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  • 1.1 Achievements
  • 1.2 Getting Stuck
  • 1.3 NPC Dialogue
  • 1.4 Loading
  • 1.5 Physics
  • 1.7 Weapons, Armor, and Apparel
  • 1.8 Other Bugs
  • 2.1 Armor Duplication Glitch
  • 2.2 Follower Pickup Duplication Glitch
  • 2.3 Quicksave Duplication Glitch
  • 2.4 Infinite Power Attack Stamina
  • 2.5 0 Stamina Bash
  • 2.6 Selling Merchants Their Own Items
  • 2.7 Unlimited Scroll Usage
  • 2.8 Object Flying
  • 2.9 Horse Tilting
  • 2.10 Clipping
  • 2.11 Equipment
  • 2.12 Free House
  • 2.14 Infinitely Powerful Items
  • 2.15 Invisible Exploding Fireball Arrows
  • 2.16 Petty Soul Gem Trick
  • 2.17 Skills
  • 2.18 Vampiric Werewolves
  • 2.19 Mind Control Spider Pickpocketing
  • 2.20 Dead Loading

This article documents general glitches that have been discovered in Skyrim.

Quest, place, NPC, creature, and item-specific glitches do not belong on this page, but rather on their respective pages.

This is not an exhaustive list of every anomaly that may possibly occur. There are numerous minor animation oddities and graphical surprises that you can uncover if you try to trigger them; if you choose to do a bizarre and unpredictable set of actions, it is likely that the game's response will also be bizarre and unpredictable. Rather, these articles only document glitches that other readers are likely to be interested in learning about: i.e., those that have serious consequences; those that can be exploited to your advantage; and those that most players are likely to uncover during standard gameplay.

Furthermore, these articles focus on general glitches. Glitches that are only encountered under very specific situations are documented on other articles: problems during a quest will be documented on that quest's article; problems that only occur in a given location will be described on that place's article; etc. If you are looking for information on a problem that you've encountered, you should start by searching the same way as non-problem-related information by looking at the wiki article on that topic. This article is the place to look if there is an inexplicable problem whose source is not obvious, or for problems that don't fit into one of the site's other articles.

Glitches [ edit ]

Please visit (and contribute to) Bethesda's official bug report in their forums .

Achievements [ edit ]

Getting stuck [ edit ].

  • If you try to mine ore while in Sneak mode, you may become stuck in the mining animation.
  • If this happens outdoors, you can fast-travel to a new location to escape.
  • Opening a loading door while being rag-dolled will get you stuck in a lying down position which won't allow you to use crafting stations, this can be fixed by attacking. ?

NPC Dialogue [ edit ]

  • Changing locations while in mid-conversation with an NPC sometimes causes the NPC to follow you to that location.
  • While one NPC is talking to another, it is possible to make them skip their dialogue line(s) that appear on-screen. While the NPC is talking, sprint into them they'll stumble back and continue on without finishing their sentence(s).
  • While an NPC is sleeping, if you go to talk to them, they may sleep and talk at the same time.
  • If you speak to someone who's transitioning from one area to another and choose a non-repeatable dialogue choice just before they transition, that choice may disappear permanently. This can cause any affected quests to become permanently stuck in your quest list with no way to advance them. ?

Loading [ edit ]

  • When loading another saved game, being in a sunny area will not display any shadow while being where a shadow area would be darkens the whole world. ?
  • Sometimes some of the scenery disappears or is completely cut off. If you try to walk into the disappearing landscape, then you will be told that you "cannot go that way", causing you to freeze. This can cause the game to be unplayable as you cannot move in any direction without being stuck. ?
  • Sometimes when you load into a new area you may not interact with certain objects and entities. ?
  • Water does not render correctly in occasional chunks. The water still exists, but is invisible. In these instances, there may be a rectangular patch missing from the screen. Reloading a save file may fix this issue.
  • When the game forces a cell change (e.g. when you are arrested with a large bounty and brought to a castle) you will sometimes load before certain key elements of the cell do (such as the ground).
  • When reloading a save, your legs and lower body may become stuck in the floor. This can be rectified by jumping. ?
  • When fast-traveling with a following NPC, in rare instances, the NPC may act like the enemy shaking glitch, but will occur in the ground rather than being inside an object. It only occurs if standing near it and not moving. This can be corrected by having the NPC follow you to somewhere other than the area it was just in. ?
  • Sometimes when when entering a new cell by opening a door, the game would freeze, and appear to be all black. If you look at the screen from the right angle, you could see Open (VARIES) very dimly as well as your compass and other HUD elements but the game would be frozen. As of the latest update, waiting (Waiting in real life) about 30-45 seconds, the game will unfreeze and continue loading the game.

Physics [ edit ]

  • Objects you push that remain in contact cause you to "vibrate", which gains velocity as it continues and can very easily lead to death or could force the object to disappear. This is most observable with carts as it's very easy to push them and still be touching them, especially if you are in the cart itself.
  • Enemies may occasionally get stuck on the scenery and animate incorrectly (extremely fast and jerky). Sometimes this may result in them catapulting high into the air and then falling to their deaths. This can also happen as a result of the dead dragons being launched into the air as the unintended effect of a spell. The body of the dragon can get stuck in the front gate or bridge of a town that you fast travel to.
  • Objects which are affected by physics can appear to simply disappear if they are pushed outside the bounds of playable areas. They still exist but are unreachable. ?
  • NPCs that are killed while they are sitting in a chair or sleeping will often end up lying under their chair or bed and occasionally partway under the floor.
  • If you drop items from your inventory and re-enter the zone or reload a save, you will find the items you positioned are not where you put them after grabbing and moving them, but rather in the exact place where they were dropped from your inventory. This seems to occur only when you load a save from that same area, then immediately drop and rearrange the item before leaving. Loading the save, leaving the area, coming back, then dropping and rearranging gets it to stick.
  • Enemies killed by a decapitation may disappear; you can loot them afterwards, but they will be invisible.
  • When using the slow time perk with bows, the enemy's shield or weapon may hang in the air after killing them, in the same position it was in when they were shot.
  • Sometimes when you hold an object up to a wall and sprint into it, your character will glitch between the wall and object and be forced through the wall into unplayable areas. This can be used to reach merchant chests that are hidden behind or below walls.
  • Sometimes whenever the console is processing lots of data, (for land generation and spawnings) weapons will randomly appear out of nowhere and float in midair indefinitely until you activate or move them. This only seems to happen in outdoor habitats, though it may rarely happen indoors.
  • On rare occasions, when you kill an NPC that is or belongs to an enemy, that entity will fall through the ground and appear (still dead) approximately 200 yards from where it was killed. This is most noticeable with horses. ?
  • For some odd reason, on extremely rare instances, you may find a human NPC sleeping on a bed that has a table "squashed" above it, creating a somewhat enclosed area. Because of this, when the NPC first wakes up in the bed, he/she will raise up as normal, but they will appear to be stuck and will slide through the table to where the edge of the bed is and stand up as normal, as though the table didn't exist. This may be from the cause of an error in the design, or an improper setup. ?

Sound [ edit ]

  • Frequently, and seemingly at random, sound effects lag for as long as 5-6 seconds, then will occur all at once. This often happens when sneak-attacking with a bow. This also commonly happens while using the three word Whirlwind Sprint shout outdoors; the first word will be heard, but the last two words may be heard 4-5 seconds after the shout has concluded.
  • Completely exiting the game and restarting may fix this.
  • Alternatively, get into combat with another enemy and defeat them, this normally results in combat music completing correctly.
  • This can sometimes happen due to special triggers in locations (e.g. finding a hidden treasure room or completing a puzzle that allows progress in the dungeon), or script lag whereby the game has realized a location has been cleared (e.g. the boss of a location has been marked as killed), some time after it had already been.
  • The audio effect that occurs when underwater may remain sometimes when above water. This can be fixed by re-submerging yourself and coming back up again.

Weapons, Armor, and Apparel [ edit ]

  • Weapons and shields do not clean up from the world properly, and after a time they will begin to float in air near where they were lying.
  • Switching weapons in combat has a 3-10 seconds delay. This is especially obvious when switching from a bow to spells or from a bow to dual wield swords.
  • Certain types of weapons, when bound to a hotkey, will become unbound if more than one is in your inventory when the key is used. This only occurs for weapons that cannot be equipped to each hand through hotkeys (i.e. daggers, swords and greatswords).
  • Wearing a mask with any hooded robe can cause your character's head to become invisible.
  • With the Heavy/Light weightless armor perks, if a single piece of armor in a stack is equipped, the entire stack is weightless.
  • Killing an archer that has drawn its bow but not yet released an arrow can result in the dropped bow appearing to still be drawn.
  • Human characters in some cases fight unarmed with their fingers out like Khajiit.
  • If you stand in front of an archer shooting a target, then their arrow will "vibrate". ?
  • Sheathing your weapon while having a spell equipped to your left hand then unequipping the spell may result in your left hand displaying without a spell next time you unsheathe your weapon. ?

Other Bugs [ edit ]

  • Sometimes animated doors that serve to move between cells can get stuck in their "open" state. Attempting to enter the door will close it, and you will not be moved to the new cell. The door will work normally afterwards.
  • Barred doors are able to be opened by activating the bar through the door. At the right angle the bar will be selectable through the door.
  • The Official Skyrim Patch , version, fixes this bug.
  • Harvestable items (plants, garlic, pheasants, etc.) reset/respawn upon entering the cell (exterior or interior) after 10 days; but after save and reload of that cell, they revert to the state of the cell the previous time it was exited.
  • There is currently no fix or mod that corrects this while otherwise preserving the original inventory UI.
  • Wolves and dogs run up and down (in the vertical plane) on doors while attempting to pass through, as though ignoring gravity. This can also happen when they're walking on short cliffs or over boulders.
  • Anything which forces your character model to completely rebuild will work to fix this, such as going into Beast Form as a werewolf.
  • fast-traveling elsewhere and back
  • staggering them with a shield or weapon
  • using Unrelenting Force
  • If you use a skill that changes the entire character's skin, such as invisibility or werewolf form, then the eye texture can glitch. This can be fixed by going to the main menu and then reloading a save.
  • If you stand on the two halves of the split log in a mill, you may be sent flying a short distance when they disappear.
  • Changing the control settings for LMB or RMB to another key and back may fix this.
  • This can also happen on console versions. You can sheathe and unsheathe weapons/spells with the specific button, but pulling the triggers does nothing. Waiting a few seconds usually fixes it.
  • Wielding/sheathing your weapon, changing equipped weapons/apparel, shouting, interacting with a station while it's in use by another, or any combination of these may fix this.
  • To avoid the extra pointer, when you first Alt+Tab back into Skyrim, move the Windows pointer to the bottom edge of the display and back up again. The game will not display at this point, but the mouse will disappear. Now, Alt+Tab all the way around to Skyrim again (or Alt+Tab then Alt+Shift+Tab). You will now be back in your game with no extra pointer. This same technique can be used to remove an existing extra pointer by Alt+Tabbing out and then back in as noted.
  • Alternatively, Alt+Tab back to Skyrim as directed above, but then after Alt+Tabbing to another window, click on the very top of the screen.
  • Loading your in-game map before you Alt+Tab out will prevent the Windows pointer appearing when you Alt+Tab back in.
  • Opening the console before tabbing out will also prevent this.
  • Restarting the game will restore the mouse pointer to normal.
  • Your character's facial expression may get stuck as if in combat (locked teeth, furrowed brow, squinted eye). Followers can also get stuck in this state, and can be fixed by walking into them until they protest, or talking to them, where their expression will return to normal.
  • Items called <MISSING NAME> may appear on dead NPCs. It is recommended that you do not pick up these items, because when they are dropped, the game may crash.
  • With Dawnguard, you may spontaneously become a vampire in addition to being a werewolf. This seems to occur during location changes and/or entering combat. It adds "necks bitten: 1" to stats and the vampire power and active effects. The werewolf ability remains unchanged. Serana's dialogue menu still shows that the vampire option is not taken. ?
  • You can fix weapons that suffer from this glitch by placing them on a weapon rack.
  • Another way to remove quest items is to go to jail and jailbreak. Open the prisoner belongings chest to receive your quest items but take nothing from the chest (the quest items are given to you automatically), then go to jail in a different hold. Jailbreak yet again but don't retrieve your belongings. Now go back to where you first went to jail and get your stuff.
  • Draugr that are killed by a sneak attack while lying down or standing in a crevice can disappear through the floor. This can become a problem for certain quests which require you to obtain an object from the body. This is due to a physics bug when calculating where the body will fall. Occasionally, if you follow their fall, the body will be lootable.
  • Live fish can show up in places they do not belong, such as on footpaths hundreds of feet above a river.
  • Tips may rarely remain on screen indefinitely. ?
  • Killing an enemy with a projectile, whether an arrow, bolt, or spell, may trigger a context-sensitive cinematic kill animation, only to result in the projectile striking the target but failing to kill it, striking an intervening object, missing the target entirely, or sometimes not even being fired.
  • Status messages that repeat will only be displayed every other time. This is most often seen when mining or when transmuting ores.
  • Starting a new game (or loading an older one if you've re-installed the relevant mod) will allow you to see the help topics correctly.
  • Some plants will never respawn if harvested. ?
  • Rarely, a mountain may fail to render all but the outer edges of itself, causing it to look invisible, and allowing you to see the ground inside. Due to this, you can walk, jump, and sprint through the mountain, but renders correctly once you're outside the mountain, and you can't re-enter it. This is particularly useful if there is a location on the other side of the mountain, but cannot get to it without walking/sprinting miles around it, or struggling to jump to the top, as you can walk completely through it with ease. ?
  • Playing with a Khajiit character and then loading to another Khajiit character will cause the current character to have the same color tail as the previous Khajiit (i.e. white to orange). ?
  • This is seemingly caused by not having made a proper save for an extended period of time; making a proper save (via the save menu) will fix this.
  • A part of the sea might not load properly, resulting in a large black square.
  • The inside of dark caves (such as in the Forgotten Vale) can suddenly brighten (like you were outside at high noon) for a few seconds, then fade back to the previous lighting. ?
  • Sometimes the player will sit in the air in front of a chair. ?

Exploits [ edit ]

Armor duplication glitch [ edit ].

  • Place the armor that you want to duplicate on your mannequin.
  • Don't exit out of the equipping screen, then take all of your armor back.
  • Leave the area (loading screen) and come back. The set of armor you did the action with will now be duplicated on the mannequin.
  • If done to an enchanted piece of armor (e.g. personally enchanted Ebony Armor with a Fortify Destruction effect), it will be the unenchanted form. However, armor that was already enchanted when you found it (e.g. the Ebony Mail) will retain its enchantment.
  • Tempering seems to be removed from the duplicate armor.
  • This even duplicates dragon priest masks .
  • It works on armor from add-ons (The above mentioned fix does not seem to affect the Saints and Seducers gear, they still duplicate.)
  • Note that some armor and clothing does not seem to duplicate. This includes the Mythic Dawn equipment (robes, gloves and boots), green robes, and possibly others. If you take something off of a mannequin and it does not respawn, then you cannot create copies of it.
  • Mannequins used for this glitch will not be able to be used in creating more of other armor/clothing if you have already put something on that particular mannequin for copying: it will create copies of what you originally put on it indefinitely (for example, master robes paired with fur lined boots), no matter if you change out the apparel to be copied. It will still make more and more master robes and fur lined boots and nothing else.

Follower Pickup Duplication Glitch [ edit ]

  • Drop any items that you wish to be duplicated.
  • Order your follower to pickup all of the dropped items.
  • Quicksave the game and quickload twice immediately afterwards. The items picked up should be spawned where they were originally picked up.

Stacks of items will not be duplicated. Only one out of the stack will be duplicated. If performed inside certain locations, such as houses and shops, duplicate items will be marked as stolen.

  • Travel to a city interior (e.g. inside Whiterun, Solitude, Windhelm, etc.)
  • Drop items, and have a follower pick them up.
  • Leave the city via the gate, then fast travel back into the city. The items should be spawned where they were originally picked up.

Quicksave Duplication Glitch [ edit ]

  • Place your crosshairs over the item in which you wish to duplicate.
  • Press the quicksave hotkey and pickup the item at roughly the same time. Keep pressing the pickup button however many times you wish the item to be duplicated. A single duplication is virtually guaranteed, but multiple duplications vary in results.
  • Place two items down, the one you want to dupe per drop below the other.
  • Perform the quicksave duplication glitch, spamming pickup until the bottom item is picked up.
  • Whenever you attempt to drop the bottom item from your inventory, it will drop in the same amount as the stack you originally duplicated, easily allowing for massive duplication.

Infinite Power Attack Stamina [ edit ]

  • Attempt to power attack, then immediately after the animation begins attempt to power attack again. This will result in no stamina loss.

0 Stamina Bash [ edit ]

  • A bash can be canceled into a normal attack. If done fast enough (mashing helps), stamina won't be drained. Shields are best for this; weapons work too but have stricter timing.

Selling Merchants Their Own Items [ edit ]

  • Open up the buy menu from a merchant and highlight an item that you wish to sell the merchant (This item will be sold to them, so make sure they have enough gold).
  • Click on the category of the highlighted item (under your name, not theirs) and drag your mouse (while holding down LMB) over the merchant's item category that you wish to sell them.
  • Press the action button (by default E) and release LMB at the same time and you have successfully initiated the glitch. Keep pressing E (and/or left clicking the item) to sell the merchant their own item.

Unlimited Scroll Usage [ edit ]

  • Simply place a scroll into any container, then follow the steps in the "Selling Merchants Their Own Items" glitch. Instead of pressing E repeatedly to sell, simply left click/right click as if you are equipping the scroll.
  • As long as there are no scrolls of that same type within your inventory, you should now have infinite usage of that scroll.
  • Alternatively equip any scroll, raise your arms, transform into a Vampire Lord, revert form and give the scroll to a follower. The scroll will stay equipped and will have infinite uses.

Object Flying [ edit ]

  • Drop a kettle or a basket onto the ground rightside up (Any open object should work if it is large enough).
  • Jump into the kettle or basket so that you sink down slightly.
  • Hold the action button (default E) so that you grab onto the item (not to be confused with picking up the item into your inventory).
  • When the kettle or basket is grabbed, repeatedly press jump to jump infinitely.

Horse Tilting [ edit ]

  • Make a save on a character which you wish to begin flying on in third-person mode.
  • Load another save, or use the same character (it doesn't matter), and mount a horse.
  • Find a rock or ledge that is steeply angled, but not too much to where the horse does not cling to it.
  • Move down the rock so that the horse is facing into the ground. The closer to perpendicular to the ground the better. If the horse's head is in the ground, that is perfect.
  • Dismount the horse and open up the menu to time this part. You want to close and open the menu repeatedly until your character is just barely offscreen (your character should fly back and forth).
  • Load the save game and enjoy. Enter first person view to effectively cancel out of the glitch.

Clipping [ edit ]

  • To clip through a wall, grab an object by holding down the "Take" button, press it flat against a wall, and walk continuously into the wall. While this will normally result in a short fall through a blue field followed by instant teleportation back to solid ground, doing this in specific areas can allow for the easy acquisition or theft of large amounts of items by looting the hidden chests that vendors keep their goods in. A reliable place to test this in is the Blue Palace, where there is a hall going off to the left of the curved staircase in the entry area. On the right side of the hall is a bench, and clipping through the wall right of the bench between it and the pillar will place you on a thin strip of ground with no walls and a light blue background. Balancing on the thin strip to the left and dropping down past the chest visible below will, if it's activated on the way down, allow the looting of Sybille Stentor's entire inventory and cash stock, minus what's on her person.

Equipment [ edit ]

  • Quickloading a game does not correctly reset areas. This leads to a near-infinite number of exploits, such as being disarmed, quickloading, and then picking up the disarmed weapon to go with the one you had in the savegame, allowing you dual-wield unique/artifact items like Dawnbreaker.
  • Dragon Priest Masks: Can be equipped while the Falmer Helmet is equipped.
  • Ebony Helmet: Can be dual-equipped with the Falmer helmet by equipping the Falmer Helmet, then equipping a Dragon Priest mask, then equipping the Ebony Helmet.
  • Execution Hood: Same process as for the Ebony Helmet.
  • The Official Skyrim Patch , version 1.8, fixes this bug.
  • It is possible to wear multiple sets of armor at the same time, using these steps:
  • Submit to jail while wearing the first set of armor
  • Escape from jail and submit to jail again, this time wearing different armor.
  • Escape and submit to jail once more, except this time serve your sentence and you will be wearing two different sets of armor at the same time.
  • By placing a stolen item onto a general NPC and then killing that NPC, the item will lose its stolen tag.
  • The easiest way to get rid of the stolen tag on an item is to place the item in a container that isn't owned, and then have your follower loot the container. You can then trade with your follower to get the item. This works with any amount of stolen items.
  • This is also possible on Thieves Guild members in the Ragged Flagon - Cistern. The members of the Thieves Guild stay up later than guards do, allowing for more arrows per person. Also, the person practicing will occasionally change, requiring you to place your desired arrows in all their inventories.
  • If a follower is too heavy to trade a certain item, simply drop the item on the ground and command the follower to pick it up. They will pick up the item regardless of their current weight.
  • If you have 2 IDENTICAL items that you enchanted with the same enchantment, equip one of them. When you try to equip the other item, it'll give you the buff without being equipped. this can be repeated infinitely, and stackable buffs will stack (Such as Magicka Regen or Fortify Pickpocket).
  • Both of these glitches work on all versions (tested PC and PS3).

Free House [ edit ]

  • You must have the gold in your inventory needed to purchase the houses legitimately in the first place. The exploit involves removing the gold from your inventory before it is automatically removed in the buying process. You need to talk to the Steward responsible for selling the house when they are near a container. When you have agreed to purchase the house, there is a small delay before the money is removed. During this delay, you can remove the gold from your inventory by placing it in a nearby container, retrieving it after you have been notified on-screen of the purchase. Container refers to any normal container, a dead body, or a follower . Remember to save before you start in case you are not quick enough.
  • Breezehome —The best place is the map table up the stairs behind the throne. The Steward must pass the table to go downstairs and there is a chest under the table.
  • Hjerim —At night Jorleif sleeps in the kitchen next to several sacks.
  • Honeyside —There is a long chest by the wall to the left of the throne.
  • Proudspire Manor —There is a cupboard behind Falk Firebeard that is within reach.
  • Vlindrel Hall —There is a Dwarven chest to the right as you look face-to-face with the Steward in the throne room.
  • Note 1: This does not work for purchasing plots of land with the Hearthfire add-on.
  • Note 2: Normally, even if the container is "owned", your money is safe because you placed it there; it will not need to be stolen to regain it. However, if there was already gold in there to begin with that did not belong to you, your gold will be added to the same stack and you have no control over which gold you get, forcing you to steal.

Gold [ edit ]

  • It is possible to learn a spell and keep the spell book, while producing infinite copies of the book to sell for a little more than you could a normal book (such as the one in the above glitch). First, place the book on a shelf. While still in the container menu of the bookshelf, read the book using the appropriate button. Exit the menu. The book will still be on the shelf. If you take the book, it will disappear off the shelf, but will reload if you enter the shelf's container menu and exit, producing a copy on each load. Note that this will make the book permanently stuck on the shelf, occupying a slot even though it is not present in the menu, and preventing you from placing as many books on the shelf.
  • The Official Skyrim Patch , version 1.2, fixes this bug.
  • As an example, you open the vendor's Apparel.
  • You then (without clicking) scroll down on the lefthand menu to highlight your own name (both with mouse and the larger font). If done correctly, when you hover over the items on the right, the price will have dropped to what you can sell them for (usually about 10-20% of their sell value).
  • At this point, if you click the items, you are selling their own inventory back to them.
  • If you have any of the items, they will be sold first, so pick something that you don't have.
  • Wait for the caravan to come to Dawnstar, then go to the merchant Ahkari and save your game while looking at her.
  • Draw your weapon and attack the merchant; it is not necessary to kill her.
  • Reload your game, go into her inventory, but do not buy anything, now exit her inventory.
  • Go to the chest, it's by the mine next to the jarl's house, underground by some rocks and a tree to the left of the mine.
  • Finally, open the chest and get what you need, it should have at least 500 gold, to reload the chest, repeat the process.
  • Wait for the caravan to arrive.
  • Speak to Ahkari, and ask to see her items.
  • Exit dialogue and go and find the chest, in the same location as above.
  • Take anything you want, up to any value.
  • Wait 48 hours, change cell (fast-travel or enter a house) and then return.

Infinitely Powerful Items [ edit ]

First, obtain the most powerful Fortify Alchemy enchantments that you can get your hands on. For best results, exploit another glitch to wear an enchanted circlet and either a Falmer helmet or Penitus Oculatus helmet. Then you will need as many Fortify Restoration ingredients as you can get your hands on. Find your way to an alchemy lab and do the following: (NOTE: There appears to be a problem with extremely high values in Special Edition for Xbox One. Games crashes with values larger than approximately 10,000% when trying to use Enchanting potions made this way.)

  • Equip all your "Fortify Alchemy" apparel.
  • Make a Fortify Restoration potion.
  • Unequip your Fortify Alchemy apparel.
  • Drink the potion.
  • Repeat from step one.

Once you have your alchemy fortified to a satisfactory level, you can then make super-powered potions at will. So long as you don't remove any of the enchanted apparel after the last consumed potion has expired, it will retain its boosted enchantment value until it is unequipped.

You can now create super-powered potions to exploit things that have no maximum value. It is better to focus purely on super-powered Fortify Enchanting potions to enchant items with permanent effects, as potions will always have a limited time of use. The limited time applies to the enchantment potions, too, so a number of them should be created at once.

Bear in mind that the potions will vastly decrease in magnitude once the fortify restoration potion has expired. You can boost the magnitude by using the restoration loop using two or more fortify restoration potions of varying degrees, then consuming the enchantment potion and using an arcane enchanter. This should be reserved only for boosting the most vital stats, as it takes time and resources better spent elsewhere.

Finally, time continues to pass when using an enchanter, so plan ahead and work quickly; typically, you will make two items easily within the time, and a third if you are quick on the renaming or do not rename at all. To make naming items easier on PS3 or Xbox, enter the enchanter beforehand and rename something multiple times to get the text into the system's predictive text box.

You can determine if the Fortify Restoration loop is possible with the following formula, where e is the total strength of your Fortify Alchemy enchantments, and r is the strength of Fortify Restoration potions that you can make without enchantments (the variables are expressed as decimals, so 40% corresponds to 0.4). If it's satisfied, then your character is ready to do the Fortify Restoration loop:

If the sides of the equation are very close to being equal, though, it will take a very large number of Fortify Restoration ingredients to execute the loop. Reaching Alchemy 40 first is recommended, since you will then be able to make 38% Fortify Restoration potions with the Benefactor perk and 3 ranks of the Alchemist perk, at which point it is possible to execute the loop with a total of 26% Fortify Alchemy gear, although stronger gear will require far fewer ingredients. At Alchemy 30, with Benefactor and 2 ranks of Alchemist, you will need a minimum of 37% Fortify Alchemy gear; at Alchemy 60, with Benefactor and 4 ranks of Alchemist, you will need a minimum of 15% Fortify Alchemy gear.

The possibilities are endless; however, anything over a value of 2,147,483,647 (the maximum value for a 32 bit long integer variable) will register as a negative number and the glitch will not work. Below are a few examples of stats to boost:

  • Before removing the alchemy enchanted armor, you may wish to make some high value potions . You can sell these potions and, in one transaction, level Speech up to 100. If you make the skill legendary (with patch 1.9), you can then repeat this to gain easy levels and perk points. If you combine this with buying items off an alchemist and then selling the potion, you can gain the resources to keep repeating this loop potentially endlessly. You will need to avoid both over-leveling and the risk of gaining too many levels, whereupon you could lose any unspent perk points.
  • Make items with high-powered Fortify Smithing enchantments. There is no need to go overboard here, as there is a cap on the maximum damage resistance and a point at which a single strike from a weapon will insta-kill any enemy. The maximum rating needed is 642 (see Armor Cap ), and a damage rating of around 1,000 will suffice to kill most enemies, while 2,000 should be enough to kill any enemy in one strike even on Legendary settings.
  • A Fortify Health enchantment in the order of several million will guarantee that you never have to worry about any enemy ever again. Doing this though can cause the battle music to stop working so you won't have a warning that you are being attacked. A potion of ultimate healing will restore all of your health, no matter how high it is.
  • In the same way you can fortify your magicka and stamina pools (fortifying stamina will not increase your carry weight capacity). Fortifying your magicka saves having to fortify each school of magic, freeing up several spaces for other enchantments and not limiting which schools you can use freely. At a high enough level, the stamina or magicka bars will stop showing up as you deplete them.
  • A Fortify Carry Weight enchantment will enable you to carry every bit of loot a dungeon contains, and not have to worry about the value/weight ratio ever again.
  • A Fortify Barter enchantment will instantly max out your trade prices (the lowest buying percentage possible is 105% percent, while you can sell at 100%).
  • Drinking an overpowered Fortify Restoration potion prior to equipping an Amulet of Talos will eliminate all cooldowns on Dragon Shouts . The effect will be lost if the amulet is removed.
  • If you have the 1.3 version of the Official Skyrim Patch installed, you can make a Fortify Sneak enchantment strong enough to make you completely undetectable while sneaking, even right in front of a person in broad daylight.
  • If you have the 1.3 version of the Official Skyrim Patch installed, a super-powered Fortify Lockpicking enchantment can make the entire lock a "sweet spot," even for master-level locks, making every attempt at picking a lock succeed on the first try.
  • There are 3 perks that are affected by the alchemy effects you have when you obtain them: Recovery, Extra Pockets, and Atronach. Drinking an extreme Fortify Restoration potion before taking the Recovery or Extra Pockets perk can give you permanent extreme Magicka Regeneration and Carry Weight, while drinking a Fortify Destruction potion with magnitude over 233% before taking the Atronach perk will give you permanent magic immunity, until the perk is removed.
  • If you have the Fishing Creation installed, the three rings with the "Fast" enchantment can be affected by potions. The Ring of the Wind and Ring of Khajiit are affected by Fortify Illusion, so drinking an extremely strong Potion of Fortify Illusion before equipping one of these rings will give you hyperspeed until you take off the ring. The Warlock's Ring is similarly affected by Fortify Restoration.
  • Other enchantments to consider are Fortify Unarmed Damage , Resist Magic , and Resist Poison .

Even if you do not meet the usual alchemy/enchanting requirements to perform the loop, beginning the loop with a Fortify Restoration value of around 2500% will allow you to continue the loop from that point on as usual. You can achieve this by drinking (mostly non-identical) crafted potions with a Weakness to Magic side effect until you have around 500% Weakness to Magic (the Apprentice Stone can be used to make this faster), and then drinking (mostly non-identical) crafted potions with a Weakness to Poison side effect until you have over 10000% Weakness to Poison. Then, make a non-lethal poison with a Fortify Restoration effect. Use this to poison a weapon and give that weapon to a follower or other NPC, and allow the player to get hit with the poison to achieve over 2500% Fortify Restoration. Then, equipping a single Fortify Alchemy +15% item will give you over 375% Fortify Alchemy, allowing you to make Fortify Restoration potions with a base magnitude of above 100%, which will be sufficient to continue the loop.

This is the easiest and fastest method if you are a Werewolf or Vampire Lord. Get an item with a Fortify Alchemy enchantment, another item of the same model without a Fortify Alchemy enchantment, and a follower. You will be using superstacking to skip straight to a Fortify Alchemy effect in the upper hundreds. Transform and talk to your follower at the same time. You should now be transformed while in the dialogue menu with your follower, though it may take a few tries to get this to work. While transformed, ask your follower to trade items. In the inventory menu, equip the item without Fortify Alchemy, and then repeatedly click the item with Fortify Alchemy. The item will fail to equip, but will still apply the enchantment, so keep clicking until the enchantment is strong enough to craft a potion with over 200% Fortify Restoration. Then craft at least 5 non-identical Fortify Restoration potions (do not unequip your item yet), and drink them from weakest to strongest. Then you should be able to continue the loop as usual.

Invisible Exploding Fireball Arrows [ edit ]

  • These can only be acquired while on the quest Rise in the East , but once you have them, they can be used for the rest of the game. Near the end of the quest, after exiting the tower on Japhet's Folly , your character encounters a barrage of explosions. These are actually created by an unnamed invisible arrow, and it is possible to stockpile these arrows on your character by being hit with them. While they don't show up in your inventory, anytime you use the last arrow in a stack, the game will frequently equip these "Missing Name" arrows next. They act like an invisible arrow that shoots a firebolt, which explodes into a fireball when it lands. When you wish to stop using them, you can manually equip a stack of any normal arrow. To use them again, simply shoot the last one of any arrow type, and the Missing Name arrows will be equipped again. The number you can stockpile is only limited by the amount of time you want to spend hanging around at the end of the quest getting hit, since they are weightless.
  • The arrows will be removed by the Diplomatic Immunity quest.

Petty Soul Gem Trick [ edit ]

  • Get a follower who isn't an archer by default and give that character a weapon enchanted with Soul Trap or Fiery Soul Trap.
  • Acquire as many empty petty soul gems as you can. Trade them to your follower all at once.
  • Have your follower kill something with a petty soul , such as a wolf . When the wolf is killed, every single petty soul gem in your follower's inventory should become filled. Use this to make tons of soul gems to power level the Enchanting skill and make a fortune. (Note that this trick only works if none of the soul gems are stolen.)

Skills [ edit ]

  • Have at least one item on which you do NOT yet know the enchantment that is able to be disenchanted.
  • Open the disenchanting menu.
  • Have the item you can learn an enchantment from selected so its image appears on the screen, but do NOT bring up the confirmation yet.
  • At very nearly the same time, attempt to disenchant while trying to move either up or down in the menu to the next item.
  • If done correctly, the item on which you know the enchantment should be shown with the confirmation screen active.
  • Select yes, and the item you selected shall be disenchanted, even though you already knew the enchantment. This will allow you to keep the item with an unknown enchantment while eliminating the others and gaining experience for disenchanting.
  • Repeat for as many items as you want to disenchant.
  • If you have the Poisoned perk (in the Pickpocket tree) activated, you can reverse-pickpocket a paralysis potion into the target's inventory, which the target will subsequently drink. The character will become stiff and fall to the ground for the duration of the effect, during which time you will be unable to interact with them (save for attacking of course). As the effect wears off and the character starts to get up, immediately pickpocket them again. Though the % probability displayed will be the same, the game will treat it as a corpse looting instead of a pickpocket, which means the actual success rate will be 100% for all items and all gold amounts and you won't run any risk of incurring a bounty. This is especially useful for training skills at higher levels and getting all your money back. NOTE: Because the game technically treats this exploit as a corpse-loot, you do not gain skill XP from using this exploit.
  • Open a bookshelf in a home that you own.
  • Read the book while it is still in your inventory and select a path.
  • Place the book in the bookshelf and exit the menu.
  • Click on the book, without reading it, and add it back into your inventory.
  • The Official Skyrim Patch , version 1.9, addresses this issue. it removes the boost from the second time of reading, but you can use this to keep a copy of the book.
  • While you are letting an essential character get back up, there is a small window in which you can damage them which will cause their health to reset to full instead of having to regenerate from nothing if you do not interfere.
  • The Official Skyrim Patch fixes this bug.
  • Go to Riften and enter the Black-Briar Meadery.
  • Speak to Ungrien , the Bosmer at the counter, and ask him about Maven Black-Briar , his boss (first option out of two, and then second option out of three).
  • He will say she is wonderful and feels guilty accepting payment, which is not his true belief.
  • If less than 25 Speech, bribe him until you reach 25. You will only need a small amount of gold (20-35 may be level dependent).
  • The Official Skyrim Patch , version 1.9.26, fixes this bug.
  • If you get two Standing Stone powers with the Aetherial Crown , uninstalling the Dawnguard add-on will make one permanent. Reinstalling Dawnguard will make you restart all added quests, but will allow you to get the Crown again. Repeat this for multiple Standing Stone bonuses. ?
  • If you get the: "Summon Spectral Assassin" Power after completing the Dark Brotherhood Questline, you can level grind your one-handed, two-handed, and archery skills via killing the spectral assassin.
  • There is a way to level Speech to 100 fairly quickly without the need to barter at all. To perform this exploit, you must be a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Reach the "Recipe for Disaster" quest, then go to Markarth and question Anton Virane. There will be an option to intimidate him; do it, then immediately exit the conversation, and speak to him immediately after exiting the conversation. The initial dialogue will still be there, and you can use the option to intimidate again and again by repeating this process, raising your Speech about every other time.
  • You can use the Silent Roll perk without unlocking it at any time by entering sneak mode, jumping and then holding the sprint button mid-air. You will perform a roll upon landing.
  • If you have multiple level-ups queued, you can exit out of the skill menu by pressing the close button or key, right after you picked attribute, so that you don't level up more than once. Doing so will let you save level-ups for either training or health/magicka restoration.

Vampiric Werewolves [ edit ]

  • There are a few problems associated with using this exploit. Notably, the Necromage perk does not affect your skills, as you are not undead (once you use Beastform after becoming a vampire).
  • Progress through the Companions questline until The Silver Hand , but do not enter the Underforge.
  • Contract Sanguinare Vampiris .
  • Return and enter the Underforge.
  • Drink the blood and become a werewolf.
  • Wait three days to complete the transformation into a vampire.
  • Another method that requires Dawnguard :
  • Go through the Dawnguard questline and become a vampire. You need to turn into a Vampire Lord and revert back at least once. Continue on the questline until you are sent to look for the elder scrolls with Serana.
  • Join the Companions and progress along their questline until you arrive in the Underforge to become a werewolf. Make sure Serana is with you.
  • Drink the blood of the beast and hit the button to transform into a Vampire Lord at the same time. You will turn into a werewolf and then a Vampire Lord immediately after that. (Save before you attempt this, as it requires precise timing to work at all and can go horribly wrong on failed attempts)
  • Revert back to human form and ask Serana to turn you into a vampire again to make the hybridization permanent.

(The exact timing of a failed attempt can cause a number of variables that become more dynamic on larger or modified saves. This can result in a temporary or unfortunately permanent transformation, which will make your character have a glitchy avatar of a werewolf or vampirelord overlapping with your character. While this glitch makes a character attack with both bodies at once, which can make for a very potent offense, the glitch also make many areas inaccessible and makes first person play almost impossible, since you can only see through the mouth of the larger avatar. It seems that this glitch varies greatly depending on the exact timing of the transformation attempt, and can vary in how perks and abilities apply. This seems to work better with werewolves than vampire lords, since as a permanent vampire lord you have no access to your blood magic or vampire powers until you transform, and can result in menu options not working or not being accesible.)

  • Note that while you are in werewolf form, you will lose your vampiric powers but retain its weaknesses.

Mind Control Spider Pickpocketing [ edit ]

  • You can pickpocket equipped gear of Essential NPCs by throwing a Mind Control Spider on them and activating pickpocket the moment the spider attaches (few frame window). If timed correctly, you gain access to their inventory while they are a "follower". This means they will equip gear you give them if it's better than their current equipment, leaving their old gear available for you to pickpocket. This allows the player to obtain some otherwise unobtainable armor and clothing pieces. After taking all their default apparel a new copy will immediately be given to them, allowing you to obtain multiple copies very fast. After leaving their cell for a few minutes they will re-equip their freshly spawned default apparel, allowing you to take back the apparel you gave them.
  • This glitch works in conjunction with the Paralysis Pickpocketing glitch (pickpocketing an NPC that is getting up after paralysis just wore off will succeed regardless of the displayed chance).

Dead Loading [ edit ]

Attempting to load a save while in the Dead Loading state will result in a glitched loading screen, with certain HUD elements remaining active during the loading screen. On Special/Anniversary Edition, these HUD elements will be active but not visible; on Original/Legendary Edition, they will be active and visible. When attempting to load a save in the Dead Loading state while facing an object that displays an "Activate" prompt, if the "Activate" prompt remains active, you can press the Activate button during the loading screen, and the instruction to activate will be buffered until after the loading screen. This results in the character that you loaded being able to remotely activate the object that you were previously facing. If you are in the same cell as a static item, you can execute dead loading to pick up the item remotely. Pressing the activate key repeatedly during the loading screen can be used to duplicate the item. This is particularly useful for activating doors, because doors can be remotely activated even if you aren't in the same cell as them. Pointing at a door in the Dead Loading state and then loading a save and mashing activate during the loading screen will result in the door being remotely activated after the loading screen, causing the character that you just loaded to appear on the other side of the door (similar to a loadwarp). You can make a save while in the Dead Loading state facing a door that you would like to return to later, and then whenever you would like to return there, you can quicksave, load the save made in the Dead Loading state, quickload, and mash activate during the loading screen. This can be used to return to locations such as Skuldafn after going through them without losing your progress, to repeatedly quickly return to locations such as the Ragged Flagon, or just to quickly and easily escape from any interior. On Original/Legendary Edition, in some cases depending on the location you are traveling from and the door you are traveling to, you may not be able to warp by mashing the Activate key - in these cases, you will need to press the Activate key with precise timing at the end of the loading screen, which can be quite difficult to execute.

Another effect of Dead Loading is that after the load finishes, the fade-in animation that normally follows the loading screen will be canceled, allowing you to move around immediately after the loading screen.

To activate the Dead Loading state, you need to be kept alive only by a Fortify Health effect, such that removing the effect would kill you. This causes the game to think that you're dead during the loading screen, as your character is being deloaded, which results in a glitched loading screen. There are a couple methods of achieving this:

  • The quick and easy method: Use a Shrine of Arkay to acquire the Blessing of Arkay, which gives a 25 point Fortify Health effect, and then take damage until you are below 25 health and kept alive only by the Blessing of Arkay. While below 25 health, you can make a save to be used later for Dead Loading. The source of Fortify Health must be the Blessing of Arkay, and not a potion or enchantment.
  • The original method: Apply a Fortify Health effect from an enchantment or potion, and then drink enough potions with a Ravage Health side effect so that the effect would normally kill you, but you are kept alive only by your Fortify Health effect. You can craft this type of potion with Salt Pile, Cyrodilic Spadetail, and any other Ravage Health ingredient. If you've done an alchemy loop to get a very strong Fortify Alchemy effect, then you will only need one potion. You only need to craft a single dose of dead loading potions to activate dead loading as many times as you want, because whenever you activate dead loading, you are always about to load a previous save, so if you do it correctly then your potions will never be permanently consumed.
  • The permanent method using the Bittercup creation: Use the follower duplication glitch to duplicate the Bittercup enough times to reduce your base health to 0 or below while a piece of Fortify Health gear is equipped, allowing you to remain in the Dead Loading state indefinitely. This allows you to quicksave and then immediately quickload to skip fade-in animations on Special/Anniversary edition in the same way that you normally can on Original/Legendary edition. Note that unequipping your Fortify Health gear in this state will instantly kill you, preventing you from using Beast Form or Vampire Lord or progressing through certain quests; a temporary Fortify Health effect from a potion or Blessing of Arkay can be used to circumvent this. Also note that exiting to the main menu while in the Dead Loading state will cause the game to crash; to circumvent this, instead force quit and relaunch the game, or load a save that was not made in the Dead Loading state before quitting to the main menu.

Other [ edit ]

  • Requires the Steady Hand perk 2/2. Walk through a door crouched and with a bow out. Once through, draw an arrow so that time slows down and then reload the auto-save. When the game reloads the whole world will be in slow motion as if you had the arrow drawn all of the time. Drawing another arrow will turn off the slow time, but it is possible to change weapon and use magic without restoring normal time. Menus appear to work at normal speed.
  • While sneaking, changing active spells will briefly make you move at full speed rather than at sneak speed. Further, if you are unsheathing your weapon and drop into sneak, you will continue to move normal speed until the animation is finished. This is especially useful with Shadow Warrior , since you can pop in and out of stealth at will.
  • It is possible to perform a silent roll without having the prerequisite perk. Simply enter Sneak mode with a bow drawn, hold the sprint button and sheathe your bow. You will perform a roll, sheathe, and then roll again while remaining in sneak mode. Drawing your bow again while holding down sprint will also give two rolls, allowing for swift, silent movement. Also, if you jump while in Sneak and hold the sprint button, you will roll forward.
  • Swimming underwater may be done indefinitely without the use of any spell, potion, or item, and without having to be an Argonian. When swimming, push your character downward into the bed of whatever body of water you are in, but not so much that you cannot move forward. Swim like this long enough and you will encounter bits of ground that trigger the "gasp for breath" sound that normally occurs when surfacing after swimming underwater and a timer reset for holding one's breath.
  • On Special/Anniversary Edition, while you're telling your follower to do something, you can pick up objects far away from you by pressing quicksave, and then pressing Activate during the brief lag spike.
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  1. How to Fast Travel in Survival Mode┃Skyrim Anniversary Edition

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  2. Telekinesis fast travel exploit not working (Switch) : r/skyrim

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  4. Andrealphus' Exploit Fixes at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

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  5. Telekinesis Fast travel glitch? : r/skyrim

    It was patched. If you want to use telekenisis to quick level the best way is to enchant gear so alteration costs no magic then tape down a trigger. This seems patched but hey. If you have telekinesis and don't mind a little grind, equip it, grab a light object, throw it directly in the air and wait.

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  7. 'Skyrim' Glitch: Horse Tilting Is Apparently A Thing That Will Allow

    There's a Skyrim Special Edition glitch PC users can exploit to fast travel without loading screens. Youtuber Fivexual uploaded a video explaining how Horse Tilting works and the steps to take to exploit the glitch. "The speed is determined by how far, or how close you are from the horse," Fivexual said in the video. "The farther away I am to the horse, the faster I'll move, the ...

  8. Fast Travel Crash Fix at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

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  9. Unlimited Fast Travel at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

    About this mod. Fast travel while in combat, over encumbered, in the air, pursued by guards, from indoors and more. SKSE64 plugin, lightweight and configurable through MCM. Fixed a SKSE trampoline allocation underflow bug which may cause the plugin to fail during initialization.

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  11. Level Alteration Instantly Glitch

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  12. Skyrim: CTD when attempting to fast travel

    Start Tes5edit, simply untick everything, (right-click/select none) and add only a tick to the esm/esp you want to check + update.esm, Tesedit knows what to do and will load all the dependencies automatically. - Begin with loading only Skyrim + update, ITM / UDR + save ctrl +s and close. - Then load Skyrim + update + Dawnguard, ITM / UDR + ctrl ...

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    Then just cast telekinesis on any nearby object, open the map menu and fast travel to a far away location. Once you've arrived, you'll have maxed out your alteration skill to 100 and gained enough experience to level up. Reset alteration to 15 using the Legendary option and repeat indefinitely. 21.

  14. I cannot fast travel because it says guards are pusuing, but I have no

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  15. Skyrim:Glitches

    A similar glitch can be performed without using quicksaving, and is console viable Travel to a city interior (e.g. inside Whiterun, Solitude, Windhelm, etc.) Drop items, and have a follower pick them up. Leave the city via the gate, then fast travel back into the city. The items should be spawned where they were originally picked up.

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    Also, just to note, I am playing with a total of 3 mods including the skyUI and the Unofficial Skyrim Patch on skyrim anniversary edition with all the creation club mods installed. So the glitch goes like this: Enter a place (or cell I should say) and then once your inside, it doesn't mater how much time you spend in their.

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    For other uses, see Exploits. See also: Bugs (Skyrim) Exploits are loopholes in the game's system that players can take advantage of to do things never intend and/or become more powerful. These are different from the console commands because they can be done without typing the command down and also can be done on any platform of the game. This Glitch can only be done if you have a follower ...

  19. Fast Travel Speed Fix at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

    This plugin changes a single gamesetting variable. For some of you, It would be easier for you to just add it to one of your personal plugins. Analogous to the Fast travel timescale fix from Skyrim, this mod adjusts a game setting variable (fFastTravelSpeedMult) in an effort to change the amount of time that passes during your fast travel. In ...

  20. Best Skyrim Glitches

    Exploit bugs for easy leveling, infinite gold, and powerful abilities in Skyrim. Use scrolls and items to duplicate, level skills, and acquire free housing.

  21. Telekinesis/Fast Travel exploit won't work

    Telekinesis/Fast Travel exploit won't work - PS4. Edit: Solved. Thank you. Hey guys. I'm trying to power level my Alteration without having to transmute tons of iron ore. I can't seem to get the exploit to work. I retrieve the item until it hovering in front of me then switch to the map and fast travel. When it loads up at the new destination I ...

  22. Fast Travel (Skyrim)

    For this mechanic in other games, see Fast Travel. Fast Travel is a method of travel in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is a way of quickly "teleporting" to any previously discovered location. The travel takes place almost instantaneously in real-world time through a loading screen, but in game time will still pass by as if the Dragonborn had walked there. When using fast travel, the time ...

  23. Unlimited Fast Travel

    Credits and distribution permission. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it

  24. Fast Travel Glitch? (Console) : r/skyrim

    Press the [PS] button on your controller to go to the Dashboard. Highlight The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition and press [Options]. Select Close Application and press [X]. Highlight Yes and press [X]. To restart, highlight Skyrim and press [X]. Power Cycle the Console. To power cycle your PlayStation 4: