rugby tour ideas

10 things you absolutely MUST take on rugby tour

  • March 11, 2016

Training Team

If you’ve never been on a rugby tour, you’re in for a treat. Rugby tours are about as much fun as you can have in a week / weekend. You get a few days away from the Mrs, a few nights drinking with the boys and if you’re lucky, a bit of rugby in there too.

Rugby tours are where the fun is at. The weekend we look forward to all off-season. But they have a dark side as well. Chances are this will be the one game you play without your mouth guard, the night you lose your phone and trip that gets you in the doghouse. 

The  Ruck Science  team has made all the basics rugby tour mistakes before. And today, we’re giving you a roadmap for avoiding them. These are the 10 things we suggest you absolutely MUST take on rugby tour. Plus a couple of bonus strategies that can help you avoid the most common stuff-ups.


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For the purposes of this article, “rugby tour” really means any rugby game that requires at least one night in a hotel. This could be a weekend trip, a week long multi-city debacle or simply a game where you need to stay in a hotel the night before you play because its a long drive. All the same principles apply in these situations. We’ve split the essentials into 4 categories; getting on the field, staying comfortable, staying connected and getting enough sleep. These are the four areas in which you can have the most impact with a few minor additions to your kit bag.

Aside: the photo at the top of the page is taken from the US Embassy in New Zealand and shows the USA Eagles’ squad for the 1908 tour. If USA Rugby had replica jerseys like that for sale, we’d buy one in a heart beat! Your move Nigel. 


Rugby tours are about much more than rugby. But at some point, you’re going to have to get on the field. Unfortunately, that can often be the hardest part of tour. You haven’t slept enough, people are arriving at different times and there’s generally less coordination than there would be for a home game. But despite all that, you’ve gotta get ready to play. Here are our 3 suggestions for game-day preparation:

Spare Shorts and Socks

How often have you been sitting in the changing rooms only to hear a small voice ask “does anyone have spare ( shorts , socks, boots, mouth guard…)?” More than once we’ll bet. Everyone has done it, but on tour this seems to happen much more often. Either a player has lost a bag traveling, left something at the hotel or just failed to pack properly. It’s going to happen. All you can really do is plan for it to happen by bringing spares. Spare shorts, spare socks and spare boots are essentials on rugby tour. And on the off chance you’re the fool who forgot their shit, don’t make excuses, just own it and remember to bring spares next time.

Strapping Tape

By the middle of the season, most of us are held together by strapping tape. But for some reason we all forget how much we’re going to need it on tour. Perhaps we just get giddy at the thought of going on an airplane.

The clubs that you’ll be playing on rugby tour will almost certainly have a great bunch of guys. Even if you are playing against them. But don’t assume that they’ll provide everything YOU need to get on the field. If you’d usually rely on the team physio for strapping, you probably can’t guarantee this on rugby tour. Take your own strapping tape and be ready to share it because the “borrowers” are going to corner you for it when you’re done.

Portable  Supplements

If you use  supplements to support recovery after rugby  games like  post-rugby , its important to take these with you on tour. But they can’t be the bulky stuff you store on your kitchen counter. There’s nothing funnier than watching a tight head prop try to get through airport security with 5lbs of  whey protein  under his arm. You want to bring a few supplements that you’ve used before and that you know will give you performance and recovery benefits at game time.

rugby tour ideas


Staying comfortable.

If you’re like us, you like to be comfortable. But staying comfortable on rugby tour is an inherently difficult thing to do. You’re traveling for one thing, which sucks. You’re carrying around dirty rugby gear, which smells. And you’re probably in a rush to get everywhere. How do you stay comfortable with all those things going on? It’s tough, but here are three things we’ve found useful.

Plastic Bags

After home rugby games, its easy to throw your kit bag in the trunk of the car and forget about it until Tuesday night training. It’s not the best decision in the world. But its definitely one strategy for dealing with the “smell of rugby”. When you’re on rugby tour however, you need to carry around your disgusting gear for hours or potentially days. There are 3 ways to deal with this:

  • You can clean your stuff.  Lets just admit this right now, you’re not going to clean anything on rugby tour. If you would, you’re a one in a million.
  • You can throw your stuff away.  It’s effective in the short-term. But its not the most sustainable solution, especially when you need it next week.
  • You can wrap everything in plastic bags. 

The last of those options is clearly the best. You get to keep your stuff and avoid the smell of rugby gear. We suggest bringing at least two plastic bags. Because as with socks and boots, someone is going to forget theirs and you’ll need to supply one for them.

An Old Towel

We know, you’re going to just grab a towel at the hotel, right? You couldn’t possibly forget to do that when you’re late for the bus and running to the elevator, could you? Before you leave your house for rugby tour, grab the oldest towel you can find. Not the fancy one in the guest bathroom, put that back!

You want a towel that fulfills 2 requirements; 1. your wife won’t know its gone and 2. you won’t care if it gets left on tour. Ideally you want to bring a towel that you can throw away as soon as you’ve used it. What happens when you don’t have a towel? It gets ugly. Just trust us. The best bet is to actually pack your towel at the very bottom of your kit bag before you put anything else in. Towel first, everything else second.

Flip Flops / Thongs

rugby tour ideas


Wall charger.

Unless you have the ability to work remotely, we don’t recommend that you take a laptop on rugby tour. It’s just one more thing that can get lost, stolen or broken by a drunken teammate falling in the dark. For those of you who charge your cell phone with a USB cable in your car or computer, this presents a problem. The solution is super-simple though. Buy / take a wall charger with you. Don’t rely on a teammate. Don’t assume someone will have the charger you need. This is especially true if you’re somehow still using a Blackberry. Make sure you have the ability to plug your phone into a wall and leave it there to juice-up. Forgetting to do this leads to all manner of other problems caused by miscommunication.

Headphones are an essential travel tool, but they’re an even more important rugby tour tool. Teammates don’t stop talking. Depending on your mood at the time, that can be either a good or a bad thing. Do you need to listen to music constantly? Not necessarily. But having the option is absolutely crucial. You don’t want to get stuck in a conversation about politics, religion or any other touchy subject if you don’t have to. Stick your headphones on and avoid the drama.

20-1-20 PROGRAM

Total preparation for rugby, getting enough sleep.

Every rugby player needs quality sleep in order to have a good performance on game day. But too few of us plan for the sleeping situation we’re going to have on rugby tour. You’re likely to be sharing a room, or even a bed with another dude. And that can be difficult at the best of times. Factor in the appalling pillows and mattresses in most hotel rooms and you’ve got a recipe for 3 hours of shitty, interrupted sleep. Here’s how you solve the problem:

Chewable Melatonin 

rugby tour ideas

Buy some foam ear plugs. You can get them at the airport. You might not need them, but when you do you’ll thank us. On the other hand, if you know yourself to be a snorer, bringing ear plugs to give to your roommates is about the best move you can make. Anyone THAT considerate is a team player for sure. 


Strictly-speaking these last two items aren’t “things” you should take on rugby tour. But they are strategies we highly recommend you follow. We’ve heard all the stories of missed flights and lost bags. When it comes to travel, its important to eliminate as many potential errors as possible. Here are two ways to do that. 

Don’t Check Your Kit Bag

Things get lost when traveling. You can’t stop an airline from messing up. But you can try to minimize the impact of lost bags. If you’re taking two bags on your rugby tour, we highly recommend that you carry your kit bag on the plane and check the one that doesn’t have your boots in it. There is quite literally nothing worse than arriving in a city on tour and having to run around to sports stores looking for some studs because your airline sent your kit bag “international”. On the way home, this is less of an issue, but if you haven’t played your game yet, keep your boots on you at all times. 

Arrive Early, Leave Late

You have to get back for work on Monday and you want the Mrs to give you a bit of a break when you arrive. So you book the Sunday-afternoon 6pm flight, don’t you? Error. Huge error. You’ve just saved yourself $200 on a flight and hotel and caused yourself a whole bunch of other stress. Kickoff will get pushed back an hour and you won’t be able to get a cab to the airport. So now you’ve missed your flight and you’re going to end up staying a extra night anyway. 

Its very very tempting to take the cheaper, earlier flight home, but you shouldn’t do this. The same way you shouldn’t expect that the last-minute arrival flight is going to work any better. Any delays and you’ve missed your game. Take the responsibility out of the hands of the airlines altogether and arrive a day early and leave a day late. If this means taking a day off work, do it. If this means sharing a bed for the Sunday night, do that too. Enjoy your tour, ruggers!

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Rugby Tours

A personalised rugby tour for your rugby team

  • Tours to Argentina
  • Tours to Australia
  • Tours to Barbados
  • Tours to Belgium
  • Tours to Canada
  • Tours to Dubai
  • Tours to France
  • Tours to Germany
  • Tours to Gibraltar
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  • Tours to Czech Republic
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  • Tours to Hungary
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  • Tours to Lithuania
  • Tours to Poland
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  • European Rugby Tours
  • UK Rugby Tours
  • Worldwide Rugby Tours
  • European Club Rugby Tours
  • Senior Rugby Tours within the UK
  • Worldwide Adult Rugby Tours
  • Women’s & Girls


  • School Rugby Tour to Australia: Chew Valley School
  • School Rugby Tour to Australia: Leicester Grammar School
  • Colts Rugby Tour to Barbados: Bognor Regis RFC Colts
  • Colts Rugby Tour to Barbados: Uckfield RFC Colts
  • Military Rugby Tour to Barbados: 42nd Engineer Regiment
  • School Rugby Tour to Barbados: Darton High School U14
  • School Rugby Tour to Barbados: Ryde School Rugby U15
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Belgium: St Neots RFC U16’s & Colts
  • Junior rugby tour to the Gent Festival: Llantwit Major RFC U16s
  • Junior rugby tour to the Gent Festival: South Woodham Ferrers RFC U17s
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Belgium: Bristol Harlequins RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Belgium: Bristol Saracens RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Belgium: Millbrook RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Belgium: Minchinhampton RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Belgium: Saffron Walden RFC
  • University Rugby Tour to Belgium: Exeter University RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Sofia in Bulgaria: Wallingford RFC
  • Armed Forces Tour to Canada: Royal Logistics Corps RFC
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Canada: Barnstaple RFC U16
  • Ladies Rugby Tour to Canada: South East Region U18
  • Military Rugby Tour to Canada: 1st Queen’s Dragoon Guards RFC
  • School Rugby Tour to Canada: Amman Valley School
  • School Rugby Tour to Canada: Robert Clack School
  • School Rugby Tour to Toronto & Niagara: The George Ward School
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Canada: London Scottish RFC
  • University Rugby Tour to Canada: Coventry University RFC
  • University Rugby Tour to Canada: Heriot Watt University
  • Ysgol Greenhill School Rugby Tour to Canada
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Cyprus: Cainscross RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to the Czech Republic: Ollerton RFC
  • University Rugby Tour to the Czech Republic: University of Leicester RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Estonia: Banbridge Blue Sox RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Estonia: Brockworth RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Estonia: English & American RFC
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Biarritz: Bracknell RFC U18’s
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Biarritz: Buckingham RFC U16
  • Junior Rugby Tour to France: Hertford RFC U15’s
  • Junior Rugby Tour to France: Uckfield RFC Colts
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Toulouse: Winscombe RFC U17’s
  • School Rugby Tour to France: St John’s School
  • Senior Rugby Tour to France: Minchinhampton RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to France: Skegness RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Lille: Burgess Hill RFC
  • Veterans Rugby Tour to Lille: Rochford Hundred RFC Vets
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Germany: Wellingborough OG’s RFC U17’s
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Berlin: Exmouth RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Cologne: Old Yardleians RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Germany: Prenton RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Hungary: Bristol Barbarians RFC
  • University Rugby Tour to Hungary – University of Stirling
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Cork: Nuneaton RFC U15’s
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Dublin: Grove RFC U16’s
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Dublin: Leamington RFC U15’s
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Ireland: Old Northamptonians RFC U16’s
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Cork: Wirral RFC 4th XV
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Dublin: Dronfield RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Dublin: Reading RFC
  • Women’s Rugby Tour to Ireland: Wolverhampton WRFC
  • Junior rugby tour to Italy: Penryn RFC U15s
  • Lichfield RFC U16 Tour to Italy
  • School Rugby Tour to Chioggia: Broxbourne School
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Italy: Lightwater RFC
  • School Rugby Tour to Jersey: Heywood Preparatory School RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Jersey: BNP Paribas RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Latvia: Ellesmere Port RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Lithuania: Cleckheaton RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Lithuania: Gordano RFC
  • Colts Rugby Tour to Malta: Abingdon RFC Colts
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Southern Holland: Maidenhead RFC U15
  • Junior Rugby Tour to the Hilversum Festival: Littleborough RFC U13s
  • Junior Rugby Tour to the Hilversum Festival: Olney RFC U16’s
  • Junior Rugby Tour to the Netherlands: Wells RFC U16’s
  • School Rugby Tour to a Popular Dutch Holiday Park: Ryde School RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Amsterdam: Llandrindod Wells RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Holland: Ynysybwl RFC
  • University Women’s Rugby Tour to the Netherlands: University of Essex WRFC
  • Junior Rugby Tour to New Zealand: Bridport RFC U14’s
  • Junior Rugby Tour to New Zealand: Saracens RFC Juniors
  • Cleckheaton RFC Senior Rugby Tour to Poland
  • Ely Tigers Senior Rugby Tour to Poland
  • Military Rugby Tour to Portugal: RAF RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Portugal: Twickenham RFC
  • Women’s University Rugby Tour to Portugal: Oxford University WRFC
  • Colts Rugby Tour to South Africa: Datchworth RFC U18
  • Heriot Watt University Rugby tour to South Africa
  • Junior Rugby Tour to South Africa: Penryn RFC U16
  • Junior Rugby Tour to South Africa: Upminster RFC U17
  • Military Rugby Tour to South Africa: 1st Queen’s Dragoon Guards RFC
  • Military Rugby Tour to South Africa: REME RFC
  • Ryde School RFC U17 Rugby Tour to South Africa
  • The Castle School Rugby tour to South Africa
  • University Rugby Tour to South Africa: University of East Anglia RFC
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Spain: Penarth RFC U16
  • School Rugby Tour to Spain: The George Ward School
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Lloret de Mar: Bristol Barbarians RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Spain: Blandford RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Spain: Hillingdon Abbots RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to the Benidorm 7s: Wetherby RFC
  • University Rugby Tour to Spain: Edinburgh University Ladies RFC
  • Colts Rugby Tour to Cheltenham: Trojans Colts RFC
  • Junior Rugby tour to Croft Farm: Bank of England RFC U9-U13s
  • Junior Rugby tour to Croft Farm: Dorking RFC U13
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Newquay: Exeter Saracens RFC U15
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Sussex: Alleynian Old Boys RFC U15
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Sussex: Middlesbrough RFC U15
  • Junior Rugby Tour to the Bournemouth Festival: Caerleon RFC U13
  • Junior Rugby Tour to Torquay: Saracens RFC U15
  • Mini Rugby Tour to Sussex: Aylestone St James RFC Minis
  • Mini Rugby Tour to the Bournemouth Festival: Aylesford Bulls RFC
  • Mini Rugby Tour to the Havant Rugby Festival: Leighton Buzzard RFC U12
  • Mini Rugby Tour to the Llanelli Festival: Datchworth RFC Minis
  • Mini Rugby Tour Wimborne Festival: Minchinhampton RFC U9 & U11
  • School Rugby Tour to Scotland: Birkdale Preparatory School
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Blackpool: Gosport & Fareham RFC 3rd Team
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Cheltenham: Vigo RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Gloucester: Ollerton RFC
  • Senior Rugby Tour to Leicester: Chester-le-Street RFC
  • Wanstead RFC U13 Rugby Tour to The South Yorkshire Challenge

Rugby tours form the foundations of Burleigh Travel and are as popular as ever some 28 years since we arranged our first rugby tour. The experience of arranging tours for tens of thousands of rugby tourists means our knowledge in this area is unsurpassed and we would be delighted to pass on our expertise and experience to you and your team for your next tour.

Our team of rugby tour co-ordinators are actively involved in rugby, as players, coaches or spectators and have participated in many overseas rugby tours, as players or tour leaders, giving us an unrivalled understanding as to the components required to organise an excellent rugby tour.

Heriot Watt University Rugby Tour To South Africa 3

A Tailored Rugby Tour Experience

We have organised rugby tours for a range of teams; from professional senior sides to social club teams, (male & female), universities, school rugby teams, teams from the British Armed Forces as well as junior rugby tours for youth and mini rugby sections. We can enter your team in a number of prestigious rugby festivals and tournaments   adding an excellent focus for your players, or arrange individual fixtures to suit your needs ensuring that opposition teams are of an appropriate level.

We will carefully select your accommodation to best suit the age and composition of your group and allow you to choose how you travel to your tour destination in line with your requirements and create a memorable rugby tour package for you. We can also arrange various sight-seeing excursions to further enhance your rugby tour.

We invite you to browse the section of our website for your type of rugby team and once you have viewed the various rugby tours available and learned about some of the teams we have taken on tour, please complete our  rugby tour enquiry form and we will be delighted to provide you with a full detailed itinerary and information pack. We would also encourage you to contact us by telephone, as we pride ourselves on our personal service and the expertise of our team of rugby tour co-ordinators.

Amman Valley School Rugby Tour To Canada With Burleigh Travel

Burleigh Travel Highlights

I have used Burleigh travel for the last ten years for my rugby tours and not once have they let us down. The most recent being a 7’s tournament which was a brilliant weekend of rugby, live music and food. Throughout the weekend everything ran really smoothly as Burleigh travel had already organised everything so our only job was to enjoy.

Minchinhampton RFC Colts, 7s on the Farm (August 2021)

Fantastic weekend had by all! A big thank you to Chris and all the team at Burleigh Travel for putting together such a great weekend of rugby in these trying times! 

Haywards Heath U16, The Big Devon Rugby Bash (May 2021)

Old Cats tour to Antwerp 2019 arranged by Burleigh Travel. Great weekend, Rugby, Beers, Games and Boys on Tour. Would highly recommend using Burleigh for Rugby Tours.

Old Caterhamians RFC, Antwerp - Belgium (December 2019)

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rugby tour ideas

10 Pro Tips for Organising a Great Rugby Tour

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Organising a rugby tour for the whole team is not an easy task, finding a suitable rugby tournament for the traditional end of season tour many teams alternate between one at home meaning in the UK and then a tour abroad and so forth. The players have high expectations and want the full on team tour with a little rugby thrown in for good measure and it often gets somewhat tricky in trying to satisfy and meet the so called high expectations of all club members. Not to mention that having a great rugby weekend away from home depends equally on the people you take with you and the people who organise it for you!

Krakow rugby festival 2017 video from Krakow Rugby Festival on Vimeo.

So what should be the main points for choosing the right tournament, the right destination and the right organiser?

  • Flights availability – make sure you destination is easy to get to and well connected with the low cost airlines rather than spending a fortune on flights it’s better to spend it on entertainment and beer.
  • Look for tournaments played in or around big cities cities always offer a vibrant nightlife which is a great addition to any rugby tour. And they are also well connected in terms of flights.

rugby tour ideas

  • Accommodation – you don’t want to end up overpaying for pricy hotels, as you will be spending majority of your day (and night) outside, so find accommodation which combines a good price and a central location. This is usually met if you’re booking at either a hostel or an apart-hotel. However, if you’re feeling a bit rich or simply prefer a higher standard, ask your tournament organiser if they can help you with booking a quality hotel. If the answer is “no” you can either look for a deal on the Internet accommodation search engines or you can turn to a professional DMC company, a tour operator which usually  offers special rates for group bookings at hotels (e.g.: when visiting Poland one such recommended travel agency is ITS-Poland ). Also DMC companies are required to have a valid tour organiser license, which also includes insurance against bankruptcy, which means your money is safe should something go wrong. Safety is a very important factor, especially when dealing with the money of your club mates!
  • Alcohol – since beer is the blood of any rugby player you want to make sure you get as much as possible included in the price you pay for the tournament package deal. The best solution is to have an open beer bar pitch-side and during the nightlife organised events. Few tournaments offer this option, but if you make proper research on the Internet, you can find them

rugby tour ideas

  • Avoid “sausage parties” – for a good reason, the best rugby festivals are the ones that have both male and female teams.
  • Ask your organiser for a list of attending teams, as variety is the spice of life as they say. The more international teams attending the better the festival will be. The games also get more intense as you have a feeling of representing your own country when competing against the other teams and not to mention that you make new friends for future collaboration which may result in your next rugby trip to an oriental destination you have not considered before.

rugby tour ideas

  • Speak to the organiser,  in fact, make a telephone call or an online media chat with the person who is organising the services for you. Ask them difficult questions and see how easily they come up with the answers to see if they are just selling the tournament or they truly live it.

Hope these 10 pieces of advice will help you plan and organise your next rugby trip. Have a kracking time – drink beer and play rugby!


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The Rugby Man

Rugby Tour   Destinations

rugby tour ideas

City Break, Spain

Without a doubt, Spain is one of the greatest rugby tour destinations for adventurous and relaxed travellers alike. Spain has something for everyone so in  this guide, we’ll explore what to do while on tour to Barcelona , Valencia , Madrid , San Sebastian,  and  Bilbao .

rugby tour ideas

Rimini, Italy

If you’re dreaming about hot summer days, sunny weather, and a lively atmosphere, Rimini is the rugby tour destination for you. Situated on the Italian coastline, Rimini offers a new and vibrant Italian experience that makes it the ultimate beach break destination.

rugby tour ideas

It can certainly be difficult to pick from all the rugby tour destinations Belgium has to offer. Our guide will walk you through 4 stunning Belgian rugby tour locations – Bruges , Ghent , Antwerp , and Brussels . Whichever one you pick, you won’t regret it.

rugby tour ideas

If you’ve been dreaming of sandy beaches and sunny weather, then Portugal deserves a spot on your list of rugby tour destinations. The breathtaking country, bordered by both the Atlantic Ocean and Spain, boasts scenic views, options to party and relax, and an array of opportunities for fun. When it comes to rugby tours, we know our onions, and trust us – touring Portugal is an absolute must .

rugby tour ideas

This vibrant country with stunning nature and culture has left its mark on the world of sports. Without a doubt, Argentina is a perfect rugby tour destination for curious travellers searching for their next adventure. Read our guide for a walkthrough of the best places to visit, stay and, of course, explore.

rugby tour ideas

Benidorm, Spain

Known as the Spanish city with a big personality, Benidorm is a rugby tour destination that will not disappoint. Benidorm is located on the Costa Blanca coast and is undoubtedly a lively place. The coastal city guarantees long hot days and beautiful clear sea, making it the perfect beach resort for your rugby tour.

rugby tour ideas

Undoubtedly, Croatia is on the list of increasingly desirable rugby tour destinations. The sunny Adriatic country is encompassed by beautiful isolated islands, stunning coastlines, and crystal waters. Croatia has something for everyone – whether you’re an adrenaline seeker, a festival addict, or someone who likes to relax.

rugby tour ideas

Bucharest, Romania

On a rugby tour to Bucharest, you will visit the historic capital of Romania. With its unique historic nature, Bucharest gives both Prague and Budapest some hearty competition. Moreover, the city is neatly tucked between Transylvania’s Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea, offering a range of activities for visitors.

rugby tour ideas

Warsaw, Poland

If you’re considering Warsaw your next rugby tour destination, our guide to the city is a must-read. It boasts an array of extravagant architecture, beautiful quirky squares, and a very lively nightlife. Warsaw is a historic city, which balances beautiful buildings and monuments, with a lively and youthful clubbing scene.

rugby tour ideas

The Netherlands

If you enjoy walking, hiking, or cycling through beautiful nature, the Netherlands has a wide range of rugby tour destinations to offer you.   Our guide explores going on a rugby tour to three of the Netherlands’ most popular and picturesque cities – Amsterdam , Rotterdam , and Eindhoven .

rugby tour ideas

Custom Rugby Tour Destinations

Already have something in mind? We can organise tours to a range of rugby tour destinations all around the world. Get in touch and tell us a bit more about your sports and rugby tour idea.

Already have something in mind? We organise tours to a range of rugby tour destinations all around the world. Get in touch and tell us a bit more about your sports and rugby tour idea.

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Our unrivaled festivals blend thrilling matches, unforgettable moments, and a vibrant atmosphere that will ignite your passion for rugby.

Rugby Festival

Located in the picturesque town of Marlow, this idyllic setting provides the perfect backdrop for a thrilling rugby experience. Revel Rugby Marlow brings together teams from across the country for a celebration of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and sheer rugby brilliance.

Rugby Festival

Set amidst the stunning landscapes of Devon, this event promises a rugby extravaganza that will leave you breathless. Witness the skills, determination, and teamwork of talented young athletes as they compete for glory on the field. From fast-paced action to nail-biting finishes, Revel Rugby Devon showcases the very best of youth rugby.

Rugby Festival

Revel Rugby Cheshire offers more than just a rugby festival; it's a complete family getaway. Choose to stay in holiday parks that offer a range of amenities, including indoor swimming pools, where you can unwind and make a splash. As the sun sets, the showbar comes alive with evening entertainment, providing the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy quality time with loved ones.

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Irish Rugby Tours

Rugby Tour Experts

Looking for a Rugby Tour? We have the destinations! Our Reputation speaks for itself.

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Why Irish Rugby Tours

We deliver a first class service and with the best value for money.  Since 1997 we are run by rugby mad people.

Worldwide Destinations

Dedicated Rugby Tours in Ireland, UK, Europe and further field.  Run by Rugby People for the Rugby Tourist.

24/7 Contact

We are contactable 24 hour a day, 365 days of the year. Simply send us an Email and we will reply immediately.

USA / CAN Toll Free 1-800-590-3615 Europe  +353-86-813-4888

Experience Rugby Tours like No Other

Irish Rugby Tours is a Specialist Rugby Tour Operator and has been at the fore of Organising Incoming Rugby Tours to Ireland for the past 20 years. We combine Rugby, Culture, and Travel to provide you with some of the best Life Experiences ever. Put your faith and trust in Ireland’s #1 Rugby Operator looking after all of your group’s travel needs.

Whether you are part of a club, college, or school team, we can arrange customized sports tours for you in Ireland or abroad. Thinking of a multi-sports tour then why not contact our sister company Irish Sporting Tours

Contact Us Now for a Detailed Tailormade Rugby Tour for Your Team.

Follow Your Journey

Rugby Tour Map

 your destinations.

Just follow the map on our video to your destination.

Just a few destinations to make you decide where you would like to travel to.  From here in Ireland to the other side of the world to New Zealand we cover nineteen countries.  If you don’t see a country that you like just contact us and let us know your choice.

Visit Dublin and enjoy our friendly banter, Welsh clubs love to see touring sides visit them, travel to the Scottish Highlands and see where William Wallace and Robert the Bruce fought the English for Scottish independence.

How about something Ouh LáLá as they say in France, climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower and enjoy the spectacular panoramic view of  Paris.

No destination is too small for Irish Rugby Tours.

Choose Irish Rugby Tours for an exceptional and authentic rugby travel experience. Let us create memories that will last a lifetime, both on and off the field. Contact us today to start planning your dream rugby tour.

A few of our

Rugby Tour Highlights

School & youth rugby tours, mini rugby tours & camps, girls rugby tours, women’s rugby tours, senior & club rugby tours, rugby festivals.

We have destinations to suit all…

Rugby Destinations

The west country.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Read What Our Customers Say

Ballinrobe rfc u19s rugby tour portugal rugby youth festival 2018, longford rfc under 15s rugby tour to newport, mystic river u19s rugby tour to italy 2020, castlebar rfc under 17s rugby tour to cork 2022, kansas city blues rfc rugby tour 2022.

Read our latest blog…

When On Tour In Ireland

Epic – the irish emigration museum, 10 things to do under €10 in barcelona, 5 rugby festivals for 2022, my top 10 tourist attractions in ireland, contact us now.

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Irish Rugby Tours – Creating Memorable Group Rugby Travel

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Pure Travel

Checklist of Things to Pack for a Rugby Tour

  • November 18, 2019

When you travel for a rugby tour, it is important that you are well-prepared. In particular you should make sure that you pack everything you need both for the games as well as for your own comfort.

While each person is bound to have their own preferences, this checklist should cover most of the things that you need to pack for a rugby tour:

Rugby kit that typically includes your jersey, shorts, shoes, and socks. It may be a good idea to pack spares just in case you need them, as well as other items such as strapping tape or scrum caps.

Proof of identity is always a good idea when you’re traveling. For international tours that should be your passport, but even when traveling locally it is good to have some form of photo ID.

Plastic bags are an underrated but supremely useful item on rugby tours. By packing a few you can throw in your dirty kit and keep it separated from the rest of your gear so that it doesn’t stink. If you’d like to be more environment-friendly you could find a decent reusable-bag that you can try instead.

Flip flops are great after spending an entire game running around the pitch with your studs. Ideally you should bring along a pair that you’re already comfortable wearing.

Ear plugs or headphones are both a good idea when travelling. The latter can help you to block out noise so that you can sleep, while the former will let you listen to music.

Chargers for your smartphone, MP3 player, and any other devices that you bring with you are important. The last thing that you want is to be unable to charge your devices mid-tour. If you’re traveling to a different country, you should check what type of plug points are being used and maybe bring an adapter too.

Nutritional supplements can help with your post-game recovery . It really is a question of preference however, and it boils down to whether or not you normally use them.

Small towel is good to have even though your hotel may already provide towels. It is something that you can carry along and use during or after your games.

Entertainment is never a bad idea when you’re traveling on a rugby tour. It could be anything that occupies you, including smartphone games, movies, or a pack of cards if that’s your cup of tea.

In addition to these items you should pack anything else that you feel is appropriate – especially in terms of clothing, toiletries, snacks, and other personal items. Be sure to take into account the weather and as many other details about your destination as possible, and pack accordingly.

If you make sure you’re prepared, you should end up having a much easier time during your rugby tour . More importantly you won’t have to worry whether or not you brought everything that you need, and can focus on winning your games instead.

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Planning an Irish Rugby Tour?

Sports Tours Ireland are the Rugby Tours specialists, helping playing teams and supporters groups with tours and travel planning, once in Ireland all venue, accommodation and transportation logistics included.

Playing teams, supporters and schools, can enjoy the experience of a lifetime of exploring Ireland with us, touring playing, supporting and exploring the heritage of Irish rugby and culture.

What do you get from Sport Tours Ireland?

  • A local Irish company who knows Ireland and is passionate about rugby.
  • Play games at appropriate levels with suitable opposition and qualified referees.
  • Customised itineraries which can include playing and or attending rugby matches, training facilities, Irish rugby tests, Irish stadium tours, Heineken cup, Magners league games.
  • Suggested cultural excursions, places of significant historical and cultural importance to visit.
  • Expertly planned sightseeing and fun activities whilst on your rugby tour.
  • Post game socials and intercultural exchange with opposing Irish teams.
  • A training session with a current or former Irish international
  • Close associations with favoured rates for accommodation, meals etc
  • We listen to what you want and include your input into every itinerary, offering advice and suggestions.
  • Quality buses suitable for touring rugby teams and supporters.
  • Medals, trophies and man of the match awards for each team.

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Eastern Europe




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Lake district.


Rugby Tours To Edinburgh

Sky high sports tour types.

Rugby Tours to Europe

Mini Rugby Tours

  • Youth Rugby Tours

Rugby Training Camps

In the prime of their touring life, the U13-U18 age group teams have the world at their finger tips. We've a vast range of tours to suit a host of requirements and help with the transition through youth rugby.

The Youth Rugby Tour - A Right of Passage

The Junior Rugby Tour is a fantastic tradition of our game. It forms an integral part of a Rugby Players development & there really is nothing better than travelling with your mates to a foreign environment to test your abilities & forge friendships.

The enthusiasm of youth rugby is something we are very familiar with. Our love of Rugby began in our younger years, meeting our friends on a Sunday morning and learning the game - somehow forgetting about the mud and the cold.

Our team of Rugby Tour specialists excel at arranging tours where your fixtures and Rugby Experience is at the forefront of our minds. We've provided some memorable experiences for our clients in recent seasons & with every tour we do, these experiences get better and better.

Have a read through our regularly updated testimonials. We are also pleased to have a list of references from satisfied clients who would be happy to talk you through their Sky High Sports experience.

We have put together some excellent Junior Rugby Tour options for your next Youth Rugby Tour. Starting with exciting weekends in the UK to a big adventure through Europe, there is a lot to choose from. Take  a look at our Top-10 Youth Rugby Tours below, get in touch with us and we'll talk you through which options will be best for your team.

Pro-Coaching Experiences

Tickets & stadium tours, the third half, top 10 youth rugby destinations, 1. edinburgh, 4. barcelona, 6. den haag, 7. newcastle, see all destinations, what makes a youth tour tick.

If you've found us after reading through some other Sports Tour websites, you'd be welcome to think that this is where we tell you how wonderful we are & how we're re-inventing the wheel by operating some world-defining techniques.

The truth is, anyone can organise a Rugby Tour, but what makes our service different is our commitment to the things which may go un-noticed.

  • Location, Location, Location
  • Eating isn't Cheating
  • The 'Wow' Factor
  • The Engine Room

Location Location Location

Nobody wants to be stuck at an Airport Hotel or a Dive on the Motorway. It may be cheap, but what you'll save ahead of time, you'll spend on Taxi's & miss out on the best bits of the location.

We  only book city-centre locations & venues where you can spill out into the heart of your destination. This may not make us the cheapest option, but we don't offer cheap low-quality tours. 

There is more to a great rugby tour than the games themselves.

Those cracking restaurants, the doorstep activities & the city landmarks are all little things which make up the great tour.

It's a given that your Tour Matches will be lined up appropriately. You're enlisting a specialist company to do this, so this is the minimum expectation.

When we're organising your games, we put as much care and attention into the 'Third Half,' a wonderful term used by teams on the continent, as we do the game. Posh term - Post Match Reception, Dinner & Hospitality...

Swapping gifts, sharing stories, making friends and celebrating our game is what it is about. We're fortunate to work with some wonderful clubs across the Rugby World who really do make us look good. 

Eating Isn't Cheating

We all know that teenagers can eat like horses. It's a fact. A key part of our tour planning goes into how and when we're going to get your appetites cured. 

From the best Ribs joint in Belgium to a a Tapas haven in Barcelona & from a Posh Geordie Nandos to a worldy of a Welsh Pizzeria, we've tried and tested them & they get our thumbs up. 

A good dinner keeps the boys out of mischief for a while too, so it may as well be a good time-filler as well as a belly one. 

The 'WOW' Factor

You're taking your team on tour. We want to see you getting a big thumbs up from them at the end of the tour. Let us throw in some jaw dropping moments that will stay with you and the boys for ever. 

Coaching with Internationals, behind the scenes experiences, games at the most incredible venues, tickets to the big games & some world-class excursions and activities are all 'As-Standard' on a Sky High Sports Rugby Tour. 

Check-Out the e-Brochure below for some snapshots into what we're talking about.

Behind the Scenes

Turn up in style in a cracking looking coach. Travel with piece of mind with a suitable travel insurance policy is issued as standard. Enjoy the assistance of a bi-lingual rep 24/7 in non-English speaking countries. Tour with a minute-by-minute itinerary containing every detail you'll need. Have extra beds available at the accommodation to ensure everyone is happy & comfortable.

All small elements, but all have a big influence on the trip. All will go un-noticed, but when they're not there, they will be.  

Our #1 Tour Location since day one. Haste Ye Back!

Our Home City. Awesome Experiences at Newcastle Falcons a Highlight

A Sporting City like no other. A Tour match on the Arms Park a must.

Incredible City, wonderful weather and brilliant beaches. Home to the best Rugby in Spain. 

Our #1 Italian Destination in a country where we excel. A hot-bed of the Italian game.

Amsterdam without the headaches. Beautiful & often overlooked city.

The most incredible city you never thought about visiting. Keep your eyes on the Easter Rugby Festival.

Greatest City in the World. Mix things up with unique Pro-Experiences at Saracens or Harlequins.

We're the official Rugby Tour Partner of Bath Rugby. Insurmountable Rugby Experiences on offer here with Sky High Sports.

The old favourite. Home to Leinster Rugby, the best accommodation we use & our #1 Tour Restaurant.

Redcar RFC U13 Tour to Spain

  • Name: Martin Skidmore
  • Role: Tour Leader
  • Destination: Cartagena, Spain

Redcar RFC from North Yorkshire reciprocated a previous visit from Cartagena Rugby in South-East Spain.

With their ambitions in place prior to our involvement, our first role was to clarify the Permission To Tour documents between the Yorkshire Rugby Football Union and the Spanish Federation. Following false information from the former, we were able to clarify that it is the host union who grants permission, all parties were able to proceed as planned. 

The Hotel in the lively resort of Torrevieja was chosen & the game with Cartagena arranged. We added a round-robin with an Alicante & Valencia select team at the excellent Vilajoyosa Rugby Stadium in La Vila & booked the team into Spain's #1 Waterpark near Benidorm.

Martin & the team were a pleasure to work with & we were delighted to hear of the success of the tour upon their return. 

Client Quote

Sky High Sports and Richie Gledson were superb from the start, we were touring Spain outside of the RFU season and had been informed that we would not be given permission to tour, Richie was able to provide confirmation from both our County and the Spanish RU that we would be able to tour at the time of year that we proposed to go.

The actual tour itself ran like clockwork, Sky High sent us a very detailed itinerary and everything ran exactly as planned. It seemed as though nothing had been left to chance.

The coach was where it was supposed to be at the time it was supposed to be there. The hotel was brilliant, the breakfasts were really good and it was less than five minutes from the beach.

The contacts at the clubs we played all made themselves known to us on arrival at the grounds, showed us our changing rooms and couldn't do enough to help us. We had a day at a water park as an end of tour treat for our U13 players, even this went seamlessly, we arrived, gave them our booking number and forty people were in, simple as that.

Our club chairman came with us and his text to me when we got back summed it up " I have been on many tours but none which have ran as smoothly and to the original itinerary!!!

Well done and thanks not only me from but also from RRUFC for giving all of the young children an experience they will never ever forget"

Martin Skidmore

Meet The Team

Harry snowdon, jamie dixon, tom mccallum, hamish watson, mackenzie thomas, richie gledson, scott hendry, marco bortolami, get in touch, form was submitted successfully.

Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch as soon as possible.

Sports Travel South West

Bath Rugby Tour

rugby tour ideas

My first rugby tour experience, Under 12’s, and boy it was one to remember. Everything from meeting up at the rugby club, boys and parents alike, all in eager competition to see which person was going to win the prize for the best funny hat. This was the ‘tour theme’. All the lads piling on the bus singing songs and playing music through the captains big speaker, it goes everywhere with us, home and away matches. Arriving at the hostel in Bath, lads in dormatories, parents over in the upmarket rooms we had to try and get a good nights sleep, how was that going to happen! We played great hosts and opposition on the first day, Walcot RFC and on the Sunday, a round robin against Bradford on Avon at Avon rugby club. Watched my first live Premiership rugby match at the Recreation Ground in Bath, Bath Rugby v Northampton Saints, amazing experience and one which I will always remember for many reasons, what goes on tour stays on tour!

Next up – Gloucester Rugby Tour – Under 13’s

The tour theme to Gloucestershire was Superheroes, I was Batman and my good friend was Robin. The rules were for the whole weekend unless we were playing rugby, costumes must be worn 24/7. We had a right laugh. We watched two premiership matches, first one Friday evening Worcester Warriors v Wasps at Sixways stadium and Saturday afternoon Gloucester v Newcastle Falcons at Kingsholm. We played 2 matches and attended an indoor racing simulator centre Saturday night which was great fun and competitive, not sure who was more, lads or parents!

West London Rugby Tour – Under 14’s Where’s Wally!

We all know Wally and there we were all 40 of us. Our tours were such great fun, as many parents attended as players, can’t think why only dads came this time, think the mums couldn’t hack it anymore! So, red and white stripes and wearing scarfs and stupid little round glasses off we went with the tour speaker on the coach to West London. The rule this time was every time our head coach shouted ‘where’s wally’ we all had to hide. We played a match in the evening as soon as we arrived against Stains RFC with some superb after match games and grub with the opposition. We watched 2 premiership rugby games over the weekend, Wasps v Saracens, Wasps playing at their old ground and London Irish v Sale Sharks at the Majeski Stadium.

Under 15’s – Not sure what happened this year, maybe the parents needed more time to get over the last one!

Exeter rugby tour – under 16’s.

A smaller group this time around, not so many adults, just the coaches and younger coaches assisting off we went with our usual coach company and favourite coach driver, Mike to Exeter. The theme was Military/Army related attire. On the way we stopped off at Plymouth Albion rugby ground to watch England u23’s play against Italy U23’s, fantastic atmosphere and a great start to the tour. We stayed in the centre of Exeter, played two games each morning, Newton Abbot who we hosted whilst they toured Cornwall the previous year and Sunday was a very wet and muddy memorable game against Oakhampton RFC. They were a strong side and competitive rugby was at its best. Whilst in Exeter we watched Exeter Chiefs at Sandy Park, we all met and had selfies with the legend Rob Baxter.

As a young lad growing up and playing rugby these 4 weekends are cherished highlights and won’t be forgotten for many years to come. It is the priceless memories like this which makes touring with your sports team so important. Oh I nearly forgot – the toilet seat around Rob’s neck has been on all our trips too! Don’t ask!

2021 Rugby Tours?

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the past 2 touring seasons have been non-existent however eventually we will rise with vengeance and tour once again with great spirits and our heads held high.

Rugby Tour Photo

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Thrive Sports Co.

Junior Rugby Tours

Thrive Sports Co are specialists in delivering Junior Rugby Tours   for Schools, Grassroots Clubs and Professional Teams. We are committed to delivering high-quality domestic, short-haul and long-haul junior rugby tours .

We specialise in crafting thrilling, action-packed Junior Rugby Tours that are nothing short of EPIC. From aspiring junior rugby stars to enthusiastic fans, we’re here to make your rugby tour dreams come true!

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Planning your next junior rugby tour?

Enter your details into our quick online form & discover what we can deliver for your group.

After a once in a lifetime trip?

Why choose thrive for your junior rugby tour , junior rugby tour destinations.

We offer an array of incredible destinations where your junior rugby team can showcase their skills, bond, and create lifelong memories. Whether it’s the rugged beauty of New Zealand or the passion-filled stadiums of Europe, your squad will be immersed in rugby culture like never before.

Tailored Junior Rugby Tour Itineraries

We understand that every junior rugby club is unique, and that’s why we design customized itineraries to suit your squad’s needs. Our experienced tour team will take care of all the logistics, leaving you to focus on what you do best – playing rugby !

Junior Rugby Tour Matchdays

Imagine your junior rugby team playing on some of the most iconic rugby pitches in the world. We arrange friendly matches with local teams or schools, creating opportunities for camaraderie and cultural exchange.

Rugby Tour Safety and Support

Your junior rugby team’s safety is our top priority. We ensure every tour is well-supervised and supported by trained professionals, leaving you with peace of mind.

More Than Just Rugby

Savor the local cuisine and explore the culture of your chosen destination. Our junior rugby tours are not just about rugby ; they’re about creating well-rounded experiences.

Flexible Options

We understand that scheduling a junior rugby tour can be a challenge, so we offer flexible tour options to accommodate your specific dates and durations.

Travel with Confidence

Join the ranks of satisfied teams who have experienced the magic of rugby through Thrive Sports Co. Our extensive experience in sports travel ensures your squad an unforgettable and enriching adventure.

We have worked for & with some of the biggest brands in Sport & Education

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Thrive Sports Co. News

  • The benefits of having specialist coaches delivering PE and Sport
  • The importance of a rugby residential for aspiring rugby players
  • British & Irish Lions will face Argentina at the Aviva Stadium
  • What Can The Beautiful City of Barcelona Offer A Football Tour?
  • The Elements of a Great Rugby Tour for Schools

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  • Custom Sleeved Tri-Suits
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  • Charity Cycle Shorts
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  • Charity Bang Sticks
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  • Charity Lanyards
  • Charity Silicone Wristbands
  • Charity Reusable Bags

Charity Services

Mass participation.

  • Event Cotton Hoodies
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  • Event Cotton T-Shirts
  • Event Polo Shirts
  • Event Beanie Hats
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  • Event Neck Warmers


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  • Corporate Running T-Shirts
  • Corporate Running Vests
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  • Corporate Pop-Up Banners
  • Corporate Flutter Flags


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  • Custom Rugby Shorts
  • Custom Rugby Socks
  • 1/4 Zip Training Tops
  • Contact Wet Tops
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  • Recycled Custom Rugby Jerseys
  • Recycled Custom Cycling Jerseys
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  • Recycled Scrim Roll
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  • Recycled Sail Flags
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></center></p><ul><li>Adam Church-Millward</li><li>January 17, 2020</li></ul><h2>Ideas for Your Rugby Tour Kit: 2020 Update</h2><p>We all know how exciting it is to go on tour with your teammates. Particularly if you’ve been lucky enough to secure a foreign excursion.</p><p>At Scimitar, our dedicated team is brimming with passionate rugby fans, current players & ex-players. That’s why when it comes to designing tour kit for rugby clubs, we go the extra mile!</p><p>Firstly, a bit of housekeeping.</p><p>At the moment, you won’t find a stock 3D designer on our website. All of our professional designs are crafted by our experienced in-house creative team, who work closely with you to create the perfect tour kit for your team’s requirements .</p><p>Sure, a generic suit & tie tour kit may look okay, but how can a bespoke solution like ours offer a more tailored solution for your club? Here are a few ideas of making that next custom tour kit even more special!</p><p><center><img style=

Local Landmarks.

A trend we’ve seen lately is for clubs to include local landmarks as part of the design. For example, a Tyne & Wear-based club may look to include the Angel of the North, while a London-based club may include the London Eye or Westminster Abbey.

That being said, It doesn’t have to be a world famous landmark. Is your local town well known for the chip shop down the road? Amazing! Why not speak to them and see if they’d like to get involved in a fun and creative design? You have the potential to monetise the rugby tour jerseys further.

Players Names.

If your club has been around for a while, a nice touch would be to create a rugby tour kit that includes the names of all those that have graced the jerseys of your team.

Our design team would be able to incorporate the names into the design of the jersey in some form or other, depending on how subtle you’d like to make them. That’s the beauty of bespoke designs – working closely with the design team, it’s completely up to you on how you want them to look.

Not only would this style pay homage to those who have helped sustain your club over the years but it offers a true memento for you once the tour is over, and would look brilliant in a frame on the living room wall! Hint, hint.

Historic Kits.

If your club is celebrating a centenary, a clever idea would be to incorporate a half/half design tour kit which contains elements of both an old and the current design for your tour. While you could make the shirt look like it’s been stitched or forced together, the fact it’s sublimation print would mean it would function to our typical high standards.

Depending on the history of your club, there may be some interesting concepts that arise! Maybe a couple of kits that were purposely forgotten about? Dig them out, design them up and never forget!

Celebrate Achievements.

Won the cup or promotion this year? It’s usually something you’ll never forget. By incorporating memories of the season into the rugby tour shirt, you have a memento to take on tour that will help lock in those memories.

Here’s an idea for you. How about you take the team picture to a caricature, and ask them to turn your team into a funky cartoon. If we receive artwork in digital vector format, we’d be able to turn this into a kit you’d definitely never forget!

A lot of clubs follow the Stade Français rule when it comes to kit design – the crazier, the better . That’s not a problem, we can help with that!

Give our team of designers a concept and a palette and we’ll go as mad as you want us to on your behalf. Alternatively, provide us with a couple of examples of things you’ve seen and allow us to craft you perfection.

rugby tour ideas

Whatever you decide for this season’s rugby tour kit, make sure you get a quote from Scimitar, the tour kit specialists.

You can call us on 01905 425324 , email [email protected] or fill in the forms on the website for more information. To check out the specification of our tour kit, click here .  

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World Rugby Tour Experiences for Schools and Clubs

Inspiresport in partnership with some of the biggest clubs and provinces in world rugby, offer fantastic touring experiences for young players of all abilities, both boys and girls. The rugby ‘train and play’ programme created by inspiresport  is unique in that it offers the aspiring rugby player the unrivaled combination of learning from some of the world’s best players and coaches, in addition to benefiting from the cultural experience of travelling abroad.

Experiencing different rugby cultures through touring has always been an integral part of the game and an influential contribution to a young player’s rugby development and personal character building. Even in today’s highly professional era, touring remains at the heart of rugby.

The opportunities available to groups interested in a rugby tour, range from a 3 day residential UK-only domestic programme through to a 21 day tour to the southern hemisphere.

UK and European Rugby Tours

Pre-season training camps.


Scottish Rugby

Rugby tours to scottish rugby.

Bring your team to Edinburgh and experience training sessions provided by SRU coaches. A practical rugby session plus Strength and Conditioning similar to those the elite level players have, in addition to a behind the scenes BT Murrayfield stadium tour and match tickets


Cardiff Blues

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Live the life of a top flight rugby professional at Cardiff Blues. Train and play on the same state of the art facilities as the Cardiff Blues first team, and benefit from the knowledge of the professional club coaches who lead the training sessions.

Sale Sharks Rugby Tours with inspiresport

Sale Sharks

Rugby tours to sale sharks.

Your school or club can benefit from professional tailor made coaching programmes at the official Sale Sharks training ground in Carrington.


Rugby Tours to RC Toulon

One of the most decorated teams in Europe, a tour to Toulon offers an excellent opportunity to enjoy a great French rugby experience in a beautiful part of France.


Stade Toulousain

Rugby tours to stade toulousain.

The most successful team in French rugby both domestically and in Europe, Stade Toulousain offers an excellent opportunity for schools and clubs to immerse themselves in French rugby.


Northampton Saints

Rugby tours to northampton saints.

Our groups can enjoy professional coaching from Saints’ academy coaches, meet the players, and have unrivaled behind the scenes access to club facilities.


Rugby Tours to Leinster

The team that has dominated European rugby over recent years. Inspiresport groups experience the wonderful city of Dublin and receive coaching from the best.


Biarritz Olympique

Rugby tours to biarritz olympique.

With inspiresport, groups mix professional rugby coaching with the superb Basque culture.


USA Perpignan

Rugby tours to usa perpignan.

A tour to Perpignan offers an authentic French rugby experience in a wonderful part of Southern France. Schools and clubs can benefit from professional coaching with one of the most decorated clubs in French rugby, USA Perpignan.


Benetton Treviso

Rugby tours to benetton treviso.

Benetton Rugby is one of our latest additions to our rugby development tour experiences in Europe, and complements what is already an excellent rugby tour destination in North East Italy.


Rugby Tours to Edinburgh

Experience the life of a professional rugby player in the wonderful city of Edinburgh. Train and play in the shadows of Murrayfield Stadium, meet the players, play local opposition and enjoy the sightseeing.


Leicester Tigers

Rugby tours to leicester tigers.

Train on the same state of the art facilities as the Leicester Tigers first team, and see some of rugby’s best players in action at Welford Road Stadium. This is one of our favorite rugby club programmes.


Rugby Tours to Racing 92

Based in Paris, a tour to Racing 92 is a real inspiresport favourite. World class coaching, the opportunity to watch the team train and a fabulous stadium tour are all included.


Stade Francais

Rugby tours to stade francais.

Based in Paris, schools and clubs can combine professional coaching, fixtures with local opposition , and sightseeing in one of the greatest capital cities in the world.

New Zealand Sports tours

New Zealand

Rugby tours to new zealand.

Home to the world famous All Blacks - New Zealand is the ultimate rugby sports tour destination with competitive fixtures, amazing cultural experiences and a vibrant country to explore.

Canada Sports Tours

Rugby Tours to Canada

From mountains to coastlines, glaciers to forest, there is so much to see and do you might find it difficult to fit fixtures against local opposition into your tour to Canada!

Sports Tours to Kenya

Rugby Tours to Kenya

This welcoming country offers a great mix of outstanding cultural experiences and ample sporting opportunities for your next international sports tour.

Australia Sports Tours

Rugby Tours to Australia

Blessed with one of the best climates in the world, Australia enjoys easy access to sun-kissed beaches, breath taking national parks and bustling cities.

USA Football Tours

Rugby Tours to the USA

Combine super friendly hosts with sightseeing opportunities including historical and modern culture, adventure sports, national parks and beaches and you have a country that has to be experienced to be believed.

Malaysia Sports Tours

Rugby Tours to Malaysia

South Africa Sports Tours

South Africa

Rugby tours to south africa.

South Africa is best known for its’ love of and pride in its rugby team. Combine your tour with a trip to one of the many amazing National Parks for your once in a lifetime experience.


Rugby Tours to Dubai

Dubai is a unique destination as one of the world’s fastest growing cities, with cultural experiences ranging from desert adventures to one of the best water parks in the world. The addition of 5 star facilities makes Dubai a once in a lifetime experience.

Sri Lanka Sports Tours

Rugby Tours to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanks offers an extensive variety of culture, activities and sports. Friendly hosts, tropical rainforest, white sandy beaches and blue-green seas await making this is a truly unforgettable experience.


Tenerife Top Training Facility

Tenerife top training.

Tenerife Top Training offers top level facilities in sunshine surroundings, making this an ideal warm weather training destination all year round.


Atalaya Park, Spain

Atalaya park.

Inspiresport offers your group the chance to stay and train at one of the great sporting resorts on the Costa Del Sol. Either as part of a multi-sports tour or stand alone rugby development tour, this destination offers good quality training facilities, competitive local opposition and of course, a great climate.

World Class Coaching and Facilities

Fixtures against local opposition, behind the scenes stadium tour, quality accommodation, what makes inspiresport the number one choice for schools & clubs, sports tour specialists, dedicated tour director, help getting started, advice and guidance, world class connections, competitive pricing, peace of mind.

Debbie Abraham inspiresport

We’re here to make sure your tour runs perfectly, so we offer support from booking right through to departure. Once you arrive your dedicated bi-lingual tour director is available 24-hours a day to ensure the trip runs smoothly.

Ian Baker inspiresport

Advice & Guidance

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We work with the world’s elite sports clubs and teams. This means access to awe-inspiring grounds and the best professional facilities, to get the most out of your preseason preparations.

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Inspiresport is ABTA (Y6767) and ATOL (12127) bonded, offering security and protection on all flights, coach and ferry packages. We are also a fully assured member of the School Travel Forum.

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Old-school rugby tours are dying out – we should enjoy this summer while we can

E ven if the Home Nations are roundly trounced in the southern hemisphere this summer, these tours will still be historic. Not one of England , Ireland or Wales has won a series in their respective destinations but this summer marks the end of rugby tours as we know them at Test level.

The British and Irish Lions remain sacred – yet scandalously eroded – in rugby’s calendar and next summer the four-nation invitational side will voyage to Australia. But in 2026, the new Nations Championship will kick into gear . Teams will still travel, but there will not be traditional tours as we have grown to know and love; two teams scrapping it out across a Test series alongside, perhaps, the odd midweek fixture.

In the Nations Championship, 12 teams will feature, with the northern hemisphere teams playing each of their southern hemisphere counterparts once, in a sort of round-robin affair, before November’s grand final.

In rugby terms, tours and their tales are almost as old as time. The first Lions tour set sail for Australia and New Zealand in 1888, just 17 years after the formation of the Rugby Football Union. ‘The New Zealand Natives’ arrived on British shores shortly after those maiden Lions had returned and the All Blacks outfit first came to the UK in 1905, marking the first one-nation tour in the history of the sport.

From there, the practice exploded in popularity. Touring became a staple of rugby union – indeed, it involved some of the greatest feats and teams the sport has seen – where the blend of adventurousness, kinship and camaraderie proved to be infectious to players and fans. Not to mention the sporting challenge of travelling to foreign lands as a group of outsiders, taking on the denizens in their own backyard, in front of their own fans. And then drinking all their beer after.

Even in the professional era, the spirit – no pun intended – and essence of a tour lived on. It might have been steadily diluted since the dawn of professionalism, but vestigial examples remain. Take, for instance, Courtney Lawes, on the Love of Rugby podcast, with his anecdote concerning Luke Cowan-Dickie. The England hooker had been so enthusiastic in tucking into the post-match refreshments after England’s series win over Australia in 2022 that the squad had to put him in a wheelchair to get him onto the business-class flight home. One might consider it childish and irresponsible but that is a matter of debate. What is indisputable is that that moment – and the tour itself – will be remembered by the players for the rest of their lives… Cowan-Dickie aside.

Cultural immersion is not as valued as it once was

But tales of touring glory, both on and off the field, will now be a rarity. Presumably, in Lions years, the Home Nations will continue to tour the southern hemisphere, but they will be forced to take the rusty bullets, with their strongest players selected for the invitational excursion. So, Ireland against South Africa, two of the best teams in the world, going head to head across a two-Test series next month? Drink it in. England tilting for a first Test victory in New Zealand for 21 years, with both teams virtually at full strength? Soak it up.

Perhaps, in an increasingly globalised and interconnected world, with technology developing at the pace of Immanuel Feyi-Waboso, cultural immersion is not as valued as it once was. Perhaps, too, with World Cups, Six Nations, European cups, domestic leagues, Club World Cups, Lions tours and Nations Championships, the prestige of winning a two-match Test series against a southern-hemisphere heavyweight might not be what it once was.

Tell that to Ireland’s players, who made history by defeating the All Blacks across three Tests in 2022, described by head coach Andy Farrell as “the toughest thing to do in rugby”. Tell that to England’s heroes of 2003, who ahead of the World Cup decided that the only path to global glory was to lay waste to all and sundry on their three-match tour of New Zealand and Australia. Even Wayne Pivac’s Wales – a squad which had no idea what it wanted to be – fancied by no one, written off by everyone, were able to celebrate a Test victory in South Africa in 2022 as if they had saved Earth from Armageddon.

There was always unbridled joy in watching France’s tours of New Zealand, too, where, invariably, a bunch of Frenchmen who no Kiwi had ever heard of would rock up and score a handful of world-class tries. The visitors might lose every game but they would entertain while doing so and that earned France a peculiar respect and an undefinable fear – admittedly, never spoken of out loud in some sort of omerta – from the New Zealand public which has lasted until the present day.

In terms of the off-field hi-jinks, the adage has always been “what goes on tour stays on tour”. This summer, in many respects, in perpetuity.

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The prestige of beating southern hemisphere teams still matters

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Meet the WAGs cheering the Irish rugby team on during their Summer Tour in South Africa

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Here we go again! The Irish rugby squad are currently preparing to fly to South Africa for their 2024 Summer Tour.

The boys in green smashed their opponents in the Six Nations earlier this year, so no doubt they'll do us proud once more.

Here's what you need to know about the WAGs rooting for Ireland:

Garry Ringrose and Ellen Beirne

28 May 2023; On arrival at the Leinster Rugby Awards Ball is Garry Ringrose and Ellen Beirne. The Leinster Rugby Awards Ball, which took place at the Clayton Hotel Burlington Road in Dublin, was a celebration of the 2022/23 Leinster Rugby season. Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile

Garry is married to his childhood sweetheart Ellen Beirne. The  couple said 'I do'  at Virginia Park Lodge in Cavan in June 2023.

The Irish rugby star previously gushed to  EVOKE : 'Ellen is the best. She's incredibly supportive, along with my parents and brothers and sisters. In the not-so-good times when you might lose a game; they're the ones that are picking you back up.'

'I'm incredibly lucky to have her and others in my corner. They are the ones that are there for the not-so-great times... Thankfully I have her with me, she's a huge support.' Aw!

Andrew and Elaine Porter

16 March 2024; Andrew Porter of Ireland and his partner Elaine Sutton celebrate with the Six Nations trophy after the Guinness Six Nations Rugby Championship match between Ireland and Scotland at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin. Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile

Andrew Porter is supported by  his wife Elaine . The couple tied the knot in July 2023 at Glasson Lakehouse, having been together since 2018.

Elaine graduated from Technological University Dublin in 2019 and according to her LinkedIn now works as a HR Administrator at AIB.

Dan Sheehan and Katherine Egan

Dan Sheehan, Katherine Egan

Dan and his  girlfriend Katherine Egan  have been together for several years. She's something of a sports ace herself and plays for UCD's ladies' hockey team.

Away from the hockey field, Katherine is studying Medicine and  currently seems to be studying  in the US.

Tadhg and Aine Furlong

17 March 2018; Tadhg Furlong of Ireland and Aine Lacey celebrate after the NatWest Six Nations Rugby Championship match between England and Ireland at Twickenham Stadium in London, England. Photo by Brendan Moran/Sportsfile

Tadhg and Aine were among the many rugby couples who got married over the summer of 2023.

The couple said 'I do' that June, celebrating with friends and family at Dunbrody Country House Hotel in Co Wexford.

Tadhg and Harriet Beirne

Tadhg Beirne, Harriet Beirne

Tadhg and Harriet  married at Kilkea Castle  in 2022 with plenty of his fellow Munster players and their partners joining them for the celebrations.

The couple  met on a night out in Cardiff  in 2018 and did long distance before Welsh beauty Harriet moved to Ireland to be with her beau.

Peter and Jessica O’Mahony

Peter O'Mahony, Jessica O'Mahony

Peter and Jessica O'Mahony tied the knot for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic in an intimate ceremony in their back garden. The couple  celebrated their nuptials  once more in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France in September 2022.

The Irish rugby star and his influencer wife share three children- Indie, Theo and Ralph.

Josh Van Der Flier and Sophie de Patoul

Josh van der Flier, Sophie De Patoul

Sophie De Patoul will be cheering on her hubby Josh van der Flier during the Irish squad's Summer Tour of South Africa.

The couple  married at Luttrellstown Castle in 2022  after the rugby star popped the question to his Belgian/Irish girlfriend in July 2021.

Caelan Doris and Faye Richardson

Caelan Doris and Faye Richardson. Pic: Harry Murphy/Sportsfile

Caelan Doris  hard launched his new romance with Faye Richardson  at the Leinster Rugby Ball in June.

Not a lot is known about Faye but if their smiles are anything to go by, things appear to be going well between the couple!

Bundee and Kayla Aki

Bundee Aki, Kayla Aki

Kayla Aki has been  by her husband Bundee's side  for plenty of rugby tournaments now and we're sure she'll be cheering him on during the 2024 Summer Tour of South Africa as well.

The couple, who tied the knot in November 2018, share four children- their daughters Armani-Jade, Adrianna, and Ailbhe, who was born at their Galway home in 2022, and their son Andronikas.

Robbie Henshaw  and Sophie Marren

Robbie Henshaw, Sophie Marren

Robbie Henshaw had the best start to 2014; not only did Ireland emerge as Six Nations champions, but he and his partner Sophie Marren  tied the knot .

The couple wed at the five-star Cashel Palace Hotel in Tipperary on Thursday, March 21.

James and Arni Lowe

19 May 2023; James Lowe with his partner Arnica and their son Nico during a Leinster Rugby captain's run at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin. Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile

James and Arnica Lowe surprised everyone when they eloped to Las Vegas to tie the knot and had more good news to share in 2023 when they  welcomed their first child , a son named Nico.

Adorable Nico has already seen his fair share of rugby games and proved a hit with the other WAGs at both the World Cup and the Six Nations.

Jordan Larmour and Lucy Byrne

Lucy Byrne and Jordan Larmour at Garry Ringrose's wedding to Ellen Beirne. Pic: Instagram

Lucy and Jordan are another rugby couple that has been going strong for years.

The high school sweethearts are believed to have begun dating in 2016 when they were spotted attending their debs together but while they regularly post updates of their comings and goings, Lucy prefers to keep her professional life offline.

Calvin Nash and Ciara O'Brien

Calvin Nash and Ciara O'Brien. Pic: Calvin Nash / Instagram

Calvin Nash made his Six Nations debut in 2024 and was supported by his girlfriend Ciara O'Brien, who is a qualified personal trainer and nutrition advisor.

They have been dating for almost four years and often share snaps from their travels around the world. No doubt she'll be cheering her beau on this summer!

Rónan Kelleher and Amber Barnwell

Ronan Kelleher and Amber Barnwell

Rónan Kelleher is pretty private about his life away from the pitch, that includes his love life.

However, the rugby star did share a snap with his girlfriend Amber Barnwell following Ireland's Grand Slam success in 2023. The duo also attended the Leinster Rugby Awards Ball together in 2022.

Cian and Laura Healy

1 June 2024; Cian Healy and Laura Smith-Healy on arrival at the 2024 Leinster Rugby Awards Ball at The InterContinental Hotel in Dublin. Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile

Cian and Laura Healy were childhood sweethearts. They met during their teens but split in 2012 when Laura moved to New York.

After reconnecting, the couple married in 2019 and have since welcomed two children. Their eldest, Beau, arrived in 2021  after a secret pregnancy  and their youngest Russell was born in September 2022.

Finlay and Sarah Bealham

Sarah Bealham, Finlay Bealham

2024 could be the best year yet for Finlay and Sarah Bealham as they  welcomed their first child together  ahead of Ireland's second Six Nations match against Italy.

Finlay got the call that baby Joaquin was on the way while in training camp and quickly made his way to Galway to be there at the birth- and then just a day later he was back with the boys in camp and prepping for the match!

They tied the knot in August 2022 at the dreamy Finca la Concepcion in Marbella, Spain, a year after he popped the question in Puerto Banús.

James Ryan and Sarah Cannon

1 June 2024; James Ryan and Sarah Cannon on arrival at the 2024 Leinster Rugby Awards Ball at The InterContinental Hotel in Dublin. Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile

Sarah Cannon and James Ryan have been an item for years but prefer to keep their relationship under the radar. While he's a pro in sports,  Sarah's passions  seem to lie in the creative sphere.

She attended Wesley College in Dublin before undertaking a four-year Interior Design Course at Technology University Dublin's School for Creative Arts.

Conor Murray and Joanna Cooper

Conor Murray and Joanna Cooper after Ireland's Six Nations win

Model and businesswoman Joanna Cooper has long been cheering her beau Conor Murray on at matches and we're sure she'll do her best to be at the front of the stands during Ireland's Summer Tour of South Africa.

Joanna and Conor  married in secret in Dublin  in the summer of 2023 before jetting to Portugal for a stunning wedding attended by plenty of their fellow rugby couples.

The couple recently  announced that they're expecting their first child together .

Ciaran Frawley and Charlotte Murphy

Ciaran Frawley and Charlotte Murphy

Ciaran Frawley was another new name at the Six Nations earlier this year, where he was supported by his girlfriend Charlotte Murphy.

She was  also by his side  when he earned his first Ireland cap alongside Tom Stewart and Calvin Nash in August 2023.

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  • Entertainment

Justin Timberlake’s team hit back over worrying concert video

Justin Timberlake’s team have hit back over footage of the singer that’s circulated widely in the wake of his drunken driving arrest last week.

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Justin Timberlake’s team have hit back over footage of the singer that’s circulated widely in the wake of his drunken driving arrest last week.

In the days following his arrest, footage circulated of Timberlake in the crowd at a show during his current tour. The 43-year-old looks worryingly tired and drawn, with wide, red-lidded eyes and a tense expression on his face.

Some claimed that the footage showed Timberlake at his first concert back following the arrest , but in fact, it was originally filmed and posted back in May, at one of his Las Vegas concerts.

And an unnamed source from Timberlake’s team has insisted to TMZ that the footage shows the star completely sober.

This clip of Timberlake ignited debate on social media …

“We’re told he 100% was [sober], as he has been for every show,” TMZ reports.

“Our sources say JT is always focused and clear-headed at all his shows … there’s simply too much at stake in the performance.”

In fact, Timberlake made his post-arrest return to the stage at a concert in Chicago last Friday evening, and tackled his brush with the law head-on .

“It’s been a tough week,” Timberlake told the crowd. “I know I’m hard to love sometimes but you keep loving me right back.”

Meanwhile, Timberlake reportedly suffered the ultimate celeb indignity during his arrest: the young policeman who pulled him over failed to recognise him.

The New York Post reported that the cop in question, later identified as 24-year-old Officer Michael Arkinson, was “so young that he didn’t even know” who Timberlake was, even when told his name.

The star’s bleary-eyed mugshot after his arrest. Picture: Sag Harbor Police Department

“He didn’t recognise him or his name,” the insider claimed.

It’s also alleged that Timberlake’s first concerns during his arrest were about his current tour, which started in the US in April and will move to Europe next month.

It’s claimed Timberlake said under his breath, ‘This is going to ruin the tour.’ The policeman reportedly asked “What tour?”, to which the pop star replied “The world tour.”

More Coverage

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Timberlake, 43, shot to fame in the late 90s as a member of the boy band N*Sync, parlaying it into massive solo success with a string of hit albums in the early noughties.

But his musical fortunes have certainly faded more recently: His latest studio album, this year’s Everything I Thought It Was , peaked at number four in the US before quickly falling off the charts.

Here in Australia, it debuted at number 23 - his first non-top-10 album here - before dropping like a stone.

Seems like even the celebs in the VIP tent at Taylor Swift’s Eras show can’t resist losing their cool when their favourite song begins.

Three of the biggest names in hip-hop are in the country for their tour – and they partied up during their downtime in Sydney.

Taylor Swift was joined by a very surprising special guest during her Eras Tour on Sunday in London — and the crowd went wild.


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    Before you leave your house for rugby tour, grab the oldest towel you can find. Not the fancy one in the guest bathroom, put that back! You want a towel that fulfills 2 requirements; 1. your wife won't know its gone and 2. you won't care if it gets left on tour.

  3. Guide To Organising An Epic Rugby Tour

    Learn how to plan a memorable rugby tour for your club with tips on travel, budget, dates, accommodation, fixtures, pro-player experiences and more. Sky High Sports is a rugby tour specialist that offers destinations across Europe and beyond.

  4. Touring with a rugby club

    Rugby Union news, analysis and opinions. ... Some ideas from my own tour experiences, not claiming them as originals by any means. Yellow jersey, same idea as the yellow jersey in the tour de France. The wearer is champion drinker elect, challengers buy a round and a race to finish determines the winner and new jersey holder. Works best if you ...

  5. Rugby tour

    Rugby tour - ideas needed . Club is heading away this weekend with a good crew of like 40-50 guys to a 10s tournament. Plenty of fun and silly times to be had but looking for some fun (not ratshit) hazing ideas to put some of the tour virgins through. Not looking for nasty. Definitely want them to have a great time, but just something that ...

  6. Rugby Tour Theme Ideas STSW

    Find inspiration and ideas for your rugby tour theme from this web page. See examples of funny, creative and charitable themes for different age groups and tour destinations.

  7. Rugby Tours, Festivals and Tournaments 2024

    Rugby Tours: Burleigh Travel are a sports tour specialist with a long history of organising rugby tours, festivals and tournaments in the UK and overseas. We work with mini and junior rugby team, schools, universities, local clubs and armed forces sides to ensure an unforgettable rugby tour experience. Whether you want a rugby tour to Europe or a UK based festival we are here to help.

  8. 10 Pro Tips for Organising a Great Rugby Tour

    Organising a rugby tour for the whole team is not an easy task, finding a suitable rugby tournament for the traditional end of season tour many teams alternate between one at home meaning in the UK and then a tour abroad and so forth. The players have high expectations and want the full on team tour with a little rugby thrown in for good measure and it often gets somewhat tricky in trying to ...

  9. Rugby Tour Destinations

    Benidorm is located on the Costa Blanca coast and is undoubtedly a lively place. The coastal city guarantees long hot days and beautiful clear sea, making it the perfect beach resort for your rugby tour. Undoubtedly, Croatia is on the list of increasingly desirable rugby tour destinations. The sunny Adriatic country is encompassed by beautiful ...

  10. Revel Rugby

    Join us on an exciting journey as we take young rugby enthusiasts aged 7 to 16, and their families, on unforgettable holiday-like adventures to stunning destinations across the UK. +44 (0) 2920 00 27 74. Contact Us. ... We understand the difficulties of planning a rugby tour. That's why we've streamlined the process, offering curated packages ...

  11. What to consider when organising a rugby tour

    Firstly, decide if the tour is a short term reward, or a long term incentive. We have some great UK and Irish partners which allow your tour to be booked and organised within 6 months of contacting us great as an end of year reward to encourage your players to continue with rugby into the new school year. If you are looking to motivate your ...

  12. Irish Rugby Tours

    Irish Rugby Tours is a Specialist Rugby Tour Operator and has been at the fore of Organising Incoming Rugby Tours to Ireland for the past 20 years. We combine Rugby, Culture, and Travel to provide you with some of the best Life Experiences ever. Put your faith and trust in Ireland's #1 Rugby Operator looking after all of your group's travel ...

  13. Top 10 Rugby Tours 2022

    Our favourite haunt in Parma is the Bangmaker 369 restaurant ran by ex-Rugby star Luca Redolfini - think part disco, part pizzeria serving up the best Pizze in the city. 1. Cardiff. The Sporting City Like No Other. Making it to the top of our list in 2022 is the Welsh Capital, a sporting city without compare.

  14. Tour checklist

    Establish availability suitable players. Select squad. Ensure sufficient reserves on standby. Plan and agree pre-tour training including sufficient fitness testing. Produce a tour party roll with addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contacts. Produce addresses and phone numbers for tour locations. Complete next of kin forms.

  15. Checklist of Things to Pack for a Rugby Tour

    Rugby kit that typically includes your jersey, shorts, shoes, and socks. It may be a good idea to pack spares just in case you need them, as well as other items such as strapping tape or scrum caps. Proof of identity is always a good idea when you're traveling. For international tours that should be your passport, but even when traveling ...

  16. Irish Rugby Tours, Rugby Tours Ireland

    A local Irish company who knows Ireland and is passionate about rugby. Play games at appropriate levels with suitable opposition and qualified referees. Customised itineraries which can include playing and or attending rugby matches, training facilities, Irish rugby tests, Irish stadium tours, Heineken cup, Magners league games.

  17. Youth Rugby Tours

    Take a look at our Top-10 Youth Rugby Tours below, get in touch with us and we'll talk you through which options will be best for your team. Your 2022 Rugby Brochure. Pro-Coaching Experiences. Find Out More. Tickets & Stadium Tours. Find Out More. The Third Half. Find Out More. Top 10 Youth Rugby Destinations. 1. Edinburgh. DISCOVER MORE. 2. Parma

  18. My Junior Rugby Tour Experiences

    My first rugby tour experience, Under 12's, and boy it was one to remember. Everything from meeting up at the rugby club, boys and parents alike, all in eager competition to see which person was going to win the prize for the best funny hat. This was the 'tour theme'. All the lads piling on the bus singing songs and playing music through ...

  19. Tour Rules and Silly Games

    Effingham Rugby Club are doing their annual rugby tour in the not too distant future and whilst we have plenty of suitably silly traditions I was wondering if anyone had any particularly good tour rules or games best played on tour. Also we allocate all the tourists jobs - from bag carrier to chief

  20. Junior Rugby Tours

    Junior Rugby Tour Destinations. We offer an array of incredible destinations where your junior rugby team can showcase their skills, bond, and create lifelong memories. Whether it's the rugged beauty of New Zealand or the passion-filled stadiums of Europe, your squad will be immersed in rugby culture like never before.. Tailored Junior Rugby Tour Itineraries

  21. Ideas for Your Rugby Tour Kit: 2020 Update

    Whatever you decide for this season's rugby tour kit, make sure you get a quote from Scimitar, the tour kit specialists. You can call us on 01905 425324, email [email protected] or fill in the forms on the website for more information. To check out the specification of our tour kit, click here. Our dedicated team is brimming with ...

  22. School & Club Rugby Tours

    World Rugby Tour Experiences for Schools and Clubs. Inspiresport in partnership with some of the biggest clubs and provinces in world rugby, offer fantastic touring experiences for young players of all abilities, both boys and girls. The rugby 'train and play' programme created by inspiresport is unique in that it offers the aspiring rugby player the unrivaled combination of learning from ...

  23. Old-school rugby tours are dying out

    In rugby terms, tours and their tales are almost as old as time. The first Lions tour set sail for Australia and New Zealand in 1888, just 17 years after the formation of the Rugby Football Union.

  24. 30 Rugby Fundraising Ideas

    The items can be put on display and the members of the rugby club can write on a piece of paper and put the amount they are willing to pay into an envelope. Then at a set date the auction shuts and whoever has offered the most amount wins the prize, once payment has been received. 7. Stash Shop. A rugby club can have a stash shop to make extra ...

  25. Meet the WAGs behind the Irish rugby team for Summer Tour

    Meet the WAGs cheering the Irish rugby team on during their Summer Tour in South Africa. By. Emma Costigan. on. 19th June 2024. in. Celebrity. Here we go again! The Irish rugby squad are currently preparing to fly to South Africa for their 2024 Summer Tour.

  26. Justin Timberlake's team hit back over worrying concert video

    In the days following his arrest, footage circulated of Timberlake in the crowd at a show during his current tour. The 43-year-old looks worryingly tired and drawn, with wide, red-lidded eyes and ...