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India-France Relationship

  Syllabus: Bilateral Relations between India and major powers

Source: IE , IE , IE

Context : Indian PM will be the Guest of Honour at France’s Bastille Day parade in Paris . The visit coincides with  25 years of strategic partnerships with France.

Significance of the PM’s visit to France:

  • Increasing investment: The visit will help diversify France and European economic ties away from China
  • Boosting regional security: The visit will help boost India’s comprehensive national power and help India stabilise the balance of power in Asia

Current analysis of India-France relations:

  • Characteristics : The relationship between the two countries is characterized by strategic autonomy, independent foreign policies, and a shared vision of a multipolar world.
  • France has helped India diversify its pool of arms suppliers beyond Russia and the US , especially when sanctions were imposed on India in the past.
  • Balancing China: The relationship aims to balance China’s influence in the Indian Ocean and have a shared concern about Chinese expansionism.
  • Multi-dimensional : The partnership between India and France has seen advancements through joint strategic visions, logistic support agreements, and military exercises in recent times

Dimensions of India-France Relations:

Challenges in the relationship:

India and France don’t have Free Trade Agreement , which limits the potential for increased trade and economic cooperation. Also, there is a trade imbalance in favour of France (France exporting more to India). Also, France has many times expressed concern on India’s stance at WTO, Climate summit and on India’s protection of intellectual property rights


While military cooperation remains important, the Indo-French relationship could expand beyond arms sales. Initiatives like the International Solar Alliance and exploring minilateral and multilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific could bring additional dimensions to their partnership.

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 Q1. ‘Indian diaspora has a decisive role to play in the politics and economy of America and European Countries. Comment with examples. (UPSC 2020)

Q2. India and France are time-tested partners with their 25 years of strategic partnership covering a range of bilateral issues such as defence cooperation, space, blue economy, civil nuclear and people-to-people ties. Elaborate. (250 Words)

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Significance and Challenges Between India and France Relations

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 Significance and Challenges Between India and France Relations

Significance and Challenges Between India and France Relations, is a time tested relationship . India-France relations has attracted attention in all major capitals , from Washington to Berlin to Moscow to Beijing. The visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to India as the chief guest for the Republic Day exemplifies the natural bonds of friendship between the two countries. Earlier this year, PM Narendra Modi was the chief guest at the Bastille Day parade in France. However, the relationship also faces challenges amidst the rising geopolitical uncertainties.

 Significance and Challenges Between India and France Relations

What is The History of India-France Relations?

India and France have traditionally close and friendly relations.

What are The Areas of Co-Operation Between India and France?

1. Geo-Political- India and France have close geopolitical relations which has only strengthened in due course of time a. France was the first P-5 country to support Indian membership in the UNSC  and the reforms of the United Nations. b. France’s support was vital in India’s accession to the Missile Technology Control Regime ( MTCR ), Wassenaar Arrangement ( WA ) and Australia Group ( AG ). c. France has got the unique honour of being the country that has been invited the highest number of times as chief guest for the Republic Day.

2. Geo-Strategic- France has been appreciative of the geostrategic concerns of India and has taken the following measures to bolster the geo-strategic cooperation. a. France has offered its biggest strategic asset in the Indo-Pacific territory to India. For Ex- Indian Air Force planes have been deployed to Reunion Island . b. France has also given equities in organisations such as the Indian Ocean Commission to India. France is also part of India-France-Australia Trilateral Dialogue that supports free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific c. France has supported India on Jammu and Kashmir and has stood with India to counter Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, and has bolstered India’s capabilities against China.

3. Defence and Security- India and France’s Relationship in the defence and security domain has increased many folds, which are mentioned below- a. France has emerged as a key defence partner for India. It has become the s econd-largest defence supplier in 2017-2021. Major Military equipments imported from France include Rafale and Mirage 2000 Fighter Aircraft and Scorpene Submarines . b. India and France have been regularly conduct joint exercises- Varuna (Naval), Garuda (Air Force) and Shakti (Army). c. India and France have been undertaking ‘ joint patrolling ’ in the Indian Ocean Region and are striving towards maritime domain awareness in the Indian Ocean region.

4. Economic cooperation- India and France have a robust economic partnership. a. Bilateral trade between India and France has reached a new peak at USD 13.4 billion in 2022-23. The exports from India have crossed USD 7 billion . b. France is the 11th largest foreign investor in India . The cumulative investment of France in India is USD 10.49 billion from April 2000 to December 2022. c. More than 1,000 French establishments are present in India. Their total turnover is around US$ 20 billion and they employ around 300,000 persons.

5. Energy and Climate- India-France relationship is distinctly defined by the close cooperation in the fields of renewable energy to protect the Climate change. a. French support played an important role in India getting an exemption from the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in 2008 to resume international cooperation in civil nuclear energy. b. France actively supports India’s entry in to the NSG . c. India and France played a pivotal role in the establishment of International Solar Alliance .

6. Science and Technology-  India and France share close partnership in the field of Science and Technology. a. France’s CNES and India’s ISRO partnership has been strengthened with the Joint Vision for Space Cooperation in 2018 . b. India and France are collaborating on Joint Earth Observation Mission- TRISHNA , Joint Mars Mission and removal of space debris. c. India and France are jointly constructing the world’s largest nuclear park in Jaitapur, Maharashtra. d. France is the first European country to accept the UPI payments system.

7. Diaspora- Around 109,000 of Indians, largely originating from French enclaves of Puducherry , Karaikal , Yanam , Mahe and Chandernagore live in France. Also, a sizable number of Indian-origin population lives in the French Overseas Territories of Reunion Island (280,000), Guadeloupe (60,000), Martinique (6,000) and Saint Martin (300).

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What is The Significance of India-France Relations?

1. Securing the Indo-Pacific- India requires French support for maintaining the stability and security of the Indo-Pacific region and to counter the growing Chinese aggression. For ex- India-France Joint Strategic Vision for cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region in 2018.

2. Strategic Autonomy- The India-France relation is strategically autonomous in its truest sense, as it is not constrained either by the Anglo-Saxon views (in France) nor the anti-western thoughts (In India). For ex- France support of India after 1998 Pokhran Nuclear Test.

3. Entry to Key Organisations- France’s support is crucial to India’s entry into important organisations like the UNSC and the NSG .

4. Global Stability- India- France relations is crucial for checking Russia’s assertiveness in Europe and China’s assertiveness in Asia . This will ensure, global stability and power parity in the emerging world order.

5. Horizon 2047 Agreement- Horizon 2047 agreement between India and France lays down the future roadmap of India-France collaboration for the next 25 years. The collaboration between India and France in emerging domains such as supercomputing , cloud computing , artificial intelligence , and quantum technologies holds significant importance for India’s future.

What are The Challenges in India-France Relationship?

1. Absence of Free Trade Agreement- The absence of Free Trade Agreement has impacted the deepening of India-France economic relations (Bilateral trade between India and France is less than half of India’s trade with Germany). Stalled progress on the India-EU Broad based Trade and Investment agreement (BTIA) has prevented further deepening of India-France relation.

2. Trade Imbalances and IPR issues- India- France economic relation is a concern for India as it suffers from trade imbalances ( France exports more to India ). Also, India has been criticized by France for inadequate protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs) of French businesses operating in India.

3. Stalled Projects- The India-France relations also face the challenge of non-operationalisation of the negotiated projects. For ex- Stalled Jaitapur nuclear project .

4. Differences in geopolitical approaches- While France has openly criticized the Russian Invasion in Ukraine, India has taken a nuanced approach. Also, France’s stand on China’s BRI contrasts with that of India.

5. Emerging geopolitical scenario- The Middle East disturbances like Hamas-Israel War, Chinese aggressiveness in Indian Ocean region and the chances of return of Donald Trump in the USA are the emerging geopolitical tensions in India-France relations.

What Should be The Way Forward?

1. Early Conclusion of FTA- India must leverage its good relations with France and convert the idea of India-EU BTIA into reality at the earliest.

2. Implementation of Agreement on Migration and Mobility- India and France must work jointly to increase the mobility of students , graduates , professionals and skilled workers while strengthening their efforts to combat irregular migration.

3. Increased Trade and Investment- The two countries must work towards increasing bilateral trade and investment with measures like setting up joint ventures , expanding trade agreements  and promoting cross-border investment .

4. Expedition on stalled projects- A joint working group must be created to expedite the completion of the stalled projects like Jaitpur Nuclear Power Plant .

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Prime Minister Modi visit to France

Prime Minister Modi visit to France Blog Image

What’s in today’s article?

Why in news, why india-france ties are strong, news summary: prime minister modi’s visit to france, key outcomes.

  • The revolution symbolises the democratic values of ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’.
  • It is also the anniversary of Fête de la Fédération, an event held in 1790 to celebrate the unity of the French people.
  • This year marks the 25th anniversary of the India – France Strategic Partnership . 
  • Against this backdrop, the current visit provides an opportunity to chart the course of the partnership for the future.

pm france visit drishti ias

  • The two countries commenced their strategic partnership, India’s first, immediately after India’s nuclear tests in 1998.
  • This was at a time when most Western capitals had turned their backs on New Delhi.
  • The signing of an agreement for the supply of 36 Rafale aircraft in September 2016, and an industrial agreement in March 2018 to build six European pressurized water reactors (EPR) at the Jaitapur site are directly linked to this partnership.
  • While defence deals with the US are dogged by unpredictability due to Congressional interventions and export control regimes, the French deals come with no strings attached.
  • the acquisition of 26 Rafale-M (the marine version) fighters for the Indian Navy, and 
  • co-production of three more Scorpene class submarines at the public sector Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd.
  • In October 2022, they signed a Road Map on Green Hydrogen, which aims to bring the French and Indian hydrogen ecosystems together.
  • Earlier in February 2022, they signed a Road Map on the Blue Economy and Ocean Governance .
  • Both India and France value their strategic autonomy, pursue independence in their foreign policies, and seek a multipolar world.
  • Both acknowledge the place and importance of the US in the world order.
  • Modi and Macron enjoy great personal rapport. India did not let last week’s rioting and violence in Paris come in the way of the Indian PM’s visit. 
  • The two countries have had a tradition of not commenting on each other’s internal issues . 
  • Macron did not bring up the Manipur, issue or India’s perceived backsliding on human rights and religious freedoms.
  • Established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, the Legion of Honor is the reward for outstanding merit acquired in the service of the nation in a civilian or military capacity.
  • The joint statement – “ 25th Anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between France and India: towards a Century of Indo-French Relations ” – sets the course for the France-India bilateral relationship in all areas till 2047.
  • 100 years of India’s Independence, 
  • 100 years of diplomatic relations between our two countries, and 
  • 50 years of the Indo-French strategic partnership.
  • The roadmap for bilateral relations has three pillars : partnership for security and sovereignty; partnership for the planet; partnership for the people .

pm france visit drishti ias

Image caption: Different Pillars under 25-year vision roadmap

  • In 2018, India and France agreed on a ‘ Joint Strategic Vision of India-France Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region’ .
  • This will enable joint financing of sustainable development projects in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • India and France will work to set up the Indo-French Health Campus for the Indo-Pacific.
  • 80% of plastic waste originate from land sources. 
  • 9.2 billion tons of plastic have been produced since 1950, among which 7 billion tons of waste have been generated. 
  • Each year, 400 million tons of plastic are produced, of which one-third are produced for single use products and around 10 million tons are dumped into the ocean.
  • In this context, joint commitment aims to eliminate single use plastic products pollution, including ban on single use plastic products which have low utility and high littering potential by France and India.
  • It would mean 100 million Euros for City Investments to Innovate, Integrate and Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS 2.0) and 50 million USD for climate projects and women’s empowerment in micro-finance.

Q1) What is Single Use Plastic?

Single-use plastic refers to plastic items that are designed to be used only once before being discarded. These are products that are intended to be used for a short period and then thrown away. Single-use plastics are often used for packaging and convenience purposes due to their low cost, durability, and versatility. Examples of single-use plastic items include plastic bags, food and beverage containers, straws, cutlery, coffee stirrers, plastic bottles, and packaging materials like blister packs and shrink wrap. These items are typically made from materials like polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), or polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

Q2) What are Scorpene class submarines?

The Scorpene class submarines are a class of diesel-electric attack submarines designed and developed by the French shipbuilding company Naval Group (formerly known as DCNS) in collaboration with the Spanish company Navantia. The Scorpene class submarines are known for their stealth capabilities, advanced technology, and versatility.

Source:  Series of pacts sealed as Modi & Macron hold talks in Paris, outline ‘bold, ambitious goals’  |  Ministry of External Affairs  |  MEA

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Explained: The significance of PM Narendra Modi’s Europe tour

Prime minister narendra modi will be visiting germany, denmark and france from may 2. what will be on the table in the context of the ukraine crisis, and economic and defence ties.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi is travelling to Germany, Denmark and France from May 2 to 4. His first foreign trip this year comes at a time when a war in the heart of Europe has upended seven decades of global order.

Germany is one of India’s most important partners in Europe, with deep bilateral relations, and also because of its key role in the European Union. India was among the first countries to establish diplomatic ties with the Federal Republic of Germany after WWII.

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India and Germany have a ‘Strategic Partnership’ since May 2000, and it has been strengthened with the launch of the Inter-Governmental Consultations (IGC) in 2011 at the level of heads of government. India is among a select group of countries with which Germany has such a dialogue mechanism. During Modi’s visit, the 6th IGC will take place, postponed from last year due to the pandemic.

Germany has a new Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, who assumed office last December. Scholz, a former finance minister, visited India in 2012 when he was the Mayor of Hamburg. Scholz was the first foreign leader with whom Modi had a phone conversation in 2022.

Germany has made key strategic choices in the Russia- Ukraine war. It has promised to reduce its energy dependence on Russia, and decided to increase defence spending — a significant move, given its post-WWII posture. With India too dependent on Russia for defence supplies, it will be important for New Delhi and Berlin to exchange notes on strategic choices — and moving away from Russia for their respective needs.

Festive offer

Germany holds the G-7 Presidency, and with India taking a different view from Europe’s by not condemning Russia directly, it will be significant to see if India gets invited to the G-7 outreach summit in June.

India and Germany have a shared interest in upholding democratic values, a rules-based international order, and reform of multilateral institutions. These issues are expected to figure in the discussions, especially in the context of China’s assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific region.

Bilateral relations were elevated to the level of a “Green Strategic Partnership” during the Virtual Summit held in September 2020 between Modi and Danish PM Mette Frederiksen. Frederiksen was in India on a state visit from October 9 to 11, 2021, the first visit by a Head of Government following the pandemic.

INDIA-NORDIC SUMMIT: The first India-Nordic Summit took place in April 2018 to explore new areas of cooperation. This format is special; the only other country with which the Nordic countries — Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland — have this kind of engagement is with the US. While economic growth, climate change and global security were identified as key areas of cooperation, the summit is taking place at a time when two Nordic countries are looking at joining NATO , amid a sense of insecurity in Europe.

“Nordic countries are pioneers in innovation, clean energy, green technologies, education, health-care, human rights, rule of law — this presents enormous opportunities for India to expand its own strengths by collaborating with these countries…,” Ankita Dutta, a research fellow at the India Council of World Affairs wrote in a paper.  For Nordic countries, Dutta wrote, “it makes sense to step-up their engagement, as India today represents a fast growing economy with annual GDP growth of 7-7.5% over the last few years. India presents an ideal opportunity to these countries because of its large market. Many new flagship schemes have been launched by India — like Make in India, Smart Cities Mission, Start-up India, Clean Ganga etc — in which Nordic countries can take active part and provide their expertise.”

The visit to France has been planned after President Emmanuel Macron was re-elected in a tough election. India and France have traditionally had close relations. In 1998, the two entered into a Strategic Partnership, with defence & security cooperation, space cooperation and civil nuclear cooperation being its pillars. India and France also have a robust economic partnership, and are increasingly engaged in new areas of cooperation.

France was among the few western countries to not condemn India after the 1998 Pokhran tests. It has continued to support India’s claim for permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council. France’s support was vital in India’s accession to the Missile Technology Control Regime, Wassenaar Arrangement and Australia Group. France continues to support India’s bid for accession to the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Following the Pulwama attack in February 2019, France nationally listed the Pakistan-based ‘global terrorist’ Hafiz Saeed, which was followed up with his listing at the UN. France has also supported India’s requests to block attempts by Pakistan to enlist Indian citizens under the UNSC 1267 Sanctions Committee.

The current visit will give the two leaders an opportunity to exchange notes on the Ukraine crisis, China’s assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific, and defence and security cooperation including the delivery of Rafale aircraft.

Modi and Macron are some of the few world leaders who have maintained open communication channels with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy .

The conversation with France will also be important since it is holding the Presidency of the European Union this year.

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India & Europe

To sum it up, Modi’s visit signifies the importance attached to India’s ties with Europe. For the past few years, Europeans have always felt that — as a whole — the Modi government gives more thrust to other strategic partners like the US, Japan and even Australia and the UAE, than Europe.

Over the last few weeks, the intensity of engagement has increased in the wake of the war in Ukraine, with foreign ministers from UK, Poland, Portugal, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway among others and the President of the European Commission visiting India.

Although India in 1962 had been one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with the European Economic Community — the precursor of the European Union  — the relationship focused initially on trade and economic cooperation. A Cooperation Agreement signed in 1994 broad-based the relationship to include ministerial meetings and a political dialogue.

These ties have expanded to include political and security issues, climate change and clean energy, information and communications technology, space and nuclear, health, agriculture and food security, and education and culture.

Modi’s visit to Europe is likely to set the stage for the India-EU summit and a boost in Free Trade Agreement negotiations, which have been ongoing for a decade and a half now.

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Indian Prime Minister visited Ukraine

Posted 24 Aug 2024

This was the first ever visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Ukraine, since diplomatic relations were established between the two countries in the year 1992.

Key highlights of the Visit

  • Cooperation in the fields of Agriculture and Food Industry.
  • Humanitarian Grant Assistance for implementation of High Impact Community Development Projects
  • Cultural cooperation and an agreement on medicines and drugs, tec. 
  • Each BHISHM Cube consists of medicines and equipment for the first line of care for all kinds of injuries and medical situations.

Significance of India’s Ukraine Visit

  • India’s attempt to de-hyphenate Russia  and Ukraine relations.
  • For decades, India’s policy was to maintain equal distance from all countries under policy of Non-Alignment . Now, India’s policy is to maintain close ties with all countries .
  • Visit also signifies India’s larger Europe push. Earlier countries like Russia, Germany, France, and Britain were given preference. 
  • Ukraine-Russia Conflict
  • India-Ukraine Relations

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News Today (Aug 24, 2024)

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Key takeaways from PM Modi’s U.S. Visit

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Why in news?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a three-day state visit to the United States adding momentum to the India-USA bilateral relationship.

How significant is the State visit?

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 3-day state visit to the US has had a significant impact on India's global standing.
  • It highlights the country's dual identity as a spiritual democracy and an economic power .
  • The visit showcased India's cultural heritage, diplomatic prowess, and its growing influence on the world stage.
  • The bilateral meeting between the two sides brought out several strategic outcomes for India ranging from emerging technologies, space, energy and defence.
  • It strengthened the bilateral relationship between India and the U.S.

What are the key takeaways from PM’s U.S. visit?


  • Semiconductor Supply Chains - A MoU on Semiconductor Supply Chain and Innovation Partnership was signed between the countries.
  • Critical Minerals - India became the newest partner of the U.S.’s Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) to diversify and secure critical mineral supply chains.
  • Telecommunications - India and the United States launched public-private Joint Task Forces.
  • India’s Bharat 6G and the U.S. Next G Alliance will co-lead this public-private research.
  • Space - India has signed the Artemis Accords, a common vision of space exploration for the benefit of all humankind. To know more about this, Click here .
  • Quantum tech - A Joint Quantum Coordination Mechanism was established to facilitate joint research between the public and private sectors across both countries.
  • iCET - ‘ Innovation Handshake’ , a commercial Dialogue will be launched to connect each country’s start-up ecosystems, supporting U.S.-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology ( iCET ).
  • Civil Aviation - Air India strike a historic agreement with Boeing to acquire more than 200 American-made aircraft.
  • Defence - The India-U.S. Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) was inaugurated joint innovation on defense technologies integrating India’s private defense industry.
  • Student Exchange - Launched a new Joint Task Force of the Association of American Universities and leading Indian educational institutions, including the Indian Institutes of Technology.
  • Research - Launched a university network of Indo-U.S. Global Challenge Institutes to help create more research partnerships and exchanges in agriculture, energy, health, and technology.
  • Energy - USAID signed an MOU with the Ministry of Railways to work together on Indian Railways’ target to become a “net-zero” carbon emitter by 2030.
  • India and the United States committed to creating innovative investment platforms for Green Technology.
  • Medicine - The U.S. National Cancer Institute through two new grants to develop an artificial-intelligence (AI)-enabled digital pathology platform.

How is India’s strategic independence and geopolitical balance?

Indo-pacific - the united states to join the indo-pacific oceans initiative, a regional initiative inaugurated by indian prime minister..

  • Indian Ocean - The United States and India will hold an Indian Ocean Dialogue that convenes U.S. and Indian officials to promote greater regional coordination. 
  • Reiterates permanent membership in a reformed UNSC,
  • Has announced support for Indian membership in the International Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • Recommits to advancing Indian membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
  • Also President Biden has invited Prime Minister Modi to attend the APEC Summit in San Francisco in November 2023.
  • The Indian Express | Highlights of PM Modi’s US visit
  • The Indian Express | Modi says talks, decisions add a new chapter
  • Whitehouse | Republic of India Official State Visit to the U.S.


Prelim bits 27-06-2023 | upsc daily current affairs.

pm france visit drishti ias


  1. New Prime Minister Of France Appointed: Latest update

    pm france visit drishti ias

  2. India France Ties PM Modi’s France Visit

    pm france visit drishti ias

  3. Who is the new PM of France?

    pm france visit drishti ias

  4. PM Modi in France: What is Bastille Day

    pm france visit drishti ias

  5. New pace in India-France relations

    pm france visit drishti ias

  6. France’s Highest Civilian Honour

    pm france visit drishti ias


  1. MEA Briefing On Modi France Trip 2023

  2. Drishti IAS Pendrive GS Foundation Course (Hindi) review & Unboxing

  3. Vastu Visit -Drishti Offset & Packaging Pvt Ltd Bhopal #bhopal #bhopalstatus #offset #packaging

  4. कैसा होता है drishti ias क्लासरूम

  5. भारत के पीछे पड़ गया रूस!#Russia want more Medical Devices Supply #by India value 2000@gkdrishti

  6. Azerbaijan Officially Blames India and France for Supplying Weapons to Armenia


  1. 25th Anniversary of the India France Strategic Partnership

    Source: IE. Why in News? The Indian Prime Minister joined French President as the Guest of Honour at the Bastille Day Parade, where an Indian tri-services marching contingent participated. Rafale jets from the Indian Air Force were also part of the flypast.. Also, joint statement titled "25 th Anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between France and India: towards a Century of Indo-French ...

  2. France: India's Natural Ally

    Celebrating 25 years of the India-France strategic partnership was at the top of the agenda during the Prime Minister's two-day visit to France which ended with a number of agreements and a slew of defence deals.. The visit marked the two countries launching an "Indo-Pacific Roadmap" covering security, the environment and renewable energies etc. as well as a "Horizon 2047" agenda for the ...

  3. India France Ties PM Modi's France Visit

    Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to France on July 13 and 14, the two countries have agreed to further cooperation in sectors such as defence a...

  4. India-France Relations

    Bilateral trade between the two countries reached a new peak at USD 13.4 billion in 2022-23, with exports from India crossing USD 7 billion. France is the 11th largest foreign investor in India, with a cumulative investment of USD 10.49 billion from April 2000 to December 2022. Cooperation at International Forum:

  5. India-France Relationship

    GS Paper 2 Syllabus: Bilateral Relations between India and major powers Source: IE, IE, IE Context: Indian PM will be the Guest of Honour at France's Bastille Day parade in Paris. The visit coincides with 25 years of strategic partnerships with France. Significance of the PM's visit to France: Increasing investment: The visit will … Continue reading "India-France Relationship"

  6. India-France relations

    In this episode, we will discuss the story behind the events that made the most important international news headlines. Today we will probe the following: F...

  7. PM Modi's France visit: Shaping a multipolar world

    More importantly, France has stood by India through thick and thin from the time the strategic partnership was first established in 1998. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has just concluded a hugely significant visit to France. For once, words like "unprecedented" and "historic" used are not just hyperbole. This was after all France, so of ...

  8. Expert Explains: With PM Modi's visit, how India-France ties might

    Expert Explains: With PM Modi's visit, how India-France ties might shape up with a new roadmap for 2047 ... Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to France on July 13 and 14, the two countries have agreed to further cooperation in sectors such as defence and outlined a roadmap for the next 25 years of India-France ties. We ...

  9. PM Conferred With France's Highest Award Latest Update

    French President Emmanuel Macron bestowed the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor on PM Narendra Modi. It is the highest French honor in military or civilian ...

  10. Why India-France ties are strong, what's the significance of PM Modi's

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be the Guest of Honour at France's Bastille Day parade in Paris on Friday. The visit coincides with 25 years of the oldest among India's almost 30 strategic partnerships around the world — and one of the few that has been marked by "total convergence" ever since the two nations committed themselves to it in 1998.

  11. Indian PM's Visit to European Countries

    Significance of the Visit: The visit to Europe is likely to set the stage for the India-EU summit and a boost in Free Trade Agreement negotiations, which have been ongoing for a decade and a half now. Source: IE. The Prime Minister (PM) of India is on visit to three European countries namely, Germany, Denmark and France.

  12. Significance and Challenges Between India and France Relations

    The visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to India as the chief guest for the Republic Day exemplifies the natural bonds of friendship between the two countries. Earlier this year, PM Narendra Modi was the chief guest at the Bastille Day parade in France. However, the relationship also faces challenges amidst the rising geopolitical ...

  13. Prime Minister Modi visit to France

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid an Official Visit to France recently. He was the Guest of Honour at the Bastille Day Parade on 14 July 2023. The National Day of France is celebrated on July 14, also known as Bastille Day or Fête nationale française. This day marks the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille prison on July 14, 1789 ...

  14. Prime Minister's visit to France and UAE (July 13-15, 2023)

    July 13, 2023. Prime Minister's Departure Statement ahead of his visit to France and UAE. July 13, 2023. Prime Minister's visit to France and UAE (July 13-15, 2023) July 12, 2023. Visit of Prime Minister to Paris, France to attend Bastille Day Parade as Guest of Honour. May 05, 2023.

  15. New Prime Minister Of France Appointed: Latest update

    Recently, Elisabeth Borne was appointed as the new prime minister of France. Borne is the second woman to hold the position after Edith Cresson. Macron and B...

  16. PM Modi in France live

    The PM's visit to France is being interpreted as a step towards closer military cooperation between the two countries, as India is gearing up to acquire 26 new Rafale-M fighter jets that will ...

  17. India-France External Affairs Ministers Meet

    Why in News. Recently, the External Affairs Minister of India held talks with his French counterpart.. The two leaders discussed several regional and global issues including the India-EU relationship, Afghanistan situation, Indo-Pacific Strategy, South China Sea Dispute, Iran nuclear deal and the Ukraine crisis.; What are the Highlights of the Meeting? Indo-Pacific Parks Partnership: The two ...

  18. Explained: The significance of PM Narendra Modi's Europe tour

    India and Germany have a 'Strategic Partnership' since May 2000, and it has been strengthened with the launch of the Inter-Governmental Consultations (IGC) in 2011 at the level of heads of government. India is among a select group of countries with which Germany has such a dialogue mechanism. During Modi's visit, the 6th IGC will take ...

  19. Who is the new PM of France?

    Gabriel Attal, aged 34, has been appointed as France's youngest Prime Minister by President Emmanuel Macron, following Elisabeth Borne's resignation amid cha...

  20. Indian Prime Minister visited Ukraine

    India's strategic autonomy at display: The visit shows India's view of Ukraine and the ongoing conflict is independent from that of Russia. India's attempt to de-hyphenate Russia and Ukraine relations. For decades, India's policy was to maintain equal distance from all countries under policy of Non-Alignment. Now, India's policy is to ...

  21. India France

    GS Paper - 2. Bilateral Groupings & Agreements. India's Prime Minister on his two-day visit to France is supposed to participate in G-7 meeting scheduled to be held in France as a non-member country on the invitation of France for the first time. He had a discussion on a spectrum of issues with France President.

  22. Key takeaways from PM Modi's U.S. Visit

    How significant is the State visit? Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 3-day state visit to the US has had a significant impact on India's global standing. It highlights the country's dual identity as a spiritual democracy and an economic power. The visit showcased India's cultural heritage, diplomatic prowess, and its growing influence on the ...

  23. Indian PM's Visit to European Countries

    The Prime Minister (PM) of India is on visit to three European countries namely, Germany, Denmark and France. This foreign visit comes at a time Europe is witnessing the Russia-Ukraine War. The visit of Indian PM highlights the importance India attaches to its ties with Europe. What is the Significance of the Visit? India-Germany Relations:

  24. Operation Sadbhav

    According to recent news, the Indian government has launched an operation to provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) to countries affected...

  25. Rs 2000 crore Mission Mausam

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