Flight of the Educator

Best Small Group Tour Companies Comparisons

Small group tour companies like G Adventures are a great way to see the world for solo travelers, couples, and small groups of friends!  There are so many companies out there that it might be overwhelming to know the differences between them! As a travel agent , I’m often asked the difference between G Adventures vs Contiki… G Adventures vs Intrepid… G Adventures vs Topdeck… Intrepid vs Contiki and what are other companies like Intrepid.  Well, I decided to put the main companies that I like to suggest for small group travel: G Adventures, Contiki, Intrepid, Busabout, and Top Deck.

In this article, you’ll find a quick reference chart of all the main 5 companies, more specific rundowns on each company, and then more specific comparisons.  Please note that all of these companies are mixed gender, but there are some women travel groups too!

top deck tours vs contiki

G Adventures

G Adventures vs topdeck

G Adventures is my top company to recommend because it’s so EXPANSIVE.  There are different tour styles to fit anyone’s needs, and they go EVERYWHERE.  

What makes G Adventures Special?

I think what really makes G stand out from the rest is its commitment to sustainable travel by giving back to the community.  Travel can certainly be a privilege, and when I see the world, I’d like my money to be put to the best use possible. G Adventures also takes this to heart. They hire locals, work with local partners and small businesses, and work with the most at risk.

Children and animals are often exploited in tourism trades, and G makes sure that all attractions visited are not negatively impacting those vulnerable sects.

What Tour Styles Does G Adventures offer?

This is the most budget option for tours.  There’s no real cut off for age, but they do note that these are the typical ages that come on this tour.  These tours usually stay in hostels and cost the cheapest of all the tour varieties.

This is a standard tour that stays in hotels and has slightly more upgraded experiences.  There is no age range for this.

National Geographic

These tours are specially tailored to get a deeper cultural understanding with more hands-on explorations and interactions with local experts.

This is a great option for people with kids! Can be a single parent or a couple! This tour has age-appropriate activities for little ones and hotels with lots of good things for kids!  This is a great option for someone who wants to try to travel with kids but is concerned about the logistics. Let G take care of everything!

Local Living

Local Living tours get you access to what life is REALLY like in a locale.  Being a tourist is awesome, and there’s nothing wrong with seeing the touristy places; however, some places might call to your heart, and you want to know more!  Italy comes to mind for me! All the food, wine, and culture there! Local living gets you out of a hotel and into a more intimate home or farm stay!

Straight from the horse’s mouth: Wellness travel was created to recharge the body and nourish the mind. Our new Wellness tours offer the perfect balance of awe-inspiring destinations, rejuvenating activities, and healthy food experiences, helping you return home feeling even better than when you left.

I think the name says it all, but most have biking, hiking, cycling, and other adrenaline-pumping activities! I can’t give my own experience, because this is not my vibe lol.

This tour style basically means that rather than taking a bus, you have a train journey! Trains can be more comfortable than buses sometimes because you’re able to get up and walk around!  I took a long train journey from Beijing to Moscow and can confirm trains are fun!

These trips are by boat, so if you get seasick, they might not be for you!  It’s nice because you only have to unpack one time, but you still get to see so much!  This is a great tour style for places like the Galapagos or Island hopping!

If you like some aspects of group travel but just not interested in other people, you can get a private tour! You can select from already made tours, or go rogue and get a custom one!

What Kind of Traveler Do I Recommend for This Company?

Because of the wide variety of tour offerings, there’s really something for everyone!  But as a whole, I recommend someone who doesn’t like to travel too fast, isn’t into partying and hooking up but interested in grabbing a few drinks with friends, and someone who cares about giving back to the community they’re visiting!

What makes Contiki Special?

I think Contiki has the cutest founding story actually.  A guy from NZ basically bought a van in Europe, advertised he was going and asked people to pitch in, they roamed Europe together as a bunch of strangers who became friends, and then he sold the van.  That trip inspired him to found Contiki: Con from “Continent” and Tiki which is Maori for “Good luck charm.” Beyond that, I think Contiki is a really great way to see a lot when you’re in a pinch for time. It was one of the first ways I first discovered Europe!

What Tour Styles Does Contiki offer?

This is the classic type that is usually in a hotel that’s centrally located.  

In-Depth Explorer

Similar to the discoverer in that it’s also usually hotels, but it is also more culture and food-focused.

Iconic Essentials

These are going to be the most budget-friendly of the tours and offer a mix of accommodation styles like the Contiki special and hostels.

Sailing and Cruise

These are going to be boat-based trips, so you’d better like your bathing suit and the water!  

Short Trips and Festivals

This is a special category because they won’t be offered all the time, but only for select occasions.

Ski and Snowboard

The Ski and Snowboard trips are obviously going to be seasonally based.

Camping doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to pitch your own tent.  When I went on mine, we went to “campsites” that had what amounted to permanent tents set up in rows. They were actually pretty large

Small Group

Not all of the tours are as large as the maximum amount (you can see by the chart they have the largest possible group sizes).  Contiki also offers a smaller group option for some tours which is great if you’re interested in them but weren’t into the larger size!

For tours like Contiki, I honestly usually recommend a younger crowd.  Contiki also has the youngest “oldest” cut off at 35, but I can think of many 34-year-olds that would be very unhappy with this company.  I think of all the companies mentioned in this article, this company, in particular, speaks to a certain type of person (no judgment!). There’s something called the “Contiki Cough” which is the joke that everyone gets sick because everyone is making out with everyone else lol.  While I can’t say the tours I’ve been with them were THAT extreme, I can say that every night was a party, and there was a lot more drinking than on the other companies. So if that’s not your scene, you might want to choose another. If that is, you’ll have a BLAST!

companies like intrepid travel

What Makes Intrepid Special?

Intrepid has a loyalty program, but it seems to really only be a benefit if you travel *a lot* with them as you get an $1800 voucher after 9 trips with them.   Update : Looks like Intrepid’s loyalty program ends July 1, 2019. Intrepid is also committed to sustainable travel and works to manage their carbon footprint.  I’d say the only other companies like Intrepid Travel in that regard would be G Adventures.

Intrepid also has a foundation called, you guessed it, The Intrepid Foundation!  It’s an organization that seeks to provide skills training in the communities they’re involved with.  The tour costs do not go towards this foundation, but if you do decide to donate, they do match your donation.  

What Tour Styles Does Intrepid offer?

This is the cheapest route and usually doesn’t include many meals, more likely to be in hostels/camping/guesthouses, and uses public transportation a lot.  Not many optional excursions are pre-booked, which means you have plenty of free time to do whatever you and your budget want!

This is the normal go-to style with some inclusions and some optional extras.  They usually stay at hotels or homestays with some meals included.

As the name suggests, you’ll be getting an upgraded experience with more inclusions (food and activities).

These will be special to a specific holiday of a country! Obviously not available year-round.

Urban Adventures

This is relatively new to the brand.  It’s based on day trips in cities led by locals.  You can book a pre-arranged itinerary or plan your own!

Intrepid is a great company for travelers that don’t like too big of a group and aren’t huge in the party scene.  

What Makes Busabout Special?

I think what definitely sets Busabout apart from the other tours is what it is most known for is the Busabout Hop On-Off Pass !  I actually did the pass myself one summer, and it was super fun and just as the name implies… it allows you to jump on and off the bus! Unlike those tour buses that set up stops around a city, this one does it across countries!

What Tour Styles Does Busabout offer?

Flexible travel.

This is the Hop On/Off pass I was telling you about. Please read my more in-depth review . They also have something similar in the USA (West Coast) and now Asia!  

I used their small group tour to go to Cambodia , and I had an amazing time!  They don’t have the country variety as some of the other companies, but they still do have a lot of offerings, and I feel the prices are fine.

Sailing and Island Hopping

They have lots of boats that cruise through the waters with fixed or flexible itineraries!

These will be special groups for specific festivals and dates. They’re really great if you want to go to a festival, but maybe you don’t have anyone to go with, and you don’t want to go alone for safety.  Safety is important!

Winter Trips

These are going to be where the people who love the cold will want to check!  Skiing, Christmas Markets, and Hot Chocolate basically!

The flexible passes are great for people who just want to go with the flow and don’t have a set idea of what to do, just a general plan of where they’d like to be.  Busabout is hands down the best option for that.

For the small group tours option, it’s a good balance between relaxed and party.  Busabout has really good options for Europe and Asia, as well. I feel like those are the zones that they shine.

G Adventures vs topdeck

What Makes Topdeck Special?

Top Deck has a highest 30-something age bracket range all the way up to 39 (although they do not have anything for anyone over 40).  As a 33-year-old who doesn’t feel “that old,” that is something that makes me feel good! Top Deck also has slightly larger groups than some other counterparts but not the largest.  It has also managed to find a good balance between chill and party, although I would say that it does lean more towards party on certain tour styles.

What Tour Styles Does Topdeck offer?

Hostel plus.

This will be the most cost-effective option as the tours will stay in centrally located hostels with multiple people per room! Great way to meet new friends as well as be kind to your bank account.

Hotel tours will also have centrally located hotels, and you will only share with one other person!  Just a bit more privacy.

The explorer travel style will move a little slower and more deliberately.  It will also visit more than just the main capital cities to give you a better understanding of a country.

I think you can guess on this one! Obviously a fun party boat with the ability to jump into the water all the time! Wear sunscreen (omg, I’m turning into my mother).

Camping trips can be super fun because you get to stay out with nature and have campfires!  The tents are also two-person tents, so you get a nice price like on the hostel tour but without as many people around you.

Topdeck has ski trips the world over!  It will take all the hassle of the planning out of the way, so you can just do the fun bit–skiing!

Limited Edition, Festivals, and Events

These are the kind of events that only happen during seasons or on specific days! Great if you’re out in an area and want the safety of company at something like a music festival, but you don’t know anyone! Now you do!

Top Deck is a great company for people under 40 who like to have a good time but don’t want their entire trip to be about drinking.

G Adventures Vs Topdeck

G Adventures vs topdeck

When comparing G Adventures vs Topdeck, G will have a smaller group than Top Deck as well as more flexible age ranges.  Top Deck includes tipping in the price whereas G Adventures doesn’t. The overall prices are about equitable. The biggest difference between the two would be group size and that G Adventures has trips going to all 7 continents whereas Top Deck doesn’t.

G Adventures vs Contiki (And Intrepid vs Contiki)

g adventures vs contiki

If you look at the differences between G Adventures vs Contiki, G Adventures has the smallest tour group size at a maximum of 15 vs Contiki’s 52 in a normal tour or 30 in a “small group.”  Contiki is definitely more of a party tour company whereas G is less about drinking (although people still go out!). They both utilize lifetime trip deposits which is great for flexibility as long as the trips are changed outside of the “pre-departure window.”  G Adventures also has all guaranteed departures for all their tours, while Contiki only offers guaranteed for some (they’ll alert you before you pay if it is guaranteed or not). The last big difference is G Adventures utilizes local tour guides while Contiki doesn’t.

I didn’t include a separate section for Intrepid vs Contiki since G Adventures and Intrepid are very similar in their differences to Contiki.

G Adventures vs Intrepid

g adventures vs intrepid

The comparison for G Adventures vs Intrepid is the easiest as these two companies are the most alike.  They both use local tour guides, operate on all 7 continents, have a more relaxed vibe, offer Family tours, and have local guides.  Where they differ is Intrepid doesn’t have 100% guaranteed departures like G Adventures but also has a range for tour deposits (some lower than G and some higher depending on trip cost).

For these two, I would check both sites and just find an itinerary that fits your dates, preferences, and costs and choose from that. If everything is equal, I’d choose the cheaper one which is often G.  But sometimes they go to similar areas, but slightly different itineraries, so it’s worth looking at both.

Top Deck vs Contiki

companies like contiki

These companies are also very similar.  They both have groups on the larger end (Top Deck is a few people smaller), and both are good if you’re interested in drinking and partying. They’re both great if you want a more casual tour, and don’t care if the guides are local or not.  If I had to pick some other companies like Topdeck, I’d say Contiki is the most similar.

My Overall Favorite Small Group Tour

I have to pick G Adventures as my overall top pick. I’ve traveled with them the most (hey, 5% discount for returning customers!) and I’m going with them to Antarctica .  I really like their philosophy of giving back, so it makes me feel like my travel money is being used the wisest.  I would say that the prices are also either on par or cheaper than other companies, and I really like the value.

The Best Tour for Flexibility

Busabout is the best if you want the best between both worlds.  If you want the structure of a company who handles the technicalities of the logistics, but you also want the freedom to move at your own pace and make your own decisions.

All in all, if you’re looking for small tour group companies like G Adventures or companies like Intrepid travel, all 5 are great options.  They all serve a different purpose based on your own personal preferences and budget considerations. I am a G Adventures Travel Agent , but I’m also a booking agent for all 5 of these companies.   When my clients are trying to figure out which company is the best for them, I always ask them:

  • What level of partying are you into?
  • What level of accommodations do you prefer?
  • What area of the world do you want to go?

And now I’ll ask you:

  • Which one seems to suit your vibe?
  • Have you traveled with any of these before? Anything to add?
  • Do you want to book with me? 🙂

For someone else’s experiences using different adventure group tours, check this out!

Pin for later if you found helpful!

g adventures vs contiki

Carly "Wayward" Heyward

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Compare contiki vs topdeck tours.

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Topdeck vs Contiki

Contiki vs Topdeck

Here we compare two great, large tour operators that focus on youth (ages of about 18 to 35) organised guided tours, Contiki and Topdeck.

Both cover similar destinations globally, particularly in Europe and offer both camping/ cabin and hotel options. Thinking of Topdeck or Contiki for your next trip? Let us try to help you pick the right one.

This is how Contiki vs Topdeck compare based on our Compare it Versus independent community tour reviews. See Contiki and Topdeck reviews for individual results.

Let’s look at some differences between the tours and pros and cons of each one.

Which bus tour is better value, Contiki or Topdeck?

Both tours offer multiple options in destinations, tour duration, accommodation and special deals for travellers.

Topdeck and Contiki operate on similar principles of guided bus tours for young people, staying in each destination for a couple of nights, some/most meals covered, important tourist destination catered for and multiple “optionals” offered (that may or may not offer good value).

Contiki is an international travel agency operating in North & South America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia. Its customers primarily comprise of students and younger travellers looking for value trips at an affordable price. This is why it frequently puts up last minute deals on certain destinations and offers major discounts to solo travellers.

As it may be evident from Contiki’s website, the agency is not particularly well suited for organising family trips. Contiki is frequently associated with being a “party tour operator” but that definitely does not define Contiki entirely. There are multiple options available and a Contiki tour can be a great introduction or snapshot to a new area of the world to explore more on your further travels.

Topdeck is another major international tour operator operating throughout, Europe, North America, Africa, Egypt, Middle-East, Australia and New Zealand. Recently, it has expanded its operations into emerging markets such in Latin America and East Asia.

Over the past few years, it has emerged as a significant competitor to Contiki especially in the youth travel segment. Since the tour operator’s clients are mostly youngsters between 18 and 30, Topdeck trips are typically sold through most popular student travel outlets like Flight Centre and Student Flights.

Europe Tour

Related posts:

  • Compare Trafalgar vs Topdeck Tours
  • Compare Contiki vs Globus Tours
  • Compare Contiki vs Insight Tours
  • ← Compare Contiki vs Globus Tours
  • Compare Contiki vs Insight Tours →

2 thoughts on “ Compare Contiki vs Topdeck Tours ”

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I have done tours with both Contiki and Topdeck and I think you get better value with Topdeck. The tour will depend on your style and the group you placed with. It is true that Contiki has more of a focus on partying but you still get to pick and choose what you want to do. If you like to party but not every day, Topdeck is better. If you like to party hard, Contiki is more for you. Having said that my Contiki group was very quiet. It depends on your individual group.

Remember that you won’t really get to see countries and culture in depth with Contiki or Topdeck. It’s quick, cheap, arguably safer and you see many places and meet many new people. If you really want to throw yourself into the local culture, travel on your own. You won’t regret it.

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I think Contiki is better. The accommodation and destination options are much better with Contiki currently but I admit Topdeck is getting closer. One thing to remember is that with both Contiki and Topdeck, you are only getting a snapshot or taste of the locations to guide you when you visit next time. Go for it!!

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Best Adventure Travel Companies (2024): Contiki vs Topdeck vs G Adventures vs Intrepid & More

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Group of six hikers men and woman walking with backpacks and trekking poles along water lake in mountain valley during Norway travel

“There’s nothing sexier than a well-traveled American.”   That’s what one of my college professors told me freshman year when I chose to travel abroad. Travel gives you the opportunity to expand the mind, adapt to new environments, and learn meaningful life lessons. For those craving adventure, a trip abroad lets you interact with the natural world, explore unique landscapes, and challenge yourself physically and mentally.

Adventure travel companies provide structure and support for those seeking a journey that will create life-changing experiences and lasting memories. Explore new cultures, taste different cuisines, experience wildlife, and dive into new adventures with the help of knowledgeable guides. If you’re wondering what travel company best fits your style of adventure, read on to get our top picks for thoughtfully-designed adventure experiences. 

3rd Place: Intrepid Review

Trafalgar travel review, 5 things to know before booking.

Before you choose your destination, let alone one of the adventure travel companies, you’ll want to know a few things.

  • Consult your physician before booking your travel adventures to make sure you’re fit to travel. Also, ask if there are any vaccines you’ll need ahead of time so you are completely prepared. Lastly, be sure to get any prescriptions refilled so you’ll have all the medications you need while on your trip.
  • Heed the age restrictions. We know that the urge to travel starts and ends at no specific age. But please be aware that some of these companies have age restrictions (minimum and maximum ages). So, before you search for a trip on their website, make sure you fit their age requirements.
  • Book your travel to and from the destination. None of these adventure travel companies cover the cost of your airfare to and from the start/end destinations or airport transfers. So, if you’re going to Thailand, and the starting city is Bangkok, but you’re ending in Chiang Mai, you’ll first have to find and pay for your travel to get to Bangkok (to start the trip). Then you can schedule your travel arrangements home from you endpoint in Chiang Mai. Some of the companies will help you find flights but know that the cost of air travel is not included in the prices listed on the adventure trip sites. Or you can compare our picks for best travel sites to find a deal.
  • Learn the language. Not always necessary but doesn’t hurt to brush up on a little bit of the basics so you can easily communicate things like directions, ask questions about food or how much something costs. We recommend using online language learning software that make it easy to learn on the go (before you go).
  • Pack your passport. The Expeditioner reported that only 46% of Americans have a valid passport. It can take 4-6 weeks to get yours processed (or pay a rush fee) so make sure you allow for plenty of time in advance to have yours ready to go.

Pricing Comparison For Adventure Travel

We created a guide trip to give you an idea of what trip prices are like for each company. The trips we compared had to meet these two criteria unless not available (if not, we picked something very similar):

  • The trip had to take place in Thailand for a portion of it and
  • It had to be 14 days long
Note: Excursion package prices are likely to vary since they are not locked in and often change from season to season.

Best Adventure Vacations

Here are our top picks for adventure travel (along with some other unranked options). Each company caters to different people so be sure to consider them all.

Winner: G Adventures Review

G Adventures logo

Visit Website

G Adventures focuses on providing transformative experiences within any travel budget. It organizes its tours into 13 different travel styles, giving participants good variety. Tour destinations include trips to all seven continents, and G Adventures has solid partnerships to give you the best experiences possible while you travel.

Tours are broken down into 13 travel styles, ranging from Classic and Family to Local Living and Wellness: 

  • Classic Tours combine the security of group travel with the flexibility of independent travel. Classic tours will take you through popular sights, landmarks, and activities while allowing you the freedom to go off script and do your own exploring when adventure calls.
  • National Geographic Journeys with G Adventures is a collection of tours offering hands-on adventure, interaction with local experts, and updated accommodations compared to other G Adventure tours. These tours are designed to take you deeper into the culture of the places you visit.
  • 18-to-Thirty Something Tours combine structured days with free nights to do whatever you want.
  • Wellness Tours focus on supporting the mind and body with activities, foods, and experiences to leave you feeling recharged.
  • Hike, bike, rock climb, and zipline during one of the G Adventures Active Tours.
  • Rail Tours offer scenic, relaxed travel through big cities and small villages.
  • Travel aboard small ships and yachts or take a sailing adventure through the Marine Tours.
  • Local Living Tours offer authentic experiences and accommodations with local families.
  • Choose a trip built for adventurers of all ages through Family Tours.
  • National Geographic Family Journeys feature interactive activities for the whole family.
  • The Jane Goodall Collection includes 20 wildlife-focused tours endorsed by ethologist Dr. Jane Goodall.
  • Travel cheaply while exploring iconic destinations through Roamies , tours by Hostelworld and G Adventures.
  • Private Travel allow you to plan precisely how you want to travel and who you will travel with during your trip.

Pricing (Per Guidelines Above)

  • Starting at $1,409
  • Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia (start in Bangkok and end in Hanoi)
  • 11 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 dinner included
  • 11 nights in hotels, 1 village homestay, and 1 sleeper train
  • Transportation throughout trip but not international airfare

Runner-Up: Contiki Review

Contiki logo

Contiki offers more than 300 trips to places worldwide, including Europe, Asia, Latin America, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Like G Adventures, Contiki organizes its tours into these 16 travel styles so participants can easily pick a trip that fits their interests:

  • Active Trips get the adrenaline pumping with activities like white water rafting, surfing, hiking, biking, sailing, bungy jumping, and more.
  • Adventure Trips take travelers through popular sites and regional activities.
  • Beach Holidays focus on giving travelers plenty of vitamin D and providing a balance of adventure, serenity, and nightlife.
  • Christmas Tours allow travelers to experience the magic of Christmas in Paris, Amsterdam, Germany, and more.
  • Detour Mini Adventures are short getaways that focus on developing passions and hobbies. Work with master chefs, photographers, yoga instructors, and more in a scenic location.
  • Hiking & Trekking Vacations are filled with sweaty hikes to locations that take your breath away.
  • Sail from one paradise to another during Island Hopping .
  • New Year’s Eve Tours offer a four-day celebration with fireworks, champagne, and your favorite friends.
  •  During one of five Pride Trips , celebrate with parades, party passes, and fantastic sights.
  • African Safari Trips feature wildlife and breathtaking landscapes.
  • Short Breaks are quick excursions, including surfing in Morocco, snorkeling in Australia, and skiing in the Austrian Alps.
  • Ski Holidays & Snowboarding Trips mi snowy slopes and stylish accommodations.
  • Small Group Tours are built for people who want social travel but in small groups.
  • Have the freedom to create your own journey with Solo Travel .
  • Winter Holidays combine bucket-list destinations with skiing, Christmas markets, and holiday parties.
  • World Tours are tailor-made packages that allow travelers to span multiple countries in one trip.

Contiki group sizes can be 20-50 people, and they only accept people 18 to 35 years old. The average traveler’s age is 26, so you’ll most likely travel with other young adults. The Contiki app even lets you get to know the people you’ll be going on your trip with, view your itinerary, stay up to date on the weather, and more.

  • Starting at $2,587
  • Thailand (start in Bangkok, end in Krabi)
  • 11 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 2 dinners
  • 8 nights in hotels, 3 nights in special stays, 2 nights in overnight trains

Intrepid travel logo

Intrepid offers four trip styles: Basix, Original, Comfort, and Premium. So if you’re on a smaller budget, you may like Basix, which features simple accommodations, local transportation, and lots of free time for the independent traveler. The Original trip style combines scheduled activities and free time with standard accommodations. Comfort or Premium may be a good option if you want nearly everything covered.

Intrepid also has these 17 trip themes to cater to specific travel interests:

  • 18 to 29s for those specifically wanting to travel with people in their age range.
  • The Active range focuses on adventure activities in beautiful, unique locations.
  • Adventure Cruising takes travelers through an immersive cruising experience through local villages and markets.
  • Intrepid’s Cycling vacations allow you to jump in the saddle and explore ancient ruins, wine regions, or ocean views.
  • Expeditions are an exclusive range of unique adventures featuring less-explored, beautiful regions of the world.
  • Family tours focus on creating memorable adventures for people of all ages.
  • Festival tours are scheduled around local celebrations and ceremonies.
  • Food Adventures let travelers explore street food, local specialties, and authentic experiences.
  • Polar tours take you on an arctic expedition.
  • Retreats focus on giving travelers insider knowledge and adventures.
  • Take a week-long or more Sailing holiday in Asia, Europe, or the Galapagos.
  • Short Breaks are two to five-day mini-vacations that are packed with bite-sized adventures.
  • Solo Travel helps you stay safe while traveling independently.
  • Build your adventure with Tailor-Made tours.
  • Have you just arrived in a new city? Join one of Intrepid’s Urban Adventures to discover favorite local spots.
  • Walking & Trekking are self-guided or group tours that supply expert trail guides, accommodation, and porters when needed.
  • Wildlife tours are led by local leaders and wildlife experts.

We like that Intrepid allows most ages on their travel adventures and there are special family adventure vacations. They do ask that once you are 70 years young that you fill out a self-assessment form.

  • Starting at $1,925
  • Thailand and Malaysia (Bangkok to Singapore)
  • 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and 3 dinners
  • Guesthouse (3 nights), Hotel (8 nights), Overnight Sleeper Train (1 night), Rafthouse (1 night)

Get In The Mood To Travel

Need some help getting in the mood to travel? Follow a travel blog, watch YouTube videos, surf the web or talk with others about their travel experiences. This short clip gave me the itch to travel immediately!

What About OAT, Topdeck, And Trafalgar?

If you don’t see a good fit for you above, take a look at these other companies. Just because they didn’t make our top three doesn’t mean they don’t have a trip that may be a perfect fit for you!

Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT)  | Topdeck  | Trafalgar Travel

Overseas Adventure Travel Review

Overseas adventure travel logo

Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) offers trips to all continents except Australia and North America. OAT prides itself on a full cultural experience by way of small group sizes, so if you are looking for a small group to travel with, OAT may be the best choice. Plus, occasionally OAT offers discounted rates on adventure vacations for couples.

  • Starting at $4,095
  • Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam (start in Bangkok and end in Ho Chi Minh City)
  • 18 breakfasts, 15 lunches, and 7 dinners (including 2 Home-Hosted meals)

Topdeck Review

Top deck travel logo

Topdeck offers trips to five continents: Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia and North America. This actually is a big “con” in our book because South America is a common destination for this kind of trip.

Group sizes can be a bit bigger as well but are determined by the type of trip you’re going on. There are also age limitations, but they do offer more than 300 trips. So, if you fit within the guidelines, feel free to take a look at their offerings. Maybe you’ll find a perfect fit for you.

  • Starting at $1,146.65
  • Thailand (Bangkok to Phuket)
  • 8 breakfasts, 1 lunch, and 4 dinners
  • 6 nights in hotels, 1 night in ecolodge, 1 night on floating raft house, and 1 night aboard overnight train

Trafalgar travel logo

Trafalgar Travel offers trips to Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Group sizes can be rather large with 40 to 45 people, so if big groups aren’t your thing, you’ll want to look elsewhere.

People must be at least 5 years old to travel with Trafalgar Travel. The example trip we listed below is more expensive than competitors, but it may be an anomaly (check for your specific dates and destination). However, if these guidelines don’t deter you, be sure to check out the available trips to see if one might tempt you to book your next trip.

  • Starting at $4,425
  • 13 breakfasts, 1 welcome reception, 1 Be My Guest, 8 lunches, 2 dinners, 1 regional dinner, and 1 farewell dinner

Ready, Set, Jet!

While there are lots of benefits to group travel (making new friends, meeting new people, having all the details taken care of for you) we know that adventure travel isn’t for everyone. So if you’re more of a solo traveler, you might be better off booking your own trip. We review the best travel websites .

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Let us know in the comments !

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Kimberly Alt

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Contiki vs Topdeck

Tour companies compared.

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4.7   Excellent  

6,116 reviews

Topdeck logo

4.6   Excellent  

123 reviews

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4.7   Excellent 6,116 reviews  

Topdeck logo

4.6   Excellent 123 reviews  

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Lauren Coleman

Kiwiana Panorama Start ZQN

The itinerary was great and so many fun activities ava...

Tour:   Kiwiana Panorama (Northbound)

Topdeck logo logo

Best Tour Guide every so helpful an always switched on, best part was enjoying Long Drinks on the ferry Keep up the great work

Best Tour Guide every so helpful an always switched on, best pa...

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$252 - $7,594

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$909 - $8,799

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About Contiki

We’re firm believers that life’s greatest experiences are made better by the people you share them with. That’s why Contiki invented group travel for young people in 1962 and we’ve spent the past 53 years perfecting it. You’ll explore amazing destinations with a group of 18-35 year olds from around the world who share your passion for adventure, good times and creating memories that define what it is to be young, wild and free.

About Topdeck

So, who the hell are Topdeck?

Short answer: we’re the travel-enthusiast fairy godmother you never had. We’re your hassle-free ticket to discovering more destinations. Your exit from the daily grind into life changing experiences. A chance to uncover extraordinary with a bunch of curious, like-minded people – with the freedom to delve deeper and just be you.

9 Great Alternatives To Contiki You Should Totally Check Out (Updated March, 2024 🎉)

  • Contiki has a strict 18-35 age policy. No exceptions!
  • Exciting new companies are joining the market, offering fantastic alternatives to Contiki.
  • Operators like G Adventures cater to the eco-conscious traveller, keen on positively impacting their destinations.
  • One Life Adventures and TruTravels specialise in single destinations, like Asia or Latin America, for a focused experience.
  • Intrepid is all about authentic local interactions, perfect for those seeking genuine connections.

When it comes to youth travel, Contiki has long been a name, synonymous with fun, adventure, and unforgettable experiences. But what if you’re looking for something a bit different? Luckily, the world of youth travel is vast and varied. Let’s dive into some fantastic alternatives to Contiki that offer unique experiences for young adult travellers.


Skip reading and go straight to the list

Contiki Tours, a favourite among under 35s and young professionals, delivers thrilling and socially vibrant adventures. But, it’s worth noting that Contiki enforces a strict 18-35 age policy , so if you’re keen on a group tour with a mix of ages over 35, you’ll need to consider other operators. While Contiki’s offerings are exciting, they might not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially if you’re after a journey that delves deeper into local authenticity or prefers a more relaxed pace and varied itinerary.

The cost of Contiki tours can be a bit on the higher side, particularly for solo adventurers. These tours are known for their energetic vibe and swift pace, primarily showcasing popular tourist attractions rather than an in-depth exploration of local culture and hidden gems.

Alternatives to Contiki 

No matter your reasons for looking beyond Contiki, rest assured there are plenty of other fantastic options out there. Each alternative travel company we’ve listed provides top-quality, highly-rated tours, just like you’d expect from a global brand like Contiki.

The list: The best travel companies like Contiki

Here's our recommended tour companies similar to Contiki.

Topdeck Travel

Topdeck is synonymous with the spirit of adventure and camaraderie. Their tours are designed specifically for young adults, offering a vibrant mix of sightseeing, cultural immersion, and plenty of opportunities to socialise.

Whether you’re exploring the romantic streets of Paris, the sun-kissed beaches of Australia, or the historical landscapes of Asia, Topdeck ensures a balanced mix of guided activities and free time to explore on your own. They excel in creating a communal atmosphere, perfect for making lifelong friendships.

Their itineraries cater to various tastes and preferences, from short city breaks to extended multi-country tours, making them a versatile choice for the modern traveller.

Topdeck vs Contiki

Why opt for Topdeck instead of Contiki? Well, while both appeal to the young and fun-loving, Topdeck stands out with its special mix of communal and social travels . It’s the go-to choice if you’re into Contiki’s vibrant energy but fancy exploring a diverse range of destinations, with the perfect balance of guided and free-time adventures.

  • Read our full Topdeck vs Contiki guide
  • Check out the latest Topdeck discount codes & deals

Check out these popular Topdeck tours for March

Get social: central & eastern europe.

From $3,365

+$0 additional upfront costs

Earn 2% cash back on this tour

Get Social: Central Europe Highlights (Winter)

From $2,939

Delve Deep: Spain & Portugal

From $2,051

Delve Deep: Mexico

From $2,329

Play & Pause: Britain & Ireland

From $3,369

G Adventures

G Adventures, a leader in sustainable and responsible tourism, now offers an exciting option for 18 to 35-year-old travellers in partnership with HostelWorld called Roamies . These immersive small-group trips are the perfect Contiki alternative for those in the same age range, blending adventure with ethical travel.

With a focus on small groups, G Adventures ensures authentic, meaningful interactions with local cultures. From wildlife safaris in Africa to treks in the Himalayas or exploring ancient South American ruins, Roamies by G Adventures provides thrilling, responsible adventures, making it an ideal choice for travellers keen to make a difference while exploring the world.

G Adventures vs Contiki

Why choose G Adventures as an alternative to Contiki? Not only does G Adventures shine with its commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism, but their small-group trips are also a fantastic choice for those in the same age range as Contiki’s. If you’re eco-conscious and eager to positively impact the destinations you visit, G Adventures is a brilliant fit.

Check out these popular G Adventures tours for March

Cape town to victoria falls adventure.

From $3,674

Best of Egypt

Costa rica quest.

From $1,169

Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro: Falls & Footy

From $2,324

Central American Journey: Rainforests & Ruins

One life adventures.

One Life Adventures isn’t just a tour company; it’s a gateway to extraordinary experiences, particularly in Asia. They go beyond the typical tourist paths, delving deep into the heart of each destination.

Whether you’re meandering through the mystical landscapes of Japan or exploring the tropical paradise of the Philippines, One Life Adventures ensures you’re not just a spectator but an active participant in the local culture.

Their tours are meticulously crafted to include hidden gems, ensuring that each day is filled with surprise and delight. The small group sizes guarantee a more intimate and personal journey, allowing you to forge genuine connections with both your fellow travellers and the locals you meet.

One Life Adventures vs Contiki

One Life Adventures offers a distinctly immersive experience, especially in Asia. While Contiki is known for its broad appeal and social atmosphere, One Life Adventures focuses on deep cultural immersion and off-the-beaten-path experiences . This approach makes them an excellent choice for travellers seeking a more intimate and authentic exploration of local cultures and landscapes.

Check out these popular One Life Adventures tours for March

Philippines one life adventures - 10 days, sri lanka one life adventures - 12 days.

From $1,206

Japan One Life Adventures - 10 Days

From $1,702

Bali One Life Adventures - 12 Days

Japan one life adventures - 14 days.

From $2,952

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel is for those who seek an authentic, grassroots travel experience. They offer tours in an impressive range of destinations , each carefully designed to provide a genuine insight into the local way of life. Their commitment to responsible travel is commendable, ensuring that their tours are conducted in an environmentally and culturally sensitive manner.

Whether you’re after a rugged adventure, a culinary journey, or a historical exploration, Intrepid has something that will satisfy your wanderlust. Their travel styles vary, offering everything from basic, budget-friendly options to more comfortable, upscale experiences.

Intrepid vs Contiki

Intrepid Travel provides a raw and authentic travel experience . Unlike Contiki’s more mainstream approach, Intrepid focuses on authentic local interactions, offering a variety of travel styles from basic to comfort. This makes them a fantastic alternative for travellers seeking to dive deeper into the cultural fabric of their destinations.

Check out these popular Intrepid Travel tours for March

Cycle vietnam.

From $2,536

Egypt Adventure

From $1,099

Southern India

From $1,484

Vietnam Express Southbound

From $1,020

Kenya Wildlife Safari

From $1,352

INTRO Travel

INTRO Travel is perfect for those setting out on their first big travel adventure. They create an environment that’s not just about seeing new places but also about personal growth and making connections. Their tours in Australia, Asia, and Europe are packed with a blend of sightseeing, cultural experiences, and social activities.

They excel in taking the stress out of travel, providing comprehensive support from the moment you arrive. Whether you’re snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef, exploring ancient temples in Thailand, or partying in the bustling cities of Europe, INTRO Travel ensures a well-rounded and memorable experience.

INTRO Travel vs Contiki

INTRO Travel is perfect for first-time travellers seeking guided, comprehensive travel support. While Contiki offers a broad range of destinations and experiences, INTRO Travel specialises in creating a welcoming and nurturing environment, particularly for those new to international travel, with an emphasis on personal growth and social experiences .

Check out these popular INTRO Travel tours for March

Thai intro 9 day, bali intro 9 days, bali intro 12 day, vietnam intro 9 day, travel talk tours.

Travel Talk tours are the epitome of value-for-money experiences, offering a mix of culture, adventure, and social interaction. They provide a wide range of destinations, each tour crafted to give you an in-depth look into the culture and history of the place.

Their tours in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa cater to young, adventurous travellers who seek both excitement and cultural enrichment. Whether it’s exploring the ancient wonders of Egypt, the scenic landscapes of Turkey, or the vibrant streets of India, Travel Talk ensures a memorable and affordable journey.

Travel Talk vs Contiki

Travel Talk provides an excellent balance of cultural, adventure, and social experiences at a great value. Unlike Contiki, which offers a wide variety of trips, Travel Talk is particularly appealing for young and active travellers who are looking for an affordable yet enriching travel experience across Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

Check out these popular Travel Talk tours for March

Essential egypt (5 star hotels).

From $1,220

Felucca Odyssey (5 & 4 Star Hotels)

From $1,173

Jewels of the Nile (5 & 4 Star Hotels)

From $1,261

Egypt & Jordan Discovered By Felucca (5 & 4 Star Hotels)

From $2,353

Egypt & Jordan Discovered By Nile Cruise (5 & 4 Star Hotels)

From $2,474

TruTravels stands out for its fun-loving and youthful spirit. They offer a variety of tours in Asia and Latin America , each designed to be more than just a holiday.

TruTravels focuses on creating experiences where you can make new friends, see incredible places, and create memories that last a lifetime. Their itineraries are a balanced mix of must-see highlights and unique, off-the-beaten-path experiences.

Whether you’re a solo traveller or with friends, TruTravels creates a welcoming and energetic atmosphere, perfect for those looking to add a social element to their adventures.

TruTravels vs Contiki

TruTravels is known for its vibrant and youthful travel experiences , focusing on fun and making new friends. This makes them a superb alternative to Contiki for those who are looking for a more intimate, party-like atmosphere and unique, fun-filled itineraries in Asia and Latin America.

Check out these popular TruTravel tours for March

Cambodia explorer.

From $1,225

Northern Thailand Adventure

From $1,196

Northern Thailand & Beaches

From $2,395

Bali & Beyond

From $1,996

Komodo Island Hopper

From $1,240

Feel Free Travel

In the world of travel, Feel Free Travel is a rising star, offering a fresh and intimate approach to touring. Unlike the vast array of options provided by giants like Contiki, Feel Free Travel boasts a more curated selection, focusing on just a handful of carefully crafted tours . This boutique approach allows them to concentrate on the finer details of each journey, ensuring a more personalised and memorable experience for each traveller.

Feel Free Travel’s tours are designed for those who seek a blend of adventure, culture, and social interaction. Each destination is not just a pin on the map but a well-thought-out adventure, tailored to provide an in-depth experience.

Whether it’s exploring the vibrant streets of Thailand, discovering the hidden gems of Sri Lanka, or immersing in the cultural kaleidoscope of Bali, Feel Free Travel ensures each trip is packed with unique experiences. Their small group sizes foster a close-knit atmosphere, allowing travellers to connect more deeply with their fellow adventurers and the local culture.

Feel Free Travel vs Contiki

Feel Free Travel’s boutique, focused approach allows for a more intimate group setting and a deeper dive into each destination’s culture and lifestyle, appealing to those who prefer a more nuanced and personal travel experience. It’s the perfect choice for travellers who value depth over breadth in their adventures.

Check out these popular Feel Free Travel tours for March

Lanka loop 12 days.

From $1,591

Thailand Island Hopper - 9 days

From $1,161

South to North - 15 days

From $1,184

North to South 15 days

Hanoi to hoi an 10 days, stoke travel.

Stoke Travel is not your ordinary travel company; it’s an experience in itself, perfect for those who seek both thrill and festivity in their journeys. Known for its vibrant, party-centric ethos, Stoke Travel specialises in festival and party tours across Europe. Imagine yourself at the heart of Spain’s legendary Running of the Bulls, dancing away at the Oktoberfest in Germany, or soaking up the sun on a surf camp in San Sebastian. Stoke Travel curates experiences that are as much about the social and party aspects as they are about the travel.

Their trips are designed for the young and the young-at-heart – travellers who want to experience the energy of Europe’s most famous festivals and parties. Stoke Travel is all about creating a community feel, where you’re likely to make friends as fast as the adventures unfold.

Accommodations are typically in campsites, adding a rustic and communal vibe to the experience, perfect for those who love to be in the thick of the action.

Stoke Travel vs Contiki

Comparing Stoke Travel with Contiki is like looking at two sides of the adventure coin. While both cater to a youthful audience, Stoke Travel carves out its niche in the festival and party scene. Unlike Contiki, which offers a more varied selection of tours encompassing sightseeing and cultural experiences, Stoke Travel focuses primarily on delivering high-energy, festival-based experiences.

This makes Stoke Travel a go-to choice for those who seek not just to see but to celebrate and immerse themselves in the most exhilarating festivals Europe has to offer .

  • Check out Stoke Travels’ Passport

Check out these popular Stoke Travel trips for March

Oktoberfest (2 night package), ¿wine not unpretentious wine tasting, ultimate oktoberfest adventure (4 nights), the barcelona boat party, san vino (3 nights).

In conclusion, if you’re a young traveller looking for a tour company that offers unique itineraries, local experiences, and sustainable travel practices, there are many great alternatives to Contiki that you should consider. From G Adventures and Intrepid Travel to Topdeck and WeRoad, each of these companies offers a distinct approach to travel that caters to different interests and budgets. All of these tour companies can be booked through TourRada r, making it easy to compare prices, itineraries, and travel styles. With so many great alternatives to Contiki available, you’re sure to find a tour company that suits your travel style, budget and interests.

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Updated March 27, 2024

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' class=

I'm in the last stages of planning my trip to Europe and have decided to do I depth Italy and then have an extra week after my trip to go back to some places but also go to Paris... So I guess I am asking which tour group is better? I'm not a partier and am genuinely interested in seeing what Italy has to offer

Thanks heaps for your advice! Rhi

' class=

Tripadvisor doesn't mainly focus on group tours. It does not have listings for reviews of specific tour companies offering multi-day tours.

The forums are more for independent Do-it-Yourself travel research and planning. Both those companies have been discussed on the forums over the years so you could type each name into the search box just above your question and from the menu next to the search box choose to search "All Forums". You can then filter or sort the results by Date to see the most recent forum threads.

Europe is relatively easy to travel around by train, and there is a wealth of information on European cities here on TripAdvisor and it's forums. Here are all the destination and beyond destination forums listed for you to explore -


I don't really know much about those tour companies as I am beyond that age group. My nieces have both done Contiki Europe tours. The accommodation was basic and the itineraries a bit rushed, but that's to be expected for a packed budget-style tour.

Maybe google a phrase like "reviews and complaints Contiki" or "reviews and complaints Top Deck" and see what you can find.

Another thought. If you have chosen a tour and it lists the names of hotels you could be staying in. Come back to TripAdvisor and type any hotel name into the search box at the top of a forum page and read it's reviews and look at photos taken by recent guests. Then you can check the quality of the place and see if those hotels suit you. Some of those group tours are expensive, so you want to make sure your accommodation is decent and in a good location.

Thank you for your advice!! 😃

top deck tours vs contiki

rh96... If you want to see Italy in depth, I'd suggest you put your own package together. It is such an easy coutry to travel to and around, the iconic cities are linked by an excellent rail network, and a DIY trip gives you the luxury of time (at your own pace) which you won't get on a tour.

With only one week, you won't cover everything, but could easliy do a 2 centre trip.

Although Rome would be ideal for a whole week..if not more... you could split your time between Rome and Florence, or even take a (very long) day trip from Rome to Naples and Pompeii.

The excellent and very user friendly train website seat61.com could hep you plan your own trip.

Sorry, I didn't make myself very clear the tour I'm interested in goes for 2 weeks then I am spending an extra week in Italy to go back to the places I wanted to go back to

I did consider doing the trip myself and I am a seasoned traveller but not by myself and I'm a little concerned that I will be lonely and not enjoy the trip as much (as pathetic as that sounds) thank you for your advice tough and I will check out train travel!

This post was determined to be inappropriate by the Tripadvisor community and has been removed.

This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity.

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Contiki vs. G Adventures: Which Operator is Right For You?

top deck tours vs contiki

You’re ready for the trip of a lifetime but you aren’t sure who can make it happen –  Contiki  or  G Adventures . You love the look and sound of both operators but how do you know which one is right for you? Time for a quick compare and contrast! 

Group size, age requirements and travel styles

Both operators offer a variety of trips that adhere to different travel styles. 

Contiki  caters to young adults, so most tours are action-packed with sightseeing, local dinners and nightlife options. They each allow you to move at a nonstop pace or take it easier, depending on the experience you’re looking for. 

G Adventures  offers a larger variety of tours when you consider that they accept travellers of all ages.  Contiki  offers tours to independent travellers aged 18 to 35. They have hard upper age limits on their tours and will not allow travellers older or younger than their age bracket to book a trip.

Contiki divides their trips into different classifications that help indecisive travellers determine the right trip for them based on their interests. Contiki’s Europe tours usually have 50 travellers in a group while their USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia tours have an average group size of 30. Their Latin and South America tours offer the most intimate experiences when it comes to group size.  

G Adventures  offers tours to independent travellers aged 18 and up. There are no upper age limits on most tours, but they do have a YOLO tour that is restricted to 18 to 39-year-olds based on the nature of activities appropriate for that demographic.

Their Family Adventure travel style has tours available to families with children aged 5 to 17. All other trips (with the exception of YOLO) are open to kids aged 12 and older when accompanied by a parent.

The average G Adventure tour has 10 people on a tour but allows a maximum of 15. G Adventures also has a partnership with National Geographic (called National Geographic Journeys) that offers trips that can be considered premium excursions. These trips offer more inclusions, interactions with local experts, comfortable accommodations and transportation options as well as smaller group sizes.

Physical Requirements

With  Contiki , there typically are no strenuous activities that must be completed, although some optional excursions, if you decide to do them, may involve swimming, bike riding or small hikes.

This should be checked on a per itinerary basis as there may be times throughout specialty tours (hiking for example) where a certain level of fitness will be required. This will be outlined in the itinerary of each tour. 

G Adventures  offers many tours under the umbrella of their Active travel style. These trips vary from trekking to the top of Kilimanjaro, rock-climbing, dog sledding, cycling through China’s countryside and more. You’ll absolutely need to be in good shape to have the best time possible on these types of tours. 


G Adventures  rarely have a mandatory single supplement. For solo travellers, both companies will typically match you with a traveller of the same gender to share your room with. 

Contiki  never has a single supplement, unless you specifically request it – in which case an extra fee will need to be paid. The standard of accommodation will vary with both companies depending on the type of trip you decide to take.

For example, nearly all tours will include air-conditioning and heating but if you’re travelling to a rural destination or a homestay you should adjust your expectations for the facilities. 


Both operators provide a variety of transportation options based on the trips.  Contiki  and  G Adventures  use a combination of private buses and public transit to get you where you need to go.

In most cases with Contiki, you’ll be relying on chartered buses but both operators offer very similar transportation options. 


Contiki  offers tours to the following locations:  Europe ,  Asia ,  North America ,  Australia ,  New Zealand , and  Latin America . 

G Adventures  offer tours to the following locations:  N orth America ,  South America ,  Polar Regions ,  Central America  &  the Caribbea n,  Europe ,  North Africa , the  Middle East ,  Africa ,  Asia ,  Australia  and  New Zealand .

Contiki  is slightly more affordable for budget travellers with their average price per day sitting at USD $140. This cost is determined by the number of scheduled activities per day in the itinerary, of which there are many.  

G Adventures  is slightly more expensive for budget travellers with their average price per day sitting at USD $208. While their trips always include the highlights of a destination, they also leave out some activities you’d consider “can’t miss.”

You’ll pay for that separately in addition to the listed tour price.  There are many factors that affect the price when travelling with either company, things like accommodations and the number of included activities that can either increase or decrease the price of the overall trip. 

Looking for more info? Find reviews for Contiki tours here and reviews for G Adventures tours here .

top deck tours vs contiki

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    Contiki vs Topdeck. Here we compare two great, large tour operators that focus on youth (ages of about 18 to 35) organised guided tours, Contiki and Topdeck. Both cover similar destinations globally, particularly in Europe and offer both camping/ cabin and hotel options.

  7. The truth about Contiki, Busabout, TopDeck: What really happens on a

    Author Brian Thacker used to work for TopDeck back in the 1990s, when the tour company still used old London double-decker buses, which had regular seats on the bottom deck, and bunk beds on the top.

  8. Best Adventure Vacations: Contiki vs TopDeck vs etc

    World Tours are tailor-made packages that allow travelers to span multiple countries in one trip. Contiki group sizes can be 20-50 people, and they only accept people 18 to 35 years old. The average traveler's age is 26, so you'll most likely travel with other young adults.


    So I did a Topdeck and Contiki tour a couple of months apart from each other and wanted to share the similarities, the differences and what tour operator is ...

  10. Contiki VS Top Deck Tours to USA

    228 reviews. 119 helpful votes. Contiki VS Top Deck Tours to USA. 6 years ago. Save. My son (21 years old) is planning his first solo travel to USA in mid 2018. He is thinking of using either Top Deck or Contiki. He is not a wild party person and doesn't drink alcohol but makes friends easily and I'm sure would still have an amazing time.

  11. Contiki vs Topdeck Compared

    Find the best tailor-made vacations, tours & adventures for your style & budget. Explore itineraries planned by thousands of experts. Easily compare Contiki vs Topdeck. See trusted reviews and trip prices. Find the perfect trip for your travel style and budget. ... Top Trips Top 10 Lists Editor Picks Most Popular Trips Award Winners Collections ...

  12. 9 Alternatives To Contiki You Should Totally Check Out

    TruTravels is a fantastic, fun alternative to Contiki, ideal for making friends and enjoying lively adventures in Asia and Latin America. TruTravels stands out for its fun-loving and youthful spirit. They offer a variety of tours in Asia and Latin America, each designed to be more than just a holiday.

  13. Contiki vs. Travel Talk vs. G Adventures vs. Intrepid vs. TopDeck

    Topdeck. Topdeck offers tours to North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Australia/New Zealand. Slightly more affordable than the others, and ideal for budget conscious travellers. Similar to Contiki, it focuses on the 18-39 market, with slightly less tour options, which can make it easier to choose.

  14. I'm a Brit and I've done five Contiki/Topdeck tours, they've all been

    It's not just contiki/top deck - for a relatively small population we've done a bloody awesome job at infiltrating every tourist destination. Probably want to avoid Bali - it's like the Mecca of drunken Aussie tourists but Thailand, Vietnam now Hawaii. Basically wherever Jetstar flies is taken over by Aussies.

  15. Contiki vs Topdeck?

    Contiki has a bit of a "party" reputation - more so than Top Deck - which appeals to some more than others. The standard of accommodations offered by Contiki is often slightly superior to Top Deck. Top Deck also has more "free time" in destinations. Best you get both brochures and compare like for like, or pop into a Travel Agent to have them ...

  16. Contiki Vs. Top Deck Tours

    ThePassportPrincess. A solo girls travel around the world. Contiki Vs. Top Deck Tours. December 15, 2015January 26, 2017 Sarah. I've been wanting to write a blog post about these two tour companies for ages! When I was in the stages of planning my trip around the world, I knew I wanted to do a tour across the states but I was having a hard ...

  17. Contiki/Topdeck/Someone Smaller? Which is the best for a 26 ...

    Contiki: if you want fast pace, partying and hostel stays. This is great if you want to do a lot in a small matter of time. Contiki is made for the straight out of high school traveler mostly, there are some expectation to the rule but mostly its great for youth first time travelers. Top Deck: if you like better hotels, a beer at the end of the ...

  18. Solo Travel with Contiki or Topdeck : r/solotravel

    Contiki and Topdeck are all about drinking it up at night, sleeping with people in the tour and being hungover while you drive to your next destination. You see a lot but downtime is minimal. If this sounds like your thing, then do it, give it a try. Then spend a week or so doing things on your own at the end.

  19. Contiki Vs Topdeck

    1 post. 16 reviews. 4 helpful votes. Contiki Vs Topdeck. 10 years ago. Save. I'm 23 year old female looking to do a tour of Europe next year in May. I'm not really restricted by time, and my budget is no more than $8,000 inlcuding the tour and spending money. I'll be living in London for 18 moths after the tour so I was thinking of doing ...

  20. Topdeck vs Contiki- Italy Tours

    My nieces have both done Contiki Europe tours. The accommodation was basic and the itineraries a bit rushed, but that's to be expected for a packed budget-style tour. Maybe google a phrase like "reviews and complaints Contiki" or "reviews and complaints Top Deck" and see what you can find.

  21. Contiki or TopDeck??? : r/travel

    NeophyteTarasia • 5 yr. ago. I booked Topdeck x2 tours for my 30th. They were ok- the first was better than the seccond for the slightly bigger tour size, style and location (they did a foodie tour which was up my alley). Never been on a contiki tour - however I have had a number of friends say it was about getting really drunk most evenings....

  22. Contiki vs. G Adventures: Which Operator is Right For You?

    Cost. Contiki is slightly more affordable for budget travellers with their average price per day sitting at USD $140. This cost is determined by the number of scheduled activities per day in the itinerary, of which there are many. G Adventures is slightly more expensive for budget travellers with their average price per day sitting at USD $208.

  23. Top deck or contiki? : r/travel

    Contiki is for those people who "woo" when drunk IMO, contiki is for partying from what I've see . Topdeck is for seeing the place (and having some drinks too). I traveled around Australia with Topdeck (4 different tours) and each of them were amazing and I would reccomened them in a heart beat. 2. ladamadelamarijuana.