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The Journey Technique

Remembering long lists.

Written by the Mind Tools Content Team

journey in memory

If you forgot something on your shopping list, chances are you wouldn't be very surprised. But if you forgot the route to the store? Now that would be a shock!

It's because we expect to remember journeys. So why not use that ability to help with other, harder types of learning?

This article explains how to do just that, using a memory method called the Journey Technique. It's a powerful way to learn lists confidently and effectively.

What Is the Journey Technique?

The Journey Technique is an ancient memory method that lets you store new information within familiar mental journeys, allowing you to navigate it with ease.

You could use your journey to work, for example; the route you take to visit your parents; or a tour around a regular holiday destination.

It's a great way to learn lists, because each journey gives a clear order to all the information held within it.

How to Use the Journey Technique

To use the Journey Technique most effectively, it's best to prepare a journey beforehand. This ensures that the landmarks are clear in your mind before you use them to "store" new information.

So first pick a journey that you're very familiar with. Spend a few moments imagining yourself traveling along the journey.

Next, choose landmarks or points of interest along the way. When you've selected approximately ten, write them down – and check that you can remember them in order. You'll need to keep this sequence the same every time you use this particular journey.

When you're ready to remember a list, pick an image to represent each item. With things that you can already "see," such as objects or people, the images will likely be straightforward. However, it's a good idea to exaggerate them, to make them even more memorable.

With more abstract information, such as discussion points or business concepts, you may need to invent "image clues" to represent them in your journey.

If you're struggling to come up with an image for an abstract concept, imagine you're adding a picture to a presentation slide. What sort of illustration would you select to get your point across?

Finally, "position" your chosen images at the landmarks on your journey. You can have fun in your imagination as you create weird and wonderful scenes all along your route.

An Example of the Journey Technique

Let's say you needed to remember a shopping list:

coffee, salad, peas, bread, fish, chicken, pork chops, soup, fruit, bathtub cleaner

Using your regular journey to the store, you might pick the following stopping-points:

  • The doormat by your front door.
  • The rose bush in your front garden.
  • Your driveway.
  • The junction at the end of your road.
  • A bridge over the highway.
  • Traffic signals.
  • The local fuel station.
  • A large office building.
  • A playground by the road.
  • The supermarket parking lot.

You would then visualize one item at each of those points, in sequence. The journey might look like this:

  • On the doormat, coffee beans are piled high.
  • Under the rose bush, a rabbit is munching crunchy salad leaves.
  • On your driveway, someone has spilled thousands of bright green peas.
  • At the junction there's a signpost made of bread.
  • From the bridge, freshly caught fish are hanging above the traffic.
  • At the traffic signals there are chicken breasts where the lights should be.
  • Outside the fuel station, a pig is doing karate chops (pork chops!).
  • In front of the office building there's a deep river of tomato soup.
  • In the playground, children are jumping from the swing set to pull fruit from a tree.
  • In the supermarket parking lot, a dirty bathtub (in need of cleaner) is blocking your favorite spot.

When the time comes to recall the list, you simply retrace the journey in your "mind's eye." At each stopping-point, you should find an unforgettable image of something to buy.

You can use the Journey Technique in many different workplace situations.

A journey could hold all the key points for a presentation, for example.

If you're negotiating, why not use a journey to memorize your most persuasive pieces of evidence?

And it might be useful to learn the phases of a project this way, and then add in extra details – so that the information you need is always at your fingertips.

Making the Most of the Journey Technique

This is a very flexible memory system. To learn longer lists, simply create longer journeys. To remember a short list, only use part of the route!

Another advantage of this technique is that you can use it to work both backward and forward, and start anywhere within the route to retrieve information.

You can also combine this technique with other mnemonics. This can be done either by building complex images at particular stops on a journey, or by linking to other mnemonics at each one. You could even use some of the landmarks as starting-points for entirely new journeys.

The Journey Technique Infographic

See our Journey Technique infographic .

journey in memory

The Journey Technique is a way of remembering lists by visualizing images at points along a familiar journey. It involves three steps:

  • Choose a journey you know well and highlight memorable landmarks or stopping-points along the way.
  • Create images to represent each item on a list that you want to remember.
  • Visualize those images arranged, in sequence, at the landmarks you've chosen on your journey.

Be as imaginative as you can to create a richly memorable map. And all the images should still be there when you make the journey again in your "mind's eye."

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Different memories reside in different parts of the brain, and neuroscientists are still trying to find out where our brains store some memories.

On their journey through the brain, our memories pass through the hippocampus, a temporary transit hub. Where they go next depends on whether your brain is recording the capitals of the 50 states, your reaction to the latest Seth Rogen movie, or the shock of witnessing a traffic accident.

For every memory, the brain creates a new circuit of neurons, or alters or strengthens an existing circuit. And each memory has a context‒it's encoded in the brain based on meaning and association. Long-term memories fall into two types, declarative and nondeclarative. Under declarative memories‒which are encoded by the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal cortex, but consolidated and stored in other parts of the brain‒come episodic memories. Episodic memories are our personal experiences, including the emotional charge of those experiences: the day I started med school … the time I spilled coffee on my suit just before a job interview … the first time I laid eyes on the love of my life. These personal memories end up in the medial temporal lobe and neocortex. Anything emotional or traumatic involves the amygdala. Semantic memories are the things outside of our personal experience that we learn, say, from textbooks. What's the capital of Estonia? When was the Battle of Waterloo? Can you recite pi to 10 digits? These types of memory reside in the lateral and anterior temporal cortex and the prefrontal cortex.

Nondeclarative memory lets us remember how to ride a bicycle, strum a guitar, or hammer a nail. These procedural memories are encoded and stored by the cerebellum, putamen, caudate nucleus, and motor cortex.

Short-term memory, or working memory, has been likened to a scratch pad where we jot down a phone number. Unless we make an effort to retain that number, it will disappear. The central executive part of the prefrontal cortex handles these types of memories. Ever wonder why we break up phone numbers and credit card numbers? That's "chunking," breaking a long number into chunks, which allows us to increase our short-term memory capacity.

  • Neurobiology

40+ Things to Do In Memory of a Loved One

Updated 06/6/2024

Published 11/12/2019

Kate Wight, BA in English

Kate Wight, BA in English

Contributing writer

Discover how you can celebrate a loved one after they die, including 'in memory of' activities, rituals, and more.

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In the days and weeks after a loved one passes away, it is really hard to think about them. Sometimes we have to consciously push away memories of our loved ones because the grief can be overwhelming. 

After some time passes though, grief becomes less intense. You develop the ability to be able to think about your loved ones without getting submerged in sadness. Over time, you’ll begin to find comfort and even joy in the memories of the person you’ve lost.

Getting to this point is a huge milestone, and it deserves to be celebrated. Here are some concrete ways you can begin to cherish the memories of the person or people you’ve lost.

Jump ahead to these sections:

Ideas on how to remember mom and dad, ideas on how to remember a sibling, ideas on how to remember a spouse or partner, ideas on how to remember a friend.

Losing a parent can be particularly difficult. They were usually the ones present for nearly every major life milestone. They were the ones who have always been there for you. Trying to navigate your life without the ones who have guided you since you were born can be a lonely and scary experience.

But your parents wouldn’t want to be a source of pain for you. These are some of the ways you can honor their memories: 

1. Organize and share their photographs

Many parents have boxes and boxes of old photographs that their kids may not have seen in years. If that’s the case for you, take the time to go through and digitize those photographs. You can scan them yourself, or hire a professional service to scan them for you. You can upload them to a Facebook group or website and organize them. If your parents were the types of people to write notes on the backs of photographs, you can transcribe them online as well.

In doing this, not only will you preserve your family history, you’ll be able to rediscover memories of times you may have forgotten. Putting them online will give you the chance to share these memories with other family members, and may even open the doors to create stronger bonds with them. 

2. Honor their holiday traditions

Even when we’re adults, our parents often continue organizing holiday celebrations and including traditions from your own childhood. Even if they’re gone, you can keep their memories alive by making sure those traditions continue.

Prepare Thanksgiving dinner with the same recipes they once used, and use the fine china they saved for special occasions. Decorate the Christmas tree using the ornaments you remember from your childhood. In keeping their traditions alive, you’ll help keep their memories alive.

3. Support charities they believed in

Donating to an organization that your parents believed in doesn’t just help out a charity. You’ll also benefit from the positive feeling you get from helping out an organization that was important to them.

Doing some good in the world is an excellent way to add to their legacy.

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4. Take part in shared hobbies

It’s entirely understandable that you might stay away from the tennis courts for a while if you used to play doubles with your parents on the weekends.

But take that or another shared hobby up again when the grief has faded a little bit. Your parents wouldn’t want you to leave behind a cherished activity forever. 

5. Create a family tree

Sometimes the pain of losing our parents makes you want to avoid thinking about them and the rest of your family by extension. But staying in that mindset for too long means your memories of your family history may begin to fade.

Exploring your family’s history and ancestry can be a healing exercise.

6. Prepare the meals they taught you to cook

Food is one of the few universal constants that brings people together. The smell and taste of food also evokes powerful memories.

These memories may be too strong to deal with immediately after they die. But when you’re ready, preparing a meal you used to prepare with them can be a soothing ritual. 

7. Tell their life stories 

The best way to keep someone’s memory alive is to make sure that stories of them continue to be told. Write down your best memories of your mom and dad, and share other stories they told you.

Preserve the memories of how they met and how they raised you so you can share them with your own children and grandchildren. 

8. Buy a memorial bench

Many public parks will allow people to dedicate benches to the memory of a loved one who has died in exchange for a donation.

Dedicating a memorial bench will give you a place to go and think about them and feel close to them. You’ll also know that other people who visit the park will benefit from its presence. 

9. Plant a tree in their memory

Planting a tree is a lovely symbolic gesture that life can continue to go on and flourish, even after death.

Many people choose gingko to serve as a memory tree as a tongue-in-cheek reference: extract from the gingko tree is used as a memory aid. 

10. Visit the place they came from

Sometimes a long journey can actually bring you closer to your home. If your parents were from abroad, consider visiting their homeland. Seeing the place where they came from can help you learn more about them, even in death. 

There’s a saying that goes, “siblings are your first best friend.” Losing a sibling is a double blow, because you are losing a friend and family member all in one. Here are a few ways to honor that unique bond: 

11. Listen to your shared favorite artists 

Music, like food, is strongly tied to memory. Listening to music from your childhood can bring memories from that time to the surface.

This may make it hard to listen to music you once listened to with your sibling at first. But as time goes by, those songs will help you feel closer to them.  

12. Connect with their children

It’s difficult for children to lose a parent. When you’re all ready, share some stories about your sibling with your family.

Your nieces and nephews will cherish learning new things about one of their parents. 

13. Revisit a favorite childhood destination

If your family had a favorite vacation spot when you were growing up, consider taking a trip back as an adult. Revisiting that spot as an adult will help you reconnect with fond childhood memories with your sibling. 

14. Get a tattoo in their honor

If you want a lasting memorial for your sibling, it doesn’t get much more permanent than a tattoo. Popular memorial tattoos include angel wings or a quote written in the handwriting of a person who has died. 

15. Adopt an animal

If your sibling was an animal lover, you can adopt a wild animal through the World Wildlife Fund. No, that doesn’t mean you’ll get a pet tiger. But it does mean that an endangered animal somewhere in the world will benefit from your support.  

16. Organize a memorial fundraiser

If your sibling passed away from an illness, helping raise funds can give you some closure. Organize a 5K or Walkathon with any funds raised going to a research organization that’s searching for a cure. 

17. Complete a project that mattered to them

If your sibling was writing a book or organizing a class reunion or painting a picture, you can finish it if you have the skillset. Wrapping up something that was important to them is a great way to feel connected. 

18. Put up childhood photos

Take time to sit with your parents and go through old family photos. Find some photographs of you and your siblings from throughout your lives together and get them framed. This will help you stay focused on positive memories of them. 

19. Release balloons on their birthday

When a loved one dies, days like their birthday can become tainted by sadness. Try and reclaim that day by releasing biodegradable balloons. This symbolic act of letting go may help you heal. 

20. Wear a locket

Keep your loved one close to your heart by wearing a locket with pictures of you both inside. If there happens to be a locket that has been in the family for some time, that can add another layer of personal meaning. 

Whether you’ve spent five years together or fifty, the loss of a spouse is a difficult thing to go through. The healing process is a long one. But there are ways you can remember them that can help your own healing and even benefit the world around you. 

21. Create a memorial scholarship

If you and your spouse attended the same high school or college, you can fund a memorial scholarship in their honor. Keep your spouse’s memory alive by giving advantages to a student in need. 

22. Get memorial jewelry made

It may become too painful to wear your wedding rings after losing a spouse. Over time though, you may feel ready to wear jewelry that commemorates your spouse. If your spouse was cremated, there are several kinds of cremation jewelry that are a unique way to keep your loved one with you. 

23. Memorial seed packets

Creating life in honor of someone who died is a beautiful way to bring positivity to tragedy. You can commission memorial wildflower seed packets to pass along to family and friends to bring color alive all around the world. 

24. Preserve their handwriting 

Handwriting is one of the most unique things about a person. You can scan and digitize handwritten documents and get the handwriting turned into a font. If you share children together, you may want to use this font to write letters to them with information your spouse would have wanted shared. 

25. Write letters

It can be hard living without your partner in life. Writing them letters letting them know what’s happening in your life can help you feel less alone. It also keeps their memory alive within you. 

26. Get a memorial quilt made

When your spouse passes away, the time will come for you to let go of some of their possessions. But there’s a way to repurpose some of them and keep them with you.

You can have some of your spouse’s favorite articles of clothing made into a memorial quilt that will continue keeping you warm.  

27. Commission artwork

If there’s a photograph of your loved one that you’re especially fond of, consider hiring an artist to create a sketch or painting based on it. It can be healing to look at a cherished photo in a new way. 

28. Take a second honeymoon 

When you’re ready to travel again, consider revisiting your honeymoon. Exploring the same place where you started your marriage will help you feel connected to your spouse’s memory. 

29. Encourage random acts of kindness

Whenever you’re faced with the opportunity to do a kindness for someone, take advantage of it. If they offer to pay you back, ask them to pay it forward in memory of your spouse instead. 

30. Put together a memorial chest

You may have special items that belonged to your spouse that you want to keep for sentimental reasons. These may include items like cufflinks, wedding bands, or love letters.  Keep these together in an engraved decorative box that you can revisit when you need to. 

Some friends are really more like chosen family. When those friends die, you will want to commemorate them the same way you would any family member. 

31. Create a playlist

If you and your friend enjoyed going out dancing or attending concerts, create a playlist in their honor. Fill it with songs you know they loved, and it can help you bring a smile to your face. 

32. Keep something of theirs with you

Something as simple as an item of clothing can help you feel connected to the memory of your friend. Use one of their t-shirts as a nightshirt or wear a piece of jewelry of theirs as a kind of friendship bracelet. 

33. Raise a glass

Pick up a bottle of your friend’s favorite wine or a six-pack of their favorite microbrew and have a toast in their honor. Don’t want to drink alone? Make it into a gathering with some mutual pals and share happy stories about your late friend. 

34. Check items off of their bucket list

Did your friend dream of traveling to Australia or idly talk about starting a podcast? Keep them alive by fulfilling the dreams they never got around to realizing. 

35. Create a culinary memorial

If you and your friend were regulars at a restaurant or cafe, ask the proprietors about temporarily or permanently naming a dish or drink after them. It’s a lasting way to celebrate your friend’s (literal) good taste.   

36. Fulfill their hopes for you

Our friends are always our biggest cheerleaders. If your friend encouraged you to do something that scares you - like sing karaoke or try stand-up comedy - take the leap. Their faith in you should be realized. 

37. Create a memorial website

Even if your social circle is spread across the world, you can come together online to celebrate your friend. Create an online memorial website where people can post pictures and share stories about your friend.

38. Visit a butterfly garden

In many cultures, butterflies are seen as representations of the soul. Visiting a butterfly garden can help you feel a little closer to the spirits of people you’ve loved and lost. 

39. Support something close to their hearts

If your friend was passionate about literacy, you can donate books to the local library. If they were devoted to ending hunger, host a food drive for the local food bank. Whatever your friend cared about, make sure you support it now that they no longer can. 

40. Create a scrapbook or photo album

So many of our photographs and memories live online in digital spaces. Creating a physical photo album or scrapbook can help make your memories more concrete.

41. Put an "in loving memory" decal on your car

A decal on your car or window will allow you to keep a memory with you at home or wherever you travel. Personalizing it as an "in loving memory" decal is a special way to honor your loved one.

Memorializing a Loved One

The people we love are as unique as snowflakes. As such, there is no universal list of ways to help their memory live on. Concentrate on finding a specific way to honor them that is true to who they are. You will know best how to ensure their memory lives on.  


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“My caregiver mantra is to remember: The only control you have is over the changes you choose to make.”
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Tony of Toronto, Canada share his caregiver guilt over the decision for long term care placement .

Tony shares:

My mom has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's about 3 years ago.

She was living in a basement apartment of our bungalow for 9 years.

Over the years, we have hired increasing levels of care giving. Starting with having someone with her 3 days a week, 8 hours a day. Later we advanced to securing care for her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the home. We had this help in the last 5 months before she was accepted by a long term care facility.

After a few falls... when I realized that she needed 24/7 care,I struggled with the idea of putting her in a long term care facility.

Dreading the thought, I began to realize that providing 24/7 care in her apartment ... was not going to be sustainable.

My mom was admitted to the nursing home Jan 28, 2011 for long term care placement.

At first, she seemed to be adjusting well.

Between, myself, wife and brother, she is visited at least once a day.

Being at the nursing home, she seem to have way more lucid moments than she did at her apartment.

Perhaps this was due to the interaction with people or a change in her diabetes medication.

She is now on insulin. Before, her doctor had her on four different meds for diabetes.

My mom generally appears healthier, though she complains about feeling as if the wheel chair is rocking.

A CTR appointment is in progress. Lately, she has been saying she hates it at the home. She feels that she is not treated well. She feels as if she has to wait long to be tended to (she was used to one on one help at home 24/7). She is very unhappy with long term care placement.

The last couple weeks she has broken down in tears begging to please take her home.

I have been a basket case recently, crying at the nursing home, in public, and at work. My wife is getting upset because she cannot handle seeing me like this. I only talk about how sad I am for my mom, repeatedly saying to my wife, that this is exactly why I did not want long term care placement for mom... I feel miserable, angry and very sad. Help please!

First let me tell you that you are not alone. As a family caregiver, we feel a tremendous amount of responsibility for the happiness of the person we are providing care.

The emotional journey of transitioning a loved one into a memory care facility is often fraught with complex emotions, particularly for family members who have been the primary caregivers. Tony, from Toronto, Canada, shares his deeply personal and challenging experience of moving his mother, diagnosed with Alzheimer's, into long-term care. His narrative underscores the multifaceted nature of this decision – the guilt, the worry, and the unexpected reliefs and disappointments that come with such a transition.

journey in memory

Understanding the Emotional Landscape of Memory Care Transition

The transition to a memory care community, such as an assisted living or dementia care facility, is a significant shift for both the individual with memory loss and their families. This change often brings a mix of relief and guilt, especially for family members who have been deeply involved in daily care. Tony's experience resonates with many families who struggle with the decision to move a loved one to a specialized care setting.

The Caregiver's Burden Post-Placement in Memory Care Facilities

The transition of a family member to a memory care community, such as an assisted living facility, marks a significant change not only in the life of the person with dementia but also for their caregivers. The research by Schulz et al. (2004) highlights a critical aspect of this transition - the sustained emotional burden on caregivers even after their loved ones are placed in a long-term care environment. This phenomenon is particularly notable because it persists despite the relief of the daily responsibilities of caregiving and the recognition that the loved one is receiving professional care.

Persistent Anxiety and Depression Among Caregivers

Even after the move to a memory care facility, family members often continue to experience high levels of anxiety and depression. This emotional distress stems from a variety of sources. Caregivers may feel guilty for not being able to continue caring for their loved one at home, worry about the quality of care in the new environment, or struggle with the feeling of having 'abandoned' their family member. Despite the assisted living community's efforts to provide quality dementia care, the adjustment period can be long and fraught with negative emotions for the family.

The Need for Ongoing Support and Education

The findings underscore the importance of ongoing support and education for families during and after the transition. It's not just about moving day or the initial adjustment; it's about understanding the continuous journey of memory loss and how it affects both the person and their family. Caregivers may benefit from resources that help them stay on the same page with the care staff, understand the daily routine and activities of the memory care community, and learn how to create positive interactions during their visits.

How to Let Go Of Caregiver Guilt

"Caring for our seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. Those who walked before us have given so much and made possible the life we all enjoy." — Senator John Hoeven

Here's a memory care checklist to find the right place for your loved one

Navigating the New Environment: Strategies for Families

To mitigate these challenges, several strategies can be employed:

Regular Communication with Staff : Regular visits and open lines of communication with staff members can help family members feel more comfortable and informed about their loved one's care.

Participating in Community Activities : Involvement in community activities can help family members build new friendships and support networks, which can alleviate feelings of isolation and stress.

Creating a Familiar Environment : Bringing familiar items from home to visit the memory care facility can help ease the transition for the loved one, making the new surroundings feel more homelike and less confusing.

Engaging in Conversations about the Transition : Openly discussing feelings and concerns with other family members, friends, support groups, or counselors can help in processing and managing the complex emotions that come with this transition.

Educating Themselves About Dementia and Memory Care : Understanding the nature of dementia and the specifics of memory care can help caregivers set realistic expectations and better cope with the changes in their loved one's condition.

Focusing on the Benefits of the Transition : Recognizing the benefits of the move, such as improved safety, specialized after care services, and the opportunity for their loved one to engage in tailored activities, can help mitigate feelings of guilt or regret.

Preparing for the Moving Process : Engaging in the packing process and planning for move-in day can provide a sense of control and participation in ensuring a smooth transition for their loved one.

The transition to a memory care facility is a significant event for both the person with memory loss and their family members. While it offers certain benefits, such as professional care and a safe environment, it also brings about a range of emotions for the caregivers. Understanding and addressing these emotions through continuous support, education, and active involvement in the loved one’s new life in the memory care community are essential for a successful transition. This approach helps caregivers to adjust to the new reality and ensures that their loved ones receive the best possible care in their new home.

The Role of Family in Memory Care Facilities

Family members, including non-spousal relatives, often remain actively involved in the care and advocacy of their loved ones in memory care communities. This involvement ranges from regular visits to participation in care decisions and advocating for the needs of their own loved one's story others. However, this continued involvement can also perpetuate the emotional burden, as families grapple with the changing needs and declining health of their loved ones.

journey in memory

Confronting the Challenges: Unrealistic Expectations and Emotional Responses

One significant challenge families face is managing expectations regarding the level of individualized care in a memory care facility. Families accustomed to providing one-on-one care at home may find the transition to a more communal care setting challenging, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction. Understanding the limitations and capabilities of memory care facilities is crucial in mitigating these negative emotions.

Supporting Families Through Educational Resources

Educational initiatives, such as those provided by the National Institute of Nursing Research, are vital in equipping families with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate this transition. These resources help families understand the nature of memory loss, the progression of dementia, and the workings of long-term care facilities, fostering a smoother transition for both the family and their loved one.

Practical Tips for Families: Facilitating a Smooth Transition

To support a loved one in adjusting to a new memory care community, families can consider the following steps:

Bringing Familiar Items : Personalizing the new space with familiar items and photos can provide comfort and a sense of continuity.

Sharing Information : Providing staff with detailed information about the loved one’s preferences, history, and daily living routines can facilitate better care and a more personal connection.

Frequent, Short Visits : Regular visits can offer reassurance and support, helping the loved one to adjust while maintaining strong family bonds.

Timing Outings Carefully : Waiting until the parent or loved one has settled in before planning outings can help establish a stable routine and reduce confusion.

Encouraging Activity Participation : Joining in community activities can aid in socialization and provide mental stimulation.

Acknowledging Personal Challenges : Recognizing that the transition may be emotionally harder for family new community members than for the loved one can help in managing expectations and emotions.

Create a person centered profile: This will share your loved one's story with the staff members and other residents. It will help your loved one to make new friends Seniors with dementia will feel comfortable and not feel such a big change, when the staff is able to have conversations on topics that your loved one is familiar with. For example, the person centered profile will provide information on your loved ones preferences and their routines. This will allow the staff to talk to your loved one with confidence.

journey in memory

The journey of transitioning a loved one into a memory care facility is a complex and emotionally challenging process. Families like Tony's often face guilt, anxiety, and sadness, but also moments of relief and hope. Understanding the emotional landscape, being prepared with practical strategies, and accessing educational resources can greatly aid families in navigating this significant change. As caregivers and family members, it's important to recognize the value of support systems, education, and open communication in making this transition as smooth and compassionate as possible for everyone involved.

What is Memory Care Assisted Living?

Navigating the Costs of Memory Care: A Comprehensive Guide

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Computer Science > Data Structures and Algorithms

Title: k-nearest neighbors on road networks: a journey in experimentation and in-memory implementation.

Abstract: A k nearest neighbor (kNN) query on road networks retrieves the k closest points of interest (POIs) by their network distances from a given location. Today, in the era of ubiquitous mobile computing, this is a highly pertinent query. While Euclidean distance has been used as a heuristic to search for the closest POIs by their road network distance, its efficacy has not been thoroughly investigated. The most recent methods have shown significant improvement in query performance. Earlier studies, which proposed disk-based indexes, were compared to the current state-of-the-art in main memory. However, recent studies have shown that main memory comparisons can be challenging and require careful adaptation. This paper presents an extensive experimental investigation in main memory to settle these and several other issues. We use efficient and fair memory-resident implementations of each method to reproduce past experiments and conduct additional comparisons for several overlooked evaluations. Notably we revisit a previously discarded technique (IER) showing that, through a simple improvement, it is often the best performing technique.

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The Memory Stones: Forgiveness is a Journey in Time

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Mr. Chris Pennington

The Memory Stones: Forgiveness is a Journey in Time Paperback – January 15, 2021

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  • Book 1 of 3 The Memory Stones
  • Print length 389 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date January 15, 2021
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 0.98 x 8.5 inches
  • ISBN-10 1736423908
  • ISBN-13 978-1736423905
  • See all details


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The Memory Stones: Forgiveness is a Journey in Time

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Editorial Reviews

"One can't help but think of the Outlander series and Twelve Years a Slave. TMS is a rapid-fire thriller with endless twists & turns. that you can't put down." Pamela Pyms, General Podcasts

About the Author

Product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Silver Lining Publishing (January 15, 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 389 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1736423908
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1736423905
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.09 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 0.98 x 8.5 inches
  • #4,543 in Time Travel Romances
  • #5,312 in Time Travel Fiction

About the author

Mr. chris pennington.

Lewis Pennington graduated from East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina with a degree in Graphic Design and Marketing. Upon graduation, he moved to New York City where he began his career with the now-defunct Science Fiction Magazine Omni Magazine. After decades of navigating through the corporate marketing maze, he is now focusing on his next chapter in life—providing readers with inspirational fiction. Lewis and his family live in Asheville, North Carolina.

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Customers find the storyline enchanting, great, and rewarding. They describe the book as an amazing, memorable, and entertaining read. Readers praise the characters as well-developed, natural, and believable. They appreciate the suspenseful writing and scenes of well-written action. In addition, they say the book is educational, relevant, and keeps them on their toes.

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Customers find the storyline enchanting, great, and rewarding. They appreciate the new twists and turns that tie the entire book together. Readers also mention that the book has history, excitement, and time travel at its best.

"I was drawn into this remarkable, and enchanting story . It crossed two centuries, many lives and then back again...." Read more

"...The author seamlessly pulls everything together in the end. I loved the ending ." Read more

"...Not very deep into the book, the story line became riveting ! All my free time was devoted to see what was happening with the characters...." Read more

"...I loved the storyline, the characters, the time travel aspect-everything ! There is no filler or fluff here. The author writes a TIGHT storyline...." Read more

Customers find the book amazing, entertaining, and memorable. They also describe it as an excellent page-turner and powerful. Readers praise the author as great with a suspenseful writing style.

"...Nice job. Well done ." Read more

"...You won't be disappointed. Thank you Mr. Pennington for a wonderful adventurous read . I am already onto your next effort." Read more

"...Long, but worth reading ." Read more

"...I cant seem to stop reading this book. It is well written and when i read it. My mind plays the characters like a movie. Love time travel...." Read more

Customers find the characters well-developed, believable, and strong. They also appreciate the depth, human flaws, and strength of the characters. Overall, readers describe the book as a beautifully written story of courage and love of friends and family.

"4.5 A beautifully written story of courage and love of friends and family. I really enjoyed this book...." Read more

"...Until this book!Such colorfully fleshed out characters with depth , human flaws and strength of character that this author has written!..." Read more

"I just finished Memory Stones and loved it. It drew me in with likable characters from the start and the many twists and turns aided by loathsome..." Read more

"...The conversations between the characters were natural and believable ...." Read more

Customers find the writing suspenseful, tight, and detailed. They say the author gives great detail and lots of suspenser and heart fill the book.

"... Nicely done , the improbable becomes possible with an open mind and a love/belief in time travel...." Read more

"...There is no filler or fluff here. The author writes a TIGHT storyline . You will be on the edge of your seat at times and tearing up the next...." Read more

"...I loved the way the story unfolded. Great writing Mr. Pennington!!" Read more

"... Lots of suspense and heart fill this book and I’m looking forward to more from this author." Read more

Customers find the book interesting, educational, and relevant. They also say it speaks for generations to come.

"...Highly recommend this book to high school age & adults. Very educational . Love stories that are historically accurate." Read more

"I really enjoyed reading The Memory Stones, it was so interesting I became engrossed in the story and could hardly put the book down...." Read more

"I enjoy time travel stories.This book kept you interested and wanting to know more...." Read more

"...time travel historical novels, but this one is different and really held my interest ...." Read more

Customers find the book about forgiveness to be a good one.

"...It is a story of forgiveness healing , history and faith. I will read more of this series and beyond to enjoy this authors talent." Read more

"...A wonderful book of friends, family, forgiveness ." Read more

"...It’s also a story of how forgiveness can change lives . Don’t miss this one." Read more

"A delightful book of forgiveness ..." Read more

Customers find the book attention-grabbing. They say it keeps them on their toes with all the twists and turns.

"...Creative and a real attention holder . The beginning seems so benign until the story rips right open...." Read more

"...books lose my interest 3-4 chapters in but this one kept my attention all the way through . I look forward to many more books by Mr. Pennington." Read more

"Grabs you right from the beginning and keeps you on your toes with all of its twists and turns...." Read more

Customers find the book creative, cool, and remarkable. They say it's enchanting.

"I was drawn into this remarkable , and enchanting story. It crossed two centuries, many lives and then back again...." Read more

"It was great to read a book with new twists and turns. Creative and a real attention holder...." Read more

"Great read and cool concept ! Looking forward to the next book from Mr. Pennington! I would love to read a follow up story about Spoon 😊..." Read more

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Love And Deepspace: Wander In Wonder Event Guide


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Love And Deepspace: How To Unlock Sylus

Love and deepspace: 7 best ways to get diamonds, final fantasy 14: dawntrail drops to "mixed" reviews on steam, quick links, event memories, special event memory collection rewards, associated events, upcoming events.

Love And Deepspace's most awaited four-character September event is finally here! Welcome to the Grassland, a rural place tucked away in the folds of time, secluded from the modern world. After uncovering a mysterious gem during a Hunter's Association mission, you find yourself whisked away to this magical place.

The criminal underworld's most eligible bachelor is looking for love!

The Wander In Wonder event introduces four new five-star limited event memories to explore. Each memory contains a separate story about your unexpected adventures in the Grassland with each of the four love interests. The Wander In Wonder wish pool gives you a chance to obtain one or all of these special memories, and some limited-edition Grassland outfits, too.

The Wander In Wonder event will only last from 5:00 a.m. September 23rd to 4:59 a.m. to October 8th server time. After the event ends, you will not be able to earn the four limited-edition memories or the limited-edition companion outfits.

The highlight of the Wander In Wonder Event is the four limited edition memories featured in the event pool. Each one of the love interests has a five-star memory to draw from the pool, meaning you have four possible stories to unlock and explore.

The event-specific memories offered during Wander In Wonder are as follows:

You will still be able to pull non-event five-star memories during this event.

Check your inbox in your player profile and claim 20 free Deepspace Wishes Limited from the developers!

At the beginning of the event, you get to choose the three memories you would like to have increased odds when pulling. You can change these three memories at any time.

You will also get a chance to choose one memory at a time from the Pity Pull system . In the Pity Pull system, you are guaranteed the memory of your choice after pulling another five-star memory that is not the one you chose to prioritize.

This means that if you want Sylus's five-star memory, but you draw instead, Xavier's during a pull, you are guaranteed to get Sylus's five-star memory the next time you pull a five-star memory.

Pity Pulls can work in separate draws, or the same draw so long as more than one five-star memory was obtained throughout the draw(s).

The Wander In Wonder Pool also has a draw reward system that rewards you with Deepspace Wishes, outfit crates , and even a guaranteed five-star memory crate of your choice after completing a certain number of pulls in the event period.

Here is the breakdown of pull rewards:

Furthermore, the same five-star guarantee threshold applies to Wander In Wonder. After completing 62 pulls in the event pool, you are guaranteed to earn a five-star memory.

Remember, your pull reward threshold resets after pulling a five-star memory.

Wander In Wonder also includes a special collection menu that rewards you with Ascension Crystals, Bottles of Wishes, Gold, and event-specific outfits for successfully ranking and improving your Wander In Wonder memories.

To access this limited-time collection menu, select the gift box icon above the shop icon in the event Wish Pool menu. From here, you will see all four available special edition Memory Outfit recolors, as well as all upgrade rewards.

For the first duplicate you pull of an event memory, you will earn the limited-time event outfit of that character in the special Memory Collection award screen.

To earn the Ascension Crystals, Bottles of Wishes, and Gold, you must use Bottles of Wishes and Ascension Crystals to upgrade the Memory's level in the Memories tab.

The breakdown of rewards is as follows:

During the same event period as Wander In Wonder, you also have access to the Mountain Journey event . While Wander In Wonder is a Wish-Pool-specific event, Mountain Journey contains exploration stages, story stages, and minigames related to the storylines of each of the Wander In Wonder event Memories.

As you earn Guide Books (the currency for the limited Traveller's Shop), you can use them to buy 10 Deepspace Wish Limited from the shop.

The next event on the banner list is centered around Zayne and will expand the main storyline. There are two associated events. Thorns Under The Moon will introduce the new chapters of Zayne's Main Storyline and may center around his Dawnbreaker alternate self.

The second event is an investigation event where you can obtain Zayne's five-star memory, Frozen Nightfall for free . This event will go from September 30th to October 10th .

Broke already?! It's ok, we've got you covered.

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  1. Method of loci

    Method of loci, also known as memory palace or mind palace, is a strategy for enhancing memory by visualizing familiar spatial environments. Learn about its ancient origins, contemporary usage, variations, and applications in memory competitions, learning, and psychology.

  2. Memory Techniques

    The journey method is a mnemonic technique that uses landmarks on a well-known route to code information to be remembered. It combines the narrative flow of the link method and the structure of the peg systems into one powerful and flexible tool.

  3. The Journey Technique

    The Journey Technique is an ancient memory method that lets you store new information within familiar mental journeys, allowing you to navigate it with ease. You could use your journey to work, for example; the route you take to visit your parents; or a tour around a regular holiday destination.

  4. The Journey Method: Your New Secret Weapon for Remembering

    Learn how to use the Journey Method to associate information along a walk that you remember well. This technique is based on the principle of loci, or memory spaces, and can help you memorize anything from languages to names.

  5. PDF Memory Skills: Stories, Links, Journeys, and Rooms

    Learn how to use the link method and the journey method to remember lists of words, objects, events, or information. The link method creates associations between items in a story, while the journey method uses landmarks on a route to code them.

  6. How to Build a Memory Palace

    Learn the memory palace technique, also known as the method of loci, to memorize anything using an imaginary location in your mind. Follow the step-by-step example of creating a memory palace and placing mnemonic images for the periodic table of elements.

  7. Journey Method: Indoor vs Outdoor Memory Palaces?

    If you want to use the journey method, you might be wondering:What's the difference between this memory technique and the Roman Room, Memory Palace, Mind Pal...

  8. 9 Ways to Honor a Loved One Who Has Passed

    It continues in her sweet memory. In 2017, Sammie's Bunny Drive collected and delivered 1,400 new stuffed animals! Her family and friends will continue this drive every year in her memory!" ... When you're going through a health journey, you have a lot on your plate. CaringBridge replaces the time-consuming task of sharing your health ...

  9. In the Dark Room: A Journey in Memory

    Boldly combining the highly personal with the brilliantly scholarly, In the Dark Room explores the question of how memory works emotionally and culturally. It is narrated through the prism of the author's experience of losing both his parents his mother when he was sixteen, his father when he was on the cusp of adulthood and of trying, after a ...

  10. In the Dark Room: a Journey in Memory

    Comment: couverture souple, format moyen , bon état. . 8-2651376 - In the Dark Room: a Journey in Memory, Dillon, Brian, Penguin Ireland , 1997, French bookseller Access codes and supplements are not guaranteed with used items.

  11. About This Life: Journeys on the Threshold of Memory

    Now, in About This Life, he takes us on a literal and figurative journey across the terrain of autobiography, assembling essays of great wisdom and insight. Here is far-flung travel (the beauty of remote Hokkaido Island, the over-explored Galápagos, enigmatic Bonaire); a naturalist's contention (Why does our society inevitably strip political ...

  12. A memory's journey

    Nondeclarative memory lets us remember how to ride a bicycle, strum a guitar, or hammer a nail. These procedural memories are encoded and stored by the cerebellum, putamen, caudate nucleus, and motor cortex. Short-term memory, or working memory, has been likened to a scratch pad where we jot down a phone number.

  13. Memory Lapse or Dementia? 5 Clues to Help Tell the Difference

    This web page explains the difference between normal memory lapses and dementia, a loss of memory and thinking skills due to brain changes. It lists five signs of dementia, such as losing things, getting lost, forgetting time and words, and having trouble with daily activities.

  14. 40+ Things to Do In Memory of a Loved One

    Many people choose gingko to serve as a memory tree as a tongue-in-cheek reference: extract from the gingko tree is used as a memory aid. 10. Visit the place they came from. Sometimes a long journey can actually bring you closer to your home. If your parents were from abroad, consider visiting their homeland.

  15. Understanding a Loved One's Transition to Memory Care

    The emotional journey of transitioning a loved one into a memory care facility is often fraught with complex emotions, particularly for family members who have been the primary caregivers. Tony, from Toronto, Canada, shares his deeply personal and challenging experience of moving his mother, diagnosed with Alzheimer's, into long-term care.

  16. The journeys of life: Examining a conceptual metaphor with semantic and

    In four studies, we examine the "LIFE IS A JOURNEY" conceptual metaphor using as data output from semantic and episodic memory. In the first three studies output from semantic memory indicates that undergraduate samples, when primed to think in "LIFE" in terms of a course followed until one's 70th year, provided a set of events output in a sequential order and when compared to a second sample ...

  17. Boy completes challenge in best friend's memory

    Louis, eight, undertakes a 50-mile bike and mountain journey in the name of best friend George. ... cycling and climbing challenge in memory of his best friend who died from a brain tumour in 2020 ...

  18. Free Online Journal & Diary App

    Journey® is a journal and diary app that is available on multiple platforms; Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Web, and Chrome OS. Join millions of Journey users, from all walks of life, to embark on your unique life journey towards a deeper gratitude for life, better health, and a calmer mind through journaling.

  19. [1601.01549] k-Nearest Neighbors on Road Networks: A Journey in

    View a PDF of the paper titled k-Nearest Neighbors on Road Networks: A Journey in Experimentation and In-Memory Implementation, by Tenindra Abeywickrama and 2 other authors. View PDF Abstract: A k nearest neighbor (kNN) query on road networks retrieves the k closest points of interest (POIs) by their network distances from a given location ...

  20. The Memory Stones: Forgiveness is a Journey in Time

    The reality-bending journey that ensues takes him to present-day New York City and then back to Civil War-era South Carolina, requiring him to navigate a myriad of desperate challenges. With more than a century of guilt weighing him down, he battles himself, Yankee troops, nature's elements, and a nemesis that follows him through time. ...

  21. Journey in Tears : Memory of a Girlhood in China

    Journey in Tears: Memory of a Girlhood in China Ching Lie Chow Snippet view - 1978. Common terms and phrases. Ah-san arrived asked baby became began brother Chao-chou Chen Chiang Kai-shek child China Chinese Ching-chung Ching-ling Chow Hui-i Chow Tso-hung Chung-ai clothes Communists conservatory cried daughter door dress everything eyes face ...

  22. How To Complete The Wander In Wonder Event In Love And Deepspace

    Each memory contains a separate story about your unexpected adventures in the Grassland with each of the four love interests. The Wander In Wonder wish pool gives you a chance to obtain one or all of these special memories, and some limited-edition Grassland outfits, too. ... Mountain Journey contains exploration stages, story stages, and ...

  23. Journey in Memory

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