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14 Rewarding Things to Do in Sapa for First-Timers

14 Rewarding Things to Do in Sapa for First-Timers

What to See and Do in Sapa, Vietnam

Jane Pham

Located in Lao Cai, a province in the Northwestern region of Vietnam, Sapa is a small town but offers plenty of interesting things to do and places to see. Spectacular mountain landscapes, verdant rice terraces and unique ethnic minorities’ villages, all of them can be found in Sapa. To make the most of your Sapa experience, we have created an extensive of best things to do in Sapa for you. Let’s check it out.

1. Ride a Bike to Muong Hoa Valley

Muong Hoa Valley


A stunning stretch of land at the bottom of Fansipan’s flank, Muong Hoa Valley is one of the most famous destinations for motorbike riders. 14 km far from the town, it lies between 2 high ranges of mountains. The place is a great place to learn about rice cultivating for those who want to understand more about local life. Driving from the town to Muong Hoa will be an amazing experience in your life. You have a chance to go through the highest mountain range to dozens of streams downhill, cross small villages and rice fields of ethnic minority people and watch how people do farming works. Besides, there are many photo opportunities of great views for you.

  • The color of the terraced rice fields are the most attractive during September.
  • The motorbike can be rent in Sapa town with just around USD 5

2. Conquer Fansipan – Roof of Indochina

Fansipan roof of Indochina

For those who truly love adventurous experiences , conquering Fansipan should be on top of your bucket list immediately. Regarded as the highest peak in Vietnam, it is located over Hoang Lien range, offering opportunities of discovering and enjoying many stunning scenery. It could be bamboo woods, rice terraces, or hospitable tribal people. And, a wonderful thing is that it doesn’t need any technical skill to conquer the Roof of Indochina . There are 3 different routes to climb to the peak. So, you should choose the most suitable one with your skill level and the time you have.

  • You should prepare some sturdy and no-slip boots because the hike can be wet and slippery. 
  • Make sure you bring bottled water, dry food, and a flashlight.
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3. Shop for Trekking Gear and Local Handicrafts

Sapa brocade shop

Sapa and the surrounding areas have a number of local markets where you can buy both handicrafts and anything you need for your trek. In the city center, you can find the main market which is close to most hotels and hostels. It sells everything like clothing items, food, souvenirs, and hiking gear. 

Spread around the town, there will be many more small shops providing handmade items like musical instruments, leather bags, or locally designed items. However, the price of these items are a bit higher than the markets outside the city.

The best place to buy these nice things is at truly local markets in small villages. Here, you can get the most original and beautiful products at reasonable prices. You will also have a chance to meet the artisans and support them at the same time.

  • Many items are counterfeit brands like the North Face, Nike, or Adidas. So you should consider what to buy as trekking clothes.

4. Trek in Sapa

Trekking in Sapa

With dramatic landscapes, Sapa has been attracting trekkers for more than 30 years. As an undiscovered paradise for intrepid explorers, trekking in Sapa is a must-do activity when you visit this mountainous area. It is a challenging but incredible experience when you trek through the green paddy field and the world of minority villages around the town. You can choose to do it with or without a local guide. However, we highly recommend hiring a local guide to save your time and energy. They are also familiar with the weather, terrain, and tourist destinations so they can help you with a safer and more enjoyable trip. 

  • For a long trek in Sapa, it is better to stay at a local homestay , and the cozy but luxurious Ta Phin Cottage is a highly recommended option. It will give you a deeper insight into the local lifestyle and join the daily works or prepare some tasty dishes.
  • Before going trekking in Sapa, you should check the destination you will visit carefully and search for the weather forecast also.

5. Climb to Ham Rong Mountain 

Ham Rong mountain in Spring

As the most spectacular mountain park, Ham Rong Mountain is a popular tourist area built on an area of around 150 ha. The more steps that you climb, the more breathtaking scenes you can discover such as orchid garden, cloud yard, heaven gate, and peach garden. Visit Ham Rong mountain , you can also explore a wide variety of plants and see a large number of rocks in different shapes. The place has its own distinct color at any time of the year. However, the best time to visit is spring when plenty of flowers are blooming, showing their sweetness and fragrance.

  • Ham Rong mountain is open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. So, you should consider this when planning your itinerary.
  • Before exploring the mountain, you should buy the ticket at VND 70.000 right in front of its main entrance.

6. Explore Silver Waterfall and be Amazed at Sky Gate

Silver Waterfall in Sapa

Waterfall has been famous as a land of Sapa which is about 200 meters high. Located at the foot of O Quy Ho pass , you can travel to this place by motorbike or bus. Most tourists to Sapa never miss the chance to get here because it is the most beautiful waterfall in Sapa. standing at the foot of the waterfall, you will see the sparkling water flowing down. It looks like a spectacular mountain scenery from afar, creating a wild and mysterious feeling. The Sky Gate is the place to admire the majestic beauty of Northwestern mountains and forests and the spectacular natural scenery. From here, you can see huge valleys with green terraced fields, the long road connecting Lai Chau and Lao Cai provinces, and the Silver Waterfall ( Thac Bac ). 

  • You should bring warm clothes because the weather can be quite cold and foggy even if it’s summer.
  • There might be mosquitos and insects around, so it’s better to have an insect sprayer with you. 

7. Visit Cat Cat, Ta Phin and Lao Chai Village

Cat Cat village

The villages in Sapa are an indispensable part of every Sapa tour. With beautiful and unique scenery, these villages attract large numbers of visitors to Sapa. Among them, Cat Cat , Ta Phin and Lao Chai villages are the most visited tourists. Cat Cat is home to Black H’Mong while Ta Phin is home to Dao ethnic people and Lao Chai is the village where H’Mong people live. These villages are all located in a four-sided wide and flat valleys. Coming here, you can get to know special features of different Vietnamese ethnic minority groups . Especially, it would be a great experience to try the bath medicine leaf Red Dao in Ta Phin village and buy local handicrafts in Cat Cat and Ta Phin villages.

  • During your visit to any ethnic villages, please ask for permission first before taking photos. Some of ethnic people are not comfortable with this.

8. See the Ancient Rock Field

Ancient rock field

Ancient rock field is a unique spot that is located in Muong Hoa valley . The rock field is a good place to explore interesting history and take photos with its motifs. Located on the steep mountain road, the ancient rock field consists of more than 150 small and large boulders near the rice fields. Though it doesn’t look impressive at all from afar, you will be amazed to hear the introduction and examine the rocks after getting off the bus. Covering an area of 8 square km , most big rocks with strange and beautiful carvings are in Pho village. The carvings feature 11 styles of strange human images and the scientists consumes this was a big heritage of mankind.

  • Each carving is believed to store a story about ancient people’s life, living and culture. So, let’s see and guess what they want to say.

9. Enjoy the Seven-color Steamed Glutinous Rice of Nung Dinh People

Seven color glutinous rice of Nung Dinh people

The seven-color steamed glutinous rice is a specialty of Nung Dinh people . The dish was initially invented to present to their ancestors to wish for an abundant harvest and a comfortable life. Each color of glutinous rice presents a special meaning. For example, the green is the color of spring, the dark red is the color of patriotic martyrs who sacrificed their life in the war, and the yellow presents the color of the scatter and heart-break. The dish is a great combination of seven colors without using chemical colors. The clever local woman creates the color by using many kinds of forest leaves and herbs and some of their traditional secrets. Nung Dinh people believe that eating this dish will bring luck to you. With an attractive appearance and special taste, it is prefered by many tourists.

  • The original dish is in Muong Khuong, Lao Cai. However, you can find this dish in the morning market in Sapa town. 

10. Enjoy Sapa Specialties at Sapa Food Court

Food court Sapa central market

Every trip will not be complete without sampling the best local cuisine . As a culinary paradise with a diversity of food and flavors, Sapa food court is a great place to enjoy the most various culinary experiences. The place is very bustling and offers many delicious food stalls at reasonable prices. Eggs, grilled sweet potatoes, grilled meat,… all of these foods will surely fill your tummy before leaving. To make your eating experience in Sapa more enjoyable, it is advisable to go with your friends.


  • The snacks area in Ham Rong street will be open from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. So if you wish to find something to eat in the evening, you can head to the BBQ area in Cau May street .

11. Admire Terraced Rice Fields

Spectacular terraced rice fields


Sapa is not only a best choice for summer escape but it also attracts tourists to admire its stunning beauty of terraced rice fields on the hilly slopes. Due to steep features and fertile soil, local ethnic minority people grow their rice and establish beautiful terraced rice fields. We highly recommend trekking these rice fields where you can both understand about local cultures and admire the beautiful and spectacular scenery and have nice photos. Seen from afar, these terraced rice fields are a great picture of nature with heart-catching beauty that makes tourists stay for a while. The color changes seasonally with alluring charm in the beginning of new crops and yellow ripening rice when it is about harvested.

  • If you visit the terraced rice fields in the harvesting crop, you can ask the local farmer and join them in harvesting rice. It would be a brand new experience in your whole life.

12. Have a Drink at Café in The Clouds

Cafe in the clouds

One of the great highlights of a trip to Sapa is having a drink at a cafe in the clouds where you can take in the lush beautiful views and enjoy a local drink. Most of these cafes can be found in Fansipan and Cau May streets. To name an outstanding cafe shop, it would be Cafe in the Clouds where you can spend time enjoying the eerie landscape and admiring the vistas over the green valley below. The cafe also offers a wide range of drinks and both local and international dishes. This could be a great experience to try in Sapa.

  • To get the best view over the mountain and terraced rice fields, it is recommended to check the weather before visiting Cafe in the Clouds. In the early morning, it is likely to have fog so you could not see anything clearly.

13. Take Part in H’mong Sewing Class

Hmong sewing products

H’Mong ethnic minority counts a large population in this mountainous town. Their weaving technique is so unique and famous here. If you are curious about how they sew and make the products, just head to Indigo Cat where you can take the sewing class. An experienced local H’Mong person will teach you every step from picking the leaves, putting these leaves in the barrels, taking out, adding the lime,… to the final product. After that, you can try to practice and make your own product. The HMong are really good at English so they can explain to you carefully about the details. Besides, you can buy authentic weaving products for your family and friends here.

  • If you are looking for some H’Mong clothing items different to the shops on the main street, this is the place to find some.

14. Watch The Ta Phin Commune Church Singing

Ta Phin village

If you visit Ta Phin village during the very first weeks of spring, there will be a chance to witness one of the most beautiful traditions of the ethnic people called “church singing”. On this occasion, local people and visitors in the area will flock to the Ta Phin commune to watch this wedding tradition and listen to the beautiful singing . For most of ethnic minorities in Lao Cai province, marriages are still pre-arranged. During the church singing, the grooms and brides-to-be will participate in the procession to the village. The young men and women sing and dance in a competition to fulfill spiritual needs. The most exciting thing about this occasion is that you will see ethnic clothes in different styles and colors, creating a beautiful and unforgettable picture.

  • You should come to the church early because there will be so many people attending this event.

So, there are many activities to try in the town. Above is our recommended list of best things to do in Sapa . If you have any other more interesting idea, please let us know so we can share with other travelers. 

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14 Rewarding Things to Do in Sapa for First-Timers

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  • How To Get There

Sapa town stands at the head of a deep valley of magnificent rice terraces that are still farmed today as they have been for centuries. Backdrops don’t get much more spectacular. Enticing ribbons of road lead the eye down to the valley floor, white-water rivers rush among rice fields, and lush green mountains stretch into the distance as far as the eye can see. The highest peak in the region, Mount Fansipan, crowns the ragged ridge line high above town.

Top things to do in Sapa

Summit Mount Fansipan

A 6-kilometre cable car journey will whisk you 3,143m to the summit of Mount Fansipan in just 15 minutes.  Wander the pagoda complex before climbing the last few steps to the summit. The views from the ‘Roof of Indochina’ are unmatched.

Visit an ethnic minority market

Every Sunday the Bac Ha market bursts into life, as hundreds of traders from the Dzao, Han, Xa Fang, Tay and Thai tribes descend on the market, decked out in traditional garb. Expect a riot of colour and excited haggling.

Go trekking in the hills

Sapa offers some of Vietnam's best trekking, and some villages such as Cat Cat and Ta Phin can be seen without a guide. Book an overnight trek to wander through rice terraces, bathe in waterfalls and experience ethnic culture firsthand.

Stay in a mountain lodge 

Stay outside the tourist hub of Sapa in simple comfort at a mountaintop lodge. Sapa is home to excellent lodges and homestays. Set among the rice terraces, you’ll brush shoulders with farmers as they go about their daily lives.

Mountain biking is a great way to get out and explore lesser-visited corners of Sapa. The annual Vietnam Mountain Marathon attracts some 4000 competitors who run buffalo-beaten trails ranging from 10 to 100 kilometres.

Sapa Weather

The best time to visit Sapa is in September and October when the rice terraces are at their most splendid; or in April and May when the weather is ideal and skies are clear. For those who don’t mind hot weather, June to August is a fine time to visit. Expect chilly weather from November to March.

Sapa Transport

Overnight trains are the most popular way to reach Sapa via the neighbouring province capital, Lao Cai. Upon arrival, transfer vans finish the journey up the mountains. Alternatively, regular buses and shuttle vans run from Hanoi with a journey time of five to six hours, stopping in the centre of town. As a former hill station, Sapa has plenty of steep roads and pathways. Many visitors get around by foot, or by taxi. Adventure-seekers can rent mountain bikes to explore the trails along the valley.

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sapa trip vietnam

Sapa, the enchanting mountain town in Northern Vietnam, is celebrated for its ethereal landscapes, rich cultural mosaic, and the highest peak in Indochina, Fansipan. It’s a haven where lush green rice terraces cascade down hillsides, and vibrant ethnic communities share their heritage, making Sapa a compelling destination for those seeking natural beauty and cultural immersion.

“Northern Gem: A Mystical Retreat Amidst Terraced Fields and Forgotten Tribes”

Get free trip planning advice from vietnam is awesome, experience sapa, attractions.

Sapa’s allure lies in its stunning terraced rice fields, the towering Fansipan, and diverse ethnic minority communities. These elements combine to create a destination rich in culture, nature, and history, offering experiences from serene mountain gazing to adventurous trekking.

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Sapa Market

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Sapa Museum

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Silver Waterfall

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Ham Rong Mountain

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Muong Hoa Valley

O Quy Ho Pass - Sapa

O Quy Ho Pass

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Sapa Church

Our curated selection of accommodations in Sapa ranges from authentic homestays in ethnic villages to luxury retreats amidst the mountains, all chosen based on community reviews and expert local insights. [Discover our specially curated accommodations.]

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Viet Emotion Cafe

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Gem Valley Cafe

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When is the best time to visit sapa.

The best time to visit Sapa is during Spring (March to May) when the weather is sunny, landscapes turn lush green, and blooming wildflowers cover the fields, offering a traditionally beautiful and vibrant setting. Autumn (September to November) also offers spectacular views of golden rice terraces. While Winter has its charm with a cooler, misty atmosphere and a rare chance of snow, Spring provides the ideal balance of pleasant weather and scenic beauty, making it the most recommended time for a visit.

Transportation Tips

A. getting to vietnam.

Flying is the most convenient way to reach Vietnam, with three main international airports: Hanoi (Noi Bai Airport) for northern destinations like Sapa, Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) for the south, and Phu Quoc for island retreats. If you’re in Southeast Asia, consider an overland bus from countries like Cambodia, Laos, or Thailand for an adventurous journey. For Sapa, specifically, flying into Hanoi sets you closest to your northern adventure.

B. How to get to Sapa from Hanoi

Private Transfer: For a stress free experience, book your private transfer with Vietnam Is Awesome!

To travel from Hanoi to Sapa, you have several options whether you’re starting from Noi Bai Airport or the Old Quarter:

  • Bus: Direct sleeper buses from providers like Sao Viet at Noi Bai Airport, and other great VIP Busses from various bus stops in Hanoi offer a budget-friendly and comfortable journey for around $10-$20.
  • Van: “Limousine” vans, seating 9-15 passengers, are available from both Noi Bai Airport and the Old Quarter.
  • Train: The most scenic route involves taking a night train from Hanoi’s Old Quarter to Lao Cai, followed by a taxi to Sapa. The night train is an experience in itself, offering sleeper berths for rest during the journey. Prices and comfort levels vary with the choice of train service. You can book tickets and check schedules at reputable online platforms like Vietnam Railways official website.

C. How to get around in Sapa

You can easily navigate the small town’s breathtaking landscapes by trekking & walking – the scenic route! Consider renting bicycles or motorbikes from hotels or homestays. Taxis are readily available; just ensure you agree on a fare beforehand. If you’re looking to explore further or prefer a private ride, hiring a car or motorbike with a driver is also an option, though remember to negotiate the price.

Before You Go

  • Visa: Check the visa requirements for your nationality. Many travelers can get a visa on arrival or an e-visa.  Get the Ultimate Guide for getting a Vietnam Visa [here]. 
  • Timezone: Vietnam is in the Indochina Time Zone (ICT), UTC+7.
  • Voltage: The standard voltage is 220V, and the plugs are usually Type A (two flat pins) or Type C (two round pins).
  • Internet: Most hotels, cafes, and even restaurants in Sapa offer free Wi-Fi; Wi-Fi plans are so cheap in Vietnam that almost all businesses have one. But it’s easy, inexpensive, and well worth buying a local SIM card with a data package at the Airport upon arrival. 
  • SIM Cards: You can easily purchase SIM cards for data and calls at the airport or local stores. Note that you’ll need to provide your passport to get a SIM. Viettel, Mobifone, and VinaPhone are the best mobile networks for Sapa and most parts of Vietnam.
  • Currency: Vietnam uses the Vietnamese Dong (VND). VND only comes in bills (no coins), and 1 USD equals about 24,000 VND (commonly abbreviated as 24k). Some shops catering to tourists may accept USD, but most only take VND.
  • Credit Cards: Visa and MasterCard are commonly accepted, but smaller businesses usually only take cash.
  • ATMs: There are several ATMs in Sapa, though only on some streets, like in larger cities. Notify your bank before traveling to avoid card issues.
  • Tipping: Vietnam is not a tipping culture, so a tip is not expected. A tip is a good way to bring a smile to someone’s face, though. Note that cab drivers and tour guides often rely on some tipping, so it’s a good idea to tip them.

Understanding Culture & Customs In Sapa

Sapa is a hub for ethnic minorities in Northern Vietnam, especially the Hmong, Dao, and Tay people. It makes for a fascinating cultural experience, but there are also a few rules of etiquette to keep in mind. Namely:

  • Dress modestly, especially when visiting villages or religious sites.
  • Taking snapshots of every bit of the colorful local communities might be tempting, but you should always ask for permission before taking photos of people or their homes.
  • Bargaining in markets should be done politely. Do not raise your voice!
  • It’s advisable to support the local economy by purchasing handicrafts directly from artisans.
  • Giving money or sweets to local children is discouraged as it can encourage begging.
  • Engage with locals respectfully, showing interest in their culture and way of life.

Common questions about Sapa

Even though Sapa is little more than a village, it’s extremely popular with tourists and has plenty of accommodations, from  eco-friendly retreats  to 5-star resorts. You can browse the very best options in our  Sapa Hotel Guide .

Both the street food and fine dining in Sapa reflect the simplicity and agricultural lifestyle of the local ethnic minority communities, offering a taste of authentic Northern Vietnamese cuisine. It often features fresh, locally sourced ingredients, including mountain herbs, vegetables, and rice. Look over some of the best local eateries in our  Sapa restaurant guide .

Sapa is best known for the beauty of the hilly countryside surrounding the town. It is also well-known for the colorful ethnic minority communities in the town. These two factors come together to make Sapa an incredible experience for both domestic and foreign tourists. The full beauty of the town is best enjoyed with one of the  Sapa day tours  led by a local.

Some popular activities in Sapa include: 1. Trekking through the beautiful countryside on one of  Sapa’s top hiking routes . 2. Exploring local ethnic minority villages like Cat Cat and Ta Phin. 3. Bargaining for handicrafts and food products at local markets, especially Bac Ha Market. 4. Hiking up Mt. Fansipan, the highest peak in Vietnam. 5. Trying local street food, which is heavily influenced by ethnic minorities.

The cheapest time to visit Sapa is usually during the off-peak season, which falls between the winter months of December and February. During this time, the tourist crowds are fewer, leading to potentially lower prices for accommodation and tours. The weather is cooler and can be misty, offering a different perspective of the region’s beauty. In fact, Sapa is one of the  best places to go during Winter in Vietnam .

You can get around easily by foot, by bicycle, by public bus, by taxi, or by renting a car or motorbike with a driver for the day.

It depends on what you’re looking for. If you want to see green hills and flowers, go between March and May. If you’re more into golden fields, go in September or November. For colder, mistier weather and fewer crowds, go between December and February. Sapa is the coziest place to spend  Christmas in Vietnam .

To enjoy the beauty of the countryside, the local ethnic minorities, and all the city of Sapa has to offer, stay for at least 3 or 4 days. If you want to add a long trek to your itinerary, consider extending your stay to a week.

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Life Of Doing

3 Days in Sapa, Vietnam: An Adventurous Sapa Itinerary to Experience

See green rice terraces during your 3 days in Sapa, Vietnam

Three days in Sapa, Vietnam is a reasonable amount of time to see the mountainous area in North Vietnam.

This small city is located in Lao Cai, which is about 5 hours northwest of Hanoi, so it’s a fantastic addition to a North Vietnam itinerary or weekend getaway . 

Most visitors head to Sapa to enjoy the breathtaking landscape views of the green rice terraces and rice fields, go on bucket list worthy hikes and treks , visit ethnic villages, and escape the large city.

While the main Sapa Town is developed and a bit touristy, there are many incredible things to do in Sapa and the surrounding area. You’ll love your time here, especially the adventure lovers, and won’t want to leave! 

In this Sapa 3 days itinerary, we’re providing an easy to follow itinerary on what to do in Sapa, how to get to Sapa, and other helpful travel tips.

Since we love hiking, we’ve included hiking/trekking opportunities and other fun adventurous outdoor activities that you can try. We’ve been to Sapa on two separate occasions and love our experience each time.

Click to jump to certain areas of this Sapa travel guide. 

  • When to Visit Sapa

How to Get to Sapa

  • How to Travel Around Sapa
  • Itinerary Day 1
  • Itinerary 2 & 3
  • Other Places to Visit in Sapa
  • Sapa Restaurants
  • Sapa Accommodations

Before you check out this 3 days in Sapa itinerary, here are some helpful Vietnam guides to also browse through:

  • Why Visit Vietnam
  • Fun Things to Try in Vietnam
  • Vietnam Travel Apps to Use

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Before arriving in Sapa, it’s recommended to buy a SIM Card at Hanoi Airport (Noi Ba International Airport) or set up a Vietnam eSIM before your arrival . You’ll need to have access to data during your Vietnam travels

For those in the U.S. looking for an international phone plan , consider Google Fi (formerly Google Project Fi). We love this phone plan and have used it since 2016. We get access to data and text in 200+ countries without additional roaming fees, and it works in Vietnam. Learn more and try it for free here. 

Best Time to Visit Sapa

With the cooler climate and mountains, Sapa can be visited at any time of the year. The dry season is from October to May and the wet season is from June to September . 

If you plan to trek, you may want to avoid the rainy season as the hiking paths are muddy and slippery. Or, just go along for the adventure as rain can happen at any time of the year. You may be lucky and not experience any rain.

If you’re looking for the iconic green and yellow rice terraces , the best time to visit Sapa is from the end of August to the beginning of September. This will be a photogenic time to visit Sapa before the rice harvest begins.

Don’t worry if you’re not able to visit during this time since Sapa is beautiful no matter when you visit !

We traveled to this area in November and the mountains with the rice terraces were still beautiful and green. Although the rice fields were empty, the landscapes were still breathtaking to witness.  

When trekking in Sapa in 2 days to Lao Chai and Ta Van villages, you'll see gorgeous green rice terraces and rice fields.

Sapa is beautiful to visit at any time of the year. We visited in November!

Most travelers visit Sapa from Hanoi , Vietnam’s capital.

Since Sapa does not have a domestic airport, visitors must use various transportation options such as sleeper buses, limousine vans, cars, and overnight trains to get to Sapa. 

Check out our post on the cheapest and most convenient transportation options from Hanoi to Sapa .  

Depending on your budget and the amount of time you have to travel between the cities, the fastest way to get to Sapa from Hanoi is by limousine van, sleeper bus, and private car . Expect to take 6+ hours one way to get to Sapa. 

We recommend the luxury sleeper buses where you can have your own cabin and lie down flat.

The longer and more leisurely option is to take the overnight train . As a heads up, the train goes from Hanoi to Lao Cai, and then you’ll need to take a 1 hour bus or taxi from Lao Cai to Sapa.

To return to Hanoi, you’ll need to use the same or different transportation option. 

How to Get Around Sapa

Sapa’s main area is small, so you can easily walk around to navigate the side streets and local attractions.

Taxis and motorbike taxis are available if you plan to visit the outskirts of Sapa. You can head to Sun Plaza and grab a taxi in front of the building. Or, you can hail one that is driving around the main town.

In the evenings, cyclos also offer rides around town. 

You can also rent a motorbike if you plan to explore the ethnic villages on your own. It’s a cost-effective way to travel around Sapa. 

Sapa Itinerary – Day 1: Explore the Town

You finally made it to Sapa from Hanoi!

Depending on your mode of transportation, you’ll arrive in Sapa either early in the morning (6:00am-7:00am) or in the afternoon (around 1:00pm).

Since the long travels may be tiring, we’re taking it easy on your first day in Sapa. After checking into your Sapa accommodation, we’re exploring the main attractions of Sapa town. 

1. Wander through the narrow streets of Sapa. 

When you arrive in Sapa Town, you’ll notice how touristy it is. It’s not the sleeper town it used to be as the area has been fully developed with hotels and restaurants. 

Yet, there are pockets of the town that are quieter . All you need to do is wear comfortable walking shoes and wander around the town.

You’ll see souvenir shops selling teas and trekking gear, shops selling roasted chestnuts and toasted bread made out of chestnuts, and plenty of cafes and restaurants. 

Sapa Town does have hills and stairs so you may end up going up or down a steep set of stairs. Or, you can turn around to take the main roads. 

Note: Google Maps may not be accurate as the construction of new hotels may have changed the walking paths. 

A street of Sapa restaurants

You’ll find lots of cafes and restaurants in Sapa.

2. Walk around Sapa Lake.

Close to the center of town is Sapa Lake. While the lake doesn’t look anything special, it’s a nice way to get some quietness and fresh air.

It’s a calm lake to walk around and you can stop by the cafes nearby.

In the late afternoon/evenings, there is a kiosk selling grilled skewered foods such as seafood and vegetables. 

3. Snap a photo in front of Sapa Station/Sun Plaza. 

Did the yellow building in the center of Sapa Town catch your eye? It’s the Sapa Plaza which has three levels.

The first floor is the Sapa Station to purchase tickets to Sun World Fansipan Legend and/or take the funicular up Muong Hoa to the Fansipan cable car station .

The second floor is shopping and the third floor has restaurants and a convenience store selling souvenirs, snacks, and drinks.

The Hôtel de la Coupole – MGallery also connects to the Sun Plaza. 

As one of the prettiest places in Sapa with the French architectural building and elegant decor inside, it’s no wonder visitors stop here to take photos. You’ll see many visitors take photos in front of the Sapa Station sign/door.

The evenings are also pretty to take photos.

Evening lights at the yellow building Sun Plaza in Sapa, Vietnam

Sapa Plaza is one of the highlights to visit during your 3 days in Sapa. It’s gorgeous in the evenings.

4. Visit the Notre Dame Cathedral. 

One of the local attractions to visit in Sapa is the Notre Dame Cathedral . It’s located diagonally from the Sapa Plaza, and you can’t miss the brick construction.

This Catholic church was built in 1895 by the French and still offers services. During our visit, the church had Christmas decorations and lights which brightened the area. 

As a heads up, young children sell souvenirs and bracelets in front of the cathedral in the afternoons and evenings.

We suggest that you do not purchase souvenirs from children or take photos of them as they’re most likely not in school and receiving an education. 

View of the brick building Notre Dame Cathedral in Sapa, Vietnam

Notre Dame Cathedral is a popular attraction to visit.

5. Take the cable car and visit Sun World Fansipan Legend. 

If you have a few extra hours available, consider taking the cable car up to Sun World Fansipan Legend . It’s one of the best Sapa attractions to visit!

You may recognize the name, “Sun World” as it’s one of the large entertainment companies in Vietnam that also produced popular theme parks such as Ba Na Hills and Danang Wonders in Danang . 

Fansipan is the highest mountain in Vietnam at 3,143 meters (10,312 feet) and is also the highest in Indochina (Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia.)

Previously, visitors would trek Fansipan in one or 2 days. (We hiked Fansipan and we’ll share more information about hiking it below).

Since the cable car’s opening in 2016, it now takes about 20 minutes to reach the Fansipan summit and Fansipan attractions, such as pagodas, Great Buddha, Lady Buddha (Guanyin) Statue, and more.

Visitors flock to the Fansipan signage which emphasizes the 3,143 meters. If the weather is clear, you’ll see the views of the Fansipan mountains.

Tip: Wear comfy walking shoes as you’ll walk up the stairs to reach these places.

To take the cable car, you can go to the Fansipan/Hoang Lien cable car station which is a 15-minute drive away from Sapa Town.

Or, take the Muong Hoa funicular from Sapa Station to Hoang Lien cable car station and then take the cable car to Fansipan Mountain.  Read more about taking the Fansipan funicular and cable car here .

Save money with your Fansipan Legend cable car tickets here. 

6. Visit Sapa Night Markets.

(Currently Closed) The Tinh Night Market ( Chợ Tình Sapa in Vietnamese) is located next to the Sapa Plaza and is an opportunity to buy souvenirs such as handmade handbags, bracelets, jewelry, and more. It’s an opportunity to support female vendors as they make their products. The Night Market opens after 7:00pm. 

There is another market, Sapa Market ( Chợ đêm Sapa ) that is 1.4 kilometers (.87 miles) away from Tinh Night Market. It’s recommended to take a taxi or you can take a stroll over to get there.

We passed by this place as we entered Sapa from Lao Cai City. It’s more of wholesale buying of goods and products.

Sapa Itinerary – Day 2 & 3: Trekking

On your second and third day in Sapa, it’s recommended to go on a trek to explore the iconic rice terraces and landscapes.

You’ll also get the chance to smell the crispy, fresh air and visit ethnic villages to meet the ethnic minority people and see how their lifestyles are.

In Sapa, there are five main ethnic Hmong, Dao, Xa Pho, Tay, and/or Day people. About half of the ethnic minority people are Hmong. 

We recommend that you do a 2 days trek with a 1 night at a homestay at a local family’s house . You can also do day trips if you prefer to not trek as long each day. 

Choose from a variety of treks such as visiting Cat Cat Village to Y Linh Ho, Sa Sen to Hau Thao, Lao Chai to Ta Van Village , and Ma Tra to Ta Phin Village . 

We highly recommend the trek from Sapa Town to Lao Chai and Ta Van Village. It’s a tranquil walk through rice terraces and the opportunity to see breathtaking views of the valley.

The trek isn’t too difficult as it’s mostly flat with some hills on paved and dirt paths. You’ll also get the chance to see a secret waterfall on the second day. 

Check out our experience of the 2 day trek to Lao Chai and Ta Van Village here. 

The daily treks include a local guide, water bottle, and meals (the number of meals depends on how many days you’re trekking). 

Recommendation for the trekking guide: Zaazaa from Zaazaa Trekking – We loved trekking with Zaazaa and you won’t be disappointed with her services. She is highly recommended as she is easy to work with and can tailor your trek as needed. We trekked with her twice on two different trips and loved the routes.

Don’t forget to pack hiking boots and hiking clothes. Hiking boots are necessary since you’ll walk through rice fields and they are muddy. 

Check out our Sapa trekking guide for helpful tips on how to prepare for a trek and how to choose a trekking guide. 

Jackie Szeto, Life Of Doing, trek with Zaazaa from Zaazaa Trekking, in the mountains of Sapa, Vietnam

Trekking in Sapa is a must-do activity.

Sapa Itinerary – Other Places to Visit in Sapa

Sapa deserves at least 5 days of exploring if you have the time. If you have 4+ days in Sapa, add these other fun places to visit to extend your stay.

Climb Mount Fansipan. 

We mentioned that you can take the cable car to go to the Fansipan summit.

If you’re the adventurous type , try trekking Fansipan in 1 or 2 days. The challenging trek will push your body to climb the tallest mountain in Vietnam. The forest area is quiet and serene and you’ll encounter only a handful of other hikers on the trail. 

We hiked Fansipan in 1 day and it was pretty tough mentally and physically. Yet, it was such an accomplishment to reach the highest point of 3,143 meters (10,312 feet). 

Tip: Plan for this Fansipan trek on the first day of your Sapa itinerary and then go on your Sapa trek to ethnic villages for the rest of your itinerary. The Sapa trek is “easier” and will give your legs and knees the much-needed rest and recovery. 

If you hike in 2 days, you’ll stay overnight at a campsite. The trek includes a chef and porters so everything will be set up at your campsite. 

Summit sign of Fansipan at 3143 meters

Trekking Mount Fansipan is a challenging activity to add to your Sapa itinerary.

Visit the Love & Silver Waterfalls. 

If you’re a waterfall chaser, then add these two Vietnam waterfalls – Love and Silver Waterfalls to the bucket list. 

Love Waterfall ( Suối Vàng Thác Tình Yêu in Vietnamese) requires a short 20-30 minutes of easy walking to reach the waterfall. The waterfall has a height of 100 meters.

Visitors love seeing this waterfall surrounded by the luscious forest area of Hoang Lien National Park .

This waterfall is near the Tram Tom entrance to trek Fansipan, so you could combine a visit if you’re a fast hiker. 

For an exhilarating experience in Sapa, you can also go canyoning off Love Waterfall.

Read more about our Love Watefall experience here.

A gentle waterfall cascades of Love Waterfall (Thác Tình Yêu) in Sapa, Vietnam

Silver Waterfall ( Thác Bạc in Vietnamese) has waterfall cascades that are over 100 meters high. It’s easy to get to as it’s located off the main highway. Follow the walking path and stairways to see the Silver Waterfall up close.

Read about what to expect when visiting Silver Waterfall here.

To see both Love and Silver Waterfall in one day, check out this private tour option. 

Visit Bac Ha Market on Sundays.

One of the unique attractions to visit in Lao Cai is the Bac Ha Market ( Chợ Văn hóa Bắc Hà ).

It’s the largest market where ethnic minorities sell their colorful handicrafts and goods . Plus, it’s a picturesque place as you’ll see people in their colorful traditional outfits.

Since this market is only open on Sundays, it gets crowded with tourists. 

But you can also visit on Saturdays to see the horses and buffaloes for sale. It was originally on Sundays but too crowded.

You’ll need to organize a tour, hire a taxi, or drive a motorbike to get to this market as it’s about 2.5 hours one-way from Sapa. 

Read our Bac Ha Market guide to learn more.

Explore sapa heaven’s gate at o quy ho..

If you want more fresh air in Sapa, consider visiting Sapa’s Heaven Gate ( Khu Du Lịch Cổng Trời Ô Quy Hồ in Vietnamese).

This tourist area has lovely views of the mountain pass of O Quy Ho, picturesque sceneries, and its own version of Bali’s Pura Lempuyang gates.

The highest point at this tourist spot is 2,035 meters (6,675 feet), so you can take a photo with the triangular landmark that highlights the height above sea level.

Read our experience with Sapa’s Heaven Gate here.

A grey triangular landmark overlooking the green mountain range of Sapa Heaven Gate on O Quy Ho Pass, Vietnam

Where to Eat in Sapa

Considering that Sapa Town isn’t large, there are plenty of restaurants to choose from. Choose from Vietnamese to Western-style food. Expect to pay around 130,000-200,000 VND ($5.60-$8.60 USD) for a dish. Most restaurants are cash-only. 

Popular Vietnamese foods to try in Sapa include salmon (which tastes more like trout since it’s leaner), sturgeon, dried buffalo, horse meat, and sticky rice in a bamboo stick. 

One thing that we noticed was that many of the successful restaurants get copied, whether it’s the name or the items that they sell. We saw four hot pot restaurants next to each other on the main road, Ngu Chi Son Road.

Also, Muong Hoa Road has many sellers located only a few feet away from each other grilling sweet potato, corn, and other snack items in the evenings. 

Here are some of the Sapa restaurants that we tried and enjoyed. We followed the trend of visiting restaurants with “Good Morning” in the name. 

Good Morning Vietnam – Located off Fansipan Street, this restaurant has some delicious Vietnamese cuisine.

We ordered sizzling deer and a sizzling salmon plate. The salmon had a sweet teriyaki sauce which was highly addicting. Both dishes were delicious and our clothes smelled like the sizzling platter afterward.

If you need more rice, feel free to ask for extra. 

Address: 63B Fansipan, street, Sa Pa, Lào Cai

Sizzling platter of salmon and lamb at Good Morning Restaurant in Sapa, Vietnam

Try these mouthwatering foods at Good Morning Restaurant.

Good Morning View Restaurant – This restaurant is in the quieter part of Muong Hoa. During lunchtime, this place advertises beef noodle soup. We came for dinner and ate some delicious food. 

Try the refreshing papaya salad and salmon spring rolls as appetizers. We loved the salmon spring rolls since it was also stuffed with dried wood ear mushrooms, carrots, and other vegetables.

The sizzling sturgeon platter and trout in banana leaf are also tasty main dishes. The sturgeon was interesting since it has a curry flavor. You can also ask for more rice if needed. 

Address: 047 Mường Hoa, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lào Cai 333100

Good Morning Sapa – We were impressed with the number of salmon dishes offered at this place.

The sizzling salmon with peppercorn platter is a winner and the sauce was finger-licking good.

We also had a platter of mixed vegetables and a bowl of shrimp coconut curry.

Unfortunately, the curry didn’t come inside a coconut. It also had a more Japanese-ish flavor and a slight sweetness from the coconut milk. 

On the weekends, this restaurant also offers BBQ skewered foods such as fish balls and vegetables. You can pick some up as a snack on your way to and from the main town. 

Address: 014 Mường Hoa, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lào Cai

A meal at Good Morning Sapa in Sapa Vietnam - sizzling salmon, yellow curry, and vegetables

Good Morning Sapa is a delicious spot to try when you’re in Sapa.

Where to Stay in Sapa

Due to Sapa’s increase in tourism, there are hotels and guesthouses everywhere in the main city center. You can get a room at a reasonable price of $30 USD per night for 2 person occupancy.

There are also luxury eco-hotels available that are outside of the city and will require transportation. 

Check out Sapa accommodation options here on Booking.

Click to check pricing and availability on Agoda.

Here are two budget-friendly Sapa accommodations that we stayed at:

My Boutique Hotel and Spa – This boutique hotel is one of the best places to stay in Sapa!

The location is about a 10-minute walk away from the Sapa Plaza and is quieter. The rooms are chic and have beautiful furniture and decor. The bathrooms also have a separate tub and shower.

You may never want to leave the room since the bed is way too comfortable and so cozy, especially on a cold night.

We opted to not have breakfast included in the meal as there are restaurants along the street to find something to eat. The cost per night starts at $38 for a 2 person occupancy. 

Reserve a room at My Boutique Hotel here on Booking. 

Check pricing and availability on Agoda here.

Address: 55 Mường Hoa, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lào Cai

Sapa Relax Hotel and Spa – The central location of this hotel is one of the reasons to stay here.

You’re only a few minutes walk from the Sapa Plaza and can see the building outside of the hotel entrance.

The rooms are large and comfortable. Breakfast is included in the room cost and consists of a buffet line of stir-fried noodles, fried rice, vegetables, sausages, eggs, and made to order noodle soup. The cost per night starts at $28 for 2 people. 

Reserve a room at Sapa Relax Hotel here.  

Check pricing and availability for Sapa Relax on Agoda here.

Address: 19A Đông Lợi, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lào Cai

Prefer the luxury accommodation options in Sapa ? Check out Topas Ecolodge , Topas Riverside Lodge , and Sapa Clay House .

These are popular eco-friendly and luxurious places that overlook the mountainous region. They have an in-house restaurant and swimming pool. Expect to pay $130-$500+ per night for a room with 2 person occupancy.

On a return visit to Sapa, we’ll try one of these places as they have positive reviews and are highly recommended in the Ho Chi Minh City Expat Facebook groups.

Final Thoughts

It’s time to say goodbye to your fun three days in Sapa. It’s one of the most beautiful places to visit in Vietnam and you won’t regret visiting here.

We hope you enjoyed this itinerary and are inspired to plan your Sapa trip in the future. 

If you need more tips on planning a trip to Vietnam, check out our posts below:

  • Things to Know Before Visiting Vietnam
  • How to Apply for a Vietnam e-Visa
  • Explore Vietnam in 7 Days & Different Itinerary Ideas

Which places are you the most excited to visit in Sapa? If you have other questions, ask in the comment box below. 

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Green rice terraces is one of the best things to do during your 3 days in Sapa, Vietnam

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sapa trip vietnam

I'm Jackie - world explorer, hiker, and wanderer. I love planning things whether it is a trip or an upcoming event, exploring nature, hiking up mountains, and seeing new places. I'm notorious for getting lost, so you may see me circling a place a few times.

Sapa Trekking Guide: How to Prepare for Epic Treks in Sapa, Vietnam

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sapa trip vietnam

Sapa is high up on my bucket list! I had no idea it was an actual town because you pretty much only see rice terrace pictures when looking up Sapa! Very cool read. So excited to get to go one day.

Thanks Linda! Sapa is such a pretty area to take photos. I know you’ll love your experience here.

sapa trip vietnam

What a gorgeous place!!

Hi Kristina. Sapa is too beautiful! We know you’ll love visiting in the future!

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3 Days In Sapa Itinerary: The ULTIMATE Guide (2024)

Find out the ideal 3 days in Sapa itinerary to ensure you have the ultimate time in Northern Vietnam. Let’s talk about the best things to do, restaurants, where to stay, and more for your Sapa adventure!

Backpacking Sapa is a must when you are in Northern Vietnam. This spot is absolutely incredible with beautiful nature and friendly locals that will result in a busy 3 days in Sapa itinerary.

Think of bright green rice paddies, mountainous landscapes, and witnessing life in rural Vietnam. This place is absolutely gorgeous and honestly quite different from other popular towns and cities you may visit, but how do you make the most out of your stay?

Luckily enough I have traveled Vietnam from North to South discovering the best places worth checking out, including right here in Sapa. And from this experience, I will let you know my top tips for visiting and what is actually worth your time!

So let’s get into the details of this 3 day Sapa itinerary. From where to stay, where to eat, and what to do. Whether you want to check out some incredible waterfalls, and stunning views, make friends with the local animals, or even hike Fansipan Mountain known as the roof of Indochina.

Sapa Itinerary: The Ultimate 3 Days In Sapa Vietnam

sun plaza in the middle of sapa town

🚗 How I Book Cheap Transport In Vietnam: Baolau & 12.Go Asia

Need A Quick Answer?

If you perhaps don’t have time to read this entire guide on how to spend your time in Sapa Vietnam, no worries, here are the top tips:

Best Sapa 2 Day Tour: Enjoy a stress-free trip with everything planned out including a visit to Fansipan Peak and Cat Cat Village, and return transfers from Hanoi. Book now with Get Your Guide .

Easiest & Best Way to Reach Sapa From Hanoi: Public transport such as a bus or train, and even private taxis can be booked on 12 Go Asia.

Where to Stay in Sapa: Top hostel choices for backpackers in Sapa include Lustig Hostel (dorms start from $4.00) and Flaco Hostel Sapa (dorms start from $10.00)

Explore The Countryside: Take a Sapa trekking tour through the rice terraces and to local villages. Book now with Viator.

How Many Days In Sapa Should You Stay?

If you’re wondering how long to stay in Sapa, worry no more. Many tourists spend about two to four days in Sapa to explore the scenic town, the nearby Sapa Valley, and the beautiful mountains.

Three days are considered perfect as this should give you enough time to get out into nature, take in the beautiful scenery, sample the delicious cuisine, and shop for souvenirs.

This is simply because the majority of travelers are limited to 30 days here and Vietnam is a huge country you need time to explore it all. Throughout the majority of my travels in Vietnam , I found having 3 days in each location was a great way to experience the best of that place.

Honestly, if you want to do some Sapa trekking and maybe a homestay, 2 days in Sapa would not be enough for this and to take in the town as well. Therefore three days at a minimum is recommended.

a couple of houses while trekking the countryside on the 3 day sapa itinerary

How To Plan A Sapa Itinerary

Now when it comes to your Sapa Itinerary you do have a couple of options for to getting to and visiting:

Independent travel: You can find numerous buses and trains traveling from Hanoi to Sapa so it is pretty damn easy to book it yourself over on 12 Go Asia. Once in Sapa hostels and guesthouses are everywhere, and treks into the valley are easy to arrange.

Organized tours: You will find numerous tours departing from Hanoi to Sapa which include your transfers, accommodation, activities, and some meals. This is a stress-free and easy way to explore Sapa on a budget. Recommended Tours:

  • Homestay: 2 day, 1 night Sapa trip in homestay accommodation . It’s super affordable and the most popular choice for travelers. Perfect if you are on a tight itinerary
  • Hotel: 2 day, 1 night Sapa trip in 3-star hotel room perfect for those who enjoy a more comfortable stay.
  • Homestay AND hotel: 3 day, 2 night Sapa trip including 1 night in a hotel and the other in a homestay , this has the best of both worlds and gives you to best option to experience Sapa.

Day 1 Of 3 Days In Sapa Itinerary

For your first day in our 3 days in Sapa itinerary expect to check out some of the incredible nature this town has to offer and what makes it unique.

Morning: Mount Fansipan

First up, it’s an adventure to the highest mountain in Indochina. Though before we do that, you’ll need to fuel yourself with some breakfast. Head to Good Morning View Restaurant for a cheap meal to start the day.

After a delicious meal, it is time to start your backpacking Sapa adventure.

What You Need To Know About Mount Fansipan

Before figuring out how to get to the top of Mount Fansipan you’ll need to get to the base. It is located about a 30-minute drive from the township of Sapa.

The easiest way to get there will be by Taxi or Grab. You should estimate spending around $20.00 for the round trip. Alternatively, you could also book a group tour to visit.

A cheaper way to do it is by buying a ticket at Sun Plaza in Sapa. For $30.00 this gives you return transport in a tram and the cable car up the mountain.

Once at the base, you then have two different options to get to the top, either hike or take the cable car. Though whichever you choose be sure to wear decent shoes as even taking the cable car you will need to climb up over 600 steps to reach the top.

You will also want to bring along some warm clothes as the weather can be quite harsh at the peak.

taking the cable car up fansipan mountain

Reaching Mount Fansipan Peak

Hike: Now if you perhaps don’t want to do everything in this itinerary and are just using it for inspiration then you may find yourself being keen to hike to the top.

Be aware this is a full-day adventure that’ll take you around 10 hours just to arrive at the peak! You can book a hiking tour to Fansipan Peak on Viator for $80.00 including entrance fee, food, drink, and transfers.

Cable Car: For those short on time or simply just not keen to inflict that kind of pain on themselves, taking the cable car is an excellent way to reach the peak of Mount Fansipan. The journey will only take 20 minutes, much quicker than the 10-hour hike.

Each cable car can hold up to 35 passengers, though try to get a window seat for the best views! Also, it only operates between the hours of 7:30 am and 5:30 pm so make sure to plan your visit accordingly.

mount fansipan in sapa at sunrise

Afternoon- Waterfalls

After exploring the incredible Fansipan Mountain stop in at Silver Waterfall and Love Waterfall on your journey back to Sapa. This is on the way to the town of Sapa so it is the perfect excuse to stop.

Love Waterfall should be your first stop. This is a short 15 to 20-minute hike away from the main road. It is a peaceful walk underneath a beautiful forest.

The entry fee is $2.90 / 70,000VND and it is worth it.

A few kilometer’s drive away is also Silver Waterfall . This can be seen from the roadside. However, I definitely recommend hiking up the stairs to the top for the best view.

looking up at love waterfall across the bridge

Evening – Sapa Night Market

Time for an early dinner as you haven’t really had a chance to stop and simply relax. Head back to Sapa town and grab a bite to eat at Anise Sapa Restaurant .

They have the most incredible hot pots here. A sure way to build your energy back up after a busy day of exploring!

Next head to the Sapa Night Market . This is only held on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. So be aware you may need to switch this Sapa itinerary around depending on which days you plan to visit.

It runs from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm and is located on N1 Street in the middle of town so is super accessible.

This is the perfect place to partake in a little bit of souvenir shopping or perhaps go for a second dinner. Buying here is a great way to support the economy and the minority tribes here in Sapa.

Day 2 Of 3 Days In Sapa Itinerary

On our second day of 3 days in Sapa, we will head further out into the countryside and stay at a homestay.

There is so much more to see than what is in the main town so make sure you venture further while backpacking Sapa.

Morning & Afternoon- Trek Towards Ta Van

After a delicious breakfast at Le Gecko Cafe . Make sure to fuel up as you’ll need the energy for today’s adventures as we will be doing some serious trekking to the small community of Ta Van.

Here you can find loads of Homestays where you can experience local life and appreciate countryside living. Trekking the incredible landscapes of Sapa is one of the best things to do here.

If you perhaps don’t feel like trekking but still want to experience some beautiful sights then you can actually still take a taxi the majority of the way.

This will cost you around $20.00. However, be prepared for a bumpy journey as the roads are not the best.

You can decide whether you want a guided trek to Ta Van or not. I recommend talking to your accommodation and asking whether you can leave your luggage there for the night. That way you will only need to walk with a day pack.

Remember if it has recently been raining then be prepared to walk the main road or just get muddy. We decided to walk the main road. Though if the weather is good you will want to trek in the valley among the rice fields.

Whether you decide to do a guided or unguided trek is completely your choice. Though since you are backpacking Sapa I will assume you want to do it unguided and on a budget.

Therefore I recommend you download the Maps.Me app and the Sapa map offline. This points out the routes you can take and highlights along the way.

trekking on a guided tour in 3 days in sapa itinerary

Evening- Home Stay In Ta Van

You will want to book your homestay in Ta Van in advance. There are so many places to choose from and the easiest way to book your Homestay is through

This is what I used to book my homestay making it a hassle-free experience. You will just need to go through the listings and choose one of the homestay options or look at the map view and choose something, not in the main town.

I stayed in a homestay slightly outside of Ta Van, though it only took about a 15-minute walk to be in the town. Unfortunately, it is no longer available. Though, a lot of homestays are quite similar in terms of facilities and inclusions.

Make sure you contact your host in advance if you require a trekking guide. They will be able to recommend one or may even do it themselves.

I also recommend asking if they do a family-style dinner and partake in that. They generally cost a few dollars and you will get to experience a local-style dinner and share stories over a meal. Seriously some of the best food I had in Vietnam was during my homestay.

You don’t necessarily need to stay in Ta Van. There are plenty of other homestays dotted around the countryside in Sapa.

Though Ta Van is a small little village with quite a lot going on. There are a couple of delicious restaurants here and shops in case you require anything.

a hammock hanging up outside our sapa homestay on a foggy day

Day 3 Of 3 Days In Sapa Itinerary

On our last day of the Sapa itinerary, we will be experiencing a bit more of local life.

Explore the township of Ta Van or simply the peacefulness of life at your homestay, the culture at Cat Cat Village, and then top it all off with a well-deserved massage.

Morning- Explore Ta Van / Head Back To Sapa

Spend your morning exploring Ta Van village and heading back to the main town for Lunch. You can choose to either walk there or taxi.

Though be aware it is quite uphill, whereas the way to Ta Van is downhill. A taxi will only cost you $20.00 so can work out quite affordable if you have people to share it with.

If you want to visit Cat Cat Village in the afternoon then I would recommend taking a taxi. Though be aware it is quite touristy so perhaps you would rather enjoy a peaceful walk back to Sapa town than visit Cat Cat Village and that is okay as well.

water buffalos on the road to sapa

Afternoon- Cat Cat Village

Before heading out to Cat Cat Village be sure to grab lunch from one of the delicious restaurants in town. There is plenty to choose from and you deserve a hearty meal. Therefore if you are craving pizza or pasta just get it!

Cat Cat Village is a popular spot for tourists to visit while in Sapa. It is super accessible being located in the Muong Hoa Valley, just 3 kilometers from Sapa Town.

It is a super easy walk to get here and the pathway is well-maintained. The entry fee is $1.00 / 25,000 VND.

This place is home to the ethnic H’Mong and Dzao people and here they demonstrate their handicrafts and skills to those interested, which includes cultivating rice and corn, as well as weaving fabric.

You will be able to enjoy not only the stunning scenery and villages but also meet beautiful people as they show you their way of life.

Be aware that you just spent the evening at a very authentic homestay experience and have spent the past 24 hours appreciating the beauty of the countryside. You may find Cat Cat Village a bit touristy compared to what you have already seen. Though I am just letting you know this so you can set your expectations accordingly.

fast water flowing under the bridge at cat cat village sapa itinerary

Evening – Massage

For the final evening of your 3 day Sapa itinerary, I highly recommend getting yourself a massage. For just a few dollars you can find yourself relaxing and getting a back or foot massage.

There are so many massage parlors located around Sapa town you won’t have trouble finding one close to your hotel.

Go on have a massage, after all that trekking in Sapa you deserve to relax and be pampered!

Add To Your Sapa Itinerary?

If you happen to be staying longer than 3 days in Sapa then there are other things to add to your Sapa itinerary:

O Quy Ho Pass: This is one of the incredible passes in Vietnam’s northwestern region. At O Quy Ho Pass you can check out the beautiful countryside as you travel over and around mountains.

Y Ty: A few hour’s drive away from Sapa is Y Ty. This is a much more authentic place when it comes to experiencing the culture in Northern Vietnam. Here you can find a few homestays who will be more than happy to sell you a bed. Located at over 2000 meters above sea level the temperature here is cooler year-round. This is where the minority Ha Ni people live and they cultivate many medicinal plants.

Ha Giang Loop: If you have some extra time and want to explore further up North, why not try the Ha Giang Loop? This is an epic adventure through the roads in Northern Vietnam and has been growing in popularity year after year!

Ha Long Bay: Another alternative is Ha Long Bay. This famous site is a must and one of the best things to do in Vietnam .

Map Of The Sapa Itinerary

Travel Tips For Your 3 Days In Sapa Itinerary

So you have your Sapa itinerary sorted, now let’s get into my top travel tips for your 3 days here

This will allow you to have a stress-free time with the best weather, stay in the best accommodation, and know how to keep safe.

When To Travel Sapa

Depending on when you visit Sapa can seriously affect how your trip goes and honestly what you can do/see.

I, unfortunately, didn’t do this research on this before visiting, and ended up there during the month of February. As a result, there was a constant fog, the temperature was below zero degrees Celsius and we had to buy more warm clothes as soon as we arrived in Sapa town.

Nevertheless, we made the most out of a bad situation.

December To February

This is the coldest part of the year and also the time I visited. Be aware many homestays don’t have heaters so make sure to bring warm clothes.

It can even get so cold that it can snow in Sapa! It isn’t super wet, though there is a constant fog around so things can feel quite moist.

March To April

This is a beautiful time to travel to Sapa. It is when the rice fields are the greenest and many flowers are in bloom.

This is one of the most popular times to be backpacking Sapa.

May To August

May to August is the wet season when it is known to rain. Though this is just for a few hours each day, so bring a rain jacket and some old shoes for trekking.

September To November

During these months, the rice harvest happens. As a result, you may not get those bright green rice fields that Sapa is so famous for as the rice paddies will be empty.

Though you will get a unique experience as you see the landscapes constantly being worked by the locals.

one of the lodges on the road to ta van

How To Get To Sapa

The gateway to Sapa is Hanoi so no doubt this will be your starting point. There is a variety of transport options you can take to get there so I will give you a brief overview of them all.

Though for more detail I recommend checking out my Hanoi to Sapa travel guide .

Tickets for all journeys can be purchased on Baolau or 12.Go Asia

Train: The train is a great and super comfortable way to travel. Though the main thing to be aware of is that the train arrives in Lao Cai, not Sapa. This means you will need to take another form of transport for the last 1 hour.

Bus: If you are on more of a budget then you may find yourself leaning towards taking a sleeper bus from Hanoi to Sapa. This total journey takes around 6 hours which honestly isn’t too painful. I find anything over 8 hours really makes you question your life choices. Plus it is a direct journey so there is no need to stop in Lao Cai like the train.

Taxi: If you have a bit more money to spend why not book a private taxi from Hanoi to Sapa? No doubt this will be the fastest and most comfortable journey you could take.

Mini Van: Taking the minivan is another great way to travel from Hanoi to Sapa. This is slightly a more expensive option than the bus, but some of these minivans are fancy AF. Like they are known as limousine vans. Think plush, lazy-boy-style seats.

the rice terraces in sapa from above backpacking sapa

Where To Stay While Backpacking Sapa?

When deciding on your accommodation in Sapa you will be absolutely spoilt for choice. Most people, including myself, book a mixture of a hotel in the main town and a homestay among the rice terraces.

Sapa town has many affordable and more luxurious options. From comfortable guesthouses to sparkling brand-new hotels. The township is nice and compact making it easy to travel everywhere on foot.

I also recommend while you are in Sapa to do a homestay experience. This is where you will live alongside a local family. You can eat what they eat, see the incredible countryside, and explore to your heart’s content. They seem to be cheaper than the hotels in the main town, though they will be a lot more basic.

Our homestay had limited electricity which meant evenings cuddled up around the fire while eating warm sugarcane.

Staying Safe While Backpacking Sapa

Sapa is a relatively safe place to explore with the exception of the many Vietnam scams you will find around the country . This mainly revolves around robberies and pickpocketing.

Some of the children in their traditional clothes may be thieves looking for an opportunity. One child may try to keep you occupied, while another will pickpocket you.

In Vietnam motorbike snatch and grab theft is super common as well. Someone may see that your handbag, backpack, camera, or phone is not secure, so they will drive by on their motorbike and grab it.

Don’t drink the water out of the tap. Many hotels and hostels will have water refill stations or minimarts that sell bottles super cheap as well.

The main thing to remember is to just use your common sense. This should keep you out of dangerous situations.

I wasn’t scammed or taken advantage of once in Vietnam. However, I put this down to doing my research in advance and becoming familiar with common scams.

looking out over the mountains while on the 3 days in sapa itinerary

Where To After The Sapa Vietnam Itinerary?

North: Apart from the Ha Giang Loop there isn’t too much else North of Sapa. If you have your own motorbike then you may want to explore the North. However, if you are looking to tour the Ha Giang Loop with a group and have an easy rider these typically depart from hanoi.

South: Alternatively, you can end back down South towards and past Hanoi .

Honestly, I recommend taking the train down Vietnam and hitting up some of the highlights including seeing Phu Quoc, the Imperial City of Hue , Hoi An , snorkeling In Nha Trang , seeing the sand dunes in Mui Ne , and the tunnels in Ho Chi Minh .

FAQs About Sapa Itinerary 3 Days

Is sapa too touristy.

As a popular tourist destination, Sapa can come off as quite touristy at times. Especially some parts such as Cat Cat Village where it may seem like it is all put on for visitors. I recommend going on a trekking tour to a more authentic village or booking a homestay experience.

How many days in Sapa is enough?

Honestly, the amount of days you spend in Sapa entirely depends on what you can do there and your travel style. However, for the typical traveler, I would recommend a minimum of 3 days in Sapa. This will give you enough time to explore the main town as well as some of the ethnic villages in the valley.

What is the best month to visit Sapa Vietnam?

The best time to visit Sapa is from September to November or March to May. During these months, the weather is pleasant with warm temperatures during the day and cool temperatures at night, making it comfortable for activities such as trekking.

Vietnam Sapa Itinerary: Wrap Up

Vietnam offers a truly unique and unforgettable experience. With stunning landscapes, vibrant ethnic cultures, and adventurous activities, it is no wonder that Sapa has become a popular destination.

From trekking through picturesque rice terraces to visiting local villages and markets, this Sapa itinerary won’t disappoint.

Any Questions? Let me know in the comments!


Find out the ideal 3 days in Sapa itinerary to ensure you have the ultimate time in Northern Vietnam. Let’s talk about the best things to do, restaurants, where to stay, and more for your three days backpacking Sapa!

Want more Vietnam Inspiration? Check out….


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. So, if you click on it and purchase something, I get a small percentage at no extra cost to you. As always all opinions are my own and your support is much appreciated.

Photo credit: “ Vietnam-Sapa-Cat Cat Village-P1070359 ” ( CC BY 2.0 ) by . “ Sapa Love Waterfall ” ( CC BY 2.0 ) by Guerette . “ Sapa Silver Waterfall ” ( CC BY 2.0 ) by Gueretto .

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Avatar for Tasha Amy

Tasha Amy is a true backpacker at heart and has been discovering the world on a budget since 2015. Based in Gisborne, New Zealand she will spend many months each year traveling overseas as a solo female traveler before coming home and sharing her adventures online with you.

2 thoughts on “ 3 Days In Sapa Itinerary: The ULTIMATE Guide (2024) ”

Avatar for Pete

Hi. Thank you for your informative article. May I ask if you experienced regional/territorial health/covid restriction traveling inside Vietnam? Thank you.

Avatar for Tasha Amy

Hey Pete, I traveled pre covid, but as far as I am aware the restrictions are relatively minimal and quite different to other southeast asian countries as mask-wearing isn’t enforced. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help :) I have recently been watching Paddy Doyle on Youtube who has been traveling the entirety of the country and he did speak on how relaxed covid measures are in the country

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Local Vietnam

Explore our best Sapa tours by small group or private trips. Go trekking through the rice fields, stay overnight in a homestay or comfortable hotel. Travel further to visit some of the local minority markets and go more off the beaten track.

The best Sapa tours & local experiences

All our Sapa tours below start from Hanoi.

Hanoi – Sapa – Halong – Ninh Binh – Hoi An – Saigon – Mekong Delta 10 days

Hanoi – sapa – halong – hoi an – saigon – mekong delta 9 days, hanoi – sapa – halong – saigon – mekong delta 7 days, hanoi – sapa – halong – hoi an 7 days, hanoi – halong – sapa – ninh binh 7 days, hanoi – sapa – halong 6 days, hanoi – sapa – halong – ninh binh 6 days, hanoi – sapa – halong 5 days.

ta phin sapa

Best of North Vietnam in 11 days

Sapa trekking

Sapa & the Ha Giang Loop

Ban Gioc waterfall

Sapa – Ha Giang – Ban Gioc Waterfall & Ba Be lake – 8 days

Sapa sightseeing & homestay trekking + hotel – 3 days.

bac ha market

Sapa minority market & homestay trekking – 3 days

Coc Ly Market

Sapa minority market tour & trekking – 2 days

Sapa homestay between the rice fields

Sapa homestay trekking 2 days

ciking and cycling in Sapa

Sapa mountain biking tour & trekking – 3 days

At 350 kilometers from Hanoi, in the northwest of Vietnam, you will find the most famous mountain village in Vietnam; Sapa. A hike through the area provides a magnificent view of the valley and Fansipan; the highest mountain in Vietnam. You will find terraced rice fields that lie against mountains, nice villages of ethnic minorities and lots of greenery.

Frequently asked questions about Sapa tours

Although trekking in Sapa is possible all year round, the best times are in spring and autumn. Around this time the valley is green, there is little rain and the temperature is neither too hot nor cold. The rice fields in Sapa  are the most beautiful in September and early October during the harvest season.

There are several markets in Sapa and around that you can visit. Most markets are held once a week. Bac Ha market, the area’s most famous market, is held each Sunday. If this day does not suit your travel planning, you can visit one of the other impressive markets on other days.

Our Sapa tours include transfers from Hanoi to Sapa, so you don’t need to arrange your own transportation. Most tours go by night train because it is comfortable and it won’t take you hours of travel during the day. Buses and limousine minibuses also run between Hanoi and Sapa.

Sapa is a developed tourism town, so most people working in the hotels en restaurant can speak English.

The homestays during a multi-day Sapa trekking are very basic. Staying here is more for a unique experience than a comfortable stay. You can also book more luxurious homestays in Sapa .

10 Sapa tours highlight

Sapa trekking

1. Trekking tours

The best way to see the valley with its villages and rice fields is to take a trekking. You can choose from half a day to multi-day trips.

Sapa trekking

2. Rice fields

View the most beautiful terraced rice fields in Vietnam. Walking is the best option, but you can also cycle or explore the area by motorcycle or car.

ethnic minority in Ta Van village near Sapa

3. Minority villages

Learn about the unique culture of the ethnic minorities with their colorful clothing and traditional houses.

Sapa homestay trekking

4. Homestay

For a complete experience, stay in an ethnic minority homestay. The overnight stay is basic but will be an experience you will never forget.

Lung Khau Nhin market near Sapa

5. Local market

Visit one of the unique minority markets. Here you have hundreds of colorful minorities gathered to trade local produce and livestock.

Fansipan mountain

6. Fansipan

Fansipan is the highest mountain in Vietnam. You can reach the peak by cable car, but if you are a real adventurer you can climb the mountain.

Tram Ton Pass

7. Tram Ton Pass

The highest mountain pass in the country has beautiful views. Visit the pass on the back of the motorcycle or by car with private driver.

Love Waterfall Sapa

8. Waterfalls

There are a number of waterfalls you can visit around Sapa, such as the Silver Waterfall and Love Waterfall. A cooling change after a trekking.

ciking and cycling in Sapa

9. Bike tours

Explore the area by bicycle or motorcycle. You can cover longer distances than walking and it is an adventurous and fun activity.

Sapa stone church

10. Sapa town

If you want to take it easy, you can explore the city on your own, with a market, old church, museum and lookout point on Ham Ruong Mountain.

Destinations near Sapa

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Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Sapa

Explore a wide diversity of fully guided tours through Sapa. We have 38 adventures that vary from 2 days to 27 days. With the greatest number of departures in October, this is also the most popular time of the year.

38 fully guided Sapa tours with 256 positive reviews

Northern Vietnam Odyssey Tour 6-Day Tour

In-depth Cultural Family Explorer Christmas & New Year +2

Northern Vietnam Odyssey Tour 6-Day

"It was well organised to and from each activity and our guides were very helpful and professional." Pamela, traveled in July 2023
  • 10% deposit on some dates
  • Book With Flexibility View tour Download Brochure

Vietnam Experience 15 Day Tour

Vietnam Experience 15 Day

"Really enjoyed this tour, took you places you would never had been able to find yourself all for a good price." Charlotte, traveled in September 2023

Jewels of Hanoi, Sapa and Halong Bay - 7 Days Tour

Explorer Family Motor boat In-depth Cultural Christmas & New Year +2

Jewels of Hanoi, Sapa and Halong Bay - 7 Days

"HaLong Bay was wonderful, beautiful, and relaxing. We really loved the beauty of the area and our guides were amazing." Mike, traveled in April 2023

Vietnam Experience 12 Day Tour

Vietnam Experience 12 Day

"Lots of activities and opportunities to see new places. Experience new food and meet a range of people from all over the world." Holly, traveled in November 2023

From Hanoi: 3-Day Sapa Tour with Fansipan Peak Visit Tour

Active Family Christmas & New Year +1

From Hanoi: 3-Day Sapa Tour with Fansipan Peak Visit

"The activities were excellent! It was an experience that we'll never forget. We had the Fansipan Mountain visit, a must see!" Julia, traveled in September 2023

Sapa Adventure: Medium Trekking 4 days Tour

Active Christmas & New Year +1

Sapa Adventure: Medium Trekking 4 days

"The homestay was absolutely fantastic and clean. People were so friendly." Anonymus, traveled in November 2023

Remote Sapa Trekking Tour 3 days 2 nights Tour

Explorer Active Family Sightseeing In-depth Cultural Christmas & New Year +3

Remote Sapa Trekking Tour 3 days 2 nights

"Lovely walk over 2 days seeing different areas of Sapa and villages. Enjoyed the homestay." Trish, traveled in May 2024

Vietnam Trekking Wonders - 3Days in the heart of Sapa Tour

Explorer Family Christmas & New Year +1

Vietnam Trekking Wonders - 3Days in the heart of Sapa

Sapa Adventure Tour

Hiking & Trekking Mountain Hikes Explorer +2

Sapa Adventure

"Hotel was very good, home stay was a good standard, meals were a good standard." Thomas, traveled in December 2018

Sapa Fansipan Trekking Tour 4 Days 3 Nights Tour

Hiking & Trekking Christmas & New Year +1

Sapa Fansipan Trekking Tour 4 Days 3 Nights

"Food and homestay were also quite good. 100% recommended." Juancarlos, traveled in February 2024

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Sapa

Danny was very organised and conscientious throughout my whole tour! It was great to have different guides in the various places we visited as they had a lot of personal knowledge from growing up in the area. Cha, our guide in Sapa, was from a local tribe & taught me some of their language, and Guang, our Hanoi guide, was incredibly knowledgeable, interesting and entertaining. My dietary requirements were taken care of in each place, which made things a lot easier too. A wonderful tour overall which gives you a great introduction to the best places in Northern Vietnam!
Unbelievable experience! Had a great group and was very luck to have Bobby as a group leader! He is a nice and fun dude who represents Vietnamese people so well if you get him as your tour leader you are blessed!
Tour was well organised. Danny had very good communication through-out our tour and all the other tour guides spoke very good English. Would recommend

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Sapa Tours From Hanoi Official Website

Sapa Tours From Hanoi

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  • Vietnam Daily Tours
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Sapa Tours – Sapa Tours From Hanoi

Sapa tours & travel packages 2024.

Halong Sapa Tours

Super Quick Halong Sapa Tours – 4 days

Tour code: VNT007

Duration: 4 days 4 nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Halong Bay - Hanoi

Halong Kayaking - Vietnam Typical

Best Of Northern Vietnam Tour 7 days

Tour code: VNT013

Duration: 7days/ 6nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Bai Dinh Pagoda - Trang An - Sapa - Muong Hoa valley - Halong Bay - Hanoi

Luxury North Vietnam Packages - Topas Ecolodge

Luxury Northern Vietnam Package 7 days 6 nights

Tour code: LUXNVP-7D

Duration: 7 Days 6 Nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa (Cat Cat Village, Fansipan Cable Car, Muong Hoa Valley, Topas Ecolodge) - Halong Bay - Ninh Binh (Hoa Lu, Trang An, Mua Cave) - Hanoi

Trang An Tourism Complex - Northern Vietnam Packages

Highlight Northern Vietnam Package 5 days

Tour code: HNVP-5D

Duration: 5 Days 4 Nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa (Cat Cat Village, Cable Car to Fansipan, Muong Hoa Valley) - OP1: Halong Bay day trip - OP2: Ninh Binh (Bai Dinh pagoda, Trang An Tourism Complex)

Hot 10 Best selling Sapa Tours From Hanoi

Explore our best Sapa tours by small group or private trips. Including trekking tours, cable car to Fansipan, waterfalls, rice terraces, and learning about the local culture of the Hmong people.

sapa trip vietnam

Sapa Private tour from Hanoi Airport 4 days 3 nights

Tour code: SPPT-4D3N

Duration: 4 Days 3 Nights

Tour Route: Hanoi Airport - Sapa - Cable Car to Fansipan - Muong Hoa Valley - Sapa - Hanoi

Sapa Fansipan cable car tours

Discovery Sapa & Conquering Fansipan by Cable Car 2 days

Tour code: FANC-2D

Duration: 2 Days 1 Night

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Lao Chai Village - Ta Van Village - Cable Car to Fansipan Mountain - Sapa - Hanoi

Sapa Fansipan Homestay Package 3 days

Sapa Fansipan Homestay Package 3 days 2 nights (Private Tour)

Tour code: SFH3D2N

Duration: 3 Days 2 Nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Cable Car to Fansipan - Lao Chai - Ta Van - Giang Ta Chai - Su Pan - Sapa - Hanoi

Sapa Luxury Retreat Tour 3 days

Sapa Luxury Retreat Tour 3 days 3 nights

Tour code: SPLUX-3D

Duration: 3 Days 3 Nights

Tour Route: Hanoi – Sapa – Silver Waterfall – Love Waterfall – Tram Ton Pass – Cable Car to Fansipan Mountain - Muong Hoa Valley – Topas Ecolodge - Red Dzao in Nam Nhiu Village - Hanoi

Best Sapa Homestay Tour by Bus 2 days 1 night

Best Sapa Homestay Tour 2 days 1 night (By Express Bus)

Tour code: SP18

Duration: 2 days 1 nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Y Linh Ho Village – Lao chai Village – Ta Van Village Homestay - Giang Ta Chai village - Su Pan - Sapa - Hanoi

Trekking Muong Hoa

Sapa Tour 2 days 1 night by Bus fom Hanoi

Tour code: SPT-BB2D

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Cat Cat Village - Y Linh Ho Village – Lao chai Village – Ta Van Village - Sapa - Hanoi

sapa trip vietnam

Conquering Fansipan Mountain – “The Roof of Indochina” 2 days

Tour code: FAN-2D

Duration: 2 Days 3 Nights

Tour Route: Hanoi – Lao Cai – Tram Ton - The top of Fansipan – Tram Ton – Lao Cai – Hanoi

Sapa Tours From Hanoi - Sept 2022

Exploring Sapa remote villages and Bac Ha market 4 days 3 nights

Tour code: SPBH3D4N

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Muong Hoa Valley - Bac Ha Market - Silver waterfall – Love waterfall – Tram Ton Pass – Take cable car to Fansipan Peak - Thanh Phu – Ban Ho - Sapa Hanoi

From: USD 275

Sapa Authentic Adventure 2 Days

Exploring Authentic & Hidden Sapa 2 Days 3 Nights

Tour code: AUT-SP2D

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Ban Khoang Valley – Ta Giang Phinh valley - Hang Da village – Sau Chua village - Sapa - Hanoi

From: $ 228

Sapa Trekking & Topas Ecolodge

Sapa Trekking & Topas Ecolodge 2 Days

Tour code: SP-TOPAS2D

Duration: 2 Days 2 Nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Muong Hoa Valley - Topas Ecolodge - Hanoi

From: Contact us!

Sapa Adventure Private Tours

Sapa Adventure Private Tour 4 days

Tour code: SP-AVT4D

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Muong Hoa Valley - Suoi Ho Village – Ma Tra Village – Ta Phin Village - Ta Seng Village – Mong Sen Village - Silver Waterfall – Love Waterfall – Sin Chai Village - Sapa - Hanoi

Sapa Authentic Trekking & Homestay tour

Sapa Authentic Trekking & Homestay Tour 3 days

Tour code: HTK-3D

Duration: 3 Days 4 Nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Lao Chai - Ta Van - Giang Ta Chai - Ban Ho – Sapa - Hanoi

Sapa Discovery Tours - By Bus 1

Sapa Discovery Tours by Bus – 3 Days

Tour code: SPT-BB3D

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Lao Chai Village - Ta Van Village - Giang Ta Chai Village - Sapa - Hanoi

Sapa Valley View

Highlight Sapa Tour by Bus – 2 Days

Tour code: SPHT-BB2D

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa – Muong Hoa Valley – Silver Waterfall – Love Waterfall – Tram Ton Pass - Sin Chai Village - Sapa - Hanoi

Sapa Valley View - Sapa Trekking Tours

Sapa Valley View Trekking Tour – 2 Days

Tour code: SPT040

Duration: 2 days 3 nights

Tour Route: Hanoi - Lao Cai - Sapa - Lao Chai - Ta Van - Sapa - Suoi Ho - Ma Tra - Ta Phin - Lao Cai - Hanoi


Bac Ha Market – Sapa Tour – 2 Days

Tour code: SPT041

Tour Route: Hanoi – Lao Cai – Bac Ha Market – Sa Pa – Lao Chai – Ta Van village - Lao Cai - Hanoi

Sapa Photography Tour 3 days

Sapa Photography Tour 3 days

Tour code: SPT-047

Tour Route: Hanoi – Sapa – Bac Ha Market – Love Waterfall – Tram Ton Pass – Binh Lu Valley – Muong Hoa Valley – Hanoi

From: Contact Us

Sapa Unique Tour 3 days

Sapa Unique Experience Package Tour 3 nights

Tour code: SPT- 045

Tour Route: Hanoi – Sapa – Love Waterfall – Golden Stream – Tram Ton Pass – Sin Chai Village - Suoi Ho Village – Ma Tra Village – Ta Phin village – Ta Seng Village – Mong Sen Village - Sapa - Hanoi

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Frequently asked questions about Sapa tours

Everything you will need to know before arriving and booking tours in Sapa

Has been one of the destinations for the leisure of French during the colonial time in Vietnam, Sapa, which is known as “ The town in the mist ”, nestles in sublime Hoang Lien Son mountain range with all the best of a mountainous tourist attraction: awe-inspiring natural beauty, mild weather and unique local culture. Having a new appearance with diverse service from eco to luxury service, Sapa nowadays welcomes a diverse range of visitors come here to explore this exotic land.

Location:  Sapa is a district of Lao Cai Province with the centre is Sapa Town. Sapa is around 300 km far from Hanoi to the NorthWestern, near the border with China.

Population:  approximately 62,670 (mentioning Sapa District, including Sapa Town)

Area:  around 681 km2 square kilometers

Average Temperature:  varies from 19 to 27 Celcius Degree in the Summer while just around from 7 to 14 Celcius Degree in the Winter.

Highlights:  Stunning natural beauty, pleasant weather, trekking/ hiking routes, local ethnic minority culture.

Sapa Travel Map - Sapa Trekking Map

Sapa Travel Map -

No matter when you arrive, Sapa won’t let you down. However, for the majority of visitors, the ideal months to go are March through May or September through November . The weather is moderate throughout the day, there are fewer tourists, and there is less rain during these months, making it the most unhurried and genuine time to visit Sapa.

The best time to photograph ripe rice fields is in October if you want to get beautiful pictures. Peach and cherry blossoms are in bloom in February. The terraces turn green with newly planted rice paddy in May.

Travel between April and early June, or September and early October if you’re a hiker. You will enjoy the greatest views from the mountain tops during these months, and the routes will be dry and simple to ascend.

Trekking along rice terraces, tribal villages and mountainous terrains

Mountainous areas of northern Vietnam are among the best places all over the country for trekking, and Sapa is not out of this bucket list. Taking a trekking route in Sapa is the possibility to help you get out of the tourist trails, lead you to explore remote places, which are completely off the beaten track. Natural dramatic scenery in Sapa must be one of the most spectacular views that you've ever witnessed in your life. In case you prefer a less challenging journey, a short hiking route within a day or to nearby villages, along popular main roads is also a great option. As Sapa offers a wide range of trekking and hiking routes from easy to hard level, you can choose the route which is the most suitable for you, depending on your trekking skills and ability.

Explore the indigenous culture

Local culture is a unique charm that Sapa attracts tourists beside the amazing landscape. The distinct living condition has helped local ethnic communities here create their own traditions and customs which are different from the others. You can easily experience Sapa’s lifestyle through local markets, the fair for all trade among locals and only take place on specific dates in a month. To get to closer to their daily life, don’t hesitate to try visiting tribal villages through your trekking route, tasting local food, staying overnight with locals in rustic stilt houses and directly seeing how local costumes and traditional handicrafts are made. Their very unique way of life harmoniously associated with nature in Sapa is always tempting for you to come and explore.

Herbal Bath – Authentic Therapy in Sapa

Well-known as a healthy treatment which is signature therapy by Red Dao People in Sapa, a traditional herbal bath can be the most outstanding experience with Sapa locals ever. Depending on using purpose, the number of ingredients in Red Dao herbal water can vary from 10 to even 100. Average time to take a herbal bath is around 20 - 30 minutes with the warmth of water must be around 35 Celsius Degree. Not only as a popular refreshing remedy helping the entire body recover from fatigue, but Red Dao’s herbal water also has many other positive effects on blood circulation, bone suffering and skin detox. Soaking in herbal water and immerse yourself in relaxation will be good therapy for your health after a busy day exploring Sapa.

Visit numerous places for amazing sights

There are numerous places which are ideal for having a bird’s eye view overlooking Sapa’s breathtaking scenery. You can easily set off some of them in your trip, which are not forcing you have a trekking route such as: Tram Ton Pass – Heaven’s Gate (a superb place to see panoramic view of great valley below and O Quy Ho Pass – one of four greatest passes in NorthWestern Vietnam), Ham Rong Mount (ideal location to enjoy the imposing panorama of Sapa town and a part of SunWorld Fansipan Legend leading to Fansipan Peak) or just a cafeteria along Fansipan, Violet and Muong Hoa Road, which has balcony or outside terrace to witness the great view of Sapa’s beauty, etc.

Take a cable car ride to Fansipan Mountain (Indochina Summit)

Being Indochina Summit with the height of 3143m above sea level, Mount Fansipan is a truly tough challenge for anyone who dreams of standing on top of Indochina once in a lifetime. Instead of climbing from two to four days before, the cable car journey operated by Sun World Fansipan Legend has shortened the time conquering Fansipan within around 15 minutes. The cable car ride is not too long, but it is enough for you to admire the beautiful natural landscape which is thousands of meters away underneath. After arriving at the cable station on the top, it will take about 20 – 30 minutes to climb 600 more stairs to reach Fansipan peak, the roof of Indochina. Standing on the Peak, which is over 3000 metres above the sea level – an unimaginable altitude, and widen your eyes to surrounding mountains peaks among a sea of the clouds is indeed a priceless moment of your whole lifetime. You’d better spend half of a day to explore Sun World Fansipan Legend which is a huge complex of spiritual, recreation, cuisine and sightseeing in Sapa.

Combining both culture and natural beauty into one enticing package, Sapa is definitely worth visiting if you have the chance.

Sapa is a mountain town in northwest Vietnam, famous for its towering peaks, steep rice terraces and picturesque villages nestled between every breathtaking view. It is one of Vietnam’s top tourist destinations. The mountains are home to distinct ethnic minorities who are willing to open their homes to travelers for a chance to learn about their unique local cultures and explore their beautiful homeland. It is also one of the best places for trekking in Vietnam and is home to the country’s largest mountain—Mt Fansipan.

Full of magnificent scenery, wonderful trekking, and unique opportunities for cultural exchange, Sapa is one to add to your bucket list!

Read more to discover our top reasons why Sapa is worth visiting in 2023.

The ideal amount of time to spend in Sapa is 2-3 nights. If you plan on trekking, you’ll need at least 2 full days in Sapa.

Depending on which method of transport you choose, getting to Sapa from Hanoi can be a time-consuming and energy draining process. I strongly recommend including some time in your itinerary for rest – e.g. set aside your first afternoon/evening for recovery.

While it is technically possible to visit Sapa as a day trip from Hanoi, it’s not advisable.

There are very few companies that offer this option, simply because the drive is so long. Even if you left Hanoi at 6am, you wouldn’t arrive in Sapa until after lunch. That would only give you a few hours to explore.

I strongly recommend an alternative day trip such as Ninh Binh (< 2 hours from Hanoi) or even Halong Bay (< 3 hours from Hanoi).

No – there are no flights between Hanoi and Sapa. The closest airport to Sapa is Hanoi’s Noi Bai International Airport. The only way to travel between the two destinations is by road or rail.

There are several markets in Sapa and around that you can visit. Most markets are held once a week. Bac Ha market, the area’s most famous market, is held each Sunday. If this day does not suit your travel planning, you can visit one of the other impressive markets on other days.

Coc Ly Market (Available on Tuesday only) Cao Son Market (Available on Wednesday only) Lung Khau Nhin Market ( Available on Thursday only) Can Cau Market (Available on Saturday only) Bac Ha Market (Available on Sunday only) Muong Hum Market (Available on Sunday only) Muong Khuong Market (Available on Sunday only)

Sapa is a beautiful town in the northwest of Vietnam, famous for its stunning scenery, rich culture and diverse ethnic groups. There are many places to visit in Sapa, depending on your interests and time. Here are some of the best places to visit in Sapa.

Muong Hoa Valley: A scenic valley with rice terraces, streams and villages of different ethnic groups. You can ride a bike or trek through the valley and enjoy the views and the local life.

Fansipan Mountain: The highest peak in Vietnam and Indochina, also known as the Roof of Indochina. You can hike to the summit or take a cable car and admire the panoramic views of the mountains and clouds.

Local Markets: Sapa and the surrounding areas have many colorful markets where you can buy local handicrafts, souvenirs, trekking gear and food. Some of the most famous markets are Bac Ha, Coc Ly, Can Cau and Sapa Central Market.

Ethnic Villages: Sapa is home to many ethnic minorities, such as Hmong, Dao, Tay, Giay and Xa Pho. You can visit their villages and learn about their culture, traditions and customs. Some of the most popular villages are Cat Cat, Ta Phin, Lao Chai and Ta Van.

Silver Waterfall: A spectacular waterfall that cascades from 100 meters high. You can hear the sound of the water from afar and see the silver spray when you get closer. The waterfall is located near Tram Ton Pass, which is another scenic spot to visit.

These are just some of the best places to visit in Sapa. There are many more things to do and see in this charming town.

We have designed some special itineraries for tourists who only have 2 days, but still want to experience the most distinctive features of Sapa, including its terraced rice fields, ethnic lifestyles and culture, rolling hills, fertile plains, unforgettable treks, lush vegetation...

Route 1. Sapa - Cable Car To Fansipan - Muong Hoa Valley (Y Linh Ho, Lao Chai, Ta Van) - 2 days

Route 2: Sapa - Cat Cat Village - Y Linh Ho Village - Lao Chai Village - Ta Van Village - 2 days

Route 3: Sapa - Muong Hoa Valley (Y Linh Ho, Lao Chai, Ta Van) - Ta Phin - 2 days

Route 4: Sapa - Y Linh Ho Village - Lao Chai Village - Ta Van Village - Giang Ta Chai Village - Su Pan Vilalge- 2 days

Absolutely, you can. It is a great plan to make sapa tour and then travel ahead to Halong Bay overnight cruise. When you take night train from Lao Cai back Hanoi in the early next morning, you can have a short rest before continue trip on shuttle bus around 7.45 -8.30 am or private car to Halong Bay.

The best of Halong Sapa packages

  • Super Quick Halong Sapa Tour 4 days
  • The best of Northern Vietnam 7 Days

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  • Business License No: 0106349866
  • Sapa Tours - Office in Hanoi: 2nd Floor, No. 19 Tho Nhuom St, Hoan Kiem District , Hanoi
  • Sapa Tours - Office in Sapa: No23, Fansipan St, Sapa Town, Lao Cai, Vietnam
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  • Best Travel Experiences In Sapa
  • Sapa Weather and Climate
  • What to bring for trekking in Sapa?
  • Sapa a great place for trekking tours

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Ho Chi Minh City

Terrace Rice Paddy Fields, Friendly Ethnic Locals, Eco-friendly Resorts

Locally known as the “town of clouds”, Sapa is a charming treasure trove of Northwest Vietnam. At a glimpse of an eye, it effortlessly mesmerizes travelers by the beauty of iconic cascading terraced rice fields, lush valleys and emerald mountains lying side by side. Endowed by nature, it’s no wonder that Sapa has become one of the most alluring destinations in the country.

sapa trip vietnam

What makes Sapa even more special is the cultural richness of local ethnic minorities, boasting through the numerous customs and beliefs. Set amidst the idyllic rugged valleys are the tiny hill tribe villages, home to Hmong, Dzao, and Tay groups, who have been settling down here for hundreds of years while still being able to preserve their cultures and traditions. Enjoying local life with colorful ethnic costumes, typical dances, and songs performed by people of ethnic groups would be a memorable experience lingering in your mind during and long after your trip.

Best time to visit

At an altitude of 1.560 meters above sea level, Sapa features a sub-temperate climate all around the year. The town has 4 distinctive seasons with an average temperature of 15.4°C.

The ideal occasion to discover this mountainous hub is spring lasting from March to May when the wildflowers bloom at full brightness. Spring is also the time hill tribes showcase their unique culture with a dozen festivals. Coming to Sapa during April, you also have a rare chance to experience 4 different seasons of Vietnam within one day.

From September to November, when the scorching hot summer has gone away, Sapa turns into a little paradise for photo-hunting and trailing. The best time to take great photos of the yellow rice terraces in Sapa is September. Occasionally, thick white snow is recorded in Sapa in winter (December to February), giving adventurous travelers a rare chance to admire snow-capped mountains. It’s a one-of-a-life-time experience in a tropical climax country like Vietnam.

sapa trip vietnam

Major Attractions

Fansipan mountain.

Setting on top highlight destinations in the Sapa travel guide for adventurous travelers, Fansipan Mount is not only the highest peak in all of Vietnam but also the “roof of Indochina Peninsula”. The actual trek boats breath-taking a panoramic view of majestic mountains, lush valleys, and dense forests, challenging both amateur and professional hikers.

sapa trip vietnam

Muong Hoa Valley

Nestle in a range of marvelous mountains, the rustic and peaceful valley is known for its romantic beauty, unspoiled nature, the cultural richness of local ethnic minority, and especially an ancient rock ground, recognized as unique heritage of the ancient Vietnamese with hundreds of carvings scattering on the meadows and the cascading terraced fields of the ethnic minority.

sapa trip vietnam

Bac Ha Market

About 100 km away from Sapa, Bac Ha is the biggest ethnic market in the North-Western region of Vietnam. Alluring thousands of ethnic people from the nearby hill tribes, this is a great place for indigenous people to meet and boast their traditional and colorful ethnic costumes, giving travelers an ideal opportunity to discover the rich cultural diversity of Sapa.

sapa trip vietnam

Sapa Love Market

Sapa Love Market is a cultural beauty and unique experience no visitor should miss out in Sapa. Every Saturday evening, the town is always bustling by the charming heart of the indigenous boys, the enchanting dances of the girls dressing colorful costumes. More than a renowned place where young ethnic people come to find their partners for marriage.

sapa trip vietnam

Sapa Love Market is also a great base for people to retain cultural activities, exchange goods, as well as gather with friends.

Cave of Fairies

The pristine and rustic beauty of the Cave of Fairies enchants thousands of travelers from the very first glimpse of an eye. The emerald waters of the Chay river surrounded by high cliffs turns this limestone cave into a heavenly corner on earth with charming scenery. Cave of Fairies looks like something straight out of a Grimms' fairy tale.

sapa trip vietnam

The Heaven Gate

Perching on the peak of Tram Ton pass on the Hoang Lien Son mountain range is the Heaven Gate. About 18 kilometers to the north of Sapa, it boasts a great view looking over the valleys between Fansipan, the roof of Indochina Peninsula. As its name reveals, this destination brings a little feeling of heaven with a sublime scenery featuring majestic mountains and extreme abyss. Setting foot on Heaven Gate to grasp the beautiful scenery of the winding pass roads below will be an unforgettable memory for newcomers to Sapa.

sapa trip vietnam

Cat Cat Village

With typical wooden houses, flowing streams, elaborate brocades, and hospitable ethnic people, the enchanting Cat Cat is the most beautiful ancient village in Sapa. Being the home to the H'mong ethnic group, this little hamlet is where local inhabitants retain the cultivation of flax and cotton with a long-standing tradition of weaving beautiful brocade fabrics. Drop by the village, you can learn about the one-of-a-kind customs, and practices of Hmong through their local life, as well as get an insight into their traditional culture while enjoying the local hospitality.

sapa trip vietnam

Where to stay

The misty town of Sapa features a variety of accommodation options, especially for the travelers in the low to mid-range budget, from hostels, hotels to family-run homestays.

It also gives many options for travelers to stay in the luxury hotels. Diverse in styles and budgets, most of the hotels in the local area look out over the valleys with spectacular views of the Hoang Lien Mountains and Fansipan Mount. Depending on your demands, you might choose to stay in a downtown/village accommodation. If convenience is your priority, a downtown hotel would be the best choice. Thanks to its ideal location, Sapa downtown is a convenient base to discover the popular attractions around. It’s also where to find the restaurants and bars. For anyone seeking get-out-of-town experience and eager for something a little more authentic, village accommodation would be the ideal opt. Just 20 minutes ride away, you ’ll find quiet hamlets and humble homestays that embrace a totally different vibe.

sapa trip vietnam

Many hotels downtown also provide visa arrangements, train tickets and local Sapa tour packages with an additional fee. The town may be very crowded during the peak season so visitors are recommended to make a reservation. Also, during the weekends, prices can be charged slightly higher due to demands.

How to get there

Due to its distant location in the Northwest mountainous area with no airport nearby, Sapa is only accessible by road or rail.

The great way to get to Sapa from Hanoi is to take the train to Lao Cai, then hop on an hour-long bus or a taxi to the town. The journey takes around 8 hours, offering the picturesque views of the mountainscapes alongside. Vietnam Railways operates 2 daily express trains from Hanoi to Lao Cai and vice versa, departing at 9:35 and 10:00 PM in Gia Lam Station, Hanoi. The train only stops at major stations, so the trip is expected to be smooth and uninterrupted.

sapa trip vietnam

Thanks to the new expressway Hanoi – Lao Cao, traveling to Sapa from the capital city of Hanoi only takes 5 hours by shuttle bus. The ticket price varies from 220,000 VND – 450,0000 VND (about 10-20 USD). As it’s a non-stop ride coming straight to the town, visitors can save a lot of time for transferring to the town.

sapa trip vietnam

By motorbike/scooter

Another way to get to Sapa is riding a motorbike or scooter. The trip from Hanoi takes about 10 hours. Due to the rugged mountainous terrain, the roads may offer spectacular views, but it’s not an ideal option for novice riders. Don’t forget that an international driver's license is required to rent and ride a motorbike in Vietnam. During your trip, the temperature can get low at night so make sure you prepare some warm layers in your luggage.

sapa trip vietnam

Popular Attractions

Fansipan Mountain Sapa

Seasonal Guides


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See, Eat, Sleep, Shop, Stay - The Best of Sapa

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A List Of 10 Most Hospitable Tourist Destinations in Vietnam Post Covid-19 Pandemic

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6 Mind-Boggling Trekking Routes With Views to Die For in Vietnam

6 Mind-Boggling Trekking Routes With Views to Die For in Vietnam

Frequently asked questions, what should i bring for my trip to sapa.

Whether you travel to Sapa in hot or cold weather, a jacket is highly recommended for you as the daytime may warm but early morning and night can be cold. Depending of the purpose of your trip, if you go trekking and overnight in a tent, don’t forget to bring trekking shoes, raincoat, flashlight, medicine, insect repellent, hat, sun protection, some snacks and water with you. If you have a weekend vacation to relax with friends and family, just bring the most necessary stuff since everything is available in the town for you.

What are Sapa's specialties?

Like many other destinations, Sapa also has many interesting and delicious local dishes. You can enjoy these dishes from a local restaurant, street vendors in the market or even in your hotel/homestays.

Some of typical dishes you can try when visit Sapa are:

  • Salmon Hot Pot (O Quy Ho restaurant, A Phu Sapa restaurant)
  • Com Lam (grilled rice in bamboo tube) (Street vendors or any restaurants)
  • Grilled food (pork with vegetable/mushroom, chicken, fish, corn,…) (Street vendors)
  • Thit Trau Gac Bep (dried buffalo meat) (Sapa night market, Fansipan Restaurant)
  • Thang Co (Horse Meat Soup) (A Quynh Restaurant, Moment Romantic Restaurant)
  • Mam Da (vegetable) (Sapa Grilling Area)

What are the must-visits in Sapa?

When in Sapa, considering putting the following on your to-do list:

Fansipan Mountain - the Roof of Indochina with the height of 3143m

Ham Rong Mountain

Silver Waterfall

Terrace Rice Fields

Sapa Church

Love Market

What makes Sapa different?

Sapa is a favorable destination for most tourists at any time of the year. So why is Sapa so attractive?

  • The climate is cool and pleasant all year round. The average temperature in Sapa is 15 degrees. The highest temperature in Summer is just about 25 degrees and the lowest in the winter is under 0 degrees.
  • The beautiful scenery, especially the rice fields, the majestic hills and mountains landscapes, the French architecture buildings.
  • The unique culture of ethnic minorities is shown through stilt houses, sapa markets, churches, and friendly local people.
  • Suitable for both relaxing and adventurous tours
  • Plenty of amazing attractions

How to best reach Sapa from Hanoi?

It is around 376 km from Hanoi to Sapa. The most popular ways to travel to Sapa is by train or by local sleeping bus as they are convenient, safe and affordable. There are many seat types you can choose when booking a train ticket for the best comfort. You should book the departure time in the evening (around 9 – 10 pm) and arrive in Sapa in the early morning to save time.

When is the best time to visit Sapa?

The best weather in Sapa is in Spring (March to May) and Fall (September to November). It is sunny and dry in the daytime and cool at night which is very comfortable for activities and good for photo-hunting. Although Summer (June to August) is hot and humid but it is still much cooler than the city thanks to the mountainous terrain. Besides, if you would like to enjoy the extremely cold weather and sometimes with snow in Vietnam, you can consider to travel in Winter (December to February).

Vietnam's Most Popular Destinations


sapa trip vietnam

North Vietnam Tours

Tours in the Central

Tours in the South

  • Ha Giang Tours
  • Cao Bang Tours
  • Mu Cang Chai Tours
  • Ninh Binh Tours
  • Pu Luong Nature Reserve Tours
  • Cat Ba Island Tours
  • Halong Bay Tours
  • Son La Tours
  • Lan Ha Bay Cruises
  • Halong Bay Cruises
  • Bai Tu Long Bay Cruise
  • Hanoi Tours
  • Ba Be National Park Tours
  • Bac Son Tours
  • Mai Chau Tours
  • Ban Gioc Waterfall Tours
  • Hoi An Tours
  • Quang Binh Tours
  • Quang Ngai Tours
  • Quy Nhon Tours
  • Buon Ma Thuot Tours
  • Da Nang Tours
  • Mekong Delta Tours
  • Da Lat Tours
  • Can Tho Tours
  • Nha Trang Tours
  • Ho Chi Minh City Tours
  • Phu Quoc Island Tours
  • Vung Tau Tours
  • Top 10 things to do in Ha Giang
  • Top 10 things to do in Mu Cang Chai
  • Top 10 things to do in Ninh Binh
  • Top 10 things to do in Cat Ba Island
  • Top 10 things to do in Sapa
  • Top 10 things to do in Halong Bay
  • Top 10 things to do in Hanoi
  • Top 10 things to do in Cao Bang
  • Top 10 things to do in Hoi An
  • Top 10 things to do in Quang Binh
  • Top 10 things to do in Hue
  • Top 10 things to do in Da Nang
  • Top 10 things to do in Quy Nhon
  • Top 10 things to do in Phu Quoc Island
  • Hanoi Tour Packages
  • Hanoi Photography Tours
  • Hanoi Culinary Tours
  • Hanoi Tours To Halong
  • Hanoi Tours To Sapa
  • Tours Hanoi To Ninh Binh

Sapa Homestay Tours

Sapa hiking tours, sapa market tours, sapa luxury tours, sapa eco tours, fansipan trekking tours.

  • 6 Best Tours in Halong
  • Halong Private Tours
  • Halong Seaplane Tours
  • Halong Shore Excursions
  • Multi-Day & Extended Tours
  • Day Trip & Excursions
  • Cat Ba Island
  • Cat Ba Island Kayak Tour
  • Cat Ba Monkey Island Tour
  • Cat Ba Island Day Tours
  • Cat Ba Island Boat Tours
  • Cat Ba Island Tour Halong
  • Cat Ba Tours From Hanoi
  • Tam Coc Tours
  • Cuc Phuong National Park Tours
  • Quang Binh Adventure Tours
  • Thien Duong Cave Tours
  • Phong Nha Cave Tours
  • Hue Sightseeing Tours
  • Hue Walking & Food Tours
  • Bach Ma National Park tours
  • Tours to Quang Binh From Hue
  • Tours to Da Nang from Hue
  • Hoi An Tour from Hue
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Danang Free & Easy
  • Day Trips & Excursions
  • Eco Adventure Tours
  • Shore Excursions
  • Hoi An Tour Packages
  • Eco Tours Hoi An
  • Hoi An Walking & Food Tours
  • Tours from Hoi An to Hue
  • Tours from Hoi An to Quang Binh
  • Tours From Hoi An to Da Nang
  • Con Dao Island Tours
  • Vung Tau Mekong Delta Tour
  • Vung Tau Tour From Saigon
  • Tour from Phu My Port

Top 10 Destination in North Vietnam

  • Mu Cang Chai
  • Bai Tu Long Bay

Top 10 Destination in Central

  • Buon Ma Thuot
  • Mui Ne Beach

Top 10 Destination in The South

  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phu Quoc Island
  • Suggested Vietnam Itineraries
  • Vietnam Rail Tours
  • Vietnam Beach Holidays
  • Vietnam Classic Tours
  • Vietnam Family Tours
  • Vietnam Photography Tours
  • Vietnam Food Tours
  • Vietnam Honeymoon Tours
  • All Inclusive Tour Packages
  • Vietnam Luxury Tours
  • North Vietnam Itineraries
  • Central Vietnam Itineraries
  • South Vietnam Itineraries
  • Vietnam Shore Excursions & Tours

NOT sure where to go next? We’re here to inspire you

Sa Pa Travel Guide

All things need to know before travelling to sa pa.

Sapa has long become an attractive destination for tourists from near and far. With majestic natural scenery, endless green mountains and unique culture of indigenous ethnic minorities, Sapa will never disappoint you. Let’s explore this beautiful land with Origin Vietnam.

1. Where is Sa Pa?

Sa Pa is a mountainous district in Lao Cai province in the Northwest region of Vietnam. About 30 km southwest of Lao Cai city and about 310 km northwest of Hanoi capital. With geographical location:

  • The East borders Lao Cai city and Bao Thang district.
  • The West borders Tam Duong district and Tan Uyen district of Lai Chau province.
  • The south borders Van Ban district.
  • The north borders Bat Xat district.

2. How is Sa Pa unique?

Located on a mountainside 1,500 – 1,600 meters above sea level. Sapa has a tropical climate with four diverse seasons, and is especially one of the rare places in Vietnam with snowfall in winter.

Sapa with an area of about 678.6 km2 is inhabited mainly by the H’Mong, Dao, Tay, Giay, Xa Pho, Kinh, and Hoa ethnic groups. This is a famous tourist land in Lao Cai because it contains many wonders of natural scenery. Sa Pa’s natural landscape is combined with human creativity along with the topography of the mountains and the green of the forest, like a picture arranged in a harmonious layout, creating a region with many landscapes. Attractive poetic color. Sapa tours is a journey which gives visitors a contrast about the north highland of Vietnam. It is the spectacular rice terraces appearing which is described as waterfalls.

Immersed in floating clouds, Sa Pa seems to be immersed in magical mist, making visitors feel like they are lost in a fairyland. Here, there is an invaluable resource that is a cool, fresh climate with many diverse nuances. Sa Pa is not only a wonderful destination in Vietnam for unique culture, cuisine, and local minority people groups. But also unique architectural buildings. Its speciality is divided into two main types. The first is the tradition of local minority groups with stilt houses and the last is French architectural buildings.

The traditional style of Sa Pa

The traditional style of Sa Pa is expressed through houses of local ethnic people clearly. Some of them are Tay, Nung, and H’Mong people. Each stilt house in each ethnic nation designs differently, however, all ethnic stilt houses are made in wood in general. Visitors can visit ethnic villages and see their stilt houses in Cat Cat, Lao Chai, Ta Van, Ta Phin, Giang Ta Chai, Y Linh Ho villages, etc. While French constructions you can see mainly in Sapa town center or surrounding such as Stone Church, villa, ect.

Combined with majestic, lyrical natural scenery, diverse ethnic cultures, sincere and hospitable people, Sa Pa is a great destination whether you are a tourist who loves to explore or are looking for a perfect vacation spot.

3. When is the best time to visit Sapa?

Although the climate is divided into four distinct seasons, Sapa’s average temperature rarely exceeds 25 degrees Celsius, even in summer. Coming to Sapa in any season of the year, you can enjoy a unique scenery, each season has its own beauty, and will easily “captivate” any visitor.

From the end of December, peach blossoms in Sapa have bloomed, lasting until February, covering this place in brilliant pink. From February to March, you will admire the forests of apricot and plum flowers blooming white on the horizon.

Continuing until March – April is the time when all kinds of flowers bloom, when the weather is warm in spring. This is the time when the whole town is filled with white flowers.

It is also the rainy season in Sapa, but we don’t think summer is not suitable for traveling to Sa Pa. Early summer and late summer are two great times for you to make a self-sufficient trip to Sapa, if you have always been fascinated with the majestic terraced rice fields.

April – May is rice planting season, also known as pouring water season. This is the time when people start the new crop season, Sapa is immersed in the green of young rice fields. But the most beautiful moment is the moment of sunrise or sunset, when the orange-yellow sunlight spills over the fields, reflecting sparklingly on the water surface.

Late August – September is the season of ripe rice. Coming to Sapa at this time, you will have the opportunity to watch the golden rice season on winding terraced fields meandering in the cool air of late summer and early autumn.

Fall is a favorite time for self-guided trips to Sapa, because this is the famous buckwheat flower season. Starting from mid-October to the end of November, the entire Northwest mountainous region is immersed in the pink color of buckwheat flower fields.

In particular, the last two weeks of October is also the time to organize the Buckwheat Flower Festival with many interesting cultural discovery activities.

Sapa is one of the rare regions in Vietnam that gives you the opportunity to watch snow fall. If you want to experience the cold of the high mountains, and admire the scenery of white snow covering this small town, do not hesitate to come to Sapa in the winter months. Besides, from the end of November to the beginning of the new year is when the canola flower fields in Sapa bloom, welcoming tourists.

One point to note is that although winter in Sapa is charming, the weather is also very harsh, the temperature can drop below 0 degrees, and the sky is cloudy. Therefore, when traveling to Sapa during this time, you need to equip yourself with warm clothes and necessary items to ensure your health for the trip.

4. How to get to Sa Pa?

Only 310 km from Hanoi, visitors have many options for transportation to get to Sapa. However, visitors from far away will often have to go to Hanoi first before starting their Sapa trip, so they can explore both places to their heart’s content.

4.1 From Hanoi go straight to Sa Pa

Passenger car: Is the simplest and most economical means of transport for self-sufficient tours of Sapa. Companies such as Sao Viet, Sapa Express, Inter Bus Line all have sleeper buses.

4.2 From Lao Cai city to Sapa

Train: If you choose Lao Cai city as your destination, the most convenient means of transportation is the train. Trains running directly from Hanoi to Lao Cai have popular brands such as Sapaly, Chapa, King Express, Victoria Express,… with different seat classes and cabin types.

The ideal departure time is the night train; you will arrive in Lao Cai early in the morning. After that, you can continue to catch a bus, bus, shuttle bus or rent a motorbike to get to Sapa. Travel time from Lao Cai city to Sa Pa is only about 45 minutes.

4.3 Traveling to Sapa by motorbike

For those who love adventure, traveling to Sapa by motorbike is also an interesting choice to experience the beauty of the rugged but equally beautiful and romantic roads of Northwest Vietnam.

However, you need to ensure your safety when driving, because these roads have many steep and dangerous passes. In addition, traveling by motorbike also helps save you a lot of money going to Sapa.

4.4 Means of transportation in Sa Pa

By motorbike: The most convenient means of exploring Sapa is definitely a motorbike. You can easily rent a car in the central area of Sa Pa town for about 100,000 – 150,000 VND/day.

By taxi: For those traveling to Sapa with family or large groups, you can choose a taxi to explore the town. Some popular taxi companies here are Sapa Xanh Taxi (Phone number: 0203.63.63.63), Phan Xi Pang Taxi (Phone number: 0203.62.62.62),…

5. Sightseeings & things to do in Sa Pa

5.1 area near sapa town center, 5.1.1 stone church.

Located in the center of Sapa town, Stone Church (or Church of Our Lady of the Rosary) is one of the great symbols of Sapa. Built in the early 20th century in French Gothic architecture, the church is preserved almost intact until today.

5.1.2 Love market

This is the market of the Dao people, only opened once a week on Sunday, but the night before, many couples came to exchange love and confide in each other. Today, the market is an interesting place for visitors to explore the culture of highland ethnic groups, as well as enjoy attractive local products.

5.1.3 Sapa Lake

Sapa Lake is located in the center of Sapa town, is one of the attractive and interesting tourist destinations for many tourists. Coming here, visitors will admire the poetic and charming natural scenery and also have the opportunity to participate in unique and meaningful festivals.

5.1.4 Sapa Night Market

Coming to Sapa, you should not miss the bustling night market here. Coming to Sapa night market, you will have the opportunity to enjoy attractive cuisine along with entertainment activities, or interact, meet and chat with the people here who are equally interesting.

5.1.5 Ham Rong Mountain

Ham Rong Mountain is about 3 km from Sapa town, located at an altitude of nearly 2,000 meters above sea level. From the top of Ham Rong, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Sapa and the surrounding beautiful valleys. On foggy days, the clouds playing around the mountain are extremely magical, making this place known as the “Cloud Yard” of the foggy town.

5.1.6 Muong Hoa Valley – Ancient stone field

About 8 km from Sapa, this beautiful valley retains many ancient traces, typically ancient rocks of unknown date and origin.

Muong Hoa Valley will bring you a satisfying experience of viewing nature with gradually rising terraced fields leading up to the sky. Besides, this place is also considered a convergence of precious cultural and profound historical values of the nation.

5.1.7 Ta Phin village

The main residents of Ta Phin village are Red Dao people, with a small number of H’Mong people. Coming to Ta Phin, you will see with your own eyes ethnic girls weaving brocade on wooden looms. Near Ta Phin village is Ta Phin cave – a wonder of nature with a massive stalactite system.

5.1.8 Ta Van Village

Ta Van village is located in Ta Van commune, Sapa district, Lao Cai province, only about 12 km from Sapa town. Ta Van in the H’Mong ethnic language means large arc. The village has its back against the Hoang Lien Son mountain range and the front is the winding Muong Hoa stream.

5.1.9 Cat Cat village

Located at the foot of Hoang Lien Son mountain, Cat Cat village is where the H’Mong community lives. People here still live mainly by farming, weaving, and silver carving – traditional jewelry design.

5.1.10 Y Linh Ho

Y Linh Ho village is a village of the Black H’mong people, located in San Sa Ho commune, Sapa town and surrounded by the majestic Hoang Lien Son range.

Coming here, visitors will be immersed in the poetic and beautiful natural scenery and enjoy specialties of the mountains and forests prepared by the people here.

5.1.11 Lao Chai village

Nestled in the middle of Muong Hoa Valley, Lao Chai village is loved by many travelers as the “Muse of the Northwest”. The best time to travel to Lao Chai, Sapa is from April to June (falling water season) or from September to October (ripe rice season).

In the last months of the year, nature in Lao Chai is dyed a brilliant yellow color – combined with the rolling mountain and forest landscape and hazy white mist, creating an unreal splendor.

5.1.12 Fansipan Peak

Referring to Sapa, it is impossible not to mention Fansipan – the “roof” of Indochina, more than 3,000 meters above sea level. There are two ways to conquer Fansipan: a 2-3 day climbing journey, or by cable car. For who love adventure Sapa is a wonderful place for trekking , climbing the mountain and conquer Fansipan Mountain.

5.2 Sa Pa central periphery area

5.2.1 o quy ho pass.

O Quy Ho is known as one of the “four great passes” of Vietnam, and is one of the most dangerous roads, challenging the passion of many tourists to conquer. O Quy Ho Pass is also known by other names such as Tram Ton Pass, Hoang Lien Son Pass.

5.2.2 Sa Pa Heaven Gate

Weaving between the winding Hoang Lien Son range is Sapa’s heaven gate – where you can have a panoramic view of the valley, fields, and corn fields.

5.2.3 Love Falls

Also originating from Fansipan, Love Waterfall has a height of nearly 100 meters, falling majestically all day and night. The waterfall belongs to Hoang Lien National Park, surrounded by green forests and diverse vegetation.

5.2.4 Thac Bac Waterfall

Near Love Waterfall is Thac Bac Waterfall. The waterfall is more than 200 meters high and is upstream of the Muong Hoa stream. Standing at Ham Rong peak, you will be able to see the majestic waterfall, pouring from this strong, white stream.

5.3 Activities and experiences in Sa Pa

5.3.1 fansipan trekking.

Fansipan Mountain or the Roof of Indochina with a height of 3143m, this place is a good choice for visitors who love trekking mountains. I was proud when I made the conquer Fansipan Mountain trip. You definitely should have a travel company to help and organize your trip so that you can enjoy this beautiful mountain in Vietnam safely and on the best route. The best time to conquer Fansipan Mountain is from mid October to mid November and in March again.

5.3.2 Rice Terrace Fields Enjoyment And Shooting Photograph

How beautiful it is once you see it in your eyes? Your tour Vietnam is not really perfect if not have a trekking time through village and see beautiful rice terrace fields. There are many villages to experience and shoot wonderful photos such as Lao Chai, Ta Van, Ta Phin, Y Ty, etc

Local ethnic people here often grow rice and establish next terrace rice fields from the foot to nearly top mountains. It is passed on from generations to generations without selling because these are the most valuable for them. Visit the Thac Bac waterfall.

Silver waterfall is about 12 km from Sapa town center. It is one of the places for discovering its beautiful waterfall. Like a white dragon looking down from the sky. It’s easy to travel to this fall by motorbike or car within 30 minutes. All of the above factors have created a special attraction for travelers who want to explore this land and book a tours in Sapa from Hanoi right now.

6. Specialties when traveling to Sapa

Sapa in particular and the mountainous provinces of Northwest Vietnam in general possess extremely unique specialties. Let’s take a look at the list of dishes you cannot miss when coming to Sapa.

6.1 Thang Co

The most famous dish in the Northwest that every tourist definitely wants to “try” when traveling to Sapa is thang co. Thang co is cooked from various types of meat and animal organs in a large pan, simmered on a charcoal stove for many hours until tender and the spices are absorbed evenly.

6.2 Indigenous chickens

Native chicken is famous for its medicinal and nutritious values. In the cold weather of Sapa, there is nothing better than a bowl of chicken marinated with herbs, or hot grilled chicken with honey.

6.3 Indigenous pigs

The native pig is a small type of pig that can be carried under the armpit or put in a basket for convenient carrying. Armpit pork is firmer than conventionally raised pigs, so it can be processed into attractive roasted, grilled, and boiled dishes.

6.4 Barbecue meat

Grilled skewers are a great snack on cold days in Sapa. The choices are also extremely diverse from meat, sausages, chicken feet, vegetables, etc. Most especially, when eating grilled food, it is indispensable to have a tube of fragrant bamboo rice and a cup of sesame salt somewhere.

6.5 Sa Pa salmon

Salmon is no longer a “rare thing” in temperate lands but is now raised in Sapa. If you are a salmon enthusiast, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy an attractive menu including: sashimi, salmon hotpot, or grilled salmon.

7. Accommodation when traveling to Sa Pa

When traveling to Sa Pa, visitors can refer to some of the accommodation facilities below:

7.1 Hotels:

As for hotels in Sapa, there are many segments for you to choose from. Focusing on design, investing in space and service quality, reasonable costs, suitable for those who travel to Sapa, we must mention names such as Sapa Hills Hotel, Golden Villa Hotel, Sapa Odyssey Hotel will surely make you satisfied.

  • KK Sapa Hotel . Address: 25 Violet, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lao Cai.
  • DeLaSol Phat Linh Sapa. Address: 16 Muong Hoa Street, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lao Cai.
  • Pao’s Sapa Leisure Hotel . Address: Muong Hoa, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lao Cai.

7.2 Resorts:

If you want to enjoy the most complete vacation feeling amidst vast mountains and forests with chilly weather, Sapa resort is a choice that is hard to refuse. Choose hot addresses such as: Sapa Jade Hill Resort And Spa, Topas Ecolodge, Aira Boutique Sapa Hotel & Spa, Pao’s Sapa Leisure Hotel, Golden Town Hotel, Nomad Trails Boutique Hotel or Freesia Hotel to “reward” yourself with a vacation Warm and relaxing.

7.3 Homestays:

If you both want to see the wild and majestic natural scenery and experience the daily life of ethnic minorities here, staying at homestay  is the ideal choice. Famous Sapa homestays with the backpacking community include Sapa Capsule Hotel, Phori’s House, Little Sapa, Po Homestay,. ..

8. Some important notes when traveling to Sa Pa

  • Sapa is always crowded with tourists, especially during the flower seasons, or the winter-spring tourist peak. You should book your hotel in advance to avoid price increases and lack of rooms during this occasion.
  • Before buying goods or using travel services, you need to ask the price first, and pay the price to avoid being challenged.
  • You should prepare in advance if you want to buy souvenirs and small-value decorations. If you give even money, the seller may offer to exchange the change for goods.
  • Sapa tourist destinations often have many steep hills and require a lot of walking. You should choose comfortable clothes, sports shoes or soft-soled shoes.
  • If you see ethnic girls and want to take pictures with them, you should ask in advance because sometimes you will have to pay a fee.
  • The average temperature in Sapa is quite low, especially at night, so you need to prepare enough coats, scarves, socks, gloves, and wool hats to keep warm.
  • Bring necessary medication, such as fever, headache, allergies, digestive medicine, etc. to prevent illness.
  • Please respect local culture, avoid unintentionally causing disrespectful behavior. You should not give money or gifts to local children to avoid setting a bad precedent.
  • Please maintain environmental hygiene and do not litter – preserving natural resources and cultural heritage should be a top priority.
  • Coming to Sapa, visitors need to prepare cash and bank cards in advance. Currently, Sapa also has many ATM locations, so you don’t have to worry about withdrawing money. However, you also need to prepare cash in case you need to use it immediately.

Is Sapa Worth Visiting?

Above are Sa Pa travel experiences that you should not miss when coming to misty and beautiful Sa Pa amidst the mountains and forests of Northwest Vietnam. Possesses beautiful natural landscapes and unique culture of indigenous people. This is the ideal choice for those who want to find a place to “escape” from the noise, hustle and bustle of everyday bustling life. Coming here, you will be immersed in the majestic and beautiful nature, feeling a slow and peaceful life.

Are you planning your upcoming trip to Sa Pa but don’t know which destination to go first and which destination next? Don’t know where to book reputable travel services? Please contact Origin Vietnam immediately – a professional tour operator in Sapa , we are always ready to support you with useful and necessary information for your trip. And we are very pleased to accompany tourists on their journey to explore the travel beauty of  Lao Cai and commit to bringing you interesting activities and unforgettable experiences.

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Sapa Valley

Sapa hill tribe girl

Visiting different minority ethnic groups who live in remote area, spending a night in a home-stay of a Red Dzao family; enjoy beautiful scenery along the trip. Itinerary: Day 1: Sapa – Ban Ho – Thanh Phu – Sin Chai (L, D) Met up at your hotel in Sapa by Sapa local guide and driver then transferred to Ban Ho. We will trek through the scenic valley of “Ban Ho”. This is a village of Tay ethnic minority. The Tay preserve a traditional and fairly developed agriculture with cultivation of all kinds of plants including rice, maize and sweet potato as well as seasonable fruit and vegetables. Then we continue walking to Thanh Phu village where your lunch will be provided in a local house. After lunchtime, you head to Sin Chai village. This is a village of of Red Dao people. Dinner and overnight at the village. Approx: 1-hour driving/ 5 hours walking/ 1-hour lunch. Day 2: Sin Chai – Ben Den – Lao Cai (B, L) After breakfast, we will start our day with a long trek...

Sapa terrace field

Visit the Black H’mong ethnic in Cat Cat and Y Linh Ho  villages. Enjoy the sceneries along the way trekking and the waterfall in Cat Cat, Lao Chai village with Tay and Dzay tribes. TaVan village is so nice in the valley of Sapa where is supposed to be the most beautiful place in the area. Itinerary: Get started: Take the night train from Hanoi Railway Station to Laocai Station. Sleep on the train. Day 1: Sapa – Y Linh Ho – Lao Chai – Ta Van 05h30: Arrive in Laocai early in the morning. Bus to Sapa, and breakfast. 10h00: Start trekking to Muong Hoa valley to visit 3 villages of the H’mong and the Dzay   (Y Linh Ho, Lao Chai, Ta Van). Lunch on the way. 14h30: Back to Sapa and spend the night at hotel. Day 2: Sapa – Cat Cat – Sapa – Lao Cai 09h00: A walk to Cat Cat village to visit the H’mong, the hydro electric power station built by French people and silver waterfall 11h00: Walk back to Sapa and free...

Top things to do

Top 5 things to do in Sapa town during your stay here, they are the visit the hill tribes, trekking along Muong Hoa valley, bath the herbal

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Top restaurants

Top 5 restaurants in the town that our customers from Australia, America pick up, get an open-air restaurant or try local food in the markets.

Nguyen Susana

Last month, My husband and I booked online the tour Sapa Homestay Adventure through Sapa Travel , so we had a bit worries for services and preparation . But, when we arrive Vietnam, everything happened as the itinerary plan.

We started our tour with overnight on the King Express, one VIP cabin just for us, very clean and luxury, we had a private space for the first night. We really enjoy King Express Train.

Arriving Sapa, the natural scene at here was wonderful . So nice and peaceful, they made us as being paradise. And it made us most content is stay overnight with a local family in Ta Van and have our dinner here. The people is friendly and kind, through guider, they taught us made dinner, sing traditional song. Although having difference from language, we had a funny night.

That is perfect, We will recommend Sapa Travel for our friends and return in next holiday.

Thomas Montier

Day one of trekking in Sapa. After breakfast, we make our way downstairs to the lobby, ready to leave. Outside, the ladies of the Black H’Mong are already waiting for us. We were warned about this, so it’s not too much of a shock. The women will follow us throughout our trek, offering assistance, making conversation, and then when we reach the end, several hours later, they will try to sell us everything they’ve got. Still, I wonder how exactly they know that we’re scheduled for a trek. I guess somebody involved in our home stay gives them the inside track.

I look around at all the others, kitted out in their gear. I feel a little unprepared. I have a waterproof jacket, sure, but one of the most important details is missing. Looking down at my white Lonsdale running shoes (17.99 from Debenhams), I wonder if it might have been wise to invest in proper walking boots. Fuck it. At worst my feet will get wet, and I will get a dangerous fungal disease. I will receive good medical treatment well, H’Mong before it has the time to spread upwards, to regions of more importance.

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12 Jun 2024 - 7 min read

Best Time to Visit Sapa, Vietnam

Traveling during the rainy season of your destination may seem challenging, but it offers unique experiences and beauty that are often overlooked. In some places, the rainy season is also known as the "monsoon season." You might wonder why travelers choose to travel during this time. Despite the high intensity of rain, it can be one of the best seasons to visit.

Traveling during the rainy season not only offers great deals but also allows you to experience the culture like a local. With fewer tourists around, you can immerse yourself in the traditions of the country and its people. However, preparation is essential for a trip during the rainy season. As the rainy season often coincides with year-end holidays, persistent rain can disrupt carefully planned travel itineraries. Therefore, extra preparation is needed compared to traveling during other seasons. Traveloka makes traveling to Sapa easy. You can book hotels and transport all in one place. It's simple and stress-free. So, don't wait! Book your trip now and get ready for a fun adventure!

Best Times to Explore Sapa

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The best time to go to Sapa is from March to May and from September to November. During these times, the weather is usually nice with sunny days and cool nights. From September to October, in the fall, it's dry and clear with lots of sunshine. Sapa's terraced fields look their best then, perfect for hiking and taking pictures.

In the summer, it's warm but not too hot, especially in April and May when you'll see lots of colorful flowers and green fields. Many Vietnamese people visit Sapa after the Lunar New Year to see cherry trees in bloom.

Winter, from December to February, gets very cold, especially at night. But it's worth it for the chance to watch the sunrise over the valley. Sometimes it snows, creating a beautiful scene, though it also means more people visit Sapa during this time.

Top 5 Best Places to Visit in Sapa

Sapa is a town that is often covered by a thick fog, making its ambiance cool and charming to visit with its refreshing climate and breathtaking landscapes. Surrounded by scenic views, numerous attractions are waiting to be discovered by visitors. Let's explore the list of five must-visit places in Sapa!

1. Ham Rong Mountain Peak

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Ham Rong Mountain is near Sapa town center and is great for hiking. As you climb up, you'll see lots of pretty flowers along the way. When you reach the top, you will get an amazing view of Sapa town. You can see everything around you, like the green trees and valleys covered in mist. It's a really beautiful place where you can relax and enjoy the peacefulness of Sapa's mountains.

2. The Ancient Stone Church

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Sanga Park /

The old stone church in Sapa was built by the French in 1895. It shows how Sapa was influenced by the French a long time ago. Even though it's old, the church still looks nice and hasn't changed much. People who visit can see the beautiful stonework and all the small details on the building. Inside, the church is still used for Catholic services, like prayers and ceremonies. It's a peaceful place with a lot of history, and anyone who comes to Sapa should check it out to learn more about the town's past.

3. Ethnic Villages

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evgenii mitroshin /

When you visit Sapa, it's important to see the different cultures in the villages. You can join hiking trips to places like Cat Cat and Ta Phin villages. There, you'll meet the Hmong and Red Dao people who live in these areas. These villages show you what life is like in the mountains, with people doing things like making clothes, growing food, and making crafts. You will see lots of colorful clothes and the friendly locals will make you feel welcome. It's a great way to learn about their way of life and feel inspired by their traditions.

4. Muong Hoa Valley – Ancient Rock Engravings

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Muong Hoa Valley is famous for old drawings on big rocks. These drawings are hundreds of years old and nobody knows where they came from. You can find them all over the valley. People can walk around the valley and see these drawings while also enjoying the beautiful scenery with lots of green plants and fields of rice growing on steps. Sometimes, especially in April and May, the rice fields turn golden, which looks amazing next to the tall mountains around the valley.

5. Sapa Market

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withGod /

Experience the culture of Sapa at its vibrant market, where you will find colorful brocades from the Dao and H'mong people. Here, you'll find traditional handicrafts, colorful textiles, fresh produce, and local delicacies, all displayed in festive stalls. The market is a hub of activity, especially on weekends, when villagers from remote areas gather to buy, sell, and socialize. It's a cultural highlight that provides insight into the daily lives and traditions of the people of Sapa.

How to Get to Sapa

The first step to experiencing the beauty of Sapa is knowing how to get there. There are a few transportation options available to get to Sapa, providing you with transportation options and routes to ensure a smooth journey.

Located high up in the mountains and without an airport, Sapa is reachable only by road. The most common route from Hanoi is by overnight train, offering a scenic and relaxing journey. Alternatively, with the opening of a new highway in 2014, traveling to Sapa by bus has become a faster option.

1. By Train

Traveling by train to Sapa takes around 8-9 hours, with the train stopping only in Lao Cai, the province where Sapa is located. It then takes about an hour to reach Sapa from Lao Cai station.

Several tourist trains operate the route from Hanoi, each with carriages attached to the national train carrier. It's recommended to book your ticket in advance, especially during peak times such as Thursdays and Fridays from Hanoi to Lao Cai, and Sundays and Mondays from Lao Cai to Hanoi. These times are busy due to local tourists heading for weekend getaways and the Sunday market fair in Bac Ha attracting many visitors.

The trains usually depart between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM, allowing you to enjoy a good sleep before waking up to the beautiful mountain scenery at dawn. There are also day trains available, although they are less comfortable and make more stops, resulting in a longer travel time. Night train tickets range from $35 to $180 per person per way, with the most expensive option being the Victoria Express, exclusively for in-house guests. Day train tickets cost between $10 and $20 per person per way.

To reach Sapa by bus, several reputable bus companies operate routes from Hanoi and other major cities to Sapa. Some recommended bus companies include:

- Sapa Express

- Green Bus

- Inter Bus Lines

- Queen Café Bus

- Ha Son - Hai Van

Bus fares range from $8 to $22 (180,000 VND to 500,000 VND), depending on the chosen bus company and the time of ticket purchase.

These bus companies offer various options in terms of comfort and price. Before booking your bus tickets, it's essential to check the schedules, ticket availability, and customer reviews. The bus journey from Hanoi to Sapa typically takes about 5 hours, although travel times may vary due to road conditions and traffic.

Opting to travel to Sapa by bus at night, around 10 PM, is advisable. This allows you to rest during the journey and arrive early in the morning at your destination, ready to start exploring right away!

3. By Plane

Getting to Sapa via plane involves flying into either Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi or Dien Bien Phu Airport in Dien Bien Province. Once you arrive, your journey to Sapa continues by road, either by bus or taxi.

1. From Hanoi (Noi Bai International Airport): Upon landing at Noi Bai Airport, catch a domestic flight to Lao Cai Airport. Then, it's just an hour's drive from Lao Cai to Sapa, where you can hop on a taxi or bus to reach your destination.

2. From Dien Bien Phu Airport: If you opt for Dien Bien Phu Airport, you'll need to take a bus or taxi from there to Sapa. Keep in mind that this journey may take several hours, so plan accordingly.

The cost of your flight will vary depending on factors like your departure location and the airline you choose. For instance, flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi typically range from approximately $26.00 to $73.48 (600,000 VND to 1,700,000 VND) for direct routes.

While flying to Sapa may not offer a direct route, it can be a convenient option if you prefer air travel or if other transportation methods are limited.

4. Using Private Transfers

Another option to reach Sapa is through private transfers, including taxis, motorbikes, or private cars.

1. Taxi: Hiring a taxi offers direct transportation from your starting point to Sapa, providing convenience and comfort. However, it may be more costly compared to other modes of transport, with prices ranging from 2,540,000 to 4,280,000 VND, depending on the taxi company and seating capacity.

2. Motorbike: For adventurous travelers with motorcycling experience, renting a motorbike is an option. Costs typically range from 80,000 to 130,000 VND per day. However, this option is suitable for experienced riders due to potentially challenging terrain and weather conditions.

3. Private Car: Renting a private car with a driver offers a comfortable and hassle-free transfer to Sapa. Booking in advance from various providers allows flexibility and scenic enjoyment during the journey. Prices usually start at 2,200,000 VND per day for a 4-seater.

When opting for private transfers, it's important to plan, assess route and road conditions, and arrange services with a reputable provider to ensure a safe and pleasant journey to Sapa.

Flight to Hanoi

sapa trip vietnam

VietJet Air

Start from US$ 34.52

Dien Bien (DIN) to Hanoi (HAN)

Wed, 19 Jun 2024

sapa trip vietnam

Vietravel Airlines

Start from US$ 40.23

Da Nang (DAD) to Hanoi (HAN)

sapa trip vietnam

Vietnam Airlines

Start from US$ 42.47

Vinh (VII) to Hanoi (HAN)

Sat, 22 Jun 2024

Trekking in Sapa

Trekking ranks among the most beloved and captivating activities in Sapa. There are various options to suit your preference, ranging from easy to hard treks. Opting for an easy trekking route allows you to gain insight into Sapa's essence and the daily lives of its locals, all while exploring in breathtaking scenery along the way.

Popular destinations include Muong Hoa Valley, Y Linh Ho Village, and Cat Cat Village. Cat Cat Village, located approximately 3 km southwest of Sapa, stands out as a favored short trekking spot. For those seeking a medium trek, exploring renowned attractions like Sin Chau Village (home of the Hmong) and Silver Waterfall, located 7km and 12km northwest of Sapa respectively, offers memorable experiences.

Venturing southward presents opportunities to visit Lao Chai Village (home to the Hmong people, 7km from Sapa) or Ta Van Village (inhabited by the Dao people, 10 km from Sapa). Ta Phin Village, positioned around 6km north of Sapa, serves as another enticing option. For extended multi-day trekking excursions, destinations like Ban Ho (a Tay ethnic village, 23 km south of Sapa) and Ban Khoang Village (18 km northwest of Sapa) beckon adventurers.

For people who love hiking, climbing to the top of Fansipan, known as the "Roof of Indochina," is an amazing adventure. This tough hike takes three days and requires a local guide to help you stay safe. When you reach the top, you'll see incredible views of Vietnam's beautiful scenery.

Exploring the Beauty of Sapa with Traveloka!

In the end, the best time to visit Sapa depends on your preferences and what you want to experience. Each season offers unique charms, from the lush greenery of spring to the vibrant colors of autumn. Whether you're seeking cooler temperatures or the bustling atmosphere of local festivals, Sapa has something to offer year-round. Regardless of when you choose to visit, Traveloka can help you plan your trip with ease. From booking accommodations to arranging transportation, Traveloka offers a convenient platform to make your travel dreams a reality. So why wait? Book your trip to Sapa today and experience an unforgettable adventure with the breathtaking landscapes of northern Vietnam. Explore Traveloka for great deals on activities, flight , and hotel . Visit Traveloka for more information!

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A young woman harvests lotus flowers in early morning at West Lake, Hanoi, Vietnam, Asia

Getty Images

Golden Bridge in Ba Na Hills,Bana hills.

A land of staggering natural beauty and cultural complexities, of dynamic megacities and hill-tribe villages, Vietnam is unforgettably compelling.

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Best places to visit, attractions, must-see attractions.

Fighter planes outside War Remnants Museum.

War Remnants Museum

Ho Chi Minh City

To understand the US invasion of Vietnam, and contextualize its devastating impact on the country's civilians, this remarkable and deeply moving museum is…

sapa trip vietnam

Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

North-Central Vietnam

Designated a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2003, the remarkable Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park contains the oldest karst mountains in Asia, formed…

Hang Son Doong cave in the heart of the Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam.

Hang Son Doong

Hang Son Doong (Mountain River Cave), located in the heart of Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, is known as the world's largest cave, and is one of the…

Tu Lan Cave.

Tu Lan Cave

The Tu Lan cave system comprises of more than 20 wet and dry caves, which are thought to be between three and five million years old. Huge caverns,…

Unoccupied beach at the Lan Ha Bay in Vietnam

Cat Ba Island

Lying to the south of Halong Bay off the north-eastern coast of Vietnam, the 300-or-so karst islands and limestone outcrops of Lan Ha are just as…

The Ban Gioc Waterfalls on the border with China, Cao Bang, Vietnam.

Ban Gioc Waterfall

Ban Gioc is one of Vietnam’s best-known waterfalls, and its image adorns the lobby of many a cheap guesthouse. The falls, fed by the Quay Son River that…

Paradise Cave,Vietnam.

Paradise Cave

Surrounded by forested karst peaks, this staggering cave system in Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park extends for 31km, though most people only visit the…

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Phu Quoc Island

With picture-perfect white sand, the delightful curve of beautiful Sao Beach bends out alongside a sea of mineral-water clarity just a few kilometres from…

Top picks from our travel experts

The 15 best things you can do in vietnam in 2024.

Entrance to Vinh Moc Tunnels, Quang Tri, Vietnam.

Vinh Moc Tunnels

Demilitarised Zone

A highly impressive complex of tunnels, Vinh Moc is the remains of a coastal North Vietnamese village that literally went underground in response to…

Vietnam, Tay Ninh, Cao Dai Holy See, (Great Divine Temple) with pair towers and blue sky above

Cao Dai Holy See

Home to the Cao Dai Great Temple (Thanh That Cao Dai), the Cao Dai Holy See, founded in 1926, is 4km east of Tay Ninh in the village of Long Hoa. As well…

sapa trip vietnam

HCMC Museum

A grand neoclassical structure built in 1885 and once known as Gia Long Palace (and later the Revolutionary Museum), HCMC’s city museum is a singularly…

Tomb of Gia Long

Tomb of Gia Long

Emperor Gia Long founded the Nguyen dynasty in 1802 and ruled until 1819. Both the emperor and his queen are buried here. Badly damaged during the…

Nui Ba Den

Located 15km northeast of Tay Ninh, Nui Ba Den rises 850m above the rice paddies, corn, cassava (manioc) and rubber plantations of the surrounding…

sapa trip vietnam

Thien Mu Pagoda

Built on a small hill overlooking the Song Huong (Perfume River), 4km southwest of the Citadel, this seven-storey pagoda is an icon of Vietnam and as…

sapa trip vietnam

Tomb of Khai Dinh

This hillside monument is a synthesis of Vietnamese and European elements. Most of the tomb’s grandiose exterior is covered in darkened, weathered…

Planning Tools

Expert guidance to help you plan your trip.

Best Things to Do

Vietnam is a dream destination for travelers but what to do when you finally get there? Here are 15 can't-miss experiences in 2024.

Things to Know

Vietnam serves up a lavish buffet of Asian sights, sounds, scents and flavors, but there are things to know before you come. Try these tips.


Whether it's bus, train, private car, motorcycle, bike, plane or boat, you can plan your trip around Vietnam with this guide to getting around.

Visa Requirements

The process for obtaining a visa for Vietnam can be confusing, but for a short trip, you may not need a visa at all. Here’s what you need to know.

Money and Costs

One of the many great things about Vietnam is how much you spend is within your control – just choose wisely. Here's how to visit Vietnam on a budget.

Traveling with Kids

From family beach days to hiking in the highlands, here are the best activities for kids in Vietnam, along with some top planning tips.

Best Road Trips

Vietnam was made for exploring by road. From the mountains to the Delta, here are our top road trip routes.

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Rower using her feet to row a boat along the Ngo Dong River at the Tam Coc between giant karst mountains.

Mar 14, 2024 • 10 min read

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Central Vietnam

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'I've been to Vietnam 15 times. These are my top recommendations everyone needs to know.'

There’s nothing I love more than setting off on my annual Vietnam  holiday and reconnecting with this special country. 

My daughter and I lived in the city of Hoi An for a while, and every day after school I would double her on my push-bike along tree-lined streets, racing to be first through the traffic lights when they turned green, dodging motorbikes and gliding on narrow pathways through the lush, green rice paddies. 

We’d watch families harvest their rice, drying it on sheets of plastic by the roadside and burning the fields, the smoke turning the whole sky pink against the setting sun. We’d pat meandering buffalo, swim in the ocean and soak in the simplicity of kids flying kites in the afternoon breeze. 

Watch: Horoscopes at the airport. Post continues below. 

I drank coffee all over town, and we scoffed banh mi, banh xeo and pomelo salad in little riverside cafes and beachfront restaurants. It was a dream.

It only takes one visit to fall in love with Vietnam's friendly people, delicious and healthy cuisine, temples, ceremonies and stunning nature — from karst mountains to tropical beaches, lantern-lit towns and steamy jungles. 

I return every year with my daughter (and host group trips there as my job) and these are the things you need to know before you go (and you really should go). 

Australians need a visa to enter Vietnam. 

The most important thing to know is that you must get your visa before you leave the country or you won’t be able to board the plane.

It’s an expensive exercise to get a visa express processed at the last minute while you anxiously wait at the check-in counter. 

A holiday visa costs around $40 AUD and it can take at least seven days to be issued, so it’s a good idea to apply a few months before you leave here. 

The coffee is delicious — the wine, not so much.

Vietnam has an amazing coffee culture, and it produces so much of it, it's the world’s second largest coffee exporter. My favourite, coconut coffee, is an instant addiction, made with coconut milk and ice and topped with coconut ice-cream. You can also try salt coffee (apparently tasting like salted caramel), egg coffee (made with egg-yolks and condensed milk) and the popular iced coffee Ca Phe Sua Da at cafes and restaurants everywhere. Every café will have their own special way of making it, so it’s important to try many. 

Vietnam also produces wine in the mountains of Da Lat but I would suggest opting for the Chilean wine most bars will have on hand. 

Yes, crossing the road in Vietnam is an art. 

Once you get the hang of it though, it feels like a superpower. The trick is knowing that the motorbikes (Vietnam has 70 million of them!) will go around you so maintain your pace as you cross. 

Stay steady, don’t speed up or slow down, flap your arm out if you like (a signature move of mine) and everyone will go around you. As I yell to my guests, ‘Hold the line!’ It’s a thrill you’ll master in no time. 

The locals can be very honest. 

"Evie, you got so fat."

"Don’t come in my shop, no clothes will fit you."

"Why do you look so old?"

Don’t be upset if you’re greeted with some brutal honesty. I know now to laugh it off but at first, the straight shooting comments from Vietnamese women can be a bit of a shock. 

I like to think they’re just helping me to make the most of my time by not looking in a shop that doesn’t stock my size. Just don’t let it bother you. Laughter is key. 

It’s very safe.

Of course you need to be careful, especially in the bigger cities, but in Vietnam’s towns and villages you’ll find yourself feeling so safe and looked after, even protected, that you’ll be able to relax and roam without worrying. 

I have no problem walking around at night, or leaving my things on the beach under the eyes of the beach ladies who sell their trinkets to tourists. 

You can have a theme park to yourself for the day. 

There is an abundance of huge, modern theme parks in Vietnam and they’re generally empty. This is, sadly, because the cost is usually out of reach for locals and so the only people there are tourists who want to spend a day at a fun park. 

These vast themed lands are filled with water slides, modern rides and replica Vietnamese towns, and you won’t have to queue at all. Sometimes they’ll even have to turn the rides on for you! 

The exception to this is Ba Na Hills in Da Nang — you may have seen photos of the famous hands holding up the Golden Bridge — which is always heaving thanks to Instagram.

It's the best food in South East Asia. 

Yes, I’m calling it, Vietnamese food really is the best. 

The abundance of fresh herbs and vegetables in Vietnam — plus its growing organic farming industry — means everything you eat has been picked or produced that day, with local farmers selling their produce at morning markets. Make sure to try pho, the delicious beef soup, and banh mi, a crispy baguette filled with vegetables, pork belly, pate, herbs and secret sauce. And my favourite, Banh Xeo, the Vietnamese pancake. 

Eat street food, eat from food carts, eat at cafes, on the beach or at restaurants — anywhere and everything you try will be incredible. 

Be careful with your Dong. 

The Vietnamese currency is the Dong (VND), and while you’re in the country you will feel like a millionaire as the most commonly used notes start at 20,000 VND ($1.20 AUD) and go up to 500,000 VND ($29 AUD). 

Be very careful with these two notes as they are both blue and look very similar. Mixing them up is a costly mistake. 

Vietnamese people are hard-working, entrepreneurial and kind, and if you just spend a little time at local restaurants and talking to them you will make friends for life, and returning (because you will) will always feel like coming back to your second home. 

Evie travelled full time for years with her daughter and now runs group trips for women, and family trips for mums and kids. You can find her  here. 

Feature image: Supplied. 


'I've been to Vietnam 15 times. These are my top recommendations everyone needs to know.'

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Russia's Putin to visit North Korea, Vietnam

Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to visit North Korea and Vietnam, the Kremlin announced on Monday.

Putin's visit to North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday follows an invitation from ruler Kim Jong Un, a statement said, describing the trip as a "friendly state visit." Putin is then due to travel on to Vietnam for two days.

Russia maintains close ties to North Korea, which is viewed with great suspicion in the West. The isolated communist country with nuclear ambitions is believed to be supplying Russia with ammunition for its war against Ukraine.

Kim paid a rare foreign visit to Russia in September.

In Vietnam, the Kremlin announced that Putin would meet the heads of state, government and the Communist Party. The talks are to focus on expanding the two countries' comprehensive strategic partnership.

Last year, the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Putin, in relation to alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

He is therefore restricted in his international contacts and can only visit allied countries that - like Russia - do not recognize the court.

Since the start of his new term of office in May, Putin has visited Belarus, China and Uzbekistan.

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  1. THE 10 BEST Sapa Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    3 days. This tour is designed for travelers who want to stay longer in Sapa and want to experience 1 night at basic homestay in …. Free cancellation. Recommended by 97% of travelers. from. $21. per adult. 10. Sapa Love Waterfall, Heaven Gate and San Sa Ho Full-Day Tour.

  2. 14 Best Things To Do In Sapa For First-Timers

    The villages in Sapa are an indispensable part of every Sapa tour. With beautiful and unique scenery, these villages attract large numbers of visitors to Sapa. Among them, Cat Cat, Ta Phin and Lao Chai villages are the most visited tourists. Cat Cat is home to Black H'Mong while Ta Phin is home to Dao ethnic people and Lao Chai is the village ...

  3. Sapa, Vietnam: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    80,395. Sapa, Vietnam. The northwest market town of Sapa is colorful and charming, providing the perfect oasis in the midst of a strenuous mountain trek or rice-paddy tour. The Gothic stone church at the center of town is a bull's-eye in the center of shops and stalls, serving as a reminder of the town's French missionary influence.

  4. Things to Do in Sapa, Vietnam

    Vietnam Motorbike Tour to Ha Giang, Sapa, Mu Cang Chai - 8 Days. 12. 4WD Tours. from . $1,409. per adult (price varies by group size) Vietnam Motorbike Tour To Sapa, Mu Cang Chai, Thac Ba-5 Days . 4. 4WD Tours. from . $834. per adult (price varies by group size) Sapa 1 Day Trekking Tours. 7. Adventure Tours.

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    Planning a trip to Sapa, Vietnam? Discover top attractions, local dishes, must-do activities, and more in this Sapa travel guide from Vietnam's tourism board. ... Sapa offers some of Vietnam's best trekking, and some villages such as Cat Cat and Ta Phin can be seen without a guide. Book an overnight trek to wander through rice terraces, bathe ...

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  8. THE TOP 10 Sapa Tours & Excursions (UPDATED 2024)

    Sapa The Hidden Trail Trek 1 Day - Mountain & Rice Valley. 29. * Private Trip * Dragon Jaw ( Mount 1.970m ) * Trails & Bamboo Forest * Muong Hoa Valley * 3 Villages This is a day trip will give you a chance to see the mountain, valley, terraced rice fields view and local villages.

  9. THE 10 BEST Sapa Tours & Excursions 2024 (from AU$14)

    per adult. 8. Sapa Love Waterfall, Heaven Gate and San Sa Ho Full-Day Tour. 37. Adventure Tours. 5-6 hours. Adventure Waterfalls, Heaven gate and Rice paddy fields in Sapa '' brings you beautiful waterfalls in the national park, …. Free cancellation. Recommended by 97% of travellers.

  10. Sapa Travel Guide

    Get the Ultimate Guide for getting a Vietnam Visa [here]. Timezone: Vietnam is in the Indochina Time Zone (ICT), UTC+7. Voltage: The standard voltage is 220V, and the plugs are usually Type A (two flat pins) or Type C (two round pins). Internet: Most hotels, cafes, and even restaurants in Sapa offer free Wi-Fi; Wi-Fi plans are so cheap in ...

  11. Sapa Itinerary: A Complete Local Guide You Should Know

    It's more than a tour! 6-Day Hanoi-Sapa-Halong Tour. Why settle for just Sapa when you can experience the triple threat of Northern Vietnam? Our 6-day tour seamlessly weaves through the streets of Hanoi, the mystical allure of Sapa, and the breathtaking beauty of Halong Bay.

  12. 3 Days in Sapa, Vietnam: An Adventurous Sapa Itinerary to Experience

    1.1K. Three days in Sapa, Vietnam is a reasonable amount of time to see the mountainous area in North Vietnam. This small city is located in Lao Cai, which is about 5 hours northwest of Hanoi, so it's a fantastic addition to a North Vietnam itinerary or weekend getaway.. Most visitors head to Sapa to enjoy the breathtaking landscape views of the green rice terraces and rice fields, go on ...

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    Sapa. The road between Sapa and Lai Chau crosses the Tram Ton Pass on the northern side of Mt Fansipan, 15km from Sapa. At 1900m it's Vietnam's highest mountain….

  14. 3 Days In Sapa Itinerary: The ULTIMATE Guide (2024)

    This is a stress-free and easy way to explore Sapa on a budget. Recommended Tours: Homestay: 2 day, 1 night Sapa trip in homestay accommodation. It's super affordable and the most popular choice for travelers. Perfect if you are on a tight itinerary; Hotel: 2 day, 1 night Sapa trip in 3-star hotel room perfect for those who enjoy a more ...

  15. Sapa 2024

    1. Trekking. Some of the best things to do in Sapa can be combined in one highlight and that is a trekking in Sapa! You can choose to do a half-day, full-day or multi-day trek where you spend the night in a homestay. It is the best way to see the rice fields and get in touch with the local minorities.

  16. 10 Best Sapa Tours 2024

    10 Sapa tours highlight. 1. Trekking tours. The best way to see the valley with its villages and rice fields is to take a trekking. You can choose from half a day to multi-day trips. 2. Rice fields. View the most beautiful terraced rice fields in Vietnam.

  17. 10 Best Sapa Fully Guided Tours 2024/2025

    Find the best Sapa Fully Guided tours with TourRadar. Compare 38 tours with 256 real tour reviews. Book now and save with! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on ... Strongly recommend if wanting an overall tour of Northern Vietnam." Bryan, traveled in July 2023 . Destinations Hanoi, Lao Cai, Sapa, Cat Cat Village, Ta Van, Halong Bay ...

  18. THE 10 BEST Sapa Tours From Hanoi 2024

    Sapa Tours - Office in Sapa: No23, Fansipan St, Sapa Town, Lao Cai, Vietnam Tel : +84 364043354 - Hotline: +84) 974 861 652 - Ms Jenny Email : [email protected]

  19. Sapa Vietnam, Travel Guide

    At an altitude of 1.560 meters above sea level, Sapa features a sub-temperate climate all around the year. The town has 4 distinctive seasons with an average temperature of 15.4°C. The ideal occasion to discover this mountainous hub is spring lasting from March to May when the wildflowers bloom at full brightness.

  20. The Best Sa Pa Travel Guide & Things To Do

    5.1.6 Muong Hoa Valley - Ancient stone field. About 8 km from Sapa, this beautiful valley retains many ancient traces, typically ancient rocks of unknown date and origin. Muong Hoa Valley will bring you a satisfying experience of viewing nature with gradually rising terraced fields leading up to the sky.

  21. Sapa Travel, top things to do in Sapa town, Lao Cai province, Vietnam

    All about Sapa town, a travel destination of Lao Cai: how to get there, things to do, what types of activities to join, villages to visit, tours to book, train to take, travel advices, maps, useful guide and insight guide ... Travel Vietnam without Covid-19 restriction. Posted by admin on Mar 17, 2022 in Useful information. Tour Muong Hum ...

  22. Best Time to Visit Sapa, Vietnam

    Book your trip to Sapa today and experience an unforgettable adventure with the breathtaking landscapes of northern Vietnam. Explore Traveloka for great deals on activities, flight , and hotel . Visit Traveloka for more information!

  23. THE 10 BEST Sapa Tours for 2024 (with Prices)

    Sapa Love Waterfall, Heaven Gate and San Sa Ho Full-Day Tour. 41. Adventure Tours. 5-6 hours. Adventure Waterfalls, Heaven gate and Rice paddy fields in Sapa '' brings you beautiful waterfalls in the national park, …. Free cancellation. Recommended by 97% of travellers. from. ₹4,966.

  24. Vietnam travel guide

    Whether it's bus, train, private car, motorcycle, bike, plane or boat, you can plan your trip around Vietnam with this guide to getting around. Activities. The 15 best things you can do in Vietnam in 2024. Feb 29, 2024 • 12 min read. Tips & Advice. The 10 best places to visit in Vietnam in 2024. Feb 24, 2024 • 8 min read.

  25. 'I've been to Vietnam 15 times. These are my top recommendations ...

    Vietnam has an amazing coffee culture, and it produces so much of it, it's the world's second largest coffee exporter. My favourite, coconut coffee, is an instant addiction, made with coconut ...

  26. Enchanting Places to Visit in Vietnam for Couples

    Vietnam is brimming with affordable adventures perfect for couples. Whether you're exploring ancient towns, cruising through stunning bays, or relaxing on idyllic beaches, there's no shortage of things to do in Vietnam for couples. So pack your bags, grab your partner, and get ready to create unforgettable memories without breaking the bank.

  27. THE 10 BEST Sapa Tours for 2024 (with Prices)

    RM 120. per adult. 5. Sapa Trekking Tour by Night Train from Hanoi 3 Night - 2 day Small-Group. 7. Rail Tours. 3 days. Discover the beautiful Sapa in Northwest Vietnam on a 2-day trekking tour (3-night: 1 night at Hotel in Sapa and 2 nights…. Free cancellation.

  28. Russia's Putin to visit North Korea, Vietnam

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to visit North Korea and Vietnam, the Kremlin announced on Monday. Putin's visit to North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday follows an invitation from ...