Tugu Wisata

Paket Wisata Religi Wali 7 bali

Paket tour religi wali 7 bali.

Paket Ziarah Wali Pitu Bali merupakan sebuah perjalanan paket tour Bali, yang menitik beratkan kepada napak tilas perjalanan spiritual wali-wali Allah dalam menyebarkan agama islam di tanah pulau dewata Bali. Keberadaan wali pitu sendiri banyak tersebar di tanah Bali ini, baik itu di kabupaten Jembrana, Kabupaten Buleleng, hingga di kota-madya Denpasar juga ada. Keberadaan wali pitu di Bali pun tetap dihormati oleh masyarakat Hindu hingga saat ini. Tak heran beberapa makam bliau dijaga oleh penjaga yang berasal dari orang Bali yang beragama Hindu. Hal ini menjadi bentuk toleransi antar umat agama yang ada di Pulau Bali. Makam keramat wali pitu Bali juga dijadikan tempat ziarah para masyarakat muslim. Tak heran banyak wisatawan yang datang dari tanah jawa seperti Surabaya Madura Kediri dan daerah lainnya yang memasukan agenda ziarah ke dalam trip liburan mereka.

tour wali 7 bali

Destinasi Wisata Religi Wali 7 bali :

  • makam Habib Ali bafaqih (Wali Negara)
  • makam Pangeran mas sepuh choirussoleh (Wali seseh mengwi).
  • makam G.A.Dwi Siti Kotidjah (Wali Pemecutan)
  • Pantai Kuta
  • makam Habib Umar bin Maulana Yusuf Al Maghrobi (Wali Bukit Budugul)
  • candi kuning Danau beratan bedugul.
  • makam Syeh Abdul Qodir Muhammad/ Wali Cina (Wali Karangupit-Buleleng).

Harga Paket Wisata Religi Wali 7 bali :

  • Transportasi 1 Bus Pariwisata AC
  • Akomodasi 1 Malam di Hotel Sekamar 4 Orang (Kawasan Denpasar)
  • Makan 7 Kali
  • Snack 1 Kali pada saat berangkat
  • Air Mineral @600ml. Per hari
  • Tiket Masuk Obyek Wisata dan Donasi Makam
  • Perlengkapan P3K
  • Dokumentasi (Foto) dan Spanduk Kegiatan
  • Tour Leader
  • Tour Guide dari bali
  • Biaya Parkir, Tol & Retribusi Penyeberangan Ketapang – Gilimanuk PP.
  • Fee Sopir & Kernet
  • Keperluan yang bersifat pribadi spt tagihan Laundry dan Tour diluar program
  • Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tergantung kondisi perekonomian semisal kenaikan BBM
  • Harga Tidak berlaku pada musim Lebaran/Idul Fitri, Natal dan Tahun baru
  • Rencana perjalanan atau Rute Wisata masih bersifat fleksibel, dapat disesuaikan dengan permintaan

Sewa Hiace Jogja No #1 di Yogyakarta

Sewa Hiace Jogja  ~ Sebagai destinasi wisata dan kota pelajar, Yogyakarta tak pernah sepi pengunjung. Anda pun mungkin salah satu di antara para pengunjung yang meramaikan kota sejuta  event  ini untuk berbagai keperluan. Apakah itu untuk tujuan berwisata, mendaftarkan putra dan putri tercinta untuk sekolah atau kuliah, atau bisa juga mengahadiri acara wisuda anak Anda yang telah berhasil menyelesaikan kuliahnya. Meskipun hal-hal di atas bisa dilakukan sendiri, tak jarang pula pengunjung kota Yogyakarta diikuti oleh kerabatnya yang lain yang sekadar ingin tahu lebih dekat tentang Yogyakarta. Dan, terkadang kerabat yang ingin ikut ke Yogyakarta tersebut jumlahnya tak sedikit.

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tour wali 7 bali

Paket Tour Wisata Wali Pitu

Bali 4 Day 3 Night

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Paket Tour Wisata Wali Pitu Bali

Paket Tour Wisata Wali Pitu Bali 4 Day 3 Night

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tour wali 7 bali

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Perkembangan agama Islam di Bali juga tak lepas dari para Ulama dahulu yang menyebarkan agama ini dibumi Bali, dan banyak dari mereka yang menetap dan tutup usia di Bali sehingga dimakamkan pada tempat ia sering melakuka syiar agama, oleh sebab itu Ziarah Wali Pitu Bali pun banyak dilakukan oleh jamaah yang ingin menapak tilas atau berdoa dimakam beliau.

Bali pun memiliki beberapa wali yang dimakam-kan dan dianggap keramat, karena itulah makam-makam tersebut juga disebut makam wali pitu atau wali tujuh yang banyak dikenal oleh wisatawan. Adapun bebeapa makam tersebut ialah :

Habib Umar bin Maulana Yusuf Al-Maghribi.

Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Al Idrus.

Habib Ali Bin Umar bin Abu Bakar Bafaqih.

  • Habib Ali bin Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Abu Bakar Al Hamid.

Syeh Abdul Qodir Muhammad atau The Kwan Lie.

  • Syeh Maulana Yusuf Al Baghdi Al Maghribi.

Raden Mas Sepuh.

  • Makam ini terletak di bukit Bedugul, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali, yang hanya berwujud empat batu nisan untuk dua makam, yaitu makam Habib Umar dan pengikutnya yang luasnya 4×4 meter. Makam ini sebenarnya sudah lama ada, namun menurut keterangan dari beberapa tokoh masyarakat setempat baru saja ditemukan sekitar 40—50 tahun berselang oleh seorang yang mencari kayu bakar di bukit Bedugul tersebut. Untuk mencapai makam tersebut, peziarah harus berjalan kaki mendaki kurang lebih 4 jam.
  • Setiap Rabu terakhir bulan Safar, masyarakat setempat berbondong-bondong naik ke bukit berziarah di makam Habib Umar bin Yusuf Al Maghribi ini untuk memperingati wafatnya dengan mengadakan do’a bersama dan kenduri selamatan.
  • Makam ini juga dikenal sebagai makam keramat kembar Karangasem, makam ini terletak di Desa Bungaya Kangin kecamatan Bebandem Kabupaten Karangasem Bali.
  • Mengapa disebut makam kembar, karena pada areal tersebut terdapat dua buah makam tua yang berjajar dengan makam Ali Bin Zainal Abidin Al-Idrus. Dimana banyak masyarakat setempat mengatakan makam kuno inilah yang dikeramatkan sejam jaman dahulu kala. Dimana makam ini diperkirakan berusia sekitar 400 tahun. Sayangnya tidak satupun yang mengetahui mengenai asal-muasal dari nama, sejarah mengenai Almarhum. Bahkan sang juru kuncinya pun tidak mengetahui siapa yang tertanam tersebut. Sebagian dari masyarakat meyakini bahwa makam ini ialah makam dari Syekh Maulana Yusuf al-Baghdi al-Maghribi.
  • Terdapat juga sebuah cerita pada tahun 1963, disaat Gunung Agung Meletus dan mengeluarkan pasir, batu besar dan kecil serta abu yang menjulang tinggi hingga daerah kepulauan Jawa. Seluruh pemukiman warga didekat Gunung Agung pun hancur porak-poranda dan tak berbekas akhibat hujan pasir dan krikil panas, namun sebaliknya tidak dengan makam Syekh Maulana Yusuf al-Baghdi, dimana makam tersbut yang hanya disusun batu merah begitu saja tanpa diperkuat campuran semen tidak berubah sedikit pun, bahkan tidak sebutir pasir pun mampu menyentuhnya.
  • Adapun Habib Ali Zainal Abidin al-Idrus (wafat pada 9 Ramadhan 1493 H/19 Juni 1982) dikenal sebagai ulama besar yang arif bijaksana. Semasa hidupnya, banyak santri yang mengaji kepadanya. Mereka tidak hanya berasal dari beberapa daerah di Bali, tetapi juga dari Lombok dan sekitarnya. Semasa hidupnya, ia menjadi juru kunci makam kuno itu dan setelah wafat, beliau dimakamkan di samping makan kuno tersebut.
  • Makam Habib Ali bin Umar bin Abu Bakar Bafaqih ini terletak di Jl. Semangka Loloan Barat Kec. Negara, Kab. Jembrana, Bali.
  • Meninggal pada tanggal 27 Februari 1998 M di Loloan Barat Jembrana dalam usia 100 tahun lebih. Chabib Ali Bafaqih pendiri pondok Syamsul Huda semasa hidupnya dalam menjalankan syiar Islam telah menunjukkan menjadi hamba Allah pilihan, banyak yang menyaksikan waktu beliau mengisi di suatu majelis, tetapi ada orang yang melihat beliau mengisi di majelis di tempat lain di hari yang sama.

Habib Ali bin Abu Bakar bin Umar bin Abu Bakar Al Hamid. (Syeh Maulana Yusuf Al Baghdi Al Maghribi)

  • Makam Ziarah Wali Pitu Bali ini terletak di tepi pantai Desa Kusamba, Kecamatan Dawah, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali. Makam ini sangat dikeramatkan oleh penduduk setempat, baik umat Islam maupun Hindu.
  • Makam keramat ini terletak tidak jauh dari selat yang menghubungkan Klungkung dengan Pulau Nusa Penida. Desa Kusamba berada di jalan raya antara Klungkung dan Karangasem (Amlapura), dekat dengan Goalawah. Di depan makam dibangun patung seorang tokoh berserban dan berjubah menunggang kuda.
  • Sewaktu hidupnya, Habib Ali bin Abu Bakar al-Hamid menjadi guru bahasa Melayu Raja Klungkung saat itu, Dalem I Dewa Agung Jambe. Waktu itu, beliau diberi seekor kuda untuk kendaraan pulang pergi antara Kusamba dan Klungkung.
  • Pada suatu hari, sewaktu Habib Ali pulang dari Klungkung dan sesampainya di pantai Desa Kusamba, beliau diserang oleh sekelompok orang yang tidak dikenal dengan senjata tajam secara bertubi-tubi. Habib Ali yang masih berada di atas kudanya tewas tersungkur di tanah bermandikan darah. Akhirnya, jenazah Habib Ali dimakamkan di di ujung barat pekuburan desa Kusamba.
  • Pada malam hari setelah pembunuhan tersebut, terjadilah peristiwa yang sangat menggemparkan. Bagian atas Ziarah Wali Pitu Bali Habib Ali al-Hamid mengeluarkan api yang berkobar-kobar membumbung ke angkasa. Semburan api tersebut bergulung-gulung bagaikan bola api dan terbang untuk mengejar sang pembunuh. Di mana mereka bersembunyi, kobaran api terus mengejarnya sampai dapat membakar mereka satu persatu. Tak seorang pun dari pembunuh itu yang tersisa.
  • Makam Keramat Karang Rupit terletak di Desa Temukus (Labuan Aji), Kecamatan Banjar, Kabupaten Buleleng, Singaraja, Bali. Makam tersebut berada di tepi Jalan Raya Seririt. Jarak dari Singaraja ± 15 km.
  • Makam keramat ini adalah makam dari Syekh Abdul Qadir Muhammad yang memiliki nama asli The Kwan Lie atau The Kwan Pao-Lie. Penduduk setempat menyebutnya sebagai Keramat Karang Rupit.
  • Semasa remaja, beliau  adalah murid Sunan Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Para peziarah, baik muslim maupun Hindu, biasanya banyak berkunjung pada hari Rabu terakhir (Rabu Wekasan) bulan Shafar. Uniknya, masing-masing menggelar upacara menurut keyakinan masing-masing saat Ziarah Wali Pitu Bali.
  • Pangeran Mas Sepuh merupakan gelar. Nama sebenarnya adalah Raden Amangkuningrat, yang terkenal dengan nama Keramat Pantai Seseh. Ia merupakan Putra Raja Mengwi I yang beragama Hindu dan ibunya berasal dari Blambangan (Jatim) yang beragama Islam. Sewaktu kecil, beliau sudah berpisah dengan ayahandanya dan diasuh oleh ibundanya di Blambangan. Setelah dewasa, Pangeran Mas Sepuh menanyakan kepada ibunya tentang ayahandanya itu. Setelah Pangeran Mas Sepuh mengetahui jati dirinya, ia memohon izin pada ibunya untuk mencari ayah kandungnya, dengan niat akan mengabdikan diri. Semula, sang ibu keberatan, namun akhirnya diizinkan juga Pangeran Mas Sepuh untuk berangkat ke Bali dengan diiringi oleh beberapa punggawa kerajaan sebagai pengawal dan dibekali sebilah keris pusaka yang berasal dari Kerajaan Mengwi.

Itenery Day  01

  • 10.00    :Setelah penjemputan di Bandara peserta kami ajak menuju Makam WALI SESEH-Pangeran Mas Sepuh/Nasab Sunan Giri-Putra Raja Mengwi+Ibu Putri
  • 14.00    :ISHOMA-Di Mushola Obyek Wisata Tanah Lot
  • 15.00    : PANTAI PURA TANAH LOT-Sumber Air Suci di tengah laut Selatan Bali & Goa Ular Keramat yang unik
  • 18.00    :. ZIARAH NEGARA-Habib Ali Bafaqih/Penyebar Islam abad XX & Silaturrahmi di Kp. Islam Loloan Percampuran Budaya Bali+Melayu+Bugis ( SITUS ISLAM=rumah panggung adat melayu+meriam Siti Fatimah+dll)
  • 20.00    : Check In Hotel

Itenery Day  02

  • 07.00    : Sarapan di Hotel
  • 08.00    : Ziarah Wali The Kwan Lie-Syech Abdul Qodir Muhammad/murid Sunan Gunung Djati
  • 13.00    : Pantai Dholpin Lovina-Taman Laut Bali Utara & ISHOMA-di kota Singaraja
  • 16.00     : Ziarah Wali Bedugul -Syech Maulana Yusuf Al Maghrobi &Kp. Islam Candikuning
  • 20.00     : Check In Hotel

Itenery Day  03

  • 08.00    : Pusat Oleh-Oleh Kacang Bali & Pusat Tenun-Bed Cover Batik
  • 10.00     : Ziarah Wali Karangasem-Habib Ali Al Idrus & Kp. Islam Amlapura/budaya Bali+Sasak
  • 13.00    : Ziarah Sunan Mumbul-Pangeran Mas Pakel/penyebar Islam di Bali Timur abad XVIII
  • 16.00      : Perjalanan kami lanjutkan kembali ke denpasar langsung ke Bandara  Ngurah Rai untuk terbang kembali ke Daerah masing – masing.

HARGA : Rp 1.500.000/ pax .

Harga termasuk :

  • Bus Pariwisata Kelas Eksklusif 45 seat
  • Penginapan/Hotel
  • Tiket semua obyek Tujuan parkir dan biaya Tol
  •  Makan minum sesuai paket 8x
  • Air mineral selama perjalan
  • Pemandu selama perjalanan

Tidak termasuk :

  • Tiket Pesawat
  • Tiping Guide
  • Telephone Call
  • Pengeluaran Pribadi Lainnya.

Paket Tour Wisata Wali Pitu Bali

Paket Tirta Yatra Luar Bali

tour wali 7 bali

Paket Tour Wisata Bali

Travel bali wijaya trans - denpasar surabaya malang banyuwangi jember jogja semarang solo, kontak kami.

Apabila ada yang ditanyakan, silahkan hubungi kami melalui kontak di bawah ini.

The Curated Travelist

17 Best Bali Temple Tours: A Spiritual Journey through Indonesia’s Top Temples

  • 14 5 Reasons to Do Bali Temple Tours
  • 15 Temple Etiquette on Bali Temple Tours
  • 16 Bali Temple Tours Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


If you’re visiting Bali for the tropical weather, rice-terraced landscapes and beachy vibes, you’ll soon start to find that a visit to the Indonesian temples (also known as ‘Pura ‘ in Bali) add to a richer more cultural and spiritual experience on your island getaway.

ok, So how am I going to visit all these beautiful temples? The combination of these 4 BALI TEMPLE TOURS below, allows you to see at least 10 of the 13 Temples on this list and other awesome Bali must-see locations.

Lempuyang temple Gates of Heaven Bali Temples in Bali


🛕Visit Bekasih Temple, Tirta Gangga and Lempuyang Gates of Heaven Temple

🛕Admire the Gateway to Heaven at Lempuyang Temple

🛕Visit Tirta Gangga, the royal water palace with ponds with lotus and koi fish

🛕Private and Shared options available

🛕Includes hotel transfers & entrance fees

Pura Tanah Lot sunset photography with pink and orange sunset lighting


🛕Visit Goa Gajah Temple, Gunung Kawi, Tirta Empul, Taman Ayun and Tanah Lot Temple

🛕Have a purification blessing at Tirta Empul holy spring

🛕Experience a magnificent sunset and see a temple floating on water at Tanah Lot

🛕Private, full-day tour

🛕Includes hotel transfers, sarongs at temples & entrance fees

 Handara Gate


🛕Visit Lake Bratan, Handara Gate, and a gorgeous waterfall and end your journey on an infamous Bali swing on a hidden hill

🛕Soak in sight of Ulun Danu temple sitting on a small lake island.

🛕Take an instaworthy pic in front of Handara Gate

🛕Private, full-day tour, includes hotel transfers, & entrance fees

Kecak fire dance


🛕Watch a spectacular sunset over the Indian Ocean at Uluwatu Temple

🛕See the sacred “kecak” fire dance performed on the cliffside, adjacent to the temple.

🛕End your evening with a barbecue seafood dinner at scenic Jimbaran Bay

🛕Private, half-day tour, includes hotel transfers, & entrance fees

📖 READ MORE ABOUT BALI TEMPLES: 15 Best Temples in Bali: Exploring Bali’s Spiritual Essence

The must-see temples in Bali are such an important part of Balinese life and culture that a visit to them is a great way of gaining some insight into how the locals live.

There are over 20 000 Pura in Bali, so doing at least one of these Bali temple tours allows you to see at least more than one on your trip!

Check out this custom map of all the Bali temples listed in this article

Besides revelling in architectural beauty, most of the Hindu temples in Bali are located on unusual sites. This makes for incredible photographic opportunities, as there are natural scenic backdrops on the water’s edge, on the edge of a cliff or even surrounded by thousands of monkeys or a volcano!

📖 RELATED READ: The Ultimate Bali Bucket List – all the best things to do in Bali

TRAVELIST TIP: Visiting every single temple might be a shade unrealistic . Temple fatigue is all too real, hence why Bali temple tours allow for a good combination of different temple styles and views and often also include other non-temple related activities too. You could also customize your trip if you select that option.

➡️ CREATE YOUR OWN TOUR : Bali Private Car or Van Charter with Driver (2078 Reviews)

Uluwatu Temple

Uluwatu Temple Sunset Bali Temple Tour

Uluwatu is one of the most famous temples in Bali. It is located on the edge of a 280 ft (70 m) cliff and makes for the perfect location to watch the sun setting over the horizon in the evenings.


💥TOP PICK: Uluwatu Temple Sunset with Kecak Dance and Dinner at Jimbaran Bay

1154 Reviews | Viator Badge of Excellence | 6 hours

Uluwatu Temple at Sunset

Kecak Fire Dance at Uluwatu temple

Seafood Dinner at Jimbaran Bay

Entry & fire dance tickets included

Hotel Pick up and Drop off

English Speaking Driver & Guide

Private Tour


📍 LOCATION: Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple is located in Pecatu Village, Kuta South which is East of the Bukit Badung Peninsula , the Southern Peninsula of Bali.

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: IDR 40 000 (Indonesian Rupiah) is the fee to visit one of the most famous Bali temples.

⌚ OPENING TIMES: Daily for visitors from 9 am to 6 pm, for pilgrims: 24 hours.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Bali Sunset: Uluwatu Temple, Kecak Dance and Jimbaran Bay (5 Star Rated & 1154 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Bali: South Coast Uluwatu, Tanah Lot, and Jimbaran Day Trip (4.7/5 Star Rated & 478 Reviews)

Uluwatu Bali is one of the nine Balinese temples that defend the island from bad spirits. Constructed approximately 1000 years ago in a traditional Balinese style, Uluwatu is a place of worship to Siva Rudra, the Balinese God of all elements of life and universe.

This Bali Hindu temple attracts hundreds of visitors every single day, some just visit to admire the beauty of the temple, some are pilgrims and others merely for the jaw-dropping sunset cliff edge landscape.

The Uluwatu temple Bali surrounds is inhabited by many monkeys, these mischievously cute critters are said to be protectors of the temple, but are also equally villainous thieves.

TRAVELIST TIP: Monkeys are often attracted by shiny objects like sunglasses, cameras, and watches; tourists are strongly recommended to watch and hold on dearly to their belongings.

📖 RELATED READ: 24 Epic Places to Watch a Magical Sunset in Bali

Tanah Lot Temple

tour wali 7 bali

Tanah Lot is probably the most well known and popular of the must-see temples in Bali given its easily accessible location and awe-inspiring oceanic landscape backdrop.

📖 RELATED READ: Sunset at Tanah Lot + 4 ways to avoid the crowds


💥TOP PICK: Full-Day Tanah Lot Tour incl Waterfalls, Lakes and Rice Terraces

1767 Reviews | Viator Badge of Excellence | One Day Tour

Tanah Lot Temple at Sunset

Banyumala Twin Waterfalls- Beautiful crystal clear & serene Waterfalls

UNESCO Jatiluwih Rice Terraces- offers a beautiful view of contoured rice terraces

Amazing panorama of Twin Lakes (Tamblingan Lake and Buyan Lake)

Entry Fees and Lunch Included

English Speaking Guide


📍 LOCATION: Tanah Lot is located in Beraban, Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: IDR 60,000 for adult foreign visitors and IDR 20,000 for adult domestic tourists.

⌚ OPENING TIMES: Tanah Lot temple opening hours are 7 am to 7 pm.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Full Day Tanah Lot Tour incl Waterfalls, Lakes and Rice Terraces (5 Star Rated & 1757 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Bali: Sacred Temples and Sunset Private Tour (4.8/5 Star Rated & 323 Reviews) 3RD PICK: Private Ubud Tour: Monkey Forest, Rice Terrace & Tanah Lot (4.8/5 Star Rated & 589 Reviews)

This water temple in Bali is perched atop a coral rock and is only accessible to close-up view during low tide. Once the tide comes in the surrounding rock is covered by the ocean and gives the impression of the sea temple floating on the ocean.

tour wali 7 bali

Besakih Temple

Besakih Temple Bali Temple

Perched on the slopes of Bali’s largest volcano, Mount Agung, lies a collection of temples that make up Indonesia’s most prominent temple complex.

Considered to be the holiest of all temples in Bali , Besakih ‘Mother Temple’ is located some 3000 ft (914m) up Gunung Agung in East Bali.


💥 TOP PICK: Besakih Temple & Lempuyang Temple Gates of Heaven Tour

1294 Reviews | Certified Get Your Guide Tour | Full Day Tour

Visit the ‘Mother of all’ Besakih Temple with panoramic views

Admire the ancient Gateway to Heaven at Lempuyang Temple and snap some magical photos

Visit Tirta Gangga, the most beautiful former royal water palace

Enjoy an optional buffet lunch while overlooking Mt Agung, river and rice fields

Enhance and customize the experience with a list of optional add-ons

Hotel Pick up and Drop Off

All Tickets and entry fees


📍 LOCATION: Besakih Temple (Pura Besakih) is in the village of Besakih, Rendang Sub-district, Karangasem District, Bali.

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: The entrance fee to the Pura Besakih temple is IDR 60 000

⌚ OPENING TIMES: Daily from 8 am to 6 pm for tourists and 24 hours for worshippers.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Besakih Temple & Lempuyang Temple Gates of Heaven Tour (4.8/5 Star Rated & 1294 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Off the Beaten Path Temples and Traditional Village Tour (4.7/5 Star Rated & 65 Reviews)

Just like the mountains that defend it, the Besakih temple in Bali boasts sensational magnitude that will overwhelm you at first glimpse. It is on 6 levels and comprises 23 temples, with their core being Pura Penataran Agung.

Mother Temple offers gorgeous views of the surrounding landscapes and rice terraces. Take your time here and take in as much as you can at different levels. This Hindu temple in Indonesia is a must-visit!

📖 RELATED READ: Best Places to Stay in Bali- for all budgets and traveller types

Ulun Danu Beratan Temple

Ulun Danu Beratan Temple Bali Temple

With red floral lined gardens, lush grassy shores and a mountainous landscape with skies sprinkled with clouds aplenty, this picturesque water temple makes for a postcard-perfect destination.

Located up in the mountains, approximately 1200m above sea level, this temple complex is truly a natural haven for serene and tranquil vibes. Nestled under the shadow of Mount Batur, this is a surprisingly cool location in comparison to the sweltering humidity of most of the other temples.


💥TOP PICK: Full-Day Ulun Danu and Water Temples with UNESCO Rice Terraces Tour

1145 Reviews | Viator Badge of Excellence | Full Day Tour

See Ulun Danu Bratan floating on Lake Beratan

Visit the lush green paradise of Jatiluwih Rice Terraces

Visit Luhur Batukaru Temple on the foothills of Mount Batukaru the second-highest volcano in Bali

Entry Tickets Included

Tanah Lot Temple is the to see the best sunset in Bali. It lies on the ocean that you can access only when it is in low tide


📍 LOCATION: This Bali temple on the water is located in Danau Beratan, Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan Regency, Bali.

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: This Mengwi Temple Bali entrance fee to visit one of the best Bali temples is IDR 50 000.

⌚ OPENING TIMES: 7 am to 7 pm for this Bendugul temple Bali hosts.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Full Day Ulun Danu and water temples with UNESCO Rice Terraces Tour (5 Star Rated & 1145 Reviews) 2ND PICK: North Bali: Sunrise Tour with Dolphins, Waterfalls & Temples Tour (4.6/5 Star Rated & 696 Reviews) 3RD PICK: Waterfalls and Ulun Danu Temple Tour (5 Star Rated & 80 Reviews)

Batuan Temple

tour wali 7 bali

Pura Desa Batuan Temple Bali is one of the most popular and beautiful village temples which forms part of three major temples called Tri Kahyangan. It’s designed with the signature Balinese architecture with split gates, stone guardians, thatched shrines and detailed carvings.


💥TOP PICK: Traditional Village, Temples, Monkey Forest, Rice Terraces and Waterfall Tour

2688 Reviews | Viator Badge of Excellence | Full Day Tour

Experience how Traditional Balinese Batik weaving is processed in traditional ways and Celuk Village to learn about Balinese silver and gold jewellery making

Visit Puseh Batuan Temple – Ancient Hindu village temple

Visit the Monkey Forest and Tegalalang Rice Terraces

Get refreshed at the Tegenungan Waterfalls

Entry Tickets Includes


📍 LOCATION:  Pura Puseh Batuan temple is located in Jalan Raya Batuan, Batuan, Kec. Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali.

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: There are no specific entrance fees, but a donation is highly recommended

⌚ OPENING TIMES: Daily for visitors from   9 am to 6 pm.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: This is a smaller temple so it’s best combined with other attractions. TOP PICK: Traditional Village, Temples, Monkey Forest, Rice Terraces and Waterfall Tour (5 Star Rated & 2688 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Bali: Full-Day Trip to Penglipuran Village and Bamboo Forest (4.8/5 Star Rated & 108 Reviews) 3RD PICK: Bali: Ubud Rice Terraces, Temples and Volcano Day Trip (4.8/5 Star Rated & 1712 Reviews)

The Batuan Temple, referred to locally as Pura Puseh Batuan is a central landmark in the namesake village of Batuan, well-known for its traditional Balinese arts and paintings. This is one of three village temples dedicated to the gods of the Hindu trinity.

Pura Lempuyang Temple

tour wali 7 bali

Lempuyang Luhur is one of the most photographed temples in Bali. This social media craze started with the first ‘Gates of Heaven’ shot with Mount Agung in the background . Now, thousands of visitors flock to this temple every day to capture their own version of the iconic shot. Located in East Bali, Lempuyang Luhur is a complex consisting of seven temples, with the main temple, Pura Penataran Agung, sitting at 1,775 meters above sea level. The significance of Lempuyang Luhur goes beyond its social media fame. It is an important Hindu temple that holds great spiritual importance for Balinese people. The name ‘Lempuyang’ means ‘lightning’ in Balinese, and it is believed that the temple was built as a form of protection against lightning strikes.


💥TOP PICK: Bali Full-Day Instagram Highlights Tour

4895 Reviews | Get your Guide Certified | Full Day Tour

Tick off Bali’s main Instagram hotspots on one full-day trip

Explore Balinese culture and history with an expert local guide

Visit Lempuyang Temple and admire the majestic Mount Agung the highest volcano in Bali from the gate. This will be one of the most iconic photos of your trip.

Stop at Tirta Gangga Water palace to see the beautiful crystal-clear water garden

Enjoy the hidden waterfall of Tukad Cepung by walking through a valley and jungle pathway to see the waterfall just under the cave

Finally, conclude with Tegalalang Rice Terrace with its luxurious landscape of rice paddy fields.

TRAVELIST INSIGHT: ⚠️ SPOILER ALERT⚠️ The infamous photo in which you can see Mount Agung in the background and the Gates of Heaven reflected in a ‘pond’ IS NOT REAL- it’s actually just a dirty puddle of water but the ‘pond’ is created by a mirror held by a Balinese local who will charge take the photo for you.

➡️ WANT TO GET THE PERFECT SNAPS? THIS IS THE TOUR >> Lempuyang Gate of Heaven: Day Trip with a Photographer

Instagram shot of Gates of Heaven Bali Pura Lempuyang Temple


📍 LOCATION: Pura Lempuyang Luhur Temple is located in Bunutan, Abang, Seraya Bar., Kec. Karangasem, Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali., there is also an IDR 45 000 shuttle bus fee for the trip from the parking lot to the temple.

⌚ OPENING TIMES:  Bali Lempuyang temple is open from 7 am to 6 pm.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Bali: Full-Day Instagram Highlights Tour (4.8/5 Star Rated & 4895 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Bali: Besakih Temple & Lempuyang Temple Gates of Heaven Tour (4.8/5 Star Rated & 1294 Reviews) 3RD PICK: Gates of Heaven and waterfall and beaches tour (5 Star Rated & 25 Reviews)

With the fast-growing tourism in Bali and the rising popularity of the Balinese temples, there are now significant lines to take the infamous photo that has made this Bali Lempuyang temple one of the best temples in Bali.

TRAVELIST TIP:  Wear comfortable shoes to visit Lempuyang Temple Bali for the wait in line, It’s also important to wear a sarong (or rent one for IDR 10 000) and cover your shoulders.

Tirta Empul Temple

Tirta Empul Temple - Temples in Bali temples

The sacred spring that feeds Pura Tirta Empul Bali provides holy water for priests and a dip here is also believed to bring good fortune and health. It’s also known as Tampaksiring temple


💥TOP PICK: Best of Central Bali: Waterfall, Elephant Cave & Rice Fields

495 Reviews | Get Your Guide Certified Tour | Full Day Tour

See the beautiful temple of Tirta Empul and bathe in the Tampaksiring

Take a stroll through the Ceking Rice Terrace at Tegalalang in Ubud

Go for a swim in the waters of Tegenungan Waterfall

Visit Goa Gajah the elephant cave


📍 LOCATION: Pura Tirta Empul temple is located in Jalan Tampaksiring, Manukaya, Tampaksiring, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali.

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: The entry fee for the holy spring temple in Bali is IDR 15 000

⌚ OPENING TIMES: The opening times for Tirta Empul Temple are 7 am to 5 pm

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Best of Central Bali Waterfall, Elephant Cave & Rice Fields (4.9/5 Star Rated & 495 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Ubud All-Inclusive Tour with Optional Lunch (4.9/5 Star Rated & 634 Reviews) 3RD PICK: Bali Sacred Temples and Sunset Private Tour (4.8/5 Star Rated & 323 Reviews)

The Balinese visit to purify themselves in the waters of a spring that comes out from twelve pipes.  This water is considered to have healing properties. I suggest seeing the religious rituals performed in this temple.

Having a bath is allowed in only 10 out of the 12 pipes, as the other two are reserved for the deceased and their families.

Pura Taman Saraswati Temple

Saraswati Temple Temples in Bali Temple

Taman Saraswati is the temple of Bali that honours Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, literature, and art. It is located on the main street of the cultural capital of Bali, Ubud, so visiting this water temple in Ubud is, without a doubt, the best thing to do in the area.


💥TOP PICK: Puri Saraswati Tour & Bali Natural Hot Spring

Begin at Pura Taman Saraswati, a beautiful water temple featuring classic Balinese architecture and impressive ponds filled with blooming pink lotuses

Then onto Gunung Kawi, one of Bali’s most unique archaeological sites. Gunung Kawi Temple is two rows of ancient royal tombs on the banks of the Pakerisan River

Travel to Kintamani to enjoy spectacular views of Mount Batur

Finally, end at one of Bali’s holy springs called Toya Devasya. An infinity hot spring pool sitting on the edge of Lake Batur


📍 LOCATION: Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple is located in Jalan Kajeng, Ubud, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: Free entry is noted for this Ubud water temple

⌚ OPENING TIMES: Daily for visitors from 7 am to 5 pm

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Ubud Half-Day Semi-Customized Private Tour with Guide 2ND PICK: Puri Saraswati Tour & Bali Natural Hot Spring

The breathtaking Saraswati Temple Ubud is located in the heart of the area and stands out mostly because of its lotus pond and water gardens.

Although the temple is on a busy street, the atmosphere inside of the compound is enigmatically calm. It is an extremely small but beautiful Saraswati temple Bali will not take you more than 10 minutes to visit.

The highlight is its entrance, flanked by the two ponds filled with lotus flowers and water lilies. Truly one of the most tranquil and best temples in Ubud.

📖 RELATED READ: 20+ Terrific Things To Do in Ubud: Relaxation, Adventure, Culture or Simply for the Gram’

Goa Gajah Temple

Goa Gajah Temple Bali Temple

Goa Gajah temple in Bali is known as the Elephant Cave or Elephant Temple Bali, and it is one of the most interesting temples to visit in Bali. The interesting part of this temple is in the name itself as it lacks any elephants. Its name is derived from the proximity of the Elephant River which too is free of any elephants.


495 Reviews | Certified Get Your Guide Tour | Full Day Tour

See the 7-meter tall Goa Gajah cave built on the cliff with unique and interesting carvings.

Visit the holy springs at Tirta Empul

Experience tranquillity at the lush green Tegalalang Rice Terraces

Get refreshed at the Tegenungan Waterfall


📍 LOCATION: It is located in Bedulu, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali , a 20 minutes drive from Ubud and one of the unique temples of Bali

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: IDR 15 000 (Indonesian Rupiah) is the fee to visit this Bali temple.

⌚ OPENING TIMES: This temple is open 24 hours a day.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Best of Central Bali: Waterfall, Elephant Cave & Rice Fields (4.9/5 Star Rated & 495 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Bali: Full-Day Spiritual Cleansing and Shamanic Healing Tour (4.8/5 Star Rated & 608 Reviews) 3RD PICK: Bali: Hidden Canyon, Waterfall & Temples (4.7/5 Star Rated & 475 Reviews)

The Elephant Cave Bali is carved from a rock wall face that resembles the huge mouth of an intimidating demon. Inside the temple, you’ll find a statue of the Hindu god, Ganesha. This is the true attraction.

Legend says that the Goa Gajah Bali sanctuary was created by the nails of a giant, whose name was Kebo Iwa.

Elephant temple Ubud is supposed to date back to the 11th century. This is one of the most unique and interesting temples in Indonesia.

📖 RELATED READ: Visiting the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces- a UNESCO Heritage Site

Taman Ayun Temple

Taman Ayun Temple Bali Temples

Taman Ayun temple gets its name from the fact that it is a beautiful garden. It also has a moat surrounding the temple and the lush vegetation of the area.


💥TOP PICK: Taman Ayun and Tanah Lot Temple Sunset Tour

95 Reviews | Half Day Tour

Visit the famous UNESCO World Heritage site of Taman Ayun Temple

Then head to Tanah Lot Temple and discover the most romantic view in Bali at sunset


📍 LOCATION: Taman Ayun temple is located in Jalan Ayodya No.10, Mengwi, Kec. Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung, Bali

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: The entry fee for Pura Taman Ayun Bali is IDR 20 000.

⌚ OPENING TIMES: The opening hours for this Mengwi temple are 8 am to 6:15 pm

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Bali: Taman Ayun and Tanah Lot Temple Sunset Tour (4.6/5 Star Rated & 95 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Bali Monkey Forest, Mengwi Temple, and Tanah Lot Afternoon Tour (4/5 Star Rated & 123 Reviews) 3RD PICK: UNESCO World Heritage Temple Tours (5 Star Rated & 51 Reviews)

Gunung Kawi Temple

Gunung Kawi Temple Bali Temple

Gunung Kawi is an ancient temple complex and is a unique archaeological site in Bali. The uniqueness is in the reliefs of the temples carved on the rock cliff.

Known for its “Candi”, which are shrines carved into the rock that serve as spiritual representations of the tombs of the royal family (the bodies are buried in a nearby cave) .


💥 TOP PICK: Balinese Temples and Rice Terraces Tour

224 Reviews | Viator Badge of Excellence | Full Day Tour

Visit the 11th-century shines at Gunung Kawi

Experience a holy blessing in Tirta Empul’s temple holy spring

Taste Bali’s renowned Luwak coffee at a local plantation

Walk along the beautiful rice fields of Tegalalang

Spot the long-tailed macaques in a monkey forest


📍 LOCATION: Gunung Kawi temple is located in Sebatu, Tegallalang, Gianyar, Bali .

⌚ OPENING TIMES: The opening hours for this Sebatu temple are 8 am to 6 pm.

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: IDR 50 000 (Indonesian Rupiah) is the fee to visit this magnificent Bali temple.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Balinese Temples and Rice Terraces Tour (5 Star Rated & 224 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Bali: Sacred Temples and Sunset Private Tour (4.8/5 Star Rated & 323 Reviews) 3RD PICK: Bali Hidden Canyon, Waterfall & Temples (4.7/5 Star Rated & 475 Reviews)

To be able to reach the location of Gunung Kawi temple from the parking lot, visitors must walk by the footpath and approximately 371 stairs.

As you walk along the route and stairs, you can enjoy the scenery of rice fields and valleys with green trees.

This is also considered to be a holy spring, therefore if you are looking for the holy water properties, take a dip in the holy spring water here

Tirta Gangga Water Palace

Tirta Gangga Temple

Tirta Gangga is one of the most popular temples in Bali Indonesia and again has become so due to some incredible photos making the rounds on social media.

This temple’s name means ‘sacred water of the Ganges’ and it’s known for its exquisite gardens brimming with exotic plants, rock sculptures, stunning ponds and fountains.

The most impressive area is a koi pond! This is the most coveted Instagram shot too! Here you’ll find small platforms over the water which allow you to step through to the majestic fountain of eleven falls.


💥TOP PICK: Besakih, Mother of All Temples, Lempuyang & Tirta Gangga

Visit Tirta Gangga, the most beautiful former royal water palace in Eastern Bali

Visit Besakih Temple, known as the mother temple of Bali


📍 LOCATION: Tirta Gangga temple is located in Jalan Raya Abang Desa Adat, Ababi, Abang, Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: IDR 50 000 (Indonesian Rupiah) is the fee to visit one of the most famous Bali temples.

⌚ OPENING TIMES: Daily for visitors from 8 am to 7 pm.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Besakih, Mother of All Temples, Lempuyang & Tirta Gangga (5 Star Rated & 68 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Bali: Full-Day Instagram Highlights (4.6/5 Star Rated & 3 692 Reviews)

Goa Lawah Temple

The temple of Pura Goa Lawah also known as Batcave Temple Bali in East Bali is centered around a cave inhabited by thousands of bats.


💥TOP PICK: Historical Royal East Bali Private Guided Tour

4 Reviews | | Full Day Tour

Visit the Goa Lawah shrine cave where thousands of bats now call home

Learn about Bali’s Hindu culture and traditions

Visit 2 water temples

Visit a local plantation to sample the famous Balinese coffee

📍 LOCATION: Goa Lawah temple is located in Jalan Raya Goa Lawah, Pesinggahan, Kec. Dawan, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali.

💰 ENTRANCE FEES: IDR 10 000 (Indonesian Rupiah) is the fee to visit the temple.

⌚ OPENING TIMES: This temple is open 24 hours.

⭐ TOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: TOP PICK: Historical Royal East Bali Private Guided Tour (5 Star rated & 4 Reviews) 2ND PICK: Amazing Private Tours East Of Bali Kertagosa And Goa Lawah Temple , 3RD PICK: Eastern Bali tour with Lempuyang Temple, Tirta Gangga, Goa Lawah and Virgin Beach

In front of the Goa Lawah temple Bali, which is across the main road, there is a black sand beach. From the beach shoreline, you can see the island of Nusa Penida.

5 Reasons to Do Bali Temple Tours

Here are the key reasons why Bali temple tours are a must-do when in Indonesia:

  • Dive into Balinese Culture : Embarking on a Bali temple tour is like getting a front-row seat to traditional Balinese culture. You’ll witness first-hand the customs and rituals that make up the soul of this beautiful island. From observing religious ceremonies to joining in local celebrations, the experience is nothing short of enriching.
  • Step Back in Time : The temples of Bali aren’t just places of worship – they’re portals into the past. Many of these architectural marvels dating back to the 10th century or even earlier, each with its own tale to tell. A temple tour offers an insightful journey into Bali’s rich history and fascinating mythology.
  • Marvel at Majestic Architecture : Bali’s temples are a testament to the island’s architectural prowess. Their intricate details and unique designs are awe-inspiring, to say the least. Set amidst breathtaking natural landscapes, these temples provide panoramic views that are as spiritually uplifting as they are visually stunning.
  • Discover Hidden Gems : One of the best parts about a Bali temple tour? It takes you off the beaten path. While most tourists flock to the popular beaches, a temple tour lets you explore the lesser-known yet equally captivating corners of Bali. It’s a fantastic way to escape the crowds and experience Bali in its purest form.
  • Hassle-Free Exploration : Planning a DIY itinerary can be quite a task. With a Bali temple tour, you don’t have to worry about logistics. Everything from transportation to tickets is taken care of, leaving you free to immerse yourself in the experience.

In a nutshell, a Bali temple tour offers a unique, immersive, and hassle-free exploration of the island’s cultural, historical, and architectural highlights. It’s an adventure that promises to leave you enriched and inspired. So, pack your bags and get set for an unforgettable journey through the temples of Bali!

Temple Etiquette on Bali Temple Tours

Let’s dive right into the top things you need to know before visiting Bali’s magnificent temples:

  • Dress Modestly : One of the most important things to remember when visiting Bali temples is to dress modestly. Both men and women are required to cover their shoulders and knees. In many temples, you’ll find sarongs available for rent or purchase at the entrance. I remember my first visit to the Uluwatu Temple, where I wrapped myself in a beautiful batik sarong that added an authentic touch to my temple tour!
  • Respect the Temple Grounds : These temples are sacred places of worship for the Balinese people. Always walk on the designated paths and avoid touching any religious artefacts or structures. Refrain from climbing onto the temple structures for photos – it’s considered disrespectful.
  • Mind Your Photography : While most temples allow photography, there are certain areas where it’s prohibited. Always look out for signs or ask a local guide if you’re unsure. Remember, these are places of worship first and tourist sites second. I’ve found that sometimes, putting the camera away and simply soaking in the beauty and serenity of these temples can be a deeply rewarding experience.
  • Public Displays of Affection : In line with respecting local customs, avoid overt displays of affection within the temple premises. The Balinese people are known for their warm and welcoming nature, but it’s essential to respect their cultural norms in return.
  • Understanding Local Customs : The Balinese follow unique customs that you may not be familiar with. For instance, women during their menstrual cycle are discouraged from entering the temples. Also, the head is considered the most sacred part of the body, so never touch someone’s head, not even children.
  • Hiring a Local Guide : Consider hiring a local guide for your temple tour. Not only will they provide valuable insights about the history and significance of the temples, but they’ll also guide you on the dos and don’ts. I had an incredible guide during my visit to Besakih Temple who shared fascinating stories behind each shrine – it truly enriched my experience!
  • Participation in Rituals : If you happen to visit during a ceremony or festival, you may be invited to participate. It’s a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in Balinese culture. Just remember to follow the locals’ lead and respect their traditions. I recall being part of a purification ceremony at Tirta Empul Temple, where I followed the locals in making offerings and bathing in the holy water – it was an experience I’ll cherish forever!
  • Donation Boxes : You’ll often find donation boxes at the entrance of temples. While it’s not mandatory, a small contribution goes a long way in helping maintain these ancient sites. Plus, it’s a nice way to show your appreciation for the enriching experience these temples provide.
  • Respect the Wildlife : Many temples, like the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, are home to wildlife. While it’s exciting to see these creatures up close, remember to observe from a distance and avoid feeding or touching them. It’s about respecting their space as much as we respect the temples.
  • Stay Hydrated and Protected : Bali can get quite hot, especially during the day. When you’re exploring temples, remember to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun. Carry a water bottle and wear sun-protective clothing or use sunscreen. Trust me, nothing dampens a temple tour like a nasty sunburn!

Remember, the goal of visiting these temples is not just sightseeing, but also understanding and respecting the Balinese culture. These guidelines will help ensure you have a memorable and respectful temple tour experience in Bali. Happy exploring!

Bali Temple Tours Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The best time to visit Bali for temple tours is generally during the dry season, which runs from April to September. During these months, the weather is less humid, making it ideal for outdoor explorations.

When visiting temples in Bali, it’s important to dress modestly out of respect for the local culture. Wearing a sarong or scarf inside the temple is mandatory.

Absolutely! Bali is renowned for its stunning temples. Some of the must-visit ones include Tanah Lot, Uluwatu Temple, and Besakih Temple, among others. Each temple offers a unique cultural experience and breathtaking views. Thats why doing a Bali temple tour allows you to see a number of these temple in a single day!

The number of days can vary depending on your itinerary and the number of temples you wish to visit. However, with 16 recommended tours based on twelve temples listed in this blog post, a 4 or 5-day trip, but probably best a week-long trip would allow you to explore at a comfortable pace.

Yes, most tour operators offer online booking for Bali temple tours. It’s a convenient way to secure your spot and plan your itinerary ahead of time.

Bali is generally safe for tourists. However, like any other travel destination, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded places.

The exchange rate can vary. It’s recommended to check current rates before your trip to plan your budget effectively. I use XE Currency to check the rates.

Oh, you’re in for a treat! Indonesian cuisine is diverse and utterly delicious. You’ll find a range of mouth-watering street food like satay, nasi goreng (fried rice), and babi guling (roast pig). Don’t forget to try the local Balinese coffee too – it’s a must!

While it’s not mandatory, having a guide can greatly enhance your experience. They’ll provide fascinating insights about the history and cultural significance of the temples that you might not get otherwise. Plus, they know the best times to visit to avoid crowds!

Absolutely, but with respect. Most temples in Bali allow photography, and honestly, they’re so beautiful you’ll want to capture every moment. However, certain sacred areas within the temples may prohibit photography, so do look out for signs or ask your guide.

Affiliate Disclosure : Some of the links in the article have affiliate links,  what this means is , if you click a link and make a purchase I may earn some money to buy a coffee  (whoohoo!) . Thanks for the support, I’d love to keep making this content freely available to all. As always opinions and thoughts remain my own.

And there you have it, fellow wanderers – a comprehensive guide to exploring the enchanting temples of Bali. These sacred sites are more than just places of worship; they’re windows into the soul of Bali, each with its own story to tell. From the majestic architecture to the captivating rituals, every moment spent in these temples is a step deeper into the heart of Balinese culture.

I hope this post has ignited a spark of curiosity and wanderlust within you. Trust me, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of standing amidst these ancient structures, taking in the breathtaking views, and immersing yourself in the serene atmosphere. It’s a journey of discovery that goes beyond sightseeing – it’s about connecting with a place and its people on a profound level.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to turn that travel dream into reality. Go ahead and book one (or more!) of these incredible Bali temples tours. Believe me, it’s an adventure you’ll look back on with a heart full of awe and a soul enriched with experiences. See you in Bali!

Safe travels and happy exploring!

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Ziarah Wali 7 Bali

Ziarah Wali 7 Bali: Exploring the Spiritual Journey in Bali

Table of Contents


Bali is known for its beautiful beaches, luxurious resorts, and tropical climate, but the island also holds a sacred place in the hearts of many travelers who come here seeking spiritual enlightenment and connection to a higher power. Bali is a place where ancient traditions and modern living coexist, and it is home to numerous religious traditions that shape the island’s unique culture and way of life.

Amongst the many spiritual traditions in Bali, Ziarah Wali 7 is one that has gained popularity in recent years among both tourists and locals. This article seeks to explore what Ziarah Wali 7 is and what it entails, as well as answer some frequently asked questions about the practice.

What is Ziarah Wali 7?

Ziarah Wali 7 refers to a spiritual pilgrimage in Bali that visits seven sites throughout the island, each one associated with the seven Muslim saints or Wali Sanga, who played a significant role in spreading Islam throughout Java and Bali. The pilgrimage is a way of paying homage to the Wali Sanga and seeking their blessings for a better life, good health, and prosperity.

The seven sites that are visited during the pilgrimage include Pura Kehen, Pura Gunung Raung, Pura Ponjok Batu, Pura Bukit Jati, Pura Dalem Ped, Pura Pulaki, and Pura Pasek Gelgel. These sites represent significant spiritual and historical landmarks in Bali, and each one is dedicated to one of the seven Wali Sanga.

What Does the Ziarah Wali 7 Involve?

The Ziarah Wali 7 pilgrimage involves visiting the seven sites that are associated with the Wali Sanga in a specific order and performing prayers and offerings at each location. The pilgrimage is typically completed over several days, with each site representing a different step along the spiritual journey.

At each location, visitors offer prayers and make offerings to the spirits and deities associated with the site. These offerings can include flowers, fruits, incense, and holy water. Pilgrims also typically receive blessings from the priests who oversee each of the sites.

Those who embark on the pilgrimage are believed to receive blessings in return, such as an increase in prosperity, good health, and spiritual enlightenment. However, the pilgrimage is not just about receiving blessings but also about purifying oneself and seeking a deeper connection with the divine.

1. Is the Ziarah Wali 7 pilgrimage only for Muslims?

No, the Ziarah Wali 7 pilgrimage is open to anyone regardless of their religion. While the pilgrimage has its roots in Islam, it has become a cultural and spiritual tradition in Bali that is open to all.

2. Do I need to prepare anything before embarking on the pilgrimage?

It is recommended to consult with a local guide or religious leader familiar with the pilgrimage before embarking on the journey. They can help prepare the necessary offerings and provide guidance on how to perform the prayers correctly.

3. Is it safe to travel to each site alone?

While it is possible to complete the pilgrimage alone, it is always recommended to travel with a guide, especially if you are not familiar with Bali or the customs associated with the pilgrimage.

4. Can I complete the pilgrimage in one day?

It is unlikely that the pilgrimage can be completed in one day, as it involves visiting seven sites spread throughout the island. Typically, the pilgrimage is completed over several days as each site must be visited in a specific order.

5. Do I need to complete the pilgrimage in a specific order?

Yes, each site must be visited in a specific order to complete the pilgrimage successfully and receive blessings. It is important to consult with a local guide to ensure that you are visiting each site in the correct order.

Bali is a place of spirituality and tradition that attracts travelers from all over the world seeking a deeper connection with the divine. The Ziarah Wali 7 pilgrimage is a unique experience that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the rich culture and spirituality of Bali while seeking blessings and enlightenment. It is an experience that serves as a reminder of the beauty and richness of Balinese culture and its deep connection to tradition and spirituality.

Related posts:

  • Brosur Ziarah Wali Songo
  • Erek Erek Ziarah Ke Makam
  • Apakah Ibu Hamil Boleh Ziarah Ke Makam
  • Doa Ziarah Imam Husain
  • Paket Ziarah Wali Songo
  • Ziarah Gua Maria Di Semarang

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Harga Kijing Makam Di Malang

Erek erek makam pahlawan, alamat makam syekh quro.

Paket Ziarah Wali 7 Bali 3 Hari 1 Malam

tour wali 7 bali

Rute Perjalanan :

Hari 1 : Surabaya – Bali ( Snack, Malam )

Berangkat dari Surabaya pada siang hari menuju pulau bali, singgah makan malam di RM daerah situbondo. Penyeberangan Ketapang – Gilimanuk pada dini hari.

Hari 2 : Negara – Mengwi – Pemecutan- Kuta ( Makan Pagi, Siang, Malam )

Tiba di Negara pada dini hari berziarah di makam Habib Ali bafaqih (Wali Negara) , kampung islam loloan barat. Setelah Makan pagi RM setempat dilanjutkan menuju Mengwi berziarah di makam Pangeran mas sepuh choirussoleh (Wali seseh mengwi). Setelah makan siang dg lunchbox dilanjutkan menuju denpasar berziarah di makam G.A.Dwi Siti Kotidjah (Wali Pemecutan). dilanjutkan menuju Pantai Kuta . Setelah makan malam di RM setempat dilanjutkan Check in hotel dan acara bebas.

Hari 4 : Bedugul – Singaraja ( Makan Pagi, Siang, Malam )

Hari terakhir di Bali setelah makan pagi dan check out hotel, perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju bedugul berziarah di makam Habib Umar bin Maulana Yusuf Al Maghrobi (Wali Bukit Budugul)  dan berwisata di kawasan candi kuning Danau beratan bedugul. Makan siang dengan Lunch Box. Perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju Singaraja berziarah di makam Syeh Abdul Qodir Muhammad/ Wali Cina (Wali Karangupit-Buleleng). Perjalanan kembali menuju pulau jawa. Penyeberangan Gilimanuk – Ketapang dilanjutkan makan malam di RM setempat.

Hari 5 : Tiba di Surabaya

Tiba di Surabaya pada pagi hari. Sampai Jumpa di program berikutnya.

Harga Paket Per Orang/ Per Seat (Rp):

Fasilitas : (sudah termasuk).

  • Transportasi 1 Bus Pariwisata AC
  • Akomodasi 1 Malam di Hotel Sekamar 4 Orang (Kawasan Denpasar)
  • Makan 7 Kali
  • Snack 1 Kali pada saat berangkat
  • Air Mineral @600ml. Per hari
  • Tiket Masuk Obyek Wisata dan Donasi Makam
  • Perlengkapan P3K
  • Dokumentasi (Foto) dan Spanduk Kegiatan
  • Tour Leader
  • Tour Guide dari bali
  • Biaya Parkir, Tol & Retribusi Penyeberangan Ketapang – Gilimanuk PP.
  • Fee Sopir & Kernet

Belum Termasuk:

Keperluan yang bersifat pribadi spt tagihan Laundry dan Tour diluar program

  • Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tergantung kondisi perekonomian semisal kenaikan BBM
  • Harga Tidak berlaku pada musim Lebaran/Idul Fitri, Natal dan Tahun baru
  • Rencana perjalanan atau Rute Wisata masih bersifat fleksibel, dapat disesuaikan dengan permintaan

Dapatkan Harga Special untuk pemesanan Paket Wisata Surabaya ke Wali 7 Bali dengan menghubungi kami via Telepon atau WhatsApp 08585-2717-500

Pilihan paket ziarah yang lain :.

  • Privat Tour
  • Tiket Pesawat
  • Tiket Kereta Api
  • Bus Pariwisata
  • Travel Document

Bali holiday travel

  • 3D/2N Yogyakarta
  • 4D / 3N Jogjakarta Tour Package
  • 3D/2N Merapi Golf
  • 4D/3N Merapi Golf
  • 5D / 4N Jogjakarta Tour Package
  • Borobudur Sunrise Tour 2 Days / 1 Night
  • Culture & Scenic Tour
  • Bedugul The Wonderland Tour
  • East Coast Of Bali
  • Bali Cultural Tour
  • Uluwatu Kecak Dance and Beach Dinner
  • West Java Transfers
  • Surabaya Transit Tours
  • 2 Days Surabaya Sojourn
  • 3 Days East Java Swing
  • 3 Days Bromo & Baluran Trails
  • 3 Days Bromo & Surabaya Tour
  • 4 Days The Wild East
  • 5 Days East Java Explorer
  • Lombok Natural Aquarium
  • Lombok Kuta South West
  • Lombok Special Tour
  • Lombok Local Craft Tour
  • Lombok Land Cruise
  • Lombok City Tour
  • Lombok Country Side Tour
  • Paket Tour Harian Di Bali
  • Bali Bulan Madu 3 Hari 2 Malam
  • Bali Bulan Madu 4 Hari 3 Malam

Dengan Bus pariwisata AC, TV/LCD, Rclining Seat

Di Jemput Dari Bandara Ngurah Rai  Denpasar - ( Bali) Kembali Ke Bandara

Pakai Bus 4 Hari / 3 Malam, Hotel AC Negara dan Rumah Penduduk di Denpasar. Paket ini cocok untuk tour Ziarah sekolah SMUN/Mahasiswa/Keluarga.

Acara dan Jam diatas bisa berubah sesuai dengan kondisi jalan raya, dan obyek yang di kunjungi

Harga Paket ZIARAH Tour :  Rp. 1.250.000/Orang

Orang peserta 20 S/D 25 orang


  • Bus Pariwisata dari dan kembali ke bandara serta selama Tours jiarah , BBM, Driver. Fasilitas : AC/TV/VCD/MIC/RECLINING SEAT.
  • Tours Guide Muslim
  • Air Mineral, per hari 1 botol 600 ml
  • 10 x Makan, ( 3X Makan pagi, 4x makan siang , 3x makan malam) Halal Food
  • Menginap : 1 malam di hotel 2 malam di rumah penduduk ( Kost )dekat makam.
  • Tiket Obyek Wisata T.lot, Bedugul. Sesuai program dan Donasi Tours Ziarah
  • Karcis parkir Bus & Sumbangan Desa Adat


  • Makan dan minum diluar paket yang disediakan
  • Ticket terusan/objek opsional lainnya
  • Tip serta pengeluaran lain yang bersifat pribadi

Demikian proposal kami, jika ada yang belum jelas bisa ditanyakan. Ditunggu konfirmasinya

Terima kasih

Evie Wasilaturrahma

Hp. 081 3377 35437

       081 9999 88970

Email : [email protected] ; [email protected]

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  • Pilihan Editor

Ziarah Wali Pitu dan jejak Islam di Bali

  • Oleh Edy M Yakub
  • Selasa, 18 Mei 2021 16:29 WIB

Ziarah Wali Pitu dan jejak Islam di Bali

Kalau menyebut Wali Pitu, sebagai orang yang sudah lama berada di Bali, kami tertawa, karena Wali Pitu itu rute wisata religi dari biro travel saja

Editor: M. Hari Atmoko Copyright © ANTARA 2021

  • kampung islam
  • desa muslim
  • jejak islam
  • muslim lombok

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Wali Bali Tour

tour wali 7 bali

  • See all photos

tour wali 7 bali

Wali Bali Tour - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go - Visiting Tips (2024)

Wali Pitu di Bali

Ziarah ke makam Wali Pitu memang menjadi tujuan wisatawan dari umat Muslim yang sedang liburan di pulau Dewata Bali. Memang menikmati indahnya pulau Dewata Bali sambil mengikuti perjalanan rohani tentu akan menjadi pengalaman wisata rohani atau religi yang cukup menyenangkan.

Pulau Dewata Bali tidak hanya menawarkan pesona indah objek wisata dan tempat rekreasi alam saja untuk mengisi aktivita liburan, tetapi sejumlah tempat ibadah ataupun tempat ziarah menjadi menjadi tujuan wisatawan domestik untuk datang ke Bali.

Seperti yang diminta oleh sejumlah wisatawan muslim, mereka tertarik untuk wisata tour dan ziarah mengenal lebih dekat akan keberadaan keberadaan Wali Pitu di Bali, serta 7 makan keramat yang berkaitan dengan Wali Pitu.

Situs makan tersebut memang terjaga dengan baik, bahkan sangat dihormati juga oleh warga setempat, walaupun mayoritas penduduknya beragama Hindu.

lanjut baca; paket tour dan wisata ziarah ke makam Wali Pitu di Bali >>>>

Kalau istilah Wali Songo atau Wali yang jumlahnya 9 mungkin sudah dikenal dengan sangat baik di pulau Jawa, tetapi istilah Wali Pitu (tujuh wali) di Bali, mungkin masih jarang anda dengar, dan untuk itulah informasi tentang keberadaan Wali Pitu di Bali ini cukup penting untuk diketahui.

Walaupun pengetahuan admin akan keberadaan Wali Pitu tersebut sangat terbatas, dan informasinya dari beberapa sumber dan bertujuan untuk sekedar memberikan informasi tambahan bagi mereka yang tertarik untuk liburan dan mengatur wisata ziarah bagi wisatawan muslim yang sedang berada di Bali.

Keberadaan Wali Pitu dan tujuh makam keramat di Bali

Kata wali sendiri adalah kependekan dari waliyulloh dan berarti orang sholeh yang menjadi kekasih Allah, memiliki hubungan bathin dan hubungan rohani yang dekat dengan sang Pencipta dan memiliki karomah tertentu.

Sehingga Wali Pitu tersebut berarti 7 (tujuh) orang sholeh memiliki kedekatan dan menjadi kekasih Allah, berjiwa, berlaku dan berbudi baik sesuai dengan ajaran agama Islam serta memiliki karomah sehingga selalu dihormati bahkan selalu dikenang walaupun pada saat wali tersebut sudah wafat.

baca juga; Masjid tertua di pulau Bali >>>>

Sedangkan keberadaan Wali Songo di Jawa tentunya memiliki arti yang lebih luas, karena sembilan wali di Jawa ini memiliki peranan penting juga dalam penyebaran agama Islam, peranan serta perjuangan mereka diakui oleh masyarakat luas dan terdapat bukti sejarahnya.

Wali Pitu dan 7 (tujuh) makam keramat di Bali, tentunya tidak berkaitan dengan penyebaran agama Islam di pulau tersebut, namun sejarah akan keberadaan Wali Pitu belum ditemukan secara jelas, tapi bukti-bukti sejarah bisa ditemukan di sejumlah tempat.

Bukti sejarah tersebut berupa makam keramat ditemukan di beberapa tempat dan terjaga dengan baik, bahkan dihormati juga oleh warga Hindu, ini menandakan toleransi dan kebersamaan di pulau Bali sangat terjaga dengan baik, mengusung kebhinekaan.

Pada saat-saat acara tertentu seperti hajatan dan perayaan hari besar, sering juga melibatkan petugas adat seperti Pecalang untuk mengatur kelancaran saat melakukan kegiatan keagamaan. Toleransi dan kebersamaan tersebut masih terjaga dengan baik sampai saat ini, komunitas minoritas muslim Bali bisa hidup berdampingan dengan damai dengan mayoritas Hindu di pulau Dewata.

baca juga; alamat masjid dan musholla di pulau Bali >>>>

Sebagai tempat liburan dan tujuan wisata, tentunya keberadaan makam keramat dan Wali Pitu di Bali bisa juga menjadi sesuatu yang istimewa bagi wisatawan muslim yang ingin liburan ke Bali, wisatawan bisa mengemas acara wisata ziarah ke makam keramat dalam rangkaian acara tour mereka.

Sejumlah makam keramat juga berdekatan dengan pusat-pusat pariwisata serta beberapa berada dalam searah perjalanan wisata, sehingga jalan-jalan tour di Bali bisa dikombinasikan, selain menikmati keindahan alam pulau Dewata juga ziarah ke makam keramat yang berhubungan dengan keberadaan Wali Pitu.

Nama-nama Wali Pitu dan tujuh makam keramat di Bali

  • Wali Seseh Mengwi , beliau adalah Pangeran Mas Sepuh atau Raden Amangkurat dengan gelar Syeikh Achmad Chamdiun Choirussaleh, yang merupakan putra dari Raja Mengwi ke V di Bali, serta ibunya dari keraton Blambangan di Jawa, besar dari asuhan ibunya serta dalam lingkungan Islam. Makamnya terletak di pantai Seseh, desa Munggu, Kecamatan Mengwi, Badung, tempat makam tersebut dikenal dengan Makam Keramat Seseh. Lokasinya berdekatan dan searah dengan objek wisata Tanah lot, yang sering menjadi tujuan wisata ziarah umat muslim.
  • Wali Bukit Bedugul , beliau adalah Syeh Habib Umar Bin Maulana Yusuf Al-Maghribi, salah seorang sholeh dari Wali Pitu yang namanya tetap dikenang sepanjang masa. Pada saat gunung Agung meletus hebat di Bali pada tahun 1963 dan memporak-porandakan kawasan sekitarnya, namun anehnya makam kuno ini seolah tidak tersentuh oleh sebutir pasirpun dari letusan tersebut. Makam kuno sebagai bukti sejarah ini berada di atas bukit kawasan pariwisata Bedugul, Kecamatan Baturiti Tabanan, Sehingga makamnya dikenal dengan Maka Keramat Bedugul, lokasinya searah dan berdekatan dengan objek wisata danau Beratan Bedugul.
  • Wali Negara , beliau adalah Habib Ali Bin Umar Bafaqih, seorang wali pitu, wafat di usia 107 tahun, semasa hidupnya sangat berjasa dalam menanamkan ajaran-ajaran Islam termasuk juga menyebarkan dan menyiarkan ajaran Islam di wilayah Negara, ketinggian ilmunya dalam ilmu agama tidak diragukan lagi, sehingga dikenang sampai saat ini. Makam beliau berada di Jalan semangka, Loloan Barat, Kecamatan dan Kabupaten Jembrana, sehingga dikenal dengan Makam Keramat Loloan.
  • Wali Karangrupit , beliau adalah seorang wali berasal dari China bernama The Kwan Pao-Lie dengan gelar Syech Abdul Qodir Muhammad. Semasa muda The Kwan Pao-Lie menjadi murid dari Sunan Gunung Jati di Cirebon. Pemahamannya tentang ajaran agama Islam sangat diakui, makamnya di desa Temukus, Kecamatan Banjar, Kabupaten Buleleng terletak di kawasan pariwisata Bali Utara. Makamnya dikenal dengan nama Makam Keramat Karang Rupit, tidak hanya peziarah muslim saja, peziarah Hindu juga kerap berdatangan ke sini. Jika anda tour ke Lovina maka anda bisa melanjutkan wisata ziarah ke makam ini, karena lokasinya berdekatan.
  • Wali Kembar Karangasem , terdiri dari dua orang wali yang letak makamnya berada pada satu tempat, makam tua dan kuno ini terletak berjejer adalah makam dari Habib Ali Bin Zaenal Abidin Al-Idrus dan Syeh Maulana Yusuf Al-Baghdi, usia makam tersebut diperkirakan sudah berusia 400 tahun, namun asal-usul dan catatan sejarah belum diketahui secara pasti, makam tersebut dikenal dengan Makam Keramat Kembar, memang sangat dikeramatkan, sejumlah warga juga meyakini sebagai makam dari Syekh Maulana Yusuf al-Baghdi al-Maghribi, terletak di desa Bungaya Kangin, Kecamatan Bandem, Kabupaten Karangasem.
  • Wali Kusamba , beliau adalah Habib Ali bin Abu Bakar bin Umar Al-Khamid, semasa hidupnya Habib Ali bin Abu Bakar bin Umar Al-Khamid menjadi guru bahasa Melayu dari raja Klungkung pada waktu tersebut berkuasa raja Dalem I Dewa Agung Jambe, dari desa Kusamba menuju pusat kerajaan Klungkung cukup jauh kalau ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki, untuk itulah diberikan kuda sebagai sara transportasi. Makamnya dikenal dengan Maka Keramat Kusamba, tidak hanya dikeramatkan oleh warga muslim saja tetapi juga oleh warga Hindu.
  • Makam Pangeran Sosrodiningrat dan Makam Ratu Ayu Anak Agung Rai (Raden Ayu Pemecutan), Pangeran Sosrodiningrat adalah senopati dari Kerajaan Mataram yang telah membantu dari ayahanda Ratu Ayu Anak Agung Rai yaitu Raja I Gusti Ngurah Gede Pamecutan ketika memenangkan peperangan melawan kerajaan Mengwi. Kemudian pangeran menikahi Ratu Ayu Anak Agung Rai dan diberi nama Dewi Khadijah, makamnya tersebut dikeramatkan dan dinamakan Makam Keramat Agung Pemecutan terletak di Jalan Batukaru, Pemecutan, kota Denpasar.

Situs makam Wali Pitu di Bali, tentu akan menjadi tujuan wisata rohani menarik bagi wisatawan kalangan muslim, informasi dari keberadaan tujuh wali Pitu dan situs makam tersebut di atas, kami harapkan bisa membantu bagi yang memerlukan.

Namun demikian kami sangat senang hati mendapatkan kritik dan saran, dari berbagai sumber yang mungkin mengetahui informasi lebih lengkap dan akurat, silahkan isi form komentar di bawah jika ada kritik dan saran, atau pertanyaan sekitar tour ziarah ke wali Pitu.

Bali Tours Club menyediakan layanan wisata lengkap di Bali seperti sewa mobil di Bali , sewa bus pariwisata, tour lengkap, rekreasi rafting, watersport, odyssey submarine, cruise, mendaki ke Gunung Agung dan Batur, bahkan tiket fast boat dari Bali ke Gili Trawangan , Nusa Lembongan dan Nusa Penida kami sediakan. Termasuk berbagai informasi objek wisata di Bali tersedia lengkap.

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APRIL SALE:   Book now and get   up to 60% off!

7 Day Bali Tours & Trips

Find all the best 7 day tours heading to Bali, stopping at places like Ubud and Bali. There are 23 adventures that go to Bali, with the most popular time to go being September, which has the most number of tours. Find here your favorite Bali tour itinerary .

59 Bali 7 day tour packages with 137 reviews

Wanderlands Gili&Lombok - 7 Days Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

Wanderlands Gili&Lombok - 7 Days

Bapo is so awesome! He helped us with everything and made sure that we were able to have a wonderful experience in Bali and Lombok. He organized everything and made sure we had everything we need. We didn't have to worry about anything!
  • €145 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

7 Days Bali and Gili Islands Epic Experience Tour

7 Days Bali and Gili Islands Epic Experience

Such a great tour of Bali! Thank you Yustus and Peppin!

A Unique week in Very Famous Bali ~ Tour

A Unique week in Very Famous Bali ~

Excellent value for the DIY inclined traveller. They set up an excellent itinerary, and provide the driver, hotel and logistical support. The last few tours I'd taken provided a guide, who sometimes doubled as a driver. The covered all the basics. And you could choose extras on site. Tobadaa provided a driver, covered the hotel, and suggested an itinerary. You paid for the activities. This meant you could find discounts... And skip things you were uninterested in. My tour... Turned into a tour for one. Once I realised how much freedom I had.. I could more freely as and

The Bali Experience Tour 7 Day Tour (Private & All-Inclusive) Tour

The Bali Experience Tour 7 Day Tour (Private & All-Inclusive)

best private tours I have ever had. The team, my guide and itinerary are all perfect! It shows!

7 Day 6 Night Open Water PADI Scuba Dive Course in Nusa Lembongan Tour

7 Day 6 Night Open Water PADI Scuba Dive Course in Nusa Lembongan

Fantastic experience, from pick up in Bali to farewell on Nusa beach. The team really look after you and make sure your needs are catered for. The local dive school really know their stuff and are passionate on sharing their island! You get a taste of the surfing experience included in your stay and then a couple of free days to explore the island more or dive or surf more.

7 Days Explore Bali and Nusa Penida Tour

  • Sightseeing

7 Days Explore Bali and Nusa Penida

7 Day Island Hopper Learn to Surf Adventure Tour

7 Day Island Hopper Learn to Surf Adventure

Had an awesome 6 days surfing and exploring the islands. Our guide Kajsa was fantastic and everything was very well organised. Recommend it to anyone who wants to try out surfing!

Bali Natural & Cultural Immersion Tour 7 Days Tour

Bali Natural & Cultural Immersion Tour 7 Days

My recent Bali trip with Bravo Indochina Tours was a memorable experience. The tour was well-organized, and the itinerary covered some of Bali's most iconic spots. Our guide, Ketut, was friendly and shared valuable insights about the local culture.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Magical Bali (7 Days) Tour

Magical Bali (7 Days)

Bali Highlight Tours Tour

Bali Highlight Tours

Awesome and completely bespoke tour but was the same price as other group tours! Asta was a fantastic guide, very j knowledgeable and felt like we were always one step ahead of the crowds/looked after with local knowledge. Even helped with me being awkward and making last minute changes to the itinerary! All in all can't recommend enough, would definitely use again!

Tranquil Bali Trip Tour

Tranquil Bali Trip

7-Day Bali Instagram Tour Tour

7-Day Bali Instagram Tour

Amazing Bali (Private) - 7 Days Tour

Amazing Bali (Private) - 7 Days

Highlight of Bali, Private Tour Tour

Highlight of Bali, Private Tour

Overall the tour was interesting.However out of 7 day tour, only 4 days is actual tour. Itenerary needs a lit if improvement when its called Highlites of Bali. I present form its more "temples of Bali". I wiuld propose may be 4 most interesting temples and addi g waterfalls,snorkling and hiking vulcsno Batur. Visitine a real bali village not a commercial village. Planning is mandatory. Driving back and forth not necessary when schedule is done well. Buffet style is not good idea. Food was cold so not enjoyable. Rice field restaurant was great as well as Mt Batur because at thatocation twmperature of foodwas controlled and clean restaurant with great biew. Last day schedule very bad. We were lucky to be in Bali duri g their special celebration. Our guide and driver were very kind and polite. We felt very safe. If they revamp the itenerary it can be exceptional tour because of comfort of private car and guide. I would like to remark that the guide is there to facilitate our experience ..

Amazing Bali Experience : Private & All Inclusive Tour

Amazing Bali Experience : Private & All Inclusive

What people love about 7 day bali tours.

The tour was really well organised; it was my first time solo travelling so I was a bit nervous that there wouldn't be enough structure, but we were always busy and loads was organised, I never felt lonely or bored! The accommodation in particular was lovely, I was so impressed with how nice it was. Stacia was an amazing group leader, so friendly and warm - she always kept us updated with what was up next on the tour and timings etc which was great. I really enjoyed my trip and would recommend to anyone considering it!
Such an amazing holiday. Kadek, Yustus and Tress were all such amazing guides and took us around to a range of places to see and experience many different aspects of Bali/Gili. They were extremely friendly and knowledgeable. Would have been better if we stayed overnight in Canggu or ubud to save so much driving back and forth from Kuta though :)
AMAZING VALUE. Great driver and accomodation

Other Durations in Bali

  • 10 day Tours (63)
  • 2 week Tours (45)
  • 3 week Tours (24)
  • 3 day Tours (16)
  • 4 week Tours (5)

Other Regions in Indonesia

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  • Bali Tour Itinerary: from 3 to 7 Days (with Airfares)
  • Best 10 Day Bali Itineraries 2024/2025 (With Reviews)

Bali Itinerary: Ultimate 7-Day Travel Guide

Bali Itinerary: Ultimate 7-Day Travel Guide

Bali is one of the most unique places on earth—a fusion of powerful spirituality, nature, activity, and entertainment. There’s something for every kind of traveler, whether it’s moments of reflection among remote rice terraces and ancient temples, reaching the peak of dramatic volcanos, surfing waves on sun-drenched shores, or enjoying the buzzing nightlife. This 7-day Bali itinerary includes highlights of the ‘Island of the Gods’, so you can experience everything Bali has to offer.

Ultimate 7-Day Bali Itinerary 

Seven days in Bali is the absolute minimum, as there is so much to see and do. Although a week may seem short, by using this step-by-step route, you can still get a real taste of the island. We’ve also included our recommendations for the best places to stay in each area, as well as transport options so you can get the most out of your time 7-day Bali itinerary.

Here are all your hotel options in Bali.

Bali route map 3 weeks

Day 1: Canggu or Seminyak

Canggu and Seminyak are Bali’s popular beach towns, less than an hour’s drive from the airport. Both spots have a lively social scene, great food, and fantastic surf and beaches.

Read: Best things to do in Canggu, Bali

bali itinerary shopping

Canggu is most famously known for its bohemian vibe, home to cute cafes, small boutiques, and one of the best surf scenes on the island. However, it can get pretty crowded during the high season. 

streets canggu bali

On the other hand, if you are after cheaper accommodation, you’re better off staying in Seminyak while following this Bali itinerary. This area also has more beautiful beaches and boasts some of the most popular beach clubs on the island.

Note: It is around a 20-minute drive between the two towns or a 40-minute walk along the beachfront.

Bali Itinerary: Ultimate 7-Day Travel Guide

What to do in the area

Beach and surf.

Canggu has some of the most popular waves in Bali! Although its black sand beaches aren’t the most beautiful, they’re a great place to watch the sun go down and see the surfers catch the last waves of the day. 

See availability for a surf lesson in Canggu

tour wali 7 bali

Alternatively, if you’re not that into surfing, Seminyak has white sand beaches where you can spend the day sunbathing and swimming before enjoying a spectacular sunset (one of the highlights of your 7 days in Bali!).

best things to do canggu bali beach clubs

Beach Clubs

Canggu and Seminyak have a fantastic variety of beach clubs. Because of this, it’s an excellent place to start your 7-day Bali itinerary, particularly if you want to meet other travelers. 

sunset beach canggu bali

In Canggu , head to La Brisa or The Lawn, which both have a chilled-out atmosphere and lovely ocean views. La Brisa also has a great Sunday farmers market, where you can browse stalls filled with fresh produce and cute handicrafts. 

bali itinerary la brisa beach club

In Seminyak, don’t miss a visit to Potato Head Beach Club or Mari Beach Club, which, apart from being fun places to hang out for the day, have some incredible design features!

Read: The Best things to do in Seminyak!

bali itinerary canggu la brisa sunday farmers market

There is a fantastic food scene in both Canggu and Seminyak. Both towns have no shortage of trendy brunch spots and hipster cafes, while Seminyak is a little more high-end, with some spectacular restaurants right on the beach. The beach clubs in both towns are also great places to grab a poolside lunch, with ocean views and world-famous DJ sets.

Discover our favorite cafes and restaurants in Canggu

luxury villa canggu bali

Tanah Lot Temple

Purah Tanah Lot is a stunning seaside temple in Canggu. The sacred site sits on top of a beautiful rock formation and is the best place to watch the sun go down. Come here at golden hour, and watch the waves crash beneath you and beautiful light flood the temple, which was built to honor the Balinese sea gods.

Entrance Fee: 60,000 IDR (4 USD)

bali itinerary tanah lot temple

How to Get to Canggu and Seminyak

Canggu and Seminyak are very close to one another, and both are easily reachable from Ngurah Rai International Airport. It will take around 35-45 minutes to drive to Seminyak and 45 minutes to an hour to reach Canggu. This is all dependent on traffic, particularly during the high season when you can expect queues. A taxi from the airport costs approximately 300,000 IDR (~ 20 USD).

yande bali friend tour

Where to Stay in Canggu and Seminyak

Since you will probably spend most of your time at the beach on your Bali itinerary, it makes sense to base yourself in the coastal areas to save on transport. 

For Canggu, the most central places are Batu Bolong and Berewa, where there are loads of great cafes, restaurants, and beach clubs close by, as well as great surf spots.

Hotels in Canggu 😴

Amar Boutique Hotel

In Seminyak, stay around Jalan Kayu Aya street, also known as ‘Eat Street’, for its great variety of restaurants. This street is also just a 10-minute walk from the beach.

Hotels in Seminyak 😴

The Legian

Day 2 + 3: Ubud

After a day by the beach, it’s time to head inland to check out the cultural and spiritual hub of Bali! There is so much to see and do in Ubud that it’s best to allocate at least two days on your 7-day Bali itinerary to enjoy its stunning natural scenery, fascinating culture, and lively art scene. It is also one of the more popular tourist destinations on the island, so we recommend hiring a driver for hassle-free exploring. 

Join a day tour exploring all the highlights of the Ubud are

temple ubud bali

These stunning rice terraces just 20 minutes from Ubud center are a must-see, with beautiful green valleys, towering palm trees, and multiple levels of beautifully tended paddies to explore. 

Read: The complete guide to the Tegalalang rice terraces

bali itinerary ubud tegalalang

Ubud Art Market

The Ubud Art Market is held every day from 9 AM in the central square. The market is full of beautiful handmade goods like woven handbags, leather, and jewelry, most of which are made locally in nearby villages and make excellent souvenirs to take home.

Here are all your hotel options in Ubud

things to do ubud market local

Campuhan Ridge or Rice Field Walk

One of the most popular things to do on any Bali itinerary is to visit Campuhan Ridge at sunset. This is a popular 2 km route to the next village that worms its way over the lush green hill. It is particularly popular with local people who come to exercise or walk their dogs. The place is also very sacred as it is the meeting point of two parallel rivers, and many come here to meditate or cleanse themselves in the water. 

bali itinerary ubud ridge walk

Alternatively, take a peaceful wander through the rice fields, a 45-minute stroll where you can see the beautiful countryside and local life. Best of all, there are plenty of cafes along the route to stop and take in the serene surroundings. Read more about Ubud here .

things to do ubud ridge walk drone

Tirta Empul Temple

Pura Tirta Empul is an ancient Hindu water temple used for the sacred cleansing ritual known as melukat for over 1000 years. Bathing in the holy spring water is an incredibly unique experience for visitors to Ubud. The UNESCO world heritage site is one of the only temples in Bali where tourists are allowed to take part in this sacred ritual alongside locals.

Visit the Tirta Empul Temple on this cultural tour

bali itinerary temple

Goa Raja Waterfall

This beautiful waterfall hidden inside a huge cave is a lovely place to spend an afternoon away from the heat. Take the short 15-minute hike to the cave along a small river, with moss-covered paths leading the way through the thick green jungle. Take a refreshing dip in this secluded spot away from the crowds, which is a 45-minute drive from the center of Ubud, and a must-see on your 7-day Bali itinerary. Book directly through our friend Yande .

bali itinerary waterfalls

Monkey Forest

The Monkey Forest is one of Bali’s most famous tourist destinations and for good reason. The sacred monkey sanctuary is home to over 700 long-tailed monkeys. They roam freely around the huge forest (a very special and spiritual place for the Balinese). You can easily spend over two hours here exploring the area, marveling at ancient trees and temples, and observing the monkeys playing. (Read more about visiting Ubud Monkey Forest on your 7 days in Bali)

bali itinerary monkey forest ubud

How to Get from Canggu/Seminyak to Ubud

The drive from Canggu and Seminyak to Ubud takes 30 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic. You can rent a scooter or a car (although traffic around Canggu is particularly bad), or you can take a taxi which will cost 10-20 USD. Using GoJek or Grab will be slightly cheaper.

Where to Stay in Ubud

There are many great accommodation options in the center of Ubud, where you are close to all the main tourist spots, shops, and restaurants. If you are looking for something a little more rural or unique, opt for something a little outside the center, close to the rice terraces, or at one of the bamboo houses in Bali .

Hotels in Ubud 😴

Kayon Jungle Resort

Day 4: Day Trip to Mount Batur from Ubud

The sacred volcanoes of Bali are a big part of what makes this island so unique, so climbing to the top of the Mount Batur volcano is a must-do on your 7-day Bali itinerary! The area around the mountain is absolutely stunning and offers a very different landscape from Ubud and the popular beach villages. Because of this, it is worth squeezing in a day trip here to see another side of the island. 

Read our complete 3-week Bali itinerary !

trekking mount batur bali sunrise

Sunrise or Sunset at Mt. Batur

This iconic trek to see the sun rise or set from the summit of Mount Batur is well worth the extra steps. At the peak, you will be met by spectacular views over the whole of Bali and incredible pink and gold colors washing over jungle valleys, tiny villages, and the amazing black lava fields of the volcano. It’s recommended to take this tour with a guide .

google maps phone

Natural Hot Springs

After a long hike, what’s better than a hot bath? These volcanic hot springs by the lake are geothermally heated and are a great place to soak your tired muscles while you take in the stunning views over shimmering Lake Batur. The outdoor infinity pools are the perfect place to relax for an hour or two and give you the chance to warm up in the cooler mountain air.

bali itinerary batur hot spring

Coffee Farm

The Mount Batur region has a cooler climate and volcanic soil – which means delicious coffee! There are lots of plantations in the area, many of which offer tours so you can taste locally-grown brews. (Please skip the Luwak coffee as this is animal cruelty – see here )

mount batur bali coffee plantation

How to Get from Ubud to Mount Batur

The best way to visit Mount Batur on your Bali itinerary is by booking a day trip with a tour company or hiring a private driver . This will include an experienced guide, hotel pick-up and drop-off, as well as transport between several spots in the Mount Batur area. This all-inclusive option takes the hassle out of the trip, so you can just enjoy the spectacular scenery.

Alternatively, you can rent a scooter yourself or hire a driver in Bali if you want more flexibility. The drive from Ubud takes approximately 1.5 hours.

bali itinerary batur restaurant view

Day 5: Day Trip to Nusa Penida (West Side)

Nusa Penida is the biggest of the Nusa Islands, an island paradise with crystal clear water, dramatic limestone cliffs, and stunning ocean views. Once the most underdeveloped of the islands, it is quickly gaining popularity among tourists and is one of the must-see destinations on your 7 days in Bali.

7-day itinerary bali nusa penida

On this 7-day Bali itinerary, there is only time for a day trip, so it’s best to stick to the west side of the island close to the harbor. However, if you do have more time, it is worth staying a night or two to make the most of this serene island paradise. Join a day tour or hire a car once you reach Nusa Penida to explore all its hidden gems. 

bali kelingking beach

Paluang Cliff & Kelingking Point

These are two spectacular viewpoints around 30 minutes from the harbor, which are your first impression of the island’s beauty! With expansive blue ocean, rocky headlands, and lush green jungle laid out before you, these secluded spots high on the clifftop are a great place to catch your breath and take in the incredible views.

Read: Tips for visiting Kelingking Beach

7 day bali itinerary kelingking beach nusa penida

Broken Beach & Angel’s Billabong

These are two of the most beautiful and unmissable natural sights on Nusa Penida Island. Broken Beach has a rocky archway that acts as a natural bridge over the sea and has created a perfect circular bay; it’s an amazing spot for photos, as well as possible manta ray sightings!

7-day itinerary bali broken beach nusa penida

Further up is Angel’s Billabong, a natural infinity pool created by the tides, with crystal clear water and stunning ocean views.

Good to know: It is not recommended to enter the natural pool, as dangerous waves can suddenly crash over the side, even at low tide.

7-day itinerary bali Angel's Billabong nusa penida

Crystal Bay

For the rest of the day, relax and unwind at Crystal Bay, a stunning white sandy beach lined with swaying palm trees, a beautiful green jungle backdrop, and rocky islands out in the water. This is the perfect place for an afternoon of sunbathing, swimming, and snorkeling. Plus, you can rent umbrellas and enjoy a few drinks at the few beach bars on the shoreline. Make sure to also keep an eye out for turtles and dolphins!

Visit all of these highlights of Nusa Penida on a day tour from Bali

best beaches in bali Crystal Bay Nusa Penida sunset

How to Get from Ubud to Nusa Penida

You can book a taxi and ferry combination trip from Ubud, which takes around two and a half hours and costs roughly 15 USD. 

Book directly through our friend Yande or Book your ferry from Bali to Nusa Penida here

Alternatively, if you book a day tour, this will include hotel pick-up and drop-off, as well as all your transport around the island.  This is a very convenient option for those following a shorter Bali itinerary (7 days).

bali driver private tour

Sleep in Uluwatu

Take the ferry back to the Sanur port, then head to Uluwatu down the coast – the final destination on your Bali itinerary!

Here are all your hotel options in Uluwatu

bali uluwatu beach

Day 6: Uluwatu

Uluwatu is a chilled-out surfers’ paradise on the south coast of Bali, far from the crowds of Canggu, Seminyak, and Kuta. The off-the-beaten-path destination is the perfect place to spend your last few days in Bali , surrounded by stunning white beaches and dramatic limestone cliffs.

cliffs uluwatu bali itinerary

Beaches in Uluwatu, Bali

Uluwatu boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Bali , most of which are not too crowded. This area also has some of the best waves in the world, so it is a great place to pick up a board and spend some time on the water—the perfect way to wind down your 7 days in Bali.

Read: 17 Best things to do in Uluwatu!

best beaches in bali itinerary

Kecak Fire Dance

The Kecak Fire Dance is a traditional Balinese ceremony that takes place every evening at sunset on Uluwatu Cliff. This is an unforgettable experience, and in our opinion, it is the best thing to do in Uluwatu. Local dancers tell stories through theater, movement, and song at the clifftop amphitheater of Uluwatu Temple, with an incredible ocean backdrop and stunning sunset vistas, and of course, a fire show! 

Buy your tickets to the Kecak Fire Dance in advance

7 day itinerary bali kecak kecak uluwatu

How to Get from Nusa Penida to Uluwatu

Most boats from Nusa Penida go to Sanur, which can take anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on which service you take. From Sanur to Uluwatu, it is just under an hour’s drive. It’s best to book a tour for Nusa Penida, which will include pick and drop-off at your hotel. Book directly through our friend Yande

Where to Stay in Uluwatu on your Bali Itinerary

The best area to stay in Uluwatu is Pecatu, which is the most central, meaning you can get to most places within a 20-minute scooter ride. Choose accommodation close to Bingin Beach and Padang-Padang Beach, which are both beautiful spots for sunbathing and swimming if you’re short on time.

Hotels in Uluwatu 😴

Padang Padang Inn

Day 8 – Fly Out

After an action-packed week, take the last day of your Bali 7-day itinerary to relax and get ready for your flight home. From Uluwatu to the airport is just a 40-minute drive, so if you have an afternoon or evening flight, you can still enjoy most of the day here before heading off.

How to Get from Uluwatu to the Airport

The journey from Uluwatu to the airport takes around 30-40 minutes, depending on traffic. The best option is to book a taxi from your hotel or hostel, which will cost approximately 15 USD. Alternatively, if you’ve hired a car or motorcycle for your 7 days in Bali, you can simply drop it off at the airport before your flight.

streets of canggu bali

How to Visit Bali in 7 Days

Denpasar-Ngurah Rai International Airport is where you will land when you first arrive in Bali. It’s located on the southern tip of the island, close to Canggu, Seminyak, and Uluwatu, making it a convenient place to start your Bali itinerary. If you are already traveling around Indonesia, you also have the option to take the ferry from Jakarta, Lombok, or the Gili Islands, among other places.

Getting Around Bali

Although Bali is relatively small, and driving distances can look very short on the map, be aware that traffic can increase traveling times significantly, especially during the high season (July and August).

rent motorbike bali itinerary

By Private Driver

Renting a private car and driver is one of the best ways to follow a Bali itinerary, especially for day trips where you want to visit multiple destinations. The driver will wait for you at each place, and the price is set for the day, so there are no hidden costs!

Hiring a driver costs 550000 IDR to 1500000 IDR (~ 35-100 USD) per day and takes away the hassle of navigating, parking, and getting fuel.

When following this 7-day Bali itinerary, we advise you to book all transfers at once with a driver. Most people end up leaving Bali with the driver as their new friend!

bali itinerary hiring driver

By Motorbike

One of the best and most flexible ways to travel around Bali is by motorcycle. That way, you can explore the island at your own pace, and you can hop off whenever you want to take pictures or stop for lunch. Additionally, renting a scooter is affordable, with daily rates starting from as little as ~4 – 10 USD per day. 

The downside is that the streets will be very busy, especially during the high season. If you are not that confident on a scooter, you might prefer an alternative form of transport for your 7 days in Bali. 

bali 7-day itinerary rent motorbike

Renting a car is a slightly safer option than a motorbike and an excellent choice for a small group with lots of luggage. Car rental costs around 30-60 USD daily and requires an international driver’s permit. Again, the roads can get busy during the high season, so if you are not a confident driver, consider hiring a private driver or taking taxis. 

By Taxi 

Taxis are an affordable and convenient way to get around for short distances on your Bali 8-day itinerary. However, always check that the meter is on or agree to a price beforehand! An even cheaper option is ride-sharing apps like Grab or Go-Jek, but these aren’t allowed in some areas.

For longer trips and for traveling between popular tourist attractions, it is better and cheaper to rent a private car and driver for the day. 

Read: Hiring a driver in Bali (all you need to know)

Booking Tours

Booking a tour is a good option for specific trips on your Bali 7-day itinerary. For example, the sunrise trek to Mount Batur or the day trip to Nusa Penida . Everything is included in the tour, including hotel pick-up and drop-off. It also normally includes a guide who can provide fascinating local insight into the area and culture that you wouldn’t get otherwise.

Our Favorite Accommodations 

Bali has loads of amazing accommodation options, from local homestays and lively budget hostels to stunning villas and luxury five-star resorts! Read about our favorite places to stay in Bali . Here are some of our favorites from every destination on this Bali itinerary:

  • Canggu : Amar Boutique , Cali Villas , Guru Canggu
  • Seminyak : The Legian , Elysian Boutique , Villa Air
  • Ubud : Kayon Jungle Resort , Ubud Valley Boutique , Sapodilla Ubud
  • Uluwatu : Padang Padang Inn , Bukal Sari , The Elementum

bali 7 day itinerary best accommodation

How Much Does 7 Days in Bali Cost?

The cost of your trip will depend on what time of year you visit, which part of the country you’re in, and what you like to spend your money on! However, Bali is generally a very affordable travel destination, and if you go outside of the high season months of July and August, you can find cheaper accommodation in most places. 

Costs of Traveling in Bali

Travel on a budget in Bali, from $230 − $430 USD weekly per person, mid-range $660 − $1020 USD, and high-end from $1040 − $1380 USD. However, costs depend on factors like accommodation, transportation, and activities. We did not include flights. Check flight prices here

  • Hotels: $50 − $100 USD Check available hotels
  • Hostels: $15 − $30 USD Check available hostels
  • Transport: $5 − $40 USD Book public transport
  • Car Rental: $30 − $60 USD Book a rental car
  • Food: $5 − $8 USD
  • Activities: $5 − $20 USD See tickets & tours
  • Sim: $1 − $3 USD Get an eSIM or SIM here
  • Travel Insurance: $2 − $6 USD Get Travel Insurance

bali best food

Best Time to Visit Bali for 7 Days

The best time to visit Bali is during the dry season between April and October, when the weather is at its best for sightseeing, beach days, surfing, and diving. We recommend avoiding the high season of July and August when it gets very crowded on the island with local and international tourists, and prices go up.

The wet season is much quieter, accommodation is cheaper, and the countryside is lush and beautiful. However, you should be prepared for at least a few hours of rain a day!

tour wali 7 bali

Do I Need a Visa for 7 Days in Bali?

Most people will need a tourist visa to enter Bali. You can get a Visa on Arrival (VOA) when you land at the airport, which is valid for 30 days and costs 500,000 IDR (~ 33 USD). To avoid long queues at the airport, apply electronically at least 48 hours before you arrive. You can read about the full visa process here .

Get your visa for Bali in advance


Travel Insurance for Bali

Travel insurance is an essential purchase before any trip away, however short. Insurance will give you peace of mind during your Bali itinerary and can save you money in the long run if anything unexpected happens while you are away. You can buy single-trip insurance very cheaply, and there are plenty of options if you are traveling long-term, too. 

Travel Insurance Don't forget a travel insurance for your Bali trip! Heymondo covers medical emergencies, theft, delays, cancellations, lost luggage, and more, with 24/7 worldwide assistance and medical chat. As a Salt in our Hair reader, we've got you 5% off! Check Heymondo here

Is it Safe in Bali?

Bali is generally a very safe place to travel and one of Indonesia’s safest destinations. There is a small level of petty crime, such as phone theft or pickpocketing, particularly in the more touristy areas, so just be sensible and wary of your belongings while out and about. 

Another thing to be aware of is volcanic activity. Although an eruption is very unlikely, check the local news or government website for warnings before attempting the hike up Mount Batur. 

Read: Top travel safety tips!

7-day bali itinerary local man

What to Pack for a 7-Day Bali Itinerary

There are two seasons in Bali, the wet and the dry, so your packing list may change depending on the time of year. However, the average temperature in Bali is a mild 79 °F (26 °C) all year round, so you don’t need to pack too much!

Bali Packing List

  • Layers – Bringing different layers of clothing is a good idea, as temperatures can change when heading up into the mountains, especially at night. 
  • Universal travel plug – Useful for any trip to ensure all your electronics can be charged.
  • Raincoat – In the rainy season, this is an essential item in Bali! It may still come in handy during the dry season when there are occasional showers. 
  • Hat – Essential for keeping the sun off your face while sightseeing, hiking, or simply sunbathing on the beach!
  • Good footwear – Good hiking boots or sturdy sneakers/sandals are a must for your 7 days in Bali. A lot of the country is still unpaved, and you will need good shoes for hiking in the mountains or the rice paddies.

bali itinerary mount batur lake

  • Sarong – Most sacred temples require everyone to cover up their legs out of respect. There is often an option to rent these, but it’s good to have one packed just in case, even if it’s just to cover up from the sun!
  • Microfibre towel – A small, lightweight towel is great for beach days and waterfall trips on your Bali itinerary, as they fit easily into a small bag and dry very quickly.  
  • Camera – You need something to capture all the incredible sights – consider a waterproof camera or a GoPro for snorkeling and diving or for that perfect waterfall shot.
  • Power bank – Helpful for day trips, mountain hikes, and power outages, a power bank is a great backup to have on hand.  Get one here .
  • Small backpack – A small day bag or backpack is convenient for day trips, so you can just bring the essentials when following this Bali itinerary.

Packing Sustainable Items

  • Insect repellent – Choose a non-toxic insect repellent that isn’t made with harmful chemicals like DEET.
  • Sunscreen – Opt for a reef-safe sunscreen that is non-toxic and helps to protect marine life.
  • Purifying water bottle – Unfortunately, tap water is unsafe to drink in Bali and may lead to the infamous ‘Bali Belly’.
  • Stainless steel straw – Great for happy hour or beach-side coconuts, carrying a small stainless steel straw around with you will save on plastic.
  • Reusable bags – Say no to plastic bags at local markets by keeping a few reusable bags on hand for your 7 days in Bali.

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  • Find Hotels via Booking.com
  • Find a Rental Car via Rentalcars.com
  • Find Flights to Bali via Skyscanner
  • Get a Travel Insurance via Heymondo
  • Book Tours & Attractions via GetYourGuide
  • Book a Bus/Train/Transfer via 12Go

Indonesia Travel Guide: The Ultimate Itinerary to Bali, Java & Flores

Taman ujung: visit the beautiful water palace in bali, ubud monkey forest: complete guide bali’s sacred sanctuary.

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The Best Bali 7-Day Itinerary

Home | Travel | Asia | Indonesia | Bali | The Best Bali 7-Day Itinerary

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Taking a 7-day trip to Bali  might seem stressful, but I assure you that with good planning,  a week is enough to visit Bali  and its main attractions.

Best things to do in Bali 7-day itinerary. rice terraces

Rice paddies west of Ubud

On my first 20-day trip to Southeast Asia , I decided to plan a  7-day Bali itinerary . However, even though it’s enough time, I wasn’t able to get the most out of those 7 days due to poor planning.

To help you avoid the same mistakes we made, we’ve compiled  the best Bali 7-day itinerary,  alternative itineraries if you also want to  visit the Gili Islands or the Nusa Islands, and tips for planning the perfect Bali vacations.

bali 7-day itinerary with gili island best option sunset

Sunset in Gili Trawangan

Do not miss anything to do in Bali in 7 days.

The best Bali 7-day itinerary

If you have 7 full days to tour the island, this is the best one-week Bali itinerary:

  • Day 1: Arrive in Ubud . Beginning of your 7-day Bali trip.
  • Day 2: Tegalalang rice terraces and Ubud surroundings.
  • Day 3: Sunset hike at Mt. Batur . The highlight of my one-week Bali tour.
  • Day 4: Eastern Temples of Bali – Besakih, Lempuyang and Tirta Gangga.
  • Day 5: Ulun Danu Beratan. Essential temple to visit in Bali in 7 days.
  • Day 6: Taman Ayun Temple, Tanah Lot and Canggu.
  • Day 7: Jimbaran and Uluwatu . End of your one-week trip to Bali.

One week Bali itinerary map infography

Our 7-day trip to Bali

Following this itinerary, you’ll be able to do most of the important things to do in Bali in the shortest time. Also, if you’re going to rent a scooter in Bali , we’ll tell you which other attractions you can visit every day.

If you don’t have your own means of transport and prefer to book top-rated Bali tours to visit each of the points of interest with a driver, you’ll also find the best options for you. Additionally, we’ll give you tips on where to stay in Bali to optimize your route to the fullest.

Pura Batu Bolong near to Tanah Lot. Best Bali one-week itinerary

Pura Batu Bolong

Before telling you about our route through Bali in 7 days , I’ll remind you of the importance of buying travel insurance to Bali . I had to use it due to an incident during my first day on the island .


I recommend booking transfer to Ubud. This means that as soon as you arrive in Bali, a driver will pick you up and take you to the center of the island.

During the first day of your one-week Bali trip, visit the principal attractions in Ubud. Start at Jl. Raya Ubud, the main street, and go from east to west. Visit the  Puri Saren Agung,  better known as the Royal Palace of Ubud. The royal family still lives in this palace, so you can only visit part of it.

Puri Saren Agung, real palace in ubud bali

Day 1: Trip to Bali – Ubud: Puri Saren Angung

Right in front of it, you’ll find the  Ubud Traditional Art Market , a place where you can lose yourself among handicrafts such as handbags, sculptures, paintings, and earrings, and where you can buy the best souvenirs of your Bali 7-day trip.

Following Raya Ubud Street, you’ll find the  Pura Taman Saraswati,  a must-see in Ubud. This temple dedicated to the goddess of knowledge and wisdom stands out for its two ponds full of lotus flowers.

If you keep going, you’ll see the  Pura Dalem Ubud temple,  where some nights there are traditional dance performances.

Returning to Raya Ubud Street, at the corner of the Art Market, the Jl. Monkey Forest street leads to one of the essential places to visit in Bali , the Sacred Monkey Forest.

Things to do in Bali in a week - Sacred monkey forest of ubud

Sacred Monkey Forest

This forest is popular for being home to macaques who are very used to interacting with tourists. The monkeys will not hesitate to approach, play, ask for food, steal things, or even bite you.

They can become very aggressive, as I experienced myself; I let some monkeys climb on me and one of them bit me. Luckily, everything was fine because I had purchased the best travel insurance for Indonesia.

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You only need to book transfer to Ubud from the airport , which takes approximately 45 minutes. The rest of the attractions we recommend for the first day are accessible by foot.

However, if you prefer to take a guided tour, this one will visit the same places as the ones we recommended in this 7-day Bali itinerary.


There are many accommodations in Ubud, including some of the best private villas in Bali. These are the accommodations we recommend for the first days of your trip, sorted according to budget:


Ulun ubud resort.

Ulun Ubud Resort , located in Sanggingan, 3 miles from the Ubud temple, is the perfect hotel for even the most demanding guests. The rooms have a modern Balinese style and your  pool in the middle of the Bali jungle  will make you never want to return from your vacation.

private pool in bali jungle

Ulun Ubud Resort


Adiwana Monkey Forest is located 1 mile from the Ubud market. This hotel has 21 suites, which mix the charm of the Monkey Forest with the indigenous culture of the area.  Wondering where to stay in Bali ? If you want greater immersion in Balinese culture, this is one of the best hotels thanks to its healthy and traditional gastronomic offerings.

beautiful hotel in bali with bath tub at the bedroom

Adiwana Monkey Forest


B saya villas.

B Saya Villas is a complex that has simple, traditional-style villas with wooden furniture. Since it’s located among rice fields, you’ll have fantastic sunset views from your terrace. In addition, every morning, they organize yoga sessions. For me, it’s one of the  best accommodations in Bali , with prices starting at $40 per night.

best cheaps accommodation to travel in a group to bali

B Saya Villas


Teja home stay.

Teja Home Stay is located near the Ubud art market. This family business is one of the  most popular hotels in Bali . It stands out for its garden surrounded by fountains, where you can see exotic birds. It offers rooms from $20 per night with continental breakfast included.

Teja Home one of the best places to stay in Bali

Teja Home Stay


During the second day of your  one-week Bali tour,  I recommend visiting the surroundings of Ubud.

Go to  Tegalalang,  the most popular rice fields on the island, in the morning. If you’re lucky enough to time your 7-day Bali trip with the best time to visit Bali, the rice terraces will have an intense green color. In addition to strolling through the rice paddies, you can enjoy their swings with spectacular views and photograph some of the main sites of the island.

best rice fields to visit in Bali in 7 days tegalalang

Day 2: Trip to Bali – Tegalalang

You can also stop at Tirta Empul , one of the most important temples in Bali, since the Balinese go there to purify their souls using the sacred water that flows from 12 pipes. Nearby, you can also visit the  Pura Gunung Kawi,  a temple in which the souls of royalty are symbolically buried and where you can visit a small waterfall.

In the afternoon, we recommend you go to the Elephant Cave,  Goa Gajah , a must-do in  Bali in 7 days.  There, you can enter a grotto through the jaws of an evil monster, and inside, you’ll find a statue of Ganesh (son of Shiva with an elephant’s head). Outside the cave, you can see some ponds that are supplied with purified water through stone statues.

Elephant cave goa gajah bali 7-day itinerary

Goa Gajah Entrance

If you have no transport, book this private tour, and tell the driver to skip the Monkey Forest and replace it with Pura Gunung Kawi.

I recommend that you stay at the same hotel as the night before, because if you follow our 7-day Bali itinerary, the third day, you’ll have to get up very early .


For the third day of your trip, I recommend  climbing the Batur volcano  and seeing the sunrise from its summit. This was, without a doubt, the  best experience of my trip to Bali in 7 days.  Your guide will pick you up very early (around 2:30 a.m.) but having eggs for breakfast that have been cooked with the volcano’s steam is priceless.

sunrise at mt batur volcano best hike bali 7 days

Day 3: Trip to Bali – Mt. Batur Sunrise

From the top of Mt. Batur, you’ll see the sun rise behind Mt. Agung, one of the most important  things to do in Bali in 7 days.

The hike wasn’t difficult for me, but in our group, there was a girl who couldn’t climb the volcano because she found it too exhausting. In total, it takes an hour and a half to go up. Once you’re at the top, your guide will prepare banana pancakes and boiled eggs for you.

batur lake from volcano in the morning hike

Batur Volcano Views

Depending on the tour you choose, after the hike, you can go for a swim in a hot spring, visit a waterfall, or even go rafting.

The Mt. Batur tour will take you practically the whole day, but if you arrive back in Ubud early and you aren’t tired, I recommend you visit  Campuhan Ridge Walk.  There, you’ll find beautiful rice fields dotted with huge palm trees and idyllic scenery; it’s a magical place at sunset.

You need to book a guide to climb Mount Batur, but there are a wide variety of tours. We took this one, but if you have more time, I would recommend one of the following:

  • Batur + Hot Springs
  • Batur + Waterfall
  • Batur + Rafting

If you’re planning a Bali 10-day itinerary, you may also be interested in a camping tour in Mt. Batur.

You can return to the same hotel as the previous two nights or you can treat yourself to Hanging Garden of Bali , one of the best hotels in the middle of the jungle. If it’s out of your budget, I recommend the affordable option of Pertiwi Bisma 1 , which is next to the Monkey Forest and is one of the most popular hotels on Instagram for its infinity pool in the middle of the jungle .


On the fourth day, I recommend visiting the eastern temples: Pura Besakih, Tirta Gangga, and Lempuyang.

Get up early to head to  Pura Besakih,  also known as Mother Temple for being the largest temple in Bali. You would need all day to see it in its entirety, since it’s composed of 22 independent temples. The most popular area and the one I recommend you to visit is  Gunung Agung , where there is a 7-level temple that represents the universe. Each of the 7 levels is connected by a stairway that only Hindus are allowed to climb.

Pura Besakih: Mother temple things to see in bali in one week

Day 4: Trip to Bali – Pura Besakih Temple

On the way to the temple of Lempuyang, you can visit the  Tirta Gangga.  This royal palace stands out for its tropical gardens, fountains, and ponds. Its most notable feature is a pond full of carp where you can walk on water thanks to some small platforms.

Continue to the  Pura Lempuyang temple , where the well-known Gates of Heaven are. To get to this temple, you’ll need to be in good shape since you need to climb many stairs. The temple is in a mountainous area, and from the Gates of Heaven, you get one of the best views of the Agung volcano. This was one of the places I most wanted to see during our  week-long Bali tour.

pura lempuyang. day 4 of our Bali 7-day trip

Pura Lempuyang

On the way back to Ubud, if you have time, you can stop at  Pura Goa Lawah , the least recommended temple.


If you don’t have any transportation, I recommend booking this tour to visit the three main temples we recommend for this day.

For the fourth day of your trip to Bali in a week, I recommend you stay in Ubud, in any of the accommodations mentioned .


Although  Bedugul  is somewhat remote, it’s worth spending a day here during your  one-week trip to Bali.

In this mountainous area to the north of the island, there’s a trio of beautiful lakes (Tamblingan, Buyan and Bratan) that are completely different from the landscape you will have seen so far.

I recommend you visit one of its waterfalls ( Banyumala Twin, Git Git,  or  Sekumpul ), the temple of  Ulun Danu Beratan  , located on the waters of Lake Bratan, and the  Handara gate.

temples to visit in bali in 7 days

Day 5: Trip to Bali – Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

On the way back to Ubud, you can visit the most impressive rice fields in Bali, which are considered a World Heritage site by UNESCO for their uniqueness: the rice fields of  Jatiluwih.

Many visitors don’t visit this part of Bali, as it is somewhat remote. However, if there’s only one thing that I don’t recommend missing during your  7-day Bali itinerary , it’s a visit to the temple of  Ulun Danu Beratan.  This was, without a doubt, the most amazing temple we visited during our trip.

Driving a motorcycle through these mountain roads can be somewhat uncomfortable, so I recommend you take this tour to visit the Bedugul area.

This is the last night I recommend spending in Ubud, so I advise you to try some of the incredible villas you’ll find here .


For the penultimate day of your trip to Bali in a week I recommend you visit the most touristy area of ​​the island. It isn’t my favorite area, but you can’t leave Bali without seeing Kuta, Seminyakl and Canggu, where surfers, Australians looking to party, and the best “beach clubs” on the island come together.

These three cities are on the seashore in the southwest of Bali, and on your way there from Ubud, you can stop at  Taman Ayun Temple  and  Alas Kedaton  (this second one is totally optional).

Depending on the type of traveler you are, I recommend one of these three locations to spend the day:

  • Canggu: If you want to surf and find “veggie” options in every restaurant.
  • Kuta and Legian: If you prefer a beach full of young people and the best nightclubs in Bali.
  • Seminyak: If you prefer beach clubs where you can eat well and have good drinks.

things to do in bali in 6 days seminyak sunset

Day 6: Trip to Bali – Seminyak

You can also visit a less crowded beach, such as Pasut Beach , famous for its slanted palm tree, which can be found on our tourist map of Bali.

At the end of the day, I recommend you go to  Tanah Lot.  This temple, located on an island that’s only accessible when the tide is low, is undoubtedly the best place to see the sunset in Bali. If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to buy a roasted cob with hot sauce in one of the many stalls you’ll find and enjoy it while watching the sun set over the sea.

Tanah Lot is on an islet in bali to visit in 7 days

You don’t need to book any tours for this day. If you don’t have transportation, you can request the necessary transfers here . A car with a driver will take you from one place to another for 10 hours, enough time to do the whole itinerary.

If you decide that Canggu is the best option for you, I recommend one of these four options.

Theanna Eco Villa and Spa, Canggu

Designed with a mix of Balinese, Japanese, and Scandinavian styles, Theanna Eco Villa is located near the beach. Here, you can not only enjoy the advantages of a villa with butler service and private pool, but you can also benefit from the resort’s services, such as a spa and infinity pool.

Best bali accommodation with private pool

Theanna Eco Villa


Kelapa is a small boutique hotel offering spacious villas with open spaces in a traditional Javanese rustic style. It’s ideal for nature lovers who want to escape the hustle and bustle but be close to the beach since it’s only 9 minutes away. In addition to having a Balinese massage area, it offers free daily yoga sessions.

Infinity pool in Bali accommodations

Kelapa Villa


Aston Canggu Beach Resort is a four-star hotel located on the beachfront, with spectacular panoramic views of the sea. The rooms have balconies from which you can listen to the singing of birds in the morning, and from the rooftop pool, you can enjoy incredible sunsets. You can sleep in one of  Bali’s finest accommodations  from $70 a night.

5 star beach resort in Bali

Aston Canggu Beach Resort


Eastin Ashta Resort is located a six-minute walk from Echo Beach. This three-star resort stands out for its colorful personality. The reception and colorful stairs will grab your attention immediately. In addition, it serves an excellent breakfast and its rooms are surprisingly spacious.

best places to sleep in bali for couples

Eastin Ashta Resort

In case you prefer to stay in Kuta or Legian , these are the best alternatives for you.


This boutique hotel mixes tradition with luxury and nature. From the tropical garden of The Sandi Phala you can enjoy incredible sunsets overlooking the white sand beach located at the foot of the hotel. Since it’s only 15 minutes by car from the airport, this hotel is ideal for those who want to say goodbye to Bali in style.

Cheap hostels in Bali for backpackers The Sandi Phala

The Sandi Phala


This resort has a spectacular pool from which you can admire its vertical garden. The Stones has a spa specializing in therapies from Southeast Asia and an Indonesian restaurant. It’s undoubtedly one of the best luxury hotels in Bali, with prices from $100 per night.

accommodation options the stones in bali from above


Located just a few feet from the beach, Sun Island Hotel & Spa Legian is  an oasis of tranquility on one of the most vibrant streets of Legian. It has two restaurants, which serve Oriental dishes in a contemporary style. In addition to having several swimming pools, they offer spa services and a weekly calendar with several activities, such as craft classes, towel doubling, cooking, or music sessions.

Hotel deals in Bali infinity pool

Sun Island Hotel & Spa Legian


This simple but colorful hostel where you won’t stop taking photos is 700 feet from the central square of Kuta. Cara Cara Inn , offers beds in both shared rooms and private rooms, so it’s one of the  best accommodation options in Bali  for solo travelers or groups of friends.

The cheapest bali hotels for backpackers and solo travelers. Kuta areas with ambiance to stay in Bali

Cara Cara Inn

If you want to stay in Seminyak , these are the four hotels that I recommend.


IZE Seminyak is a modern design hotel that creates a cool urban refuge. This hotel stands out for the roof terrace with pool and bar, and its spa and wellness services. Just 15 minutes from the beach, it has restaurants with Oriental and European fusion food.

It is one of the most romantic hotels in Bali

IZE Seminyak


Lloyd’s Inn is one of  my favorite places to stay in Bali.  This modern hotel has something of interest for everyone. Its contemporary style combines monochromatic decoration with pieces of wood. The showers are an open concept design, so you can enjoy the outdoors from the privacy of your room. In addition, it is less than a 10-minute walk from the beach and close to the best restaurants and shops in the area.

outdoor bathtub in Bali hotel

Lloyd’s Inn


Dash Hotel Seminyak is, without a doubt, one of the hotels with the most personality and the most Seminyak atmosphere. In this hotel, the custom-made iron furniture is fused with paintings and accented by colorful sculptures and retro, industrial-style lighting. It has a spa, gym, and an amazing roof terrace. If you’re looking for  accommodation in Bali that ’ s  different from everything else, you should check this place out.

It is one of the best hotels for honeymoons in Bali

Dash Hotel Seminyak


Summerhome Seminyak is an eleven-room boutique hotel in a colonial beach style and decorated with white and light colors to create a sense of tranquility. If you want to rest during your trip, this is a very  good accommodation option in Bali.

All inclusive hotels in Bali in which area to stay

Summerhome Seminyak


To finish your week-long tour around Bali, I recommend you visit the Bukit Badung peninsula, the piece of land that juts out to the south of the island.

This area stands out for its amazing white sand beaches, its cliffs and its incredible luxury resorts.

Some of the most famous beaches are  Padang Padang  (where the movie “Eat Pray Love” was filmed),  Tebing Pantai Balangan , with its wonderful cliff views, and  Pantai Tegal Wangi,  which hides a cave.

essential things to do in bali in 5 days jimbaran beach

Day 7: Trip to Bali – Jimbaran Seashore

If you have time, it may also be interesting to visit  Garuda Wisnu Kencana , a park designed in honor of the Hindu god Vishnu that features impressive statues that are up to 120 meters tall.

In the afternoon, before the sun sets, visit the  Uluwatu temple , located on a cliff; you can see one of the best sunsets on the island from here.

Uluwatu is a temple at a cliff sunset bali in a week itinerary

Pura Uluwatu Temple

At this temple, there are also Kecak Fire and Trance  dance performances, where a group of men singing in unison provide the music for hypnotically moving Balinese dancers. If it’s your first time in Bali, you should definitely go to a show. I went to one in Pura Dalem Ubud, although the most popular temple for Kecak shows is the Uluwatu temple.

After the performance, there’s nothing like a fresh seafood dinner in Jimbaran Bay to end your trip to Bali in a week.

If you haven’t rented a scooter, this tour takes practically the same route that we’re recommending for this trip to Bali in 7 days.

There are many accommodations in Jimbaran with beautiful sea views. Depending on your budget, I recommend any of the following:


RIMBA Jimbaran BALI by AYANA is a spectacular five-star hotel that has a huge garden, twelve swimming pools, two spas, three restaurants, and private beach access. Furthermore, at its facilities, you can find all kinds of activities for the whole family, from Balinese painting, yoga, or cooking classes to bicycle tours or beach picnics.

Bali luxury hotel offer RIMBA Jimbaran Bali by Anaya most popular area to stay in Bali



Just 1,200 feet from the beach, Jimbaran Bay Villas offers villas with a simple style and a pool with a waterfall. Jimbaran Bay Villas is located in the best area of ​​Jimbaran, close to many restaurants where you can eat grilled fish or seafood.

best areas to stay in bali jimbaran

Jimbaran Bay Villas


Keraton Jimbaran Resort is located on the seafront and next to Jimbaran’s famous seafood market. This traditional Balinese hotel is surrounded by tropical gardens. It has a spa, two restaurants, two bars, and direct access to the beach.

keraton jimbaran most romantic hotels in Bali

Keraton Jimbaran Resort


Just five minutes from the beach, FOX HARRIS is defined by elements of art, culture, and contemporary style. In addition, it offers exclusive spa and wellness treatments.

Good, nice and cheap hotels to stay in Bali

Another option is to stay in Nusa Dua , east of the Bukit Badung peninsula, where you can find luxury resorts.


The Laguna is one of the most popular accommodations in Bali because at the foot of it, you’ll find a gorgeous white sand beach. In addition to incredible views of the Indian Ocean, beautiful tropical gardens, and butler service, this resort & spa offers activities such as diving or local craft classes for greater immersion in Balinese culture.

Where to stay in Bali The Laguna


All rooms at this 5-star Bali resort have ocean views and balconies overlooking a tropical garden. The design of Sadara Boutique Beach Resort is based on Balinese heritage, but it exceeds the expectations of its clients with its contemporary urban touch and a sustainable approach to tourism.

most exclusive areas to stay in Bali Reservation of Hotels in Bali with discounts

Sadara Boutique Beach Resort


This establishment is a four-star hotel that has a quiet private beach and a beach club located 5 minutes by car from the hotel. Its lush vegetation is a key element in the decoration of The Grand Bali Nusa Dua.

Where to sleep in Bali The Grand Bali Nusa Dua

The Grand Bali Nusa Dua


Alidra Villa offers rooms with open spaces in a traditional Balinese style and with hot tubs. Guests receive a small welcome tropical fruit basket.

Bedugul is one of the quietest areas to stay in Bali,

Alidra Villa

Other Week-long Bali itineraries

A few weeks before my first trip to Southeast Asia I was told about the  Nusa Islands  and the  Gili Islands , some amazing islands very close to Bali. They stand out for their dreamy sunsets, seabeds full of life, and white sand beaches.

itinerary 7-day Bali + islands boats at gili trawangan

One-week trip to Bali + Islands

I knew I had to go to one of these two archipelagos of tiny islands, but I had already bought all my flights. I’d arrive in Bali from Yogyakarta and after 7 days, I’d head for Kuala Lumpur.

After reviewing our 7-day Bali itinerary many times, we decided to use two days to visit the Gili Islands, since it was the cheapest option. Here you can see how much was our trip to Southeast Asia.

If, in your case, you only have  7 days to visit Bali and the Gili Islands  or you want to take a  week-long trip to Bali and the Nusa Islands , here are other two itineraries that might be useful for you.


From the previous  7-day Bali itinerary,  take out the two days you like the least to visit the Gili Islands. In my case, I changed the 4 rd day (Eastern temples) and 7 th day (Jimabaran and Uluwatu).

If I could make that decision again, I would definitely do it differently. I think the least interesting day is the 6 th  (Seminyak – although I would try to visit Tanah Lot, as it’s one of the essential places to visit in Bali ). I would compress Mt. Batur and Tegalalang into a day and give up visiting other places around Ubud. Visiting the eastern temples seems like something important to do in Bali in a week.

The island that I decided to visit was Gili Trawangan , and the truth is that I liked it a lot. However, depending on the type of trip you’re doing, I would recommend  Gili Air instead. In our travel guide to the Gili Islands, I tell you all about the differences.

sign trawangan beach blue water best bali one-week itinerary

Gili Trawangan

To get to the Gili Islands, I recommend this ferry, which includes transfer from your hotel. If you follow my itinerary recommendation, after visiting the eastern temples, instead of going back to Ubud, head to Sanur to take the ferry the next day.

These are the accommodations that I recommend in Sanur:


Tandjung sari hotel.

Este pequeño hotel es un negocio familiar que destaca por sus exteriores. Sus jardines contienen antigüedades. En Tandjung Sari Hotel se realizan eventos donde grupos locales realizan danzas tradicionales. Además, su restaurante ofrece platos de estilo rústico y tradicional indonesio.

Hoteles baratos en Bali Tandjung Sari

Tandjung Sari Hotel


Maya Sanur Resort & Spa es un resort boutique ecológico de cinco estrellas que no deja indiferente a nadie. Su diseño moderno se mezcla con elementos de la tradición balinesa, donde además la vegetación cuenta como un elemento clave del hotel. Ofrece sesiones de yoga todas las mañanas, servicios de wellness y piscina infinity.

Resort en medio de la selva en Bali piscina con vistas al mar

Maya Sanur Resort & Spa


Sudamala suites & villas.

El arte, la artesanía y los valores tradicionales de Bali son los protagonistas en el diseño de este hotel. Sudamala Suites & Villas busca un auténtico encuentro del viajero con el Bali tradicional mediante conexiones culturales, exploraciones culinarias y el descanso en un enclave único.

Hoteles economicos en Bali mejores opciones

Sudamala Suites & Villas


Santhi & tresna boutique eco-house.

Santhi & Tresna Boutique Eco-House es una amplia villa con capacidad para seis personas y una decoración minimalista que se encuentra a tan solo 150 metros de la playa de Mertasari y a menos de 4 kilómetros de la isla de las tortugas.

Mejores ciudades o pueblos donde alojarse en Bali Ubud

Santhi & Tresna Boutique Eco-House

In my case, I organized my excursion to the Gili Islands on my own, booking only the ferry, but if you prefer to buy a package that includes not only the ferry, but also the accommodation and the visit to the different islands for two and a half days (two nights), I recommend this tour.


The Nusa Islands have some of the best places to visit in Bali. To see Bali and the Nusa Islands in a week, as with the Gili Islands, replace two days of the previous itinerary for a trip to the Nusa Islands.

Nusa Penida - places you need to visit in Bali in 7 days

Nusa Islands

You can do it on your own, staying in Sanur to catch the ferry to Nusa Lembongan or Nusa Penida the next morning, or you can take this snorkeling tour .


If you just want to visit the main island,  a week in Bali  is perfect for seeing the most important things. However, if you also want to visit the Gili or the Nusa Islands, I would recommend you spend 8 days in Bali.

Anyway, don’t worry; if you have even fewer days, in this article about the best excursions in Bali , I have listed four tours that will allow you to see the most important things if you can only be in Bali for 4 or 5 days.

If you have even more time, here is a list of the best Bali itineraries.

Whatever itinerary you choose, remember that monkeys can be dangerous, so buy  the best insurance to travel abroad.

Before you go, here are the essentials for your trip to Bali:

Essentials to save on your trip to Bali

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Find the BEST DEALS for the top accommodation options in Bali .

Get a 5% discount on your travel insurance for Bali .

Check the best tours in Bali to make the most of your time HERE and HERE .

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Ascen Aynat

que ver en bali ubud campos de arroz tegalalang

30 replies on “ The Best Bali 7-Day Itinerary ”

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“This blog post on the best Bali 7-day itinerary is fantastic! It provides a detailed plan for exploring Bali’s top attractions. A great resource for anyone visiting Bali!”

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Thank you. I’m so glad you found it helpful!

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I truly enjoyed reading your article and your suggestions. We are from California and I personally would love to see Bali we’ve been there 30 years ago and I’m sure there’s so many changes. Would you recommend what are the best months to visit particularly using your 7-8 day vacation itinerary.

Hi Sue, I definitely recommend going during the dry season so you can fully enjoy Bali. Late spring through early fall is a good time to go, and June is a particularly beautiful time to go.

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Thanks for the info! We’ve been using the Holafly eSIM for years now, and we love it!

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Hi is renting a scooter to explore most places in Ubud for the entire 7 trip advisable? Except for the places where we must go hiking on a mountain. How much does a scooter approximately cost per day? Thanks! Your blog is very helpful!

You can rent a scooter in Ubud for $2.50-$3.00/day, so it’s a viable option!

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Planning a trip to Bali in mid November. Time is locked in because we are four people meeting there from different parts of the world and that’s what works. How rainy is the rainy season? We will be there for 10 days and using your itineraries as a guide with a side trip to Nusa Penida. Because it’s the rainy season would you recommend less time inland in the mountains and jungle? Or just bring some good rain gear and go with it? Thank you!

You can find more information about the weather in Bali here.

Said that, I wouldn’t change the plan just because you’re traveling in Nov. Just bring good rain gear and you should be fine.

Have a great time in Bali!

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I am planning to visit Bali in first week of September we are a couple and will be staying for 6Nights. Just had few queries if I start with Ubud ( 2 Nights) then, nusa penida island ( 1night ) and finally Seminyak ( 3 nights).

Does this sound good or do I need few changes in it. Please recommend your views on it.

Thank you Yash

I like your itinerary. I would maybe give one more day to Ubud and surroundings and one day less to Seminyak, but that is my personal opinion.

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Hi Ascen Can’t thank you enough for your itinerary. I used it as the primary base for planning and executing my Bali trip. You’re a girl after my own heart with all the emphasis on temples and nature. I’ve had an incredible experience, with all your guidance. I have to choose between Tanah Lot and Uluwatu temple. Which one would you recommend ?

Thanks much Bharathi

Hi Bharathi,

Thank so much for your words 🙂

I would choose Tanah Lot even if it’s a little crowded always. Still, the experience of seeing the sunset there is just magical.

Have fun! Ascen

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Hello, Thanks for the great explanation, extremely happy to have bumped into your blog. We are a group of 5 friends who are planning a Bali trip in the month of August. Could you please give me an idea about the total cost (all inclusive) per person if we plan to have a very budget friendly trip? We are not very keen on the stays, just want to cover as many places as possible and make great memories 🙂 Thanks in advance!

In our Bali Trip Planner , you can check the estimate cost of this trip. There is a “on a budget” option too. I would say, plan around $30 per person per day.

Let me know if you have any questions, Ascen

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Hello we are planning to Go Bali in June’22 for 6 night and 7 days So pls share itinerary with total cost for 2 people (19th June- 26th June)

Please check the article with a 7-day and 6-night itinerary for Bali.

Hope you enjoy your trip!

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Very detailed n nice explanation. it helped a lot to plan my Bali trip.

So happy to hear!

Hope you had a blast!

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Fantastic explanation. I am planning a trip to Bali in April. Around 9 days. So, I should be able to cover the itinerary suggested by you for 7 days + the Gili islands. Do you recommend Gili islands or Nusa islands ?

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You can find a 10-day Bali itinerary here. If you are traveling with friends, I would go to Gili Island, for couples, I’d go to Nusa Penida. Both are great options!

Let me know if you have any questions.

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at which areas did you stay? only in ubud?

Hi Cisem, We´ve taken 2 different trips to Bali and stayed across most of the island apart from Ubud 😉

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sir we are planing to Go bali in Feb. So pls suggest cost with Us.

Thanks for your comment. How many days are you planning to be traveling?

how did you make that cute little map?

We have a friend who is a fantastic artist and draw that Bali map for us 😉

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We want to go bali in end December. So please tell m6the details.

We’ve been to Bali in November and June, but never in December since it’s the beginning of the rain season, so we can’t give extra advice beyond the tips mentioned in our Bali guides and articles.

Hope you have a nice Tour in Bali!

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tour wali 7 bali

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Embark on a trip to treasure for a lifetime as per this 6 nights, 7 days Bali tour package. With this 7 day Bali tour itinerary, you will get several opportunities to visit one of the most preferred holiday destinations across the continents. A Bali travel package brings beautiful times to those with a penchant for adventure and watersports as well as amazing massages and spa therapies for which Bali is famous around the globe.

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Not only luxurious greenery of this Indonesian island but also its sun-kissed beaches will win your heart and invite you for more vacations. With this well-designed Bali itinerary 7 days, you will be visiting its cities – Kuta and Seminyak and myriad attractions with which these cities are blessed. Your Bali tour package for 7 days, 6 nights begins with arrival in Kuta, where you get to tour the city and explore its hotspots that include Kintamani Volcano, Batur Mountain, Live Folk Dance, Spice Gardens, Coffee Plantations, Tegalalang Rice Terrace. Whitewater Rafting is an exciting and unmissable activity that you would be enjoying during your stay in Kuta. With this Bali trip for 7 days, 6 nights, you will partake in water activities such as snorkeling, glass-bottom boat ride, Turtle Island, and banana boat ride.

Bali is one of the most preferred holiday destinations among the tourists. The natural scenic beauty and friendly hospitality will make you visit this amazing island more and more. In your Bali holiday package for 7 days 6 nights, you get ample of leisure time to explore this mighty island on your own. Exploring a place all by your own lets you meet with the authenticity of the place which you might not get while visiting to only the famous places. Hence, in places like Bali leisure time is important not only to explore the hidden gems but also to relax and give your body that comfort and pleasure that is has been longing for so long.

From Kuta, your Bali tour package proceeds to Seminyak. Here, you will get to spend three nights at a luxurious private pool villa, ideal for relaxing and unwinding as you like. Delight in an elaborate holiday at budget prices. Visit the most famous tourist attractions in this Indonesian paradise with your loved ones and enjoy an incredible holiday.

To let you have an incredible travel experience all you have to do is scroll through our list diligently curated 7 days Bali tour packages, and choose a package that meets your interests and preferences. You may also connect with our travel advisors, and get your package customised basis your choices and budget. So, book a travel package for bali with us now, and escape to its alluring surroundings.

  • Head to Payangan Village, & take delight in whitewater rafting
  • Hop on a tour to Batur Mountain, Tegalalang Rice Terrace & more
  • Visit the Turtle Island, & explore the underwater life
  • Discover the beautiful surroundings in Seminyak at your leisure

Kuta: Arrival and a leisure day

  • Leisure Day

Other Benefits (On Arrival)

Your Bali tour package 7 days 6 nights welcomes you

Once you reach Denpasar International Airport, an agent's representative will greet and escort you to the hotel. Register yourself at the hotel reception and unwind. Remainder of the day is at leisure. You can explore the surroundings, go shopping, or splurge on your kids. Later, return to the hotel and tuck yourself in the bed for a restful sleep.

Kuta: Explore the beauty around

  • Coffee Plantations
  • Sightseeing
  • Kintamani Volcano

Your Bali itinerary 7 days takes you to pleasing hotspots

Wake up to a hearty breakfast and get ready for an amazing day ahead. Start towards Payangan Village for a whitewater rafting delight. After enjoying rafting with your family, relax or play games with each other. Thereafter, you will proceed for a Kintamani Volcano tour. Visit the volcano, Batur Mountain, and its crater lake. On your way back, you can halt at aromatic spice gardens, coffee plantations, and Tegalalang rice terrace at Singapadu village. A live folk dance performance towards the evening is a key attraction during your 7 days in Bali. Towards the end of the day, return to the hotel and slip into your beds for a sound sleep.

Note: If time permits, you can also cover Temen Village, Monkey Forest, and Royal Palace while coming back from the Kintamani tour.

Kuta: A fun-filled day

  • Glass-Bottom Boat Ride
  • Turtle Island

Your Bali 7 days 6 nights itinerary takes you for an adventure-packed day

Arise to a wholesome morning meal and set out for snorkeling and other water activities. Watch colorful coral colonies and marvelous marine life. Throughout all the adventure activities, professionals will guide you. Up next, you will enjoy a glass-bottom boat ride to the Turtle Island as per this Bali 7 days package. Apart from a variety of turtles, the island fascinates you with its unspoilt beauty and soft sandy beaches. Banana Boat ride is next attraction that you will be enjoying today. Later, return to the hotel and sleep peacefully.

Seminyak: Stay in luxurious private pool villa

  • Private Pool Villa

The next leg of this Bali 7 days 6 nights itinerary takes you to Seminyak

Begin your day with a nutritious breakfast and checkout from the hotel. Now, you will be transferred to Seminyak, as planned by this Bali trip for 7 days 6 nights. On arrival, you will be taken to the resort. Check-in to the resort and proceed to your lavishly laid private pool villa. Unwind and explore the luxurious resort and enjoy your leisure day. Later, hop on to the cozy beds of your deluxe villa and sleep comfortably.

Distance from Kuta to Seminyak: 5.5 km (approx)

Travel Time: 15 minutes (approx)

Seminyak: A lovely leisure day

Savor breakfast and plan the way you want to enjoy the day.

You can choose to indulge in exciting activities or explore the city on your own. Shopping for souvenirs is another option that will keep you intrigued throughout the day. As the day proceeds towards culmination, return to the resort and have a sound sleep.

Optional: Go for Bali Safari and Marine Park tours (charges extra)

Seminyak: Explore the city

Embark on a leisurely city tour as per this Bali travel package

‘Break’ your night long ‘fast’ and be prepared for a day that you can enjoy as per your desire. Have fun at at the beach, or simply relax by the pool in the resort. You can explore the neighboring areas on your own. You can also sample authentic culinary treats in the locality. After a pleasurable day, return to the resort for a restful sleep.

Seminyak: Departure back home

Adios Bali!

Savor one more breakfast at your luxurious pool villa and enjoy some time at leisure. Relax at the villa or explore the area around. In the noon time, checkout from the resort and get transferred to Denpasar International Airport. Board your flight back home with lovely memories.

Note: Our agents will provide you these or similar hotels depending on availability

Days 3, 1, 2

Swiss-belhotel tuban

Swiss-belhotel tuban

Jl. Kubu Anyar No.31, Tuban, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia

Uppala villa & spa

Uppala villa & spa

Jalan Intan Permai No.18, Kerobokan Pengubengan Kangin, Seminyak, Kuta, Kerobokan Kelod, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia

  • Accommodations as per tour itinerary
  • Daily buffet breakfast in hotel
  • Full day Kintamani Active Volcano
  • One half day city tour of Bali
  • Water Sports : Snorkeling, Glass-bottomed Boat, Banana Boat
  • Transfers : Airport – Hotel – Airport
  • All tours & transfers on private basis
  • Any charges for early check-in & late check-out
  • Personal expenses
  • Tips and porter charges
  • Any Travel Insurance Premium
  • Visa on arrival at Bali (Free of cost)
  • Any items or services not specified in inclusions
  • Additional expenses incurred due to any political closures or technical faults

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FAQs for Indonesia

How do i plan a 7-day tour of bali.

To plan a Bali trip wisely, check out the below itinerary: Day 1: Reach Kuta, check-in at the hotel, explore nearby areas and go shopping Day 2: Enjoy a sightseeing tour in Kuta, visit attractions like Coffee Plantations, Kintamani Volcano, etc. Day 3: Visit Turtle Island, Indulge in adventures like snorkelling and glass-Bottom Boat Ride Day 4: Reach Seminyak, check-in at the hotel, explore surroundings Day 5: Go for Bali Safari and enjoy Marine Park tours Day 6: Enjoy at Seminyak, partake in water adventures Day 7: Departure

Are 7 days in Bali enough?

Yes, a trip of 6-7 days would be sufficient to witness the best of Bali. During your vacation, you can visit almost all the popular tourist sites and indulge in several adventurous activities.

What is the best time to visit Bali?

May to July is the best time to visit Bali as the weather is extremely pleasant during this period which makes sightseeing, and outdoor activities more enjoyable.

How can tourists enjoy a leisure day in Seminyak?

Tourists enjoy a leisure day in Seminyak by taking up various activities such as surfing, visiting Pura Petitenget Temple, and an early morning horseback ride along Seminyak Beach.

Is this 6 nights 7 days Bali tour package customizable?

Yes, this Bali tour package is fully customizable. Travelers can share their preferences with the agent’s representative beforehand to avoid any last-minute hassle.

What can tourists buy in Bali?

Designer fabrics, beach and surfwear, Kopi Luwak coffee and chocolates, handicrafts, traditional handmade products, silver jewelry, home decor items, furniture, cosmetics, streetwear, and souvenirs are some of the best things to buy in Bali.

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5 Bali Itineraries for 7 Days with Costs (First-timers’ Guide 2024)

Is 7 days enough for visiting Bali? 7 days is an ideal time to explore the best of Bali. Usually, you could spend 3 nights in Ubud for cultural experiences, rural life and adventurous activities. Following that, choose one from the stunning beaches for the next 3 nights, like Seminyak, Uluwatu, or Nusa Dua. You could enhance your beach stay with a day trip to nearby islands as well, either Nusa Penida or Nusa Lembongan.

If you're more into diverse island experiences, allocate 2 nights in Ubud, 2 nights on the beaches of Bali and 2 nights in other islands.

Explore more options in the following itineraries, tailor-made for various interests. They are also customizable to your ideal tour length and interests.

  • Itinerary #1: A Classic 7-Day Bali Itinerary
  • Itinerary #2: 7 Days in Bali (for Family)
  • Itinerary #3: 7-Day Ubud and Uluwatu Tour for Couples
  • Itinerary #4: Balinese Culture Immersion in 7 Days
  • Itinerary #5: 7-Day Island Hopping Tour to Bali and Gili Islands
  • Costs for a 7-Day Trip to Bali

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Itinerary 1: A Classic 7-Day Bali Itinerary (The Most Chosen)

Discover Bali's essence on your first visit through Ubud's cultural gems and Seminyak's coastal charm . This week-long journey invites a leisurely exploration—Balinese temples, authentic eats, and thrilling white-water rafting in Ubud, followed by idyllic beach moments in Seminyak.

You can check the itinerary below: 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Seminyak.

  • Days 1-3: Ubud

Ubud is a popular starting point for your Bali trip. Upon arrival on Day 1, enjoy your free time.

On Day 2, embark on a temple tour, immersing yourself in the sacred pools of Mengening Temple . Indulge your taste buds with the authentic flavors of roasted suckling pig , accompanied by rice and traditional side dishes.

Day 3 brings thrills with a water rafting adventure , followed by a riverside high tea experience . Treat yourself to a foot bath and a rejuvenating full-body massage .

  • Day 4: Ubud to Seminyak by a private transfer

On Day 4, continue your trip to Seminyak after a history tour via a vintage Volkswagen car in Ubud. Discover the Puri Agung (a royal palace), Tirta Gangga Royal Water Palace, and Taman Ujung Water Palace alongside scenic rice paddies and lush forests.

  • Days 5-7: Seminyak

Day 5 unveils the highlights with a delightful cooking class and a lively market tour . Cycle to a traditional market in Tabanan Regency, buy some fresh ingredients, and have a Balinese breakfast before your cooking class in Canggu. Roll your sleeves, team up with your chef, create your Balinese dishes, and taste them together!

You would have a relaxing day on Day 6. Indulge in a private infinite pool or unwind on the beach on a laid-back morning. In the afternoon, you would embark on a 2-hour private sunset cruise from Jimbaran Bay to Uluwatu . Capture spectacular sunsets, visit the clifftop Uluwatu Temple, and place a floating canang sari into the sea to symbolize your best wishes.

Bid farewell to Bali on Day 7 as you depart for your next destination.

Itinerary 2: 7 Days in Bali (for Family)

Bali, with perfect weather from April to October, offers a great beach escape for families with school children during their spring breaks and summer holidays.

This itinerary encourages interactive family experiences through hands-on experiences, like plate-crafting and chocolate-making . Outdoor activities are thoughtfully arranged to release your kids' energy and keep them interested, like a short biking tour . We would also arrange family-friendly hotels for your family to stay together, like a jungle villa in Ubud.

To avoid frequent hotel changes, you would stay 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Nusa Dua.

  • Day 1: Landing in Bali and check in Ubud
  • Day 2: A Ubud temple tour with Ubud Monkey Forest, Taman Ayun Temple and Tanah Lot Sunset
  • Day 3: Exploration of local life in Ubud: two-hour cycling adventure, organic farm visit, crafting plates, and a feast with a Balinese family
  • Day 4: Ubud to Nusa Dua: chocolate-making class in Ubud.
  • Day 5: An island-hopping tour to Nusa Lembongan with water activities
  • Day 6: A water park tour to Waterbom Bali
  • Day 7: Farewell to Bali

During your family visit to Ubud, you would have a temple tour in a lively way. You can see the playful monkeys in the Ubud Monkey Forest , marvel at the temple complex of Taman Ayun Temple , and capture an iconic picture of the unrivaled sunset over offshore Tanah Lot .

To unveil the rural beauty, take a cycling tour along the countryside roads, pick the vegetables or fruits and enjoy a feast in a local family .

For your beach time, you're suggested to stay at Nusa Dua for abundant friendly-friendly hotels and calm seas perfect for water activities. You would also hop on a cruise to the less-crowded Nusa Lembongan , where you could dive to see the colorful reefs and fishes. For energetic teenagers, get excited in the largest water park featuring fun slides and watery amusements.

Tell us your kids' interests and you'll get a personalized itinerary within 24 hours.

Itinerary 3: 7-Day Ubud and Uluwatu Tour for Couples

This personalized itinerary is crafted exclusively for couples seeking a romantic escape in Bali.

You and your partner can enjoy once-in-a-lifetime moments, like a sunrise hike in the volcanic Mountain Batur, soak up relaxing intimate hours at adult-only hotels and uncover hidden gems to Nusa Penida.

You will stay 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Uluwatu. More details are listed below:

  • Day 1: Fly to Bali, and transfer to Ubud.
  • Day 2: A half-day city art tour to the Museum of Modern Balinese Arts and Ubud Market, and an afternoon visit to Bali Swings
  • Day 3: A Mount Batur Sunrise Trek and Toya Bungkah Tour
  • Day 4: Morning Yoga experience in a jungle retreat, and then transfer from Ubud to Uluwatu.
  • Day 5: An island hopping tour to Nusa Penida with water sports activities
  • Day 6: Free time in Uluwatu
  • Day 7: Depart from Bali for your next destination

Begin your trip in the culture hub, Ubud, you would appreciate masterpieces in the Museum of Modern Balinese Arts and folk art crafts in the Ubud Market . Swaying over the jungle rice terraces together also adds thrilling and romantic touches.

More impressively, hike to capture the sunrise at Mount Batur and then refresh in the hot springs with a view of Batur Lake. (Insider tip: For a later start, we can suggest alternative romantic experiences, as the sunrise hike requires an early departure around 3 am for the one-hour drive to Kintamani.)

Then transfer to Uluwatu after a yoga experience in a jungle retreat . As a popular wedding spot, Uluwatu embraces luxury resorts and clifftop sea views in a serene atmosphere. A delightful island-hopping trip to the pristine Nusa Penida rewards you with less-disturbed scenery to enhance your romantic getaway.

Contact us to tailor-make your surprises for your loved one!

Itinerary 4: Balinese Culture Immersion in 7 Days

This itinerary features historical temples, traditional rituals, and relaxing beach time. If you're a history buff, don't miss it. Beyond the iconic highlights, you would have more chances to experience the rich culture in Bali from mouth-watering food to impressive shows.

You can check the following itinerary for your inspiration: 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Nusa Dua.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Bali and transfer to Ubud
  • Day 2: Witness local farming activities in the Subak Guliang, explore the Hindu Besakih temple and marvel at Klungkung Palace.
  • Day 3: A day tour with white water rafting in Ayung River and a street food tour in Ubud.
  • Day 4: Ubud to Nusa Dua: visit Ubud Monkey Forest, Taman Ayun Temple and Tanah Lot Sunset en route.
  • Day 5: Free day for beach time
  • Day 6: Enjoy the sunset over Uluwatu Temple and a traditional Kecak dance

To immerse yourself in Bali's religious culture , you would explore various temples: the holiest Besakih Temple, royal Taman Ayun Temple, offshore Tanah Lot Temple and clifftop Uluwatu Temple.

Besides, you would discover its agriculture on a local rice field, learn to prepare a Balinese breakfast with a local family and take a street food walk in Ubud. Top off your trip with a traditional Kecak dance performance before sunset in Uluwatu.

Itinerary 5: 7-Day Island Hopping Tour to Bali and Gili Islands

This itinerary is specially customized for island lovers, offering both classic experiences in Bali and exploring the hidden gems of remote Gili Island.

Here is the brief itinerary: 2 nights in Ubud, 2 nights in Sanur, and 2 nights in Gili Air.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Bali, transfer to Ubud, and have some free time in Ubud (spa or market visit)
  • Day 2: Ubud Volkswagen safari tour to Gunung Kawi Sebatu, Tegalalang Rice Terrace, and the village of Tohpati
  • Day 3: Transfer to Jimbaran Bay for a sunset cruise with dinner on Jimbaran Bay, and check in Sanur.
  • Day 4: Take a ferry to the Gili Air and discover the island by bike
  • Day 5: Snorkeling trip around the Gili Islands
  • Day 6: Unwind in the free morning and take an afternoon ferry to Bali
  • Day 7: Leave from Bali and fly to your next destination.

You would have a glimpse of Ubud by a day Volkswagen safari to its temple, rice terrace, and local villages.

You would head over to car-free Gili Air, followed by an immersive sunset cruise on Jimbaran Bay. Gili Air is the best chill-out island, while if you're looking for bustling nightlife, go to the party island—Gili Trawangan.

You could basket on the postcard-perfect beaches, cycle around the coastline, and go on a snorkeling trip to spot sea turtles and vibrant marine life.

Then return to Bali and fly to your next destination!

7 days is a little bit rushed to explore both Bali and Gili Islands. For a more comfortable beach vacation, check our 10-day itineraries .

How Much Is a 7-Day Bali Trip?

Bali caters to various budgets, ranging from economical to luxury. If you're looking for worry-free travel with your partner or family, you can expect to pay a daily cost from 250 per person on a private basis, offering 30–50% off for kids under 10. For further pricing details, you can see our 7-Day Private Bali Natural & Cultural Immersion (from US$1699 per person).

Specializing in customized private tours, traveling with us is also helpful to optimize your costs. You'd have the best-rated personalized travel experience with worry-free private transfers, character-filled boutique hotels, and smiling private drivers and guides.

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  • Specially-crafted family adventures
  • Celebrate milestones with style!

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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China


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Seven Bali Holidays


A signature of excellence holiday in bali.


Seven Bali Holidays The Perfect Escape to Bali’s Paradise! Discover the wonders of Bali with our enticing tourism packages, captivating tours, and exceptional accommodations. Embark on a dream vacation filled with enchantment and create unforgettable memories. Book your extraordinary holiday with Unbeatable Prices today!

Welcome to Bali, Unleash Your Wanderlust in the Epitome of Exhilarating Paradise! Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring adventure in one of the world’s most sought-after vacation destinations. Vibrant Bali with its warm-hearted locals, ancient heritage, and divine wonders will captivate your soul. Explore exotic temples, opulent palaces, and jaw-dropping natural landscapes. With titles like Island of the Gods, The Last Paradise, Land of a Thousand Temples, and Morning of the World, Bali reigns supreme. Its dramatic hills, majestic mountains, untamed coastlines, and pristine sandy beaches create a vivid canvas of paradise. Immerse yourself in lush rice terraces and rugged volcanic hillsides, intertwining with a deeply spiritual and utterly unique culture. Prepare for an unforgettable journey—witness Bali’s enchantment where reality transcends fantasy. All of the attractions above can be explored by joining our daily tour program or our customizable holiday package . 

In any of Bali’s well-known regions, there are fantastic beach resorts and luxury resorts . Kuta , Seminyak , Jimbaran , Candidasa , Lovina , and Nusa Dua are among these, with the majority of the best hotels and villas located directly on the beach. The eastern beach resorts are the finest for peaceful seascapes and sunrises. Sanur , Nusa Dua, and Candidasa are examples, and several of the Seven Bali Holidays Packages cover all or most of these locations.


Bali offers so many things to see and do that a single day would never be enough to see and do everything. Kintamani Volcano , Ayung River Valley, Tegenungan Waterfall , Munduk Waterfall , Gitgit Waterfall , Ubud Monkey Forest , Tegalalang Rice Terrace , Jatiluwih Rice Terrace , Wanagiri Hidden Hills , Campuhan Ridge Walk , Bedugul Highlands, and many more natural sites. Tanah Lot Temple , Uluwatu Temple , Ulun Danu Bratan Temple , Besakih Temple , Taman Ayun Temple , Tirta Empul Temple , Lempuyang Temple , Goa Lawah Temple , Batuan Temple , Goa Gajah , Bajra Sandi Monument , Kerta Gosha , and our Bali Tour Packages itinerary contain all or most of these destinations.


Uncover Bali’s hidden treasures and be enchanted by its untouched beauty. Experience the bliss of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan , unspoiled island with heavenly beaches and breathtaking scenery. For adventure lovers, indulge in water sports , white water rafting , snorkeling, diving , and trekking , all included in our exciting Bali Tour Packages . Embrace the thrill and create unforgettable memories in the captivating landscapes of Bali. Join us now and let the adventure unfold!

At Seven Bali Holidays , we create itineraries that highlight both the visual beauty and cultural charm of Bali while also providing many opportunities for individualized exploration. Each of our Bali tour package itineraries can be tailored to fit your preferred travel period, touring needs, and budget, resulting in a trip that is uniquely yours. So, what are you holding out for? To begin planning your trip to Bali, click on any of the Bali Tours & Holiday Packages listed below

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Seven Bali Holidays Banjar Tatiapi Kelod, Desa Pejeng Kawan Gianyar – Bali – Indonesia

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Wali Pitu in Bali: inventing new halal tourism destinations in contemporary Indonesia

  • Published: 03 November 2022
  • Volume 16 , pages 475–505, ( 2022 )

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The iconic Bali as a Hindu Island currently has a double image as a “Wali Island” because Wali Pitu tombs were found which differ from those of Wali Songo. Wali Pitu is unique because of its existence at the heart of Hindu civilization in Bali and through a unique process from the cult of Wali Songo. As a new site, Wali Pitu is a new prospect for halal tourism, where several important aspects can invite many pilgrims. Wali Pitu is considered a new halal tourism opportunity to build an image of Muslim holiness amid the hegemony of Hindu society in Indonesia, which serves as the creation of religious moderation in contemporary Indonesia.

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I would like to thank the Head of the Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Mr. Ida Bagus Adi Laksana, who has given permission and support for this research. He hopes the results can be immediately archived to the Bali Provincial Tourism Office to add to the archives of new religious tourism destinations in Bali.

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Raya, M.K.F. Wali Pitu in Bali: inventing new halal tourism destinations in contemporary Indonesia. Cont Islam 16 , 475–505 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11562-022-00503-8

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Accepted : 21 October 2022

Published : 03 November 2022

Issue Date : October 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11562-022-00503-8

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  5. 17 Best Bali Temple Tours: A Spiritual Journey through Indonesia's Top

    ULUWATU TEMPLE. 📍LOCATION: Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple is located in Pecatu Village, Kuta South which is East of the Bukit Badung Peninsula, the Southern Peninsula of Bali.. 💰ENTRANCE FEES: IDR 40 000 (Indonesian Rupiah) is the fee to visit one of the most famous Bali temples.. ⌚OPENING TIMES: Daily for visitors from 9 am to 6 pm, for pilgrims: 24 hours.


    Paket Wisata Ziarah Makam Wali 7 Bali Pulau Bali mungkin sebagian besar orang tidak asing lagi dengan nama ini yang juga sering disebut dengan Pulau Dewata, dimana merupakan surga nya bagi para wisatawan asing maupun lokal yang ingin menghilangkan penat dan jauh dari rutinitas pekerjaan dengan berbagai macam keunikan dari tempat wisata, tempat ibadah dan seni budaya nya.

  7. Ziarah Wali 7 Bali

    The Ziarah Wali 7 pilgrimage is a unique experience that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the rich culture and spirituality of Bali while seeking blessings and enlightenment. It is an experience that serves as a reminder of the beauty and richness of Balinese culture and its deep connection to tradition and spirituality.

  8. Paket Ziarah Wali 7 Bali 3 Hari 1 Malam

    Wisata Surabaya | WS Tour Travel > Tour > Paket Ziarah > Paket Ziarah Wali 7 Bali 3 Hari 1 Malam. Hari 1 : Surabaya - Bali ( Snack, Malam ) Berangkat dari Surabaya pada siang hari menuju pulau bali, singgah makan malam di RM daerah situbondo. Penyeberangan Ketapang - Gilimanuk pada dini hari. Hari 2 : Negara - Mengwi - Pemecutan- Kuta ...

  9. Paket Tour Bali Ziarah Wali 7 ( Pitu )4 Hari / 3 Malam

    Bali Cultural Tour. Uluwatu Kecak Dance and Beach Dinner. Activity. East Java. West Java Transfers. Surabaya Transit Tours. 2 Days Surabaya Sojourn. 3 Days East Java Swing. 3 Days Bromo & Baluran Trails. 3 Days Bromo & Surabaya Tour. 4 Days The Wild East. 5 Days East Java Explorer. Lombok.

  10. Ziarah Wali Pitu dan jejak Islam di Bali

    Denpasar (ANTARA) - Ketika memperbincangkan jejak Islam di Bali, ada kisah yang selalu disodorkan masyarakat, yakni Wali Pitu yang dipahami sebagai tujuh wali penyebar Islam di "Pulau Dewata" itu. Namun, jejak itu tidak sepenuhnya akurat. Hal itu sempat ditelusuri penulis dalam silaturahim atau ziarah Wali Pitu dari makam ke makam selama ...


    Nusa Penida One Day Trip with All-inclusive. 366. Full-day Tours. from. C$119.72. per adult (price varies by group size) ATV Quad Bike Through Tunnel and Waterfall in Bali. 951. 4WD Tours.

  12. Wali Pitu di Bali tour murah di bali, liburan murah di bali Bali Tours Club

    Selanjutnya Pos →. Ziarah ke makam Wali Pitu memang menjadi tujuan wisatawan dari umat Muslim yang sedang liburan di pulau Dewata Bali. Memang menikmati indahnya pulau Dewata Bali sambil mengikuti perjalanan rohani tentu akan menjadi pengalaman wisata rohani atau religi yang cukup menyenangkan. Pulau Dewata Bali tidak hanya menawarkan pesona ...

  13. 10 Best 7 Day Bali Tours & Trips

    7 Day 6 Night Open Water PADI Scuba Dive Course in Nusa Lembongan. thomas rainbow 20 Sep, 2023. 5. AMAZING VALUE. Great driver and accomodation. A Unique week in Very Famous Bali ~. Ming Jiang 26 Mar, 2023. 5. best private tours I have ever had.

  14. Bali Itinerary 7 Days

    Hiring a driver costs 550000 IDR to 1500000 IDR (~ 35-100 USD) per day and takes away the hassle of navigating, parking, and getting fuel. When following this 7-day Bali itinerary, we advise you to book all transfers at once with a driver. Most people end up leaving Bali with the driver as their new friend!

  15. Bali 7-Day Itinerary

    The best Bali 7-day itinerary. If you have 7 full days to tour the island, this is the best one-week Bali itinerary: Day 1: Arrive in Ubud. Beginning of your 7-day Bali trip. Day 2: Tegalalang rice terraces and Ubud surroundings. Day 3: Sunset hike at Mt. Batur. The highlight of my one-week Bali tour.

  16. 6 Nights 7 Days Bali Tour Package

    Embark on a trip to treasure for a lifetime as per this 6 nights, 7 days Bali tour package. With this 7 day Bali tour itinerary, you will get several opportunities to visit one of the most preferred holiday destinations across the continents. A Bali travel package brings beautiful times to those with a penchant for adventure and watersports as well as amazing massages and spa therapies for ...

  17. 5 Bali Itineraries for 7 Days with Costs (First-timers' Guide 2024)

    CONTENT OVERVIEW. Itinerary #1: A Classic 7-Day Bali Itinerary. Itinerary #2: 7 Days in Bali (for Family) Itinerary #3: 7-Day Ubud and Uluwatu Tour for Couples. Itinerary #4: Balinese Culture Immersion in 7 Days. Itinerary #5: 7-Day Island Hopping Tour to Bali and Gili Islands. Costs for a 7-Day Trip to Bali.

  18. Kisah Wali Pitu, Penyebar Islam Pertama di Bali

    Setelah itu, peran dalam menyebarkan Agama Islam di Bali dilakukan oleh wali pitu di Bali. Wali pitu ini terdiri dari 7 orang yang memiliki asal-usul berbeda. Keberadaan wali pitu sebagai sosok penyebar agama Islam di Bali ditandai dengan keberadaan 7 makam keramat yang saat ini begitu sering dikunjungi oleh wisatawan muslim yang ingin berziarah.

  19. Seven Bali Holidays

    To begin planning your trip to Bali, click on any of the Bali Tours & Holiday Packages listed below. Tour Packages. Special Packages. Transportations. Seven Bali Holidays Banjar Tatiapi Kelod, Desa Pejeng Kawan Gianyar - Bali - Indonesia. Phone +62 361 8987929 [email protected].

  20. Wali Pitu in Bali: inventing new halal tourism destinations in

    The iconic Bali as a Hindu Island currently has a double image as a "Wali Island" because Wali Pitu tombs were found which differ from those of Wali Songo. Wali Pitu is unique because of its existence at the heart of Hindu civilization in Bali and through a unique process from the cult of Wali Songo. As a new site, Wali Pitu is a new prospect for halal tourism, where several important ...

  21. Bali & Nusa Penida Tour Packages 7 Days 6 Nights Tour

    Popular Bali Tour Packages 4 Days 3 Nights Tour ` Chat Nita (Klik Disini) ` Chat Chris (Khusus Grup) Contact Us +6281266885501 Chris (Khusus Group) +6281384402202 Nita (Tur Asia & Bali) +6281360360103 (English) [email protected]. Kantor Bali. Jl. Tukad Musi No.17A, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80226.

  22. Adventure Bali Tour Packages 7 Days 6 Nights Tour

    Popular Bali Tour Packages 4 Days 3 Nights Tour ` Chat Nita (Klik Disini) ` Chat Chris (Khusus Grup) Contact Us +6281266885501 Chris (Khusus Group) +6281384402202 Nita (Tur Asia & Bali) +6281360360103 (English) [email protected]. Kantor Bali. Jl. Tukad Musi No.17A, Renon, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80226.