art journey Paris Museums & Monuments Private Tours

Private tours of the louvre.

Louvre museum private guided tour

The Louvre museum is a labyrinth of 9 miles of corridors displaying 35,000 artworks over three wings. Why get lost and join the crowd? With a genuine private tour of the Louvre museum enjoy a tailor-made visit, not a one-size-fits-all commentary. Not a lecture, but a conversation. A journey through five millennia of civilization.

Musée d'Orsay Private Tour

1874 Impressionism Musée d'Orsay private guided visit

Paris is the city of Impressionism, but at first colorful Sunday afternoon scenes were greeted with a hail of criticism and slander. With our private tour of the musée d'Orsay , we will discuss why and admire the artists' resilience in their years of struggle and their eventual success.

Versailles Castle Private tour

Versailles castle private guided tour

It took fifty years to turn a swamp into a castle amazing enough to dazzle the European nobility. Why rush? Versailles is a lot more than a gilded palace, its gardens, Grand and Petit Trianon, the village of Marie Antoinette are an invitation for a day-long journey through history, with our private guided tour of Versailles castle .

Sainte Chapelle & Notre Dame

Sainte Chapelle private guided tour

If one monument really deserves to be called a jewel, it is the Sainte Chapelle, with its translucent tapestries of color. With our private tour of the Sainte Chapelle and Notre Dame cathedral , we will discover why 'gothic' architecture is not about darkness, but light.

Ancient Egypt Private tour

The Scribe and Tutankhmaun Louvre Private tour Egyptian antiquities

With a private tour of Ancient Egypt in the Louvre , understand how hieroglyphic writing works , and for the 200th anniversary of the decipherment, marvel at the story of Champollion cracking the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic system .

Saint Denis Basilica Private Tour

Saint Denis Basilica gothic architecture medieval light

North of Paris hides an overlooked treasure; a monument where one can almost rub shoulders with Kings, a place with nearly 1500 years of history, the burial place of most French Kings, and the birthplace of "gothic" architecture. With a private tour of Saint Denis Basilica , we open the door to history.

Pompidou Centre Private tour

Modern Art Pompidou centre private guided tour

Understanding modern art still eludes you? Join us on an art journey Pompidou centre to wonder at a century of spectacular creativity! At the Musée Picasso , we will wonder at an artist who managed, every day, for 75 years, to create art.

Musée Rodin Private tour

Musée Rodin Private tour

Have you ever thought that life was hard for the Impressionists at the start of their career ? Rodin had been refused entry to the Fine Arts School not once, but three times ! With our Rodin museum private tour you will discover the life story of a sculptor of great genius.

About Art Journey Paris

About Art Journey Paris Museums private tours

Art Journey specialises in private guided tours of Paris museums and monuments, with officially certified guide-lecturers ; and is a member of the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau ; the official Tourist Bureau.

Art Journey Stories

Art Journey Stories articles about art and Paris artists, Champollion, Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo

Art Journey Stories will transport you through the history of Paris, its artists and museums. For the 200th anniversary of the decipherment, discover how Champollion deciphered ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs . The full story of the Venus de Milo , and the most iconic of all works of art, the Mona Lisa . A detailed description of the two sides of the Mona Lisa. First, a description of the theft, and the astonishing failures of the police at the time. Then, why it is a masterpiece.

Private Tour Reviews

Art Journey Paris private tour reviews

"You opened our eyes to the true beauty and history of art" . The best way to get an idea of our private tours is to read the reviews from past visitors, with our testimonials .

Visiting museums in the evening

Private evening tour to avoid the Louvre crowds

There is a simple and relaxing way to avoid crowds in museums, to visit in the evening . Several Parisian museums offer visits at night. Enjoy the many treasures hidden inside the Louvre during an evening private tour of the Louvre . Late opening private tours can also be enjoyed with our evening tour of the musée d'Orsay and the Pompidou centre night tour .

Why join the crowd when you can have a private tour of the museums and monuments of Paris?

Apollo Gallery Louvre museum royal gemstone collection private visit with gemmologist expert

You can easily get lost in a museum with 9 miles of corridors, the Louvre. Instead of being baffled by the largest museum in the world, discover its hidden treasures with a private guided tour. Photo © Art Journey Paris.

To inquire about a private tour of Paris museums and monuments, please mention the date of the visit as well as the number of participants , using the form below, thank you.

© 2013 - 2024 Art Journey Paris Museums and Monuments Private tours - Louvre museum private tour, Versailles palace tours, Notre Dame & Sainte Chapelle, Musée d'Orsay private tours.

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The Venus de Milo

Travelcurious tip.

Like the Mona Lisa, this exhibit can get extremely busy, so try and avoid peak times and see her during lunch hours or in the evening.

Shrouded in mystery

The Venus de Milo was donated to the Louvre by Louis XVIII in 1821 and is believed to depict the Greek goddess Aphrodite in her half nakedness and sensual curves. She stands with a peaceful, reserved look on her face, a drape carelessly hanging from her waist, completely shrouded in mystery.

Discovered by a peasant on the Greek island of Milos in the southern Cyclades, she is made of six or seven carefully conjoined blocks of marble. The fascination lies in the statue’s exceptional preservation (she dates from 130 BC), but also in that both arms are missing, leading to widespread speculation about what gesture the goddess might have been making. What remains is an anonymous attitude, with one leg positioned in front of the other, body tilted, the stumps of the arms clearly indicating some kind of action taking place.

Classical and Hellenistic styles

The goddess has an air of aloofness. Written on her face is an expression of harmony and passivity which are the aesthetics of the 5th century BC, and the hairstyle and delicate facial features echo the 4th. Most strikingly, however, the spiral composition, her positioning in three-dimensional space and the small-breasted, elongated body are characteristic of the 3rd to 1st century BC, meaning the statue spans over five hundred years of stylistic change.

Nearby Attractions

Related tours.

  • Explore the most visited museum in the world;
  • See the unmissable attractions, including the Mona Lisa, The Coronation of Napoleon, and Venus de Milo ;
  • Learn about art history from your expert guide , along with the museum’s role for art historians;
  • Wander through a labyrinth of 300 rooms and uncover masterpieces missed by many, including Liberty Leading the People and Canova’s Apollo and Daphne.

Originally one of France’s most lavish royal palaces, and home to some of the most ostentatious Kings of France, the Louvre has fast become the world's most impressive and influential museum of art in the world and is an absolute must for anyone with an interest in art. Your private licensed guide will take you through one of the most expansive and beautiful art collections in the world, where you will see some of the museum’s greatest works that span from 450 BCE to the 19th century, along with several of its lesser-known treasures. Whilst visiting this fabulous museum you will have the pleasure of viewing the most celebrated of all the Louvre treasures: 'Three Grand Ladies'- the Venus de Milo, Nike of Samothrace, and Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. Your guide will discuss the fascinating stories that surround these influential and important works of art. After your guided tour, feel free to further explore the vast museum on your own and its beautiful work at your own pace. Please note that the "Liberty Leading the People" will be under restoration until further notice.

  • Meet your private guide outside the Louvre Museum to begin your tour;
  • See the unmissable attractions of the Louvre, including the Mona Lisa, The Coronation of Napoleon, and Venus de Milo;
  • Wander through Le Marais – the quintessentially Pre-Revolutionary Parisian neighbourhood – where you will enjoy lunch at your leisure (paid for locally by guests)
  • See the highlights of the city centre, including Île de la Cité, the Palais de Justice, and Notre Dame Cathedral;
  • Hop aboard a relaxing river cruise to enjoy the city from the ease of the Seine;
  • Learn about the Eiffel Tower with your guide, then take the lift to the 2nd floor and visit the tower at your own pace (tickets included)

  Originally one of France’s most lavish royal palaces, and home to some of the most ostentatious Kings of France, the Louvre has fast become the world's most impressive and influential museum of art in the world and is an absolute must for anyone with an interest in art. Your private licensed guide will take you through one of the most expansive and beautiful art collections in the world, where you will see some of the museum’s greatest works that span from 450 BCE to the 19th century, along with several of its lesser-known treasures. From the museum, your guide will take you to a neighbourhood which truly evokes the ‘je ne sais quoi’ of Parisian nostalgia, where you will see the magnificent Hotel De Ville – the city’s seat of government for over 600 years. Enjoy lunch at your own pace in Le Marais, with recommendations from your guide on the best place to indulge in the local cuisine of your choosing. Step onto a riverboat to enjoy the magic of the city from the Seine – the geography around which the entire city has been built for thousands of years. Learn more about the city’s modernization efforts in the 19th century, which brought gas lanterns, parks, sewage systems, schools, and hospitals to the city. Your tour concludes at the city’s most iconic site: the Eiffel Tower, where you will enjoy lift tickets to the second story. Your guide will be sure to give you dinner recommendations before leaving you to marvel at the spectacular panoramic views of the city. Please note that the "Liberty Leading the People" will be under restoration until further notice.

  • Learn about the building itself which is vast, and contains over 35,000 pieces of art in 60,600 square metres and 14,5 km of galleries;
  • Head below ground to see the medieval origins of this vast royal palace that is now a museum - see if you can spot a gargoyle that looks remarkably like Yoda from Star Wars ; 
  • Explore some pieces of the fascinating Egyptian collection and learn about the Mummies and the ancient Pharaohs ;
  • Find out why the famous marble statues: the Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace have no arms;
  • See the most famous painting in the world, the Mona Lisa , and hear about how she was stolen and why her eyes follow you;
  • Learn all about Emperor Napoleon in front of the painting of his Coronation ; 
  • Hear all about the 1830s Revolution and the painting of Lady Liberty Leading the People ; 
  • Learn about some of the famous artists like Gericault and the horrible true story of the Raft of the Medusa ;
  • See lots of amazing statues of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses and wild animals; 
  • Gaze at priceless royal jewellery ; 
  • Hear about Good Henry turning one of the long galleries into an indoor hunting ground;
  • End inside the museum to continue exploring, or let your guide escort you out! 

The Louvre is a vast, palatial complex turned museum with a treasure trove of over 35,000 pieces of art. It is really spectacular to look at for kids and adults alike. This tour is geared toward children and teens, and in 2.5 hours covers all the major highlights of the Louvre in a fun, engaging, and interesting way. You'll walk into the medieval basement of the building to see some incredible gargoyles, and then the Ancient Egyptian Mummies! Your guide will tell you all about the life of Napoleon in front of the massive painting of his coronation - and explain how the painting has lots of little purposeful mistakes in it - a large bit of propaganda! Was Napoleon really so short? What was true and what was not? You'll also see some amazing statues from the ancient world and hear lots of dramatic stories of Greek and Roman myths, heroes, gods, and goddesses like Hercules and Diana. You might want to know why some statues - like the Venus de Milo - don't have any arms! No trip to the Louvre is complete without a visit to the Mona Lisa. Your guide will tell you all about the dramatic theft that shook the art world, and how she recovered. You'll also learn how she seems to follow you with her eyes as you walk past her! As you walk down lots of galleries packed with treasures and jewels and paintings and statues, you'll also learn all about some of the famous people who lived here, like Catherine de Medici and King Henry IV who built a large wing of the palace and used to gallop his horses down it! This tour was designed for you and your family – a tour of one of the world’s most famous museums made accessible for young people in 2.5 hours. Please note that the "Liberty Leading the People" will be under restoration until further notice.

  • Explore the Egyptian wing , including the Egyptian mummy , the Sarcophagus of Rameses III , and several other impressive antiquities;
  • Jump into the unmissable attractions, including the Mona Lisa , The Wedding Feast at Cana , T he Coronation of Napoleon , and Venus de Milo ;
  • Wander through a labyrinth of 300 rooms and uncover masterpieces missed by many, including Liberty Leading the People and Canova’s Apollo and Daphne ;
  • End your tour inside the Louvre Museum, in which you are welcome to continue exploring at your own pace.

This tour is an all-inclusive, immersive experience at the Louvre , with the opportunity to explore nearly 10,000 pieces of the Egyptian art collection curated by the museum over the course of two centuries. While exploring the collection, you’ll dive into French history, told through the lens of art and archaeology. From there, your private licensed guide will take you through the unmissable highlights , where you will see some of the museum’s greatest works that span from 450 BCE to the 19th century, along with several of its lesser-known treasures. Whilst visiting this fabulous museum you will have the pleasure of viewing the most celebrated of all the Louvre treasures: 'Three Grand Ladies'- the Venus de Milo, Nike of Samothrace, and Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. Your guide will discuss the fascinating stories that surround these influential and important works of art. After your guided tour, feel free to further explore the vast museum and its beautiful work at your own pace. Please note that the "Liberty Leading the People" will be under restoration until further notice.

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Skip the Line Louvre Tours in Paris

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Paris - Attractions & museums - what to see

The best way to see The Venus de Milo at the Louvre Museum

Venus de Milo

The Venus de Milo as seen in the Louvre by NakNakNak - pixabay

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28 things you probably didn’t know about Sacre-Coeur basilica in Paris

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30 Unmissable History Museums in Paris


Paris - Activities & things to do

Things to do around the Sacré Coeur in Paris

Practical information, entry fee: 15-17 euros, opening hours: open every day except tuesday 9am-6pm, wednesday & friday until 9:45pm, address: rue de rivoli, 75001 paris, metro: palais-royal musée du louvre / pyramides, step 1: read up on the history of the venus de milo.

Venus de Milo

The Venus de Milo by Diego Delso – WikiCommons

Step 2: Buy your tickets in advance


If you get to the Louvre early and buy your tickets in advance, you’ll beat crowds like this one! Image by Victor Grigas – WikiCommons

Step 3: Admire the Louvre and the Tuileries Garden


The Louvre and the Tuileries Garden by dronepicr – WikiCommons

Step 4: Enter the Louvre and head to the Sully Wing


The Sully Wing as seen on the outside of the Louvre by xiquinhosilva – WikiCommons

Step 5: Study the Venus de Milo and appreciate it’s beauty


The face of the Venus de Milo by Jastrow – WikiCommons

Venus de Milo

The Venus de Milo by Jastrow – WikiCommons

Step 6: Explore the rest of the Louvre!

Planning a trip to Paris ? Get ready !

These are  Amazon’s best-selling  travel products that you may need for coming to Paris.

  • The best travel book : Rick Steves – Paris 2023 –  Learn more here
  • Fodor’s Paris 2024 –  Learn more here

Travel Gear

  • Venture Pal Lightweight Backpack –  Learn more here
  • Samsonite Winfield 2 28″ Luggage –  Learn more here
  • Swig Savvy’s Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle –  Learn more here

Check Amazon’s best-seller list for the most popular travel accessories. We sometimes read this list just to find out what new travel products people are buying.

Molli is a writer who lives and breathes Paris. When not writing, you can find her in a cafe with a coffee in her hand and her nose in a book. She also enjoys reading and long walks on the beach as she actually grew up on the seaside!

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Top 5 Tours & Sightseeing in Paris

  • Tickets for Louvre Museum
  • Musée d'Orsay Reserved Access
  • Free Montmartre Tour
  • Guided Tour of the Eiffel Tower + Summit access
  • Arc de Triomphe: Skip The Line + Rooftop Access

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Louvre en association avec les jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024


Whether you're wondering about the mandatory reservations in advance for all visitors, the changes to the museum's opening hours and admission policies, or the special Olympic programming, find all the practical information you need to plan your trip during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games here.

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Masterpieces from the Torlonia collection

The largest ever private collection of ancient Roman sculptures, assembled throughout the 19thcentury by the Torlonia princes in Rome, is being shown to the public for the first time since the mid-20th century in a series of special exhibitions. From 26 June to 11 November 2024

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The restoration of the Arc du Carrousel [ENG subtitles]

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🇫🇷 Inspectons les œuvres du musée avec #LouvreALaLoupe ! Aujourd’hui, focus sur le portrait en pied de Louis XIV. ⤵️

🎨 Photo 1 et 2 : Ce tableau fut peint par Rigaud en 1701. Commandé pour être offert au roi d'Espagne, Philippe V, le portrait plut tant à la cour qu'il resta en France.

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[English below] 🇫🇷 Souvenez-vous de l’impressionnante gestuelle des lanceurs de disque pendant les #JeuxOlympiques de #Paris2024…

Cette célèbre statue du Discobole, qui n’existe que par des copies essentiellement en marbre (l’original en bronze, datant du Ve siècle avant J.-C, du sculpteur athénien Myron a disparu), représente un lanceur de disque en pleine action.

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🇫🇷 Ce 19 août est la #JourneeMondialePhotographie ! Postez votre plus belle photo du Louvre en mentionnant le compte du Musée (@museelouvre) et avec le hashtag #LouvrePhotographyDay et nous posterons en story celles qui nous auront le plus marqués !

🌎 August 19 is World Photography Day! Post your best photo of the Louvre, mentioning the Museum's account (@museelouvre) and the hashtag #LouvrePhotographyDay, and we'll post the ones that make the biggest impression on us!

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🇫🇷 Continuons à célébrer l’été avec ce segment estival de la série « Les Saisons » de Giuseppe Arcimboldo ! ☀️

D’origine milanaise, Arcimboldo s’installe au service de l’empereur Ferdinand Ier de Habsbourg (1503-1564) puis de son fils Maximilien II (1527-1576), pour lesquels il assume la fonction de portraitiste de cour.

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🇫🇷 Elle était à côté de la vasque Olympique et vous avez été des milliers à venir l’admirer pendant les Jeux Olympiques de #Paris2024 !

🔎 Inspectons les œuvres du musée avec #LouvreALaLoupe ! Ce 15 août marque la naissance de Napoléon Ier : l’occasion de décrypter l’Arc du Carrousel construit par l’Empereur à son retour victorieux d’Austerlitz.

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🇫🇷 Découvrez la plus prestigieuse collection privée de sculptures antiques romaines avec l’exposition « Chefs-d’œuvre de la collection Torlonia ».

Présentées pour la première fois hors d’Italie, ces sculptures prennent place dans les somptueux appartements d’été d’Anne d’Autriche, tout juste restaurés et entrent en résonance avec le lieu.

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🇫🇷 Vous le sentez aussi, ce petit pincement au cœur ?

Les #Jeuxolympiques de #Paris2024 sont désormais clos. Pendant 15 jours, Paris a été une véritable fête et le Louvre, un symbole national aux yeux du monde entier.

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🇫🇷 Inspectons les œuvres du musée avec #LouvreALaLoupe ! Ce 8 août, c'est la #JourneeInternationaleDuChat ! 🐈

Le saviez-vous ? En Égypte antique, les chats étaient momifiés pour servir d’offrandes aux divinités. Le culte des animaux est présent en Égypte depuis l’époque prédynastique, puis se développe à partir du Nouvel Empire pour atteindre son apogée à partir de la Basse Époque, jusqu’à la fin de l’époque Romaine ! De nombreuses momies de chats datent de cette période : offrande pour les dieux, le donateur de la momie gardait un lien éternel avec la divinité…

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🇫🇷 Lorsque le soleil se couche sur #Paris, des milliers de personnes se réunissent pour vivre un instant de poésie : l’envol de la #vasque des #JeuxOlympiques #Paris2024 depuis le jardin des Tuileries, devant la pyramide du Louvre à 30 mètres de hauteur.

🌎 When the sun sets over Paris, thousands of people gather to experience a poetic moment: the #Cauldron of the #OlympicGames Paris 2024 takes flight from the Tuileries Gardens, in front of the Louvre Pyramid, 30 meters above the ground.

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🇫🇷 Le mardi, c’est le #JourDeFermeture au musée du Louvre ! La Joconde retrouve le calme dans la salle des États. 👀

🌍 Tuesday is #ClosingDay at the Musée du Louvre! In the Salle des États, the Mona Lisa finds calm again. 👀

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Paris Discovery Guide

Best Palace of Versailles Tours

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  • Palace of Versailles
  • Versailles Palace Tours from Paris

The 10 Best Versailles Palace Tours from Paris for 2024

Are you planning to visit the Palace of Versailles from Paris?  

If so, you may be wondering:  what is the easiest, most stress-free way to get to Versailles, and how can you get the most out of your experience - especially if you want to avoid wasting time in the notoriously long lines at the Chateau's entrance?

Most Popular Paris Day Trips to Palace of Versailles

These top-rated day trips from Paris to Versailles fill up fast, so book early to get the dates you want:

Popular Versailles day trips with transportation from Paris:

  • Palace of Versailles & Gardens - Audio tour; choose a full-day or half-day trip
  • Versailles Skip-the-Line Guided Tour & Gardens  - Optional garden tour
  • Versailles Bike Tour with Palace & Queen's Farm Entrance  - Highly-rated
  • Giverny & Versailles Guided Day Trip - See 2 iconic attractions in one day

Traveling to Versailles on your own?  Book a ticket with a reserved time slot for fast entry:

  • Versailles Palace & Gardens Full Access Ticket - Includes entire Estate, including 3 palaces, the gardens (including Musical Gardens or Fountain show from April-October), & Marie-Antoinette's Hameau (farm and village)

Fortunately, you can choose from many excellent guided Palace of Versailles tours from Paris that allow you to go through a special priority fast-track entrance gate for use only by group tours. 

In case you're wondering if the priority fast-track entrance is worth the extra cost, this is what the lines can look when you're waiting to go through the regular non-priority entrance:

Part of the non-priority line, which looped around about six times when we were in it (which is now why we book priority access

Some of the priority fast-track entrance options from Paris include transportation on comfortable air-conditioned coaches.  

For others, you'll meet your guide in Paris and go to Versailles together on the train. 

However, sorting through all the tour choices and options can be challenging, especially if you're planning your first or even your second visit. 

To make choosing the best tour for you easy, we've compiled a list of the 10 best Versailles Palace tours from Paris in 4 different categories:

  • Versailles Tours with Included Bus or Train Transport
  • Guided Tours of Versailles - You take the train to Versailles on your own
  • Guided Bike Tours of Versailles & Its Estate - You meet your group in Paris and travel together to/from Versailles on the train
  • Guided Combo Tours of Versailles Plus Giverny or Fontainbleau with transport included

Top photo: A guided tour in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, (c) Paris Discovery Guide

Paris Discovery Guide is a reader-supported publication.  When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost for you.  Learn more

Best Guided Tours of the Palace of Versailles with Transportation from Paris

These guided tours of Versailles departing from Paris eliminate all the guesswork and stress of getting there and back on your own. Plus, you get fast entry through the dedicated tour-only gate. 

These tours are perfect for when you want maximum convenience plus the knowledge and insights of an expert guide.

1.  From Paris: Full Day Guided Tour of Versailles with Lunch & Transportation

Close-up view of details in Chateau de Versailles' Hall of Mirrors

The highly-rated Full-Day Guided Tour of Versailles starts with a comfortable trip by air-conditioned coach from Paris. 

Your expert guide will whisk you through a special entrance  and take you on a tour of the most spectacular Palace rooms, such as the magnificent Hall of Mirrors. You'll get to enjoy entertaining stories about the history of Versailles and life at the Royal Palace as you explore the Sun King's home.

After your Palace tour, you'll have free time to stroll through the beautiful formal Palace Gardens, where you'll have lunch at around noon. 

During the afternoon, your guide will show you Versailles' other most important sights: the Grand Trianon, Petit Trianon, and Marie Antoinette's Estate including her charming Hamlet before your relaxing return to Paris by bus.

2.  Skip-the-Line Versailles Palace Guided Tour by Train from Paris

Apollo Fountain and Grand Canal at Versailles, attractions seen during a guided tour of the Palace gardens

You'll meet your guide for the Skip-the-Line Versailles Palace Tour by Train in central Paris and travel together to the famous Chateau. 

After passing quickly through the priority entrance reserved for tour groups, your 3-hour journey through the opulent Palace begins.  

Your knowledgeable guide will keep you informed and entertained as you visit the Royal Apartments, Hall of Mirrors, and other opulent rooms, as well as the spectacular gardens.  Depending on the day of the week, you'll see the enchanting Musical Gardens or Musical Fountains show. 

After your tour, you can head straight back to Paris on the train if your schedule is tight.  But if you have enough time for a longer visit, you can linger in the gardens, walk around the Grand Canal, and perhaps even enjoy a delicious French dinner in a nearby bistro before taking the train to Paris.

3.  Versailles Palace & Gardens: Ticket, Audio Guide, & Bus from Paris

Inside the Chapel at Versailles Chateau

If you want the convenience of bus transportation to and from Paris but prefer audio guides or exploring independently rather than taking a guided tour, then the Versailles Palace & Gardens: Ticket, Audio Guide, & Bus from Paris may be an excellent choice for you. 

You can choose a half-day (with morning or afternoon arrival) or a full day at the Chateau.  For the half-day afternoon tour, your ticket will give you access to the Palace and Gardens, where you can experience a Musical Fountains show or Musical Gardens on days when they take place. 

When you choose the full-day excursion, you will also get access to the Grand and Petit Trianons, as well as to Marie Antoinette's Estate.  All options include an audio guide.

A host will accompany you on the air-conditioned bus from Paris and make sure you get through the skip-the-line entry to the Palace.  From there, you can spend your time discovering all the exciting wonders of this spectacular UNESCO World Heritage site.

More about Visiting the Palace of Versailles

  • Top Things to See & Do at the Palace of Versailles - Plus visitor tips
  • Best Ways to Get from Paris to Versailles Palace
  • Best Hotels & Apartments near the Palace of Versailles

4.  From Paris: Day Trip to Giverny & Versailles

Formal garden room and statue at Versailles Gardens

To visit both Claude Monet's home and gardens at Giverny as well as the Palace of Versailles in one day from Paris, this small group Giverny & Versailles Guided Day Trip makes that easy to do, thanks to the included transportation on a comfortable air-conditioned coach.

You'll tour Giverny at your own pace with a self-guided audio app.  After a quick lunch break, you'll head to Versailles where you'll have a guided tour of the Palace's most famous rooms, and then explore the beautiful gardens on your own.

The Giverny portion of the tour includes a ticket to Monet's house and gardens.  At Versailles, your ticket also admits you to the Palace and Gardens. 

Best Skip-the-Line Guided Tours of the Palace of Versailles

For these tours, you'll take the train on your own from Paris to Versailles, and then meet your guide after you exit the station.  Together, you'll walk to the Chateau and because you're with a guide, you get the benefit of entering quickly through the guided tour-only gate. 

5.  Versailles Palace: Skip-the-Line Guided Tour 

Grand Trianon at Palace of Versailles, on of the stops on a guided tour

The Versailles Palace: Skip-the-Line Guided Tour is perfect if you want to explore the spectacular Palace with an expert and learn a bit about Louis XIV (the "Sun King"), Marie Antoinette, and the leading members of the French monarchy who once lived here. 

After you meet your guide and go into the Palace through the priority entrance, your guide will introduce you to this architectural masterpiece.  Then, as you explore the most important rooms, such as the elaborate King's and Queen's Royal Apartments and the magnificent Hall of Mirrors, your guide will point out treasures you might not see on your own. 

When you book:  You can choose to do this tour with a group or as a private experience.

After your tour, you can continue exploring the Palace on your own, but please note: this tour does not include access to the Gardens.  If you want to also tour the sumptuous Gardens, with or without a guide, during the period when the Musical Garden and Musical Fountains shows take place, you'll need a ticket - so check out the following option below!

6. Versailles Palace & Gardens: Skip-the-Line Guided Tour

Royal bed, part of a Versailles Chateau tour

Like the previous tour, the Versailles Palace & Gardens Skip-the-Line Guided Tour includes fast entry to the Palace through the priority gate used by tour guides.  You also get a fascinating guided tour of the Palace's most important rooms and can choose between a group and a private experience.

But here's the difference:  This offer also includes a ticket to the statue-filled Royal Gardens (on days when they're not free) where you can see beautiful flowers and ornate fountains.  Your ticket to the Gardens also includes Musical Fountains or Musical Gardens, depending on the day.

When you book your ticket, you can include a guided tour of the Gardens - or choose just to get an entry ticket and explore on your own.

When Can You Enter Versailles' Royal Gardens for Free? 

Currently, free entry days include Wednesdays during September and October, and every day from November through March. 

What happens on the other days?   Musical Fountains shows take place on Saturdays and Sundays from late May through October and on Bastille Day (July 14).  Musical Gardens take place on Tuesdays through Fridays during July and August, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during September and October.

When you choose a tour ticket that includes admission to the Gardens on a day when Musical Fountains or Musical Gardens take place, you get to experience these special events.

Best Guided Bike Tours of Versailles

Versailles's mostly flat terrain and expansive grounds makes this the perfect location for bike tours. 

7.  Versailles Bike Tour with Palace & Queen's Farm Entrance

Bike tour exploring trails through the woods at Chateau de Versailles

On the Versailles Bike Tour with Palace & Queen's Farm Entrance,  you'll meet up with your guide and the rest of your tour group in Paris and take the train together to Versailles. 

Once there, you'll visit the traditional farmers' market to pick up cheese, fruits, and charcuterie for a picnic lunch later in the day by the Grand Canal.

After a quick stop to pick up your bike (plus rain ponchos, just in case!), you're off to cycle around the Chateau's landscaped parklands and sumptuous gardens.   With over 2,000 acres, the place is enormous - so you'll appreciate having both a guide and a bike! 

Your guide will also take you to see the smaller palaces of the Grand and Petit Trianons as well as Marie-Antoinette's Hameau, her rustic village, and her farm.  Meanwhile, your guide will share lots of information about the incredible places you're seeing as well as the colorful French kings and queens who once lived there.

Finally, you'll visit the Palace of Versailles with the skip-the-line entry ticket included as part of your tour.  This portion of the trip is on your own, so you can use the included audio guide and explore the Hall of Mirrors and other opulent rooms at your own pace before heading back to Paris on the train.

8.  Paris: Versailles Sunset Bike Tour with Fireworks Show (& After-Hours Palace Entrance!)

Musical Fountains show at Chateau de Versailles

The seasonal (late spring through early fall) Paris: Versailles Sunset Bike Tour with Fireworks Show  gives you three phenomenal experiences:

1. The spectacular evening Fountains Show in Versailles' Royal Gardens

2. Exclusive after-hours admission to the Palace where you'll see costumed performers and musicians as they sing, dance, and play musical instruments as you explore the Royal Chambers and other famous rooms without encountering crowds of other visitors.

3.  An unforgettable fireworks display over the Grand Canal.

In addition, you'll have plenty of time to ride your bike around the Estate with your guide and see the famous gardens, the Petit Trianon and Grand Trianon, and Marie-Antoinette's Hamlet.  You'll even enjoy a picnic dinner.

Similar to the previous daytime tour by bike, you'll meet your guide in central Paris and go together to Versailles on the train.  Once you reach Versailles and pick up your bike, you'll head to the market square to pick up food for a picnic dinner.

Once you reach the Palace grounds, you'll explore the estate, with stops at Marie-Antoinette's Hameau, the Petit and Grand Trianons, and finally the Grand Canal, where you'll enjoy your picnic dinner. 

Finally, you'll get after-hours entrance to the Palace and Gardens, where the magical evening entertainment unfolds.

After the fireworks, you'll return to Paris by train where your tour ends.

Want to bike from Paris to Versailles?  Find out how

Best Combo Tours of Versailles + Giverny or Fontainbleau

When your schedule allows time for only one day trip from Paris, these guided tours from Paris let you experience Versailles and Giverny or Versailles and Fontainbleau in a single day. 

9. Versailles & Giverny Day Tour with Lunch at Moulin de Fourges

Peonies blooming in May in Monet's garden in Giverny

Giverny & Versailles Day Tour with Lunch - Medium (14 or less) group tour in a minibus. 

When you arrive at Giverny, you'll explore Impressionist artist Claude Monet's home, gardens, and the ponds where water lilies inspired his most famous paintings.

After enjoying a delicious 3-course lunch with wine at Moulin de Fourges, a restaurant in a delightful old mill house by a scenic river about 5 miles from Giverny, you'll head to Versailles, where an art historian will lead you on a guided tour of the most famous rooms including the Hall of Mirrors.  Headsets will be provided to enable you to hear the guide. 

This tour also includes access to Versailles' magnificent gardens,  which means you'll get to see the Fountain Show or Musical Gardens on the days when they're available.

Please note: the private option mentioned in the "Includes" section of online description appears to not be available at the current time.

10.  Versailles Palace & Château de Fontainebleau

Fontainebleau Palace

Fontainebleau, like Versailles, is a magnificent palace which grew from a modest medieval hunting lodge.  The Palace overlooks a large lake and spectacular gardens including the largest formal garden in Europe.  It has served as a residence for numerous French rulers including 34 kings and two emperors from the 12th through the 19th century. 

The best way to see both Versailles and Fontainebleau in a single day is to sign up for a Chateau de Fontainbleau & Chateau de Versailles Private Tour.

Your driver/guide will pick you up at your hotel, will first take you to the Chateau de Fontainebleau for a private tour of the magnificent palace, where you'll also see Napoleon's Throne.  

More Articles about Visiting the Palace of Versailles

  • Where to Stay near the Palace of Versailles
  • Paris Museum Pass - How much money and time can you save with it?
  • Skip the Line Tickets - Where to get them
  • Easy Day Trips from Paris - Versailles, Giverny, Mont Saint Michel, D-Day Normandy Beaches, Disneyland Paris, Champagne tastings, Loire Valley castles, London, Bruges, & more!

Top Attractions & Tours

Eiffel Tower in Paris

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  • Paris Museum Pass - Choose 2, 4, or 6 days
  • Paris Disneyland - Get express tickets & transport from Paris

Happening in Paris

January in Paris

January in Paris

  • The famous Paris winter sales, concerts, new museum exhibits

February in Paris

February in Paris

  • Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year Parades

March in Paris

March in Paris

  • Mardi Gras, Fountain Shows at Versailles, French Open

April in Paris

April in Paris

  • Paris Marathon, Easter concerts, spring flowers

May in Paris

May in Paris

  • Mother's Day, jazz festival, concerts

June in Paris

June in Paris

  • Summer sales, Pride week, music fests, air show

July in Paris

July in Paris

  • Bastille Day, Tour de France, beaches

August in Paris

August in Paris

  • Free concerts & movies, Rock En Seine

September in Paris

September in Paris

  • European Heritage Days, Fashion Week

October in Paris

October in Paris

  • Wine festival, Halloween, Motor Show

November in Paris

November in Paris

  • Armistice Day, Salon du Chocolat

December in Paris

December in Paris

  • Christmas, New Year's Eve

Hanukkah in Paris

Hanukkuh in Paris

  • Menorah lightings 

Christmas in Paris

Christmas in Paris

  • Holiday celebrations & decorations

Paris Christmas Markets

Christmas Markets

  • Gifts, holiday food, mulled wine, and Santa

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Plan Your Paris Trip

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"There's nowhere quite like Paris and it's amazing to watch our guests light up when they see bucket list icons like the Eiffel Tower in real life. Don't forget to slow down and savour the freshly baked pastries from the local boulangerie and mingle with the locals in the sidewalk cafés and markets."

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See the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo at the Louvre

You can’t take a Paris trip without visiting the Louvre. It’s the both the largest art museum and the most-visited museum in the world, and you can soak it all in with our special evening experience at the Louvre. You’ll discover masterpieces like the Mona Lisa with your Local Specialist and enjoy the quiet atmosphere without the crowds. Simply magical.

Visit the remarkable church of Saint-Sulpice

Paris is full of spectacular architecture, and the church of Saint-Sulpice may be one of the best. This medieval cathedral is the second-largest church in the city and your Paris travel guide will show you around the stunning facades, stained glass windows, impressive fountains, unique sundial, and the breathtaking organ, one of the largest in the world.

Enjoy a leisurely cruise along the River Seine

As the scenic centrepiece of Paris, you can’t miss exploring the iconic River Seine. We’ll wander along the pretty riverbank by day and take you on a special Seine cruise by night, when the City of Light is illuminated in twinkling lights. Look out for icons like the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame, and relax as you drift along this enchanting river.

Explore the Latin Quarter of Paris

When you travel Paris with Trafalgar, you’ll join a Local Specialist to discover the Latin Quarter, the city’s epicentre of culture, learning and creativity. See the ancient Sorbonne University, one of the world’s first universities, soak up the vibrant atmosphere of this student hotspot, and perhaps even stop by the legendary Shakespeare and Co bookstore.

Experience a traditional Parisian Cabaret

You’ve probably seen the Parisian Cabaret in dozens of movies and photos, but there’s nothing quite like experiencing the real thing. We’ll take you to the world-famous Moulin Rouge Cabaret, where you’ll enjoy dinner, champagne and a dazzling show of 60 dancers and over 1,000 costumes, for an incredible evening you’ll never forget.

Our top 5 things to do in Paris

With so many incredible Paris attractions to choose from, we’ll show you the very best things to do in Paris, from the beautiful Saint-Sulpice to the original Parisian cabaret.

Musée Rodin

Located just steps away from the Eiffel Tower, you can’t miss the spectacular Musée Rodin. Founded in 1916 by Auguste Rodin himself, the museum features the artist’s incredible sculptures within an 18th-century rocco mansion and a stunning three-hectare garden, along with his personal collection of paintings, photographs and ancient artefacts.

Paris Opera & Palais Garnier

If you want to experience the height of Parisian opulence, it’s got to be the Palais Garnier. This extraordinary building is a 1,979-seat opera house constructed in the late 19th-century, and is renowned as the setting for The Phantom of the Opera. Today you can discover its magnificent treasures or even spend a glitzy night at the opera or ballet.

Grand Palais

Located right across from the Champs-Élysées, the Grand Palais is an icon of Paris with its giant glass ceiling and Beaux-Arts style architecture. Its interior is even more thrilling, with national art galleries, science museums and exhibition halls all held under the famous dome, and you can easily spend a day or two here.

Best museums in Paris

When you travel Paris with Trafalgar, we’ll make sure you get your fill of the best Paris museums, from the iconic Louvre to the magnificent Opéra Garnier.


Ratatouille is the ultimate French vegetarian dish, loved by all for its heartwarming local flavours. It’s essentially a vegetable stew, made with a rich tomato sauce and a rainbow of veggies like zucchini, eggplant and squash, and herbs like basil, garlic and thyme. One bite and you’ll fall in love with the home-cooked ratatouille of Paris.

One of France’s most famous recipes, Coq au Vin features wine-braised chicken served alongside ingredients like mushrooms and bacon. Across the country you will try many regional versions of this comforting dish, which translates fittingly to “rooster/cock with wine”.

French cuisine celebrates both savoury and sweet ingredients, not just in the form of croissants. Find true street-food joy in the popular dessert of crêpes, with strawberries, Nutella, bananas and lemon curd just some of the toppings loved by locals and travellers alike. Or, try the national specialty crêpes Suzette with orange zest and caramelised butter.

Best food in Paris

Our Paris holidays are filled with the legendary Parisian cuisine, and we’ll show you all the best places to try your French favourites from fresh croissants to delicate desserts.

What to pack for Paris

People packing for a tour

French phrasebook

It’s a good idea to learn some common French phrases before arriving in Paris, and the locals are sure to appreciate your efforts to learn their mother tongue.

Camera & extra SD card

Paris is full of soul-stirring moments you’ll want to capture forever, so be sure to pack a few extra SD cards for all those special snaps and videos.

Comfortable shoes

Whether you’re wandering through the Louvre, or strolling along the River Seine, you’ll need a comfy pair of shoes on your Paris tour.

Formal wear

If you want to hit the town in Paris with a Moulin Rouge show or a night at the opera, be sure to bring a glamorous outfit to fit in with the chic locals.

All-weather clothing

Paris is known for its unpredictable weather, with rain one day and sunshine the next. It’s best to pack both warm and cooler layers so you’re prepared for everything.

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Paris in a Day Tour with Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Seine River Cruise

See the mona lisa, sacre-coeur, and moulin rouge with organized transportation and an expert guide.

Want to see the best of Paris in just one day? With long entry lines and attractions spread out over the city, this can be a real challenge. But don’t worry, this day tour makes it easy! Join a local guide to see the city’s iconic highlights, including the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Sacre-Cœur, Notre Dame, and a Seine River Cruise (Eiffel Tower entry times might fall outside of tour time). With a small group, skip-the-line Louvre tickets, and transport, there’s no better way to see Paris in a day!

Customers with a tour guide on a boat on the Seine River in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower.

  • Meet your guide at Place des Abbesses
  • Basilica of Sacré Coeur
  • Ile de la Cite
  • Lunch break
  • Louvre Museum
  • End at Eiffel Tower

*IMPORTANT* This Paris in a Day tour includes a self-guided Eiffel Tower ticket. Your tour will end around 4pm, but the Eiffel Tower entry could be from 4pm to 10pm. Don't worry, we will contact you in advance with your unique entry time so you can plan. If the time doesn't work for you, you can modify your tour booking up to 24 hours before the tour! The Eiffel Tower comes alive at night-- it's even home to bars and restaurants! For later tickets, we recommend you book a table, which may be a highlight of your trip!

You'll meet your guide this morning in the famous art district of Montmartre for a walking tour of this historic part of Paris, including a visit to the magnificent Basilica of Sacre-Cœur. Along with your small group, you'll continue to the city's literary heartland, the Latin Quarter, where your guide will tell stories of the famous writers who once called this place home. Here, you can also see the famous Notre Dame Cathedral from the outside—it's still undergoing repairs from the recent devastating fire, so entry isn't currently allowed.

Next, you'll catch the metro to the famous Louvre museum, home to the Mona Lisa and countless other iconic works. You'll skip the line at the Louvre so your super knowledgeable guide can show you the museum's highlights without the famously long wait. Finally, you'll cruise down the River Seine by boat, and finish you tour at France's most recognizable landmark : the Eiffel Tower. Learn the fascinating stories about the most iconic monument in Paris, before parting ways with your guide and using your entry ticket to ascend to the second floor, or enjoy a scenic river cruise on the Seine.

Paris in a Day Tour Description

Your 9-hour Paris tour includes: 

Guided walking tour of the Latin Quarter and Montmartre neighborhoods

Visit Sacre-Cœur and see Notre Dame Cathedral (from the outside)

Skip-the-line Louvre ticket and guided tour

Free time in Paris for lunch (not included)

Ticket for a 1-hour river cruise on the Seine

Entry tickets to the Eiffel Tower

Metro tickets included

A fun, professional English-speaking guide

A maximum group size of 18 people

Please note that the order of this tour could be different based on ticket times for the Louvre and Eiffel Tower.

Montmartre, Sacre-Cœur and the Latin Quarter

Home of the Moulin Rouge, Montmartre is Paris' famous art district. Your guide will show you the best of the neighborhood this morning, and you'll learn the best spots to return to if you're planning a big night out in the city. In addition to the nightlife of the neighborhood, Montmartre was also the epicenter of the Belle Époque.

Once home to Renoir, Van Gogh, Picasso, and Modigliani, the neighborhood produced countless famous pieces of art between the 1870s and 1920s. You will pass the café where Van Gogh painted one his most scandalous works—he dared to paint a woman reading!

After visiting the Basilica of the Sacre-Coeur, you'll follow your guide to the Latin Quarter. Montmartre is the center of art, but the Latin Quarter is the center of literature. You will see the café and bookstore where Hemingway and Joyce spent their ex-pat lives in Paris. Then, you can take photos of the magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral from the outside—sadly, the cathedral suffered a terrible fire in 2019 and is still being reconstructed.

Louvre Museum Tour

Skip past the famously long lines at the Louvre and see the museum's most influential works on a 90-minute tour of the Louvre. These works include the two of the most important Greek statues still standing: the Venus of Milo and The Winged Victory of Samothrace . These two famous statues are full of mystery and history, and you guide will bring them to life with stories of their meanings and origins. 

You'll also see Eugene Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People. A symbol of French independence, strength and culture, it is the most politically important work at the Louvre. The painting is the most famous artistic depiction of the French Revolution and is often compared to the Washington Crossing the Delaware piece found in New York at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The Mystery Behind the Mona Lisa

Why is the Mona Lisa so famous? For starters, Mona Lisa’s expression has been often debated since its creation in the 16th century. Is she happy or sad or playful? Another intriguing thing about Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is that it's the highest insured work of art at a whopping $800 million.

Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece (called La Gioconda in Italian), portrays the wife of a Tuscan aristocrat named Francesco del Giacondo. Though she has been in the Louvre for over 200 years, the portrait became famous when it was stolen in 1911 in a global scandal. Now she is protected with bulletproof glass and personal body guards.

Eiffel Tower

Finally, led by your professional guide, you'll head to the pièce de résistance of this Paris in a Day Tour. The guide will regale you with tales of the tower's construction, its significance to the City of Light, and the initial public reactions to this daring design. After saying goodbye to your guide, with your tickets in hand, you will have the opportunity to savor the magic of the Eiffel Tower.

Paris by Boat

With your tickets in hand, sit back and relax with beautiful views along the Seine. Paris river cruises are a great way to take in the ambiance of the city and get a taste of the luxury that Paris is known for. Cruise around the city and get a new perspective on the iconic landmarks, including the Louvre, Musée d’Orsay, Notre Dame, and of course, the Eiffel Tower in all its glory.

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Very informative and interesting. Be prepared to walk a lot but we enjoy that. Saw many sights I didn’t know existed. Would definitely recommend

What an amazing time

The tour and the guide were a perfect match. They both at were amazing and full of knowledge. The guide was super friendly and extremely helpful in answering all the questions and sharing some great facts about the country’s history.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to bring?

This tour is primarily a walking tour, so we recommend wearing comfortable shoes.

Is the Eiffel tower summit (top level) included on this tour?

Eiffel Tower second floor tickets are included in this tour. If you'd like to head to the coveted summit (with a stop at the second floor), check out our Eiffel Tower Summit Evening Tour .

What if I have concerns about my mobility on this tour?

If you have any doubts about your mobility, we suggest taking a Private Paris in a Day Tour so your needs can be better accommodated in terms of navigating attractions and the pace of the tour. Please note, Montmartre includes stairs and steep inclines, which may not be ideal for strollers or wheelchairs.

Can I use my Paris Museum Pass to get a discount on the Louvre tour?

We pre-book all of our reservations and tickets for the Louvre Museum in advance, so personal museum passes are not valid for entry or a discount.

How do we get around the city?

Your guided tour includes metro tickets to travel the longer distances between attractions. Other areas will be explored on foot, particularly Montmartre.

Will we enter Notre Dame?

Sadly, no. The cathedral is still undergoing extensive renovations following the 2019 fire, so no one is allowed inside yet. You'll be taken to it to see its progress up close though! And you can see it during your river cruise.

Do we enter the Eiffel Tower?

Yes, Eiffel Tower Tickets are included in this tour. Please note, entry times vary based on availability, meaning that the time of entry could be in the evening or the afternoon of the tour based on the day.

When can I take my Seine River Cruise?

Your tickets will be sent to you via email within 24 hours of your tour departure time. To redeem the boat tickets, please bring them to the Bateaux Parisiens boarding line. This is located below the Carousel at the Eiffel Tower, under the bridge to your right on the river. These tickets are valid for any date for boats between 10:30 am and 10:00 pm so you have lots of flexibility to enjoy this cruise during your time in Paris.

Free 24-hr cancellation on group tours! Learn more

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Versailles Bike Tour from Paris

See the best of the palace and gardens & enjoy a picnic with Parisian delicacies

( 12 ) From: $124.20

New Tour

Eiffel Tower Morning Tour with Summit Access

Ride the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower and admire the City of Light from above!

( 8 ) From: $98.90

New Tour

Guided Eiffel Tower Tour with Elevator and Summit Access

Take in the panoramic views of Paris with exclusive elevator access to the Summit

From: $120.75

New Tour

Semi-Private Musée d'Orsay Tour with Skip the Line Tickets

Admire pieces by Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, and more alongside an expert guide and semi-private group

( 4 ) From: $113.85

New Tour

Paris by Segway 2-Hour Sightseeing Tour

Effortlessly discover the Louvre Museum, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, and more

( 1 ) From: $79.35

Paris Food Tour

Paris Food Tour

Paris Food Tour in Le Marais

Delight in superb French dishes and sample delicious wine in one of the city’s most vibrant district

( 3 ) From: $157.55

Notre Dame Island Guided Tour with Sainte-Chapelle Entry

Notre Dame Island Guided Tour with Sainte-Chapelle Entry

Marvel at Paris Cathedral and follow your guide’s lead to Place Dauphine, the Conciergerie, and more

From: $48.30

A Taste of French Tradition

A Taste of French Tradition

Food Tour of Paris' Montmartre District

Savor the finest baguettes, macarons, wines, and cheeses while uncovering the soul of Montmartre

( 7 ) From: $170.20

New Tour

Mont Saint Michel Day Trip from Paris

Visit France's most Picturesque Island and Medieval City

( 7 ) From: $171.35

New Tour

Loire Valley Day Trip with Castles & Wine from Paris

Visit fairy tale castles and drink delicious wine in the picturesque French countryside

( 3 ) From: $182.85

New Tour

Normandy D-Day Landing Beaches Day Trip with Cider Tasting and Lunch

Pay respects on your visit to Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and the US Military cemetery from Paris

( 9 ) From: $201.25

Private Tour

Private Tour

Private Day Trip from Paris to Champagne

Sip some of the finest bubbly while exploring one of the world's wine capital regions

( 4 ) From: $1,633.00

Private Tour from Paris to Normandy Beaches and WWII Memorials

Private Tour from Paris to Normandy Beaches and WWII Memorials

Walk where heroes fought for freedom at Omaha Beach, American Cemetery, Pointe du Hoc, and more

( 3 ) From: $2,138.95

Skip the Line

Private Louvre Tour in Paris with Expert Guide

See the Louvre your way with the help of an expert guide, with Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and more!

( 67 ) From: $602.60

Skip the Line

Private Eiffel Tower Tour with Champagne and Seine River Cruise

Join your own personal guide to see the beauty of Paris by boat and from the Eiffel Tower 2nd floor

( 19 ) From: $343.85

Skip the Line

Skip the Line Eiffel Tower Tour with Seine River Cruise

Cruise past Paris' landmarks and the Eiffel Tower's famously long lines and enjoy elevator access

( 24 ) From: $71.30

Skip the Line

Private Musée d'Orsay Tour with Skip the Line Tickets

Discover the incredible Paris museum that most tourists miss, with Monet, Van Gogh, Gaugin, and more

( 27 ) From: $395.60

New Tour

Local Cheese and Wine Tour in Latin Quarter

Explore Latin Quarter and sample local cheese and wine alongside a local guide and sommelier

( 5 ) From: $67.85

New Tour

Semi Private Paris Day Tour with Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Seine Cruise

Explore Montmartre and Latin Quarter neighborhoods and admire Mona Lisa in a group of 6

( 9 ) as low as $272.72

New Tour

Beat the Traffic Half-Day Versailles Tour by Sidecar Motorcycle

Ride through Paris to visit the Palace of Versailles grounds, Marie Antoinette’s Temple, and more

From: $687.70

Skip the Line

Private Paris in a Day Tour with Louvre, Eiffel Tower, and Montmartre

See the most iconic Paris sites and cruise down the Seine in just a day with a dedicated local guide

( 28 ) From: $1,197.15

New Tour

Semi Private Champagne Day Trip From Paris With Lunch and Tastings

Delight in two tastings, tour iconic Champagne houses and indulge in a 3-course French feast

( 27 ) From: $401.35

Eiffel Tower Summit Tickets with Host

Eiffel Tower Summit Tickets with Host

Reach the summit of Paris' most iconic landmark for unparalleled views of the City of Light.

( 2 ) From: $45.37

New Tour

Thrilling Paris Monuments Tour by Sidecar Motorcycle

Join this two-hour excursion to see the Arc de Triomphe, the Dome des Invalides, and more

From: $342.70

New Tour

Private Paris E-Bike Tour

Zip around the City of Light monuments, while immersing yourself in history with a dedicated guide

From: $97.75

Skip the Line

From Versailles: Skip the Line Royal Palace of Versailles and Gardens Tour

Breeze past the crowds and uncover the secrets of Versailles Palace with an engaging local guide

( 17 ) From: $91.95

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Venustours is a major European travel company based in France, entirely dedicated to the travel industry. It is a business-to-business provider for wholesalers, travel operators, corporate companies as well as sport organizations.

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At Venus Tours we have more than 20 years of experience in providing a large choice of accommodation together with excursions and tours in deluxe minibus or motorcoach with professional local guides including visits of main highlights and cultural venues in all Europe. Our experts are able to provide affordable and economic accommodation and adafred services for students trips. We support teachers and student trip organizers to build the perfect educational group adventure. We also deal with charming boutique hotels and larger luxury accommodation for adults and families who are looking for more exclusive programs and services.

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Your personalized travel expert sifts through the myriad of activities and hotels, picking only what is right for you. We propose a large range of stays and « a la carte » packages to match the tourists tastes and budgets for all interests such as city breaks, family tours including visits of amusement parks, guided visits of Museums and Cultural main sites, gastronomic and wine tasting tours. We are also dealing with religious organizations to allow them to develop fellowship and enrich spiritual life by offering, even for small groups, faith-based vacation itineraries featuring the most popular religious destinations. We also help group leaders to build and promote religious trips to your Church or Organization.

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  3. Paris Open-Top Sightseeing Tour Video

  4. VENUS

  5. Venus Trade and Tours, Ilyssion hotel

  6. July 16, 2024


  1. Welcome to Venus Tours

    Welcome to Venus Tours | Venustours. Venustours is a major European travel company based in France, entirely dedicated to the travel industry. It is a business-to-business provider for wholesalers, travel operators, corporate companies as well as sport organizations. Venustours has years of experience and excellent contacts with local suppliers ...

  2. Bienvenue sur Venus Tours

    Bienvenue sur Venus Tours | Venustours. Venustours est une grande agence de voyage européenne basée en France, entièrement dédiée à l'industrie du voyage. Il s'agit d'un fournisseur interentreprises pour les grossistes, les voyagistes, les entreprises et les organisations sportives. Venustours a des années d'expérience et d ...


    PARIS MUSEUM TOUR. From January 11, 2021 until December 31, 2024. GROUP TOUR MINIMUM 15 PARTICIPANTS ... General sales conditions. DAY 1 : PARIS. Meet and greet at the Paris Airport - Transfer in private coach with our local assistance to the hotel in Paris - No dinner - Overnight. DAY 2 : PARIS.

  4. Art journey private guided tours of Paris museums and monuments

    Art Journey Stories will transport you through the history of Paris, its artists and museums. For the 200th anniversary of the decipherment, discover how Champollion deciphered ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The full story of the Venus de Milo, and the most iconic of all works of art, the Mona Lisa. A detailed description of the two sides of the ...

  5. Paris: Louvre Skip-the-Line Tour with Private Tour Upgrade 2024

    Private Self-guided Audio Tour of the Eiffel Tower (no ticket) 2. from $5.69. Paris, Île-de-France. Rolls-Royce 2 hours Paris illumination Tour. from $1,136.75. Price varies by group size. Paris, Île-de-France. Versailles Palace & Louvre Museum Private Day Tour from Paris.

  6. Paris Tour Packages & Paris Travel Guide

    Book your Paris tour package with Trafalgar and see the icons like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the River Seine, the Champs-Élysées and the Arc de Triomphe. ... See the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo at the Louvre. You can't take a Paris trip without visiting the Louvre. It's the both the largest art museum and the most-visited museum in ...

  7. The Venus de Milo Tours

    The Venus de Milo was donated to the Louvre by Louis XVIII in 1821 and is believed to depict the Greek goddess Aphrodite in her half nakedness and sensual curves. She stands with a peaceful, reserved look on her face, a drape carelessly hanging from her waist, completely shrouded in mystery. Discovered by a peasant on the Greek island of Milos ...

  8. Best Paris Tours

    Explore the best Paris tours with The Tour Guy, including priority access to top attractions like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Versailles, and more. Enjoy guided experiences with expert local guides, 5-star reviews, and hassle-free bookings for small group, semi-private, and private tours. Plan your perfect Paris adventure today!

  9. Louvre Museum Masterpieces Guided Tour with Reserved Access

    Paris Tours. See all things to do. Louvre Museum Masterpieces Guided Tour with Reserved Access. 4.5. BEST SELLER. ... such as the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo—on this collection highlights tour. This tour includes a skip-the-line admission ticket, which should save hours of waiting in line. Plus, you have the option of a morning or afternoon ...

  10. Peaceful Louvre Tour: Closing Time with Mona Lisa

    From $74. Skip-the-Line Louvre Highlights Tour: Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo & the Crown Jewels. 453 2 h 20 max. From $178. Paris in a Day Tour with Louvre, City Walk, Eiffel Tower & River Cruise. 759 9 h 15 max. From $64. Meet the Impressionists: Musée d'Orsay Skip-the-Line Fully Guided Tour.

  11. 9 Great Paris Tours To Take in 2024 and Why

    Both attractions are epic! That said, the Musée d'Orsay would be the number one museum in almost any other city on Earth if it wasn't in Paris. 1. Private Musée d'Orsay Tour with Skip-the-Line Tickets. While taking a private tour of any museum is a luxury, a private tour of Musée d'Orsay is even more amazing.

  12. Tours

    At Venustours we provide a large choice of excursions and tours in deluxe minibus or motorcoach with profesionnal local guides including visit of main highlights and cultural venues in all Europe. ... 75009 Paris. T. +33 1 40 82 61 14. Our Tours. BRITANNY. ALSACE & BURGUNDY. PARIS MUSEUM TOUR. Follow us. Keep in touch. The entered email is not ...

  13. Louvre at Closing Time Tour with Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo

    With the expert insights and stories of an engaging local guide, you'll see the Louvre's most iconic artwork, including the Mona Lisa, Winged Victory of Samothrace, Coronation of Napoleon, Venus di Milo, and more. It's the perfect bite-sized way to see the Louvre! Meet your guide and small group of 18 or fewer people at the equestrian ...

  14. Louvre Tours: Skip the line to see the Mona Lisa

    See the best of the Louvre with a closing-time visit to the Mona Lisa. 650 3 h 15 max. Skip-the-Line Louvre Highlights Tour: Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo & the Crown Jewels. See the best of the Louvre's vast collection in just two hours with this expertly-led tour, taking the smart route through the museum's iconic pieces. 298 2 h 20 max.

  15. The best way to see The Venus de Milo at the Louvre Museum

    The Louvre Museum in Paris is not only one of the most visited monuments in the city, its one of the most visited museums in the world! And, for good reason! The Louvre is the home to world famous masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa, The Winged Victory of Samothrace and…the Venus de Milo!. The size of the Louvre can be overwhelming, and which can be a turn off for some.

  16. Contact

    You want some infos or book our tour ALSACE & BURGUNDY"?" ... Our agency in Paris Venustours, 30 rue chaptal, 75009 Paris, France T. +33 1 40 82 61 14 Venustours. 30 rue chaptal. 75009 Paris. T. +33 1 40 82 61 14. Our Tours. BRITANNY. ALSACE & BURGUNDY. PARIS MUSEUM TOUR.

  17. Louvre Museum Official Website

    The largest ever private collection of ancient Roman sculptures, assembled throughout the 19thcentury by the Torlonia princes in Rome, is being shown to the public for the first time since the mid-20th century in a series of special exhibitions. From 26 June to 11 November 2024.

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  19. Secrets of the Louvre Museum Tour with Mona Lisa

    show more frequently asked questions. Reserve Now $86.20 / per person. Skip the line for an expert guided tour of the Paris Louvre museum's famous art. Includes Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, France's Crown Jewels, and so much more.

  20. 10 Best Versailles Palace Tours from Paris in 2024

    2. Skip-the-Line Versailles Palace Guided Tour by Train from Paris. Apollo Fountain and Grand Canal at Versailles, attractions seen during a guided tour of the Palace gardens. You'll meet your guide for the Skip-the-Line Versailles Palace Tour by Train in central Paris and travel together to the famous Chateau.

  21. Paris Tour Packages & Paris Travel Guide

    Book your Paris tour package with Trafalgar and see the icons like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the River Seine, the Champs-Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe. ... See the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo at the Louvre. You can't take a Paris trip without visiting the Louvre. It's the both the largest art museum and the most-visited museum in the ...

  22. Paris in a Day Tour with Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Seine River Cruise

    With a small group, skip-the-line Louvre tickets, and transport, there's no better way to see Paris in a day! *IMPORTANT* This Paris in a Day tour includes a self-guided Eiffel Tower ticket. Your tour will end around 4pm, but the Eiffel Tower entry could be from 4pm to 10pm. Don't worry, we will contact you in advance with your unique entry ...


    LEISURE. A FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. Venustours is a major European travel company based in France, entirely dedicated to the travel industry. It is a business-to-business provider for wholesalers, travel operators, corporate companies as well as sport organizations. Travel with us in Europe.