The Winding Road Tripper

17 Boredom-Busting Games to Play on a Bus

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A long bus ride can be one of the most iconic ways to experience a road trip, or it can be a tedious gauntlet through long hours with nothing to do. You can make sure your next bus trip is a blast with these games to play on a bus! 

You’ll not want to miss the bus on these 18 exciting games. 

1. Play I Spy

Alright, we know, this is one of those classic games to play on a bus that everyone has heard of, but have you ever really dug into it? 

I Spy has a lot of versatility. It’s not just that one-dimensional game you remember from your childhood. This is a game that you can mix up and cut loose with. Try adding time limits, creating I Spy themes, or just killing some time with a class road game. 

You probably know the rules, but all you need to do to play this game is pick something you and your friends can see and have them guess until they get it right. You’ll say, “I spy something that…” and add a clever clue that gives a subtle hint about what you’re looking at. 

The key to playing this game as an adult is to focus on those clever hints. That’s where the fun is! 

Was I Spy a little too basic? Let’s mix things up with some other road games. 

2. Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse doesn’t have the most appealing name, but it is an excellent game for stretching your artistic muscles when you’re stuck on a long bus ride. 

You play traditional Exquisite Corpse by starting part of a drawing and having your travel partner draw the next section. The goal is to create something together without compromising on your style. 

You don’t have to draw to play Exquisite Corpse. You can play this game with music, poetry, writing short stories, or any creative output. 

If you and your travel partner are artsy, Exquisite Corpse is the game you’ve been missing. 

3. Grab a Deck of Cards

There’s something about playing cards that just reminds you of the open road. They’re sold at every gas station and truck stop across the country—and you used to even get them for free as promotional items from travel companies! 

Playing cards unlock countless games. You can try Solitaire when getting some solo time, War or Slaps for something a little silly, or even play some poker with a friendly wager or two. 

It never hurts to have a deck of cards on hand. If you’re the spontaneous social type, a deck of cards is a great way to bring new travel friends into your circle. 

Are playing cards not high-tech enough for you? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. 

4. Try Out Some Nintendo Switch Games! 

The best games to play on a bus take advantage of the fact that you don’t have to keep your eyes on the road when riding the bus! 

The Nintendo Switch offers plenty of variety, including two-player puzzle games, action, and RPGs with compelling stories. You can even download classic Super Nintendo video games and enjoy nostalgia while on the road. The Switch has games for kids as well as adults, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to find the right game for you. 

5. 20 Questions 

 20 Questions is one of those games that just has plenty of versatility. Let’s look at a few ways to enjoy this game while riding the bus.

You play 20 Questions by assigning one person to be “it.” That person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and everyone else has 20 questions to narrow down their guess and get it right.

You can spice up 20 Questions by making it themed, personal, or romantic. It all depends on who you’re traveling with. 

Like many road games, this game is best played in short bursts. You want to mix up these classic road games so you don’t burn out on any one game. 

6. Would You Rather

Would you rather is another excellent game to play while riding on the bus with someone you know.

The goal of this game is to give someone a ridiculous and near impossible choice between two options. You can ask them to pick between their favorite hobbies, a million dollars or perfect health, or anything else you can think of!

This is also a great game for getting to know someone new. It’s the perfect icebreaker for couples and helps you explore topics that matter to the people you travel with. 

7. Mini Board Games 

Mini magnetic board games are fun games to play on a bus, but they are also adorable. They also make great keepsakes from your bus-based journey. 

This is another game that lets you take advantage of the fact that you’re not driving the bus. You and your travel companions can enjoy Scrabble, chess, checkers, or mini Monopoly.

There are travel-sized versions of just about every board game out there. Throw one of these in your bag, and you’ll hardly notice the extra space it takes up. Besides, it will generate way more fun than you might expect. 

8. Among Us

Some of the best travel games are ones that keep you connected to the people back home.

Among Us is an app-based game available for Android and iOS. While playing this game, you will need a steady data connection, but most buses now have Wi-Fi.

In Among Us, you take control of one of the residents of a space station. All of you have to complete your daily tasks, including keeping the space station repaired and operational. However, one of you is secretly a traitor looking to destroy the space station and everyone on it.

It’s a fun game of hijinks, tactics, and light-hearted fun. 

You can play with your friends if there’s just a handful of you together on the bus or if you are looking to stay connected with friends and family a world away. 

9. Travel Scavenger Hunt 

One of the most fun things you can do when heading out on your trip is to set up a scavenger hunt.

You need to do some planning ahead of time for this game. Think about some interesting or challenging items you and your travel companions can hunt down on the road together. 

These can be bus tickets, wrappers from regional snacks, or just about anything you might be able to scavenge up on a bus ride.

Here’s a tip for setting up a scavenger hunt. Come up with a low-stakes prize for the winner, which could be anything from a Starbucks gift card to a coupon for a free back massage. 

10. Trivia Apps! 

Playing trivia games on the road used to mean taking several decks of cards with questions and answers on them. However, now your phone is full of game apps to keep you entertained on your bus ride.

There are trivia apps like Popcorn Trivia, SongPop, and countless others. These let you play trivia games based on movies, music, and even history with your travel partner. 

Don’t get caught thinking these games are trivial; they are some of the fun games to play on a bus! 

Related Post: Best Road Trip Game Apps

11. Travel Bingo

Here’s another exciting game that takes a little preparation before you hit the road.

You can set up a travel bingo game for everyone you will be on the road with. This bingo game can be full of fun inside jokes, sites along the way, and all the ups and downs of traveling on a bus.

Travel bingo is a great way to add a little lightheartedness to some of the challenges of taking a bus ride. Why not lean into these awkward moments and add a square on your travel bingo card for awkward bus smells or sitting next to someone who snores?

The winner of travel bingo can get a little prize, but there’s no prize greater than the satisfaction of being the travel bingo champion. 

Related Post: Free Downloadable Road Trip Bingo Cards

12. Escape Room in a Box 

Escape rooms are all the rage, but you don’t have to travel to a physical location to play one. You can enjoy an escape room while you’re actively traveling.

You’ve got plenty of options for picking up an escape room in a box. There are elaborate packaged escape rooms that cost hundreds of dollars and a travel-friendly escape room in box editions that can easily fit in your pocket.

Scale up your escape room in a box according to how many players you will have. Some smaller escape rooms in box games are an excellent choice for couples or people traveling with just a few adults. 

More Road Trip Entertainment Options: Best Attention-Grabbing Audiobooks for a Road Trip Best Podcasts to Help Time Fly on a Road Trip Road Trip Questions for Couples

13. Bus Stop Gourmet 

There are plenty of travel games about embracing the unique and sometimes weird cuisine you can find while on the road.

The goal of this game is to make the most of the limited culinary options you have at your average bus stop. Players should be given a budget and are challenged to come up with the most exciting meal they can think of.

Imagine you’re on a Food Network competition show, but all you can do is create a fine dining experience using a bus stop convenience store and a few fast food diners.

This is a great game to help people think outside the box and not get stuck snacking on the same pre-packaged chips for the entire ride. 

14. Fictionary  

We’re picking our next game from a time before buses even existed. 

Fictionary started hundreds of years ago with the Victorians in England. 

This word game is all about obscure words and the definitions that they “should” have. Play works like this. 

One player picks an obscure word that few people know, like “mycorrhizal” or “sozzled.” Everyone else writes down their made-up definitions. Whoever gets the most laughs wins!

16. The Blind Date Game 

Here’s one of the games to play on a bus that’s great for couples.

To play the Blind Date Game, you and your partner need to write down ten activities you would love to do during your bus ride together. Try to get an even number from each person.

Then, roll the dice to pick an activity randomly. You’ll take turns rolling the dice and crossing off activities as they’re completed.

This is a great way to share each other’s interests and hobbies. The Blind Date Game also ensures that both of you are getting a turn deciding how you spend this quality time together. 

17. Workout with Fitness Dice

You can feel a little cramped after getting stuck on the bus for too long, but this is where fitness dice comes in.

All you need to do is roll the dice and do whatever easy workout pops up. These are simple workouts like squats, jumping jacks, or push-ups. 

This is great for getting the blood moving and having a little fun when you reach the next bus stop. 

What Should You Play Next? 

Which of our games to play on a bus will be the first you break out on your next trip?

Are you going with the classic I Spy, or are you planning to bring all your mini travel games? Whether you’re a die-hard digital gamer or just your average couple looking to have something more to do on the road, these 17 bus games will make sure you never run out of fun on your next trip. 

If you’re on board with our travel games, check out our other articles for the best travel tips and tricks! 

games on bus trip

Most Entertaining Games to Play While Traveling on A Charter Bus

Charter bus trips can be fun and exciting, but they can also get pretty boring. Playing games is one of the best ways to keep everyone engaged and entertained while on a long bus ride. It's also an excellent way for people who may not know each other to get better acquainted by getting into some lighthearted competition. Below we are going to share some of our favorite games that are perfect for playing while riding on a charter bus so that everyone can enjoy their trip as much as possible.

Multi-Player Mobile Phone Games

Long gone are the days where you have to bring along bulky board games while traveling. Now you can play some of the most popular games on your mobile phone and the best part is that you can play with others.

Here are some traditional games you can play on your phone:

There are so many mobile games that you can play with others so check the App Store or Google Play for more options.

The Movie Game

This game is simple, but can be a lot of fun! It works like this: one person names a famous actor/actress and one other player has to name five movies that the person has been in. If the player can't name five movies, they are out of the game. The last bus rider left in the game wins!

Two Truths and a Lie

This bus trip game is perfect for people who want to get to know each other better. It's simple – each bus rider takes turns sharing two truths about themselves and one lie. The other bus riders try to guess which one of the three statements is the lie.

You might be used to playing trivia games in bars or at home with friends, but they can also be a lot of fun on a bus trip.  If you are traveling with a large group, split everyone up into teams so that the game is more competitive. You can have trivia games for all different types of subject matter – movies, music, science, etc.

Name the Capital

Name the  Capital is a game that can be played by all ages. The goal of the game is to see who can name as many capitals of countries as possible in a set amount of time. This is a great game for people who are new to geography or those who want to brush up on their knowledge.

Name that tune

The name that tune game is perfect for people who have great memories. The goal of this bus ride activity is to see how many songs you can name in 30 seconds or less.  If you can't think of a song, you can pass and the next person in line goes.  You can keep track of the number of songs you get correct and see who comes out on top at the end of the bus ride.

Karaoke is typically a solo activity, but it can be a lot more fun when you do it with a group. If your bus has a built-in entertainment system, queue up some of your favorite karaoke songs and have a sing-off! You might be surprised by how talented some of your bus mates are.

Spelling Competition

Having a spelling competition is a great way to test people's spelling skills and have some fun at the same time. The person who can spell the most words correctly in a set amount of time wins.  This bus trip game is perfect for people who like friendly competition.

Everyone on the bus (who wants to play) gets to invent one silly rule, like “every time we pass a semi-truck everyone has to say the word truck ” or “whenever I take off my shoe (hopefully it doesn't smell) everyone else has to touch their nose”. Each time a rule is followed, everyone but the last participant to figure it out earns a point. The person with the fewest points when you arrive at your destination loses.

Tic Tac Toe

Tic tac toe is a classic game that's great for passing the time. It's also a game that allows you to interact with those around you, which is ideal since bus trips can be long and sometimes boring. It's also a game that can be played by all ages.

This is a classic road trip game that can be played by all ages, and it's another great way to be in the present as you have to be constantly aware of your surroundings. The objective of this game is for one bus rider to look around and spy something. It can be anything inside or something outside of the bus. Once they've spotted it, the other bus riders will take turns guessing what's being spied until someone guesses correctly.

Bus trips can be long and oftentimes boring, but there are plenty of games you can play to keep everyone engaged. Two Truths and a Lie is perfect for getting to know your fellow bus riders better while Karaoke or Spelling Competitions are great if you're competitive. Tic Tac Toe is also ideal for interacting with other passengers on the bus who may otherwise pass time in silence. Finally, I Spy provides an opportunity to get out into the world around you by constantly noticing what's happening inside or outside of the bus.  With these games in your arsenal, your next bus trip is sure to be a lot of fun!

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What to Do on a Long Bus Ride?

As we all well know, the journey often beats the destination. While charter buses are incredibly convenient to travel on, sometimes it can be boring just to sit and wait until you finally arrive. When you’re bored, the ride seems much longer than it is, and the anxiety starts to build up.

So, to get the most out of your future trip, you should try to get as much entertainment as possible from your long bus ride. We’ve prepared some of the most fun bus ride games and activities to help your next trip be the best it can be.

Are You Traveling as an Individual?

If you’re traveling on your own, and all the people around you are strangers, try to keep yourself entertained with these solo activities:

#1. Try Reading to Pass the Time

Reading is the most obvious, productive, and relaxing way to pass the time. Whether it's fiction, work-related reading, or just some interesting article you happened across, it's perfect as long as it keeps you entertained. Sometimes, reading can distract you from the tedious ride and create a whole other world for you to spend some time in.

One of the downsides of reading is that your eyes can get tired in the process, and you might have a little motion sickness. If this is the case, take short breaks as needed so you don’t feel sick. 

#2. Listen to Music

There's nothing like good music to keep you in a good mood. Not only can it help you shorten the time of your charter bus ride, but it also helps you relax and provide great stress relief. You can also try tuning in to podcasts or even ASMR - whichever is your preference.

Come prepared and create a playlist just for the ride, or, since you have so much free time on your hands, discover some new amazing artists and songs. Just don't forget to bring headphones with you : some of your fellow coach bus passengers might not appreciate your taste in music.

Listen to Music

#3. Browse the Web

One of the most obvious fun things to do on a bus is simply browsing the web and it’s one of the most effective ways to distract yourself. There are so many different things to discover on the internet that you’ll always find something that interests you to kill time.

YouTube videos, articles, or some online games and apps - you name it. Just make sure to have a strong and stable connection and take your charger with you. There are plenty of amenities on charter buses nowadays, including electrical outlets and WiFi.

#4. Photo Organization and Editing

If you've amassed a collection of photos, particularly from your current trip, use your bus ride for photo organization and enhancement. Take the time to fine-tune lighting, eliminate subpar snapshots, or share your favorite shots with friends and family. This is a productive way to make the most of your time during long bus rides.

#5. Online Gaming Entertainment

Solo travelers on charter bus journeys can find entertainment in online games. While chess is a popular choice, you can explore various options, including checkers, backgammon, solitaire, and more. Pick your preferred game and indulge in an enjoyable way to while away the hours on the road.

#6. Language Learning Opportunity

Maximize your time on the bus by embarking on a language-learning journey. Numerous user-friendly apps offer language lessons for free, enabling you to acquire a new language skill during your travels. This is a constructive use of your long bus ride, enriching your abilities as you travel to your destination.

#7. Reflective Journaling

Transform your extended bus ride into a journey of introspection by journaling. Documenting your thoughts and experiences allows you to engage in a therapeutic and enlightening process. Your diary or travel blog entries serve as a record of your journey, offering insights and memories for future reference. If you don't already have a journal, consider ordering one online and embracing writing as a fulfilling hobby during your travels.

#8. Chat with Your Fellow Passengers

You never know how interesting the person sitting right beside you can be! There's nothing like a real face-to-face conversation, so try breaking the ice with your coach bus neighbor; who knows, it could even be the start of a new friendship.

Since you both ended up on the same bus, there might be some fun stories to share from the places you’ve traveled. Ask them about their plans for where they are going or coming from or share your story and the overall experience from your trip. Try some small talk first to make sure they’re interested in chatting during their trip.

Are You Traveling with a Group?

Having a group trip is an entirely different story. If you travel mostly with people familiar to you, or especially if you’re going to be accompanying kids (for example, if it's a school charter bus trip ) - try these games for bus trips:

Are You Traveling with a Group?

#9. Name that Tune

Name that tune is a classic game that will never get old! People of all ages love this game, kids especially, and the rules are simple. Just play a song and whoever can guess it first, wins. As modern coach buses are often equipped with TV screens and speakers , you can even organize a championship among all willing passengers, no matter the bus size. Just don't forget to prepare the general rules, genres, brackets, and format for this "tournament."

#10. Would You Rather

"Would you rather?" is a great game that can force players to think deeply and consider their answers or give them a good laugh. The concept is simple: ask a question with a dilemma in it, for example, "Would you rather eat only pizza, or never eat a pizza again?" or “Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?” The theme and seriousness of these questions depend only on your preference and imagination. Since it keeps your other players entertained, "Would you rather?" can be one of the best games for a long bus journey.

#11. Pencil and Paper Games

There are plenty of different paper games out there! From dots to tic-tac-toe to anagrams, there's a game that will be to someone's liking. These games are both simple enough for children and well-known enough for adults, as they probably played them when they were kids.

If you’re planning to organize some kind of gaming activity for all of the charter bus passengers, be sure to prepare everything necessary beforehand and come prepared with some ideas to make sure everything runs smoothly.

#12. License Plate Game

This is a classic road trip or bus trip game. Simply look out of your window and try to spot as many license plates from different states as possible. You can keep score by adding up points, or by crossing them out from the pre-made list. This game helps kids learn more about all of the states, and adults might enjoy sharing their own experiences from the states they see on the license plates.

#13. Two Truths and a Lie

Another set of fun and entertaining bus games for kids includes "Two Truths and a Lie." Most kids already know the rules because this easy game is a common icebreaker in classrooms and summer camps, but if they don’t, the rules are quite simple: share three facts about yourself (one is deliberately false), and the competitors must figure out which one is the lie among the truths.

You can also pick a theme, or tweak the rules: the coach bus passengers will enjoy it!

Two Truths and a Lie

#14. Card Games

Playing card games isn’t exactly a group activity, as you should be in your seat while the charter bus is on the move. However, you can bring a deck of cards with you onboard. Playing some kind of card game is a great way to break the ice and get to know your bus seat neighbor better.

And if you're not really like the classic card games, there are plenty of different options, like Uno. Just choose what both you and your neighbor like and get ready to have a good time!

#15. Trivia Games

There are many different options for types of trivia games out there, with differences ranging from the number of players to topics and themes to levels of difficulty. It can be organized either with pre-bought cards, cards you make yourself, or on various mobile apps and built-in bus electronics features (if available).

Trivia games are the perfect way to keep kids, teens, and adults alike engaged. And it's incredibly useful for children, as it encourages teamwork and creative thinking, as well as encouraging kids' mental growth and development.

#16. Alphabet Challenge Game

Start an engaging alphabet challenge during your charter bus journey. The objective is simple: starting with "A," gaze out the window and spot signs, buildings, landmarks, or objects that commence with each sequential letter of the alphabet until you reach "Z." This entertaining game not only keeps your mind active but also allows you to relish the scenery along your long journey.

Alphabet Challenge Game

#17. Collaborative Storytelling

Enhance camaraderie among fellow passengers with a collaborative storytelling game. Assemble a group of four or five friends on the bus. The game begins with a participant offering a story's initial four words, followed by the next person contributing the subsequent four words, and so forth. To add excitement, set a time limit for each turn. You can also raise the stakes by establishing story parameters such as themes, settings, or periods. Challenge your creativity and see how long the story can evolve before someone hits a creative roadblock during your bus activities.

#18. Road Trip Bingo

While this activity requires some planning, it can result in immense entertainment. Create customized bingo cards featuring common sights along your road trip route. You can even spice things up by including unusual items like purple cars or broken tree branches on the bingo cards. Compete with fellow passengers to be the first to complete a bingo card or achieve other objectives, with the possibility of rewarding prizes. Road trip bingo adds an element of competition and excitement to your long bus ride, ensuring a memorable experience.

Bookmark this article for your next long bus trip, because with these activities and charter bus games, you will keep your good mood up to your destination. If you currently plan on hosting a bus trip, give us a call! With Infinity Transportation, you can rent a charter bus for group transportation , and rest assured that your trip will be both safe and smooth!

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Top 10 Best Games To Play On a Charter Bus

Looking for ways to keep your group entertained on your next charter bus trip? Games are the perfect solution! Not only do they help pass the time on long stretches of highway, but they’re also a great opportunity for everyone to bond. And when you book group transportation from , amenities like WiFi and spacious seating make gaming even more enjoyable. Here are 10 of our favorite bus-friendly games that are guaranteed to be a hit with groups of all ages:

games on bus trip

Two Truths and a Lie

This classic icebreaker works great on bus trips! Have everyone take turns making three statements about themselves – two true facts and one lie. Then the rest of the group tries to guess which statement is the lie. It’s a fun way to get to know some surprising things about your fellow travelers.

Have you played this popular charades-style game? The Heads Up! smartphone app translates perfectly to charter bus trips. Just have one player hold the phone up to their forehead to display a word while everyone else acts it out or gives verbal clues until they guess correctly. Playable with 2-10 people.

Never Have I Ever

This classic party game works just as well on a bus trip as in a living room. Have everyone hold up a hand and take turns saying “Never have I ever…” followed by something they’ve never done. Anyone who has done it puts a finger down. Last person with fingers remaining wins!

I Spy / 20 Questions

These timeless favorites are tailor-made for bus trips. For I Spy, have one person pick out something they see and say “I spy with my little eye…” and then describe it until someone guesses the object. For 20 Questions, one player thinks of a person, place or thing and everyone else gets 20 yes-or-no questions to figure it out.

Name That Tune

If your charter bus has TVs or you’ve got a smartphone handy, cue up songs and have people race to shout out the name of the song or artist. You can even divide into teams and keep score. Whoever identifies the most songs correctly wins!

Fortunately / Unfortunately

In this silly storytelling game, players take turns building a story, with each person alternating between starting their sentence with “Fortunately…” and “Unfortunately…”. You’ll be amazed at the hilarious tales you end up with by the time you reach your destination.

Would You Rather

Here’s a fun conversation starter that can lead to fascinating discussions among your group. Simply ask silly or thought-provoking “Would you rather…” questions, like “Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?” or “Would you rather give up your smartphone or your car for a month?” and see where the chat takes you!

License Plate Game

A charter bus road trip classic! See who can spot the most out-of-state license plates from your comfy bus seats. Bonus points for anyone who sees Alaska or Hawaii plates! You can also try to find plates from all 50 states.

Scavenger Hunt

Before your trip, make a list of items for people to spot out the window during your bus ride – things like cows, water towers, funny road signs, etc. Whoever finds the most items on the list wins a prize! It’s a great way to engage your group with the passing scenery.

If your charter bus has a entertainment system, why not have a karaoke contest? Queue up some favorite sing-along tunes and let people take turns belting them out! You can even award points for enthusiasm. Don’t be surprised if an impromptu dance party breaks out in the aisles.

Hit The Roady Prepared For Fun!

No matter which games you choose, they’re sure to be a blast with a bus rental from With amenities like reclining seats, plenty of legroom, TV monitors and on-board restrooms, our buses offer the perfect setting for gaming with your group. So for your next group road trip, give us a call at 877-563-2133 . We’ll help you book the ideal charter bus to transport you to your destination while keeping the fun and games rolling down the highway! Call now for a free price quote .

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20+ Fun Things to Do On a Long Bus Ride


There’s a myriad of ways you can entertain yourself and others on a long bus ride. Kids, families, and adults can pass the time in a fun way with ease. All you need to do is know what the perfect game options are for your journey. And options are what we have in store for you today! If you’re about to embark on a long bus ride and you’re looking for ways to enjoy yourself during the trip, we’ve got you covered!

Fun Games to Play on a Bus Without Electronics (For Kids, Family, and Adults alike)

It’s a common misconception that you need electronics on a long bus ride to keep yourself entertained. But this is not advisable for extended periods of time because looking at a screen for too long during your trip can cause nausea or tiredness. To stay perky and fresh and have a great time doing so, here are 20 alternatives to digital devices. Let’s get started!

The “I Spy” game is an old classic. Since we know that there’s a lot to see when you’re on a bus, and especially if you’re on a long journey, this is the perfect game to kick off the fun. One person in your group looks around the bus (either inside or outside it) and picks an object. They then say “I spy with my little eye something beginning with …”. This first letter is everyone else’s clue as to what they should be looking out for. They then have to guess what the observed object is. And the best part? It’s fun and easy!

2. 20 Questions

“20 Questions” is another classic and fun game of wits. One person starts by thinking of something. This can be a famous place, person, movie, animal, or anything else. Use your imagination! Once you’ve thought of your “thing”, don’t tell anyone what it is. They have 20 tries to guess using yes or no questions which they ask you. You answer until either their 20 tries are up or until they figure out what your “thing” is.

3. License Plate Game

This one is for those who love road trips. It’s about looking at the passing cars and spotting number plates from different states. When you see a new or a different number plate, you’ll call it out and then write it in a list. The person with the most unique number plates wins the game.

4. Word Chain

Word chain is another fun game that engages the mind. One person starts by saying a word. The next person needs to say another word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. The trick is that there should be no words repeated. This chain can go on for quite a while and it’s a great way of staying entertained on your long bus journey.

5. Two Truths and a Lie

This is a great way to get to know your traveling companions a bit better. Once again, one person starts by telling three stories. Of these, two are true and one is a lie. The trick is for the others to guess which of the three stories is a lie. Whoever guesses right can be the one to go next.

6. Charades

Often played at home with friends and family, this game has been around for decades and continues to entertain young and old alike today. Instead of keeping it confined to the comfort of your home, why not take Charades with you on the bus? You don’t need anything to prepare for it. All you need to do is act out a word without speaking. Now, it’s everyone else’s turn to guess what that word is. What makes this game extra fun is that it’s really entertaining watching people’s silent acting on a moving bus.

7. Story Building

Great for groups, this is also the perfect way to stimulate one’s imagination. The story-building game starts with one person beginning a story—-any story—-with a single sentence. Go around from person to person and each one adds their own unique element of imagination to the story. It can turn out funny, scary, serious, or plain old romantic. Let your imaginations go wild with this one!

8. Would You Rather?

Sparking cool debates, the “Would you rather…?” game is exactly what the name suggests. You pick two different alternatives to something and then discuss your answers. For example, you can ask your bus mates “Would you rather have wings or gills?” or “Would you rather be Batman or Superman?”. The options are absolutely endless and the discussions that ensue can be quite entertaining.

9. Sing-Along

Sing-alongs are a fun way to pass the time on a long bus trip, too. Simply pick a well-known song to sing along to and everyone joins in. It’s a fantastic way of creating joyful noise, even if the sound is quite off-key. Sometimes, that’s the best part about it.

10. Bus Bingo

For bus bingo, you’ll need a little prior preparation. But it’s not hard. You’ll simply need a few pieces of paper with things you may see on the road. You’ll then need to look out the window and identify the things outside that match your bingo card. The first person to spot all of them and get a line wins. And remember, your lines can be as long as you want; three is usually the shortest while you can go upwards of five for more complex bus bingo games. It all depends on your companions and what age group they’re in.

11. Guess the Song

This musical challenge can be an awesome way to have some fun while stimulating the brain. It takes careful listening and quick thinking. One person chooses a song and hums or whistles it. It’s up to everyone else to guess what the song is. The person who answers correctly the fastest can be the next one to choose a song to hum or whistle and so the game continues.

12. Tic Tac Toe

If you’ve brought a notebook with you, it’s time to take it out along with a pen for you and the partner you’re sitting next to on the bus. Draw the Tic Tac Toe grid on the paper. One person will be aiming to place Xs on the grid in a line of three while the other person will be aiming to place Os on the grid. Each person takes turns and the first one to get three in a row is the winner.

13. Hangman

You’ll once again need some paper and a pen for this game. You’ll need to think of a word and instead of saying it or writing it down, you’ll draw blank spaces on the page representing each of the letters. Everyone has a turn to guess one letter at a time. A right guess means that the letter is then written on the relevant blank space while a wrong guess leads to drawing a hangman.

14. Pictionary

Pictionary is fun to play and it can get as easy or as complex as you want. One person chooses a word and draws it on a piece of paper. Remember that there should be no letters or numbers on the picture drawn. Next, others have to guess what the word is based on the picture drawn. Although it can be easy to identify a rabbit, for example, some more complex words like “beautiful” can be harder to draw. That’s one of the reasons why this game is so much fun.

15. Hot Seat

With the hot seat game, one person is chosen to be in the “hot seat”. They become the center of attention as others ask them a bunch of questions, which they are required to answer. It’s a great way to get to know others and your questions can be as simple as “What is your favorite animal?” to something more complex such as “What is your favorite subject at school and why?”

16. Memory Game

Good for stimulating your memory and strengthening your brain muscle, this game starts with one person saying “I’m going on a trip and I’m bringing…”. The next person repeats what the first person says and adds an item. The third, fourth, and subsequent person do the same. The last person needs to say every single item in the same order as it was said by trying not to forget any of them. It calls for attention, listening, and memory skills.

17. Alphabet Game

The alphabet game requires that you pay attention to what you see outside the bus. You start in alphabetical order and try to find objects that start with each letter of the alphabet. “A” may stand for airplane or apple tree, while “B” can be for bus. Go in order of the alphabet and try to see how many objects you can identify this way, aiming to get the highest number possible.

18. Riddle Me This

You’ll need to be prepared ahead of time for this one, but it’s a great brain teaser and a wonderful way to get the mind thinking out of the box. All you need to do is ask a riddle that everyone around you tries to solve. This is a classic brain teaser that stimulates creative thinking and can spark interesting conversations.

19. Never Have I Ever

Another fun way to get to know your traveling companions is to play the “never have I ever” game. Everyone playing the game holds up their fingers. One person starts by saying something they’ve never done. However, if others have done that thing, one finger goes down for each thing they have done. The person with the most fingers up is the winner.

20. Thumb Wrestling Tournament

The last one on our list is to play the thumb war. You may know the intro to this challenge as “One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war. Five, six, seven, eight, try to keep your finger straight”. Here, two people pair up and lock their thumbs. Each one tries to pin the other’s thumb down. Although it may be silly, it’s also an incredibly fun challenge.

20 Fun Things to Pass the Time on a Long Bus Ride

games on bus trip

1. Window Art

If the creative streak runs in you, you’ll want to bring along some washable window markers. Use these to doodle or write messages on the bus windows. This is temporary art with a great view and it’s a wonderful way of keeping yourself occupied while getting the creative juices flowing.

You may think that you need a karaoke machine for this one but that’s definitely not the case. Simply start your sing-along session with your voices and a whole lot of enthusiasm. Let it spread through the bus and give it your all!

3. Travel Journal

For the introspective ones, traveling can be a great time to ponder more serious thoughts. You can use a travel journal to write about your journey or even sketch interesting sights you see. Note down your observations, thoughts, or even cool conversations you may have had with others on the journey as a keepsake to help you visit the moment later on.

4. Knitting or Crocheting

It doesn’t take a lot to learn knitting or crocheting and if you already have the skills, bring along your yarn and needles and get creative. From beanies to scarves, blankets and so much more, you really have a whole world at your fingertips and you can use a wide range of colors to create your next masterpiece.

5. Photography

Photography is an incredible way to capture special moments. As the passing scenery changes almost unnoticeably, you’ll be able to capture interesting sights and changing landscapes with your camera. You can even post your creations on social media to help your friends follow the journey with you.

6. Card Tricks

Are you someone who loves the magic of magic? If so, you’ll definitely have some tricks up your sleeve (probably literally). So, why not impress your fellow travelers with some card or other ticks you know? As a great icebreaker, it’s also a wonderful way for you to practice and get better at this skill.

If you are good at the art of origami or you’d like to practice, then taking the time available during your long bus journey is a great way to do this. All you need to do is get some paper beforehand and start folding it into beautiful shapes. You can always give your fellow passengers your creations so that you create a friendly and cheerful atmosphere.

Immerse yourself into another world as you dive into a short story or your favorite novel. For this reason, you’ll need to bring along a good book or a magazine to enjoy as the miles roll by.

9. Coloring

Did you think that coloring books were just for children? Think again! There are literally thousands of adult coloring books that you can choose from with a myriad of patterns for you to color in. Bring along your pencils and go wild. It’s an incredibly therapeutic exercise as well.

10. Meditation

Practicing mindfulness or meditation is a great way to stay focused on the present moment and absorb everything around you with no judgment or fear. All you need to do is close your eyes, breathe deeply, and observe your thoughts as your mind starts to slow down and relax. The hum of the bus can be surprisingly calming and you’ll enjoy the relaxed feeling after.

11. People Watching

People watching doesn’t have to only take place in public places. You can get highly creative on the bus as well. Let your imagination run wild as you make up stories about fellow passengers. Where do you think they’re going? What do you think their story is?

12. Stargazing

If you’re going on an overnight bus journey, you should take full advantage of it. You should look out at the sky and try to find constellations. If you’re lucky, you may even spot a shooting star to make a wish upon.

13. Snacking

Long bus rides often mean that you’ll have packed snacks for the trip. When feeling peckish, go ahead and snack on your treats. It may even be nice to share and trade with others on the journey. It’s a great way to foster a cheerful atmosphere of sharing and kindness.

14. Crafting

Another excellent way to stay occupied and entertained on a long bus ride is by engaging in crafts. Simple ones such as beading or making friendship bracelets can certainly be done on the move and you’ll not only love the result but so will the gift recipient.

15. Chatting

Whether you’re traveling in a group that you know or you are seeing unfamiliar faces on the bus shouldn’t worry you. There’s always something new to be learned about your fellow passengers and the best way to do so is by chatting with them and sharing stories and experiences.

16. Sketching

If you’ve got a creative flair, why not put your talents to good use? You can bring along a sketchbook and draw anything that catches your eye. This can include the scenery, people, or absolutely anything else.

17. Daydreaming

We often don’t have time to daydream anymore but this is a wonderful way of letting your mind wander. It’s amazing what interesting things you can come up with by simply letting your mind drift off in different directions. You can plan future events, go back in time and recollect the past, or simply let your imagination run free and see where it takes you. Some of your best ideas may be born out of daydreaming so it’s worth using the time you have in creative ways.

18. Puzzle Books

Puzzle books are another excellent investment in your long bus journey. You can do things like crossword puzzles, figure out the nine-line Sudoku, do word searches, or even scrambled letters to keep your mind engaged.

19. Learning

For those who like to make the most use of their time, why not use your time on the bus to learn something new? You can listen to a language course, practice a new skill, or do anything else that teaches you something you didn’t know before.

20. Planning

Our final tip for enjoying and making the most out of your long bus journey is to plan ahead. Use the time and space that you have to plan your activities once you reach your destination. Akin to an itinerary, you can decide where you’ll go, how long you’ll be there, and how you’ll travel while keeping interesting sights and sounds in mind so that you optimize your time on the bus.

Key Takeaways

Long bus journeys don’t have to feel long at all. Especially if you do fun and engaging things on the bus to keep your mind active and entertained. Whether you’re traveling in a group or solo doesn’t matter. You can always engage the other passengers to join in your suggested fun activity. From sing-alongs to guessing games, the options are almost limitless. Make new memories and friends on your trip because your bus journey just got a whole lot more fun and interesting. Not to mention unforgettable.

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Posted on August 24, 2021 in Buses

6 of The Best Games to Play On a Charter Bus

Student groups , vacationing families , corporate travelers , sports teams —everyone needs entertainment while on the road.

Luckily, whether you need to kill some time on a long-distance road trip or squeeze in some team-building activities while stuck in traffic, Shofur is here to help. We put together some of our favorite games to play on a charter bus , a minibus , or any other transportation service you can rent for your next group trip. And the best part? Most of these only require pens, paper, and your imagination—perfect for easy-to-set-up team-building and fun while on the road.

Call 1-800-436-8719 to set up your own personalized charter bus rental , and then read on to learn how to play these fun road trip games!

Two Truths and a Lie

What it is: a group bluffing game

Objective: to fool your friends and learn more about each other

Best for: groups of 6 or more

What you need: some interesting facts about yourself

The basic premise of this game is simple enough. Taking turns, every player lists off three statements about themself: two of which are true, and one of which is false. The remaining players must then discuss and consult each other before coming to a consensus as to what statement of the three is a lie. The person in question either confirms or denies the guess, and play moves on to the next player.

People usually approach this game with two strategies: disguising their lie as truth or disguising their truths as lies. In the first case, the key is to make your lie as believable as possible, so no one would question its validity (for example: “My favorite cake flavor is chocolate”). On the other hand, if you have a fact about yourself that’s unbelievable or way out there, the group is more likely to assume it’s the lie (for example: “I’ve gone skydiving in 5 different countries).

This game is a go-to icebreaker activity for people who’ve just met or want to get to know each other well. However, if you’re close with your traveling companions or otherwise have grown tired of the format, here are some variations to help spice things up:

  • If you’re traveling with a competitive bunch, have each player weigh in individually and keep score of how many lies they guess correctly, rather than having the group come to a consensus. Whoever has the most correct guesses when you reach your destination wins.
  • Instead of revealing which statement is a lie right away, have every player say their truths and lie, let everyone guess what isn’t true, then go back around the circle a second time and let people reveal what was true and false. This can be especially tricky when your players know some of their fellow passengers but not others, so friends can corroborate each other’s lies and throw people off.
  • Rather than having everyone give facts about themselves, your group can take turns giving three bits of trivia—two that are weird but true, and one that’s totally bogus. This version usually goes over well with a group of people who have an array of specialized interests or knowledge banks (academic decathlon clubs, different departments of a company, etc.).

Say the Same Thing

What it is: a cooperative talking game

Objective: to say the same exact word at the same exact time

Best for: 2 players who know each other well

What you need: your brains and communication skills

Pair up—if you’re on a charter bus, you can turn to the person sitting next to you—count down from three, and say any word. No, really, any word.

After this first round, you and your partner should take a second to think about the similarities between your two words. What connects them? What is a single word that sums up that connection?

Once both you and your partner have made your connections, count down again from three and say your new words at the same time. Repeat the say-connect-say process until you both think of the same connecting word and say it at the same time. The goal is to not only think of a connection between the two given words but also to think of a connection your partner would make as well. People’s brains and thought processes work in different ways, so it may take a while to come around to the same words.

First Letter, Last Letter

What it is: a talking and thinking game

Objective: to say a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word said

Best for: 2 or more players

What you need: the ability to spell

First, pick a category or a topic—something broad, like “geography.” One player starts by naming something within the category (in this case, “Canada” would work just fine). The next player must then name something else related to the category that starts with the last letter of the previously named thing (like “Alabama” or “Amsterdam”). If you can’t think of a word or if you repeat a word that has already been said, you’re out.

This game is especially great for field trips, youth group outings, and other travels with younger kids. But if you’d like to add an extra challenge to entertain an older crowd, we have some suggestions:

  • Rather than saying just one word at a time, try building an entire (comprehensible!) conversation with the same rules! Pick a conversation topic and someone to give the first statement. Then, each player replies to the previous statement, with the first letter of the first word of their sentence beginning with the last letter of the last word in the previous sentence.
  • Feeling competitive? Instead of taking turns, don’t set a play order and just have players call out words when they think of a good one. Whoever calls out the most words wins.

What it is: a talking game

Objective: to pass a message and see how it can change over multiple iterations

Best for: larger groups (like a busload of passengers!)

What you need: good hearing, lipreading, or guessing skills

Start at one end of the bus, either the front or the back. One person at the starting end thinks up a phrase, sentence, or saying. It can be made-up (it’s often more fun if it is) but shouldn’t be longer than 10 or so words. The person who comes up with the phrase then turns to whoever is sitting next to them and whispers it to them. The seat-buddy then whispers what they hear to someone sitting either in front of or behind them—depending on whether or not you’re going up or down the bus—and that person tells their neighbor, and so on.

The catch? Players are only allowed to say the phrase once. If you don’t fully hear or understand what someone whispered to you, you cannot ask them to repeat it. In that case, you just need to guess what was said and whisper that to the next player.

By the time the phrase has been passed up and down the entire length of your motorcoach, it will probably sound a lot different than the original—and that’s the fun part! This game is great for letting kids and ESL students practice their language skills, teaching active listening, and showing how small misconceptions can make a huge difference in the end. Or, alternatively, it can be a good icebreaker activity that gets your passengers to laugh and loosen up.

For a fun and competitive twist, split the bus down the aisle so everyone is in one of two teams: right side and left side. Have someone from both teams at the back of the bus come up with one phrase each, and whisper it to each person on their team until it reaches the front of the coach. The winner can be either the team that reaches the front of the bus first or the team that had the most accurate phrase to the original by the end.

What it is: a visual game

Objective: to spot items in your environment and have your friends guess what you see

What you need: good vision and interesting scenery

One person looks around—inside your charter bus rental or out the coach’s panoramic windows—and picks something they can see. They then say to the group, “I spy with my little eye something…” followed by an adjective or phrase that describes the object, place, or person. Traditionally, you’d usually describe the color, but other descriptors can include the texture or the letter it starts with. Now the other players look around and try to guess what is being “spied.” The first person to guess correctly gets to “spy” the next object.

You can spice up this game by keeping score of how many correct guesses each player makes or how many times someone guesses right on the first try. Whoever has the most points at the end of the trip wins!

License Plate Games

Objective: to observe the license plates you see on your trip

Best for: any number of players

What you need: pen and paper or some way to keep track of the score (optional)

The basic premise of this game is looking out the windows at the cars, buses, trucks, and other vehicles on the road around your charter bus and taking note of the license plates you see.

However, besides that, how you want to play depends on what your players think will be the most fun. Here are some popular renditions of this classic road trip game:

  • Before the trip, pick a letter, number, or string of letters or numbers to keep an eye out for. Every time you see a plate that starts with, ends with, or contains them, you get a point. Whoever has the most points when it comes time for drop-off wins.
  • Focus on the state every license plate hails from. See who can find the most states by the end of the trip, or challenge each other to find all 50 states. You can even print out a checklist or make bingo cards and pass them out to everyone before you embark!
  • Each picks a nearby license plate that has random letters on it and tries to come up with the weirdest, funniest, or most fitting phrase those letters could be an acronym for. For example, a license plate that reads “YJT” can stand for “Yonder Jazzy Thespians” or “Yachtsmen Jabber Thoroughly,” and so on.

Hit the Road with Shofur

However you choose to spend your time on the road, Shofur will ensure your time between here and there is safe, comfortable, and efficient. From connecting you with a certified professional driver and well-inspected motorcoach to decking your bus out with WiFi, TVs, DVD players, and any other boredom-busters your passengers may need—we’ll iron out all the little details for your transportation service so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride to your destination.

Need to book a bus for your next group trip? We’ve put together a complete guide to charter bus rentals to help you get started. If you have any questions or if you’re ready to reserve your coach, give us a call at 1-800-436-8719 . Our 24/7 reservation team can walk you through any part of the rental process, whether you’re not sure what kind of bus you’ll need or you’d like to request an ADA-compliant motorcoach. Just put together a headcount, an itinerary, and a list of amenities your group might want, and we’ll offer you a free and personalized quote with no obligation to book. Call Shofur today to get started!

games on bus trip

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Values Bus Tour

Best Games to Play on a Bus for Entertaining Group Travel

By: Author Values Bus Tour

Posted on Last updated: May 31, 2024

Long bus rides can often lead to boredom and restlessness for passengers of all ages. Finding engaging and entertaining ways to pass the time is crucial for warding off monotony and fostering a positive atmosphere. With a range of games tailored to bus environments, everyone on board can join in on the fun and make the most of their travel experience.

From classic group games to modern technological options, there is no shortage of activities to suit diverse interests and age ranges. Group games like “2 Truths and A Lie” and card games like “Travel Bingo” promote social interaction and teamwork. In contrast, individual games on a Nintendo Switch or other portable gaming devices offer personalized entertainment for those who gravitate toward solitary play.

Combining these bus-friendly games not only combats boredom but encourages bonding between passengers, ultimately enhancing the bus riders’ overall travel experience. By exploring various game options, travelers can ensure they arrive at their destination with great memories and shared experiences forged along the way.

Table of Contents

Games to Play on the Bus with Friends

Friends playing inside a bus

Ice Breaker Games for Bus Trips

Kids playing game

Icebreaker games can help liven the atmosphere and encourage interaction when traveling with friends. One popular icebreaker game is “2 Truths and a Lie.” Participants share three facts about themselves, two true and one false. The group then tries to guess which fact is the lie, leading to laughs and engaging conversations.

Another ice breaker game is the “Alphabet Game,” where players take turns naming items starting with each letter of the alphabet, following a theme like animals, cities, or movies. This great game not only tests memory and creativity and helps identify common interests among friends.

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Party Bus Games to Play

Party bus on Nashville Broadway

For a more lively environment, party bus games can keep everyone entertained and engaged. The play “Kiss, Marry, Avoid” is a fun option. Players choose three individuals and decide which one to kiss, marry, or avoid. This can lead to humorous debates and reveal surprising preferences among friends.

Another party bus game option has a “ Scavenger Hunt .” Create a list of items easily spotted from the bus windows, such as specific landmarks or unusual objects. Players race to find and announce each item, with the first person to complete the list being declared the winner.

Board games can also be adapted for bus travel. Consider opting for mini magnetic editions of classics like Scrabble , chess , checkers , or Monopoly . These compact games are fun and make great keepsakes from the bus trip.

In summary, when embarking on a bus trip with friends, there’s no need to dread long hours on the road. You can turn the journey into a memorable, fun-filled experience with a range of icebreakers and party bus games.

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Phone Games to Play on the Bus

Laughing group of friends

When looking for more fun and games to play on the bus, it’s crucial to find games that provide an engaging experience without a constant internet connection. Here are a few popular games that fit these requirements:

  • Mobile Bus Simulator : This simulation game offers a realistic bus driving experience, complete with detailed buses, accurate maps, and bus strobe lights. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in a bus driver’s role while riding one.
  • Bus Simulator: Ultimate : Another option for bus enthusiasts, Bus Simulator: Ultimate provides a complete simulation experience with various bus types and routes. This game also includes aspects of managing a bus company, adding a strategic element to the gameplay.
  • Offline Puzzle Games : CountlessMany offline puzzle games are available on app stores that require no internet connection. These games often involve solving a range of challenges or brainteasers, making them perfect for passing the time during a bus ride. Examples include 2048, Sudoku, and Unblock Me.
  • Retro Classic Games : Many app stores offer classic video games that have been adapted for mobile devices. These nostalgic games, such as Tetris or Pac-Man, can be a fun way to enjoy the ride.

If you’re more interested in interacting with other passengers on the other games to play on a bus, consider playing cards over these group-friendly games:

  • 2 Truths and a Lie : Each person takes a turn saying three facts about themselves, two of which are true, and one is a lie. The group then attempts to determine which fact is the lie. This fun game is a great way to pass the time on a road trip or charter bus.
  • Kiss, Marry, Avoid : Players take turns naming three people (either known to the group or famous individuals), and the others decide whom they would kiss, marry, or avoid.

Remember, finding a suitable phone game or activity on the bus ride can make it more enjoyable while combating boredom. Don’t hesitate to explore options and see what works best for you.

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Bus Games for Kids

Classmates going to school by bus

Bus rides, whether school or church buses, can sometimes be long and tedious for children. But don’t worry; plenty of fun things can keep kids entertained and make the ride more enjoyable. Here are some fun bus games for children:

  • I Spy : This classic game is perfect for bus rides. One child chooses an object they see outside the bus and says, “I spy with my little eye, a thing that is (color or shape of the object).” The other children must guess the object based on the description.
  • 20 Questions : In this game, one child thinks of an object, animal, or person, and the others have to guess what it is by asking yes-or-no questions. The group can request up to 20 questions to figure out the answer.
  • 2 Truths and a Lie : Each child takes a turn saying three facts about themselves: two truths and one lie. The other children have to decide which point is the lie. This game encourages kids to share and learn more about each other.
  • Word Association : One child starts by saying a word, and the next child has to say a term associated with it. The game continues with each child taking turns adding words. As an illustration, if the first child says “school,” the next child might say “teacher,” and so on.
  • Alphabet Game : Have the children look for objects outside the bus that begin with each alphabet letter in order. As an illustration, when trying to find a thing that starts with “A,” they could choose “apple tree.” The game continues until a child has identified an object for each letter.

You can introduce themes or variations of word games to these games to make things more interesting, such as church-related words for the Word Association or Alphabet Game. Offering a range of bus games for kids will help keep them entertained and create opportunities for bonding, learning, and making the most of their time together on the bus.

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Activities for Solo Bus Travelers

Smiling solo bus rider

Traveling alone on a bus ride can be an excellent opportunity to unwind, relax, or pass the time. If you find yourself on a long journey and in need of mental stimulation to pass the time with, here are some entertaining and enjoyable activities to consider:

  • Puzzle games : Keep your mind sharp by solving a crossword, Sudoku, or word search puzzles. These games can be found physically in a puzzle book or through smartphone apps. Puzzles are a great way to improve cognitive function and pass the time.
  • Reading : A perfect way to escape the monotony of a long bus ride is by diving into a good book. The reader can choose from genres such as fiction, non-fiction, or even self-help books. E-books are a great alternative as they can be accessed through tablets and smartphones.
  • Listening to podcasts or audiobooks : Expand your knowledge or enjoy a captivating story through podcasts and audiobooks. With a wide range of online topics and genres, one can never have options to listen to during the journey.
  • Travel journaling : Document your experiences, thoughts, and emotions in a journal. This helps in self-reflection and is a unique way to remember the trip. Journaling can be done in a classic notebook or through digital platforms such as smartphones or tablets.
  • Meditation or deep breathing exercises : Long bus trips can be tiresome, and finding a few moments of calm and relaxation can be genuinely beneficial. Engage in mindful practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises to relax your mind.
  • Mobile gaming : Playing games on your smartphone or tablet can be a fun way to pass the time. Some popular options include Angry Birds , Plants vs. Zombies , Bejeweled Blitz , Two Dots, and Alto’s Adventure. These games require minimal concentration, making them perfect for bus travel.

By incorporating one or more of these activities into your solo bus travel, you will stay entertained, engaged, and relaxed throughout the journey.

Related Resources:

  • Bus Driver Gifts: Top Appreciation Ideas
  • School Bus Conversion: A Comprehensive Guide for RVing
  • Best Bus Companies to Book Your Journey

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GOGO Charters

10 Really Fun Games To Play On A Charter Bus

As you travel for your field trip, church retreat, sports event, or corporate team-building trip , you’ll understandably find yourself restless and bored during your time on the bus. The long hours, slow WiFi, and cramped seating can frustrate even the most patient of us, and if you’re traveling with children, the frustration can grow even more. At GOGO Charters, we prioritize your comfort and safety, so every bus is equipped with WiFi and plush seating, and every driver is trained to accommodate all necessary stops for your leisure and comfort. Still, no one is too old to enjoy a fun game—especially one that will engage your entire group.

Whether you’re traveling with a group of friends in New York City, admiring the skyline in Chicago , or taking your school group to a museum in San Francisco , you’ll want to see our quintessential list of games to play on your journey. Instead of listening to music or playing games on your phone, bond with your fellow travelers and stave off boredom with these 10 classic games.

The best part? Pen, paper, cards, or your imagination are all you need to play with your group. Whether you’re reading this before or during your bus trip, you will find a game here for every kind of traveler.

You’ll need a deck of cards to play this classic, easy game. With a coach’s comfortable seating, you can spread out as needed.

Never played War before? We’ve got you covered. Here are the basic rules:

  • The goal of the game is to eventually win all of the cards. The rankings of the cards are as follows: A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2. Ace trumps all and 2 trumps nothing.
  • Mix it up a bit; shuffle the cards to get an even play.
  • Split the cards in half between you and your partner. Make sure the cards are faced down. Neither you nor your partner should be able to see your cards.
  • One, two, three… flip over the card that is on the top of your deck. The player with the higher card wins the round and takes both cards to add to their hand.
  • Have the same card when you flipped it over? This means war. Place three more cards face down on your seat out of your deck. Flip over a fourth card. Whoever has the higher card wins all cards from the round. If you do not have enough cards to play War, the player must turn their last card face-up.
  • Play until one of you wins the entire deck.

#2. I Spy, We All Spy

This classic game will be an excellent way to pass time. Look out the expansive windows of your coach and pinpoint something to describe. Say, “I spy with my little eye… “ And watch your group scramble to catch what you described! As the bus drives past, your group will feel especially pressured to identify the item before it disappears.

Spice up the game by keeping score. Whoever gets it right will be the first to step off the bus every time you make a stop.

#3. Tic Tac Toe

How many X’s and O’s can you get in a straight line? Paper and pen are the only things you need for this game. Play 5 to 10 rounds and keep score with a friend. Add some stakes by betting that the loser will buy ice cream once you arrive to your destination.

#4. Would You Rather

Need to break the ice between you and the person next to you? This is a game you can play with a stranger or a friend you have known for years, but it’s equally fun every time!

Choose a partner and ask each other a series of questions where you must pick between two different scenarios. For example, you might ask, “Would you rather eat a rotten egg or jump in a pool full of worms?” The grosser, the better. Not answering is not an option.

#5. License Plate

A slower, more relaxing game, this one will appeal to the more mellow members of your group. The rules are simple: Gather a partner, look out your coach’s window, and note the license plates that drive by.

With this game, you have the freedom to make your own rules. For example, you and your partner might look for plates that begin with a certain letter, end with a certain number, or hail from a specific state. Another alternative is to see if you can gather all 50 states. Compete and see who manages to do it first!

#6. Say Your ABC’s

Start with “A.” Look out the window and search for a sign, building, landmark, or item that begins with that letter. Move through the alphabet until you reach “Z.” This game will keep your mind engaged while you enjoy the scenery.

#7. Hangman

Though you’ll be surrounded by technology during your ride, why not try an old-fashioned game of Hangman? All you need is a partner, a pen, and a piece of paper for this tried-and-true game. Here are the rules:

  • Think of a word or phrase. Draw the number of empty slots required to write that phrase.
  • Your partner will try to guess the phrase letter-by-letter. Each time your partner guesses wrong, add a line to your hangman.
  • If your partner doesn’t guess correctly by the time your hangman is hanging, they lose!

It may sound simple, but it can get competitive. Add some stakes by betting on snacks or drinks. Whoever loses has to buy their partner their favorite snack upon arrival at your destination.

#8. Name that Tune

Rocking out to your favorite tunes is essential to a successful road trip. To master this game, play a song on your phone or computer and try to stump your group. Whoever guesses correctly will get their turn playing an unknown song. Try and see if you’ll guess it correctly!

Sharing music isn’t only a fun way to enjoy your time on the bus–it’s also a way to showcase your interests and musical taste. Warning: this game is extremely fun and may cause impulsive dance moves.

#9. Geography Lesson

Ready to test your geography skills? Impress your group with your geographic knowledge and prowess. List the capital of every state in the U.S, then move on to countries around the world.

Want to spice it up even more? If you’re traveling across multiple states, try and name all the cities in the current state you are in. Good luck!

#10. Tell me a Story, Please

To play this game, gather a group of four or five friends on the bus. Have a person start off a story with 4 words. The next person adds 4 more words. Then the next person after that. Add some pressure by adding a time limit during each turn. Set parameters to the story to heighten the stakes; the story might have a theme, be set in a specific place, or occur in a certain time period.

Your game could look something like this:

Person 1: “Once upon a time…”

Person 2: “…we went to the…”

Person 3: “…Grand Canyon and we…”

Person 4: “…sang many campfire songs…”

Don’t be shy and ramp up the creativity. See how long you can go before someone gets stumped!

Games for Any Type of Group

Whether you’re diving into one of these 10 activities or playing a more modern game such as Cards Against Humanity , take full advantage of your time on the bus by engaging with your fellow travelers. A charter bus, shuttle, or minibus rental from GOGO Charters will ensure that you have enough space and comfort to play these games, so call us today at 1-855-826-6770 for a free, no-obligation quote and for live customer support.

Need to Rent a Charter Bus?

Start with our complete guide to charter bus rentals to find out more about the bus services we offer. If you’re planning a wedding, field trip, corporate convention, or other event , resolve the logistics and transportation with a charter bus or minibus rental. Our team would be thrilled to help find the perfect bus for you!

Whether you’re traveling in Washington DC , Boston , Atlanta , Houston , Los Angeles , or any other city in the United States, GOGO Charters is fully equipped to match you with a clean, up-to-date coach for your event or trip. Call our team at 1-855-826-6770 for a personalized quote!

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Home » Blog » Unplugged: Fun Non-Electronic Activities for Long Bus Rides

Unplugged: Fun Non-Electronic Activities for Long Bus Rides

A lengthy ride on the bus can easily become tedious, especially if you are travelling alone. You may turn to their electronic devices for entertainment, but sitting for hours can make you feel incredibly antsy. However, if you are travelling with your friends can make the journey fun. You may have many to talk about, but holding a conversation for hours can eventually become boring. However, you do not need your mobile phones or tablets to keep you busy. Wouldn’t it be a great idea to keep them away for the meantime and engage in fun games and activities with your family and/or friends while enjoying your journey?

Luckily, you do not need to pay for a tour guide to come up with some fun bus trip activities for adults or kids. You can keep boredom at bay with just a bit of forethought, ingenuity, and help from online guides like this one!

There are some fun non-electronic activities that will surely make the experience worthwhile no matter who you’re travelling with.

Fun bus team building activities or field trip bus ride activities:

  • Road Trip Bingo

This time-honoured game is a great entertainment activity for a large group on a long bus trip. Instead of using the traditional bingo cards, use the magnetic type or easy slide bingo cards to allow players to play the game in a moving vehicle.

You can follow a specific pattern during each game. Assign someone to draw and call the lettered and numbered ball from a bottle or bag during the game. The first one to complete the pattern wins. Remember to bring prizes for the winners. Think about things or snacks they can enjoy on the trip.

  • 20 Questions

This traditional highway activity never gets old. 20 Questions is quick and easy to play. To play the game, you need to think of an object that is found inside the bus. The other passengers will ask you 20 questions answerable by yes or no. This will help them identify the specific item you’re thinking of. The first person to get it right wins the game.

  • Scavenger Hunt

Who says a game of scavenger hunt is not possible during a bus trip. You do not have to go crazy and scavenge for items inside the bus. Instead, list down items that you would see during the bus ride. It could be farm animals, trees, or fast-food restaurants. Give each player a copy of the list. The first person who can locate all the items gets the prize.

  • Magnetic Mini Board Games

Mini board games are a great way to kill the time. Choose easy-to-setup games, such as Guesstures, Bananagrams, Thirty Seconds, and The Settlers of Catan, which have few pieces and can be played by 2 or more passengers. Some charter buses have small trays or tables where you can place and play mini board games conveniently. Contemporary games like Quirkle is a perfect game for adults who want a strategic game on board.

  • Name That Tune

You do not need a sound system to play this game. You just need a list of bus ride songs and randomly choose a participant to start the game by singing a line or two of a song of their choice. The rest can guess the title of the song. Whoever can guess the song correctly gets to sing the next song.

This game may be simple, but it requires quick thinking. Choose an interesting topic. It could be the names of popular celebrities or movie or TV show titles. The person sitting in the front seat will start the game by choosing their favourite celebrity, such as Taylor Swift. The next player must use the first letter of the last name of the celebrity. In this case, the next player must think of another name of a celebrity starting with “S,” such as “Scarlet Johansson.” Work your way until to the last person in the back. Someone who fails to provide an answer is out of the game.

Enjoyable bus ride activities for people who enjoy themselves:

  • Puzzle Games

If you prefer thinking games, why not give your brain a workout while onboard the bus? You should include in your bus ride planner a book of puzzles to keep yourself entertained. Crossword puzzles, sudoku, and word search games are fun and addictive activities that help sharpen your brain. In addition to that, it widens your vocabulary, instills patience, and improves your problem-solving skills. 

  • Enjoy the View

Travelling long distances can be a bit boring. However, some people find solace simply by staring at the window and enjoying the picturesque view of different landscapes during your long-distance journey. Make sure you have a good camera ready so that you can get some beautiful shots.

  • Read a Book

This one is a no brainer. Reading a book or magazines is a great way to survive a long bus ride. Make sure it is a good one to keep you entertained. However, this activity only applies if you do not get car sick during a long bus ride.

  • Bring a Colouring Book

Who says colouring books are just for kids? Bring some colouring books, crayons, or coloured pencils can keep you entertained. There are colouring books for older people you can buy in bookstores.

  • Write a Travel Diary

Writing is a great way to pass the time for solo travellers. You can use a simple notebook to describe and record your travel experience. Make it artsier by adding some cute drawings, sticking in tickets, photos, and small souvenirs. This can make your long bus trip more memorable.

You can bring a deck of cards on a charter bus trip and play a game of spades, hearts, rummy. Since cards are affordable, you can bring multiple decks and share them with the group.

Long hours spent on the road are a perfect way to bond with friends or enjoy some time alone, whether you’re on a bus ride home, from a school trip, or towards a remote vacation spot. Choosing the right games or activities can make the whole experience fun and memorable. You or your group would not feel bored as long as you have something to keep you entertained. If you get tired of playing games, engage in conversation to catch up with some of your friends.

You may not realize it but the bus company you will be hiring plays an important role in ensuring a great travel experience. At Parkinson Coach Lines, we take pride in our modern fleet of buses. We make sure our drivers meet the highest training and safety standards in Ontario. For a fun and safe ride, call us at (905) 451-4776 to book one of our state-of-the-art rental buses in Toronto .

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Games that will make your long road journeys entertaining.

Traveling by road in India is a time-consuming affair. While you could enjoy it initially, constantly staring out of your window won’t help much. Since you are pretty much stuck on a commute for at least a good few hours. You might as well make it fun. However, if you are traveling by bus with your friends, we have your back. Here is a list of games for a bus trip with friends.

Choose your category and you’re good to go!

Would you rather- games for a bus trip with friends

Question Games

Get to know your closest buddies as no one else can. Not to mention these question games can help you know what your friend thinks, what are their secrets, and what kind of equation you share with your friend circle. 

  • Would you rather: Give your friends circle alternatives and ask them to choose anyone out of the following. 
  • Never have I ever: Ask people strange questions and the one who would have done that strange thing takes a shot or sip of a drink. 
  • 20 questions: You or someone has to think of something and keep it to yourself or themselves. The group will try to ask 20 questions based on what they think you or another member of the group is thinking. 
  • Kiss, marry, avoid: Ask everyone turn by turn about who would they kiss, marry or avoid amongst the group and get ready for some controversial answers.
  • Pick one out of the two: Ask someone to pick one out of the two options you give them. 
  • What if: Put people in scary weird or strange situations and know what option would they choose that would be favourable to them. 
  • Riddles: Instead of telling everyone directly, give them strange similarities to guess the right thing. 
  • Guess the object: Similar to riddles but applicable to objects ask your friends in a cringe way about day to day objects. 
  • Who am I?: These could be based on anyone be it cartoons, movie characters, politicians, celebrities. Etc

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UNO- games for a bus trip with friends

Card and Chit games

All you need for these games is a few sheets of paper and a pen. While in the case of card games a deck of cards, a stack of UNO , and guess games could be done using pictures on phone.

  • UNO:   UNO is a unique card game different from the normal card deck. Match the numbers or colours of the card and the person with only one card remaining says uno. If the person puts the last card down too, the person wins.
  • The normal cards deck: Playing cards can be fun in a bus journey. Just shuffle, distribute, and play!
  • Do as I say: This is a chit game where chits have certain instructions written. The person who picks the chit will have to perform the task in the chit.
  • Who’s the culprit: Originally a 4 player game, players have to pick a chit each and one of the chits has culprit written over it. The culprit has to silently kill someone by tapping on them. But the person they kill is a police inspector in their chit the culprit loses. The police have to find who the culprit is by guessing.
  • Dumb charades: The chits have movies written over them and the one who picks has to enact the movie while other guesses without saying a word.
  • Guess the actor or actress: Similar to dumb charades , these hits have names of actors or actresses and the one who picks has to enact them while others guess.
  • Give a famous campaign from the party you get: A game of politics, your chit would have the name of a political party. You have to say a jingle or slogan by the party while others guess which party it is.
  • Pictionary: One person holds a pluck card on their forehead and doesn’t see it while the other sees it and tries to enact it for the one holding it to understand. This pluck card only has a picture on it.
  • Bingo: The traditional number game where the one who cancels all the numbers called out in a row or column wins.
  • Pick an object from someone without them noticing: This is more like stealing but only for fun. Pick the object mentioned in the chit and the one who picks all objects wins.

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Antakshari- games for a bus trip with friends

Singing and song-based games

Who doesn’t like a good melodious round with a few laughs on bad notes? With this in mind these are the best games for a bus trip with friends.

  • Antakshari: Players sing from the last letter of the song where the first person who sings ends it.
  • Guess the tune: A person hums a tune and other people guess the song.
  • Do the hook step of one player whispers a song in the ear of another and that player performs the hook step. Everyone else is supposed to guess the hook step.
  • Name two same-named songs: A person has to come up with two songs. They have to share the same name or have the same word in common.
  • Name one original remake of the song: As the name suggests the person has to find a remake of the original song too.
  • Guess the ad jingle: for eg: Ting ting ting ting is the jingle for Britannia. The Player has to sing while others guess.
  • Pass the parcel: Everyone has to pass the parcel when the music is on and when it stops the person with the parcel is punished. Punishments are singing or dancing or saying a joke etc.
  • Complete the conversation in songs: One person starts with a random sentence of a song and then everyone else adds up a new song and continues for it to make sense.
  • Complete the lyrics: One person sings the lyrics to a song everyone adds up the lyrics of the same song turn by turn.
  • Who is the singer: One-person plays or sings the song and everyone has to guess who the singer is.

KBC-  Kaun Banega Crorepati

Movie Trivia and Quiz Games

This is your chance to redeem yourself as a true Bollywood enthusiast and lover. However, you may not be on Koffee with Karan but you can have an experience with your friends, choose these games for a bus trip with friends!

  •  Kaun Banega Crorepati: You may not win a crore but can win this general knowledge-based quiz. The person who asks questions with ask an MCQ and you have to pick one right option out of 4.
  • How well do you know your favourite?: You will be asked 10 questions based on your or your friend’s favourite actor and actress by your friends.
  • How well do you know this movie?: You will be asked 10 questions based on your or your friends favourite movie.
  • Name the actor or actress and describe their character and let people guess the name of the character: The friend circle will have to guess their on screen character name based on what you enact or hints you give.
  • A place and movie: You will give a place and your circle will tell you a movie shot in that locality.
  • Name the directors film: Ask your friends to name 5 movies by famous Bollywood directors.
  • Quote a dialogue and guess the film: You could quote multiple dialogues.
  • Pop quiz on kapoors: Each person can take turns to ask and answer questions on the most loved family in the show business.
  • Walk the talk: Walk down the aisle of your bus by enacting a celebrities body language and let people guess.
  • Read a book as a celebrity and let people guess the actor: You could use their voice, their style, etc.

Koffee with Karan

Fastest first and rapid games

Everything gets intense when you don’t let people give a lot of thought to their answers. However, these rapid games will leave you wanting more.

  • First things first: One person will ask you about random things and you have to tell them the first thing that comes to your mind.
  • Chain game: First you pick a category like sports, movies, etc. Then you start with one person saying one thing related to it. The next person says another related term but from the last letter of the term that the person before them used.
  • I spy: This one’s about giving people vague hints of what it could be. While they guess what exactly you must’ve seen around.
  • Call and ask the person to say hey karan it’s me: 2 people have to make 3 calls to someone who is not on the bus and ask them to say hey karan it’s me. Yes live your dreams.
  • Koffee with Karan rapid fire: How can we forget this epic game. You will be asked weird questions related to your personal life and preferences. You have to answer rapidly.
  • Say the opposite: You have to give antonyms to the words the person in front of you says.
  • Don’t say yes no or maybe: Questions that have these answers but you have to answer avoid these rhetorics. 
  • Alphabet game: One person starts with a word with A and other continues with a related word but with B and so on.
  • 2 truths and 1 lie: You will be asked 3 questions and you however, have to say which 2 are true facts and which 1 is false.
  • Build a story: In a chit you will be given a context to start building a story. The first person gives a sentence; and the rest keep building a story by adding more sentences.

We hope you have so many games for your next bus trip with friends. Long journeys will never be boring again. Entertainment is always an option and the best company knows how to keep themselves entertained. 

Also follow India Chalk on Instagram for more amazing travel content. You can share your travel story with us. Reach out to us on email at contact[at]ndiachalk[dot]com. This blog is curated by India Chalk and written by Megha Sapre.


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National Charter Bus

Top 7 Games to Play on A Charter Bus Road Trip

Picture this.

You’ve booked a private shuttle with National Charter Bus and you’re on the way to your destination, which isn’t anywhere close by. You’re traveling with your large, noisy family, with the addition of rowdy toddlers who demand attention every few minutes. People are shouting over one another, trying to get a word in, while you sit struggling to stay sane with your headphones plugged in, doing the bare minimum.

You wonder, if only there was a way to discipline everyone on board. Something that requires zero to no effort, is enjoyable and leads to a stress-free road trip. And then it hits you, what about road-trip games? But you don’t know of any, apart from Punch Buggy, which was fun when you were 2. You need answers, pronto.

National Charter Bus can help. We’ve compiled a list of the top 7 road-trip games to play when you’re desperate to tone down the voices on board without being a dictator. Whether you’re driving down to Atlanta for a weekend getaway, or taking a long trip to Washington DC to tour our nation’s capital, we guarantee a fun-filled journey from start to finish.

Ready for some group bonding? Get your game face on, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Going On A Trip Memory Game

So you’ve probably heard of the old-timey road trip game “Going on a Picnic” or “Going to the Grocery Store”, where you take turns keeping track of a long list of items. We decided to curate our own version of the game. Instead of going on a picnic or to the grocery store, you’ll be going on a hypothetical trip on your charter bus and listing all the different destinations you’d like to visit. The first person would start off by saying “I’m going on a trip on my charter bus where I’m going to visit [insert destination name] .” The second person would then take the reins and repeat the same statement with the first person’s destination, along with the addition of another destination. This game slowly eliminates people as they mess up and forget the order of the list. The last one remaining is the winner. Going On A Trip not only sharpens your memory skills, but it also motivates you to pursue your wanderlust with National Charter Bus!

Guess the Song

If you’re the kind of crowd that loves different genres of music, then this is the game for you. Connect a smartphone, tablet, iPod, or mp3 player (if you still have that) to the bus’s audio entertainment system. Since the speakers on the bus are modern updates, the clarity and pitch of the music will be heard throughout the cabin space. If you’re in an 18-passenger minibus, this works out great since you can pair up into 6 groups. Turn the device on shuffle mode. Once it lands on a song, the first group attempts to guess the name of the song. They get 10 seconds to answer. If they fail to do so, the second group gives it a shot. Every group is allowed 3 mess ups and the one with the most number of correct answers wins.

This game is an all-time favorite since it really makes each person delve into their worldly knowledge. While sitting in your seat, close your eyes, and point to a person at random to start the game. They can pick a category that appeals to them— it can be anything from “different ways to fry potatoes” to “luggage brands”. Once they decide, everyone onboard takes turns giving an appropriate answer. The person who gives up first is automatically disqualified.

Never Have I Ever

A common game played at parties, Never Have I Ever leaves everyone squirming in their seats. For those of you who are of legal age, make things interesting and bring some liquor into the mix. Kids under 21 can sip juice or water so they aren’t left out. Everyone must hold up five fingers and a drink in the other hand. Each person takes turns saying “Never Have I Ever [insert action that they have never done before.] ” Anyone on the bus who has done said-action must take a sip of their drink and put down one finger. The last-remaining passenger with any number of fingers up, wins the game. If you decide to play, always remember the National Charter Bus code: What happens on the bus, stays on the bus.

Destination Chain Game

Another game that really gets the brain working overtime is the Chain Game. We tweaked the game and made it travel relevant. In clockwise order, one person picks a category that appeals to them. It can be “cities”, “countries”, “neighborhoods” or even “beaches”. If the category is cities, the second person starts off by naming a city, for instance “Atlanta”. The third person continues the conversation, and names a city that begins with the last letter of the second person’s city, which in this case would be ‘A’. The game goes on until you’ve run out of cities to name.

A cult-favorite, I Spy has been around longer than National Charter Bus. The rules are pretty straightforward, and the game starts off with one person stating “I spy with my little eye something [insert color] ” or “I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter [_].” The participants start naming different things inside or outside the bus that could be the potential winning answer. Once the item has been discovered, the next person continues the game.

License Plate Game: Bus Edition

Turn this game up a notch and hunt for bus license plates. The bus can be anything ranging from a small minibus to a UPS bus. Each passenger onboard hunts for the license plate and then comes up with quirky phrases originating from each letter. For example, BDK could mean “Bob Digs Karate”. Be as creative and unique as possible— the crazier the better. The person with the funniest phrases wins the game!

Rent a Private Shuttle For Your Road Trip Today

Streamline your road trip in and around the United States with National Charter Bus. We offer nationwide transportation services in premium bus rentals that are equipped with a vast array of amenities for your pleasure and comfort. Travel with a large group of 56-passengers or a small handful of 18 , whatever you decide, we’re here by your side. Speak to our 24/7 reservation team at 1-844-755-0510 for a free, no-obligation trip quote !

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Top 10 Travel Games: The Best Road Trip Games for Adults

Traveling is a blast, but let’s be real, long journeys can test our patience. If you’re on the road with kids or family, you know the struggle of the endless “are we there yet?” questions. That’s where road trip games swoop in to save the day! But guess what? Adults can get bored too. Of course you know that. So, to keep the trip from turning into a snooze-fest, let’s load up on some awesome travel game ideas!

What are road trip games?

Road trip games are travel games you play to make time go by faster. They can stimulate your memory, jolt your creativity and implicate one, two or more people. H ere’s why fun road trip games make it worth putting your phone down during the journey:

  • They’ll help you bond with your travel buddies.
  • They’ll occupy your mind with something else than passive entertainment (such as social media or streaming).
  • They’ll make time pass by so much faster.
  • They’ll most likely make you laugh (which is good for your health!).
  • You’ll pay more attention to the scenery and notice things you would have never seen, what with your head riveted on your smartphone screen.

So, which are the best road trip games?

Here are our top 10 favorite road trip games for adults. The cool thing is they work as bus travel games or car games, and you can even take some ideas with you for a plane or train ride.

#1 Best classic travel game: the I spy road trip game

Although you may have played this game when you were small, we’re pretty sure you’ll still enjoy it! The I spy road trip game. It is one of our favorites because it forces you to look around and search for rarities or detail. Remember how it goes? It’s quite simple.

The goal of this classic travel game is to guess what object or thing the spy has in mind!

  • Designate one person to be the spy.
  • The spy starts the game by finding something they can see out the window, in the bus or vehicle—and says, “I spy with my little eye, something that…”. 
  • Take note that the spy cannot change objects during the game.
  • “Something that starts with the letter ___.” Giving out the first letter is the most common way to play the game—and the hardest for people to guess.
  • “Something that is the colour ___.” A colour clue is more commonly used if playing with kids, since it makes the guessing easier.
  • Another variant is to give out other clues in relation to shape, composition, texture, material, weight or height. But again, this makes the guessing game easier.
  • “Is it larger than a bus?”—to which the spy could answer “yes” or “no”.
  • “Is it a tree?”
  • The spy can answer “yes” if the guess is accurate—or with “hot” (close) or “cold” (not close) to give indications whereas to how close that guess was to the spied object. 
  • If the guessing game has been going for a while, the spy can encourage the other players to guess again and give more precise feedback, by responding with “warm” (closer but not close) or “freezing” (totally off-topic).
  • Each player takes a turn asking a question or taking a guess and the first person who guesses the correct object wins the game. 
  • For the next round, the winner becomes the spy!

Number of Players

You need at least two players to Play I Spy… No maximum!

#2 Best travel board game: road trip bingo for adults

Who doesn’t like bingo? The cool thing about travel bingo is that there are at least two ways to play when you’re on the road—so if you don’t have a pen and paper handy or if you haven’t thought ahead and purchased a card game, you can still play. 

Travel Bingo Game with a list

Equipment needed: pen and paper.

Make sure you have a pen and paper handy. First, solicit everyone’s help to make an exhaustive list of car brands. Then, look out the window and shout (or whisper if you’re on a bus!) BINGO every time you spot a brand that is on the list! Keep count of your findings! The first player to find every brand on the list wins the game. 

Travel Bingo Cards

Equipment needed: travel bingo cards & a pen for each player.

If you like to plan ahead, you’ll love this version of road trip bingo. To play, print out several cards in advance (several websites offer downloadable bingo cards for free!) and simply set up in the bus to play with your friends, just like a normal bingo game! The goal? Checking off items as you see them in your surroundings (hence, the pen) until all the items are checked in one same row of your card… at which point you can discreetly scream, “BINGO!”

#3 Best long drive game: the license plate travel game

With the license plate travel game, you can step up the game and increase the difficulty level as you get better at it. And, if you’re on the road for a long time, this road trip game will definitely provide entertainment for a while. 

The Easy Licence Plate Game 

The easy version of the license plate travel game is to interpret the letters for each license plate you see from your window. Depending on which state or province you travel through, this could be more or less challenging. For instance:

  • BN2 Y679 could stand for Barry Never Yells
  • 2848 EB could stand for Early Bird

The Licence Plate Travel Game: Expert Version

If you want to step it up a notch, you could incorporate numbers too, and interpret the full license plate. The interpretation could go something like this:

  • C84 0UV could stand for Catherine Ate (8) Four Ugly Vermicelli  

License Plate Search

If you get bored with the first two versions of this road trip game, you can change it up and turn your licence plate game into a competition! The goal? To find the most licence plates from different states. To play this last version of the game, you’ll need a pen and paper to jot down your states!

#4 Most poetic road trip game — the rhymes travel game

You’re a poet and you know it? This game is for you! Rhyme away as the road rolls by, playing this fun rhymes road trip game.

Find the most words that rhyme.

  • The first player comes up with a one-syllable word and says it out loud.
  • Then, the second player has three seconds to come up with a one-syllable word that rhymes with the first word. 
  • Watch out, you can’t repeat the same word twice!

For example:

  • The first person says “sea”.
  • The second person says, “pee”.
  • The third person says “she”.

If a person hesitates for more than four seconds, they are eliminated. The last person standing wins. If the game is too easy for you, you can also play with two-syllable, three-syllable and more words!

Although it’s often more fun when you’re playing with four or more people, you can still play if you’re traveling as a duo!

#5 Best verbal games to play—the many versions of the alphabet travel game

There are several ways to play the alphabet game! If the road you are travelling is full of signs (cityscape) or is really stimulating visually, you might want to play the version where the goal is to find objects, words or buildings in your surroundings. If not, you’ll want to pick themes. 

The goal of the alphabet game is to find words for every letter in the alphabet, from A to Z.

Version A: Picking out stuff around you

  • Start with the letter A and work your way down to Z.
  • A, for Animal
  • C, for City
  • One word cannot be repeated twice.
  • The first player to call out a word that begins with Z wins the game!

Version B: Picking out a theme

This version of the Alphabet Travel Game works if you’re traveling with friends and some of you can see too well out of the window.

Decide on a theme with your travel buddies. To make it fun, think of unconventional themes, such as “partying”, “body parts” or “travel destinations”.

  • A for Arizona
  • B for Buffalo
  • C for California
  • Words cannot be repeated and players who can’t come up with a word are disqualified. 
  • The first one to make it to Z wins!

This game works starting with two people but can be played in a larger group, too. The more, the merrier!

#6 Best fortune telling game: the superlatives game

The superlatives game is really cool to play if you’re traveling with a group of old friends. What with your history and the diversity of profiles, you’re sure to laugh a lot!

The goal is to find a person to fit every superlative category.

  • Most likely to invest in a Ponzi Scheme
  • Most likely to get food poisoning
  • Then, for each item in the list, vote for which friend fits the bill most.

Equipment : You’ll need a pen and paper to make a list of superlatives.

It’s the most fun to play this game if you’re at least four people traveling together—and ideally 6 to 8!

#7 Best game to test your limits: the “would you rather” game

The Would You Rather Game can be funny, super gross — or both! And if you really want to get the most out of this travel game, ask players to justify their choices. Interesting debates will take place — and you’ll surely have a good laugh.

The goal is to stump other players by giving them an impossible choice.

  • Each player takes a turn asking a “Would you rather” question.
  • Think of incredibly funny and try to make the choice so difficult that the other players won’t be able to decide. 
  • Read a few tough questions to inspire you.
  • Every other player has to answer the question.
  • If a player can’t answer, they are disqualified. 

Equipment : You don’t need any specific equipment to play the game per se, but you can purchase Would you rather cards .

The more people play, the more fun you’ll have! At least two players are needed.

#8 Best game to play devil’s advocate: the fortunately/unfortunately trip game

This travel game will encourage you to think outside the box and awaken your optimistic or pessimistic side. Quite simple to play, it can lead to some exciting dialogues! And, if you’re feeling a little frisky, you can launch the first “fortunately” in an absurd or daring direction.

The Goal of the Fortunately/Unfortunately Game is to build a story from beginning to end, by alternating optimistic and pessimistic statements.

  • The first player starts with making a “fortunately” statement.
  • The next player has to reply with an “unfortunately” statement.
  • And so on, until the story reaches a conclusion.
  • The first player says: “Fortunately, the bus was on time.”
  • The second player says: “Unfortunately, we took the wrong one.”
  • And so on, alternating with “fortunately” and “unfortunately”.

This game can involve two or more people. If there are only two of you though, we recommend imposing the “fortunately” statements to the most pessimistic person!

#9 Best word game: the “related words” travel game

This word game encourages your brain to make links between things and words. If you play with a couple of friends, you’ll quickly notice that some are really good at looping back to their initial idea, while others get distracted easily. If you’re one of the latter, you can secretly practice playing the related words game on your own time to become better at finding links and looping back!

The Goal of the Related Words Travel Game is to make the quickest link between words to loop back to your initial word.

  • To launch the game, a starting word is chosen.
  • All participants then think of words that relate to this first word.
  • The player with the shortest list of words looping back to the initial word wins the game.
  • The starting word could be: “bus”.
  • Player #1 could make the following list: “bus, travel, walk, hostel, restaurant, sleep, bus”.
  • Player #2 could do: “bus, bus driver, bus station, passenger, bus tickets, bus”
  • In this case, Player #2 would be the winner, since he only used 4 words (vs. 5 for Player #1) to loop back to the word “bus”.

Equipment : y ou can play this game by using only your memory, but sometimes it’s easier to make a list and count the number of words using a pen and paper.

Although the game becomes more interesting when three or four people chip in, you can manage with only two players.

#10 Most shocking travel game: the Never Have I Ever Game

The goal of the Never Have I Ever game is to guess if the statements are true or false. And of course, to try and surprise your friends with the most shocking true statements!

  • Each participant starts off with their 10 fingers up.
  • One by one, each player makes a statement that starts with “Never Have I Ever”. For instance, this could go something like: “Never Have I Ever eaten a frog” or “Never Have I Ever jumped from a plane”.
  • All the other players who have done this thing take one finger down. So obviously, the point is to come up with crazy or funny things your friends may have done—but you haven’t.
  • If you wish, you can ask the players who have put a finger down to tell their back story—you might hear some pretty interesting things!
  • The last person to have any fingers up wins the game.

The game requires at least two people, but there is no maximum number of players. It’s more fun if there are at least five or six people playing, to get a good rhythm going.

Now that you know how to entertain yourself and your friends on your next road trip, visit Busbud and book your bus tickets!

Nice list, i love most of the games. Sometimes when i am bored i open this website and play bus games all ride long!

You forgot to mention the best gangster game! The best game for road trip for me is Ace Gangster 2 game .

I like the story game you shared where we alternate with statements of “fortunately” and “unfortunately.” I’m helping to find a charter bus service to handle the tour for my son’s school group next year. These tips should help everyone have fun on the bus, so I’m excited to use them when the time comes!

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Fun Games To Play When Traveling on a Bus Trip

Global , Planning Advice

Fun Games To Play When Traveling on a Bus Trip

Field trips that require some traveling can be a daunting task for any teacher or chaperone. It isn’t the actual trip but rather the obstacle of keeping a group of students from becoming restless. Hopefully, using some fun games to play when traveling on a bus trip will keep the kids from causing chaos.

Name That Tune

With the innovation of streaming, this game cannot be easier to play. You can select anything from classical to modern pop if it’s safe for work, and it will bring out some competition among each other. Name that tune, or a slight variation of the game, keeps children entertained on a long bus trip, whether they’re on a school bus or an ultra coachliner. Plus, music lifts everyone’s mood, giving the students a bolt of energy during a listless ride.

Team Trivia

You can turn a dull ride into a learning experience by incorporating some exciting trivia. Groups of 3 or 4 in a class of around 30 students will create about 7 teams, which shouldn’t be too challenging to mediate. Covering various topics keeps them all on their toes and lets students who specialize in specific subjects shine among their peers.

Fun card games have been around for centuries, keeping generations of families happy and entertained. The simplest games will make time seem supersonic when you entrench yourself in them. For example, the game of war is the most straightforward game to play that also takes a long time to finish. And the excitement of getting an ace during a war battle of the deuces brings enough enthusiasm to make the game worth playing.

Travel Board Games

Even though video games are the only thing kids know nowadays, some classic board games are still enjoyable. Games like Connect Four never go out of style and are easy to play. Just be careful when playing them on a bus so they don’t tip over.

When you are looking to entertain a group of children, selecting one of these fun games to play when traveling on a bus trip provides some solutions.

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Palm Springs Air Museum

49 best travel games for adults recommended by travellers (updated 2023)

Travel games for adults

If you have ever spent a night in a hostel you have inevitably been invited for a game of asshole. Or president. Or bullshit. What am I talking about? Travel games of course! You can find them in all different names and shapes: some are played with cards, some with dice, and some just by exchanging words. Oh and don’t forget the drinking games! I’ve decided to bundle these travel games for adults into one article.

Travel games

My friends Joost and Samuel enjoying a travel game called Bananagrams

Most of these games are fairly easy to explain to anyone, which is, of course, an important criterion for the international crowds you usually find around hostels. It’s not even just hostels where these backpacker games are played either: in night trains, long-distance buses, forest huts, Couchsurfing, or Airbnb accommodations, anywhere with a bit of flat surface (for the card games, dice games, and board games) and a group of fun-loving people. It’s the ultimate icebreaker and you’ll soon end up chatting away post-game with your newly-made friends.

There are countless games with countless names, some are even known by different names in different parts of the world. I’ve committed to creating an ever-expanding list of these road trip games, so feel free to leave a comment with your favorite game that I haven’t mentioned yet.


Board games for adults, 1. bananagrams, 2. thirty seconds, 3. the settlers of catan, 4. guesstures, card games for adults, 6. ligretto, 7. bullshit / cheat / i doubt it / bluff / bs / liar, 8. the great dalmuti, 9. cribbage.

10. Chinese poker

11. Solitaire / Patience

13. skip bo, 15. egyptian rat screw, 17. cards against humanity, 18. shithead / palace / karma / china hand / ten-two slide, 19. go fish, 20. exploding kittens, 21. koehandel / cow trade / horse trade, 22. crazy eights, 24. top trumps, 28. travelin’, 29. codenames duet, dice games for adults.

30. Liar’s Dice

31. Rory’s Story Cubes

32. Yahtzee

33. regenwormen / pickomino, road trip games for adults.

34. Guess the song

36. Truth or Dare

37. the guessing capital game, 38. never pass a sample, 39. pizza ftw, 40. zitchdog, drinking games for adults, 42. monkey monkey, 44. king’s cup.

47. Assholes / President / Scumbag

48. Mayer / Mia / Meier

50. Add your game

Bananagrams board game for adults

Bananagrams – the board game

How can you win Bananagrams?

To be played with wine for best results. The trick is speed, you need to be really quick about forming words. Also, it helps if you can avoid the letters Q, Z, J and X.

What makes Bananagrams fun?

It’s portable, easy to learn, and play is fast. Once the game is over you can argue about whether the words put down by other players are real words. It’s even more fun if you don’t happen to be carrying a dictionary.

What is your best memory playing Bananagrams on your travels?

Slipping an invented word past my fellow players – they were all American and I managed to convince them that it was a very conventional word in British English.

30 seconds board game

30 Seconds board game

How can you win Thirty Seconds?

You can win 30 Seconds by getting as many answers as possible right in 30 seconds. One player must guess a word based on their teammate’s explanation. The main thing here is that the explanation may not contain the actual word or part of the word.

Of course, you can buy the game, but it’s more fun to make one yourself! For example (when there are 4 players – 2 teams): every player writes ten names of – for example – celebrities down on 10 pieces of paper. Then you collect all the pieces of paper in a bowl. Each round the team draws a card and then has 30 seconds to describe the name on the paper as quickly as they can. When the bowl is empty, the team that has the most pieces of paper wins the game.

What makes Thirty Seconds fun?

It’s really funny because sometimes it’s really hard to explain a name and your teammates’ guesses do not make any sense.

What is your best memory playing Thirty Seconds on your travels?

We played this game over and over with two of my friends. In the end we got a bit obsessed and we became really good at in, so now nobody else wants to play it with us any more… Haha!

Settler of Catan board game

Settlers of Catan board game

How can you win The Settlers of Catan?

You win when you gain 10 points (13 in the extended version), which you get by building villages, towns, streets, or draw some of the magic cards in the pack.

What makes The Settlers of Catan fun?

Each time is different. It’s not a fixed board like e.g. the game ‘Risk’ uses. The board is made up of a number of tiles which you put together randomly for each game. Contrary to e.g. Risk, where after so many games you kind of know what you need to win, or what the favorable is, Catan is entirely different in each setup.

What is your best memory playing The Settlers of Catan on your travels?

Beach Agonda, India, with Dutch friends. One of them wasn’t particularly good at losing, and when his wife was about to beat him he’d suggest to smoke a joint. As soon as she did this, she lost all concentration and lost. It was very funny to watch.

Guesstures board game

Guesstures board game

How can you win Guesstures?

You win by simplifying the words to basic body movements. Anything too complicated can always trip up your guessers.

What makes Guesstures fun?

We love how ridiculous you look when playing the game. At the same time, anyone can play and it’s easy to learn.

What is your best memory playing Guesstures on your travels?

Whenever we go to a cabin with a group of friends, it’s always fun to bust it out!

Fun card games for adults

Dobble travel card game

The Dobble travel card game

How can you win Dobble?

There are endless variations to this game, but in the most common one, you will have to get as many cards as possible by matching a symbol from your card to a symbol on the top card in the central pile. The player with the most cards at the end wins.

What makes Dobble fun?

It’s a nerve wrecking game because you’re playing against others to find the matching symbol. There is  always  a matching symbol but sometimes you are looking back and forth frantically between your card and the one in the middle just and it just seems like nothing matches… Then someone else finds one and it’s back to square one. You have to shout the symbol that matches which often leads to hilarious descriptions like “white condom ghost thing”.

What is your best memory playing Dobble on your travels?

I love that it comes in such a small package but has endless possibilities. There are different game modes, e.g. where you have to match other players’ symbols, where you want to get rid of all your cards, or exactly the opposite. It’ll keep you busy for hours… As long as you don’t get a heart attack that is 😉

Ligretto card game

Cards for playing Ligretto

How can you win Ligretto?

The aim of this travel game is to get rid of all your cards faster than all the other players by discarding them in the middle of the table.

What makes Ligretto fun?

It’s FAST! You’ll have to put cards down like a maniac and your strategy can change every second. It’s nice and compact, you only need a single deck of cards, and you don’t need much space to lay the cards out either. The rules are simple and it never gets old.

What is your best memory playing Ligretto on your travels?

A fun Couchsurfer living in Dol, a quiet village on the Hvar island in Croatia, introduced me and my girlfriend to this game. It was her favorite game and she showed us why (by beating us over and over). We played it for hours and hours and the relentless chant of victory, “Ligretto!”, still echoes in my ears.

How can you win Bullshit?

The object of the game is actually pretty simple – get rid of all your cards. However, in order to do that, you have to do a bit of bluffing – if someone calls your bluff (calls ‘bullshit’), you have to pick up all the cards lying on the table!

What makes Bullshit fun?

The risk! If you want to win, you inevitably have to do a little lying. The fun part is trying to con your friends, which when considering that this game is usually played whilst drinking, you become increasingly less good at!

What is your best memory playing Bullshit on your travels?

During our two year Latin American adventure, we played this game a lot. But one of the best memories has to be playing it on a cargo ship heading to the Corn Islands in Nicaragua. The boat was around a day late, litres of rum were drank and bullshit helped pass the hours.

The great Dalmuti card game

The great Dalmuti card game

How can you win The Great Dalmuti?

You can win the Great Dalmuti by playing all your cards. Whoever finishes first becomes the Great Dalmuti, the next one the lesser Dalmuti. When you finish last you become the (lesser or big) slave. What makes it fun is that the roles change and the Dalmuties receive tax from the slaves. Also, everyone respects the Dalmuti (who, of course, sits on the best chair) and orders the slaves around (who not uncommonly don’t even get a chair to sit in).

What makes The Great Dalmuti fun?

So it becomes very competitive as people want to become the Dalmuti and punish the previous Dalmuti for his Behaviour.

What is your best memory playing The Great Dalmuti on your travels?

A vivid memory that comes to mind is when I used to play it in Thailand with my fiancé and parents-in-law on the front porch of our bungalow.

Cribbage card game

Cribbage card game

How can you win Cribbage?

It’s complicated… You need to be able to count cards and add. Because the game is “first to 121 points” you also need to play strategically.

What makes Cribbage fun?

There are loads of ways to score points, both in the play and in the hand, so you need to focus. If you leave points unclaimed your opponent can call “muggins” and claim your points.

What is your best memory playing Cribbage on your travels?

This is quite a complicated game to learn and it was my father who taught me to play on sailing trips as a kid. My best memory is sitting on deck with him playing and calling “muggins” when he’d missed something (possibly on purpose, who knows!)

10. Chinese Poker

How can you win chinese poker.

Get rid of all your cards.

What makes Chinese Poker fun?

It’s a combination of Yahtzee and Poker; what’s not to like? You can create a strategy before the game starts but you might have to rethink it when the game’s not going your way. Decisions, decisions!

What is your best memory playing Chinese Poker on your travels?

I saw a few Chinese people play the game in the “cattle-class” of a sleeper train; they were really passionate about it and it was a lot of fun to watch their strategies as they went along. Where better to learn Chinese poker that from actual Chinese people 🙂

How can you win Solitaire?

Since you’re typically playing this game alone, you’re always a winner! Actually, that is not true, you can still get stuck in the game and be forced to take a loss. Sounds depressing, doesn’t it? You win by stacking all the cards on the table onto each other in four equal piles, in order from low to high and sorted by suit.

What makes Solitaire fun?

It can cure boredom if you’re traveling alone. It can even be a pretty fun game as you’ll have to be creative sometimes to free yourself from a seemingly impossible-to-finish situation. More often, however, it’s a last resort when you’re stuck inside an airport on a 7-hour layover with no plugs to charge your drained electronic devices.

What is your best memory playing Solitaire on your travels?

Since I’ve played this game quite a few times on my solo travels, every time you finish a game there is this little sparkle of joy inside your brain, and you mentally picture all the cards bouncing around and fireworks being set off like in the Windows version. Or at least I did.

How can you win Toepen?

This Dutch game is all about battles. You can win a battle, but that doesn’t mean you’ve won the game (similarly to war.. or a couple getting divorced). The first to 15 points (or 25, if you want to play for longer) loses, making the other players the winners (but really, it’s the person with the least “penalty-points” that is the happiest).

What makes Toepen fun?

The game involves some simple but entertaining mind-games. “Why the hell did he/she toep?” is a common question that gets raised often during the game. Does the player have great cards and is therefore confident that they are going to win, or are they simply bluffing? This is easily our favorite go-to game on the road.

What is your best memory playing Toepen on your travels?

We’ve played this game about a hundred times on every (long-distance) bicycle that we did together. It’s an easy game to explain to others and gets strategic when you’re playing with people that have played it before. A memory that comes to mind: Steven was with Joost in Denmark where they were playing Toepen with a Danish girl (she called it “Poopen”). She Toeped (“Pooped”) at the most random moments, leaving Steven and Joost completely clueless of her strategy.

Skip bo card game

Skip bo card game

How can you win Skip Bo?

The classic way: you need to be the first to get rid of your cards.

What makes Skip Bo fun?

It is easy to learn, and while it’s a strategic game it’s still possible to win when you’ve just learned the rules.

What is your best memory playing Skip Bo on your travels?

I have so many memories playing this with Couchsurfers at home, but my best memory while travelling would be on a train in China where we shared a sleeper with an Argentinian couple. We played into the small hours of the morning, learning about each other and our journeys.

Fluxx card game

Fluxx card game

How can you win Fluxx?

Let’s start with the rules of Fluxx: there are no rules. Yup. Every time you put a card down the rules change, which also sometimes means you’ll have to your flip your strategy 180 degrees. You have to collect cards and you’ve won when you have accomplished the objectives that are on the table at that moment before someone else changes them.

What makes Fluxx fun?

It’s a very random game, so if you like your games structured then you might want to try another one. That said, it’s that actual chaotic element of the game that makes it fun. You’re constantly checking if you can annoy or block your opponents with the current rulesets, and sometimes it’s even possible that someone has won without him/her knowing!

What is your best memory playing Fluxx on your travels?

I haven’t played this game on any travels yet, but I would love to hear from someone that has! Leave a comment .

Egyptian rat screw card game

Egyptian rat screw card game

How can you win Egyptian Rat Screw?

The object of the game is to be the person with all the cards at the end of the game. This means the game can take a very long time.

What makes Egyptian Rat Screw fun?

Once you and other players learn how to play the game moves very fast from player to player. The intensity heightens with the speed of the game. The most fun part about this game is when you get two cards that are the same flipped one on top of the other. The first person to slap those cards wins the deck. This also means that people who are “out” of cards can slap their way back in.

What is your best memory playing Egyptian Rat Screw on your travels?

I learned this game in a summer camp when I was very young. When I studied abroad in Australia I taught all my new friends how to play it. We would spend hours just passing the time away with this game. No drinks involved!

How can you win Rummy?

Individual games are won by the first person who “goes out” or discards every card in their hand. Along the way, they rack up points by putting down three of a kind and straights of the same suit. Your points get tallied up per game and in our case, a full game runs to 500 points and can last 1-2 hours.

What makes Rummy fun?

Rummy is fun because it’s so basic and it’s almost akin to baseball; a game to 500 is never over until the person reaches that point total. The game has so many intricacies and quirky rules that make it fun all by itself. Enter a couple of people who are married or just friends, and it can get crazier by the hand.

What is your best memory playing Rummy on your travels?

We’ve played everywhere when traveling, and I try my best to not swear out loud when losing badly. Unfortunately, I failed when riding a boat to Jeju Island in Korea and earned quite a few stares my way. That was a cue for me to go outside and get some fresh air.

Cards against humanity card game

Cards against humanity card game

How can you win Cards Against Humanity?

You need to make the other people vote for your answer to a ridiculous question.

What makes Cards Against Humanity fun?

It is all about reading other people and figuring out what kind of answer this person would like, some might like dirty jokes, other logical answers etc. Oh, and the game is free… you can download it from (or you can buy it via the link below if you don’t want to print the cards yourself).

What is your best memory playing Cards Against Humanity on your travels?

I was introduced to it while Couchsurfing in Zürich and one girl got the question “How did I lose my virginity?”. My answer was “Through an AK47” which is what she choose and that kind of became the joke of the evening. The game gave us so many laughs and very fun atmosphere. Great way to get to know new people!

How can you win Shithead?

This game isn’t about being the winner, it’s about not being the loser aka the “shithead”. If you’re the last person in the game you will have the endearing title of shithead bestowed upon you until you can redeem yourself in the next game.

What makes Shithead fun?

At the end, there’s always an element of chance involved and it’s always fun to watch someone who thinks they’re about the win fall from grace. Also having an excuse to call strangers you’ve just met shitheads is never a bad thing.

What is your best memory playing Shithead on your travels?

Teaching the game to some travellers at a hostel in Bosnia and watching them spend the next few days engrossed in matches.

How can you win Go Fish?

You can win Go Fish by being the player that collected the most sets of 4 from the pack of cards (e.g. all the 3s, all the kings etc).

What makes Go Fish fun?

It isn’t a game that requires too much thought and isn’t difficult so long as you have a good memory. It is also great to see the look on your friend or relatives’ face when you steal the majority of a set from them which they were hoarding!

What is your best memory playing Go Fish on your travels?

My best memory of playing this game is when I used to play it as a teenager with a friend I made in the apartments in Fuerteventura. At the time I loved all things fish related and I had a novelty set of cards in the shape of fish. We used to play it whenever we had a moment before dinner after going to the beach or swimming in the pool.

Exploding kittens card game

Exploding kittens card game

How do you win Exploding Kittens?

You can win Exploding Kittens by becoming the only player who isn’t blown up by a Kitten. Yes, it is as ridiculous as it sounds. You basically just draw a card each turn hoping not to draw an exploding kitten card. If you do you are out of the game. Unless you can defuse the exploding kitten in which case the card goes back into the deck. All the other card you draw and can play are used to somehow avoid the exploding kittens.

What makes Exploding Kittens fun?

One of the reasons is the pure ridiculousness of the concept which is also the genius of the game. I mean, who doesn’t like kitten or explosions or laser pens. Next is that it is very easy to play and mostly luck based with just a very small hint of strategy. Its just easy and ridiculous which is what you want when playing games with people you’ve just met.

What is your best memory playing Exploding Kittens on your travels?

I personally haven’t played this while traveling yet as it has only been out for a few months (at time of writing) and I haven’t had the opportunity. But the fact that it is so easy, portable and fun should prove to be a winning combo in any setting.

Koehandel card game

Koehandel, a popular Dutch card game

How do you win Koehandel?

The Dutch game Koehandel has two phases, in phase one players take turns pulling an animal card from a pile and auctioning it off to the other players. Each player should try to get the animals for the lowest price possible. As the game progresses, more money is distributed among the players which means the animals get more expensive. The key to winning during this phase is to correctly adjust your theoretical pricing to the increasing money supply.

During phase two, players bid for each other’s animals in a blind auction. This means that both players put an undisclosed amount of money on the table and whoever bids highest will win the other player’s animal, while the money is also being exchanged. During this phase, the key to winning is to get inside the other player’s mind and correctly predict how much he or she will bid. Then you bid a little bit more so that you win the animal cheaply.

What makes Koehandel fun?

Koehandel is really fun because of the unpredictable nature of the game. In every action you take, you have to consider what your opponent will most likely do, based on what he or she thinks that you will do. There is a lot of game theory involved, which makes the game very dynamic and interesting, it never becomes dull even when you play it with the same people over and over again as players adjust their strategies based on observations from past games.

What is your best memory playing Koehandel on your travels?

A few years back I rented a house in Florianopolis, Brazil. I intentionally rented a house with a few spare rooms so that I could have friends over to visit. During my three month stay, I introduced this relatively unknown game to all my friends and they all loved it! They still talk about how much fun it was.

How do you win Crazy Eights?

You win a hand by being the player to get rid of all your cards. Any player left holding cards adds the sum of the cards to add their total. Although there are different variations on the rules, I usually play with the first player who gets to a total of 108 is the loser.

What makes Crazy Eights fun?

It’s fast-paced and frustrating at the same time. Plus it’s super easy to learn.

What is your best memory playing Crazy Eights on your travels?

Playing for hours on end with a Kiwi couple on the roof of a hostel in Istanbul. There had been a pretty major earthquake nearby so the city was basically shut down as many feared another quake in the days following. It was a great way to pass the time and bring some levity to a pretty serious situation.

How can you win Kemps?

You play in teams of 2 people, and the objective to get 4-of-a-kind (e.g. four 8’s or four Kings) amongst your team. Once you (think) your teammate has a 4-of-a-kind, you can yell “Kemps!”. If you indeed have a 4-of-a-kind, your team scores a point. Otherwise, you lose a point (but the game keeps going). You can even take it up a notch and get a double-kemp when both you and your teammate have a 4-of-a-kind. After winning x number of points, the game is won. There is an awesome move too: you can yell “counter Kemps!” when you think one of your opponents has 4-of-a-kind, and their teammate hasn’t called it yet.

What makes Kemps fun?

There aren’t that many cards games that are played in a team, which makes this one unique. The fun element also comes from the way you can signal your team member. You are allowed to talk during the game, which means you can signal to your teammate (who sits opposite of you) that you are saving a certain value of the card (e.g. Queens). Obviously, it is supposed to be a secret signal, as the others will easily figure it out and block your strategy.

What is your best memory playing Kemps on your travels?

I played this game at my home in Tokyo with my couchsurfer guests, amongst which was Victor. The others were from France (me), the USA and Israel. Soon we were coming up with ridiculous signals to let the other team member know what you were saving up. We would say “Do you have a red banana?”, which would stand for e.g. Jacks. Figuring out each other’s codes and even faking other people’s codes made the game very entertaining.

Top trumps star wars

Top trumps Star Wars edition

How can you win Top Trumps?

Top Trumps is a really unique British game and a favorite with kids. Each pack of Top Trumps is based on a theme (animals, volcanoes, superheroes etc..) and each card in the pack contains five categories with numerical values, that you can use to ‘trump’ your opponent. The aim of the game and the way that you win is to get all your opponents’ cards (or the most number of cards in an allotted time).

What makes Top Trumps fun?

It’s a really fun game to play as a family and even young kids can enjoy it. There is also such a huge range of themes that you can upgrade to a new pack and game, which helps to keep things interesting. Depending on the ages of kids playing, it can be fast (or very slow!).

What is your best memory playing Top Trumps on your travels?

We play Top Trumps all the time with the kids. When we’re out to eat, waiting at an airport, at home… it really is a winner for families. One of my favourite memories is playing Harry Potter Top Trumps on an early morning ferry from Galiano Island to Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.

Uno card game

Uno, perhaps the most popular card game

How can you win Uno?

The winner of a single game of Uno is the first player to get rid of all of the cards in his/her hand. If you want to make the game more exciting, however, you can play over a longer period of time, creating an Uno tournament, adding up points as you go. Each card is worth a certain number of points, and to win you are aiming for as few points as possible. This is fun because it sees the gameplay change and become more tactical.

What makes Uno fun?

Uno is fun because there is always that chance of forgetting to announce you are on your last card and paying the price. It can be a tactical game and often when played in a group of friends you will find that a certain amount of ganging up and revenge play occurs. I also couldn’t believe just how many people we met, of differing nationalities that knew how to play Uno and loved it.

What is your best memory playing Uno on your travels?

My friend and I met up with a french lady who I worked with and her sister whilst doing a road trip of Western Australia. Our nightly entertainment consisted of huddling around our camping table, wrapped in blankets, supping goon (cask wine) from camping mugs, whilst watching the sunset and playing Uno furiously. They still don’t believe I won 8 games in a row without cheating. Sorry girls but there was definitely no cheating involved!

How can you win Euchre?

The game is played with two teams of two players. Players hold five cards each out of a deck that uses only cards 9 to A, and the team that calls the suit that will be trump must secure at least three tricks to score a point. If you get all five tricks you get two points, and if al players call for trump and decide to “go alone” his teammate sits out and the one player goes against the other two on the opposing team. If the lone players win all five tricks, the team gets four points. First team to 11 wins.

What makes Euchre fun?

It takes a bit of skill, luck and taking chances, but it easy to learn quickly. We love that you can play several complete games within a couple hours, while laughing, holding a conversation and enjoying a few beers.

What is your best memory playing Euchre on your travels?

My wife Colleen and I played on opposite teams against another couple on a trip in Las Vegas. My best friend Matt and I who have played Euchre since we were young adults repeated beat the ladies — maybe three games in a row — and had built up a 10-0 lead in the fourth game when they came back to win 11-10. This turn of events, all against the backdrop of our earlier taunts and a few too many beers, left the guys humbled and the women rejoicing. It was hilarious.

Dixit board game

Dixit board game

How can you win Dixit?

The storyteller (a different player on every turn) picks out one of six cards and describes it (without showing the card) to the other players. The other players then pick a card that they think best describes it, and place it on the table. The point scoring here is unique: if everybody or nobody guesses the correct card, the storyteller gets no points. Therefore it is key to give just the right clues so that a few players get it right, but not all. The first to 30 points wins.

What makes Dixit fun?

The cards themselves are quite funny, and the more creative people get with associating your story with the cards the funnier the game becomes.

What is your best memory playing Dixit on your travels?

I haven’t played this game on the road yet. Have you? Let us know in the comments !

Travlin' card game

Travlin’ card game

How can you win Travelin’?

The game is about traveling to new countries, so obviously, each country you visit gives you more points. When one player reaches 5 countries, they receive a bonus of 5 points and the game immediately ends. Count the points and like pretty much every game in existence, the person with the most points wins.

What makes Travelin’ fun?

For me as the game designer, the best part of Travelin’ is seeing the interaction between players. Having someone be so close to winning only to be stopped with a Border Control card is always fun. Or chaining together a huge combo to go from 3 countries to 5 and stealing the victory from another player – yeah, that’s a pretty awesome feeling too.

What is your best memory playing Travelin’ on your travels?

Hands down, my best memory of playing Travelin’ (and I’ve played a lot) are the countless games at the Midland Hostel in Bucharest. Because everyone there (staff, long term guests, friends of the hostel) became so good at the game, the matches we play there often turn into knock-down, drag-out slugfests. The best game of Travelin’ I’ve ever played was exactly one of those games and while us long-time players were were busy attacking each other, a person playing for the very first time was able to sneakily come from behind and take a well-earned win from the pros.

games on bus trip

Codenames duet card game

How can you win Codenames duet?

Codemasters duet is a cooperative game, meaning that you are playing against the game, rather than against each other. The aim is to guess each other’s codewords within a certain amount of turns (more turns for beginners, less for more advanced players).

What makes Codenames duet fun?

You’ll spend your time finding singular words that connect 2 or more (random) words in front of you while factoring in that the connection might not be as obvious for the person in front of you. It’s a game of psychology, and it could therefore go hilariously wrong. You can’t speak while playing this game, only to say a word and how many words it is connected to, so it can be really frustrating watching your fellow “agent” struggle and choose a word that reveals an assassin, which means you both lose.

What is your best memory playing Codenames duet on your travels?

The good thing about this game is that you can transport it in just a few small bags. I have yet to play this game on my travels, however, I know that it’s a great game that requires little setup and can entertain for a good chunk of time. At home, I play this mostly with my wife, where I try to get into her brain and try to figure out which of my weird references and connections she would understand.

30. Liar’s dice

How can you win liar’s dice.

I win by experience. I’ve probably played for ten years so I’ve seen it all. You win by being unpredictable. You can win new friends and new language skills with the game also. I know the basic numbers in French thanks to this dice game.

What makes Liar’s dice fun?

The simplicity makes it fun. The excitement and the fact that every round is unique. It’s never the same game twice. Playing with someone who has a degree in math is also fun because you see their brains running in high gear.

What is your best memory playing Liar’s dice on your travels?

Best moment is a tie between looking for a runaway die on the floor of a sauna in the Finnish wilderness, naked with a bunch of naked girls, and playing the game for a whole day in the car with my friend Eric, while he was driving us from Vancouver to Fairbanks.

Rory's story cubes dice game

Rory’s story cubes dice game

31. Rory’s Story Cubes

How can you win rory’s story cubes.

The most creative story wins! No hardcore rules here. A winner would probably be chosen from the group you play it with.

What makes Rory’s Story Cubes fun?

It’s the ultimate game to train your imagination. Because of the different packs (for example a travel pack), you can create unlimited storylines. It’s also really fun to give some dice to other people so that you can create a story together in turns.

What is your best memory playing Rory’s Story Cubes on your travels?

Not yet tested, the game is pretty new. First results were hilarious though! Have you played this on the road and a have a great travel memory to share? Let me know in the comments .

Yahtzee dice game

Yahtzee, perhaps the most popular dice game

How can you win Yahtzee?

To be honest, luck plays a very important role in Yahtzee. But if you choose wisely after throwing your dices, you might have a better chance of winning. For example, I always wait before writing down my 1’s and 2’s. So if everything goes wrong and you don’t throw a full house or a four of a kind, you can always fill in your 1’s and 2’s and you don’t lose a lot of points.

What makes Yahtzee fun?

You can play it with 2 or more people. Winning depends mostly on luck and a bit on strategy, so everybody can join. It’s easy to pack so you can play it wherever you are; are you on a beach or in the middle of the jungle? Yahtzee is your game!

What is your best memory playing Yahtzee on your travels?

I played it a lot during my trip around the world, so it reminds me of traveling through Thailand but also backpacking through Australia and our roadtrip on the American west coast. From then on I have taken it with me every time I go away for a longer period.

Pickomino dice game

Pickomino dice game

How can you win Regenwormen?

Simply put, you have to be lucky to win: this game is not about being the smartest or most strategic player. Really everyone can win, depending on how much you dare to gamble and how the dice will roll.

What makes Regenwormen fun?

The most fun part of the game is ‘stealing’ worms from other players to make it more difficult for them to win. You will see people from all over the world hesitate the first time they are able to steal the worms, but after that they will happily grab them from you with a big smile on their faces!

What is your best memory playing Regenwormen on your travels?

We played Regenwomen with the porters and guides during our Himalaya trek. The porters didn’t mingle with the tourists at first but this game helps to knock down the cast system. The result: they’ve beaten me several times.

34. Guess the Song

How to play guess the song.

Best played on road trips. Everyone in the car has an iPhone (or other music playing device of course) and chooses 5 songs. Their favorite song to dance to, favorite song to sing to, best song to pick someone up in the bar, their wedding song and then their funeral song. Mix up the order and everyone has to guess which is which!

How can you win Guess the Song?

Whoever can guess the correct the song the most amount of times wins!

What makes Guess the Song fun?

You get to hear new music, and learn more about your fellow travelers by listening to their favorite tunes! Author’s note: I’ve organized a few Couchsurfing events with a similar concept: everybody had to pass their music device to the person on their right. It was a great way to get to know other people well in a short time and a lot of fun!

What is your best memory playing Guess the Song on your travels?

Hmmm… I’d say the time when a passenger played Miley Cyrus – Party in the U.S.A. as their guilty pleasure song… and everyone knew the words! 10 People all singing as loud as we could! Lots of fun and a great memory!

How can you win I Spy?

This traditional kids’ game is so much fun when you’re on the road and is definitely for adults too! Go for the smaller objects and the hidden (but not too hidden) things. Oh and don’t cheat, so don’t pick moving things 😉

What makes I Spy fun?

It opens your eyes to all the beauty, small and big, around you.

What is your best memory playing I Spy on your travels?

This game is the best when you’re stuck in traffic in a bus in Asia, because there are always amazing colors and strange objects around!

How can you win Truth or Dare?

There is no winning or losing in this game, that is why it can go on and on and on! If a dare is too much for a person, he or she will get punished by revealing 2 truth. If a truth is too much for a person to reveal, he or she will have to carry out 2 dares to compensate it.

What makes Truth or Dare fun?

Those who join the game are pretty much open to doing every shameless dare and digging out the deepest secrets they keep. What makes this game fun is that you are testing out each others’ limits. Of course, to have the game continued safety without causing any hurt-feelings, we have to be sensitive to our friends’ conditions and situations. For example: do not try to ask about a recent break-up when the wound is still fresh.

What is your best memory playing Truth or Dare on your travels?

I will not forget the first time we played Truth of Dare in a Russian intercity train. We went all out on “Dares”, cat-walking down the narrow corridor filled with on-looking Russians, dancing at the front and asking snacks from people. At first, the Russians watched us with stern face but after a while they too started to enjoy the show.

How to play The Guessing Capital Game?

The concept is to name the capital of the country someone chooses. For example, I say Ethiopia and someone would need to guess the capital which is Addis Ababa.

What makes The Guessing Capital Game fun?

Many times someone will guess the wrong capital and it is fun when you start to decide what you win. You can play for big stakes like money where the first person to get a capital wrong wins all the money or even play just on who pays for something next, like dinner. A lot of people would be surprised the capitals of many countries.

What is your best memory playing The Guessing Capital Game on your travels?

This is actually a game that I lost. We were playing for $1 for each capital that we got right. Everyone would put in a dollar every time the right capital was given and the first person who lost they would lose all the money to the winner. The person stating the country. Eventually we got to big stakes and I ended up losing a full round trip ticket to Asia!

How can you win Never pass a sample?

This is perhaps the best travel game you’ll read about today. The rules are simple: as you walk around in the airport, you may never pass a free sample without grabbing it; chocolate, drinks, perfume- everything. You lose by being so pre-occupied with free samples that you miss your flight.

What makes Never pass a sample fun?

Free stuff!

What is your best memory playing Never pass a sample on your travels?

In Singapore around Xmas was especially fun. I walked around for about 6 hours and in the end, my belly ached from all the chocolates, I was pretty tipsy and I must have smelled like a prostitute because of all the perfume samples.

How can you win Pizza FTW?

The pizza game is pretty simple to play and does not need any equipment bar a couple of creative minds with some knowledge of popular culture. Each player takes a turn to name a title of film, book, or song replacing a word of choice with the word ‘pizza’ or adding the word ‘pizza’ for comedic value. For example­ ‘Saturday Night Pizza’ (instead of Saturday Night Fever!).

What makes Pizza FTW?

Everyone is a winner in Pizza FTW, it’s usually a giggle and it’s so simple some may say ‘it’s a pizza piss!’

What is your best memory playing Pizza FTW on your travels?

We’ve enjoyed passing time away whilst hiking, playing the pizza game. Feel free to Tweet or Facebook us some responses! Naturally ‘pizza’ can be any word you see fit.

How can you win Zitchdog?

Well, it’s pretty simple. It’s a fun game to play on a road trip. Whenever you see a dog you say “ZITCHDOG!”. Whoever spots the most dogs by the time your destination arrives is the winner.

What makes Zitchdog?

Well if everyone spots the dog at the same time and screams ZITCHDOG, it’s pretty hilarious. Or if the others don’t see a dog at all, you might have to stop and look to ensure the person is not cheating – haha.

What is your best memory playing Zitchdog on your travels?

I was playing ZitchDog with my hubby on our road trip to Agra. It was fun and then when we were about to reach our destination, we lost count totally. P.S. – This had nothing to do with the fact that we had a couple of beers.

41. Spoons / Ezelen

How can you win spoons.

You pass on a card to the person next to you (so you’ll get one too), then discard a card and pass it on again. You win by getting 4 of a kind.

What makes Spoons fun?

It’s slow at first, but later games pick up the pace and this is where it gets super fun. Once you have 4 of a kind (4 aces, 4 queens, 4 fives, whatever) then you pick up a spoon. The rest has to instantly pick up a spoon too. If you are last to pick up a spoon, you lose (and drink). It’s hilarious when one person is still playing when everyone else has stopped because they are so into the game! Then you all laugh, re-deal… and drink some more! No spoons available? This game can be played by putting your finger on the side of a table instead of picking up a spoon.

What is your best memory playing Spoons on your travels?

Not yet played while traveling. Have you played this on the road and a have a great travel memory to share? Let me know in the comments .

How do you win Monkey Monkey?

You win by not ending the game with a card that makes a pair with the “monkey card”!

What makes Monkey Monkey fun?

It’s a very easy game purely based on luck, so if you’re planning to get drunk quickly, this could be the game for you.

What is your best memory playing Monkey Monkey on your travels?

How can you win mexico.

This game has a lot of winners, but just one loser ;-). The player whose dice is first at one will lose the game and has to drink a shot (preferably vodka).

What makes Mexico fun?

It’s easy to play, everyone can join and the element of drinking a shot of liquor makes it really fun!

What is your best memory playing Mexico on your travels?

A friend of us lost this game 12 times on one evening, so he got really drunk. At one point he wasn’t even able to roll his die without it falling off the table, which meant you had a drink a shot regardless of the number rolled.

How do you win King’s Cup?

Aaah, the classic drinking game. There are different rules throughout the world. You start by putting all the cards face-down around a cup in the middle of the table. Then, each person picks up a card and the card’s value (not suit) determines what happens. At this game, much like with any other drinking game, nobody really “wins”. But if you do, you’re sober and everyone else is drunk. Does that sound fun to you? 😉

What makes King’s Cup fun?

You can call it fun, you can call it stupid, but one thing is certain: everybody gets out-of-their-heads drunk with this game.

What is your best memory playing King’s Cup on your travels?

How to play fives.

No need to have any objects, except for your hand. It’s possible to play with any number of players, but the math can get pretty hard with a large number of participants. For the sake of this explanation, we’ll say that there are 5 players. The “it” player has to come up with a number from 0 to 25 (since we have 5 players it has to be a multiple of 5).

Each player on the count of 3 shoots out their hand and shows either zero (fist) or 5 fingers. Let’s say the player came up with the number “10” and 2 of the 5 people had a fist and 3 people were showing 5 fingers. This would make a total of 15 which means nothing happens, and the game moves on with the next “it” player and the process described above repeats. The important part: if they guess correctly they must say (totally straight-faced) “Thank you very much for this lovely game of fives”.

What makes Fives fun?

It’s stupid hard because you get SO EXCITED that you guessed it correctly! But you can’t show emotion otherwise you’ll lose.

What is your best memory playing Fives on your travels?

I played this at a hostel in Costa Rica on Nebanaw Years Eve. It was a great night of eating homemade tortillas and drinking cheap rum.

How to play Sheep?

You sit around a circle, cover your teeth with your lips (like you’re mocking the old man that lives down the street) and say “SHEEP” to a person sitting next to you. They say “sheep” to the person next to them; it goes round and round. If you want to change the direction, you say “Sheep-pong!” and it changes direction. If you show your teeth, you lose/drink.

What makes Sheep fun?

Endless giggles when you try to say Sheep without opening your mouth.

What is your best memory playing Sheep on your travels?

We played this during a typhoon when we hardly had enough light and rain was pouring outside. We just couldn’t stop laughing.

47. Assholes / President / Scumbags

How do you win assholes.

This game is unique in that the game is never truly won. If you win a game, you will become the president/asshole/scumbag (depending on which version you play) and the game continues on. Other people get titles too, like vice-president, scum or vice-scum, which they keep for the next game. You simply stop playing when you get bored which is, you know, never.

What makes Assholes fun?

It’s really fun working your way up from being scum (last place) to the president (first place). If you’re the loser of the last game, you’ll have to switch your two best cards with the winner of the previous game, which makes it harder to win the round. It is still possible, however, and game by game you can improve your rank. There are many rules that can be added, such as that the president can order the loser of the previous game to get everyone a round of beer, making him/her the “beer bitch”.

What is your best memory playing Assholes on your travels?

How do you win mayer.

There are no winners in Mayer, just losers (who drink). You start with 6 lives, and the player that first loses all of their lives loses the game. This dice game is played with only two dice and a cup, so it’s easy to see why it fits excellently in the travel game category. The game contains a lot of bluffing, although that depends on the players of course.

What makes Mayer fun?

I like the game because it’s an easy icebreaker when you meet new people. It’s easy to learn and everybody can join in, and you can learn a lot about your fellow players while playing the game. I personally love it when you have to decide whether the person you are playing against is lying or telling the truth. I look for specific signs and when I call them out some people really have no poker face!

What is your best memory playing Mayer on your travels?

Victor’s flashback : I remember this game being played everywhere I looked in Copenhagen. Especially in cafés and bars, where it was a very normal thing to ask the bartender for a cup and two dice. It is a truly great way to kill some time and meet some (soon-to-be) friends.

How do you win Mexxen?

You can win Mexxen by having a really good stomach haha! There is no such thing as winners in this game, but the one who doesn’t feel sick after playing it is the one who ‘wins’. But you have to lose some to win eventually. So drinking some shots of alcohol is recommended.

What makes Mexxen fun?

You really have to think some things through, for instance, if you’re throwing the dice once or twice. And you can’t throw the dice on the ground because you will have to drink a shot and the game starts over. And of course, more shots means more dice on the floor and so on. The funniest thing is that there are always people who have a ridiculous amount of bad luck and therefore will get drunk very early on in the game.

What is your best memory playing Mexxen on your travels?

My best memory playing Mexxen on my travels is mostly the few hours after playing the game. The funniest thing is that a lot of friends are getting drunk and everybody is falling asleep at the most weird places: in the kitchen, under a tree and even under the table! The photos are the best memories, but you know how it works: what happens on the island…

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games on bus trip

Victor Eekhof

Currently in: Amsterdam. Victor’s Travels is a travel blog curated by me, 30-something Dutch world explorer Victor Eekhof. This blog is all about traveling on your own terms and not following the masses . It’s for people who are happiest with a big backpack on their backs and a smaller one on their front; people who walk where others take a cab, or take a bus where others take a plane. I have visited 60+ countries on 7 continents , from Antarctica to North Korea and Venezuela to Russia and started this blog to share my tips and stories with fellow travellers just like you. Read my story »

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How on earth is Farkle not on this list? it’s a dice game that takes minutes to learn and fit’s in your pocket. (One of those old-school 35mm film canisters to be exact.) This is always in my bag and makes an appearance at every brewery we hit up.

Jack Rof

Thank you for the nice list. I will definitely try out a few of those. I particularly like card games and board games.


Make & break card game.. newly launched in market.. but awesome fun making & breaking couples! My circle is right now addicted to this game

Victor Eekhof

Haha, breaking couples sounds fun! 😀 Thanks for the suggestion!

Censored Party Game

One of my favorite adult road trip games is “Censored”.

Censored is a dirty phrase guessing game that simple and super fun. Give clues to get your friends (or roommates or relatives) to guess as many dirty adult themed secret phrases as possible in 90 seconds but no one (not the clue giver, not your guessing friends) is allowed to say the taboo words (if you catch them guess one, give them a heads up they are wrong by buzzing them with the buzzer)! Check out the app store of your choice!

Cool game! Thanks for the suggestion 🙂


Great article thanks. We are always on the lookout for new after-dinner games for our holidays, especially now our kids are grown up. A suggestion for you is Munchkin. A card only game so easy to pack. In a similar vein to Fluxx, the rules change often and there are many expansion decks to add variety.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I have heard of the game but I have never played it. I’ll make sure to add it to this article when I do! 🙂

Cheers, Victor

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The 31 Best Travel-sized Games of 2024

Our list has brainy word teasers, multiplayer party games, and everything in between.

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Best Card Games

Best board games, best word games, best party games, best for little travelers.

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Travel + Leisure / Marcus Millan

Whether you’re in need of kid-friendly games for a long road trip or some cheeky party activities to break the ice with a new group of hostel friends, it’s always worth having a couple of tried-and-true games up your sleeve while on the road.

The following travel-sized games are the best options in our book. These compact card and board games are designed to take up minimal space in luggage, while still offering maximum fun during the inevitable downtime that comes with most adventures (think layovers, long hours on a train , or rainy evenings on vacation). Here are our top picks for all types of travelers.

Mattel Games World's Smallest UNO Card Game

Why We Love It: This teeny card game will fit into the smallest of handbags.

What to Consider: The ultra-compact size might not work for those with vision problems or arthritic hands.

Uno is one of those card games that everybody already knows how to play — and, if they don’t, it takes about ten seconds to learn. That makes this game an excellent addition when backpacking abroad or vacationing with family members of all ages. This option in particular stands out as it’s the “world’s smallest” version of the popular game. The tiny cards are less than three inches tall — that’s smaller than a credit card! – and can easily fit into handbags or luggage without adding any bulk, so you’ll always have an icebreaker at the ready.

The Details : 2-10 players | Ages 7+ | 0.79 x 1.97 x 2.99 inches

Hasbro Gaming Monopoly Deal Card Game

Why We Love It: This rendition allows you to play your favorite board game sans tabletop. 

What to Consider: It can be a bit tricky to catch on at first as there’s a lot of fast-paced action.

Monopoly night at home with friends and family can take you through a serious spectrum of emotions, especially if it’s been dragging on for hours. Then there’s Monopoly Deal. The travel-friendly version of Monopoly is cards only and much faster paced than the traditional board game. You’ll still buy and sell property, collect rent, and pass go as you do in classic Monopoly, but the compact card game can be completed in as little as 15 minutes. It’s also easier to play while at the airport or on a long train journey.

The Details : 2-5 players | Ages 8+ | 15 minutes | 0.75 x 3.62 x 5.63 inches

Mattel Games Skip-bo Card Game

Why We Love It: This family-friendly game is both easy to learn and quick to play.

What to Consider: The cards are a bit flimsy and could be more wear-resistant.

Is it just us or will Skip-bo always evoke childhood memories? The classic number sequencing game was huge in elementary school but was also in major rotation on our grandmother’s kitchen table. Not much has changed since then: the fast-paced card game is just as fun and easy to pick up and play now. It’s also relatively small which makes it great for popping into your carry-on or handbag. Note that although this game is designed for those ages 7 and up, it’s a ton of fun for adults as well as kids.

The Details: 2-6 players | Ages 7+ | 0.98 x 8.46 x 6 inches

Wild Card Games Backpacker: The Ultimate Travel Game

Why We Love It: It helps improve your skills as a traveler while learning about the world.

What to Consider: The instructions are quite long and tedious.

If you’re looking for a travel-themed game (and who doesn’t love a good theme?), then you’ll want to consider checking out Backpacker. The quick-moving travel card game is designed to mimic what it’s like to be on the road and all the potential triumphs and roadblocks that come with traversing the globe. We love that this game comes with actual fun facts about each destination so you still learn about the world around you even while playing close to home. The colorful cards are also visually appealing thanks to the high-quality photography and drawings on each one.

The Details : 2-6 players | Ages 12+ | 5.1 x 0.8 x 3.7 inches

Rubberneckers Everyone's Favorite Travel Game

Why We Love It: This game was specifically designed to be played during a road trip.

What to Consider: It’s not as exciting to play in rural areas.

Road trips are, in theory, a nonstop adventure — but, in practice, they can be long and exhausting. Rubberneckers was designed to put the fun back into long drives. The card game is essentially a game of reverse I Spy with prompts like “credit card logo” and “more than three people in a vehicle” designed to get everyone in the car looking out the window to earn points and win the title of the ultimate rubbernecker. We also appreciate the simple and easy-to-read language so younger kids can participate just as easily as older passengers.

The Details: 2 or more players | Ages 8+ | 3.5 x 1.5 x 5.5 inches

Mattel Phase 10 Card Game

Why We Love It: This card game is a spin-off of the popular Rummikub tile game.

What to Consider: Children may have a hard time keeping up with the rules.

Rummikub, the popular tile game, can be found in a card version with Phase 10. The object of the game is to create various sets using your cards before the other players do. This is a game that can take a while to get used to, but what better time to learn than a 6-hour layover in an airport? Kids as young as seven can play, although older ones may find the strategic element more enjoyable.

The Details: 2-6 players | Ages 7+ | 11.8 x 11.8 x 2 inches

Catan Studio Catan Board Game

Why We Love It: This modern classic is a fan favorite — and, although layered, it’s easy to teach to new players.

What to Consider: There are a fair bit of pieces to keep together while on the go.

Catan is one of those games that seems complicated at first glance, but once you get it, you get it. The strategy board game takes about an hour to play out, but can go for longer — so you’ll want to budget that time while traveling. It’s also important to keep in mind that, even though this is relatively compact and travel-friendly, it still comes with several small pieces so it’s better for playing at your hotel or Airbnb rather than on a train or at the airport.

The Details: 3-4 players | Ages 10+ | 60 minutes | 11.63 x 9.5 x 3 inches

MindWare Travel Qwirkle Game

Why We Love It: This game requires smart strategy but it’s very easy to pick up and run with.

What to Consider: Some of the colors are very similar and can be hard to decipher.

We love the travel-sized Qwirkle game: not only is it super easy to learn but it’s also relatively easy to play while on the go. We love that this option is intuitive for everyone and can easily become a go-to for families with younger kids. The colorful tiles and convenient carrying case make this one great for playing while in transit — but you’ll want to keep in mind that some of the colors (especially orange and red) are very similar and can be a bit tricky to tell apart if you’re not playing in great lighting.

The Details: 2-4 players | Ages 6+ | 30-60 minutes | 5.5 x 6 x 2 inches

Hasbro Gaming Guess Who? Grab and Go Game

Why We Love It: There are only a few pieces to this classic board game.

What to Consider: The plastic is a bit flimsy and will require careful handling.

We’ll always have a soft spot for Guess Who? considering we’ve been playing it pretty much forever. The beloved guessing game requires strategic and creative thinking, but makes a particularly good travel game because there are only a few pieces to keep track of which makes it great for playing on the go, especially on a train or plane, or even while waiting to depart. We also like that the Grab and Go size is super compact and can easily fit in a backpack or carry-on without taking up too much space.

The Details: 2 players | Ages 6+ | 1.89 x 6.26 x 9.25 inches

Sorry! Road Trip Series

Why We Love It: This tiny board game is easy to set up and play on road trips or even flights.

What to Consider: Its extremely compact size is not ideal for bumpy roads or those with arthritis.

Who said you can’t play a whole darn board game while in the car? The road trip edition of Sorry! is super simple to set up and play whether you’re in an airplane cabin or the back seat of a car. The little game is designed to fold out into a full playing board on the go and doubles as its own folding carrying case when all is said and done. We love how easy it is to put together and start playing — but keep in mind, the super tiny pieces might be tricky to play with on particularly bumpy roads. 

The Details : 2-4 players | Ages 6+ | 1.00 x 11.90 x 5.85 inches

Hasbro Gaming Travel Battleship

Why We Love It: This game is quiet and slow-paced which makes it great for playing on a plane or at the airport.

What to Consider: The numerous pieces to keep track of are somewhat inconvenient.

The Grab and Go version of Battleship is small enough to throw into your carry-on bag but large enough to engage in a comfortable game without having to squint or deal with too-small game pieces. The boards and pieces are relatively simplistic compared to the full-sized Battleship, but the idea is the same. We also like that this game is pretty slow-paced which makes it a great option for playing in more quiet spaces like on the airplane or while waiting in a lounge .

The Details : 2 players | Ages 7+ | 1.89 x 6.26 x 9.25 inches

FanVince Magnetic Folding Chess Set

Why We Love It: This sturdy, magnetic game board is perfect for playing on bumpy roads and through turbulence.

What to Consider: The individual pieces feel a little flimsy in hand.

You can’t go wrong with a classic magnetic folding chess board — it’s a travel-sized game staple, afterall. The magnetic design means you don’t have to worry about your pieces falling over while going over bumpy roads or through turbulence, which is a major plus. It’s also super convenient that the board folds into its own carrying case when not in use. Keep in mind that chess is also a very quiet game, so this is absolutely perfect for bringing on a flight with you .

The Details : 2 players | Ages 8+ | 20+ minutes | 9.45 x 9.45 x 0.69 inches

Yellow Mountain Imports Magnetic Backgammon Mini Game Set

Why We Love It: Everything sits inside a compact carrying case that's easy to pack.

What to Consider: There are a lot of small pieces involved that can fall between car or airplane seats.

Backgammon isn't as popular in the United States as other board games, but it's been around for longer than many of them. This board game involves moving your pieces to your opponent's side and then eliminating them from the other side completely. Like any new game, it takes a little time to get used to, but this is a great option on the road, especially if you're bored of chess or checkers. This game uses magnetic pieces that will stay on the board during bumpy rides, and everything can be kept in a convenient zip-up carrying case.

The Details : 2 players | Ages 5+ | 15+ minutes | 14 x 9 x 1 inches

Bananagrams Duel: Ultimate 2 Player Travel Game

Why We Love It: This new take on classic Bananagrams is even more portable than the original.

What to Consider: It’s sort of a watered down version of the grid game.

Bananagrams has always been one of our favorite travel games — like a real banana, it comes with its own carrying case! — but Bananagrams Duel makes it even more travel-friendly. The quick-paced dueling edition is themed and the letter pieces are die-like rather than tile-like, so you won’t see that sprawling word grid from the original edition. But this just means the game requires way less table space to play so you can easily play this one on an airplane tray table without running out of room.

The Details : 2 or more players | Ages 7+ | 10 minutes | 1.18 x 4.72 x 6.69 inches

Winning Moves Games Scrabble To-go Board Game

Why We Love It: The tiny version of Scrabble has snap-in letters that stay in place.

What to Consider: The scaled-down board isn’t as comfortable to use.

Nothing can really compare to Scrabble when it comes to group-friendly word games, but bringing the full-sized board on the road just isn’t practical. That’s why we’re huge fans of the Scrabble To-go board. The compact size makes it easy to throw in your bag while the snap-in letters mean you won’t have to worry about them flying off if you hit a pothole on the road or turbulence in the air. We also love that this one comes with its own carrying case to protect the board and pieces while traveling.

The Details : 2-4 players | Ages 8+ | 30-60 minutes | 10.75 x 10.25 x 6.88 inches

Mad Libs on the Road World's Greatest Word Game

Why We Love It: It’s easy, hilarious, and super portable to play in transit.

What to Consider: The paperback game pages aren’t reusable.

Whether you’re seven years old or 37, Mad Libs will never not be laugh-out-loud funny. Mad Libs on the Road in particular makes for a great travel-friendly option. The silly fill-in-the-blank stories are all about traveling, road trips, and summertime adventures. It’s especially convenient that Mad Libs are about the size of a paperback novel , meaning they won’t take up any space in your luggage. All you need is a pen and a couple of grammar-focused friends and you have all the makings for hours of laughs in the car and beyond.

The Details: 1 player or more | Ages 8+ | 5.25 x 0.2 x 8.38 inches

Ransom Notes The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game

Why We Love It: This game combines somewhat crude humor with strategy.

What to Consider: It’s definitely on the raunchy side.

Think of Ransom Notes as a somewhat crude hybrid between those poetry fridge magnets and Cards Against Humanity. You’ll get a prompt and your goal is to create a phrase using only magnets that’ll make some kind of sense to the reader. This ends up being downright hilarious in most cases — and we give the game major bonus points for being magnetic. All the pieces stay firmly in place, making it much easier to use en route to your destination.

The Details : 3 players or more | Ages 17+ | 30-90 minutes | 5.25 x 4 x 4 inches

Hasbro Gaming Classic Boggle Word Search Game

Why We Love It: This word game can even be enjoyed by only one player.

What to Consider: The secure travel lid can be tough to get on and off.

Boggle is going to be a major win in the eyes of Spelling Bee or Wordle fans (so watch out if you’re playing against them). The basic word game requires fast spelling and deduction skills; all you have to do to win is write down as many words as possible from the assortment of letters on the dice to earn the number one spot. It’s a whole lot of fun and takes up minimal space while in transit, too.

The Details : 1 player or more | Ages 8+ | 2.01 x 4.29 x 4.29 inches

Brass Monkey Bin-go Get Some Drinks Bingo Book

Brass Monkey

Why We Love It: This is great for introverts and anyone who would rather observe a party a bit removed.

What to Consider: It might be awkward to whip this out in an actual bar or restaurant.

Bin-go Get Some Drinks makes any kind of night out even more interesting, especially if you’re someone who tends to observe human behavior in social settings. The somewhat snarky bingo card is packed with the weird things you’ll see in a bar (like witnessing an obvious first date or someone taking a photo of their drink for social media) and is the perfect way for people watchers to spend the night — especially if you find yourself alone in a new city and prefer to observe the crowd over fostering friends right away.

The Details: 1 player or more | Ages 21+ 

Cards Against Humanity Tiny Cards Against Humanity Game

Why We Love It: It’s a great icebreaker in a compact and cute format.

What to Consider: These cards are tiny and might be hard for some to read.

Cards Against Humanity provides instant fun, even at the most dull parties or awkward social events, since there’s just something about dirty words in absurd contexts. That’s why the miniaturized Tiny Cards Against Humanity is such a great game to keep in your back pocket while traveling, especially if you intend on staying in hostels. (Hey, you just never know when you’ll need to pull the ultimate icebreaker out of a pocket!)

The Details : 2 players or more | Ages 17+ | 30 minutes or more | 4.44 x 2.66 x 1.97 inches

All Things Equal, Inc. Loaded Questions On The Go Card Game

Why We Love It: This card game gets conversations going while still providing friendly competition.

What to Consider: There are only so many questions, so you’ll eventually run into duplicates.

All Things Equal: Loaded Questions is one of those card games that can lead to side tangents and deeper conversation if you let it — but it’s also a great way to see how well you know your friends' minds by guessing each other’s answers to given sets of questions. This game is super travel-friendly (all you need is a few pads of paper and pens) and it’s guaranteed to evoke some serious laughs and possible side conversations as well.

The Details : 4-6 players | Ages 8+ | 3.6 x 0.8 x 5.5 inches

Exploding Kittens Card Game

Why We Love It: This card game is fast, fun, and easy to learn.

What to Consider: The rules and concepts of the game are a bit basic.

Exploding Kittens garnered a lot of attention when it was first released and it’s easy to see why. The eye-catching title and cheeky illustrations make this game instantly intriguing. As it turns out, the game is a whole lot of fun for all age groups and it can be played in fifteen minutes or less which makes it a great option for waiting at your airport gate or sneaking a quick game in before heading out to dinner.

The Details : 2-5 players | Ages 7+ | 15 minutes | 4.41 x 6.38 x 1.5 inches

What Do You Meme? Shotgun!: The Card Game for Road Trips

Why We Love It: Everyone can play in the car — even the driver.

What to Consider: It’s not quite as funny as the original What Do You Meme?.

Shotgun! was conceptualized by the same folks who gave us What Do You Meme?, which means you can expect the same level of (somewhat) boundary-pushing humor. The road trip-focused card game doesn’t come with memes or visual cues, but instead uses the sights and sounds on the road as prompts. Card prompts like “first person to say which side the gas tank is on wins a point” and “first person who gets a wave from another car wins two points” will keep everyone in the car on their toes for the drive.

The Details: 2 players or more | Ages 12+ | 1-2 hours | 1.5 x 4.5 x 6.5 inches

Singing Machine Carpool Karaoke The Mic 2.0

Why We Love It: Who wouldn’t want to pretend they’re starring in an episode of Carpool Karaoke?

What to Consider: The Bluetooth setting could be higher quality.

The Carpool Karaoke Machine was designed to make road trips a whole lot more fun. The karaoke microphone pairs with your car’s Bluetooth in order to provide a surround sound experience for all passengers involved (whether that’s good or bad, we’re not sure). The microphone can also be used with your smartphone for DIY karaoke parties at your Airbnb or hotel room — you’ll just want to be mindful of the noise levels.

The Details : 1 player or more | 3.6 x 2.1 x 10.6 inches

Cardinal Cinco Linko

Why We Love It: This is essentially an elevated version of tic-tac-toe, so anyone can pick it up quickly.

What to Consider: The tiles aren't magnetic, so they may slide around during bumpy rides.

Up to four players can enjoy this simple (but competitive) game that involves trying to stack five tiles in a row before another player stops you, similar to tic-tac-toe. The game itself is easy to get into with minimal practice and great for kids and adults alike. We also love that it's built for travel — the waterproof pieces can be stacked and clipped onto a bag during transportation.

The Details : 2-4 players | 2.8 x 8 x 2.8 inches

Hasbro Gaming Connect 4

Why We Love It: This game is simple to pick up on.

What to Consider: There are a ton of little pieces involved.

We love Connect Four — it’s a classic for a reason! The simple game is great for little ones who are still practicing spatial recognition, but honestly, it’s just as fun for adults as well. The game is relatively small (it’s less than 12 inches in length) which is enough room for little fingers to easily use but still small enough to pop into a backpack. Keep in mind, though: there are a number of little coin-sized pieces that come with this game, and they can get messy in the car.

The Details : 2 players | Ages 6+ | 20 minutes | 1.6 x 10.51 x 10.984 inches

Winning Moves Games Pass the Pigs

Why We Love It: This cheeky game is all about tumbling — it was essentially made for turbulence.

What to Consider: The game might become repetitive in smaller groups.

Pass the Pigs is hilariously simple, but there’s something about it that is so much fun. The game includes two pig dice, a dice cup, and a pig scoring guide with a scorepad. The aim of the game is to get as many points as possible by rolling the pigs into different positions like the “snouter” or the “sider.” The best part is that this game was literally made to be thrown around so even if you’re dealing with turbulence you don’t have to worry about your pieces tumbling over.

The Details : 2-7 players | Ages 7+ | 1.75 x 4 x 8.5 inches

Briarpatch I Spy Travel Card Game

Why We Love It: This game is a quiet option to play on the plane.

What to Consider: The game is somewhat solitary; not the best for groups of kids.

The travel-sized version of the classic I Spy children’s book provides endless hours of concentration and focus. The stunning visuals are entertaining in and of themselves but having to hunt for the hidden images makes it even more enjoyable. We also like that it can be played solitary and offers something relatively quiet to play while on the airplane or in other spaces where gameplay banter might not be appropriate.

The Details : 1 player or more | Ages 4+ | 0.75 x 3.75 x 5.75 inches

Taco vs. Burrito LLC Taco vs. Burrito Card Game

Why We Love It: This game was created by a kid for other kids.

What to Consider: The instructions on some cards are a little confusing.

Cheeky graphic-focused card games have become pretty popular over the past few years, but we’re still major fans of Taco vs. Burrito. It’s worth noting that the colorful (and super successful) card game was created by a seven-year-old boy with other kids in mind, but it’s just as fun for adults. The basic gameplay is easy to learn and games can be played within 15 minutes — but the action cards are quick to spice things up and add a strategic layer to the game.

The Details : 2-4 players | Ages 6+ | 15 minutes | 7 x 5 x 2 inches

Tricky Riddles for Smart Kids: 333 Difficult But Fun Riddles And Brain Teasers For Kids And Families

Why We Love It: This pack of riddles creates conversation and fosters further curiosity.

What to Consider: There are only about 300 riddles, so the deck might eventually become repetitive.

Kids who love brain teasers will get a kick out of this colorful collection of riddles designed to stump and foster curiosity. The deck is small and easy to transport (it’s about the size of a novel), but it’s packed with hundreds of riddles for kids to work through. The only thing we don’t love is that, while the deck does include lots of options, kids who are keen to work through one after another may deplete them rather quickly.

The Details : 1 player or more | 8-12 | 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches

PlayMonster Take 'n' Play Anywhere Bingo

Why We Love It: Young kids will have fun and work their brains at this matching game.

What to Consider: The marker pieces don't have the strongest magnets.

It can be hard to find games that kids, especially young ones, will find interesting for more than a few minutes at a time. This bingo game might be just what you're looking for — little ones will have fun spinning the spinner (a game in itself) and then using magnetic markers to match the corresponding animals on the board. And as long as your kids are good at taking turns, it can be played by multiple people at once.

The Details : 1 player or more | Ages 4+ | 6.7 x 0.9 x 6.7 inches

Tips for Buying Travel-sized Games

Factor in the needed space.

You’ll want to consider the space required for your chosen game(s) and decide how much luggage space you’re able to offer up. This is where miniature grab-and-go board games and card games will come in handy. Prioritizing card games and smaller games that don’t require a board means you can more easily play your games on the move. If you need a table or flat surface for your game, playing while seated at the terminal or on a train may not be practical.

Figure out the game time

You’ll want an idea of how much time a game takes before deciding to pack it. Card games tend to be faster-paced than board games, and most can be completed in 15-30 minutes. Board games and party games can last a lot longer, continuing for up to two hours in certain cases. This can be great for lazy days at the hotel or Airbnb, but might not be the most practical for passing time at the train station.

Consider player ages

Think of the ages of the players you anticipate sharing games with. If you’re planning a backpacking trip and plan to spend time playing games at your hostel, you’ll probably be safe with just about any card or board game. If you’re meeting up with your family for a vacation, you might want to choose games that are suitable for all ages. Note that some games can be altered to be more PG by removing certain cards or phrases, but it’s best to double-check to ensure everyone in your group can participate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What games are ideal for traveling.

The right games for your travels will greatly depend on what kind of travel you’re doing ( road trip games vary greatly from late-night adult-only games, for example). But, no matter what style of travel you’re up to, you’ll want to look for games that are small enough to easily fit in your luggage without being imposing. Opt for games that don’t have many loose pieces or take up too much space when in use. Card games are your best bet if you anticipate playing on the road frequently, but travel-sized board games can also work (especially if they come in a magnetic format).

Are there travel-sized board games?

Yes! There are plenty of travel-sized board games available and many come with their own carrying case or magnetic material that further simplifies the overall travel experience. You won’t find every single board game available in a travel size, but you’ll definitely be able to find the classics from Hasbro like Clue , Monopoly , and more .

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

For this article, Travel + Leisure contributor Kaitlyn McInnis used her experience as a travel writer and former lifestyle editor as well as her own research to curate a list of the best travel-sized games available.

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14 Exciting Road Trip Games to Stay Entertained on a Boring Drive

Posted: March 18, 2024 | Last updated: March 18, 2024

<p>Hit the road with the ultimate playlist! Music isn’t just a background element; it’s the heartbeat of your journey, turning every mile into a memorable adventure. Don’t sweat it – the internet is bursting with playlists curated by experienced travelers, each tune a road-tested gem.</p> <p>Here are our top picks to keep you moving and singing on your next road trip. </p>

What makes a road trip fun? Music, food, and games complete the perfect package. Which game can bring out the fun in your group? Here are some incredible games you can play even with your kids. 

<p>Here’s how to play “Watch Your Mouth”: Before you hit the gas, decide on some off-limit words and phrases. For example, you can ban “Are we there yet?” and “Are we near?” Once you have decided on the forbidden sentences, write them down, and prepare to bring out the list when someone slips up.</p>

1. Watch Your Mouth

Here’s how to play “Watch Your Mouth”: Before you hit the gas, decide on some off-limit words and phrases. For example, you can ban “Are we there yet?” and “Are we near?” Once you have decided on the forbidden sentences, write them down, and prepare to bring out the list when someone slips up.

<p>To play the game Story Time, you need your creative juices working. One player begins the story and then another adds details to the story. The story unravels until the time limit set is over. </p><p>Record the stories you make. They might be masterpieces just waiting to be told. </p>

2. Story Time

To play the game Story Time, you need your creative juices working. One player begins the story and then another adds details to the story. The story unravels until the time limit set is over. 

Record the stories you make. They might be masterpieces just waiting to be told. 

<p>The Weight by The Band is a folk song that revolves around the idea of people asking a person to take responsibility and burdens. Many music enthusiasts praise the song because they claim that it is perfect for a long drive. It allows your thoughts to be diverse on different matters of life and is heart-warming at the same time.</p>

3. Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions is a guessing game that is fun and challenging at the same time. It starts with a player thinking about anything under the chosen category. The other players ask questions that can be answered by yes or no. The player who guesses correctly gets to start the next round. 

<p>The License Plate Game is one of the simplest <a href="" rel="noopener">road trip</a> games to enjoy. All the players will look at license plates and try to spot all the states. The point goes to the first person to mention the state. The person with the highest points wins. </p>

4. License Plate Game

The License Plate Game is one of the simplest road trip games to enjoy. All the players will look at license plates and try to spot all the states. The point goes to the first person to mention the state. The person with the highest points wins. 

<p>The track was released in 2009. This song is by two brilliant artists, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, who are well-known in the music industry. This song is so soothing that one of the commenters writes, “This song is incredibly uplifting that he feels like his body is going to burst in the sunlight.” It could be said that the artists created a masterpiece enough to make you feel like you are in a beautiful garden full of butterflies and a slow breeze is blowing.</p>

5. The Singing Game

Are your friends and family fond of singing? The Singing Game is all about connecting different songs through their lyrics. It starts with a player singing a line of a song and the next will sing a line from a different song. The basic rule is that the lines should somehow connect. The player who fails to give a line loses. 

<p>Making pit stops for food and drink is a surefire way to keep your kids onside. However, the right option could keep your children occupied for longer, and someone on Reddit believes a milkshake is perfect.</p><p>The Redditor said, “Milkshakes take a while to drink so they keep them occupied for a bit.” Furthermore, she believes the best time to stop for a milkshake is when there’s an hour of driving left. </p><p>We don’t know about you but stopping for a milkshake sounds pretty great. However, one user was concerned about the potential mess and car sickness.</p>

6. Trivia Game

Trivia Game is a good option for your road trip if you like hosting game nights in your family or squad. Prepare trivia questions you can ask during your road trip. Make it more interesting by preparing multiple categories and creating easy and difficult questions. 

<p>Ever dream of hitting the open road on your motorcycle, with all the comforts of home tagging along? Check out the Tuco, a teardrop camper that can be towed by a large-capacity motorcycle. It features a large door, Baltic Birch walls, and a double bed. That’s way cozier than a tent and cheaper than a hotel. </p><p>The Tuco is also equipped with a solar panel and LED lighting, so you can go on short off-grid adventures. </p>

7. Movie Game

The Movie Game is similar to the Singing Game, but instead of connecting song lines, you’ll connect movies through the actors in them . The game starts by naming a specific actor. All the players will give a movie title in which the actor starred. The players who give an incorrect answer will be out, and the remaining player wins. 

<p>If you want to keep your kids occupied without stopping and spending money, follow Reddit’s advice and make every journey more interesting by adding an element of mystery. </p><p>One Redditor commented, “I told my kids during our cross-Canada bus rides when they were little that we would be traveling through some pretty wild country, they might like to keep an eye out for wild Pokémon.”</p><p>Another reader does something similar but tells their children to look out for Big Foot. </p>

8. Alphabet Game

In the Alphabet Game, players need to look at license plates and point at letters alphabetically. The first person to complete the alphabet wins. Players can choose between the right side or left side of the road. 

<p>The Fortunately & Unfortunately game is a funny mix of truth and lies. It starts with one player saying something good that happened and starting with “Fortunately.” The next player has to say something unfortunate connected to what was previously said. Anyone who stumbles and stutters is out. </p>

9. Fortunately & Unfortunately

The Fortunately & Unfortunately game is a funny mix of truth and lies. It starts with one player saying something good that happened and starting with “Fortunately.” The next player has to say something unfortunate connected to what was previously said. Anyone who stumbles and stutters is out. 

<p>An even better solution to the “my bed is filled with dog hair” issue is to give your pup its own dedicated bed in your RV. The right place to set up your dog bed depends on your RV’s floor plan.</p><p>Some ideas include at the foot of your “human” bed, under the dinette, or in the transition from the cab to the living area if you have a motorhome. </p><p>For cold-weather camping, there are also heated dog beds that plug into an AC outlet to keep your dog warm on cold winter nights. </p>

10. Animal Name Game

The Animal Name Game is a connecting game. The first player names any animal of his choosing. The next player gets the last letter of the mentioned animal to name a new one. The chain of the naming game continues. The player who can’t name one sits out until only one player is left as a winner. 

<p>In the Telephone Game, the first player is assigned as the storyteller. The storyteller whispers the story to the next player, and that player has to whisper it to the next player. All players will try to tell the story word-for-word, with the last one finally saying it out loud. You’ll get a good laugh at how different the story becomes at the end of each round. </p>

11. Telephone Game

In the Telephone Game, the first player is assigned as the storyteller. The storyteller whispers the story to the next player, and that player has to whisper it to the next player. All players will try to tell the story word-for-word, with the last one finally saying it out loud. You’ll get a good laugh at how different the story becomes at the end of each round. 

<p>Bringing smelly food on board to eat, like fast food or a tuna sandwich, is rude to your neighbor’s sense of smell. Stick with dry snacks and plane food.</p>

12. Regional Food Master

Are you all foodies in your family or friends? In the game Regional Food Master, you find a local snack at every stop you make at gas stations. The snacks need to be locally made, and you need to collect one for each city you visit. 

The downside of this game is that you need to spend money on it. The big advantage is you get to eat something new . 

<p>Freeway is a rock song released on June 7, 2006, by Kurt Vile. The song provokes your soul for a road trip as the lyrics explore themes of freedom and escapism. Song listeners stated that the song is divided into two halves. The opening part of the track is classic rock, while the second part reflects the power of imagination and mental escape.</p>

13. Name That Song

The Name That Song game starts with one player singing a line from a song . All the other players will guess which song it belongs to. You can make the game interesting by starting with just saying the line and then humming in the next round when no one guesses it. Naming the title and the singer gets double points! 

<p>A popular Reddit response was to “never accept anything someone randomly hands you. Ever.” This is a common scam seen across Latin America and it could lead to an uncomfortable experience.</p><p>So, what’s the scam? People hand you something and tell you it’s a gift or freebie. However, once you take it, they’ll chase you down demanding payment (often more than the item is worth). </p><p>It’s a scam we’ve seen before and definitely one you want to avoid!</p>

14. Would You Rather

In the game Would You Rather, everyone will get the chance to ask questions with only two given choices. Their answers might surprise you. Some interesting questions include the following:

  • Would you rather get a dog or a cat? 
  • Would you rather be extremely rich or extremely happy?
  • Would you rather have super strength or telekinesis? 

<p>Choosing a secondhand car is more critical than ever. Reliability is key in keeping expenses and maintenance down, especially if you’re purchasing an older model no longer covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.</p><p>To help you choose the best older cars, we listed the most reliable car models that will never leave you stranded anywhere.</p><ul> <li>Read More: <a href=""><strong>These Older Cars Will Save You Money And Not Leave You Stranded</strong></a></li> </ul>

These Older Cars Will Save You Money And Not Leave You Stranded

Choosing a secondhand car is more critical than ever. Reliability is key in keeping expenses and maintenance down, especially if you’re purchasing an older model no longer covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

To help you choose the best older cars, we listed the most reliable car models that will never leave you stranded anywhere.

  • Read More: These Older Cars Will Save You Money And Not Leave You Stranded

<p>Before embarking on your road trip, prepare a list of unique items to spot and share it with your kids or co-passengers. Your list could include quirky sightings like a purple car, a yellow truck, a bald driver, a flatbed truck, or a sports bike. As you travel, everyone can participate in spotting these items. Keep track of who finds the most and reward the winner with a small cash prize or a treat. This engaging game is a great way to stay entertained on long, monotonous stretches of road. It’s also an effective strategy to keep kids engaged and away from screens during the trip.</p>

15 Road Trip Hacks You Need, According to Seasoned Travelers

Looking for the best road trip hacks for your upcoming adventure? Road trips are immensely enjoyable, but they can quickly turn into a drag if you don’t get enough sleep, fail to pack the right snacks, encounter dirty restrooms, or lose network coverage. Proper planning and preparation are key to ensuring a successful journey. Check out these awesome hacks:

  • Read More: 15 Awesome Road Trip Hacks You Need, According to Seasoned Travelers

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Classic Bus

  • View history

General Information [ ]

The Classic Bus is currently the newest vehicle to be added to the game, being introduced in 23/05/24, During the classic event . It can be purchased in the Lobby for 699 Robux.

Specifications [ ]

This Vehicle uses its own unique engine and radiator, both containing 50 liters of fluid. This is far more than the usual 4-15L.

The bus seats 12 people.

Despite the Classic Bus having poor fuel economy, the Oil and Water have a very slow consumption rate.

There is a possibility that when the Classic Event ends, the capacities of the bus's engine and radiator will be lowered to a more conventional capacity.

Tips & Tricks [ ]

The engine and radiator both can be placed into any vehicle, which is very beneficial considering their performance and fluid capacity.

The back door has a glitch in the Classic Map where it spawns underground, keep an eye out for it.


Bus driver sexually assaulted girl, 16, who fell asleep on last service home

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Damien Doyle, 48, offered the girl a lift when she was left stranded at a depot in Merseyside (Picture: Liverpool Echo)

A bus driver sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl who had fallen asleep on the last service home.

Damien Doyle, 48, offered the girl a lift when she was left stranded at a depot in St Helens, Merseyside , late at night with no money.

He even told the victim he had a daughter his age and would ‘hate her to be in that situation’.

But he instead seized on the opportunity by locking her in his car and exploiting her after remarking: ‘I bet you get really horny when you’re drunk.’

A trial at Liverpool Crown Court heard that the teenage victim had taken a bus from Queen Square in Liverpool city centre to St Helens in September 2022, but fell asleep during the journey.

She then woke up in the depot to find that there were no more services running that evening.

Steven Ball, prosecuting, described how the girl had no cash with her and did not want to call her parents to pick her up as was ‘worried they would be mad’.

But she spotted Doyle outside as he walked back to his car following the end of his shift and approached him.

The defendant offered her a lift home as a result, telling her that he had a daughter of her age and would ‘hate her to be in that situation’.

However, once inside the car, the armed forces veteran placed his hand on top of hers and said: ‘Oh my god. You’re freezing. I’ll warm you up.’

Doyle, who had been working as a bus driver for 15 years, went on to ask her if she had a boyfriend, gave her compliments and ‘intertwined hands’ with her.

He also told her: ‘I bet you get really horny when you’re drunk, I could take us to the beach right now.’

The dad then locked the doors of his vehicle, put his hand on the victim’s leg and began stroking her inner thigh while still driving after diverting towards Kirkby.

The ‘terrified’ teen however told him there had been a “change of plan” and said her friend would pick her up.

Doyle then let her out of the car and she hid in a bush before she was collected.

In a statement which was read out to the court on her behalf, the victim said: ‘I felt so vulnerable in that moment with someone I thought I could trust.

‘When he suggested going to the beach, my heart sank. I started to think of the stories of horrible things happening to girls, where they sometimes end up dead.

‘The feeling of his hand rubbing the inside of my thigh is a feeling I don’t think I’ll forget. He has no empathy for how I felt that night, no guilt for his actions and no self awareness for his inappropriate behaviour.’

Doyle’s previous convictions include entries for assault occasioning actual bodily harm in 1996 and 2008, but none for sexual offences.

Carmel Wilde, mitigating, told the court: ‘He does deny the offence. His partner sits at the back of court and has been here throughout proceedings. She knows a better side to him and stands by him.

‘He has not been in trouble for some time. There has been nothing since 2008. He served in the armed forces previously with an exemplary record. He has always been in work and is hard working.

‘It was opportunistic offending. It was not something he has gone out seeking, looking for young girls. The complainant, very eloquently, said she did not want this man to go to prison. She wanted to understand why somebody would do this.’

Doyle, of Birchwood Way in Kirkby, Merseyside, was found guilty of one count of sexual assault by a jury. He was jailed for two years and told to sign the sex offenders register for 10 years.

Sentencing, Judge David Swinnerton said: ‘I accept that what happened was not planned in advance, but you did seek to take the opportunity. That was predatory, in my view.

‘There are two reasons that she got in the car with you. One was because you were a bus driver and she trusted you because you were in a public position.

‘The other reason was because you told her you had a daughter of her age and would hate your daughter to be in that situation, therefore you would not leave her stranded. She was, not surprisingly, terrified.’

Doyle’s partner told him ‘stay strong’ from the public gallery as he was led down to the cells.

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Kempner HS product playing for UCLA's softball team on playing in WCWS: 'This has been my dream'

Adam Winkler Image

OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma (KTRK) -- Seven of the eight teams in the field of the 2024 NCAA Division I Women's College World Series feature a roster with at least one player who attended high school in the greater Houston area. On Saturday, when ABC13 broadcasts UCLA vs. Oklahoma, as many as four local products could be on display.

The Sooners' roster features three girls who attended high school here in our area: Kelly Maxwell, Kasidi Pickering, and Avery Hodge.

There's only one Texan on UCLA's roster and she's from Fort Bend County. Lauren Hatch, a Kempner High School product from Sugar Land, is a junior outfielder for the Bruins. She scored a run in Thursday's World Series-opening win against Alabama.

Via Zoom from the World Series in Oklahoma City, Lauren told ABC13 how playing on national TV on college softball's biggest stage is not only a major milestone - it's a full circle moment.

"This has been my dream since I don't even remember how little I was," Hatch, who is majoring in applied math, recalled. "I remember being in the right field stands and rooting on whoever was winning. So being able to be in the dugout and be on the field and seeing the crowd, it is really a dream come true. I remember making a sign and we'd hold it up in the outfield and cheer the teams on in 100 degree weather."

While OKC is not Texas, Hatch says it's as close as she can get while playing for a school located in Los Angeles.

"It feels great being back in OKC," Hatch, who also reached the 2022 WCWS with UCLA, noted. "This is the closest we'll ever play to home, so all of my family drove up. Both of my parents, my two younger sisters are here. My former travel ball coach is here. And I have numbers of people texting me good luck."

Hatch and UCLA will face three-time reigning national champion Oklahoma at 2 p.m. on Saturday live on ABC13.

For more sports news, follow Adam Winkler on Facebook , X and Instagram .

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  3. Group Games to Play on a Charter Bus: 15 Fun Activities for Long Bus

    To play this fun bus trip game, challenge someone you know, or break into large groups and go head-to-head. Make it more challenging by offering up prizes like snacks or drinks. #4: Name That Tune. Name That Tune is a slight variation on Trivial Pursuit where, instead of answering trivia questions, you guess the title of the song or tune. All ...

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    When you need to charter a bus in Toronto, Parkinson Coach Lines is the company for you. We offer a wide range of services to cater to our clients' needs, from school bus service to minibus rentals. Call us at (905) 451-4776 or visit our contact page for charter bus rentals in Toronto you can trust.

  14. 10 Games to Play with a Group on a Charter Bus

    Pen, paper, cards, or your imagination are all you need to play with your group. Whether you're reading this before or during your bus trip, you will find a game here for every kind of traveler. #1. War. You'll need a deck of cards to play this classic, easy game.

  15. Unplugged: Fun Non-Electronic Activities for Long Bus Rides

    Fun bus team building activities or field trip bus ride activities: Road Trip Bingo; This time-honoured game is a great entertainment activity for a large group on a long bus trip. Instead of using the traditional bingo cards, use the magnetic type or easy slide bingo cards to allow players to play the game in a moving vehicle.

  16. List of 50 Games For a Bus Trip with Friends

    Guess the tune: A person hums a tune and other people guess the song. Do the hook step of one player whispers a song in the ear of another and that player performs the hook step. Everyone else is supposed to guess the hook step. Name two same-named songs: A person has to come up with two songs.

  17. Top 7 Games to Play on A Charter Bus Road Trip

    Destination Chain Game. Another game that really gets the brain working overtime is the Chain Game. We tweaked the game and made it travel relevant. In clockwise order, one person picks a category that appeals to them. It can be "cities", "countries", "neighborhoods" or even "beaches". If the category is cities, the second ...

  18. Bus Games ️ Play on CrazyGames

    Bus games are driving games featuring buses. In these games, you can drive buses from one destination to the next, dropping off passengers. Play the Best Online Bus Games for Free on CrazyGames, No Download or Installation Required. 🎮 Play City Bus Driver and Many More Right Now!

  19. 15 Funniest Road Trip Games for Adults & Kids

    License Plate Alphabet Game. Use license plates to complete the alphabet from A to Z. This is a great game for young kids who are reinforcing their ability to recite the alphabet. You can also collect double or triple letters from license plates - perfect for older kids. Road Trip Word Games. Word Rhyming.

  20. Top 10 Best Road Trip Games

    Player #1 could make the following list: "bus, travel, walk, hostel, restaurant, sleep, bus". Player #2 could do: "bus, bus driver, bus station, passenger, bus tickets, bus". In this case, Player #2 would be the winner, since he only used 4 words (vs. 5 for Player #1) to loop back to the word "bus".

  21. Fun Games To Play When Traveling on a Bus Trip

    Travel Board Games. Even though video games are the only thing kids know nowadays, some classic board games are still enjoyable. Games like Connect Four never go out of style and are easy to play. Just be careful when playing them on a bus so they don't tip over. When you are looking to entertain a group of children, selecting one of these ...

  22. 49 best travel games for adults (tips by travellers, updated 2023)

    Travel games of course! You can find them in all different names and shapes: some are played with cards, some with dice, and some just by exchanging words. Oh and don't forget the drinking games! I've decided to bundle these travel games for adults into one article. My friends Joost and Samuel enjoying a travel game called Bananagrams.

  23. Bus Games

    School bus games provide an opportunity to experience the responsibilities of a school bus driver, ensuring the safe transport of students while managing time and traffic. Additionally, long-haul coach games offer a different experience, allowing players to embark on scenic road trips, traveling long distances between cities or even countries. ...

  24. The 31 Best Travel-sized Games of 2024

    Pass the Pigs is hilariously simple, but there's something about it that is so much fun. The game includes two pig dice, a dice cup, and a pig scoring guide with a scorepad. The aim of the game ...

  25. 14 Exciting Road Trip Games to Stay Entertained on a Boring Drive

    4. License Plate Game. The License Plate Game is one of the simplest road trip games to enjoy. All the players will look at license plates and try to spot all the states. The point goes to the ...

  26. Classic Bus

    The Classic Bus is currently the newest vehicle to be added to the game, being introduced in 23/05/24, During the classic event. It can be purchased in the Lobby for 699 Robux. This Vehicle uses its own unique engine and radiator, both containing 50 liters of fluid. This is far more than the usual 4-15L. The bus seats 12 people. Despite the Classic Bus having poor fuel economy, the Oil and ...

  27. Bus driver sexually assaulted girl, 16, who fell asleep on last ...

    A bus driver sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl who had fallen asleep on the last service home. Damien Doyle, 48, offered the girl a lift when she was left stranded at a depot in St Helens ...

  28. 2024 WCWS: Kempner HS product, UCLA outfielder Lauren Hatch excited to

    My former travel ball coach is here. And I have numbers of people texting me good luck." Hatch and UCLA will face three-time reigning national champion Oklahoma at 2 p.m. on Saturday live on ABC13.

  29. Air Force 1 x Tiffany & Co.

    ดูข้อมูลและซื้อ Air Force 1 x Tiffany & Co. "1837" พร้อมรู้ข่าวการเปิดตัวและการวางจำหน่ายสนีกเกอร์รุ่นใหม่ล่าสุดก่อนใคร