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Redessiner la Skyline de La Défense

Futur siège du groupe TotalÉnergies, The Link revisite le modèle de la tour traditionnelle pour l’adapter aux évolutions des modes de travail. Sa morphologie en deux ailes reliées par des plateformes, les « links », offre des espaces favorisant l’intelligence collective et permet de donner une place inédite à la nature au sein d’un immeuble de grande hauteur.

tour link chantier

The Link étant doté de 2 800 m2 d’espaces extérieurs, aucun salarié ne sera à plus de trente secondes d’un accès à l’air libre.

tour link chantier

Larges de plus de 8 mètres et dotés de jardins offrant des vues spectaculaires, les "links" sont pensés comme des points de rencontre. En reliant les deux bâtiments, ils créeront des plateaux de 3 000 m2, surface inédite pour une tour de La Défense.

tour link chantier

Tous les étages fonctionneront en duplex via de grands escaliers ouverts créant des unités de 6 000 m2 qui pourront accueillir 500 personnes, soit quatre fois plus qu’un étage de tour classique. Les déplacements au sein de chaque étage se feront à pied de façon à multiplier les interactions et générer de la sérendipité.

tour link chantier

Contenus associés

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Grande Armée

À l’initiative du Comité Grande-Armée, PCA-STREAM livre « Grande-Armée 2030 », une vision stratégique basée sur une étude de son histoire et des enjeux urbains contemporains pour réinscrire l’avenue de la Grande-Armée dans la dynamique urbaine que connaît l’axe historique de Paris et l’adapter aux mutations de la ville du XXIe siècle.

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Exposition "Champs-Élysées, histoire & perspectives"

L’exposition Champs-Élysées, histoire & perspectives présente une étude menée par PCA-STREAM entre 2018 et 2020, à l’initiative du Comité Champs-Élysées, avec la collaboration d’une cinquantaine de chercheurs, scientifiques, acteurs économiques et culturels français et internationaux. Elle retrace l’évolution de la « plus belle avenue du monde » et propose une vision adaptée aux enjeux contemporains.

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Fabrique de l'Art

Dans un contexte de mutations des pratiques culturelles qui interroge l’avenir des musées, le Centre Pompidou a lancé un concours pour la création d’un nouveau pôle de conservation, remporté par l’agence PCA-STREAM avec le projet de la Fabrique de l’Art. Abritant les collections du Centre Pompidou et du musée Picasso, il offrira un pôle de réserve de référence réunissant dans un même bâtiment un lieu de recherche et de conservation de pointe, mais aussi un lieu de diffusion qui deviendra un nouveau centre de vie pour les Franciliens, au cœur d’un parc magique.

tour link chantier


tour link chantier

  • Paris — La Défense
  • Architecture
  • Nouveaux usages
  • Modélisation
  • Systèmes techniques

Accompagner la transformation de La Défense

The Link rééquilibrera la skyline de La Défense, en miroir de la Tour First, dans la perspective de l’axe historique, du Louvre à l’Arche de La Défense via les Champs‑Élysées. Elle offrira un nouveau signal visible depuis l’ensemble de la métropole parisienne et participera à la transformation du quartier d’affaires en un lieu de vie pacifié et reconnecté à la ville. L’emplacement stratégique de The Link, à la frontière de la dalle et de la ville de Puteaux permettra de créer un nouvel accès vers la Défense depuis la ville, notamment pour les personnes à mobilité réduite et les vélos. Ces travaux préfigurent la transformation du boulevard circulaire en un boulevard urbain apaisé, aménagé pour les piétons et les mobilités douces. The Link enclenchera enfin la rénovation complète du cours Michelet, l’un des quartiers historiques de La Défense, qui n’avait pas changé depuis les années 1980, avec un projet paysager de désenclavement.

Repenser le modèle de la tour

Les tours classiques sont condamnées par des limites intrinsèques, désormais rédhibitoires : verticalité, cloisonnement, minéralité, absence d’accès extérieur. PCA-STEAM a pris le parti de repenser les fondamentaux de la tour traditionnelle en inventant une nouvelle horizontalité répondant à un changement de paradigme dans l’organisation du travail. L’agence a imaginé une morphologie de tour innovante qui tire parti de la taille de la parcelle : la tour est dédoublée en deux ailes, reliées par trente liaisons, les « links ». Larges de plus de 8 m et dotés de jardins offrant des vues spectaculaires, ils sont pensés comme des points de rencontre qui deviendront autant de « places du village ». En reliant les deux bâtiments, ces links créeront des plateaux de 3 000 m 2 , surface inédite pour une tour de La Défense.

Tous les étages fonctionneront en duplex via de grands escaliers ouverts créant des unités de 6 000 m 2 qui pourront accueillir 500 personnes, soit quatre fois plus qu’un étage de tour classique. Les déplacements au sein de chaque duplex se feront à pied, sans prendre l’ascenseur, de façon à multiplier les interactions et générer de la sérendipité. Les façades vitrées toute hauteur offrent une luminosité exceptionnelle sur tous les plateaux. Par ses caractéristiques de modularité et de flexibilité, The Link est capable de s’adapter aux différentes configurations souhaitées avec une simplicité inédite pour un projet de cette envergure : bureaux cloisonné, open space, espaces mixtes, flex office, salles de travail connectées, box, espaces d’isolement… The Link étant doté de 2 800 m 2 d’espaces extérieurs, aucun salarié ne sera à plus de trente secondes d’un accès à l’air libre. Le jardin paysager en rooftop, à 154 m du sol, créera lui un nouveau belvédère spectaculaire sur Paris et l’axe historique.

Incarner une vision durable

The Link permettra à TotalÉnergies de réduire de 50 % sa consommation énergétique par rapport à ses tours actuelles, notamment via sa façade en double-peau, qui créera une isolation thermique et sera dotée de panneaux photovoltaïques. The Link favorise également l’utilisation de transports décarbonés : pas de parking voiture mais 350 m 2 de parking vélo en sous-sol, des accès directs à pied ou en vélo depuis le boulevard et une participation au financement de la restructuration de la station Esplanade du Métro Ligne 1, en parallèle de l’apaisement du boulevard circulaire… Sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie du bâtiment, le recours aux transports décarbonés par les collaborateurs de la tour participera à équilibrer le bilan carbone de sa construction.

Groupama Immobilier

Tour de bureaux dédoublée en 2 ailes comprenant : 30 plateformes de vie (« links »), un rooftop à ciel ouvert, 10 cafés et restaurants, 3 auditoriums, un Business Center, un centre sportif, un centre médical. HAUTEUR DE CONSTRUCTION — Aile Arche : 241mètres — Aile Seine : 178 mètres


Cours Michelet, La Défense


HQE “Outstanding”; HQE Sustainable Building 2016 (V3 – Jan. 2019); BREEAM Excellent; BREEAM international 2016 – New construction; Well Building Standard Label – Level: Silver Effinergie+ 2013 Certification; Biodivercity Label – Level: Basic

Preneur : TotalÉnergies Investisseur : Groupama Immobilier Maîtrise d’ouvrage : ADIM Paris Île-de-France — contrat de CPI AMO Investisseur : Egis Conseils — MA — CAPTIM Entreprise générale : Bateg MOC : Artelia BET Structure : Setec TPI Géotechnique : Fugro BET Façades : EPPAG BET HQE : GreenAffair BET Fluides : Barbanel BET restauration : Convergence Acousticien : Jean Paul Lamoureux Économiste : AE75 Bureau de contrôle : Véritas SSI et sécurité : CSD Faces Paysagiste conception : Coloco Paysage

tour link chantier

Investor/builder: Groupama (SCI The Link La Défense)/ADIM Ile-de-France Architect: PCA STREAM - Philippe Chiambaretta Architecte Height/storey: 54 levels, 242 metres (Arche wing) and 178 metres (Seine wing) Surface area: 130,000 sq.m, offices (demolition, reconstruction) Delivery date: 2025 Location: Esplanade Sud, Michelet district (Puteaux)

The Groupama Group and Total have signed a Lease in Future State of Completion for the construction of The Link project, which will house Total's future headquarters in Paris La Défense. The Link, which refers to the "links" that will connect the two wings of the tower, is a project designed by the architectural firm PCA-STREAM on behalf of Groupama, the site owner, and is being built by Vinci Construction France.

A new iconic tower for Paris La Défense

Located in the Michelet district, The Link comprises two towers linked by 30 levels of green walkways. The 'Arche' wing will rise to 228 metres above the Parvis with 50 floors and the 'Seine' wing to 165 metres with 35 floors. The whole complex will rest on a common base of three levels between the urban boulevard and the forecourt. The walkways will allow the creation of 3,000 sq.m. and 6,000 sq.m. duplex floors, with all floors connected in pairs by large, open, easily accessible staircases. Employees will benefit from 130,000 sq.m. of office, restaurant, co-working and relaxation space. These spaces are designed to improve the quality of well-being at work and collective efficiency.

The tower will be built on the current site of the Michelet building, which will be demolished in 2021. This will be followed by the construction of The Link until 2025.

The Link invents a new tower model

Philippe Chiambaretta has rethought the fundamentals of the traditional tower to respond to a change in the work organisation model.

  • A new horizontality: PCA STREAM has devised an innovative tower morphology that takes advantage of the size of the plot: the tower is split into 2 wings, connected by 30 links. Over 8 metres wide and equipped with aerial gardens offering spectacular views, they are designed as meeting points.
  • New 6,000 sq.m. duplexes: by connecting the two buildings, these Links will create 3,000 sq.m. floors. All floors will function as duplexes via large open staircases creating 6,000 sq.m. units that will accommodate 500 people, four times as many as a conventional tower floor.
  • Each duplex will have its own organic life, within which movements will be made on foot, without taking the lift, with the idea of multiplying human interaction.
  • An "open-air" tower, with 2,800 sq.m. of outdoor spaces: 6 large terraces, 15 open-air hanging gardens, 6 naturally ventilated winter gardens, 2 rooftop gardens. No employee will be more than 30 seconds' walk from an outdoor space.
  • A belvedere over Paris: the rooftop garden 154 metres above ground level creates a new view of Paris and the historic axis linking La Défense to the Louvre, via the Arc de Triomphe and the Concorde

The Link will have the highest environmental certification (HQE Exceptional), guaranteeing the best standards in terms of energy efficiency, thermal and acoustic comfort. 100% of the workstations will be first daylight and 25% of the energy required to light the tower will be provided by its photovoltaic façade. The work will be carried out in compliance with the Circular Economy Charter for the Real Estate and Construction sector, signed by Groupama Immobilier and VINCI Construction France.

The Link will enable Total to reduce its energy consumption by 50% compared with its current towers, thanks in particular to its double-skinned façade, which creates thermal insulation and will be equipped with photovoltaic panels.

Public spaces and traffic flow redesigned

The arrival of The Link tower in 2025 will transform the landscape of the Michelet district , which is currently isolated. In the future, the district will be largely connected to the rest of the Puteaux area and will bring a real dynamic to Paris La Défense. The Cours Michelet will be thoroughly renovated and planted.

The delivery of the Carré Michelet office complex (Eurosic Gecina) in September 2019 marked the start of this transformation.

In close collaboration with the Hauts-de-Seine Department and the City of Puteaux, a study was carried out in favour of creating urban connections to link the slab to Puteaux city centre. The redevelopment of the circular boulevard , which currently forms a border between the business district and the centre of Puteaux, is also being studied with a view to transforming it into a calm urban boulevard that can be crossed on foot.

Key dates for the project

  • April 2019: Planning permission granted
  • March 2020: signing of the Lease in Future State of Completion between Groupama and Total and the Property Development Contract between Groupama and VINCI Construction France
  • 2020: demolition of existing buildings, design
  • 2021: construction of the foundations
  • 2022: construction of the base (7 floors, from the 2nd basement to the 2nd floor)
  • 2023 - 2025: construction of the structure at the rate of one floor per week, interior fittings 2nd half of 2025: finishing touches, inspection and acceptance of the site

Labels and accreditations


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The Link

The Link © PCA-Stream

The Link

The Link from Puteaux © PCA Stream

Did you know ?

The Link encourages the use of low-carbon transport: no car parking but 350 sq.m. of underground bicycle parking, direct access on foot or by bicycle from the boulevard, calming of the circular boulevard, etc.

Vidéo TotalEnergies (ex-Total) Energie Hauts-de-Seine

Une nouvelle vidéo dévoile The Link, le futur siège XXL de TotalEnergies

Ce sera le plus haut gratte-ciel de la "skyline" de La Défense. The Link, futur siège social de TotalEnergies, se dévoile un peu plus dans une vidéo. Le chantier vient d'être lancé.

Sylvain Arnulf

07 octobre 2021 \ 11h30

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Coup d'envoi pour le chantier de The Link, le futur siège de TotalEnergies  ! Vinci Construction vient de lancer les travaux des fondations du bâtiment dessiné par l’architecte Philippe Chiambaretta (PCA-Stream), et exploité par Groupama Immobilier. La livraison des deux buildings, reliés par une trentaine de passerelles (et unis par une base commune sur trois étages), est prévue pour 2025. Coût estimé du projet : autour d'un milliard d'euros.

La plus grande aile dominera la "skyline" de La Défense (Hauts-de-Seine), et deviendra la tour plus haute de France (244 mètres de haut). Le bâtiment regroupera des salariés qui travaillent aujourd'hui sur les tours Michelet et Coupole, vieillissantes.


Indices & cotations

29 Avril 2024

Pétrole Brent contrat à terme échéance rapprochée

$ USD/baril

Huile de palme - Malaisie

$ USD/tonne

Cours mensuel du cuivre, base cathodes grade A.

A l'occasion du coup d'envoi du chantier, les promoteurs du projet ont dévoilé de nouvelles images du rendu du futur site. Une vidéo repérée par nos confrères du Moniteur , à découvrir ci-dessous.

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  • Le nouveau siège social de Total à la Défense sera construit par Vinci
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The Link, le futur siège de TotalEnergies se dévoile un peu plus

tour link chantier

Le chantier avance bien… Lancé en début d’année avec la destruction de l’ancien immeuble Michelet , les travaux de construction de The Link, le futur siège de TotalEnergies sont entrés dans une nouvelle phase, cruciale, avec la création des fondations de l’édifice . « Sur le chantier les fondations sont en train d’être creusées, avec des pieux à soixante mètres de profondeur, une distance jamais atteinte jusque-là et rendue nécessaire par la proximité de la Seine et les dimensions de The Link », affirme dans un communiqué Groupama Immobilier qui porte le projet depuis 2016.

Cette étape du chantier se terminera en janvier prochain, avant l’achèvement du terrassement au cours du mois de mai. En juin 2022 l’immense radier en béton, le socle du building sera coulé. Viendra ensuite la construction de la cinquantaine d’étages de l’édifice dont l’inauguration est prévue pour 2025.

Ce chantier mené par le groupe Vinci avoisine le milliard d’euros et va générer 1 500 à 2 000 emplois. Pour Groupama cet investissement français « donne un coup de fouet au secteur stratégique du BTP et toute la chaîne de la sous-traitance » avec plus de cinquante corps de métiers et 200 entreprises ce qui représente plus de sept millions d’euros d’heures travaillées.

« The Link inaugure une nouvelle génération de tours et sera le marqueur d’une nouvelle ère pour La Défense. Elle répond aux nouvelles attentes des utilisateurs avec un record d’espaces extérieurs et d’espaces de convivialité, la production d’énergie solaire et une porte d’entrée inédite depuis la ville de Puteaux à pied et en mobilité douces. The Link est aussi le signal de la vitalité d’un savoir-faire français en matière de ville de demain – nous sommes très fiers de réaliser une opération avec un investisseur, un architecte, un promoteur, un constructeur, un façadier et un futur occupant tous français », commente Eric Donnet, le directeur général de Groupama Immobilier qui dévoile de nouvelles images du projet dans une vidéo.

Destiné à accueillir le nouveau QG mondial du groupe français TotalEnergies, The Link a été imaginé par l’architecte Philippe Chiambaretta. Le bâtiment développant près de 130 000 mètres carrés de bureaux et services sera composé de deux tours, l’une de 52 étages et l’autre de 35, reliées entre elles par des « Links ». Le gratte-ciel comptera 2 800 mètres carrés de terrasses, jardins et rooftops. De très nombreux services seront intégrés avec notamment des restaurants, un fitness, un auditorium,…

tour link chantier

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Bienvenue sur le site d’actualité et d’informations dédié à La Défense, le premier quartier d’affaire en Europe, situé sur les communes de Puteaux, Courbevoie et Nanterre.

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Goyer signe les façades des tours The Link à La Défense

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Goyer, filiale du groupe Eiffage, a signé un protocole d’accord avec Bateg, filiale de Vinci Construction France, pour la réalisation des façades des tours The Link qui accueilleront le futur siège social de Total à Paris La Défense.  Dans un premier temps, Goyer accompagne Bateg dans la mise au point du projet en réalisant les études d’exécution et des prototypes d’aspect. Au terme de cette collaboration et d’ici la fin de l’année, un contrat de sous-traitance en prix maximum garanti (PMG) sera conclu pour la réalisation de l’ensemble des façades du projet, soit 98 000 m2 dont près de 20 000 m2 de façades en double peau, et la pose de 16 000 blocs de façade.  Situé dans le quartier Michelet à Paris La Défense, le projet The Link a été pensé par l’agence d’architecture PCA-Stream. D’une surface de 130 000 m2, il comprendra deux tours de 50 et 35 étages, qui culmineront respectivement à 228 mètres et 165 mètres, et seront reliées sur 30 niveaux par des passerelles végétalisées. L’ensemble reposera sur un socle commun de trois niveaux entre le boulevard urbain et le parvis. Les tours The Link seront dotées de la certification environnementale HQE Exceptionnel, garantissant les meilleurs standards tant en termes d’efficacité énergétique, que de confort thermique et acoustique. 100 % des postes de travail bénéficieront d’un apport de lumière naturelle directe.   

Good Morning Intermat #3

tour link chantier

The Link, le futur siège de Total à Paris


«  Revisitant le modèle de la tour traditionnelle, The Link est emblématique de l’évolution des modes de travail et d’un nouveau rapport à la ville. Sa morphologie en deux ailes reliées par des plateformes, les « links », permet d’offrir des espaces favorisant la rencontre et l’intelligence collective, et donnant une place inédite à la nature au sein d'un immeuble de grande hauteur  » précise PCA-Stream.

tour link chantier

L’objectif est aussi de favoriser l’utilisation de transports décarbonés : pas de parking voiture mais 350 m2 de parking vélo en sous-sol, des accès directs à pied ou en vélo depuis le boulevard, financement du recalibrage du Métro 1, apaisement du boulevard circulaire… «  Sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie du bâtiment, le recours aux transports décarbonés par les collaborateurs de la tour compensera largement le bilan carbone de sa construction  ».

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La tour sera dédoublée en 2 ailes, reliées par 30 liaisons, les « Links ». Larges de plus de 8 mètres et dotés de jardins aériens offrant des vues spectaculaires, ils sont pensés comme des points de rencontre qui deviendront autant de « places du village ».

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Chaque duplex aura sa propre vie organique, au sein duquel les déplacements se feront à pied, sans prendre l’ascenseur, dans l’idée de multiplier les interactions humaines et de générer de la sérendipité, vectrice d’innovation.

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Un belvédère emblématique sur Paris : «  le jardin paysager en rooftop à 154 m du sol créera une nouvelle vue sur Paris et l’Axe royal (Arc de Triomphe ‐ Concorde ‐ Louvre), qui deviendra légendaire à travers le monde. Les façades vitrées toute hauteur (exceptionnel à La Défense), offriront une luminosité exceptionnelle  » ajoute l’agence d’architecture.

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Tour The Link Paris la Défense

EN IMAGES. Le groupe Total a choisi de faire de la tour The Link, à La Défense , son futur siège. Découverte en images de ce bâtiment imaginé par l' architecte Philippe Chiambaretta.

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tour link chantier

Tour Hekla et The Link: Le chassé-croisé des chantiers

Toutes deux emblématiques de la modernisation du parc immobilier du quartier d’affaires, les deux édifices prennent forme peu à peu, avec des avancées dans leur construction, qui s’organisent dans des conditions difficiles.

Quand l’une sera livrée, l’autre sortira tout juste de terre. À l’horizon du mois de juin 2022, la Défense comptera officiellement une tour de bureaux supplémentaire, avec la finalisation du bâti de la tour Hekla, première tour dessinée par Jean Nouvel à voir le jour. La tour The Link quant à elle, autre symbole du renouveau immobilier du quartier d’affaires et futur siège de TotalEnergies, ne sera pas encore la plus haute de France.

Ses fondations devraient être achevées dans le courant du mois d’avril, avec l’étape clé du coulage du radier, socle de béton qui parachève le travail en sous-sol. « Après, nous aurons encore deux ans de gros-œuvre, durant lesquels il faudra mener à cheval la pose de la façade et le travail des corps d’état, décline Roland Cubin, directeur des opérations chez Groupama immobilier, propriétaire du site et à l’initiative du projet The Link. En tout, il reste à peu près trois ans et demi de travaux ».

En comptant l’aménagement et la décoration des plateaux, ce chantier monumental à un milliard d’euros prendra fin à l’horizon du deuxième semestre 2025. Peu de modifications ont été apportées au projet architectural depuis le dépôt du permis de construire : quelques adaptations concernant les jardins d’étage et le vitrage sont seulement à noter. À l’inverse de la tour Hekla, qui aura perdu de sa conception à sa réalisation sa façade en « double peau » , troquée pour une simple, grâce à un gros travail effectué sur les vitrages, aux caractéristiques évoluant selon leur orientation au sein de la tour.

La pose de la façade qui avance à grands pas. « Nous nous trouvons actuellement au niveau 29, précisera Cyril Tuquet, responsable du suivi des essais techniques de Bateg, filiale de Vinci Construction France, durant une visite presse récemment organisée sur le chantier vendredi 15 octobre. Concernant la construction du noyau, les compagnons sont  au niveau 43. En ce qui concerne la construction des plateaux, nous en sommes au niveau 39 ». Au 35e étage, encore dépourvu de façade, l’installation des tuyauteries, gaines électriques et autres travaux de corps d’état secondaires s’achèvent tout juste.

La tour est entrée dans une phase de réception de plateaux avec les architectes et les maîtres d’œuvre, à raison d’un niveau par semaine. L’objectif étant d’atteindre pour l’été 2022 le 48e et dernier niveau. Initialement prévu en février 2022, l’achèvement des travaux a par deux fois été ajourné en raison de la crise sanitaire, à mai puis à juin 2022. L’enjeu est donc de tenir le rythme, pour les 650 professionnels et la centaine d’entreprises sous-traitantes qui s’activent encore sur le site.

La maîtrise des cadences étant facilitée par le choix d’une réalisation en coffrages traditionnels, avec laquelle le personnel est plus habitué, plutôt qu’en coffrages auto-grimpants – méthode retenue pour l’édification de la tour Trinity par exemple. « L’important, c’est aussi l’aspect logistique, souligne Cyril Tuquet. Cela demande une préparation importante, une organisation millimétrée pour l’approvisionnement du matériel, avec le gros tonnage qu’il faut amener au pied de l’immeuble avant de l’acheminer dans les étages  ». Un défi à relever alors que les emprises de chantier sont étriquées (voir notre édition du 6 novembre 2019).

Une problématique à laquelle est aussi confronté le chantier de The Link, qui a en plus dû répondre aux exigences de Paris la Défense, l’organisme public aménageur du quartier d’affaires, en matière de réduction de pollution visuelle sur le site. « Paris la Défense, qui veille à ce que la Défense ne donne pas l’image d’un quartier en perpétuel travaux, nous a demandé de voir si on ne pouvait pas réduire la taille des bases de vie et s’installer dans des bureaux vacants, détaille Roland Cubin. C’est ce qu’a fait le maître d’œuvre ADIM, en récupérant deux niveaux du Carré Michelet pour la base de vie et une partie des ouvriers ».

Une configuration qui prévoit la montée en puissance à venir du chantier, qui devrait compter 1 000 personnes à plein régime. Si la plupart des emprises de chantier sont déjà en place, la construction de la plateforme logistique, qui permettra de stocker les matériaux de construction (voir notre édition du 29 septembre 2021), n’interviendra elle qu’en fin d’année. Le calendrier devrait être respecté, nous assure-t-on. Un calendrier, qui n’a essuyé qu’un retard de six semaines à cause de l’épidémie de Covid.

« Ce qu’on a eu, comme difficultés, c’est qu’on a signé le 14 mars le contrat. Et le 17, nous étions confinés, se souvient Roland Cubin. C’est à ce moment-là que nous avons perdu du temps. Avec la mise à disposition retardée du domaine public. Depuis cette date, on tient les délais, même s’il y a eu quelques cadences à améliorer, en ajoutant un peu de monde à certains postes ». Le déroulé des opérations suit pour l’heure le programme initié. La paroi moulée, qui entoure l’excavation réalisée pour les fondations, est désormais achevée.

19 % des barrettes, éléments en béton armé enfoncés dans le sol à 60  mètres de profondeur pour supporter les dizaines de milliers de tonnes de l’édifice, ont été achevés pour le moment. Aucune mauvaise surprise n’a entaché le début des travaux. « On n’a eu aucune anomalie que nous n’ayons pas anticipé, assure Roland Cubin. Nous avions mené des sondages assez approfondis pendant la période de mise au point contractuelle et nous avions obtenu une cartographie assez précise de la zone. On a bien fait face à un terrain compliqué, avec des galeries, des vestiges de gares, des fondations d’ouvrage mais aucun obstacle que l’on n’attendait pas ».

Les travaux ne faisant que commencer, le béton reste le seul matériaux indispensable ou presque au chantier. La tour The Link échappe donc pour l’heure aux pénuries de matériau, conséquences de la rapide reprise des marchés américains et chinois, qu’a au contraire dû anticiper Vinci Construction pour la tour Hekla.

« Le marché est tendu, il est vrai, reconnaît Cyril Tuquet. Il y a des problématiques sur le BA 13 et concernant l’approvisionnement en bois. On est également touché par la crise des semi-conducteurs, comme le secteur automobile, puisque toute la petite machinerie que l’on peut installer est pilotée par des automates qui nécessitent de l’électronique ».

Vinci et ses sous-traitants ont donc passé commandes en avance auprès de leurs fournisseurs ou réservé directement en usines ou sur les plateformes logistiques ces matériaux, avant de se les faire livrer au fur et à mesure. L’augmentation des prix ne devrait donc avoir d’incidence sur le coût total de la tour, estimé entre 270 et 280 millions d’euros, hors aménagement des plateaux. Le coût n’est pas non plus un motif d’inquiétude du côté de Groupama Immobilier, qui finance en totalité le projet The Link sur ses fonds propres, en dépit des aléas pouvant affecter le chantier.

« On a signé un contrat de promotion immobilière (mandat d’intérêt par lequel maître d’ouvrage et promoteur s’engagent à la réalisation d’une construction sur la base de prix fixés contractuellement, Ndrl). Il n’y a pas de contrat plus sécurisant pour nous. On n’attend pas de modifications particulières, sinon concernant par exemple l’aménagement intérieur, qui doit encore être calé » . Mais pour le moment, l’heure n’est encore qu’à la désignation des électriciens, plombiers et autres artisans en charge des réseaux de tuyauterie et ventilation, bien loin devant celle des décorateurs.



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England's Kim, 16, youngest to make PGA Tour cut in 11 years

Jake Knapp gets the 32-foot putt to fall for birdie as he reclaims the lead at the THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson. (0:16)

  • ESPN News Services

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Kris Kim , a 16-year-old English amateur playing on a sponsor exemption at the CJ Cup Byron Nelson, became the youngest player in 11 years to make the cut in a PGA Tour event.

Kim finished his second round Friday with a birdie for a 4-under 67. At 7-under 135, he was among 66 players who made the cut, which was 6 under. Jake Knapp was the leader at 14-under 128.

Guan Tianlang was 14 when he made the cut at both the Masters and Zurich Classic of New Orleans in 2013, according to ESPN Stats & Information research.

At 16 years, seven months old, Kim is the fifth-youngest player to ever make a PGA Tour cut, according to the Tour. His feat also comes just two weeks after Miles Russell, 15, became the youngest to make the cut in the 35-year history of the Korn Ferry Tour.

Kim, who is the son of former LPGA Tour player and South Korea native Ji-Hyun Suh, is making his PGA Tour debut. He is the first amateur sponsored by South Korean company CJ Group, which is the title sponsor of the Nelson for the first time.

A first-time Tour winner earlier this year, Knapp, enters the weekend with sole possession of the lead after a second consecutive 7-under 64. At 14-under 128, he was a stroke ahead of Troy Merritt (62) and first-round leader Matt Wallace (66), and two ahead of Kelly Kraft (66).

"Even when I was doing any of that stuff, I always knew this was what I wanted to do, and felt like it's where I should be. Just wasn't there yet," said Knapp, just more than two years removed from working security at a restaurant in his hometown that was also a late-night hotspot. "Just kept working away and sticking at it."

Merritt closed his season-low round with an eagle at the 531-yard ninth hole, where he hit his approach to 16 feet and made the putt. He had birdied four of the previous six holes.

Wallace finished on the same par 5 later in the day, and saved par after driving into a native area and then chunking a shot from there to under a bridge.

Hometown favorite Jordan Spieth , the highest-ranked player in the field at No. 20, shot a 70 to finish at 4-under 138 and miss the cut by two strokes. On the 16th, his wayward drive ricocheted off the elbow of a male spectator back into the fairway. He still bogeyed the hole, then parred his last two.

Defending champion Jason Day closed his round with a 35-foot par putt for a 70, and was just on the cut line at 6-under 136.

Knapp's only bogey through the first two rounds was on his 12th hole Friday, the dogleg No. 3, where his drive went into the left rough. But he birdied four of his last six holes, that stretch starting with a 32-foot putt at the par-3, 192-yard fourth hole.

"Obviously, a putt you're not trying to make," he said. "Hit it a little bit harder than I would've liked and luckily it was on a good line and went in."

Knapp, who turns 30 on May 31, lost his card on the developmental Korn Ferry Tour before taking the part-time job in the fall of 2021 at the place in Costa Mesa, California, where for nearly nine months he worked Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights - often until 2 or 3 a.m. The former UCLA player would practice and go to the gym in between his work shifts.

He got his third win on PGA Tour Canada in August 2022, and last year earned his PGA Tour card by finishing the season 13th on the Korn Ferry Tour. He won the Mexico Open in his fifth start this season, and his ninth overall, including two as an amateur in 2015.

His PGA Tour biography also touts that he can solve a Rubik's Cube, loves to work out and would pursue a career in the fitness industry if he wasn't playing golf.

"Yeah, few interesting ones about me," Knapp said. "I do my best to, I'm kind of a golf-only guy. Just play a lot of golf and practice a lot. That's been my focus for the last four, five years."

At TPC Craig Ranch north of Dallas, Knapp hit 16 of 18 greens each of the first two rounds. He also had the same number of putts (28) both days, though the combined distance of those shots on the greens went from 75 feet on Thursday to 139 feet on Friday.

"For the most part hitting it pretty solid and keeping in the right areas. Made it relatively easy on myself." Knapp said. "Early on in the year felt like I was putting well, and for the last month or so the stroke felt the same and ball wasn't going in the hole. ... Nice to see a few more going in."

Merritt opened his round with consecutive birdies before a three-putt bogey at No. 12, though he got that stroke right back with a 52-foot chip-in at No. 13. He made only his second cut in his past six tournaments, and finished 67th in the other one.

"It's fantastic, especially when you hit the ball solid and making a lot putts," said Merritt, who is in his 331st PGA Tour event and last won in 2018. "You're not accidentally there. You've actually played well to get there. I haven't done that. I've accidently back-doored a couple top 10s last fall."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Billie eilish’s hit me hard and soft tour kicks off in october — where to buy tickets before they sell out.

Now available for presale, the Grammy-winning artist's world tour kicks off this fall — here's everything you need to know to score seats before they sell out.

By Danielle Directo-Meston

Danielle Directo-Meston

E-Commerce Writer

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Where to buy Billie Eilish 2024/2025 'Hit Hard and Soft' tour tickets

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Fresh off winning Grammy and Oscar awards for her Barbie track, Billie Eilish is dropping a new album and hitting the road.

Hit Me Hard and Soft drops May 17, and the singer will embark on an international tour in October to support the new album. Eilish announced more than 70 dates in North America and Europe for the Hit Me Hard and Soft Tour, and concert tickets are now on presale at Ticketmaster .

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Eilish is also taking steps to ensure that her fans can buy tickets fairly. According to Ticketmaster, all tickets are only available in mobile format and will be “restricted from transfer.”

“The artist wants to give fans, not scalpers, the best chance to buy tickets at face value,” notes Ticketmaster Eilish’s concert ticket pages. “To help achieve this, the tour will be using Ticketmaster’s Face Value Exchange where, if needed, you can resell your ticket to other fans at the original price paid.”

Keep reading below for how to buy Billie Eilish tickets before they sell out.

How to Get Tickets to Billie Eilish’s Hit Me Hard and Soft Tour: Presale, General Sale Release Dates

Concert tickets for Billie Eilish’s Hit Me Hard and Soft Tour are available to buy during presale Thursday, May 2. The general sale begins Friday, May 3, at 7 a.m. PT/10 a.m. PT at Ticketmaster .

Hit Me Hard and Soft: The Tour U.S. and International Dates

Below, keep reading for the full list of cities and dates for Billie Eilish’s 2024/2025 Hit Me Hard and Soft world tour, and buy tickets and .

September/October 2024 Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft World Tour Dates

  • Sept. 29 Centre Videotron, Québec, Canada
  • Oct. 1-2 Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, ON, Canada
  • Oct. 4 CFG Bank Arena, Baltimore, MD
  • Oct 5 Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA
  • Oct. 7 Little Caesars Arena, Detroit, MI
  • Oct. 9 Prudential Center, Newark, NJ
  • Oct. 11 TD Garden, Boston, MA
  • Oct. 13 PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Oct. 16-18 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

November 2024 Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft World Tour Dates

  • Nov. 2-3 State Farm Arena, Atlanta, GA
  • Nov. 6 Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, TN
  • Nov. 8 Heritage Bank Center, Cincinnati, OH
  • Nov. 10-11 XCEL Energy Center, St. Paul, MN
  • Nov. 13-14 United Center, Chicago, IL
  • Nov. 16 T-Mobile Center, Kansas City, MO
  • Nov. 17 CHI Health Center, Omaha, NE
  • Nov. 19-20 Ball Arena, Denver, CO

December 2024 Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft World Tour Dates

  • Dec. 3 Rogers Arena, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Dec. 5-6 Climate Pledge Arena, Seattle, WA
  • Dec. 8 Moda Center, Portland, OR
  • Dec. 10-11 Sap Center at San Jose, CA
  • Dec. 13 Desert Diamond Arena, Glendale, AZ
  • Dec. 15-17 Kia Forum, Los Angeles, CA

February 2025 Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft World Tour Dates

  • Feb. 18-19, 21-22 Brisbane Entertainment Center, Brisbane, Australia
  • Feb. 24-25, 27-28 Quodos Bank Arena, Sydney, Australia

March 2025 Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft World Tour Dates

  • March 4-5, 7-8 Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia

April 2025 Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft World Tour Dates

  • April 23-24 Avicii Arena, Stockholm, Sweden
  • April 26 Telenor Arena, Oslo, Norway
  • April 28-29 Royal Arena, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • May 2 Zag Arena, Hanover, Germany
  • May 4-5, 7 Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • May 9 Uber Arena, Berlin, Germany
  • May 29-30 Lanxess Arena, Colone, Germany

June 2025 Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft World Tour Dates

  • June 1 O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic
  • June 3-4 Tauron Arena, Kraków, Poland
  • June 6 Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria
  • June 8 Unipol Arena, Bologna, Italy
  • June 10-11 Accor Arena, Paris, France
  • June 14-15 Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona, Spain

July 2025 Billie Eilish Hit Me Hard and Soft World Tour Dates

  • July 7-8 Ovo Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland
  • July 10-11, 13-14, 16-17 O2 Arena, London, UK
  • July 19-20, 22-23 Co-Op Live, Manchester, UK
  • July 26-27 3Arena, Dublin, Ireland

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

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Our 20 Best Moscow Tours of 2022

Join us on an unforgettable tour to Moscow, the capital of Russia. Imagine visiting Red Square, St. Basil’s the Kremlin and more. Moscow is one of Europe’s most vibrant cities and one of Russia’s most historical. All of our tours to Moscow are fully customizable and can be adjusted to fit any budget. Our most popular tours are listed below. Please click on the tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our Moscow tours using the form at the side of the page. You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

Moscow Kremlin, photo by Walkerssk on Pixabay

Classic Moscow

This is our most popular Moscow tour that includes all the most prominent sights. You will become acquainted with ancient Russia in the Kremlin, admire Russian art in the Tretyakov Gallery, listen to street musicians as you stroll along the Old Arbat street, and learn about Soviet times on the Moscow Metro tour.



St. Basiils Cathedral, Moscow, Photo by vierro from Pexels

A Week in Moscow

This tour is a perfect choice for those who wish to get to know Moscow in depth. One of the highlights of this package is the KGB history tour which gives an interesting perspective on the Cold War. You will also have time for exploring the city on your own or doing extra sightseeing.

Photo by Andrey Omelyanchuk on Unsplash

Weekend in Moscow

This tour is a great way to get acquainted with the capital of Russia if you are short of time. You will see all the main attractions of the city, the most important of which is the Kremlin - the heart of Russia. The tour starts on Friday and can be combined with a business trip.

tour link chantier

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Walking tours

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Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals, Armory, Diamond Fund Tour

tour link chantier

Old Arbat walking tour

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Tour to Kuskovo with transport

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Tour to Tsaritsyno with transport

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tour link chantier

Moscow Metro and Old Arbat Tour

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tour link chantier

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion and vodka tasting)

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Portrait of Leo Tolstoy by Ilya Repin (1887)

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Novodevichy convent, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

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St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

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City Tour of Moscow

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Moscow Metro walking tour

The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, image from Shutterstock

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Vodka, photo by Detonart at Pixabay

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion only)


Lena, our guide in Moscow was excellent. She was very knowledgable and could answer any question we had for her. We liked that she could pick up on our interests and take us places we might not have thought of to go. When we realized that one of the places we had chosen to see would probably not be that interesting to us, she was able to arrange entry to the Diamond Fund and the Armoury for us. Riding the Metro with Lena was a real adventure and a lot of fun. In Saint Petersburg we found Anna well versed in the history of the Tsars and in the Hermitage collection. Arkady in Veliky Novgorod was a very good guide and answered all of our questions with ease. Novgorod was perhaps a long way to go for a day trip, but we did enjoy it. Vasily was a great driver to have and kept us safe with good humour and skill. We enjoyed ourselves so much, my daughter says she is already planning to return. We would both have no hesistation to recommend ExpresstoRussia to anyone we know.

Just wanted to let you know that My grandson Bruno and I couldn´t have been more pleased with our week in Moscow (6/15 - 6/21). We were absolutely enchanted with the whole experience, including getting lost a couple of times in the Metro during our free time. Although both our guides (both Eleanas) were excellent, I would particularly commend the first one (she took us to the Tatiakov, the KGB tour, and to that beautiful cemetery where so many great Russian artists, authors, composers, musicians, militarists, and politicians are buried). Her knowledge is encyclopedic; and her understanding of today´s Russia as a product of its past was, for us, truly enlightening. I will be taking another tour in Russia, with my wife, within the next two or three years. I will be in touch with you when the time comes. Meanwhile, I will refer you to other potential visitors to Russia as I meet them.

Tours to Moscow

Our Moscow tours are land only meaning that you arrange your own air travel to Russia and our expert staff meets you at the airport and handles everything else from there. Our online Airline Ticket booking system offers some of the most competitive rates to Russia available on the web so if you need tickets, please visit our Russian air ticket center . Rest assured that you will be taken great care of on one of our Moscow tours. Express to Russia has a fully staffed office in Moscow that will help to make your visit fun, informative and unforgettable. Please remember that of all these tours are private and can be adjusted to your taste. You can add, replace or skip some sights; you can add more days to the package or cut the tour short. Our specialists will be glad to help you create the tour of your dreams!

Novodevichy Convent, Moscow

Moscow, a City Like No Other

Moscow is Russia’s largest city with a population of between 12 and 13 million. It is also Europe’s largest city and when you visit Moscow, you can feel it. The layout and architecture of the city is eclectic, ranging from crooked, ancient streets and alleyways to wide, bustling boulevards, from medieval churches to Stalin skyscrapers and to modern, glass buildings towering over everything and of course in the center of it all is the Kremlin and the magnificent Red Square. Moscow is also home to a fantastic, efficient and very beautiful metro system – each station having its own special design. In fact, Express to Russia’s Moscow metro tours and excursions are some of our most popular attractions that we offer. On our Moscow tours, you will see this and more.

Moscow Kremlin in the times of Ivan III

Moscow Tours centering on Russian History

Moscow has a long and interesting history and has been the capital of Russia in many of its different iterations – capital of the Grand Duchy of Moscow , the Russian Empire and of course the Soviet Union (who could ever forget the Soviet Union?). Moscow, was founded in the 12th century by Prince Yuri Dolgaruki (Yuri of the long arms – he really did have long arms!). From that time on, it was home to the Russian Tsars until Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1703. The city has survived invasions and sieges from the Mongols, the Tartars, the Poles, Lithuanians and Napoleon but has always persevered. Our Moscow tours will enlighten you on this great history and give you insights into Muscovites and their unique culture. Our Moscow tours show you what the city is like today but also brings to life the past. Moscow never seems to sleep and is bursting with energy. A Moscow tour with Express to Russia is truly the best way of getting to know Russia’s largest and most vibrant city.

Frequently Asked Questions From Our Travelers

What is the best time to visit moscow.

Any time of year is fine depending on what you plan to do. Summertime is pleasantly warm, ideal for exploring the city and its vibrant atmosphere, but Moscow will be much busier and accommodation is more expensive. Winter can be quite cold but beautiful nonetheless, and this is unproblematic if you intend to spend most of your trip in museums and galleries. There are also various festivals and events organised throughout the year. For more information about the best time to visit, read our guide

How many days are enough in Moscow?

If you plan your itinerary strategically and aren’t averse to a packed schedule, you can cover Moscow’s main sights over a long weekend. Most popular attractions are in the city centre, and the Moscow Metro allows you to cover much ground in a small amount of time. Ensure that your accommodation is fairly central and book tickets in advance, so that you can make the most of your days. For an informative and well-organised day out, check out our Moscow day tours with options to suit all interests.

Do they speak English in Moscow?

As Russia’s capital city, tourists are well accommodated in Moscow. There should be English-speaking staff in restaurants, bars, hotels, shops and attractions in tourist hotspots, and there are also English-speaking tourist police. Transport services have English translations on their maps and English announcements via intercom; alternatively, order taxis from the Yandex Taxi app (Russian Uber), though it’s unlikely that your taxi driver will speak English. If you get stuck and cannot communicate, it’s fine to use Google Translate.

Is it safe to travel to Moscow?

It is no less safe to travel to Moscow than to any European city if you exercise common sense and look after your belongings. As with every city some regions can be more unsavoury than others, but no tourist attractions are located there. The traffic in Moscow is notorious, so exercise caution when crossing roads. Do not take unlicensed taxis; book in advance or take public transport, which is widespread and perfectly safe. If you encounter any problems, look for the special tourist police who can help you. For more information, read our guide about staying safe in Russia .

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Bon Jovi docuseries 'Thank You, Goodnight' is an argument for respect

Eric Deggans

Eric Deggans

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Jon Bon Jovi at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Conn., in 2013. David Bergman/Hulu hide caption

Jon Bon Jovi at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Conn., in 2013.

Hulu's docuseries Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story , spends a lot of time building up the Bon Jovi legend — exploring the band's almost unbelievable 40-plus-year run from playing hardscrabble rock clubs in New Jersey to earning platinum albums and entry into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

But what moved me most in the four-part series was something more revealing: its close look at the struggle by lead singer Jon Bon Jovi to overcome vocal problems which nearly led him to quit the band.

Footage of the singer croaking through vocal exercises, undergoing laser treatments, enduring acupuncture and finally turning to surgery is sprinkled throughout the series, which toggles back and forth between his problems in 2022 and a chronological story of the band's triumphs and tragedies from its earliest days.

Refusing to be Fat Elvis

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Jon Bon Jovi was interviewed for Thank You, Goodnight . Disney/Hulu hide caption

Jon Bon Jovi was interviewed for Thank You, Goodnight .

Through it all, a question hangs: Will Bon Jovi ever recover enough vocal strength to lead a 40th anniversary tour?

"If I can't be the very best I can be, I'm out," he tells the cameras, still looking a bit boyish despite his voluminous gray hair at age 62. "I'm not here to drag down the legacy, I'm not here for the 'Where are they now?' tour ... I'm not ever gonna be the Fat Elvis ... That ain't happening."

Filmmaker Gotham Chopra — who has also directed docuseries about his father, spiritualist Deepak Chopra, and star quarterback Tom Brady — digs deeply into the band's history, aided by boatloads of pictures, video footage and early recordings provided by the group.

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Former Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora in Thank You, Goodnight Disney/Hulu hide caption

Former Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora in Thank You, Goodnight

Chopra gets folks from the group's tight inner circle to speak up, including former manager Doc McGhee and guitarist Richie Sambora, who quit the band in 2013. ("Are we telling the truth, or are we going to lie, what are we going to do?" Sambora cracks to his offscreen interviewer. "Let's figure it out.")

But anyone expecting gossipy dish will walk away disappointed. Even major scandals in the band's history are handled with care, including the firing of founding bassist Alec John Such in 1994 (and the admission that his replacement, Hugh McDonald, already had been secretly playing bass parts on their albums for years), drummer Tico Torres' stint in addiction treatment and Sambora's decision to quit midway through a tour in 2013, with no notice to bandmates he had performed alongside for 30 years.

Alec John Such, a founding member of Bon Jovi, dies at 70

Alec John Such, a founding member of Bon Jovi, dies at 70

Sambora's explanation: When issues with substance use and family problems led him to miss recording sessions, Bon Jovi got producer John Shanks to play more guitar on their 2013 record What About Now . And Sambora was hurt.

"[Bon Jovi] had the whole thing kinda planned out," Sambora says, "which basically was telling me, um, 'I can do it without you.'"

Building a band on rock anthems

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Jon Bon Jovi with guitarist Phil X. Disney/Hulu hide caption

Jon Bon Jovi with guitarist Phil X.

The docuseries shows how young New Jersey native John Bongiovi turned a job as a gofer at legendary recording studio The Power Station – owned by a cousin — into a recording of his first hit in the early 1980s, Runaway . His song eventually caught the ear of another little-known artist from New Jersey called Bruce Springsteen.

"The first demo I got of Jon's was a good song," says Springsteen, a longtime friend of Bon Jovi. "I mean, Jon's great talent is these big, powerful pop rock choruses that just demand to be sung by, you know, 20,000 people in an arena."

Rock Star Jon Bon Jovi Comes Full 'Circle'

Music Interviews

Rock star jon bon jovi comes full 'circle'.

Thank You, Goodnight shows the band really took off by honing those rock anthems with songwriter Desmond Child, while simultaneously developing videos that showcased their status as a fun, rollicking live band. Hits like You Give Love a Bad Name, Livin' on a Prayer and Wanted: Dead or Alive made them MTV darlings and rock superstars.

Through it all, the singer and bandleader is shown as the group's visionary and spark plug, open about how strategically he pushed the band to write hit songs and positioned them for commercial success.

"It wasn't as though I woke up one morning and was the best singer in the school, or on the block, or in my house," he tells the camera, laughing. "I just had a desire and a work ethic that was always the driving force."

I saw that dynamic up close in the mid-1990s when I worked as a music critic in New Jersey, spending time with Jon Bon Jovi and the band. Back then, his mother ran the group's fan club and was always trying to convince the local rock critic to write about her superstar son – I was fascinated by how the band shrugged off criticisms of being uncool and survived changing musical trends, led by a frontman who worked hard to stay grounded.

Bon Jovi was always gracious and willing to talk; he even introduced me to then-New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman at one of his legendary Christmas charity concerts. (And in a crazy coincidence, the band's backup singer Everett Bradley is an old friend from college.)

I think the docuseries captures Bon Jovi's skill at leading the group through challenges musical and otherwise — from metal's slow fade off the pop charts to the rise of grunge rock — something the singer rarely gets credit for achieving.

Still, much of Thank You, Goodnight feels like an extended celebration of the band and its charismatic frontman, leavened by his earnest effort to regain control of his voice. If you're not a Bon Jovi fan, four episodes of this story may feel like a bit much (I'd recommend at least watching the first and last episodes.)

More than anything, the docuseries feels like an extended argument for something Bon Jovi has struggled to achieve, even amid million selling records and top-grossing concert tours – respect as a legendary rock band.

The audio and digital versions of this story were edited by Jennifer Vanasco .

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We found the best prices on ateez ‘towards the light tour’ tickets.

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(L-R) Seonghwa, San, Choi Jong-ho, Kang Yeo-sang, Wooyoung, and Song Min-gi of ATEEZ perform at Coachella.

North American stadiums and arenas have one thing in common this summer.

Starting mid-July, ATEEZ will perform at both huge MLB and NBA homes on their recently extended 12-concert summer ‘TOWARDS THE LIGHT : WILL TO POWER’ tour .

That includes a gig at New York’s Citi Field on Saturday, Aug. 3.

The quick U.S. jaunt comes on the heels of  Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho ‘s historic Coachella performance where they became the first K-Pop boy band to perform at the multi-weekend festival.

“We just want to make some stages where everyone can enjoy, and everyone can have fun,” San said in an interview with  The Hollywood Reporter .

And if you want to have fun with ATEEZ at one of their shows, tickets are available for all upcoming ‘TOWARDS THE LIGHT’ concerts.

Some are quite reasonably priced, too.

At the time of publication, the lowest price we found on tickets was $65 before fees on Vivid Seats.

Other shows have seats going anywhere from $67 to $131 before fees.

Still need a few more details, ATINYs?

You’re in the right place.

We’ve got everything you need to know and more about ATEEZ’s 2024 ‘TOWARDS THE LIGHT : WILL TO POWER’ tour below.

All prices listed above are subject to fluctuation.

ATEEZ tour schedule 2024

A complete calendar including all tour dates, venues, and links to buy tickets can be found below.

(Note: The New York Post confirmed all above prices at the publication time. All prices are in US dollars, subject to fluctuation and include additional fees at checkout .)

Vivid Seats is a verified secondary market ticketing platform, and prices may be higher or lower than face value, depending on demand. 

They offer a 100% buyer guarantee that states your transaction will be safe and secure and your tickets will be delivered prior to the event.

ATEEZ set list

On Feb. 4, ATEEZ performed at Saitama, Japan’s Saitama Super Arena.

According to  Set List FM , here’s what the group took to the stage that night:

01.) “Crazy Form” 02.) “Say My Name” 03.) “WIN” 04.) “This World” 05.) “Wake Up” 06.) “Guerrilla” (Flag version) 07.) “(Mingi’s solo rap)”

08.) “Cyberpunk” 09.) “Deja Vu” 10.) “IT’s You” 11.) “Youth” 12.) “Everything” 13.) “Silver Light” 14.) “Crescent Part 2” 15.) “Wave” 16.) “Dancing Like Butterfly Wings” 17.) “MATZ” 18.) “ARRIBA” 19.) “DJANGO” 20.) “BOUNCY (K‐HOT CHILLI PEPPERS)” 21.) “Wonderland” (Symphony No.9 version) 22.) “Dreamy Day” 23.) “Eternal Sunshine” 24.) “Fireworks (I’m The One)” 25.) “The Real” (Heung version) 26.) “Turbulence” 27.) “Utopia”

ATEEZ new music

In late May, the Hip-Hop/K-Poppers drop the EP “Golden Hour: Part 1.”

While fans wait, their entire discography — including the recently released 15-minute EP “NOT OKAY” — can be streamed  here .

K-Pop stars on tour in 2024

Many of K-Pop’s biggest groups are headed stateside this year.

Here are just five of our favorites you won’t want to miss live these next few months.

•  Tomorrow X Together

•  IU aka Lee Ji-eun

•  P1Harmony

Who else is on the road? Check out our list of the  50 biggest concert tours in 2024  to find out.

Why you should trust ‘Post Wanted’ by the New York Post

This article was written by Matt Levy , New York Post live events reporter. Levy stays up-to-date on all the latest tour announcements from your favorite musical artists and comedians, as well as Broadway openings, sporting events and more live shows – and finds great ticket prices online. Since he started his tenure at the Post in 2022, Levy has reviewed Bruce Springsteen and interviewed Melissa Villaseñor of SNL fame, to name a few. Please note that deals can expire, and all prices are subject to change.

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Relight the fire … Twilight in Concert.

‘Surrounded by the beauty of a thousand candles’: why Twilight is going live, loud and on tour

The Kristen Stewart / Robert Pattinson vampire romantasy is back and supported by rock and classical musicians – just the latest film to be granted the mysterious live concert treatment

T he first Twilight film was released 16 years ago and, for many of us, the franchise has long since lost any sense of currency. Without the white heat of fandom surrounding their release, watching the Twilight films today is like trying to watch an echo. It’s like finding a fidget spinner in the street and trying to remember why everyone loved them so much. Without the heft of the cultural phenomenon that surrounded their release, the Twilight films now come off as witless and inert. They feel like TV movies, like a cheap Netflix acquisition dumped into a submenu without fanfare.

And this is to be expected. New films are released all the time, and only a tiny percentage of them are ever destined to be fondly remembered. And yet maybe we wrote Twilight off too soon. Yes, the film’s stars – Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart – have spent their subsequent careers making knotty and uncommercial films, apparently as a direct reaction to starring in such toothless teenybop fare. Yes, it’s spoken about so rarely these days that its popularity feels like the result of a mass psychogenic illness, like the dancing plagues of the middle ages. Yes, it seems absurd that they actually made five of the things.

But it is clear that a sizeable core of Twilight fans have never fully let go of the dream. It has just been announced that the Twilight films are going on a UK tour, backed by a 12-piece band of rock and classical musicians. And this isn’t some two-bit pub circuit gig, either. Twilight will be playing, “surrounded by the beauty of a thousand candles”, at the Birmingham Symphony Hall, the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall and the Hammersmith Apollo. These are big rooms to fill, and there cannot be many people who might casually flick through a listings magazine and spontaneously decide to spend the evening watching people play along to a film about an ancient hair-gelled vampire licking his lips at a schoolgirl. No, there is a hardcore Twilight fandom here, and their numbers are many.

Who can say why. Perhaps, after a decade and a half of being dumped into the wilderness, the culture is starting to come around to Twilight again. After all, one of the biggest trends in publishing at the moment is “romantasy”, a portmanteau of “romance” and “fantasy”, in which a lovelorn heroine invariably finds herself drawn to a boy so bad that, in some cases, he recently murdered her entire family. And isn’t this Twilight all over? Doesn’t “romantasy” share a core DNA with a story about your boyfriend doing the best he can to not drain you of all your blood?

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in the first Twilight film (2008).

Maybe this is just another way to enhance the viewing experience. With theatrical moviegoing on the decline, perhaps it makes sense to appeal to people’s nostalgia by enhancing a movie that they love with live music. There’s certainly a lot of it going around. This year alone, at the Royal Albert Hall alone, the London Symphony Orchestra will be playing along to Raiders of the Lost Ark, Ghostbusters, Top Gun: Maverick, Home Alone, Avatar and the movie adaptation of the second half of the last Harry Potter book.

Indeed, the company Film Concerts Live perpetually tours the world doing exactly this, playing along to films as beloved as Jurassic Park and as forgotten as Star Trek Into Darkness. Sifting through their upcoming performances, it’s clear that the film concert industry seems to heavily lean on the highly melodic and instantly recognisable work of John Williams, so perhaps there is something to be said for the experience of hearing an iconic piece of music in the flesh. That said, could you hum the incidental music from Twilight? Could you hum it if someone had a gun to your head? I’m not sure I could.

Or perhaps I’m just being a mopey old grump and people should just be allowed to like the things they like. The people who liked Twilight as teenagers when it came out are now full-blown adults, with jobs and partners and responsibilities. There’s realistically no difference between going to watch a band play along with the music of Twilight as a 34-year-old and going to see a Take That concert as a 45-year-old. Times are hard and the pull of nostalgia is strong, so who am I to begrudge anyone from cheering themselves up however they want? Just, please, nobody invite me along.

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Going to TEFAF New York? Here are 4 Shows You Can Walk to.

These exhibitions are all within a 10-minute walk from the Park Avenue Armory, so you can take your time and enjoy the spring weather.

A row of stone townhouses with trees in front. A brown banner hangs from one on a pole and says “Yves Klein” in white.

By Ted Loos

TEFAF New York, the European Fine Art Foundation fair, is not short on artworks to keep a visitor’s attention. But just outside the walls of the Park Avenue Armory , the site again of this year’s event, lie many more options for viewing and buying art at the nearby galleries on the Upper East Side.

Four current exhibitions in particular make a perfect walking tour on the way to the fair or after attending it, and they are all within a 10-minute walk of the armory, and each other. On a nice spring day, strolling these blocks is an extra source of pleasure.

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E. 70TH ST.

E. 69TH ST.

David Zwirner

E. 68TH ST.


E. 67TH ST.

E. 66TH ST.

Rosenberg & Co.

Di Donna Galleries

Lévy Gorvy Dayan


E. 65TH ST.

E. 64TH ST.

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The shows spotlight artists who exemplified and investigated the complicated currents of the 20th century’s art movements, particularly Modernism.

The fact that three of the four shows take place in townhouses or mansions adds a little frisson: The domestic settings allow you to imagine being the owner of the works, casually hanging your acquisitions on the walls at home.

Françoise Gilot

Rosenberg & Co. , 19 East 66th Street

Françoise Gilot , who died last year at 101, first became renowned for her 1964 memoir “Life with Picasso,” which chronicled her decade-long affair with the older artist; a famous 1948 Robert Capa photograph of Picasso holding a beach umbrella over her as they walked on the sand added to the legend. She went on to write many other books and to marry the creator of the polio vaccine, Jonas Salk.

Gilot was a lifelong artist herself, as seen in the 36 varied works on view through July 3, the first posthumous exhibition of her work in New York. Picasso appears in the graphite and pencil drawing “Pablo with Red Background (Les yeux basilic)” (1944), and his influence comes through in the works — but he held sway over many artists.

The dealer Marianne Rosenberg, who organized the show with several collaborators, explicitly set out to show Gilot’s range. “I hate that she’s only associated with Picasso,” said Rosenberg, who knew Gilot through family ties; her grandfather was Paul Rosenberg, who helped create a market for Picasso’s work and was a powerful art dealer of the early 20th century.

The works on view include a charmingly simple ink portrait, “Paul Éluard” (1951), depicting the French poet, as well as a 1958 oil still life, “Sunflowers.” As her work evolved, Gilot increasingly began to explore abstraction, culminating in works like the painting “August Stillness” (1997), which features large areas of red, a color she frequently favored.

Amadeo Luciano Lorenzato

David Zwirner , 34 East 69th Street

The name Amadeo Luciano Lorenzato (1900-95) will not resonate with most casual art lovers, but the Brazilian painter is a favorite of the influential dealer David Zwirner, which means that attention will be paid.

The gallery first showed Lorenzato’s work in 2019 in London, and now this show features 25 works in what is only the second U.S. exhibition of his art. Notably, a work by Lorzenzato is included in the 60th edition of the Venice Biennale , perhaps the world’s premier art event, which opened last month.

Lorenzato, born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, painted recognizable scenes — largely landscapes — but pared his subjects down to geometric forms. He cited Cézanne as a major influence. In “Nuvem de Gafanhotos (Cloud of Crickets),” the titular insects become simple plus signs, and several of the works depict a sun as a red ball.

The works, on view through May 25, are modestly scaled, and they look at home on the walls of the 1910 townhouse that became a branch of the gallery in 2017. Up close, you can see Lorenzato’s technique: After brushing on paint, he would make crosshatch patterns with a comb, a stick or a fork, giving the works a texture that almost seems to vibrate.

Zwirner praised the “disarming and captivating” effect of Lorenzato’s work. “I bought a couple of his paintings myself,” he said. “We love looking at them every day.”

Lévy Gorvy Dayan , 19 East 64th Street

A male artist who creates work by having nude female models drag each other through paint on a canvas lying on the floor, all while surrounded by onlookers, might not go over well in 2024. But around 1960 it was considered peak avant-garde.

Yves Klein (1928-62) used that unconventional technique — he called it employing “human paintbrushes” — for his “Anthropométries” series. In his “Fire Paintings,” he made art with a huge flamethrower, torching a canvas that, moments before, had a water-soaked nude model on top of it, so that the resulting scorching would retain a bodily outline in the wet areas. Examples of both series are on view in “Yves Klein and the Tangible World,” a show of around 30 works on view in the gallery’s sprawling mansion through May 25.

“This show was 10 years in the making,” said the dealer Dominique Lévy, who has long represented the Klein estate. “Usually, shows of his work focus on his ethereality, like the ‘Monochromes’” — Klein’s single-color canvases — “but his show is anchored in the materiality and the tangible.” She added, “Right now, we need a show with beauty, harmony and aliveness.”

Klein got a patent in France for the process used to create the color he called International Klein Blue, and he was associated with it during his short, acclaimed career.

So there is plenty of blue on display in this show, both in the works on the walls — including “Untitled Anthropometry (ANT 77)” circa 1961 — and in a “pool” of color on the floor, a reinstallation of a 1957 work called “Pure Pigment,” at the bottom of the mansion’s grand staircase.

Paul Klee and Alexander Calder

Di Donna Galleries , 744 Madison Avenue

The Swiss-born German artist Paul Klee (1879-40) drew and painted compositionally sophisticated scenes, sometimes with a childlike whimsical quality, while the American artist Alexander Calder (1898-1976) pioneered three-dimensional work, particularly the kinetic sculptures he called “mobiles” and his large, standing “stabiles.”

The combination of two beloved artists is a surefire crowd-pleaser, but “Enchanted Reverie: Klee and Calder” is also noteworthy for its installation, with dark gray walls and elaborate lighting that enliven the art and cast dramatic shadows. Featuring more than 40 works, it is on view through June 8.

The dealer Emmanuel Di Donna wanted to draw out the connections between the two artists, who both had a talent for concision as well as a playful side. “They had a shared sensitivity,” Di Donna said. “They’re both looking for something beyond nature — all the way to the cosmos.” He added, “They rhyme.”

The show features loans from both the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Art Institute of Chicago. Originally it was going to have an explicit underwater garden theme, but then Di Donna expanded it to include other works. Traces of that idea remain, with both artists depicting fish as only they could.

In one of Klee’s aquatic-themed works, the watercolor “Fische in der Tiefe (Fish in the Deep)” (1921), multiple fish eyes look out at the viewer. Calder returned to the fish form again and again throughout his career, including in the red mobile “Le Poisson de huit heures” (1965), made of sheet metal and wire.

As he prepared for the show to open in April, Di Donna gently blew on “Poisson” and it performed on cue, doing a delicately turning dance in response — a perfect bit of inspiration for art lovers who want to get in the swim of things this spring.

Art and Museums in New York City

A guide to the shows, exhibitions and artists shaping the city’s cultural landscape..

At the Shed, this year’s edition of Frieze New York welcomes an international survey of painting, textiles and collage to its galleries. Here are our critic’s 23 favorite booths .

The Kosovar artist Petrit Halilaj  began drawing as a child in the Balkans during a violent decade. His world of childhood innocence and adult experience comes to the r oof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art .

As his bullet-riddled panels go up at Gagosian, Maurizio Cattelan, in a rare in-person interview, tells why he turned his sardonic gaze on a violence-filled world .

In his biggest exhibit since a 2013 retrospective at the Guggenheim, Christopher Wool has created his own show in an uninhabited office in Manhattan’s Financial District .

Looking for more art in the city? Here are the gallery shows not to miss in May .

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Daryl Hall Talks New Solo Album, Elvis Costello Tour, and Confirms Hall & Oates Are Officially Over (EXCLUSIVE)

By Roy Trakin

  • Daryl Hall’s ‘Live from Daryl’s House’ Show Returns After Five-Year Hiatus (EXCLUSIVE) 6 months ago
  • John Lydon on Surviving Grief, Donald Trump, the Queen, Sex Pistols Biopic and New Public Image Album: ‘I’m Very Much Alive, You F—ers!’ 9 months ago
  • MNRK Chief Chris Taylor on Working With Drake, Death Row Action Figures and the Company’s Next Moves 11 months ago

Daryl Hall

“Say It Isn’t So” isn’t just the name of a classic Hall & Oates song — it’s the much-headlined reaction to the news that the duo that practically defines duos had a nasty and seemingly final split last year. The two, who began singing and performing together more than 50 years ago over a mutual love of soul and doo-wop music, were almost impossible to imagine without each other — even more than Simon without Garfunkel or George Michael without Andrew Ridgeley, this was more like a final split between peanut butter and jelly. It’s actually hard to imagine.

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He continues, “I haven’t had a creative relationship with John for at least 25 years. We didn’t write songs together, we didn’t do anything together except perform live shows. We had an arrangement that I couldn’t play my solo songs onstage with Hall & Oates — and now I get to.”

And that’s exactly what Hall, who was always the primary songwriter in the duo, plans to do with his forthcoming sixth solo album, which reunites him with longtime collaborator and fellow Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Dave Stewart, who produced Hall’s second solo album, “Three Hearts in the Happy Ending Machine,” in 1986.

Out on June 21, “D” is a reminder that Hall is one of the most talented singer-songwriters of the past half century. The first single, “Can’t Say No to You” (out today) epitomizes the sweet, street-corner Philly soul that has characterized Daryl Hall ’s music from the start of his career. Other influences appear on the album, like the Beatlesque “The Whole World’s Better,” which starts with a live audience cheering like at the start of “Sgt. Pepper,” and itself echoes that abum’s song “Getting Better.”

“I wasn’t thinking about that when I wrote it, but I totally agree with you — those clanging chords in the intro,” he says. “It was Dave’s idea to put in the crowd noise. Whatever comes out of my brain are these licks that I’ve learned in my childhood. It’s the basis of my style, my musical DNA.”

And while it might be tempting to think titles like “Rather Be a Fool,” “Not the Way I Thought It Was” and the Sly-styled Philly funk of “Why You Want to Do That to My Head” refer to the split with his former partner, Hall insists it was the furthest thing from his mind.

“These songs couldn’t be less about that,” he insisted. “I had a particularly rocky time over the past 10 years, especially over the last five with romantic relationships, and it’s also about my reactions to all the fucked-up things that are going on around me. But,” he stresses, “I never emotionally cared about Hall & Oates enough to write songs like this.”

A famously private person, Hall was divorced in 2015 from his British wife Armanda Aspinall, who passed away in 2019 at the age of 61. In “Rather Be a Fool,” he sings, “How could something be so right/ And go so wrong overnight?”

“I wrote that song in the midst of my divorce, and it was about exactly what was happening to me and my wife at the time,” he explains. “It’s very dramatic because I was writing in the middle of all this turmoil. At the end of the song, when I sang that line, it was just to see if the lyrics worked, but we kept the first take. Most of the vocals on the album were like that.”

Hall’s career renaissance began in the ‘00s, not coincidentally after he and Oates began working with Jonathan Wolfson, who took over managing the duo in 2009 after serving as their publicist for the five years before that. Hall’s ongoing web series, “Live from Daryl’s House,” which bowed in November 2007 and returned after a five-year absence last year with episodes featuring Robert Fripp, Andy Grammer, Lisa Loeb and Howard Jones.

Speaking of unexpected collaborations, Hall embarks on another solo tour, this one with Elvis Costello — with whom he duetted some 40 years ago on Costello’s “The Only Flame in Town” — starting June 2 in Troutdale, Oregon, with dates scheduled for the Greek Theater in Los Angeles on June 18, the Fontainebleau in Las Vegas on June 23 and New York’s Radio City Music Hall on July 16.

A new album, an exciting tour with an old friend, a relaunch of his beloved web series — it all would seem to add up to a fresh start for Daryl Hall. But maybe not.

“I wish I could say yes, but no, nothing’s really been resolved,” he sighs. “There’s always a weight on my mind. Every good thing that happens to me, something bad happens. I’ve accepted that. All I can say is, I’m very proud of this album. I got things off my chest, and I’m ready to get out there and sing for people.”

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  1. L'énorme chantier de la tour The Link lancé à La Défense

    tour link chantier

  2. L'énorme chantier de la tour The Link lancé à La Défense

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  3. Infos chantier

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  4. La démolition du Michelet va s’achever, la construction de The Link va

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  5. La Défense : Le chantier à 1 milliard d’euros de la tour « The Link » lancé

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  6. Total choisit La Défense et la tour Link pour installer son QG mondial

    tour link chantier


  1. The Link : construction du futur siège social de Total à Paris La Défense

    En bref. Le groupe Groupama et Total ont signé un Bail en Etat Futur d'Achèvement pour la construction du projet The Link qui hébergera le futur siège social de Total à Paris La Défense. The Link en référence aux "links" (passerelles) qui relieront les 2 ailes de la tour, est un projet conçu par l'agence d'architecture PCA-STREAM ...

  2. The Link

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  3. The Link (gratte-ciel)

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  4. Infos chantier

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  5. The Link

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  6. Une nouvelle vidéo dévoile The Link, le futur siège XXL de TotalEnergies

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  7. The Link : une nouvelle étape importante de franchie

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  8. The Link, le futur siège de TotalEnergies se dévoile un peu plus

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  9. The Link (skyscraper)

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  10. Goyer signe les façades des tours The Link à La Défense

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  11. THE LINK

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  12. The Link, le futur siège de Total à Paris

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  13. Découvrez The Link, le nouveau siège de Total à La Défense

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  15. Tour The Link

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  16. Tour The Link

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  17. PARIS

    a dévoilé une nouvelle tour la tour THE LINK 244 métres pour 120.00m2 source le parisien bon il semble qu'ils ont retiré l'info a l'instant . Reactions: Demos-cratos, clouchicloucha, Supercell and 5 others. ... Les tours Sisters à la Défense, qui culmineraient à 200 m, constituent un projet à 630 millions d'euros sur lequel le ...

  18. Chantier Tours The Link

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