Career Protocol

MBA Campus Visit Tips

  • September 1, 2020

How To Do School Visits Right

Last week a client asked the very common question “When should I visit campus?” and we thought it’d be a great time to share my top MBA campus visit tips. The most valuable time to visit a school is:

  • On your own (i.e., not during interviews)
  • Before you apply
  • While school is in session

Table of Contents

1. but why visit.

First, an unsolicited visit shows the strongest commitment and greatest interest in the school. More than anything, the ad com wants to know that you want to go to  their  school and one way to show your interest is by taking the time to visit.

Second, visiting before you apply while students are still on campus, you’ll get a much more realistic sense of the community and campus life – an important factor in deciding if this school is the place you want to spend the next two years of your life.

And finally, if you decide you want to apply, you’ll have extra fodder for your personal statement and interviews. As you will inevitably talk about school culture and student life, now you’ll be able to add rich personal details, making your essays intimate and unique.

2. How to prepare for your MBA campus visit

Before you visit campus, you’ll want to read up on the school. Here are some resources to help your research:

  • Check out this article by my teammate,  Charli , about creative ways to  connect with your top MBA schools
  • Download Angela’s  MBA Decision framework  for a sense of the priorities you might want to focus on in your primary research
  • Make sure to review the MBA Campus visit dress code for your target schools (hint: HBS campus visits are business formal, Stanford MBA campus visits are business casual)

Other ways you can learn about MBA schools: peruse student and campus blogs, follow the MBA programs on social media, read through the list of student clubs and see which ones pique your interest.

You don’t need to know everything about the school before you visit, but you should know enough that you feel comfortable. For example, you’ll probably want to know if the curriculum is fixed or flexible, if you have to choose a specialty, or if you can cross-register for courses.

You’ll also want to know a bit about the culture –where students hang out and if they live on campus, so you can make sure you explore the important areas! As you’re doing your research, write down any questions that you might want to ask students, the adcom, or career services during your visit.

After you’ve done your research, you’ll want to schedule your visit. Most schools will ask you to register ahead of time, but check out the Admissions website as this varies by school. 

As you go through your day on campus, be sure to take ample notes!!! You will want to reference them later when you’re choosing schools and writing your essays.

Bonus recommendation : Buy a school t-shirt and take a selfie of yourself in front of the main campus building. This might come in handy if the school asks for a  creative essay with multimedia aspects !

3. Get to Know the MBA Campus

Some schools have official programs to facilitate campus and class visits. If so, definitely sign up for that! Here are some links to top schools’ campus visit programs to get you started:

  • Harvard  Business School Class visit program  is a full day of amazing insights into campus life
  • Check out  Stanford  MBA Campus Visit  events or their  Campus Tours program  and maybe even do a  Stanford campus virtual  tour before you get there
  • Visit the gorgeous Harper Center on your  Chicago Booth  Campus visit
  • Check out  Wharton  Campus visit program
  • Schedule your  Kellogg  campus visit  to check out their brand new facilities or attend one of  Kellogg’s preview days
  • The MIT MBA Campus visit  options give you several ways to get to know the campus
  • The  Columbia  MBA  class visit program  offers a ton of  admissions events on campus
  • Get over to Berkeley for your  Berkeley Haas  campus visitation
  • Plan to spend the whole day on your  Yale MBA  campus visit
  • Choose your spot in the  NYU Stern  campus visit  program or meet them at one of  their live or online events

But even if you’re doing a self-guided tour, here are a some self-guided mba campus visit tips to help you make the most of your time:

  • Get to know the area – take an  Uber  or bike around the campus , through the neighboring community, before you even step foot on it. 
  • Go to the  local hot spots  where MBAs go for snacks, lunch, drinks – including the campus cafeterias and local coffee shops. If you’re visiting HBS, make sure you stop by  Zinneken’s  in Harvard Square for the most amazing Belgian waffles!! I personally read so many case studies from that counter.
  • Find out  where students hang out and study , then walk through these areas and see how it feels.
  • Find out  where recruiting happens . Will you have to leave campus for internship interviews? Remember recruiting happens in the dead of winter. Will you have to walk across icy sidewalks in your slippery interview shoes or can you just walk down the hall to your interview room?
  • Find out  where students sit in class . Are seats assigned? Do people sit in the same seat each time? Do students stay in the same classroom for all their classes? (FYI, at Harvard the answer to all three of these is yes!) What’s class attendance like?
  • Where do most people live? On-campus? Off? Try to visit a  dorm or walk the street where students rent apartments .
  • What kinds of extras are there?  How’s the gym ? Are there tennis courts? Is there a chapel or meditation space on campus to check out? How’s the library? Does anyone use it?

Even asking a subset of these questions will give you a really good sense of the school and the community. So pick your favorites!

4. Sit in on an MBA classs

Sitting in on a class is one of the best ways to get a feel for a school. You’ll learn about the teaching method, the level of academic engagement, and how students and professors engage with each other. It’s hands down the best way to get to start distinguishing schools from one another, so try to make the time to do it! 

Things you’ll want to pay attention during your class visit:

  • How’s the quality of the professor?
  • How advanced and challenging does the material seem? (you might find big differences across schools on this one!)
  • How engaged are students with the material?
  • How do they treat each other in the class discussion? Could you see yourself participating here and having a good time?
  • Will this class style challenge you, in a good way? In a bad way?
  • How would you feel about learning in this environment? Does it feel like a match for how you learn best?

Don’t forget, most schools likely have rules about conduct during class visits, so don’t forget to look them up before you go. For example, most schools will ask that you just observe and not speak up, so make sure you know before you accidentally break the rules!

5. Talk to members of the MBA program’s administration

To be best prepared for your visit, you’ll want to prepare questions to ask during informational interviews with students, and different questions to ask the admissions committee and members of the career services teams.

We often get asked, “what’s a good question for the admissions committee?” Though there’s no universal answer to that question, a good question is one that…

  • Is personal to you, i.e., something you genuinely care about knowing the answer to
  • Can't be answered by a quick look at the school's website, and
  • Demonstrates your knowledge of and interest in the school.

For example, a good question might be something like “I’m really interested in women’s equality in business. I know HBS recently celebrated 50 years of women at HBS and I’m wondering what else the school is doing on a more regular basis to support the equality of women in the classroom?”

I recommend avoiding questions about scandals or negative press affecting the school. Combative or accusatory questions won't endear you to community members.

Your goals during these conversations should be to show your knowledge of and interest in the school and make a connection. So ask intelligent and respectful questions. Ideally, the ad com member will remember you after the conversation and put a star on your folder! But worst case, even if you botch these conversations, it’s still not going to ruin your chances of getting in, so try not to stress about it too much!

One final way to prepare is to practice your personal introduction. Not an elevator pitch (we are not a fan of those!!) So check out our article about  introducing yourself in a much better way than an elevator pitch  to help you with this.

6. Talk to current students at your favorite MBA programs

While you’re on campus, don’t miss the opportunity to talk to current students! It can be easy to get caught up with the campus tour, the class visit, and conversing with the admissions committee, but a great way to get to know a school is to chat with current students. 

You can either do this casually – when the class visit ends, start talking to the student next to you – or more formally – by setting up coffee chats ahead of time. Before your visit, email the co-chairs of 1-2 student clubs you’re interested in and see if they’re free to meet with you before or after your campus tour. Make sure you go in to those meetings with some prepared questions!

Want some help tracking down campus club cochairs? I’ve got you covered. Here are the links student clubs at your favorite MBA programs. Click through the lists to find current co-chairs for most clubs. 

  • Harvard Business School Student Clubs
  • Stanford Student Clubs
  • Chicago Booth Student Clubs
  • Wharton Student Clubs
  • Kellogg MBA Student Clubs
  • MIT Sloan Student Clubs
  • Columbia MBA Student Clubs
  • Haas Student Clubs
  • Yale SOM Student Clubs
  • NYU Stern Student Clubs

Good questions to ask students include:

  • Anything about their experience
  • How they chose the school
  • What social events their club hosts
  • What recruiting events their club hosts
  • What else are they involved in on campus
  • How supportive is the career services office

After your meetings, be sure to send thank you notes and any follow-up questions to people you met with. If you really liked anyone you met, try to stay in touch with them.

You could send them a relevant article based on their interests or send them a restaurant recommendation for the city they’re headed to next! You never know, you may even end up referencing their names in your Personal Statement!

7. Final MBA campus visit tips

Don’t forget that these school visits are for you! It can be really helpful to get to know the school, to identify why you want to go there and write about that in your essays, and to show the admissions committee how interested you are in the school.

More than anything, we recommend that you view this process as building a relationship with a community that you will soon be part of. It’s as if you were considering a job offer – you’d want intimate details about what it’s like to work there and you’d want to have some friends on the inside!

However, we know school visits can be time-consuming and expensive. So, if you can’t manage to visit all the schools you’re applying to, try to attend an event hosted by the school in your city, meet alumni for coffee, and attend any webinars the school hosts. Those can be alternative, low-cost ways to get to know the schools if you can’t manage to visit.

One last tip:  if you live near a school you’re applying to, and you don’t visit, then you might as well not apply. I say this for two reasons. One – without even realizing it, it probably means you don’t actually want to go to that school. Two – if the school doesn’t think you want to go there, they won’t even give you the chance to reject them. So save yourself the trouble! Or, just visit the school! 😉

Oh, and when you’re on campus make sure you check in with the Admissions Office so they know you were there!! <- that’s really important!!

Happy MBA Campus visiting!!

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Picture of Angela Guido

Angela Guido

Student of Human Nature| Founder and Chief Education Officer of Career Protocol

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mba tour dress code

The Ultimate Guide to MBA Student Dress Codes

A Master of Business Administration, or MBA, degree is quite an achievement. This postgraduate degree is a huge foundational step for a successful career in business. 

If you’re a new MBA student just entering your first year, you may have some questions about how to dress. Do you have to wear a suit to class every day? Are sneakers okay?

Many of these answers depend on your school. Each MBA program has its own specific dress code that students must always abide by. Generally, these dress codes require business casual or professional clothing. 

If you’re looking for MBA outfit ideas that fit dress code requirements while making you look great, look no further. We’ve got all of your MBA dress code questions covered in this comprehensive guide. 

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Business Casual

MBA dress code business casual woman

Business casual is the most common MBA dress code. This style of dress is relaxed but professional. 

For the best business casual outfits, think professional blouses, slacks, and dresses. If you can wear it to an office, you can wear it to your graduate classes.

If you want even more outfit ideas, check out this comprehensive guide to business casual fashion. 

Business Professional

MBA dress code professional business woman

MBA programs require business professional attire for more formal occasions. Some MBA dress codes require this elevated style for networking meet-ups, interviews, and other important events. 

This dress code style is a step up from business casual and includes outfits like full matching suits, skirt suits, and dark or gray knee-length dresses. 

The best part about this dress code style is that business professional clothing looks great on everyone. Check out these easy tips to dress professionally for your body type . 

Casual Fridays

MBA dress code casual friday

Some MBA programs include casual Fridays in their dress code. Casual Fridays relax the usual dress code and allow you to wear more informal clothing.

Jeans and sneakers are typical casual Friday fare. Keep in mind that although casual Friday is more relaxed, your outfit should still look put-together and professional. 

Read our men’s guide to dressing well for more tips. 

Conservative Styles

MBA dress code conservative style

MBA dress codes are in place to prepare students for their future careers. So, MBA dress codes enforce conservative business and office wear styles. 

Always wear clothing that covers your legs, shoulders, and most of your chest. Even if that’s not in line with your everyday sense of fashion, conservative styles help create a polished appearance that leads to excellent first impressions. 

There are fun ways to dress conservatively while still expressing your personal style, from uniquely embroidered blouses to designer flats. 

Neutral Colors

MBA dress code neutral colors

In the business world, first impressions are everything. Unfortunately, wearing something eye-catching and bright might distract some people from your true skills and talents. That’s why it’s best to make neutral colors the basis of most MBA outfits. 

“Neutral” doesn’t necessarily mean “drab.” You can still build a chic, classic wardrobe with the softer colors that MBA dress codes prefer. Go with colors like rich camel, heather gray, and deep navy blue to add an air of high fashion to your outfit. 

A Blazer and Tailored Slacks

MBA dress code blazer slacks

A blazer with tailored slacks makes the most traditional MBA outfit. It’s versatile, easy to wear, and will undoubtedly align with any MBA dress code. 

You can wear a matching blazer and slacks for a relaxed suit vibe or mix and match a range of neutral colors to create an interesting color-blocking effect. Blazers and slacks look best with a collared button-up or a conservative blouse. 

Explore these sustainable hemp blazers for a unique wardrobe staple. 

A Midi Dress and Suit Jacket

MBA dress code suit and dress

If pantsuits aren’t your thing, you can still look professional with a midi dress and blazer. This look works well for both business casual and business professional dress codes. 

Coordinate your look by wearing a matching blazer and dress, or add an artistic feel with a print dress and neutral-colored blazer. Wear a flowy wrap dress or shirtdress under your blazer to add more movement to your outfit. 

A Button-Up Cardigan

MBA dress code cardigan

If you’re looking for a way to switch up your usual MBA look, try wearing your favorite cardigan buttoned all the way up. Instead of wearing your cardigan over a blouse, this approach adds a unique twist to a standard office outfit. 

A button-up cardigan is easy to wear with slacks or a skirt. Be sure to wear a camisole under your cardigan in case of an unwanted wardrobe malfunction. For added flair, wear a cardigan that has unique and fun buttons. 

Shop some of our favorite brands that make organic cotton cardigans . 

A Classic Wrap Dress

MBA dress code wrap dress

A wrap dress is a classic piece of womenswear that works well with an MBA dress code. The timeless silhouette is professional and feminine, allowing for more freedom of expression in the world of business casual. 

Choose a wrap dress with a hemline that hits at the knees or below. Plenty of wrap dresses come in jewel tone, pastel, and neutral colors, making you look elegant and commanding. 

You can also wear a camisole and semi-sheer tights underneath for more coverage if desired.  

White Button-Up Shirts

MBA dress code white shirts

When building your MBA wardrobe, you can’t go wrong with a white button-up shirt. It’s a classic wardrobe staple that is universally professional and chic. 

Choose white dress shirts made with high-quality, thick fabric. This ensures you are professional and put together at all times. Wear your white button-up tucked into a pencil skirt, or French tucked into high-waisted slacks for a chic, elegant look. 

Explore our selection of button-up dress shirts for the best options. 

Knee-Length Skirts

MBA dress code skirts

Knee-length skirts create a conservative silhouette without making an outfit look too stuffy or old-fashioned. Best of all, they’re breezy, comfortable, and easy to wear. 

Pair a full skirt with a tucked-in blouse or a high-quality white t-shirt, or throw on a blazer for a more formal look. A high-waisted knee-length skirt is best because it provides full coverage while remaining flexible and versatile. 

Don’t miss our list of the best affordable midi skirts for more inspiration. 

A Well-Tailored Sweater

MBA dress code sweater

A well-tailored sweater is a simple way to look professional while staying cozy. A sweater is a wonderful alternative if you’re tired of wearing the same cardigans or blazers over and over again. 

Everything from a v-neck pullover to a super-soft crewneck sweater will meet most MBA dress code requirements. A sweater tucked into a skirt or worn with belted slacks will always look amazing. Go for neutral or muted colors, high-quality construction, and conservative necklines.

Shop the best vegan sweater brands that make ethical, high-quality products. 

Classy Coats

MBA dress code coats

Every MBA student wardrobe needs a good coat for chilly weather. A well-tailored, high-quality coat perfectly compliments any professional or business casual outfit. 

You can easily find the perfect one to match your style, from peacoats to long camel coats. Go with a versatile coat in a neutral color for a chic look that will always stay in style. 

Here is our selection of the best affordable and sustainable coats . 

Incorporate Patterns and Colors 

MBA dress code colors patterns

Although MBA dress codes emphasize neutral colors and conservative silhouettes, there’s still an opportunity to incorporate patterns and colors into every outfit. 

Wearing a dress with a subtle or office-appropriate pattern is an excellent way to spice up a standard business casual outfit. You can also wear a neutral skirt, slacks, or blazer with a bright, fun blouse. 

Cardigans in fun patterns and colors are another way you can incorporate character into your MBA wardrobe while remaining polished and professional. Just remember to avoid designs with words, cartoons, and potentially offensive imagery. 

A Dress and Tights

MBA dress code dress and tights

Wearing tights with your favorite dress is a great way to spruce up your MBA wardrobe. 

Tights add a professional element to any dress style, from a classic wrap to a full-skirt shirtdress. Black, semi-sheer stockings match with pretty much anything, but don’t be afraid to try out different neutral colors for some creative pizzazz. 

Shop our selection of the best eco-friendly tights that are built to last.

A Bow-Tie Blouse and Pencil Skirt

MBA dress code blouse skirt

A bow-tie blouse and pencil skirt are excellent for formal MBA events. From networking mixers to business conferences, this look exudes professionalism and confidence. 

Long-sleeve bow-tie blouses add a touch of femininity and whimsy to any professional business outfit. Pair your blouse with a high-waisted pencil skirt that cinches perfectly at your waist. Finish off your look with a thin belt and heels, and you’re ready to take on anything your MBA program may throw your way. 

Look through our favorite sustainable pencil skirts for shopping inspiration. 

Bold Print Dresses

MBA dress code print dresses

A print dress is a great way to infuse color and uniqueness into your MBA wardrobe. You can get creative with your look as long as the dress has a conservative neck and hemline. 

Wear a burgundy collared wrap dress with black flats or a chic shift dress with a subtle floral pattern. Dark, rich colors and office-appropriate patterns are best. 

There are plenty of fair trade dresses that work perfectly for an MBA wardrobe. 

A T-Shirt and Blazer

MBA dress code t-shirt blazer

A t-shirt worn with a blazer is an excellent way to combine professional and casual style elements into your MBA wardrobe. 

Go with solid-colored, neutral tees that act as a blank canvas for your business casual outfit. Avoid graphic tees, as these are not considered professional in an office setting. The best colors are white, black, and rich jewel tones like burgundy. 

Coordinate a high-quality cotton tee with a sleek matching blazer for the ultimate version of this outfit.  

Professional Blouses

MBA dress code blouses

MBA dress codes aren’t all button-ups and blazers. A beautiful blouse is also perfectly acceptable to wear during your MBA program. 

You can wear everything from floral boho-inspired tops to brightly-colored cap sleeves. Blouses look great with blazers, trousers, skirts, and more. 

It’s a general rule to avoid spaghetti straps and low-cut blouses. Other than that, the world is your oyster when shopping for business casual blouses. 

Sustainably-made blouses are the best choice for your MBA wardrobe because they are high-quality, timeless, and less harmful to the environment. 

Dark Denim Jeans

MBA dress code black jeans

A casual Friday dress code is still more dressed-up than your average weekend outfit. If you choose to wear jeans on a casual Friday, make sure they’re dark-wash denim. 

Dark-wash jeans are more professional and chic than regular or light-wash denim. Black denim jeans are also an excellent option for casual Fridays. Pair it with a button-up shirt or a nice blouse, and you’re set for class. 

Explore the 20 best affordable black denim jeans that we love. 

A Collared Button-Up and Dress Pants

MBA dress code shirt pants

A collared button-up and well-fitting dress pants make the best MBA outfit combination. This look is easy, affordable, and polished. 

Collared button-ups come in a ton of different colors and patterns, giving you the freedom to express yourself while remaining professional. Any button-up shirt is easy to mix and match with your favorite dress pants. 

Don’t miss our selection of the best American-made work pants and Italian button-up shirts . 

A Polo Shirt and Khakis

MBA dress code polo khakis

A polo shirt and khakis strike the perfect balance of professional and casual. It’s a great outfit to wear to class, regardless of the season. 

Wear a neutral or dark-colored polo with tan or beige khakis for a comfortable, versatile look. Make sure your polo is long enough to tuck in and fits well. Finish off your outfit with a brown or black belt. 

Check out our selection of the best American-made, affordable khakis . 

A Business Suit

MBA dress code business suit

Some occasions in your MBA program will call for professional business outfits. That’s where a clean, sleek business suit comes into play. 

Business suits work well for men and women in professional settings such as interviews and important conferences. Invest in a well-tailored suit made with high-quality, sustainable materials. You want to dress to impress, after all!

A professional business suit doesn’t have to break the bank. Explore our favorite affordable and sustainable suits for men and women .  

Professional Shoes

MBA dress code mens shoes

Wear shoes that look professional but feel comfortable. Loafers, dress shoes, and flats are all great options. 

The key to choosing the best shoes for an MBA dress code is to focus on high-quality materials and professional construction. Closed-toe, vegan leather loafers look great with dress pants, and classy flats match just about any business casual outfit. 

High heels are not required for an MBA dress code, but you can absolutely wear them if they make you feel great. Avoid sandals, sneakers, and flip-flops, as those styles are too casual. 

Check out our favorite dress shoes for men and ballet flats for women . 

Was this article helpful to you? Please tell us what you liked or didn't like in the comments below.

About the Author: Liz Flynn

Liz Flynn

Liz Flynn is a freelance writer, fiber artist, and amateur art historian. She is passionate about making sustainable, ethical fashion accessible to everyone. In her spare time, Liz can be found crocheting, reading, hiking, or hanging out with her beloved dog, Atwood. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Art History and Education from UC Riverside.

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mba tour dress code

Welcome to the world of MBA style, where what you wear can be just as important as what you say. Whether you’re suiting up for an interview, mingling at networking events, or just attending class, dressing the part is key to making a strong impression. Here’s your go-to guide for nailing the MBA dress code with a little Houston flair.

1. Business Formal: Your Power Suit

  • When to Wear It : Interviews, high-stakes presentations, formal networking events—any time you need to make a strong impression.
  • For Men : A classic dark suit, crisp dress shirt, and tie that says “I’m here to win.” Finish it off with dress shoes and minimal accessories.
  • For Women : A tailored pantsuit or skirt suit, a sophisticated blouse, and closed-toe heels. Keep your jewelry simple—think chic, not flashy.

Pro Tip: Confidence is your best accessory. When you look the part, you’ll feel the part too!

2. Business Casual: The Balance of Professional and Comfortable

  • When to Wear It : Company visits, semi-formal events, or day-to-day business school activities.
  • For Men : Dress pants or chinos, a button-down shirt or neat polo, and loafers or dress shoes. You can leave the tie at home.
  • For Women : A polished blouse or sweater paired with dress pants or a knee-length skirt. Flats or low heels are perfect for keeping it professional yet comfortable.

Pro Tip: This is your chance to show some personality with colors and patterns—just keep it professional.

3. Smart Casual: The Effortlessly Put-Together Look

  • When to Wear It : Casual networking events, team meetings, or informal outings with classmates.
  • For Men : Dark jeans or chinos, a neat polo or collared shirt, and smart casual shoes. It’s all about looking sharp without overdoing it.
  • For Women : A stylish top or sweater with dark jeans or a casual skirt. Flats or ankle boots keep it comfortable and chic.

Pro Tip: Smart casual is about balance—don’t be afraid to mix a bit of formal with casual for a polished yet relaxed vibe.

Houston-Specific Style Tips: Dressing for the Heat and Humidity

Let’s be real—Houston weather is no joke. The heat and humidity can be a challenge, but with the right wardrobe choices, you can stay cool and look sharp.

  • Breathable Fabrics : Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, and light wool blends. They’ll keep you cool while maintaining a put-together look.
  • Layer Lightly : Bring a light cardigan or blazer for indoor settings where the AC is cranked up, but don’t overdo it outside. You can always layer up once you’re in the building.
  • Stay Fresh : Consider a quick freshen-up kit with a handkerchief, blotting paper, and a good antiperspirant. A little preparation goes a long way!
  • Light Colors Reflect Heat : Lighter colors not only look sharp, but they also help you stay cooler by reflecting sunlight instead of absorbing it.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the MBA dress code—while keeping your cool in Houston’s heat!

Looking for inspiration to build out your MBA wardrobe?

Our friends at the CCD (Rice University’s career center for undergrad and other non-MBA master’s) have put together this Pinterest board to help give you some visual touchstones for how to style workwear. Check it out here!

When in doubt, remember this helpful bit of advice: Very demure, very mindful.

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Dressing Up : MBA Student’s Clothing Guidelines

mba tour dress code

MBA Clothing Guidelines

MBA Program is a professional business program; therefore, an image of professionalism and leadership is as important within the program as it is to the businesses in which students will eventually work. The dress code distinguishes the Flores MBA Program from the rest of the business students. The following guidelines will assist you in having a better understanding of the various types of business attire. If you have any questions about what to wear for specific events please check the

Professional Attire

Some events are formal and require professional attire. These events include the alumni dinner — which is held on the first night of Launch Week — the Distinguished Speaker Series lectures and the J. Ourso College of Business Administration Career Receptions. Below are descriptions of professional attire along with some pictures to guide you in your professional attire selection.

Dressing Guideline for Men:

  • Business suit with a well-pressed long-sleeved dress shirt, tie, belt, and dress
  • Navy to dark gray business Navy is the dominant power color. Black is for funerals and socials.
  • A maximum of one patterned item of Recommendation is a solid color suit and shirt and patterned tie.
  • Trousers long enough to cover your socks and to have a slight break over your
  • Ties that reach your belt line, preferably silk or high quality The best choices are solid, stripes, or small pattern ties limited to three colors.
  • Burgundy is a good choice because it is considered serious Tie clips and tacks are way out of date.
  • Dark socks that match your suit and are long enough so as not to allow any skin to show when you cross your
  • Black, cordovan, or brown classic lace-ups, shined, and in good
  • Leather belts with small belt
  • Facial hair, if worn, should be trimmed and well

Do Not Wear:

  • The bottom button on your suit jacket should not be
  • Flashy ties (avoid pink and yellow).
  • Both a belt and braces (suspenders). If your wear braces make certain they fasten inside your trousers with No metal clip-ons.
  • White or ankle

Dressing Guideline for Women:

  • Business suits consisting of matching jackets and bottoms in conservative dark colors. The bottom piece can be a dress, skirt, or dress pants with a dress
  • Skirts at knee
  • Heels up to 1 to 2
  • One or two pieces of appropriate jewelry and only one earring per
  • Nude, taupe, navy, or black hosiery required at all
  • Tailored purse with shoulder strap (to keep your hands free for greeting).
  • Conservative business make-up and nail
  • Tight or revealing
  • Sleeveless, strapless, or spaghetti strap
  • Denim clothing of any
  • Shorts of any kind or
  • Cropped tops, or any other top that shows your
  • Skirts shorter than one inch above your knee or longer than two inches below your knee.
  • Casual shoes, sandals, athletic shoes, or shoes that expose your
  • Excessively high heel
  • Bangles or dangly
  • Extreme styles of nail polish, jewelry
  • Hosiery darker than your skirt or

Professional Attire for Men and Women Also Includes:

  • Laundered shirts with light to medium starch, hung (not folded to avoid creases).
  • Clean clothes that do not show
  • Pants breaking just above the
  • Long-sleeved shirts that reach the base of the hand and shows slightly when wearing a jack-
  • Polished leather shoes in good
  • Belts in belt
  • Conservative
  • Neatly groomed hair that is clean and out of your
  • Clean and neat nails of appropriate length.
  • Ring on your left ring finger Rings on your right hand interfere with shaking hands.
  • Trench coats should be worn if outerwear is
  • Umbrellas should be a solid dark color (no logos).

Professional Attire for Men and Women Does Not Include:

  • No pens or pocket protectors on your shirt
  • No visible body

mba tour dress code

Business Casual

Many organizations in recent years have adopted a business casual dress code. While there are varying degrees of business casual, the following are conventional guidelines. Recruiters often invite students to information sessions about their companies and recruiting dinners or receptions. When attending these events, it is a good idea to err on the side of safety and dress with these guidelines in mind. Included are a few pictures to help in your selection. When in the workforce, remember to dress where you aspire to be, not where you are.

  • Dress slacks, khakis, corduroys, or wool slacks with a leather
  • Blazers and ties are appropriate, but not necessary (preferred at information sessions).
  • Long-sleeved button-down shirt pressed (preferably white, light blue, or conservative stripes) and short-sleeved button down
  • Buttoned-down collar shirts must have collars buttoned
  • *Collared polo-type shirts are appropriate in more casual situ-
  • Crew-neck sweaters, cardigan sweaters or
  • Dark socks (should be mid-calf length so that no skin is visible when sitting).
  • Trench coats, topcoat, or leather blazers are appropriate for

mba tour dress code

  • Unbuttoned or open
  • Skirts, slacks, and Slacks should be tailored and creased.
  • Skirts and dresses should be knee
  • *Dress straps should be at least one inch wide.
  • Dress shirts, blouses, and sweaters (not too tight or low cut).
  • Hosiery (patterned not appropriate) with dresses and skirts; trousers socks or stockings with
  • Natural makeup and conservative color nail
  • Trench coat, pea coat, and blazers are appropriate
  • Shoes that expose too much of your toes (dressy open-toe shoes only).
  • Extreme styles of nail polish, jewelry or

mba tour dress code

Business Casual for Men and Women Also Includes:

  • Shirts laundered with light to medium starch, hung (not folded to avoid creases).
  • Long-sleeved shirts should reach the base of the hand and show slightly when wearing a
  • Leather shoes polished and in good condition
  • Conservative clothes
  • Ring on your left ring finger Rings on your right finger can interfere with handshakes.

Business Casual for Men and Women Does Not Include:

  • Jeans, casual pants, or shorts.
  • Tight and revealing clothes.
  • Athletic wear, t-shirts, fleece or wind
  • Athletic shoes, bare feet or open-toe sandals, and hiking boots
  • No caps or hats
  • No visible body piercings (exception: women’s pierced ears).
  • Heavy cologne
  • Gum chewing

mba tour dress code

Classroom Attire

To encourage professionalism among the students and to communicate it to those outside the pro- gram, the dress code while in the classroom and while representing the MBA program in the community is “MBA Classroom Attire.” Below are descriptions and pictures of classroom attire.

  • Pressed long-sleeved or short-sleeved button down
  • Collared polo-type shirts are
  • Dark socks (should be mid-calf length so that no skin is visible when you sit down).
  • Leather loafers, oxfords, or
  • Skirts, slacks and
  • Skirts and dresses no shorter than three inches above your
  • Dress straps should be at least one inch
  • Loafers, pumps, slides, mules, and conservative
  • Spaghetti straps.
  • Cropped tops, or any other top that shows your stomach.
  • Bangles or dangly earrings.
  • Extreme styles of nail polish, jewelry or scarves.

MBA Classroom Attire for Men and Women Also Includes:

  • Clean, well-pressed clothes that do not show
  • Ring on your left ring finger Rings on the right hand can interfere with handshakes.

MBA Classroom Attire for Men and Women Does Not Include:

  • Tight and revealing
  • Athletic wear, t-shirts, fleece or wind suits.
  • Athletic shoes or flip-flops.
  • No caps or hats.
  • No visible body piercings (except- women’s pierced ears).
  • Heavy cologne.

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Dress Codes for Graduate Programs

A dress code is followed throughout the year at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business. Like punctuality, appropriate dress is an expectation of members of our community. A dress code sets the tone for a professional atmosphere and mindset of business. There are a significant number of visitors in the building daily, and networking opportunities present themselves frequently. On Monday through Thursday, 8-5, "Business Casual" attire is expected. On Fridays, the dress code will be relaxed to "Casual" unless there are career-related or speaker events. Note - There are always guests visiting the Raymond A. Mason School of Business. Athletic attire is never appropriate.

Throughout the year, whenever events are planned by either the MBA Program or the MBAA, the appropriate dress code for each event will be publicized. Please keep in mind that business attire may be required during Graduate Career Management Center (GCMC) events, when there are guest speakers, and during special events or interviews. You will be informed of those business attire dress requirements prior to each event.

Specifics for Men's Business Casual

Khakis or dark pants are recommended with tucked-in tailored and collared shirts. Shoes should look professional, yet comfortable. No athletic clothing, t-shirts, jeans, athletic shoes or flip-flop sandals should be worn. Ties are not necessary for business casual, but are recommended for information sessions and other events during which you will meet prospective employers.

Specifics for Men's Business Professional

A suit, with matching pants and jacket, and a tie that fits properly (in terms of length, your tie should fall on the middle of your belt buckle). Err on the side of conservative colors and styles to appropriately present yourself.

Specifics for Women’s Business Casual

Casual pants or skirts paired with tailored shirts or sweaters. Skirt lengths should be professional, meaning no shorter than fingertip-length. Shoes should look professional, yet comfortable. No athletic clothing, t-shirts, jeans, athletic shoes or flip-flop sandals should be worn.

Specifics for Women's Business Professional

A suit or a dress with a suit jacket that fits properly. Err on the side of conservative colors, styles, and jewelry to appropriately present yourself.

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What to Wear at the Information Session?

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How to dress for college visits?

Visiting colleges is an exciting step to envision yourself where you will want to be in the next four years as a college student. Viewing pictures and reading blogs can’t beat the real deal.

A typical college visit consists of an informational session with an admission representative followed by a campus tour. Most campus tours are led by a current student at the college and can last between 45 minutes to one hour long.

As you begin to visit colleges, the first question many students and families ask is, “How should I dress for a college visit?”. We can assist you so you can enjoy seeing the college environment while feeling as comfortable as possible.

How to dress for college visits?

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Here's Exactly What to Wear on Your College Visit or Tour

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A college tour is one of the best opportunities you have to learn about what a campus is really like. Reading promotional material, or even student blogs, isn't the same as seeing and experiencing it for yourself, but, like any other aspect of applying to college, you need to make sure you're prepared for a college visit—and that means wearing the right outfit!

Most of the time, dressing for a college tour is a casual affair. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider the best way to go about it—comfort and classiness are key .

This guide will walk you through the best way to dress for many different college visit scenarios . A bit of planning will help you have the best possible experience, as well as prepare you for interviews, auditions, and just exploring your dream campus. Read on to find out how!

What to Wear to a College Visit

One of the biggest things to keep in mind when considering what to wear to a college visit is that, in most cases, a college tour is for you to see the college, not for the college to see you .

For the most part, you can dress casually. But there are special considerations if you won’t just be touring the college, so keep that in mind as you’re planning your outfit.

What to Wear on a College Visit If You’re Just Walking Around Campus on Your Own

If you’re not on a guided tour and are just checking out the campus, you can wear pretty much whatever you want, within reason . It might look weird if you’re strolling through campus in a suit—whether three-piece or bathing—but if you’re just there as a visitor, you’re on your own.

What to Wear on a College Tour If You’re on a Guided Tour

If you’re on a guided tour, it’s absolutely okay to be a little casual. You don't need to be impressive, though you should aim for comfort and self-confidence . 

Comfortable shoes are a must, though maybe choose something nicer than your rattiest pair of sneakers . Whatever shoes you wear should be broken in so you don't have to deal with pinching and blisters midway through the day. If your feet are hurting, you're less likely to be paying attention to the tour!

Jeans are fine, as are t-shirts, but be wary of anything with a slogan or image that might be offensive. Even if a curse word or scantily clad person doesn't bother you, it's probably not the right fit for your first impression!

You don’t have to dress fancy, but do put in a little bit of effort. Present your best self—the self you’d want people to see as you venture off to college .


What to Wear on a College Tour If You’re Meeting With a Professor

Many students take advantage of being on campus to schedule appointments with advisers or professors in their field of study. If you’ve chosen to do so, it’s a smart idea to dress it up a little bit. Dress clothes are unnecessary, but do dress a little nicer than you would for just a tour .

Polished shoes are a good choice, but you still want them to be comfortable. If they’re going to pinch as you walk around campus, you may want to go more casual with a nice boat shoe, loafer, or boot. Whatever you choose, be sure that your shoes are broken in.

Dark, nice jeans are appropriate for a meeting with a professor. You could also opt for corduroys or khakis— whatever is going to make you feel most comfortable and confident .

A meeting with a professor is more professional than a tour, but not as professional as a college interview . Instead of a t-shirt, go for something a little classier—a  button-up shirt or blouse is always a good choice. You don’t need to reach for a blazer, but if it makes you feel good, do it!

Most importantly, come prepared with questions and a good attitude . This is your chance to find out more about the school you want to attend, and that’s going to matter far more than looking like a model.


What to Wear to a College Visit If You Have an Interview

Business casual is your go-to for dressing for a college interview . You want to look both confident and professional, so spend a little more time on choosing your shirt and pants than you might for just a guided tour or meeting with a professor.

If you’re walking around campus as well as doing an interview, however, you’re going to want to be sure your shoes are going to hold up to lots of walking as well as looking sharp . Loafers may be a better choice than a dress shoe, unless you’re absolutely certain you’ve broken in the dress shoes and they’re still going to be comfortable after an hour or two.

Opt for a skirt, khakis, corduroy pants, or similar, paired with a button-up shirt or blouse. Dresses are fine, provided you cover your shoulders with a sweater or blazer. Keep your skirt length to around your knees (especially if you’re walking around!), but don’t worry about pantyhose or tights if they’re not comfortable or seasonally appropriate.

Choose an outfit that's right for the season and climate . Layer your clothes if you're touring in the fall or winter so you'll be presentable during your interview, but stay warm enough outside. In the spring and summer, wear light, breathable fabrics so you're not overheating outside—you don't want to show up for your interview all red-faced and sweaty.

If you’re doing an interview on top of taking a tour, consider bringing a change of clothes . You want to be at your best during the interview, so changing into a fresh set of clothes might be your best option, if possible. If not, see if you can schedule your interview for before the tour—that way, you’re not already tired and disheveled from a day of wandering.


What to Wear on a College Tour If You’re Auditioning

Business casual is a good baseline, but, depending on what you’re auditioning for, you might make some additional tweaks to your clothes .

For example, what would a professional musician wear? How about an actor attending an audition? What would you wear to a gallery opening (though don’t get too fancy!)?  Don’t overdo it, but do base your outfit choice on what makes sense for your field.

Comfortable shoes are still an absolute must, as you may be standing during your audition as well as walking around campus.

Choose an outfit that suits the weather—don’t wear a sweater for a summer campus tour in California—or add layers that you can remove when you’re done auditioning so you don’t overheat. The reverse is true, as well; bring a warm coat and gloves if necessary.

If walking around in your audition outfit will be too uncomfortable, consider bringing a change of clothes. Though you may have to carry a change of clothes, it’s far better to be comfortable and confident for your interview, and simply comfortable for the tour !

How to Pick What to Wear on a College Tour

What outfit you should wear depends in part on what you’re doing. Unless you’ll be doing an interview or audition, don’t rush out and buy a whole new wardrobe .

Try on lots of combinations and try to find what makes you feel good about yourself as well as comfortable. Again, you’re going to be focused on learning more about the campus, not on impressing your guide . Put in effort, but don’t overdo it.

It can’t be overstated: you’re going to be walking a lot , so wear comfortable, broken-in shoes.

Bring a bag, whether it’s a nice messenger bag or a clean, classy backpack. You’re going to be given lots of information, pamphlets, and so on, and having a place to put it will make walking around much easier. A bag can also hold a water bottle, snacks, and a notebook, which you can use to write down questions and notes you might have while touring.

Don’t worry too much about your outfit . You’ll be part of a group—unless you’re interviewing or auditioning, your main concern should be what you’re going to learn from the visit. Look clean and confident and you’ll have everything you need.

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Sample Outfits For a College Tour

With clothes, seeing is easier than reading. Here are a few sample outfits (including some that won't work) to give you the fashion inspiration you need to plan your college tour !


You don’t have to get fancy, but look at how confident and comfortable she looks . That’s the kind of air you want to strive for, whatever that means to you in terms of clothes!


These looks are great if you’re doing something a little more formal, such as an audition, interview, or meeting with a professor. Don’t feel like you have to do the whole suit and tie, but notice how each outfit looks tidy and well put-together . Pay special attention to the shoes, too—they’re all different styles, but each is great for a business casual setting.


This outfit definitely suits the model’s unique style. In summer, these short sleeves and sunglasses are perfect. It’s okay to be unique, as long as it makes you comfortable .


This look is extremely simple and casual, and also perfect for a college tour . A clean t-shirt, a favorite pair of pants, and tidy hair are all it takes.


While great for going to the beach, this look isn’t the best for a college setting. It’s a little too attention-grabby; remember, you’re there to learn about the school, not to stand out . The combination of the shirt's low-cut sides and bright pattern are a bit much, especially with the razor blade necklace and sunglasses. The print would be acceptable on a t-shirt, by try to strive for a style that’s understated rather than loud.


Don’t feel like you can’t be your quirky self on a college visit, but those shoes are a definite no with how much walking you’ll be doing . Again, don’t worry about standing out—you’re not at a college visit to make a big splash, but rather to learn more about the place you could be living in for four or more years. If this is your everyday wear, by all means, go for it, but be sure you’re feeling comfortable and confident.

How to Make the Most of Your College Visit

Now that your outfit is settled, you can focus on the important stuff: getting as much as you can out of your college visit .

Come prepared with questions you'd like answered , including questions for current students, academic advisers, and admissions officers. You may have the opportunity to ask them, and it's better to be overprepared than underprepared ! 

If there's anything in particular you want to see, leave a little time during your visit to check it out in case it's not part of the tour . You can always ask your guide if it's okay to visit the library, for example, or to see the gym, art museum, or football field. Though you may not be able to get into all of them, there's no harm in asking! Looking at a map and list of facilities will help you plan what you want to see ahead of time.

Don't be afraid to ask for recommendations on your tour, either. Stopping by a local restaurant recommended by a student is a great way to get a sense of what student life is like. See what the area has to offer besides your future school !

What's Next?

Touring campus is just one part of the college application process . This complete guide to college applications will help you plan your application step by step!

There are over 5,000 colleges in the United States—how can you possibly decide which ones you should apply to? Using a college finder tool can help you sort through your options and find your ideal school without having to tour every single campus.

Once you've found a bunch of schools that sound good, you then have to figure out which ones to apply to. This guide will help you narrow down your list to the essentials —safeties, matches, and reach school.

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

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Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education.

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MBA Dress Code: What to Wear to B-school Interviews?

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Why is MBA Dress Code Important?

  • First impression is extremely important. A formal dress code asserts your commitment to a task.
  • A comfortable dress gives you the confidence, and allows you to focus on the task at hand.
  • It is a hygiene factor (everyone else will be well dressed). What this means is that this is the bare minimum expected from you; not dressing well will land you in a soup and dressing well only means that you have done what was expected of you.
  • It shows respect to the interviewer.

What to Wear to MBA Interview?

  • Ideal Dress for Men:  Dark Blue Blazer, White shirt, Red or any Dark color Tie, Grey/Fawn Trouser, Grey Socks, Formal Lace Shoes.

Do's and Don'ts of MBA Dress Code

Faqs about mba dress code, other interview faqs.

  • How do I greet the Interviewer?
  • What kind of Body Language should I use?
  • What if I cannot answer the question being asked to me?
  •  Do I have to ask questions at the end of the interview?
  •  Significance of the time of the interview
  • How should I handle myself in a "stress interview" situation?
  • How to introduce yourself in the interview?
  • How to handle questions based on family background?
  • Tricky questions related to your academic performance
  • Deal with questions based on strengths and weaknesses
  • Tackle questions related to your hobbies
  • State the right career objective
  • Where do you see yourself five years from now?
  •   Tricky interview question related to MBA Admissions
  • Which field of management would you like to specialize in?
  • Why do you want to do management from this institute?
  • Group Discussions
  • Personality
  • Past Experiences

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  1. 'MBA Tour' -- what to expect / prepare, How to Dress? : r/MBA

    Make sure if there is any kind of sign in sheet, you legibly write your full name and all other columns are filled. You will be surprised but schools do take inventory of who showed up to events as a sign of serious interest in the program. It might not put you over the top, but with MBA rankings impacted by admission yields, it is a ...

  2. When should I visit my MBA campus?

    Make sure to review the MBA Campus visit dress code for your target schools (hint: HBS campus visits are business formal, Stanford MBA campus visits are business casual) ... It can be easy to get caught up with the campus tour, the class visit, and conversing with the admissions committee, but a great way to get to know a school is to chat with ...

  3. Dress code/dos and don'ts for campus visits? : r/MBA

    Good for meetings with admissions at this point. If student meetings, I'd dress it down to khakis, dressy leather sneakers, the jacket, and a button down. Having a decent bag for both won't hurt either (just not your Jansport from '97). This is my opinion, but I'd consider it safe. Business casual is the way to go.

  4. Tips for MBA Campus Visits: What to Know & How to Prepare

    4. Time your visit. Try and go when the school is 'in session' and there are classes available and students to meet. Often during the summertime or internship periods, or on holidays, campuses are quiet, so you may not get the most accurate sense of what it's like 'in session.'.

  5. The Ultimate Guide to MBA Student Dress Codes

    Business Casual. Business casual is the most common MBA dress code. This style of dress is relaxed but professional. For the best business casual outfits, think professional blouses, slacks, and dresses. If you can wear it to an office, you can wear it to your graduate classes. If you want even more outfit ideas, check out this comprehensive ...

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    I think there's 2 different ways for you to meet admissions people: a) You attend a pre-scheduled presentation on the program with other potential applicants (this could happen while visiting the school or at your home city for presentations "on the road"). b) You drop by at their office. Scenario a) is advisable.

  8. Dressing Up : MBA Student's Clothing Guidelines

    The bottom piece can be a dress, skirt, or dress pants with a dress. Skirts at knee. Heels up to 1 to 2. One or two pieces of appropriate jewelry and only one earring per. Nude, taupe, navy, or black hosiery required at all. Tailored purse with shoulder strap (to keep your hands free for greeting).

  9. What to wear for campus visits and sitting in on classes...

    Wear a suit for the interview (obviously) and any other activities that day. Wear whatever you want for the non-interview visit day. Some people will be in suits, because they have interviews that day. Others will be in business casual or smart casual. Most schools I visited don't have a dress code, with anything casual (shorts/boat shoes) to ...

  10. Site Maintenance Being Performed

    Please Note: Email services are available Monday-Friday , 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. AEST. Response time for email sent outside of these times may be up to 48 hours. Telephone services are available Monday-Friday at the following numbers and times: Email: [email protected]. Telephone: +852-3077-4926, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. AEST.

  11. Dress Codes for Graduate Programs

    On Monday through Thursday, 8-5, "Business Casual" attire is expected. On Fridays, the dress code will be relaxed to "Casual" unless there are career-related or speaker events. Note - There are always guests visiting the Raymond A. Mason School of Business. Athletic attire is never appropriate.

  12. What to Wear at the Information Session?

    I went to an info session in LA a few weeks ago. I would say 70% of the people were in business casual (slacks and dress shirt), 25% had suits or sport coats, and 5% showed up wearing t-shirts or other non-business attire (primarily college senior applicants and the creative types). I would assume this will be the norm.

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  16. How to dress for college visits?

    Extra pairs of socks. Sunglasses. Bottle of water to stay hydrated. Sunscreen to protect against UVA/UBA rays. Extra pair of comfortable shoes or boots. An extra comfortable outfit. A hair tie or scrunchie for your hair. Extra pair of gloves/scarf/earmuffs if you are visiting when there is snow.

  17. Advice on attending in-person MBA Campus Visit next week : r/MBA

    Business casual. If interviewing, bring a jacket. Otherwise, you don't even need to wear a solid color button down. Pro tip: sit in the back row of whatever class they have you join. We will give you straight answers on all your controversial questions. 6.

  18. Here's Exactly What to Wear on Your College Visit or Tour

    Dark, nice jeans are appropriate for a meeting with a professor. You could also opt for corduroys or khakis—whatever is going to make you feel most comfortable and confident. A meeting with a professor is more professional than a tour, but not as professional as a college interview.

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  20. What's the dress code at your MBA institution? : r/MBA

    If I'm trying to network, nice jeans / polo. Khakis / dress shirt for coffee chats. Interviews on campus - of course suit and tie. Once I sign a FT offer, sweatpants and shorts all day. Used to dress like a bum after I got my summer offer in first year - it was awesome.

  21. Dress Code for MBA Interview

    For males, the usual dress code is formal shirts, trousers, and shoes. A tie is also the general norm in the interviews and should be worn for the occasion. Some candidates wear a suit/blazer to the interviews - this is also preferred but it is important to keep the weather in mind. There is no point sweating outside the interview hall.

  22. What is the dress code for MBA classes? : r/MBA

    Don't worry about the dress code for the classes, worry about the dress code for the interviews and internship. Tuxedos. Literally anything. Gym shorts, pajamas, suits, sweatpants. Anything. Even for presentations, we didn't dress up unless specially requested by the professor.

  23. Awkward question: Do business schools have a dress code? : r/MBA

    There is absolutely no dress code. Some folks show up in tshirt and jeans, some in athletic gear, and some in shirt and tie. It's all over the place. 8. Reply. wishboned. • 10 yr. ago. Just completed the first year of my MBA. Everyone started out in business casual in August and by May most were transitioned to jeans and a polo.