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Home » Budget Travel » 22 Insane Bucket List Adventures You MUST Experience in 2024

22 Insane Bucket List Adventures You MUST Experience in 2024

There’s nothing I love more than dreaming about bucket list adventures, especially when they’re around the corner. If you’re reading this, you too, are likely in the need of some seriously epic inspiration right about now.

Don’t worry–you’re in for a heck of a virtual (which will hopefully turn into the real thing soon) adventure!

Whether it be a dream trek somewhere in the mountains of South Asia, or an unreal road trip through a can’t-miss national park, our planet is filled with bucket list trips that you’ll remember for a lifetime.

These are the types of journeys that stay with you forever. We’re talking about adventures that push you past your limits and make you reconsider what’s truly possible… AKA the best type of travel experiences.

So with consideration for all types of travelers in mind, here are 22 travel bucket list ideas that will be sure to make this year the most memorable yet!

adventure list #1 -  mount everest in nepal with a shrine in the foreground

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The 22 Best Bucket List Adventure Ideas (to Knock Your Socks Off!)

Epic adventures for your travel bucket list, kinda’ crazy bucket list ideas, unique bucket list ideas you’ll never forget, top-tier adventure bucket list ideas, what to pack for the bucket list trip of a lifetime, bucket list inspo achieved.

Crazy adventures, travel bucket list trips, wild experiences: you’ve dreamed it, you can do it. From the best destinations for adventure travel to the most absolutely insane expeditions you can go on, here are 22 ultimate bucket list ideas to change your life.

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Travelers, these are for you. Pack up and get psyched for some of best international adventures around.

1. Road trip the Karakoram Highway

karakoram mountains hikes in pakistan

You can’t talk about bucket list travel destinations without mentioning Pakistan. It’s only adventure travel’s crown jewel, after all. And what better way to experience its magic than via a road trip through the 8th Wonder of the World, the Karakoram Highway? 

From the delicious history, culture and food of Lahore to the unbelievable beauty of Gilgit Baltistan , the entire country is epic, but the Karakoram Highway alone is enough of a reason to make a backpacking adventure in Pakistan a bucket list trip ASAP. 

The famous Karakoram Highway (which connects Pakistan with China) coasts along some of the most beautiful views I’ve personally ever seen. The iconic Passu Cones along with a multitude of other mountains and iconic scenery will greet you. 

Other must stops along the highway include:

  • Hussaini Suspension Bridge
  • Attabad Lake
  • Batura Lake
  • The Passu Glacier
  • And if you like meat, the best restaurant I may have ever visited in my life: the Yak Grill near the Passu Cones!

A week is enough to get a good feel for the highway (including the Karakoram National Park where hundreds of yaks and marmots live), though you’d need a lifetime to truly get to know Pakistan.

484 pages with cities, towns, parks, and ALL the out-of-the-way places you will WANT to know. If you truly want to discover Pakistan , download this PDF .

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2. Take in India by train

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Traveling through India on its extensive railway network is a life-changing experience. I experienced it in 2019 (or part of the country anyway) and to say it’s a bucket list adventure is a massive understatement.

India is truly a multitude of worlds within worlds, and experiencing it all by train is the best way take the country in. You can visit almost every part of the country via India Railways, except for some of its more mountainous regions. 

Start your trip in New Delhi, head to Rajasthan, and keep making your way south until you hit India’s magical beaches and coastline. Make a U-Shape to hit the East Coast, and don’t forget about Northeast India, the 7 sister states that will make you feel like you’re in a different country altogether.

3. Self-drive through Namibia 

namibia bucket list adventures

Have you heard of Namibia? If not, you should! This African beauty should be on every stargazer/astrophotographer’s collection of bucket list countries. 

But even if you’re not too keen on either of those things, odds are you’ll love a self-drive through Namibia.

Exploring Namibia with your own vehicle will also allow you to go for a full-on independent safari–all at your own pace. 

The real highlight of a Namibia self-drive is a camp-out at NamibRand . The nature reserve is one of only a few gold-certified dark sky reserves, meaning on a clear night with little moonlight, you’re in for the best star show of your life!

4. Experience the magic of Bhutan 

view of tigers nest bhutan bucket list adventures

Bhutan should be at the top of every traveler’s bucket list destinations list. The South Asian Kingdom borders both India and Tibet and is one of the few countries in the world that makes visitors pay a minimum daily rate.

While this might sound rather hefty at $250/day, Bhutan uses the money to preserve its heritage and provide for its citizens. It’s also the world’s only carbon-negative country! 

Taking a trip to Bhutan is tricky, but the rewards are well worth the effort. The beauty of Bhutan’s landscapes, delicious food, ancient and well-preserved historical sites, and a culture very few have been able to experience–it’s truly one of those places that’s worth saving up for. 

If you do make it to one of the most incredible countries in the world, must-do’s include:

  • Entering the beautiful Tiger’s Nest monastery
  • Checking out the phallus-fixated village of Sopsokha,
  • And heading out on a trek or two. 

Since the $250/day package requires a guide, you can either choose a fixed route or exert some control over your itinerary.

5. Go Backpacking: Travel the world on $10/day!

surfing chicks in el salvador backpacking

And now for what I consider to be the best of all possible bucket list adventures: traveling the world on $10 a day . 

Traveling on a low budget in epic countries taught me more about life and the world than 18 years of school ever did. Eating street food, finding out what a hostel was, making unforgettable memories in the most beautiful of places…these are but some of the benefits of traveling the world on a shoestring. 

It forces you out of your comfort zone, thrusts you into new ways of life, and is absolutely 100% guaranteed to bring about some crazy adventures. If there’s just one thing on this adventure list that you ACTUALLY end up doing, let it be this one.

Everybody needs to try budget travel. At least once.

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The type of adventure ideas that really scream “bucket list.”

6. Sail to Antarctica 

two penguins in Antarctica - bucket list trips

Being the most unexplored continent by far, Antarctica is one of those bucket list trips of a lifetime. Unknown, dangerous and infrequently visited, a sailing trip to Antarctica might just be in a category all of its own.

A place where you can see nature at its most raw and wildlife at its least disturbed, a trip to Antarctica comes at a high price tag, and a high amount of penguins to be seen.

The journey will take you through rough seas to quite literally the end of the earth. But all that it entails is well worth the reward–there’s no bucket list inspiration on Earth quite like Antarctica!

7. Cycle the Pamir Highway 

The Pamir Highway extending into the horizon - top bucket list road trips

Vast, magical, high and about as remote as it gets, the Pamir Highway (or M41) is typically ridden from Osh in Kyrgyzstan to Dushanbe in Tajikistan (or vice versa if you prefer).

Its highest point is over 4600m, and the landscapes along the way make the Pamir Highway an essential travel bucket list item. The sights you’ll see in Central Asia and, particularly, while traveling through Kyrgyzstan are nothing short of otherworldly.

While you can hitchhike, self-drive, or hire a driver, the most extreme way to see the highway is undoubtedly from the saddle of a cycle. 

With the ability to wild camp anywhere along the way, you’ll get to see Pamir at its rawest, and feel pretty damn accomplished after cycling over 1200 km through two countries!

8. Up the fear factor by bungee jumping in New Zealand

A backpacker in New Zealand crosses bungee jumping of his bucket list

An extreme bucket list adventure that will be sure to REALLY get your heart pumping is the famous bungee jump in Queenstown, New Zealand. At 134 m high, the Nevis Bungee jump is made for adrenaline junkies. After a 35-minute 4×4 ride, you’ll find yourself at the highest bungee point in all of New Zealand.

Any last thoughts or prayers?

Joking! But you might want to keep in mind that dropping 134 m in less than 10 seconds might raise your blood pressure a little! There are TONS of companies in Queenstown to check off this crazy bucket list idea with, and you can expect to pay around $200.

9. Go paragliding in Interlaken, Switzerland

paragliding in mountains of interlaken switzerland

Yes, paragliding might be one crazy bucket list idea, but isn’t that the point of an adventure?

Switzerland is known for its state-of-art paragliding locales, and Interlaken is one of the best areas in Switzerland to head to if you’re serious about getting a taste of life as a bird. 

Clearly, paragliding isn’t something to be taken lightly! If you’ve never done it before, you’re going to need some lessons and a guide for your first few flights. 

Luckily, Interlaken has dozens of companies to choose from to help you make the most out of this big bucket list adventure!

6. Embark on a journey to K2 Base Camp

crazy travel

So you’ve probably heard of the EBC (Everest Base Camp) Trek, but have you heard of the trek to K2 Base Camp, a journey that allows you to get up close and personal with the 2nd highest (and MOST DANGEROUS) mountain in the world? The amount of incredible hikes in Pakistan is truly impressive, but few can compare to K2.

Known as the Savage Mountain, K2 has been successfully summitted 700 times due to its insane weather conditions and numerous other technical difficulties. But while reaching the summit is for trained professionals, you can make it to the basecamp with only moderate fitness.

Though it certainly can be categorized as one of those extreme bucket list ideas, this trek is perhaps the most beautiful in the world as it allows you to take in some other-worldly scenery. 

Due to its extreme nature, you need a NOC and a licensed guide to check the K2 Basecamp Trek off this bucket list adventure. But, well, that feeling of pride…?

That lasts a lifetime .

The type of bucket list trips that you might not even have considered.

11. Go gorilla trekking in Uganda

Now talk about a truly UNIQUE bucket list adventure that few travelers actually get to do! Deep in the rainforest of Southwestern Uganda is where you’ll find majestic mountain gorillas doing life in their natural habitats.

a primate lying on its side with a close zoom on its human-like face

Thanks to intrepid adventure travel companies like Inertia , you can now go see these Great Apes up close and personally without having to worry about logistics – of which there are many in a country as offbeat as Uganda.

Aside from coming face to face with these massive creatures, you’ll also get to spot our closest living relatives: the chimpanzee. This ethical encounter will also give you the chance to meet local tribes that call these massive forests home. So it’s really like deep diving into two different bucket list experiences in one!

12. Get on the saddle of a horse in Mongolia

two people riding horses in mongolia

Mongolia is one of the wildest countries in the world: with rolling grassy plains that make up thousands of kilometers in area, it’s a landscape that’s best seen via horseback. 

Riding through the Mongolian plateau on four legs might just SOUND like one of those crazy bucket list ideas, but it’s seriously doable. If you’re extra experienced on the saddle, you can even potentially opt to go on a solo ride. 

But for most of us, arranging a trek with a Mongolian company is the best (and safest) option. Ulaanbaatar –the capital–is the best place to start your trip and plan further. Surprisingly, there are a few decent hostels in Ulaanbaatar , so it’s a decent base.

But keep in mind that travel in Mongolia is extremely seasonal–this is a bucket list country best experienced during the summer.

13. Get up close to volcanoes in Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula

crazy travel

Russia’s Kamchatka peninsula is well known amongst Russians but is often left off of most other travelers’ adventure bucket list. The 1,250 km long peninsula is made up of some of the world’s rawest landscapes, tons of wildlife, and even active volcanoes.

Kamchatka is located in Russia’s far-east and has a dramatic climate with a short window of opportunity to visit. July-August is the best time to soak it all in, though you’d be able to manage without catching hypothermia any time from May-September. 

Make sure you don’t miss Klyuchevskaya Sopka , the highest volcano on Kamchatka as well as the highest active volcano in all of Eurasia!

14. Fly over Bagan, Myanmar, in a hot air balloon

Hot air balloons over Bagan, Myanmar -  bucket list adventures in Southeast Asia

Myanmar is a magical place to visit , but Bagan is an especially magical place. Over 2,000 ancient temples, pagodas, and a ton of greenery fill the ancient city which is best viewed at sunrise from above. 

Each morning, the sky above Bagan becomes filled with balloons, which is undoubtedly the best way to view this one-of-a-kind landscape. 

Personally, I’m a fan of the temples at sunset, but be sure to check them out at both breaks of day to see which one you prefer yourself. You can also visit the inside of some of the pagodas!

Balloon rentals can be arranged at MANY places nearby (including your Bagan hostel).

15. Visit the Ancient Angkor Wat

angkor wat front view cambodia

Cambodia’s signature bucket list inspo is a 900 year old temple complex that used to be covered in gold. 

Angkor Wat is located not far from the center of the city of Siem Reap which in and of itself is quite a small area of Cambodia to stay . The best way to take in the spiritual, ancient structures is via tuk-tuk, or better yet bicycle. Both are easy to rent from any accommodation in Siem Reap, but you can also do it online beforehand!

For the best adventure list experience, try to make it to Angkor Wat for sunrise. Cambodia is generally hot AF year-round, but it’s on another level in the summer. 

To enjoy the temples without feeling like you’re quite literally melting, visit during the “cool” months of December-February. 

It will take days to see all the temples, and whether you buy the 1, 2, or 3-day pass is entirely up to you, but make sure you don’t miss these specifically: Ta Prohm (where jungle meets history), Bayon , and of course, the namesake Angkor Wat which will greet you upon entry!

16. Drive across the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia

salar de uyuni with 4x4s

Covering an area of more than 4,000 square miles, the Salar de Uyuni (AKA the famous Bolivian salt flats) is the largest in the world of its kind. It’s truly impossible to describe just HOW flat the region truly is. Basically, it’s one of those bucket list adventures that truly feels extraplanetary. 

Uyuni can be explored by bicycle, car, or with a tour. You also have the option to hire a driver if you prefer.  Salar de Uyuni is one of the best things to do while traveling in Bolivia , but also just one of the more unique bucket list adventures out there. It’s certainly not every day that you’ll have the opportunity to soak in one of the planet’s rarest landscapes.

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Drink water from ANYWHERE. The Grayl Geopress is the worlds leading filtered water bottle protecting you from all manner of waterborne nasties.

Single-use plastic bottles are a MASSIVE threat to marine life. Be a part of the solution and travel with a filter water bottle. Save money and the environment!

We’ve tested the Geopress  rigorously  from the icy heights of Pakistan to the tropical jungles of Bali, and can confirm: it’s the best water bottle you’ll ever buy!

Bucket list trips that are sure to be remembered for years to come.

17. Trek to Machu Picchu, Peru

machu picchu view from above

The secret city of Machu Picchu is known by all travelers–it’s one of those bucket list travel adventures everyone has had their eye on at one time or another. And for good reason–the trek to the ruins is truly one-of-a-kind. 

The best part is that there are MANY routes that lead to Machu Picchu, all of varying difficulty and length. The 26-mile Inca Trail is by far the most popular, and while beautiful, that means your experience will be far from private. A permit is also required to tread along the famous Inca Trail. 

For those that are looking for lesser-touristed Incan sites , off-beat alternatives include the difficult Vilcabamba Traverse or via the infrequently visited ruins of Choquequirao . Keep in mind that the dry season runs from April-October, and trust me take that seriously–you don’t want to hike in a downpour!

18. See the Great Barrier Reef

fish in the great barrier reef australia

Situated along the North Queensland Coast, travellers on Australia’s East Coast will find the Great Barrier Reef. It’s hard to miss–it’s the longest in the world. Visiting the Great Barrier Reef is one of the world’s most well-known bucket list ideas. 

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system. Stretching along over 2,000 km and containing nearly 3,000 individual reefs, this is a bucket list adventure that you seriously won’t find anywhere else in the world. Because it’s one of a kind.

There are many places to choose to base yourself near the Great Barrier Reef, and considering it’s so long, there are plenty of stay options as well. 

Cairns is considered to be the main gateway to the reef, though if you’re on a budget you can opt for the more wallet-friendly Townsville .

19. Trek through Patagonia 

hiker looking at a blue-white glacier in

Patagonia in Argentina is one of the most stunning places you can trek IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Period . 

The Torres del Paine Circuit (located in Torres del Paine National Park ) is the most popular of the dozens of hiking trails in Patagonia and will give you unreal multi-day views of jagged, snow-covered peaks and glacial lakes that come in shades of blue you never even knew existed.

The entire trek is about 80 km (50 miles) and the highest point is just below 1200 m. Though the distance may sound daunting, the altitude isn’t that high meaning anyone of average fitness should be able to enjoy this bucket list adventure.

20. See the Northern Lights in Scandinavia 

The vibrant Northen Lights in Iceland - once in  lifetime experience

A bucket list for travel can’t leave out seeing the Northern Lights–this epic phenomenon is a top Earthly-adventure that you really have to see to believe! As great as photos are, they simply cannot do them justice. 

Finland, Norway, and Sweden are some of the best places to see the Northern Lights due to their polar locations. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can see them all year-round; the window for Aurora Borealis sightings is within October-November and February-March . 

Self-guided trips and tours are both possible, if you decide to head out on your own make sure your itinerary dates are generous, it’s not a given that the lights will be visible every night.

21. Summit  Mt. Kilimanjaro

mt kilimanjaro view travel bucket list

Few mountains can compare to Tanzania’s Mt. Kilimanjaro. Trekking to its summit is undoubtedly something to put on your once-in-a-lifetime adventure bucket list. At 5,895 meters, its summit is the so-called “roof of Africa” and will prove to be a meaty challenge. 

Unlike other bucket list adventure ideas, Mt. Kilimajaro can NOT be done independently. Luckily, there are dozens upon dozens of companies to choose from when booking your adventure tour.

When selecting a company, keep in mind you’ll get what you pay for in terms of comfort and food. Combine it with an independent backpacking trip through Tanzania to get the most out of flight prices!

22. Road trip through America’s National Parks

photo of river flowing through bucket list place zion national park in the USA

With 63 parks to choose from, America’s national park system is in a class of its own. Each of the very different park options offers a different kind of adventure bucket list item to experience. 

From seeking out alligators in the Florida Everglades to experiencing the White Sands Park in New Mexico to the many, many hiking opportunities each of the 63 holds, there’s no better way to see the US than via a road trip through some of its best natural assets. 

If you’re planning to visit a ton of parks, your most wallet-friendly option is to buy an annual pass, which will quite literally save you hundreds that you could be spending on other bucket list adventures!

You can’t show up to a bucket list trip of a lifetime unprepared! A good set of backpacking gear (and good travel insurance) goes a long way.

Here are some of our top recommendations on what should go in your pack, and as always, we recommend World Nomads Travel Insurance to protect it all with.

Osprey Aether AG 70

Osprey Aether 70L Backpack

Ya can’t go backpacking anywhere without a blasted backpack! Words cannot describe what a friend the Osprey Aether has been to The Broke Backpacker on the road. It’s had a long and illustrious career; Ospreys don’t go down easily.

feathered friend backpacking sleeping bag

Feathered Friends Swift 20 YF

My philosophy is that with an EPIC sleeping bag, you can sleep anywhere. A tent is a nice bonus, but a real sleek sleeping bag means you can roll out anywhere in a and stay warm in a pinch. And the Feathered Friends Swift bag is about as premium as it gets.

Grayls Geopress Water Bottle

Grayl Geopress Filtered Bottle

Always travel with a water bottle! They save you money and reduce your plastic footprint on our planet. The Grayl Geopress acts as a purifier AND temperature regulator – so you can enjoy a cold red bull, or a hot coffee, no matter where you are.

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Petzl Actik Core Headlamp

Every traveller should have a head torch! A decent head torch could save your life. When you’re camping, hiking, or even if the power just went out, a top-quality headlamp is a MUST. The Petzl Actik Core is an awesome piece of kit because it’s USB chargeable—batteries begone!

packable travel medical kit

First Aid Kit

Never go off the beaten track (or even on it) without your first aid kit! Cuts, bruises, scrapes, third-degree sunburn: a first aid kit will be able to handle most of these minor situations.

And Pack Some Damn Travel Insurance!

Ok, so you can’t pack travel insurance BUT it’s absolutely daft not travel without it. You truly never know what’s going to happen on the road, and if something not so ideal does, you want to make sure you (and your wallet) are protected.

Do you want to be another sad case on GoFundMe of an adventurer who thought they were too cool for travel insurance?

Didn’t think so.

We highly recommend you choose from one of the top travel insurance companies that has a good reputation for assisting travelers in far out lands.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

crazy travel

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

And there, you have it: 22 absolutely epic bucket list adventures that are sure to tingle your travel senses! From road trips to climbing some crazy mountains, to seeing some of the world’s most unique landscapes, these adventure list ideas have something for every kind of traveler.

So what are you waiting for? Plan the trip, book the flight, and cross off those bucket list destinations!

girl walking down cliff in northern pakistan

Samantha Shea

Buckit List Adventures Pinterest Image

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photo of a person holding a smartphone with Holafly logo

Machu Picchu is absolutely mind blowing! Then when you factor in the various treks you can take just to get there, you gain an appreciation of the tenacity and intelligence of this ancient Indigenous society. Can’t wait to knock off the other trips recommended on this list! Angkor Wat especially.

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12 crazy activities for your adventure travel bucket list

by Jeremy Scott Foster | Mar 13, 2019 | 0 comments

Note: All travel is subject to frequently changing governmental restrictions—please check federal, state and local advisories before scheduling trips. This article was last updated October 2020.

One of the best parts of traveling is the thrills you experience along the way. We’ve partnered with adventure travel expert Jeremy Scott Foster from TravelFreak,  as he talks about some of the most exhilarating travel bucket list items you can one day try around the world.

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What’s your favorite souvenir to take back home from a vacation? A few tacky magnets or maybe some cheap shot glasses?

How about bringing back memories from an unbelievably insane experience? Thankfully the world is full of hair-raising, spine-chilling, blood-tingling adventures that are just waiting to be ticked off of your travel bucket list.

That sounds way more exciting than a trinket you’ll immediately shove into your desk drawer.

Travel practically goes hand in hand with crazy experiences, and you don’t have to search far to find thrilling adventures . But just in case you need some inspiration, here are some of the wildest travel bucket list ideas.

Hot Air Ballooning over Cappadocia, Turkey is a must-try bucket list idea

1. Hot air balloon over Cappadocia, Turkey

While it’s possible to hot air balloon almost anywhere in the world, soaring high above the fairy chimneys in Cappadocia is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The rocky peaks and steep valleys look as if you’re floating over the moon.

Want to know what makes this adventure even more spectacular?

You’ll be flying with upwards of a hundred other balloons, making the view even more stunning than you could ever imagine.

Hike China’s Most Dangerous Mountain

2. Hike China’s most dangerous mountain

Blurring the line between thrilling and dangerous, trekking Mt. Huashan is less like a hike and more like knee-shaking shuffle over thin, wooden planks. With only a steel cable chaining you to safety, you’ll have to rely on your balancing skills to make it to the end.

If being suspended on the side of a 2,000-foot cliff doesn’t scare you, then grab your chain and swing out on one foot for an unforgettable thrill.

Walk on the Wings of an Airplane in Essex, U.K.

3. Walk on the wings of an airplane in Essex, U.K.

Would you call me crazy if I said you could ride on an airplane 1,000 feet in the air while being strapped to the outside?

Wing walking is an adrenaline-fueled ride atop a 1940s biplane that twists, turns, and dips while flying a heart-racing 130mph. If you’re not afraid of flying, then check wing walking off your travel bucket list.

Bungee Jump (Naked!) in Queenstown, New Zealand

4. Bungee jump (naked!) in Queenstown, New Zealand

Free falling with one of the world’s largest bungee jumps might be hair-raising enough for some, but why not take it to the next level? Leave your underwear and pants on the side and jump the Nevis Bungy completely naked!

Your 8-second fall will feel like an eternity as you plunge 440-feet through the Nevis River Valley with nothing but your sneakers on.

Hike the Matanuska Glacier in Alaska

5. Hike the Matanuska Glacier in Alaska

Trekking through the icy pools and deep crevices of the Matanuska Glacier is more than your average weekend hike. The 27-mile long trail winds you through 10,000-year-old dramatic glacier cliffs and glowing ice falls.

Although the setting may seem peaceful and serene, glacier hiking should always be done with an experienced tour guide. You don’t want to encounter a sudden steep cliff or fall through a thin sheet of ice!

Skydive Over Mt. Everest in Nepal

6. Skydive over Mount Everest in Nepal

Don’t just hike the world’s highest mountain — fly over it! Skydiving over the Himalayan Mountains with Mt. Everest as your backdrop should be ranked high on your list of travel bucket items.

With adrenaline pumping through your veins and the crisp mountain breeze flowing through your hair, the 23,000-foot plunge over Mt. Everest is an adventure you will never forget.

Run the Marathon des Sables in Morocco

7. Run the Marathon des Sables in Morocco

Even the most dedicated of athletics will break a sweat if you mention the Marathon des Sables. Considered the toughest race in the world, this ultramarathon will test your limits physically and emotionally.

Not only are you faced with running 156 miles over six days, but you’ll also need to run it through the Sahara Desert where the average temperature hovers around 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

Board Down the Cerro Negro Volcano in Nicaragua

8. Board Down the Cerro Negro Volcano in Nicaragua

With over a dozen active volcanos, it’s easy to see how Nicaragua earned the title, “The Land of Lakes and Volcanos.” While many tourists come to hike the molten Cerro Negro volcano, the best (and most thrilling) way to experience the mountain is by sliding down its slopes at 65mph!

After strapping on your sandboard, you’ll whizz down almost 2,500 feet through sand and ash while lava radiates the surface below you. Although you have a handbrake, the ever-present reminder that Cerro Negro could erupt at any time should propel you to go as fast as possible.

Race Rickshaws Through India

9. Race rickshaws through India

The quarter-yearly Rickshaw Race takes eager adventure seekers from one side of India to the other on nothing more than a broken down, three-wheeled rickshaw.

You must start and end your journey according to the rules, but the route along the way is entirely up to you. From exploring the lush Central Highlands or zipping through rural villages, the Rickshaw Race is the perfect way to explore a country while crossing off a few items from your travel bucket list.

Cave Dive in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula

10. Cave dive in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula

If you’re looking to take your scuba diving to the next level, then think about plunging into the depths of Mexico’s cenote caves . The Yucatán Peninsula is home to the longest cave system in the world, with over 30,000 individual sunken cenotes to swim through.

Exploring the dark, dim underwater caves is not for the inexperienced or claustrophobic, but it’s a unique opportunity to discover the ocean from a perspective that few have ever seen.

Ice Karting in Levi, Finland

11. Ice Karting in Levi, Finland

We’ve all heard throughout our lives that driving on ice is dangerous and should always be avoided, but ice karting flips that whole thought upside down. In Finland, you have the chance to race 13 horse-power go-karts as you speed and slide around corners of the icy, outdoor track.

Although it’s often compared to indoor go-kart racing, ice karting is in an entirely different league. Slippery sheets of ice may not be the easiest terrain to drive on, but it sure is an exciting idea to add to your bucket list.

Jump Off Berlin’s Highest Building

12. Jump off Berlin’s highest building

Although the panoramic views from Berlin’s Park Inn Hote l are stunning, you won’t have time to admire them as you fall 400 feet towards the city street below you. Unlike bungee jumping, base flying decelerates your fall right before you hit the ground, so you don’t spring back up.

Base flying is even more spectacular at night, with the twinkling skyline and Berlin tower illuminating the sky.

Bucket lists exist for a reason. They remind us to step outside our comfort zones and tackle life head-on. The world is full of adventures , so don’t be afraid to do something completely and utterly unforgettable.

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28 Adventures to Travel For, From Glacier Chasing in Greenland to Sand Surfing in the Sahara

By Caitlin Morton

Adventure travel Cappadocia

As much as we love lounging on a faraway beach or revisiting our favorite city for the tenth time, sometimes our passports need some adventure travel—we’re talking about those once-in-a-lifetime trips that push us way outside our comfort zones. Adventure travel is a great way to see more of the world, while also testing your physical limits, and coming home with a lifetime's worth of stories to tell at parties.

Below, we’ve rounded up some of the most incredible outdoor adventures for intrepid travelers, ranging from climbing Machu Picchu to skydiving in Dubai . Even if you don’t consider yourself a daredevil, you’ll still find activities that feel exciting (hello, camping under the northern lights) without too much physical—or emotional—exertion required. So fasten your seatbelts, grab your best pair of hiking boots , and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.

All listings featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. If you book something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

This gallery has been updated with new information since its original publish date.

Iguazu Falls Iguazu National Park

Boat under the Iguazú Falls

South America’s Iguazú Falls, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, make all other waterfalls look like mere trickles in comparison. The system of more than 200 cascades (reaching heights of around 270 feet) can be viewed from surrounding walkways and catwalks, but we’re fans of the more adventurous vantage-point—hopping on an Iguazú Jungle inflatable raft and sailing directly under the exhilarating, high-pressure falls.

Machu Picchu

Climb to Machu Picchu

No adventurer’s must-visit list is complete without Machu Picchu , the famous Incan citadel located in the Andes. While the site can be accessed via train and bus, more active travelers can take the five-day trek along the entire 26-mile-long Inca Trail. Or, thanks to local tour operator Sam Travel Peru , you can get dropped at kilometer marker 104 and do the whole experience in 24 hours .


Sand surf in the Sahara

The dunes of the Sahara are colossal, untouched, and tailor-made for extreme sports. The desert’s rows of barchans (meaning “crescent-shaped dunes” in Turkic) have ideal shapes for sand surfing (descending the slopes on a surfboard) and sandboarding (descending the slopes on a snowboard)—and those views don’t hurt, either. Stay at Erg Chigaga Luxury Camp in Morocco, which offers sandboarding in addition to other desert activities like camel rides and quad biking.

Landscape of Rocky Mountains

Heli-hike in British Columbia

With CMH Heli + Skiing , you can helicopter to the steepest and deepest powder in Canada for backcountry skiing. However, come summer , the company’s guides take guests on multi-day hiking trips to terrain otherwise inaccessible, along ridgelines, through alpine meadows, and to stunning viewpoints. While these high-altitude adventures are not for the faint at heart, the accommodations are quite comfortable, with log-hewn lodges complete with full-service restaurants, spa treatments, and a rooftop hot tub to relax in before another day on the trail.

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Hot air balloon over Cappadocia

A hot air balloon ride over central Turkey’s Cappadocia region provides 360-degree views of the famous limestone spires and “fairy chimneys”—something you can't get at the ground level. We recommend booking with Kapadokya Balloons , the first company that introduced hot air balloon tourism in Cappadocia. Services include transfers to and from your hotel, snacks, full insurance, and a champagne party after the flight.


Hunt for glaciers in Greenland

Greenland is relatively expensive and tricky to get to, but well worth the effort—especially since it’s one of the most untouched landscapes on the planet. Exhibit A: the hundreds-year-old icebergs and glaciers floating off the mainland, which you can get up close and personal with during a cruise excursion. ( Hurtigruten and Cruise Norway offer these sailings.)

Okavango Delta Botswana

Hop across Botswana on a mobile safari

While most safari camps stay in one place like a traditional hotel, the private canvas safaris by  Barclay Stenner Safaris are totally mobile, meaning you can pick up and move locations based on weather conditions and wildlife movements. The outfitter’s Botswana itinerary moves across the country to fauna-rich areas like the Okavango Delta and Makgadikgadi Salt Pans—get ready to follow groups of lions, hippos, elephants, and more.


Paraglide over Turkey’s Blue Lagoon

Oludeniz has one of the most beautiful beaches in Turkey, with pebble shores and a “blue lagoon” of aquamarine hues. The beach also happens to be one of the world's best places to paraglide, thanks to stable weather and gorgeous panoramic views. The launch site for most companies is from Babadağ mountain, with jumping-off points reaching 6,000 feet above sea level.

Great Barrier Reef

Explore the Great Barrier Reef

Divers and snorkelers everywhere need to experience the Great Barrier Reef at least once in their lifetime. Not only does the site have more than 400 different types of coral and 1,500 species of fish, but the natural wonder has been rapidly eroding due to coral bleaching and global warming . That means it’s more urgent than ever to see this sight in all its glory—and to understand what we are losing.

Mexico cenote

Swim through Mexico’s cenotes

Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula features a wealth of unique natural beauty, particularly when it comes to its cavernous cenotes. Floating in one of these natural sinkholes is an incredible experience, as is diving through the underground cave systems . When in Tulum , visit Dos Ojos (“Two Eyes”) to view one of the planet’s most beautiful underwater sites or Gran Cenote for rock formations that resemble Gothic architecture.

Dubai skydiving

Free-fall over Dubai at 120 miles per hour

Dubai is one of the most over-the-top cities in the world, so are you really surprised that skydiving is one of its most popular activities?  Skydive Dubai is a company located near Jumeirah Beach, offering tandem skydiving for beginners and solo jumps for licensed divers. If you thought Dubai’s skyline was impressive already, just wait until you see it while falling from 13,000 feet in the air.

Yosemite Half Dome

Scale Half Dome at Yosemite National Park

The Half Dome trail through Yosemite may be one of the most intense hikes you’ll ever take, stretching for 16 miles and ascending more than 5,500 feet. The final 400 feet are the trickiest—hikers must climb up the steep slope with two steel cables as their only support—but the breathtaking views from the top make the effort (and terror) worth it. Afterwards, stay at The Ahwahnee, one of the most beautiful national park hotels in the country.

Great white shark cage diving

Swim with great white sharks in South Africa

The fishing town of Gansbaai is often considered to be the birthplace of great white shark cage diving, an activity that would make most adrenaline junkies drool. Cage diving is totally safe (despite what some low-budget shark movies might lead you to believe), but we dare you to keep your heart rate in check as you come face-to-face with an apex predator.  Marine Dynamics is one of the most popular cage diving operators in town, with a marine biologist and videographer joining every tour.

New Zealand practically invented adventure sports when the Kawarau Bridge Bungy opened in 1988. Here you join around...

Bungee jump in New Zealand

New Zealand practically invented adventure sports when the Kawarau Bridge Bungy opened in 1988. Here you join around 38,000 annual visitors to take the 140-foot jump from the South Island's historic, steel-framed Kawarau Bridge—an activity in which the views are almost as thrilling as the fall itself.

Mt Fuji

Climb Mount Fuji

Solitary Mount Fuji is probably Japan’s most iconic natural wonder , rising 12,388 feet above villages and reflecting on lakes’ surfaces. You can get views of the landmark from many places, like Lake Kawaguchi in Fujikawaguchiko and even the Park Hyatt Tokyo , but it’s the views from the mountain that will give you the most bragging rights. Visit from early July to mid-September to take advantage of the official climbing season, when the designated trails and paved roads are free of snow.

Volcano Boarding Cerro Negro

Go volcano boarding on Cerro Negro in Nicaragua

If you’re looking for action sports and adventure, we recommend booking a flight to Nicaragua right now. There you can kayak, surf, zipline through the jungle, and even sled down the side of an active volcano. Intrepid travelers love to climb up the 2,388-foot Cerro Negro and then “volcano board” back down (an activity where you sit or stand on a piece of plywood and slide your way down the slopes). You'll want to go with a guided group tour with this one. Bigfoot Hostels is one of many operators for excursions—for $25, you get transportation to the volcano, boards, safety equipment, snacks, and your speed clocked by a radar gun.

Trollstigen Norwau

Take a white-knuckle drive in Norway

Who says your adrenaline can’t pump from the comfort of your car? Trollstigen is one of the world’s most popular (and  terrifying ) highways, known for its steep gradient and hairpin turns. The one-lane road passes such impressive wonders as the 1,050-foot Stigfossen waterfall, but be sure to pull over before you gawk and snap photos. There are several viewing platforms along the road that will let you take in the sites without risking a crash.


Dive Belize’s Great Blue Hole

Known for its circular shape and strikingly deep blue color , the Great Blue Hole is a 1,000-foot-wide sinkhole in the middle of Belize’s Lighthouse Reef. While an aerial shot is enough to convince anyone of its beauty, scuba divers are the ones who get to experience the wonders that lie beneath: massive, 40-foot limestone stalactites and stalagmites that formed during the last glacial period.

The Azores Portugal

Go canyoning in the Azores

Portugal’s Azores Islands are equal parts adventurous and beautiful, inviting travelers to get up close and personal with nature while hiking, biking, and swimming. If you want to really push the envelope, try canyoning—an activity that has you rappel down a waterfall while navigating slippery rocks and fast-flowing water. Azores Getaways offers a comprehensive and easy-to-book experience. Training, equipment, on-site instructors, and snacks are all included in the excursion, which will no doubt become one of the most memorable of your life.

Patagonia kayaking

Kayak through Torres del Paine National Park

Chile’s Patagonia region is one of the most beautiful spots on the planet, and there are plenty of ways to explore the area. But while most people experience the sights while hiking, you can get a slightly different view from the water via a kayaking trip.  Kayak en Patagonia offers several tour options ranging in duration and difficulty levels, but all let you paddle past towering mountains, rugged glaciers, and other incredible vistas.

Northern Lights

Sleep under the northern lights

Ah, the elusive northern lights . So many factors are at play when it comes to seeing the technicolor phenomenon—location, time of year, weather conditions—but it’s hard to lose with an excursion to Finnish Lapland. The Arctic area is one of the planet’s best for aurora viewing, especially if you get to sleep in an igloo hotel at Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort or mobile Aurora Bubble Sled . Up your viewing chances by planning a trip between December and March.


Go heli-skiing in Alaska

If you’re a seasoned traveler who’s conquered every black diamond slope in North America, there’s still one snowy adventure left to vanquish: heli-skiing. There’s nothing quite like hopping in a helicopter and being dropped onto untouched snow at the top of a mountain—especially in a setting as formidable as Alaska’s Chugach Mountains. The experienced guides at  Valdez Heli Ski Guides (VHSG) will help make this dream a reality, taking you to some of the best runs of your life and then letting you unwind (hot tub and massages included) at the cozy  Tsaina Lodge .

This image may contain Water Outdoors Nature Diving Sports Diver Sport Aqua Scuba and Scuba Diving

Snorkel between continents in Iceland

Iceland is one of the best countries in the world for adventure travel , with opportunities for everything from glacier hiking to snorkeling and diving. For the latter, head straight to Thingvellir National Park along the country’s Golden Circle route , where two tectonic plates slowly pull apart at the rate of about two centimeters (0.8 inches) per year. The phenomenon results in the Silfra fissure, a stunning rift valley where travelers can snorkel or dive in impossibly clear (and cold) waters. Tour company DIVE.IS offers tours for divers and every level of snorkeler—including those with no prior experience—and will snap an underwater photo of you touching two continents at the same time.

Some remote destinations are best seen from the deck of a boat and that includes the upper Amazon River. Aqua...

Float along the Amazon

Some remote destinations are best seen from the deck of a boat, and that includes the upper Amazon River. Aqua Expeditions ’ luxury cruises through the Peruvian stretch of the river tour the area’s wildlife and culture at a delightful, leisurely pace. You'll even have chef-prepared gourmet meals and five-star suites with floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking for something a little less luxe? Amazon Adventures offers kayaking trips along some Amazon tributaries, where you can fish for piranhas and camp out in the rainforest.

The Pipeline Oahu

Surf ‘The Pipeline’ in Oahu

Oahu’s Banzai Pipeline (commonly referred to as The Pipeline) is easily one of the most sought-after surfing spots in the world. Located off the coast of the island’s north shore in Ehukai Beach Park, the surf reef break averages waves measuring nine feet high. This activity is definitely not for beginners, but even non-surfers will get a thrill out of watching the many surf competitions that take place at The Pipeline—all from the safety of a sunny beach.

Great Bear Rainforest Canada

Spot elusive wildlife in the Great Bear Rainforest

Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest is the largest intact temperate rainforest in the world—and one of the most magical, with elusive species like sea wolves and Kermode bears roaming its 21 million acres. Outer Shores Expeditions will take you on a nine-day excursion aboard a schooner, departing from British Columbia’s First Nations community of Bella Bella and stopping for sea kayaking along the way.

Victoria Falls

Soak in the planet’s most extreme infinity pool

Located on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, Victoria Falls attracts thousands of tourists each year. One of the biggest draws here is the Devil’s Pool , a naturally formed eddy sitting at the very edge of the falls, where daring swimmers can splash around between August and January (depending on water levels, that is). Given that a slippery rock barrier is the only thing separating you from going over the edge, this site is easily the planet’s most extreme infinity pool .

Antarctica is truly the final frontier when it comes to adventure travel providing untouched landscapes unique wildlife...

Camp in Antarctica

Antarctica is truly the final frontier when it comes to adventure travel, providing untouched landscapes, unique wildlife, and more activities than you’ll know what to do with (like cruising, caving, and thermal spring soaking , to name a few). If you can get yourself to Punta Arenas, Chile, Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions will fly you to Antarctica for three days of skiing and hiking before setting you up for a South Pole sleepover.

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  • 1 That time we took an unplanned honeymoon to Brazil
  • 2 That time we came face to face with a leopard in India
  • 3 That time we went on a last-minute trip to Malaysia
  • 4 That time we bought a one-way ticket to Europe
  • 5 That time we got seasick in Kauai
  • 6 That time we dropped everything to travel for a month
  • 7 That time we took travel to an extreme
  • 8 That time we traded pool time for zip-lining in Puerto Vallarta
  • 9 That time we took a road trip... with a cat

Our Craziest Travel Stories (you won’t believe!)

We at Jetsetter may be seasoned travelers, but that doesn’t mean we don’t do some crazy sh-t every once in awhile. From buying a one-way ticket to Europe to skydiving in New Zealand, here are our most spontaneous, surprising, (and sometimes scary) adventures abroad.

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Offbeat Trip Ideas mountain outdoor sky Nature water landform body of water River reservoir Lake landscape loch Coast valley Sea plateau national park surrounded highland

That time we took an unplanned honeymoon to Brazil

For our honeymoon, my husband and I decided to wing it on a trip to Brazil for three weeks. We only had our first night booked—and the rest was completely spontaneous. We ended up jumping from Rio to Búzios to Salvador to Itacaré and back. Naturally, there were some mishaps like when we ended up staying in a windowless room (with some surprise creepy crawly visitors) because we couldn't find a decent hotel. But overall, I had the time of my life

— Clara Sedlak, Executive Editor

Offbeat color red food sense sweetness Drink flavor produce temple

That time we came face to face with a leopard in India

On a month-long solo trip through India, I had a rather close encounter with a feline. I was in Rajasthan traveling between Pushkar and Ranakpur with a local guide, when he suggested trekking to a hidden temple in the Aravalli mountain range. He whisked gracefully—as graceful as one can get with a machete—through the thick brush until we were deep in the jungle. Suddenly, he stopped me, motioned for silence, and pointed. I held my breath, as just ahead, a leopard skulked across our path. Finally, after what felt like forever (in reality, only a few heart-stopping seconds), the leopard dashed off and we continued onto the temple, where I received a Bindi blessing—my reward for surviving a “near-tragic” big cat attack.

— April Ellis, Senior Photo Editor

Offbeat food plate dish cuisine meal produce breakfast vegetable vegetarian food asian food

That time we went on a last-minute trip to Malaysia

I moved to New York straight out of college and basically as broke as a human can possibly be (yay, student loan debt!). The little savings I did have I ended up blowing almost immediately with rent, utilities, food, and subway cards. Then, in the middle of my never-ending job hunt, I got a completely last-second invite to go on a two-week, all-expenses-paid press trip to Malaysia. Before I even replied with a “HELL YES!” I was packing my bags and postponing my job search despite the fact that I could barely afford the taxi fare to and from JFK. Worth it.

— Chelsea Stuart, Editorial Intern

Offbeat Trip Ideas building outdoor sky Town road neighbourhood City street human settlement way residential area Village vacation tourism cityscape infrastructure facade waterway alley sidewalk

That time we bought a one-way ticket to Europe

In our early 20s, my sister and I lucked across plane tickets to London for under $250. We bought them on the spot, and a few weeks later we were on a one-way flight with no return date in mind—just a loose itinerary, a backpack, and a Eurail pass. For two months, we traveled across the continent to England, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and the Czech-Republic. Many swims in the Mediterranean, a trek through the Swiss Alps, two hospital visits, and an Oktoberfest later, we returned to the U.S. happy and full of treasured memories.

— Gretchen Moosbrugger, Photo Editor

Offbeat sky Boat outdoor water sail vehicle sailboat watercraft sailing ship sailing vessel yacht ship transport mast passenger ship Sea sports sailing blue windsports docked

That time we got seasick in Kauai

I left planning a sailboat tour of Hawaii’s Nepali Coast to the very last minute, so the only availability the tour group had left was on a day when there were 35 knot winds and rough surf—a recipe for disaster for this girl’s weak stomach. Still, I was super keen on seeing the coastline, so I signed up, buying several packets of Gravol as a precaution. Sure enough, 30 minutes in, I was bent over the side of the boat, vomiting into the ocean as we bobbed up and down through crazy waves. This continued for about an hour and a half. I have to say, however, that the experience was well worth it once the drugs kicked in and I was able to enjoy the scenery.

— Siobhan Reid, Writer

Offbeat sky outdoor crowd people rock concert night bonfire fire group City full field

That time we dropped everything to travel for a month

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I hate saying no. Call it FOMO, traveler’s envy, or what you will. But this past June, I accidentally booked every week full of trips. Bridesmaid for a friend’s wedding in St. Louis? Sure. Four-day food tour of Mexico City? Why not. Last-minute girls weekend to a music festival? Let’s do it. In my haste to say yes, I never stopped to look at my schedule. So, I ended up eating my weight in Mexico City (even trying an insect menu with crickets, worms and ants) then flying back to NYC—on a Monday morning, no less—just to turn around the next day and dance it all off in Delaware at Firefly. No regrets.

— Chelsea Bengier, Editorial Assistant

Offbeat person food dessert dish meal breakfast produce brunch sense chocolate

That time we took travel to an extreme

I feel like my solo travels should have a disclaimer: Don’t try this at home. Once, I didn’t eat during an entire day of sightseeing in Stockholm just so I could have dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town. I also stayed up for 30+ hours during an odyssey to Australia’s Northern Territory, where I dropped my bags to go on a Sunset Tour, then pulled an all-nighter watching the stars just so I wouldn’t miss my alarm for the Sunrise Tour the next morning. People are most shocked, however, when they hear about the time I landed in Queenstown, New Zealand, walked straight to the Nzone Skydive center, and got right back in a plane before chucking myself out at 15,000 feet. I guess it’s just one of those things.

— Lindsey Olander, Editor

Offbeat outdoor ground tree grass mammal fauna path animal dirt soil Wildlife horse like mammal trail horse

That time we traded pool time for zip-lining in Puerto Vallarta

On a family vacation in Mexico, my dad was perusing through tour pamphlets and found one titled “Vallarta Adventures” in big bold letters. So while my mom and sister were content lounging by pool with a cocktail (a tempting alternative, I might add), my dad and I set off to explore. Little did we know, it took a cab, a boat, an RV, and a trek atop mules to get up the foggy Sierra Madre mountains and to the first of a dozen or so zip lines that hurtle you all the way back down. The scariest part? We had to rappel down waterfalls, sliding down the rocks and falling off a cliff into the water below.

— Lauren Dishinger, Associate Photo Editor

Offbeat building outdoor house home wall urban area Architecture brick window facade cottage wood estate siding history old stone cement

That time we took a road trip... with a cat

A few summers ago, I decided to shoot a photography project about abandoned towns in upstate New York. It seemed like a great idea at the time. The hitch? I have a cat, Murphy, who goes bonkers if I’m not around for more than a few days at a time. In the interest of not skipping out on a great opportunity, I decided to bring him along. Aside from some confused meowing, sticking his head out the window like a dog, and shedding enough fur on the seats to make a second cat, Murphy turned out to be an excellent travel companion. Now I feel weird taking trips without him!

— Rebecca Enis, Photo Intern

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

16 Short Funny Travel Stories That’ll Make You Laugh Out Loud

These short funny travel stories are sure to make you laugh!

From crazy travel stories involving bathroom mishaps to funny stories about language barriers to wild travel stories that take you on safari, this list is sure to make you chuckle.

I’ve even included a video sharing about my strangest Couchsurfing experience!

Before scrolling, I recommend grabbing your favorite beverage and getting comfortable, as we’ve got 16 fun travel stories below to help put a smile on your face.

After reading these funny true stories, feel free to share your own best travel stories in the comments below!

short travel stories funny

Table of Contents

Short Funny Travel Stories — That Are Also True!

1. file under embarrassing travel stories.

One of my most embarrassing funny stories happened while I was backpacking South America — specifically during a 4×4 tour from San Pedro de Atacama in Chile to Uyuni, Bolivia.

The trip takes you through the desert for three days to see otherworldly sites like hot pink lagoons where flamingos search for food, an abandoned train graveyard, and, the highlight, the world-famous Uyuni Salt Flats.

During the trip, you share a car with four or five other people.

At one point, I was sitting in the front seat and it was getting really hot in the car. Our driver didn’t speak English, but I spoke decent Spanish — or at least I thought I did.

“Estoy caliente!” I said, looking right at the driver. To my confusion, instead of rolling down a window, he looked horrified…or maybe confused?

I decided it was probably my New York accent confusing him. “Estoy caliente!” I said again, this time in what I thought was a more local-sounding accent. He looked even more horrified-slashed-confused.

Suddenly, the one native Spanish speaker in the car spoke up from the back:

“Umm, I’m assuming you’re not meaning to tell the driver you’re horny, right?”

Apparently, the way I was saying “I’m hot” literally translated to, well, another meaning of the phrase. As I turned bright red, I decided I didn’t really need the window open and would just sit in silence and try to disappear by melting in the car seat.

But hey, when it comes to learning a language while traveling, embarrassing mistakes can certainly be a great teacher. Plus, I can add this to my list of hilarious vacation stories to share at parties.

-Jessie Festa, Jessie on a Journey

2. My Craziest Couchsurfing Story

Here is one of my most interesting travel experience stories .

For this anecdote, which is part funny travel story and part horror travel story , you’ll have to watch the video below:

One of my favorite funny travel videos

By the way, if you like crazy and funny travel story videos like this one, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell icon so you get notified when future videos publish.

I’ve already got a few more short travel stories recorded and scheduled to come out over the next few weeks!

crazy travel stories

3. An Unpleasant Night With Bob Marley

My funny travel experience happened during a trip to Morocco in 2015, when my husband and I spent a couple of days in the Sahara Desert as part of a tour group.

I was super excited to ride a camel for the first time and spend a night in a Bedouin tent in the desert. Little did I know that I was about to experience the longest and most unpleasant night of my life.

Our camel ride started with me hanging upside down from the saddle with one foot in the air. My camel, Bob Marley, had decided to stand up before I could settle into the saddle.

I held onto the saddle for dear life as our Bedouin guide pushed me up onto the camel’s back. Bob Marley let out a grunt of disapproval, and we rode off. I thought I was in for a bumpy ride; but save for the fact that the camel in front of me, named after Jimi Hendrix, was having a bad case of gas, it turned out to be a very pleasant journey.

After dinner and some impromptu drumming around a bonfire, my husband and I retreated to our tent for a good night’s sleep. Our bed was just a mattress on the carpeted ground.

Despite cocooning myself in a couple of thick blankets, I was shaking from head to toe. My husband fell asleep straight away, and so did the other people in our group — judging by the cacophony of snores that filled the air.

Two hours later, I was still wide awake — and freezing cold.

Thankfully, the snoring started to subside and I gradually drifted into dreamland, only to be jolted out of my sleep by a very loud and unusual noise. It sounded like a bellow and was followed by a very awful smell.

I tried to go back to sleep, but someone or something started to chew loudly. And then another groan, another unpleasant smell, and more loud chewing. This went on for at least another two hours.

After what felt like a never-ending night, I checked the time. To my delight, it was time to get up to watch the sunrise. I stumbled out of our tent, grabbed a glass of freshly-brewed mint tea, and dragged my sleepy body out of the Bedouin camp.

There, stationed just outside the tent where my husband and I had spent the night, was Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, and the entire caravan. Bob Marley made direct eye contact with me, and I could swear I spotted a smug grin on his face.”

– Daniela from Grumpy Camel

crazy travel

4. Trying To Pee On A Bumpy Bus Ride

If you enjoy travel love stories , this trip tale from our honeymoon has a humorous twist.

While visiting Sapa, Vietnam on our honeymoon, we had to fly into the large city of Hanoi.

From Hanoi, we could have either taken a bus, a train, or a rental car up to Sapa. Because we are cheap, we decided to take the bus. Even further, we booked an overnight bus trip, so that we could save one night of accommodation booking.

We showed up at the bus station at 11:30 pm for our midnight departure, and everything was going well. We boarded the bus and got to our beds, which was a row of five plastic cots wide with no cushions. We did get a blanket, though, and settled in for the night on our uncomfortable beds.

At about 3:00 am, I woke up and had to pee. We were on the freeway, and the driver only spoke Vietnamese, so I couldn’t communicate the fact that I needed to pee.

In the commotion, the driver also noticed there was a payment issue with our booking, which my now-awake husband was trying to figure out.

I still had to go, and it was becoming an emergency. The bus was still rocking and rolling down the Vietnamese highway. It was 3:15 am, my bladder was bursting, and my new husband was trying to have a Google Translate conversation with the driver to figure out our booking.

I tried to get my pee emergency into the Google Translate conversation, with no luck. All I got was my husband giving me a bottle.

A soda bottle?! What was I supposed to do with that?! The mouth of that thing was the size of a thumb. I am not the Jason Bourne of pee-aiming.

Realizing my choices were non-existent, I tried to use the bottle. After some awkward maneuvering, I opened the floodgates and, as you might have guessed, peed all over my bed…and my husband’s.

Thankfully, the sound of the pee spraying on the plastic beds did not come to the attention of any of our neighbors or the bus driver. Or maybe he purposely ignored it.

After figuring out the booking issue, my husband scooched back into his bed only to realize that Lake Urine had formed in the middle of it.

After some shock and stifled laughter, we cleaned it up with one of our blankets, had an extremely uncomfortable three more hours of travel, and finally pulled into Sapa. We couldn’t get off that bus fast enough.

On the bright side, it’s one of our favorite funny stories about traveling to share.

– Zach and Julie from Ruhl of the Road

funny incidents while travelling

5. The Time I Had My Boobs Massaged In Morocco

Our favorite short funny story to share is all about massages and spa experiences in Morocco.

They are supposed to be tranquil, soothing, and calming. But what happens when you try to have a relaxing spa experience in another country without doing your research?

You could find yourself swimming in your underwear and having your boobs massaged, that’s what!

When my husband and I were in Morocco, we decided to go for a traditional Moroccan Hammam massage at our hotel…and all kinds of hilarity ensued!

First, we were asked to get undressed by the staff who only spoke French, so there were a lot of frantic hand gestures going on.

Then we were taken to a room where straightaway we could see a woman being rubbed down while completely naked.

No robes, no doors… just all kinds of naked. We were shocked and immediately started thinking: “Wait…is this what a hammam massage is like?”

Thankfully, not in our case, but it doesn’t get much better.

We’d worn our underwear because we actually thought we were just getting a pleasant back massage like in the UK.

We were wrong.

We were taken to a steam room where we were rubbed with mud in front of strangers and then asked to shower it off. Next, we found ourselves swimming in a saltwater pool. All of this while in our everyday underwear!

And then finally we got to the massage part where we were separated and I was asked to strip completely naked.

This was fine while lying on my front but then came the fateful word:

Yep, this was when I found myself having my boobs massaged by a total stranger!

Moral of the story:

Do your research. And don’t wear underwear to a Moroccan hammam massage. Go for swimming gear just to be on the safe side.

– Justine from Wanderers of the World

funny stories about travel

6. When Nature Calls, Literally

I have many funny short stories about travel, though one of my favorites to tell happened in the Serengeti.

Now, there are a lot of really awesome things about camping in the Serengeti:

It’s a relatively affordable way to go on safari. You meet other adventurous people. You’re camping in the freaking Serengeti! Like, hello, how cool?!

However, there may be one or two less-than-stellar things about this type of safari…like not knowing what’s outside your tent during the night.

Personally, I didn’t really want to come face-to-face with the hyenas — or anything else — that I knew could be out there. My method of avoidance came down to not drinking too much water during the day. Other than the bathroom, nothing could draw me out of my tent at night.

Well, one day I was thirsty and had more to drink than I should have.

The result?

You guessed it — I needed to pee pretty bad by about 3 am.

Let me take you back a few hours though, to the afternoon. We were making camp that night at a spot that was to be shared with some of the park rangers. Earlier in the day, the rangers had brought a goat to camp. I thought they were taking this goat further on their journey and I didn’t think about it past that.

Well, guess what the rangers had for dinner?

That night, from the safety of the tent, we could hear the hyenas munching away on the leftovers. It was gruesome.

It also meant that I absolutely knew the hyenas were in the camp, right between me and the bathroom. Well, by 3 am, I was desperate and cared less about the hyenas than about my bladder.

However, we’d been strongly warned not to go out by ourselves. So, I asked my friend if she wanted to go on an adventure. She said no and advised I go back to sleep.

I tried; I really did. An hour later, I asked her again, “Isa, want to go on an adventure?”

Her answer hadn’t changed.

Just behind our tent were the dining cabin and a small hill. I was desperate. Really, my bladder was going to explode. I went just behind the tent, right up to that hill, and did my thing.

After, I went back into the tent and didn’t stray anywhere close to where the campfire had been, and the hyenas currently were. I was safe! I didn’t get eaten or attacked by anything. Basically, I was Superwoman!

The next morning we were packing up our stuff to go on that day’s safari when our guide casually asked if we had heard the lions the night before.

Nope, we hadn’t heard them. Apparently, they’d been close.

Their lair?

Just on the other side of the small hill behind the camp.

This one definitely goes on my list of crazy yet funny adventure stories!

funny adventure stories

Lindsey in Moscow. Photo courtesy of Lindsey Puls.

7. Naked & Confused In Moscow

Naked and confused in Moscow? Yes, you read right. This is one of those funny vacation stories that you won’t forget…

I thought I knew all that there was to know about Russian banyas — until I found myself in Moscow, lying naked and sweating to death on a table in front of 12 other naked women of varying ages, who were all strangers to me, getting flogged with a couple of birch branches by a kind but very strong woman named Olga.

And I had actually paid for this beating. It’s all part of the experience!

In short, a banya is similar to a sauna. The biggest difference, though, is that a “banya” has high levels of humidity in it, while a sauna will have dry air. They’ve been a part of Russian life for over a thousand years.

Another interesting aspect of the Russian Banya is flogging using birch twigs ( venik ). This is supposed to benefit your health and improve your immune system, and honestly, if you have someone who knows what they are doing, it does feel really good.

I knew when I signed up for this that I would likely have to be naked for this flogging — I had done it before in a private bathhouse; however, this was my first time in a public banya, and I didn’t expect to be on display for the rest of the banya goers while it was happening! I was envisioning this to be a little more, ah, private?

But there I was, naked as the day I was born in front of everyone, getting smacked around by Olga as she shouted commands in Russian…which I imagine was something like, “Now, flip over! Raise your legs! Cover your boobs! Scoot your butt down further!”

Actually, though, I had no idea what she was saying. So, she gave up and just started pulling me and moving my naked body parts to where they needed to be — much to the amusement of everyone in the banya, who were not shy about their giggles!

Olga hit/massaged almost every square inch of my body with the branches. Then, once she was done, she led me by the hand to a shower area, sat me down, and threw a cold bucket of water over my head. And then a warm one, followed by another cold bucket. My body was thoroughly shocked after that!

Needless to say, this banya experience was a little less relaxing than my previous experiences with it; however, I still felt like a million bucks after it was done, and I will absolutely do it again.

– Lindsey from Have Clothes, Will Travel

short funny travel stories

8. A Short Story About Traveling That’s Out Of This World (Literally)

When the weather starts to warm up we love heading to the beach for a few days. Any beach really, though Miami holds a special place in our family’s hearts. We even have a favorite hotel by the beach that we always stay at.

During one such trip, after a few days of being lazy on the beach and spending way too much time walking the boardwalk, we decided to go for a drive.

We rented a car for the day and drove to Key West. Our plan was to enjoy a scenic drive on Highway 1 and maybe try some key lime pie and head back, but the day turned out to be more memorable than that.

It was a breathtaking drive and we kept our eyes glued to the window. The scenery was gorgeous and felt like we were driving over water.

Driving from Miami to Key West takes about three hours on the scenic coastal Overseas Highway. When we were closer to Key West, suddenly Mr. Suburbia — aka my husband — stopped the car, grabbed his camera, and ran out looking up at the sky — leaving me looking at him bewildered.

After a few minutes of looking and pointing at a shiny object in the sky, he was pretty thrilled to announce he’d spotted a UFO. I should mention here that hubby loves his Sci-Fi movies and UFO shows — the likes of Project Blue Book — and strongly believes we are not alone.

We eventually got back in the car, stopped at a nearby store, and asked someone in the parking lot:

“Do you see that shiny thing in the sky?”

The man looked up and casually responded, “Do you mean that weather blimp?”

We came to find out later that what we saw in the sky was “Fat Albert” or a version of the radar aerostat blimp that the US Drug Enforcement Administration uses to keep an eye on shipping hereabouts.

The shiny object in the sky was not an unidentified flying object or alien craft but a weather blimp. It is one of the short funny travel stories that always come up when we talk about our trips.

It starts with one of the kids saying “Remember the time when dad thought he saw a UFO…?” and always makes us laugh.

– Priya from Outside Suburbia

funny crazy stories about travel

9. An Unpleasant Travel Experience With A Ghost Shrimp In Spain

When it comes to funny short travel stories, there is one I always love to tell.

A few years ago I had a wonderful trip to Andalucia, Spain, together with my family.

We spent hours road tripping to the best places in this region and enjoying Spanish culinary delights like fresh seafood and delicious produce. Grocery shopping at local markets was definitely a highlight of the trip.

To get around, we rented a car from a recommended company. We were lucky enough to receive a car of a better standard than what we ordered. It was a nicely-equipped van, with key-free unlocking, automatic doors, and a lot of space inside. Quite luxurious, I must say.

At one point during this one-week trip, we opened the door of our car and were met with a horrendous stench.  We almost passed out. Our first thought was that something must have died inside.

We noticed that the stench was coming from the trunk. It turned out that a little bit of liquid had escaped from the bag with fresh shrimps the evening before.

We tried to clean the trunk with cleaning supplies found in our rented apartment. Then we found out some homemade methods to remove the smell. Desperate, we even tried out a special freshener for domestic animal scents.

But, alas, the ghost of the dead shrimp was still there. For the rest of the trip, we drove with all of the windows open.

Before the last day, we headed to the gas station. I popped into the shop to look for car fresheners. My mom was more resolute and tried to have a conversation with the staff — note here that we’re Polish, and she can genuinely only say a few words in Spanish.

She pinched her nose, made a telling gesture, and said “car fish caput.” The service guy started to laugh but he luckily understood her. And after a short while, he came to our car with a huge specialist atomizer and sprayed all the interior. We were so grateful because the problem seemed to disappear.

But the awful smell came back the next day; the day of our departure.

Early in the morning, we left the apartment and headed to the car rental agency. We were stressed about what the agency’s employee would say about the smell and we were wondering if insurance would cover such an incident.

Luckily for us, the moment we locked the car on the agency parking while waiting for the service was the last time the car key-pilot worked. At that moment, the battery died. The car agency representative wasn’t able to open the car.

And because it was so early in the morning, the main office with the spare keys was still closed, and this guy was taking care of the parking only. He noticed we had purchased full car insurance and only asked if we refilled the gas tank.

When we returned home we found an email from the car rental agency with an appreciation note for using their services. So we assumed the weird smell was covered by the insurance. While back then we were embarrassed about that incident, we now look back at it with a smile.

Always purchase full insurance. You never know when a shrimp decides to escape.

– Dominika from Sunday in Wonderland

short funny travel stories

10. A Massage In An Unexpected Place

This is one of those stories that will make you laugh!

I worked in Beijing for many years. I used to go to a place called Dragonfly for massages, which I really liked. One time I was in an area of Beijing that I was not familiar with and wanted a massage.

The local Dragonfly was just too complicated and far away to get to, so I decided to go elsewhere and try something different.

I remembered I had seen what appeared to be a massage parlor a few blocks from where I was staying, and I walked over. The location didn’t look exactly like the type of spa place I was familiar with.

I guess that should have been my first warning.

It had pictures of smiling women in the window that I supposed were the various massage therapists. Flashing neon lights in blues and reds decorated the outside.

To be honest, I felt a tad apprehensive but thought that was just because I had never been there before. I know from experience that many times things might feel strange in unfamiliar cultures, but once you dive in, chances are you’ll discover a wonderful new experience or location, or a delightful food you never tasted before.

With this in mind, I went in.

Inside I tried to communicate that I wanted a massage to the woman attendant. I rubbed my shoulders with kneading fingers pantomiming a massage. She disappeared into a dark room and quickly returned with another woman who asked me something in Chinese.

I repeated my pantomime and the two women engaged in a long and animated conversation behind a beaded curtain. I couldn’t understand what the confusion was.

Finally, they led me to a small, dimly lit room with what I took to be a massage table in the middle. I disrobed and lay face down on the table as I normally would.

A woman came in and started to give me a massage. It wasn’t a great massage but certainly adequate. After an hour the woman indicated the massage was over and gave me a cup of green tea. I paid, gave the lady a tip, and went back to my hotel.

The next day was Monday. Everyone came into the office discussing their weekend. I told my colleagues about my massage.

“Oh! Don’t tell me you went all the way to Dragonfly?!” a colleague asked surprised. I explained my massage experience at the spa a couple of blocks away.

After identifying the exact location, they told me that was a high-end brothel. Everyone had a good laugh at my expense. I suppose they’re still laughing.

-Talek from Travels With Talek  

funny true stories

11. Hammock Hanging Newbie

One of my favorite funny short stories traveling happened when I spent a semester studying abroad in Cuba in 2009, which was actually my first international trip.

There are many beautiful things about Cuba, perhaps the best one being the peoples’ resilience and creativity in solving problems and getting by without having access to the things we take for granted.

I, in fact, had to learn some of that craftiness myself.

Not long after we arrived, I bought a hammock at an artisan market in Havana. I couldn’t wait to hang it up, and there was a perfect pair of trees on the grounds of the apartment-hotel where we were staying.

There was just one problem. I couldn’t find rope anywhere. I must have gone to five hardware stores. No rope to be found!

I ended up picking up some pieces of cloth and old electrical wires in a vacant lot. Now I thought I was good to go.

Back at the hotel, one of the security guards helped me out — thank goodness for the kindness of strangers — and I settled in with a Cuba Libre and my book to enjoy relaxing in the hammock for the first time. Until…

The cloth broke about 10 seconds later and I ended up on the ground covered in rum and Coke!

Along with my newfound security guard friend, we tried several more times to get it to stay hung, me falling on my butt several more times as well.

Two of my classmates apparently had quite the laugh watching from the window and had even taken a video of these failed attempts. Fortunately, that video got lost or erased somehow before it was shared with the whole group.

Undeterred, I ventured back out and found some thicker cables. With those, I finally succeeded in getting that hammock hung. I even carried it around much of the island and hung it on my porch back home in the US for years afterward with those same cables.

Lessons learned were that perseverance matters, always check your hammock is stable before trying to enjoy a drink in it, and if you’re unsure, make sure no one’s watching from the window!

– Adam from Cartagena Explorer

short funny travel stories

12. A Road Trip With A Resilient Mouse

Here is an adventurous trip story that takes place in Death Valley National Park, which my friends and I thought got its name because nothing lives there.

While cooking dinner in the campground, one of us had an idea to open all the car doors in the evening to release the stale air inside.

This didn’t turn out to be a very good idea.

The next morning, we packed everything up and got ready to discover other parts of Death Valley, when suddenly a mouse jumped on my legs!

“Boys, we have a mouse in the car!” I screamed.

My brother turned to me disbelievingly. “What are you talking about?!”

I got a similar gaze from Jakub, who nervously asked, “Are you sure?”

The mouse quickly disappeared, and I was left trying to get the rest of the group to believe me.

The truth came out the next morning, though. Jakub grabbed a pack of pasta and it started to spill all over the car trunk. The mouse must have bitten a hole in it.

Now they believed me, and we set off on a mission to rid the mouse from the car.

Our first plan was to download a number of mobile apps producing squeaky anti-mouse sounds. In the evening, we opened everything possible and turned on our phones to maximum volume. After a while, we were going crazy due to this terrible sound. The mouse, on the other hand, didn’t mind at all and, I can only imagine, quietly laughed at us.

In the morning, we found more mouse damage — a leaking barrel of water had soaked half of our things, and the mouse had eaten through my headphones. Plus, we were starting to worry about the car’s electricity.

We decided our next step was to go to Walmart for traps. Before heading to bed we carefully filled the traps with cheese and spread them evenly throughout the car, eager to see if we captured the mouse by morning.

Unfortunately, when we woke up they were empty — and we found more holes in our packed food. There was pasta everywhere!

It was clear that if there was enough food in the car, the traps wouldn’t be interesting for her.

On the other hand, we understood the mouse. She probably hadn’t seen that much food in her entire life in Death Valley and suddenly there was this huge banquet! What mouse wouldn’t want to explore such a rodent paradise?

She traveled with us over 600 miles before we got to Yosemite National Park. This journey brought new hope to our struggle.

Bears rob 130 cars a year in Yosemite, so there are bear boxes in every campground. Therefore, we completely unloaded our car. Every crumb was removed.

It was our last hope. If it didn’t work, nothing would.

We set up the traps and went to sleep, and in the morning there she was, one of the fattest mice we’d ever seen. We agreed that’d she’d probably just had the most amazing “all-inclusive trip” of her life.

– Matěj from Czech the World

short travel stories funny

13. An Unexpected Fall Into Crocodile-Infested Waters

If you’re looking for funny adventure stories that are also a bit scary — or even travel disaster stories — this one is for you.

Safari tourism hadn’t really taken off when we visited Malawi in 2010 during an overland trip through Africa.

Health and safety weren’t major considerations, and it was certainly a far cry from the safaris we did in South Africa , Tanzania, and Botswana.

Arriving at Liwonde National Park in the south of Malawi we were excited as we knew it was a great place to spot elephants.

We relied on our campsite to book a canoe safari for us. Luckily, as soon as we set off we spotted loads of elephants — and even hippos — along the shoreline.

The trip leader in the canoe behind us suddenly shouted to our guide. Then there was an unexpected bump and we were thrown out of the canoe.

Our canoe had been flipped by a hippo!

The moments that followed were a blur. Thankfully local fishermen had seen the commotion and came over to help. We knew that there were crocodiles in the water as well as hippos and wanted to get out as soon as possible. We managed to haul ourselves into the fishermen’s canoes and were paddled back to the shore.

Amazingly nobody had been hurt and we were very thankful to the local fishermen. While we were drying out, we were pretty shocked to be asked to pay for the trip. They finally settled for a 50% reduction and we paid with the wet notes from our wallet.

We weren’t traveling with smartphones in those days so finding a reputable tour company was a bit hit and miss.

Often, there are lessons to be learned through these stories of travel. These days we would recommend Googling reputable tour operators, although as with all wildlife adventures, always expect the unexpected!”

– Jacquie from Flashpacking Family

travel disaster stories

14. Remembered By The TSA

One of my favorite short funny stories to tell is this one.

I traveled out of the Kansas City airport about every other week for the past three years.

Before I leave my house, I clean out the fridge and put any fruit that would go bad into a stasher bag.

I have TSA Precheck but have learned it’s just easier to pull it out of my purse into a bin and it won’t ever get questioned.

Last summer I was going through and the X-Ray guy says, “Hey! It’s strawberry girl!”

Then three others perked up and waved to me.

Except for that day, it was sliced peaches, and I felt like I let them down.

-Katie Boutwell, Katie B Traveling

best travel stories

15. Confusion In Small-Town France

I feel like this is one of those relatable funny stories because who hasn’t ended up in the wrong location?

In 2019, my husband and I took a trip to France to attend the wedding of my former exchange student, Christelle.

The day after the wedding, we set off from our hotel to the small village of Montcourt-Fromonville to attend a luncheon for close friends and family.

Shortly after arriving in the small village, we happened to pass Christelle’s family gathered in a small parking lot. We wondered if we should stop, but they didn’t look settled, and Google Maps was continuing to direct us.

We drove further, and eventually, Google Maps did the thing where it says you have arrived, but you look around and don’t know where you’ve arrived to.

My husband and I were very confused. Per the invite, the destination was called Chateau de la Mairie de Montcourt-Fromonville, but there was no address associated with it. When I typed it into Google, it came up as being a city hall.

Looking around the vicinity, we did see a castle-looking building in the distance, but it seemed way too fancy for a luncheon. Plus, would Christelle really be having her luncheon at a city hall?

We turned around and decided to go back to the parking lot where we had originally seen Christelle and her family. Of course, when we got there, no one was outside anymore. We approached a residential building nearby, thinking perhaps the luncheon was at someone’s personal residence there and snooped around a little bit.

Unfortunately, there were no signs of any gatherings in this quiet building. As we walked away, I heard a voice behind us say, “Bonjour.”

Turning around, I spotted a woman I had never seen in my life and wondered how I would explain our apparent snooping in French.

“Nous cherchons une fete.” (We are looking for a party)

The woman continued to stare at me.

“Pas ici?” (Not here?)

The woman shook her head “no” with a confused look on her face. Feeling her eyes upon us, we immediately left before further damage could be done with my limited French.

Frustrated, we followed Google Maps back to the lovely castle-looking building. Now we saw more cars there, and we thought maybe that was the location after all.

Our suspicions were confirmed upon parking outside of the chateau “city hall” where we were relieved to finally find Christelle and her family.

We were very grateful this was such a small village. Otherwise, I’m not sure how much bad French I would have had to stumble through before finding the luncheon!

– Theresa from Fueled by Wanderlust

crazy travel

16. An Unexpected Mountain Encounter

One of my most interesting vacation stories happened a few years ago. My younger brother and I decided to take a drive from Oklahoma City to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge to see if we could get any photos of the bison herds that live there.

We couldn’t find any, unfortunately, but we did find some very ornery longhorn cows!

We drove up to the visitor’s center to get directions to where the bison were at the moment, but we couldn’t get out of the car. There was a small group of about four longhorns gathered around watching something. When we got close enough to see what was so exciting, we realized that there were two teenage-looking steers fighting with their horns locked!

We wanted to watch the fighting because it was so entertaining — and not what we were expecting — but we learned that it was a mistake when one almost knocked the other into our car.

We absolutely did not want to be stuck getting out and having to be around them without the protection of a two-thousand-pound SUV separating us, so we drove off.

But I’ll never forget the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realized we could have been in a car accident where the longhorn hit us and not the other way around!

It’s one of the best funny road trip stories we often share with friends!

– Stephanie from Oklahoma Wonders

hilarious vacation stories

Bonus Short Travel Stories

Looking for more interesting travel stories and funny travel anecdotes? Don’t miss:

25 Crazy Travel Stories You Need To Read To Believe

23 Inspiring Travel Stories Sharing The Kindness Of Strangers

38 Inspiring Travel Love Stories From The Road

Sexual Assault Stories From The Road (& What I’ve Learned)

8 Crazy NYC Subway Stories That Will Make You Hail A Cab

17 True Short Adventure Travel Stories To Inspire Your Next Trip

A Host’s Perspective: My Worst Airbnb Horror Stories

11 Epic Travel Fail Stories From The Road

18 Scary Travel Stories From Haunted Hotels To Creepy Cabins

Do you have any short funny travel stories to add to this list?

Enjoyed this list of hilarious travel stories? Pin these funny anecdotes for later!

Related posts:

About jessie festa.

Jessie Festa is an New York-based travel content creator who is passionate about empowering her audience to experience new places and live a life of adventure. She is the founder of the solo female travel blog, Jessie on a Journey, and is editor-in-chief of Epicure & Culture , an online conscious tourism magazine. Along with writing, Jessie is a professional photographer and is the owner of NYC Photo Journeys , which offers New York photo tours, photo shoots, and wedding photography. Her work has appeared in publications like USA Today, CNN, Business Insider, Thrillist, and WestJet Magazine.

Jessie Festa standing in front of grafitti wall

Hi, I’m Jessie on a journey!

I'm a conscious solo traveler on a mission to take you beyond the guidebook to inspire you to live your best life through travel. Come join me!

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Thank you so much for sharing your stories. Hope to see you in Morocco for an excellent adventure trip. Enjoy and keep doing excellent trips!

@Moha: Thank you!

OMG!!! I can only imagine what you must have gone through. Really funny stories. I would surely be careful next time before booking a massage 🙂 Thanks for the super hilarious blog.

That’s a lot of spa stories. I too had boob massage in Indonesia and Thailand. Whoops!

really very nice artical

Morocco is one of the unique countries in the world and a country of dizzying diversity. You may wander through spice markets, explore sweeping deserts and enjoy warm hospitality. Morocco is roughly the size of California, this is why day tours are so popular! Perhaps this is one of the most exciting Morocco Desert Tours.

very nice Thank you so much for sharing your stories. Hope to see you in Morocco for an excellent adventure trip.

Your Site is very nice, and it’s very helping us this post is unique and interesting, thank you for sharing this awesome information.

really very nice article. thanks for share with us.

Nice information

nice information sir

Nice blog with great post, Thanks for sharing!

Nice article

I love travelling and have craze too…….. Very interesting stories

thanks for sharing this informative piece

Good one. I liked it. Keep going. you are a best writer your site is very useful and informative thanks for sharing!

Losing and Finding My Way in Japan

by Norm Williams

For much of my career, I traveled the world as a salesman.  Our company hired people in each country we sold in to help with various duties. One year I went to Japan, and the sales agent chose the Kokusai Hotel in Kyoto for my stay due to the efficiency of its proximity to his office.  I left early on a calm, bright morning to find my way through a beautiful historic part of the city built in traditional Japanese style.   The cute, smiley hotel receptionist had written directions on a map, circled the area of my destination, and wrote out the address in Japanese in case I needed help.  Shyly, she said in broken Japanese-English and with her hand covering her mouth, “It’s in this area.  If you get lost, here’s the address.”  With an early start and a clear sense of direction, I felt comfortable about arriving on time – a business culture imperative in Japan. I thought I found the circled area on the map with ease.  I then compared the hand-written address to the kanji characters on the buildings to discern a match.  With no Japanese reading ability, I struggled as if trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs without the Rosetta stone.  I soon realized, “I’m lost, and not just in the usual way when I’m at home in the U.S.  I’m lost without local reading or speaking ability, not knowing anyone in the city to go to for help, and a cell phone without reception in this country to call my sales agent.”  Bewildered and disappointed that I could not find the way on my own, I began to wander.  I looked for help among the passers-by. 

I used my ignorant foreigner look, which I had patented around the world — the clueless, helpless, American businessman who is hopelessly lost, out of his element, and pleading for some host country compassion. I tentatively approached a businessman, presumably walking to work.  Being deep in thought, I surprised him as a foreigner.  But, kindly, he took pity on me. He looked at the address and, after a long pause, said, while shaking his head side-to-side, “Aaannnooo.”  To me, this sounded like, “I don’t know.”  Later I learned that “anno” is the Japanese form of “mmmm.”   We parted with a mutual look of apology.  I continued to beg for help as I disrupted Kyoto’s quiet, morning street routine.  A coffee shop appeared to be a prospect for a captive audience of potential helpers.  A lone, older man, enjoying his coffee and newspaper, sat in the corner, isolated.  I cornered him.  He had no choice but to help.   He took a long, discerning look at the address, then the map, then the address, then the map again.  He pointed to a spot on the map with an air of precision and confidence.  But beneath his veneer of clarity and calm, I thought I saw a man pinning a tail on a donkey piñata while blindfolded.  Time to move on, I thought. I learned later-on that addresses in Japan are codes to unravel.  They indicate a ward, a district within the ward, a subsection of the district called a chome, a block number within the chome, and, finally, a building number.  In Japan, they number buildings in the order of their construction. They are not in numerical order as in the U.S.  The address I looked for could be located anywhere on the block, not somewhere in sequence. In place of a conventional numbered street address, an address in Japan could read like this in the U.S.:  “Go down this alleyway, take

a right at the nightclub, continue past the graveyard, and it’s the red door on the right after the old oak tree.”    Next, I found a lady pulling boxes on a cart.  I guessed that a delivery person would know the area well.  After quickly reviewing the address, she waved me hurriedly in another direction as if she knew exactly where to go.  We eventually reached her old van in front of a gas station.  She took out a map. As she looked at it for a long time, a deep crease began to form in her forehead. Her air of confidence became a look of “I don’t know.”  Fortunately, her fellow worker, who sensed the problem, stepped in, analyzed the address and map, and then pointed with the certainty of a commanding general to an area of buildings across the street.  My translation of her gesture, however, was:  “It’s somewhere over there!”  Another pin-the-tail moment. By now, I trusted no one walking the street.  So, I waved down an expert – a taxi driver.  His response to reading the address was an elongated samurai grunt and finger-pointing fit in Japanese-English, “Why are you taking a taxi?  It is around here.  We don’t need to drive anywhere!”  But I could detect uncertainty in his expressions as he desperately tried to help me.  I responded to him in my best, polite international English that I had learned works around the world – simple words pronounced slowly and loudly with a local accent as if the person cannot hear me well enough. In English with a Japanese accent, I said,  “Pleeease driiiive meee tooo theee ahdresssss ah.  I wiiill paaay youuuu eeeeven if it iiis aaacross the streeeeet.”  Then it dawned on me that he did not understand any of my Japanese accented English.  So, I resorted to the universal sign language of desperation conveyed with an American G I Joe gusto that said through body gestures, “I don’t want to walk there.  I am very late!  Please drive me even if it costs $50 to go 10 feet!”

He interpreted my gestures differently from what I meant because he zoomed off with me towards the center of town.  He tossed me what looked like a Japanese language guide-book to the city with pictures of landmarks and pages of street maps.  It was like he was giving me a tour of the town as he pointed to various places.  Perceiving the misadventure ahead, I emphasized my unwavering interest in going to the phantom address by vigorously and repeatedly pointing at the address written on the paper.  He responded with more grunts mixed with smiles as if saying, “You can point all you want.  You are my prisoner.” After many miles, we arrived back where we began the city tour and parked outside the gas station.  A determined and, apparently, a compassionate man, the driver did not want to let me down now.  He went to the gas station’s workers and pulled them together for a conference.  For what seemed like an eternity, they diligently researched maps, considered directories, animatedly discussed possible locations, and pointed in various directions. Then the gas station workers appeared to bow to each other in a humble celebration. Grandly, one of them stepped forward from the group and pointed to a building directly across the street. In the same direction that the cart puller’s fellow worker had gestured to, and the taxi driver told me about, I wondered, in despair, “Could it be that the building was, all this time, just over there, and I hadn’t listened to them?” The elated cab driver, who dearly wanted to finish the job, eagerly waved me into the taxi.  Ecstatic, I jumped in.  With a simple U-turn, he would deliver me to the door of the building across the street.  But, of course, that would be too simple. We drove in Japan, and the strict traffic laws overrode any sense of simplicity. My cab driver pulled out, zoomed off, took a dozen or so turns down one-way streets, and we finally pulled up to the building that was across

the street. I could have walked back and forth between the building and gas station twenty times while in the cab.  Gratefully, I paid the taxi driver a ransom for my release plus a tip for the city tour.  As I walked into my sales agent’s office sixty minutes late, his lady assistant graciously approached me, saying, “He is waiting for you at the Kokusai hotel to bring you here.”  “Oh My God! What message did I miss that told me to wait there?” I thought in anguish. “I spoke with a half dozen Japanese, disrupted their morning routine, struggled endlessly to understand them, walked many city blocks, traveled unnecessary miles, felt the helplessness and hopelessness of being lost, arrived an hour late, and I only had to wait for the sales agent to quickly and efficiently take me to his office! Feeling quite humble, I entered the meeting room and sat down at the conference table. My sales agent began to speak, and I listened carefully to his direction.

I like your travel stories thanks for sharing!

I really like your post I appreciate your work , I will suggest your page with my friends

thank you so much for sharing this experience

Wish to see you in Morocco for a hot air balloon ride experience

Want more such kinds of posts, keep posting!

I love travelling and have craze too…….. Very interesting stories

Awesome Read. Thanks.

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Thanks for sharing best information

Thanks For sharing best information

good information keep posting

wow, great post. it gave me a lot of useful information. I look forward to your next posts.

Great blog post! Thank you so much for sharing it.

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  • Travel Tips

Best Short Travel Stories – Crazy, Funny & Inspiring Anecdotes

Published: September 8, 2023

Modified: December 27, 2023

by Leontine Child

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Weird & Amazing



Traveling is an incredible experience that allows us to explore new places, immerse ourselves in different cultures, and create lasting memories. From witnessing breathtaking landscapes to indulging in delicious local cuisine, every trip has its own unique charm. However, it’s the unexpected and unforgettable moments that truly make travel special.

In this article, we present a collection of the best short travel stories. These stories range from crazy and hilarious anecdotes to inspiring and heartwarming tales, all shared by fellow travelers who have embarked on remarkable journeys. Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or someone who dreams of exploring the world, these stories will entertain, inspire, and remind you of the incredible wonders that travel has to offer.

So sit back, relax, and prepare to be transported to different corners of the world through these captivating and entertaining tales. From mishaps and misadventures to serendipitous encounters and life-changing experiences, these stories encapsulate the essence of travel – the joy, the excitement, and the unexpected surprises that make each adventure truly remarkable.

Whether you’re seeking a good laugh, a sense of wanderlust, or a boost of inspiration, these travel stories have got you covered. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of crazy, funny, and inspiring travel tales.

Crazy Travel Stories

Traveling can sometimes lead to the most unexpected and bizarre situations. From encounters with wild animals to navigating through challenging terrain, these crazy travel stories will leave you in awe of the incredible experiences that happen on the road.

One traveler found themselves in a remote village in Africa when they stumbled upon a traditional tribal ceremony. They were invited to participate in the festivities and were amazed by the vibrant dances and cultural rituals. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse themselves in a completely different world.

In another crazy story, a group of friends went on a hiking trip in the mountains. Little did they know that they would encounter a rare sighting of a majestic snow leopard. As they cautiously watched the elusive creature from a distance, they couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder.

For those seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures, one traveler decided to go skydiving in New Zealand. As they soared through the clouds and experienced the rush of freefall, they couldn’t help but feel an exhilaration like never before. It was a heart-stopping moment that will forever be etched in their memory.

Another traveler shared their crazy experience of getting lost in a bustling city. While wandering through the maze-like streets, they stumbled upon a hidden gem – a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that served the most delectable local cuisine. It was a serendipitous discovery that turned a moment of confusion into a delicious and unforgettable gastronomic adventure.

These crazy travel stories remind us that sometimes the most extraordinary moments happen when we least expect them. Whether it’s stumbling upon ancient rituals, encountering rare wildlife, or getting lost in a foreign city, embracing the unexpected is part of the magic of travel.

Funny Travel Stories

Traveling often leads to hilarious and lighthearted moments that become the stories we share with friends and family. These funny travel stories will leave you in stitches as you imagine the amusing situations that travelers find themselves in.

One traveler found themselves on a crowded train in Japan during rush hour. As they were standing amidst the sea of passengers, a sudden jolt caused their backpack to accidentally open, sending their belongings tumbling onto the floor. Embarrassed but quick-witted, they started doing a makeshift magic show with their scattered items, turning an awkward moment into a laughter-filled spectacle.

In another funny story, a traveler attempted to order a meal at a local restaurant using a language translation app. However, the app misinterpreted their request, and instead of ordering a traditional dish, they ended up with a plate of fried insects. With a mix of surprise and amusement, they decided to give it a try, discovering that it was surprisingly delicious and became a memorable culinary adventure.

For those who have traveled with pets, there are often comical moments that arise. One traveler shared the story of their adventurous cat who managed to escape their hotel room and was found perched on a rooftop, seemingly enjoying the view. It took some creative problem-solving and a bit of embarrassment to safely retrieve their feline friend.

Another funny travel story involves a traveler mistaking a sheep for their tour guide in the Irish countryside. They followed the sheep, believing it to be leading them to the next point of interest, until they realized their mistake and had a good laugh about it.

These funny travel stories remind us that even in the midst of the unexpected, laughter is often the best response. From language mishaps to animal antics, these humorous moments contribute to the joy and entertainment of our travel experiences.

Inspiring Travel Stories

Traveling has a way of touching our hearts and inspiring us to see the world in a different light. These inspiring travel stories showcase the transformative power of travel, the connections we make with others, and the profound impact it can have on our lives.

One traveler shared their experience of volunteering in a remote village in Nepal. They helped build a school for the local children, witnessing firsthand the resilience and determination of the community. The gratitude and joy they felt in seeing the children receive an education touched their heart and left a lasting impact on their perspective of the world.

In another inspiring story, a traveler embarked on a solo backpacking journey through Southeast Asia. Along the way, they met incredible people from diverse backgrounds and forged deep connections. These encounters taught them the beauty of human connection and the importance of embracing different cultures.

For some, travel becomes a transformative experience that changes the course of their lives. One traveler shared their story of leaving a corporate job to pursue their passion for photography. They traveled to remote corners of the world, capturing breathtaking images and sharing the stories of the people they encountered. Through their experiences, they found purpose, fulfillment, and a new sense of self.

Another inspiring travel story involves a traveler who set out on a journey of self-discovery. They hiked the Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage trail in Spain, facing physical and mental challenges along the way. This grueling journey led to profound introspection and personal growth, reminding them of their inner strength and resilience.

These inspiring travel stories serve as a reminder that travel has the power to broaden our horizons, ignite a sense of purpose, and foster deep connections. It encourages us to step outside of our comfort zones, embrace new experiences, and discover the transformative beauty that the world has to offer.

Travel is not just about exploring new places or ticking off bucket list destinations. It’s about the moments that take our breath away, the laughter that fills our hearts, and the inspiration that sets our souls on fire. The best short travel stories capture the essence of these extraordinary experiences and remind us of the magic that travel brings into our lives.

From crazy adventures to hilarious mishaps and inspiring journeys, these stories showcase the diverse range of emotions and encounters that await us on our travels. They remind us to embrace the unexpected, find joy in the humorous situations, and let travel change us for the better.

Whether it’s witnessing the vibrant dances of a tribal ceremony, experiencing the adrenaline rush of skydiving, or finding ourselves in a serendipitous gastronomic adventure, these stories highlight the beauty of stepping outside our comfort zones and immersing ourselves in different cultures.

Moreover, travel stories connect us through shared experiences and inspire us to explore the world with an open heart and a curious mind. They remind us of the transformative power of travel, the connections we make with others, and the personal growth that comes from venturing into the unknown.

So, the next time you embark on a journey, keep your eyes and heart open to the possibility of creating your own travel story. Whether it’s crazy, funny, or inspiring, these moments have the power to shape our lives and leave an indelible mark on our souls.

With each travel story shared, we pass on the gift of inspiration and encouragement to others to embark on their own adventures. So, let these stories inspire you to explore, to connect, and to create memories that will last a lifetime.

Remember, the world is waiting – so go out there and create your own incredible travel story.


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crazy travel

Time Remaining to Create Memories in 2023

40 Crazy Travel Facts

By Scott Dye

crazy travel

Travel can be many things: scary, profound, educational, and sometimes, life-changing. It can also be quite surprising.

Accordingly, we scoured the internet and found 40 crazy travel facts. enjoy, 1.  the german word “fernweh” means “far sickness,” or an intense urge to travel., 2. jet lag feels worse if you travel from west to east., 3. good for the soul and the heart: taking a vacation can lower your risk of heart disease..

40 crazy travel facts

4. The U.S. is the only developed country in the world without a single legally required paid vacation day or holiday. Yikes.

5. 99% of libya is desert ., 6. there are 61,000 people in the air over the u.s. at any given time on any given day. that’s a lot of skymiles, 7 . one-third of the world’s airports are located in the u.s., 8. the shortest international commercial flight available for purchase is a 15 minute trip from sint maarten (dutch caribbean) to anguilla (british overseas territory)., 9. the pilot and his assistant must eat different food in order not to upset their stomachs at the same time., 10. there’s a good chance you may see a lake or two when visiting canada. in fact, it has over three million lakes . that’s 60% of the world’s total., 11. if traveling to thailand, it’s important to know the official, full name of bangkok is: (see image below).

40 crazy travel facts

12. There’s a lot to explore when heading to Russia. Incredibly, the country is bigger than Pluto .

13. there is a town in norway just called a ., 14. bring a full bottle of water with you when in saudi arabia. this country officially has zero rivers ., 15. over 820 languages are spoken in papua new guinea , or 12% of the world’s total., 16. during a normal flight, the temperature outside your plane is around -60ºf .  that’s colder than almost anywhere on earth at any given moment of the year., 17. a single boeing 777 engine delivers twice the horsepower of all the titanic’s engines combined . giddyup, 18. there is enough fuel in a boeing 747 plane to power a car around the entire planet 4 times ., 19. the eiffel tower is a daily place of work for 600 parisians ., 20. need some beach time australia has over 10,000 beaches . if inclined you could visit a new beach every day for over 27 years..

40 crazy travel facts

21. Travel to Antarctica is rare for most people, but not for meteorites. 90% of all meteorites are found there.

22. the great barrier reef is the only living structure visible from outer space., 23. introvert personalities are more likely to pick mountainous locations for a holiday, while extroverts prefer the beach., 24. with its abundance of happy words, spanish is rated as the happiest language in the world . time for some rosetta stone, 25. presently, almost 50% of americans research, book, and plan their trips to a new travel destination using only a mobile device., 26. did you know, in morocco, there are goats that regularly climb trees to have a meal, 27. continents shift at about the same rate as your fingernails grow . nailed it, 28. the northern hemisphere is home to 90% of the world’s population., 29. sloths get a bad rap for being lazy, but amazingly they can hold their breath underwater for up to 40 minutes ..

40 crazy travel facts

30. Kiribati is the only country in the world to fall into all four hemispheres , straddling the equator and extending into the eastern and western hemispheres.

31. unbeknownst to many, more than 30 million people in china live in underground caves., 32. all roads lead to rome especially when there’s a city named rome on every continent (aside from antartica, of course)., 33. no matter where you travel, you’ll probably spot a cow. there’s a good chance you spot their buddy nearby too, as research has found that cows have best friends ., 34. don’t want a crash while on a safari it could be a good thing, as a group of rhinos goes by the name crash ., 35. efficiency is the name of the game. panama city’s tocumen international airport has the least number of canceled flights in the world with a cancellation rate of just 0.07 percent ., 36. mexico city is sinking by up to 15 inches a year in certain places., 37. the famous “panama hat”  actually comes from the country of ecuador ., 38. rice was used in the construction of the great wall of china . resourceful.

40 crazy travel facts

39. You can lose more than 60 fluid ounces of water from your body during a ten-hour flight. Stay hydrated amigos.

40. and lastly, need some inspiration travel has been proven to increase creativity ., 2 responses to “ 40 crazy travel facts ”.

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Best Beaches in Naxos: Naxos 4-Day Itinerary 

by Crazy Travelista | Jan 23, 2023 | Greece , Itinerary

Best Beaches in Naxos, Greece: A 4 Day Itinerary  Naxos is the largest island of the Cyclades island group. Naxos has the most unique landscape in the Cyclades and reminded me more of the Ionian islands due to the vast green landscapes. In case you aren’t aware, most the Cyclades have the characteristic dry landscape […]

12 Amazing Reasons to Visit Amorgos, Greece: the Tiny Greek Island You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

12 Amazing Reasons to Visit Amorgos, Greece: the Tiny Greek Island You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

by Crazy Travelista | May 17, 2020 | Greece , Travel Tips

Amrorgos is one of those places that you’ve probably never heard of, but will instantly be intrigued to visit once you hear about it. Amorgos is a tiny island in the Cyclades Greek island group with only about 2000 residents. It measures only 48 square miles, but it seems as if every square inch is […]

Things to Do in Kefalonia: A 5-Day Itinerary for this Greek Island Jewel

Things to Do in Kefalonia: A 5-Day Itinerary for this Greek Island Jewel

by Crazy Travelista | May 4, 2020 | Greece , Itinerary

Kefalonia (aka Cephalonia) is the largest island in the Ionian Sea, west of mainland Greece. The Ionian islands are characterized by lush green landscapes, dramatic limestone cliffsides, and rugged beaches. The Ionian islands are the most mountainous of all the Greek islands, so if you love nature, you will be in heaven. Kefalonia is particularly […]

Scotland Road Trip: An Awesome 10 Day Scotland Itinerary

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by Crazy Travelista | Apr 26, 2020 | Destinations , Itinerary , Scotland , Scotland

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If you’re into hiking and nature, there’s a good chance Patagonia is on your bucket list. It’s the ultimate nature lover’s dream. It had been my dream for years and I finally made it a reality with this epic Patagonia itinerary. But I will be honest, planning a trip to Patagonia was the most complicated […]

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Why You Need to Add Cyprus to Your Travel Radar: Cyprus 5 Day Itinerary

Why You Need to Add Cyprus to Your Travel Radar: Cyprus 5 Day Itinerary

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The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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