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Distance between Le Mans and Tours

Driving non-stop from le mans to tours.

How far is Tours from Le Mans? Here's the quick answer if you drive this relatively short distance without making any stops.

Nonstop drive: 61 miles or 98 km

Driving time: 1 hour, 5 minutes

Even though you can drive this distance straight through, it might be more interesting to stop along the way. You can scroll down to calculate how many hours it would take if you drive with stops .

Flying non-stop from Le Mans to Tours

Now let's assume you have a private jet and you can fly in the fastest possible straight line between Le Mans, France and Tours, France. Because of the curvature of the Earth, the shortest distance is actually the "great circle" distance, or "as the crow flies" which is calculated using an iterative Vincenty formula.

Flight distance: 48 miles or 77 km

Flight time: 36 minutes

The straight line flight distance is 13 miles less than driving on roads, which means the driving distance is roughly 1.3x of the flight distance.

Your plane flies much faster than a car, so the flight time is about 1/2th of the time it would take to drive.

This is a relatively short flight in a private plane, but you might be planning to book a commercial flight. In that case, your travel time would really need to include how many minutes to get to your local airport, wait for security, board and taxi on the runway, land at the other airport, and get to your destination.

Le Mans to Tours road trip

Let's say you're actually planning a road trip to Tours, and you want to stop on the way to explore. If it's a real road trip, you might want to check out interesting places along the way, or maybe eat at a great restaurant. That's what Trippy is perfect for, helping you figure out travel plans in detail.

Road trip: 1 day of driving

With the full itinerary planned out, we can estimate your total travel time for this trip.

Travel time: 1.5 hours on the road

Start in Le Mans .

Drive for about 37 minutes , then stop in Vaas and stay for about 1 hour. Next, drive for another 17 minutes then stop in Dissay-sous-Courcillon and stay for 1 hour. Drive for 36 minutes then stop in Rochecorbon and stay for 1 hour. Finally, drive for about 10 minutes and arrive in Tours .

Plan a trip to Tours

Trippy has a ton of information that can help you plan your trip to Tours, France. Start by reading the Trippy page on where to stay in Tours . Click the button below to explore Tours in detail.

How far is it the other way?

The distance is the same either way if you're flying a straight line (or driving the same roads back and forth). But for a real trip, there can be plenty of differences so go ahead and check the reverse directions to get the distance from Tours to Le Mans , or go to the main page to calculate the distance between cities .

If you happen to know Le Mans, don't forget to help other travelers and answer some questions about Le Mans!

More info on this route: drive from Le Mans to Tours road conditions alternate routes Google driving directions


The driving distance from Tours, France to Le Mans, France is:

61 miles / 98 km.

  • Where to stay in Le Mans?

Map of driving directions from Tours, France to Le Mans, France

View a map with driving directions using your preferred map provider: Google Maps , Bing Maps , or MapQuest . You can use DriveDistance.com to get the full driving distance from Tours to Le Mans with directions.

More trip calculations

  • Driving Time
  • Cost Of Driving
  • Reverse Drive Distance
  • Stopping Points
  • Hotels near Le Mans, France
  • Flight Time
  • airports near Le Mans, France
  • airlines flying to Le Mans, France
  • Nonstop Flights
  • Time Difference

Driving distance from Tours, France to Le Mans, France

The total driving distance from Tours, France to Le Mans, France is 61 miles or 98 kilometers .

Your trip begins in Tours, France. It ends in Le Mans, France.

If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Tours, France to Le Mans, France so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.

You can also calculate the cost of driving from Tours, France to Le Mans, France based on current local fuel prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between Tours, France and Le Mans, France .

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the straight line distance to fly from Tours, France to Le Mans, France .

Tours, France

Related links.

  • airlines serving Tours, France
  • hotels near Tours, France
  • airports near Tours, France
  • cities near Tours, France

Le Mans, France

  • hotels near Le Mans, France
  • cities near Le Mans, France

Driving distance calculator

Travelmath helps you find driving distances based on actual directions for your road trip. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Combine this information with the fuel cost tool to find out how much it will cost you to drive the distance, or compare the results to the straight line distance to determine whether it's better to drive or fly. You can print out pages with a travel map.

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tours le mans distance

Type d'itinéraire

Cet itinéraire favorise la sécurité, la simplicité et minimise les risques d’erreur de parcours. C'est l'itinéraire que MICHELIN préconise par défaut.

Cet itinéraire est celui pour lequel la distance pour se rendre à son point de destination est la plus courte, tout en restant sur des routes praticables. Cet itinéraire est souvent très long en termes de durée.

Cet itinéraire propose une route qui optimise la consommation en carburant et évite de passer par des routes à péages.

Mes options de cout

  • B7 (Gazole)
  • E5 (Essence)
  • E85 (Éthanol)
  • CNG (Méthane)
  • H2 (Hydrogène)

Mes options de route

  • Rapide (temps)
  • Court (distance)
  • E5 (Essence) € 1.700
  • Itinéraire : Rapide (temps)
  • Distance en : Kilomètres
  • Aucune contrainte

Services à Tours


  • Logis Hôtel Des Châteaux De La Loire
  • Appartement Cosy et Lumineux
  • Bright T2 apartment in the center of Tours


  • Mamma mia Tours
  • Le Dakota café
  • N.Y.C Bistro

Sites touristiques

  • Place de Châteauneuf
  • Église Saint-Julien
  • Hôtel Goüin
  • Itinéraire à partir de ce lieu
  • Itinéraire vers ce lieu
  • Itinéraire passant par ce lieu
  • Hôtels à proximité
  • Restaurants à proximité

Voyagez autrement

Arrivée à tours organisez votre voyage, autres services, restaurants à tours.

  • Voir les restaurants de la sélection Michelin

Sites touristiques à Tours

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Hébergements Où dormir à Tours

  • A partir de € 104 Oceania L'Univers Tours Très bien 8.3 121 m - 5, boulevard Heurteloup, 37000 Tours Réserver détails
  • A partir de € 78 Spacious T3 #JeanJaurès#Tours #Hypercentre#parking Très bien 8.3 163 m - 16 Place Jean Jaurès, 37000 Tours, France, 37000 Tours Réserver détails
  • A partir de € 57 Bel Appartement Hypercentre Bien 7.1 165 m - 7 Boulevard Heurteloup, 37000 Tours Réserver détails

Plus d'hôtels à Tours

Restaurants Où manger à Tours

  • Environ € 30 La Touraine 8.5 (75 avis) 125 m - 5 Bd Heurteloup, 37000 Tours Réserver détails
  • Environ € 25 Newlita 8.5 (281 avis) 146 m - 17 Place Jean Jaures, 37000 Tours Réserver détails
  • Environ € 19 Bistro Rossini 9.1 (244 avis) 217 m - 14 Rue Charles Gille, 37000 Tours Réserver détails

Plus de restaurants à Tours

Sites touristiques A voir, à faire à Tours

  • Centre international de congrès Vinci Le Guide Vert 346 m - 26 boulevard Heurteloup, 37000 Tours activités détails
  • Palais du Commerce Le Guide Vert 559 m - Rue Jules-Favre, 37000 Tours activités détails
  • Hôtel Beaune-Semblançay Le Guide Vert 566 m - 28 rue Nationale, 37000 Tours activités détails

Plus de sites touristiques à Tours

Mon compte Michelin

Maintenance en cours.

tours le mans distance

Driving directions

The route deemed to be the safest and simplest with minimal scope for error along the way. The default recommended route from Michelin.

The route offering the shortest distance to a destination via the most accessible roads. Journey times for this option will tend to be longer.

The most fuel-efficient route that also avoids toll roads.

My cost options

  • B7 (Diesel)
  • E5 (Unleaded)
  • E85 (superethanol)
  • CNG (Biomethane)
  • H2 (Hydrogen)

My route options

  • E5 (Unleaded) €1.700
  • Route : Fast
  • Distance in : Kilometres
  • No restrictions

Services at Le Mans


  • Petite Maison Romantique Coeur Historique Plantagenet, au calme
  • La Demeure de Laclais
  • Logis LouisBlanc, Muraille Romaine, lit Queen-Size, Centre Ville


  • Délices Marocains
  • Artyster Le Mans LA SALLE A MANGER
  • Grape Bar Le Mans

Tourist Attractions

  • Maison du Pilier Rouge
  • House of the two friends
  • Musée de la Reine-Bérengère
  • Route from this place
  • Directions to this place
  • Route via this place
  • Nearby hotels
  • Nearby restaurants

Alternative travel

Arrive at le mans organise your trip, other services, restaurants at le mans.

  • See restaurants from the Michelin selection

Tourist Attractions at Le Mans

  • View the must-see tourist sites

Accommodation Where to sleep in Le Mans

  • From €85 L'Hallai du Roy Suberb 9.2 102 m - 5 Place du Hallai, 72000 Le Mans Book details 
  • From €77 Appartement Henri II Suberb 9.1 122 m - 5 Place du Hallai, 72100 Le Mans Book details 
  • From €45 Logis Saint-Flaceau Exceptional 9.7 181 m - 3, rue Saint-Flaceau, 72000 Le Mans Book details 

More hotels in Le Mans

Restaurants Where to eat Le Mans

  • Around €30 Côté Sud 8.4 (304 reviews) 29 m - 9 Place des Jacobins, 72100 Le Mans Book details 
  • Around €25 Le Verre Tige 7.1 (101 reviews) 163 m - 48 Grande Rue, 72100 Le Mans Book details 
  • €€ Le Grenier à Sel MICHELIN 2024 318 m - 26 place de l'Éperon, 72000 Le Mans details 

More restaurants in Le Mans

Tourist Attractions Things to see and do Le Mans

  • Place des Jacobins The Green Guide 32 m - Place des Jacobins, 72000 Le Mans activities details 
  • Town Hall The Green Guide 109 m - 1 place St-Pierre, 72000 Le Mans activities details 
  • Hôtel de Vignolles The Green Guide 126 m - Place du Hallai, 72000 Le Mans activities details 

More tourist attractions in Le Mans

Renting a car, an attractive proposition for the holidays

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tours le mans distance

31 Best Stops Between Le Mans and Tours

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Navigate backward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

How long is the drive from Le Mans to Tours?

The direct drive from Le Mans to Tours is 60.9 mi (98 km) , and should have a drive time of 1 hr 2 mins in normal traffic.

If you’re going on a road trip from Le Mans to Tours, we did the research for you and compiled some great stops along the way — with Amboise , as well as top places to visit like Museum of the 24 Hours of Le Mans and Museum of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, or the ever-popular Papéa Parc.

tours le mans distance

Top city between Le Mans and Tours

tours le mans distance

Best stops along Le Mans to Tours drive

tours le mans distance

Museum of the 24 Hours of Le Mans

tours le mans distance

Eglise Notre Dame des Marais

Domain pescheray.

tours le mans distance

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tours le mans distance

Carnuta, Maison de l'Homme et de la Forêt

Château de gizeux, domaine frédéric mabileau, grotte pétrifiante, air touraine helicoptere, château de langeais, pl. saint-martin, trinity abbey, château de vendôme, château de villandry.

tours le mans distance

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tours le mans distance

Château de l'Islette

Château d'azay-le-rideau, jardin botanique de tours, pl. plumereau, musée du compagnonnage, château du rivau, rue nationale, cathédrale saint-gatien, safari train, château royal d'amboise.

tours le mans distance

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tours le mans distance

Château du Clos Lucé

Mini castle park, château de chenonceau.

tours le mans distance

Château de Montpoupon

Other popular road trips from le mans city, explore nearby places.

  • Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire
  • Saint Pierre des Corps
  • Saint Avertin
  • Joue-les-Tours
  • La Ville-aux-Dames
  • Rochecorbon
  • Chambray-Les-Tours
  • Saint-Genouph
  • Parcay-Meslay
  • Ballan Mire
  • Chanceaux-sur-Choisille
  • Montlouis-sur-Loire
  • Savonnieres
  • Vernou-sur-Brenne
  • Saint-Antoine-du-Rocher
  • Saint-Etienne-de-Chigny

All related maps of Tours

  • Map of Tours
  • Map of La Riche
  • Map of Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire
  • Map of Saint Pierre des Corps
  • Map of Saint Avertin
  • Map of Joue-les-Tours
  • Map of La Ville-aux-Dames
  • Map of Rochecorbon
  • Map of Chambray-Les-Tours
  • Map of Saint-Genouph
  • Map of Parcay-Meslay
  • Map of Fondettes
  • Map of Ballan Mire
  • Map of Vouvray
  • Map of Chanceaux-sur-Choisille
  • Map of Veretz
  • Map of Luynes
  • Map of Montlouis-sur-Loire
  • Map of Montbazon
  • Map of Savonnieres
  • Map of Veigne
  • Map of Vernou-sur-Brenne
  • Map of Monts
  • Map of Saint-Antoine-du-Rocher
  • Map of Berthenay
  • Map of Saint-Etienne-de-Chigny
  • Map of Esvres
  • Map of Monnaie
  • Map of Villandry
  • Map of Semblancay
  • Map of Chancay

Tours throughout the year

  • Tours in January
  • Tours in February
  • Tours in March
  • Tours in April
  • Tours in May
  • Tours in June
  • Tours in July
  • Tours in August
  • Tours in September
  • Tours in October
  • Tours in November
  • Tours in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Tours?

Get inspired for your trip to Tours with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Tours Itinerary
  • 2-Day Tours Itinerary
  • 3-Day Tours Itinerary
  • 4-Day Tours Itinerary
  • 5-Day Tours Itinerary

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i drive from le mans to tours.

Yes! You can drive from Le Mans to Tours.

How far is Tours from Le Mans by car?

The drive from Le Mans to Tours is 60.9 miles (98 km).

How long does it take to drive from Le Mans to Tours?

Driving from Le Mans to Tours should take you 1 hr 2 mins in normal traffic.

How much would gas cost from Le Mans to Tours?

Gas from Le Mans to Tours would cost around $5 to $12 , depending on your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

Where should I stop on the way from Le Mans to Tours?

You could check out Museum of the 24 Hours of Le Mans and Museum of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, or the always popular Papéa Parc!

What are the best cities to visit between Le Mans and Tours?

People love visiting Amboise, among others.

What's the weather like in Le Mans?

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Le Mans in January
  • Weather in Le Mans in February
  • Weather in Le Mans in March
  • Weather in Le Mans in April
  • Weather in Le Mans in May
  • Weather in Le Mans in June
  • Weather in Le Mans in July
  • Weather in Le Mans in August
  • Weather in Le Mans in September
  • Weather in Le Mans in October
  • Weather in Le Mans in November
  • Weather in Le Mans in December

What are some other road trips from Le Mans?

There are plenty! Below you'll find links to all the road trips we've assembled for Le Mans.

  • Le Mans City to Paris drive
  • Le Mans City to London drive
  • Le Mans City to Barcelona drive
  • Le Mans City to Amsterdam drive
  • Le Mans City to Madrid drive
  • Le Mans City to Brussels drive
  • Le Mans City to Dublin drive
  • Le Mans City to Edinburgh drive
  • Le Mans City to Milan drive
  • Le Mans City to Florence drive
  • Le Mans City to Venice drive
  • Le Mans City to Bruges drive
  • Le Mans City to Munich drive
  • Le Mans City to Turin drive
  • Le Mans City to Nantes drive
  • Le Mans City to Valencia drive
  • Le Mans City to York drive
  • Le Mans City to Lyon drive
  • Le Mans City to Mont-Saint-Michel drive
  • Le Mans City to Bordeaux drive
  • Le Mans City to Liverpool drive
  • Le Mans City to Vatican City drive
  • Le Mans City to Cologne drive
  • Le Mans City to Rouen drive
  • Le Mans City to Bayeux drive
  • Le Mans City to Birmingham drive
  • Le Mans City to Blackpool drive
  • Le Mans City to Bath drive
  • Le Mans City to Hamburg drive

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tours le mans distance

Driving directions

The route deemed to be the safest and simplest with minimal scope for error along the way. The default recommended route from Michelin.

The route offering the shortest distance to a destination via the most accessible roads. Journey times for this option will tend to be longer.

The most fuel-efficient route that also avoids toll roads.

My cost options

  • B7 (Diesel)
  • E5 (Unleaded)
  • E85 (superethanol)
  • CNG (Biomethane)
  • H2 (Hydrogen)

My route options

  • E5 (Unleaded) €1.700
  • Route : Fast
  • Distance in : Kilometres
  • No restrictions

Services at Tours


  • Logis Hôtel Des Châteaux De La Loire
  • Appartement Cosy et Lumineux
  • Bright T2 apartment in the center of Tours


  • Mamma mia Tours
  • Le Dakota café
  • N.Y.C Bistro

Tourist Attractions

  • Place de Châteauneuf
  • Church of St Julien
  • Hôtel Gouin
  • Route from this place
  • Directions to this place
  • Route via this place
  • Nearby hotels
  • Nearby restaurants

Alternative travel

Arrive at tours organise your trip, other services, restaurants at tours.

  • See restaurants from the Michelin selection

Tourist Attractions at Tours

  • View the must-see tourist sites

Accommodation Where to sleep in Tours

  • From €104 Oceania L'Univers Tours Very good 8.3 121 m - 5, boulevard Heurteloup, 37000 Tours Book details 
  • From €78 Spacious T3 #JeanJaurès#Tours #Hypercentre#parking Very good 8.3 163 m - 16 Place Jean Jaurès, 37000 Tours, France, 37000 Tours Book details 
  • From €57 Bel Appartement Hypercentre Good 7.1 165 m - 7 Boulevard Heurteloup, 37000 Tours Book details 

More hotels in Tours

Restaurants Where to eat Tours

  • Around €30 La Touraine 8.5 (75 reviews) 125 m - 5 Bd Heurteloup, 37000 Tours Book details 
  • Around €25 Newlita 8.5 (281 reviews) 146 m - 17 Place Jean Jaures, 37000 Tours Book details 
  • Around €19 Bistro Rossini 9.1 (244 reviews) 217 m - 14 Rue Charles Gille, 37000 Tours Book details 

More restaurants in Tours

Tourist Attractions Things to see and do Tours

  • Vinci International Congress Centre The Green Guide 346 m - 26 boulevard Heurteloup, 37000 Tours activities details 
  • Palais du Commerce The Green Guide 559 m - Rue Jules-Favre, 37000 Tours activities details 
  • Hôtel Beaune-Semblançay The Green Guide 566 m - 28 rue Nationale, 37000 Tours activities details 

More tourist attractions in Tours

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A visitor guide to Le Mans

Buckle up and start your engines for an exciting trip to Le Mans. When you hear this name you might think of the iconic 24-hour race that has defined sports endurance for decades, but Le Mans is so much more. With over 24 hours at your disposal – or even a full weekend – we’ve compiled a guide on how you can make your trip even more exciting and memorable.


Sitting alongside a small hill, the quaint town of Le Mans (yes, it’s a town as well!) spans over 50 acres of gorgeous medieval cobbled streets. This historic area is a great place to explore before you start experiencing the Le Mans 2023 race.

What is Le Mans?

Le Mans (a.k.a 24 Hours of Le Mans) is a legendary endurance motorsport challenge that takes place annually in the city of Le Mans, France. Running since 1923, it’s the oldest endurance race in the world, featuring some of the toughest race teams and manufacturers from around the world.

Each year this race is organized in mid-June where different classes compete: Hypercar (formerly LMP1), “Le Mans” Prototype 2 (LMP2), and the Le Mans Grand Touring Endurance (LMGTE) Pro/Am. As part of the FIA World Endurance Championships, the race is one of the seven endurance races held on tracks across several continents – from Portugal to Bahrain and the USA to Japan.

Founded by the Automobile Club de l'Ouest, the race was designed to push mechanical innovation in the automotive industry. To this day, the race acts as a proving ground where top automobile manufacturers such as Porsche, Peugeot, Ferrari and Toyota test the best of their sports engineering prowess and compete for success.

The Circuit

The circuit at La Sarthe has long been the home of the Le Mans 24-hour. With eight miles of demanding tarmac, featuring all-out straights, fast sweeping bends and tight chicanes, it’s a circuit that has an infamous reputation. You'll get a sense of every bit of this history when you visit.

How to get to Le Mans Circuit

Located around 80 km north of Tours, Le Mans isn’t necessarily close to many major cities. Luckily, there are plenty of transport options available, especially when visiting around the time of the race.

  • By plane: While not a major location, Le Mans does have its own airport - Le Mans-Arnage Airport (LME). Airlines such as EasyJet and Air France often run flights to the city during the racing season. 
  • By train : Trains connect to Le Mans from a variety of locations including London (indirect) and Paris. The average cost from Paris is around 20 euros while a trip directly from the UK would cost several times more.
  • By car/Road One convenient way to travel to Le Mans would be by renting your own car. Available in most cities, renting is a quick and easy way to grab a vehicle suited to your trip and convenient to your party size.

Where to stay during Le Mans

Before embracing the speed and power of roaring sports cars, you should plan out your stay. While the drivers at Le Mans 24-hour have to endure tiredness as part of the race, you don’t have to! Below we’ve broken down each option for a great stay with their pros and cons:

Hotels in and around Le Mans offer a range of amenities and comfort levels to ensure a pleasant stay. With a variety of options including budget-friendly options like the Ibis Le Mans to luxurious establishments such as Mercury Le Mans Centre, there is something for everyone.

  • Comfort and convenience for the whole family
  • High level of services and facilities.
  • Great food available on-site
  • Higher cost, especially for premium hotels.
  • Limited availability during peak race periods.
  • Lack of good viewing spots for the race.

Holiday rentals

Holiday rentals like apartments, B&Bs, and villas in Le Mans city provide more independent and spacious accommodation. These can be a great choice for families or groups of friends looking for flexibility and a ‘home away from home’ blended with an authentic French lifestyle. Consider looking for properties in surrounding towns and villages, such as Moncé-en-Belin, Laigné-en-Belin, Teloché and Ruaudin.

  • Flexibility and privacy.
  • More space for larger groups.
  • Option to cook your own meals.
  • Potential cost savings for longer stays.
  • Limited availability, especially closer to the race dates.
  • Distance from the circuit may vary.
  • Potentially little-to-no on-site services
  • May be tougher to navigate around

For those seeking a more adventurous and budget-friendly experience, Le Mans camping offers a unique way to immerse yourself in the race atmosphere. Camping facilities near Le Mans often provide basic amenities like showers, toilets, and electricity. Some campsites offer dedicated areas for race enthusiasts, providing an opportunity to socialize with like-minded fans and catch a glimpse of the action.

  • Affordability, particularly for budget travelers.
  • Sense of community and excitement among fellow campers for an all-around immersive experience.
  • Proximity to the circuit, enhancing the viewing possibilities.
  • Limited comfort compared to hotels or holiday rentals.
  • Basic amenities and facilities.
  • Camping spots may not be comfortable for everyone.
  • Higher demand during the race period, requiring early booking.

Overall, where you decide to stay will greatly impact your costs. Factors such as proximity to the circuit, the level of comfort, and the time of booking all affect this, so it’s best to book your trip early to avoid disappointment.

Whether you prefer the convenience of a hotel, the independence of a holiday rental, or the adventurous spirit of camping, Le Mans offers a range of choices to cater to different preferences and budgets.

In the end, the choice is yours. Are you a dedicated fan whose priority is the race? Go for the camping route. But if you’re with family and children, you may want to opt for the comfort and convenience of a hotel or rental.

What to do at Le Mans

The le mans circuit.

The Le Mans circuit offers more than just high-speed thrills. Rev up your trip in a different way with these exhilarating experiences when visiting the 24 hours of Le Mans:

Start off by embracing the pulse of race day, as the circuit roars to life during special events surrounding the main event. Watch out for driver parades, autograph sessions, and electrifying concerts to attend. These turbocharged activities add an extra dose of excitement to the already carnival atmosphere.

You can also geek out as a petrolhead at the Le Mans Museum, where history comes alive in an alternative way. Explore the heritage of the iconic Le Mans racetrack and learn more about pivotal moments such as the disaster of 1955, or legendary wins like the 1966 race.

With interesting activities and areas, including fan zones, gift shops and food stands all around the festival, there's a ton to do and atmosphere to soak up, no matter how much of a racing fan you are.

The Le Mans area

Beyond the chequered flag, Le Mans is a beautiful medieval city asking to be explored. While not a famous destination by any means, it does have a lot of historical significance as it is here in Le Mans that in 1129 Geoffrey Plantagenet wed Matilda, daughter of King Henry I of England, and gave birth to Henry II.

If you’ve got any extra free time when staying at Le Mans, consider the following excursions:

  • Discover the medieval streets of the Cité Plantagenêt where you can encounter gorgeous French architecture.
  • Take a drive in your rental to nearby towns and cities like  Tours , Angers, and Chartres, where timeless charm collides with a modern outlook.
  • Explore the countryside of the enchanting Pays de la Loire region, which has photogenic castles spread across the area and some great treks to undertake.
  • For an extra dose of speed and excitement, rev your engines towards the Alain Prost Circuit, a destination known as Circuit Bugatti.

Why should I visit Le Mans?

The Le Mans 24-hour race is an unmissable experience that a lot of people have been waiting for. 2023 will be its centennial race, marking 100 years of this high-speed competition famous for showcasing a balance of skill, strategy, and endurance.

Le Mans offers a unique experience, no matter if you’re a racing fan or not. For motorsport enthusiasts, witnessing a one-of-a-kind endurance race on an iconic racetrack has its own charm, while the vibrant culture of the city can appeal to all.

Tours to Le Mans distance, location, road map and direction

Distance between tours and le mans, tours to le mans travel time, tours to le mans road map, tours to le mans driving direction, travel distance from tours.

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  • distance between Tours and Dijon
  • distance between Tours and Paris
  • distance between Tours and Poitiers
  • distance between Tours and Rouen
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Distance from to

Distance from Tours to Le Mans

Distance from Tours to Le Mans is 78 kilometers . This air travel distance is equal to 48 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Tours and Le Mans is 78 km= 48 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Tours to Le Mans, It takes 0.09 hours to arrive.

Tours is located in France.

Tours Distances to Cities

Le Mans is located in France.

Le Mans Distances to Cities

Map of tours.

Map of Le Mans


  1. 24 Heures du Mans. Journée test : la route de Tours fermée dimanche

    tours le mans distance

  2. 1000 Tours du Mans Session de Jour

    tours le mans distance

  3. Les nouveautés pour bien préparer sa venue aux 24 Heures du Mans

    tours le mans distance

  4. Le Mans, Campsite, Circuit, Tours, Paris, City, Hospitality, Race Cars, Racing

    tours le mans distance

  5. Les 24 Heures, meilleure carte touristique du Mans

    tours le mans distance

  6. Le Mans to Tours, France

    tours le mans distance


  1. TGV ATLANTIQUE (Part 6)

  2. 2021 ELMS entry list revealed!

  3. Lucas du Mans a sauté en parachute au Mans

  4. Le Mans 24 Endurance Mode (1652.8 km) ~ Extra Stage ~ Ending ~ Name Entry

  5. Ahmed de Champigny a sauté en parachute au Mans

  6. View from T17 Durand


  1. How to get from Le Mans to Tours by train, bus, rideshare or car

    The distance between Le Mans and Tours is 98 km. The road distance is 96.2 km. Get driving directions How do I travel from Le Mans to Tours without a car? The best way to get from Le Mans to Tours without a car is to train which takes 59 min and costs €17 - €40. More details ...

  2. Tours to Le Mans

    The distance between Tours and Le Mans is 98 km. The road distance is 96.4 km. Get driving directions How do I travel from Tours to Le Mans without a car? The best way to get from Tours to Le Mans without a car is to train which takes 1h 1m and costs €17 - €40. More details ...

  3. Tours Le Mans

    Mappy vous indique la distance entre Tours (37000) et Le Mans (72000). Mappy vous propose les meilleurs itinéraires en voiture en prenant en compte les options choisies : taille de la voiture, type de carburant, consommation moyenne du véhicule. Certains itinéraires vous feront passer par le chemin le plus court, le plus rapide ou sans péage.

  4. Le Mans

    Find the distance from Le Mans to Tours, the estimated travel time with the impact of road traffic in real time, as well as the cost of your journey (toll charges and fuel costs). And, to ensure you are well prepared for your stay in Tours, you can search the MICHELIN restaurant selections (for all covered destinations) and book your ...

  5. Tours

    Choose one of the following options for the Tours to Le Mans route: Michelin recommended, fast, short or cheap. You can also add information on Michelin restaurants, tourist attractions or hotels in Tours or Le Mans. Tours Le Mans route planner. Distance, cost (tolls, fuel, cost per passenger) and journey time, based on traffic conditions.

  6. Tours

    Calculez facilement votre itinéraire Tours - Le Mans en voiture avec ViaMichelin. Distance, coût (péages, carburant, coût par passager) et durée du trajet Tours - Le Mans, en tenant compte du trafic routier

  7. How far is Tours from Le Mans

    If you happen to know Le Mans, don't forget to help other travelers and answer some questions about Le Mans! Get a quick answer: It's 61 miles or 98 km from Le Mans to Tours, which takes about 1 hour, 5 minutes to drive. Check a real road trip to save time.

  8. Tours to 24 Hours of Le Mans

    Drive • 57 min. Drive from Tours to 24 Hours of Le Mans 88.5 km. €14 - €22. Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between.

  9. Driving Distance from Tours, France to Le Mans, France

    The total driving distance from Tours, France to Le Mans, France is 61 miles or 98 kilometers. Your trip begins in Tours, France. It ends in Le Mans, France. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Tours, France to Le Mans, France so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.

  10. Itinéraire Le Mans

    Le Guide Vert. 566 m - 28 rue Nationale, 37000 Tours. activités détails. Plus de sites touristiques à Tours. Itinéraire Le Mans - Tours ViaMichelin. Distance, coût (péages, carburant, coût par passager) et durée du trajet Le Mans - Tours, en tenant compte du trafic routier.

  11. Distance Le-Mans → Tours

    The initial bearing on the course from Le-Mans to Tours is 151.88° and the compass direction is SSE. Midpoint: 47.69927,0.44517. The geographic midpoint between Le-Mans and Tours is in 24.18 mi (38.92 km) distance between both points in a bearing of 151.88°. It is located in France, Pays de la Loire, Sarthe, Montval-sur-Loir. Time difference: 0h.

  12. Le Mans Tours

    Mappy vous donne les informations utiles pour votre itinéraire de Le Mans à Tours en voiture, en autocar, en train ou en covoiturage. Comparez les modes de transport, les horaires, les prix et les options de votre trajet.

  13. Tours

    Choose one of the following options for the Tours to Le Mans route: Michelin recommended, fast, short or cheap. You can also add information on Michelin restaurants, tourist attractions or hotels in Tours or Le Mans. Tours Le Mans driving directions. Distance, cost (tolls, fuel, cost per passenger) and journey time, based on traffic conditions.

  14. 31 Best Stops Between Le Mans and Tours

    The top stops along the way from Le Mans to Tours (with short detours) are Château de Chenonceau, Château de Villandry, and Château du Clos Lucé. Other popular stops include Château d'Azay-le-Rideau, Château Royal d'Amboise, and Cathédrale Saint-Gatien.

  15. Le Mans

    Choose one of the following options for the Le Mans to Tours route: Michelin recommended, fast, short or cheap. You can also add information on Michelin restaurants, tourist attractions or hotels in Le Mans or Tours. Le Mans Tours route planner. Distance, cost (tolls, fuel, cost per passenger) and journey time, based on traffic conditions.

  16. Visitor Guide to Le Mans

    Le Mans (a.k.a 24 Hours of Le Mans) is a legendary endurance motorsport challenge that takes place annually in the city of Le Mans, France. Running since 1923, it's the oldest endurance race in the world, featuring some of the toughest race teams and manufacturers from around the world. Each year this race is organized in mid-June where ...

  17. Tours → Le Mans by Train from £17.19

    Tours to Le Mans by train. It takes an average of 2h 26m to travel from Tours to Le Mans by train, over a distance of around 48 miles (77 km). There are normally 18 trains per day travelling from Tours to Le Mans and tickets for this journey start from £17.19 when you book in advance. First train. 06:09.

  18. Distance between Tours and Le Mans is 78 KM / 48.5 miles

    Distance between Tours and Le Mans The total straight line distance between Tours and Le Mans is 78 KM (kilometers) and 111.33 meters. The miles based distance from Tours to Le Mans is 48.5 miles. This is a straight line distance and so most of the time the actual travel distance between Tours and Le Mans may be higher or vary due to curvature ...

  19. Tours to Le Mans train tickets from US$21.50

    The fastest trains from Tours to Le Mans take around 56 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 77 kilometres. On weekdays, the first train leaving Tours is scheduled to depart at around 05:22 .

  20. Europe > France > Tours Distance to Le Mans in France

    The approx distance between Tours and Le Mans in a straight line is 46 miles or 74.01 KMS See the maps and links below for additional information related to driving distances, fuel costs and estimated journey times for this trip from Tours to Le Mans. Happy trails!!

  21. Distance from Tours to Le Mans

    The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Tours and Le Mans is 78 km= 48 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Tours to Le Mans, It takes 0.09 hours to arrive. Facebook Twitter. Tours. Tours is located in France. GPS Coordinates (DMS) 47° 22´ 59.9880'' N 0° 40´ 59.9880'' E :

  22. Tours to Le Mans 24 Hour Race

    The cheapest way to get from Tours to Le Mans 24 Hour Race costs only $7, and the quickest way takes just 56 mins. Find the travel option that best suits you. ... The distance between Tours and Le Mans 24 Hour Race is 104 km. The road distance is 96.8 km. Get driving directions.

  23. 24 Hours of Le Mans

    The 24 Hours of Le Mans (French: 24 Heures du Mans) is an endurance-focused sports car race held annually near the town of Le Mans, France. It is widely considered to be one of the world's most prestigious races, and is one of the races—along with the Monaco Grand Prix and Indianapolis 500—that form the Triple Crown of Motorsport, and is also one of the races alongside the 24 Hours of ...