Dino Merlin

Dino Merlin (rođen Edin Dervišhalidović) p očeo je kao idejni vođa, kompozitor, tekstopisac i pjevač pop-rock grupe “ Merlin ”, koju osniva 1983. godine i tako postaje jedan od najmarkantnijih frontmena na području bivše Jugoslavije. Solo karijeru započinje 1991. godine pod umjetničkim imenom Dino Merlin .

Ukupni opus autorskih pjesama broji preko 200, a mnoge od njegovih pjesama smatraju se evergreenim-a i među najpoznatijim i najslušanijim su u regiji.

Iza Dine Merlina stoje višemilionski tiraži, jedanaest studijskih albuma i jednak broj evropskih i svjetskih turneja, pet beogradskih arena, četiri Stadiona Koševo u Sarajevu (turneja “Sredinom” 2000 , “Burek” 2004, “Ispočetka” 2008 , "Hotel Nacional" 2015 ) i rasprodati koncerti u nekim od n ajznačajnijih koncertnih dvorana “od Australije do Amerike”.

Album "Hotel Nacional" izdat 2014. godine dospio je među top 10 najprodavanijih world albuma svijeta na Billboard World Albums listi, a istoimena svjetska turneja okupila je preko 900.000 posjetilaca na četiri kontinenta. 

U Merlinovoj biografiji nalaze se i tri dosadašnja učešća na izborima za Pjesmu Evrovizije ; prvo ikad učešće Bosne i Hercegovine 1993. u Millstreetu (Irska) kada je bio autor muzike i koautor teksta za pjesmu „Sva bol svijeta“ ; 1999. u Jerusalemu (Izrael), kada je sa autorskom pjesmom „Putnici“ u duetu sa Beatrice Poulot osvojio sedmo mjesto, i 2011. u Dizeldorfu (Njemačka) s autorskom pjesmom “Love In Rewind” osvaja visoko šesto mjesto, koje je do sada drugi najbolji plasman BiH na ovom takmičenju.

Tokom karijere sarađuje sa priznatim umjetnicima s međunarodne scene od kojih se izdvajaju Cat Stevens (V. Britanija), Mustafa Sandal i Hüsnü Şenlendirici (Turska), Lutvi Bošnjak (Tunis), Edo Zanki (Njemačka), Arjinder (V. Britanija), Gani Tamir (Izrael) i producenti Yoad Nevo (Pet Shop Boys, Bryan Adams, Sia), Richard Niles (Paul McCartney, Tina Turner, Grace Jones), i mnogi drugi.

Na poziv tadašnjeg gradonačelnika Rima, Valtera Vetronija, u Rimskom Koloseumu nastupa na velikom humanitarnom koncertu za mir "Glocal Forum" rame uz rame sa imenima poput Ray Charles, Mercedes Sosa, Khaled i dr.

Dobitnik je više nagrada i priznanja u oblasti muzike i kulturnog stvaralaštva, kao što su „Davorin“, „Porin“, „Hrvatski Radijski Festival“ i dr. Dino Merlin je dobitnik Šestoaprilske nagrade Grada Sarajeva u oblasti kulture i umjetnosti (2017), dok iste godine Al Jazeera Balkans objavljuje dokumentarni film o životu ovog umjetnika pod nazivom " Sredinom " .

Pored umjetničkog rada, Dino Merlin  kontinuirano pruža finansijsku podršku razvoju društvene zajednice putem odabranih partnerskih organizacija iz raznih oblasti (zdravstvo, obrazovanje, sport i dr), ali i kroz direktnu finansijsku podršku fizičkim i pravnim licima za socijalno ugrožene kategorije stanovništva i učešće u humanitarnim aktivnostima. Između ostalog, dobitnik je međunarodnog priznanja za humanitarni rad pod nazivom  International Humanitarian Award „Priznanje za humanost“  (2013), te priznanja Crvenog križa za pružanje pomoći stanovništvu BiH nastradalom u poplavama i klizištima u 2014. godini .

Dino je također i autor teksta za prvu zvaničnu himnu Bosne i Hercegovine „Jedna si jedina“. Od 2012 - 2018. obnašao je funkciju prvog Predsjednika Skupštine Udruženja „Asocijacija kompozitora-muzičkih stvaralaca“- AMUS . Živi i radi u Sarajevu.

Dino Merlin Facts

Lični podaci.

  • Edin Dervišhalidović (Dino Merlin)
  • Rođen 12. septembra 1962. u Sarajevu, BiH
  • Kompozitor, tekstopisac, aranžer, producent i izvođač
  • Autor teksta za prvu himnu BiH „Jedna si jedina“
  • Živi i radi u Sarajevu

Izdvojeni koncerti

  • Stadion Koševo , Sarajevo
  • Štark Arena , Beograd
  • Arena Zagreb , Zagreb
  • Pulska Arena , Pula
  • Spaladium Arena , Split
  • Arena Stožice , Ljubljana
  • Wiener Stadthalle , Beč
  • Annexet (Avicii Arena) , Štokholm
  • Enmore Theatre , Sydney
  • Festival Hall , Melbourne
  • Sound Academy , Toronto
  • Le Bataclan , Pariz
  • Gasometer , Beč
  • The Vic Theatre , Čikago, i dr.

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Moscow Vnukovo airport (VKO)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.

 Passenger Guide

 general information.

Moscow-Vnukovo International Airport, opened on July 1, 1941, is one of the airports serving the country's capital. It operates domestic flights and international destinations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and the Caribbean. Official Website: vnukovo.ru

Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.

Annual passenger traffic: 16.4 million passengers went through it in 2022.

Tel: +7 495 937 5555. There is an information counter on the ground floor of the terminal, next to the main entrance.


The airport is located in the Vnukovo district, 28 km (18 miles) southwest of Moscow.


 arrivals,  airlines,  facilities and lounges,  overnight stay,  transportation,  car hire, car rental agencies.

Rentmotors (Tel +7 916 724 0455 - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm) and RexRent (Tel +7 495 981 1917 / 800 250 1213 - 9:00 am to 9:00 pm) have offices in the Arrivals Hall.


Parking services at moscow vnukovo airport (vko).

Several parking options available. Payment is made at the stations located at the exit of each sector. More information: Tel +7 495 436 7893 / 7892. Tariffs

P1 & P2 - Multi-level facilities in front of the terminal. First 15 minutes are free. P6 - Long-stay area located in Vnukovo village, on Aeroflotskaya Street.

It is important to request assistance in advance (up to 48 hours before departure) and to describe your needs precisely. A wheelchair can be requested to move around the terminal and board the aircraft with the help of a lift. A special waiting room, induction loops for the hearing impaired, ramps and lifts are also available. More information: Tel +7 495 436 6189.

Latest updates: May 12, 2023

VIP Lounge Pass

What to know before having a Flight

rapsody travel dino merlin

Russia: One Week Itinerary

Russia , the largest country in the world has been on my bucketlist for the longest time. This is where the first ‘women only’ tour of Ticking the Bucketlist is headed. We are off tomorrow and would be spending one week in this enchanting land!

Here is what our ‘one week in Russia’ itinerary looks like….

Day 1: Moscow – Izmailovsky Flea Market and ‘Moscow by Night’

We start our trip from Delhi on an Aeroflot flight and reach Moscow at about 0835 in the morning. We head straight to our hotel to stretch our legs and get some shut-eye. We need to charge our batteries for the Russian sojourn. We are staying in the Best Western Vega at the Izmailovsky area, which is very famous for its local flea market. The  Izmailovsky Market is the best place in Moscow for souvenir shopping …dolls, porcelain, jewelry boxes…we will buy them all from here.

Day 2: Moscow – Moscow City Tour and Kremlin Tour

A red building at the Red Square of the Kremlin

Having seen the city’s light the previous night, it is time to see the city’s colours this morning. We will set off on the Moscow City Tour shows us the highlights of city, starting with the Red Square. This is our day to click a 1000 pictures in front of all the monuments that represent Moscow…St Basil’s Cathedral, the Bolshoi theatre, the Olympic Stadium and the Sparrow Hills.

Exploring the Kremlin

Today is also the day to visit and learn more about the most famous monument in Russia. Kremlin, literally means a fort inside a city. Dynasties built on the site, one century after another and the site came to known as the Kremlin in the 14the century. The walled structure of the Kremlin includes palaces and cathedrals… and a historical past!

Later in the evening, we will enjoy the Russian circus that many of us have seen to television ever so often. Acrobats, clowns and animals….its is time to let the little girl in you come out and clap her hands!  

Day 3: Moscow – Metro Stations and Arbat Street followed by the Bolshoi Ballet 

Mosaics on the walls of the metro station

Today, we set out to explore the metro stations of Moscow, each of which is a stellar work of art. Stunning frescos and chandeliers in marble surroundings… it’s a work of art! We will then walk along the Arbat street, which is the city’s only pedestrian street, lined with shops and cafes.

As the night unfolds, I intend to don a classy dress and get set to watch one of the finest shows on earth at the Bolshoi Theatre. I have always been awestruck by the art form and would love to see some of the best performers in the world move gracefully. A performance that is rated as one of the best in the world has to be ticked off my bucketlist!

Day 4: Moscow – Day Tour to Sergiev Posad followed by a crazy bar hopping night!

Sergiev Posad is one the strongest spiritual centres in Russia. Home to stunning churches, Sergiev Posad will give us a flavour of the famous ‘Golden Ring’ of Russia. The tour will take 5-7 hours and we will be back at the hotel in second half.

Exploring Sergiev Posad

This will be our last night in Moscow, and we are not going to leave the city without sampling some fine Russian vodka. So, this night is dedicated to bar hopping and pub crawling. Hope to meet some travellers and make new friends.

Day 5: Saint Petersburg – Sapsan train experience to Saint Petersburg and Matryoshka Doll painting class

Saint Petersburg , our next destination, is at least 700 km away from Moscow… and we will zip zap zoom on the Sapsan (the high speed train) to get there in about four hours! The high speed trains are engineering marvels, worth experiencing and we ride this iron horse in the afternoon, reaching St Peterburg in the evening.

As a group, we also join a masterclass to paint our own nested Matryoshka dolls… our own little souvenir to carry and remind us of a fun week in Russia.

With our very own Matryoshka dolls!

Day 6: Saint Petersburg – City Tour and Peterhof Palace

The day starts with a city tour of Saint Petersburg that will give us a peek into what this city has… many bridges, stunning castles, colourful cathedrals and fortresses.

Post lunch, we will head to the Peterhof Palace, also called the Russian Versailles. With spring having set in, the gardens would be green and the fountains will put up a show…I am excited!

Peterhof Palace

Day 7: Saint Petersburg – Hermitage Museum and Shopping

The highlights tour on the previous day will surely make us want to see more of Saint Petersburg…and we will do so by visiting the Hermitage Museum, which is also called the ‘Louvre of Russia’. The Hermitage complex itself is of architectural delight … and the collections have stories to speak which will hopefully, spike our interest enough to make to go back read our history textbooks.

The Hermitage Museum

The rest of the day is totally free to visit any of the other monuments or simply shop … it’s every girl’s favourite sport, isn’t it?

Our last night Russia… Oh Russia!!!! Tonight we will explore the party scene in SPB … or maybe … pack for the next day?

Day 8: Saint Petersburg …Bye Bye Russia

Memories, souvenirs and new friendships… it’s time take them all back to India! We check out of our hotel and take the flight from SPB to Delhi, via Moscow.

Farewell Russia!

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About post author, 11 responses.

Your photos are beautiful! I have always wanted to visit Russia, especially after seeing Anastasia (the Disney movie) 🙂 I can’t believe those mosaics are on the walls at the METRO STATION! How unreal. Great stuff, thanks for sharing.

Wow that is quite an awesome itinerary. I mean… huge Russia in 1 week. I am still dreaming of St. Petersbourg. So many people told me that it is gorgeous. And I would die to see the Ballet

You know I have never considered Russia but this itinerary looks amazing. St. Petersburg looks beautiful. I will certainly consider a trip there now

I’ve only been to St Petersburg so far, and did a few tours in the city and around. But I have a good friend in Moscow, so the incentive is definitely there to go back. I enjoy doing those by night experiences and see how cities transform in different times of day – especially if it’s topped with a circus visit, amazing 🙂

We are thinking of heading to Russia next Summer so will deffo use this itinerary, looks amazing! Would love to visit the Kremlin in Moscow! Thanks for sharing!

I have always been fascinated by Russia. I like the colourful rounds domes on the Palaces just like an Aladin’s Palace. FIFA Football World will be held in Russia next year and I will try my best to visit this beautiful country and will follow your itinerary and contact you. 🙂

Moscow and Kremlin city tour looks amazing. Your one week itinerary is helpful and complete tour of Russian delights. St.Petersburg city tour is also enchanting and splendid. I really want to have Russian vacation now after seeing your pictures

Wow, this is awesome. Well weaved itinerary! We had always dreamed of taking pictures of those onion-domed palaces and those colors on the palaces are just mind blowing. We didn’t know that there is a Versailles in Russia the exterior paint and the colors look much similar. We had loved it in France and would love to visit it in Russia too.

The Peterhof Palace is a delight to visit. Highly recommend it if you are in SPB

I haven’t visited Russia, but it’s definitely on the list! This a great itinerary, I love how you included things to do but also gave some leeway to do things on your own as well (like shopping haha). Beautiful pictures, the buildings and Russian dolls are stunning! I wonder if they’re all hand painted.

The dolls are all hand painted. The cost increases depending on the quality of work and the artist.

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  8. Live

    Follow Dino Merlin. Track to get concert live stream and tour updates. Lokacija Datum Mjesto Ulaznice/Informacije. 01 Olympiahalle Rasprodano. 19.10.24. 20:00. München, Germany. 02 Arena Geneva 16.11.24. 20:30. Geneva, Switzerland. Ulaznice na ticketcorner.ch. 03 Uber Eats Music Hall ...

  9. Biografija

    Dino Merlin. Dino Merlin (rođen Edin Dervišhalidović) p očeo je kao idejni vođa, kompozitor, tekstopisac i pjevač pop-rock grupe " Merlin ", koju osniva 1983. godine i tako postaje jedan od najmarkantnijih frontmena na području bivše Jugoslavije. Solo karijeru započinje 1991. godine pod umjetničkim imenom Dino Merlin.

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    Dino Merlin @ Olympiahalle, München, Germany, 19.10.2024.Ulaznice ️ dinomerlin.com/live OUT NOW 'Skoro će zima' & 'Ne radujemo se (feat. Marko Louis)'Apple ...

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  16. Rapsody Travel & Events on Instagram: " Poslednje karte u prodaji! ⏰‼

    204 likes, 1 comments - rapsodytravel on May 11, 2023: " Poslednje karte u prodaji! ⏰‼️ Još 50 slobodnih mesta! ️ Dino Merlin ..."

  17. Moscow Vnukovo airport (VKO)

    Moscow-Vnukovo International Airport, opened on July 1, 1941, is one of the airports serving the country's capital. It operates domestic flights and international destinations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and the Caribbean. Official Website: vnukovo.ru. Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.

  18. Рапсоди Травел България

    София - 0876 50 40 15. Пловдив - 0876 50 40 84. Варна - 0876 50 40 89. [email protected]. Работно време. БАНКА. Уникредит Булбанк. Рапсоди Травел България ООД. IBAN: BG49UNCR70001521386570 /BGN/.

  19. Дино Мерлин

    Един Дервишхалидовиќ ( босански: Edin Dervišhalidović ), познат како Дино Мерлин (р. 12 септември 1962 во Сараево ) — босански пејач, текстописец и музичар. Автор е на текстот на првата химна на Република ...

  20. Russia: One Week Itinerary

    Having seen the city's light the previous night, it is time to see the city's colours this morning. We will set off on the Moscow City Tour shows us the highlights of city, starting with the Red Square. This is our day to click a 1000 pictures in front of all the monuments that represent Moscow…St Basil's Cathedral, the Bolshoi theatre, the Olympic Stadium and the Sparrow Hills.


    EKSKLUZIVNO! Koncert čuvenog Dine Merlina po prvi put u Španiji! Rezervišite datum 20. maj 2023. godine za veče za pamćenje, u Costa Bravi - Ultraclub Millenium, sa početkom od 21:30h.20. maj 2023. godine za veče za pamćenje, u Costa Bravi - Ultraclub Millenium, sa početkom od 21:30h.

  22. Vnukovo Map

    Vnukovo. Vnukovo District is an administrative district of Western Administrative Okrug, and one of the 125 raions of Moscow, Russia. Most of the district is occupied by Vnukovo International Airport, a small adjacent residential area, and a separate residential micro-district. Photo: Ssr, CC BY-SA 3.0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave ...

  23. Flight distance VKO → DME

    Flight route: 28.30 mi (45.54 km) (0h 33min) The flight distance between airports Vnukovo International Airport and Domodedovo International Airport is 28.30 mi (45.54 km).This corresponds to an approximate flight time of 0h 33min. Similar flight routes: VKO → ZIA, VKO → VKO, VKO → SVO, SVO → DME, SVO → ZIA Bearing: 116.58° (ESE)