Park, Sleep and Cruise - mit Sleep and Cruise Parken, Übernachten und Transfer vor der Kreuzfahrt.

Park, Sleep and Cruise

Übernachten und Parken vor der Kreuzfahrt.

Sleep and Cruise Hafen

Sleep and Cruise

Die Kreuzfahrt entspannt beginnen.

Park, Sleep and Cruise - Günstiges Parken und Übernachten vor der Kreuzfahrt

Mit Park, Sleep and Cruise sofort mitten im Urlaub! Rechtzeitig und entspannt anreisen und preiswert parken.

Mit Sleep and Cruise günstig übernachten und bereits vorher Urlaub erleben.

Mit Sleep and Cruise günstig übernachten und bereits vorher Urlaub erleben.

Mit Park, Sleep and Cruise und einem preiswerten Transfer den Urlaub entspannt beginnen.

Transfer, Sleep and Cruise

Mit Park, Sleep and Cruise und einem preiswerten Transfer den Urlaub entspannt beginnen.

Sleep and Cruise - Hamburg Hafen

Hamburg ist der größte Seehafen in Deutschland und - nach Rotterdam und Antwerpen - der drittgrößte Hafen in Europa.

Kreuzfahrtterminals in Hamburg

Kreuzfahrtterminals in Hamburg Cruise Center Altona, Cruise Center Hafencity, Cruise Center Baakenhöft, Cruise Center Steinwerder und Überseebrücke

Informationen zu den Anreisemöglichkeiten und zum Aufenthalt

Informationen zu den Anreisemöglichkeiten und zum Aufenthalt

Kreuzfahrten ab Hamburg

Möchten Sie eine Kreuzfahrt gern auch einmal live erleben? Kreuzfahrten preiswert ab Hamburg buchen

Park, Sleep and Cruise Hamburg Hafen

Park, Sleep and Cruise Hamburg Hafen

Parken am Kreuzfahrtterminal und Transfer

Transfer zum Kreuzfahrtterminal in Hamburg

Schiffsanläufe Hafen Hamburg

Schiffsanläufe und Schiffsankünfte Hamburg

Park, Sleep and Cruise - günstige Paketangebote

Die Lage der Hamburger Kreuzfahrtterminals "Hamburg Cruise Center Altona", "Hamburg Cruise Center am Grasbrook in der HafenCity" / "Cruise Center Baakenhöft", "Hamburg Cruise Center am Kronprinzkai auf Steinwerder", "Hamburg Liegeplatz Überseebrücke" sowie "Hamburg - Fischmarkt Altona innen Ost" (Flussschiffe) im Überblick.

Park, Sleep and Cruise - günstige Transferangebote

Sleep and cruise hamburg hafen.

Finden Sie unter " Parken am Kreuzfahrthafen " oder " Hotels am Kreuzfahrthafen " Ihr optimales Sleep and Cruise - Paket, speziell für Kreuzfahrten. Gegebenenfalls, zum Beispiel bei fehlender Verfügbarkeit, ist auch das Übernachten und Parken in Flughafennähe - mit Transfer oder Shuttle zum Kreuzfahrtschiff - eine gute Alternative.

Unsere weiteren Empfehlungen für Park, Sleep and Cruise Hamburg

Folgenden Anbieter bieten optionale Angebote für Park, Sleep and Cruise Hamburg.

park & cruise hamburg

Hotels am Kreuzfahrtterminal Hamburg

Preiswerte Hotels für Hamburg, in Hafennähe oder in der Umgebung Ihres Kreuzfahrtterminals in Hamburg.

Unsere weiteren Hotelempfehlungen

Folgenden Anbieter bieten optionale Angebote für Hotelübernachtungen in Hafennähe.

Ticket für den Nahverkehr incl.

Hotels immer in zentraler Lage und unmittelbarer Nähe zum zentralen Bahnhof. Viele IC Hotels bieten zugleich Park, Sleep-and-Cruise Angebote an.

park & cruise hamburg

Zentrale Lage

über 850.000 unterkünfte weltweit.

Hotelsuche leicht gemacht. Durch die Eingabe weniger Informationen finden Sie auch hier das optimale Hafenhotel. Die genaue Lage ist einfach sichtbar.

park & cruise hamburg

Vielfältige Angebote

Hotels auf der ganzen welt ....

Sie richten sich gern nach Erfahrungen anderer Gäste? Finden Sie hier einen reichen Erfahrungsschatz, auch für Kreuzfahrten und Flusskreuzfahrten.

park & cruise hamburg

Angebote nutzen

Hotelbuchungen weltweit.

Neben dem Angebot an Hotelverfügbarkeiten für Unternehmen und Geschäftsreisende hält das Portal natürlich auch Angebote für alle anderen Reisenden bereit.

Einzel- und Gruppenbuchung

park & cruise hamburg

Parken am Kreuzfahrtterminal Hamburg

Für das "Parken am Kreuzfahrtterminal" stehen vielfältige Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Egal ob allgemeines Parken im Parkaus, auf einem Parkplatz, Shuttle-Parken (Parkplatz mit meist kostenfreiem Shuttle) oder dem Valet-Parken, bei dem Sie Ihr Fahrzeug direkt vor dem Kreuzfahrtterminal übergeben und nach der Kreuzfahrt wieder in Empfang nehmen können.

Parken am Kreuzfahrtterminal buchen

Hafenparkplatz national und international

Angeboten werden Hafenparkplätze und weitere Parkmöglichleiten in Deutschland und Europa, je nach Hafen und Lage mit Shuttle-Service. Sie erhalten sofort online einen unverbindlichen Kostenvoranschlag, auf Grundlage dessen Sie sich sofort Ihren Parkplatz reservieren und sichern können. Hafenparkplatz reservieren

park & cruise hamburg

Parkhaus oder Parkplatz mit Service

Vom Anbieter garantiert wird der optimalste Preis, egal ob es sich um einen Außenparkplatz mit Shuttle Service, um ein Parkhaus mit Valet Service oder einen Parkplatz handelt. "ich-parke-billiger" ist seit langem ein kompetenter Anbieter für sichere Flughafenparkplätze und Hafenparkplätze in ganz Deutschland.

Parken am Kreuzfahrthafen

Parkplätze, attraktive Hotelangebote (auch als Sleep-and-Cruise) und Transfers für alle Kunden, die entspannt in den Urlaub starten. Kombinierbar sind Sleep and Cruise- oder Sleep and Fly- Angebote, welche die Übernachtung, den Parkplatz, Transfer und oftmals auch das Frühstück beinhalten.

park & cruise hamburg

Spezialist für Parken am Flughafen

Seit 2005 ein kompetenter Partner, wenn es um einen günstigen Flughafen-Parkplatz geht. Als Spezialist für Parken am Flughafen sind Parkplätze, Parkhäuser und Tiefgaragen an 14 Standorten in Deutschland und einem in Zürich/Schweiz reservierbar.

Transfer zum Kreuzfahrtterminal Hamburg

Diese Transfer-Services bringen Sie bequem und pünktlich zu Ihrer Kreuzfahrt und zu jedem Kreuzfahrtterminal in Hamburg Hafen.

Weltweiter Flughafen Transfer

Der Anbieter bietet "... die beste Auswahl an weltweiten Flughafen Transfer, passend für jedes Budget." sowie eine faire Preisgestaltung.

Hafen, Hafenterminal, Flughafen

zum Festpreis

Zentraler Transfer

Individuelle Transfergestaltung mit oder ohne Parkplatzbuchung. Alle Bestandteile lassen sich einzeln kombinieren.

Shuttleservice und Transfer

Shuttlebus Transfer, Privat Transfer und Limousinen Transfer zum Festpreis buchen. Je nach Verfügbarkeit wird die Transferart angeboten.

park & cruise hamburg

Festpreistransfer auch von Zuhause zum Schiff

Informationen und anreisemöglichkeiten.

▸ für Hamburg ◂

Anreise mit dem Zug

park & cruise hamburg

Anreise mit dem Flugzeug

park & cruise hamburg

Anreise mit dem Fernbus/Bus

park & cruise hamburg

Anreise mit dem Mietwagen

park & cruise hamburg

Anreise mit dem eigenen Fahrzeug

Transfer zum kreuzfahrtschiff, taxi zum kreuzfahrtschiff, parken am kreuzfahrtterminal.

park & cruise hamburg

Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zum Kreuzfahrtschiff

park & cruise hamburg


Park, Sleep and Cruise − Parken und Übernachten vor der Kreuzfahrt

Über uns • Sleep-and-Cruise

• Startseite

• Impressum

• Datenschutzerklärung

• Widerrufsbelehrung

• Nutzungsbedingungen

• Hinweise zur barrierefreien Nutzung

Reise- und Maritime Links

• Bahn und Fernbus preiswert buchen

• Mietwagen zum Kreuzfahrtterminal

• Hotel am Kreuzfahrtterminal

• Parken am Kreuzfahrtterminal

• Transfer zum Kreuzfahrtterminal

• Schiffsankünfte   • Schiffstracking   •


  • Cruise Center Steinwerder
  • Cruise Center Altona
  • Cruise Center HafenCity (im Bau)
  • Cruise Center Baakenhöft
  • Schiffsankünfte
  • Schiffe live verfolgen
  • Basic Facts
  • Impressionen
  • Hamburg entdecken

Cruise Parken - Parkmöglichkeiten an den Hamburger Cruise Centern

Parken am terminal steinwerder, wichtiger hinweis:, ab dem 25. mai 2024 sind online-buchungen für unseren parkplatz am cruise center steinwerder bis auf weiteres nicht möglich, da der parkplatz voll ausgelastet ist und keine freien parkplätze zur verfügung stehen , bitte nutzen sie alternative anreisemöglichkeiten zum terminal steinwerder sowie parkhäuser in der innenstadt (bspw.  contipark tiefgarage elbarkaden  - sondertarif für kreuzfahrtpassagiere)., vielen dank für ihr verständnis., online reservierung in zwei schritten.

park & cruise hamburg

Attraktive Preise

park & cruise hamburg

Kein Warten auf einen Shuttle

park & cruise hamburg

Hochwassersicheres Parken

park & cruise hamburg

Kurze Wege direkt am Schiff

park & cruise hamburg

Schnell und komfortabel

Sorgenfreies Parken am Cruise Center Steinwerder

Wir sorgen für  entspanntes Parken  direkt am  Terminal Steinwerder!  Über 1.500 hochwassersichere Lang- und Kurzzeitparkplätze  stehen Kreuzfahrtgästen, Bringern und Abholern sowie Besuchern auf dem  Parkplatz A,  in der  Vorfahrt / Drop-off Zone  oder auf alternativen Flächen am Terminal zur Verfügung. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Ihr Fahrzeug für die Dauer der Reise am Kreuzfahrtterminal Steinwerder zu parken. So profitieren Sie von kurzen Wegen und müssen nicht auf einen Shuttlebus warten, der Sie zu einem weiter entfernten Stellplatz bringt. Zusätzlich profitieren Sie bei unserer Online-Parkplatzreservierung von günstigen Angeboten. Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen des Parkplatzpersonals vor Ort, wenn Sie einen Stellplatz zugewiesen bekommen.

Sollten Sie ohne eine vorherige Online-Reservierung anreisen, wird Ihr Kennzeichen bei der Einfahrt automatisch (zunächst) als Kurzparker erkannt - und die Schranke öffnet sich. Die Gebühr für Ihre tatsächliche Parkzeit - gemäß der angegebenen Vor-Ort-Tarife - bezahlen Sie nach der Rückkehr von Ihrer Reise an einem der Kassenautomaten. Dazu begeben Sie sich bitte vor der Ausfahrt vom Parkplatz zum Kassenautomaten, geben dort Ihr Kfz-Kennzeichen ein und bezahlen den angezeigten Betrag in bar oder mit EC-/Kreditkarte. An der Ausfahrtschranke wird Ihr Kennzeichen automatisch als bezahlt erkannt und die Schranke öffnet sich. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gute Heimreise!


Vorfahrt / Drop Off zone

Parkplatz A


Vorfahrt / drop off zone *, parkplatz a *.

*Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt. Der tatsächliche Preis kann bei der Online-Buchung abweichen. Stand: März 2023. Es gelten unsere AGB zur Online-Parkplatzreservierung .


Allgemeines & buchung und reservierung & gebühren und tarife & ein- und ausfahrt.

park & cruise hamburg


park & cruise hamburg

Buchung und Reservierung

park & cruise hamburg

Gebühren und Tarife

park & cruise hamburg

Ein- und Ausfahrt

Wenn Sie eine Parkplatzreservierung vornehmen, wird auf eine gesicherte SSL-Datenverbindung zugegriffen. Zur Bestätigung der Sicherheit ist auf der Start- sowie Zahlungsdatenseite das HTTPS-Siegel zu erkennen. Die Zahlung Ihrer Parkplatzreservierung wird über unseren Dienstleister durch das Produkt ParkPay abgewickelt, welches PCI zertifiziert ist. Wenn Sie weitere Informationen zur PCI wünschen, dann finden Sie diese im folgenden Link:

Wenn Sie mit einem Auto plus Anhänger oder einem Wohnmobil am Terminal parken möchten, dann wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Kooperationspartner Parken & Meer . Mitarbeiter dort nehmen gerne Ihre Buchung entgegen und kümmern sich um Ihren Wagen.

Stornierungen und Umbuchungen sind in Übereinstimmung mit den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der APCOA PARKING Deutschland GmbH bis 48 Stunden vor gebuchter Einfahrt möglich. Unter "Mein Konto" wählen Sie durch Klick auf die Buchungsnummer die betreffende Buchung aus. Wählen Sie "Buchung stornieren" oder "Umbuchung". Nach fristgerechter Stornierung wird Ihnen die bereits bezahlte Parkgebühr in voller Höhe zurück erstattet.

Für Kunden mit eingeschränkter Mobilität stehen Stellplätze auf der Vorfahrt / Drop-off-Zone oder dem Parkplatz A zur Verfügung. Es kann jedoch kein spezieller Platz gebucht werden. Wenn Sie online einen Stellplatz gebucht haben, fahren Sie bitte auf die entsprechende Fläche und stellen Ihr Fahrzeug auf den ausgewiesenen Parkplätzen ab.

Mit der Stellplatzbuchung wird kein spezieller Stellplatz reserviert. Sofern keine extra Beschilderung angebracht ist, dürfen Sie jeden Stellplatz auf dem gebuchten Parkplatz benutzen. Bitte folgen Sie gegebenenfalls den Anweisungen des Parkplatzpersonals zur Abstellung Ihres Fahrzeugs.

Seit Mai 2022 gibt es auf dem Parkplatz am Cruise Center Steinwerder öffentliche Ladepunkte zum Laden Ihres Elektrofahrzeugs. Um die Lademöglichkeit nutzen zu können, nehmen Sie bitte die Zufahrt "Vorfahrtzone". Dort sind die Standorte der zwei Ladesäulen markiert. Insgesamt sind 4 Anschlüsse vorhanden, jeder Anschluss kann mit bis zu 22kW laden.

park & cruise hamburg

Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Fragen zu Ihrer Buchung gerne an APCOA entweder per Mail an [email protected] oder per Telefon unter 0711-305 70 305. 

Reservierungen sind ausschließlich über unsere Internetseite  und die Buchungsplattform möglich. Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass Buchungen per Brief, Fax, E-Mail oder Telefon nicht bearbeitet werden können.

Die Online-Reservierung können Sie bis max. 24 Stunden vor Parkbeginn durchführen.

Reservierungen werden bis maximal 24 Stunden nach der angegebenen Einfahrtszeit aufrechterhalten; danach verfällt die Reservierung. Die bezahlte Parkgebühr wird nicht zurück erstattet. Daher empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Reservierung rechtzeitig zu stornieren. Eine Stornierung ist bis 48 Stunden vor der geplanten Einfahrt möglich.

Sobald Sie Ihren Reisezeitraum eingegeben haben, werden Ihnen alle verfügbaren Parkprodukte für eine Online-Parkplatzreservierung angezeigt. Wenn Ihr gewünschtes Parkprodukt nicht angezeigt wird, können Sie es für diesen Zeitraum nicht mehr buchen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen dann ein anderes Parkprodukt für Ihre anstehende Reise auszuwählen. Dass ein Parkprodukt nicht buchbar ist, kann unterschiedliche Gründe haben:

  • Das Kontingent für das Parkprodukt ist für Ihren ausgewählten Parkzeitraum bereits ausgebucht.
  • Die Mindestparkdauer Ihres gewünschten Parkproduktes wurde nicht eingehalten.

Sollten Sie keine Buchungsbestätigung erhalten haben, prüfen Sie bitte vorab Ihren Spam-Ordner. Liegt Ihnen die Bestätigung nicht mehr vor, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Kundenservice unter  [email protected]  mit Angabe Ihres Namens, des Buchungszeitraums, Ihrer E-Mailadresse und - falls vorhanden - Ihrer Buchungsnummer. Sie erhalten eine neue Buchungsbestätigung per E-Mail.

Im Bereich "Mein Konto" haben Sie die Möglichkeit mit Ihrer E-Mailadresse und Buchungsnummer oder Ihrem Login (mit Registrierung) eine Buchungsbestätigung erneut zuzusenden. Unter "Mein Konto" wählen Sie durch Klick auf die Buchungsnummer die betreffende Buchung aus. Wählen Sie "Beleg erneut zusenden".

Registrierte Kunden haben die Möglichkeit in ihrem Konto unter der gewünschten Buchung das Kennzeichen zu ändern. Unregistrierte Kunden können dies unter Angabe der E-Mailadresse und der Buchungsnummer. Unter "Mein Konto" wählen Sie die betreffende Buchung aus und klicken anschließend auf "Kennzeichen ändern". Geben Sie das neue Kennzeichen ein und bestätigen Sie mit "OK".

Stornierungen und Umbuchungen sind in Übereinstimmung mit den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der APCOA PARKING Deutschland GmbH bis 48 Stunden vor gebuchter Einfahrt möglich. Unter "Mein Konto" wählen Sie durch Klick auf die Buchungsnummer die betreffende Buchung aus. Wählen Sie "Buchung stornieren" oder "Umbuchung". Nach fristgerechter Stornierung wird Ihnen die bereits bezahlte Parkgebühr in voller Höhe zurück erstattet.

Ja, direkt nach der verbindlich abgeschlossenen Online-Buchung erhalten Sie per E-Mail die Reservierungsbestätigung inkl. wichtiger Hinweise und einer Anfahrtsskizze zum Cruise Center Steinwerder. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Reservierungsbestätigung für die Dauer des Parkvorgangs mit sich zu führen.

Sie können Ihre Online-Buchung mit EC-/Kreditkarte oder per Paypal bezahlen. Die Park- und Reservierungsgebühr wird Ihnen auf dem angegebenen Zahlungsmittel direkt nach der verbindlich abgeschlossenen Parkplatz-Buchung belastet. Eine Überweisung oder Bezahlung am Kassenautomat ist nicht notwendig.

Die Parkgebühren ergeben sich aus dem gebuchten Produkt (Vorfahrtzone oder Parkplatz A) und der Parkdauer. Bei der Online-Buchung werden die für Ihren angegebenen Parkzeitraum verfügbaren Parkprodukte inkl. der jeweiligen Parkpreise angezeigt.

Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Ihr Parkticket an den Kassenautomaten in bar oder mit EC-/Kreditkarte zu bezahlen.

Automatische Kennzeichenerkennung ist die modernste und einfachste Art zu parken. Das Ziehen eines Tickets ist hier nicht nötig. Bitte fahren Sie direkt mit Ihrem Fahrzeug zur Einfahrt des Cruise Centers Steinwerder. Durch das automatische Scannen des bei der Online-Stellplatzbuchung angegebenen Kennzeichens können Sie an den Schranken zum Parkplatz einfach ein- und ausfahren. Wir bewahren die Daten Ihres Kennzeichens nur so lange auf, wie es für die Zwecke, für die sie erhoben wurden, notwendig ist. 

Bitte achten Sie darauf, dass Ihr Kennzeichen frei von Verschmutzungen (insbesondere im Winter durch Schneematsch) ist. Eine Einfahrt ist generell auch ohne Reservierung (als Kurzparker) möglich.

Sollte Ihnen als Buchungskunde an der Ausfahrt der Hinweis "bitte nachzahlen" angezeigt werden, betätigen Sie bitte den Hilfe-Rufknopf und nennen Sie Ihre Buchungsnummer. Fahren Sie innerhalb des gebuchten Zeitraums aus, wird Ihnen die Schranke geöffnet. Im Falle einer Überziehung der gebuchten Parkzeit bezahlen Sie bitte vor der Ausfahrt am Kassenautomaten nach.

Nein. Wenn Sie online ein Parkticket gebucht und Ihr Nummernschild beim Buchungsvorgang hinterlegt haben, ist der Weg zum Kassenautomaten vor der Ausfahrt nicht mehr notwendig Bitte fahren Sie mit Ihrem Fahrzeug direkt zur Ausfahrt. Ihr angegebenes Kennzeichen wird dort automatisch erfasst, als bezahlt erkannt, und die Schranke öffnet sich automatisch.

Nein, die Reservierung berechtigt nur zum einmaligen Ein- und Ausfahren auf die Parkfläche.

Sollte die gebuchte Parkdauer überschritten werden, ist eine Nachzahlung am Kassenautomaten notwendig. Geben Sie hierzu Ihr Kennzeichen am Kassenautomaten ein. Das zu zahlende Parkentgelt wird anhand der zum Zeitpunkt der Einfahrt geltenden und öffentlich aushängenden Parktarife sowie nach der tatsächlichen Verweildauer auf dem Parkplatz berechnet. Nach dem Bezahlen können Sie ausfahren.

Parken am Terminal Altona

Parken leicht gemacht auch am cruise center altona.

Das Cruise Center Altona bietet keine Langzeit-Parkplätze. Bei Anreise mit dem Auto empfehlen wir Ihnen, über unseren Kooperationspartner "Parken und Meer" die Möglichkeit des  Valet Parken oder des Shuttle Parken  vorab zu buchen. Dabei nimmt unser Kooperationspartner Ihr Auto am vereinbarten Ort entgegen und parkt es für Sie für die Dauer Ihrer Reise auf einem gesicherten Parkplatz. Klicken Sie  hier ,  um auf die Website unseres  Kooperationspartners  zu gelangen und ihr  Parkprodukt direkt online zu buchen .

Möchten Sie selber in einem nahegelegenen  öffentlichen Parkhaus parken, empfehlen wir Ihnen Hamburg Holzhafen - APCOA Parking .

Bitte beachten Sie: Da es sich am Cruise Center Altona um einen öffentlichen Parkplatz handelt, werden Fahrzeuge, die für die Dauer einer Kreuzfahrt widerrechtlich auf dem Parkplatz geparkt werden, kostenpflichtig abgeschleppt.

Aus aktuellem Anlass weisen wir darauf hin, dass die Parkservice-Anbieter „Parkreview“ ( ) und „Stop & Cruise – Cruise-Parken Hamburg“ ( ) KEINE Kooperationspartner von Cruise Gate Hamburg sind. Fahrzeuge, die über diesen Anbieter gebucht sind und widerrechtlich auf dem Parkplatz in Altona, Steinwerder oder HafenCity stehen bleiben, werden kostenpflichtig abgeschleppt; entstehende Parkgebühren sind an Cruise Gate Hamburg GmbH nachzuentrichten.

Shuttle Parken & Valet Parken

park & cruise hamburg

Shuttle Parken

park & cruise hamburg

Valet Parken

Shuttle Parken - Sie parken Ihr Auto an einem Außenstellplatz und werden mit dem Bus zum Cruise Center gefahren

Bitte buchen Sie das gewünschte Produkt bei unserem Kooperationspartner und folgen Sie für die Anfahrt zu dem Außenparkplatz den Anweisungen, die Sie mit Ihren Buchungsunterlagen erhalten. Melden Sie sich vor Ort bei einem Mitarbeiter des Kooperationspartners und folgen Sie den weiteren Anweisungen. Nachdem Ihr Auto geparkt wurde, werden Sie sowie Ihr Gepäck in einem Shuttlebus zum Cruise Center gefahren. 

Nach Ihrer Reise werden Sie ebenfalls mit einem Shuttlebus vom Terminal zurück zu dem Außenparkplatz und Ihrem Auto gebracht. Ihr Auto wird Ihnen dort von den Mitarbeitern des Kooperationspartners wieder übergeben. 

Wir wünschen Ihnen anschließend eine angenehme und staufreie Heimreise!

Valet Parken - Sie bringen Ihr Auto zum Cruise Terminal und übergeben es dort den Mitarbeitern unseres Kooperationspartners

Bitte buchen Sie das gewünschte Produkt bei einem unserer Kooperationspartner und folgen Sie für die Anfahrt zum Terminal den Anweisungen, die Sie nach Ihrer Buchung erhalten.

Bevor Sie sich vor Ort am Cruise Center bei den Mitarbeitern des Kooperationspartners melden, bringen Sie bitte Ihr Gepäck selbstständig zur Gepäckabgabe. Anschließend melden Sie sich und Ihr Auto bei einem Mitarbeiter des Kooperationspartners vor Ort an. Sie finden die Mitarbeiter auf dem Parkplatz vor dem Terminal. Folgen Sie bitte den weiteren Anweisungen. Ihr Auto wird von den Mitarbeitern entgegengenommen und für die gebuchte Zeit auf einem sicheren Parkplatz geparkt.

Am Ende Ihrer Reise steht Ihr Auto wieder auf dem Parkplatz vor dem Cruise Terminal für Sie zur Abholung bereit. Ein Mitarbeiter des Kooperationspartners übergibt Ihnen die Unterlagen sowie die Autoschlüssel und Ihr Auto, so dass Sie direkt Ihre Heimreise starten können.


Klicken Sie unten auf das Logo unseres Kooperationspartners, um Ihr Parkprodukt online zu buchen. Unser Kooperationspartner nimmt Ihr Auto gemäß Ihrer Buchung am vereinbarten Ort entgegen und parkt es für die Dauer Ihrer Reise für Sie auf einem gesicherten Parkplatz.

Parken am Terminal Baakenhöft

Parken leicht gemacht auch am cruise center baakenhöft.

Das Cruise Center Baakenhöft bietet keine Pkw-Langzeitparkplätze. Bei Anreise mit dem Auto empfehlen wir Ihnen, über unseren Kooperationspartner "Parken und Meer" die Möglichkeit des  Valet Parken oder Shuttle Parken  vorab zu buchen. Dabei nimmt unser Kooperationspartner Ihr Auto am vereinbarten Ort entgegen und parkt es für Sie für die Dauer Ihrer Reise auf einem gesicherten Parkplatz. Klicken Sie  hier , um auf die Website unseres Kooperationspartners zu gelangen und ihr  Parkprodukt direkt online zu buchen .

Alternativ können Sie auch eines der öffentlichen Parkhäuser nutzen, z.B. die nahe gelegene  Contipark Tiefgarage Elbarkaden . Hier gibt es ab 5 Tagen Parkdauer einen speziellen  "Kreuzfahrer-Tarif".

park & cruise hamburg

Edit date and time


Save an extra 5%! Use discount code SPRING when you check out 🐣🌱🌞

Hamburg Port Parking

  • Airport Parking
  • Ports & Stations

About Hamburg Port parking

Hamburg has a long history of Cruises and ferries operating from the city port.

ParkVia offers Hamburg port parking options when you are starting your cruise from here or if you are taking a ferry for a period of time. We aim to show car park options which are the best priced and most secure locations around the port. To get an idea of prices for your long stay Hamburg port parking, enter the dates you wish to park there and see what is available. Prices may vary throughout the season, as at peak times it gets quite busy. Pre-booking is also advisable for the same reason. The car parks can get full quickly during cruise season.

What our customers say about parking at Hamburg Port.

Compare parking at hamburg port, car park map.

Hamburg Port Parking

Hamburg Port information

Even though it is about 70 miles (110 km) from the coast on the river Elbe, the Port of Hamburg is considered a sea port since it is able to handle large ocean-going ships. It is the largest port in Germany, the third-largest in Europe (after the Port of Antwerp and Rotterdam), and the eighth largest in the world.

As well as offering a quick and simple way to book your parking at Hamburg Port, if you're flying from Hamburg Helmut Schmidt airport in the future you will be pleased to know that we also offer Hamburg airport parking .

Stay connected to receive exclusive deals & offers

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Cruise center steinwerder, hamburg, online booking in two steps.

park & cruise hamburg

Attractive Price

park & cruise hamburg

No waiting for a shuttle

park & cruise hamburg

Flood-Proof Parking

park & cruise hamburg

Short distances directly at the ship

park & cruise hamburg

Fast and Comfortable

park & cruise hamburg

Handelsstraße 3

18069 Rostock

T: +49 (0)381 660 96 959

F: +49 (0)381 877 33 279

PARKEN & MEER offers inexpensive parking spaces near the cruise terminals in Hamburg. Cruise tourists arriving by car are therefore in good hands with Parken und Meer. The service makes the cruise traveler’s journey and search for a parking space in Hamburg as easy and pleasant as possible. An availability check for the Hamburg parking lot and an immediate booking are possible at any time via .

The PARKEN & MEER offer includes

• inexpensive outdoor parking spaces in Hamburg • Parking directly at the Steinwerder cruise terminal • free shuttle service from the parking area at the Steinwerder cruise terminal to the Hafen City and Altona cruise terminals • Transportation of your luggage to your cabin on the cruise ship • Free shuttle service at the end of your cruise from the ship back to the Steinwerder cruise terminal • Hotel accommodation before the cruise if required (Sleep & Cruise package)

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Port Guides

A guide to hamburg cruise port and the city’s top attractions.

Make the most of your time in Hamburg before, after or during your cruise with my port guide and tips of what to see and do.

Hamburg, located in Northern Germany, is one of the largest cruise ports in the world. As well as being a popular destination on many Northern Europe cruise itineraries, it is a homeport and turnaround port for several cruise lines.

While the city may not be the first place that springs to mind when you are planning a European cruise, Hamburg has a lot to offer. It is perhaps one of the more underrated cities in Europe. 

So, if you have Hamburg on your cruise itinerary, whether that is for a day stop or a start or finish point, read on for more information on the port. I also share some tips on what to see and do in the city based on my experiences when I visited.

A little bit about Hamburg

Hamburg is Germany’s second-largest city. Sitting on the banks of the Elbe River, the port city is known as the ‘Gateway to the World’.

The bustling port city is also renowned for its culture, history and nightlight. It is also packed with more attractions you could possibly visit in one trip, including a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Perhaps the most surprising thing that Hamburg is famous for is the number of bridges it has. With over 2,500, it has more than Amsterdam, London and Venice combined!

Whether you are interested in art, culture, or history or just want to visit the city where The Beatles spent their early days, Hamburg is a fantastic city to visit.

image of warehouses and wharfs along the waterways of Hamburg

Hamburg Cruise Port

The Port of Hamburg is the largest seaport in Germany and the third largest in Europe. It plays an important role in the distribution of goods around Europe and the rest of the world. 

It is also a popular destination for cruise ships, offering both day visits and overnight stops. As well as being a stop on many Northern Europe cruise itineraries, the port is a starting (and finishing) point for transatlantic crossings and world voyages.

There are three places where cruise ships can dock at the Hamburg Cruise Center.


To find out where your ship will dock, check with your cruise line. You can also view the Port of Hamburg’s cruise sailing schedule to see if your ship is listed. 

Many cruise lines will offer a shuttle bus from the cruise port to the city centre. Check with the cruise company you are travelling with for further information.

Located on the Elbe River, near the city’s famous fish market, the Hamburg Cruise Centre Altona accommodates ships up to 300m in length.

The city centre is around 15-20 minutes away by public transport. Options include a public ferry which will take you from the Hamburg cruise terminal to city centre.

Facilities at the glass-fronted terminal include a cafe.

Tip | If you get a chance, pop up to the roof terrace for a panoramic view of the Port of Hamburg. 

Hamburg’s waterfront has been transformed over the years thanks to a large redevelopment project. 

Part of the port area has been regenerated as Hafencity, a European city for the 21st Century and one of the largest urban regeneration schemes in Europe.

As part of this, a new terminal is currently being built at the Hamburg Cruise Centre HafenCity. Due to open in 2025, the modern terminal will be part of a hotel and shopping complex. Two berths will be available.

While this is being built, a temporary terminal at Baakenhoft is being used, which is in the eastern part of HafenCity.

The Cruise Center Steinwerder is where many of the newest (and largest) cruise ships dock. 

It can handle ships of more than 400 meters in length so if you are cruising on a large cruise ship (think mega ship style) there is a good chance you will dock here. There are two terminal buildings that can accommodate 8,000 people embarking and disembarking.  

Hamburg’s city centre is less than 20 minutes away. Shuttle buses may be offered by your cruise line.

Things to do in Hamburg

Some popular Hamburg attractions and experiences you can do during your time in port include…

  • Taking a boat tour around the Speicherstadt warehouse network, a UNESCO World Heritage site. 
  • Marveling at Miniatur Wunderland – the world’s largest model railway system (and includes a mini Hamburg)
  • Touring the impressive Elbphilharmonie Building , a spectacular looking concert hall on the waterfront
  • Doing some retail therapy at Jungfernstieg, a popular shopping street
  • Taking in the view of the city from the top of the tower of St Michael’s Church, one of the most beautiful baroque churches in northern Germany
  • Getting an insight into the government of Hamburg during a tour of the town hall
  • Enjoying the view of the harbour and explore historic waterfront buildings (and maybe grab an ice cream or coffee!) at St Pauli’s Landungsbrucken.
  • Taking in the art at Hamburger Kunsthalle, one of the largest art museums in Germany.
  • Visiting the St Nikolai Memorial – much of the church was destroyed in World War II, however, the ruins have been turned into a museum and memorial (photos below). There is also an observation deck at the top of the tower.

image looking up at the remains of a Gothic Revival cathedral

Popular shore excursions

Hamburg is a port you can explore on your own. It is a very walkable city and has an extensive public transport network. 

However, you may wish to let your cruise line take care of the logistics and book a shore excursion . This takes some of the hassle out of figuring out what you want to see and how to get there. You will also have the benefit of knowing the cruise ship won’t leave without you. 

Some of the shore excursions offered on a cruise to Hamburg include

  • Touring the highlights and most popular attractions (by foot, boat or both)
  • Exploring the city on a guided bike tour
  • Taking a day trip to Berlin
  • Visiting nearby medieval towns of Luneburg and Lubeck, a World Heritage site.

Tip | If there is an excursion you really want to do, book in advance to avoid disappointment as they can sell out fairly quickly.

Things to know about Hamburg

  • Hamburg is known for its maritime heritage
  • It is one of Germany’s wealthiest cities
  • It has the second largest red light district in Europe – the Reeperbahn
  • Hamburg is sometimes referred to as ‘The Venice of the North” due to its many waterways
  • The Beatles learned their trade in Hamburg, playing over 270 shows between 1960 and 1962.

The Last Word

Whether you are a culture lover, history buff or just want a great day in port, Hamburg is a super destination to visit.

From its modern architecture and vibrant cultural scene to its rich maritime history, Hamburg is a city that has it all.

With a little planning in advance of your stop at Hamburg cruise port, you can have a great day in this fabulous city.

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Hamburg (Germany)

Cruise port schedule, live map, terminals, news.

Hamburg cruise port

Region Baltic - Norwegian Fjords - Russia

Local Time 2024-05-14 12:32

Port Hamburg cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Hamburg, Germany. To see the full itineraries (ports of call dates and arrival / departure times) and their lowest rates – just follow the corresponding ship-link.

Port Hamburg (Hamburger Hafen) is Germany's largest seaport and one of the world's largest cruise ports, currently ranked Europe's 2nd-largest (after Rotterdam Holland ) and the world's 15th-busiest. It is also an Elbe River port handling ~10,000 inland vessels (including river cruise ships) annually.

As cruise port, Hamburg is currently ranked Europe's 2nd largest (after Southampton England ) and the world's 9th largest. The city has population around 1,8 million (metro over 5 million).

Hamburg is a major turnaround/cruise homeport in Northern Europe and one of the continent's largest ports of call on itineraries crossing the Atlantic Ocean and in the Baltic Sea (Norwegian Fjords, Scandinavia and Russia).

Port Hamburg (aka "Hafen Hamburg") is on Elbe River, approx 110 km (70 mi) from the North Sea. This is Germany's largest cargo / containership port. The port has large shipyards for shipbuilding and repairs and refurbishments of mega yachts and large cruise liners . A big part of the port's cruise ship schedule has listed (as homeported) vessels from the fleets of the German companies AIDA, TUI , Hapag-Lloyd , Fred Olsen , as well as CroisiEurope riverboats.

In the period October-April, HafenCity offers numerous sightseeing tour options, including the harbor waterway. There are also many great places for leisure, dining, shopping, and entertainment.

AIDA Kreuzfahrten is Hamburg Port's largest customer with year-round homeporting/turnaround operations. In 2023, AIDA alone had booked 124 ship berthings. AIDA also sponsors the annual maritime events Hamburg Harbour Birthday (May 7th) and the Hamburg Cruise Days (in September).

HafenCity Hamburg

HafenCity is an inner-city district of Hamburg. In the year 2000 (February 29), the city's Senate gave its approval to the Masterplan for building the new district. This project transformed the port's fringes (around downtown).

The plan originated in 1991 (after the fall of USSR / Cold War's end). Since 1995, the port's owner HafenCity Hamburg GmbH company started acquiring (secretly purchasing) crucial land areas that were private properties, adding them to the port's city-owned land.

In May 1997 was officially presented the "Vision HafenCity" design plan to the public. The plan required the inner city to regain its waterfront land (primarily Altona's River Elbe embankment, between Fischmarkt and Museumshafen). This affected only narrow land areas on the riverfront.

An area of approx 1,6 km2 (0,6 mi2) had be developed into a luxury inner-city district with mixed types of buildings (residential, leisure, cultural, business). The HafenCity area was removed from the Port of Hamburg territory. Under public law, a special fund was established to hold public lands in the city's ownership. The new Altenwerder container terminal was also funded by the city.

HafenCity urban development planning was launched in April 1999. The Hamburgplan project's official approval was announced in October 1999. HafenCity's urban redevelopment plan was approved by the city's Senate in February 2000. The plan was then opened up to discussion through various public events.

The Masterplan integrated existing and new buildings with the port's waterways. It also included the elevation of buildings (for flood protection) and the development of HafenCity's neighborhoods.

All the city's cruise tourism activities are managed by CGH (Cruise Gate Hamburg GmbH). The 2015 -established company is co-owned by Hamburg Airport (49%) and Hamburg Port Authority (51%). CGH is in charge of berth assignments at Steinwerder Terminal and (since 2016) also at the terminals HafenCity and Altona. In September 2018, CGH turned its cruise terminal parking into multi-use parking that is also available for trucks (~50 trailer lots) on no-ship days. The parking is CCTV-monitored and has restrooms.

Hamburg cruise port

Port Hamburg handles 10000+ ship calls per year. It has a total of 43 km / 27 mi quay walls. It serves 1200+ freight trains per week. It has 4 top-modern containership terminals, 7300+ logistic firms. The port handles over 0,5 million cruise tourists annually.

In 2015, MSC Cruises brought to the city 100,000+ tourists via 13 itineraries/visits. MSC Splendida (max capacity 3929 pax) became the biggest cruise vessel homeported in Hamburg. On June 1, 2015, while berthed (at Altona Terminal), AIDAsol was powered pierside by an LNG Hybrid Barge. The barge is a floating powerplant, on which LNG (liquefied natural gas) is heated and passed on to generators (5 motors) to produce electricity for the hotel operations on the ship while docked in port. The total power output provided by the barge is 7,5 MV. The new practice reduces greatly bad emissions and particle discharge in port (NO emissions by up to 80%, CO2 emissions by 30%).

In October 2015, Costa Group ( Carnival Corporation 's subsidiary controlling 3 brands - AIDA, Costa, Costa Asia) opened in Hamburg its Carnival Maritime facility. Carnival Maritime Center (supported by Lufthansa Technik) improves ship-to-shore communications by processing in real-time port traffic data with a single goal - to reduce to minimum cruise ship incidents in the port. Carnival Maritime also monitors the ships' fuel consumption and wastewater.

In February 2016, Carnival Corporation announced its collaboration with the Hamburg port's Vessel Coordination Center (abbrev HVCC) in order to facilitate port entries for the vessels of its subsidiary companies AIDA and Costa. Carnival will share the ships' expected port arrival/departure times with the port's NTK department, which will match the provided info with the port's current vessel traffic data and adjust (if necessary) the ship's speed. The optimized speed control results in fuel savings (lower fuel consumption and bad emissions) and reduced wait times in port. The HVCC center serves ocean-going ships (cruise vessels, feeder and inland waterway vessels) in Port of Hamburg, while its NTK department is controls the traffic flow. The HVCC is a joint venture of port's 2 containership terminal operators - HHLA and CTH (Eurogate).

On May 7, 2016, in Hamburg was christened the new AIDA ship AIDAprima . The vessel arrived in port together with AIDAaura . The event coincided with the port's 827th anniversary and featured a grandiose firework show. Prima docked at Altona, while Aura berthed at Steinwerder. Between May 5-7, 2017, over 1 million people enjoyed Germany's largest maritime festival live (on TV or social media). Over 355,000 passengers watched the Prime Time Special broadcasted live on AIDA's media channels. In 2016, the cruise port reported record-breaking year with a total of 171 ship calls and handled 710,000+ passengers.

In 2017, AIDA had 6 vessels deployed here for a total of 82 ship calls. Also in 2017, for the first time ever, NCL Norwegian homeported a ship ( Norwegian Jade ) in Hamburg. The ship's itineraries were 6-8- 9-nights (themed Norwegian Fjords, Norway and North Cape , Western Europe). During season 2017, the port reported a 12% increase (over 2016) in cruise passenger shipping traffic. Maiden port calls made the liners MSC Preziosa ( MSC ), Norwegian Jade ( NCL ) and Independence of the Seas ( RCI ).

In 2018, the cruise port had scheduled (booked) 220 ship calls (handled 212) by 50 different vessels and 26 different companies, with expected over 880,000 passengers. On May 13 here was held the naming ceremony of TUI's new (and ever-largest) liner Mein Schiff 1 . Other maiden calls included AIDAnova and MSC Meraviglia . Port's biggest cruise customer (AIDA) had booked 88 ship calls by 8 ships. The second biggest (MSC) booked 36 calls.

  • In 2018, MSC homeported here the company's ever-largest vessel - MSC Meraviglia (launched 2017), together with the fleetmate MSC Magnifica (max capacity 3605 pax). On June 24, 2018, the port received its ever-largest passenger ship - Meraviglia (max capacity 5386 passengers, 1400 crew, LOA length 315 m, GT 171598 tons).
  • In 2018, AIDA Cruises homeported here AIDAperla (launched 2017, max capacity 3400 pax). Between March-October 2018, the ship operated a 7-day itinerary to Southampton , Le Havre , Zeebrugge , Rotterdam .
  • Since July 2018, Port Hamburg offers 10% port fees discount for ESI-registered cruise vessels registered (Environmental Ship Index). ESI evaluates NOx and SOx quantities and CO2 emissions released by ships.
  • In late-October 2018 was reported that UK's eventual Brexit will seriously impact Port's trade volumes. ~1000 companies in Hamburg closed their businesses with British companies. Brexit impacted ~17,5% of the city's economic output.

With the inauguration of Cruise Center Baakenhoft (July 1, 2020), Port Hamburg (Kirchenpauerkai Baakenhafen, eastern HafenCity) started to serve cruise ships with previously booked dockings for Chicagokai (HafenCity-CC1). The Baakenhoft Terminal is only a temporary alternative for CC1, as this passenger terminal is going to be rebuilt and integrated into the new leisure complex in Uberseequartier.

Due to the Coronavirus crisis, in 2020 the Port handled just 81 cruise ship calls. In 2022, the cruise port reported a record year with 280 ship calls (49 different vessels from 20 brands/companies), including 10 maiden) and handled ~750,000 passengers. Additionally, the Port received 41 river cruise ship visits. Altona Terminal's shore power station served 30 vessels.

In 2023, for the first time, the Port handled 1 million cruise passengers within a year. On November 12th, the lucky family (parents and their two kids) boarded MSC Euribia at Steinwerder Terminal. In 2023, the cruise port was visited by 51 different vessels (1,2+ million passengers), handling a total of 278 ocean ship calls (including 8 first-time) plus 62 riverboat calls.

For 2024, the Port's schedule listed 268 ship calls ( booked berthings) including 9 maiden/first-time visiting ships (Azamara Onward, Costa Favolosa, Cunard's Queen Anne, Disney Dream ( DCL/Disney Cruise Line 's debut), Sky Princess, TUI's Mein Schiff 7, Oceania Sirena, Seabourn Quest, Ocean Albatros).

Port Hamburg

Port Hamburg (officially "Hamburger Hafen") is on Elbe River and approx 110 km (70 mi) from North Sea/Baltic Sea. It is ranked the country's largest cargo port In terms of TEU-containers volumes, as well as Europe's second-busiest (following Rotterdam ).

According to a study conducted in 2019 (before the COVID crisis), Port Hamburg's cruise shipping business generates an annual GVA (gross value-added) ~EUR 420 million and directly supports ~4500 full-time jobs, besides direct employment with cruise shipping companies .

The harbor waterway covers a total area of approx 74 km2 (nearly 88% usable), of which the land area is approx 43 km2 (usable 34 km2). Port's facilities serve mainly large container ships , liquid- and bulk cargo carriers, and passenger vessels ( ferries and cruise ships).

  • Container terminals are EUROGATE (6 berths, total quay length 2050 m, 21 cranes), Altenwerder (4 berths, total quay length 1400 m, 26 cranes), Burchardkai (8 berths, total quay length 2850 m, 22 cranes) and Tollerort (4 berths, total quay length 1240 m, 12 cranes).
  • The multi-purpose terminals are Buss Hansa (quay length 840 m), Buss Ross (quay length 230 m) and Rhenus Midgard (quay length 500 m).
  • The bulk cargo terminals are GTH Getreide (quay length 270 m), Louis Hagel (quay length 300 m) and Steinweg (quay length 1150 m).
  • The liquid cargo terminals are Buss Hansa (quay length 840 m), Vopak (quay length 840 m) and Elbe MineraLlwerke (operated by Shell).
  • The cruise passenger terminals are Altona (1 berth, quay length 326 m), HafenCity (2 berths, quay length 345 m) and Steinwerder (1 berth, quay length 330 m).

The Port operates ~2000 container train services weekly, ranking it Europe's largest rail container port. Over 611,000 TEUs throughput by rail was reported for Q3 2017. This service is provided by 220 freight trains (total 5900 wagons). Haamburg serves around 11% of Germany's total rail freight traffic.

The Port supports 155,000+ jobs (in the metro region) and also generates an annual GVA (gross value added) of EUR 21,8 billion (FY2017).

For 2017-Q3, the port handled 104,3 million tons of general and bulk cargoes and 6,8 million TEUs. The Port's container throughput features Northern Europe's lowest percentage of empty containers (13,7%).

  • Of all the 6.8 million TEUs in Q2 2017, 3,5 million were import and 3,2 million export. The main boxship traffic is with China (2,5% growth over Q3 2016, or 2 millionTEUs). Baltic shipping trade increased by 2,8% (1,4 million TEUs), of which with Sweden (20,9% / 220.000 TEUs), Poland (7,7% / 172,000 TEUs), Lithuania (95,000 TEUs), Latvia (88,000 TEUs), Estonia (35,000 TEUs). A significant increase in container traffic was reported for the port's trade with Vietnam (62,6% / 52,000 TEUs), Chile (43,4% / 57,500 TEUs), Mexico (22,7% / 68,000 TEUs), Israel (25,5% / 57,000 TEUs).
  • The number of large boxships (slot capacities 14K-18K TEUs) visiting Hamburg increased by 36,9% (167 vessels). The number of ULCV (ultra-large constainerships with capacities 18K-20K+ TEUs) increased 87,8% (77 vessels). Maiden calls in 2017 were made by the mega-ships MOL TRUST (capacity 20,170 TEUs) and MUNICH MAERSK (capacity 20,568 TEUs).
  • In 2017, seaborne freight cargo handled in Port Hamburg was 138 million tons, while the containership traffic was 8,9 million TEUs.
  • On July 19, 2018, the ULCS (Ultra Large Container Ship) Cosco Shipping Universe docked at Tollerort Terminal (HHLA). The huge boxship (LOA length 400 m, width 59 m, draft 18 m, max cargo capacity 21237 TEUs) operates along the maritime Silk Road between Asia and Europe.

In 2017, the HHLA company (Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG) increased its revenue to EUR 1,25 billion (or over 6% compared to 2016's EUR 1,18 billion). The company operates 3 container terminals at Port Hamburg (Altenwerder, Burchardkai, Tollerort), also providing cargo handling and logistics by rail, road and sea. In fiscal year 2017, HHLA handled a total, of 7,2 million TEUs (6,7 million in 2016, or 8,1% increase).

In 2019 (on July 23) started the planned Elbe River deepening and widening works by MV Scheldt River (trailing suction hopper dredger, IMO 9778143). The project increased seaport's max draft from 13,5 to 14,5 m (44-47,6 ft).

In 2019, the cruise port handled 214 ship calls from 18 different companies/brands and 41 different vessels. Among the visiting liners were 7 newbuilds with maiden port calls - MSC Grandiosa , Costa Smeralda , TUI Mein Schiff 2 , World Explorer ( Quark Expeditions ), Hanseatic Nature and Hanseatic Inspiration ( Hapag-Lloyd ), Roald Amundsen ( Hurtigruten ).

In October 2019, Hafen Hamburg announced a EUR 76 million project for creating an alternative power supply ( dockside power capabilities ) for city-grid electricity supply provided to berthed vessels. The project started in November 2022, with completion rescheduled to 2023-Q2 (Steinwerder) and 2024-Q2 (HafenCity). The shoreside power will be provided to ULCV boxships (8 connection points at the container terminals Predohlkai, Burchardkai, Europakai) and cruise liners (at all passenger terminals, with connection points at HafenCity-CC1 and Steinwerder-CC3).

In May 2021, the boxship CMA CGM Jacques Saade (23000 TEUs) became the first Megamax-class ULCV to utilize Elbe River's increased (by 90 cm, now 13,1 m / 43 ft) draft en route to Hafen Hamburg. The Lower-Outer Elbe navigation channel (Wedel and Blankenese) was deepened and widened (in some places) to enable bigger seagoing vessels to safely navigate the inland waterway.

Hamburg port statistics 2018

In FY2018 (fiscal), Port Hamburg handled a record of 46,8 million rail-freight cargo tons (+4,7% over FY2017) from a total of 135,1 million sea-shipping cargo tons (-1%). The containerized cargo was 2,44 million TEUs (+4,7%). The number of handled cargo trains was 60,000+ (~1,6 million freight cars). Other stats included:

  • imports 79,7 million tons (+1,7%)
  • general cargoes 90,9 million tons (-0,9%)
  • bulk cargoes 44,2 million tons (-1,2%)
  • TEU containers - total 8,7 million (-1%), loaded 7,6 million (0%), import 4,6 million (-0,6%), export 4,2 million (-1,5%)

Cruise port stats included:

  • FY2019 (booked) 2016 ship calls (+1,9%)
  • FY2018 (handled ship calls) 212 (+7,15 over 2017)
  • FY2018 (handled passengers) 900,562 (+10.8% over 2017)

Hamburg Blohm+Voss shipyard

Port Hamburg is also famous for the shipyard Blohm+Voss (Blohm und Voss). Since 2016, this German shipbuilding and engineering company is owned by the Bremen -based, family-owned company Lurssen. The Hamburg shipyard was acquired by Star Capital Partners (private equity investor) from ThyssenKrupp (industrial group) in December 2011. The yard's purchase price remained undisclosed. With the acquisition of Bohm and Voss, Luerssen combined 6 shipyards in Germany with total employees around 2800.

Blohm+Voss (founded in 1877) is a shipbuilding and engineering company that provides services to both the military and civil sectors. The company also builds oil rigs, manages a drydock yard and provides regularly scheduled maintenance, refit and shiprepairs for large-sized cruise vessels. For bigger refit jobs, the shipyard manages ~3500 workers. There are also "flying squads" (groups of skilled workers) who are often sent to work on vessel refits at other shipyards.

The Hamburg shipyard is also famous as the world's leading shipbuilder of mega-yachts. Here were constructed the world's ever largest yachts, owned by billionaires, businessmen and sovereign states. The list of private mega-yachts constructed here features (in brackets are shown LOA length and shipowner's name):

  • A (119 m, Andrey Melnichenko)
  • Dubai (162 m, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum)
  • Eclipse (163 m, Roman Abramovich)
  • Lady Moura (105 m, Nasser Al-Rashid)
  • Savarona (136 m, Emily Roebling Cadwallader)

On October 13, 2015, at Blohm+Voss shipyard (Dock Elbe 17) berthed the largest cruise ship ever visiting Hamburg - the NCL ship Norwegian Escape . The new ship arrived to receive adjustments of its scrubber system and for final inspection, then sailed to Bremerhaven for final equipment. NCL Escape visited again on Oct 23, docking at the Steinwerder terminal. The ship departed on Oct 25 on a 2-night maiden voyage to Southampton , followed by a Transatlantic crossing to Miami (Oct 29).

Cruise itineraries to and from Hamburg Germany

Follows a list of destinations visited by cruise ships leaving out of Hamburg:

  • Round-trip Baltic cruise itineraries leaving from Hamburg visit Norway (Norwegian Fjords) or Scandinavia and Russia (with overnight stays in St Petersburg). Most round-trips are to Norway (7-days in length) operated during summer.
  • The week-long Northern Europe (Nordeuropa) itineraries visit UK (Southampton), France (Le Havre-Paris), Belgium (Zeebrugge-Bruges), Holland (Amsterdam).
  • Longer southbound roundtrip itineraries visit Canary Islands and Madeira combined with other ports in Portugal, Spain, France and often England.
  • Round-trips to Iceland from Hamburg visit Akureyri, Isafjord, Reykjavik, often combined with UK ports.
  • British Isles itineraries (around Britain) visit ports in Scotland (Invergordon, Kirkwall, Greenock-Glasgow), Ireland (Dublin, Cork) and England (Southampton, Portsmouth).
  • Regularly, the Cunard QM2 liner offers 2-day cruises to Southampton England and 9-day Transatlantic crossings to NYC New York .
  • Short-break (mini cruises) leaving round-trip from Hamburg are offered mainly by AIDA (4-nights) and visit Holland (Ijmuiden) and England (Dover).
  • The list of offered one-way departures from Hamburg to major home-ports in Northern Europe includes itineraries ending in Kiel Germany or Amsterdam Holland .
  • Scandinavia and Russia itineraries visit the Baltic capitals of Denmark ( Copenhagen ), Sweden ( Stockholm ), Estonia ( Tallinn ), Russia ( St Petersburg /overnight stay).
  • Transatlantic crossings on repositioning cruises from Hamburg to USA and Canada-New England are one-way itineraries offered at the end of the season (late August - early September). These westbound ship relocation routes often include stops in Iceland and Greenland, UK (ports in England, Scotland, Ireland) and end in New York City. Longer crossings may end up in Florida ( Miami or Fort Lauderdale ) with included stops in the Azores and often - Bermuda.
  • Relocation cruises to the Mediterranean leaving from Hamburg are offered mostly by Costa and MSC ships repositioning to their home-ports in Italy ( Savona , Genoa , Civitavecchia-Rome , Venice ).

Hamburg cruise terminal

Port Hamburg currently has 4x cruise terminals - 3x main (HafenCity, Altona, Steinwerder) plus the smaller/alternative Uberseebrucke.

The three main terminals are capable of handling the world's largest passenger ships while Uberseebrucke has capacity to accommodate smaller-sized/expedition ships, sailing ships and superyachts.

All facilities are on Elbe River.

Cruise ships usually arrive in Hamburg in the early morning (7, 8, 9 am) and depart in the late afternoon (5, 6, 7 pm).

Hafen Hamburg has dedicated terminals for handling all types of cargo (TEU containers, general, bulk, grab, project, agri, liquid, oil, gas), reusable waste products, recyclable materials.

The Port's site area is sized over 70 km2 (30 mi2) with more than 50 handling facilities, 290 ship berths (including for containerships bulk/breakbulk cargo carriers, tankers, ro-ro, feeders, and inland waterway vessels.

  • port address - "Hamburg Cruise Center, Steinstrasse 7, 20095 Hamburg, Germany"
  • UN-LOCODE (United Nations location code) - DEHAM
  • supported by excellent road, rail and air infrastructure
  • sheltered harbor, large turning/swinging basins, deep water berths
  • professional services - stevedoring, luggage, logistics, security,
  • shore-to-ship power (shore-side electricity supply by an LNG barge) reduces significantly the levels of emissions, noise and vibration in port.

Hamburg-HafenCity Cruise Terminal

  • address - "Grosser Grasbrook, 20457 Hamburg, Germany"
  • location (GPS coordinates) - latitude 53.538847, longitude 9.996607

HafenCity Terminal is in the Hamburg-Mitte district (spreading on two Elbe River islands - formerly named Wandrahm and Kehrwieder). The terminal is just 50 m (160 ft) away from the Port's subway station.

During the area's redevelopment (2,2 km2 / 0,8 mi2 landmass), the old port warehouses were replaced with residential and business buildings (hotels, shops, offices).

HafenCity was removed from Hamburg's duty-free port zone in 2003 and was declared a separate district in 2008. The new district includes Grossen Grasbrooks and the warehouse district on the Kehrwieder-Wandrahm islands.

The HafenCity port complex houses 12000+ people and is a workplace for 40,000+ (mostly in the office blocks). The area houses the headquarters of Kuhne & Nagel (shipping conglomerate), Spiegel Group (news magazine), Unilever (consumer goods), Greenpeace, and Hamburg-America Center.

The HafenCity Terminal has two ship berths/quays with lengths 295 m (968 ft) and 330 m (1080 ft).

There is a short-term parking area (max capacity 350 vehicles) located ~200 m / 660 ft from the building. The Terminal is located just 50 m / 160 ft away from the nearest metro station.

In 2019 started construction works on the new HafenCity Cruise Terminal, which is currently scheduled for completion and inauguration in 2025 (postponed from 2023).

Hamburg-Altona Cruise Terminal

  • address - "Edgar-Engelhard-Kai, 22767 Hamburg, Germany"
  • location (GPS coordinates) - latitude=53.5435964, longitude 9.9372181

Hamburg-Altona Cruise Terminal is in the Bezirk district, on the river Elbe's right bank. To the east is Hamburg-Mitte district, and to the north - the Eimsbuttel district.

was inaugurated . Construction works started in 2008 October. The ship berth was finished in 2009 while the terminal building was opened/inaugurated in April 2011.

The terminal area is sized 3100 m2 (33,400 ft2). The Altona is sized 78 km2 (30 mi2). The terminal is at 15 min drive distance (via public transport) from the inner city.

The ship berth has a quay with length 360 m (1180 ft) and can accommodate vessels with max LOA length 300 m (985 ft). The berth's water depth/max draft is 12 m (40 ft).

There is an integrated gangway (boarding bridge) for passengers.

The Altona Terminal has a 1-story building) was inaugurated in June 2011 by Olaf Scholz (the City's Mayor). The construction started in October 2008, the berth was completed in 2009 while the terminal building was completed in April 2011.

(NEW) Hamburg-Steinwerder Cruise Terminal

  • address - "Buchheisterstrasse 14, 20457 Hamburg, Germany"
  • location (GPS coordinates) - latitude=53.5296218, longitude 9.9603356

The port's newest cruise ship terminal Steinwerder ("Cruise Center 3" / aka CC3) is located at Kronprinzkai. Its construction started in July 2014 and the facility was opened/inaugurated on June 9, 2015. The 2-building Steinwerder terminal cost ~EUR 64 million.

The 9000 m2 / 96900 ft 2 area is surrounded by cargo containers and other multi-purpose terminals, also by shipyards and warehouses. The berth's vessel restrictions are max LOA length 360 m (1180 ft) and max draft 12 m (39 ft).

There are 2 separate buildings (for passenger embarkation and disembarkation) with combined capacity 8000 passengers, served by 2 parallel boarding bridges (mobile). Steinwerder Terminal has its own 35000 m2 / 376740 ft2 parking area (max capacity 1500 vehicles) plus 20 lots dedicated to taxis, buses and service trucks.

The inner city is at ~20 min drive distance. There is also a public waterbus stop part of the HADAG ferry network.

Hamburg-Uberseebrucke Cruise Terminal

The Uberseebrucke Terminal serves sailing boats and smaller-sized/expedition-type ships and superyachts.

Uberseebrucke is close to St Pauli-Landungsbrucken - the Port's largest landing site. Originally, its building dates from 1930, but during WW2 (1939-45) it was destroyed and later rebuilt.

  • Port of Hamburg: also known as the German “Gateway to the World.” do not miss to take a look at the whole port area. Take a walk along the promenade of the industrial part and discover the history of the German connection to the world. The top tourist attraction are the floating piers St. Pauli Landungsbrücken.
  • Altstadt: the oldest Hamburg’s quarter is also know as the Old City. It dates from the 17th century. The most famous buildings are the Kontor Häuser and Chilehaus. Here are the famous baroque church St. Michaelis Church and the Jewish cemetery from the early years of the 1600s.
  • Zoo and parks: visit the Hagenbecks Zoo or the Tierpark Hagenbeck. Try riding camels or just give food the the friendly elephants and giraffes. Spend a fun day with your family. Hamburg offers beautiful parks for leisure. Visit Stadtpark and Planten un Blomen.
  • Beatlemania museum: it dates from 2009 and represents historic rock period. The place where Beatles had been playing night after night before they became famous. Here they met Astrid Kirchherr, their friend photographer.
  • Beatles-Platz: next to the museum is the Beatles square. The form of the square resembles a huge vinyl record. Statues of John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Stuart Sutcliffe are made of stainless steel.

Hamburg tours, shore excursions, hotels

City tours and shore excursions.

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Hamburg's cruise industry sets record with 1.2+ million passengers in 2023

Hamburg's cruise industry sets record with 1.2+ million passengers in 2023

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Hamburg - user reviews and comments

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Hamburg, Germany

Here on the estuary of the River Elbe is Germany's largest seaport. Wander from the Hanse Sternschanze, rich with shops, auction houses and art galleries, to the beer halls of the St. Pauli district.

park & cruise hamburg

From A1/A255/A252/B4/B75: Follow signs to Hamburg city, exit Veddeler Brückenstraße/B4, follow B4 - slight left to stay on B4 for 4400m - slight left to Millerntorplatz - continue to Reeperbahn - after 1000m turn left to Peepermölenbek - turn left to St. Pauli Fischmarkt - take the 1st right to Große Elbstraße - after 800m turn left to Van-der-Smissen-Straße

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" DIR: West; bigger nice evening sun but louder due to main street DIR:East; Quiter, very bright in the morning if sun rises "

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Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

park & cruise hamburg

Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

park & cruise hamburg

To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

park & cruise hamburg

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

park & cruise hamburg

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

park & cruise hamburg

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

park & cruise hamburg

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

park & cruise hamburg

The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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  1. Park, Sleep & Cruise

    park & cruise hamburg

  2. Park, Sleep & Cruise

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  3. Der Hamburger Hafen

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  4. Hamburg Cruise Days: Rekord schon am ersten Tag, 180 000 Besucher im

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  5. Park, Sleep & Cruise

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  6. Cruisegate Hamburg

    park & cruise hamburg


  1. HPF Hanse Park and Fly UG

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  1. Cruisegate Hamburg

    ATTENTION: the park service providers `Parkreview´ ( and `Stop & Cruise - Cruise-Parken Hamburg´ ( NOT listed partners of Cruise Gate Hamburg. Vehicles booked through these providers and remaining in the parking area at Cruise Center Altona will be towed away at the cost of the car owner.

  2. Sleep and Cruise Hamburg Hafen

    Sleep and Cruise Hamburg Hafen. Finden Sie unter " Parken am Kreuzfahrthafen " oder " Hotels am Kreuzfahrthafen " Ihr optimales Sleep and Cruise - Paket, speziell für Kreuzfahrten. Gegebenenfalls, zum Beispiel bei fehlender Verfügbarkeit, ist auch das Übernachten und Parken in Flughafennähe - mit Transfer oder Shuttle zum Kreuzfahrtschiff ...

  3. Park, Sleep & Cruise am Hafen Hamburg

    Beim Angebot Park, Sleep and Cruise übernachten Sie nur eine Nacht in einem Hotel am Hafen Hamburg und parken für bis zu 22 Tage kostenlos auf dem Hotelparkplatz. Sollte Ihre Kreuzfahrt länger dauern, ist es möglich, weitere Parktage oder -wochen hinzuzubuchen. Ihr Wagen ist in jedem Fall während der gesamten Reise sicher untergebracht.

  4. Cruisegate Hamburg

    Die offizielle Webseite von Cruisegate Hamburg. Sorgenfreies Parken am Cruise Center Steinwerder. Wir sorgen für entspanntes Parken direkt am Terminal Steinwerder! Über 1.500 hochwassersichere Lang- und Kurzzeitparkplätze stehen Kreuzfahrtgästen, Bringern und Abholern sowie Besuchern auf dem Parkplatz A, in der Vorfahrt / Drop-off Zone oder auf alternativen Flächen am Terminal zur Verfügung.

  5. Parking in Cruise Center Steinwerder

    Car park Cruise Center Steinwerder in Hamburg. Park directly at the cruise terminal and start your cruise. Make your cruise from Hamburg start relaxed with parking at Apcoa's Cruise Center Steinwerder. Located just a stone's throw from the port, this car park is the perfect solution for parking your car close to the departure point.

  6. Parking in Hamburg at the port

    Hamburg. PARKEN & MEER is your reliable provider of convenient parking in Hamburg, specifically geared to the needs of cruise passengers. Our location near the Port of Hamburg is strategically situated to serve you for every cruise call. We offer comprehensive parking services for all cruise terminals in Hamburg, including Altona, Steinwerder ...

  7. Hamburg Port Parking

    About Hamburg Port parking. Hamburg has a long history of Cruises and ferries operating from the city port. ParkVia offers Hamburg port parking options when you are starting your cruise from here or if you are taking a ferry for a period of time. We aim to show car park options which are the best priced and most secure locations around the port.

  8. Car park booking Steinwerder

    BOOK YOUR CAR PARK ONLINE AT. CRUISE CENTER STEINWERDER, HAMBURG. Online booking in two steps. 1. Enter the dates for your arrival and departure. 2. By clicking on "Find parking" you get to the available parking products.

  9. Hamburg Port Parking

    Cruises from / to Parking Hamburg in 2024. Find Cruises To -. EXCURSIONS & ACTIVITIES . Driving to Hamburg port? Discover why the Park & Cruise service is the most convenient way to park your car and embark on an MSC cruise from Hamburg.

  10. Parken und Meer, c/o Projekt 1218 GmbH

    You can check for available parking in Hamburg and book a parking space at at any time. Our offer includes: affordable outside parking and parking with shelter; free shuttle service from the parking area to the cruise terminal "Hafen City", "Altona" and "Steinwerder" transport of your luggage to your cabin ...

  11. Cruise Center Steinwerder Parkplatz A

    Hamburg Parking; Cruise Center Steinwerder Parkplatz A; Open Full Map. ... Cruise Gate Hamburg: Notes. Online Parking fees 1 Day: €20 2 Days: €39 3 Days: €59 5 Days: €89 8 Days: €109 11 Days: €129 14 Days: €149 18 Days: €169 Each Add'l Day: €5. Rate this lot. Reviews.

  12. A guide to Hamburg Cruise Port and the city's top attractions

    Altona. Located on the Elbe River, near the city's famous fish market, the Hamburg Cruise Centre Altona accommodates ships up to 300m in length. The city centre is around 15-20 minutes away by public transport. Options include a public ferry which will take you from the Hamburg cruise terminal to city centre.

  13. Parking in Hamburg

    Parking at Cruise Center Steinwerder; Parking in the Elbphilharmonie; ... Stop the search for a parking space: Parking with APCOA in Hamburg. Altona Bahnhof Open all day, Multistorey car park. If you are disabled, you can use special spaces An elevator or lift is a type of vertical transportation that moves people or goods between floors ...

  14. Hamburg (Germany) cruise port schedule

    Hamburg cruise port schedule 2024-2025-2026, map, address, ship terminals, hotels, tours, shore excursions. ... There is a short-term parking area (max capacity 350 vehicles) located ~200 m / 660 ft from the building. The Terminal is located just 50 m / 160 ft away from the nearest metro station.

  15. Princess Cruise Ports: Hamburg, Germany

    Hamburg Cruise Center Altona. Van-der-smissen-strabe 5. 22767 Hamburg. Germany. From A1/A255/A252/B4/B75: Follow signs to Hamburg city, exit Veddeler Brückenstraße/B4, follow B4 - slight left to stay on B4 for 4400m - slight left to Millerntorplatz - continue to Reeperbahn - after 1000m turn left to Peepermölenbek - turn left to St. Pauli ...

  16. THE 25 BEST Cruises to Hamburg 2024 (with Prices)

    Cunard's Queen Mary 2 is the city's favorite caller, and 1 million people routinely turn out along the banks of the Elbe to see the ship arrive from the North Sea. Celebrity Cruises, Silversea ...


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  21. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...