11 Sales Report Templates & Examples: How to Create a Sales Report Fast

As a sales manager, you have a lot of responsibilities on your plate—including the task of creating sales reports that executives can quickly wrap their heads around.

Aside from managing your sales team, providing coaching, and ensuring growth, sales managers and directors are also tasked with collecting the right data and presenting it to leadership.

That Feeling When Your Boss Asks for the Sales Report

I know firsthand, this can be a bit overwhelming. The good news is that creating an effective sales report doesn't have to be stressful. With the right tools and a solid sales report template to work with, you can create an actionable sales report in just a few minutes.

Before we talk strategy, let's quickly talk about what a sales report really is and which data points it should include.

What is a Sales Report?

Sales managers and other stakeholders use this data to understand overall sales activity and sales team performance, spot issues in the sales process, and make more informed business decisions.

The sales report may also map out effective growth strategies, identify the company’s ideal customers , and outline strategies to streamline the sales process .

Sales reports are usually created by team leaders or sales managers , and are formatted to communicate important data to specific teams or leaders effectively.

You can design your sales report as a multi-page document, an Excel document, a graph, or even a graphic presentation .

How to Write a Sales Report in 5 Steps

Anyone can stuff numbers into a report and drone on in a long meeting. The real challenge is creating a sales report that communicates the right data about the sales process and doesn’t put your audience to sleep. That requires a special touch.

Here are five steps to creating a successful sales report that won't bore your audience to tears.

1. Identify the Purpose of Your Sales Report

Obviously, the purpose of your report is to share sales metrics. But you can’t possibly fit in every bit of sales data. Instead, focus on the data that helps you or the company achieve specific goals.

Ask yourself why you’re putting together a sales report in the first place. Are you measuring the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns? Do you want to identify interesting sales trends for a sales forecast ? Is your sales report designed to motivate your team or make sure they're making enough outbound calls? Or is it a useful snapshot of sales KPIs for your sales operations team to work with?

The purpose of your sales report will help you gather and analyze the right kind of data. It will also help you determine the scope of your report, like the time period to report on.

Identify the Purpose of Your Sales Report

2. Know Your Sales Report's Audience

Once you know exactly why you’re creating a sales report, the next step is defining your audience so your report can focus on the information they care about.

You wouldn't send the same cold email to a CEO and a marketing director, right? You shouldn't send them the same sales report, either.

A marketing head, for example, is likely interested in details like which marketing campaigns led to the most profitable sales. Your sales director is likely interested in if reps will meet their quotas.

But the CEO and other decision-makers are more interested in the “big picture,” such as the overall growth of the company, instead of the specifics of every campaign.

3. Gather Your Sales Data

Now that you've outlined the purpose and audience for your sales report, it’s time to gather sales data, filter the information, and analyze it. This is the fun part! (Or maybe that's just me.)

Make sure your data collection process is goal-oriented and hassle-free. If possible, use tools that integrate with your CRM or other sales software —this will make pulling the data a lot easier.

Start by outlining the metrics you want to include in your report and overall trends you think matter. A standard sales report includes core KPIs, team performance, number of goods sold, net revenue retention , net sales, profits, and customer acquisition costs .

You might also include sales growth, regional sales, new opportunities, team performance , or other relevant metrics.

To improve data accuracy, you'll need to clean up or filter the data to remove duplicate records and focus on specific areas. For example, if you're wanting to share sales metrics for North America, you'd exclude international numbers.

Next, define the time period your report will cover. It’s usually a good idea to take two different time periods—current and previous—and draw a comparison. For example, you might compare metrics month over month or year over year.

4. Create Engaging Visuals to Highlight Important Sales Metrics

Have you ever sat through a meeting where the presenter simply reads slides full of text? It's boring—and worse, it's harder to absorb data that way.

The way you present data is just as important as the data itself. This is where data visualization can help. Instead of expecting managers to go through spreadsheets full of numbers, use graphs and charts to clearly illustrate the impact of important data, contributing significantly to sales performance management .

Sales Report Visuals

For example, a line graph can show the increase or decrease in revenue over a period of time. A pie chart can illustrate how much each product contributes towards total sales. And bar graphs can be used to compare employee performance.

Visualizing data helps make your sales report easy to understand and digest. It can also highlight important trends and challenges in key sales metrics that might impact sales performance in the coming months.

Plus, using visuals helps you put together a great-looking report that keeps your audience from dozing off.

To create data visualizations, such as graphs, charts, and maps, to use in your reports use a data visualization tool like Google Data Studio .

If your reports highlight challenges/places where you're falling short, consider a SWOT analysis to pinpoint the cause.

Psst...curious about the factors influencing total contract value ? Check out our article!

5. Explain What the Sales Numbers Mean

On their own, numbers can be misleading and lead to erroneous judgements.

This is why it is important to always contextualize the data you present, instead of just handing over a bunch of numbers.

What Are the Different Sales Report Types?

There are tons of different types of sales reports, and there's no one right document for every organization. In fact, different teams in the same organization may use different sales reports to highlight different data.

Most reports cover a specific time period, such as daily sales reports, weekly sales reports, monthly, and quarterly sales reports. However, reports may also cover different steps in the sales process.

Here are the most common types of sales reports--and when to use them.

1. Sales Pipeline Report

The sales pipeline report shares the value of your sales pipeline and how the number of deals in each stage of the pipeline. It highlights how many deals could be lost and how many will be won, and how this might impact the company’s overall revenue.

Within the pipeline, all of the key stages of the deals are outlined to provide a clear picture of how daily, weekly and monthly sales cycles are performing.

Sales Pipeline Report in Close

Use this sales report to : Showcase success or challenges in your sales pipeline.

2. Conversion Rate Report

A conversion rate, or win rate, report shows how effectively your sales team is converting new leads into new customers.

Conversion Rate Win Rate sales report in Close

Not only does this valuable data provide insights into the strength of your overall sales strategy, but it also highlights sales represenative and sales team performance.

Looking into individual salespeople's conversion rates can show you exactly how that person is performing as well as their overall strengths and weaknesses.

If leads are not moving into won deals and new customers, conversion rate reporting on each stage of the sales process will help you identify areas that need improvement.

Conversion Rate Sales Report in Close

Use this sales report to : Highlight the difference between leads that close and ones that don't or to highlight the difference in performance between sales reps/teams/campaigns.

3. Customer Churn Report

The churn rate shows you the overall rate at which a customer will stop doing business with your company or stop using your product.

Not only will the churn report show you when customers move on, but it can show you why by providing insights into overall trends.

Churn rate matters to sales because a high churn rate could mean you're targeting the wrong prospects.

Use this sales report to: Track the number of customers to churn and traits they share, such as company size, sales rep, lead source, etc.

4. Sales Forecast Report

A sales forecast is a detailed report estimating how much a company, sales team, or salesperson will sell every week, month, quarter, or year.

A sales forecast helps you spot potential problems early on, when it's still possible to avoid or fix them.

In Close, you can easily forecast future sales using the detailed values in the Pipeline View:

Sales Forecast Report Pipeline in Close

Use this sales report to : Predict future sales by rep, team, location, or lead type.

5. Deals Won and Deals Lost

Tracking deals you win and lose helps you see how the business is doing and how specific sales efforts pay off.

This report will also unlock insights into which of your products are more popular than others.

Sales Report Deals Won Deals Lost

By using the right data, you can spot the trends relating to top-performing product offerings so you can maximize those opportunities to win more business.

Won and lost reports will also help sales managers understand how their sales teams and reps perform individually.

Use this sales report to : Track trends in won and lost deals by product type, company details, sales teams, or specific reps.

6. Average Deal Size

The deal size report helps you to know how many sales need to happen in order to achieve a specific revenue target.

Average Deal Size Close

For example, If every won deal produces $5,000 of revenue and your sales goal is $50,000, then you know that your team needs to close 10 new deals within that time frame.

This can also assist in planning sales capacity and resource allocation .

Use this sales report to : Track the impact of discounts, rep performance, overall business growth, and campaign impact.

7. Sales Calls Report

Track how effective your sales reps are by measuring the number of sales phone calls being made to their prospects.

Sales Calls Report in Close

This can help you understand if there are any gaps in close rates or any discrepancies between the number of phone calls VS the number of closed deals.

The call reports can also help you to isolate specific metrics and segment data about individual prospects that are being called.

Sales Activity Comparison Report in Close

Use this sales report to : Set benchmarks for new hires, gather data about valuable leads, and optimize your sales process.


4 Free Sales Report Templates (Downloadable in Google Sheets & Microsoft Excel Format)

Now that you understand the importance of sales reports, let’s look at a few of the most popular templates. These templates can be accessed in Google Drive or Excel and easily copied and pasted to make them your own.

1. Daily Sales Report Templates

Daily Sales Report for Sales Executives (Free Template) Screenshot

This is a basic daily sales report template for sales executives that includes access to an extensive inventory list you can use to monitor the sales of multiple product lines. If you’re just getting started and a basic template is all you need, try this free daily sales report template in Google Sheets format (you can also download a Microsoft Excel version), brought to you by SmartSheet.

2. Weekly Sales Report Template

Weekly Sales Report Template (Free Download) Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel File Format

Use this weekly sales revenue report template to monitor and keep track of sales activity for a given week against a specific sales goal . Brought to you by Microsoft , this free Google Sheets & Microsoft Excel template allows you to track actions of each salesperson's activities in multiple locations and across several product lines.

3. Total Sales Report Template (with Pivot Table)

Total Sales Report Template with Pivot Table (Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel)

Love pivot tables? You'll like this sales report template. This spreadsheet (and Google Sheet) makes it easy to monitor product sales and customer performance over each quarter closely. You can quickly add customer names and sort by product or customer.

You can download the performance report right here in Google Doc format and make a copy to use for your own sales reporting purposes.

4. Sales Forecast Tracker

Sales Forecast Template for Long-Term Sales Analysis (Free Google Sheet and Excel Template) Screenshot

This monthly sales report template comes from our list of the best sales forecasting templates . It’s designed to help small businesses track sales opportunities , who’s assigned to each lead, which phase in the sales pipeline, and probability of closing the deal.

You can then quickly run basic sales forecast estimates to get a sense of how many deals will actually come through at the end of the month.

Using Sales Reports in Close

Creating sales reports can be a PIA, even when you use a template like the ones we listed above. If those templates aren't quite what you're looking for, try Close's sales reports here .

Close Sales Reporting Overview

Our reports feature tons of data, including real-time sales activity reports, success rate, and a team leaderboard. Even better, no Excel formulas are needed. 🙌

Quick Tips to Improve Your Sales Reports

Whether you are a small business (using a small business CRM ) or an enterprise organization with a massive amount of resources, the steps above will help you put together a sales activity report that gets the job done.

If you want to be better than average, however, you'll need to go the extra mile. These strategies will help you create a sales report that delivers actionable data fast. (And makes you look good to your boss.)

Start With a Sales Report Summary

Most business reports start with an executive summary —there's a reason for that. Decision makers are busy, so it's in your best interest to deliver the most relevant data as fast as possible.

Provide a brief overview of the report, including key highlights and takeaways. What data do you have to share? Why does it mean and why does it matter?

Use all of your top-level sales metrics to create a summary that helps grab attention and tells your audience what to expect so they’re better prepared to process that information.

This could include an initial summary of:

  • Total number of sales
  • Total sales volume
  • Total deals in the pipeline
  • Total revenue

If you spot major opportunities or possible challenges, include those as well.

Cut Out the Fluff in Your Sales Reports

It can be tempting to include too much in your sales report. But more isn't always better. Instead of stuffing every bit of data into every report, think about who will see the report and what data really matters to them. In some cases, this might mean creating multiple sales reports for different departments.

If you're struggling to remove data, consider adding a "Trends to Monitor" section at the end. List metrics and changes you're keeping an eye on and what impact they might have in the long term.

Sales Report Delivery

Use a Sales Report Template

If you don’t have time to design and format a sales report from scratch, use one of the templates above. There are two main benefits of using a sales reporting template:

  • A good sales report template provides a well-structured skeleton so all you need to do is input your data and information.
  • This can help save tons of your time and effort, while still ensuring that you end up with a beautiful and organized report.

Automate Your Sales Reporting with a CRM

If your company uses customer relationship management (CRM) software , you can easily use it to generate a customized and detailed sales report.

Traditional tools like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets are good for storing data and performing complex calculations, but you have to set up formulas and format the sheets from scratch. That's time you could be using to follow up on leads or, you know, scroll Reddit.

A CRM , however, makes it easier to generate a report almost immediately, because it's already tracking and storing your sales data in real-time. Whether you're a startup using a CRM , or a small business owner seeking to improve your bottom line metrics, having great sales reporting is essential to making data-informed decisions about how to best grow your business.

You can easily view any time frame and set custom date ranges, compare to previous periods, and analyze sales rep performance.

By automating parts of your sales reporting process, you can cut down on the time and effort required to put together a report that conveys relevant information in an engaging way.

Most CRMs usually offer several different reports that you can generate and customize to fit your needs.

Ready to Create Better Sales Reports?

Sales reporting might not be your favorite part of the job, but it is crucial to growing your business and closing more deals.

Sales reports show what strategies are working, what strategies aren't, and highlight opportunities for growth. And they help your boss see when you or your team are killing it.

Follow the steps to put together a sales report that conveys the right information and has maximum impact.


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37 Sales Reports Examples You Can Use For Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Reports

Daily, weekly, and monthly sales reports and KPIs examples for your business by datapine

Table of Contents

1) What Is A Sales Report?

2) Why Are Sales Reports Important?

3) Types Of Sales Reports

4) Tips For Your Sales Reporting Process

5) How To Write A Sales Report To Your Boss

6) Monthly Sales Reports

7) Weekly Sales Reports

8) Daily Sales Reports

9) Bonus: Quarterly Sales Reports

Using a daily, weekly, and monthly sales report with your team may be the single most powerful action you can take to increase your team’s performance and generate powerful sales results. Modern sales analysis reports provide managers and sales representatives with a detailed overview of all relevant sales processes to optimize performance and ensure healthy business growth. The best part is sales reporting has never been easier. Thanks to the rise of modern sales reporting software that facilitates businesses' lives by providing interactive reports in the shape of professional dashboards that are easy to create and understand for everyone without any need for technical skills.

 To help you dive into the world of sales data analysis, this blog post will focus on the power of these reports by presenting the definition and a list of examples of daily, weekly, and monthly sales reports. Additionally, we will discuss exactly how to report sales, its importance, and the creation process so that you can find out the story behind each report and use them as templates or inspiration to generate your own.

Without further ado, let's get started.

What Is A Sales Report?

A sales report template showing performance metrics such as sales growth, sales target, ARPU, CLV, etc.

A sales report is an analysis tool that provides a mix of powerful KPIs that track the performance of various sales activities within a company. The insights contained in them help managers spot trends and improvement opportunities to reach sales goals. 

These powerful tools give a snapshot of the company’s strategies and activities at a specific period to assess the situation and determine the best strategic decisions and actions to undertake. With the help of modern online sales report software, decision-makers can find potential new market opportunities to improve results and gain an advantage over their competitors.  

They can be of various forms: a daily sales report format will track sales KPIs that are relevant daily, such as the number of phone calls or meetings set up by a rep or the leads created. Likewise, weekly sales report templates can monitor the amount of deals the team closes or the revenue generated. A monthly sales report format will provide a bigger picture of the activity of each sales rep or the team as a whole. Putting it all together on sales dashboards will enable you to automate your data and focus on human-centric tasks without requiring time-consuming manual calculations and repetitive exports.

There are also different variations of reports that will focus on different aspects: the progress of sales in general, detailing the revenue generated, the sales volume evolution, measuring it against a pre-set sales target, the CLV, etc. There are also reports focusing on the sales representative themselves and their sales cycle performance, from lead generation to closing a deal. We will go through the main types of sales reports later in the post, but before that, we need to discuss why these analytical tools are so important today. 

Why Are Sales Reports Important?

Imagine a sales team has set an ambitious goal of closing six figures in new revenue streams for that quarter. They check their progress two months into the goal only to realize they’re way off target from hitting it. They were probably busting their butts to make their goal become reality, but just working hard isn’t enough. Setting goals is fine, but they need to be realistic and achievable. That is where professional sales reporting and analysis comes in. If that sales team had analyzed their historical data with the help of a professional report, they would have thought of a goal that matched their reality and prevented the disappointment and the waste of resources. 

Tracking your progress with the help of self-service data analytics tools and regularly reporting on your performance can make a significant difference in how strategies are approached. These tools give businesses the power to make informed decisions based on their own data, preventing any mistakes that lead to wasting resources or, even worse, stall business growth. 

But that's not all. Keep reading to learn more about the business-boosting benefits of these reports: 

  • They help you make informed decisions: Believe it or not, in the age of information, some businesses still rely on pure intuition or experience to make critical strategic and operational decisions. This can only lead to a waste of resources and untapped potential. Luckily, modern sales reports give businesses easy access to their current and historical performance to make decisions and build strategies solely based on their data. Avoiding shooting in the dark when it comes to important decisions. 
  • They provide a navigational system: Think of reporting as your “navigational aid” for steering your sales team in the right direction. Modern online reporting software will help you get actionable sales insights to drive future revenue and crush quotas. They make things crystal clear for your sales team regarding what’s important and what they should be working on.
  • They ensure consistent monitoring: To make the most out of your strategies, you must work hard on the right things at the right time. In other words, you need to work hard with intention and awareness. And that’s what daily or weekly sales report samples will help you achieve. They indicate how your team and strategies perform in real-time, so you can course-correct things as needed. 
  • They keep goals simple and clear: As long as you’re not overloading your team with too many KPIs, by using reports, you can show your staff, “Hey, these numbers are crucial to our success. So, we’re going to keep track of them frequently.” When your team has a set of clear KPI examples they need to execute, they can invest all their energy into drumming up revenue – instead of wasting time thinking about what they should focus on next.

To put things into perspective, let’s say you’ve been doing an aggressive cold-calling campaign to drum up a new business. If you use a weekly report, you might find after a week that NOBODY has made any significant progress. Knowing this, you can switch to another strategy in time to hit your revenue goal.

Granted, all of this information largely depends on your sales cycles. If you have a massively expensive enterprise software package that often takes half a year to close, then a monthly report would be your version of a weekly report, and your weekly report would be similar to a daily report for other businesses with shorter sales cycles.

In essence, a sales report provides a roadmap to track your progress and monitor the team's efficiency to develop the most profitable funnel and keep your costs at a minimum while productivity is at a maximum level. If you want to improve your sales cycle performance management periodically, you can also read our extensive article on the benefits and value of a KPI scorecard . 

Now, let’s move on to the different types of reports for sales. 

Your Chance: Want to test modern sales reporting software for free? Explore our 14-day free trial & benefit from great sales reports today!

Types Of Sales Reports

Depending on the analysis goal, the business type, and other variables, businesses rely on various reporting techniques to track the progress of their sales efforts and ensure success across the board. Here, we present you with some key types that you should know. You can find visual examples of the reports presented above in the templates section at the end of the post.  

  • Sales funnel reports : This type of report illustrates a business’s customer journey from when they first contacted the company to when they actually purchased a product or service. Typically, the funnel is divided into different stages, requiring sales representatives to take specific actions to move a potential client from one stage to the next. This enables managers to evaluate the individual performance of sales reps in moving prospects further in the funnel, evaluate the entire process, and tackle any bottlenecks that might be preventing leads from turning into paying customers. For example, a business might realize that leads are dying at the proposal stage. This could mean the product or service is not being presented correctly and could affect the entire sales process. 
  • Conversion report: Similar to the funnel report, the conversion report tracks all details related to converting leads into new customers. It takes data from your sales funnel to understand how the different stages are performing, how many leads are converted, and how many are lost, among other things. Unlike other revenue-related reports that track the amount of money brought to a business in general, a conversion report tracks the revenue generated directly by the efforts of the sales department. It can be produced monthly, quarterly, or yearly and is a perfect tool to spot improvement opportunities. 
  • Forecasts reports : This straightforward yet complex report type enables the department to predict the future sales of a given period. It uses predictive analytics technologies to analyze past and present data and generate accurate predictions. By using these reports, businesses can spot any potential seasonal slowdowns and any other bottlenecks that must be addressed beforehand. Additionally, a forecast report can identify pipeline weaknesses so they can be appropriately optimized. 
  • Opportunity reports : This tool uses Einstein's opportunity score to rate the leads from 0 to 99. The ones with higher scores are the most likely to turn into paying customers, while the ones with lower scores are not. Businesses use this score to divide their leads and dedicate more human and monetary resources to those most likely to convert. 
  • Sales marketing report : This straightforward report type tracks the developments of all marketing-related strategies that work towards increasing sales. It is a great collaborative tool between the two departments, allowing them to stay connected with different needs. For example, the marketing team can track which campaign has been most successful for the sales team and ensure the same material quality is produced. The same could go the other way. Unsuccessful campaigns can be discarded to avoid wasting resources.  
  • Sales agent performance reports : As its name suggests, these tools are used to track and analyze the performance of sales reps in terms of productivity and profitability. The metrics tracked on these reports often include the amount of leads generated, opportunities closed, and revenue generated, among others. This data enables managers to spot reps who might be struggling, provide them with training opportunities, and reward the best performers. 
  • Calls reports : As an extension of the previous report type, the sales call report tracks the amount of visits or calls that sales representatives make to potential clients during an observed period. The time can be either weekly, monthly, or yearly, depending on the aim of the analysis. Tracking this data helps managers assess goal completion for sales reps and understand the percentage of total calls that convert a new client. 

After we have expounded on the benefits and types of sales reports, we will now explain how to make one for yourself and your boss.  

How To Make A Successful Sales Report: Tips & Reporting Best Practices

14 Sales reporting best practices to follow for successful reports

Generating reports can be tricky for both sales teams and managers. To clearly compose your data to tell a story, you should follow these tips and best practices.

When you generate a report, you need to keep your final objectives in mind. To master report writing, there are a couple of crucial questions that you need to ask yourself: who are you reporting for, and why? Is this a weekly check-up or an assessment of a situation or a campaign project? What is the time period of the report? What is the main message you want to share?

Once these questions are answered, you can easily articulate your report accordingly. Here’s how to do it:

  • Identify your goals: There is no point in creating a solid reporting process for sales if you don’t have a goal. Define specific questions you need an answer to, and tie all the metrics that correspond to your final destination. This is a crucial point as it will help you define the kind of data that you need to collect and prevent your analysis from becoming overcrowded with unuseful information. 
  • Define your audience : Before working on the report, consider who will read it and what they need to know. Consider their background and if they are familiar with the jargon you might use. It’s not the same if you write for a specific sales audience than to a general one. Taking care of this aspect will help your reports be more engaging and readable. 
  • Define the purpose of your report : Sharing monthly advancement with top management or just having the weekly overview and analysis of the sales objectives with your team. Both reports will have a different structure, and the info you will share will also be very different. You can also benefit from report automation and schedule a specific time for your reports to be produced and shared.
  • Decide on a time period : You can create a daily and a monthly report or choose to display the data of the last quarter or year. Whichever you choose, it is important to think about it beforehand as it will help you gather the correct data and plan accordingly. You can also customize templates based on your own goals, departmental structure, or C-level management requirements. 
  • Gather the right data : Now that you have defined your goals, audience, and time period, you should have all the necessary information to collect your data. With the help of professional online BI tools , you can easily connect multiple data sources and visualize them all together in interactive sales analysis reports. The best part is the sources will be automatically updated, meaning you will always have fresh insights available. 
  • Tell a story: As you learned from the different types of reports we presented above, each type tells a different story based on the goals we have predefined. In this area, you also need to look at the bigger picture. If your goals aren’t being met, there is a reason behind it – does your customer or client have a rough business patch that resulted in lower sales volumes?
  • Visualize and communicate your findings : Once you have analyzed and dug out insights from your data, the most important part is to convey this information to your audience. In the past, reports were mainly in written form or using static visuals. Today, it is all about interactivity and visual analytics. A professional business intelligence dashboard is a highly visual tool that offers a centralized location for your most important sales KPIs.
  • Create an unforgettable presentation: Humans are visual creatures, and by visualizing all the numbers and correlations on a single screen, you enable faster insights, pattern recognition, easy-to-spot trends, and interactivity with data. A simple sales presentation with visualized data is much more digestible and effective when it’s done through the power of online data visualization .
  • Provide context : An aspect often forgotten when we are deep in the reporting mindset is that numbers never tell the full story. Provide some background and a bigger picture of the figures, especially if you are presenting weekly sales report templates. For instance, how has the situation been this month or this quarter? Is the general trend going up or down?
  • Take advantage of sales forecasts: One of the most crucial tips we can give you is to utilize sales forecasts to be able to make better and more informed business decisions, predict future performance, and give insights on how to manage your sales strategies, like in our example below:

Sales forecast in datapine's Analyzer showing the prediction for 2 quarters, and 2 countries

**click to enlarge**

This example shows an intuitive user interface of modern business intelligence software like datapine that allows you to analyze and visualize sales data with a few clicks and take advantage of advanced analytics features such as predictions, intelligent alerts, and conditional formatting.

11. Identify patterns in your data: An important tip to consider when using company sales reports for your online data analysis process is to act on results. Often, organizations react when the numbers are negative. However, the true value of reporting lies in providing a deeper look into your business. Once you get your sales management reports done, examine the data carefully, and find trends and patterns to understand why something is happening. Like this, you will not only fine-tune your sales strategies but will find new opportunities that will lead your business to grow.

12. Share your findings: Whether you need to input your colleague or show your sales manager or board of directors achievements and current insights, these kinds of reports should be easily shared. That way, you empower collaboration and increase productivity between stakeholders. For instance, datapine’s business dashboards can be shared and exported in multiple formats, including print, PDF, live URL, automated email, and more. 

13. Use automated tools: One of the main benefits of sales reporting is to help businesses deal with their sales data the most efficiently. To do so, sales business intelligence tools provide automated features that will autogenerate your reports with just a few clicks. By investing in these business intelligence solutions to leverage your sales data, you can leave the pains of manual reporting in the past and benefit from interactive dashboards filled with real-time data ready to extract fresh business insights.

14. Get creative! When building your report, add a bit of fun or a more personal touch to catch your audience's attention and make you more confident while presenting! Sales analytics tools , like datapine, offer white-label reporting features to allow users to customize reports to meet any design needs they might have. 

These tips will help you create a powerful business sales report to share with your colleagues and key stakeholders. To keep digging deeper into the process, below we will discuss some tips to present a report to your boss. 

How Do You Write A Sales Report To Your Boss?

All of the steps mentioned above apply when writing a daily, weekly, or sales monthly report to your boss. However, your audience is already defined and specific – this time, you are writing for direct and/or top management. So here’s what you should additionally consider when writing to your boss:

  • Focus on what matters to your boss: choose the right metrics. During the writing, you must remember why your boss needs the report and focus on giving the precise information they need to make the best data-driven decisions possible. When gathering the data, select the very metrics that matter to them: sales growth, the targets previously set and the state of achievement, the sales revenue over the month or year, etc. Remember that data is the centerpiece of your report, so spend some time collecting and organizing it as clear as possible.
  • Visualize the data to communicate it better: To make it easy to grasp in a simple glance, instead of adding up one after a succession of graphs, you should opt for the overview that provides a dashboard. To visualize all of your metrics together in an effective way, online dashboards are key – and you can take some inspiration from different dashboard examples and templates. The advantage of using such dashboards is that you will always present up-to-date information, as they work with real-time data. No more stress over synchronization and updating files a hundred times!
  • Don’t forget the executive summary : To finish with, do not forget to add an executive summary. That summary might be at the beginning of the report before introducing your data and findings, but that will still be the last thing you will write. Indeed, it will summarize the major insights drawn out and question the next steps. Top management does not always have time to go into detail, so you need an executive sales summary paragraph that lists the salient points.

Now that you've got all the details on analyzing sales data and creating powerful reports, we will look into an extensive list of 37 templates for daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reporting. 

Sales Report Examples For Daily, Weekly, Monthly, & Quarterly Reporting

1. 8 monthly sales reports templates and samples.

A monthly sales report is used to monitor, evaluate, analyze, and determine monthly sales trends. It includes more long-term measurement of KPIs, such as sales cycle length, conversion report, and monthly progress report, among many others.

To dig a bit deeper, we will briefly introduce some monthly sales reports examples that can help. A month will provide a broader feeling of how your sales reps are performing in the long run, even though, as we mentioned earlier, it can be too long for you to implement correction to avoid missing out on opportunities before it is too late.

1) Sales KPI report

We will start with an example focused on high-level metrics intended to make C-level executives’ lives much easier. Reporting on these levels should include main metrics, such as revenue, churn rate, profit margin, incremental sales, etc.

A monthly sales report template focused on high-level metrics such as revenue, profits, costs, incremental sales, accumulated revenue, up/cross-sell rates, etc.

These metrics (as seen in the example above) are of utmost importance to track every month since they can change the course of a company’s sales strategy. Sales VPs, managers, and executives can monitor the most important operational and strategic data to increase the quality and performance of designated sales targets. A monthly sales report template like this one can be generated within minutes with professional KPI software . 

In the example above, we can see how to maintain revenue and management under control with the help of interactive charts that consolidate data from your connected database and bring you powerful visualizations that tell an immediate data story. You can break down your costs, monitor your incremental sales, and compare your results with the last month while keeping your data up-to-date.

2) Sales opportunity report

A sales manager report template should incorporate management, development, monitoring, and analysis of opportunities. Those are the most prominent leads within the funnel that need special attention and care. With the help of professional BI reporting tools , opportunities are available in a single, central location, and automatic data updates will enable you to look at the data in real-time without the manual optimization of numerous spreadsheets and static reports. Let's see this through a visual example below:

A monthly sales report focused on sales opportunities and showing details on latest opportunities, number of opporutnities and average purchase value by package, and churn reasons, among other metrics.

A sales performance report sample above is focused on opportunities and details on various metrics. It starts with a glance overview of current opportunities, current purchase value, average purchase value, and the win ratio compared to last month. This will immediately tell you if your developments are positive or need additional adjustments to improve results. Below, you can find details on the churn reasons with the most lost opportunities stating they've chosen a competitor. You can use these findings to examine what competitors offer and if you can adjust your sales strategies accordingly and try to offer something more valuable for your most promising leads.

At the bottom, the details will let you know when the first contact was made, by which sales rep, what kind of package is listed, comments, and other specifics of each opportunity. That way, you will see additional information without needing to manually search through e-mails or spreadsheets or perform any manual and time-consuming task. By adopting business intelligence software , key reports for sales managers will be centralized and accessible anytime and anywhere. Moreover, you will be able to share and interact with each part of this dashboard, saving you countless hours of work and, ultimately, increasing your productivity levels. 

3) Sales cycle length report

This monthly sales report sample covers the totality of your reps’ sales funnel, from the opportunity to a closed deal. It will outline the development of each rep and point out how good they are at closing deals and how long it takes them to get there. Visualizing these metrics will help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of each individual, providing you with the information you need to respond accordingly.

A monthly sales report example: the Sales Cycle Length Dashboard to track the whole sales funnel

In our sales data analysis example, you can see that the average cycle length is 18 days, with the details being shown below and on the right in this dashboard. A data report such as this will ensure you gain a complete overview of your cycle while monitoring the conversion rate and cycle length of each sales manager on your team. The goal is to shorten the sales cycle as much as possible, but it also depends on the industry. In B2B, the cycle length is usually much longer than in B2C. The less time it takes you from identifying an opportunity to closing a deal, the more effective and profitable your processes will be.

4) Sales conversion report

As a complement to the previous template, here you can see how effective your reps are at converting the leads into sealed deals after hitting every step of the funnel to get there. By analyzing each stage of this funnel, you can identify where an issue may occur and address it to increase your sales conversions.

This monthly sales report template shows how efficient the team is at converting leads to closed deals, and the number of leads obtained

This sales summary report sample, created with a powerful dashboard maker , shows the leads, opportunities, negotiations, proposals, and wins in a simple yet straightforward way. The monthly development is depicted on top, showing how many converted leads you gained in the last 30 days. When you see certain spikes, you can examine what happened that day to see if you can apply the same tactics for your next sessions.

You can also see two gauge charts that visualize the lead-to-opportunity and opportunity-to-win ratios. If you notice a significant increase in your wins, you can safely assume your sales reps bring profits to your company. On the other hand, if the opportunity-to-win ratio is stagnating or decreasing, you can examine what kind of problems your reps have at the later stages of sales.

5) Sales Analysis Report Sample

Our next example is the perfect overview for a B2C business that sells products or services across the globe and needs a centralized view of the latest developments. With insights into critical revenue, profit, and product metrics for different regions, companies can extract actionable insights regarding the development of their strategies and identify where they could be improved. 

Sales reporting example tracking revenue and profit metrics for different regions and products

Looking into this sales operations report in more detail, we get a revenue and profit trend chart where users can quickly understand the overall performance of each quarter. In this case, we can see that Q2 2022 saw a significant decrease in revenue and profit compared to Q1 2022. Now, that data alone doesn’t tell us much about why this happened. To dig deeper, you need to explore the rest of the data contained in the report and extract useful insights from it. For example, by looking into the revenue by country and product charts, you can identify a region or product that is underperforming and affecting the overall results.  In this case, we can see that some products with the highest revenue also have the lowest profit margin; this could mean high production costs that could be optimized to increase profitability. 

6) Sales & order report

The following monthly report template can benefit online retailers the most. With so many orders to handle, it can sometimes be difficult to track everything sent out or returned. Every retailer aims to increase sales volumes, but keeping the return process in the loop will help you greatly on many levels. In the retail dashboard below, you can first see in which quantity your items are returned and then analyze why. This is key to figuring out where the problem lies and troubleshooting it as fast as possible.

sales and order retail dashboard - to help you leverage big data analytics

If the item doesn't fit, as we see in our example as the main return reason, it would make sense to communicate the sizes more effectively. Maybe they need to be more visible within your online store, or they don't correspond to the standard US or EU sizes.

That way, you can easily increase your customers’ satisfaction, and we all know that a satisfied client is coming back: s/he can also recommend your products and services to their friends and family. And that’s pretty much what you want to achieve.

7) Outbound calls report

Telephone cold calling is still one of the most important techniques used in sales. That’s why we have chosen to present this report, which displays various key areas in your outbound processes and potential results.

Outbound call dashboard is a monthly sales report format depicting the number of calls, demos, closed contracts, and performance of agents

In this comprehensive sales analysis example, you can generate invaluable insights referring to outbound call trends, the sales team performance based on the contact rate, contracts closed, and average order value, among others. This visual lets you compare your findings with the previous period and learn the most effective moment to perform calls to maximize results and profits.

In our example, you can see that the contact rate is highest mid-week while the details on the agents' performance are depicted on the right. The trends are indicated in comparison to the previous period and are, unfortunately, negative. The point is to examine further what happened to avoid such scenarios in the future. If agents need more education or something unexpected happens that you can't influence or change, it's time to ask additional questions.

8) Sales performance report

As our final monthly report format, we chose one that displays a broad overview of your performance, combining a lot of different KPIs – which is helpful if you decide to create a monthly report. The one displayed here goes further, showing data over one year, but you can take data for just over one month.

This monthly sales report template provides numerous sales graphs and charts related to performance, giving you a good overview of your how business is going

From the number of customers you have acquired during that span to the costs it takes to get them, from the average revenue each of them brings you to the lifetime value they have, this sample provides you with at-a-glance information to quickly see if your teams are meeting their goals.

In a practical sense, this performance dashboard will enable you to track the acquisition costs, the average revenue per unit, the customers' lifetime value, and the development over time. It's important to track and regularly evaluate your performance since it will create an informed sales environment where you can make decisions based on data and not "hunches" or assumptions that can cost you significant money and time.

2. 13 Weekly Sales Report Samples And Templates

A weekly sales report is a measurement tool used by companies and individuals to track sales performance and essential KPIs, such as lead-to-opportunity ratio, lead conversion ratio, sales volume by channel, and total sales per region, among many others, every week.

A week is arguably the perfect period to measure individual sales rep performance. A month is often too long, leading you to miss out on course correction opportunities until after the fact. And a single day is often too short to see any meaningful, outcome-dependent information. Of course, the perfect period to measure sales rep performance also depends on your business model as well. You can also check our resources to expand your knowledge using a business report template .

Here, we will look at specific reports and KPIs you can track weekly from a B2B and retail perspective.

a) Track Your Weekly B2B Sales With These Reports

As mentioned, the week is a perfect span to track your team's performance and get a more detailed overview of your sales numbers. Let’s explore some examples below! 

1) Number of outbound calls

Telephone cold calling is an invaluable B2B KPI that can tell you which weekdays are the most promising for outbound calls. Usually, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are particularly valuable for B2B sales, but it might be helpful to set your own benchmarks.

This sales reporting template focuses on outbound call and contact rate per weekday

You can set daily targets and track the progress during each day of the week but do consider factors such as mentioned days of the week or local time.

2) Sales volume by channel

This is a bit of a more “strategic” KPI that can also be used effectively on longer time scales. This report shows you what physical areas and customer acquisition methods pull the most revenue. The total sales volume can make it easy to see where you should prioritize your sales efforts so that you can adjust accordingly.

3) Sales opportunity score

Scoring models will help you set a standardized value for your opportunities since there are different classifications depending on the potential. That way, you can allocate your resources more effectively and spend more time with more potential opportunities.

Sales opportunity score showing the potential on a scale from 1 to 5.

As we can see in our sales summary report above, the amount of high-potential opportunities corresponds with the dark grey area and 13% of all opportunities. This metric, created with modern dashboard software , will help you make an effective weekly strategy and action plan on where your sales reps should focus their time and energy.

4) Revenue closed by rep

While a week may be slightly too short to get a meaningful revenue metric (depending on the length of your sales cycle), this is still a valuable report to run. For shorter sales cycles , you’ll certainly be able to see trends by rep over 2-3 weeks. For longer sales cycles, this report may provide insight into what times of the month your reps tend to close sales, increasing the accuracy of your future projections.

5) Upsell and cross-sell rates

As it is well known in the sales industry, it is much easier to sell additionally to your existing customers than to acquire new ones. This daily sales report sample is useful to track every week since tracking it daily is just too short of a time span to evaluate your strongest and weakest points. When you compare the results of each rep, you can see each rate and educate others to implement the same tactics. That way, your sales numbers will grow, but there is a high chance that you will also improve client loyalty and satisfaction.

A sales chart depicting the upsell and cross-sell rates by sales rep

6) Customer lifetime value

This is one of the most important KPIs you can track in a B2B sales setting, first on a week-to-week basis and then expanding over the months.

the Customer Lifetime Value is a KPI that represents the amount of money you would like/forecast to make on the period of time that your relationship lasts with that customer.

It shows how much a business expects to earn from the entirety of the relationship with a customer. You can monitor it weekly to see whether the average rises or decreases. The goal is, of course, to keep the lifetime value as long and high as possible.

7) Average purchase value

Comprehensive sales analytics reports should include the average purchase value. It makes sense to compare this metric with the amount of opportunities every week since you can immediately spot direct correlations between the two.

A weekly sales report example showing the average purchase value based on 3 different product packages: basic, premium, and professional

In our example of a sales report, we can see the number of opportunities and average purchase value divided into 3 categories: basic, premium, and professional. The numbers can help you identify if you need to offer additional incentives to your clients or customers to increase your chances of selling higher-end products or services. If you compare it with the previous week, you can see the growth of 4%, which tells you you're on the right track.

8) Client meetings attended by rep

This is very good for a weekly sales activity report template. While in a day, it’s hard to get meaningful conclusions from how many meetings are being attended by each rep, a week timeline shows a different story. 

These meetings can either be virtual or in person, but successful sales reps will have them consistently, and this report will show you how they’re doing.

9) Lead-to-opportunity ratio

A weekly sales report template, the lead-to-opportunity ratio, compares the number of unqualified leads to the number of qualified ones, to create a predictable revenue

Tracking this metric weekly will let you evaluate the amount of unqualified versus qualified leads. A qualified lead is usually an opportunity, i.e., positive interaction that leads to a face-to-face meeting or a phone call, opening favorable circumstances for closing a sale. The lead-to-opportunity ratio tells you the amount of leads you need to meet your objectives in terms of revenue. Once you have a baseline ratio, you know how many leads you need to create to reach your target growth – and at the same time, you have predictable revenue.

This example can be assessed with the MQL (marketing qualified lead) and SQL (sales qualified lead), as it interconnects the departments since you need to define the most promising prospects that can turn into customers. Over the weeks, you can determine which potential customers convert the most and adjust your sales and marketing strategies accordingly.

10) Opportunity-to-win ratio by rep

The Opportunity to Win ratio is a weekly sales report displaying the efficiency of your sales representative at closing a deal

This report displays a straightforward sales KPI that shows how effective each of your reps is at closing their opportunities. While some variance is expected, if one rep is dramatically better than the others, they may get the best leads. Or, this rep may have some skills they could teach the rest of your reps.

If a rep isn’t closing at the same rate as their colleagues, this could just be a fluke – at least weekly. But if these weekly reports continue to indicate the same trend, it could be the moment to help this rep out.

11) Lead conversion ratio

A weekly sales report example, the lead conversion rate measures the conversion ratio from unqualified leads to closed deals

As the name states, this report will measure the number of leads that end up in a “win,” i.e., that turn into paying customers. This is one of the most important ratios for a sales team, as it gives a baseline to determine the number of leads the team needs to meet business objectives. It will depend on each company and industry, but generally, a low lead-to-conversion ratio will alert you to the weakness of your sales pipeline.

b) Skyrocket Your Retail Sales With These Reporting Templates

As one of the most sales-oriented businesses, retailers must also measure, and report on important sales values every week to get a bigger picture compared to daily reports. Let’s see which ones are the most prominent.

12) Rate of return

The next example is a retail sales report template tracking the rate of return. Whether a big or small business, the rate of return can tell you a lot about what customers think of your merchandise.

A weekly sales report example showing the return rate by division

No retailer is happy when their products are returned. Therefore, tracking these values every week will enable you to decrease this number in the future when you investigate why the goods were returned and how you can improve.

13) Total sales by region

Tracking your sales by region can tell you which of your stores (or customers’ locations if you are an online business) are performing well. That way, you can compare these values and implement various other marketing activities based on your results. If you see a specific location outperforming others, see what makes it tick and invest more resources to grow even further.

The total sales by region is a weekly sales report example showing the top 10 states by the number of sales

Now that we have tackled monthly and weekly sales reports and provided examples you can implement in your own business strategies, it’s the moment to take a look at some more detailed insights through sales daily reports.

3. Top 11 Daily Sales Report Templates And Examples

A daily sales report is a management tool used by businesses, sales reps, and managers in order to extract the most relevant day-to-day sales data, such as the number of closed deals, client conversations, opportunities created, and many other sales-related KPIs.

Regarding daily reports, you don’t want to get too focused on outcome-dependent metrics. Instead, you want to focus more on process metrics. What’s the difference?

An outcome metric is revenue earned, which your sales rep can’t directly control. A process metric is something your sales rep can directly control, like how many calls they’ve made, emails they’ve sent, or meetings they’ve set up.

Daily, your reps will simply have some bad days and some good days due to reasons beyond their control. So, seeing that a rep has one low-earning day and then calling them into your office would be a little premature and arguably an example of micromanagement.

However, if several days in a row are pretty bad, or if a week goes by where your reps aren’t performing at their normal standards, that’s a pretty good sign that you might want to ask them what’s happening. Maybe they need to learn some new skills – or maybe their dog just died, and they’re in a bad spot. Either way, it’s your role as a manager to support them. Hereafter are some examples of B2B and retail KPIs you can measure in this sales reporting template.

a) B2B Daily Reports To Control Your Operations

As mentioned, each day in a sales department is different, and many things are simply out of human control. But by closely examining your daily sales operations, you can better conclude what works in your sales process and what does not. Now, we will focus on some examples you can track every day.

  1) Number of meetings set up by a rep

While you can’t actually force a potential client to meet with you through sheer force of will, you can mostly control how many meetings you set up. Take note that we’re not tracking phone calls and/or emails sent out explicitly, as while those KPIs can measure effort, they can also be manipulated quite easily.

A sales report example showing the number of daily meetings set up by different sales managers

And this contains an important lesson about KPIs, even daily ones – they must serve your overall goals. If your daily KPI measures something that doesn’t contribute to your overall goal, it’s not valuable. All in all, it’s hard to set up too many sales meetings, which makes this daily sales activity report template useful.

2) Number of client conversations by rep

This is the equivalent of: “How many phone conversations and in-person meetings do each rep have each day?”. Again, all else being equal, a rep who spends more time talking to customers will generate more results for your business than a rep who doesn’t. This is assuming that you are qualifying your leads properly, which sometimes can be easier said than done.

3) Lead response time by rep:

This daily sales report example shows the average lead response time in hours by sales reps

This daily sales report template can be tricky and controversial since it can vary greatly based on the lead type and actual scenario. The optimal response time should be determined after different strategies are tested. That means you should decide when the right time to react is when prospects download a free trial or whitepaper, whereas prospects requesting an offer should be contacted as soon as possible.

After you have your benchmarks, you can track daily how your sales reps are performing and their averages. That way, you can better analyze the effects on your overall strategy.

4) Number of outbound calls by rep:

You can track the number of outbound calls made by each of your reps daily, see how effective they are in their performance, and take appropriate measures if there are significant deviations from set targets. That doesn’t mean you should micromanage sales reps on a daily basis, as mentioned earlier, but provide them a helping hand when needed.

5) Number of sales opportunities

An opportunity is basically a lead that gets qualified because of the good response and interaction it had – meaning, this is no junk email address nor a fake phone number. An opportunity can be a conversation that ends at a meeting, paving the way to further sales interaction.

Sales opportunity score showing the potential on a scale from 1 to 5

Valid qualified leads are extremely important to sales, as is comparing the number of opportunities against the purchase volume. This sales analysis template will show you the potential purchase value of new opportunities, and it would make sense to track it daily but also its development so that you can easily pinpoint successful days and try to recreate the processes in the future optimization of your sales funnel.

6) Number of touchpoints created by rep

This is a tie-in metric that looks at:

  • How many emails were sent to a potential customer that has shown interest
  • How many phone conversations were held or voice mails left with potential customers who have shown interest

With this metric, we’re trying to provide an overall “effort” KPI for each rep without making things too easy to manipulate. That’s why it can be useful to specify that for an email or phone conversation to count, there must have been prior contact with a customer identifying them as a lead.

7) Number of new leads created by rep

This is a pretty straightforward report. If you’re worried about reps boosting their numbers with low-quality leads, you can identify specific qualifications for leads and base your report on those numbers.

8) Number of sales/closed deals

A sales report template showing the daily number of sales

Quite straightforwardly, this KPI counts the number of sales performed on the day. This is particularly important for small retailers with many items with low-added value who need to close as many deals as possible to make a profit margin.

b) Retail Sales Reports You Should Track On A Daily Basis

The retail KPIs we will explain next are indispensable in the retail industry. Retailers must track these KPIs since they need to have a daily overview of their operations, costs, and expenses to be able to generate profit. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

9) The total volume of daily sales

This is a clear-cut daily report that focuses on the number of sales achieved on a daily basis. It is quite important to track, especially in the retail industry, since daily volumes can indicate which days of the week perform best and how you can use this to your advantage.

This daily sales report format indicates the total volume of daily sales compared to yesterday

The goal is to keep your daily sales volumes growing, but don't panic if they start to decrease - instead, investigate why and adjust your strategies.

10) Average transaction size

This is another retail KPI that is extremely useful to track since you can conclude a lot about customer behaviors by looking at the device or payment type.

A daily sales report example showing the average transaction size by the device and payment type

This KPI certainly varies, depending on the retail store type. However, evaluating this KPI can tell you how to adjust your advertising and online shop to meet your customers’ needs.

11) Total orders and average units per customer

Order placement must be tracked daily since retailers need to monitor how many orders they receive each day to ensure profitable results. This will enable you to improve your retail analytics and evaluate which weekdays are busy the most to avoid out-of-stock situations.

The average number of units per customer evaluates how many items customers purchase (on average). This can set the tone of the purchase trends and give you enough data to evaluate your sales even more precisely.

4. Bonus: Quarterly Sales Reports Examples

A quarterly sales report is a tool used to record the performance of sales metrics in three months. One month is often not enough time to track strategies' success or discover trends and patterns that will lead to improvement opportunities. For this reason, businesses use quarterly sales report templates to track growth based on a target, a specific market, a geographical area, or any other relevant sales-related process.

After analyzing, monitoring, and evaluating the most prominent KPIs through a quarterly sales report, managers and sales representatives use the results to define the steps to improve in the next quarter. As bonus content for our examples section, we will present 5 quarterly sales reporting examples you can apply to your business.

1. Pipeline Value Forecast  

Our first quarterly sales report example is the pipeline value forecast. By analyzing your historical data to find trends and patterns, this powerful sales report aims to predict the sales value of your business as well as the performance of your sales representatives for the next three months.

Sales report example displaying the pipeline value forecast for 3 months

The predictions consider not only the value of your sales pipeline but also your committed deals, which can also include old clients upgrading their contracts, as well as a worst- and best-case scenario for each value. By getting these predictions, you can quickly understand if you are on the way to meeting your sales targets or if you are facing some underperforming issues and implement strategies to fix them on time.

2. Sales Growth 

Arguably one of the most important quarterly sales reports to track, the sales growth aims to measure the amount of revenue by sales representatives in the last 12 weeks (or 3 months).

Sales growth is a good productivity metric to measure evolution and results.

This is a relevant sales KPI to track as it allows you to drive several conclusions about your sales strategies. For instance, if each of your sales reps is working for a different target group or market, you can monitor which of them brings more revenue and focus your efforts on that target.

3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Next in our examples for quarterly reports is the customer acquisition cost. As its name suggests, the CAC aims to track all costs incurred in signing up a new customer. These costs will defer depending on your business type and what resources you implement to acquire new customers, which can be from campaign implementation to staff salaries and other related costs.

The Customer Acquisition Costs are all the costs involved in the process of turning a prospect into a client. Keeping them as low as possible is a best practice to have

In the report example above, we see the CAC tracked for a year. However, tracking it on a quarterly basis will allow you to fine-tune your strategies before bigger issues affect your entire revenue. It is recommended that customer acquisition costs should be recovered within less than one year of your customer's subscription. The goal should be to keep your CAC as low as possible while increasing your customer lifetime value.

4. Revenue & Profit per Product 

Product profitability is arguably the most important quarterly sales report any business offering products should use. When we talk about a profitable product, we mean that it gains more money than its production costs. If a business sells a very expensive product with a low-profit margin, then it may not be worth the effort.  

Revenue and profit per product as a quarterly sales report example

In the template above, we can see that the DSLR D520 18MP product has the lowest profit margin and the second-highest revenue. Meanwhile, the product FinePix 12.0 MP has a way lower revenue and the second-highest profit. These important insights can lead decision-makers to focus their efforts on more profitable products or tweak their strategies to improve the least profitable ones. 

5. NPS by Sales Representatives 

When it comes to sales, customer experience should be a top priority. How customers interact with salespersons or answer questions can significantly influence their final purchasing decision. With that in mind, our next quarterly report example is the net promoter score by sales rep tracking how satisfied your customers are with the service provided by your sales employees. 

The NPS by sales representative as a sales quarterly report example

What makes this sales report valuable is its visually appealing nature. Just by looking at the numbers with the red and green arrows, managers can easily understand if a rep is underperforming. Additionally, the trend lines for the past six months provide deeper insights into previous performance to extract conclusions and support employees who are struggling. 

In The End, What Should A Sales Report Include?

To sum up this long and rich article, here is a list of what you can find in a sales report:

  • An overview of the sales operations and activity of the company
  • Specific sales KPIs tracked and analyzed to assess said activity
  • A determined time period over which the KPIs are analyzed
  • Graphs and charts to visualize all the data collected
  • An executive sales summary for top management

As we’ve said in other posts, it’s important not to overwhelm yourself with new business processes all at once. Instead, choose the KPIs you think will be the most useful for you and your team and implement those. Then, after a month or more of using those reports, you can add them to your reporting – or keep them where they are. For more reports, you can look at our previous article on sales graphs and charts and find more inspiration!

Knowing where to start with reports is the precondition to creating effective dashboards that will enhance your decision-making and bring your business forward. To see by yourself and start building your own reports, give a go to our 14-day free trial !

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Client Visit Tracking Report

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Efficiently track and manage client visits for your sales team

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What is Client Visit Tracking Report Template?

A client visit tracking report is a comprehensive document that helps your sales team keep track of their interactions with clients. It includes essential information such as department name, salesperson, company name, company address, contact person, industry, communication method, purpose of visit, date, and summary. This template allows your team to efficiently manage client visits, ensuring that all necessary details are recorded and easily accessible.

sales visit report

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Who is this Client Visit Tracking Report Template for?

This client visit tracking report template is perfect for sales teams, customer success teams, and account managers who need to keep track of their interactions with clients. It is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, and can be used across various industries. Some potential users of this template include:

- Sales teams who need to manage their client visits and ensure that all relevant information is recorded and easily accessible.

- Customer success teams who want to track their interactions with clients and monitor the progress of their relationships.

- Account managers who need to keep track of their client visits and ensure that they are providing the best possible service.

Why use this Client Visit Tracking Report Template?

Using a client visit tracking report template offers several benefits for your sales team and organization:

1. Improved organization: By keeping all client visit information in one place, your team can easily access and update the data as needed. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and reduces the risk of miscommunication or lost information.

2. Enhanced communication: With a clear record of client visits, your team can easily share updates and progress with other departments, ensuring that everyone is informed and aligned.

3. Better decision-making: By tracking client visits and interactions, your team can identify trends and patterns, helping them make more informed decisions about their sales strategies and client relationships.

4. Increased efficiency: A well-organized client visit tracking report can save your team time and effort, allowing them to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

5. Seamless integration with Lark: This template can be easily integrated with Lark's suite of tools, allowing your team to collaborate and communicate more effectively.

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sales visit report

Budget Temp

Track your expenses and manage your budget with ease.

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Vehicle Bill Of Sale

Create a professional vehicle bill of sale with ease.

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Plot Diagram

Visualize the plot of your story with a plot diagram.

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Lined Paper

Create lined paper templates for various purposes.

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Book Report

Create professional book reports with ease, create an eye-catching pamphlet for your business or event, all about me, create a personalized 'all about me' template.

sales visit report

Create professional name tags for your events

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Chore Chart

Keep track of household chores with this chore chart template.

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Table Of Contents

Create a professional table of contents for your document.

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Rent Receipt

Create professional rent receipts with ease.

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Budget Sheet

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Daily Planner

Stay organized and maximize productivity with our daily planner template, budget planner, track your income and expenses with ease.

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Capture and showcase your favorite memories with a Polaroid-style photo template

Streamline communication and reporting with the sbar template, sign up sheet, efficiently manage event sign-ups and preferences.

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Concept Map

Visualize and organize complex concepts with a concept map.

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Christmas List

Keep track of your christmas gift list with ease.

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Create a comprehensive shot list for your film or video project

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Essay Outline

Create a comprehensive essay outline for environmental conservation.

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Grocery List

Keep track of your grocery list and expenses with ease.

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Create and customize your own Bingo cards

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Learn about different butterfly species and their characteristics

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Efficiently manage work orders and track progress

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Raffle Ticket

Create professional raffle tickets for your event.

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Track and manage your investment portfolio with ease

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Visualize and analyze circle data with ease

Personal financial statement, track your assets, liabilities, and net worth with ease.

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Missing Poster

Create missing person posters with ease, evaluate and grade student work with ease using this rubric template, create mla format citations with ease, study guide, stay organized and track your study progress with this comprehensive study guide template, manage your book collection with ease.

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Create professional quotes for your business

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Create a comprehensive fish database with Lark

Employment verification letter, generate employment verification letters with ease.

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2 Week Notice Letter

Create professional 2-week notice letters with ease.

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Spelling Test

Track and analyze spelling test results, visualize your family tree with a genogram.

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Book Review

Capture and organize book reviews with ease, eisenhower matrix, organize your tasks based on urgency and importance with the eisenhower matrix, employee evaluation, streamline employee evaluations and performance tracking, review of systems, review your symptoms and medical history with this comprehensive template.

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Certificate Of Completion

Create professional certificates of completion for courses and workshops.

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Organize and share your favorite recipes with ease

Construction contract, create and manage construction contracts with ease.

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Employee Of The Month

Recognize and reward outstanding employees with the employee of the month template.

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Weekly Budget

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Character Reference Letter

Create a character reference letter with ease.

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Create an organized outline for your projects

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Decision Tree

Make informed decisions with a decision tree template.

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Create a fact sheet to showcase your company's key information

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Cleaning Schedule

Keep your workspace clean and organized with this cleaning schedule template, doctors note for work, generate doctors' notes for work with ease, streamline your essay writing process with this comprehensive essay template.

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Organize travel itinerary with ease

Create a comprehensive syllabus for your course.

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User Persona

Create user personas to understand your target audience, trading card, organize and track your trading card collection, credit dispute letter, resolve credit report inaccuracies with a professional dispute letter.

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Discover different types of flowers and their characteristics

Create professional lab reports with ease, keep track of your professional references, logic model, create a logic model to plan and evaluate your projects.

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Create your own cookbook with ease

Stay organized and on top of your tasks with this checklist template.

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Simple Budget

Recipe card, create beautiful recipe cards with ease.

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Create professional cover pages for your documents

Professional references, organize and manage your professional references with ease, create mla citations with ease.

sales visit report

Create engaging blog posts with ease

Recipe book, create your own recipe book with ease.

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Binder Cover

Create personalized binder covers for your projects, letter of authorization, authorize parties and grant specific authorities with this letter of authorization template.

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Acting Resume

Create a professional acting resume with ease, graph paper, create custom graphs and charts with ease, cease and desist letter, send professional cease and desist letters to protect your intellectual property rights, terms and conditions, create a comprehensive terms and conditions template for your website, free monthly budget, organize and track your board game collection, permission slip, create permission slips for student activities, attendance sheet, track employee attendance and manage work hours.

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Business Contract

Create professional business contracts with ease, reading log, keep track of your reading progress and insights, create and manage scripts for your film or theater production.

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Thesis Statement

Create effective thesis statements for various topics, create professional case study reports with ease.

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Manage your bill of lading (BOL) with ease

Generate professional check stubs for your employees, employment letter, create personalized employment letters for your employees, debt verification letter, verify and dispute alleged debts with ease, shopping list, stay organized and never forget your shopping list again.

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Door Hanger

Efficiently distribute messages and promotions with door hangers.

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Baseball Lineup

Create and manage your baseball lineup with ease, plan and track your work projects with ease, demand letter, demand payment for outstanding invoices and unpaid fees, puzzle piece, organize and track your puzzle pieces with ease.

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Notebook Paper

Organize your biology class with this notebook paper template.

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Keep track of tree information and conservation status

Create a professional price list for your products or services.

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Check Register

Track your financial transactions with ease.

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Place Setting

Create personalized place settings for your event.

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Gantt Chart Templ

Track project progress and manage tasks with this gantt chart template.

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Needs Assessment

Assess your organization's needs and prioritize projects.

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Mental Status Exam

Conduct comprehensive mental status exams with ease, checkbook register, keep track of your expenses and manage your finances with ease, customer journey map, visualize and understand your customer journey with ease, free org chart, visualize your organization's structure with ease.

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Simple Monthly Budget

Letter of employment, generate professional letter of employment templates, problem statement, streamline problem identification and resolution.

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Collect signatures for your petition with ease

Create personalized personas for your target audience.

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Bill Of Sale

Create professional bill of sale documents with ease, research proposal, streamline your research proposal process with this template, create and analyze surveys with ease, buyer persona, create personalized buyer personas for your marketing strategy, certificate of appreciation, recognize and appreciate outstanding achievements with personalized certificates, social security card, create professional and secure social security card templates, one on one meeting, streamline your one-on-one meetings with this template, story board, visualize your story with a storyboard template.

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Literature Review

Organize and analyze research literature for your literature review.

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Bill Tracker

Track and manage your bills with ease, consulting contract, create a comprehensive consulting contract with ease, create your own screenplay with ease.

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Exit Ticket

Gather feedback and assess student understanding with this exit ticket template, interview thank you email, express gratitude and follow up after an interview.

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Bill Of Sale Word

Create a captivating story with our story map template.

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Cleaning List

Keep your space clean and organized with this cleaning list template, police report, efficiently manage and track police reports with this template, succession planning, plan for the future of your organization with a comprehensive succession planning template, blank check, create professional and customizable blank checks.

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Streamline user registration and account management

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Reference List

Create a professional reference list for your research papers and publications, simple will, create a simple will to distribute your assets.

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Grant Proposal

Streamline your grant proposal process and increase your chances of securing funding, essay format, format your essays with ease using this template.

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Budget Tracker

Track your expenses and income with ease, letter of support, show your support with a letter of endorsement, college essay, streamline your college essay writing process with this comprehensive template, thank you letter, express gratitude and follow-up with personalized thank you letters, create your own game board with ease.

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Collection Letter

Streamline your collection letter process with this customizable template, bullet journal, stay organized and productive with a bullet journal template, news article, create professional news articles with ease, birthday calendar, never miss a birthday with this customizable birthday calendar template.

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Monthly Bills

Stay on top of your monthly bills with ease.

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Visualize your data on a bubble map

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Create an elegant gala event booklet

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Stock Certificate

Create professional stock certificates for your shareholders.

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Exit Interview

Streamline your exit interview process and gather valuable feedback from departing employees, financial plan, manage your personal finances with ease.

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Value Proposition

Create compelling value propositions for your target customers, event proposal, create professional event proposals with ease, verification of employment letter, verify employment details with ease.

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Doctor Excuse

Generate doctor excuse notes for patients, policies and procedures, manage and track your organization's policies and procedures, job posting, create professional job postings with ease, movie script, create a movie script with ease, food journal, track your daily meals and nutritional intake with ease.

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Memo Format

Create professional and organized memos with ease, corrective action plan, track and manage corrective actions for identified issues, mission statement, craft a compelling mission statement for your organization.

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To Whom It May Concern Letter

Create professional recommendation letters with ease.

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Keep track of your calls and follow-ups with ease

Waiver of liability, create a waiver of liability for your activities, track your business financial performance and growth.

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Monthly Work Schedule

Manage your team's work schedule with ease.

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Block Schedule

Organize your school's block schedule with ease, birthday list, keep track of birthdays and gift ideas for your friends and family.

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Journey Map

Visualize and analyze customer journey with ease, create a comprehensive site map for your website, notary acknowledgement, create professional notary acknowledgement templates with ease, job proposal, create professional job proposals with ease.

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Rent Ledger

Track rent payments and balances with ease, cleaning checklist, efficiently manage cleaning tasks with this comprehensive checklist template.

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Potluck Sign Up Sheet

Organize your potluck event with ease.

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Birth Certificate

Create personalized birth certificates for newborns, questionnaire, create engaging and interactive quizzes with our questionnaire template, certificate of origin, create professional certificate of origin documents with ease, envelope address, create professional envelope addresses with ease, notarized letter, create professional notarized letters with ease.

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Stakeholder Analysis

Analyze and manage project stakeholders effectively.

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Instagram Carousel

Create engaging instagram carousels with ease.

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Decision Matrix

Make informed decisions with the decision matrix template.

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Create stunning mood boards with a variety of visual elements

List of references, create a comprehensive list of references for your research projects, bill of lading, create professional bill of lading documents with ease, monthly expenses, track and manage your monthly expenses with ease, reference sheet, organize and manage your references with ease, efficiently manage household chores with this chore list template, happy birthday, plan and organize birthday celebrations with ease.

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Blank Bingo

Create your own customized bingo game, bank statement, track your financial transactions and balance with ease.

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Create a personalized birth plan for a smooth delivery

Free itinerary, create a personalized travel itinerary with ease.

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Custody Agreement

Create a comprehensive custody agreement for co-parenting, visualize your data with a colorful bar graph.

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Policy And Procedure

Standardize your company policies and procedures with this template.

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Track and manage handovers between team members

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Create professional and customizable quotes for your clients

Contractor estimate, estimate the cost and materials needed for your construction project, itinerary temp, plan your travel itinerary with ease, create a personalized will with ease, free work schedule, efficiently manage employee schedules with this free work schedule template, manage your cloud resources with ease.

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Rent To Own Contract

Create a rent-to-own contract for tenants and landlords, sales funnel, track your sales pipeline and manage deals effectively, budget proposal, create a budget proposal for your projects.

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Create professional doctor's note templates for patients

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Script Format

Create professional scripts with ease, gift letter, create personalized gift letters for donors and recipients.

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Letterhead Word

Create professional letterheads with ease, missing person, track missing persons and their case details.

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Contractor Agreement

Create a comprehensive contractor agreement with ease, recommendation letter, create personalized recommendation letters with ease, wanted poster, create a professional wanted poster for fugitives, monthly budget, track your monthly budget and manage your expenses with ease, letter of recommendation, create professional and compelling letters of recommendation, doctors note, keep track of patient visits and medical recommendations with this doctor's note template, create a professional newspaper with ease, vision board, visualize your goals and dreams with a vision board, create professional and personalized envelopes for your business, business plan, create a comprehensive business plan with ease, project plan, plan your projects with ease.

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Create professional newsletters with ease

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Account Based Marketing

Manage your account-based marketing strategies effectively.

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Price Matrix

Track and compare product prices, bulk prices, and vendor details.

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Content Calendar

Organize and plan your content strategy with ease.

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Product Roadmap

Track and manage your product features with ease.

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Gantt Chart

Track your project progress with a comprehensive gantt chart.

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Manage your resources and schedule with ease, inventory sheet, manage your inventory with ease and precision, income statements, streamline your request for quotation process with this rfq template, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview of all activities, project status report, track your project's progress, budget, and health with ease.

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Requirements Gathering

Streamline your project requirements with a comprehensive overview.

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Staff Availability

Manage your staff's availability with ease and efficiency.

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Weekly Stand Up Meeting

Streamline your weekly stand-up meetings and keep track of team progress.

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Release Management

Manage your software releases efficiently and effectively, networking spreadsheet, manage your professional contacts and networking activities effectively, process documentation, streamline your business processes with a comprehensive documentation, account planning, streamline your account management and planning process.

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Action Item

Track and manage your team's tasks efficiently.

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Business Requirements Document

Streamline your project requirements with a comprehensive and organized approach, communications plan, streamline your communication strategy with a comprehensive plan.

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Post Mortem

Analyze your projects, identify successes and failures, and improve future endeavors.

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Party Planning

Organize your party planning with ease and efficiency.

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Vacation Itinerary

Plan your dream vacation with ease, business model canvas, visualize, design, and reshape your business model with ease, track your company's financial health with a comprehensive p&l statement, manage your marketing campaigns effectively and efficiently.

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Production Schedule

Streamline your production process with a comprehensive schedule, sprint planning, streamline your sprint planning with a comprehensive overview of tasks, assignments, and deadlines, construction daily report, track your construction project progress daily.

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Product Backlog

Manage your product backlog with ease and efficiency, release plan.

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10 Year Plan

Plan your personal and professional life for the next 10 years.

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Event Run Of Show

Efficiently plan and manage your event schedule, 3 year plan, plan your business objectives and strategies for the next three years, order tracker, track your orders and deliveries in real-time, grant management, manage your grants effectively and efficiently, trade show planning, streamline your trade show planning process.

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Manage your customer relationships with ease

Training plan, streamline your training sessions with a comprehensive plan.

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Project Outline

Streamline your project management with a comprehensive outline, organize your meetings effectively with a comprehensive overview, interview guide, streamline your interview process with a comprehensive guide, manage and organize your team's profiles in one place, vendor management, manage your vendors, contracts, and services in one place, real estate schedule, manage your real estate showings, agent details, and property status in one place.

sales visit report

Jira Checklist

Streamline your project management with a comprehensive checklist, class schedule, organize your class schedule with ease, marketing campaign, plan, track, and analyze your marketing campaigns in one place, design brief, streamline your design projects with a comprehensive brief, manage and analyze your product reviews in one place.

sales visit report

Compare and contrast different products with ease

Project milestone, track your project milestones with ease and precision, track your events, responsibilities, and status with ease, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview of tasks, deadlines, and priorities.

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Holiday Schedule

Manage your team's holiday schedule with ease.

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Interior Design Schedule

Manage your interior design project with ease, legal case management, manage your legal cases efficiently and effectively, grant calendar, track and manage your grant applications with ease, sales training plan, streamline your sales training with a comprehensive plan.

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Key Policy For Employees

Manage and track your employees' key issuance and return with ease, track your project milestones, dependencies, and status with ease, book of business, manage your client's financial portfolio with ease, long term planning, strategize your long-term goals and track progress with ease, action plan for students, track your goals, actions, and progress with ease.

sales visit report

Story Mapping

Map your user stories and prioritize tasks with ease, social media content calendar, plan, schedule, and manage your social media posts effectively, hourly calendar, organize your day with precision using the hourly calendar template, marketing strategy, strategize your marketing efforts with clear objectives, target audience, key messages, and more, personal budget, performance evaluation, streamline your employee performance evaluations with ease, contact list, organize your contacts in one place, invoice tracker, track your invoices and payments with ease, schedule of real estate, manage your real estate activities with ease, media brief, organize your media briefs with ease and efficiency, manage your it assets efficiently and effectively, vacation coverage plan, ensure smooth operations during employee vacations with a comprehensive coverage plan.

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Msp Client Onboarding Checklist

Streamline your client onboarding process with a comprehensive checklist.

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Product Testing

Track and manage your product testing with ease, talent planning, track and plan your employees' career development, volunteer spreadsheet, manage your volunteers and their contributions effectively, intern onboarding, streamline your intern onboarding process with ease, product training, streamline your product training process with a comprehensive schedule, retrospective, track and improve your team's performance with a retrospective template.

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Risk Matrix

Manage and mitigate risks effectively with our risk matrix template, project overview, manage your projects effectively with a comprehensive overview, google calendar, manage your events, meetings, and appointments with ease, organize your tasks, groceries, work, and home maintenance with ease.

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Sprint Retrospective

Track and improve your team's sprint performance, event program, streamline your event planning with a comprehensive schedule, staff schedule, efficiently manage your staff's schedule and roles, track and improve your employees' performance with ease, product comparison.

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Track your project tasks and employee hours with precision

Activity calendar, organize your team's activities with a comprehensive calendar.

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Product Design

Streamline your product design process with a comprehensive overview, project portfolio management, manage your projects, track progress, and align with strategy.

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Free Pay Stub

Manage your employee payroll with ease and accuracy, manage your project tasks, deadlines, and deliverables effectively, operations plan, streamline your operations with a comprehensive plan.

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Goal Tracking

Track your personal and professional goals with ease, training schedule, organize and manage your training sessions effectively.

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Lifecycle Powerpoint

Manage your project lifecycle with ease and precision.

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Grant Tracking

Track your grants, deadlines, status, and more with ease.

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Conference Itinerary

Organize your conference itinerary with ease.

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Manage your subscriptions with ease and never miss a renewal date, sprint demo, track and manage your sprint demos with ease.

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Consultant Timesheet

Track your consultants' work hours and billable status with ease, project scope, define your project's boundaries with clarity and precision, track and achieve your personal and professional goals with ease, project management plan, manage your project tasks, resources, and timelines effectively, manage your project estimates with ease and precision, manage your sales and purchases with a comprehensive proforma invoice, hourly weekly schedule, organize your week with precision and ease.

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Request For Quote

Streamline your procurement process with a comprehensive rfq template, strategic roadmap, strategically plan your company's future with a comprehensive roadmap.

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5 Whys Root Cause Analysis

Identify, analyze, and solve problems effectively, manage your volunteers and their tasks efficiently, purchase order, streamline your purchase order process with ease.

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Donation Tracker

Track your donations and donors with ease, requirements document, manage your project requirements with ease and efficiency, marketing brief, plan and execute your marketing strategies effectively, monthly goals, track and manage your monthly goals effectively, track, manage, and resolve issues efficiently, travel planner.

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Board Meeting Agenda

Streamline your board meetings with a comprehensive agenda.

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Track your donors, donations, and follow-ups with ease, project retrospective, analyze your project's success and areas for improvement, conference planning, effortlessly plan and manage your conferences.

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Product Launch Plan

Efficiently plan and track your product launches, manage your project backlog with ease and efficiency, sprint planning meeting, streamline your sprint planning meetings and keep track of your team's progress.

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Reporting Specifications

Streamline your reporting process with a comprehensive overview, 24 hour planner, plan your day hour by hour with this 24 hour planner template, workback plan, streamline your project management with a comprehensive workback plan, template management, manage your templates effectively and efficiently, event schedule, organize and manage your events with ease, resource planning, efficiently manage your resources and tasks with a comprehensive view, construction proposal, manage your construction proposals efficiently, project kickoff, kickstart your projects with a comprehensive plan.

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Organize and analyze your data with ease

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Best Practices Documentation

Document and implement best practices across various business functions.

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Supply Request Form

Streamline your supply requests with a simple and efficient form, legal case management spreadsheet.

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Legal Case Tracking

Track and manage your legal cases efficiently, track and manage your project tasks efficiently, account plan, manage your client relationships effectively with a comprehensive account plan, employee task list, manage your team's tasks efficiently and effectively, weekly goals, track and manage your team's weekly goals with ease, daily task employee task list, streamline your daily tasks and improve productivity, deliverables, track and manage your project deliverables with ease, project pipeline, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview, streamline your order management process with ease, track and evaluate participant performance with ease, manage your request for information (rfi) process with ease, professional development plan, track your professional growth and plan for future skills with ease, competitive analysis, analyze your competition with a comprehensive overview, google sheets calendar temp, manage your personal and professional life with a comprehensive calendar.

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24 Hourly Schedule

Organize your day with a 24-hour schedule, create a new database from the time card, track your employees' work hours and tasks efficiently, case management, manage your cases efficiently and effectively, risk benefit analysis, analyze the potential benefits and risks of your business decisions, business case, streamline your business case creation process, manage your projects efficiently with a comprehensive overview, gap analysis, identify and address gaps in your business operations, workforce planning, streamline your workforce planning with a comprehensive overview of your employees, streamline your project management with clear roles and responsibilities, streamline your testing process with a comprehensive test case template.

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30 60 90 Day Plan

Streamline your first 90 days in a new role with a clear plan, performance review, streamline your performance review process with a comprehensive template, strategic planning, strategically plan and track your company's goals with ease.

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Software Comparison

Compare and choose the best software for your needs, interview notes, streamline your interview process with a comprehensive overview of each candidate, success plan, track your goals and measure your success with ease, risk register, manage and mitigate potential risks with a comprehensive overview, creative brief, streamline your project management with a comprehensive creative brief.

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Student Progress Tracker

Track and analyze student progress with ease, construction budget template goog, track your construction budget with ease and accuracy, employee availability, manage your team's availability and shift preferences with ease, sprint backlog, manage your project tasks efficiently with a sprint backlog.

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Google Docs Timeline

Track your project's progress with a comprehensive timeline, elevator pitch, craft compelling elevator pitches with ease, strategize your business goals and objectives with ease, event budget, track and manage your event expenses effectively, team charter, streamline your team's mission, roles, and norms with a comprehensive team charter, social media calendar template goog, streamline your social media posts and track engagement metrics.

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Travel Itinerary Template Go

Plan your travel itinerary with ease and precision, project deliverables, work breakdown structure, streamline your project management with a detailed work breakdown structure, implementation plan, streamline your project implementation with a clear and concise plan, organize your meetings effectively with a detailed agenda.

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Manage your projects, tasks, and deadlines with ease

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Expense Report

Track and manage your team's expenses with ease, weekly schedule, organize your week efficiently with a clear schedule, time blocking, organize your day efficiently with time blocking.

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Standard Operating Procedure

Streamline your operations with our standard operating procedure template, google docs itinerary, plan your business trips with ease and precision, root cause analysis, analyze, track, and prevent incidents with a comprehensive root cause analysis, performance improvement plan, track and manage employee performance improvement plans, market analysis, analyze your market with precision and ease, 12 week year, plan and track your goals and actions for each week of the year.

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Profit And Loss

Track your company's financial performance with ease, action plan, streamline your project management with a comprehensive action plan, cost benefit analysis, analyze the cost and benefits of your projects with ease, products list, manage your product inventory with ease, organize your events, meetings, and activities with ease, cost analysis, analyze and manage your company's expenses effectively, project charter, streamline your project management with a comprehensive project charter, income statement, travel itinerary.

sales visit report

Streamline your project management with a comprehensive workflow

Manage your project risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies with ease, vendor list, manage your vendors efficiently and effectively, mutual action plan, streamline your business objectives and action plans with mutual action plan templates, daily schedule, organize your daily activities with a clear and concise schedule, track your expenses and savings with ease, go to market strategy, strategize your market entry with comprehensive planning, risk assessment, manage and mitigate risks effectively with a comprehensive overview, raci matrix, workback schedule, streamline your project management with a detailed workback schedule, action items, track and manage your team's action items effectively.

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Business Plan Temp

Craft a comprehensive business plan with ease.

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Proof Of Concept

Track and manage your innovative projects with ease, free business plan, streamline your business planning process with a comprehensive template, timeline template go, track your project's progress from start to finish, smart goals, track and achieve your goals with precision and clarity, process mapping, streamline your project process with a clear roadmap, gantt chart template goog, manage your project timelines and tasks efficiently, vacation planning, staff roster, manage your team's information and hours with ease.

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Sales Tracker

Track your sales, analyze trends, and maximize profits.

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Uat Sign Off

Track and manage your user acceptance testing (uat) with ease.

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Technical Debt Register

Track, manage, and resolve technical debts efficiently, marketing calendar, plan and track your marketing campaigns with ease, sample rollout plan, streamline your product rollout with a comprehensive plan, photo directory, create a comprehensive photo directory for your organization, process flow chart, visualize and streamline your sales process, investment agreement, track and manage your investment agreements with ease.

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College Schedule

Organize your college life with a comprehensive schedule, meeting tracker, track your meetings, attendees, and action items with ease, business travel itinerary, organize your business travel details in one place, plumbers invoice, manage your plumbing services invoices with ease.

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Employee Daily Activity Report

Track and manage your team's daily activities efficiently, work breakdown, streamline your project management with a comprehensive work breakdown.

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Html Report

Create comprehensive html reports with ease, plan and manage your events with ease, end of day report, track your team's daily progress with ease, cna report sheet, track and manage patient care with ease, rank tracker report, track your keywords and their performance across different search engines.

sales visit report

Classroom Seating Chart Whiteboard

Organize your classroom seating with ease and efficiency, delegation of authority matrix, streamline your task delegation and authority levels with ease, executive project status report, track your projects' progress, budget, risks, and more in one place, decision log, track and manage your team's decisions with ease, simple payment agreement, manage your payment agreements with ease and precision, medical chart, manage your patient's medical records efficiently, level 10 meeting, streamline your team meetings with the level 10 meeting template, capability matrix, track and manage your team's skills and certifications, benchmark analysis, analyze your competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, content plan, streamline your content planning and execution with ease, seo competitor analysis, analyze your competitors' seo strategies and improve your own.

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Campaign Brief

Streamline your marketing campaigns with a comprehensive brief.

sales visit report

Streamline your deal management process with a comprehensive overview

24 hours schedule, organize your day efficiently with a 24-hour schedule, weekly planner, organize your tasks and deadlines with a weekly planner, software change log, track and manage software changes efficiently, construction gantt chart, track your construction project progress with a gantt chart, termination of contract letter, manage your contract terminations effectively and efficiently, manage your projects, tasks, and deadlines efficiently, daily to do list, organize your day efficiently with a comprehensive to-do list, seo project management, manage your seo tasks efficiently and effectively, project management decision log, track and manage your project decisions with ease, content management, manage your content effectively across different platforms, organize your legal memos with ease.

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Marriage Contract

Simplify your marriage contract creation process.

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Approval Matrix Whiteboard

Streamline your approval process with the approval matrix whiteboard template, company contact list, organize and manage your company's contacts with ease, data analysis report, analyze and present your data effectively.

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Shift Schedule

Manage your team's shifts efficiently and effectively, project roadmap, track your project's progress with a comprehensive roadmap, commission sheet, track and manage your sales team's performance with ease, report requirements, streamline your report creation process with this comprehensive template, weekly report, track your team's weekly progress with ease.

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Camp Schedule

Organize your camp activities with ease and precision, policy memo, streamline your policy memo creation and management, leader standard work, streamline your leadership tasks and priorities, employee schedule, streamline your employee scheduling process, it incident report, track, manage, and resolve it incidents effectively.

sales visit report

User Acceptance Testing Checklist

Streamline your user acceptance testing (uat) process with this comprehensive checklist, 5050 partnership agreement, create fair and balanced partnership agreements, contractor invoice, manage your contractor invoices with ease and efficiency, plan of record, track your project tasks, deadlines, and progress with ease, governance plan, streamline your governance plan with a comprehensive overview of tasks, roles, and deadlines, meeting minutes, track your meetings, attendees, agendas, and action items with ease, urgent important matrix, prioritize your tasks effectively with the urgent important matrix template, customer success plan, track and manage your customer success journey, business development plan, strategize your business growth with a comprehensive plan, out of office coverage plan, manage your team's leaves and ensure smooth task delegation with our out of office coverage plan template, staffing matrix, manage your staffing needs efficiently and effectively, college pros and cons list, compare and contrast different colleges with ease.

sales visit report

75 Hard Wellness Challenge

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Visit Report Template for Trade Shows and Field Service


Recording and maintaining contact data in the CRM system is a daily task in the back office, but recording leads and existing customers is also elementary for successful field service sales. In this guide, we would like to provide you with an essential tool for this: a template for your visit reports.

Visit report – recording communication

Sales increasingly take place outside of a personal meeting on site because of the Internet and modern communication options. However, trade fairs and the field sales are still important pillars of a company in which time and money are invested. At the same time, the accurate recording of your meetings at a trade fair is the basis for further sales success. But how are the relevant prospects and customer meetings stored and tracked for subsequent follow-up? This is exactly why visit reports are used as a template, whose purpose and structure will be explained in this guide. You will find a template for free download at the end of this article, which you are welcome to use!

Visit report, what does it mean?

For many sales reps, visit reports are THE way to record and analyze customer information on the go. For this reason, these reports are especially important for field sales and trade show work. The main idea is simple: You consider in advance what information you need from your prospect for your sales process and create a customized questionnaire. It is essential that this information is completely recorded for subsequent follow-up and analysis.

Based on the questionnaire you have created, all the information is compiled during the meeting and attached to a business card. After the trade fair or field service, the completed visit reports are then used to contact the prospects again. A CRM system is often used in this step, which is filled with the information from the visit report. Here it is important that the sales representative fills out the visit report directly during the conversation or afterwards. The atmosphere of a trade fair and the many meetings can cause important information to be forgotten just a few days after the trade fair.

Why use a visit report template?

The advantage of a template is obvious – and yet at trade fairs and in the field sales, you see sales staff noting down their conclusions on a piece of paper or just collecting business cards without taking down any further information. With a customized questionnaire, you can record your customer meetings in a structured way and ask for all important information to make the most of your sales opportunity. Based on the questions and answers in the visit report, you can then classify your prospects into different groups in the follow-up, which will be handled accordingly in the sales meeting. In addition, the visit report sets the course for longer-term cooperation. By documenting the essential key figures and meeting notes – first on paper and then directly into the CRM system after the trade show – it is also possible to see later in the CRM which problems, requirements and possible wishes the respective customer has. This information enables the sales employee to see at any time how he has convinced the customer and when he needs to react to possible problems.

What makes a good visit report template?

Decisive for a useful template are the questions or information that are specifically asked. There are significant differences depending on the industry. Basically, we can say that sales employees collect important data about the company as well as the contact person via the visit report. Master data, company size and product interest are in first place.

By consistently evaluating the visit reports, the information collected can even be used to make strategic decisions afterwards, for example, based on customer responses regarding the size of the company. If, for example, closing rates are significantly lower at larger companies, this could lead to conclusions about weaknesses in the sales process. A visit report can therefore always be used as the starting point for an analysis of field service activities or trade show visits.

Using visit report templates correctly

Creating visit reports yourself can be time-consuming. Therefore, feel free to use our template and customize it according to your needs.

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Please fill out the following form to receive the template by email.

Free Weekly Sales Report Templates

By Kate Eby | May 25, 2022 (updated March 18, 2024)

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Collect and analyze weekly sales activity with these free sales report templates. We’ve gathered Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and dashboard reports, as well as simple, printable sales reports for Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF.

Included on this page, you’ll find a weekly sales activity report template , a sales manager weekly progress report dashboard , a small business weekly sales forecast report , and sales report templates for other use cases, such as retail stores, restaurants, and hotels.

Weekly Sales Activity Report Template

Weekly Sales Activity Report Template

Download Weekly Sales Activity Report Template — Microsoft Excel

This sales report template shows weekly activity for an individual sales representative. For each day of the week, keep track of completed calls, sent emails, sales visits, closed deals, and sales revenue. Compare daily and weekly progress with your sales goals. And use the weekly data to generate monthly sales reports that show trends in sales performance over time.

Retail Weekly Sales Report Template

Retail Weekly Sales Report Template

Download Retail Weekly Sales Report Template — Microsoft Excel

This dashboard template is designed for small-scale retailers and displays product sales and revenue data for your chosen time period. Enter the week’s start and end dates at the top of the template, and then add sales information for each item sold. View the revenue breakdown for each item, as well as total income, and keep track of shipping costs and returned inventory. This template includes a blank version, as well as a separate tab with sample data to illustrate the dashboard features.

Weekly Sales Call Report Template

Weekly Sales Call Report Template

Download Weekly Sales Call Report Template — Microsoft Excel

Use this template to track weekly sales calls and create a weekly summary report. Compare your call activity, number of sales, and sales value against your target amounts, and use this information to set realistic goals on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Alternatively, you can modify the template to create a sales visit report template that shows in-office and external meetings.

Restaurant Weekly Sales Report Template

Restaurant Weekly Sales Report Template

Download Restaurant Weekly Sales Report Template — Microsoft Excel

This restaurant sales report provides a breakdown of food and beverage charges for a single week. The template automatically calculates totals to provide you with a weekly and daily sales report that includes gross and net income after taxes, gift certificates, and discounts. The template will also generate a list of sales by transaction type, separating credit card and cash payments. Ultimately, this simple report template will help you document sales and track performance over time.

Printable Weekly Sales Report Template

Printable Weekly Sales Report Template

Download Printable Weekly Sales Report Template Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

Record your weekly sales activity with this simple, printable report template. Enter your product descriptions, and then list the amount sold for each item on each day of the week. Add up your weekly totals to gather sales data for your small business. Review how products are performing on certain days, see which days of the week tend to be most lucrative, and monitor which products are selling more than others.

Hotel Weekly Sales Report Template

Hotel Weekly Sales Report Template

Download Hotel Weekly Sales Report Template — Microsoft Excel

Create a weekly hotel sales summary report that shows sales and occupancy data. The template includes month-to-date and previous year totals so you can monitor weekly, monthly, and annual sales. View daily and weekly sales for lodging, food orders, banquet, gift shop, and other areas, and edit the traveler segments to track sales for the guests your hotel serves, such as business, leisure, group, or conference travelers.

Weekly Sales Manager Report Template

Weekly Sales Manager Report Template

Download Weekly Sales Manager Report Template — Microsoft Excel

Sales managers can use this dashboard template to create a weekly sales status report. The template shows key performance indicators (KPIs) for sales reps, such as lead conversion rate, outbound calls, meetings, and new leads won. Get a visual overview of sales volume by channel, the lead-to-opportunity ratio, and the opportunity-to-win ratio. View revenue closed by each sales rep and the overall total for the week.

Learn more about using sales dashboards, and find more free templates, in our post on sales dashboard examples for teams.

Weekly Sales Forecast Report Template

Weekly Sales Forecast Report Template

Download Weekly Sales Forecast Report Template — Microsoft Excel

This sales forecast report shows daily, weekly, and monthly projected sales totals for a single product, an individual sales rep, a sales event, or your small business as a whole. Choose any start date, and use previous sales data to estimate weekly sales. An accurate sales forecast helps inform business decisions related to sales goals, inventory, resources, and budget. 

Find more planning and tracking templates for sales and marketing in our collection of free sales plan templates .

What Is a Weekly Sales Report?

A weekly sales report displays an organization's weekly sales performance. It's a tool for evaluating the sales strategies' success and identifying areas for improvement. It usually incorporates statistics on the number of units sold, revenue generated, and customer trends.

What Is a Weekly Sales Report Template?

A weekly sales report template allows sales managers, sales reps, and small business owners to compile and review sales data each week. The template tracks sales volume, lead conversions, sales meetings, revenue collected, and other metrics, depending on business needs.

See our expert guides on sales pipeline management and sales and operations planning to take a deep dive into data-informed sales management.

Create Strong Weekly Sales Reports with Smartsheet

Discover a better way to connect your people, processes, and tools with one simple, easy-to-use platform that empowers your team to get more done, faster.

With Smartsheet, you can align your team on strategic initiatives, improve collaboration efforts, and automate repetitive processes, giving you the ability to make better business decisions and boost effectiveness as you scale. 

When you wear a lot of hats, you need a tool that empowers you to get more done in less time. Smartsheet helps you achieve that. Try free for 30 days, today .

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Sales | How To

How to Create an Effective Sales Report (+ Free Template)

Published May 8, 2023

Jess Pingrey

WRITTEN BY: Jess Pingrey

This article is part of a larger series on Sales Management .

Free Sales Report Template

  • 1 Determine Report Objectives
  • 2 Identify Your Sales Reporting Audience
  • 3 Set Your Time Frame
  • 4 Find & Filter Data Sources
  • 5 Pull Information
  • 6 Incorporate Your Sales Plan & Goals
  • 7 Format & Visualize Your Report
  • 8 Analyze Sales Report Information
  • 9 Activate Your Data
  • 10 Common Sales Reports for Small Business Teams
  • 11 Bottom Line

Sales reports provide business activity and performance information to make operational adjustments and strategic decisions. Creating effective reports involves identifying objectives, audience, and time frame, then pulling information from your sales data sources for analysis. In this article, you’ll learn how to create a sales report and the common types of reports you can use for insights.

Reporting on sales and customer service operations is tricky without the right resources. For that reason, we’ve developed a free sales report template for users to organize and evaluate their data. While you can use this downloadable sales report template in Excel and Google spreadsheet formats, you can also generate reports directly with many customer relationship management (CRM) systems that come with reporting and dashboard tools.


Snapshot of sales report template

Thank you for downloading!

💡 Quick Tip:

While spreadsheets can be good tools for creating a sales reports, a customer relationship management (CRM) system can automate much of the work for you.

CRMs like Freshsales have sales reporting tools that quickly and easily allow sales managers to create sales reports and dashboards.

Whether you’re using our Excel sales report template, a CRM system, or a separate data intelligence tool for report generation, you’ll ultimately follow the same progression. Here are the nine steps in developing a sales report, from determining what information you’ll need to pull all the way to extracting insights and making data-backed decisions.

1. Determine Report Objectives

Before you start playing around with the tools in your reporting software, you must first decipher the value you intend to extract by generating the sales report. In other words, determine your sale report objectives. For this step, it’s best to work backward from the desired result, ultimately the primary objective. Some report objectives examples include:

  • To ensure performance is on pace for sales goals: You may simply want to see how well your team is performing in terms of revenue generated or deals closed over a month, quarter, or whole year. More specifically, whether or not you’re on pace to hit a specific target or goal.
  • To hold individuals and teams accountable for activity input: Sales activity, such as calls made, emails sent, proposals generated, and meetings held, typically have a positive correlation with performance. For instance, a weekly sales report tracking activity can tell you who is hitting their weekly input numbers and who isn’t. Use sales activity quotas in addition to production goals for each rep or team of reps.
  • To predict future performance and plan expenditures: This particular objective can be fulfilled with a specific type of report known as a sales forecast . The idea is you can predict the amount you can spend for the next time period, typically a quarter or year, based on an estimate of revenue you expect to generate in the future.
  • To evaluate top talent in your sales team: One of the great things about sales is how objective it is to determine top performers. Certain reps will put more activity in, produce more revenue, and close more deals than others, which is a great indicator of talent. You can use individual performance sales reports to see who your star reps are when giving out bonus incentives or deciding on promotions.
  • To optimize operational efficiency: Like other business functions, sales operations is a system successful teams continually optimize. The more efficient the system is, the better it will perform in terms of deals and revenue. Because businesses often have a consistent sales process with the same repeatable stages, managers can use a sales report to find process bottlenecks to make adjustments or add additional resources.

Pro tip: Before generating a sales report to see how your team is performing, develop a sales process that’s repeatable, efficient, and easy to comprehend. Start generating yours using our guide on how to create a winning sales process .

2. Identify Your Sales Reporting Audience

Once the report objectives are set, you’re ready to determine which audience will have report access. Keep the idea of least privilege in mind, where only those who need the report information to do their jobs effectively should have access to it. For instance, if your objective is to justify pay raises based on individual rep performance, only managers and perhaps a human resources (HR) rep should have report access and not, say, a sales enablement specialist.

For the most part, sales managers will always be the ones generating these reports. Then, depending on the objective, other stakeholders could be involved. These include members of the board of directors, C-suite leaders, or managers in other departments like marketing, customer service, HR, or product management. Knowing your audience allows you to pull relevant metrics and data.

As an example, when reporting to a board of directors, they’ll want to see if current performance is meeting their strategic goals. Therefore, they’ll likely want to see revenue performance in relation to a preset sales goal, as well as performance comparison between sales territories . Smaller details like the number of calls a specific sales rep makes each week will not be as relevant to them.

3. Set Your Time Frame

Setting a time frame for your report ensures the information is full and relevant. Your objective, for the most part, dictates the time period you want to evaluate. For example, evaluating individual talent or organizational performance based on a few daily sales reports doesn’t make much sense. You may also have a standard procedure set by an executive or director for providing them quarterly or monthly sales reports.

Having a set time frame also enables you to properly extract and filter out data from your data sources. For example, if you want to see sales pipeline conversion rates for Q1 of 2023, you can filter out information in your database or application to exclude data points from other quarters.

4. Find & Filter Data Sources

Since reporting is simply compiling information into a viewable format, finding and filtering your data sources is a huge step. A data source is anywhere sales data is stored, like an application or database. You may have contact and deal information in a CRM system, track sales activity in a project management tool like monday.com, or use a basic Excel spreadsheet to store contact data and monitor everything.

Regardless, you need to have those data sources ready, as well as the subsources within those systems. For example, certain applications like CRMs will have modules that host tools and information for particular sales areas, and, therefore, store specific data. Freshsales, for instance, has premade modules for accounts, contacts, deals, and leads, plus options to customize modules based on unique business needs.

Customizing modules in Freshsales.

Freshsales module customization page (Source: Freshsales )

In addition to sales reporting capabilities, Freshsales has an array of lead, account, and deal management features. See if it’s right for your business by reading our Freshsales CRM review .

Visit Freshsales

5. Pull Information

Once you have your data sources ready, start adding information to the report per your objectives, audience, and time frame. CRMs come with solid reporting tools that let users easily pull data from specific modules and filter it out based on a time frame or condition. From there, they can generate a report as a file or view the information on the interface dashboard.

HubSpot, for example, lets users obtain information from specific modules, such as contacts, deals, or tickets. From there, users can decide which metrics they want to evaluate. For example, they might pull deal conversion rates from the deals module or total leads generated from the contacts module. Once they’ve pulled and filtered the data from the source, they can incorporate targeted metrics and visuals to present the data.

Selecting data sources for report in HubSpot

HubSpot selecting data sources for a report (Source: HubSpot )

HubSpot is a highly intuitive and robust reporting system that also has excellent features for sales, marketing, service, and content management. To see if it’s a good CRM for your business, check out our in-depth HubSpot CRM review .

Visit HubSpot

6. Incorporate Your Sales Plan & Goals

If you aren’t comparing metrics between individual reps, teams, territories, prior time periods, or sales goals , it’s tough to have any context or a frame of reference surrounding performance data. For example, just having a dataset and report show $100,000 in new revenue doesn’t mean anything. Having a dataset, however, showing $100,000 in new revenue in comparison to a $60,000 revenue goal does mean something—you beat your sales goal.

Incorporating a sales plan or targets into your reports is essential for proper context. It also helps you better understand your data in relation to your objectives. For instance, you can evaluate a sales rep in comparison to their peers to see if a pay raise is warranted or monitor a lead conversion rate in relation to an industry average.

The most common contextual detail you’ll likely use, however, is a goal or quota. HubSpot’s reporting tools allow users to include goal metrics in their reports so the audience can visually compare activity or production to a specific goal on a desired frequency, like daily, weekly, or annually.

Adding goal data into a report in HubSpot.

HubSpot adding goal data to report (Source: HubSpot )

Viewing deal performance in relation to goals in HubSpot.

HubSpot visual goal metrics (Source: HubSpot )

7. Format & Visualize Your Report

After your information is pulled and you’ve incorporated business context, start visualizing your report. This is where you convert your data points into a chart or graph, specifically one easily understood by your audience. Users can create sales reports as files to download and distribute or as a sales dashboard , which shows system data in real time as records are added and updated.

Most CRM systems will group visualization with the information-pulling step. HubSpot, for instance, allows you to select the chart type while configuring the type of data you want to be displayed. Similarly, users can create reports to display on their dashboards. Zoho CRM offers excellent dashboard and analytics tools for users to customize the metrics they want to monitor in real time on their system home page.

Pulling and presenting activity data for a sales productivity report in HubSpot.

HubSpot visualizing activity data for a report (Source: HubSpot )

Creating system dashboard in Zoho CRM.

Zoho CRM creating system dashboard (Source: Zoho )

Like the idea of using Zoho for dashboard reporting? Don’t forget to check out our Zoho CRM review to learn more about its built-in features and ensure it’s a good fit for your business.

Visit Zoho CRM

8. Analyze Sales Report Information

Merely creating your visual report isn’t enough to give you any value. You must interpret the information to find actionable insights for potential decisions. For proper reporting analysis, ask yourself three main questions:

  • What does this report information mean?
  • Why did it happen?
  • What can I do next?

For example, let’s say you had a monthly goal to close three new sales deals per month. After generating a sales report, you found that you averaged only one new deal closed in the last six months. In this case, the meaning of the information is simple—you fell behind on deal-closing.

Next, you need to find out the “why.” Perhaps there were external factors, such as a weak economy preventing customers from spending as much. There could also be operational issues. For instance, after running additional reports, maybe you found your total leads generated were down, along with activity data like cold calls made. Alternatively, maybe your lead generation numbers were solid, but pipeline conversion rates were down.

Depending on the cause, make adjustments within your operation. In the deal-closing case, if the issue was low activity input, you’ll need to have conversations with reps to motivate your team . If lead generation was a problem, you could consider investing in a lead generation service that can bring in opportunities for you. For low conversion rates, you can implement training on new sales techniques to help boost those conversions.

9. Activate Your Data

The final step of developing a sales report is where you take your data analysis and activate it. Data activation refers to taking the initiative to make changes or additions to a sales operation or strategy based on your data intelligence.

For example, you may have added another sales rep to help meet lead demand, given a rep a promotion due to their performance, or implemented a sales automation tool to streamline one of your slower pipeline stages. Maybe you even added a new sales branch based on high forecast estimates to help meet scaling requirements.

After initially activating your data, repeat all the previous steps so you can re-evaluate your situation per your objectives. You want to ensure that the changes you made are working and whether or not you need additional adjustments.

Common Sales Reports for Small Business Teams

Whether you’re generating a sales report in Excel, utilizing our free sales report templates, or generating reports from a CRM, small businesses need various sales intelligence. Here are the most common sales report examples for small businesses to get key insights:

Sales Performance Reports

Objective: To evaluate individual, team, or organizational sales performance, such as revenue generated or deals closed. It is typically evaluated in relation to a goal, historic time period, industry standard, or other territories.

Summary: A sales performance report shows your performance in relation to a desired outcome, like sales revenue or total deals closed. This data will tell you if you’re on pace to hit a sales goal, are outperforming historical or industry standards, or whether one of your territories is far more effective than another.

Zoho CRM comes with report-creation tools for monitoring performance. Users can see how their team is doing in terms of revenue or deals generated by pulling data from relevant modules and populating it onto annual, quarterly, or monthly sales report templates. From there, they can compare performance to a goal, prior time period, or between specific reps or territories.

Viewing revenue report comparing territory campaigns in Zoho CRM.

Zoho CRM revenue comparison between territories (Source: Zoho )

Sales Forecasts

Objective: To estimate future sales revenue and determine resources scaling requirements or spending capacity.

Summary: Sales forecasts take current deal information or customer spending trends from your database to estimate how much revenue you’ll produce over a time period, such as a month, quarter, or year. Forecasts are essential if you plan to scale your business because they tell you how much income to expect for new expenses like adding personnel or other resources.

Most CRMs have forecasting tools built into the system, either for generating sales prediction reports or presenting forecasts as metrics on the dashboard. Some platforms also use artificial intelligence (AI) to help with forecasting accuracy. Freshsales, for example, has Freddy AI, which auto-suggests what sales deals can be committed to the forecast based on closing percentages and prior data analyzed.

Freshsales sales forecast details in Team view

Freshsales deal-based forecasting (Source: Freshsales )

Pipeline Conversion Reports

Objective: To identify sales process bottlenecks and improve operational efficiency.

Summary: Solid pipeline performance metrics are indicators for sales outcomes like total revenue. One of the best ways to evaluate a sales pipeline is through conversion rates—the percentage of opportunities or leads that go from one stage to the next. For instance, if you’re finding that you’re able to generate tons of leads but can’t get them into the proposal stage, there could be an unresolved issue that you need to look deeper into.

CRMs like Salesforce take system data, such as current deals, closed deals, and the number of deals in each pipeline stage, to see which stages are most efficient and which ones need improvements. Users can view this information in real time on the home dashboard or by generating a sales funnel report showing conversion percentages and total deal value in each stage.

Reporting pipeline conversions in Salesforce.

Salesforce pipeline analysis (Source: Salesforce Ben )

Salesforce is known for its robust analytics and reporting tools, powerful mobile app, and wide range of integration options. If those are must-have features for your business, check out our Salesforce review for more details.

Visit Salesforce

Sales Activity Reports

Objective: To evaluate the total sales input of individual reps, teams, or the entire organization.

Summary: Sales activity reports show the effort put in by your sales team. While you can’t always control outcomes like deals closed, you can control how many calls you place, emails you send, and meetings you hold with prospects. Theoretically, more activity means higher sales production. The activity report will allow you to see who is putting in the most and whether reps meet daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly sales quotas .

CRMs like Pipedrive are equipped with activity tracking features to monitor customizable sales activities, such as calls, prospect lunches, proposals generated, or email outreach. Users can then generate activity reports, filter out data based on activity type of time period, and compare metrics to other sales reps or teams.

Viewing activity report by rep in Pipedrive.

Pipedrive activity report by rep (Source: Pipedrive )

Like what you see with Pipedrive’s reporting features? Use our Pipedrive review to see if your team can get tons of value from the CRM.

Visit Pipedrive

Campaign Performance Reports

Objective: To evaluate the performance of marketing or sales outreach campaigns either in relation to other campaigns or an historic time period.

Summary: Campaigns are attempts to use content and communications for brand awareness, lead generation, or nurturing. These can be through mass email, online ads, content, or social media posts. Alternatively, sales teams conducting cold calling outreach or making email introductions directly to prospects are also considered campaigns. These reports allow you to break down performance by a specific campaign to find what works or improve its content.

HubSpot offers powerful sales and marketing tools for teams to evaluate direct outreach and mass marketing campaigns. Users can report performance in comparison to other campaigns regarding leads or deals generated, or individually evaluate each campaign on a performance dashboard.

Tracking campaign performance in HubSpot.

HubSpot reporting individual campaign (Source: HubSpot )

Customer Service Ticketing Reports

Objective: To understand customer service activity and performance for capacity planning and to improve operations.

Summary: In addition to using reports to improve sales operations, managers can also leverage reporting tools and analytics for customer service. Support can be measured using tickets, which represent an inquiry or request by a customer, and ticket resolution activity. The ticket reports allow you to find high-volume trends, evaluate timely agent responses, and see common customer issues by breaking down tickets by inquiry type.

Many CRM providers also offer customer service management systems as separate products or built into a product suite. Freshdesk, for instance, offers both Freshsales as a sales CRM and Freshdesk for ticketing management. Users can track and collaborate on service tickets which allows managers to easily generate ticket reports. These show metrics like volume trends, ticket resolution times, and service performance by teams or individual reps.

Tracking ticketing activity in Freshdesk.

Freshdesk ticketing activity and performance dashboard (Source: Freshdesk )

To get full insights into this excellent customer support management platform, check out our Freshdesk review for details on features, pricing, and use cases.

Visit Freshdesk

Bottom Line

Sales reports are essential to predicting future outcomes and gaining a better understanding of your operation and performance, particularly in relation to a goal. Our free sales report templates offer an easy way to take your sales data and evaluate it visually for decision-making purposes. In addition to utilizing Google and Excel report templates, we encourage businesses to adopt a CRM to use as a robust database and subsequent reporting tool.

About the Author

Jess Pingrey

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Jess Pingrey

Jess Pingrey is a seasoned subject matter expert passionate about providing the best answers about sales and customer service. She has 13+ years experience in sales, customer relationship management platforms, marketing, and content creation. Her background includes launching the sales department of a successful B2B startup, training teams on using software effectively, and serving as a customer experience champion.

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10 Free Sales Report Templates in ClickUp and Excel

Haillie Parker

February 13, 2024

If you make a great sale and nobody knows about it, did it even happen? 👀

Sure it did! But it’s still better for sales reps and everyone involved if you have a suitable mechanism for tracking sales on a regular cadence. Not just because it helps you keep track of your sales goals , but also because it helps you see and uncover trends in sales and customer behaviors that you can use to optimize revenue growth strategies.

In other words, you need a great way not just to report on your sales KPIs but also to use those reports for insights into your deeper sales pipeline metrics . And you need a way to make that process as repeatable and streamlined as possible.

That all starts with the right sales report template. Let’s dig into the concept and how it fits into the larger sales project management process , before sharing some of our favorite templates free for your use. 

What is a Sales Report Template?

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A sales report template is a pre-built report to help teams and managers store and review sales data for analysis and insights. Since the format of a high-quality sales report template is customizable, flexible, and provides formulas for quick calculations, you can monitor key metrics and sales KPIs or share them with stakeholders without the extensive effort required.

Sales report templates are great sales tools because they streamline the otherwise time-consuming effort of manually pulling and analyzing data. But that’s only true if you find the  right template, which means it should have the capacity to:

  • Track sales goals by integrating with your other work tools and goal-setting templates to connect strategy with execution
  • Work at the right cadence for your business . An annual report template is great, but might not help you if you’re looking to generate daily sales reports
  • Create workflow automations . Whether that’s turning raw numbers into insights or assigning automated follow-up tasks, your report is only as good as the time it saves you compared to doing it manually
  • Be accessed by your stakeholders . Charts are better than raw numbers, and colors can help understand trends and concepts at a glance

Many sales reports come in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or workbook, but the right free project management software will offer a comparable project view—and ideally, additional work views—to achieve greater results. Similar to moving beyond spreadsheet project management , you might be surprised how much time you save once you leverage the increased interactivity and automation possibilities of a tool like ClickUp. 

10 Sales Report Templates

Unfortunately, there are far too many sales report templates to test run through a typical trial-and-error process. Instead, narrow your list down by starting with the top templates for ClickUp and Excel.

It’s important to keep in mind that none of the below are inherently better than others on this list. Instead, it’s about finding the best template for your needs and situation. Plus, they’re all free! So don’t be afraid to try multiple before choosing the template that makes the most sense for you.

Sales Report Template by ClickUp

The Sales Report Template by ClickUp applies a detailed guide to your Workspace in the form of a dynamic List. It’s an excellent resource for gauging an overview of your sales efforts by establishing a rundown of your annual, quarterly, and monthly sales—it even lets you compare different years against each other.

Track your actual sales against projections, or break up your sales by service type. Track seasonality with the sales month variable, or compare how different regions are performing against each other. 

This beginner-friendly template also comes loaded with two custom statuses and five view types to visualize your individual sales tasks and progress from a high level, but Custom Fields are where this template really shines. With 10 Custom Fields to identify the sales reason, achievement, year, projection, and more, you can quickly sort, filter, and access information directly from your task list.

Weekly Sales Report Template by ClickUp

Ready to break things down further? Especially in a business with many smaller sales, an annual overview probably isn’t enough, but the Weekly Sales Report Template by ClickUp makes it quick and easy for you and the team to get into the weeds of your recent weekly sales reports and data.

Check-in on metrics like the total cold calls during a week, the number of meetings set, face-to-face visits, follow-up calls, and actual products sold. Even analyze other performance variables like converted calls.

This is a helpful resource for keeping track of the progress made toward your income goal, your actual income, and how the two are deviating from each other.

Daily Sales Report Template by ClickUp

Yes, you can get even more detailed than a weekly view! In this Daily Sales Report Template by ClickUp , you can view your sales team’s performance every day of the week. 

This template is easier to complete and integrate into your existing sales processes as it’s meant to be updated each day. And rather than a number of views, Custom Fields, and tasks to keep track of, this template applies a formatted ClickUp Doc to work from. Break down your daily sales with a general description of the team’s overall performance and an itemized list of the products that performed the best for that day.

The greatest advantage of this template is that it documents the major takeaways from each workday to determine potential trends. Because of its simplicity, this is the perfect report template for beginners. You won’t get deep insights generated automatically but if you’re looking for a quick snapshot of daily sales? Look no further.

Monthly Sales Report Template by ClickUp

Especially in sales operations that rely heavily on cold and follow-up calls, monthly call reports are crucial. They help relevant company stakeholders quickly understand call activity, and how it has affected the sales quota. This Monthly Sales Report Template by ClickUp simplifies that process for everyone involved.

Another template specifically for ClickUp Docs, this report helps organizations keep a list of every call during the month along with its outcomes. When used consistently, it acts as the official record of all calls made by individual members of the sales team that month.

It also allows you to go further. The  Top Sales Performers section provides an easy guide to list the sales agent you think deserves recognition in a given month, boosting engagement and morale in the process. 🙂

Sales Commission Sheet Template by ClickUp

Keeping track of commissions earned by your sales team is important when calculating both company revenue and team rewards. The Sales Commission Sheet Template by ClickUp is designed to automatically calculate that commission, regardless of the structure your organization has set up.

The template is largely complete once it’s applied to your platform—all it requires is needs a few specific sales data inputs, including total sales, commissions earned, and bonuses. From there, it uses that information to calculate total commissions along with other metrics and KPIs like your ROI and the cost of each sale made.

You also have multiple ways to sort the tasks in your price sheet report . Check on commissions by the sales team, by status, or by functional area. That way, you always keep the overview you need, from planning to payouts. It sounds simple, but this template is also incredibly detailed and loaded with resources to help you succeed while using it including:

  • Two custom statuses
  • Nine Custom Fields
  • Three project views

Plus, multiple Help Docs and tips to use this template in the most productive way from the jump.

Commission Tracking Template by ClickUp

For more immediate users and sales managers, commission tracking may require more variables. And the good news is—the Sales Commission Tracking Template by ClickUp is just what the doctor ordered to help you keep track of and optimize every variable involved in the process. 

Like the previous template, you need to plug in a few variables into the existing template framework like the actual value, close date, and commission percentage for your sales. From there, you can watch over everything from commissions earned to the payment status, invoice status, payment type, and more within one organized Folder.

Plus, every input and output variable can be sorted and pulled into a report. View your commissions in a list or timeline view, or create a color-coded table for a larger overview. 

Your customers need to know you’re there for them—not just so they know the status of the sale and what they’re doing, but also to fulfill and exceed their expectations. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy has become so popular in the sales industry precisely because of that need.

At its core, a CRM is a tool you can use to track your relationship with prospective and current customers. It houses anything from basic user demographics to sales touchpoints and where in the funnel each member in your database currently stands.

But that type of database doesn’t build itself. Instead, lean on a designated CRM template that can help you keep close track of the variables and connects with your other planning tools to move them along the customer journey . The Sales CRM Template by ClickUp is a user-friendly yet comprehensive resource for creating your ideal CRM.

CRM is a unique case because it’s so much more complex than a sales report. But at the same time, any discussion of sales report templates would be incomplete without it. In this template, you’ll have an organized Space in your platform with 20 ready-made custom statuses, six ClickApps , five custom views, and workflow automations to guide your CRM development process.

Sales KPI Template by ClickUp

No sales operation can be successful without a strong set of KPIs that everyone can work to achieve and track. With the Sales KPI Template by ClickUp , you can track any number of sales KPIs in an easy overview.

The template comes packed with 15 Custom Fields that span the most common sales KPIs, including:

  • Upsell Attempts
  • Product Cost
  • Repeat Sales Revenue
  • Number of New Leads
  • Total Sales Revenue
  • Upsell Success Rate
  • New Sales Revenue

And more! From there, you can track each KPI you choose to focus on in a weekly or monthly report. But this template doesn’t stop there—using Board view, you can visualize your revenue per month on a dynamic Kanban board at a glance.

Sales Tracker Template by ClickUp

Talk about a comprehensive overview. With this Sales Tracker Template by ClickUp , you can easily keep track of and analyze every moving part of the entire sales process. The insights you gain will be invaluable to optimizing and streamlining your strategy over time. 

The Custom Fields showcase just how comprehensive this sales tracker template is. You can input anything from shipping and unit costs to charges, number of returns, and more. Add your target profit and unit costs along with the units to be sold, then calculate anything from your profit margin to actual revenue. 

A status Field lets you know whether your goals have been met, while monthly categories help you understand trends over time. Navigate from your sales tracker to the Sales Volume per Month and Sales Status per Month List views for even deeper analysis and insights.

Quarterly Sales Report Template for Excel

In this Microsoft Excel template, you can enter a variety of products along with quarterly sales figures. The template then converts sales data into a modern bar chart that’s easier to review and analyze.

The report template includes customizable columns that add your individual entries into one definitive total. It also helps you pull out specific sales reports for each of the products you enter.

It’s a simple but potentially effective tool. Plus, you can easily integrate all of Excel’s animations and transitions, along with graphics to can make the report more engaging to review. You can share the report with stakeholders, higher-ups, and other members by exporting the report as an Excel or PDF file at any time.

Streamline Your Sales Reports With a Template by ClickUp

Let’s face it—managing your sales team while keeping track of their performance can feel like a juggling act. Still, it’s a vital step if you truly want to optimize your operations for maximum revenue. 

That means generating effective sales reports that show exactly how your sales team excelled, where costs increased, and areas of improvement. It’s the first logical step in managing the entire sales pipeline in a more effective, data-driven way.

And that’s where ClickUp comes in. ClickUp is the only productivity platform powerful enough to bring all of your work together across apps into one collaborative platform. With its vast Template Library , more than 1,000 integrations , and hundreds of project management features , ClickUp is the ultimate resource for sales teams to manage the entire sales funnel .

Start automating your sales processes and form stronger customer relationships when you choose ClickUp today .

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  • Customer Visit Report Template

A Customer Visit Report Template is a report containing data collected by a sales representative on visited customers. Create an excel based report for your sales team to keep track of the time they spend on visiting customers and the products they are selling. Mark a check-mark on the excel sheet for the visit to get an idea of how many customers have been contacted within a span of time.

Jotform can be easily customized by adding a logo, updating form fields, diversifying the questions, choosing new fonts and colors, adding an e-signature with drag-and-drop Form Builder, and an easy-to-use interface that does not necessitate any coding. Boost your progress via Jotform. Easily embed your form either on your website or share it via URL.

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Information Request Form Template

Information Request Form

An Information Request Form is a form template designed to facilitate the process of requesting specific information from individuals, organizations, or businesses. It serves as a tool for gathering the necessary details needed to fulfill an information request. This form template is highly versatile and can be customized to suit various purposes and industries.Jotform, a user-friendly, drag-and-drop online form builder, offers a range of features and products that enhance the functionality and capabilities of the Information Request Form. With Jotform's extensive field options and widgets, users can create dynamic forms that adapt to user responses. The seamless integration capabilities of Jotform with popular apps and services, such as Google Drive, Salesforce, and Dropbox, enable seamless data transfer and automation. Furthermore, Jotform Sign, a powerful electronic signature solution, allows users to collect e-signatures on forms and documents, ensuring enhanced security and compliance. Overall, Jotform provides a comprehensive solution for creating, customizing, and managing forms, making the process of information gathering efficient and hassle-free.

Flight Reservation Form Template

Flight Reservation Form

A flight reservation form is used by an airline or travel agency to gather information needed to book air travel for clients. Ready to see your booking rates soar? Streamline the flight booking process for passengers and take your business to new heights by collecting the information you need in a single, secure online Flight Reservation Form. Form responses are stored in your Jotform account, creating an easy-to-access database of passenger information — and if you’d like to boost functionality and send form responses to your other accounts, just link your form to a few of our 130+ app integrations. Give your Flight Reservation Form a unique look with Jotform Form Builder! Add your company logo, change fonts and colors to match your branding, or include any terms and conditions your customers may need to know. If you charge a fee for your service, accept payments through your online form via trusted payment gateways like Square or PayPal. Get ready for your bookings to take off — by bringing your reservation process online with our free Flight Reservation Form, you’ll save time, reduce unnecessary back-and-forth calls and emails, and smooth out the process for your customers.

Restaurant Feedback Form Template

Restaurant Feedback Form

A restaurant feedback form is a form that is used in food service establishments such as restaurants, bars, and cafeterias to collect customers’ opinions about the food, service, and cleanliness. Whether you own a restaurant, manage a restaurant chain, or are just looking for feedback on your cooking skills, use this Restaurant Feedback Form to gather valuable information from your customers online! Successful restaurants thrive off of customer feedback. And the best way to get feedback is by asking the right questions on a well-designed feedback form.This restaurant feedback form template is fully customizable; you can even design it to match your restaurant’s look and feel. Once you’re up and running, the feedback data you collect can be imported into helpful 3rd-party apps, like Google Sheets. If you need to pull in photos, documents, or other attachments, you can do that too — Jotform supports those and more!

  • Form Templates /
  • Customer Service Forms /

Customer Service Forms

An Information Request Form is a versatile form template designed to facilitate the process of requesting specific information from individuals, organizations, or businesses.

Gather passenger information with an online Flight Reservation Form. Free to customize and embed in your website. Great for airlines or travel agencies.

A restaurant feedback form is a form that is used in food service establishments such as restaurants, bars, and cafeterias to collect customers’ opinions about the food, service, and cleanliness.

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Hairdressers Appointment Request Form

Planning to open a hair salon or do you own a salon business? Promote your services and get more customers appointments easily through this hairdresser appointment form. This hair salon form collects contact information and your clients can select service required, stylist, date, time.

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Do you service a catering at events? This catering request form template will come in handy for you! Your customers can fill this online catering booking form template to give the specifics they have and needs. This catering order form includes contact information and event information such as service style, bar staffing needs, beverage services, date of event, event location, type of event.

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A customer complaint form is a questionnaire that is used to gather details about a customer’s complaint against a certain situation.

About Customer Service Forms

You might register new patients, give discounts to customers, collect feedback from the users or need any form to reach your customers. You can browse the customer service form templates of Jotform that best meet your needs and preferences.

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10 Important Sales Analysis Reports [+ 4 Sales Report Templates]

Precious Oboidhe

Published: October 28, 2022

Are you finding it difficult to hit your sales goals , unclog your sales funnel , and increase your sales velocity ? Sales reports can help.

two people reviewing sales reports templates

Sales reports allow you to improve your sales process, fill knowledge gaps, and hit your quotas consistently. As a sales manager, creating a sales report also allows you to gather hard data for your colleagues or C-suite to make informed decisions quickly.

In this post, you’ll learn what sales reports are, their benefits, and how to use sales report templates.

Download the Sales Metrics & KPI Calculator

What is a sales report?

  • Benefits of Sales Reporting

How to Write a Sales Report

Types of sales analysis reports, sales report templates.

A sales report or sales analysis report is a document that shows trends impacting your sales operations within a specific period. While the content of sales reports may vary depending on your goal, they include metrics like revenue, accounts won, leads, and more. Insights from these reports help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your sales strategy.

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sales visit report

Free Sales Metrics Calculator

A free, interactive template to calculate your sales KPIs.

  • Average Deal Size
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

The Benefits of Sales Reporting

Reporting data in a standardized way is crucial to the success of your business. Here are the common benefits of developing a sales reporting cadence.

Improving Team and Reps Performance

Sales reports provide data-driven insights about the sales performance of individual reps and your entire team. This allows you to know if underperforming reps need coaching. You can also identify who would benefit from regular one-on-one meetings to level up and hit their quotas.

The same applies to your team. If your team isn’t hitting the company’s revenue goals, you can use sales reports to find gaps to improve your sales process .

Assisting Fast Decision-making

Making informed and timely decisions is vital to the success of any sales strategy . This is where sales reporting shines.

With regular sales reporting, your C-suite or managers can quickly iterate on what drives the company's growth. You can also track and adjust sales tactics that are performing below par.

Boosting the Morale of Your Sales Team.

Creating daily sales reports may be time-consuming. But whether you do this daily, weekly, or monthly, these reports can take team morale to new heights.

Monitoring and showing the sales performance of each team member motivates them to do more. Gamifying performance results can challenge other team members to quit settling for average performance. Put another way, sales reporting can create healthy competition and push your sales team to aim for the “best” outcomes.

The goal of every sales report is to pass actionable and detailed sales information to your team. To do this, you need to know the purpose and audience of your sales report. You’ll also need to use the right data, decide on a reporting timeframe, and create engaging slides.

Here’s a breakdown of how to write an engaging sales report.

1. Know the purpose of your sales report.

Identifying your goal is the first step toward creating a winning sales report. With your goal in mind, you can easily determine the best data to include and decide on a reporting timeframe.

Sales report, an example sales KPI dashboard, looking at key sales metrics over a set period of time

2. Tailor your sales report to your audience.

Metrics that interest your sales reps may not interest your CEO. Those that interest your CEO may not interest your director or VP of marketing. These folks are in the same organization as you, but they have different interests.

Sales reps may want granular details on their sales performance. Your marketing lead may only be interested in the sales reports from marketing campaigns. And your busy CEO may only want the overall results of your marketing and sales activities without the specifics of how you reached your goals. See, different strokes for different people. Tailor your sales report accordingly.

3. Determine your sales reporting timeframe.

Your reporting timeframe depends on your sales objectives and how frequently you need to update your team or management. You can do this in three ways.

Daily Sales Reporting

A daily sales report tracks the sales activities of each business day. This report increases your rep’s accountability, encourages productivity, and includes sales performance metrics like:

  • Duration of each outbound call.
  • Number of sales opportunities.
  • Number of outbound calls.
  • Number of proposals sent.
  • Number of emails sent.

Weekly Sales Reporting

A weekly sales report measures the weekly sales performance of individual reps and your entire sales team. This report allows sales leaders to know which reps are on track to hit their KPIs. Weekly sales reports track metrics like:

  • Call/contact volume.
  • Lead-to-opportunity ratio.
  • Lead conversion ratio.
  • Number of appointments set.
  • Number of closed deals.
  • Sales volume by channel.
  • Total sales by region.

Monthly Sales Reporting

A monthly sales report summarizes your sales performance for the month. This report helps you determine the effectiveness of your sales strategy so you can tweak it if necessary. Monthly sales reports track metrics like:

  • Number of deals at each stage of the pipeline.
  • Number of scheduled meetings.
  • Length of the sales cycle.
  • Average close rate.
  • Average deal size.
  • Sales volume.

4. Get your sales data.

Collecting and analyzing your sales data is a lot easier when you’re using a CRM. With a CRM, you can use filters to remove duplicate records and pull specific information. That’s more fun than relying on clunky spreadsheets, right? Here’s a quick video on how you can gather sales data for your reports.

You can also create custom reports if you regularly use certain sales data. Here’s how:

5. Explain key insights from your sales data.

You need to make sense of your sales data by explaining the “why” of each one.

  • If there was a dip in the close rate, why?
  • If there was a high lead conversion ratio, why?
  • If there are more won deals in a specific region, why?

Just as the questions are endless, so are the insights you can gain by evaluating your sales data. For instance, more won deals could have resulted from a new tactic your team tried, a new channel they started using, a partner ecosystem they joined, and much more.

When you state why there’s an upward or downward trend in your data, you provide a roadmap for what your team can improve and what they can continue doing to achieve the best sales results.

Note: If possible attribute which changes to your sales data were caused by team tactics and which are attributed to the larger macro-economic environment. A spike or dip in sales may be the result of factors beyond your control. You’ll want to distinguish those factors where possible.

6. Use visuals to show vital sales trends and metrics.

Remember the popular saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words?”

It’s true, especially with sales reporting. When you create attractive visuals, your audience won’t have to wade through spreadsheets with lots of numbers. This saves their time and allows you to quickly communicate the insights in your report.

The best part? You can generate engaging visuals directly on HubSpot . Think pie charts, bar charts, line charts, and more.

Having dedicated technology to track lead and customer data makes it easy for sales leaders to analyze team performance and identify areas for improvement. But what are some essential reports every sales leader needs to track? We've listed some of the most important ones below.

  • Sales Pipeline Report
  • Conversion Rates Report
  • Average Deal Size Report
  • Average Sales Cycle Length Report
  • Marketing Collateral Usage Report
  • Won and Lost Deals Analysis Report
  • Churned Customers Report
  • Sales Call Report
  • Lead Response Time Report
  • Revenue Report

1. Sales Pipeline Report

A complete and accurate pipeline is a must-have. Without one, you can’t assess the sales health of your company. As a sales leader, you need to know the deals that are likely to get closed, those that may not, and how much of an impact each deal has on your bottom line.

To accurately forecast these, ensure your reps are doing their due diligence to guarantee a realistic sales pipeline .

This is an example of what a pipeline report looks like in HubSpot Sales Hub. You’ll notice each stage of the pipeline and where opportunities are within it. You can even add forecasted deal amounts to see the worth of each deal and its proximity to closing.

sales analysis report: sales pipeline report in HubSpot

Image Source

Understanding the sales pipeline stages where your team excels and needs help. You can also identify the specific actions your reps should take to move prospects through each stage of your pipeline, the number of prospects in the pipeline, and how close your team is getting to their targets.

2. Conversion Rates Report

Conversion rate measures the ability of your team to turn prospects into leads and leads into customers.

By monitoring your conversion rate, you can identify where your team excels or underperforms in the sales lifecycle. If your team consistently has a high conversion rate of turning leads into opportunities, you can scale the strategies that are already working. Otherwise, you can start finding areas for improvement.

This report is also a litmus test for the strengths and weaknesses of individual reps. If a rep is performing below par, looking into their conversion rate helps you uncover why.

sales analysis report: conversion rate report in HubSpot

Revealing the efficacy of your overall sales strategy on an operational or team-wide scale. It also measures the effectiveness of your sales team at converting leads into customers.

3. Average Deal Size Report

Your average deal size helps in predicting revenue. For instance, if your revenue target is $200k per quarter and your average deal size is $20k, it means you have to land 10 deals to hit your quarterly target.

The average deal size report provides the basis for your reps' quotas and lets them know how many deals they're expected to land. It also allows you to set expectations and milestones for your sales cycle. Ultimately, it might seem like a no-brainer, but it's still worth a reminder — always monitor your average deal size because it’s vital to your sales operations.

sales analysis report: average deal size report in HubSpot

Setting expectations for each rep, creating weekly and monthly milestones, tracking the performance of each rep, and gauging the overall success of your company’s sales strategy.

4. Average Sales Cycle Length Report

Average sales cycle length is the average time it takes a rep to close a sale. This metric shows the sales performance of individual reps and the overall efficacy of your sales process.

When considering the metric, establish an ideal timeframe to use as a benchmark. One of those benchmarks is how long it takes a rep to work through your sales cycle . If you find some reps with much longer sales cycles compared to their peers, you can evaluate their efforts and identify areas for coaching.

If all your reps can’t keep pace with your target average sales cycle length, then it's probably time to take an objective look at your operations. You might find flaws in your approach, training, or management style, and these insights can help you fix the issues. To enable your reps to see how they're performing with real-time visualization dashboards, tools like Datapine can help.

sales analysis report: average sales cycle length

Knowing if your reps are closing deals at a similar rate as their peers. You can also create contests to foster healthy competition and unify your team to work towards a common goal.

5. Marketing Collateral Usage Report

Marketing teams expect sales reps to put the collateral they create to good use. This helps the sales reps to move prospects through the sales process quickly.

That said, some marketing collateral may be irrelevant to your rep’s prospects. With this report, you’ll know which marketing content works. Communicating this information to your marketing team gives them the insights they need to create more useful content.

Sales enablement platform SoloFire tracks how many people have used a piece of collateral, how many times they’ve interacted with it, and for how long.

sales analysis report: marketing collateral

Determining which marketing collateral gets the most traction with prospects and collateral that could use a refresh.

6. Won and Lost Deals Analysis Report

To understand the state of your business, you shouldn’t track only deals in progress. You should track deals you win and lose.

Perhaps prospects go crazy for specific features that you offer. Or, you notice that there’s a preference for a competitor’s product. Both trends provide an overall picture of your product’s overall strengths and weaknesses.

This is also a good way to spot under- and over-performers. For example, two reps who have the same average quota attainment could both appear to be stellar but differ wildly in actual performance.

If your data reveals that one rep spends a lot of time helping others get deals across the finish line while still maintaining high attainment, you have a great manager candidate on your hands.

On the flip side, records could reveal that a second rep has the same attainment as the first, but relies on other teammates to run demos or closing calls.

There’s always a story behind the numbers. Analyzing won and lost deals by rep will reveal it.

sales analysis report: won and lost deals

Evaluating performance against variables like company size, product type, sales reps, and sales teams.

7. Churned Customers Report

Every company will always experience customer churn . However, churn rates higher than your company or industry average can reveal larger problems.

There might be an issue with your pricing, service, product quality, product features, or delivery. You may also identify misalignment during the sales process, or some other aspect of the customer experience.

If your report shows higher than normal churn, speak to your customers to understand their challenges and fix them. This can improve your customer retention rate and overall customer experience.

sales analysis report: churned customers

Closely monitoring trends in churned customers so you empower your team to fix bad patterns throughout the sales process.

8. Sales Call Report

One way to measure the effectiveness of your sales reps is to track the number of calls or visits they make to prospects. You can use this report to track and find gaps in the close rate of your team.

Ideally, you want your reps to close a healthy number of deals compared to the number of prospects they meet with. If they meet with ten per day, but close none, this report will allow you to understand why and propose better closing techniques. If the opposite is true, you can find what’s working and share those tactics with the team.

The sales call report can also help you segment data. For example, if a certain industry is responding well to your products and services, you could advise your team to narrow down their call list. You can then prioritize the highest converting segment.

sales analysis report: sales call report

Identifying the most effective tactics for closing deals, setting daily call benchmarks for new hires, and iterating on your sales closing techniques.

9. Lead Response Time Report

Regardless of the length of your sales cycle, lead response time should be relatively quick. Studies show contacting prospects within the first five minutes after they become a lead increases their likelihood of converting into an opportunity.

Five minutes is short, and if you’re far from meeting this time, the best thing to do is track your progress. You won’t move from a 48-hour lead response time to five minutes overnight. But by making strategic decisions and prioritizing your team’s workload , you can attain this goal.

Here’s how a lead response time report looks in HubSpot.

sales analysis report: lead response time

Measuring the average time it takes sales reps to follow up with a lead. Plus, you can compare this metric to industry benchmarks.

10. Revenue Report

As a nice complement to the average deal size report, a revenue report can help you and your reps see how their work impacts the bottom line.

sales analysis report: revenue report

Seeing a breakdown of new business and renewals, as well as the reps who contributed to each. To get the most out of this report, you’ll want to first set your sales and revenue goals .

Many sales teams focus on identifying potential clients and closing deals, leaving little time for detailed reporting. The good news is that your team can use several powerful templates to expedite your sales reporting.

Here are four sales reporting templates we recommend.

1. Forecasted vs. Actual Sales Report Template

A forecasted vs. actual sales report can help your salespeople compare their progress against monthly and quarterly goals. These reports provide a quick way to analyze sales numbers and make adjustments as necessary.

For instance, this free sales report template from HubSpot allows you to track deals in your pipeline, know which ones to prioritize, and helps you hit your quota.

Sales report template, forecasted vs. actual sales report

2. Reasons for Lost Deal Report Template

While every sales team strives to close as many deals as possible, some customers will inevitably say no. Understanding why your reps lose deals provides insight into why potential clients go elsewhere.

When creating this report template , you’ll want to add a column or prompt to your current sales pipeline. This allows salespeople to choose why your team lost the deal. Here are a few reasons to include in your lost deal report:

  • Losing to a competitor.
  • Not the right time.
  • Lack of product features.
  • Poor sales experience.

sales report template, reasons for lost deal report

3. Overall Activity Report Template

For managers, having the ability to quickly view their team’s overall activity can be a great way to track productivity. It also provides information on key business development metrics, such as emails, prospect visits, and client calls.

Make sure to customize your report to include the metrics that matter most to your sales team. For instance, if your organization places a higher value on meeting prospects in person, you’ll want to include KPIs focused on visiting prospects.

sales report template, overall activity report

4. Total Sales Report Template

Creating a custom total sales report dashboard allows your management team to quickly see how each salesperson is doing over a period. This information makes it easier to identify team members who outperform their peers and those who may need coaching.

Sales report template, total sales report

Build Reports Your Sales Team Will Use

As a sales leader, you have a lot to keep track of. That’s where these sales reports shine. These documents provide critical insights into what’s working and what you could improve.

Here’s a key takeaway: Always track your customer and lead data. If you don’t, you'll miss out on reports that will undoubtedly help your business to drive revenue growth.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Table of Contents

Report template bundle, 6 steps for creating a customer report, 6+ customer visit report templates, 1. customer visit report template, 2. customer service report template, 3. customer return report template, 4. customer call report template, 5. customer non-conformance report template, 6. customer visit report template, 7. customer experience survey report, report templates, 6+ customer report templates.

Whenever a customer visits an establishment due to important business-related matters, you will most likely be required to make a detailed account regarding what took place. This is when you will have to make a customer visit report and this article will provide you with the information on how to make one. You may see report samples .

sales visit report

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Step 1: Start With the Purpose

Step 2: information on the customer, step 3: place the date in which the report was made, step 4: provide more detail on the report’s purpose, step 5: share how things were resolved, step 6: provide feedback and information on yourself.

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How to Write a Visit Report

Last Updated: March 30, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Madison Boehm . Madison Boehm is a Business Advisor and the Co-Founder of Jaxson Maximus, a men’s salon and custom clothiers based in southern Florida. She specializes in business development, operations, and finance. Additionally, she has experience in the salon, clothing, and retail sectors. Madison holds a BBA in Entrepreneurship and Marketing from The University of Houston. This article has been viewed 648,566 times.

Whether you’re a student or a professional, a visit report helps you document the procedures and processes at an industrial or corporate location. These reports are fairly straightforward. Describe the site first and explain what you did while you were there. If required, reflect on what you learned during your visit. No additional research or information is needed.

Writing a Visit Report

Explain the site's purpose, operations, and what happened during the visit. Identify the site's strengths and weaknesses, along with your recommendations for improvement. Include relevant photos or diagrams to supplement your report.

Describing the Site

Step 1 Look over the requirements of your visit report.

  • Reports are usually only 2-3 pages long, but in some cases, these reports may be much longer.
  • In some cases, you may be asked to give recommendations or opinions about the site. In other cases, you will be asked only to describe the site.
  • Ask your boss or instructor for models of other visit reports. If you can't get a model, look up samples online.

Step 2 Start the paper with general information about the visit.

  • If you visited a factory, explain what it is producing and what equipment it uses.
  • If you visited a construction site, describe what is being constructed and how far along the construction is. You should also describe the terrain of the site and the layout.
  • If you’re visiting a business, describe what the business does. State which department or part of the business you visited.
  • If you’re visiting a school, identify which grades they teach. Note how many students attend the school. Name the teachers whose classes you observed.

Step 4 Explain what happened during the visit in chronological order.

  • Who did you talk to? What did they tell you?
  • What did you see at the site?
  • What events took place? Did you attend a seminar, Q&A session, or interview?
  • Did you see any demonstrations of equipment or techniques?

Step 5 Summarize the operations at the site.

  • For example, at a car factory, describe whether the cars are made by robots or humans. Describe each step of the assembly line.
  • If you're visiting a business, talk about different departments within the business. Describe their corporate structure and identify what programs they use to conduct their business.

Reflecting on Your Visit

Step 1 Describe what you learned at the site if you’re a student.

  • Is there something you didn’t realize before that you learned while at the site?
  • Who at the site provided helpful information?
  • What was your favorite part of the visit and why?

Step 2 Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the site.

  • For example, you might state that the factory uses the latest technology but point out that employees need more training to work with the new equipment.
  • If there was anything important left out of the visit, state what it was. For example, maybe you were hoping to see the main factory floor or to talk to the manager.

Step 3 Provide recommendations for improvement if required.

  • Tailor your recommendations to the organization or institution that owns the site. What is practical and reasonable for them to do to improve their site?
  • Be specific. Don’t just say they need to improve infrastructure. State what type of equipment they need or give advice on how to improve employee morale.

Formatting Your Report

Step 1 Add a title page to the beginning of your report.

  • If you are following a certain style guideline, like APA or Chicago style, make sure to format the title page according to the rules of the handbook.

Step 2 Write in clear and objective language.

  • Don’t just say “the visit was interesting” or “I was bored.” Be specific when describing what you learned or saw.

Step 3 Include any relevant pictures if desired.

Sample Visit Report

sales visit report

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  • ↑ http://services.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/471286/Site_Reports_for_Engineers_Update_051112.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.examples.com/business/visit-report.html
  • ↑ https://www.thepensters.com/blog/industrial-visit-report-writing/
  • ↑ https://eclass.aueb.gr/modules/document/file.php/ME342/Report%20Drafting.pdf

About This Article

Madison Boehm

To write a visit report, start by including a general introduction that tells your audience where and when you visited, who your contact was, and how you got there. Once you have the introduction written out, take 1 to 2 paragraphs to describe the purpose of the site you visited, including details like the size and layout. If you visited a business, talk about what the business does and describe any specific departments you went to. Then, summarize what happened during your visit in chronological order. Make sure to include people you met and what they told you. Toward the end of your report, reflect on your visit by identifying any strengths and weaknesses in how the site operates and provide any recommendations for improvement. For more help, including how to format your report, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write a Sales Report

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On average, a small business might spend up to 20 percent of its revenue pursuing sales leads. For newer companies, this figure can reach 45 percent. With all this money going toward sales, it’s only natural that you and your sales team, managers, executives or external investors might want to see regular overviews of your sales metrics. That’s where sales reports come in.

What is a sales report?

A sales report, also known as a sales analysis report, is a document that summarizes a business’s sales activities. This report typically includes information on sales volume, leads, new accounts, revenue and costs for a given period. It may also analyze this information along each step of the sales funnel and indicate your sales team’s performance (or any gaps therein).

These reports might help your company modify its sales approach and other growth initiatives. They can provide insights into sales methodology successes, predictions of future sales data, analyses of performance compared to previous periods, and greater understanding of customer motivations.

What are the different types of sales reports?

No two sales reports look exactly the same. Different types of sales reports focus on different sales metrics, needs or strategies. These are some of the report types:

  • Sales forecasts. These reports predict the number of sales your team will make in a given period. You can use them to anticipate seasonal slowdowns or plan for issues that might affect business.
  • Sales funnel reports. These reports show how close a lead is to buying your product or service. Sales funnels help you understand how to best nurture leads and, ultimately, convert them into customers. If you compare back-to-back sales funnel reports, you can identify weaknesses in your sales pipeline.
  • Conversion reports. These reports resemble sales funnel reports in that they assess the progress of leads along the sales funnel, although they look specifically at the conversion of leads to customers, not the status of leads along the funnel. A standard conversion tracking report includes information about contacts, leads generated and qualified, and wins, with period-to-period change rates indicated as well.
  • Opportunity score reports. Opportunity score reports are based on the Einstein opportunity score . This metric, which artificial intelligence determines, rates leads from one to 99, where a higher score means a higher likelihood of a sales win. These reports are useful for planning how to divide your team’s time pursuing leads.
  • Upsell and cross-sell reports. These reports detail the number and value of items upsold or cross-sold to customers. Your team can review these reports to identify future upselling and cross-selling opportunities or flag certain products and services as especially suited for these sales approaches.
  • Sales call reports. These sales reports concern calls placed to leads, prospects and customers to encourage purchases. These reports can help you gain insights into your reps’ performance and your leads’ qualities.

Don’t feel like you need to have every single type of sales report. Ask yourself what the purpose of capturing the data is and whether you have the resources to invest in that purpose. For a small business, a sales funnel conversion report might not be necessary, but a daily sales report could be essential.

Sales reports can be set to various frequencies and tied to key performance indicators (KPIs), helping you to monitor your success over time. These are some common frequencies:

  • Daily sales reports. A daily sales report can track KPIs such as a rep’s number of daily calls and leads generated.
  • Weekly sales reports. A weekly sales report can track KPIs, such as the entire sales team’s deals closed or revenue earned.
  • Monthly sales reports. A monthly sales report can provide a longer-term overview of the metrics tracked in either a daily or weekly sales report.
  • Annual sales reports. An annual sales report is an especially lengthy, detailed version of a monthly sales report. It may be the most useful for determining a subsequent year’s sales quotas. It can also help you address sales management issues, indicate seasonal fluctuations, observe the impacts of marketing campaigns, and identify especially successful sales reps.

There are many different types of sales reports, and each one includes different information. All of these can be useful to a business, but if you’re just starting out, consider beginning with simple daily, weekly, monthly and annual sales reports. The rest can be developed over time.

What are the key elements of a sales report?

The key elements depend on the type of report. In general, though, sales reports should contain the following figures:

  • Relevant KPIs, as determined by the above criteria
  • Sales volume
  • Net sales (this is a dollar figure, whereas sales volume is simply the number of sales made)
  • Gross sales (net sales minus the cost of sales)
  • Percent of KPI change compared to the previous reporting period

You’ll notice that this list of figures is relatively short, even though you may have many KPIs to include in your report. That’s because staying concise is key; you don’t want to overwhelm the people reading your report right out of the gate.

However, figures alone aren’t enough to constitute a sales report. You’ll also need to provide a written explanation of what these numbers mean and how they should compel the company to act. We’ll discuss this step in the detailed report-writing guide below.

How do you write a sales report?

Follow these steps to create a sales report:

1. Decide how your sales report will look.

A sales report should be more than a document full of numbers and explanations. It should also be eye-catching and easy for someone to read without feeling overwhelmed. To achieve this, you can download a sales report template from your point of sale (POS) system. Alternatively, you can use any of the best CRM software to easily create several report types.

2. Consider your audience.

If you’re a high-ranking sales team member presenting a report to your head of sales, you may want to include a lot of KPIs. Executives might be looking for a more succinct summary. Further, a CEO might be interested in different data than a CFO. Your CRM software should be able to help you reformat your sales data for any audience.

3. Include the appropriate information.

Once you know your audience and the depth of reporting expected, you can decide whether to include or exclude certain data sets, such as sales revenue and costs, period-to-period KPI change, progress toward sales goals, sales by product or service, sales forecasts , and future sales plans.

4. Determine your current and previous periods.

Given the frequency criteria described above, determine whether the information you want to convey is best presented in an annual, monthly, weekly or daily view. Then, compare your information for this period to an equivalent prior period. For example, if you’re presenting sales information for February 2021, note percentage changes in this period’s KPIs as compared to all of January 2021 — and not just the final week of January.

5. Compile your data.

Once you’ve established your information needs and data period, it’s time to actually compile your data. This step typically means logging in to your CRM software and pulling up data, then either downloading it for use in another program or turning it into reports right from your CRM dashboard. Either way, sales reporting doesn’t stop at getting your data in one place.

6. Present your information appropriately.

Sales reports should be more than lists of numbers. Include plenty of graphs and other helpful images to help your audience make sense of these figures. Make sure to use the right type of graph. For example, an annual report might call for a line chart to show revenues month over month. Your CRM software might be able to auto-generate these charts, or you can use Excel to assist in graph creation.

7. Double-check your data and information.

After you’ve compiled your data and created charts and graphs, you should go back to steps one and two: considering your audience and including appropriate information. Sometimes, you won’t realize you’ve put in too much or too little information until after your first draft of a report. Don’t be afraid to take out information, recreate graphs or ask a fellow sales team member for assistance. Remember, everyone needs an editor. It’s important to strike a balance between insight and overabundance well before you walk into your meeting.

8. Explain your data.

This final step is perhaps the most important. Again, presenting data itself is only half the battle; you need to put words to your data for it to mean much to your audience.

For example, if your monthly report shows a sales decline from the previous period for the first time in several months, don’t assume your audience will infer the cause of this decline. Provide an analysis that suggests the decline is due to an expected seasonal slowdown compounded by an economic downturn. You should also open your report with a written summary of data from the previous period. 

Your written explanations should at once justify your figures and be justified by your figures. They should also outline fixes that your team plans to implement. For example, if a key competitor’s limited-time discounts have reduced your sales, explain how you will pursue the customers lost to that promotion. You can meaningfully present even the most concerning data if you determine an actionable, fixable root cause.

Once you do act, sales could increase. Therein lies the value of the sales report.

Sales report template

This template of a simple daily sales report could be used for retail stores, restaurants or any other business managing inventory including several different items. If you’re using one of the best point of sale systems (POS systems), you will be able to easily pull this data using the platform’s reporting tools. 

There are certainly more robust types of sales reports, such as sales funnel conversion reports and upsell/cross-sell reports, but this basic sales report is the most essential for a small business. 

Sales reports help guide business success

When you have sales data organized in easy-to-review reports, you can make better decisions about which products and services to emphasize and which might be losing you money. With sales data at your fingertips, you can help guide your business to solid ground and scale what works best for your bottom line. Whether you want a simple daily sales report or you’re looking for more complex data, consider using POS software. It can streamline the task for you as well as prevent double data entry and human error.

Jacob Bierer-Nielsen contributed to this article.


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Report Templates

Free industry visit report templates (excel / word / pdf).

When an individual visits the industry whether he or she is a student or an employee, they need an industry visit report template to create a visit report. This document contains a detailed summary of the visit organized in a sequence.

Table of Contents

How to write an industry visit report?

Here are the steps to write an industry visit report;


In this section, provide the introductory information about the event including;

  • Who proposed and organized it
  • Complete designation of the facility you’ve visited
  • The name of your college or company
  • The names and positions of people who played a significant role in organizing and implementing the event
  • Faculty members who are associated with the students or employees
  • Total number of people involved in it

Details of Visit

Here, you need to provide the following details about the visit;

  • The timeline of the visit
  • Point-by-point detail of every part of your journey
  • Where and when you started
  • What industries and facilities you’ve visited
  • Where and when you attended seminars
  • When the event ended
  • When you come back

Detailed descriptions

Describe the important stages of your visit in detail. In case, you have attended seminars then specify the following;

  • When and where they took place
  • How long they lasted
  • Who conducted them
  • What they were about
  • What you’ve learned
  • Your general impressions

In addition, if you have visited any specific places then mention the locations, staff members that are with you during the visit, knowledge you got during the visit, and your feedback about the visit.

Travel details

This part of your report includes technical and statistical details;

  • Names of the people or students who are with you during the visit
  • The place where you stayed

Feedback from students or employees

In the end, the students or employees have to provide their generalized opinion of the whole event. State whether it was useful and whether you got any specific new knowledge and experiences from it.

Store Visit Report Form

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It provides you with updated details regarding the current events after a visit. It facilitates decision-making in a company.

First, state the general information about the visit and specify the purpose of the visit. Describe the entire visit in detail and summarize the report with important information.

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I am Ryan Duffy and legal writer. I received a bachelor of business administration (BBA) degree from London Business School. I have 8+ years of writing experience in the different template fields and working with ExcelTMP.com for 7 years. I work with a team of writers and business and legal professionals to provide you with the best templates.

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For years now, people around the world have been captivated by Sicilian towns selling off abandoned homes starting at 1 euro , or roughly $1.08.

Several hundred homes have been sold to curious and ambitious renovators, including Meredith Tabbone, 44, of Chicago. She learned in 2019 that a town called Sambuca di Sicilia was auctioning off homes starting with 1-euro bids.

"A lot of people warned me that it could be a scam [and that] I could end up losing a lot of money," she tells CNBC Make It.

Still, she took up the idea when she realized her great-grandfather was actually from Sambuca. She placed her bid on a home for 5,555 euros sight unseen and won, thus starting her on a four-year journey of renovations.

"From the moment that I sent in the bid and checked my email every day and found out that I won, all the way through this process, there have been 4 million moments of frustration, exhaustion, contemplation of how to move forward," she says.

Tabbone and other 1-euro homebuyers share their biggest pieces of advice to other aspiring renovators around the world.

Prepare for additional costs

Sicily's homes may start at 1 euro, but the cost is largely symbolic and just the start of more expenses down the line.

In Mussomeli, one of the most famous 1-euro towns, buyers must also pay a realtors fee of 500 euros and pay for the deed, which costs 2,800 euros. That adds up to a total of 3,301 euros, or nearly $3,600.

Rubia Daniels, 50, of Berkeley, Calif., bought three 1-euro homes in Mussomeli in 2019. So far, she's focused her efforts on renovating her main vacation home. She originally thought it would cost her $20,000 but has already spent $35,000 between materials, labor and furniture. She hopes to stay under $40,000.

Tabbone paid 5,555 euros for her home, plus some taxes and fees, bringing the home sale up to 5,900 euros, or roughly $6,400. She then bought the building next door through a private sale with the owner for 22,000 euros, or nearly $24,000. 

Over the next four years, Tabbone spent about 425,000 euros on renovations, or roughly $463,000. Altogether, that adds up to 430,900 euros, or $469,500 for her dream home in Sicily.

Be present for renovations

Speaking of renovations, though communicating with local construction workers can kick off plans, buyers say it's crucial to be on the ground while work is being done.

Danny McCubbin, an Australian native who bought a 1-euro house in Mussomeli, says he's seen "quite a few" foreigners try to manage their project from their home country.

McCubbin bought his cheap Sicilian home in 2019 with hopes to turn it into a food-rescue charity. He ended up selling his house back to the real estate agency after it experienced extensive, and costly, water damage. But he managed to open his charity, The Good Kitchen, elsewhere in town.

"It's best to actually be here with the builder, choosing the tiles, choosing whatever you need," he says. For the times you can't be there in-person, he also recommends finding a local project manager who can speak English and Italian to communicate plans with the local crew.

Have patience

Daniels works in construction and learned quickly that things in Sicily take much longer than they do in the U.S.

"Working with contractors in Sicily, I had to learn how to set my expectations, but not my American expectations," she says.

Have patience to understand the culture and how business is done so you don't get frustrated, she adds. She's been renovating her main home in Mussomeli on and off since 2020 and is still several months from finishing.

"Overall, there's plenty capable people to do the work," Daniels says, but "the work here, it flows in a different way. You have to remember this is an island and they are in an island time. So [things] just move a little bit slower than what you expect."

Visit in the winter

If you're planning to buy real estate in another country, it's best to spend a good amount of time there. And don't only go when it's peak travel season.

"I always say come for longer than one or two weeks," McCubbin says. "And most importantly, come in winter. In summertime it's beautiful. It's sunny, the houses, there's no mold in them. You discover in winter that a lot of these houses do have mold. They do have moisture, and it's a very different feel here than in summer."

Learn the language

Tabbone, Daniels and McCubbin agree that it's crucial to learn Italian in order to really get around Sicily, especially if you plan to spend part of your year there.

Language-learning apps and courses are a good place to start, but immersing yourself among locals is another great way to practice.

Tabbone says she enjoys spending time with Sicilians when she visits. Her first friends in Sambuca included members of the construction crew on her project, who then introduced her to their friends and family members. She also has a close relationship with the town's mayor — she practices her Italian with him and he practices his English with her.

"I think I would be extremely fluent in Italian if Google Translate did not exist," she jokes, "but I'm very, very proficient at Google Translate."

Don't be lured just by cheap houses

Newcomers to Sicily may be attracted by inexpensive houses, but many say their biggest reason for staying is the people they meet along the way.

"I always say, don't be allured by the fact that the houses are cheap," McCubbin says. "Think about where you want to be and where you want to spend your time. Having said that, people here are kind. People here are very friendly. It's a great place to live." McCubbin now lives in Mussomeli full-time and owns another house there.

Tabbone says one of her favorite things about Sambuca is how she can connect with fellow foreigners as well as long-time residents.

"One of the things that I love the most about Sambuca is that the community is not just expats who are moving here. It's really well intertwined with the locals and the community. Any dinner party that you go to, even if you just go to a cafe on the street, you will always see a very nice mixture of expats and of locals, and I love that."

Conversions from euros to USD were done using the OANDA conversion rate of 1 euro to 1.08 USD on March 22, 2024. All amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.

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Indian company sold contaminated shrimp to U.S. grocery stores, 'whistleblower' says

This story is a product of an NBC News investigation in collaboration with The Outlaw Ocean Project, a nonprofit journalism organization.

Joshua Farinella had been working in the seafood industry for eight years when he received an exotic job offer too lucrative to pass up — managing a shrimp factory in southern India. The salary: $300,000, more than double what he was making previously.

“I packed up two suitcases and moved 8,000 miles away,” said Farinella, 45, of Pittston, Pennsylvania. “It was supposed to be life-changing.”

But just a few months after he arrived on the job in October 2023, Farinella said he became deeply disturbed by what he was witnessing.  

Joshua Farinella.

His company, Choice Canning, supplies shrimp to major U.S. grocery chains including Walmart, Aldi, ShopRite and H.E.B. It touts its “ state-of-the-art processing plant ” and “commitment to international standards of quality.”But Farinella said he soon discovered that Choice Canning operated unsanitary offsite “peeling sheds” and routinely approved the export of shrimp tainted with antibiotics in violation of U.S. food safety law.

The company’s treatment of workers was equally jarring to Farinella, he said. Migrant workers rarely had a day off, slept in overcrowded, bedbug-infested dorms and were restricted from leaving the walled-off company compound in Amalapuram, according to Farinella. They were mostly women who were often recruited from the poorest sections of the country.

Farinella left the job after about four months, but not before recording conversations with senior leadership and capturing video footage of conditions at the plant and at an offsite peeling facility. 

“​​The consumers need to understand that they’ve been purchasing a contaminated product that was made by people who don’t have the luxury of going home,” said Farinella, who has filed a whistleblower complaint with the Food and Drug Administration and other regulators detailing his allegations and has shared it with members of Congress.

A mattress that appears to be covered in bedbugs.

U.S. lawmakers are looking into Farinella’s allegations, which underscore long-held concerns about the farmed shrimp industry globally and more recent findings about India’s in particular. 

In a letter dated March 18, ranking Democrats on the House Committee on Natural Resources requested documents and recordings from Farinella in response to his complaint. The letter references the committee’s “ongoing efforts to reduce human rights violations and increase transparency in the seafood supply chain.” (Farinella’s lawyers said they’ve provided all relevant records in response.)

After the nonprofit news organization The Outlaw Ocean Project published its investigation into Farinella’s claims, other lawmakers called on the Biden administration to take action to protect American consumers.

“Damning evidence from someone in the industry has revealed strong concerns of severe food safety issues and labor violations at an Indian shrimp processing plant,” Rep. Mary Peltola, D-Alaska, and Rep. Garret Graves, R-La., wrote in a March 22 letter to President Joe Biden. “The whistleblower alleged that the company was deliberately exporting shrimp contaminated with antibiotics and engaging in forced labor practices.”

Choice Canning’s shrimp processing plant in Amalapuram, India.

Lawyers for Choice Canning categorically denied any wrongdoing, including the claims about abusive labor practices and the illegal use of antibiotics. “The allegations that have been brought against our company are false and without merit,” a spokesperson for Choice Canning Company Inc. said in a statement.

“During our history we have maintained a spotless record with regulators and continue to exceed industry standards to ensure our products meet all certifications. Throughout our history we have dedicated significant resources to developing and adhering to comprehensive auditing processes and protocols as well as employee welfare programs.”

The company also cast Farinella as a disgruntled former employee who should not be believed because of his criminal past.

Farinella was convicted of a series of felony and misdemeanor crimes between 1999 and 2014 — a period when he says he was struggling with depression and substance abuse. The offenses included grand theft auto, burglary and identity theft.

“It was 10-plus years ago,” said Farinella, who is married with two stepchildren, ages 17 and 24. “That’s not who I am at this point in my life.”

Walmart and Aldi said in statements to NBC News that they were investigating Farinella’s claims and expect their suppliers to treat workers fairly. Wakefern Food Corporation, which owns ShopRite, referred to Choice Canning’s response to the allegations. HEB did not respond to requests for comment. 

“We expect suppliers to operate safe workplaces, take responsibility for the well-being of their workers, adhere to our forced labor prevention principles and to protect the integrity of the food we sell by complying with all FDA regulatory requirements and Walmart food safety standards,” a Walmart spokesperson said.

A uniformed security guard stationed at a Choice Canning shrimp processing plant in Amalapuram, India.

Americans love shrimp. It’s the most consumed type of seafood in the U.S, and nearly 40% of the imported crustaceans now comes from India — more than any other country.

Thailand was for a long time the largest exporter of shrimp to the U.S. But the industry was jolted by high rates of shrimp disease and repeated reports of forced labor. With Thailand’s shrimp business in crisis, India boosted production to meet global demand. 

A new report by the Corporate Accountability Lab (CAL), a Chicago-based advocacy group, suggests that Farinella’s allegations are part of a larger, systemic problem in the Indian shrimp industry.

The report was based on interviews with more than 150 workers and others in the country's shrimping sector.

The CAL report did not investigate Choice Canning, but found that shrimp operations in India often rely on forced labor and “dangerous and abusive working conditions” to “meet demands for ever-lower prices.” 

“In the processing sector, workers live in overcrowded and often unsanitary conditions under the careful surveillance of company guards,” reads the report. “They are rarely allowed to leave the premises.”

A room where Farinella said he found migrant workers sleeping on mattresses laid out on the floor, many without pillows or bedding.

CAL also found that debt bondage — preventing workers from leaving a job until they have paid off a loan — is common. And shrimp production is also causing severe environmental damage, the report says. 

The report didn’t focus on food safety, but it does note that the Indian shrimp industry focuses on two national markets “with fewer regulations and less monitoring of imported shrimp: China and the U.S.”

While the European Union samples 50% of shrimp from India for antibiotic traces, the U.S. inspected just over 1% of shrimp imports in 2023, the FDA said. According to publicly available import refusal data from the FDA, the FDA refused 51 shipments of shrimp due to antibiotics last year and over 70% of them involved shrimp exported from India.  

“The minimal testing combined with the huge quantity of shrimp entering the United States means that there is a high risk of shrimp with traces of antibiotics entering the U.S. market from India,” the Corporate Accountability Lab report says. 

Shrimp farmers sometimes use antibiotics to reduce the spread of disease, but the practice is heavily restricted in many countries in part because eating contaminated shrimp could lead to increased resistance to antibiotics.

Farinella said his plant shipped out antibiotic-tainted shrimp “nearly half a dozen times” in the time he was there. Company leaders even had a code name for it, he said: Oscar.

In a WhatsApp text exchange cited in the whistleblower complaint and viewed by NBC News, Farinella wrote to an executive about a shipment of cooked shrimp for a U.S. grocer that he said tested positive for antibiotics. “Please use the word Oscar lol” the executive wrote.

“Oscar was the word when nobody wanted to see a message out there saying, ‘Hey, this shrimp is contaminated,’” Farinella said.

Choice Canning disputed Farinella’s characterization, saying the term Oscar is used to denote shrimp that had tested positive for antibiotics in an initial inspection, but negative in a subsequent, more precise one known as LCMSMS. 

“Cleared OSCAR products can only be exported after LCMSMS reports are negative and further time requires senior management approval for final shipments,” reads a policy document provided by Choice Canning.

Farinella said the processing plant itself was inspected by auditors from Best Aquaculture Practices, a group that ensures seafood is responsibly and sustainably sourced, but a substantial portion of the work was actually done at offsite peeling sheds with subpar standards of hygiene and sanitation. 

Workers in the off-site shed.

Workers in street clothes and sandals would peel shrimp in rooms exposed to the elements and without temperature control, Farinella said. 

Choice Canning said it only relied on an offsite peeling shed from January to February, and that it was used for shrimp bought by customers who purchase seafood that is not certified by Best Aquaculture Practices, or BAP. 

“Choice is not aware of any unsanitary conditions, and the shed has not been used since March 1, 2024,” the company said. A second shed was used by a “copacker,” and the shrimp processed there was not owned or sold by Choice, the company added.  

Farinella said he decided to speak out about what he experienced in the hope of forcing a reckoning on the shrimp industry. 

“I need a change to happen, and that will make this worth it,” he said. 

The Outlaw Ocean Project, which first publicly reported on Farinella’s complaint, shared reporting with NBC News for this investigation.

Kenzi Abou-Sabe is a reporter and producer in the NBC News Investigative Unit.

Alexandra Chaidez is an associate producer with the NBC News Investigative Unit


China’s Share of Global Chip Sales Now Surpasses Taiwan’s, Closing in on Europe’s and Japan’s

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Global chip sales from Chinese companies are on the rise, largely due to increasing U.S.-China tensions and a whole-of-nation effort to advance China’s chip sector, including government subsidies, procurement preferences, and other preferential policies.

Just five years ago, China’s semiconductor device sales were $13 billion, accounting for only 3.8% of global chip sales. In 2020, however, the Chinese semiconductor industry registered an unprecedented annual growth rate of 30.6% to reach $39.8 billion in total annual sales, according to an SIA analysis [1]. The jump in growth helped China capture 9% of the global semiconductor market in 2020, surpassing Taiwan for two consecutive years and closely following Japan and the EU, which each took 10% of market share. Sales data for 2021 are not yet available.

If China’s semiconductor development continues its strong momentum – maintaining 30% CAGR over the next three years – and assuming growth rates of industries in other countries stay the same, the Chinese semiconductor industry could generate $116 billion in annual revenue by 2024, capturing upwards of 17.4% of global market share [2]. This would place China behind only the United States and South Korea in global market share.

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Equally startling is the number of new firms in China rushing into the semiconductor industry. Nearly 15,000 Chinese firms registered as semiconductor enterprises in 2020 [3]. A large number of these new firms are fabless start-ups specializing in GPU, EDA, FPGA, AI computing, and other higher-end chip design. Many of these firms are developing advanced chips, designing and taping out devices on bleeding-edge process nodes [4]. Sales of Chinese high-end logic devices are also accelerating, with the combined revenue of China’s CPU, GPU, and FPGA sectors growing at an annual rate of 128% to nearly $1 billion in revenue in 2020, up from a meager $60 million in 2015 [5].

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Chinese Semiconductor Firms Post Impressive Growth

Across all four subsegments of the Chinese semiconductor supply chain – fabless, IDM, foundry, and OSAT – Chinese firms recorded rapid increases in revenue last year, representing annual growth rates of 36%, 23%, 32%, 23%, respectively, based on an SIA analysis. Leading Chinese semiconductor firms are on track to expand domestically, and even globally, in several submarkets.

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SIA analysis further shows that in 2020, China held an impressive 16% market share in the global fabless semiconductor segment, ranking third after the U.S. and Taiwan, and up from 10% in 2015 [7]. Benefiting from China’s massive consumer and 5G market, Huawei’s HiSilicon, China’s largest chip designer, generated nearly $10 billion in revenue in 2020, despite tightened export control restrictions (largely due to significant stockpiling suggested by official Chinese trade data). Other Chinese fabless firms, such as communications chip supplier UNISOC, MCU and NOR flash designer GigaDevice, fingerprint chip firm Goodix, and image sensor designers Galaxycore and OmniVision (a U.S.-headquartered corporation acquired by China), have all reported a 20-40% annual growth rate to become China’s top fabless firms. Moreover, in addition to supplying Chinese OMEs, GigaDevice, OmniVision, and Goodix have entered top 3 global smartphone vendors’ supply chains [8].

Meanwhile, Chinese consumer electronics and home appliance OEMs and leading internet firms have also been ramping up efforts to expand into the semiconductor sector by designing chips in-house and making investments in established semiconductor firms, with notable progress made in designing advanced chips and building domestic supply chains over the past two years [9].

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China’s Chip Manufacturing Expansion Continues

China also maintains robust growth in building out its semiconductor manufacturing supply chain, with 28 additional fab construction projects totaling $26 billion in new planned funding announced in 2021 [10]. SMIC and other Chinese semiconductor leaders have further expanded their partnerships with local governments to construct additional joint venture fabs, with a focus on mature technology nodes [11]. Wafer manufacturing startups are continuing to spring up in the trailing-edge fabrication field, backed by government incentives [12].

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All indications are that China’s rapid growth in semiconductor chip sales is likely to continue due in large part to the unwavering commitment from the central government and robust policy support in the face of deteriorating U.S-China relations. While there remains a long way to go for China to catch up with existing industry leaders – especially in advanced node foundry production, equipment, and materials – the gap is expected to narrow over the next decade as Beijing sharpens its focus on semiconductor self-reliance during the current 14 th Five-Year Plan [17].


[1] SIA applied a bottom-up methodology based on the public financials, IPO and bond prospectuses, and government official reports of over 120 top Chinese semiconductor firms. With a more comprehensive dataset, the SIA Chinese industry size estimation is different from those of other market analysts.  

[2] Source: WSTS 2021 Fall Forecast, SIA analysis

[3] Source: https://www.ithome.com/0/537/021.htm  

[4] Source: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/china-first-7nm-gpu-heads-to-production ; https://www.tomshardware.com/news/chinese-biren-technology-to-tape-out-7nm-ai-gpu ; https://www.reuters.com/technology/baidu-says-2nd-gen-kunlun-ai-chips-enter-mass-production-2021-08-18/  

[5] Source: SIA analysis  

[6] In semiconductor design, tapeout is when the photomask of the circuit has been fully created and is sent to the manufacturer for production.

[7] Source: https://www.icinsights.com/news/bulletins/US-Companies-Continue-To-Capture-Bulk-Of-IDM-And-Fabless-IC-Sales/

[8] Source: https://www.cardlogix.com/industry-news/goodixs-innovative-fingerprint-solutions-power-up-samsung-galaxy-tab-s7-series/ ; https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20210601VL201.html  

[9] Source: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1233501.shtml?id=11  

[10] Source: SIA analysis. Note there is often a significant gap between announced funding and actual spent capital.

[11] Source: https://www.reuters.com/technology/chinas-smic-invest-887-bln-new-chip-plant-shanghai-2021-09-03/ ; https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3153736/smics-new-shenzhen-semiconductor-plant-offers-glimpse-chinas-effort ; https://www.caixinglobal.com/2020-08-03/chinese-chipmaker-smic-to-establish-joint-venture-for-wafer-production-101587995.html 

[12] https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20210707PD214.html

[13] Source: IC Insights Fab Database, SMIC Quarterly Financials, SIA analysis

[14] Source: h ttps://www.digitimes.com/news/a20211214PD201.html ;   https://www.tomshardware.com/news/china-ymtc-128-layer-qlc

[15] Source: Yole Development https://s3.i-micronews.com/uploads/2021/06/DRAMNAND-Quarterly-Market-Monitor-Q2-2021-Sample.pdf  

[16] Source: company financials, SIA analysis  

[17] Source: https://www.cfr.org/blog/chinas-quest-self-reliance-fourteenth-five-year-plan ; full text of China’s 14 th Five-year Plan: https://cset.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/t0284_14th_Five_Year_Plan_EN.pdf  

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    1. Add a title page to the beginning of your report. The title should be the name of the visit and site, such as "Visit to Airplane Factory" or "Corporate Headquarters Visit Report." Under the title, include your name, your institution, and the date of the visit. Do not put any other information on this page.

  18. How to Write a Sales Report

    Alternatively, you can use any of the best CRM software to easily create several report types. 2. Consider your audience. If you're a high-ranking sales team member presenting a report to your ...

  19. Free Industry Visit Report Templates (Excel / Word / PDF)

    Free Industry Visit Report Templates (Excel / Word / PDF) Posted on January 19, 2024 by Ryan Duffy. When an individual visits the industry whether he or she is a student or an employee, they need an industry visit report template to create a visit report. This document contains a detailed summary of the visit organized in a sequence.

  20. LLC "TFN" Company Profile

    Unlock full sales materials and reports Contacts. Get in Touch with 1 Principals* Ekaterina Yurevna Kazakova. Director-General. See All Contacts. Dynamic search and list-building capabilities ... Get a D&B credit report on this company . Stay on top of your Business Credit File. Get full access to view your D&B business credit file now for just ...

  21. Best advice on buying a $1 home in Italy from people who did it

    Sicily's homes may start at 1 euro, but the cost is largely symbolic and just the start of more expenses down the line. In Mussomeli, one of the most famous 1-euro towns, buyers must also pay a ...

  22. Sales visit reports using iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows

    Get complete access to all functionalities and options for all types of subscriptions! Annual subscription. 9,90 €excl. tax. Per Month / User. Subscribe. With a diverse panel of tools and multiple options settings Kizeo Forms can help you create sales visit reports using iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows.

  23. Indian company sold contaminated shrimp to U.S. grocery stores

    A new report by the Corporate Accountability Lab (CAL), a Chicago-based advocacy group, suggests that Farinella's allegations are part of a larger, systemic problem in the Indian shrimp industry.

  24. BETA GIDA, OOO Company Profile

    Unlock full sales materials and reports Contacts. Get in Touch with 1 Principals* Ozench Avdzhy. Director-General. See All Contacts. Dynamic search and list-building capabilities ... Get a D&B credit report on this company . Stay on top of your Business Credit File. Get full access to view your D&B business credit file now for just $39/month ...

  25. China's Share of Global Chip Sales Now Surpasses Taiwan's, Closing in

    China's Share of Global Chip Sales Now Surpasses Taiwan's, Closing in ...

  26. ANTRACIT LLC Company Profile

    Unlock full sales materials and reports Contacts. Get in Touch with 1 Principals* Ilya Viktorovich Kirkin. Director-General. See All Contacts. Dynamic search and list-building capabilities ... Get a D&B credit report on this company . Stay on top of your Business Credit File. Get full access to view your D&B business credit file now for just ...