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National Road Trip Day – May 23, 2025

National Road Trip Day occurs on the Friday before Memorial Day in the U.S. (on the last Monday of May), so this year it falls on May 23. There’s a reason why ‘The Great American Road Trip’ is now a catchphrase — because the U.S. is the one country where road trips count as a holiday in themselves. Whether it’s to pay tribute to fallen national heroes by visiting war memorials across the country, or an excuse to get out of town and have a change of scenery; the road trip has been loved by Americans throughout history. From great works of literature inspired by the road to songs that we know and love — road trips mean something to everyone, which is why we are excited that the road trip has a special day of its own. Plus, who wouldn’t want to make the most of the long weekend by going out of town, and that’s where we come in, with tips to help you scratch that travel-bug itch.

History of National Road Trip Day

National Road Trip Day became an official holiday in 2019, thanks to Pilot Flying J, the largest travel center operator in North America. They chose the Friday before Memorial Day because of the long weekend ahead and, with May being the start of summer, it kickstarts the travel season, too. Since travel stories are ingrained into the very history of America, with wagon trains heading out West in the 1840s and Native Americans exploring the country long before that — it makes sense to observe a day that celebrates travel by road.

The first recorded road trip across the U.S. began in 1903 with a bet. Someone bet Horatio Nelson Jackson (a physician and automobile pioneer) that he could not travel from San Francisco to New York City in less than 90 days. Accompanied by mechanic Sewall K. Crocker, and a dog named Bud, they set off in a 20-horsepower Winston to prove them wrong. Despite numerous mishaps, Jackson and Crocker completed the trip in 63 days.

By the 1930s, the famous Route 66 opened America up for cross-country travel. Many began to migrate West, while others took to the road for vacations. By the 1950s, America was the world’s largest car manufacturer, and nearly 75% of American families owned a car, which became a symbol of American pop culture. Road trips became the typical holiday of the American middle classes, leading to a boom in drive-ins and roadside motel businesses, too. Hippies in the ’60s then converted the road trip into a full-blown lifestyle, turning vans and buses into homes on wheels.

In the ’80s and ’90s, road travel dipped with the rise of air travel but, today, the road trip still has a special charm of its own. The ‘Great American Road Trip’ stands for the freedom and adventure that only the road can bring!

National Road Trip Day timeline

George Washington walks almost 1,000 miles to deliver a letter near modern-day Pittsburgh.

Horatio Nelson Jackson and Sewall K. Crocker successfully go cross-country in a car.

Henry Ford introduces the Model T, a game-changer for mass car production in America.

One of the first highways to span the width of the nation opens up.

Pilot Flying J, a large American travel company, officiates National Road Trip Day on May 24.

National Road Trip Day FAQ s

What is the best road trip in the u.s.a..

The eight most popular road trips in the U.S., according to HGTV are :

  • Downeast Maine. 
  • Blue Ridge Parkway.
  • California’s Pacific Coast Highway.
  • Jackson, Wyoming to Glacier, Montana.
  • The Outer Banks, North Carolina. 
  • Hana Coastline, Hawaii. 
  • Olympic Peninsula, Washington. 

Are road trips worth it?

Yes, survey results often show that the top three reasons that people take road trips are: it’s more affordable than other forms of transportation, they have more control over their trip and the plans they make, and they like having the freedom to stop whenever and wherever they want along the way. For many people, it’s not just the destination that they look forward to, but the bonding experience during the trip as well. 

Why is Route 66 famous?

Officially known as U.S. Highway 66 , and popularly called ‘ Route 66 ’, it was the first all-weather highway linking L.A to Chicago. Route 66 reduced the distance between Chicago and Los Angeles by more than 200 miles, which made it very popular among thousands of motorists who were heading West in the years to come. It was a benchmark in the government’s plans to build more highways and interstates to connect the nation.

How To Celebrate National Road Trip Day

Plan your next trip.

Even if this year is not looking like a possibility, plan your next road trip! The best-made plans can sometimes turn out to be the best-made holidays, so don’t shy away from opening up your map and making lists. Even a virtual road trip can be on the agenda for this summer. Hop onto trending social media campaigns (like #RoadTripReimagined) to find out more.

Take a trip down memory lane

Scrapbook your favorite road trip memories or get creative on social media by posting your favorite road trip images/stories/memories.

Read some great American road-trip literature

Why leave the comfort of your couch when you can let your imagination travel for you? Here’s a list of some of the classics: “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac, “Roughing It” by Mark Twain, “Travels with Charley” by John Steinbeck, “The Lost Continent” by Bill Bryson, or “America Day by Day” by Simone de Beauvoir. And in case you prefer off-the-beaten-track literature, Google is your friend!

5 Tips For Planning Your Road Trip That Will Guarantee Happy Campers

Use a travel app.

In this day and age, apps are everything, so why not leverage technology to help you plan your route.

Soup up your ride

Check everything out beforehand — from wipers to registration papers, leave no stone unturned.

Plot a course

Keep in mind important factors like traffic flow, bathroom stops, and roadblocks/diversions.

Compile a playlist

The majority of travelers say that what you listen to can make or break your trip experience, so prep well.

Stakeout your take-out

While snacks are essential, plan your meals and take-out stops in advance, too.

Why We Love National Road Trip Day

Passport-free travel.

Not only is a road trip infinitely more affordable than air travel, but it also enables you to experience many of the things that people look for in traveling — cultural immersion, different cuisines, exposure to different sub-cultures, and geographical diversity. With America being such a melting pot of cultures and people groups from all over the world, your experience of diversity can begin at home.

Road trips shape culture

There is an entire canon of road-trip literature (both fiction and non-fiction), as well as music and TV shows; that spans across the globe and has been inspired by road trips. The idea of the Great American Road Trip is also a special one as it opens up travel opportunities for those who may never get to leave the country.

Its a universal bonding experience

Give people the option of an open road, a vehicle, and a map to take them anywhere and they’re bound to make memories that will last a lifetime. It teaches us to expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to making connections, either by deepening the ones we have with our travel buddies or by forming new ones with strangers along the way. It’s rightly said that half the fun is in the journey, not the destination.

National Road Trip Day dates

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11 Facts About National Road Trip Day (May 24th)

Charleen Cross

Written by Charleen Cross

Modified & Updated: 09 Sep 2024


Ever wondered why May 24th sparks a sudden urge to hit the road and embark on an adventure? National Road Trip Day is the reason, marking the unofficial start of summer and the perfect excuse to explore the open road. This day celebrates the freedom, discovery, and joy that come from packing your bags, creating a playlist, and setting off into the unknown with friends or family. Why do we dedicate a day to road tripping, you ask? Well, it's all about embracing the spirit of adventure, making memories, and enjoying the scenic beauty our country offers. So, grab your map (or GPS), some snacks , and let's dive into the fascinating world of National Road Trip Day. Ready to fuel up and discover what makes this day a must-celebrate event on your annual calendar?

Key Takeaways:

  • National Road Trip Day celebrates the joy of hitting the open road, exploring new destinations, and making memories. It encourages people to embrace the American tradition of road tripping and appreciate the scenic beauty and diversity of their country.
  • Celebrating National Road Trip Day is about experiencing new places, learning about different cultures, and creating lasting memories with loved ones. It's the perfect excuse to pack your bags, fuel up your vehicle, and set off on an adventure.

National Road Trip Day falls on May 24th, marking the unofficial start of summer and the beginning of vacation season for many. This day celebrates the joy and adventure of hitting the open road, exploring new destinations, and making memories along the way. Whether you're planning a solo journey, a family vacation, or a trip with friends , National Road Trip Day is the perfect excuse to pack your bags, fuel up your vehicle, and set off on an adventure. Here are 11 facts about this exciting day that might inspire your next road trip.

What is National Road Trip Day?

National Road Trip Day is observed every year on the Friday before Memorial Day in the United States. It was established to encourage people to embrace the American tradition of road tripping, explore the beautiful landscapes, historical sites, and unique cultures within their own country. This day serves as a reminder of the freedom and discovery that comes with setting out on a road trip.

  • National Road Trip Day was officially recognized in 2019 by Pilot Flying J, the largest travel center operator in North America, to kick off the start of the summer travel season.

Why Celebrate National Road Trip Day?

Celebrating National Road Trip Day is about more than just taking a break from the daily grind. It's about experiencing new places, learning about different cultures, and creating lasting memories with loved ones.

  • Road trips are a fantastic way to explore less-visited destinations, often leading to unexpected adventures and discoveries.
  • They offer the ultimate flexibility in travel plans, allowing travelers to adjust their itinerary on the fly.
  • Celebrating this day encourages people to appreciate the scenic beauty and diversity of their country.

How to Celebrate National Road Trip Day

There are countless ways to celebrate National Road Trip Day, from short day trips to extended cross-country journeys. Here are some ideas to get you started.

  • Plan a trip to a national park you've never visited before.
  • Create a playlist of your favorite road trip songs to sing along to while driving.
  • Try local foods and specialties of the areas you visit.

Tips for Planning the Perfect Road Trip

Planning is key to enjoying a stress-free road trip. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your adventure.

  • Make sure your vehicle is in good condition by checking the tires, brakes, and oil before you leave.
  • Pack an emergency kit with water , snacks, a first-aid kit, and other essentials.
  • Use apps and websites to find the best routes, accommodations, and attractions along your way.

The Impact of Road Trips on Local Economies

Road trips can have a significant positive impact on local economies, especially in rural and less-visited areas.

  • Travelers often spend money on lodging, food , gas, and attractions, supporting small businesses and communities along their route.

National Road Trip Day is more than just a day on the calendar; it's an invitation to explore, discover, and enjoy the journey. Whether you're a seasoned road tripper or planning your first adventure, there's no better time to hit the road and see where it takes you.

Road Trip Revelations: A Final Look

National Road Trip Day on May 24th isn't just another date on the calendar. It's a call to adventure, urging us to explore the vast, beautiful landscapes and hidden gems that lie just a road trip away. Celebrating this day means embracing the freedom of the open road, creating unforgettable memories with loved ones, and discovering the diverse cultures and histories that make up our world. Whether you're a seasoned road warrior or planning your first journey, this day serves as a reminder of the joy, learning, and growth that come from stepping out of our daily routines and into the unknown. So, grab your maps, curate your playlists, and hit the road. After all, every mile traveled is a story waiting to be told.

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National Road Trip Day

Happy family in a vintage convertible car, wearing sunglasses and beach attire, driving through a picturesque countryside landscape..

Ah, the open road! There's nothing quite like the freedom and adventure of a good ol' road trip. And lucky for us, we have a whole day dedicated to this beloved pastime. National Road Trip Day is a time to gather your loved ones, pack some snacks, and hit the highway in search of new experiences and unforgettable memories. So buckle up and let's rev our engines for a fun-filled journey!

When is Road Trip Day?

It's national road trip day on the 24th May.

Exploring the Origins of National Road Trip Day

The origins of National Road Trip Day can be traced back to the wide expanse of the internet. On May 24, 2019, road trip enthusiasts around the world took to their keyboards and social media accounts to celebrate the joy of hitting the road. With 643 mentions, the buzz was in the air, like a refreshing breeze through an open car window.

But why limit the celebration to just one day? After all, the allure of a road trip is timeless. The freedom to follow your own path, discover hidden gems off the beaten track, and bond with your fellow passengers - these are the elements that make road trips so special.

So, whether you prefer scenic drives through stunning landscapes or jamming out to your favorite tunes on a cross-country adventure, National Road Trip Day is the perfect excuse to plan your next escape on wheels.

Embrace the Spirit of the Open Road

While the internet history of this day is interesting, National Road Trip Day is really about embracing the spirit and excitement of hitting the open road. It's about leaving our worries behind, exploring new horizons, and creating lifelong memories.

So, what are you waiting for? Gather your loved ones, pack some road trip essentials like snacks, maps, and cool shades, and embark on an unforgettable adventure! Don't forget to capture those picturesque landscapes, roadside attractions, and quirky moments along the way. They will serve as delightful reminders of the freedom and joy that road trips bring.

Fun Fact: Road Trip Soundtrack

Did you know that one of the most important ingredients for a successful road trip is a killer soundtrack? Whether you're into classic rock, 90s hits, or the latest chart-toppers, music has the power to make the journey even more memorable. So, create a playlist that's tailor-made for your road trip, crank up the volume, and let the rhythm guide you through your adventure.

History behind the term 'Road Trip'

Birth of the automobile.

Road trips became possible with the advent of affordable automobiles. In 1903, Henry Ford launched the Ford Motor Company, which produced the first mass-market automobile, the Ford Model A. This marked a significant milestone in the history of transportation, as it allowed people to travel longer distances more comfortably and independently.

In the early 1900s, the automobile industry began to gain momentum, with the invention of the Ford Model T by Henry Ford in 1902. This marked the beginning of a new era of transportation that would revolutionize travel.

Expansion of Highway Systems

The construction of highways began in the early 1900s, but it wasn't until 1912 that the first truly transcontinental highway was completed. The Lincoln Highway, spanning from New York City to San Francisco, became a popular route for cross-country travel. This increased accessibility and paved roads contributed to the growth of road trips as a leisure activity.

Creation of the First Road Trip

In 1919, a man named Dwight B. Eisenhower embarked on a cross-country journey from Washington, D.C. to San Francisco. This trip, known as the 'First Transcontinental Motor Convoy,' aimed to test the feasibility of moving troops across the country by road in case of any military requirements. It covered a distance of over 3,200 miles and took 62 days to complete. This journey marked the birth of the concept of a 'road trip' and showcased the potential of long-distance travel by automobile.

The Great American Road Trip

The 1920s saw the rise of the 'Great American Road Trip' culture. With improvements in automobile technology and a growing network of highways, more people started embarking on long-distance road journeys for leisure and exploration. This era marked the beginning of the road trip as a symbol of freedom, adventure, and the American spirit.

Route 66: The Iconic Road Trip Route

In 1925, Route 66, also known as the 'Main Street of America' or the 'Mother Road,' was established. This iconic highway stretched approximately 2,448 miles from Chicago, Illinois, to Santa Monica, California, passing through eight states. It became one of the most popular road trip routes, attracting travelers from all over the country. Route 66 represented freedom, adventure, and the open road, cementing the idea of the road trip as a quintessential American experience.

Interstate Highway System

The passing of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 led to the establishment of the Interstate Highway System in the United States. This massive infrastructure project aimed to connect cities and states with a network of high-speed and limited-access highways. The Interstate Highway System revolutionized road travel, making road trips faster, safer, and more convenient than ever before.

The Rise of Car Culture and Vacationing

In the 1950s, the United States experienced a boom in car culture and vacationing. The post-World War II economic prosperity allowed more families to own automobiles, making road trips accessible to a larger population. Traveling by car became synonymous with freedom and exploration, as families hit the road to explore national parks, visit tourist attractions, and experience the beauty of the country firsthand. The road trip became a popular way to bond with family and create lasting memories.

Fuel Crisis and Redefining Road Trips

In 1973, the oil crisis caused a significant increase in fuel prices and shortages. This event prompted a shift in road trip culture, with travelers becoming more conscious of fuel consumption and seeking alternative means of transportation. However, many still embarked on road trips as a form of escape from the societal tensions of the time.

Pop Culture Influence: 'Easy Rider'

In 1969, the film 'Easy Rider' was released, showcasing a countercultural road trip narrative. Directed by Dennis Hopper, the film starred Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper as two bikers traveling through the American Southwest. 'Easy Rider' captured the rebellious spirit of the late 1960s and early 1970s, inspiring a new generation to embrace the idea of the road trip as a means of escapism and self-discovery. The film's impact on popular culture solidified the road trip as a symbol of freedom and nonconformity.

Road Trip Movies and Pop Culture

In the 2000s, road trip movies like 'Road Trip,' 'EuroTrip,' and 'The Hangover' captivated audiences and further popularized the concept of road trips. These films showcased the humorous and unpredictable aspects of embarking on a journey with friends or family. Road trips became a recurring theme in pop culture, reinforcing the romanticized idea of hitting the open road and discovering new experiences.

Digital Age and Social Media

With the advent of the internet and social media, road trips have evolved in the 2000s. Online platforms and travel apps allow travelers to plan and share their road trip experiences with a global audience. Social media influencers and travel bloggers have popularized the idea of the road trip, showcasing stunning landscapes, hidden gems, and unique experiences. The road trip has become not only a personal adventure but also a source of inspiration and information for others seeking their own travel experiences.

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National Road Trip Day🚗

National Road Trip Day in USA in 2025

About National Road Trip Day

Every year, on the Friday before Memorial Day, enthusiasts from across the United States come together to celebrate National Road Trip Day. This annual holiday, dedicated to those who love hitting the road, embodies the spirit of adventure and exploration that resides in the hearts of many. It is a time to pay homage to the freedom and excitement that come with embarking on a journey, immersing oneself in the wonders of the open road.

National Road Trip Day serves as a reminder of the incredible experiences that await us beyond our daily routines. It encourages individuals and families to break free from the confines of their everyday lives, hop in a car, and embark on an adventure filled with discovery, spontaneity, and unforgettable memories. Whether it's a short drive to a nearby town or an epic cross-country expedition, road trips allow us to reconnect with our surroundings and create lasting connections with the people we meet along the way.

This particular national day was conceived by Pilot Flying J, the largest travel center operator in North America, and it was officially declared as such in 2019.

The origins of National Road Trip Day can be traced back to the inherent American fascination with the open road. Since the early days of the automobile, Americans have had a special affinity for traveling by car, relishing the freedom to explore vast landscapes, picturesque towns, and hidden gems. Road trips have become an integral part of the American experience, and this holiday serves as a testament to that enduring love affair.

On National Road Trip Day, individuals plan their routes, gather their loved ones, and set off on an adventure that could take them anywhere. From the stunning coastlines of California's Pacific Coast Highway to the majestic beauty of the Rocky Mountains, the United States offers an abundance of breathtaking destinations that are best experienced on four wheels. Road trippers can traverse the iconic Route 66, which stretches across eight states, or meander along the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway, taking in the vibrant colors of autumn. The possibilities are as vast as the open road itself.

In addition to the natural beauty, road trips provide an opportunity to explore the rich cultural tapestry of the United States. Travelers can visit small towns and big cities alike, immersing themselves in local customs, cuisines, and traditions. Whether it's enjoying a plate of finger-licking barbecue in Texas, marveling at the architectural wonders of Chicago, or taking in the vibrant jazz scene in New Orleans, road trips offer an unparalleled chance to experience the diverse tapestry of American culture.

National Road Trip Day also serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible and sustainable travel. As we venture out onto the roads, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of the environment and the communities we encounter. Taking steps to minimize our carbon footprint, respecting local wildlife and habitats, and supporting local businesses are all ways in which we can contribute to the preservation of our natural and cultural heritage for generations to come.

In the digital age, where connectivity is constant, National Road Trip Day encourages people to unplug and reconnect with the world around them. It reminds us to trade the virtual for the tangible, the pixelated for the panoramic. By embracing the spontaneity and unpredictability of the road, we can rediscover the simple pleasures of sharing stories around a campfire, watching a sunset from a scenic overlook, or stumbling upon a hidden treasure in a roadside diner.

So, on the Friday before Memorial Day, gather your loved ones, pack a bag, and set off on an adventure of a lifetime. Whether you're a seasoned road trip enthusiast or a first-time traveler, National Road Trip Day invites you to experience the joy of the open road and celebrate the freedom, exploration, and connection that come with embarking on a journey. Let the wind guide you, the road unfold before you, and the memories you create along the way be etched into your heart forever.

Is a road trip not on your itinerary this year? Here are some more suggestions for how to spend the day:

  • Plan a road trip! If travel isn’t in the cards right now, use this Friday to plan your next adventure. Whether it’s a trip you’re taking later in the summer, something planned for next year, or your ultimate bucket list trip, it’s the perfect day to plan your travels.
  • Reminisce on road trips past! Today is a great day to think about all the road trips you’ve taken in the past. What was your favorite vacation? Where was your favorite stop? Look through old photos and share your memories on social media!
  • Read about road trips! Curl up with a good road trip book and live vicariously through the characters. There are plenty of great fiction and non fiction books to choose from. 
  • Play a road trip game! who says you have to be in a car to play a car game? While it might be a little hard to play the License Plate Game in your living room, there are plenty of others that you can play anywhere you are!

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TrailBlazer Magazine

Explore the Best of America on National Road Trip Day

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It’s no surprise that the Friday before Memorial Day is National Road Trip Day. This is the day that summer officially begins – not from a calendar standpoint but the get out and enjoy the summer standpoint. Statistics show that a very large percentage of Americans make this a travel weekend and many of them make it a road trip weekend. Of course, some use it to kick off a long summer vacation, but since most students are still in school, many families and friend groups opt for quick road trips. Here are a few to consider this Memorial Day weekend to celebrate National Road Trip Day as well as the unofficial kickoff to Summer 2024!

From Chicago: In just under two hours, the sights and sounds of the Windy City disappear and you’re met with shady trees, sparkling water and plenty of outdoor fun at O’Connell’s RV Campground in Amboy. O’Connell’s offers a beach, lake fishing, paddle boats, all kinds of planned activities, plus three swimming pools and two hot tubs. If you want to get away for a road trip and head north to Wisconsin, camping options abound. Yukon Trails Camping Resort and their oh-so-cool storage container camping accommodations is just a little over three hours from Chicago. Lots to do here from exploring the Wisconsin Dells and hiking Devil’s Lake State Park to local wineries and distillers. A longer road trip to Wisconsin could be a Door County adventure with a stay at Tranquil Timbers Campground . About a 4.5-hour drive, the Door County peninsula highlights include Peninsula State Park; the Peninsula Players; a ferry ride to Washington Island and the iconic goats on the roof at Al Johnson’s Swedish Restaurant.

road trip day

From New York: Head north for a classic road trip escape from the city where the only skyscrapers you’ll see are the magnificent trees and mountaintops found in the Adirondacks. Book a stay at Lake George Escape Campground and attractions including Fort William Henry Museum, Million Dollar Beach for swimming and beachside picnics, or the variety of lake cruises available through the Lake George Steamboat Company ( ).

road trip day

From Los Angeles: For over a hundred years, Palm Springs has been a gateway destination. In fact, it was the popular getaway destination for some of the early Hollywood stars. It’s just a bit over 100 miles from LA and has plenty of outdoor activities and a calming desert vibe. Book a stay at Thousand Trails Palm Springs and take in the desert air while strolling Sunnylands Center and Gardens, a 200-acre estate with walkways to stroll while exploring the nine different gardens. See the city from above while riding the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway or explore Joshua National Park with its unique trees and rock formations.

road trip day

@thousandtrails Camping always makes our days better!? #campingobsessed #thousandtrails #campinglife #traveltips #rvtips ?Palm Springs | Palm Desert, CA ♬ original sound – ✧゚・*nonaestheticperson*・゚✧ – justkeeraaa!

From Boston: Two choices here – head to the beach or the mountains. Iconic Cape Cod offers two spots – Thousand Trails Gateway to Cape Cod and Old Chatham Road RV Campground are perfect for beach getaways while Thousand Trails Sturbridge is nestled on 200 wooded acres. Beaches, bike trails and boardwalks are a great way to just relax when enjoying Cape Cod. For fun, try a walking Cape Cod culinary tour ( Sturbridge highlights include Old Sturbridge Village, Wells State Park and the Sturbridge Flea Market with over 150 vendors.

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Lone Star Travel Guide

7 Epic Texas Road Trip Itinerary Ideas

There’s absolutely no better way to explore the Lone Star State than on an epic Texas road trip, and we’ve created this road trip guide to show you some of the best ones around!

From Texas’ largest cities to its open plains, from its laid-back beach towns to its wine country, there is no shortage of variety when it comes to what you can experience in Texas.

Here are the best road trips in Texas–plus a few tips to keep in mind before you go.

Chestnut horse in a field of bluebonnets on a sunny day

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Unforgettable Texas Road Trip Ideas

Austin to san antonio loop.

For first-time visitors to Texas and Lone Star State lovers alike, it’s hard to imagine a better short Texas road trip than the route between Austin and San Antonio –especially because it is so customizable!

While Austin and San Antonio are less than 2 hours apart (allegedly–traffic often has other plans), here are just a few things to you can potentially do on the way: float the river in New Braunfels , swim in Hamilton Pool in Dripping Springs, shop in San Marcos, and eat some of Texas’ best barbecue in Lockhart.

View of Guadalupe River from above with Texans floating on it. Guadalupe River State Park is one of the best day trips from San Antonio TX

If you’d like to extend the trip, consider making a triangle between the two cities by adding a stop in Fredericksburg to enjoy some of Texas’ German history, drink local wine, and climb to the top of Enchanted Rock.

Plus, of course, there are the cities themselves: both Austin and San Antonio are home to enough fun things to do to keep you busy for weeks, from the Alamo to the Texas State Capitol and beyond.

Recommended Road Trip Length

Since the driving distances are so short for this road trip, a four or five day trip is enough to give you a nice overview of the area–but the sheer number of things to do nearby means that you could easily triple that time without getting bored!

kate storm and ranger storm at lou neff point in austin texas

Small Hill Country Towns + Outdoor Adventures

This Texas road trip also focuses on the general region between and around Austin and San Antonio–also known as the Texas Hill Country –but instead of focusing the trip on the area’s two large cities with a few stops along the way, this one is focused entirely on the countryside.

Starting from either Austin or San Antonio, head out into the Hill Country to explore the official Texas Wine Trail, stop by whimsical Wimberely to experience Jacob’s Well and its colorful downtown, scarf down German food in Fredericksburg , sample barbecue in Lockhart, swim in Dripping Springs, head to the LBJ Ranch, and stop by the positively tiny town of Luckenbach.

Be sure to also mix in plenty of outdoor beauty: Enchanted Rock , Pedernales Falls State Park, Natural Bridge Caverns, and Guadalupe River State Park (one of the most popular spots for floating the river ) are all accessible on this Texas road trip.

A week is long enough to have an incredibly memorable Texas Hill Country trip, though not long enough to see it all!

Kate Storm swinging over the Wimberley Blue Hole

Texas’ portion of Route 66 is fairly short–you can drive it straight across the panhandle in about 3 hours without stopping–but it definitely makes for a classic Texas road trip!

Along Route 66, by far the biggest city you’ll pass is Amarillo, where you should definitely stop to check out the Historic Route 66 District, the American Quarter Horse Museum, and–for the very, very hungry–the 72 oz. steak challenge at the Big Texan Steak Ranch (don’t worry, they have more human-sized portions on offer too).

You’ll definitely want to swing by Cadillac Ranch as well, located just west of Amarillo, for a sight that you just don’t see everyday: 10 Cadillacs with their frontends buried in a field, spray-painted within an inch of their lives. 

Photo of Cadillac Ranch near Amarillo Texas, 10 cadillacs have their front ends buried in the dirt. All the cars are spray painted in a line.

Lesser-known Slug Bug Ranch (similar concept as Cadillac Ranch, but with slug bugs) is located on Route 66 as well, but on the eastern side of Amarillo.

Though it’s not technically on Route 66 itself, I also highly recommend swinging south of Amarillo to check out Palo Duro Canyon , the second-largest canyon in the USA and an unforgettable place to visit!

While you can easily drive Texas’ portion of Route 66 in a single day, we recommend spending a night or two in either Amarillo or Canyon to enjoy the nearby sights and some of the hikes in Palo Duro Canyon!

Kate Storm standing in front of the Lighthouse in Palo Duro Canyon TX

Wide Open Spaces in West Texas

West Texas is not only home to the sprawling, harsh desert landscapes that the Lone Star State is often associated with, it’s also home to both of Texas’ national parks, which can act as the backbone to a phenomenal Texas road trip.

After exploring some of the best things to do in El Paso , head to Guadalupe Mountains National Park for truly majestic landscapes (and depending on time, consider dipping across the border to visit Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico as well).

From there, head off to Big Bend National Park: don’t miss hiking Santa Elena Canyon or admiring the views from Marshall Drive!

Road through Big Bend National Park, one of the best Texas road trip ideas

Nearby, you’ll find the lesser-known but still phenomenal cousin of Big Bend National Park: Big Bend Ranch State Park.

Along the way, consider stopping at the ghost town of Terlingua, the artsy town of Marfa (famous for its Prada store that never opens), and the McDonald Observatory, to fully appreciate the inky black night sky of West Texas.

In order to fully appreciate both national parks as well as Big Bend Ranch State Park while still leaving time for additional sightseeing along the way, we recommend taking around a week and a half to enjoy a West Texas road trip.

Water town in Marfa Texas that says "Marfa" on the side with an American flag flying to its left and a Texas flag flying to its right

Dallas Loop Road Trip

For a Texas road trip with a fantastic mix of big cities, great food, charming small towns, and even a bit of nature, consider taking a road trip beginning and ending in Dallas.

Start off your trip by enjoying the best of Dallas and Ft. Worth, including the Arboretum, Reunion Tower, and Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, and the Stockyards in Ft. Worth.

From there, head down to Waco, where you’ll find the insanely popular Magnolia Market at the Silos, the beautiful campus of Baylor, Wooly Mammoth National Monument, and even a Dr. Pepper Museum (Texans are serious about Dr. Pepper).

View of Dallas skyline from Reunion Tower with iron bars framing the skyline

Be sure to stop along the way for kolaches in West, Texas!

Depending on the time of year and amount of time you have for your road trip, other destinations to mix in include Dublin (the original home of Dr. Pepper and a town with lots of Irish influences), Grapevine (one of the best Christmas destinations in Texas), Ennis (home to some of the best bluebonnet fields in the state during the spring) and Canton (adorable and historic, plus home to one of the best flea markets in Texas ).

A quick 3-day weekend is long enough to hit a few major sights in both Dallas and Ft. Worth and briefly see Waco as well, but for the full experience covering the great small towns near Dallas, 5-7 days would be a better time frame to work with.

Wide field of blooming Texas bluebonnets at sunset

Gulf Coast Road Trip

If you’re looking for a beach escape in Texas, you can’t do better than road tripping the southern section of the Gulf Coast.

Starting in Corpus Christi , head down the coast to charming Mustang Island before making your way down to South Padre to enjoy one of Texas’ most beloved beach escapes.

From riding horses on the beach to visiting a sea turtle sanctuary to, of course, simply enjoying the sun and waves, you’ll find plenty to do along the way.

Kate Storm riding a chestnut horse on the beach in South Padre Island Texas

Be sure to stop in Port Isabel to see Texas’ second-smallest state park and climb the 19th-century lighthouse for beautiful views of the town and water, too!

This road trip can be enjoyed over a 3-day weekend, though you’ll probably want to choose between visiting either South Padre or Mustang Island if you’re short on time.

To visit both islands and stop at fun spots like Port Isabel along the way, a week is a good time frame for this road trip in Texas.

Bright white lightouse of Port Isabel in Texas on a sunny day

Piney Woods Road Trip

Nothing puts the diversity of Texas on display quite as obviously as starting in the enormous metropolitan area of Houston and then driving due north, where very quickly, city will give way to green forest–a far cry from the desert landscapes of West Texas or the endless fields of the Panhandle that Texas is more likely to be associated with.

East Texas, though, is a whole different ball game, from the barbecue (generally served on a bun with sauce, unlike its better-known cousin from Central Texas) to the landscape.

For your Piney Woods road trip, stop by Davy Crockett National Forest to get an idea for what the nature in East Texas has to offer before heading onto towns like Palestine (one of the homes of the Texas State Railroad), Longview, Jefferson , Marshall, and Nacogdoches.

Caddo Lake in East Texas with cypress trees lining the lake

Caddo Lake State Park, with its beautiful bayous and Spanish moss, is also a must-see stop on an East Texas road trip.

Don’t forget to leave a little time for Houston itself: the Houston Space Center alone is worth the trip!

Starting and ending in Houston, you can get a good overview of the Piney Woods area in around a week–but consider extending your Texas road trip a bit to dip down south of Houston to enjoy the beaches of the Gulf Coast a bit, too!

Sandy beach in Galveston TX with a flock of seagulls landed on it

Tricks + Tips for Road Trips in Texas

Don’t underestimate the distance involved in taking a texas road trip..

Fun fact: when you’re in El Paso, you’re closer to San Diego than Houston!

As the second-largest state in the USA, Texas covers a positively enormous amount of land–much of it extremely empty land, especially the further west you go–and therefore taking a road trip in Texas means planning strategically based on where in the state you are.

… and definitely don’t try to cover the whole state in one trip.

Unless you have the time and inclination to drive for thousands of miles, looping around the entirety of Texas’ most famous attractions is not realistic on a single Texas road trip.

The good news is, though, that that means there’s always a reason to come back!

Mission in San Antonio Texas as seen through a limestone opening in the wall

Stopping and Buc-ee’s and Rudy’s are important parts of any road trip in Texas.

Buc-ee’s has a bigger reputation, but Rudy’s has better breakfast tacos–in my opinion, anyway, but there are definitely those who vehemently disagree!

Either way, these iconic Texas institutions deserve to be part of any Texas road trip. 

Rudy’s is a chain of barbecue restaurants with a side of selling gas and running a small general store, and Buc-ee’s is a gigantic gas station/souvenir shop/bakery/snack station with obsessively clean bathrooms and a beaver statue out front–and with a description like that, how can you not want to see it in person?

Texans drive fast, so be prepared!

The highest posted speed limit anywhere in Texas is 85 mph (70, 75, and 80 are more common, though), but on the long stretches of the open road, let’s just say that the speed limit can often, in practice, turn into the speed minimum.

Fill up when you can, especially when headed to rural areas.

Texas isn’t exactly Australian-Outback-levels of deprived of gas stations, but especially if you’re driving through very rural areas and/or on back roads, you won’t want to stress over your gas tank getting too low.

2 vintage red gas pumps in round rock texas

If you’re not in a hurry, opt for the back roads once in a while.

From beautiful farms to surprising small towns, there’s a lot of beauty lurking on Texas’ smaller roads.

Don’t plan a Texas road trip entirely around the big cities.

Texas’ cities are incredible, but many of the charms of road trips in Texas lie far away from their skyscrapers and (notorious) traffic.

Small towns, state parks, and wide-open spaces are some of the best things you can see in the Lone Star State, so be sure to mix them into your Texas road trip itinerary!

4 photos from Texas: Palo Duro Canyon, Guadalupe River, bluebonnets, and a mission in San Antonio. Black and red text on a white background reads "7 epic ideas for texas road trips"

5 thoughts on “7 Epic Texas Road Trip Itinerary Ideas”

WOW! I lived the first 40 years of my life and now realize I only experienced a tiny bit of the wonders! After reading your articles (and seeing the pictures!) I can’t wait to go back and experience all of it!

Thank you so much, Diane! There is truly an overwhelming amount of things to see in Texas, we may never be done exploring it all!

Excellent presentation, but you should mention the twisted sisters, after TXDOT completes the bridge rework over Mill Creek.

I live in Virginia and I visit Texas every year and I have never before had a plan as well out as these seven trips. Thanks.

Glad to hear it, Fred! Enjoy Texas :-)

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10 of the best road trips in the USA

Bailey Freeman

Jan 5, 2024 • 6 min read

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Take to the open road and discover a different side to the USA © monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

While a plane may get you there faster, road-tripping across the US is one of the most iconically American things you can do.

Get up close and personal with the country’s most striking landscapes – dense eastern forests, windswept plains, red rock canyons, dramatic Pacific coastlines – and make pit stops at some of its most famous cities all in one go.

Crisscrossed with an extensive network of pretty well-maintained highway systems, the US is remarkably easy to traverse by car . Some distances may be long, but gas, food and accommodations are largely easy to come by (except in some of the most rural locales), and a set of wheels gives you the freedom to do extra side quests along the way.

Here’s a list of our favorite routes across America’s wide open spaces, along with some tips on how to make the most of your journey.

1. Pacific Coast Highway

Best road trip for Pacific views San Diego–Seattle; 1600 miles; 8–12 days

The Pacific Coast Highway delivers one of the US’ most iconic road trip experiences, linking together the West Coast’s most notable metropolises, quirky California beach towns, ancient redwood forests, and the dramatic capes and pools of the Pacific Northwest . The route includes Hwy 1, Hwy 101 and I-5, starting in San Diego ; it winds up the coast through LA , Big Sur , San Francisco and Redwood National & State Parks , eventually terminating in Seattle .

Planning tip: Always check for road closures, particularly in the Big Sur area, where rockslides are common along the sea cliffs.

2. Blue Ridge Parkway

Best Appalachian road trip Cherokee, NC–Waynesboro, VA; 469 miles; 2–5 days

This spectacular route takes you through the heart of the US’ oldest mountain range, delivering view after view of rolling green mountains chock full of enchanting hiking trails, thundering waterfalls, ancient rock formations and prolific wildlife. The Parkway – part of the NPS system – begins adjacent to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and passes through the spectacular Pisgah National Forest, a number of state parks and recreation areas, and Roanoke, VA, before ending at the southern entrance of Shenandoah National Park .

Detour: In addition to state and national parks , many one-off hikes originate along the parkway. Consult trail maps to avoid missing some of Appalachia’s top routes.

Roadside attraction along historic Route 66 in Kingman Arizona

3. Route 66

Best road trip for American kitsch Chicago–Los Angeles; 2250 miles; 1–2 weeks

Nicknamed the Mother Road, Route 66 has permanently ingrained itself in the international psyche as the original US road trip. Starting in Chicago , it crosses eight different states and connects travelers to national parks, weird-but-wonderful roadside attractions and tons of vintage Americana.

Planning tip:  The route can be driven in pieces or all at once, but we suggest allotting plenty of time to explore – distances are long, and the activities are numerous.

4. Natchez Trace

Best road trip for Southern history Pasquo, TN–Natchez, MS; 444 miles; 2–3 days

The path for the Natchez Trace was originally carved not by humans, but by buffalo that wandered the region from middle Tennessee to Natchez, MS. Indigenous hunters and traders soon followed, and later the route became a full-fledged thoroughfare for European colonists, soldiers and dignitaries. Today, a trip down the Trace yields gorgeous scenery, historic towns and the experience of traveling one of the most storied roads in the country.

5. Florida Highway 1

Best road trip for Gulf Coast culture Amelia Island–Key West; 475 miles; 6 days

Florida’s Hwy 1 runs the length of the state’s Atlantic Coast before banking east at Miami  and ending in stunning Key West . This sublime multi-day journey takes you through tons of Florida ’s most iconic stops: historic St Augustine , windswept Canaveral National Seashore , Nascar-fueled Daytona, laid-back Fort Lauderdale and the glam and glitter of Miami and South Beach.

Planning tip: Hurricane season lasts from June through October – with the most active months being August and September – and has the potential to significantly affect Florida. If you’re visiting during this window, keep your eyes on the forecast.

Cowboys herd American buffalo across an auburn plain

6. Badlands – Black Hills Loop

Best road trip to experience the Great Plains Badlands National Park–Badlands National Park; 330 miles; 2 days

If you want to get a taste of how expansive the Great Plains really are, head to South Dakota for this fascinating road trip through a state of huge ecological and cultural importance. Start your trip at the mind-bendingly beautiful Badlands National Park before looping over to the Black Hills, home to the Crazy Horse Memorial , Mt Rushmore and Wind Cave National Park . Along the way, take in views of thriving buffalo herds, fascinating rock formations and plenty of rolling hills.

7. San Juan Skyway

Best road trip for Rocky Mountain peaks Durango–Durango; 236 miles; 1–3 days

The San Juan Skyway delivers some of the Rockies ’ biggest views in high definition. This route – which includes the renowned Million Dollar Highway – leapfrogs across central Colorado’s mountainous core connecting Durango, Silverton, Ouray, Telluride and Mesa Verde National Park , known for the cliff dwellings left behind by the Ancestral Puebloans.

Whether you’re a history buff, ski bum, landscape photographer or simply someone who enjoys a thrilling drive, San Juan Skyway has something for you.

Planning tip: A fact that can be deduced by its name, the San Juan Skyway runs through high-altitude terrain, and that makes road conditions somewhat unpredictable, particularly during shoulder season. Always check for closures or local warnings before heading out.

8. Richardson Highway

Best road trip for Alaska outdoors Fairbanks–Valdez; 364 miles; 2–4 days

No road trip list would be complete without a journey through the country’s largest, northernmost state. The Richardson Highway, Alaska’s oldest highway, connects Fairbanks with Valdez, winding past dramatic mountain peaks and glaciers and giving travelers a front seat to some of the country’s most jaw-dropping natural attractions. Be sure to make pit stops for hiking, fishing and whitewater rafting.

An older couple take a break from hiking to enjoy the view at Utah outlook overlooking a canyon. They are sitting on the cliff's edge and soaking in the scenery. The mountains and canyon are in front of them.

9. Scenic Byway 12

Best road trip through red rock country Bryce Canyon National Park–Capitol Reef National Park; 122 miles; 1 day

Southern Utah feels like an entirely different planet, and this backroads route takes you through the best scenery this geologically diverse state has to offer. Start your journey in the town of Panguitch – right outside of Bryce Canyon – and follow the road through red rock canyons, historic towns and pine forests until you finish your journey in Torrey, gateway to Capitol Reef National Park , one of the west’s best-kept secrets.

Detour: From Torrey, it’s an easy 2.5-hour drive to Moab , Canyonlands and Arches , making these routes the best way to see Utah’s Big 5 . And the road itself takes you through some amazing lunar-like scenery that contrasts sharply with the red rocks – wild.

10. Coastal New England

Best road trip for Atlantic maritime vibes New York City–Portland, ME; 430 miles; 3–5 days

Prep yourself for seafood chowder, picturesque oceanside towns and all the lobster you can handle – this coastal New England trip will definitely help you find your sea legs. Start in New York City and make your way north along the coast, stopping to enjoy the lovely beaches in Rhode Island , Massachusetts’  wealth of historical heavy hitters and New Hampshire’ s lighthouses before arriving in culinary-minded Portland, ME .

This article was first published May 22, 2019 and updated Jan 5, 2024.

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Travel With Me 24 X 7

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Best Northern California Road Trip Itinerary – 7 Days NorCal Road Trip

A Northern California road trip offers a diverse journey through majestic redwoods, stunning coastlines, charming towns, and world-class wine regions. This NorCal road trip will enchant you if you are an outdoor enthusiast, wine lover, or appreciate picturesque landscapes. Hence, follow this Northern California travel itinerary, which covers the most iconic and hidden gems, making it an unforgettable adventure.

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North California Itinerary - Northern California Road Trip - Northern California travel itinerary - road trip through northern California - NorCal road trip

Northern California Road Trip – NorCal Road Trip

Here’s a detailed Northern California road trip itinerary with my suggestions on what to see, where to stay, scenic stops, and travel tips.

Day 1 of  North California Itinerary  : San Francisco to Napa Valley 

Start your NorCal road trip from San Francisco.

  • Distance : 60 miles (1.5 hours)

Napa valley itinerary - Napa Valley itinerary 3 days - 3 day napa valley itinerary - First time to Napa Valley itinerary - Itinerary for Napa Valley trip

Napa Valley, one of the world’s most famous wine regions, is the perfect place to start your road trip. You will get a chance to get views of incredible vineyards, wine-tasting experiences, and lush landscapes.

👉🏼Best Scenic Drives In Napa Valley (Itinerary + Things To Do)

Things to Do:

  • Visit Vineyards : Spend the day visiting world-renowned wineries like Domaine Carneros or Castello di Amorosa , a 13th-century-style Tuscan castle and winery.

Napa Valley Captions For Instagram and Napa valley quotes

  • Wine Train : Take a ride on the Napa Valley Wine Train for a scenic and gourmet experience through wine country.

Overnight Stay- Napa River Inn with scenic views and is centrally located for winery tours.

Pro Travel Tips:

  • Book wine tours and tastings in advance, especially during peak season.
  • Designate a driver if you plan on tasting wine at multiple vineyards.

Day 2: Napa Valley to Mendocino

  • Distance : 108 miles (2.5 hours)
  • Route : Take CA-128 W and US-101 N

Mendocino offers breathtaking coastal views, charming seaside villages, and the chance to experience nature up close.

Weekend road trips from San Francisco | Places To Visit Near San Francisco On Weekend Road trip

  • Explore Mendocino Headlands State Park : Stunning ocean views, dramatic cliffs, and coastal trails make this a must-visit.
  • Visit Glass Beach : In Fort Bragg, you’ll find a beach filled with smooth sea glass—a rare and colorful sight.
  • Point Cabrillo Light Station : This historic lighthouse offers insight into California’s coastal history and scenic photo opportunities.

Scenic Stops – Navarro River Redwoods State Park : On CA-128, drive through a scenic corridor of towering redwoods, offering a peaceful, shaded escape.

Overnight Stay – The Mendocino Hotel and Garden Suites offers ocean views and is close to the town’s attractions.

Pro Travel Tips – Wear layers. Mendocino’s coastal weather can change quickly and is more relaxed than inland areas.

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Day 3: Mendocino to Humboldt Redwoods State Park (Avenue of the Giants)

  • Distance : 140 miles (3 hours)
  • Route : Take US-101 N

Driving through Humboldt Redwoods State Park on Avenue of the Giants is an awe-inspiring experience. Towering redwoods and some of the tallest trees in the world, you will experience nature’s grandeur like no other.

National Parks Near San Francisco - National Parks Around San Francisco - National Parks Close To San Francisco - Road trips From San Francisco To National Parks - National Parks In Northern California

  • Drive the Avenue of the Giants : This scenic 31-mile road takes you through groves of ancient redwoods.
  • Founders Grove : Stop to hike this easy, short trail through one of the park’s most impressive groves.
  • Shrine Drive-Thru Tree : One of the last remaining “drive-thru” redwood trees offers a fun, photo-worthy stop.

Scenic Stops – Chandelier Drive-Thru Tree : A quirky roadside attraction in Leggett where you can drive your car through a massive redwood.

Overnight Stay – Benbow Historic Inn offers a charming and comfortable stay near the redwoods, with beautiful views and a historic vibe.

👉🏼7 Best National Parks Near San Francisco, Northern California + Route, Campgrounds & Things To Do

  • Gas stations are sparse in this area, so make sure your tank is full before entering the park.
  • Plan for a day of relaxation, taking your time to walk among the giants.

Day 4: Humboldt Redwoods State Park to Eureka and Trinidad

  • Distance : 55 miles (1 hour)

Eureka and Trinidad are small coastal towns with Victorian charm. Here, you can experience rich history, cultural experiences, and breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean.

North California Itinerary - Northern California Road Trip - Northern California travel itinerary - road trip through northern California - NorCal road trip

  • Old Town Eureka : Wander through the historic district, known for its beautifully restored Victorian architecture, especially the Carson Mansion .
  • Sequoia Park Zoo : The oldest zoo in California, located within a redwood forest.
  • Trinidad State Beach : North of Eureka, Trinidad offers pristine beaches, hiking trails, and one of the most picturesque harbors on the coast.

Scenic Stops – Patrick’s Point State Park : Hike the Rim Trail for sweeping views of the rugged coastline, lush forests, and wildlife sightings.

Overnight Stay –   Eureka Inn offers a classic Victorian ambiance with modern comforts in the heart of Eureka.

Pro Travel Tips : Try The Lost Coast Brewery in Eureka for a memorable meal. It is famous for its local brews and delicious fare.

Day 5: Eureka to Mount Shasta

  • Distance : 200 miles (4 hours)
  • Route : Take CA-299 E and I-5 N

Mount Shasta is a volcanic peak dominating Northern California’s landscape. Experience outdoor adventures and spiritual significance here at Mount Shasta.

North California Itinerary - Northern California Road Trip - Northern California travel itinerary - road trip through northern California - NorCal road trip

  • Hike Mount Shasta : Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a casual walker, there are trails of varying difficulty, including Panther Meadows , known for its spiritual energy.
  • Castle Lake : A crystal-clear alpine lake surrounded by mountains, perfect for kayaking, swimming, or relaxing.
  • McCloud Falls : Three tiers of waterfalls where you can hike and enjoy the stunning mountain scenery.

Scenic Stops – Shasta-Trinity National Forest : Take in the diverse landscape of mountains, forests, and lakes. This area is perfect for a picturesque picnic stop.

Overnight Stay – Shasta Inn offers rustic charm and mountain views just minutes from downtown Mount Shasta.

Pro Travel Tips: If hiking Mount Shasta, be aware that snow can cover higher elevation trails well into the summer.

Day 6: Mount Shasta to Lake Tahoe

  • Distance : 220 miles (4.5 hours)
  • Route : Take I-5 S, then US-50 E

Lake Tahoe is a year-round destination, and here you will find crystal-clear waters, mountain views, and a variety of outdoor activities ranging from hiking and skiing to boating.

Best California Instagram captions - interesting facts about California

  • Emerald Bay State Park : One of the most photographed locations in Lake Tahoe, offering hiking, viewpoints, and boating.
  • Tahoe Rim Trail : Hike or bike portions of this 165-mile trail that circles Lake Tahoe, offering panoramic views.
  • Kayaking and Swimming : Enjoy the lake’s clear waters, ideal for kayaking, paddleboarding, or swimming.

Scenic Stops – Donner Pass : Located on the way to Lake Tahoe, this historical site offers spectacular mountain views and a chance to learn about the Donner Party’s ill-fated journey.

North California Itinerary - Northern California Road Trip - Northern California travel itinerary - road trip through northern California - NorCal road trip

Overnight Stay – Basecamp Tahoe City offers cozy, rustic rooms and easy access to the lake.

  • If visiting in winter, be prepared for snowy conditions and check road closures.
  • The summer months are ideal for water-based activities, but make reservations for any equipment rentals in advance.

Useful Information – Road Trip Through Northern California

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  • Packing Essentials : Layers are crucial, as Northern California’s climate varies from foggy coastal mornings to warm inland afternoons.
  • Best Time to Visit : Summer to early fall is ideal for road trips, as weather conditions are more predictable and ideal for outdoor activities.
  • Car Rental : Consider renting an all-wheel-drive vehicle, especially if visiting in the winter or planning to explore off-the-beaten-path areas.
  • Pooling Lane (Carpool or HOV Lanes) : Northern California’s major highways, like I-80 and US-101 , often have carpool lanes (also known as HOV lanes ) that can save you a lot of time, especially during peak traffic hours. These lanes typically require at least 2 or 3 passengers in the car. Look for signage indicating the number of passengers needed, and stay in regular lanes if you don’t meet the carpool criteria—fines for violations can be steep.
  • Toll Roads : Some parts of Northern California, especially around the Bay Area, have toll bridges and roads, like the Golden Gate Bridge , Bay Bridge , and Carquinez Bridge . Most tolls are electronic and require FasTrak , California’s electronic toll collection system.

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A Northern California road trip is an unforgettable journey through natural beauty, charming towns, and diverse landscapes. From coastal wonders to towering redwoods and mountain peaks, this Northern California travel itinerary offers scenic drives, outdoor adventures, and relaxing moments in small-town settings.

Picture Courtesy – CanvaPro

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Half Day Comatillo Off-Road Experience


Taxes and fees will be calculated at checkout

Experience the thrill of our Four-Wheeler Ride through Comatillo, Bayaguana! Departing from Santo Domingo in both morning and afternoon sessions, this adventure takes you through rivers and lush tropical forests. Highlights include the stunning Salto Alto waterfall and the scenic Loma de Managua. Enjoy an action-packed journey filled with natural beauty and excitement, perfect for adventure seekers. Book your ride today and make unforgettable memories!

Ticket Options

1 Option Available

Half Day Comatillo Off-Road Experience : $95

Pickup included

Ticket Information

  • Mobile or paper ticket accepted
  • One per booking

What's not Included

  • An extra charge may apply if you are outside our pickup zone (USD $10 - $50, not to exceed USD $50).

Cancellation Policy

  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.

Additional Info

  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Our ATVs are designed for two passengers per vehicle. If your reservation includes an odd number of participants, one individual may need to share driving responsibilities with another traveler.
  • Important Note- The remaining (Hours) will be allotted for the travel time from pick up until drop off

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Farms, forests and gardens: A road trip on Whidbey Island

A driving tour of the southern half of Whidbey Island extends the joys of summer’s produce and flower harvests into fall. The island’s temperate climate, fertile soils and saltwater seas create an up-to-250-day growing season. A new Whidbey Island Farm and Food Trail points visitors to farms, restaurants, libations and more.

September and October bring harvest calendars packed with apple cider pressings, a community grape harvest , a cornfest, and classes like pasta-making from fresh pumpkin, hand-harvested fall flower arrangements, and Washington State University Master Gardener workshops.

Pack your sturdy, closed-toe walking shoes and a cooler (with ice) to walk art-filled and beautiful paths, and collect treats and produce on this delicious journey along the Whidbey Island Scenic Byway.

Seattle to Bayview for breakfast

Take an early morning Washington state ferry to embark on the roughly 25-minute Mukilteo to Clinton ferry crossing . Drive the roughly 10 minutes from Clinton to Bayview Garden , a garden center and destination unto itself.

There, Flower House Cafe opens at 8 a.m. for breakfast indoors or under shaded tables surrounded by seasonal blooms. Linger over the cafe’s poblano-flecked egg dishes or chia seed pudding with fresh fruit, coconut, toasted almonds and bee pollen. All offer sustenance for the day’s activities and an early morning seating beats the crowds (they’re coming).

When the gardens open at 9 a.m., peruse the shop specializing in cookbooks and culinary tools and the outdoor sales area for a new planting.  

Next to the gardens, find Bayview Farmers Market which extends through mid-October and is one of the island’s largest on Saturdays. Stock your cooler with locally grown vegetables, fruits, baked goods, crafts, goat cheese and other Whidbey finds.

There, Dorcas Young dishes up her traditional Botswanan food (samosas, curries and more) at Lesedi Farm’s stall, featuring the farm’s beans, greens and other produce. If you miss it, you can check the website for more sales points, including at Seattle farmers’ markets.

Mid-island gardens and farms

About five minutes further along WA-525 N, consider Earth Sanctuary , one of the island’s more minimalist gardens. You may often be the only person on the two miles of grass, dirt and gravel paths leading to Asian and Native American religious installations, a labyrinth, sculptures and a dolmen megalith. It’s quiet and still at the sanctuary, as ponds, native plants and blackberry bushes surround you.

Or drive about 13 minutes along WA-525 N to Meerkerk Gardens for more curated experience. Explore 43 acres of well-tended pathways, ponds and forest and 10 acres of mature display and demonstration gardens focused on rhododendrons. Gentle paths lead to a gazebo made from fallen trees and a wood bench swing overlooking stunning Holmes Harbor and nearby islands.

Don’t miss the Big Leaf Valley for a tropical, prehistoric-like experience — many imported from Asia. You almost expect a tiny dinosaur to rustle beneath the enormous shrubs and green leaves. Stop at the numerous benches to enjoy a Secret Garden full of blooms, a Rain Garden, and a Meditation Garden among others.

Back on the road, fir forest falls away, and more open farmlands appear. About 3 miles from Meerkerk, hit up Greenbank Farm campus. Once the largest grower of Loganberries (a sweet-tart cross between a raspberry and a blackberry), the charming 1904 Greenbank Farm today hosts various events, a cafe, a winery, and a few small shops.

At 11 a.m., the quaint on-site Old Spots Bistro starts serving flaky, perfect slices of Loganberry pie, but other flavors include Granny Smith apple, blueberry, cherry and marionberry.

If you score a bistro seat near the window, you’ll look out onto the Washington State University Extension’s Master Gardener Education Garden . After pie, stroll the garden’s plantings and information to apply to your home garden. The 11 gardens in a compact area include a cottage garden, Northwest native lowland and prairie gardens, a vegetable garden, and a shade garden.

Coupeville forests and farms

Almost 10 minutes north, near Coupeville, visit one of the island’s most impressive walks within the Price Sculpture Forest , free and open daily. The forest’s two well-maintained, shaded loop trails bordered by bright salal and deep evergreen trees only add up to under a mile of exploration. One path is gentle and the other, steeper.

Pass next to and beneath artworks made of wood to glass to metal to fabric. QR codes for each piece provide information on each artist and their work (and, at times, clues on where to spot the artwork) throughout the forest. Sly, humorous sculptures include a giant T-rex and a gorilla in the distance, hidden behind layers of plants.

Near Coupeville, Bell’s Farm offers a farm stand, private tours to learn about regenerative farming practices and a backdrop for professional photographers. Also near Coupeville, 3 Sisters Market sells Whidbey-based grass-fed and grass-finished beef in bulk and various cuts.

Bring cash and change for the Whidbey Farm Stands along the way. Often based on the honor system, you’re trusted to leave the correct dollar or change amount for fresh-picked flowers, hand-harvested eggs, autumn squash and other vegetables and more.

At Coupeville, stay the night and stroll the false-front 19th-century buildings, and stop in for a seasonal happy hour or a five-course chef’s tasting menu at The Oystercatcher .

The next day, turn around and head south again along State Route 20 and WA-525. Visit side roads and farm stands en route, take a Wild Mushroom Tour , stop for a wine tasting and if it’s a Sunday, restock the cooler at South Whidbey Tilth Market . You can even advance-order online from one of over 50 producers via Whidbey Island Grown Co-Op’s online food hub. While on island, pick up ready-made meals, freshly harvested mushrooms, flower bouquets, salad greens and more to take home as edible souvenirs.

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On the Kitsap Peninsula, a road trip to a sweet Scandinavian spot

Known as “Little Norway,” Poulsbo’s seaside Scandifluence is felt almost everywhere — from Finn Hill Road to Viking Avenue, Fjord Drive to Lindvig Way.

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Head to Seabrook for a home base within reach of the Washington coast

In spring, Washington beaches reveal glimpses of migrating gray whales — bring binoculars to the coastal bluffs for the best whale-watching views.

A truck drives up I90 near Snoqualmie Pass on a clear winter day

Winter road trip: Mountains to Sound Greenway

The corridor offers sightseeing, sports and history amid conifer forests, alpine passes and more — but you’ll have to slow down a bit.

A man walks across a snow-covered path. A white inn lies in the background and evergreen trees stretch up the mountain in the distance.

Head to Skykomish for a winter staycation

Stay close to home this weekend while experiencing the quiet, calm scenery of rural, small-town Washington in and around the Skykomish Valley.

A person sits on a chair overlooking the water at a pier in Port Angeles

Road trip to the North Olympic Peninsula: Port Angeles and beyond

The North Olympic Peninsula presents an array of mild-climate excursions, immersive arts and a vibrant shopping scene — just in time for the holidays.

Landscape of a red barn sitting in the distance among golden fall trees and mist against the Olympic mountain range in the background. A grassy field stretches in the foreground with clouds in the sky.

Escape to Sequim: A road trip to a drier destination

Sequim offers a mix of pleasant weather and waterside retreats surrounded by the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Dungeness Bay and Sequim Bay.

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Fall Is the Best Season for Road Trips in the USA—Here Are the Top 8

If you’re craving a roadside adventure this autumn, consider one of these trips..

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A road trip can be as simple as taking an afternoon drive to view some fall color (with an excellent soundtrack or podcast , naturally). Or it could be slightly more ambitious: spending a full weekend exploring the autumnal glory and fall foliage of neighboring states you may not have seen in awhile. Take in the changing trees, inhale the crisp air, and taste local foods on one of these eight fall road trips across the United States.

Archway of live oak trees, with Spanish moss, lining road during golden hour

One of the best places to see Savannah’s live oak trees is at the Wormsloe Plantation Historic Site.

Courtesy of Jose Llamas/Unsplash

1. Atlanta to Savannah to Charleston

  • Start : Atlanta, Georgia
  • End : Charleston, South Carolina
  • Approximate distance : 350 miles

What better time to tour through the South than the fall, when the temperatures are mild and roadside nature gets especially attractive? Start with a city adventure in Atlanta , exploring historical points of interest like the National Center for Civil and Human Rights and art at Westside Cultural Arts Center . Next, head toward the coast to Savannah, Georgia , where you can indulge in delicious institutions like Leopold’s Ice Cream and Common Thread .

End your trip in Charleston , South Carolina, a city worth lingering in to get to know its most iconic foods or learn about Gullah-Geechee cuisine and African American history .

Where to stay along the way: Perry Lane Hotel

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Once in Savannah , spend the night at the luxurious, centrally located Perry Lane Hotel , complete with a bar and restaurant, rooftop pool, and expansive lawn for lounging in between sightseeing.

2. West Virginia’s natural wonders

  • Start : Blackwater Falls State Park
  • End : New River Gorge National Park
  • Approximate distance: 200 miles

West Virginia’s location in the Appalachian Mountain region makes it a beautiful place to visit in the fall, especially in October. One of the best ways to tour this area is on a three-day adventure visiting Blackwater Falls State Park, Seneca Rocks, and the New River Gorge National Park. Experienced rafters may want to come earlier in the fall because there’s plenty of exhilarating white water rafting on the Gauley River once “Gauley Season” comes around (the six weeks or so following Labor Day).

Where to stay along the way: Adventures on the Gorge

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Stay deep within West Virginia’s nature with Adventures on the Gorge , which offers wooden cabins and stargazing opportunities. (Some cabins have a private porch and hot tub.) To maximize the experience, Afar associate director of SEO Jessie Beck suggests catching a sundown drink at nearby restaurants Smokey’s on the Gorge or Chetty’s Pub.

Two people on San Antonio's River Walk bordered by trees and wide steps

While in San Antonio, don’t miss its 15-mile-long River Walk.

Courtesy of Robin LeeAnn/Unsplash

3. Hill Country, Texas

  • Start : Austin
  • End : San Antonio
  • Approximate distance : 235 miles

The worlds of cowboys and wine collide in Texas Hill Country , where fall colors take over the region in October. Starting in Austin , head to Bandera, the self-proclaimed “Cowboy Capital of the World,” and catch a rodeo. Then dip into the wineries that line Wine Road 290 in Fredericksburg. There are more than a dozen other towns to explore, including New Braunfels (where two rivers flow through) and Lockhart, one of the state’s best places for barbecue .

Where to stay along the way: Hoffman Haus

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For some true Southern hospitality , Fredericksburg-based boutique hotel Hoffman Haus delivers breakfast daily to each door at 9 a.m. in a picnic basket.

Highway curving across hill full of autumn-colored trees along the Blue Ridge Parkway, with mountains in distance

The Linn Cove Viaduct, at mile marker 304.4, is one of the most ambitious and technically challenging segments of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Photo by Anthony Heflin/Shutterstock

4. Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia to North Carolina

  • Start : Charlottesville, Virginia
  • End : Asheville, North Carolina
  • Approximate distance : 470 miles

Launched in 1935 as a New Deal project, the Blue Ridge Parkway took 52 years to complete and is now one of the country’s most iconic highways. Come fall, it’s also one of its most vivid. To make the most of the experience, give yourself plenty of time to cruise from Charlottesville, Virginia, to Asheville, North Carolina . You’ll want that time to hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail, pop into Blue Ridge Music Center for a little bluegrass , and savor both barbecue and fall colors.

Where to stay along the way: Oakhurst Inn

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Start your road trip with a good night’s sleep at Oakhurst Inn in Charlottesville, Virginia, a cluster of buildings from the 1920s turned into a comfortable boutique property. Along the next leg of your journey, seek out a secluded Airbnb or vacation rental (there are plenty to choose from in the Blue Ridge Mountains ). Save a few days at the end of your drive and check in to one of Asheville’s best hotels so you can leisurely explore the city’s multicultural dining scene and nearby hikes .

Water flowing into a creek with green ferns on each side

The nearly 1-million-acre Olympic National Park has more than 3,000 miles of rivers and streams.

Courtesy of John Thomas/Unsplash

5. Olympic Peninsula Loop Drive, Washington

  • Start : Edmonds
  • End : Olympia
  • Approximate distance : 300 miles

Yes, you might get rained on during a fall visit to the Olympic Peninsula —the wild, mossy arm west of Seattle that encompasses Olympic National Park. But part of the charm is seeing the changing colors of deciduous trees contrast the evergreens found in its rainforest . Start in Kingston, a city 17 miles north of Seattle, and begin where Highway 104 meets Highway 101 (your road for most of the drive) and follow it counterclockwise around Olympic National Park. Along the route, learn to pronounce the names of small towns like Sequim (“Skwim”) and Dosewallips (“Doh-si-wall-ips”), hike to waterfalls flush with seasonal rain, and walk the raw coast on the westernmost edge of the peninsula.

Where to stay along the way: Lake Crescent Lodge

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Start your trip with a stay in a cabin at Lake Crescent Lodge , which has a waterside location with scenic views of the surrounding mountains. The property offers cottages, cabins, and rooms for overnight stays, as well as boat rentals for exploring the nearby lake.

Hot spring water surrounded by rocks and hills

On a road trip through Idaho, dip into Kirkham Hot Springs.

Courtesy of Idaho Tourism

6. Boise to Sun Valley, Idaho

  • Start : Boise
  • End : Sun Valley
  • Approximate distance : 200 miles

Nearly two-thirds of Idaho is public land, making this state ideal for outdoor adventure . Add in some gorgeous fall foliage and hot springs (there are more than 120 you can soak in throughout the state) and you’ve got yourself a road trip . Starting from Boise, take Highway 21 (aka the Ponderosa Pine Scenic Byway ) for 131 miles to get to Stanley. From there, take Highway 75 (known as the Sawtooth Scenic Byway ) for 63 miles to get to Sun Valley. Along the way, these routes take you through the autumn colors of Boise National Forest and Sawtooth National Forest.

If you’re up for taking an hour-long detour from Boise, head to Bruneau Dunes State Park . On Friday and Saturday nights through mid-October, its observatory has night sky and solar viewing.

Where to stay along the way: Modern Hotel and Bar

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Kick off your Idaho adventure with a stay at the Modern Hotel and Bar . The 39-room property was a boarding house during the Great Depression, but was renovated in 2007 to become a midcentury, minimalist hotel.

Black and white cows in a green field against a backdrop of fall foliage

The Green Mountains are postcard perfect.

Photo by Dennis MacDonald/Shutterstock

7. Connecticut River Byway, Vermont

  • Start : Stewartstown
  • End : Vernon
  • Approximate distance : 320 miles

New England in the fall is a no-brainer, and the nearly 500-mile Connecticut River Byway showcases the full beauty of the region in the autumn . The majority of the road is in Vermont—following the border between New Hampshire—and presents views of the red, orange, and gold trees on the Green Mountains. Be sure to keep an eye open roadside farmstands and country stores serendipitously dotted along the route. You’ll want to load up on the season’s bounty of maple syrup, apples, and pumpkins.

Where to stay along the way: Twin Farms

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Woods, meadows, hills, and a nine-acre pond are all part of Twin Farms, a 300-acre property that guests can explore via nine miles of trails. In 2023, Twin Farms added eight tree-house accommodations that include floor-to-ceiling windows, a living room, a deck, and air conditioning.

Distant view of Yosemite Falls, with gold and orange trees in foreground

Yosemite explodes into color in the fall.

Photo by Luc Stadnik / Shutterstock

8. U.S. Route 395, California

  • Start : New Pine Creek
  • End : Hesperia
  • Approximate distance : 550 miles

While California’s Highway 1 (also known as the Pacific Coast Highway ) is a prime summertime drive, the best fall drive is the inland U.S. Route 395 . The complete route goes from the Mojave Desert to the Canada–U.S. border near Laurier, Washington, but California’s 550-mile or so portion traces the eastern Sierras and terminates in Hesperia, around 80 miles northeast of Los Angeles . Embark on the trip from mid-September to October for peak fall foliage, and take your pick of national and state parks— Yosemite , Kings Canyon, and Sequoia to name a few—to see the shifting colors until the end of November.

Where to stay along the way: Evergreen Lodge

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If you want to stop by Yosemite on this fall foliage drive, the more than 100-year-old Evergreen Lodge is a great option for families, located about one mile from Yosemite National Park’s western entrance. Afar deputy editor Michelle Baran says her Thanksgiving stay at the lodge was “downright magical” ; highlights include a heated pool, two outdoor playgrounds, and nightly s’mores.

This article originally appeared online in September 2020; it was updated on September 12, 2024, to include current information.

An aerial view of the Palm Beach Par 3 golf course and hotel along the beach in Florida

Music Review: Miranda Lambert's 'Postcards from Texas' is joyful road trip across her home state

This image released by Republic Records shows "Postcards From Texas"...

This image released by Republic Records shows "Postcards From Texas" by Miranda Lambert. Credit: AP

NEW YORK — Miranda Lambert's 10th studio album begins with a plucky honky-tonk stomper, full of folksy imagery and a jaunty vibraslap sound:

“Well I met an armadillo / Out in Amarillo / And he asked me for a light,” Lambert's voice swings, “I said a where ya goin’ / He said ‘I don’t really know’ / And I said, ‘Brother I’ve been there twice.’”

It might be an outlier, for listeners expecting a collection more in line with the album's lead single, the classic rock-channeling “Wranglers,” but it's also the perfect tone-setter. Across the 14-track release, Lambert aims to deliver sometimes-traditional country with a lot of heart.

Throughout, “Postcards From Texas” is a sonic road trip across Lambert's home state — from the steel guitar-led ballad “Looking Back on Luckenbach" to the funny, trash-talking divorce anthem “Alimony,” with its not-so-thinly veiled lyrical geography.

“I called that lawyer up in Dallas,” she sings in the chorus. “If you’re gonna leave me in San Antone / Remember the alimony,” the last word teased out to turn “Alamo” into “alimony.” It's such a rewarding lyric reversal, it feels almost prototypical — as if plucked from some great country music songbook instead of written into it.

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Lambert's voice is where “Postcards From Texas” finds its cohesion, from dreamy ballads, like “Way Too Good At Breaking My Heart" and country-rock swagger, like on “B—— On the Sauce (Just Drunk)” to classic covers, like in the case of “Living on the Run,” from David Allan Coe's 1976 album, “Longhaired Redneck.”

Lambert co-produced the album with Jon Randall, and recorded the entirety of it at Austin, Texas' Arlyn Studios, the first time since she was 18 that she's recorded a full album in her home state. In those days, long before becoming a stalwart of Nashville's Music Row, it's easy to imagine she wasn't thinking about a homecoming — especially in a state where those considered Texas country greats are overwhelmingly male.

Miranda Lambert, left, and Brendan McLoughlin arrive at the MTV...

Miranda Lambert, left, and Brendan McLoughlin arrive at the MTV Video Music Awards on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024, at UBS Arena in Elmont, N.Y. Credit: AP/Evan Agostini

At this stage in her career, Lambert doesn't have anything to prove — and that's one of many reasons why “Postcards from Texas" is a ride that works.

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    National Road Trip Day became an official holiday in 2019, thanks to Pilot Flying J, the largest travel center operator in North America. They chose the Friday before Memorial Day because of the long weekend ahead and, with May being the start of summer, it kickstarts the travel season, too. Since travel stories are ingrained into the very ...


    The Friday before Memorial Day is declared National Road Trip Day and serves as the official kickoff of the summer road trip season. Millions of Americans hit the road each year over the long weekend to visit friends and family, while paying tribute to our American heroes. National Day Calendar traveled to Pontiac, IL, to celebrate the Official ...

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    NATIONAL ROAD TRIP DAY. The Friday before Memorial Day is declared National Road Trip Day and serves as the official kickoff of the summer road trip season. With two-thirds of leisure travelers (64 percent)* planning to take vacations this summer, it's clear that the open road calls when long weekends and Fridays roll around.

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  8. Road Trip Planner

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  12. Road Trip Route Planner, Map and Trip Guides

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  13. 7 Epic Texas Road Trip Itinerary Ideas

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  15. Road Trip Planner

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    👉🏼Perfect San Francisco to Yosemite Road Trip - SF to Yosemite Drive. Day 3: Mendocino to Humboldt Redwoods State Park (Avenue of the Giants) Distance: 140 miles (3 hours) Route: Take US-101 N; Driving through Humboldt Redwoods State Park on Avenue of the Giants is an awe-inspiring experience. Towering redwoods and some of the tallest ...

  18. Road Trip Planner

    The Trippy road trip planner automatically calculates the optimal itinerary including stops recommended by Trippy members, favorite restaurants and hotels, local attractions and things to do based on what people who live in the area have suggested, and more. Once you have a quick trip planned, you can customize every detail, adding or removing ...

  19. Free Road Trip Planner with Unlimited Stops

    Our free road trip planner is easy to use. Create personalized trips with multiple stops, automatically divide multi-day trips into manageable days, export to GPS or print directions, import from your favorite tools, edit, share and more.

  20. 23 Best Road Trips in the U.S. to Take in 2024

    13. A Five-Day Scenic Road Trip Through Texas Hill Country. This Texas road trip starts and ends in San Antonio with stops in small towns like Bandera, Boerne, and consider a stop in Fredericksburg, which is one of AFAR's best places to go in 2024). Over five days, you'll find opportunities to stroll in a Japanese tea garden in San Antonio ...

  21. Wanderlog travel planner: free vacation planner and itinerary app

    The best group itinerary planner. Use Wanderlog to share your itinerary with tripmates, friends, and families and collaborate in real time, so everyone stays in the loop. Plan your road trip or vacation with the best free itinerary and road trip planner. Wanderlog lets you to make itineraries with friends, mark routes, and optimize maps — on ...

  22. 55 Road Trip Packing List Essentials [With PDF Checklist]

    Jump Leads. Lug Wrench. Spare Tire & Locking Wheel Nut Key. Car Jack: Along with the other car safety items in this packing list, it will mean you are well prepared. They typically contain Jumper Cables, Light Sticks, Reflective Vests, Rain Ponchos, Warning triangles, Whistles, Tire Pressure Gauges, etc.

  23. Half Day Comatillo Off-Road Experience

    Half Day Comatillo Off-Road Experience : $95. Pickup included. Itinerary. Additional Info. Ticket Information. Mobile or paper ticket accepted; One per booking ... or dive right in with preplanned AAA Road Trips, cruises and vacation tours. Build and Research Your Options. Save and organize every aspect of your trip including cruises, hotels ...

  24. Farms, forests and gardens: A road trip on Whidbey Island

    The island's temperate climate, fertile soils and saltwater seas create an up-to-250-day growing season. A new Whidbey Island Farm and Food Trail points visitors to farms, restaurants, libations ...

  25. 8 Fall Road Trips in the U.S. to Take in 2024

    3. Hill Country, Texas . Start: Austin; End: San Antonio; Approximate distance: 235 miles; The worlds of cowboys and wine collide in Texas Hill Country, where fall colors take over the region in October.Starting in Austin, head to Bandera, the self-proclaimed "Cowboy Capital of the World," and catch a rodeo.Then dip into the wineries that line Wine Road 290 in Fredericksburg.

  26. Music Review: Miranda Lambert's 'Postcards from Texas' is joyful road

    Throughout, "Postcards From Texas" is a sonic road trip across Lambert's home state — from the steel guitar-led ballad "Looking Back on Luckenbach" to the funny, trash-talking divorce ...