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Comparing Guided, Self-Guided, and Independent Travel

Elizabeth Gorga

Liz is a collector of grand adventures. She first discovered her passion for meaningful travel wh...

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It’s nearly time for your next overseas trip and you’re daydreaming about the new places you’ll see, the new friends you’ll make, the new foods you’ll taste, and the stories you’ll be able to tell when you return home. Traveling can be full of adventure, curiosity, and laughter, but it can also be stressful when you’re in the planning stages.

person sitting in front of water and boats with buildings across the water in the distance

Finding your ideal type of travel is your ticket to seeing the world.

So, how do you decide between a guided tour vs. independent travel? From visas and flights to accommodation and sightseeing, the nitty gritty of traveling can be daunting. Luckily, there are many different options when it comes to traveling so you can create an experience that feels fun and exciting for you—whether you want to go solo or let someone else take care of the logistics for you.

With options to join guided travel tours, self-guided tours, or embark on independent travel, you can make your next overseas trip anything you desire it to be. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to planning your travels abroad. Ultimately, it depends on your personality and what kind of experience you’re after. If you’re stumped on how to get the most out of your next trip abroad, here you’ll find everything you need to know about a guided tour vs. independent travel .

What is a guided tour?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed when it comes to researching and planning your travels, guided tours can be a game-changer. So what is a guided tour? Guided travel tours are the most convenient way to travel—all you have to do is pay a fee to a tour company and they create the experience for you.

Most guided tours are all-inclusive, meaning everything is taken care of for you. They often provide a local guide who can teach you about local customs, an itinerary packed full of cultural experiences, and even pre-booked accommodation and food so all you have to do is show up. Guided tours usually target specific age groups too, so you have the opportunity to connect with other travelers and make friends easily.

3 pros of guided tours

1. it’s convenient..

There’s no arguing that guided travel tours are the most convenient way to travel. Your tour company will take care of all the logistics for you, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself without having to think about your next move. If you’re a first-time traveler , don’t speak the local language, or feel overwhelmed by the planning process, guided tours can relieve some of the pressure to create an easy, more enjoyable experience.

2. You’ll make friends easily.

three people jumping on snowy sidewalk

Lifelong friendships might just be a bonus to your guided tour package.

If you join an age-appropriate tour, the odds are, you’ll make friends fast . You won’t have to stress about putting yourself out there when you spend your days with the same group of people, exploring together, eating meals together, sharing the same accommodation. While it’s possible to make friends outside of a tour group, solo travelers often thrive on a guided tour because they never have to worry about feeling lonely.

3. You’ll gain a deep understanding of the culture.

When you’re exploring a new country with a local guide, you get a sneak peek into the culture that you wouldn’t find anywhere else. Local guides will take you to all the right places, teach you fun facts about your destination you might not learn anywhere else, and fill you in on the basics when it comes to speaking the local language . Guided tours often cram a lot into a short period of time, too, which means you’ll get to visit some of the best places in your destination and see parts of the country you may not be able to see on your own.

3 cons of guided tours

1. it can be expensive..

Prices of guided travel tours vary, and most times they can be more expensive than traveling on your own. Ultimately, you don’t get to pick and choose your experience with a guided tour, meaning you pay for what the tour company organizes for you. If you don’t want to do everything that’s included in the tour or if you’d prefer to stay in budget accommodation , you may end up spending more on a tour than if you were to travel solo.

2. You’ll have less freedom.

While guided tours make travel feel easy, they take away the pleasure of going with the flow. You’ll need to stick to an itinerary that is often packed full with little time to relax and explore on your own. You won’t necessarily have the ability to wake up at your leisure, get lost in new cities, and stumble upon holes in the wall when you’re off on organized activities all day every day.

3. You may never leave your comfort zone.

When it comes to travel, there are endless opportunities to learn and expand your horizons . If one of your favorite parts of traveling is putting yourself out there, getting lost, making mistakes, and laughing with locals, guided tours may not be the most exciting experience for you. Guided tours are your comfort zone, and it’s likely you won’t have the same growth experience you would if you travel on your own.

What is a self-guided tour?

two people standing on rocky mountain

Can you picture yourself trekking this mountain?

If a fully-guided tour doesn’t appeal to you, but traveling completely solo sounds intimidating, a self-guided tour will give you something in between. But what does “self-guided tour” mean? Unlike a guided tour, you won’t have a tour guide; however, you will receive information about your destination and an itinerary to follow at your own pace.

The perfect self-guided tour example is trekking. Whether you head out to the rhododendron-filled Annapurna region of Nepal or the snow-capped Patagonias , or you walk El Camino across Spain, almost all popular trekking routes provide self-guided tours.

Once you apply for your trekking permits, you’ll receive official information about the trek and its trails, as well as information on where to start, stop, rest, sleep, and amenities along the way. With a self-guided tour, you may even have the option of adding on transportation options or organized accommodation to relieve even more of the stress of planning.

3 pros of self-guided tours

1. you set the pace..

While a guided tour doesn’t leave much room for flexibility, a self-guided tour allows you to set your own pace. You’ll often receive an itinerary or route options, but ultimately, you are in control of a self-guided tour. You can follow the route or go your own way. You can go as slowly or quickly as you desire, making pit stops along the way, skipping the parts that don’t appeal to you, and creating the experience you want.

2. It’s safer than independent travel.

Because self-guided tours do the research for you, they often leave less room for error than if you embarked on a solo journey. You’ll receive all the information you need to stay safe , and you don’t have to worry about doing all the research on your own. Self-guided tours are also often available in well-populated travel destinations, which means you’ll be surrounded by other travelers consistently throughout your journey.

3. You can pick your travel buddies.

Independent travel can often get lonely, while guided tours run the risk of getting stuck with a group of people that you might clash with. Self-guided tours offer the perfect alternative. With a self-guided tour, you can choose your people. Perhaps that looks like planning to travel with a group of friends or traveling solo and meeting others along the same self-guided route as you—either way, you can spend time with the people you like, and avoid the people who aren’t your vibe.

3 cons of self-guided tours

1. you still need to take part in the planning..

person pointing at map

You’ll still have a hand in planning when you go for self-guided travel.

While there are perks of receiving a lot of information in a self-guided tour, you still need to be proactive and take responsibility. After all, not everything is organized for you. You still have to do a little research on your own, stay organized, and manage your own time. If you don’t want to have to worry about any of the logistics, self-guided travel might not be your best option.

2. There’s no group to make immediate friends.

While self-guided travel is a great opportunity to choose your travel companions, no official tour group means you don’t quite have access to meeting people as easily. If you’re traveling on your own in a self-guided tour, there will definitely be people to meet along the way, but you’ll still have to put yourself out there and strike up conversations with strangers to make connections.

3. You won’t have a local guide at your fingertips.

Sure, it might be nice to not have to follow a guide, but it’s always important to take into consideration what might happen when the unexpected arises . No local guide means you don’t have an expert with you if you get lost, struggle with language differences, or find yourself in an emergency situation. It means you’ll have to navigate the unknown on your own.

What is independent travel?

The difference between a guided tour vs. independent travel is that with independent travel, you’re flying solo. You’re in charge of all of it—the flights, the accommodation, the planning of the nitty gritty , deciding what you do on a day-to-day basis while abroad.

You have to do all your own research and navigate on your own. You call the shots. For some, this is the only way to travel, but for others, independent travel can be wildly outside of their comfort zones.

3 pros of independent travel

1. you’ll save money..

Independent travel can often be your cheapest travel option . You won’t have to pay a fee to a company to organize travel for you; you can spend what you want on food, accommodation, and excursions; and you can opt for budget options or free activities if you’re working with a small budget.

2. It’s the most flexible travel option.

person holding backpack looking at smartphone

In the mood to choose your own adventure? Independent travel is the way to go.

With independent travel, you set the pace. You can go wherever you want, whenever you want. It means you can opt for the experiences that are on your bucket list and skip the ones that don’t appeal to you without having to worry about losing money on an all-inclusive tour option. If you’re the type of traveler who loves to go with the flow and wants the flexibility of changing your plans as you please, independent travel could be the best option for you.

3. It’s where the growth happens.

Independent travel is quite possibly the most challenging way to travel, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It means you have the opportunity to truly grow , expand, and learn new skills. You have to learn how to plan, to be flexible, to adapt. You have to learn how to navigate, communicate across cultures, and put yourself out there to make friends. Yes, it can be difficult at times, but there’s no doubt you’ll return home a whole new person.

3 cons of independent travel

1. it’s less safe..

Similar to self-guided travel tours, independent travel means you don’t have a guide or anyone to protect you if things go wrong. If you find yourself sick , lost, or in an emergency situation , you’re the only one who has your back. It’s always safest to travel with a guide; however, if you are set on independent travel, you can do your research to be prepared and stay safe, even if the unknown arises.

2. It can get lonely at times.

If you’re traveling solo, independent travel is usually the most difficult way to make friends. You don’t have a group to bond with or people following the same path. It takes more effort to meet friends. Ultimately, it’s up to you—you can allow yourself to stay lonely, or you can put yourself out there, stay at hostels, talk to a stranger over dinner, and find the perfect travel mates.

3. It can feel overwhelming.

As an independent traveler, you’re responsible for all of it. It’s on you to work out the logistics , book your flights , navigate and communicate through a new country, and budget yourself throughout your travels. You have to be completely self-reliant. For some, this is the fun part, but for others, independent travel can feel extremely overwhelming.

3 guided tours to consider

Are guided tours worth it? It depends on the experience you desire. If you want to take some of the pressure off yourself and embark on a travel adventure that is packed full of new experiences and new friends, it could very well be worth it. Here are some of the best guided tour examples to dip your toes in for the adventure of a lifetime :

pure exploration

1. Pure Exploration: 12 Weeks Adventure Guide Program | Queenstown, New Zealand

  • Why? Join Pure Exploration’s guided travel tours to New Zealand for 12 epic weeks of hiking, climbing, and sightseeing. With Pure Exploration, you’ll join a tour that takes you to Mt. Cook National Park, Mt. Aspiring National Park, the Fjordlands, and more. You’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in picturesque mountain landscapes, hike to snow-capped peaks, or kayak through crystal blue waters. When you aren’t getting your adrenaline pumping, you’ll also have the chance to relax in Queenstown and soak in some Kiwi culture.
  • Where? New Zealand
  • Read Pure Exploration reviews


2. IMA: Safaris Africa - Group and Student Travel Opportunities

  • Why? Travel to Africa for guided travel tours that will take you on adventure treks or educational tours to some of the continent’s most renowned destinations. IMA specializes in combining safari experience with education, taking travelers to Mount Kilimanjaro, Victoria Falls, Masai Mara Game Reserve, and Serengeti National Park where you’ll learn about the local culture and take off on ethical safaris to spot some of the most diverse wildlife on the planet.
  • Where? Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia
  • Read International Medical Aid reviews

Nepal Hiking Team

3. Nepal Hiking Team Pvt. Ltd: Everest Base Camp Trek

  • Why? Have you ever dreamed of trekking to Everest Base Camp? Nepal Hiking Team can help you check this off your bucket list, taking you from Kathmandu to Lukla, Nepal, and guiding you through a 16-day trek to base camp on the tallest mountain in the world. The tour includes not only the trek, but sightseeing through Kathmandu and a cultural immersion into Sherpa life. It’s the ultimate adventure travel tour for those who want to push themselves to new heights.
  • Where? Nepal
  • Read Nepal Hiking Team Pvt. Ltd reviews

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Whether guided, self-guided, or independent, what matters most is that you go.

person standing on stone in water watching sunset

No matter what type of travel feels right to you, you’re on your way to exploring the world.

The truth is, there’s no right or wrong when it comes to planning your travel. Whether you decide to jet off on a guided, self-guided, or independent travel adventure, you are sure to have the experience of a lifetime—connecting with new people, immersing yourself in new cultures and languages, and getting your adrenaline pumping in one way or another. The most important part? Say yes, pack your bags , and hit the tarmac!

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Pure Travel

What are independent tours and why you need to do them

  • December 23, 2021

independent tour definition tourism

Until recently, there were two easiest ways to go on a trip: buy a ready-made small group tour from an agency or plan everything yourself. Package tours are good when you don’t want to decide anything and want Yin, but it’s better to dive into an independent trip with a thick supply of Yang.

Independent Travel

We found harmony: the richness, depth of immersion and unconventionality of independent travel plus a ready-made program on a unique itinerary with a guide. We tell you how and why you need such trips.

My first ever package tour was “burning” Mexico . It was there that I found some crazy friends who, like me, were bored all the time sitting on the beach and we had as much fun as we could:

  • bungee jumping;
  • river rafting with waterfalls;
  • ancient fortresses;
  • loud shouting at the World Cup in a bar among the locals.

Then we went to Lima for a day, and six months later we were already traveling around Peru by ourselves, rejecting ready-made tours as a class.

Now everyone has different ways: weekends in Europe , winter in Morocco , business trips in Russia and dacha or package tours to the sea (had to return – there were children). Some choose luxury, some want more life, and go for hostels and couchsurfing, and some are drawn to the exotic. Not everyone has the strength and time to plan a voyage, and to go alone to some places at random is scary. But everyone wants to fill a vacation with unusual experiences to the brim. One of us went on an independent tour this summer, and I think we found a way.

How did independent trips come about ?

The Internet made traveling easier and longer. Buying a ticket and making a hotel reservation is a couple of clicks, and the work can fit into one laptop. There are noticeably more people going away for long months. Once in a new region for a long time, returning again and again or even moving permanently, these travelers gain experience, learn about places not in the guidebooks, make friends among the locals, learn languages, and get involved in the culture. The new nomads have chosen adventure among all the possibilities of the world, and some of them have realized that they can make travel qualitatively different for everyone. Especially for those who, after seeing pictures of the planet’s unique places, can no longer sleep well.

What is an independent trip?

It is a trip that was organized without the involvement of a major tour operator by a more experienced traveler. Drawing on his own worldview and experience, the author offers to join his itinerary; such a tour is more than just a road from one attraction to another, it is a real reality hunt.

Small groups and a carefully designed itinerary allow the participant to feel like the protagonist of the trip. The guide can give everyone maximum attention, and you will definitely be able to participate in all the activities, see and try all the most interesting things. The charisma of the author, the depth of his knowledge and his ability to captivate depends on whether the trip will be a discovery or a disappointment. Not the least of these is the technical organization of the trip. Lack of overlap, ability to react quickly to the situation, to change the route depending on the weather or the desire of participants add points in the karma.

How do independent tours differ from package tours ?

Package tours in the agency include:

  • transfer to the place of rest;
  • paid room at the hotel;
  • Medical insurance and selected meals;
  • The agency will also help with visa formalization.

Ready-made tours often offer a resort holiday with a standard set of entertainment: hotel – beach – restaurant – disco or hotel – ski – restaurant – disco. You can not buy a trip to non-touristy places with unusual activity.

On the spot you will be offered to choose excursions, or you will go sightseeing on your own, constantly returning to the same hotel.

Usually the most favorable conditions for double occupancy, so you may need a companion.

The main technical difference of the author’s tour is that you often get to the starting point on your own, although there are some exceptions. But you can choose yourself the most budget way or a specific airline.

More often it is necessary to make medical insurance and visa by yourself.

Airport transfers and meals vary depending on the conditions of the tour.

Hotels are usually paid for the entire planned route. There are also accommodation in a tent. Then you have to bring equipment; however, the guides will help with its selection.

The main emotional difference – all these amazing places you travel in a small group of three people or more. On the one hand, you don’t have to beg your friends, who often find reasons to merge, and you can safely go alone; on the other hand, it may take some time to adapt to new people. But we know a lot of stories about how new acquaintances turned into true friends, and we’ve heard about weddings – where without them. And to share the cost of a small company is always more profitable than to pay the entire amount on an independent trip.

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FIT Travel: All About Independence

independent tour definition tourism

TripSavvy /  Wenjia Tang 

Originally, the acronym "FIT" stood for "foreign independent tour," but now it is most commonly used to describe a fully independent traveler or tourist. You might also see the term "FIT" used to mean "free independent traveler ," "frequent independent traveler," or "foreign independent traveler." All of these definitions share a keyword and concept: independent. These travelers almost always design their own itineraries and arrange their own travel plans—FITs do not travel with group tours or according to any schedule imposed by others.

FITs Shun Group Travel

Tourists who fit the definition of FITs usually travel solo ; in couples; or in small, intimate groups of friends or family. They range anywhere in age from millennials to retirees , but generally, they have above-average incomes that allow for independent travel, which can be more expensive than traveling with an organized group. But what all FITs share, by definition, is a desire to avoid mass tourism in favor of an individualized, independent approach. They tend to want to explore their chosen destinations on their own and at their own pace with an emphasis on enjoying the local food, architecture, history, and culture.

FITs Plan Their Own Trips

The huge rise in availability of all aspects of travel planning online, including even websites devoted to helping you learn how to plan travel , has made it easier for independent travelers to plan their own specialized itineraries and book their own transportation and accommodations. This diminishes their need for traditional travel agents, and this also makes packaged trips have less appeal. As a result, FITs are a quickly growing segment of the tourist market. First-hand travel information about destinations , transportation arrangements such as train and ​ plane tickets , and hotel reservations worldwide are available at the click of a mouse for independent travelers.

FITs Sometimes Use Travel Agents

Although the "I" in FITs means independent, it sometimes could be advantageous to consult with travel professionals who are experienced in providing services to those who want to plan their own trips, especially for more exotic destinations. Doing so does not necessarily mean that independent tourists have to relinquish their, well, independence. As a result of the rise in popularity of independent and solo travel, travel professionals are adjusting their services accordingly. There are now agencies that specialize in customized trips for individuals  and small groups who want to choose their destinations and plan their own itineraries.

The traveling is still independent, but the planning benefits from the professional expertise and inside knowledge of a travel agent . And of course, it takes much less time than searching for all the information you need on your own. 

An agent who specializes in FIT travel can help you plan custom sightseeing with a private tour guide, arrange a private cooking class or a wine-tasting tour , and even hook you up with knowledgeable local representatives. The agent will help you plan a personalized travel experience based on the input you provide. If you wish, an agent can often arrange to have someone meet you at your destination and take you to your hotel. Travel professionals are especially helpful in finding non-traditional or out-of-the-way accommodations that do not advertise on the internet, such as villas, farmhouses , inns, and family-run ​bed-and-breakfasts. 

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What do FIT, IIT, and GIT terms mean in the travel industry?

In the tourism industry, there are certain terms that can be confusing for travellers. FIT, IIT, and GIT are three such terms that often cause confusion. Understanding the meaning of these terms is essential for a smooth travel experience. In this article, we will explore what FIT, IIT, and GIT mean in the tourism industry and how they differ from each other.

A women hiking through the mountains  with a backpack and note pad

FIT: Free Independent Traveler

Definition of fit.

FIT stands for Free Independent Traveler. It refers to individuals who prefer to travel independently without being part of a tour group. As a FIT traveller, you have the freedom to plan and customize your trip according to your preferences. You can choose your own accommodations, transportation, and activities without relying on a tour operator.

Examples of FIT Tours

FIT tours encompass various forms of independent travel. Some popular examples include solo backpacking trips, self-guided tours, and customized itineraries. FIT travellers often seek unique experiences, off-the-beaten-path destinations, and the freedom to explore at their own pace.

Advantages of FIT Travel

FIT travel offers several advantages:

Flexibility : You have the freedom to design your itinerary and make changes as per your preferences.

Personalization : You can tailor your trip to your interests, choosing activities and destinations that align with your preferences.

Authenticity : FIT travel allows for a more immersive cultural experience, as you have the opportunity to interact with locals and explore local communities.

Independence : You are not bound by the schedules and constraints of a group tour, giving you the freedom to explore at your own leisure.

GIT: Group Inclusive Tour

Definition of git.

GIT stands for Group Inclusive Tour. In a GIT, travellers join a pre-arranged tour package where they travel with other tourists as part of a group. The tour package includes accommodations, transportation, and guided activities.

Examples of GIT Tours

GIT tours cater to travellers who prefer the convenience of travelling in a group. Examples of GIT tours include family vacations, organized group sightseeing tours, and adventure tours where participants share common experiences and activities.

Advantages of GIT Travel

GIT travel offers several advantages:

Convenience : All travel arrangements, including accommodations, transportation, and activities, are pre-organized, saving you the time and effort of planning.

Socialization : Traveling in a group provides opportunities to meet and interact with fellow travellers, fostering new friendships and shared experiences.

Guided Experience : GIT tours often include the services of a knowledgeable guide who provides insights and commentary about the destinations visited.

Cost Savings : Group tours can offer discounted rates and shared expenses, making them more cost-effective compared to individual arrangements.

IIT: Independent Inclusive Tour

Definition of iit.

In addition to FIT and GIT, there is another type of tour known as the Independent Inclusive Tour (IIT). IIT allows travellers to enjoy the benefits of group travel while still having the freedom to customize their itinerary.

Examples of IIT Tours

IIT tours are designed for travellers who desire some level of independence while still enjoying the convenience of group travel. Examples of IIT tours include small group tours with flexible itineraries, private guided tours with customizable activities, and themed tours catering to specific interests.

Advantages of IIT Travel

IIT travel offers a unique combination of group and independent travel:

Flexibility : IIT tours provide a balance between structured group activities and free time to explore independently.

Customization : Travelers can personalize their itinerary by choosing from a range of activities and destinations offered within the tour.

Social Interaction : IIT tours allow for socialization with like-minded travellers during group activities, providing opportunities for shared experiences.

Personal Attention : With smaller group sizes, IIT tours often provide a more personalized and intimate experience compared to larger group tours.

No, FIT tours are suitable for both solo travellers and small groups who prefer to travel independently.

Most GIT tours have scheduled activities, but some may offer free time for independent exploration. It’s best to check the tour itinerary before booking.

IIT tours can vary in price depending on the level of customization and services included. Some IIT tours may be more expensive, while others may offer cost-effective options.

GIT tours generally have fixed itineraries and limited customization options. If you seek more flexibility, an IIT tour may be a better choice.

There are typically no age restrictions for these tours. However, some specialized tours may have specific age requirements or activity limitations.

GIT tours are often preferred by families as they provide convenience, pre-arranged accommodations, and suitable activities for different age groups.

In conclusion, FIT, IIT, and GIT are terms used in the tourism industry to describe different types of travel experiences. FIT allows for independent and personalized travel, while GIT offers the convenience of group travel with pre-arranged arrangements. IIT combines elements of both, providing flexibility and customization within a group setting. Choosing the right type of tour depends on individual preferences, travel style, and desired level of independence. Consider your preferences, budget, and desired travel experience when selecting between FIT, IIT, and GIT tours.

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Guided Tours vs Independent Travel

Planning a trip can be fun, but it can also be stressful. There’s a lot to consider – what to see, how much to spend, and the amount of time to stay in one place. So do you choose to do a guided tour and have a fairly relaxed trip knowing that everything has been pre-arranged, or do you elect to plan your own travel – which can be cheaper but take more time to arrange?

Guided tours certainly have their place in the world of backpacking – if you’re short on time, guided tours mean that you can cram in plenty of adventure and culture in just a few days. Tours are also a great way to meet other solo backpackers and spend your time with them.

Independent travel on the other hand can be significantly cheaper, so if you have plenty of time but not much money this might be the better choice for you. Most long-term backpackers are advocates of independent travel but it’s important to note that many backpacker veterans actually started their trips with guided tours, to develop a good foundation in the world of backpacking.

Tour group

What’s in this Guide

1. The Advantages of a Guided Tour 2. The Disadvantages of Guided Tours 3. The Advantages of Going Alone 4. The Disadvantages of Going Alone 5. What’s Best For Me? 6. How to Pick a Great Tour

1. The Advantages of a Guided Tour

Get the inside scoop.

In general, tour leaders are a knowledgeable, fun bunch who know your destination back to front and are able to help ease you in with plenty of fun facts, top tips, and amusing tales. Your tour leader will most likely have taken this tour before, so you’ll also have a lot of inside scoop on some of the best spots in town.

There is definitely safety in numbers and when it comes to traveling the world it doesn’t get much safer than arranging a guided tour with an experienced tour leader.

Instant friends

You should have a great group of like-minded backpackers to travel with. Particularly if you are backpacking alone, it can be fun to share your experiences with people who are interested in seeing and doing a lot of the same things as you.


Having everything arranged for you means you don’t have to worry about bus schedules or which hostel to stay in.

Budgeting & payments

You typically know how much your trip will cost up-front and will pay this prior to leaving. Obviously, you will need to factor in any out-of-pocket costs like meals, souvenirs, or activities that are not included in the price of your tour.

In-country partnerships

Your tour company will have partnered with local specialists to provide the best possible adventures, which takes the headache out of choosing a rafting company at random. Many tour companies emphasize responsible tourism, choosing businesses to support the local economy.

Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities

There are some places around the world that are logistically impossible to reach without the help of a guided tour. Whether you’re interested in trekking to a remote location or somewhere with travel restrictions, some things are difficult – if not virtually impossible – to be explored independently.

2. The Disadvantages of Guided Tours

There’s no denying it, even budget guided tours are going to cost more than independent travel. Some guided tours can be extremely expensive so be sure to shop around.

Group dynamics

If you don’t like the people in your group, there’s not much you can do about it. If a large group of friends signs up together that you haven’t met before, you could feel like an outsider.

Limited flexibility

Guided tours tend to try and “pack it in,” which means you might feel like you are constantly being rushed from one attraction to the next.

Set activities

The cost of your tour will cover set activities and meals. If you’re not keen to go horse-riding up a mountainside then no problem, you don’t have to do it, but sometimes these expenses can make their way into your tour costs.

You might not leave your comfort zone

One of the best ways to get to the heart of a place is to get lost, screw up a restaurant order, and have a laugh with the locals. On a guided tour, you are less likely to have to take the initiative and may miss out on a truly wonderful self-learning experience.

3. The Advantages of Going Alone


Independent travel is considerably cheaper than going on a guided tour and will enable you to stretch your budget further and travel longer. Most activities provided on a guided tour can be arranged in-country for cheaper so you won’t necessarily miss out on much by organizing everything yourself.

To make your independent travel even more convenient, find a car hire service in your location like Rental24.co.uk . This will give you the freedom to explore at your own pace and discover hidden gems off the beaten path.

Independent travel is the ultimate freedom. You get up when you want, you go where you want, and you do what you want. If you find somewhere or someone, you like and fancy sticking around for a few weeks then you can; you don’t need to worry about sticking to a timeline.

Pick your travel buddies

It can be relatively easy to make friends while traveling solo and you can meet more people as you make your way through your trip. You’re not stuck with the same people for a set period of time.

Independent travel is a challenge but, like any challenge, it comes with its rewards. Backpackers who hit the road by themselves and dive headfirst into the whirlwind of organizing everything on their own will quickly acquire great time management, haggling, and language skills. Independent travel can be the ultimate confidence booster.

Cultural immersion

Independent travelers have a better chance to meet with locals. Whether it’s haggling with a taxi driver, shopping at the local night markets, or discussing Buddhism with orange-robed monks, your chances of getting a feel for the local culture are greatly improved.

4. The Disadvantages of Going Alone

It can be tiring.

Organizing absolutely everything by yourself can prove exhausting. There are only so many times in one day you are going to have the mental energy to haggle for Tuk Tuks or use your bad Vietnamese to try and order a vegetarian option.

You need to be self-reliant

If you get sick while traveling and you are on your own, it can really suck. People you meet in dorms are likely to be friendly to you but nobody is going to take time out of their day to look after someone they have just met.

It’s more dangerous

Independent travel has an added element of risk – if something does go wrong you are going to have to deal with the consequences yourself.

You may get lonely

You may also find yourself being a bit lonely; sometimes a couple of days can pass where you won’t really meet anybody and if you are a little shy it can sometimes be hard to wander up to new groups of people every day.

5. What’s Best For Me?

Choosing between a guided tour and traveling alone is a very personal choice, so it is a good idea to ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you limited in time?
  • Do you like spending time alone?
  • Is personal space important to you?
  • Can you share a room with a stranger?
  • How about sharing a dorm with seven strangers?
  • Do you have a set weekly budget?
  • Is there something you want to see which is only possible with a guided tour?
  • Are you worried about arranging transport by yourself?
  • Is this your first trip?
  • How safe are the destinations you are visiting?

A balanced approach

If you’re a first-time backpacker, consider signing up for a short guided tour followed by some independent travel afterward. Being on a guided tour will give you the confidence and know-how you need to properly explore an area by yourself once the tour has ended. You could also meet people on the guided tour who are in the same situation as you and are keen to find a travel buddy for further adventures once the tour is over.

There are a huge range of tour companies out there, so it’s important to find the right one for you. Tours focus on everything from partying to birdwatching. If you’re a social butterfly, interested in having someone else be in the driver’s seat, consider signing up for a tour from a company aimed specifically at first-time backpackers.

There is no “right” approach as both independent travel and guided tours have their merits. While most seasoned backpackers end up gravitating towards solo travel as it’s ultimately cheaper and more flexible, guided tours are an excellent introduction for first-time backpackers and enable even the most well-trodden adventurers to reach destinations such as the Darien Gap or Antarctica, which would otherwise be impossible to visit.

6. How to Pick a Great Tour

To assure you don’t waste your money or time and have an awesome time on your trip, keep in mind the following details when picking an escorted tour.

Look for sustainability

When picking from the seemingly countless number of tour operators, you should pay close attention to the reputation a company has for supporting sustainable travel. What does this mean? It means the company supports the local community, offers eco-friendly options and provides you with a more realistic view of the destination. Why? This will give you the opportunity to have a more authentic, local experience, which will cut out some of the negatives mentioned above. It also means that you will be a more responsible traveler, less likely to have a negative impact on the place you are only passing through, but where people call home.

Find something that meets your personality

You should also find a company that caters to people just like you! There are options for every personality and every taste. Look around to find something that makes you say “that’s me!” There is definitely that option out there if you just take the time to look!

Look for flexibility

The way to get the best of both worlds, to have a planned trip, but also have some freedom to explore on your own, is to pick a company that does not have a strict set schedule 24 hours a day. Many companies offer a sort of flex deal, which allows you free days, or at least long hours, to explore.

Don’t be limited by geography

Group travel gives you the opportunity to safely travel to parts of the world you may be overwhelmed to go to on your own. Take advantage of this and explore all corners of the world. Look for escorted tours in places where you may feel uncomfortable going by yourself or that may be a bit difficult to get to without the help of professionals.

We recommend you check the guided tour packages that Indus Travel provides. As a reputable travel company, they offer safe and well-organized Israel tours , as well as great tours to India, Morocco, Egypt, and many more destinations that many people feel are not safe to visit on their own.

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10 benefits of a guided tour vs. independent travel

Curious about the benefits of going guided vs. traveling independently? Check out the top 10 perks you’ll get by booking on one of our more than 175 guided tours.

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by Emily Houston

March 31, 2021

Of all the ways to get out and see the world, the best way to travel is on a group tour because you can sit back, relax, and soak in the beauty of your destination—while learning more than just a thing or two about the local culture along the way. No figuring out transportation, researching hotels, or booking flights required.

Here at EF Go Ahead Tours (the EF stands for Education First!), we know a thing or two about creating immersive, local-led tours. If you’re wondering what all the hype is around group tours, check out these benefits of guided travel, which you’ll find on all of our more than 175 trips .

1. You get the ease of an all-in-one tour package

Imagine a world where you don’t need to scour the internet for the perfect hotel, diligently monitor flight prices, or scroll through Google to figure out how to spend time in your destination. Good news: That’s one of the main benefits of traveling in groups. You can have the trip of a lifetime without having to research or book any of these travel essentials. Say hello to these advantages of guided tours, and goodbye to travel planning nightmares.

“You have the fear of going someplace and everything falling apart and I felt like from the get-go you guys gave me piece of mind,” said traveler Lydia. “I’m going out of the country and everything is taken care of. I don’t have to worry about the language. I don’t have to worry how I’m going to get from here to there. You get to go on vacation and be stress-free. Sometimes you can’t do that… but I truly, truly got to enjoy the vacation.”


2. You have an expert Tour Director with you every step of the journey

We hear it time and again: It’s the Tour Directors who make each trip extraordinary. One of the benefits of guided tours is that the Tour Directors are passionate travelers, too. They have a rolodex of restaurants recs, cultural knowledge, and free time suggestions to pass along to you .

“I loved the Tour Director, he made everything so easy,” said traveler Lydia. “I really appreciated that part of the tour. It wasn’t just, ‘Here’s your tickets, go and figure it out.’ He was always there when we needed him. He even got us into a cab and was talking to the cab driver in French!”

Whether it’s bringing ancient history to life or pointing you toward a hidden gem, your Tour Director is always there to help you uncover the best of your destination. “They’re so personable!” said traveler Lydia. “It just made the whole experience. It’s a great dynamic that you guys offer through your tours. It was very nice to have that knowledge and to have somebody there with us in each place to help us.”


3. You have local guides leading the way

In addition to your 24/7 Tour Director, you’ll meet up with talented local guides who live in the places you’re exploring —whether that’s a Tuscan village or a bustling cultural capital. Each guide is an expert at showing you what their hometown has to offer, so by the time you part ways, you might feel like a local, too—like traveler Darnita did on her tour of Spain .

“To say that Gracia [our local guide in Spain] is a guide, is an understatement,” said Darnita. “Gracia, from the start, treated our tour group as if we were an extension of her family. She went above and beyond to make sure that everyone had an enjoyable experience regardless of preference, limitations, or differences. Gracia was patient and always available to help in any way, shape, or form, even when it was not expected.”

4. You don’t need to monitor border openings and restrictions

As a community of travel-lovers, we’re always planning our next big adventure and discovering our new favorite destination. Right now, on top of picking where you want to go, you have to consider the ever-changing guidelines for U.S. international travel and try to scour the internet for answers to important questions like, “Where can Americans travel right now?”

The best way to travel is in a group because all of this can feel like, well, a lot, for the average lone traveler. Here at Go Ahead Tours, we have a Safety Team that is constantly monitoring global health and safety guidelines so you don’t have to .

“EF’s response teams are comprised of specially trained staff members, living in nearly all our major tour destinations,” said Alaina, Manager of On Tour Support. “These staff members stay up-to-date on local policies and communicate our high safety standards to our local suppliers, as well as offer round-the-clock support to our travelers while they are on the road.”

5. You don’t need to research, track, or book flights

Whether you’re looking at planes, trains, or automobiles, figuring out all the ways to travel from point a to point b is never fun. One of the benefits of guided tours is that we offer the option to book airfare packages with every tour . These flights are covered, so if we make tour changes that impact flights, we’ll rebook them for you, no questions asked .

Another one of the benefits of traveling and booking flights with us is that every airfare package includes airport pickup on your tour’s scheduled arrival day, as well as drop-off on your tour’s departure day . Want to upgrade cabins, add stops, or stay longer in the location of your choice? We’ll work with you to craft your ideal flight itinerary.

“Our biggest concern was booking flights and hotels, and it was a huge weight off our shoulders that Go Ahead took care of this for us,” said traveler Anna. “We were able to sit back and daydream about our upcoming trip without feeling stressed.” Read how going guided helped traveler Anna navigate the unexpected >


6. You can add AnyReason Protection onto your travel coverage

Speaking of flights, when you purchase travel coverage , you can add on AnyReason Protection and lock in even more group travel benefits. The biggest benefit is that you can reschedule your flights for personal reasons and you won’t pay airline change fees.

AnyReason Protection is exactly what it sounds like. You can cancel your trip for any reason . Plus, if you cancel prior to checking in for your first scheduled flight, you’ll receive a credit voucher in the amount of your cancellation fees . We hope those “oh, no” moments never happen, but we’re always here if they do —like we were for a traveler on one of Group Coordinator Verna’s tours.

“I had a traveler who spent almost six weeks in the hospital in London,” said Group Coordinator Verna. “The people from the EF Go Ahead office in London went to visit her almost every day. I don’t think it will get any better than that. The Go Ahead Tours travel coverage also provided a nurse to fly with her right to her home airport when she was well enough to travel. I will always be so grateful to the people at Go Ahead for the kindness that was shown.”


7. You’re supported by EF’s Global Safety Network

We help people like you travel here, there, and everywhere, and it’s been our mission for more than half a century. With a history like that, we’ve made more than just a few friends around the world. Think: 50,000 personnel spread across 50 countries . Knowing this team of experts is in your corner is just one of the many advantages of traveling with us!

Another one of the top benefits of traveling in a group is that our team members are on the ground across the globe, so you can always travel with confidence. This includes the members of our On-Tour Support and EF crisis responses teams. They’re on call 24/7 should you need assistance on the road. Hear firsthand from traveler Anna about the perks of having a global team that’s got your back—especially when having to navigate the unexpected on tour .

“The day we got to Venice was the day the first cases of coronavirus were officially announced in the city,” said traveler Anna. “Our Tour Director Leonor assured us that EF Go Ahead Tours was monitoring the situation and keeping in contact with her about our safety, which was very reassuring. Go Ahead made a stressful situation in a foreign country tolerable and got us home safely. Our trip was still fun and we still got to do most things we’d planned!”


8. Your trip is backed by the Safe Travels stamp

Wondering what is the safest way to travel? While international travel is, by its very nature, unpredictable, there are some steps you can take to have a safer, smoother journey abroad. One of those steps is traveling with a tour company (like us!) that displays the Safe Travels stamp. It’s the world’s first-ever global safety and hygiene stamp for travel and tourism and shows that a company adheres to the global safety protocols from the World Travel & Tourism Council .

These protocols are developed based on guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, and government authorities and health providers around the world. You’ll see them play out while on the bus, at the hotel, and beyond. For example, buses are being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before your group boards and regularly thereafter, with a specific focus on high-frequency touch points. One of the big advantages of guided tours is that you’ll sleep (and travel!) easy knowing every part of your tour with us meets these standards.


9. You have flexible payment options

Thanks to AutoPay , our interest-free monthly payment plan, you can book your tour today and pay for it over time . Plus, when you book with AutoPay you can reserve your spot on tour with just $99 down . Some of the other benefits of traveling on our AutoPay plan include having 60 days until your first interest-free payment and being able to roll your flights, airfare, travel coverage, excursions, or extensions into your monthly payments.

“The $99 down really influenced our decision to book and the flexible rebooking options that are in place gave us a lot more confidence in the decision,” said traveler Katie.

Bonus benefit! You’ll make lifelong friendships

We know we said there are 10 big benefits, but we had to sneak in one more! This one goes out to our solo travelers, because you’re never really alone when you travel with us. You’re surrounded by our community of local guides, Tour Directors, and other lifelong explorers. Plus, on our Solo Tours , you’ll see the world alongside an entire group of fellow solo travelers.

Take it from Elise, who’s just one of the members of our incredible solo travel community. “I’m just generally adventurous and I like to experience new places, new things,” said Elise. “Life is short, so you can’t wait until you’re retired to do everything. With Go Ahead Tours, everyone is on the same page. You’re going to travel, to eat, to relax.”


Which of these group travel benefits gives you the most peace of mind while planning your travels? Let us know on our Facebook page !

About the author

Emily Houston

Emily loves the simple travel moments—like watching hours pass by in minutes while sharing a meal and a laugh (or many) with her friends and family. Outside the office, you'll find Emily listening to anything and everything John Mayer, attempting to cook a New York Times recipe, or dreaming up her next trip.

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Travel Guides

Independent travel: everything you need to know and top travel tips, planning on going travelling here's some stuff to think about before you go..

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Independent travel, for many people, is more than just a hobby or a holiday activity – it’s a fundamentally life-changing experience. Whether it’s taking a gap year , heading off on a mid-20s career break or even taking off round the world once you’ve retired, travelling independently gives you a chance to take some time out from “normal” life, see the world differently and enjoy some incredible experiences.

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Not only that, it can be an incredible learning experience, teaching you not just about different parts of the planet, but also a lot about yourself.And that’s not the only benefit of travelling either – see our article “ why do we travel? ” for a fuller examination.

If you’re thinking of heading off travelling (and for the distinction between “travelling” and “taking a holiday” see below) then this handy guide should tell you a few things that you need to know to start your thought process. Think of it as a beginner travel planner. Something to help you move from dreaming about travelling to actually doing it.

independent tour definition tourism

What is Independent Travel?

Taken literally, independent travel means any trip that you organise by yourself – booking your own accommodation, transport and itinerary as opposed to going somewhere as part of a holiday package.

What it usually means is the kind of trip that involves travelling on a shoe-string, staying in hostels and prioritising experiences over luxury. Essentially, being less of a tourist and more of a traveller.

Traveller vs. Tourist – The Key Differences

independent tour definition tourism

This might seem like a silly distinction, but the two words do signify a difference in approach.

The word tourist usually implies someone who’s visiting a specific destination only for a short holiday before leaving to return to their everyday existence afterwards. It also carries the unfortunate connotation of someone who’s just there to look at things rather than become emotionally involved in anyway.

People who define themselves as travellers tend to be on the road for longer, with less of a fixed agenda in terms of destinations or timings. The length of their trip means they often don’t have an everyday existence they’re returning to.

“Travelling is about the journey, being a tourist is just about seeing the sights.”

They’re more likely to stay in a place for longer, perhaps working there and even settling eventually. The definition for traveller places more emphasis on the journey rather than the pleasure gained from reaching the destination.

Or to simplify even further…

  • Travelling is about the journey (both physical and spiritual).
  • Touristing is about visiting particular destinations and attractions.

Where Are the Best Places in the World for Independent Travel?

independent tour definition tourism

They say the world is your oyster and in many ways it is. But realistically, your choice of destination is likely to be decided by a few factors. It’s worth weighing the following four questions up carefully so that you really get the most out of independent travel.

What do you want to do?

independent tour definition tourism

It might seem an obvious question, but it’s usually the best one to start with. What kind of experience are you looking for from travelling? Do you want to meet like-minded fellow-travellers? Do you want the possibility of staying and working abroad  for a while? In that case (for English speakers especially) somewhere like Australia , could be a great option.

If you’re all about surfing, climbing or other sports you’ll want to make sure you go somewhere where you can do some everyday –  New Zealand  or  Canada  perhaps. If you’re looking to get further off the beaten track, you may want to look into places like Columbia in South America, or Malawi in Africa.

Don’t force a “fit”, that isn’t going to work. That won’t be fun for anyone. If for example, affordable beer is a priority…look it up beforehand.

How much time do you have?

independent tour definition tourism

Obviously there’s little point planning a trip to Fiji if you’ve only got a week’s holiday. You’ll spend all your time getting there and have very little time to enjoy it.

Perhaps less obviously, it’s well worth working out the travel times between your intended destinations in advance and ensuring you’ve left plenty of time to actually enjoy them when you get there.

“We’d recommend a ratio of at least two down days for every day spent travelling…”

Google maps can be a useful tool for this but depending on where you are in the world a good guidebook, like those produced by Lonely Planet or Rough Guides, may give you a more realistic indication of journey times.

We’d recommend a ratio of at least two down days for every day spent travelling, or else it will feel like you’ve spent your entire time in busses trains or behind the wheel.

How much money do you have?

independent tour definition tourism

Once you’ve worked out the sort of experiences you want to have and planned out a realistic route for your time frame (even if it’s subject to change) it’s time to think money.

This is probably the single biggest constraint on any plans you may have and it’s worth working out a rough budget before you head off. Again, a decent guidebook will help you do this.

“It’s perfectly possible to get a hostel bed in Bangkok for less than £6 a night, but the equivalent in New York will cost more like £35.”

If you’re looking to make your money stretch a long way, heading to less-developed countries that have well-established backpacker routes is usually the way to go.

Thailand, Cambodia and Laos are popular, as are the more well-established destinations in India like Goa.

Travelling in North America or Australasia is comparatively more expensive. While it’s perfectly possible to get a hostel bed in Bangkok for less than £6 a night, the equivalent in New York will cost more like £35.

Perhaps counter-intuitively travelling in Africa tends to be pricier too because transport routes for independent travellers are less well established.

Is your preferred destination safe?

independent tour definition tourism

It may sound like the kind of question your mum would ask, but nothing will ruin your dream trip quicker than being robbed, beaten up or worse. Check the Foreign Office travel advice  any destination you’re thinking of visiting for up to date information on the security situation and common risks.

If it’s your first time travelling independently, it’s best to start off in a popular destination where you’ll be able to pick fellow travellers’ brains before heading off by yourself.

And of course travelling alone , while it can be great fun, comes with its own set of risks, particularly for women travelling solo.

You can never completely eliminate risk obviously but doing your research properly and of course equipping yourself with the right kind of travel insurance will help make your trip way more enjoyable.

Should You Travel?

Should you take a gap year? Should you go on that career break? Should you head off after retirement? The simple answer is “yes.”

Travelling opens your mind to new possibilities, it helps you to empathise with the world around you, it will give you memories to last a lifetime, and it can be really, really, really fun. Yes, it might wipe out your savings but nobody really wants to be the richest person in the graveyard. Life is for living, and travelling is the ultimate expression of that idea.

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  • Travel tips

Independent Travel: What, Why, How

Lang Co beach on the Hai Van Pass route

If you have never organized an independent journey before, it may sound like a daunting task. A foreign place, a language you don’t speak, an overwhelming amount of options and risks of being scammed. Scary as it may sound, there are a lot of benefits of independent travel. Follow this guide to learn how to travel the world differently .

To Help You Navigate

Guided Tour vs Independent Travel

Independent travel is travel you organize by yourself - your flights, accommodation, transfers and most importantly - your travel itinerary. A guided tour or an organized tour, in contrast, is a travel package you can buy from a travel agent or a tour operator without having to worry about the logistics of your experience. Naturally, the organized tour provider charges a fee for their travel organization services.

Independent travel can refer to organizing your entire journey independently or only parts of it, for example, for a day trip. Although the same principles apply, for the sake of this article and the ease of comparison, we’re only going to focus on the latter.

The Benefits of Independent Travel

Online tools and resources such as booking.com, Googe Maps, numerous travel blogs, and online communities provide a rich travel information database making independent travel easier even for those who don’t travel much . As more people learn how to travel independently, the more others follow.

Our parents have travelled a lot. However, every big trip they went to, they had a travel agency organize everything for them. This year they joined us for a part of our career break trip backpacking Southeast Asia. They were surprised how different the experience was.

This is why.

The benefits of independent travel include:

  • a more personalized experience,
  • more independence,
  • more flexibility,
  • a slower travel experience,
  • connecting with the locals,
  • lower costs (in most cases).

A More Personalized Experience

As you’re your own Travel Agent, your travel itinerary is your own creation and can, therefore, be tailored to your specific needs and interests . Don’t feel like seeing all places of interests in a particular destination? Skip the ones which don’t spark any joy 😉 Go for lunch to places you found on TripAdvisor rather than those catering to tourist masses. You are absolutely free to mold your own unique travel experiences.

Pro tip : read example travel itineraries online just to make sure yours doesn’t become a Frankenstein’s monster.

Exploring Angkor temples in the rain

More Independence

Traveling in a bigger group, which is typical to organized tours, means that you often need to wait for someone or adjust to the schedule of the group. Some travelers have less regard for the time of others, often unapologetically coming late and delaying the trip. This can be very frustrating and taint your overall travel experience.

Of course, even if you travel the world independently you’re not in a vacuum and have to rely on those around you. However, because you have no group to follow, you have more power to withdraw from certain situations .

Pro tip : Keep in mind that as you have more independence to organize your travel, you also have more responsibility to get up and actually do something.

Independent travel - Uluwatu, Bali

More Flexibility

Know the old Yiddish saying, “Man plans, God laughs”? Plans always go wrong. The weather changes, you’re not feeling well or simply found something else you’d rather do. When you travel independently, you have the luxury of being as spontaneous as you want to be and adjust your travel itinerary as you go.

Pro tip : Don’t get hooked up on your plans, try to keep your mind open to changes.

Independent travel - motorbike trip to Dalat, Vietnam

A Slow Travel Experience

Being on an organized tour can sometimes feel like speed-dating. Look here, snap a picture there, board the bus, disembark and repeat. Tour operators try to pack so many things in one tour, you virtually don’t have any time to take in, let alone digest, what you’re seeing. On the contrary, independent travel permits you spend as much time in one place as you need . Maybe this one place is the only thing you will visit today, but the experience will be much more profound when you slow travel.

Pro tip : Less is more.

Khlong Sok village in Khao Sok National park

Connecting with Locals

Meeting locals while traveling, connecting with them and building meaningful shared experiences has been the highlight of our months-long backpacking Southeast Asia trip. We have learned so much about different cultures and how close we all are, no matter where on the planet do we live. This is why we travel - to connect, share experiences and expand our world view .

It is much easier to meet the locals when you travel independently as you naturally seek more advice and hence contact. On the road we have met phenomenal people we will never forget. All it took was inviting someone for a coffee or sharing a fruit 🙂

Pro tip : Don’t be shy and don’t shy away when the locals invite to join them in whatever (legal) activity.  

meeting locals while travelling - Can Tho

Lower Costs

In the battle of guided tour vs independent travel in terms of travel cost the latter often wins by avoiding the “tourist surcharge”. This typically is the case for organized tours with rich itineraries. The number of points of interest on the itinerary makes the total price sound reasonable. If you were, however, to calculate the price of each activity individually, you would often come to a much lower sum. Of course, travel companies need to earn money as well, but the surcharge is often unjustifiable.

There’s a thin line between getting scammed and getting a terrible deal.

Pro tip : do your research, collect travel information, compare and contrast before making a decision.

When to Opt for an Organized Tour

Of course, the more unique independent travel experience comes at a price. Those who want to travel the world and do so independently, need to spend a considerable amount of time doing their research, finding and comparing alternatives while keeping all that travel information organized in a usable manner.

Although you may, like us, generally prefer to travel independently, there are a couple of situations where getting a guided tour is not only a better but simply the only option to explore a particular place.

1. When There's No Other Option

This happens when local tourist authorities don’t allow any other means of visiting. Officially this is enforced to either better protect the environment and/or to provide tourists with more security . Backpacking Southeast Asia we felt that in some places these restrictions are in place with a less altruistic purpose of collecting more tourist dollars. As long as they’re used for a good cause, fine.

When we went for an overnight jungle trek in Taman Negara in Malaysia, we felt very grateful for having an experienced guide lead the way. There was absolutely no way we could have done the trip by ourselves (alive). However, the sentiment was different when we weren’t allowed to walk by ourselves on the well-maintained road in the Khao Sok National Park . Momentarily frustrated, we opted for skipping the organized tour and only exploring the park within the permitted 3 km radius from the entrance. It was lovely!

Taman Negara overnight trekking

2. When You Want to Learn More

If you have already made it to a place of interest you’ve been dying to see, you might want to get a guided tour to deepen your knowledge about the place . Other travel information sources such as guide books are fine, but they are yet to replace the more emotional and thorough storytelling from professional guides . One of the most impressive guided tours we’ve ever taken was at the Javanese Borobudur temple . We were so taken by the stories about Buddhist philosophy, it inspired us to buy and read a couple of books on the topic in the months to come.

3. When You’re Lazy or Don’t Have Time

Sometimes it’s nice to just show up and have somebody else do the rest. If you can’t be bothered to organize everything by yourself, an organized tour comes in handy. Before you blindly agree to an organized tour, make sure you fully understand what you sign up. From our experience, every time we took an organized tour without doing the proper research beforehand, we ended up being very disappointed and even got scammed once.

How to Travel Independently

Kuang Xi waterfalls in Laos

1. Do Your Research

If you have decided to organize your own trip instead of going with one of the organized tour options, your first step is to do some research. Answer the following questions:

  • What is there to see/do in the destination?
  • Which of those things do you want to experience?
  • How much time do you need there?
  • How can you get there?
  • What are the costs associated with it?

Start with a simple Google and YouTube search and go into more details as you start exploring your options . Looking at available travel packages may be a good inspiration for creating your own. You can find those in tourist offices, on the streets or on TripAdvisor.

2. Read Travel Experience Stories

Many travel agencies tend to oversell a destination, Instagram pictures edited to remove a hundred tourists on the same beach. Luckily there are so many review portals (such as TripAdvisor or Google Maps) and travel blogs to read first-hand experiences of fellow travelers. Simply type “visit X independently” and see what comes up .

This will help you adjust your expectations, decide whether you still want to visit the place and learn what to avoid.

Travel the world as a digital nomad couple

3. Ask the Community

When in doubt, ask. Reach out to travel bloggers, destination communities on Facebook, write on Lonely Planet forums or connect with a local through Couchsurfing. In this uber-connected world, it is easy to get answers from real people with first-hand knowledge . Don’t be shy.

Typical questions could be:

  • What is the best way to visit X?
  • Is it worth visiting X?
  • What is your favorite place in X / your favorite thing about X?
  • Is it safe to visit X by myself?
  • What is a reasonable price to pay a taxi driver to take me to X?

As we were backpacking Indonesia, we met a lot of amazing people who helped us discover the country in a very different way. For example, in Gili we met Dayat who invited us to come to his wedding and visit his family in his village in Lombok. Although we missed the big event (still very upset about that), the one day we spent with Dayat and his wife-to-be was unforgettable.  We saw a real Lombok village, enjoyed a homemade lunch and joined Dayat in his favorite swimming spot in the eco-village. A very unique travel experience. And it all started with a simple chat and asking for some recommendations.

Meet the locals: our friend in Lombok showed us his village and his favorite swimming place

4. Make a Plan but Don’t Overplan it

If you’re organizing multiple trips in parallel it can get messy. Make sure to keep your travel notes sorted. Although there are numerous published lists with the best travel apps , we have still to find the one app which would aggregate all the travel information we collect. Our favorite approach thus far has been creating lists and maps on Google Maps. Simple and effective.

Instead of pre-planning your entire journey, focus on key milestones and attractions you want to visit . Organize your remaining days as you go. You will undoubtedly get more tips from fellow travelers as you start your journey, you want to make sure you can make adjustments to your plans.

Proper travel budget planning is another important step in the process. A simple spreadsheet is absolutely sufficient to plan and track your expenses. If you want to travel the world on a budget, you have to learn to control your expenses.

Be proud of yourself by putting your first independent travel together! Remember to stay flexible and spontaneous during your trip. There’s no point in sticking to the plan just for the sake of the plan.

Vang Vieng Limestone cliffs

Don’t forget to share your travel experience stories with other travelers! We were very happy when our Hai Van Pass motorbike trip got picked up by the company renting us the bikes and shared it with their customers. Happy we could help 🙂

Hai Van Pass motorbike trip dream team

Start Your First Independent Travel

The best way to learn is to try doing something by yourself . If doing a fully independent trip is too much for you right now, start with smaller daily excursions or hire a private guide to take you on the itinerary you have prepared. The latter may be more expensive, but you will enjoy the other benefits of independent travel.

Need help organizing your first independent travel? Reach out to us ! We’re happy to give you guidance in the process.

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guide to Independent travel: benefits, tip on when to go with an organized tour and steps to preparing your first independent travel

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Great tips that will hopefully incite more people to try and travel independently. We would want it any other way!

thank you! us too, we love organizing our trips ourselves 🙂

I LOVE travelling independently! It gives me so much freedom to do what I want when I want to. I 100% recommend it and I think everyone should do it at least once. You’ll be amazed at what you can do!

Absolutely! The most difficult part is to start 🙂 Once you’ve tried it yourself, you will not go back to fully pre-organized travel.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Grey Globetrotters UK, Europe & Beyond Travel Blog

Guided Tours vs Independent Travel in 2024: Expert Tips

Are you wondering whether to travel independently or in a group? You’re not alone!

Many first-time travellers and people planning a “big trip” wonder (and worry) about the merits of guided tours vs independent travel.

But what’s the difference between them? And how do you decide which travel style is best for you? What information do you need to make the right choice?

While I’ve experienced both forms of travel over the years, I asked my fellow blogger Cynthia to share the pros and cons of guided tours vs independent travel to help you plan your next vacation.

Let’s dive in and consider whether you’re a better fit for guided tours or independent travel!

Grey Globetrotters Travel Blog contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. See my  disclaimer  for more information.

Guided Tours vs Independent Travel

A guided tour company typically offers the convenience of an “all-in” price, with a local guide and all the trip planning done for you. In contrast, independent travel allows you to choose your agenda around your budget.

women travelling together

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation says group tours account for approximately 80% of all package tours sold worldwide . But there’s more to unpack here to help you make the right choice for your specific interests. Let’s get started!

Popular Group Tour Destinations

Group tours are available to almost every destination around the world, but these are the most popular:

According to the European Travel Commission , the most visited cities in Europe are:

  • Paris, France – get a real taste of Paris on this 5-star-rated Paris walking food tour (it’s amazing!)
  • London, UK – tour London’s top attractions in a classic Mini on this fun tour with 600+ stellar ratings!
  • Rome, Italy – see Rome in a day with this 5-star rated tour (including the Vatican and the Colosseum .
  • Barcelona, Spain – the hottest skip-the-line tickets in town are for this Park Guell and La Sagrada Familia Guided Tour .
  • Prague, Czech Republic – see the Best of Prague on this City Walking Tour, with a relaxing boat cruise and typical Czech lunch.

rocky mountains Canada  with railtrack

North America

One of the most popular weeklong tours in Canada is the Rocky Mountaineer. This 5-day tour of the Rocky Mountains on one of Canada’s most iconic trains is one of the top tours on many bucket lists!

Popular group tours in the USA are often by bus and include destinations like the Grand Canyon and the Sedona region of Arizona , Nashville and Branson for country music, or New York City for theatre.

Other Destinations

Other popular places for escorted tours include New Zealand, Machu Picchu, South Africa, Japan and China .

Ultimately, the best destination for your group tour will depend on your interests, budget, travel preferences, and the time you have available for your journey.

guided tour through the desert

Types of Guided Tours

Bus tours are one of the most popular forms of group travel; however, many other options are available, depending on the destination and type of experience you’re looking for.

Why not try walking tours, cruise tours, adventure tours, cultural tours, food and wine tours , or wildlife tours ?

E-bike tours are great fun, and I would never pass up a wine tour !

River cruises are rapidly gaining popularity, as river cruise boats are smaller and more intimate than their ocean-going cousins.

li river guided tour

Many tour groups offer the flexibility of “together excursions” with your tour mates, with time for solo travellers (or couples) to explore destinations independently if preferred.

Guided Tours: Pros and Cons

Guided tours pros.

  • Convenient, hassle-free planning
  • Access to expert knowledge
  • Safety & security when travelling
  • Skip the line tickets
  • No language barriers
  • Visit places prohibited to independent travellers

Guided Tours Cons

  • Limited flexibility
  • May be costly

Group tours also offer access to exclusive experiences, shared costs for transportation, accommodations, and activities, and the opportunity to meet new people.

For many travellers, t he biggest benefit of group tours is that all the details, from transportation to accommodations, are handled for you. You simply need to sit back and focus on enjoying your trip.

Luxury at A Great Price

One huge benefit of a guided tour vs independent travel is that group tour specialists leverage bulk purchasing, offering more luxurious accommodations and preferential treatment at events, venues, and day tours.

Large group tour companies generally offer “skip the line” treatment for entry to museums, galleries, or theatres – a huge time saver in popular attractions!

Les Ecrehouse reef Jersey

Access to Off-The-Beaten Track Locations

Some fragile environments restrict the number and type of visitors, so you can ONLY visit on a guided tour!

Two of the best guided tour examples of travel to off-the-beaten-path destinations are:

  • The Galapagos Islands : You can only visit if you have pre-booked with a government-approved tour and travel company and a certified naturalist guide
  • Tibet : You can’t even get into this travel destination unless you’re part of a guided tour group!

Meet People With Similar Interests

60% of travellers believe that joining a group tour is a great way to meet new people. Booking.com

On a specialist guided tour, you may meet people with similar interests, which could mean people to chat with over dinner or while you’re travelling!

Knowledgeable Guides

Travelling with a guide who knows a place well is perfect if you love to explore its history or culture.

Museums in other countries don’t always have English signage, and you could miss a lot when visiting independently if you haven’t done lots of pre-reading!

Let’s face it: some countries are more challenging to visit than others, and you may be nervous about travelling alone to those places.

Many travellers—especially solo women—worry about security issues such as safety in large cities at night, local scams, theft, and drinks being spiked.

Travelling with a group can make you feel safer than travelling alone in some countries.


Language barriers can be intimidating, making simple tasks like finding a bathroom or purchasing train tickets difficult.

While Google Translate is a helpful tool, some travellers are unfamiliar or uncomfortable using it. They like to have a guide who speaks their own language and can handle any unforeseen issues, including medical ones.

Independent Travel: Pros & Cons

Independent travel pros.

  • Total control over the itinerary
  • Opportunity for spontaneous adventure
  • Flexibility in budgeting

Independent Travel Cons

  • Risk of getting lost
  • Risk of tourist traps
  • More time is needed to plan an itinerary
  • A language barrier may pose problems

Independent travel means researching, planning, and implementing all facets of the trip yourself . While this can be fun, it can also be daunting!

When you travel independently, you have the flexibility to tailor your trip to your interests and preferences. Independent travel also allows you to travel at your own pace and explore off-the-beaten-path destinations (where you don’t need a guide!)

My brother is an early retiree who finds planning and navigating travel akin to organising an expedition. If that’s your thing, and you enjoy spending a lot of time alone, then you might love to travel independently. 

Siwa Oasis at sunrise - one of the best times to visit the Lake Siwa.One of the must-see Egypt tourist attractions in Siwa Oasis

Wreck diving in Micronesia or backpacking around Egypt could be perfect for you!

Some love the “thrill of the hunt” and finding the best deal at the best price at the most sought-after destination!

When you travel independently, you can scan the last-minute flight deals , see what strikes your fancy…and leave. This can be a very rewarding way to see the world – and bag a bargain or two!

47% of travelers who book at the last minute don’t have a set destination in mind when they start planning their trip. TRIPadvisor

This suggests that many people enjoy the freedom and spontaneity of travelling independently.

For many, one of the biggest disadvantages of independent travel is loneliness. It’s important consider how you will create opportunities to connect with people if you’re still deciding between guided tours and independent travel.

decising between guided tours vs independent travel !

FAQs: Guided Tours vs Independent Travel

Is it better to travel with a tour guide or alone.

This will depend on your needs and interests. Taking a guided group tour is a great introduction to international travel in the company of like-minded travellers.

What is the difference between independent travel and package tours?

The key difference is that package tours are all organised for you, with a specific itinerary, whereas independent travel means you can plan everything yourself.

What is the difference between self-guided and guided tours?

Self-guided tours have a pre-planned itinerary that you follow at your own pace without a tour leader, while an experienced tour guide leads guided tours. An example of a great self-guided tour is the audio tour at  Skipton Castle , where you can go at your own pace— with all the information you need!

Are guided tours worth it?

Absolutely! They are a great way to experience somewhere new, with all the hard work taken care of, so you can relax and enjoy your vacation time.

Which are the best self-guided tour companies?

Viator and Get Your Guide are reputable tour companies with a wide selection of guided and self-guided tours.

great food shared on a guided tour

Conclusion: Guided Tours vs Independent Travel

So now you know how to compare guided tours vs independent travel! If you choose group travel this time, it doesn’t mean you can’t do an independent trip next time or vice versa.

The key is knowing why you’re making the choice.

  • Good reasons for picking an escorted tour could be that you want to meet like-minded travellers and perhaps make new friends or are afraid to travel alone.
  • Pick an independent travel approach or look for small group tours for spontaneity and flexibility.
  • If you don’t want to be part of a group for your entire trip, you can also book a DIY trip and add a few guided tours to your itinerary!

Whichever type of travel you choose, you can also build affordable luxuries into your trip without breaking the bank and still have a great time.

Travelling is the stuff of dreams and can be the basis for long and lasting memories. Are you ready to plan your next big adventure?

You may find these travel tips helpful:

  • 25 Best Things To Do On A Plane To Pass Time
  • How to Overcome Jet Lag – 19 Tried & Trusted Hacks
  • How to Pack Hand Luggage – 15 Money-Saving Packing Tips



Coralie Thornton, the owner and author of Grey Globetrotters, has been a traveller for more than four decades. Her passion for adventure has led her through over 40 countries, seeking cultural experiences, delicious foods, and hidden gems. Today, she helps others experience the UK, Europe, Egypt and China, with meticulously crafted travel itineraries and affordable luxury travel guides.

Winter is here! Check out the winter wonderlands at these 5 amazing winter destinations in Montana

  • Travel Tips

What Is A Free Independent Traveler

Published: December 16, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Babbette Brockman

  • Plan Your Trip



Traveling has always been a popular pastime for people around the globe. Whether it’s exploring new cultures, indulging in local cuisine, or experiencing breathtaking landscapes, the allure of travel is undeniable. In recent years, there has been a rise in a specific type of traveler known as the Free Independent Traveler (FIT). These individuals seek a more authentic and personalized travel experience, avoiding the constraints of traditional tour packages and organized group trips.

As the name suggests, Free Independent Travelers are explorers who prefer to plan their own itineraries, make their own travel arrangements, and embrace a self-guided approach to their journeys. They are driven by a desire for freedom, adventure, and the opportunity to immerse themselves fully in their chosen destinations.

Unlike package tourists who rely on travel agencies for every aspect of their trip, Free Independent Travelers have the flexibility to tailor their experiences to their specific interests and preferences. They can wander off the beaten path, discover hidden gems, interact with locals, and truly get a feel for the culture they are visiting. This level of independence allows them to create unique and memorable travel experiences.

In this article, we will delve deeper into what it means to be a Free Independent Traveler and explore the characteristics, benefits, and challenges associated with this style of travel. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler looking to break free from the constraints of organized tours or someone seeking a new way to explore the world, this guide will provide valuable insights and tips for becoming a Free Independent Traveler.

Definition of a Free Independent Traveler

A Free Independent Traveler, often referred to as an FIT, is an individual who embraces a self-guided and independent approach to travel. They prioritize freedom and flexibility, opting to plan their own itineraries, make their own travel arrangements, and venture off the beaten path. Unlike traditional package tourists, FITs are not bound by set schedules or organized group activities. Instead, they have the autonomy to explore destinations at their own pace, following their own interests and preferences.

One of the defining characteristics of a Free Independent Traveler is their desire for authentic and immersive experiences. They are motivated to go beyond the typical tourist attractions and seek out genuine connections with the local culture and community. FITs are open to spontaneity and are willing to deviate from planned routes to discover hidden gems, interact with locals, and truly absorb the essence of the destinations they visit.

Another aspect that sets FITs apart is their emphasis on personalization. Unlike pre-packaged tour itineraries, Free Independent Travelers have the freedom to tailor their trips based on their specific interests and preferences. Whether it’s exploring historical sites, indulging in culinary delights, engaging in adventure activities, or simply immersing themselves in the local lifestyle, FITs have the ability to craft a travel experience that aligns with their individual desires.

Free Independent Travelers also take a more hands-on approach to their travel arrangements. They prefer to book their own flights, accommodations, and transportation, utilizing online resources and platforms to find the best deals and options. This level of involvement not only offers more control over the travel process but also allows FITs to make informed decisions and prioritize their preferred amenities and experiences.

Overall, a Free Independent Traveler is someone who values independence, authenticity, personalization, and exploration when it comes to their travel experiences. They thrive on the freedom to create their own unique adventures and embrace a more immersive and enriching journey. With the rise of technology and the abundance of travel resources available, more and more individuals are embracing this style of travel and discovering the joys of being a Free Independent Traveler.

Characteristics of a Free Independent Traveler

Free Independent Travelers possess certain characteristics that set them apart from other types of travelers. These traits contribute to their ability to navigate the world independently and create unique travel experiences. Here are some key characteristics of free independent travelers:

  • Curiosity and Adventurous Spirit: Free independent travelers are driven by a deep curiosity about the world. They have an innate desire to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and embrace unfamiliar experiences. They possess a sense of adventure that motivates them to step out of their comfort zone and seek out unique opportunities.
  • Self-Reliance: Unlike package tourists who rely on travel agencies and tour guides, free independent travelers are self-sufficient. They take charge of their travel arrangements, from booking flights and accommodations to planning itineraries. They are comfortable navigating unfamiliar territories and solving problems that may arise during their journeys.
  • Flexibility: Free independent travelers understand that things don’t always go according to plan. They embrace the unpredictability of travel and are adaptable to changes and unexpected situations. They have the ability to adjust their itineraries, explore alternative routes, and seize new opportunities as they arise.
  • Open-Mindedness: Free independent travelers approach their journeys with an open mind and a willingness to embrace new experiences and perspectives. They understand that every culture is unique and have a genuine curiosity to learn from the people they encounter along the way. They seek authentic interactions and opportunities to immerse themselves in the local lifestyle.
  • Research and Planning Skills: Free independent travelers invest time and effort into researching their destinations. They gather information on local customs, attractions, transportation options, and safety considerations. They are skilled at planning their itineraries to ensure they make the most of their time and optimize their travel experience.
  • Resilience: Free independent travelers may encounter unexpected challenges or obstacles during their journeys, such as language barriers or cultural differences. However, they possess the resilience to overcome these challenges and find solutions. They approach setbacks as learning opportunities and view them as part of the adventure.
  • Solo Travel Skills: Free independent travelers are comfortable with solo travel, as they often embark on their journeys alone or in small groups. They enjoy the freedom and independence that solo travel offers, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in their experiences and connect with locals and fellow travelers.

These characteristics collectively contribute to the independent and adventurous nature of free independent travelers. They embrace the freedom to explore, learn, and connect on their own terms, making each journey a unique and fulfilling adventure.

Benefits of Being a Free Independent Traveler

Choosing to be a Free Independent Traveler comes with numerous benefits that contribute to a more fulfilling and enriching travel experience. Here are some advantages of embracing the role of an FIT:

  • Flexibility and Freedom: One of the biggest benefits of being a Free Independent Traveler is the freedom to create your own itinerary. You have the flexibility to choose where to go, how long to stay, and what to do. This allows you to prioritize the places and activities that interest you the most, and adjust your plans as you go along.
  • Authentic Experiences: FITs have the opportunity to delve deeper into the local culture and immerse themselves in authentic experiences. By venturing off the beaten path and interacting with locals, you can gain insight into the lifestyle, traditions, and customs of the destination. This authenticity provides a more meaningful and memorable travel experience.
  • Personalization: Being a Free Independent Traveler gives you the freedom to personalize every aspect of your trip according to your preferences. You can choose accommodations that align with your style and budget, dine at local eateries to savor authentic cuisine, and engage in activities and attractions that cater to your specific interests. This level of personalization ensures that your travel experience is tailored to suit your desires.
  • Flexibility to Discover Hidden Gems: FITs often stumble upon hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations that may not be included in conventional tour packages. Without the constraints of a set itinerary, you have the flexibility to explore lesser-known places, uncover hidden treasures, and create your own unique adventure.
  • Freedom to Connect: As a Free Independent Traveler, you have the opportunity to connect with locals and fellow travelers on a deeper level. By immersing yourself in the local culture and interacting with the people, you can gain a deeper understanding of the destination and forge meaningful connections that last beyond your journey.
  • Enhanced Sense of Empowerment: Planning and executing your own travel arrangements as an FIT can be empowering. It boosts your self-confidence and problem-solving skills, as you navigate unfamiliar territory and overcome challenges along the way. Taking control of your travel experience gives you a sense of accomplishment and independence.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Free Independent Travelers often have more control over their budgets. By being able to choose accommodations, transportation, and activities based on your preferences and budget, you can make more cost-effective decisions. Focusing on experiences that truly matter to you allows you to allocate your funds accordingly.

The benefits of being a Free Independent Traveler extend beyond the travel experience itself. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the world, broaden your horizons, and develop valuable life skills. By embracing the freedom and independence of an FIT, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and unforgettable adventures.

Challenges Faced by Free Independent Travelers

While being a Free Independent Traveler offers unique benefits, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. It’s important to be aware of these challenges and to be prepared to overcome them. Here are some common obstacles that Free Independent Travelers may encounter:

  • Language Barriers: Traveling to a country where you don’t speak the language can be a significant challenge. Communication can become difficult, making it harder to navigate transportation, seek directions, or interact with locals. However, with some basic language skills, translation apps, or the assistance of local guides, it is possible to overcome this hurdle.
  • Navigation and Getting Lost: Without the guidance of a tour group or organized itinerary, it’s possible to get lost or face difficulty navigating unfamiliar cities or remote areas. It’s crucial to have a reliable map or navigation app and to familiarize yourself with the local transportation options. Additionally, a sense of adventure and adaptability can help turn getting lost into an opportunity for unexpected discoveries.
  • Cultural Differences and Misunderstandings: Each culture has its own customs, traditions, and social norms. As a Free Independent Traveler, you may encounter situations where you inadvertently offend or misunderstand the local culture. It’s important to research and respect the local customs, be observant of your surroundings, and be open to learning from the locals to avoid any cultural misunderstandings.
  • Safety and Security: Safety is a concern for all travelers, and Free Independent Travelers are no exception. It’s important to research and be aware of the safety situation in your chosen destination. Taking precautions such as avoiding risky areas, being vigilant with your belongings, and staying informed about local regulations can help mitigate potential risks.
  • Loneliness and Solo Travel: Solo travel can be an incredible experience, but it can also be lonely at times. Without the built-in companionship of a tour group, Free Independent Travelers may have to actively seek social interactions. Joining local activities, staying in social accommodations, or connecting with other travelers through online communities can help alleviate feelings of loneliness.
  • Decision Overload: With the freedom to plan every aspect of your trip, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the number of choices. From selecting accommodations to deciding on activities and attractions, the endless options can lead to decision fatigue. Prioritizing your interests, setting a budget, and researching well in advance can help streamline the decision-making process.
  • Logistical Challenges: The responsibility of arranging all travel logistics can be daunting, especially in unfamiliar destinations. Free Independent Travelers must coordinate flights, accommodations, transportation, visas, and other necessary documents on their own. Attention to detail, thorough research, and utilizing online resources and travel apps can help manage these logistical challenges.

While these challenges may seem daunting, they are all surmountable with careful planning, adaptability, and a positive mindset. Embracing the independence and freedom of being a Free Independent Traveler allows you to grow personally and overcome these obstacles, ultimately enhancing your travel experience.

Tips for Becoming a Free Independent Traveler

If you’re inspired to become a Free Independent Traveler and experience the freedom and adventure that comes with this style of travel, here are some practical tips to help you get started:

  • Research and Plan: Invest time in researching your chosen destination. Familiarize yourself with the culture, attractions, transportation options, and safety considerations. Create a rough itinerary that includes the must-see sights and activities that align with your interests.
  • Embrace Technology: Utilize travel apps, navigation tools, and translation apps to overcome language barriers and navigate unfamiliar territories. Having access to these resources on your smartphone can make your travel experience significantly smoother.
  • Learn Basic Local Phrases: Even if you don’t become fluent in the local language, learning a few basic phrases can go a long way in establishing connections with locals and showing respect for their culture. Simple greetings, please and thank you, and basic requests can make a positive impression.
  • Travel Light: Pack efficiently and lightly, as it will make moving around and navigating much easier. Stick to essentials and versatile clothing items that can be mixed and matched. Consider investing in lightweight and multifunctional travel gear.
  • Stay Flexible: Embrace spontaneity and be open to new experiences. Allow yourself room to deviate from your planned itinerary if something interesting comes your way. Stay flexible with your accommodations and transportation options as well, as it can lead to unexpected adventures.
  • Connect with Locals: Engage with locals to gain insights into the culture, seek recommendations for hidden gems, and learn about off-the-beaten-path experiences. Join local activities, visit local markets, and interact with people to enrich your travel experience.
  • Use Local Transportation: Opt for local transportation options, such as buses, trains, or ferries, to experience the destination like a local. It not only provides a more authentic experience but also allows you to interact with locals and observe daily life.
  • Practice Responsible Tourism: Be mindful of your impact on the environment and local communities. Respect cultural differences, be conscious of your waste, support local businesses, and adhere to responsible tourism practices to ensure your travel experiences are sustainable and respectful.
  • Stay Safe: Prioritize your safety by researching the local laws, customs, and potential risks before your trip. Stay vigilant of your surroundings, trust your instincts, and take appropriate precautions to ensure a safe journey.
  • Document and Share: Keep a travel journal or create a blog to document your experiences and memories. Share your stories and photos with friends and family, or through social media, to inspire others and keep the spirit of your adventures alive.

Becoming a Free Independent Traveler is both a mindset and a practical approach to traveling. By following these tips and embracing the spirit of independence and exploration, you can embark on a fulfilling and transformative journey. Remember, it’s about the freedom to create your own unique travel experiences, immerse yourself in new cultures, and make lasting memories.

Becoming a Free Independent Traveler offers a unique way to explore the world, allowing you to create your own itinerary, prioritize your interests, and immerse yourself in authentic experiences. The freedom and flexibility of this style of travel provide countless opportunities for personal growth, cultural understanding, and unforgettable adventures.

By embracing the characteristics of curiosity, self-reliance, adaptability, and open-mindedness, Free Independent Travelers can navigate the challenges and reap the benefits of this approach. From discovering hidden gems and connecting with locals to personalizing every aspect of their trip, Free Independent Travelers have the autonomy to shape their own unique experiences and make memories that will last a lifetime.

While being a Free Independent Traveler requires careful planning, research, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, the rewards far outweigh the challenges. This style of travel empowers individuals to develop important life skills, embrace diversity, and gain a deeper understanding of the world.

So, whether you are a seasoned traveler looking for a new way to explore or someone new to the world of travel, consider embracing the role of a Free Independent Traveler. Allow yourself the freedom to wander, the opportunity to grow, and the joy of discovering the world on your own terms. Be bold, be curious, and embark on a journey of a lifetime as a Free Independent Traveler.


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Guided Tour vs Independent Travel & How we do it?

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There are many ways to explore a new city. And depending on the destination, personal taste, funds, and travel time on hand – travelers explore the world a little differently. But everything comes down to 2 things essentially – guided tour vs independent travel.

Many seasoned travelers dislike packaged tours – freedom of time and travel is what they like. And then there are many, who even after years of travel and globetrotting experience – prefer the experts to take them around.

In this post, we will share how we travel and this is how we exactly travel with a busy work/life schedule. Plus we will also share our views on guided tours vs independent travel – a debate that never ends!

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Guided Tour vs Independent Travel

Guided tour vs independent travel

We have done it all from pre-packaged vacation tours, short 3 hours to full-day 10 – 12 hours guided tours to independent travel. And through years of experience, we can honestly say we enjoyed all of it and depending on the ‘stage’ of traveling we are in, vacation time and the location – sometimes tours are better than independent travel.

Guided Tour: Multi-day, small group, packaged guided tour

When we ventured on our first trip to Europe we embarked on a packaged tour of 14 days, and we added another 5 days of travel without a tour.

We did this because

  • we had never been to Europe before, so it made sense to travel with a trusted guide/tour agency, 
  • we required visas, and with a tour itinerary (all paid for in advance) made traveling and securing a visa easy, 

In that year, we only took one Euro trip, and we chose the package, got our 3 weeks approved from work, prior to applying for a visa and traveling. So, if this sounds like you, a small group packaged travel is a good option.

independent tour definition tourism

Small group Packaged tours are great for

  • first-timers,
  • solo travelers,
  • those looking to get their feet wet into traveling but don’t want to do all research and individual bookings,
  • those needing visa approvals,
  • if you wish to socialize and travel – make new friends,
  • keeps budget under control as you will be paying for everything at one go including meals (especially breakfast and some dinner meals),
  • very few surprises – tour directors are professionals they know the route, history, obstacles, etc.

The only downside to this is pre-packaged tours depart on certain dates, so if you are working professionals like us you have to get time approved ahead of time. We didn’t find packaged tours to be ‘too’ restricted –  you will get free time and you are free to eat where you like or include a few additional spots for sightseeing, but for the most part, you cannot entirely change the itinerary, you have to be mindful of time, of others.

We are a pretty chilled, easy-going couple – so we didn’t have issues getting along with people!

Guided Tour: Short walking tours, day tours, sightseeing cruises, history, and food tours

At present, we travel to Europe often, and we only have limited days off – sometimes we also travel for a long weekend (plus a personal day here and there) to do one country exploration, and we find pre-packaged tours limiting, especially because we can’t choose our dates.

So what we do is we make travel plans, based on our time off from work, we utilize short tours – 3-hour walking tours, food tours, and full-day tours, which are our absolute favorite. We never rent a car in Europe, we use public transportation and guided walking tours, hop on and hop off sightseeing tours for the base city and take day tours (with includes sightseeing and return transportation) to nearby cities and countries.

Versailles small group tour

  • When we traveled to Paris, we booked a day tour to Versailles . Expect a long queue at the Palace of Versailles, regardless of when you visit, with a guide in tow we could learn about its history and get into the landmark complex, without waiting for hours. Our time overseas is precious!
  • Another time, we explored the Neuschwanstein Castle in a small group tour , where our guide took us to a cheese farm, and many UNESCO heritage sites along the way, whilst sharing stories from Bavaria.     
  • In order to explore Bruges , we took regional trains and then embarked on a walking and canal cruise tour. We also took a brewery tour, which was so much fun!

independent tour definition tourism

This is probably the best way to explore a new city, and it is working for us. And we believe if you are a busy traveler this will work for you too .

This works because

  • you choose your dates of travel and duration in each city,
  • you can choose what tours interests you – not everybody has to do the same landmarks if history is your thing, choose a heritage tour; if food is your calling – do a food tour, if you like cruises opt for 2- 3 hours sightseeing boat cruises – take your pick.
  • or include all of it, as we do for the love of variety,
  • or if you like to drool outside the window – which I do (and I don’t like driving, why focus on the road when you can soak in those views! )
  • see more in less time with day tours – They are perfect as we get to explore sister towns or farms to make the most of our trip. Salil usually gets his nap, and I am soaking in all the views or writing a postcard or a love letter to the city!  

The only downside to this is that you will still have to do your research and track all the bookings. I love to do travel research and plan an itinerary, but that’s just me.

If you find planning or researching to be boring, then a pre-packaged tour is your remedy.

Our research involves hotel selection, local transportation options, which guided tours are worth it (and how many can we fit?), and which ones to take?

Keeping track of bookings is a MAJOR struggle for many. Because we book our tours through GetYourGuide, the app stores all the vouchers. I also keep the notification settings, on my iPhone. If a hard copy is required to redeem the tour, which is mostly the case with hop on and hop off sightseeing tours, I print them and arrange by date (first to last) and exchange them for actual vouchers with the bus driver.   

Independent travel: A reality?

Independent travel is everyone’s dream. And independent travel means different to different people.

For us, independent travel means freedom

  • no time limit,
  • go wherever
  • do it all by yourself,
  • not being dependent on anyone.

But I think independent travel is a utopian concept – from renting a car to sitting on an aircraft, to booking a hotel or Airbnb – we are dependent on “someone” – to deliver that service. And not to forget with a full-time job and a busy schedule, we can’t just take off; our lives are not independent of our families or from the work we do.

Somehow our work, personal lives – do influence and sometimes dictate how long can we travel for (is it one week or one year )?

Of course, it is nice to be able to pick a destination, choose how much we can explore in the ‘travel time’ approved for us, re-arrange itinerary and choose a hotel/Airbnb – and all of this is possible because we rely on “someone” for that service.

And day to day sightseeing is no different, we are dependent on that tour guide, that app, those Google maps, that bus operator who dropped us at the right stop and so on and forth. We like this co-dependent travel – we book flights and hotels and appreciate local tours and guides and their expertise.

The Ultimate guide to Havana Cuba is here! The one stop for all things Havana - sightseeing, local experiences, restaurants and other travel tips #havana

How we travel?

At the moment, we are doing a mix of in co – dependent travel with handpicked short (hourly) guided tours.

We choose our travel dates and cluster cities and towns together and create our own itineraries. Day tours and short guided tours fill in the gaps and make travel easier (without renting a vehicle or doing additional planning for landmarks or sister cities).

We use our limited vacation days, weekends, civil holidays, day in lieu/overtime hours, personal time to extend the number of travel days. To learn how to craft an annual travel plan with a busy schedule – grab our annual planner!

We are very active travelers. Now by active we don’t do hiking, trekking and being outdoors and camping in the wild. We hike in the urban jungle, walking for miles in cobblestoned lanes, pretty neighborhoods, capturing photos, eating and grabbing delicious lattes, climbing 201 steps to see the sunset from a church tower – yea, that’s what we do.

When it comes to Europe travels, we fly from Canada and usually land by noon or 2:00 pm local time, and we drop off our bags at the hotel (always book them at a central location), freshen up and we are ready to explore.

We really don’t know what jetlag is – we have gone back to work, the very next day after arriving from an international trip. (And we can sleep like a baby on an aircraft!).

We combine walking and bus tours, use Google maps to plan our itinerary and discover spots, not on the listed tour route, we eat local as much as possible – and we are very low maintenance when it comes to food – no dietary restrictions and relish whatever is served with love! You will never see us fuss over food really or anything travel-related! 

After an active sightseeing day, we go to bed happy as ever – we explored a tiny piece of this wonderful world, and many more to go tomorrow.  

So yea the entire day, we are exploring or trying out new cuisines or cultural activity – we don’t waste our time – by not exploring – and that’s how we make the most of our visits!

We genuinely love traveling. We take in delayed flights with a smile, as an excuse to hang out at the airport, and plan our next trip!

A quick guide to the Elk Island National Park - home to the American bisons, located just an hour away from Edmonton, the capital city of the Canadian province of Alberta. Get lost in the wilderness, camp out, bird watch, star gaze and so much more including a sunset tour #canada #travelalberta #exploreedmonton

Our Travel Resources

Here are some of the travel resources we use in planning and booking our trips, 

Although there are many ways to check flight availability and make a trip estimate, we highly recommend booking flights (and hotels) from one source. It helps in tracking flight itineraries, getting multi-product discounts or to collect points. We LOVE using Expedia for that!

We book our flights online using Expedia.com . We have credit cards that allow us to stack points and redeem them for free travel and hotels. Even without a credit card, you can sign up for their rewards points. We check Google Flights, Skyscanner to track flight prices, but booking is always done via Expedia (and we are Canada based. Expedia has offers for the United States and globally as well).

Expedia has a large selection of flights, hotels, tours, and cruises to choose from. One of the things I like about them is that we can get multi-product discounts. So when we booked our 2 weeks to Europe to explore France, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, we flew to Paris first. So we booked a return flight to Paris and a portion of stay in Paris, to get deeper discounts.

As mentioned,  Expedia allows you to collect points, if you use one of their partnered credit cards – like Expedia RewardsCard, a Citi Expedia credit card or Expedia for TD by TD Credit Cards. With the points collected, we scored almost 50% off vacation packages and flight tickets.

If you already have credit products and do not wish to open another one, no worries you can collect rewards as a frequent traveler and redeem for travel rewards. Because the flight fare is one of the big-ticket items, and as Expedia offers “BestPrice Guarantee” we book through them.

We use HotelsCombined to compare prices across different hotels’ networks. Hotels Combined is a tool to compare various hotel websites, but for booking, you need to use a hotel’s website. Our bookings are done on Expedia or Booking.com. 

For short guided tours, we LOVE GetYourGuide – no trip is complete without them! Their Europe selection is quite wider than any other tour providers out there. Their cultural and history tours for many iconic European cities are just fabulous.

For multi-day tours, we choose TourRadar or G Adventures. I am currently looking into a Christmas special 10-day tour in Europe in 2020!

  • GetYourGuide
  • G Adventures

We hope you enjoyed reading this post, and are excited to book your next trip! 

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Guided tour vs Independent travel guide

Mayuri is the founder & editor of ToSomePlaceNew. An Indian-Canadian globetrotter, she has traveled to over 100 cities and 40+ countries.

Mayuri has a graduate degree in History and is an MBA. She loves traveling the world particularly Europe, capturing historical nuances, and discussing that over a cup of coffee with her husband, Salil. 

She has lived in Portugal, Canada and India.

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independent tour definition tourism

Escorted, Hosted and Independent – Understanding the Different Tours

What is the difference between an escorted, hosted and an independent tour? This is a common question in the travel industry, and in this post we’re breaking down what they are, and the advantages of each. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s dive right in!

Escorted Tours

An escorted tour is one that is conducted by a tour director. They will take care of everything from beginning to end. For example, your transportation to and from the airport, as well as transportation to and from your hotel for daily activities. You’ll also typically be with a group throughout your tour.

For some escorted tours it’s a one day affair where they will pick you up from your hotel in the morning, take you to see the sites, and then bring you back to your hotel in the evening. Typically there is a strict agenda with meal times, and places to visit set up for you as well.

In the more extreme escorted tours, every day of your itinerary is scheduled and handled for you. You’re picked up from the airport, driven to the hotel, and each day you will be picked up for a new activity, and then dropped off at your hotel each evening. Then, at the end of your vacation your escort will bring you to the airport to go home.

Hosted Tours

Hosted tours are very similar to escorted tours. Like an escorted tour, you will probably be with the same group of people throughout the tour, and you’ll be transported to and from your hotel.

However, the difference here is that you won’t be escorted to every individual activity and function. There will be local guides available to answer questions throughout the duration of your tour, but for the most part you will be on your own.

Hosted tours are great for those that want the freedom to do what they want, but also want a guide available when they have questions or need something. Some meals and sightseeing will be included as well, but what you get varies by the company you tour with.

Independent Tours

These are the tours the free spirits typically prefer. On an independent tour you set your own schedule, you won’t be with a group, and you’ll be responsible for getting reservations for your meals.

With an independent tour vacation, you’ll still enjoy having your hotel, transportation, excursions, and some meals included with your package, but the rest is up to you. Many people prefer independent tour vacations for the freedom, flexibility and privacy they offer. However, what causes some travelers to opt for escorted and hosted tours over independent ones, is the discomfort they experience in being somewhere foreign to them.

What tour is right for you?

Deciding which tour is right for you is a personal choice only you can make. You’ll need to decide how much freedom you want on your vacation, and how comfortable you are with being in new places alone. Still, we hope this post has cleared up some of the confusion between escorted, hosted and independent tours.

If you would like to know more about tours available to your dream destination, call Ingenious Travel at 888.695.0321 . From adventure to luxury getaways, exotic to romantic vacations – We work with the best tour operators that suit a wide variety of travelers needs.

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Escorted vs. Independent Tours: What are they and which is better?

There are two common travel styles to consider when planning a trip to any Latin American destination; Escorted Tours or Independent Tour – but what are they exactly and how does the travel style of each impact your trip? Let’s find out…

What is an Escorted Tour?

Escorted tours are just that, you have a dedicated tour leader that travels with you throughout your entire journey, in addition to local city guides. For first time travellers, having a private English-speaking guide gives them reassurance alleviating the stress of navigating an unfamiliar landscape.

We run three small group escorted tours, ‘ Essence of South America ’, ‘ South American Voyager ’ and ‘ Galapagos and Machu Picchu ’. These tours have regular departures throughout the year and include all international and domestic flights from Australia or New Zealand. Escorted Tours, especially small group tours can have the advantage of spending more time at each attraction while travelling with other like-minded travellers.

independent tour definition tourism

What is an Independent Tour?

Rather than being escorted by the same tour leader throughout your entire journey, you will be met by local guides in each destination. Our independent tours have selected departure dates and can be modified according to your needs and interests. Essentially, you could cut and paste different parts of our itineraries to create your ideal itinerary.

Some travellers prefer these types of tours because they are more flexible. They can move between destinations and attractions at their own pace and without being limited by a group.

independent tour definition tourism

Tailor-made itineraries

Do you have an itinerary in mind with specific destinations or activities you would like to partake? These types of itineraries are called ‘tailor-made’, meaning they are custom made for you and are designed according to your specific interests, budget and travel preferences.

Generally, you won’t have a dedicated guide throughout your journey, but you will be met by local guides in each destination. Tell us your Latin American Wishlist and we will customise and design your perfect trip for you.

So which tour type is best? To answer that, it’s a matter of personal preference and previous experience travelling to any destination, not just Latin America. Some like the security of travelling in numbers and the familiarity of an escorted tour. Others prefer the autonomy that independent tours offer, because they can go at their own pace between attractions. There is no wrong or right answer because it is all a matter of taste!

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independent tour definition tourism

Self-Guided & Independent Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025

Our 1,114 most popular self-guided & independent trips. compare tour itineraries from 248 tour companies. 2,025 reviews. 4.6/5 avg rating., popular self-guided & independent tours.

Pick one of our most popular self-guided tours, where you'll explore iconic destinations at your own pace. Enjoy the flexibility of independent travel while following meticulously crafted itineraries tailored to your interests.

Walk from Van Gogh's landscapes to the Luberon trip

Walk from Van Gogh's landscapes to the Luberon trip

  • An incredible variety of scenic walks, giving you a wide experience of Provence
  • Awe-inspiring vistas atop theAlpillesand the Luberon mountains
  • The perched medieval village of LesBaux de Provence
  • The vineyards and olive groves blanketing the plains
  • The lavender fields in front of Sénanque Abbey

Let's Go Europe

Let's Go Europe

  • Take a walk in Trafalgar Square and admire he fountains and the famous monuments, such as the four bronze lion statues and Nelson’s Column
  • Visit Eiffel Tower
  • Visit places with amazing architecture and take sightseeing to a completely new level in Barcelona.
  • Visit Ljubljana
  • Visit UNESCO World Heritage Site

Mexico (Cabo & Baja): See & Experience it ALL in 6 Days - 1st Class Custom Tours

Mexico (Cabo & Baja): See & Experience it ALL in 6 Days - 1st Class Custom Tours

  • Wine & Jazz Sunset Cruise with an Open Bar
  • Swimming Alongside Whale Sharks (from October to April only)
  • Interacting with Dolphins
  • Horseback Riding on the Beach
  • Rock Climbing

21 Day Grand Tour Discover Real New Zealand

21 Day Grand Tour Discover Real New Zealand

  • All inclusive tour package prepared by New Zealand based specialists so you sit back and relax
  • An exciting itinerary will be customised to suit you - let us help plan and perfect your dream vacation
  • We offer self-drive trips (rental car) we arrange all your accomodations, activities, attractions (you select) we book your car (fun, freedom, independence, flexibility) you set the pace each day or, select a private driver trip (fully guided) or, escorted coach tours (daily commentary).
  • Either way, you will have an awesome time on our wonderful 21 day Grand New Zealand Tour with Real New Zealand Tours.

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Bornholm - A Danish Summer Paradise

Taste of Egypt and Jordan

Taste of Egypt and Jordan

  • Giza Pyramids & King Tut Treasure
  • Visit Kom Ombo and Edfu Temples
  • Visit Jerash & Dead Sea Tour
  • The Ancient City of Petra

Dordogne: castles, caves and villages of the Périgord Noir

Dordogne: castles, caves and villages of the Périgord Noir

  • A joyful mix of walks, relaxation & heritage
  • Discovery of gardens, castles, troglodyte villages and prehistoric caves
  • Longer walk options on days 3, 4, 5 & 7
  • A cultural break in the most beautiful villages
  • Visit of the Château de Commarque included

Hiking in the Faroe Islands - self-drive tour

Hiking in the Faroe Islands - self-drive tour

All Self-Guided & Independent , expedition cruises, self guided adventures and vacation packages. Find the best guided and expert planned vacation and holiday packages. Read more about Self-Guided & Independent

independent tour definition tourism

Small Group Self-Guided & Independent Tours

Join a small group of like-minded travelers on intimate self-guided vacations. Discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path treasures while benefiting from the camaraderie of a small group setting and the convenience of expert guidance a phone call away.

Small Group Self-Guided & Independent Tours

8 Days in Ecuador's Heartland: From Mountains to Hot Springs

  • Immerse in the Vibrant Culture at Otavalo Market: A Colorful Fusion of Crafts and Tradition
  • Experience Serenity at Cuicocha Lagoon: Nature's Tranquil Oasis in the Andean Highlands
  • Marvel at the Majestic Cotopaxi National Park: Nature's Splendor Unleashed
  • Enjoy panoramic views of the turquoise lake surrounded by high Andean peaks.
  • Visit iconic waterfalls like Pailón del Diablo and Manto de la Novia, surrounded by lush rainforest.

13 Days Andes and Coast

13 Days Andes and Coast

Annapurna Circuit Trek

Annapurna Circuit Trek

  • 11-day trek following the classic Annapurna Circuit
  • Enjoy spectacular views from the Thorong La Pass
  • Great value with all meals on trek included

Cycle Portugal - Lisbon to Algarve

Cycle Portugal - Lisbon to Algarve

  • Cycle from charming Lisbon to the most south-westerly point of continental Europe
  • Explore the entire length of this wild and unspoilt corner of Europe
  • Enjoy the great outdoors with plenty of sun, chances to swim and fresh seafood

Western USA National Parks Explorer

Western USA National Parks Explorer

  • Journey through some of the most dramatic scenery on the planet
  • Discover vibrant San Francisco and the desert city of Las Vegas
  • Enjoy walking in Yosemite, Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyon national parks

Victoria Falls Extension

Victoria Falls Extension

  • Extend your trip in Southern Africa
  • Get up close to Victoria Falls 'The Smoke that Thunders'
  • Choose from a variety of activities in The Adventure Capital of Africa

Classic Antarctica - Expedition

Classic Antarctica - Expedition

  • Join this classic expedition voyage - exploring the Antarctic Peninsula
  • Superb wildlife viewing opportunities - on land and at sea
  • Enjoy the freedom of Antarctica - enjoy the vast, ice-sculpted, Antarctic wilderness
  • Join expert naturalist guides - learn about the wildlife and history of the region
  • Astonishing wildlife - see whales, sea birds and abundance of penguins

Classic Antarctica - M/V Greg Mortimer

Classic Antarctica - M/V Greg Mortimer

  • A classic expedition voyage - exploring the Antarctic Peninsula
  • Penguin rookeries - see Adelie, gentoo and chinstrap penguins
  • Enjoy the freedom of Antarctica - being in the vast, ice-sculpted Antarctic wilderness
  • Travel on a small, friendly expedition ship - capped at just over 100 passengers
  • Enjoy on-board lectures and presentations - from expert naturalists and guides

Best Self-Guided & Independent Tours by Duration

Discover the perfect self-guided tour tailored to your desired duration. Whether you have a weekend to spare or a month-long adventure in mind, these tours offer flexible itineraries to suit every schedule.

Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

Best Self-Guided & Independent Tours by Price

Find the ideal self-guided tour that fits your budget without compromising on quality. Explore affordable options for independent travel, ranging from budget-friendly adventures to luxurious escapes, ensuring unforgettable experiences at every price point.

Top Self-Guided & Independent Attractions

  • Sampling culinary delicacies in Tuscany
  • Ascending the terraced hillsides to reach upper Ghandruk, offering a fine view of the Annapurna mountain range
  • Strolling through the cobblestone streets of Trinidad and enjoying the sight of colorful houses
  • Enjoying a self-guided walking tour at your own pace
  • Cycling through the picturesque countryside of Provence
  • Having a local guide that shows you around town
  • Volunteering at a rehabilitation and conservation center for wild animals
  • Discovering hidden waterfalls and natural pools in the lush rainforests of Costa Rica
  • Exploring ancient ruins and archaeological sites in Greece
  • Exploring the Amazon jungles with local guides 
  • Embarking on a self-guided photography tour
  • Hitching a lift on a cargo boat to Timbuktu 
  • Taking a scenic road trip along the iconic Route 66 in the United States
  • Trekking to remote mountain villages in the Himalayas
  • Taking a train journey through Europe with suggested stops planned out by a travel expert
  • Embarking on a self-guided wine-tasting tour in the vineyards of Mendoza, Argentina
  • Embarking on a wildlife safari in Africa's national parks
  • Learning some of the local language when staying with a family in Nepal
  • Exploring the colorful underwater world while snorkeling or diving in the crystal-clear waters of the Great Barrier Reef

Self-Guided & Independent Tours & Travel

Self-Guided & Independent Attractions & Landmarks Guide

  • Spain: Spain is one of the top self-guided destinations in the world. Many of the independent tours in Spain revolve around the historic pilgrimage trail of Camino. This trail has been used for hundreds of years as pilgrims made their way to Santiago de Compostela while stopping at religious sites.
  • Switzerland: This country is a hiker's dream . With its towering mountains and stunning valleys, Switzerland is the ideal place for adventurous hikers to explore the outdoors with self-guided tours of the landscape and the beautiful cities.
  • Argentina: For travelers looking for a self-guided road trip, Argentina is a great destination. Its diverse landscapes and historic cities make for a fantastic self-drive experience. You can see Patagonia and Buenas Aires at your own pace and on your own time.
  • New Zealand: This country is excellent for the active and adventurous solo traveler . It is great for hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities. Another bonus for travelers is the connection to the Lord of the Rings and the many great tours that are offered related to the book and movie franchise.
  • Thailand: Travelers with any style and experience can rest assured when visiting Thailand alone. There are many great backpacking trails and beautiful beaches to lounge on. Those looking for cultural immersion can reside in homestays or take yoga lessons.
  • Portugal : Known for its charming cities, picturesque coastlines, and rich history, Portugal is a top destination for independent travelers. Explore the cobbled streets of Lisbon, wander through the vineyards of the Douro Valley, or hike along the rugged cliffs of the Algarve coast—all at your own pace.
  • Italy : With its iconic landmarks, delectable cuisine, and diverse landscapes, Italy offers endless opportunities for independent exploration. Whether you're strolling through the ancient streets of Rome, cruising along the Amalfi Coast, or exploring the vineyards of Tuscany, Italy promises unforgettable experiences for solo adventurers.
  • Australia : Australia is a vast playground for independent travelers from the vibrant cities of Sydney and Melbourne to the breathtaking landscapes of the Outback and the Great Barrier Reef. Hit the open road on a self-drive adventure, trek through national parks, or relax on pristine beaches—Australia has something for everyone.
  • Costa Rica : Nature lovers and adventure seekers flock to Costa Rica for its lush rainforests, diverse wildlife, and adrenaline-pumping activities. Embark on a self-guided eco-tour through cloud forests, zip line over the canopy, or surf the Pacific waves—this Central American gem offers endless opportunities for independent exploration.
  • Greece : With its ancient ruins, idyllic islands, and crystal-clear waters, Greece is a dream destination for independent travelers. Explore the historical sites of Athens, island-hop through the Cyclades, or hike the rugged terrain of Crete—each experience promises a glimpse into Greece's rich culture and natural beauty.
  • Cultural Tours: I mmerse yourself in the rich heritage and traditions of your destination with cultural tours that offer insights into local customs, history, and art. Explore ancient ruins, visit museums and galleries, and participate in cultural events to better understand the destination's cultural tapestry.
  • Outdoor Adventures: From hiking and trekking to kayaking and wildlife safaris, outdoor adventures abound on independent tours. Discover breathtaking landscapes, encounter diverse wildlife, and challenge yourself with thrilling outdoor activities that offer unforgettable natural experiences.
  • Thrilling Experiences: For adrenaline junkies and thrill-seekers, independent tours offer a range of exhilarating experiences. Whether skydiving over scenic landscapes, bungee jumping from towering heights, or exploring underground caves, these thrilling adventures will get your heart racing.
  • Culinary and Wine Tours: Indulge your taste buds on culinary and wine tours that showcase the gastronomic delights of your destination. Sample local delicacies, savor fine wines, and learn about the culinary traditions and techniques that make each region unique.
  • Walking and Cycling Tours: Explore charming villages, scenic countryside, and historic landmarks on walking and cycling tours designed for leisurely exploration. Follow scenic trails, meander through bustling markets, and soak up the sights and sounds of your surroundings on foot or by bike.
  • Photography Tours: Capture the beauty and essence of your destination with photography tours that offer expert guidance and stunning landscapes to photograph.

Trip Reviews

David & Frances

The actual walks were all terrific and we enjoyed them very much, and all the accommodations were excellent too

We loved the trip and only have good things to say about the experience. The only thing we might have changed would be to have put a rest day in the middle of the it...

Kathy & friends

You also pick fabulous routes for us, great walking, limited time on roads, wonderful towns, loved all the exhibits in the towns.

The highlights of our trip have been : Gordes, Les Balcons BB with the dinner prepared by Etiennnes, the BB Auberge des Seguins - unique & great spot. Discoverin...

Gordon & laurel

Thank you again for your good work making our trip so wonderful !

The roadbook notes were generally excellent! The Fort De Buoux was fascinating. Should not be missed but needs at least 1 hour for planning purposes. The recommende...

Cheryl & Michael

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip. The hikes were fantastic, the route notes very accurate

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip. The hikes were fantastic, the route notes very accurate (we only were confused one time and missed a turn but it didn't take long to ...

Jayne & patricia

Everything was so beautiful yet varied. It’s hard to single out a highlight : so many !!

Everything was so beautiful yet varied. It’s hard to single out a highlight : so many !! We are planning to do our next walking tour in Portugal with Intura Travel, ...

See all Self-Guided & Independent reviews

Related Trips & Tours

Self-guided & independent tours faq.

1. What is an independent tour?

2. Is it cheaper to travel with a tour group?

3. What is the best site to book guided vacation tours?

3. What is the difference between an escorted tour and a self-guided tour?

Tour Package

Package holidays, popularly known as a tour package or simply the word ‘tour’ in the travel and tourism industry refers either to a package tour escorted or not escorted by the tourist guide.

When we say tour package, it means a pre-arrangement, prepaid trip that combines two or more travel components like airfare, airport transfer, accommodation, and other services . Practically, to define the tour package concept is complex one rather understand.

Holloway defines a tour package as “a total tourism product consisting of transportation from the market area to the destination, accommodation at the destination and recreational activities promoted by the tourists.”

According to Gregorg “a tour package is advertised journey including specific features, arranged and promoted with tour literature by a tour operator and paid for in full by the tourists  before starting the tour.”

Technically, a package tour/tour package is a total tourism product as it generally includes transport from the origin place to the destination, accommodation at an en route place or at the destination and other recreational or travel services. These components are purchased by an individual, firm or company called the ‘ tour operator ‘. He combines all the travel components in a package and sells them at all-inclusive prices to the clients.

History of Tour Package

The term ‘tour’ was in vogue as early as 1670. The Britishers traveled to widen their knowledge of the continent, especially to study the culture and social life. This practice was gradually adopted by other lovers of cultural centers.

The result of the process was that many European historic and cultural centers were opened to the British tourist. By the early 1730’s the small fishing resorts around the British coast begin to attract tourists seeking to their diseases by drinking the sea-water or by immersing themselves in it.

The introduction of a rail link between the major centers in 1830, had a profound impact on the pleasure travelers for the first time. Many entrepreneurs began to inspire rail travel by organizing excursions for the public at discounted offers.

However, to ‘the origin of package tour’ the credit goes to Mr. Thomas Cook in 1855 , Cook, extended his business operation to different countries by introducing the first ‘ inclusive tour ‘ to Paris.

Mr. Cook put together all the components of tourism products and sold them as ‘inclusive tour’ to the tourists. His pre-packaged tour inspired other tour organizations in the travel industry to organize similar tours to all parts of the globe.

Most of Cook’s tours were a linear tour i.e., the person went from place to place on a single destination. Basically, Mr. Cook developed the concept of ‘grand tour and escorted tour’, the concept which is still used.

Incidentally, World War II has tremendously developed the package tour concept because of the following reasons:

  • Social and Economic Conditions
  • Increase in Aircrafts
  • Marketing Conditions
  • Legal Requirements
  • Integration took place.

Today, package tours are a vital segment of the world’s travel and tourism industry. According to WTTC, the package tour sales generate $25 billion annually in the United States, $18 billion in Europe, $19 billion in Britain, and $21 billion in Asia. Today tour sales represented 50 percent of all leisure travel sales and 35 percent of all travel agency revenues.

Types of Tour Packages

A travel agency/tour operator deals with variety of ‘tour packages,’ catering to the diverse needs of tourists such as adventure, beach, architecture, cultural, business, conference, incentive tours, ayurvedic packages, Buddhist, religious, incentive tour, special interest tours, cruise tour group tour, educational tour, heritage, monuments, wildlife lovers, etc. These are broadly classified into five categories :

  • Independent Tours
  • Escorted Tours

Hosted Tours

  • Incentives Travel/Tours

Freedom Tours

Independent tour.

Independent tours are prepared/formulated for those tourists who want to travel independently. The components of such tours are air travel, air transfer, accommodation, travel documents, sightseeing, boat riding, entertainment, and other travel services.

However, in some cases, the tourists are free to purchase every single component separately. Thus, this type of tour provides the tourists considerable freedom to plan the activities according to their own choice.

An independent tour may or may not be an all-inclusive tour. Therefore, tour price varies depending on the type of air travel, air transfer, accommodation and is inclusive of other tour components. The foreign independent travel (FITs) and domestic independent travel (DITs) are examples of an independent tour.

Escorted Tour

When a travel agency includes the services of a well educated and trained tour manager in its package, the tour is called an escorted tour. Basically, escorted tours are meant for those travelers who are planning to visit a foreign country first time.

The escort’s responsibilities and duties are to provide comprehensive information and assistance to the group or individual traveler, at the origin, en route and the destination place. The excursion tours are the example of escorted tours.

A hosted tour means when an agency utilizes the services of another agency at a particular destination. Suppose a group of French tourists is coming to India. When the group arrives in India, they are greeted at the airports by TCI, which assists them in clearing their baggage and transfer them to the hotel.

Their tour-host (TCI) is available to offer device and information about the local attractions and entertainment. Further, when the group arrives at another designation in India, a different travel agency greets them at each tourist spot. Thus, a hosted tour provides the tourists maximum level of pre-arranged and personalized services.

Incentives Travel/Tour

It is a motivational programme or a fully paid holiday which is given to the employees by the enterprises as a reward. Mostly in medium and large-scale companies and usually too distant destinations to spur them in maintaining their track record, to increase output, improve the image and moreover to earn the long period loyalty of the employees.

There are a number of the other packages offered by a tour company such as a custom tour an excursion tour, an adventure, and special interest package tours.

Freedom tours are becoming very popular these days among the working class. These tours are designed as per the choice of tourists. The tourist is free to choose and plan how they want to travel and enjoy their holidays. These types of tours are meant for that kind of people who like to decide how, when, and where to travel.

This tourist may an individual, family, group holidays for families and group travel for business. These tours are promoted and developed by the ORBIT.

Components Of Tour Package

What is to be included in a package tour largely depends and varies from one tour organization to another, or from the one country to another, or from one destination to another and from one market to another market. But there are certain well-defined travel services which always turn a part of a package tour irrespective of the tour operator/travel agency, destination and even the market condition.

If we study and see the package tours offered by Thomas Cook and Sons Ltd., Cox and King Ltd., and other international travel companies, we find that a package tour has two major components. Therefore, a standard package tour has two basic components namely:

  • Ground Arrangements

Travel industry experience has shown that the first component, i.e. ‘Travel’ is directly bought by the agency from the principal providers like airlines and transport operators and for ground arrangement, the travel agency management asks the ground operators.

The reason behind buying ground arrangement from a handling agency is that it represents as a ground operator at a particular destination for the numerous tour organizations. Secondly, the price offered by it are much lower than an individual agency obtain. Thirdly, it is very difficult to get credit from the supplier and finally, it ensures professional travel services.

Factor Affecting the Tour Package Formulation

Generally, the business of package tours involves great risk, high breakeven, high-quality product, and competitive prices. Therefore, the tour management requires in-depth tour planning and market survey. However, before a tour is designed the tour manager should take into consideration certain factors which are crucial in the formulation process.

These factors have a profound impact on the tourist’s satisfaction. The main factors are:

  • Purpose of Tour
  • Choice of Destinations
  • Tourist Budget
  • Legal Requirement
  • Types of Tourist Accommodation
  • Tour Period
  • Departure and stay information
  • Tour price; inflationary condition
  • Tour Reference Tools
  • Tour Features – political stability
  • The relationship between the host and tourist generating nation

Tour Package Design and Selection Process

The quality of a package tour is entirely based on the above factors. Essentially, to design/formulate a travel product, the tour manager has to take the biggest responsibility, intuitiveness, imagination, and innovation coupled with a lot of business activities which range from finding new exotic destinations and planning, organizing or promoting such tour.

The following are the main stages in the tour design and selection process:

1. Initial Research

(i) the destination research.

The decision to develop and formulate a new package is a multi-stage process that involves various positive and negative points/steps. Normally, the idea for a new product comes either from the tour executive within the company due to a review of the questionnaire completed by the previous tour members because of the political, economic and social development in a particular area.

When a tour manager see that a large number of old clients are interested in taking a trip to particular destinations, naturally, those destinations become the nucleus of a new ‘tour concept’.

(ii) Market Research

Since tour package is a complete tourism product, obviously, before formulating/designing this product, market research needs to be analyzed and assessed in a systematic manner. Market  research provides us the answer to the following questions:

  • What is the size of the tourism market?
  • Who are the existing clients?
  • Where do they live?
  • Who will be their potential buyers?
  • Who are their competitors – their strategy and area of business leisure?
  • How many tourist ones want to cater?
  • What price will the clients accept?
  • What facilities are available and required?
  • What are the constraints viz., license, permission, finance, restrictions, taxes, and others?

Once we know the basic components of the package tour, distribution channels, market conditions, constraints in the tourism market, we can develop the marketing strategy. It enables the smooth functioning of the agency and also offers a clear picture of the tour programme. Practically, market research is conducted by the private tour companies/ private tourism enterprises in order to penetrate the market.

2. Itinerary Preparation

By itinerary one means the designing of a programme which one wants to sell and it includes destinations, stopping points, number of days and the travel services that are to be included in the programme. Whether it is a lean season or an offseason, escorted or not escorted, consumer-oriented or readymade tour programme, the itinerary is prepared to identify the origin, destinations, stopping points, accommodations, sightseeing and other travel services on travelers’ trip.

3. Handling Agency or Destination Company

The appointment of handling agency not only ensure excellent travel services to the tourist but also make the operation smooth and profitable. It is a matter of great significance as the success of travel business largely depends upon the clients are actually taken care of during the tour.

It is a positive match between the promised services and tourist’s actual experiences or feelings. Thus, the tour operator should consider the experience of the handling travel agency in the business, the area of operation, reputation, credibility, professional staff, credit facilities and the competitive price in appointing a handling agency.

4. Negotiation

It is another important management decision area in tour designing and planning. Once the decision has been made regarding the destination’s concerning their date, duration and number of clients to be carried during the trip, the tour management starts negotiations with the principals’ suppliers for a normal contract.

Negotiation means talk between the travel companies and the principal suppliers for the terms, conditions, and prices of the components of a tour package. When both parties are satisfied, it leads to a formal or informal contract between them. The tour company negotiates with the following tour vendors/suppliers:

  • Accommodation
  • Transport Operations- Rail and Road
  • Ground Operators
  • Cruise Companies
  • Car Rental Companies
  • The overseas representatives
  • Ancillary Service Organizations

5. Coasting and Pricing a Package Tour

The cost of a package tour encompasses the air ticket, the hotel room, car rental, entertainment charges, administrative costs, promotional costs, and other travel services. The confidential tariff helps the travel company in preparing the cost sheet which will enable the concern to determine its price strategy.

Tour pricing is a big factor in the success of the company’s tour programme. The price of a package tour is, whether it is an escorted, independent or hosted the tour, often lower than the combined costs of the same components purchased separately from the principals. However, the purchase price of a travel product is based on three factors: Cost, competition, and demand.

Every tour package sold by a vendor has a quantifiable cost. To produce profit the price paid by the tourists must be greater than the agency’s cost.

6. Tour Brochure

The tour package is an intangible product which has to be purchased by the tourists/clients without inspection and sometimes even without adequate knowledge. In these circumstances, the brochure becomes the principal instrument to perform the major tasks to inform the clients about the products and to pursue them to purchase it.

Designing, printing, and distributions of tour brochures require necessary skills and knowledge about the components of the tour package. Basically, in the era of specialization and intense competition, tour brochure creates awareness and provides the description of the holiday programme.

Thus, tour management should consider various pros and cons while preparing a tour brochure. A brochure should contain the following information:

  • Name of the Travel Company
  • Means of transport
  • Details about destinations
  • Accommodation, types, location, meals
  • Name of the overseas representative
  • Duration of each tour
  • Booking, reservation and cancellation conditions
  • Details of other services – insurance, currency, entertainmentTravel documents required
  • Details of price

7. Development of Reservation System

The next step in tour formulation process is reservation system. The agency management in order to put a package into operation must develop and implement a scientific reservation system. The system depends on whether the reservation is to be handled manually or with a computer working on the distribution method.

Whatever method the agency may adopt, the agency management should always keep in mind the sole objective of the reservation system.

8. Marketing of Tour Package

Once a tour package is ready, travel agency management has to make a careful decision regarding promotion and marketing of the particular package tour. The basic objective of management is to make a tour package widely known to make it more and more attractive.

To achieve these objectives, the management must consider the budget available, promotion mix, potential market, easiest and most effective media, campaigning through the international, regional or the public/private sector etc.

The promotion of a package tour means increasing its sales potential and creating an awareness of the existing and potential markets. The following methods are commonly used to promote package tours:

  • Middlemen – Retail Travel Agents, GSA, consolidators
  • Familiarization tours
  • Building Brand Loyalty
  • Encouraging Potential Buyers
  • Competitive Market

9. Tour Handling/Actual Tour Operation

After the successful marketing and achieving target sales, the next and final step in the process of tour designing is tour handling. It means an actual operation of tours, which generally includes administrative work and passenger handling like maintaining reservations, handling deposits, sending advice to ground operators, arranging travel representation, analyzing the feedback received from clients/escorts/ground operator and so on.

All this is not an easy task. At every stage, one has to face different types of queries and problems due to lack of coordination and communication.

Significances of Tour Package

Tour package is beneficial to travel companies, travelers, destinations and other organizations which are directly or indirectly involved in the tourism business. The main benefits are:

  • Increase the seasonality of a destination cost/price
  • Earn foreign currency
  • Better quality of products professional services
  • Wide-variety of the tour package
  • Provide bulk business to organizers

Tourism Teacher

What is a tour operator and how does it work?

The tour operator is an integral component of tourism , yet many people are unclear about what a tour operator actually is or what they do.

In this article I will explain what a tour operator is and why tour operators are important. I will also talk about what the difference between a tour operator and a travel agent is, as well as the different types of tour operators.

What is a tour operator?

Definitions of tour operator, importance of tour operators, the difference between a tour operator and a travel agent, what does a tour operator do, products and services sold by tour operators, inbound tour operators, outbound tour operators, domestic tour operators, ground tour operators, the association of independent tour operators, the tour operator: to conclude.

Tour operators are inextricably linked to the package holiday model. The tour operator is the person or organisation who creates the package. A travel agency is then used to sell the package holiday.

In the chain of distribution , the tour operator is represented by the term ‘wholesaler’. This is because the tour operator is responsible for purchasing products of services in bulk and then redistributing them as a packaged product to consumers.

To put it simply, a tour operator is the person or organisation who takes the individual elements of a holiday (e.g. transfer, hotel, transport) and packages these together.

The types of package vary. Most commonly, tour operators are associated with mass tourism and the traditional package holiday market. However, tour operators do also play an important role in the production of niche tourism products and services too.

If you’re looking for a formal definition of a tour operator with a reputable source, you may want to reference Polyther, who in 1993, defined the tour operator as;

‘[an organisation or person] who has the responsibility of putting the tour ingredients together, marketing it, making reservations and handling actual operation’.

Similarly, Holloway (1992) states that;

tour operations undertake a distinct function in the tourism industry, they purchase separate e lements of tourism products/services and combine them into a package tour which they sell directly or indirectly to the tourists .

The Organisation for Economic and Cultural Development (OECD) define a tour operator as follows;

‘Tour operators are businesses that combine two or more travel services (e.g., transport, accommodation, meals, entertainment, sightseeing) and sell them through travel agencies or directly to final consumers as a single product (called a package tour) for a global price. The components of a package tour might be pre-established or can result from an “a la carte” procedure, in which the visitor decides the combination of services he/she wishes to acquire.’

Tour operators are an important part of the tourism industry .

Tour operators make the logistics of organising a holiday much easier for the consumer. This makes people more likely to travel, more often.

Tour operators have a lot of power. If they choose to sell holidays in a particular location, for example, then that location will receive many of the associated positive and negative economic impacts of tourism .

Tour operators are often vertically or horizontally integrated with other organisations, such as travel agents and airlines. This allows for easier management and distribution of products.

Tour operators typically build holidays en masse. This means that economies of scale play a key role in driving down prices- the more you produce the cheaper the product becomes! This is obviously beneficial to the consumer and helps travel agents to have a competitive advantage when selling holidays.

Many people are not aware that a travel agent and a tour operator are actually two totally different organisations and they are not aware of the difference between a tour operator and a travel agent.

In fact, it is quite easy to understand this difference!

A tour operator is the organisation which puts the different elements of a holiday together. And the travel agent is the organisation who sells it to the consumer.

Whilst this differentiation is pretty easy to comprehend, it is easy to understand why people get tour operators and travel agents confused. This is largely because many organisations will operate under the same company. For example, TUI has a tour operator and a travel agent (and an airline too). As a result, many people do not realise that in actual fact, there are two separate organisations doing two separate jobs.

parked boat

Ultimately, a tour operator is responsible for putting the different elements of a holiday together into a commodified package.

To do this, there are a number of different roles and responsibilities that tour operator staff will have. This includes:

  • Data analysis- which destinations will sell best, how many holidays should they sell etc
  • Assessing suitability of accommodation, transfer and transport options
  • Liaising with stakeholders e.g. coach operators, airlines, hoteliers and resort representatives
  • Negotiating contracts
  • Confirming reservations with airlines/hotels
  • Managing and responding to customer feedback
  • Undertaking market research
  • Production of marketing material
  • Providing pricing information
  • Handling bookings, invoicing and issuing of tickets
  • Working with travel consultants from different travel agencies to put holiday packages together

Tour operators have a number of products and services that they sell, depending on their specific business model, business intentions and target market. A tour operator will typically package together two of more elements to form a packaged product, which is then sold at an inclusive price.

Examples include:

  • Package holidays
  • Accommodation
  • Information on destinations
  • Representative service in resorts

Types of tour operator

Tour operators come in all shapes and sizes. Some are large, multinational organisations and other are small, independent business.

Different types of tour operators develop products for different types of tourism . This can include the mass market, niche tourism market, special interest tourism, the luxury market, tailor-made products and dynamic packages .

great wall of china

There are four different types of tour operators, which I will explain below.

  • Inbound Tour Operators
  • Outbound Tour Operators
  • Domestic Tour Operators
  • Ground Operators

The tour operator. types of tour operators.

An inbound tour operator is one who facilitates inbound tourism .

The aim of an inbound tour operator is to bring tourists in to a particular country or countries.

Inbound tour operators will often collaborate with local travel agencies and transport operators to facilitate travel arrangements for their customers.

Inbound tour operator example: A group of German tourists conduct a tour of China, encompassing a visit to Shanghai , Hangzhou and the Yellow Mountains . The tour operator who organises their travel is Chinese-based company China Highlights . This company is based locally in China and they offer local, Chinese tours.

An outbound tour operator is one who facilitates outbound tourism .

The aim of an outbound tour operator is to send tourists out of a particular country or countries.

Outbound tour operators will often collaborate with foreign travel agencies and transport operators to facilitate travel arrangements for their customers.

Outbound tour operator example : A family of four from Liverpool, UK want to book an all-inclusive summer sun holiday in Alicante. They book through TUI , the largest tour operator in Britain, who specialises in outbound travel. They are based in the UK, but they work with foreign partners to facilitate holidays overseas.

A domestic tour operator is one who facilitates domestic tourism .

The aim of a domestic tour operator is to organise travel within a particular country or countries.

Domestic tour operators will often collaborate with domestic travel agencies and transport operators to facilitate travel arrangements for their customers. Domestic tour operators will often also serve the inbound tourism market.

Domestic tour operator example : A group of twenty-something boys from Chicago want to travel to Florida for the spring break holiday. They want to do a tour of the local attractions in the area and have some time to relax on the beach . They organise their travel through the tour company, Trek America . Staff at this company are experts in domestic travel within the USA.

A ground tour operator is an organisation who dopes the ground work as grass roots level.

Many tour operators do not have connections in all places around the world, therefore they build a network of connections to help them run their business.

Essentially, some of the work is passed on to a third party, known as a ground operator. This work may include negotiating local contracts, liaising with local suppliers and providing market data, amongst other things.

This is especially common for small tour operators.

You may also hear ground tour operators referred to as handling operators or handling agents.

Ground tour operator example : A backpacker wants to ‘give something back’ and book a volunteer tourism holiday in Kerala. She wanted to use a known and trusted tour operator to book her trip so she booked it with Intrepid Travel . Intrepid Travel create and sell adventure holidays all over the world, and it is impossible for them to have contacts and every staff in every corner of the globe. Therefore they work with local ground operators, who do the work on the ground. In this instance, the ground organisation is Iris Travel – a tour operator based in Kerela, India.

The Association of Independent Tour Operators , abbreviated as AITO, is a travel industry trade group (like  ABTA  or ATOL) based in Britain. They launched in 1976.

The AITO represents around 120 independent  tour operators  across 200 countries.

These tour operators provide access to a huge range of activities including city breaks, safaris, luxury holidays and much more. The AITO is based in Twickenham, south-west London.

The AITO does a variety of things. Most importantly, you can be reassured that your holiday is well-protected thanks to the Association of Independent Tour Operators.

They assess every member financially as well as by their own business practice code before granting membership; this means that you are guaranteed clear and accurate descriptions of holidays as well as tour standards that are consistently monitored.

Tour operators are an important part of the tourism industry, and with AITO, you have added security when booking your travels through a tour operator. Hopefully after reading this article you are now confident with what a tour operator is, how these organisations work and the different types of tour operators operating the market.

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  • Types of travel agents | Understanding tourism
  • What is e-tourism and how is it changing travel?
  • 10 jobs in travel and tourism that will be BIG in 2022 and beyond
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Ice cave tours suspended in Iceland national park following death of tourist

Guides have warned against the dangers of glacier trips during the warmer summer months, article bookmarked.

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One tourist died when an ice cave in the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier collapsed on Sunday

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Glacier tours have been suspended in an Icelandic national park following the death of a tourist when an ice cave collapsed last Sunday.

The tragic incident occurred during an organised ice cave tour of the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier in the Vatnajökull National Park.

Four people were struck by falling ice , with one male tourist pronounced dead at the scene – two suspected missing casualties were later revealed to have been miscounted from the tour group of 23.

Vatnajökull National Park has temporarily suspended tourism providers from taking ice cave tours in the area at this time.

Glacier guides in Iceland are now calling for more stringent safety procedures to be introduced on the “risky” tours.

The Association of Icelandic Mountain Guides has already called for a full investigation and tighter regulations on ice cave tours. Glacier trips during the warmer summer months can be very dangerous, the association said.

Stephan Mantler, an AIMG-certified glacier and mountain guide, told The Independent: “Overhead risks exist in any activity on a glacier. The moment you are going into a glacial structure there is ice above you and you should ask how safe is this?”

The local expert added that there was an obvious “error in judgement” on whether it was safe to walk underneath the glacial structures last weekend.

Mantler wrote on Facebook: “... just to be clear: I have never, and will not, offered ice cave tours in the summer, exactly because I know how volatile those places are in these months.”

He pointed out that several tour guides only run glacier walks from the beginning of November to the end of April to ensure that the structures are not melting in “unpredictable” ways.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office recorded temperatures at Kvískerj up to 15 degrees on August 25.

The local expert said: “One of the critical aspects of late summer is how rapidly glaciers change, especially in August and September when they have been baked by sunlight and warm temperatures, and infrequent reviews are entirely inadequate.

“It would have been the company’s responsibility to ensure safety checks are performed sufficiently often, which in this time of the year may indeed be every single day.”

He added that the “writing was on the wall” for tour companies that felt the pressure to push the safety boundaries too far.

However, the guide says that a “blanket ban” on summer ice cave tours is not necessarily the answer.

Instead, guides and tour companies should not be afraid to disappoint customers and refund trips when glacier conditions are assessed as unsafe.

Mantler also called on the National Park to “sufficiently monitor the commercial activities” operating.

He said: “We need to have some sort of structure that develops by people who are out there and present in the field and seeing the companies that are bending the rules by going to places that everyone else agrees are not safe to visit or flaunting group size limitations.

“There is always going to be some level of risk involved being out in nature it’s very dangerous, but we can make it better than what has happened so far.”

For more travel news and advice, listen to Simon Calder’s podcast

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