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Especial Records 25th Anniversary presents “GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023 In OSAKA” -Still Searching For The Perfect Beat- Special Guest DJ : GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings / BBC / World Wide FM - UK) TOSHIO MATSUURA DJ : YOSHIHIRO OKINO (Kyoto Jazz Massive / Especial Records) FREEDOM TIME CREW (Furutani, Miyoshi, Murakawa, Sano, Hiro.Hiroshi. Naia) Plus Special Closing DJ : okadada OPEN/START 21:00 CLOSE 5:00 ADV : 3000yen (200 Limited) DOOR : 3500yen Ticket : ■CIRCUS ■e+ (イープラス) CIRCUS OSAKA 2F-Nakanishi-Bldg. 1-8-16 Nishi-Shinsaibashi Chuo-Ku Osaka 542-0086 Japan

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gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson、16年ぶりに来京。京都METRO「DoitJAZZ!」に出演決定

世界中のDJとアーティストに大きな影響を与え続けてきた英国の音楽伝道師にして超一流のDJ Gilles Peterson 来日公演が実現。16年ぶりとなる京都METRO公演として、『DoitJAZZ! × GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023』が9月15日(金)に開催される。

ジャンルの壁を超えマジカルな音楽体験を与え続けてきた、ダンスミュージックシーンの最重要人物であり、レーベル〈Brownswood Recordings〉やインターネットラジオ・プラットフォームWorldwide FMの運営など、30年以上に渡って音楽トレンドを発信し続ける彼の貴重な来日公演は必見だ。

共演には、盟友 松浦俊夫、さらにはDoit JAZZ!クルーという盤石のラインナップでこの記念すべき日を彩る。イベントの詳細は下記のとおり。


2023年9月15日(金) open 22:00

Special Guest: GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings/BBC/Worldwide FM I UK) TOSHIO MATSUURA

DoitJAZZ! DJs: Masaki Tamura Kazuhiro Inoue Naoki Yoda

[Tickets] Early Bird (早割) : ¥4000+1D [受付期間:8/4~8/8]<5日間> Advance (前売) : ¥4500+1D Door (当日) : ¥5000+1D —————————————————————- ★5日間限定!枚数限定!早割(Early Bird)チケットを発売!

特別価格:¥4000+1D 受付期間:8/4(金) 19:00〜8/8(水)23:59迄

早割チケットお申し込み方法: メール件名に「9/15 ジャイルス・ピーターソン 早割希望」と記載いただき、お名前と枚数を明記して、 METRO (  [email protected]  )までメールをお送りください。

—————————————————————- ★前売(Advance)チケットは、8/9(水)10:00〜発売開始! 

e+ (  ) ZAIKO (  ) —————————————————————- ●TOTAL INFO:

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gilles peterson japan tour

2023/09/08 FRI 17:00–18:30


「still searching for the perect beat」.

出演:GILLES PETERSON(from UK)、松浦俊夫 司会:吉岡加奈 通訳:門井隆盛



gilles peterson japan tour

■Gilles Peterson (ジャイルス・ピーターソン)

1980年代よりクラブ・シーンのキーパーソンとしてジャズを中心にしながらも、ジャンルという音楽の境界線を砕き、多くのアーティストと点で結ばれながら世界中のDJとアーティストに大きな影響を与え続け、またリスナーに愛されてきたイギリスを代表するDJ。ラジオ・プレゼンター、クラブDJ、アーティストのプロデュース、フェスティバル主催・キュレーションなど、40年近く第一線で音楽トレンドを発信し続けるテイスト・メイカー。英国営放送局BBC Radio 6 Musicにて週末の看板番組を担当。また2016年、自らオンライン・ラジオ・プラットフォーム「Worldwide FM」を立ち上げた。ロンドンで開催されるWorldwide Awards、フランスのセットで開催されるWorldwide Festivalのホストを務め、2019年にはイギリスで新しいフェスティバルWe Out Hereを立ち上げた。またレーベル・オーナーとして新世代のアーティストを紹介する為に「Brownswood Recordings」を主宰し、次々と新しい才能を発掘し、世に送り出している。自身の作品としては2021年にインコグニートのブルーイとのプロジェクトSTR4TAをスタート。これまでに2枚のアルバムをリリース。また最近は初の著書「Lockdown FM - Broadcasting In A Pandemic」を上梓した。

gilles peterson japan tour


1990年、United Future Organization (U.F.O.)を結成。5作のフル・アルバムを世界32ヶ国で発表し高い評価を得る。2002年のソロ転向後も国内外のクラブやフェスティバルでDJとして活躍。またイベントのプロデュースやホテル、インターナショナル・ブランド、星付き飲食店など、高感度なライフスタイル・スポットの音楽監修を手掛ける。2013年、現在進行形のジャズを発信するプロジェクトHEXを始動させ、Blue Note Recordsからアルバム『HEX』をワールドワイド・リリース。2018年、イギリスの若手ミュージシャンらをフィーチャーした新プロジェクト、TOSHIO MATSUURA GROUPのアルバムをワールドワイド・リリース。「TOKYO MOON」(interfm 金曜 23:00) 好評オンエア中。

gilles peterson japan tour

Contact presents Gilles Peterson -Still Searching for The Perfect Beat- supported by sacai at Spotify O-EAST / AZUMAYA


  • 2023/09/09 Local Green Festival’23 YOOKOHAMA
  • 2023/09/09 O-EAST / AZUMAYA TOKYO
  • 2023/09/16 CIRCUS OSAKA
  • 2023/09/17 THEATER 010 FUKUOKA
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gilles peterson japan tour

Special Guest: GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings / BBC / Worldwide FM I UK) TOSHIO MATSUURA DoitJAZZ!DJs: Masaki Tamura Kazuhiro Inoue Naoki Yoda Supported by Flor de Caña

世界中のDJとアーティストに大きな影響を与え続けてきた英国の音楽伝道師にして超一流のDJ「ジャイルス・ピーターソン」が来日、実に16年振りの京都METRO公演も決定しました!!!ジャンルの壁を超えマジカルな音楽体験を与え続けてきた、ダンスミュージックシーンの最重要人物であり、レーベル〈Brownswood Recordings〉やインターネットラジオ・プラットフォームWorldwide FMの運営など、30年以上に渡って音楽トレンドを発信し続ける彼の貴重な来日公演は必見!!!

共演には 盟友 松浦俊夫、さらにはDoit JAZZ!クルーという盤石のラインナップでこの記念すべき日を彩ります!

Supported by Flor de Caña

gilles peterson japan tour


Gilles peterson ジャイルス・ピーターソン.

gilles peterson japan tour

1980年代よりクラブシーンのキーパーソンとしてジャズを中心にしながらも、ジャンルという音楽の境界線を砕き、多くのアーティストと点で結ばれながら世界中のDJとアーティストに大きな影響を与え続け、またリスナーに愛されてきたイギリスを代表するDJ。ラジオ・プレゼンター、クラブDJ、アーティストのプロデュース、フェスティバル主催・キュレーションなど、40年近く第一線で音楽トレンドを発信し続けるテイスト・メイカー。英国営放送局BBC Radio 6 Musicにて週末の看板番組を担当。また2016年、自らオンライン・ラジオ・プラットフォーム「Worldwide FM」を立ち上げた。

ロンドンで開催されるWorldwide Awards、フランスのセットで開催されるWorldwide Festivalのホストを務め、2019年にはイギリスで新しいフェスティバルWe Out Hereを立ち上げた。 またレーベル・オーナーとして新世代のアーティストを紹介する為に「Brownswood Recordings」を主宰し、次々と新しい才能を発掘し、世に送り出している。

自身の作品としては2021年にインコグニートのブルーイとのプロジェクトSTR4TAをスタート。これまでに2枚のアルバムをリリース。また初の著書「「Lockdown FM – Broadcasting In A Pandemic」を発表した。


gilles peterson japan tour

1990年、United Future Organization (U.F.O.)を結成。5作のフルアルバムを世界32ヶ国で発表し高い評価を得る。 2002年のソロ転向後も国内外のクラブやフェスティバルでDJとして活躍。またイベントのプロデュースやホテル、インターナショナル・ブランド、星付き飲食店など、高感度なライフスタイル・スポットの音楽監修を手掛ける。2013年、現在進行形のジャズを発信するプロジェクトHEXを始動させ、Blue Note Recordsからアルバム『HEX』をワールドワイド・リリース。2018年、イギリスの若手ミュージシャンらをフィーチャーした新プロジェクト、TOSHIO MATSUURA GROUPのアルバムをワールドワイド・リリース。2023年1月「TOKYO MOON」(interfm 金曜23:00) の3作目となるコンピレイションアルバム『TOKYO MOON -somewhere, not here-』をリリースした。

Masaki Tamura(Do it JAZZ! / KJCC)

gilles peterson japan tour

DJ / Architect 17年目を迎える京都を代表するJAZZイベント「DoitJAZZ!」を主宰。ホテル・ラウンジ・レストランのサウンドサポートも行う等、京都を中心に全国で活躍。

Gilles Petersonがスタートしたオンライン・ラジオステーション”Worldwide FM”の 京都サテライト”WW KYOTO”のDJを5年間担当し、海外ラジオへのMIX提供や楽曲制作、また一級建築士としても空間設計を行うなど活動は多岐にわたる。

配信番組の制作、野外フェスやホテルでの公演、アートエキシビジョンを手掛ける、「Jazz」と「京都」をフィルターにして活動するクリエイティブ・チーム”Kyoto Jazzy Creative Council(KJCC)”を沖野修也・Yukari BBと共に運営。また東京発のインディペンデントラジオ「Tsubaki fm」京都支部を担当し、シーンの音楽を幅広く発信中。

近年ではJazzy Sport KyotoからJazzに特化したMix CD 「POWER JAZZ」、トラックメイカー名義の「Mark N」としてコンピレーションに参加するなどリリースを重ねる。

DoitJAZZ! WEB : Soundcloud :

Kazuhiro Inoue

gilles peterson japan tour

関西を中心に各地でDJとして活動。Acid JazzやRareGrooveの全盛時にClubでのJazzに興味を持つ。生音を中心に、Jazz、Soul、World Music、Progressive Rock、Noise、現代音楽等から徹底したDigで独自のGrooveを掘りおこしている。これまでに数多くのEvent でDJとして参加し、国内外の著明DJからも好評を得る。現在はJazzイヴェントDo it Jazz at metro、三昧 at JAPONICA、World Music イヴェントChila-Chila at Spanish Harlem Latin Clubにおいてフロアを沸かせている。

Mix CD 『Other Vibrations』 連載 ジャズ批評『Other Aspects』 Web Site :

Naoki Yoda (DoitJAZZ!)

gilles peterson japan tour

渡英していた経験から現地のTech House、BREAK BEATや00年代のCROSSOVER系サウンドに影響されたエッジの効いたサウンドやMoodymanに代表されるようなJazzyかつSexyなトラックをplayする。09年イギリスにてインスタレーション作品Sound for Planetariumを発表。15年にシアトルのプロデューサーThe CheebacabraのリミックスアルバムRetouchedに参加するなど楽曲制作も行う。JAPONICA music storeにてバイヤーを務めていた経験に裏打ちされた選曲は必見。


gilles peterson japan tour

NEWLY, LIBRO, Aru-2, kott feat. Sakura Dana & Suomi Morishita, Phennel Koliander, DJ ZENーLAーROCK, que, CONAN

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*WAREHOUSE Special KODAMA KAZUFUMI Live in Kyoto 2024

  • Club METRO 〒606-8396 京都市左京区川端丸太町下ル下堤町82 恵美須ビルB1F(京阪神宮丸太町駅2番出口)
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gilles peterson japan tour

音楽トレンドの第一線で活躍するテイストメイカー、GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings / BBC / Worldwide FM I UK)のJAPAN TOURが決定! ジャンルにとらわれないプレイで世界中のDJとアーティストに大きな影響を与え続けるその才能をTHEATER 010で体感せよ!

[DAY] 2023/09/17(SUN) 22:30-5:00 [TICKET] ADV / 3,500 JPY DAY / 4,000 JPY [Special Guest] GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings / BBC / Worldwide FM I UK)(@gillespeterson) TOSHIO MATSUURA (@toshiomatsuura) [DJ’s] NOMATA (@nomata_sfpb) SOHKI (@sohki_alive) Masuo (@masuo0325)

GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings / BBC / Worldwide FM I UK) 1980年代よりクラブシーンのキーパーソンとして愛されてきたGILLES PETERSON(ジャイルズ ピーターソン)。 ジャズを中心にしながらも、ジャンルにとらわれないプレイで世界中のDJとアーティストに大きな影響を与え続ける存在。その才能はDJのみに留まらず、ラジオプレゼンターやアーティストプロデュース、フェスティバル主催、キュレーションなど幅広い領域で発揮されている。 松浦 俊夫 TOSHIO MATSUURA(@toshiomatsuura) 1990年、United Future Organization (U.F.O.)を結成。 5作のフルアルバムを世界32ヶ国で発表し高い評価を得る。 2002年のソロ転向後も国内外のクラブやフェスティバルでDJとして活躍。 またイベントのプロデュースやホテル、インターナショナル・ブランド、星付き飲食店など、高感度なライフスタイル・スポットの音楽監修を手掛ける。 2013年、現在進行形のジャズを発信するプロジェクトHEXを始動させ、Blue Note Recordsからアルバム『HEX』をワールドワイド・リリース。 2018年、イギリスの若手ミュージシャンらをフィーチャーした新プロジェクト、TOSHIO MATSUURA GROUPのアルバムをワールドワイド・リリース。 2023年1月「TOKYO MOON」(interfm 金曜23:00) の3作目となるコンピレイションアルバム『TOKYO MOON -somewhere, not here-』をリリースした。

gilles peterson japan tour

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コカ・コーラ ボトラーズジャパン株式会社


Talk session 「街と音楽の記憶」ゲスト:松尾潔氏(音楽プロデューサー)光石研氏(俳優)松重豊氏(俳優), 初開催!「福岡音楽映画祭2023」, 【福岡レジェンドロング・インタビュー・シリーズ】街と音楽の記憶 第2回 鮎川誠(前編), 【特別インタビュー】los van van(ロス・バン・バン)/samuel formell, 【福岡レジェンドロング・インタビュー・シリーズ】街と音楽の記憶 第1回 財津和夫(前編).

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月のアーカイブ イベント・リリース情報



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大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋1-8-16 中西ビル2F

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Jazz is Gilles Peterson’s bread and butter. He literally lives, breathes and sweats jazz, and has done for years. The size of Gilles’s discography is absurd and serves as a timeline for the evolution of Gilles’s sound. Gilles’s DJ career has spanned various radio stations – both legal and pirate – and has taken him to venues across the globe, allowing him to bring his unique genre of acid jazz to the masses. Gilles’s DJ sets are effervescent. He peppers his jazz-heavy music with sprinklings of funk and Latin beats, creating a sound that is equal parts energizing and chilled out. It’s a genre that you’d be just as happy moving to on a night out, as you would sitting down to listen to during a chilled evening in. It’s a hard balance to strike, but Gilles does it every time. It’s his forte.

Watching Gilles DJ live feels a bit voyeuristic. It’s clear that crafting these musical fusions is something very personal. His music really is a part of him and he’s totally in love with it. It’s very cool to see Gilles become one with his music, and I’ve rarely seen other DJs as in the moment as Gilles is. For this reason alone it’s worth seeing him live. Catching one of his tour dates is a must, I guarantee you’ll have a phenomenal night.

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Its that time of the year when the excellent Gilles Peterson’s Worldwide awards comes around again. It doesn’t feel like a year has gone past when I was last at Koko. The awards took place in London on the 17th January 2015.

andrew-lalchan’s profile image

100% dope dj set from the best of his kind all over the globe. All support acts were also really decent.

Ridiculously cheap for the quality of music you get to listen to.

Looking forward to the next time

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gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 – Japanese Jazz

Stuck in Brownswood Basement with over 50,000 records in his collection, Gilles Peterson used his time in lockdown to explore deep into the crates and round up ‘The 20’ favourite songs across WWFM’s most celebrated genres. ⁠

On today’s show, Gilles presents The 20: Japanese Jazz to remember the 2011 TOHOKU Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster.

Takeo Moriyama – Watarase [Denon]

Hozan Yamamoto With Shungo Sanada Quintet   – Ina Bushi [Union Records]

Ryo Fukui – Early Summer [Nadja]

George Kawaguchi – Invader 7 [Three Blind Mice]

Shigeharu Mukai – Cumulonimbus [Better Days]

Hiroshi Fukumura – Hunt Up Wind [Inner City Records]

Teruo Nakamura – Rising Sun [Polydor]

Terumasa Hino – Samba De La Cruz [Flying Disk]

Pacific Jam – Night Trip [Discomate]

Sadao Watanabe – Round Trip: Going & Coming [CBS]

Minoru Muraoka – The Positive And The Negative [United Artists]

Mikio Masuda – Let’s Get Together [East Wind]

Ryo Kawasaki – Trinkets & Things [Openskye]

Jiro Inagaki & Soul Media – Breeze [Columbia]

Kamiko Kasai – I Thought It Was You [Sony Records]

Hideo Shiraki – In Fiesta [Teichiku Reckords]

Toshiko Akiyoshi – Kisarazu Zinku [Jazzman]

Hozan Yamamoto – Silver World [Phillips]

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gilles peterson japan tour

Beat Hotel: Gilles Peterson - Morocco Special

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - Brit Funk, Part 2

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Paul Jackson Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

We Out Here: Brownswood Basement with Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - UK Street Soul

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: GTA x Beatport

Gilles peterson: johnny pacheco tribute.

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Janet Lawson Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson - Chick Corea Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - South African Jazz

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - UK Psych Prog Jazz

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Questlove Special

Brownswood basement with gilles peterson (live), gilles peterson: the 20 - post dubstep, brownswood basement with gilles peterson - zappa special.

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement with Gilles Peterson: Eldee Young Birthday Tribute

Brownswood basement with gilles peterson: nye special, gilles peterson with duval timothy, gilles peterson.

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Stanley Cowell Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Kwame D'Influence

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Los Santos: Gilles Peterson with Moodymann

Ww los santos: gilles peterson with badbadnotgood, gilles peterson: the 20 - drum & bass and jungle, gilles peterson: reissues of 2020.

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - Brit Jazz (Pre-1995)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson - Candido Mix

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - Cuba

Gilles peterson: the 20 recap.

gilles peterson japan tour

Anané: Chapters of Becoming

gilles peterson japan tour

We Out Here: Gilles Peterson with Nubya Garcia

Gilles peterson french mix.

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - Sunshine Songs

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Lockdown Reflections

Brownswood basement with gilles peterson - talkin' loud with paul martin, brownswood basement with gilles peterson - hermeto pascoal birthday, gilles peterson: the 20 - modal and waltz jazz, gilles peterson: the 20 - reggae, gilles peterson: songs of protest, resistance and freedom, gilles peterson: the 20 - two step soul, brownswood basement with gilles peterson: dee dee bridgewater tribute, brownswood basement with gilles peterson: jimmy cobb tribute, brownswood basement with gilles peterson: marshall allen birthday tribute, archie shepp mix by gilles peterson, brownswood basement with gilles peterson: dance fridays, gilles peterson: the 20 - jazz dance (electric ballroom).

gilles peterson japan tour

Dingwalls: Gilles Peterson & Patrick Forge with Ashley Henry (Live) - Part 4

Dingwalls: gilles peterson & patrick forge with shuya okino - part 3, dingwalls: gilles peterson & patrick forge with shuya okino - part 2.

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - Trip Hop

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement with Gilles Peterson: Stevie Wonder Birthday Special

Brownswood basement with gilles peterson: mary lou williams special.

gilles peterson japan tour

Dingwalls: Gilles Peterson & Patrick Forge with Shuya Okino - Part 1

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement with Gilles Peterson: Ty Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - Disco

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement with Gilles Peterson - Midweek Catch Up

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement with Gilles Peterson: Richie Cole Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson - Tony Allen Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: The 20 - Brazilian Jazz

Brownswood basement with gilles peterson: mike huckaby in space tribute, gilles peterson: the 20 - broken beat.

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement with Gilles Peterson: 45s Only

Gilles peterson: the 20 - brit funk.

gilles peterson japan tour

Steve Reid Foundation Day: Gilles Peterson - Jazz Jukebox

Steve reid foundation day: gilles peterson, brownswood basement with gilles peterson: dance friday.

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement with Gilles Peterson: Marvin Gaye Tribute

Brownswood basement with gilles peterson: wallace roney tribute, brownswood basement with gilles peterson: bubbha thomas tribute, brownswood basement with gilles peterson: webster lewis tribute, brownswood basement: gilles peterson, brownswood basement with gilles peterson: manu dibango tribute, gilles peterson: mccoy tyner tribute - part 2, gilles peterson: mccoy tyner tribute - part 1.

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Melbourne: Gilles Peterson from Section 8

gilles peterson japan tour

João Gilberto by Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Jon Hassell

gilles peterson japan tour

ECM 50 Years Mix by Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Jimmy Heath Tribute Mix by Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide Awards 2020: Breakthrough Artist & Lifetime Achievement

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide Awards 2020: Album of the Year - John Peel Play More Jazz Award

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide Awards 2020: Jazz Album of the Year & Session of the Year

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide Awards 2020: Track of the Year, Sampa The Great

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Kahil El'Zabar

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide FM x The Lot Radio

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Kassa Overall

gilles peterson japan tour

NYE 2019 - WW London: Worldwide FM Family

gilles peterson japan tour

40 Years of Incognito: Gilles Peterson with Bluey

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson's João Donato Mix

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson & Shuya Okino (Kyoto Jazz Massive)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Madlib and Egon

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Simbad

gilles peterson japan tour

Wojtek Mazolewski In The Brownswood Basement

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson & Daymé Arocena

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Nicola Cruz

gilles peterson japan tour

Celebrating Gary Bartz with Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

We Out Here: Joe Armon-Jones x GIlles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

We Out Here: Saul Williams x Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Psychology of DJing: Mr. Scruff

gilles peterson japan tour

Sound Obsession: Kirk Degiorgio with Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson Digs The USSR

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Sète 2019 Day 1: Lefto and Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

WWFM WF 2019 Opening Show from Theatre de la Mer: Gilles Peterson, Global Roots and Erica McKoy

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide Festival – Sète 2019 Preview: Gilles Peterson & Global Roots

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Clube da Milton

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Dennis Bovell

gilles peterson japan tour

Outro Tempo II: John Gómez with Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide Awards 2019 Highlights with Tina Edwards and Tash LC

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Carl Craig and CHINEKE! Orchestra

gilles peterson japan tour

Unfold: Japan Episode 1 with Asahi Super Dry

gilles peterson japan tour

The Genius Of Charles Stepney

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Swindle

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Seu Jorge

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Virgil Abloh

gilles peterson japan tour

Ryuichi Sakamoto with Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Will Ashon

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Maxine Gordon

The new year: gilles peterson.

gilles peterson japan tour

2018 RIP: Gilles Peterson

Gilles peterson: a year in jazz.

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Tropic Aza

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson in Singapore with Dean Chew

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Toshio Matsuura Group

gilles peterson japan tour

Look Up: Gilles Peterson Interviews Goldie

gilles peterson japan tour

Ricci Festival Show

gilles peterson japan tour

The Look Up Show

Gilles peterson with maurice bernstein (giant step) and corey king live from the lot radio, brooklyn.

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Kyoto: Shuya Okino with Gilles Peterson and WW Kyoto All Stars

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide FM in Sete: Gilles Peterson with Oscar Jerome & Sheila Maurice-Grey (Kokoroko) (Live) and Worldwide FM crew and friends

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide FM in Sète: La Redada, Deni Shain, Gilles and Thris Tian

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Nicola Conte and Nu Guinea

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Domenico Lancellotti, Sean O’Hagan, Stephane San Juan and Nina Miranda

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Don Was

Brownswood basement: gilles peterson with jungle brothers and oscar #worldpeace.

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson – Worldwide Festival Sète 2018 Special

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Dinosaur (Live), Garth Cartwright, and Onyx Collective (Live)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Eddie Henderson

gilles peterson japan tour

Jazz Jukebox: Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Chris Dave

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson Worldwide Vol.4 No.2 – Herbie Hancock

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Peter Jones, Vibration Black Finger (Live) and Cleo Sol

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Ben UFO

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson Mexico Special

gilles peterson japan tour

North & South Residency: Gilles Peterson with MC General Rubbish recorded live at Phonox

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Rickie Lee Jones

Gilles peterson – valentines day special.

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Khruangbin and Lefto – Pre-Worldwide Awards Special

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement from New York: Gilles Peterson - British Jazz Showcase

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement Extra: Gilles Peterson with D.A.N., China Moses and Matias Aguayo

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide FM Office Party

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Keyon Harrold

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Knoel Scott

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson - Muse Records Special (Part 2)

gilles peterson japan tour

World Wine: Gilles Peterson with Ed Wilson and Egon

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Triforce (Live), Ty and Valerie Etienne

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson 2017 Jazz Highlights

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Jon Hendricks Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Moonchild (live), Moxie, Daniel Haaksman

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Famoudou Don Moye, Jack de Marseille, Déni-Shain, Pé Pé, Siska, Teddy G, Siska and Stéphane Galland live from Galette Records, Marseille

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Leroy Burgess, Red Greg and John Morales

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Nick Gold & Trio da Kali, Steve Davis, Yazmin Lacey and Adam Regan

gilles peterson japan tour

Rush Hour Records In-Store: Gilles Peterson with Nina Kraviz, Louie Vega, Lone & Kuniyuki (Live)

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Sète: Anders Sicre with Gilles Peterson, Henry Wu, Sabrina Chinni (Ville de Sète) John Gómez and Le Mellotron Crew

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Vels Trio, John Cumming, Future Bubblers, HAAi, Rodney P, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Norman Jay

gilles peterson japan tour

Brownswood Basement: Gilles Peterson with Dan Snaith (Daphni/Caribou), Midori Takada, Jordan Rakei & Alfa Mist (Live) & Addison Groove

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with DJ Harvey

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Paul Bradshaw (Straight No Chaser Special)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson's Worldwide FM Top 13 - Best of Year 1

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Gabriele Poso Organik Duo (live)

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Obonjan: Gilles Peterson with Brand New Wayo, Sophie Callis

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Francesco Tristano

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide FM First Birthday: Gilles Peterson with Andy Votel's Niche Market: Typewriter Jazz

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Dimitri From Paris

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Madison Washington

gilles peterson japan tour

Worldwide FM plays John Coltrane

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Tommaso Cappellato – John Coltrane tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Kwes and Elan Tamara

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Alain Mion (Cortex)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Marc Hollander (Crammed Discs)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson Live from Le Mellotron with Superpoze, Kodäma, Anders Sicre

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Atjazz, Jullian Gomes and Cortex

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Jan Schulte

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Bari: Gilles Peterson & Roberta Cutolo with Nicola Conte, Antonio Martino (A.MA Records), Stefania Dipierro and Raffaele Casarano

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Nina Miranda

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Worldwide FM Top 10 Live - Best of May

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson Live from The Lot Radio, New York

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Fabio

gilles peterson japan tour

WW NOLA Best of: Gilles Peterson

Gilles peterson with toshio matsuura.

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with General Rubbish

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Phil Cohran Spiritual Jazz Special

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Andy Votel's Niche Market Vol. 1 (Breton Jazz Special)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Yazz Ahmed

gilles peterson japan tour

WW NOLA Day 7: Gilles Peterson with Tank and the Bangas, Princess Shaw, Ben Jaffe (Preservation Hall Band), Matt Knowles (Dominos Sounds Records) and Charm Taylor (Sinking City Records)

Gilles peterson’s worldwide fm top 10 – best of april 2017.

gilles peterson japan tour

WW NOLA Day 6: Gilles Peterson with Bill Summers, Christian Scott, Nicholas Payton, Aloha Got Soul & Maryanne Ito

gilles peterson japan tour

WW NOLA Day 5: Gilles Peterson with Yosi Horikawa, Paul Cartwright, Jimetta Rose & Okawa78

gilles peterson japan tour

WW New Orleans Day 3: Gilles Peterson with Brice Nice and Rob Gallagher

gilles peterson japan tour

WW NOLA Day 4: Gilles Peterson with Amp Fiddler, Will LV, Black Thought, Questlove and DJ Soul Sister

gilles peterson japan tour

WW NOLA Day 2: Gilles Peterson with Yisrael trio and Phillipe Cohen Solal (Gotan Project)

gilles peterson japan tour

WW NOLA Day 1: Gilles Peterson with Jocelyne M. Ninneman and Hackney Colliery Band

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson – Sun Ra Special

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Osunlade

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson "North & South Residency" recorded live at Phonox

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Happy Birthday Freddie Hubbard Mix

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Anderson .Paak

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Gil Scott-Heron Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Sound System Culture Special: David Rodigan & Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Amp Fiddler & Dave Valentin Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson's Worldwide FM Top 10 - Best of February 2017

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson presents 'Cape Town Sounds' - full documentary

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson: Cape Town Special

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson's Worldwide FM Top Ten - Best of March 2017

gilles peterson japan tour

WW London: Gilles Peterson with Ben Marc

gilles peterson japan tour

WW London: Maurice White tribute // 15-03-17

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Roberto Fonseca

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Mark Barrott

gilles peterson japan tour

WW London: Gilles Peterson with Jesse Hackett

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Yasmine Hamdan

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Axel Boman

gilles peterson japan tour

WW London presented by Gilles Peterson

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with John Gómez

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Sampha

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Keith Killgo (The Blackbyrds)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Ryo Kawasaki

gilles peterson japan tour

From The Archives: Gilles Peterson's Worldwide Show (Nov 2008)

gilles peterson japan tour

WW London: Gilles Peterson with Paul Bradshaw

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Vibration Black Finger

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with James Lavelle – David Axelrod Tribute

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Mumbai Pop Up Part 2

Ww mumbai pop up part 1.

gilles peterson japan tour

WW Cape Town presented by Gilles Peterson and Esa

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson recorded live from Phonox

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Omar

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson's Post Worldwide Awards Hangover

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Kalbata (Fortuna Records)

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Swifty

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson Word & Music with Seun Kuti

gilles peterson japan tour

Kev Beadle Live

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson with Dollar Brand

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson 'Best of LA'

gilles peterson japan tour

Duet Show with Gilles Peterson & Valerie Etienne

gilles peterson japan tour

J.A.W Family Reunion: Gilles Peterson x Motor City Drum Ensemble

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles Peterson's Foot Patrol Track of the Year

Roger robinson.

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles & Marshall Allen in Conversation

Gilles peterson with brother sanjiv.

gilles peterson japan tour

ADE - Gilles

gilles peterson japan tour

Gilles & Amir

  • International edition
  • Australia edition
  • Europe edition

Eclectic avenue

Gilles Peterson doesn't like the term world music. And he doesn't like the word jazz much either, although he's a DJ who has spent his life promoting music that fits into either, or both, of these categories, along with anything from soul to hip-hop, ambient styles or electronics. "I always thought world music was a put-offa" he explains. "It's too much of a stereotype. And jazz is not a word you can use, but it's important music, so just slip it in. Maybe one of the reasons for my survival is that I don't ever throw my entire body into one particular term. It's hard to place me."

He went on to enthuse about early recordings by the Nigerian star, the late Fela Kuti, describe a recent British tour on which his "regular Gilles Peterson student club DJ set" was combined with live "brilliant free jazz" from drummer Steve Reid, who has worked with everyone from Fela Kuti to John Coltrane, and then to discuss the wild, distorted traditional sound of the Congolese band Konono Number One, his choice as album of the year.

Peterson is no newcomer, for it's been 20 years since he started out on the pirate radio scene in south London, but he's one of the few true champions of eclectic global music, as shown by his forthcoming Worldwide music awards, now upgraded from London's Cargo to Koko in Camden (where Madonna made both her recent London appearances).

Since the death of John Peel, there's been much talk about the great man's all-embracing musical taste and bravery, but little sign that radio's national controllers want to continue his experiments. There are some excellent world music shows, including Andy Kershaw's adventurous mix, but they exist on Radio 3.

Folk music (also once championed by Peel) is on Radio 2, and that leaves Peterson as the one varied, global and experimental music enthusiast on Radio 1. He's well aware of the privilege. "It's a brilliant position. I can push techno alongside avant-garde jazz; the only other person with such carte blanche was John Peel." So how does he react to comparisons made between them? "We were opposite to each other in terms of musical taste. But his approach was important for being unconventional. He was into energy and was rebellious - but I'm not quite like that."

Peterson is sitting in his studio in Finsbury Park, north London, surrounded by CDs and vinyl. It's here that he records radio shows that are broadcast across the world, from Dubai to New Zealand, Belgrade, or that excellent eclectic Parisian station, Radio Nova. According to Peterson, "Radio Nova were my biggest inspiration, more so than Peel. Because they played this mélange, and had a blackness that wasn't there with Peel."

How would he describe his mix? "My history is black music and jazz. But as dance music has become more wide and crazy, I've been excited by new areas, like minimal electronic music from Germany or a new jazz trio from New York ..."

His Worldwide awards will be "a celebration of that philosophy", and what he likes to call "the worldwide movement, not the world music movement" of those who share his taste. Listeners to his Radio 1 show have been invited to vote for favourite new bands or clubs, and 40 DJs from around the world will play "one record each". Appearing live will be Fat Freddy's Drop, the New Zealand band that features a soulful Maori singer and reggae influences, and has become something of a world music crossover success. Then there will be Japan's Soil and Pimp Sessions, described by Peterson as "a cross between the Lounge Lizards and Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, with the energy of the Ramones thrown in. And they look great. Japan is where it's at!"

Peterson's rise to become an international DJ and taste-maker (his term) started in humble style. He's half-French, and was brought up in Sutton, south of London. At school in the early 1980s, he defied the punk fashion to become a soul boya "one of only three in the school, and I only got away with it because I was in the rugby team". He managed to find soul imports in Sutton market and started his own DIY pirate radio station. Programmes were recorded in his garden shed and then, with help from his dad, the results were broadcast from Epson Downs "by putting up an antenna and connecting it to the car battery. We then took calls from listeners in the local phone box."

He never looked back, even when his parents returned to the Continent without him when he was 16. He worked as a DJ across south London, and was heavily involved in the growing pirate radio scene. It was, he saysa "a very exciting, edgy time", especially as the potential for hefty profits led to growing rivalry between the pirates. He remembers broadcasting from above a hairdresser's in Crystal Palace "and we got raided and another station nicked all our gear".

In the process, he acquired his musical education. He first heard a John Coltrane record as a teenager "at a Soul Weekender held at a holiday camp in Norfolk", and first heard Fela Kuti being played at the Electric Ballroom in Camden. He says that "as a club DJ playing jazz and funk and black and dance music, it was inevitable that I'd come across Puerto Rico, Cuba, Brazil and Africa". Along with the DJ work came his involvement in the record industry, from the Acid Jazz label to the influential Talkin' Loud, which he founded in 1990 and which will be remembered for its adventurous roster that ranged from Courtney Pine and Roni Size to hip-hop celebrities, the Roots. He quit to concentrate full-time on DJ work after noting the rise of DJ culture. "I was coming from an earlier generation" he admits. "I was the last person to realise how powerful the DJ was."

As a DJ, he has kept the Peterson CDs coming, with a series of compilations. Last year there was Gilles Peterson in Brazil, followed this year by Gilles Peterson in Africa, which again included one CD of original recordings matched against another of sometimes less interesting remixes (why bother to play around with Cesaria Evora if the result isn't as good as the original?). Now there's yet another very different double-album set, Gilles Peterson's BBC Sessions, with contributions from the likes of Björk, Fat Freddy's Drop and Nitin Sawhney, who played his tribute to the DJ, Gilles Smiles. The album was promoted by a concert at the Barbican last month featuring a far less exotic line-up. And next? He's launching a new label, to be called either Quiet Fire or Brownswood, "just as a hobby", and has started recording the Heritage Orchestra for that. Then there are the continuing global DJ sessions, soon to include a visit to Argentina, and before all that, of course, those Worldwide awards.

"I have a responsibility to break new music because there are so few areas where new music can get exposed at the moment," says Peterson. Even if one doesn't always share his taste, it's impossible not to applaud.

· Gilles Peterson's Worldwide music awards are at Koko, London NW1, on Monday. Gilles Peterson in Africa and Gilles Peterson's BBC Sessions are on Ether Records. Details:

  • Pop and rock

Most viewed

Gilles Peterson tour dates

Gilles Peterson

Best known as a radio presenter on Saturday afternoons on BBC 6Music and as an international club DJ, Gilles Peterson is also an avid record more...

  • May 26 Sun London, Brockwell Park Cross The Tracks Festival 2024 Erykah Badu, Badbadnotgood, En Vogue, EVE, Madlib… View Tickets

August 2024

  • Thu Aug 15 Aug 19 Mon Wimborne St Giles, St Giles House & Park We Out Here Festival 2024 Sampha, Corinne Bailey Rae, Mount Kimbie, Floating Points, Mr Scruff… View Tickets

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  1. Gilles Peterson Japan Tour 2014 [2014-11-23 (Sun)]

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  2. Especial Records 25th Anniversary presents “GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR

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  4. Gilles Peterson Japan Tour 大阪 2014.11.22(sat) at CREATIVE CENTER OSAKA

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  5. GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023のチケット情報・予約・購入・販売|ライヴポケット

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  6. GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023 In OSAKA [2023-09-16 (Sat)]

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    GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023 In OSAKA NIGHT Especial Records 25th Anniversary presents 09.16 (Sat) 21:00 to 05:00 ADV : 3000yen (200 Limited) / DOOR : 3500yen; Venue. CIRCUS OSAKA MAP OSAKA Japan, Osaka Prefecture, Osaka, Chuo Ward, Nishishinsaibashi, 1-8−16,Nakanishi-Bilding 2F

  3. Gilles Peterson、16年ぶりに来京。京都METRO「DoitJAZZ!」に出演決定

    GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023-STILL SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT BEAT-@ CLUB METRO, Kyoto. 2023年9月15日(金) open 22:00. Special Guest: GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings/BBC/Worldwide FM I UK) TOSHIO MATSUURA. DoitJAZZ! DJs: Masaki Tamura Kazuhiro Inoue Naoki Yoda [Tickets]

  4. Gilles Peterson Japan Tour 2023 来日記念番組 「Still Searching for The Perect

    gilles peterson japan tour 2023 来日記念番組 「still searching for the perect beat」 1980年代よりクラブシーンのキーパーソンとしてジャズを中心にしながらもジャンルという音楽の境界線を砕き、多くのアーティストと点で結ばれながら世界中のアーティスト、djに影響を与え続け、リスナーに愛されてきた ...

  5. Gilles Peterson at Circus Osaka, Kansai

    Gilles Peterson (Brownswood Recordings / BBC / Worldwide FM I UK) Toshio Matsuura Yoshihiro Okino (Kyoto jazz ... Genres. House. Afro House. Especial Records 25th Anniversary presents "GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023 IN OSAKA" -STILL SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT BEAT-Event admin. CIRCUSOSAKA Update this event. Last updated. 7 months ago ...

  6. Gilles Peterson -Still Searching for The Perfect Beat- Metropolis Japan

    Gilles Peterson -Still Searching for The Perfect Beat- Sep 09, 2023 at 11:00pm ~ Sep 10, 2023 at 5:00am Since the 1980s, Peterson has been a key figure in the club scene, focusing on jazz, but he has also shattered the boundaries of musical genres, connected with many artists, and continues to have a great influence on DJs and artists around ...


    _2023/09/08 fri 17:00-18:30gilles peterson japan tour 2023 来日記念番組「still searching for the perect beat」出演:gilles peterson(from uk)、松浦俊夫司会:吉岡加奈 ...


    doitjazz! × gilles peterson japan tour 2023 -still searching for the perfect beat- | 世界中のdjとアーティストに大きな影響を与え続けてきた英国の音楽伝道師にして超一流のdj「ジャイルス・ピーターソン」が来日、実に16年振りの京都metro公演も決定しました!!!ジャンルの壁を超えマジ

  9. Gilles Peterson Japan Tour 2023 -still Searching for The Perfect Beat-

    GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023 -STILL SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT BEAT-音楽トレンドの第一線で活躍するテイストメイカー、GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings / BBC / Worldwide FM I UK)のJAPAN TOURが決定! ジャンルにとらわれないプレイで世界中のDJとアーティストに大きな影響を与え ...


    ADV : 3000yen (200 Limited) / DOOR : 3500yen. LINE UP: GILLES PETERSON, 松浦俊夫, YOSHIHIRO OKINO, okadada. Especial Records 25th Anniversary presents. "GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023 In OSAKA". -Still Searching For The Perfect Beat-. Special Guest DJ : GILLES PETERSON (Brownswood Recordings / BBC / World Wide FM - UK) TOSHIO MATSUURA.

  11. Especial Records 25th Anniversary presents "GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR



    Event by Yoshihiro Okino and 4 others on Saturday, September 16 2023

  13. Gilles Peterson brings his musical Midas touch to Japan

    See when the cherry blossoms will peak in your part of Japan! A vinyl collector of gargantuan proportions and champion of the international sounds of the underground, Gilles Peterson has for years globetrotted and discovered the best of the acid jazz, reggae, dub, soul and hip hop scenes. Best known for his "Worldwide" shows on the UK's ...

  14. Gilles Peterson Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2025 & 2024

    Find information on all of Gilles Peterson's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024-2025. Gilles Peterson is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 3 concerts across 1 country in 2024-2025. View all concerts. 2024. 2023.

  15. gigs

    Gilles Peterson tour dates. Website Design by Goood StudioGoood Studio

  16. GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023 In OSAKA Circus Osaka ...

    GILLES PETERSON JAPAN TOUR 2023 In OSAKA Circus Osaka Especial Records 25th Anniversary Party Tonight! Gilles Peterson

  17. Gilles Peterson: The 20

    11.03.21. Stuck in Brownswood Basement with over 50,000 records in his collection, Gilles Peterson used his time in lockdown to explore deep into the crates and round up 'The 20' favourite songs across WWFM's most celebrated genres. On today's show, Gilles presents The 20: Japanese Jazz to remember the 2011 TOHOKU Earthquake and Tsunami ...

  18. UF6

    GILLES PETERSON WORLDWIDE JAPAN TOUR Design and Art Direction of Tour Merchandise and Marketing Material. FILTH: FILTH RECORDINGS. LOVE IS ALL. SOMETHIN' ELSE Branding of Somethin' Else Productions . 2022. LOVE: STUDIO. THE MEME MACHINE PET DOG Art Direction, Design & Production .

  19. Gilles Peterson · Past Events

    Gilles Peterson JAPAN TOUR 2023 -STILL SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT BEAT-. Gilles Peterson, Toshio Matsuura, MASUO. Kyushu. TBA - TEHATER 010. 2. Sat, 16 Sep 2023.

  20. Eclectic avenue

    He started doing radio in his dad's shed in Epsom, but now Gilles Peterson's broadcasts reach across the world. As he prepares for his Worldwide music awards, the DJ talks to Robin Denselow.

  21. Gilles Peterson · Artist Profile

    Gilles Peterson. Birmingham. Hare & Hounds. 25. View more archive. To many a series of discordant, often obscure and forgotten names but to Gilles Peterson and an ever growing number of radio listeners, clubbers and music lovers, these and many other artists form a rich, vibrant and coherent thread stretching from the..

  22. Gilles Peterson · Tour Dates & Tickets

    Jazz Cafe Festival. Nils Frahm, Earl Sweatshirt, Alchemist, Crazy P, dialE, Gilles Peterson, Habibi Funk, Jordss, Kirollus, MiNNA, Moonchild Sanelly, Omar Souleyman, Qendresa, Soichi Terada. London. Burgess Park. 5.3K. View past events instead. Discover Gilles Peterson's upcoming events on RA. To many a series of discordant, often obscure and ...

  23. Gilles Peterson tour dates & tickets 2024

    Best known as a radio presenter on Saturday afternoons on BBC 6Music and as an international club DJ, Gilles Peterson is also an avid record more... Tour Dates May 2024. May 26 Sun. London, Brockwell Park. Cross The Tracks Festival 2024 Erykah Badu, Badbadnotgood, En Vogue, EVE, Madlib … View Tickets ...