BCD Group

About BCD Travel

BCD Travel helps companies travel smart and achieve more. We drive program adoption, cost savings and talent retention through digital experiences that simplify business travel. Our 15,000+ dedicated team members service clients in 170+ countries as we shape a sustainable future for business travel. BCD’s leading meetings and events management and global consultancy services complete our comprehensive suite of solutions for all aspects of corporate travel. In 2023, BCD achieved US$20.3 billion in sales. For more information, visit www.bcdtravel.com .

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SME corporate travel management

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Media and entertainment travel management

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Meetings and event management

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Sports travel and events

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Travel management consultancy

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Øget konkurrence påvirker BCD Travel

Tidligere på måneden udgav erhvervsrejsebureauet bcd travel deres årsregnskab for 2018, der viser faldende bruttofortjeneste for fjerde år i træk..

BCD Travel havde i 2018 en bruttofortjeneste på 47 mio. kr. Det er en tilbagegang fra 52 mio. kr. i 2017. Kigger man tilbage i løbet af årene, er bruttofortjenesten faldet lige siden 2014, hvor den var på 64 mio. kr.

De forklarer, at de skyldes en generel faldende interesse for rejser og møder fra virksomhederne:

– Virksomheders forretningsrejser udfordres af det overordnede behov for at reducere de direkte omkostninger til rejser og møder. Den yderst konkurrencedygtige situation forbliver i branchen og påvirkes også af denne udvikling, hvilket bidrager til fortsat pressede indtægter, skriver BCD Travel i regnskabet.

Samme vej er det gået for årsresultatet, der har haft en lille tilbagegang på ca. 20.000 kr. Rejsebureauets årsresultat ender med et overskud på godt 1,9 mio. kr. efter skat.

I forhold til 2017 steg egenkapitalen med godt 2 mio. til 22 mio. kr. 

BCD Travel sætter ikke nogen tal på, hvad de forventer for regnskabsåret 2019. De skriver derimod:

– Vi forventer et stærkt konkurrencepræget marked, der fortsat vil fokusere på services, kvalitet og produkter til en attraktiv prisfastsættelse.

I november 2015 købte de Ticket Biz for at styrke deres position i Norden. Siden 2017 har fusionen gået under et brand, BCD Travel, og deres grupperejser går under navnet BCD Meeting & Events. Fusionen blev juridisk bekræfter i Sverige og Norge i 2018.

BCD Travel Denmark er en del af BCD Travel Group, der bliver repræsenteret i 109 lande verden over.

Kommentarer är stängda.

Tui rapporterer om “opmuntrende booking momentum”

2022 blev rekordår for hotellerne – men bekymringerne fylder, stigende trafik bidrager til et tilfredsstillende resultat, british pub krise 70 procent kan gå nedenom og hjem, amex gbt ser ‘hurtigere bedring’ fra omikronpandemien.

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BCD survey reveals gap between travel policy and traveler compliance

While over half of travel buyers consider their travel policies very effective, two-thirds of travelers still book outside of the travel policy

UTRECHT, The Netherlands, July 11, 2024 – While many business travelers know of and often refer to their company’s travel policy, there’s still a gap between policy awareness and policy compliance, according to a recent BCD Travel survey of 1,200+ business travelers worldwide. The survey looked at changes in travel policies and traveler satisfaction with current regulations.

Travel policy awareness In a corresponding April survey of 200+ travel buyers, BCD found that two-thirds of travel buyers consider their travel policy to be extremely or very effective.

On the surface, this statistic seems to hold true when business travelers are asked about their company’s travel policy. The survey shows that more than 95% of travelers know where to find the travel policy, and nine out of 10 have consulted it (with a quarter doing so frequently). Eight out of 10 travelers have consulted their travel policy within the past 12 months. And half are satisfied with the policy.

“Based on our survey results, travelers in NORAM are less inclined to consult their corporation’s travel policy compared to travelers from APAC and Europe,” said Craig Bailey, president, Americas at BCD. “This could result in more out-of-policy bookings. While these bookings create extra costs and, in some cases, risk issues, the lack of awareness around policy changes could also hurt the organization’s overall goals, for instance, regarding sustainability.”

One factor contributing to this behavior may be the frequency around travel policy communications. A quarter of APAC travelers reported receiving communications about their travel policy often compared to only 15% of NORAM travelers.

Out-of-policy bookings

The survey shows that more than two-thirds of travelers deviate from their company’s travel policy. Most often, this is due to client meetings requiring out-of-policy transportation or accommodation or booking conference and event accommodations with non-preferred suppliers. As a result, traveling employees often need additional approvals for non-compliant bookings.

Companies can boost travel policy compliance through employee involvement and engagement. BCD provides expert advice on how to build a strategy to maximize compliance, including integrating solutions that travelers want to use, with the data insights travel managers need to influence behavior.

Desire for flexibility

Over one in five travelers said their company’s travel policy isn’t responsive to traveler needs or is too restrictive. In fact, three in 10 want more flexibility when booking either transportation or accommodation. A quarter said they’d benefit from increased spend limits and additional air ancillaries. One in five are interested in more policies for traveler well-being.

“When you understand your travelers’ needs, you can make impactful changes to your policy. A simple and effective way to do that is through surveys ,” Bailey said. “While of course you must set limits that align with the company goals, a good travel policy sets its travelers up for success. This, in turn, helps the company stay within both its budget and keeps lines of communication clear.”

BCD’s TripSource® booking and trip management solution ensures travelers stay engaged at every step of their journey. TripSource influences behavior by displaying client-specific travel policy guidelines directly at the point of sale. It triggers timely policy messages that encourage smart decisions and boost compliance throughout the trip.   Also, travel managers can include all essential policy details, contact information, and safety resources for travelers’ convenience.

Low impact on job acceptance While only 8% of surveyed travelers admit the travel policy influenced their decision to take their job, a quarter acknowledge that it influences their willingness to stay with the company. The travel policy’s impact varies by region – again supporting the need to understand travelers’ specific needs and beliefs. Almost half of APAC travelers say the policy is likely to affect their decision to stay with a company while 27% of EMEA and 21% of NORAM travelers say so.  

“Sharing your travel policy to new hires during the onboarding process is key,” said Bailey. “They’re excited and eager to learn. Take advantage of that and stress the importance of your travel policy to new employees. Explain what it is, how it relates to company goals, and why it’s important to comply with the policy. It’s not just about cost savings, but also about duty of care and sustainability.”

To view more of the traveler survey report, click here .

About BCD Travel

BCD Travel helps companies travel smart and achieve more. We drive program adoption, cost savings and talent retention through digital experiences that simplify business travel. Our 15,000+ dedicated team members service clients in 170+ countries as we shape a sustainable future for business travel. BCD’s leading meetings and events management and global consultancy services complete our comprehensive suite of solutions for all aspects of corporate travel. In 2023, BCD achieved US$20.3 billion in sales. For more information, visit www.bcdtravel.com .

Singapore, China and Japan are the top business travel destinations in Asia Pacific

July 2, 2024

BCD Travel strengthens GetGoing platform with expense management

July 19, 2024

Safe, smart, simple

Achieve more with business travel in a safe, smart and simple way.

You take care of business We take care of travel

We see business travel as a driver of company or individual success. To make the most of what you spend on business travel, you need the right solutions. Our complete service plans let you achieve more with business travel, in a safe, smart and simple way.

Book travel

Manage travel, report and save, traveler safety, sustainable travel, support and advice, business travel rewards for everyone in the company, bookers and travelers.

With our self-service platform, booking business trips is just as easy as booking your holiday. Reliable expert service, access to millions of travel options, and an award-winning travel app make business travel easier and more productive.

Finance and procurement

Control costs with travel policy integration and an automated trip approval process via our self-service platform. Pay for travel in an easy and safe way. Find new savings with reports and advice from our customer success managers.

Human resources

Keep travelers productive with powerful technology, expert service and access to the largest travel inventory. Ensure their safety with effective tools. Boost sustainability with CO 2 displays for flights and emission reports.

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How to avoid typical business travel pitfalls

Many business travelers aren’t aware of their company’s guidelines for business travel. Without any guidance and control, there are potential risks for your company:

  • Employees can book in different places, which means that you don’t know where they are if disaster strikes.
  • When employees book on their own, you can’t capture your full travel costs on your budget overview.
  • And it keeps you from achieving your company’s sustainability goals.

Give them what they’re looking for: easy booking without losing precious time. In return, you’ll get what you need.

Why companies choose us

Powerful technology and expert service.

Easy-to-use tools make booking and managing business travel a lot easier. Support and advice from true business travel experts help you achieve more.

Millions of travel options in one place

Get the best deals for your business trips with our buying power, our direct connections and partnerships as a global, leading travel company.

A reliable partner in business travel

Partner with a travel management company that has years of experience and a proven track record of helping companies to be successful in travel.

We're BCD Travel Direct

A successful business trip has a high return on investment. But to make most of what you spend on business travel, you’ll need the right products, service and guidance. That’s why we’re here. We’re passionate people with a clear mission: to help you travel smart and achieve more.

IATA certified agency

Global leader, local expert, 97% client retention, pci compliant, iso 9001/14001 certified, ecovadis platinum level.

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CHECK-IN.DK Nyt om luftfart

  • Icelandair afslører første Airbus A321LR
  • Salg af dansk lufthavn rykker et skridt nærmere
  • CPH om tilbagebetaling af støtte: Intet overrasker os
  • Trækker Boeing 777-forbud tilbage
  • Nødlandet fly bliver demonteret
  • Finnair udvider koncernledelsen
  • Ny rute fra København til Ankara
  • Maersk Air Cargo får en nattergal
  • Presset øges på Greenland Airports
  • En af de største måneder nogensinde hos Icelandair

Emnearkiv: BCD Travel

4. juli 2017 Bagsiden

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Analyse: Øget personalisering af forretningsrejser

Forretningsrejser og hotelbesøg bliver mere og mere personaliseret og skræddersyet til den enkelte rejsende, viser ny analyse.

6. januar 2017 Økonomi

bcd travel dk

Dansk gruppe- og erhvervsrejsebureau er konkurs

Gruppe- og erhvervsrejsebureuaet FCm Travel Solutions med domicil i Brøndby er torsdag erklæret konkurs ved Sø-og Handelsretten i København.

2. juni 2016 Økonomi

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BCD Travel: Højt pres på kundeindtægter

BCD Travel driftsresultat blev mere end halveret i 2015. Alligevel kommer det danske selskab ud med rekordoverskud efter salg af de nordiske datterselskaber.

30. marts 2016 Navnenyt

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BCD Travel afskediger nøglemedarbejdere

Efter opkøbet af Ticket Biz har BCD Travel etableret en ny nordisk organisation. Her er der ikke blevet plads til 10 medarbejdere, hvoraf tre er danske nøglemedarbejdere.

3. december 2015 NYHEDER

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Luftfartskoncern sælger rejsebureau til BCD

Den svenske luftfartskoncern Braganza, der omfatter Malmö Aviation og Sverigeflyg, har solgt rejsebureauet Ticket Biz til BCD Travel. Dermed skubbes Ticket-partneren FCm Travel Solutions ud i kulden.

30. juni 2015 NYHEDER

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BCD halverer overskud

BCD Travel kom ud af 2014 med et resultat, der er halveret i forhold til 2013. Tilfredsstillende i et udfordret marked, mener selskabet, der tror på bedre tider i 2015.

11. november 2014 NYHEDER

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BCD Travel hylder ansat efter 40 års tjeneste

Det var en stor dag, da BCD Travel sendte en trofast ansat gennem 40 år på pension med Den Kongelige Belønningsmedalje på brystet.

20. oktober 2014 NYHEDER

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Erhvervsrejsebureau får ny salgschef

BCD Travel får ny nordisk salgschef. Der er tale om svenske Jerker Elming, der kommer fra en stilling som ansvarlig for erhvervssalget hos online-rejsebureauet Travel Link.

20. maj 2014 NYHEDER

bcd travel dk

BCD Travel presset af forandringer

Strukturelle forandringer er en af årsagerne til, at BCD Travel har mistet 17 procent af indtægterne i løbet af blot 24 måneder. Stram omkostningsstyring har været nødvendig for at sikre bundlinjen.

18. februar 2014 NYHEDER

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EasyJet og BCD Travel i europæisk samarbejde

Det britiske lavprisflyselskab easyJet har fået adgang til BCD Travel´s europæiske kundedatabase, mens BCD-kunderne får lettere ved at booke easyJet-billetter.

3. juli 2013 NYHEDER

BCD: Ingen ulovlige billetkombinationer

Erhvervsrejsebureauet BCD Travel kunne i sidste uge afsløre, at næsten 60 procent af samtlige reservationer bliver foretaget via online-systemer. Nu rettes en kritik mod BCD Travel for at lave 'ulovlige' priskombinationer.

27. juni 2013 NYHEDER

BCD: Vi har flest online-bookinger

Mens flere erhvervsrejsebureauer hævder, at det ikke vil være muligt at drive andelen af online bookinger op over 50 procent, har BCD Travel allerede passeret dette mærke og stiler mod 75 procent.

14. juni 2013 NYHEDER

Overskud hos erhvervsrejsebureau styrtdykker

Overskuddet hos BCD Travel i Danmark er styrtdykket i løbet af 2012. Forklaringen på den forringede bundlinje skal findes i fortsat svage konjunkturer, hævder erhvervrejsebureauets ledelse.

31. januar 2013 NYHEDER

BCD Travel lukker afdeling i Odense

Fra den 1. august vil BCD Travel ikke længere drive fysisk rejsebureau i Odense. Kunderne skal i stedet betjenes af et virtuelt kundeteam fra hjemmearbejdspladser.

17. september 2012 NYHEDER

Moderate prisstigninger på erhvervsrejser i 2013

Konsulentvirksomheden Advito, der er en del af den internationale erhvervsrejsebureaukæde, BCD Travel, forudser moderate prisstigninger på erhvervsrejser i 2013.

26. april 2012 NYHEDER

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Vindmøllegigant lukker rejseafdeling

Siemens Wind Power har besluttet at lukke virksomhedens rejseafdeling i Brande per 1. september i år. Det betyder, at i alt syv ansatte tilbydes overflytning til BCD Travel i Viby, hvortil rejsebestillingen er outsourcet med virkning fra den 1. maj.

12. oktober 2011 NYHEDER

bcd travel dk

VIA Travel går i front med rejselivselever

Erhvervsrejsebranchen har gennem flere år forsømt at uddanne nye elever til branchen. Nu er VIA Travel gået i front og har i år ansat fem elever, der skal gennemføre rejselivsuddannelsen. Konkurrenten BCD Travel har p.t. ingen elever under uddannelse.

19. september 2011 NYHEDER

‘Same Day Ticketing’ hos BCD Travel

Erhvervsrejsebureauet BCD Travel har med virkning fra 30. august indført 'Same Day Ticketing', således at bestilte billetter skal udstedes samme dag. Det sker på baggrund af skærpede regler hos en række luftfartsselskaber, der ikke længere accepterer billetudstedelse indenfor 72 timer.

23. august 2011 NYHEDER

bcd travel dk

BCD Travel lancerer nyt Travel Risk Management-værktøj

De store erhvervsrejsebureauer konkurrerer ikke længere alene på at tilbyde de billigste flybilletter til kunderne. Nu handler det i stedet om løsninger, hvor Travel Risk Management er et væsentligt element. Således også hos BCD Travel, der netop har lanceret et nyt avanceret værktøj til sine kunder.

10. maj 2011 NYHEDER

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BCD Travel med i europæisk Melodi Grand Prix

Gruppe- og eventafdelingen hos den tyske afdeling af erhvervsrejsebureauet BCD Travel har ansvaret for at koordinere 2.000 reserverede hotelværelser til indkvartering af gæster til Eurovisionens Melodi Grand Prix i Düsseldorf.

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  • Selvbetjening
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  • Personoplysninger og cookies
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  • Horizons A/S
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Stay up to date with news, trends and insights from BCD Travel and the business travel industry.

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Elevate your business travel with Air France and KLM

Discover unparalleled comfort with the premium cabins of Air France, KLM and Delta Air Lines. From spacious seating and gourmet meals in Premium Comfort to the ultimate luxury of La Première, your business travel experience is elevated to new heights.

Read more »

bcd travel dk

Austrian Airlines: Servus Dreamliner

Welcome to the fleet: Austrian Airlines guests are now also feeling the Dreamliner effect. Since June, the first Boeing 787 Dreamliner has been flying for the Austrian airline on flights from Vienna to New York and Chicago. And combines an exclusive, modern travel experience with typical Austrian hospitality.

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Even more digital entertainment on Lufthansa flights

Lufthansa is offering new entertainment options on short- and medium-haul flights!

bcd travel dk

25 years of help alliance and a future for young people

The help alliance is celebrating its 25th anniversary and continues to advocate for a self-determined future for young people worldwide. With a focus on education, training and work, it is currently creating prospects for children, teenagers and young adults in over 60 projects in 29 countries, together with competent local partners and thanks to the strengths of the Lufthansa Group. That’s got a future!

bcd travel dk

New approaches in winter: Fly Lufthansa from Munich to São Paulo and Vancouver

Lufthansa is increasing its connections across the Atlantic for the winter 2024/25 flight schedule and will be flying to the Brazilian metropolis of São Paulo, the largest economic and industrial center in the southern hemisphere, and Vancouver, Canada's commercial center and the second largest port on the North American west coast. This means that more direct connections to two important economic centers are available for the winter.

bcd travel dk

SWISS wins Skytrax Award for best First Class Lounge

SWISS was honored at the Skytrax World Airline Awards 2024 for its First Class Lounge at Zurich Airport. The awards are the result of this year's survey conducted by the international rating organization Skytrax with over 21 million guest reviews.

bcd travel dk

What to do when your name is wrong on a plane ticket

Imagine trying to check in for a flight only to be stopped because your name is wrong on the ticket. A small oversight – like a missing letter or using a preferred name instead of a legal name – could cause big delays with airline agents and security personnel. When you find an error, take action immediately. Here’s some advice.

bcd travel dk

Business, but casual: Eurowings’ corporate programme EW4Business

Cost savings and even greater flexibility for companies of all sizes with EW4Business.

bcd travel dk

Turkish Airlines Named Best Airline in Europe at Skytrax Awards for the Ninth Time

Also known as the Oscars of the aviation industry, the World Airline Awards saw several accolades being presented to the successful flag carrier on 24 June, 2024. In addition to being recognised as the “Best Airline in Europe”, Turkish Airlines won two other top awards at the ceremony, including the “World's Best Business Class Catering” and “Best Airline in Southern Europe”.

bcd travel dk

6 major business travel shows in September 2024

BCD's leaders and subject matter experts will appear at several key industry events in September, covering hot topics like Media & Entertainment services, sustainable travel, and the place for innovation in business travel.

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BCD TV: What makes us so special

Check out our playlist of newly released videos from BCD TV. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified when new videos go live.

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A business traveler’s guide to the Electronic System for Travel Authorization

The ESTA program offers a convenient way to enter the U.S. without the need for a visa. Here's what business travelers need to know.

bcd travel dk

Asia Pacific business travel: Recovery and planning for a sustainable future

As global air travel recovers throughout APAC, the focus on sustainability has never been more critical, says BCD's Greg O'Neil.

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What makes Johannesburg a great place for business trips?

Johannesburg, fondly known as the "City of Gold," is a dynamic metropolis that perfectly blends business opportunities with rich cultural experiences. Regarded as South Africa's economic powerhouse, Johannesburg is a top destination for business travelers from around the globe. Kagiso Dumasi, Director, Strategic Business Development, Global Network at BCD Travel South Africa, guides business travelers through the city.

bcd travel dk

Snapshot: South Africa’s potential as a business travel market

Southern Africa's travel industry is poised for growth. The rebound in and expansion of international travel to South Africa will help unlock the country’s potential, according to analysis from BCD’s Research & Intelligence team.

bcd travel dk

2024 Sustainability Report: A roadmap for responsible travel

BCD Travel has made remarkable strides for sustainability over the past year. Our 2024 Sustainability Report showcases the significant efforts we’ve taken to manage our environmental footprint, enhance our social impact, and strengthen our governance practices. Our comprehensive report is worth reading for insights into how we’re maintaining focus on sustainability for our organization, clients and the business travel industry.

bcd travel dk

Meet BCD’s new marketplace partners for TRM, sustainability and payment

Business travel is complex. Our marketplace partners can help corporate travel teams meet program goals with confidence and peace of mind.

bcd travel dk

BCD’s TripSource now displays CO2 emissions

TripSource® by BCD Travel now shows users the environmental impact of flights. That means travelers and travel arrangers can easily see how their booking choices affect the environment. They can weigh CO2 emissions estimates against other factors like cost, planning and convenience to make good travel choices.

bcd travel dk

BCD’s 2024 charity and volunteer work supports 50 projects benefiting children worldwide

As BCD Travel serves clients all over the globe, we keep in mind how we can also serve the communities where we live and work. One way is through Making a Difference (MAD), BCD’s charity and volunteer program that focuses on projects that directly benefit children in our local communities. This year, BCD and our employees are supporting 50 projects around the world.

New 2023 BCD Travel research finds most organizations don't know about ISO 31030 for travel risk management.

Organizations may be overlooking key guide for managing travel risk

A crucial part of duty of care is a guide you may have missed. According to BCD Travel research, three-quarters of travel buyers have little to no knowledge of ISO 31030:2021, the international guidance specific to travel risk management (TRM). Only 14% of buyers have actually read ISO 31030, and 11% are somewhat familiar, we found.

bcd travel dk

Gilead Sciences’ Steve Sitto is BTN’s 2024 Travel Manager of the Year

BTN recognized Sitto for his efforts to revamp Gilead's complex travel program in just under two years.

bcd travel dk

Modern slavery: Closer than you think. Learn more on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.

Think about this: Roughly 1 in 150 people are entrapped in modern slavery. That means someone on your flight or in your hotel could be a victim.

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Get BCD’s expert help with your Life Sciences pain points

Make an appointment with BCD's Life Sciences team to solve the pain points of guest travel, clinical trial diversity and patient travel solutions.

bcd travel dk

Lost in relocation: How BCD solved confusing global mobility process for pharma giant

For a global business, managing employee relocations efficiently is crucial. When a leading pharmaceutical company found itself with a convoluted relocation travel process, they turned to BCD for a solution.

Travel smart. Achieve more.

Get solutions for business travel that help you save time, money and stress.

  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Slovenščina
  • Science & Tech
  • Russian Kitchen

Krasnodar: A hot spot for Cossacks, bourgeoisie and outdoor fans

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For five years in a row this southern city has topped the ranking of Russia's best places to live , and it is not surprising. Krasnodar’s main street is so green that walking along it feels like a stroll in the park, local eco-friendly food is served on tables in restaurants, and a high-speed train will take you to the Black Sea coast in just 2 hours.

RIA Novosti/Vitaly Timkiv

I usually visit new Russian cities by taking the train. This time, it’s Krasnodar, the unofficial capital of the Russian south, about 1,300 kilometers from Moscow. My comfortable double-decker train from Moscow arrives, after 19 hours, at 5:30 a.m. I’m shocked: it’s already + 28 Celsius and the sun is rising. Summer in Krasnodar is so long that even September is warmer than May. 

Next to the train station I see a small Lenin statue surrounded by minibuses, as well as their drivers and passengers. Apart from that, the streets are empty. The small houses along the main streets hide themselves behind big fences and vine tendrils, just like in the south of Europe. 

More than 830,000 residents live in Krasnodar, but at 6 a.m. you will hardly see even one of them. The city is quite young; founded in 1793, but the settlement only obtained official city status in 1867, exactly 150 years ago.

The street signs sometimes mention a place called Yekaterinodar. That’s the old name of Krasnodar, which means ‘gift of Catherine.’ Actually, two Catherines decided the city’s fate: Catherine the Great gave the land to the local Cossacks to build a fortress. And St. Catherine of Alexandria is the patron saint of the city. In 1930, Stalin tried to erase all memory of the city's imperial past, so Yekaterinodar became Krasnodar – ‘a red gift.’ 

Nevertheless, Krasnodar retains memories of its historical past. Instead of English, the street signs are doubled with their pre-Soviet names . Lenin Street used to be Sobornaya (Cathedral) Street, and Sovetskaya Street was called Grafskaya (Palatine).   

Fur hats and horses for the strong


For centuries Yekaterinodar was the military headquarters of the Kuban Cossacks . After the Russian-Turkish and Russian-Polish wars in the 18th century, the Black Sea Cossacks were granted their own lands in the Kuban region by Catherine the Great, where they founded a military fortress and their own capital. It was considered as a gift of honor for their help on the battlefield.

After the revolution in 1917 the Cossacks set up their own republic in Kuban, but in the 1920s they were deported by the communist government, which viewed them as a threat. Many also died of starvation in the Soviet famine of 1932–33. Only later in the 1930s did the repression stop, and soon after the Cossack organizations began anew.

Today, the Cossacks are still classified as an armed organization, but more often they present themselves as keepers of old traditions. They've opened museums, and they dance and sing at every major traditional festival. Also, the  Kuban Cossack Choir tours the world.  

Between steppes and Vienna

RIA Novosti/Vitaly Timkiv

Walking through Krasnodar today you won’t meet many Cossacks, but you will see a lot of small sculptures , friendly people in shorts, summer dresses and a light smile on their lips. I suppose it’s because of the weather. While in Moscow we have about 1,730 average sun hours per year, Krasnodar enjoys more than 2,100. A good reason to smile, isn’t it?

There's a surprise in the city center around Krasnaya Street and Zhukov Square . While you will recognize a monumental post-Soviet colorful mosaic on the left, there's one bourgeois town villa after another on the right. Neo-classicism, Art Nouveau, and many more early 20th century Western Europe architecture styles are delights for the eye.

Peggy Lohse

I head on to the  Krasnodar Memorial Museum , founded in 1879 by Evgeny Felicyn, a local Cossack military, scientist, historian who was dedicated to social causes. Except for the exhibit, you should check out the surprisingly rich décor inside the  Bogarsukov villa , where the museum has been located since the early 1960s. And do not lose sight of the ceiling! There you’ll find Caucasian scenes from the steppe, as well as gold and silver ornaments á la Vienna .  

The town’s green thumb

RIA Novosti/Vitaly Timkiv

Where else to go in Krasnodar? Locals have a clear answer: walking along  Krasnaya Street , which crosses the entire city center and passes almost all important sights, including the  statue of Catherine the Great  and the local Triumphal Arch . A long green stripe leads to the city theater and a square with a monumental Kuban flag. 

Close to the middle of Krasnaya Street I need a rest, a coffee and a snack. No problem, there are dozens of cafes. My personal tip: try the  Guryevskaya kasha  in the southern Russian coffeehouse chain  ‘Khlebnye  istorii ’ . This is not what you often find on a menu, and it’s tasty and healthy.

Peggy Lohse

Now, the lower part of Krasnaya invites you on intensive shopping tours, and will surprise you on the weekend. On Friday evenings starting at 8 p.m. the street is closed for cars and public transportation to give pedestrians, joggers, bikers, skaters, musicians, artists and all the people without a car more space to enjoy the weekend . 

Walking along the opposite side of Krasnaya Street, you make a circle and reach the route’s starting point through the city’s heart –  the Catherine Garden . The old trees remember Krasnodar’s Cossack leader, whose house used to stand across the road in the 19th century – locals believe the young city once started from this place 150 years ago.

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