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Menyelenggarakan Virtual Field Trip untuk Sekolah Online


Field trip adalah kegiatan sekolah yang mendidik sembari menghibur. Dengan sistem sekolah yang bergeser ke basis online, field trip juga bisa dialihkan menjadi virtual field trip. Meski tidak melakukannya secara fisik, virtual field trip untuk sekolah online tetap bisa memberikan suatu pengalaman yang berharga selama pihak sekolah mampu merencanakannya dengan baik.

Bagaimana Cara Menyelenggarakan Virtual Field Trip?

Ada banyak metode yang bisa ditempuh untuk menyelenggarakan virtual field trip. Untuk memilih metode mana yang sebaiknya ditempuh, pihak sekolah perlu mempertimbangkan kondisi lokasi tujuan, budget, serta kemampuan sekolah untuk mengeksekusinya. Berikut terlampir beberapa metode yang dapat dipakai pihak sekolah dalam menyelenggarakan virtual field trip untuk sekolah online.

Video Kualitas Tinggi

Menggunakan video walkthrough berkualitas tinggi akan memberikan sensasi yang nyata. Video ini bisa saja dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber di internet maupun dengan merekamnya sendiri secara langsung. Untuk metode satu ini, sekolah harus mampu menghadirkan ragam video menarik agar murid mampu untuk memperhatikan dengan baik tanpa ingin meninggalkan acara.

Live Streaming

Berbeda pula dengan metode live streaming . Metode satu ini mengedepankan komunikasi dua arah yang dikemas dalam bentuk live streaming yang kini bisa ditemukan pada beberapa platform. Sebut saja Instagram, facebook, dan Youtube telah mengeluarkannya sebagai alternatif penyampaian pesan secara lisan dan langsung. Dengan begitu murid akan merasakan pengalaman yang nyata sekaligus berbicara kepada pemandu secara langsung.

Google Earth dan Google Street View

Untuk penggunaan google street view, pihak sekolah mungkin perlu mempelajari lebih dahulu teknik penggunaannya agar acara virtual field trip untuk sekolah online bisa berjalan menyenangkan. Keuntungan dari metode ini adalah murid bisa diajak untuk menjelajahi tempat dengan penglihatan teknologi 360 tanpa pihak sekolah perlu mendatangi lokasinya.

Keuntungan Virtual Field Trip

Beberapa keuntungan yang ditawarkan dari metode satu ini pun tidak main-main. Pihak sekolah, orang tua dan juga murid akan merasakan dampaknya secara nyata dengan teknologi baru yang menyenangkan.

Aman dari Resiko Pandemi

Munculnya tren menyelenggarakan virtual field trip untuk sekolah online memang berdasarkan dengan keadaan pandemi. Hal tersebut membuat jenis field trip satu ini lebih aman dari resiko penularan. Murid akan tetap berada di rumah masing-masing namun bisa merasakan suasana yang menyenangkan dari layar tanpa khawatir resiko penularan penyakit.

Hemat Biaya dan Juga Waktu

Tidak perlu menghabiskan banyak biaya dan waktu pun menjadi andalan dalam penyelenggaraan virtual field trip. Baik pihak sekolah maupun orang tua tidak perlu lagi menyisihkan banyak waktu dan biaya yang biasanya harus dikeluarkan untuk melakukan field secara langsung. Sebut saja biaya penyewaan transportasi pengangkutan murid yang pastinya tidak akan dikeluarkan.

Jangkauan Lebih luas

Virtual field trip untuk sekolah online dapat menjangkau area yang lebih luas. Itulah mengapa dapat meminimalisir adanya beberapa faktor kendala bila dilakukan secara langsung. Seperti salah satunya adalah medan yang sulit dijangkau. Pihak sekolah yang menyelenggarakan field trip dapat mengunjungi tempat manapun tanpa adanya keterbatasan.

Informasi yang Disampaikan Lebih Detail

Bila dalam penerapan field trip secara langsung pemaparan terkadang tidak mendalam, dengan menyelenggarakan virtual field trip, informasi yang disampaikan dapat dikomunikasikan secara detail. Hal tersebut dikarenakan adanya bantuan visual berupa teks, gambar dan penjelasan lisan yang lebih terperinci dan tidak terkesan diburu oleh waktu.

Tips Virtual Field Trip

Untuk mengadakan virtual field trip, sebaiknya pihak sekolah memperhatikan beberapa tips yang dapat memudahkan dan membuat acara tersebut berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Hal ini berkaitan erat dengan kepuasan murid dan kinerja dari pihak sekolah.

Riset Informasi dan Ilmu Pendukung

Hal utama yang perlu pihak sekolah lakukan dalam melakukan virtual field trip untuk sekolah online adalah riset. Riset perlu dilakukan secara langsung bila memungkinkan dengan perwakilan yang ditunjuk. Selain itu usahakan untuk mencari beberapa informasi pendukung dalam menentukan pilihan tempat yang dituju. Hal ini dikarenakan terkait dengan sasaran pendidikan yang dituju.

Beri Pilihan

Memberikan ragam pilihan tempat field trip kepada murid menjadi salah satu bagian dari musyawarah. Murid akan diajak untuk terjun langsung memilih, apa hal yang mereka sukai tanpa harus mengikuti kehendak sekolah. Dengan begitu, para murid akan sangat antusias menyambut dan informasi yang ingin pihak sekolah sampaikan pun dapat terekam dengan baik tanpa paksaan.

Maksimalkan Dress Code

Penggunaan dress code pun sangat disarankan saat field trip berlangsung. Walaupun berada di rumah masing-masing, suasana yang menyenangkan akan terbangun dari penggunaan dress code . Apalagi bila sesama teman-temannya pun melakukan hal yang serupa.

Buat Aktivitas Kelas

Setelah field trip selesai dilakukan, gunakan sedikit waktu sebagai ajang untuk evaluasi bersama. Caranya adalah dengan membuat beberapa aktivitas kelas yang menarik dengan menyisipkan beberapa pertanyaan terkait dengan virtual field trip yang sebelumnya berlangsung. Dengan begitu, baik pihak sekolah maupun orang tua murid bisa menilai apakah acara tersebut berhasil dengan baik atau perlu perbaikan di kemudian hari.

Menghadirkan pembelajaran yang lebih bermakna dan menyenangkan adalah tugas dari pihak sekolah. Apalagi dengan adanya tuntutan yang tidak mudah dalam era pandemi yang waktunya tidak dapat diprediksi kapan akan berakhir. Dengan adanya kesempatan untuk bereksplorasi pada hal baru dengan menghadirkan virtual field trip, disarankan pihak sekolah mampu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan tetap mengkaji agar pendidikan Indonesia bisa lebih baik lagi.

virtual field trip adalah


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Demi Piknik Anak Generasi Pandemi, Virtual Field Trip Bisa Jadi Solusi

Kompas.com travel jalan jalan.

Yasmina Hasni

Praktisi parenting. Co-founder Taman Main Petualang. Ibu dua anak.

Ilustrasi field trip virtual.

MARI berkelana sejenak ke masa lalu, ke masa ketika kita semua masih bercelana kodok dan berbaju satria baja hitam.

Berkelana ke satu masa saat hidup terasa amat mudah karena satu-satunya hal yang menjadi perkara hanyalah menunggu bel sekolah dan cepat-cepat melarikan diri untuk bermain panas-panasan bersama kawan-kawan.

Menyenangkan sekali ya masa-masa itu?

Main sepeda, main hujan, main gobak sodor, berlarian mengejar angin agar layangan bisa membumbung tinggi ke angkasa, dan tersenyum lebar meski sampai di rumah ibu menunggu sambil berkacak pinggang.

Namun, kelana tersebut harus terhenti ketika melihat kenyataan kini. Pada hari ini, anak-anak tumbuh di era pandemi.

Kebahagiaan harus dipenuhi di rumah saja. Ruang sempit terbatas yang tidak panas terik atau becek sisa hujan, dengan layar kecil, layar sedang, dan layar besar bergantian setiap saat dengan anggota keluarga lain.

Ibu, paling banter pun hanya bisa menatap nanar dan berkacak pinggang acap kali melihat ruangan yang sudah dibersihkan jadi kotor lagi. 

Dilema orangtua

Iba, melihat anak-anak tak bisa berlarian bebas di lapangan. Namun, kesal, karena tak berhenti mengganggu pekerjaan kantor maupun pekerjaan rumah tangga.

Lelah, karena biasanya ada waktu sendiri ketika mereka sekolah. Bosan, karena ingin juga pergi liburan, sekadar menikmati perjalanan darat pulang kampung ke rumah kakek dan nenek.

Ya, itu kita. Orangtua yang merasa serba salah.

Sudah nyaris dua tahun, begini terus kondisinya. Meski sudah menyesuaikan diri, sepertinya masih saja terus terasa berat.

Masih saja kita terus khawatir jika mereka keluar rumah, tapi kekhawatiran yang sama juga menghantui jika anak-anak terus berada di rumah.

Belum lagi, kita membayangkan anak-anak bisa jadi lost generation  karena pelajaran daring yang belum optimal. Berbagai mogok daring pun sulit ditolak karena kasihan, tapi mau tidak mau harus dijalankan.

Ancaman Covid-19 dan generasi yang hilang sama mengkhawatirkannya. Angka kekerasan di rumah tangga meningkat, angka perceraian meningkat, begitu kata berita. Bersanding dengan angka kasus Covid-19 yang juga tidak main-main.

Iya, sepelik itu rasanya menjadi orangtua dari anak-anak kecil di era pandemi.

Virtual field trip sebagai solusi

Namun, kita manusia. Akan selalu ada cara untuk bertahan hidup. Hal utama yang dibutuhkan seorang manusia adalah koneksi. Bagi anak-anak, koneksi yang termudah adalah melalui interaksi.

Jika interaksi di kelas online pada umumnya tidak senyaman di sekolah biasa, mari kita cari cara lain untuk mereka berinteraksi dalam arena yang bukan sedang belajar di kelas.

Mari kita carikan anak-anak arena bermain, berinteraksi, dan bersenang-senang lewat jalan-jalan virtual. Salah satu yang tersedia bertepatan dengan Hari Anak Nasional pada tahun ini adalah virtual field trip alias jalan-jalan daring yang digelar komunitas Parenting is Easy .

Berlangsung pada 23-25 Juli 2021, namanya Festival Urang Ulin 2021 . Ini adalah jalan-jalan virtual berkeliling Indonesia. Ada lima destinasi dijelajahi, yaitu Pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa, Sulawesi, dan Papua.

Tidak hanya jalan-jalan, di setiap destinasi juga ada kegiatan workshop yang bermanfaat serta dihibur lagu-lagu dan dongeng dari para pendongeng terkenal. Pengisinya pun sama tenarnya.

Acara seperti ini bisa jadi adalah jawaban untuk harapan para orangtua di era pandemi yang serba terbatas. Anak-anak akan berkumpul bersama dan berinteraksi dengan host , pendongeng, pengisi workshop, dan teman-teman sebayanya.

Karena kita tidak sendiri...

Bukan tidak mungkin, pertemanan bisa dimulai dari perjalanan selama 90 menit keliling Pulau Sumatera, misalnya, dari Aceh sampai Lampung. Anak-anak juga bisa berkreasi bersama menggunakan  kit yang lebih dulu dikirimkan ke rumah masing-masing.

Setidaknya, pada hari itu ia tak merasa sendiri. Karena, ada teman-teman, yang juga merasakan hal yang sama dan berbagi bahagia.

Pandemi harusnya tak membatasi. Pandemi akan membuat kita kuat dan terus mencari cara untuk mengatasi rasa sendiri.

Pandemi bukan berarti putus koneksi. Mungkin tidak ada jumpa dan interaksi, tapi koneksi hati bisa tetap terbangun dengan bantuan jejaring gawai.

Namun, jangan lupa, yang paling dibutuhkan anak justru peluk hangat, kecup, dan semangat yang datang dari orangtuanya.

Jadi tak ada salahnya jika virtual field trip juga dilakukan bersama ayah dan ibu. Kedekatan akan terus terbangun sebagai bekal menghadapi hari-hari selanjutnya.

Mari bersenang-senang, hayuk urang ulin !

Tag piknik piknik aman selama pandemi piknik anak selama pandemi field trip virtual


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Masa pandemi covid-19 membuat kamu suntuk karena anjuran #dirumahaja. Bahkan ketika ingin melakukan trip, tentu membuat kamu berfikir dua kali akibat rasa takut akan tertular virus Covid-19.

Hal tersebut juga dirasakan semua orang, lalu apa yang harus dilakukan agar tetap bisa traveling dengan aman? Tenang, sobat digi, disini digitiket akan spill solusinya!

Mungkin sebagian besar orang sudah tidak asing lagi dengan virtual field trip. Memangnya, apa itu virtual field trip ?

Supaya tidak bingung, digitiket akan berikan penjelasannya.

Pengertian Virtual Field Trip

Virtual field trip adalah sebuah terobosan yang membuat field trip semakin terakses oleh siapa saja tanpa harus terhalangi dari segi biaya, jarak, maupun waktu. Selain virtual field trip sebagai sarana edukasi untuk bisa menikmati sensasi belajar yang unik dan seru, juga untuk mengisi waktu luang kamu.

Dengan virtual field trip , sobat digi sudah tidak perlu khawatir untuk melakukan trip sampai ke luar negeri.

Tema virtual fieldtrip

Bersama digitiket , kamu bisa memilih destinasi mana yang ingin dijelajahi. Tersedia 6 tema, yaitu: wisata alam, budaya, sejarah, edutrip, religi, dan keliling dunia. Melalui virtual trip, kamu bisa jalan-jalan sambil belajar tanpa perlu meninggalkan sofa.

1. Wisata alam

Wisata alam sendiri adalah kegiatan perjalanan atau sebagian dari kegiatan tersebut yang dilakukan secara sukarela serta bersifat sementara untuk menikmati gejala keunikan dan keindahan alam di kawasan suaka margasatwa, taman nasional, taman hutan raya, dan taman wisata alam.

Di digitiket, kamu bisa memilih menikmati keindahan alam di berbagai destinasi mulai dari Bali, Lombok, Labuan Bajo, hingga Raja ampat.

2. Wisata Budaya

Wisata Budaya (Cultural tourism) adalah jenis pariwisata yang disebabkan adanya daya tarik seni dan budaya disuatu daerah atau tempat, seperti peninggalan nenek moyang, benda-benda kuno dan sebagainya. Wisata budaya juga sebagai edukasi dan menambah wawasan mengenai cara hidup dan tradisi disuatu daerah sekaligus memperlajari sejarahnya.

Kamu bisa mempelajari berbagai adat dan budaya diseluruh Indonesia bersama digitiket !

3. Wisata sejarah

Wisata sejarah adalah salah satu bentuk wisata budaya. Lantas, apa perbedaannya dengan wisata budaya?

Wisata sejarah tidak jauh dari wisata budaya, dalam artian wisata sejarah ini membahas sejarah suatu daerah, atau sejarah terbentuknya suatu destinasi, budaya dan tradisi, sejarah yang merupakan warisan budaya, peninggalan-peninggalan dari nenek moyang, dll. Contohnya yaitu museum-museum yang ada di Indonesia.

Wisata sejarah di berbagai belahan dunia saat ini menjadi populer karena memberi pengalaman tersendiri bagi para wisatawan.

4. Wisata Edutrip

Wisata edutrip mengartikan wisata edukasi . Wisata edukasi adalah suatu program yang menggabungkan unsur kegiatan wisata dengan muatan pendidikan didalamnya. Seperti mempelajari keanekaragaman budaya dan obyek wisata.

Program wisata edukasi juga menjadi suatu kebutuhan bagi sekolah untuk membina dan mendidik para siswa. Selain itu, wisata edukasi telah terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat.

5. Wisata Religi

Wisata religi diartikan sebagai ziarah atau kunjungan seseorang maupun kelompok ke situs yang penting atau dianggap penting terkait dengan penyebaran suatu agama.

Nah, di digitiket kamu bisa berwisata religi hingga ke tanah suci Saudi Arabia, lho!

6. Wisata Keliling Dunia

Apalagi kalau bukan berkeliling diseluruh penjuru dunia? Kamu bisa memilih negara mana yang ingin kamu kunjungi.

Di digitiket sudah tersedia berbagai tiket berkunjung ke destinasi luar negeri tanpa perlu mikir biaya, waktu dan jarak.

Virtual field trip bersama digitiket

Di digitiket , sistem virtual field tripnya fleksibel. Rute tour bisa request, lho! Semua rute dapat dijalankan. Jika virtual field trip TK, digitiket membuat field trip lebih eksploratif, sedangkan SD, SMP, dan SMA dibuat untuk lebih mengedukasi, menghibur, dan analisis.

Bahasa penjelasan mengenai destinasi juga bilingual , yaitu dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Jadi, sobat digi gak perlu khawatir kalau ngertinya bahasa Inggris!

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What is a virtual field trip?


The term ‘virtual field trip’ means different things to different people. In this project, we restrict the term to those approaches that seek to replicate the familiar ground-level perspective of being in the field.

At its core, a virtual field trip can be defined as a digital resource that allows a user to visualise and interrogate a remote location using imagery and other materials as appropriate (e.g., data, maps, journal articles) (Hurst, 1998; Woerner, 1999; Stainfield et al., 2000; Klemm and Tuthill, 2003).

Technology is central to the virtual field trip concept because it plays a pivotal role in determining what can and cannot be achieved in these virtual environments. Perceptions of what constitutes a virtual field trip will therefore change over time in line with technological advances.

Over the last two decades, technological progress has enabled virtual field trips to transition from simple web pages to a range of more sophisticated approaches, including those based on virtual reality which seek to provide users with an immersive, simulated field experience (e.g., McDougall, 2019).

Although this variety provides educators with much-needed flexibility, a consequence is that the term ‘virtual field trip’ now means different things to different people.

virtual field trip adalah

The technology used for virtual field trips has changed – or perhaps become more varied – over time.

Table of Contents

In this project, we restrict the term ‘virtual field trip’ to those approaches that seek to replicate the familiar ground-level perspective of being in the field.

Immersive and non-immersive virtual field trips

A useful distinction can be drawn between immersive and non-immersive virtual field trips because each type presents different opportunities and challenges. A useful distinction can be drawn between immersive and non-immersive virtual field trips because each type presents different opportunities and challenges.

In an immersive virtual field trip, you are surrounded by the environment. Google Street View is an example of this because of its 360° imagery, which allows you to look all around.

The term virtual reality (VR) can be used to describe immersive virtual field trips. Google Street View is an example of photography-based VR.

Google Street View is an example of immersive VR because you are able to look all around. Viewing this example in full-screen mode on a large monitor will result in a more immersive experience than viewing it on a laptop.

Virtual field trips can be created using existing Google Street View imagery such as this one, or you could upload your own photos to this service. There are pros and cons to this approach, as discussed elsewhere on this site.

Non-immersive virtual field trips are primarily collections of location-specific resources (e.g., photos, videos, maps), which can be presented in many ways. Popular platforms for developing these currently include Google Earth Tours and ArcGIS Story Maps. Although these (and other) approaches may be visually rich, the absence of ground-level virtual reality at their core means there is less immersion and autonomy for the user. However, it is possible to embed ground-level virtual reality in these resources, which blurs the distinction between immersive and non-immersive techniques.

Non-immersive virtual field trips are collections of photos, videos, maps etc. They may include an element of VR (360° imagery), but this is not central to the approach. 

virtual field trip adalah

This excellent ArcGIS StoryMap was developed by Dr Louise Callard and Prof Andy Russell (Newcastle). It is based around a series of videos and student activities, with an introductory section comprising an interactive map and an embedded Google Street View. 

Virtual field trips: guided or self-guided?

Some virtual field trips are self-contained, information-rich learning ‘packages’ ( guided ) whereas others are provided without any guidance ( self-guided ). There are pros and cons to both approaches.

Canopy in the Clouds is an example of a guided (i.e., information-rich), immersive virtual field trip. It comprises seven sites within a tropical montane cloud forest. At each site, 360° imagery and environmental audio provide an immersive experience. Information (guidance) is delivered via videos embedded in the 360° imagery. It is possible to visit sites in any order, although here they are numbered to highlight the recommended route.

A GUIDED virtual field trip includes enough embedded academic content to make it a standalone resource. In other words, it can be used without additional instructor input. 

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Canopy in the Clouds is a guided virtual field trip. It is based around 7 photospheres, one for each site. Within each photosphere are clickable hotspots providing the viewer with information in the form of text, photos and video clips. Information about cloud forests and the study area is provided elsewhere on the website.

This is a high-quality resource, and all the more impressive given it was first launched in 2010. It appears to have been developed for outreach purposes.  

Alternatively, virtual field trips can be self-guided . The absence of embedded academic content means these ‘bare bones’ virtual field trips are not standalone academic resources. Instead, they need to be placed within a teaching unit that provides students with the necessary background knowledge and skills. Student learning activities (e.g., worksheets) also need to be designed for these self-guided virtual field trips. This approach is exemplified by most of the virtual field trips provided by Stanford Earth Sciences (where they are referred to as ‘virtual field sites’) and Geography at the University of Worcester .

A key benefit of self-guided (‘bare bones’) virtual field trips is flexibility ; the same resource can be used for a range of purposes. For example, a virtual field trip to a glaciated landscape could be used for a simple landform identification activity, designed for those new to the topic. However, the same virtual field trip could also provide the basis for a more sophisticated exercise in geomorphological mapping and glacier reconstruction.

A SELF-GUIDED virtual field trip contains little or no embedded information. It requires external inputs (e.g., worksheets, lectures) to transform it into an educational resource.

virtual field trip adalah

This self-guided virtual field trip is one of many provided for free by Stanford Earth Sciences (who refer to them as virtual field sites ). The absence of embedded academic content means it can be used flexibly for a range of academic purposes – assuming the instructor knows enough about the area. If not, the striking image of dead trees and the maps provided would still allow more advanced students to undertake some research to see what is going on here.

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The Col du Sanetsch virtual field trip is one of a number provided on the VR Glaciers and Glaciated Landscapes site, hosted by Geography at the University of Worcester. All the virtual field trips to date are self-guided. Worksheets have been developed for a few of them (contact Des McDougall for access).

There are clearly pros and cons to both guided and self-guided approaches.

Guided virtual field trips work well as standalone resources, which may be particularly helpful for outreach activities. Compared to the self-guided approach, however, they are potentially much more time-consuming to develop and less flexible educationally because they are created for a specific purpose.

As to whether guided or self-guided is the right choice for you really depends on what you are trying to achieve. We return to this elsewhere on this site, where we also review other considerations – such as the equipment, software, and time involved.

virtual field trip adalah

This self-guided virtual field trip to Tuolumne Meadows in the Sierra Nevada (California) was developed as a joint collaboration between UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and Geography at the University of Worcester . The ‘More Inclusive Fieldwork’ project aims to foster informal collaborations for resource development.

Bringing it together

We can therefore describe (or classify) virtual field trips as follows:

guided or s elf-guided

immersive or non-immersive

For example, the VR Glaciers and Glaciated Landscapes virtual field trips can be described as self-guided, immersive virtual field trips using this approach.

Unfortunately, the pedagogic literature is replete with terminological confusion when it comes to virtual field trip classification, so it is important to note that different authors may employ these terms in different ways – and, indeed, may use different terms altogether to describe the same properties. There have been several attempts in the literature to promote a consistent approach to terminology, but none has gained traction. As it stands, the current approach is neither more nor less valid than others that have been proposed.

Virtual fieldwork and virtual reality

We use the terms ‘virtual fieldwork’ and ‘virtual reality’ interchangeably, but only where the former comprises immersive imagery. Thus, we would describe the virtual field trips in VR Glaciers and Glaciated Landscapes as being examples of ‘virtual reality’ because they place the viewer in the field and provide some autonomy. These virtual field trips can also be viewed with some VR headsets.

virtual field trip adalah

It is tempting to think that virtual reality resources need to be viewed with VR Headsets (also known as Head-Mounted Displays – HMDs). This is not the case. They do have some value, but they are not comfortable to use for prolonged periods. There are other issues, including display quality. These issues will be resolved in time. In the meantime, it seems likely that the majority of educational VR content will be consumed on standard computers and mobile devices.

Immersive virtual field trips can also be developed using games engines (e.g., Unreal, Unity 3D). These provide more opportunities for interactivity, and they are the only approach allowing users to navigate true 3D space. The current absence of visual realism in virtual field trips created using games engines is a pragmatic trade-off rather than a technology limitation; replicating a fully realistic world is possible, but expensive for both the developer and the user (in terms of computing power and data download) unless the area is small. For these reasons, we focus on more accessible photography-based approaches to virtual fieldwork development.

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  • Introduction to VFTs
  • What is a VFT?
  • More inclusive fieldwork using VFTs
  • Creating VFTs
  • Planning your VFT
  • Software and online services
  • Glen Roy VFT
  • Coire Ardair VFT
  • Slapton VFT
  • Prawle Point VFT
  • Seatown VFT
  • How we made our VFTs

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

How to take a virtual field trip

Discover how to whisk your students away to museums, mars, and more, without leaving the classroom.

By Google Arts & Culture

Visiting without barriers

Whether you're visiting a museum, historic site or location in a far flung place, Expeditions, also known as virtual field trips, are available to everyone, anywhere, with a web browser or mobile device.

Planning is key

If you are a teacher, we recommend that you start by reading through the tour, to get an idea of what it's about. Check to see if it covers the subject you want to teach. Do you want to run through the whole thing or just pick out highlights?

Perseverance Touching Down on Mars (Illustration) (2020) NASA

Near or far

You can take the class to a wide variety of places. From a visit to the local museum , to a quick trip to Mars . You can project the tour on a screen or share it on Google Classroom. These tours are a mixture of 360° and 2D imagery. There are no pop ups within the panoramas.

Past, present and future

There are tours that look at the past, that explain how systems work today and what we should be thinking about to preserve our future. You can search for a specific tour or browse through by subject: arts , natural history , science and technology , geography , history . 

And there's more...

Once you've been through a tour with your class there are more  virtual field trips  to try or you can go to   Learn with Arts & Culture . There's subject related material and lesson plans that you can use in the classroom or give to students as worksheets to work through at their own pace.

Ready to begin your virtual field trip?

 Click here to set off

Hampi - Poetry in Stone

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Virtual Field Trips: Ideas & Examples With Links

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: August 01, 2022

You found our list of the best virtual field trips .

Virtual field trips are class outings that take place online, via platforms like Zoom, Google Street View or websites. While some of these activities consist of pre-recorded tours and videos, the best options tend to involve live video feed and student interaction with guides. Examples activities include digital walks along The Great Wall of China and a scrollable deep sea dive. These activities are also known as “online field trips” and “digital field trips”.

These adventures are an example of online classroom activities and often include virtual tours .

This articles includes:

  • interactive virtual field trips
  • virtual field trips for students
  • the best virtual field trip ideas
  • free virtual field trips for kids
  • live virtual field trips

Here is the list!

List of virtual field trip ideas

From virtual cockpit tours to online historical sites to do-it-yourself options, here is a list of ideas for virtual field trips to captivate and educate students.

1. Online Zoo (Behind the Scenes)

zoo virtual field trip

A digital zoo tour is one of the best virtual field trips for kids. While virtual trips may not let students see otters float, elephants play, and lions strut up close, a digital tour allows for more intimate behind-the-scenes access.

Your class can get close with the animals and walk paths usually reserved for zookeepers. While you may not be able to fit 30 squirming first graders into a baby animal nursery or an operating room, the guide can easily broadcast from these venues. Also, since the visit takes place entirely online, you can visit a zoo that is otherwise far from you.

Here is a starter list:

  • San Antonio Zoo
  • San Diego Zoo
  • Cincinnati Zoo (self-guided tours, livestream safari and feeding times)

Many other zoos stream live animal webcams that you and your class can watch. You can also contact your local zoo directly to inquire about facilitated virtual tours and school group discounts.

During the online visit, your students can ask questions using the hand raising or chat features in the video conferencing platform. Once your tour concludes, your students can enjoy thematic snacks such as zebra cakes, goldfish, and of course, animal crackers.

Check our more virtual zoo tours .

2. Virtual Safari

When you do a virtual safari, your students can observe lions, elephants and other animals in their natural habitat. Wild Earth offers twice daily live safaris. Since the broadcast occurs on African time, your best bet is to tune in for the sunset safari, which live streams from 9:00am to 12:30pm Eastern Standard Time. The safari broadcasts from several nature reserves and features animals such as lions, leopards, cheetahs, and hyenas. During the tour, viewers can ask park rangers questions. The unscripted nature of the broadcast lends an element of excitement, since animal sightings are always a surprise.

Learn more at Wild Earth .

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3. Under the Sea Visit

Unless you are secretly Miss Frizzle from The Magic Schoolbus, you cannot whisk your class to the bottom of the ocean in a submarine. However, you can lead your students on an online field trip of the ocean.

The Deep Sea by Neal Agarwal shows all sorts of marine life in the ocean. Viewers can scroll deeper into the ocean, discovering the animals that dwell at each depth. For a fun pre-tour exercise, distribute a handout with the names of various species and challenge students to guess at which depth the creature lives. Then, check answers as you plunge further down into the ocean.

Journey to The Deep Sea .

4. Aquarium Webcam Livestream

The Monterey Bay Aquarium hosts live cams for animals, including sea otters, penguins, jellyfish, and sharks. Aquarium employees narrate during feeding time, so for maximum engagement consider tuning in during mealtimes. The aquarium website also offers free online classes for ages ranging from kindergarten to high school, resources for teachers, and crafts and printables.

Dive into the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s live webcams .

5. Virtual Tour of the Great Wall of China

Your students can trek the Great Wall of China from the comfort of home. For $15, The China Guide offers a guided tour through high resolution images of the Great Wall of China via Zoom. Your students can also take part in question and answer sessions with an expert and have an interactive experience.

Stroll the Great Wall of China .

6. NASA Commercial Crew Program

Until recently, space wasn’t on the list of field trip destinations. NASA decided to teleport students directly to space camp by curating a virtual field trip that highlights its commercial crew program. Teachers can transmit a series of educational videos onto virtual reality sets to create an immersive experience. The tour guide leads virtual visitors through spaceship crew pits and launching pads while explaining the process of becoming an astronaut. The tour puts a heavy emphasis on STEM education and directs teachers to resources useful for supplementary science and math lessons.

Learn more about NASA’s at-home STEM activities .

7. Disney Parks Digital Tour

Most children dream of the day the teacher announces a field trip to Disney World. While students may not be able to ride teacups or roller coasters during a digital tour of Disney, they can still experience the excitement of the happiest place on earth by touring a high resolution Google Street view of the parks.

Students who have not yet visited Disney can see what the park is like, and those that have visited can point out sites and share stories. You can also include Disney history and lessons on the inspirations behind the attractions to make the tour more educational. Consider serving Disney themed snacks during breaks, and perhaps initiating a singalong during a music lesson. With the money you save on transportation and admission, you could even hire a beloved Disney character to pay the class a visit.

Learn more about Disney Parks Digital Tour .

8. Streaming Broadway Shows

Instead of escorting your students to a Broadway show, summon a Broadway stage to your classroom. Broadway HD has a library of hundreds of productions, including rare and obscure shows. While not in real time, most filmed productions on the site are of live shows. Your students can uncover hard to find productions and learn about American theatre history too. Broadway HD offers a one week free trial, as well as monthly and yearly subscription options.

Watch a Broadway show .

9. Virtual Reality Rainforest Tour

Even if you had the budget to fly your class to the Amazon, a real-life tour would be too risky for a field trip. A virtual tour lets students experience panoramic views of lush rain forests while learning about indigenous communities and conservation efforts. The tour is viewable as an immersive experience via virtual reality devices, or as a 360 degree video on regular devices. By participating in the Under the Canopy tour, students come to understand the importance of the rain forest and its connection to human life as a whole.

Embark on a virtual reality rain forest tour .

10. Computerized Cockpit Tours

Livestream cockpit tours make thrilling virtual field trips for high school students. While airline regulations call for restricted cockpit access, you may be able to find a private pilot willing to give your students a Skype tour of the craft. The pilot might even broadcast a quick flight.

If you cannot find a live guide, then the following organizations provide self-guided tours with pilot-perspective views of various aircraft:

  • The Naval Aviation Museum
  • Experimental Aircraft Association
  • National Museum of the USAF
  • Museum of Flight

Or, you could download and run a flight simulator that gives students the chance to navigate and land a virtual plane.

11. Living Rooms Around the World

A living room might seem like an odd choice for a virtual field trip, but a living room located across the globe is as fascinating as any other destination. You can plan a tour of foreign homes so that your students can learn how everyday life differs around the world.

If you know individuals in other countries willing to Zoom with your students, then you can reach out to these acquaintances and coordinate your experience directly. If not, then you can contact a foreign exchange program or local university for help. You can also watch the Life Where I’m From channel on YouTube, though live tours with question and answer sessions are more personal and immersive.

You and your students can also check out Dollar Street for a strong visual map of how people live around the world.

12. Virtual Tour of the Louvre

The Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world, but many people will never visit in person. By taking your class on a virtual tour of the Louvre, you save airfare and time spent waiting in line.

The Louvre offers high resolution, 360 degree tours of various exhibitions on its website. Your class can explore Egyptian antiquities, classic Italian paintings, and the remains of an underground moat, all without leaving the classroom.

The Louvre site also directs visitors towards a downloadable “VR Mona Lisa” app that provides an up close peek at the famous painting, and other video and at-home experiences.

Visit the Louvre .

13. Online Tour of the British Museum

The British Museum’s online Museum of the World exhibit lets visitors view and sort artifacts based on time period, area of origin, and themes such as religion or trade. Each point on the timeline contains pictures, descriptions, an audio file, and links to related objects.

This format lends itself well to a virtual scavenger hunt . Solving an activity helps students focus and remain more engaged, which results in students learning more from the experience.

Explore the British Museum .

14. Digital Tour of the Van Gogh Museum

While the digital tour of the Van Gogh Museum fails to capture the paintings’ texture, it does offer contextual information on the artist’s most famous images such as Almond Blossom and Self-portrait With Grey Felt Hat . This tour also provides background information about Van Gogh’s life, with several narrative timelines.

Check out the Van Gogh Museum .

15. Google Meets Visit to the Guggenheim

The Guggenheim offers an interactive virtual museum experience. Booking a tour gives your class access to a guide for one hour, and your class will view three to five famous works and participate in an ongoing Q&A session. The museum educator facilitates activities that encourage students to engage with the art. All tours take place via Zoom or Google Meet.

Though the museum gears most tours towards grade school, they also hold separate online tours for university students and adults as well.

Book a Virtual Group Visit to the Guggenheim .

16. Computerized Career Days

Career day is a staple of the school experience. Typically, parents and community professionals visit classrooms to talk to students about various jobs. Online, these professionals can actually take students along on the job. Students can go to work with firefighters, underwater welders, cake decorators, farmers, or any other interesting vocations that do not mind taking the kids along.

Career days can be an ongoing series, with a five to 15-minute tour of a different workplace every session. This approach spreads the fun across a larger span of time by hosting a mini field trip every day, instead of condensing all the excitement into a single afternoon.

You can do online career tests too, or plan a virtual take your child to work day .

17. Remote City Tours

Tour guides in many cities offer a verbal history and visual slideshow via software like Zoom and WebEx. Remote city tours are one of the easiest-to-execute virtual field trip ideas. The guides already mapped the path and prepared the presentation; you only need to book the tour and show up with your class.

The crew here at TeamBuilding recently embarked on a virtual tour of Black Broadway in Washington DC and an online Harry Potter tour of Edinburgh, Scotland. Our team thoroughly enjoyed both tours and learned a lot.

18. Online Historical Sites

historic virtual field trip

Many online field trips focus on learning about history. You and your class can visit significant sites all around the world and learn how these locations shaped modern history.

Here is a short list of historical sites with online experiences:

  • The Sistine Chapel
  • The Taj Mahal
  • Ellis Island
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  • Gettysburg Battlefield

There are many other historically significant locations you can visit online.

19. DIY Virtual Field Trips

Some schools give students options to vote on the yearly field trip. Since online field trips use minimal time and resources, every student can design a dream trip. Instead of organizing a virtual trip yourself, you can assign the planning to your students. Every participant can design an itinerary by using Google Tour Creator .

Students may choose to explore areas such as the tombs of pharaohs, or the birth cities of American jazz. Your students will become the tour guides and teach peers about the chosen topic.

Most of these virtual field trips are available to anyone, and are free to access, meaning your students can visit or revisit the sites anytime. To make your activity extra special, seek out guide-led, live, interactive experiences so that your students can hold conversations with an expert. You can also supplement the trip with assignments and fun games.

Next, check out our list of games to play on Zoom, this list of Google Meet games , and this one with online art classes .

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FAQ: Virtual field trips

Here are some of the most common questions and answers about virtual field trips.

What are virtual field trips?

Virtual field trips are learning excursions that happen online through video conferencing software, livestream video, or digital map and photograph platforms. For example, a virtual zoo tour or an online visit to the Great Wall of China.

What are good online field trip ideas?

The best online field trips often revolve around experiences that are off-limits or logistically impossible for in-person visits. To keep students interested, these activities should involve interactive elements such as question and answer sessions, games, and special requests.

How do you do a virtual field trip?

The first step in planning virtual field trips is to decide on your venue and activity. You can choose between self-guided tours or live-guided experiences. Typically, live video and interaction makes for a more compelling visit. Once you choose your trip, pick a day and time for your visit and inform the students. You can plan additional activities like research assignments and presentations to enhance your student’s learning. You can also make the day special by providing themed snacks.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

That was so cool!! I am a child and I am making these things for my JK sister. This was really helpful. Thank you!!

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Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com.

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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44 Captivating Virtual Field Trips to Explore from The Classroom

Virtual field trips are a great alternative to traditional field trips when obstacles such as budget or scheduling prevent in-person experiences. They also provide access to educational opportunities across the globe and throughout history, without the need for fundraising or permission slips.

You can also consider using a virtual field trip as a reward for good behavior for your students. Whatever the case, there are numerous tours and trips that are simply outstanding and captivating.

How do virtual field trips work?

Virtual field trips are a type of digital experience that enables students to explore different places, events, or experiences without having to physically leave their classrooms. These trips use technology to create an interactive and immersive learning environment.

Typically, in order to take part in a virtual field trip, you will need certain tech on hand:

  • A computer and ideally as smart whiteboard in class. It’s best if students have their own tablets or computers. But this can be done with one large projector.
  • Stable internet connection.
  • Speakers for good audio in class. We love and suggest the Anker Soundcore speaker .
  • Optional VR headset. Some tours are compatible with VR and provide an immersive experience.

You can use virtual field trips to boost learning outcomes by connecting them with particular lessons, units, or topics in the curriculum. To reinforce the ideas explored throughout the virtual experience, create follow-up activities or assignments.

The best virtual field trips for students

With that out of the way, here are Teach and GO’s top choices for virtual field trips:

The Vatican Museums Virtual Tour

Explore the extensive collection of art at the Vatican Museums and discover iconic sites like the Sistine Chapel. Discover masterpieces from the Renaissance period and take in the beauty of Raphael’s Rooms. You can also visit St. Peter’s Basilica.

Ellis Island Virtual Tour

Explore Ellis Island and discover the immigration procedure and the experiences of those who went through this important entrance to America. Ellis Island is one of the most important sites in American history. It was the main port of entry for millions of immigrants from 1892 to 1954.

Machu Picchu Virtual Tour

Explore Machu Picchu, the ancient Inca city nestled in the Andes Mountains of Peru, through a virtual hike. Begin with a scenic hike to the Sun Gate, where you will get an unforgettable view of Machu Picchu from the top.

The National Gallery of Art Virtual Tour

You should visit the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. There you can discover a wide range of art pieces, including paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. The museum features both permanent and temporary exhibitions, offering visitors the chance to learn about a variety of artists, cultures, and time periods.

Anne Frank House Virtual Tour

Explore the secret annex where Anne Frank and her family concealed themselves during World War II and gain understanding of their experiences. Take a tour of the museum, then view original artifacts from Anne’s time in hiding. Learn about her journaling and other writings.

The Great Barrier Reef Virtual Tour

Explore the vibrant marine life and ecological importance of the Great Barrier Reef, which is the world’s largest coral reef system. Dive in to find out more of the spectacular array of coral and marine life in this diverse and vibrant ecosystem.

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Virtual Tour

Visit the Museum of Modern Art to see their extensive collection of modern and contemporary art, which includes pieces by well-known artists. From there, take a stroll through Central Park to appreciate its lush greenery and peaceful atmosphere.

Acropolis Museum Virtual Tour

You can explore ancient artifacts and sculptures from the Acropolis site by visiting the Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece. The museum features a variety of exhibits ranging from ancient Greek culture to the modern era.

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum and discover the fascinating world of aviation and space exploration. Explore the incredible history of aviation and space exploration through interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, educational resources, and 3D models.

The Museum of Natural History Virtual Tour

Visit the American Museum of Natural History to see displays featuring dinosaurs, fossils, human evolution, and other subjects. Browse the galleries to learn about cultures and civilizations around the world, from ancient Egypt to modern India.

Palace of Versailles Virtual Tour

Experience a virtual tour of the Palace of Versailles in France, which includes its magnificent gardens and luxurious interiors. Explore the Hall of Mirrors, the Pyramids Room, and other historically significant rooms. Learn about the works of art that are housed in this breathtaking palace.

The National Aquarium Virtual Tour

Experience a virtual tour of the National Aquarium and explore diverse marine life in their natural habitats. Get an up-close look at the many species of fish, sharks, reptiles and amphibians that live under the sea.

National Museum of African American History and Culture Virtual Tour

Visit the Smithsonian museum to discover the exhibits and learn about the history and contributions of African Americans. Explore the National Museum of African American History and Culture, where you can learn about the African American experience through interactive exhibits and displays.

The Colosseum Virtual Tour

Discover the captivating history and impressive architecture of the ancient amphitheater by exploring the Colosseum, an iconic destination in Rome, Italy. Begin your visit with a guided tour inside the Colosseum, where you’ll find information about its construction and bloody past.

Galapagos Islands Virtual Tour

Experience and learn about the distinctive plant and animal life of the Galapagos Islands through interactive virtual activities. From listening to the songs of the endemic Galapagos mockingbird or exploring the archipelago’s unique lava landscapes, you can discover what this beautiful area of the world has to offer.

Galapagos National Park Virtual Tour

Experience the diverse wildlife of the Galápagos Islands by taking a virtual tour through its unique ecosystems. From the mangrove forests of Isabela Island to the dry landscapes of Santiago Island, you can explore each island’s natural habitat.

The National Museum of China Virtual Tour

You should go to the National Museum of China in Beijing to learn about the rich cultural and historical heritage of the country. Explore the various galleries and exhibitions that showcase artifacts from ancient dynasties, and get a glimpse into China’s past.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Virtual Tour

Explore the historical events that led to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, as well as its impact on peace and world history. Learn about the complex decisions behind the bombing and its long-term consequences. Discover how this event shaped international relations, nuclear policy, and affected human lives.

Grand Canyon Virtual Tour

Experience a virtual tour of the stunning landscapes of Grand Canyon National Park. Take a journey through the breathtaking views of the canyons, rock formations, and colorful sandstone walls and Explore the fascinating history of this National Park.

The Pyramids of Giza Virtual Tour

Discover the secrets of the pharaohs as you visit the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, one of the world’s oldest wonders. Explore the tombs of kings and queens, admire the unique architecture, and learn about their fascinating history.

California Academy of Sciences Virtual Tour

Explore interactive exhibits about science, nature, and the environment at the California Academy of Sciences. From the four-story rainforest dome to live animal encounters, you can find something to explore for visitors of all ages.

Getty Museum Virtual Tour

You should visit the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, California to see their famous collection of art and antiquities. The Getty Museum was founded in 1954 and is one of the largest museums of art in the United States.

The Hermitage Museum Virtual Tour

Visit impressive Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, and appreciate its vast collection of artwork. Admire the works of Italian, Dutch, Spanish and French masters, including Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck, Monet and others.

African Safari Virtual Tour

Experience a virtual safari and observe diverse wildlife. From the comfort of your classroom, you can take a trip to Africa and explore its stunning landscapes.

The Louvre Museum Virtual Tour

Visit the famous Louvre Museum in Paris, France to see its vast collection of art and historical artifacts. Explore the world-famous galleries and see some of the most famous works in history, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and Michelangelo.

The Great Wall of China Virtual Tour

Experience the breathtaking views and rich history of the iconic Great Wall of China by taking a virtual walk. With so much to take in, your virtual journey will be full of surprises and unforgettable moments.

National Park Virtual Tours

Students can explore the natural wonders and unique ecosystems of national parks such as Yosemite National Park and Yellowstone National Park through virtual tours.

NASA’s Langley Research Center Virtual Tour

Learn about the pioneering aeronautical and aerospace research conducted at NASA’s Langley Research Center. Explore the history of Langley’s groundbreaking achievements in aviation and space exploration, from its earliest days as the first civilian aeronautics research center.

The British Museum Virtual Tour

Explore the extensive assortment of art and artifacts from various civilizations and historical epochs by visiting the British Museum in London, UK.

San Diego Zoo Virtual Field Trips

The San Diego Zoo offers virtual field trips that allow students to watch live animal cams, discover various species, and participate in interactive activities.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Virtual Tour

Explore the extensive collection of artworks spanning various cultures and centuries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, USA through its virtual tour.

The International Space Station Virtual Tour

Explore the International Space Station (ISS) through a virtual tour and discover more about the experiments and daily life of astronauts in space. Learn about the unique opportunities and challenges of living in a microgravity environment through videos, interactive media, and more.

Google Arts & Culture – Perfect for students

Google Arts & Culture allows you to explore virtual tours and exhibits of a variety of museums, historical landmarks, and cultural sites from all around the world. With interactive experiences, videos, and photos, you can explore different cultures and learn more about their history.

In addition to virtual tours and exhibitions, Google Arts & Culture also provides educational materials such as articles, informative videos, and activities for kids to help them engage with the material.

Best virtual tours for students – Conclusion

Virtual tours can provide a great way for students to get an authentic view of what their day-to-day lives may look like in different places around the world. Whether it be a casual look at campus life or something more structured and technical such as science labs, virtual tours have the power to bring the sights and sounds of faraway locations right into your living room.

From national parks to foreign universities to cultural attractions, there’s truly something for everyone. With these amazing websites, you’ll always have access to exciting new adventures from around the globe.

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Virtual Field Trips

Two children stand in a grassy field with a snowy mountain range in the background. One child looks through binoculars and the other looks in a book.

Explore the World with Virtual Field Trips

Designed for ages 9-15 but customizable for all ages, virtual field trips allow students to travel the world and explore natural environments without leaving the classroom. Each virtual field trip contains a video, teacher guide and student activities.

Scenic view of long leaf pine trees

Working Trees: Reforestation and Responsible Forestry

Forests represent a powerful opportunity to pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, helping to cool our planet while also providing clean air, clean water, and habitat for wildlife.

Constructed wetland surrounded by farmland

Less Harm on the Farm: Regenerative Agriculture

Food is more than something we eat to survive; it's a part of how we thrive. Learn how regenerative agriculture can help us feed a growing population while restoring nature.

A snow capped mountain is reflected in the surface of the water on Jackson Lake.

Climb-It Change

Explore how climate change is impacting alpine ecosystems and go on a climbing adventure with scientists who take you to some of the most stunning mountain ranges in the United States. This film is a Rocket Soul Studios production.

coral reefs

Protecting Our Oceans and Ourselves

More people rely on our ocean for food, energy, transport, recreation and other natural resources than any other time in history.


Climate Heroes: The Power of Trees

Trees are our climate superheroes! From Louisville, Kentucky, in the United States to St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean, trees are playing critical roles in cleaning our air and improving our resilience in the face of climate change.


You’re the Scientist! Citizen Science, Frogs and Cicadas

The conservation community relies heavily on volunteers not only to restore natural areas but to help gauge the success of restoration efforts.


Changing Climate, Changing Cities

Get a front-row, ground-level seat to the challenges cities face as they confront this force of nature, and discover the solutions experts are promoting to mitigate it.

coral reef

The Secret Life of Corals

Learn how fragile reefs are being damaged by human activity and climate change, and how scientists are developing ways to restore corals.


Borneo: The Symphony of the Rainforest

On this journey, we’ll learn how experts are using cutting-edge science to find out how healthy the rainforest is—and to discover where it needs some help!

Clayquot Sound

View from a Canoe

Can you imagine a place with 100 million acres of forest and 30,000 miles of coastline? It exists. The Emerald Edge is home to the largest intact coastal temperate rainforest.


Wild Biomes: America’s Rainforests & Deserts

Two wildly different ecosystems, both dependent on the same precious resource: Water. On this virtual field trip, we’ll travel to Seattle and Arizona.

coral reefs

The Coral Reefs of Palau

Join our expert scientist, marine biologist Stephanie Wear, on a virtual field trip to the coral reefs of Palau where you'll explore amazing underwater cities.


China’s Great Forests

Join our expert scientist Yue Wang, a conservation planning officer for The Nature Conservancy, on a virtual field trip across the world to two stunning provinces in China.


Powering the Planet: Renewable Energy

Join scientist Alex Wegmann as we embark on a Virtual Field Trip to explore a compelling question: How can we get the energy we need without harming nature?


Journey of Water: Colombia’s Páramo

In this virtual field trip, we will explore the magical páramo ecosystem and the stunning mountain landscapes found just beyond the capital city of Bogotá.


Peru: A Coastal Ecosystem

Join fisheries scientist Matias Caillaux to explore the Humboldt Current Ecosystem off the coast of Peru while learning about the area’s amazing diversity and productivity.


Ridge to Reef: A Virtual Field Trip to Hong Kong

The “Ridge to Reef” (R2R) concept is a holistic approach that takes into consideration all the environments within a watershed — from the top of the mountains down to the ocean — and shows that what happens on land affects what happens in the water.

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68 Best Virtual Field Trips for Kids

In the Classroom


Here you will find a list of the best virtual field trips for kids, ranging from preschool and kindergarten to elementary aged children.

These virtual field trips for kids will leave your kiddos learning about animals, history, community helpers, space, national parks, sports arenas, and farms all over the world! The interactive tour with live webcams are a great way to give the kids a closer look at outer space, an animals natural habitat, and our natural world.

Whether for homeschool, preK, kindergarten, first grade, or second grade, you can quickly find great virtual field trips below with the easy-to-find categories. If you’re looking for a middle school and high school appropriate virtual reality field trip, there will be a few to choose from. Otherwise, these are geared towards the younger children. Can’t find what you are looking for? Leave a comment at the end of the post, and I will gladly search for a fun virtual field trip for kids.


Free Virtual Field Trips Zoo and Animals

  • San Diego Zoo : Live animal cameras and instructional activities
  • Butterfly Garden : Learn all about butterlies with this 9 minute video of the most beautiful butterfly habitats in the world.
  • Animal Shelter : This 8 minute video shows the Kidvision kids learning about the animal shelter and how to adopt a pet
  • Emerald Hills Animal Hospital
  • Dinosaur Exhibit
  • Conservation Biology Institute and the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

The Best Virtual Field Trips to a Farm

During the Fall, most elementary grades take a field trip to a farm. The most popular guided tour school groups are animal farms, apple orchards, and pumpkin patches. Below are virtual field trip experiences your kids will love!

  • Dairy Farm : Complete with a downloadable companion activity to get your kids prepared for the virtual field trip of a dairy farm.
  • Animal Farm
  • Condee Horse Farm:  Meet Shorty in this 8 minute virtual tour of a horse farm.
  • Dutch Hollow Farm : 50 minute tour of a dairy farm
  • Tailview Farm : A 47 minute tour of the Tailview Farm recorded in 2020
  • Bonnie Plants : Home Depot takes kids on a multi-part virtual field trips to see gardens and plants
  • Egg Farm Field Trip

Virtual Field Trips Aquarium

  • Seattle Aquarium
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium Live Cam
  • Mystic Aquarium
  • National Aquarium

Community Helpers Virtual Field Trips for Kids

Most elementary social studies curriculum integrates community helpers! These virtual tours will support your lessons by offering an interactive experience.

  • Ft. Lauderdale Children’s Theater
  • Airport : Sit in a cockpit, learn how to fuel a helicopter, and visit an airplane museum
  • Construction Site
  • Bank : Visit the SunTrust Bank with the KidVision kids
  • Television Station : An 8 minute video touring a TV studio with Penny. Learn about green screens, sound and audio boards, and much more.
  • Recycling Center : Here’s an 8 minute video touring a recycling center
  • Library : Learn about putting books in alphabetical order, how to check out your favorite books, and all the other fun parts of a library.
  • Post Office : Learn how to mail a letter
  • Fire Station
  • Whole Foods Grocery Store
  • Police Station
  • Boston Children’s Museum

Virtual Field Trips to Food and Candy Shops

  • Ice Cream Parlor : Visit Jaxson’s Ice Cream Parlor and learn how to order from a menu, choose your favorite toppings, and more sweet fun!
  • Chocolate Factory : Take this fun tour with the KidVision kids and Ms. Penny to see how chocolate is made – from the bean to the candy
  • How M&Ms are made
  • Bakery:  A 7 minute video that will take you to a bakeshop and show how cupcakes are made

Virtual Field Trip to Space

The live videos of space exploration are excellent educational activities.

  • Visit the Moon : This 23 minute video will take you on a NASA virtual field trip to the moon.
  • Kennedy Space Center
  • Virtual Tour of Mars (Access Mars)
  • Slime in Space
  • Google Earth interactive map to get the google street view of any location in the world, such as the Great Lakes, the Liberty Bell, Mexico City, New York City, or the beautiful Yosemite National Park.
  • International Space Station

Virtual Field Trips for Learning History

  • Pilgrim Life:  Learn about games and chores of pilgrim children in the 1620s
  • George Washington’s Mount Vernon
  • White House : Take a virtual tour of the white house
  • Statue of Liberty
  • Railroad Museum : Learn about railroad safety in this 5 minute video by Kid Vision
  • Smithsonian National Museum of History :  Click to see different areas of the museum as you and the kids walk through this virtual tour.
  • Great Wall of China : Although the history behind this extraordinary exhibit is beyond early childhood curriculum, the kids will love the 360-degree view. This virtual tour of the great wall of china would be great when teaching different cultures.
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Plimoth Plantation: Perfect for your Thanksgiving activities and lessons for kids
  • Empire State Building Live Cam
  • Ellis Island

Amazing National Parks Virtual Tours

  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Grand Canyon
  • Amazon Rainforest
  • African Safari in Etosha

Sports Virtual Field Trips

  • Baseball Stadium : This 6 minute video will take you on a virtual field trip to a Baseball Stadium. Meet the team mascot, throw a pitch, and much more.
  • Bowling Alley:  Join the kids as they go to a bowling alley, learn how to pick out the right ball, and have fun with some strikes!
  • Play 60 Football Stadium Virtual Field Trip for Kids

Virtual Field Trips to Oceans

  • Hawaii : Learn about Hawaiian art, music, and dance.
  • Artic : Explore the arctic for kids and learn about arctic animals and climates
  • Coral Reef : See sea turtles, octopus, eels, and more as you explore the coral reef.

Virtual Field Trips to Kids Museum

  • Children’s Museum of Atlanta : This was rated amongst the top world-famous museum choices for kids
  • Explore STEM and STEAM projects at the National Children’s Museum

I hope you’ve enjoyed this collection of these best places for virtual field trips for kids. Be sure to bookmark this page, so you can easily access it throughout the year. If you’d like to join the Little Learning Corner email crew, sign up HERE to get something new, fun, and helpful every week!

Before you go, here are some popular blog posts you may enjoy:

75 Fun Yes and No Questions for Kids

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Virtual Field Trips for Kids

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Virtual field trip merupakan salah satu moda pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti field trip. Penggunaan virtual field trip dapat menginisiasi adanya perubahan kemampuan keterampilan peserta didik dengan kombinasi pembelajaran berbasis masa depan keberlanjutan untuk mengatasi permasalahan dunia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelaksanaan virtual field trip terhadap literasi keberlanjutan dan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi experiment dengan desain penelitian Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. Sampel terdiri atas 49 peserta didik kelompok eksperimen yang melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan bantuan virtual field trip dan 49 orang peserta didik yang melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan blended learning. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen 30 soal pilihan ganda pada tes literasi keberlanjutan dan 7 soal uraian untuk keterampilan berpikir kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa virtual field trip tidak berpengaruh terhadap kenaikan literasi keberlanjutan bagi peserta didik tetapi berpengaruh dalam kenaikan keterampilan berpikir kritis dari peserta didik. Tidak berpengaruhnya virtual field trip terhadap literasi keberlanjutan disebabkan oleh kurangnya motivasi dari peserta didik, serta singkatnya pembelajaran yang berlangsung, kurangnya rasa familiar peserta didik terhadap lokasi yang dipilih, serta pengetahuan yang terlalu umum sehingga tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan dari kedua kelompok. Kata Kunci: Virtual field trip, Literasi Keberlanjutan, Keterampilan Bepikir Kritis Virtual field trip is a solution that can be applied as an alternative of actual field trip. The use of virtual field trips can initiate changes in students skill abilities with a combination of education for sustainable development for solving the global problems. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of implementing virtual field trips on sustainability literacy and students critical thinking skills. This study uses the Quasi experiment method with the research design of Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The sample consisted of 49 experimental group students who carried out learning with the help of virtual field trips and 49 students with the help of videos and modules as well as structured assignments. Research data were collected using the instrument of multiple choice questions on the sustainability literacy test and essay for critical thinking skills. The results of the study indicate that virtual field trips have no effect on increasing sustainability literacy for students but have an effect on increasing students' critical thinking skills. The virtual field tripi has no effect on sustainability literacy due to the lack of motivation from students, as well as the shortness of the learning that takes place, the lack of familiarity of students with the chosen location, and knowledge that is too general so that there is no significant difference between the two groups. Keyword: Virtual field trip, Sustainability Literacy, Critical Thinking Skills

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The 22 Ultimate Virtual Field Trips & Tours for Students

Two students and a teacher explore virtual field trips on a tablet in the classroom.

Written by Maria Kampen

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What is a virtual tour and how does it work?

Technology powering virtual field trips for students, 22 best virtual field trips for students, how to incorporate virtual tours into learning activities.

Imagine taking your entire class to see one of the seven wonders of the world up close and personal — and then being back at school before the final bell rings. 

The rise of online learning activities during the pandemic accelerated the availability of virtual field trips , tours and experiences for students of all ages. Now there are many interactive virtual tours available to places that would be impossible to reach on a class trip — the pyramids in Egypt, the Louvre museum in Paris or even an African safari.

We put together a list of 22 unforgettable virtual field trips and experiences that will help your students see amazing sights, connect their learning to real-world experiences and expand their horizons.

Virtual tours allow students to explore noteworthy places around the world, from the comfort of their home or the classroom. 

Virtual tours give students the opportunity to stop, explore and guide learning at their own pace. While they’re exploring, they can get up close to nature or artifacts that might not otherwise be easily accessible. 

Virtual tours can be many different things, including:

  • A live webcam of a zoo or animal habitat
  • A 360 degree view of a location you can manipulate
  • Pictures enriched with helpful information and diagrams

Even ten or fifteen years ago, video tours would have been rare or impossible. Advancements in technology and education have combined to help people learn and explore from anywhere!

  • National Geographic creates TV series about nature, history and archaeology
  • Food shows like Netflix’s Salt Fat Acid Heat take viewers on food journeys across the world
  • Planet Earth , a television series, brings far-flung locations to your living room or classroom
  • Discovery Education gives educators access to multimedia resources that supplement classroom learning
  • Video conferencing technology like Zoom lets you connect with people and learning experiences around the world

We love being able to sit at home or in the classroom and learn about different foods, cultures and geography. Why not introduce that to your students?

1. Take a trip to the zoo

Two zebras in a zoo

Whether it’s live webcams of adorable pandas or behind-the-scenes tours with zookeepers, zoos all over the world offer ways for animal antics to delight and entertain your students. 

Some of our favorites include:

  • Edinburgh Zoo’s Panda Cam
  • Georgia Aquarium’s Beluga Whale Livestream
  • The Smithsonian National Zoo’s Naked Mole-rat Cam
  • A live feed of African river wildlife in Laikipia County, Kenya
  • The San Diego Zoo Live Ape Cam , or any of their other live animal feeds
  • Home Safari videos from the Cincinnati Zoo, where zookeepers introduce you to the hundreds of animals that make the zoo their home.

2. Visit The Hidden Worlds of National Parks

Take a virtual field trip to Yosemite National Park.

From Yosemite to Mesa Verde, explore some of the USA’s most beloved and beautiful national parks with The Hidden World of National Parks .  

Supported by Google Arts & Culture , students can use the same technology that powers Street View to explore the national parks at their own pace. 

The program also includes guided tours from park rangers, where they share their expertise as you explore. Follow the on-screen prompts and let them guide your adventure!

3. Watch the Monterey Bay Aquarium Sea Otters

A sea otter plays in the water.

Play with the sea otters as they swim around Monterey Bay Aquarium in California! Tune in throughout the day to see them being fed, learn fun facts about otters and watch them play in the water. 

If you’d like to check out some other aquarium-related channels, Monterey Bay Aquarium also offers Open Sea or Kelp Forest live streams.

4. Swim through Palau coral reefs

Travel to the Pacific Ocean through a virtual adventure and see the Palau coral reefs . Hosted by Nature Lab and the Nature Conservancy, this tour teaches students about the importance of preserving some of the most fragile ecosystems in the world — no wetsuit required. 

Take learning to the next level with the Nature Lab’s Teacher’s Guide , which includes discussion questions and related resources to keep learners engaged. 

5. Visit the surface of Mars

Take a virtual tour of the surface of Mars.

It took the Perseverance rover about seven months to get to Mars. But thanks to this virtual tour , you and your students can go for a visit in just one afternoon. 

Created by Google and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, this virtual tour takes you through the history of Mars explorations and turns what might be a far-flung topic into something right at students’ fingertips. They’ll explore the surface of Mars, learn more about the rovers that have studied its surface and understand how Mars exploration fits into the history of space travel.

6. Power up with renewable energy

Powering the Planet from the Nature Conservancy is an interactive lesson that focuses on renewable energy sources. It explains to students how energy around them is necessary for life, and covers how energy can be sourced in a way that’s not harmful to the environment.

All the Nature Conservancy’s programs come with a Teacher Guide , which offers lesson plans and activities relating to the virtual tour. 

7. Walk the Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China in the fall.

The Great Wall of China is over 13,000 miles long, so be sure to pack your walking shoes for this trip!

This virtual tour lets students explore key points in the Great Wall of China, plus see the history and amazing view up close.

8. Float around the International Space Station

Take a virtual tour to the international space station.

Did you know that astronauts have continuously inhabited the International Space Station for 20 years? Now your class can join them!

With tours of the different parts of the space station, facts about the layout and assembly, and information about the different astronauts who’ve visited from around the world, students can get an out-of-this-world experience from the comfort of their home or classroom. 

Plus, there are plenty of images, videos, graphics and media resources to help you tie topics into your curriculum.

9. Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, perfect for virtual tours.

The Great Barrier Reef is a delicate ecosystem especially vulnerable to the effects of pollution and climate change. 

David Attenborough’s Great Barrier Reef is a tour created in partnership with the Natural History Museum in London that teaches everyone about the beauty and fragility of one of the world’s greatest natural wonders. 

The Great Barrier Reef is also available on Google Street View through Google Maps as one of the first underwater locations to be mapped. 

10. Learn about water and Colombia’s páramo ecosystem

Just outside of Bogotá, Columbia, is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. In this virtual lesson, students will learn about how the water cycle plays a vital role in biodiversity, and get an up-close look at the animals that call the area home. 

Use the accompanying Teacher Guide to help students discuss the topic and stay engaged with the lesson. And check out the rest of the Nature Lab's YouTube channel for even more virtual experiences.

11. Tour the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Visit the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History as part of a virtual tour.

The Smithsonian Institute is the world’s largest museum — so there are plenty of things for students to explore. 

With a variety of virtual tours to choose from, the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History is full of ways to get students excited about learning. Students can watch narrated tours of different exhibits ranging from history and geography to the research stations in the museum. 

Whether students want to walk through the museum on their own or let someone else do the talking, there’s something for every lesson.

12. Get caught up in the American Revolution

The American Museum of Natural History, which offer virtual learning experiences for students.

History meets the present at the Museum of the American Revolution ! 

This virtual tour lets students see artifacts, meet museum staff and hear stories of real people who fought for American independence.

It also comes with a Classroom Ki t for 2nd to 8th grade that supplements learning and makes it even more meaningful. 

13. Trek up Mt. Everest

This 360 degree video from National Geographic lets students explore Mt. Everest along with a group of researchers. Together, they’ll discover what kind of effects climate change has on the mountain, and how we can work to preserve natural landscapes. 

Not up for climbing mountains? Take a virtual ride on Expedition Everest , the tallest rollercoaster in any Disney park! But beware — there’s a monster lurking in the dark.

14. Get the right angle with Explore Geometry

The gardens of Versailles are a great way to teach students about real-life geometry

Powered by Nearpod, Explore Geometry ’s lesson plans connect classroom lessons with architecture in the natural world.

Students can explore the gardens of Versailles to learn about the geometry of a French garden before moving on to the next lesson and putting their skills to practical use.

15. Wander through the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

The Great Hall in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

One of the most well-known museums in the world, students can now explore The Met’s vast collections with the Met 360º Project .

Virtual tours help students get a sense of the space, art and collections inside of the museum. Whether they’re interested in the Met Cloisters or the Arms and Armor gallery, students can go at their own pace, accompanied by a soothing soundtrack. 

You can also book virtual tours with a museum guide to line up with your lesson plan. Tours are free for NYC public schools and all Title I schools, and $200 USD per class for other schools.

16. Explore history in the British Museum

Another world-class museum, students can explore the British Museum in London using Google Street View, read facts about the artifacts and connect what they see to their history lessons. 

Whether it’s the Rosetta Stone, the Elgin Marbles, Egyptian sculpture or any other historical treasure, there’s something every student will find interesting!

If you want to let someone else do the exploring, there’s also a 46-minute virtual walking tour , where you can skip to the sections that are most relevant to you and your class. 

17. Visit the White House

Take a virtual tour of the White House in Washington, D.C.

In Washington, D.C. the White House is the symbolic heart of America, and now students can walk the halls for themselves. 

Whether they want to take a lap around the Oval Office or wander the building, students can explore this virtual tour from the White House Historical Association . Plus, it comes with class tie-ins like vocabulary lessons and other activities to make the experience even more memorable! 

18. Arrive at Ellis Island

Historical photograph of Ellis Island.

Ever wonder what it was like for new immigrants to see the Statue of Liberty and step foot on American soil for the first time?

Now students can experience it for themselves with this virtual tour , a collaboration between Scholastic and the National Park Service. They’ll learn the importance of immigration in the history of the United States and hear real-life stories about the people who came looking for a better life. 

After students watch the video, they can click through this interactive map with facts and stories about the people who came through Ellis Island. 

19. Explore China's forests

In this online tour, students can explore the natural habitats of pandas in the forests of China . They’ll discover how the panda’s home plays a role in understanding our world, learn about local conservation efforts and see the big-picture view of how these vast forests fit into our understanding of nature and climate change. 

Plus, this program also comes with a handy Teacher Guide for you to use in lesson planning!

20. Bundle up in the Arctic tundra

Three polar bears walk across the snow in the Arctic tundra.

Take a virtual field trip all the way up north to the tundra! Discovery Education’s tundra programs for elementary, middle and high school students cover the natural habitat of polar bears, plus their activities and migration patterns.

This virtual tour comes with instructional activities and classroom tie-ins, so you can be sure students are getting a productive learning experience.

21. Go spelunking in the world's largest cave

Inside shot of Son Doong, the largest cave in the world, in Vietnam.

Travel through Vietnam’s Son Doong, the world’s largest cave . First explored by researchers in 2009, this cave is up to 200 meters tall in some areas and even has its own jungle inside. 

It’s estimated that the total length of the cave system is over 200 kilometers, and with this National Geographic tour students can explore to their heart’s content. High definition pictures and helpful facts mean that not only is this an awe-inspiring trip for students, but it’s also educational! 

Because the cave is ecologically sensitive, only a certain number of tourists are allowed to visit each year. This virtual tour is a great way for kids and adults to experience the wonder up close!

22. Browse the Louvre

The outside of the Louvre museum in Paris, France.

Take your students on a quick trip to Paris where you can explore the architecture and art of the Louvre without the crowds. 

Plus, the Louvre also offers Louvre Kids , as well as a Mona Lisa Beyond the Glass virtual app experience where users can learn how Leonardo da Vinci created his most well-known masterpiece.

From kindergarten to high school, virtual field trips are a great way to get students excited about learning. And if you’re homeschooling , they’re the perfect way to get real-world experience without leaving the house!

To get the most out of the experience, keep these tips in mind:

  • Ask students what they’re interested in exploring 
  • Look for virtual experiences that fit into your lesson plan for maximum impact
  • Search for supplementary resources like teacher guides and discussion questions
  • Try out the virtual tour first to make sure it’s worth it and to avoid any unpleasant technical glitches
  • Use virtual field trips at the beginning of a unit to introduce students to new concepts, or at the end as a reward and wrap-up activity

Be sure to follow up with students and see what they liked the most. Then, harness that excitement for your next lesson or activity! 

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40 Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

No permission slips needed.

Amazing Educational Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field trips are a game changer. Not only do they fill in for real field trips when budgets and other roadblocks prevent in-person options, but virtual field trips also open doors to educational experiences all over the country and the world, both past and present. No fundraising or permission slips required!

(Note: For anyone who needs it, YouTube offers a closed-captioning option. Just click the CC button in the bottom right-hand corner.)

1. Amazon Career Tours

Amazon career tours

Amazon Career Tours are free virtual field trips that inspire students to pursue careers of the future. Tour whenever, wherever on Kahoot! Each tour comes with a Teacher Toolkit that includes a facilitation guide and student worksheets.

  • (New!) Amazon Music: Careers Behind the Beats : From studio to streaming, check out how computer science and amazing professionals make listening to your favorite songs possible.
  • Amazon Fulfillment Center Tour : Explore how packages get delivered at lightning speed and how computer science, engineering, and real people work together to make the magic happen. 
  • Data Center Tour 1: Uncovering Cloud Computing : Do students know what “the cloud” actually is? Find out how we went from renting movies at the store to streaming them from anywhere at any time.
  • Data Center Tour 2: Keeping Data Safe and Sustainable : Discover the infrastructure that keeps your information safe and sustainable while diving into data careers of the future.
  • Space Innovation Tour : Students will learn about the amazing technology on board the Orion spacecraft in NASA’s Artemis I flight test and hear from the engineers who made it all possible.

There are so many amazing online options when it comes to zoos that we couldn’t narrow it down to just one. Most zoos have live webcams in some of their most popular exhibits, such as the KC Zoo Polar Bear Cam and the Giant Panda Cam at Smithsonian’s National Zoo . However, some zoos offer a more in-depth look. You’ll definitely want to check out the San Diego Zoo as their site for kids includes behind-the-scenes videos and stories, as well as a variety of printable activities and online games. Check out our full list of virtual zoo goodness.

3. The Aquarium

It’s a similar story with aquariums. You have your pick of live webcams, but our favorites are the Georgia Aquarium’s Ocean Voyager webcam (wait for the whale shark!) and the “Jelly Cam” at Monterey Bay Aquarium (so soothing). The Seattle Aquarium even has a 30-minute video tour . Want more under-the-sea fun? Here’s our ultimate list of virtual aquarium field trips.

4. The Farm

The classic preschool field trip goes online! You can have your pick of dairy farm field trips, but we like this one from the Dairy Alliance  and this one from Stonyfield Organic . Farm Food 360 gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves in Canadian farm and food tours—from raising pigs to making milk and cheese. We’re also loving these virtual egg farm field trips from the American Egg Board.


5. An Art Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art's #MetKids

We found 20 art museums with virtual tours , including the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s # MetKids and its awesome Where’s Waldo? setup. And you can’t miss the world-famous Louvre in Paris (no passport needed!). Check out the current virtual tours: Traveling Materials and Objects, the Advent of the Artist, the Body in Movement, and Founding Myths: From Hercules to Darth Vader!

6. A National Park

From webcams at Hawaii volcanoes to a virtual run along the rim of the Grand Canyon , you have tons of options here. Our top pick would have to be Yellowstone. The interactive maps are a great way to see the Mammoth Hot Springs and Mud Volcano, but we think kids will be psyched about the Old Faithful Geyser livestream and the opportunity to make their own predictions for its next eruption . Check out everything the National Park Service has to offer virtually.

7. A Planetarium

Through Stellarium Web , kids can explore over 60,000 stars, locate planets, and watch sunrises and solar eclipses. If you enter your location, you can see all the constellations that are visible in the night sky in your corner of the world.

8. A Recycling Center

Take your students on a virtual field trip of a recycling center and a modern landfill . Plus, there’s a full-on curriculum that includes lesson plans, take-home handouts, and more.

9. Slime in Space

Nickelodeon teamed up with two astronauts on the International Space Station to demonstrate how slime reacts to microgravity and had kids reproduce those same demonstrations back here on Earth. It makes for an amazing 15-minute virtual field trip .

10. Nature Lab

The Nature Conservancy has a brand-new virtual field trip entitled “You’re the Scientist! Citizen Science, Frogs & Cicadas.” Check out their full library of videos on topics like climate change and water security.

11. Discovery Education

Discovery Education hosts a variety of virtual events —each with a companion guide with hands-on learning activities. Current offerings include “Making a New Life: The Courage of a Refugee” and “The Future Is Now” (architectural and engineering innovations). Stay tuned for their upcoming civics virtual field trip, “The American Ideal.”

12. The Great Lakes

This virtual field trip from Great Lakes Now has three components: coastal wetlands, algae, and lake sturgeon. Each video is a quick five minutes long.

13. The Strong National Museum of Play

Explore online exhibits and discover the history and evolution of play. Check out board games that changed play, sports video games that shaped digital play, and the making of Monopoly to name a few.

14. U.S. Census Bureau

Kids can learn about the most recent Census and how census data is collected and used. This virtual field trip also features interviews with subject matter experts and an interactive challenge.

15. National Constitution Center

The “Museum of We the People,” the Constitution Center serves as a “headquarters for civic education.” Check out the Interactive Constitution section , and be sure to watch the virtual tour .

16. The Johnson Space Center

Houston, we have a virtual field trip. Three, actually. All with companion educator guides. The star of the show is the behind-the-scenes tour of the Johnson Space Center .

17. Birthplace of Music

Boise State put together this fully interactive virtual field trip with text, photos, audio, and video about the history of music. The four featured music locations are: Vienna, Austria; New Orleans, Louisiana; Cleveland, Ohio; and Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia.

18. Colonial Williamsburg

This living-history museum provides a look into life in an early American community. The website offers five different webcams featuring areas such as the tavern and the armory.

19. Mount Vernon

This virtual experience of George Washington’s home is incredibly well done. Enter the different buildings—from the opulent mansion to the chilling slave quarters—and click on different items for video and text explanations.

20. Mount Rushmore

This virtual tour comes with a real tour guide! Blaine Kortemeyer is the Assistant Chief of Interpretation and Education, who lends his expertise on the building of this national monument. The 3D Explorer is also an excellent tool.

21. The Manhattan Project

Take a visit to the National WWII Museum for “a cross-country virtual expedition to discover the science, sites, and stories of the creation of the atomic bomb.” Don’t forget to download the classroom guide!

22. The White House

For a look inside the iconic building, check out the 360° tour of some of the most historic rooms of the People’s House, from the Situation Room to the Oval Office. Examine each room and check out the contents up close.

23. The Smithsonian

The National Museum of Natural History’s virtual experiences are self-guided, room-by-room tours of permanent, current, and past exhibits. Be sure to send kids to the second floor Bone Hall so they can take a look at all different kinds of skeletons.

24. Google Arts & Culture

A collaboration with over 1,200 leading museums and archives, Google Arts & Culture is an incredible storehouse of monumental works of art. We recommend the Street View and Play sections.

25. 360 Cities

Boasting the world’s largest collection of 360° image videos, 360 Cities provides kids with the opportunity to see stunning panoramas across the globe, including their video of the ice floe on the Vistula River in Poland.

26. Buckingham Palace

It’s the official residence of the Queen of England, and boy, is it opulent! Get a peek inside the gorgeous Grand Staircase, White Drawing Room, Throne Room, and Blue Drawing Room.

27. The Great Wall of China

See one of the wonders of the world with this amazing, thousands-year-old fortification system known the world over. This virtual tour has four scenes available (you have to pay to get access to all 14). The bird’s-eye view of Mutianyu pass is a highlight.

28. Easter Island

Easter Island Moai Statues at Rano Raraku under sunny summer sky. Rano Raraku, Rapa Nui National Park, Hanga Roa, Easter Island, Chile.

Most of us recognize the giant stone statues of Easter Island, but what’s the story behind them? Nova’s online adventure “Secrets of Easter Island” delves into the mystery with a virtual tour.

29. Son Doong Cave

National Geographic lets you explore the world’s largest cave, located in Vietnam. Use the interactive map to enjoy the fully immersive experience (sound on!).

30. Ancient Egypt

You don’t need a time machine! Discovering Ancient Egypt has a ton of free resources, but it’s the interactive pyramid map and 3D temple reconstructions that really give it a field trip feel.

31. Back Through Time

Virtually visit Turn Back the Clock , a museum exhibit that ran for two years at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. Through compelling personal stories, innovative interactive media, and pop culture artifacts, the exhibit takes guests through seven decades of history—from the dawn of the nuclear age to significant policy questions our leaders face today.

Landscape on planet Mars, scenic desert scene on the red planet

No, really! You can absolutely “go” to the red planet. With Access Mars , you can see the actual surface of Mars, recorded by NASA’s Curiosity rover. Trust us—don’t skip the intro. And if your kids liked that, check out this 4K tour of the moon . These may go down in history as some of the best virtual field trips your students get to experience.

33. The Battleship New Jersey

Take a virtual tour of this historical battleship located on the Camden waterfront. This battleship has traveled more miles than any other!

34. The Vatican

No need to travel to Rome! Take in the amazing art and architecture located in the Vatican Museums with these 360-degree views.

35. Space Center Houston

Space Center Houston Virtual Tour

Download the app and climb aboard the virtual tram line! Take a virtual walk through the Space Center Houston with informational stops along the way.

36. The Louvre

Virtually visit museum rooms in the famous Louvre located in Paris. Even check out The Louvre kids’ site for student-friendly galleries and stories. You can’t visit The Louvre without seeing the Mona Lisa , so check out their immersive Mona Lisa experience available in the app store.

37. Ellis Island

Map of Ellis Island Virtual Field Trip

This interactive tour of Ellis Island lets students explore places like the Baggage Room and the Stairs of Separation through short stories, historical photographs, videos, and audio clips. Students can also hear the stories of real kids who recently immigrated to the United States, explore colorful charts and graphs with immigration data, and watch a 30-minute movie that includes a Q&A with National Park Service Rangers who explain what coming to America was like for many immigrants.

38. Plimoth Patuxet Museums

Desk with laptop featuring a Wampanoag Native American.

Travel back to the 17th century with options for free, on-demand, digital resources or a live, 1-hour virtual school program led by a Plimoth Patuxet Contemporary Indigenous Museum Educator. Students explore Wampanoag daily life and history; discover the real history of Thanksgiving and the legend behind it; meet a 17th-century Pilgrim; get an interactive sneak peak into 17th-century wardrobes; and learn about simple machines and water power at the Plimoth Grist Mill. There are also options for virtual hands-on history workshops, including Wampanoag Pottery and Write Like a Pilgrim.

39. Children’s Museum Houston

Children's Museum Houston museum educators giving a tour

When you can’t visit the museum in person, 3D virtual field trips to the Children’s Museum Houston are the next best thing. All videos are produced and curated by museum educators and feature hands-on activities that can be done in the classroom. Topics include nutrition, math, states of matter, forces and properties of water, and more.

40. Museum of the American Revolution

Beyond the Battlefield Virtual Field Trip featuring Laruen Tarshis, author of I Survived series

Beyond the Battle Field is a virtual field trip for grades 2-8 hosted by Lauren Tarshis, author of the I Survived historical-fiction series for kids. Students will meet a museum educator as well as the museum curator, and explore artifacts and documents from the American Revolution. Plus they’ll hear the stories of teens who served during the war. There’s also a Classroom Kit available with a vocabulary list and discussion questions by grade level.

If you liked this roundup of the best virtual field trips and want more resources like this, be sure to  subscribe to our newsletters.

Plus, check out the best field trip ideas for every age and interest (virtual options too) ..

You can't always get there in person, but lots of places will let you "visit" online. These are the best virtual field trips out there!

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The 19 Best Free Virtual Field Trips of 2024

Stuck at home? Travel virtually all over the world instead (but seriously, check out the Son Doong Cave)

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When you can't get away, your kids still can by taking a virtual field trip to a museum, farm, zoo, or another fun location. We compiled our list of favorites to help you keep your kids engaged and entertained. Some of these are virtual tours (you can actively decide where to go on the tour) and others are video walkthroughs (just watch and learn), but all give you a great experience of the location.

Best Art-Centric Virtual Tour: The Met

A glimpse at some of the greatest works of art created.

Online exhibits on various topics.

There's only one view of the museum currently available.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is home to over 5,000 years of art from around the world. You can see some of it from the comfort of your home. Take a virtual stroll through part of the museum using Google Street View. There are also numerous online exhibits on topics like Coco Chanel, Vermeer, Catholic allegory in art, and more.

Best Tour of Space: NASA

The volume of space videos.

The approachable aspect of the videos.

So much more to see on the site.

It's not easily searchable unless you know what you're looking for.

This might be cheating a bit because it's really a collection of videos, but, oh boy, what a collection to tour! The Galleries open up an array of videos covering space topics from testing a parachute for Mars to moving water in space. Each video is a mini virtual tour that will awe kids and encourage interest in science and space.

Best Tour of the White House: Google Arts & Culture's The White House

Stunning 360-degree images.

See inside and outside the White House.

Offers views of 140 paintings.

Once inside a tour, it's hard to know what you're looking at.

No search functions.

Every President since John Adams has occupied the White House and now your children can visit it, too. Google Arts & Culture offers four museum views (three tours of The White House and one of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building) plus a look at more than 140 paintings that grace (or have graced) the walls of the country's most famous abode. The 360-degree images let kids explore to their heart's desire.

Best Cave Virtual Tour: Son Doong Cave

Son Doong is beautiful.

The virtual tour includes lots of information.

Zoom into areas for a more detailed look.

No supplemental online activities.

Son Doong is the world's largest natural cave. Located in Vietnam, it features a subterranean river and the largest cross-section of any cave worldwide. National Geographic's virtual tour lets you explore the cave with full 360-degree views and immersive sounds. You can even zoom in one area to check out the campers in their tents. Son Doong is beautiful and worth a virtual visit.

Best National Park Virtual Tour: Yellowstone

Offers multiple tours.

Lots of historical information.

Amazing images.

No video tours.

Lots of written information that can turn off some kids.

Yellowstone offers seven virtual tours appropriate for older elementary and middle school ages. There's a lot of written information along with the images, and the tours aren't in video. However, the information is fascinating, and the photos are stunning.

From learning about old Fort Yellowstone to discovering park anomalies like Mud Volcano, these tours are a great way for kids to discover unique facts about America.

Best Natural History Tour: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

So many exhibits to see!

Easy, clickable maps.

Quick and easy to navigate.

It's not always easy to read the signs in the exhibits.

This iconic museum is dedicated to understanding the natural world and humanity's place in it. There's so much to see it can't possibly be listed here. However, the museum offers an online tour of most of its exhibits. Split this tour up into multiple lessons, so kids don't get overwhelmed.

Skip the ground floor and go straight to the first or second floors.

Best Aquarium Virtual Tour: National Aquarium

Easy to find exhibits.

Fun to explore using the 360-degree options.

Some scenes spin quickly, which can frustrate young learners.

Baltimore's National Aquarium features more than 20,000 aquatic animals. Kids can click and drag images to navigate their way around and use arrows, the map, or a scene list to explore various exhibits. Explore eight areas, such as the Amazon River, a tropical rain forest, and jellyfish.

Best Tours of the World: AirPano

Bright, well-produced videos and images.

Offers tours of numerous countries.

Includes video and still frame-images.

What's not to like?

AirPano has a variety of tours in China, Portugal, Switzerland, and more countries. Children can visit the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge in China, an underwater cave in Indonesia, ski resorts in France, and more destinations around the globe.

What makes this site so good is that it offers narrations of several tours, provides closeups through interactive actions, and includes short chunks of written information that's easy for kids of most ages to read. The tours are also fairly short, which makes these tours great for younger kids, but older kids will still enjoy the trip.

Best Virtual Tour for Car Lovers: Lane Motor Museum

Totally unique tour.

An inside look that allows for deep diving into collections.

There's no way to tell what a specific vehicle is unless you know cars.

Scroll to the bottom of the link to watch a fun virtual tour of one of the most unique car museums in the world. Lane Motor Museum is home to an oddball collection of vehicles dating from the 1920s up to modern times.

Your child will love seeing amphibious vehicles, microcars, prototypes, and more. The tour is easy to click through and offers six angles to entertain viewers.

Best Tours of Nature: Nature Works Everywhere

Tours are narrated and easy to follow.

Provides student handouts, vocabulary, and discussion questions.

We wish there was a larger library of tours!

Explore nature around the world with Nature Works Everywhere's virtual tours. Visit the coral reefs of Palau, the deserts and grasslands of Africa, a rainforest (from a canoe's viewpoint), a renewable energy plant, and more.

The tours are narrated and give great, quick facts to help kids learn in simple, straightforward ways. All tours are appropriate for grades 3 through 12 but are marked with notes about the grades most likely to enjoy the tour.

Best Historical Tour: Ellis Island

A clear explanation of Ellis Island, how it worked, and why it was needed.

Includes children asking questions of tour guides.

The images in much of the tour are small in order to focus on the tour guides.

Ellis Island is a key piece of American history. This virtual tour offers lots of anecdotes and features actual guides from Ellis Island telling stories. Plus, it includes lots of pictures and views of the island.

It's more appropriate for fourth grade and up, mainly due to the litany of facts and complexity of the information provided.

Best Slime-Based Virtual Tour: Slime in Space


It's playful and educational.

Good production values.

Fun experiments.

It's a video, not an interactive virtual tour.

What happens to Nickelodeon's iconic slime when it's in space? That's the concept behind the Slime in Space virtual field trip. Featuring real astronauts and Nickelodeon celebrities, the 15-minute video shows kids how slime and water react in a microgravity environment 250 miles above the Earth. Along the way, it answers burning questions like, "Is slime a solid or a liquid?" and "Can you slime a person in space?" (The answer is: yes, very slowly.)

Best Virtual Zoo Tour: San Diego Zoo

Live cams of the animals.

A variety of educational videos.

Fun games and activities.

Fixed camera angles mean you're not always guaranteed to see the animals.

The San Diego Zoo is home to more than 3,500 animals of more than 650 species and subspecies. It's widely considered one of the best zoos in the world. But, if you can't make it to California, it has a robust virtual experience online.

You can peek in on the animals through live cams. There's also a variety of videos that teach kids about vultures or show them how to draw a tiger, for example. There are also zoo-related games and activities kids can do at home.

Best General Farm Tour: FarmFood 360

360-degree views of the farm.

Offers a free app for Android and iOS.

It can be hard to see things on a mobile device.

FarmFood 360 gives an inside look at the activities of a Canadian farm. Kids see 360-degree views of the farm as they learn about milk and cheese production, sheep farming, egg processing, and more.

There's an app available for Android and iOS devices, and it's compatible with some virtual reality headsets.

Best Virtual Planetarium: Stellarium

Realistic night sky simulation.

Mobile apps are available.

Includes a telescope control module for experienced astronomers.

Can be difficult to navigate.

The mobile apps aren't free, but the money supports the project.

Stellarium Web is an online planetarium created by two brothers. Offering an accurate and realistic view of the night sky, it lets you pan around and spot stars, satellites, and other celestial bodies.

It offers mobile apps for Android and iOS that aren't free. The money goes toward paying server and development costs for the two-person project.

Best Living-History Virtual Tour: Colonial Williamsburg

Next best thing to being there.

The virtual scavenger hunt.

The virtual tours are highly interactive.

Virtual tour models can load slowly.

Condensation or inclement weather can obstruct the webcam views.

Colonial Williamsburg is a living-history museum in Virginia that offers a glimpse at what life was like in the 18th century. Its virtual tour is highly interactive and includes videos, informational signs, and 3D models you can rotate.

With its various webcams, you can see the armory, courthouse, merchants square, and more. Colonial Williamsburg's website also offers a virtual scavenger hunt your kids can participate in as they tour the area.

Best European Museum Virtual Tour: The Louvre

It's the Louvre.

The website offers a list of online family-friendly activities.

The virtual tours include a map and an information button.

The website offers limited language options.

Sure, we'd love to jet off to France and tour its fabulous museums personally. But if that's not an option, the Louvre has several virtual tours available on its website. The offerings include exhibitions on the body in movement, founding myths, Egyptian antiquities, and more.

The Louvre also has a handy list of family-friendly online resources everyone can enjoy, including a Mona Lisa VR experience.

Best Factory Virtual Tour: M&M Factory Tour

Zoonar RF / Getty Images

Who doesn't love chocolate?

360-degree views of the factory.

It's short.

The Food Network teamed up with candy maker Mars to give M&M fans a virtual tour of one of its factories. During the short YouTube video, viewers can pan around as a tour guide explains how unrefined chocolate is turned into the little candies we know and love.

Best General Virtual Tour Resource: Discovery Education

An eclectic variety of virtual field trips.

Watch live or on demand.

Trips come with a companion guide packed with activities.

A schedule of when field trips go live would be nice.

Discovery Education offers a variety of virtual field trips for kids learning from home. The offerings change often but currently include an NFL experience, a doodling experience meant to encourage creativity, and a virtual field trip through the internet of things. You can watch the field trips live or catch the videos later on-demand.

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Field Trip Adalah

Apa itu Field Trip

Field Trip jadi salah satu metode pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, banyak manfaat dan menarik bagi peserta didik. Sebab siswa atau mahasiswa dapat belajar di luar sekolah sekaligus jalan-jalan.

Metode pembelajaran ini dilakukan dengan mengajak anak didik mengunjungi suatu tempat di luar sekolah untuk belajar sesuatu.

Nah untuk mengetahui lebih jelasnya silahkan bisa Anda baca dalam artikel tentang field trip ini mulai dari pengertian, manfaat, tujuan dan contohnya.

Apa itu Field Trip

Apa itu Field Trip

Field trip adalah kegiatan belajar di luar kelas yang melibatkan kunjungan ke tempat-tempat tertentu yang berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran atau minat siswa.

Kegiatan ini biasanya dilakukan oleh sekolah, perguruan tinggi, atau organisasi lain yang ingin memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada peserta didik atau anggotanya.

Namun sebenarnya, fieldtrip ini bukan hanya kegiatan bermain atau tamasya di luar sekolah. Biasanya, kegiatan ini ada tugas laporan yang harus murid cari informasinya.

Para peserta biasanya akan mendapatkan kertas laporan untuk menuliskan informasi apa saja yang mereka dapatkan. Kemudian akan ada post test untuk mencoba pengetahuan yang mereka peroleh dari kegiatan studi lapangan tersebut.

Beberapa guru bahkan menganjurkan siswa untuk menuliskan artikel atau jurnal dari objek wisata yang telah mereka kunjungi. Kegiatan Fieldtrip ini biasanya menjadi program tahunan sekolah dan universitas.

Pengertian Field Trip Menurut Ahli

Dalam Kamus Cambridge, pengertian field trip adalah kunjungan oleh siswa untuk mempelajari sesuatu di luar kelas yang berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran atau minat siswa.

Menurut Merriam-Webster, field trip adalah kunjungan oleh siswa dan guru untuk tujuan observasi langsung.

Menurut Educational School Trips, field trip adalah perjalanan oleh sekelompok orang ke tempat yang berbeda dari lingkungan biasa mereka.

Sementara menurut Collins English Dictionary, field trip adalah kunjungan oleh siswa ke tempat-tempat tertentu yang memiliki kaitan dengan sejarah, seni, ilmu pengetahuan, atau budaya.

Perbedaan Field Trip dan Study Tour

Fieldtrip dan Study Tour adalah dua jenis kegiatan belajar di luar kelas yang sering dilakukan oleh sekolah, namun keduanya memiliki perbedaan:

  • Fieldtrip adalah kegiatan studi lapangan yang biasanya dilakukan dalam satu hari.
  • Kegiatan ini melibatkan kunjungan ke satu lokasi saja dalam satu hari penuh atau setengah hari.
  • Fieldtrip biasanya lebih sering dilakukan.
  • Study Tour adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan di luar sekolah untuk belajar dan mengetahui suatu proses secara langsung.
  • Kegiatan ini biasanya perencanannya lebih matang, pelaksanannya serentak, dan perjalanannya bisa lebih jauh.
  • Study Tour bisa melibatkan beberapa tujuan lokasi dalam kunjungan satu hari, atau bahkan lebih dari satu hari jika melibatkan menginap.
  • Study Tour biasanya diadakan oleh sekolah setidaknya selama 1 tahun sekali.

Meski keduanya memiliki perbedaan, baik Fieldtrip maupun Study Tour memiliki tujuan yang sama, yaitu memberikan pengalaman belajar baru kepada siswa di luar lingkungan sekolah.

Tujuan dan Manfaat Field Trip

Field trip memiliki banyak manfaat, baik dari segi akademik, sosial, maupun emosional. Beberapa manfaat field trip adalah:

  • Meningkatkan motivasi dan minat belajar siswa
  • Memperluas wawasan dan pengetahuan siswa tentang dunia nyata
  • Mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, analitis, dan kreatif siswa
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, dan bersosialisasi siswa dengan teman, guru, dan masyarakat
  • Meningkatkan rasa percaya diri, tanggung jawab, dan kemandirian siswa
  • Meningkatkan apresiasi dan penghargaan siswa terhadap budaya, sejarah, dan lingkungan

Contoh Field Trip yang Menarik dan Edukatif

contoh kegiatan field trip

Ada banyak tempat yang bisa menjadi tujuan field trip, tergantung pada tujuan, tema, dan kurikulum yang ingin sekolah capai. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh field trip yang menarik dan edukatif untuk berbagai jenjang pendidikan:

Museum adalah tempat yang menyimpan dan memamerkan koleksi benda-benda bersejarah, seni, ilmu pengetahuan, dan budaya. Di museum, siswa dapat belajar tentang berbagai topik, seperti sejarah, geografi, biologi, fisika, kimia, matematika, sastra, dan lain-lain.

Museum juga sering menyediakan fasilitas interaktif, seperti permainan, simulasi, dan workshop, yang dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan dan pemahaman siswa.

Beberapa museum yang populer di Indonesia adalah Museum Nasional, Museum Geologi, Museum Bank Indonesia, Museum Fatahillah, Museum Gajah, dan Museum Angkut .

Kebun Binatang

Kebun binatang adalah tempat yang menampung dan merawat berbagai jenis hewan, baik yang berasal dari dalam maupun luar negeri.

Di kebun binatang, siswa dapat belajar tentang keanekaragaman hayati, klasifikasi hewan, adaptasi hewan, perilaku hewan, konservasi hewan, dan lain-lain.

Kebun binatang juga sering menyelenggarakan kegiatan edukasi, seperti feeding time, animal show, animal encounter, dan safari night, yang dapat memberikan pengalaman menyenangkan dan mengesankan bagi siswa.

Beberapa kebun binatang yang terkenal di Indonesia adalah Kebun Binatang Ragunan, Kebun Binatang Surabaya, Kebun Binatang Bandung, Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka, dan Taman Safari Indonesia .

Pabrik adalah tempat yang mengolah bahan mentah menjadi barang jadi, baik yang bersifat konsumtif maupun produktif. Di pabrik, siswa dapat belajar tentang proses produksi, teknologi, manajemen, ekonomi, dan lain-lain.

Pabrik juga sering memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk melihat langsung, mencoba, atau bahkan membuat produk yang dihasilkan.

Beberapa pabrik yang sering menjadi destinasi field trip yaitu Pabrik Coklat Monggo, Pabrik Keripik Tempe Sanan, Pabrik Gula Madukismo, Pabrik Batik Danar Hadi, dan Pabrik Sepatu Bata.

Taman Nasional

Taman nasional adalah kawasan pelestarian alam yang dilindungi oleh negara, yang memiliki kekhasan flora, fauna, ekosistem, dan keindahan alam. Di taman nasional, siswa dapat belajar tentang ekologi, biogeografi, lingkungan hidup, dan lain-lain.

Taman nasional juga menawarkan berbagai aktivitas menarik, seperti hiking, camping, birdwatching, snorkeling, dan rafting, yang dapat meningkatkan kebugaran dan kesehatan siswa.

Beberapa taman nasional yang terkenal di Indonesia adalah Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru, Taman Nasional Komodo, Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, dan Taman Nasional Lorentz.

Kebun raya adalah tempat yang bagus untuk belajar tentang berbagai jenis tumbuhan dan hewan, serta konservasi alam. Ada banyak kebun raya di Indonesia, seperti Kebun Raya Bogor , Kebun Raya Kuningan, Kebun Raya Cibodas, dan lain-lain.

Setiap kebun raya memiliki koleksi dan fasilitas yang berbeda-beda, sehingga Anda bisa memilih yang sesuai dengan tujuan dan minat Anda.

Jika Anda ingin mengadakan field trip yang berkualitas, Anda dapat menghubungi Salsa Wisata, situs penyedia layanan wisata terbaik di Indonesia.

Salsa Wisata menawarkan berbagai paket wisata, sewa bus pariwisata , dan rental mobil yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran Anda. Kami akan mengatur semuanya mulai dari transportasi, akomodasi hingga perizinan ke tempat tujuan.

Salsa Wisata juga memiliki tim profesional yang siap membantu Anda dalam merencanakan, menyiapkan, dan melaksanakan field trip Anda.

Segera kunjungi situs Salsa Wisata dan pilih paket field trip yang Anda inginkan. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar yang tak terlupakan bagi siswa Anda.

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Virtual Field Trips

Virtual Field Trips Designed For Your Curriculum

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Quizzes + Worksheets

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Online Activities

Take your students around the globe, or around the block, and open their eyes to the majestic and magnificent world around them, what we have to offer.

50+ videos created by educators for educators.

K-9 curriculum alignment.

Social studies, life science, and geography content.

Habitats and ancient civilizations.

Quizzes, worksheets and printables.

Online learning activites.

Video links for remote learning – no student logins.

Mobile-friendly website.  Use any device.

Well-researched and professionally narrated videos.

Video length from 5-35 minutes long.

Foreign language videos.

Unlimited viewing.

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Video Links for Remote Learning

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We have video sharing links for remote learning! Copy and paste our links into your favorite digital platform. Just click and play – no student logins needed!

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300+ Classroom Ideas!

Looking for inspiration?  We’ve put together a huge collection of fun and educational classroom ideas to inspire you and your students! Games, activities, writing topics, art projects, worksheets and so much more….

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What You Can Expect

Video content that is aligned with your curriculum.

More time added to your day.

A budget-friendly resource.

An incredibly easy way to incorporate technology into your classroom.

A resource that supports independent learning.

A classroom resource that will help shape students into global citizens.

Increased learning outcomes for certain groups of students.

A classroom resource that uses best practices for e-learning.

A 21st century learning tool for 21st century students.

An easy way to take your students to places they may not ever get to visit.

What Our Customers Have To Say

5th Grade Teacher , Hawaii

“ I took my students on a Virtual Trip to the Amazon today!  They told me this field trip was much better than the one we went on from Discovery Education!!! “

3rd Grade Teacher , Maryland

“I just want to let you know how much of a blessing this site has been to me and to my students during this pandemic.  The theme in my classroom is “travel.” We have been able to continue with this theme by having weekly field trips. It is the highlight of everyone’s week. This was by far one of the best purchases I made this year.”

3rd Grade Teacher , North Carolina

“My 6th grade students are always excited to learn through reading and the Virtual Field Trips site. The videos are incredibly engaging and informative. The ease of use is very appreciated as a teacher pressed for time.”

6th Grade Teacher , Arizona

“I use the Virtual Field Trips site and the students LOVE it. Learning by virtually experiencing has been highly successful for my students. A few of our favorites are the Amazon, Coral Reefs, African Safari, and Rome.”

Thank you very, very much for including your site for free during distance learning. You made the virtual field trips easy for both teachers and children to use. All I had to do was copy the link into my Seesaw activity and my kiddos just tapped on the link and learned about places, people, and things. The DC Tour fit in nicely with their weekly reading selection on U.S. symbols. 

2nd Grade Teacher , Virginia

“You have brightened my day, as I have looked extensively for high quality virtual trips, and your site is clearly one of the best I’ve found!”

5th Grade Teacher , Minnesota

“I teach 9th graders who are 2 to 3 years behind in their reading and writing.  They are also socioeconomically disadvantaged with not many experiences to write about.  I thought this would give them something to write about as well as be educational and enjoyable.  We do one each Monday and they love them!  They ask, “Where are we going today?”

9th Grade Teacher , Texas

“Your videos and accompanying lesson ideas are very helpful and high quality.”

8th Grade Teacher , New Mexico

“I teach grades K-3 Science, Social Studies, Government, Geography, and Economics.  I have found Virtual Field Trips videos a valuable piece in many areas.  I use an interactive white board on a daily basis and have been able to link the videos into the flip charts making access to them very easy during the lesson.  I look forward to more of these quality videos.”

Exploration Teacher , Minnesota

“I really appreciate the value of this site.  My students are very much enjoying it.  Thank you!”

3rd Grade Teacher , Montana

“ My students love these virtual field trips and honestly can’t get enough of them.  They ignite awesome writing. “

1st Grade Teacher, Teacher Librarian , Toronto

El Limonar International School in Murcia, Spain absolutely loved Virtual Field Trips when we were given the opportunity to use it in June. There are so many topics included in their library that we study in the Primary School that it is well worth buying into and the children were mesmerized from the moment they began watching. The images were bright and colourful while the commentaries very informative and clear, leading to a lot of discussion afterwards. I definitely recommend it.

4th Grade Teacher , Spain

I really want to thank Virtual Field Trips for allowing full access during the hardest time of education when we had to switch to remote so suddenly. It was super exciting for the students to tour around the world with just a click! They loved all the videos and naturally the assignments that followed. I really appreciate the support! Thank you thank you thank you!

“You have a great site with videos that are outstanding. I like how easy your site is to use.”

4th Grade Teacher , New Mexico

“My students are in love with your videos”

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Research Says:

Research shows that virtual field trips can:[su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#e02b20″]

  • Boost students’ reading scores.
  • Help students see themselves as global citizens.
  • Provide the benefits of field trips without the expense.
  • So much more –  check it out!

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Our Videos Are Great For:

[su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#e02b20″]

  • Time-pressed teachers.
  • Teachers who want to use technology.
  • Homeschooling families.
  • Visual learners.
  • Disadvantaged students.
  • ESL students.
  • Students with dyslexia.
  • Reluctant readers/writers.
  • Literacy programs.

Check Out Our Standards

Scroll to see how many curriculum standards we can help you meet!

Exploring Cuba National Standards Part 1

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the quizzes, quizzes are at the bottom of the full video page..

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Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the Learning Resources section and you’ll see the quiz file(s).

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Yes. As a subscriber, you will find all of your video links on your Account page. You won’t be able to successfully share the URL’s from the video pages on the website. Those URL’s will end up showing an error message because they are behind the login wall.


Our videos are researched, written, and produced by educators for educators.  Teachers and instructional professionals are responsible for the production of each video and quiz.

Our videos are also different because they are closely aligned with the curriculum.  In particular the social studies, geography, life science, and ancient civilization curriculums.

Each video is professionally narrated by voice actors.  We hope you’ll agree that not many other “educational” videos can say the same.


Subscriptions run for a calendar year.  So, if someone subscribes on November 1st then the subscription runs until October 31st of the next year. They are not related to the school year.


Each subscription allows for unlimited video viewing and use of the quizzes.  In the case of an individual video subscription, that means unlimited viewing of the single video. A Teacher + Classroom subscription allows unlimited access to all videos on the website, as does a Schoolwide site license.


What does teacher + classroom mean.

A Teacher + Classroom subscription means that the videos and video links can be shared by a teacher with all her/his students.


All you need is a device and an internet connection together with the video links, or login information (user name and password).  The faster the internet connection, the better.


Teachers share their video links with their students.  They can be copied into other platforms like Google Classroom. Video links can be found on your Account page (see link in Footer). Page URLs can’t be copied and pasted because they are behind the login wall.


At this moment they are not closed-captioned. We do offer to provide transcripts of a video if that can be of help.  It is our intention to have all of our videos closed-captioned as soon as we can, since we appreciate how important this is.


No, you cannot.  The videos are our copyrighted content. Ours is a subscription-based website, which means you have unlimited access as long as the subscription is active.


You can cancel your account at any time from your Account Page (see link in Footer area). After canceling, you’ll still be able to use your subscription until the expiry date. If it has already renewed you’ll need to contact us to make other arrangements.

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  4. PDF BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penelitian

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  17. The Best Virtual Field Trips for the Classroom

    Take a visit to the National WWII Museum for "a cross-country virtual expedition to discover the science, sites, and stories of the creation of the atomic bomb." Don't forget to download the classroom guide! 22. The White House. For a look inside the iconic building, check out the 360° tour of some of the most historic rooms of the People's House, from the Situation Room to the Oval ...

  18. PDF Pengembangan Media Video Pembelajaran Ips Berbasis Virtual Field Trip

    berbasis Virtual Field Trip. Video pembelajaran berbasis Virtual Field Trip adalah sebuah video dengan tujuan untuk memberikan kesempatan yang lebih, dengan memungkinkan pengamatan yang dilakukan tanpa harus berada di tempat sebenarnya atau memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapat penjelasan dari ahlinya (Beal, C & Mason, C, 2009).

  19. The 19 Best Free Virtual Field Trips of 2024

    No supplemental online activities. Son Doong is the world's largest natural cave. Located in Vietnam, it features a subterranean river and the largest cross-section of any cave worldwide. National Geographic's virtual tour lets you explore the cave with full 360-degree views and immersive sounds.

  20. Field Trip Adalah: Pengertian, Tujuan, Manfaat & Contoh Destinasi

    Field trip memiliki banyak manfaat, baik dari segi akademik, sosial, maupun emosional. Beberapa manfaat field trip adalah: Meningkatkan motivasi dan minat belajar siswa. Memperluas wawasan dan pengetahuan siswa tentang dunia nyata. Mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis, analitis, dan kreatif siswa.


    PENGARUH MEDIA VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS. Eneng Desri Handayani, Suhendar, Billyardi Ramdhan. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan ...

  22. Virtual Field Trips

    As you know, the world is at your fingertips when you share virtual field trips with your students. Join our community of educators as we share creative ways to use virtual field trips in your classroom. Whether you are teaching virtually, face-to-face, or a hybrid of both, we are here to support you! Head on over to join today!

  23. 60 Free Fun Virtual Field Trips For Your Classroom

    They are convenient, cheap and easy ways to travel with students and kids and offer learning opportunities similar to an actual field trip. Travel the world with these 60 Educational & Fun Free Virtual field trips for students. 1. The Zoo; 2. National Parks; 3.