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Prague Castle Tours

prague castle free walking tour

This post is a free, self-guided Prague Castle Tour with a walking tour map and audio tour option.

Also listed are free (pay-what-you-wish) guided and small-group options.

We are a group of local Prague tour guides and we've written this post from our own personal experiences leading thousands of people each month to and through the castle.

And in the video below, Valery from Real Prague Tours takes you on a virtual walking tour of the castle.

We also considered some of the questions and tips from the members of our popular Prague Travel Tips Facebook group, such as the one below.

prague castle free walking tour

Our group consists of locals, like us guides, expats, regular visitors to Prague, as well as newbies to the city.

You don't need to join the group to search for and read the posts, comments, and suggestions.

Now, let's get to the post.

  • Things to See (self-guided tour)

Guided Tours

  • How to Get Here
  • Things to Do in Prague

Prague Castle is one of the most historically significant landmarks in the city, and it’s made up of several important buildings including cathedrals, churches, palaces, and more.

It’s important to note that the castle grounds are entirely free to visit.

Prague Castle Overview

There are some areas you need a ticket to enter, but most of the castle grounds are free to visit.

These areas include multiple courtyards, gardens, the Deer Moat, the entrance of St. Vitus Cathedral, and more.

The Golden Lane is free daily after 5 p.m.

We have provided a self-guided tour option in the next section ( Things to See ), which is a shortened version of our GPS-led audio tour (€2.99).

Several companies offer pay-what-you-wish walks (which are referred to as "free tours").

These tours essentially follow the route we laid out with our self-guided walk, though some also include a walk up from the Charles Bridge.

If you’re interested in seeing the interior of these locations, you can get tickets that provide entry to these areas with a paid tour . 

These outings run the gamut from short orientations to half-day excursions which cover a lot of information about the historic site.

Prague Castle has both an official guided tour and an official audio guide you may want to consider.

There are even night tours you can take.

If you’re more interested in the self-guided route, there are three different types of tickets that provide admission to certain areas of the castle: Circuit A, Circuit B, and Circuit C.

While Circuit A and C include special exhibitions, Circuit B is the most affordable choice.

It covers the cost of admission to sites such as St. Vitus Cathedral, Old Royal Palace, St. George’s Basilica, and Daliborka Tower.

There are a few different ways to save money on both Prague Castle tours and tickets. We cover these options in the  discounts section  below.

How much time do you need at Prague Castle?

The amount of time you need at Prague Castle can vary widely based on your interests.

A general visit to key attractions like St. Vitus Cathedral and the Old Royal Palace might take around 2-3 hours.

However, if you want to explore all the buildings and museums in detail, plan for a half-day or more.

What is the best time to visit Prague Castle?

The best time to visit Prague Castle is early in the morning, shortly after it opens, or in the late afternoon to avoid the crowds.

Weekdays are generally less busy than weekends and holidays.

Additionally, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) to enjoy milder weather and fewer tourists.

Keep in mind that Prague Castle can be especially crowded during the peak summer months, so plan accordingly to make the most of your visit.


There are many interesting you will discover at Prague Castle, and this section provides a map and self-guided walking tour that summarizes them.

This self-guided tour is a shortened version of our Prague Castle audio tour (We also have one of Old Town + the Jewish Quarter ).

Here's a sample.

There is no schedule (take our tours anytime you wish). We also have an audio tour of Central Rome.

  • Purchase this audio tour from our  Booking Page  (scroll down to Rome).
  • You’ll receive a confirmation email with a .pdf, Google Map link, and audio tour.
  • Enjoy the tour(s).

The tour is researched and recorded by one of our local tour guides and costs just €2.99 per download.

Prage Castle Map and Self-Guided Tour

Click on the map to enlarge it.

The First Courtyard

For the most part, the First Courtyard is a latecomer to the castle grounds, but you can still see several phases of history of Prague Castle here.

If you look to the Western edge, you’ll see the Matthias Gate , built in 1614 and named for Matthias, King of Bohemia and the Holy Roman Emperor. 

Matthias Gate First Courtyard

Matthias Gate

Empress Maria Theresa commissioned changes to the castle. 

Her architect, Nicolo Pacassi, designed the buildings of the New Royal Palace, which enclose the First and Second Courtyards. 

Wrestling Titans

Look to the top of the columns on either side of Gate of the Giants, the metalwork that now encloses the First Court, and you’ll see the Wrestling Titans designed by Ignác Platzer.

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk Statue

The statue outside the First Courtyard gates is of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, the first president of Czechoslovakia following the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk Statue

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk

Besides overseeing huge changes in the government, Masaryk also made some changes to the castle. 

In the First Courtyard, he added the austere flagpoles on either side of the Matthias Gate, made of pine tree trunks.

He also added two additional gates at either corner of the courtyard; using these gates, Masaryk could come and go from the castle without ever passing under the insignia of emperors.

Changing of the Guards Prague Castle

Changing of the Guards Prague Castle

If you decide to watch the changing of the guard ceremony at noon, this is the place. 

The castle is guarded by a special division of the Czech Republic military, and while there’s a small, minimal ceremonial changing of the guard hourly, the one at noon is much more elaborate and includes a brass band.

The Second Courtyard

This is where you’ll find the New Royal Palace , which mostly still serves state functions today. 

From where you’ve entered, the main sight is the Chapel of the Holy Cross : a wide, white building with a tower built into its left end and a small cross at the top center. 


Chapel of the Holy Cross

Looking to the left of the chapel, you can see a couple of small features standing in the middle of the courtyard: 

Kohl’s Fountain , a 1686 addition that brings up water from the Brusnice Stream below the Powder Bridge.

Kohl’s Fountain

Kohl’s Fountain

Further left, the short northern side of the courtyard used to be the Royal Stables. 

In 1583, Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II had ramparts and a vicarage torn down to make room for his horse collection. 

Today, this location is the home of the Prague Castle Picture Gallery.

Treasure of St. Vitus Cathedral Exhibit

Some of the more notable relics from the cathedral are actually on display at the Chapel of the Holy Cross in the Second Courtyard, which is the home of the Treasure of St. Vitus’ Cathedral exhibit .

This attraction includes artifacts from as early as the 11th century, and it’s a lot less crowded on average than the cathedral.

You will need tickets to see this exhibition, and you can purchase them individually in the Second Courtyard. 

Alternatively, entry is included with a Circuit C ticket.

Prague Castle Picture Gallery

Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II was famous as an art collector and art patron; he’s a major reason for Prague’s history as one of Europe’s great cultural centers.

As an emperor, Rudolf acquired much of his collection through war and conquest, and while Prague has a history of battles won, it also had its share of losses.

One notable loss was in 1648 at the end of the Thirty Years War, one of the worst chapters of Central European history.

As the final peace negotiations were underway, the Swedish Empire took one last chance to invade Prague and carry off most of Rudolf’s extremely valuable collection.

This hasn’t kept the collection from amassing to over 4,000 pieces, about 100 of which are on display at any given time, but only a few are pieces Rudolf ever touched.

You can get individual tickets for either of these, or they’re included together on a Circuit C ticket.

The cost is the same either way – 250 CZK for the Chapel of the Holy Cross, 100 CZK for the Picture Gallery, or 350 CZK for a Circuit C ticket which includes both.

Fourth Courtyard

About halfway down the passage that will take you to the Fourth Courtyard, there’s a window that looks into the ruins of the oldest church on the grounds and one of the oldest in the region.

The Church of the Virgin Mary was built in the 9th century when both the castle and the local practice of Christianity were new. 

This was a small church with an adjoining cemetery, and it lasted a few centuries before it burned down.

Garden on the Bastion

Garden on the Bastion

At the end of the passage is the Fourth Courtyard, the main feature of which is the Garden on the Bastion . 

It’s named for a 13th-century bastion that probably once stood here, part of the castle’s medieval defenses.

  • St. Vitus Cathedral

The building you see today broke ground in 1344 when Prague first became the home of an archbishop. 

The cathedral was only finally considered finished in 1929, after almost six centuries of off-and-on construction.


From the outside, you can see one of the last touches added to it: high above the doors is a Rose Window.

It is a signature of Gothic design, made up of scenes from the Biblical creation story, and positioned to let in a flood of light during the right time of the day.

Today the cathedral is still the seat of the Archbishop of Prague, the largest church in the country, and one of the landmarks of Gothic architecture in the world.

One hallmark of Gothic architecture is extreme detail, and this cathedral has no shortage of architectural details and artifacts in that style. 

It’s free to take a quick peek inside, but you will need to pay to explore the cathedral.

If you aren’t planning to go in, you can still get a feel for Gothic detail by way of the central pair of bronze doors on this side. 

The full name of the building is the Cathedral of St. Vitus, St. Wenceslas, and St. Adalbert – all of whom are buried inside alongside several kings, nobility, clergy, and architects.

Third Courtyard

This is the site of Old Provosty , formerly a home for the Bishop of Prague.

This building is now part of the Czech President’s office, one of the areas not usually open to visitors.

Old Provosty

Old Provosty

As you pass along the front of the building, notice a small sandstone statue of St. Wenceslas high up on the far corner, here since 1662. 

Past that, you’ll see an obelisk. The obelisk puts us back into the presidency of Masaryk and the changes he commissioned to the castle. 

It was placed to commemorate the Czech dead of World War I.

Finally, in the middle of the Courtyard is a statue of St. George on a pedestal. This is a reproduction of a gothic statue from the 14th century. 

St. George

The original is a rare example of cast bronze from that era, and you can see it in the National Gallery.

Great South Tower of the Cathedral

This is another side of the St. Vitus Cathedral, and it’s somewhat historically relevant as well. 

St. Vitus Cathedral

After all, during the 14th century, this was actually the front of the cathedral.

Look above the doors to see a mosaic, the Golden Portal , depicting a scene of the biblical Last Judgment, with a particular focus on Czech saints.

Golden Portal

Golden Portal

This tower is the home of Sigmund the bell, the creation of bellmaker Tomas Jaros.

The previous bell came crashing down when a fire destroyed its supports. Sigmund is the replacement.

Unlike many church bells, the ringing of Sigmund has never been mechanized – it’s still a manual endeavor that takes six people.

View from South Tower

You can pay to walk to the top of the tower for some spectacular views of Prague.

The Old Royal Palace

The Old Royal Palace has been the site of a statehouse since its origins, and it still serves some ceremonial state functions.

Several rooms of the original 12th-century palace are still there.  Vladislav Hall is one of the most notable rooms in the Old Royal Palace. 

Vladislav Hall

Vladislav Hall

It’s named for King Vladislav II who had this enormous room built for tournaments on horseback indoors, with stairs that horses could traverse.

Climb up to one floor below ground and you’re in the castle’s Gothic period.

This floor contains the exhibit called The Story of Prague Castle , the most comprehensive historical display you’ll find here.

The Story of Prague Castle Exhibit

If you’d like to see the history of the castle in a more orderly way, this exhibit has you covered, with artifacts and models of what the castle probably looked like at every phase.

All of this is spread through twenty rooms in the 14th-century gothic upper basement of the Old Royal Palace. 

It also has specialized exhibits about life around the castle, including church, burial, eating and drinking, scholarship, disasters, and recoveries. 

Like so many ancient buildings, Prague Castle is built on a site that’s been useful to humans for longer than we know, and the artifacts found here go back as much as five millennia.

It’s got a section, particularly for children, and there’s interactivity throughout to make the exhibits as enjoyable as possible. 

Access is available with a Circuit A ticket, but you can also pay for admission just to this exhibit. It’s 140 CZK for an adult, 70 CZK with a discount, and 200 CZK for families.

In the summer season, this exhibit runs slightly different hours from the other historical sites – 9 am to 5 pm, rather than 10 to 6. Written information is in Czech and English

  • St. George’s Basilica

St. George’s Basilica is the oldest whole building in the castle, with construction starting in around 920.


The towers (named Adam and Eve) and the crypt are from the 12th century and the main façade is from the 14th century.

There was a 20th-century renovation meant to bring its interior back to its original appearance.

If you go inside, you’ll see a much simpler approach than in St. Vitus’ Cathedral. 


The oldest elements are the frescoes around the choir space and a relief sculpture of Mary and Jesus located in the crypt.

It's part of Circuit Tickets A +B.

Prague is a musical city, and St. George’s Basilica is the most frequent concert venue at the castle. Here is the schedule .

Rosenberg Palace

This Eastern part of the castle takes you further from the royal palaces, into the areas where the nobility and working people lived. 

Like most things you can see in the area, this location was built after a fire in the 16th century.

Later, when Maria Theresa was transforming the castle, the nobility had gone through some decline. She turned this building into a residence for poor, unmarried noblewomen.

With the establishment of democracy in 1918, the home was abolished.

  • Golden Lane

This lane is full of small houses. Many of them are souvenir shops now, but they were residences until the conclusion of World War II.

This is when the government of Czechoslovakia reclaimed them and gave them the bright colors you see now. 

Golden Lane

The house numbers count down as you proceed east. It’s easy to imagine that small, colorful housing would have once belonged to artists, and sure enough, writer Franz Kafka spent a year writing in #22.

Craftsmen came to live here, and for a while, the street was called Goldsmiths Lane. #15 was actually a goldsmith’s residence. 

It's free to visit between 17:00 (5 pm) and closing, otherwise, it's part of Tickets A + B.

You can reach the next major landmark – Daliborka Tower – from a stairway in #12 at the end of the street.

  • Daliborka Tower

Entering Daliborka Tower, you can see part of the prison facility, including instruments of torture. 

You can also see the access point of a kind of solitary confinement chamber at the bottom of the tower, into which a person had to be lowered with a pulley.

The name Daliborka comes from the name of one of its first prisoners, the knight Dalibor of Kozojedy, who was imprisoned here and eventually executed in 1498.

Black Tower and Supreme Burgrave’s House

Across from the Lobkowicz Palace and downhill from the Rosenberg Palace, you’ll find the Supreme Burgrave’s House.

The Supreme Burgrave was a high-ranking member of the nobility who was appointed, usually for life, to serve as the king’s second-in-command.


Besides the Burgraves, Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, also known as Charlemagne, lived here for a short time while his palace was being improved.

The 1541 fire left its mark here, too. The Supreme Burgrave’s House was rebuilt and the Black Tower, the square structure all the way to the right, got its name from the blackening of its walls.

South Gardens

The South Gardens run all along the length of the castle’s southern wall, with the Old Royal Palace and its neighbors towering above on one side, and on the other, the view over Prague.

Belevedere Pavillion

Belevedere Pavillion (South Gardens)

As you traverse it from east to west, the first point of interest you’ll come to is Bellevue Pavilion, a columned overlook. 

You’ll see Classical Greek touches here – the small fountain and its pedestal, the statues, and the Doric columns along the pavilion.

A little further along, you’ll find a small obelisk along the pathway. Like the obelisk near St. Vitus’ Cathedral, this is a memorial, but to someone who survived.

Defenestration of Prague

Defenestration of Prague

Right by it is a protruding portion of the palace walls with vines climbing the lower floors. 

This is the site of a famous Defenestration of Prague from the Old Royal Palace. 

Looking up, you can picture the fall and how lucky anyone would have been to survive.

Royal Gardens

Originally the site of medieval vineyards, this spot became an Italian Renaissance garden in the mid-16th century, under the rule of Emperor Ferdinand I.

Royal Gardens

Rudolf II, the collector of art and horses and everything else, made it the home of exotic plants and animals brought from afar.

In 1554, an ambassador from Turkey gave Rudolf the gift of tulips, which bloomed here for the first time in Europe, before their famous connection with the Netherlands.

There are several interesting locations to visit within these gardens including the Ball Game Hall, the Orangery, Queen Anne’s Summer Palace, and much more.


This section covers free tours of Prague Castle. 

These outings are pay-what-you-wish , which means there is no cost to join and you get to decide what to pay after it’s over if anything.

These services do not include admission to any of the landmarks. Instead, they provide historical information from outside each building. 

However, you can expect to see at least the entrance of St. Vitus Cathedral for free!

This tour is perfect for anyone who needs a basic orientation of Prague Castle. 

These outings cover many locations in and around the castle grounds, including:

  • St. George Basilica
  • Old Royal Palace
  • Charles Bridge

Note that Charles Bridge is outside the castle grounds.

As some tours cover both the castle grounds and the surrounding district, you may need a tram ticket (24 CZK) to take this tour.

Charles Bridge

Be sure to read our guide on public transportation in Prague .

100 Spires City Tours

This company offers a tour of Prague Castle which includes the Changing of the castle Guards.

In addition to seeing this traditional event, you'll also visit the most notable sites in the Castle District.

Click the image to play the video.

Prague Castle Tour Video

While they do offer a pay-what-you-wish model, you can also choose to pay a booking fee ahead of time.

This fee is intended to give the company an idea of how many tour guides to send for any one outing, and the fee is refundable.

This tour is available daily at 11 am and it's approximately 1 hour and 3 minutes in length.

Book this tour or learn more .

Discover Walks

This company offers a free tour of Prague Castle both in the morning at 10:00 am and in the evening at 17:30 (5:30 pm).

And although this tour is shorter (just 90 min) than the others listed below, it spends much more time exploring Prague Castle than the other companies.

This tour begins and ends at Prague Castle.

  • Book the morning tour or learn more at 10:00 am.
  • Book the evening tour or learn more at 17:30 (5:30 pm). 

Prague Castle Audio Tour

We also have an audio tour of Prague Castle which you can use with your personal smartphone and ear pods/headphones.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about the castle grounds and district or you want to get a deeper look by entering some of the buildings at Prague Castle, a paid tour is definitely worth consideration.

While some paid outings include just basic highlights, as well as skip-the-line admission to the castle, other outings are half-day guided tours that include an in-depth history of this area.

This section covers the best-paid tours of Prague Castle, including official tours provided at the landmark as well as a night tour.

Disclosure:  While our recommendations are always unbiased, we may receive a small share of sales through some of the links below at no cost to you. See the  full text .

Prague Castle Ticket + Introduction

Whether you’re looking to save some money or you want just a brief overview of Prague Castle before exploring both the interior and exterior on your own, this is an excellent option.

In addition to providing an introductory overview from a professional tour guide, this outing includes a Circuit B ticket to Prague Castle which covers entry to the following locations: 

This is a great way to get skip-the-line tickets before heading to the castle.

St. Georges Basillica

Even better, your guide will tell you where the shortest security check queues are located so you can get into each building quickly.

  • 400 CZK/Adults | 200 CZK/Youth (6-16) | 100 CZK/Kids
  • Availability: Daily at 12:05 pm
  • Duration: 15-minute orientation
  • Purchase tickets or learn more .

Keep in mind that your guide won’t provide much of an actual tour.

This service is more about preparing you to take a self-guided trip around the castle complex complete with a ticket to Prague Castle.

Also, if you’d rather discover this historic site on your own, this is an excellent alternative to a traditional paid tour.

Sandemans New Europe Tours

This is one of the most highly-rated tour companies in Europe, and they currently offer a tour that covers the Prague Castle grounds. 

The Sandemans tour does not include a Circuit A, B, or C ticket , but you can always purchase those tickets separately if you want to spend even more time visiting the various landmarks included.

Visitors can expect to see and learn about several notable sites including the following:

  • The Garden of Eden
  • Mozart’s House
  • Old Town Square

Sandemans provides a slightly longer tour than some of their competitors, and they cover locations that aren’t included on other tours of Prague Castle such as Wallenstein Palace and the Deer Moat.

Much like their competitors, this tour also includes a walk across the Charles Bridge and covers the district surrounding the castle.

As such, you’ll need a tram ticket (24 CZK) to take the tour. Be sure to read our guide on public transportation in Prague .

  • 275 CZK/Adults | 225 CZK/Students
  • Kids 13 and under can join for free.
  • Availability: Daily at 2:30 pm
  • Duration: 3 hours

Prague Castle and Interiors Tour

If you’re looking for a slightly more in-depth tour which includes admission to some of the most notable buildings surrounding the castle, this half-day outing is an excellent option.

In addition to learning about the Prague Castle grounds, you’ll also enter the following locations with the included Circuit B ticket:

While on this tour, you’ll also see and learn about sites such as the home of Franz Kafka, the vineyards of St. Wenceslas, and hear the story of the Philosopher’s Stone.

St Wenceslas Vineyard

One thing that sets this outing apart from the others is that you don’t need a tram ticket and they offer hotel pick-ups/transfers by air-conditioned bus from the city center.

  • 1000 CZK/Adults | 900 CZK/Students | 800 CZK/Children
  • Includes Circuit B ticket to Prague Castle.
  • Availability: Daily at 11:15 am
  • Duration: 3 ½ hours

As you can see, tickets for this tour are a bit more costly than some of the other options we’ve mentioned, but it’s also much longer and it includes a ticket to enter Prague Castle.

It’s also nice that you don’t need to pay for any additional tickets or services, as this tour covers everything you need to enjoy the experience.

Prague Castle After Dark Tour

While most people will visit Prague Castle during the day, there’s something magical about seeing the beautiful landmark lit up after the sun goes down.

This tour covers the Prague Castle grounds but does not include admission to any of the buildings. 

You will, however, hear detailed information about the grounds and learn about the Old Town neighborhood of Prague.

In addition to the castle, you’ll also see the following sites:

  • St. Wenceslas Vineyard
  • Power Tower

Although this tour does not include admission to any of the buildings at the castle, it does cover the cost of a tram ticket, allowing you to reach all of the locations on the trip.

Whether you’re a night owl or you want to discover the most historic landmarks in the city after dark, this is an excellent opportunity to experience Prague Castle and the city in general from a different perspective.

  • 525 CZK/Adults | 475 CZK/Students & Seniors
  • Kids 6 and under can take the tour for free with adults.
  • Availability: Daily at 6 pm

If you’d rather take a self-guided tour of Prague Castle, it’s worth noting that the castle grounds are open until 10 pm each night. 

The historical buildings are only open until 5 pm each night (4 pm in the winter season), so you’ll need to visit them during the day if you plan to purchase a Circuit A, B, or C ticket.

Official Prague Castle Tours

In addition to all the paid guided tours provided by independent professional tour guides and companies, you can also take one of the tours offered directly from Prague Castle.

The standard tour is available in Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Russian. This outing covers sites such as St. Vitus Cathedral and the Old Royal Palace.

St. Vitus Cathedral

While it’s not as extensive as some of the other tours on our list, it’s more affordable than most of the options we’ve already mentioned.

It provides one with a very good overview of the landmark.

  • 100 CZK per person.
  • Must be taken in groups of at least 4.
  • Availability: Daily during opening hours.
  • Duration: 1 hour

Tickets for this tour can be purchased only at the Information Centre in the Third Courtyard of Prague Castle.

The only problem with this tour is that you have to purchase tickets at the castle, which means you won’t be able to skip the line and it might take a while to get them during popular times of the year.

If you’re short on time, you may want to consider another option.

Official Prague Castle Audio Guide

If you’re really interested in taking a self-guided tour, you may want to consider picking up the official audio guide provided by Prague Castle.

This guide covers details about a total of 96 different spots at this historic location, and it takes about 3 hours to hear all of the information provided.

The official audio guide is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Czech.

Topics covered include both the exterior and interior of the castle.

  • 350 CZK per guide for 3 hours.
  • 450 CZK per guide for a full day.
  • Duration: 3 hours total (not counting walking time).

While the tour itself will take 3 hours to enjoy, that doesn’t account for the time it will take to walk from one spot to the next while using the audio guide.

If you want to take your time, we recommend purchasing a full day audio guide so you won’t have to worry about missing out.

Prague Castle audio guides can only be purchased at the Information Centres in the Second and Third Courtyard.

As with the official tours, you have to get these at the castle, which means you can’t skip the line. If you’re looking to save some time, consider another option.

Additional Prague Castle Tours

We’ve already covered some great tours, but there are even more options you may want to consider.

Many guided tours are run by well-respected tour companies. Others are led by independent professional guides.

If you’re interested in seeing more than just Prague Castle, you can also get a combo package that includes admission to the castle as well as other attractions or activities in Prague.

Alternatively, you could take a self-guided tour to explore the landmark and see the most significant sites in the area.

Visitors planning out a self-guided trip should keep in mind that Circuit B tickets are included with some tourist passes, allowing you to save some money on this activity. Read the discount section below for details.

Check this list of Prague Castle tours for other options .

Do you need a tour for Prague Castle?

No, you don't need a tour for Prague Castle. Visiting independently is possible with information readily available on-site.

However, a tour can enhance the experience, offering historical insights, skip-the-line access, and a structured visit.

Although you can freely explore the castle grounds, there is an admission fee to access the different buildings and exhibitions within Prague Castle.

The complete price list can be found here .

We also offer a free self-guided audio tour of Prague Castle. To know more about the tour, click here .


No matter where you're coming from, there are several ways to reach Prague Castle by Tram, Metro, Bus, or Car. If you need additional details about ticket prices, check our post covering how to use Prague public transportation .

Board tram line 22 or 23 , both heading toward Prague Castle (Pražský hrad).

Ride to the "Pražský hrad" tram stop.

Walk uphill to the Prague Castle complex from the tram stop.

Take Line A ( Green Line ) of the Prague Metro to the "Malostranská" station.

Exit the metro station and follow signs for Prague Castle (Pražský hrad).

Walk uphill to reach the Prague Castle complex.

Take bus number 191 from the Prague city center, specifically from the "Na Knížecí" bus station, which is a major transportation hub.

The bus route will take you directly to the Prague Castle area, stopping at "Pražský hrad" (Prague Castle) or "Pohořelec," both of which are close to the castle.

Disembark at your preferred stop based on your proximity to the castle's entrance.

Drive to the city center of Prague.

Follow signs for Prague Castle (Pražský hrad).

Navigate through the narrow, winding streets of Hradčany, which is the district surrounding the castle.

For exact directions from you location use this google map link .

This section lists some of the best deals you can get on tours and tickets to Prague Castle, including tourist passes, combo packages, and opportunities for free admission.

Tourist Passes

If you’re planning to visit more than a few attractions while in Prague, it may be a good idea to purchase a tourist pass, as admission to Prague Castle is included with the following two services:

  • Prague Card
  • Prague City Pass

Each pass includes a Circuit B ticket to Prague Castle, allowing you to visit several notable buildings on the castle grounds. 

Prague Tourist Pass Card Options

If you’re also interested in a tour of the castle, you may want to consider either the official tour or the official audio guide as a supplement to this ticket.

Depending on which pass you choose, you could save 50% or more off ticket prices for several different landmarks and activities in the city.

While the Prague Card is an excellent choice for anyone planning on visiting for a few days, you might want to choose the Prague City Pass if you’re going to be in the city for a week or more.

The only real disadvantage of the City Pass is that it doesn’t include as many attractions as other Prague tourist passes.

If you’re wondering about some of the other locations and activities included with these passes, here are a few of the most notable options:

  • Hop-on Hop-off Bus Tour
  • Petřín Observation Tower
  • Basilica of St. Peter & St. Paul
  • Czech Museum of Music
  • Sightseeing Cruise
  • Sternberg Palace
  • Jewish Museum
  • Troja Chateau
  • Bílek Villa

For more information about how to save money with these services, please check out our post on Prague tourist passes .

Combo Packages

Prague Castle tours are included in a few different hop-on, hop-off bus tour combo deals and in packages with other notable landmarks in or around the city.

This section covers some of the best combo packages which include tours of the castle.

City Sightseeing Prague Combo

City Sightseeing + Prague Castle

  • 48-Hour Hop-on Hop-off Bus Tour
  • 810 CZK/Adults | 405 CZK/Kids

City Sightseeing + Prague Castle + Jewish Quarter

  • Prague Castle Tour with Admission
  • 945 CZK/Adults | 472.50 CZK/Kids

City Sightseeing Bus & Boat + Prague Castle

City Sightseeing Bus & Boat + Prague Castle + Jewish Quarter

  • Prague Castle Tour w/ Admission
  • 1-Hour River Cruise
  • 1,170 CZK/Adults | 585 CZK/Kids

Purchase City Sightseeing combo packages or learn more .

Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour + Prague Castle + Cruise

  • 24-Hour Ticket: 680 CZK per person
  • 48-Hour Ticket: 865 CZK per person

Purchase combo tickets or learn more .

Prague Castle + Lobkowicz Palace

  • Includes Circuit B ticket for Prague Castle.
  • Covers entry fee for Lobkowicz Palace.
  • 525 CZK/Adults | 350 CZK/Students & Youth
  • Kids 6 and under get in for free.


  • Free Walking Tours in Prague
  • Prague Tourist Passes
  • Prague Bus Tours
  • Tour s of Terezin Concentration Camp
  • Luggage Storage in Prague
  • Where to Stay in Prague

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About The Author

prague castle free walking tour

Stephen Pickhardt

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Prague Castle Walking Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Prague Castle is a jewel of Prague – and whole Europe! We will take you there in the most comfortable way – gently walking downhill, after a short tram ride up. Get to know the kings, emperors, dark and light secrets of the medieval complex. And we will watch the change of guards ceremony too 🙂

Awesome tour

My better half and I had the opportunity to have two tours with Kamil. Both were great! Kamil was a wonderful guide and wove in lots of fun trivia but made it all so relatable as we took in the beautiful and historic city. Highly recommend!

This tour is also available as a Private Tour.

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prague castle free walking tour

  • Santiago de Chile
  • Santiago de Compostela

prague castle tour

Prague Castle Free Walking Tour

Take a free tour of the world-famous Prague Castle with an expert local guide

ABOUT THE Prague Castle Free Walking Tour

This 2.5-hour Prague Castle free walking tour shows you all the most famous parts of the incredible Prague Castle, as well as helping you find the hidden gems and telling you some of the fascinating stories that you won't be able to find on your own.

This free tour of Prague Castle meets at Jan Palach Square in front of the Rudolfinum and it usually ends in the Prague Castle gardens, overlooking the Old Town.  We never cancel; tours run rain, hail or shine.

The world's largest medieval castle

Your local expert guide will start the tour by taking you up the hill on a charming Prague tram, and telling you about the fascinating history of the Prague Castle, dating all the way back to the 9th Century and making it the largest medieval castle in the world. Even though many different architects have contributed to it over time, the Prague Castle ensemble remains remarkably harmonious, which you'll see as you vist Malá Strana, filled with houses of the nobility, the Old Royal Palace, and major must-see sites like the last judgment mosaic, St Nicholas's Church and St. George's Basilica.

Hidden treasures and surprises around every corner

Even though your Prague Castle tour guide will make sure you see all the must-see sites, she or he will also remind you to keep your eyes open as you are taken to see the castle's many hidden treasures. You'll be introduced to fascinating sculptures, buildings and pieces of art as you are taken on a tour of the Prague Castle that only an expert local guide can offer.

Stunning views of Prague

Be sure to leave space on your phone or camera though, because at the end of the tour you'll be treated with some of the most stunning views of Prague. As the Prague Castle towers over the city, breathtaking panoramic views will leave you with incredible images to remember the city by, and to make your friends at home jealous!

Free Tour concept

The tips-based model of the Free Tour allows guests to support and reward only the highest quality tours, and to ensure that the tour fits within their expectations, and within their budget.

Image for meeting point

Your Prague Castle Free Walking Tour starts at Jan Palach Square in front of Rudolfinum*

*Please keep in mind that the designated meeting point is NOT at the Castle but in the city's Old Town

  • Explore the Prague Castle and the Castle District
  • Marvel at the stunning views over Prague
  • Hear the fascinating stories of Dukes, Kings and Emperors who lived there
  • See the Last Judgment Mosaic


Click on 'See more dates' to check availability

  • Local English-speaking guide
  • Gratuities for the guide (optional)
  • Transportation
  • The independent guides who employ us to market their tours have your best interests in mind; while the tour usually includes the sites & stories mentioned and lasts about 2.5 hours, your tour may vary depending on what your guide thinks is best for your group
  • It is necessary to purchase a 30 CZK transportation ticket before joining the Prague Castle Tour. We kindly ask you to purchase it in advance to ensure that the tour runs smoothly - tickets are sold through yellow vending machines at metro stations, at ticket offices located at some metro stations, at some news stands and at tourist information centres
  • Unfortunately, we do not recommend this tour for wheelchair users

Tour start

Customer reviews

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Prague Castle Tour!

We did the Prague castle tour with Sarah. Our time with her was filled with interesting stories, an insight into life back then, lots of humour, and tons of photo ops! She knew the hacks to avoid crowds so we got a lot of quiet places to stop and talk about the castle and its history. She was very informative and shared a lot of information not just about the castle itself but also about life back then, and Prague in general for tourists! We enjoyed our tour with her and would highly recommend choosing Sarah as your guide for this tour and others too.

Prague Castle

We went on the paid tour of the Prague Castle with Brandon as our tour guide. Overall, it was excellent! He was very knowledgeable and super friendly. The views are incredible, highly recommended!

Detailed tour of castle grounds with Jeremy

Jeremy was a great tour guide, very enthusiastic and knowledgable, a great story teller, he brought the history of Prague castle to life with fascinating stories and myths.

Prague Castle waking tour with Jeremy

We really enjoyed our Saturday morning tour with Jeremy. His knowledge of the history of the castle together with his enthusiasm and dead-pan humour makes him a truly outstanding guide.

Prague castle tour with Lyle

Did the 3 hour walking tour of Prague Castle with Lyle. He was absolutely fantastic. I had no expectations of the tour, and wasn’t particularly interested in the content, however Lyle had the whole group hanging onto every word he said. He was extremely knowledgeable and very passionate about the history and architecture and everything else on the tour. Thanks so much Lyle.

Amazing castle tour experience with Neil

Myself and my girlfriend went on a walking tour of the castle with Neil as a guide. Really interesting, informative and fun! Neil really knows his stuff and he really made us feel involved. Would definitely recommend!

What is a Free Tour?

The Free Tour is the best introduction to Prague! A general overview tour including many of the highlights of the city, the Free Tour usually lasts around 3 hours and is provided by a local freelance guide in partnership with SANDEMANs NEW Europe, so tour content can vary depending on your guide’s particular area of interest and expertise.

The Free Tour is a walking tour with no need for public transport and is designed for independent travellers, not groups. You can book your spot in advance online or simply show up at the start point on the day. There is no payment necessary at the start of the tour but you are welcome to tip your guide at the end!

We believe in supporting local communities and are committed to giving a voice to some of Prague's best local freelance tour guides, who passionately share the city's history and culture with their own unique and always-entertaining style. They'll never pressure you to tip; we believe that, if money is given, it should be voluntary and in direct proportion to the quality of the tour and the budget of the traveller.

Why join the SANDEMANs FREE Tour?

  • The route covers many of Prague's major landmarks
  • The meeting point is centrally located in the Old Town Square
  • The Free Tour is guaranteed to fit within your budget
  • The guides performing tips-based Free Tours are incentivized to perform every time


  • Select Tour
  • Private Tour

Prague Free Tour guide sharing the city's history during the tour

Free Tour of Prague

Book the original Prague free walking tour and visit many of the city's highlights with a local guid ...

kutna hora day tour

Day Trip to Kutná Hora

Day trip from Prague to the stunning Kutná Hora with an expert local guide

terezin concentration camp tour from prague

Terezín Concentration Camp Tour

Day trip from Prague to the former Nazi concentration camp Terezín with an expert local guide

prague beer tasting tour

Prague Beer Tasting Tour

Taste some of the Czech Republic's favorite beers and learn why they are the biggest beer consumers ...

red prague walking tour

Communist Prague - The Life Behind the Iron Curtain Tour

Join an expert local tour guide to learn what life was like in communist Czechoslovakia

prague castle free walking tour

Tell us the landmarks, stories or parts of the city you want to see, how long you have to see them and when you want to go, and we’ll build an itinerary that suits you.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam

guide prague

2-hour Prague Old Town & Jewish Quarter Private Tour

Make the most out of your time in Prague; taking on the world-famous Old Town and the Jewish Quarter

prague free walking tour

2-hour Prague Old Town & New Town Private Tour

Make the most out of your time in Prague; taking on both the Old and New Towns

prague private tours

3-hour Prague Private City Tour

Enjoy a comprehensive overview of Prague's fascinating history and must-see sites with your private ...

Participation in tours promoted by SANDEMANs NEW Europe is strictly on a voluntary basis. Neither SANDEMANs NEW Europe, nor the self-employed freelance guides who are the providers of the tours promoted by SANDEMANs NEW Europe, will be held responsible in any way for injuries to body or property incurred during tours. The tour guides reserve the right to deny participation in any tour, to any person, for any reason. Thank you for your understanding.

Berlin Cathedral

Thank you! Your support means more to us than we can express in words. Chris Sandeman and the SANDEMANs Live Community

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prague castle free walking tour

prague castle free walking tour

Best things to do and see in Prague

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and it is known as the “City of a Hundred Spires” or the “Golden City.” This European capital is one of the most visited destinations by tourists in the entire world and not only because of its beauty, but because it is practically a museum where tourists can walk through its neighborhoods and witness Prague’s historic, architectural and cultural legacy. Few cities in Europe can compete with all Prague has to offer, culturally and in terms of its many monuments. Prague’s many squares and corners all have a rich story to tell, full of interesting local history that will bring your holiday to life and ensure you a visit that you will remember for a lifetime. 

When it comes time to plan out what to see in a city that is this packed with amazing monuments, it’s more important than ever to have some criteria based on how much time you’ll have to explore, this way you get to see all those must-see places on your list without missing anything too important. If you end up doing a free tour in Prague (in the morning, afternoon, or evening) with a local guide, you will have the opportunity to see the places that are most significant or emblematic, places like Prague Castle, Charles’ Bridge, the Cathedral, the Old Town Square, Wenceslao Square, the Dancing House, the Prague Astronomical Clock, The Jewish Neighborhood, the Spanish Synagogue, or the John Lennon Wall.

If you’d like to know more about the free walking tours in Prague in Spanish or English that are available, get online where you can read other walkers’ opinions and reviews they left about their gurus and their guided tours and find the best one for you. 

Free walking tour near Prague

Others cities to visit after prague, find other guruwalks in prague, where are you traveling to.

Prague Free Walking Tours

Discover Prague with fun local guides on 4 different free walking tours.

Book online now!

Old Town, Jewish Quarter and  Charles Bridge Free Tour

See Prague's top sights on the Old Town, Jewish Quarter, and Charles Bridge Free Tour.

Prague Castle Free Tour

Explore the largest castle complex in the world with a knowledgeable and entertaining guide.

Prague WWII & Communism Free Tour

See unusual and chilling sights of WWII and the Communist period.

Prague Ghost & Legends Free Tour

Visit the magical Castle District and Lesser Town on a Ghosts and Legends Free Tour.

Join 100 Spires City Tours and explore Prague with knowledgeable, friendly, and funny local guides. See Prague on the  best-rated Prague Free Walking Tour  according to TripAdvisor!   ( See our reviews )

  • With four different free walking tour options to choose from, each exploring a different part of the city and period of history, you can customize your Prague experience to suit your interests. If this is your first time visiting Prague we recommend starting with the: Old Town & Jewish Quarter Free Tour.  
  • All of our free tours are in English language only!
  • For the best possible quality, we limit our tour group size to 30 people max.! Only customers with active reservations are guaranteed a spot on our free tour. Choose the "Book Tour" section in the page menu and proceed from there.

Let us show you the city we grew up in and that we love! We can't wait to see you at our meeting point!


A tour where you are in charge of deciding your own price. At the end of the tour and only after you have experienced the quality you can choose a value of your own liking.


  • 10:00 -  Old Town, Jewish Quarter & Charles Bridge Free Tour (Every Day)
  • 10:00 -  Free WW2 & Communism Tour (Tue, Fri & Sun)
  • 11:00 -  Prague Castle Free Walking Tour (Every Day)
  • 14:00 -  Free WW2 & Communism Tour (Wed, Sat)
  • 14:00 (1.11. - 31.3.) -  Prague Castle Free Walking Tour   (Every Day)
  • 15:00 -  Old Town, Jewish Quarter & Charles Bridge Free Tour (Every Day)
  • 15:00 (1.4. - 31.10.) -  Prague Castle Free Walking Tour (Every Day)
  • 17:00 -  Old Town, Jewish Quarter & Charles Bridge Free Tour (Every Day in Summer)
  • 19:00 (1.10. - 30.4.) -  Ghost & Legends Free Walking Tour   (Tue, Fri & Sat)
  • 21:00 (1.5. - 30.9.) -  Ghost & Legends Free Walking Tour (Tue, Fri & Sat)

Would you like to see it all in just one day? We have a 2-hour break between the Old Town and Prague Castle Free Walking Tour.

Learn how to read the Prague Astronomical Clock, hear the legend of the Prague Golem, and cross Charles Bridge on the Free Old Town, Jewish Quarter, and Charles Bridge Tour.

  • Starting Time: Every day at 10 AM and 3 PM   (at 5 PM in June-September)
  • Area: Old Town, Jewish Quarter, and Charles Bridge
  • Language: English
  • Meeting point: Powder Gate, look for our red umbrella with 100 on it  (please make a reservation, it's for FREE and will secure your spot on our free walking tour)
  • Ending point: John Lennon Wall
  • Tour duration:  2 hours 45 minutes (incl. coffee break)

This tour is a perfect kick-start to your visit! We will cover Prague's TOP sights (except Prague Castle, for that you can join our castle tours!) and give you tips for your visit so you will be all set to explore the Czech capital further. We keep our groups sized reasonably sized (30 people max) so you can hear your guide.

Things to know before joining Free Old Town, Jewish Quarter, and Charles Bridge tour:

  • We only accept customers with active reservations! If your reservation is for a different time slot, or a bigger number of people, or if you haven't made a booking, we will ask you to wait till the beginning of the tour and see if there is an available spot for you.
  • Like all our other tours, we do not accept large groups (more than 8 people) on this tour, even with separate reservations. Groups of less than 15 people can be accommodated only if they prepay the deposit. Please, check out our FAQ for more info.
  • This tour has a moderate level of walking difficulty (we walk about 4 km with few breaks and seating opportunities), which could pose challenges for elderly individuals or customers with mobility issues . Please consider booking a private tour if this applies to you.
  • We do not visit the interiors of synagogues and the Old Jewish Cemetery because it requires an admission fee and a special guiding permit. Additionally, if you are interested in the WWII history of the Jewish Quarter, please join our Free WWII and Communism Tour , where we dedicate more time to this topic.

Still have questions? We've answered them  here .

And if you need even more guidance, check out our   YouTube channel Real Prague Guides !


A tour of Prague, where you are FREE to decide on the value of your own choice at the end of the tour. You can tip your guide in any major currency, or pay by card, we carry portable terminals.

Powder Tower - Meeting Point

Free Prague Old Town & Jewish Quarter Tour

Astronomical Clock

Join our daily Prague Castle free tours and see the famous Guinness World Record-winning castle yourself!

  • STARTING TIME: Every day at 11 AM and 3 PM  (2 PM in winter, please read below)
  • MEETING POINT: Klarov, Malostranska metro exit  (look for the red umbrella with 100 on it)
  • ENDING POINT: Prague Castle  (near the vineyard of St. Wenceslas)
  • TOUR DURATION: 2 hours 15 minutes  (incl. 10 min. break for photos and toilets)

Our 11 AM tour includes the Big Change of Guards with music , a unique event that takes place only once a day. After the tour, you will still have around 3 hours to buy tickets and explore different museums within the Prague Castle complex.

The afternoon tour includes Golden Lane , Prague's most picturesque street. Golden Lane opens for free after 4 p.m. in winter and 5 p.m. in summer.

Both tours cover the same sights otherwise!

We start the tour directly below Prague Castle and take a tram there, saving us at least 15 minutes of walking uphill.

  • You will enter the FREE part of the St. Vitus Cathedral.
  • You will visit all of the courtyards of Prague Castle and will see all of the historically important buildings that are in the free area of Prague Castle .

Things to know before joining the Prague Castle Free Tour

  • You will need a public transport ticket for 30 CZK (1,2 EUR). You can purchase the ticket at the beginning of the tour.
  • In winter, it gets pretty windy in the castle. Multiple layers of clothes are the way to go. Wear comfortable shoes.
  • Please, arrive at the meeting point 10 min before the starting time of the tour, as your group will be taking a tram to the castle and it's not possible to find them after.
  • Due to the castle's location and the absence of suitable facilities, this tour is not accessible for wheelchair users and those with large strollers.
  • Like all other tours, we do not accept large groups (more than 8 people) on this tour, even with separate reservations. Group bookings will be canceled unless you contact us before making a reservation.
  • You cannot bring pets, or luggage to this tour.

Still have a question? Check out our FAQ .

St.Vitus Cathedral

Our Free WWII & Communism Tour runs at:

  • Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 10 AM .
  • Wednesday and Saturday at 2 PM  (check our availability in the booking calendar)

On  Free Prague WWII & Communism Tour , we discover why Prague was spared from destruction during WWII, and learn about the significance of the Prague Uprising. We'll also take you to the site of the Valentine's Day bombing, walk from the Dancing House to the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius, which serves as a WWII museum and where Czech paratroopers made a valiant stand against Nazi soldiers during the Anthropoid Operation .

During the Free Prague WW2 & Communism Tour, you will gain insight into:

  • How was Czechoslovakia founded and why did Hitler consider it to be originally a German territory?
  • What was the Munich Agreement and how did the Second World War really start for Czechoslovakia?
  • Did the Czechs fight? What was the form of resistance?
  • Who was the Butcher of Prague and how was he killed?
  • When did the Prague Uprising take place and what role did it play at the end of the war?
  • What was the fate of Jewish people during the Nazi occupation?
  • Who were the best Czech fighters?
  • How did communism start in Czechoslovakia?
  • Why did Jan Palach set himself on fire?
  • Why was Czechoslovakia invaded in 1968?
  • Why do we call the end of communism the Velvet Revolution?

Where does the tour start?

  • At Klarov , in front of the Malostranska metro exit. We will send you a picture of our meeting point and more information about how to find us in the confirmation email.

Things to know before joining the Free WWII and Communism tour:

  • Like all tours, we do not accept large groups (more than 8 people) on this tour, even with separate reservations. Please, check out our FAQ for more info.
  • This tour has a moderate level of walking difficulty (we walk about 4 km with few breaks and seating opportunities), which could pose challenges for elderly individuals or customers with mobility issues. Please consider booking a private tour if this applies to you.
  • We do not visit the interiors of synagogues because it requires an admission fee and a special guiding permit.

Memorial to the Second Resistance

Prague WWII & Communism Tour

Velvet Revolution Memorial

Explore Prague's dark stories and legends of Mala Strana on the Free Ghost & Legends Tour .

  • Free Ghost & Legends Tour runs every Tuesday, Friday & Saturday at 7 PM or 9 PM. (Tour schedule varies depending on the time of the year, and when the sun sets. Please check availability in the booking calendar)

Experience Prague like never before on our unique tour that explores the city's untold history . Forget about typical sightseeing and join us as we delve into the legends and stories that have been passed down for centuries.

We'll start in Novy Svet, the former slums located at the city walls have seen the most destruction from wars and fires, and now hold secrets and captivating legends.

We'll also visit a place where people gathered during the plague epidemics , a grim reminder of the horrible disease that killed one-third of Prague's population in the 18th century. Near this site, there was a secret meeting place for two lovers. What happened to them?

These are the stories of ordinary people that shape the city and make it what it is today. Join us to discover the legendary and dark side of Prague and truly get to know the city.

Things to know before joining the Free Ghosts and Legends tour:

  • We only accept people with active reservations! If your reservation is for a different time lot, bigger number of people, or if you haven't made a booking, we will ask you to wait till the beggining of the tour and see if there is an available spot for you.

Still have questions? Check out our FAQ .

Novy Svet - Steps

Free Ghost Tour

St. Nicholas Church

Our Prague Walking Tours Offer

prague castle free walking tour

Prage Free Tours

prague castle free walking tour

Prague Castle Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Free Old Town & Jewish Quarter Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Free Prague Castle Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Free Prague WWII & Communism Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Free Prague Ghost Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Prague Private Tours

prague castle free walking tour

Prague Historical Center Private Tour

prague castle free walking tour

The Best of Prague Churches Private Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Secont World War and Communism Private Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Prague Vysehrad Fortress Private Tour

prague castle free walking tour

Free Tour Prague

Prague Free Tours

What to see in Prague: Highlights & History in 2 Days

In Prague for a few days and want to see as much as you can? Here’s your 2-day city plan, written by the best Prague free walking tour guides! Don’t miss out on photos of the Charles Bridge , seeing the Astronomical Clock strike the hour, and visiting the largest castle complex in the world. Of course, we’ll also give you some of the best places to take a sip or two of famous Czech beer .

We’ve written out this rough itinerary to hit ALL the must-sees and give you a taste of Prague’s history in just 48 hours. But you could also follow our lead (literally!) and join one of our free walking tours of Prague to see it through expert eyes and meet some fellow travelers.

Prague free walking tours

Day 1 (includes Astronomical Clock, Old Town Square, Jewish Quarter, Charles Bridge, St Vitus Cathedral)

  • Old Town (Staré Město)
  • Jewish Quarter

Prague Castle

  • Malá Strana

(includes Dancing House, National Theater, and a beer with a view)

  • New Town (Nové Město)
  • Wenceslas Square

A Quick History of Prague

Prague holds a historical prominence and cultural heritage that makes it one of the most important tourist destinations in the world. It’s not just the beer!

You hopefully already know that Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. What you might not know is that this city was also the capital of the Holy Roman Empire – a central artery of European politics.  

The city streets thrum with history, from the 14th to the 20th centuries. Words on a page cannot bring tales of the past to life, which is why Prague is known for its popular free walking tours and enthusiastic guides.  

????Best Prague Free Walking Tours ????

Prague Free Walking Tour – Old Town and Jewish Quarter

Prague Free Castle Tour & Charles Bridge

20th Century Prague – Free Walking Tour

Prague Old Town Square & Astronomical Clock 

Grab your coffee and fuel up on a tasty breakfast – you have a day of exploring ahead of you!

Old Town Square is Prague’s epicenter. There’s no better place to start than in the most famous, and most photographed, spot. Stand in the middle and see if you can identify the Old Town Hall, St Nicholas Church, Tyn Church, Marian Column, Jan Hus Monument, and Kinsky Palace. 

Whatever you do, don’t leave without going to see the famous Astronomical Clock . Built in 1410, the clock still sits in perfect working order even after centuries of warfare and strife. Legend has it that Jan Hanuš, the clockmaker, was purposefully blinded so he might never make a clock like this again (don’t worry, it’s likely a macabre urban myth). 

TIP: The free tour of Prague Old Town includes an awesome description of how to read the clock – not as easy as it sounds!

Estates Theater & Powder Tower

Once you’ve taken some pictures and basked in the atmosphere of the square for a while, try to find Železná Street. 

Along here, you will reach one of the world’s oldest theaters: the Estates Theater . If you’re feeling theatrical, close your eyes and will yourself back a few centuries. It’s 1787, this building is newly built, and Mozart is about to premiere his opera Don Giovanni right here to worldwide acclaim. 

To the left of the building, follow a smaller road through Ovocny Trh (passing by part of the famous Charles University!) to Celetna street. 

Can you find the blackened tower? 

The Powder Tower is one of the original gates of the city. Its significance (and name) come from its other purpose, though: to store gunpowder in the event of battle. This is also the start of the Royal Way – the coronation walk kings would undergo to the castle. 

Prague’s Jewish Quarter

Now meander through the Old Town to the Jewish Quarter (we recommend using a map to avoid getting forever lost in Prague’s winding streets!). 

The Jewish Quarter is a small area in the center of Prague, between the Old Town and the river. For centuries it was the only place Jewish people were permitted to live in Prague. 

Make sure, as well, to walk by the Jewish Cemetery . One of the largest in Europe, it is raised because it contains layers upon layers of graves. 

There are six synagogues within this area. The most famous architecturally is The Spanish Synagogue . The oldest is the confusingly named The Old-New Synagogue (also the spot of the famous legend of The Golem). 

If you’re feeling peckish for a coffee and/or sweet snack – it might be time for a Trdelnik. This cinnamon pastry delight is not actually a Prague-original, but has become a must-eat for travellers! We recommend the tiny cafe opposite the Jewish Cemetery if you would prefer to avoid being ripped off 😉

All of the above (and much, much more) is covered on our Prague Free Walking Tour: Old Town + Jewish Quarter :

  • Every day: 10am, 11am and 2:30pm
  • Discover: History of Old Town & Jewish Quarter
  • Price: Free
  • Value: the history of one of the oldest cities in Europe, condensed by an expert, entertaining guide into 2.5 hours? Well, it’s worth more than a history textbook 😉

Once you’ve had a break – maybe a hit of caffeine or a sip of beer and some food to sustain you – head out for more!

Charles Bridge

Now to cross one of the most famous bridges in the world.

Facts about Charles Bridge: 

  • Built in 1357 by Charles IV (not single-handedly!)
  • More than 500m long
  • Connects Old Town with Malá Strana (Lesser Town)
  • 30 statues of religious figures

prague castle free walking tour

Once you cross the bridge, keep following the road along. This walk is continuing the Royal Way – all the way to the castle, so get ready for a climb! 

You will cross Malostranské náměstí to find Nerudova street. The uphill walk is well worth it, as this is one of the most special streets in Prague. It is famous for the symbols, statues, and paintings on each building. 

Tip: If you cannot walk this far, take tram 22 from Malostranské náměstí to Prazsky Urad to get to the castle.

At the top of Nerudova street, the road turns to the right and outside the castle you are treated to one of the best views of the city! 

Make sure to take some pictures. Can you spot Old Town Square? 

Now to the main event! Prague Castle is a little different to other castles – it is actually a fortified city, so we call it the ‘castle complex’ . Its construction began in the 9th century and has undergone countless renovations and extensions since then. The complex is made up of six courtyards.

Prague Castle Tour

Did you know that Prague Castle is the largest ancient castle in the world?

St. Vitus Cathedral

One of the must-sees inside the castle is St. Vitus Cathedral , an icon of Prague and the most important building in the complex. Its construction began in 1344 under the reign of Charles IV, but dragged on for almost 600 years due to warfare and economic problems. The facade was completed in 1929.

A part of the Prague Cathedral is open to visitors (free entry) until 4pm in winter and 5pm in summer.

The cathedral had a very important weight in the development of Bohemia, where kings and emperors were crowned. Inside you can find the tombs of kings and ancient crown jewels.

We recommend exiting the castle from the other side of the complex, down past the museum, for another spectacular view of Prague . 

Your first day of sightseeing is over!

If history were a currency, the castle district would be paved with gold. Join our free walking tour of Prague Castle & Charles Bridge to listen to stories about the cathedral and castle that you won’t hear elsewhere. * Our castle tour runs daily at 2pm, starting at The Rudolfinum.

New Town (Nove Mesto)

Although called the New Town, this area is actually from the 14th Century. Head to the Vltava River and walk south along the riverbank to view the Art Nouveau buildings of the New Town. 

Significant buildings along Prague’s riverbank:

  • National Theater Easy to spot from its golden roof. 
  • Dancing House Inspired by one of the 20th Century’s most famous couples: Fred & Ginger.

Once you have reached the Dancing House, turn left to walk up the busy avenue. Not far along, you will see on the left the Church of St Cyril and St Methodius. This is the spot of one of the most notorious events of World War II –  the murder of the members of Operation Anthropoid.

  • What is Operation Anthropoid?
  • Why was it called the ‘Velvet’ Revolution? Find out on our Prague free walking tour 20th Century Prague .

Continue up the same avenue to find yourself in Karlovo Namesti (Charles Sq). This green space used to be a cattle market – way back in the 1300s – although is now where you can find the monastery of St. John of Nepomuk, the church of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Old Town Hall and some university buildings.

Wenceslas Square or Vaclavske Namesti

Continue your walk North-East through the New Town to eventually come to the beautiful Wenceslas Square . This is the epicenter of Prague, with the National Museum presiding over the street of architectural magnitude. 

Wenceslas Sq is the site of: 

  • The Velvet Revolution
  • The Prague Spring invasion
  • Many modern-day protests
  • A lot of shops!

Head to a viewpoint

You now have 3 choices from which to grab a beer and enjoy a stellar view. Prague is a very green city, but many tourists miss out on the many parks this city has to offer. Heading to a high point for some fresh air after all the sightseeing. 

Prague free walking tour

To really experience Prague as more of a local, make your way to one of these spots: 

  • Riegrovy Sady The viewpoint from this park gets crowded fast on sunny evenings. It’s the perfect spot to grab a drink and watch the sunset over the castle. 
  • Letna Park One of the largest parks in Prague and home to a huge beer garden, with the best view of Old Town and the river.
  • Petrin Hill Best if you still have energy for a climb – although you can always take the funicular to the top! This spot is across the river, near the castle. 

Prague FREE Walking Tour (because you can’t learn it all online!)

Of course, the best way to see all of the above and more is on one of our tours. Our guides are licensed, historical experts. We think they’re pretty awesome – and so do other travelers (check our Google Reviews !)

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Charles Bridge Panoramic

Prahos turisto vadovas

Prague Castle Walk

Pražský hrad.

prague castle free walking tour

For all the UNESCO World Heritage sites peppering Prague, the city’s one defining image is the Castle. Sitting on its lofty perch high above Malá Strana, the Castle was founded in 880 by Prince Bořivoj and is – according to the Guinness Book of World Records – the biggest in the world. 

Rather than being a castle in the traditional sense, this one is more like a huge complex (70,000 m²) containing hundreds of buildings, including palaces, galleries, shops, museums, gardens and religious houses. Often mistaken by tourists to be the Castle itself is the awe-inspiring Gothic edifice of St Vitus Cathedral , which is the seat of the Archbishop of Prague, and the resting place of many Kings, Queens and Holy Roman Emperors. If you have one handy, have a look at a 50 CZK coin – it’s on there too.

Because of its sundry attractions, it would be difficult to do everything the castle offers within a week, let alone a single day or afternoon. This walk, then, will take you via all the most significant sites of interest, citing along the way further ones you may wish to explore in more detail.

Prague Castle

The walk starts at the gates of Prague Castle . Take tram 22 to either Pražský hrad or Pohořelec.

Ends: at the southern gardens of Prague Castle.

Nearest metro stop: Malostranská.

The below-listed tour can be walked on your own (self-guided tour), or we can arrange for you a professional English-speaking guide . The tour guide can even tailor this walk to your special needs. For example, recommend a place to stop for lunch, including a river cruise or tram ride if you are tired of walking, etc. The guide can pick you up at your hotel, or you can arrange to meet anywhere in the city. Please email us your details for a price quote.

Prague Castle Gate

4.  The good news is that most of the Castle’s outdoor attractions are free. Many interiors, however – and Golden Lane , too – require a fee of 250 CZK. A more expensive ticket incorporates the art galleries also, but this particular walk can be done with a cheaper ticket.

Royal Garden Belveder

For centuries, St Vitus was the place of coronation and burial for Bohemian kings. Inside is to be found the tomb of St. Wenceslaus (he of the Christmas carol fame) and John of Nepomuk, who was drowned in the Vltava at the behest of Wenceslaus. St Vitus himself is the Patron Saint of Bohemia, not to mention actors, comedians, dancers and epileptics.

Stained Glass, Vitus Cathedral

7. Once St Vitus has dazzled you significantly, continue through to the third courtyard, where it is believed once stood the stone throne of the Bohemian Princes. Today, its centrepieces are Josef Plečnik’s memorial to the dead of the First World War and an iron statue that depicts St George slaying the dragon. This was cast in 1373 and is the oldest free-standing statue in Bohemia to be found outdoors. The courtyard is also the best place to do some gargoyle-spotting; among those lining the Cathedral roof, look out for dragons, scorpions, and musicians.

Vladislav Hall

10. Continue past the Basilica, down Jiřská, where on your right is the Rosenberg Palace, a place where impecunious, unmarried noblewomen used to reside. Before reaching the Lobkowicz Palace (the only privately owned building in the Prague Castle complex) coming up on your right-hand side, a left turn leads to Golden Lane.

Golden Lane

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Prague Castle - Frequently Asked Questions

Prague Castle - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to the most frequent questions about Prague Castle.

Article updated on: September 9th, 2022

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Visited by over 2 million people every year, Prague Castle, or Pražský hrad, is the most popular tourist attraction in the Czech Republic. On this page, you will find answers to the most frequent questions that people ask us about the Castle before their visit.


Is prague castle free.

Yes, the Castle is free of charge, but you will need to buy a ticket if you wish to enter the exhibitions.

The areas available for free are the historical courtyards, the Neo-Gothic part of the Cathedral of St. Vitus and the Golden Lane (after 4 or 5pm depending on the season). During the summer you can also enjoy the free access to the royal gardens. We visit the free part of the castle on our daily free Charles Bridge & Castle tour. You can check the schedule for this free tour here.

What is in the paid part of Prague Castle?

For the paid visit in the Castle you can choose from 3 circuits:

Circuit (A) (CZK350) includes the old part of the Cathedral, the Old Royal Palace, the exhibition “The Story of Prague Castle”, the Basilica of St. George, the interiors of the houses of the Golden Lane, the Daliborka Tower (old prison with dungeon) and the Rosenberg Palace. [ update in 2022: currently this option is not available ]

Circuit (B) (CZK250) includes everything above except the exhibition “The Story of Prague Castle” and the Rosenberg Palace.

Circuit (C) (CZK350) includes just the Treasure of St. Vitus Cathedral (in the Holy Cross Chapel) and the Prague Castle Picture Gallery. Both admission tickets can be bought separately for CZK250 and CZK100 accordingly. [ update in 2022: currently this option is not available ]

How much time to spend in the Castle: circuits A or B will take 2-4 hours depending on your general pace and interest, circuit C can be done within 1-1.5 hours. [ update in 2022: currently only circuit B is available ]

Our favorite is circuit B, as it includes the most important sights. We also recommend climbing the Great South Tower of Saint Vitus Cathedral (CZK150) and visiting the Lobkowicz Palace (CZK 290).

The tickets are valid for 2 days and can be purchased in the information centres of Prague Castle, as well as in the Old Royal Palace, in the Golden Lane or in the Castle Picture Gallery. Buying skip-the-line-tickets on the Internet will not save you much time, as most of the time the only big queue is the security check outside.

See the official website of Prague Castle for more detailed information.


What is the best time to visit the castle of prague.

It depends how much time you wish to spend in the Castle and if you want to buy the tickets or just enjoy the free part. For the free part, we recommend coming around 17:00, so that you can enter the Cathedral before it closes at 17:40* and then, when the castle museum is closed, you can enter the Golden Lane for free (after 18:00*). Just please note that in the winter season (1 November-31 March) the museum closes at 4pm and the Cathedral at 3:40pm.

If you don’t mind buying the ticket to the exhibitions, we recommend coming in the morning before the arrival of the organized tour groups. The Prague Castle museum opens at 10:00am (9:00am in the winter season), the earlier you visit the better. You will find more information about the opening hours of the Castle here.

What time is the changing of the guard in Prague Castle?

The changing of the guard happens every hour from 07:00 to 20:00 in the summer season and from 07:00 to 18:00 in the winter season. The ceremonial changing of the guard with fanfar and banner exchange takes place in the First Courtyard of Prague Castle at 12:00.


Can i take a selfie with the castle guards at the entrance gates of prague castle.

As per the official rules and regulations of the castle you must stay at least half a meter away from the Castle guards. It is forbidden to touch, interfere with or ridicule the guards. So rather not.

Are there public toilets in Prague Castle?

Yes, one is next to the entrance of the Cathedral of St. Vitus ( map ) and the other one closer to the East Gate between the Golden Lane and Jiřská street ( map ). The cost is CZK 10.

Where can I buy water in Prague Castle?

There are a couple of cafés in the castle complex selling drinks but they tend to be very expensive. The average price of a small bottle of water in the castle complex is CZK100, which is 4 euros. We recommend to buy water before entering the castle grounds. Alternatively, if you have a valid castle ticket, there is a drinking fountain in the Golden Lane in front of the house no 23 [unavailable in 2022].

Is it possible to attend a holy mass in the Cathedral of St. Vitus?

Of course. The Cathedral of Saint Vitus is an active Roman Catholic church and the fateful can attend the services every day from Monday to Thursday at 07:00, on Fridays at 07:00 and 18:00, on Sundays at 08:30 and 10:00.

Check for any updates of the current schedule on the website of the Cathedral .

Is it possible to enter the Prague Castle complex with a dog?

It is not forbidden to enter the castle grounds with a dog if the pet has a muzzle and is on a leash. Walking into any interiors and entering the royal gardens with a dog is not allowed.

What should I know about the security check in Prague Castle?

The security check was introduced in 2016 as the result of the growing terrorist threat in Europe in order to protect the president. The metal detector scan is quick and shouldn’t take more than half a minute per person, but due to the huge popularity of the castle, long lines in the summer season are inevitable.

If there is anything else you would like to know about the Castle of Prague, please feel free to send us a message at [email protected] .

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Walking Tour Prague Complete: Old Town + Jewish Quarter

Walking Tour Prague Complete: Old Town + Jewish Quarter Czech Republic — #1

Overview of the tour in Prague

* Don't forget to check out and possibly book our other tours in the "New Town" and the "Prague Castle." When you talk about "The Old Town," you are talking about the old historical part of Prague. There was little bombing here during the Second World War, so almost all buildings are still standing and in their original condition. Prague's Old Town is truly an impressive open-air museum. During the tour, you will explore exciting places such as Old Town Square, the Astronomical Clock, Charles Bridge, and the Jewish Quarter. This walking tour is easy for any company/family to keep up with (not too much effort). Sights: - Mala Strana - Čůrající postavy - Lennon wall - Charles Bridge - Jewish Quarter - Old new synagogue - Old Town Square - Astronomical clock - Prašná brána - And more On our tour, you will see all the main must-see sights! Price: Free tours do not have a set price; instead, each person gives the tour guide at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50, depending on satisfaction with the tour).

This activity includes:

  • Lennon Wall
  • The Powder Tower
  • Old Town Square
  • Charles Bridge
  • Piss sculpture
  • Prague Astronomical Clock
  • The Old-New Synagogue
  • Spanish Synagogue

Huig  — Guide of Walking Tour Prague Complete: Old Town + Jewish Quarter, Czech Republic

Meeting point

Metrostation Malostranska

Meeting point: Malostranska metro station on the square in front of the exit. Address: Malostranská, Klarov, Malá Strana, 118 00 Prague 1 How to reach: Metro line A (green line) stop: Malostranská Tram: 2, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27 stop: Malostranská Bus: 194 stop: Malostranská You can recognize the guide on the white "I Love Praag" umbrella or clothes.

Things to note

- The tour normally lasts about 2.5 hours, but we reserve 3 hours as standard so that we have enough time to see everything special we encounter. - A maximum of 25 people participate per tour so that sufficient attention can be given to each participant. - Unfortunately, we do not accept group bookings from groups of more than 6 people. This is due to the risk that a group will cancel at the last minute or not even show up at all.

Free Cancellation

You are free to cancel a booking anytime. We kindly remind you to cancel bookings you cannot arrive for. Being reported as absent decreases your customer level points and the benefits you can enjoy.

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The Best Hotels in Prague

Plan your trip with our list of editor-loved and T+L award-winning hotels.

prague castle free walking tour

Courtesy of Aria Hotel

Aptly named “The Golden City,” Prague stuns from the first glimpse of its intricate gold-tipped spires that make up much of the skyline, while gold-adorned statues stand watch over ancient sites that date back centuries.

So much history creates an undeniable sense of enchantment; meandering cobblestone streets beg to be explored, picturesque bridges cross quaint rivers, and a 600-year-old astronomical clock chimes through the medieval Old Town Square.

It’s enough to make you feel as if you’ve stepped back in time, though throngs of visitors might be a quick giveaway that you’re in the present day. Nearly 6 million tourists visited Prague in 2022, according to the Czech Statistical Office.

I’ve spent a lot of time traveling around Europe, and Prague remains an all-time favorite, especially for its hotels ranging from palatial historic properties to contemporary boltholes with standout style. The best hotels in Prague include several names that regularly win spots in Travel + Leisure’s World’s Best Awards and It List. These hotels provide a strong sense of place, have spacious rooms, and come with great locations. Read on to take a closer look.

Four Seasons Hotel Prague

Courtesy of Four Seasons Resorts

Also available to book at

The spacious rooms are regal and historic, but still modern and comfortable.

Prices stay reliably high throughout the year, even in slower winter months, especially compared to other comparable luxury hotels in the city.

The Four Seasons brand is a distinguished stalwart of luxury, and this outpost located along the historic riverside with front-row views of Prague Castle is no exception.

A T+L World’s Best Awards winner in 2022 and 2023, elegant rooms dazzle here with glitzy chandeliers, stately drapes, and marble bathrooms that have soaking tubs and separate showers. Upgraded Premium rooms are especially fit for royalty with furnishings that look plucked from the confines of a palace, alongside Neoclassical decor with spacious layouts of around 400 square feet.

The Vltava Spa has five treatment rooms for weary travelers, and on-site dining ranges from traditional Czech to modern Italian, plus Japanese food served on the hotel’s rooftop. Arrange to board the hotel’s private boat for an exclusive ride along the river, ideally with a glass of bubbly in hand.

The Details:

  • Neighborhood: Old Town
  • Nearby Attractions: Old Town Square, Prague Castle, Charles Bridge
  • Loyalty Programs: None
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $667

Augustine, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Prague

Courtesy of Marriott

While many hotels have taken over historic buildings, Augustine still functions in its historic capacity; the former monastery is a working one with monks residing on-site.

Given the historic nature, no two rooms are the same and may not exactly match a picture viewed online.

Augustine was a 2022 winner in T+L’s World’s Best Awards and offers a full five-star experience that is also infused with loads of character. Once a 13th-century monastery, the hotel is directly connected to the Baroque St. Thomas Church and offers tours to guests every week, including a peek into its 13th-century library. It still functions partly as a monastery today, and you may see the few monks who live here walking the grounds.

There are 101 rooms and suites, most of which were formed from merging two to three former monk’s quarters, and many feature original doors with ornamental ironwork. Classic rooms start at 344 square feet and suites easily double that. No matter which you choose, rooms have contemporary Czech Cubism furnishings that were popular in Prague during the 1920s and ‘30s alongside heavy linens and velvets in papal-inspired purple, red, and orange hues, and marble mosaic bathrooms with heated floors.

On-site amenities include a spa, fine dining restaurant, a cocktail bar in the monastery's barrel-vaulted hall, and a brewery serving beer from a secret recipe that originated from the Augustinian monks.

  • Neighborhood: Malá Strana
  • Nearby Attractions: Wallenstein Gardens, Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Old Town Square
  • Loyalty Programs: Marriott Bonvoy
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $416

Aria Hotel is totally unique, with a well-executed theme that honors the city’s musical connections and past.

The music theme is a fun touch, but the hotel is best booked by those who will appreciate it as a perk of staying here.

Music fills the air inside Aria Hotel, both figuratively and literally. The boutique property, which was a T+L World’s Best Awards winner in 2022, is comprised of 51 rooms and suites, each inspired by a musical style, artist, or composer. Individual floors honor different genres, whether classical, contemporary, jazz, or opera, and were designed by Rocco Magnoli and Lorenzo Carmellini, two Italian designers who previously collaborated with Gianni Versace. Here, they’ve handpicked custom-made furniture paired with Saffron beds, luxury bathrooms, and Molton Brown toiletries.

The musical theme extends beyond the rooms, too. Guests are granted access to an expansive musical library, available both in a physical library housing more than 5,000 CDs and DVDs, plus a collection of musical literature, as well as a digital one via Apple TV.

Situated within Malá Strana (Lesser Town), the hotel also has spa services, screening rooms, fine dining, a rooftop terrace restaurant, and private access to Vrtba Garden, a UNESCO World Heritage site that is also Prague's oldest Baroque garden.

  • Nearby Attractions: Prague Castle, Old Town Square, Charles Bridge
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $278

Andaz Prague

Courtesy of Hyatt

Also available to book at

This is a true lifestyle hotel with immersive programming that allows for a hyper-local experience. It’s also a rare pet-friendly find.

The spa doesn’t have as many wellness amenities as other hotel spas in the city, and Andaz is known to be pricey.

Located in Prague’s historic city center within walking distance of iconic museums and attractions, Andaz Prague offers modern luxury inside a former palace.

Once known as the “Sugar Palace,” the historic building dates back to 1916 when it was originally built in the center of Prague for the influential Sugar Industry Insurance Association.

Subtle details honor the building and city’s storied past, myths, and tales; for example, many guest room beds are guarded by the faithful lion of a legendary Czech prince. With high ceilings and tall, elegant windows overlooking Haymarket Square and St. Henry’s church and tower, even standard rooms feel large and indulgent thanks to gorgeous brass and velvet accents with plush cream, blue, and purple furnishings.

As a lifestyle brand, Andaz curates a large collection of programming for guests from unique walking tours centered around the figures depicted in the hotel to scent-making workshops and deep dives into the history of local graffiti. There’s also a Czech bistro, a glamorous cocktail bar, a spa, fitness center, and pet-friendly policies.

  • Nearby Attractions: Old Town Square, the National Museum, the State Opera
  • Loyalty Programs: World of Hyatt
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $400

Mandarin Oriental, Prague

Courtesy of Mandarin Oriental

The hotel is only steps away from some of the city’s most visited sights yet it feels quiet and tucked away thanks to high gated walls that keep added foot traffic at bay.

You must sign up to be a member of the hotel’s loyalty program, Fans of M.O., to gain access to free Wi-Fi.

Prague is hardly short on five-star luxury hotels, but this Mandarin Oriental property certainly holds its own. Built on the site of a former 14th-century Dominican monastery in Malá Strana, the property welcomes guests into a lush courtyard framed by stunning Renaissance and Baroque architecture.

Inside, find 99 rooms and suites that reflect the hotel’s history with exposed beams, period windows, and antique wooden floors. Upgraded rooms come with separate seating areas or tranquil terraces; some with limestone bathrooms with deep soaking tubs.

The spa, housed in a former chapel, showcases ruins through a transparent glass floor while pampering visitors with a menu of signature treatments. Monastiq Restaurant serves contemporary Czech cuisine, or you can pop into the bar and lounge for drinks in a more casual setting.

  • Nearby Attractions: Prague Castle, Old Town Square, Charles Bridge, Šternberg Palace - Czech National Gallery
  • Loyalty Programs: Fans of M.O.
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $441

NH Collection Prague Carlo IV

Courtesy of NH Collection Prague Carlo IV Hotel

This is one of the few hotels where a luxury stay is available at a price that’s a fraction of what similar hotels in the city charge.

Standard entry-level rooms are barely 200 square feet. You’ll have to pay a bit extra to upgrade to a Premium room for a much more comfortable 279 square feet.

Just a short walk from Old Town Square and designed by famed Viennese architect Achille Wölf, the Neo-Renaissance building housing this high-end hotel dates back to the 1890s when it was the Czech Mortgage Bank. If you look closely at the front door, you’ll see an inscription bearing the original name, “Hypotecni Banka Ceska.”

Many original features were preserved or restored. What was once the bank treasury room is now the hotel bar with the same wrought-iron doors.

There are 152 rooms with marble bathrooms, though upgraded rooms and suites in the historic wing are the top pick for their high ceilings, Italian furnishings, and more spacious layouts.

Guests may access the spa for free to dip into a mosaic-tiled 20-meter heated indoor pool with water massage beds and use the accompanying whirlpool, sauna, steam room, and gym. The all-day 1890 Restaurant & Bar serves a European-inspired menu for those looking to dine on-site.

  • Nearby Attractions: Prague Castle, Old Town Square, Charles Bridge, St. Vitus Cathedral
  • Loyalty Programs: NH Discovery
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $161

Golden Well Hotel

Courtesy of Golden Well

All bookings include breakfast for a great added value.

Some standard-level rooms have sloped ceilings, and the decor is a bit plainer than what you’ll find in upgraded rooms.

With just 17 rooms and two suites, the Golden Well Hotel is a much more intimate, boutique stay than you’ll find at the city’s larger big-name brand properties.

The building was once owned by the emperor of the Habsburg monarchy, Rudolf II, and today there’s a signature suite fittingly named for him. This room, along with the other accommodations, come with wood floors, original art, rain showers, and French windows for a look that feels as if you’ve escaped to a charming country chateau.

Centrally located below the walls of Prague Castle in quaint Malá Strana, it’s a short walk to many other famous landmarks and sights. But if you stay on-site you’ll enjoy a club lounge with complimentary refreshments, a restaurant with multiple terraces boasting incredible views, an upscale fine dining restaurant, and a bar that’s a member of Moët & Chandon Privileges club – an exclusive program that includes only 100 restaurants in the world and comes with special access to vintage Champagnes. It also is one of 40 restaurants in the world to hold the "Rémy Martin Louis XIII Fortress" affiliation, where staff must be specially trained to handle this specific liquor.

  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $217

Alchymist Grand Hotel And Spa

The spa has incredibly unique treatments from massages inspired by practices used on the island of Borneo to a sushi ceremony ritual with a rice oil massage, rice wrap, and shiatsu face massage served with black cherry tea.

The health club is not free for guests; it costs around $40 to use the gym, sauna, and hot tub.

There are three highly-revered Alchymist properties in Prague but this one gets our pick for being the largest with a good location near Prague Castle, and an impressive spa program.

The hotel is made up of four former bourgeois houses, the oldest of which, "Dům u Ježíška" (House by the Infant Jesus), served various purposes over the past five centuries. The atmospheric setting feels transportive to another time period while offering all the modern comforts of a luxury hotel.

There are 27 rooms and 19 suites that stand out with intricately carved headboards, gilded mirrors, and dramatic tapestries and chandeliers.

The aforementioned Indonesian-inspired Ecsotica Spa & Health Club is a major draw. Located in the building's cellar, it looks as if you’re entering an ancient temple; inside, you can swim in a pool under the sparkle of a chandelier, relax in the sauna, or book a massage that takes its inspiration from Balinese, Hawaiian, Swedish, and Javanese practices, among other wellness treatments.

The hotel’s Aquarius Restaurant is equally grand, serving European fare of all stripes in a beautiful setting with Venetian plasterwork, Murano chandeliers, and antique furniture.

  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $159

Mosaic House Design Hotel

The hotel authentically promotes eco-friendly practices by making it a core foundational element, from the soil used to pot plants to the water that flushes hotel room toilets.

Standard rooms are small; it’s wise to upgrade to Comfort or Superior accommodations for a less cramped stay.

For eco-minded travelers — and shouldn’t we all be — with a penchant for design-forward boutique hotels, Mosaic House is a top choice.

It’s the first carbon-neutral hotel in the Czech Republic, and also the first to feature a greywater system, which is when wastewater from laundry, sinks, dishwashers, tubs, and showers is filtered through a multi-stage system to remove lint, hair, and impurities so it may be reused for irrigation, cooling devices, or to flush toilets. In addition to repurposing water, the hotel also makes its own soil for use in the various green spaces you see around the hotel.

Comfort rooms come with extra living areas, while Superior rooms have lush terraces with plush seating. All rooms have rainfall showers and Nespresso machines.

Wellness is a central focus, namely in the spa, which is bookable for private use and includes a Finnish sauna, hydro massage whirlpool, cold bucket shower, and a lounge area. Massages are also available.

For dining, choose between taking drinks or meals in the contemporary cafe, secret garden, or well-stocked library.

  • Neighborhood: Nove Mesto (New Town)
  • Nearby Attractions: Old Town Square, Lobkowicz Palace, Botanical Garden, Historical Building of the National Museum of Prague, Mucha Museum
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $95

The Mozart Prague

Discerning luxury travelers will appreciate this refined hotel that exudes sophistication from end to end in a central location.

Most rooms have air conditioning but historic ones, like the one-of-a-kind Deluxe Baroque, don’t. Additionally, some rooms require steps.

Perched along the Vltava River, directly opposite Charles Bridge, The Mozart is a striking hotel steeped in history. Dating back to 1628, the hotel has hosted famous composers including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Wagner, and Josef Mysliveček, and much of the property appears preserved from a bygone era.

This is especially true in the rooms. Classic and Executive rooms have four-poster canopy beds, glittering chandeliers, and parquet floors, while Deluxe Baroque rooms look like something out of a museum with original fresco murals covering the walls and ceilings that date back to the 18th century.

The hotel’s main restaurant serves breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner, while the cafe is where the first black tea was served in Prague over 150 years ago. There’s also the Palace Courtyard, an oasis for food and drink that hosts a house DJ every Thursday.

Finally, a slew of luxury amenities awaits travelers, from a spa and hair salon to a private limousine for tours and airport transfers.

  • Nearby Attractions: Charles Bridge, Czech National Library, Jewish Museum, Old Town Square
  • Loyalty Programs: Accor Live Limitless
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $256

The hotel’s minimal, modern Scandi style stands out in a city filled with Old World historic hotels.

This is a small boutique hotel and the on-site amenities follow suit; there is just one restaurant and the gym only has a few machines.

Sleekly designed and just steps to Old Town Square, BoHo Hotel is a lovely choice for those who appreciate a pared-down, Scandi-inspired aesthetic.

Situated on a quiet side street, expect well-appointed rooms in light gray and blue hues alongside blonde woods and soft lighting. Bathrooms are large with separate tubs and showers, even in standard rooms.

A member of the exclusive Small Luxury Hotels of The World group, the hotel is intimate and chic, befitting couples on a romantic city escape. There’s a small spa with a hot tub and treatments to book, and a restaurant serves international dishes. Book a room with breakfast included to enjoy a large buffet.

  • Nearby Attractions: Old Town Square, Jewish Museum, Mucha Museum, Charles Bridge, Botanical Garden
  • Loyalty Programs: Small Luxury Hotels of The World, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Tablet Hotels
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $260

The Emblem Prague Hotel

Courtesy of The Emblem Prague Hotel

The rooftop Jacuzzi is unmissable for a truly scenic soak.

Access to the wellness area costs extra, as does the rooftop Jacuzzi, even for hotel guests.

Located in the city’s former Jewish Quarter, The Emblem Prague Hotel has everything you could want in a boutique property: an overall swanky vibe, 59 design-forward rooms, an inviting lounge, a destination restaurant, a spa, and a great rooftop terrace that also has a Jacuzzi.

Some accommodations have French doors leading to Juliet balconies, others have polished work desks and separate tubs and showers. The wholly unique Suite Library room is a highlight, with its private collection of tomes on topics ranging from art to literature and science, as well as a typewriter, fireplace, and secret passageway that leads to an attic bedroom and bath with a gorgeous standing copper bathtub.

An ample breakfast spread is available to start the day, and a wellness area offers a relaxation room, sauna, steam room, and bookable treatments.

  • Loyalty Programs: IPrefer (Preferred Hotels & Resorts)
  • Starting Rates: Rates start at $96

Know Before You Go

For the best hotel deals, consider visiting in late summer, shoulder seasons, or winter.

While summer is typically the high season (i.e., expensive) when visiting Europe, many hotels charge lower prices in the month of August when many Europeans holiday elsewhere and businesses are known to close. Prices dip again in November before Christmas, at which point they rise, before dipping again in January after the holidays when the weather can be quite cold.

Don’t shy away from using public transportation in Prague

The city is large and walkable but there’s also a very good metro system that’s extensive, easy to use, reliable, and cheap. Choose from metros, trams, and buses. For the metro, there are three color-coded lines and traveling from one end of Prague to the other takes about 30 to 45 minutes. Metro cars arrive every 2-to-4 minutes at peak times, and every 10 minutes at other points of the day during the week. On weekend nights, it is about 20 minutes between trains. Trams and buses run on similar schedules, though buses have longer intervals at off-peak times.

Don’t forget your power adapter

In the Czech Republic, power outlets operate on a 230V supply voltage and 50Hz. If you’re visiting from the US, you’ll need a power adapter to charge your phone, which is NOT the same thing as a voltage converter used for high-power electronics like hair dryers. There are two associated plug types, C and E. Plug C has two round pins and type E has two round pins and a hole for the socket’s pin.

How We Chose These Hotels

Travel + Leisure contributor Emily Hochberg is a veteran travel and lifestyle writer and editor who has traveled extensively around Europe, including Prague. She is also a professional hotel reviewer and has reviewed properties all around the world.

To determine the best hotels in Prague, she vetted the full collection of properties available to book in the city and selected those known to be editor favorites, T+L award winners, and those universally beloved by past guests. Other factors considered include location – for example, centrally-located properties within 1 mile of major attractions – as well as hotels that have several room types to suit all travelers’ needs. All hotels offer rooms that are spacious by European standards, measuring no less than 200 square feet, though many have far more generous layouts. Likewise, they come with multiple attractive amenities, whether it be great on-site dining, a noteworthy spa, or have an interesting theme or lifestyle programming available to guests. Historic value and architecture were also considered, given the city’s rich heritage. She also looked for trusted hospitality brands and partners that uphold a strong reputation for excellence, and a wide range of starting price points to meet a variety of budgets.

And finally, as with all our hotel roundups, editors ensure all hotel recommendations that are made align with our core T+L Hotel Values .

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