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Explorer World of Travel

Explorer Fernreisen wurde 1970 als Afrika-Spezialist gegründet. Mit zwei Mercedes-LKW veranstaltete das junge Unternehmen halbjährlich Expeditionsreisen durch Afrika. Explorer war damals der erste deutsche Anbieter, der Reisen in das Kongobecken, den Südsudan, Tschad und die zentralafrikanische Republik anbieten konnte. Heute steht hinter Explorer längst nicht nur eine Website oder eine Reisebürokette.

explorer world of travel gmbh

Explorer steht für echte, unverfälschte – und vor allem individuelle – Reisen in die schönsten Regionen der Welt.

Die Expertise kommt nicht von ungefähr: Explorer Fernreisen wurde 1970 als Afrika-Spezialist gegründet. Mit zwei Mercedes-LKW veranstaltete das junge Unternehmen halbjährlich Expeditionsreisen durch Afrika. Explorer war damals der erste deutsche Anbieter, der Reisen in das Kongobecken, den Südsudan, Tschad und die zentralafrikanische Republik anbieten konnte. Heute steht hinter Explorer längst nicht nur eine Website oder eine Reisebürokette. „Wir sind gleichzeitig ein erfahrener und solider Reiseveranstalter – mit besten Kontakten in ferne Länder, eigenem Einkauf und Produktmanagement und einem umfangreichen Service“, sagt Sascha Büsseler, Geschäftsführer der Explorer World of Travel. Die umfangreiche Produktpalette wird in über 40 Reisebüros deutschlandweit verkauft.

Wichtig zu wissen: Alle Reisebausteine sind bei Explorer kombinierbar und damit maßgeschneidert für jede noch so individuelle Tour. Seit über 50 Jahren stehen das Team von Explorer seinen Kunden mit Engagement, Erfahrung und Fachwissen zur Seite. So wird eine Reise mehr als nur ein Urlaub – sie wird zum Abenteuer, zur Inspiration und zu einer prägenden Lebenserfahrung. „Denn Urlaub mit uns bedeutet selbst ein Explorer zu werden: fremde Orte erkunden, neue Entdeckungen feiern, unvergessliche Erlebnisse sammeln und berührende Momente erleben. Dabei liegt uns am Herzen, dass unsere Kunden während ihrer Reise nah an Land und Leute kommen, um neben den üblichen Souvenirs vor allem authentische Eindrücke mit nach Hause zu nehmen.“ so Sascha Büsseler.

Nachhaltigkeit & CSR: Explorer World of Travel engagiert sich

In den letzten Jahren hat Nachhaltigkeit sowohl global als auch in der Tourismusbranche zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wir bei Explorer World of Travel möchten aktiv Teil dieses Wandels sein und streben eine nachhaltigere Zukunft des Tourismus an. Als touristisches Unternehmen tragen wir nicht nur Verantwortung gegenüber unseren Gästen und Mitarbeitern, sondern auch gegenüber den lokalen Gemeinschaften vor Ort und unserer kostbaren Umwelt.

Reduktion der CO₂-Emissionen des Fluges

Explorer spendet für jeden Reisenden, der eine Flugreise über unseren hauseigenen Veranstalter Explorer World of Travel bucht, 20 € für Klimaschutz an unseren Partner atmosfair. Zusätzlich wird eine sechsstellige Summe in nachhaltiges Flugbenzin (SAF) investiert.

Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung

Wir bei Explorer World of Travel setzen uns sowohl an unserem eigenen Standort als auch in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern, Kunden und Mitarbeitern dafür ein, ein verlässliches Umfeld zu schaffen, das sowohl die Menschen vor Ort als auch die Umwelt schützt.

Wir haben einen schriftlichen Verhaltenskodex zu Themen wie Menschenrechte, Kinderschutz, Arbeitsbedingungen, Umweltschutz und Biodiversität erstellt, der von unseren Partneragenturen und Lieferanten unterzeichnet wurde. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Schulungen für unsere Mitarbeiter an, um das Bewusstsein für Nachhaltigkeit zu stärken und gemeinsam Verantwortung zu übernehmen.

Zertifizierung durch TourCert

Wir sind stolz darauf, dass unsere nachhaltige Unternehmensführung von TourCert, einer renommierten Organisation für nachhaltigen Tourismus, geprüft und zertifiziert wurde.

Mit dem Erhalt des Siegels für „Corporate Social Responsibility“ haben wir uns verpflichtet, uns intensiv mit den Themen Menschenrechte, Kinderschutz, Arbeitsbedingungen, Umweltschutz und Biodiversität auseinanderzusetzen. Unser Ziel ist es, kontinuierlich besser zu werden und uns weiterzuentwickeln. Dabei spielt der regelmäßige Austausch mit unseren Partnern und die Überprüfung unserer Produkte eine entscheidende Rolle. Unsere Fortschritte und Pläne für eine nachhaltige Zukunft sind in unserem jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht dokumentiert.

Unser Engagement umfasst:

  • Einsatz für Menschenrechte, Kinderschutz, Arbeitsbedingungen, Umweltschutz und Biodiversität
  • Einhaltung aller relevanten Gesetze im Hinblick auf Gesundheit, Sicherheit, Arbeit, Umwelt und Anti-Korruption
  • Berücksichtigung von Nachhaltigkeitsprinzipien bei Lieferanten und Partnern in Bezug auf Menschenrechte, Arbeitsbedingungen und Umweltschutz
  • Schulungen und Sensibilisierung unserer Mitarbeiter für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit
  • Berücksichtigung nachhaltiger Kriterien bei der Auswahl unserer Produkte
  • Bereitstellung ausführlicher Informationen zu nachhaltigen Produkten
  • Kompensationsmöglichkeiten für unsere Kunden
  • Nutzung von Ökostrom in unseren Betriebsstätten
  • 100%ige Kompensation aller Dienstreisen
  • Erstellung eines jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsberichts

Explorer engagiert sich in folgenden Projekten

explorer world of travel gmbh

Klimabewusst reisen

Das Futouris Branchenprojekt zielt darauf ab, die durch Reisen verursachten Emissionen einheitlich zu berechnen und für Mitarbeiter und Kunden darzustellen.

Explorer World of Travel GmbH

Hüttenstraße 17 40215 Düsseldorf Germany

+49 211 99 49 01 info @

Certification Since 2023

Explorer World of Travel is one of Germany´s most leading tour operators for individual travels. With more than 50 years of history we offer an unlimited variety of worldwide travel experiences and are known for high quality products at competitive prices. We stand for an extensive know-how and a loyal customer base.

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We are  Latin america


Latein Amerika


Explorer World of Travel GmbH


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Miscellaneous Information:

Seit 1970 ist Explorer der Experte für Fernreisen. Profitieren Sie von unserer Fachberatung - individuell, persönlich, kompetent und immer flexibel angepasst auf Ihre Wünsche.

Explorer has been the expert for long-distance travel since 1970. Benefit from our specialist advice - individual, personal, competent and always flexibly adapted to your needs.


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Explorer Fernreisen GmbH   Bewertungen

In der Kategorie Reiseveranstalter

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Wir hatten mit 2 Bekannten eine…

Wir hatten mit 2 Bekannten eine Rundreise nach Texas gebucht. Wir hatten schon öfter mit Explorer Reisen gebucht. Leider ließ der Service dieses Mal sehr zu wünschen übrig. Bei Buchung sagten wir deutlich, dass wir ein Auto mit Navi, Nichtraucherzimmer mit Frühstück und Economy Plus bei den Flügen wollten. Das sei alles kein Problem. Nachdem wir 2 Wochen vor Reisesntritt wegen der Flüge nachfragten, erhielten wir die Antwort, wir müssten Economy Plus selbst buchen. Auch ob ein Navi im Auto vorhanden sei, konnte man uns nicht sicher sagen, sondern die Auskunft, wir könnten ja Google maps aufs Handy laden. Vor Ort mussten wir auch feststellen, dass die Nichtraucherzimmer überall gebucht waren. Was lange Diskussionen mit den Hotels nach sich zog. Obwohl wir überall Zimmer mit Frühstück gebucht hatten, war dies bei 2 Hotels nicht der Fall. Entstandene Kosten 30 Dollar und das für 2 Kaffee und 2 Croissants. Wir sind sehr enttäuscht über diese schlechte Betreuung und werden das Unternehmen nicht weiter empfehlen.

Datum der Erfahrung : 20. April 2024


Kompetente Beratung und sehr gute Kommunikation während der gesamten Planung. Alternativen für jedes vorgeschlagene Motel, gutes Mietwagenangebot.

Datum der Erfahrung : 29. April 2023


Wir waren September/Oktober 28 Tage in West-Australien unterwegs. Die Flüge haben wir selbst gebucht, Frau Arnold von Explorer hat uns die Unterkünfte gebucht und ein paar Infos dazu mitgeschickt. Das hat alles super geklappt und sie hat auch unsere Änderungswünsche sehr schnell eingearbeitet. Wir waren sehr zufrieden!

Datum der Erfahrung : 01. Oktober 2023

Sehr engagierte und kompetente…

Sehr engagierte und kompetente Betreuung der Reiseplanung für 3 Wochen Cartagena und Costa Rica durch Frau Curtis. Gute Ideen beim Reisedesign, schnelle Rückmeldungen, alles hat geklappt wie gebucht. Eine ganz umfassende Kenntnis und Erfahrung über Costa Rica war eher nicht da, aber für alle gewünschten Ziele wurden passende Hotels rausgesucht und gebucht. Der gewählte Autovermieter in Costa Rica war Spitze (Adobe), einige Hotels waren eher mäßig. Würde mich jederzeit wieder Frau Curtis anvertrauen!

Datum der Erfahrung : 01. Dezember 2023

Toller Urlaub!

Liebe Travelagentin Jasmin, wir haben einen superschönen Urlaub in Thailand hinter uns und möchten danken für die tolle Auswahl der Inseln und der Unterkünfte. Alles entsprach voll unseren Erwartungen: Koh Jum: Ocean Beach Resort, Koh Lanta: Ande Lanta und Koh Ngai: Tapwarin Resort - alle super! Wir hatten Beachfront Villen, überall sehr freundlicher Service, leckeres lokales Essen und schöne breite Strände mit glasklarem Wasser - herrlich zum Schnorcheln, Kajakfahren oder einfach die Seele baumeln lassen. Im nächsten Jahr sind wir wieder für drei Wochen über Explorer dabei! Unser Motto: Thailand geht immer und es geht dort niemand verloren - alles top organisiert beim Transfer! Vielen Dank! Iris & Gerd

Datum der Erfahrung : 14. März 2023

Antwort von Explorer Fernreisen GmbH

Liebe Iris, herzlichen Dank für deine tolle 5* Bewertung, über welche wir uns sehr freuen! Es freut uns sehr zu lesen, dass du mit Explorer Fernreisen eine traumhafte Reise erleben durftest! Wir freuen uns, dich auch in Zukunft als Kunden bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Liebe Grüße dein Explorer Fernreisen Team

liebes Team von Explorer - ein rundum gelungener toller und sehr gut organisierter Urlaub

liebes Team von Explorer, vielen Dank für die tolle Beratung (Regula), die herrlichen Domizile einschl. Transfer die gebucht wurden - es hat rundum geklappt. Vor allem war immer eine Ansprechpartnerin an unserer Seite. Beim planen, vorbereiten und nach dem Urlaub beim nachfragen ob alles in Ordnung war. Wir buchen bei Explorer wieder. Dankeschön

Datum der Erfahrung : 25. November 2022

Tolle Beratung

Freundliche und sehr gute Beratung durch Frau Curtis, die selbst schon mit Kindern in Namibia unterwegs war. Sehr gute Vorbereitung unseres Roadtrips und Reisetips, die über das „Normale“ hinaus gehen. Auch mit der Agentur vor Ort, die uns am Flughafen empfing lief alles reibungslos. Die Unterstützung von Explorer ist bei einer Fernreise sehr zu empfehlen. Danke!

Datum der Erfahrung : 21. August 2023

Liebe Katrin, vielen Dank für deine freundlichen Worte. Es freut uns zu hören, dass du eine großartige Reise mit Explorer Fernreisen erlebt hast! Wir freuen uns, dich auch in Zukunft als Kundin bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen! Liebe Grüße dein Explorer Fernreisen Team.

Nie wieder EXPL.REISEN

Ich habe Hamburg - Koh Samui mit Austria Air hin und LH zurück gebucht.Hinflug Premium Economy,Rückflug 20.Mai Upgrade bei MM LH in Premium Economy.Explorer war nicht bereit eine vollständige Reisebestätigung zu erfüllen,trotz etlicher Telefonate (von Thailand)nicht billig.

Datum der Erfahrung : 03. April 2023

Self Drive Namibia. Botswana

2018 hatte ich eine self drive Reise nach Namibia /Botswana gebucht (über das Internet, Ansprechpartnerin war Romy). Jedem Wunsch, jeder Änderung wurde sehr, sehr freundlich nachgegangen ! Beratung war Top, Preis/Leistung ebenfalls ! Würde jeder Zeit wieder über Explorer buchen !

Datum der Erfahrung : 20. Juni 2022

Sehr professionell und Kundenorientiert

Sehr professionelle und schnelle Abwicklung der Buchung meiner Kombi Rundreise USA dank der absolut freundlichen Frau Semp.Alle individuellen Änderungswünsche wurden prompt umgesetzt und meine Erwartungen erfüllt.Ich buche seit Jahren meine individuellen Reisen über Explorer und bin noch nie enttäuscht worden.

Datum der Erfahrung : 19. Oktober 2023

Liebe Angela, vielen Dank für deine tolle Bewertung! Wir hoffen du erlebst noch viele unvergessliche Traumreisen mit Explorer Fernreisen und wünschen dir viel Spaß dabei! Liebe Grüße dein Explorer Fernreisen Team.

Wir sind zufrieden.....

Auch wir mussten unsere Weltreise (USA, Südsee, Neuseeland und Singapur) Corona bedingt stornieren. Wir können nur positives berichten: unser Berater hatte immer ein offenes Ohr für unsere Sorgen und war immer zu erreichen. Und Ja auch wir warten, haben jetzt aber eine für beide Seiten gute Lösung gefunden und freuen uns auf die nächste Reise. Eine ganze Branche steckt in der Krise. Da muss man auch mal Verständnis aufbringen. Wir haben Verständnis und fühlen uns bei Explorer weiterhin sehr gut aufgehoben, buchen seit 2001 unsere jährlichen Reisen. Freunde von warten seit März auf Ihre Erstattung der LH Flüge (direkt bei der Airline gebucht)!

Datum der Erfahrung : 31. Juli 2020

Kompetente, engagierte und geduldige Beratung

Nach kompetenter, geduldiger und engagierter Beratung durften wir eine unvergessliche Reise in Australien erleben! Angefangen bei der bequemen Erstberatung zu Hause via Videokonferenz über viele e-mails war meine Explorer Fachfrau immer schnell erreichbar. Sofort hat sie verstanden wohin meine Reisevorstellungen mich und meine Familie führen sollen und suchte für uns nach passenden Lösungen von Flug bis Camper. Alles lief rund - gerne bald wieder!

Datum der Erfahrung : 11. September 2023

Liebe Isabel, herzlichen Dank für deine tolle 5* Bewertung, über welche wir uns sehr freuen! Es freut uns sehr zu lesen, dass du mit Explorer Fernreisen eine atemberaubende Reise in Australien erlebt hast. Wir freuen uns, dich auch in Zukunft als Kunden bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen! Liebe Grüße dein Explorer Fernreisen Team

Unvergessliche USA Reise mit Explorer

Vor kurzem durfte ich eine unvergessliche Reise in die USA erleben, und ich kann mit voller Überzeugung sagen, dass es eine tolle Erfahrung war. Schon im Vorfeld erhielt ich äußerst hilfreiche Informationen, die meine Reisevorbereitungen erleichterten. Jedes Detail, von den Flügen über die Unterkünfte bis zu den Aktivitäten, war professionell durchdacht und organisiert. Ich fühlte mich während der gesamten Reise bestens betreut und konnte es in vollen Zügen genießen. Ich freue mich bereits auf weitere Abenteuer mit Explorer und bedanke mich herzlich für eine unvergessliche USA-Reise!

Datum der Erfahrung : 08. Juni 2023

Liebe Alissa, herzlichen Dank für deine tolle 5* Bewertung, über welche wir uns sehr freuen! Es freut uns sehr zu lesen, dass du mit deiner Buchung bei Explorer Fernreisen viel Freude hattest und eine unvergessliche USA-Reise erlebt hast. Wir freuen uns schon deine nächste Reise mit dir zu planen! Liebe Grüße dein Explorer Fernreisen Team

Kundenfreundlichkeit sieht anders aus! Nie wieder....

Auch wir können die schlechten Erfahrungen nur bestätigen. Wir warten seit April auf unser Geld. Es ist natürlich für die Reisebranche eine sehr herausfordernde Zeit, aber die Informationspraxis und der Umgang mit Kunden ist grenzwertig. Nur nach häufigen Nachfragen bekommt man überhaupt eine Informationen zum Sachstand. Ich werde hier nie wieder buchen (Warum? Die Buchung im Reisebüro bietet leider keinerlei Mehrwert). Zukünftig werde ich nur noch Online buchen.

Datum der Erfahrung : 17. September 2020

Rückerstattung steht seit knapp 12 Wochen aus.

Wir haben die gleichen Erfahrungen wie andere hier. Warten seit fast drei Monaten auf die Rückerstattung von ca. 8000€. Unsere Ansprechpartnerin ist stehts sehr freundlich und kann das vermutlich auch nicht beeinflussen. Es ändert aber nichts daran, dass diese Hinhaltetaktik illegal und, da erhebliche andere, zusätzliche Kosten aufgetreten sind, für unsere Familie ernsthaft problematisch ist.

Datum der Erfahrung : 22. Juni 2020

Rundreise Vietnam Kambodscha

Wir haben eine Rundreise Vietnam/Kambodscha im Januar 2024 über Explorer gebucht und es hat alles wunderbar funktioniert. Eine tolle Reise mit vielen neuen und überraschenden Erlebnissen.

Datum der Erfahrung : 10. Januar 2024

Ich muss Ihre Erfahrung leider teilen

Ich muss Ihre Erfahrung leider teilen. Explorer ist seit mehreren Wochen komplett abgetaucht. Wir warten ebenfalls seit mehreren Wochen auf die Erstattung des Reisepreises. Hatten längere Zeit auf die Reise gespart - und nun sind mehrere Tausend Euro einfach weg. Explorer stellt sich auf die Hinterbeine und zahlt einfach nicht - damit brechen sie geltendes Recht!!! Der Reisepreis hätte innerhalb von zwei Wochen zurückgezahlt werden müssen (Pauschalreise). Dass in Zeiten von Corona alles etwas länger dauert: vollstes Verständnis. Aber das geht GAR NICHT!!! Überlegen uns, einen Rechtsanwalt einzuschalten. Traurig, dass man solche Wege gehen muss... Hätten wir mal bloß bei einem seriösen Anbieter gebucht... :-(

Datum der Erfahrung : 28. April 2020

Ziemlich chaotische Truppe

Ziemlich chaotische Truppe. Eine Mitarbeiterin bucht Reise für über 20 TE. Vergisst aber alle Transfers bzw. weist nicht darauf hin. Kontakt: Mitarbeiterin arbeitet nicht mehr da. Nächste Mitarbeiterin nimmt sich des Falls an. Mailantwort nach erneutem Kontakt: Mitarbeiterin arbeitet nicht mehr bei uns. Gut, nächste Mitarbeiterin, kennt den Fall nicht. Kann man nichts machen. Dann wieder Antwort von Mitarbeiterin 2, arbeitet doch wieder da. Kurzum, es waren 4 Leute die sich mehr insuffizient als kompetent um eine 4 köpfige Familie gekümmert haben, die sehr viel Geld in eine 4 wöchige USA Reise gesteckt hat. Und dann noch in einem widerlichen Hotel untergebracht waren. Die Transfers mussten dann noch sehr teuer selbst organisiert werden. Da kann man nur sagen: lieber selber buchen, aber Never ever Explorer!

Datum der Erfahrung : 11. September 2022

Huhu sind gerade von einer 3 wöchigen…

Huhu sind gerade von einer 3 wöchigen Rundreise mit einem Mietwagen durch Costa Rica zurück. Interessantes Land, sehr vielfältig.Frau Wanke (Reisebüro Köln ) hat uns , wie wir es von ihr gewohnt sind , tolle Lodges und Hotels vorgebucht.Wo viel zu sehen und erwandern zu war hat sie uns 3 Tage einquartiert , sonst 2 Tage . Ideal. DANKE 😘

Datum der Erfahrung : 27. Februar 2022

Rechtsschutz- statt Reiserücktritts-Versicherung empfohlen

Wir hatten unsere Reise letztes Jahr mit Explorer-Reisen gebucht und wurden wie alle Anderen auch von der Pandemie kalt erwischt. Das freundliche Personal von Explorer-Reisen bat uns auch noch unmittelbar vor der globalen Reisewarnung den fälligen Betrag zu überweisen und kam uns nicht entgegen. Letztendlich waren wir froh statt der Reiserücktritt eine Rechtsschutzversicherung abgeschlossen zu haben.

Datum der Erfahrung : 22. März 2021

Love Exploring

Love Exploring

Explore The World’s Most Explosive Volcanoes From Your Armchair

Posted: May 3, 2024 | Last updated: May 3, 2024

<p>Did you know there are at least 1,350 active volcanoes around the world, and roughly 20 active volcanic eruptions on any given day? While many of them occur deep under the ocean – most volcanoes are found at the edges of the Pacific Plate, a horseshoe-shaped zone known as the Ring of Fire – occasionally, violent outbursts of smoke, ash and lava happen on land.</p>  <p><strong>Read on to discover the world's most active volcanoes in recent years, from the peaks of southern Italy to the Galapagos Islands...</strong></p>

Explosive news

Did you know there are at least 1,350 active volcanoes around the world, and roughly 20 active volcanic eruptions on any given day? While many of them occur deep under the ocean – most volcanoes are found at the edges of the Pacific Plate, a horseshoe-shaped zone known as the Ring of Fire – sometimes, violent outbursts of smoke, ash and lava happen on land.

Read on to discover the world's most active volcanoes in recent years, from the peaks of southern Italy to the Galapagos Islands...

The most active volcano in the northern Chilean Andes, Lascar is a stratovolcano made up of six overlapping craters, with a summit of 18,346 feet (5,592m). The mighty peak has had frequent small-to-moderate eruptions throughout the last few centuries, but until very recently it hadn't had a major eruption for almost 30 years. On 11 December 2022, the volcano rumbled back to life, sending a plume of ash and smoke some 20,000 feet (6,000m) into the atmosphere.

Lascar, Chile

The most active volcano in the northern Chilean Andes, Lascar is a stratovolcano made up of six overlapping craters, with a summit of 18,346 feet. The mighty peak has had frequent small-to-moderate eruptions throughout the last few centuries, but until very recently it hadn't had a major eruption for almost 30 years. On December 11, 2022, the volcano rumbled back to life, sending a plume of ash and smoke some 20,000 feet into the atmosphere.

The explosion, which was initially given a green warning by Chile's National Geology and Mining Service, was recently upgraded to a yellow alert level, which means the volcano is unstable. While surrounding areas are yet to record any damage, authorities have created a no-entry perimeter three miles (5km) around the peak.

Seismic activity followed the eruption, causing Chile's National Geology and Mining Service to upgrade the volcano to a yellow alert, and then a more serious orange alert. A three-mile perimeter around the volcano was later doubled to six miles, but it continued to merely grumble. The volcano's 1993 eruption was so fierce that ash was reported 930 miles away in Argentinian capital Buenos Aires.

<p>Located on an island off the southern coast of Sicily, Stromboli is considered one of the most active volcanoes on Earth and has been erupting almost continuously since 1932 – earning it the nickname 'Lighthouse of the Mediterranean'. It stands at 3,031 feet (924m) above sea level and its eruptions usually occur in small, mild blasts.</p>

Stromboli, Italy

Located on an island off the southern coast of Sicily, Stromboli is considered one of the most active volcanoes on Earth and has been erupting almost continuously since 1932 – earning it the nickname 'Lighthouse of the Mediterranean.' It stands at 3,031 feet above sea level and its eruptions usually occur in small, mild blasts.

<p>However, a recent explosion, which was recorded on Sunday 9 October, was anything but mild. In fact, <a href="">it caused the partial collapse of volcanic material from the rim of the crater</a>, leading to a three-minute-long seismic signal. Videos released by Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology show massive plumes of smoke and lava flows coming from the peak. Thankfully no one was harmed by the event, although a tourist was sadly killed by a powerful eruption here in 2019.</p>

However, an explosion in October 2022 was anything but mild. In fact, it caused the partial collapse of volcanic material from the rim of the crater, leading to a three-minute-long seismic signal. Videos released by Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology show massive plumes of smoke and lava coming from the peak. Thankfully no one was harmed by the event, although a tourist was sadly killed by an eruption here in 2019.

<p>Mount Semeru, a 12,060-foot (3,676m) volcano on Java, Indonesia’s most populated island, has been continually active since 1967 and is extremely hazardous. The current eruption has been continuing since 2014 and on Saturday, 4 December 2021 a major ash plume caused ashfall, pyroclastic flows and mudflows that were responsible for the deaths of at least 48 people. According to the head of Indonesia’s geological agency, the eruption was caused by heavy rainfall on the lip of Semeru’s crater, which led to its partial collapse.</p>

Mount Semeru, Indonesia

Mount Semeru, a 12,060-foot volcano on Java, Indonesia’s most populated island, has been continually active since 1967 and is extremely hazardous. The volcano has been at least partially erupting since 2014, and on December 4, 2021, a major ash plume caused ashfall, pyroclastic flows and mudflows that were responsible for the deaths of at least 34 people. According to the head of Indonesia’s geological agency, the eruption was caused by heavy rainfall on the lip of Semeru’s crater, which led to its partial collapse.

<p>Village streets were filled with ash and mud, cars and buildings destroyed and rescue teams were searching for missing people as Semeru continued to belch ash and lava into the sky until the end of December: <a href="">11 additional pyroclastic flows were recorded</a> from 16-31 December. Up to 10,000 people were displaced from the area and taken to evacuation centers and some would never get back to their homes.</p>

Village streets filled with ash and mud, cars and buildings were destroyed and rescue teams searched for missing people as Semeru continued to belch ash and lava into the sky until the end of December. Eleven additional pyroclastic flows were recorded from December 16 to 31. Up to 10,000 people were displaced from the area and taken to evacuation centers, and some would never return to their homes.

<p>In 2010, newsreaders around the world struggled to pronounce the name of the Icelandic glacier volcano that brought air traffic in Europe to a standstill. <a href="">Eyjafjallajökull belched out huge ash clouds</a> that hung in the air for more than six days. </p>

Eyjafjallajokull, Iceland

In 2010, newsreaders around the world struggled to pronounce the name of the Icelandic glacier volcano that brought air traffic in Europe to a standstill. Eyjafjallajokull belched out huge ash clouds that hung in the air for more than six days and made air travel across Europe near impossible.

<p>Although it’s too dangerous to walk on the ice cap that covers the caldera of the volcano, hikers can explore the rocky terrain on the 15-mile (25km) <a href="">Fimmvörðuháls ridge hike</a> – snaking between the Eyjafjallajökull and Mýrdalsjökull glaciers, craters and lava flow formed by the 2010 eruption, it's equally intimidating and gorgeous.</p>

Although it’s too dangerous to walk on the ice cap that covers the caldera of the volcano, the 2010 eruption wasn't too violent. This means hikers are often keen to explore the rocky terrain on the 15-mile Fimmvorduhals ridge hike. Snaking between the Eyjafjallajokull and Myrdalsjokull glaciers, and the craters and lava flows formed by the 2010 eruption, the hike is equal parts intimidating and gorgeous.

One of the biggest volcanic eruptions in recorded history happened in 1883 in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The island of Krakatoa was destroyed and an ash cloud entered the atmosphere and circled the world. Anak Krakatoa, meaning the 'child of Krakatoa', is a cinder cone volcano formed inside the original Krakatoa caldera. It only appeared in 1927 and as a young volcano it's of huge interest to scientists.

Anak Krakatoa, Indonesia

One of the biggest volcanic eruptions in recorded history happened in 1883 in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The island of Krakatoa was destroyed and an ash cloud entered the atmosphere and circled the world. Anak Krakatoa, meaning 'child of Krakatoa,' is a cinder cone volcano formed inside the original Krakatoa caldera. It only appeared in 1927, and as a young volcano it's of huge interest to scientists.

Since the end of the 20th century there has been sporadic volcanic activity at Anak Krakatoa, including in 2010 (pictured). But in June 2018 a new and more problematic eruptive phase was observed and on 22 December 2018 it erupted. A huge part of the volcano collapsed and caused a tsunami that killed 426 people, with more than 7,000 injured.

Since the end of the 20th century there has been sporadic volcanic activity at Anak Krakatoa, including in 2010 (pictured). But in June 2018 a new and more eruptive phase was observed, and in December it erupted. A huge part of the volcano collapsed and caused a tsunami that killed 426 people, with more than 7,000 injured. There were more, smaller eruptions through the first months of 2022.

<p>Kilauea is in the southeast of Big Island is the most active volcano in the world. <a href="">Its most active vent is Halema‘uma‘u</a>, the legendary home of Pele, the Hawaiian fire goddess. It's been 200 years since its last explosive eruptions (scores of deaths occurred here in 1790) and in recent years eruptions are usually contained by the lava lake within the crater.</p>

Kilauea, Hawaii, USA

Kilauea is in the southeast of Big Island and is the most active volcano in the world. Its most active vent is Halema‘uma‘u, the legendary home of Pele, the Hawaiian fire goddess. It's been 200 years since its last really explosive eruptions (scores of deaths occurred here in 1790) and in recent years eruptions have tended to be contained by the lava lake within the crater.

<p>That all changed in 2018, when a series of eruptions between May and August <a href="">devastated residential areas</a> in the Lower East Rift Zone and molten lava poured into the ocean at Kapoho Bay. Another eruption began in December 2020 with a new lava lake and lava flows, but for the time being all lava activity is contained within the Halema‘uma‘u crater. <a href="">Daily status updates</a> are available from the US Geological Survey.</p>  <p><a href=""><strong>See more of Mother Nature's spectacles in America</strong></a></p>

That all changed in 2018, when a series of eruptions between May and August devastated residential areas in the Lower East Rift Zone, and molten lava poured into the ocean at Kapoho Bay. The volcano has been sporadically active ever since, with multiple significant eruptions recorded in 2023.

Just 30 miles (48km) off of the coast of New Zealand’s North Island, in the Bay of Plenty, White Island (Whakaari to the Māori) is a grumbling volcanic island of billowing steam and bubbling mud. Most of the volcano is below sea level so typically visitors step straight off the boats into the actual crater.

White Island (Whakaari), New Zealand

Just 30 miles off the coast of New Zealand’s North Island, in the Bay of Plenty, White Island (Whakaari to the Maori) is a grumbling volcanic island of billowing steam. About 70% of the volcano is actually below sea level, so what you see exposed is the peak and crater lake. The rock's yellow tinge is from the sulfur.

<p>The otherworldly landscape is tinged yellow from the sulfur – the smell can be overwhelming and all visitors to White Island are issued with a gas mask and a hard hat. <a href="">It last erupted in 2019</a> with tourists out on the crater and in boats in the water nearby. Sadly, 20 people perished in the eruption and tours have been suspended ever since.</p>

Once a popular day trip destination, it's no longer possible to set foot on White Island/Whakaari, as in 2019 there was a major eruption and 22 people, mostly tourists, lost their lives. It was New Zealand's deadliest volcanic disaster since the 1886 eruption of Mount Tarawera. Since the tragic event, volcanic activity has declined, limited to white gas-and-steam emissions, but experts warn it could erupt again.

<p>Located in North Sumatra along the Ring of Fire, the 8,530-foot (2,600m) high Mount Sinabung had been dormant for more than 400 years before it broke its quiet spell in 2010. Since then, there have been several major blasts, and in 2014, 16 people died after <a href="">authorities allowed evacuated residents to return</a> to their homes prematurely.</p>

Mount Sinabung, Indonesia

Located in North Sumatra along the Ring of Fire, the 8,530-foot high Mount Sinabung had been dormant for more than 400 years before it broke its quiet spell in 2010. Since then, there have been several major blasts, and in 2014, 16 people died after authorities allowed evacuated residents to return to their homes prematurely.

On 2 March 2021, the fearsome volcano spewed an enormous ash cloud as far as 3.1 miles (5km) into the sky, its first major eruption since last August, when it was placed on the second-highest alert level. Scientists had warned those in the area to stay at least two miles (3km) from the crater so there were no casualties.

On March 2, 2021, the fearsome volcano spewed an enormous ash cloud as far as three miles into the sky, its first major eruption since the previous August, when it was placed on the second-highest alert level. Activity continued from April to June and then again in August and September, when gas-and-steam plumes were observed, as well as lava avalanches. Volcanic activity resumed briefly in May 2022.

Located around 140 miles (226km) from Mauritius, the island of Reunion is home to the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, which at 8,635 feet (2,632m) is the highest in the Indian Ocean. Reunion’s most visited attraction, it’s one of the world’s most accessible mountains for hikers taking up a third of the island. It’s also one of the world's most active volcanoes, erupting on average once every nine months.

Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion, France

Located around 140 miles from Mauritius, the island of Reunion is home to the Piton de la Fournaise (in English, Peak of the Furnace) volcano, which at 8,635 feet is the highest in the Indian Ocean. Reunion’s most visited attraction, it is also one of the world's most active volcanoes, erupting on average once every nine months. 

The latest explosive episode took place on 10 April 2021 on the south side, spewing lava fountains up to 196 feet (60m) tall, which then flowed down the mountain.

The volcano erupted sporadically in 2021, 2022 and 2023. These eruptions are rarely explosive and usually do not do significant damage to property or local infrastructure, but roads near the volcano are periodically swallowed by slow-moving lava flows and have to be reconstructed once the lava cools.

The normally bright skies of the island of Saint Vincent and its Caribbean neighbors turned a murky grey when La Soufrière erupted on Friday 9 April 2021. It was the first activity from the volcano in 40 years and only the fifth big event since records started in 1718. The ash cloud apparently reached 20,000 feet (6,000m) and saw residents in the immediate area evacuated.

La Soufriere, Saint Vincent, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The normally bright skies of the island of Saint Vincent and its Caribbean neighbors turned a murky grey when La Soufriere erupted on April 9, 2021. It was the first activity from the volcano in 40 years and only the fifth big event for the volcano since records started in 1718. The ash cloud reached 20,000 feet and saw residents in the immediate area evacuated.

A strong stench of sulphur engulfed the island, while the ash cloud caused a blanket of gloomy grey to loom over both Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and neighboring Barbados (pictured), around 120 miles (193km) to the east. Two further eruptions later in the day on 9 April added to the poor visibility.

A strong stench of sulfur engulfed the island, while the ash cloud caused a blanket of gloomy grey to loom over both Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and neighboring Barbados (pictured), around 120 miles to the east. Two further eruptions later in the day on April 9 added to the poor visibility. No casualties were reported but up to 20,000 people were evacuated and it was months before some could return to their homes.

Pacaya is one of the most active volcanoes in Guatemala, located roughly 31 miles (50km) south of Guatemala City. The 8,373-foot (2,552m) tall peak is usually visited by tourists with an appetite for adventure, but for now, trips have been canceled.

Pacaya, Guatemala

Pacaya is one of the most active volcanoes in Guatemala, located roughly 31 miles south of Guatemala City. Despite its high activity level, the 8,373-foot peak is popular with hikers when it's safe to visit, but that isn't always the case...

The Guatemalan giant began to eject pillars of ash into the air on 4 March 2021, continuing to erupt the following day. Its eruptions are strombolian, which means the blasts themselves are relatively tame, but they throw out bombs of lava and burning cinders. Pacaya also had a strong blast in 2010, which killed three people.

In May 2010, two local villagers and a reporter were killed and 100 homes were destroyed when the Guatemalan giant spewed lava, rocks and debris. There were more major events in 2020 and 2021 too, when the eruptions were characterized as 'strombolian,' which means that the blasts themselves were fairly tame, but they threw out bombs of lava and burning cinders.

<p>The 3,000-square-mile <a href="">Virunga National Park</a> in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is home to a quarter of the world’s critically endangered mountain gorillas. The park, Africa’s oldest, is one of the top places to see rare wildlife and also trek to the summit of Mount Nyiragongo on a guided hike. Typically, treks are four to six hours and include an overnight stay in a summit shelter.</p>

Mount Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of Congo

The 3,000-square-mile Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo is home to a quarter of the world’s critically endangered mountain gorillas. At the top of Mount Nyiragongo is the world’s largest lava lake, a churning molten-red lake of fire. The unusual fluidity of the lava makes it all the more dangerous to the people living below – more than 200 were killed and 120,000 left homeless in a devastating 2002 eruption, when basalt lava poured into the city of Goma at 37 miles per hour.

<p>On 22 May 2021 Nyiragongo abruptly erupted again, this time taking the lives of 32 people, many dying in traffic accidents during the eruption itself. Thousands were evacuated and remain unable to return to their homes. Nyiragongo has caused an ongoing humanitarian crisis with <a href="">Médecins Sans Frontières</a> (MSF) reporting that around 500,000 people are left without clean drinking water, partly as a result of damage to pipes and water reserves during the eruption.</p>

On May 22, 2021, Nyiragongo abruptly erupted again, this time taking the lives of at least 31 people. Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) reported that around 500,000 people were left without clean drinking water, partly as a result of damage to pipes and water reserves during the eruption. Thousands of households were evacuated to makeshift camps, and many were unable to return to their homes for months after the disaster.

<p>Since then, the volcanic eruption has <a href="">destroyed more than 1,000 buildings</a> and prompted an evacuation of 6,000 people, although authorities say that there will be no further evacuations. The government has said that <a href="">the eruption is not a threat to health</a>, although residents have been advised to stay indoors, and wear face masks and eye protection if they go out.</p>

Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain

One of Spain's Canary Islands, off Africa's northwest coast, La Palma is renowned for its volcanic landscape. Cumbre Vieja is normally a top hiking attraction, but in September 2021 the volcano erupted for the first time since 1971, spewing lava into the air and down hillsides. Around 3,000 buildings were destroyed and more than 5,500 hectares of land were affected, including banana plantations vital to the island's economy. A total of 6,000 people were temporarily evacuated as rivers of molten lava flowed out towards the ocean.

<p>Nearly two months on from when it first erupted, Cumbre Vieja is still spewing lava and ash. While most of the island is unaffected, those living in the vicinity <a href="">have endured</a> earthquakes, poor air quality and ash clouds. This photo from late October shows the volcano is still very much active.</p>

Scientists estimated that the volcano emitted more than twice the quantity of molten rock than it had in 1971. Sulfur and carbon dioxide emissions turned the crater yellow, orange and white. Volcanic activity lasted 85 days and it was called the most devastating eruption in Europe in 80 years, although, despite massive property damage, it mercifully did not directly cause any deaths or injuries.

<p>After laying silent for more than three decades, in May 2015 the Galápagos’ Wolf Volcano sent clouds of ash and spewing lava into its surroundings. Luckily the Wolf Volcano is away from the main population center on the island and also the <a href="">lava flowed east and southeast</a> rather than down the north slope, which is home to rare pink iguanas and giant tortoise.</p>

Wolf Volcano, Galapagos, Ecuador

After laying silent for more than three decades, in May 2015 the Galapagos archipelago's Wolf Volcano sent clouds of ash and trails of lava spewing into its surroundings. Luckily the Wolf Volcano is away from the main population center on the island, and the lava flowed east and southeast rather than down the north slope, which is home to rare pink iguanas and giant tortoises.

<p>The volcano erupted again in January 2022 when a colossal ash cloud rose more than 12,444 feet (3,793m) above sea level. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the eruption, although eight people working in the area were evacuated. Jaw-dropping aerial images captured a <a href="">glowing orange river of lava</a> slowly trickling into the ocean.</p>

The volcano erupted again in January 2022 when a colossal ash cloud rose more than 12,444 feet above sea level. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the eruption, although eight people working in the area were evacuated. Jaw-dropping aerial images captured a glowing orange river of lava slowly trickling into the ocean.

<p>This photo is a still capture of a video released by NASA when a small, uninhabited South Pacific island known as Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai – originally two islands that became one landmass in January 2015 after an eruption formed new land between them – was obliterated by a massive volcanic eruption. Little is understood about volcanoes that erupt in shallow water and volcanologists are interested in the extraordinary <a href="">power of the blast</a>.</p>

Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai, Tonga

This photo is a still capture of a video released by NASA when a small, uninhabited South Pacific island known as Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai – originally two islands that became one in 2015 after an eruption formed new land between them – was obliterated by a massive volcanic eruption. Little is understood about volcanoes that erupt in shallow water and volcanologists have been analyzing the extraordinary power of the blast.

<p>Tonga Geological Services had been observing and monitoring Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai since the eruption began on 20 December 2021, but it wasn't until 15 January 2022 that the climatic blast came, causing probably <a href="">the largest volcanic eruption in the 21st century</a>. It triggered tsunamis in Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Japan, the US and South America. At least three people are known to have died and the island was left cut off from the world for more than a week.</p>

The eruption began in late 2021, but it wasn't until 15 January 2022 that observers witnessed the largest volcanic eruption of the 21st century so far, with a blast so loud it was heard 6,000 miles away in Alaska. It triggered tsunamis in Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Japan, the US and South America, and shot gas and ash 35 miles up into the mesosphere – that's halfway to space. At least three people are known to have died, and the island was left cut off from the world for more than a week.

<p>In August 2021, Mount Merapi saw <a href="">its biggest eruption</a> in months. Lava flows reached more than two miles (3.2km) down the mountain and hot ash was spewed 2,000 feet (610m) into the sky. This photo from mid-September 2021 shows it still sending fiery lava down its slopes.</p>

Mount Merapi, Indonesia

The majestic Mount Merapi, which means 'Mountain of Fire,' can be found in the center of the Indonesian island of Java. Standing at 9,551 feet tall, it holds the slightly terrifying accolade of being the most active of all Indonesia's 130 or so volcanoes. In 2010, the volcano served up its worst eruption since 1872, killing around 350 people and forcing 20,000 more to flee their homes.

<p>Towards the end of November 2021, the volcano was still emitting lava and white smoke. The latter can still be seen in this photo from early December. The <a href="">Center of Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development</a> has so far not changed the status of Mount Merapi from Level III, or 'standby'.</p>  <p><a href=""><strong>These are history's most deadly and destructive forest fires</strong></a></p>

After several warning signs the volcano erupted in January 2021, catapulting plumes of smoke and debris into the sky and prompting local evacuations, before doing so again in August and again in March 2022, blanketing nearby villages with ash. It erupted yet again in March 2023 – an explosion so violent that it reportedly blocked out the sun, but mercifully caused no casualties.

The highest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna is a magnificent landmark in the northeast of Sicily. Fiery Etna erupts several times a year and is sometimes closed for safety reasons. When it is safe to visit, it's possible to hike up the impressive volcano or there’s a 20-minute cable car (Funivia dell’Etna) up the south side of the mountain. Afterwards, it’s either a long walk or a short 4x4 drive through the barren landscape to the otherworldly summit craters.

Mount Etna, Italy

The highest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna is a magnificent landmark on the Italian island of Sicily. Etna erupts several times a year and is actually a series of nested stratovolcanoes (conical volcanoes built up on layers of lava and ash) with four distinct summit craters. In February 2021, authorities temporarily closed the airport in Catania as Etna was sending ash and small stones into the atmosphere. These eruptions can make Europe's tallest volcano even taller – a six-month period in 2021 alone added almost 100 feet in height.

<p>So far Etna has erupted 10 times during this latest period of activity, putting on a fireworks display that experts say is normal for the 10,991-foot (3,350m) volcano. And while the dust from the spectacle might be disruptive it has offered the opportunity for some jaw-dropping photography, such as this shot of a Baroque church in the village of Zafferana Etnea.</p>  <p><strong><a href="">Now discover the most deadly tornadoes of all time</a></strong></p>

Around 50 episodes of activity were recorded in 2021, and the Sicilian government estimated that more than 300,000 tonnes of ash were cleaned up. Activity continued through 2022 and 2023, while in February 2022 a volcanic plume covered the ancient port city of Catania in ash. Catania's airport was once again temporarily closed, and the eruption was so huge that it was visible from space.

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The very best places to visit in finland.

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Despite cold temperatures, Oulu is a popular Finland travel destination in the winter.

Why is Finland consistently ranked as the world's happiest country? Plan a trip to the Nordic nation and find out for yourself what makes Finns tick.

From the innovative design capital of Helsinki to peaceful Arctic wilderness, Finland is packed with diversity. The same is true for experiences, whether it’s staying in glass igloos waiting for the northern lights to appear or exploring historic towns.

Whether seeking adventure, connection with nature, or relaxation, Finland's varied regions promise new experiences and a taste of why Finns hold the title of the happiest people on earth .

Finland’s compact yet vibrant capital city is the obvious starting point for those seeking a city break in Finland . Visiting Helsinki offers a unique blend of Nordic design heritage and natural beauty.

Helsinki is a UNESCO Design City, acknowledging the city’s commitment to incorporating design into everyday life.

In addition to novel public spaces, the Finnish capital boasts design schools, innovative architecture, creative industries, and unique design shopping opportunities. Noteworthy sites include the wooden Oodi Library and the rock-hewn Temppeliaukio Church.

Helsinki’s Oodi Central Library is a wonderful example of Finland’s focus on design.

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Despite its urban setting, Helsinki's seaside location and nearby archipelago provide a maritime ambiance and outdoor activities, making it a standout destination in Finland.

Easy Day Trips From Helsinki

Short on time? Helsinki offers several day trip opportunities for those with limited time but who are still keen to explore Finland's rich landscapes and cultural heritage.

One of the oldest towns in Finland, Porvoo is known for its picturesque old town with cobblestone streets and colorful wooden houses. A visit to the Porvoo Cathedral, which dates back to the 15th century, is a must for history enthusiasts.

Aside from its visual charm, the town's many boutiques and galleries offer unique Finnish designs and handmade goods, making Porvoo a perfect blend of historic charm and contemporary culture.

Nuuksio National Park

Just a short drive or public transport ride from Finland's capital, Nuuksio provides a quick gateway into forested, lake-filled wilderness for those staying in or visiting Helsinki.

Hiking, bird watching, berry and mushroom picking, canoeing, and camping are just a few activities visitors can enjoy. The park offers a chance to encounter Finnish wildlife, including elk, deer, and a variety of bird species, in their natural habitat.


For a deeper dive into Finnish history, a day trip to Hämeenlinna offers the chance to explore the imposing 13th-century Häme Castle. Surrounded by beautiful nature, the town is also a base to travel to the Iittala Glass Factory Museum, providing insights into Finland’s design industries and cultural heritage.

The oldest city in Finland offers insights into the medieval era with attractions including Turku Castle and Turku Cathedral, the oldest buildings in Finland still in regular use.

The Aura River, central to the city's layout, is flanked by dining establishments and significant historical landmarks, enhancing the city's scenic appeal. Turku is also known for its dynamic arts scene, with an abundance of galleries, museums, and cultural events.

Old Rauma, a vibrant historic area and UNESCO World Heritage site , boasts over 600 colorful buildings housing boutiques, cafes, and restaurants, along with Finland's narrowest street.

The old wooden city center of Rauma is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist attraction ... [+] in Finland.

This unique living museum is inhabited by about 800 people. Visitors can admire exquisite murals in the 15th-century Church of the Holy Cross.

A trip to Rauma also offers the chance to explore another UNESCO site. The nearby Bronze Age Burial Site of Sammallahdenmäki is the largest complete Bronze Age burial site in the Nordic region.

Finland’s Lake Region

Finland's southeastern region, near the Russian border, is rich with lakes and islands. While the exact number of lakes is unknown due to the challenge of defining a lake, there are over 55,000 bodies of water wider than 650 feet. Regardless of definitions, that’s a lot of water.

The area is sprinkled with summer cottages, many owned by Finns for seasonal retreats, with some available for rent. Start planning your itinerary with the enjoyable lakeside views along Route 62 from Mikkeli to Ruokolahti.

This region is ideal for experiencing the quintessentially Finnish tradition of enjoying a sauna followed by a refreshing dip in an ice-cold lake.

Nestled between two lakes, Tampere has evolved from its industrial origins into a vibrant hub of education, culture, and technology, boasting major universities and research institutes.

The city attracts international visitors with events at Tampere Hall congress center, which also houses the Moomin Museum, celebrating Tove Jansson's timeless characters .

Vapriikki Museum Center, located along the riverside, offers insights into Tampere's industrial history and diverse exhibitions, from natural history to gaming.

Arctic Finland

The northern region of Finland is a year-round destination, offering endless daylight in summer for hiking and wildlife watching, and stunning northern lights alongside Arctic landscapes in fall, winter, and spring.

Arctic Finland is a prime spot for viewing the northern lights, despite the cold. For comfort, consider staying in a glass igloo at Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort. Even if the northern lights elude you, a winter visit remains a memorable one with activities like husky sled rides, exploring Sami culture, and sauna.

Known as the gateway to Arctic Finland, Oulu is a city known for its technology sector and vibrant cultural scene, featuring music festivals, museums, and art galleries.

Oulu's position by the Baltic Sea makes it ideal for bird watching. Winter in Oulu brings plummeting temperatures but great opportunities for ice skating and cross-country skiing.

Known as the ‘official hometown of Santa Claus’, Rovaniemi lies directly on the Arctic Circle. This city is a magical destination for families, offering visits to Santa Claus Village all year round.

Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Finland, is a year-round tourist attraction.

Beyond this festive appeal, Rovaniemi serves as a hub for Arctic adventures, including snowmobile safaris, reindeer sleigh rides, and aurora hunting.

Cultural highlights include the Arktikum museum, which provides comprehensive insights into Arctic nature and the history of Finnish Lapland.

Ivalo and Inari

In the far north, Ivalo and Inari offer insights into indigenous Sami culture, with attractions like the Siida Museum and opportunities to explore the Arctic wilderness.

Inari is home to the Sami Parliament and serves as a cultural center for the Sami people, offering visitors an authentic look at the traditions and way of life of the Nordic region’s indigenous people.

Åland Islands

This Swedish-speaking archipelago at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia offers peaceful natural beauty, maritime attractions, and outdoor activities.

The Åland Islands are known as a summer vacation spot, popular with both Swedes and Finns for the sandy beaches, historic sites, scenic cycle paths, and quaint villages.

Mariehamn, the charming capital, serves as the heart of Åland's 30,000 residents, offering a glimpse into the islands' maritime heritage with attractions like the Åland Maritime Museum and the Pommern sailing ship.

David Nikel

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Ramona Kleinen

Ramona Kleinen

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Melanie Lumare-Ronsin

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Birgit Tomesch

Birgit Tomesch

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Glenn Schubert

Glenn Schubert

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Vera Wilhelm

Vera Wilhelm

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Cala Mitjana and Cala Mitjaneta, part of a string of beaches including Cala Galdana and Cala Macarella in southern Menorca.

‘If I could be teleported to any beach, this would be it’: readers choose their favourite European beaches

Seaside idylls from Île de Ré to eastern Crete feature as our tipsters report that even popular destinations such as Menorca and Sicily have their quieter spots

On the trail of the lonesome pines in Menorca

Cala Galdana beach – and its neighbours – are spectacular. Turn off at Ferreries and take the attractive Me-22 road that brings you to a breathtaking horseshoe bay shrouded by pine trees. The golden sandy beach is peaceful, even on a busy day. There are beach toilets and a cafe. There are also water sports facilities if you want a bit more activity. Neighbouring Cala Mitjana , a beautiful beach a short walk to the east, is wilder, as is Cala Macarella , two miles by footpath to the west. If I could be teleported to any beach on my day off here’s where I’d go to. Bethan Patfield

A landlocked beauty in North Macedonia

Trpejca green water lake in North Macedonia

With my partner, I was road-tripping the route of the Roman Via Egnatia from Durres to Istanbul when we stumbled across Trpejca . It’s on the huge Lake Ohrid, not the sea, but it’s certainly a beach, pebbly and small and, most vitally, quiet, even in peak season when we visited. The water is clear and the painted plank jetty on the charming side of rickety. We spent a day lounging, gazing at the mountains a few miles across the water, kayaking, and smiling about our luck in finding a beautiful beach in landlocked North Macedonia. Anja Steel

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Guardian Travel readers' tips

Every week we ask our readers for recommendations from their travels. A selection of tips will be featured online and may appear in print. To enter the latest competition visit the readers' tips homepage

Drifts of seashells, Lagos, Portugal

Meia Praia.

Lagos is known for its lovely coves but my favourite beach is Meia Praia , miles of beautiful sand to the east of the town. Walk along past the beach bars and restaurants to find emptier spaces, with drifts of seashells among the stretches of golden sand. Eventually you reach the mouth of the River Odiáxere – you can’t cross but it makes a satisfying turning point. If you don’t want to walk the full length of the beach, you can get the train from Lagos to Meia Praia station on the Algarve line (which runs for 90 miles between Vila Real de Santo António, Faro and Lagos) and start exploring from there. Carolyn

Lazing under Lefkada’s limestone cliffs, Greece

Porto Katsiki

The winding drive to Porto Katsiki on Lefkada island allows for intermittent views down to the beautiful clear waters. After parking, a hundred or so steps will take you down to the pebble beach. A stroll to the opposite side can provide some shade under the huge limestone cliff. The clear and calm turquoise water is brilliant for snorkelling and swimming in. Above the beach is a viewpoint with sweeping sunset views and draws a small crowd most evenings. Behind is Taverna Oasis, serving Greek classics and amazing seafood with stunning views over the Ionian Sea. Charlotte Jose

Edge of the world on Île de Ré, France

We cycled to the white sand Plage Campiotel and gazed out at the blue expanse of the Atlantic on Île de Ré’s west-facing coast. The lack of road infrastructure and abundant cycle paths all add to the joyous feeling that you’re perched on the edge of the world. There are no cafes or crowds. All you have are the wild sand dunes and occasional leathery nudist couple walking past. Sid

Minoan marvels in eastern Crete


Travelling to Kouremenos , one of Crete’s easternmost beaches, offers glimpses of the most rustic parts of the island. Nestled between ancient Minoan temples (above and below water), this beach offers a combination of tranquil waters for families and a windsurfing spot for those after thrills. A few tavernas close to the beach offer delicious, authentic cuisine. Georgios

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What’s not to lichen, Poland

Jastrzębia Góra.

The beach at Jastrzębia Góra in Poland has silky sand like the Maldives. Fragrant pine trees line the beach along the whole of this beautiful coastline and the air is so pure that lichen grows along the paths. I have been lucky enough to find amber stones after storms. Beautiful. Rita

Beach train from Barcelona

Malgrat de Mar.

Take the R1 train from Barcelona station up the coast; at every stop – from Montgat Nord to Malgrat de Mar – is a beautiful beach away from the hustle of Barça. Tickets can cost less than €10 for a return. I used to live in Barça and swear by it, the stations are directly on the beaches and you can travel to five or six within an hour of the city. Adam Baines

Rice pudding ice-cream by the shore in Portugal

Carvoeiro, Algarve.

The beautiful sandy beach in the traditional Algarve town of Carvoeiro lies sandwiched between rugged golden cliffs while providing all the amenities of a seaside town with the bonus of the ice-cream shop selling the most delicious rice pudding ice-cream. I’m not sure if this is traditional Portuguese fare, but if it isn’t it should be! Helen

Winning tip: Sicilian hotspot

Santa Maria del Faocallo.

Last summer, on a trip to south-eastern Sicily, I discovered my new favourite beach, Santa Maria del F ocallo , just over an hour’s drive from Catania. Staying with friends, I crept out of the house early each day to swim with the whole beautiful beach to myself. The one little beach hut, Paz Maya , became my local for a quiet coffee in the morning, later transformed by a DJ into the hot place to be at sunset for a cocktail, dancing or just soaking up the scene. Paula

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    Kilauea is in the southeast of Big Island and is the most active volcano in the world. Its most active vent is Halema'uma'u, the legendary home of Pele, the Hawaiian fire goddess.

  19. The Very Best Places To Visit In Finland

    Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Finland, is a year-round tourist attraction. getty. Beyond this festive appeal, Rovaniemi serves as a hub for Arctic adventures, including snowmobile safaris ...

  20. Sascha Büsseler, Karben, Germany

    World of Conso GmbH. . 21 Mar 2023. Managing Director: Stephan H. Braun · No longer Managing Director: Sascha Büsseler. . 27 Dec 2021. Reg­is­tra­tion · Managing Director: Sascha Büsseler, Marco Hansen · Address · Capital: €25,000 · Share­holder agreement · Proxy · Corporate Purpose. The data on this page is generated by a fully ...

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  23. 'If I could be teleported to any beach, this would be it': readers

    Meia Praia. Photograph: Westend61 GmbH/Alamy. Lagos is known for its lovely coves but my favourite beach is Meia Praia, miles of beautiful sand to the east of the town.Walk along past the beach ...