The Cinemaholic

The Visit Ending, Explained: What’s Wrong With the Grandparents?

 of The Visit Ending, Explained: What’s Wrong With the Grandparents?

In M. Night Shyamalan’s 2015 horror film, ‘The Visit,’ the audience accompanies a pair of young protagonists on a trip that leads to more menacing outcomes than one expects from a visit to Grandma’s house. After their distant grandparents, Nana and Pop Pop, reach out to teenage sibling duo Becca and Tyler, the pair takes the former up on their invitation for a week-long stay. However, upon arrival, armed with several cameras for Becca’s documentary, the two quickly begin noticing the strange happenings that seem to occur at the house after nightfall. Thus, the kids find themselves fending for themselves as each day unravels more erratic behavior by their aging grandparents, with the night bringing something more sinister.

The found footage film builds a compelling thriller narrative that gradually boosts its suspense until the final act delivers a startling and much-anticipated plot twist that fans have come to expect from the filmmaker. Nonetheless, the same conclusive twist may have left some of the viewers with a few questions. SPOILERS AHEAD!

The Visit Plot Synopsis

In her late teens, Loretta Jamison ran away with a substitute teacher from her high school, Corin, causing a rift between herself and her parents. As a result, years later, after Corin has abandoned his family, Loretta’s 15-year-old daughter, Becca, and 14-year-old Tyler have never met their grandparents. However, their distant relationship stands to change when the old couple reaches out to their grandkids, extending a home-visit invitation. Even though Loretta is against the idea, she doesn’t try to stop her children after they decide to visit her childhood home.

the visit deck scene

As such, while Loretta leaves for a cruise with her boyfriend, her kids take the train to visit their grandparents with promises of routine Skype calls. Becca, an aspiring filmmaker, decides to document the entire thing in hopes of learning the specifics about her mother and grandparents’ falling out. Consequently, Bella and Fredrick Spencer arrive at the train station on Monday morning to pick up their grandkids with enthusiastic smiles. Their first day together goes smoothly, and as it comes to an end, the kids’ grandpa, Pop Pop, instructs them about a 9:30 bedtime rule.

Although the kids don’t think of it much at first, Becca learns the merit of following through with the rule after she ventures out for a midnight snack and witnesses her Nana, sick and frantically throwing up. Even more frightening, the morning after, the woman abruptly and manically chases the kids under the house’s crawlspace during an impromptu game of hide-n-seek. Throughout the day, the kids’ concern grows further after noticing a few disturbing things about Pop Pop, such as his lack of bowel control and tendency to attack strangers in a fit of paranoia.

The following night, Tyler’s worries grow after he spots Nana wildly scratching at the walls outside the kids’ guest room in a stark state of undress. However, after Becca asks Pop Pop about the older woman’s condition, she receives a plausible answer about Nana’s sundowning issue, establishing her concerning after-hours behavior is similar to sleepwalking.

The explanation satisfies Becca, who attempts to return to her mission to learn about her mother’s relationship with Nana and Pop Pop. Still, she doesn’t make much progress since the topic seems to trigger a violent episode in her grandmother. Meanwhile, Tyler remains weary of his grandparents’ actions and insists they should spy on them by setting up cameras in the living room. Although Becca is initially against the idea, she agrees after walking in on Pop Pop with a rifle’s barrel in his mouth.

Even so, the plan backfires when Nana spots the camera on her nightly manic episode and attempts to break into the kids’ room armed with a knife. Once Becca realizes their lives may be in danger after reviewing the night’s footage, she decides to ask Loretta to pick them up on account of the dangerous circumstances. However, the kids are in for a big surprise when they show the elderly couple to their mother from a window, only to learn that the people they have spent the past few days with are not their grandparents.

The Visit Ending: Who Are The Old Couple? What Did They Do To The Real Grandparents?

As a slow burn of mourning suspense and horror, the film reveals Nana and Pop Pop’s concerning attributes in slow bouts. At first, the behavior that the couple exhibits can be easily explained as a condition of their old age, with sundowning, memory issues, and paranoia forming the baseline. Yet, as the film progresses, the old couple becomes more and more dangerous— first toward themselves and then the kids.

the visit deck scene

Due to Loretta’s dramatic exit from her parents’ house, the woman seldom speaks to the couple, even as she regularly calls the kids. Furthermore, a seemingly innocent accident damages Becca’s webcam, robbing the mother of any visual cues. Therefore, it isn’t until Thursday morning, when Becca and Tyler have begun fearing for their lives, that Loretta glimpses at the old couple. Consequently, she realizes all this time, her kids have been living with a pair of strangers who are pretending to be their grandparents.

The revelation immediately sets Loretta into action, who tries to contact the cops and reach her kids as soon as possible. In the meantime, she advises her kids to seek help from the neighbors to put distance between themselves and the imposters. Nevertheless, the old couple prevents Becca and Tyler from leaving the house with the idea of a family game night. Thus, with tension in the air, the kids find themselves enduring a game of Yahtzee until the old woman’s incoming mental episode gives Becca an excuse to slip away.

Using the opportunity to explore the house and learn about the imposters, Becca ventures into the forbidden basement, where she suspects her actual grandparents to be. Inside, she finds all the answers to her questions as Becca’s hunch turns out to be true in the worst way possible.

As it would turn out, the imposter old couple is a pair of psychiatric hospital patients, where the actual Bella and Patrick Spencer volunteered. The psychotic couple believed they were from an alien planet, Sinmorfitellia. As such, the pair drowned their own kids inside a well that they believed to hold a passage to the alien planet. For the same reason, they were being under monitoring in the psychic hospital.

Nonetheless, the couple escaped their bounds after the Spencers revealed their plans for a family reunion with their grandkids. Envious of the other couple, the imposters, Claire and Mitchell, killed the former pair and overtook their identities to spend the week with Becca and Tyler. Consequently, the duo managed to evade outsiders anytime they came looking for them at the house and ultimately killed their neighbor, Stacey, when she realized their reality.

Soon after Becca learns this truth, Mitchell locks her up in a room with a psychotic Claire, undergoing her violent episode. Despite their earlier attempts at domestic bliss, the couple’s instincts compel them to harm the children. Nevertheless, before the older woman can choke Becca to death, the girl manages to get her hands on a mirror shard and stabs her attacker to death. Afterward, she rushes to her younger brother’s aid, whom Mitchel is psychologically torturing.

However, with his sister’s element of surprise, Tyler manages to overpower Mitchell, unleashing raw rage and bashing the older man to death by slamming the refrigerator door at his head. Ultimately, after killing the old couple pretending to be their grandparents, Becca and Tyler make it out of the experience alive and reunite with their mother.

Why Did Loretta Stop Talking To Her Parents?

By the film’s end, Loretta’s sore relationship with her parents remains the one last mystery. Arguably, the woman’s reluctance to speak to her parents played a part in the kids’ entrapment since the latter had no point of reference to distinguish their relatives from strangers. Furthermore, part of Becca’s curiosity about her grandparents stemmed from Loretta’s refusal to speak about them to her own kids.

the visit deck scene

As such, after Becca and Tyler have returned to the safety of their home, Loretta sits down for one last interview for her daughter’s documentary, where she speaks about her past with her parents. When 19-year-old Loretta tried to run away from home with Corin, her high school teacher, the former’s parents wanted to stop her. Nevertheless, the same only resulted in an altercation where Loretta hit her mother, followed by the former’s father hitting his daughter.

Therefore, Loretta’s last day on the farm gave birth to several familial complications. Although Loretta’s parents tried to apologize and solve things afterward, the woman continued to avoid them years and years into the future. For the same reason, Loretta imparts a lesson to her daughter to never hold grudges so hard that they end up ruining things. In turn, Becca, who despises her father for abandoning them, decides to learn from her mother’s mistakes. Unlike Loretta, who refused to speak to her parents, leading to regret after their death, Becca chooses to include home videos of her father in the documentary to close the narrative as a sign of her forgiveness.

Read More: Is The Visit Based on a True Story?


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The Ending Of The Visit Explained

The Visit M. Night Shyamalan Olivia DeJonge Deanna Dunagan

Contains spoilers for  The Visit

M. Night Shyamalan is notorious for using dramatic twists towards the endings of his films, some of which are pulled off perfectly and add an extra layer of depth to a sprawling story (hello, Split ). Some of the director's other offerings simply keep the audience on their toes rather than having any extra subtext or hidden meaning. Shyamalan's 2015 found-footage horror-comedy  The Visit , which he wrote and directed, definitely fits in the latter category, aiming for style over substance.

The Visit follows 15-year-old Becca Jamison (Olivia DeJonge) and her 13-year-old brother Tyler (Ed Oxenbould) when they spend the week with their mother's estranged parents, who live in another town. Loretta (played by WandaVision 's Kathryn Hahn ) never explained to her children why she separated herself away from her parents, but clearly hopes the weekend could help bring the family back together.

Although The Visit occasionally toys with themes of abandonment and fear of the unknown, it wasn't particularly well-received by critics on its initial release, as many struggled with its bizarre comedic tone in the found-footage style. So, after Tyler and his camera record a number of disturbing occurrences like Nana (Deanna Dunagan) projectile-vomiting in the middle of the night and discovering "Pop Pop"'s (Peter McRobbie) mountain of used diapers, it soon becomes clear that something isn't right with the grandparents.

Here's the ending of  The Visit  explained.

The Visit's twist plays on expectations

The Visit Deanna Dunagan Peter McRobbie M. Night Shyamalan

Because Shyamalan sets up the idea of the separation between Loretta and her parents very early on — and doesn't show their faces before Becca and Tyler meet them — the film automatically creates a false sense of security. Even more so since the found-footage style restricts the use of typical exposition methods like flashbacks or other scenes which would indicate that Nana and Pop Pop aren't who they say they are. Audiences have no reason to expect that they're actually two escapees from a local psychiatric facility.

The pieces all come together once Becca discovers her  real grandparents' corpses in the basement, along with some uniforms from the psychiatric hospital. It confirms "Nana" and "Pop-Pop" escaped from the institution and murdered the Jamisons because they were a similar age, making it easy to hide their whereabouts from the authorities. And they would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids.)

However, after a video call from Loretta reveals that the pair aren't her parents, the children are forced to keep up appearances — but the unhinged duo start to taunt the siblings. Tyler in particular is forced to face his fear of germs as "Pop Pop" wipes dirty diapers in his face. The germophobia is something Shyamalan threads through Tyler's character throughout The Visit,  and the encounter with "Pop Pop" is a basic attempt of showing he's gone through some kind of trial-by-fire to get over his fears.

But the Jamison kids don't take things lying down: They fight back in vicious fashion — a subversion of yet another expectation that young teens might would wait for adults or law enforcement officers to arrive before doing away with their tormentors.

Its real message is about reconciliation

The Visit M. Night Shyamalan Kathryn Hahn

By the time Becca stabs "Nana" to death and Tyler has repeatedly slammed "Pop-Pop"'s head with the refrigerator door, their mother and the police do arrive to pick up the pieces. In a last-ditch attempt at adding an emotional undertone, Shyamalan reveals Loretta left home after a huge argument with her parents. She hit her mother, and her father hit her in return. But Loretta explains that reconciliation was always on the table if she had stopped being so stubborn and just reached out. One could take a domino-effect perspective and even say that Loretta's stubbornness about not reconnecting and her sustained distance from her parents put them in exactly the vulnerable position they needed to be for "Nana" and "Pop-Pop" to murder them. 

Loretta's confession actually mirrors something "Pop-Pop" told Tyler (before his run-in with the refrigerator door): that he and "Nana" wanted to spend one week as a normal family before dying. They should've thought about that before murdering a pair of innocent grandparents, but here we are. 

So, is The Visit  trying to say that if we don't keep our families together, they'll be replaced by imposters and terrify our children? Well, probably not. The Visit tries to deliver a message about breaking away from old habits, working through your fears, and stop being so stubborn over arguments that don't have any consequences in the long-run. Whether it actually sticks the landing on all of those points is still up for debate.

the visit deck scene

M. Night Shyamalan had his heyday almost 20 years ago. He leapt out of the gate with such confidence he became a champion instantly. And then…something went awry. He became embarrassingly self-serious, his films drowning in pretension and strained allegories. His famous twists felt like a director attempting to re-create the triumph of “ The Sixth Sense ,” where the twist of the film was so successfully withheld from audiences that people went back to see the film again and again. But now, here comes “ The Visit ,” a film so purely entertaining that you almost forget how scary it is. With all its terror, “The Visit” is an extremely funny film. 

There are too many horror cliches to even list (“gotcha” scares, dark basements, frightened children, mysterious sounds at night, no cellphone reception), but the main cliche is that it is a “found footage” film, a style already wrung dry. But Shyamalan injects adrenaline into it, as well as a frank admission that, yes, it is a cliche, and yes, it is absurd that one would keep filming in moments of such terror, but he uses the main strength of found footage: we are trapped by the perspective of the person holding the camera. Withhold visual information, lull the audience into safety, then turn the camera, and OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT? 

“The Visit” starts quietly, with Mom ( Kathryn Hahn ) talking to the camera about running away from home when she was 19: her parents disapproved of her boyfriend. She had two kids with this man who recently left them all for someone new. Mom has a brave demeanor, and funny, too, referring to her kids as “brats” but with mama-bear affection. Her parents cut ties with her, but now they have reached out  from their snowy isolated farm and want to know their grandchildren. Mom packs the two kids off on a train for a visit.

Shyamalan breaks up the found footage with still shots of snowy ranks of trees, blazing sunsets, sunrise falling on a stack of logs. There are gigantic blood-red chapter markers: “TUESDAY MORNING”, etc. These choices launch us into the overblown operatic horror style while commenting on it at the same time. It ratchets up the dread.

Becca ( Olivia DeJonge ) and Tyler ( Ed Oxenbould ) want to make a film about their mother’s lost childhood home, a place they know well from all of her stories. Becca has done her homework about film-making, and instructs her younger brother about “frames” and “mise-en-scène.” Tyler, an appealing gregarious kid, keeps stealing the camera to film the inside of his mouth and his improvised raps. Becca sternly reminds him to focus. 

The kids are happy to meet their grandparents. They are worried about the effect their grandparents’ rejection had on their mother (similar to Cole’s worry about his mother’s unfinished business with her own parent in “The Sixth Sense”). Becca uses a fairy-tale word to explain what she wants their film to do — it will be an “elixir” to bring home to Mom. 

Nana ( Deanna Dunagan ), at first glance, is a Grandma out of a storybook, with a grey bun, an apron, and muffins coming out of the oven every hour. Pop Pop ( Peter McRobbie ) is a taciturn farmer who reminds the kids constantly that he and Nana are “old.” 

But almost immediately, things get crazy. What is Pop Pop doing out in the barn all the time? Why does Nana ask Becca to clean the oven, insisting that she crawl all the way in ? What are those weird sounds at night from outside their bedroom door? They have a couple of Skype calls with Mom, and she reassures them their grandparents are “weird” but they’re also old, and old people are sometimes cranky, sometimes paranoid. 

As the weirdness intensifies, Becca and Tyler’s film evolves from an origin-story documentary to a mystery-solving investigation. They sneak the camera into the barn, underneath the house, they place it on a cabinet in the living room overnight, hoping to get a glimpse of what happens downstairs after they go to bed. What they see is more than they (and we) bargained for.

Dunagan and McRobbie play their roles with a melodramatic relish, entering into the fairy-tale world of the film. And the kids are great, funny and distinct. Tyler informs his sister that he wants to stop swearing so much, and instead will say the names of female pop singers. The joke is one that never gets old. He falls, and screams, “Sarah McLachlan!” When terrified, he whispers to himself, “ Katy Perry … ” Tyler, filming his sister, asks her why she never looks in the mirror. “Your sweater is on backwards.” As he grills her, he zooms in on her, keeping her face off-center, blurry grey-trunked trees filling most of the screen. The blur is the mystery around them. Cinematographer Maryse Alberti creates the illusion that the film is being made by kids, but also avoids the nauseating hand-held stuff that dogs the found-footage style.

When the twist comes, and you knew it was coming because Shyamalan is the director, it legitimately shocks. Maybe not as much as “The Sixth Sense” twist, but it is damn close. (The audience I saw it with gasped and some people screamed in terror.) There are references to “ Halloween “, “Psycho” (Nana in a rocking chair seen from behind), and, of course, “ Paranormal Activity “; the kids have seen a lot of movies, understand the tropes and try to recreate them themselves. 

“The Visit” represents Shyamalan cutting loose, lightening up, reveling in the improvisational behavior of the kids, their jokes, their bickering, their closeness. Horror is very close to comedy. Screams of terror often dissolve into hysterical laughter, and he uses that emotional dovetail, its tension and catharsis, in almost every scene. The film is ridiculous  on so many levels, the story playing out like the most monstrous version of Hansel & Gretel imaginable, and in that context, “ridiculous” is the highest possible praise.

the visit deck scene

Sheila O'Malley

Sheila O’Malley received a BFA in Theatre from the University of Rhode Island and a Master’s in Acting from the Actors Studio MFA Program. Read her answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire here .

the visit deck scene

  • Deanna Dunagan as Nana
  • Olivia DeJonge as Rebecca Jamison
  • Ed Oxenbould as Tyler Jamison
  • Kathryn Hahn as Mother
  • Peter McRobbie as Pop-Pop
  • Benjamin Kanes as Dad
  • Luke Franco Ciarrocch
  • M. Night Shyamalan


  • Maryse Alberti

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What to Know

The Visit provides horror fans with a satisfying blend of thrills and laughs -- and also signals a welcome return to form for writer-director M. Night Shyamalan.

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M. Night Shyamalan

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Reviews (1)

The Visit had me peeking through my fingers multiple times throughout. Love how this sort of kicked off Shyamalan's come back and will forever respect him for financing it himself. The hide and seek scene is what nightmares are made of. Thought the found footage aspect of the movie was well done. And the kid rapper was hilarious.

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The Visit is a fun and kitschy horror parable - though the trademark Shyamalan twist will be a big disappoint for many viewers.

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The Visit tells the story of a woman returning to her hometown after forty-five years to exact revenge on the man that betrayed her—or, as she puts it, to “buy justice.”

The play opens on a gaggle of unemployed townsmen who sit at a railway station in the fictional Swiss town of Güllen, awaiting the arrival of the famed billionairess Claire Zachanassian . They bemoan the deterioration of their home; Güllen was once a renowned cultural capital but has since fallen into a deep and devastating economic depression. Its impoverished citizens nevertheless hold out hope for their township—hope that Ms. Zachanassian, who was born and raised in Güllen, might endow the town’s restoration. Alfred Ill , Güllen’s “most popular man” and mayor-to-be, is leading a campaign to secure Claire’s donation; he was once her lover, and he expects that he should be able to leverage his relationship to her to get to her millions.

Claire arrives in Güllen several hours earlier than expected, throwing the townspeople into nervous disarray. While she and her entourage get off of the train, the Gülleners scramble to pull together the formal welcome they planned for her, frantically convening the choir and changing into their frock coats and top hats. Ill is the first to welcome the billionairess, bringing the two face-to-face for the first time in forty-five years. Ill showers Claire with compliments, hoping to loosen her purse strings with appeals to her vanity, but this fails. Claire bluntly states that she and Ill are old and fat now, and she proceeds to show him her many prosthetic limbs. She also takes a moment to introduce her Butler, Boby ; her henchmen, Roby and Toby ; her seventh husband, Moby ; and the blind eunuchs Koby and Loby . She explains that she gave her attendants rhyming names to suit her own preferences. Claire’s strange retinue, her disarming directness, and her outlandish luggage—which includes a caged panther and a coffin, among other things—unnerves some Gülleners, particularly the Teacher . Nevertheless, all are hopeful about her visit.

While her luggage is moved to her accommodations at the Golden Apostle Inn, Claire revisits her old trysting haunts with Ill. The two reminisce about their young love affair, which ended when Ill left Claire for the then-wealthier Matilda Blumhard , owner of Güllen’s general store. Claire fell into prostitution after Ill abandoned her, and thus met the wealthy john that became her first husband (the oil magnate Zachassian).

Following their walk in the woods, Claire and Ill return to the Golden Apostle, where a banquet is being held in Claire’s honor. The Mayor makes a speech lionizing the billionairess in an obvious grab for money. Claire is unmoved by the insincere speech, but she nevertheless pledges one billion dollars to the town. She has only one condition: that someone kill Alfred Ill. This, of course, catches Ill off guard—until this point, he thought that he had the billionairess eating out the palm of his hand. Furious, he dismisses Claire, but her Butler steps forward to explain. Forty-five years ago, before he was in Claire’s service, the Butler was Güllen’s Chief Justice and he heard a paternity case that a young Claire had brought against Ill. Ill falsely denied that he was the father of Claire’s child, and he bribed two witnesses to corroborate his claim, thus losing Claire the trial and causing her exile from Güllen and her lapse into prostitution. The perjuring witnesses were none other than Koby and Loby, whom Claire tracked down years later and had blinded and castrated. Her campaign of revenge continues now in Güllen with Ill as her target: she only wants “justice,” she says, and now she can afford it. Claire’s murderous proposal takes the Gülleners aback. Citing the town’s commitment to a rich humanistic tradition that values human life over capital, the Mayor emphatically rejects Claire’s offer on behalf of his constituents. Claire simply replies that she will wait for them to change their minds.

In the days following the dramatic banquet, Ill sees Claire’s henchmen regularly changing the wreaths on the empty coffin Claire brought with her to Güllen, presumably for Ill. He also sees an increase in business at the general store he manages; his customers have started buying previously unattainable luxury items on credit. When Ill notices his customers all wearing the same new and expensive yellow shoes , he begins to suspect his neighbors of considering Claire’s proposal—of buying goods in advance of her billion dollar donation (a prerequisite for which is Ill’s death).

A paranoid Ill visits Güllen’s authorities one by one—the Policeman, the Mayor, the Priest—seeking protection, but he finds that they too have begun to live above their means. Though the Gülleners insist that they will not consider Claire’s offer, their increase in spending indicates that they do anticipate Claire’s donation (and, by extension, Ill’s death). Understanding this, Ill attempts to flee town on the train, but he is intimidated into staying by the mob of townspeople that crowd around him at the station. Meanwhile, Claire observes the town from her balcony at the Golden Apostle as a mob of Gülleners hunt down her escaped black panther .

At the start of the play’s final act, Claire has just married her eighth husband, but is already preparing for divorce. In the midst of managing her marital business, she is visited by the Doctor and Teacher. They inform her that the townspeople have drawn up exorbitant debts, and that the town needs her help more than ever, but that no one is willing to kill Ill. They propose an alternative to Claire’s offer, suggesting that Claire invest in Güllen’s industry, which would not only reintroduce paying jobs in town, but would also produce returns for Claire. Much to their consternation, Claire reveals that she already owns the town’s industry. She intentionally ran it into the ground to cause Güllen’s financial collapse and lay the groundwork for her revenge on Ill.

Meanwhile at the general store, Ill’s wife’s customers have taken to openly denigrating Ill and sympathizing with Claire, marking a major shift in public opinion since the Gülleners defended Ill and rejected the billionairess’ offer. When journalists enter the shop asking questions about Claire and Ill’s relationship, the townspeople offer platitudes about young love and nostalgia, but keep mum on the issue of Claire’s ultimatum. The Teacher, drunk and full of guilt, almost breaks the silence, but is kept in check by his fellow citizens until the journalists leave.

After days of keeping to himself above his shop, Ill suddenly reappears. He seeks out the Teacher who, still drunk, admits that the town cannot resist the temptation of Claire’s money. When the Mayor stops by the shop to advertise a public meeting about Claire’s offer, Ill promises to defer to the town’s verdict. The Mayor indirectly advises Ill to kill himself (and save someone else the trouble), but Ill refuses, demanding that the people of Güllen take responsibility for their choices and kill him themselves.

Faced with what seems to be an inevitable early death, Ill spends his last few hours driving with his family and reconciling with Claire in the woods. Claire admits that she never stopped loving Ill, but that years of bitter resentment turned her love into something evil. When Ill is dead, Claire says, she will finally possess him as she’d always wanted to. The couple parts, and Ill heads to his “trial.” The public meeting is well attended by the townspeople and by journalists reporting on Claire’s visit. The Mayor, who moderates the meeting, takes pains not to alert the press to Claire’s deadly ultimatum; he leads Güllen in a vote “to make justice a reality.” The townspeople unanimously vote to accept Claire’s money, and thus sentence Ill to death without saying so. They murder Ill while the journalists are at dinner and inform the press that Ill died from joy when Claire’s endowment was accepted. Later, Claire collects the body and delivers a check to the Mayor. As she leaves Güllen with her former lover’s body, the citizens of Güllen revel in their newfound prosperity.

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A Memorable Visit with GreenGo Recycling: Behind the Scenes at Rotochopper

September 6, 2024 | Rotochopper News

GreenGo & Ryan Williams visit Rotochopper

We recently had the pleasure of hosting Ryan Williams and his team from GreenGo Recycling for a memorable visit to our Rotochopper facility in Saint Martin, Minnesota. This trip was not only a chance to showcase our equipment and operations for the team but also to set the stage for an exciting upcoming field day event at GreenGo Recycling’s facility later this fall.

Day 1: A Warm Welcome and Equipment Demos

Ryan, Courtney, Mark, Aaron, and Brandon flew in from South Carolina to spend time with us and get an inside look at Rotochopper. Their visit kicked off with a comprehensive factory tour led by Andy Bulson, our Sales Manager.

During the tour, we covered Rotochopper’s history, took a closer look at our production processes, and met some key people behind our equipment. We discussed our factory-direct approach, which helps us ensure quality and provide direct support to our customers. We also highlighted our new Research and Development Innovation Center, where we will continue to work on new technologies and improvements in the years to come.

Additionally, we shared a bit about our location in Saint Martin, a small town with just over 300 residents, reflecting the close-knit nature of our team and the personal touch we bring to our work.

The day continued with the start of live equipment demonstrations, focusing on screening technology. We began with the MT 206 Trommel Screen, featuring a 20-foot long by 6-foot wide drum that efficiently separates material into overs and fines. During the demo, we screened topsoil, with fines directed onto a stacking conveyor and overs moving through the drum to a discharge conveyor. Next, the TS 165 Deck Screener showcased its capability to produce three product fractions—overs, mid-size, and fines—using its two screening decks. This screener is particularly effective for handling heavy or abrasive materials. This machine’s versatility makes it ideal for operations that require precise separation of different material sizes.

Day 2: Planning and More Demos

We kicked off day two with a team meeting to discuss the upcoming field day event scheduled for October at GreenGo Recycling’s site. The meeting covered everything from the equipment lineup and site layout to logistics like rentals and speaker systems. This face-to-face planning session was invaluable for addressing details and ensuring a smooth and successful event. It provided a chance to align on goals and fine-tune preparations, setting the stage for a well-organized and impactful field day event.

Following the meeting, we took the team outside to watch a demo of Rotochopper’s Screener Conveyor. This innovative unit combines the functionality of a screener with a conveyor, offering a compact and cost-effective solution for material processing. The Screener Conveyor efficiently screens fines from larger ‘overs’ material, leading to reduced transport costs and decreased coloring costs due to the removal of fines. It can be used with a hopper or in-line with a horizontal grinder, showcasing its adaptability and efficiency.

After a lunch break at a local favorite Trappers in Farming, Minnesota, we returned to our R&D Innovation Center to witness the Sarlac Shredder in action. Sarlac, Rotochopper’s shear point shredder, features a 100-horsepower motor and a compact footprint. It excels at reducing waste size by 75%, which helps in minimizing dumpster costs and addressing space constraints. With low noise and dust emissions, Sarlac can be configured with a conveyor or lift kit for direct disposal into a dumpster.

Fun and Games

No visit would be complete without a bit of fun! We kicked off some activities with a Minnesota Twins vs. Atlanta Braves baseball game, where we cheered for our respective teams. It was a fantastic experience, offering everyone a chance to enjoy America’s pastime and engage in some friendly rivalry. Unfortunately for the Minnesotan’s the Braves took the win.

The next day, we added a unique twist to the visit with a curling session. Even in the summer, Minnesota offers opportunities to enjoy ice sports, and curling was a fun way for Ryan and his team to experience something distinctly local. The team embraced the challenge, making the curling session a memorable highlight of their trip.

A Strong Partnership and Exciting Future

The visit was a fantastic opportunity to strengthen our partnership with GreenGo Recycling and set the stage for the October field day event. We are grateful to Ryan and his team for making the trip and are thrilled about the upcoming event.

Ryan, known for his YouTube channel Mr. Digg , captured the essence of the visit in two videos now available on his channel. These videos provide a behind-the-scenes look at our facility and the equipment demos, showcasing Rotochopper to the audience Ryan has cultivated over the years.

We invite you to check out the videos and stay connected as we continue to prepare for the exciting field day event in October. Thank you, Ryan and the entire GreenGo team, for a wonderful visit!

Mr. Digg: Rotochopper FACTORY TOUR Like You’ve Never Seen Before!

Mr. Digg: Amazing New ROTOCHOPPER Equipment in Action!

Rotochopper, Inc. 217 West Street, PO Box 295 St. Martin, MN 56376

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Lil Yachty - “Say Something”

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Director - The End of the F***ing World

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ShotDeck is now integral to my prep process with every director; it’s the initial tool I use to start the discussion around our visual vocabulary.


Oscar-winning Director of Photography - Mank, Mindhunter


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

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The Bar in 'Top Gun: Maverick' Doesn't Exist, But You Can Visit the Real Location That Inspired It

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You can't go to the Hard Deck, the bar featured in "Top Gun: Maverick," in real life because it doesn't actually exist. The good news is that there's a place both exactly like it and even better at the same time.

While former naval aviator Capt. Brian Ferguson was working as a technical adviser for the production of "Top Gun: Maverick," he decided to take the film's director and producers to a real Navy hangout and explain the camaraderie behind sharing a drink and sea stories with other pilots.

The place he took them was the I-Bar on Naval Station North Island, and they all fell in love with the place, including star Tom Cruise. They loved it so much, it became the inspiration for the bar in the film.

Ferguson served as a naval aviator for 30 years. His job as technical adviser was to bring as much realism to the film as possible. And he wanted to ensure they all knew the I-Bar is a crucial part of the naval aviator experience.

"When you watch the movie, you're in the bar, you're in the Navy," Ferguson told KFMB , the San Diego CBS affiliate. "We'll all pile in here -- we'll all tell stories, be laughing and joking and beer spilling and lies being told, and it's great!"

The filmmakers immediately wanted to use the bar as a set for the film, but the building's size was restrictive, so they had to use a set instead. They got permission from the Navy and the Pentagon to build a recreation of the bar on North Island's Breakers Beach. After all, this isn't just any movie: It's "Top Gun."

Viewers who have been to the I-Bar on Naval Base Coronado 's Naval Station North Island will recognize important props used in the recreated bar, called "Hard Deck" in the film, as they were borrowed from the real establishment.

The building that houses I-Bar was first finished in 1933, when North Point was being used as Rockwell Army Air Field. The building itself was part of the bachelor officers quarters. When the Navy took over the airfield in 1939, Building I was turned into a senior officers club. In 1969, it was renovated into its current configuration.

the visit deck scene

Since then, the real I-Bar has collected important pieces of memorabilia from its patrons, including patches, model airplanes and beer steins that hang from hooks. Each stein features the call sign of a real naval aviator who's currently serving on active duty. All of that is recreated in the movie bar. Dartboards and pool tables round out the props borrowed from the I-Bar for the movie.

Visitors to I-Bar should be aware of three strict house rules, just like those featured in "Top Gun: Maverick." Violations require the offender to "buy a round of cheer," also just like in the movie.

First, one must remove their cover before entering. For civilians, this means no hats. Second, there's no touching the model airplanes, or as the prop in the film puts it, "He who touches any aircraft here shall buy the house a round of cheer." Finally, "whoever places their phone on the bar shall buy a round of cheer."

the visit deck scene

The Hard Deck is no longer on Breakers Beach, as it was dismantled after the film production wrapped, but the I-Bar is still in the same place it's been for decades. Now, it also sports the unit patches from "Top Gun: Maverick." Just leave your hat at home.

-- Blake Stilwell can be reached at [email protected] . He can also be found on Twitter @blakestilwell or on Facebook .

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

Best Observation Decks in NYC To Visit In 2024

Written By: The Planet D

United States

Updated On: June 11, 2024

Visiting New York is all about views. How could you not go good-view-hunting in this world-famous concrete jungle? One thing that is certain is that the New York skyline is full of some of the most iconic landmarks in the world. I remember growing up and seeing that amazing New York Cityscape for the first time in one of my favorite movies of all time, Moonstruck. There was something alluring about how its shining lights glistened off the Hudson River. So, if you’re visiting, you best believe you should be looking for the best observation decks in NYC to see it from all different angles.

The standard period to visit New York City is five days. In a  5 day itinerary , you’ll have plenty of time to stand on some of the city’s best observation decks.

Table of Contents

Best Observation Decks in NYC

New York City Observation Decks To Conclude Skyline

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the top nine observation decks in NYC. There are fancy observatory decks all over the city – from the flatiron building to the One World Observatory and an outdoor terrace in the New York outskirts. You can head to observation decks with a central location along Madison Avenue or Fifth Avenue or head out to places like the Gateway National Recreation Area and Hamilton Park.

Whatever your dream NYC view, these observation decks will keep you impressed and your camera clicking. Let’s meet the finalists.

1. Empire State Building

Best Observation decks in NYC Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is one of the most iconic landmarks on New York’s skyline. This architectural giant was constructed between 1930 and 1931 and has been featured in movies like King Kong. It has also been one of the tallest buildings in the Western Hemisphere for decades. Regardless of finding the best observation deck, it is the sort of building you’d visit anyway.

New York city observation decks Empire State Building

The Empire State Building has two observation decks – one on the 86th floor and one on the 102nd. Both have an indoor layout so that you can peer out from behind glass at the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, and the One World Trade Center.

The best part of visiting the Empire State Building is the exhibits on the 2nd and 80th floors. These exhibits tell you the story of the Empire State Building, giving you great insight into what was once the tallest building in the USA.

How To Get To The Empire State Building

Reaching the Empire State Building is easy. It is in midtown Manhattan, just a 15-minute walk from Times Square and 30 minutes from Central Park. If you stay in Manhattan, you can walk to the Empire State Building and its observation decks.

If not, you can easily catch the metro. 34 St-Herald Square Station is a 4-minute walk from the Empire State Building.

Tickets For The Empire State Building

Ticket prices start at $44 per adult to access the 86th-floor observatory. You can also pay $79 to visit both the 86th and 102nd floors.

It’s worth noting that the Empire State Building is included on the  Sightseeing Pass . If you add up the total of your proposed itinerary, it sometimes makes financial sense to invest in the pass. If you will only visit the Empire State Building this Skip the Line Pass is your best bet.

Reasons To Visit The Empire State Building

  • The Empire State Building has a beautiful vantage point over Upper and Lower Manhattan.
  • The Empire State Building has many immersive exhibits and just views.
  • You get the novelty of being in one of the world’s most famous buildings.

Is The Empire State Building Worth It?

Yes, the Empire State Building is worth it. However, it is very expensive, and you can find other observation decks that provide better or equivalent views. What makes the Empire State Building worthwhile is its character and identity as a famous landmark. Its exhibits and story make the Empire State Building the best observation deck in New York City.

2. SUMMIT One Vanderbilt

New York City Observation Decks Summit ONE Vanderbilt

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt is the newest addition to the New York observation deck scene. This stunning building promises a transformational experience, with multi-sensory viewpoints in New York City’s fourth-largest skyscraper. Prepare to get high in the sky and approach the ‘best observation deck’ experience a little more creatively at SUMMIT One Vanderbilt.

There are three levels in total, and you can easily spend multiple hours at SUMMIT One Vanderbilt. There are wacky exhibits like mirror balls and entire rooms made of reflective mirrors. It is like an observation deck meets a contemporary art museum.

How To Get To SUMMIT One Vanderbilt

New York City Observation Decks Summit ONE Vanderbilt How to get there

Reaching SUMMIT One Vanderbilt is easy as pie. The skyscraper is located in midtown Manhattan, so it is just a 20-minute walk from major landmarks like Central Park and just 15 minutes from the Empire State Building.

It is roughly halfway between Bryant Park and Grand Central Station, on the major East 42nd Street. You’ll be able to walk there if you stay centrally.

Tickets For SUMMIT One Vanderbilt

Tickets for SUMMIT One Vanderbilt are a little expensive but cheaper than visiting the Empire State Building. Standard adult tickets start at $42, although you can add on luxury packages like a signature cocktail experience and an ‘ascent’ experience, which includes a 12-story glass elevator ride. It’s worth noting that the Ascent Experience is currently closed for maintenance as of 2024, so it is currently unavailable to purchase. However, keep an eye out for a possible reopening.

As a general rule, though, expect to pay around the $40 mark for general admission.

Reasons To Visit SUMMIT One Vanderbilt

  • It offers a more exciting experience than just peering from an observation deck. The mirrors and artwork are amusing.
  • You get great views of the Empire State Building, nearby Chrysler Building, One World Trade Center, and Central Park.
  • Tickets are reasonably priced compared to other observation decks, and you get a more entertaining visit.

Is SUMMIT One Vanderbilt Worth It?

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt is a really engaging place to admire NYC views. If you want photo opportunities beyond awkward poses next to grubby glass walls, SUMMIT One Vanderbilt is the best observation deck in New York City. The mirrorball room is incredibly funky.

Keep in mind that the current maintenance closures may impact your visit. You can check the official website for updates.

3. The Vessel

The Vessel in New York City.

The Vessel is an architectural masterpiece. This dramatic-looking building has a symmetrical copper exterior staircase framework, resulting in a modernist-looking monster in the middle of Hudson Yards. The bronze-colored framework that loops the building is absolutely unmissable. If you’re walking through midtown Manhattan, you’ll see The Vessel.

The landmark has 2,500 steps in total and 154 interconnected staircases. And, even better, you can climb it for free. This beehive-looking building has 360-degree views over Manhattan. While it isn’t the highest outdoor sky deck in New York, it does provide funky views over low-level skyscrapers in a novelty way.

How To Get To The Vessel

Getting to The Vessel is relatively straightforward. It’s located in western midtown Manhattan, near the Hudson River, and in the historic Hudson Yards district. If you are staying in midtown or Lower Manhattan, you can walk there in around 30 minutes. It is just a 20-minute walk from the Empire State Building to The Vessel.

Otherwise, just hop on the metro. Central Park to The Vessel is just a 20-minute metro ride versus a 45-minute walk – we know which we’d prefer.

Is the Vessel in NYC Worth it to visit

Tickets are free to The Vessel with one rule: you must visit during the first hour of operation. When you visit outside this first hour, it is $10.

It is important to note that The Vessel is currently only opening its ground level to visitors. There have sadly been numerous suicide attempts from its higher levels, leading to the closure of the top floors in 2021. Whether or not the higher floors reopen is uncertain and not likely due to the extra security measures this would demand. It’s worth keeping an eye on in case, though, as the higher floors have beautiful views of the river and surrounding skyscrapers if they reopen.

Reasons To Visit

  • It is a fascinating piece of architecture to see in person.
  • It is easy to reach from Manhattan on foot or via the metro.
  • It is free to visit in its first hour of operation.

Is It Worth It?

Visiting The Vessel is 100% worth it. You’ll love the architecture, and that free first-hour entry is great for those on a budget. It has a really scenic location in the Hudson Yards. While it doesn’t have the most famous scenery from its observation deck, you can get a great taste of the skyscraper and river scenes.

4. Edge NYC

New York City Observation Decks Edge NYC

Edge NYC is one of the most exciting observation decks to visit in the city center. It is the highest sky deck in the Western Hemisphere. It has angled glass walls that provide a (slightly thrilling) vantage point over the skyscrapers and scenery below. The Edge NYC sits 100 stories tall and has 360-degree views. It is the best observation deck in New York City for that ‘wow’ experience.

The fact that it is an open-air deck really adds to the experience, too, with the added thrill of buffeting winds and a chilly temperature amongst the clouds. The Edge NYC makes you feel like you’re floating in the clouds. In terms of view, you can see everything from the Empire State Building to the One World Observatory and Central Park. It is a great spot to check off iconic building after iconic building.

How To Get There

New York City Observation Decks Edge NYC How to get there

The Edge NYC is located in the Hudson Yards district, so it is ideally combined with a visit to the High Line and The Vessel – which are almost opposite.

You can catch the ‘c line’ on the metro to Penn Station to get there from central Manhattan. Then, you walk 15 minutes through the Garment District and into Hudson Yards. The whole journey by public transport takes around 20 minutes. You can walk to the Edge NYC in less than 30 minutes in Midtown Manhattan or Lower Manhattan.

Tickets are cheaper than the other observation decks in New York City. General admission starts at $36 ( You can book your tickets here ). You can also splash out on a City Climb experience for around $185, which involves harnessing up and  walking  the edge of the building. If you are a thrill lover and have the budget, splash out on a City Climb.

  • It has slightly cheaper tickets than the other observation decks in New York.
  • You have amazing views from glass walls in an open-air environment, which creates a more thrilling experience.
  • You can test your nerve with a City Climb.

Yes, the Edge NYC is definitely worth visiting. Its glass-angled walls make it even more enticing, and it is the best observation deck for those wanting a thrill, not just a pretty picture. If you have the budget, the City Climb option just reinforces that.

5. Top of the Rock

Top of the Rock Observation Deck in New York City

Top of the Rock is one of the most classic New York City observation decks. The deck sits atop the Rockefeller Center next to the Radio City Music Hall. You get 360-degree views over New York City, with incredible views of the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center. If you snag a sunset ticket, transitioning from daylight to night-time lights is stunning. The Top of the Rock is great because you get the height without scaling any significant landmark buildings – meaning you get all the classic landmarks in your view.

Top of the Rock is centrally located in midtown Manhattan and a breeze to get to. In winter especially, it’s the best observation deck in New York City, just from the atmosphere at the Rockefeller Center. You’ll see the ice skating rink outside and all the markets nearby. For a winter trip to NYC, consider Top of the Rock your best observation deck choice.

How To Get To The Top of the Rock Observation Deck

Saturday Night Live at the Radio City Music Hall in New York City

The easiest way to get to the Top of the Rock is to just walk. It is a 10-minute walk from Times Square or 15 minutes from Central Park.

If you are based further away, you can catch the metro to Rockefeller Central Station, which is connected to the B, D, F, and M lines. From there, it’s a quick walk to the Top of the Rock.

Reasons To Visit The Top of the Rock Observation Deck

Top of the Rock Observation Deck in New York City

  • Beautiful views over the New York skyline, including the Empire State Building.
  • A great location in Manhattan and the Rockefeller Center.
  • A fun atmosphere in winter and the festive season.

Tickets For The Top of the Rock

General admission to the Top of the Rock costs between $40 and $55 for adults, depending on the time you book . It isn’t one of the cheapest observation decks, but it is a great experience in one of the city’s famous buildings.

Is The Top of the Rock Worth It?

Yes, the Top of the Rock is worth it. It’s a great choice if you want a similar experience to the Empire State Building but with the Empire State Building as part of the view. It also has a lovely atmosphere during the festive season.

6. One World Observatory

One World Observatory in New York City

The One World Trade Center is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, and the One World Observatory sits right at the top. The One World Observatory sits on the 100th to 102nd floors and has stunning views over the city. A considerable part of the experience is the elevator ride, called the Sky Pod Elevator, which treats you to views as you go. The height and location make the One World Observatory the best observation deck for far-reaching views. You can spot everything from the Empire State Building to the Statue of Liberty.

Of course, part of the draw of the One World Observatory is that it is built next to the site of the Twin Towers. The towers were famously attacked during 9/11, and you can see the memorial pools just seconds from the One World Trade Center. The area is a somber sight, and if you can, pair the One World Observatory with a visit to the harrowing 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

New York City Observation Decks One World How to get there C Line

The One World Observatory is located in Lower Manhattan, so you’ll likely need to hop on the metro. The ‘C line’ is an easy 20-minute ride from central Manhattan, where you disembark at Chambers Street and walk the easy ten minutes to the observatory.

Tickets For The One World Observatory

Tickets are around the standard mark for observatory decks in New York, starting at $39 for general admission tickets when booked in advance. You’ll ideally book online and in advance , and tickets sell out fast.

Reasons To Visit The One World Observatory

  • It is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, with far-stretching views of New York.
  • It has an enjoyable Sky Pod Elevator ride.
  • It is right next to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

Is The One World Observatory Worth It?

The One World Observatory is a really culturally important place to visit, regardless of whether or not it’s the best observation deck. The One World Trade Center symbolizes the post-9/11 healing process and is beautiful to see up close. Its height and far-stretching views are just cherries on top.

7. Hamilton Park Observation Deck

New York City Observation Decks Hamilton Park View

Hamilton Park Observation Deck is somewhat of a hidden gem regarding the best NYC observation decks. Think of it as what Brooklyn Bridge Park used to be. Hamilton Park is located on the opposite side of Manhattan, in New Jersey, overlooking the Hudson River and Manhattan skyline.

Hamilton Park Observation Deck is a huge open-air outdoor terrace. It is best visited at sunrise when you can catch the sun rising from behind Manhattan or at night when the cityscape lights up beautifully. Hamilton Park is where to head if you don’t like heights and want an open-air observation deck. It is also relatively unknown on the tourist scene, so you should avoid heavy crowds.

New York City Observation Decks Hamilton Park How to get there

Reaching Hamilton Park Observation Deck is easiest via Uber or taxi, just 20 minutes from Manhattan. You’ll be crossing the Hudson River, which marks the state border between New York and New Jersey. Your Uber will take you through the Lincoln Tunnel, under the river, and into New York’s neighboring state. It’s a great way to maximize your trip and experience two states for the price of one.

Otherwise, you can take the 156 bus from Port Authority to Park Avenue at Highwood Terrace in under 10 minutes, walking just under another 10 minutes to the observation deck itself.

Tickets For Hamilton Park Observation Deck

As a public park, Hamilton Park is totally free. It is the best observation deck for anyone on a budget. It has beautiful views over the Manhattan skyline – what more could you want? Don’t expect fancy exhibits or an indoor experience; this is an outdoor terrace with a railing overlooking the skyline and Hudson River. But if that sounds up your street, it’s a fantastic free experience in NYC with no need to buy tickets in advance.

Reasons To Visit Hamilton Park Observation Deck

  • It is totally free, making it a great budget-friendly observation point in New York City.
  • It is less well-known than Brooklyn Bridge Park, meaning a quieter experience.
  • You get beautiful views of Manhattan.

Is Hamilton Park Observation Deck Worth It?

Absolutely. What’s not to love? You get free access to an outdoor observation deck overlooking Manhattan. Head there at sunrise or after sunset for the best views.

8. Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck

New York City Observation Decks Riverview-Fisk Park

Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck is another often overlooked NYC observation deck. The park was built in 1894 and spreads over 259 acres. Its observation deck, a gazebo-style building at the highest point of the park, is somewhat of a local secret, with residents visiting for serene sunrises over the New York City skyline. If you play your cards right, it is the best observation deck if you want a simple terrace for yourself.

Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck is best visited in the evening when New York City lights up or at sunrise when you can see the sunrise behind Manhattan. The Empire State Building, Chrysler, and One World Trade Center will be seen.

Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck is the furthest observatory from central Manhattan. You’ll be stepping out of the central location to view the city from a distance – appreciating its skyline across the Hudson River.

When you venture to the Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck, you’ll cross the New York-New Jersey border. It’s ideally combined with a visit to the Hamilton Park Observation Deck, which is less than a 15-minute drive away and also on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River.

By Uber or taxi, you can reach the deck in just 25 minutes from Manhattan. Alternatively, you can catch the 119 bus for 15 minutes from the Port Authority Bus Terminal and walk less than 10 minutes to the Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck.

No tickets are necessary for this free experience. Alongside Hamilton Park and The Vessel, Riverview-Fisk Park is the best observation deck in NYC for those on a budget. Set in a public park, it is free to visit.

Reasons To Visit Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck

New York City Observation Decks Riverview-Fisk Park Bus Port Authority

  • It is free and the best observation deck on a budget.
  • It is quiet and more of a local secret.
  • You can get stunning views of the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and One World Trade Center at sunrise and after dark.

Yes, the Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck is absolutely worth it. As a free observation deck in a public park, it really offers a win-win experience. You get beautiful views of New York and some of its most famous landmarks without paying a penny.

If you are okay venturing out of Manhattan, this is the best observation deck for your itinerary. For the best of both worlds, we’d suggest pairing it with a visit to an iconic landmark, like the observation deck at the Empire State Building.

9. North Beach Observation Deck

New York City Observation Decks North Beach

North Beach Observation Deck is the best observation deck in New York if you fancy an adventurous day out. It is especially good in summer, too, when you can enjoy the warm temperatures with a beach day afterward. This deck is located in the Gateway National Recreation Area, accessible by ferry on an adventurous day trip from central New York. Play your cards right, and you could be sailing past the Statue of Liberty to admire New York City from across the bay.

The observation deck is a small covered terrace overlooking sandy North Beach and the bay, with a serene view of the New York City skyline on the horizon. It’s a beautiful choice if you want to combine a beach day with an alternative observation deck experience. Instead of sticking to Manhattan’s main five observation decks, you can head further out and mix things up a bit.

New York City Observation Decks North Beach How to get there Ferry

North Beach Observation Deck is a mission to get to, so set off nice and early and make a full day of it.

You start from Pier 11 at Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, catching a 55-minute Seastreak New Jersey ferry down the bay and past the Statue of Liberty. This takes you to Atlantic Highlands, on the other side of the bay. For the final leg – a scenic 20-minute drive into Gateway National Recreation Area – it is an easy Uber or Lyft ride.

It should take you around 2 hours to reach North Beach Observation Deck from Manhattan.

No tickets are necessary for this beachfront observation deck, and no entrance fees for Gateway National Recreation Area. This makes it the best observation deck for those on a budget, especially if you want one of those long-distance skyline views.

  • It is perfectly combined with a beach day.
  • It is a more natural setting than inner-city skyscrapers and has a gorgeous skyline view of New York City.
  • It is free to enjoy.

North Beach Observation Deck is definitely worth it in summer. The fact you can pair it with a beach day is a real draw, and the natural setting is something you can’t get elsewhere in the city and its outskirts.

Be aware that you won’t be able to see landmarks in detail. You will admire the shape of the New York City skyline more than the architecture of the SUMMIT One Vanderbilt or the Empire State Building. But if you like that viewpoint, it’s ideal and has some beautiful waterfront views.

Best Observation Decks: FAQs

New York City Observation Decks FAQs Brooklyn Bridge

Now you know the top nine observation decks in NYC, what else is there to know? In this section, we’ll run over the top FAQs that any visitor to New York City should know. We’ll cover the extra helpful details, like the best observation deck or tallest building. And which observation decks should you visit on a budget?

For some handy final thoughts, this is your section.

Are there any free observation decks in NYC?

All of the observation decks in central NYC cost a minimum of around $30, apart from The Vessel, which is currently only opening its ground floor. For your best bet, we’d recommend heading out of New York and crossing into New Jersey for free observation decks.

Hamilton Park Observation Deck and Riverview-Fisk Park Observation Deck are great options. They are both set in public park settings and have beautiful views of Manhattan’s skyline.

Don’t despair if you want more free views in NYC, though. You can think outside the box and choose viewpoints rather than observation decks. Things like the Staten Island Ferry and walking the Brooklyn Bridge are entirely free.

Which NYC observation deck should you visit in 2023?

One Vanderbilt The Summit is the newest open-air observation deck to visit in New York City, so we snagged our first spot as a top recommendation.

The Edge, New York City’s highest outdoor observation deck, is also a dramatic option. It is famed for its glass floor and angled glass walls. For those unphased by heights, the glass-floored record breaker is definitely one for the itinerary.

Which building has the best view in NYC?

The top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center has an amazing view. From there, you can see the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and One World Trade Center. You can also look down on Times Square and Central Park – a definite draw.

Top of the Rock has the best view if you want all the leading landmarks in a single view.

Which NYC observation deck is best?

The Edge is the most dramatic outdoor sky deck. The glass floor really sets it aside as one of the best observation decks in New York City. The glass element is what makes it our favorite observation deck in NYC.

Why We Love New York City

New York City Observation Decks To Conclude Roosevelt Island Tramway

When it comes to NYC observation decks, you certainly have a lot of choices. You’ll have a wonderful time if you opt for the highest outdoor sky deck, the Edge, or a distant view of the NYC skyline from the North Beach Observation Deck. You can tackle observation decks in NYC in lots of different ways.

We recommend including an open-air deck that isn’t in one of the prominent landmarks. Going up the Empire State Building and World Trade Center is impressive. However, it does come with a caveat; you look at the skyline without the major landmark you are standing in, making the view less impressive. Definitely go up these iconic buildings. But make sure to add a few non-major-landmark observation decks in NYC to your list as well.

It isn’t just open-air observation decks to visit either. Check out some of  NYC’s best views  – not just from observation decks but from viewpoints around the city. The best views are from crossing Brooklyn Bridge or taking the Roosevelt Island Tram. It isn’t all about heading to the tallest building but what views you can see from public transport, bridges, and the ground. Get creative when visiting New York City, and you’ll be astounded by the quality of viewpoints.

Plan Your Next Trip To NYC with These Resources

  • Planning a Perfect One Day in New York City – Local Tips & Map
  • Where to Stay in New York City
  • 41 Awesome Things to Do in New York City
  • 18 Best Museums in NYC
  • 30 Best New York Views – Where to See the Manhattan Skyline

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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1 thought on “Best Observation Decks in NYC To Visit In 2024”

Well done on this article – very informative 🙂 thanks – Peter

The Tower Info

Guide to visiting Oriental Pearl Tower Observation Deck

Oriental Pearl Tower is one of the tallest towers in the world, it's the most renowned landmark in the city of Shanghai , the TV & Broadcasting tower is widely regarded as the symbol of modern Shanghai, while the historical buildings of western styles seen along the Bund represent the historical Shanghai.

Looking up at Oriental Pearl Tower

As the symbol of modern Shanghai, Oriental Pearl Tower is one the most visited attractions in Shanghai , the tower has multiple observation decks at high altitudes inside its iconic sphere structures, allowing visitors to access and see the aerial views of the Huangpu River, the Bund and most areas of the city, the tower also provides many interesting entertainment facilities for visitors, such as the VR roller coaster.

To visit the observation decks on Oriental Pearl Tower, it's highly recommended to book the admission ticket online in advance , because you will be offered a discount, and more importantly, the lines for purchasing the tickets in the tower's ticket hall are always very long due to the tower's high notability, it may take half an hour to wait in the queue for a ticket . So you can book the ticket online to avoid the long line, the admission tickets can be booked by clicking here , after you booked, an e-ticket will be sent to you via email, which can be used to get the paper ticket in the ticket hall of Oriental Pearl Tower.

Location & How to get there

The address of Oriental Pearl Tower is 1 Century Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai.

The most used way to access there is by taking Metro Line 2, stop at Lujiazui Station, and then walk for a few minutes towards the tower.

Opening hours

The opening hours of Oriental Pearl Tower is 8:00 am to 9:30 pm every day, don't go too late, as the closing time is earlier than the observation decks in America or other countries. And it's better to visit it by the dusk time, as you will be able to enjoy both day views and night views of Shanghai with a single visit.

Facts about the observation decks and revolving restaurant:

Oriental Pearl Tower is mostly composed of spheres of different sizes, two of these spheres are significantly larger than the rest ones and contain the observation decks, the main observation deck is in the upper large sphere, at a height of 263 meters, another deck is slightly below it at 259 meters, and maybe is the most interesting one, as it has a circular glass floor on the edge, allowing visitors to walk on it to look down at the views below.

The upper large sphere of Oriental Pearl Tower

A revolving buffet restaurant is at 267 meter high on the tower, which is 4 meters higher than the main deck. The restaurant can accommodate up to 350 guests in the same time, the admission for dining needs to be booked together with the observation admission.

The highest observation deck is on the tower's uppermost sphere at 351 meters, this sphere is not as large as the one mentioned above, only 14 meters in diameter, but about 90 meters higher than the main observation deck.

The lower large sphere also has an observation deck, at a height of 90 meters.

The process of visit:

Once you arrived Oriental Pearl Tower, go find the ticket hall, where you need to use the e-ticket you booked to get the paper entry ticket, you can deposit your luggage in a dedicated place there for free. After get the paper ticket, you will be escorted to wait for the elevator for a few minutes.

The elevator shaft of Oriental Pearl Tower

The elevator will whisk visitors to the main observation deck at 263 meters first, with a speed of 7 meter per second, the observation deck can be arrived within less than a minute. At the main observation deck, you will be presented with impressive aerial views of the city from all directions, the views of skylines and the river seen from such a high perspective can be totally different from those seen from street level, generally much more impressive. To the west, you will see the panoramic view of the Bund, the Huangpu River, Suzhou River (a smaller river which can be found on the right of the Bund), and numerous buildings around the city center.

the visit deck scene

The most distinctive buildings among them are no doubt the Giant Three Towers, which are Shanghai World Financial Center (the one that resembles a bottle opener), Jin Mao Tower , and the newly built and the tallest one, Shanghai Tower .

the visit deck scene

After visited the observation deck on the upper large sphere, the elevator will take you to the floor in the lower sphere, there's a ring screen displaying videos that depict the future planning of Shanghai city, visitors will be standing on a conveyor belt to view the video. And the floor at 90 meter has a VR roller coaster. The lowest observation deck is also located there.

The Bund seen from the observation deck at 90 meters high of Oriental Pearl Tower

Are you planning to visit Oriental Pearl Tower in person? You can book admission tickets at here .

Never been to China before? China is quite different compared to other countries, you will encounter many things that can't be encountered in other countries, these 12 tips for traveling to China will help you a lot.

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You can find The Scene on board: Scarlet Lady , Valiant Lady , Resilient Lady and Brilliant Lady

This page was last updated on 30 January 2024 by David Todd . If you spot any errors or missing information, please let us know .

The Scene on Virgin Voyages cruise ships

Amidst the vibrant energy of Virgin Voyages, The Scene stands as a serene escape, doubling as a versatile event space aboard the ship. While not always accessible to sailors, a note on the door indicates its availability. For those fortunate enough to enter, The Scene offers a peaceful ambiance, ideal for unwinding amidst the ocean’s gentle sway.

Purpose and Accessibility

While primarily designated for corporate or internal events, The Scene extends its doors to all guests seeking tranquility. Tucked away in a discreet corner of the ship, its accessibility is as simple as pushing the door open. However, availability may vary, so sailors should heed any notices indicating closure.

Booking The Scene in advance is an option, offering the opportunity for private cocktail parties accommodating up to 30 sailors. For inquiries or reservations, Sailor Services provides further details on available options.

Ambiance and Furnishings

Soft furnishings adorn The Scene, fostering a tranquil atmosphere conducive to relaxation and rejuvenation. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer panoramic views of the ocean, providing a serene backdrop for contemplation or simply enjoying the maritime scenery.

The Scene offers floor to ceiling windows with views of the ocean and seating

In essence, The Scene epitomizes a haven of calm amidst the lively ambiance of Virgin Voyages. Beyond serving as a retreat for relaxation, it doubles as a venue for private events. Its understated elegance and peaceful setting make it a sought-after sanctuary for sailors seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of the ship’s activities. Whether enjoying a quiet moment alone or hosting an intimate gathering, The Scene promises an experience of serenity and sophistication amidst the maritime adventure.

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See behind the scenes footage for the Emmy nominated hit series “Below Deck” providing a glimpse into the world of mega yachts , of course had to visit St. Maarten as mega yacht and island hopping  hub.

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MPD Investigating Fatal Crash Involving Pedestrian in Southeast

The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating a traffic crash that resulted in the death of a pedestrian in Southeast.

On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at approximately 8:58 p.m., a pedestrian was lying down in the northbound travel lane in the 2100 block of Minnesota Avenue, Southeast, when an unknown gray SUV traveling north ran over the pedestrian and fled the scene, continuing through 22nd Street, Southeast, without rendering aide or the driver making their identity known.

The male pedestrian was pronounced dead on scene.

The decedent has been identified as 29-year-old Kurt Donnelle Morgan , of no fixed address.

Anyone who has knowledge of this incident should take no action but call police at (202) 727-9099 or text your tip to the Department's TEXT TIP LINE at 50411.

CCN: 24136708

Atlanta rapper Rich Homie Quan dies at 33

Rich Homie Quan wearing sunglasses and a checkered coat

Atlanta rapper Rich Homie Quan, who burst onto the hip-hop scene in 2013, died in Georgia, authorities said.

The Fulton County Medical Examiner said in a statement that Atlanta's Grady Memorial Hospital notified its personnel Thursday of the rapper's death.

He was 33, the office said.

A cause and manner of death was not released. An autopsy has been scheduled for Friday, the medical examiner said.

The artist, whose given name is Dequantes Devontay Lamar, scored a big hit more than a decade ago with the song “Type of Way.” He followed it up in 2015 with “Flex (Ooh, Ooh, Ooh).”

Rapper Boosie Badazz posted about his friend’s death on social media .


Boosie Badazz said the two artists were collaborating together before Rich Homie Quan's death.

Rich Homie Quan's family and his management representatives could not be reached for comment Thursday afternoon.

Mark Dantonio, the former head football coach at Michigan State University, posted a picture on X of him and Rich Homie Quan embracing after Dantonio's team won the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1, 2014.

"Type of way" became the squad's celebratory anthem for the season. Players and coaches danced to the smash hit in the locker room following their 24-20 win over Stanford University.

"RIP ⁦ @RichHomieQuan Special Time, Special Place with Special People," Dantonio wrote, ending the post with an emoji of praying hands.

That same year, Rich Homie Quan was named to rap publication XXL’s coveted inaugural Freshman Class, Variety reported . Others named by the magazine include Chance the Rapper, Ty Dolla $ign and Kevin Gates.

During his career, he was nominated for several BET and BET Hip Hop Awards including best new artist and people’s champ award, Variety reported.

Rich Homie Quan also collaborated with other notable names in the industry such as 2 Chainz, Young Thug, Gucci Mane and Trinidad James.

CORRECTION (Sept. 5, 2024, 6:12 p.m. ET): A previous version of this article misstated Rich Homie Quan’s age. He was 33, not 34.

Antonio Planas is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital.

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Porchfest, Chelsea Handler, ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ and more to do this weekend

Plus, two options for takeout chicken wings to pair with Sunday's Patriots game.

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Chelsea Handler at the 29th Annual Critics Choice Awards in Santa Monica, California on Jan. 14, 2024. Kathy Hutchins/

Can you even handle how much is going on this weekend?

For one, there’s the Chelsea Handler show at Merrill Auditorium on Friday. There’s also the HenryFest music festival in North Yarmouth on Sunday,  the Laudholm Nature Crafts Festival in Wells on Saturday and Sunday and the Portland Maine Comedy Festival all weekend long.

What? That’s not enough? Then head to see Pigeons Playing Ping Pong at Thompson’s Point on Sunday. We’ve got the skinny on all of these things , so hop to it.

Chelsea Handler, HenryFest, Pigeons Playing Ping Pong and more comedy

the visit deck scene

Musician Jon King who performs and records under the name King Kyote.

There’s a ton of other live music options to choose from this weekend .

The final show at Sun Tiki Studios in Portland is on Friday, featuring Vapors of Morphine with local opener Sparxsea.

Then there’s a pair of pretty epic festivals to choose from. Advertisement

On Saturday, WMPG presents McGoldROCKS Music Festival with Plague Dad, Vices Inc., Euphemia, Bondeko and Spose. The music happens on the University of Southern Maine campus in Portland.

Also on Saturday is the Big Falls Music & Cider Fest in New Gloucester, featuring Hayley Jane, King Kyote and Love By Numb3rs, among other acts.

Sun Tiki Studios holds its last show, plus 2 festivals happening Saturday

the visit deck scene

Drumstick with fire sauce from Leonardo’s in Portland. Photo by Leslie Bridgers

Fans of the New England Patriots, rejoice! The first game of the season is Sunday at 1 p.m. against the Cincinnati Bengals. One of the best parts of watching a Pats game at home is the ability to eat whatever you want, including the qunitessential football snack: chicken wings. Two tasty choices of wings are available at Smoked and Leonardo’s, both on Forest Avenue in Portland, and both open well before kick-off to make your takeout dreams come true.

For football season, 2 choices for takeout chicken wings on Forest Avenue

the visit deck scene

Bob Carroll hosts a band or two in his driveway on Bedell Street during Deering Center’s annual Porchfest. Photo courtesy of Bob Carroll

Porchfest is an annual event in Portland’s Deering Center neighborhood that features several residences hosting local music performances on porches and in driveways and yards. The music starts at 12:15 p.m. Sunday. Check out our interview with Bob Carroll, one of the Porchfest hosts.

What to expect at Porchfest, from a longtime host of the Deering Center event

the visit deck scene

Latrice Royale plays the man-eating plant in “Little Shop of Horrors” at Ogunquit Playhouse, through Sept. 21. Photo by Jeremy Daniel

It might technically still be summer, but fall theater season is upon us, and we’ve got the lowdown on several upcoming productions, including Portland Players’ “Legally Blonde: The Musical.” For instant theater gratification, see “Little Shop of Horrors” now through Sept. 21 at Ogunquit Playhouse.

Two different takes on ‘Dracula’ and a dozen other plays you can see this fall

This story was updated today to remove an event that has passed.

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  • Cast & crew
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Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson in Babygirl (2024)

A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern.

  • Halina Reijn
  • Nicole Kidman
  • Harris Dickinson
  • Antonio Banderas
  • 1 User review
  • 24 Critic reviews
  • 81 Metascore
  • 1 nomination

Nicole Kidman and Halina Reijn at an event for Babygirl (2024)

Top cast 37

Nicole Kidman

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  • Trivia Jean Reno shot scenes for the film, but was cut entirely from the finished film.

User reviews 1

  • Sep 1, 2024

The 2024 Festival Films You Need to Know

Production art

  • December 25, 2024 (United States)
  • Netherlands
  • United States
  • New York City, New York, USA (street scenes)
  • Man Up Film
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  • Runtime 1 hour 54 minutes

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Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson in Babygirl (2024)

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    the visit deck scene

  2. The Visit (2015)

    the visit deck scene

  3. The Visit (2015)

    the visit deck scene

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    the visit deck scene

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  1. The Visit Ending, Explained: What's Wrong With the Grandparents?

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  2. The Ending Of The Visit Explained

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  3. The Visit (2015 American film)

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  4. The Visit (2015)

    The Visit: Directed by M. Night Shyamalan. With Olivia DeJonge, Ed Oxenbould, Deanna Dunagan, Peter McRobbie. Two siblings become increasingly frightened by their grandparents' disturbing behavior while visiting them on vacation.

  5. The Visit (2015) Behind the Scenes

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  6. The Visit movie review & film summary (2015)

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  7. The Visit Ending Explained: Is The M. Night Shyamalan Movie Based On A

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  9. The Visit (2015)

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  10. The Visit Summary, Trailer, Cast, and More

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