17 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Naples & Easy Day Trips

Written by Barbara Radcliffe Rogers Updated Aug 8, 2024 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Even if you've been to many Italian cities, nothing prepares you for the exuberant, colorful, and sometimes chaotic hubbub of Naples. The entire population seems to be in the streets that spill down into its harbor, and they're all talking at once.

Colors here seem brighter, and aromas of pizza–Neapolitans claim to have invented it–waft through the air, along with operatic areas (everyone here is a tenor waiting to be discovered), laughter, and maybe an argument or two. It's a city that will keep all your senses busy.

Naples and its harbor

That's not to say it doesn't have a bounty of things to do and attractions for tourists. One of the world's finest archaeological museums holds the treasures of nearby Pompeii , and much more. For centuries, Neapolitans have lavished attention and riches on their magnificent churches, while royalty of several great houses of Europe have decorated its palaces.

The city's long history, dating back to the Greeks in the eighth century BC, included Byzantine, French, Spanish, and Austrian rule, each of which left its mark. And beyond the churches, palaces, and museums , the narrow neighborhood streets, broad promenades, and parks you'll find while exploring Naples are sights in their own right. Find more great places to visit here and nearby with our list of the top tourist attractions in Naples.

See also: Where to Stay in Naples

Castel Ovo and the Lungomare

National archeological museum, cappella sansevero, capodimonte royal palace and museum, castel nuovo, catacombs of san gennaro, shopping for presepi on via san gregorio armeno, palazzo reale (royal palace), teatro di san carlo, shopping at galleria umberto i, san martino monastery and museum, galleria borbonica (bourbon tunnel), san domenico maggiore, santa chiara, catacombs of san gaudioso, exploring santa lucia, where to stay in naples for sightseeing, day trips from naples, herculaneum, amalfi coast, caserta palazzo reale, benevento and the arch of trajan, castellammare di stabia, map of tourist attractions in naples & easy day trips, naples, italy - climate chart.

Castel Ovo

Along the waterfront, at the historic gateway to the Mediterranean and the world, you can get a feel for this vibrant city. Naples harbor is divided into separate docks and basins by a series of piers and breakwaters, and is always bustling with activity.

The Lungomare is a beach promenade that follows the shore for about 2.4 kilometers along Via Partenope and Via Francesco Caracciolo in the Chiaia neighborhood, with beautiful views across the bay to Vesuvius and plenty of cafés and ice-cream shops. Stroll here, enjoy the views and lively atmosphere, and sample Naples' contribution to food history–margherita pizza.

Sitting on a promontory at the end of Via Francesco Caracciolo is the 12 th -century Castel Ovo, the oldest castle in Naples. The views of the harbor, ferries, bay, and Mt. Vesuvius are even better from its ramparts, and inside is an Ethno-Prehistory Museum with ceramics and other artifacts from ancient Naples. There is no charge for admission to the castle and museum, which, like the Lungomare, are among several free things to do in Naples.

Beyond the castle lies the busiest part of the Port of Naples, with the cruise port and departure point for ferries to Sicily, Sardinia, and elsewhere. Farther south, from the quay on the Calata di Beverello, boats sail to Ponza, Capri, and Ischia. Naples is the principal port for southern Italy, and the harbor is its heart.

Official site:

National Archeological Museum

The Museo Archeologico Nazionale holds one of the world's finest collections of antiquities, many of which were brought here from early excavations of Pompeii. In fact, more of the city's artistic highlights are here than at the site itself. In addition, it has the art treasures of the kings of Naples, the Farnese collections from Rome and Parma, the collections from the palaces of Portici and Capodimonte, and material from Herculaneum and Cumae.

The ground floor is devoted mainly to marble sculptures, including the Farnese Hercules, a colossal 3.17-meter statue found in the Baths of Caracalla in Rome, and the Farnese Bull, the largest marble group that has come down from antiquity. On the mezzanine is the collection of ancient mosaics from Pompeii , including the famous 6.20-meter Alexander's Battle .

On the first floor (second floor to Americans), in the central Salone dell'Atlante, is the Farnese Atlas. Here, too, is the collection of bronze sculpture from Pompeii (recognizable by the green oxidation) and Herculaneum (with a dark patina). Look especially for Apollo Playing a Lyre , a 5th-century original from the Peloponnese, found in the Casa del Citarista in Pompeii.

Also on this floor is the remarkable collection of ancient wall paintings, mainly from Pompeii but also from Herculaneum and Stabiae. The bronze household utensils and other bronzes, terra-cotta vessels, and a large model of Pompeii are worth seeing, too.

Address: Piazza Museo 19, Naples

A marble sculpture at Cappella Sansevero

The Cappella Sansevero was built in 1590 as the private chapel of the Sansevero family and later became its burial chapel. In the 18th century, it was elaborately embellished in Baroque style by the eccentric mystic Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of Sansevero.

Of the sculptures that he commissioned, the most outstanding artistic features are in the ethereal Veiled Christ by Sammartino (1753) and two others that show the figures draped in what appears to be a translucent tissue of marble. Another, also carved from a single block of marble, shows a male figure partially wrapped in a net, free-falling in places and so intricately carved that it seems impossible that it's really made of stone.

The chapel's most unusual exhibits are the pair of Anatomical Machines, demonstrating the human circulatory system and muscles, built on actual skeletons using wire, silk, and beeswax. Needless to say, the Prince's strange collection, added to all the Masonic symbols he incorporated into the chapel, gave rise to dark rumors about him and the scientific experiments he carried out in his adjoining palace.

Address: Via De Sanotic 17/21, Naples

Capodimonte Royal Palace and Museum

Intended originally as a hunting lodge for King Charles III, the Palazzo Reale di Capodimonte grew to become the royal residence and a place for the king to house the Farnese collection, which he had inherited. The collection includes portraits of members of ruling families by Titian and formed the basis for the National Gallery (Galleria Nazionale), one of the finest art collections in Italy, now housed here.

Its more than 500 pictures include, in addition to the Titians, works by Mantegna, Caravaggio, Raphael, Botticelli, El Greco, Bellini, and Neapolitan artists of the 17th and 18th centuries.

In the royal apartments, you'll find furniture, tapestries, and porcelain used in the palace during the Bourbon and Savoy dynasties. The small room, Salottino di Porcellana , is completely lined with porcelain.

In the park that surrounds the palace, which was the royal hunting grounds, King Charles III founded the Capodimonte workshops to produce ceramics. This highly decorative work became quite famous, and you'll see products of the workshop at the convent Santa Chiara. Wander in the beautiful park, along avenues shaded by huge trees, past battered statues and a pond.

Address: Via Milano 2, Naples

Castel Nuovo

On the south side of the Piazza del Municipio, the five-towered Castel Nuovo, also known as the Maschio Angioino, was the residence of kings and viceroys of Naples. Its history reflects the various rulers–French, Aragonese, Spanish, and Austrian-–each adding and renovating to suit the times.

It was originally built by Charles I of Anjou in 1279-82, and was enlarged by Alfonso I of Aragon, who had the grand Early Renaissance Triumphal Arch between the towers added between 1453 and 1467 to celebrate his victorious entry into the city. Parts of it are used for events and expositions, but the Armoury Hall, the southern courtyard, the Charles V Hall, and the Sala della Loggia are usually open. In the courtyard is the Gothic church of Santa Barbara (or Cappella Palatina).

Address: Piazza Castello, Naples

Catacombs of San Gennaro

The second-century Catacombs of San Gennaro , like the Roman catacombs, are a maze of passages and tomb chambers but are more ambitious architecturally and have finer paintings than their Roman counterparts.

There are two levels of these, and in the upper catacomb's vaulting are frescoes from late in the second century. Here, too, is the small Crypt of the Bishops and the large underground basilica, with three naves cut into the stone and decorated with frescoes from the fourth through sixth centuries.

The basilica was built near the catacombs in the fifth century, and although it has undergone several changes, it is a rare example of early Christian architecture. Even after major renovations during the Aragonese era in the 14th and 15th centuries, its basic structure of three naves and a semi-circular apse remains.

Address: Via Capodimonte 13, Naples

Presepio scene in Via San Gregorio Armeno

If you are looking for souvenirs that are unique to the city, terra-cotta Nativity figures are the best things to buy in Naples. But a stroll along Via San Gregorio Armeno is more than a chance to do some shopping in Naples, it is an experience in local life and culture.

During December, you'll find Nativity scenes, called presepi, in churches and public places all over Italy, but nowhere are they so elaborate as in Naples. The best-known craftsmen are here as well, and you will be astonished at the variety and finesse of some of these figures they create.

In Italy, these presepi contain far more than the figures central to the night in Bethlehem. You'll find animals, buildings, shops, children, and entire villages of everyday activity surrounding the scenes, made of wood, ceramic, terra-cotta, plaster, and other materials, some dressed elaborately in sumptuous fabrics.

Miniature collectors will find tiny furniture, foods, animals, even entire shops and rooms. The most typical of Naples are the figures made of terra-cotta, and you'll find some of the most artistic at the studio of Giuseppe and Marco Ferrigno.

Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace)

Along the east side of Piazza del Plebiscito is the former Royal Palace, begun in 1600 by Domenico Fontana and restored from 1837-41. It is one of four palaces in the area that were used as residences by the Bourbon kings. On the long facade are eight marble statues of the various kings who ruled Naples.

Inside, you can see the grand staircase of white marble, built in 1651, a theater, the royal chapel, and more than two dozen rooms in its state apartment, with furniture, tapestries, porcelains, and sculptures. It's rarely crowded, inexpensive, and you get a free audio tour. Many tourists consider this one of Naples' most interesting and unsung attractions.

Address: Piazza Plebiscito, Naples

Teatro di San Carlo

One of the largest theaters in Europe and one of Italy's premier opera houses, the Real Teatro di San Carlo was built by King Charles of Bourbon, adjoining his Royal Palace. It was completed in 1737, and along with being the oldest continuously active opera house in Europe, it was the model for opera houses everywhere. Six levels of ornately decorated boxes surround the interior, highlighted by the even more lavishly ornate royal box.

In addition to operas, performances include concerts and ballet. Along with its outstanding acoustics, San Carlo has the reputation of attracting the noisiest and worst-behaved audiences in Italy. Woe betides the tenor who misses his high C here.

Address: Via San Carlo 98, Naples

Official site:

Galleria Umberto I

Whether or not you are a dedicated shopper, you'll want to see this popular attraction for its architecture and grandeur. Built between 1887 and 1891, Galleria Umberto I was named for Umberto I, then King of Italy. Designed as a public place for shopping, businesses, cafés, and social space, the tall building has four wings with iron and glass vaulting. These converge at the center under a glass dome, for spectacular effect.

One of the wings opens onto the San Carlo Opera House. Although the Galleria is no longer the center of Naples' café society, it is still a lively place to visit, with shops, restaurants, and cafés. The interior is decorated with sculptures and paintings.

Address: Via San Carlo 15, Naples, Italy

San Martino Monastery and Museum

The former Carthusian monastery of San Martino, built in 1325 and rebuilt in the 17th century, also houses the Museo Nazionale di San Martino. The church, where you should also be sure to see the sacristy and treasury, is richly decorated with marble, ceiling frescoes, and paintings from the 17th and 18th centuries.

There are two cloisters, the Chiostro dei Procuratori and the main cloister, which is surrounded by 60 white marble columns. The monastery makes a good setting for the museum, which contains porcelain, an 18th-century state coach of Charles III's reign, and various historical relics from Naples and southern Italy in the 18th and 19th centuries.

If you're not in Naples during the Christmas season, when most churches are displaying the magnificent Nativity scenes (presepi) for which Neapolitan craftsmen are famous, you'll have a chance to see a collection of them here. It includes the Presepe di Cuciniello , an astonishingly detailed depiction of the Nativity with finely-carved animals, buildings, and figures dressed in intricately ornamented fabric costumes. From the Belvedere, superb views of Naples and its bay extend to Vesuvius and the island of Capri.

Address: Largo di San Martino 5, Naples


Although dating back to the late 13th century, the cathedral has been altered considerably due to earthquakes and restoration, especially after the one of 1456, but the 1407 doorway in the center of the front has survived. In the south aisle is the sumptuous 17th-century chapel of San Gennaro, patron saint of Naples. On its main altar, a silver bust contains the skull of the saint, who was martyred in 305, in the time of Diocletian.

You can see the saint's tomb in the richly decorated Confessio (1497-1506) under the high altar, and in the underground archeological area, you can see the 4th-century Basilica Santa Restituta , the oldest church in Naples, with excellent ceiling frescoes and columns from a Roman temple.

The Archbishop's Palace and several other churches surround the cathedral, among them the Gothic Santa Maria Donnaregina, with fine 14th-century frescoes by Giotto's contemporary Pietro Cavallini in the elevated nuns' choir, and the Baroque churches of San Filippo Neri and San Paolo Maggiore. Underneath the restored Gothic church of San Lorenzo Maggiore (1266-1324), an archaeological site allows visitors to see layer upon layer of civilization: Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and medieval.

Address: Via del Duomo, Naples

Vespas in the Galleria Borbonica

Definitely one of the most unusual things to do in Naples is exploring the unfinished underground passage known as the Galleria Borbonica –the Bourbon Tunnel. It was begun in the 19 th century, on the instructions of King Ferdinand II, as a way for him to escape from the Royal palace to the safety of the military barracks on what is now Via Morelli.

It was never finished, but the carved tunnels were later used as an air raid shelter and emergency hospital during World War II.

Access to its huge galleries and spooky tunnels is by tour, during which you can see the cisterns and a variety of relics and debris from its various uses, including old cars, Vespas, motorcycles, and fragments of statuary and architectural detail.

Address: Vico del Grottone No. 4, Naples

San Domenico Maggiore

San Domenico Maggiore, built about 1300, is among the most beautiful and interesting churches in Naples, filled with Early Renaissance work. The ornate paneled ceiling leads your eyes directly to the high altar by Cosimo Fanzago.

Each of its 24-sided chapels contains something of interest, especially the Chapel of San Michele Arcangelo a Morfisa at the end of the right nave, which incorporates a 10th-century church. In the Cappellone Crocifisso are a 13th-century Crucification and the 15th-century Burial of Christ.

Beyond the chapel dedicated to Saint Thomas Aquinas (who studied here) is the sacristy, with a frescoed ceiling, Triumph of Faith over Heresy by the Dominicans , and a gallery of 45 sarcophagi belonging to members of the house of Anjou.

Address: Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, Naples

Santa Chiara

The cloister of the Monastery of Santa Chiara , founded in 1310, looks more like a park in a seaside resort town than a solemn retreat for nuns. Majolica tiles made at the Capodimonte workshops, in vivid colors and lively designs, cover the 66 octagonal columns surrounding its cloister, and between the columns are long benches also covered in tiles.

These seem to bring the secular world inside the monastery walls, with scenes from everyday life of their period–the mid-1700s. Under the porticos, the walls on all four sides of the cloister are covered with 17th-century frescoes of Old Testament scenes.

There are more reasons to visit Santa Chiara besides its surprising and beautiful cloister. Inside on the right is a presepio (Nativity scene) set in a Roman ruin, incorporating mundane daily Neapolitan life along with the sacred creche scene. The figures are dressed in typical local 18th- and 19th-century clothing. The setting in a Roman ruin is thought perhaps to reflect the intense interest in the discovery of Herculaneum in the early 18th century.

While repairing damage after World War II, the intact remains of a first-century Roman thermal spa were discovered, probably part of a villa. This and other finds from the first through fourth centuries make up a small archaeological area and museum.

Hidden beneath the Basilica of Santa Maria della Sanità, is one of the two most important early Christian cemeteries in Naples . Although it is now a densely populated neighborhood, the hillside was outside the city walls, and used as a burial place by early Christians, especially after the burial here of Septimius Celius Gaudiosus, bishop of Abitina, in Tunisia.

The bishop had arrived in Naples, having been exiled after refusing to renounce his faith, and after his death in the 450s AD, his burial place became a place of devotion. More Christians wished to be buried here, and the catacombs were extended.

Later, in the 17 th Century, the necropolis became popular again, after the discovery of a 5 th -century fresco of the Madonna previously covered in mud. Once again, nobles and important clergy wished to be buried near the saint, so the catacombs represent two distinct eras.

The earlier section features 5 th - and 6 th -century frescoes and mosaics showing early Christian symbols including lambs and fishes. On the other side, the graves of 17 th -century nobles are marked by skulls and frescoed depictions of their skeletons, often with clothing or signs indicating their profession or social position.

The entrance to the catacombs is beneath the altar of the Basilica Santa Maria della Sanita , itself worth visiting as one of the most daring works of Dominican architect Fra Nuvolo, and one of the finest examples of Neapolitan Baroque .

Address: Piazza Sanità 14, Naples

Santa Lucia

To the west of the Piazza del Plebiscito, on the slopes of Pizzofalcone and extending down to the sea, lies the district of Santa Lucia. South of the wide Via Santa Lucia, this is an area of modern streets laid out on a regular plan, but to the north, it is a picturesque huddle of narrow, stepped lanes where you can see–and be part of–traditional Neapolitan life.

It would be a shame to miss this very real neighborhood of shops and bakeries, artisans' workshops, little cafés where locals down their espresso, and streets where children play. Laundry usually hangs overhead, and conversations are carried on between balconies and windows across the narrow streets. It's a colorful place any time of day, but especially lively in the evening, making it one of the favorite things to do at night in Naples.

Popular tourist attractions in Naples are widely scattered, but two areas are convenient to several of them. These areas are not far apart, so your choice may depend on whether or not you enjoy being in a typical–and colorful–Neapolitan neighborhood throbbing with city life.

If you like feeling the pulse of a passionate city, crowded Decumani is for you, close to the Duomo, Archeological Museum, and several churches. The quieter option is the waterfront Chiaia neighborhood, the part of the more colorful Santa Lucia district, near the Palazzo Reale and the San Carlo opera house. Here are some highly rated hotels in and around these areas:

Luxury Hotels

  • A Naples landmark for its elegant style and seafront setting in Chiaia, Grand Hotel Vesuvio caters to film stars and royalty. Its top-floor restaurant is the place for celebratory occasions, with its romantic views of the twinkling harbor lights.
  • In the same upscale area and close to chic shops and dining is the Hotel Palazzo Alabardieri , a good choice for anyone planning on shopping in Naples.
  • With the same waterfront location and views from the guest rooms, but lower rates, the 4-star Grand Hotel Santa Lucia has upscale amenities such as room service and a concierge. Many of the rooms and suites have balconies.

Mid-Range Hotels

  • Although close to the Archeological Museum and Cappella Sansevero, many rooms at Hotel Piazza Bellini overlook a quiet courtyard, and from its uppermost rooms, you can see Vesuvius and the Bay of Naples.
  • The elegantly decorated Eurostars Hotel Excelsior is close to the bay and Castel Ovo, and has water views from many of its guest rooms.
  • Between Chiaia and Decumani and within walking distance of both, in the atmospheric streets of the old Spanish quarter, the boutique Hotel Il Convento is in a former convent.

Budget Hotels

  • In a quiet harbor area, near the landing point for ferries to Capri, Ischia, and Procida, Hotel Rex is steps away from the waterside promenade.
  • The convenient and hospitable Hotel Europeo & Flowers is a no-frills option on a quiet back street, around the corner from Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, in the heart of Decumani.
  • Farther from other attractions but handy to the main station and trains to Pompeii is the reliable ibis Styles Napoli Garibaldi , which is also near shopping and restaurants.

Ruins of the Temple of Apollo in Pompeii

A visit to the National Archeological Museum in Naples will surely whet your appetite for seeing the city's almost more famous neighbor, Pompeii . Several centuries of excavations have uncovered homes, shops, temples, and public buildings of a prosperous city of 20,000 engulfed and frozen in time by the cataclysmic eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79.

Two direct train lines depart the Napoli Centrale station for Pompei, the Circumvesuviana or the Metropolitano, either taking about 35 minutes . The Circumvesuviana train stops close to the entrance to the ruins, but gets very crowded and has no air-conditioning – a serious consideration in the summer. From the Metropolitano stop you'll have about a 10-minute walk to the entrance, but the train is air conditioned.

An easy way to see this UNESCO World Heritage Site with an expert guide, and also hike to the summit of Mt. Vesuvius, is to take the Mt. Vesuvius and Pompeii Day Trip from Naples . The seven-hour tour includes a delicious Italian pizza lunch.


Unlike neighboring Pompeii, the Roman resort town of Herculaneum was engulfed by molten lava instead of ash in the AD 79 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, and its buildings were supported by the lava as it rose in depth.

The difference had two results: organic materials were preserved in a dry airtight environment, and the cooled stone was so deep and hard that the site was protected from early plunder until modern techniques and sensibilities could preserve its treasures. What you see today gives an even more intimate view of Roman life than Pompeii.

The Circumvesuviana trains between Naples and Sorrento make two stops in Herculaneum. The Ercolano Scavi stop is a 10-minute walk from the entrance to the excavated area; you can walk or wait for a shuttle bus, which may take longer.

Or you can visit both of these world-class attractions from Naples, on a Private Tour Day Trip Excursion to Herculaneum, Mt. Vesuvius, and Pompeii . Your expert guide will make sure you see the highlights of each archaeological site, and as an added bonus, you'll get to walk to the rim of the crater on Vesuvius.


Rearing abruptly out of the plain, 15 kilometers southeast of Naples on the shores of the bay of Naples, Vesuvius is the only volcano on the European mainland that is still intermittently active. It is best known, of course, for the disastrous eruption in AD 79 that destroyed both Pompeii and Herculaneum. Its last major eruption was in 1944, and there have been signs of only mild activity since.

Drive or take a bus from Pompeii or Herculaneum to the Vesuvius National Park lot at about 1,000 meters altitude. Trails lead up the final 200 meters to the rim , which can be followed along its entire perimeter. As you would expect, the views are spectacular.

Vesuvio Express operates a bus from Piazza San Pasquale station in Naples to Vesuvio National Park, about a 40-minute ride , or you can explore the volcano with a guide on the Vesuvius: Half Day Trip from Naples , a four-hour trip that includes hiking to the cone and learning about its history and geology.

Positano, Amalfi Coast

The southern coast of the Amalfi Peninsula, south of Naples, is among the most beautiful in all Europe, with colorful villages clinging to steep mountainsides that drop almost straight into the blue waters of the Mediterranean.

There are several ways to see this coast: by car, bus, boat, or organized tour. While of these a car gives you more freedom to stop and explore on your own (bus schedules make it difficult to spend any time in the towns), the road is narrow and demands 100 percent attention from the driver at all times.

The most flexible solution is the Private Tour: Sorrento, Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello Day Trip from Naples , where you can craft your own itinerary along this spectacular stretch of coast, with the help of your knowledgeable guide. You'll have plenty of time to explore some of the region's most charming towns in the comfort of a private chauffeur-driven car. Hotel pickup and drop-off are included.

  • Read More: Exploring the Top Attractions of the Amalfi Coast: A Visitor's Guide

Caserta Palazzo Reale

Opposite the station in Caserta is the former Royal Palace, a magnificent 1,200-room residence often compared to Versailles. It was built by Luigi Vanvitelli for King Charles III of Naples and Sicily, beginning in 1752, and today, its interior, well-preserved decoration, and furnishings form a museum of the Bourbon dynasty that ruled here from 1734 to 1860. Particularly fine are the Grand Staircase of 116 steps, the Cappella Reale, the Royal Apartments, and the theater.

In the Second World War, the Palace served as the headquarters of the Allied Middle East Command, and on April 29, 1945, the German armies in Italy signed the surrender document here. Behind it stretches a park with impressive fountains and the Grand Cascade. From the terrace beyond the English Garden, about a 45-minute walk north of the palace, are sweeping views.

Caserta Reale is on the main train line between Naples and Rome, 40 minutes from Napoli Centrale . A bus from Corso Meridionale to Caserta takes 30-50 minutes or 40 minutes to an hour from Napoli Centrale, depending on the time of day.

A beautiful summer's day on Capri

Regular ferries carry passengers from the Naples harbor across the bay to the island of Capri . It's a favorite day trip for locals, and the ferry from Naples is a good way for tourists who don't plan on visiting Sorrento to see this fabled island and its prime attraction, the Blue Grotto .

The full-day Capri and Blue Grotto Day Tour from Naples or Sorrento whisks you to this glamorous island via jetfoil. You'll see the striking azure water in the Blue Grotto, visit the beautiful towns of Anacapri and Capri, admire some of the island's fascinating rock formations, and explore the coastline by minibus.

Aragonese Castle in Ischia

At the entrance to the Bay of Naples, the volcanic island of Ischia was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who were attracted by its hot springs and the luxuriant flora. Today, it's less crowded with day trippers than nearby smaller Capri, and has much nicer beaches.

The town of Ischia, on the northeast coast, is made up of Ischia Ponte, where the imposing Castello stands on a 91-meter rocky crag accessible by a stone causeway, and the busier spa and seaside resort of Ischia Porto. The island's oldest harbor here is a former crater lake.

From Forio, on the west coast, a beautiful road leads to the southern part of the island, past La Mortella , beautiful gardens created by Susana Walton and British composer Sir William Walton and well worth a stop. The southern shore is the quietest, where the village of Sant'Angelo sits picturesquely on the slopes of a promontory.

Frequent boats connect Ischia to Naples harbor and to the smaller island of Procida , almost too cute to be real, with its taffy-colored houses. Or you can go directly to Procida from Naples by hydrofoil on the Day Trip to Procida Island with Lunch tour, enjoying a full day on the island at your own pace, with lunch at a local restaurant.

The Arch of Trajan

About 50 kilometers northeast of Naples, Benevento commands a beautiful setting on a flat-topped hill between two rivers, at the junction of the Via Appia with four other Roman roads. This position made it one of the most important towns in southern Italy, and for five centuries, it was the seat of powerful Lombard dukes.

It has a 14th-century castle and the remains of a Roman theater now used for opera performances, but its major tourist attraction is the magnificent Arco di Traiano (Arch of Trajan), also known as Porta Aurea, dedicated by the senate and people of Beneventum to the "best of princes" in AD 114, in anticipation of his return from the Parthian wars.

The arch, built of Greek marble, stands 15.5 meters high and is one of the finest of its kind. The entire arch, including the marble reliefs glorifying the emperor, is very well preserved.

Benevento is about two hours from Napoli Centrale by train , either changing in Casserta or direct. The bus from Naples Metropark Bus Terminal takes about the same time and service is irregular. By car it's one hour and 10 minutes to 1.5 hours , depending on traffic.

Castellammare di Stabia

About 30 kilometers south of the city, on the Bay of Naples, Castellammare di Stabia is adjacent to the ancient city of Stabiae, destroyed by the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius. You can visit the excavated Roman villas, which were very well preserved by the "rain" of volcanic ash that buried them. Frescoes and mosaics are intact, as is the swimming pool in its colonnaded atrium.

A cable car from the Castellammare Circumvesuviana station climbs Monte Faito, from whose summit there are walking trails and magnificent views of the Bay of Naples and Vesuvius. Frequent trains from Napoli Porta Garibaldi take 45-55 minutes; it's about 25 minutes by car .


Modern Capua is built adjacent to the ancient city of Capua Vetere, destroyed in the ninth century. In the center of town, near the Volturno River, the cathedral's campanile and 11th-century forecourt with third-century columns survived after the building itself was destroyed in World War II. Nearby, the Campanian Provincial Museum is the region's most important archeological museum after the National Museum in Naples.

Outside of town is a Roman amphitheater, built under Augustus and restored by Hadrian, one of the largest remaining, with many of its subterranean passages intact. On the Via Appia , which connected the town to Rome, are two well-preserved Roman tombs.

North of Naples near Casserta, Capua can be reached by bus from either Corso Meridionale or Piazza Garibaldistation . Either takes about 1.25 hours, or you can be there by direct train in about 50 minutes from Naploli Centrale.


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Where to Go near Naples: Surrounded by some of Italy's most popular places to visit, Naples makes a good starting point for seeing the tourist attractions in Sorrento and exploring the Amalfi Coast , as well as visiting Herculaneum and the dramatic ruins of Pompeii .


Exploring beyond Naples: South of the Amalfi Coast are the magnificent ruins of Paestum , the finest remains of Greek architecture on the Italian mainland. Or from Naples harbor, you can take a ferry to the fascinating island of Sardinia and its capital city of Cagliari .

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Full Suitcase Travel Blog

23 Best Things to Do in Naples, Italy (Top Sights, Map & Tips)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: October 22, 2023

23 Best Things to Do in Naples, Italy (Top Sights, Map & Tips)

Are you thinking of visiting Naples in Italy and wondering what to expect, what there’s to see and do in the city, whether it’s actually worth a visit, or how much time you need? In this guide, we cover the main landmarks and highlights of Naples, coupled with our experience-based tips and info for your visit. Find out!

You may already have heard that Napoli is quite unlike any other Italian city . It’s a chaotic blend of centuries-old history, incredible architecture, crowded streets, narrow (and often dirty) alleyways, and charming balconies strewn with laundry. Vespas speed through the never-ending crowds, and there are new sights, smells, colors, and sounds in every direction…

The gastronomic scene is a delightful mix of fried street food, fine restaurants serving fresh, local fare, and – of course – pizza! Invented in Naples, pizza was originally a popular food among the city’s poor. Nowadays, Neapolitan pizza is made according to strict rules and is truly the best you can get in the world!

There is definitely something very real about Naples and its many contrasts guarantee a very authentic experience. To say that Naples is overwhelming, dazzling, and a one-of-a-kind city is an understatement. You really have to experience this unique city first-hand in order to understand what makes it so special.

Below is our selection of the very best things to do in Naples . It’s a mix of must-see places and the best experiences that will give you a good overview of what to expect and what to see in Naples. Find out!

Top Experiences in Naples:

  • Naples Underground .
  • Naples Catacombs .
  • Pompeii & Mt Vesuvius Tour .
  • Sorrento & Amalfi Coast Tour .

What to see and do in Naples (Napoli, Italy)

Good to know: To give you a better idea of where everything is located, we also created a map indicating the main sights and tourist attractions in Naples mentioned in this article.

Also, for each place, we include some practical information and useful tips based on our first-hand experience during a recent visit to Naples.

This info should help you plan your trip and avoid disappointment like showing up at the must-see landmark when it’s closed or not being able to see something because you didn’t book a ticket in advance…

How to use this map:  Use your computer mouse (or fingers) to zoom in or out. Click on the icons to get more information about each place. Click the arrow on the top left corner for the index. Click the star next to the map’s title to add it to your Google Maps account. To view the saved map on your smartphone or PC, open Google Maps, click the menu and go to ‘Your Places’/’Maps’. If you want to print the map or see it in a bigger window, click on ‘View larger map’ in the top right corner.

Best things to do in Naples:

1. Historic Center of Naples & Spaccanapoli

Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Historic Center of Naples is a must-see in Napoli. And there’s no better place to start your visit than Spaccanapoli, the most famous street in Naples. Except… you won’t find it on the map under this name.

Spaccanapoli is actually composed of several connecting streets: Via Pasquale Scura, Via Maddaloni, Via Domenico Capitelli, Piazza Gesu Nuovo, Via Benedetto Croce, Piazzetta Nilo, and Via San Biagio Dei Librai.

The name ‘Spaccanapoli’ translates to ‘Naples Splitter’ because it ‘divides’ the city in half. It extends well outside the old city center, but the must-see part is right in the historic old town.

Everything there is to know about Naples is encapsulated in this area! The atmosphere is filled with the noise of neighbors calling to each other from their balconies, artisans hammering in their tiny workshops and the ubiquitous Italian scooters whizzing past you with inches to spare.

Rough, noisy, and exceptionally crowded, Naples’s historic center may not be to everyone’s taste, but Spaccanapoli and its wide surroundings remain a must-see in Naples!

The best way to experience the real Naples and its unique atmosphere is by taking a walk here. Just be prepared to have to constantly navigate between the crowds, motorbikes, and countless street vendors. It’s part of the fun!

Good to know: There are lots of great places to eat and drink here – often at very reasonable prices. You’ll find some of Naples’ most famous landmarks in this area too.

TIP: If you want to understand how special Spaccanapoli really is, you have to see the Naples splitter from above! The best place to do this is from the ramparts of Castel Sant’Elmo – you’ll find more information about it further below.

Spaccanapoli - Naples splitter aerial view

Interesting to know: All over Naples, you’ll see red twisted horns that sometimes look a bit like red chili peppers… These are Neapolitan cornicello , or corno – a special talisman that is supposed to protect you from any evil and bring you luck.

Another character that you’ll see all over the city is Pulcinella , a sort of clown wearing a traditional Neapolitan half-mask. You’ll find these masks for sale at souvenir stores, street artists dancing dressed as Pulcinella, and you can also rub Pulcinella’s nose in Naples city center (we indicated the location of this statue on our map).

You’ll find these talismans for sale everywhere in Naples and you will also see ‘corno’ hanging at the entrance of the shops, standing on restaurant counters, and pretty much everywhere. Neapolitans are quite superstitious, indeed. You can even find ‘corno’ horns with Pulcinella mask on them – just in case one talisman doesn’t do the trick.

Traditional Napoli souvenirs corno and Pulcinella for sale in Naples

2. Naples National Archaeological Museum

Naples National Archaeological Museum is probably one of the best museums in the whole of Italy. So if you are looking for the very best places to see in Naples, this museum is absolutely not to be missed!

The beautiful 16th-century building housing the Museum was originally a military and cavalry barracks.

Founded as a museum in 1816 by Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies, Naples National Archaeological Museum is now home to an extensive collection of Roman remains . These include artifacts and mosaics excavated from Pompeii and Herculaneum , both of which were devastated by the 79AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius. You can even find a small room displaying a unique collection of erotic Pompeiian art!

The museum also contains a beautiful selection of marble statues portraying mythological scenes. Be sure not to miss the Farnese collections ! There are also amazing mosaics and many ancient Egyptian exhibits , too, including death masks and mummified remains.

Good to know: The museum is huge and a visit here can be somewhat overwhelming. We visited on our own, but if you are interested in art and have a few hours to spare, this is one place where it could be really interesting to visit with a guide . The museum also offers an audio guide, but they don’t give you any map and so I’m not sure how useful or easy to use it is.

Practical info: Naples National Archaeological Museum is open daily except on Tuesdays. So plan your visit accordingly! You can just get the tickets on the spot and – unless you book a guided tour – there’s no need to reserve. For more practical info, see their website .

Naples National Archaeological Museum is a must see in Napoli

3. Gesù Nuovo Church & Square

Piazza del Gesù Nuovo (‘New Jesus’) is a large and lively town square along Spacannapoli in the old town. It has the Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo on one side and the Basilica di Santa Chiara (more about it below) on the other side. Once the main western entrance to the city, the area was modified twice in the 16th century and the city walls were moved.

You can see an ornate statue of the Virgin Mary – Guglia dell Immacolata – in the center of the square, and behind it is the rather quirky stone façade of the Gesù Nuovo church. However, don’t let the exterior mislead you – this is one of the most beautiful, most impressive, and must-see churches in Naples!

In complete contrast to its exterior, the inside of the Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo is decorated in amazingly opulent Neapolitan Baroque style, with lots of frescoes and colored marble. Our local guide compared it to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, and while not nearly as big, it’s indeed just as ornate.

In one of the chapels, you can also see the bronze statue of Naples’ newest saint – Saint Giuseppe Moscati. Beatified in 1987, he was an early 19th-century doctor who devoted himself to helping the poor.

Gesu Nuovo Church is a must see in Naples

4. Santa Chiara Church & Cloisters

Complesso Monumentale di Santa Chiara is a fascinating network of cloisters, located behind the restored Gothic basilica of the same name. You can visit the cloister, Chiostro di Santa Chiara (which requires a ticket), and the church, Basílica de Santa Clara (entrance is free of charge).

Basílica de Santa Clara is a huge church located just across from the above-mentioned Church of Gesù Nuovo. But the two churches couldn’t be more different! While every inch of the interior of the New Jesus Church is decorated, the interior of Santa Clara church is very simple. But it’s this simplicity in combination with the gigantic proportions that make it really impressive to see!

But the main highlight here is the exceptionally beautiful Chiostro di Santa Chiara . Despite its central location in the heart of Naples’ busiest district, the cloisters are really tranquil and offer a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the city.

Inside, you can see a beautiful garden with blossoming lemon trees and colorful Rococò style tiling on the columns and benches (just don’t try to sit on them!). The walkways of the cloisters – lined with frescoes and colorful tiles – are equally impressive too. There’s also a small museum and an archeological site where you can see excavations from ancient Roman times.

There’s also a short film playing in one of the rooms close to the entrance. It explains the history of the convent and the church – quite interesting.

Good to know: The cloister is open daily and you can get a ticket on the spot. The church (just as most other churches in Naples) closes for a few hours at around lunchtime, so it’s best to visit in the morning or in the afternoon.

Chiostro di Santa Chiara is one of the best places to see in Naples Italy

5. Via dei Tribunali

Via dei Tribunali is another of the must-see places in Naples. Dating back to the Ancient Roman times, this street in the old town is also known as Decumanus Maggiore – one of the main east-west roads ( Decumani ) of the ancient Greek then Roman city of Neapolis.

Via Dei Tribunali runs parallel with the above-mentioned Spaccanapoli. The atmosphere here is very similar – crazy, overwhelming, and so typically Naples. But there’s one more reason to come here and that’s pizza!

If you are a pizza-lover, a visit to Via dei Tribunali is a must!

Commonly referred to as ‘pizza street’ , Via dei Tribunali is believed to be the best place for pizza in Naples. The highlight is the world-famous Sorbillo pizza restaurant and you’ll recognize it from far because of the crowds waiting outside in order to get a table here. Just be sure you have the right one – Gino e Toto Sorbillo – because just nearby, there’s another smaller restaurant with ‘Sorbillo’ in its name that has nothing to do with the original one.

While there are countless other amazing pizza restaurants in this area (and all over Naples), many consider a pizza at Sorbillo an absolute must-do in Naples. So, of course, we had to try it too, and I have to agree – it’s absolutely delicious!

TIP: If you don’t want to spend hours waiting in line at this restaurant, try to come at least 15-20 minutes before the opening time. We arrived at 11.45 am (at lunch, the restaurant opens at 12) and there were already lots of people waiting at the door. Luckily, the restaurant is quite big and it wasn’t a problem to get a table, but people who arrived at 12, ended up waiting for over an hour. Alternatively, simply choose one of the many other pizza restaurants in Naples.

There are lots of souvenir stalls, shops, and bars here too, plus a fun atmosphere that makes the street well worth visiting – even if you aren’t here for the pizza!

Gino e Toto Sorbillo pizza restaurant on Via dei Tribunali in Naples

6. Sansevero Chapel

Museo Cappella Sansevero is one of the must-sees in Naples, attracting big crowds.

Located in the heart of the city, this chapel museum was designed by alchemist and inventor John Francesco di Sangro. Although tiny, it is filled with wonderfully symbolic artworks and sculptures, and the ceiling is decorated with a magnificent fresco. It’s absolutely breathtaking!

The most famous exhibit here is the marble sculpture ‘Veiled Christ’ ( Il Cristo velato ) by Giuseppe Sanmartino made in 1753. It portrays Jesus lying with a veil over his face as he takes his last living breaths. This sculpture is world-famous for the incredible tissue-like quality of the marble and no words can describe how special it is – you really have to see it in person!

Other incredible sculptures not to miss here are the ‘Veiled Truth’ ( Pudicizia ) by Antonio Corradini and ‘Release from Deception’ ( Il Disinganno ) by Francesco Queirolo. Also, in the basement under the chapel, you’ll find two “anatomical machines” – skeletons with “blood vessels” that show how advanced human knowledge was in terms of anatomy back in the 18th century already.

Practical information: Museo Cappella Sansevero is open daily except on Tuesdays. You only need 10-15 minutes for a visit inside. However, this is one of the most popular places to see in Naples and it’s advisable to get your tickets in advance , especially if you are traveling in the high season (April – October).

If you didn’t book in advance, you may still be able to get tickets on the day itself, but you can’t count on that. Also, in the high season, it’s best to go as early in the morning as possible in order to get a hold of the last tickets for that day. The entry is timed, so – depending on what’s available – you might have to come back a few hours later.

TIP: This popular old town walking tour includes many of the main sights in Naples, a few lesser-visited hidden gems, as well as the entrance to Sansevero Chapel. Going with a tour might also be your chance to visit this chapel if the regular tickets are sold out.

Good to know: Any kind of photography is not allowed inside the chapel. The picture below is of one of the info signs located outside of the building. The other two images are courtesy of Museo Cappella Sansevero.

Veiled Christ and Museo Cappella Sansevero is one of the must sees in Naples Italy

7. Catacombs of Naples

The Catacombs of Naples is one of our personal favorite things to do in Napoli. It’s something that could be listed among the must-dos in the city, but also as a hidden gem. If you are looking to get a bit off the beaten path and do something truly unique in Naples, definitely check these out!

The Catacombe di San Gennaro and Catacombe di San Gaudioso are both underground cemeteries, dating to the times of the Roman Empire. While the Catacombs of San Gennaro are considered to be the most important of the two, I highly recommend visiting both of them since they are totally different.

If you have ever visited Rome’s underground sites and catacombs , then you may be quite surprised how much more spacious the ones in Naples are! This is because they were excavated from tuff, a rock formed from volcanic ash which is known for its workability and longevity. Also, the Catacombs of Naples are way more impressive than the ones in Rome, the people who run the place and the guides are amazing, and you’re also allowed to take pictures inside.

San Gennaro Catacombs are the biggest in southern Italy. A 2nd-century network of tunnels is lined with crypts and graves, some of which are decorated with the most impressive frescoes. The tombs here are spread over two levels and you can visit both of them.

Catacombe di San Gennaro - best things to do in Naples

The San Gaudioso Catacombs were built below the Abbey (Badia) of the Basilica di Santa Maria della Sanità. Here, you can see mosaics and frescoes from the 5th century all the way to the 17th century.

Probably the most fascinating here are the rooms of the ‘draining ritual’ and the ‘Gallery of the Nobles’, where you can see the quirky skeleton paintings of some prominent citizens of 17th-century Naples. The stories behind these catacombs are fascinating!

Everyone in our family unanimously agreed that the catacombs should be on top of any Naples bucket list! Even our teens were fascinated and impressed (and if you have teenagers you know they’re the toughest public when it comes to visiting churches and historical sites).

Skeletons at San Gaudioso Catacombs in Naples

Good to know: Since it was forbidden to bury people inside the city gates, the catacombs are located somewhat outside of the old town, in the northern part of Naples. Still, it’s really not that far and you can easily get here by taxi or by public bus. Or you can even walk here from the old town – the Catacombs of San Gaudioso are just a 10-15 min walk from the Naples National Archaeological Museum.

Practical information: The Catacombs are open daily – see their website for more information and visiting times. The ticket includes both catacombs (and also gives a discount on the earlier-mentioned Cloister of Santa Chiara). You don’t have to visit both catacombs on the same day as the ticket remains valid for a year. You’ll visit the catacombs with a small group accompanied by an official guide.

Tickets: To save you time and confusion about all the ticket options, this ticket is what you need for an English-speaking tour that includes both catacombs. You choose the timed entry to Genaro Catacombs and then visit the Catacombs of San Gaudioso with the same ticket afterward.

TIP: If you have a bit more time, we highly recommend a guided ‘Holy Mile’ tour . It’s by far the best way to see both catacombs, and also some other amazing places in the Rione Sanità district (such as Palazzo San Felice or Palazzo dello Spagnolo). However, at the moment, this tour is only available in Italian. For a tour in English, you have to book a private tour directly via their website .

Or you can simply visit the catacombs and then explore the Sanita neighborhood on your own.

Palazzo dello Spagnolo in Rione Sanita neighborhood in Naples

8. Naples Cathedral – Duomo

The main church of southern Italy, Naples Duomo dates back to the 13th century. Although its official name is Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta , it is more commonly known as the Cattedrale di San Gennaro (one of the patron saints of the city).

The Cathedral has been restored and added to multiple times throughout its history and the result is a curious mixture of Baroque, Renaissance, and Gothic styles that you see today. Nevertheless, it is very beautiful, particularly the decoration surrounding the main nave.

Of particular importance is the immaculately decorated chapel of San Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples. It is here that the residents of Naples attend three times a year to see if the two vessels of his dried blood liquify. If they don’t, it is believed that a terrible event will befall the city, such as the devastating earthquake of 1980.

The building also contains two of the oldest places of worship in Naples – The Capella di Santa Restituta and the Capella di San Giovanni in Fonte. When visiting the latter, you can just about make out some beautiful frescoes in the dome, one of which shows Christ multiplying the fishes.

Good to know: The Cathedral is open daily, but – just as most other churches in Naples – closes for a few hours early in the afternoon (usually from 1 to 3.30 PM). The entrance to the Cathedral is free of charge, but there’s a small extra fee if you want to see the most interesting chapels.

Naples Cathedral

9. Napoli Sotterranea

Napoli Sotterranea is Naples Underground – the intriguing maze of ancient cavities and tunnels that lie 40 meters (120 ft) beneath the modern city. This is one of the most fascinating places to see in Naples, a trip that takes you back in time to the earliest days when the city was first founded.

Originally dating from Greek times (some 2,400 years ago), over a thousand caves were excavated in order to extract stone for the construction of Nea Polis (the ‘new town’). During Roman times, the caves were connected with a series of tunnels and used as Naples’ cisterns and water supply for over 23 centuries.

More recently, the Naples underground also served as a shelter during WWII. Over 2500 people (mostly women and children) were hiding here for over 1.5 years. It’s hard to imagine…

A visit also includes a Roman theater… hidden inside a traditional Neapolitan house.

Good to know: You’ll have to negotiate over 100 stairs (down and up again) and some very narrow passages too. The narrowest sections can be skipped if you feel claustrophobic, but those are actually the most special parts and guarantee the most unique experience that you won’t quickly forget.

Practical information: Napoli Sotterranea is located on Piazza San Gaetano 68 – do not confuse it with the nearby underground site La Neapolis Sotterrata at San Lorenzo Maggiore (which is not nearly as interesting). It’s open daily and a visit takes about 1.5 hours. You can only visit here with a guided tour, and it’s best to prebook well in advance . This is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Naples and in the high season, tours in English often sell out a few weeks upfront.

TIP: The easiest way to book a tour is via the Tiqets website , which is much more user-friendly than the official site . Plus, when we visited, it was cheaper to book tickets indirectly (go figure).

Napoli Sotterranea (Naples Underground) entrance sign

10. Views from Sant’Elmo Castle

Castel Sant’Elmo is a medieval fortress sitting high on the hill in the Vomero district in central Naples. This is where you’ll find the very best panoramic views of Naples city and its wide surroundings, with the most amazing backdrop of the Mediterranean on one side and Mount Vesuvius on the other.

Originally a church dedicated to St Erasmus, Castel Sant’Elmo was turned into a castle 400 years later in 1349. It was further fortified in the early 16th century and was also used as a prison.

The site is now also home to the Museo del Novecento. Located in the former prison of the castle, this museum is dedicated to 20th-century Neapolitan art. But the best thing to do here is simply walking around the entire perimeter of the ramparts (the castle is huge!) and enjoy the stunning 360° panorama. The views from here are unparalleled!

TIP: Castel Sant’Elmo is the best place in Naples from where you can see an aerial view of Spaccanapoli – the iconic street that ‘splits’ Naples in two (mentioned as #1 on our list of top places to see in Naples).

Good to know: Castel Sant’Elmo can be reached by various staircases from the old town, but the easiest way to get here is by taking a funicular. We took the funicular from Montesanto funicular station, and you can also get here from Augusteo funicular station.

Practical information: Castel Sant’Elmo is open daily and you can get the ticket on the spot. For more practical information, see the official website (in Italian).

Naples city view from Sant Elmo Castle

TIP: Combine Sant’Elmo Castle with a visit to San Martino Monastery, just nearby (more info below). Afterwards, take one of the steep staircases back down to the city center – it’s a great way to explore a more local side of Naples!

There are stairs – Pedamentina a San Martino – right at the Belvedere San Martino in front of the Monastery, which seem to be quite popular with tourists.

Alternatively, you can walk around the castle to the Salita del Petraio staircase which – we were told – is more impressive and gives better views and a more local experience. We took the latter and indeed, it was a great choice – highly recommended instead of taking the funicular back down.

Salita del Petraio staircase in Naples

11. San Martino Monastery & Museum

Located right at the foot of Sant’Elmo Castel, high on top of the Vomero hill overlooking Naples bay, you’ll find another landmark of Naples – Certosa e Museo di San Martino .

The Charterhouse of St. Martin was built in 1325 and was originally a Carthusian monastery. It has been renovated and altered many times throughout its history by some of Italy’s most important sculptors and architects.

Nowadays it is a museum dedicated to Neapolitan and Italian art, with beautifully designed cloisters and elaborate frescoes. You can see works by 17th-century artists such as Battista Caracciolo and Jusepe de Ribera here, and some beautiful inlaid marble work in the nave. You’ll also find Lanfranco’s ceiling painting of the ‘Ascension’ and the ‘Triumph of Judith’ ceiling fresco by Luca Giordano.

The Monastery is huge and there’s so much to see that you could easily wander here for several hours. Plus, there are big gardens to explore, offering nice views of Naples and the coast below. But even if you only have an hour to spare, it’s well worth a visit – both, for the building itself, the stunning art inside, as well as the views. However, if you are only interested in the views, then go to Sant’Elmo Castle instead.

Good to know: Just as with Sant’Elmo Castle, the best way to get here is by funicular.

Practical information: Certosa e Museo di San Martino is open daily except on Wednesdays. See the o fficial website for more info (in Italian). There’s no need to reserve tickets – you can just get them on the spot.

Certosa e Museo di San Martino in Naples

12. Piazza del Plebiscito

With 25,000 square meters, Piazza del Plebiscito is Napoli’s main square and one of the largest in Italy. An amazing place to visit in Napoli, the square is framed by the semi-circular colonnades of the San Francesco di Paola Basilica . A minor basilica, it is considered one of the most important examples of Italian Neoclassical architecture.

There are lots of other important buildings to see here too, including the Royal Palace (more info below), the Prefecture Palace (which houses the institutional body that rules the province), and the Palazzo Salerno. You can’t miss the two statues in the center either – one of them is dedicated to Spain’s Charles III, and the other one – to Ferdinando I.

Totally pedestrianized (giving you a welcome break from the noisy Vespas), this vast open space was once known as Largo di Palazzo and used for bullfights. These days, Piazza del Plebiscito is a popular spot for outdoor concerts and other cultural events.

Fun to do: Whilst there, why not try the popular local game of crossing the square blindfolded or with closed eyes… The game started with the legend of Queen Margherita, who was said to grant salvation to only the prisoners who had accomplished the task.

The idea is to start at the entrance of the Royal Palace (between the two equestrian statues). You then walk for around 170 meters in a straight line, passing through the middle of the square. Apparently, no one ever manages it because of the square’s slight (but unnoticeable) slope.

Piazza del Plebiscito in Naples

13. Royal Palace of Naples

Located in the Piazza del Plebiscito opposite the Basilica Reale, Palazzo Reale di Napoli is a huge stunning building that was constructed from 1600 onwards. Originally used by the Bourbon Kings as one of their four royal residences in the city, the palace and its grounds are now dedicated to the Teatrino di Corte, the Teatro di San Carlo, and the National Library.

It is worth visiting just to see the building from the outside as it is really impressive, with statues honoring various rulers of Naples from the 12th to 19th centuries.

But the real attraction is the palace’s opulent interior – now a museum. The exquisitely preserved rooms filled with elaborate decoration showcase the history of Naples from the 17th to 19th centuries.

The majestic hallway and sweeping staircase are quite breathtaking, and if you stand in the magnificent throne room it is easy to imagine all the kings and queens that must have stood there before you. The lavish theater – Teatrino di Corte – was built for the wedding of Marie-Antoinette to Ferdinand.

Practical information: The Royal Palace of Naples is open daily except on Wednesdays. There’s no need to reserve a ticket – you can get it at the entrance. For more practical info, see here .

TIP: If you have more time in Naples, visit the Royal Palace of Caserta which is located outside the city (more info in the ‘day trips’ section further below). It’s even more impressive than the Royal Palace of Naples. But if you don’t have the time to travel to Caserta, definitely take a look inside the Royal Palace in Naples city center.

The Royal Palace of Naples (Palazzo Reale di Napoli)

14. Galleria Umberto I

Galleria Umberto I is a public shopping gallery located just a few steps from the Piazza del Plebiscito and the Royal Palace. While not an absolute must, in our opinion, it’s one of the most beautiful landmarks in Naples. Furthermore, it only takes a few minutes of your time, so we highly recommend you check it out!

Beautifully designed, its domed steel and glass roof fills the gallery with light. Builts towards the end of the 19th century, it features various sculptures and murals, with shops and eateries on the ground floor and offices upstairs. If you’ve ever been to Milan , you may just notice how much it resembles the Galleria Emmanuelle II, on which it was modeled. It has a similar, cross-shaped design.

It’s hard to imagine that this was once an area that had a bad reputation for fighting, crime, and prostitution! Indeed, the very purpose of this gallery was to make Naples attractive again, providing a safe place for people to walk and shop.

The shops at Galleria Umberto I are a mix of boutiques, high street names, and discount stores. There are also several cafes where you can indulge in a little people-watching and regular visits from street performers.

TIP: The gallery is also home to a 4* luxury hotel – the Hotel Art Resort Galleria Umberto , a nice place to stay for sightseeing in Naples!

READ ALSO: Best Places to Stay in Naples

Galleria Umberto I is one of the most beautiful landmarks of Naples Italy

15. San Carlo Theater

Housed in a magnificent Neoclassical building just near the Royal Palace and across the street from Galleria Umberto I, Naples’ Teatro di San Carlo is the oldest continuously running public opera venue in the world.

San Carlo Theater was first opened in 1737, commissioned by the Bourbon King Charles III of Naples. Restored following a devastating fire in 1816, the interior is now quite dazzling, with a traditional horseshoe-shaped auditorium and beautiful red and gold furnishings. It’s decorated with vibrant frescoes as well.

TIP: If you are lucky to visit when there are performances (and can get tickets), you could attend an opera or a ballet here. The opera season runs from January to May and there are ballet performances from April to June. However, we visited in mid-April and there was nothing on the program during our travel dates… You can check the events calendar on their website .

Alternatively, you can take a guided tour of the auditorium, the royal box, and the foyers. However, the schedule of the guided tours depends on the performances, etc. and it’s not straightforward to book it. You can check the general tour schedule online , but the best way to get a tour is by calling the theater a few days in advance. There’s usually one tour (in English) in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Teatro San Carlo opera house in Naples Italy

16. Via San Gregorio Armeno

Via San Gregorio Armeno may just be the most famous alleyway in Naples and its purpose is somewhat unique!

Otherwise known as ‘Christmas Street’ , this is where you will find the city’s presepe artisans. A presepe (plural presepi ) is a Nativity scene and the tradition of creating them goes back for 1000 years. At any point in the year you can visit Via San Gregorio in order to buy the figurines you’ll need to create a display of your own!

But even if you don’t plan to buy anything, a walk through this street is a must when visiting Naples.

TIP: For the best atmosphere and displays, come here in the morning – early afternoon because some shops close quite early.

Another attraction to visit here is the hidden cloister of the San Gregorio Armeno Church . It has an enclosed 17th-century garden filled with citrus trees and a Baroque marble fountain. Be sure to go in the morning, though – admission is only permitted for a few hours, usually until noon.

Via San Gregorio Armeno in Naples

17. Naples Waterfront

A popular thing to do in Naples is to take a stroll along the 2.5 km pedestrianized seafront promenade, aka Naples Waterfront (also called Lungomare di Napoli or Lungomare Santa Lucia ).

The views here are lovely, taking in Capri and Mount Vesuvius along with Naples itself. On the other side is the greenery of Naples Villa Comunale Park, making this a real oasis of calm in this crazy busy city.

You’ll find a few free beaches along the way, plus boat rentals and numerous kiosks selling lemon granita and snacks. There are also a few places to rent bikes – in fact, some of the restaurants even offer free bike rentals to their diners.

Alternatively, visit towards the end of the day when the sun goes down. Not only will you be able to take some amazing photos, but you’ll also find many locals enjoying their traditional evening stroll – the passeggiata .

TIP: Some of the most popular ‘grand’ hotels in Naples ( Eurostars Hotel Excelsior , Hotel Royal Continental , etc.) are located on Via Partenope, a wide boulevard facing the sea.

If you are visiting Naples in summer, this would be one of the nicest areas to stay in – not just for the sea views or waterfront activities, but also – literally – in order to have some air. You can enjoy a nice breeze here whereas the city center with its narrow alleyways can get really hot.

Naples waterfront area with a view on Mt Vesuvius

18. Ovo Castle

Visible as soon as you enter the port of Naples, the imposing Castel dell’Ovo (the Egg Castle) is the city’s oldest remaining fortification, dating back to the early 6th century BC. Legend has it that the Roman poet Virgil placed a magical egg into its foundation – hence its name. A less compelling version is that the castle was named for its unusual shape.

The castle stands on an island overlooking a small marina, although it is actually connected to the mainland via a footbridge and road. There is not a great deal to see inside except for a few displays explaining its past and – sometimes – temporary exhibitions.

However, walking around its stone walls gives you a real feel for its history and the nice views across the Mediterranean sea make it worth a quick visit. You can also take a stroll around the tiny island on which the castle stands – the Borgo Marinaro . Here, you’ll also find some nice (seafood) restaurants.

Good to know: Castel dell’Ovo is open daily and the entrance is free of charge. Many people say this is an amazing place to see a sunset in Naples, but unfortunately, the castle closes too early for that… I guess you could always stay for sunset at the waterfront area – see below.

The Bay of Naples and Mt Vesuvius as seen from Castel dell'Ovo in Naples

19. Castel Nuovo

A prominent part of the city skyline, the Castel Nuovo is one of the most remarkable buildings in Naples. It was first constructed in 1279 and the name ‘New Castle’ was given to distinguish it from the other fortresses in the city at the time. It’s also known locally as Maschio Angioino (Angevin Keep).

Castel Nuovo is located close to the Piazza del Plebiscito and the harbor. It features 5 circular crenulated towers, plus a later addition of a majestic triumphal arch carved from white marble.

While this castle is more impressive from the outside than it is on the inside, if you have a few hours to spare, you can take a tour to view the interior. Here, you’ll see frescoes by Giotto and a collection of 17th to 20th-century artworks by Neapolitan painters. Some of the highlights include the beautifully painted ceiling of the Barons’ Hall and the panoramic views across the city and bay from the ramparts.

Practical information: Castel Nuovo is open daily, with some exceptions. You can try to understand a very unclear official website or simply go there and see if it’s open. I have to admit that we decided not to visit this castle inside since we heard there’s not that much to see compared to the other landmarks in Naples. So I cannot really comment on this one based on personal experience.

Castel Nuovo in Naples Italy

20. Spanish Quarter & Largo Maradona

One more place that’s probably worth mentioning among the best places to see in Naples is the Quartieri Spagnoli . This is a small neighborhood in central Naples, west of Via Toledo, one of the main shopping streets in the city.

The Spanish Quarter is crisscrossed by narrow alleyways lined with tall residential buildings. On the ground floor, you’ll usually find tiny shops, small cafes, and lots of restaurants – this is one of the nicest areas for lunch or dinner in Naples. This area has a few pizza places too, but it’s more a place for seafood, pasta, risotto, and other local dishes.

If you have 15-20 minutes to spare, simply walk around the Spanish Quarter. It’s a lively area where you can get a taste of the real day-to-day life of regular residents of Naples. Neighbors chatting to each other, kids playing football, Vespas zooming past you… Colorful street art and cloth lines with laundry spanning the streets just add to the atmosphere.

One of the quirkiest places to see here is the area Largo Maradona with several big murals dedicated to Diego Maradona. This Argentinian football player achieved the peak of his career during the 7-year period between 1984 and 1991 when he played in Napoli.

You could say that Maradona is the adopted son of Naples. Many locals – not jokingly – call him their patron saint. Some Neapolitans regard their ‘San Diego’ the same way as ‘San Gennaro’…

You’ll see Maradona and all kinds of memorabilia dedicated to him all over Naples. But if you have a few minutes to spare, check out this ‘shrine’ to Maradona in the Spanish Quarter. On Via Emanuele de Deo, you’ll find a small cafe La Bodega De D10S , several big Maradona murals, and all kinds of Maradona memorablia…

Spanish Quarter in Naples

21. Royal Palace of Capodimonte

Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte is another interesting place to see in Naples – if you have more time after visiting all the ‘musts’ in the city center.

This art museum is located inside the 18th-century Bourbonian Royal Palace of Capodimonte . This palace – museum houses an incredible collection of 47,000 artworks. This makes it one of the world’s largest collections of medieval, modern, and contemporary art.

In its 126 galleries, you can view works by illustrious artists such as Raphael, Michelangelo, Botticelli, and many, many more. To see these pieces in such a beautiful setting is a fantastic experience.

There is natural beauty to be found here too in the 300 acres of the Royal Park of Capodimonte , which contains more than 400 species of plants. This tranquil green space was once named the most beautiful park in Italy and it feels completely disconnected from the bustling city below.

Good to know: The Royal Palace of Capodimonte is located just 2 km outside of the city center. However, since it’s set on a hill, it’s easier to take a bus or a taxi rather than walk. Normally, the Naples hop-on hop-off bus stops here too, but the route seems to have been discontinued when we visited. Maybe they’ll include it in the itinerary again in the future – be sure to double-check if you plan to visit here…

Practical information: The Museum is open daily except on Wednesdays. You can find more practical information on their website (in Italian). A nice way to visit here is with a private guided tour – especially if you are interested in art and want to learn more about the most important pieces.

Royal Palace of Capodimonte in Naples

22. Pizza & Food Tours

Of course, one of the VERY BEST things to do in Naples is trying the world-famous Neapolitan pizza , right where it was first created.

As already mentioned before, Via dei Tribunali in the heart of the old town is a great area for pizza, but there are countless amazing pizza restaurants scattered all over the city!

Some of the most popular and best-rated pizza restaurants in Naples center include Sorbillo , L’Antica Pizzeria da Michele , Pizzeria Starita a Materdei , Pizzeria Da Attilio , Antica Trattoria e Pizzeria da Donato , and many – many others. I indicated these and a few other restaurants on our map of Naples sights and attractions – be sure to try the pizza at least at one of them.

In addition to the traditional Neapolitan pizza, Naples is also famous for its folded pizza ‘a Portafoglio’, and also fried pizza . You’ll find many restaurants serving folded and fried pizza in Naples. For some of the best fried pizza in Naples, head to the Isabella De Cham Pizza Fritta restaurant in the Rione Sanità district where the Catacombs are located.

And, of course, there are so many other amazing typical dishes, drinks, and desserts to try in Naples, beyond pizza!

TIP: One of the best ways to get a taste of traditional food in Naples is by joining a food tour . In just a few hours, you get a nice introduction to the regional cuisine and try some local specialties, plus you tour the city center with a local guide so you learn a lot more about the city than just by having a meal at a restaurant.

There are many food tours and pizza-making classes in Naples and I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them. We opted for this highly-rated street food tour and had a great evening eating our way through the old town. Our tour included different types of cheeses and small snacks, two types of pizza, traditional pastries, limoncello, gelato, and more. It’s something fun to do in Naples for the whole family!

READ ALSO: Traditional Italian Food per Region

Pizza Napoli at a local pizzeria in Naples Italy

23. Take a day trip outside the city!

No trip to Naples would be complete without visiting at least a few of the most famous places near the city. Pompeii, Herculaneum, the Royal Palace of Caserta, Amalfi Coast, and Capri Island are just some of the most popular options (and each is worth a trip on its own!). So when planning your Naples sightseeing itinerary, be sure to foresee some extra time to spend outside the city as well!

There are many ways to plan a trip to the Naples area and the Amalfi Coast and you can make a longer trip to the area. However, it is possible to see all the best places by taking day trips/ tours from Naples as well.

Here are some of the most popular places nearby that we recommend to see when you visit Naples:

  • Pompeii. The remains of an incredibly well preserved ancient Roman city that has been destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. You can take a train to Pompeii, but without a guide, it’s all just ruins and the huge site is overwhelming, so we recommend you book a guided tour ! There are many day tours that can bring you there from Naples too, often, in combination with a few other places nearby.
  • Herculaneum. This ancient city was also destroyed by Mt Vesuvius in 79 AD. It’s similar to Pompeii but is smaller and better preserved, however not as famous and therefore less visited by international tourists. If you have the time to see both, it’s well worth it. But if you can only visit one – most people opt for Pompeii instead. You can easily get to Ercolano from Naples by train, but it’s best to book your entrance ticket so that you don’t waste too much time in line. Day tours from Naples are also available, often in combination with Pompeii and or MtVesuvius.
  • Mount Vesuvius. A visit to the crater of this impressive volcano is one of the most impressive things to do in Naples! If you want to visit on your own, take a train to Ercolano or Pompeii, and from there a bus to Mt Vesuvius (the bus company can usually help you get the entrance tickets too, or you can book them yourself – see some of the best ticket options here and this is the bus from Ercolano ). But the easiest way to get to Mt Vesuvius (and make the most of your time) is by taking a tour that visits Pompeii and Mt Vesuvius on the same day . Tours that include Herculaneum are also available.

READ ALSO: How to Visit Mount Vesuvius

  • Capri . This beautiful island can be reached by ferry from Naples and is a wonderful day trip to consider! You can visit Capri on your own , just be sure to pre-book the ferry tickets, especially in high season. Also, plan well in advance what you want to see when you get there since one day is really just enough for the highlights. Alternatively, you can opt for an organized tour and let them take care of the planning and transportation to and on the island.
  • Amalfi Coast. One of the most beautiful places in Italy , the Amalfi Coast deserves a separate visit. But yes, you can also see the main highlights on a day trip from Naples. With just a day, I wouldn’t recommend going on your own – take a tour or book a private driver and enjoy this beautiful area without having to stress about getting around. Here you can find more information on how to get to the Amalfi Coast from Naples .
  • Royal Palace of Caserta . This is one of the largest royal residences in the world and one of the most interesting places to see when visiting Naples! In addition to the impressive interior, the Palace also has stunning Versailles-like gardens. Located in Caserta, you can easily get here by train from Naples and there are also organized half-day tours available. A visit here is a wonderful addition to any Naples sightseeing itinerary!

LEARN MORE: Best Excursions & Day Trips from Naples

Below are some frequently asked questions that might help you plan your visit to Naples – take a look!

Yes, Naples is well worth a visit! It’s one of the most fascinating cities in Italy, with centuries-old history, impressive architecture, and some of the most remarkable ancient art in the world. Furthermore, Naples has a stunning coastal location, an incredible bustling atmosphere, and the best pizza in the world. In addition, the surroundings with sites like Pompeii, Mt Vesuvius, or the Amalfi Coast make Naples more than worth a trip.

We recommend 2-3 days for Naples city, not including the time for any of the day trips nearby. While you can see some of the main landmarks in Naples city in 1 day , you really need at least 2 days to do this city justice. In addition, plan 3-4 extra days for the nearby places such as Pompeii, the Amalfi Coast, Mt. Vesuvius, and Capri.

You may have heard that Naples is dirty and unsafe, and there’s definitely some truth in it. However, it’s mostly petty crime and Naples isn’t any more dangerous than most other major cities in the world. Just be careful with your belongings and cautious of pickpockets in busy areas and when using public transport. We spent several days exploring many different areas in Naples city and never felt unsafe.

Naples is a large city, but most tourist attractions are concentrated rather close to each other and you can explore the majority of the main sights in Naples on foot. For the areas located on the hill, take a funicular, and if you prefer not to walk bigger distances, you can use the metro, public buses, or taxis which are rather cheap. Hop-on hop-off bus is also available and covers most of the tourist attractions in Naples.

Depending on what you plan to see and do (in and near Naples), you may want to stay in different parts of the city center. If you plan multiple day trips by train, stay west of the central railway station (e.g. UNAHOTELS Napoli or Hotel San Pietro ). For sightseeing and shopping – stay between Via Toledo and the harbor area (e.g. Palazzo Turchini or NapoliMia Hotel ). For a more relaxing vacation, stay at the Lungomare waterfront (e.g. Hotel Royal Continental ).

So, this is our guide to some of the very best things to do in Naples for first-time visitors. I hope that it helps you plan an unforgettable visit to this fascinating city that I can only describe as a rough diamond. Naples is definitely one of a kind, a captivating city, which has a life very much of its own.

If you have limited time and are wondering how to plan your time in Naples, check out our suggested 1-day Naples itinerary .

TIP: If you are wondering how to plan your visit to the Naples area and don’t know where to start, you may want to check out our guide with the Amalfi Coast itinerary suggestions . It gives you an idea of how to visit the ‘must-see’ places in as little as 5 days (although I recommend much longer if you have the time). If you have more than a day or two for that area, be sure to also check our detailed guide to the best places to stay on the Amalfi Coast , and also our guide to hiking the Path of the Gods .

READ ALSO: Naples – Capri – Amalfi Coast Itinerary (+-10 Days)

More guides to some of the nicest Italian cities:

  • Best things to do in Rome
  • Best things to do in Venice
  • Best things to do in Florence
  • Best things to do in Milan
  • Best things to do in Verona
  • Best things to do in Ravenna
  • Best things to do in Siena
  • Best things to do in Como
  • 1 day in Milan
  • 1 day in Rome
  • 1 day in Florence
  • 1 day in Venice
  • 3 days in Venice
  • 2 days in Rome
  • 4 days in Rome

READ ALSO: Italy itinerary for 2 weeks & How to Plan a Trip to Europe

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Top sights and tourist attractions to see in Naples Italy

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Monday 22nd of July 2024

Thanks so much for the wonderful blog, pointing out the great sites. I will be there in September and was wondering if you mapped these locations. I only have a day there but want to get as much photographed as possible.

Thanks so much

Tuesday 23rd of July 2024

@Jurga, Tried on another computer and was able to see sorry. Web browser protection sometimes hides parts of the page.

Hi Richard, the map we included at the top of this article already indicates all the top places to see in Naples that are mentioned in our guide. So I'm not sure I understand the question. Maybe you have some kind of an ad blocker that prevents you from seeing the map (and supporting the blogs you read!). If you only have a day in Naples and want to see the best that the city has to offer, take a look at our guide to the best of Naples in one day.

Sunday 17th of September 2023

Hi there - I'm so grateful for your blogs on Italy since we'll be doing our 1st trip the 1st two weeks of April 2024 and I'm torn between where to stay in Naples. We will be arriving via train from Rome by Noon & will stay 3 nights. Two days will be day trips w/tour companies to Pompeii and the Amalfi coast. That means we will only have half a day (Easter Sunday) in Naples and plan on doing the food tour you took. My question is should we stay in the historic center OR the Naples waterfront? When we return from the day trips we'll be tired so most likely will hit the hotel to rest. I appreciate your advice.

Hi Patricia, if you are taking day trips, they will most likely depart from the railway station. In that case, it's probably best to stay there. For example, Hotel San Pietro or UNAHOTELS Napoli are both located in that area. The main areas in the old town are just 15-20 minutes walk from there. If I were you, I'd first check the departure locations of the tours that you plan to take and then book a hotel as close as possible. That will save you a lot of stress. Have a great trip!

Michael Cicchi

Sunday 24th of April 2022

I spent a week in Napoli and thought I saw plenty of it but this article just showed me that I missed a whole lot of it. 😔 So, I will definitely dedicate another week there after going to Venice.

Tuesday 26th of April 2022

It's impossible to see 'everything' in the Naples area in a week, Michael. You already spent much more time here than most tourists do. But yes, it's well worth a repeat trip I think - just like pretty much any place in Italy. :)

The best 15 things to do in Naples: livin' la dolce vita

Dec 14, 2023 • 7 min read

map of naples tourist attractions

The joyous chaos of narrow Spaccanapoli in Naples © Massimo Borchi / Atlantide Phototravel / Getty Images

Founded by Greeks in the first millennium BCE, Naples  is one of the most ancient cities in Europe – and it remains alluring to this day.

Situated on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, with Mt Vesuvius towering in the distance, Italy's third-largest city is home to an incredible wealth of art and architecture. Ancient Greek wall fortifications, a Roman-era theater and a Norman castle testify to its long, rich history. And around every corner in the city’s UNESCO-designated historical center, you’ll find baroque churches, splendid Renaissance-era piazzas and charming cafes.

“Rome is the heart of Italy, but Naples is its soul,” say the Italians – and, indeed, Neapolitans have mastered the art of la dolce vita ("the sweet life"). Get a taste of how they live with this list of the best things to do in Naples.  

1. Stroll Spaccanapoli, the beating heart of Naples

Spaccanapoli – literally, “Naples splitter” – is the bustling narrow street that traverses Naples’ Centro Storico (historical center). Buzzing Vespas, neighbors debating politics from opposing balconies, tiny artisan workshops humming with the noise of hammers: Spaccanapoli is the vibrant heart of this irresistible city. You’ll find some of the city’s most famous churches along this UNESCO World Heritage–designated street, too, including the circa 1470 Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo and the Cappella Sansevero , renowned for its marble sculpture Veiled Christ by Giuseppe Sanmartino.

2. Take a bite into a slice of pizza in the city where it was born

The delicious aroma of freshly baked dough wafts through the air in Naples, where pizza was born. Resident Raffaele Esposito is often credited with creating the first Pizza Margherita to commemorate the 1889 visit of Italian queen of the same name – though local street vendors had been peddling wood-oven-baked flatbreads with toppings long before then. Pizzeria Gino Sorbillo is one of the best in the city, thanks to its focus on organic ingredients and local produce from the surrounding Campania region. You’d be hard-pressed to find a mediocre slice of pizza in Naples, where the craft of pizza making has been elevated to a high art. 

3. Shop for holiday gifts year-round along the narrow Christmas Alley

Naples has a tradition of  presepi  (nativity scenes) dating back 1000 years. Every year on December 8, families prepare a presepe with statues of the Holy Family and the animals and townspeople of Bethlehem as a celebration of the Christmas season. And all year long, the narrow alleyway of Via San Gregorio teems with traditional presepe artisans. Here, you’ll find all the nativity figurines you need to create your own display.

A woman walks past a brightly painted bench at Santa Chiara

4. See the colorful cloister of the Santa Chiara religious complex

Built between 1313 and 1340 by Queen Sancha of Majorca and her husband King Robert of Naples, the Santa Chiara monastic complex in Naples’ Centro Storico includes the Baroque-style Basilica di Santa Chiara, a monastery, tombs and an archeological museum. Take a breather from the Neapolitan chaos and relax for a moment in the complex’s peaceful garden, the Cloister of the Clarisse. Transformed in 1742 by Domenico Antonio Vaccaro, the garden is dotted with citrus fruit trees and majolica-tiled columns and pergolas.

5. See the treasures of the Naples National Archaeological Museum

Built as a cavalry barracks in 1585, the Museo Archeologico Nazionale was established at the end of the 18th century by King Charles VII. The museum is best known for housing the many treasures that survived the 79 CE eruption of Mt Vesuvius, an event that devastated nearby Herculaneum and Pompeii. Don’t miss the Farnese marbles, Roman copies of classical Greek sculptures, as well as the ancient Roman bronzes from the Villa of the Papyri. 

6. Explore the underground Catacombe di San Gennaro

Named after the patron saint of Naples, San Gennaro (Saint Januarius), who was once buried at the site, the Catacombe di San Gennaro are an underground paleo-Christian labyrinth of tombs. Over 3000 tombs were carved out of tuff, a porous stone, in what is the most extensive Christian catacomb complex in southern Italy. The lower level dates back to the 3rd century CE, and archeologists believe this site served as an even earlier pre-Christian cemetery.

7. Indulge in Neapolitan pastries

You can’t visit Naples without sampling its pizza – or its delectable pastries. You’ll find a pasticceria on just about every street in the Centro Storico, and it will be hard to resist stopping into each one. Make a pit stop by Scaturchio for sfogliatella , a shell-shaped pastry filled with sweet ricotta cheese, or try the babà , small yeast cakes saturated in rum.

Explore Naples effortlessly with  GetYourGuide . Book your tour today.

Two people walk along the Napoli waterfront at dusk

8. Stroll the Lungomare

The passeggiata is a time-honored Italian tradition that calls for taking a stroll in the evening, usually after dinner. This casual social event is a moment when friends spontaneously meet up, when lovers walk hand in hand, when kids are treated to a gelato by mom and dad. Naples’  Lungomare , a promenade situated along the Mediterranean Sea, is perhaps the most popular place for this evening   ritual.

9. See the Castel dell’Ovo, Naples’ seafront “Egg Castle”

According to legend, the Roman poet Virgil put a magical egg into the foundation supporting Naples’ seafront “Egg Castle,”  the oldest fortification in Naples. Built up by the Normans in the 12th century, the site has housed a fortress, a royal palace and a prison over its long history. While the castle itself is closed, visitors can stroll the tiny island it occupies, the Borgo Marinaro – the same site where the Greeks first settled the area in the 7th century BCE. Expect gorgeous vistas of the Gulf of Naples, with Mt Vesuvius looming in the distance. 

10. Ascend to Piazza Vanvitelli on the Funicolare Centrale

Naples’ Funicolare Centrale zooms passengers for 1270m (4167ft) upwards from Piazza Fuga to Piazza Vanvitelli, an elevation change of 170m (558ft). In operation since 1928, the inclined railway is a major mode of transportation for locals. Spend some time shopping the many boutiques that surround the octagonal Piazza Vanvitelli , the final stop on the funicular. The trip from the bottom piazza to the top piazza takes about five minutes.

11. Climb the ramparts of Castel Nuovo

The striking medieval Castel Nuovo , first erected in 1279, was the royal seat for kings of Naples, Aragon and Spain until 1815. Take a tour of the castle and admire the Cappella Palatina (Palatine Chapel), where you’ll find frescoes by Giotto; admire the incredible collection of 17th to 20th-century masterpieces by Neapolitan painters; then climb the ramparts for stunning views of the city. 

Tourists walk in front of the facade of the historical Royal Palace in Naples

12. Peek inside Naples’ Royal Palace 

From the 13th through 19th centuries, Naples was a kingdom that ruled most of southern Italy – and the  Palazzo Reale was one of the sprawling dominion’s most lavish palaces. Step inside to see ornately decorated, outstandingly preserved rooms that evoke the opulent lifestyle of the kings, queens, princes and princesses who once called the magnificent palace home.

13. Catch a performance at the opulent Teatro San Carlo

The Teatro San Carlo  is the oldest continuously active opera house in the world. Connected to the Royal Palace, it opened in 1737 and has been hosting world-class performances ever since. Take in a performance of a work by Verdi or Puccini from one of the auditorium’s gilded box seats to feel like a royal yourself.

14. Climb to the summit of Mt Vesuvius

The active volcano that towers over the Bay of Naples, Mt Vesuvius  was responsible for destroying Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 CE. (The looming volcano last erupted in 1944, and no one knows when she will perk up once again.)

The best way to experience Mt Vesuvius is to hike to the summit along the 4-mile “Gran Cono” Trail. At a fairly steep grade, the trail will take you about 20 minutes to hike from the base to the refreshment stand at the summit, where spectacular views of the Bay of Naples and the volcanic crater await. 

The ruins of Pompeii seen under a brilliant blue sky, with Mt Vesuvius in the distance

15. Visit the ruins of Pompeii

When Mt Vesuvius erupted, poisonous gases and rocks were unleashed, burying the thriving city of Pompeii. The volcanic debris trapped the town’s unfortunate residents in ash that eventually hardened; archaeologists later filled the voids left by their decomposed bodies with plaster. Today, at the vast archaeological park at the site of the ancient town, the result is a moving series of body casts that show the horror-stricken poses of these ancient citizens’ last moments. You can also tour excavated sites that offer a glimpse into what was once a thriving and sophisticated Roman city.

Located 15 miles south of Naples, Pompeii can be easily reached from downtown Naples by the local train, called the Circumvesuviana.

This article was first published Dec 14, 2021 and updated Dec 14, 2023.

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27 Top Tourist Attraction in Naples, Italy

By Spencer Leasca · Last updated on May 4, 2024

With a history that stretches back to the Bronze Age, Naples is one of the oldest continuously inhabited places on Earth. The city boasts the largest Old Town district in Europe and has more historic churches than any other city in the world. There are plenty of cultural tourist attractions in Naples, often hidden behind the dirt, noise and chaos of everyday life in Italy’s third largest city.


From impromptu arias in cafés to domestic squabbles in the streets, Neapolitans aren’t shy about expressing their feelings. Built around the beautiful Bay of Naples, the city sits under the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, which perhaps explains why residents embrace life with such unpretentious and uninhibited attitudes.

Neapolitan cuisine is another considerable drawcard. From delectable pizzas to succulent seafood and mouth-watering pastries, your taste buds are in for a treat. At the same time, world-famous archaeological sites offer an insight into the havoc caused by the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

While it’s not as polished as other tourist destinations, the things to do in Naples offer every visitor a rich and authentically Italian travel experience. No matter your interests, it will captivate your senses and leave you longing for more.

Map of Naples

Map of Naples, Italy

27. Piazza del Plebiscito

Piazza del Plebiscito

The grand Piazza del Plebiscito is an expansive square that boasts breathtaking architectural wonders, symbolizing Naples’ rich cultural legacy.

The square’s main attraction is the stunning neoclassical church, San Francesco di Paola, featuring an impressive colonnade and majestic dome reminiscent of Rome’s Pantheon. To the left and right of the square are the Royal Palace of Naples and the Palazzo Salerno, both bearing witness to the city’s royal history.

The Royal Palace, once home to the Bourbon kings, showcases opulent interiors and houses the National Library of Naples. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the elegant promenade, enjoying panoramic views of the bay and the imposing Mount Vesuvius.

A vibrant gathering place, Piazza del Plebiscito offers a glimpse into Naples’ past while providing a lively hub of charming cafes and shops.

26. Catacombe di San Gaudioso

Catacombe di San Gaudioso

Exploring the fascinating Catacombe di San Gaudioso, located beneath street level, is one of the most popular things to do in Naples. This underground burial complex is steeped in history and mystique, offering a unique glimpse into the ancient practice of Christian burial.

Named after the bishop buried there, Catacombe di San Gaudioso dates back to the 5th century. It boasts a labyrinthine network of tunnels and chambers adorned with frescoes, mosaics, and ornate tombs, creating a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere.

Visitors can explore various sections of the catacombs, including the Basilica of Santa Maria della Sanità, an underground church adorned with exquisite Baroque artwork. The crypts and burial niches offer a poignant reminder of early Christians’ religious devotion and customs.

You’ll encounter an eerie sense of serenity and contemplation as you wander through the dimly lit passageways.

25. Napoli Sotterranea

Napoli Sotterranea

Another place below the bustling streets of Naples you should visit is Underground Naples. Also known as Napoli Sotterranea, it features an intricate system of tunnels, caves, aqueducts, and catacombs dating back to ancient times.

Over the years, they have served various purposes, from Greek and Roman quarries to World War II air-raid shelters. Touring it offers visitors a glimpse into the city’s past.

Expert guides lead visitors on engaging tours that start at street level in Piazza San Gaetanotaking before taking them deep into the heart of this underground world.

Along the way, they will discover narrow passages, ancient cisterns, haunting sculptures, and artifacts, while learning captivating stories and insights that shed light on how those living here survived.

24. Castel Sant’Elmo

Castel Sant'Elmo

The impressive Castel Sant’Elmo fortress is a stunning medieval castle built in the 14th century. It is located on Vomero Hill and is notable for its imposing defensive walls and distinguished military architecture.

At the same time, its strategic location offers sweeping vistas of Naples, Mount Vesuvius, and the surrounding landscapes. The castle’s courtyard and ramparts provide arguably the best spot to capture memorable photographs of them.

Visitors can also explore the Museum of Contemporary Art inside the castle, which showcases a diverse collection of modern artworks. The castle’s underground passages and tunnels offer a fascinating glimpse into its military past.

You can tour the castle independently. But if you take a guided tour of it, you will learn more about the significant role it played in the city’s defense and history. You will even be privy to some of the most notorious secrets of its colorful past.

23. Trip to Procida Island

Procida Island

Located in the Bay of Naples, you might recognize Procida Island from films such as The Talented Mr. Ripley, Something in the Air, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Notwithstanding, comprising charming, picturesque harbors, colorful buildings, and a tranquil atmosphere, it is an ideal retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Things to do on the island include exploring the narrow streets and soak up the authentic Italian charm. Don’t miss the iconic Marina Corricella, a colorful fishing village that looks straight from a postcard.

The island’s pristine beaches, including Spiaggia del Pozzo Vecchio and Chiaia, offer crystal-clear waters that beckon visitors to relax and unwind. The 16th-century Terra Murata fortress is also worth checking out. It provides spectacular panoramic views of the island and its surrounding sea.

22. Gesu Nuovo Church

Gesu Nuovo Church

The Gesu Nuovo Church is a magnificent architectural wonder and revered city icon. Constructed in the 16th century, this Jesuit church features a unique facade created by alternating blocks of white marble and volcanic tuff. Giving it an appearance that is both distinctive and striking.

Inside, the Gesu Nuovo Church is a stunning combination of Baroque and Renaissance styles. The church is adorned with exquisite frescoes, ornate altars, and intricate sculptures, making it a visual delight and a testament to the artistic prowess of its era.

The Chapel of San Francesco Saverio, home to Saint Francis Xavier’s tomb is one of the church’s most noteworthy features. Its magnificent marble altarpiece and elaborate decorations make it a place of pilgrimage and reverence for believers.

21. Toledo Metro Station

Toledo Metro Station

The Toledo Metro Station is not your typical transportation hub. It is an architectural masterpiece that combines practicality and creativity.

Designed by Spanish architect Oscar Tusquets Blanca, the station is located on Line 1 of the Naples Metro and serves as a gateway to the bustling Via Toledo neighborhood.

As you step inside, you are greeted by a beautiful display of vibrant blue tiles covering the walls and ceilings, creating an immersive and visually captivating experience. The artistic design is inspired by water, reflecting Naples’ close relationship with the sea.

Not only is it a functional transportation hub, but it’s also an underground art gallery. The unique use of lighting, mirrors, and colors creates a sense of movement and depth, making it a special and picturesque location.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the station offers several amenities, including shops, cafes, and escalators that seamlessly blend with the artistic elements.

20. Museo di Capodimonte

Museo di Capodimonte

If you love art, you’ll want to visit the Museo di Capodimonte.

It is housed within a magnificent royal palace, originally built as a hunting lodge for the Bourbon kings in the 18th century. However, it has since been turned into a museum, showcasing an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative pieces. They include masterpieces by renowned artists like Caravaggio, Titian, Botticelli, and Raphael.

The museum caters to all artistic interests with diverse artwork on display, from religious and mythological paintings to stunning landscapes and portraits.

Aside from the art, its location is equally captivating, situated atop a hill that provides panoramic views of Naples and its surrounding landscapes. The palace’s interiors are also impressive, featuring opulent frescoes, tapestries, and exquisite furniture. You will need at least a day to take it all in.

19. Trip to the Royal Palace of Caserta

Royal Palace of Caserta

The Royal Palace of Caserta is one of the largest royal palaces in the world.

This magnificent royal residence dates back to the 19th century and features a vast façade adorned with elegant columns and statues. You’ll want to spend a bit of time taking in the grandeur of it.

Offering a glimpse into Naples’ Bourbon monarchs’ luxurious lifestyle, you’ll see lavishly decorated rooms, grand staircases, and beautifully landscaped gardens once inside. The palace also houses a rich collection of artwork, including stunning frescoes, intricate tapestries, and gorgeous, ornate furniture.

As well as the interior, exploring the palace’s vast grounds is a must. The sprawling gardens, cascading waterfalls, manicured lawns, and charming fountains are a tranquil retreat to immerse yourself in.

18. Galleria Borbonica

Galleria Borbonica

Want yet more underground tunnels and chambers to explore in Naples? Then check out the Galleria Borbonica.

Originally built as an aqueduct in the 19th century, this historical site later served as an air-raid shelter during World War II. Today, visitors can take guided tours through the labyrinthine tunnels to uncover remnants of the city’s ancient past, including Greek and Roman artifacts.

The tunnels also hold intriguing stories from World Wars I and II, with preserved wartime vehicles, bomb shelters, and poignant graffiti adorning the walls.

The tour’s highlight is the Bourbon Tunnel, a section of the Galleria Borbonica showcasing stunning architecture, including underground chapels and a hidden theater.

This unique attraction immerses you in Naples’ underground history, providing a fascinating and memorable experience.

17. San Martino Monastery and Museum

San Martino Monastery and Museum

The San Martino Monastery and Museum is another must-see attraction atop Vomero Hill.

Founded in the 14th century, it is a former monastery transformed into a captivating museum showcasing the city’s rich artistic and religious heritage.

Visitors can admire the stunning architecture of the monastery, which features beautiful frescoes, grand courtyards, and a picturesque garden with breathtaking views of Naples and the Bay of Naples.

The museum has a diverse collection of artwork to explore, including religious artifacts, sculptures, and paintings by acclaimed Neapolitan artists. It is also home to a remarkable collection of Presepi, traditional Neapolitan nativity scenes famous for their intricate details.

The highlight of the San Martino complex is the Certosa di San Martino, a former Carthusian monastery renowned for its magnificent church and lavish chapels. The opulent interiors boast ornate marble, gilded decorations, and impressive Baroque artworks.

16. Galleria Umberto I

Galleria Umberto I

The Galleria Umberto I is a magnificent shopping arcade exuding elegance and architectural splendor. Dating back to the late 19th century, this stunning glass-roofed gallery is a true testament to the grandeur of the era.

It features a cross-shaped layout, with shops, cafes, and restaurants lining its marble floors. Congruently, the central dome, adorned with intricate frescoes and ornate decorations, adds to the allure of the space.

The gallery’s architectural style is reminiscent of the Milanese Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, although it has a distinctive Neapolitan flair. It offers diverse shopping and dining experiences, from high-end fashion boutiques to traditional Neapolitan pastry shops.

As you explore the Galleria, you’ll revel in its opulent ambiance, while appreciating its fusion of history and modernity. Plan to spend a good few hours here.

15. Castel Nuovo

Castel Nuovo

Castel Nuovo, or Maschio Angioino, is a medieval fortress on the waterfront.

This iconic castle has played a significant role in the city’s history for centuries due to its strategic location and imposing appearance.

The Angevin dynasty built it in the 13th century, and it features a striking mix of architectural styles, including Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque elements. Its massive turreted walls, drawbridge, and imposing entrance gate create a sense of grandeur and strength.

Visitors can explore the castle’s interior, which houses the Civic Museum, showcasing a rich collection of artwork, including sculptures, paintings, and decorative arts highlighting Naples’ cultural heritage.

The castle’s ramparts offer panoramic views of the city, the Bay of Naples, and Mount Vesuvius, creating a breathtaking lookout spot.

14. Climb Mount Vesuvius

Mount Vesuvius

Climbing Mount Vesuvius, the infamous volcano near Naples is a thrilling and awe-inspiring experience for adventurous people.

This iconic landmark, known for its historical eruption in 79 AD that buried the city of Pompeii, offers breathtaking views and a glimpse into the raw power of nature.

The ascent begins at the volcano’s base, where a winding path leads visitors through the rugged terrain and volcanic ash. As you climb higher, the panoramic vistas of the Bay of Naples and the surrounding landscapes become increasingly captivating.

Reaching the summit, you’ll find a vast volcanic crater, reminding you of the volcano’s dormant yet unpredictable nature. The rugged landscape creates a surreal atmosphere with its rocky outcrops and volcanic ash.

Remember to wear sturdy footwear and carry water and sunscreen, as the climb can be steep and exposed.

13. Royal Palace of Naples

Royal Palace of Naples

Representing a time when the House of Bourbon ruled Naples, the Palazzo Reale is a showpiece of pomp and power. Construction for the royal palace began in the 1600s, but most of the 30 rooms on display were completed in the 18th when Charles III of Bourbon took up residence.

Visitors climb a sumptuous marble staircase to view the court theater, throne room, the royal bedrooms and an assortment of other chambers, all lavishly decorated with tapestries, frescoes, porcelain and portraits painted by the likes of Titian and Francesco Liani.

12. Lungomare Caracciolo

Lungomare Caracciolo

Lungomare Caracciolo is another waterfront promenade you should visit. A popular spot for locals and tourists, it stretches along the Bay of Naples and offers breathtaking views of the sea, Mount Vesuvius, and the city skyline.

The boulevard has palm trees and plenty of benches, making it perfect for leisurely walks, jogs, or bike rides. As you stroll along the promenade, you’ll enjoy the cool sea breeze and the stunning azure waters. There are also several restaurants, cafes, and gelaterias where you can enjoy delicious Neapolitan cuisine while admiring the sea view.

The promenade bustles with activity at night as locals come together to enjoy street performances and watch the sunset.

Overall, Lungomare Caracciolo is a great place to unwind, engage in the Mediterranean vibe, and experience the coastal charm of Naples.

11. Santa Chiara complex

Santa Chiara complex

The Santa Chiara complex is a beautiful architectural ensemble with a real wow factor.

Featuring a church, monastery, and a serene cloister dating back to the 14th century, it is a testament to the city’s rich cultural and religious heritage.

The complex’s most significant drawcard is the Santa Chiara Church, which has stunning Gothic architecture and a beautiful majolica-tiled facade. Visitors can enjoy beautiful frescoes, intricate sculptures, and an overall serene atmosphere inside the church.

Adjacent to it, the Santa Chiara Monastery provides visitors with a glimpse into the daily lives of cloistered nuns. However, the highlight of the complex is the peaceful cloister adorned with vibrant ceramic tiles and lush greenery.

The Santa Chiara complex is not only a site of religious significance but also a cultural treasure. Visitors can appreciate its architectural beauty and serene ambiance while learning about Naples’ rich history.

10. Via San Gregorio Armeno

Via San Gregorio Armeno

Located in the city’s historic district, this street is the best place in Italy for “presepi,” Italian nativity displays. Using wood or clay, street artisans create manger scenes here that range from the traditional to the deeply personal, often crafting figurines to represent family members or people from popular culture.

While the Neapolitan style of presepi began in the 18th century when Charles III commissioned woodcarvers to depict the royal family, the tradition dates back to a time when the street was home to a Greek temple to Ceres where devotees offered figurines made of clay.

9. Sansevero Chapel

Sansevero Chapel

Located near the city’s Archaeological Museum is one of the most unique attractions in Naples. Originally built in 1590 as a chapel for the Sansevero family, the structure was remodeled in the Baroque style in the 18th century by Raimondo di Sangro, the seventh prince in the dynasty.

An eccentric aristocrat, inventor, alchemist and freemason, Raimondo commissioned the artist Giuseppe Sammartino to craft a series of sculptures full of symbolic meaning and mystery, including a statue of Christ covered with a transparent veil made from marble.

Beneath the chapel is a room where the prince is said to have conducted experiments on his servants. The preserved bodies of two of his presumed victims are on display.

8. Pizzeria Da Michele

Pizzeria Da Michele

This pizzeria located the historic city center was famous long before Julia Roberts was featured munching on a slice in the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.” In business for more than a century, Da Michele has earned a reputation for making the best pizza in Italy.

Every day, locals and tourists line up to sample one of the two kinds of pizza the establishment offers: marinara, served with tomato and spices, or margherita, which features the addition of creamy mozzarella. Both types are cooked in a wood-burning oven until the soft crust is crisply singed around the edges.

7. Castel dell’Ovo

Castel dell’Ovo

The oldest castle in Naples, the “Castle of the Egg” owes it name to the poet Virgil who supposedly placed an egg under the foundations of the fortress. As the legend goes, the city will be protected from disaster as long as the egg remains intact.

Perched on a promontory jutting into the sea, the 12th-century castle is worth visiting for the breathtaking views offered from its ramparts. The castle is also home to the Ethno-Prehistory Museum, which features ceramics, earthenware and metal artifacts from the earliest days of Naples history. Entrance to the castle and museum is free.

6. Naples Cathedral

Naples Cathedral

Dedicated to the city’s primary patron saint San Gennaro, the Duomo di Napoli is best known for the ceremony held within its magnificent structure three times each year. On these dates, the faithful crowd into the cathedral to see if a relic of the saint’s blood will liquefy as a sign that all is well in the city.

Built in the 11th and 12th century, the cathedral was later renovated using more than 100 columns salvaged from ancient Greek temples. A 4th-century church and 5th-century baptistery were incorporated into the cathedral as well.

5. Teatro di San Carlo

Teatro di San Carlo

If you’re a fan of theater and music, visiting the Teatro di San Carlo is recommended.

Established in 1737, it is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious opera houses. It is also one of the most elegant, with opulent interiors featuring ornate decorations, grand chandeliers, and plush red velvet seating that ooze sophistication and luxury.

The theater’s exceptional acoustics and rich history have attracted renowned performers worldwide, making attending a performance an unforgettable experience.

Throughout the year, it offers various productions catering to different artistic tastes, including opera, ballet, and classical concerts. Even if you cannot attend a performance, guided tours are available to explore the theater’s stunning interiors and learn about its storied past.

4. Catacombs di San Gennaro

Catacombs di San Gennaro

Dedicated to Gennaro in the 5th century when the saint’s remains were entombed there, the Catacombs of San Gennaro are actually three different cemeteries that have blended together over the years.

The catacomb’s lower level includes tombs dating back to the 2nd century. Unlike other ancient underground burial sites, the catacombs feature spacious passageways with tombs that range from burial chambers for the wealthy to wall niches and floor graves for the less well-to-do.

Frescoes are adorned with pictures of saints and families. An early image of San Gennaro features Mount Vesuvius looming the background.

3. Visit Pompeii


The ancient Roman city of Pompeii is a must-visit destination for any tourist to the Campania region of Italy.

It is remarkably preserved, despite being buried by volcanic ash from Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Subsequently, it gives visitors a unique opportunity to witness daily life during the Roman Empire. Walking through the sprawling archaeological site, you’ll see well-preserved homes, temples, theaters, and even a brothel. Intricate mosaics, colorful frescoes, and public baths also offer insight into the time’s daily routines and cultural practices.

Some highlights of Pompeii include the Forum, the city’s central hub, and the Amphitheater, which held gladiatorial contests. Don’t miss the Villa of the Mysteries, which showcases stunning frescoes depicting mysterious religious rituals.

Visiting Pompeii is like stepping into a living history book, offering a profound understanding of ancient Roman civilization and the catastrophic impact of the volcanic eruption. Be sure to take a hat or umbrella with you, as you are very exposed on a sunny or rainy day.

2. Spaccanapoli


A long narrow street that bisects the historic center of Naples, Spaccanapoli gives visitors an introduction to the sights and attractions of the vibrant southern capital city. The street of many names has occupied the same place since the Greeks first established a colony in the region in the 6th century.

Representing 27 centuries of history, the neighborhood is a crowded mix of historic churches, lively piazzas, open-air cafés and one-of-a-kind shops. It’s also home to local inhabitants whose boisterous lives often spill onto the streets, providing visitors with a glimpse of what it means to be Neapolitan.

1. Naples National Archaeological Museum

Naples National Archaeological Museum

One of Naples’ top attractions, the Naples National Archaeological Museum is the best place to view art and artifacts recovered from the Mount Vesuvius eruption of 79 A.D. Alongside the bronze statues, frescoes and mosaics rescued from the buried sites are everyday objects like shop signs and cookware.

The museum’s most famous artwork is the Alexander Mosaic, dating from circa 100 BC, originally from the House of the Faun in Pompeii. It depicts a battle between the armies of Alexander the Great and Darius III of Persia.

Other exhibits include relics unearthed from archaeological sites in and around Naples. The museum is also home to the Farnese Bull, the largest single sculpture from antiquity ever recovered. The Hellenistic piece featuring Dirce tied to a wild bull dates back to the 2nd century B.C.

Best Time to Visit Naples, Italy

While Naples is a great year-round destination, the shoulder seasons from April to June and September to October are the best time to visit. This means you avoid the summer’s high heat, humidity and huge crowds while enjoying warm weather and beautiful blue skies.

During these times, the temperatures average between 17°C (63°F) to 25°C (78°F) during the day. This makes exploring the Amalfi Coast, Capri and Pompeii much more enjoyable. The lower prices and smaller crowds also help! This period also sees the Maggio dei Monumenti (May of Monuments) festival take place when many old buildings are opened up to the public.

Although the summer months are scorching, averaging highs around the mid-30°Cs (90s in Fahrenheit), many still head here to top up their tans and enjoy some delicious al fresco dining. Countless festivals and events are also held, with a lively feel taking over the city, particularly when night falls. One of the most important events in July is the Feast of Our Lady of Carmine. Religious ceremonies, public parties and fireworks displays are held, culminating in the church’s belltower being symbolically and spectacularly set on fire – safely of course!

As Naples enjoys over 300 days of sunshine per year, the winter months can also be a nice time to visit. Very quiet and cheap for the most part, it bursts back to life for Christmas and New Year’s when lots of celebrations light up its streets. While the temperatures are mild, there is a higher chance of rain though.

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Things to do in Naples Italy: attractions

Top 25 tourist attractions, sightseeing and what to do in naples italy.

Naples attractions

Top 25 best things to do in Naples (Napoli), sightseeing and all must-see sights, tourist attractions and landmarks. What to do, the highlights and best places to visit in Naples Italy?

What to do in Naples Italy: Attractions & Sightseeing

What to see in Naples Italy ? The city in the south of Italy initially exudes chaos in everything from filthy streets to the traffic, but beautiful museums and churches are often hidden behind the facades of the dilapidated buildings. You can easily spend several days to visit all the sights, because not only famous places such as Pompeii , Herculaneum and the Naples underground are worth seeing, but the city of Naples offers you much more than that. The city's history is so closely linked to the present, that unique landmarks can be found on several places in the city. On the list of ' Things to do in Naples ' there a lot of impressive churches that are unique in the world such as the Duomo and the Gesù Nuovo.

In addition, Naples is rich of museums , of which the themes vary widely. You have the national archaeological museum which is very famous, but also the beautiful museum of Capodimonte. In addition, the city has special places such as Cimitero delle Fontanelle, an old cemetery with skulls and the impressive Cappella Sansevero. The region of Naples is also worth a visit, where you can stroll around in small villages of the Amalfi Coast. Or visit islands such as Capri and Procida, which are located off the coast of Naples. Click on one of the highlights below for more information about the Naples tourist attractions and sightseeing . View our ' 25x What to do in Naples? ':

25x Best things to do in Naples

Popular activities in naples italy, where are the landmarks in naples.

Not all the highlights and landmarks of Italian Napoli are within walking distance of each other, so you have to rely on public transport for some tourist attractions. Where are the highlights, tourist attractions and places of interest in Naples? You can zoom in further on the attractions in this Italian city via the map with sights below:

FAQ Tourist Attractions Naples Italy

The main attractions around Naples are the archaeological areas of Pompeii and Herculaneum, which were made famous by the eruption of the adjacent Vesusvius volcano. In the city of Naples, the beautiful chapel Cappella Sansevero, the underground Naples of Napoli Sotterranea, the catacombs of San Gennaro and the archaeological museum are the most visited places of interest. In this article you can read all about the Top 25 of Naples attractions .

Only a short drive from Naples are the excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum, but you can also choose to visit the Mount Vesuvius. South of the city is the beautiful Amalfi Coast with picturesque places like Sorrento and Positano. You can also easily visit beautiful islands such as Capri, Ischia and Procida by ferry. More info about these places of interest in the naples area .

Under the city of Naples is a vast expanse of caves, passageways and ancient catacombs. With a guided tour you can see the remains from the Roman era as well as from the 2nd World War. More info about Naples underground .

The most famous museum is the Archaeological Museum with many excavations from Pompeii and Herculaneum. In addition, the museum of Capodimonte and the museum of the Cappella Sansevero are frequently visited. In this article you can read all about the museums in Naples .

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Attractions and places in Naples

The list of attractions and places in Naples that you must see is very long: just stroll around the historic center to understand that the points of interest in Naples are in every street, corner or alley.

Many  squares, museums, art galleries, churches and museums to visit make Naples a rich destination, with a lot of things to see and this richness increases if we consider the province and neighboring towns too.

Yes, in addition to the list of attractions of Naples city, you have to consider the list of places to visit near Naples , such as Pompeii and Herculaneum and their archaeological sites or the towns and beaches near Naples famous throughout the world as the Amalfi Coast or the romantic Capri .

 To make sure you don't miss anything you'll have to plan your visit well so here's a list of attractions and things to see in Naples.

Le migliori attrazioni

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Le attrazioni di Napoli in un colpo d'occhio

Map of Naples — Best attractions, restaurants, and transportation info

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Use this interactive map to plan your trip before and while in Naples. Learn about each place by clicking it on the map or read more in the article below. Here’s more ways to perfect your trip using our Naples map:

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Top 19 attractions in Naples

Sansevero chapel museum, pio monte della misericordia.

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map of naples tourist attractions

Catacombs of San Gennaro

Napoli sotterranea guided authorized tour, san carlo theatre, castel nuovo, museo archeologico nazionale di napoli, museo e real bosco di capodimonte, catacombe di san gaudioso, galleria borbonica - ingresso vico grottone, san giovanni a carbonara, complesso monumentale sant'anna dei lombardi, chiesa del gesù nuovo, duomo di napoli, royal palace of naples, complesso monumentale san lorenzo maggiore, certosa e museo di san martino, complesso monumentale di santa chiara, top 10 restaurants in naples, l'antica pizzeria da michele.

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Trattoria da Nennella

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Gino e Toto Sorbillo

Osteria il gobbetto, pizzeria concettina ai tre santi.

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Pescheria Mattiucci

Antica pizzeria di matteo.

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Transportation in Naples

Nearby airports, naples international airport, highways and major roads.

  • A1 Autostrada del Sole
  • A3 Napoli-Salerno Autostrada
  • SS7 Quater Via Domitiana
  • SS268 Tangenziale di Napoli
  • SS145 Sorrentine Peninsula Road
  • SP1 Strada Provinciale Sarno-Nocera
  • SP3 Strada Provinciale Napoli-Avellino
  • SP11 Strada Provinciale 11 per Quarto
  • SP152 Strada Provinciale Vitiello-Vesuvio
  • SP430 Strada Provinciale Pozzuoli-Agnano Terme


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Top 10 Things to See in Naples - The Ultimate Guide

Cover the top sights in Naples from art to catacombs

Top 10 Things to See in Naples - The Ultimate Guide

Is Naples worth a visit? Absolutely! This city in southern Italy has a history that stretches back more than 2,000 years and is rich in ancient ruins, baroque palaces, and world-class artwork, plus has one of the most captivating historic centers in Italy.

It’s not easy to cover all of the city’s gems during a short visit, but this guide will help you focus on the top sights to explore the best of Napes in just two or three days before or after you check out the Amalfi Coast . From the imposing Castel Nuovo (Maschio Angioino) and Cappella Sansevero with its stunning statue of the Cristo Velato , to the bustling warren of streets in the old town and sweeping confines of Piazza del Plebiscito , here are the top 10 sights to check out in Naples (plus a bonus suggestion just outside the city).

Get ready to explore La Bella Napoli, but make sure you wear comfortable shoes because you’ll be doing a lot of walking!

1. The Historic Center of Naples

map of naples tourist attractions

The historic center of Naples is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the largest and most densely populated old towns in Europe. You can walk its entire length along the lively Spaccanapoli thoroughfare that cuts through its heart, dividing the old town in two, and Via San Gregorio Armeno , famously lined with artisan workshops that produce the city’s traditional “presepe” (nativity scenes). Stop in Piazza San Domenico Maggiore or Piazza del Gesù Nuovo for a bracing espresso, a sweet sfogliatella, or one of the city’s many street-food delicacies ! Just outside the district known as the Decumani, step onto Via Toledo , the busiest shopping street in Naples that leads to Piazza Plebiscito, Galleria Umberto I, and the San Carlo opera house; the narrow side streets that climb the hillside above Via Toledo lead to the gritty yet atmospheric Quartieri Spagnoli (Spanish Quarters).

While exploring the historic center, make sure you find time to explore its top three attractions: Naples Underground; the “Veiled Christ” in the Sansevero Chapel, and the Cloister of Saint Claire.

Authentic Neapolitan Pizza Naples is the birthplace of pizza, so there’s no better place to feast on the best pizza in the world than in one of the many landmark pizzerias in the historic center. The most famous are Sorbillo and da Michele, but there are endless options for sampling unforgettable “pizza napolitana”!

2. Naples Underground

map of naples tourist attractions

Hidden beneath the modern streets of Naples hides another historic city: Naples Underground (Naples Underground), a network of ancient tunnels, chambers, and passageways that run under the historic center. One of the largest and most complete underground urban areas in the world, Napoli Sotteranea includes more than 40 miles of tunnels. The network was created by the ancient Greeks to extract stone to use as building materials as the city grew, but was expanded by the Romans and later by the Bourbons to be used as an aqueduct to bring water to the city’s residents. The area was later expanded to include storage rooms, escape routes, and even a bomb shelter. Join a guided tour of Underground Naples to explore the tunnels by candlelight. The entrance is located along Via dei Tribunali in Piazza San Gaetano. Visit Naples Underground

3. The Veiled Christ (Sansevero Chapel)

map of naples tourist attractions

While exploring the historic center of Naples, be sure to schedule in time to stop at the Chapel of Sansevero to marvel at the Veiled Christ . This marble statue by the Italian artist Giuseppe Sanmartino is considered one of the great masterpieces of 18th-century neoclassical sculpture and depicts Christ wrapped in a shroud, with his face hidden from view. The work was commissioned by the Duke of San Severo, an alchemist from the 1700s, and will stop you in your tracks with its otherworldly detail and realism. The chapel holds a second famous Sanmartino sculpture, the Anatomical Mannequin, a model of the inside of a human body believed to represent the Duke's murdered brother. The Sansevero Chapel: Opening Hours and Information

4. Santa Chiara Monastery

map of naples tourist attractions

The Monastery of Santa Chiara (Complesso Monumentale di Santa Chiara) is a peaceful retreat from the bustling city of Naples. This gothic monastery was founded in 1313 and quickly became an important center of culture and learning; today its museum houses an impressive collection of 14th-century art and artifacts. Explore the museum, library with over 30,000 volumes, and the picturesque cloister gardens, completely decorated in ornate hand-painted majolica tiles and benches.

5. The Royal Palace of Naples and Piazza Plebiscito

map of naples tourist attractions

The Royal Palace (Palazzo Reale) and adjacent Piazza del Plebiscito are two of the most recognized landmarks in Naples. The Palazzo Reale was the largest building in Europe when it was built in the 17th century and remains the largest palace in Italy , home to numerous important works of art. Piazza Plebiscito is one of Naples’ main squares of Naples; it was here that a vote was taken in 1860 that led to the country’s unification, a historic event for which the square is named. This symbol of Naples often plays backdrop to concerts and major events. Visit the Royal Palace in Naples

From Piazza del Plebiscito, stroll along Via Chiaia to Piazza dei Martiri, one of the city’s most beloved public spaces, lined with cafés. Continue on along the seafront promenade, another symbol of Naples and a popular spot for an evening stroll.

6. Castel dell’Ovo

map of naples tourist attractions

The postcard-perfect Castle dell’Ovo is perhaps one of the most photographed sights in Naples. Perched on an islet just off the city’s coast (and connected by a bridge), this castle is the subject of a colorful legend: it is said that the poet Virgil ordered that an egg should be placed beneath the castle foundations to symbolize its strength. True or not, Castel dell'Ovo has withstood centuries of wars and earthquakes and is open to the public for guided tours and temporary exhibitions.

After taking in Castel dell’Ovo, stop for a heaping plate of spaghetti con le vongole at one of the traditional seafood trattorias in Borgo Marinari (the hamlet set just below the castle). Afterwards, burn off your carbs with a walk along the charming Via Caracciolo to admire the sweeping views over the Gulf of Naples.

7. Capodimonte Museum

map of naples tourist attractions

One of the top museums in all of Italy, Capodimonte occupies an immense 18th-century palace built by Charles III, Duke of Bourbon and houses a vast collection of Renaissance paintings, porcelains, and sculptures. Admire works by Caravaggio, Rubens, Titian, Rembrandt, and Raphael before heading outside to stroll through the garden with spectacular views of Naples from above. Visit the Capodimonte Museum

8. Catacombs

map of naples tourist attractions

Among the city’s most fascinating sights, the catacombs of Naples are a network of ancient underground tunnels and chambers that were once used as burial sites. There are three main catacombs open to visitors in Naples: San Gennaro; San Gaudioso; and the Fontanelle Cemetery.

  • The Catacombs of San Gennaro are the largest and most popular catacombs, named for San Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples who was initially buried here (today the remains of the saint are housed in the city’s 13th-century Duomo ). These catacombs date back to the third century AD.
  • The catacombs of San Gaudioso were dug in the 5th century AD and are named after San Gaudioso, the first bishop of Naples. The catacombs contain the remains of over 20,000 people, as well as many interesting works of art and architectural features.
  • The Fontanelle Cemetery is a much more recent burial site, built in 1656 to house the remains of the victims of plagues and wars. Today it contains the remains of about 40,000 Neapolitans.

9. The Naples National Archaeological Museum (MANN)

map of naples tourist attractions

The National Archaeological Museum of Naples (also known as MANN) contains one of the world’s most important collections of ancient Greek and Roman artifacts, including thousands of pieces unearthed during excavations of the ancient city of Pompeii and other nearby ancient sites, plus a number of important Egyptian artifacts. With over 20,000 pieces displayed, a visit here is a must-see for history buffs. Visit the Archaeological Museum of Naples

10. Mount Vesuvius

map of naples tourist attractions

The rumbling form of Mt. Vesuvius looms over Naples, a symbol of the city’s past and present and the only active volcano on the European mainland (Vesuvius last erupted in 1944). Venture to its volcanic peak for endless views over the Bay of Naples and a peak inside its massive steaming crater; you can visit on your own or join a group tour from Naples. Visit the top of Mt. Vesuvius

Bonus: Pompeii

map of naples tourist attractions

Almost everyone who visits Naples takes a day trip to explore the ancient city of Pompeii. Set at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius, this lively Roman city was buried by a massive volcanic eruption in 79 AD, freezing it in time and offering visitors today a unique glimpse of daily life during the Roman Empire. There are a number of perfectly preserved villas, shops, theaters, temples, baths, and other structures, many of which still sport their original frescoes, mosaics, and other decorations. Be sure to check out the Forum, the city's main square, and the House of the Faun, one of Pompeii’s largest and most luxurious villas. Visit the excavations-of-Pompeii from Naples

Visiting the Ruins of Herculaneum If you love ancient history, you can also visit the ruins of the Roman city of Herculaneum. This site is also an excellent option if you have limited time as it is much smaller than Pompeii (though equally fascinating) and takes just a couple of hours to visit rather than a full day. Visit Herculaneum

How to Get Around Naples

Though Naples is a large city that is quite spread out, the first attractions listed here are all within walking distance if you are staying in the center of Naples. To visit Pompeii, take the Circumvesuviana train ; for Mt. Vesuvius you’ll need to drive or take the Circumvesuviana plus a bus. To move between different neighborhoods in Naples, the subway is the best option; a number of major stations (most notably Piazza Dante and Toledo) are also showcases of contemporary art. To reach neighborhoods and attractions in the hills above the city like Vomero and Castel Sant’Elmo, hop on the scenic funicular. Ferries for the island of Capri , Ischia , Procida , and Sorrento regularly depart from the Naples port How to get around Naples

Now that you have an idea of what you may want to see while visiting Naples, take a look at our step-by-step itineraries. These cover a sightseeing day trip (from Rome, Positano, or other Italian cities in Campania) or a longer stay:

  • Naples in One Day
  • Naples in Three Days

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Is naples dangerous.

Naples is no more or less dangerous than other major Italian and European cities. Use the normal amount of caution when visiting (like avoid wearing expensive jewelry and watches and keep a close eye on bags and wallets) to guard against petty crime; violent crime against tourists is very rare. There aren't any particular neighborhoods to avoid in Naples, though you should take care around the train station and Piazza Garibaldi at night. Even the Quartieri Spagnoli, once known as Naples's grittiest district, is now full of tourists and safe to visit.

Which is the best area to stay in Naples?

The entire historic center and area around Via Toledo are ideal as a base for exploring Naples on foot. For more information, read our post here: Where to Stay in Naples

What should I buy in Naples?

The city has fabulous artisan crafts and delicious gourmet delicacies. Read more here: Top 10 Souvenirs from Naples .

When is the best time of year to visit Naples?

The best months to visit Naples are April and May or September and October. The Christmas season is also a fantastic time to experience the holiday atmosphere: The Best Time of Year to Visit Naples

Naples Printable Tourist Map


Naples Map: The Attractions

map of naples tourist attractions

Piazza del Plebiscito

map of naples tourist attractions

Castel dell'Ovo

map of naples tourist attractions

Galleria Umberto I

map of naples tourist attractions

Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary

map of naples tourist attractions

Royal Palace of Naples

map of naples tourist attractions

The Sansevero Chapel Museum

map of naples tourist attractions

Historic Centre of Naples

map of naples tourist attractions

Santa Chiara, Naples

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Rossi Writes

Ultimate Travel Guide for Naples, Italy

Are you planning a trip to naples – italy’s city of pizza, volcanoes, and nativity scenes.

Via Atri in the historic centre - Naples, Italy -

This is my ultimate travel guide for Naples or Napoli , as the city is called in Italian. It’s designed to make your travel planning easy, logical, and enjoyable. It will also help you experience the largest city in Southern Italy in the most authentic way.

Built on a caldera and with a heart as passionate as a volcano, Naples is a vibrant, stimulating place where you can rediscover the joy of life. Good food, strong coffee , excellent art, and quaint experiences are easy to come across here and even a simple thing like the abundance of vibrant colours and the buzzing hubbub of Neapolitan daily life can make you feel alive inside.

Yet, Naples is also one of the most polarising cities in the world. Travellers either sing its praises or don’t spare negative words. Densely built, Naples is a maze of streets many of which can trace their outlines to the city’s ancient Greek urban plan.

Exhilarating and overwhelming in equal measures and often at the same time, the city has been growing with an unstoppable verve for almost three millennia. The result is an immense metropolis that spans the picturesque Gulf of Naples, shoulders the iconic Mount Vesuvius and buzzes with the voices of the million people who call it home.

This is a place that over the centuries has accumulated a staggering collection of architecture and art. They reflect both ancient local traditions and a wide array of outside influences on account of the many foreign rulers that Naples has had. This makes it both Italy’s most international city and the Italian city with the strongest identity.

Naples’ churches, palaces, artisan workshops, and streets tell many captivating stories. You just need to have the ear to listen and the eye to perceive them beyond the graffiti-covered facades, the economic difficulties, and the rubbish bags that pile up on street corners every night.

The splendid interiors of the Church of Gesu Nuovo - Naples, Italy -

The financial distress that the city experiences obviously puts some travellers off Naples for life. That’s a real shame! For this is a raw and real place, far from the polished images that social media deals with, and yet full of energy and with hidden depths.

Take Naples at face value and you will see that while it’s not picture-perfect, it influences us on many levels. Over the last three millennia, the city has originated fables, movements, and trends time and time again. Its heritage speaks volumes. To see and experience everything that Naples has to offer – from ancient ruins and modern art to food and coffee rituals – would take a lifetime.

In other words, more than a city, more than a destination to visit as a tourist, Naples is a state of mind. As such, come here with an open heart and ready to discover things about history, art, beliefs, gastronomy, and yourself that may push your limitations beyond your comfort zone.

Catacombs of San Gennaro - Rione Sanita - Naples, Italy -

So, to help you plan your trip to Naples, I have researched, photographed, and written this ultimate travel guide. Scroll down and browse through its sections. All the usual topics like how to get to Naples, where to stay in Naples, what to eat in Naples, and what are the best things to do in Naples are covered.

In addition, you will find my answers to many more pertinent and curious questions. For example:

  • Is Naples safe?
  • Where to see the best presepi in Naples?
  • How to explore Naples with kids?
  • What are some hidden gems to discover in Naples and what day trips to take nearby?

I have included maps, lots of practical details, and numerous real-life photos to give you an idea of what to expect. You will also find the best times to visit Naples, tips for navigating this traffic-heavy city, and practical packing suggestions. These are followed by the best guidebooks and books for Naples, the best tours you can take here, as well as a list of the artisan Neapolitan products to shop for.

Scroll down to the end of this guide to see my top five tips for visiting this stimulating on so many levels city in Southern Italy. Finally, read the five things you should never do in Naples. They are always good to keep in mind!

Have a look and enjoy your Naples trip!

Naples Travel Guide - Accommodation, Food, Major Landmarks -

The information in this travel guide reflects my first-hand experience. It may contain affiliate links and if you click and make a purchase through them, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. The ads on this page help me keep this blog free and produce new travel content for you to enjoy. Full details in my  Disclosure .


Naples is the largest city in Southern Italy and the capital of the Italian region of Campania. With just under a million people living here, it is the country’s third-largest city after Rome and Milan .

It lies along the Gulf of Naples – a 15-km wide bay along the southwestern coast of Italy. The densely built-up city sprawls from the supervolcanic area of the Phlegraean Fields ( Campi Flegrei ) to the iconic Mount Vesuvius.

The adjacent map shows you the city’s exact location in Southern Italy. You can click on it to zoom in and out in order to see further details.

Naples ranks among the ten most visited cities in Italy. It attracts just over a third of the number of tourists that head to the country’s most popular destination – Venice .

The city has an incredibly rich offering in terms of historic and artistic heritage. Its gastronomic traditions are at the basis of several worldwide famous and beloved dishes topped by pizza.

Naples is a must-see place in itself. It also offers quick and easy access by road, sea, and railway to several other popular destinations in Italy. From the historic ruins of Herculaneum, Pompei, Pozzuoli, Capua, and Paestum to the picturesque coastal towns of Amalfi, Positano, and Ravello, Naples is the starting point for many exciting and enriching trips in Italy. A ferry ride from Naples away, you can also visit the beautiful islands of Capri, Ischia, and Procida.


The short answer is yes, Naples is very much worth a visit. Almost three millennia old, the largest city in Southern Italy is a vibrant stimulating place dotted with iconic must-see sights and offering the best cuisine this side of Europe.

Hugging the curve of the Gulf of Naples and sprawling in the shadow of the infamous Mount Vesuvius, this city has a passionate character marked by sharp contrasts.

Built on several layers – from ancient catacombs to multi-storey Baroque palaces and modern-day skyscrapers, in Naples, the past, the present, and the future blend into an exciting synthesis.

This is a city where you can walk along streets which follow the outline of ancient Greek and Roman roads, where deeply entrenched superstitions and folk traditions mingle with the most heartfelt Catholic faith, and where dishes made of simple seasonal foodstuffs have been elevated to nourishment for the soul.

Naples is also a place where poverty exists right next to the most splendid pinnacles of European architecture and art; where people ride pillion with no helmets on (and sometimes have their dog on the scooter, too); where the crowds, the smells, the colours, the graffiti, and the constant play of shadows and light in large courtyards and narrow streets make you suddenly feel reenergised, full of purpose, and ready to live your most exciting life.

Yes, Naples is worth a visit as here you never know what to expect next. Around every corner, there is a new surprise. It could be the Immacolata Obelisk which, they say, at sunset reveals Death holding a sickle. Or it could be the Sanfelice Palace that seems plucked out of an Escher’s print.

In fact, Naples is worth numerous visits as there is always something new to see and experience here, a new wave of excitement to wash all over you. It is one of those precious places that make travelling an adventure that you’ll remember and recall with love and passion when the humdrum of daily life gets too much.

Piazza del Gesu Nuovo - Naples, Italy -


Graffiti of Napoli - Naples, Italy -

In Italian, Naples is known as Napoli . In the Neapolitan language , the city is called Napule . In both cases, the accent falls on the first syllable. Both Napoli and Napule have evolved from the Ancient Greek name of the city – Neapolis, meaning ‘New City’.

Naples is also sometimes referred to as the città dalle 500 cupole , or the City of 500 domes in English, on account of the large number of churches dotted along its streets. Another of Naples’ monikers – città dei sette castelli – is also linked to its architectural heritage. The locals claim that theirs is the only city with seven castles in the world.

La città obliqua is a poetic reference to Naples, too. It comes from a famous song by the singer-songwriter Edoardo Bennato who was inspired by the unique Neapolitan landscape – neither entirely horizontal nor fully hillside. And so he sings:

It’s not flat, it’s not vertical it is a line that goes up the hill it is a road that starts from the sea The path of the oblique city.

More often than not, however, you will hear napoletani refer to themselves as partenopei and to their city as the città partenopea or the Parthenopean City. This is based on the foundation myth of Naples which is linked to the siren Parthenope – a mythical creature with a bird’s body and woman’s head.

Parthenope had a beautiful voice. Sailors were so bewitched by her singing that they would forget to steer their ships which would then crash against the rocky shore of what nowadays is known as the Sorrento Peninsula.

To avoid a similar fate, the Greek hero Ulysses made his men plug their ears with wax and bind him to the mast of his ship. This way, he could enjoy the siren’s song without sacrificing his ship and his crew.

Unable to make Ulysses fall in love with her and thus lure him to his death, Parthenope threw herself off the rocks. Her body washed on the island of Megaride where the local people found it and buried it. A settlement carrying the siren’s name quickly grew around her burial site. It was also known as Palaepolis (Old City) as around 470 BC, Neapolis (New City) was founded right next to it by Greek settlers.

Nowadays, Naples has expanded significantly beyond the limits of the original Palaepolis and Neapolis. The island of Megaride, today is a peninsula in the Gulf of Naples and houses the city’s oldest fortress – Castel dell’Ovo .

Finally, as you saw at the start of this Naples travel guide, I called it the City of Pizza, Volcanoes, and Nativity Scenes. The first is self-explanatory as the pizza napoletana is famous all over the world (especially the Naples-born pizza Margherita prepared with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves). With the volcanoes of the Phlegraean Fields and Mount Vesuvius playing a major role in the geology and the history of the area, the second part of the moniker is also clear.

As for Nativity scenes, Naples is famous for its tradition of artisan presepi . These are intricate Christmas cribs representing the Holy Family in the stables in Bethlehem. Beloved all over Italy, the best ones are handmade in Naples. I mention them in more detail below under the headings Best Presepi in Naples and What to Buy in Naples .


Naples is a large sprawling city divided into 30 quarters. Here are the main urban areas to visit in order to see the best that it has to offer:

Centro Storico – a UNESCO World Heritage Site , Naples’ historic centre is a vast area in the heart of the city where you will find the most famous landmarks – from the Veiled Christ in the Sansevero Chapel and the tiled cloister of the Monastery of Santa Chiara to Piazza del Plebescito and the Royal Palace. Follow Spaccanapoli – the long artery of straight streets that flow one into another and in the process splits the city in two. Look out for the large obelisks dotted along its route. Stuff yourself with pizza in all its Neapolitan varieties along Via dei Tribunali . Dodge the constant traffic of scooters and evade the persistent greeters trying to get you to enter their eateries. Find temporary peace and quiet in Naples’ former water cisterns .

Rione Sanità – a former no-go area, this authentic corner of Naples is where you can visit the striking Catacombs of San Gennaro – my absolutely favourite landmark in Naples. A short walk away don’t miss the macabre Catacombs of San Gaudioso underneath the resplendent Basilica of Santa Maria della Sanità. The Palazzo dello Spagnuolo and the Palazzo Sanfelice are a must for lovers of architecture.

Quartieri Spagnoli – with a name that is a throwback to when Naples was ruled by the Spanish Bourbons, this Neapolitan quarter epitomises the city. Expect narrow streets, laundry flapping above your head, and lots of graffiti. Don’t miss the Pignasecca market – a hub of activity that is quintessential Naples.

Vomero – hop on a funicular for an exhilarating ride to the top of the Vomero hill and enjoy the unparalleled panoramas of Naples flanked by Mount Vesuvius. Then visit the proud Castel Sant’Elmo and the former monastery of Certosa di San Martino .

Chiaia – this upmarket quarter of Naples is a great place to stay in if you want to be close to the sea, the luxury boutiques, and the Villa Comunale expansive lush park.

Santa Lucia – standing right where the original settlement of Parthenope (or Palaepolis) first grew, Santa Lucia is a historic quarter of Naples where you can visit the mysterious Castel dell’Ovo , marvel at the imposing Fontana dei Giganti , and indulge in fresh seafood in the fishermen’s Borgo Marinari .

Piazza San Domenico Maggiore - Naples, Italy -


Vesuvius glimpsed behind tall residential buildings - Naples, Italy -

Naples has its own airport – Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli Capodichino (IATA airport code: NAP). It is one of the busiest airports in Italy and it’s only four km away from the city centre.

It is served both by low-cost and full-service carriers, making Naples easy to reach from all corners of Europe and the world. The flight from London Gatwick, for example, is just over two and a half hours, so Naples is a great destination for a long weekend.

The official website of Naples Airport has a lot of useful information – from how to reach the airport to what shops and restaurants you will find here.

Shopping is excellent with many international chains and high fashion brands having stores here. There are also numerous eateries which is handy especially when you know that you are about to leave Naples and you want to have one last delicious pizza or sfogliatella pastry for the journey ahead.

AliBus is the coach line linking Naples Airport to the city centre. You can take it either to:

  • Piazza Garibaldi – in front of the city’s main train station, Napoli Centrale ; or
  • Port of Naples – a short walk away from the centrally located Piazza Municipio .

We were lucky as we were met by a friend of a friend upon our arrival in Naples. He drove us to the flat we had rented in the historic centre giving us our first taste of the famous Neapolitan driving style.

On the way back, we found getting a taxi to reach the airport from the historic centre very handy as we were lugging a heavy suitcase. The journey door to door took less than half an hour and cost us around 30 euros.


Naples is very easy to reach by railway, road, and ferry from anywhere in Italy and abroad.

High-speed and regular trains connect Naples all throughout the day to many towns in the region of Campania and major cities all over Italy. You can check timetables and book your tickets on:

  • Omio – which pulls up results for both state-run and private railway companies in Italy;
  • TrenItalia – which covers the state-run train network of Italy.

Here are some sample travel times by high-speed train from the Italian capital and other large Italian cities to Naples’ main train station, Napoli Centrale :

  • Rome to Naples – from 1 h 13 mins;
  • Florence to Naples – from 3 h;
  • Bologna to Naples – from 3 h 31 mins;
  • Milan to Naples – from 4 h 45 mins;
  • Venice to Naples – from 5 h 22 mins;
  • Turin to Naples – from 6 h 3 mins.

The following ferry companies connect Naples to the nearby islands of Capri, Ischia, and Procida, the Aeolian Islands, as well as to the towns on the Amalfi Coast and further away destinations like Sicily: SNAV , Caremar , and Medmar .

You can drive to Naples from anywhere in Italy, too. Toll roads (called autostrada , sing. and autostrade , pl. in Italian) connect the city to other large Italian cities and smaller towns. Here are the autostrade you can use here:

  • A1 Autostrada del Sole – Milan to Naples
  • A3 – Salerno to Naples
  • A16 – Canosa to Naples
  • A56 Tangenziale di Napoli – this is Naples’ ring road from Arco Felice to Capodichino

This useful website will give you up-to-date information about navigating Italy’s autostrade , the current traffic conditions, as well as how to calculate and pay the toll fees (called pedaggio in Italian).

If you are planning to visit Naples by car, you need to prepare yourself mentally for the busy traffic and the assertive driving style of the city. Make sure that your car insurance covers all eventualities. Ideally, arrange for a parking space in advance. Some travellers report that in some corners of the city, you may be asked to pay an additional fee to have your car ‘looked after’.

It is also advisable to familiarise yourself with Naples’ ZTL or zones with restricted traffic which can be traversed by car only if you have a special dispensation. This website may come in useful when you look into ZTL and the respective restrictions.

Scene of Spaccanapoli with a moped driver holding a pizza - Naples, Italy -


The station of Bagnoli seen from the Cumana train - Naples, Italy -

You can navigate Naples on foot as well as by bus, metro, funicular, and taxi. In some parts of the city you can get a tram and/or a trolleybus. There are also regional trains which connect Naples to several adjacent suburbs, towns, and landmarks nearby.

Naples’ historic centre and quarters are best explored on foot so that you can fully immerse yourself in their atmosphere. The narrow streets here often lack pavements and at all hours of the day experience a hectic flow of scooters, delivery vans, and cars. It pays to be vigilant at all times, especially next to turns and corners. Drivers are skilled but very impatient and expect you to move away asap. Otherwise, they keep pushing forward and whizz right past you.

Buses (as well as metro lines, trams, and trolleybuses) are very convenient if you want to save time walking from one quarter to the next. For example, we took a bus from the edge of the historic centre to the top end of Rione Sanità – a journey which took us about 15 minutes (inclusive of walking to the bus stop and time waiting for the bus) instead of the 30 minutes which walking there would have taken us.

Four funiculars connect Naples’ lower grounds to its hilly parts. They are very handy, especially on a hot day when you can’t bear to walk uphill for miles.

For up-to-date information about public transport in Naples, have a look at the official websites of Comune di Napoli and ANM – Agenzia Napoletana Mobilita . You will find exhaustive information about the different ways to travel here either by bus , funicular , metro , tram , or trolleybus , as well as about the different types of tickets and where to purchase them. At present, the websites seem to be only in Italian, so you may want to use Google Translate to get the gist of the information.

Taxis circulate through the historic quarters and can quickly take you anywhere in Naples, as well as to the nearby archaeological excavations, picturesque towns, and even Mount Vesuvius. You can download an up-to-date rate table from the official website of Comune di Napoli .

To reach the excavations of Herculaneum and Pompei by public transport, you will need to get the Circumvesuviana regional train. Use the EAV – Ente Autonomo Volturno’s website to check prices and timetables. There is a useful section in English.

To reach the towns and the archaeological parks in the Phlegraean Fields ( Campi Flegrei ), use the EAV website, too and check the timetables for the Cumana and the Circumflegrea train lines.


The most important thing to pack for a visit to Naples in any season is a pair of comfortable shoes. You will be walking long distances over all types of historic surfaces many of which are uneven. You will also spend time standing up and moving at a variable pace over long periods of sightseeing.

Make sure that your feet are as comfortable as possible. Choose shoes with a good grip that cushion your heels and support your ankles at all times. Even on the hottest of days, it’s advisable to wear closed shoes or shoes that at least cover your toes, especially if you are planning to explore the historic centre, Rione Sanità , or the Quartieri Spagnoli as they are very busy and spillages next to markets and small businesses may occur.

In winter, bring warm layers to stave off the chills produced by the high levels of humidity and yet can be quickly peeled off when the sun makes an appearance. In summer, bring a hat, sunglasses, and suncream to counteract the bright sunlight that bounces off the large facades and floods the wide piazzas. Invest in fabrics that dry quickly, are crinkle-free, and let your skin breathe through them. A rainproof jacket will come in handy in autumn when rainy days are plenty.

Even when it’s very hot, make sure that your outfits are appropriate for city living and respectful sightseeing. Shoulders and knees should be covered in churches and landmarks. Swimsuits are not acceptable attire on the street.

In any case, don’t overpack as navigating Naples with heavy luggage can be difficult, especially if you are planning to use the busy public transport. Instead, select pieces that can be matched with one another, producing outfits that look different every day but rely on the same small number of core pieces.

Leave expensive and ostentatious jewellery, watches, and accessories at home. Invest in a cross-body bag with a sturdy strap. Put a bottle of hand gel in it as well as your favourite mosquito and bug repellents, albeit a spray, a roll-on or a bracelet .

A cat relaxing on a balcony next to towels drying in the wind in the historic centre - Naples, Italy -


Limoncello and baba gelato sold in a local gelateria - Naples, Italy -

Naples is exhilarating in any season and there are lots of things to do here no matter the weather. So, visiting Naples is always a good idea – from a weekend break to a long holiday, the City of Pizza, Volcanoes, and Nativity Scenes offers an exciting immersion into the art, food, and heritage of this corner of Italy and Europe.

The shoulder season – from the end of March to May and then from the end of September to the start of November – is easily the best time of the year to visit Naples. Expect temperatures between 17 and 27 degrees Celsius and some rainy days but mainly clear skies.

Summers are hot and humid. With temperatures between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius, you will need to pace your sightseeing as being out and about in the throng of tourists and locals can quickly become tiring and overwhelming.

At the same time, summer is when Naples is full of vibrancy and life, so take long gelato breaks, linger over lunch, and commit to no more than two major sights a day (and a couple of smaller ones) to make the most of the sunny days and people-watching. If possible, return to your accommodation in the afternoon for a sweet little nap which will give you strength for a leisurely stroll (called passeggiata in Italian) in the early evening followed by a proper Neapolitan supper.

Winters in Naples are mild in comparison with most of Europe. The thermometer can go as high as 16 degrees Celsius. While this is not sunbathing weather it’s still a welcome escape from the minus temperatures in the northern European destinations. The Christmas season is especially lively. Expect lots of local events culminating in beautiful exhibitions of Nativity scenes and heartfelt celebrations.

You may also want to visit Naples for one of the city’s main festivals. Have a look at the heading Events in Naples further below to see what’s on and when. Then make your travel plans to experience quirky centuries-old traditions.


There is so much to see and do in Naples, that a plan to visit the city can quickly become an overwhelming jumble of ideas, intentions, and half-baked itineraries.

The best way to approach Naples is to be clear with yourself from the start that the city cannot be seen and done in a day or two and that no matter how long you spend here, there will always be sights and monuments to see on your next visit.

So, don’t overstretch yourself and don’t rush around like mad trying to squeeze in as much sightseeing as you can. Especially, if it is hot! Instead, either:

  • focus on a particular period , for example, ancient ruins or Baroque art and architecture;
  • pick a couple of Naples’s historic quarters to explore in detail; or
  • pencil two major sights a day to see at leisure and then fill the rest of the time with culinary experiences and spontaneous visits to any church, quirky shop, and hidden gem of a landmark you walk past.

In other words, instead of treating Naples as one endless list of sights that you have to tick off, tailor your visit according to your interests, willingness to walk long distances, and your curiosity. Be open to spontaneous experiences and let the city surprise you.

For a first visit to Naples, ideally, I would suggest four full days. These can be as packed up or as relaxed as you wish. Take your pick from this busy four-day Naples itinerary below:

Day 1: Traverse Naples’ historic centre. Pop in and out of churches (Duomo, Monastery of Santa Chiara, and the Church of Gesù Nuovo are a must but there are many more), explore the city’s charming piazzas, walk along Spaccanapoli , take an underground tour , shop for Christmas decorations on Via San Gregorio Armeno , visit some of the major sights here like the Sansevero Chapel and Pio Monte della Misericordia . Later in the afternoon, head to Piazza del Plebescito with Naples’ Royal Palace , as well as Teatro di San Carlo and the elegant shopping arcade Galleria Umberto I nearby.

Day 2: Begin the day with an early morning visit to the Museum and Royal Wood of Capodimonte . Then explore Rione Sanità with the Catacombs of San Gennaro and San Gaudioso , Palazzo dello Spagnuolo , Palazzo Sanfelice, and the Fontanelle Cemetery (when it re-opens). Spend the afternoon in MANN – Naples’ outstanding archaeological museum where you can see Pompeiian frescoes and mosaics, ancient statues, and so much more. If you still have some energy left, end the day in Museo Madre – Naples’ outstanding museum of contemporary art.

Day 3: Spend the day visiting either Herculaneum or Pompeii followed by a hike up Mount Vesuvius . There are many different ways to do it either independently or with an organised tour. To reach the excavations of the two ancient Roman towns, you need to get the Circumvesuviana train. The respective stops are Ercolano Scavi and Pompeii Scavi – Villa dei Misteri . You can buy your tickets for the archaeological sites either in advance to skip the queues or in situ. Once there, if you want, you can pay an additional fee for a private guide or a guided tour or just explore the ruins independently. To reach Mount Vesuvius from the train station Ercolano Scavi , you can get the Vesuvio Express which includes roundtrip transport and a ticket for Vesuvius National Park. There is also a similar option to visit Vesuvius from Pompeii. Otherwise, you can buy tickets for the roundtrip bus and for the Vesuvius National Park separately. Alternatively, you can book a guided tour which takes all three – Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Vesuvius – in a day.

Day 4: Spend your last day in Naples by exploring some of its other quarters. Chiaia, Santa Lucia , Vomero , and the Quartieri Spagnoli offer a vibrant mosaic of sights, smells, and views. Once again, don’t expect to cover all four in a day, so pick a major sight in a couple of them or simply amble through one of them.

This four-day itinerary for Naples will give you a good introduction to everything that this exciting Southern Italian city has to offer. Any return visits to Naples then can be of any length to catch up on anything you have missed and to discover yet more sights, museums, and corners of the city.

In any case, if you don’t have four days to spare and still you really want to see Naples, just come. Even if it’s just on a day trip from Rome. Enjoy your time (however short!) in the city and before you know it you will be making plans to return again and again.

The baptismal font in Duomo - Naples, Italy -


The courtyard of an 18th-century residential block of flats - Naples, Italy -

There is a huge selection of places to stay in Naples in any season and for any budget.

You can choose a historic building that nowadays functions as a luxury hotel. You can opt for a comfortable B&B . Or you may prefer an accommodation with its own kitchen to enjoy a home-from-home experience.

When picking accommodation in Naples consider carefully its location. Depending on what you want to do and see here, you may prefer to stay closer to the major landmarks, a bus or metro stop, or in a hidden corner of the city that offers peace and quiet.

If your focus is sightseeing in Naples, then it pays to stay in the historic centre. For more of an upmarket experience, look into the quarter of Chiaia . The area around Piazza Garibaldi and the main train station, Napoli Centrale , is convenient in terms of public transport but it made me feel on the edge every time we needed to walk through it.

Here are some suggestions for places to stay in Naples. All come highly recommended:

Luxury: Grand Hotel Vesuvio , Palazzo Doria Napoli , The Britannique Hotel Naples, Curio Collection by Hilton

Mid-Range: Relais della Porta , Artemisia Domus – Centro Storico , La Lepre Bovio

Budget:  Ostello Bello Napoli , Leone Suites Toledo , EMME Napoli

Alternatively, use the map included here to get a quick visual idea of the available accommodation options in Naples, Italy. You can zoom in and out, type in your specific travel dates, and then click on the different price points for detailed information about the hotel you want to know more about.

In addition, have a look at this blog post which explains the different types of accommodation you can book in Italy. It will give you plenty of ideas to look into for the best and quirkiest places to spend the night at here:

  • Where to Stay in Italy – 19 Types of Accommodation to Suit Any Budget


Neapolitan food is excellent. Eating here is a great experience that nourishes not just the body but the soul, too. Every meal in Naples has the potential to be absolutely unforgettable. So don’t waste any chances to tuck into yet another delicious local dish.

From inexpensive street food to the freshest seafood and local variations of pasta, Naples has a lot to offer even to the pickiest of eaters.

Pizza is always a good choice in Naples. Deep-fried foods taste so good after a long day of sightseeing. If you have a sweet tooth, you will be delighted with the rich displays of cakes and pastries. And you can finish it all off with a proper Neapolitan coffee prepared with a traditional flip pot called cucumella . Alternatively opt for a local liquor – from the world-famous limoncello to the herbal Strega , a distinctive digestif drink the name of which means ‘witch’ in English.

Here are some of the best Neapolitan foods and dishes to sample during your Italian holiday:

Taralli – this typical for Naples snack is circular in shape and traditionally made of lard, toasted almonds, and black pepper. Nowadays, it comes in many different flavours. Take your pick from the wide selection at Taralleria Neapolitana .

Pizza – you have to have a pizza or two when in Naples! Try as many of the traditional varieties as you can. Take your pick from pizza Margherita (tomato sauce, mozzarella, and fresh basil), pizza Marinara (tomato sauce, extra virgin olive oil, oregano and garlic), pizza fritta (a Calzone-shaped pizza stuffed with different fillings and deep-fried), pizza Montanara (open fried pizza topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella, and basil), and pizza portafoglio (a smaller pizza Margherita or pizza Marinara folded in four and eaten on the go. Or choose any other pizza with classical and innovative toppings offered in Naples’ best pizzerias. Many of them are clustered along Via dei Tribunali in the historic centre. It’s the city’s veritable pizza paradise!

Ziti alla Genovese – this is an iconic Neapolitan dish and it doesn’t have anything to do with the city of Genoa, although there are many theories as to how it got its name. Ziti is a type of extruded pasta typical for the Southern Italian region of Campania of which Naples is the capital. The genovese sauce is made of ground beef, cherry tomatoes, celery, carrots, and lots and lots of onions. It has a slightly sweet taste and it is very more-ish. Order it at La Locanda del Monacone .

Ragù – this Neapolitan meat sauce is absolutely delicious. Tomato-based, it’s made with beef and densely stuffed sausages left to simmer for hours. Try the ragù dishes of Tandem – a famous Neapolitan chain of ragù-centric restaurants. My favourite dish consists of thick slices of provola cheese served with an extra-generous helping of ragù on top.

Cuoppo Napoletano – this paper cone filled up with fried finger foods is proper Neapolitan street fodder. There are two main varieties – cuoppo di terra and cuoppo di mare . The first is a mix of battered and deep-fried chopped veggies, rice balls (known as arancini ), potato croquettes, and my favourite – zeppoline (delicious dough balls). The latter is a mix of battered and deep-fried seafood – from calamari to sardines. Try the cuoppo at Passione di Sofi .

Babà (also babà al rum ) – you will see these mushroom-shaped and rum-infused sponges all over town. Treat yourself to one when you are in the mood for something sweet and boozy. For added delight, have your babà with lots of whipped cream and strawberries, too.

Sfogliattella – this pastry is typical for Naples and comes in two varieties – riccia (made of overlapped sheets of filo pastry crisped to perfection) and frolla (made of thick shortcrust pastry). Both the sfogliatella riccia and the sfogliatell frolla are stuffed with a delicious filling of ricotta and candied citrus peel. Try the ones sold at Sfogliate e Sfogliatelle .

For an expert introduction to Neapolitan food and Naples’ best food joints, treat yourself to a specialised guided tour. This  street food experience  will take you around the city’s historic centre to sample traditional dishes in secret eateries frequented by the locals.

Alternatively, taste the best that Naples has to offer with this private tour . Expect ten drink and food tastings and the expert commentary of a foodie guide. If you would rather learn to cook the Neapolitan way, then get busy making your own pizza Margherita or pasta dish followed by tiramisu .

Classical Neapolitan pizza Margherita served in Pizzeria del Purgatorio on Via dei Tribunali - Naples, Italy -


Frescoes in Rione Sanita - Naples, Italy -

There are many wonderful and exciting things to do in Naples to suit all types of travellers and personal interests. This beautiful city has a lot to offer to the history buff, the art lover, the architecture aficionado, the foodie, the photographer, and above all the person who wants a vibrant and stimulating travel experience.

Here are the main things and activities you can enjoy in Naples. Specific examples for each one of them are provided up and down this page under the different headings of this ultimate travel guide for Napoli .

Sightseeing – Naples is studded with world-famous museums, millennia-old catacombs, and imposing churches with priceless art. With preserved outlines of its ancient Greek and Roman urban plans and plenty of historic spots to explore, this is one of the world’s best cities for sightseeing and landmark visiting.

Eating – Neapolitan cuisine has originated several of the world’s most famous foods with pizza holding the triumphal top spot. Eating here is a cultural experience. Try something new every single meal! Then take a food tour visiting historic deli shops and tiny eateries frequented by the locals. Even better, learn to make pizza the Neapolitan way yourself.

Water-Based Activities – here you are never far from the sea. You can take a ferry or a boat to the islands off the coast of Naples. Or you can enjoy a boat trip around Castel dell’Ovo and snorkelling in the gulf. If you want to combine water and history, then head to the Phlegraean Fields ( Campi Flegrei ) next door to Naples. In the Submerged Archaeological Park of Baia, you can enjoy a trip on a glass-bottomed boat and even a once-in-a-lifetime diving experience to see Roman mosaics and statues underwater.

Shopping – take advantage of exciting shopping opportunities when in Naples. Invest in a traditional Neapolitan Nativity scene (or at least in a small handmade figurine) on Via San Gregorio Armeno . Buy a selection of cornicelli (Naples’ protective amulet) to give as presents to family and friends. Get a cucumella – Naples’ traditional flip coffee pot. Splurge on handmade cameos and coral jewellery. Shopping in Naples is fun as each traditional, locally-made item has a story to tell.

Daytripping – Naples is a great base for day trips in this corner of Italy. From the world-famous Amalfi Coast to the archaeological ruins of Herculaneum , Pompeii , and Paestum , a long list of exciting destinations are only a short train ride away from Naples.


There are many must-see sights in Naples. These five major landmarks should be on top of your Neapolitan bucket list.

Spaccanapoli – one of the most iconic urban arteries in the world. This is a sequence of long straight streets which flow one into another and thus bisect Naples in two. Go for a walk along Spaccanapoli to sightsee and people-watch. Many of the city’s most interesting sights, for example, the Monastery of Santa Chiara , are on it or next door to it.

Sansevero Chapel – visit this small chapel in the heart of Naples to marvel at one of the most famous and most extraordinary statues in the world – the Veiled Christ. The chapel is a work of art in itself and was designed by the Italian soldier, alchemist, and inventor Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of Sansevero. Don’t miss the statues of the Veiled Truth and of Disillusion which are striking by themselves and were dedicated to the prince’s parents. The two 18th-century anatomical machines in the chapel’s basement are creepy yet incredibly intricate. You won’t be able to take your eyes off them!

MANN – National Archaeological Museum of Naples – a splendid museum with many excellent collections covering the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Magna Graecia, and Rome. The Pompeiian frescoes and mosaics are absolutely stunning. If you don’t blush easily, check out the Gabinetto Secreto for some ancient erotic art. To make the most of your visit, consider booking a museum tour . An expert guide will take you around the cavernous building pointing out precious artefacts and sharing the stories behind them for a truly enriching experience.

Piazza del Plebiscito – this expansive square is flanked by the imposing buildings of the Royal Palace and the Basilica of San Francesco di Paola. From Piazza del Plebiscito (a word which means ‘referendum’ or ‘vote’ in English), you can easily walk to several other must-see places in Naples. Among them is the oldest opera theatre in the world, Teatro di San Carlo , the elegant shopping arcade Galleria Umberto I , and the historic Gran Caffè Gambrinus – the oldest still in operation coffee house in the city.

Castel Nuovo (also known as Maschio Angioino ) – standing on the waterfront, this 13th-century fortress is one of Naples’ seven historic castles. Notice the large triumphal arch inserted around its main gate. It is one of the pinnacles of Italy’s Renaissance art.

The facade of MANN - The National Archaeological Museum of Naples - Naples, Italy -


Madonna with Child by Pacecco - Pio Monte della Misericordia - Naples, Italy -

There are many exciting museums dotted all over Naples. In addition to MANN – National Archaeological Museum of Naples and the Royal Palace (see the entry above), here are five of the best among them:

Capodimonte Museum – built to house the renowned Farnese Collection of art, this former royal residence is surrounded by a lush park (originally, a hunting ground). Here you can see and enjoy an endless number of masterpieces by the likes of Botticelli, Titian, and Caravaggio as well as a number of renowned collections of art, porcelain, tapestries, and contemporary works.

Pio Monte della Misericordia Monumental Complex – run by a religious charity founded at the start of the 17th century, this is one of the must-see stops for lovers of art in Naples. It includes an octagonal chapel and a picture gallery housed in an elegant historic palace. Caravaggio’s famous painting ‘The Seven Acts of Charity’ was painted specifically for the chapel and it takes pride of place above its altar. Next door, you can browse a beautiful selection of Baroque and contemporary masterpieces and enjoy a lovely view of the Obelisk of San Gennaro and the dome of Naples’ Duomo.

Gallerie d’Italia – Napoli – I am partial to this group of art galleries which also has branches in the Italian cities of Milan , Vicenza , and Turin (you can see all their works of art on this link ). The permanent collection in Naples is eclectic and ranges from Attic and Magna Graecia pottery to works by Neapolitan, Italian, and foreign artists. This gives you a chance to explore the developments in art from ancient history to the 20th century. Caravaggio’s last painting ‘The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula’ is the crowning glory of this must-see art gallery in Naples.

N.B.: Calling all Caravaggio lovers! To learn more about the Neapolitan periods of the great Baroque master, have a look at this guided tour . It takes in the masterpieces and the places frequented in Naples by the painter of darkness and light.

Certosa e Museo di San Martino – this former Carthusian monastery nowadays functions as a museum complex with lush gardens. Here you can spend many stimulating moments looking at art used in all its forms to emphasise and decorate the impressive architecture. The charterhouse’s hilltop position opens splendid panoramic views of Naples and Mount Vesuvius. Next door, you can also explore the military fortress Castel Sant’Elmo .

Museo Madre – if by now you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by ancient ruins and Baroque splendour, a visit to Museo Madre and its excellent collection of contemporary art is just what you need to refresh your eyes and enrich even further your impressions of Naples.


Naples is dotted with countless churches, monasteries, and religious buildings. It’s not in vain after all that one of its monikers is the City of 500 Domes!

From the tiniest chapels to the imposing basilicas, Neapolitan churches guard priceless art repositories and unique local traditions. They are also an intrinsic part of the city’s architectural mosaic. Visiting them you can trace the development of building styles and decorative programmes from the Early Christian chapels nestled in the underground catacombs to the Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque shrines and sanctuaries of Naples.

Here are some of the city’s must-see churches:

Duomo and Museum of the Treasure of San Gennaro – Naples’ cathedral has a millennial history and a cavernous body that incorporates two earlier churches built at the same site. One is the Church of Santa Restituta, allegedly founded in the 4th century by Constantine – the emperor who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. Nowadays, Naples’ Duomo preserves many priceless artefacts. Among them are the relics of San Gennaro or St. Januarius in English – the city’s main patron saint. It is here that the ritual of liquefying the saint’s blood takes place three times a year – an important event in the Neapoltan calendar (see the heading Events below). Next to the Duomo, don’t miss the Treasure of San Gennaro. Among the many exhibits here, you can see one of the most expensive pieces of jewellery in the world – the saint’s necklace.

Church of Ges ù Nuovo – this absolutely massive building was erected in 1470 as a princely palace. A century later it was sold to the Jesuit Order and converted into a church. Lavishly frescoed and ornamented in the Baroque style inside, its main point of interest is its unusual facade. This is made of piperno, a stone formed from volcanic magma, and fully covered by countless small pyramids. Unusual symbols are chiselled in some of these. Recently, it has been suggested that the symbols correspond to musical notes. When played, the resulting piece was, apparently, intended to attract good energy to the building.

Monastery of Santa Chiara – widely famous for its cloister decorated with lavish majolica tiles and Baroque frescoes, this monastery also has an onsite museum and guards the remnants of an ancient Roman bath. Its enormous Gothic basilica was almost completely destroyed during the Second World War (after Milan, Naples was the most bombarded Italian city) and then it was painstakingly restored to its former glory.

Museum Complex of Santa Maria delle Anime del Purgatorio ad Arco – this is one of the main centres of Naples’ curious cult of the souls in purgatory or anime pezzentelle in Italian. It consists of two churches. The decoration of the upper one explores the themes of death and salvation. The underground one is where many of Naples’ poor and destitute citizens were buried in the past. The locals, believing them to be stuck in purgatory, would come here to pray over their remains. This gave rise to the idea that the dead could serve as intermediaries between the living on Earth and the saints and God in heaven. So skulls were treated with special care and requests would be addressed to them.

N.B.: If you want to learn more about the cult of the anime pezzentelle , make sure that you also visit the Fontanelle Cemetery (due to re-open in 2024), the Monumental Complex of St. Anne of Lombardi, and the Church of Santa Luciella ai Librai.

Basilica of Santa Maria della Sanità – built over the Catacombs of San Gaudioso , this resplendent Neapolitan church is notable for its elevated altar and the double staircase that leads to it. Covered with bright majolica tiles, its large domes reflect beautifully the light, especially on a sunny day. If you book to see the catacombs (one of Naples’ best underground sights), the guide will tell you a bit about the church and the cult of San Vincenzo Ferrer – the patron saint of the quarter of Sanità and to whom the locals address prayers when they want to have a child.

Church of San Francesco di Paola – inspired by the Pantheon in Rome, this expansive Neapolitan church brims the city’s main square, Piazza del Plebescito , with its long colonnade. Built in the early 19th century in the Neoclassical style, it stands out with its portico and enormous central dome.

The facade of the Duomo - Naples, Italy -


Banksy's mural of Madonna con la Pistola on Piazza degli Gerolomini - Naples, Italy -

A city like Naples has a lot of secrets and hidden corners. Try to uncover as many of them as possible for a truly memorable trip. Make a note of the sights below and step off the beaten path.

Madonna con la Pistola by Banksy – up to 2019, this was the only documented mural by the artist in Italy. You can see it on Piazza dei Girolamini and it represents the Madonna with a gun where her halo should have been.

N.B.: Naples is a great place for street art. Everywhere you go, you will see murals and graffiti of differing quality adorning the facades of both historic and modern-day buildings. Keep an eye out for the graffiti of Trallalà – the moniker of the Naples-born artist Alfonso de Angelis. His fleshy ladies (known as ciaciona in Neapolitan) are particularly iconic.

Incurables’ Monumental Complex – come here to learn about the history of medicine in Naples and to visit the splendid Pharmacy of the Incurables, the Museum of the Sanitary Arts, the 16th-century cloister, and the medical garden.

Library and Monumental Complex of the Girolamini – a beautiful church with cloisters and a splendid historic library. From precious art to rare books, there is much to be seen and admired here far from the tourist crowds.

Monumental Complex of St. Anne of Lombardi – this 15th-century church preserves extraordinary works of art. In the sacristy, you can see the Sistine Chapel of Naples – an important fresco cycle by Giorgio Vasari, the Tuscan Renaissance painter and art historian. In the Crypt of the Abbots (or Hypogeum), you can learn about the Neapolitan scolatoi or draining holes where the bodies of the deceased underwent a somewhat gruesome and long procedure to liberate the bones from the flesh in an act which was believed to expiate the soul.

Naples’ Stairways – about 200 stairways and ramps connect the city’s flatter parts to its hilltop quarters. Following one of these inclined paths weaving past houses, churches, and monuments, is a great way to explore Naples and enjoy splendid panoramas of the urban sprawl and Mount Vesuvius. Among the stairways with the best views are the Pedamentina a San Martino , the Montesanto Stairs, and the Gradini del Petraio .


Almost 3,000 years old, Naples is a city of layers. Many of these run deep under the streets and are keepers of marvellous stories that oscillate between the sacred and the macabre. Often within the same space below the surface.

Uncovering Naples’ underground secrets is a major portion of getting to know this one-of-a-kind city in Southern Italy. There is a bewildering number of underground tours and experiences for you to choose from. Here are some of the best:

Catacombs of San Gennaro and Catacombs of San Gaudioso – visiting these catacombs was my favourite experience in Naples. Both are accessible on the same ticket via guided tours. You will need to book your entry times in advance. I suggest that you head first to the Catacombs of San Gennaro on the far end of Rione Sanità (near the Capodimonte Museum and Park and next door to the imposing Basilica of the Crowned Mother of God). Here you will learn about the early Christian history of Naples and see prized frescoes and mosaics from the first millennium AD, as well as tombs chiselled directly in the volcanic tuff rocks. The focus of the guided visit to the Catacombs of San Gaudioso, on the other hand, is on the funeral ritual of scolatura . This was practised by Naples’ nobility and clergy of the 16th and 17th centuries and prescribed the draining of the bodies after death of all fluids in order to liberate the bones from the sinful flesh. Leave at least an hour between your visits to the two catacombs and explore Rione Sanità . If you can’t see both on the same day, your ticket for San Gaudioso is valid for 12 months after your visit to San Gennaro.

Napoli Sotterranea – Naples’ most popular underground tour. It takes in the city’s ancient water cisterns, the ruins of the ancient Roman theatre, stories from World War II, and even a recently planted underground garden. An exciting experience on many levels which culminates with a short walk down pitch-black narrow corridors to reach water pools with amphoras suspended above them. People suffering from claustrophobia can skip this part and wait for the rest of the group in a spacious underground chamber before continuing with the tour.

Bourbon Tunnel – built in 1853 and heavily used during the Second World War, this space below the surface of Naples has many stories to tell spanning four centuries. Especially photogenic are the abandoned cars and motorcycles that line up the tunnel. Next to them are stored statues from the fascist period.

Spanish Quarters Underground Guided Tour – winding tunnels will take you to the remains of the Neapolitan aqueduct deep beneath one of the city’s liveliest and most authentic quarters. From the ancient Greeks to the Second World War, you can trace Naples’ history as you walk along the dimly lit corridors.

San Lorenzo Maggiore and Neapolis Sotterrata – a wonderful journey through time that gives you a chance to trace Naples’ development from the 5th century BC to the 18th century AD both below and above ground. Here you can see the remains of a 1st-century AD Roman market, visit the imposing basilica where the 14th-century Renaissance humanist and writer Bocaccio met his muse Fiametta for the first time, and amble through historic halls decorated with splendid frescoes.

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore alla Pietrasanta and LAPIS Museum – this imposing 17th-century church stands at the spot of an early Christian basilica that was preceded by an ancient Roman temple dedicated to the goddess Diana. 35 m underneath it, you can visit Naples’ museum of water. Expect Greco-Roman cisterns and a submerged portion of the Roman Decumanus (the east-west oriented road that bisected the city in the past). Once you return to the surface, stop for a coffee in Diaz Microtorrefazione (one of Naples’ best coffee shops) in the shadow of the church’s 11th-century bell tower.

Church of Santa Luciella ai Librai – it’s easy to walk past this small church in the historic centre of Naples and not even suspect the stories and curiosities it keeps. The skull with ears takes the central place among them. They say that in the past, Neapolitan women would come to pray to it and whisper in its ears their innermost secrets and desires. The church’s crypt can be visited with a short guided tour. In the past, the funerary ritual of scolatura was practised here, too.

Underground Stations of Art – 15 stations along Line 1 and Line 6 of Naples Metro host over 200 works of art by 90 artists both from Italy and all around the world. Started in 1995, the project Stazione di Arte has produced some of the most beautiful metro stations in Europe with Stazione Toledo the receiver of many awards and accolades. Other metro stations worth a mention here are Università , Dante , Museo , Materdei , and Garibaldi . Even just travelling around the city of Naples is already an experience of art.

Entombed skeletons covered with frescoed walls - Catacombs of San Gaudioso - Rione Sanita - Naples, Italy -


The poetry of a Neapolitan courtyard - Naples, Italy -

Here are five curious things that made an impression on me as I was exploring Naples with my family. You will come across them all around the city. They make it the lively, crazy, multilayered place that it is. I am mentioning them here to give you yet another angle (or angles) from which to approach Naples, experience its traditions, and capture truthfully its character.

Courtyards – a nucleus of authentic Neapolitan life, the courtyard is where you will find in no particular order parked cars and mopeds, rows of post boxes, the obligatory clotheslines, pots with plants, recycling bins with strict instructions on what to put in each, and so on. Providing an island of tranquillity in a densely built city, courtyards here are usually square or rectangular and flanked by balconies and rows of windows. Huge wooden gates block access to the courtyard from the street. These have a small door cut out in them to allow residents to walk in or out when the gates are closed.

Baskets – in a multi-storey city such as Naples, baskets come in handy when you don’t want to rush downstairs every time a delivery driver rings the bell. Instead, people drop a basket suspended by a cord from their balcony and then pull it up with the delivered item safely inside. Pure genius!

Mopeds/Scooters – these two-wheel vehicles are everywhere in the city. They are the main form of transport here, especially in the historic quarters. From teenagers to octogenarians, everyone rides them. Often, you can see a whole family with the baby and the dog on a single moped. You will quickly learn to jump out of the mopeds’ way, especially on the narrow historic streets with no pavements. Your head will be on a swivel at all times and you will subconsciously start to double up any walking time predicted by Google Maps, as by your first afternoon in Naples you will know that walking with a constant stream of mopeds right next to you is very time-consuming. Neapolitans seem to think that helmets are optional. I certainly don’t recommend not wearing one if you decide to brave the local traffic and ride around on a moped yourself.

Shrines – in Italian, they are known as edicole votive or edicole sacre . These are shrines attached to the walls of houses and buildings. You will see dozens of them as you walk around the city. A heartfelt expression of popular devotion, they vary in size and are decorated with religious images, candles, rosary beads, and plastic flowers.

Basso (pl. bassi )- also known as ‘o vascio in the Neapolitan language, these are small ground-floor flats with doors that open directly on the street. As you walk around town, your eyes will spontaneously look through the windows and the doors of many bassi giving you glimpses of real life. Some of these flats are so small that the marital bed stands right opposite the kitchen sink. In others, the occupants have reclaimed a corner of the street by fencing it off as a small verandah or placing large pots with plants to turn it into a personal garden. The family’s laundry flaps on freestanding driers placed directly on the pavement or on makeshift clotheslines. Some bassi have been turned into shops or workshops where you can buy bread or fresh fish or have your moped repaired if you need.


A presepe (also known as presepio in Italian and a Nativity scene in English) is a figural representation of the Holy Family in the stables of Bethlehem. It is the focal point of festive decorations in Italian homes during the Christmas season. You can read more about presepi in this blog post:

  • Presepe or 15 Facts about Italy’s Nativity Scenes – History, Traditions, and Meaning

Naples is Italy’s main centre of presepe -making. Handmade Neapolitan presepi are recognised for their beautifully carved and sculpted figurines, complex settings, and the introduction of folk characters, scenes of daily life, and even representations of modern-day celebrities in the Biblical Nativity scene.

A visit to Via San Gregorio Armeno is a must when you are in Naples. This is the street in the heart of the historic centre where you will find the largest concentration of presepe -making workshops. It’s Christmas all year round here.

As part of your sightseeing in Naples, don’t miss the following large-scale and very intricate presepi in the city:

Presepe Favoloso in the Basilica of Santa Maria della Sanità – this is my favourite Nativity scene in Naples. Four metres long and two metres high, it has over 100 figurines and it was made in 2021. The curious thing about it is that it incorporates figural representations of countless Neapolitan folk stories and contemporary happenings. As such, the Holy Family is surrounded by weird and wonderful characters that make you want to learn more about Naples’ myths and traditions. You can see this presepe as part of the guided tour of the Catacombs of San Gaudioso .

Cuciniello Nativity in the Museo Nazionale di San Martino – this large and complex  presepe  is composed of figurines of 173 people, 42 angels, and 80 animals (including two monkeys!). 450 miniature objects complete the scene.

Presepe del Banco di Napoli in the Capella Palatina of the Royal Palace – this lavish Nativity scene is composed of 354 pieces dating to the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries. All of them were designed and handmade by famous artists of the time, for example, Giuseppe Sanmartino, the sculptor of Naples’ most famous statue – the Veiled Christ.

Presepe by Fratelli Capuano in their bottega on Via San Gregorio Armeno – this Nativity scene was made in 2006 by the artisans of one of Naples’ most renowned presepe -making workshops. In the style of an 18th-century Neapolitan presepe , it is incredibly detailed and expansive in size. There is a nominal charge of one euro to see this presepe .

Sala del Presepe in the Monastery of Santa Chiara – this large-scale Nativity scene is composed of 18th-century pieces commissioned during the reign of Ferdinand IV. The king himself was a big fan of presepi

Don’t worry if you don’t manage to see exactly these five Neapolitan presepi . Large-scale Nativity scenes are installed all over Naples, especially in the local churches. The best time of the year to see them is obviously around Christmas but they add a touch of whimsicality and wonder to your memories of this Italian city no matter the season.

Scene with Pulcinella and a band of children from the Presepe Favoloso - Church of Santa Maria della Sanita - Rione Sanita - Naples, Italy -


Pulcinella's bust on the corner with Via dei Tribunali - Naples, Italy -

Naples has a rich calendar of events. From art exhibitions and religious festivals to culinary get-togethers (called sagra ) and street celebrations, there is always something fun and exciting to do in the largest Southern Italian city.

Here are some of the most important events in Naples to enjoy together with napoletani :

January – 6th January or Epiphany is the day of Befana, an old long-nosed lady who rides around on a broom. As one of Italy’s five Christmas gift-bearers, she brings presents to the well-behaved Italian kids. What do the naughty ones get instead? Find out here . On 17th January, Naples celebrates the day of St. Anthony the Abbot, the protector of animals, with traditional bonfires.

January/February – travel to Naples for Carnevale . This is a period of confetti, costumes, music, and fun in the city. It’s also an opportunity to spot a Pulcinella or two out and about in the historic quarters. With a black mask with a protruding nose, this is the commedia dell’arte character who hails from Naples. In English, he is also known as Punchinello and originated the British puppet character Punch (as in Punch and Judy).

N.B.: If you can’t make it to Naples specifically for Carnival, then head to Vico del Fico al Purgatorio , a dark portico right off Via dei Tribunali , at any other time of the year. Here you can see the famous bronze bust of Pulcinella by the local artist Lello Esposito. Tourists touch the bust’s nose for good luck which explains its shiny surface.

March/April – Easter is one of the major celebrations in the Neapolitan calendar. Spend the Holy Week here and immerse yourself in centuries-old religious rites and popular traditions. For example, the sepolcri and the giro delle sette chiese . The sepolcri are specially decorated altars or chapels in Naples’ churches. The giro comprises visiting seven churches to pray for benevolence. Tuck into local festive dishes such as zuppa di cozze (mussel soup eaten on Holy Thursday) and pastiera (a shortcrust pie filled with ricotta-based cream).

April – twice a year (on the 5th of April and on the first Tuesday of July) the historic quarter Rione Sanità celebrates its patron saint, the Spanish Dominican friar Vincenzo Ferrer. Known as O’Munacone – the Big Monk – it is believed that the cholera epidemics that decimated Naples in 1836 only ended after the saint’s statue was carried along the quarter’s streets.

N.B.: You can see the shrine of San Vincenzo in the Basilica of Santa Maria della Sanità. The locals pray to the saint when they want to have a child.

April/May (then Septembe r and December ) – Naples’ major celebration takes place three times per year: the Saturday preceding the first Sunday of the month of May, then the 19th of September, and the 16th of December. This is when napoletani flock to the city’s Duomo and pray for the Miracle of Liquefaction. The blood of Naples’ patron saint San Gennaro was collected in a glass vial after he had been beheaded during the persecutions of the Christians spearheaded by the Roman emperor Diocletian. Over the centuries, the blood dried and turned solid. However, on these particular dates, it becomes liquid again after a complex ceremony performed in front of the people of Naples. A successful liquefaction of the saint’s blood is a sign of forthcoming prosperity. A failure to liquefy is interpreted as misfortunes to befall Naples and the world in the months to follow.

September – visit Naples around the 8th of September for the annual Feast of the Madonna of Piedigrotta. Expect float parades, firework displays, and concerts.

December – the Christmas season is especially heartfelt in Naples. Head to Via San Gregorio Armeno to immerse yourself in the festive hubbub of shoppers seeking new pieces for their presepi . Visit the city’s churches to see their intricate Nativity scenes. Enjoy traditional Christmas desserts such as struffoli (fried balls of sweet dough covered with hot honey and colourful sprinkles) and roccocò biscuits.


Is Naples a good place to visit with kids? This is a very valid question considering the city’s incredibly busy historic centre, the obvious social contrasts, and the large number of sights and museums where one can spend many hours walking around to full exhaustion.

My personal opinion is that Naples is a great place to visit with kids who are eager to learn new things, who love to eat, and who have vivid imaginations. Also, kids who don’t mind walking around for long stretches of time and who love exploring new places and cultures.

Here are a handful of places and sights which you may enjoy visiting particularly with your kids in Naples:

Aquarium of Naples – this is the oldest aquarium in Italy. It was opened in 1874 by the German Darwinist Anton Dohrn. Two years before that he had founded the world’s first zoological research station in Naples. The aquarium is housed in Villa Comunale – an important historic garden in the quarter of Chiaia. It has 200 animal and plant species in 19 basins and represents nine different habitats of the Mediterranean Sea. Near the aquarium, you can also visit the Museum Darwin-Dohrn .

Botanical Garden of Naples – this verdant oasis is a pleasure to visit with the family, especially on a hot day.

Ospedale delle Bambole – this Dolls’ Hospital is a very whimsical place in the heart of Naples. It first opened its doors in the 19th century and since then it has been run by four generations of the same family. It specialises in the repair of antique dolls and it has a small museum.

Città della Scienza – right next door to Naples you can visit Italy’s first interactive museum dedicated to the different branches of the sciences. A fun and educational destination for the whole family.

Below you can read my 10-year-old child’s honest opinion about visiting Naples in Italy:

Naples is a busy and lively city. With the noise, tight roads, and scooters, it gives you an air of happiness. But it is also very warm and within five days your feet can start hurting within five minutes of walking.

Children might enjoy the Napoli Sotterranea guided tour because of the dark and tight passages and the underground pools of water. One part of this tour includes something that you wouldn’t imagine being in an ordinary house but I won’t give any spoilers. (Especially as it’s underneath the bed!)

I also enjoyed seeing the Nativity scenes, especially the moving ones. Naples’ amulets – cornicelli – were everywhere.

The veiled statues made me feel a bit sad but you must visit not just the Veiled Christ in the Sansevero Chapel but also the Veiled Son (see the heading 5 Curious Facts About Naples below to find out why). In the Sansevero Chapel, you will also find a statue with an impressive fishing net around it.

I really liked Naples’ tight little streets and the way the delivery system works with baskets tied on ropes. You will find out soon enough!

Be warned! Maradona is everywhere! But I liked the fact that Naples’ colour is light blue (my favourite colour).

If you go to Herculaneum, there is a house which I liked. It has orange and red walls, which I describe as tropical. There are also some ancient Roman snack bars, but if you get hungry you can get an ice cream or a snack from the vending machines by the ruins. I liked walking around, looking into the ancient houses and naming them. Herculaneum is the perfect size to explore with kids and they even have cats who live there. I saw two of them – Ciuccio and Ercolina.

In Naples, you must go to the best ragù restaurant in the world – Tandem. And also you obviously have to taste gelato and pizza. A pizzeria to have in mind is the Pizzeria del Purgatorio. The sfogliatella riccia is quite difficult to bite, so watch it! Another thing to try are the Neapolitan taralli.

Let me tell you one thing! In Naples, they not only have granita (similar to slush puppy) but they even have watermelon and melon flavours. They are delicious!

The combination of hot, blazing sun and a full belly is not good. In this case, I suggest that you follow the Italian tradition of afternoon nap which is called riposo .

I would definitely return to Naples! I am happy that I got a Neapolitan cornicello , a fridge magnet, and some pieces for a Neapolitan Nativity scene. Naples is worth it! Especially for the food.

Magnets sold in a souvenir shop along Spaccanapoli - Naples, Italy -


The lunette above the main gate of Duomo - Naples, Italy -

Booking an organised tour in Naples with a reputed tour guide or travel company is a shortcut to getting to know on many different levels this vibrant, stimulating, and often overwhelming city. It’s like stepping through a secret door to discover Naples’ best corners and hidden gems which otherwise may be difficult to come across one by one on your own.

With a millennial history, a rich catalogue of art, delicious local food, and many traditional crafts with outstanding output, Naples is a must-see city in Italy. This is a place that keeps many secrets that it reveals to only those in the know. No matter how many books or guidebooks you may read about Naples before coming here, the City of Pizza, Volcanoes, and Nativity Scenes can still be a shock to the system. You may find yourself ambling through its ancient streets unsure where to head to first and what to delve into next.

It is at this point that an expert local guide or a reputable tour company can be of great help. With a structured approach and offering tours covering specific fields of knowledge or tailored to your personal interests, you can see and experience the maximum of Naples within the shortest amount of time.

Here are some of the best and most highly recommended tours to take in Naples organised by category:

  • Sightseeing: Hop-on Hop-off Bus ; Walking Tour with Underground Ruins ; Walking Tour with the Most Famous Monuments
  • History: Pompeii with an Archaeologist ; Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius ; Pompeii and Herculaneum
  • Food: Street Food Tour ; Do Eat Better Experience ; Secret Food Tour

Alternatively, select directly local tours and activities in Naples on GetYourGuide , Viator , and Tiqets .

Even if you decide against booking a tour and then you change your mind at the last moment, don’t worry! Tour guides can be hired in situ in many museums and sights in Naples. For example, when you visit Herculaneum, you will see the tour guides’ desk next to the entrance.


There are several visitor passes for the city of Naples and the region of Campania in Italy. In general, they cover a period of one, three, or seven days and provide free and discounted access to the best and most popular sights and museums here. Most of them also include free transport either as an included perk or as an add-on option.

The most popular visitor passes for Naples and Campania are issued by the following companies:

Campania ArteCard

Naples Pass

Both offer different options in terms of pass duration and number of free sights covered by each pass. So browsing their websites and choosing the right card for you is worth the time.

On Tiqets you can also find visitor passes just for Vesuvius and Pompeii, too.

Early Christian frescoes - Catacombs of San Gennaro - Rione Sanita - Naples, Italy -

We purchased the three-day Campania Artecard as we wanted to be able to use it on our day trip to the Phlegraean Fields, too. In my personal experience, the card was useful but it had some shortcomings.

Only the seven-day card is physical. The others are virtual. You have to download an app on your phone which provides you with special QR codes to scan every time you use public transport or visit a sight. This meant that we needed to make sure that we had enough battery left at all times and that the internet was working wherever we were.

Often, the QR code wouldn’t scan easily, especially at the train stations, so we had to go find someone to let us in through the barrier. In the process, we would get approached by small-time crooks offering to open the barrier for us in exchange for a small tip.

As far as we understood, children travel for free on the parent’s card if they are under a meter tall. As our child is over a meter, we needed to go buy tickets for her with all the queuing this entailed. I would have loved to be able to pay a bit more for the card but to have my child’s travel on it or simply to have the option to buy a child’s card from the get-go.

The crypt of the Church of Santa Maria della Sanita - Rione Sanita - Naples, Italy -

Another thing to have in mind is that the card seems to cover a specific number of days and not a specific number of hours. In other words, no matter how early or how late in the day you activate it, it counts the day of activation as a full day.

Otherwise, the card is handy as it saves you quite a lot of money. Especially, if you plan your visits in such a way that you head to the most expensive sights first. It also allows you to jump the queues at museums and sights which is a great timesaver. The app has a lot of excellent information about the sights and landmarks to see in Naples. This can give you lots of ideas for places to explore which makes your stay in Naples even more exciting.


Mollo di Baia with a view of the gulf and the Aragon Castle - Naples, Italy -

For everything that Naples has to offer, right next door to this vibrant Italian city you will also find an almost overwhelming number of must-see destinations. No matter what you are after – ancient ruins, picturesque towns, coastal villages, diving trips, natural beauty or panoramic views – take your pick from this list:

Ancient Roman Cities and Landmarks – Herculaneum and Pompeii don’t really need an introduction. Destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, today the excavations of these two ancient Roman towns are a must-see if you love history and archaeology. If you have time to spare, don’t miss the Virtual Archaeological Museum of Herculaneum and Boscoreale , Oplontis , and Stabiae in the vicinity of Pompeii. Take the Circumvesuviana train and you can easily get from Naples to all of these ancient Roman hotspots by yourself. Alternatively, you can also book this highly recommended day tour which takes in Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius. If you have little time to spare, then this two-hour visit to Herculaneum in the company of an archaeologist is a great option to consider.

Phlegraean Fields ( Campi Flegrei ) – a truly exciting yet little-visited by mass tourists area right next to Naples. Here you will find small towns with fresh seafood, impressive ruins, and volcanic heritage. From the enormous Flavian Amphitheatre and the ancient Roman macellum in Pozzuoli to the Archaeological Park of Cuma and the Piscina Mirabilis in Miseno, this is the best day trip from Naples you have never heard of. I particularly loved the Roman baths in Baiae. The sea here guards the remains of once lavish Roman villas. Protected as part of the Submerged Archaeological Park of Baia, they can be seen as part of a diving or snorkelling trip.

N.B.: If little-known historic sites are your thing, then make sure that you also head to the Archaeological Site of Pausilypon halfway between Naples and the Phlegraean Fields. You can read more about it here .

Islands near Naples: a handful of beautiful islands are a short ferry ride away from Naples. The most famous one of them all is Capri but if you have the time, don’t miss Ischia and Procida. Check ferry timetables and ticket prices at the official websites of the ferry operators SNAV , Caremar , and Medmar . Don’t forget to book a boat tour of Capri in advance for maximum fun during your time on the island.

Amalfi Coast ( Costiera Amalfitana ) – this beautiful stretch of coastline along the Gulf of Salerno is dotted with small towns that are the essence of picture-perfect Italy. Amalfi, Positano and Ravello are the most famous among them and every high season suffer the effects of overtourism. Head there in the low season to avoid the crowds and for a more authentic experience. To simplify your travel arrangements, you can also book an organised day tour . Alternatively, make a plan to discover for yourself the lesser-known corners of the Costiera Amalfitana , for example, Vietri sul Mare and Atrani.

Other destinations to visit from Naples – here in no particular order but all deserving a day trip (or a longer stay) are some more must-see places for you to easily explore coming from Naples: Royal Palace of Caserta , Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia , and the towns of Sorrento, Benevento, and Gaeta. If you have little time but you want to see the most, then you can book an organised tour taking in Sorrento and the highlights of the Amalfi Coast.


The question ‘Is Naples safe?’ surely is one of the first things that pop into the mind of any traveller considering a visit to Naples in Italy.

For decades, books, films, and news stories have all presented this vibrant city as a beautiful yet decaying place where danger lurks around every corner. Speaking truthfully, Naples definitely is an edgy city. The consequences of limited financial means are easy to stumble upon even right next to major landmarks. Some areas here seem to experience real penury.

On the plus side, however, I felt that Naples is a friendly city where it was immensely enjoyable to walk around and talking to people felt natural and easy.

Some time ago I used to live in Northern Italy which I got to explore in depth. Yet, I always felt like an outsider and even in the city that my family called home for six years – Vicenza – there were people who refused to talk to me on account that I was a foreigner and others who kept me at arm’s length and took obvious offence to the fact that I would speak to my own child in my mother tongue instead of Italian.

In contrast to this, Naples felt easy to slot into. While I was situationally aware at all times, this didn’t interfere with my feeling relaxed, happy to explore, and at ease to talk to people. We all have been fed with cliches about Italy and some of us may have been left disappointed when some of these cliches didn’t live up to reality. Naples for me lived up to some of the best expectations people may have of Italy – friendliness, ease of communication, and the strive to create beauty in any and all circumstances. It’s a shame that this striking in so many ways city has been experiencing financial deprivation over such a long period of time. This, obviously, has left a deep imprint on its fabric!

The friend of a friend who met us at Naples Airport gave us some safety advice which I found applicable to any other large, lively city in the world. For example, no flashy jewellery, expensive watches, or branded accessories (which was easy for me as I don’t wear any jewellery when I travel), sticking together after dark (we are a family of two parents and a small child, so we tend to stick together when we walk around), and not exploring deserted areas at night (this we don’t do in principle).

Depending on where you come from and what urban environment you may be used to, what you may find unsettling in Naples at first glance are the quantities of rubbish towards the end of the day, the proliferation of graffiti (some of them are rather good), and (in some corners of the city) the obvious signs of people living rough. This is not exclusive to Naples. I live in a rather economically deprived town in England, so locally we have some of these issues affecting the community at large, too.

Before travelling to Naples, I didn’t know what to expect and I had seen all the negative reviews online. I am glad to report that I found Naples a joy to explore. It was stimulating on so many levels and offered such a rich list of things to do that I felt I could return to this city time and time again to get to know it better. Naples is full of life and this was such a wondrous thing to see and experience.

Safety is always a concern when travelling. I am speaking as the almost victim of a violent mugging in a public place in a large European city (not in Italy!), so you can be sure that when I am in a new place, especially with my child and my camera around my neck, I have my head on a swivel.

Naples is a city of great contrasts. Poverty is not conveniently hidden away here. You can see that survival is tough for many people. Beauty and decay occupy the same spaces. So, if you want to spend your holidays in a highly presentable and polished environment, then maybe Naples is not your destination. If, on the contrary, you are looking to see a place that has nurtured life in all its manifestations – from the creative to the destructive – for close to three millennia, then Naples is an excellent choice to consider.

As in all other places, be travel-smart. Keep your belongings close to you, be aware of your surroundings, in control of your abilities, and don’t engage in conversations with overly friendly people who approach you first. They are running a small-time scam where they give you some information and then ask for a tip. And, if you need a good list with lots of common-sense safety tips applicable to all destinations, have a look at this article on my blog.

A figurine handmade by La Scarabattola - Catacombs of San Gennaro - Rione Sanita - Naples, Italy -


map of naples tourist attractions


map of naples tourist attractions


Neapolitan tombola - Naples, Italy -

Shopping in Naples is an exciting experience on many levels. From artisan products and luxury goods to treat yourself to heaps of imaginative and colourful souvenirs to take home for family and friends, you will be tempted to spend, spend, spend time and time again.

Artfully arranged shelves and windows tempt you with handmade Nativity scenes , hand-painted Neapolitan tambourines, beautiful ceramics, hand-carved cameos , antique books, and so many more weird and wonderful, unusual and eclectic, rare and irresistible things.

Prices accommodate every budget! So, here are some cool things to buy in Naples and some of the best local makers to purchase them from:

Handmade Neapolitan Nativity scenes from Fratelli Capuano , La Scarabatola , and the shops along Via San Gregorio Armeno . Handmade Nativity scenes (known as presepe or presepio in Italian) are an intrinsic part of Naples’ artisan heritage.

Corno portafortuna (also known as cornicell o ) – you will see these chilly-like horns all around Naples. Traditionally red, nowadays they come in all sizes, colours, and variations. The locals believe that this Neapolitan amulet protects you and brings you good luck. For it to work, however, it needs to be handmade and given to you as a present. Apparently, you can’t just buy your own! D’Auria Artigiani make a large selection of cornicelli . Otherwise, you will find these amulets all over Naples.

Cameos by Gerolomini Gallery – this elegant shop has a wide selection of beautiful handmade cameos and coral jewellery. It also has a small museum dedicated to the delicate art of cameo-carving which is typical for the area around Naples.

Handmade bags and purses by Jiji Lovemade – I fell in love with Jiji’s colourful, vibrant bags during my week in Naples this summer. With beautiful patterns, they are both practical and elegant, perfect for city living and weekend travel.

Neapolitan tombola – a cheeky lotto-like game that Neapolitan families play together, especially at Christmas. Many small shops along Spaccanapoli and Via San Gregorio Armeno sell it.

Artisanal chocolate by Gay-Odin – this over a century-old Neapolitan company makes high-quality chocolates and chocolate-based products.

Cucumella – this traditional Neapolitan flip pot produces smooth and strong coffee. With its elongated design, it is a great conversation starter and is a great gift for the coffee lover in your life.


map of naples tourist attractions


1. Naples has 52 patron saints – one for each week of the year. The city’s main patron saint is San Gennaro with whom napoletani signed a notarised contract on 13th January 1527 stipulating that the saint was to protect them from plagues and eruptions of Vesuvius.

2. In Naples, you can see not just the worldwide famous sculpture of the Veiled Christ , but also the sculpture of the Veiled Son. Both are carved from a single block of marble and the latter is the work of Jago – an Italian sculptor currently residing in New York. The Veiled Christ is in the Sansevero Chapel. The Veiled Son is in the Basilica of San Severo fuori le Mura. Both are a must-see!

3. Via di San Gregorio Armeno (also known as Via dei Presepi ) is Naples’ famous street that houses the workshops of the artisans who make the famous Neapolitan presepi . These intricate Nativity scenes include dozens of figurines and represent the Holy Family in the stables often surrounded by purely Neapolitan characters and settings. Curiously, millennia ago, this same street was lined with workshops producing terracotta figurines which people bought and left as votive offerings at the adjacent temple of Ceres – the Roman goddess of agriculture.

4. Naples’ historic city centre is one of the largest in Europe. Its many layers – from the deepest catacombs and underground water cisterns to its tall obelisks and church domes covered with majolica tiles – are the result of 27 centuries of history. Its surface encloses 1,700 hectares, 1,021 of which were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995!

5. Napoletani are football-mad and are particularly obsessed with Maradona. Hailing from Argentina, the legendary footballer played for S.S.C. Napoli from 1984 to 1991 and took the Neapolitan team to the top of the game. To this day, Maradona has a god-like status in the city. Everywhere you go you will see his face on flags, murals, and even packets of crisps.

A Maradonna poster in the historic centre - Naples, Italy -


Fishmonger - Scenes of daily life in Rione Sanita - Naples, Italy -

  • Explore Naples area by area. This is a large and exciting city with lots to see and do. Group the sights you want to visit based on their proximity to one another instead of exhausting yourself by running all over town every day of your stay.
  • Where possible, book entry tickets and tours in advance. This will minimise waiting times and will allow you to make the most of your day. Tiqets is a great resource for tickets for Naples’ best museums and landmarks. Viator is my favourite tool for booking guided tours.
  • Bring your appetite. Naples is a city where eating is akin to an elevated cultural experience. From bakeries and family-run trattorias to restaurants with sea views and unmissable gelaterias, Naples runs on excellent food. Don’t skip a meal!
  • Embrace Naples’ joy of life! This is a vibrant city that stimulates the senses on many different levels. Let it get under your skin!
  • Indulge in people-watching. Naples is as much about its historic and artistic heritage as it is about its people. Take time every day to just stop and take in little scenes of daily life. Many napoletani are worthy of a book and you can read their story on their faces, in their gestures, and in a conversation with them.


  • Don’t expect to see the whole of Naples in a day or two. This is a large city with lots of major sights and plenty of hidden gems.
  • Don’t hire a car. Traffic in Naples is intense, the driving style is incredibly assertive, and the historic quarters are akin to mazes of narrow streets. Free parking spaces can be very difficult to come across, so parking needs to be organised in advance. Most importantly, Naples has several ZTL’s (limited traffic zones) which are accessible only with special dispensations (for example, local residents and hotel guests) and more or less cover the areas with the biggest concentrations of landmarks and sights.
  • Don’t buy counterfeit luxury and designer goods . Heavy fines are in place for tourists tempted to buy knock-offs which you may see being sold from sheets spread directly on the ground around town.
  • Don’t be negative about Naples and/or its icons. As with every large city with a millennial history, Naples has its own specific problems which are easy to spot. The least a visitor to the city can do is to show respect to the people who have to deal with them on a day-to-day basis. Neapolitans have also elevated certain personalities to a god-like status. Disrespect is not tolerated no matter how well-based your opinion about them may be.
  • Don’t accept unsolicited offers for help. Most often than not they will be followed by a request for a tip. At busy spots around town, for example, train or metro stations, you may be approached by a smiley person eager to explain how to get from point A to point B. Don’t engage! If you really need directions, it’s best to ask at the ticket office or a uniformed employee.

Fake bags sold along Spaccanapoli - Naples, Italy -


A capital in the Roman terme in Baia with a view of the gulf - Naples, Italy -

I have been blogging about travel in Italy for almost ten years now providing detailed and first-hand tried and tested information about the best things to do in this beautiful country. It’s all based on my close to twenty years of visiting Italy solo and with my family. Six of them, we actually spent living in  Vicenza  in the  north of the country .

If you are after in-depth researched and illustrated with dozens of original photos articles about Italy, have a look at the following categories and blog posts:

  • Italy  – a full list of all my blog posts about Italy
  • 10 Reasons to Visit Northern Italy
  • Veneto ,  Trentino ,  Emilia Romagna ,  Umbria  – full lists of all my blog posts about these Italian regions
  • Venice ,  Padua ,  Lake Garda ,  Lake Como , Milan  – full lists of all my blog posts about these must-see destinations in Italy.

In addition, right at the end of this page, you will find a list with links to some of my most popular blog posts about many beautiful and exciting cities, towns, and regions to visit in Italy. So, just scroll down and then click on the ones you want to know more about.

Finally, Italy’s  official tourism website  is a great source of the latest news about travel in Italy. Otherwise,  this is one  of the best guidebooks about Italy.


Have a look also at my ultimate travel guides for Venice , Lake Como , and Lake Garda .

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Neapolitan espresso served in a small cafe - Naples, Italy -


Convitto Nazionale on Piazza Dante - Naples, Italy -

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Naples Tourist Attractions Map PDF

Printable Map of Naples Attractions, Walking Tours Map

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Naples Tourist Attractions Maps | City Tours Map

One of the largest municipalities located in Italy, Naples rich historical center is the biggest in Europe. The city boasts a number of monuments and buildings and has the oldest volcano observatory where one can observe Europe’s famous Mount Vesuvius. Naples has also been named as the home of pizza and is widely known for its cuisine and wine.

With its vast offerings of architectural buildings, museums and palaces, you have different options to discover Naples. Just make sure to get a copy of the Naples Metro Map so you know where you are going. Although traffic in the city is pretty heavy, you can still get around by bus, tram, train or taxi. This is where the Naples Transport Map comes in. This map will explain and show all available routes for first time visitors and may be used to explore the city by foot.

Plan your trip ahead by using the Naples Tourist Sightseeing Map. This will serve as your tour guide in exploring the city’s top attractions and destinations including the Lungomare and Castel Ovo, Cappella Sansevero, Catacombs of San Gennaro, National Archeological Museum, Bourbon Tunnel, Teatro di San Carlo, Royal Palace and the Cathedral and many more! Whether you are visiting for the first time or the tenth time, the map will help you book your tours in advance or create your own if you like.

As a first time visitor, it is best to explore the city with a local guide however if you prefer to do it by yourself or with your loved ones, get a copy of the Naples Walking Tour Maps instead. You can follow the walking map to visit the Naples Old Town and create more on your own.

There is a more convenient way of enjoying the city. Just take the Naples Hop on Hop off Bus tour and it will make you viewing the city so easy. For more information on the bus routes, get our free printable copy of the Naples Hop on Hop off Bus map.

  • Interactive Naples Attractions Map
  • Top Rated Naples Attractions

Naples Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour Map

Naples metro map, naples transport map, naples tourist map, naples walking tour map.

Naples Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour Map

Top Naples Attractions Skip-the-line Tickets & Tours

Galleria Borbonica Entrance Ticket in Standard Route


Naples Underground Official Skip-the-line Ticket

The Archaeological Museum of Naples with an Archaeologist Private Tour

Pompeii Ruins & Volcano Vesuvius Tour with Private Guide & Skip-the-line Tickets

Capodimonte Royal Palace Museum and Park Guided Tour with Optional Transfer

tour of Naples

Herculaneum Express by Train - Entrance Fee Included

Skip the Line: Saint Elmo's Castle Entry Ticket

The Crazy Tourist

Home » Travel Guides » Italy » 15 Best Things to Do in Naples (Italy)

15 Best Things to Do in Naples (Italy)

Naples is a vast city located on the western coast of Italy facing the Tyrrhenian Sea. This colossal metropolis is the third largest city in Italy behind Rome and Milan with a population of 975,000 and a greater metropolitan population of over 3.1 million. Naples and the surrounding region has been inhabited since the Neolithic period and it has seen some form of continuous human activity through ancient Greek times to the Roman Empire and further.

Throughout history Naples has been the sight of fierce battles and many civilisations have vied to gain power here. Naples port is one of the most important in the Mediterranean and the city has one of the largest economies in Italy. Due to the extensive history of this region, Naples is full of historical buildings, squares and churches plus a host of modern amenities and fantastic nightlife opportunities. Looming in the shadow of the legendary Mt. Vesuvius, this is a truly epic tourist destination.

Lets explore the best things to do in Naples :

1. Climb Mount Vesuvius

Mount Vesuvius

Classified as a Stratovolcano, Mount Vesuvius dominates the skyline and landscape surrounding Naples and is a legendary volcano that famously erupted in 79 AD and caused the destruction and burial of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Vesuvius stands as the only volcano in mainland Europe that has erupted in the last 100 years – It is considered extremely dangerous due to the amount of human settlements that are situated in its danger zone.

Today you can take a bus tour from Naples to visit this magnificent natural phenomenon and climb up its slopes to peer into the crater.

A hike will take between 20-30 minutes and is considered not too challenging – The views from the top on a clear day are simply fantastic and the caldera and crater are hugely interesting too.

Suggested tour : Vesuvius 4-Hour Wine Tasting Tour and Lunch from Naples

2. Visit the ruins of Pompeii


Pompeii was an ancient city that sat in the shadow of the iconic Mount Vesuvius.

This settlement was highly advanced and extensive and was destroyed at its peak during the devastating eruption of the volcano in 79 AD. Despite the devastation cause and the amount of lava that poured over the city, Pompeii stands today in a fantastic condition – This is due to the huge layer of ash that was deposited over the partial ruins and thus acted as a preserver.

Today you can visit Pompeii and walk through the extensive ruins – Particularly interesting sights include the Amphitheatre, the case del Fauno, the Temple of Apollo and the Temple of Jupiter.

Furthermore you can find plaster casts of many of the unfortunate victims who were buried under the ash and remain locked in their death pose for an eternity.

Recommended tour : Pompeii Ruins & Mount Vesuvius Day Tour

3. Naples National Archaeological Museum

Naples National Archaeological Museum

Housed in a fine ornate building that was created in the 1750’s, the museum used to operate as a military and cavalry barracks and was turned into a museum in later years.

The museum is located to the north of the Harbor but there is a Metro station right next to the building.

Inside you can find an extensive collection that includes a wide array of Roman and Greek artefacts plus a selection of works from both Pompeii and Herculaneum.

This collection includes a selection of marble statues depicting scenes from ancient mythology, beautiful mosaics from the ruins of Pompeii, and a huge collection of objects from ancient Egypt such as mummified remains and death masks.

Anyone interested in ancient history and archaeology will find this museum an infinitely interesting place to visit.

4. San Gennaro Catacombs

San Gennaro Catacombs

Have you ever wanted to explore a secret underground world that holds a huge amount of detail and passageways? This is exactly what the San Gennaro Catacombs provide and you can find the entrance to this otherworldly place near the Basilica dell’Incoronata in northern part of Naples.

Once underground, you will find a network of tunnels and passageways that are lined with graves and crypts dating back to ancient history.

Spread over two levels, the lower floor contains a staggering 3000+ burials and is dimly lit to retain the spooky underground feeling.

The top level is more spacious but just as interesting and contains many detailed frescos and artwork.

A guided tour of the catacombs will provide a memorable experience and a true insight into the history of Naples.

5. Visit the ruins of Herculaneum

ruins of Herculaneum

Another city that was devastated after the 79 AD eruption of Vesuvius was Herculaneum – This city is the lesser known counterpart to Pompeii but is just as interesting and a fantastic sight to visit.

Although the city was located further away from Vesuvius than Pompeii, it was still completely destroyed.

Herculaneum is actually considered to be a better preserved example than Pompeii and still has some of its wooden structures, frames and roofing intact.

Interesting sights within the complex include the Villa of the Papyri and the House of Argus which both contain beautiful frescos and wall paintings.

Furthermore there is also a series of skeletal remains that show the demise of this unfortunate group of people.

If you visit Pompeii, ensure that you visit Herculaneum too for a detailed insight into an ancient period of time.

6. Castel Nuovo

Castel Nuovo

The Castel Nuovo stands out as a main feature in the skyline of Naples and is one of the first sights that people entering via cruise ships will see.

Located in close proximity to the famous Piazza del Plebiscito the castle is easily accessible and is one of the main historical sites in Naples.

Created in 1282, the castle features 5 circular crenulated towers and a fantastic triumphal arch that was added at a later date.

Take a tour of the castle and admire the beautiful towers, stand inside the central courtyard, admire the painted ceiling of the Baron’s Hall and climb the castle ramparts for stunning views of Naples and the harbour.

7. Cappella Sansevero

Cappella Sansevero

There is many chapels and churches in the heart of Naples, and the Sansevero Chapel is a truly fine example.

Created in 1590, the chapel was once a private building for the Duke of Torremaggoire and then served as a family burial chapel from 1613. Located in the centre of Naples, the chapel is not far from the Harbor and the Castel Nuovo.

Although this chapel is quite plain and unassuming from the outside, it is the interior that is quite spectacular and is the true highlight.

The chapel contains a huge amount of artwork and several famous sculptures.

A detailed and magnificent fresco adorns the ceiling and many marble statues stand guard at each of the pillars.

Central to this fantastic display is the beautiful statue of the Veiled Christ created by Giuseppe Sanmartino.

8. Castel dell’Ovo

Castel dell'Ovo

As you enter the port at Naples you will undoubtedly see this stunning sea bound castle.

Once an island, the land that the castle stands on is now connected to the mainland and is accessible by a footpath and road.

As the oldest remaining fortification in Naples, the Castel dell’Ovo was constructed in the early 6th century BC and some form of defensive structure has stood ever since.

The castle is open to the public and it is a fantastic structure to explore – Walk through the passageways and arches and look out into the Mediterranean sea.

You can also find several exhibits of art and displays about the history of the castle.

9. Naples Harbour

Naples Harbour

Naples is a hugely busy port and sea trade is the city’s main source of economy.

The network of ports is divided into separate docks and is a true hive of activity at any time of the day.

Stretching from the Castel Nuovo to the Piazza San Giovanni Battista you could easily spend hours walking through the docks and ports and watching the intriguing business that occurs here.

Furthermore, if you continue to the west you will find the Porto di Mergellina which is full of trendy restaurants and cafes and has a great vibrant atmosphere.

Come here to sample some local life and admire the different yachts that dock at the harbour.

10. Piazza del Plebiscito

Piazza del Plebiscito

Undoubtedly the main square in Naples, the Piazza del Plebiscito features the Royal Palace and the Basilica Royal and is a truly fantastic place to visit.

This vast open space is filled with important buildings and statues and aside from the aforementioned structures, it also contains the Palazzo Salerno, the Prefecture Palace and a statue dedicated to Charles III of Spain.

The semi-circular colonnades of the Basilica Royal stretch out and frame the square beautifully.

Use this place as a starting point for your tour of Naples and be sure to visit the fine historical buildings that sit here.

11. San Domenico Maggiore

San Domenico Maggiore

Another of the beautifully decorated churches in Naples, the Sam Domenico Maggiore was founded by Dominican Friars and was constructed in 1324. The church is located in the centre of the old town of Naples near the university and the Dante Metro stop.

Whilst the exterior of the structure is not particularly impressive, the interior is the real treat.

Full of renaissance artwork, sculptures and decoration, the church is hugely opulent – The panelled ceiling is gilded with gold and the high altar is also a stunning masterpiece.

Furthermore, there is also a “treasure chamber” that contains a plethora of religious artefacts, clothing, accessories and other trinkets.

12. Naples Cathedral

Naples Cathedral

Dating as far back as the 13th century, the Cathedral of Duomo is a magnificent structure and stands as the main church in Naples and indeed in southern Italy.

Located on the Via Duomo, the cathedral is accessible via the Museo metro stop but also has a regular bus service that passes the front façade.

This religious building combines a myriad of styles including Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque – This is due to the restorations and changes that have been made since its creation.

Outside, the front façade features a large central tower and many ornate sculptures and stone work.

Inside, the main knave is framed by a series of huge columns and the decoration is simply beautiful.

Don’t forget to visit the immaculately decorated chapel of San Gennaro that features a finely decorated altar and two vessels containing the saints blood.

13. Explore the district of Santa Lucia

Santa Lucia

To truly experience Naples from a local perspective and soak up some culture, head to the district of Santa Lucia.

Located to the west of the Piazza del Plebiscito, this district has a myriad of narrow cobbled streets that wind down to the sea and offer an array of craft shops, restaurants, cafes and shops.

Here you can experience Neapolitan life at its best – Locals will walk through the streets going about their daily business, clothes hang out on washing lines and children play without a care in the world.

14. Palazzo Reale

Palazzo Reale

This stunning Royal Palace holds the centre of attention in the Piazza del Plebiscito and sits opposite the Basilica Reale.

The front facade of this building features a symmetrical series of black framing, brown render and many windows to create an official and imposing look.

Furthermore at the base of the palace stands 12 detailed statues of past Kings of Naples from Roger of Sicily to Frederick II the Holy Roman Emperor.

Inside this lavish building is a stunning array of preserved rooms that are full of ornate decorations – The initial hallway and staircase is unbelievably opulent and the throne room and the state theatre are just as fantastic.

A tour of the interior and rooms is a must and will complete your visit of this wonderful historic building.

15. Take a boat to explore the island of Capri

Port of Capri

Capri is a small inhabited island that is known for its dramatic scenery, rugged coastline dotted with beautiful caves and its quaint and charming Italian villages.

A boat trip from Naples harbour takes just under two hours and there are regular ferries that travel between the island and mainland, and neighbouring Sorrento.

Walk through the wonderful Marina Grande, admire the boats in the harbour and then set off to explore the island.

Don’t forget to take a trip to see the famous Blue Grotto Sea Cave or the view from the top of Monte Solaro.

Available tour : Island of Capri: Full-Day Tour from Naples

15 Best Things to Do in Naples (Italy):

  • Climb Mount Vesuvius
  • Visit the ruins of Pompeii
  • Naples National Archaeological Museum
  • San Gennaro Catacombs
  • Visit the ruins of Herculaneum
  • Castel Nuovo
  • Cappella Sansevero
  • Castel dell'Ovo
  • Naples Harbour
  • Piazza del Plebiscito
  • San Domenico Maggiore
  • Naples Cathedral
  • Explore the district of Santa Lucia
  • Palazzo Reale
  • Take a boat to explore the island of Capri
  • Best Time to Visit
  • Weather & Climate
  • Naples International Airport Guide
  • Public Transportation
  • Neighborhoods to Know
  • 48-Hour Itinerary
  • Day Trips From Naples
  • Top Things to Do
  • Best Museums
  • Historic Attractions to Visit
  • Food to Try
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22 Things to Do in Central Naples, Italy

map of naples tourist attractions

TripSavvy / Christopher Larson

As gritty and chaotic as it is beautiful and vibrant, Naples, or Napoli in Italian, is a city of many contradictions. Located in Southern Italy, or the Mezzogiorno (land of the midday sun), its bustling seaport sits on the edge of the Bay of Naples, in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, the volcano that destroyed nearby Pompeii.

The celebrated historical center of Naples is brimming with architecturally stunning churches, fascinating museums, elegant palaces, and lively piazzas, all orbiting around a few major streets. The density of tourist attractions means you can easily get in touch with the cultural essence of Naples while still having time to enjoy its fine wines and delicious foods, such as... wait for it... pizza!

Here's a list of some of our favorite things to do and see in the historical center of Naples, Italy.

Visit the Cathedral of Naples (Duomo)

Dedicated to Naples' patron saint, San Gennaro, this 13th-century Gothic cathedral features Baroque frescoes and artwork, but most importantly holds the saint's relics, including two vials of his coagulated blood. Be sure to visit the archaeological area under the cathedral, with ruins from ancient Greece to the Middle Ages. Don't forget to check out the 5th-century baptistery, adorned with Byzantine-style mosaics. Each year on September 19th, thousands gather here on the Feast Day of San Gennaro to watch the miracle of the saint's blood liquefying. Processions and celebrations go on for eight days.

See Frescoes & Tilework at the Santa Chiara Complex

Erected on this site in the 14th century, Santa Chiara Church is part of a religious complex consisting of a monastery, tombs, and an archeological museum. In the 17th and 18th centuries it was remodeled with a Baroque facade, but after being destroyed by bombs in World War II, it was reconstructed to its original Provencal-Gothic style. The tombs of the Angevin monarchs lie here, as well as relics of Saint Louis of Toulouse, including his brain. Next to the church is the nun's choir with fragments of frescoes attributed to Giotto. The adjacent cloisters, designed by Vaccaro in 1742, contain intricate majolica-tiled columns and benches, and the courtyard walls feature 17th-century frescoes depicting saints, allegories, and scenes from the Old Testament. In the museum, you'll find a Roman bathhouse dating back to the 1st-century C.E.

Explore the Piazza San Domenico Maggiore & Sansevero Chapel

 TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre 

One of the most important squares in Naples, Piazza San Domenico Maggiore features an obelisk built by monks as a gesture of gratitude for having survived the deadly plague of 1656. On the square is the 15th-century Palazzo Petrucci, with its original entry and courtyard intact. Towards the back of the piazza sits the Church of San Domenico Maggiore, where you can see the remnants of an original 10th-century Romanesque basilica, and early Renaissance art—such as frescoes by Pietro Cavallini—as well as copies of works by Caravaggio and Titian (originals are in the Capodimonte Museum). Inside the church are the tombs of various members of the Anjou dynasty, as well as the 13th-century cross that was said to have spoken to St. Thomas Aquinas. Don't miss a visit to the Sansevero Chapel with marble sculptures and paintings of the 18th century, including the extraordinary and haunting Veiled Christ by Sanmartino.

See Roman Ruins at the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore

A rare Gothic edifice, the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore has the excavated remains (scavi) of a Greco-Roman city underneath it, including a Roman forum. Several recreations have been set up to show what the city might have looked in Roman times. The museum exhibits works from the Greek and Roman periods through the 19th century, notably the frescoed ceilings in the Capitolare and Sisto V rooms.

Explore the Naples Underground

Underneath the city lies a hidden labyrinth of ancient tunnels, aqueducts, cisterns, catacombs, and a Greco-Roman theatre where Emperor Nero had his dressing room. Naples Underground takes visitors on a captivating tour of the vast subterranean network of chambers and pathways buried below this modern city.

Go Back in Time at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples

World-renowned for having an outstanding collection of Greek and Roman antiquities, including mosaics, sculptures, gems, glass, and silver, it also displays an impressive collection of finds from Pompeii. Allow at least half a day here, and don't forget to book ahead for the Secret Cabinet tour, where you can view erotic works from Pompeii.

Imagine Life in the Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace)

Begun by Spanish Viceroys in 1600, Palazzo Reale was eventually expanded to become Naples' royal palace. Behind the handsome exterior are great halls and royal apartments filled with furnishings, tapestries, paintings, and porcelains. Visit the roof garden where the sweeping views of the bay remind you that it's good to be a king.

Walk Around the Piazza del Plebiscito

It was after the Unification of Italy in 1860 that Piazza del Plebiscito was named. Located right in the middle of Naples, the once disheveled square has been spruced up in recent years to reflect the grandeur of its important neighbors: Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace), and San Francesco di Paola, featuring a 19th-century dome modeled after the Pantheon in Rome. The piazza is further enhanced by Palazzo Salerno and Palazzo della Prefettura, along with several equestrian statues of King Carlo III and King Ferdinando I by master sculptor Antonio Canova. From the Piazza del Plebiscito, continue on Via Toledo (also called Via Roma): a pedestrian area that's one of the old town's main business and shopping streets.

See Body Parts at the Anatomy Museum

If catacombs and crypts are not macabre enough for you, in the Anatomy Museum of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, part of the MUSA museum of science and art, you can see the preserved remains of actual human beings. For some, the exhibits are the stuff of nightmares, but for others, it's just another day at the museum.

Peer through formaldehyde-filled jars at an array of strange medical defects, or skip ahead to the more sedate anatomical section of the museum to marvel at the work of Efisio Marini and Giuseppe Albini, who created unique pieces of art using pickled or calcified body parts.

Walk Spaccanapoli in the Heart of the City

Spaccanapoli (Naples splitter) is the main street bisecting the historic and noisy heart of the city. Running east to west, it provides easy access to Naples' most popular sights. Teeming with people day and night, the boulevard is home to classical churches and old palazzi (stately buildings). Part of what was a Greek, and later a Roman city, the Spaccanapoli district has a network of narrow, winding streets — many pedestrian-only zones. Along the way, keep an eye out for small shops selling traditional Neapolitan street fare, like pizza a ​portafoglio (folded pizza) and deep-fried "balls of rice" (palle ‘e riso).

​Shop on Via San Gregorio Armeno

 TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre

Even if you're not into religious manger scenes, Via San Gregorio Armeno is definitely worth experiencing. Lined with a string of artisan workshops that make statuettes and scenery for traditional Neapolitan nativity scenes or presepi , the figurines and souvenirs spill out onto the street. About halfway up the Via San Gregorio Armeno is the church of the same name. On Tuesdays at the 9:30 am service, witness the miracle of Saint Patricia's liquefying blood.

Explore Ancient Arcades on Via dei Tribunali

Also known as Decumano Maggiore, Via dei Tribunali is another old street that ran through the ancient Greek city of Neapolis founded in the 5th century BCE. Along the way, visit splendid Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque churches that preserve numerous masterpieces, including a painting by Caravaggio in the Church of Pio Monte della Misericordia. The shady arcades (porticos) date back more than 1,000 years.

Eat All of the Pizza Napolitana

There isn't a dish more deeply linked to the city's cultural identity than pizza. First introduced to the world by the ancient Greeks sometime around the end of the 18th century, the round flatbread found its way to Southern Italy. A popular working-class staple primarily sold by street vendors, it gained worldwide attention at the turn of the 20th century, when Queen Margherita of Savoy developed a liking for the peasant delicacy. She summoned Chef Raffaele Esposito to the royal palace and pizza Margherita was born. In 2017, the craft of pizza making (pizzaiuolo) was officially recognized as a culinary art when it was added to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list.

Indulge at Scaturchio Pastry Shop

Nico De Pasquale Photography/Getty Images

Don't miss the gastronomical delight that is Naples' desserts. Taste traditional pastries such as babà (rum-soaked dough) and Sfogliatella (flaky pastry filled with ricotta and candied citrus). The best of the best can be found at Scaturchio, Naples' oldest pastry shop.

Take in the View From the Castel dell'Ovo

Sitting in a prominent position on the harbor, Castel dell'Ovo is the oldest fortification in Naples. Built in 1154, the fortification occupies a small island facing the Santa Lucia district. Once the site for the city's shellfish trade, it later became the royal residence under the Normans and the Hohenstaufen. Today, the castle is primarily used for exhibitions and concerts.

See the Castel Nuovo

Erected for Charles of Anjou in 1279-1282, this massive Castle Nuovo today houses the Civic Museum (Museo Civico). Containing 14th- and 15th-century frescoes, paintings, and bronze sculptures from the Middle Ages to present, the castle is also known as Maschio Angioino. Built in Aragonese style (apart from the towers and the Cappella Palatina), it boasts a triumphal arch at the entrance built in 1454. The original bronze doors are now in the Palazzo Reale.

Test the Acoustics at Teatro di San Carlo

Italy's largest and oldest opera house, the Teatro di San Carlo is recognized for its perfect acoustics. Built for Charles of Bourdon in 1737, it was rebuilt in 1816, after a fire.

See the Masters at Capodimonte Museum and Park

Among Italy's richest museums, the Capodimonte Museum started out as a hunting lodge for King Charles III. It prides itself in its outstanding picture gallery containing works by Titian, Botticelli, Raphael, and Perugino, as well as having an immense collection of majolica and porcelain pottery. You can wander around the royal apartments and the surrounding park, too.

Get a View From the National Museum and Monastery of San Martino

Offering magnificent views above Santa Lucia from Vomero Hill, the Certosa di San Martino was founded as a Carthusian monastery in the 1300s. The museum offers an impressive display of traditional presepi (nativity scenes) and splendid cloisters designed in 1623-1629 by Cosimo Fanzago, the father of Neapolitan Baroque.

Get Lost at the The Botanical Gardens of Naples

Considered one of the best botanical gardens in Italy, the 170-acre plot of land opened in 1810. It's a public park, as well as a research facility of the University of Naples Federico II, and among the oldest in Europe. The Orto Botanico is dedicated to the preservation of endangered species and the study of how plants can be used for medicinal purposes. On the premises is a restored 5,400 square foot greenhouse comprised of lecture halls, display rooms, and the Museum of Paleobotany and Ethnobotany.

Ride the Funiculars

The first funicolare (a form of railway transportation using a cable to move passengers up steep inclines) was built on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius in the late 1800s. It was abandoned in 1944, after a volcanic eruption severely damaged it. Today there are four funicular lines carrying Neapolitans up and down. One goes to the top of the Vomero district where fabulous views can be had from the Castle Sant'Elmo and the Certosa and Museum of San Martino. Funicolare Centrale, one of the longest in the world, leaves from Via Toledo by Galleria Umberto. The other two are Funicolare di Chiaia and Funicolare di Montesanto. Together they ferry nearly 4 million passengers up and down the inclines of Naples every year.

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Traveling to Naples, Italy? Wondering what to do in Naples? Take this amazing walking tour of Naples and see all of Naples highlights in a day. #Naples #Italy

The Best Self Guided Walking Tour Of Naples Italy + Map

Last Updated on January 31, 2023 by Soumya

A walking tour of Naples, Italy is the best way to get started with this southern Italian city . Whether you are in Naples for one day or several more, nothing can beat the allure of a walking tour that takes you through the heart of Naples , shows you some of the best attractions, and ends with anecdotes and facts that give you loads of local insights.

I have always been a big fan of walking tours. Naples in Italy is one of those European cities that totally blows you away in terms of what you can experience while strolling here. Plus, Naples is extremely walkable with narrow, charming lanes where you can discover several hidden gems. That makes a Naples walking tour one of the best things to do in Naples.

On this fab, self guided walking tour of Naples , we will amble through the Historic Center (that is a UNESCO heritage site) and see some famous landmarks such as the Archaeological Museum, Chapel of Sansevero & the Veiled Christ, the Royal Palace of Naples, and much more.

If you are looking for the best guided walking tour of Naples , have a look at our recommendations below. If not, skip ahead to our section on how to plan the best DIY Naples walking tour.

Please note: This post may contain affiliate links which means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase by clicking a link on this post. This will be at no additional cost to you. Affiliate links help me keep this website up and running. Thanks for your support!

Looking for the Best Guided Walking Tours of Naples?

If you are looking for the best guided walking tour of Naples, don’t worry. We have you covered. Here are the Top 4 Naples walking tours that have the best reviews in the market.

Top Walking Tours in Naples, Italy

  • Naples Downtown Walking Tour + Veiled Christ Entry (Bestseller!)
  • Walking Tour of Naples with Underground Ruins (Highly Rated!)
  • Free Walking Tour of Naples Old Town (Tips encouraged.)
  • Naples Street Art Tour (Unique artsy side of Naples!)

Of course, if you are a second-time/seasoned visitor to Naples, you’ll want to venture out of the Historic Center which is why I have more recommendations for you down there on other unique walking tours that might interest you.

Traveling to Naples, Italy? Wondering what to do in Naples? Take this amazing walking tour of Naples and see all of Naples highlights in a day. #Naples #Italy

Table of Contents

Best self-guided Naples walking tour itinerary

We started our Naples walking tour at the National Archaeological Museum and ended it at Piazza del Plebiscito, the most happening square in Naples.

Of course, we got some food first to prepare for the long day ahead. We had some coffee and desserts at the Leopoldo Cafebar right next to the Archaeological Museum. Trust me, their desserts are delicious especially the babas. They have several branches across the city but this branch near the museum serves gluten-free options too.

I have an interactive map at the end of the walking tour itinerary which provides you complete directions to all the attractions that we saw on our excursion. Just click on it to open it in Google Maps and gain access to the directions.

Archaeological Museum – 1st stop on Naples walking tour itinerary

Frescoes representing Battle of Alexander against Darius at Naples Archaeological Museum

The Archaeological Museum, also known as MANN, is a must see on any visit to Naples. It is one of the best museums in all of Europe and a treasure house of ancient artifacts from Pompeii and Herculaneum as well as medieval ones from the Farnese and Bourbon collections.

The building dates back to the 16th century. First, it was used as army barracks. Then, it became a university. It was transformed into a museum only in 1777.

Highlights of the Naples Archaeological Museum include the Farnese Hercules, a fresco depicting the Battle of Alexander & Darius (pictured above), the Bronze Runners, and the Secret Cabinet. The Secret Cabinet, much like the Lupanar in nearby Pompeii, is full of erotic displays from the ancient Roman towns. The museum’s Magna Grecia collection is also a must-see.

I have to warn you that exploring the MANN in detail can take you a minimum of 2-3 hours. If you don’t have that kind of time during your walking tour, I recommend you come back later or see only the highlights mentioned above.

  • MANN is open Wednesday – Monday, 9:00am – 7:30pm. Some collections may have different opening hours. Check on official website here before you visit.
  • Book your entrance ticket for MANN here .
  • Reserve your private guided tour of MANN here .

Veiled Christ at Sansevero Chapel Museum

From the Archaeological Museum, head to the Chapel Museum of Sansevero via Via Santa Maria di Constantinopoli. The chapel is a 10 min walk from the museum.

The Chapel Museum of Sansevero is a 16th-century church that is home to the renowned sculpture of the Veiled Christ.

The Veiled Christ is a remarkable marble sculpture that shows the dead Christ covered with a thin veil. Giuseppe Sanmartino created the entire thing out of marble but it seems so lifelike. You can literally feel the pain of Christ from within the veil and see the throbbing pulse on his forehead and body. Honestly, the Veiled Christ was unlike any other sculpture I had ever seen earlier.

  • Sansevero Chapel Museum is open Wednesday – Monday, 9:00am – 7:00pm. Check for updated hours on official website here .
  • You can get your entrance tickets at the museum. Or join this guided walking tour that includes entry to the Veiled Christ chapel.

Napoli Sotteranea or Underground Naples

Underground cisterns in Naples

Next, we walked to Napoli Sotteranea, located on Via dei Tribunali. Napoli Sotteranea is the entrance to the underground city of Naples. You can take guided tours here to explore the subterranean city. A guided tour lasts around 2 hours. So, plan for it if you wish to do it on the same day as your Naples city walk.

We did not do it on the same day, rather came back to it on Day 2 in Naples. I have an entire post on how to explore Naples’ underground city . In fact, there are 5+ amazing tours of underground Naples and some of them take you through real hidden gems. Check them all here .

It is fascinating to explore underground Naples that is home more than 2500 years of history. From ancient Roman markets and burial sites to a theater where Emperor Nero himself performed, subterranean Naples holds many secrets.

  • Napoli Sotteranea is open from 10:00am – 6:00pm.
  • Tours happen in English and Italian. You can book your guided tour of Naples Underground here .

Naples Cathedral

Ceiling at Naples Cathedral

The next stop on our Naples walking tour was the stunning Naples Cathedral or the Duomo which is just a couple of minutes away from the Sotteranea.

Known as the Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta or the Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary, this beautiful Gothic church was built in the early 14th century and houses the relics of Saint Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples. It is believed that the blood of the saint (stored in a vial here) liquifies during certain festivals. Now, that’s a real interesting fact about Naples, isn’t it?

The Royal Chapel of San Gennaro dates back to the 17th century and displays beautiful Baroque style. I loved the interiors of the cathedral, especially the dome that is exquisitely decorated. There is a museum called the Treasure of San Gennaro that houses several religious relics such as bronze busts, silver and gold jewelry.

  • Naples Cathedral and the Treasure of San Gennaro are open from 9:30am – 6:30pm, every day.


Spaccanapoli in Naples

After marveling at the treasures of the Naples Cathedral, we walked to Spaccanapoli via Via dei Tribunali. Spaccanapoli is one of the most important streets that runs through the center of Naples’ Historic Center.

In the interactive map that I have provided below , you can see Spaccanapoli as a point but honestly, it is actually a group of streets that takes you through the heart of the city. Historically, the Spaccanapoli has connected the Duomo or the Naples Cathedral with the Gesu Nuovo.

You’ll pass a number of Baroque and Renaissance buildings while walking through the Spaccanapoli including the Venice Palace, the Church of San Domenico Maggiore, and the Santa Chiara monuments. You’ll also find hundreds of quaint Napoli shops selling everything from fridge magnets to packets of colorful pasta. In case you are planning to do some souvenir shopping in Italy, the Spaccanapoli is just the perfect place for it .

If you are hungry, as you will be after so much walking around, you’ll find a number of pizzerias here to dig into some authentic Neapolitan pizza . A couple of good places to try pizza are the San Gennaro Pizzeria and Pizzeria Vesi .

Church of Gesu Nuovo

As we walked ahead on the Spaccanapoli, we reached the Church of Gesu Nuovo which was the next stop on our Naples Walking Tour.

Chiesa del Gesu Nuovo or the Church of New Jesus is an interesting religious building in Naples. The outer facade is sombre with geometric patterns and hundreds of small pyramids covering the entire wall. This design is unique and especially remarkable because you won’t see this anywhere else in Southern Italy .

The interior, on the other hand, is opulently decorated and highly detailed. The nave and the vaulted ceilings are full of beautiful frescoes depicting stories from the Bible.

Originally, the church was built as a palace in 1470. It changed hands several times and was finally taken over by Jesuits in the 20th century. Today, it is one of Naples most important churches.

  • The Church of Gesu Nuovo is open from 7am – 8pm everyday, with a break from 1-4pm in between.
  • It is free to enter the church.

Castel Nuovo

Castle Nuovo in Naples

After finishing our visit to the Church of Gesu Nuovo, we headed straight to Castel Nuovo or the New Castle. Castel Nuovo is a Medieval Renaissance style fortress built in the 13th century. Located right by the port, the castle provides some stunning views of the city and the Naples Bay.

Inside the castle, you can admire the beautiful frescoes of the Palatine Chapel and check out a collection of Naples art from the 17th – 20th centuries. In the Armory Hall, you’ll find Roman ruins under the glass floor.

  • Castel Nuovo is open from 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Saturday.

Galleria Umberto I

Naples’ famous shopping complex, Galleria Umberto I is just a few minutes away from Castel Nuovo.

Built in the late 19th century, Galleria Umberto I is an impressive glass-domed shopping arcade built in the Renaissance Revival style. Apart from being a shopping hub, Galleria Umberto I has become something of an iconic photo spot for tourists. It constantly reminded me of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan.

Galleria Umberto I in Naples

Teatro di San Carlo

Next up on our walking tour was the San Carlo Theater, the world’s oldest opera house . Yes, Naples has the distinction of being home to Teatro di San Carlo which is the oldest (and continuosly active) opera venue in the world. There’s no way you can leave Naples without visiting this magnificent theater.

Built in 1737, during the Bourbon era, the San Carlo Theater has an opulent auditorium that could once seat 3,000+ people. It has hosted many famous names in the world of music and dance, including Luciano Pavarotti, Carla Fracci, and Igor Stravinsky.

An interesting fact about this landmark is that each of the 184 box seats in the theater have a mirror that points towards the king’s box. It seems that everyone attending a concert here was expected to mirror the king’s reaction!! The sheer vanity!!

  • San Carlo Theater is open from 10:00am – 6:00pm every day.
  • You can buy online tickets on their official website here .

Royal Palace of Naples

Right next to the San Carlo Theater is the Royal Palace of Naples or the Palazzo Reale that dates back to the 17th century.

This imposing landmark was one of the palatial residences of the House of Bourbon and features an exquisite Throne Room, grand royal apartments, an impressive Hall of the Ambassadors, and the Palatine Chapel. The double staircase that leads you to the living apartments is stunning.

  • The Royal Palace of Naples is open from 9:00am – 8:00pm, Thursday – Tuesday. Check for updated opening hours here .
  • Get your online entrance tickets to Palazzo Reale here .

The happening Piazza Plebiscito in Naples Italy

Piazza del Plebiscito – Last stop on Naples walking tour

The last stop on our walking tour of Naples was the happening public square of Naples, Piazza del Plebiscito . Actually, both Royal Palace and San Carlo Theater are located on the piazza but we chose to visit them first and then come back and relax at Naples’ largest square.

Piazza Plebiscito literally translates to the “square of the people”. It is the perfect place to people-watch and soak in the vibes of Old Town Naples. Bordered by the Royal Palace and the Church of San Francesco di Paola, the piazza is also the best place to learn about Naples’ architecture and history.

We wrapped up our long day with some coffee at Gran Caffe Gambrinus , a 19th-century coffee house that has always been the haunt of politicians and intellectuals in Naples. They serve good coffee and desserts but be prepared for the crowds.

Interactive map for Walking Tour of Naples

Map of Naples Walking Tour Itinerary

Travel tips for Naples walking tour

  • Since there is going to be a lot of walking around, be sure to get your best walking shoes. Naples is not very hilly, though. So, there won’t be much climbing involved.
  • Get your skip-the-line ticket for the Naples Archaeological Museum here beforehand so that you don’t waste crazy amount of time at the ticketing queue.
  • Be sure to reserve your Naples underground tour here if you plan to go on one during the day. You’ll need to modify your walking tour itinerary depending on the schedule of your underground tour. Alternatively, you can also sign up for a walking tour like this one that includes underground ruins.
  • If you are planning to visit many attractions in and around Naples during your trip, getting a Campania Artecard is highly recommended.

More ideas for Naples walking tours

You can curate your own walking tour of Naples, Italy like we have done above or join a highly-rated guided tour listed below. There are many kinds of city walking tours available in Naples. Some may appeal to first-timers whereas others may excite repeat visitors.

  • Naples Downtown Tour with Veiled Christ Entry : A good old walking tour of Naples Historic Center that includes entrance to the Veiled Christ at the Chapel of Sansevero, this guided tour is a clear winner and one of the most popular ones in the market. → CHECK OUT THE NAPLES DOWNTOWN TOUR HERE
  • Origins, Cults, and Legends Tour of Naples : See a different side of Naples on this walking tour with an expert archaeologist guide who lets you in on Naples’ secrets and historical anecdotes. Highly rated at 4.9/5, this historical tour of Naples is one of the best ways to experience the city. → BOOK YOUR LEGENDS WALKING TOUR HERE
  • Walking Tour of Naples with Underground City : This one allows you to see two amazing things in Naples and those are the Historic Center and the ruins of an underground city in Naples. It is fascinating that Naples had an entire shadow city functioning underneath in the Greek and Roman eras. → BOOK YOUR NAPLES WALKING TOUR WITH UNDERGROUND RUINS HERE
  • Naples Maradona Tour : Yes, Naples has a unique walking tour dedicated to the famous football player, Diego Maradona. You can follow in the footsteps of Maradona and discover murals, photographs, and statues relating to Naples’ favourite player. There’s even something called the Temple of Maradona with his relics!!! → CHECK OUT THE MARADONA TOUR HERE
  • Naples street art tour : Discover the creative side of Naples on this popular street art tour . Uncover some of the best murals and graffiti in the Spanish Quarter. → CHECK OUT THE STREET ART TOUR NOW

Basilica of Santa Chiara in Naples, Italy

Naples walking tour FAQ

Yes, Naples Italy is a totally walkable city. The Historic Center of Naples where most tourist attractions are located is mostly flat and easy to walk around.

Yes, Naples is easy to walk around. There are no steep climbs and no tough corners to deal with in the Naples Historic Center. Be sure to get a good pair of walking shoes and you’ll have fun exploring Naples on foot.

You can walk through the Historic Center of Napoli that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to the most iconic landmarks of Naples. Our self-guided walking tour of Naples takes you through several attractions between the Naples Archaeological Museum and Piazza Plebiscito.

Loved this Naples walking tour itinerary? Pin it for later!

Traveling to Naples, Italy? Wondering what to do in Naples? Take this amazing walking tour of Naples and see all of Naples highlights in a day. #Naples #Italy

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map of naples tourist attractions

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BeeLoved City


12 Travel Tips for Visiting Naples in Italy You Need To Know

Are you thinking of visiting Naples in Italy and wondering what you should know before you do?

This article will be perfect for you!

Naples is one of my favourite cities in Italy. I’ve visited several times and can simply not get enough. But it’s also important to mention that it’s a very chaotic and a bit overwhelming city.

Some people love it, others hate it. I love it but I do think you need to be prepared and know a bit what you’re getting yourself into if you want to make the best of your time.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost for you!

🔎 Table of Contents

1. Avoid visiting in July and August

scappanapoli in naples

It’s incredibly hot in Italy in July and August and even more so in Naples. Southern Italy is blessed with beautiful weather but the summer months are really tough in the city since the buildings make it feel even hotter.

While it’s not impossible to visit in July or August (I mean, I’ve done it so you can!), it’s just not comfortable. It’s so hot that you have to stop a lot to drink and it makes your legs and feet swell which is not great.

Also, since it’s the summer holidays, Naples is super busy and everything tends to be more expensive.

If you can visit in May, June or September, you’ll get a much better experience.

2. Get used to the chaos

spanish quarters in naples

Naples is a chaotic city. It might very well be the most chaotic city in Europe to be honest. That’s something you need to get used to and embrace.

Yes, people don’t respect the rules, cars don’t stop for pedestrians, people drive scooters without helmets… that’s just the way it is and you need to get on with it.

I know this can feel quite weird when you’re not used to it but the more you try to fight the system (or lack of system) the harder you’ll make it for yourself.

Just accept the chaos.

3. Wear a money belt

There are quite a lot of pickpockets in Naples and theft is quite common. For this reason, it’s better to avoid putting your money in your backpack or in a handbag that doesn’t have a zip.

To keep your money and passport safe, I recommend using a money belt . I know it’s not the most stylish piece of clothing but it’s incredibly practical.

4. Use public transport and walk

toledo station in naples at night

Public transport in Naples is honestly quite good. There are only 2 metro lines which means it’s easy to navigate. The metro itself is also very clean and there is AC (which is a huge plus if you are visiting in summer). 

Ultimately, you can walk to most places in Naples but if you need to cover more distance, public transport is great. 

Also, the tickets are pretty cheap.

I also highly recommend using public transport to go to Pompeii, Herculaneum and Sorrento. From Garibaldi station, you can take the circumvesuviana train which is both very practical and cheap.

5. Don’t rent a car in Naples

street in naples

There are two reasons why you shouldn’t rent a car in Naples. Firstly, driving in Naples is very chaotic which makes it very hard if you’re not from Naples. You need to get used to the madness and it can be very stressful.

Secondly, there is simply no point in having a car in Naples since you can use public transport and everything is very easy to access. Even if you want to go to Pompeii or Sorrento, it’s much easier with the train.

The only reason why you should rent a car in Naples is if you want to go a bit off the beaten track and outside of Naples.

6. Learn some italian

spanish quarter street

While a lot of people in the old centre speak some English, it’s always quite handy to know some Italian.

In the Spanish Quarters for example, most people don’t speak English. A lot of them don’t even actually speak Italian much since they only speak Napolitan but knowing some Italian will be useful.

I recommend learning the common words such as hello, thank you, please, coffee, water, toilet…

Also, locals love it when you try to make an effort even if it’s in broken italian.

7. Eat street food

parisiana in naples

Naples is one of the best places in Italy when it comes to food. Some would even say that it’s the best place, full stop.

It’s the birthplace of pizza as well as many Italian specialties. But the thing that Naples does better than any other city in Italy, it’s street food.

From the fried pizza to the frittata di spaghetti, you’ll find loads of things you can buy from local stands (especially in the Spanish Quarters) and eat on the go.

Also, it’s very cheap so there is no reason to not try it!

8. Do a walking tour in the Spanish Quarters

street in naples spanish quarters

The Spanish Quarters are the most unique district in Naples. They are colourful, authentic, full of good food shops and where you can find the famous Maradona mural.

They used to be the most dangerous place in Naples and are now a lot more visited by tourists.

Walking around the Spanish Quarters is a unique experience that words can’t really describe. There is nothing like it.

street in naples

Most of the locals here speak Napolitan, a lot of them don’t even speak Italian so that’s to say how authentic it is.

While it’s not unsafe anymore to visit the Spanish Quarters, you should still be careful. The best way to visit this area is with a walking tour. Being with a guide will give you the chance to truly understand this part of Naples and learn plenty about the football culture and food.

9. Withdraw cash

Cash is king in Naples. A lot of places don’t accept cards and even if they do, they definitely prefer cash.

If you buy street food, you will need cash, for coffees as well. For restaurants, some of them do take cards but it’s better to have some cash at all times.

10. Avoid exploring on your own at night

naples at night

Technically, Naples is not overly unsafe however it can feel a bit overwhelming and even more at night. 

I would recommend avoiding going out by yourself too much at night, especially in the Spanish Quarters. 

11. Download Google Translate and the Italian language

People working in tourist attractions usually speak English, so do the waiters in the Old Centre but outside of that, most people don’t speak English.

For this reason, I recommend downloading Google Translate and the Italian language (so you can use it offline) beforehand. That way, language will never be too much of a barrier.

12. Don’t buy a Neapolitan horn for yourself

Via S Gregorio Armeno in Naples

As you walk around Naples, you will notice there are a lot of Neapolitan horns. This is a good luck charm for the Neapolitans and you can find them everywhere as key rings.

They make for the perfect souvenir however, you shouldn’t buy it for yourself. The horn only brings luck when it’s gifted so you can buy it for your friends and family but shouldn’t buy it for yourself. Someone else should buy it for you.

I hope this article has helped you and you have a better idea of what to expect in Naples.

You may also be interested in:

  • 6+ Best Pizza Tours in Naples To Go On
  • Day trip from Naples to Pompeii: How to visit Pompeii in one day from Naples, Italy
  • 12 Best Food Tours in Naples

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Founder of Beeloved City, I am originally from France and have been living in the UK since 2016. I've travelled to 25 countries as a backpacker, travel coordinator and for holidays. I spent a year in Australia before eventually settling down in Manchester, England


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Map of Naples

Map of Naples

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    Benevento and the Arch of Trajan. Castellammare di Stabia. Capua. Map of Tourist Attractions in Naples & Easy Day Trips. Naples, Italy - Climate Chart. 1. Castel Ovo and the Lungomare. Castel Ovo. Along the waterfront, at the historic gateway to the Mediterranean and the world, you can get a feel for this vibrant city.

  3. 23 Best Things to Do in Naples, Italy (Top Sights, Map & Tips)

    Top Experiences in Naples: Naples Underground. Naples Catacombs. Pompeii & Mt Vesuvius Tour. Sorrento & Amalfi Coast Tour. Naples. Good to know: To give you a better idea of where everything is located, we also created a map indicating the main sights and tourist attractions in Naples mentioned in this article.

  4. Detailed map of Naples tourist attractions

    Detailed map of Naples tourist attractions; Detailed map of Naples tourist attractions. Sites touristiques. loading map - please wait... Musée archéologique National de Naples: 40.853300, 14.250594. Santa Caterina a Formiello: 40.854465, 14.264818. Porta Capuana: ...

  5. Category Tourist map

    Detailed map of Naples tourist attractions. Detailed map of tourist places in Naples: squares, streets and districts, monuments, churches and museums. Tourist map.

  6. Top 15 things to do in Naples

    Founded by Greeks in the first millennium BCE, Naples is one of the most ancient cities in Europe - and it remains alluring to this day. Situated on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, with Mt Vesuvius towering in the distance, Italy's third-largest city is home to an incredible wealth of art and architecture. Ancient Greek wall fortifications, a Roman-era theater and a Norman castle ...

  7. 27 Top Tourist Attraction in Naples, Italy (+Map)

    26. Catacombe di San Gaudioso. Exploring the fascinating Catacombe di San Gaudioso, located beneath street level, is one of the most popular things to do in Naples. This underground burial complex is steeped in history and mystique, offering a unique glimpse into the ancient practice of Christian burial.

  8. Naples tourist attractions map

    You may download, print or use the above map for educational, personal and non-commercial purposes. Attribution is required. For any website, blog, scientific ...

  9. Things to do in Naples Italy: attractions

    25x Best things to do in Naples. 1. Must see: Pompeii. The excavations of the archaeological area of Pompeii Italy are one of the most famous attractions of Naples and Italy. It was a place that was located near the volcano of Mount Vesuvius. In AD 79, the volcano erupted and covered the city with volcanic ash.

  10. What to see in Naples

    One of Naples' most important tourist destinations, Via Toledo is a historic street dating back to 1536 and home many of the city's most iconic monuments. Piazza del Plebiscito An enormous public square in the centre of Naples, the Piazza del Plebiscito is home to many of the city's most emblematic buildings.

  11. Map of Naples

    Icons on the Naples interactive map. The map is very easy to use: Check out information about the destination: click on the color indicators. Move across the map: shift your mouse across the map. Zoom in: double click on the left-hand side of the mouse on the map or move the scroll wheel upwards. Zoom out: double click on the right-hand side of ...

  12. Attractions and places in Naples: all the things to see

    The list of attractions and places in Naples that you must see is very long: just stroll around the historic center to understand that the points of interest in Naples are in every street, corner or alley.. Many squares, museums, art galleries, churches and museums to visit make Naples a rich destination, with a lot of things to see and this richness increases if we consider the province and ...

  13. Map of Naples

    Get inspired for your trip to Naples with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here: See 19 top attractions and places to visit, 10 best restaurants, and more on our interactive tourist map of Naples.

  14. Top 10 Things to See in Naples

    Visit the Capodimonte Museum. 8. Catacombs. Among the city's most fascinating sights, the catacombs of Naples are a network of ancient underground tunnels and chambers that were once used as burial sites. There are three main catacombs open to visitors in Naples: San Gennaro; San Gaudioso; and the Fontanelle Cemetery.

  15. Naples Printable Tourist Map

    See the best attraction in Naples Printable Tourist Map. Deutschland United States España France Italia Brasil Россия ... Print the full size map. Download the full size map. Create your own map. Naples Map: The Attractions. 1. Piazza del Plebiscito. See on map. 2. Toledo. See on map. 3. New Castle. See on map. 4. Castel dell'Ovo. See on ...

  16. Naples, Italy

    The Palazzo dello Spagnuolo and the Palazzo Sanfelice are a must for lovers of architecture. Quartieri Spagnoli - with a name that is a throwback to when Naples was ruled by the Spanish Bourbons, this Neapolitan quarter epitomises the city. Expect narrow streets, laundry flapping above your head, and lots of graffiti.

  17. Naples Tourist Attractions Map PDF

    Naples Tourist Attractions Maps | City Tours Map. One of the largest municipalities located in Italy, Naples rich historical center is the biggest in Europe. The city boasts a number of monuments and buildings and has the oldest volcano observatory where one can observe Europe's famous Mount Vesuvius. Naples has also been named as the home of ...

  18. 15 Best Things to Do in Naples (Italy)

    3. Naples National Archaeological Museum. Housed in a fine ornate building that was created in the 1750's, the museum used to operate as a military and cavalry barracks and was turned into a museum in later years. The museum is located to the north of the Harbor but there is a Metro station right next to the building.

  19. The Top 22 Things to Do in Naples, Italy

    Via Eldorado, 3, 80132 Napoli NA, Italy. Get directions. Phone +39 081 795 6180. Visit website. Sitting in a prominent position on the harbor, Castel dell'Ovo is the oldest fortification in Naples. Built in 1154, the fortification occupies a small island facing the Santa Lucia district.

  20. How to visit Naples in one day and why you shouldn't miss it

    5 - Napoli sotterranea - underground Naples. Getting back in San Gaetano square, on the left side of the church, you will notice the entrance to Naples underground tour. It's a fascinating itinerary that will bring you 40 meters underneath modern town, to discover the old Roman aqueducts and tanks. Just unbelievable.

  21. A List of What to Do in Naples Italy

    Barrio Botanico in Naples, Italy. 📍 Google Maps | Phone: (814)-246-186 | Website | Hours: 9:30 am - 1 am Mon-Thurs, 9:30 am - 2 am Fri-Sat, 9:30 am - 1:30 am Sundays. Barrio Botanico is a trendy cocktail bar that's decorated with trees to make it feel like you're in a forest while in the middle of the city.

  22. The Best Self Guided Walking Tour Of Naples Italy + Map

    Archaeological Museum - 1st stop on Naples walking tour itinerary. Fresco representing the Battle of Alexander against Darius at the Naples Archaeological Museum. The Archaeological Museum, also known as MANN, is a must see on any visit to Naples. It is one of the best museums in all of Europe and a treasure house of ancient artifacts from ...

  23. 12 Travel Tips for Visiting Naples in Italy You Need To Know

    Secondly, there is simply no point in having a car in Naples since you can use public transport and everything is very easy to access. Even if you want to go to Pompeii or Sorrento, it's much easier with the train. The only reason why you should rent a car in Naples is if you want to go a bit off the beaten track and outside of Naples. 6.

  24. Map of Naples: tourist attractions

    Historical Maps of Naples. Sights in Naples and its surroundings. Maps and plans of Naples, Tourism and monuments, Tourist map. Greek-Roman archeology in Naples. Sorrento. 0 0 votes. Évaluez la destination. Login.