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Guide to Best Instagram Hashtags & 30 Travel Niche Captions

30 Travel Brand Niches: Crafting the Ultimate Instagram Hashtags and Captions

Last Updated on February 27, 2024 by The Digital Travel Expert

Explore the power of crafting and incorporating Instagram hashtags and captions within your travel content strategy for maximum brand reach and engagement.

In the digital age, social media platforms like Instagram have become indispensable tools for travel and hotel brands to showcase their offerings and engage with potential customers.

Among the plethora of features available on Instagram, captions and hashtags stand out as crucial elements for boosting visibility and engagement.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into how Instagram travel hashtags and captions work specifically for travel and hotel brands, backed by data and insights from industry experts.

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Understanding Instagram Captions

How do hashtags work on Instagram? Instagram captions serve as the textual accompaniment to your visual content, providing context, storytelling, and calls to action. Captions play a crucial role in grabbing your audience’s attention, communicating your brand’s message, and fostering engagement.

Here’s how travel and hotel brands can leverage captions effectively:

  • Tell a Compelling Story : Captions offer an opportunity to narrate the experience, highlight unique features, or share interesting facts about your destination or property. Craft Instagram travel captions that evoke emotions and resonate with your audience’s aspirations.
  • Incorporate CTAs (Call to Action) : Any travel social media content strategy aims to entice action. You should then encourage engagement by prompting users to like, comment, share, or tag friends in your posts. For instance, ask followers to share their favorite travel memories or tag someone they’d love to explore your destination with.
  • Include Relevant Keywords : Incorporate relevant keywords related to travel, hospitality, and your destination to improve discoverability. However, ensure that the keywords seamlessly blend into your caption and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Keep it Concise and Scannable : While storytelling is important, keep your captions concise and scannable. Users often scroll quickly through their feeds, so aim to capture attention within the first few words.

Harnessing the Power of Instagram Hashtags

How to use hashtags on Instagram to enhance your posts or reels? Hashtags play a pivotal role in your travel brand’s Instagram marketing strategy by categorizing your content and making it discoverable to users interested in specific topics.

Here’s how travel and hotel brands can make the most of hashtags:

  • Research Relevant Hashtags : Conduct thorough research to identify trending and relevant hashtags within the travel and hospitality niche. Tools like Instagram’s built-in search feature, or third-party apps such as Hashtagify or Keyhole, can aid in discovering popular hashtags.
  • Mix Popular and Instagram Niche Hashtags : Strike a balance between using popular, high-volume hashtags (#Travel, #Wanderlust) and niche, targeted hashtags specific to your brand or location (#LuxuryTravel, #BeachResort). This approach ensures your content reaches a broad audience while also targeting users with specific interests.
  • Create Branded Hashtags : Develop unique branded Instagram hashtags that represent your travel brand or hotel. Encourage guests to use these hashtags when sharing their experiences, thereby creating user-generated content and fostering a sense of community around your brand.
  • Stay Current and Seasonal : Capitalize on trending topics, holidays, or seasonal events by incorporating relevant hashtags into your posts. This allows your travel content to align with current conversations and trends , increasing its visibility and engagement potential.

Data-Driven Strategies:

According to a study by Sprout Social , posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement compared to those without hashtags. Additionally, research by HubSpot indicates that Instagram captions with emojis receive higher engagement rates, with a 15% increase in interaction compared to captions without emojis.

Furthermore, data from Skift reveals that 48% of Instagram users rely on the platform for travel inspiration, highlighting the immense opportunity for travel and hotel brands to connect with potential customers through captivating visuals and compelling captions.

How to Find the Right Hashtags For Your Instagram Travel Account

To effectively search hashtags on Instagram in the travel and hospitality sector that match your content, travel niche, and target audience, start by identifying keywords relevant to your content and travel niche .

Utilize Instagram’s search bar to explore related hashtags, paying attention to the number of posts and engagement levels for each hashtag.

Aim for a mix of popular, moderately popular, and niche-specific hashtags to broaden your reach while targeting your ideal audience.

hashtags for social media marketing for luxury travel

Additionally, explore what hashtags your competitors or travel influencers in your niche are using to gain insights into effective hashtag strategies.

However, avoid using overly generic or irrelevant hashtags, as they may attract the wrong audience or get lost in the sea of content.

Similarly, steer clear of using banned or spammy hashtags, which could negatively impact your account’s visibility or reputation.

Instead, focus on hashtags that accurately represent your content, evoke emotion, and resonate with your target audience, fostering meaningful connections and engagement.

Don’t Fall For Instagram Hashtags For Likes in the Travel and Hospitality Industry

In the travel and hospitality industry, while garnering likes through Instagram hashtags can certainly boost visibility, focusing solely on this metric overlooks the more profound impact of cultivating meaningful connections with a relevant audience.

Incorporate compelling calls-to-action in your captions

Think of an Instagram hashtag strategy that goes beyond likes!

Travel content resonates deeply when it speaks to the desires, dreams, and aspirations of the audience, evoking emotions and inspiring wanderlust.

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By crafting compelling narratives, breathtaking visuals, and authentic experiences , brands can forge genuine connections that transcend mere likes, fostering loyalty and trust among their followers.

Engaging with an audience that shares a passion for travel not only enhances brand reputation but also cultivates a community of advocates who are more likely to advocate for and revisit the brand.

150 Best Instagram Captions For Travel Niches

Ultimately, in the competitive landscape of travel and hospitality, prioritizing meaningful connections over superficial metrics ensures sustainable growth, loyalty, and lasting impact.

Instagram Captions and Hashtags For 30 Travel Niches

Most popular Instagram hashtags and captions for luxury travel and hotel brands across 30 different niches. These captions and hashtags could match your Instagram Luxury Travel marketing campaigns.

Top Instagram hashtags for Wildlife Safaris

These best Instagram hashtags for Wildlife Safaris are perfect for adventure seekers , nature enthusiasts, and wildlife photographers looking to share their unforgettable experiences in the heart of the wild.

Wildlife vacation is one of the most profitable travel niches for bloggers, influencers and tour businesses.

Only Exotic Destinations Sell

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler longing to immerse yourself in the untamed beauty of nature or an aspiring explorer seeking inspiration for your next safari , these hashtags offer a gateway to a world where every moment is a captivating encounter with the wonders of the animal kingdom.

Here are some creative Instagram hashtags trending in wildlife safaris along with related captions:

Above African Wildlife Instagram trending hashtags and captions aim to evoke the sense of adventure, wonder, and awe that comes with experiencing a wildlife safari. Feel free to mix and match or modify them according to your brand’s voice and style!

Effective Ways To Address Customer Pain Points in Travel Marketing

Best Instagram Reels hashtags for Tour Businesses

You’d want the most popular hashtags on Instagram in tourism to ensure your content reaches a broader audience, maximizing exposure for your travel experiences or business. By leveraging these hashtags, you tap into a global community of travelers, amplifying engagement and fostering connections with like-minded adventurers around the world.

The Top 10 Thrilling African Safari Destinations for 2024

Here are 15 creative and popular hashtags in the tourism industry along with related captions

These hashtags and captions can help travel enthusiasts and businesses alike to showcase their experiences, inspire others, and build a vibrant community of travelers on Instagram.

Romantic Vacation-Related Instagram Hashtags

Those who seek to escape into a world of luxury and love, where every moment is a cherished memory waiting to be created, would find solace in using romantic vacation-related Instagram hashtags.

Top Ultimate Guide for Instagram Travel Couples( 20+ Niches)

Whether it’s Instagram travel couples celebrating anniversaries, honeymooners embarking on new adventures, or partners rekindling their spark amidst opulent settings, these hashtags offer a virtual gateway to share their most intimate and unforgettable moments with the world.

Here are 15 creative Instagram hashtags best suited for luxury romantic vacations , and Instagram travel couples, along with related captions:

Exploring the Adventure: Your Travel Customer Journey Unveiled

FAQs on Instagram Hashtag Strategy in The Tourism Industry

How can i leverage seasonality in my hashtag strategy for tourism marketing.

Incorporate season-specific hashtags to capitalize on peak travel times and align your content with current trends and events.

How many hashtags should I use per post in the tourism industry?

Wondering which number of hashtags to use on your Instagram travel account? Aim for a mix of broad and niche hashtags, typically between 10 to 15, to maximize exposure without overwhelming your caption.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my travel Instagram hashtag and caption strategy?

Track engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and follower growth, and analyze hashtag performance through Instagram Insights or third-party analytics tools to evaluate effectiveness and make informed adjustments.

What are the top 10 hashtags on Instagram that get the most likes?

The top 10 hashtags on Instagram that receive the most likes vary over time due to trends and user behavior. However, some consistently popular ones include #love, #instagood, #photooftheday, #fashion, #beautiful, #happy, #cute, #travel, #summer, and #food.

Are hashtags still relevant in 2024 Instagram?

Yes, hashtags remain relevant in 2024 for Instagram travel accounts. You should focus on relatability in your Instagram content strategy when utilizing hashtags.

How can I craft compelling travel captions?

Be authentic, concise, and descriptive, incorporating storytelling, emotions, questions, and calls to action to captivate your audience.

Should I include travel-related quotes in my captions?

If relevant to your content and brand identity, quotes can add depth, inspiration, and relatability to your travel posts

How do I maintain consistency in my travel Instagram captions?

Establish a consistent tone, voice, and style reflective of your brand identity, ensuring coherence across all posts.

What role do captions play in travel Instagram posts?

Captions complement visuals by providing context, storytelling, and personal connection, enhancing engagement and fostering meaningful interactions.

How can I research effective travel hashtags ?

Utilize Instagram’s search function, explore competitor profiles, and employ third-party tools like Hashtagify or Keyhole for hashtag research.

Should I create my own branded travel hashtags?

Yes, branded hashtags promote brand recognition and encourage user-generated content, fostering community engagement.

In conclusion, Instagram captions and hashtags are powerful tools for travel and hotel brands to enhance their online presence, engage with audiences, and drive business growth. By crafting compelling captions that tell a story, incorporating relevant hashtags, and leveraging data-driven strategies, brands can effectively reach and resonate with their target audience on one of the world’s largest social media platforms. Embrace the art of storytelling, harness the power of hashtags, and watch your brand’s Instagram presence soar to new heights in the competitive landscape of travel and hospitality.

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250+ Instagram Reel hashtags to boost engagement for your brand

Written by by Mahnoor Sheikh

Published on  March 25, 2024

Reading time  5 minutes

If you’ve opened Instagram recently, you know Reels are big on the platform. The short-form video format has quickly become a favorite of both brands and consumers.

The good news is you can add Instagram hashtags to Reels the same way you add hashtags to posts to boost visibility, reach and engagement.

In this post, you’ll find a curated list of the top Instagram Reel hashtags for travel, fitness, food, fashion and other categories. We’ll also talk about the value of using Reel hashtags for Instagram and share tips for finding the best hashtags for your brand.

Let’s dig in.

Table of contents

Why use hashtags in your instagram reels, tips for finding the right instagram reel hashtags for your brand, top instagram reel hashtags, fitness instagram reel hashtags, travel instagram reel hashtags, food instagram reel hashtags, fashion instagram reel hashtags.

  • Funny Instagram Reel hashtags

Use Instagram Reel hashtags to grow your brand

Using hashtags can do more than just get more eyes on your content. Hashtags are also excellent targeting and analytics tools. Here are three benefits of using Instagram Reel hashtags for your business:

Make your content easier to find

Hashtags can put your content in front of a larger audience, including users who don’t follow you on Instagram. Adding them to Reels offers the same benefits as adding hashtags to posts. It helps people interested in your topics or themes easily find your videos.

An example of a Sprout Social Reel that uses hashtags in the caption

This, in turn, gets your content more engagement in the form of likes, comments and shares—the holy grail of social media success. Take it a step further and engage with users who interact with your hashtags to strengthen your brand’s relationship with its audience.

Finally, by monitoring trending hashtags and incorporating them into your posts, you can help your content ride the wave of current events, conversations and Instagram trends . This not only gets you more exposure, but also positions your brand as relevant and up-to-date.

Target your niche demographics and audiences

Your videos might go viral, but not everyone on Instagram is a potential customer. Adding hashtags to Reels lets you target niche communities and specific demographics with your content—people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

As a result, you’ll attract more qualified leads and boost visibility among your target audience , ultimately translating into higher ROI for your business.

Use hashtag analytics to refine your Instagram content strategy

Analyzing the performance of different hashtags can provide valuable insights into what resonates most with your audience.

By tracking Instagram metrics like reach and engagement for Reels with specific hashtags, you can refine your strategy and better understand consumer preferences and behavior.

Sprout Social’s Hashtag Tracking tools can help you pinpoint exactly which hashtags work best for your Instagram strategy. Track your most-used and top hashtags or manually add hashtags that are important to your brand to keep tabs on performance.

Sample Instagram Outbound Hashtag Performance data which contrasts hashtag usage during a given reporting period with hashtags that drew the most engagement.

You know the value of using Reel hashtags on Instagram—but how do you find the right ones? Follow the best practices below to add hashtags that are relevant to your brand and resonate deeply with your audience.

Know your buyer personas

Before you start writing down hashtags, you need to truly understand your target audience. What does your ideal buyer look like? Which accounts do they follow on Instagram? What type of content do they like to engage with?

Dig into original research and analytics to find out key characteristics of your potential customers. Note the hashtags used in Reels these people are interacting with the most.

Then, use these insights to guide your own hashtag strategy. Incorporate relevant hashtags in your Reels that align with the niches and interests of your target audience.

Remember—you are a business creating content to achieve certain goals, whether that’s brand awareness, lead generation or sales. Targeting everyone and anyone is not going to get you results. Focusing on users who match your buyer personas will.

Analyze your competitors

Keeping an eye on your competitors’ content can give you ideas for hashtags you can use in your own Reels. Watch for videos that get the most engagement or views. What hashtags are they using? How many hashtags are they adding to their videos? Are they going after niche keywords or broader hashtags?

Streamline this process with Instagram competitor reports .

Sprout’s competitive analysis features can help you with that. Our tool allows you to track competitor posts, engagement rates, the hashtags they’re using and more. Better yet, compare their metrics with your own to benchmark performance and set realistic goals.

Screenshot of the Profile tab from Sprout's Instagram Competitor Analysis Report

Use competitor analysis to inspire your own content and hashtags. But don’t always copy hashtags off other accounts and Reels—keep experimenting. You might stumble upon some highly engaging hashtags your competitors might be neglecting.

Use branded hashtags on Reels and other content

Capitalizing on existing hashtags is great—but what about creating your own hashtag ?

Using branded hashtags in Reels and posts can help you build brand awareness and instill a sense of community in your followers. Branded hashtags are also one of the best ways to encourage user-generated content.

For example, Canva launched a branded hashtag challenge to encourage creators to use the software and share their designs:

An example of a Canva Reel that uses and promotes a branded hashtag

Best Instagram Reel hashtags for 2024

Looking for inspiration? Below is a list of 250+ top hashtags for various industries like fashion, travel, fitness and food. We’ve also added popular hashtags for viral and funny Reels—all relevant to brands and marketers.

  • #viralreels
  • #trendingsound
  • #reeloftheday


  • #trendingnow


  • #viralvideos
































































































































































Funny Instagram Reels hashtags



















Adding hashtags to your Instagram Reels should be a no-brainer. Hashtags are the easiest way to categorize your content, drive visibility and boost engagement on your videos.

But what’s more important is using the right hashtags. You need keywords that align with your brand and match the needs and interests of your target audience. Only then can you expect to see business growth and results from your social media efforts.

This is where hashtag analytics can help. Track your most-used and top hashtags, competitor hashtags and trending keywords your audience is loving. Use the data to guide your Instagram strategy and watch views and engagement on your content skyrocket.

FAQs about Instagram Reel hashtags

Yes, hashtags are proven to drive engagement and visibility on Instagram. When used strategically across Reels and posts, hashtags can put your content in front of the right audience—users who are interested in your niche, topics, products or services. They’re also great tools for categorizing your content and providing context.

The best hashtags for Instagram Reels are those that are relevant to your target audience and the content you’re sharing. Trending and popular hashtags can be effective for increasing visibility, but it’s also important to use niche hashtags that align with the interests and demographics of your ideal customers.

Yes, hashtags work on Instagram Reels in the same way they do for regular Instagram posts. Using relevant hashtags in your Reel captions can boost their reach and help you attract more views, likes, comments and shares.

No, Instagram Reels generally perform better when you include relevant hashtags in the caption. Without hashtags, your Reels are less likely to be found by users outside of your existing follower base. This limits your content’s potential reach and engagement.

While Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags on Reels, it’s recommended to use between 5-10 relevant and targeted hashtags. This helps your content get found by users interested in specific topics, without making you look like spam. Focus on a mix of popular and niche hashtags to reach a wider audience.

As of date, viral Instagram hashtags reels include:

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79 Best Travel Hashtags For Instagram (Travel & Tourism)

79 Best Travel HashTags

Hashtags are more than just a social media trend; they are powerful tools for enhancing visibility and engagement. Hastags are not limited to Instagram, you can use hashtags on YouTube to boost views or even TikTok to reach more targeted TikTokers! For example, if you wanted to reach users from USA , you could use local hashtags like #NYC.

For travelers, the right hashtags can connect them with a global audience, sharing their experiences and discoveries with like-minded individuals.

For travel bloggers, family travel hashtags are not just about visibility—they also provide opportunities to connect with brands, participate in community discussions, and even get featured on prominent social media pages or travel platforms.

Most Popular Travel Hashtags For Tourism

Top Travel Hashtags For Tourism

General Travel Tags

Trending hashtags such as #Travel, #Adventure, and #Vacation are immensely popular across various social media platforms. 

While these tags for travel influencers are broad and can enhance the visibility of your travel posts, they are also highly competitive due to the sheer volume of content associated with them. 

As a result, your posts might get lost in a sea of similar content, which could reduce their effectiveness in reaching a targeted audience who is genuinely interested in specific travel experiences or advice.

  • #SeeTheWorld
  • #Backpacking
  • #TravelLife
  • #SoloTravel
  • #TravelTips
  • #TravelAddict
  • #VacationMode
  • #VacationTime

Source: These hashtags we’re analysed using hashtag analytical tool HashTagsForLikes.

Destination-Specific Tags

Using destination-specific hashtags can be extremely beneficial for reaching audiences interested in specific locations more effectively. 

Tags like #VisitJapan, #ExploreCanada, or #DiscoverItaly help segment your content into categories sought after by Instagram users on Instagram feeds planning trips to these countries or curious about these cultures. 

These travel hashtags not only improve the discoverability of your travel posts but also connect you with audiences seeking detailed travel tips, cultural insights, or hidden gems in these locations.

  • #VisitJapan
  • #ExploreCanada
  • #DiscoverItaly
  • #ParisVibes
  • #NYCExplorer
  • #LondonLife
  • #SeeAustralia
  • #TravelMexico
  • #VisitIndia
  • #ExploreGermany
  • #BrazilAdventures
  • #ThailandTravel
  • #SpainVacation
  • #VisitNorway

Activity-Specific Tags

Focusing on particular activities through travel hashtags can greatly enhance engagement with your content. 

Tags such as #HikingAdventures, #CityTours, or #BeachLife appeal to Instagram users with specific interests in these areas. 

When you use these tags, your content reaches those who are most likely to appreciate and interact with your detailed travel posts about certain activities. 

This focused approach helps attract an engaged audience that is keen on exploring specific aspects of travel, such as outdoor adventures or urban explorations.

  • #HikingAdventures
  • #MountainBiking
  • #ScubaDiving
  • #CampingLife
  • #CulinaryTravel
  • #FishingTrip
  • #WineTasting
  • #HistoricalSites
  • #RoadTripping

Niche Travel Hashtags

For solo travelers.

The hashtag #SoloTravel is invaluable for individuals who embark on solo journeys. 

It allows them to share their unique experiences with travel influencers, ranging from self-discovery to the practical aspects of solo travels, such as safety tips and the best places to eat alone. 

This hashtag not only helps in cataloging personal journeys but also builds a community of solo travelers who can exchange advice and encouragement, enhancing the solo travel experience.

  • #SoloJourney
  • #SingleTravel
  • #OneManWolfPack
  • #TravelAlone
  • #SoloExplorer
  • #SoloAdventures
  • #SingleAdventurer
  • #LoneTraveler
  • #MeMyselfAndI
  • #SoloVoyager
  • #SoloWanderer
  • #IndependentTravel
  • #SoloTravelTips

Eco-Friendly Travel

Using trending travel hashtags like #EcoTravel promotes environmentally responsible travel practices. 

This type of content is crucial for an Instagram account raising awareness about sustainable tourism practices, such as supporting local economies, minimizing plastic use, or staying at eco-friendly accommodations. 

The #EcoTravel hashtag connects like-minded travelers who prioritize minimizing their environmental footprint while exploring new places.

  • #SustainableTravel
  • #GreenTravel
  • #EcoTourism
  • #ResponsibleTravel
  • #TravelGreen
  • #EcoFriendly
  • #Sustainability
  • #LowImpactTravel
  • #EcoConscious
  • #NatureLovers
  • #Conservation
  • #EcoAdventures
  • #GreenTourism
  • #EnvironmentalTravel

Luxury Travel

For a more refined audience interested in high-end travel experiences, travel video hashtags such as #LuxuryTravel are perfect. 

This niche tag helps attract viewers looking for content about luxury accommodations, exclusive experiences, gourmet dining, and high-quality service. 

Using #LuxuryTravel for your Instagram reels can enhance your content’s appeal to those who enjoy the finer aspects of travel and are looking for recommendations that meet their elevated standards.

  • #LuxuryTravel
  • #HighEndTravel
  • #LuxuryLife
  • #OpulentJourney
  • #LuxuryDestinations
  • #LuxuryResorts
  • #LuxuryHotels
  • #FiveStarTravel
  • #PremiumTravel
  • #EliteTravel
  • #LuxuryExperiences
  • #SumptuousTravel
  • #LuxuryTraveler
  • #LuxuriousEscape
  • #AffluentTraveler

The Importance of Trending Travel Hashtags 

Enhancing content reach.

In the world of travel, where new experiences and visuals are constantly shared, luxury travel hashtags are crucial tools for amplifying the reach of social media posts. 

By utilizing relevant travel hashtags, content creators can expose their travel stories to a broader audience beyond their immediate followers. 

This is particularly vital for capturing the essence of new locations, which could enthrall an audience that is actively searching for real and authentic travel experiences. 

Hashtags help bridge the gap between content creators and content seekers, bringing global destinations to potential travelers’ fingertips.

Connecting with Communities

For many travelers, hashtags are more than just a tool for visibility—they are a means of connecting with others who share similar passions and interests. 

Whether it’s finding someone who has navigated the same remote hiking trails or connected with local cultures, most popular travel hashtags facilitate these connections. 

Travelers can share their experiences under specific hashtags, which allows others who are planning similar trips to find authentic advice and real-life recommendations. 

This community-building aspect of luxury travel hashtags is invaluable, as it leads to exchanges of travel tips, safety advice, recommendations for must-see spots, and sometimes even personal connections that can last a lifetime. 

This shared knowledge base can greatly enhance the travel experience, providing insights and information that are not always available through traditional travel guides or websites.

Using trending travel hashtags effectively can expand your social media reach, connect you with the travel community, and enhance your online presence.

Interested about hashtags? Read out other in-depth guides about: music hashtags , photography hashtags , art hashtags and beauty hashtags .

Experiment with different combinations of trending hashtags to discover what works best for your content and audience. 

Staying adaptable with your hashtag strategy can lead to significant benefits in how your travel content is received and engaged online.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i determine which right hashtags will best suit my travel content.

To determine the most suitable travel photos hashtags for your travel content, consider the specific focus of your post. 

If you’re highlighting a location on your Instagram account, look for popular destination-specific travel videos hashtags that might already have a following, such as #VisitNorway or #SoCalLife for Southern California. 

For activity-based content, use travel video hashtags that describe the activity, like #ScubaDiving or #MountainBiking. 

Additionally, tools like Instagram’s search function can show you how many social media posts are using a particular hashtag and suggest related hashtags, which can help you gauge their popularity and relevance.

Are there any tools available to help manage and analyze the effectiveness of my family travel hashtags?

Yes, several tools can help you manage and analyze the effectiveness of your travel photos hashtags for your Instagram feeds. 

Platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social provide hashtag analytics that can track engagement and reach. 

These tools can help you understand which family travel videos hashtags are performing well, allowing you to adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Additionally, apps like HashTagsForLikes (Top rated) and RiteTag offer real-time hashtag suggestions and performance analytics specifically designed to enhance hashtag engagement.

How often should I refresh my travel video hashtags strategy for travel content?

Your hashtag strategy should be reviewed and refreshed periodically to align with changing trends, seasonal topics, or new destinations you’re covering. 

Typically, reviewing your strategy monthly or quarterly is a good practice. Keep an eye on emerging trends and popular hashtags within the travel community. 

Adapting your family travel hashtags to include timely topics, such as #SummerTravel during vacation season or #WinterEscapes, can also boost engagement by tapping into current user interests and seasonal activities.

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100+ Travel Hashtags for Instagram and Instagram Reels in 2024

Jun 1, 2023 7:51:20 AM | Instagram 100+ Travel Hashtags for Instagram and Instagram Reels in 2024

What are the best traveling hashtags for Instagram and Reels out there in 2023 for influencers and bloggers? Here are more than 100 of them!

Ruslana Lishchuk


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Travel hashtags for Instagram are an integral part of your social media strategy. Did you know that approximately 4.4 million blog posts are created every day by 500 million daily active users? That's a lot of competition, but how do you get your travel photos and beautiful travel reels to the attention of the right audience with the same interests?

As travel influencers, we aim to engage with our followers and grow our audience. Never undervalue the power of a straightforward but successful Instagram hashtag approach. It helps you reach a wider audience and grows your Instagram following. It's great to understand and be familiar with Instagram's most popular hashtags, but they are also the most often used ones. 

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Travel hashtags for instagram.

Travel Hashtags For Instagram

Here are some 2024 travel hashtags for Instagram for your travel content that’ll go with any content, posts, stories, or reels:

  • #InstaTravel
  • #TravelGram
  • #Wanderlust
  • #TravelPhotography
  • #TravelDiaries
  • #TravelBlogger
  • #WorldTraveler
  • #TravelLife
  • #GlobeTrotter
  • #SoloTravel
  • #TravelAddict
  • #Backpacking
  • #ExploreMore
  • #PassionPassport
  • #BeautifulDestinations
  • #NeverStopExploring
  • #RoamThePlanet
  • #TravelTheWorld
  • #StayAndWander
  • #LifeOfAdventure
  • #DiscoverEarth
  • #LoveToTravel
  • #SeeTheWorld
  • #TravelDudes

Travel Hashtags For Instagram Reels

  • #TravelReels2024
  • #Travelgram
  • #AdventureAwaits
  • #TravelWithMe
  • #PassportLife
  • #ReelsTravel
  • #TravelJunkie
  • #MyTinyAtlas
  • #TravelInspiration
  • #BucketListTravel
  • #TravelAndExplore
  • #TravelLovers
  • #Travelogue
  • #TravelMoments
  • #RoadtripReels
  • #DestinationDiscoveries
  • #AdventureSeeker
  • #ExploringTheGlobe
  • #TravelingThroughReels
  • #WorldExplorer
  • #TravelStory

Travel Photography Hashtags

Travel Photography Hashtags

  • #TravelPhotographyOfTheDay
  • #VisualsOfEarth
  • #TravelAwesome
  • #NaturePhotography
  • #Travelholic
  • #AdventureVisuals
  • #TravelDairies
  • #ExploreToCreate
  • #EarthFocus
  • #OurPlanetDaily
  • #TravelCommunity
  • #TheGlobeWanderer
  • #LonelyPlanet
  • #TravelMore
  • #JustGoShoot
  • #FromWhereIDrone (specific for drone photography)
  • #Global_hotshotz
  • #Worldcaptures

The Most Popular Trip Hashtags

Trip Hashtags

  • #AdventureTrip
  • #TripOfALifetime
  • #WeekendGetaway
  • #FamilyTrip
  • #EpicAdventure
  • #ExploreTheWorld

Why Using the Right Travelling Hashtags For Instagram and Instagram Reels is Crucial?

Travel hashtags for Instagram are your best friends for reaching more engagement and creating views on Instagram for your travel blog. 

Using the best travel markers greatly facilitates sharing your travel blog around the world. Create your own procedure and adjust it, if necessary, based on the results. The right travel reels hashtags or trip hashtags can boost your views, increase comments on your work, and encourage others to follow you. Using them helps ensure that a broad audience sees your photos when you post about your travels.

Did you know that you can also include travel hashtags for Instagram in your bio? When users tap on the hashtag, they will be taken to the overview page for that hashtag. You want to include your own branded hashtag in your bio! For example, #travelblogger. 

Lift: Reels & Story Maker is an app that can help you create unique content. It can be handy for growing your travel blog content. It can spice up your reels and make your Instagram content eye-catching! 

Having trouble getting your Instagram posts seen by more than 200 people? Let Lift help you gain more followers! With Lift, you can create captivating content that will grab people's attention in no time. Say goodbye to mediocre posts and hello to an engaging and thriving Instagram account. 

Download from the App Store

Lift works seamlessly whether you’re editing a professional post on a niche like travel or simply creating something beautiful for your social media account. You can animate custom fonts, overlay videos, and add AI-powered license-fee music. In addition, you can also use music from your files or iTunes and record voiceovers.

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  • What to Write in Instagram Bio: 10 Actionable Tips

Ruslana Lishchuk

Written By: Ruslana Lishchuk

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Best Travel Hashtags For Instagram: Get Your Posts & Reels Found In 2024

  • December 15, 2023
  • by Margaret Bourne

Camera with a tan leather protector for tickets inside - travel hashtags for Instagram.

Travel is one of the most popular niche subjects on Instagram. Consider how many people want to share their adventures with the world. To make it easier to create your hashtags lists, I’ve pulled together some of the top travel hashtags for Instagram (2024), used by pros and top influencers.

This is by no means the definitive list, but it will give you some different hashtags you can work with, to boost your online presence – especially since Instagram reels with travel destinations can be extremely popular.

And of course, static Instagram posts from travellers and travel photographers, are always a delight for bucket list inspiration.

DISCLOSURE : This post includes sponsored content from Travelpayouts. It also contains affiliate links, meaning if you click on a product or service, and decide to purchase it, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. All recommended products and services are based on my positive experience with them. For more information, please read my Disclaimer .

Bookmark this post for future reference!

Over 100 Top Travel Hashtags For Instagram Pin 1

Travel Is A Hot Instagram Topic

Travel is one of the hottest Instagram topics – so there’s much competition.

If you’re a travel blogger or planning to start a blog in the travel niche, Instagram is going to be one of the top places you’ll be promoting your content.

You’ll probably be looking to promote your original photos or posts with travel quotes and captions .

So, knowing which travel hashtags are popular is going to be an advantage.

The Top Travel Hashtags For Instagram For General Travel

This list is on broad travel topics – general hashtags that include many which are in the top 500,000+ posts range.

#doyoutravel #explore #exploremore #exploretocreate #falltravel #goingplaces #ig_travel #ilovetravel #ilovetraveling #ilovetravelling #instagtravel #instatravelling  #lovetravelling #sightseeing #summertravels #tasteintravel #travel #travel_drops #traveladdict #travelandlife #travelawesome #travelbug #traveldestinations #traveldiaries #traveldiary #travelgram #travelholic #travelingram #travellife #travelling #travellingaroundtheworld #travellingislife #travellingourplanet #travellingtheworld #travellingthroughtheworld #travelmore #traveltheplanet #traveltheworld #traveltribe #travelworld #trip #vacation #visitworld #wonderful_places #wonderfuldestinations #worldplaces #traveldeeper #travelgoals #travelinspiration #travelnow

Travel Destination Hashtags

All about the destination – these travel hashtags speak to where you are going. You can always customize with the continent, country or region.

#allaroundtheworld #amazingplaces #beautifuldestinations #beautifulfscenery #bestdestinations #bestplacestogo #bestvacations #destinations #instapassport #passporttravel #placestogo #placestosee #placestostay #placestotravel #placestovisit

Type Of Traveller Hashtags

These are travel hashtags specific to your travel lifestyle. Sometimes you travel with family, sometimes solo. What kind of traveller are you?

#adventureseeker #cruieaddict #wanderlust #wanderluster #wanderlusting #wanderlustspirit #vagabonding #vagabondlife #travellingsolo #travellingalone #travellingwithkids #travellingcouple #travellingfamily #solotravel #solotraveler #traveldudes #travelgirl #travelguy #girlsthatwander #wearetravelgirls #travellingwoman #wanderlusttribe #travelblogger

Travel Type Hashtags

How are you travelling? Choose the right travel hashtags to describe your travel.

#trainride #traintrip #traintravel #planeride #planetravel #planetrip #myflight #flyinghome #cartrip #cartrips #cruiselife #cruiseship #roadtrip #roadtripping

Adventure Travel Hashtags

Going into the wild or on an adventure? Use these adventure travel hashtags.

#adventure #adventureawaits #adventuretime #adventuretravel #adventuretravels #adventuretrip #campingtrip #hikingtrip #naturetravel #naturetravellers #offthebeatenpath #wildplaces

Hashtags For Places To Stay During Travels

Did you fall in love with your hotel? Are you staying at a hostel? Share the pic on Instagram and use one of these travel hashtags for overnight accommodations.

#bedandbreakfast #bandb #besthotels #cottagerental #hostel #hostellife #hoteldesign #hoteldestination #hotellife #hotels #hotelfun #hotelhideaway #hotelroom #hotelroomview #hotelsofinstagram #hotelstay #luxuryhotel #roomwithaview

Hashtags For Travel Photography And Travel Blogging

For professional photographers there are numerous hashtags, however, these are specific for travel photography. And you can use some of these for travel blogging as well.

#sharetravelpics #tblogger #thebest_capture #thattravelblog #travelblog #travelblogger #travelblogging #travelbloggerlife #travelquotes #travelphoto #travelphotographer #travelphotography #travelpreneur #worldtravelpics

Quirky And Miscellaneous Travel Hashtags

A collection of miscellaneous and quirky travel hashtags – this list is growing, so visit occasionally to see what’s been added to the list!

#doyoutravel #goexplore #ipulledoverforthis #mytinyatlas #neverstopexploring #openmyworld #postcardplaces #postcardsfromtheworld #responsibletravel #travelthursday #traveltuesday #wanderlustwednesday #welltravelled

Get The Most Out Of Your Hashtag Strategy

While it’s tempting to go for the top hashtags that have millions of posts, it’s best to keep to this smart strategy:

  • About 2 hashtags that have more than 1 million posts
  • 6 to 8 that are between 500,000 and 1 million posts
  • 6 to 8 that are between 250,000 and 500,000
  • 8 to 10 under 250,000

This gives you anywhere between 22 to 28 hashtags that you’re using, enough to give you visibility.

Instagram’s maximum recommended total for hashtags is 30.

I tend to use about 20 hashtags, as that’s my sweet spot – but for me, lately, it’s mostly home decor posts as I’m doing less travelling (that’s when this list of home decor hashtags comes in handy).

Editing Your Travel Photos

My ultimate favourite phone app for travel edits is Lightroom .

The free version is good – and you can add your own presets to it. The upgraded version gives you more controls for better editing, especially when it comes to landscape photography.

Break up your photos with some fun quotes and visuals using your nature photos – like I did here with one of my photos.

A foggy, mossy woodland scene as an example of a Canva Instagram post template.

Online photo editors such as Be Funky and Pixlr also have design capabilities making them powerful one-stop photo editing and design creation tools.

| RELATED: The Best Online Photo Editors You Can Use For Free

Monetizing Your Travel Instagram Account?

One of the smartest ways to make money with a travel Instagram account is to promote travel products and services.

Here’s one way you can do this smartly: affiliate links!

If your goal is to monetize your new travel blog, the best place to start is affiliate marketing.

The easiest place to do so is Travelpayouts – a one-stop affiliate marketing platform with over 110 top travel brands. Instead of searching through several affiliate marketing network platforms, streamline your affiliate marketing activities with one. 

For new travel bloggers, Travelpayouts goes beyond with useful courses, webinars and programs on affiliate marketing, so you can ramp up your knowledge and begin generating commissions faster!

Join Travelpayouts for free today.

Boost Your Travel Posts With These Hashtags

So you’re all set – 125 travel hashtags to use for your posts and reels on Instagram.

Create your hashtag lists in advance, so it’s easier to copy and paste them into captions. This greatly speeds up your Instagram posting process.

I hope these travel hashtags help you boost your visibility on Instagram!

Need more hashtags?

Check out my list of over 100+ nature and outdoor adventure hashtags for adventure travel.

And if you’re considering starting a travel blog, here’s how you can get started with a self-hosted WordPress site.

Check out my free Start A Blog course:

If you’re thinking of starting a travel blog learn about 30 top travel blog niches.

Learn how to craft travel blog posts that motivate readers to travel.

Once you’ve started your blog, I’ve got over 60 blog post topics for travel blogs for you!

And finally, learn how to make money with your travel blog .

QUESTION: What other travel hashtags that you use, should be added to this list?

Like this post? Share it on Pinterest – thanks!

Popular Travel Hashtags PIN2 1

Love it? Share it! Thanks!

About Margaret

6 comments on best travel hashtags for instagram: get your posts & reels found in 2024.

I loved your article! I’m trying to target romance travel for honeymoons and anniversaries to Hawaii

OOOH! I love that – hope you get some traction from this list.

Yay! This helps a lot! #queen!

I knew you’ve love this!

Awesome (and effective) hashtag ideas! You really made it easy for travel related accounts 🙂

Thanks Karen! That’s the plan. 🙂

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travel fitness hashtags

Vacayou Travel

Breathe into wellness with travel inspiration

55 Wellness Travel Captions to Inspire Your Instagram Feed

Last updated December 5, 2023

Instagram Caption Writer’s Block. It’s a thing. Let’s face it, some days you pop open your feed, you’ve got a great photo, and the words just… blank.

Yoga & Fitness Captions

Healthy food captions, wellness travel quotes, wellness travel captions – nature, wellness travel captions – general, wellness travel humor, bonus: wellness travel hashtags.

Even the most seasoned influencers, writers and content creators have been there too. Fortunately, healthy traveling creatives, we’ve got you covered.

The next time you have a creative brain freeze, bookmark and reference this post, featuring 55 Wellness Travel Captions to inspire your IG feed!

girl practicing fitness-on-the-go with yoga exercise when traveling

Workouts between coconut happy hours

On permanent savasana

They say money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy you a yoga class and a resort room with a beachfront view

I promise I’m a lot nicer than my resting yoga face

New fitness goal: RUN out of pages in my passport

If you have time for insta, you have time for yoga

Life has its ups and downs — we call them sun salutations

Do yoga first thing in the morning, before your brain figures out you’re exercising

five bowls representing food culture in Ubud, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia

You can’t please everyone. You’re not avocado toast

Almond butter is the glue that holds this mind and body together

Good healthy food = Good healthy mood

Bulletproof coffee makes for a bulletproof day

Some days you drink green smoothies and do yoga. Some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants. It’s called balance.

Never eat ingredients you can’t pronounce. Except for quinoa. There are always exceptions to the rules.

I’m one in a melon

Good food is my aura

“People don’t take trips, trips take people.” — John Steinback

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller” — Ibn Battuta

“When overseas you learn more about your own country, than you do the place you’re visiting.” — Clint Borgen

“Conventional wisdom tells us…we take our baggage with us. I’m not so sure. Travel, at its best, transforms us in ways that aren’t always apparent until we’re back home. Sometimes we do leave our baggage behind, or, even better, it’s misrouted to Cleveland and is never heard from again.” – Eric Weiner

“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” – James Michener

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveller is unaware.” — Martin Buber

“Take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once.” — Karen Gibbs

“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” — Oscar Wilde

“Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.” — Paolo Coelho

“You define a good flight by negatives: you didn’t get hijacked, you didn’t crash, you didn’t throw up, you weren’t late, you weren’t nauseated by the food. So you are grateful.” – Paul Theroux

solo swim nature immersion

You can’t pour from an empty cup. And, I prefer a cup full of kombucha by the beach.

The secret to getting ahead is getting started on my tan lines.

Motivation is what gets you started. A travel habit is what keeps you going.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single wellness retreat.

I follow my heart, and it usually leads me to a yoga mat.

Stop and smell the seaweed.

Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s travel.

View of Casa Ventanas at Cayo Espanto

Don’t call it a dream, call it an adventure.

Go where you feel most alive.

Life is better barefoot.

Waking up blessed, not stressed.

Escape the ordinary.

Watch more sunsets than Netflix.

Free your mind, free your life

I fell in love…his/her name is [insert location]

So much of who you are is where you’ve been

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

Future is so bright we need shades.

Living is a small series of travel adventures.

Yoga pants. Because jeans and travel are stressful and you don’t need that in your life.

Cool as a cucumber at the spa

I’m a travel addict on the road to detox. Just kidding, I’m headed to the airport.

All I need is a 3-month vacation four times a year. That’s really not asking for much

Travel is the only thing you spend money on that makes you WELLTHIER

OOO until further notice

Let’s wander where the wifi is weak

The tan will fade, but the experience memories will last forever

Currently downloading inner peace and restoration

The secret to getting ahead is booking that flight

A few of our favorite tagged things:

#wellnesstraveler #wellnesstravel #wellnessresort #travelwell #welltravelled #wellnessretreat #transformativetravel #experiencemore #travellife #healthytraveler #healthytravels #conscioustravel #conscioustraveler #vacayoutravel #vacayou

Did one one of these captions inspire you for your feed? Tag us on social , for a chance to be featured.

About Vacayou

At Vacayou [pronounced VACAY – YOU], we believe that travel has the power to change lives. The power to revive, rejuvenate and redirect your inner wellness warrior . And that’s why we’re here. Vacayou brings the world of wellness travel to you! No matter how far or how adventurous, our team scours the globe to curate the best in wellness travel. But the booking process can often be time-consuming and complicated. We’ve made it much easier for you to search, discover, and book wellness and active vacations . With Vacayou’s Instant Book, your dream wellness getaway is now just one click away . Start the trip of your lifetime today, with Vacayou . We are here to help create a healthier global community through wellness and active travel. To keep up with the latest wellness trends and experiences, be sure to  subscribe to our newsletter . 

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150+ Best Travel Hashtags for Instagram (to Grow Your Account in 2022)

The right travel hashtags can increase the reach of your posts and attract new followers . get the best strategy and 100+ travel instagram hashtags in this post..

Using travel hashtags can really increase the reach of your posts, and when more people see your post, there are higher chances of you getting followers and growing your account.

Since the Instagram algorithm is quite custom to you and sometimes fickle as we all know , hashtags need to be used properly for maximum impact.

In this post, you’ll learn about what travel Instagram hashtags are, why you need to use specific travel hashtags, how to use them and which hashtags are the best for your size account.

Please note that this is a reader-supported site. Purchases made through genuinely recommended links may earn a commission at no extra cost to you.   Learn more.

What are hashtags on Instagram?

A hashtag is used on several social media platforms. It usually consists of a word or phrase with a # symbol preceding it.

Hashtags are used to identify digital content on a specific topic, and ultimately, helps users find relevant content related to that hashtag containing the word or phrase.

Specifically on Instagram, hashtags help sort out photos specific to the word or phrase.

You can find images and videos by looking up a hashtag and see all the photos and images that other people posted with the same hashtag.

Why use travel Instagram hashtags?

By using travel Instagram hashtags, more people will see the photos that these girls posted on Instagram.

Using travel hashtags on Instagram as a travel influencer or a blogger is a must if you want your photos and videos if you want more than just your followers to see your content.

Without using hashtags, a small percentage of your current followers will see your post.

When you use hashtags, then both followers and non-followers can see your post.

Hashtags can improve the reach of your photo by 30-40%!

The more reach you get from hashtags, then Instagram will reward you by showing your post to more existing followers and vice verse.

If you can also use hashtags in a very specific way. For example, if you use #sarchetrit_nyc for all your NYC posts, then your followers can see all your posts from NYC in one location.

Where do you put hashtags for travel?

This screenshots shows where travel hashtags can be used in an Instagram caption.

Screenshot from my IG @sarchetrit

There are three spots to put hashtags although people like to argue about which is the best spot.

At the Bottom of the Caption

The best spot according to Instagram is to put hashtags right in the caption at the bottom.

1st Comment of a Post

Some people argue that this clutters up their caption. Thus, those people will put it in the 1st comment meaning they post their post, then copy and paste hashtags in the first comment.

However, people say that putting hashtags in the comment limits the reach on posts.

You can test out what works best for you– hashtags in the caption or in the comments– or don’t over think it. Just post them in the caption.

Within Stories

Aside from your in-feed posts, you can use up to 10 hashtags in your Instagram story to widen the reach of your story.

How many travel hashtags for Instagram should you use?

The Instagram Creators account says to specifically use 3-5 hashtags but from personal experience and seeing what other travel bloggers do, 3-5 is too little.

On the other hand, this Adspresso study suggested that 11 is a sweet spot for hashtags.

I personally use about 15-18 because that works for me so you can test out what works for your accounts.

Focusing on the number is not the most important factor for hashtags to increase the exposure of your post though.

What matters is how often a hashtag has been used or how popular it is because if a hashtag has been used too many times such as #travel or #explore, then your posts won’t be seen under that hashtag page. It defeats the purpose to use such a large hashtag especially if you’re a smaller account.

What are the best hashtags to grow my account?

travel Instagram hashtags

The best hashtags to grow your account are going to be ones that are very specific to your photo and also account size.

Again, if you have less than 5k followers and use a hashtag like #travel, which has been used 610 million times, your post will quickly disappear among other posts.

As a result, if you are a small to medium sized account, make sure to use that aren’t used as much so your posts will actually be seen in the hashtag page.

Pro Tip: If you use travel hashtags for Instagram reels, make sure they are specific as possible! I’ve noticed that you don’t need as many hashtags for Instagram reels as you need for in-feed posts too so test it out to see what works for your account.

What are some good travel hashtags to use?

As we mentioned above, the best travel hashtags are the ones that are really specific to your travel niche and your account.

A good hashtag strategy for Instagram is to 7-10 Low Competition hashtags, 4-6 Medium Competition ones and 1-2 High Competition hashtags.

29 Adventure Travel Hashtags

These adventure travel hashtags are great if you’re into adventure travel. Try using a mix of these as well as location specific hashtags.

To get location specific hashtags, you can use the app Flick , which is where I got all of these.

Low Competition








Medium Competition










High Competition














27 Beach Vacation Hashtags

These beach hashtags for Instagra are great if you’re on a beach trip. Try using a mix of these as well as location specific hashtags.

Low Competition for Beach Hashtags





















24 City Travel Hashtags

It’s best to use some city specific hashtags when traveling in a city (i.e. #nyctraveltips #nyctravel #nycgo). But you can add these to those specific city hashtags too.

To get city specific hashtags, you can use the app Flick , which is where I got all of these.


















20 Europe Travel Hashtags

These Europe travel Instagram hashtags are great if you’re traveling in Europe. Try using a mix of these as well as location specific hashtags.


















14 Female/Instagram Travel Hashtags

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sarah Chetrit ✈️ 🍜 🥟 👩‍🏫 💻 (@sarchetrit)

If you’re into taking pretty feminine pictures with twirling skirts, there are great hashtags for this!

Besides using these female travel Instagram hashtags, you may want to tag these female travel repost accounts. There’s a full list of them here.















29 Nature Travel Hashtags

If you’re a nature lover, try these nature travel Instagram hashtags. Try using a mix of these as well as location specific hashtags.























25 Travel Inspiration / General Travel Instagram Hashtags

For general travel inspiration hashtags, try these out.
















How do I find more travel Instagram hashtags specific to my travel niche?

If you need even more specific travel Instagram hashtags, I personally use the app, Flick , which is how I found the above travel hashtags.

What I love about Flick (vs. free hashtag finders) is that it tells you the exact number of times that these hashtags have been used, which is really important for your specific follower count.

Related Instagram Posts:

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travel fitness hashtags

Want to learn more? You can find more helpful blog posts here , get consistent page views to your blog with my SEO course , or follow me on social media to get daily tips:

  • TikTok for blogging + social tips @sarah.chetrit
  • Facebook Group to ask me anything Blog and Make Money
  • Instagram for travel, blogging and Korean food @sarchetrit

Until next time, Sarah Chetrit

Grow your blog the smart way with my SEO course here.

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100+ best travel hashtags for instagram.

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  • Keyboard Navigation Profile (Motor-Impaired): this profile enables motor-impaired persons to operate the website using the keyboard Tab, Shift+Tab, and the Enter keys. Users can also use shortcuts such as “M” (menus), “H” (headings), “F” (forms), “B” (buttons), and “G” (graphics) to jump to specific elements.

Additional UI, design, and readability adjustments

  • Font adjustments – users, can increase and decrease its size, change its family (type), adjust the spacing, alignment, line height, and more.
  • Color adjustments – users can select various color contrast profiles such as light, dark, inverted, and monochrome. Additionally, users can swap color schemes of titles, texts, and backgrounds, with over 7 different coloring options.
  • Animations – epileptic users can stop all running animations with the click of a button. Animations controlled by the interface include videos, GIFs, and CSS flashing transitions.
  • Content highlighting – users can choose to emphasize important elements such as links and titles. They can also choose to highlight focused or hovered elements only.
  • Audio muting – users with hearing devices may experience headaches or other issues due to automatic audio playing. This option lets users mute the entire website instantly.
  • Cognitive disorders – we utilize a search engine that is linked to Wikipedia and Wiktionary, allowing people with cognitive disorders to decipher meanings of phrases, initials, slang, and others.
  • Additional functions – we provide users the option to change cursor color and size, use a printing mode, enable a virtual keyboard, and many other functions.

Browser and assistive technology compatibility

We aim to support the widest array of browsers and assistive technologies as possible, so our users can choose the best fitting tools for them, with as few limitations as possible. Therefore, we have worked very hard to be able to support all major systems that comprise over 95% of the user market share including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge, JAWS and NVDA (screen readers), both for Windows and for MAC users.

Notes, comments, and feedback

Despite our very best efforts to allow anybody to adjust the website to their needs, there may still be pages or sections that are not fully accessible, are in the process of becoming accessible, or are lacking an adequate technological solution to make them accessible. Still, we are continually improving our accessibility, adding, updating and improving its options and features, and developing and adopting new technologies. All this is meant to reach the optimal level of accessibility, following technological advancements. For any assistance, please reach out to

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travel fitness hashtags

130+ Must-Use Travel Hashtags for Instagram, Twitter, & More

Neil May 31, 2023 Hashtags Leave a Comment

Travelers, wayfarers, and tourists can use travel hashtags . They are actually the secret sauce to your sizzling foodie post being a tourist.

If you discover new places and their exciting vibes, these tags are for you, pal! 

Unlock your photo potential by clicking a sassy one. But posting it without any connecting source? Nope, it can directly impact the performance of your social media!

Oh, connecting source. You must be thinking about it. I got you, my friend! We are talking about travel hashtags . Yup, these tags connect you with hodophiles globally. 

Use these travel hashtags in your content. And start inspiring millions of travelers or folks who want to enjoy different rustic and divine landscapes via Insta posts being cozy in their homes.

Amp up your content engagement by using these tags. Plus, try to add some of them more specifically indicating which place you are visiting now. It’ll boost your social media activity.

Well, be creative in your social media strategy, and even the sky is not your limit now, explorer!

Why Use Travel Hashtags?

So, traveler influencer, do you want to know how much Gen-Z trust Insta photos and posts before deciding to travel? Buzz!

Approximately 60% of them see your posts and then pick the one that excites them! Yeah, such a bug industry, right? Not only this but around 40% of millennials trust social media pics and get ideas for their travel destinations.

To make the most out of travel hashtags , the following are some tips you should follow:

  • Use well-researched trending tags in your content.
  • Use a mixture of travel hashtags . Simply put, amalgamate broader and specific tags plus add your own flavor to this. Pretty fine!
  • Keep it in the loop to track your engagement. 
  • Prefer to utilize only tags that can relate to your content appropriately.  

Now, let’s dive into our list of well-curated hashtags. Use them and enjoy maximum post engagement.

California Hashtags

Looking to spice up your California travel content? Look no further than these essential California hashtag s, including popular tags for San Diego and beyond.

From beaches to mountains, cityscapes to vineyards, these hashtags will help you showcase the best of what the Golden State has to offer.

So get ready to add some flair to your posts and attract a larger audience with these must-use California hashtags .

Best California Hashtags

Are you ready to explore the best California tags and San Diego hashtags to level up your content? We’ve got you covered with some of the best California hashtags and their variations:

Top 10 California Hashtags

Note: Figures/Stats can be varied as trends fluctuate sometimes! 

Easy Difficulty California Hashtags

Here are some easy-difficulty California hashtags you can use in your posts:

  • #californiadesert
  • #californiabeaches
  • #californiarepublic
  • #californiamom
  • #californiatattoo
  • #sacramento
  • #californiaweddings
  • #californiacaptures

Popular California Hashtags 

A pie chart showing popular California hashtags

Miami Beach Hashtags

Miami Beach is a hot tourism spot welcoming its visitors with beautiful beaches, thrilling nightlife, and culturally diversified vibes. Share your Miami travel diaries in Insta posts and stories by using the right tags. 

Best Miami Beach Hashtags

Want to let the world see the best of Miami Beach with your photo’s eyes? Here are some of the best Miami Beach hashtags that you should add to your social media posts:

  • #miamibeaches
  • #miamibeachpride
  • #miaminights
  • #miamiflorida
  • #miamiparties
  • #miaminightlife

Top 10 Miami Beach Hashtags

Note: Stats are taken from real-time analysis but they can be varied as trends fluctuate sometimes! 

Easy Difficulty Miami Beach Hashtags

Get the most optimized hashtag Miami beach that the majority of folks love:

  • #miamibeachmarina
  • #miamibeachlifestyle 
  • #miamibeachfitness
  • #miamibeachrentals
  • #miamibeachhotels
  • #miamibeachpolice


Popular Miami Beach Hashtags

Miami is famous for Able Label , achievements in Hunter ASMR , Crecera brands , and more. Add the following Miami hashtags to your travel posts for maximum engagement with your audience:

  • #miamibeachphotographer
  • #miamibeachfood
  • #miamibeachbest
  • #miamibeachclub
  • #miamibeachhomes
  • #miamibeachtattoos
  • #miamibeachevents

India Hashtags

Indians follow and use different India hashtags to share their opinions, ideas, and news on various topics. With over 700 million internet users in India, hashtags have become an important tool for social media marketing and activism.

Best India Hashtags

Wait is over and here are cool Indian hashtags you should definitely include in your Instagram and social media posts:

Bonus content : When sharing your captivating travel experiences on social media, consider using these insightful “ ethnicity hashtags ” to celebrate the diverse cultures you encounter and foster a greater appreciation for the world’s rich tapestry.

Top 10 India Hashtags

Add these top trending hashtags in India to your social media content and posts for different platforms and enjoy maximum audience reach: 

Source: Original

Easy Difficulty India Hashtags

Some popular Indian hashtags are given below:

  • #indianphotographers
  • #indianairforce
  • #indianattire
  • #indianstyle
  • #indianstockmarket
  • #indianshutterbugs
  • #indianclothing
  • #indianrailways

Travel Instagram Hashtags

If you’re eager to showcase your travel experiences on Instagram and connect with like-minded explorers, utilizing travel Instagram tags can help broaden your reach and expose your content to a larger audience.

Best Travel Hashtags

Using travel-specific hashtags like #wanderlust, #travelgram, and #exploretheworld can help you connect with other travelers and potentially even get featured on popular travel accounts.

Additionally, you can use location-specific hashtags like #paris, #tokyo, or #newyorkcity to attract users searching for content from those destinations.

Don’t miss out on the following travel Instagram tags too for maximum post visibility:

  • #traveldiaries
  • #travelstoke
  • #travellife
  • #travelpics
  • #travelphoto
  • #travelphotograph
  • #travelgram
  • #travellover
  • #travelwithme

Top 10 Travel Hashtags

Easy difficulty travel hashtags.

Following is an illustration of Instagram tags for travel that you can add to your posts:

A pie chart showing easy difficulty travel hashtags

Best Hashtags for Travelling

Don’t let your travel photos go unseen – give them the hashtag love they deserve!

Best Travelling Hashtags

Your passport might get you into new countries, but the right hashtags will get you into the hearts of fellow travelers.

Here are your best hashtags for traveling along with variations to create ease for you with different choices :

Top 10  Travelling Hashtags

Note: Stats are taken from real-time analysis but they can be varied as trends fluctuate sometimes!

Easy Difficulty Travelling Hashtags

Get the best hashtags for traveling here and boost the visibility of your posts. The following travel hashtags are a cool way to connect with your followers while traveling or touring a city. Don’t forget to add city hashtags when visiting a specific city/place!

  • #travelling_europe
  • #travellingfamilies
  • #travellingpinoy
  • #travelingpost
  • #travelingstylist
  • #traveladdict 
  • #travelblog
  • #naturelovers

Vacation Hashtags

Ready to share your vacation experiences to connect with peeps globally? Follow these captions for summer pics and vacation hashtags and use them in social media and IG posts.

Best Vacation Hashtags

Here are some of the best hashtag for vacation including some top-notch tags that bring more flavor to your social media posts :

  • #vacationgoals
  • #vacationhome
  • #vacationspot
  • #vacationmoodon
  • #vacationnails
  • #vacationoutfits
  • #vacationbali
  • #vacationpics
  • #vacationmood
  • #vacationready
  • #vacationtrip
  • #vacationfood
  • #vacationsoon
  • #vacationideas
  • #vacationing
  • #vacationdiaries
  • #vacationgram
  • #vacationwithkids
  • #vacationdestination
  • #traveltheworld

Top 10 Vacation Hashtags

Check out the following vacation hashtags but consider these cruise hashtags too that are very cool and level up your social media posts’ engagement. #cruise, #cruiselife, #cruises, and #ship.

Easy Difficulty Vacation Hashtags

travel fitness hashtags

New York Hashtags

Be ready to level up your Insta and social media accounts by incorporating exciting NYC hashtags in your posts!

Check out these popular hashtags for New York and start tagging your posts to reach a wider audience globally :

Best New York Hashtags

Top 10 new york hashtags.

Grab these cool NYC hashtags and add them to your social media content and posts to attract a larger audience:

Note: Stats can be varied as trends fluctuate sometimes! 

Easy Difficulty New York Hashtags

Incorporate these New York hashtags in your posts and get maximum likes, appreciation, comments, and all.

  • #newyork_originals
  • #newyorkgiants
  • #museumofmodernart
  • #newyorkbraider
  • #newyorkcartoons
  • #oneworldtradecenter
  • #newyorkcityfeelings
  • #newyorkcityscape
  • #chryslerbuilding
  • #rockefellercenter
  • #newyorkrealestate
  • #newyorkcheesecake
  • #newyorkstate
  • #newyorktrip
  • #thebronxzoo
  • #newyorkskyline
  • #newyorkstreets
  • #coneyisland
  • #newyorkhiphop

USA Hashtags

Hashtags related to the USA can help connect people with common interests or topics related to American culture, travel, politics, and more.

Some popular keywords for US hashtags include #us, #usa, #america, #travel, #culture, #politics, #adventure, and more.

Check out the following interesting USA hashtags and boost your IG post reach:

Best USA Hashtags

Top 10 usa hashtags, easy difficulty usa hashtags.

Easy difficulty USA hashtags

Beach Hashtags

Here are some of the best beach hashtags (and rel evant IG beach captions ) to use with your beach day pictures to make your posts stand out.

Best Beach Hashtags

Add beach hashtags for Instagram in your beach and leisure posts smartly to increase audience engagement. Have a look at the following beach hashtags and include the ones that you love the most in your posts:

  • #beachtennis
  • #beachlovers
  • #beachhouse
  • #beachstyle
  • #beachphotography
  • #beachplease
  • #beachdecor
  • #beachfinds
  • #beachsunset

Top 10 Beach Hashtags

Easy difficulty beach hashtags.

Did you know you could generate your own travel hashtags for free? Try out our free hashtags generator and visit our blog for more free marketing tips.

=> Also Popular: 

  • Best Art Hashtags
  • Best Hashtag Apps for Instagram
  • Fitness Hashtags   
  • Best Beauty Hashtags
  • Best Gifting Related Hashtags

travel fitness hashtags

I am a full-time online marketer, for over a decade now. Helped over 100,000+ people & generated well over $12M in online sales.

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travel fitness hashtags

Top Travel Hashtags To Grow Your Instagram Account

Instagram and travel go hand in hand these days, with influencers and travel bloggers sharing their exotic lifestyle and holiday tips on the platform.

But with so much travel photography on Instagram, it’s getting harder than ever to stand out. Using the right hashtags will help your travel posts stand out and get more likes.

travel fitness hashtags

Discover better hashtags to reach the more people, grow your follower count and get more engagement on your posts.

This list of travel hashtags will help you choose the correct hashtags for different kinds of travel posts! Simply copy & paste the hashtags most relevant to your content…

⭐️ More hashtag strategy tips:  All-In-One Guide To Instagram Hashtags  ⭐️

1. Most Popular Travel Hashtags 2. Luxury Travel Hashtags 3. Adventure Hashtags 4. Beach Hashtags 5. City Hashtags 6. Solo Female Traveller Hashtags 7. Family Travel Hashtags 8. Honeymoon Hashtags 9. Travel Video Hashtags 10. Schedule Hashtags in Advance

1. Most Popular Travel Hashtags

These are some of the biggest and most used travel hashtags on Instagram! While they’re a sure-fire way of reaching new people in your audience, we recommend using a handful of these high volume hashtags mixed with smaller, specific travel hashtags.

#Travelgram #Travelholic #Travelbook #Traveller #Travel_Captures #Instatravel #SeeTheWorld #TravelTheWorld #TravelAddict #Travellingram #TravellingThroughTheWorld #TravelIsLife #TravelWithMe #TravelCouple #WorldTraveler #MyTravelStory #WanderingSoul #TravelMoments #JustTravel #Globetrotter #NextDestination #LetsTravel #HappyTraveller #TravelTips #TheBestDestinations #TravelInspiration #TravelJunkie #WorldExplorer

top travel hashtags

2. Luxury Travel Hashtags

For the high-end traveller showing us the most beautiful hotels and spots across the globe! Luxury travel dominates a large space on Instagram due to celebrities and travel influencers sharing their most lavish trips. If you’re sharing luxury travel content use these hashtags to get more likes:

#LuxuryTravel #LuxuryHotelsWorld #LuxuryTraveller #BespokeTravel #LuxuryVillas #LuxuryTrip #TravelLuxury #DreamHoliday #LuxuryEscapes #BestResorts #VacayGoals #DreamDestination #LuxuryHoliday #LuxuryWorldTraveller #LuxuryLifestyle #LuxuryTravelDaily #LuxuryLocation #NeverGoingHome #LuxuryVacation 

top travel hashtags

Visually plan your social content. Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn + Pinterest

3. Adventure Hashtags

If hiking in the great outdoors is more your cup of tea, there are thousands of Instagram users who are with you! When posting outdoorsy content, use these adventure hashtags to reach the right people:

#LifeIsAnAdventure #AdventureTime #Adventurer #ExploreTheWorld #GoExplore #SeekAdventure #GoPlaces #NotLost #HikingAdventures #AdventureOn #StayAndWander #GoneOutdoors #Adventure_Culture #ChooseAdventure #GetOutStayOut #AdventureAddict #AdventureInspire #AdventureTillWeDie #AdventureThatIsLife #RoamThePlanet #AdventureSeeker #NeverStopExploring #EarthOutdoors #FindYourAdventure

top travel hashtags

4. Beach Hashtags

Sand, sea, sun and salt…can only mean one thing! Our Instagram feeds are full of white sand beaches and crystal blue oceans, and these are the top beach hashtags for your travel Instagram:

#Beaching #BeachLife #SandAndSun #SaltyAir #PalmTrees #SeaWaves #LifesABeach #Beachscape #SunsetBeach #BeachBabe #Beachy #BeachVibes #OceanVibes #SaltEscape #BeachHairDontCare #BeachBum #Aquaholic #SeasTheDay #BeachDaze #BeachDay #SandInMyToes #SaltySoul #BeachTherapy #RestingBeachFace #BeachLiving #BeachLifestyle #LifeByTheBeach

top travel hashtags

5. City Hashtags

From the coast to the capital, share your city travel photos on Instagram with these city hashtags. Remember to always include the place names of the cities (and anything else) you’re visiting! This way fellow travellers will be able to find your posts and learn from your tips.

#CityBreak #CitySightseeing #LoveThisCity #CityTrips #CobbledStreets #CitySights #CityTravel #Siteseeing #ExploringTheCity #CityView #CitiesOfEurope #BeautifulCity #CityLove #CityShot #CityWalking #CityScene #Cityscape #CityCaptures #CityExplore #CitySunset #CityLights #CityAtNight #CityLife #AmazingCity 

top travel hashtags

Find the best time to post, track your follower growth, and understand what content works best with post and account analytics.

6. Solo Female Traveller Hashtags

Instagram offers a great community for women travelling alone! Many travel influencers and bloggers are solo female travellers, and have set up trending hashtags to connect other women travelling and exploring by themselves…

#TravellingSolo #SoloTravel #TravellingAlone  #Wanderer #SoloFemaleTraveller #SoloFemaleTravel #TravelGirlsGo #SheIsNotLost #SheWhoWanders #JourneyOfGirls #TravelGirlsHub #DameTravel #WeTravelGirls #TravelGirlsGo #WomanTraveler #WomanTravel #GirlsWhoTravelSolo #GirlsTravelDiary #WomenWhoTravel #WomenWhoExplore #Travelette #SheExplores 

top travel hashtags

7. Family Travel Hashtags

If you’re travelling with young ones, you’re not alone! Many families take to the world with their children and document their adventures on Instagram. Use these family travel hashtags to get your posts in front of the right audience:

#FamilyTravels #TravelFamily #FamilyVacay #TravelFam #FamiliesWhoTravel #ParentsWhoWander #FamilyTravelTribe #TravelMadFam #GoWithNugget #TravelBrood #LoveYourTimeTogether #TravellingWithKids #LPKids #ExploringFamilies #FearlessFamTrav #TravelMum #TravelDad #FamilyAdventure #LitteTraveler #OurTribeTravels #KidsThatTravel 

top travel hashtags

8. Honeymoon Hashtags

Travel couples are big news on Instagram. When else do couples treat themselves to a trip as big as their honeymoon?! Expect paradise water bungalows and rose petals…join in with these honeymoon hashtags for Instagram:

#Honeymoon #HoneymoonDestination #HoneymoonTime #HoneymoonTrip #Honeymooning #HoneymoonTravel #Honeymooners #DreamHoneymoon #RomanticPlace #HoneymoonVibes #RomanticGetaway #HoneymoonBungalow #JustMarried #InParadise #HoneymoonInspo #HoneymoonInParadise #OverWaterBungalow #MrAndMrs #HoneymoonIsland #TravelBuddyForLife 

top travel hashtags

9. Travel Video Hashtags

Drones, GoPros and  advanced mobile editing software make travel videos a huge content area on Instagram. More and more influencers are sharing posts and IGTV videos of their travels, despite the max time limit making it a challenge to cram an entire trip into a 1 minute video. Here’s a selection of travel video hashtags you can use on Instagram:

#TravelVideo #TravelVideography #TravelVideos #TravelVlog #TravelVideoDiary #TravelVlogger #VlogTravel #Drone_Countries #DroneWorld #DroneNature #DroneVideography #StreetVideography #TravelDocumentary #TravelMoments #TravelCapture #TravelFootage

top travel hashtags

Visually plan your posts. Drag & drop everywhere in seconds ✨

Hashtag Tips

When hashtagging, it’s important not to overload or spam your posts with hashtags that don’t work and could result in you getting shadow-banned.

The trick is to use a few generic and a few niche specific hashtags to give you the best reach – just make sure they are always relevant to the photo, video or story you’ve posted.

Check out our  All-In-One Guide To Instagram Hashtags  here for more tips!

For more top Instagram hashtags by niche, take a look at our other guides:

Top Photography Hashtags 📸 Top Food Hashtags 🍕 Top Fitness & Health Hashtags 🏋️‍♀️ Top Fashion Hashtags 👗

social media hashtag calendar

Schedule Hashtags In Advance

By   scheduling your posts  in advance together with your chosen hashtags, you will save time growing your Instagram account! 🤩

With  Hopper HQ  you can:

  • Search for the most popular hashtags
  • Add hashtags to your caption
  • Add hashtags to your first comment
  • Schedule your post and first comment in advance
  • Set and forget – Hopper HQ posts automatically for you!

Here is Hopper HQ’s hashtag search and selector in action:

Visually plan all your social channels. Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook + LinkedIn.

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Visually plan your social content. Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn + Pinterest.

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Discover trending hashtags, browse hashtag categories, and save your hashtag groups to reach the right people, grow your follower count & get more engagement on your posts!

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Top Fitness Hashtags To Grow Your Instagram & TikTok Accounts

Published by caroline @ wellness creative co on 18 march 2024 18 march 2024.

Using the top fitness hashtags on Instagram and TikTok can help you grow your accounts. The right hashtags will ensure your posts, videos, reels, and stories reach a bigger audience and get seen by your target customers. But some #fitness hashtags are actually banned by social media platforms, so it’s crucial to choose yours carefully so that you don’t accidentally get penalised.

In this article – we’ve collated the best fitness hashtags for Instagram and TikTok that you can simply copy and paste into your social media posts (plus 12 to avoid at all costs). 
  • Top hashtags
  • Gym hashtags
  • Workout tags
  • Fitness motivation
  • Weight loss
  • Home workouts
  • Best hashtags for followers
  • Banned tags to avoid
  • Downloadable social media posts

We’re a specialist fitness marketing agency with 15+ years of industry experience, so we know first-hand what works (and what doesn’t!). We’ve helped gyms, personal trainers, and fitness coaches to successfully promote their businesses on social media, so our marketing strategies are tried and tested.

Top Fitness Hashtags

The top fitness hashtags are the most popular ones on social media platforms. These get the most likes, follows, and uses, but this also makes them the most competitive.

We searched for the most popular fitness hashtags using Instagram and TikTok’s built-in search functions. By doing this we found that the top fitness hashtags are currently…

#fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #workout #gym #fitfam #getfit #igfit #stayfit #training #bodybuilding #fitlife #fitmom #health #healthylifestyle #fitnessaddict #getfit #gymlife #gymmotivation #sport #healthy #muscle #personaltrainer #crossfit #fitnessmodel #exercise #weightloss #fitnessjourney Copy and paste these hashtags (or save them for later) to use in your social media posts.

These hashtags are the most-used ones in relation to fitness and working out. For example, #fitness has been used in 538 million Instagram posts, reels, and stories. #fit has been used 196 million times and #fitnessmotivation 149 million times. It’s safe to say they’re popular!

List of Top Fitness Hashtags

But one thing we’ve learned from 15+ years of fitness marketing is that using the top hashtags doesn’t get the best results. In fact, using the most popular tags is a common mistake that many gyms, fitness influencers , and everyday Instagrammers make.

The most popular ones have the highest usage and search volumes, which means they also have the biggest potential reach. But because so many people are using them, it’s almost impossible to stand out . They’re the most competitive and sadly this means you’ll probably get no visibility at all…

They most popular tags are also the most generic . Which means they’re unlikely to appeal to your target audience, which is an essential Instagram marketing strategy .

You want to attract the people who are a perfect fit for your fitness offering, whether that’s personal training for triathletes or weightloss programmes for parents… You’re not after every generic fitness fan in the Insta-verse!

So although it may be tempting to use the most popular hashtags in your posts, we suggest using ones that are tailored to your segment . Which is why we’ve researched the best fitness hashtags for Instagram and TikTok that will actually help your accounts grow …

Gym Hashtags

The best gym hashtags for Instagram or TikTok will relate to your location and fitness specialty .

Using local hashtags can help to attract members or personal training clients in your area (rather than people from all over the world). This is essential for gyms and PTs who train clients in person. Here are some tried and tested gym #tags to get you started…

#babygymrat #certifiedgymrat #gymlife #gymmotivation #gymmemes #gymaholic #gymtime #gymworkout #gymgoals #gymhumor

List of top fitness hashtags

You might also like… Perfect Gym Quotes & Captions for Instagram or 10 Gym Social Media Ideas For Attracting Clients & Retaining Members .

Workout Hashtags

Here are our top picks for the best workout hashtags for Instagram and Tiktok that you can copy and paste…

#barefootrunning #beastmode #burpeeskilledme #chestday #kettlebell #legsdayeveryday #powerlifting #streetworkout #strengthdefinesyou #sweatinglikeapig #workoutwednesday #yogaposeoftheday

Using a TikTok or Instagram training hashtag like one of these will help your account grow more quickly . Your posts will be seen by the right people who are interested in content like yours, so will be more likely to follow and engage with you .

Fitness Social Media Posts Editable Templates

You might also like… workout quotes & captions for Instagram , creating a killer bio , story highlights cover designs , getting your first 1000 followers , top health hashtags , useful nutrition tags , and the best yoga hashtags to use on social media.

Fitness Motivation Hashtags

Here’s a selection of motivational hashtags that’ll inspire your fitness followers to take action…

#fitnessgoals #fitnessmotivation #fitquote #fitspo #gethealthy #getstrong #goals #gohardorgohome #healthylife #liftheavy #motivationmonday #noexcuses #trainhard #transformationtuesday #youcandoit

Fitness Quotes Tile

Weight Loss Hashtags

The top weight loss hashtags for Instagram combine a mix of nutrition, exercise, inspiration, and body positivity …

#cleaneating #fitmeals #getfitnlean #shredded #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlosstips #weightmanagement #weightlosscoach #weightlossprogress

Example Fitness Social Media Posts

You might also like… Empowering Weight Loss Transformation Journey Quotes or Funny Weight Loss Quotes & Caption Ideas .

CrossFit Hashtags

The best CrossFit hashtags for Instagram are ones that target your community and inspire them to work out with you…

#crossfitlove #crossfitters #crossfitlifestyle #crossfitbox #crossfitaddict #crossfitmasters #crossfitcommunity #crossfitmotivation

Social Media For Fitness Professionals Tile

Home Workout Hashtags

Exercising at home has become increasingly popular, especially as our lives get busier. Popular home workout hashtags include…

#homeworkout #homegym #homeworkoutideas #homeworkoutsrock #homeworkoutswork #homeexercises #exerciseathome #exerciseeveryday #workoutathome #workoutfromhome

Best Fitness Hashtags For Followers

You can also use fitness hashtags to get more followers by combining popular hashtags with targeted ones for your specific niche .

Popular tags will expand your reach, resulting in more likes and followers . Niche tags will have a smaller reach but be much more effective in appealing to your ideal clients .

Using a fitness hashtag generator like Later’s tag tool , RiteTag  or Keyhole  allows you to explore an entire web of related hashtags. Segment-specific hashtags are still highly popular with loads of followers, with the added bonuses of being more targeted and specific.

This will help you attract those perfect clients instead of generic fitness fans with no interest in buying anything from you. You can also include a couple of straight-up ‘follow hashtags’ to give your account a quick boost.

#fitnessfollowers #fitnessfollowback #fitnessfollow #fitnesslike #fitblr #fitnessfriday #fitnesslove #fitspo #instafit #instafitness

Fitness Social Media Bundle Examples

Banned Fitness & Gym Hashtags To Avoid

Some hashtags are banned by Instagram so it’s really important that you don’t use them. If you do, your post, reel, or story simply won’t get shown to any followers.

Banned fitness and workout hashtags to avoid include: #tag4like, #tagsforlikes, #swole, #pushups, #mustfollow, #models, #loseweight, #instasport, #hardworkpaysoff, #bikinibody, #assday, and #armparty.

Banned Fitness Hashtags To Avoid

You might also like… Fitness Content Ideas & Post Inspiration To Build Your Social Following .

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These ready-made social posts will save you time and effort – you can even schedule them to be automatically posted to your social media accounts. Plus, we offer a comprehensive money-back guarantee so you can purchase it risk-free…

Hashtag FAQs

Here are some of the most common questions we get about social media hashtags. If you have a query that isn’t answered below then get in touch via our contact form or Instagram .

How many hashtags are best?

Using a super-targeted list of hashtags will help you attract the right audiences on Instagram. The platform allows up to 30 tags per post (hence the length of our list) but they recently suggested that 3-5 is the sweet spot . This might be because their algorythm has improved in recent years, so they’re no longer reliant on hashtags for categorising content – this video explains more…

Interestingly 3-5 hashtags is also the recommendation for TikTok . But it varies across other social media sites – on X/Twitter it’s just 2 and with Facebook it’s 0 (yes zero!).

How Long Are The Best Hashtags?

Research shows that the best hashtags on Twitter are a single word or less than 6 characters in length. Because of the 280 character limit on X/Twitter (previously 140), you don’t want to waste too much space on long hashtags.

But you don’t need to be as strict when it comes to Instagram. Shorter hashtags will be quicker and easier to type, so more likely to be searched for.

However as you can see from our list, there are lots of top hashtags that don’t fit these criteria. So don’t be put off using one that’ll resonate with your clients just because it’s a bit longer than the guidance. The most important factor is whether a hashtag is a good fit for your target audience .

Best Fitness Hashtags for Instagram Guide

Caroline @ Wellness Creative Co

Qualified personal trainer (BSc Sports Science) & nutritionist (MSc Human Nutrition) with 15+ years of fitness & wellness marketing experience working with global brands.

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100+ Popular Travel Hashtags for Instagram (2021)

Most popular travel Instagram hashtags

If you also post travel content on Instagram, you should start using travel related hashtags in your posts and reels right away. There is no doubt in that fact that hashtags provides a lot of benefits. They will help you reach your target audience and increase post engagement. You will get more likes , comments and shares on your posts. Not just that, but hashtags can also grow your Instagram followers if used in the right way.

You need to be very picky while selecting hashtags for your travel posts and reels. There are few important things you need to consider like hashtags should be popular and relevant to your content. Other than that, you also need to consider the type of audience you want to target. In this post, we have compiled some of the best performing Instagram hashtags for all kinds of travel content such as mountains, beach, solo travelling, family trip, desert, trekking, hiking, camping, etc.

Table of Contents

Top 10 most popular travel hashtags on Instagram

Here we have listed top 10 best travel hashtags on Instagram along with the number of the posts they have currently. The #travel hashtag alone has 584M+ posts from which you can estimate how much popular this niche is.

  • #travel – 584M+ posts
  • #travelphotography – 161M+ posts
  • #travelgram – 147M+ posts
  • #instatravel – 114M+ posts
  • #traveling – 83M+ posts
  • #travelling – 74M+ posts
  • #travelblogger – 69M+ posts
  • #traveller – 41M+ posts
  • #traveltheworld – 36M+ posts
  • #travelingram – 28M+ posts

General travel hashtags for Instagram

Here are some general travel Instagram hashtags that you can use on any kind of travel posts or reels. These hashtags specifically target travel lovers. They will grow your post reach and help you get more likes, comments , and even followers.

Trending travel hashtags for Instagram

Mountains hashtags for Instagram

Mountains are the first go to vacation place for every travel lover. If you live in India, you might also have a dream to go on a road trip to Ladakh. Mountains are really beautiful and refreshing landscape to look at. They remind us of how insignificant we humans are in this gigantic world. The view from the top of the mountains when you are high above the clouds is magnificent. Here are some best Instagram hashtags that you can use for mountains –

Mountains travel hashtags for Instagram

Beach hashtags for Instagram

Beach is another popular place people love to visit for vacation. The cold breeze and soothing sound of the waves is what makes it more beautiful. The sunrise and sunset view at beaches has no comparison. There are different kind of activities you can do there such as boating, surfing, playing volleyball, etc. Below we have shared some popular Instagram hashtags that you can use on your beach photos and videos –

Beach travel Instagram hashtags

Desert travel hashtags for Instagram

When you are in the middle of nowhere surrounded by sand from all sides, that’s one of the most mesmerising experience one can have in their life. How can we forget about desert safari and camel ride? Do you also love to travel in desert areas? Have a look at these popular Instagram hashtags for you next desert related posts and reels –

Desert travel hashtags for Instagram

City hashtags for Instagram

If you are a photographer and you love to click pictures of street life, then here are some hashtags that you can use to target the right audience for your Instagram posts. On the other hand, if you went on a short trip or just for a night out with your friends or family, then also you can use these hashtags.

City travel hashtags for Instagram

Solo travelling hashtags for Instagram

Are you a solo traveller who loves to travel alone? There is nothing better than backpacking and going on a random trip all by yourself. Some avid travellers prefer going a solo trip and exploring the less explored places. Solo travelling has a separate community on Instagram which you can target on your posts by using these hashtags –

Solo travel hashtags for Instagram

Family travel hashtags for Instagram

Family trips are most amazing as you get to spend some time with your loved ones. The lovely pictures with your whole family are what makes your trip more memorable. These memories stay with you for the rest of your life. Instagram is all about sharing your memories. You can post your family trip pictures with these hashtags –

Family travel hashtags for Instagram

Travel video hashtags for Instagram reels

If you mainly focus of posting travel reels on Instagram, you need to add some general hashtags along with other hashtags related to your content specifically. Below we have shared some of the most popular travel hashtags for Instagram reels that will surely provide more views, likes, comments, and shares on your reels videos .

Travel reels hashtags for Instagram

Trekking and hiking hashtags for Instagram

Do you love trekking and hiking mountains? You might have heard a popular quote which says the best views comes after the hardest climb. Trekking is a hell lot of fun in itself where you go into the wild nature and explore it to the core. Only few passionate travellers go on this type of adventure. Here are some popular hashtags that you can use for trekking and hiking related content on Instagram –

Trekking hashtags for Instagram

Camping hashtags for Instagram

Camping is the best outdoor adventure you can do while on a trip to mountains or beach. What else is better than having a night stay in the wild under the dark sky and chilling with your friends with a bonfire. Use these travel hashtags related to camping and bonfire to get your Instagram posts in front of the audience looking exactly for this type of content.

Camping travel hashtags for Instagram

General FAQs about Instagram travel hashtags

Here are some frequently asked questions about Instagram hashtags like how you need to use them in your travel posts and reels to get the maximum benefits. Apart from that, we have also answered some general questions like how these hashtags improve your post reach and help you get more likes and followers.

How many hashtags you should use?

You can as many hashtags as you want but we will recommend you to use at least 10 and not more than 20 hashtags in a single post. It is important to choose your hashtags wisely. They should be popular and relevant to the content what you are posting. If you will add too much hashtags, Instagram may consider your post as spam and this will negatively affect your post reach. So keep this thing in your mind and use relevant hashtags only.

Can you combine these hashtags?

We have shared different category hashtags related to travel. It’s not necessary that you have to use the same set of hashtags. You can mix them up and create your own set based on what you are posting. Make sure to add general hashtags which are popular in travel niche and then add specific content-related hashtags.

Will these hashtags help you get likes on your posts?

Yes , using the right type of hashtags will grow your post reach and you will get more likes on your posts. When you tag your post with a hashtag, people will be able to see your photo or video on that hashtag page. Instagram will automatically add your post in all hashtags that you have used in it. The algorithm will decide how your post will rank and how much reach it will get through those hashtags.

Will these hashtags increase your followers?

Yes, you are likely to get followers on your Instagram profile if you use these travel hashtags on your posts. If someone finds your content interesting, they will surely follow you for more. This is in fact one the most legit ways to increase followers on Instagram and your account won’t even get penalised. Always focus on providing good quality content and it will automatically attract people to your profile.

Can you use these hashtags on Instagram reels?

Yes , these hashtags are not limited to Instagram posts only but you can also use them on your travel reels . In the recent times, reels have gained so much popularity on Instagram. Travel is one of the most popular niche people love to watch on reels. If you will use hashtags, you will definitely get more likes, comments, shares and saves on your reels.

Make sure to check out these guides for other top niche Instagram hashtags –

  • 100+ Most popular fitness hashtags for Instagram

Vivek Chaudhary

Vivek Chaudhary Author

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travel fitness hashtags

200+ Travel Hashtags for Instagram in 2024

You are currently viewing 200+ Travel Hashtags for Instagram in 2024

  • Post author: Ida
  • Post published: February 20, 2024
  • Post category: Uncategorized

Page Contents

Travel hashtags boost the visibility of your travel-related posts and help you reach a wider and more engaged audience on Instagram. They also connect you with a global community of fellow travelers and enthusiasts, inspiring dreamers, and inquisitive explorers. Travel hashtags enhance your visual storytelling and create a sense of belonging to the broader world of travel aficionados.

On the other hand, choosing the right hashtags is what you need to consider the most. That’s why we’re here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on using the perfect hashtags for your Instagram reels and posts. We’ll also share some top-notch travel hashtag examples to simplify things.

Tips for Using Travel Hashtags

You may think that using as many hashtags as possible is a good idea. But it’s not always true. Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags for posts and 10 hashtags for stories. Does it mean you should use all 30 hashtags? Not at all.

According to our experiments on Instagram, using between 3 to 5 relevant hashtags gives you the most impression. So, you should stick to the most relevant hashtags only.

Moreover, you should know that travel hashtags are so popular on Instagram and thousands of posts are published with them every day. This means that the more popular a hashtag is, the more competitive it becomes. Therefore, using a less popular search gives you a better chance to rank as the top post on your chosen hashtags.

Here is the summary of tips for using Instagram travel hashtags :

  • Use the most relevant hashtags in your posts.
  • Try to use between 3 to 5 hashtags in the captions. Using too many hashtags can have negative effects.
  • Using less competitive hashtags improves your chances of getting in the top position on the hashtag.
  • To receive the most impressions through hashtags, use the travel hashtags with post counts between 100K and 1M.

50 of The Most Popular Travel Hashtags for Instagram

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Europe (@europe)

To get the most out of these travel hashtags, be sure to use them wisely and in relevant posts to amplify their effect on your Instagram travel content.

2. #TravelMoments

3. #Explore

4. #Adventure

5. #Vacation

6. #TravelPhotography

7. #TravelGram

8. #Traveling

9. #TravelAddict

10. #TravelCouples

11. #TravelGoals

12. #InstaTravel

13. #TravelDiaries

14. #TravelBlogger

15. #TravelAwesome

16. #BucketList

17. #PassportReady

18. #AdventureTime

19. #RoamThePlanet

20. #BeautifulDestinations

21. #ExpatLife

22. #Wanderlusters

23. #TravelMore

24. #Jetsetter

25. #TripOfALifetime

26. #TravelHolic

27. #TravelInspiration

28. #Globetrotter

29. #ExploreTheWorld

30. #TravelersNotebook

31. #DiscoverGlobe

32. #TravelBug

33. #TravelLove

34. #TravelLife

35. #TravelTribe

36. #Backpacking

37. #DoYouTravel

38. #Seaside

39. #HitTheRoad

40. #HikingAdventures

41. #CruiseLife

42. #NatureLovers

43. #TropicalParadise

44. #MountainMagic

45. #UrbanExploration

46. #TravelVibes

47. #Adventurous

48. #Travelogue

49. #GlobalCitizen

50. #TravelJunkie

50 luxury Travel Hashtags for Instagram

Use these travel hashtags wisely to make your luxury posts on Instagram even better.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Te Ohonga Interiors ™️ TOI (@teohongainteriors)

1. #LuxuryTravel

2. #TravelInStyle

3. #LuxuryLifestyle

4. #ElegantEscapes

5. #LuxuryVacation

6. #JetsetLife

7. #OpulentAdventures

8. #FiveStarTravel

9. #LuxuryGetaway

10. #BoutiqueHotels

11. #GlamorousTravel

12. #ExclusiveResorts

13. #FirstClassTravel

14. #VIPTravel

15. #LuxuryDestinations

16. #HighEndGetaways

17. #LuxuryJetsetter

18. #LuxuryHotels

19. #LuxuryCruises

20. #LuxuryExperiences

21. #LuxurySpa

22. #LuxuryRetreat

23. #UpscaleVacations

24. #LuxeLife

25. #PrivateVillas

26. #ChampagneTravel

27. #LuxuryAdventures

28. #LuxuryHoneymoon

29. #LuxuryEscape

30. #LavishJourneys

31. #ExquisiteTravel

32. #PlatinumTravel

33. #ElevatedExperiences

34. #SumptuousStays

35. #RoyalTreatment

36. #UltimateLuxury

37. #PamperedTravel

38. #LuxuryResidences

39. #DesignerGetaways

40. #LuxurySafaris

41. #SophisticatedTravel

42. #GrandSuites

43. #LapOfLuxury

44. #BespokeTravel

45. #EliteAdventures

46. #OpulenceAbroad

47. #LuxuryHideaways

48. #FineDiningTravel

49. #TravelRoyalty

50. #PlushParadise

50 Adventure Travel Hashtags for Instagram

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Val | PNW Outdoors & Travel (@voyageswithval)

1. #AdventureTravel

2. #ExploreMore

3. #OutdoorAdventures

4. #IntoTheWild

5. #WanderlustAdventures

6. #BackpackingLife

7. #HikingTrips

8. #ExtremeExperiences

9. #ThrillSeeker

10. #MountainExploration

11. #OffTheGrid

12. #AdrenalineJunkie

13. #EpicJourneys

14. #WildernessQuest

15. #Outdoorsy

16. #ExploreTheUnknown

17. #NatureEscape

18. #CampingAdventures

19. #Trailblazers

20. #AdventurousSoul

21. #TravelWild

22. #RoamFree

23. #TrekkingLife

24. #OverlandTravel

25. #ExploreEverywhere

26. #CliffHangers

27. #RiverRafting

28. #NomadicSpirit

29. #ExploreDreamDiscover

30. #AdventureTime

31. #DiscoverAdventure

32. #ThrillingTales

33. #LifeOnTheEdge

34. #ExploringEarth

35. #AdventureSeeker

36. #GetOutThere

37. #IntoTheMountains

38. #ExploreWithFriends

39. #OutdoorExplorers

40. #JungleAdventures

41. #DareToExplore

42. #HighAltitude

43. #AdventureCulture

44. #AdventureThatisLife

45. #WildAdventure

46. #AdventuresAwait

47. #UnchartedTerritory

48. #AdventureAwaitsYou

49. #RuggedExploration

50. #DiscoverBeyond

50 Beach Travel Hashtags for Instagram

Improve your posts and showcase the beauty of coastal destinations to your Instagram followers by using these beach travel hashtags.

1. #BeachLife

2. #SandyToes

3. #BeachVibes

4. #SunSeaSand

5. #BeachEscape

6. #ParadiseFound

7. #OceanBreeze

8. #CoastalLiving

9. #SeasideBliss

10. #BeachDays

11. #TropicalGetaway

12. #BeachVacation

13. #IslandHopping

14. #WavesCrashing

15. #Sunkissed

16. #BeachSunsets

17. #BeachBound

18. #Beachfront

19. #BeachTherapy

20. #SaltLife

21. #RelaxByTheSea

22. #BeachParadise

23. #SurfAndSand

24. #BeachLover

25. #BeachDreams

26. #BeachViews

27. #GoldenShores

28. #SandyBeaches

29. #BeachWanderlust

30. #BeachHolidays

31. #BeachLifeStyle

32. #BeachPhotography

33. #BeachBum

34. #BeachPicnic

35. #BeachComber

36. #BeachRendezvous

37. #BeachMagic

38. #BeachRelaxation

39. #ShorelineBliss

40. #BeachDaze

41. #OceanParadise

42. #BeachyKeen

43. #SunnyBeach

44. #BeachTowns

45. #SeashoreAdventures

46. #BeachInspiration

47. #BeachScenes

48. #BeachHaven

49. #BeachWalks

50. #ShorelineSunsets

Read also: Top Fitness Hashtags For Instagram

50 Trending Travel Hashtags for Instagram

1. #Travel_Captures

2. #Wanderlust

3. #AdventureAwaits

4. #ExploreMore

5. #RoamTheWorld

6. #BucketList

7. #PassportReady

8. #Jetsetter

9. #Globetrotter

10. #TravelInspiration

11. #InstaTravel

12. #TravelAddict

13. #AdventureSeeker

14. #TravelPhotography

15. #DiscoverGlobe

16. #TravelDreams

17. #EscapeTheOrdinary

19. #WorldTraveler

20. #TravelBug

21. #ExploreTheUnknown

22. #JourneyOfALifetime

23. #LifeOnTheRoad

24. #DiscoverEarth

25. #TravelingSolo

26. #ExploreWithFriends

27. #WanderlustWednesday

28. #TravelAdventure

29. #RoadTrip

30. #TravelDiaries

31. #WanderOften

32. #AdventureLife

33. #TravelTheWorld

34. #GoExplore

35. #AdventureCalls

36. #TravelCommunity

37. #ExploreEverything

38. #Wonderlust

39. #NomadLife

40. #ExploreTheGlobe

41. #Voyage

42. #WanderAndWonder

43. #RoamFree

44. #TravelFever

45. #ExploreNature

46. #Vagabond

47. #WanderWithPurpose

48. #AdventureIsOutThere

49. #TravelInStyle

50. #WanderWisely

Top 20 Honeymoon Travel Hashtags

1. #HoneymoonBliss

2. #RomanticGetaway

3. #NewlywedAdventures

4. #ParadiseEscape

5. #LoveInTheAir

6. #DreamHoneymoon

7. #BreathtakingViews

8. #SunsetMagic

9. #WanderlustCouples

10. #LuxuryHoneymoon

11. #BeachBabesandBros

12. #DestinationRomance

13. #LoveAdventure

14. #AdventureAwaitsUs

15. #CouplesRetreat

16. #HoneymoonGoals

17. #TravelCoupleVibes

18. #MakingMemories

19. #ForeverAdventure

20. #LoveBeyondHorizons


Travel hashtags are your tickets to the vibrant world of Instagram travel. They let you connect with other explorers, and share your adventures. Whether you’re off to new places or familiar favorites, these tags are your path to discovery and global connections. With the right travel hashtags, your adventures will continue to inspire and resonate online.

When you use a phrase as a hashtag, you write it without spaces, like # using hashtags. You can include numbers, but not symbols or punctuation. You can put the hashtag at the start, middle, or end of your social media post or comment, and it helps your content get found and organized on the social network.

You can use hashtags on many social media sites, but they’re super popular on Twitter and Instagram. If you’re promoting your brand on social media, using hashtags is necessary. They make your brand reach more people and get more likes and comments.

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Get Lost Travel Blog

50+ Inspiring Travel Hashtags That Will Fuel Your Wanderlust

As the dark nights are creeping in and we approach the end of a year of virtually no travel, I’ve been searching for my wanderlust fix. Scrolling through a travel-filled Instagram feed is my favorite way to scratch that travel itch without leaving the house. Here are over 50 of the best travel hashtags that will satisfy your wanderlust and fuel your travel inspiration!

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Inspiring Travel Hashtags To Fuel Your Wanderlust

When it comes to searching for travel inspiration, Instagram is my favourite place to start. I can easily spend hours admiring the incredible photographs of beautiful destinations. Yes, often the images aren’t quite a true reflection of reality, but after almost 12 months of no international travel, I’m happy to live vicariously through my feed!

If you’re also searching for travel inspiration (or just looking for a way to fill the dark evenings) here are 50 of my favorite travel hashtags. These hashtags celebrate some of the world’s top bucket list destinations, most incredible natural beauty, and most fierce female travelers. If you want to fill your feed with wanderlust, follow these hashtags today and you won’t regret it!

Inspiring Travel Hashtags

If you love discovering new destinations for your bucket list, these are the hashtags for you. These inspiring travel hashtags will provide endless travel inspiration and introduce you to some of the most incredible places around the world.

Get ready to explore the globe from the comfort of your sofa! And have a notebook ready to start listing those destinations to add to your bucket list. You will fall in love with the places you are about to meet!

travel fitness hashtags











Inspiring Travel Hashtags











Inspiring Travel Hashtags 3





Female Travel Hashtags

I always live in awe of the incredible and powerful images of female travelers on Instagram. While my travels are rarely as ‘put together’ as many of their photos, these women always inspire me to seek out beautiful destinations. If you want to celebrate some of the incredible women in the travel community, check out the hashtags below!

travel fitness hashtags









travel fitness hashtags






Outdoors Hashtags

If you want to be blown away by the beauty of the natural world, check out these hashtags. Jaw-dropping landscapes, fantastic mountain backdrops, awe-inspiring woodland, and incredible waterfalls, this is where you need to go to see the real majesty of mother nature.

Outdoor Travel Hashtags












Outdoor Travel Hashtags







So these are over 50 of my favorite travel hashtags. If you’re looking to satisfy your wanderlust or seek some travel inspiration, this is where I always start. What is your most inspiring travel hashtag?

Until our next adventure,

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P.S. Love it? Pin it!

If you like these 50+ inspiring travel hashtags, be sure to follow  Get Lost on Pinterest . That’s where I’ll be sharing all of my great  travel inspiration !

Headshot of Hannah Ackroyd of Get Lost Travel Blog wearing a hat outdoors

Hello, I’m Hannah! I’m a writer and photographer who loves experiencing the wonders of Yorkshire. My guides will help you escape from your daily routine by showing you that you don’t have to go far to find an adventure.

13 thoughts on “50+ Inspiring Travel Hashtags That Will Fuel Your Wanderlust”

Love this! I do enjoy going on random hashtags and getting some travel inspiration!

I could lose hours to admirig incredible travel destinations on Instagram! I hope you fall in love with some of these hashtags!

I know what I’m doing tonight. Going to start searching to really scratch that travel itch. Great guide, and really helpful. I never think of using hashtags like this too often

I’m glad you like the guide and I hope you find some hashtags that you love! I follow so many travel-themed hashtags just so every time I open the app my phone is filled with amazing travel inspiration!

I’m always looking for new hashtags to use and follow on Instagram, so I’m definitely going to try these out! Thanks for sharing 🙂

I’m glad you like the guide and I hope you find some hashtags that you love! These are some of the ones I always turn to for travel inspiration!

I LOVE this! I also find myself scrolling through Instagram for inspiration during my travel-free life right now. But I often get caught up in…not so inspirational. So this is a great way to target my search – thanks! p.s. your photos are fabulous 😊

I hope you find some of these hashtags inspiring! I love browsing through my feed filled with photos from these ones! It’s the best way I’ve found to fill my travel-free time right now until I can travel again. Here’s hoping we won’t have to wait too much longer to discover some more incredible places! The only downside is Instagram has helped me find many more places to add to my bucket list!

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Thanks Hannah! I have been meaning to do more insta research! Love this 🙂

I’m so glad you like the suggestions Ashlee! Enjoy your Insta-travels!

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Hashtags for #fitness

Best #fitness hashtags.

Grow your instagram using the most popular fitness hashtags

Second most liked instagram hashtags used with fitness

Hashtag report

Top 10 fitness hashtags.

Best fitness hashtags popular on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok:

#fitness - 40%

#workout - 8%, #fitnessmotivation - 8%, #motivation - 6%, #bodybuilding - 5%, #training - 4%, #health - 4%, #fitfam - 3%, pro hashtag data for #fitness.

Professional data for instagram #fitness hashtag

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Last update was on 2024-06-04 07:30:57

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  • #healthylifestyle
  • #gymmotivation
  • #personaltrainer
  • #fitnessmodel
  • #weightloss
  • #fitnessjourney

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The best travel hashtags for instagram photos.

Getting noticed on social media really helps grow your travel blog . There is an overwhelming amount of hashtags and accounts that feature pictures on Instagramm and it can be hard to keep track of them all. Lucky for you, I have done a ton of research and will share it all with you! So, here is my list of the best Instagram hashtags for travel photos .

PS – If you want to know exactly how I research and find hashtags, check out this post . It has a ton of great info and includes the app I use to keep track of all the different travel hashtag lists ! 

Best Hashtags for Travel Photos on Instagram

Travel hashtags.

#backpackerstory #bestcommunitytravel #adventureinspired #makeheritage #bbcTravel #LoveTheWorld #IamATraveler #discoverglobe #inspravel #neverstopexploring

#letsgoeverywhere #somberescapes #abmtravelbug #guardiantravelsnaps #meettheworld #themoderndayexplorer #timeoutsociety #justbackfrom #lonelyplanet #travelstroke

#tlpicks #jetsetfam #traveldudes #travelstroke #Natgeotravelpic #afar #livetravelchannel #theglobewanderer #travelingourplanet #justgoshoot #worldnomads #travelandlife

#passportposse #thehappynow #lovetotravel #traveldiary #simplyadventure #openmyworld #wheretofindme #mytinyatlas #traveldeeper  #theglobewanderer

#roamtheplanet #travelgram #worldtravelpics #travelblog #travelblogger #travelbloggeroftheweek #vacationstyle #vacationlife #passportgang #traveltuesday

#luxuryhotel #thatsdarlingmovement #thatsdarlingweekend #inspravel #magictravel #followmeto #worldcaptures #lovetheworld #postcardsfromtheworld

#morningslikethese #viewfromthetop #doorsoftheworld #lookingupatbuildings #jumpstagram #pinkskyatnight #fromwhereistand #surroundmewithwater #roadtrip

View this post on Instagram Yeah so my first drone experience went pretty well I’d say 😉 having this amazing beach setting at @unico2087 doesn’t hurt either! #myunicoexperience #unicorivieramaya #unico2087 #sponsored #dronephotography A post shared by Chelsea Bancroft | ATX (@onechelofanadventure) on Aug 25, 2018 at 6:56am PDT

Female + Women Travel Hashtags

#girlslovetravel #femmetravel #dametraveler #girlswhotravel #darlingescapes #wearetravelgirls #femaletravelbloggers #travelbff #travelgirl #sheisnotlost #ladiesgoneglobal #globelletravels

#visualsoflife #exploretocreate #createexplore #playoftones #flashesofdelight #earthexclusive #earthinsight #ig_photoawards #awesupply

Food Specific Travel Hashtags

#devourpower #weeatworld #foodandwine #beautifulcuisines #spoonfeed #foodporn #foodpornshare #feedfeed #eatfamous #huffposttaste #Buzzfeast #eatingfortheinsta

#foodfortravelingfor #topcitybites #foodieanthem #foodphotography #forkfeed #foodforfoodies #bestfoodworld #dametravelerfoodied #brewwithaview #beersoftheworld

#eattheworld #feedyoursoul #foodbeast #grubstreet #epicurious #instayum

Destination Specific:

I have also put together list for specific destinations that I have traveled to and used on my Instagram photos. Here are the lists:

  • Paris Travel Hashtags
  • Monaco Travel Hashtags
  • Croatia Travel Hashtags
  • Madrid Travel Hashtags
  • French Riviera Travel Hashtags
  • Utah Travel Hashtags
  • Austin + Texas Hashtags

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Hope these travel hashtags help you guys out! If you use them on your posts, I would love to see! Tag me @onechelofanadventure and I will like and comment!

Related Posts:

  • How to Find The Best Travel Hashtags
  • 50+ Instagram Accounts That Will Feature YOUR Travel Photos
  • How to Find The Most Instagrammable Places While Traveling
  • 15 Awesome Apps That Will Help You Up Your Instagram Game

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The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos

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210 thoughts on “ the best travel hashtags for instagram photos ”.

Cool ideas here, thanks for posting!

This post is a god send!

Glad it could help 🙂

Very useful! I often use the same hashtags over and over, it’s good to have some new ones.

Glad I could be of some help!

Thanks for this. Very useful. I agree with nikobellissimo. I start to use the same ones over and over.

You’re very welcome! I definitely do the same and have to refer back to this 🙂

How am I going to remember all these tags! :-O

haha! I literally still refer back to this myself 😉

This was so helpful Chelsea! Thank you 🙂 I have some of them in my “notes” app on my phone.

You are welcome! 🙂

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos — One Chel of an Adventure – The Way U Carry It

Great informative post!! Thanks for sharing!!

Glad you found it useful! 🙂

You’re most welcome!! Do drop by sometime to say Hi!

Very nice information.. Do share some hashtags for India too! 🙂

haha I love most of these hashtags. Thanks for posting! I shall use some of them 🙂

Glad they could help you out 🙂

Love this — probably the best collection of travel hashtags I’ve found yet! Thanks for sharing!

Ah that’s great to hear!! They really help me so I’m glad they can help you too 🙂

Nice post, I will definitely try some of these on my next Instagram post!

Great! Hope they help 🙂

Nice post.

Thanks for the info! I use some of these already but could definitely use a few more 🙂

Really insightful! Thanks 🙂

This is incredibly helpful, I’ve been looking for something like this. Thanks for posting!

Glad it could help you out!!

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos — One Chel of an Adventure | theBREAD

Hi Chelsea, thanks so much for this list! Have you found success with some more than others? How often do you change which hashtags you’re using?

Hey there! I try and switch it up depending on the photo’s content! I also like to mix popular hashtags with some that are more niche so there isn’t as much competition to be in top 9 photos

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos – Millennial Status

Thank you for the hashtags! I’ve just started my blog, so these are sure to help draw some attentions.

Thanks so much, this is so helpful!

Reblogged this on Melinda Granhold .

Love this post! Thanks for the tips!

Ah glad you do! Thanks 🙂

Awesome post, my girlfriend and I are new to blogging and we needed some new hashtags for our trip around Europe next year. Thanks for sharing.

Ah glad I could help! I also suggest looking up location specific hashtags for when you’re in Europe 🙂

Thank you for the advice, we’ll be sure to do it 😊

Love this!! Thank you so much!

Very welcome! Glad I could help 🙂

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos — One Chel of an Adventure | JAMES DANIEL (A.K.A HUMBLE LYON)

Thank you <3 This is so helpful!

Ah I’m glad you like it 🙂

Thanks for the list! 🙂

glad you find it helpful!!

This will be great to help with my new blog! Thanks!

Glad you find it helpful 🙂

Thanks so much!!

I’m glad someone finally wrote about this haha! Thank you!

This is entirely wonderful!! Thank you SO much for sharing! Hashtagging can be overwhelming at times, but I feel ready to take on the Insta game!

Thanks for sharing. Saved me time!

Good, happy to help!

This is super helpful! Great to have a such a thorough list

Glad you think so 🙂

Thanks! This is super helpful. I have been keeping a list on google keep to help maintain my hashtag list. 🙂

You are very welcome 🙂

You are welcome! Glad you found it helpful!!

I’ve been trying to stock up on travel hashtags for my instagram so thank you for putting this list together. It’s super handy!

Ah glad it could help!

Really helpful post I will use this for my travel blog Instagram!

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos — One Chel of an Adventure – Guinea Conakry Presidential Election 2020.

So useful! Thanks for posting this! 👌🏻

These are lifesavers! Thank You!

Thanks for sharing this! <3

I have an ever growing list also, a lot I always use and another list that photographers I really like use. I guess it’s good they limit us to 30 eh? 😅

Thanks for sharing. I was actually researching yesterday. xx

Wow nice post! Helpful reference 🙂

Glad you found it helpful 🙂

Surely a useful post for new people on the block. Thanks for this 🙂

You are very welcome, always happy to help 🙂

Great tips. Thanks for sharing!

Happy to help 🙂

So useful !!

Glad they could help you 🙂

Please check out my travel blog 🙂

owwww amazing! gresat work 😀

Thank you!!

These are so helpful thanks!

You are very welcome! Glad they helped 🙂

This post was so helpful! Thank you so much 😁

Thanks a lot. Very useful!

Thank for sharing this good advice. 🙂

Glad I could help!

Great post very useful thankyou! X

Ah glad you thought so! 🙂

Excellent / thanks!

You are welcome!

Awesome list. Thanks for this!

Glad I could help 🙂

lol, that might help me get more ‘k’ in my followers count.

Here are my top picks for spending an unforgettable weekend exploring the captivating city of Barcelona

Here’s to many more years on blogging!

my signature dash of humor. At the end of he day, if you’re going to be a travel blogger, you’ll need a sense of humor

Sweet list here. Thanks for putting it together!

Thank you! so helpful! xo

Wow thank you for sharing!

Thanks for putting this together!

Thanks for sharing! I am sixty-five. I recently asked the whipper-snappers in my life, “What’s the deal with hash-tags.” They told me and now I’m including them in my tags. Love your blog.

Ah glad I could help 🙂 thanks so much!

Very useful thanks!

You are welcome! Glad I could help out 🙂

Thank you! This is so helpful!!

You are so welcome!

So useful! Thank you!

Super useful.. thanks

You are very welcome!

Great post! Very helpful 🙂

Thank you!! Glad it was 🙂

This is very helpful especially for travel blogs like ours. 🙂 hope we can share more tricks and tips! Do follow us as well! 🙂

Ah glad I could help out a fellow travel blogger 🙂

This is great! I’m always searching for the best hashtags but it’s usually as I’m posting. Thanks for sharing.

Of course, happy to help out!!

Really helpful thank

One of the most useful posts for awesome social media optimisation … awesome… thumbs up …

Ah great! So glad you found it helpful 🙂

Great post!

Wow thank you!

Great post! I shall definitely be using some of these! Thank you!

  • Pingback: The Best Hashtag for Your Instagram Travel Posts | Coconuts and Backpack

Wow thank you! #layoverplayover is a good travel one too!!

Reblogged this on Robert Trinagel .

Awesome thank you!

good llist 🙂 #tripgram

It’s really helped me!

welcome 🤘🤘 if you get time and interested in traveling in India do check Travel till infinity , Tripinfi

Ah I will check it out! Hoping to make it there in the next couple of years!

Discover the beauty and tranquillity of Physkos in Turunç and enjoy a carefree, perfect holiday. Outstanding holiday apartments and cottages in Turunç.

Thanks for the tips chelsea !!

Thank you for this 🙂

This post was super helpful, thanks a bunch! 😊

Wow! I have so many new things to try out! Holy Moly.. thank you for much for this incredible insight!

Wow. Thank you so much for this gift. It will eventually help travel bloggers like me. Thank you,,!

Wow thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos – Searching For Elsewhere

Reblogged on What a handy little (well not so little) list!

This is excellent information. Thanks a ton

This is awesome!!! I found some great hashtags as well & made list to copy & paste in Instagram! But some of these I never even thought about so this is great!


This is awesome! I use the same ones over and over, so this has definitely given me some new ideas.

wow ! wonderful post ..thank you ! As for my own wanderlust & travel photographs, well I visited a beautiful Hill

station in north India recently and Here ‘s a short write up from my recently updated Travel Diary :

My ‘With Family’ story of a near perfect Hill Station !!(Photograph based )

Hope you find it interesting !! 🙂

Thanks a lot for compiling a detailed list! I too have a sticky note for tags… Keep sharing awesome pictures! #TravelMore 🙂

super helpful hashtag tips! this is an awesome post, here is the list of travel hashtags I find use to grow my instagram following incase others might find it useful 🙂 it separates popular hashtags by region as well which is super helpful. I hope it helps! happy blogging and traveling ❤

Ah glad to be of help!

Thank you for this !!

Hello. Please send six photos to [email protected] and we will feature you on our site. Thank you. David

Awesome! Thanks for sharing will definitely use these in our next posts! 🙂

Hope they were helpful!

Thanks for the tips 😀

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos | trailsbytab

Great post 👏 I’m using an app for generating. Works well ☺

Awesome! Good to know 🙂

Wow..very nice collection of hashtags.They are crucial and sure no matter how good your caption is, without hashtags is just another brick in the wall.📸

Glad to help 🙂

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos — One Chel of an Adventure – Infinitely Travelling

super useful, thanks!

That will definitely be taking a place on my worktable. But how do you drive traffic to your site from Instagram? Posting for a month only a couple of clicks here 🙁

It’s definitely not my biggest referrer, but I’ve found the story and “swipe up” feature has helped a lot

Thanks! I really need to get my blog going…

Thank you for the insight!! Please feel free to check out our account and site at

  • Pingback: The Best Instagram Hashtags for Travel Photos — One Chel of an Adventure – pokoktree

Nice list! I find that I am able to get more engagement when I use the right hashtags.

Definitely helps!!

Really handy! Thank you ❤️ Love Soph xxx

You are welcome 🙂

An interesting post which I shall utilise in

Thank you . These will definitely come in handy

Glad to help!

This is such a useful list – thank you! xx

I was just in the process of putting together a list like this for my posts – thank you for the jumpstart!

Happy to help!

Thanks, I never really liked Insta, but started using is to make my blog be seen more and these certainly helps!

It definitely helps with that!

Will try these today

Hope they worked for you!

That’s cool man! Some of them didn’t know about it!

Awesome! Glad to help 🙂

Wow! Amazing post! 😊

Thank you! Very comprehensive list! I agree that it’s such a pain to search through them all, and there are so many!!

So glad it could help you out!

Its really helpful. Thanks

Superb post!

Glad you liked it!

Very helpful thanks for this do check out my two new blog posts about my trip to the Barbados do let me know what you think would love that

Thanks Chelsea! Definitely need to start using a few of these. – do check it out if you get the chance, guys <3

Will definitely take a look!

So helpful!

Glad you found it helpful!

Thank you…!!

Thank you! I will definitely use them!

  • Pingback: 50+ Instagram Accounts That Will Feature Your Epic Travel Photos – ONE CHEL OF AN ADVENTURE

With me, I find my hashtags at hashatory. Its great!

Ooh I’ll have to check that out, thanks!

foca otel 1887 ile tatil keyfinizi katlayin

Thank you for this awesome post. I do the same process as well by putting in a main hashtag category and other hashtags.

Glad you found it helpful! It’s a great way to do it 🙂

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Cancer Horoscope for June 2024

June 21 - July 22

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Monthly News from Susan Miller

Dear Reader,

Your June forecast is now posted. Susan has come down with a virulent virus and will not be able to write her normal News for the month.

Overall, June will be a wonderful month no matter what sign you are, with a new moon in Cancer on June 6 and a full moon in Capricorn on June 21. A spectacular and rare event will occur on June 2 when Jupiter will trine Pluto—a 5-star day. June is packed full with planetary activity, so be sure to check your Astrology Zone calendar, which is now priced at $13.50—50% off—available exclusively on

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Your June 2024 Horoscope for Cancer

Last month on May 25, Gemini was crowned the celestial favorite because Jupiter moved into Gemini for a full year. It takes this planet of good fortune 12 years to revolve around the Sun, so as a Cancer, you are next in line to curry favor from Jupiter. You will have your turn at your Emerald Year next year from June 9, 2025, to June 30, 2026.

To make the most of your coming year, which will be here before you know it, you will need to get ready. A period this special only comes around every 12 years, so as an example, if you live to 96, you will only get eight of these sparkling years in a lifetime. Ancient astrologers felt it was important to prepare, so for now the biggest changes that will occur in 2024 and early 2025 will emanate within you, not from the outside in.

By June of next year, you will need to have all your priorities in mind and in their order of importance. The universe will bring you an array of opportunities during the intervening months, both professionally and personally. You will need to be decisive and choose the ones with the greatest long-range potential that feed and nourish your soul.

For now, and in the 12 months ahead (June 2024 to June 2025), you will have a more private, less public, persona. Much of your time will be spent behind the scenes building strategies for your own life. This could become an important part of your job description—deciding on the best tactics and overall strategy to put in place to grow the company (or your business) in the months and years ahead.

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I went to a ‘fitness hotel’ in Dubai, where execs shell out thousands for grueling workouts, luxe recovery sessions, and Michelin-starred feasts

The latest trend in high-end travel is bootcamps for masters of the universe.

Go on vacation. Come back ripped. 

That’s the enticing pitch—to be an all-expenses-paid guinea pig for a new kind of luxe fitness hotel, Dubai’s SIRO One Za’abeel. What better way to celebrate the big 5-0 than by calling in some reinforcements for my midlife battle with the bulge? I book it, dreaming of my shiny new six-pack and feeling fitter already.

Only as I board my flight to Dubai do I wonder: What exactly have I signed up for? Kerzner International Resorts’ fresh-out-of-the-box concept promises an experience “engineered to power your performance.” Is that code for “fat camp in the desert”? Have I enrolled to be the plaything of some sadistic ex–Army drill sergeant? Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. 

In SIRO One Za’abeel ’s unorthodox lobby, an athletic meeter-and-greeter hands me an espresso, activating my parasympathetic nervous system to calm me down. 

It becomes clear where I’ve landed: a boot camp for modern-day Masters of the Universe. The urban resort boasts six floors of state-of-the-art fitness and recovery “laboratories,” spacious “performance-optimized” rooms with en suite fitness areas, and access to 11 top-notch restaurants, each offering mesmerizing views of Dubai’s vertiginous skyline.

travel fitness hashtags

If you believe the 40-foot real-estate-company billboards at the airport of this science-fictional city, Dubai is the “future of the future.” And indeed, the tiny, oil-rich nation of the United Arab Emirates—a federation of sheikhdoms with more than $1.5 trillion in its various sovereign wealth funds—seems to have a finger in every global enterprise, from artificial intelligence to sports. Dubai, with its glistening skyscrapers, has become a gilded playground for Russian oligarchs, European aristocrats, American tech gurus, Indian tycoons, and Chinese asset managers.

Kerzner—owned by the Investment Corp. of Dubai—runs an empire of opulent hotels, including the 2,400-room Atlantis complex on Dubai’s artificial archipelago, the Palm—the haunt of countless influencers, as well as A-listers such as Beyoncé and J.Lo. 

SIRO deviates somewhat from that tried-and-tested hedonic path: There are no endless buffets, waterslides, or frolics with captive dolphins here. With 229 rooms ranging from $435 to $1,765 for suites that come with punching bags and treadmills, and packages promising to “biohack your well-being with precision,” the resort instead offers a launchpad for the world’s corporate overlords—a place to lift weights alongside professional soccer players and prep for Paleo-powered pitches to the prince.

Our global obsession with getting and staying in shape is expected to power massive growth in wellness-focused travel. A March report from the Global Wellness Institute estimates that the global wellness-tourism market has grown 50% faster than the overall tourism industry in recent years. That’s why hoteliers are testing concepts that combine the accoutrements of spas, health clubs, and ultra-high-end hotels—including the luxe Equinox Hotel in New York.

At SIRO, I sip an immunity-boosting shot as I go over my eating habits with Heeral Shivnani, SIRO Hotels’ in-house nutritionist. She benchmarks my weight and my fat-to-muscle ratio before issuing an eating plan for the next three days.

The resort’s formula relies upon the yin and yang of hard workouts balanced with luxe recovery and dining. The fitness lab offers cycling, CrossFit, and weight training. A spiral staircase sweeps you elegantly up to the hotel’s recovery lab, with an immaculate yoga studio, ice-plunge baths, a cryotherapy chamber, a sauna, a Pilates area, and zen zones to escape your phone.

Ruling over these labs are SIRO’s master trainers, including my personal trainer, the South African Runet Van Heerden, who is charged with supersizing me in the next 48 hours. My jet lag buys me something of a pass in my first workout: A low-key weights session clears away some of the cobwebs from the flight. As Runet puts me through my paces, I look around and try to establish the pecking order. I’m happy to see that there’s one guy who’s plainly in worse shape than I am—a corporate executive type who probably spends more time with spreadsheets and pitch decks than kettlebells. 

It becomes clear where I’ve landed: a boot camp for modern-day masters of the universe.

But before my smugness has a chance to settle in, I’m told that the testing group includes soccer legend and SIRO brand ambassador Zlatan Ibrahimovic (a hero of mine, and the model for the character Zava on Apple TV’s Ted Lasso ). Zlatan’s former club, AC Milan (which he now advises), helped shape a training and recovery protocol for SIRO, modeled on the team’s.

I keep an eye out for Zlatan as I head to the recovery lab where Mark, my masseur, irons the contours of an airplane seat out of my back. He then ups the detox stakes with an ultraviolet treatment, before sending me into a meditative trance with a vibroacoustic therapy session. Feeling rejuvenated, I head to my suite to change into something casual for a Thai dinner.

travel fitness hashtags

In the elevator, I bump into the ridiculously handsome British travel entrepreneur Jeremy Jauncey, who’s here with his wife, Pia Wurtzbach, a former Miss Universe. Mr. Universe and I chat about his preparations for Hyrox, the World Series of fitness training. Bronzed, ripped, and perfectly groomed— Instagram was invented for this man. 

“Have you tried the compression therapy?” he asks me. “It’s amazing.” 

Jauncey’s fat-free form leaves me doubting dinner, but the friendly waitress refuses to follow Heeral’s dietary instructions, instead plying me with turmeric-spiced cauliflower and caramel-crusted venison. 

Day two follows a similar cycle of workout, well-being, and culinary indulgence. I wonder, in my fugue state: Have I enrolled myself in some kind of experiment in which I’m stuffed with food, then stuck on a treadmill to marble my meat like a side of human Wagyu?

After an emotional breath-work session with Slovenian yogi Petra Nemethova, I finally catch a glimpse of a tall, ponytailed Swede in a Gucci tracksuit. Zlatan!  I dash out to slide between him and his car and interview the notoriously taciturn football legend. “SIRO’s great,” he tells me. “Dubai’s great.” Zlatan’s great , he does not say. But it’s true, and we both know it.

Feeling like Ted Lasso after signing Zava for Richmond AFC, I’m pumped. My second session with Runet is a HIIT bruiser, but I power through and then fire up my mitochondria with five minutes of subzero temperatures in SIRO’s cryotherapy chamber.

By day three, I can feel the endorphins taking over. I put the pedal to the metal with some AC Milan–designed core conditioning. Lunch is an actual Wagyu steak, and I even sneak in an extra boxing session in my suite.

I don’t have that six-pack after just three days, but I’m feeling fantastic. I raid the healthiest minibar in the world for kombucha, trail mix, and SIRO’s addictive cacao-coconut protein balls for the flight, and pop in on Heeral to say thank-you and goodbye. 

She puts me on her high-tech scales to see how I’ve fared in this wicked experiment: Even after gorging for four days, I’ve lost fat and gained muscle. 

“See?” she says. “This is the place to be. No pain, all gain.” 

This article appeared in the June/July 2024 issue of Fortune with the headline “Blurring the lines of fitness and luxury amid the sci-fi glitz of Dubai.”

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NYC’s Eric Adams, who is waging all-out war against rats, get ticketed for 5th rodent violation on his property since becoming mayor

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hashtags de instagram

Los 100 hashtags más populares para Instagram en 2023

 Instagram es una gran plataforma de marketing que los emprendedores del comercio electrónico pueden usar para comenzar un negocio de ecommerce exitoso . No importa si acabas de abrir tu tienda online o si esta ya genera miles de euros en ingresos cada mes, Instagram es una herramienta valiosa que puedes usar para el beneficio de tu negocio.

Instagram es una plataforma gratuita de redes sociales que se puede utilizar para una variedad de diferentes funciones para tu tienda online. Puedes promocionar tus últimos productos , vender a través de Instagram , mejorar la  fidelización de clientes o incluso comunicarte directamente con los ya existentes. 

Instagram tiene actualmente 100.000 millones de usuarios activos mensuales . Esto representa una oportunidad ideal para que las empresas puedan hacer publicidad de sus productos frente a una gran audiencia sin tener que gastar una gran cantidad de dinero en publicidad pagada. 

Cuando usas Instagram para tu promocionar tu tienda online, es fundamental que aproveches los hashtags o etiquetas : son un recurso invaluable para aumentar el alcance y la autoridad de tu marca. Sabemos que encontrar los mejores hashtags de Instagram para tu tienda online no es tarea fácil. 

Por ello, hemos creado este artículo para ayudarte a entender cómo funcionan los hashtags para Instagram y cómo puedes encontrar las mejores etiquetas Instagram para obtener más me gusta en tu propio contenido. Al final de este artículo, tendrás toda la información necesaria para comenzar a utilizar los hashtags más usados en Instagram y ganar, así, seguidores desde ya mismo.

¿Qué es un hashtag para Instagram y por qué debería usar uno?

Un hashtag de Instagram es una palabra, o serie de palabras etiquetadas con el símbolo de almohadilla (#), que se usa en la descripción de una publicación o en la sección de comentarios.

Estos hashtags ayudan a Instagram a organizar y categorizar el contenido , lo que permite que la plataforma presente el contenido correcto a los usuarios correctos. Si eres un usuario frecuente de las redes sociales, es probable que ya hayas visto a los hashtags en acción.

Los hashtags para Instagram cumplen diferentes propósitos:

  • Hashtags para obtener más me gusta . Los usuarios de Instagram que estén interesados ​​en un tema en particular es probable que busquen hashtags que estén relacionados con el mismo. Si usas algunos de los hashtags más usados de Instagram en tu contenido, tendrás la oportunidad de que dichos usuarios accedan a tus publicaciones y, a su vez, descubran más sobre tu marca; por esto es una buena idea buscar los hashtags más populares para Instagram y así obtener más me gusta .
  • Etiquetas Instagram para conseguir más seguidores. Los usuarios de Instagram que están interesados ​​en un nicho en específico siempre buscarán más contenido relacionado con él. Usar los hashtags correctos de Instagram es una de las mejores maneras para conseguir seguidores en Instagram . Amplía tu alcance, permitiendo que tu contenido sea descubierto por más personas. Si un usuario encuentra tu cuenta a través de un hashtag Instagram y descubre que estás publicando contenido que es relevante para él, es probable que comience a seguir tu cuenta. Esto es excelente para cualquier emprendedor de comercio electrónico, ya que podrás promocionar tus productos y tu marca entre los usuarios que ya están interactuando con tu cuenta de Instagram.
  • Etiquetar en Instagram te permite hacer más ventas. Si tienes un plan de marketing para redes sociales , sabrás que las etiquetas Instagram no solo sirven para aumentar la visibilidad de tu tienda online. Si bien este es un resultado valioso del uso de los mejores hashtags de Instagram, lo mejor que puede ocurrirte es que también consigas vender más si utilizas hashtags específicos de tu nicho al promocionar uno de tus productos. Es probable que llames la atención de los usuarios que tal vez quieran comprar algo relacionado con este contenido. Esto significa que podrás aumentar las ventas de tu tienda utilizando hashtags para Instagram bien pensados ​​y subiendo tus publicaciones en los mejores horarios para publicar en Instagram .

¿Cómo puedo encontrar los mejores hashtags de Instagram?

mejores hashtags para likes

Ahora que hemos hablado de los beneficios del uso de los hashtags en Instagram, es hora de explicar cómo puedes encontrar los mejores hashtags para obtener más me gusta para tu tienda online. 

Si eres dueño de una tienda virtual, es recomendable invertir un poco de tiempo en buscar las mejores etiquetas Instagram para tu negocio, especialmente aquellas que están relacionadas con tu nicho de mercado .

No necesariamente necesitas usar los hashtags de Instagram más populares para aumentar la interacción en tus publicaciones. Puede ser más efectivo usar hashtags para Instagram no tan populares, pero que son más relevantes para tu audiencia y nicho. La razón principal de usar hashtags para Instagram es para aumentar las posibilidades de que las personas accedan a nuestro contenido, pero es más importante pensar en quiénes son las personas «correctas» que queremos atraer.

Es por eso que queremos ser estratégicos con respecto a los hashtags de Instagram que utilizamos.

En cualquier caso, aquí están nuestros mejores consejos para encontrar los mejores hashtags para Instagram para tus publicaciones:

1. Investiga a tu audiencia

Agregar hashtags de Instagram aleatorios al final de tus publicaciones no traerá buenos resultados. En vez de eso, piensa en los intereses de tus usuarios y ofréceles exactamente lo que están buscando. Aumentarás las posibilidades de que te encuentren automáticamente.

2. Inspírate con el contenido de tus competidores

Al analizar qué hashtags de Instagram están usando tus competidores, podrás ver por ti mismo qué hashtags generan la mayor interacción. Observa lo que hacen las «marcas más grandes»: es probable que ya hayan investigado para descubrir cuáles son los mejores hashtags para Instagram en su nicho. Esto no significa que tengas que copiar exactamente los mismos hashtags en tus propias publicaciones de Instagram, pero sí te pueden orientar sobre qué tipo de hashtags utilizar.

3. Analiza los hashtags usados por influencers

Los influencers son aquellas personas que tienen muchos seguidores y generan gran interacción con su audiencia en redes sociales. Por lo general, suelen tener miles de seguidores y dependen en gran medida de publicar contenido que resuene con su audiencia, utilizando los hashtags para Instagram adecuados. Una de las mejores maneras de aprender qué hashtags de Instagram usar, es encontrar influencers en tu nicho de mercado . Puedes analizar qué hashtags utilizaron y qué publicaciones obtuvieron mayor interacción. 

4. Utiliza herramientas para encontrar hashtags para Instagram

Hay una variedad de diferentes herramientas disponibles que ofrecen información sobre los mejores hashtags para Instagram para obtener me gusta . No importa cuál es el nicho de tu tienda online, seguramente podrás encontrar etiquetas Instagram que sean relevantes para tu contenido. Aquí hay algunas herramientas que puedes utilizar para encontrar los hashtags más usados de Instagram y así obtener más me gusta.

TagBlender : TagBlender es una herramienta que te ayuda a generar hashtags de Instagram que generarán una alta tasa de interacción en tu contenido de redes sociales. Podrás obtener el conjunto perfecto de hashtags para Instagram buscando en campos diferentes como «Gente», «Urbano», «Moda» o «Arte». La herramienta es fácil de usar y es gratuita, por lo que también puedes utilizarla para tu cuenta personal de Instagram.

HashtagsForLikes : HashtagsForLikes es una gran herramienta que puedes usar para generar hashtags de Instagram para las cuentas de redes sociales de tu tienda online. Esta herramienta es fácil de navegar y podrás encontrar los mejores hashtags para Instagram que estén relacionados con tu negocio de ecommerce en muy poco tiempo.

InstagramTags : Instagram Tags es una herramienta que los emprendedores del comercio electrónico pueden usar para encontrar conjuntos de hashtags populares ya creados. Su herramienta ofrece hashtags que se relacionan con varios campos diferentes, desde “Cabello” hasta “Recordando el pasado”. Puedes usar InstagramTags para encontrar los mejores hashtags para Instagram para obtener me gusta y aumentar la presencia de tu tienda online en las redes sociales.

Seekmetrics: Esta es otra herramienta de análisis que proporciona métricas comparativas para ver cómo te desempeñas en comparación a tus competidores. Esta herramienta generadora de los mejores hashtags para Instagram usa la API de Instagram para encontrar los hashtags relacionados. Para usar el generador de hashtags, simplemente tienes que escribir un hashtag Instagram y hacer clic en “Generar”. A continuación, se mostrarán todos los hashtags similares.

All Hashtag: Esta herramienta generadora de hashtags te permite crear y analizar los hashtags más importantes al generar miles de hashtags relevantes, que luego puedes copiar y pegar en tus publicaciones de Instagram. Este generador de hashtags para Instagram selecciona hashtags basados en una palabra clave que tu hayas ingresado. Con tres opciones de filtro diferentes, definitivamente tienes la posibilidad de encontrar las etiquetas Instagram que estás buscando.

Etiquetar en Instagram: Límite de hashtags en Instagram

Instagram impone un límite de 30 hashtags por publicación. Este límite garantiza que el contenido en Instagram sea relevante y evitar el spam o contenido no deseado.

Si estás buscando los mejores hashtags para Instagram para obtener me gusta para tu tienda de ecommerce, es fundamental que tengas en mente el límite de hashtags o etiquetas Instagram que puedes utilizar. 

El límite de hashtags para Instagram puede guiar tu elección sobre qué top hashtags utilizar cuando estás publicando contenido en las cuentas de redes sociales que utilizas para tu negocio . Si estás utilizando un generador de hashtags de Instagram como los mencionados anteriormente, probablemente tendrás un conjunto genérico de 30 hashtags. 

Sin embargo, puedes encontrar hashtags mucho más relevantes para tus publicaciones en particular. Usa los hashtags para Instagram que creas que serán más valiosos para atraer tráfico que realmente interactúe con tu contenido: tú conoces tu tienda online y a tu audiencia mejor que nadie.

Ventajas de usar hashtags para Instagram en tu negocio 

hashtags instagram

Hay muchísimos beneficios de utilizar los hashtags para Instagram si es que quieres empezar un negocio de dropshipping . Veamos algunos de ellos:

Menos inversión: uno de los puntos positivos innegables del uso de hashtags de Instagram es que puedes hacerlo de manera absolutamente gratuita. Si regularmente publicas contenido en tu cuenta de Instagram y utilizas los mejores hashtags relevantes para tu nicho, inevitablemente atraerás a un público más amplio que aumentará tu tráfico orgánico, ¡todo sin pagar ni un solo centavo!

Desarrollar una marca: el uso de hashtags para Instagram para tu negocio de dropshipping – junto con un excelente contenido visual – es la receta ideal para tu estrategia de branding y para crear una imagen de marca duradera en tus clientes. Si creas un hashtag Instagram principal que sea único y que se base en una representación de tu identidad de marca, como el nombre de tu tienda o slogan, dejarás una impresión duradera en tu audiencia. 

Usar el nombre de tu empresa como un hashtag y alentar a tus seguidores a hacer lo mismo creará un sentido de comunidad , lo que es saludable para una sensación de marca duradera. Trata de no centrarte simplemente en los hashtags para obtener me gusta o más seguidores, y en su lugar, que tu objetivo sea crear el reconocimiento de tu marca. Puedes hacerlo utilizando los hashtags de Instagram que mejor representen a tu contenido, y lo que es más importante, que representen a tu marca en la forma en que deseas que se represente.

Creemos que el dropshipping es el mejor modelo de negocios para tu negocio, especialmente si usas Shopify (descubre qué es Shopify y cómo funciona ). Si manejas tu negocio con el modelo de dropshipping, nunca tendrás que preocuparte por llevar el inventario. En cambio, simplemente te comunicarás con tus proveedores cada vez que recibas un pedido, y ellos se encargarán de enviar los productos directamente a la puerta de tus clientes. Puedes usar DSers para administrar tu negocio de dropshipping: comenzar es muy sencillo y facilitará tu vida como emprendedor en el mundo del comercio electrónico.

¿Cuáles son los hashtags más usados?


Aquí está la lista con los 100 mejores hashtags para Instagram o los hashtags más usados para obtener me gusta según las estadísticas de All Hashtag , una herramienta de análisis de Instagram.

Los 100 mejores hashtags para Instagram para obtener me gusta

  • #photooftheday
  • #picoftheday
  • #instadaily
  • #likeforlike
  • #tagsforlikes
  • #follow4follow
  • #photography
  • #followforfollow
  • #bestoftheday
  • #motivation
  • #blackandwhite
  • #inspiration
  • #goodmorning
  • #iphoneonly

Ten en cuenta que estos top hashtags para Instagram son los más populares en general, por lo que es posible que algunos de estos hashtags sean menos útiles para tu negocio que otros . Si este es el caso, puedes usar All Hashtag para encontrar las mejores etiquetas Instagram que sí sean relevantes para tu tienda online. En cualquier caso, te damos unas cuantas ideas para diferentes nichos.

Hashtags Instagram 2023 – Ejemplos hashtags Instagram español


Mejores Instagram hashtags moda


  • #modaespañola
  • #modainstagram
  • #modafemenina
  • #estilofashion
  • #fashionista

Mejores Instagram hashtags fotografía


  • #fotografia
  • #fotografiando
  • #fotografias
  • #fotocolorida
  • #fotografos
  • #fotografiar
  • #fotografiaporamor

Mejores Instagram hashtags viajes


  • #viajaresvivir
  • #vacaciones
  • #viajerosporelmundo

Mejores Instagram hashtags amor


  • #frasesdeamor

Mejores hashtags Instagram maquillaje


  • #maquillaje
  • #maquillajeojos
  • #maquilladoraprofesional
  • #maquillajes
  • #maquilladora
  • #sombradeojos
  • #cursodemaquillaje
  • #maquillate

Mejores hashtags Instagram negocios


  • #negociosonline
  • #emprendedores
  • #negociosinteligentes
  • #emprendimiento
  • #negociopropio
  • #libertadfinanciera

Mejores hashtags Instagram café


  • #uncafeyaescribir

Mejores hashtags Instagram música


  • #artistamusical
  • #musicaindependiente
  • #instamusica

Mejores hashtags Instagram perros


  • #perrosdeinstagram
  • #perrosfelices
  • #amorperruno
  • #vidadeperros
  • #mascotasfelices🐶
  • #mascotasdeinstagram

Mejores hashtags Instagram gatos


  • #gatosdeinstagram
  • #gatosdelmundo

Etiquetas Instagram: ¿Cómo agrego hashtags a las historias de Instagram?

También puedes agregar hashtags a tus Historias de Instagram para llegar a más personas . Con un conjunto de herramientas y filtros a tu disposición, las Instagram Stories son la clave para hacer que tu perfil sea más vivo y más interactivo. Esta característica puede agregar un gran valor para tu perfil de Instagram y en general, para tu marca. Así que veamos cómo hacerlo.

De la misma manera en la que los usuarios pueden agregar pegatinas diferentes a sus Historias de Instagram, ahora también se pueden agregar etiquetas Instagram personalizadas, usando la opción de etiqueta ‘#Hashtag’ . Esto te da la oportunidad de popularizar aún más el hashtag Instagram de tu marca o cualquier otra etiqueta en específico que estés buscando. Las personas que miran tu Instagram Story simplemente pueden tocar el hashtag Instagram que has incluido en tu historia y ver todo el contenido publicado que también usó el mismo hashtag.

cómo usar hashtags

La etiqueta #hashtag brinda a las personas la oportunidad de explorar y conectarse con publicaciones similares en Instagram. Agregar un top hashtag a tu historia no solo ampliará tu audiencia, sino que también pavimentará el camino para ganar más seguidores. Desde el lanzamiento de la etiqueta Hashtag en Instagram, tienes la posibilidad de que te busquen simplemente con el hashtag Instagram que estás usando.

Al usar la función de Instagram Stories, tus historias aparecerán en la parte superior del feed de tus seguidores, justo por debajo del logotipo de Instagram. Esto hace que sea más probable que vean la historia, con la posibilidad de que tus etiquetas de Instagram sean más visibles. Además, puedes experimentar con las opciones de edición y ver qué funciona mejor para tu marca , quizás con diferentes estilos, fuentes o modos de captura. Con más de 500 millones de usuarios de las historias de Instagram , vale la pena utilizar los hashtags adecuados para llegar a la audiencia correcta.

Etiquetar en Instagram: Consejos profesionales de Instagram

Crecer tu lista de seguidores para tu tienda online es una tarea difícil, y es importante que puedas aprovechar todas las estrategias de marketing disponibles para ampliar el alcance de tu tienda. Aquí te damos algunos consejos profesionales de Instagram que puedes usar (además de utilizar los mejores hashtags para Instagram para obtener me gusta ) que te ayudarán a crecer tu audiencia.

  • Interactúa con tus seguidores: una excelente manera de consolidar el apoyo de tus seguidores es involucrarse con ellos. Si te gusta su feed de Instagram, ¡no dudes en seguirlos! Si publicaron un comentario interesante en tu última publicación, dale un me gusta . Significará mucho para ellos y se sentirán apreciados como clientes.
  • Publica frecuentemente: publicar con frecuencia es una de las claves del éxito en Instagram. Si publicas contenido atractivo de manera frecuente, tendrás una gran oportunidad de atraer nuevos clientes y mantener clientes satisfechos . Si publicas tan solo una vez al mes, te resultará mucho más difícil ganar y mantener la atención de clientes potenciales.
  • Analiza a tu competencia : echa un vistazo a los feeds de tu competencia, anota lo que te gusta y lo que crees que tú podrías hacer mejor. Inspírate en tus competidores, especialmente si han tenido éxito: tienen una fórmula exitosa, así que utilízala para tu propio beneficio.
  • Contenido visual: haz que tu contenido visual se destaque no solo a través de tu creatividad sino también a través de tus habilidades fotográficas. Si quieres tener éxito en Instagram, asegúrate de agregar contenido de calidad que capte la atención de tu público. Toma excelentes fotografías de tus productos y usa las mejores aplicaciones para editar fotos para generar un feed de Instagram que realmente represente la voz de tu marca.

También tienes la posibilidad de experimentar con los hashtags más usados y ver qué patrón seguir luego de evaluar si al cambiar algunos de los hashtags que estás utilizando, se genera un resultado favorable.

Hashtag Instagram: ¿Cómo puedo medir mi progreso?

Con estas herramientas podrás descubrir los mejores hashtags de Instagram para atraer a una gran audiencia. Puedes hacer esto a través de un análisis de la cantidad promedio de me gusta , así como de los comentarios que obtiene cada publicación usando diferentes etiquetas de Instagram.

Aquí hay algunos puntos clave que pueden ayudarte a medir tu progreso:

  • Cantidad de me gusta , comentarios e imágenes guardadas
  • Impresiones: la cantidad de veces que ha sido vista una publicación
  • Alcance: la cantidad de visitantes únicos en una publicación
  • Cambio en el número de seguidores
  • Tasa de interacción

También tienes la posibilidad de experimentar con nuevos hashtags y ver qué patrón seguir, luego de evaluar si algún cambio en los hashtags que estás utilizando genera un resultado favorable.

Hashtags Instagram español: Comienza a usar los mejores hashtags de Instagram hoy mismo


Hemos cubierto todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los hashtags más usados en Instagram y además ya sabes cómo encontrar las mejores etiquetas de Instagram para tu tienda online. ¡Enhorabuena! A partir de hoy puedes comenzar a crecer tu audiencia en Instagram para tu comercio electrónico.

Es importante que siempre revises el rendimiento de tu contenido en Instagram. Esto te ayudará a mejorar la productividad de tus redes sociales y, en última instancia, te ayudará a hacer crecer tu tienda online y a generar más ingresos.

¿Quieres saber más?

  • Cómo ganar dinero en Instagram
  • Cómo hacer marketing de influencers en Instagram
  • Cómo vender en Instagram: 6 consejos infalibles
  • Instagram Shopping: qué es y cómo se configura

Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre los hashtags para Instagram o el marketing en general, cuéntanos en los comentarios. Estamos encantados de poder ayudarte en tu viaje por el mundo del comercio electrónico.

Things to Do in Elektrostal, Russia - Elektrostal Attractions

Things to do in elektrostal.

  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Budget-friendly
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Couples
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

travel fitness hashtags

1. Electrostal History and Art Museum

travel fitness hashtags

2. Statue of Lenin

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3. Park of Culture and Leisure

4. museum and exhibition center.

travel fitness hashtags

5. Museum of Labor Glory

travel fitness hashtags

7. Galereya Kino

8. viki cinema, 9. smokygrove.

travel fitness hashtags

10. Gandikap

11. papa lounge bar, 12. karaoke bar.

Every product is independently selected by (obsessive) editors. Things you buy through our links may earn us a commission.

21 Famous People on Their Favorite Sheets

travel fitness hashtags

In our column “What I Can’t Live Without,” we’ve interviewed hundreds of famous people about their favorite products — and here, we’re going deep into their favorite bedding . Whether they run hot, care deeply about their top sheet, or just buy what their spouse recommends, the stars are just like us — they sleep best with their favorite set of sheets. And while the list includes some pricier brands, like Frette and D. Porthault, there are plenty of more affordable options in the mix, too, including sets from Strategist-favorite brands Brooklinen and Parachute. To help you peruse their picks, we’ve organized this list by category — sets and standalone pieces — and in cases where more than one celebrity recommended the same bedding, we’ve included all of their quotes. For your convenience, all prices listed are for queen-size sheets unless otherwise specified.

Cozy Earth Bamboo Sheet Set - Queen

Nikki Glaser “I don’t really allow a lot of luxury in my life because I’m a self-loathing comedian, but this always makes me feel really rich and just the way I should be treating myself — the way everyone should treat themselves is to have things like Cozy Earth sheets. They feel buttery and cooling and just elite.” — May 2024

Parachute Sateen Sheet Set - Queen

Dominique Ansel “I don’t sleep much, but when I sleep, I like to sleep well. It was only after I’d been in the U.S. ten, 15 years that I started to appreciate bedsheets. I remember going to a very nice hotel once and slept so well, then looking at the bedsheets and they were these. They’re smooth, soft, and high quality.” — January 2022

Parachute Linen Sheet Set with Top Sheet

Gail Simmons  “I bought some linen sheets from a fancy Italian linen brand when we moved into our home a few years ago, and we loved them because linen is just the most comfortable fabric. It gets softer the more you wash, and more worn in, in this great way. Well, we wore them in so much that we got holes in them. Then we thought, Parachute is so approachable, we might as well try them . Now, we’ve had them for three months, and we love them. They’re great linen sheets that won’t cost you a crazy amount.” — October 2017

Lands’ End 400 Thread Count Premium Supima Cotton Sateen Bed Sheet Set

Rachel Antonoff “Sheets are one of those products you’re tricked into thinking are better the more expensive they are. These sheets are certainly not cheap, but after having slept on Frette sheets, I think these are just as soft and lovely. I’ve been using them for about five years now. I don’t remember who recommended them to me, but I do vaguely remember saying to someone, ‘Oh my God, these are the greatest sheets I’ve ever felt. Don’t even tell me how much they cost.’ And they leaned in and they were like, ‘Lands’ End.’” — December 2023

Tekla Percale Bedding - Fitted Sheet

Molly Baz “My gift to myself after signing my second book deal was in some ways the gift of rest, something I knew I was going to need a lot of to pull another book off. I splurged on a brand new set of Tekla bedding — I love Tekla, but it’s not cheap! — and went for the whole shebammy. Duvet cover, pillow covers, top and bottom sheets. If you’re wondering how this relates to my kitchen? Yup, you guessed it. They were all the color of butter.” — June 2023

Tekla Percale Bedding - Duvet Cover

Perfume Genius “I’m kind of obsessed with bedding and am always trying to perfect the whole experience. I resisted linen sheets because I always thought they’d be scratchy. But linen makes the most sense to me. I sleep really hot. They are soft but feel sturdy and delicate at the same time. They breathe, and it feels kind of luxe but in a natural way” — June 2022

Frette Ultimate Sheet Set - Queen

Beverly Johnson “The best sheets ever. They’re beautiful to sleep in. I only bought them recently because I always felt they were a little exorbitant to just buy randomly — I could never justify them even though I always wanted them. But I had a session with my life coach, and we talked about how I need to be nice to Beverly and be good to Beverly and just start seizing the moment, so one day I decided to splurge and get the sheets. I realized I’m worth it. And now I know why everyone raves about them.” — December 2020

Frette Hotel Classic Sheet Set - Queen

Mike Piazza “I have to give credit where credit’s due: This is my wife. When we started dating, she said, ‘You have the most disgusting sheets I’ve ever seen.’ I was not into bedding or sheets, but now I’m hooked. We love sheets, but they have to be very high thread-count sheets, like Frette’s.” — October 2020

Mario Dedivanovic “I’ve moved like nine or ten times in the past ten years. So I’ve gone through lots of different sheets, but I never spent a lot of money on them. When I bought my first home two or three years ago, my interior designer Ryan Corbin was like, ‘No, I need to get you your sheets,’ and he got them from Frette. Now, I could never go back to my Bed Bath & Beyond sheets. There’s such a big difference in the quality and the way they feel.” — December 2019

The White Company Essentials Egyptian Cotton Duvet Cover

Melanie C  “I remember one of the first hotels the Spice Girls stayed at was the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills, which is just the most fabulous hotel you can imagine … And of course, all of these hotels have one thing in common, and they all have incredible beds with the most beautiful bed linen. So you quite quickly think, I could get used to this . I actually bought this set for my brother — he moved into a house just before Christmas. He’d bought himself a nice new bed, and on his Christmas list was to get some nice bed linen. So I treated him. It’s not cheap, but there’s nothing better after a soak in the aforementioned bath, getting into some Egyptian cotton bed sheets.” — April 2020

The White Company Essentials Egyptian Cotton Classic Pillowcase - Single

Suzanne Somers  “I used to buy these really expensive sheets that I had to take to the laundromat to have specially washed. The whole thing was expense on expense on expense. I saw an ad for the Boll and Branch brand several years ago, so I ordered a set, and you know what, I like these better. They’re not cheap either, but they don’t need ironing, and the more you wash them, the softer they get.” — April 2020

Brooklinen Luxe Core Sheet Bundle - Queen

Missy Robbins “About two or three years ago, I saw a bunch of ads for these, and I guess they worked because I’ve been using the sheets ever since. I just bought new ones because I upgraded to a king-size bed. I’m super-picky about what goes on my bed. I like everything to be really soft. I want to be super-cozy, but I don’t want to sweat to death; these have that balance I like. They’re also so soft and clean-looking. I’m a clean, white-sheet type of person.” — December 2019

D.Porthault Coeurs Pink Sheet Set - King

Rita Konig “My mother had these linens when I was a child, and really no one else has done prints like D. Porthault. They’re just so crisp and pretty; sometimes a bed can become a real white marshmallow mountain in the middle of the room, and just a little bit of pattern can add some personality. Because D. Porthault is so horribly expensive, the collecting of it is part of the fun — like, I bought my collection in stages. I got two pillowcases on sale, then I got two more, and then I got paid for a big job and bought the sheets. I’ve also bought them on eBay, but the prices aren’t that great anymore — though sometimes an old lady dies in Des Moines and the estate will put a whole collection on there.” — October 2019

Area Home PERLA Sheet Set - Queen

Irene Neuwirth “My interior designer Sarah Shetter tipped me off to these sheets. My boyfriend is very particular and won’t touch anything linen, but these are the softest, most beautiful cotton sheets I’ve ever felt. I have a seashell color and a light blue. They’re just really, really beautiful. I would almost say that above everything in my house, they’re my favorite thing.” — August 2019

Standalone pieces

Sferra Giza 45 Sateen Flat Sheet - Queen

Lynda Carter “I prefer sateen as opposed to the percale because sateen has the ply going both ways, so it lies flatter and it has less of a tendency to pill. The fabric flattens even more and gets silkier the more you wash it. They feel like hotel sheets. I always go with white. Sometimes, I get something with a little gold and silver on them or some kind of something.” — December 2023

Coyuchi Diamond-Stitched Organic Cotton Comforter

Lucy DeVito “My mom, Rhea Perlman, introduced me to the brand. She loves a throw, like swung over the couch. I got this comforter in the ginger color for my dressing room for the play. I wanted to make the room really cozy. I’ll nap there on the cot on a two-show day. The blanket is organic cotton, baby soft, mid-weight, earth-toned — check, check, check, check. ” — December 2023

Slip Silk Pillowcase, Standard/Queen

Claire Saffitz “When I was a kid, my aunt gave my sisters and me all satin pillowcases, and since then I’ve loved sleeping on a cold pillow. As an adult, I got a silk one because it’s supposed to be great for your skin and hair. I do feel like my hair dries out less when I’m sleeping on this, and if I sleep on a cotton pillowcase, I’ll wake up with creases in my skin … I can’t sleep without it now.” — November 2022

Kourtney Kardashian “I always have to sleep on a silk pillowcase. I remember when I was maybe 15, and one of my mom’s best friends, she was an actress, told us the No. 1 beauty tip is to sleep on a silk pillowcase. I’ve done it since I was in high school. And now I travel with mine. If I’m going anywhere for more than, like, two nights, then I definitely bring my silk pillowcase.” — October 2019

Kristen Bell  “When I first put the silk pillowcase on my pillow, I thought to myself, Is this who I am now? I’m the girl who blindly follows the silk-pillowcase fad? But a follower I am. So I put it on and didn’t think twice about it again. But the other morning I woke up, walked into the kitchen, and my husband said, ‘Hon, what’s up with your hair?’ I looked in the mirror and half of my head was completely normal, soft, non-tangled hair, and the other side looked like I was attacked in my sleep. I realized in the middle of the night I had switched to my back and slept on another pillow. And the side that looked great could only have been credited to my silk pillowcase! It was an accidental side-by-side experiment and the silk pillowcase won by a factor of a million.” — December 2018

Magniberg Mother Sateen Flat Sheet in Black

Felix Burrichter “I came to Magniberg looking specifically for black sheets. Some black sheets can look a little tacky — like very satiny and as if they would come with a pair of handcuffs and maybe a whip. What’s special about Magniberg’s black sheets is they’re a very deep black with a matte finish. It’s a beautiful color. They’re all cotton, so they’re very soft to touch and silky smooth.” — August 2021

Jon Gray “I like the cotton they use. It’s not too hot; it just feels good. Being able to get into comfortable sheets just makes all the difference. Plus, these look really fresh. I got a couple because I eat those Justin’s Peanut Butter Cups in bed sometimes, and I’ll wake up with peanut-butter or chocolate stains on the sheets. It’s not fly for a young man to live like that. I keep extra sheets on deck, so when one’s in the wash, the other one is still fresh. You feel me?” — August 2021

Editor’s note: Magniberg lists all prices in euros, so the price shown for that retailer is an approximate conversion to U.S. dollars.

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