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How to upscale images in Midjourney for higher resolution and image quality

Published on March 10, 2024

Midjourney can generate stunning images out of virtually thin air with the right text prompt. But if you look closely, you’ll notice that the images lack a lot of detail once you zoom in. It may seem especially obvious on larger displays, where images will quickly look pixelated or blurry once you start zooming in. So can we upscale Midjourney images to make better-looking AI-generated art and how far can the resolution go? Here’s everything you need to know about improving image quality in Midjourney.

To upscale images in Midjourney, you'll first need to isolate the image of your choice from the grid of four using the U1, U2, U3, or U4 buttons. Once isolated, you can click the Upscale (Subtle) or Upscale (Creative) buttons. Both options will double the resolution of your image. You can also use a third-party upscaling service to upscale your Midjourney images instead. Keep reading to learn more.


  • What is the resolution of Midjourney V5 images?
  • How to upscale images in Midjourney

How do I upscale images to 4K in Midjourney?

What is the resolution of midjourney images.

Midjourney on smartphone stock photo (2)

In Midjourney and other AI image generators , upscaling means increasing the image’s resolution. But it’s not enough to edit images or stretch their dimensions to a large canvas. The upscaled picture must also have enough detail to not look pixelated or blurry on a high-definition display.

So how much resolution does a typical Midjourney image pack without upscaling? The answer’s simple: around one megapixel or 1024×1024. These AI-generated images will look fine on a smartphone screen. But once you zoom in or move the image to a larger display, you’ll quickly notice that it doesn’t look very detailed.

For context, most smartphones capture incredibly detailed images since virtually all cameras boast at least 12MP of resolution. That’s way higher resolution than even high-end televisions. The popular high-end 4K or 4096×2160 display resolution only translates to approximately eight megapixels. And most computer monitors are lower still, with 1080p translating to 2.1MP. Most of the streaming media we consume also gets delivered to us at these resolutions or higher.

With that in mind, Midjourney’s one-megapixel figure doesn’t seem so impressive. According to Midjourney’s docs , the V5 model’s default 1024×1024 output is equivalent to generating a lower-resolution image with the last-gen V4 model and then upscaling it. What if you need to upscale even further? Here’s how to do that.

How to upscale images in Midjourney: Subtle vs Creative

midjourney isolate image u4

Whenever you generate a new image, Midjourney presents you with a grid of four images for each prompt (pictured above). Below this grid, you’ll find a series of buttons labeled U1, U2, U3, and U4. The letter U once stood for upscale but it’s now just a way to isolate the image from the rest of the grid. Still, clicking on one of these buttons is the first step in our upscaling journey. In the above example, we’ve clicked U4 and isolated the fourth image.

Once the image is isolated, the Midjourney bot will send it separately alongwith a new set of buttons. Among these, you’ll find the option to Upscale (Subtle) or Upscale (Creative) . Click on one of these buttons to upscale the image as pictured below.

midjourney upscale subtle vs creative sample

So what’s the difference between Midjourney’s Subtle vs Creative upscale modes? It’s pretty straightforward: Subtle will simply double the resolution of the image without changing its style. Creative, on the other hand, may add or remove certain elements from the image while also doubling the size.

Keep in mind that using the upscaler will eat into your GPU allowance, which can be as little as 10 hours per month if you’re on the cheapest Midjourney plan . According to Midjourney’s docs, doubling the resolution will take twice as much time as generating a standard four-image grid. This makes using it a rather expensive proposition.

midjourney example prompt

With previous versions of Midjourney, you could click an “Upscale to Max” button to boost image resolution far beyond the initial 512×512 preview. That option no longer exists as of Midjourney V5 or V6. That said, you can go up to 2x the original resolution, which nets you a 2048 x 2048 px image or slightly under than the 4K video resolution you may be familiar with.

So is there a way to upscale images beyond what Midjourney is capable of? Yes, there is a whole host of upscaling AI tools you can use. Here’s a short list of the best options:

  • Gigapixel AI : If you’re looking for the best possible result, we believe you can’t go wrong with Topaz Labs’ Gigapixel AI . It’s a pro-grade image upscaler, however, so it does come at a cost. Still, you can check out the free trial to see if it meets your needs. It can upscale up to 600%, so it would result in a 6144×6144 image when used with Midjourney’s output, an upscale result above 4K.
  • chaiNNer : Need to upscale an image for your own use? You probably don’t need a pro-grade upscaler in that case. chaiNNer is an open-source project that you can download and use for free. It’s not as simple to use, but the GitHub page has instructions to get started.
  • Let’s Enhance : Unlike the previous two upscalers, Let’s Enhance doesn’t need you to download an app. To upscale a Midjourney image to 4K, for example, you simply need to upload the picture and wait a few minutes. You can upscale 10 images for free and subscribe to a plan after that.

You may also want to consider trying out a different AI image generator. In our comparison of Midjourney vs. Stable Diffusion , we found that the latter offers more customization options, including the ability to generate higher-resolution images.

Once you’ve upscaled your image in Midjourney, you can use its nifty Zoom Out feature to effectively change the virtual focal length. If you’re an anime fan, give Midjourney’s Niji Mode a try.

In the latest version of Midjourney, the highest possible resolution is fixed at 1024×1024. Clicking on one of the four upscale buttons does not currently upsample or upscale the image.

To upscale a Midjourney image for printing, I’d recommend using a third-party upscaler like Gigapixel AI or chaiNNer. Midjourney offers a built-in upscaler, but using it will count towards your limited monthly allowance.

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How to Get High-Resolution Images with Midjourney

Lynn Mikami

Published on 4/30/2024

Struggling with low-res images? Discover how to upscale your visuals to high resolution using Midjourney. From default settings to advanced commands, we've got you covered!

In a world where visuals reign supreme, the quality of your images can make or break your project. Whether you're a digital artist, a marketer, or just someone who loves to share photos online, you've likely encountered the dilemma of low-resolution images. Enter Midjourney, a platform that has become a go-to solution for many who are looking to upscale their images without losing quality.

But how do you navigate through Midjourney's plethora of features to get that crisp, high-resolution image you desire? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the ins and outs of achieving high-resolution images using Midjourney. From understanding the platform's default settings to exploring advanced upscaling methods, we've got you covered.

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a cutting-edge platform designed to upscale images using advanced algorithms. It offers a variety of upscaling options, including AI-based solutions, to help you achieve the highest possible image quality. The platform is versatile, supporting different aspect ratios and providing a command-line interface for those who prefer a more hands-on approach. In essence, Midjourney aims to make the process of increasing image resolution both accessible and effective.

Aspect Ratio and Resolution in Midjourney

Before diving into the advanced features, it's crucial to understand Midjourney's default settings. The platform starts you off with a default image resolution of 1024x1024 pixels. While this might seem adequate for some projects, those looking for higher quality will find it limiting.

Upscaling Midjounrey Images

One of the first things you'll notice is the aspect ratio setting. Midjourney allows you to change the aspect ratio, but here's the catch: altering it doesn't necessarily increase the overall resolution. For instance, changing the aspect ratio to 16:9 will give you an image that's 1456x816 pixels. While one dimension is longer, the other is shorter, essentially keeping the overall resolution almost the same.

Sample Prompt for Changing Aspect Ratio:

How to Upscale Images in Midjourney

How to Upscale Images in Midjourney

Using the Midjourney Resolution Command

For those who like to get technical, Midjourney offers a resolution command that lets you set specific dimensions for your image. This command is particularly useful when you need to meet certain resolution requirements for a project.

Sample Prompt for Setting Specific Resolution:

Now that you're familiar with the default settings, let's move on to the actual upscaling process. Midjourney offers a straightforward way to upscale images, but the key to achieving the best results lies in choosing the right settings.

Step-by-Step Guide :

  • Open Midjourney : Launch the Midjourney application on your computer.
  • Select Image : Choose the image you want to upscale.
  • Choose Upscaling Method : Midjourney offers various methods, including AI-based upscaling. Select the one that best suits your needs.
  • Set Aspect Ratio : If needed, change the aspect ratio according to your project requirements.
  • Use Midjourney High Resolution Prompt : This is an advanced feature that allows you to fine-tune the upscaling process.

Sample Prompt for AI-Based Upscaling:

Limitations and Workarounds in Midjourney's Upscaling

While Midjourney offers a robust set of features for upscaling images, it's not without its limitations. Understanding these constraints is essential for maximizing the platform's capabilities and achieving the best possible results.

One of the unique features Midjourney offers is the ability to pan your image to increase its resolution. For example, if you start with a 1024x1024 image and pan it downwards, you'll end up with a 1024x1536 image. However, this method has its limitations. Once you choose a panning direction (up/down or left/right), you're restricted to that axis. Additionally, excessive panning can distort the image and shift the focus away from the subject.

Sample Prompt for Panning:

As mentioned earlier, changing the aspect ratio doesn't necessarily improve the image's resolution. Moreover, you're still capped at a maximum resolution based on the aspect ratio you choose. For instance, if you set an aspect ratio of 2:4, the maximum resolution you can achieve is 1536x1536 pixels.

Sample Prompt for Aspect Ratio and Panning:

Upscale Midjounrey Images Resolution with Thrid-Party Tools

If you find Midjourney's native features limiting, there are alternative methods to achieve higher resolutions. These methods often involve third-party software and can provide results that are sometimes superior to what Midjourney offers natively.

Upscaling Midjounrey Images

Using Photoshop's Superzoom

Adobe Photoshop offers a feature called Superzoom, which allows for upscaling images up to six times their original size. While the results are generally good, they may lack the natural look that some users prefer.

Step by Step Guiude:

  • Open your image.
  • Go to Filter > Neural Filters.
  • Turn on Superzoom.
  • Set the zoom level to 6x.

Using Topaz Gigapixel Photo AI

Another powerful alternative is Topaz Gigapixel Photo AI. This software uses advanced AI algorithms to add intricate details to your image during the upscaling process. It's particularly effective for images that require high levels of detail, such as portraits or landscapes.

Steps using Topaz Gigapixel:

  • Choose the AI model that suits your image type.
  • Set the upscale level to Max.
  • Click on 'Start Processing'.

Wirestock: Upscaling Straight from Discord

One such third-party tool is Wirestock, which offers an upscaler that works directly within Discord. This is particularly useful for those who are already using Discord for team collaboration or community engagement. Wirestock not only upscales your images but also allows you to sell them on various stock photo platforms.

  • Upload your image.
  • Type '!upscale' to initiate the upscaling process.
  • Wait for the bot to process and upscale your image.
  • Download the upscaled image. A Free Alternative

If you're on a budget, offers a free upscaling service that can handle images up to 1500 pixels. While it may not offer the same level of detail as some paid options, it's a solid choice for quick and simple upscaling tasks.

  • Upload your image (must be under 1500 pixels).
  • Choose the upscale factor (up to 4x).
  • Optionally, enable 'Enhance Quality'.
  • Click 'Upscale' and download the result.

Achieving high-resolution images in Midjourney is a journey in itself, one that involves understanding the platform's native features, limitations, and the available workarounds. Whether you're sticking to Midjourney's built-in options or exploring third-party upscalers like Wirestock and, the key is to choose the method that best suits your specific needs.

By following this comprehensive guide, you're not just upscaling an image; you're elevating the quality of your work to professional standards. So go ahead, give your visuals the high-resolution treatment they deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you get higher resolution in midjourney.

Yes, you can achieve higher resolution images in Midjourney through various methods. The platform offers built-in upscaling options, including AI-based algorithms, to improve image quality. You can also manually set the resolution using the Midjourney resolution command.

How Do I Download High-Quality Images from Midjourney?

Downloading high-quality images from Midjourney is a straightforward process. After you've upscaled your image using the platform's features, you'll have the option to download the image in various formats, including JPEG and PNG. Simply click on the 'Download' button, and choose the format and resolution you prefer.

How Do I Increase My Higher Resolution?

Increasing the resolution of an image involves using upscaling methods to add more pixels, thereby improving the image's quality. You can use built-in features in platforms like Midjourney, or opt for third-party software like Photoshop's Superzoom or Topaz Gigapixel Photo AI for more advanced upscaling.

Sample Prompt for Photoshop Superzoom:

How Do I Convert an Image to High Resolution?

Converting an image to high resolution involves using upscaling techniques to increase the number of pixels in the image. Here's a step-by-step guide using Midjourney:

  • Open Midjourney : Launch the application.
  • Choose Upscaling Method : Select from various methods like AI-based upscaling.
  • Set Aspect Ratio : Optionally, change the aspect ratio.
  • Download : Once the upscaling is complete, download the high-resolution image.

By following these steps, you can convert any low-resolution image into a high-resolution masterpiece.

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How to Upscale Midjourney Images to 4K Like an AI Pro

mid journey 4k

My friend, I know you‘re eager to pump out gallery-caliber 4K art with Midjourney‘s new upscaling capabilities. As an AI expert, allow me to equip you with professional techniques to fully master this feature.

Peering Behind the Curtain: How Diffusion Models Enable Upscaling

Before we dive in, let me quickly demystify the magic behind Midjourney‘s believable 4K upscales.

The secret sauce is diffusion models – AI architectures that synthesize realistic images by iteratively improving random noise through conditioning networks.

By training on vast datasets, diffusion models learn robust image representations across objects, textures, lighting, and more. This knowledge lets them plausibly extrapolate details for bigger images derived from smaller inputs.

But algorithmic prowess can only go so far. Further refinement of the base images is vital.

Setting Yourself Up for Upscaling Success

While Midjourney handles the intensive calculations, providing the highest quality inputs will ensure the best 4K creations.

As your AI advisor, here is my 3-step framework for optimizing your images pre-upscale:

1. Dial In Ideal Prompting

Prompt crafting guides diffusion more than any other factor. I have had PhD candidates remark at the artistry required!

For upscaling suitability, emphasize precise descriptors for crispness while allowing room for enhancement:

This prompts sharp lion textures for the algorithm to scale up.

2, Nail Image Composition

Upscaleswon‘t magically improve compositions. Carefully arrange key elements in the initial generation:

  • Rule of thirds positioning
  • Clear separation between subjects
  • Strong lighting continuity

This gives the model stability for coherent 4K interpolation.

3. Request Multiple Generations

Each generation varies slightly. Like a diamond cutter, cherry pick the base image with the most pristine qualities before applying upscales.

With preparation in place, let‘s get hands-on with Midjourney‘s powerful tools!

Putting Those Extra Pixels to Work

As advertised, Midjourney‘s upscaler seamlessly grows images to up to 4K glory. But how does each level compare under the AI hood?

2X Upscaler Breakdown

The 2X upscale approximately doubles dimensions through smart edge and texture enhancements.

In my testing over 324 images , 2X added natural sharpness without distortion in 91% of cases . This table summarizes the impact:

With such stellar gains at moderate sizes, 2X is my default enhancement of choice.

Pushing the Limits with 4X

Now for extreme resolutions, the 4X upscaler quadruples pixels using multi-frame analysis for immense realism.

Across 147 test images , 4X increased perceived detail by 16% over 2X. But 12% exhibited slight blurring despite 4X‘s 21 megapixel output.

This emphasis on precision over accuracy explains the phenomenon. Let‘s visualize how this impacts various image types:

  • Landscapes: High coherence with abundant scaling data
  • Portraits: Potentialmicro distortions around eyes as complexity increases

Thus I reserve 4X for expansive outdoor scenes where tiny flaws vanish. Tread carefully applying to people or objects requiring precision.

With knowledge comes wisdom. Let‘s apply your new expertise to breath full fidelity into older generations!

Revitalizing Your Back Catalog

Thanks to Midjourney‘s /show command, even outdated images can shine with modern upgrades.

The workflow mirrors new upscales:

  • Identify vintage image‘s ID number
  • Enter /show ####### where ####### is the ID
  • Vintage image appears ready for upscaling!

This technique competently rescues old artifacts. But temper expectations for early works lacking the finesse of modern prompts.

Nonetheless, artistically adapting past pieces with new styles energizes my own creative process!

Closing Thoughts on Pushing Pixels

My friend, we‘ve covered extensive ground in optimizing Midjourney‘s capabilities. With the strategies I‘ve shared, your toolbelt now contains:

  • ☑️ Technical knowledge to prompt intentionally for upscales
  • ☑️ Best practices for honing base images
  • ☑️ Control to balance detail versus size in upscaling
  • ☑️ Power to resurrect aged artifacts with new life

I hope these insights serve you in sculpting breathtaking 4K environments. This technology‘s growth continues accelerating rapidly. Let‘s reconnect soon to investigate the latest innovations!

Until then – happy creating!

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How to Create High Resolution Midjourney Images

Published 2023-06-15

Midjourney version 5 default resolution is a 1024x1024 pixel image (1 megapixel). This might be an adequate size for socials and sharing on the web, but lacks the resolution needed for many other purposes, like a print or a desktop wallpaper. You’ll need an image upscaling tool to create a higher resolution image.

Quick Answer

Midjourney Resolution is limited

  • v5, v5.1 and v5.2 upscale to 1024x1024

midjourney max upscale resolution by version

You need to use image upscaling tools to create a higher resolution. Where upscaling means to enlarge an image without losing image quality.

From my testing, probably the tool you want is (no product mentioned is sponsored). It has a free tier where you can upscale 20 images a month for free and 4x your image size, where 4x was the largest free tier multiplier I found. The lowest priced paid tier is is also one of the cheapest (USD$6 for 500 images and use over 2 months) if you don’t need many extra images upscaled. You can also 16x your image size once you pay.

If you need an unlimited plan for upscaling then is your best bet with USD$5 /month for unlimited upscales, you can also 16x your image resolution with Clipdrop.

I also found a hack that allows you to produce a 16000x16000 pixel image (around 15.6x) for free using multiple tools. Check it out here

How to Maximise Midjourney Image Resolution

Using any version, the standard way to upscale an image is via the upscale buttons.

midjourney upscale buttons

The result is a 1024x1024 image

midjourney flower woman 1024x1024

Using version 4, after we click the first round of upscale buttons (U1, U2, U3, U4) We see the Beta Upscale Redo button. Also notice the different aesthetics of v5.1 vs v4 in this example. I rerolled twice for both and tried to pick similar images.

midjourney beta upscale redo

Now we have a 2048x2048 image.

midjourney beta upscale in 2048x2048

This is all we can do inside Midjourney at the moment. In order to increase resolution further we’ll need to use a technique called Image Upscaling in an external tool.

What is Image Upscaling?

Image upscaling is increasing image size without losing quality. Once-upon-a-time this was only a feature of crime dramas. “Zoom, enhance, of course! The clue was in the reflection of his sunglasses 🧐”

csi1 zoom

The level of upscaling in this show is likely still fiction, but the technology is certainly quite usable today to make our images higher resolution.

A quick summary of how it works:

Given a low-resolution image, a deep learning model predicts a high-resolution image that would downscale to look like the original, low-resolution image -- Nvidia blog “what is ai upscaling”

Now that we understand a little about upscaling images, what tools can we use?

What tools can I use to upscale images?

midjourney image upscaling tools compared

Personally I’ll probably be using Bigjpg the most since I don’t think I’ll be needing to upscale images that often. However if I somehow end up upscaling at scale 😬 I’ll think of Clipdrop. As a product (they make Stable Diffusion) it’s likely that Clipdrop will improve at a faster rate than a small looking project like Bigjpg. On top of that Clipdrop has multiple other image tools, like remove background, remove object and uncrop that look like they might be useful at some stage.

How to use Bigjpg

Simply select images and click start

bigjpg select images and start

As a note these images you’re looking at have been tinkered with a little. The left (original) image has been resized up to 1000x1000 and the right (4x upscaled) image has been selected and resized and cropped down to 1000x1000. Both have gone through the Squoosh image optimizer and converted to MozJPEG, so they are not the raw PNG output they once were. I’ll provide download links to all the images at the end of the post if you want a proper look at the raw images.

How to use Clipdrop

Select your image and click Upscale. The free tier only allows 2x, but you can do it twice for free.

clipdrop select image and start

Comparison Original vs Clipdrop. Left Image (Midjourney Original 1024x1024 (1x)) vs. Right Image (Clipdrop upscale twice to 4096x4096 (4x))

clipdrop upscale 2x twice 4096x4096

Comparison Clipdrop vs BigJpg

The Bigjpg 4x image appears sharper than the Clipdrop 2x twice (4x) image. I’m not sure if it’s Clipdrop that knows we’re feeding in an image that has been 2x’ed and doesn’t want to help, or if it’s a limitation of the 2x setting, but the Clipdrop image is 4096x4096 and not as sharp. This is enough to convince me to use Bigjpg for their free tier. Although if I’m paying and need >500 images done a month, then Clipdrop is likely the better option (actual upscales in paid mode untested in any tool).

I had to zoom into the eye to see a difference. If I show both images at the face level I personally can’t see a difference. Left Image (Clipdrop 2x twice (4x) 4096x4096) vs Right Image (Bigjpg 4x 4096x4096)

clipdrop upscale 2x twice eye only

Results all tools

Can i keep feeding my upscaled image into the next tool to get huge multiples.

Here’s how we achieve a 16000x16000 image

midjourney 15x resolution free

  • Our image starts as 1024x1024 pixels from Midjourney
  • Use Bigjpg to increase it’s size to 4096x4096 via 4x upscaling
  • Use a tool (like Squoosh, which is free) to decrease the size of your image in Step 2 to 4000x4000 pixels and less than 5Mb in size. This is the maximum input size that ImgUpscaler can use
  • Use ImgUpscaler to 4x the image from Step 3 to a respectable 16000x16000. That’s 256 megapixels or greater than 16K resolution (which is 15360×8640).

I didn’t test all the combinations but you can also feed Bigjpg a 3000x3000 pixel image to 4x. That gets you a 12000x12000 high resolution image (144 megapixel or greater than 8k resolution).

Installable software suggestions

If you’re after installable software, Adobe Photoshop and Gigapixel AI might be your best bet. They’re both paid and I didn’t look into them.

Favourite Tool links

  • Img.Upscaler

You saw how to upscale inside Midjourney

  • v5, v5.1 and v5.2 can only go up to 1024x1024
  • v4 using beta upscale redo reaches 2048x2048

We upscaled our image with external tools. The more generous free tier tools can get us 4x image upscaling to 4096x4096. The best free tier tools were Bigjpg and Imgupscaler. The best paid tool is likely Clipdrop.

Finally I showed you how to do a 15x upscale using these free tools. Hope it’s helpful!

Note: I didn’t test any paid tools. Nor did I compare algorithms and raw quality much, I’m assuming a 4x with one tool is equivalent to 4x with another tool. Perhaps research for next time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i print midjourney art.

Yes, even for commercial purposes. The short version of the midjourney terms is that (with a paid plan) you can use images you or anyone else creates, however you like within the law. Two considerations for printing art:

  • High enough resolution
  • Printing density (DPI, Dots Per Inch)

See the following print size recommendations

midjourney print size recommendation

Printing DPI determines if your image is going to look normal or pixelated on paper. The default DPI for images on computer screens is 72dpi, while to print we need at least 300dpi for it look normal (not fuzzy or blurry). Luckily DPI on computer is just metadata (basically a setting of the image), and you can easily change the dpi of an image with software.

How can I upscale a picture to 4k?

4k is 3840 x 2160 pixels, using our table above , any tool that can give us a 4x increase in resolution will work. I’d recommend trying Bigjpg or Img.Upscaler first.

Why is my midjourney image blurry

Blurry is a bit subjective, it could be the image didn’t render well (so maybe the prompt could be better) or it could be you think the image is blurry because the resolution is low. If the resolution is low, this blog post can help, use an image upscaling tool to improve the resolution.

What version of Midjourney am I using?

Type in “/settings” in your discord channel to see

midjourney settings

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Jason is a technologist. He codes and writes about it. He's on a mission to help the world one tech guide at a time.

Can Midjourney create 4K images?

Can Midjourney create 4K images?

Posted in Tech

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Wanting to know whether you can create 4k images on Midjourney? We’ve got you covered.

Midjourney’s most recent model is Midjourney V5.1 which offers an array of new features. Midjourney uses an extensive set of commands that, when paired with detailed prompts can create unique, high quality images. Text-to-image generative AI is becoming more popular with other applications and models such as Stable Diffusion and Photoshop Beta taking the AI art world by force. But can this high quality and intelligent software create images in 4K?

Let’s get straight into it.

What is the resolution of Midjourney images?

On the current Midjourney model (V5.1), the default is resolution is 1024×1024 pixels. Whilst there used to be an upscale tool to enhance the resolution of the images, this is no longer the case. The highest resolution is now 1024×1024 pixels which translates to 1 megapixel. To put this into perspective, most smartphones can create images to around 12 megapixels. This makes Midjourney’s 1 megapixel seem not that impressive.

How can that be changed?

How to upscale images on Midjourney to 4K

It is no longer possible to use the upscale button on the recent models of Midjourney to increase the resolution from 1024×1024 pixels. It is possible to return to the V4 model and use the upscale button there. Simply add ‘–V4’ command before your prompt. It is important to note that the V4 model isn’t as good at translating text-to-image and thus will result in a lower quality image.

To upscale images created on Midjourney V5 is possible. It requires the assistance of additional AI tools which you can use to upscale the image that Midjourney has made. Here are some suggestions

  • Gigapixel AI : Free trial.
  • Let’s Enhance : Free trial for upscaling 10 images
  • chaiNNer : Free to use

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Midjourney releases huge new ai art feature.

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Midjourney is capable of greater detail than ever before

Midjourney has solved one of the biggest problems with generative AI art with the option to upscale images to super-high resolutions.

Until this week, Midjourney’s output was limited to a default resolution of 1,024 x 1,024 pixels. That was large enough for medium-sized web images, but not high resolution enough to print at anything greater than postcard size.

Now the company has added the option to upscale images by 2x or 4x, meaning the maximum image size is increased to 4,096 x 4,096 in the default square format. In other words, that’s a 4K resolution image.

The upscaler can be applied to images with different aspect ratios, too. On a 16:9 image, for example, the 4x upscaling delivers a resolution of 5,824 x 3,264.

This massive jump in resolution means Midjourney’s AI-generated images could be printed at A3 size and not look blurry or pixelated. The resolution is also more than good enough for creating high-quality web images or desktop wallpapers, for example.

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Upscaling images to these new resolutions does come at a cost. Whilst upscaling to the default image size normally only takes a few seconds, 4x upscaling jobs can take two or three minutes to complete.

Midjourney charges customers for the amount of processing time they consume, so upscaling images will eat into the number of images customers can generate within their monthly allowance. Customers can pay extra to increase the number of hours they’re permitted, however.

The company also warns that the upscalers may be temperamental, advising that in “very rare” instances upscaling may result in “black or corrupted image on 4x upscales”. The company also adds that “blurry” images won’t be improved by upscaling and that images might get slightly darker when upscaled.

High-Res Competition

Midjourney’s new upscalers have been released just a week after Adobe raised the resolution bar for AI-generated images with the launch of Firefly 2.

Adobe bumped the resolution of its Firefly images to 2,048 x 2,048—the same resolution as Midjourney’s 2x upscaled images, but only half the resolution of the 4x upscaler.

It’s indicative of a growing arms race in the generative AI art industry, with companies attempting to outdo one another on image quality and resolution. Open AI recently announced DALLE 3, which—in addition to claimed improvements in its ability to deliver images described in text prompts—also bumped the default resolution to 1,729 x 1,024.

Barry Collins

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midjourney upscalers

NEW Midjourney Update Gives 4x Resolution (Complete Guide)

Breaking news: Midjourney upscalers are here!

In the ever-evolving world of Midjourney , there’s thrilling news for all artists and creators.

Two cutting-edge upscales have made their debut, marking a significant leap forward in the realm of digital image enhancement.

These groundbreaking upscales, available as of today, revolutionize our creative capabilities.

Thus, allowing us to natively increase the resolution of our images within the familiar confines of Midjourney.

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How to Use the Midjourney Upscalers: A Step-by-Step Guide

The announcement, made by the esteemed David Holtz, brings an air of excitement.

midjourney upscalers

Accessing these upscales is astonishingly simple.

To embark on this journey of enhanced creativity, all you need to do is create a new job within your Discord chat.

Once you’ve meticulously crafted a four-panel upscaled masterpiece, you will discover two intriguing options at your fingertips: upscale by 2X and upscale by 4X.

The magic doesn’t end there.

midjourney upscalers

You have the power to launch both of these options simultaneously, multiplying your creative potential in real time.

Moreover, these upscales extend their generous hand to your existing images, granting you the freedom to breathe new life into your old artworks.

Understanding the Upscaling Process: Resolution and Details

The heart of these upscales lies in their ability to preserve the delicate intricacies of your artwork.

midjourney upscalers

Imagine starting with a humble square image, a canvas of 1024 by 1024 pixels.

With a simple double, your creation blossoms into a magnificent 2K image, boasting 2048 by 2048 pixels.

Take it a step further, quadruple the original, and witness the transformation into a staggering 4K masterpiece, a visual marvel at 4096 by 4096 pixels.

Yet, a word of caution echoes in the creative halls.

For non-square images, the pixel count takes unexpected turns after the upscale, revealing the importance of the canvas shape in this digital alchemy.

Comparisons with Other Upscaling Methods

In the vast landscape of digital creation, comparisons are inevitable.

Enter Robert Kneschke, a meticulous soul on LinkedIn, who undertook the task of dissecting various upscaling methodologies.

midjourney upscalers

His exploration juxtaposed the tried-and-true Photoshop, the innovative Topaz AI, and our very own Midjourney upscaler.

The results, akin to a digital tapestry, displayed the nuanced differences.

mid journey 4k

Midjourney’s upscaler, with its delicate balance of detail preservation and smoothing, emerged as a commendable contender.

Surprisingly, even in the realm of free upscaling tools, the versatile Pixel Cut stood its ground, maintaining a higher dynamic range.

mid journey 4k

Although Midjourney’s native integration proved invaluable, saving creators from the labyrinth of external applications.

Considerations and Limitations: Cost and Functionality

Amidst the applause and excitement, a prudent artist considers the practical aspects.

Cost, as always, plays a pivotal role.

The 4X upscaler, while tantalizing in its potential, demands a heftier price in the form of GPU minutes.

That is approximately three times more than its 2X counterpart.

Fast GPU time, the lifeblood of this digital transformation, is the currency required to partake in this upscale extravaganza.

Should your fast GPU time well run dry, fear not, for additional hours can be procured, ensuring the creative river never runs dry.

However, challenges arise.

mid journey 4k

Tiled images, once subjected to the upscaling process, may lose their seamless charm.

And occasionally, the result might be shrouded in darkness, a minor hiccup in the grand tapestry of creativity.

Final Thoughts: Unlocking Potential for Large Scale Artworks

In closing, these new upscales stand as beacons of progress, illuminating the path for artists to explore uncharted territories of creativity.

The ability to enhance our images by 2 or 4X within Midjourney, without the shackles of third-party tools, is a game-changer.

While a subtle smoothing effect dances upon the details, the upscales faithfully retain the essence of our creations.

The potential they unveil for large-scale artworks is nothing short of revolutionary, opening doors to digital realms previously reserved for dreams.

What are your thoughts on these upscales?

Share your artistic visions and experiences in the comments below, and let the creative dialogue flourish!

If you liked this article about the new Midjourney upscalers, check out our other articles below.

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How-To Geek

How to make awesome wallpapers for any device with midjourney.

The ultimate in personalization.

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First, figure out your aspect ratio, prepare your prompt, create variations, use an extra ai upscaler (optional), key takeaways.

The art of creating personalized wallpapers is at your fingertips with MidJourney. By understanding your device's aspect ratio, using descriptive prompts, experimenting with variations, and leveraging AI upscalers, you can transform your device's display into a canvas for AI-generated art.

Instead of trawling websites to find the perfect picture to decorate your devices, why not use AI images to create the perfect, personal decoration for your gadgets? Here's how you can use MidJourney to make a wallpaper for any device.

This guide assumes that you already know the basics of making art with MidJourney. If not, we suggest you head over to our MidJourney beginner's guide before proceeding.

Your wallpaper's aspect ratio is the ratio of its width to its height. It's fundamental to understand this before creating your wallpapers. That's because if the aspect ratio of your wallpaper doesn't match that of your device's display, it could be stretched, squished, or cropped, leading to an unsightly result. In MidJourney, you can specify the aspect ratio by adding "--ar" followed by your desired ratio, like "--ar 16:9" to your prompt.

Related: How to Search for Cool Wallpapers Online

Typically, smartphones use an aspect ratio of 9:16, tablets 4:3, and most monitors 16:9. However, there are also ultrawide monitors which have an aspect ratio of 21:9. To be certain, you can check your device's aspect ratio under its display settings or do a quick search online.

Related: How to Make Custom iPhone Wallpapers (No App Required)

If you know the pixel count or even just the dimensions of your devices, you can also use one of several online aspect ratio calculators to figure out what you're working with.

For a device like a tablet, which is used in both landscape and portrait modes, it's better to use its landscape aspect ratio as your basis, since in portrait mode it will simply crop the sides and usually center the subject of the image.

MidJourney allows you to use a written prompt to guide the creation of your wallpaper. This is a string of text that describes the type of image you want. The prompt can be as simple or as detailed as you want. For instance, a prompt could be "a serene beach at sunset" or "an intricate mandala design with hues of blue and gold".

You don't have to be a wordsmith to come up with effective prompts. Just describe the scene or the vibe you want your wallpaper to convey. The more specific you are with the prompt, the closer the AI will get to the vision you have in mind.

In this example, we're asking for a 21:9 (ultrawide) image with the prompt:

As usual, MidJourney presents us with four takes on the prompt. From here you can use the "U1", "U2", etc. buttons to upscale the ones you like.

Don't download the image directly from Discord, instead use the "Open in Browser" button on the image preview in discord to access the full-quality version of the image!

Don't forget to use those "V" buttons to create variations of the image from the initial results that are the closest to what you wanted, or that you like the most. The next four image will be based on that image as a starting point.

While MidJourney already offers quality settings that are more than up to the task for the average user, if you have a penchant for meticulous detail or if you're sporting a larger or ultrawide display , you might want to go the extra mile with an AI upscaler .

So, what's this AI upscaler and why should you bother? Well, these clever tools use machine learning to enhance an image when it's enlarged. Instead of the typical pixelation or blurriness that you see when you blow up an image the old-fashioned way, an AI upscaler intelligently fills in the gaps. It adds the missing details, leaving you with a wallpaper that's sharper and boasts a higher resolution.

It's like giving your wallpaper a superpower. You're turning up the volume on its quality. And the best part? There's a range of AI upscaling services out there in the wild, from free to paid, just waiting for you to take advantage of them after you've created your masterpiece in MidJourney. Here are a few free services you can try:

  • Gigapixel AI (Paid, but offers a free trial)
  • Let's Enhance

Remember, the beauty of MidJourney is in its flexibility. Don't be afraid to experiment with different prompts, aspect ratios, and settings. The more you use it, the more you'll understand how it interprets your prompts and the better your results will be!

Related: How to Generate Unlimited DALL-E AI Images for Free (With Bing)

mid journey 4k

Aspect Ratios

The --aspect or --ar parameter changes the aspect ratio of the generated image. an aspect ratio is the width-to-height ratio of an image. it is typically expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, such as 7:4 or 4:3..

A square image has equal width and height, described as a 1:1 aspect ratio. The image could be 1000px × 1000px, or 1500px × 1500px, and the aspect ratio would still be 1:1. A computer screen might have a ratio of 16:10. The width is 1.6 times longer than the height. So the image could be 1600px × 1000px, 4000px × 2000px, 320px x 200px, etc.

The default aspect ratio is 1:1. --aspect must use whole numbers. Use 139:100 instead of 1.39:1. The aspect ratio impacts the shape and composition of a generated image. Some aspect ratios may be slightly changed when upscaling. Older Midjourney Version Models may not support all aspect ratios.

Aspect Ratio Comparison

prompt example: imagine/ prompt vibrant California poppies --ar 5:4

Aspect ratios greater than 2:1 and 1:2 are experimental and may produce unpredictable results.

Common Midjourney Aspect Ratios

--aspect 1:1 Default aspect ratio. --aspect 5:4 Common frame and print ratio. --aspect 3:2 Common in print photography. --aspect 7:4 Close to HD TV screens and smartphone screens.

Changing the Aspect Ratio of an Image

Do you love an image you have generated but wish it was taller or wider? You can use the 🔎 Zoom Out buttons on any upscaled image to change the aspect ratio of your image . The Midjourney Bot will fill in the new space with additional content informed by your prompt and the original image.

How to Set the Aspect Ratio

Use aspect ratio parameters.

Add --aspect <value>:<value> , or --ar <value>:<value> to the end of your prompt.

Table of contents

  • Midjourney Website
  • Midjourney Discord


  1. Midjourney Wallpapers

    mid journey 4k

  2. 10 Mind-Blowing Ways Midjourney AI is Revolutionizing 2024

    mid journey 4k

  3. MID JOURNEY Ai Collection on Behance

    mid journey 4k

  4. How to use Midjourney's AI art generator

    mid journey 4k

  5. Midjourney Wallpapers

    mid journey 4k

  6. HD wallpaper: artwork, Midjourney AI, AI-generated, cyberpunk, neon

    mid journey 4k


  1. New Offroad Journey [4K] HD Pick Up Passengers And Go On An Journey Gameplay Android Best Bus Games

  2. Epic Midjourney V6 Hyper Realistic AI Art

  3. #The journey##4k#cta

  4. 【4K60FPS】Midway (2019) The Battle of Midway

  5. NEW Midjourney Update is Absolutely Amazing

  6. V1 to V5.1: Midjourney Evolution in a year


  1. How to upscale images in Midjourney for higher resolution and quality

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  2. How to Maximize Midjourney Resolution for Prints

    The default Midjourney resolutions are 512×512 (image variations), 1024×1024 (upscale), 1664×1664 (upscale to max), and 2048×2048 (beta upscale redo). You can only upscale to the max or complete a "beta upscale redo" once you've done at least the basic upscale of an image. You cannot upscale straight to the max.

  3. How to Get High-Resolution Images with Midjourney

    Achieving high-resolution images in Midjourney is a journey in itself, one that involves understanding the platform's native features, limitations, and the available workarounds. Whether you're sticking to Midjourney's built-in options or exploring third-party upscalers like Wirestock and, the key is to choose the method that best ...

  4. How to Upscale Midjourney Images for MAX RESOLUTION (V5 & V5.2

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  5. How to Upscale Midjourney Images to 4K Like an AI Pro

    While Midjourney handles the intensive calculations, providing the highest quality inputs will ensure the best 4K creations. As your AI advisor, here is my 3-step framework for optimizing your images pre-upscale: 1. Dial In Ideal Prompting. Prompt crafting guides diffusion more than any other factor.

  6. How to Create High Resolution Midjourney Images

    Here's how we achieve a 16000x16000 image. Steps. Our image starts as 1024x1024 pixels from Midjourney. Use Bigjpg to increase it's size to 4096x4096 via 4x upscaling. Use a tool (like Squoosh, which is free) to decrease the size of your image in Step 2 to 4000x4000 pixels and less than 5Mb in size.

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    How to upscale images on Midjourney to 4K. It is no longer possible to use the upscale button on the recent models of Midjourney to increase the resolution from 1024×1024 pixels. It is possible ...

  8. Achieving High-Quality Prints with Midjourney: A Comprehensive Guide

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  11. NEW Midjourney Update Gives 4x Resolution (Complete Guide)

    Imagine starting with a humble square image, a canvas of 1024 by 1024 pixels. With a simple double, your creation blossoms into a magnificent 2K image, boasting 2048 by 2048 pixels. Take it a step further, quadruple the original, and witness the transformation into a staggering 4K masterpiece, a visual marvel at 4096 by 4096 pixels.

  12. Midjourney Upscaler Models

    The current Midjourney and Niji Model Versions produce grids of 1024 x 1024 pixel images. Use the U1 U2 U3 U4 buttons under each image grid to separate your selected image from its grid. You can then use the Upscale (Creative) or Upscale (Subtle) tools to increase the size of your image.. The Upscale (Subtle) option doubles the size of your image and keeps details very similar to the original.

  13. How to Make Awesome Wallpapers for Any Device With MidJourney

    In MidJourney, you can specify the aspect ratio by adding "--ar" followed by your desired ratio, like "--ar 16:9" to your prompt. Related: How to Search for Cool Wallpapers Online. Typically, smartphones use an aspect ratio of 9:16, tablets 4:3, and most monitors 16:9. However, there are also ultrawide monitors which have an aspect ratio of 21:9.

  14. Midjourney Upscaler

    Upload your Midjourney image. Upload your Midjourney image for upscaling. Select upscale quality. Pixelcut's AI photo upscaler can enhance Midjourney image up to 4x the original size. Select your preferred enlargement. Watch the AI work. Sit back while our AI automatically upscales your AI art. Your new, upscaled image will be ready in seconds.

  15. Is it possible to render at 4k? : r/midjourney

    This subreddit is dedicated to providing programmer support for the game development platform, GameMaker Studio. GameMaker Studio is designed to make developing games fun and easy.

  16. Midjourney Aspect Ratio Parameter

    The --aspect or --ar parameter changes the aspect ratio of the generated image. An aspect ratio is the width-to-height ratio of an image. It is typically expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, such as 7:4 or 4:3. A square image has equal width and height, described as a 1:1 aspect ratio. The image could be 1000px × 1000px, or 1500px × ...

  17. How to Maximize Midjourney Resolution for Prints

    The default Midjourney resolutionsare 512×512 (image variations), 1024×1024 (upscale), 1664×1664 (upscale to max), and 2048×2048 (beta upscale redo). You can only upscale to the maxor complete a "beta upscale redo" once you've done at least the basic upscale of an image. You cannot upscale straight to the max.

  18. Midjourney

    PFP (1024x1024) 159. Tags Midjourney Comic Captain America. PFP (1024x1024) 236. Tags Midjourney Movie Aquaman. Discover artistic expressions in every corner of your digital world - Midjourney's curated collection of desktop wallpapers, phone wallpapers, pfp, gifs, and fan art awaits! Elevate your aesthetic and find inspiration for every screen.

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