canyoning, alpes maritimes, via ferrata, spéléologie

Activities by Funtrip

Aquatic discovery.

fun trip canyoning

Swim in a protected natural setting; maneuver inside gorges carved out over time by the flow of water; glide down smooth, natural rock slides; dive into cool, clear pools at the base of magnificent waterfalls…

fun trip canyoning

Alpes Maritimes is THE place were you can have fun with canyoning !

fun trip canyoning

Explore the underground cavities and discover a mineral universe, aquatic and biological wonderfully preserved.

Via ferrata and via cordata

fun trip canyoning

Take the path of the air and discover exceptional itineraries, along vertiginous walls.

Scuba diving

fun trip canyoning

Discover the underwater world and evolve in an exciting universe ...

Wild adventure trail

fun trip canyoning

Starting from a dry canyon, a climbing cliff or a caving sinkhole, discover a different way of sightseeing and exploring new spaces!

fun trip canyoning

Reach summits, let yourself flow along magnificent rock walls, rappelling back down and discover magnificent sites in a new way!

Adventure hike

fun trip canyoning

Go on a hike like no other in the heart of the most beautiful dry canyons in the region and discover the joys of canyoning without water.

11-13 route de Grasse 06140 – TOURETTES SUR LOUP Portable : +33 (0) 6 19 66 03 65 Fixe : +33 (0) 4 93 32 81 59 (*) [email protected]

* : open only during the season

Quality Labels

fun trip canyoning

We would like to inform you that we are entering the ” Tourism Quality “, the ” Family Quality ” and are referenced by Le Petit Futé ” approach.

This approach is made to obtain the different labels, which are national brands representing the quality of performance. Furthermore, this dedication is one more proof of the quality and satisfaction of the clients.

If despite our efforts you are not satisfied by our performance, you are free to send a letter of complain to the following adress :

Comité Régional du Tourisme Riviera Côte d’Azur 455 Promenade des Anglais Bat. Horizon CS 53 126 06203 Nice Cedex 3

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fun trip canyoning

Undiscovered Mountains

  • What is Canyoning?

Posted 21-02-2020 by Sally Guillaume

For people looking for something different to do on their next summer holiday , canyoning can be lots of fun. When the weather is hot, there’s nothing more exhilarating than getting in the water and challenging yourself. It’s a unique experience for those who don’t mind getting wet, and it’s a great way to explore mountain areas such as the  French Alps . 

Check out our weekend adventure for or summer multi activity holiday for a great Alpine adventure including canyoning.

Canyoning holidays are generally suitable for adults and teenagers, but there are also some canyons that are suitable for little ones too. So if you’re nervous about trying it out, don’t worry – there’s bound to be a canyon to suit your abilities. If you’re a good swimmer, are generally fit and healthy, and don’t mind dipping your head under water, canyoning could be your sport.

fun trip canyoning

Here’s everything you need to know about it, including what’s involved, what equipment you need, and where you can learn.

Canyoning definition 

Canyoning, also known as canyoneering, is the act of navigating down a fast flowing mountain stream in a gorge using a variety of techniques including abseiling, climbing, sliding and jumping.

The canyon itself is a natural gorge that has been carved out of the mountainside by a water current. They are usually quite steep, with dramatic cliff drops on both sides and a number of waterfalls to encounter along the way too. Some waterfalls form natural toboggans, which are natural slides where people can go down with minimal effort – and this proves to be lots of fun! Others involve abseiling or can be jumped.

The sport of canyoning involves a number of outdoor skills, including  hiking , climbing , swimming, abseiling, sliding, stemming, chimneying and rappelling. It is designed for exploring hard-to-reach areas of the natural landscape by following water routes and navigating the different streams, pools and waterfalls. It can be vary varied during your journey from point A to point B, and you will need to use various techniques to complete the course. One minute you could be swimming through rock pools or sliding chutes, and the next you could be clambering over rocks or abseiling. 

Canyoning is done primarily as a recreational sport and helps people gain essential outdoor experience. For more serious canyoning enthusiasts, courses are often picked for their difficulty and the challenges of the terrain.

fun trip canyoning

The origins of the sport

Although canyoning was made popular by the Americans and British in the 1970s, the origins of the sport can actually be traced back to the late 19 th Century in France. Edouard Alfred Martel, known as the 'father of modern speleology', was a pioneer of cave exploration, study, and documentation. He first introduced canyoning techniques in order to conduct important works of science in the hard-to-reach areas of the gorges. 

During these early days, the equipment being used was rudimentary and it wasn’t until the mid-20 th Century that things began to change. Many of the first canyoning teams were climbers to begin with, and climbing team made up of Alan Waterhouse, Paul Seddon and Tony Howard was the first to bring a commercial harness to market in the 1960s. 

The first ever harness was built by British company, Troll Climbing Equipment, and was made using a plastic protection that was worn as shorts to prevent the wear of wetsuits. This product was used by speleologists and canyon explorers in the years that followed. But at this point, canyon exploration was still a recreation that people enjoyed in their own time.

By the 1970s, the sport had grown, and this was largely thanks to Dennis Turville, a professional photographer and climber. He pioneered the sport and blazed the trail for many of the first recorded descents around the Zion area in southwest Utah in the US. Some of the most famous routes, such as Heaps, Keyhole, and Pine Creek can all be attributed to Turville and his team of climbers.

Canyoning has grown around the world and is hugely popular in Europe, with France, Spain and Switzerland being some of the most established places for the sport.  

Clothing and equipment

With  guided canyoning trips  like ours, you will be provided with most of the equipment you need. If you are heading out on your own (which you should only do if you know what you are doing), here are the things that are absolutely essential:

fun trip canyoning

  • Canyoning shoes - the slippery nature of canyon adventures and wet terrain means that durable shoes with good grip are paramount for your safety. High specification canyoning shoes are the best option, and some of the brands that make these include Adidas, Palm, Salomon and Bestard. If you don’t want to invest in canyoning shoes, a pair of trainers with good grip and plenty of padding around the foot are fine for a first canyoning experience (an old pair of running trainers work well).
  • Wetsuit - you should never attempt to go canyoning without a wetsuit. Not only can they keep you warm and boost your circulation (which is essential for easy movement) in cold canyons, but they can also protect you from knocks and bangs against rocks. Most canyoning wetsuits are quite thick neoprene with a hood.
  • Helmet - it is not recommended to ever go out into the water without a helmet. This is necessary for keeping your head protected. The speed of the water can be extremely dangerous and it’s not uncommon for slips and falls. Your helmet should stay on throughout and should never be removed.
  • Static rope -  a static rope is required for abseiling, and is crucial to your experience and safety in the canyon. Ropes need to be hardwearing and suitable for intensive abseiling activity in wet conditions. The best ropes will also remain supple over time, making them easy for you to use. You need to make sure you have the length of rope for the obstacles in your canyon and of course that you know how to use it!
  • Canyoning rope bag (s) - with this sport requiring so much of your focus and balance, it’s important to keep your hands free at all time. A waterproof, drainable rope bag will make it easy and convenient to carry your ropes around, allowing you to climb, swim and navigate safely. 
  • Waterproof container with first aid kit -  to keep things light, select a small waterproof container for first aid kit, phone and other essential safety kit that will fit easily into your canyon rope bag and isn’t going to weigh you down.
  • Descender device -  a descender belay system is another fundamental safety item and needs to be in every canyoning kit. This is used as a friction brake to help you manage your descent safely and effectively when abseiling.
  • Harness - the harness is worn at all times and attaches to a rope for abseiling or climbing. A canyoning harness will generally have a plastic seat protection to protect your wetsuit when you slide down toboggans.
  • Knife – a water resistant canyoning knife is an essential safety tool for all canyoning trips 
  • Slings, carabiners and protection -  you need to know what belay and safety equipment you will need to secure your canyon and always take a few extra slings and carabiners.

Some smaller items that you may consider taking with you include a communication device (though note that some deep canyons won’t have  mobile phone signal), sun cream, swimwear, and your camera if you plan on taking pictures. Just remember to use your waterproof container to keep everything dry. 

fun trip canyoning

Important things to know

If you’re considering trying canyoning for the first time, here are some important things to know.

1. Physical fitness is key

You don’t need to be super fit in order to try canyoning, and you don’t even have to be overly experienced in climbing. There are some canyons suitable for kids after all. However, this does not in any way mean that anyone can give it a go. Physical fitness is extremely important. Even with some of the easier canyons, conditions can become dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing or if you don’t have the fitness levels to keep up. That being said, many guided trips will come with excellent instructors to help you out with basic skills.

2. Canyoning isn’t kind to footwear  

Specialist canyoning footwear is recommended, but other waterproof shoes are fine too as long as they have good grip and padded protection over the foot. Neoprene boat shoes are generally not substantial enough, for example. An old pair of running trainers would be better. But whatever you do, don’t wear your best trainers or fanciest walking boots. Your shoes will be getting very wet and may even suffer quite a few scrapes, and stylish shoes are unlikely to look the same again. Stick with purpose-built footwear instead.

3. Check your travel insurance

Canyoning is classified as an extreme sport, so this means that a lot of standard travel insurance policies won’t cover it. Make sure you read the terms and conditions of your package, or speak to the insurance company to discuss upgrading.

fun trip canyoning

Where to learn canyoning 

There are so many great places to try canyoning for the first time. If you are new to the sport, then you should always go with a guided group to start with and choose a canyon that isn’t too austere with some fun jumps and toboggans rather than too many technical skills.

One of the best canyons for a first and fun experience is the Rabou Canyon near Gap in the Hautes-Alpes. This particular canyon has some great fun toboggans and waterfalls with the option of jumping into large forgiving pools. You just need a thirst for adventure, to be able to swim and to follow your guide’s instructions to enjoy this canyon. No previous canyoning experience is required!

You’ll be rewarded with stunning waterfalls, exciting jumps and exhilarating slides, as well as some wonderful views. However, an access agreement is required if you want to explore Rabou so always  book with an organised group like ours. 

The best time of year to do it

Although there are no hard and fast rules about when to go canyoning, it is best enjoyed in warm weather. The best time to book a trip is during the summer season, or late spring / early autumn before when temperatures are still nice.

It’s important to remember that you will be staying active in a wet environment, so cold weather can really take its toll on your body. Warm temperatures and moderate water levels are ideal for safer and more enjoyable trips.

fun trip canyoning

The water level is often dictated by the winter rain and thaw or heavy storms. So always factor this in when deciding when to travel. May to September provides the perfect window for a canyoning holiday, but early summer can bring higher water levels which may not be quite as appealing for beginners. Seasoned canyoneers will really enjoy the challenge when there’s more water though.

Do you need a guide?

Canyoning certainly doesn’t need to be done with a guide, but it is highly recommended. This isn’t a sport that should be attempted without a professional, unless you are experienced and know exactly what you are doing.

But even for seasoned climbers, hikers and canyoneers, a local guide can still be extremely useful. They will have better local knowledge than you do and will be able to help you navigate tricky areas. They’ll have all the best tips for getting around certain parts and will have a good understanding of local conditions, including the weather.

Guides can also recommend the right program for your group and give you advice on what to try next.

For beginners, guides are absolutely essential. If you have never climbed or use canyoning equipment, they will give you all the training you need.

fun trip canyoning

Is it dangerous?

Like all extreme sports, canyoning does have its risks. But with a guide, you can minimise these risks and learn new skills with professional supervision. Generally speaking, most guided canyon trips are extremely safe. There are kiddie canyons suitable for kids of all ages, so it isn’t as extreme as it may seem. Quite often, people are surprised at how much they are able to do when trying canyoning for the first time.

Canyoning on your own can become dangerous if precautions are not taken or issues occur, and that’s why it’s always recommended to bring a fully trained guide who knows the local gorges.

fun trip canyoning

The best places 

Here are some of the best places in the world to try canyoning:

  • Sierra de Guara, Aragon, Spain
  • Corsica, France 
  • Bled, Slovenia
  • Val Bodengo, Italy
  • Valais, Switzerland
  • …..and of course the southern French Alps! 

Canyoning adventures are particularly great in the southern French Alps because there are routes to suit all levels and abilities. The variety is fantastic too. Some are mainly waterfalls, some have no jumps for those who don’t want to dive into water, some have challenging jumps that require precision, and others have superb toboggans to slide down.

Find out more about our multi activity and summer adventure holidays in the  Southern French Alps now .

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Barranquismo Gran Canaria aventura mojo picón

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  • Gran Canaria
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Canyoning in Gran Canaria is one of the most outstanding outdoor activities that can be done on the island. An adventurous descent through the ravines and canyons is a great way to discover the hidden corners of the impressive landscape of Gran Canaria .

Gran Canaria Canyoning and rappelling

Canyoning Gran Canaria

Canyoning is one of the most popular outdoor mountain activities that can be done on the island. It is a very fun and adventurous trip oriented to those interested in enjoying sport surrounded by nature .

Depending on the selected valley, there will be forests with cascading water or fun ravines with jumps at different levels of height and natural slides for an unforgettable day.

This canyoning tour consists of descending a canyon or ravine following the course of the water stream where you will be able to combine different enjoyable physical exercises like walking, technical climbing, jumping, swimming, and abseiling (rappelling) for approximately 5 hours of adventure.

Everyone will be wearing a neoprene wetsuit , helmet, and individual safety equipment (harness, carabiner, and figure 8 belay device). Victors and his professional team of expert guides know the areas very well and take safety as a priority . They will help with the proper jumping, skills to safely move down in a canyon, basic rappelling techniques, and sliding positions.

Previous canyoning experience is not required; however, participants should be in good physical condition , be able to swim , and have no fear of heights or water .

Please note that the activity is held in different canyons in the winter and summer seasons . The change of location is necessary due to the presence of water. In contrast to the winter canyon, the summer canyoning does not offer the possibility for jumps and slides. The place is suitable for rappel and remarkable due to its striking natural beauty.


Canyoning routes all year round

This tour is available all year long and routes vary depending on the time of the year.

  • Summer routes are through the center and north of the island in summer: Barranco de los Cernícalos  and  La Mina .
  • During the winter season, routes are through southwest of Gran Canaria: Barrancos de la Manta ,  el Mulato ,  Cañón del Toro  and Cañon   del Águila .

This trip also  includes a picnic with fresh fruits, chocolates, cookies, and water and  photos of your day for you to download. It is important to bring extra water , sports shoes that can get wet, and clothes to change into after the excursion.

Transfer included in the south areas (subject to availability): Arguineguín – Bahía Feliz.

If you are searching for a more summer coastal action-packed and adrenalin thriving activity we highly recommend booking Coasteering . For those interested in other fun activities check out  axe throwing ,  scuba diving , or the supercar circuit . Other more relaxed activities include boat trips , minivan island tours , or a nice horse riding tour .

Gran Canaria Canyoning tour and rappelling

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Crazy Good Tour Guide! Enjoyed it a lot and would definitely do it again!

Never ever had I such a good tour guide on any other adventures I did. Real real good!

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Buy Canyoning Gran Canaria

  • Bachelor Party Offer
  • Boggera Helicanyoning
  • VIP canyoning tours
  • L1 – Family Canyoning Tours
  • L2 – Beginner Canyoning
  • L3 – Sporty Canyoning
  • L4 – Extreme Canyoning

Canyoning courses

  • Combo Packages
  • Equipment rental
  • Easy school group canyoning

Family Canyoning

  • Family Rock Climbing
  • Via ferrata Tre Signori

Via ferrata equipment rental


Family Canyoning – Splashing Fun in the Sun

It’s an experience you family will always remember and your child will talk about it for days.  Let us organise your family canyoning holiday, all you have to do is showing up – we take care of the rest.  We have child size gear to welcome even smallest members of the family. And to support you further we offer permanent discounts when you book children or family tickets.

All the tours we offer in this category can be organised according to your family’s needs, we are flexible with the schedules and activity content. 

Family canyoning

Playing, splashing, jumping, sliding in the amazing green pools of Ticino canyons are the main activities during our family canyoning trips. The whole family can enjoy himself in this natural acquapark while our guide takes care of your safety. 

Our focus is always on the kids and how they experience canyoning. So we might repeat the easy jumps 10 times and skip the more difficult parts.

Family discounts

We offer a 10-15% family discount on almost all of our trips to make it even more available for the whole family to join the fun! For older kids we offer a student discount.

Child friendly canyoning

We welcome adventurous kids from the age 6. During the trips nothing is obligatory and your guide will be fully flexible to adapt the trip to your needs. We have equipment for children from as small as 20kg. 

When it is the first time for your child please contact us beforehand and we can discuss which family tour and schedule would fit the best your family’s needs. 

We take our time during the preparation and the initial instructions, we can repeat whatever is necessary and we can always make the tour shorter or offer just a part of it. 

Check out the available Family Canyoning Tours!

Vira family canyoningGPTempDownload 25

Discover Canyoning

From chf 89.00.

 Duration:  2 hours Area: Tenero – Locarno  Maximum group size:  16  Max. Jump:  8 m

 Family friendly: age 5+  Availability:  Daily, April to November  Picnic option  All weather canyon 

Vira family canyoningGPTempDownload 25

Level: Discover canyoning

From 89.00 chf.

MAttia Boggera1

Boggera Family Canyoning

From chf 139.00.

 Duration:  3-4hours Area: Bellinzona-Biasca  Maximum group size:  8  Max. Jump:  6 m

 Family friendly: age 6+  Availability:  Daily, April to November  Picnic option  All weather canyon 

MAttia Boggera1

Level: Beginner

From 139.00 chf.

corippo - tessin canyoning

Corippo Canyoning

Beginner canyoning.

 Duration:  4hours Area: Verzasca Valley  Maximum group size:  16  Max. Jump:  7 m

 Family friendly: age 6+  Availability:  Daily, May to October

corippo - tessin canyoning

Level: beginner and family

Want to stay dry no problem, check out the family rock climbing programs, safety and fun.

All our guides are properly qualified and hold Swiss and international guide licences. They are fully committed  to provide your family an exciting, beautiful,  funny and above all safe experience. 

Our company’s safety policy is following the ISO 21101 – Adventure tourism – Safety management systems standard and  is certified by SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA .  Check it out here !

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You are entitled for a 20% discount on the rental prices

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The standard via ferrata equipment rental set consists of the following:

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Family Rock Climbing – An Exciting Holiday Program for Outdoor Families

It’s an experience you family will always remember and your child

Do you have a special request? Call us at +41 76 2801222

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  • Company outdoor
  • VIP package
  • Tour packages
  • Supervised canyoning
  • Equipment rentals
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Canyoning Bled


Are you looking for adventure?

The force of water carved beautiful gems underneath the Alps, called canyons. Deep pools, high waterfalls, fascinating slides, nature in all her glory … this landscape made us who we are: outdoor specialists for whitewater adrenaline sports.

We can proudly announce that in season 2022we where top rated canyoning guides in Bled. Costumers rated us with 5.0 stars on Google. Join us on top rated canyoning trips around Bled.

If you want to contact us, call on the phone number or write us an email. We do not own an office where you can walk in.

Grmecica Canyoning Bled


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Bled Canyoning

Half day canyoning trip

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Half day canyoning trip suitable for the whole family

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Extreme Canyoning

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Adventure Day

Whole day rafting and canyoning trip

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Whole day trip around Julian Alps with canyoning and rafting

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fun trip canyoning

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Working Hours

Season is open:)

I am available on the mobile phone every day:)

Mon - Sun: 8am - 11pm

Call or text on WhatsApp 0038640663355 or send me an email on [email protected] , I dont own a walk-in office.

If I do not answer right away, I am canyoning. I will give you a call or text back when I  jump out of the water:)

We've done this canyoning summer 2018, it was so much fun! Jumping, climbing, abseiling, is was all there! You could jump everything but if you didn't like to there is always the possibility to abseil. We were picked up right on time, even got a special helmet for our gopro, great guide who took photo's (for free) who we get sended within a few days after. I would recommend this to everyone!

fun trip canyoning

Join me on daily trips around our alps. Canyoning, raftng and caving for all. You can get all the info on 0038640663355, call or text on Whatsapp and i will respond ass soon as possible:)

Canyoning in Bali

fun trip canyoning

Slide down waterfalls, jump into crystal pools – canyoning turns Bali's jungles into your ultimate playground.

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Canyoning Trip Bali

Bali Canyoning

by Adrenaline Rush Bali

Bali Canyoning Adventure

Explore the thrill of Bali Canyoning with Adrenaline Rush Bali. Immerse yourself in adrenaline-pumping descents down majestic waterfalls, expertly guided by seasoned adventurers. Discover the untouched beauty of Bali’s canyons, where each step is a journey into nature’s playground. Choose from our diverse canyoning experiences tailored for all skill levels. Your Bali Canyoning adventure begins here. Book now for an unforgettable journey into the heart of Bali’s pristine landscapes.

Best Canyoning

Golden Twin Canyon

This five-hour canyoning expedition will challenge your abilities and ignite your sense of adventure, ensuring an unforgettable experience at every turn.

IDR 2.990.000/person or USD 185/person

Bali Canyoning

Sudamala Canyon

The Best Bali Canyoning Route to Begin Exploring the Natural Scenery in Bali: A Great Selection for Your First Try.

IDR 2.390.000/person or USD 148/person

fun trip canyoning

Nirmala Canyon

Embark on a remarkable journey through Nirmala Canyon, where you’ll encounter unparalleled natural beauty, immerse yourself in the splendor of the coffee forest, partake in a comprehensive canyoning experience, and revel in the thrill of slides and rappelling.

Springs Canyon

Springs Canyon

Get ready to experience the thrill of Springs Canyon on an exciting trip that’s suitable for everyone. Springs Canyon, nestled in Gitgit village, North Bali, is a canyoning haven known as the “Source of Life” in our village.

IDR 1.485.000/person or USD 92/person

fun trip canyoning

Aling-Aling Canyon

Discover the unparalleled beauty of Aling-Aling Canyon on the one and only canyoning trip in Bali. Surrounded by picturesque rice fields, this hidden gem is a tranquil oasis far away from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

IDR 3.149.000/person or USD 194/person

fun trip canyoning

Asri Canyon

Asri Canyon offers a diverse range of exciting challenges, including rappelling activities in both dry and watery sections, providing a thrilling sensation that will leave you wanting more.

Why Choose Bali Canyoning with Us?

Unleash your adrenaline rush.

Our expert guides ensure a safe yet thrilling journey through Bali’s most captivating canyons. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Bali, navigating through crystal-clear pools, cascading waterfalls, and lush landscapes that will leave you awe-inspired.

A Range of Bali Canyoning Expeditions

Whether you’re a canyoning enthusiast or a first-timer, Adrenaline Rush Bali offers a variety of canyoning expeditions to suit every skill level. From beginner-friendly canyons with gentle rappels and small jumps to advanced routes that challenge even the most seasoned adventurers, we have the perfect canyoning trip for you.

Immerse Yourself in Bali's Natural Wonders

Prepare to be mesmerized as you navigate through Bali’s enchanting canyons. Feel the rush as you rappel down towering waterfalls, plunge into inviting pools, and glide down nature-carved water slides. Adrenaline Rush Bali’s canyoning trips take you off the beaten path, allowing you to witness Bali’s untouched beauty from a unique perspective.

Safety First, Always

Your safety is our top priority. At Adrenaline Rush Bali, we adhere to the highest safety standards to ensure a worry-free adventure. Our experienced guides are extensively trained and equipped with the latest safety gear. We provide all the necessary equipment, including helmets, harnesses, wetsuits, and more, so you can focus on the thrill while we take care of your well-being.

Book Your Unforgettable Bali Canyoning Experience Today

Ready to embark on a canyoning adventure that will leave you breathless and craving for more? Contact Adrenaline Rush Bali now to book your spot on one of our epic canyoning trips. Whether you’re an individual, a group of friends, or a family seeking an adrenaline rush, we’ll tailor the experience to meet your needs and ensure memories that will last a lifetime.

Don’t miss out on the best canyoning in Bali. Let Adrenaline Rush Bali be your guide to an extraordinary journey through Bali’s mesmerizing canyons. Get ready to conquer the wild, embrace the thrill, and create memories that will fuel your adrenaline spirit for years to come.

"Need more information about canyoning in Bali? Contact us and we'll be here for you."

+62 877-5434-8849, reviews matter, trip advisor, dana schmitt, google review, instagram @justpastgo, canyoning tips.

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The Incredible Road Trip Through South Carolina That Leads You To 6 Stunning Lakes

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South Carolina has been home for AnneMarie since 2001. Her favorite part of the state is Lake Jocassee. An App State alumna, it's always the mountains; the lake bonus makes it heavenly. When not writing about the state, she may be spending time with family, relaxing by the pool, or out somewhere enjoying nature.

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Lake life is about escaping the daily grind, embracing the simpler way of day-to-day living, a slower pace to appreciate more of those things we too often lose sight of and begin to take for granted, and a perspective that doing absolutely nothing is doing something, that sometimes that’s exactly what we need to be doing. Have you ever taken time to visit some of our most beautiful lakes in South Carolina? We’ve put together a fun road trip that will allow you to compare six of our stunning lakes over the course of a couple of days. Pack a bag, and a few delicious road trip snacks , and bring your camera along as you’re sure to capture some gorgeous scenes.

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1. Lake Jocassee

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2. Lake Keowee

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3. lake greenwood.

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4. Lake Murray

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5. Lake Monticello

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6. Lake Wylie

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Which do you think is the most beautiful lake in South Carolina?

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Why South Dakota's Wind Cave National Park is a marvelous two-for-one special

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Wind Cave National Park may not be the only national park with a cool cave , but that doesn’t make it any less special.

“I think the caves are a little bit like people,” said Tom Farrell, chief of Interpretation at the park. “They're all a little different. They have their own story to tell.”

Wind Cave, for instance, is the sixth longest cave in the world and among the most complex.

“Larger caves (are) spread out over a larger area. We’ve got 167 miles of cave crammed under 1.2 square miles on the surface,” he said. 

And that's not all there is to see at the Wind Cave. Here’s what else travelers should know about the latest national park in USA TODAY’s yearlong series .

What is so special about Wind Cave?

“We have the best example of boxwork found anywhere in the world,” Farrell said. “I like to brag we had the best boxwork in the solar system because the Mars Rover sent back some pictures that kind of look like crude boxwork, but ours are better.”

He compared the honeycomb-like calcite formations hanging from the cave’s ceilings and walls to fragile peanut brittle.

“Unlike a stalactite and a stalagmite that could continue to grow if they had more water dripping on them, these things, once you break them, they're broken, so they’re very rare and very delicate,” he said.

How much does it cost to get into Wind Cave National Park?

It’s free to enter Wind Cave National Park, but there are fees for ranger-guided cave tours . Most tours cost less than $10.

Can you go into Wind Cave without a tour?

No. “It’s too dangerous,” Farrell said. “Either people would crawl off trail and get lost,or people could vandalize the cave, so to protect the cave and protect the visitor, you’ve got to go with a ranger.”

Guided tours range from the 30-minute Accessibility Tour to the Wild Cave Tour, “where we give you a hardhat, elbow pads and knee pads and take your crawling in the cave for three to four hours,” he said. 

How big is Wind Cave National Park?

Wind Cave National Park spans roughly 34,000 acres above ground. Below the surface, its namesake cave extends at least 167 miles. Farrell said there are around 3,000 leads still waiting to be explored.

“We're gradually expanding and learning a little bit more about the cave,” he said. “It's an exciting place to be.”

Just don’t follow your GPS to get there.

“You will get lost,” the park’s website warns in bold letters. “Many GPS units locate the park visitor center north on South Dakota Highway 87. The coordinates for the Visitor Center are N43 33' 22" W103 28' 38".

The park is about 11 miles north of Hot Springs, South Dakota. The nearest commercial airport, Rapid City Regional Airport, is more than 60 miles away in Rapid City.

How long do you need at Wind Cave National Park?

“If it's just going to explore the cave, you could do it in half a day,” Farrell said. “If you're going to go hiking or whatnot, you definitely need at least a day.” There are more than 30 miles of trails in the park.

Travelers should note that the cave itself is closed this summer to allow for elevator updates. Instead of guiding visitors into the cave, rangers will lead interactive virtual tours in the park auditorium, allowing visitors with mobility impairment or claustrophobia to view parts of the cave they may never experience otherwise.

There’s plenty else to see above ground, including black-footed ferrets, prairie dogs, elk, and “a very unique bison herd.” 

“This time of year, it's great because they have new calves that are cinnamon-colored,” Farrell said. 

Additionally, new exhibits are expected to open at the park’s visitor center later this summer, sharing more of the Native history of the land. 

“If you can't find something that you're passionate about here, you're just not trying,” Farrell said.

Who are the Native people of Wind Cave National Park?

More than 20 Native American tribes are historically tied to the land, according to the park:

  • Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation
  • Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
  • Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma
  • Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
  • Eastern Shoshone Tribe
  • Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe
  • Fort Belknap Indian Community
  • Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma
  • Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
  • Lower Sioux Indian Community
  • Northern Arapaho Tribe
  • Northern Cheyenne Tribe
  • Oglala Sioux Tribe
  • Ponca Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
  • Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
  • Rosebud Sioux Tribe
  • Santee Sioux Nation
  • Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate
  • Spirit Lake Tribe of Fort Totten
  • Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
  • Three Affiliated Tribes (Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation) Fort Bethold
  • Upper Sioux Community
  • Yankton Sioux Tribe

What are some fun facts about Wind Cave?

Farrell shared these five facts about the park:

  • For the Lakota people, this is their origin site where they emerged from underground and where bison were born into Lakota oral history. 
  • Wind Cave National Park played an important role in helping save bison from extinction with the reintroduction of 14 bison from the Bronx Zoo in 1913. 
  • Esther Brazell was hired as a park ranger at the cave in July of 1916, making her the first female park ranger in the National Park Service.  
  • Wind Cave National Park is the sixth-oldest national park in the system and one of the oldest caves in the world, making it a place where one can be fully immersed in ancient earth.
  • This national park is still being explored. Cave explorers are continuing to find more rooms and passages.

Everything's bigger in Texas, including the world's largest Buc-ee's. 4 things to know

Everything is bigger in Texas, including the world's largest Buc-ee’s travel center .

With ample parking and clean restrooms, the latest Buc-ee's travel center opened to the public at 6 a.m. Monday. The new store, at 10070 Interstate 10 in Luling, occupies more than 75,000 square feet and is about one hour south of Austin.

Here are four fun things to know about the new travel center: 

1. Bigger is definitely better: Texas reclaims top spot

Before Monday's opening, Tennessee held the record for the largest Buc-ee's travel center in the nation, occupying about 74,000 square feet upon its debut in the summer of 2023. Not anymore. 

The new travel center in Luling features 120 fuel pumps and thousands of renowned snack and meal options, including Buc-ee’s famous beaver nuggets, breakfast biscuits and beef jerky. It has about 250 employees. 

"Today is different from most," said Josh Smith, Buc-ee's operations manager. "Today, we are reclaiming the title of the largest travel center for Luling, Texas."

Smith said that while Buc-ee's typically expands into new markets where its presence is not widely known, this center will attract both local residents and travelers, given the brand's 20-year history in the city.

More: Family visits all 37 Buc-ee’s in Texas for spring break. Here’s how you can, too.

2. First Buc-ee’s travel center is officially replaced

The new travel center was constructed adjacent to and has replaced the original Luling Buc-ee's. The previous facility, spanning 35,000 square feet, was the brand's first travel center, established in 2003. With the opening of the latest facility, the 2003 travel center will be demolished and repurposed into a parking lot, Smith confirmed.

3. Authentic 'low and slow' Texan barbecue is here to stay

Buc-ee’s is committed to providing classic barbecue sandwiches that keep customers coming back for more.

Randy Pauly, director of barbecue at Buc-ee's, said, "These recipes are essentially what we win with."

Pauly oversees the training of employees to ensure the continued provision of Buc-ee's signature meals. Despite the larger size and scope of the new location, the barbecue offerings remain unchanged.

More: Watch as Lenny Kravitz strolls Buc-ee's for the first time with Beaver Nuggets in hand

4. New Buc-ee's is 35th store in Texas

After this grand opening, Buc-ee’s operates 49 stores across Texas and the South, according to a news release. Texas leads the way with 35 locations. Since the beginning of its multistate expansion efforts in 2019, Buc-ee’s has opened travel centers in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Colorado, Virginia and Mississippi. 

I drove Tesla's Cybertruck. These 10 cool features made it (almost) seem worth the $100,000 price tag.

  • Driving Tesla's Cybertruck was a mix of fun, frustration, and embarrassment. 
  • The truck includes all the standard Tesla features, plus some extras not found on the Model 3 or Y.
  • The speedy acceleration was a blast and the adjustable suspension made it easy to exit the truck.

Insider Today

I spent three days with Tesla's long-awaited Cybertruck.

It was one of the strangest — and most frustrating — trips I've taken in a while. (It was also embarrassing, with people gawking everywhere I went.) But across miles of highways, city blocks, and tight parking lots, the truck proved to be fast and fun, albeit ridiculously weird-looking.

It had all the standard Tesla features, like a huge screen for controlling almost everything, along with some extras thrown in that you can't find on the Model 3 and Model Y.

I also found some silly things that Tesla seemed to overlook (like a bad charging port design and a lack of ceiling handles for entering and exiting), but other little touches made the $100,000 truck feel luxurious.

Here are 10 features that impressed me:

The acceleration was a blast.

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The acceleration was hands-down my favorite thing about the truck. Pop it into sport mode (making sure any passengers have their heads on the headrest), floor the accelerator, and hang on tight. From 0 to 60, 70, 80, and (presumably) even more, the truck doesn't hesitate while gobbling up the road ahead.

The regenerative braking, which isn't optional, took a while to get used to — and was particularly tricky for the first few miles I drove in the truck each day. Back off the accelerator to coast like you're used to in a traditional car, and you'll be in for a nauseous ride. But hold the pedal in place, and the truck cruises smoothly down the road, responding to small touches as needed.

Hidden wireless charging offered easy convenience.

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Throw your phone in the slot next to the cupholder where it (or a key) needs to be to operate the truck, and quick, automatic wireless charging kicks in. It's a classy touch that surprised me when I used it, and I would definitely appreciate it if this were my own vehicle.

The lack of door handles had a surprising upside.

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Although the lack of traditional door handles was strange at first, I got used to it quickly. And when my hands were full, the doors were surprisingly simple to open. To enter, you press a button on the door pillar, and the door pops ajar — just enough to grab it and open it fully (or nudge or kick or whatever it takes, depending on the situation).

Tesla’s nifty trip planner accounts for variables like the weather.

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I drove to a Supercharger one day and tested out the Cybertruck trip planner's range estimation. The planner logged details like hard acceleration (my bad), strong winds, and air conditioning (a necessity in Texas) as factors contributing to changes in its assumed final charge level.

When all was said and done, its original estimate was only a few miles off from what it had projected hundreds of miles before. Impressive! Especially since some other automakers have struggled with similar software.

The Cybertruck is loaded with electrical outlets.

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The truck is electric, after all, so it should be easy to sip on some of that juice. Handy plugs around the truck's bed and frunk, as well as inside the cabin for electronic devices, are a common feature of most electric trucks, and the Cybertruck was no exception.

The back seat was nearly as enjoyable as the front.

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I don't think anyone would be mad about being stuck in the Cybertruck's back seat on a longer road trip.

It's much more comfortable than most pickup truck cabs, with plenty of legroom and seats that aren't completely vertical. And you get a personal entertainment screen with games and movies, total climate control, natural light from the sunroof, and cupholders.

The Cybertruck's adjustable suspension made it easier to enter and exit.

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To be clear, the Cybertruck is bigger than it needs to be, but that's true for 99% of the trucks on American roads . Still, I appreciated how the truck's adjustable suspension lowered a few inches when shifted into park for an easier entry and exit.

While driving, you can adjust this suspension higher or lower for comfort, as well.

The lockable glove box didn't require a key.

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Everything on this truck is supposed to be futuristic and the glove box is no exception. Even though I had full access to the truck with the keycard and app permissions, the Turo host was able to store things (what are they hiding?) in the glove box that I could not access without a PIN.

No latch or lock also delivers a clean aesthetic.

The powered bed cover was easy to maneuver.

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The tonneau cover on the Cybertruck is just as important for its alien looks as it is for aerodynamics and security. It's controllable through the app, the interior screen, and buttons on the bed rails — and comes standard on the $100,000 truck.

Really fast charging was highly convenient.

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The first 800-volt powertrain in Tesla's lineup charges impressively fast. Tesla has said the Cybertruck can travel up to 340 miles on a single charge and has promised to eventually release a range extender, or optional second battery pack.

Some Cybertruck reviewers have said the truck's peak power tapers off quickly. But I didn't experience this in my two charging experiences, thanks to a limit the owner had set to protect the batteries' long-term health.

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