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Boards Cards

Rules, instructions & winning strategies, trouble: the classic board game of strategy and chance, introduction.

I have enjoyed countless games of Trouble over the years (known as Frustration in the UK and Kimble in Finland). It’s an easy game, with simple rules, that encourages a little bit of competition and friendly frustration. Trouble is a classic board game that has been enjoyed by other families across the world for generations. It is a game of strategy and chance, where players move their pieces around the board, trying to get all of their pieces home before their opponents. The game was first introduced in the United States by the Kohner Brothers in 1965 and has since become a staple in many households.

travel frustration board game

The game is played on a board with a pop-o-matic dice roller (always a fan favorite) in the center. Each player has four pieces of their color that they move around the board. The goal of the game is to be the first player to get all four of their pieces into their home spaces. The game is simple to learn, but can be challenging to win, making it a great game for players of all ages.

One quick tip for winning at Trouble is to always keep an eye on your opponents’ pieces. If you see an opportunity to send an opponent’s piece back to the start, take it. This can slow down your opponents and give you an advantage.

  • Rules for Playing Trouble
  • Each player chooses a set of four pieces of the same color and places them in their matching color home base.
  • Players take turns pressing the pop-o-matic dice roller and moving their pieces around the board. The number rolled determines how many spaces a player can move one of their pieces.
  • If a player rolls a 6, they can either move a piece out of their home base onto the start space, or move a piece already on the board six spaces. After rolling a 6, the player gets another turn.
  • If a player’s piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent’s piece, the opponent’s piece is sent back to their home base.
  • The first player to get all four of their pieces into their home spaces wins the game.

These are the official rules for Trouble, but many people play with their own house rules . For example, some people play that a player must roll a 6 to move a piece out of their home base, while others allow any roll to move a piece out.

How to Play Trouble

Trouble is an easy game to play for kids ages 5 and up. Start by having each player selecting a peg color. For instance, blue, then place the blue peg on the blue starting space. Activate the pop-o-matic dice roller by giving it a push. If you get a 4, that means you can move your peg 4 spots. For kids, it’s good to count out the spaces as you move: 1, 2, 3, 4. Then it’s the next player’s turn to pop the dice and move.

At the start of the game, each player chooses a peg color and places their four pieces in their matching color home base. The youngest player goes first.

Players take turns pressing the pop-o-matic dice roller and moving their pieces around the board. The number rolled determines how many spaces a player can move one of their pieces toward the center. If a player’s piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent’s piece, the opponent’s piece is sent back to their home base.

  • End of the Game

The game ends when one player gets all four of their pieces into their home spaces. That player is the winner of the game.

The official Autism-friendly instruction booklet for Trouble is available here, in PDF

  • How to Win at Trouble

Winning at Trouble requires a combination of strategy and luck, plus a bit of persistence. Here are some strategies that can help you win:

  • Try to get all of your pieces out of your home base as quickly as possible. This gives you more options for movement and makes it harder for your opponents to send your pieces back to the start.
  • Always be aware of your opponents’ pieces. If you see an opportunity to send an opponent’s piece back to the start, take it. This can slow down your opponents and give you an advantage.
  • Try to spread out your pieces on the board. This makes it harder for your opponents to send your pieces back to the start and gives you more options for movement.
  • Remember that the game is not over until one player gets all of their pieces into their home spaces. Even if you are behind, keep playing and try to make the best moves possible. You never know when luck will turn in your favor.
  • Best Strategies for Playing Trouble

While Trouble is a game of chance, there are still strategies that can increase your chances of winning. Here are some of the best strategies for playing Trouble:

  • Spreading out your pieces on the board reduces the changes of your opponents sending your pieces back to the start and gives you more options for movement.
  • Try to get your pieces out of your home base as quickly as possible. The more pieces you have on the board, the more options you have for movement.
  • If you can send an opponent’s piece back to the start, do it. Slowing down your opponents is often more valuable (and more fun, of course) than advancing your own pieces.
  • Don’t give up if you are behind. The game is not over until one player gets all of their pieces into their home spaces. Keep playing and try to make the best moves possible.
  • Scenarios for Trouble

There are many different scenarios that can occur in a game of Trouble. Here are some common scenarios and how to handle them:

  • If you have a piece that is close to your home spaces and you roll a number that is too high to move that piece into your home spaces, consider moving a different piece instead. This can help you avoid getting stuck and allow you to continue moving your pieces around the board.
  • If an opponent has a piece that is close to their home spaces, try to send that piece back to the start if you can. This can slow down your opponent and give you an advantage.
  • If you have multiple pieces on the board and you roll a 6, consider moving a piece that is further away from your home spaces. This can help you spread out your pieces and make it harder for your opponents to send your pieces back to the start.
  • If you are behind and it seems like one of your opponents is about to win, don’t give up. Keep playing and try to make the best moves possible. You never know when luck will turn in your favor.
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Playing Trouble
  • What happens if I roll a number that is too high to move a piece into my home spaces? If you roll a number that is too high to move a piece into your home spaces, you cannot move that piece. You can either move a different piece or lose your turn.
  • Can I move a piece out of my home base if I roll a number other than 6? According to the official rules, you can move a piece out of your home base if you roll any number. However, some people play with a house rule that you must roll a 6 to move a piece out of your home base.
  • What happens if I land on a space occupied by my own piece? If you land on a space occupied by your own piece, nothing happens. You cannot send your own pieces back to the start.
  • Can I move my pieces backwards? No, you cannot move your pieces backwards. Pieces must always move forward around the board.
  • What happens if I roll a 6? If you roll a 6, you can either move a piece out of your home base onto the start space, or move a piece already on the board six spaces. After rolling a 6, you get another turn.
  • External Links

Official Homepage of Trouble by Hasbro

Official instruction booklet

eve brownlee author picture

Eve Brownlee was a gamer before gaming communities on the internet were a thing. Eve grew up playing traditional, standard deck card games like Rummy and Bezique, taking an interest in the classics Backgammon and Chess. Parlor card games like Bridge continue to keep Eve active in the community. After a long career, primarily in horticulture for USDA in Maryland, Eve now travels and writes on The Pineapple (pineapples.info) and contributes to Quora/Pinterest topics. Contact Eve via email .

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Tags: Trouble , Trouble how to play , Trouble how to win , Trouble instructions , Trouble rules , Trouble strategy

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The 13 Best Travel Board Games You Can Play Anywhere (Even on a Plane)

travel frustration board game

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When you're stuck in a plane, train, or even the backseat of a car, you need a way to kill time... and board games are great for that!

Of course, mobile games are more convenient—unless you're like me and prone to motion sickness. Plus, these days I much prefer the tactile experience of cards and pieces, and we could all stand to spend less time staring at digital screens.

So, I think everyone should have at least one portable board game or card game that they can take with them while traveling!

What makes a great travel board game?

  • Small box. When you're traveling, space is at a premium. Carrying the game around shouldn't be a nuisance and it should fit comfortably inside a carry-on bag. If the entire game can fit inside your pocket, that's as good as it gets!
  • Minimal footprint. It can't take up too much table space. (Ideally, no table space at all!) Plus, it should have very few components. Not only are game pieces hard to handle while traveling, they're easy to accidentally bump off and lose forever.
  • Length and replayability. Whether your flight is 1 hour or 12 hours, the game should keep you engaged and help make time fly by. But it should also be under an hour per game so you aren't forced to cut it short if it happens to run too long.

Here are my picks for the best travel board games that are tiny, portable, and able to be played pretty much anywhere!

Note: You'll notice a distinct lack of Button Shy games on this list. While Button Shy games are famously tiny—each game is only 18 cards—they tend to take up a lot of table space. I've yet to find one that can comfortably play on an airplane tray.

travel frustration board game

13. The Mind

travel frustration board game

Designed by Wolfgang Warsch

Supports 2 to 4 players

About 15 to 20 minutes

The Mind is a cooperative card game where everyone has their own hand of cards—from a deck numbered 1 through 100—and the goal is to play all cards in ascending order... without ANY communication.

With larger starting hands, the game gets more difficult. You start on Level 1 with one card each, then Level 2 with two cards each, up to whatever Level you can reach. Or you can just play (and replay) it on whatever Level you want to see how often you can win.

The Mind is a great card game for planes because it's mainly held in your hands (all cards played to a single pile) and the no-communication rule is a good fit when you're stuck in a loud plane with others around you.

travel frustration board game

Designed by Mark Tuck

Supports 1 player

About 5 to 15 minutes

Grove is a brilliant solo puzzle-style card game that only consists of 18 cards and 15 dice that are used as point trackers.

The cards are basically tiles, which you place by overlapping previously played cards. When you overlap trees of the same color, you increase the value of those trees (which are tracked using the dice).

How bountiful will your grove be? Grove is a beat-your-own-score type game with a lot of replayability. The backs of each card have different victory conditions for variety.

Each game of Grove is relatively short but punchy, and it's a fantastic game to play while traveling.

travel frustration board game

11. Timeline

travel frustration board game

Designed by Frédéric Henry

Supports 2 to 8 players

Timeline is a compact card game about figuring out where different events belong on a timeline.

Players have a hand of cards that each depict a specific event. Cards are played to a shared timeline and on each turn you have to place one card into the timeline. If it's not placed correctly, you draw another card. Otherwise, first to get rid of their cards wins!

Timeline is less about knowing the exact years when things happened and more about logically reasoning when things happened in relation to events already in the timeline. It's fun even if you know zero history!

Note: Timeline comes in several themed packs, which can be mixed and matched for more variety and difficulty. In addition to Timeline Inventions , there's also:

  • Timeline Classic
  • Timeline Events
  • Timeline British History

travel frustration board game

Designed by Martino Chiacchiera, Hjalmar Hach, and Pierluca Zizzi

Similo is a deduction game where one player is trying to get everyone else to guess the right character from a grid of twelve.

On each turn, the active player plays a card and marks it as either SIMILAR or DIFFERENT. Based on that, the other players have to eliminate characters from the grid. If the correct character remains at the end, everyone shares victory!

Similo is like a better, more compact, and more fun Guess Who . The grid is randomized every time so there's replayability, plus the discussions that arise during elimination can be surprisingly funny.

Note: Similo comes in several themed packs, which can be mixed and matched for more variety and difficulty. In addition to Similo History , there's also:

  • Similo Myths
  • Similo Fables
  • Similo Animals
  • Similo Wild Animals
  • Similo Harry Potter

travel frustration board game

9. Hive Pocket

travel frustration board game

Designed by John Yianni

Supports 2 players

About 20 to 40 minutes

Hive is one of the best head-to-head two-player board games if you want a pure abstract strategy game—and Hive Pocket is the portable travel edition that you can take anywhere.

There's no board in Hive ; the pieces ARE the board! As you place pieces and move them around, they dictate where future pieces can be placed and moved to. Each insect type has its own rules for how to move.

Hive Pocket has a tiny footprint and the tiles are made of durable plastic resin that's satisfying to play with. Moreover, Hive Pocket comes with two expansion insects already included!

travel frustration board game

Designed by Kei Kajino

Supports 2 to 5 players

Scout is a ladder-climbing card-shedding game in the style of Crazy Eights or Chinese Poker , but it has a few twists that take it to the next level and make it one of the best in the genre.

First, you can't re-order your hand once it's dealt. Second, when you play cards, you collect the cards played by the previous player. Third, if you can't play any cards, you "scout" by taking a card from the previous player and adding it to your hand—and they earn a point.

When someone empties their hand, the round ends. Each player scores a point for each card they collected plus any scout points they earned.

Scout is a simple but deep card game that feels like an old-school card game but plays like a modern classic. It's the perfect travel card game for families who want something a little meatier.

7. The Crew: Mission Deep Sea

travel frustration board game

Designed by Thomas Sing

The Crew: Mission Deep Sea is a cooperative trick-taking card game—a lot like Euchre or Hearts , except everyone is trying to accomplish certain tasks and helping others to achieve their tasks.

Examples of tasks in this game: "Win exactly 2 Blue cards" or "Win only the last trick" or "Win at least 1 card of each color." There are nearly 100 task cards and a random set is chosen every game.

The hard part is, there's no communication allowed! Except using the one-time communication token. With that token, you can reveal one card and mark it as either your HIGHEST of that color, your LOWEST of that color, or your ONLY card of that color.

Trick-taking card games have been a staple of societies for centuries, but the cooperative twist in The Crew: Mission Deep Sea makes it one of the best of its kind. It's so addictive!

travel frustration board game

6. Zombie Dice: Horde Edition

travel frustration board game

Designed by Steve Jackson

Supports 2 to 100 players

About 10 to 20 minutes

Want to play a travel board game that's literally nothing but a set of 13 custom dice? Then Zombie Dice is your jam. ( Zombie Dice: Horde Edition includes the base game plus both expansions!)

In Zombie Dice , you're rolling and re-rolling three dice at a time, trying to score as many Brains as you can on your turn. Dice with Footsteps can be re-rolled, but dice with Shotguns can't—and if you ever have three Shotguns showing, you lose all the Brains from that round.

This is one of the purest push-your-luck games in existence, and it's so compact that you can play anywhere. Just make sure to roll inside the box cover to minimize the risk of losing any dice!

travel frustration board game

Designed by Steffen Benndorf

Qwixx is what's known as a "roll and write" game: you roll dice, then use the results to write on your score pad.

In Qwixx , you're trying to fill out blocks 2 to 12 for each of four colors. The thing is, once you fill in a block, you can no longer fill any blocks to the left of that block for that particular color.

Once a player has five blocks filled in a color, they can choose to lock that color (no one else can fill that color anymore). Once two colors are locked, the game ends. The more blocks you've filled, the more points!

Ultimately, this game is a balancing act between smart decisions and pushing your luck. Qwixx packs a ton of fun into such a small box, and it's so easy to play anywhere—even on a plane.

travel frustration board game

4. Love Letter

travel frustration board game

Designed by Seiji Kanai

About 15 to 30 minutes

Love Letter is one of the best portable card games of all time. It consists of a deck of 16 cards numbered from 1 to 8, with higher-value cards rarer than the lower-value cards.

This is a game of deduction and hand management. Each player starts with 1 card and the entire game is played like so: draw a card, play a card. The winner is whoever has the highest-value card in hand at the end.

But here's the twist: each card also has a special ability that triggers when played. One lets you peek at another's hand, another lets you trade hands, another lets you name a player and a card—if they're holding that card, they get eliminated from the round.

A round of Love Letter plays in just a few minutes, and whoever is first to win a predetermined number of rounds wins the game.

travel frustration board game

3. Fantasy Realms

travel frustration board game

Designed by Bruce Glassco

Supports 2 to 6 players

Fantasy Realms is my ultimate choice for portable card game. It's easy to learn and compact in size, with tons of gameplay packed in.

The game consists of a deck of 53 cards: 10 suits of 5 cards each, plus 3 wild cards. Each card has a base point value as well as a scoring mechanism that grants extra points (or loses points) depending on what other cards you have in your hand.

Players start with a hand of 7 cards, then turns are as a simple as drawing a card and discarding a card. Your hand at the end of the game determines your score and highest score wins.

Fantasy Realms can be taken anywhere and plays quickly. Every game is different as you try to figure out the best way to manage your own hand, and you can kill so much time without getting bored.

Note: Scoring can be unwieldy in Fantasy Realms , but the scoring companion app makes it much easier—just pick the cards in your hand and it'll spit out your score.

travel frustration board game

2. Palm Island

travel frustration board game

Designed by Jon Mietling

Supports 1 to 2 players

There's one thing about Palm Island that makes it so perfect as a travel card game: it can play entirely in the palm of your hand. You don't even need a table or a lap! No other game is this portable.

Palm Island consists of 17 double-sided cards, with each side split into top and bottom halves. You'll go through the deck several times, tapping cards into resources then spending resources to upgrade cards (i.e. rotating and flipping them to their better actions).

It's a simple but thinky solo game that's played in a beat-your-own-score manner, so there's plenty of replayability.

But the key feature of Palm Island truly is its portability. Hand-only games are exceedingly rare and very few of them are worth playing long-term. Palm Island is the best of its kind.

travel frustration board game

1. Dungeons, Dice & Danger

travel frustration board game

Designed by Richard Garfield

Supports 1 to 4 players

About 45 to 60 minutes

Dungeons, Dice & Danger is the meatiest experience you'll find for a game that's nothing more than a sheet of paper, a pencil, and five dice. You can really play it anywhere and lose yourself in it.

On your turn, you roll the four white dice and split the results into two pairs. Then, everyone uses those two pairs to mark off rooms on their personal dungeon sheet. (The active roller can also use the fifth black die to substitute one of the whites, but no one else can.)

You can only mark rooms that are adjacent to rooms you've already visited, and if you have no rooms to mark on a turn, you lose health which will reduce your score at the end.

You'll also be finding gems, looting treasure, unlocking special actions, and fighting monsters for more ways to earn points.

It's both surprising and impressive to get this much game out of just five dice. If you're going to be traveling a lot—especially on planes—I highly recommend Dungeons, Dice & Danger above all else.

travel frustration board game

travel frustration board game

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Deluxe/Travel Frustration Rummy Game Board

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Deluxe/Travel Frustration Rummy Game Board

Purchase options and add-ons.

Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board Also known as Contract Rummy *** Free Personalization Available*** HANDCRAFTED IN CANADA *** A Standard board is also available with peg storage only (no card storage) (See our listings for details)*** Made from Cherry Wood this board features: * 2 part system that is held together with strong rare earth magnets allowing for secure storage of Cards and Pegs inside. * 5 Player Tracks * 14 Contracts * Custom Metal Pegs Included * 2 Decks of Playing Cards Included * Soft felt feet to protect your table * Gloss Lacquer Finish * 8.5" x 5" x 2" * Rules Included * Free Personalization Available on inside of lid.

  • Made from Solid Cherry Wood
  • Metal Pegs and Cards Included
  • Card and Peg storage built in
  • Laser engraved so images will never dull or rub off
  • Handcrafted in Canada

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Frustration Rummy Game Board

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  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ May 13 2019
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07RQNJ8CH
  • #11 in Handmade Games

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Mastering Frustration: A Game Guide

There’s no denying the allure of a good game of Frustration – a bewitching mix of strategy, chance, and sometimes, well, frustration! It’s a game that can make you think, it can make you laugh, it can make you groan, but, all in all, it’s a game that can make you have the time of your life. This guide aims to not only initiate the uninitiated into the thrilling world of Frustration but also to shine new light on the game for those already acquainted with its charms. After all, every game of Frustration, much like life itself, is a journey – unpredictable, challenging, rewarding.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Game

Understanding frustration: the basics.

Frustration, also known as Trouble, is a popular board game that fits into the category of strategy games. The essence lies in maneuvering your pieces around the board faster than your competitors. The game involves an element of luck, brought in by dice rolls, but strategic decision-making is key.

The game set typically consists of a game board featuring a track with 28 spaces, 16 playing pegs (four each of four colors: red, green, blue, and yellow), and a die contained in a “pop-o-matic” dice roller in the center. The “pop-o-matic” case ensures the die cannot get lost and rolls fairly. The number that shows up after you pop the die determines the number of spaces your peg moves. Each player starts with all four pegs at their home base, which is represented by a color corresponding to the peg’s color.

Objectives of Frustration

The primary goal in Frustration is simple: be the first player to get all four of your colored pegs completely around the board, and into your “Finish” line. It sounds simple, but the unfolding dynamics of the game can be anything but predictable, as the name “Frustration” implies.

Setting Up the Game

For setting up the game, each player chooses a color and places their four pegs on their corresponding color home space. The game typically allows for two to four players . To decide who goes first, each player pops the die. The player rolling the highest number starts the game.

Understanding the Moves

To exit the home base and enter the playing track, you must pop a 6. Once on the track, you roll again and move your peg according to the die number.

Popping a 6 not only helps your peg to exit home base, but also gives you an extra turn. However, if there are no pegs left in your home space and you pop a 6, you don’t get an extra turn.

While you strive to move your pieces around the board, if another player’s peg lands on the same space as yours, your peg must return to home. This feature is what brings an element of “frustration” into play.

Once a peg has moved around the entire board, it enters the four-space “Finish” line. Only exact rolls can move a peg into or along this line.

How the Game Ends

The game of Frustration ends when a player successfully gets all four of their pegs entirely around the board and into their color-coded “Finish” line. The game methodology ensures an unpredictable game every time you play, testing your patience and strategic skills to the fullest.

Now, gather your family or friends, set up the board, and let the fun (and Frustration) begin!

Strategies and Tactics

Understanding the game: frustration.

Before diving into the strategies and tactics, it’s crucial to understand the game, Frustration. This game is generally played with 2 to 6 players using a specialized game board and a standard deck of cards. The objective of the game is to move your four pegs from the starting position, around the board, and into your home area. The first player to achieve this wins the game.

Strategy #1: Planning Your Moves

In playing the game Frustration, you need to plan your moves carefully. Always be observant of the cards you have in your hands and plan your actions accordingly. Your actions should be in harmony with your cards, the position of your pegs, and the potential moves of your opponents.

Since your movement predominately depends on the cards in your possession, always survey your hand. For instance, a 10 card allows you to move a peg ten spaces ahead but also offers the option to move one peg back a single space. Use this to your advantage by blocking an opponent’s progress or securing a safer placement for your own peg.

Strategy #2: Dealing with Obstacles

Frustration is a game that involves chance and foresight. It’s important to keep a vigilant eye on other players’ movements and anticipate potential threats. If an opponent’s peg is close to yours, it’s best to relocate your peg, if possible, to avoid being bumped.

Also, make use of blockades. This technique involves placing two of your pegs on the same space, blocking any opponent from passing by that junction. This method can easily turn the tides of the game in your favor.

Strategy #3: Deciding Wisely

Making sound decisions is vital in the game of Frustration because you aren’t just looking to advance your pieces; you’re also trying to frustrate your opponents and prevent them from progressing. Use your cards wisely, choosing which peg to move and when.

Bear in mind the power of the ‘1’ and ‘2’ cards. These are the only cards that can move a peg out of the starting area, so be patient if you’re short of these cards at the beginning of the game. They may come along when you least expect!

And remember, sometimes a slower but steadier pace might win over a risky fast-forward.

Conclusion: Playing Frustration Intelligently

Ultimately, learning how to play Frustration requires practice and observation. The more you play, the better you will understand the dynamics of the game and how best to execute your strategies. Keep your focus, stay attentive and adopt intelligent strategies to beat your opponents and master this game. Happy playing!

Practice Games

Overview: unleashing the fun with frustration.

“Frustration” is a captivating and engaging board game that can be played by two to four players. The game is a race to see who can move their pegs around the board and into ‘home’ first, which may sound straightforward, but can actually be quite challenging – and hence the name, “frustration.”

To begin, each player chooses a color and places all four of their colored pegs in the matching colored ‘base’. The youngest player usually starts the game by popping the dome to roll the die. The goal of the game is to move all your pegs around the board and into your ‘home’ before the other players.

Steps to Play the Game: Frustration Unleashed

  • To start, you must pop a 6. When you pop a 6, move one of your pegs from your ‘base’ to your ‘start’ position. You also get an additional turn.
  • On your turn, pop the dome to roll the die. The number that turns up is the number of spaces you must move one of your pegs.
  • As you move your pegs around the track, if you pop a number that exactly lands you on a space occupied by another player’s peg, that player’s peg is ‘frustrated’ and has to return to its ‘base’.
  • When a peg has moved completely around the board, it enters the ‘home’ track (the path leading to the ‘home’ area). Only exact pops can move a peg towards home.
  • The first player to get all four of their pegs into the ‘home’ position wins the game.

Time for Practice

Now that you understand the rules of the game, here’s how to put that knowledge into practice.

  • Allocate a specific time to play Frustration. This could be during family game night or a get-together with friends.
  • Set up the board as per instructions and play several practice games. This will assist you in understanding the nuances of the game and perfecting your strategies.
  • Engage with different numbers of players. Try playing the game in pairs or with three or four players. Each game format will offer a unique learning experience.
  • Remember, Frustration involves a certain amount of luck (given the use of a die), but strategic thinking and planning also play a key role. Analyze every move and plan a few steps ahead to maximize your competitive edge.

By practicing these steps, you’ll not only improve your skills and understanding of the game but also add a fun element to your free time. Keep playing and watch as your frustration turns into superb gaming prowess.

Whether you’re a novice setting foot into the world of Frustration for the very first time, or a seasoned player aiming to sharpen your strategic skills further, this guide strives to serve you riches. We have delved into each facet of the game, from comprehending the rudiments to mastering advanced tactics. Just remember, while the objective of Frustration is to win, it’s equally about the journey. It’s about the nerve-racking uncertainties, the dramatic twists, the triumphant comebacks. So dive in, play your heart out, and let the greatest reward be the sheer joy and exhilaration of playing the game. Here’s to many an exciting game of Frustration!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Frustration

A: Frustration is an exciting board game where players aim to be the first to move all their colored pegs into the “home” area.

A: In Frustration, each player starts with four pegs of their color in the “start” area. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their pegs accordingly. The objective is to move all your pegs around the board and into the “home” area before your opponents.

A: Frustration can be frustrating because other players can land on your pegs, sending them back to the start area. Furthermore, when another player lands on your “frustration” space, they have the power to move your peg to any space on the board, causing setbacks and challenges.

A: Absolutely! While luck plays a role in dice rolling, players can strategize by choosing which pegs to move and where to position them strategically on the board. This includes making tactical moves to block opponents and minimize the risk of being sent back to the start area.

A: Yes, Frustration is generally suitable for players of all ages. Its simple rules and exciting gameplay make it enjoyable for both children and adults. However, younger players may require assistance or modified rules to accommodate their skill level.

A: The duration of a game of Frustration can vary depending on factors such as the number of players and their playing styles. On average, a game can last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, providing quick and entertaining gameplay.

A: Yes, Frustration can be played with two players. In a two-player game, each player can control two sets of pegs, adding an extra layer of strategic decision-making and competition.

A: Yes, Frustration is commercially available. It can be found in toy stores, game shops, and online retailers. Check local retailers or reputable online platforms to purchase a copy of the game.

A: While the classic Frustration game remains popular, there might be variations or reimagined versions available. It’s worth exploring game stores or online platforms to discover any spin-offs or themed editions based on the original Frustration game.

A: Frustration is primarily designed for multiple players, and it may not provide a satisfying solo gaming experience. However, creative players can adapt the rules or create their own solitaire-style gameplay using multiple colors of pegs.

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Frustration! Fast & furious family fun!

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Xtreme Frustration Rummy

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Xtreme Frustration Rummy Game Board

Also known as Contract Rummy

*** Free Personalization Available***

For the true rummy lovers

Made from Solid Cherry Wood this board features: * Magnetic Close Peg Storage Chamber * 6 Player Tracks * 20 Contracts * Custom Metal Pegs Included * Soft felt feet to protect your table * Gloss Lacquer Finish * 12.5" x 6.5" x 1" * Rules Included * Free Personalization Available

Do you have a custom list of contracts that you play different from these? Contact us about getting a custom board made just for you.

Cards not included.   Xtreme Frustration Rummy requires 2 or 3 standard decks of cards to play depending on number of players

Frustration Rummy Game Board Copyright 2010 by Earl Krause and Unique Wood Products

2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

Xtreme frustration rummy.

Posted by Melinda Rozon on 2023 Dec 19th

This game looks amazing, well done! They are gifts so we haven't played yet.

Xtreme Frustration rummy

Posted by Dale on 2023 Sep 13th

Great Game well made and lives up to the name.

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20 Best Board Games for Travel for 2024 (+ Card Games!)

Want to know the best board games for travel? Here are some of the best travel board games for your upcoming adventures…

Board games for travel

The joy of being on the road is often the major reason we go on road trips. Sometimes there’s no zeal to do anything – just enjoy the air and time away. But even a short journey can quickly become boring when there’s nothing to do, especially if you’re traveling with someone, in a group, or with family. That’s why a good travel board game makes for a great addition to any packing list. They’re also great to keep everyone away from the TV in the evenings.

The best travel board games are an excellent way to pass the time whether on a trip or at home. From travel delays, long journeys, sleepless nights, or bad weather, board games for travel help kill the boredom. With this list, you can choose some of the best board games for travel. 

Best Board Games for Travelling 

There are tons of travel board games you can take with you on a trip, but you have to be sure they are sturdy, compact and designed for the road. Ranging from cards, boards, to dice, these are all the best board games for travel, for both kids and adults. 

Board games for travel

1. Monopoly Deal Card Game  

Monopoly is one of the most popular classic travel games you can enjoy with 2 to 5 players, but this is the portable version. It’ll keep you entertained for hours, whether at home or on the road. Collect three complete property sets of varying colours with the cards, and you’re the winner. 

[amazon box=”‎B07MBKDPF2″ template=”horizontal” description_items=1]

With Monopoly Deal you can pick up more properties on the way and receive rent from your opponent. This card version of monopoly is the perfect card game to keep you and your travel companions busy for hours. It is great for camping trips, long journeys, vacations, sleepovers, and just about anywhere else. 

Ben and I play this one a lot, or at least we did when we rented a VW campervan and went to rainy Wales. This is a great board games for travelling as it’s so compact.

2. Jax Sequence  

Jax Sequence is both challenging and fun, making it the perfect family game. It’s a board game for both kids and adults and allows 2 to 12 players. Using a card with you, and then placing a chip on the matching space on the board, you can win if you’re the first player to meet 5 in a row. 

All the while you’re trying to block your opponent or remove their chips, watch out for the jacks! 

[amazon box=”‎B00000IVAK” template=”horizontal” description_items=1]

This is one of those portable board games for travelling that offer fun for hours back at home and on the road. The game requires both strategy and a good amount of luck. It’s kid-friendly too.

3. Catan Traveler  

Catan Traveler is another exciting board game for travel with a space-saving box that reveals the variable board. The game allows for 2 to 4 players, so you and other players can plan together to keep your settlements, cities, and roads safe. It’s handy and easy to set up in only seconds. It comes with six double-sided board pieces, to be arranged randomly so that each play will be completely different.    

[amazon box=”‎‎B00U26V4VQ” template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

The game was designed for convenient portability, with a hex-shaped dice shaker, making it difficult to lost or drop it on the move. The cards are also held securely in holder trays.

4. Skip-Bo Card Game  

Skip-Bo , a sequencing card game perfect for camping trips and vacations, was designed by the famous UNO. You can create stacks of ascending cards, in sequence until there are no more cards left to play. The game can be played by 2 to 6 players.

[amazon box=”‎‎‎B0000205XI” template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

The Skip-Bo ‘Wild’ cards will help you to break off a tight situation. What’s more, you can play it as any number, while putting on your strategic thinking hat to defeat your opponent. The game is designed with bright colours and is quite easy to play. Be the first player to deplete all your Skip-Bo stockpiles to win the game.

After a game of Skip-Bo, you can re-shuffle and start all over. 

best travel board games

5. Loaded Questions On The Go Card Game  

This is a must-have travel game for road trips, especially if you’re travelling in a group. It’s a simple but super fun card game that offers hours of fun on the road and at home. It contains over 500 personality-filled, fun questions , and you can be the first player to get to the WIN space by matching other player’s answers correctly to your turn, and then writing the ‘favourite’ answer on the starred area. 

[amazon box=”‎‎‎B00ITIH2M4″ template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

There are no right or wrong answers, making it a fantastic way for the game to remain competitive while also getting to learn a little bit more about other players. This is the perfect travel game for passing the time on a long trip or during sleepovers. It requires 2 players.

6. Sorry! Game

This is one of those classic travel games where you drop manners to crush your opponent. Sorry! requires 2 to 4 players and as each player takes 1 to 2 cards, you can get 1 of your 4 pawns out of the start area and off around the game board.

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎B00D8VHIMG” template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

Like most of the travel board games on this list, you need strategies to win your opponents in this game of Sorry! You also need the luck to chase, slide, race, bump, and score your way around the board to end up as the first to move all your pawns home. 

That said, this is an updated version of the game. It’s perfect for all family outings, picnics, long trips and sleepovers.

7. Spot It!

Spot It! is an award-winning game that requires visual perception to test your reflexes and observational skills. With a keen eye and quick hands, and to win you’ll have to find the 1 single match between the 2 cards and the symbol, usually leading to a frenzy of fun while you and your opponents try to find it. 

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎B076HFTXYB” template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

The game requires 2 to 8 players. And to make the game more exciting for travellers, this version is a combination of 5 different ways to play. It comes neatly packaged in a handy grab ‘n’ go tin. 

8. Qwirkle Board Game  

This travel-size board game of Quirkle is easy to play and fun. For a long time now, Qwirkle has grown in popularity for a lot of board game lovers. You can set up the game in seconds and it’s relatively easy to play from age 5. Expect each round to take around 45 minutes.

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎B085H2F2X7″ template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

While Qwirkle is great as a board game for travel, it’s also great for home use so you can practice your skills. 

9. QuadPro Magnetic Travel Chess Set  

This Quadpro version of the chessboard game was specially designed for chess lovers on the move. It’s a foldable, plastic chess set magnetically attached to the bottom of each of the pieces to prevent them from going missing on the road. It maintains the 64-square playing field with the complete chess pieces.

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎B075JCW85S” template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

This travel board game is a great way to pass the time in transit, camps, at school, or home. The QuadPro magnetic travel chess set is designed for compactness to keep it safe, so you don’t have to worry about it breaking either.

board games for travel

10. Magilano SKYJO

Magilano SKYJO requires 2 to 4 players and with a little bit of space in front of you, you can enjoy this travel card game. The game also requires strategies and with 2 face-up, 12 hidden cards, each player picks it, in turn, to take the top card from the draw or discard pile. 

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎‎B06XZ9K244″ template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

Exchange 1 card from your 12 cards display, and keep doing so until you or other players have only open cards. When the round ends, then it’s time to add your cards for scoring with the lowest number to win.

It’s easy to play with and also portable. The game is addictive and can be enjoyed on the floor, table, or anywhere else.

11. Connect 4 Grab and Go Game  

Connect 4 Grab and Go is easy to play, and it’s all about lining up your counters in order to ensure 4 are arranged in a row. It could be up-down, left-to-right, or diagonal. As long as you have four counters sitting together in a direction, you’ve won.

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎‎‎B08C478199″ template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

It’s a competitive travel game to play on a trip and is also a fun way to pass the time in a group.

12. Boggle  

Boggle isn’t as popular as some of the other board games for travel on this list, and it can be a little challenging to get right the first time, especially for non native speakers. However, it is fun-filled and after the first few games, you’ll get it.

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎‎‎‎B073SMSKZH” template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

All you need to do is shake up the letters and flip the timer. After that, you then spot the words that appear as fast you can. It’s a competitive and fun game that tests your command of the English language as well as your ability to think fast.

13. Apples to Apples Party Box

Apple to Apples isn’t just exciting, but also hilarious and the perfect travelling board game to play away the time. It’s just as much fun to play at home as it is on the road. To win the game, you have to win the most rounds by playing a ‘red apple’ card to best match the round’s communal ‘green apple’ card, as selected by that round’s player. 

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎B00H4OKN48″ template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

With 63 Green Apple Cards and 441 Red Apple Cards, there are tons of crazy combinations you can find. Also, the game requires 4 to 8 players. Mattel is one of the most popular travel board games – and for a good reason.

14. Czech Games Codenames  

This exciting spy game of Codenames requires teams to compete to find out who can make contact with all of their teammates (agents) first. With 1-word clues, you and your agents must try to discover (guess) the words of your team colour, at the same time avoiding the ones that belong to the opponents. 

[amazon box=”‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎B079354G36″ template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

To play this game, get your spy mode switched on and work as a team to win. It is a fun game you can play in a group and on trips. Another thing is to be on the lookout for double agents and any assassin trying to get you. Whether you lose or win, it’s still fun to pick up all the clues in this portable game. It’s for both kids and adults and requires 2 to 8 players.

15. Taco vs. Burrito  

Taco vs. Burrito is a fun, crazy, and strategic game that involves a food fight. One of the major reasons the game is popular is because it was created by a 7-year-old and funded through Kickstarter. 

board games for travel

If you enjoy card games and food combos, Taco vs. Burrito is the game for you. The game requires 2 to 4 players and you can use the cards dealt to start making any crazy food combinations you want. You can as well switch up the game with action cards for extra ingredients to win. 

Also, remember to keep an eye out for Order Envy or Health Inspector that can ruin your appetite and meal. This is a great travel board game for kids.   

READ MORE: Have a go at my Road Trip Quiz – see how high you can score!

16. Mattel Games UNO: Classic Tin Box  

Like most Mattel games, this classic box UNO game is one of the most popular classic travel games out there. Race against 2 to 10 of your opponents to rid yourself of your hand as you try to match cards on the board by either number or colour.

[amazon box=”B08WKF5HZR” template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

You can use special cards like Reverses, Skips, Draw-2s, and even color-changing Wild Cards to boost your chances of becoming the winner. The game is perfect for camp trips, family outings, sleepovers, campervan trips, etc. 

17. Smart Zone Games Hive Pocket  

This is a very strategic game that only requires two players. It’s a board game (can be played on any flat surface) that comes with its own travel bag. You and your opponent can break open the 22 pieces from the Hive Pocket to form the patterns to be used as the playing surface. 

[amazon box=”‎B074G1R4N4″ template=”horizontal” description_items=1]  

The objective is to surround your opponent’s queen while keeping your queen safe. Anyone that surrounds their opponent’s queen first is the winner. 

18. Blokus Game  

Blokus is an exciting game that needs a strategy to win. The game requires only two players and can be enjoyed both at home and on the move. The rules are pretty easy to learn. Each player has to take turns to place their 21 pieces on the board to ensure that each piece touches another piece of similar colour – but it has to be at the corners. 

You can protect your territory by blocking your opponent’s moves at every turn to win. The game is made with wipeable, sturdy materials, making it perfect for road trips. 

19. Yahtzee

Yahtzee is one of the most timeless classic games, and for good reason – it’s portable, fun, and relies on a healthy dose of chance and skill!

In case you’re unfamiliar with the rules, Yahtzee is a game where the goal is to win the highest number of points by rolling three dice up to three times. Certain dice can be locked into place for the second and third rolls, so it’s important to plan your strategy accordingly.

This game’s player count is flexible depending on how many dice you have, and the best part is that it can be played online or physically. So if you’re stuck in the car and worried about little game pieces getting lost in the crevices, give the digital version of this game a try!

20. Solitaire

If you’re worn out and need to keep the kids quiet, why not have them try a game they can play by themselves?

That’s right – solitaire is the perfect game to try if you need that extra beauty rest on the road. The physical version of this game can be messy, what with all the cards and the order they need to be laid out in, but there are plenty of digital versions available.

The best board games for travel

travel board games

Travelling is a great time to play a board/card game or two. You’re in a beautiful new location, but it’s fun to keep your mind and hands busy, especially with kids around. Step away from the screens and invest in one of these great travel games for your next trip.

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Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.

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travel frustration board game

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Frustration Board Game, Race to Base and Chasing Board Game, 1-4 Multiple Players Classic Board Games, Fun Parent-child Game for Family Travel and Entertainment, Gift for Friends, Kids

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Frustration Board Game, Race to Base and Chasing Board Game, 1-4 Multiple Players Classic Board Games, Fun Parent-child Game for Family Travel and Entertainment, Gift for Friends, Kids

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • ✨【More Fun】: The board game is designed to be engaging and captivating, attracting children's attention with its adorable graphics and vibrant colors. It keeps them fully focused and entertained.
  • ⭐️【Screen-Free Time】: Keep your child away from electronic devices. This flying chess board game offers a fun and interactive alternative. Spend quality time with your child, bringing more companionship and joy to their growth.
  • 💎【Durable and Safe】: Made from high-quality PP material, this flying chess toy is durable and safe. It features smooth edges and surfaces, ensuring no harm to your child's hands.
  • 😎【Hand-Eye Coordination】: This flying chess game helps promote the development of hand-eye coordination and logical thinking skills in children.
  • 🎁【Impressive Gift】: Whether as a gift or as a prize for any occasion, this flying chess board game leaves a lasting impression. It is both entertaining and educational. Your child will be pleasantly surprised upon receiving it.

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Frustration Board Game, Race to Base and Chasing Board Game, 1-4 Multiple Players Classic Board Games, Fun Parent-child Game

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Product Description

Frustration Board Game, Race to Base and Chasing Board Game

Game Description:

  • In this exciting board game, each player starts with four pieces of the same color and places them in their respective starting positions. The dice is located in the middle of the board under a protective cover. Pressing the cover makes the dice rotate, adding an element of anticipation and surprise to the game.
  • To determine who goes first, each player takes turns popping the dice. The player who pops the highest number "6" gets the first turn. When a player pops a "6," they can move one of their chess pieces out of the starting position and advance it onto the board. However, if their piece overlaps with another player's piece, it gets kicked back to the starting position.
  • Players must move their chess pieces clockwise around the board, following the designated paths. If a player's chess piece lands on a square already occupied by another chess piece of the same color, they get to roll the dice again for another turn. This adds an element of strategy and luck to the game.
  • As the chess pieces progress and reach the main path area, they become more protected and cannot be moved by opponents. To enter the main path, players must roll the exact number required. The first player to successfully send all of their pieces into the main path wins the game.
  • Enjoy hours of fun and friendly competition with this engaging and strategic board game.

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Frustration Board Game

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  1. 1996 Travel Frustration Board Game Irwin Toys

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  2. Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board

    travel frustration board game

  3. Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board

    travel frustration board game

  4. Deluxe/Travel Frustration Rummy Game Board : Amazon.ca: Handmade Products

    travel frustration board game

  5. Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board

    travel frustration board game

  6. Frustration Board Games

    travel frustration board game


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  1. Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Game Board

    Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Game Board . Brand: Generic. 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars 11 ratings. $90.00 $ 90. 00. ... By clicking "Customize", you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board Also known as Contract Rummy *** Free Personalization Available*** *** A Standard board is also available with peg ...

  2. Amazon.com: Trouble Game (Amazon Exclusive) : Everything Else

    The Pop-o-matic is a dome-shaped clear plastic housing for the dice in the center of the board game that automatically tumbles the dice when pressed down and released. This feature, plus the board's plastic slots that hold the game pieces in place, make Trouble a perfect travel game--car or boat motion won't upset the game's progress.

  3. Travel Sized Frustration Rummy Board Game

    This Board Games item by DerevoDesigns has 34 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Ships from Canada. Listed on Apr 19, 2024 ... Travel sized Frustration Rummy board game DerevoDesigns Star Seller Star Sellers have an outstanding track record for providing a great customer experience—they consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped orders on time ...

  4. Trouble (board game)

    Trouble. (board game) Trouble (known as Frustration in the UK and Kimble in Finland) is a board game in which players compete to be the first to send four pieces all the way around a board. It is based on a traditional game called "Frustration" played on a wooden board with indentations for marble playing pieces and rules similar to Parcheesi.

  5. Trouble

    It's an easy game, with simple rules, that encourages a little bit of competition and friendly frustration. Trouble is a classic board game that has been enjoyed by other families across the world for generations. It is a game of strategy and chance, where players move their pieces around the board, trying to get all of their pieces home ...

  6. The 13 Best Travel Board Games You Can Play Anywhere (Even ...

    6.8 on BGG. Buy on Amazon. Buy on NKG. Note: Similo comes in several themed packs, which can be mixed and matched for more variety and difficulty. In addition to Similo History, there's also: Similo Myths. Similo Fables. Similo Animals. Similo Wild Animals.

  7. Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board

    Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board UniqueWoodProducts1 Star Seller Star Sellers have an outstanding track record for providing a great customer experience—they consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped orders on time, and replied quickly to any messages they received. ... French - Frustration Rummy Game Board - French Version - with ...

  8. Deluxe/Travel Frustration Rummy Game Board

    Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board Also known as Contract Rummy *** Free Personalization Available*** HANDCRAFTED IN CANADA *** A Standard board is also available with peg storage only (no card storage) (See our listings for details)*** Made from Cherry Wood this board features: * 2 part system that is held together with strong rare earth magnets allowing for secure storage of Cards and ...

  9. Mastering Frustration: A Game Guide

    Frustration, also known as Trouble, is a popular board game that fits into the category of strategy games. The essence lies in maneuvering your pieces around the board faster than your competitors. The game involves an element of luck, brought in by dice rolls, but strategic decision-making is key. The game set typically consists of a game ...

  10. Travel Games

    Contains 1 game board with pop up dice and 16 game pieces. 2-4 players. Ages 5+ Frustration! Fast and furious family fun! Features a durable molded game board and brightly colored game pieces. Fun for the entire family. Contains 1 game board with pop up dice and 16 game pieces. 2-4 players. ... Travel Games; Wood Toys; Age. 0 to 2 Years; 2 to 4 ...

  11. Amazon.com: Frustration Travel Game : Toys & Games

    Gamie Small Magnetic Board Travel Game Set - Includes 12 Retro Fun Games - 5 Inch Compact Design - Individually Boxed - Teaches Strategy and Focus - Road Trip, Travel, Camping for Kids 6+ 4.0 out of 5 stars 1,520

  12. Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board

    Travel Frustration Rummy. Posted by Marcy on 2023 Oct 3rd Beautiful product. Well made. Quick service and delivery. Highly recommend product and I am sure I will be purchasing another game. I have recommended it to others and they have been very impressed and want to make a purchase. 5 Deluxe/ Travel Frustration Rummy Board

  13. Xtreme Frustration Rummy

    This game looks amazing, well done! They are gifts so we haven't played yet. 5 Xtreme Frustration rummy. Posted by Dale on 2023 Sep 13th ... Deluxe / Travel Frustration Rummy Board $107.00. Quick view Choose Options. French Frustration Rummy - FRENCH VERSION - with Magnetic Close Storage ...

  14. 20 Best Board Games for Travel for 2024 (+ Card Games!)

    1. Monopoly Deal Card Game. Monopoly is one of the most popular classic travel games you can enjoy with 2 to 5 players, but this is the portable version. It'll keep you entertained for hours, whether at home or on the road. Collect three complete property sets of varying colours with the cards, and you're the winner.

  15. Frustration Board Game, Race to Base and Chasing Board Game, 1-4

    This item: Frustration Board Game, Race to Base and Chasing Board Game, 1-4 Multiple Players Classic Board Games, Fun Parent-child Game for Family Travel and Entertainment, Gift for Friends, Kids £6.99 £ 6 . 99

  16. Frustration Travel Modern Board & Traditional Games for sale

    Frustration Travel Game Board Race Fun Family Night Vacation New 2018. £14.50. £18.30 postage. Buy Frustration Travel Modern Board & Traditional Games and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items.

  17. Frustration Game

    The Frustration game is a Slam-Tastic chasing game that drives players mad. Choose a colour and battle it out to get your Frustration game pegs to the finish line. Other players can land on your peg to send it back to home - so you'll need a whole lot of luck to get all 4 around the board. Slam on the paddle to shake the Pop-O-Matic die ...

  18. Frustration board game

    Buy Frustration board game and Collect Advantage Card Points when you spend £1. Skip to navigation Skip to ... Travel Vaccination Quick Check Tool. England COVID-19 spring booster vaccination service. Northern Ireland Covid Vaccination Service. macmillan & cancer support.

  19. Triumph & Tragedy

    Skirmish Wargame Rules 1900-1939 From the back cover: "Triumph and Tragedy is a set of wargame rules that allows for both straigth historical games as well as those with a cinematic, more adventurous approach. You can re-enact conflicts in settings as diverse as Russia, China, India, Darkest Africa an many more." Every player has a card for every squad or vehicle, cards are piled in ...

  20. Shop for Frustration Board Game

    Frustration Board Game. AED 49. QTY. Easy Payment Plans. EPP available for order over AED 1,000. More Info. Same-day to 2-day delivery. Check availability in store. The race and chase game of popping and hopping fun!

  21. Typhoon! The Drive on Moscow, 1941

    In the fall of 1941, the German Blitzkrieg was ready for one more final grand effort: the conquest of Moscow. Code-named Typhoon, Germany expected this final offensive to destroy all Soviet armies in front of Moscow in a classic double-envelopment by the Panzer divisions. In short, the Germans expected Typhoon to end the war in the east. Spearheading the German attack was Army Group Center ...

  22. Moscow 1941: The Enemy at the Gates

    Moscow 1941: The Enemy at the Gates is an Operational level simulation of the German campaign to conquer the city of Moscow during WWII, and the Soviet counterattack." 4 day turns, 10km per hex, regiments, divisions, corps level. (1) 22" x 34" map (1) 24 page rule booklet (2) player aid cards (2) six-sided dice (1) counter tray 600 die-cut counters

  23. The Moscow Campaign: Strike and Counterstrike Russia, 1941

    The Moscow Campaign; Strike and Counterstrike Russia, 1941, is the successor to SPI's earlier treatment of roughly the same events, The Battle of Moscow (originally published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #24). The Moscow Campaign covers the final German drives on the Russian capital and the first Soviet counteroffensive. The scale is 6 miles per hex and three days per turn.