4 x 15-20 reps
  • Tricep Dips (or Tricep Pushdowns) : 4 x 15-20 reps
  • Face Pulls : 4 x 15-20 reps
  • Crunches : 3 x 20 reps

Saturday - Lower Body High Volume

  • Squats (Bodyweight or Light Barbell) : 4 x 20 reps
  • Stiff-Legged Deadlifts (Light Weight) : 4 x 20 reps
  • Step-Ups : 4 x 15 reps per leg
  • Seated Calf Raises : 5 x 20 reps
  • Hanging Knee Raises : 4 x 15 reps

Sunday - Rest or Light Activity

Tracking Progress and Making Adjustments

Tracking progress is crucial for your fitness journey. Let's take a look at methods, signs, when to make adjustments, and tips on implementing them.

Importance Of Monitoring Progress

Monitoring your progress is essential for staying motivated and ensuring that you're on the right path toward achieving your lean muscle goals. 

Regularly tracking your progress will help you identify areas for improvement, celebrate your achievements, and make necessary adjustments to your training and nutrition plan.

Methods For Tracking Progress

Body Measurements: Measure your chest, waist, hips, thighs, and arms regularly to monitor changes in your muscle size and body composition. Taking measurements every 4-6 weeks is a reliable way to track your progress over time.

Body fat percentage: Measuring your body fat percentage using methods like bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), skinfold calipers, or DEXA scans can provide insights into your body composition changes. 

Decreasing body fat while maintaining or increasing muscle mass is a clear indicator of lean muscle growth.

Progress photos: Taking regular progress photos, preferably in the same lighting and at the same time of day, can help you visually assess your muscle development and overall physique changes.

Signs Of Progress

Increased strength: As those lean muscles take shape, you're bound to feel a surge in strength, letting you hoist heftier weights or tackle extra reps. Keep track on your performance in each exercise to measure your progress.

Improved muscle definition: When you lose body fat and gain muscle mass, you'll begin to spot more defined muscles and better muscle separation. This is a telltale sign that your training and nutrition game plan is hitting the mark.

Better overall fitness: Building lean muscle paves the way for enhanced cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and functional strength, turning everyday activities into a breeze and boosting your overall enjoyment.

When To Make Adjustments

Plateaus: If you find that your progress has stalled for 2-3 weeks, it may be time to make adjustments to your training or nutrition plan to break through the plateau and continue progressing.

Overtraining: If you're experiencing symptoms of overtraining, such as persistent fatigue, decreased performance, or prolonged muscle soreness, consider adjusting your workout frequency, intensity, or recovery periods to give your body adequate time to recuperate.

Lack of progress: If you're not seeing the results you desire after several weeks of consistent effort, reassess your training and nutrition strategies to determine where adjustments can be made.

Tips for Making Adjustments

Changing exercises: To keep your muscles challenged and prevent adaptation, switch up your exercises every 4-6 weeks. 

Incorporate different compound and isolation movements or vary the angles, grips, and equipment used to target your muscles from new angles.

Modifying workout frequency or intensity: Alter the number of workouts per week, sets, reps, or rest periods to optimize muscle growth. You may also experiment with training techniques like drop sets, supersets, or rest-pause sets to increase training intensity.

Adjusting nutrition plan: If you're not seeing the desired progress, reassess your caloric intake and macronutrient ratios. 

Ensure you're consuming adequate protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support muscle growth and recovery while maintaining a slight calorie surplus to facilitate muscle gain without excessive fat accumulation.

Well, there you have it, your complete guide to building lean muscle We hope you found these tips helpful and inspiring as you embark on your lean muscle journey. 

As you forge ahead, remember to stay consistent, be patient, and most importantly, enjoy the process.

If you'd like more hands-on, beginner-friendly guidance from our expert coaches to start your lean muscle journey, check out our Get Fit Challenge . 

1. Roth SM. Genetic aspects of skeletal muscle strength and mass with relevance to sarcopenia. Bonekey Rep. 2012;1:58. Published 2012 Apr 4. doi:10.1038/bonekey.2012.58

2. Volpi E, Nazemi R, Fujita S. Muscle tissue changes with aging. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2004;7(4):405-410. doi:10.1097/01.mco.0000134362.76653.b2

3. Kraemer WJ, Ratamess NA, Hymer WC, Nindl BC, Fragala MS. Growth Hormone(s), Testosterone, Insulin-Like Growth Factors, and Cortisol: Roles and Integration for Cellular Development and Growth With Exercise. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020;11:33. Published 2020 Feb 25. doi:10.3389/fendo.2020.00033

4. Vitale KC, Owens R, Hopkins SR, Malhotra A. Sleep Hygiene for Optimizing Recovery in Athletes: Review and Recommendations. Int J Sports Med. 2019;40(8):535-543. doi:10.1055/a-0905-3103

5. Ivy JL. Regulation of muscle glycogen repletion, muscle protein synthesis and repair following exercise. J Sports Sci Med. 2004;3(3):131-138. Published 2004 Sep 1.

6. Mills S, Candow DG, Forbes SC, Neary JP, Ormsbee MJ, Antonio J. Effects of Creatine Supplementation during Resistance Training Sessions in Physically Active Young Adults. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1880. Published 2020 Jun 24. doi:10.3390/nu12061880

7. Weber MG, Dias SS, de Angelis TR, et al. The use of BCAA to decrease delayed-onset muscle soreness after a single bout of exercise: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Amino Acids. 2021;53(11):1663-1678. doi:10.1007/s00726-021-03089-2

8. Ceglia L. Vitamin D and its role in skeletal muscle. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2009;12(6):628-633. doi:10.1097/MCO.0b013e328331c707

9. Weaver CM, Gordon CM, Janz KF, et al. The National Osteoporosis Foundation's position statement on peak bone mass development and lifestyle factors: a systematic review and implementation recommendations [published correction appears in Osteoporos Int. 2016 Apr;27(4):1387]. Osteoporos Int. 2016;27(4):1281-1386. doi:10.1007/s00198-015-3440-3

10. Nielsen FH, Lukaski HC. Update on the relationship between magnesium and exercise. Magnes Res. 2006;19(3):180-189.

11. Haase H, Maret W. Intracellular zinc fluctuations modulate protein tyrosine phosphatase activity in insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 signaling. Exp Cell Res. 2003;291(2):289-298. doi:10.1016/s0014-4827(03)00406-3

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Rahul is a dedicated nutritionist and personal trainer with expertise in the science of nutrition and its impact on the body. Certified by the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) and the American Council of Exercise (ACE), he is committed to educating individuals through sharing science-based information on making smart food choices. By writing informative articles, Rahul aims to empower people with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellness journeys.

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October 10, 2023

What Is Lean Muscle, And Why Is It So Important? 5 Benefits

lean fitness journey

Lean muscle - you've probably heard it tossed around, especially if you're on a fitness kick or just trying to be your healthiest self. But what is lean muscle, and why should you even care?

In this article, we will give you the lowdown on lean muscle, why it's more important than you might think, and how it can improve your fitness goals this year .

In a fitness-conscious city like Irvine, where the dedicated personal trainers at Hideout Fitness stand ready to assist individuals in achieving their fitness aspirations, comprehending the significance of lean muscle can be a transformative aspect of your health journey.

Let's embark on a journey into the realm of lean muscle and explore why it holds a central position in the domains of fitness and holistic health.

What Is Lean Muscle?

Lean muscle, often called "lean body mass," represents the portion of your body composed of muscle tissue, excluding fat. It's the muscle that powers your movements, enables you to tackle daily tasks, and contributes to your overall physical capabilities. Beyond aesthetics, lean muscle plays a pivotal role in your health.

What Is Lean Muscle vs. Muscle?

man working out building lean muscle in irvine private gym

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of lean muscle versus regular muscle. It's not just a matter of semantics; there are some significant distinctions between the two.

Lean Muscle

Lean muscle, or lean body mass, encompasses all the muscle in your body without factoring in the fat. This is the muscle that's essential for your day-to-day activities, helping you lift, move, and simply function effectively. But what sets it apart from regular muscle?

Lean muscle is like the streamlined, efficient version of muscle tissue. It has a higher ratio of muscle mass to fat. This means it's not just about bulk ; it's about having the right amount of muscle for your body without unnecessary fat.

Regular Muscle

Regular muscle, on the other hand, might include a mix of muscle tissue and some fat. It's not as lean as lean muscle and might not be as efficient in terms of function. While regular muscle certainly has its place, lean muscle is often the goal for those looking to optimize their health and fitness.

So, think of lean muscle as the sleek, high-performance sports car of your body's muscle composition. It’s all about efficiency, function, and overall well-being. Understanding these distinctions can be a game-changer on your health journey.

Benefits of Lean Muscle

So, why should you be excited about building and maintaining lean muscle? Well, here are five fantastic reasons from personal trainers in Irvine.

1. Higher Metabolism

Lean muscle is a metabolic powerhouse. It burns calories even when you're at rest.

Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, meaning lean muscle can help you maintain or lose weight more effectively.

2. Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Lean muscle plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels. It enhances your body's insulin sensitivity, making it more efficient at using glucose for energy.

This can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and help manage existing conditions.

3. Improved Immunity

Your immune system loves lean muscle. It contains important immune cells and proteins that defend your body against infections and illnesses. 

A robust immune system keeps you healthy and ready to tackle your fitness goals.

4. Better Bone Density

Building lean muscle also means strengthening your bones. Resistance training, essential for muscle growth, is a proven way to increase bone density.

Consider a study involving young men ; it showed that engaging in muscle-building exercises not only sculpted their muscles but also increased the density and strength of their bones, particularly in areas like the arms, spine, and hips. In essence, by pursuing muscle development, you could also strengthen your bones. It's a win-win situation for both your muscles and your skeletal system.

This can help prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures, too.

5. Better Mental Health

Exercise, including strength training for lean muscle, profoundly impacts mental well-being. It releases endorphins, those "feel-good" hormones that can reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Plus, achieving your fitness goals can boost your confidence and overall mood.

In a fitness-conscious community like Irvine, these benefits of lean muscle are pivotal. People here understand that it's not just about looking good but also feeling great and being healthy from the inside out. And they’re reaping the benefits of hard work and personal training in Orange County.

So, embrace the journey of building lean muscle, and you'll enjoy these fantastic perks along the way.

How Do You Get Lean Muscle?

Now that we know what lean muscle is and why it's so awesome, let's dive into the practical stuff: how do you actually get this lean muscle goodness?

Building and maintaining lean muscle is a combination of fitness and nutrition strategies. It's about a holistic approach to your health and well-being. Here's the lowdown:

Resistance Training In Irvine

One of the most effective ways to build lean muscle is through resistance training, also known as strength training. This involves lifting weights, using resistance bands, or doing bodyweight exercises. In a fitness-savvy place like Irvine, you're in luck – plenty of personal trainers in Irvine at Hideout Fitness are ready to help you get started.

Balanced Diet

Nutrition plays a massive role in building lean muscle. You'll want to ensure you're getting enough protein in your diet, as protein is the building block of muscle .

A study on adult men and women found that higher protein intake led to higher lean mass and quadriceps muscle strength.

Lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and tofu are excellent protein sources. And remember, in a health-conscious community like Irvine, plenty of restaurants and markets offer nutritious options.


Building lean muscle isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. It requires consistent effort over time. Regular workouts and a balanced diet are your best friends here. Irvine's active lifestyle scene can provide you with the motivation you need to stay on track.

Rest and recovery are often underestimated but are crucial for muscle growth. Your body needs time to repair and build muscle tissue. So, ensure you get enough sleep and allow your muscles to recover between workouts.

Staying hydrated is often overlooked but vital for muscle function. Proper hydration helps transport nutrients to your muscles and removes waste products.

What Does Lean Muscle Look Like?

man building lean muscle in irvine gym

You've probably heard the phrase "lean and mean." Well, that's a pretty good way to describe what lean muscle looks like. But let's get a bit more specific.

Lean muscle is all about having a well-defined, toned appearance. It's not about bulking up like a bodybuilder (unless that's your goal, of course), but rather achieving a balanced and sculpted physique.

Here's what lean muscle can look like:

  • Defined Muscles: Lean muscle gives your body a sculpted look. You'll see defined muscles without excess bulk.
  • Visible Abs: A hallmark of lean muscle is the presence of those sought-after six-pack abs. They're not hidden under a layer of fat; they're on display.
  • Toned Limbs: Your arms and legs will have a toned appearance, with muscle definition that's both aesthetic and functional.
  • Balanced Proportions: Lean muscle provides a balanced, symmetrical physique. You won't have disproportionately large muscles in one area while neglecting others.
  • Healthy Glow: People with lean muscle often have a healthy, radiant complexion. This can be attributed to improved circulation and overall well-being.

When you think of lean muscle, think of athletes, yoga practitioners, and fitness enthusiasts who prioritize a well-toned, healthy physique over excessive muscle mass.

What Protein Is Best for Lean Muscle?

Now that we've got a good grasp of what lean muscle is and how to get it, let's talk about the unsung hero in this journey: protein.

Protein is the building block of lean muscle. It's the construction crew that helps repair and grow your muscles after a good workout. However, not all proteins are created equal when building lean muscle.

Here are some top-notch protein sources that can help you on your lean muscle journey:

  • Lean Meats: Skinless chicken, turkey, and lean cuts of beef are packed with high-quality protein and essential amino acids, making them excellent choices for lean muscle.
  • Fish: Fish like salmon, tuna, and tilapia are not only rich in protein but also provide omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and promote muscle recovery.
  • Eggs: Eggs are a fantastic source of protein, and they contain all the essential amino acids your body needs for muscle growth.
  • Dairy: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and low-fat milk are dairy products loaded with protein and are often lower in fat than other dairy options.
  • Plant-Based Protein: If you're vegetarian or vegan, plant-based protein sources like tofu, tempeh, legumes, and quinoa can provide the protein your muscles need.
  • Protein Supplements: Sometimes, getting enough protein solely from food can be challenging, especially if you have a hectic lifestyle. In such cases, protein supplements like whey or plant-based protein powder can be convenient additions to your diet.

What is Lean Muscle? Wrapping Up

Lean muscle offers many benefits, from boosting your metabolism and improving insulin sensitivity to enhancing your immunity, strengthening your bones, and supporting better mental health. These advantages aren't just for the fitness elite; they're attainable for everyone willing to put in the effort.

Ready to embark on your journey to build and maintain lean muscle? Book a free fitness consult with dedicated personal trainers at Hideout Fitness, a private gym right here in Irvine.

Our expertise, customized training programs, and tailored nutrition guidance can help you achieve your fitness goals and enjoy the many benefits of lean muscle.

So, don't wait. Take that first step toward a healthier, more muscular you. Your body will thank you, and the fitness community in Irvine will support you every step of the way.

Here's to a future filled with strength, vitality, and well-deserved confidence.

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Fitness is a Journey, Not a Destination

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As Thanksgiving approaches, the media starts kicking into high gear with fitness and nutrition tips like:

“5 Tips to Eat Healthy on Thanksgiving”

“How to Lose Fat On Thanksgiving Day”

…and the list goes on.

Instead of offering you some tips on how to eat less on Thanksgiving, I’m hoping to share with you something deeper, more fundamental to your life.

I have a lot to be thankful for on Thanksgiving day and one person in particular is my Dad. My dad taught me one of my most valuable fitness lessons years ago, but I only started to fully understand this lesson in the last few months. I want to share this valuable lesson with you today.

My dad grew up in a lower-middle class household to immigrant parents in Brooklyn, NY, then later moved to Long Island. He was naturally a very smart guy (a lot smarter than I am) who skipped a grade when he was young. At the same time, he was a total jock who excelled at sports from baseball, to wrestling, to swimming. He was the quintessential scholar athlete who I tried to emulate.

After college, my father became a Medical Doctor focusing on Ophthalmology (eye surgery). After 40+ years of hard work, he now presides over one of the most successful ophthalmology practices in the country and is flown around the world to give lectures and discuss his experience and research.

My dad is very “old school” if you know the type. He works very, very hard and doesn’t have much sympathy (i.e. none) if you are not willing to work hard either. He can be a bit rough around the edges and can be very stern, but also has a big heart as well. A contradiction of sorts.

One day when I was 13 years old, I walked up to my Dad’s study where he spent a lot of time looking at slides, reading, and writing papers. As he saw me coming up the stairs he motioned for me to sit down on the couch that faced his chair. He seemed pretty excited about something.

He swiveled his chair behind him and pointed at two framed posters on the wall, which he had just purchased. He began to speak to me about the poster on the left, which had an image of a canoe on a deep, expansive river. Underneath this image were the words:

“Success is a journey, not a destination”

When I left my corporate career behind me to focus on my passion for fitness, every once in a while I would think about this phrase. When I look back at the last few years of my life, my biggest mistake was not being more patient, not fully heeding the wisdom of the simple phrase “Success is a journey, not a destination.” I was always scrambling to have a certain number of clients, to make a certain amount of money, which negatively affected my lifestyle and my happiness.

So what does all this have to do with fitness? What’s the important fitness lesson I learned?

Similar to success, fitness is a journey, not a destination.

Success is striving to make the necessary changes in your life, the persistence toward reaching your goals, not the specific number of pounds you lose, or muscle you gain. Over time with consistent effort and patience, you will reach your goals and create new goals in their place.

No matter where you are on your fitness journey, whether you are just starting out, or have been traveling on the fitness path for years, I applaud you for a worthwhile pursuit. All of us who are on this journey together share a very important belief – taking care of our bodies is important. The methods may change over time, we may debate which path is better, or worse, but the core belief still remains.

I look forward to continuing to educate myself for many years to come. I sincerely hope the effort I put into learning more about fitness will be to your benefit, which was one of my motivations for starting BuiltLean. BuiltLean.com reflects our journey together to learn more about fitness and apply what’s useful to help improve how we look, feel, and function.

About the Author - Marc Perry, CSCS, CPT

Marc is the Founder & CEO of BuiltLean. A former Finance Analyst who gained over 30 pounds from a sedentary lifestyle, Marc's mission is to help busy professional men get lean & fit for life. Marc earned his B.A. from Yale University and holds numerous health certifications.


Thank you, Marc, this is powerful instruction. Positively inspiring and of course applicable to each day.

Thank you, Marc Perry, for making my fitness journey easier!

Thanks a lot for sharing these thoughts, life is a journey and our bodies are the physical vehicle. We should all strive to keep it running in its optimal way. Enjoy your holiday!

…thank you Marc! I appreciate your website and information.

That is so true! This helps us stay motivated even when we have to deal with failures.

In Greece we say: “Losing a battle, does not mean you will lose the war”.

So let’s keep on and enjoy the journey! 🙂

Marc – this post is a great gift to all your loyal readers and fans. You have assiduously worked to build a great level of trust with your readers and followers, and this lesson/story only strengthens that trust. Thanksgiving means so much to me as I have survived cancer twice (the latest last year) and I’m thoroughly focused on my health and workouts. I have atomic-strength bonds with my wonderful doctors; the greatest wealth is truly vibrant good health. Many thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to your family and many fans.

what a great quote marc… very inspiring… thank you

Thanks Marc! I appreciate all you are doing to help & inspire others…It’s working!!! Keep up the great work & hope you enjoy your Holiday Season!

Thanks, Marc! I just felt like I was sitting myself on that couch before your Dad, listening to his wise words. Very inspiring.

Thank you, Marc and Dad. Very inspiring.

Thanks Marc, it’s a great post and you’re right the journey is the real reward, even when it’s not always fun. I’ve been battling some nagging injuries for the past 4 years that keep me out of the gym sometimes, but I’m sticking with it. The and because it’s been a battle, it makes the results feel that much better.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all in the community.

Thank you! A great lesson for all. This year I have tried to encourage my family to focus on the company, not the food. I hope that message sinks in a little, but we’ll see.

When you think of your fitness and weight loss as a life-long journey instead of a diet, it means there is no end date. Maybe you take a wrong turn that you need to correct, or you run out of gas, but that path is still there and all you have to do is get back on it. By changing your mindset to think that there is no “before and after” only “then and now” you set yourself to continue on even after you stumble.

I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!

True…nice one Marc.

Thank you, Marc.

Thanks everyone for all the comments. Appreciate it! If you are celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you have a great time with your family and friends.

Marc, Don’t give all the credit to your terrific Dad, your super Mom deserves 50% as well.

@Bill – Of course I give my Mom a ton of credit! If it weren’t for my Mom, not sure I would have went down the fitness path in the first place. It was her idea to build a small home gym in my house. She also bought every exercise DVD ever made in the 80’s, along with every Body by Jake fitness product, so fitness was all around me growing up.

Thank you Mac for sharing your story and giving me more reasons to keep motivated about fitness. I can just see your dad as you are telling the story because I am one of your dad’s patients for years.

Knowing your Father in a professional forum, I can totally see him sitting in a chair sharing that piece of advice with you. It is wonderful to see a Father/Son combination that has so much positive energy between them. You are both so proud of each other, the warmth and affections comes flowing out to us. The sincerity with which you write and want to share is something rare today, something to be cherished.

@Geri – Thanks for the comment Geri. Much appreciated.

;Hi Marc: You continue to out do yourself by adding addtional dimensions and motivations to physical fitness and health. I could not agree more with your journey message.because in essence, it can become a way of life rather than a small segments of time commited to acheiving various objectives…weight loss, muscle development etc.. As far as your dad is concerned, I’ve had the rare and delightful pleasure of knowing your dad and mom since before they were married. You are indeed lucky to have such wonderful loving parents and they are indeed lucky to have you as a son. An addage I like to utilize that relates to what you are doing as well as to physical fitness and health in general is…….. “You get out of life what you put into it.” In your case you have been working hard and hyou are on the journey of accomplishment. Take care and thank you for you excellent material. Vic

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Champagne and Coffee Stains

Champagne and Coffee Stains

15 Secrets to Staying Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

Posted: April 9, 2024 | Last updated: April 9, 2024

<p>Motivation is complicated. Psychology researchers have been trying to deduce what exactly drives humans to change their behavior for decades. However, there are some tips and tricks available to keep your motivation up and keep you striving toward your fitness goals.</p>

Motivation is complicated. Psychology researchers have been trying to deduce what exactly drives humans to change their behavior for decades. However, there are some tips and tricks available to keep your motivation up and keep you striving toward your fitness goals.

<p>Initial bursts of enthusiasm often lead us to set ambitious goals, like attending 5 am workout classes five times a week even when we aren’t typically an early riser. As the novelty wanes and life’s complexities creep in, maintaining such a rigorous schedule can become daunting. The key to sustained motivation lies in structuring your life to support your fitness aspirations.</p><p>Simplify your route to success by minimizing obstacles that might deter your progress. This could mean choosing a gym closer to home or planning meals in advance to avoid unhealthy choices. By reducing these barriers, you create a more accessible and manageable fitness routine that accommodates life’s unpredictability.</p><p>Having systems in place will keep you moving toward your goal even when willpower wanes. After all, we are only human. </p>

Don’t rely on motivation alone

Initial bursts of enthusiasm often lead us to set ambitious goals, like attending 5 am workout classes five times a week even when we aren’t typically an early riser. As the novelty wanes and life’s complexities creep in, maintaining such a rigorous schedule can become daunting. The key to sustained motivation lies in structuring your life to support your fitness aspirations.

Simplify your route to success by minimizing obstacles that might deter your progress. This could mean choosing a gym closer to home or planning meals in advance to avoid unhealthy choices. By reducing these barriers, you create a more accessible and manageable fitness routine that accommodates life’s unpredictability.

Having systems in place will keep you moving toward your goal even when willpower wanes. After all, we are only human. 

<p>The first habit might seem obvious, but the secret lies in the detail. Incredibly fit people don’t just casually engage in exercise; they commit to daily workouts. This doesn’t mean they’re hitting personal records seven days a week—rather, they integrate an active lifestyle into each day. Whether it’s a full-blown gym session, a brisk walk, or even stretching and mobility work, the consistency is what sets them apart.</p><p>Get inspired with these workout ideas:</p><ul> <li><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/15-quick-and-effective-home-workouts-even-the-busiest-people-can-do/">15 Quick and Effective Home Workouts</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/no-gear-no-problem-15-no-equipment-exercises-for-a-quick-full-body-workout/">15 Full Body Exercises That Don’t Require Any Equipment</a></li> </ul>

Find an accountability buddy

Finding an accountability buddy is a game-changer in staying motivated on your fitness journey. This person can be a friend, family member, or colleague who shares similar fitness goals.

An accountability buddy does more than just accompany you to the gym; they become your cheerleader, motivator, and a gentle nudge when your motivation wanes. Sharing goals, workout plans, and healthy meal ideas keeps you both on track, making the journey less solitary and more enjoyable.

Regular check-ins and celebrating each other’s successes not only boost morale but also reinforce commitment to your fitness goals. This partnership creates a supportive environment, making it easier to maintain consistency and achieve long-term success.

<p>One of the keys to success when it comes to meal planning is forethought. Planning your dishes while shopping at the grocery store is a recipe for disaster. You’re not only more likely to forget ingredients, but you may also purchase too many or too few of the ingredients needed for the recipe. By planning what you want to make in advance, you can save yourself time and money later.</p>

Get out the pen and paper

The physical act of writing down goals forces one to clarify and commit to specific objectives, enhancing focus and direction. It also provides a visual reminder of one’s commitments. 

Research supports the idea that individuals who write down their goals are significantly more inclined to not only achieve but often surpass them, compared to those who don’t. The act of writing facilitates a connection between the hand and brain that serves to embed these goals more deeply within our consciousness. This process transforms abstract aspirations into tangible targets, making them appear more concrete and attainable. 

<p>Celebrating even the smallest victories on your fitness journey is a powerful motivational tool. It’s easy to overlook minor achievements when focusing on larger goals, but acknowledging every step forward fuels your drive and commitment.</p><p>Whether it’s completing an extra set of exercises, choosing a healthy snack over a tempting treat, or simply sticking to your workout schedule for the week, each small win deserves recognition. These celebrations can take various forms, from sharing your progress with friends or on social media to treating yourself to a well-deserved rest day or a favorite activity. </p><p>Embracing these moments creates a positive feedback loop that enhances your self-esteem and keeps you engaged in your fitness journey, making long-term success more attainable and rewarding.</p>

Celebrate even the small wins

Celebrating even the smallest victories on your fitness journey is a powerful motivational tool. It’s easy to overlook minor achievements when focusing on larger goals, but acknowledging every step forward fuels your drive and commitment.

Whether it’s completing an extra set of exercises, choosing a healthy snack over a tempting treat, or simply sticking to your workout schedule for the week, each small win deserves recognition. These celebrations can take various forms, from sharing your progress with friends or on social media to treating yourself to a well-deserved rest day or a favorite activity. 

Embracing these moments creates a positive feedback loop that enhances your self-esteem and keeps you engaged in your fitness journey, making long-term success more attainable and rewarding.

<p>Habit stacking, a concept popularized by productivity experts, involves pairing a new habit with an existing one to ensure it sticks.</p><p>For those on a fitness journey, this technique can be incredibly effective. For example, if you already have a morning routine of drinking a cup of coffee, stack the new habit of a ten-minute workout right after. This method leverages the automaticity of established habits to trigger new behaviors, making them easier to adopt.</p><p>Over time, this seamless integration into your daily routine reduces the effort required to make fitness a consistent part of your life. By strategically anchoring new fitness activities to habits that are already second nature, you’re more likely to maintain motivation and achieve your health goals.</p>

Learn habit stacking

Habit stacking, a concept popularized by productivity experts, involves pairing a new habit with an existing one to ensure it sticks.

For those on a fitness journey, this technique can be incredibly effective. For example, if you already have a morning routine of drinking a cup of coffee, stack the new habit of a ten-minute workout right after. This method leverages the automaticity of established habits to trigger new behaviors, making them easier to adopt.

Over time, this seamless integration into your daily routine reduces the effort required to make fitness a consistent part of your life. By strategically anchoring new fitness activities to habits that are already second nature, you’re more likely to maintain motivation and achieve your health goals.

<p>By vividly imagining yourself achieving your fitness goals, you tap into a deep well of mental and emotional energy.</p><p>Visualization isn’t mere daydreaming; it’s an active process where you see yourself succeeding, feel the emotions tied to that success, and experience the satisfaction of reaching your goals. This mental rehearsal not only boosts motivation but also enhances focus, making it easier to tackle the challenges ahead.</p><p>Whether it’s picturing yourself crossing a finish line, fitting into desired clothing, or simply feeling healthier, visualization solidifies your commitment and propels you toward your objectives, making the journey more achievable and the goals more tangible.</p>

Practice visualization

By vividly imagining yourself achieving your fitness goals, you tap into a deep well of mental and emotional energy.

Visualization isn’t mere daydreaming; it’s an active process where you see yourself succeeding, feel the emotions tied to that success, and experience the satisfaction of reaching your goals. This mental rehearsal not only boosts motivation but also enhances focus, making it easier to tackle the challenges ahead.

Whether it’s picturing yourself crossing a finish line, fitting into desired clothing, or simply feeling healthier, visualization solidifies your commitment and propels you toward your objectives, making the journey more achievable and the goals more tangible.

<p>Monotony is often the downfall of many well-intentioned fitness plans. To avoid this, diversify your workouts by incorporating different types of exercise, such as strength training, cardio, yoga, or dance. This not only prevents boredom but also ensures that all muscle groups are engaged and improves overall fitness.</p><p>Experimenting with new activities can also reignite your passion for exercise, making your fitness journey a continuous discovery of capabilities and interests. Additionally, varying your routine can lead to unexpected progress, further motivating you by showcasing your improvements in areas you hadn’t initially focused on. By keeping your workouts fresh and exciting, you’re more likely to stay committed and enjoy the process.</p>

Keep things interesting

Monotony is often the downfall of many well-intentioned fitness plans. To avoid this, diversify your workouts by incorporating different types of exercise, such as strength training, cardio, yoga, or dance. This not only prevents boredom but also ensures that all muscle groups are engaged and improves overall fitness.

Experimenting with new activities can also reignite your passion for exercise, making your fitness journey a continuous discovery of capabilities and interests. Additionally, varying your routine can lead to unexpected progress, further motivating you by showcasing your improvements in areas you hadn’t initially focused on. By keeping your workouts fresh and exciting, you’re more likely to stay committed and enjoy the process.

<p>While this is different for everyone, many successful people swear by their morning workout. Engaging in physical activity first thing in the morning kick-starts your metabolism, improves your mood by releasing endorphins, and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.</p><p>Morning workouts also eliminate the possibility of procrastination or distractions that can arise later in the day. By completing your exercise routine early, you free up your evenings for relaxation or other commitments. This habit not only ensures consistency in your fitness regimen but also reinforces a disciplined, proactive mindset.</p><p>Moreover, the sense of accomplishment from morning workouts can boost your confidence and productivity, making it easier to maintain motivation and focus on achieving your fitness goals.</p>

Prioritize morning workouts

While this is different for everyone, many successful people swear by their morning workout. Engaging in physical activity first thing in the morning kick-starts your metabolism, improves your mood by releasing endorphins, and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Morning workouts also eliminate the possibility of procrastination or distractions that can arise later in the day. By completing your exercise routine early, you free up your evenings for relaxation or other commitments. This habit not only ensures consistency in your fitness regimen but also reinforces a disciplined, proactive mindset.

Moreover, the sense of accomplishment from morning workouts can boost your confidence and productivity, making it easier to maintain motivation and focus on achieving your fitness goals.

<p><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/15-yoga-poses-for-stress-relief-and-relaxation/">Unwind and De-stress: 15 Soothing Yoga Poses for Relaxation and Inner Peace</a> – In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility can be challenging. Stress is a common companion in our daily lives, affecting our physical and mental well-being. </p>

Be consistent–even on rest days

Consistency doesn’t mean pushing yourself to the limit every day; it means integrating healthy habits into your daily routine that support your fitness goals.

On rest days, this could involve light activities such as walking, stretching, or yoga, which aid recovery and keep your body moving. Consistency also applies to nutrition and sleep, ensuring you fuel and rest your body adequately.

By staying committed to these habits, you maintain momentum toward your goals without burning out. This approach reinforces the idea that fitness is a lifestyle, not just an activity, making it easier to stay motivated and see continuous progress.

<p>If you breeze through your routine without breaking a sweat or getting your heart rate up, your body isn’t being challenged anymore. It’s time to increase the intensity or try new types of exercises.</p>

Set social media boundaries

While platforms can offer inspiration and community, they can also lead to comparison and distraction. To harness the positive aspects without falling into the pitfalls, allocate specific times for social media use and curate your feed to include only motivational and supportive content. This means following accounts that inspire you and unfollowing those that don’t contribute positively to your goals. By doing so, you prevent the overwhelm of unrealistic expectations and focus more on your progress.

Establishing these boundaries allows social media to serve as a source of inspiration rather than discouragement, helping you stay motivated and aligned with your fitness aspirations.

two people running outside in the sun

Manipulate your environment

Adapting your environment and habits in this way ensures that staying active and making healthful choices become the paths of least resistance, making it easier to stay committed even when motivation fluctuates. This involves creating a setting that naturally nudges you toward your fitness goals.

For instance, lay out your workout clothes the night before to make starting your exercise routine easier in the morning. Keep unhealthy snacks out of sight and stock your kitchen with nutritious options to encourage healthy eating habits. If possible, set up a dedicated workout space at home to minimize distractions. 

<p>Some may call this your “why.” Leaning on your intrinsic motivation is key to sustaining a long-term commitment to your fitness journey. Intrinsic motivation comes from within, driven by personal satisfaction and the joy of engaging in an activity, rather than external rewards or recognition.</p><p>To tap into this powerful source, focus on activities you genuinely enjoy and set goals that resonate with your values and interests. Reflecting on how your fitness routine improves your health, mood, and energy levels can also reinforce intrinsic motivation.</p><p>When you’re motivated by internal desires rather than external pressures, maintaining a fitness routine becomes more fulfilling and less of a chore. Cultivating this internal drive ensures that your motivation is resilient, keeping you engaged and passionate about your fitness journey, even when external incentives are absent.</p>

Lean on your intrinsic motivation

Some may call this your “why.” Leaning on your intrinsic motivation is key to sustaining a long-term commitment to your fitness journey. Intrinsic motivation comes from within, driven by personal satisfaction and the joy of engaging in an activity, rather than external rewards or recognition.

To tap into this powerful source, focus on activities you genuinely enjoy and set goals that resonate with your values and interests. Reflecting on how your fitness routine improves your health, mood, and energy levels can also reinforce intrinsic motivation.

When you’re motivated by internal desires rather than external pressures, maintaining a fitness routine becomes more fulfilling and less of a chore. Cultivating this internal drive ensures that your motivation is resilient, keeping you engaged and passionate about your fitness journey, even when external incentives are absent.

<p>This fitness trend focuses on the recovery and regeneration of our bodies after putting them through any type of physical activity that is out of the norm. This can look like full-body stretching, yoga, meditation, proper rest, hydration, and proper nutrition. This is a great way to get the whole household in a healthier, happier atmosphere. After all, proper nutrition is the first step in your fitness journey. </p><p><strong>More Articles from Champagne and Coffee Stains</strong></p><ul> <li><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/easy-things-i-did-that-helped-me-lose-40lbs-and-keep-it-off/">15 Easy Things I Did That Helped Me Lose 40lbs and Keep It Off</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/common-meal-planning-mistakes/">14 Common Meal Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them</a></li> </ul>

Stay Flexible

While routine and self-discipline lay the foundation for success, rigidity can sometimes be counterproductive. It’s important to listen to your body and adjust your plans accordingly. If you find yourself dreading a high-intensity workout because you’re feeling drained, opting for a gentler option like a 20-minute at-home Pilates session or a yoga class can be incredibly beneficial.

This approach ensures you remain active without overextending yourself, preserving your energy and enthusiasm for future workouts. Flexibility in your fitness routine encourages a sustainable approach, allowing you to adapt based on your daily needs and preferences while staying on track with your overall goals. This balance between consistency and adaptability fosters long-term commitment and keeps burnout at bay.

<ul> <li><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/15-high-energy-tracks-to-fuel-an-awesome-workout/">15 High-Energy Tracks to Fuel An Awesome Workout</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/10-sheet-pan-dinners-that-will-change-your-life/">10 Sheet Pan Dinners That Will Change The Way You Cook</a></li> </ul>

Find the right balance

Adding to the previous point, finding the right balance is essential for maintaining motivation and ensuring longevity in your fitness journey. It’s about harmonizing exercise with rest, nutrition, and other life commitments.

Striking this balance means not overcommitting to grueling workouts that leave you exhausted, or neglecting physical activity altogether. It involves listening to your body and allowing for recovery time, integrating a variety of workouts to engage different muscle groups and prevent boredom, and ensuring your diet supports your energy needs without restrictive eating. 

Balancing these aspects helps prevent burnout and injuries, making your fitness journey enjoyable and sustainable. It encourages a holistic approach to health, where physical activity becomes a natural and rewarding part of your daily life, rather than a task or obligation.

<p>Having patience with yourself is a critical element of staying motivated on your fitness journey. Progress in fitness is often slow and non-linear, with inevitable plateaus and setbacks. Recognizing and accepting this fact can help you maintain a positive outlook and perseverance.</p><p>Instead of getting frustrated with temporary stagnation or minor backslides, view them as part of the process and learning experiences. Celebrate the small victories and understand that lasting change takes time. Patience fosters a kinder, more compassionate approach to personal fitness, allowing you to enjoy the journey without undue pressure.</p><p>This self-compassion ensures you stay motivated, committed, and ready to face challenges with resilience, understanding that every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in its own right.</p><p><strong>More Articles</strong></p><ul> <li><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/19-surprising-benefits-of-regular-exercise-you-may-not-know-about/">19 Surprising Benefits of Regular Exercise You May Not Know About</a></li> <li><a href="https://www.champagneandcoffeestains.com/18-nutritious-snack-ideas-for-pre-and-post-workout-fuel/">18 Genius (and Nutritious) Snack Ideas for Pre- and Post-Workout Fuel</a></li> </ul>

Have patience with yourself

Having patience with yourself is a critical element of staying motivated on your fitness journey. Progress in fitness is often slow and non-linear, with inevitable plateaus and setbacks. Recognizing and accepting this fact can help you maintain a positive outlook and perseverance.

Instead of getting frustrated with temporary stagnation or minor backslides, view them as part of the process and learning experiences. Celebrate the small victories and understand that lasting change takes time. Patience fosters a kinder, more compassionate approach to personal fitness, allowing you to enjoy the journey without undue pressure.

This self-compassion ensures you stay motivated, committed, and ready to face challenges with resilience, understanding that every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory in its own right.

More Articles

  • 19 Surprising Benefits of Regular Exercise You May Not Know About
  • 18 Genius (and Nutritious) Snack Ideas for Pre- and Post-Workout Fuel

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Consultation, customize plan, cardio training, weight training, personal training, welcome to lean fitness studio.

Lean Fitness Studio, where your journey to a healthier, stronger you begins! Established in 2019 by founder Shyam, our studio is dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals in a supportive and motivating environment.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall health, our team of experienced trainers is here to guide you every step of the way. With a focus on personalized training programs and holistic wellness, we’re committed to helping you reach your full potential. Join us at Lean Fitness Studio and let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

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Our fitness experts can help you discover new training techniques and exercises that offer a dynamic and efficient full-body workout.

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Explore our notable milestones and accomplishments in the fitness industry

Mr.Shyam Kumar V.D

Shyam Kumar VD’s triumph as the International Open Asian Powerlifting Champion in 2024 is a testament to his dedication and skill, elevating India’s reputation in the sport.

Shyam Kumar VD proudly represents India as he captures the gold medal at the International Open Asian Powerlifting Championship in 2024, showcasing his exceptional talent on an international platform.

In a remarkable display of strength and determination, Shyam Kumar VD emerges victorious as the gold medalist at the 2024 International Open Asian Powerlifting Championship, adding to India’s legacy in powerlifting.

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How We Started Our Fitness Journey As Personal Trainers

By Live Lean TV

Listen to the post, How We Started Our Fitness Journey As Personal Trainers, on our Live Lean TV Podcast . Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast !

My Low Self-Confidence Led Me To Become A Fitness Trainer

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV , we’re answering a viewer question who asked how we started our fitness journey as personal trainers?

This was a question from  #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 013 .

How To Make A Workout Easier For Overweight Beginners Live Lean TV How To Make A Workout Easier For Overweight Beginners

Here’s today’s viewer question:

@LilianaSuriel1 on Twitter asks: how did you and Jess become experts in fitness? How did you start your fitness journey as personal trainers? What resources did you use? Thanks.

Before officially starting to train clients, Jessica and I studied towards getting our personal trainer and nutrition certifications.


However, having certifications doesn’t necessarily make you an expert.

In the beginning, the driving factor for me was I realized I needed to make a change in my own life.

I cover all of this in my book Think And Live Lean .

Think And Live Lean Live Lean TV Think And Live Lean

In the book, I talk about how I didn’t have a strong feeling of self-confidence as kid, or even as a young adult, growing up.

Then through some soul searching, I eventually decided that I couldn’t continue living my life like this.

It was a long process, but I eventually made the decision that I needed to make a change.

How Did I Make A Change To Become More Confident In Myself?

That’s when the first lightbulb went off.

I knew that if I worked at changing on the outside, it would then help me change on the inside.

In the beginning, I did a lot of research on fitness, and like most people, I tried to do it alone.

This quickly led me to become overwhelmed with all of the conflicting fitness and nutrition information.

Rather than following a proven and structured program designed by a fitness expert, I kept trying all kinds of different workouts and recipes found in fitness magazines.

This lack of structure in my workouts and nutrition led to mediocre results.

It was the epitome of working hard, but not working smart.

That’s when lightbulb number two went off.

I Hired A Fitness Coach

After experiencing a lot of frustration from trying to do it all on my own, I decided to hire a fitness coach to design my workouts and nutrition plan.

Having a structured program to follow, that was designed for my goals , was exactly what I needed.

After sticking to my workout and nutrition plan, I achieved amazing results with my before and after transformation.

Brad Before After Live Lean TV

This transformation was not only my physique, but also my self-confidence.

This was when I truly fell in love with fitness and started my Live Lean journey.

To fuel my passion, I continued reading, applying, and executing on everything I was learning in fitness and nutrition.

Based on my before and after transformation, a lot of people at the gym started to take notice.

My transformation was so good, a supplement company stole my before and after photos.

its a scam LLTV thumbnail Live Lean TV

I was repeatedly asked the following questions:

  • How did you get these amazing results?
  • More importantly, how do you continue to maintain a lean and muscular physique, 365 days a year?

I told them how to do it, and it just snowballed from there.

As I continued to get the same questions, the third lightbulb went off in my head.

Of course, getting in shape was an issue, but once you do get in shape, being able to sustain it forever, was the real problem.

I Then Completed My Fitness And Nutrition Certifications

During my fitness journey, I first hired a coach, I did all the work on myself, then I decided to get certified in fitness and nutrition.

Once I became certified, I then started taking online and one-on-one personal training clients.

Jessica took the opposite approach.

She got certified before she even knew or did anything.

Looking back at it, Jessica has mentioned that she doesn’t recommend doing it the way she did it.

When people ask if and when they should get certified, she always encourages them to work on themselves first.

In other words, put in the work, become a transformation success story , then get certified.

Before And After Weight Loss Transformation Live Lean TV Before And After Weight Loss Transformation

The certification is more valuable to you once you know things from real life experience.

What Do You Do After You Get Your Certification?

I get a lot of questions from other personal trainers on what they should do next, after they get their certification.

The next thing you should do is apply everything you’ve learned to change yourself first.

That way, you can be an example for your clients.

I see people hiring personal trainers all the time who don’t apply what they’ve learned to themselves.

Or maybe they’ve applied it once, but then they let themselves go.

To me, that’s a clear disconnect, and there are a lot of examples of this in the personal training industry.

As a client, I would be thinking to myself, “what’s going on here?”.

So work on yourself to first find out what works on you.

Then use those learnings to turn your clients into a success story .

Inspiring Before And After Body Transformations Live Lean TV Inspiring Before And After Body Transformations

What Resources Did We Use To Become Personal Trainers:

  • hired a coach to first transform my body with real life experience
  • studied to get my fitness and nutrition certifications
  • continued education through reading a lot of books
  • learn how to market yourself

Ultimately applying your education to create real life experiences is your best resource.

Find The Best Program For Your Goals

To find the best workout and nutrition program for you, go take our  Live Lean Body Quiz .

Answer four simple questions and we’ll get you on the best program, based on your goals.

Every training program includes warm ups, workouts, cool downs, and nutrition plans.

We have it all.

Go take the  Live Lean Body Quiz here.

My Journey To A Healthy Diet Routine

Now I want you to go check out this video post where I share my journey to a healthy diet routine.

The Journey To My Healthy Diet Routine Live Lean TV The Journey To My Healthy Diet Routine


Start by taking our FREE   Live Lean Body Quiz  to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Question Of The Day:

  • How many years have you been working out?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Check out our  free workout videos here .

Check out my  free recipe cooking videos here.

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Brad Gouthro

Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.

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  4. #03 Lean to Fit journey 🎥 30 days left #bhagalpur #youtubeshort #travel #mrsparklog #shortsfeed


  1. Free Workout Guides, Exercise Plans and Programs

    This free workout program will help you to feel confident for summer and start your fitness journey to get in the best shape of your life physically and mentally. 30 - 50 minutes worth of workouts every day combining different styles of workouts to keep exercising fun and also get results.

  2. The Ultimate Roadmap to an Empowering Fitness Journey

    0. Embarking on a fitness journey refers to the intentional and structured pursuit of improving one's physical fitness, overall health, and well-being. It involves setting goals, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and engaging in regular exercise and physical activity to achieve desired outcomes. A fitness journey is a personal and ...

  3. How to Stay Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

    Power up your fitness journey with LEAN Nashville today!Discover the dual benefits of LEAN Nashville's training—boosted metabolism and enhanced joint stability. Our fitness programs are tailored to ignite your metabolic rate and fortify joint health for peak performance. Join us and transform your workout routine into a powerhouse of energy ...

  4. How to Start your Fitness Routine in 2023

    2. Mark a start date in your calendar. Commit to a start date, plan out your day and set a specific time for your first workout of the year. Furthermore, plan out which days and times in your week you can commit to and plug those in the diary too. Make sure you are being realistic with the amount of days as well as time you can commit to.

  5. The 4-week workout plan to get lean: Week 1

    The 4-week workout plan to get lean: Week 1. Combine strength training and cardio in this calorie-burning, fat-reducing workout plan. Jump to the Routine. 30. 1. Yes. Patrik Giardino / Getty. If you're serious about losing weight in a month, you're going to have to hit the ground running.

  6. Lean with Lilly

    Elevate your fitness journey with a deeper connection to your core, improved flexibility and stability, entire body strengthening and toning, increased fitness levels, and overall body balance. Master these 60 days and emerge as a leaner, stronger, healthier, and more vibrant version of yourself.

  7. How to Get Lean [Full Workout Routine Included]

    There's no way to get a lean body unless you drop a significant amount of fat first. Same with lifting weights (although I do recommend you start regardless of where you are in your fitness journey). For the purpose of this guide, I'm assuming you have at least 30-50 pounds to lose. Let's figure out how to lose those pounds first.

  8. I tried Lilly Sabri's Lean fitness app and I love it

    The Lean app is intended to be a place where users can get personalised workouts, meal plans, as well as a slew of other content. ... this section is a nice way to document your fitness journey ...

  9. The 6-Week Model Workout Plan For a Lean Body

    The program is structured into splits for a total of four workouts, with a day of rest in between each. For example: Monday is chest and triceps, Wednesday is legs and abs, Friday is back and biceps, then Sunday is shoulders, traps, and abs. The cycle begins again on Tuesday the following week. To focus solely on hypertrophy (or muscular size ...

  10. LEAN With Lilly

    Get in the best shape of your life with the Lean Transformation Method on the #1 female fitness app by Lilly Sabri. ... Discover everything you need to carry you through your fitness journey from the LEAN store including; resistance bands, pre-workouts, Vegan protein powders, protein bars & much, more!

  11. Everything You Need To Know About The LEAN TRANSFORMATION Guide Vol 2

    This 6 week guide is an extension of our first LEAN & Strong 6 Week Transformation Guide. We were blown away by the response from the girls taking part, and we expect Vol.2 to be even bigger and better! The mind & body transformations of the LEAN familia during the last 6 weeks were incredible, and we invite you to be a part of the most ...

  12. The Best Workout Routine to Build Lean Mass

    The Lean Mass-15 routine divides body-part training over three days. Day 1 focuses on back, biceps, and forearms. Day 2 is chest and triceps. Day 3 is thighs and shoulders, with abs done every workout and calves on Days 2 and 3. The split is 3 days on, 1 day off/2 days on, 1 day off—an old-school standard for an average of five training days ...

  13. The Ultimate Guide To Staying Motivated On Your Fitness Journey

    Having someone to lean on during challenging times can also be incredibly motivating. Consider finding a workout partner, hiring a personal trainer, or joining fitness classes to stay connected and inspired. ... Staying motivated on your fitness journey is a lifelong process. By setting realistic goals, finding your why, establishing a routine ...

  14. Beginner's 4-Week Plan to Build Lean Muscle

    By writing informative articles, Rahul aims to empower people with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and wellness journeys. Jumpstart your fitness journey with our beginner-friendly guide on how to build lean muscle. Learn the essentials of tracking progress, identifying progress signs, and making smart ...

  15. The Best Exercises for Beginners: 5 Workouts to Kickstart Your Fitness

    Power up your fitness journey with LEAN Nashville today!Discover the dual benefits of LEAN Nashville's training—boosted metabolism and enhanced joint stability. Our fitness programs are tailored to ignite your metabolic rate and fortify joint health for peak performance. Join us and transform your workout routine into a powerhouse of energy ...

  16. how to start working out: *life-changing* tips to be ...

    how to start working out, be consistent, get out of a slump, start your fitness journey, and change your life! GET MY WORKOUT GUIDE HERE ♡: (thank you so muc...

  17. How do I start my fitness journey? A free 12-week beginner plan

    Fat loss: Bodyweight x 10-12. Maintain weight: Bodyweight x 13-15. Gain weight: Bodyweight x 16-18. Example: 150 x 10 = 1,500 and 150 x 120 = 1,800 (Between 1,500 and 1,800) You don't need to count calories to be successful. But as Yale researchers showed us, for fat loss creating a calorie deficit is important.

  18. Lean Fitness

    Welcome to Lean Fitness! Our channel is dedicated to providing you with the tools and inspiration you need to achieve your fitness goals. Whether you're just starting out on your fitness journey ...

  19. What Is Lean Muscle, And Why Is It So Important? 5 Benefits

    Let's embark on a journey into the realm of lean muscle and explore why it holds a central position in the domains of fitness and holistic health. What Is Lean Muscle? Lean muscle, often called "lean body mass," represents the portion of your body composed of muscle tissue, excluding fat.

  20. MY FITNESS JOURNEY: diet changes, current split, how to start

    HELLO HELLO! Thank you for clicking on todays video! This one is a bit longer than usual but I tried to answer all of my most requested questions about my fi...

  21. Fitness is a Journey, Not a Destination

    Similar to success, fitness is a journey, not a destination. Success is striving to make the necessary changes in your life, the persistence toward reaching your goals, not the specific number of pounds you lose, or muscle you gain. Over time with consistent effort and patience, you will reach your goals and create new goals in their place.

  22. 15 Secrets to Staying Motivated on Your Fitness Journey

    Finding an accountability buddy is a game-changer in staying motivated on your fitness journey. This person can be a friend, family member, or colleague who shares similar fitness goals.

  23. Lean Fitness Studio

    Lean Fitness Studio, where your journey to a healthier, stronger you begins! Established in 2019 by founder Shyam, our studio is dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals in a supportive and motivating environment. ... Lean fitness studio "The gym provides a top-notch fitness experience with knowledgeable trainers, and a motivating ...

  24. How We Started Our Fitness Journey As Personal Trainers

    Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women "Live Lean" 365 days a year. Brad's programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life. www.liveleantv.com.