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Written by: Webmaster on 15 November 2023

Tanzania in October – all you need to know

  • Travel Tips

Tanzania in October

October is a fantastic month to visit Tanzania. Along the beautiful Swahili coastline, the weather is perfect for a tropical beach getaway or island hopping along the Zanzibar archipelago . Inland, safari goers will witness the dramatic final month of the dry season, where a vast array of wildlife never strays far from the last remaining water sources. At the same time, those with summit ambitions will relish trekking Mount Kilimanjaro or the wilder, less frequented Mount Meru in good weather. Or, combine any one of those options for a holiday of a lifetime. With world-class accommodation, exceptional hospitality and fusion food, you’re in for a treat.

Wildlife sighting lion Tanzania October

Weather in Tanzania in October

Tanzania has a tropical climate, which means there are no winter and summer seasons. Instead, the country experiences two rainy and two dry seasons.

In general, October offers warm, pleasant, and dry weather in Tanzania. It marks the end of the dry season that started in June, making it an excellent time for a safari as the sparse vegetation makes it easier to spot various animals and birds along the river banks. The coastal regions are warm with low humidity, creating idyllic weather for a beach retreat.

Temperatures in Tanzania remain consistently warm in October. However, early morning game drives can get chilly, so it’s recommended to pack a warm layer that can be taken off as morning temperatures rise through the day.

If you plan to stay at altitude, temperatures and rainfall can vary significantly. For instance, if you visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ngorongoro Crater , you will spend the night on the rim of the largest unbroken caldera in the world. At 2300m above sea level, temperatures fall rapidly at night, and frost occurs regularly.

From mid to the end of October, Tanzania undergoes a transition period marking the start of the short rains in East Africa. However, the likelihood of precipitation is unpredictable and may not happen until November. In case it rains, it typically occurs in afternoon storms and should not affect your experience. To experience the end of the dry season in the midst of nature will awaken all of your senses.

Sunset Serengeti

Average temperatures in Tanzania in October

In Tanzania, temperatures during October typically range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) along the coastline and inland. However, in higher altitude areas, temperatures can drop to 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F), which can feel quite chilly. Despite this, it will still be warm in the sun.

October marks the end of a five-month-long dry season that begins in June. During the dry season, the temperature gradually rises as each month passes until it peaks in October. Towards the middle to late October, trade winds bring in moist air, leading to a phenomenon known as the short rains. These rains last from November to mid-December, and temperatures remain relatively stable throughout this time, with no significant decrease in temperature.

Two of our favourite safaris in October:

safari tanzania ottobre

Best of Tanzania

Places Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Serengeti National Park, Karatu, Ngorongoro Crater

from 2.600 USD per person sharing

safari tanzania ottobre

The Northern Circuit

Places Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater

from 2.200 USD (based on 7 persons)

Tanzania safari in October

Why is October so special for a safari in Tanzania? For the wildlife, October is a month of great challenge and hope. Five months have passed since the last rain gave life to Tanzania’s national parks, and the landscapes are at their driest. Yet the short rains that arrive, often unpredictably, in November are tantalisingly close.

At this time of year, water is scarce, forcing predators and prey into close proximity as they congregate near the remaining water sources. As rivers diminish to small trickles, herbivores seem to mass into mega herds, and large flocks of birds, such as Quelea and Bee-eaters, arrive in synchronised clouds to drink from muddy hippo pools.

Zebras drinking waterhole

Every day that passes without rain means that the herds of animals must travel long distances to and from the river in search of food. This results in the formation of well-worn tracks which animals of all sizes use to travel along. Warm winds whip up dust devils that spiral high into the sky, adding to the unique atmosphere of the season.

The Hamerkop, also known as the legendary “Lightning Bird”, is believed to bring rain and can be spotted pacing along the river’s edge as if performing a rain dance. At the same time, elephants, who are thought to sense the vibrations of distant storms through their large fleshy pads, communicate through rumbling calls and seem to announce the arrival of the rains.

Towards the end of October, storm clouds form, providing hope for the imminent respite to the parched land. Visiting Tanzania on a safari in October will allow visitors to witness the struggle of life, where the weak fall prey to predators and all living things await the coming rains in anticipation. Witness the end of the dry season and experience the dramatic sights, sounds, and smells of nature.

Locational highlights to see and do on a safari during October:

  • The wildebeest in the northern Serengeti National Park migrate back south and cross the Mara River for the second time.
  • At Lake Natron, thousands of breeding flamingos can be seen on the red waters, with the beautiful conical shape of Ol Doinyo Lengai standing tall in the background.
  • Due to the dry river in Katavi National Park , hundreds of hippos are forced into cramped, muddy pools and countless crocodiles into riverbank caves.
  • At Tarangire National Park , you will find some of the largest herds of elephants residing close to the banks of the Tarangire River.
  • Migrating Humpback whales can often be seen off the islands of Zanzibar, Chumbe, and Mafia.
  • You can also swim with beautiful Whale Sharks near Mafia Island.
  • If you love trekking, October is still a good month to trek to the summit of Mount Meru or Mount Kilimanjaro .
  • Lastly, enjoy the Art festival at Bagamoyo, which happens at the end of September or early October.

Cost of visiting Tanzania in October

October marks the end of the dry season and is also the final month of the high season in Tanzania. As a result, most properties and national parks charge high season rates during October. However, don’t be discouraged by the high season prices, as October is still a great month to visit. The main advantage of visiting Tanzania in October is that wildlife viewing is still at its best, and there are fewer visitors than during July and August, which means you can expect excellent sightings without the crowds.

To avoid missing out, it’s recommended to book your safari well in advance, as still quite a few people tend to plan their trip during this time. You can also experience an incredible wildebeest migration safari by visiting the northern Serengeti National Park in October. Witness the vast herds returning from the Masai Mara National Reserve and avoid the crowds that come with other months. Plan your safari in October for an unforgettable experience.

Game drive Tanzania October

What to wear on a Tanzania safari

By now, you will have discovered that October is a pleasant month to visit Tanzania, but you may be wondering what to wear. Here are our main tips:

  • Keep it light, soft and simple.
  • Soft, light-coloured clothing with long sleeves and trousers is recommended to shield from the sun and biting insects.
  • Avoid camouflage and bright colours, including dark blue and black.
  • Bring warm clothes for nighttime and early morning game drives.
  • Sun protection, such as hats and shades, is highly recommended.
  • If you plan to wear flip-flops, please bring closed shoes for game drives and sitting around the campfire at night.
  • Pack your swimsuit for a refreshing swim in one of the many lodge pools.
  • Pack something smart to enjoy a classic safari dinner.
  • If you are visiting Zanzibar, it is customary to dress modestly by covering your shoulders and knees in public places.

Going to Tanzania in October is a great option if you want to enjoy excellent wildlife sightings but see slightly fewer other tourists than between July and September. Be aware that the most popular safari destinations will still see a fair number of visitors though.

Get in touch with us to plan your Tanzania holiday in October!

Author: Webmaster

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Through his work on the websites and with the offered tours, our webmaster is learning more and more about eastern Africa. Thereupon, he has been on safari in Kenya and Tanzania repeatedly, climbed the peak of Mt Kilimanjaro and third-highest peak of Mt Kenya and visited the sandy beaches by the Indian Ocean. He also lived and worked in Tanzania. Not only does he know HTML, he speaks German, English, is almost fluent in Kiswahili and have basic knowledge of Zulu. Feedback about the website is welcomed by the webmaster.

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Quando andare in Tanzania: il periodo migliore per un safari

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  • Consigli Safari

Tanzania quando andare

La Tanzania è diventata un centro di interesse turistico e naturalistico a partire dagli anni ’70, quando esploratori, scienziati e appassionati di natura decisero di andare alla scoperta delle meraviglie naturali del paese. Sono moltissime le principali attrazioni della regione: dalla Rift Valley , una valle tettonica originata dagli spostamenti della crosta terrestre, al Parco Naturale del Serengeti , di Ngorongoro e di Gombe , ai laghi Vittoria e Natron .

 Ogni anno sono migliaia i turisti che raggiungono queste terre per vivere un safari. Prima di organizzarlo, però, è necessario porsi alcune domande.

Per prima cosa bisogna chiedersi qual è il periodo migliore per andare in Tanzania . Quali sono le temperature , il clima e il comportamento delle precipitazioni in questa splendida area africana? Quali sono le stagioni nelle quali possiamo imbatterci e quali aspetti le caratterizzano?

In questa guida cercheremo di rispondere a queste domande, frequentissime per i viaggiatori alla prima esperienza, sperando di aiutarti a scegliere il momento migliore per partire e vivere un safari in Tanzania indimenticabile.

Clima, temperature e stagioni in Tanzania

La Tanzania ha un clima tropicale con temperature che oscillano tra i 20° e i 32° C . Non vi sono grosse differenze di temperature durante l’anno e che si viaggi in stagione estiva o invernale (che vi ricordo essere invertite) si troverà grossomodo la stessa temperatura.

Il clima è inoltre caratterizzata da una forte umidità e dalla presenza di due stagioni secche .

Durante i mesi invernali, da dicembre a marzo , la stagione è secca e piuttosto calda, con pochissime precipitazioni che rendono il meteo stabile, ideale per effettuare lunghe escursioni senza ritrovarsi nel bel mezzo di un piovasco improvviso.

Da fine marzo a inizio giugno inizia la prima stagione delle piogge , estremamente umida e contraddistinta da temporali anche violenti e con forte vento specie nel pomeriggio.

Nei mesi estivi e all’inizio dell’autunno, da giugno ad ottobre, la stagione è nuovamente secca e calda con poche piogge.

In autunno inoltrato la stagione è nuovamente umida e piovosa, nuovamente segnata da brevi ma forti temporali.

Per quanto riguarda le temperature, queste aumentano verso la zona dell’ arcipelago di Zanzibar e delle sue isole, come Pemba e Mafia , mentre diminuiscono nei pressi delle aree montuose, come sul Monte Meru e sul Kilimangiaro , dove si può arrivare anche a 0°.

Le stagioni in breve

La Tanzania ha un  clima tropicale  caratterizzato da due stagioni secche e due stagioni umide, note come stagioni delle piogge, che sono regolate dai Monsoni e dagli Alisei provenienti dall’Oceano Indiano. Nei pressi delle coste e in luoghi come Zanzibar e limitrofi, le temperature sono di circa 20-26°, mentre nell’entroterra vi è un clima più secco, che va dai 21 ai 23°. Il clima della Tanzania è essenzialmente suddivisibile in quattro diverse stagioni:

  • La stagione secca breve , che va da luglio a settembre
  • La stagione secca lunga , che va da dicembre a marzo
  • La stagione delle piogge breve , che va da fine ottobre ai primi di dicembre
  • La stagione delle piogge lunga , che va da fine marzo a metà giungo

Il  periodo migliore  per viaggiare in Tanzania  va da luglio a settembre , che sono i mesi più freschi e asciutti. Da prendere in considerazione anche il periodo che va da dicembre a febbraio, soprattutto per itinerari che comprendono le località marittime.

Quando andare in Tanzania?

Generalmente, come tour operator consigliamo di partire per un viaggio in Tanzania nei mesi estivi, tra luglio e settembre , quando è possibile approfittare di tutte le ore di luce della giornata senza trovarsi nel mezzo di un monsone durante le gite, i safari o i trekking , come quello che ti porterà a scalare il Kilimangiaro .

Considerando che questo è periodo di alta stagione, bisogna tenere conto di un rincaro dei costi di tutti i servizi, dei voli e degli hotel, oltre che di una minore disponibilità dovuta all’ampio numero di prenotazioni.

Ci sono però due evenienze in cui puoi valutare una pianificazione spostata durante i mesi delle piogge.

Il primo caso può essere tenuto a mente se desideri contenere le spese e i costi, approfittando di periodi di bassa stagione.

Il secondo, invece, riguarda la Grande Migrazione , il fenomeno annuale che vede lo spostamento di enormi branchi di animali in cerca di cibo, acqua e partner per l’accoppiamento. Ovviamente dove ci sono prede è probabile ci siano anche predatori: se desideri fotografare zebre e elefanti, ippopotami e leoni potresti sopportare più volentieri l’umidità e la pioggia alla caccia dello scatto perfetto. La grande migrazione puoi osservarla in estate, da luglio a settembre, oppure in inverno, da dicembre a marzo.

Il periodo migliore per un safari in Tanzania

Cerchiamo di dividere le principali attrazioni del paese in base al clima ideale per visitarle.

Quando visitare Arusha e Tarangire

I parchi nazionali del nord, come Arusha o Tarangire , sono perfetti in dicembre, gennaio, febbraio e luglio/agosto : le temperature più elevate e la scarsità di piogge costringono gli animali a radunarsi intorno a laghi e ruscelli permanenti per abbeverarsi, e dunque basterà piazzarsi nelle vicinanze, a distanza di sicurezza e seguendo le istruzioni delle guide, per osservarli e fotografarli.

Quando visitare Serengeti e Ngorongoro

Il Parco del Serengeti è al massimo dello splendore in inverno, tra dicembre e febbraio, durante la Grande Migrazione degli erbivori che attira anche moltissimi predatori. La stessa considerazione vale per  l’Area di Conservazione di Ngorongoro , perché durante le stagioni umide gli animali si incontrano per accoppiarsi. In questo caso è necessario viaggiare preparati con abiti adeguati ai repentini cambi di temperatura e alle piogge intense che possono infastidire il convoglio di mezzi di osservazione.

Quando visitare Lago Natron e Vittoria

Se sei interessato ai laghi, come il Lago Natron o Vittoria, ti suggeriamo di visitarli tra giugno e settembre. In questa stagione sono molto apprezzati i tour di osservazione dei fenicotteri che si radunano sui grandi laghi.

Non dimenticare mai che nelle aree desertiche, anche se durante il giorno la temperatura è salita oltre i trenta gradi, è molto probabile che la notte sia fredda, con forti sbalzi termici fino a sotto lo zero. Se decidi di prenotare una notte in uno degli hotel-campi nella savana non dimenticare di portare con te un cambio di abiti più pesanti e caldi.

Quando fare trekking in Tanzania

Per un  trekking sul Monte Kilimanjaro ti suggeriamo i mesi invernali, tra dicembre e febbraio. In primavera/estate, per via del posizionamento sull’equatore, le temperature sono più basse. Tieni comunque a mente che per via dell’altitudine, sul Kilimanjaro la temperatura è di tipo alpino, con depressioni termiche fino a sotto lo zero.

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Arusha - Tanzania

Best Time For Safari in Tanzania: The Ultimate Guide

What is the best time for safari in tanzania.

The best time for a safari in Tanzania depends on what you want to see and experience, as well as the specific parks you plan to visit. Tanzania is a great destination for a safari throughout the year, but Tanzania safari best time to visit depends on the wildlife activity, climate, and your personal preferences.

Tanzania Safari - Tanzania Tailor Made Tours.

Unraveling Tanzania Safari Best Time To Go

Tanzania, home to iconic national parks like the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater, offers a safari experience like no other. Choosing the right time to visit is crucial for encountering diverse wildlife and enjoying favorable weather conditions. Let's delve into the Tanzania safari best time to go.

Understand Climate in Tanzania

The climate in Tanzania plays a big role in shaping the safari experience. Understanding the seasons and their impact on the environment is key to planning a successful trip in Tanzania.

The dry seasons in Tanzania bring clear skies, minimal rainfall, and lush vegetation that transforms the landscape into a vibrant tapestry. As the bush thins, wildlife becomes more visible, offering exceptional opportunities to observe their natural behaviors. The dry season considered as the best time to go to Tanzania for safari.

June to October

This period, coinciding with the  Great Migration , is a prime time to witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of millions of wildebeest and zebras traversing the vast plains of the Serengeti. The migration reaches its peak in July and August, when the thundering herds cross the Mara River, creating a dramatic spectacle of life and death.

January to March

This dry season, known as the  short dry , offers excellent wildlife viewing opportunities throughout Tanzania. The lush vegetation and abundant water sources attract a diverse range of animals, making this an ideal time to spot predators such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs.

While the dry seasons are generally considered the best time for safari in Tanzania, the wet seasons, April to May and November to December , offer a unique and less crowded experience.

April to May

The long rains transform the Tanzanian landscape, bringing a burst of greenery and revitalizing the savannah. While rainfall can limit game drives, it also creates a serene atmosphere and attracts a variety of birdlife.

November to December

The short rains bring sporadic showers and cooler temperatures, making this a pleasant time to explore Tanzania's national parks. The vegetation is still lush, and wildlife viewing remains good, particularly in areas with permanent water sources.

Factors To Consider When Planning Your Safari

Beyond the dry and wet seasons, several other factors can influence your decision on the best time for safari in Tanzania

Wildlife Preferences

If you're keen on witnessing the Great Migration, the dry season from June to October is the best time to visit Tanzania safari. However, if you're more interested in seeing a wider range of wildlife without the crowds, the short dry season from January to March or the short rains from November to December offer excellent alternatives.

Budget Considerations

Safari prices tend to be higher during the peak season, from June to October and during the short dry season from January to March. If you're looking for more affordable rates, consider visiting during the shoulder seasons, such as May or November.

Personal Preferences

Ultimately, the best time to safari in Tanzania depends on your individual preferences. If you prefer warm, sunny weather, the dry seasons are ideal. However, if you're willing to brave some rain for a more tranquil experience, the wet seasons can be equally rewarding.

What are The Best Months for Safari in Tanzania?

The best season to visit Tanzania is during the long dry season, which falls from  June to October . These are considered the best months for safari in Tanzania, the Great Migration, Kilimanjaro trekking, and beach holidays in Zanzibar. Of course, these months are the peak tourist season.

Best Time For Tanzania Safari and Kilimanjaro Trekking

If you're looking for the perfect time to embark on a Tanzania safari and Kilimanjaro trekking adventure. The dry season, which typically runs from June to October, is often regarded as the best time to visit. During this period, the weather is generally pleasant, with clear skies and minimal rainfall. This makes it easier to spot wildlife in the national parks and ensures a more comfortable trek up Mount Kilimanjaro. However, it's worth noting that the dry season is also the peak tourist season, so popular destinations may be more crowded.

Final Thoughts on Best Time For Safari in Tanzania

Tanzania promises a safari adventure of a lifetime, the best time for a safari in Tanzania depends on your individual preferences and interests. Whether you opt for the dry season's wildlife concentration or the wet season's unique experiences.

For the best chance of seeing the Great Wildebeest Migration, visit from July to October. For bird watching, visit from November to April, and for a quieter experience, visit during the rainy season.

So pack your binoculars, dust off your walking boots, and prepare to be swept away by the rhythm of Tanzania's wild symphony. Your safari adventure awaits!

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4-Day Luxury Safari to Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro

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5-Day Tarangire, Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Trip

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5-Day Tarangire, Ngorongoro & Manyara Perfect Trip

safari tanzania ottobre

5-Day Tarangire, Ngoroongoro & Manyara Adventure

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  • Destinazioni

Un safari in Tanzania regala emozioni suggestive, intense ed indimenticabili. Scoprire la Tanzania con un safari esclusivo di African Explorer significa vivere tutti gli aspetti di questo fantastico paese. L'Africa del nostro immaginario, quella selvaggia, quella delle grandi riserve e delle distese della savana, degli animali che vediamo nei documentari, dei colori dei tramonti che sembrano cartoline. E' il paese del Parco Serengeti e del Cratere del Ngorongoro, una delle aree con la più alta concentrazioni di animali in tutto il continente, l'ideale per un vero safari. Organizziamo safari in Tanzania da oltre 50 anni, per questo motivo scegliere African Explorer significa partire con i veri specialisti italiani dei safari in Tanzania , un tour operator specializzato di provata esperienza. Ma c'è tutto un altro mondo sorprendentemente diverso ma di eguale intensità che rende questo paese completo ed è il mondo delle spiagge bianche e soffici, del mare color turchese dell'Oceano Indiano che lambisce le coste e accoglie incantevoli isole come Pemba e Mafia e naturalmente la famosa Zanzibar. Oltre ad essere leader per i safari in Tanzania, African Explorer è membro ufficiale dell'African Travel and Tourism Association che riunisce i maggiori operator per i safari e viaggi in Africa. Vivi la magia di un safari in Tanzania con il tour operator specializzato in viaggi in Africa dal 1972.

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Richiedi informazioni, informazioni tanzania.

Alcuni consigli di viaggo utili per organizzare al meglio un viaggio in Tanzania:

Qual è il periodo migliore per fare un viaggio in Tanzania?

Il periodo migliore per fare un viaggio in Tanzania dipende dalle preferenze personali. In generale, la stagione secca, da giugno a ottobre, è considerata la migliore stagione per visitare la Tanzania per il clima secco e le temperature moderate. È anche il periodo per godersi lo spettacolo naturale della Grande Migrazione nel Parco Nazionale del Serengeti. Il periodo tra dicembre e marzo è ideale per avvistare gli animali che si spostano nella regione del Serengeti settentrionale e attraversano il fiume Mara, offrendo spettacolari avvistamenti di predatori e prede.

Cosa rende un safari in Tanzania così speciale?  

Quello che rende un safari in Tanzania così speciale è il paesaggio del Parco del Serengeti e vedere quello che di meglio offre: la migrazione annuale degli gnu e delle zebre. Ogni anno, questi animali si spostano alla ricerca di pascoli freschi, creando uno spettacolo incredibile di migliaia di animali che attraversano le pianure del Serengeti. Questa esperienza unica offre l'opportunità di avvistare grandi branchi di animali e assistere a spettacolari scene di caccia e di vita selvaggia.

Quali sono i luoghi da non perdere in Tanzania?

In Tanzania ci sono molti luoghi straordinari da visitare, come ad esempio il Parco Nazionale del Serengeti, il Cratere del Ngorongoro, Patrimonio dell'Umanità dell'UNESCO, e il Parco Nazionale del Tarangire, famoso per la sua grande concentrazione di elefanti e baobab. Un altro è il Parco Nazionale di Selous, anch’esso Patrimonio dell'Umanità dell'UNESCO. Zanzibar è l’isola al largo della costa della Tanzania ed è famosa per le sue spiagge di sabbia bianca e le acque cristalline.

Un viaggio in Tanzania è adatto ad una famiglia con bambini?

La Tanzania offre diverse opportunità per coinvolgere i bambini e garantire un'esperienza piacevole e sicura. Il Parco del Serengeti e il Tarangire offrono la possibilità di avvistare la fauna selvatica da vicino. Ci sono safari in auto o in fuoristrada che possono essere adattati alle esigenze di tutta la famiglia. Molti parchi nazionali e riserve in Tanzania offrono strutture ricettive e lodge adatti alle famiglie, fornendo servizi come culle, seggioloni e aree giochi per bambini. Inoltre, una visita a Zanzibar dopo un safari offre l'opportunità ai bambini di rilassarsi nelle splendide spiagge. 

Quale soggiorno mare posso combinare con un safari in Tanzania?

Fare un safari con una estensione mare è una delle esperienze più complete che si possa fare. Ogni isola ha le sue peculiarità e straordinarietà, per questo nella scelta, ci sono diversi fattori da considerare, come gli interessi personali, il budget, la durata del viaggio e disponibilità. I resort più esclusivi di African Explorer sono a Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldive, Isola di Pemba e Isola di Mafia, Zanzibar e Réunion. Per questo, per pianificare attentamente l'itinerario, coordinare i voli e organizzare il trasferimento tra i due luoghi è sempre meglio rivolgersi ad un Tour Operator, esperto di viaggi qualificato.

African Explorer

Ella McKendrick

Best Time to Visit Tanzania For Your Safari

By Author Ella McKendrick

Posted on Last updated: 6 April 2024

My experience visiting Tanzania for safari was nothing short of life-changing. However, it’s essential to visit at the right time of year, depending on what you want to do and see.

Recently I’ve been flooded with questions on the topic, so I’ve spent the last few weeks compiling the most comprehensive and user-friendly guide available on the best time to visit Tanzania .

This guide will help you to quickly and easily choose the very best time for your adventure.

Each season in Tanzania has something unique to offer, so I’ve created six unique 5 day Tanzania itineraries , where you’ll find an itinerary suited to most times of year.

Full visual guides for each Tanzania park later in this guide

My personal favourite month to visit Tanzania is September. The weather is incredible, it’s less busy and it’s also better value than August. The Mara River crossing, part of the Great Migration, is in full swing in Northern Serengeti.

What’s more, big cat spotting is out of this world! If you fancy a challenge, you can climb Kilimanjaro in September too as part of your Tanzania Itinerary and then relax in Zanzibar at the end!

As a starting point for finding your perfect month to visit, I’ve put together a visual guide to the best time to visit Tanzania below.

This visual guide gives you a country-wide overview of the months, including weather, costs, wildlife events and hiking. As you’ll see, every month has something special to offer.

Infographic showing the best times to visit Tanzania for safari, Zanzibar, birding or hiking Kilimanjaro. The best time for all activities is January & February or July to September.

The best time overall for safari, seeing the big five and visiting Zanzibar (for some much deserved relaxation) is the long dry season from June to October.

For seeing baby animals, lush landscapes, hiking Kilimanjaro and visiting Zanzibar, the short dry season of January and February is fantastic.

To witness the Mara River Crossing – the highlight of the Great Migration, where millions of wildebeests cross the crocodile-infested river – the best time is mid-June to September and mid-October to mid-November.

The Important Role of the Rains

The variable timing of the rains dictate the timings of most of the natural events in Tanzania. If the rains arrive a little early, the natural events will happen earlier and, conversely, if the rains come a little late, the natural events will happen later.

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Roaring lioness Serengeti Tanzania

In This Guide

Month by Month Breakdown

Best time to visit the top safari parks in tanzania, best times to visit both tanzania and zanzibar for safari and beach, best time to visit tanzania for the wildebeest great migration, best time for hiking kilimanjaro, best time to visit tanzania for bird watching, cheapest time of year to visit tanzania.

Tanzania has something incredible to offer visitors in every month of the year and I’ve laid out what to expect below. I’ve combined similar months together to avoid getting overly precise due to the variable timings of the rains.

The timing of the rains dictate the timings of most of the natural events in Tanzania.

Treat these as a good general guide, whilst remembering the beauty of nature that it’s unpredictable and untameable.

For each month, I’ve provided the pros and cons, along with what you can expect in terms of weather, wildlife viewing, birdwatching, Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar.

Quick Links to the Months

January & February

March, April & May

June & july, august & september, october, november & december.

A couple of giraffes in Serengeti National Park

January and February in Tanzania

Short dry season

January and February are Tanzania’s Short Dry Season. The parks are swathed in green from the preceding wet season.

Showcasing the calving season and related big cat activity, it’s a fantastic time to visit Tanzania at lower prices compared to the long dry season. Due to the weather, it’s also a great time to incorporate Zanzibar into your trip. Last but not least, It’s also the best time of year to hike Kilimanjaro as it’s dry and warm.

January and February

  • Lower prices vs peak
  • Baby animals
  • Big cat activity
  • Migratory birds
  • Best time for the coast inc. Zanzibar
  • Best time to hike Kilimanjaro
  • Parks less busy
  • Wildlife viewing is slightly harder due to lush vegetation (a good guide is important)
  • Some accommodation may close out of peak season, esp. in the south
  • Short showers possible but usually at night

Visual guide showing what to expect in Tanzania in January & February - green landscapes and calving in southern Serengeti.

What Weather & Temperatures can I Expect in January and February?

The weather in January and February is excellent, spanning Tanzania’s short dry season. There is a chance of some short showers. However, these are usually at night. The parks are transformed to green from the short rains which usually occur from mid-October to mid-December.

What are the Costs Like and How Busy are the Parks in January and February?

Prices are good at this time of year – January and February are classed as low / shoulder season along with October and November. Parks are quieter compared to the peak season making for excellent wildlife viewing.

Wildlife Viewing and The Great Migration in January and February

In January and February, the Great Migration calving season is underway on the Ndutu Plains in southern Serengeti which creates related big cat action as they hunt the new arrivals to feed their families.

Wildlife viewing is slightly more challenging compared to the long dry season, due to the dense vegetation brought to life by the preceding long rains. A good guide is essential but once you spot wildlife, the lush vegetation and lighting makes this one of the best times of year for photography.

Birdwatching in January and February

January and February are exciting months for birdwatching in Tanzania as this period coincides with the northern hemisphere’s winter, prompting many migratory birds to seek warmer climates in Africa.

You can expect to witness the arrival of various migratory bird species from Europe and Asia, such as the European Bee-eater, White Stork, Barn Swallow, Yellow Wagtail, Common Sandpiper and Osprey.

Hiking Kilimanjaro in January and February

Late December to early March is the best time of year to hike Mount Kilimanjaro. The weather is relatively dry, and the temperatures are milder compared to other times of the year. The skies are usually clear, offering stunning views and photo opportunities. It’s worth noting that the higher elevations of the mountain can still reach sub-zero temperatures, especially at night.

Zanzibar in January and February

Zanzibar is excellent at this time of year – clear skies, calm waters, and comfortable temperatures. The sea is excellent for swimming and water visibility is at its best for diving and snorkelling, allowing you to explore Zanzibar’s magnificent coral reefs and marine life.

Young leopard cub in the Serengeti National Park

March, April & May in Tanzania

Long rainy season

During March, April and May, Tanzania experiences its long rainy season, commonly known as the “long rains.”

This period is characterised by more frequent and heavier rainfall compared to other times of the year. The rain rejuvenates the landscapes which become lush and green. It’s a great time to visit Tanzania on a budget. However, you will have to contend with intermittent and sometimes heavy rainfall, often in the afternoons.

  • Lowest prices of the year
  • Parks least busy
  • Birds breeding and various courtship displays
  • Wildlife viewing is harder due to lush vegetation and more water sources
  • Some Northern accommodation closed and most in the South
  • Afternoon showers or thunderstorms
  • Feels close due to warm temps & high humidly
  • Flooding possible in some parks
  • Kilimanjaro hike not recommended but some like the challenge of the snow capped summit
  • Zanzibar not recommended
  • More mosquitos so higher Malaria risk

Visual guide showing what to expect in Tanzania in March, April & May - lots of baby animals but lush and green landscapes makes game spotting harder.

What Weather & Temperatures can I Expect in March, April & May?

The long rains span March, April and May, making them the wettest months of the year in Tanzania. The rain typically comes in the form of afternoon showers or thunderstorms, which can last for several hours. Central and northern locations, such as Serengeti and Tarangire National Park usually experience more rainfalls compared to coastal regions.

The long rainy season is characterised by high humidity levels, especially in coastal areas. The combination of warm temperatures and humidity can make it feel quite close.

What are the Costs like and How Busy are the Parks in March, April & May?

The long rains are the best time to visit Tanzania on a tight budget and being low season, the parks are quiet. It’s worth noting that many of the accommodations in southern parks close over this period. However, most of the accommodation in the more popular northern circuit remains open. Flooding is also possible at some national parks.

Wildlife Viewing and The Great Migration in March, April & May

Wildlife viewing in the long rains can be more challenging as water is more abundant compared to the dry season and as such there is less activity around the water holes. Also the blooming vegetation in the lush green national parks provides more hiding places for wildlife. On the flip side, the rains bring fresh vegetation and the parks are teeming with life and many animals give birth during this time.

Birdwatching in March, April & May

March, April and May offer unique opportunities for birdwatching due to the increased presence of migratory bird species, lush vegetation, and fewer crowds.

The wet season, also known as the green season, coincides with the breeding season for many resident bird species in Tanzania. This means you have the chance to observe various courtship displays, nest-building, and other breeding behaviours.

During the wet season, you can witness the departure to their breeding grounds of some of the birds from Europe and northern Asia who spent the winter in Tanzania. You will also see other migratory species arriving in Tanzania at this time.

Hiking Kilimanjaro in March, April & May

For most people, it’s not recommended to climb Kilimanjaro from late May to early June as the trails become slippery and muddy. The heavy rainfall and poor conditions make hiking much more challenging and increase the risk of accidents. Furthermore, the summit, which is already very cold, even at the warmest times of year, is now snow-capped. The Marangu Route especially should be avoided.

The wet season can result in cloud cover which makes it hard to take photos and experience the panoramic views for which Kilimanjaro is famous.

Tour companies still conduct hikes at this time of year for those who relish the additional challenge of the snow-capped summit. The other benefit that draws some people to climb at this time of year is that the trails and campsites are extremely quiet.

Zanzibar in March, April & May

Whilst there will still be some sunny moments to enjoy, be prepared for heavy rainfall especially in April. Rainfall often comes in the form of intermittent downpours.

Mosquito activity is at its highest in the rainy season, making malaria precautions particularly important. Some accommodation and services close over the wet period.

On the positive side, this time of year offers a budget-friendly and quieter Zanzibar experience.

Yawning Hippo in Central Serengeti

June & July in Tanzania

First half of long dry season

June is the start of the long dry season which spans 4.5 months and marks the start of the Great Migration. Whilst both June and July are classed as high season, July is typically busier and more expensive than June.

Both June and July are very popular months to visit Tanzania for safari, to hike Kilimanjaro and for relaxation in Zanzibar.

  • Fantastic weather
  • Amazing wildlife viewing
  • Wildebeests crossing Grumeti River
  • Perfect time to visit Zanzibar
  • Good time to hike Kilimanjaro
  • Lowest mosquito levels and reduced malaria risk
  • High peak season prices
  • Parks are busy

Visual guide showing what to expect in Tanzania in June & July - vegetation thins out making game spotting easier

What Weather & Temperatures can I Expect in June and July?

June and July are part of the long dry season in Tanzania, which means you can expect mostly clear skies and minimal rainfall. The weather is generally cooler and more comfortable compared to the wet season.

Coastal areas and islands like Zanzibar experience pleasant weather during June and July. The sea is calm and clear, making it a good time for water activities, such as diving, snorkelling, and relaxing on the beaches.

What are the Costs like and How Busy are the Parks in June and July?

June is the start of the high season and as such costs are high in June. Moving into the peak of the high season, costs are slightly higher again in July and peak in August.

In June and July the number of safari trucks in the park does start to increase, however, the parks are still not as busy as the peak month of August.

Compared to other popular safari destinations such as Kenya, the higher costs of a Tanzania safari and the vast size of the parks such as the Serengeti, helps to ensure Tanzania’s parks never get too overcrowded.

Wildlife Viewing and The Great Migration in June and July

June and July, along with the rest of the dry season, are considered excellent times for wildlife viewing in Tanzania. The lack of rain means the vegetation is less dense, making it easier to spot animals. Animals tend to congregate around water holes in the dry conditions which leads to associated big cat activity as they hunt the congregation of prey.

Late May and early June marks the beginning of the Great Migration, where millions of wildebeest and zebras start their journey from the southern plains to the northern Serengeti in search of fresh grazing.

From early May to late July the wildebeests are usually crossing the Grumeti river in Tanzania’s Western Corridor.

Birdwatching in June and July

June and July are arguably not quite as good for bird watching as Jan – April and Nov – Dec. However, there is still plenty of birdlife to see –  many migratory bird species from Europe and Asia are still present in Tanzania during these months.

June and July coincide with the breeding season for many resident bird species in Tanzania. This means you have the opportunity to witness courtship displays, nest-building, and other breeding behaviours.

Clear skies and minimal rainfall provides excellent conditions for bird spotting.

Kilimanjaro in June and July

Compared to the December to March Kilimanjaro season, the June to October season is equally dry but cooler in temperature.

Early June, whilst being better for hiking Kilimanjaro than March to May, can still be a little cold and the skies are still a little cloudy which can hide the amazing views which Kilimanjaro is famous for. Therefore, mid to late June and July are preferable.

If you want to play it safe for your Kilimanjaro hike, opt for July through to September.

Zanzibar in June and July

June and July is a great time to visit Zanzibar – the weather is dry with minimal rainfall with temperatures around 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F). You can expect sunny and clear skies, making it a great time for outdoor activities.

It’s a good time for snorkelling as the sea is usually calm and visibility underwater is excellent.

A mother baboon with her two babies in Tarangire

August & September in Tanzania

Second half of long dry season

August and September form the second half of the long dry season and feature one of the earth’s greatest wildlife spectacles, where millions of wildebeests cross the crocodile-infested Mara River as part of The Great Migration.

August is the most popular month of the year to visit Tanzania which makes it the most expensive and busiest. September is my favourite month to visit Tanzania as it comes with all the benefits of August whilst being a little quieter and prices are not quite so high.

  • Wildebeests crossing Mara River
  • Great time to visit Zanzibar

Visual guide showing what to expect in Tanzania in August & September - great game viewing and resident birds show breeding displays.

What Weather & Temperatures can I Expect in August & September?

August and September, along with June and July, are part of the dry season in Tanzania, which means you can expect mostly clear skies and minimal rainfall. The weather is generally cooler and more comfortable compared to the wet season.

Coastal areas and islands like Zanzibar experience pleasant weather during August & September. The sea is calm and clear, making it a good time for water activities, such as diving, snorkelling, and relaxing on the beaches.

What are the Costs like and How Busy are the Parks in August & September?

August and September are in Tanzania’s high season, which means costs are high relative to the low and shoulder seasons. September is usually better value than August as it’s not as busy as August, which is the most popular month of the year to visit Tanzania, in part because it fits with school holidays.

The parks have the highest volume of safari trucks in August. However, compared with other popular safari destinations the parks are still not busy enough to spoil the experience. One of the benefits of going on safari in Tanzania is that because the prices are typically higher than other safari destinations, it avoids overcrowding in the parks, which leads to a better game viewing experience. Tanzania also has some absolutely huge national parks, such as the Serengeti which also helps avoid it feeling too crowded at peak periods.

Wildlife Viewing and The Great Migration in August & September

Late July, August and September are some of my favourite months for wildlife viewing because the Wildebeest Mara River crossing is in full swing in the north of the Serengeti. This is arguably one of the most incredible wildlife spectacles on earth as millions of wildebeests cross over the crocodile-infested waters in search of fresh pastures.

Birdwatching in August & September

August and September are not quite as good for bird watching as Jan to April and Nov to Dec. However, there is still plenty of birdlife to see –  many migratory bird species from Europe and Asia are still present in Tanzania during these months.

Kilimanjaro in August & September

Compared to the The December to March Kilimanjaro Season, the June to October season is equally dry but cooler in temperature.

August and September are both popular months to climb Kilimanjaro. However, you will find September slightly quieter.

Zanzibar in August & September

August and September are a great time to visit Zanzibar – you can expect sunny and clear skies, making it a great time for outdoor activities.

Aug & Sept are a good time for snorkelling in Zanzibar as the sea is usually calm and visibility underwater is excellent.

Eid – al – Fitr takes place around 19th August. This is a four day Islamic festival which celebrates the end of the fast. It’s the biggest event of the year and people give each other gifts. Some restaurants may be closed over the 4 day period.

Tanzacat Open is a sailing competition including the “Zanzibar Raid” which takes place in late September to early October. The event is organised by the Dar es Salaam Yacht Club .

Cape buffalo in Ngorongoro Crater

October, November & December in Tanzania

Short rainy season

Mid-October through to mid-December are Tanzania’s Short Rains period. Prices are lower compared to the preceding period as this is classed as shoulder season and parks are quieter .  

Whilst there are some rains in the afternoons, there is still great game viewing in the northern parks and it is one of the best periods for big cat spotting. During mid-October to mid-November the wildebeests cross back over the Mara River in the north of the Serengeti as part of the Great Migration.

  • One of the best times of year to see big cats (November especially) due to birthing season for some herbivores
  • Great wildlife viewing as the number of tourists is much lower
  • Wildebeests crossing back over Mara River from Kenya to Tanzania
  • Dec is good for hiking Kilimanjaro
  • Migratory birds arrive in Dec
  • Some rains, often in the afternoon
  • Some unpredictable rain in Zanzibar in mid-October to mid-December
  • October & November too wet for hiking Kilimanjaro

Visual guide showing what to expect in Tanzania in October, November & December. Wildlife viewing is great especially in northern parks. Vegetation becomes denser.

What Weather & Temperatures can I Expect in October, November & December?

Whilst there are some rains in mid-October to mid-December, these are often in the afternoons. Early morning game drives are usually dry and pleasant.

What are the Costs like and How Busy are the Parks in October, November and December?

Mid-October through to the end of November are classed as shoulder season and prices are lower than high season, which runs from June to mid-October. However, mid-December prices start to increase slightly. Parks are much quieter vs peak season.

Wildlife Viewing and The Great Migration in October, November and December

Wildlife viewing is excellent in October, November and December – whilst spotting animals can be more challenging due to the dense green vegetation, the parks have far fewer vehicles which offsets this.

From mid-October to mid-November the Great Migration continues as around 2 million migratory wildebeests cross back over the crocodile-infested Mara River in the north of the Serengeti.

This period (especially around November) is one of the best months to see big cats as it can coincide with the beginning of the birthing season for various herbivores, which leads to exciting big cat action. Predators are attracted to these areas for easy prey. Birthing times can vary, depending on the timings of the rains.

Birdwatching in October, November and December

November kicks off the birding season in Tanzania. This is when migratory birds from Europe and Northern Africa start to arrive. A large number of the resident birds are nesting and in breeding plumage.

Kilimanjaro in October, November and December

October is cool and dry and is a popular time to climb Kilimanjaro.

November is wet which makes the hike more challenging. However, it’s not as wet as April and May.

December through to March is arguably the best period to climb Kilimanjaro due to warm and dry conditions.

Zanzibar in October, November and December

During mid-October to mid-December Zanzibar experiences unpredictable weather; however, storms and rainfall don’t usually last long.

The pros of visiting Zanzibar at this time of year are much lower costs and diving conditions are great, especially in November.

Two Cheetahs in the Serengeti, Tanzania

Below I’ve provided guidance the best times to visit the most popular parks in Tanzania’s Northen Circuit.

Best Time to Visit Serengeti National Park

The very best time to visit Serengeti National Park is during the Wildebeest Mara River crossing – the highlight of The Great Migration.

Two million Wildebeests cross the crocodile-infested Mara River in Northern Serengeti around late July, August and September and then back again late October to early November. Times can vary slightly each year so August or early September would be the safest bet.

Visual guide showing the best time to visit the Serengeti is June to October

June to October (dry season) – as there is little to no rain in this period, the bush begins thinning out and the landscapes turn from green to orange. With water suddenly scares, animals start to congregate around water holes. Both these factors make wildlife viewing much easier in this period.

The sun shines and the weather is great during this period with temperatures around 25°C / 77°F.

There are fewer mosquitos at this time of year which reduces the risk of malaria.

Wildebeests crossing the Mara River as part of the Great Migration

The highlights of the one of the earth’s greatest wildlife specticles, The Great Migration take place during this period. The Grumeti river crossing takes place in Tanzania’s western corridor around May to July.

Around mid-July to September the famous Mara River crossing takes place in northern Serengeti as the wildebeests cross from Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya. mid-October to mid-November the wildebeests cross back over the Mara River into Tanzania again for calving.

The parks can get crowded at this time of year although due to the size of parks such as Serengeti and Tanzania’s higher costs they are never as busy as other safari destinations such as Kenya. Temperatures can drop to 14°C / 57°F at night.

A lioness with her cubs lazing in the mid-day sun in the Serengeti National Park

If you want to see baby animals and the related big cat activity then January and February are your best best as the wildebeests are calving in Southern Serengeti which attracts the big cats. November time is also excellent for big cats as other herbivores give birth around this time. Parks are also quiet in terms of tourists at this time of year making spotting easier although you do have to contend with denser vegetion.

Best Time to Visit Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Crater is great for safari all year round as most animals don’t migrate. The crater is probably one of the best opportunities you will have to spot the endangered black rhino in the world.

Visual guide showing the best time to visit Ngorongoro Crater is June to October or January and February

The best time to see lots of baby animals in a lush and green environment such as zebras and wildebeests is the beginning of the year.

If you want to see as many animals as possible, visibility is best in the long dry season between June and October.

Birdwatching is excellent all year round. However November to April sees the arrival of the migratory birds from Europe and North Africa. This time of year is also breeding season for the resident birds which allows you to see them with their beautiful plumage.

black rhino

The most spectacular landscape and flours are during the wet season. Lake Magadi’s higher water levels at this time draw in more flamingos.

There is usually afternoon showers in the short rainy season in November and December. However it’s quite easy to plan your safaris around the rain.

The heavy downpours in the long rainy season make safaris a little more challenging.

Ella McKendrick Ngorongoro Crater

Best Time to Visit Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park is is part of Tanzania’s Northern safari circuit and is famous for its huge elephant population, rare tree climbing lions, massive red termite mounds, diverse birdlife and ancient baobab trees.

The best time to visit Tarangire National park is during the long dry season from late June to October. Migratory herds arrive in search of water due to the depleting water supplies which encourage animals to congregate around Tarangire River and the swamps of the river valley. Mosquitos and flies are at their lowest levels of the year so the risk of malaria is at its lowest too.

Local guides still recommend visiting at any time of year as the park always has something to offer.

Visual guide showing the best time to visit Tarangire is June to October.

Tarangire’s migratory herds such as the Elephants, oryx and gerenuk, leave the park animals move up into the Masaai steppe during the short wet season in November and return at the start of the long dry season in June.

Elephants in Tarangire National Park

There is some unpredictability in terms of the exact arrival and departure dates of the migratory herds. If the long wet season finishes early then the migratory heads come to the park earlier and leave earlier. Conversely if the long rains finish late then the migratory herds arrive at the park late and leave later.

The shorts rains usually start around mid-October and breath life into the park. Many animals start giving birth to babies, vegetation turns a vibrant green and flours bloom. You will be able to see the resident animals such as antelopes and buffaloes.

Bird watching is at its best in the wet season when the migratory birds are present.

The most challenging time to visit is during the long rains in March, April and May as there are regular heavy downpours normally in the afternoon.

Impala and a Baboon in Tarangire National Park

Best Time to Visit Lake Manyara National Park

Due to lake Manyara expanding and flooding surrounding areas in recent years, the park is not as great as it once was. However, it’s still worth a visit as you can go on a traditional boat on the lake, and see game such as lions and elephants in the park.

The best time to visit Lake Manyara National Park is the same as the Serengeti with June to October being the best time.

Fortunately the best times to go on safari in Tanzania correspond perfectly with the best times to visit Zanzibar. These are the long dry season from June to October and the short dry season from January to February.

Mafia Island, Zanzibar

The best time to visit Tanzania for the wildebeest migration is late July to September when millions of Wilderbeasts cross the crocodile-infested mara river in the north of the Serengeti.

Other great migration events include:

Wildebeest migration and calving in the Southern Serengeti from January to mid-March.

Wildebeests crossing the Grumeti river as part of the great migration on Tanzania Western Corridor from May to July.

Wildebeests crossing back over the Mara river to the Kenya side around mid-Oct to mid-November.

Mara River crossing, Northern Serengeti

Kilimanjaro is made of various bands with the top being the Uhuru Peak which is always extremely cold. Visiting during the warmer periods makes the peak slightly less cold vs other times of year.

Visual guide showing the best time to visit Kilimanjaro is December to March or June to October if you don't mind it being slightly cooler.

The best time for hiking Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is actually very similar to the best time to visit Tanzania for safari and also Zanzibar. The best times is January to March which is the short dry period and the first 1/2 month of the long rains and mid-June to mid-October which is the long dry period and the first half month of the short rains.

Of these two fantastic periods for climbing Kilimanjaro, January to mid-March is the very best as the weather is slightly warmer compared to the later period.

The best time of year to visit Tanzania for bird watching is November onwards when the migratory birds from Europe and other parts of Africa start to arrive all the way through to April.

During January through to April Resident birds breed and have best plumage

It’s worth noting that birdwatching is fantastic throughout the whole year in Tanzania.

Marabou stork - a large wading bird

Tanzania is not the cheapest safari destination so if you budget is really tight you might prefer to look at cheaper safari destinations such as Kenya. If however, you have your heart set on Tanzania and I completely understand why that might be the case, the cheapest time to visit would be during the long rains from March to April.

Typically most of the rain fall in the afternoon so you can usually schedule morning game drives to avoid the rain. Whilst many of the accommodations in the south close over this period, the more popular northen accommodations typically stay open and offer lower rates.

Eland in Tarangire National Park

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Ultimate 7-10 Day Tanzania Safari Itinerary & Costs

Ultimate 5 Day Tanzania Safari Itineraries & Costs (6 unique Itineraries)

Perfect 3 Day Tanzania Safari Itinerary & Costs

Tanzania Safari Cost – Everything You Need to Know!

Tanzania in January: Weather, Tips and More

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  • Tanzania Tours

Your Safari

Tour length, rates in usd $ – change currency, starting from.

  • Arusha (3377)
  • Zanzibar (461)
  • Moshi (448)
  • Dar es Salaam (282)
  • Nairobi (139)
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  • Gorilla trekking (24)
  • Photographic safaris (5)
  • Mountain climbing (460)
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  • Chimp trekking (17)
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  • Cycling safaris (10)
  • Canoe safaris (2)
  • Horseback safaris (1)
  • Birding tours (2)
  • Accessible safaris (0)
  • Golf & Wildlife (2)

Other Tour Features

  • Airport transfer is included (4,697)
  • Itinerary can be customized (4,151)

Filter by Operator

Filter by accommodation, operators from.

  • Kenya (279)
  • South Africa (31)
  • Tanzania (4,359)
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Tanzania Safari - Compare 4,764 Tours

Tanzania is one of Africa’s top safari destinations. The wildlife viewing is out of this world and big cats are especially easy to see. All members of the Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo) can be found in various Tanzanian parks and reserves, and all five are present in the Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park. Almost 40% of the country is protected and set aside for conservation, which means that it’s easy to go on a Tanzania safari for 2 full weeks and drive from park to park while rarely leaving the bush.

7-Day Experience Big Five Safari in Tanzania

7-Day Experience Big Five Safari in Tanzania

$2,092 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Arusha (End)

Full Package Adventures   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  61 Reviews

11-Day Serengeti and Zanzibar Safari

11-Day Serengeti and Zanzibar Safari

$3,905 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Foothills of Mt Kilimanjaro, Tarangire NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP, Zanzibar (End)

Safari Soles   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  246 Reviews

7-Day Honeymoon Safari Adventure - Mid-Range

7-Day Honeymoon Safari Adventure - Mid-Range

$2,019 to $2,057 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Kilimanjaro Airport (End)

Kale Voyage Expedition   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  14 Reviews

6-Day Majestic Tanzania - Mid-Range

6-Day Majestic Tanzania - Mid-Range

$2,650 to $3,340 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Lake Manyara NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

Unlimited Expeditions: The Soul of Tanzania   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  438 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

6-Day Mid-Luxury Highlights of Tanzania

$2,657 to $2,987 pp (USD)

Lion King Adventures   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  1018 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

14-Day Combine Serengeti Safari -Zanzibar Beach Holidays

$7,698 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Lake Manyara NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Ngorongoro Highlands, Central Serengeti, Tarangire NP, Stone Town (Zanzibar) , Zanzibar (Beach) , Zanzibar Airport (End)

Gosheni Safaris Africa   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  418 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

10-Day Unforgettable Safari in Tanzania

$3,890 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Lake Manyara NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP, Lake Natron, Karatu District, Kilimanjaro Airport (End)

Savannah Explorers   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  485 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

7-Day Mid Range Tour to Serengeti Wildebeest Migration

$2,310 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Kilimanjaro Airport (End)

Meru Slopes Tours & Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  306 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

8-Day Northern Tanzania Safari & Zanzibar Island

$2,589 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Zanzibar (Beach) , Zanzibar Airport (End)

Brilliant Adventures and Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  54 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

11-Day Northern Tanzania Safari and Zanzibar

$7,723 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Lake Manyara NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP, Zanzibar (End)

Tour operator has an office in United States

4.9 /5  –  149 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

6-Day Authentic Luxury Safari

$2,860 to $3,493 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Highlands, Lake Manyara NP, Arusha (End)

5.0 /5  –  359 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

6-Day Tanzania Wildlife and Culture Experience Safari

$2,145 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Shared tour (max 7 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

Migration Venture Africa   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.8 /5  –  316 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

6-Day Midrange Private Safari

$1,870 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

Serengeti Wakanda Tours and Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  474 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

9-Day Spectacular Tanzania Safari

$2,640 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Lake Manyara NP, Lake Natron, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Highlands, Ngorongoro Crater, Mto wa Mbu (Town) , Arusha (End)

Safari360   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  104 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

5-Day Unforgettable Luxury Safari in Tanzania Wilderness

$2,442 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Lodge

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP, Lake Manyara NP, Arusha (End)

Habitat Adventures Travel   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  37 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

5-Day Budget Safari to Tanzania

$1,100 to $1,210 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Shared tour (max 6 people per vehicle) Budget Camping & Lodge

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Central Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

EATL Tour Company   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  9 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

4-Day Drive & Fly Back Safari Serengeti

$1,820 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP, Arusha (End)

Paradise & Wilderness   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  130 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

6-Day Four Season Lodge Safari Special to Best Parks

$3,729 to $4,716 pp (USD)

Tanzania Roadside Expeditions   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  250 Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

10-Day Exclusive Tanzania Safari with Zanzibar

$3,126 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Tarangire NP, Stone Town (Zanzibar) , Zanzibar (Beach) , Zanzibar Airport (End)

Tanzania Wildheart Adventures   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

safari tanzania ottobre

7-Day Best of the Wild Luxury Safari

$3,522 to $3,553 pp (USD)

Kilimanjaro Adventure Safari Club   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  147 Reviews

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  • Tanzania Safaris for Families
  • Serengeti Tours
  • Kilimanjaro Hiking Tours
  • Tanzania Safari & Zanzibar
  • Ngorongoro Crater Tours
  • Selous Safaris
  • Ruaha Safari Packages

8 Questions About Tanzania Safaris

Philip Briggs

Answered by

Philip briggs.

safari tanzania ottobre

When is the best time to visit Tanzania?

“A Tanzania safari can be booked throughout the year, but the best time depends on your interests. If seeing the wildebeest migration is the main focus of your visit, you will have to plan carefully. June to October is the best period to see the migration in the Serengeti, but you’ll have to stay in different areas of the park at different stages of the migration, and as this all depends on the rain, this isn’t completely dependable. If you want to get away from the crowds, you should book your accommodation in the Serengeti away from the wildebeest migration. The wettest months are March to May, and any safari might be compromised at this time.”

Why visit Tanzania, what are the major attractions?

“Tanzania is the quintessential safari destination, offering both quality and quantity. The wildlife viewing is superb and there is just so much choice in terms of places to visit and things to do. In fact, it would be hard to experience all of the highlights even in three Tanzania holidays, let alone one. There are three distinct safari circuits: the most popular Northern safari circuit includes famous places such as the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. The lesser-known Southern circuit centers on Nyerere National Park (formerly Selous Game Reserve) and Ruaha National Park. The off-the-beaten-track Western circuit includes Katavi National Park and the chimpanzee reserves on the shore of Lake Tanganyika. Avid mountain climbers might be surprised to learn the highest peak in Africa is in Tanzania. Mt Kilimanjaro lies between Kenya and Tanzania but is climbed from the Tanzanian side.”

How much does a Tanzania safari cost?

“Tanzania tours are not geared toward big groups. The best way to see the parks is on a bespoke safari for two or four people who book together as a family or group of friends, though that obviously comes at a price. You should budget a starting price of US$500 per person per day, but it is difficult to put a specific figure on a trip, as a lot of variables need to be taken into account. For example, camping safaris are generally cheaper than lodge safaris. Conversely, the Serengeti and some other parks in the Northern circuit have big hotels that are much cheaper than the small, exclusive lodges and tented camps – although the latter are often more basic. The season makes a big difference too. Discounted rates apply if you are willing to travel in the rainy season, while you’ll pay a premium to visit during the height of the wildebeest migration.”

How is the wildlife viewing in Tanzania?

“The wildlife viewing in Tanzania is superb. A Tanzania safari in the Northern circuit takes in Lake Manyara and Tarangire National Parks, the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater. Any of these parks offer fantastic game viewing, although some of it is seasonal. Doing the whole circuit enhances the experience as you’ll be going through a variety of habitats and environments. Due to the sizes of the parks, it is possible to get away from the crowds, but as the Northern circuit is the most popular circuit, you will be surrounded by other tourists at times. If you really want to get away from all that, you can visit the Southern circuit, where the game viewing is slightly more challenging but very good all the same. This circuit is perhaps more suited to repeat Africa visitors who are less driven to tick off the Big Five.”

How safe is Tanzania for tourists?

“Tanzania has a slick and experienced tourist industry, and a Tanzanian safari overall is very safe. That said, there is a lot of petty crime in big cities such as Dar es Salaam, so walking around alone isn’t recommended. Tourists sometimes get targeted in Arusha and other urban tourist hot spots, but most of the time the hassle is benign and is really just touts wanting to sell things (anything from safaris to beaded necklaces). Being firm and standing your ground is usually all it takes to diffuse any situation. In any case, most people on Tanzanian tours don’t spend very much (or any) time in urban centers, so none of this is likely to be a concern.”

How do I select a reliable Tanzanian tour operator?

“Tanzania is a popular African safari destination and many large reputable operators working in Africa sell Tanzanian holidays. Most operators offer pretty much the same packages and the differences will mostly lie in the quality of the guides and vehicles. If you have a special interest, you might want to do some research and look for operators catering to that; for example, some packages are more geared toward walking safaris or fly camping (where the whole camp gets set up for you at a special private campsite). You can compare Tanzania safari prices and packages on SafariBookings.com. Always read the reviews as they will give you a good indication of reliability and the quality of the guides.”

What type of accommodation can I expect?

“The safari industry in Tanzania is well established and there is a good variety of accommodation on offer. Going with an outfitter offering comfortable camping safaris is not only the most budget-friendly way to travel, but it also adds to the sense of adventure. If real camping isn’t your thing, but you like the romance of tented accommodation, there are tented camps (with actual beds and flushing toilets inside) offering different levels of luxury. For those visitors that prefer to spend their evenings in less of a bush environment, there are hotels that provide a total disconnect from the countryside, which also means less chance of creepy-crawlies in your room. The current trend, however, is toward exclusive designer lodges blending into the environment and offering an unparalleled level of luxury and service. The sky is the limit!”

What can I expect from a safari in Tanzania?

“When on a Tanzania tour, you can expect an experience of a lifetime – or maybe the first of many more to come. Once the safari bug has bitten, people tend to return over and over again to experience the African bush. It is hard to stay away for too long. Tanzania is the perfect destination for first-time safaris as the wildlife viewing and African landscapes in the Northern circuit are all you could hope for, and more. Tanzania is also the perfect destination for repeat visitors, as your first visit won’t even scratch the surface of the touring options. Seasoned African safari enthusiasts will enjoy some of the more remote parks, with different animals such as African wild dogs in the Southern circuit and chimpanzees in the west.”

Tanzania Safari Reviews

safari tanzania ottobre

Mark is a travel writer who grew up in Africa and has written over 700 titles for Condé Nast Traveller, Travel Africa, BBC Wildlife and others.

As a safari destination Tanzania has it all!

Tanzania as a safari destination has it all. If this is your first safari and your ambition is to get some amazing sightings and rack up the big 5 as soon as possible, then Ngorongoro Crater is probably the best place in the world to do...

Full Review

safari tanzania ottobre

Mary is an acclaimed travel writer and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including South Africa, Tanzania, East Africa and Africa.

Tanzania – Classic African Safari Destination

Few areas of the continent offer the amount, variety and accessibility of wildlife that Tanzania does, against such a scenic backdrop. Wildlife is abundant, species diversity excellent, and evocative acacia- and baobab-studded landscapes...


Unforgettable Experience

I had an amazing safari adventure with Tanzania Pilgrimage Safaris, exploring Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Serengeti, and Tarangire National Parks. The knowledgeable guides made each stop unforgettable, from the vast plains of Ngorongoro...


Absolutely loved my day safari at Mikumi Park! It was a one-day trip from Dar es Salaam, and it exceeded all expectations. Huge thanks to the agency for their flexibility and accommodating all our special requests, like starting the tour at...



Our safari was great. At the airport, after resolving a few small problems, we were picked up by the driver and taken to Arusha to a good hotel to spend the night and agree on the Safari that would start the next day. We had booked the...


Beautiful Country

My daughter and I did a 3 day fly in fly out from Zanzibar. You get the island experience in Zanzibar with beautiful beaches and Stonetown. When you hit the Serengeti it is such a special place, the Crater is another totally different...

APRIL SALE:   Book now and get   up to 60% off!

Tanzania Safari Packages

With the world-renowned Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater Tanzania is a magical place for a safari vacation. With 1395 safari packages from all major tour companies you're sure to find the perfect deal for you.

Best Tanzania safari tours based on 2,057 reviews

Tanzania Camping Adventure Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Tanzania Camping Adventure

Incredible adventure and organization. The staff, equipment, accommodation and food was spot on. Just exactly what was needed and wanted! Very friendly and knowledgeable staff, ensures everyone’s needs were accommodated. Perfect trip.

Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire (with Materuni waterfalls, coffee tour) - 6 Days Tour

Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire (with Materuni waterfalls, coffee tour) - 6 Days

Good The guides, food, and accommodations were amazing! Thank you very much our guide Abu and our chef Richard. In advance thank you very much Serengeti African Tours for making this experience the best of all moments I have ever had in this world. I am really happy also with the company coming at the Hotel to get feedbacks from the customers thank you very much Lucas for coming by the hotel for the feedbacks I appreciate.

Premium Tanzania Tour

Premium Tanzania

Serengeti Safari - (PRIVATE TRIP) Tour

  • Great Migration

Serengeti Safari - (PRIVATE TRIP)

Itenerary was perfect. OneSeed communication all along the way was excellent. I would highly recommend OneSeed as well as the Safari itinerary, the Zanzibar add-on itenerary and our guide Kazi. Trip of a lifetime was made possible by all of the above.

Big Five Luxury Safari in Tanzania **Sustainable Approach to Travel Tour

Big Five Luxury Safari in Tanzania **Sustainable Approach to Travel

Amazing trip! The big 5 and so much more!

Tanzania Safari Experience National Geographic Journeys Tour

Tanzania Safari Experience National Geographic Journeys

Moses as well as out driver Omega were truly wonderful. Friendly outgoing generous with their time. Informative. I can’t say enough. There was a little I’ll will between 2 of the travelors and Moses was exceptionally good at easing the problems and making everyone feel comfortable and happy in spite of them. The accommodations and the staff of the places we stayed were excellent

6 Days Tanzania Budget  Camping  Safari Tour

6 Days Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

This best of Kenya safari in Tents was my best experience.I really enjoyed the accommodations, meals and we saw a lot of animals including the BIG FIVE. Thanks to Exciting Africa Holidays Ltd for the great work.i will definitely use them again. Thank you for making us happy and satisfied .

6 Days Tanzania Wildlife Encounters Tour

6 Days Tanzania Wildlife Encounters

When you are in Australia and you want to plan a photo safari in Africa, you want a local person to talk to. You want this person to be knowledgeable, attentive to your wishes and needs, and reactive. Frank is all that. And when you are over there, you want the people taking care of you to be professional, ready to satisfy your specific demands (I'm an amateur photographer) and friendly. My driver/guide Donath was all that. So I'm completely satisfy with this agency and I strongly recommend it.

5 Days Tanzania Enticing Explorations Tour

5 Days Tanzania Enticing Explorations

We were with Steppe Dogs Adventures for 5 days on safari in the Lake Manyara, Serengeti and the Ngorongoro crater. Our driver Joseph Mashine was one of the best you can ever find out in the bush. He drove us safely through all muddy waters while others got stuck. And he is a fantastic spotter. We could see with him all big 5 and above all the Serval cat which is a rarity on its own. The whole trip was perfectly organised and they found for us the perfect stays in the tented camps. As the non plus ultra they organised for us a balloon safari with the most experienced balloon pilot Paco. It was the once in a lifetime experience. 2 million wildebeests as far as you can see. Unbelievable. If you really want a safari out of the common tracks Joseph is the man. He managed to be on spots nobody was there. Asante sana Mashine.

5 Days Tanzania Budget Safari Tour

5 Days Tanzania Budget Safari

A wish that has come true I did the safari with my wife and a couple friends. From the first contact to the end everything was super organized and you felt safe in every situation. Every staff member on this tour was very accommodating and not only took care of everything for us, but also put a smile on our faces. It has always been a dream of mine to get to know the heart of Africa and my dream was fulfilled by our tour guide Aboh. His 10 years of experience was felt in every moment. Chasing the Bug Five, he told us everything about the nature, the animals and the land. We could not have had a better man at our side. In addition, the luxury camp in the Serengeti Park is absolute madness. The quality is outstanding and unforgettable. The private dinner is incredibly romantic. I can only recommend to everyone to do this tour.

5 Days Big Five Tanzania Camping Safari  ( Tarangire, Serengeti National Park  and Ngorongoro Conservation Area ) (all accommodation and transport are included) Tour

5 Days Big Five Tanzania Camping Safari ( Tarangire, Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area ) (all accommodation and transport are included)

On our trip to Tanzania, my friend and I were fortunate to have Gerald of Spider tours and safaris as our guide for 5 days. He truly made our visit special. We visited Lake Manyara, Ngorogoro Crater and the Nduto Migration Camp. Gerald did his very best to be sure we had enough time to enjoy both the magnificent scenery and the spectacular wildlife. He taught us many words in Swahili and a song! When our flight home was cancelled requiring an extended time in thr Arusha area, we requested Gerald as our guide for that time. The behind-the-scenes staff at Spider tours and safaris had everything smoothly arranged for our lodging and the required COVID testing so we could return home. I don't think you can go wrong if you select them for your trip.
  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

8 Days 7 Nights Kilimanjaro Trecking Tour Via Lemosho Route Tour

  • Hiking & Trekking

8 Days 7 Nights Kilimanjaro Trecking Tour Via Lemosho Route

Top tour for top of Africa

Simba Safari, Tanganyika Wilderness Camps Tour

Simba Safari, Tanganyika Wilderness Camps

Serengeti Safari & Zanzibar Tour

Serengeti Safari & Zanzibar

The Safari itself is the Highlight of this tour. Zanzibar was an extra.

5-Days 4 Nights Lodge   Safari Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater & Lake Manyara Tour

5-Days 4 Nights Lodge Safari Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater & Lake Manyara

Migration Venture Africa organized an five -day safari trip to Tarangire, Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. Our whole experience was wonderful, and I will be telling all my family and friends about them. It was first class service from the moment we landed in Tanzania to our departure. The game drives with Moses were action filled because he knew all the great spots visited by wildlife, patient to let us enjoy the encounters to satisfaction and also taught us a lot about the animals and Tanzania in general. Lodges and camps selected for the trip were great. Great food, comfortable and excellent service were the hallmark of the trip. Look no further than Migration Venture Africa for remarkable Tanzania safaris
  • 5% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Tanzania Safari Tour Reviews

The safari to Tarangire, Serengeti, and Ngorongoro Crater and Conservation Area was excellent. The guide, Lewis, was quite knowledgeable, the accommodation better than other camp sites, and the meals very delicious. It also helped that we saw all five of the Big 5! In addition, we saw baby elephants rolling about in the mud, a pack of spotted hyena dealing with a carcass, and a male and female lion attempting to mate. Lake Manyara was a little disappointing because the heavy rains had stirred up the mud in the water and discouraged the birds from feeding there. I also felt that the guide was not as informative as Lewis. The visit to Materuni Falls was good although very muddy because of the wet weather. The food was excellent and the coffee tour very lively and entertaining.
After a Kili climb we went on Safari. The arrangements at the lodges and the experience of our guide, Peter, made the trip memorable and unforgettable. We recommend using Oneseed for Safari and letting them take care of all of the plans from a hot air balloon ride to birthday celebration. It was a wonderful experience all the way around. We so treasure the trip and seeing the animals in their natural environment.

Safari Tours

  • Wildlife (539)
  • Big Five (194)
  • Great Migration (137)
  • Honeymoon Safari (6)

National Park

  • Tarangire National Park (128)
  • Serengeti National Park (71)
  • Ngorongoro National Park (61)
  • Selous Game Reserve (32)
  • Mikumi National Park (14)
  • Ruaha National Park (11)

Regions in Tanzania

  • Northern Circuit Tanzania (1093)
  • Tarangire National Park (130)
  • Serengeti National Park (83)
  • Ngorongoro National Park (70)
  • Southern Circuit Tanzania (40)
  • Selous Game Reserve (33)
  • Mount Kilimanjaro (24)
  • Mikumi National Park (18)
  • Mount Meru (15)
  • Zanzibar (12)

Travel Styles

  • 10 Best Safaris in December 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in August 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in January 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in November 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in October 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in September 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in July 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in June 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in May 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in April 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in March 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Safaris in February 2024/2025
  • 10 Best Luxury African Safari Tours 2024/2025
  • Tanzania Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • Best Time to Travel To Tanzania 2024/2025



Everything you need to know before going on safari in Tanzania

I recently returned from Tanzania, a country I didn’t necessarily have on the bucket list, but which surprised me very much, mainly due to the five-day safari experience. I’ve been on a safari in Yala Park in Sri Lanka , but it doesn’t compare.

I activated my adventurous spirit in a safari through the most important safari parks in Tanzania . Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and Lake Manyara are the four places where I managed to complete the mission that probably any traveler who arrives on these lands has: to see THE BIG FIVE.


things to know before safari in Tanzania

The four nights spent in the middle of the wilderness made me exclaim Hakuna Matata! No worries, you won’t become a meal for the lions . I also visited a tribe of Maasai, I learned everything about coffee, and I have many stories to tell that will soon make their place on the blog.

It’s time to start with the first one, more precisely, an extensive list of questions and answers I asked myself when I organized this adventure.

I didn’t find everything you need to know before going on safari in Tanzania then, so I challenged myself to do this for those of you who want to have this experience in Tanzania.

What I use every time I travel:

  • To book hotels: Booking.com
  • To book tours:  GetYourGuide.com

things to know before safari in Tanzania

wildebeest in Serengeti

Some essential things to know about Tanzania

With an area of 947,000 square kilometers, Tanzania is one of the largest countries in East Africa. The capital of Tanzania is Dodoma , although the largest city is Dar es Salaam .

Famous for the perfect national parks for safaris and the beaches bathed by the Indian Ocean and the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro, we can say that Tanzania is a destination that is well worth visiting. 

Even though the official language is Swahili, most people can also speak and understand English, especially those who work in the tourism industry. So, conversations should not be a problem if you decide to come here.

And if we talk about Swahili, you have to remember the following basic expressions:

  • Jambo! – Hello!
  • Karibu! – Welcome
  • Asante Sana! – Thank you!

things to know before safari in Tanzania

zebras and wildebeest drinking water from a river in the Serengeti

Do you need a visa for Tanzania?

In general, tourists need a visa to enter Tanzania; you can get the visa online ten days before your flight or get the visa on arrival.

The visa costs $50, but for Romanian citizens, it is free due to an old and close friendship between Ceausescu, the former ruler of Romania, and Julius Nyerere, the former president of Tanzania.

Why choose Tanzania as a safari destination in Africa

There are many reasons why Tanzania is a great safari option . First of all, the diversity of animals is enormous. Hundreds of animal species, including the big five (buffalo, rhino, lion, elephant, and leopard), but also vast herds of zebras and wildebeest, cross the endless plains of Serengeti every day.

Secondly, the vegetation seen in the documentaries on National Geographic and Animal Planet will surely delight you. You will see acacia and baobab trees everywhere you look, and they are amazing.

Ngorongoro Crater is a unique place on earth, formed more than 2 million years ago, when a volcano erupted and collapsed on itself. The scenery is dreamy, and the road from the top of the crater to the bottom looks pretty damn good. It is also where you are most likely to see the black rhino.

Unlike other African countries, Tanzania is relatively safe in all respects, which is a good enough reason to choose it.

READ ALSO: Best time to visit Zanzibar

things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

stopping point in Ngorongoro Crater

How to choose the safari company

There are several ways to choose the safari company for your trip to Tanzania. Either ask your acquaintances who have already gone through this experience and were satisfied, or search on Facebook groups (at a simple search on Tanzania safari keywords, you should discover a few), or read travel blogs or consult some specialty sites.

I tried all the above options until I made a final decision, and that’s because I wanted to make sure it was the best choice, especially since it’s not a cheap trip at all. Although you can go on safari with a slightly lower budget, being the first time I was going on safari for five days, I chose comfort.

Of all the methods to search for the company, the most efficient was the specialized websites. They are actually a kind of search engine that brings together all companies and their offers. Therefore, I recommend going to either bookallsafaris.com or safaribookings.com.

Put some filters to sift the results, then look carefully at each offer. My suggestion is to keep at least three options in mind and send a message to each company to request a quote and tell them what you want.

Everything can be customized: budget, itinerary, and the type of accommodation you want. You can even opt for luxury accommodation on one of the nights, while you can stay in the tent the other nights. It all depends on personal preferences and the budget allocated to this experience.

We chose Gosheni Safaris, a highly rated company with a lot of experience, and we were pretty satisfied.

things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

car stuck in the mud in the Serengeti, next to a lion pride

How many days do you need for a safari in Tanzania?

Tanzania is one of the best countries globally when it comes to safaris and the opportunity to observe wild animals in their natural habitat. Some of the great parks of Africa are in this country, and the most popular are Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and Tarangire.

The sizes of these parks are enormous, as well as the distances between them. You have to spend at least three days to see a little of each. And if you want to have extensive experience, then five days would be ideal.

The sky is the limit for those with a bigger budget and passion for this type of travel. Our guide told us that some people prefer to stay even for a month, although rarely happens. Most are satisfied with 5-10 days.

We chose the option of 4 nights, respectively, five days. I must mention that the four nights were inside the parks; they do not include the two nights spent in Arusha.

We had enough time to explore Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and Lake Manyara during the five days, precisely in this order. Although, if I were to go again, I would give up on one of them.

things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

Do you need vaccines and other medical treatments before the safari in Tanzania?

Only if you come from Kenya, Uganda , Rwanda, or Burundi the yellow fever vaccine becomes mandatory and must be presented to the authorities.

Otherwise, it’s only recommended. There are also other vaccines you could take for this type of trip, but a doctor would inform you better than me.

The same goes for malaria. You can take medical treatment before and during the trip, as far as I know, but it is best to ask a doctor. I have no medical studies; I’m just telling you that they are not mandatory for Tanzania and that the level of caution remains at everyone’s choice.

What you must have are sprays against mosquitoes and Tsetse flies. There are many, and they can be dangerous, so you should apply and reapply DEET sprays throughout the day for high protection.

READ ALSO: 50 amazing facts about Maasai Tribes

things to know before safari in Tanzania

acacia trees and baobabs

How safe is this experience?

Throughout the days spent both on safari and in Tanzania in general, I never felt in danger. As long as you take your protection measures, use the sprays I keep insisting on, sun protection and do not consume tap water, you should be fine.

The animals can’t attack you as long as you listen to the guide’s instructions and don’t get out of the car and don’t walk outside from the campsite.

This is pretty much all you need to know before going on safari in Tanzania about safety.

things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

buffalos in Ngorongoro

How much does it cost to go on safari in Tanzania?

When it comes to costs, no matter how relative things are, going on safari in Tanzania is not cheap. Several factors contribute to the final price.

The main criteria would be the number of days, the type of accommodation, the plane tickets, choosing a private or group tour, and the company you collaborate with.

For example, a classic 4-day safari includes a visit to the three popular parks: Tarangire, Ngorongoro, and Serengeti. Well, prices can start at just under $ 1000 per person, this without including plane tickets, and you would have to stay probably in regular tents, without too many facilities.

On the other hand, you should share the same safari car with strangers, if you don’t come with a group of friends. This can be interesting and fun or vice versa. It depends on what kind of people you meet there. If you want to stick to a relatively small budget, it may be worth the compromise.

On the other hand, there is the luxury version, with 5-star premium accommodation, with an infinity pool right next to the elephants. I am convinced that you have seen these kinds of safari pictures on Instagram.

Such a very Instagrammable accommodation would be Four Seasons Serengeti . Besides this accommodation type, you will have delicious and quality food, drinks, and snacks during the game drive and a private tour. Such an experience exceeds a budget of around $ 4000 per person.

At the same time, there is the middle option. This option includes a private tour and excellent accommodation in lodges or tented lodges. The rooms are big and comfortable, have non-stop water and electricity, and a chef who is cooking for you.

Even the lunch taken in the parks is also prepared by the chefs here, and the food is warm. This option comes with prices starting at $ 1500 and can go up to $ 3000 for a four-day trip. In the picture is the accommodation I stayed for two nights in Serengeti, Acacia Serengeti Luxury Camp.

things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

Acacia Serengeti Luxury Camp

Also worth mentioning is tips, a common custom throughout Tanzania. Even in the contract, it appears specified, and it is not insignificant at all. It is highly recommended that the tips be around $ 15-20 per person for each day of safari.

Tips are also expected at the accommodation units, from the chefs, receptionists, and people who carry your luggage. I’m not saying it’s bad or good.

Indeed, those people work and deserve to be paid, but I consider it an important detail that you need to know before going on safari in Tanzania. However, is rarely mentioned on other blogs. In short, you can expect an extra cost that can reach several hundred dollars.

The perfect safari itinerary in Tanzania

I told you earlier that I would eliminate one of the four places I visited. Well, this is Lake Manyara. Although it should be famous for flamingos and lions climbing trees, not only did I not see any of it, but I saw almost nothing in general.

I must specify that 90% of the roads inside the park were under renovation, which turned the trip into an ordeal. Vast piles of soil were placed in the middle of the road, and our guide slalomed between them.

I thought that we would flip at some point, but fortunately, it did not happen. Thank you, Zadock, for your driving skills!

Lake Manyara - things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

Lake Manyara, Tanzania

In my opinion, the park should have been completely closed to complete the works because it was a lost day for us anyway. The only animals we managed to see were a few baboons, elephants, and a mini herd of zebras.

Therefore, the ideal safari itinerary in Tanzania, from my point of view, would include a day in Tarangire, two in Serengeti and two in Ngorongoro, beautiful parks abounding in animals and savannah vegetation, with beautiful baobabs, dwarf shrubs, and acacia trees.

And if you have several days, you can add Nyerere and Ruaha, located further south.

lion sleeping on a rock in Serengeti - things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

an elephant and her cub

What to wear on safari

From a chromatic point of view, the only colors you should avoid when it comes to a safari outfit are blue, black, and very bright and intense colors, which stand out far too quickly.

It is ideal for wearing environmentally friendly colors, beige, brown, cream, white, and savannah green or animal and vegetable prints.

The materials should be as comfortable as possible and cover as much of the body as possible. It would be preferable to wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun and necessarily sunglasses.

I will write an article dedicated to how I chose to dress in the safari, but now I leave you with two pictures as an idea until then. The same advice applies to both women and men.

safari outfit - things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

The best time to go on safari in Tanzania

The best time to visit this wonderful part of Tanzania depends on the season and the density of the animals.

The climate in Tanzania is divided into two major seasons: the dry season and the wet season. If you want to avoid the rains, but have slightly drier vegetation, then it is best to go in June – October.

If your goal is to witness the great migration in Serengeti, you will be able to do this best between June and August.

But if you want to have bigger chances of seeing the animal cubs, most of them are born at the beginning of the year, January-February. However, you could still have opportunities to see them at other times of the year.

Summarizing all the criteria, I would say that the best time for a safari in Tanzania is June-July. While probably the worst, because there is a lot of heavy rain, is March-April.

things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

What to pack for a safari in Tanzania

The one thing in planning the trip that gave me some headaches was the luggage. It’s not my favorite thing to do, regardless of the trip, but especially this time.

First of all, make sure you add some mosquito sprays that contain DEET in a high percentage. Then don’t forget any medications you may need or use regularly. If you have them on the recipe, be sure to add the recipe as well.

Sun protection is also mandatory, considering that you will spend even 12 hours a day in the car, and you will not be protected from the intense rays of the sun, regardless of the month you arrive here.

Given the situation we are still in, bring hand sanitizer and antibacterial wet wipes. Of course, these may be necessary regardless.

Put in your luggage a hat, a scarf, sunglasses, a camera with a lens suitable for safaris, comfortable shoes, and light outfits, which look good in pictures. You should add binoculars, but you better ask beforehand if your guide has and can offer you.

Let’s not forget the adapters. It is unclear what kind of sockets are used in Tanzania because I have come across three different types. So it is best to take some universal adapters with you.

Don’t forget the battery for the camera, although I give you good news: there are sockets in the car!

 things to know before going on a safari in Tanzania

giraffes in Serengeti

On which airport you should land for safaris in Tanzania

You have two options. Either you land at Kilimanjaro International Airport or the domestic airport in Arusha. Safari usually starts in Arusha, being closer to the main parks.

So if you don’t plan to climb the mountain, it would be best to land here and stay at a hotel in the city, to start the safari the following day.

However, the distance from Kilimanjaro airport to Arusha is not very long, only one hour and a half. Regardless of where you land, Arusha or Kilimanjaro, you can agree with the safari operator to offer you transport to the hotel. In general, it’s included in the price.

things to know before safari in Tanzania

Arusha airport

things to know before safari in Tanzania

What animals can you see on a safari in Tanzania?

In general, anyone embarking on this adventure has big expectations about the big five. My advice is not to have any expectations and to be surprised. Surely the wildness of these parks will amaze you in several episodes.

As for the five most sought-after animals, the chances are pretty high to meet them all, but nothing is guaranteed. We had the opportunity to see them, noting that we could only see the rhino through binoculars, about a kilometer away.

Even so, I think the experience was a success. I saw thousands of zebras, several species of antelopes, hundreds of elephants, giraffes, buffalo, flamingos and other splendid birds, cheetahs, leopards, lions, baboons, hippos, mongooses, and many more.

lion eating in Serengeti - things to know before safari in Tanzania

a lion finishing his lunch in Serengeti (wildebeest)

What are the must-see safari places in Tanzania?

I think I have already mentioned places that you should not miss, but of course, you can always add more destinations in this incredible country, with so much to offer.

For example, I would have liked to see some waterfalls because I know some really wow, but time did not allow us. On a future visit, I would probably include the waterfalls, along with Mount Kilimanjaro or even Meru.

Also, I encourage you to visit at least one Masaai tribe. The things you will learn from them are fascinating. The experience is an extra cost, but it is worth all the money.

It usually costs about $ 50. If you can, give the children some presents, either school props or juices and sweets. Their reaction will fill your soul with joy!

rhinos in Ngorongoro - things to know before safari in Tanzania

two black rhinos in the distance

Types of accommodation on a safari in Tanzania

Even if you are in the middle of animals and you probably imagine that such an experience has nothing to do with luxury and comfort, find out that you’re mistaken. There are many types of safari accommodations, and among them are some super luxurious.

To summarize, the types of safari accommodations in Tanzania are of three kinds:

  • Tent (camping) – is the most basic, comfort is minimal, and I suppose everyone knows what a simple tent looks like. A big plus here is the adrenaline
  • Tented lodge – is a more advanced tent, with electricity, water, even a large bathroom. At such an accommodation I stayed in 3 of the four nights. The tented lodge can be economy or luxury, depending on how it looks and other facilities it offers
  • Lodge – a lodge built of stone, wood, and other materials used in a house or hotel. Lodges are luxury or luxury plus. I stayed at a lodge near Ngorongoro Crater, called Farm House. I must mention that it was my favorite accommodation of the three

things to know before safari in Tanzania

What food is served in safari?

All tours offered by companies that organize safaris in Tanzania offer three meals a day, and some also provide snacks between meals, including water, coffee, tea, and beverages. The cars are equipped with refrigerators so that the drinks stay cold.

The three main meals are generally prepared by the accommodations where you will stay.

Breakfast and dinner are served at the accommodation and lunch somewhere along the route, generally in specially designed spaces. There are places in the safari where several cars gather at about the same time.

If I may say so, the most “crowded” place was in the viewpoint near the Tarangire River, where there are several groups of baboons that will continue to struggle to steal food.

As much as you love animals and want to feed them from your lunch, you won’t be allowed to do that because they need to keep their wild nature.

things to know before safari in Tanzania

dinner at Tarangire Luxury Camp

Can you do the safari on your own?

Yes, you can go on safari on your own, but I would not recommend that. Even if you have experience because you’ve been before, I find it much more comfortable, safe, and advantageous to go on safari with a specialized company.

The guides are prepared for this and have years of experience behind them. They know better than anyone when and where to find animals and they communicate with each other through the station.

Sometimes, several cars meet around some lions, and this is not a coincidence. They frequently talk through the station and announce when they notice something worth seeing.

Even from financial criteria, I don’t think it’s an excellent choice to go on safari on your own. If you take a look at Booking and see what are the prices for one-night accommodation at the park lodges, you will see that the packages made by these companies still have significant financial advantages.

things to know before safari in Tanzania

Do you need health insurance for a safari in Tanzania?

If before it was somehow optional and only the most cautious of us used it, I think the time has come for medical insurance to become indispensable when it comes to travel. It could save us from many situations where we would have to pay money out of our own pockets if we didn’t have it.

Tanzania requires a test performed a maximum of 72 hours before entering the country. These are the rules at the time of writing, which may change in the meantime. Therefore, if the test is positive, the vacation is lost. Insurance would help you recover the money spent. This is just one example.

It is not mandatory, and the authorities will not ask you. But for our peace of mind, it’s good to have it.

When do you have to make the payment?

In my experience, you will have to pay a part of them a few days in advance. This part may vary from company to company. We were asked for 30%, and we would pay the total amount when we would meet them. You can pay both in cash and by card, both in Tanzanian shillings and dollars.

Salut, Multumesc ca ai impartasit experienta si ai oferit multe informatii utile. Cat a costat experienta cu safari? Toate cazarile ai fost de tip lux, sau doar cea din Ngorongoro?

La cat mai multe vacante, Aura

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Discover the Ultimate Safari Experience in Tanzania.

Embark on an unforgettable safari adventure with Tanzania Safari Deluxe, the premier choice for discerning travelers seeking the best safari experience in Tanzania. Our expertly curated safari itineraries offer unparalleled opportunities to explore the breathtaking landscapes and abundant wildlife of Tanzania’s most iconic national parks and reserves.


At Tanzania Safari Deluxe, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service and ensuring every aspect of your safari exceeds expectations. As a leading safari operator, we combine luxury accommodations, expert guides, and exclusive experiences to create tailor-made safari packages that cater to your every need and desire.

Whether you dream of witnessing the Great Migration in the Serengeti, encountering the Big Five in the Ngorongoro Crater, or embarking on a cultural safari to learn about the rich traditions of Tanzania’s indigenous tribes, Tanzania Safari Deluxe promises a safari experience like no other.

With a commitment to sustainability and conservation, we strive to minimize our environmental impact and support local communities. By choosing Tanzania Safari Deluxe, you not only experience the wonders of Tanzania’s wilderness but also contribute to the preservation of its natural heritage for future generations to enjoy.

Contact us today to start planning your dream safari adventure with Tanzania Safari Deluxe. Let us create memories that will last a lifetime.

Luxurious Accommodations

Immerse yourself in the lap of luxury with our carefully selected accommodations, ranging from exclusive lodges to deluxe tented camps. Each retreat is designed to complement the natural surroundings while providing a haven of comfort.

Customized Itineraries

Every traveler is unique, and so is their ideal safari. We specialize in creating personalized itineraries tailored to your preferences, ensuring that your journey through Tanzania is as unique as you are.

Expert Guides

Our team of knowledgeable and experienced guides is dedicated to making your safari not just a journey but an educational and immersive experience. They'll lead you to the best wildlife viewing spots and share insights into Tanzania's rich biodiversity.

Conservation Commitment

We are deeply committed to the conservation of Tanzania's wildlife and ecosystems. Travel with us and contribute to the preservation of this incredible natural heritage.

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

Meet the Team


Managing Director  & CEO

8 years of experience in the tourism industry as a Safari guide and Safari & trekking coordinator.


Sales and Marketing 

Deborah Emanuel

5 year experience as a Reservation officer and later Sales and Marketing Manager.


George Lyimo

French & English speaking safari guide  with 14 years experience in the field.


Benjamin Hosea

Spanish & Italian speaking safari guide  with 8 years experience in the field.


Joseph Tilya

Germany & English speaking safari guide with 8 years experience in the field.

"Our Tanzania Safari Deluxe experience exceeded all expectations. The attention to detail, the comfort of our accommodations, and the thrill of seeing wildlife in their natural habitat made this journey truly unforgettable."

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15735 Arusha

+255 745002060 +255 768555510

Opening Hours

07:30 am – 00:30 am

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Five of the Best Safari Itineraries in Tanzania

safari tanzania ottobre

 Michal Venera/ Getty Images

One of the  best safari destinations  on the African continent, Tanzania is home to a slew of world-famous game reserves — including the iconic Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area . In particular, it is known for the Great Migration, an annual event that sees vast herds of wildebeest and zebra travel between their ancestral grazing and mating grounds in Tanzania and Kenya. 

A Tanzanian safari ranks highly on many people's bucket list. However, there are countless different operators to choose from and itineraries are notoriously pricey. Before forking out thousands of dollars for your trip of a lifetime, it’s essential to make sure that you’ve chosen the best possible trip for you. We've rounded up our pick of the most rewarding itineraries for five different types of traveler. 

For Luxury Travelers: Deluxe Safari and Beach, Imagine Travel

This 11-night itinerary from luxury travel company Imagine Travel is the ideal option for those with unlimited cash to spend. It offers the best of both worlds — the rugged beauty of Tanzania’s most famous safari destinations and the tropical luxury of the beach. Accommodation is provided by a series of exclusive camps and lodges, all owned by socially and environmentally-conscious brand Asilia Africa . 

After flying into Kilimanjaro , you’ll be greeted by your private guide and taken directly to Tarangire National Park . Part of the country’s famed Northern Circuit, Tarangire is less crowded than its better-known neighbors, offering excellent game-viewing and a fabulous sense of exclusivity. You’ll spend your time here at Oliver’s Camp , where 10 luxury safari tents offer every conceivable modern comfort, from antique decor to en-suite bathrooms with hot water and flushing toilets.

The itinerary also takes you to Lake Manyara National Park, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Serengeti National Park. At Ngorongoro you will stay in the contemporary glass-and-canvas domes of The Highlands . This intimate camp is set on the slopes of the Olmoti volcano and combines breathtaking views of the Ngorongoro Crater with sublime in-house dining. In the Serengeti, you can add to the luxury experience with an optional hot-air balloon safari.

The second half of the trip is spent in the Zanzibar Archipelago , at 5-star Matemwe Lodge. Expect laid-back indulgence in one of 12 beach chalets, each of which overlook a coral-filled lagoon. All chalets include a deep-soaking tub and a private verandah with soothing sea views. Spend your days in the spa, cruising on a traditional dhow or scuba diving off nearby Mnemba Atoll.

For Families: Family Wildlife and Wilderness Safari, Africa Adventure Company

Family safaris offer a unique opportunity to introduce your children to the wonders of the African bush — but they do require special planning. Many lodges have age restrictions, and some ban children from game drives altogether. This itinerary by The Africa Adventure Company , however, is especially geared towards parents traveling with teenagers and young children. The tour is private, allowing you to customize your itinerary according to special requirements and individual interests, while the included activities are designed to delight younger travelers.

The trip lasts for 14 days, and focuses on the parks of the Northern Circuit. In Tarangire National Park, scenic game drives can be enjoyed alongside nature walks with local Maasai guides or trips to rural schools. Experiences like these offer your children an invaluable insight into other cultures as well as the chance to interact with Tanzanians of their own age, perhaps by joining in a lesson or by playing a game of soccer. At Lake Eyasi, spend time with indigenous bushmen, learning how to gather plants and craft traditional weapons and jewelry.

Other highlights include the unparalleled game viewing of Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti; and Olduvai Gorge , an anthropological site famous for the discovery of early humanoid fossils. In each location, lodges and camps are selected especially for their family-friendly outlook. Value and Classic accommodation options allow you to tailor your trip to suit your budget. Regardless of which price bracket you choose, there are significant discounts for children — making the thought of budgeting for a family vacation to Tanzania slightly less intimidating.

For Couples: Romantic East Africa Safari, &Beyond

This romance-filled itinerary by luxury travel company &Beyond is tailor-made for honeymooning couples. It could also set the scene for your dream proposal , or make a special anniversary unforgettable. The private tour, which lasts 11 days, starts with a scheduled flight from Kilimanjaro to remote Manyara Airstrip. From there, an open 4x4 safari vehicle takes you to Lake Manyara National Park, where awe-inspiring habitats range from secret woodlands to soda lakes dotted with flamingoes. 

Spend your time at the park looking for its famous tree-climbing lions. Later, fall asleep amidst the mahogany trees in an atmospheric stilted treehouse at &Beyond Lake Manyara Tree Lodge . Unique experiences are the trademark of this itinerary. In the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, share a gourmet picnic with your loved one on the crater floor, surrounded by wildlife and waited upon by immaculate butlers. In the Serengeti, stay under canvas and experience the incredible romance of a dawn hot-air balloon safari. 

Of course, nothing says "I love you" like a few days of decadence on an idyllic shore — which is where &Beyond Mnemba Island lodge comes in. Transfer via plane and boat to this picture-perfect spot in the Zanzibar Archipelago to try your hand at scuba diving, snorkeling or fly-fishing. Alternatively, you can relax in your beachfront banda or sign-up for a massage overlooking the ocean. Many of your meals are served al fresco, in the form of beach picnics or candlelit dinners at the water’s edge.

For Explorers: Get Out of Town, Nomad Tanzania

Feeling the need to sign out of real life for a week?  This itinerary from veteran travel company Nomad Tanzania is your key to escaping the rat race. Designed as an antidote to the pressures of modern life, it focuses on two remote areas in southern Tanzania, both of them far removed from WiFi and cell phone reception. Say goodbye to your work colleagues, abandon your social media accounts and rediscover your inner peace with a visit to the country’s least-visited wildernesses. 

Your seven-night trip begins at Ruaha National Park. It is the largest national park in Tanzania, and also one of the least accessible. Its remoteness means that it is less crowded than the more famous parks of the north; but the wildlife sightings are just as rewarding. In particular, the park is known for its big cats, boasting the second-largest lion population in Africa . You’ll stay at Nomad Tanzania’s Kigelia Ruaha Camp , which comprises just six luxury tents nestled amidst a grove of sausage trees. 

The second half of the itinerary takes you to the world-renowned Selous Game Reserve. The rustic cottages of Sand Rivers Selous camp provide inspiring views of the Rufiji River, which is the ideal location for relaxing river safaris. The best way to explore this largely untouched area, however, is on foot. Walking safaris are a key attraction at Sand Rivers Selous, giving you the chance to immerse yourself in nature's splendor. 

For a true taste of life in the wilderness, spend a night fly-camping in a temporary camp. Surrounded by virgin bush and lit by the flicker of the nearby campfire, these netted tents afford bedtime views of the stars, spangled in vivid constellations across the African sky. This itinerary is offered from June to mid-March.

For Photographers: Tanzania Migration Photo Safari, Natural Habitat Adventures

Whether you’re an amateur or a professional behind the lens, this itinerary is a must for keen wildlife photographers. It centers around the Great Migration , a magnificent spectacle of life and death involving hundreds of thousands of wildebeest and zebra (and the predators that follow in their wake). The time and location of the migration changes every year, and is therefore hard to predict. For this reason, the tour focuses on two different areas of the Serengeti to maximize your chance of being in the right place at the right time.

You’ll be based first in the Namiri Plains, a remote private concession in the east-central Serengeti that has only recently become accessible to visitors. Very few tourists travel to the Plains - which means that you won’t have to worry about hordes of safari vehicles ruining the authenticity of your photographs. The area is also known for its high predator density, giving you the best possible chance of capturing the drama of a kill on camera. You can explore on foot, or in a traditional safari vehicle. The second half of the trip takes you to the company's Migration Base Camp in the southern Serengeti. 

Natural Habitat Adventures limits group sizes for this itinerary to just nine people, with a maximum of four guests per vehicle. This means that there’s plenty of space in the jeep for your camera equipment, while a window seat with an unimpeded view is guaranteed. Best of all, the nine-day trip is guided by a professional naturalist and accomplished photographer, with the knowledge needed to advise you on how to get the best shots . 

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Home » Tanzania Information » Tanzania’s Premier Safari Destinations – A Guide to the Best

Tanzania’s Premier Safari Destinations – A Guide to the Best

Tanzania, a land of breathtaking landscapes and unparalleled wildlife, offers some of the world’s most exceptional safari experiences. This guide introduces you to Tanzania’s top safari destinations, each boasting its unique allure. From the vast plains of the Serengeti, famous for the Great Migration, to the secluded wilderness of Ruaha, these destinations promise unforgettable adventures. Explore the diverse ecosystems, encounter a wide range of wildlife, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Tanzania’s most iconic national parks and reserves. Prepare to embark on a journey through Tanzania’s most spectacular safari hotspots.

1. The Ngorongoro Crater

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area, established in 1959, is the most visited conservation area in Tanzania. It boasts the highest density of wildlife on Earth, including globally threatened species. Ngorongoro is also known for its archaeological findings related to early human evolution, dating back 3.6 million years.

The iconic wildebeest migration begins in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, where millions of wildebeests, zebras, impalas, and other animals graze and calve from December to March. The conservation area covers 8,292 square kilometers of golden Savannah plains, woodlands, and highland forests. It was initially designated as a multiple land-use area, allowing Masai pastoralists to graze their cattle for generations. However, the Tanzanian government is currently evicting the Masai people from their ancestral lands to convert the area into a reserve.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. The area is named after the Ngorongoro Crater, a caldera within the conservation area, named by Masai pastoralists after the sound produced by a cowbell – “Ngoro Ngoro.”

The first European to visit the Ngorongoro Conservation Area was Oscar Baumann in 1892. Brothers Adolf and Friedrich farmed in the crater until World War I. They often organized shooting parties and invited German friends to participate, attempting to drive wildebeests out of the crater.

2. Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park, spanning 30,000 square kilometers, is one of Tanzania’s premier tourist destinations. It is a birder’s paradise with over 500 recorded bird species and is home to 70 mammalian species. Serengeti National Park offers exceptional wildlife viewing, including the opportunity to witness the great wildebeest migration before the herds cross into Kenya’s Masai Mara Game Reserve. The park also boasts a significant lion population, one of the largest in the world.

3. Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain and the world’s tallest free-standing mountain above sea level, is located in Tanzania’s Arusha region. In 2013, Kilimanjaro generated the second-highest revenue among Tanzanian national parks. Thousands of tourists hike Mount Kilimanjaro each year, creating jobs for approximately 11,000 guides, porters, and cooks. However, concerns have been raised about the poor living conditions and low payments for these workers.

There are seven official climbing routes to Mount Kilimanjaro: Lemosho (western branch), Machame, Marangu, Shira, Rongai, Umbwe, and Mweka. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is manageable, but altitude and ascent rate can pose challenges.

4. Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara National Park is known for being home to tree-climbing lions, a phenomenon rarely observed elsewhere except in Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park. The park derives its name from Lake Manyara, located within its boundaries. Established in 1960, the park covers an area of 325 square kilometers.

Lake Manyara is home to about 350 bird species, 180 butterfly species, 670 flowering plants, and diverse wildlife. Animals commonly seen in Lake Manyara National Park include elephants, zebras, buffalos, Grant’s gazelles, warthogs, bushbucks, waterbucks, Thompson’s gazelles, baboons, and more.

5. Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park, covering 20,226 square kilometers and established in 1964, is a birdwatcher’s paradise with 571 recorded bird species. Some of the notable species include the white-faced whistling duck, African black duck, crested francolin, yellow-necked francolin, dusky turtle dove, emerald-spotted wood dove, white-bellied bustard, purple-crested turaco, pennant-winged nightjar, mottled spinetail, red-knobbed coot, gray-crowned crane, black-winged stilt, spur-winged lapwing, common sandpiper, three-banded courser, African openbill, African darter, great white pelican, and black-crowned night heron, among others.

Ruaha National Park was once known for its significant elephant population, reaching 34,000 in 2009 but declining to 15,836 in 2015. In 2018, 74 vultures and six lions were also poisoned.

6. Zanzibar

Zanzibar, one of Africa’s top tourist destinations, offers a perfect place to relax after exploring Tanzania’s national parks. This semi-autonomous region of Tanzania comprises several islands. Beyond sunbathing on its crystal-clear beaches, Zanzibar offers various activities, including boat cruises on the Indian Ocean, snorkeling, skydiving, visits to Jozani Forest, exploration of Stone Town, and more.

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Recommended Safaris & Tours

We present to you our most recommended safaris & tour itineraries below to help you make the best travel plans.

15 Days Tanzania Wildlife Safari & Zanzibar Beach Holiday

15-Day Tanzanian Safari & Zanzibar Beach Escape | Wildlife to Waves

10-Day Grand Tanzania Safari

10-Day Grand Tanzania Safari | Serengeti, Ngorongoro & More

7-Day Tanzania Safari | Lake Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Exploration

7-Day Tanzania Safari | Lake Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Exploration

6-Day Kilimanjaro Climb

6-Day Kilimanjaro Climb | Conquer the Summit via Marangu Route

4-Day Tanzanian Safari | Lake Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater

4-Day Tanzanian Safari | Lake Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater

3-Day Serengeti Safari from Arusha

3-Day Serengeti Safari from Arusha | Affordable Wildlife Tour

Your adventure awaits - book your safari today.

Ready to explore the wonders of the wild? Embark on an unforgettable safari adventure with us. Experience breathtaking landscapes, encounter exotic wildlife, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Don't wait, your journey into the heart of nature starts here!

How we work

To offer a more rewarding way to travel, we do stuff the right way; right from the planning process.

We pay attention

We will spend time and pay attention to your expectations, then propose an experience that you might like.

We complement

Next we will discuss our selected options, point out the best safaris for you and make awesome recommendations.

We hold your booking

We will tentatively hold your booking and make reservations while we talk through the safari details or make changes.

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Eddie Safari Guide

safari tanzania ottobre


Kiboko Safari

Kiboko Safari

6-day tour in Tanzania Private safaris from 2 to 6 people Serengeti National Park Ngorongoro Conservation Area Tarangire National Park Walking Safari Price starting from $2,100

Lake Safari

Lake Safari

7 days tour in Tanzania Private Safaris from 2 to 6 people Serengeti National Park Tarangire National Park Ngorongoro Crater Lake Manyara Price starting from $2.400

Duma Safari

Duma Safari

7 days tour in Tanzania Private Safaris from 2 to 6 people Serengeti National Park Arusha National Park Ngorongoro Crater Full immersion in nature Price starting from $2.300

Kifaru Safari

Kifaru Safari

7 days tour in Tanzania Private Safaris from 2 to 6 people Mkomazi National Park Sanctuaries of wild dogs and rhinos Natural oasis of Magoroto Photographic safari in Arusha NP Price starting from $1.800

Tembo Safari

Tembo Safari

6 days tour in Tanzania Private Safaris from 2 to 6 people Serengeti National Park Ngorongoro conservation area Terangire National Park Full immersion in nature Price starting from $2.000

Silalei Safari

Silalei Safari

7 days tour in Tanzania Private Safaris from 2 to 6 people Serengeti National Park Ngorongoro conservation area Terangire National Park Lake Manyara Price starting from $2.400


Testimonials, our adventurers tell.

Viola S.

We stayed in beautiful lodges but also in tents in the middle of the Serengeti and took away with us memories that still fill our eyes. What an experience! I would like to go back there now. Thank you Safari Space!

Manuela B.

Thank you Mirta for the online assistance, thank you Philip for the beautiful tour, but most of all a big hug to Moody who was our guide (the best guide in the world) and support for any problem

Gabriele M.

A new company but with a very experienced staff. You can see that the guide puts passion and heart into it, always gives detailed knowledge and has great professionalism.

Gabriele M.

Customize your dream safari.

safari tanzania ottobre

Meeting with the guide at Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) and transfer to Arusha. Dinner and overnight in town.

safari tanzania ottobre

Departure for Serengeti National Park via Ngorongoro with a stop at the Olduvai Gorge. Game drive. Dinner and overnight in the park.

safari tanzania ottobre

Entire day dedicated to Serengeti. Game drive. Dinner and overnight in the park.

safari tanzania ottobre

After breakfast you leave for  Ngorongoro Conservation Area with a final game drive in Serengeti. Packed lunch on the way. Game drive in the crater. Dinner and overnight in the village of Karatu.

safari tanzania ottobre

Departure for Tarangire National Park and game drive. Dinner and overnight in the park.

safari tanzania ottobre


safari tanzania ottobre

Spazio Safari

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Tra gli animali della savana che si ha l’occasione di incontrare durante un safari, il ghepardo è senz’altro il più elegante e armonioso.


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Safari in Tanzania: tutti i programmi

Savannah Explorers

Scopri prezzi e programmi dei nostri safari in Tanzania

Vogliamo invitarvi nella Nostra Terra, la Tanzania, nel cuore dell'Africa Orientale per l'avventura della vostra vita: un safari nella savana Africana tra Serengeti e Ngorongoro alla ricerca dei predatori, dei grandi ungulati e della Grande Migrazione.

Le nostre guide safari, esperte e professionali, vi guideranno alla scoperta delle bellezze dei parchi della Tanzania a bordo di jeep 4x4 attrezzate per il safari. Vi aspettiamo!!

I Nostri Ospiti durante il Safari in Tanzania

In attesa di partire guarda il video di chi ha già fatto il safari in Tanzania con noi

I migliori safari in Tanzania

Di seguito presentiamo alcuni dei programmi safari che abbiamo affinato e perfezionato nel tempo. Per conoscere i prezzi, avere maggiori informazioni o personalizzare il programma, ti invitiamo a contattare il nostro ufficio. Il nostro consulente di viaggio, esperto di safari, ti risponderà il prima possibile e potrai interagire via mail e Whasapp.

Safari Tanzania e Grande Migrazione

Durata: 5 giorni


Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Manyara


Serengeti, Ngorongoro

Durata: 6 giorni


Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro

Low Cost Safari

Durata: 7 giorni


Tarangire, Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro

Winter Safari

Durata: 6 giorni (Dicembre-Marzo)


Tarangire, Serengeti Ndutu e Ngorongoro

Summer Safari

Durata: 7 giorni (Luglio-Settembre)


Tarangire, Serengeti Settentrionale e Centrale, Ngorongoro

Safari Grande Migrazione

Safari Custom

Durata: in base alle tue preferenze


Scegli le destinazioni, possiamo realizzare un safari su misura

Safari + Zanzibar


Durata: 10 giorni

Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Manyara e Zanzibar


Durata: 12 giorni


Durata: 13 giorni



Durata: 14 giorni


Tarangire, Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro e Zanzibar

Tour Zanzibar


Stone Town, Chumbe island e Zanzibar

Pemba Safari

mare a Pemba

Tarangire, Manyara, Ngorongoro, Pemba

Serengeti, Ngorongoro e Zanzibar

Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro e Zanzibar

Safari in Offerta

Tarangire, Manyara, Serengeti e Ngorongoro

Partenze di Gruppo

Parchi del Nord

Safari in Famiglia

hakuna matata

Tarangire, Manyara, Ngorongoro, Zanzibar

watoto Safari

Durata: 11 giorni

Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Zanzibar

familia Safari

Manyara,Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Zanzibar

Safari di Lusso

Safari Esclusivo


Tarangire, Manyara, Ngorongoro, Serengeti e Zanzibar


Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro

Luna di Miele Safari + Zanzibar

luna di miele esclusiva

Tarangire, Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Zanzibar

luna di miele esclusiva

Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Zanzibar



Safari nella Tanzania del Sud


Durata: 4 giorni

Selous Game Reserve

Selous safari in aereo

Ndege Safari

Safari Fly-In

Selous e Ruaha - Safari in aereo Fly-In

Twiga Safari

Durata: 8 giorni

Mikumi, Udzungwa, Selous

Safari Eco Solidale

Kijiji safari


Etnie Hadzabe, Datoga, Iraqw, parchi Manyara, Serengeti e Ngorongoro

Swala safari


Villaggi e realtà locali, Parco Tarangire, Manyara, Ngorongoro

Tamaduni Safari


Etnie Hadzabe, Datoga, Iraqw, parchi Tarangire, Manyara, Serengeti e Ngorongoro

Un Safari in Tanzania sarà l'avventura della vostra vita

Organizziamo safari nei parchi più belli della Tanzania come Serengeti e Ngorongoro , Tarangire e Manyara , Selous e Ruaha , inoltre è possibile proseguire con "l'estensione mare" a Zanzibar , Mafia , Pemba o sulla costa Swahili . Possiamo includere anche destinazioni meno conosciute come il lago Eyasi ed il lago Natron , il parco Mikumi o il parco Udzungwa e tante altre destinazioni.

safari in tanzania

Cosa offre il Tour Operator ai suoi Ospiti

Durante i nostri safari sarete accompagnati da guide professionali (parlanti lingua italiana) alla scoperta della savana e dei suoi animali: i grandi felini (leoni, leopardi, ghepardi) , i grandi ungulati (gnu, zebre, giraffe, bufali, antilopi) , elefanti, scimmie e tanti altri. Programma di viaggio personalizzato con mappa interattiva e disponibile anche tramite app per smartphone e tablet. Assistenza in loco e numero di emergenza attivo 24 ore su 24.

safari in tanzania

Perché scegliere i Safari in Tanzania di Savannah Explorers

Savannah Explorers è un Tour Operator locale con base ad Arusha (Tanzania) che opera da anni nel settore dei Safari in Tanzania ed Africa , organizzando vacanze su misura con la guida di un consulente che vi assisterà durante tutta la pianificazione del viaggio. Offriamo l'assicurazione annullamento e medico-bagaglio per viaggiare sicuri ed il servizio di biglietteria internazionale.

safari in tanzania

Viaggiare in Tanzania

La Tanzania è visitata per i parchi e la natura incontaminata, per il sorriso ed il calore del suo popolo e per le acque cristalline dell'arcipelago di Zanzibar.

Il viaggio in Tanzania è un viaggio avventura con un safari seguito dal soggiorno mare a Zanzibar oppure un trekking sul Kilimanjaro a cui segue un safari nei parchi.

Oltre al classico fotosafari potremo organizzare un safari in mongolfiera, un fotosafari notturno, la visita del villaggio Masai, le escursioni di snorkeling e tanto altro in base ai vostri interessi e preferenze. Per spostarci da un parco all'altro viaggeremo sulle strade e sulle piste a volte sterrate ed in cattive condizioni, mentre per le grandi distanze voleremo da una città all'altra. Per gli approfondimenti:

  • Trasporti in Tanzania
  • Alloggi in Tanzania
  • Le distanze del safari

Il Tour Operator in Tanzania

Durante i nostri safari sarete accompagnati da guide professionali (parlanti lingua italiana) alla scoperta della savana e dei suoi animali: i grandi felini (leoni, leopardi, ghepardi), i grandi ungulati (gnu, zebre, giraffe, bufali, antilopi), elefanti, scimmie e tanti altri. Programma di viaggio personalizzato con mappa interattiva e disponibile anche tramite app per smartphone e tablet. Assistenza in loco e numero di emergenza attivo 24 ore su 24.

I Parchi Nazionali della Tanzania

I parchi della Tanzania sono tra i più selvaggi e ricchi di animali di tutta l'Africa, non ha caso la Tanzania continua a vincere da anni il premio per la migliore destinazione safari in Africa.

La pianura sconfinata del Serengeti, la Grande Migrazione, il cratere del Ngorongoro, il Monte Kilimanjaro conosciuto come il "Tetto d'Africa" sono tutte attrazioni imperdibili all'interno dei parchi della Tanzania.

Per gli approfondimenti puoi consultare:

  • Tutti i parchi della Tanzania
  • I migliori parchi della Tanzania
  • La mappa dei parchi del nord della Tanzania
  • Ngorongoro Conservation Area

L'Area di Conservazione del Ngorongoro è un'area protetta di oltre 8000 Kilometri quadrati, patrimonio dell'UNESCO, dove i guerrieri Masai ed il loro bestiame convivono con gli animali selvatici. La principale attrazione è il cratere del Ngorongoro, meta imperdibile per tutti i safari nel Nord della Tanzania.

Il cratere del Ngorongoro è l'area con la più alta densità di animali selvatici di tutta l'Africa. Durante il fotosafari nel cratere si possono avvistare diverse specie dei tipici mammiferi africani, tra cui il rarissimo rinoceronte nero. Il cratere si trova all'interno del Ngorongoro Conservation Area, un progetto unico nel suo genere dove la tribù dei guerrieri e pastori Masai e gli animali selvatici convivono ancora nello stesso ambiente. Per maggiori informazioni:

  • Mappa del Ngorongoro
  • Il cratere del Ngorongoro
  • Gola di Olduvai

Parco Nazionale del Serengeti

La pianura sconfinata del Serengeti è il posto ideale per avvistare i leoni e gli altri predatori della savana, consigliamo di passare almeno due notti in questo parco. Il pernottamento presso un campo tendato permette di vivere a pieno l'esperienza del safari, dormire nel mezzo della savana e sentire la notte i richiami degli animali e i rumori della notte è davvero un'esperienza indimenticabile.

Per maggiori informazioni:

  • Serengeti National Park
  • Mappa del Serengeti
  • Quando andare al Serengeti

Parco Nazionale del Tarangire

Il parco del Tarangire è sicuramente uno dei nostri preferiti per la varietà del paesaggio, gli incontri ravvicinati con gli elefanti e gli enormi alberi di baobab.

Per chi ha abbastanza budget, un'esperienza straordinaria è il pernottamento all'interno del parco dove potrete anche vivere l'emozione del safari notturno e del safari a piedi.

Con un pizzico di fortuna potremo avvistare i predatori, numerosi nel parco, e molti altri animali tipici della savana.

Per approfondimenti:

  • Tarangire National Park
  • Mappa del Parco Tarangire

Gli altri parchi

Il monte Kilimanjaro è all'interno dell'omonimo parco, il parco del lago Manyara è famoso per la biodiversità ed i leoni arboricoli, il parco di Arusha racchiude il Monte Meru, la quinta montagna più alta di tutta l'Africa.

Ci sono poi i parchi meno battuti come il Nyerere National Park (un tempo Selous), il Ruaha, Mikumi, Ruaha e tanti altri.

Dobbiamo infine menzionare il parco marino dell'isola di Mafia dove possiamo nuotare con lo squalo balena e fare meravigliose escursioni di snorkeling. Per maggiori informazioni sugli altri parchi e destinazioni in Tanzania:

  • Parchi e destinazioni turistiche della Tanzania

Tutti i safari in Tanzania

Ci sono molti parchi che possiamo visitare durante il safari in Tanzania. Possiamo offrire programmi safari per famiglie, per viaggi di nozze, per i parchi più remoti e per conoscere usi, costumi e tradizioni locali.

Per maggiori informazioni e dettagli sui programmi safari vai a:

  • Tutti i Safari in Tanzania

La Grande Migrazione in Tanzania

Ammirare lo spettacolo della Grande Migrazione in Tanzania è un'esperienza unica, le mandrie dopo aver esitato magari per ore decidono di attraversare il fiume Mara sfidando le sponde scoscese e scivolose, i coccodrilli e la corrente per raggiungere l'altra sponda e continuare il loro cammino alla ricerca di pascoli freschi e acqua.

Il mese di Febbraio è il periodo delle nascite nella zona di Ndutu dove le mandrie si aggregano per partorire e svezzare i cuccioli.

Per vedere al meglio la Grande Migrazione proponiamo dei programmi specifici come

  • Safari Grande Migrazione Estate
  • Safari Grande Migrazione Inverno
  • Tanzania: Grande Migrazione

Trekking sul Kilimanjaro

Il trekking sul Kilimanjaro è un'esperienza unica che attira decine di migliaia di turisti in Tanzania ogni anno per conquistare la vetta del "Tetto d'Africa".

Il trekking è semplice dal punto di vista tecnico, ma impegnativo per l'altitudine, il freddo e la distanza percorsa.

Durante la salita sarete accompagnati da guide professionali, un cuoco e i portatori che si occuperanno di montare e smontare il campo ogni giorno.

L'ascensione alla vetta solitamente inizia prima della mezzanotte, per arrivare in vetta e vedere l'alba prima di iniziare la discesa. I quattro percorsi di trekking sul Kilimanjaro più famosi sono:

  • Machame Route
  • Marangu Route
  • Lemosho Route
  • Rongai Route

Puoi approfondire il trekking sul Kilimanjaro leggendo:

  • Il monte Kililmanjaro
  • Il trekking sul Kilimanjaro
  • Le vie per il trekking
  • La preparazione al trekking
  • Le domande frequenti

Il mare della Tanzania

Parlare del mare dell'arcipelago di Zanzibar vuol dire sognare le spiagge bianche e l'acqua cristallina dell'Oceano Indiano. Dopo il safari o il trekking potrete rilassarvi sulle spiagge di Zanzibar, Mafia e Pemba.

Per i più avventurosi, potremo organizzare escursioni alla scoperta di Stone Town e del mercato degli schiavi, dell'isola di Chumbe e dei migliori siti di snorkeling e per immersioni.

Per i più romantici organizzeremo la cena al ristorante "The Rock". Per scoprire l'arcipelago di Zanzibar proponiamo alcuni tour:

  • Stone Town, Chumbe e Zanzibar
  • Stone Town e Pemba
  • Zanzibar e Mafia

Gli approfondimenti sul mare in Tanzania:

  • Guida di Zanzibar in breve
  • Le maree a Zanzibar
  • Le 7 cose da vedere a Zanzibar
  • Chumbe Island
  • Gold Zanzibar
  • Pongwe Island
  • Pemba ed il Manta resort

Quando andare in Tanzania

Il clima della Tanzania è un clima sub-tropicale, non ci sono grosse variazioni durante l'anno. Per questo motivo tutti i mesi dell'anno sono buoni per il safari in Tanzania, ma ogni mese ha le sue particolarità.

Per il mare sconsigliamo i mesi di aprile e maggio a causa delle piogge più frequenti, lo stesso vale per il trekking sul Kilimanjaro.

Per organizzare al meglio il vostro safari, vi consigliamo di contattarci e pianificare il viaggio con i nostri esperti per sapere dove vedere la Grande Migrazione, scegliere gli alloggi più adatti a voi e le attività che più vi interessano.

Il clima della Tanzania

La Tanzania ha un clima sub-tropicale, caratterizzato da una stagione secca ed una stagione umida. Le grandi piogge sono di solito nei mesi di Aprile e Maggio, anche se i cambiamenti climatici hanno reso il meteo delle stagioni imprevedibile. La stagione secca che corrisponde all’inverno della Tanzania va da Giugno a fine Ottobre, la stagione umida è più calda e va da Novembre a Maggio. Il safari nei parchi del Nord è possibile tutto l’anno, sconsigliamo il mare a Zanzibar ad Aprile e Maggio per via delle piogge.

  • Che Tempo Fa? Il Meteo del Safari
  • Il clima in Tanzania: a Zanzibar e nei Parchi
  • Settembre in Tanzania: che clima troverai per il tuo safari?

Il prezzo di un Safari in Tanzania o in Africa

I safari in generale sono vacanze esclusive che richiedono un budget importante. Viaggiare in paesi lontani come la Tanzania con una guida e una jeep solo per voi, visitare i parchi più belli dell'Africa che molti vedono solo nei documentari in TV, soggiornare nei lodge e campi tendati con tutti i comfort durante il safari vuol dire “Vacanza di lusso”.

L'inclusione di tutti i servizi nel tour, l'alto costo degli ingressi ai parchi, le tasse di pernottamento, la mancanza di infrastrutture pubbliche affidabili fanno salire il prezzo che però comprende tutti i servizi e perciò le spese in loco saranno limitate.

Cosa è incluso nel prezzo del Safari

Il prezzo del viaggio include tutti i servizi:

  • fotosafari ed attività nei parchi
  • guida professionale parlante lingua italiana
  • jeep ad uso esclusivo
  • pensione completa durante il safari
  • acqua minerale e frigo sulla jeep durante i fotosafari
  • assicurazione AMREF Flying Doctors
  • assicurazione Multiassistenza PLUS con annullamento e copertura per il coronavirus

Nel caso di safari in campeggio sono compresi il cuoco ed l’attrezzatura da campeggio (escluso il sacco a pelo).

Vaccinazioni per il safari in Tanzania

Per l’ingresso in Tanzania non ci sono vaccinazioni obbligatorie, la febbre gialla è obbligatoria solo per chi proviene da una zona endemica e lo scalo del volo con una permanenza in aeroporto di meno di 12 ore non fa testo.

Gli standard igienico sanitari durante il safari o il viaggio turistico in Tanzania sono equivalenti a quelli europei.

Arusha, Karatu e Ngorongoro sono “Malaria free”, gli alloggi hanno le zanzariere, è consigliato l’uso di un repellente per le zanzare tropicali.

La scelta riguardo alle vaccinazioni resta in ultima istanza una scelta personale. Per maggiori informazioni su questo argomento:

  • Vaccinazioni e febbre gialla
  • Posso prendere la malaria durante il safari?

Documenti per la Tanzania

Per il viaggio in Tanzania è necessario il passaporto con almeno 6 mesi di validità residua. Anche i minorenni devono avere il loro passaporto, sempre con validità residua di almeno 6 mesi.

Per l’ingresso in Tanzania è necessario il visto turistico che si deve richiedere online alcune settimane prima della partenza. Per la richiesta del visto, chiamato e-VISA, sono necessari la copia del passaporto, il biglietto del volo internazionale, la fototessera in formato elettronico e la compilazione dei documenti richiesti dall’Immigration Office.

Il costo del visto e-VISA è incluso nei nostri programmi di viaggio per i safari in Tanzania.

  • Visto d’Ingresso (VISA), Passaporto e Vaccinazione Febbre Gialla
  • Viaggiare sicuri in Tanzania

Gli aeroporti della Tanzania

Italia e Tanzania sono collegate tramite voli giornalieri operati da diverse compagnie come Ethiopian Airlines, Qatar Airways, KLM, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, Oman Air ed altre.

Per il viaggio in Tanzania gli aeroporti di maggiore interesse sono:

Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO)

Il Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) è' l'aeroporto di arrivo ideale per chi viene per un safari nei parchi del Nord, da qui inizia la maggior parte dei safari in Tanzania.

Zanzibar Abeid Amani Karume (ZNZ)

Chi associa un’estensione mare al safari o trekking in Tanzania, oppure fa un solo soggiorno mare a Zanzibar, deve ripartire dall’aeroporto di Zanzibar: solitamente non conviene ritornare all’aeroporto del Kilimanjaro.

Julius Nyerere International Airport (DAR)

Chi arriva ed inizia un safari nei parchi del Sud deve arrivare all’aeroporto di Dar Es Salaam.

  • I principali aeroporti della Tanzania
  • Come risparmiare per il Volo Italia – Tanzania

Abbigliamento per il safari in Tanzania

Durante il safari nei parchi del Nord ci sposteremo in zone diverse ad altitudini diverse, il clima rimane comunque mite tutto l’anno ovunque.

Il Ngorongoro, Karatu ed Arusha sono le zone più fresche, una felpa o un pile, per i più freddolosi un piumino leggero, sono indispensabili.

Il nostro consiglio è di vestirsi a strati con indumenti di cotone, colori tenui, evitando quelli accesi. Non dimenticate il cappello per il sole, la crema solare e gli occhiali da sole.

Scarpe comode, sportive, costume da bagno per un tuffo in piscina a fine safari.

Per maggiori informazioni su cosa mettere in valigia:

  • Cosa mi porto? La valigia del safari

Wifi, Internet e Telefonate durante il safari

In Tanzania, il metodo più semplice per comunicare è utilizzando internet. Le chiamate e i messaggi tramite Whatsapp funzionano bene e vi permettono di comunicare con le famiglie in Italia gratis.

La maggior parte dei lodge e dei campi tendati ha il wifi disponibile nelle aree comuni. Potrete anche acquistare una scheda SIM locale con traffico voce e dati se volete essere più sicuri, sempre raggiungibili e collegati ad internet.

  • C’è internet durante il safari in Tanzania?
  • Come telefonare dalla Tanzania in Italia e risparmiare?

I migliori safari in Africa

Savannah Explorers non si limita ai safari e viaggi in Tanzania ma organizza anche viaggi in altri paesi Africani come Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, Seychelles ed altre destinazioni. Puoi viaggiare con noi per incontrare i gorilla di montagna, visitare i parchi del Kenya, scoprire le bellezze del Madagascar e tanto ancora. Per maggiori informazioni su tutte le nostre destinazioni visita la pagina Africa:

  • Viaggi in Africa

Il Covid-19 (Coronavirus) in Tanzania

Fortunatamente non abbiamo un'emergenza coronavirus in Tanzania, i casi finora sono stati pochi e la vita prosegue quasi normalmente.

Le autorità locali hanno diramato un protocollo per viaggiare in sicurezza durante il safari, il trekking ed i soggiorni al mare. Si ricorda però che è fondamentale viaggiare con un'assicurazione viaggio, nei nostri viaggi includiamo la polizza con coperture coronavirus ed annullamento viaggio.

Per maggiori informazioni sul coronavirus in Tanzania clicca qui .

Sito web realizzato da: www.mypresslab.com

Lemali Safaris

Lemali Safaris

Discover tanzania.

Explore an amazing land of contrasts on a safari – a journey of a lifetime.

Tanzania Safari - A Journey of A Lifetime

Breathtaking landscape, simplicity of African tribes, best wildlife safari parks with wild animals, white sandy beaches and even more reasons to easily fall in love with its beauty and to want to return. If you dream of having an authentic Tanzania safari , Lemali Safaris is one of the best ways to achieve it. With more than ten years of experience in the industry, we make sure that your safari is well organized and carefree from arrival to departure. Lemali Safaris organise and plan everything for you, leaving you free to relax and really enjoy your Tanzanian experience. 

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Dove fare un safari in Africa quest’estate

Dal Kenya alla Tanzania, i parchi più belli per una full immersion nella natura selvaggia

preview for In Kenya una villa polimaterica si alza dal suolo a tre metri d'altezza per respirare i venti d'Africa

L’Africa è un continente affascinante e prospero di bellezze naturali, dove si trovano alcuni tra i parchi biologici più belli e importanti al mondo. Habitat naturali da proteggere e valorizzare ma anche da ammirare. Partire per un safari in Africa fa scoprire mondi nuovi e indimenticabili. Gli animali selvatici , i baobab e la meraviglia di trovarsi in mezzo alla savana, sono ciò che rende magica un'esperienza come questa. Decidere tra Tanzania, Kenya, Namibia o Botswana dipende da cosa si preferisce vedere e soprattutto da quali animali si vogliono avvistare . Ecco i parchi più belli dove fare un safari d'estate.

Kenya, Parco Nazionale Masai Mara e Lago Nakuru

Il Kenya ha grandi riserve naturali dove vivono tribù come quella dei Masai Mara . Il Maasai Mara in Kenya è tra le riserve più famose in Africa , qui si possono incontrare leopardi, leoni, elefanti, rinoceronti e bufali. Assistere, inoltre, allo spettacolo della Grande Migrazione , permette di avvistare branchi di gnu e di altri animali che arrivano nella Riserva tra luglio e ottobre per poi rientrare nella vicina Tanzania. Durante la Grande Migrazione gli animali iniziano a radunarsi nella vallata del Serengeti, in Tanzania, dopo le piogge per poi partire verso il Kenya. Nel mese di ottobre ritornano a sud, verso la Tanzania e il Ngorongoro, per la stagione riproduttiva. La Riserva Nazionale Masai Mara e il Parco Nazionale del Lago Nakuru nella Great Rift Valley sono un ormai un must per molti turisti, questo gioca a sfavore rispetto all’esperienza che potrebbe essere un po ' sovraffollata. I mesi migliori sono da maggio ad ottobre , ovvero la stagione secca in cui le temperature sono più indicate per i safari. Il Kenya è tra i paesi dell’Africa più amati.

rhino reflection

Tanzania, Parco Nazionale Serengeti e Cratere Ngorongoro

Nel nord della Tanzania, tra il lago Vittoria e il Kenya, troviamo il Parco Nazionale del Serengeti , Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall’UNESCO, uno dei parchi più importanti e protetti al mondo, dieci volte più grande del Maasai Mara in Kenya; il Serengeti ospita la più grande concentrazione di erbivori del mondo e qui ogni anno si può assistere alla Grande Migrazione di gnu, gazzelle e zebre che si riversano nelle pianure, dove troviamo anche una numerosa popolazione di leoni. Il Cratere Ngorongoro, invece è una caldera vulcanica che racchiude nei suoi 250 chilometri quadrati, foreste, laghi e pianure e ospita poi una fantastica concentrazione di elefanti, leoni così come il raro rinoceronte nero. In Tanzania la natura è strepitosa grazie anche alle sorgenti del Nilo e del Congo . Il Serengeti ospita la più grande concentrazione di erbivori del mondo. Per assistere alla Grande Migrazione i mesi migliori sono da luglio ad ottobre.

zebra in lake ndutu area between serengeti and ngorongoro, tanzania

Namibia, Parco Nazionale Etosha

Il parco più famoso della Namibia è il Parco dell'Etosha , il cui nome significa grande luogo bianco , come il colore del suolo del deserto salino, l'Etosha Pan, che occupa gran parte di questo territorio. Nel parco è possibile avvistare i Big Five citati anche prima ovvero: leopardi, leoni, elefanti, rinoceronti e bufali, ma anche zebre, giraffe e sciacalli. Il Parco ha diverse pozze artificiali che, data l’ assenza di acqua, attirano gli animali permettendo ai viaggiatori di poterli ammirare da vicino. Il Parco dell'Etosha è adatto anche ai viaggiatori che preferiscono viaggiare in solitaria . Le grandissime distese della Namibia, quasi prive d’acqua, sono uno spettacolo lunare da non perdere. Il periodo estivo come per il resto delle mete è il migliore.

african elephant at water hole, botswana

Sudafrica, Parco Nazionale Kruger

Il Sudafrica offre una gran scelta di posti dove fare un safari. Il Parco Nazionale Kruger , Patrimonio Unesco, è il parco più conosciuto; inaugurato nel 1988, si trova nel Nord del Paese e si estende su un territorio di 20000 chilometri quadrati . Anche qui i Big Five sono di casa e il parco è ben organizzato per l’avvistamento grazie a bacheche e lavagne usate per segnalare i punti migliori per trovarli, uno strumento utile specialmente, per fare un safari in self-drive. Grazie alle strade asfaltate , il Sudafrica, così come la Namibia, è un paese più sicuro per il self drive. Il periodo migliore per andarci va da a prile a settembre.

a hippo, hippopotamus amphibius, yawns, head above water in a dam pool

Botswana, il Chobe National Park

Il Botswana vanta parchi naturali bellissimi , e viene chiamato la terra dei giganti perché qui vive la maggior parte degli elefanti africani, circa 120.000 esemplari. Nel Chobe National Park si possono incontrare ippopotami e coccodrilli. Il Botswana è una terra incontaminata dove facilmente si incontrano animali; ideale per un safari avventuroso immersi nella natura dominante. Il Chobe National Park fu il primo parco nazionale del Botswana, istituito nel 1968 , è suddiviso in quattro aree geografiche . Tra le esperienze da fare c’è la crociera sul fiume Chobe, le rive sono frequentate da branchi di erbivori e da famiglie di elefanti, soprattutto la sera. L’ enorme delta dell’Okavango è, invece, un habitat unico da sorvolare con un volo a bassa quota durante il tramonto per avvistare antilopi, bufali, gazzelle, leoni, zebre, elefanti, leopardi, ippopotami, ghepardi e coccodrilli.


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  1. The Ultimate Tanzania Safari Itinerary

    safari tanzania ottobre

  2. Dove fare un safari a ottobre?

    safari tanzania ottobre

  3. 4 days Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safari from Zanzibar

    safari tanzania ottobre

  4. Go on safari in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park

    safari tanzania ottobre

  5. 6 Days Shared Safari Tanzania

    safari tanzania ottobre

  6. Safari in Tanzania? Itinerario e cosa sapere

    safari tanzania ottobre


  1. Viaggio in Tanzania a Ottobre: il clima e i safari

    Ad Arusha, la città di partenza di tutti i safari in Tanzania, ottobre è un altro caldo mese di primavera, con temperature medie che oscillano tra gli 11 °C e i 27 °C. Ad Arusha verso la fine del mese piove mediamente 5 giorni, con precipitazioni accumulate di 36 mm. Ottobre è un mese caldo nel parco nazionale del Serengeti, con ...

  2. Tanzania in October: Weather, Going on Safari, Prices & More

    Average temperatures in Tanzania in October. In Tanzania, temperatures during October typically range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) along the coastline and inland. However, in higher altitude areas, temperatures can drop to 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F), which can feel quite chilly. Despite this, it will still be warm in the sun.

  3. Quando andare in Tanzania: il periodo migliore

    La stagione delle piogge lunga, che va da fine marzo a metà giungo. Il periodo migliore per viaggiare in Tanzania va da luglio a settembre, che sono i mesi più freschi e asciutti. Da prendere in considerazione anche il periodo che va da dicembre a febbraio, soprattutto per itinerari che comprendono le località marittime.

  4. Best Time For Safari in Tanzania (2024 Ultimate Guide)

    Wet Season. While the dry seasons are generally considered the best time for safari in Tanzania, the wet seasons, April to May and November to December, offer a unique and less crowded experience. April to May. The long rains transform the Tanzanian landscape, bringing a burst of greenery and revitalizing the savannah.

  5. Viaggi e Safari in Tanzania

    Un safari in Tanzania regala emozioni suggestive, intense ed indimenticabili. Scoprire la Tanzania con un safari esclusivo di African Explorer significa vivere tutti gli aspetti di questo fantastico paese. L'Africa del nostro immaginario, quella selvaggia, quella delle grandi riserve e delle distese della savana, degli animali che vediamo nei documentari, dei colori dei tramonti che sembrano ...

  6. Safari in Tanzania: quando andare?

    Il Safari nel mese di Giugno e da Luglio a Ottobre. Se decidi di andare in Tanzania nel mese di giugno, vale la pena pernottare 1-2 notti nel Western Corridor, per poi salire verso la zona di Mara da luglio a ottobre. Nel Nord del Serengeti la grande migrazione sta attraversando il fiume Mara, da cui la regione prende il nome.

  7. Best Time To Visit Tanzania for Safari: A Complete Guide

    The best time for hiking Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is actually very similar to the best time to visit Tanzania for safari and also Zanzibar. The best times is January to March which is the short dry period and the first 1/2 month of the long rains and mid-June to mid-October which is the long dry period and the first half month of the short rains.

  8. Tanzania in October: Travel Tips, Weather & More

    Weather. Tanzania is a tropical country, and temperatures are quite consistent year-round, at about 77°F-86°F (25°C-30°C) on the lowlands and at the coast, and around 59°F-68°F (15°C-20°C) in the highlands. The most significant variables are altitude and rainfall. October is at the end of the long dry season and the start of the ...

  9. Top 20 Best Tanzania Safaris

    10-Day Best Honeymoon Luxury Safari + Zanzibar Beach. $4,059 to $5,077 pp (USD) Tanzania: Private tour Lodge & Tented Camp. You Visit: Arusha (Start), Tarangire NP, Lake Manyara NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP, Zanzibar (Beach), Zanzibar Airport (End) African Big Cats Safaris. 5.0 /5 - 358 Reviews. Top Rated Operator.

  10. Tanzania Safari

    7-Day Journey of the Wildebeest - Luxury. $4,120 to $5,600 pp (USD) Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp. You Visit: Arusha (Start), Lake Manyara NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Central Serengeti, Serengeti NP, Arusha (End) Unlimited Expeditions: The Soul of Tanzania. 4.9 /5 - 438 Reviews.

  11. Safari in Tanzania

    Savannah Explorers - Tour Operator per Safari in Tanzania, Trekking sul Kilimanjaro e Vacanze nel mare di Zanzibar e sulle altre isole. Contatti: Tel: +255-784-969-200 - Skype: SavannahExplorers - email: [email protected] - Whatsapp: +255 765 972 458. ita; eng;

  12. 10 Best Tanzania Safari Tours 2024/2025

    Tanzania Camping Adventure. Sharon Leahy28 Jan, 2024. 5. The safari to Tarangire, Serengeti, and Ngorongoro Crater and Conservation Area was excellent. The guide, Lewis, was quite knowledgeable, the accommodation better than other camp sites, and the meals very delicious.

  13. Everything you need to know before going on safari in Tanzania

    To summarize, the types of safari accommodations in Tanzania are of three kinds: Tent (camping) - is the most basic, comfort is minimal, and I suppose everyone knows what a simple tent looks like. A big plus here is the adrenaline. Tented lodge - is a more advanced tent, with electricity, water, even a large bathroom.

  14. Tanzania Safari Highlights: Best of the National Parks

    Hit Tanzania's acclaimed safari circuit for a 10-day adventure that takes you from the prized national parks of Mikumi and Nyerere to the golden plains of the Serengeti and the awe-inspiring crater of Ngorongoro. Throughout the journey, you'll embark on game drives to witness the Big Five safari animals in their natural environment and experience the warmth and generosity of the Maasai ...

  15. HOME

    Discover Tanzania with Tanzania Safari Deluxe. Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with us as we take you on a journey through the stunning landscapes, vibrant cultures, and diverse wildlife of Tanzania. Whether you're dreaming of a thrilling safari in the Serengeti, a cultural immersion in Maasai villages, or an unforgettable trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, we've got you covered!

  16. Five of the Best Safari Itineraries in Tanzania

    One of the best safari destinations on the African continent, Tanzania is home to a slew of world-famous game reserves — including the iconic Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.In particular, it is known for the Great Migration, an annual event that sees vast herds of wildebeest and zebra travel between their ancestral grazing and mating grounds in Tanzania and Kenya.

  17. 5 Days in Tanzania

    Itinerary #1: Tanzania Safari Highlights: Ngorongoro & Serengeti. This classic safari adventure is an excellent introduction to Tanzania's wildlife-filled savanna landscapes and features four game drives and two memorable luxury accommodations. While based within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, visit a Maasai village and seek out the Big Five—lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo, and rhinos.

  18. 6 Best Safari Destinations in Tanzania Compared

    3. Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain and the world's tallest free-standing mountain above sea level, is located in Tanzania's Arusha region. In 2013, Kilimanjaro generated the second-highest revenue among Tanzanian national parks.

  19. Safari in October

    Tanzania. Tanzania's main parks are still in their peak seasons and the heat is much less extreme than in southern Africa's main parks - specifically those in Botswana, Zambia and Namibia.We are huge fans of the dry-season parks at this time - specifically Ruaha and Katavi, where the lack of visitors and high volume of game makes it a fabulous and authentic safari destination.

  20. SpazioSafari

    Dinamic Tour, Standard Safari. 7 days tour in Tanzania. Private Safaris from 2 to 6 people. Mkomazi National Park. Sanctuaries of wild dogs and rhinos. Natural oasis of Magoroto. Photographic safari in Arusha NP. Price starting from $1.800. Learn more.

  21. Scopri i migliori Safari in Tanzania di Savannah Explorers

    I migliori safari in Africa. Savannah Explorers non si limita ai safari e viaggi in Tanzania ma organizza anche viaggi in altri paesi Africani come Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, Seychelles ed altre destinazioni. Puoi viaggiare con noi per incontrare i gorilla di montagna, visitare i parchi del Kenya, scoprire le bellezze del Madagascar e tanto ancora.

  22. Lemali Safaris

    Breathtaking landscape, simplicity of African tribes, best wildlife safari parks with wild animals, white sandy beaches and even more reasons to easily fall in love with its beauty and to want to return. If you dream of having an authentic Tanzania safari, Lemali Safaris is one of the best ways to achieve it.With more than ten years of experience in the industry, we make sure that your safari ...

  23. How to Plan a Perfect Safari in Tanzania

    Hand sanitizer - Very useful during the day, when you will be traveling with the jeep. Earplugs - there are a lot of noises on the safari at night. Sunblock - the sun is strong and the days are long, so I recommend SPF 50+. Insect repellent - if you are going in the summer. 6.

  24. Safari d'estate: dove andare e consigli di viaggio

    Decidere tra Tanzania, Kenya, Namibia o Botswana dipende da cosa si preferisce vedere e soprattutto da quali animali si vogliono avvistare. Ecco i parchi più belli dove fare un safari d'estate.