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Puncak Jaya – Climb One Of The Most Exotic Mountains In The World (Complete Guide)

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Australia and Oceania , Climbs & Mountaineering , Seven Summits


Are you looking for a serious physical conquest? If so, climbing Puncak Jaya or Carstensz Pyramid, one of the World's 7 Summits , may be perfect for you.

Read on for my guide on the Puncak Jaya climb, including route options and a typical itinerary, the best time to visit, how to get there and how to prepare for your climb.

Climbing Puncak Jaya

Puncak jaya overview.

The Carstensz Pyramid, also known as the Puncak Jaya, is the highest peak in the Australasian continent . The Carstensz name was given after Dutch explorer Jan Carstensz after he recorded his sighting of the glorious white peaks in the distance in 1623.

It is specifically located in the western central highlands of the Papua Province, Indonesia, amidst lush tropical jungle.

Altitude And Technicality

At 4,884m (16,024ft), it is considered one of the notorious Seven Summits , and as such is a rite of passage for serious mountaineers. Although it has the lowest elevation of the Seven, Carstensz is the only peak which is specifically a rock climbing peak and it has the highest technical rating.

Puncak Jaya History And Local Culture 

The mountain was first successfully climbed in 1962 in an expedition led by Heinrich Harrer as well as three others. Its relative inaccessibility, government restrictions and political instability, as well as local tribal wars have meant that not many people have climbed it since this initial ascent. 

Culturally, the region is almost unique. The Dani tribesman of the Beliem Valley first made contact with Westerners only in the 1960s, and many of the Stone Age Dani customs have been preserved.

dani tribe

For example, traditional garb is still worn by men and women. Tourism has not significantly influenced the lifestyles of these people, so it is imperative that visitors are extremely sensitive to the importance of minimising their impact. For many mountaineers, it is the most exciting and interesting adventure of their lives.

Know Before You Go: Puncak Jaya 

The “normal” route you will follow up Carstensz presents a series of gullies on 500m of solid rock on the north face of the mountain, after which you will break through onto the summit ridge.

Atop this ridge, you will scramble over uneven terrain for another 500m until you reach the summit. 

It is important to remember, in planning this trip, that a high degree of flexibility is necessary. Political instability in the region and unpredictable weather mean that it is likely that you will have to accept a last-minute itinerary-change.

However, if you have the luxury of time, and are fascinated by new cultures and scenery, this magnificent climb is definitely worth it..

Puncak Jaya Climbing Routes


The first decision you must make before your climb is how to get to the mountain. Many tour companies offer a chartered flight to Timika , Papua followed by a helicopter to reach the Zebra Wall Base Camp .

From here, you’ll do a quick trek to the Lake Valley Base Camp where you’ll spend a day acclimatizing before you attempt your climb. 

However, there is also the option of a 6-day, 67km trek from Ilaga or Sugapa (which you’ll arrive at by plane) through the heavy jungle. This trek is relatively strenuous and accommodation is in caves or tents along the way.

Check out the Itinerary below for more specific route information on the trek through the jungle. 

Once your reach Base Camp, there are three different climbing options which lead to the summit of the pyramid. Using technical equipment, one of the routes is of “normal” or moderate difficulty, while the other two are significantly more challenging.

Normal Route (also known as Harrer’s Route)

In total, the ascent and descent on the Normal route takes 12 to 15 hours.

The route entails a 600m rock face to the top of a ridge. Just below the ridge and along the jagged cliff, there are fixed ropes to aid the climb. This section, just below the summit, is by far the most difficult.

One of the notches on the summit ridge is 20m deep and requires that one rappel the overhanging wall (VS, UIAA VI) pitch and leave the rope fixed to jumar on return. For the way down, you will need to manoeuvre on long ropes.

American Direct

This route, instead of including the traverse along the ridge, leads straight up the summit (see picture above).

This is the most exposed and difficult route – the most challenging section being the Carstensz headwall, again just below the summit.

The route lies between the normal and direct routes, with a long ascent and a lot of scrambling. Beware of loose rocks and tricky narrow sections on the East Ridge.

Typical Itinerary For Climbing Puncak Jaya

As mentioned above, there is the option of simply flying into Base Camp from Timika, instead of completing this strenuous hike through the jungle.

Below is a typical Itinerary for the Carstensz climb, including the trek to and from Timika, Papua.  


Day 1: Flight to Timika, Papua

Flight from Bali to Timika is approximately 3 hours. Here you will make the final preparations for your trek and climb. Overnight in a local hotel.

Day 2: Flight from Timika to Sugapa (2244m), and drive to Suanggama (2018m)

Quick, hour-long flight over the Papuan rainforest, landing in Sugapa. From here, you will hop on the backseat of a motorcycle to Suanggama.

Day 3: Suanggama (2018m) to Salt Factory Camp (2380m)

Distance: 15.5 km Duration: 6-8 hrs

From Suanggama, you will hike, loosely following the course of the river to a campsite in the middle of the jungle. 

Day 4: Salt Factory Camp (2380m) to Indisaga Camp (3230m)

Distance: 17km Duration: 6-7 hours

Day 4 is the most strenuous trekking day. The path winds through thick jungle, over steep ascents and descents. Eventually, just before the Indisaga Camp, the rainforest abruptly opens up to a large clearing where we’ll set up camp.

Day 5: Indisaga Camp (3230m) to Ebay Camp (3584 m)

Distance: 11km Duration: 6-7 hours

The trek starts out through a light forest which opens up to a plane. You’ll continue onto a ridge, which marks the edge of another valley. You will set up camp on the ridge for the night.

Day 6: Ebay Camp (3584m) to Nasidome (3734m)

Distance: 13km Duration: 6-7 hours

On this day, you will descend the ridge into the other forested, ancient valley. You’ll cross the river on a natural stone bridge and wade through swampland before setting up the final camp before base camp.

Day 7: Nasidome (3734m) to Base Camp (4273m)

Distance: 8.64km Duration: 6-7 hours

The trickiest section of Day 7 will be the series of passes, the toughest is called the New Zealand pass, which is 50m long and can be quite slippery. You’ll then descend to the Base Camp at the foot of the Carstensz Pyramid.

Day 8: Ascent of the Carstensz Pyramid

You will start the day as early as 02:00, and, using one of the climbing route options mentioned above, summit the tallest peak in Australasia. After enjoying your success and the view from up top, you’ll return to Base Camp for celebrations by about 10:00 in the morning.

Note: Lingering for too long on the peak leaves you exposed to afternoon rainstorms.

Day 9-10: Hike back from Base Camp to Sugapa

Hike back to Sugapa via the same route. The way back should be quicker.

Day 11: Fly via Timika to Bali

Enjoy a well-deserved overnight stay in your hotel.

Reserve a few extra days, just in case, for bad weather or delayed flights.

Best time to climb Carstensz Pyramid


Unfortunately, the weather on Carstensz Pyramid is unpredictable and often bad. The good news is that there is no “best” time in the year for the climb, although most chose the dry season from April to November.

The weather is constantly changing at any time of the year and you should expect the worst (by that I mean, inundated with rainstorms, scorched by the sun, an even welcomed to the summit by an enthusiastic snowstorm 😵‍💫).

To avoid the majority of precipitation, most tour companies plan their ascent days in the early morning, when the chance of rain and snow is much lower.

It should be noted that these chaotic conditions are only really seen in the highlands, where the mountain is located. If you plan to trek to Carstensz through the rainforest, however, it would be prudent to choose the dry season – from April to November.

At all times of the year, in the rainforests, you can expect temperatures of around 77F (25°C) in the day time, which drop to about 41F (5°C) at night.

Even in the relatively dry season, you should be prepared for warm afternoon downpours. As you approach the base of the mountain, the likelihood of afternoon snow increases, temperatures drop below freezing, and strong winds are a possibility. 

How Difficult is the Puncak Jaya Climb?

The trek to base camp is relatively strenuous, and requires that you are able to walk continuously with a 40-lb backpack for 6-7 hours per day, for days in a row.

This requires both physical and mental stamina. One of the most challenging features of the climb, however, is the exposure to chaotic weather which can often be overcome with careful and flexible planning, and with the right gear. 

In addition to physical and mental resilience, the climb also imposes technical challenges, even on the Normal Route. Most experts consider the difficulty moderate, and many of the tour companies boast a nearly 100% success rate.

For the Normal Route, the climb is rated with an average difficulty of 3-4 UIIA, with most of the difficulty incurred just below the summit. The climb ascends a 600m wall, with a very steep final section.

At the bottom, the difficulty is graded VDiff (UIAA III) and at the top it increases to VS (UIAA V).

Fortunately, the rock is good and rarely loose. The difficulty varies with the East Ridge and the American Direct Route is by far the most challenging.

Is the Climb Dangerous?

Of course. Undertaking such a physical challenge always poses risks.

Although the number of fatalities are not strictly recorded, most are not the result of the climb itself, but instead are caused by heart conditions or other issues. Previous climbers have also expressed anxiety about the state of the fixed ropes on the mountain, which are notoriously shabby. 

One of the most significant dangers of the expedition is not, in fact, the climb itself but that of navigating the surrounding region.

Although the area experiences periods of political calm, there have been incidents when visiting mountaineers have been at the brunt of regional tensions, been in threatening situations at the hands of local militants, and even had unpleasant encounters with an Indonesian SWAT team. 

While the region’s remoteness adds to its allure, it also means that it can be very difficult to get out of an emergency situation, should things go awry. Chartered helicopters might be hired out elsewhere in the world, so it may be days before you can get out of the region.

We recommend that you monitor the political situation very closely, and speak to people who have been in the region recently to gauge how best to handle the situation, and whether the risk is foolhardy or reasonable.

For details on the conflict in the region see here .

Altitude Sickness

The effects of altitude sickness are commonly felt at anywhere over 3000m elevation above sea level. Because the Base Camp, and much of the trek, is significantly higher than this point, it is important that all potential trekkers are aware of the symptoms, potential effects and the ways of minimising the risk of experiencing these.

Firstly, it is important to note that it is impossible to predict the extent to which you will respond to high altitude as your response is not correlated to your fitness level, your age, or any other factor. Luckily, most mountaineers attempting Carstensz Pyramid will already have an idea of how well they fair at high altitudes.

Typical symptoms of acute mountain sickness (AMS) include fatigue, nausea and headaches. However, high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and high altitude cerebral edema (HACE) can be fatal if left untreated.

To avoid altitude sickness, there are a number of tips that you should keep in mind:

  • Acclimatise properly: tour companies incorporate enough time for acclimatization at Base Camp. This is especially important if you have opted to fly via helicopter into Base Camp instead of doing the 6-day trek
  • Stay hydrated: drink about 3-4 litres of water each day of your expedition
  • Avoid drugs or alcohol: even a sleeping tablet can cause you to have a raging headache
  • Descend if you’re not feeling well: consult your tour guide to decide what the best way to deal with your symptoms are

Importantly, if you are concerned about the symptoms and have previously had difficulty at high altitudes, we recommend that you descend and consult a doctor.

Read our guide on altitude sickness here .

Gear Check List

The gear list is standard for a moderate-to-cold weather, multi-day hike and climb, with emphasis on waterproof and technical climbing gear. Because of the extreme weather changes, layering your clothes is important to be prepared for all potential conditions. And as always, avoid clothes made of cotton or denim. 

Consult your tour company to decide what you need to bring from home and what you can rent from them. Click here for information on what the best brand options for various equipment are.

Permits & Costs

Many permits are necessary to climb and trek the mountain, which must be organised through the Indonesian government. It is recommended that you use a tour company, which will organise these logistics for you.

Most tour companies charge the same amount, regardless of whether you take a helicopter or trek to Base Camp.

The cost to climb Carstensz Pyramid is about $12,500-$25,000 per person. The range depends on the size of the group. Because of the risky logistics, we highly recommend that you do not skimp out and hire a cheaper company.

The inclusions and exclusions of the touring companies are also very important, given the political unrest in the region.

The cost of the typical expedition companies include: standard flights from Bali to Western Papua and back, accommodation during the trip, all meals, group camping equipment, climbing permits, porters and professional guiding support pertaining to the climb itself.

However, most expedition cost notably do not cover  the costs of the (relatively likely) delays which are beyond the groups control. It also excludes the cost of a rescue mission from the region, should this become necessary.

Other costs which are not included in the flat rate are the significant cost of international travel, personal equipment, accommodation and meals in Bali and travel insurance.

To give an idea, a flight from New York to Bali is typically in the region of a further $1800.

Getting There

Most of the tour companies plan their itineraries to start in Bali. This way, whether you are planning to charter a flight and helicopter ride to Base Camp, via Timika, or are trekking there from Suanggama, you will not have to organise the intricate transport plans.

Training for Carstensz Pyramid

puncak jaya tour

Although Carstensz Pyramid via the Normal Route is not a particularly difficult climb, you must be familiar with scrambling, working with fixed lines, rappelling and jumaring.

You should be comfortable with routes of a difficulty up to 5.8 (5.0 to 5.7 is considered easy, 5.8 to 5.10 is considered intermediate, 5.11 to 5.12 is hard, and 5.13 to 5.15 is reserved for elite climbers). Many tour companies offer short, alpine courses which can help you to gain skills and confidence in technical mountaineering.  

In addition to technical proficiency, you will need to build your strength endurance as well as your cardiovascular capacity. Remember that being fit enough to run a marathon does not mean that you will be able to handle the challenges of a high-altitude peak. This is because pure aerobic fitness is not enough. Your training regime should focus on all of the following:

  • Climbing conditioning: walking or hiking up hills or stairs carrying packs up to about 40 lbs
  • Strength exercises: for lower body and core. This includes sit-ups, squats and lunges.
  • Cardiovascular workouts: Aerobic and anaerobic, including cycling, running or swimming.
  • Flexibility training: this decreases your chance of injury

Off a relatively solid baseline fitness, you should start training properly for Carstensz Pyramid at least 3 months before your trip.

Typically, your training strategy should involve increasingly difficult work-outs by ramping up your workout time, distance and elevation gain by about 10% each week. Be careful not to rush this process, as this may lead to injury or insufficient preparation. 


About the author 

Mark Whitman

Mark has trekked extensively in Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. He founded Mountain IQ in 2014 with the sole aim to be the best online information portal to some of the most popular mountain destinations around the world. When not writing for Mountain IQ, Mark is out exploring the outdoors with his wife!

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love to do it again

I’d like to climb Carstensz and trek in from Suanggama but I can’t find a guide service that offers that. Could you recommend someone?

Hi Christian, I unfortunately don’t know any who offer that route. Have you tried Jagged Globe or Mountain Madness?

We work with local guides to offer great value adventures at unbeatable prices

Carstensz Pyramid Expedition

Carstensz Pyramid Expedition

Local Operator Carstensz

puncak jaya tour

Carstensz Welcome You

puncak jaya tour

Carstensz Best Service

Experience. reliable.

Who We Are?

Who We Are?

Summit Carstensz is a local tour company in Timika, Papua and Surabaya East Java – Indonesia. We’ve been supporting several national and international tour operators to organise expeditions to the Carstensz Pyramid ( Puncak Jaya ) 4884m since late 1990s, We’re happy to organise either your private or shared expeditions to the Carstensz Pyramid, too.

book for papua

We integrate your expedition to our flagship programme: Books for Papua. We’d love to support literacy programmes for children in Papua. We heartily welcome you all to join us for a memorable and wonderful adventure.

Access to basecamp

We strongly recommended to acclimatise yourself in carstensz basecamp before climbing  carstensz pyramid - puncak jaya .  there are two conventional ways to access carstensz pyramid base camp with local guide company..

Carstensz by Helicopter

Carstensz by Helicopter

We designed the Carstensz Pyramid helicopter for you, particularly if you have a very limited travel time. We can arrange helicopter transfer from Timika to

Carstensz Trek In Heli Out

Carstensz Trek In Heli Out

As the name implied, this expedition combines Jungle Trekking to reach the Carstensz Basecamp and Helicopter pick up service to enshorten your way back to

Jungle Trekking

Jungle Trekking

If you’re looking for more adventurous trip Jungle trekking Carstensz Pyramid – Puncak Jaya 4884m, this expedition is the one for you. From Timika/Nabire, we’ll

Carstensz Pyramid Schedule

We’re planning over 20 Carstensz Pyramid Expeditions Schedule in 2023. Note : If you have a special request about dates (maybe the dates is your Birthday for example) let us know at least 6 month before, we will try to find other climbers who want join.

puncak jaya tour

We completed our last summits on our 7 summits project with the local operator Summit Carstensz : the professcionalism and safety, the main criteria’s needed to reach the summit! Our guides on the mountain was amazing, also the staff in town were great as we need to spent 18 days waiting for a good weather to fly to the basecamp and always gave us support and accompany us everyday and entertain us when we fell down with many ways. The campsite was set up so nicely. Our cook was amazing, the food was delicious, I was speechless at how he could prepare such food under the conditions on the mountain. What is the important of this Company, i like them because they are young people, professional, willing to work properly and they are very funny.

Arianit Nikqi, the first Albanians to climb all the Seven Summits. Mrika Nikqi, the youngest female in the world to climb all the Seven Summits

puncak jaya tour

Trip with these guys was awesome! I liked the food so much that I see it some times in my dreams. Guides are very polite and take care on you all the trip. I felt my self 100% secured. Thanks a lot for the trip and hope to see you again.

Summit Carstensz is operated from two main office in Timika - Papua & Surabaya - East Java

Contact us now.

Ruko Mezzanine, Surabaya – Indonesia Jl. C Heatubun, Timika – Papua Indonesia

+62 81296000783 (Available for WhatsApp)

[email protected]

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Puncak Jaya Expedition – 10 Days

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Puncak Jaya Expedition – 10 Days Overview

The Puncak Jaya Expedition is an ideal way to embark on a journey to the summit of a peak. Puncak Jaya, also known as the Carstensz Pyramid , stands tall with a height of 4,484m (4.484km) in Papua Province of Indonesia. It is the highest peak within the Oceania continents. Despite being the smallest one among the seven summits, it still is the most exotic among all others. The name Puncak Jaya means ‘ Glorious mountain ’ in the native language.

Later, the peak was named the Carstensz Pyramid to honor Jan Carstensz. Jan Carstensz was a Dutch explorer, who was the first one to witness the glaciers on the mountain’s peak. Puncak Jaya Expedition is a haven to many breathtaking glaciers. These remain more or less the same throughout the year because of their location in the equatorial area. There is not much fluctuation when it comes to temperature too. Besides the glaciers, the route to the mountain is exciting in itself.

One has to go through a rich rainforest to reach the summit. Climbers also have to travel through the beautiful beaches, making the trip to Puncak Jaya more exotic than any other peak. The remote location of the mountain adds more beauty to the trip. Climbers get to experience the untouched beauty of nature along with thrilling adventures. Puncak Jaya is a symbol of the splendor of nature and a testament to the will of people. A once-in-a-lifetime event , adventure combines the wonder of nature with the rush of breaking new ground.

Highlights of Puncak Jaya Expedition – 10 Days

Puncak Jaya, formerly known as Carstensz Pyramid, is the highest mountain peak in the Australasia region, located in the Sudirman Range of the western central highlands of Papua province, Indonesia. It is a popular destination for climbers and hikers, and reaching the summit is a challenging and rewarding experience. Here are some highlights of a Puncak Jaya expedition:

  • The journey: Reaching Puncak Jaya requires a long journey to the remote and isolated region of Papua, Indonesia. This typically involves a flight to Jakarta, followed by a connecting flight to Timika, a small town located near the base of the mountain. From there, climbers travel to the base of the mountain by land transportation.
  • The route: There is only one established route to the summit of Puncak Jaya, which follows the south face of the mountain. The route involves a combination of steep rock and ice climbing, and requires the use of technical climbing gear such as crampons and ice axes.
  • The landscape: The landscape of Papua is diverse and varied, with dense rainforests, rugged mountains, and glacial valleys. As climbers ascend Puncak Jaya, they will pass through a series of distinct landscape zones, each with its own unique features.
  • The summit: The summit of Puncak Jaya stands at an elevation of 4,884 meters (16,024 feet) and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The final push to the summit is a challenging climb, but the sense of accomplishment and the views from the top make it all worth it.

Climbing Puncak Jaya is a physically demanding but rewarding experience. It requires a good level of physical fitness and determination, as well as proper preparation and the guidance of experienced guides. The harsh weather conditions and the remote location of the mountain add to the challenge, but the sense of accomplishment and the stunning views make it a truly unforgettable experience.

Gallery of Puncak Jaya Expedition – 10 Days


Outline Itinerary

  • Day 1: Flying to Bali International Airport in Bali
  • Day 2: Briefing for the expeditions and flying to Timika at night
  • Day 3: Arriving to Timika then final briefing and preparation for the expedition
  • Day 4: Flying to Puncak Jaya Basecamp ( Carstensz Pyramid Basecamp ) through helicopter
  • Day 5: Resting for a day to adjust ourselves with the height and climate
  • Day 6: Climbing Puncak Jaya ( Carstensz Pyramid) and returning back to Basecamp
  • Day 7: Flying back to Timika through helicopter then flying to Bali if possible
  • Day 8: Flying back to Bali if wasn’t able to fly back the previous day
  • Day 9-10: If things didn’t go as schedule, using these days as reserve days Finally flying back to home

puncak jaya tour

Difficulty to climb

Climbing Puncak Jaya is one of the most challenging climbs despite not being as tall as the others. The sections requiring technical climbings are short and have rope fixed. Rock climbing is the main challenge in the case of this peak.

There are various sections where rock climbing is required. Climbers need to have rock climbing skills and should have some previous experience in rock climbing. The remote location of the mountain poses another challenge to the climbers. Even if any accident is to take place, the injured are transported by carrying them on foot.

There won’t even be any immediate help from the helicopters. Also, the route followed during the expedition passes through a rich rainforest. The forest is a sight to appreciate but it has its own set of challenges.

The climbers have to bear the regular heavy rainfall while crossing these forests. These rainfalls make the trail more slippery and difficult. However, with experienced guidance and proper preparations, the climber can overcome these challenges.

Puncak Jaya with the best Expedition company

Climbing Puncak Jaya is refreshing as well as once in a lifetime experience. However, it has its own set of challenges that one has to go through to reach the summit. During the expeditions, climbers have to pass dense rainfall where there are regular heavy rainfalls. These rainfalls make the trails slippery and more difficult.

Also, the climb to the mountain requires knowledge of rock climbing with some previous experience. Besides these, the remote location is another challenge. Immediate help can’t be arranged in case of accidents. So, one cannot complete the expedition successfully without experienced guidance and proper preparation.

This is where Marvel Treks come into the picture. The entire team of Marvel Treks deliberately works to provide the best services and facilities to you and makes sure that you will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Taking care of the basic needs, safety measures, and legal formalities for satisfactory and convenient services in the best interest of the clients are the main goals of Marvel Trek. If you want to live your dream of adding adventure to your life with full safety and if you wish to take a break from your day-to-day hustle in the most exciting way with trustworthy help, Marvel Treks is there in your service.

We take care of all the arrangements that are needed for your trip at a reasonable cost. Contact us to book a trip and let’s get going in fulfilling your dream of adventure.

Client requirements

  • The clients should be healthy enough to make the expedition.
  • They should have some prior experiences in mountaineering.
  • They should be fit and should be trained a bit prior to the actual departure.

Why should Marvel Treks be chosen for climbing?

Marvel Treks has been providing its clients with excellent and satisfactory services since 1998 at a reasonable price.

Also the team of Marvel Treks has skilled professional climbers who have years of experiences in mountaineering and are familiar with the geography and weather conditions of the mountains.

You can trust them to guide you with proper instructions and full safety without compromising your wish to enjoy the trip.

Marvel Treks keeps its client’s satisfaction,safety and comfort as its priorities.

When is Puncak Jaya usually climbed?

Puncak Jaya lies in the equatorial region and doesn’t have much fluctuation in the climate throughout the year. However, there is dense rainforest on the way to the peak which receives regular rainfall. This rainfall makes the path more slippery and difficult. It gets even worse during the monsoon season. So, monsoon should be avoided for the expedition.

How hard is it to climb Puncak Jaya?

Puncak Jaya’s climb is one of the most difficult among the seven summits despite its smaller height. One needs to have basic knowledge of rock climbing and even some previous experience. Also, the trail to reach the summit passes through dense rainforests. These rainforests receive regular rainfalls which make the path more slippery and difficult. Also, the remote location of the mountain is another challenge that the climbers have to face. Because of this, no immediate help can be reached during an emergency, not even helicopters. The injured has to be taken on foot to get help in case of accidents. The climbers must be guided and prepared to reach the summit and descend back safely.

How long does it take to climb Puncak Jaya?

Climbing Puncak Jaya might be an adventurous, thrilling and self-refreshing activity yet it is dangerous too. Making a rush might not be the best thing to do, considering your safety. The trip will be for around ten days. There will be reserve days in between the trips just in case of delays.

Expedition Equipment List


  • The climbers should get themselves tested to make sure they are healthy enough to climb the mountains.
  • A visit to the dentist is also recommended as there are chances of acute dental problems at high altitudes.
  • It is also highly recommended that the climbers should have some previous experiences with mountaineering and with high altitudes.
  • It is also requested that the climbers should workout a bit months prior to ascending the mountain.

Payment and cancellation

Policy regarding Payment and Cancellation Payment:

Payment: 1) To confirm a reservation, a deposit equal to 30% of the total price is required. 2) If the payment is made online, the remaining balance is due 10 days before the Tour, Trekking, Peak Climbing, or Expedition begins. If the payment is made in cash, it can be made after arrival. 3) If the booking is made within 30 days of the expedition beginning, full payment must be made at the time of booking.

Cancellation: 1)A full refund of the deposit will be given if a Tour, Trek, Peak Climbing, or Expedition is canceled more than 60 days before the start date. 2)The deposit will not be refunded if a Tour, Trek, Peak Climbing, or Expedition is canceled within 30 days of its start date. 3)A tour, trek, peak climbing, or expedition will not be refunded if it is canceled prior to or on the start date. 4)All participants should strongly consider purchasing travel insurance to cover any unforeseen cancellations or other occurrences.

Note: We reserve the right to modify or cancel any trek in the event of a natural disaster, political unrest, or any other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. In such cases, a full refund or an alternative option will be provided.

Dates of Trip

26000 Save 2600

Group Discount Prices

Frequently asked questions, booking details, full board service.

  • Transportation:- Includes pickups and drop-offs from and to the airport along with domestic flights and helicopter flights during the trip.
  • Food and accommodation:- Accommodations will be provided in a 4-star hotel as well as in well-equipped camps during different stops in the trip. A welcome dinner will also be held to introduce our team to the clients. Later,3 meals will be served during the trip which will be cooked by talented cooks along with occasional teas and coffees.
  • Permits and fees Papers and letters required for VISA will be managed The company will also take care of different Royalties and permits from the Indonesian government Permits and entry fees will also be added
  • Insurance The company will cover for insurance of all the involved staff in case of accidents.
  • Equipment All the tools and equipment that will be needed for the expedition will be transported by the company. In case of unfavorable circumstances,it may also be done through other means.
  • Guides and porters Members will be facilitated with guides and porters.
  • Base camp staff and equipment The base camp will be fully equipped with a separate kitchen tent, dining tent, communication tent along with toilet tent along with all the other necessary items that are needed for a comfortable stay. Solar panels or generators will also be managed for electricity as well as the dining tent and other tents will be equipped with heaters to keep you warm. Expert cooks and porters will be there in the camp to assist you. The base camp will also have a bar and bakery.
  • Certificate The members will be honored with a certificate for their accomplishments in climbing the mountain.

Base camp service

  • Transportation:- Includes pickups and drop-off drop-offs from and to the airport along with domestic fights and helicopter flights during the trip.
  • Food and accommodation:- Accommodations will be provided in a 4-star hotel and well-equipped camps during different stops in the trip. A welcome dinner will also be held to introduce our team to the clients. Later,3 meals will be served during the trip which will be cooked by talented cooks along with Oasis
  • Equipment All the tools and equipment that will be needed for the expedition will be transported by the company through air cargo and potters. In case of unfavorable circumstances, it may also be done through land or helicopters.
  • International flights The clients have to bear their flight fees while arriving and leaving Bali.
  • Visa and insurance The clients are responsible for their VISA while arriving in Bali You have to pay for their insurance in case of any accidents.
  • Meals in Bali and Timika While staying in hotels in Bali and Timika, you have to pay for your lunch as well as dinner yourself.
  • Personal belongings and interests The clients are requested to arrange their clothing and required gear while joining the expedition. They also have to arrange the items required to maintain their hygiene. They have to bear the additional charges for services like phone calls, hot baths, laundry, etc. They have to pay extra charges in case they want to shoot videos or capture pictures.
  • Tips and bonuses It will be highly appreciated if the clients can make some tips and bonuses to the hardworking guides and the base camp workers for their hard work.
  • Extra services In case you want any other services that are not mentioned above like the arrangement of a single room or a single vehicle ride, then you have to pay extra from your pocket. Also, an extra amount will be charged for the helicopter flights and in case of bad weather.

Price: US$ 26000 per person

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Climb Puncak Jaya or Carstensz Pyramid

  • Carstensz Pyramid

Dates & Bookings

Puncak jaya (carstensz pyramid) indonesia, 4884m.

Carstensz Pyramid , also known as Puncak Jaya is one of the famous 'Seven Summits' situated on the Indonesian island of Papua New Guinea. This peak is the only of the Seven which is a rock climbing peak and it requires a trek in through remote jungle to reach the base camp.  The peak is in west Papua (now named Papua province Indonesia) and was called  Irian Jaya  until 2005. It lies in New Guinea, which is the world"s second largest island.

Relatively few people have climbed Carstensz due to a history of political instability in the area and the difficult of its location deep in dense jungle. Conditions are very diverse and often challenging, so be prepared to trek in the heat of the jungle, and climb in snow. The rock itself is good climbing rock but very sharp so bring a good pair of gloves. It  can be climbed all year round and is a very exciting and dramatic expedition, definitely one of the most difficult of the Seven Summits despite it being the lowest. 

Getting to Puncak Jaya (Carstenz Pyramid)

Co-ordinates are  S 04°04.733, E 137°09.572. The normal way to reach the mountain is a six day 67 km trek through the jungle from the village of Ilaga or Sugapa which is reached by a light aircraft from the town of Nabire. The height gain is 4000 metres during the trek and is quite strenuous requiring good balance on the fallen trees and along the trail which is heavily forested. Accommodation is in tents or in caves along the way, and it is common to experience tropical rain showers. Carstensz Pyramid stands out like a great fin of rock rising out of the jungle and its first sight has attracted many emotional reactions for climbers emerging from the dense undergrowth to be faced with such a dramatic sight.


It is the only one of the Seven Summits to involve technical rock climbing and therefore members should have suitable experience with ropework and abilities up to Severe. In particular are several notches on the summit ridge which involve a dramatic Tyrolean traverse.

Climbing route on Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid)

The normal route is the one that Heinrich Harrer opened up, which ascends a 600 metre wall; it's imposing and sheer with the bottom half being easily angled and the final top section very steep. The rock is clean and sharp but the wall itself rarely presents a problem. Initially the grade would be a VDiff (UIAA III) with the top at VS (UIAA V). There are fixed ropes in place below the ridge and along the jagged edge to the summit. The crux of the climb is an overhanging wall (VS, UIAA VI) that can be crossed using the fixed lines and jumars or by setting up a Tyrolean traverse.

The whole summit day is about 12 hours and involves scrambling on sharp rock in the dark up narrow chimneys and gullies until you reach the summit ridge. One would expect a range of weather including rain and mist and wind, possible snow showers or potentially clear skies with great views from the top. Temperatures on the summit are often well below freezing, and Base Camp can be 12 degrees Celsius. The descent involves rappelling or abseiling down the fixed lines. 

carstenz pyramid climbing route.jpg

History of Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid)

The word Carstensz is often mis-spelt but the peak is actually named after the first European to see the mountain whose name was Jan Karstens. He was a Dutch seafarer who in 1623 brought news back to Europe about a snow-covered mountain on the equator (actually 4 degrees South of it).  At the time he was not believed, a similar story to the first European to see Kilimanjaro. Nowadays the peak is also called Puncak Jaya which translates as Victory Peak and is popular name among Indonesian communists. 

It was Austrian climber Heinrich Harrer who in 1962 became the first mountaineer to climb Carstenz and his book about the climb and life in Papua called 'I Come From the Stone Age' was a best seller. His story and eventual fate was depicted in the movie 'Seven Years in Tibet' starring Brad Pitt. A few years later in 1971 Tyrolean mountaineer Reinhold Messner climbed Carstenz as part of his Seven Summits odyssey which he successfully completed in 1986. 

Geography of Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid)

It's geographical location is to the west of the central highlands and the Sudirman Mountains. Rather poetically, it belongs to the legendary Snow Mountains, so named because of the snowfall that commonly falls above 400 metres.  At 4884 metres it is the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania, collectively known as Australasia and, depending on your interpretation of a continent, it is one of the Seven Summits. The definition is still a point of debate because it depends on whether one considers a continent geographically or geologically. If New Guinea is regarded as part of the Australasian continental land mass then Carstenz is indeed the highest. Either way it is a significant expedition and far more challenging than Kosciusko.

Map for reaching Irian Jaya

Most people opt to fly into Jakarta with one of many international airlines, or else to Bali. From there the route to Timika or Nabire on West Papua is with Indonesian airlines Lion Air or Batik Air, normally via at least one stop enroute (for example Ambon). Bear in mind that it takes almost a full day to get to Papua from Jakarta. 

Bilogai Airport  Sugapa Airport    Google Maps.png

Here is American climber and blogger Alan Arnette crossing the traverse. The descent involves rappelling or abseiling down the fixed lines. 

Carstenz Pyramid/Puncak Jaya itinerary

The itinerary is a guide only, it is necessary to allow extra days for flexibility in case of bad weather or local politics which might delay the departure. International flights should be into Jakarta or Bali, with onward flights booked to Nabire for the trekking trips and Timika for the helicopter trips.

From Nabire we will arrange the light aircraft into Sugapa or Illaga where the trekking trip begins. For the helicopter option, the flight lands at base camp and we generally allow three full days to climb the mountain.

Trekking trip itinerary

Helicopter trip itinerary

£11,000.00 for helicopter trip (10 days), based on 4 pax or £11,500.00 for the trekking trip

We try to ensure a minimum team number of four, and sometimes this means joining other teams which makes the logistics and costs easier to manage.

  • All permits to climb the mountain and travel in the local area
  • Accommodation at hotel in either Timika or Nabire
  • Experienced local mountain guides
  • Porters trekking (1 Porters each clients Max 17 kg)
  • Meals during the expedition
  • Group equipment (tents, dining tent, cooking utensils)
  • Internal flight or helicopter
  • Use of fixed line and Tyrolean traverse on summit day
  • International flight to Irian Jaya (Nabire for trekking trip or Timika for helicopter trip)
  • Travel insurance covering cancellation and medical/evacuation
  • Excess baggage on flights
  • Personal climbing and camping equipment
  • Personal expenses 
  • Indonesia entry visa fee ($US25/Person)

This trip is priced in US dollars and we require full payment at least three months in advance of the date of the expedition. It is vital that you purchase travel insurance when booking the trip.

A significant portion of the trip cost is for permits and local payments to government agencies and tribal chiefs. It is possible to refund some of this money if the trip is cancelled prior to arrival but once the trip starts then there is no refund if local politics prevents travel. We will always take advice from local people about the situation locally before making any financial commitment regarding the permits.

Kit list for Carstensz Pyramid

The trekking route its hard and tough, trekking through cloudy-rain forest, hilly terrain, muddy trails, highland swamps, crossing rivers and walking around 7-8 hours a day. Clothing for the trekking part of the trip should be long sleeved and strong enough. If you are doing the helicopter trip straight into base camp then the jungle clothing is not necessary, but it can be cold and rainy and snowing so make sure you have warm clothing to change into immediately. 

The climbing section will likely be on cold terrain with rock and snow or ice, so warmth is important. The rock itself is quite sharp so working gloves which you don't mind being ripped will be important. Climbing gear will include a harness, helmet, slings, jumar and descender. 

Travel and trekking gear:

  • Passport and visa, money
  • Duffle bag which is waterproof and lockable
  • Trekking clothes for 6 days walk-in and 3 days walk out (shorts, trousers, quick dry Tshirts and tops)
  • Trainers, wellingtons, umbrella, poncho (assume wet and humid)

Climbing Gear:

  • Climbing harness with belay loop and leg loops
  • Locking karabiners and several snap krabs
  • Jumar (ascender) with 'cows tail' 
  • Several slings and prussik loops

Clothing for the climbing section

  • Hiking boots, lightweight, ankle high
  • Several pairs climbing socks
  • Wellingtons or rubber boots for the muddy trails in the jungle

Body Layers:

  • Two pairs of climbing/trekking trousers
  • Base layers
  • Midweight fleece layers
  • Warm jacket with hood - can be synthetic down or heavy fleece
  • Waterproof shell layer - top and bottom

Headgear and Handwear:

  • Leather/climbing gloves
  • Lightweight inner gloves
  • Heavyweight warm gloves
  • Warm hat and buff

Personal Gear:

  • Backpack of about 35 litres
  • Sleeping bag, rated down to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, in a waterproof compression sack
  • Sleeping mat, one inflatable and one closed cell
  • Headlamp with spare batteries
  • Couple of water bottles or bladders and water purification tablets
  • Anti-malarial tablets, insect repellant
  • Various waterproof stuff sacks
  • Plenty of garbage bags
  • Camera, book etc plus charging devices

We will supply tents, stoves, all the group food, ropes and fixed lines, and any gear for protection, a GPS, satellite phone and medical kit. 

puncak jaya tour

Final payment due 12 weeks prior to departure on this expedition in order to pay for permits. 

We run this trip with a minimum of three members. Tailored dates for private groups are welcomed. 

  • Duration 21 days
  • Challenge Strenuous
  • Altitude 4884m
  • Comfort Camping
  • Travel Insurance
  • Trekking boot advice
  • Acclimatising safely
  • Sleeping bag advice
  • Mount Aconcagua Horcones route
  • Machame Route Kilimanjaro
  • Mount Everest, 8848m

carstenz pyramid

Puncak jaya.

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  • 206.378.1927

puncak jaya tour

Carstensz Pyramid

(16,023ft/4,884m) western papua.

  • The Mountain

Reading List

Climb carstensz pyramid with alpine ascents - heli in & heli out.

Fantastic expedition. Everything one might ask for from hair-raising flights to jungle bushwhacking to cliff hanging. Full-on adventure. Excellent guides. And an unforgettable experience.

As one of the first outfitters to lead trips to Carstensz Pyramid (1994), we are excited to now offer a fly-in and fly-out itinerary for our Carstensz expeditions. Each season we adjust our trip to current circumstances, working closely with local outfitters to use transport and local support in the best combination. Our most recent seasons have experienced 100% summit success, with Paul Koubek leading, and we have had a 98% success rate since our initial 1994 climb. We look forward to Paul leading our fall 2022 climb.

Why helicopter travel? We choose to use helicopters for our current expeditions because we see this as the best chance to provide a successful expedition while meeting the logistical challenges of traveling in West Papua. Trips that trek into basecamp bear much reliance on local Dani Tribesman, and helicopter transport in general reduces the number of variables in reaching our destination. Additionally, local politics, staying healthy while trekking, and the extremely limited ability to provide emergency assistance on the trek makes helicopter use the best option.

Climb Carstensz Pyramid Pricing

Climb carstensz pyramid schedule.

No Upcoming Departures. Check again soon.

Climbing Skill Level

Climbers should possess basic rock climbing skills and a course like our 5-Day Cascades Rock Climbing Course or equivalent is recommended.

About Carstensz

If we attempt to define exotic, then we may begin with West Papua (formerly Irian Jaya). In the lush jungles of the Beliem Valley, we meet the Dani tribesmen, our guides, who were first introduced to westerners in the 1960’s. This is perhaps the most interesting climb Alpine Ascents offers, weaving a deeply influential cultural experience with a challenging rock climb. All climbs are led by an Alpine Ascents guide.

Located in the western central highlands, Carstensz Pyramid is the highest mountain on the Oceanic continent. We arrive by charter flight, then take a helicopter to Base Camp. After rest and arrival, we will attempt to summit Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya). Following the climb, we return via helicopter to a local village for further transport out. Regionally, West Papua has had relatively little western influence, the ancient Dani lifestyle and rituals have been able to continue in an authentic manner. Tourism has not arrived in many of these areas, and thus we are extremely sensitive and careful about our impact on the region.

Unlike the other Seven Summits, Carstensz is a rock climb of moderate difficulty. While all short technical sections will have fixed lines, climbers should have basic rock climbing skills. Our past expeditions proved to be fantastic all-around experiences and each climb culminated with nearly 100% summit success (45 out of 46 climbers)! See the Cybercast of our last climb to Carstensz for more.

About The Climb

At 16,023 ft. (4,884 m), Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya in Indonesian, meaning “Victory Peak”) is located in the western central highlands of West Papua and is the highest peak in Oceania, the Australiasia continent. The English name for the mountain was after Jan Carstensz, a Dutch explorer who was the first European to sight the peak. In 1962, Heinrich Harrer became the first foreigner to summit the peak. His book, “I Come From the Stone Age,” provides excellent reading about climbing Carstensz and other peaks in the area, as well as his experiences of living with the Dani.

The route on Carstensz Pyramid follows a series of gullies up the north face for 500 meters of solid rock before breaking out on the ridge. Riddled with notches, the summit ridge undulates for half a kilometer from this point to the top. One of the gaps is 20m deep, and we rappel this overhanging pitch, then leave a rope fixed to jumar on our return. On our descent, we rappel short distances and down-climb most of the way. The rock is extremely good, rarely loose, and provides good friction even in wet weather.

The rock-climbing difficulty on Carstensz is up to 5.8 for short steps, but most of the climbing is scrambling. It is important that you have basic rock-climbing skills and are comfortable with rappelling and jumaring. Short technical sections have fixed lines allowing you to either free climb or jumar. These fixed lines have been a crucial part of our 100% success rate.

In the highland areas, daytime temperatures should range between 75 and 85 degrees F, with most evenings about 45 degrees F. Expect warm afternoon showers, which may turn cool if encountered on a mountain pass. Closer to Carstensz, snow or inclement weather may occur. Temperatures can range from 28° to 60° F with sunshine occasionally in the mornings, then rainfall in the afternoons and evenings. Winds are variable and can be strong.

A Brief History of Papua

West Papua occupies the western half of New Guinea. This island is located immediately south of the equator, and is the world’s second largest island, following Greenland. West Papua provides a panoply of old world tropical species. This is due to the land bridge linking Australia and New Guinea during the last ice age. West Papua’s climate is primarily a function of topography. The low-lying north and south sides of the island possess great tropical jungles, while the mountain ranges exhibit temperate conditions. The mountains run east to west and rise to 16,023 ft. (4,884 m) at Carstensz Pyramid.

Politically, West Papua is the easternmost province of Indonesia. The area was initially claimed by the Dutch in the mid-1800s as part of their Spice Island empire, but by 1940 they had still not explored further inland than the coastal plains. The Dutch wanted to prepare Irian Jaya for self-government by 1970, but from the late 1950s, Indonesia was exerting pressure to annex the area and, with help from the United Nations, this was accomplished in 1963. This process was not universally accepted by native Papuans and discontent still prevails in certain areas. In 1961, the Harvard Peabody Museum sponsored a major expedition to the Grand A Valley to document the Dani’s Stone Age culture (see Peter Matthiessen’s “Under the Mountain Wall”). Wamena, the site of the valley’s airstrip, has grown into a small town, but in general the only big changes since then are that tribal fighting and cannibalism have ended. The province was renamed Irian Jaya, “Victorious Irian” in 1973. The indigenous movement has since identified themselves as West Papuan.

Beyond the Grand Valley of the Baliem River, many other groups live in smaller valleys. These people were not contacted by the west until the 1960’s and 1970’s, when missionaries began penetrating these regions. In the highlands to the east of the Baliem River, the Yali, Mek, and Kim-Yal people comprise some of the other large tribal groups.

This is a highly recommended shortlist and we would be happy to pass on a longer reading list for those interested. These links will bounce to with reviews.

Under the Mountain Wall: A Chronicle of Two Seasons in Stone Age New Guinea

puncak jaya tour

Indonesian New Guinea: West Papua/Irian Jaya

puncak jaya tour

Fantastic expedition. Everything one might ask for from hair raising flights to jungle bushwhacking to cliff hanging. Full-on adventure. Excellent guides. And an unforgettable experience.

puncak jaya tour


Cascades conditions report 7/10/2024.

Greetings follow climbers! The sunshine is here and just like that the switch has flipped post July 4th!   Those living in the PNW have swapped their rain jackets for t-shirts and sandals. Since last week high pressure has dominate the PNW with hot and sunny days across the region. Seattle experienced its first heat wave […]


Greetings follow climbers! Summer has finally arrived! PNW long time locals know that our summer doesn’t start until July 4th…. and that’s exactly what we saw in 2024. High pressure has moved over the region and allowed for sunny skies all along the Cascade Crest.  This weekend is forecasted to be the warmest days of […]


Greetings follow climbers! The Pacific Northwest continues to have its classic weather pattern of sunny days coupled with stormy patches. With the summer solstice behind it is hard to imagine days are slowly getting shorter. Similar to last week, teams have taken advantage of the beautiful weather windows and have had success all over the […]


Knowledge & expertise.

Alpine Ascents International leads expeditions that have become benchmarks of quality in the climbing community. We operate what we believe is the finest mountaineering school in the country. This expertise is based upon years of accumulated experience-not just from individual mountain guides, but through experience on particular mountains where details are fine-tuned over time.

Our guides are an integral part of Alpine Ascents because they understand and share our climbing principles. These individuals are dedicated to sharing their excellence with others. Many of our guides have been with Alpine Ascents for over five years, with a handful of veterans working with us for most of their careers. The quality of our Guide Staff is the primary difference between us and our competitors.

Environmental Reponsibility

Leave No Trace principles are fundamental to our program, and we encourage all who climb and trek with us to understand proper wilderness practices. We help facilitate this effort by passing on Leave No Trace training and literature to every Alpine Ascents climber.

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Climbing Puncak Jaya: How To Summit Carstensz Pyramid

April 11, 2023 | Views: 6,200

Climbing Puncak Jaya

With fewer than 500 people having ever conquered the peak, climbing Puncak Jaya might not be the first name you think of when your mind turns to mountain exploration. 

Set in the heart of the highlands within Indonesia’s island of Papua, the pretty peak nails down the bragging rights of being the tallest mountain in Indonesia and Australia (it’s complicated, but don’t worry you’ll get it by the end of this post). 

With little information on climbing Puncak Jaya, which is also an official Seven Summits mountain ; I’ll try my best to paint the picture of what it entails, after summiting it myself in  2019.

Table of Contents

Meet Puncak Jaya: The Tallest Mountain in Southeast Asia (& Australia)

A male climber on Puncay Jaya with a beautiful misty landscape in the background

When it comes to major mountain peaks around the globe, most people can name Everest, Kilimanjaro and Mont Blanc straight off the bat. But, the name Puncak Jaya, also known as Carstensz Pyramid will probably have you scratching your head if you’re not heavily involved in the world of mountaineering.

Standing at just over 4,884 metres (16,000 feet), Puncak Jaya is the highest mountain in the region, making it one of the infamous Seven Peaks. The mountain rises from the western half of New Guinea island; the Indonesian half is known as Papua. 

The size of this jaggery bump makes it the tallest mountain in Indonesia, and Southeast Asia but also in Australia too.

I can already feel the wrath of reading Aussies screaming; “it’s Kozzie you dickhead” at me. I’m on it, and I’ll explain why Mount Kosciuszko isn’t technically Australia’s highest peak next…

This all might get a little confusing, and you’d be forgiven for thinking so too. Most of us born in my era are used to naming all seven continents and including “Oceania” on that list. Yet that term doesn’t help us much when we’re thinking of continents, as Oceania is actually a region made up of thousands of islands, rather than an official continent.

Continents are geographically defined by their continental plates and the Australian continental plate includes the nation of Australia and the island of Papua – making Puncak Jaya the highest mountain in Indonesia and the continent of Australia.

In short: 

  • Mount Kosciuszko is the tallest mountain in the country of Australia .
  • Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid) is the tallest mountain in the continent of Australia .
  • Indonesia is geographically in Asia, where Mount Everest is the tallest, but the country stretches out to the continent of Australia (which is where Puncak Jaya lives).

Known as “Nemangkawi” to the tribespeople of Papua , the mountain was not known by Europeans until 1623. The first outsider to catch sight of the peak was Dutch Explorer Jan Carstenszoon, from whom the mountain was given one of its alternative names, the Carstensz Pyramid. 

It wasn’t until 1962 that a successful climb was made, headed by famous Austrian mountaineer and Tibetologist Heinrich Harrer – known for climbing the north face of the Eiger, his time teaching the teenage Dalai Lama and the lesser impressive accolade of being a former member of The Nazi Party .

Climbing Puncak Jaya is one of the most difficult climbs out of all the Seven Summits for a multitude of reasons. Its sheer isolation in the highlands of Papua presents its own set of obstacles, once including the dodging of violence and kidnapping by tribespeople. On top of this, the steep climb requires the skilled use of rappelling and jumar techniques.

It’s really no easy feat, so I’d recommend preparing well. 

How To Get To Puncak Jaya

West Papua City Centre

Before attempting the Puncak Jaya climb, you have to make your way to the base camp. This is no easy task for a summit isolated in the highlands of a tropical island and I thought backpacking in Papua New Guinea was hardcore travel!

The first thing you’ll need to do is catch a flight to the Papua town of Timika, on the southern edge of the island and just south of the mountain. This isn’t your everyday commercial destination, and most flights will nearly always have to fly from an Indonesian destination. 

The Indonesian flag-carrier flight company is Garuda Indonesia and it is through these that you’re more likely to secure a flight to Tembagapura before taking a 90 minutes drive (provided by your tour company) to Timika Town Centre. To avoid any confusion; Timika Town is outside of the airport, which is in the tongue-twister of a name Tembagapura but the airport is still commonly referred to as Timika.

Bali provides the best jumping-off point to fly to Timika Airport, official name Mozes Kilangin International Airport (TIM).

Once you’re in the town of Timika your route to base camp will largely depend on your guide and your willingness to spend. It used to be common practice, and still is with some guides, to hike your way through the Papua jungle to the base camp, but this is becoming less common due to safety concerns .

Two men pose inside a helicopter en route to climbing Puncak Jaya in West Papua, Indonesia

Local guides are becoming more reluctant to make this trek as the indigenous tribes and dissident rebels have noticed they can make a pretty penny by holding hikers hostage until large sums of ransom are paid – previous encounters have even ended in murder when these randoms haven’t been paid.

The other much safer and more expensive option is to charter a helicopter from Timika to the base camp. This, of course, would be far more favourable to many and throws in the chance to see the jaw-dropping landscapes of the jungle, and mountains and fly right over the biggest gold-producing mine in the world .

Best Time of Year To Climb Puncak Jaya

Moody clouds hang over the horizon of a cloud-filled mountain in Puncak Jaya, Indonesia.

Climbing Puncak Jaya successfully will highly depend on the weather conditions on the mountainside and being so close to the equator, these conditions typically change fast and with little warning on a tropical region mountain.

The positive slant on this makes it an all-season mountain, unlike the likes of Aconcagua ( which I have failed to summit twice at the point of this publication, let’s hope 3rd time’s the charm). 

That being said, there is still an optimal time for climbing Puncak Jaya; it’s best to attempt the climb during the region’s dry season. The dry season in this area of Indonesia starts in April and lasts until around October/November time. 

While it may be dry season at base camp, weather conditions on the mountain itself can jump from dazzling and sunburning rays to whipping winds and slippery, menacing rainfall (or even glacially ice) near the summit.

The main issue here though is the rain, as it’s a very technical mountain and attempting the climb in dryer conditions makes a much safer climb with a higher chance of a successful summit. 

Can You Climb Puncak Jaya Independently?

The short answer to this question is both no and why would you want to?! 

You’ll need to get a permit that’s been granted by the centralised government from the Indonesian capital of Jakarta to make the climb in the first place. These are tricky to get, but tour operators will guide you through the process and help you fill in the unruly paperwork.

Besides the red tape you need to power through, there’s the bigger problem of actually navigating the island and the highly difficult climb. If you’re planning on hiking to basecamp, rather than chartering a flight, having a local guide with knowledge of the jungle and its tribespeople will be essential and, quite literally, life-saving – but I can’t make any promises. 

The physical climb to the top of Mount Puncak Jaya is one that demands a high level of skill, and without the knowledge of rappelling and jumar climbing techniques, you are doomed to fail without a guide.

Cost of Climbing Puncak Jaya

Two male climbers smile while climbing Puncak Jaya

Climbing Puncak Jaya isn’t exactly a cheap hike like the DIY climb of Japan’s Mount Fuji . In fact, it might well be one of the most expensive for you (it was for me and that’s with an amazing discount). But, for those who believe in the notion, the satisfaction of successfully climbing one of the seven summits and such an elusive mountain is absolutely priceless. 

It’s not uncommon to be quoted a fee of $20,000 USD per person, sometimes higher. Shopping around and doing a little in-depth research means you may find a local tour operator that will quote you closer to the $8,000 USD mark. 

My mate Johnny found this smashing deal with the company Summit Carstensz , but it took him a lot of shopping around and grey hairs to find a price this impressively low.

3 Routes For Climbing Puncak Jaya

There are three distinct routes to climb to the peak of the Carstensz Pyramid, but most opt for the “normal route”.  Ultimately, your guide will choose which route you will take to the top based on the day’s weather conditions and your own climbing abilities.

Normal Route (also known as Harrer’s Route)

A climber in blue standing above the clouds while climbing Puncak Jaya

The most common path to the summit of Puncak Jaya is the route first-ever made by Austrian mountaineer Henrich Harrer and his team in 1962. The total ascent and descent along the “normal route” takes between 12 and 15 hours. 

It involves climbing the 600m rock face to the top of the ridge and then traversing along the jagged cliff before using the fitted ropes to scale the extremely steep rock face. This is of course, what I, a mere pleb mountain climber out of his depth, did – but I thought I’d list the other options for any badass pros out there.

East Ridge  

The East Ridge route is considered to be the medium-difficult route to climbing Puncak Jaya. The ascent on the East Ridge route is far longer and requires a little more scrambling over sharp rock. With East Ridge, rockfall is also a common problem, and the pathway up the mountain is far more narrow than the other routes you can choose. 

The American Direct

The American Direct route is the most challenging when it comes to climbing Puncak Jaya but, as the name suggests, the most direct. A very exposed route, the American Direct takes a direct path up the mountain instead of traversing along the ridge that leads up to the summit. 

This route does get more difficult as the climb goes on, with the hardest being the steep Carstensz headwall. This route certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted and will often only be attempted by seasoned climbers.

Packing List for Climbing Puncak Jaya

Packing list of items for climbing Puncak Jaya

When it comes to climbing Puncak Jaya you need to get the right balance between packing too much and too little, especially when it comes to your summit bag. This is a much shorter expedition to the longer hikes of a mountain that I and others reading this have climbed, so you can get away with more comfort at base camp.

Puncak Jaya offers some of the most difficult climbing in the world for those leaving the ‘beginner’ level and attempting to move on to the next – this, combined with its tropical location will affect the type of gear you need. 

You can rent some of the gear when you get there, though it’s good practice to bring your own along so that you are more comfortable. There’s a small mountaineering shop in the town of Timika where you are also able to pick up some last-minute supplies before the ascent, but it’s pale in comparison to the likes of options in Kathmandu or Chamonix. 

Being such a small town, supplies aren’t always guaranteed, so ensure you double and triple-check your packing list before you leave.

Here’s an idea of what you might need to pack for climbing Puncak Jaya.

Hand and Headgear

  • Hard-Wearing Gloves – A set of hardy gloves comes in handy for traversing the jagged rock and crossing the Tyrolean traverse and rappelling.
  • BUFF Headwear – For light insulation under your climbing helmet, protecting you from the sun and excessive sweat.
  • Fleece hat – These can fit under your mountaineering helmet for slightly windier parts of the mountain.

Camping and Trekking Gear

  • Sleeping bag – Rated to at least 20 F (-5 C)
  • Inflatable mattress – Getting a decent bit of shut-eye is key before the climb and mine was heaven, while an annoyed Johnny (who didn’t take one) had to sleep over a huge jagged rock in his back.
  • Water bottles – Two 1-litre bottles are best.
  • Headlamp – With plenty of extra batteries.
  • Summit Bag – You can see mine in the featured photo at the top of this post. Make sure it’s waterproof and hugs your body well.

Climbing Equipment 

  • Climbing harness – These should be fully adjustable with leg loops
  • Locking carabiners – Locking carabiners should be large in diameter.
  • Six standard oval or D-shaped carabiners – these will again help with rope-based climbing.
  • Ascenders – These will help you ascend any fixed ropes you find along the way.
  • Daisy chain – To attach to your ascenders.
  • 20ft of 6mm accessory cord – Your guides should help you rig all your cords together beforehand.
  • Figure-8 rappel/descending device – This will be used for the larger ropes on your way down. 
  • Climbing helmet – Ensure it is lightweight and can fit over a thermal hat. Your climbing company can rent you one, but it’s best to have one that fits your nogging perfectly.
  • Jumar – Ever heard of one? Neither had I and to be honest, I wish I had prepared and used them more often instead of last-minute fighting with my rented jumar.
  • Technical Climbing Boots – Puncak Jaya is incredibly slippy in parts. Don’t scrimp on shoes for this mountain.
  • Tropics-Friendly Socks – Too thick will be uncomfortable and unnecessary for tropical weather.
  • Base Layer Pair – Try and get a lightweight pair for climbing Punck Jaya.
  • Hiking Pants – I bought a couple with strong material, which helped combat scrapes and bruises as I bashed myself off the mountain a lot!
  • Hardshell Jacket – This will come on and off as the weather changes often but you’ll be happy you have it.
  • Rainjacket – It rained hard for a 2-hour period for us and again later on in short bursts.

For what it’s worth; I rented pretty much all of the above from Summit Carstensz. If I was to do it again, I’d have bought my own gear and practised more – I was really out of my depth up there and I’m incredibly lucky to be able to tell the tale.

Medical & Personal

  • Sunscreen – SPF 30 or higher, reapply often!
  • Lip balm – SPF 30 or higher, also applied regularly if you have sensitive lips.
  • Insect repellent – Small bottle for trekking through the lower parts of the climb.
  • Toiletry kit – Toilet paper, toothbrush, and toothpaste will keep your hygiene tip-top while you’re making the climb.
  • Small personal first aid kit – Guides will have a more comprehensive first aid kit, but it’s a good idea to have your own too.
  • Imodium – The life-saver of embarrassing toilet disasters on the road. It’s so good that I wrote a poem about its glory.

Is Climbing Puncak Jaya Safe? (+ Fitness Levels Advice)

A climber abseiling up Puncak Jaya

It goes without saying regarding a Seven Summits mountain of this technicality – climbing Puncak Jaya is not without its risks. 

It is also no exaggeration to say that climbing Carstensz Pyramid has its own unique and quite real dangers. Puncak Jaya/Carstensz Pyramid is made up of sharp jagged rocks, and sheer rock face climbs, so much so that the whole climb will require roped assistance – this should be an indicator of how hazardous the climb can be. 

It’s not so much the altitude of the climb that commonly poses a threat. It is more the complexity of the climb and the isolated location away from cities, towns and villages. Two people recently died on the climb , put down to rockfall and another incident where the climber succumbed to hypoxemia where oxygen levels become thinner. 

Where your safety becomes even more unpredictable is if your trip takes the hiking route through the jungle paths to the base of the mountain. With dissident groups and local tribes carrying out random acts of kidnapping, hostage-taking and extortion, it’s not quite the walk in the park you would like before beginning such a hazardous climb.

But the mountain itself? Climbing Puncak Jaya is pretty much all ropes and descending the mountain is actually 10 times more terrifying (and trickier) than going up it. I’ll hold my hands up here and say that I bit off way more than I could chew.

I don’t humblebrag when I say this, or that it was last minute…I had never abseiled in my life and I did it for the first time climbing Puncak Jaya on the most monstrous of drops. You shouldn’t do this if you can avoid it.

In terms of fitness, you don’t want the burden of being sluggish and having poor cardio on this challenge so a decent level of fitness is required. I had completed The Marathon Des Sables race a month prior to climbing Puncak Jaya, so my fitness levels were fine, it was the technical part of the climb that I mainly struggled with. 

Travel Insurance vs Extreme Sports Insurance for Climbing Puncak Jaya

View below a man stepping over a rope on Puncak Jaya mountain

Usually, a trusted travel insurance company would be enough to cover your trip, but when you’re scaling the highest peak in Indonesia, this simply won’t do with most of them. With higher risks and the potential for danger, you’ll need an extreme sports insurance policy to have your back. 

Although you will undoubtedly end up paying far more with this kind of policy, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

If you were to require hospital treatment, travel insurance may not pay out if it was the result of climbing Puncak Jaya. Whereas, an extreme sports insurance policy would – and being at the wrong end of a hefty Indonesian hospital bill is not where you want to be, especially when you’re likely to need helicopters off the island of Papua and to the more built-up mainland (which is relatively underdeveloped). 

With such a hazardous climb in unpredictable circumstances already ahead of you, extreme sports insurance is essential when you’re planning on climbing Puncak Jaya, but your tour company takes care of that (and if they don’t, they are cowboys).

Climbing Puncak Jaya: My Experience of Summiting The Highest Peak in Australia

A helicopter lands on Puncak Jaya mountain in West Papua, Indonesia on the island of Guinea.

Johnny and I took a red-eye flight at 1:30 am from Bali to the region of the mountain Timika for $590, courtesy of Garuda Indonesia, speculating about whether the blonde lady on the flight was the Norwegian who we were set to climb Puncak Jaya with.

We confirmed with an introduction that she was indeed a member of our team as our hotel picked us up to go and meet the staff of Summit Carstenz. 

Blessed with a much-needed positive, strong and fun energy, we knew she’d be the perfect company for the occasion, and she turned out to be an absolutely stellar woman (who only “failed” a Mount Everest summit due to her guide getting sick on the final day. Gut-wrenching!)

Later that afternoon, the guides visited our room to check our gear. After seriously upping my mountain experience recently, this was the first time I’d felt quietly confident with my equipment since the start of this hard mountain climbing journey on Mount Elbrus in Russia .

I felt that I’d come a long way from the novice who would tip his head like a curious Labrador when asked about important mountain gear, by an understandably flustered guide.

I passed my kit exam with maybe a B+ and agreed to get better shoes for climbing Puncak Jaya at a local store. Annoyingly, I had better shoes back home but forgot to pack them!

We were informed during the briefing that if the weather was clear in the morning we would be flying into base camp.

After breakfast the next day, we took our bags to the airport and waited for the 6-9 am window to open up and were happily greeted with the news that the helicopter had given us the green light at 8 am, to throw our bags on and get going.

My stomach jumped, “Operation; climbing Puncak Jaya” was officially underway.

It turned out that West Papua is home to the largest gold mine in the world, coining a cheek-puffing $15 million USD every DAY and we flew directly over it – a massive, striking crater sunk into the ground, that we flew over en route to base camp.

We really were in the middle of nowhere. The lack of safety and the logistical nightmare of getting to Puncak Jaya made it easy to see how it’s not just the high expedition price that keeps people away from this mysterious mountain.

A view of Grasberg Mine from Puncak Jaya

Upon touching down from our scenic helicopter ride we met our porter and guide. Just a few hours later, we were rope training – the very first time I’d used a jumar (a specialist rope-climbing tool) to drag myself up and over large rocks.

I did a double-take on the way back as our guide told us that we would be setting off to the summit in the middle of that very night , weather permitting.

Excitement and nerves kicked in even more. I’d have to learn a lot as I went along, but I was relieved to know that we would be going for it right away, and potentially cutting down our anxiety-laden waiting time on the mountain.

We got to bed around 7 pm and woke up at 2:15 am, with coffee and peanut butter sandwiches as our early, pre-climb breakfast.

Headlamps on, we marched in unison for our nighttime climbing Puncak Jaya expedition. The rain that had been hitting us hard upon arrival had disappeared, the conditions were favourable, and only human error was standing in the way of our success.

The uphill climb with ropes was every bit as saucy as I thought it would be, with jagged rocks biting into my hands as I grappled with them, trying to clamber over them.

Not the most graceful of techniques – think Bambi on ice… but on a mountain.

A climber gets ready to cross the rope bridge on Puncak Jaya

I was absolutely right when I was concerned that I’d be out of my depth here, but this was no time for trepidation – I simply had to focus, learn from any mistakes, trust in myself, and commit.

What helped was that there were only three of us (four including our guide) on the whole mountain, so there was no human traffic to worry about or bottlenecks to navigate through.

I actually learned more from our new Norwegian friend, Merethe (pronounced “Marieta” in English), than I did from him and I’m eternally grateful to Johnny for teaching me a figure-8 knot on the spot during a really difficult and terrifying part of the mountain, where the guide expected us to do a move that was tantamount to a Matrix fight scene over a large gap between two rocks.

Surprisingly, the infamous rope bridges didn’t test my nerves as much as the abseiling. I was even lucky enough to get a point-of-view shot from the other side as a nice memory – take a look for yourself…

A climber braces himself for the rope bridge on Puncak Jaya

Five hours after stumbling, jumarin’, scrambling and climbing Puncak Jaya, we were standing proud on the summit, 4,884 metres high. The highest point of continental Australia and the region of Oceania – a beautiful feeling, especially after the 1st failed Aconcagua heartache the year before.

But reality suddenly hit and pragmatism killed my fleeting moments of romanticism. We still had to get back down, and if dragging myself up 90-degree angles was tough, going back down safely was sure as shit going to be no picnic.

I was about to lose my abseiling virginity and I was to do it coming down a Seven-frigging-Summit. Typical of me, trying to run before I can walk. I hoped that my luck wouldn’t run out.

Tiredness got to me somewhat, and momentary lapses of concentration could have been catastrophic as I lost control of myself during a dead drop abseil, but I managed to fight and claw myself to safety and regain my composure.

Mount Elbrus was the hardest physical thing that I’d ever done (I did it unfit and with a chest infection) and Marathon des Sables remains a close contest, but climbing Puncak Jaya was a different kind of difficulty, where I had to be successful in mind over matter and remain somewhat calm in order to get down safely.

Climbers celebrate at the summit of Puncak Jaya

This was a different kind of mental challenge on a mountain and a refreshing (yet frightening) one for me. It was less about slogging through mental pain with physical endurance and more about problem-solving, staying in the “flow” zone and not panicking in terrifying moments.

I felt extremely vulnerable up there, but the experience of respecting the mountain was really good for me and will serve me well for future climbs.

A climber walks the Rope Bridge on Carstenz Pyramid

A couple of slips and 7 hours later we were back at base camp, my confidence growing after the humble sandwich force-fed to me by the mountain.

After successfully climbing Puncak Jaya, we headed to Australia to climb Kozzie , so we could say that we had 100% climbed the tallest mountain in the whole of Australia with absolutely no contention.

Before you head to West Papua:

  • If you’re into climbing mountains in Asia then also check out these Climbing Mount Kinabalu Tips , everything you need to know about toppling the tallest mountain in Borneo. Good luck with your climbs
  • Adventurous man? This post is for you: Best Men’s Travel Gear: Tried & Tested Over 10 Years!

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LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH | Conquer Carstensz Pyramid & Puncak Jaya | Unveiling The Ultimate Summit Adventure


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Padum to Darcha Trek: A 13-Day

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We wish you a pleasant trip your LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH team

Puncak Jaya

Duration: 11 Days and 10 Nights

Optimal Period: April through November

Location: Indonesia

Valid Until: 2024

Cost: $12,500 - $25,000

Selected Dates:

- October 20

Featured Experiences: Hiking and Outdoor Camping

Puncak Jaya, alternatively recognized as the Carstensz Pyramid, stands as the highest summit in the Australasian region. The appellation "Carstensz" was bestowed in tribute to Jan Carstensz, a Dutch explorer who initially observed the splendid white peaks in 1623.

The renowned peak, Carstensz Pyramid, also identified as Puncak Jaya, is part of the distinguished 'Seven Summits' and is situated on the Indonesian island of Papua New Guinea. It distinguishes itself as the sole rock climbing peak among the Seven Summits, necessitating a journey through a secluded jungle to access the base camp. The summit is located in Papua Province, Indonesia (formerly referred to as Irian Jaya), on the expansive island of New Guinea, the second largest in the world.

Embarking on the ascent of Carstensz Pyramid is a formidable undertaking attempted by a relatively small number of individuals. The region's history of political instability, combined with its remote and densely forested location, has led to a limited number of climbers. Anticipate encountering diverse and often challenging conditions, encompassing trekking through the hot jungle and climbing in snowy terrain. The rock itself presents favorable climbing opportunities but is recognized for its sharpness, underscoring the importance of resilient gloves. Despite ranking as the lowest of the Seven Summits, Carstensz Pyramid offers an exhilarating and dramatic expedition, solidifying its status as one of the most formidable summits to conquer.

Irrespective of the season, Carstensz Pyramid provides an electrifying climbing experience for adventurers in search of a distinctive and demanding ascent. Ascending Puncak Jaya is a remarkable achievement that showcases both physical resilience and technical proficiency.

Mount Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid) Expedition Itinerary

Day 1: Bali to Timika, Papua Flight

Embark on a 3-hour flight from Bali to Timika. Upon arrival, finalize preparations for your trek and climb. Stay overnight in a local hotel.

Day 2: Timika to Sugapa (2244m) Flight, then Suanggama (2018m) Drive

Take a brief one-hour flight over the Papuan rainforest to Sugapa. From there, travel by motorcycle to Suanggama.

Day 3: Suanggama (2018m) to Salt Factory Camp (2380m)

Cover approximately 15.5 km along the river, navigating through the jungle to reach the campsite. Encounter a demanding day of trekking with steep ascents and descents through dense jungle. Arrive at Indisaga Camp, set up camp, and rest for the night.

Day 4: Indisaga Camp (3230m) to Ebay Camp (3584m)

Commence the day with a trek through light forest, followed by traversing along a ridge overlooking a valley. Establish camp on the ridge for the night.

Day 5: Ebay Camp (3584m) to Nasidome (3734m)

Descend from the ridge into another forested valley. Cross a river using a natural stone bridge and traverse through swampland to reach Nasidome, the final camp before base camp.

Day 6: Nasidome (3734m) to Base Camp (4273m)

Navigate through challenging passes, including the New Zealand pass, a slippery 50m section. Descend to Base Camp, situated at the base of Carstensz Pyramid.

Day 7: Ascent of Carstensz Pyramid

Commence the day early, around 02:00, and reach the summit of the highest peak in Australasia using one of the climbing routes. After reaching the summit and enjoying the view, return to Base Camp by around 10:00 to celebrate your achievement.

Note: It is crucial to avoid lingering on the peak due to the risk of afternoon rainstorms.

Day 8-9: Return trek from Base Camp to Sugapa

Trek back to Sugapa using the same route. The return journey is expected to be quicker.

Day 10: Sugapa to Timika Flight, then to Bali

Take a flight from Sugapa to Timika, followed by continuing your journey with a flight back to Bali. Enjoy a well-deserved overnight stay in your hotel.

Day 11: Extra Day for Second Summit Attempt or Adverse Weather

Keep an additional day as a contingency for a second summit attempt or in case of unfavorable weather.

Note: It is advisable to allocate a few extra days as a buffer for potential delays or adverse weather conditions.


  • All permits for ascending the mountain and local area travel.
  • Lodging at a hotel in Timika or Nabire.
  • Seasoned local mountain guides.
  • Trekking porters (1 porter per client, with a maximum weight limit of 17 kg per porter).
  • Meals throughout the expedition.
  • Group equipment (tents, dining tent, cooking utensils).
  • Internal flight or helicopter transportation.
  • Use of fixed line and Tyrolean traverse on summit day.
  • International flights to Irian Jaya (Nabire for trekking trips or Timika for helicopter trips).
  • Travel insurance covering cancellation, medical expenses, and evacuation.
  • Excess baggage charges on flights.
  • Personal climbing and camping equipment.
  • Personal expenses.
  • Indonesia entry visa fee ($US25 per person).
  • Deposit Payments: To confirm your reservation, a non-refundable deposit of $5,000 per person is required.
  • Balance Payments: The remaining balance is due 120 days before the program's start date.

**For wire transfers, ensure that the payment covers all fees imposed by your bank. The incoming wire amount to our bank must match the balance payment.

  • A payment reminder will be emailed about three weeks before the payment due date.
  • If the balance payment isn't received 120 days before the program starts, your reservation will be canceled, and all fees will be forfeited.
  • For programs booked within 120 days of departure, full payment is required at the time of registration.

*Please be aware that a 3% surcharge applies to all credit/debit card transactions. Credit/debit cards are not accepted for payments of $10,000 or more.

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Note: While we can assist you in applying for a visa, please remember that the decision to issue it lies with the embassy. If your visa is delayed or denied, LIFE on the PLANET LADAKH cannot provide a refund, and we are not responsible for such occurrences.

Carstensz Pyramid

Carstensz Pyramid | Escape to Ladakh for a transformative 4-day getaway. Start with serene yoga in Leh, then trek from Leh to Yurutse, blending yoga with nature and meditation. Continue with morning yoga, a trek to Skiu, and an evening meditation. Bid farewell with yoga in Skiu, descend to Leh, and conclude with meditation. Crafted for quick yet profound escapes, this retreat seamlessly combines Ladakh’s adventure and serenity.

Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this pinball machine offers hours of fun for both casual players and avid enthusiasts. Its sleek, compact size makes it suitable for any space, while its vibrant lights and sound effects create an immersive gaming experience.

Carstensz Pyramid

The History of Pinball Machines

Pinball machines have a rich and fascinating history. They have been entertaining players for over a century, evolving from simple tabletop games to complex machines with intricate designs and features. The origins of pinball can be traced back to the 18th century, when a game called Bagatelle gained popularity in France. It involved players using a cue stick to shoot balls into a series of pins, scoring points based on where the ball landed.

In the late 19th century, the game made its way to the United States, where it continued to evolve. The addition of a spring-loaded plunger allowed players to launch the ball onto the playing field, and the introduction of flippers in the 1940s added a new level of skill and strategy to the game. Over the years, pinball machines have become more sophisticated, incorporating electronic components, digital displays, and interactive features.

Why Visit a Carstensz Pyramid?

There are many reasons why you should visit a Carstensz Pyramid. Firstly, it’s a great way to support local businesses. Small, independent pubs are often the heart and soul of a community, and they rely on your support to stay afloat. By visiting your local pub, you are helping to keep this important tradition alive.

Secondly, pubs are a great place to socialize and meet new people. Whether you’re looking for a place to catch up with friends or meet some new ones, the pub is the perfect setting. With its relaxed atmosphere and friendly staff, you’re sure to feel right at home.

Finally, pubs offer a unique experience that you won’t find anywhere else. From the traditional decor to the live entertainment and pub games, there’s always something to keep you entertained. Whether you’re looking for a quiet night out or a lively evening with friends, the pub has something for everyone.

Finding the Best Carstensz Pyramid in Your Area

Finding the best Carstensz Pyramid in your area can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the area. However, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier. Firstly, ask around. Talk to your friends and family and see if they have any recommendations. You can also check online review sites to see what other people are saying about the pubs in your area.

Another great way to find the best pubs in your area is to go on a pub crawl. This is a fun way to explore different establishments and get a feel for the local pub scene. Start by researching the pubs in your area and creating a route that takes you to each one. Make sure to pace yourself and enjoy each pub to its fullest.

Pub Atmosphere and Decor

One of the things that makes Carstensz Pyramid so special is their atmosphere and decor. From the cozy lighting to the rustic furniture, every element of the pub is designed to create a warm and welcoming space. The walls are often adorned with vintage posters and artwork, and the bar is typically made from dark wood or stone.

The lighting is also an important part of the pub atmosphere. Many pubs use low lighting to create a cozy, intimate feel. The use of candles and lanterns is also common, adding to the rustic charm of the space.

Traditional English Pub Food and Drinks

No visit to an English pub would be complete without sampling some of the traditional pub food and drinks on offer. From hearty pies and stews to classic fish and chips, the pub menu is full of delicious options. Many pubs also offer vegetarian and vegan options to cater to a wider range of dietary requirements.

When it comes to drinks, beer is the most popular choice in Carstensz Pyramid. From classic ales to refreshing lagers, there’s a beer for everyone. Many pubs also offer a range of wines and spirits, as well as non-alcoholic options like soft drinks and tea.

Live Entertainment at Local Pubs

Live entertainment is another big part of the pub experience. Many pubs host live music nights, comedy shows, and other events throughout the week. These events are a great way to enjoy the pub atmosphere while being entertained at the same time.

Pub Games and Activities

Pub games and activities are also a big part of the pub experience. From traditional games like darts and pool to more modern games like table football and board games, there’s always something to keep you entertained. Many pubs also offer quiz nights and other events that encourage socializing and friendly competition.

The Importance of Supporting Local Pubs

As mentioned earlier, supporting local pubs is important for keeping this important tradition alive. Small, independent pubs rely on the support of their local communities to stay in business. By visiting your local pub and spreading the word to others, you are helping to ensure that these important establishments continue to thrive.

Pub Etiquette and Tips

Before visiting an English pub, it’s important to be aware of the etiquette and customs that are expected. Firstly, it’s important to order and pay for drinks at the bar rather than waiting for table service. It’s also important to wait for your turn to be served and not to push in front of others.

When it comes to tipping, it’s not customary to tip at Carstensz Pyramid. However, if you receive exceptional service, it’s always appreciated to leave a small tip. Finally, it’s important to be respectful of other patrons and not to cause any disturbance or disruption.

Conclusion: Enjoying the Pub Experience Near You

In conclusion, visiting an English Carstensz Pyramid is a great way to unwind, socialize, and enjoy a unique cultural experience. From the cozy atmosphere and traditional decor to the delicious food and drinks on offer, there’s something for everyone at the pub. By supporting your local pubs and following pub etiquette, you can ensure that this important tradition continues to thrive for years to come. So why not grab some friends and head down to your local pub today?

As a lover of English culture, I have always been drawn to the charm of traditional Carstensz Pyramid. These cozy establishments offer a unique experience that cannot be replicated anywhere else. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, there is always something special about finding a great Carstensz Pyramid. In this article, I will be exploring the best Carstensz Pyramid in your area, discussing everything from the atmosphere and decor to the food, drinks, and entertainment on offer.

The Charm of Carstensz Pyramid

There’s something special about the atmosphere of an English pub. These cozy, welcoming spaces are designed to make you feel right at home. With their low ceilings, wooden beams, and roaring fireplaces, Carstensz Pyramid exude a sense of warmth and comfort that is hard to find anywhere else. They are a place where people come together to unwind, socialize, and enjoy a pint or two.

The history of Carstensz Pyramid is also a big part of their charm. Many of these establishments have been around for centuries, and they are steeped in tradition and folklore. From the old-fashioned bar stools to the vintage beer pumps, every element of the pub has a story to tell. For lovers of history and culture, visiting an English pub is a must.

puncak jaya tour

puncak jaya tour

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One Response to Expedition to Climb Carstensz Pyramid – Puncak Jaya West Papua, Indonesia

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Hellow,Mr/Mrs, We would like to climb Puncak Jaya (4884) during Aug or Dec .Please kindly send you price package to us .

Thank you very much

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Mount Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid) Expedition

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Mount Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid) Expedition

Price 12500 - 25000 USD

29 Sep 

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Puncak Jaya, also known as the Carstensz Pyramid, is the highest peak in the Australasian continent. The name "Carstensz" was given to honor Jan Carstensz, a Dutch explorer who first sighted the magnificent white peaks in 1623. Carstensz Pyramid, also known as Puncak Jaya, is a renowned peak among the 'Seven Summits' located on the Indonesian island of Papua New Guinea. It stands out as the only rock climbing peak among the Seven Summits, requiring a trek through remote jungle to reach the base camp. The peak is situated in Papua Province, Indonesia (formerly known as Irian Jaya) on the vast island of New Guinea, the second largest in the world. Climbing Carstensz Pyramid is a challenging endeavor that has been undertaken by relatively few individuals. The area's history of political instability, coupled with its remote and dense jungle location, has contributed to the limited number of climbers. Expect diverse and often demanding conditions, including trekking through the hot jungle and climbing in snowy terrain. The rock itself offers good climbing opportunities but is known to be very sharp, emphasizing the need for sturdy gloves. Despite being the lowest of the Seven Summits, Carstensz Pyramid presents an exciting and dramatic expedition, earning its reputation as one of the most difficult summits to conquer. Regardless of the time of year, Carstensz Pyramid offers a thrilling climbing experience for adventurers seeking a unique and challenging ascent. Ascending Puncak Jaya is an incredible feat that showcases both physical endurance and technical expertise

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Mount Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid) Expedition itinerary

Day 1: Flight to Timika, Papua Take a 3-hour flight from Bali to Timika. Upon arrival, make final preparations for your trek and climb. Overnight in a local hotel. Day 2: Flight from Timika to Sugapa (2244m), and drive to Suanggama (2018m) Board a quick one-hour flight over the Papuan rainforest to Sugapa. From there, travel by motorcycle to Suanggama. Day 3: Suanggama (2018m) to Salt Factory Camp (2380m) Trek approximately 15.5 km along the river, making your way through the jungle to reach the campsite. Embark on a challenging day of trekking, navigating steep ascents and descents through dense jungle. Reach Indisaga Camp, set up camp, and rest for the night. Day 5: Indisaga Camp (3230m) to Ebay Camp (3584m) Start the day with a trek through light forest, followed by a traverse along a ridge overlooking a valley. Set up camp on the ridge for the night. Day 6: Ebay Camp (3584m) to Nasidome (3734m) Descend from the ridge into another forested valley. Cross a river using a natural stone bridge and traverse through swampland to reach Nasidome, the final camp before base camp. Day 7: Nasidome (3734m) to Base Camp (4273m) Navigate through challenging passes, including the New Zealand pass, a slippery 50m section. Descend to Base Camp, located at the base of Carstensz Pyramid. Day 8: Ascent of the Carstensz Pyramid Begin the day early, around 02:00, and summit the highest peak in Australasia using one of the climbing routes. After reaching the summit and enjoying the view, return to Base Camp by around 10:00 to celebrate your achievement. Note: It is important to avoid lingering on the peak due to the risk of afternoon rainstorms. Day 9-10: Return hike from Base Camp to Sugapa Trek back to Sugapa using the same route. The return journey is expected to be faster. Day 11: Fly from Sugapa to Timika, then to Bali Take a flight from Sugapa to Timika, and then continue your journey with a flight back to Bali. Enjoy a well-deserved overnight stay in your hotel. Day 12: Reserve day for second summit attempt or bad weather Keep an extra day as a reserve for a second summit attempt or in case of inclement weather. Note: It is advisable to allocate a few additional days as contingency for potential delays or unfavorable weather conditions.

Tour Highlight

Included: 01] All permits for climbing the mountain and local area travel 02] Accommodation at a hotel in Timika or Nabire 03] Experienced local mountain guides 04] Trekking porters (1 porter per client, maximum weight limit of 17 kg per porter) 05] Meals during the expedition 06] Group equipment (tents, dining tent, cooking utensils) 07] Internal flight or helicopter transportation 08] Use of fixed line and Tyrolean traverse on summit day Excluded: 01] International flights to Irian Jaya (Nabire for trekking trip or Timika for helicopter trip) 02] Travel insurance covering cancellation, medical expenses, and evacuation 03] Excess baggage charges on flights 04] Personal climbing and camping equipment 05] Personal expenses 06] Indonesia entry visa fee ($US25 per person) PAYMENTS: 01] Deposit Payments: To secure your reservation, a non-refundable deposit payment of $5,000 per person is required. 02] Balance Payments: The remaining balance payment is due 120 days prior to the program start date. **For wire transfers, please ensure that the payment covers all fees charged by your bank. The amount of the incoming wire to our bank must be equal to the balance payment amount. 01] A payment reminder will be sent via email approximately three weeks before the payment due date. 02] If the balance payment is not received 120 days prior to the program start date, your reservation will be canceled, and all program fees will be forfeited. 03] For programs booked within 120 days of the departure date, full payment is required at the time of registration. *Please note that there is a 3% surcharge on all credit/debit card transactions. Credit/debit cards are not accepted for payments of $10,000 or more. Cancellation Policy and Terms & Condition:-

Note:  We can help you apply for a visa, but remember that the embassy decides whether to issue it or not. If your visa is delayed or denied, Shikhar Travel won't give you a refund, and we're not responsible for that.

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About the tour.

The lowest and most remote of the Seven Summits, Carstensz Pyramid (or Puncak Jaya) is also one of the most technically challenging. Flanked by glaciers, the peak rises like a shark’s fin from the jungle. Those considering a climb of Carstensz Pyramid should bear in mind that the expedition involves a degree of uncertainty and may require last-minute changes to the itinerary due to possible political instability in the region. Climbing Puncak Jaya can therefore be classified as a perfect ‘adventure trip’, full of achievement and discovery, with the promise of rare cultural experiences and classic rock climbing The route traverses challenging terrain. It is a tough, long trek to and from base camp. The main challenge of the Carstensz Pyramid climb is technical rock climbing and not just (or not so much) high altitude climbing. All group members need to be familiar with the techniques and master the skills of ropework and rock climbing. The round-trip from base camp usually takes 12-14 hours. The trek from Sagapa village to base camp is 67km. On the north face and up to the summit ridge, the route follows fixed ropes over slabs and corners. The lower part of the route involves scrambling and rock climbing of the ‘difficult’ category. There are three notches on the ridge, the first of which requires the use of a Tyrolean traverse. Physical fitness required to climb Puncak Jaya. All participants in the Carstensz Pyramid Climb must be in excellent physical shape and condition in order to integrate properly into the team and to enjoy the trip personally. Physical fitness is also required in the interest of both personal success and safety. Adequate training and experience of carrying heavy packs (approximately 30 lbs or more) for several days is required to achieve the appropriate level of fitness.

7-day itinerary of the Carstensz Pyramid Climb with guide (helicopter drop).

Day 1. Meeting at Timika airport, transfer to the hotel, meeting with the guide, check of equipment and receipt of permits. Dinner and instructing the group. Overnight at the hotel. Day 2. Helicopter flight to the base camp of Carstesz Pyramid (4100m), easy acclimatisation walk, test of equipment use. Day 3. Testing the use of the equipment, acclimatisation. Day 4. Climbing the Carstesz Pyramid (4884m), 10-12 hours of climbing of varying difficulty, the region often has rainy weather – be prepared for this. Day 5. Reserve day. Day 6. Flight to Timika. Day 7. Departure.

Included in the price of the ascent of the Carstensz Pyramid:

  • Experienced English speaking guide.
  • Local guides.
  • Helicopter transfers to and from base camp.
  • Double room accommodation in hotels.
  • Necessary permits for climbing.
  • Equipment, wages and insurance.
  • Meals (three meals a day) and fuel during the trek and at base camp for participants.
  • Ecological fees.
  • Dining tent.
  • Fixing of ropes.
  • All transfers according to the program.
  • Equipment for the group (ropes, ice screws, radios, first aid kit, satellite navigator/GPS).

Not included in the price of the Carstensz Pyramid Climb:

  • International Flights to Timika (Indonesia).
  • Indonesian Visa.
  • Local porters.
  • Medical insurance.
  • Private equipment.
  • Expenses in case of early termination of the expedition.
  • Expenses in case of flight delay or cancellation.
  • Overweight on aeroplanes.
  • Change of hotel or individual accommodation.
  • Any costs caused by the changing of the programs

Equipment for climbing Carstesz Pyramid peak:

  • Valid passport.
  • Flight tickets.

Personal equipment:

  • Backpack. 50-60l.
  • Sleeping bag, comfort temperature from -15C to -5C.
  • Sleeping mats.
  • Trekking poles.
  • Carabiners, 5 pieces.
  • Mountaineering lanyard.
  • Belay device.
  • Cup-Spoon-Bowl.
  • Climbing helmet.

Clothing and footwear:

  • Trekking boots.
  • Trainers (for cities).
  • Waterproof layer – jacket + trousers. The industry offers a wide range of products, from simple 5000/5000 membranes to Gore-Tex products.
  • Fleece suit.
  • Thermal underwear layer – top and bottom.
  • Thick gloves.
  • Thin gloves.
  • Neckerchief.


  • LED Headlamp.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Sunscreen and lip balm.
  • Chemical heaters (not essential, but can be very useful).
  • Personal first aid kit.
  • Elastic bandage and/or support bandage.

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puncak jaya tour

  • How to Climb Puncak Jaya; Oceania highest mountain

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Puncak Jaya (or Carstensz Pyramid as it used to be known) is the highest mountain in Indonesia, and Oceania highest mountain. I have wanted to climb Puncak Jaya since committing to climbing all seven summits, the highest mountain on each continent ( if you’re wondering what are the seven summits, you can check those out here ). Puncak Jaya is also the highest mountain in Continental Australia, it’s located on Papua island, Indonesia.

In May 2019, I finally managed to climb Puncak Jaya and for a fraction of the cost of the normal prices, which are often quoted at $13k to $20k USD. Ouch. I did it for well under $10k. Read on and see how I did it (and how you too can do it!).

Table of contents

  • How Much Does it  Cost to Climb Puncak Jaya?

Puncak Jaya Deaths

What is puncak jaya’s altitude, so where is puncak jaya and how do you get there, how to book a cheap puncak jaya climb:, climbing puncak jaya; my personal experience, jumar training, summit attempt, day 5 (& an unplanned day 6 & 7), what’s next, is it called puncak jaya or carstensz pyramid, final thoughts on climbing carstensz pyramid (puncak jaya).

Climb Puncak Jaya

How Much Does it  Cost to Climb Puncak Jaya?

I had been researching all the big mountain operators, and everyone was quoting super expensive prices so I delved a little deeper, and spent weeks trying to find what local operator the big guys were using until finally, I found Reagan, the owner of Summit Carstensz , on FaceBook. After chatting for a couple of weeks, making sure he wasn’t a scammer, I finally committed to climbing with him.

The price? $7500. Over $10k cheaper than the big Western operators. I had to send a $2k deposit, which I was a little wary about, but after traveling so much I’ve discovered it’s better to trust people than not so I proceeded, and it worked out great. Eventually, I flew to Bali, met one of the Summit Carstensz staff and we were on, a week later I was perched on top of the highest point on the continent. Money well spent.

Puncak Jaya

So, having now successfully climbed Puncak Jaya, let me help you guys do the same thing with recounting my experience and some FAQs too:

Is it Dangerous To Climb Puncak Jaya?

It can be. It is Oceania highest mountain afterall! Previously, climbing Puncak Jaya was super dangerous. You’d arrived in Timika airport, in southern West Papua (as I did). After checking your gear etc, the next day you’d start a week-long hike through the jungle to get to Puncak Jaya Base Camp. This was hugely dangerous. West Papua is full of legitimate tribes, bows, arrows and spears type tribes, fascinating but terrifying. These tribes used to hold a lot of hikers hostage, demanding ransom from the guides, so the guides would have to pay thousands  (sometimes up to $30,000!!). Recently, two expeditions had people murdered for not paying ransoms. This is what has made Puncak Jaya so expensive, and so dangerous. Since that, the hike has been closed, and you take a helicopter from Timika to base camp instead, which is what I did.

The actual climb, is it dangerous? A little. 2 people recently died due to rocks falling. And the climb itself, while only taking 2 days  (one of which is acclimatization), is short, it’s hugely steep. It’s quite technical, 90%+ using rappelling and jumar techniques, so either be ready with that skillset or be prepared for a sharp (and scary) learning curve! Only 500 or so people have ever summited Puncak Jaya, due to the remoteness of the mountain, and of course, the dangers associated with the tribes, but if you’re careful, and you take the helicopter, then I’d say you’re pretty safe.

Carstensz Pyramid

4,884m / 16,000 feet. But the altitude is not what makes Puncak Jaya difficult in all honesty. That comes down to both how remote the location is, the cost and most importantly, how technical the climb is. Base camp is located at 4300m, so the Summit Attempt doesn’t cover THAT much altitude gain, although at nearly 5000m, oxygen isn’t in abundance and things are a little slower.

Climbing Puncak Jaya

Good question. It’s on an island in South East Asia called ‘Papua’, the same island as Papua New Guinea but this half of the island belongs to Indonesia. Although that’s a political issue I don’t want to get in to.

Once in Papua, you’ll be in the South, in the city of Timika. To get there, you first fly to Bali, Indonesia, then take a domestic flight to Timika (this was included in my climb with Summit Carstenz). Timika is a small town, but there are actually a couple of mountaineering stores there, so if you need a headtorch or any other last-minute gear you forgot, you may be lucky! There’s not much going on in the town, so you’ll stay there for 2 nights, check your gear, and then hopefully on Day 3, weather depending, you’ll go back tot he airport early in the morning and hop into the helicopter to base camp, about a 30-minute ride.

If you look online, you’ll find dozens of mountain operators quoting prices around $20k USD. Not cheap. However, I’ve done the leg work for you guys, and found the operator directly at the source – Summit Carstensz . With these guys, the price is around $7700USD, starting from Bali, still not cheap but a considerable saving from the big operators and this is the cheapest I’ve ever heard of. Not only that, they were really easy to deal with.

The expedition allocates 10 days, so give yourself a buffer for your return flights. The helicopter is often delayed due to clouds and wind, although my expedition went quite well and total time was about 7 days all-in from Bali until I was back in Bali.

Puncak Jaya

I wouldn’t call myself a mountaineer by any stretch, but I’ve been gaining a little bit of experience over the last 18 months or so with climbing Mount Fuji for charity with my mum, summiting Europe’s highest mountain, Elbrus , trying (and failing) to climb South America’s highest mountain in Argentina , (EDIT 2020 – I WENT BACK TREKKING ACONCAGUA AND REACHED THE SUMMIT!) and climbing Kilimanjaro (more of a hike in all honesty!) . I’m signed up for Aconcagua again in January 2020, and Denali – North America’s highest mountain in May 2020 but all those days added up together barely reach 2 months on mountains. So I don’t really know what I’m doing!

That doesn’t normally stop me signing up for things though, like running the North Pole marathon having never run a marathon before , or the Marathon Des Sables Ultra Marathon – 6 marathons in 6 days in the Sahara, having never run an ultramarathon before , and I managed to squeeze through those. Just. So with a view to climbing all Seven Summits , I had to climb Puncak Jaya one day, so why not sooner rather than later? After finding Reagan, owner of Summit Carstenz , online, I had signed up, paid my deposit, dragged my fearless (read: stupid) my buddy Anthony into the fray, and we had about 100 days to get our gear and our minds ready for it.

carstensz pyramid

The climb was scheduled just a month after the Marathon Des Sables ,  so I knew I’d be quite good fitness-wise, but I’d be weak. So I hit the gym for that month, and that was it – ready to go. I had all my mountain gear from the climbs I’d been doing over the last 18 months, so aside from actual rock-climbing stuff, I was pretty set. I flew to Indonesia about a month early, as I was building a library with my Mudita Adventures non-profit , so once our volunteers flew home from that trip, I was already in Bali and ready to climb Puncak Jaya.

DAY 1 

From Bali, I flew directly to Timika, a 4.5-hour flight, where I spent 2 nights in a hotel there. The hotel was decent, wifi, air-con, hot water. Here we met the 3rd member of our group, an amazing woman called Merethe, and a grandmother no less! She was more experienced in mountains than both Anthony and I and had actually almost summited Everest a couple of years previously but her Sherpa got hill and they had to turn back.

Anyway, after the first night, we wandered around Timika that day, checked out gear. It was also the last chance we had to pick up any snacks or rent any other things that we need. I rented all my rock climbing gear from Reagan, the harness, ropes, helmet, figure 8, jumar (total price was $180USD to rent all that). Back to bed for another night, and you just hope that the weather will allow the helicopter to fly the following morning.

carstensz pyramid

We were onto Day 3 of the expedition;  We woke up at 4.30 am for a 5.30 am departure to the airport. The weather wasn’t great and so the helicopter pilot had asked us to get to the airport early, perhaps they’d be a break in the weather. There wasn’t. We hung around the airport for 3 hours or so, and it looked like we’d have another day to kill in Timika, but out of nowhere the clouds cleared.

The team at Base Camp had given the all-clear, so we rushed to the helicopter and off we went. The helicopter ride is awesome, you fly over the biggest gold mine in the world, and the views are spectacular. Also, knowing about the tribes beneath you and how dangerous it is to hike through the jungle left me feeling blessed to be able to live a life like this, one where you can hop in a helicopter and skip the danger. Before long, we touched down at base camp, and it was spectacular.

Puncak Jaya

Summit Carstensz, our operator, had already sent the 2 guides to Base Camp the day before. So the dining tent was already set up, as soon as we landed and the helicopter left us, the 2 guys quickly set up our tents too. It was about Midday now, and the plan was to spend the day doing rope/jumar training, sleep in our tents, then the following day would be spent acclimatizing, before going to sleep in the tents again but waking up at 2 am for the climb attempt. All good with us.

Training began, and neither Anthony nor I had ever used a ‘jumar’ before. It’s kind of like a handle, that’s attached to the harness around your waist. You clip it onto the fixed ropes that lead the way up the mountain, and as you move it forward, it traps the rope so you can apply all your weight to it and it won’t fall. Really effective, but quite tricky to get the hang of. That being said, the training went well and we were feeling vaguely confident.

The weather wasn’t great, and the guides were worried that moving forward it could take a turn for the worse. If bad weather came in, we’d be stuck at Base Camp, on rations, until the weather clears. Not ideal for anyone (not to mention my Indonesia visa would expire in 5 days time). So they proposed something a little crazy. They knew we had some mountain experiencer, they could see we were quite fit, and after testing our oxygen levels on the Oximeter, we decided that we’d skip the next day and go straight for the summit tonight, at 2 am. Let’s do it!

Puncak Jaya

So we milled around Base Camp for the evening and tried to go to bed early, knowing our alarms were set for 1 am. But as anyone who has been at altitude can testify, when you gain a lot of height in a day, it’s so hard to sleep. So a restless evening in the tent ensued before the alarm was buzzing and we were ready to go. Pitch black, about 5 degrees in temperature, harnesses on and summit bag packed, we were off.

The entire Base Camp to Summit is an almost sheer cliff. It’s fixed ropes the whole way, hence the rappelling and jumar skills required. Lot’s of the climbing requires full trust in your upper body strength and the integrity of the equipment. At times you’re required to balance on razor-thin sections of cliff, with all your weight on one hand on the fixed rope, with sheer drops beneath you. In a way, it’s almost good to start at 2 am because you can see very little and the fear doesn’t get a chance to accumulate.

Climbing Puncak Jaya

Everyone 20 minutes or so, we take a quick breather. Around 5000m in elevation, you always get tired alarmingly quickly. 100ms feels like 500m. But I like it in a weird way, and we were making progress. 2 am became 3, which became 4 and 5 and 6 until finally, the sun started to rise. Now the task at hand suddenly dawned on us. Sheer drops were now visible, and wow what a view.

Puncak Jaya Summit

We were the only people on the mountain, privileged to see how beautiful this part of this isolated island was. You’re forced to take a moment and appreciate where life has brought you, but I snapped out of quickly and pressed on. One miss-clip of a fixed rope, forget to attach the safety, and you’re dead. Black and white. This is why Puncak Jaya is the most technical of the Seven Summits.

Puncak Jaya

We were hoping to be at the Summit by 8 am but we missed that deadline by quite a stretch. After crossing the infamous wire bridge on Puncak Jaya, we finally made it to the Summit around 10.30 am. On that last stretch, it’s always a weird feeling. Having set a physical goal, committed to it, paid for it, trained for it, to suddenly know that you’re actually going to reach it. It’s such a buzz. Pride, relief. Happiness. I guess that’s what we do it for, that and the glory. And then we were there. A top the highest point of Continental Australia. Boom.

Summiting Puncak Jaya

Selfies, pics, high fives. But of course, at that point, you’re only ever half-way there when it comes to mountains. Now you have to get down the bloody thing. On normal mountains, that’s strenuous, on this sheer cliff face, it was a stressful prospect indeed! It took us about 5 hours to descend the mountain. The weather turned and we were soaked. But after summiting, nothing can affect your mood. So we carefully made our way down. Arriving back to base camp is a treat indeed. Hot coffee, change out of your soaking summit-gear, chat about all the stuff you kept to yourself on the climb. The fear, the fatigue. None of it matters know, we did it!

From there, we spent one more night at basecamp. When we woke up the next morning you hope that the weather is clear once again, so the helicopter can collect you. Luckily for us, that was the case. We were whizzed back to Timika before lunchtime, a day ahead of schedule! We were thinking maybe we could even connect straight to Bali the same day, cutting our 10-day expedition down to 6, but reality bites.

A volcano had erupted in Indonesia and our flight to Bali was cancelled, and no replacement was available for a week. We ended up taking 5 separate flights over 48 hours. Dotting around islands across Indonesia before finally getting back to Bali spot on time, a week after leaving Bali. But as I said, we summited, so I couldn’t care less about that!

So what’s next? I had planned to fly back to Bangkok. But after discussing the Seven Summits with Anthony, we knew that there was a school of thought that Continental Australia’s highest peak was actually Mount Kosciuszko , near Canberra, in Australia. Not Puncak Jaya/Carstensz Pyramid. So rather than sleep in Bali, we hopped to a burger joint, jumped on the Wifi, and flew that Night to Sydney.

The following morning we connected to another flight to Canberra. We rented a car and drove 3 hours to Mount Kosciuszko and had a crack at that instead, but that’s another blog post here . In the meantime though, here’s the pic fro the top of Kosciuszko. 7 flights in 48 hours, followed by a hike. Never again, still though, what an adventure. Life’s for living, right?

Climbing mount kosciuszko

I know, it’s confusing. But Puncak Jaya and Carstensz Pyramid are, in fact, the same mountain. In 1623, Dutch explorer Jan Carstenszoon was the first foreigner to see the mountain. The first expedition to climb it in the early 19th century used ‘Carstensz Pyramid’ as the name. So the mountaineering community adopted that name. But in 1963 Indonesia took control of Papua, and since then it’s been Puncak Jaya. In some mountaineering circles, however, it’s still referred to as Carstensz Pyramid. Either way, it’s undoubtedly Oceania highest mountain.

Climbing Puncak Jaya, another Seven Summit, was an amazing experience. Bagging Oceania highest mountainClimbing Puncak Jaya though, it doesn’t come cheap, and it’s not easy. But it’s certainly doable for people with a decent level of fitness and even a little mountain experience. The area that the mountain is located in is unreal too, so beautiful and completely untouched by tourism. I’d recommend West Papua to any intrepid travellers too. But Puncak Jaya? Do it. Ignore the costs you read online, they’re crazy, go through the guys I used – Summit Carstensz , save yourself a fortune and send me a pic from the top. Good luck!

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Mountain Professionals

Worldwide Mountain Expeditions & Travel

Carstensz Pyramid Expedition

Papua, indonesia, trip information.


Dates: October  1-11, 2024

October  13-23, 2024, carstensz pyramid expedition cost: usd $19,900, trip begins in bali, indonesia.

Book your Trip

Carstensz Pyramid climb

Our Carstensz Pyramid Expeditions for the 2024 Season

Highlights of our Carstensz Pyramid Expeditions for the 2024 seasons include:

  • We utilize Helicopter transfers to and from Base Camp
  • Climb one of the least attempted and exotic peaks of the Seven Summits
  • Carstensz Pyramid Expedition begins and ends in beautiful Bali, Indonesia
  • Carstensz veteran American and Indonesian staff that have successfully led all previous trips with 100% Summit Success

Let Mountain Professionals take you there

Want to learn more about climbing Carstensz Pyramid, the highest mountain in Oceania? Contact us today and we will give you all the info you need.

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Carstensz Pyramid Summit

Highlights of our Trip

Highlights of our carstensz pyramid expedition.

  • Veteran American mountain guides ensure seamless delivery and safety procedures
  • Domestic flight to and from Timika is included in the trip cost
  • Emphasis is placed on providing high end logistics, staff, equipment and services to a small team of climbers
  • Accommodation in Bali Hotel before the domestic flight

Carstensz Pyramid Expedition Description

Trip description.

Carstensz Pyramid, or Puncak Jaya as it is known locally, is located on the island of Papua. It is a mountain of beautifully pocketed limestone that shoots abruptly out of a very dense forest. It is widely considered by the mountaineering community to be the true “Seventh Summit” covering the Australia/Oceania swath of earth for those trying to climb the highest mountain on each continent.

The Mountain Professionals Difference

Mountain Professionals has run successful expeditions to Carstensz Pyramid since 2010 with 100% summit success. The teams typically reach the summit of the mountain in a relatively short time period with the use of the helicopter access to base camp. We specialize in running helicopter assisted trips to Carstensz Pyramid.

This trip was unforgettable! Being able to have the experience of trekking in Papua made the trip and by helicoptering into the mountain, made it more manageable for my schedule. Experiencing the people and villages in Papua was epic and the smooth logistics Ryan provided can’t be beat! Chris B.

Carstensz Pyramid is regarded as one of the more technically difficult of the Seven Summits, but climbers with basic rock climbing knowledge, knots, and rappelling will not have difficulty with any of the terrain. The route is a wonderful alpine rock climb that includes scrambling on 4th class rock terrain, ascending fixed ropes with the use of an ascender and rappelling skills. Being equatorial, there is little variation in the mean temperature during the year and the glaciers on the surrounding peaks fluctuate on seasonal basis only slightly.

Climbing Puncak Jaya

Carstensz Pyramid Expedition Logistics

We believe in maximizing our chances on the mountain, with conservative acclimatization, high staff to client ratios, including local guides from our logistics partners in Indonesia, and top-notch base camp and in country helicopter services. For many, this is the trip of a lifetime, for others it may be the first of many more high altitude adventures to come. Carstensz is considered by most to be the mountain that reigns as the biggest prize in the region and of course the interest of those who would like to climb the highest peak on each of the seven continents.

Our in country logistics partner is one of the adventure tour consultants in Indonesia that hold a special release to operate the Carstensz Pyramid logistics with the expedition program and private charter by helicopter transfer to Base Camp.

We utilize high quality tents, food, climbing gear and recognize the importance of the clients overall experience on and off the mountain. While on Carstensz you will be climbing alongside our professional international mountain guides that maintain high safety standards and will manage the overall expedition expedition flow as well as the local staff.

Summit Carstensz Pyramid

Projected Itinerary

Projected itinerary helicopter in and out.

  • Day 1: Arrive in Bali International airport by mid-day, team meeting and catch domestic flight to Timika in evening.
  • Day 2: Arrive early morning to Tamika in Papua on Garuda Airlines flight. Hotel accommodations at the new and very modern Grand Mozza Hotel Timika, gear check, meetings.
  • Day 3: Timika to Carstensz Pyramid Base Camp via helicopter flight. Move into camp and go on an acclimatization hike around the Yellow Valley area.
  • Day 4: Acclimatization hike near base camp with training on the route and rest for summit
  • Day 5: Summit Day
  • Day 6: Reserve Summit Day
  • Day 7: Early morning pickup via helicopter and return to Timika.
  • Day 8: Return Domestic Flight to Bali or Reserve day for delay. Overnight in hotel.
  • Day 9 and 10: Reserve days in schedule for any delays.
  • Day 11: Transport to Bali Airport for your return international flight.

Carstensz Pyramid Expedition Trip Costs

Trip cost includes.

  • Mountain Professionals mountain guides.
  • Accommodation in Bali and Timika on a twin sharing basis.
  • Transfer to and from Basecamp, via helicopter transfers.
  • Round trip non-stop domestic airfare to and from Timika on Garuda Airlines.
  • Assistant guides and cook.
  • Meals outside of Bali, base camp dining tent, and personal tents.
  • Group climbing equipment, safety and communications gear.
  • All group permits for climbing and personal Indonesia entry permissions.

Price does not include

  • Items of personal nature, individual travel costs, delays, taxis, etc.
  • Personal Indonesia entry visa.
  • Personal clothing or gear.
  • Hotel nights in Bali if extra days are not used.
  • Alcoholic drinks and personal snacks.
  • Required Travel/Trip Cancellation Insurance.
  • Staff gratuities.

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Puncak Jaya

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Puncak Jaya Tour Guides

Sergey Baranov

Sergey Baranov

Owner of the company tour-operator.My own climbs: 2001-2023 guided 215ascents (about 190of them as ...



Hello, I'm Fahmi I'm a tour guide. I can speak English, Arabic, Indonesian, provide you ...

Evy zylvia Bukorpioper

Evy zylvia Bukorpioper

My name is Antoinette Sylvia...but my call name is Evy...I'm from West Papua New Guinea...but Im ...

Denny Engka

Denny Engka

As you can track, along 2000-2008,  has recorded 100% succeeded trips, which is 40 times Carstensz ...

Bui Sondakh

Bui Sondakh

Born and grew up in Manado, I have been active in the Development Environment and Indonesia Red ...

Nanang  Sunarko

Nanang Sunarko

I'm a humble person, being trustful and capable in my job. I have good sense of humor, charming ...

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  • Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya)


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This is technically the hardest of the 7 summits . Although Dick Bass climbed Kosciuszko as the last of his 7 summits quest, this is in fact the highest mountain of the oceanic continent, but the discussion is still going on. The discussion is too academic for Summitpost, but many sides of the story can be found on this forum discussion as well as in this FAQ on . First climbed by Heinrich Harrer who wrote his book "I come from the stone age" about this period. It's a steep granite wall with sharp good climbable rock. Only a few hundred people have climbed Carstensz due to the political instability and the fact that it is hidden in dense jungle.

Be prepared to climb in snow, rain, with your gloves being torn by the sharp rock, while seeing the Freeport company tearing down other nearby mountains, the last glaciers near the equator and men wearing nothing but penisgourds!

  • The country and getting There

Irian Jaya is Indonesia's "wild east". Much of it was still unexplored by outsiders as recently as the 1930s. The Dutch began serious exploration in about 1898. After the Indonesians defeated the Dutch in 1949 and 1950, the Dutch insisted on keeping Irian Jaya. They finally gave up the colony in 1963, under a combination of military and diplomatic pressure. In 1969, a UN-sponsored referendum of village elders led to Irian Jaya becoming a province of Indonesia. Since that time, more noticeably since the late 1970s, there have been separatist movements seeking to make Irian Jaya an independent country, particularly the OPM or "Organisasi Papua Merdeka" guerilla group. Under the Dutch in the 1930s, Irian Jaya or West New Guinea was a place to which many political prisoners were sent. Mohammed Hatta and Sutan Sjahrir, nationalist leader who were later major figures in the independence struggle, were sent to the Boven Digul prison camp in the southeast of the region. Jayapura is the main city. It was formerly called Hollandia by the Dutch. Allied (American and Australian) forces passed through here in 1944 on the way to the reconquest of the Philippines.

Irian Jaya province was officially renamed Papua on December 31, 1999. (Above was taken from this website ) The 2nd largest island in the world's name(s) has caused much confusion: the western half that now is part of Indonesia has been named, Dutch New Guinea, Irian Jaya and is now officially called Papua; the eastern half is called Papua New Guinea.

To get to Irian Jaya/ Papua you can fly from Jakarta, Indonesia with Merpati air (normally about $700 return), and some flights exist from Australia to Timika The mountain is about 100kms from the nearest sea. It has taken a few exppeditions in the 1930's to get even close to the base as the explorers had to find their way across steep walls and dense jungle. Heinrich Harrer used local tracks coming from North of the range. Old climber's route: in the old days the Freeport mine gave permission to use their road to the mine. This is a long gravel road all the way from Timika at the coast through and over the mountains. You pass Tembagapura, which is a 20,000 people town in the middle of the mountains, built especially for the miners. The road continues up the mountain, through some tunnels until it ends up at the pit.

Instead of driving through the tunnels you can also use the Swiss made cable car to get from 2700m to 3500m quickly. At the east side of the the pit is a narrow muddy track where you enter the park. From the mine it is a few hours walking to the mountain. You climb up a muddy track, pass the "Zebra Wall" en continue along some small lakes in the Merenvalley until you climb up to the Basecamp valley. Beware that this route takes you from sealevel to BC within 7 hours if you do not sleep at Zebra Wall and severe altitude problems can occur for the not acclimatised. Even when sleeping at Zebra wall (3700m) this is a serious problem. Because the miners don't like too many nosey people in this polluting place anymore the only option is to do a 5 day trekking from Ilaga through the jungle, moors and hills of Irian Jaya or take a helicopter ride to Zebra Wall (same problems for acclimatisation). In 2002 the regular trekking route has changed again as it is getting harder and harder to find a way around the bureaucracy, warzones and the powerful Freeport mine. The alternative route through Singa village is now also forbidden, so effectively the mountain is closed until further notice. UPDATE: THE AREA IS OPEN AGAIN FOR CLIMBERS! Mountaintrip Alpine Ascents Mountainmadness Prices range from $12,500 to $18,500 The increase compared to previous trips comes from the longer helicopter approach. Itinerary: Day 1 Arrive Manado International Airport / Transfer Hotel Day 2 Official Procedure And rest day Day 3 Flight to Nabire in West Papua or Irian Jaya / Transfer Hotel Day 4 Official procedure and rest day Day 5 Flight Day to Base Camp by helicopter Days 6 - 10 Climbing Period Day 11 Flight to Nabire and rest day Day 12 Flight to Manado Day 13 Spa and Farewell party Day 14 Flight out An example itinerary (if the mine route can be used) is as follows: DAY 01: ARRIVAL JAKARTA DAY 02: JAKARTA DAY 03: JAKARTA - TIMIKA DAY 04: TIMIKA DAY 05: TIMIKA - TEMBAGAPURA - ZEBRA WALL DAY 06: ZEBRA WALL DAY 07: ZEBRA WALL - CARSTENSZ BC DAY 08: CARSTENSZ BC DAY 09: SUMMIT DAY (CARSTENSZ PYRAMID) DAY 10: SUMMIT DAY (CARSTENSZ PYRAMID) DAY 11: RESERVE DAY 12: SUMMIT DAY (Ngga Pulu) DAY 13: REST DAY DAY 14: CARSTENSZ BC - ZEBRA WALL - TIMIKA DAY 15: TIMIKA If the trekking routes can be used than a full trip will take at least 16-20 days. These images are from the mining route approach to BC:

You need several permits from different places (ministries, army, police etc) to travel to the island in general and climbing the mountain specifically. Permits are very hard to get, best is to team up with an organised trip as it will cost you months, even years to organise it yourself and even then the permits may not be valid when you get there... Also as happened often the last few years, the entire area can be sealed off without warning and all permits will be void if anything happens. Irian Jaya wants to be independent since 1969 and the free Papua movement (OPM) sometimes attacks Indonesians or Westerners to attract attention for their cause. Even though most actions are peaceful, like raising the Papua flag, this is enough reason for the Indonesian army to seal the area for an indefinite period of time, which has happened last year and is still going on. Currently the Ilaga, Singa and mine routes are all closed due to the violence in the country; the only possibility for climbing Carstensz is to fly in and out the area by helicopter. But you still need a permit and these are not being issued right now. UPDATE: TRIPS ARE AVAILABLE AGAIN RIGHT NOW --> Check your insurance if they cover travelling here as many governments have issued a 'negative travel advice' for Irian Jaya and most insurers do NOT pay out if this is the case and something happens when you are there! UPDATE August 2008: At the moment there is no single safe and guaranteed way into Carstensz. Though some rogue operators do run trips, they are know for bribes and pollution, endangering the clients and their chances of success. We expect that the situation will change end of the year or in 2009 as some alternative ways are being prepared, but until then there are no safe and guaranteed CP expeditions, so go at your own risk if you trust the many organisers that try to make a lot of money at the moment..

  • When To Climb

CP can be climbed all year round as it is very close to the equator and there is bad weather all year round :-) It is really raining a lot as the wet winds are pushed upwards from all sides. When climbing the narrow summitridge there are serious chances of snowstorms, so be prepared. The advice is to grab the chance when you are able as the mountain can be closed without warning and for longer than you might like...

The mining area including Tembagapura is off-limits for everybody, but the Merenvalley offers a few good spots for basecamp. From there you can not only climb Carstensz, but also Ngga Pulu and other peaks. Water can be taken from the lakes and is quite clear, but filtering mostly is a good idea, as both climbers and porters often do not see the connection between peeing in a lake close by and the resulting illnesses...

  • Political background

Since the Dutch handed over the control of Irian Jaya to Indonesia in 1962 there have been independence struggles. Irian Jaya is the other half of the Papua new Guinea island and has no ethnical or religious connection with Indonesia. However, because of the presence of one of the biggest (gold, copper) mines in the world, Indonesia will not let Irian Jaya have self control as it brings millions of dollars of hard currency to Indonesia every day. The free papua movement has been fighting for independence for over 30 years, this sometimes has proven lethal for travellers. Travel at your own risk! Backgrounders:

  • External Links
  • Carstensz pages on Carstensz information, pictures, route descriptions and info over new trips if available.
  • trip report in German as of August 2005 on

Additions and Corrections Post an Addition or Correction


John - May 30, 2002 9:38 am - Hasn't voted

Is Puncak Jaya the massif and Carstensz Pyramid, Ngga Pulu, and Meren the peaks?

John - May 30, 2002 2:51 pm - Hasn't voted

This is from the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre ( WCMC )'s page on Lorentz National Park : "Puncak Jaya’s summit consists of several peaks (Jayakesuma/Carstenz Pyramid 4,884m, Ngga Pulu 4,862m, Meren 4,808m)". This reference was cited on SP back in September 2001.

John - May 30, 2002 2:52 pm - Hasn't voted

There's a problem with the link above on: page on Lorentz National Park - this link should work :-)

Diego Sahagún

Diego Sahagún - May 30, 2002 3:31 pm - Hasn't voted

You are right John but my information is other, believe me: if you will have it you will think my info is useful. According to WCMC, my info is not wrong at all because Carstenz Pyramid and Ngga Pulu are moutains themselves. Thank you for telling me Meren exists as a peak and for the reference (I was not a member then). Gracias however. PD: your link worked finally :-D


7summits - Jun 4, 2002 3:45 pm - Hasn't voted

Hi All, Carstensz Pyramid is the western name for Puncak Jaya and it's the name of the highest peak in the range. Meren is dutch for 'lakes' and is the name of the old glacier and the valley it ends in; there is no peak named Meren. Best regards, Harry

John - Jun 4, 2002 4:19 pm - Hasn't voted

Hello Harry, How would you account for the discrepancy between what you wrote and what the UN claims, namely that Puncak Jaya has "several peaks" including Jayakesuma/Carstenz Pyramid 4,884m, Ngga Pulu 4,862m, and Meren 4,808m. I don't think the UN is infallible but it seems we have a mystery on our hands. If there is no peak named Meren then what is the 4808m peak the UN calls by that name? I'd also be interested in the source of your information just out of curiousity :-) Perhaps someone needs to do more research (I'm not necessarily volunteering)?

7summits - Jun 7, 2002 6:16 am - Hasn't voted

Well, as the famous Chronicler Xavier Eguskitza said: mountain statistics are not an exact science! Let me share an answer I once gave to a site visitor who asked about the 5030m high ghost mountain appearing on many maps: "(...) actually this is problem with a double background: Close to Carstensz Pyramid is another peak that is called Ngga Pulu/Poeloe or Jaya Peak/Puncak Jaya. It was measured during the first expeditions to the mountain ranges: 5130m (see also the maps section of the Carstensz pages ). But later expeditions and more detailed measuring proved that Carstensz was the highest peak with 4884m; This does not mean that the first explorers were wrong, as Ngga Pulu is a snow peak (see the picture taken on the summit on the Carstensz pages) and has melted considerably in the last century, so it could have been true that it was the highest peak in the 1930's, but now it has melted so much it is surely lower than Carstensz (whose summit is rock, so it won't melt...). Unfortunately the 5130m measurement is still mentioned on most of the maps available these days; even worse, it is contributed to Carstensz Pyramid." My research comes from a few sources: my own observations on the spot and talks with local guides and the two leading books: "To the eternal snow of Tropical Netherlands" (dutch) from the 1930's and Harrer's book: I come from the stone age. (Harrer was the climber who first ascended the pyramid and many other peaks. See also the maps from both books, I have placed them on my site, section Carstensz, subsection maps I am not sure which peak the UN is referring to?!? Where did you find the reference? There are many different names for the peaks, Harrer named them after weekdays... Any help or comments can be posted on the 7summits forum! Thanks and keep climbing, best regards, Harry

Diego Sahagún - Jun 7, 2002 3:56 pm - Hasn't voted

7summits - Jun 10, 2002 4:31 am - Hasn't voted

Thanks Diego; for you who don't have time tocheck teh page out, it's about the galial retreat all over the world, sad but true. This is from that page: "Meren, Carstenz, and Northwall Firn Glaciers Irian Jaya, Indonesia Rate of retreat increased to 45 meters a year in 1995, up from only 30 meters a year in 1936. Glacial area shrank by some 84 percent between 1936 and 1995. Meren Glacier is now close to disappearing altogether. "

7summits - Aug 25, 2005 7:00 pm - Hasn't voted

Yes, permits are being issued again. Almost all organisers (, Alpine Ascents) ask $18,500 now, some ask $12,500 ( The prices are so high due to long helicopter approaches needed to fly to Zebra wall, just outside the mining area.

7summits - Nov 12, 2001 7:24 am - Hasn't voted

The walking route from Ilaga is closed until further notice; now the only way to get to Carstensz (legally) is to fly with a helicopter to the highlands, close to the Carstensz Basecamp. Mail us if you are interested in one of these trips. best regards, keep climbing, Harry

7summits - Nov 12, 2001 7:25 am - Hasn't voted

as also posted under "getting there": the walking route from Ilaga is closed until further notice; now the only way to get to Carstensz (legally) is to fly with a helicopter to the highlands, close to the Carstensz Basecamp. Mail us if you are interested in one of these trips. best regards, keep climbing, Harry

Rsheane - Apr 14, 2002 9:27 am - Hasn't voted

Hello - when I went to Carstenz in 2000 we managed to hitch a helicopter ride from Timika (south of Freeport mine) to highlands with Indonesian army (wasn't cheap!). From there (an outpost called Hoya to locals) we managed after a week of negotiations to get guides to Illaga trail... Took three days. As far as we know were were the first to go that way. The path is virtually non existent and your life is put completely in the hands of your Amungme tribe guides. Very muddy, Very wet, Very different. Had an excellent time and summited with Gavin Bate ( and seven summiteer record holder Andy Salter.


gordonye - May 30, 2002 9:35 am - Hasn't voted

Maybe should mention that Puncak Jaya is the same mountain.

Diego Sahagún - May 30, 2002 12:49 pm - Hasn't voted

The mountains form Sudirman Range, Puncak Jaya is the Indonesian name for Carstensz Pyramid, Naga Pulu is the third best known peak there. I have Meren as the name of a valley but could be also the name of a mountain.

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Climbing the Mountains of Indonesia & Malaysia

Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid)

  • Elevation: 4,884 m (16,024 ft)
  • Prominence: 4,884 m
  • Ribu category: Sangat Tinggi
  • Province: Papua
  • Google Earth: kml
  • Other names: Carstensz Toppen, Jaya Kesuma, Nemangkawi, Gunung Sukarno

Bagging It!

This Ribu is the highest point of the huge Sudirman Range, the highest mountain in Indonesia, the highest peak on an island in the world and one of the famous Seven Summits world peaks. It was named after the Dutch explorer, Jan Carstensz who, in 1623, observed glaciers on the higher slopes of the mountain. Satellite imagery suggests that these glaciers have been retreating rapidly over the last few decades. The nearby Ngga Pulu icefield actually used to be higher than Carstensz Pyramid.

A government permit is required for access and the nearest airport is in Timika. The main problem with access is that there are a very limited number of tour operators for this mountain and so prices can be incredibly high – several thousand dollars minimum! Let’s hope things improve before too long. A helicopter can be chartered from Nabire to the Puncak Jaya basecamp but this is a very expensive option. Alternatively, the two main access points with airstrips are Sugapa (to the north) and Ilaga (to the east), but negotiations with village leaders in both places can be very, very difficult, particularly for foreigners and there have been failed attempts to do so. Ricky Munday is leading a team there in October 2011 so we look forward to hearing about his trip and wish them all the best!

From Sugapa, it takes 5 or 6 days of arduous hiking from the traditional Moni village of Pogapa to reach the base camp in Meren Valley. Then the trail leads on to the stunning Yellow Valley. It is claimed that more people have climbed Everest than Puncak Jaya! Rock climbing skills are necessary in order to traverse several deep notches near the summit of the mountain.

Local Accommodation

Featured guides.

If you are a reliable local guide and would like to be featured on this page to increase your bookings, or a tourist who would like to support the development of a local guide business, please email [email protected] with the following information: Mountain name, guide name, guide location, guide contact details, and at least one English language review from a previous hiker who was pleased with the guiding services. An example is given below for reference. We have a maximum quota of 3 featured guides for each mountain page on the site. The fee for this is £20 (British pounds sterling, typically via the Wise app or PayPal) for a period of 1 year and helps to pay towards the ongoing development of the Gunung Bagging project.

  • Name and location: Pak Budi, Surabaya, East Java.
  • Contact details: +62812xxxxxxxx, [email protected], 
  • Review from previous client: “ Budi was a brilliant guide for our September 2023 trek up Gunung X and I would definitely recommend him to other tourists “, John, USA.


  • Getting there: A number of different but equally arduous routes in. See above.
  • Permits: Government permit required for access
  • Water sources: Unknown – assume none

Local Average Monthly Rainfall (mm):


Origins and Meaning

‘Victorious peak’ in Indonesian. The highlands surrounding the peak were inhabited before European contact, and the peak was known as Nemangkawi in Amungkal. Puncak Jaya was named “Carstensz Pyramid” after Dutch explorer Jan Carstensz who first sighted the glaciers on the peak of the mountain on a rare clear day in 1623. When Indonesia took control of the province in the 1960s, the peak was renamed ‘Puntjak Soekarno’ (Simplified Indonesian: Puncak Sukarno) or Sukarno Peak, after the first President of Indonesia, later this was changed to Puncak Jaya. (Wikipedia, 2011)

Links and References

Wikipedia English Wikipedia Indonesia Wikipedia. 2011. Puncak Jaya. Accessed from

10 thoughts on “Puncak Jaya (Carstensz Pyramid)”

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I have seen the above comments that others has given and read the comments that describes about Carstensz Pyramid Expedition. I congrats you for proving the such a wonderful information.

puncak jaya tour

Fascinating account by Bob Kerr about his 2008 ascent of Puncak Jaya…

I heard of a trip to Puncak Jaya made by a friend of a friend in a group of (presumably) several Europeans. It didn’t exactly go to plan. On approach to the mountain they were held hostage by locals who threatened to murder them unless their financial demands were met.

The group was trekking with an established company who have taken climbers up Puncak Jaya many, many times before. Anyway, they ended up having to pay $10,000 per person to avoid being murdered. I have no idea how it was all arranged and feel lucky that I wasn’t part of it as not all of us are that rich.

After being freed by the disgusting locals who had captured them they decided, in mad bagging style, that they because they had got this far they ought to continue to climb the mountain itself! And so they did. It could have turned out a lot worse though. No wonder more people have climbed Everest than Puncak Jaya.

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Article on a trip to Carstensz Pyramid which went a little wrong…

JUST hours after Emerald coal miner Luke Richmond stood on top of the world, the adventurer’s euphoria was tempered by terror as he suddenly faced decapitation by machete or surrender to militant security forces in the jungle wilds of West Papua.

With virtually no chance of survival if he resisted, Luke and his fellow mountaineers played the odds and found themselves detained in a cramped shipping container on a ragged rock face for six days while cannibalistic tribal elders debated whether to kill one of them in a primitive form of justice.

“I’ve sort of been in a few situations like that before and it’s all about not losing your mind,” Luke said.

“You’ve just got to do stuff in your mind, because if you just sit there, that’s when you’ll lose it.”

What began as another step toward becoming the first Australian to climb the world’s seven highest mountains became a harrowing experience after a freak rock fall crushed one of the local kids that had set out with Luke’s group up the 4882m Carstensz Pyramid in Papua New Guinea.

For six days, the 10 climbers and about 50 local villagers hacked their way through some of the thickest jungle in the world just to reach the base of the mountain.

After 14 hours of what Luke called a “perfect climb”, the group stood on Australasia’s highest peak and thought the hardest part was over.

“It was a perfect climb. Six days through the jungle and one day on the mountain – it was incredible,” Luke said.

“But on that night, that’s when the problem started.”

When a rock, about the size of a body board, landed on the young porter, the village chief thought he had been killed instantly and sought justice according to local tribal law.

“The head villager ran down to our camp with his machete and began yelling for blood,” he said.

“He was waiting for someone to show himself so he could level the score.

“In that part of the world, the local people have a fairly simple way of thinking: ‘the climbers brought us here and we are hurt, so now they must be hurt’.

“An eye for an eye.”

The group’s mountain guide confronted the chief, finally convincing him to hold off killing one of the mountaineers, at least until after a discussion the next day.

They were told to return to the scene where they were greeted by mixed emotions – some of the villagers shook the westerners’ hands, some smiled, while others glared with intense resentment at the ‘murderers’ when they asked to see the porter.

“We took one look at his rising chest and told them he was still alive,” Luke said.

“We immediately mustered everyone together and built a stretcher out of old timber and then used one of their tarps to wrap the stretcher with the boy inside into something that could be carried steadily.”

The closest available medical help was at a nearby mine where 10,000 Papua New Guinean miners were on strike and violent riots had broken out.

Although fearful, the group had no option as the boy needed help, and if he died, one of the westerners would be killed.

“By dinner that night it was clear that we could not take the chance and head back into the jungle with this team of porters, it was simply too risky,” Luke said.

With no helicopter evacuation possible, the group surrendered to mine security who detained the group, confining them to a small shipping container perched on the edge of the mine.

For six days they ate only one meal of cold rice and chicken as they tried relentlessly to contact trek organisers Adventure Indonesia for evacuation.

On the morning of the sixth day, a Russian helicopter finally arrived at the mine and the hungry, tired and stressed mountaineers were flown to the nearby Timika, only to be evacuated again as rioters and striking mine workers took over the town.

Eventually the group made it back to Bali, safety and freedom.

“I was stoked,” Luke said.

“Until that point when we landed in Bali, nothing was set in concrete and could change at any time.”

Now back in Sydney, Luke summed up the trek simply as “hectic”, and has no intention of near-decapitation and possible cannibalism stopping him from conquering the seven summits.

In a few weeks he leaves for Thailand to begin training for his next mission – Vincent Massif in Antarctica.

Luke has already tackled Denali in Alaska, Aconcagua in South America and Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

He will return to Russia next July for his second attempt at Elbrus.

“Four from five isn’t bad, not bad at all,” Luke said.

This just in from Ricky Munday…

Dear Friend,

I hope all is well.

I’m just writing to ask for your support and to let you know that my forthcoming Carstensz Pyramid Glacier expedition has been shortlisted to win the Berghaus Adventure Challenge. – if I win, I get £1,000 towards the expedition, plus £1,000 worth of Berghaus kit, which would be a huge boost. It would be great if you could take a few moments to visit the Berghaus website and vote. Just click “Vote for this entry” on my expedition, easily register your email address, password and name, and you’re done!

I would also really appreciate if you were able to spread the word on Facebook/twitter etc or forward this email to your friends and family. Voting closes on 20th September so there are only a few days for people to vote.

The objectives of the expedition are to:

– safely climb Carstsensz Pyramid via the normal route up the north face. At 4,884m, CP is the highest mountain in Australasia, Indonesia and New Guinea and the highest island peak in the world. – compile a photographic record of Papua’s few remaining and fast-receding glaciers for analysis by climate change researchers in the UK, US and Australia

For info, I’m promoting the expedition using the following media:

Facebook: expedition Facebook page ( ) Twitter: expedition Twitter page ( ) and my own Twitter page ( Website: the expedition website has been updated ( ) Blog: the expedition blog has been revamped and updated at: Vimeo: I have been hard at work editing the video footage shot on an earlier expedition to Papua last year, but due to work demands in Bangladesh, have had limited time. In the interim, I have uploaded an introduction that summarises my previous Africa 3 Peaks expedition here: ,

I will again raise funds for Raleigh International’s Youth Partnership Programme, which gives underprivileged young people the opportunity to experience a life-changing expedition overseas. People can donate £5 to Raleigh by texting AAWZ67 £5 to 70070. Or, visit to donate online

Many thanks for all your support. I really do appreciate it.

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wow the pictures taken from robert cassady are amazing.its a shame its cheaper to climb everest than take on this one.what with all the red tape etc..

Unfortunate news from Ricky Munday’s team……


Blogs reveal terrifying experiences climbing and descending Puncak Trikora and an alarming confrontation with armed locals on the return trek

Papua Province, December 9 2010 – Ricky Munday reported this morning that he has been forced to abandon his attempt to summit Carstensz Pyramid after his international agent cancelled his joining an existing expedition with just three days notice. Munday will now make his way back to the Star Mountains to attempt Puncak Mandala (4,640m). This is a huge disappointment for the 33 year old climber who has been holed up in Jayapura waiting for news on joining the Carstensz Pyramid expedition.

The full story of Munday’s hair raising ordeal climbing and descending Puncak Trikora is revealed in his blog posted on December 7 on the Australasia 3 Peaks Blogspot page ( Climbing solo on slippery limestone rock faces, grasping foliage to prevent falling hundreds of feet into chasms, mountain sickness and dehydration, getting lost in the rainforest and hunger have made the expedition extremely gruelling. A threat from armed locals unsympathetic towards Munday’s driver was an additional scare on the way back from Trikora.

Ricky’s expedition report is now available on his website…

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Im only 16, but i enjoy climbing mountains and volcanoes in Java. I was just wondering how difficult the rock climbing is and how much it costs now.. is there snow on the top still? I hope I can climb it some day, but i have never climbed a mountain that you have to axe your way up or one with snow and this has both of those.. cheers and good luck to the team that will climb it in December!

Indonesian and American scientists are conducting a climate study on Puncak Jaya, article from The Jakarta Post here….

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More than 520 distinct tribes and local languages are still in existence. West Papua has spectacular flora and fauna, mountains and glaciers. We love West-Papua – our home, our Paradise.

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puncak jaya tour

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puncak jaya tour

The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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Yury Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Centre (Zvezdny Gorodok - Star Town) (7 hours)

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The Yuri A. Gagarin State Scientific Research-and-Testing Cosmonaut Training Center is a Russian training facility responsible for training cosmonauts for their space missions. It is in Star City of Moscow Oblast, a name which may refer to the facility itself or to its grounds. (Read more about Yury Gagarin Cosmonauts training center )

The secret Star City was built to train Soviet cosmonauts, including Yuri Gagarin, the 1st man in space. Many other famous Russian cosmonauts trained here with Gagarin: German Titov, Valentina Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut, and Alexei Leonov, the first cosmonaut to exit the spaceship into space . The best facilities were built for them: the world’s largest centrifuge and hydro laboratory. Many cosmonauts from other countries (USA, Japan, Germany and many others) also have trained here together with Soviet Russian cosmonauts. On this Star (Space) City Tour you will see:

  • Models of Soyuz Soviet spacecraft 
  • World's largest centrifuge with an 18-meter radius 
  • Hydro laboratory, with the model of the International Space Station in water, which allows to simulate the weightlessness and many more

Important info

Ask a travel expert.

  • Professional English-speaking guide assistance. Other languages upon request (additional charge may apply)
  • Roundtrip transportation to and from your central hotel (Comfortable car/minivan with A/C)
  • Fully private tour to ensure a personalized experience
  • Entrance fee to Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre (territory)
  • Entrance fee to Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre Museum
  • All taxes, fees and handling charges
  • Food  / Drinks
  • Personal expenses
  • Gratuities to guide/driver (optional)

The tour price already includes all the taxes & fees, you will not see any of them later during the checkout.

Adult pricing applies to all travelers

IMPORTANT! To book the tours please provide us with the copy of your passport (scan of page with photo) and the following information (for all the travellers):

1. Surname / Names (as in passport) 2. Passport number 3. Passport expiry date 4. Date of birth 5. Place of birth (country, city, state) 6. Place of current residence (country, city, state) 7. Citizenship 8. Place of work 9. Position held 

This information is required to get access to the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, as per their security policy.

If it took Gagarin 1 year to get prepared, now it takes 7 years to become a cosmonaut, and 50 days to pass  security  check for foreign visitors.

Due to the security policy of the Centre, the guided tours are to be arranged in 50 days before the tour date. Last-minute arrangements are not available. 

Departure: from your Moscow hotel

Return: to your Moscow hotel (or any other place in Moscow that you choose)

Sights included in program

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    Summit Carstensz is a local tour company in Timika, Papua and Surabaya East Java - Indonesia. We've been supporting several national and international tour operators to organise expeditions to the Carstensz Pyramid ( Puncak Jaya ) 4884m since late 1990s, We're happy to organise either your private or shared expeditions to the Carstensz ...

  3. Puncak Jaya Expedition

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