Munich City Tour Card

  • General Information
  • Munich City Tour Card

The Munich City Tour Card offers discounts on more than 80 attractions around Munich and includes unlimited free public transport use .

City Tour Card Muenchen

What does the card include?

As well as unlimited public transport use throughout its period of validity, the Munich City Tour Card offers  fantastic discounts  on the city's tourist attractions, including the  Nymphenburg Palace  and the  Residenz , as well as shows  and restaurants .

See the complete list of all the City Tour Card benefits via the following link:

Prices at a glance

Is it worth it.

Like all tourist cards, it's always best to plan where you'd like to visit in advance before making a purchase, so you can calculate if it's really going to save you money. If you're going to be using public transport a lot, the Munich City Tour Card is probably worth it for savings on travel alone.

It's worth noting that it's cheaper to buy the  group ticket  even if there are just two of you traveling, rather than buying a City Tour Card each. What's more, the price per person is for adults aged 15 and over , and two children aged between 6 and 14 years old count as one adult, so if you're traveling as a larger group with kids, the group option can work out really economical.

Where do I buy the City Tour Card?

The Munich City Tour Card is sold online (see the link above), at the Tourist Information Offices in Marienplatz , and at Munich Hauptbahnhof (main railway station), as well as the MVG ticket offices and machines.

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A great tour to explore Munich.

Gracias por el gran día en Munich.

Great Tour! Had a lot of fun.

An awesome way to get to know the city.

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Free Walking Tours Munich

The best free tour of Munich! Free Walking Tours Munich promotes a tourism that fuses entertainment, culture and respect for the city :) Join and discover Munich with us!

Our concept

Entertainment and culture, is the combination that defines our success formula.

Free tour concept, where you choose the price. To make sure that a place is reserved for you, book a free ticket using our booking tool. (Of course we do our best to take you with us if you are really spontaneous and you haven’t registered!)

Expert guides that are passionate about the city!

Check our booking tool for start time (usually 11:30 am) at the Fischbrunnen (fountain) on Marienplatz.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you find some Frequently Asked Questions.

Highlights of the Tour

  • Marienplatz
  • St. Peter’s
  • Henry the Lion
  • Frauenkirche
  • Legends of Munich
  • Odeonsplatz
  • Feldhernhalle
  • Ludwigstraße
  • Munich Residenz
  • Bavarian kings
  • National Theater
  • Maximillianstraße
  • Hofbräuhaus
  • Viktualienmarkt

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Los 3 MEJORES free tours por Múnich gratis y en español

free tour munich civitatis

✈️ No viajes sin un buen seguro . Nosotros SIEMPRE usamos y recomendamos el seguro de viaje Heymondo , uno de los mejores seguros de viaje . Y no lo decimos solo nosotros, mira las opiniones de Heymondo . Con nuestro enlace puedes conseguir hasta un 35% de descuento .

Si vas a pasar por Múnich en tu viaje a Alemania  próximamente, una de las mejores formas de conocer la ciudad es sin duda una visita guiada, así que en este post hemos recopilado los MEJORES free tours por Múnich que conocemos. Porque está claro que este tipo de visitas guiadas son una gran opción para descubrir todos los secretos que no conocemos de las ciudades , aunque ya las hayamos visitado otras veces.


Si vas a visitar Alemania es posible que te estés planteando hacer una ruta en coche por la Selva Negra como hicimos nosotros. Si te apetece leer más información sobre nuestra ruta por esta preciosa zona del sur de Alemania y cómo la organizamos puedes encontrarla aquí: guía completa de la Selva Negra .

Contrata el mejor seguro de viaje para Alemania con un 5% de descuento

🎬 Suscríbete a nuestro canal de Youtube aquí:íbeteAComiviajeros 🎬

Resumen de contenido de este post

  • 1.1 Free tour por Múnich, el más clásico de los free tours por Múnich
  • 1.2 Free tour por el casco histórico de Múnich, uno de los free tours por Múnich más centrado en la historia
  • 1.3 Free tour de los secretos e historias de Múnich, uno de los free tours por Múnich más alternativos
  • 1.4 Otros free tours en Múnich que seguro que te gustan
  • 2.1 ¿Cuánto dinero se da en un free tour?
  • 3 Excursiones y actividades baratas en Munich por menos de 20 euros
  • 4 ¿Quieres organizar un viaje a Munich como este?
  • 5 Otros contenidos que probablemente te interesen:

Los 3 mejores free tours por Múnich: visitas guiadas imprescindibles para conocer la ciudad

Múnich es una ciudad vibrante, súper verde y un excelente lugar para vivir . La capital de Baviera es la tercera ciudad más grande de Alemania y una de las mayores en número de habitantes de Europa.  Además, es la capital financiera del país y una de las que mejor calidad de vida ofrece en Alemania. Quizás el famoso Oktoberfest de la ciudad tenga algo que ver 😝 

Pero Múnich es mucho más que una ciudad moderna en la que vivir el estilo de vida de centro Europa. De hecho, también es un excelente destino turístico que visitar, con una infinidad de puntos de interés interesantes que descubrir. En su centro histórico encontrarás la plaza Marienplatz, el famoso mercado de Viktualienmarkt (uno de nuestros favoritos de la ciudad) o su hermosa catedral .

Sin duda, la mejor forma de conocer todas las caras de esta ciudad es a través de algunos de los free tours por Múnich que te proponemos. ¿Estás preparado/a? ¡Empezamos! 😉

🎉 TU SEGURO DE VIAJE CON UN 5% DE DESCUENTO 🎉 Una de las cosas más importantes que tienes que tener en cuenta cuando preparas un viaje es el seguro. ¡No viajes nunca sin un seguro! Porque no llevas ahorrando todo el año para que tus vacaciones se tuerzan por un imprevisto. Y para que además de viajar seguro/a, ahorres, tenemos para ti este descuento del 5% en tu seguro con Heymondo , la aseguradora en la que nosotros confiamos para todos nuestros viajes porque tienen los mejores seguros de viaje . ¡Sí, has leído bien! ¡Un 5% de descuento! Así que… ¡APROVECHA! 😉

Free tour por Múnich , el más clásico de los free tours por Múnich

Esta visita guiada por Múnich es, sin duda, una de las más básicas e imprescindibles de todos los free tours por Múnich que puedes hacer. Es una forma fantástica de hacerte una idea de los principales puntos de interés de la ciudad, iniciarte en su historia y comenzar a ubicarte en tu nuevo destino.


Este free tour por Múnich de Civitatis parte de la Marienplatz , en el corazón del centro histórico de Múnich y pasa por alguno de puntos de interés más emblemáticos de la ciudad. Entre ellos, el Ayuntamiento Viejo y Nuevo, con el famoso carrillón de Múnich incluido. 

Durante el recorrido tu guía profundizará en la historia de la ciudad y el paso del nazismo . Mientras, recorrerás la calles de Múnich , donde podrás contemplar la catedral Frauenkirche , el Teatro y la Ópera Nacional o la plaza Max Joseph Platz .

Este free tour por Múnich se realiza todos los días en horario de mañana y de tarde , así que es ideal para encajarlo en tu ruta por la ciudad.

Puedes reservarlo desde aquí .

Los 3 MEJORES free tours por Múnich gratis y en español

Free tour por el casco histórico de Múnich , uno de los free tours por Múnich más centrado en la historia

Nada como un paseo por el casco histórico de una ciudad de la mano de un guía experto para conocer todos los secretos que esconde. Con este free tour por el casco histórico de Múnich podrás hacerlo y empaparte de la vida local. 

Seguro que te suena el ‘ Oktoberfest ‘ de Múnich , en tu recorrido por algunos imprescindibles de la ciudad, como Odeonsplatz o la Catedral Frauenkirche, tu guía te descubrirá algunos de los secretos de la cultura bávara y su estrecha relación con la cerveza.


Es este free tour por la zona histórica de Múnich repetirás algunos lugares que también se visitan en los demás free tours por Múnich de este top 3, pero tu guía se enfocará en repasar los 9 siglos de historia de la ciudad . Y, aunque todos los tours que te estoy recomendando son diferentes, lo mejor es que elijas aquel que te resulte más interesante . 

Este free tour por Múnich se realiza todos los días en tres horarios distintos , dos de mañana y uno de tarde, así que podrás incluirlo en tu ruta por la ciudad sin problema.

Los 3 MEJORES free tours por Múnich gratis y en español

Free tour de los secretos e historias de Múnich , uno de los free tours por Múnich más alternativos

¿Quieres conocer Múnich a tu ritmo, según tus intereses y descubriendo sus secretos? Este free tour en español por Múnich es para ti. Una visita guiada que te lleva por los básicos de la ciudad de una forma amena y divertida.

Sin duda, uno de los free tours por Múnich más alternativos que te llevará por los i mprescindibles del centro histórico de Múnich con una perspectiva diferente. En esta visita guiada pasarás por los lugares más clásicos de la ciudad, mientras conoces anécdotas de la II Guerra Mundial , la cultura de la ciudad o su gastronomía.  


Ten en cuenta que este free tour no se realiza todos los días , así que tendrás que comprobar muy bien si puedes realizarlo en tu paso por la ciudad.

No pagues comisiones por pagar o sacar dinero en tu viaje a Alemania 💳 ✅ La mejor manera para sacar dinero o pagar en Alemania son las tarjetas para viajar   💳 Son tus mejores aliadas para ahorrar al máximo . Estas son nuestras favoritas: N26 es la MEJOR opción para hacer cualquier pago en Alemania y ahorrarte las comisiones de tu banco. Si la pides a través de nuestro enlace  y utilizas el código ‘N26Summer24’, además de ayudarnos muchísimo, tendrás GRATIS 3 meses de N26 YOU  ❤️ Revolut es una de las mejores tarjetas para sacar dinero en Alemania  y ahorrar en comisiones. Puedes conseguirla a través de nuestro enlace y, además de ayudarnos a mantener vivo Comiviajeros, te llevarás 10 euros gratis 🙌🏻  

Otros free tours en Múnich que seguro que te gustan

Si estos tres free tours por Munich que te hemos recomendado te han sabido a poco, te dejo alguno más por si quieres echarles un ojo. Todos tienen súper buenas valoraciones de los usuarios 😉 

  • Free tour del Múnich imprescindible
  • Free tour interactivo y teatral por Múnich (en inglés)

¿Cómo funcionan los free tours por Munich?

Estos free tours por Munich de los que te hemos hablado son visitas guiadas de aproximadamente dos horas de duración que se realizan andando con un guía que te contará un millón de historias interesantes sobre la ciudad en español.

Normalmente cuando reservas uno de estos free tours por Munich, habrá un punto de encuentro en el que quedarás con el guía para empezar el paseo. Estas visitas guiadas son sin duda una de las mejores maneras de descubrir una ciudad acompañado/a de alguien 100% experto/a en el destino y que podrá darte recomendaciones locales súper fiables.

¿Cuánto dinero se da en un free tour?

Antes de contratar uno de estos free tours por Múnich tienes que tener en cuenta que aunque reservar plaza en ellos es gratuito y que no tienen un precio fijo, no puedes irte sin darle una propina al guía. El nombre de free tour viene de que eres libre de pagar la cifra con la que tú te sientas cómodo/a en función de cuánto te haya gustado la visita guiada.

Para que te hagas una idea,  nosotros solemos dar entre 10 y 15 euros por persona . Alguna vez hemos llegado a dar 20 o 25 si el tour era largo y nos ha gustado muchísimo.

Los 3 MEJORES free tours por Múnich gratis y en español

Excursiones y actividades baratas en Munich por menos de 20 euros

Si este top 3 de free tours por Munich que te recomendamos te han sabido a poco, debes saber que hay un montón de excursiones y actividades baratas en la ciudad. Por menos de 20 euros por persona puedes disfrutar de Múnich. Aquí van algunas recomendaciones:

  • Tour por el Múnich del Tercer Reich por 15 euros . La historia de Alemania tiene una honda herida debido al nazismo. Descubre cómo afecto esta oscura estapa de la historia en este tour temático por lo que solemos dar nosotros en un free tour.
  • Tour de los misterios y leyendas de Múnich por 15 euros . ¿Quieres realizar una visita guiada diferente y divertida? Este tour por los misterios y leyendas te sorprenderá y te pondrá los pelos de punta al mismo tiempo. 
  • Visita guiada por el Olympiapark y el Jardín Inglés por 20 euros . En 1972 Múnich acogió los Juegos Olímpicos y dejó estas maravillosas instalaciones en la ciudad. Recórrelas de la mano de un guía que te contará todos los secretos de esos juegos.  
¿Quieres organizar un viaje a Munich como este? Encuentra vuelos baratos a Múnich aquí . Los mejores alojamientos en Múnich aquí . Consigue 25 euros para tu apartamento con Airbnb aquí . Las mejores excursiones y tours en Múnich aquí . Alquila un coche para recorrer Alemania al mejor precio aquí . ¿ Cuáles son las mejores tarjetas para viajar ? Cambia dinero al mejor precio aquí . Contrata tu seguro de viaje con un 5% de descuento aquí . Las mejores guías de Alemania aquí .
Otros contenidos que probablemente te interesen: Los MEJORES free tours por Berlín Excursión al campo de concentración de Sachsenhausen desde Berlín Qué ver en la Selva Negra: 24 imprescindibles Ruta por la Selva Negra Organizar un viaje a la Selva Negra: 12 claves para hacerlo paso a paso Los pueblos más bonitos de la Selva Negra ¿A dónde es mejor volar para ir la Selva Negra? Ruta por Alsacia en 4 días Ruta por Suiza en coche [ITINERARIO + MAPAS]

Si este post sobre los mejores free tours por Múnich te ha sabido a poco, debes saber que tenemos un grupo sobre viajes a Alemania en Facebook  en el que  viajeros de todo el mundo participan con sus preguntas y respuestas relacionadas con sus viajes a este maravilloso país. Por lo que si tienes alguna duda que no hayamos contestado en este post, no dudes en pasarte por allí  y hacer tus preguntas. ¡Estaremos encantados de ayudarte!

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Free Walking Tour Heart of Munich Tours

Free Walking Tour of Munich

Join me on a fun and informative free walking tour to learn about the origins of the old city, fun legends, cool King’s, Third Reich history, Bavarian culture, beer and more!

The ‘Altstadt’ (old city) might be a small area but around every corner you will find interesting history and architecture spanning the last 860 years.

My free tour is currently the highest rated in Munich with an average rating of 5 stars from over 1300 reviews. You can read some of the reviews further down the page.

The free tour concept is very popular now. Anyone is free to join and at the end you pay what you think the tour was worth. That means the guide will always be working hard to deliver the best possible experience.

The free tour runs daily at 10.30am and from March to December, also at 2pm. Please check the calendar further down the page for availability and to reserve a space.

Morning tours will include watching the famous Glockenspiel and at the end of the tour you will get a list of great recommendations for restaurants and places to visit during your stay.

Area’s we usually visit: Marienplatz, New town hall, Frauenkirche (Cathedral), Odeonsplatz (Third Reich), Royal Residence Palace & Gardens, Hofbräuhaus and the Viktualienmarkt (food market).

Meeting point: In front of Mary’s column on Marienplatz. I’ll be holding a white umbrella. Please note that the meeting point will be different during the Christmas markets, so please check the FAQ further down the page.

Thank you for supporting a local, independent tour operator.

2.5 hour walking tour

Suitable for all ages, what will you see on the free tour, reserve now.

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Frequently asked questions.

The tour starts and ends at Marienplatz, the centre square of Munich.

We meet in front of Mary’s column in the middle of the square. The guide will be holding a white umbrella that says ‘Free tour’ and ‘Heart of Munich Tours’. You can use the map at the bottom of the page to see the meeting point.

Due to the Christmas markets we have to move the meeting point slightly. Please meet me in front of the ‘Hugendubel’ bookstore on Marienplatz. I’ll be holding the usual white umbrella saying ‘Free tour’ and ‘Heart of Munich tours’.

Please arrive 5/10 minutes before the tour starts, so that you can find me. If you are late then I will be somewhere with the group on Marienplatz for the first stop of the tour.

The average city tour in Munich cost around 15-20€ but you get to decide what the tour is worth. Guests usually tip anything from 10 – 25€ per person. Value is an individual thing so you get to decide.

Please note, the tour is not free. It is only free to join. We are a business and very passionate about what we do.  These tours are based on trust and honesty. We ask you kindly not to abuse our good faith.

We will do a circle of the old city, taking you through the back streets and passages as well as the main squares.

We will also stop for a short 15 minute break and if  you book the 10.30am tour then we also watch the glockenspiel at 11am.

Depending on the time of year and what events are going on in the city, the size varies between 10 – 30 people max. We take bookings first and extra walk ups if people don’t turn up for the tour. 

Yes! We run it all year round. In winter I will either get you indoors or under cover for most of the stops on the tour. Tours change slightly through the seasons and depending on the weather. What’s important is making sure you are comfortable throughout the tour.

Between January and February the free tour runs daily at 10.30am.

Make sure you prepare accordingly in winter as average temperatures are sometimes as low as -5C/23F. (December – March)

Absolutely! I make sure my tour is interactive for children and show lots of pictures and photos on my tablet.

Comfortable walking shoes, a camera/phone to take pictures and a bottle of water.

Munich is a very flat city and almost completely pedestrianised, so this tour is wheelchair accessible.

I like to think this is obvious but if you are not sure then the answer is…


All my tours are only in English but if you want to book a private tour then I can provide a guide in German or Spanish.

I personally give out a list at the end of the tour. You are always welcome to ask during the tour for an specific advice or suggestions. Most of my guides also give out recommendations during the tour or on a list at the end.

Meeting Point

In front of mary's column in the center of marienplatz. look for the white umbrella, which says 'free tour' and 'heart of munich tours'., let's talk, meeting point change during christmas markets, from the 27th november to 24th december the meeting point for our daily free tours will be in front of the 'hugendubel' bookstore on marienplatz. you will find further information in our faq and booking confirmation emails..

Heart of Munich tours

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Free Walking Tour Munich

Explore munich with the heart of munich free walking tour, free  munich walking tour.

Heart of Munich Tours , an independent, locally-based tour operator in the capital of Bavaria, specializes in free walking tours and personalized private tours . Our focus is on providing exceptional experiences that delve into the rich history, vibrant culture, and renowned beer of Munich and Bavaria.

The company was founded in March 2021 by Jake Slisz (Jax) and since then has grown in just a few years to a small team of experienced local guides . The one thing we have in common, is that we are all friends ! We just want to do the best job we can everyday for our guests and really care about delivering tours that are fun and informative.

Our aim is to make sure you learn the local history but we put emphasis on having a fun time together. We like to teach history through telling engaging and fun stories, so expect an interactive tour with questions. In our experience, the best tours are when everyone feels involved in the learning experience.

Through our consistent hard work to be the best local tour guides, we have quickly become the highest rated free tour in Munich and now have hundreds of 5 star reviews across Tripadvisor, Google and many other sites.

We offer a twice daily free walking tour because we want everyone that visits Munich to have the chance of experiencing the city, no matter if you arrive in the morning or afternoon. Our free tour is the best way to get a great introduction to Munich on your first day.

We look forward to seeing you in Munich soon!

Jax and his team of local guides

Pictures from our walks

Munich Free Tour

Munich Free Tour

Munich Free Tour

What visitors think about Free  Munich Walking Tour?

Rating: 5 out of 5

Frequently asked questions about the tour

Where does the free tour starts and ends, where is the meeting point during the christmas markets, what happens during the 2.5 hour tour, how much should i tip the guide for a "free walking tour" in munich, what size are the free tour groups, get inspired by the free tour community blog.

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Walk a While with Me

The Ultimate Free Walking Tour of Munich (For 2023)

This article may contain affiliate links, meaning I may earn a small commission if you purchase through these links at no extra cost to you. Please refer to my Disclosure Policy for more information.

Table of Contents

The Ultimate Free Walking Tour of Munich

Ah… Munich. A city known for Oktoberfest, Munich offers more than just beer. Filled with museums and historical sites and surrounded by extravagant castles, Munich is one of the best cities in Germany. And there’s no better way to explore this delightful Bavarian city than on a free walking tour of Munich!

This self-guided Munich walking tour is not just doable — it’s called for. Where else can you find over a dozen historical monuments, breathtaking city views, and lively plazas packed into less than one kilometer?

And while some walking tours of Munich may be tiring, this one has a total walking distance of only 35 minutes . This means you’ll have plenty of time to take it easy, wander around, and dive into the legends of these unique Munich landmarks.

A photo taken from the tower of Neues Rathaus, a stop on our walking tour of Munich

However, you should still set aside at least 1 day in Munich to do this tour, as there’s plenty to do at each stop.

Well, without further ado, let’s begin!

A Quick Summary of Your Free Walking Tour of Munich

  • Karlsplatz-Stachus
  • Bürgersaalkirche (Citizen’s Hall Church)
  • Michaelskirche (St. Michael’s Church)
  • Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady)
  • Marienplatz
  • Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall)
  • Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall)
  • Peterskirche (St. Peter’s Church)
  • Asamkirche (Asam Church)
  • Viktualienmarkt (Victuals Market)
  • Hofbräuhaus München

A side photo of the twin towers of Frauenkirche and the grey architecture of the side of a church on a grey day

Needless to say, this free walking tour of Munich will take you to all the top spots . So get your camera ready, put on some comfortable shoes, and prepare to spend one perfect day in Munich (one of the best places to visit in Bavaria !).

The Ultimate Free Walking Tour of Munich

1) karlsplatz-stachus.

  • Opening Hours : None
  • Cost : Free

Your Munich walking tour starts at Karlsplatz-Stachus, the most famous square in Munich.

It practically connects all the city’s transportation lines, making it one of the top hubs in Munich. In the mid 20th century, it reportedly had the most traffic in all of Europe ! This led to a saying that spread well beyond Munich: “Da geht’s ja zu wie am Stachus,” which is similar to the UK expression “It’s like Piccadilly Circus.”

Needless to say, there is always something to do at Karlsplatz-Stachus. On the eastern side, you can admire the gothic gate “Karlstor.” In the summer, you can enjoy some ice cream while sitting by the picturesque fountain. And in the winter, this fountain turns into a huge Munich ice rink!

The spray of the fountain waters at Karlsplatz-Stachus, the first stop on our free walking tour of Munich, with views of white cars driving by and the architecture of a stone building on a bright sunny day

There are also endless shopping opportunities, including:

  • Kaufhof : Built in 1950, this was the first department store in Munich.
  • Stachus Passagen for some underground shopping.
  • Shops, cafes, and restaurants lining the square.
  • The entrance to Neuhauserstraße and Kaufingerstraße , the two main shopping streets of Munich.

The grey castle walls on an overcast day on the walking path to the next stop on our Munich walking tour from Karlsplatz-Stachus

But before checking out the shops or continuing with our tour, take your time to soak up the atmosphere at Stachus. We will gradually head down Neuhauserstraße for the next stops on our free walking tour of Munich!

The Funny Story Behind the Dual Name of Karlsplatz-Stachus

The square was built in 1777 when the Elector Karl Theodor took over the government of Bavaria. Like any modest ruler, he named the new square after himself — Karlsplatz. But he was so unpopular with the residents that they refused to use that name . And so the square became known as Stachus, in memory of the tavern that was displaced for the square’s construction.

2) Bürgersaalkirche (Citizen’s Hall Church)

  • Opening Hours : Upper church: Monday-Saturday, 11 am-1 pm. Lower church: Monday-Saturday 10 am-5 pm, Sunday 2 pm-5 pm.
  • Walking Time from the Previous Stop : 4 minutes
  • Website :

From Karlsplatz-Stachus, walk four minutes to our next stop: Bürgersaalkirche, otherwise known as the Citizen’s Hall Church.

From the outside, Bürgersaalkirche kinda looks more like a government building than a church. And, as a matter of fact, it was first built in 1709 as a “citizen’s hall” (hence the name), and was only consecrated in 1778. The church is also divided into an upper floor and a lower floor, with the exterior pink façade showing this division.

In the upper church, you’ll find the brightly lit, ballroom-like prayer room . Everywhere you look, there are works of art in the form of frescoes, paintings, and statues.

In the lower church, you can find the crypt of Ruper Mayer , a Jesuit priest known for his resistance against the Nazis. For a bit of history, I recommend walking around the small museum room containing memorabilia from his life.

How to Travel as a Student (Even If You're Broke!)

If you’re planning to visit Germany but you’re still in school, click here to read my guide on how to travel as a student!

3) Michaelskirche (St. Michael’s Church)

  • Opening Hours : The Crypt is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 am-4:30 pm, and the weekends from 9:30 am-2:30 pm.
  • Cost : Free (or 2 euros to enter the Crypt).
  • Walking Time from the Previous Stop : 2 minutes
  • Website :

The next stop on our walking tour of Munich is St. Michael’s Church: an art gallery, an architectural masterpiece, and a place of worship all in one!

The extravagant and opulent white, bronze, and gold interior of Michaelskirche Munich

Built in the late 16th century, Michaelskirche was modeled after the Church of the Gesù in Rome. It’s best known for having the second largest vaulted roof (after St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome).

If you look between the two entrances, you’ll see St. Michael, the Archangel, slaying a dragon-like creature, which was meant to symbolize Catholicism triumphing over Protestantism in the Counter Reformation era.

And hey, if you’re craving a little company, why not visit the “Mad” King Ludwig II in the crypt ?

4) Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady)

  • Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday 8 am-8 pm, Sunday 9:30 am-8 pm.
  • Walking Time from the Previous Stop : 3 minutes
  • Website :

Next, head over to Frauenkirche, one of the most popular landmarks in Munich.

The twin towers of Frauenkirche, with the red roof, grey exterior, and turquoise hoods bathed in sunlight

The original plan for Frauenkirche was a grand church of the likes of Stephansdom in Vienna. But budgetary constraints unraveled these plans into the plain red-brick construction that it is today.

In the end, this lack of funding is what shaped the church into the remarkable mix of styles that makes it so unique. By the time the towers were finally finished, the Renaissance era had started. Thus, domes were installed instead of the intended Gothic pointed towers.

These towers are an iconic part of the Munich skyline , jutting out far past any other building. The residents of Munich are deeply passionate about their city’s “mother church”; in 2004, they even voted to prohibit building anything taller than 98.57 meters — the height of Frauenkirche.

A view of Frauenkirche and the Munich skyline at dusk, with the sky orange, pink, and violet - a must-see sight even if you only have 1 day in Munich

Inside, Frauenkirche has a remarkable capacity of 20,000 people. The decorations are simple, but there are still tons to admire, including:

  • Gothic pillars
  • Original stained-glass windows
  • 14th-18th century artwork
  • A 16th-century automaton clock
  • The tomb of Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV

The Legend of the Devil’s Footprint

By the entrance, you’ll also notice a black mark resembling a footprint . Legend says the master builder Jörg von Halsbach struck a deal with the devil to ensure they had enough money for the church’s construction. In exchange, he promised to not build any windows, meaning the church could not be consecrated.

Stepping inside the completed church, the devil could not see the windows at first, as they were hidden from view by the columns and buttresses. But when he realized he’d been duped, he stomped his foot in anger and turned into the wind to try to blow the church down. If you stand outside the church, you can still feel the devil’s vain efforts!

Train on street in Europe, surrounded by trees with colorful, autumn leaves

If you’re planning to travel Europe in the fall, click here for my Europe fall packing list for women!

5) Marienplatz

  • Website :

Next up on your Munich walking tour is Marienplatz, a plaza that will provide you with a short break from the stunning Munich churches and aerial city views!

Several Munich churches and architecture seen from the New Town Hall tower, with Marienplatz below and the Munich skyline above

This popular square dates back to the city’s founding in 1158 . It used to be a calm intersection where monks decided to settle, giving the city its name (“monks” in German).

The area soon became the city’s marketplace, then called “Schrannenplatz” (“grain plaza”). In 1854, the market outgrew the plaza and moved to Blumenstraße. The plaza was then renamed to Marienplatz after the Virgin Mary, for helping the city overcome a cholera epidemic.

The center of the plaza is marked by Mariensaule , the Virgin Mary column. It was erected in 1638 to celebrate the end of the Swedish occupation of Munich. Its base depicts the city’s triumph over famine (the dragon), war (the lion), the plague (the basilisk), and heresy (the snake).

The statues surrounding the four corners of the Mariensaule stationed in the middle of Marienplatz, the most popular stop on our free walking tour of Munich

Events and Things to Do in Marienplatz

  • June : Stadtgründungsfest, celebrating Munich’s birthday.
  • December : a Christmas Market with 150 stalls.
  • Year-round : Countless stores and restaurants — needless to say, it’s one of the best things to do in Munich on Sunday!

The Munich Marienplatz is where many of the free tours in Munich and walking tours in Munich start, so you’ll see lots of tourist groups here. The plaza itself has many interesting landmarks, which we are about to see!

6) Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall)

  • Opening Hours : 10 am-7 pm Monday to Saturday, 10 am-5 pm on Sundays.
  • Cost : 10 euros for tours, or 4 euros to access the tower.
  • Walking Time from the Previous Stop : 0 minutes
  • Website :

The exterior grey architecture of the Neues Rathaus Munich on a bright day

To reach the next stop on your free walking tour of Munich, just turn around and look for the Neues Rathaus right at Marienplatz! Although it’s only one building, it has plenty to offer, including some fun things to do with kids in Munich.

It was built in the late 19th century when the old town hall was no longer able to accommodate the government. And this new one sure takes care of the space issue — 12 buildings had to be demolished to make room for it! It also holds 400 rooms and takes up over 9000 square meters of space.

Surprisingly, Neues Rathaus Munich survived WWII, so the carvings you see are original. Don’t miss the “Glockenspiel,” a storytelling music box on the exterior of the tower. It is still manually operated and uses 43 bells and 32 life-sized figures to perform two historical events, including:

A close-up of the turquoise Glockenspiel show on the exterior of the New Town Hall in Munich

  • A 1568 tournament celebrating the marriage of Duke Wilheim V to Renata of Lothringen.
  • “Schäfflertanz”, or Coopers’ Dance : After the plague epidemic, the barrel makers were supposedly the first to go out into the streets, where they danced to give courage and joy to the fearful citizens.

The show lasts about 15 minutes. It’s performed daily at 11 am and 12 pm, so make sure you’re there for the show!

Before you turn away, look all the way up to the top of the tower and wave hello to “the Munich child”, aka “ Münchner Kind .” This symbolic representation of Munich has had a prolific advertising career, as it’s been featured in Munich commercials for virtually everything under the sun.

The pointed tower of the Munchner Kind at the New Town Hall in Munich surrounded by blue sky - the starting point of many walking tours in Munich

The New Town Hall also offers several other things to do, including

  • A 90-minute tour.
  • A tourist office on the ground floor.
  • An 85-meter-tall tower with a great view of the old town of Munich.
  • Marienhof, a small garden at the back.
  • The Ratskeller restaurant in the basement.

7) Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall)

  • Opening Hours : 10 am-5:30 pm daily (for the Toy Museum).
  • Cost : 6 euros for the Toy Museum.
  • Walking Time from the Previous Stop: 1 minute
  • Website :

Now that we’ve admired the New Town Hall, it’s time to check out the Old Town Hall! Walk over to the eastern end of Marienplatz to find Altes Rathaus, Neues Rathaus’ predecessor.

The building goes back as far as 1310 . But it has been damaged and rebuilt so many times that it has practically worn every architectural style since its founding. Its most recent restoration after WWII has brought it full circle to its original Gothic design . And with its plain façade, the Old Town Hall look more modern than the ornate New Town Hall Munich!

Altes Rathaus has a dark side as well. It was the location of the hate-filled speech by Joseph Goebbels that inspired Kristallnacht, “ the night of the broken glass” in 1938 . This is considered to be the start of the Holocaust.

The tall tower of the Altes Rathaus in Munich on a sunny day

Other things you can see at Altes Rathaus:

  • A historic toy museum located on over 4 floors of the tower (it’s one of the best things to do in Munich with kids!).
  • A ballroom on the second floor with an impressive ornate wooden ceiling.
  • A Juliet Capulet statue on the side of the building, gifted to Munich by Verona in the 1970s.

8) Peterskirche (St. Peter’s Church)

  • Opening Hours : 9 am-6 pm Monday to Friday, 10 am-6 pm Saturday and Sunday.
  • Cost : Free for the church, 3 euros for the tower.
  • Website :

Next on your Munich free walking tour is Peterskirche, the city’s oldest Catholic church dating back to the 12th century. Like many Munich landmarks, it has been reconstructed many times due to fires and wars. The inside reflects its many reincarnations with elements of the Gothic, Baroque, and Rococo styles .

A view of the skyline with Peterskirche Munich on a bright day, one of the top spots on our Munich free walking tour

The most notable aspect of Peterskirche Munich is the second chapel, as it holds the skeleton of Saint Munditia , lavishly decorated with a crown, precious stones, and luxurious clothing. You’ll also see many beautiful works of art, though most of them are restorations.

And if you haven’t had enough bird-eye views of the city yet, you can climb the 300 stairs up the tower. On a clear day, you can see all the way to the Alps!

At the top, you’ll also find another peculiarity: no fewer than 8 clocks. The Munich-based comic Karl Valentin offered a whimsical reason as to why: “Well, of course, it’s so eight people can check the time at once!”

The turquoise tower of St. Peter's Church and its surrounding buildings in Munich on a sunny, bright day

9) Asamkirche (Asam Church)

  • Opening Hours : 9 am-6 pm
  • Walking Time from the Previous Stop : 6 minutes
  • Website :

Compared to the gargantuan buildings you’ve seen so far, the 22-by-8-meter Asamkirche in München might seem ludicrously tiny. But what it lacks in size, it more than makes up for in decoration.

Through the opulent wooden door, you enter a space filled with such an excessive amount of stucco and ornamentation, it’s downright overwhelming. There’s barely an inch left undecorated.

The opulent, colorful, and unique architecture of the interior of Asamkirche in Munchen

The church is divided into three vertical levels:

  • The rather gloomy lower area, where visitors sit, symbolizes worldly suffering.
  • The middle level, reserved for the Emperor, is decorated in white and blue.
  • The top, dedicated to God, is brightly lit.

Naturally, the space gets brighter the closer to heaven it goes. The ceiling also has a lavish fresco portraying the drowning of Saint Nepomuk, to whom the church is dedicated.

10) Viktualienmarkt (Victuals Market)

  • Opening Hours : Usually 8 am-8 pm Monday to Saturday, but it depends on the stall.
  • Cost : Depends on what you buy.
  • Walking Time from the Previous Stop : 7 minutes
  • Website :

A stall selling vegetables at Viktualienmarkt Munich, including carrots and green onions - a stop on our free walking tour of Munich

Remember how Marienplatz used to be a marketplace? Well, Viktualienplatz is where it moved.

Viktualienmarkt, from the late Latin word for food, stretches over 22,000 square meters. About 150 stalls offer everything your fridge and pantry could desire, from vegetables to fish, through spices and pastries, and even kitchen accessories and other trinkets. Every Munich food guide will recommend visiting this famous market!

Halls and pavilions were added as even Viktualienmarkt Munich started lacking in space for its eager shoppers. At the center, you’ll find an authentic Bavarian Maypole displaying aspects of life in Munich.

The Bavarian blue and white Maypole at Viktualienmarkt in Munich on a slightly cloudy day

If you need to rest your feet a little, you can relax in the beer garden . Then walk around to find the fountains with statues commemorating folk singers and comedians.

11) Hofbräuhaus München

  • Opening Hours : 9 am-12 am daily.
  • Cost : Depends on what you order.
  • Website :

Today, we associate Germany with tall glasses of beer, but 500 years ago, Bavaria was far from being a beer nation. At the time, beer was imported from Northern Germany, and boy, was it expensive! Like any beer lover, the rulers wanted more beer for less money, and commissioned their own brewery in 1589: the Hofbräuhaus München

The locked beer reserves in the cellar at the Hofbrauhaus Munchen

It was initially reserved for royals , and they were only allowed to brew stout and white beer. The beer hall was then added in 1897 and eventually opened to the public.

You can take a look at the glass cellar or sit down for a refreshing drink — perhaps in the very same spot where Mozart or the Empress Elisabeth of Austria once sat! Adolf Hitler presented his “25-Point Program” in this very bar as well.

You can unwind here until as late as midnight — the Hofbräuhaus is hands down one of the best things to do in Munich at night!

The Exquisite Architecture of the Catedral of Seville

If you’re also thinking of visiting Seville, Spain, click here to read my self-guided walking tour of Seville!

Got More Time to Explore Munich?

If you have time leftover after your Munich walking tour, consider adding these things to do in Munich, located close to where your tour left off:

  • National Theater
  • Theatine Church
  • Munich Residenz

And obviously, if you’re visiting Munich in mid-September to October, you have to check out Oktoberfest! The largest beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest is a 17- to 18-day festival where you can drink tons of beer, enjoy some rides and carnival games, and wear Trachten, the traditional outfits for Oktoberfest .

Finally, if you’re wondering what else to do in Munich, here are the top attractions not yet mentioned:

  • English Garden
  • Nymphenburg Palace
  • Alte Pinakothek
  • Neuschwanstein Castle (one of the best day trips from Munich!)

Nymphenburg Palace and its reflection in the clear pond on a hazy day - one of the best things to do in Munich

And That’s It for our Free Walking Tour of Munich!

And so we have come to the end of your free walking tour of Munich. If you have 2 days in Munich or even just 1 day in Munich, this walking tour will help you make the very best of your time. Happy exploring!

Thanks for reading the article! If you have any questions, feel free to comment down below, and if you want to see more travel and hike-related content, make sure to check out my other articles.


Photos by Mia and Pixabay.

The Ultimate Free Munich Walking Tour

About to embark on a trip around Europe? Here are some helpful articles to make your trip as awesome and stress-free as possible:

  • How to Travel Around Europe
  • How to Travel Without Breaking the Bank
  • 15 Things to Do Before a Trip
  • My 5-Week Europe Itinerary
  • The Minimalist Europe Fall Packing List for Women
  • How to Start Hiking: 15 Beginner Hiking Tips

And here are some additional helpful links:

  • Click here for my walking tours
  • Click here for my hiking guides
  • Click here for more posts on Europe
  • Click here for more posts on Germany
  • Click here for more resources

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free tour munich civitatis

Mia is the founder of Walk a While with Me, a travel blog dedicated to sharing the best self-guided walking tours, travel itineraries, and hikes for destinations around the world. A keen traveler, she has visited more than 20 countries in the past six years. She is excited for you to follow along on her adventures!

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Free tour por Múnich

  • 9,3 / 10 12.553 opiniones | 89.370 viajeros Muy bien , a pesar de que hoy Munich está tomada por el fútbol , ha sabido elegir bien el recorrido . Sara TT nos ha recordado la historia de forma meticulosa y e interesante . Gracias por este tour muy bien guiado por Sara TT. 10 Gema
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En este free tour en español por Múnich  recorreremos sus numerosos atractivos turísticos para que os contagiéis de la cultura e historia de la capital de Baviera . 

Paseando por Marienplatz

Nos encontraremos a la hora indicada en Marienplatz , el punto de partida de este free tour por Múnich . ¿Listos para descubrir una de las ciudades más bonitas de Alemania?

Comenzaremos hablando de la historia de la plaza, haciendo hincapié en las dos joyas arquitectónicas que alberga: el Viejo y el Nuevo Ayuntamiento . En la fachada de este último asistiremos a uno de los espectáculos más esperados por todos los visitantes de Múnich, su famoso carrillón . ¡Preparad la cámara!

Callejeando por el centro de Múnich llegaremos a la catedral Frauenkirche . Mientras contemplamos su majestuosa fachada, hablaremos sobre la curiosa leyenda que relaciona al mismísimo demonio con este bonito templo gótico.

Para remontarnos a la época oscura del nazismo nos acercaremos hasta Odeonsplatz y Viscardigasse . Después, pondremos rumbo a Max Joseph Platz , donde se encuentra la antigua residencia de los reyes de Baviera, el Teatro Nacional y la Ópera Estatal .

Antes de finalizar el free tour por Múnich os explicaremos su fiesta más internacional: la Oktoberfest . ¿Sabéis en qué consiste? Desvelaremos todas las tradiciones de la fiesta cervecera por excelencia mientras paseamos por la capital de Baviera.

Después de dos horas y media recorriendo la ciudad, pondremos fin al free tour por Múnich.

En nuestro free tour no se admiten reservas para más de 6 personas . Si sois un grupo mayor, os recomendamos  reservar un tour privado por Múnich. ​

2h - 2h 30m.

La actividad se realiza con un guía que habla español.

Guía en español.

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Puedes reservar hasta la hora de inicio siempre que haya disponibilidad. Reserva ya y asegura tu plaza.

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Marienplatz (frente a la Columna de María).

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Excursión a Salzburgo en tren

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Free Walking Tours Munich

free tour munich civitatis

This post lists the best free walking tours you can take in Munich, Germany, a city known for its beer gardens and festivals.

Free Tours By Foot has provided more than 1 million tours since our inception, so you can trust us to lead you in the right direction when it comes to free walking tours in Munich.

We also include a self-guided and an audio tour.

  • Overview and Schedule
  • City Centre Walking Tours
  • Oktoberfest Walking Tours
  • Self-Guided Walking Tours
  • Free Tours with Turbo Pass
  • Munich to Neuschwanstein Castle


Below is a calendar of some of the great free walking tours available in Munch, the capital city of Bavaria.

Click on the entry below to expand the listing for more details.

The tours listed below are run through us. More tours are available in the following sections.

Searching Availability...

Here is a calendar with more of the best free walking tours in Munich.

These walking tour companies run their guided walks on a pay-what-you-like basis, which means there is no upfront fee to join a tour.

At the end of the tour, they’ll ask you to pay what you think the experience was worth or what you could afford. Most tourists who enjoy their outings will tip their guides €10-€15, but that's up to you!

However, although these companies often get very good reviews, their affordability and popularity mean that, during the busy season, these walks are generally at capacity.

While a free walking tour of Munich is often led by entertaining and knowledgeable tour guides, the tour group is usually large enough to prevent you from interacting with your guide like you could in a small group.  

So, for travelers who want to take tours with fewer people, we recommend paid small-group tours .

If you decide to take a paid small-group tour, you might be able to see even more popular sites such as the Viktualienmarkt, the English Garden, and other sites that sometimes are not included on free outings.

That said, if you want to become more familiar with the main squares of the city and learn a basic overview of its history, a free walking tour could be just the way to go!

Check out our free tours in  dozens of other cities , including:

TIP : If you want to cover more ground, you can take a hop-on-hop-off bus tour through the city!

These tours come with audio guides in up to nine different languages (English, Spanish, German, and French included), and make stops at the most popular points of interest in Munich. 


If you’re considering buying an attraction discount pass, the all-inclusive Munich TurboPass includes a 1.5-hour walking tour through Old Town as well as several other walking tours.

The travel card option gives either a free ticket or a 20% discount!

This tour’s normal price is €15 per adult and €13 per teen, young adult, or senior over 65. 

Munich City Pass

This walk runs at least once a day, every day of the year except for December 25! It is the perfect overview of Old Town. 


Here is a list of companies that provide pay-what-you-like walking tours in the city.

In addition to learning about historical figures such as King Ludwig II, these outings also provide a look at what life was like in Munich during the middle ages.

You can usually expect to visit some of the following historic locations on these outings:

  • Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady)
  • Feldherrnhalle (Field Marshals’ Hall)
  • Hofbräuhaus
  • Glockenspiel
  • Marienplatz
  • State Opera
  • Odeonsplatz

If you want to see or learn about any of these locations, or even just find out where they are, consider taking one of the following free walking tours in Munich!

Explora Munich

This company also offers a pay-what-you-want walking tour of Munich, this one specifically focusing on the Old Town sector of the city.

You can expect to see a lot of the most notable sites in the city centre, including several historic locations over the course of this 2.5-hour tour.

This tour is offered daily at 10:45 am in both English and Spanish. There is also a second Spanish tour every day at 11:45 am.

Click here to book this tour .

This is another company offering a tour of Old Town Munich, this time covering some of the darker aspects of Bavarian history.

Visitors can expect to learn about the third reich history of Munich, including tales of Adolf Hitler and the Beer Hall Putsch. You'll also see notable sites such as the Old Town Hall and Mariensplatz.

This outing is available from Tuesday - Saturday at 10:45 am, on Wednesday and Friday at 15:00 (2 pm), and at 11:00 am on Saturday. The tour will last for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Book this tour or learn more .

Sandemans New Europe Munich

The free tour of Munich with Sandemans is a 2.5-hour walking overview of this beautiful German city starting at Marienplatz and ending close by.

Your local guide will make sure to show you all the must-see points of attraction, including the Glockenspiel, Frauenkirche, and the Hofbrauhaus. 

The walks begin at 10:45 am and 14:00 (2:00 pm) every day in both English and Spanish. 

You can also take paid tours and day trips covering specific topics and attractions.

Oktoberfest in Munich Tours

If you're curious about the tradition of Oktoberfest that takes place every October, there are actually free tours covering this side of Bavarian culture.

While drinks and food aren't included, you will learn about the history of this event and how it became an international sensation.

You can expect to visit landmars such as the following:

  • Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall)
  • St. Peter Kirche
  • Frauenkirche

This outing is 2 hours long and it's available in English on Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday at 15:30 (3:30 pm) and on Saturdays at 10:00 am.

Book your tickets or learn more .


Self-guided walking tours are perfect for when you prefer to explore the city at your own pace or if you cannot find the right option for your schedule.

Either way, here are some written guides to Munich that will allow you to be your own guide. 

Rick Steves Audio Tour

Rick Steves is well-known for his many, many city guides and tours.

Luckily, his team offers one audio city walk for Munich , which is downloadable and comes with a downloadable map as well.

The audio guide runs for just over one hour and features 20 stops. 

Free Tours By Foot

Even if you don't have the earbuds for an audio tour, you can still use our self-guided walking tour of Munich as long as you have a smartphone.

This outing closely follows a similar path to the Rick Steves audio tour, but it's a bit shorter in length.

That said, we provide a lot of interesting details about each of the stops included, as well as directions to help you find your way to every location.

Best of all, just like our name says, it's entirely free to use this self-guided tour !

CityTourCard Munich

If you prefer to make your own route and are planning on purchasing public transportation tickets already, you can buy the CityTourCard for Munich which comes with a map and pocket guide to the city as well as discounts for certain card partners.

Haunted Munich Self-Guided Game

Discover the spookier side of Munich as you explore the city at your own pace and learn about some of the most haunted locations and stories as you attempt to solve a mystery.

This is an interesting alternative to a traditional tour, and although it's not free, at just €10 for up to 4 people, it costs about as much as you might tip for a pay-what-you-wish walking tour.

Download or learn more about this game .

And much, much more

North america, united kingdom & ireland, middle east & india, asia & oceania.

München City Pass 3000 2000 mit Rand

Munich City Pass

Munich all inclusive: museums, exhibitions, tours and sights offer free entry and sometimes even priority admission without annoying waiting times. And local transport is optionally also included.

Icon zur Trennung von Inhalten

All benefits of the Munich City Pass at a glance:

  • free admission to over 45 top attractions
  • free travel on local transport (with S-Bahn, U-Bahn, bus and tram)
  • choice between Zone M and Zone M-6 (incl. airport)
  • new: optional without public transport ticket
  • bookable for 1 to 5 days
  • print tickets at home
  • free city map and 50 % discount on the official city guide
  • free cancellation up to 24 hours before the start of validity
  • all advantages and information for download (PDF)

Book Munich City Pass

Important information

Booking notes:

  • the following tickets are bookable: Adults (18+), Youth (15-17 years), Children (6-14 years)
  • validity: Your Munich Card is valid all day on the booked days until 6 a.m. the following day
  • payment directly when booking by credit card (MasterCard, Visa)
  • receive your Munich Card by e-mail directly after booking and simply print it out
  • only valid when printed
  • please check the opening times of the participating providers before booking (not all attractions are open every day)

The Munich City Pass and the Munich Card are distributed by Turbopass in cooperation with München Tourismus and the City of Munich. The City of Munich - Department of Labour and Economic Affairs, München Tourismus - acts only as a mediator. The contract is concluded directly between the booking party and the service provider (Turbopass GmbH).

Both cards can be ordered online and at the Tourist Information at Marienplatz and Hauptbahnhof .

Here you will find an overview of all our maps and brochures ready to download.

Photo: Turbopass

World-class museums and collections, palaces, many diverse attractions, supplemented by a large range of leisure activities, shopping and excellent cuisine: Munich has everything to offer which visitors to a big city could wish for. With the Munich City Pass you can now experience Munich in all its facets and save a lot of money at the same time. Its high quality is based on the participation of all the municipal, state and other big museums under the sponsorship of the state capital. You will hardly find an offer like this anywhere else in Europe!

These institutions are included: Alte Pinakothek , Neue Pinakothek , Pinakothek der Moderne , Glyptothek , State Museum of Classical Art , State Museum of Egyptian Art , Five Continents Museum , Nationalmuseum , Design Museum , Brandhorst Museum , Nymphenburg Palace , Munich Botanical Gardens , Residenz and its Treasury , Lenbachhaus Art Gallery , Stadtmuseum , Jewish Museum , Deutsches Museum , Valentin Karlstadt Musäum , Kunsthalle and many more!

Further attractions, such as a guided tour through the Bavaria Film City , a visit to the FC Bayern Museum , the lift of the Olympic Tower or several guided tours of the city on foot, by bike or on the bus , covering many different topics and the most varied parts of Munich, are all included. A range of shopping and restaurant options with some attractive offers complement the program. Download all information and benefits in a PDF file here .

Do you want to stay flexible and save money? Click here for the Munich Card .

Minna Thiel, a discarded locomotive in Munich in front of the University of Television and Film

Local Love Munich

Munich's districts are diverse, contrasting and worth exploring. Immerse yourself!

Towers of the Frauenkirche in Munich taken from the air.

Frauenkirche: Visit of the South Tower

Book a visit to the observation deck of Munich's Frauenkirche and enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the city.

Merchant with dried fruit on the Viktualienmarkt in Munich.

Viktualienmarkt Tasting Tour

Discover the most delicious delicacies of the city and learn all kinds of interesting facts about Munich's most famous food market.

Discover the most delicious delicacies of the city and learn all kinds of interesting historical facts about Munich's most famous food market.

Munich's Palace of Justice

Justizpalast Tour

During the guided tour of the present-day seat of the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice, you will learn everything about the history and significance of the neo-baroque court and administrative building.

An alley in Rothenburg ob der Tauber

Romantic Road: Rothenburg and Harburg

Hop on and be whisked away by one of the world's most beautiful stretches of street: the Romantic Road to Rothenburg and Harburg.

Small meeting room of the Neues Rathaus in Munich

New Town Hall Tour

Explore the Neue Rathaus on Marienplatz with an official City of Munich tour guide. A visit of the famous law library is also included!

Explore the Neue Rathaus on Marienplatz with an official tour guide. A visit of the famous law library is also included!

Magistrates, Monachia and magnificent celebrations: explore the Neue Rathaus on Marienplatz with an official City of Munich tour guide. A visit of the famous law library is also included!

Schloss Neuschwanstein with lake in the background in the Munich environs.

Dream castles Neuschwanstein & Linderhof

Immerse yourself in the world of the fairytale king!

Law library in the new city hall in Munich.

Visit of the Law Library: Juristische Bibliothek

Impressive architecture and unique ambience: discover the Law Library in the New Town Hall.

Several pedicaps with guests in the Englischer Garten (park).

Pedicab tour through the old town and nature

Enjoy this special tour and pedicap ride past all the famous sights of Munich's old town and into the Englischer Garten.

Exterior view of the Hofbräuhaus Munich at dusk.

Hofbräuhaus Tour

Discover the most famous beer hall in the world with an official guide of the city of Munich and enjoy a fresh Mass of beer afterward!

Towers and Alps in Munich

City trip incl. Munich Card and Tower Ascent

We look forward to seeing you again in Munich. Our tip: the exclusive travel package with Munich Card and Tower Ascent.

Towers at Marienplatz in Munich

Old Town Tour

The city walk for everyone who wants to become acquainted with the most beautiful parts of Munich's city centre.

Wort kettle at the Spaten brewery in Munich.

Spaten Brewery Tour

Experience a brewery tour at Spaten with a look behind the scenes, interesting facts about the company history and beer tasting in the brewery tower.

A blue double-decker sightseeing bus at BMW Welt

Hop-On Hop-Off city bus tours Gray Line

The hop-on hop-off city bus tours of Gray Line will let you collect unforgettable impressions of Munich.

A woman with varnished fingernails holds a gift with the inscription "simply Munich".

Buy now vouchers for your visit in Munich. The ideal gift! Guided tours, guest cards and more...

Street Art-Tour

Did you know that Munich was a pioneer of the European graffiti scene? Discover different art up close in the city with our street art tour today!

Experience the city's diverse art & exciting graffiti on our street art tour!

Alter Peter, Frauenkirche and Neues Rathaus: the Munich skyline in the evening light.

Private guided tour through Munich's Old Town

Exclusive and safe: Discover the most beautiful sights and corners of Munich's city centre with your official personal guide.

Kehlsteinhaus Berchtesgaden including a panoramic view of the valley in the surroundings of Munich.

Berchtesgaden area and Eagle's Nest

The day trip takes you along the Alpine Road to Berchtesgaden area with its dreamlike scenery.

View of the Salzach river and the castle in Salzburg.

Salzburg and the Lake District

Visit the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and relax on the journey to beautiful Lake Wolfgang.

Visit the birthplace of composer extraordinaire Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, stroll through the Baroque old town and then relax on the journey to beautiful Lake Wolfgang.

A stone jug with the inscription Oktoberfest Munich.

Oktoberfest Shop

Bring a piece of Oktoberfest home: Purchase official souvenirs such as the Wiesn poster or the Oktoberfest beer stein in the official Oktoberfest shop.

Neuschwanstein Castle in the surrounding region of Munich.

Dream castles Neuschwanstein & Linderhof VIP

As VIP in the footsteps of King Ludwig II. On this day tour in the luxurious long-distance coach of Gray Line Sightseeing you can visit both dream castles of the fairytale king.

A day tour in the luxurious long-distance coach of Gray Line Sightseeing.

Bikes stand in the green grass in the English Garden in Munich

Rental bike 1 day

With a rental bike, you can experience Munich at your own personal pace. Discover hidden alleys and charming districts off the beaten track.

A woman in the exhibition "Der Blaue Reiter" in the Lenbachhaus in Munich

Discovery trip incl. City Pass

2 nights in your selected hotel and - thanks to the City Pass - free admission to 45 museums, sights and attractions: our travel package for explorers.

Towers of the Frauenkirche in Munich taken from the air.

Guided Tours

Bus on blue background.

Travel Packages

Bed on red background


Bag on green background

Give the gift of a special Munich voucher: we also offer vouchers for all our guided tours. Here you can book unique Munich experiences directly online, print them out and give them as a gift voucher to friends or family.

Light bulb on yellow background

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  • Book the Munich-Card
  • Book guided tours

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  • Destinations
  • Tours in Munich

Munich Old Town Free Tour by Walkative!

Munich Old Town Free Tour by Walkative! Germany — #1

Overview of the tour in Munich

During our tour, we will talk about both the light and dark pages of German history. We will learn about the history of Bavaria from the Roman beginnings of the city, through 700 years during which it was ruled by one powerful family, the Wittelsbachs, to the unification of Germany by Bismarck in the 19th century. We will see the places where Nazism was born, but also those where Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict XVI, worked while still an archbishop. We will also see, perhaps the most disappointing attraction of the city – a show of knightly figure fights in the city’s carillon. Take a walk with us and get to know a city that combines like no other seemingly contradictory fields: history and motoring, art and technology, entrepreneurship, and a specific lifestyle of Munich people, which is a mixture of self-confidence, freedom, and cheerfulness. Perhaps all these contradictions are seamlessly united by what is most important to Munich people… beer!

This activity includes:

  • Odeonsplatz
  • Max-Joseph-Platz
  • Frauenkirche
  • Marienplatz
  • National Theatre

Meeting point

In front of Altes Rathaus by Juliet Capulet Statue

You will find us in front of Altes Rathaus by the Juliet Capulet Statue (just off the Marienplatz). The guide will be waiting with the yellow umbrella of Walkative.

Free Cancellation

You are free to cancel a booking anytime. We kindly remind you to cancel bookings you cannot arrive for. Being reported as absent decreases your customer level points and the benefits you can enjoy.

Third Reich Tour in Munich

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UEFA EURO 2024 fixtures and results: When and where are the matches?

Friday, June 21, 2024

Article summary

UEFA EURO 2024 kicked off on Friday 14 June and ends with the final in Berlin on Sunday 14 July. See dates, venues and schedule.

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Check out the full UEFA EURO 2024 final tournament schedule below. All kick-off times are CEST.

When are the EURO 2024 matches?

Group stage.

14 Jun e Group A : Germany 5-1 Scotland ( Munich )

15 June A : Hungary 1-3 Switzerland ( Cologne ) B : Spain 3-0 Croatia ( Berlin ) B : Italy 2-1 Albania ( Dortmund )

16 June D : Poland 1-2 Netherlands ( Hamburg ) C : Slovenia 1-1 Denmark ( Stuttgart ) C : Serbia 0-1 England ( Gelsenkirchen )

17 June E : Romania 3-0 Ukraine ( Munich ) E : Belgium 0-1 Slovakia ( Frankfurt ) D : Austria 0-1 France ( Düsseldorf )

18 June F : Türkiye 3-1 Georgia ( Dortmund) F : Portugal 2-1 Czechia ( Leipzig )

19 June B : Croatia 2-2 Albania ( Hamburg ) A : Germany 2-0 Hungary ( Stuttgart ) A : Scotland 1-1 Switzerland ( Cologne )

20 June C : Slovenia 1-1 Serbia ( Munich ) C : Denmark 1-1 England ( Frankfurt ) B : Spain 1-0 Italy ( Gelsenkirchen )

21 June E : Slovakia vs Ukraine ( Düsseldorf , 15:00) D : Poland vs Austria ( Berlin , 18:00) D : Netherlands vs France ( Leipzig , 21:00)

22 June F : Georgia vs Czechia ( Hamburg , 15:00) F : Türkiye vs Portugal ( Dortmund , 18:00) E : Belgium vs Romania ( Cologne , 21:00)

Did you know...?

As part of UEFA's commitment to making EURO 2024 a reference event for sustainability in sport, venues and matches have been organised in regionalised clusters. This reduces the number of flights taken by teams by 75% compared to EURO 2016, as well as ensuring easier, sustainable transport between matches for supporters.

23 June A : Switzerland vs Germany ( Frankfurt , 21:00) A : Scotland vs Hungary ( Stuttgart , 21:00)

24 June B : Croatia vs Italy ( Leipzig , 21:00) B : Albania vs Spain ( Düsseldorf , 21:00)

25 June D : Netherlands vs Austria ( Berlin , 18:00) D : France vs Poland ( Dortmund , 18:00) C : England vs Slovenia ( Cologne , 21:00) C : Denmark vs Serbia ( Munich , 21:00)

26 June E : Slovakia vs Romania ( Frankfurt , 18:00) E : Ukraine vs Belgium ( Stuttgart , 18:00) F : Czechia vs Türkiye ( Hamburg , 21:00) F : Georgia vs Portugal ( Gelsenkirchen , 21:00)

Rest days on 27 and 28 June

When does the EURO 2024 round of 16 start?

29 June 38 2A vs 2B ( Berlin , 18:00) 37 1A vs 2C ( Dortmund , 21:00)

30 June 40 1C vs 3D/E/F ( Gelsenkirchen , 18:00) 39 1B vs 3A/D/E/F ( Cologne , 21:00)

1 July 42 2D vs 2E ( Düsseldorf , 18:00) 41 1F vs 3A/B/C ( Frankfurt , 21:00)

2 July 43 1E vs 3A/B/C/D ( Munich , 18:00) 44 1D vs 2F ( Leipzig , 21:00)

Rest days on 3 and 4 July

When do the EURO 2024 quarter-finals start?

5 July 45 W39 vs W37 ( Stuttgart , 18:00) 46 W41 vs W42 ( Hamburg , 21:00)

6 July 48 W40 vs W38 ( Düsseldorf , 18:00) 47 W43 vs W44 ( Berlin , 21:00)

Rest days on 7 and 8 July

When do the EURO 2024 semi-finals start?

9 July 49 W45 vs W46 ( Munich , 21:00)

10 July 50 W47 vs W48 ( Dortmund , 21:00)

Rest days on 11, 12 and 13 July

When is the EURO 2024 final?

14 July W49 vs W50 ( Berlin , 21:00)

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  1. Munich Walking Tour

    free tour munich civitatis

  2. Excursiones, visitas guiadas y actividades en Múnich

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  3. Munich Hop On Hop Off Bus Tour

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  4. Tour de la cerveza por Múnich

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  1. Civitatis Tour Gratis por Madrid / Free Tour en Madrid


  3. Civitatis (Mexico, Latam)

  4. Walk Here: Munich / München Tour, Germany, Summer 2023

  5. ISLANDIA / Visitamos la CUEVA AZUL #vlog6 (2024)

  6. Civitatis (USA)


  1. Free Walking Tour of Munich

    Free Walking Tour of Munich. The tour begins at the designated time in front of Fish's Fountain in Marienplatz, in the centre of Munich. Marienplatz is home to both the new and old town halls, two of the most beautiful buildings in the city. Here we will stop to see the famous Rathaus-Glockenspiel, and learn the history behind its wooden figures.

  2. Activities, Guided Tours and Day Trips in Munich

    Munich Third Reich Tour. 9.60 / 10 30 reviews. 407 travellers. Free cancellation. This guided visit through Adolf Hitler's Munich means you get to know the role justice, propaganda, art, and religion played in the beginnings of Nazi Germany. 3 hours 30 minutes English Guided tours and free tours. US$ 18.40.

  3. Free tour por Múnich

    04 / May / 2024. 28 / Abr / 2024. En este free tour por Múnich recorreremos sus numerosos atractivos turísticos para que os contagiéis de la cultura e historia de la capital de Baviera.

  4. Excursiones, visitas guiadas y actividades en Múnich

    Tour del Tercer Reich + Campo de concentración de Dachau. 9,8 / 10 567 opiniones. 3.910 viajeros. Cancelación gratuita. Si queréis conocer los entresijos de la historia del siglo XX, podéis hacerlo en este tour del Tercer Reich por Múnich y la visita al campo de Dachau . 8h 30m Español Excursiones de un día.

  5. Munich Walking Tour

    Munich Walking Tour. The guide will meet you at 10:15 am at Munich Central Station to start the tour. From here you'll go to notable points of interests around Munich, and discover the secrets surrounding the German Empire, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. The tour around Germany's third largest city will include a step into the past ...

  6. Free Tours in Munich, Germany

    Provided by Philipp's Munich Tours. Rating: 9.9. (Reviews: 19) from €0 Tip based. Discover Munich's hidden architectural gems on our unique tour through Schlachthof, Dreimühlenviertel and Untergiesing. Join us on an unforgettable journey, from the Volkstheater to Bahnwärter Thiel's Kulturhaus and Kleinvenedig.

  7. Free Walking Tour of Munich

    Real reviews by Civitatis clients, page Free Walking Tour of Munich. 498 - 4.561 reviews with an average score of 9,1. Real reviews by Civitatis clients, page Free Walking Tour of Munich. Icono ayuda Help. search. Top destinations. New York The United States; Rome Italy; ... Contact Civitatis. Available 24 / 7.

  8. Munich City Pass

    The Munich City Pass includes visits to more than 30 attractions in Munich. You can purchase the card with unlimited public transport. ... Free Walking Tour of Munich. 9.10 560 reviews . Free. book. Dachau Concentration Camp Day Trip. 8.55 47 reviews . US$ 50.70. book. Berchtesgaden & Eagle's Nest Day Trip. ... Contact Civitatis. Available 24 / 7.

  9. Munich City Pass, the Munich tourist card

    The Munich City Pass includes access to more than 30 attractions in the capital of Bavaria. Some of the most popular are: The total value of these tickets already exceeds the price of the card, but, in addition, you can also take guided tours in English, get discounts on up to 44 different attractions, and use one of the lines of the Munich ...

  10. Munich Old City Free Tour

    Munich Old Town Free Tour by Walkative! from €0 (Tip based) 9.4 (Reviews: 40) English 2h 30min 10:45 AM, 3:00 PM Hidden architectural treasures of Munich. from €0 (Tip based) 9.9 (Reviews: 19) German, English +1 2h 30min 11:00 AM, 11:15 AM +2 More. Visit the City of Oktoberfest & its History.

  11. Munich City Tour Card

    The Munich City Tour Card is sold online (see the link above), at the Tourist Information Offices in Marienplatz , and at Munich Hauptbahnhof (main railway station), as well as the MVG ticket offices and machines. The Munich City Tour Card offers discounts on more than 80 attractions around Munich and includes unlimited free public transport use.

  12. Munich Guide by Civitatis

    About this app. This Munich guide is completely free and has been created by the Civitatis team, the leading company in the sale of guided tours, excursions, and free tours in English all over the world. So you can guess what you'll find there: all the tourist information you need to make the most of your trip to Munich, with a perfect ...

  13. Free Walking Tour Munich

    Best Tour in Town. Munich is unlike anywhere else. The alpine nature, hearty cuisine, rich tradition and royal history come together to make the Bavarian capital a special place and the world's most liveable city. Come join us and let our friendly guides show you through the cobbled streets of Munich's Old Town.

  14. Los 3 MEJORES free tours por Munich: la mejor selección

    Los 3 MEJORES free tours por Múnich gratis y en español Excursiones y actividades baratas en Munich por menos de 20 euros. Si este top 3 de free tours por Munich que te recomendamos te han sabido a poco, debes saber que hay un montón de excursiones y actividades baratas en la ciudad. Por menos de 20 euros por persona puedes disfrutar de Múnich. Aquí van algunas recomendaciones:

  15. English Free Walking Tour of Munich

    Overview of the tour in Munich. Join me for a fun and informative free walking tour around the beautiful old city of Munich. Along the way, you'll learn about the city's origins, local legends, crazy kings, Third Reich history, Bavarian culture, traditions, and beer! Around every corner, you will find fascinating history and architecture ...

  16. Munich Center Free Walking Tour

    Munich Center Free Walking Tour. Duration: 2h 30min | Provided by Explora Múnich. Overview Includes Meeting point Reviews (1222) 1 /11. Overview of the tour in Munich. Munich is the largest city in the federal state of Bavaria and the third-largest in Germany. It is a place that stands out for its beauty and beer history, but this city hides ...

  17. Free Munich Walking Tour

    The free tour concept is very popular now. Anyone is free to join and at the end you pay what you think the tour was worth. That means the guide will always be working hard to deliver the best possible experience. The free tour runs daily at 10.30am and from March to December, also at 2pm. Please check the calendar further down the page for ...

  18. Free Walking Tour Munich

    Heart of Munich Tours, an independent, locally-based tour operator in the capital of Bavaria, specializes in free walking tours and personalized private tours. Our focus is on providing exceptional experiences that delve into the rich history, vibrant culture, and renowned beer of Munich and Bavaria. The company was founded in March 2021 by ...

  19. The Ultimate Free Walking Tour of Munich (For 2023)

    Needless to say, this free walking tour of Munich will take you to all the top spots. So get your camera ready, put on some comfortable shoes, and prepare to spend one perfect day in Munich (one of the best places to visit in Bavaria!). The Ultimate Free Walking Tour of Munich 1) Karlsplatz-Stachus. Opening Hours: None; Cost: Free

  20. Free tour por Múnich

    Buenos Aires, Argentina. 15 / Jun / 2024. Buenos Aires, Argentina. En este free tour por Múnich recorreremos sus numerosos atractivos turísticos para que os contagiéis de la cultura e historia de la capital de Baviera.

  21. Free Walking Tours Munich, Germany

    Sandemans New Europe Munich. The free tour of Munich with Sandemans is a 2.5-hour walking overview of this beautiful German city starting at Marienplatz and ending close by. Your local guide will make sure to show you all the must-see points of attraction, including the Glockenspiel, Frauenkirche, and the Hofbrauhaus. ...

  22. Munich City Pass: over 45 attractions & local transport for free!

    Frauenkirche: Visit of the South Tower. Book a visit to the observation deck of Munich's Frauenkirche and enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the city. Book now for 7,50 €! Book now! Book the all-inclusive Munich City Pass. Enjoy free local public transport and free admission to over 45 top attractions and tours.

  23. Munich Old Town Free Tour by Walkative!

    22. 23. 10:45 AM. 3:00 PM. from €0 Tip based. Book a Munich Old Town Free Tour by Walkative! and discover memorable sights and rich culture of Munich, Germany.

  24. UEFA EURO 2024 fixtures and results: When and where are the matches?

    9 July 49 W45 vs W46 (Munich, 21:00) 10 July 50 W47 vs W48 (Dortmund, 21:00) Rest days on 11, 12 and 13 July. When is the EURO 2024 final? 14 July W49 vs W50 (Berlin, 21:00) Download full fixture list