What to expect with Avalon Waterways

I take you through all the details of an Avalon Waterways river cruise ship – the rooms, the food, the bar, the activities, and more!

Written by Michael Turtle

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle. A journalist for more than 20 years, he's been travelling the world since 2011.

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle and has been travelling full time for a decade.

Updated: February 2, 2023

Not all river cruises are created equal. This is what I realise as I float down the Danube onboard the Avalon Impression.

In my previous story, I confessed that this was my first time on a European river cruise – and that my expectations and preconceptions had been all wrong.

I realised that there is much more flexibility than I thought, more variety than I imagined, and more authenticity than I expected.

But, as I say, not all river cruises are the same. There are two things that make this trip a little unlike others.

The first is the ship itself – because Avalon Waterways has some differences in its layout, style, and service.

The second is that I’m on an ‘ Active & Discovery ‘ itinerary – a relatively new idea from Avalon that is aimed at a broader market than the traditional river cruiser. That’s why I was invited to try the trip myself so I could tell you more about it.

If you haven’t read my first story about my overall impression of this river cruise from Budapest to Linz, I would recommend you check it out.

 Because now I want to go into some of the specifics of an Avalon Waterways ship and an Active & Discovery itinerary, to help you get a better impression of what it’s like to be on the Avalon Impression (see what I did there – pretty clunky, right?).

First let’s talk about the ship overall. I didn’t realise this previously but most river cruise ships in Europe are the same size. That’s because they need to be able to fit into the locks that they pass through. So, because each company makes their ships just small enough to get through a lock, they’ve all pretty much got the same dimensions.

This means it’s what you do with the same space that sets the ships apart. Let me paint you a picture of how Avalon does its ships.

An Avalon ship is 135 metres long and has three interior levels and a deck. You can get an amazing 3D look at the whole thing with this virtual reality tour from Avalon:

The bottom level has technical stuff at the front and guest rooms at the rear. These rooms have windows but not the full length ones that can be opened on the other two levels.

The second level has the dining room and kitchen at the front and rooms at the rear.

The third level has outdoor seating at the very front, then the lounge and bar, with the concierge in the middle, with rooms at the rear, and a club lounge at the very back.

And then the deck has a bit of space at the front, then the captain’s bridge, with some outdoor seating behind that, and then the majority of the space is lounge chairs and some other spaces to relax.

Having never been inside a river cruise ship before, I had not previously given the interior design too much thought. But, because we occasionally docked alongside other ships and had to walk through them to shore, I came to realise there’s a big variety in how they look.

It gave me a real appreciation of the Avalon ships, which aim to be comfortable and casual (you are on holiday, after all) but are still stylish.

It is clear that thought had gone into every detail, like in the lounge where there were tables to play cards, pairs of plush seats for couples that didn’t want company, or large open couch areas for groups – all a bit different but all cohesive in their style. Simple but classy.

Meanwhile, as I pass through other ships, I see one that looks like it should be the setting for an Agatha Christie novel, while the interior design of another looks like a dictator’s mausoleum!

(I guess everyone has different tastes and so these ships cater to them… but they’re not my style, I’m afraid.)

Let’s look now at the bedrooms, which are one of the biggest selling points of the Avalon ships. I am in one of the Panorama Suites, which most of the rooms on the ship are (65 of them out of 83). So that’s what I’ll focus on.

The first thing you notice is the bed, which is facing the window. It seems so obvious that you would want to look at the view from your bed, but most river cruise ships don’t do this, they have their beds facing a side wall.

The other thing that is really special is the window, which runs the full length and height of the wall and opens two-thirds of the way across.

Avalon calls this an ‘Open-Air Balcony’, which basically means that it feels as if you’re on a balcony if you sit inside and open up your window the whole way.

While this is clearly marketing talk, I do agree that it’s the best way to design the room because, if you were to have an actual balcony, the room would have to be much smaller because the ship can’t be built any wider.

Aside from the bed and the window, there’s a small couch and table, a desk, a TV with news channels and free on-demand movies, two wardrobes, and a large bathroom with a shower.

All in all, a very comfortable space that I wish I could have spent even more time in!

It’s also worth mentioning that it was cleaned twice a day and that was done discreetly while you were at meals.  

Speaking of meals, the food on the cruise was one of my highlights and it’s definitely an element of the trip that shouldn’t be understated.

If you’ve ever been on an ocean cruise and still have traumatic memories of huge crowds of people fighting for the large buffets of mass-produced food trays, don’t worry, this is the complete opposite.

The main meal each day is the dinner, which is a sit-down four-course meal. (This is included in the price for everyone). There is a menu with choices for the entree, soup, main dish, and dessert… and it’s all the quality you would expect at a top restaurant in the city you are near.

In fact, that’s one of the aims – to make it seem like you are in a local restaurant. The menu is based on where the ship is at the moment, with regional ingredients used to make regional dishes.

When we’re still in Hungary one evening, I have Hortobagyi Palacsinta (Hungarian pancakes with minced pork) for my entree, Palocleves (Hungarian lamb chowder) for my soup, and braised beef cheek as my main. (Other options included a Karfiol Levels cauliflower soup, Turos Csusza noodles, and Fogas Korhely sea bass fillet.)

Lunch is slightly more relaxed because, with the activities, not everyone has time for a long meal. So it’s generally served as a buffet but with the chefs on hand to slice meat and serve some special dishes.

Twice during the cruise, there is also a BBQ on the deck as an option for lunch and I really enjoying sitting outside with my steak and salad.

Breakfast is also a buffet meal with a good selection of hot and cold options, with local influences but also the standard food you would expect at any international hotel chain.

Another impressive aspect of the meals is that beer and wine is free during lunch and dinner. And they’re not shy about topping up your glass!

I probably drink a bit more than I really should’ve because each night there are different wines on offer that come from the local regions and, in such a famous wine-producing area of Europe, it seems a waste not to taste them all!

Seeing as we’re talking about drinking now, let me tell you a bit about the bar on the Avalon Impression.

Again, if you have bad memories from ocean cruises, don’t worry. There are no drinks packages on the Avalon ships and this is not a booze cruise (frankly, there’s just too much to see and do on the trip to waste your time with a hangover!).

But that doesn’t mean people don’t want to unwind with a drink in the evening and that’s how it’s designed.

The bar is in the large lounge area at the front of the ship where people tend to gather and where the daily ship briefings are given. It’s there for those who want it but it is not a focal point of the common area.

Each night there is a happy hour before dinner (which also coincides with the ship briefing), where the drinks are half price. It’s a great way to do things – you can have a cheap cocktail or glass of wine while you listen to the information.

The standard prices for the drinks are about €4.5 for a pint of beer, €5 for a glass of wine, and €8 for a gin and tonic. It makes the half-price happy hour very affordable!

After dinner, if you’re like me and you’ve had a fair amount of wine during the meal, all you may want is another glass or two as you continue your conversations before you go to bed.

This Avalon cruise from Budapest to Linz is no ordinary cruise. It’s called an ‘Active & Discovery’ trip and I want to quickly explain what each of those things mean.

There’s often a perception that European river cruises are quite boring because there’s not much to do. Well, the ‘active’ part of this trip defies that notion. Each day there are included activities that get the blood pumping (obviously you can choose whether you want to do them or not).

For instance, one day I join an excursion that goes cycling through the Wachau Valley in Austria. This cultural landscape is actually a World Heritage Site because of the rolling hills of vineyards and quaint villages that lie within it.

It’s a beautiful part of Austria that follows the course of the Danube River and that’s what we do on our bikes.

As we go past vines, old churches, and pretty town squares, our local guides tell us the stories of the region. But beyond that we also see some incredible landscapes while appreciating the challenge of the exercise as well.

Another day I join a group of passengers for a hike up to the top of a hill, along a dirt path and through the forest, to an incredible viewpoint.

From here we have an amazing view of a hairpin curve of the river, the blue sky shining above the green trees running down to the shore, and our ship sailing through the water to meet us at the bottom of the hill when we walk back down.

There are also opportunities to do your own thing – you don’t always have to be on an organised activity. For instance, we’re in Vienna for two days and I borrow one of the ships bikes, as you can do at any time for free.

I take the bike for the whole day and go cycling through the city centre, all the way to Schonbrunn Palace , where I tie it up and go inside this incredible residence of the Habsburgs.

In some ways, this is more activity than I’ve had in recent weeks and I enjoy the chance to get my body moving so much. Then again, I am eating and drinking so much, I’m sure I’m not losing any weight!

The ‘discovery’ part of the cruise also involves activities that you can choose to go on, and they aim to offer more in-depth experiences that show you a different side of the places that you’re visiting.

For instance, when we’re in Budapest , I go on a caving tour that takes us on paths underneath the ground to see the formations created by thermal waters.

At the same time, other passengers go on a Retro tour, where they drive around in a Trabant car to visit some of the sites in the city that remain from the Soviet days.

In Vienna, there’s a morning tour that shows us a slice of local life – the public transport, markets, residences. And there’s also the opportunity to go on a tour of an old absinthe shop to learn about the history of the drink and do some tastings.

There’s a very special experience one evening when we go to Clam Castle, a historic home on a hilltop near where we’ve moored for the night in Austria. Here, the castle’s owner, the count, shows us his home and hosts us for some drinks.

And on one of the last nights of the cruise, there’s a pub crawl through Linz with some local guys that is also a good cultural tour of one of Austria’s main cities.

Many times in my travels I have seen large groups of retirees shuffling through museums listening to a guide through an earpiece. Most of the time, these were cruise excursions. Nothing we did on this trip even came close to that.

Now, I have no fear in giving a balanced review and I would want to share with you any criticism I have about the ship or the itinerary. The problem is, I honestly don’t really have any.

I thought my room was so comfortable and I always loved being in it. I enjoyed the food, the wine, and the coffee. The onboard staff were really lovely, and it was nice to mingle with other passengers. I always felt safe and the captain was excellent.

The only slight comment I would have is about the excursions. While some of the excursions were the highlights of my trip, I did find some to be better than others. However, I think this was more about my expectations.

There were times when I had something in my head, and the activity turned out to be a bit different. If I had known better, I probably would have chosen a different option. There were certainly plenty of other things I could’ve done instead.

So, if you are going to do an Active & Discovery trip yourself, my only piece of advice would be to ask a few more questions about what the excursions involve, to make sure the one you choose is what you expect it to be.

And, finally, the other thing to talk about is the price – and this is a big thing (and a big price).

European river cruises are generally not cheap and I think this is probably one of the reason why they have traditionally been popular with older people. But that’s not the full story.

This Avalon Active and Discovery Cruise is 9 days long and costs about US$4500 per person. That means for a couple, the cruise is costing $1000 a day.

In some ways, there is good value here. You are getting very comfortable accommodation, transport, an included activity each day, three meals, lots of wine – not to mention the convenience and comfort that comes with the cruise.

On the other hand, if you were to plan your own trip from Hungary and Austria, you would be able to find the same level of luxury for less than $1000 a day.

There is good news, though. The figure I am quoting is the standard price for the cruise – but it’s actually often quite cheaper. If you aren’t travelling in peak season, you will normally find a better price. And there are also quite often really good deals advertised that include free flights or upgrades.

So, my advice is to be aware that there is a large cost to a trip like this but, if you want to come on the cruise, you can save a lot of money with some clever timing!

As I wrap up, I realise that I haven’t mentioned things like the free wifi, the free coffee and biscuits available 24 hours a day, and the friendly staff who you get to know quite well by the end of the trip.

All of these small things add to the experience I’ve just described and I don’t think I need to tell you much more about them. Hopefully you’ve already got the idea that the Avalon ships are full of little details that are designed to make your cruise experience as enjoyable as possible.

They certainly made my cruise better than I could have imagined. This was my first time on a European river cruise and I didn’t quite know what to expect and was worried I wouldn’t enjoy it. In the end, I loved it, and I think it was this ship and the unique itinerary that made it so great!

13 thoughts on “What to expect with Avalon Waterways”

We did Budapest to Amsterdam on Avalon Visionary 24 May to 8 th June 2023 Everything was superb ship, staff, meals with cruise director Valentin a master at his job. My only disappointment was the sound of music optional excursion wasn’t as much as l expected it was more about Salzburg Have recommended Avalon to friends as they followed my fb tour photos

I appreciated this article, because we will have our first Avalon Cruise, and first ever river cruise in Europe in April 2024. Your description of daily events, meals, etc… gave me some insight on what to expect. Thank you for your thoughtful reporting!

We will be on the Avalon Tulip cruise in April 2024. Really looking forward to that.

Thank you Michael for your in depth review. My wife and I will be cruising with Avalon in October ’24 on the Rhine from Amsterdam to Basel. Our first ever European holiday (we’re from the land Downunder) I wanted to book with a quality cruise company. Reviews such as yours make me very comfortable that I have made the correct decision.

Thank you! We will be taking the Danube Dream cruise in April 2024 and this was very helpful. My first time in Europe and first River Cruise as well

Hi Leslie…we are too!

We will be doing the Seine River cruise in October which is also our first time in Europe. I did a lot of research before I chose Avalon and your review confirms that we made a good choice.

I have been on several Avalon river cruises and noted that your $1000/day price per couple doesn’t mention that this is the cost of ONLY the room you stay in. The cruise itself is an additional $4000+/-,add gratuities, port charges, and airfare (which isn’t always included) and trip insurance. You are looking at a significantly higher cost. I noted that the trip cost isn’t mentioned anywhere online or in their brochures. Only cabin cost. I feel more transparency is needed by Avalon without having to call them.

Not sure I understand. Compare the river cruise to exploring on your own, both have airfare and probably/possibly travel insurance so lets’ set that aside. then we need to account for Food & Drinks/Lodging, tips, daily tours, (optional bike rental), River cruise includes these (not just the room) while on your own you pay for everything separately.

Sure paying on your own can be done cheaper. But you also have the convenience of not having to pack and waste time traveling city to city, and having to decide on where to eat each day.

I’m not trying to defend the river cruise, but isn’t the cost for everything, not just “the room” AKA lodging? I am confused as to what extra $4k you mention is on the river cruise.

No idea what you’re talking about. We paid about $4000/person and it covered everything on the cruise‍♂️ That would be around $8000 for an 8-day cruise($1000/day). Pretty easy math

I have taken both Avalon and Viking Cruise. I love them both. One thing I loved about Viking was the drink package. While I don’t over indulge, I did find it very convenient. Coming back from an excursion, my wife and I would take a right turn when boarding and visit the bar for a cocktail. We would catchup with others doing the same thing. Without the drink package I go back to my cabin and head back out for dinner. While I could take it or leave it, I prefer to take the drink package when available. The idea of “This is not a booze cruise” falls short for me. On vacation, I am looking for convenience. That being said, I will be cruising again on Avalon in a few weeks.

I went on my first trip to Europe via a river cruise on Tranquility II. If I never go on another trip, I will know that I had the best cruise of my life and will be satisfied that I took the cruise with Avalon. The accommodations were wonderful, the food and drinks were top notch, but the crew made the whole trip as memorable and awesome as it was. The Amsterdam to Brussels trip was a dream with captivating architecture and informative tours about the areas we were in. I LOVED MY TRIP! I will have the best memories of a lifetime because I took this river cruise. Hats off to the people who make all this possible at Avalon.

My wife and I are taking a river cruise in 2026 on the Avalon ImageryII. Has anyone been on that ship and is there any room better than another

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Avalon Waterways Treats Guests to Free Drinks at Happy Hour

Avalon Waterways Treats Guests to Free Drinks at Happy Hour

Beginning in 2023, Avalon Waterways will treat its guests to free drinks at a daily Happy Hour. Included on all Suite Ships across Europe, the Happy Hour will offer free house beer, wine and spirits, as well as a featured cocktail of the day during the hour before dinner (schedule permitting). 

The line already provides guests with complimentary house wines and beer at lunch and dinner.

“Next year, we’re inviting guests to toast an exhilarating afternoon and kick-off a lively evening on our European cruises with complimentary drinks at Happy Hour,” said Pam Hoffee, president of Avalon Waterways. “It’s just another way Avalon is invested in hosting guests and every moment of their elevated cruising vacation through Europe.”

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drink prices on avalon river cruises

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  • Booking a river cruise , Food , New to river cruise

River cruise drinks packages: All you need to know

by Emma Smith - 10/04/2019

Group clinking glasses of wine

One important factor to consider when booking a river cruise is the price of drinks. Even if you’re not a big drinker, paying for tea or coffee throughout the day, as well as multiple soft drinks on the sun deck and the odd tipple in an evening can soon add up – and nobody likes a large, unexpected bill at the end of their holiday!

A great thing about river cruising is that many river cruise lines include drinks in the ticket price of the holiday. However, the drinks which are included can vary hugely depending on which river cruise line you choose.

With some luxury lines, absolutely everything is included, whereas budget lines include nothing at all. Some are only offered at meal times, and some packages can be upgraded to all-inclusive if you choose.

The details around drinks packages on a river cruise aren’t exactly straightforward, so it’s worth finding out exactly what is included when you book. Read on to find out what you can expect on-board each of the main river cruise lines.

All-inclusive river cruises

Wine on-board Crystal Cruises

On-board an all-inclusive river cruise ship, you can enjoy a wide range of drinks including beer, wine, spirits, tea, coffee, soft drinks, and mineral water throughout your time on-board the ship. This often includes an in-room mini bar which is also replenished daily.

All drinks are included at all times on the following cruise lines:

  • Scenic Tours
  • Crystal River Cruises

Selected drinks are included at all times on the following cruise line:

  • CroisiEurope

Most all-inclusive river cruises include all drinks except for certain speciality wines or spirits, which cost extra. On CroisiEurope, free drinks are limited to water, wine, beer, fruit juice, and coffee.

It’s worth noting that river cruises with the luxury lines (Scenic, Tauck, Uniworld and Crystal) drinks can cost a considerable amount more than on some of the more budget-friendly lines (like CroisiEurope). So if you’re looking for a cheap river cruise holiday with drinks included, CroisiEurope is our recommendation.

However, with a luxury river cruise, it’s not just the extra choice of free drinks which you’ll benefit from, you’ll find lots of other value-added extras included too, as well as a much higher standard of comfort and service.

Fully-inclusive river cruises

Bottles stored in a wine rack

Fully inclusive means that selected drinks such as beer and wine are included at meal times only. Tea and coffee are generally included throughout the day and many ships also provide bottled water free of charge.

Selected drinks are included at meal times on the following cruise lines:

  • AmaWaterways
  • Amadeus River Cruises
  • APT River Cruises
  • Avalon Waterways

Emerald Waterways

Viking river cruises, river cruises without drinks included.

On certain river cruise lines, all drinks are chargeable. This can be a great option for passengers who are tee-total, as you can avoid paying for something you’re not going to have.

What drinks packages are available on river cruises?

If you’re used to ocean cruising, you’ll be familiar with drinks packages where you pay a certain amount per day to have drinks included in your cruise. These are available with Riviera Travel, Emerald Waterways and Viking River Cruises.

Riviera Travel

Riviera Travel - River cruise ship

Riviera Travel doesn’t include any drinks in its standard cruise fare, and the drinks package includes wine, beer and soft drinks served with lunch and dinner.

Purchasing a Riviera Travel drinks package would make your cruise fully-inclusive, in-line with the standard offering from others such as Viking, Emerald Waterways, Ama Waterways, Amadeus, Avalon Waterways and APT Touring.

The price of the drinks package varies depending on the length of the cruise, with a five-day cruise package starting at £69 per person. While that sounds great, it’s important to consider that the drinks at the bar on Riviera Travel cruises are very cheap, with a small 150ml glass of white wine costing only €2.75. A quick calculation shows that you’d have to drink seven glasses of wine per day before your drinks package pays for itself.

Viking River - Guests enjoying dinner on-board

Viking River Cruises already include beer, wine and soft drinks at lunch and dinner, free tea and speciality coffees and any time and bottled water in your stateroom. Guests wanting an all-inclusive river cruise can upgrade to Viking’s Silver Spirits beverage package which enables guests to enjoy unlimited drinks. The package covers any drinks (excluding champagne) up to the value of $15 each.

The price of the all-inclusive drinks package varies depending on the length of your cruise, with a five-night package starting at $110. That works out at around £17 per person, per night. Which, considering that beer and wine are free with lunch and dinner, can sound like a lot. However, cocktails are £8-£10 each so really you only need a couple of after-dinner tipples to break even.

Couple on-board Emerald Waterways

Emerald Waterways is another river cruise line which includes beer, wine and soft drinks with lunch and dinner, but has an option to purchase an all-inclusive drinks package. A number of different drinks packages are available with various prices and these can be purchased on-board.

Should I book a drinks package on my river cruise?

Whether or not to add a drinks package to your river cruise depends entirely on you – not just on how much you tend to drink, but on your attitude. One great thing about having an unlimited drinks package is that you can relax, without caring about the cost of any drinks you have, which can be very liberating.

On the whole, river cruise drinks packages are not that popular, nowhere near as popular as the drinks packages on ocean cruises. This is because, for many people, a couple of glasses of wine with dinner is plenty, and also because bar prices are usually very reasonable, and certainly much cheaper than you’ll find on the average ocean cruise.

Group clinking glasses of wine

What this means for the select few who do opt for a drinks package, is that you can probably expect special treatment. River cruises only have around 150 passengers on-board, so if you’re one of the few passengers with a drinks package, you’ll probably become good friends with the bar staff. One cruiser described it as ‘like having the keys to the bar.’ He said: “Everyone else was having their drinks measured out, but for us, the barman just said ‘say when’”.

If you’d like any more information about river cruise drinks packages, or indeed any aspect of planning and booking your river cruise, here at River Voyages we have a dedicated team of expert river Cruise Concierge who will be delighted to help. So please, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0800 197 0854 .


About Emma Smith

Emma has more than seven years' experience as a writer and has been in the travel industry for nearly five years. She loves learning about new places and cruise ships coming to market, as well as discovering fun and exciting activities to do while you sail. She has cruised with Princess Cruises, Cunard, Celebrity Cruises, Virgin Voyages, Avalon Waterways and Royal Caribbean and is looking to get something in her diary for 2024! Her favourite things to see on a ship include excellent entertainment, a delicious cocktail menu and extraordinary dining venues.

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  • River Cruising

Avalon drink packages


By Mr.Sunshine , July 1, 2018 in River Cruising

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50+ Club


I’ll be on a Avalon cruise shortly and been curious about drink packages. 2 years ago on a Viking longship the beverage package was offered. Any insight

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I don't recall if there was a package offered, or not, on the Avalon cruise we were on. We paid as we went, and took advantage of the 1-2 happy hours/day and the drink of the day specials. Our bar tab was very reasonable (and we are used to the all-inclusive with Uniworld)

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Avalon doesn't offer drink packages...it's added to your tab and payed for at the end of the cruise. The cost of drinks was pretty reasonable. If you are too worried, you can always bring some on board and mix in your room.

No not worried. Just thought if a package was available it would be worth looking into. Thx for the reply

500+ Club

I’ll be on a Avalon cruise shortly and been curious about drink packages. 2 years ago on a Viking longship the beverage package was offered. Any insight     Sent from my iPhone using Forums

Since beer and wine are included at lunch and dinner, and champagne at breakfast, that pretty well covers it for us, especially with two for ones at happy hour. I can't imagine needing more, but... if you're more into spirits, bring a bottle of whisky on board, mix your cocktail in your room, and bring it out to the lounge. No one will care. But I would refrain from bringing your bottle into the lounge or dining room.


No sorry the cost of drinks is not reasonable. Outside of the Happy hours a beer ran almost 7 euros (over $10 CAN). My wife doesn't drink but liked the virgin bloody mary's. They were 6.8 Euros. Those are not reasonable prices.


Compared to what? Compared to a land bar/restaurant in Germany or France, that's normal. Compared to an ocean cruise, that's normal.

If you want the cheapest option, as noted, bring your own alcohol on board. We bought local beers & wine on board for drinks while we were getting ready for dinner, and we brought some bourbon for nightcaps too ;p

Compared to what? Compared to a land bar/restaurant in Germany or France, that's normal. Compared to an ocean cruise, that's normal.   If you want the cheapest option, as noted, bring your own alcohol on board. We bought local beers & wine on board for drinks while we were getting ready for dinner, and we brought some bourbon for nightcaps too ;p

I guess it all depends on the country you are in. Beers in Prague and Budapest were considerably cheaper. I'm sure local economies dictate all this.

Did 1 ocean cruise and had a promo drink package so didn't pay attention to drink prices. As we are a 1 drinker family, I didn't bring anything on board. Next time I would for sure.

This isn't an Avalon thing but more a Europe thing - all places I saw that had a virgin drink menu would not deviate from that. By and large all the virgin drinks offered were sweet fruity things. At a cafe in Budapest, my wife asked for a virgin bloody mary and was told they could do that but would have to charge the full price. Where we live any bar will make you a virgin anything and just charge for a non alcoholic. Not a hard thing to do.

  • 2 weeks later...

You are misremembering this. We just came off Avalon. Full Price for a draft beer was 4.90 Euros. Happy Hour was 2.45. Even the regional bottle beer was only 4.90 full price.

senior lady

senior lady

Just came home from a Avalon cruise. No need for drink pkg. The wine is plentiful at lunch.

Dinner was beyond believe that amount of wine they poured. They never walked by the table without topping my wine up.

We had a couple of free drink coupons and had a hard time using them.

Total bill at end of 7 day cruise for both of us was $23.:D

Do the river cruise lines have a limit as to how much wine and/or spirits you can bring on board. I know our cruise line to Alaska in a couple of weeks only allows you to bring 2 bottles of wine aboard without having to pay the $18.00 corkage fee. They allow as much pop and water as you want.

No limit what you bring on board for your own consumption.

Wondering about bottled water - regular or carbonated. Is it regularly available throughout the day or should I bring some on board. I usually drink a couple of bottles a day.

We are booked for our first ever River cruise for September 2019. Legendary Danube on Avalon's newest ship. As you can see, I''m an early planner!

We booked very early because we are a twosome and a single and Avalon is currently offering a single supplement waiver on quite a few of their cruises for 2019. it's a big saving for the single.

Wondering about bottled water - regular or carbonated. Is it regularly available throughout the day or should I bring some on board. I usually drink a couple of bottles a day. . We are booked for our first ever River cruise for September 2019. Legendary Danube on Avalon's newest ship. As you can see, I''m an early planner!   We booked very early because we are a twosome and a single and Avalon is currently offering a single supplement waiver on quite a few of their cruises for 2019. it's a big saving for the single.

Avalon was regular and we never went without. Always plenty avail on tours and in the room. I'm sure if you couldn't find a bottle, you need only ask a staff member and it will materialize.

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AmaWaterways Vs. Avalon Waterways River Cruises — 8 Key Differences

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  • River Cruises
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Watching the world sail by in your luxurious floating hotel room easily becomes an addictive method of vacationing around the world. River cruising has been popular on European rivers for many years, however, cruise lines have expanded their offerings to exotic destinations like the Mekong, Magdalena, Amazon, and other fascinating rivers around the world. AmaWaterways vs Avalon Waterways river cruises have many similarities and more than a few key differences to take into consideration as you plan your first or next river cruise.

Historically, river cruises catered to an older demographic, you now find a wider age range of adults aboard. The wider appeal has changed the excursions cruise lines offer, affording guests interesting active and immersive experiences to supplement the classic tour bus-style options.

You will quickly become a river cruise junky — they are a fun and enjoyable way to travel.

Rhine River Gorge

1. The Rivers They Cruise

In Europe, the Danube River and the Rhine River are two of the most popular cruises for first-time river cruisers. Both AmaWaterways and Avalon Waterways sail these rivers and have a wide variety of stops which can vary by cruise theme. Both cruise lines sail around Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Avalon Waterways river cruise list includes the Main River, Danube River, Douro River, Moselle River, Rhine River, Rhône River, Saone River, Seine River, Mekong River, Ganges River, Galapagos Islands, Peruvian Amazon River, and Nile River.

AmaWaterways’ river cruise offerings include the Main River, Danube River, Moselle River, Rhine River, Rhône River, Douro River, Dutch and Belgium Waterways, Saone River, Seine River, Dordogne River, Garonne River, Mekong River, Nile River, Magdalena River, and Chobe River.

Romerberg Square in Frankfurt, Germany, along the Rhine River

2. The Shore Excursions

Shore excursions are a major component of the river cruise appeal. You can research and select your options ahead of time. Each individual can select excursions that suit their interests (try a separate excursion from your travel partner — the dinner conversation is much more interesting). There is almost always an included shore excursion in each port of call along with free time to wander about and explore the area on your own. Often, since the river cruise ships are small, they can dock right in the city; you walk off the boat into the action. Sometimes, you need to hop on a transport off the ship into the city center.

Many ships now offer a variety of excursions. Cruising, since it initially catered to an older crowd, typically offered just a classic style excursion. Passengers were corralled into a bus then whisked around town to explore the touristy areas. Active options are becoming more popular, appealing to a more fit crowd with an adventurous curiosity. These options are offered in the form of hiking treks, biking expeditions, or extended walking tours. With this feet-on-the-ground approach, you can experience a more personal awareness while exploring a city. Another popular option are the discovery excursions where guests are immersed in a cultural experience like cooking, wine tasting, and other specialty tours.

With AmaWaterways, excursions are included in the total price. There are no surprises at the end of the cruise.

Avalon Waterways includes at least one onshore excursion per day with your cruise package. You will find the excursions that are more off the beaten path (like a guided hike) or more specialized (like a wine tasting) have an additional fee associated with them.

If you choose to book shore excursions on your own through a local guide, be certain you will be back on the ship in time. The captain has a tight schedule to keep, and will most likely leave without you. You could find yourself with a hefty transport fee trying to catch up with the ship at the next port. And, if you don’t have your passport on your person, you might have to perform some travel gymnastics to get back to the ship.

Of course, if a ship-booked excursion is late, they will make sure you get back to the ship one way or another.

Dessert aboard Avalon Waterways

3. Dining On Board

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are offered aboard ship daily. Additionally, you will be offered a tea time nosh and snacks and soft drinks available any time. You will not go hungry. You will also not find the midnight buffet feeding frenzy customary on the larger ocean vessels. Guests generally dress for dinner in country club casual attire.

Dinner is the highlight of the day and the menu is created reflecting local specialties like schnitzel in Austria, plum dumplings in Hungary, and pate de Provence praline in France. Dining is freestyle meaning you can sit where you choose and there is typically only one seating time. Attentive waitstaff caters to your every wish and keeps your wine glasses full. Wine and beer are generally included with lunch and dinner. Both cruise lines shine in the cuisine department. It is an integral part of the cruise experience guests expect.

Both cruise lines offer unique fare and will expose you to more than just a classic steak au poivre. Dining on locally inspired options, like grapes in a champagne gelee or snails baked in a delicate souffle, offers tantalizing culinary experiences.

AmaWaterways offers a specialty Chef’s Table in addition to the main dining room where it offers an upscale, multi-course dining experience in a romantic, bistro style restaurant.

Happy hour on AmaWaterways

4. Happy Hour

Happy hour is an integral part of vacation life. Whether you choose your favorite libation or prefer to sip alcohol-free, the social aspect of happy hour is the best way to make new friends when river cruising. It brings passengers together where they can discuss the day with new cruising friends.

The key differences in the happy hour for these two cruise lines are basically financial. With Avalon, happy hour consists of half-price drinks that you charge to your credit line. Your bar tab can be quite a surprise at the end of the cruise if you are a heavy drinker or like to buy a round or two. Conversely, AmaWaterways includes one signature drink during their Sip and Sail happy hours. If you select the cocktail of the day, it is included in your cruise fee; typically wine and beer are included as a free happy-hour option. Of course, if the drink of the day is a martini and you prefer a Manhattan, you will see that on your bar tab.

View from Avalon stateroom

5. The Accommodations

The accommodations range in size from tiny — around 150 square feet with a small window — to staterooms that clock in at 200 square feet and up with French or walk out balconies, or roomy suites with 300 square feet and more space with walkout or French balconies.

The ships offer luxurious beds when paired with a balcony view, and are a fabulously relaxing way to watch the world float past. If you select a more budget-friendly room with a fixed window, you miss the panoramic view and fresh air, so you will have to go on deck for the best views.

6. The Amenities

Both cruise lines offer exceptional amenities. You will find the following available on both fleets:

  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner on board daily 
  • Complimentary wine, beer, or soft drinks with lunch and dinner are included daily onboard
  • Wellness/Adventure Host for fitness activities
  • Complimentary WiFi
  • Complimentary computer stations
  • Deck shade system & premium lounge chairs
  • Deck game area
  • Guest lounges with cozy seating and panoramic river views
  • Lounge with 24-hour self-serve beverage and snack station
  • Complimentary bikes for touring

Cologne Cathedral

7. Types Of Cruises

There is a mix and match element with these cruise lines. You will find some of their river cruises lend themselves to certain types of specialty cruises.

Special interest cruises on Avalon Waterways include Active and Discovery; Wine Appreciation; Beer Enthusiasts; Oberammergau; Culinary Experience; Christmas and Festive Season; WWI, WWII History and the Habsburg Royalty; Garden and Nature Lovers, Photography Enthusiasts, Jewish Heritage, and other unique specialty cruises.

AmaWaterways offers Active and Discovery, Christmas Market, Golf, and Wine focused cruises. You can read our wine river cruise reviews to see if it is the right river cruise for you.

When you are searching for the ultimate in river cruise getaways, AmaWaterways has launched a new Seven River Journey — a 46-night European river sailing extravaganza. Imagine living with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking gorgeous river views for 6 luxurious weeks.

8. The Cost

The base cost is dependent on the date of travel, length of trip, type of accommodation, etc. in conjunction with the particular river cruise you choose. For comparison purposes, we selected the Rhine River cruise sailing from Amsterdam to Basel. If you stay in a stateroom with a French balcony, sail for 7 nights and visit the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Switzerland; you will find the cost is comparable between both cruise lines.

If you have additional costs, like add-on excursions or tips, consider paying them before you leave. This way you are paying in your home currency and will avoid international charges from your credit card company.

Both companies offer a solo traveler supplement so you end up paying more as a single traveler, but not double the cost.

Other River Cruise Companies

There are a host of other river cruise companies vying for your vacation dollars. Selecting the right cruise company to suit your destination and budget can be a daunting task. Seek out advice from a trusted travel agent who will guide you through the selection and booking process. Their expertise will save you time and money.

Below is a list of luxury river cruise ship companies to consider:

  • Viking River Cruises
  • Crystal River Cruises
  • Emerald River Cruises
  • Uniworld Boutique River Cruises
  • Scenic Luxury Cruises
  • Tauck Cruises

River Cruise Memories

Sailing on smaller river ships is completely different than sailing on a massive cruise ship. No matter which river cruise company you choose, AmaWaterways or Avalon Waterways, you will fall in love with the intimate, personalized service provided and memorable adventures both of these exceptional cruise lines provide.

Read more about what river cruises can offer passengers:

  • Considering A European River Cruise? 7 Things To Know
  • 8 Magical Christmas Market River Cruises You Can Still Book For This Year
  • Europe Mystery Cruise Hot Ticket For Fall 2022

Image of Sandi Barrett

Sandi loves writing about culture, cuisine, adult beverages, cruising, golf, skiing, road trips, hiking, New England, and photography. Traveling solo, with hubby Chris, or the entire Barrett clan there is always a story waiting to be told.

5 little things I wish every cruise line would copy from Avalon Waterways

Gene Sloan

Editor's Note

To deliver a great experience, cruise lines have to get the big things right. For instance, they need to design ships that flow well and have venues that excite their customers, and they need to build enticing itineraries. They need to deliver great service.

But they have to get the little things right, too.

Indeed, it's the little things that can make all the difference between a good and a great cruise experience.

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I was reminded of that this past week while on board a preview sailing for Avalon Alegria , the newest vessel from river cruise line Avalon Waterways.

As I've seen time and again on Avalon sailings over the past two decades, it's a brand that gets a lot of little things right — in ways that I wish more cruise lines would copy.

Surprisingly, most of the things that I've listed below have not been copied widely by other lines, even though Avalon implemented some of them quite a few years ago.

Here are five little things that Avalon does that I'd love to see spread to other cruise brands.

Beds facing the view

drink prices on avalon river cruises

If there is one thing that really sets Avalon apart from most of its competitors, it is this: The beds in most cabins on its ships face the view.

It's not just the view-facing beds that make Avalon cabins special. It's the use of an almost complete glass wall along the view side of many of the rooms to frame the passing scenery.

This meant that while propped up in my bed on Avalon Alegria — which is based on Portugal's famously scenic Douro River — I could watch an ever-moving landscape of rolling hills, vineyards and centuries-old towns without ever turning my head.

This has been a defining feature of Avalon since it unveiled its first "panorama suites" specifically built with view-facing beds and giant glass walls on ships in 2011. Every one of Avalon's 16 vessels now has them.

It's such a wonderful innovation — traditionally, most beds in cruise cabins face sideways to an interior wall — that I wrote an entire story on why I still think Avalon has the best cabins in river cruising .

Yours-and-mine towels

drink prices on avalon river cruises

Is that wet towel on the bathroom hook yours or your companions? If you're as grossed out as I am about accidentally using somebody else's already-used towel, you'll love this second little unusual thing that Avalon does in its cabins. It stocks each bathroom with "yours-and-mine" bath and hand towels in two colors: white and brown.

The idea is that you claim one of the colors, your plus-one takes the other, and you never mix up your towels again.

Related: Avalon Waterways is known for offering active outings

If you're in the camp that feels like the bathroom best practice is to discard towels after just one use, this doesn't matter, of course. But for the increasing numbers of eco-conscious among us who hang our towels up for multiple reuses, it cleverly solves the problem of towel mixup.

Every time I see it on an Avalon ship, it makes me smile.

A breakfast tower of superfoods

drink prices on avalon river cruises

Bio linseeds, we're told, support a healthy heart and reduce the risk of a stroke. Basil seeds assist in reducing inflammation. Wolfberries help strengthen our immune system.

You can get all three of these superfoods, as well as several others, including sunflower seeds and chia seeds, each morning at the breakfast buffet on Avalon ships. They appear on a "tower of superfoods" that is usually near an array of fresh fruit, smoothies and other healthful breakfast options, accompanied by a sign that explains their health value.

It's part of a health-minded approach to dining at Avalon that also includes locally sourced items for the ship's daily menus and lists of 14 different potential allergens in dishes — including peanuts, gluten, crustaceans and lupines — that appear prominently on menus.

Additionally, the line's Avalon Fresh program brings a focus on artfully crafted salads, high-protein plates, and vegetarian and vegan specialties to the menus found on board.

Conversation starters in the lounge

drink prices on avalon river cruises

Struggling to come up with a topic to discuss with those strangers sitting across from you in the lounge? Struggle no more. Avalon ships now have prompts to help you get chatty.

As I saw on Avalon Alegria, coffee tables throughout lounges have little plexiglass trays holding cards with conversation starters written on their backs. Pick one up, and you have a ready-made topic to break the ice.

"Where would you volunteer if you had a free day tomorrow?" asked one of the cards I turned over while sitting with a group of strangers of both old and new friends in the lounge last week on Avalon Alegria.

I know my answer. What's yours? Next time we're on a ship together, let's discuss.

Spacious showers

drink prices on avalon river cruises

Finding oneself jammed into a not-quite-big-enough shower is a hazard of cruising. Space on ships comes at a premium, and many cruise ship bathrooms (and cabins) are relatively small.

However, Avalon long ago figured out a nifty trick to steal a little more space for the showers in its cabin bathrooms without taking away too much from the space available for the rest of the room. It angles one of the walls in its standard cabin bathrooms outward just enough to create a wider space for the shower.

The wall that is angled outward is the one shared with the bedroom area, and the angling cuts into the space available on the side of the bed in the bedroom area farthest from the door. It's a reallocation of space that really isn't noticeable to someone on the bedroom side of the wall.

The angling on the bathroom side, though, makes a big difference. The showers feel spacious.

Bottom line

The above list isn't all encompassing. I included five of my favorite little things that Avalon does on its ships. But the list could as easily have had several additional items. I love the way Avalon offers four mattress firmness options for its cabin beds, for instance — an unusual option made possible by using mattresses with different firmless levels on their tops and bottoms combined with different mattress toppers.

Avalon also has club lounges on its ships with complimentary espresso drinks and snacks that are open to all, not just elite customers. In one of my favorite little touches for an older demographic such as me (I'm just turning 55), the line keeps reading glasses at the entrance to its dining room for people who need a little magnification to read the dinner menu.

To sum up, Avalon Waterways does many little things that make for a better cruise experience, from positioning the beds in cabins to face the view to offering superfoods on the side in its dining room at breakfast. Other cruise lines might want to take notice.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin
  • River Cruising

Avalon drink packages


By Mr.Sunshine , July 1, 2018 in River Cruising

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50+ Club


I’ll be on a Avalon cruise shortly and been curious about drink packages. 2 years ago on a Viking longship the beverage package was offered. Any insight

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I don't recall if there was a package offered, or not, on the Avalon cruise we were on. We paid as we went, and took advantage of the 1-2 happy hours/day and the drink of the day specials. Our bar tab was very reasonable (and we are used to the all-inclusive with Uniworld)

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Avalon doesn't offer drink packages...it's added to your tab and payed for at the end of the cruise. The cost of drinks was pretty reasonable. If you are too worried, you can always bring some on board and mix in your room.

No not worried. Just thought if a package was available it would be worth looking into. Thx for the reply

500+ Club

I’ll be on a Avalon cruise shortly and been curious about drink packages. 2 years ago on a Viking longship the beverage package was offered. Any insight     Sent from my iPhone using Forums

Since beer and wine are included at lunch and dinner, and champagne at breakfast, that pretty well covers it for us, especially with two for ones at happy hour. I can't imagine needing more, but... if you're more into spirits, bring a bottle of whisky on board, mix your cocktail in your room, and bring it out to the lounge. No one will care. But I would refrain from bringing your bottle into the lounge or dining room.


No sorry the cost of drinks is not reasonable. Outside of the Happy hours a beer ran almost 7 euros (over $10 CAN). My wife doesn't drink but liked the virgin bloody mary's. They were 6.8 Euros. Those are not reasonable prices.


Compared to what? Compared to a land bar/restaurant in Germany or France, that's normal. Compared to an ocean cruise, that's normal.

If you want the cheapest option, as noted, bring your own alcohol on board. We bought local beers & wine on board for drinks while we were getting ready for dinner, and we brought some bourbon for nightcaps too ;p

Compared to what? Compared to a land bar/restaurant in Germany or France, that's normal. Compared to an ocean cruise, that's normal.   If you want the cheapest option, as noted, bring your own alcohol on board. We bought local beers & wine on board for drinks while we were getting ready for dinner, and we brought some bourbon for nightcaps too ;p

I guess it all depends on the country you are in. Beers in Prague and Budapest were considerably cheaper. I'm sure local economies dictate all this.

Did 1 ocean cruise and had a promo drink package so didn't pay attention to drink prices. As we are a 1 drinker family, I didn't bring anything on board. Next time I would for sure.

This isn't an Avalon thing but more a Europe thing - all places I saw that had a virgin drink menu would not deviate from that. By and large all the virgin drinks offered were sweet fruity things. At a cafe in Budapest, my wife asked for a virgin bloody mary and was told they could do that but would have to charge the full price. Where we live any bar will make you a virgin anything and just charge for a non alcoholic. Not a hard thing to do.

  • 2 weeks later...

You are misremembering this. We just came off Avalon. Full Price for a draft beer was 4.90 Euros. Happy Hour was 2.45. Even the regional bottle beer was only 4.90 full price.

senior lady

senior lady

Just came home from a Avalon cruise. No need for drink pkg. The wine is plentiful at lunch.

Dinner was beyond believe that amount of wine they poured. They never walked by the table without topping my wine up.

We had a couple of free drink coupons and had a hard time using them.

Total bill at end of 7 day cruise for both of us was $23.:D

Do the river cruise lines have a limit as to how much wine and/or spirits you can bring on board. I know our cruise line to Alaska in a couple of weeks only allows you to bring 2 bottles of wine aboard without having to pay the $18.00 corkage fee. They allow as much pop and water as you want.

No limit what you bring on board for your own consumption.

Wondering about bottled water - regular or carbonated. Is it regularly available throughout the day or should I bring some on board. I usually drink a couple of bottles a day.

We are booked for our first ever River cruise for September 2019. Legendary Danube on Avalon's newest ship. As you can see, I''m an early planner!

We booked very early because we are a twosome and a single and Avalon is currently offering a single supplement waiver on quite a few of their cruises for 2019. it's a big saving for the single.

Wondering about bottled water - regular or carbonated. Is it regularly available throughout the day or should I bring some on board. I usually drink a couple of bottles a day. . We are booked for our first ever River cruise for September 2019. Legendary Danube on Avalon's newest ship. As you can see, I''m an early planner!   We booked very early because we are a twosome and a single and Avalon is currently offering a single supplement waiver on quite a few of their cruises for 2019. it's a big saving for the single.

Avalon was regular and we never went without. Always plenty avail on tours and in the room. I'm sure if you couldn't find a bottle, you need only ask a staff member and it will materialize.

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drink prices on avalon river cruises

Power Traveller

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch

Exploring the stunning Douro Valley from Porto is a must-do for travelers seeking a immersive cultural experience. This comprehensive tour offers a chance to discover the region’s winemaking heritage , savor traditional Portuguese cuisine , and witness the breathtaking scenery along the Douro River. With a guided boat cruise , wine tastings, and a delectable lunch, the tour promises an unforgettable day filled with the perfect blend of history, gastronomy, and natural beauty. Whether you’re a wine enthusiast or simply seeking an authentic taste of the Douro Valley, this tour provides an ideal way to delve deeper into the region’s rich tapestry.

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Key Points

  • This full-day tour from Porto takes visitors to the picturesque Douro Valley, offering a boat cruise, wine tastings, and a traditional Portuguese lunch.
  • The tour includes round-trip transportation from Porto, with hotel pickup available, and provides opportunities to learn about the region’s winemaking history and culture.
  • Guests can enjoy a scenic 1-hour boat ride along the Douro River, admiring the stunning landscapes that shape the local viticulture.
  • The tour features multiple wine tastings, allowing visitors to sample renowned Port wines and other regional specialties from the Douro Valley.
  • The traditional Portuguese lunch showcases local cuisine and fresh, seasonal ingredients, offering a holistic experience of the Douro Valley’s culinary offerings.

More tours and experiences nearby.

  • The Unvanquished Tour in Porto City Center
  • Complete Douro Valley Wine Tour With Lunch, Wine Tastings and River Cruise
  • Douro Valley Small-Group Tour With Wine Tasting, Lunch and Optional Cruise
  • Authentic Douro Wine Tour Including Lunch and River Cruise

Overview and Pricing

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Overview and Pricing

The tour from Porto to the Douro Valley includes a boat tour, wine tasting , and lunch, with a price range of SEK 1,045 to SEK 1,100 per person, representing a savings of up to 5%.

The tour lasts for 10 hours, and guests have the option of free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund. Visitors can also take advantage of the reserve now and pay later option.

The tour provides an immersive experience in the Douro Valley, allowing participants to explore the region’s renowned wines, landscapes, and cuisine.

Starting Location and Travel

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Starting Location and Travel

The tour begins at the Gabinete do Município , Porto City Hall, where participants have the option of hotel pickup before embarking on the 80-minute bus ride to Peso da Régua .

During the journey, travelers can sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic countryside views .

Upon arrival in Peso da Régua, there’s a 20-minute break for photo opportunities and to stretch one’s legs.

The group then boards the bus again for the 30-minute drive to Pinhão, where they’ll embark on a 1-hour boat cruise along the picturesque Douro River .

Guided Tour and Wine Tastings

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Guided Tour and Wine Tastings

After the break in Peso da Régua, the tour continues with a guided tour and wine tasting experience that lasts approximately 75 minutes. Participants learn about the winemaking process and local viticulture as they sample the region’s renowned Port and table wines.

The guided tour offers a unique opportunity to:

Discover the history and traditions of Douro Valley winemaking.

Appreciate the unique terroir and climate that contribute to the area’s exceptional wines.

Savor the complexity and nuances of the region’s signature Port and varietal wines.

Gain insights from knowledgeable guides, who share their expertise on the local wine industry.

Traditional Portuguese Lunch

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Traditional Portuguese Lunch

Following the guided tour and wine tasting, guests enjoy a traditional Portuguese lunch that lasts approximately 1.5 hours.

The lunch features local specialties and products , allowing participants to enjoy the Douro Valley’s rich culinary heritage.

The menu typically includes regional dishes made with fresh, seasonal ingredients, such as hearty stews , roasted meats, and seasonal vegetables.

Vegetarian and gluten-free options are available to accommodate various dietary needs.

During the lunch, guests can relax and savor the flavors while taking in the stunning views of the surrounding vineyards and the Douro River.

This authentic culinary experience complements the wine tasting, providing a well-rounded introduction to the Douro Valley’s renowned gastronomy.

Douro River Boat Cruise

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Douro River Boat Cruise

A tranquil 1-hour boat cruise along the scenic Douro River provides participants with a serene and captivating perspective of the Douro Valley’s renowned vineyards, terraced slopes, and quaint riverside villages.

This leisurely cruise offers a unique opportunity to:

Admire the stunning natural landscapes that have shaped the region’s viticulture for centuries.

Discover the historical importance of the Douro River in the development of the port wine industry.

Enjoy the peaceful ambiance and fresh river breeze as the boat glides along the water.

Snap breathtaking photographs to commemorate this enchanting experience.

The Douro River boat cruise is an integral part of the Douro Valley tour, allowing visitors to fully enjoy the region’s natural beauty and winemaking heritage.

Visit to Pinhão

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Visit to Pinhão

The tour then takes visitors to Pinhão , a charming town nestled along the Douro River, for another wine tasting experience and exploration of the local heritage.

The group will enjoy a 75-minute visit and tasting at a winery in Pinhão, where they’ll have the chance to sample more of the region’s renowned Port wines .

After the tasting, there’s a 15-minute photo stop to capture the picturesque views of the town and the river.

The tour then returns to Porto, with a 95-minute drive back to three different drop-off locations, completing a day filled with the highlights of the Douro Valley.

Inclusions and Exclusions

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Inclusions and Exclusions

This tour includes hotel pickup and drop-off if selected, an English/French/Portuguese-speaking guide, lunch, Wi-Fi onboard, a 1-hour Douro River cruise, and two wine tastings along with olive oil tastings.

However, it excludes tips, additional food and drinks, and isn’t suitable for wheelchair users.

The tour’s key inclusions are:

Guided experience in multiple languages

Douro River cruise

Wine and olive oil tastings

Lunch featuring local Portuguese cuisine

While the exclusions ensure travelers are aware of any additional costs or limitations before booking, the inclusions provide a comprehensive and memorable experience exploring the Douro Valley from Porto.

Customer Feedback and Ratings

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Customer Feedback and Ratings

Overwhelmingly positive customer reviews underscore the tour’s exceptional quality, with an overall rating of 4.7 out of 5 based on 10,908 reviews.

Guests consistently praise the tour’s knowledgeable and engaging guides , who fluently converse in English, French, and Portuguese.

The transportation service also earns high marks, with 4.7/5 for the comfortable vehicles and smooth logistics .

Customers are especially impressed by the quality of the wine tastings and traditional Portuguese lunch, as well as the organization and flow of the day’s activities.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.

  • Douro Valley Tour: Wine Tasting, Cruise and Lunch From Porto
  • Douro Valley Historical Tour With Lunch, Winery Visit With Tastings and Panoramic Cruise
  • 3-Hour Porto Highlights on a Electric Bike Guided Tour
  • Craft Beer & Food Tour in Porto
  • Douro Valley Tour: 2 Vineyard Visits, River Cruise, Winery Lunch
  • Porto 3-Hour Food and Wine Tasting Tour

Frequently Asked Questions

From Porto: Douro Valley W/ Boat Tour, Wine Tasting & Lunch - Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Maximum Group Size for This Tour?

The tour does not specify a maximum group size. It accommodates tours for individuals, couples, and small groups. The exact group size may vary depending on the availability and demand for the tour on a given day.

Can I Bring My Own Food and Drinks on the Tour?

The tour allows participants to bring their own food and drinks. However, the tour includes a traditional Portuguese lunch, as well as wine and olive oil tastings, so bringing additional items may not be necessary. Check with the tour operator about any restrictions.

Are Children/Minors Allowed on This Tour?

Children and minors are allowed on this tour. The tour operator welcomes families and provides accommodations for travelers of all ages, though certain activities like wine tasting may have age restrictions. It’s best to check with the tour provider.

Does the Tour Include Any Physical Activities or Hiking?

The tour includes a 1-hour boat cruise along the Douro River, but does not involve any physical activities or hiking. Participants can enjoy the scenic views and wine tastings during the tour.

How Accessible Is the Tour for Individuals With Mobility Issues?

The tour may not be fully accessible for individuals with mobility issues, as it includes a boat cruise and some walking on uneven terrain. However, the tour provider notes it’s not suitable for wheelchair users, so guests with mobility constraints should contact them to discuss accommodation options.

Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Tour Between Lisbon – Porto or Porto-Lisbon With Several Stops
  • 7-Day The Way of St James Bike Tour- The Coast Path – Camino to Santiago
  • Santiago De Compostela: Full-Day Tour
  • From Porto: Fatima and Miracle of Santarem Private Day Tour
  • Exclusive Private Transfer Lisbon – Porto
  • Surfing Lesson | Porto: Small Group Surf Lesson With Transportation
  • City Tour Through Historic Center of Porto With Many Insider Tips 3 1/2 Hrs.
  • Porto: Private Architecture Tour With a Local Expert
  • Porto’s Timeless Journey: A Historical Exploration
  • 3 Table Wines & 5 Port Wines + Tapas
  • Private Cruise in Rio Douro – 2 Hours – up to 8 Passengers
  • Porto Private Classic Car Tour
  • Private Porto City Tour With Optional Boat Cruise, Lunch & Wine Tasting
  • From Porto: Private Transfer to Lisbon With Stop at Nazaré
  • Ultimate Ribeira Walking Tour

This comprehensive Douro Valley tour from Porto provides an immersive cultural experience.

Visitors can enjoy stunning countryside views, a guided exploration of local winemaking traditions, a traditional Portuguese lunch , and a relaxing boat cruise on the Douro River.

With knowledgeable guides, convenient hotel pickup, and excellent customer ratings, this tour promises a memorable day filled with the beauty and flavors of the Douro Valley.

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  14. Avalon drink packages

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