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SUP Touren - Auf der Amper von Schöngeising nach Dachau

sup tour amper

Erkundungstour auf der Amper

Dies ist meine zweite Stand Up Paddling Tour auf der Amper und diesmal habe ich mir vorgenommen, die Strecke zwischen Schöngeising und Olching zu erkunden. Zu meiner Überraschung, führt die Amper ordentlich viel Wasser. Folglich ist auch die Strömungsgeschwindigkeit deutlich höher, als ich es einkalkuliert habe. Das ist auch einer der Gründe, warum ich nicht im ursprünglichen Ziel Olching schon zusammen packen werde, sondern es stattdessen wage bis nach Dachau weiter zu paddeln.

Dank der vielen neuen schönen Eindrücke, bin ich auch zu gut gelaunt, als dass ich den Tag nicht voll ausgenutzt vorzeitig abbreche. Es hat schon etwas traumhaftes, wenn man ohne viel Anstrengung, recht flott durch die Landschaft gleitet, ohne die Beine zu bewegen, wie auf einem Fließband, welches mich immer weiter von meinem Auto weg befördert. Das starke Bedürfniss, neues und aufregendes zu entdecken, lässt sich heute spielend leicht stillen, was mich wiederum in Euphorie versetzt, die sich darin äußert, dass ich laut "I'm singing in the rain" pfeife und dabei beschwingt das Paddel durch Wasser drücke.

Die Amper hält stellenweise so manche Stromschnelle bereit, die mit zunehmender Nähe zu Dachau lästigerweise auch immer häufiger werden. Über diese fahre ich aber nicht drüber. Diese schäumenden Abschnitte halten sicherlich so mache böse Überraschung versteckt; Felsen, Baumteile und wer weiß, was sonst noch. Zum Glück wird man auf diese gefährlichen Stellen vorbildlich und rechtzeitig durch Schilder aufmerksam gemacht. Vor dem Whitewater heißt es umtragen, auch wenn es manchmal etwas weit und mühsam ist. Denn das Risiko Schäden zu nehmen, ist es nicht wert!

Die Flusstour vergeht fast zu schnell und um 17:15 Uhr ist die Bahnbrücke in Dachau erreicht. 15 Minuten bevor die Sonne untergeht. Ich packe zusammen und gehe müde zum Bahnhof. Der Regen hat schon vor einer Stunde eingesetzt und nimmt an Intensität deutlich zu. Das stört mich aber so was von gar nicht. Bin ja wasserdicht und geländegängig.

Spannend zu erfahren ist auch, wie viel mich die Rückfahrt mit dem Taxi zum Auto an Lehrgeld kostet. Ach ja, und beim nächsten Mal werde ich übrigens nicht an der Bahnbrücke sondern hier aussteigen. Dieser Spot eignet sich meines Erachtens nach wesentlich besser.

Satte 41,50 € für 28 km! Immerhin dauert die Rückfahrt weniger als 30 Minuten. Für die gleiche Entfernung habe ich gemütliche 6 Stunden gebraucht. Schade, dass entlang der Amper keine Bahnlinie verläuft. Für das nächste mal werde ich mir einen Rückholer organisieren. Das kommt billiger.

Detaillierte Infos zur Strecke findet Ihr in den Bildern von der Tour.

Unbedingt beachten: Während der Brutzeit der Vögel vom 1. März bis zum 15. Juli ist das Befahren der Amper zwischen Stegen am Ammersee und Grafrath und zwischen Schöngeising und Fürstenfeldbruck streng verboten.

sup tour amper

Startpunkt: Schöngeising

Endpunkt: Dachau, Ludwig-Thoma-Straße

Hinweise & Tipps:

Info zu Transfer zwischen Start- und Endpunkt:


Gefahren: keine Angabe

Eigenschaften: Fluss


Valeri war sofort begeistert, als wir ihn fragten, ob er seine Touren zukünftig bei uns einstellen möchte. Er ist ein ziemlich lustiger Kerl und behauptet von sich, sowohl zu Wasser, an Land als auch in der Luft zu Hause zu sein. Wir freuen uns sehr darauf durch ihn viele Spots und Touren rund um seine Heimat in Oberbayern und seine Lieblingsreviere Mittelrheintal und Eibsee kennenzulernen.

Comments (1)

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Hallo, ab Olching Mühlbach (und später wieder Amper) oder weiter Amper ? Danke!

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Verknüpfte SUP Spots

sup tour amper

Dachau, Ludwig-Thoma-Straße

Guter Spot zum Aus- & Einstieg in die Amper. weiterlesen »

sup tour amper


Direkt neben dem großen Parkplatz könnt Ihr in die Amper einsetzen und z.B. eine Erkundungstour auf der Amper starten.  weiterlesen »

SUP Spots in der Nähe

sup tour amper

Wörthsee, Wasserwacht

Der Wörthsee ist, wie viele Seen in Deutschland, ein Überbleibsel aus der letzten Eiszeit. Und auch hier lässt es sich… weiterlesen »

sup tour amper

Wörthsee Westufer Rossschwemme

Prima Stelle für alle Boarder mit Parkplatz  weiterlesen »

SUP Verbote in der Nähe

Sup einschränkung - amper.

Das Befahren der Amper ist über fast die gesamte Strecke möglich, aber nicht das ganze Jahr erlaubt. Während der Vogelbrutzeiten… weiterlesen »

sup tour amper

Amper Befahrungsverbot

Befahrungsverbot der Amper von Stegen bis Grafrath vom 01.März bis 15. Juli weiterlesen »

(freiwillige) SUP Einschränkung - Ammersee

Auf Ammersee, Chiemsee und Starnberger See treffen sich im Winter jeweils fast 20.000 Wasservögel, während es im Sommer gerade einmal… weiterlesen »

SUP Touren in der Nähe

sup tour amper

Eine Runde über den Wörthsee

Der Wörthsee liegt 2,5 km nordöstlich vom Ammersee und ist, wie viele Seen in Deutschland, ein Überbleibsel aus der letzten… weiterlesen »

sup tour amper

Auf dem Ammersee von Schondorf nach Riederau

Hervorragende Bedingungen zum Paddeln und Planen individueller Touren habe ich am Ammersee vorgefunden. Entlang des Sees sind verschiedene Möglichkeiten gegeben… weiterlesen »

SUP Ammersee: Die 6 besten SUP Touren + SUP Stationen

Blog SUP Ammersee: Die 6 besten SUP Touren + SUP Stationen

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 29. Juni 2023

Entdecke den Ammersee und genieße entspannte Stunden beim Stand Up Paddeln!

Lass dich von unseren 6 tollen SUP Touren und Stationen rund um den Ammersee inspirieren.

Ob Anfänger oder fortgeschritten – hier findet jeder die perfekte Tour.

Warum nicht eine gemütliche SUP-Tour von Schondorf nach Riederau unternehmen und dabei den traumhaften Blick auf die Alpen genießen?

Auf geht’s, pack dein SUP Board und erlebe unvergessliche Momente auf dem Ammersee.

sup tour amper


  • 1 Über SUP Ammersee
  • 2 Die besten SUP Touren am Ammersee
  • 3 Gute Einstiegspunkte für Stand Up Paddler am Ammersee
  • 4 Die besten SUP Stationen am Ammersee

Über SUP Ammersee

  • Der Ammersee zählt mit seinen 46,6 km 2 zu den größten Seen in Bayern und bietet mit einer Tiefe von bis zu 81 Metern ideale Bedingungen für Stand Up Paddling.
  • Der See ist nur rund 40 Kilometer südwestlich von München gelegen und damit gut erreichbar. Zudem verfügt er über verschiedene Freizeiteinrichtungen, auch Campingplätze und ein Yachthafen sind zu finden.
  • Neben SUP kann man auf dem Ammersee auch segeln und tauchen. Die Wasserqualität ist dabei überwiegend gut und sorgt für ein angenehmes Paddleboard-Erlebnis.
  • Durch den Seewind bietet der Ammersee oft gute Paddelbedingungen. Aufgrund der Verkehrsordnung sollte man allerdings vor allem in Ufernähe paddeln, um den Schiffsverkehr nicht zu stören.
  • Die unterschiedlichen SUP-Stationen rund um den See bieten nicht nur Verleih von Equipment, sondern auch diverse Kurse an – von Anfängerkursen bis zu SUP-Yoga.
  • Interessant ist auch die Fauna des Ammersees, die auch zahlreiche gefährdete Vogelarten umfasst. Teile des Sees sind daher zum Naturschutzgebiet erklärt worden.
  • Sonnencreme & Mückenschutz: Verwende im Sommer stets Sonnencreme und Mückenspray, um Hautschäden und Insektenstiche zu verhindern.
  • Tageszeit beachten: Plane SUP-Touren so, dass sie vor Dunkelheit enden, um gefährliche Situationen zu minimieren.
  • Wetterbericht anschauen: Prüfe die Wetterbedingungen vor der Tour; bei schlechtem Wetter kehre um.
  • Strömung respektieren: Checke die Strömungsverhältnisse im Vorhinein, um Gefahren durch starke Strömungen zu vermeiden.
  • Verbote beachten: Respektiere beim Paddeln SUP Einschränkungen und Verbote , schütze die Natur und informiere dich über lokale Regeln.
  • Eigene Sicherheit beachten: So schön und spaßig eine SUP Tour auch ist, vergiss deine Sicherheit nicht. Eine Restube ist aus unserer Sicht der optimale Kompromiss aus Sicherheit und uneingeschränkter Bewegungsfreiheit. Wir setzen dafür auf die Restube Active .

Anreise Ammersee:

  • Vom Flughafen München aus erreichst du das Westufer des Ammersees über den Autobahnring via der Anschlussstelle A96 Richtung Lindau. Die Ausfahrt ist hier Greifenberg, nach der du über die LL1 ebenfalls Richtung Greifenberg direkt zum Ammersee gelangst.
  • Das Ostufer erreichst du mit dem PKW ebenfalls über die A96 Richtung Lindau. Von hier nimmst du die Ausfahrt 30 Richtung Inning am Ammersee. Nach der Ausfahrt folgst du der B471 nach rechts auf der Brucker Straße und nimmst im Kreisverkehr die erste Ausfahrt, um nach Herrsching zu gelangen.
  • Bahnfahrer erreichen das Westufer mit der Regionalbahn oder der S-Bahn-Linie 4 Richtung Geltendorf. Ab hier fährst du mit der Ammerseebahn weiter Richtung Weilheim/Schongau. Die Ammerseebahn wird von der Bayerischen Regiobahn betrieben. Auf ihrer Strecke innerhalb der Ammerseeregion erreichst du die Orte Geltendorf, St. Ottilien, Schondorf am Ammersee, Utting am Ammersee, Riederau am Ammersee, Dießen am Ammersee und Raisting.
  • Mit der Bahn ist die Linie 8 die richtige, um nach Herrsching zu kommen.

Die besten SUP Touren am Ammersee

#1 sup-tour von schondorf nach riederau.

sup tour amper

GFreihalter , Unterschondorf (Schondorf am Ammersee) Ammersee 658 , Scaling by, CC BY-SA 3.0

  • Länge : ca. 6,4 Kilometer
  • Dauer : ca. 1 ½ Stunden
  • Erfahrungslevel : Anfänger
  • Zeitraum : Mai bis Oktober

Am Westufer des Ammersees liegt die kleine Gemeinde Schondorf. Hier kann man am Ufer des Dampferstegs für diese schöne Anfängertour auf dem Ammersee einsetzen.

Nach Riederau, einem Ortsteil des Marktes Dießen, geht es für rund 3,2 Kilometer auf dem See Richtung Süden.

Unter der Woche findet man in der Nähe des Ufereinstiegs auch gut einen Parkplatz. Ansonsten gelangt man zum Dampfersteg auch ganz bequem mit der Fähre oder der Bahn.

Um den Schiffsverkehr nicht zu behindern, paddelt man am besten in Ufernähe. Auf dieser Strecke wird man mit einem herrlichen Blick auf die Alpen verwöhnt und kann die wunderschöne Umgebung des Naturschutzgebiets Seeholz genießen.

Aussteigen kann man in Riederau ganz einfach beim Freizeitgelände.

Wer nicht wieder zurückpaddeln möchte, ist in wenigen Gehminuten auch am Bahnhof und kann mit der Ammerseebahn wieder zurück zum Dampfersteg fahren.

#2 SUP-Tour vom Ammersee auf die Amper

sup tour amper

Edelmauswaldgeist , Amper Ammersee , Scaling by, CC BY-SA 4.0

  • Länge : ca. 13 Kilometer
  • Dauer : ca. 3 Stunden
  • Erfahrungslevel : Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene
  • Zeitraum: Mai bis Oktober

Auf dieser SUP Tour kann man gleich zwei Gewässer erkunden. Gestartet wird auf dem Ammersee in Eching im nördlichen Teil des Sees.

Auf Höhe des Strandhauses eignet sich der Einstieg zum Beispiel sehr gut. Hier ist auch die SUP und Surfschule Müller stationiert.

Wenn man ein bisschen Glück hat, ist hier auch noch ein Parkplatz frei, sodass man nur wenige Meter zum Ufer laufen muss.

Auf geht es links herum weiter Richtung Norden. Nach rund zwei Kilometern erreicht man Stegen und das beliebte Restaurant „Fischer“ direkt am Ufer. Kurz vor dem Restaurant ist schon die Einmündung in die Amper.

Hier kann man auf dem Fluss entspannt durch die tolle Natur paddeln, bis es mit der kleinen Gemeinde Grafrath wieder in von Häusern besiedelte Umgebung geht.

Gegenüber der Wallfahrtskirche St. Rasso, die man von der Amper aus herrlich erblicken kann, lohnt sich der Ausstieg.

Nach einer kleinen Erkundungstour durch die Gemeinde und vielleicht auch eine Einkehr im Restaurant Dampfschiff in Ufernähe beim Ausstieg kann man die 6,5 Kilometer wieder zurückpaddeln.

Diese Tour ist beliebig auch verkürzbar. Wer insgesamt nicht so lange unterwegs sein möchte, kann auch einfach vorher auf der Amper umkehren.

Wir brauchen dich!

Kennst du weitere Touren?

Dann ab damit in die Kommentare!

Schreibe uns einfach einen Kommentar mit der möglichst genauen Tourenbeschreibung und wir nehmen die Tour – nach Prüfung – in diesen Artikel auf.

Gute Parkmöglichkeiten und Einstiegsstellen sind besonders wichtig.

Bitte schreibe auch, was für ein Erfahrungslevel für die Tour nötig ist, wie lange (Strecke und/oder Zeit) und ob es etwas Besonderes zu beachten gilt (z.B. gesperrte Bereiche, Sehenswertes und Einkehrmöglichkeiten).

Gute Einstiegspunkte für Stand Up Paddler am Ammersee

Am Ammersee gibt es zahlreiche Möglichkeiten einzusetzen und die SUP Tour zu starten. Prinzipiell ist das bei allen SUP Stationen, Segel- oder Windsurfschulen möglich.

Hier befinden sich in der Regel auch gleich sehr gute Parkmöglichkeiten in der Nähe. Darüber hinaus bietet sich auch das flache Ufer in Stegen im nördlichen Teil des Sees an.

Sehr beliebt ist außerdem das Echinger Ammerseeufer.

Die besten SUP Stationen am Ammersee

#1 ski und surfschule müller.

Die Ski und Surfschule Müller befindet sich am nördlichen Ufer des Ammersees in Eching. Die Station verleiht SUP Boards und Zubehör für die selbstständige Ammersee SUP Tour.

Von Juni bis August sowie in der Nebensaison im Mai und September sind über das Team auch unterschiedliche Kurse möglich.

Für erste kleine Erfahrungen lohnt sich der 60-minütige Schnupperkurs, etwas tiefer geht die Schulung dann im SUP-Grundkurs über zwei Stunden.

Für erfahrene Stand Up Paddler, die ihre Techniken verfeinern möchten, gibt es einen 60-minütigen Fortgeschrittenenkurs. Speziell für Kinder und Familien hat die Ski und Surfschule Müller auch was im Programm.

In 45 Minuten werden in den SUP4Kids/SUP4Family Kursen spielerisch die Grundlagen des SUPs vermittelt. Wer lieber alleine geschult werden möchte, kann hier auch einen 60-minütigen Privatkurs buchen.

Natürlich ist auch SUP Yoga im Programm, wenn man den Ammersee entspannt beim Sport aus anderer Perspektive genießen möchte.

Weitere Informationen unter

#2 Wikiwakiwu SUP & Windsurf Station

In der Keramikstraße in Herrsching findet man Juls und Dave von Wikiwakiwu. Die beiden Wassersportfans verleihen nicht nur SUP Ausrüstung am Ammersee, sondern geben auch Kurse.

Der SUP Schnupperkurs beinhaltet 30 Minuten Unterricht und 30 Minuten freies Paddeln, im Grundkurs kann man das Ganze mit den beiden dann je 60 Minuten unternehmen.

Eine einfache Anmeldung per E-Mail genügt.

Mehr Informationen unter

#3 SUP Basis Ammersee

Die SUP Basis ist in der Seestraße in Schondorf direkt am Ufer des Ammersees stationiert.

Anfänger können hier auf SUP Boards der Hersteller Fanatic und Jobe in 90 Minuten die Grundlagen des Stand Up Paddlings erlernen. Auch Fortgeschrittene können sich in einem speziellen Kurs weiterbilden.

Die SUP Basis bietet auch tolle SUP Touren an. So kann man mit dem Team gemeinsam entspannt über den See zur Strandbar paddeln, morgens 8 Uhr ab Schondorf in den Sonnenaufgang oder auf langer 4-stündige SUP Tour den Ammersee umfassend erkunden.

Weitere Informationen unter

#4 SUP-Center Ammersee

Das SUP Center liegt direkt am Ammersee in Utting und verleiht SUP Boards und Paddel sowie auch ein XXL-Board, wenn man mit der Familie oder Freunden gemeinsam über den Ammersee paddeln möchte.

Auch Schulungen sind möglich, werden aber alle auf 12‘ Hardboards unternommen.

Unter Umständen kann man auch ein iSUP bekommen, dafür muss man das SUP-Center vorher einfach am besten einfach fragen. Neben dem Grundkurs wird auch ein Kurs speziell für Familien angeboten, SUP Yoga und Personal Training.

Mehr Informationen unter

Möchtest du deine SUP Station oder SUP Shop listen?

Wir arbeiten gerne mit dir zusammen (kostenlos).

Alternativ bieten wir auch Werbemöglichkeiten für SUP- & Wassersport-Stationen .

Kontaktiere uns einfach.

sup tour amper

Entdecke den Ammersee und unternimm eine Stand-Up-Paddling-Tour!

Auf verschiedenen Routen und mit diversen Stationen findest du sicher deine Lieblingstour.

Die Fahrt von Schondorf nach Riederau bietet traumhafte Alpenblicke. Ebenso die Tour vom Ammersee zur Amper.

Die Surfschulen Müller und Wikiwakiwu sowie das SUP-Center am Ammersee bieten Verleih und auch Kurse an.

Mit dem SUP Board auf dem Ammersee, du musst dich nur vorab über die Regeln informieren.

Tipps für eine erfolgreiche SUP Tour

Bevor du gleich zur SUP Tour aufbrichst, hier noch ein paar hilfreiche Blogbeiträge:

  • SUP Packlisten
  • SUP Verbote
  • SUP Sicherheitstipps

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Saskia Meyer-Piening

Hallo, ich bin Saskia. Meine Leidenschaft für das Stand-Up Paddling habe ich vor einigen Jahren durch das Yoga entdeckt. Nachdem ich regelmäßig mit dem Team von MAIN-SUP zum SUP Yoga auf dem Board stand, war die Begeisterung für das Paddeln schnell geboren.

Hier erklären wir, wie wir uns finanzieren.

Ähnliche Beiträge

  • SUP Board Test 2024: Die besten SUP Boards getestet
  • SUP Marken: Die 19 besten SUP Hersteller (2024)
  • SUP Board Test 2024: Die 11 besten SUP Boards getestet (Bestenliste)


Sind 3h hin und zurück wirklich realistisch?

Wir sind heute nach 1,5 h umgedreht und waren gerade mal auf der Hälfte der Amper-Strecke.

Sind keine Profis, aber doch recht fit.

Würde mich über eine Erfahrungen freuen

Benjamin Hagg

Danke für deine Rückmeldung. Die Zeitangaben sind für uns leider immer ein wenig schwer und sollten doch eher als Richtwert gesehen werden. Das hängt einfach auch von ultra vielen Faktoren ab!

Viele Grüße, Benjamin


Wir sind gestern die Route „einfach“ von Eching nach Grafrath gefahren und waren gemütlich ziemlich genau 2h unterwegs.

Amper war komplett ruhig.

Hey Enrico,

Toll, danke für dein Feedback.


Bezüglich vorgeschlagener #Tour 2: Befahrungsverbot vom 1.3.-15.7. auf der Amper wegen Naturschutz beachten!

Hey Katrin,

Danke für die Ergänzung! Habe gerade einen Hinweis eingefügt.

Startseite » SUP Ammersee: Die 6 besten SUP Touren + SUP Stationen

Heute ist Prime Day !

Viele SUP Boards und auch SUP Zubehör sind kräftig reduziert.

Erfahre hier, welches die besten SUP Amazon Prime Day Angebote sind.

Jetzt Amazon Prime Day Angebote ansehen

  • Inflatable Paddle Boards
  • Accessories
  • Replacement Fins
  • Expert Advice
  • General Paddle Board Information
  • SUP Durability

touring paddle boards

The Ultimate Glide Experience: Touring SUP Unveiled

Touring SUP is for a different breed of stand up paddle board adventurer - those that are big on exploration.  Learn everything you know about this SUP discipline and start exploring the waterways near you.

Embark on a journey of discovery with your SUP, where every stroke through the water promises a new horizon to explore. Glide's touring paddle boards are your steadfast companions on this voyage, engineered for the adventurers who find solace in the rhythm of paddling and the allure of uncharted waters.

First Encounters with SUP Touring

touring sup boards

The allure of paddleboarding often begins with a casual trial—a rented board on a sun-kissed lake or a gentle ocean inlet. But once bitten by the SUP bug, you crave more. Glide recognizes this passion and has crafted touring boards that extend the thrill beyond the shore, perfect for those who seek the serenity of open waters and the thrill of exploration.

Choosing Your Paddle Boarding Path

After falling in love with the sport, the pivotal moment arrives: selecting your discipline. Will you surf the crests, or is the call of the river rapids irresistible? Perhaps SUP yoga speaks to your soul. Glide's touring SUPs cater to those who yearn for long, tranquil voyages, where the journey itself is the destination.

Why Touring SUP is Captivating Paddlers Worldwide

Touring on a SUP isn’t about the rush of adrenaline; it’s about embarking on epic adventures across vast expanses of water. Glide's touring boards are meticulously designed for endurance and smooth sailing over long distances. They are the vessels that carry you to the cusp of adventure, from planning to execution.

glide quest touring paddle board

The Distinctive Traits of a Touring Paddle Board

Longer and sleeker, Glide's touring boards boast a pointed nose, cutting through water like a knife through silk, offering you a glide that's both smooth and efficient. Our hard boards sit proudly on the water, thick and sturdy, while our inflatable options provide unmatched durability without compromising on performance.

Crafting the Perfect Touring SUP

When seeking the ultimate touring board, Glide strikes the perfect balance. Our boards are the sweet spot between racing speed and all-around versatility, with a width that promises stability and a displacement hull that’s designed to cover distances with effortless grace.

Remember the Purpose of Your Touring Board

Glide's touring boards are built for the long haul, where the glide is king. They might forgo the agility of a whitewater board, but they make up for it in their ability to maintain a steadfast course, allowing you to immerse in the serenity of your surroundings without constant course correction.

Durability Meets Performance in Glide Touring Boards

Your Glide touring board is a fortress on water, designed to withstand the unexpected. Glide Surface Shield technology coats our hard boards, offering unparalleled resistance to the wear and tear of adventurous paddling.

Why Inflatable SUPs Excel in Touring

Glide's inflatable boards redefine what it means to have a touring SUP. They're the trailblazers' choice, effortlessly portable, and versatile enough to double as a comfortable rest spot at your campsite. With military-grade PVC and a woven drop-stitch core, these boards are resilient companions on any journey.

The Displacement vs. Planing Hull Debate

Each Glide board, whether with a displacement or a planing hull, is a marvel of design, tailored to slice through water or skim across waves with equal prowess. Our hard boards with displacement hulls offer speed and stability, while the inflatable counterparts with planing hulls provide a buoyant ride in choppy conditions.

The Importance of Deck Pad Comfort

Long voyages demand comfort, and Glide's touring boards deliver with smooth deck pads that ease the journey for your feet, mile after mile.

Fin Considerations for Touring SUP

Glide's single-center fin setup promises a dependable track across the vast expanse of water. Our fin boxes are versatile, welcoming fins from various manufacturers, allowing you to customize your ride as you see fit.

Epic Journeys Await

touring inflatable paddle board

From the Kuzi Project's 500-mile odyssey to your local escapades, Glide boards have proven to be the ultimate touring companions. They are crafted not only to perform but to inspire stories of adventure and exploration.

Crafting Your SUP Touring Experience

Whether you're charting a course for distant shores or seeking solace in nearby waters, Glide's touring SUPs are your gateway to moments that etch themselves into memory. With the right gear, from carbon fiber paddles to the essential repair kit, Glide boards are your promise of an adventure that's both safe and exhilarating.

Conclusion: The Touring SUP Journey Awaits

Glide's touring SUPs are for those who find their thrill in the journey.  Let us take you anywhere that you choose to go.

Related Topics

SUP Tips for Beginners

Improving Fitness on Paddle Board

How Many Calories Does SUP Burn?

3 Balance Practices To Improve Your SUP Balance

Are Inflatable Paddle Boards Worth It?


Scott Knorp

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Best Touring Stand Up Paddle Boards 2022

  • July 24, 2022
  • Written by  Staff
  • Published in Gear
  • Comments:: DISQUS_COMMENTS

Best Touring Stand Up Paddle Boards 2022

After personally paddling, weighing, and thoroughly testing 200+ boards, our expert staff has selected the best touring stand up paddle board 2022 models. These are designated by the "A" grade and organized by categories (inflatable, all-around, touring, etc). In its 6th year the Supconnect team spent countless hours individually assessing each one of the SUP boards below, counting a total of 23 metrics per board and consistently applying them across all products. The end result: simply the most comprehensive, consumer-friendly, value-added review platform in the stand up paddle world. Click through each one of the reviews and find a consistent, in-depth assessment of each product listed.

Quick Answer:

The best touring sup boards 2022.

  • SIC Maui Okeanos Air
  • Starboard Touring
  • Bay Sports Wood Look Original Series
  • Tahe Breeze Wing
  • Starboard Generation
  • SIC Maui Tao Tour Air
  • SIPA Boards Drive Tourer

 A Comparison

The best touring paddle boards 2022, touring paddle boards 101, 3 things to consider to find the best touring sup.

A touring SUP is meant to be used and should perform well in a variety of conditions ranging from long distance paddles to expeditions and more. Touring boards can be used for multiple purposes but are primarily intended for long distance paddling and expeditions. Generally, touring boards are built to sustain added weight that comes with hauling gear and have multiple attachment points on the board to hold down and secure that gear. Touring paddle boards are usually 28 inches and wider with anything less being more geared for racing. As a standard, the narrower the board the faster it will go but the less gear it will be able to hold. The wider the board the more stable it will be. So, if you’re primarily using the board for a long, off-the-grid expedition you would want to choose a board with more width, around 30 inches+. If you’re going out for the day and want to explore and won’t need too much extra gear a narrower board might be the better option.


Add-on’s are accessories for a paddle board that add to your experience on/off the water. The quality of the bag/backpack and the air pump tend to be directly related to the board’s price points. Aside from your paddle, bags and pumps are the most important add-on’s to your board and can drastically improve your overall experience with the board, such as helping you more easily carry the board and/or pump it up more quickly. Other popular add on’s include bungee cords, a minimalist way to haul things; Connexsup, which allows for all sorts of attachments, even fishing rods; and FCS II/Connect, for easy fin instal. Other add on’s could be upgraded handles like the Liftsup & EZgrab and paddle holders for when you aren’t using your paddle. Add-on’s are really helpful when touring to hold down the added gear and supplies so in theory, the more add ons the better.

Touring sup boards come in various constructions. First, decide whether you should have an inflatable or non-inflatable board. Inflatable boards are easy to store and very lightweight, making them perfect if you don’t want the board to take too much space. Most inflatables come with a backpack to hold them and can be thrown in car trunks and checked in at airports without any oversize fee. Inflatables are the go-to option when you’re going on a multi-day expedition where traveling the board and hauling your gear are involved. Inflatables, though, normally have less glide and less overall performance when compared to non-inflatable boards. Moreover, non-inflatables often times score higher on durability. Non-inflatable boards with carbon or bamboo tend to be lightweight and durable while plastic constructions tend to be durable but incredibly heavy. Fiberglass/epoxy builds fall in between these two and are the most common non-inflatable constructions. Non-inflatable SUPs are the better option when you’re only going out for the day and won’t be hauling the board in and out of the water with all your gear.

Best Touring Paddle Board Reviews

Sic maui okeanos air.

best touring standup paddle board 2019 surftech promenade 1

Every detail of the board is very thoughtful, from graphics to construction. Aesthetically, the board is stunning with the tribal silver shimmer that is accented with vibrant orange and turquoise rails, something that’s appealing to both men and women. The SIC Maui Okeanos Air came with many detailed bells and whistles to make your touring experience the best one possible, including a camera/GoPro mount on the nose, bungees and d-rings on the front deck pad and tail, and a 3 fin system for higher stability and better tracking. You’ll find SIC Maui branding all over the box and its contents, including the wheelie backpack (which was top notch), leash with a key pocket, dual-action pump, repair kit, and 9.0” weedless nylon fin. This board did not come with a paddle which is something to keep in mind if you don’t already have one, and would be something you need to get separately. When carrying this board down to the water, it did feel a bit more on the heavy side, but it was still manageable and pretty easy to carry. Another thing worth noting: this board had to be pumped to its recommended 20 psi. If you’re doing it by hand it can get a little bit tougher towards the end and might take a bit longer than other boards. That being said, the extra psi requirement made the board feel very stable and it glided and turned very well on the water which made the on-water experience all the more enjoyable. Overall, if you’re looking for a high-quality inflatable board that is touring specific but can also perform well in race, fitness and other SUP disciplines the Okeanos Air is a good option. With the beautiful package all around, quality of board and accessories included and price point combined, the Okeanos Air is deserving of our A grade.

See our full review HERE .


best touring standup paddle board 2019 sic maui okeanos 1

The board we reviewed utilized Starboard’s Lite Tech construction so keep that in mind here. At first glance, the blue graphics had a really nice pattern and look to it. The rest of the board is fairly basic when it comes to graphics and is essentially all white with the exception of the blue band across the deck pad. So, if you’re looking for something that has a very clean look to it, you’ll probably really like this design. Downside of the white though is the potential for it to stain and get dirty so take note of that. Color aside, the deckpad has a really neat feature called the ‘Star Touch’. When it’s wet, the pad becomes more grippy and really helps with stability when moving up and down the board when turning. Now, this board is made from some pretty strong materials so the durability there is nice, but with this durability comes weight. The board weighs in at around 34.15 lbs so it’s definitely on the heavier side. It’s still manageable for sure but heavier than lightweight constructions. However, offset the weight and make the board a bit easier to carry, Starboard includes a shoulder strap with the board that also doubles as a paddle holder so that’s a nice perk. Another nice perk that’s absolutely worth mentioning is that when purchasing this board, or any Starboard SUP for that matter, they plant a mangrove tree that helps absorb CO2 in the atmosphere and they also commit to picking up 1.1kg of beach/ocean trash. Now that’s something to get behind. On the water, the board felt SO stable! The added width in the center of the board mixed with the recessed deck really contributes to that stability. The board was also easy to turn when stepping back towards the tail. When it comes to the glide, if you’ve got the right technique and power behind your stroke you’re going to get a really nice glide and even get some speed just as the designers of this board intended with the thinner sharp slicing nose and deep center channel on the bottom. Because of this, the Touring could make for a great dual-purpose board that is great for both touring and also can be a good transitional board if you’re wanting to get into racing. But, because of the heavier weight, if you’re looking for more of a race board either go with the lighter construction or look at race-specific boards instead. Overall, the Touring is a great option for paddlers looking for a touring SUP that sits in the mid-tier price point, uses quality materials, is stable AND is eco-friendly so it’s a no brainer to award the Touring with Supconnect’s A-grade.


best touring standup paddle board 2019 surftech promenade 1


Tahe breeze wing  .

best touring standup paddle board 2019 sic maui okeanos 1

For this review note that we tested the 11’ model which is a bit more of an all-around shape compared to the 12’6 version of this board which is a lot narrower in the design towards the nose and throughout the board, much more of a touring shape. That being said, at first glance, what first stood out was the detail of the bamboo design placed on the nose with their logo popping in white, and the rest of the board having a pattern in a different blue-toned look with white contrast to create a simple but beautiful design. The board was pretty durable and had a nice glide, and it was easy to cruise on this board without feeling like it was lugging around in the water. There are bungees at the front of the board with D-rings attached, handles in the front, center, and back of the board, a mount for a go-pro, and an additional D-ring at the bottom of the nose and top of the tail which could be used for a bunch of different reasons. Nice and versatile. This board comes with the overall package, meaning it includes everything you need to get out on the water: the 11'0" Breeze Wing Air board, removable FCS II connect dolphin 10" fin, adjustable paddle, carry-all backpack (good quality), ankle/calf leash, hi-pressure 2-way inflation pump with gauge, and repair kit are all included. The Tahe branding was very thoughtful throughout the overall package, with the logo and brand color being present on all assets. The biggest distinguisher here and thing to keep in mind when deciding which length to go with is: if you’re looking for more of the all-around design go with the 11’. If you’re looking to use it more as a touring board, get the 12’6. Overall, no matter the size you choose, the Tahe Breeze Wing would be great for someone looking for a complete inflatable SUP package that is lightweight, has an all-around or touring design and is a distance-friendly board. After thorough testing and review, this board is a shoe-in for the A-grade.


best touring standup paddle board 2019 surftech promenade 1


best touring standup paddle board 2019 sic maui okeanos 1

At first glance, and what we expect to see from SIC, the quality was top notch. Additionally, it was quite obvious that they were incredibly thoughtful when it came to every detail of the board, from the exceptionally beautiful play on color and graphics with wood finish on a pop of white, to the detailed construction deck pad, to the D-rings placed underneath the nose and at the top of the nose and tail with bungees attached. The board was fairly easy to carry down to the water, though a little heavier than other inflatable boards we have reviewed in the past. When getting onto the board it felt very stable and glided through the water really well. In fact, it was so stable that at one point we forgot we were on an inflatable. Another thing worth mentioning about the tech that SIC uses here, their stringer support technology, really does help add to the rigidity and stability of the board, and it’s also likely why the board does feel slightly heavier than other boards we’ve tested. That being said, we’ll take the durability and rigidity any day over something more lightweight and flimsy. Everyone who can walk should be able to easily stand on this board and paddle away without issue. Everything including the box was branded head to toe with the SIC Maui logo and signature black and white coloring, including a 8.0” mahi fin, repair kit with spare fin screw + plate, dual-action pump, leash (which includes a cool key storage feature), 3 piece aluminum paddle w/ anti twist grip, and the backpack carry case (no wheels). Overall, everything from the package to the details of the board itself and how it paddled/felt on the water earns this board an A.


best touring standup paddle board 2019 surftech promenade 1

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A look at imagery from our sup reviews.

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  • Best Standup Paddle Boards 2022
  • Best Beginner SUPs 2022
  • Best All Around Paddle Boards 2022
  • Best Inflatable Standup Paddle Boards 2022

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sup tour amper

Best Touring SUPs 2024

Best Touring SUPS 2024

Below, I’ll walk you through our list of this year’s Best Touring SUPs considering an array of factors such as speed, tracking, maneuverability, features, construction, etc. We’ll also be going over a buyer’s guide to touring SUPs, the differences between hard touring and inflatable touring SUPs, and a few tips to help you get the most out of your board.

Our goal here at SupBoardGuide is to provide you with our real world, day to day experience on each of these boards along with the technical specs to help you make the most informed decision when it comes to your SUP purchase. With that in mind, we hope you enjoy reading our list of the Best Touring SUPs of 2024.

Best Inflatable Touring SUPS

  • Honu Sorrento
  • Blackfin Model V
  • Thurso Expedition 150
  • Sea Gods Carta Marina
  • RedPaddleCo 12’6 Sport
  • Gili 12′ Adventure
  • Paddle North Portager
  • Atoll 11′
  • Nixy Manhattan G4
  • RedPaddleCo 12’6 Voyager
  • Hydrus Paradise Touring

Honorable Mentions

  • Sea Gods Ketos
  • Hala carbon Nass-T 14×28

Honu Sorrento 12’6 Touring SUP (See Full Review)

Honu Sorrento Best Touring SUP

  • Incredible tracking capabilities
  • Ultra stiff construction reduces drag and improves performance
  • 30” width and 12’6 length allow for higher speeds
  • Raised kick pad is well placed for more maneuverability than you’d expect from a touring SUP
  • Lightweight 21.6 lbs
  • Will not be super stable for beginners (this is an expected trade-off for added speed)

The Honu Sorrento is one of the team favorites here at SUPBoardGuide. With it’s 12’6 waterline and 30” width, the Sorrento is best suited to more advanced paddlers that need well-built, lightweight, speed-focused touring board. It would also lend itself to ambitious beginners that are willing to give themselves more of a balancing challenge and recognize this SUP as an investment in the sport and in their developing skills as a paddler.

During our testing, we were massively impressed with the Sorrento’s performance on the water. It is undeniably built for speed and at just 21.6 lbs it feels effortless to paddle (as long as your balance is in check) and easy to maintain a quick pace. We also want to note that the Sorrento has the best tracking capabilities that we’ve seen to date, which is likely due to both its hatchet fin set-up as well as its stiff construction that minimizes uneven drag. Though we might’ve expected this excellent tracking to impact its overall maneuverability, the Sorrento sports a raised kick pad that allows you to sink its tail and pivot this 12’6 SUP in any direction with relative ease.

Focusing more on the aforementioned construction, Honu attributes the Sorrento’s noteworthy stiffness to it’s carbon fiber stringer that runs nose to tail on both the top and bottom of this SUP, as well as it’s carbon fiber rail layer that works in conjunction with a PVC layer to add durability and rigidity. As for the core of the Sorrento, it’s a cross-woven drop-stitch that also minimizes board flex and keeps the Sorrento a light weight. The finishing touches such as the diamond grooved deck pad, front and rear cargo areas, and carry handles are also well attached and add to the overall enjoyment factor of this SUP.

As a final note the Sorrento does come with an included high quality wheeled SUP backpack, FCS II hatchet fin, full swivel coiled leash, and a single chamber hand pump, but does not come with an included paddle. Instead, you have the option to choose from Honu’s impressive paddle line-up for a discounted price (when bundled with your SUP) or use a paddle of your own.

Blackfin Model V (See Full Review)

Blackfin Model V Touring

  • Stable without sacrificing speed
  • Good tracking capabilities
  • High weight capacity to bring along gear, kids, or pets
  • Tons of features to add versatility
  • Good quality kit paddle (carbon)
  • Nice roller backpack
  • We’d love to see a raised kick pad

Sitting near the top of our list of best touring SUPs for 2024 is the BLACKFIN Model V. This 12’6 long, 32” wide, 2+1 fin set-up SUP is super stable on the water without sacrificing that classic touring board speed. It is a heavier board at 29 lbs, but that’s due to its durable triple layer PVC construction. The Model V also has a weight capacity of 485 lbs, giving you plenty of wiggle room when it comes to loading on gear, kids, or pets.

This SUP is also loaded down with features to help you have the best, most versatile time on the water. With 20 D-rings and 8 action mounts, you have tons of compatibility whether it be fishing gear, a kayak seat, gear storage, speaker set-ups, cup holders, or everything at once, this SUP has the capability to do it all. I also love the BLACKFIN’s deeply grooved deck pad, as it cushions and keeps your feet dry all day long. The carry handles make loading and unloading this 12’6 SUP a breeze as well, and the safety straps on the front and rear cargo areas are great for a kid or passenger to hang onto during your ride.

Overall, the BLACKFIN Model V is a great option for paddlers that need a board that can handle a full day on the water and anything you throw it as far as hauling along gear, coolers, pets, or kids. It’s also affordable compared to other specialized touring boards on the market.

Thurso Expedition 150 (See Full Review)

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  • Large front cargo area for gear storage
  • Tapered nose and tail help minimize drag for a faster board
  • Carbon fiber rails add rigidity and performance
  • Includes an efficient dual chamber pump
  • High quality roller backpack with multiple compartments
  • Heavier construction can be cumbersome for smaller paddlers; in this case, go with the Expedition 138

The Thurso Surf Expedition 150 is one of the narrower board on this list, while still being capable of hauling a decent load of gear. The narrow width, combined with its single fin set-up enable this board to easily pick up and maintain speed, while it’s rigid construction makes it more accomodating for heavier paddlers. Though we do want to note that smaller paddlers tend to prefer the lighter weight Expedition 138 (11’6 x 30″).

We were pretty satisfied with the features on the Expedition 150 as well. It has a large 6-point cargo area at the nose, and a smaller 4-point cargo area at the tail. There’s also 3 carry handles, paddle holders on either side or the SUP, extra D-rings to make it kayak seat compatible, and a raised kick pad. My one suggestion would be to make the cargo area at the nose a bit smaller to extend the deck pad, and shift the rear cargo area forward to get the bungees off of the kick pad, as they can get in the way of your foot.

As usual with Thurso Surf, the Expedition comes with a great accessory kit. Right out of the box with your board, you are given a 10’ coil leash, a US fin-box center fin, a double chamber triple action pump, and a 3-piece carbon shaft paddle. As a small note, the Thurso Surf kit paddle is one of my personal favorites. It feels super stiff in the water and feels like you get a ton of leverage to pull yourself along at a good speed.

The Thurso Surf Expedition 150 is perfect for midsize beginners or more advanced larger riders looking for a quick, agile, and versatile touring board that won’t hurt their wallet.

Sea Gods Carta Marina (See Full Review)

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  • Lightweight 21 lbs
  • Front and rear safety handles
  • 3 carry handles for easy launching
  • Extra D-rings to connect a kayak seat of more gear
  • Locally sourced art to make an eye catching board
  • Lifetime warranty
  • We would have liked to see a double chamber hand-pump

The 12’ Carta Marina’s 3 sturdy carry handles at the nose, tail, and center of this board to make carrying, launching and loading it a walk in the park even for smaller or younger paddlers. There’s also an 8 point bungee cargo area at the nose with 2 integrated action mounts and safety straps as well as a 4-point bungee cargo area at the tail, sitting behind another pair of safety straps. The Carta Marina doesn’t skimp on versatility either, with extra D-rings for a kayak seat or more gear storage options. Another thing we loved about this board is the beautiful, traction focused, yet comfortable diamond grooved deck pad.

Sea Gods kills it in the accessories game too, providing you with all the necessities right out of the box to get you and the Carta Marina happily out on the water. Included with your iSUP is a lightweight carbon fiber 3-piece paddle, double action single chamber hand pump, a US fin-box/kumano system center fin, 11’ coiled leash, repair kit, and a sturdy roller backpack.

The bottom line is that the Sea Gods Carta Marina is a great SUP. It kind of bridges the gap between the a full blown adventure touring SUP and the Red Paddle Co 12’6 Sport as it still offers a wide range of features and accessories while maintaining performance focused speed and tracking in the water. The Carta Marina is a good choice for paddlers who like having the option to bring along gear, pets, or kids but also want to use this iSUP for fitness touring.

RedPaddleCo 12’6” Sport (See Full Review)

sup tour amper

  • 30” wide = plenty of stability but won’t slow you down
  • Less cluttered deck pad
  • US fin-box (FCS) allows for customization
  • Double chamber triple action hand pump included for easier inflation
  • Traction focused tail portion of the deckpad
  • We’d the kit to include a paddle

Admittedly, the Red Paddle Co 12’6 Sport was really close to making our top slot. We felt this board rode better overall; it was faster, had better tracking capabilities, and is much lighter. The main reason we decided to place it as number 3 is because it’s at a bit higher of a price point and limits you in terms of bringing along gear, kids, or pets due to its lighter feature list and lower weight capacity at 330 lbs. With that said, we absolutely loved this board. It’s still stable at 30” wide, but its narrower width combined with its single fin set-up and being a lightweight 23.5 lbs, helps it move quickly through the water.

Like we alluded to earlier, the Red Paddle Co 12’6 Sport is a bit lighter on feature list. However, I personally prefer a less cluttered deck because I am not a paddler that’s bringing along kids or tons of gear. This board has 1 bungee cargo area at the nose of the board as well as 3 carry handles to make launching a 12’6 much easier. One of our favorite features on the Red Paddle Co 12’6 Sport is the dual-section deck pad, with the front area being more smooth and comfort focused and the rear being a traction oriented diamond groove pattern. This helps tremendously with step-back turns, which are nearly a necessity when it comes to making a tight turn on a touring board.

Along with the Red Paddle Co 12’6 Sport you’ll receive a high quality roller backpack, a double chamber triple action pump, an FCS center fin, and a repair kit. While each of these accessories is great quality and built to last, we would have loved to see a paddle included with this board, though we do understand that not including one gives you the ability to focus on getting a paddle that is best suited to you even outside of the Red Paddle Co brand.

The Red Paddle Co 12’6 Sport is a great option for those with a higher budget looking to develop a fitness style of paddling. I could also see this board being a great stepping stone before advancing into racing style SUPs.

Gili 12’ Adventure (See Full Review)

Gili Adventure Touring SUP Best Touring Sups 2024

  • Affordable price
  • Tons of features to stow gear, attach kayak seats, etc.
  • Raised kick-pad for easier turns
  • Scotty mounts for fishing gear
  • Includes a lightweight carbon fiber paddle
  • Would have liked to see a double chamber pump
  • Front and rear bungees have a quick release clip but it doesn’t fit through the D-rings to take off

Gili’s 12’ Adventure is a great entry level touring board for an affordable price. It’s a super stable, beginner friendly board given its 32” width and 330 lb weight capacity at just 23 lbs itself. Though not as fast as the previous two boards on this list, the 12’ adventure still moves quickly in the water and has decent tracking capabilities as long as your paddling technique is there to match.

As far as features and versatility go, the Gili 12’ Adventure is, as it’s name would allude, adventure focused. It sports 3 carry handles, front and rear cargo areas, added D-rings for kayak seat attachments, 3 action mounts, 2 pairs of safety straps, a paddle holder, scotty mounts for fishing gear and a raised kick-pad to make for easy step-back turns. We also loved the comfy grooved deck-pad that transitions to a diamond pattern on the tail and kick-pad. This SUP is capable of nearly any water activity you can imagine.

We have almost no complaints when it comes to the Gili 12’ Adventures included accessory list either. With an iSUP purchase you’ll receive 3 snap lock fins, a single chamber dual action pump, a 10’ coiled leash, a well padded backpack with tons of compartments, and a 3-piece fiberglass paddle. We’re not thrilled about fiberglass paddles as they tend to be irritating on our hands, but Gili does give you the option to upgrade to a carbon fiber paddle for a small added cost (personally I’d advise doing this, it’s definitely worth it for a touring board). I’d also love to see a roller backpack and a double chamber pump, but understand this would raise the overall cost of the board.

The Gili’s 12’ adventure is best suited for paddlers with a budget that are looking for a stable, versatile touring SUP and don’t mind putting in a tiny bit more effort to get their board up to speed.

Paddle North The Portager (See Full Review)

Paddle North Portager Touring iSUP

  • 33” width makes for a super stable touring board
  • Kayak seat compatible
  • Lightweight board at 21lbs
  • In-built pressure monitors regulates internal pressure (especially beneficial for hotter climates)
  • Roomy roller backpack
  • Split deck pad limits your standing space/mobility (it adds to the lightness of this board though)

Like the Thurso Expedition, Paddle North’s 11’6 Portager is one of our more maneuverable touring boards on this list, especially at just 21 lbs. Though the Portager is a more stable 33” wide, it’s still a fast board whether you’re going for a sprint or a more casual paddle. You also have some room to bring along gear with the Portager’s weight capacity listed at 350 lbs.

The Portager is not as feature heavy as some of the other boards on this list. Again, that’s not necessarily a bad thing depending on your personal preference. There are front and rear cargo areas on this iSUP as well as 2 carry handles located in the center and tail. We also really loved the incorporation of a built-in pressure regulator that eliminates the risk or over-inflation and adds to the overall longevity of your board. The deck pad on the Portager is a lightweight split design with a diamond grooved pattern. While this style of deck pad does keep added weight off of the board, it does limit you in terms of mobility and standing room, especially if you were to try to bring along a passenger. We also would have appreciated the deckpad extending to the tail so we could do step-back turns.

Paddle North does a great job with the accessories kit on the Portager as well. Included with this SUP is a single chamber dual action pump, a 10’ leash, 10” lake fin, 5” river fin, 3-piece aluminum paddle, and a well made roller backpack. Of course, we’d love it if they upgraded this kit to include a double chamber pump and a lighter paddle, but given it’s overall price, it’s fairly reasonable.

The Paddle North Portager is a great SUP for those looking for something lightweight and maneuverable without sacrificing speed. It’s also more ideal for those not wanting to bring along kids or pets.

Atoll 11′ (See Full Review)

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  • Maneuverable and stable but still quick to paddle
  • Large front cargo area with extra D-rings for more gear storage options
  • US fin-box on center fin = customization ability
  • Molded flexi side fins get bent out of shape easily and limit performance over time
  • Does not track as well as other touring boards

The Atoll 11’ utilizes a 2+1 fin set-up. While this will very slightly decrease your speed capabilities, it adds some stability and maneuverability to this SUP. At 32” wide and 21 lbs, the Atoll 11’ is super easy to get up to speed and will accommodate gear, kids, or pets with its 315 lb weight capacity.

When it comes to features, the Atoll strives for versatility. It has a 6 point bungee cargo area at the nose as well as extra D-rings dispersed along the sides of the board to enable you to attach a kayak or an extra cargo area if you need some more gear space. I love the Atoll 11’s diamond pattern deck pad that covers most of the deck for tons of mobility and plenty of room to make a step-back turn. There’s also 2 carry handles located at the center and tail of this board, making it manageable to launch or load it up.

The accessory list for the Atoll 11’ does have some room for upgrades, but keep in mind that this is still a reasonably priced kit. Included with this board is a single chamber dual action pump, a 10’ coiled leash, a 3-piece carbon/fiberglass blend paddle, an 8” quick-lock center fin, a repair kit, and a SUP backpack. I’d love to see Atoll add wheels to their backpack, though they did manage to keep their SUP fairly lightweight. I also would appreciate them moving away from molded flexi side fins and switching to an entirely removable fin set-up. We’ve found that the molded fins get bent out of shape pretty easily over time, which limits the performance of the board without constantly heat-fixing them.

In short, the Atoll 11’ is a great touring option for a paddler who needs a bit more stability and maneuverability than a classic single fin touring board, but is not willing to make massive sacrifices when it comes to speed.

Nixy Manhattan G4 (See Full Review)

Nixy Manhattan Touring Board Review Full Kit Review

  • Fast and nimble on the water
  • Single US fin-box helps with speed and tracking
  • Super solid roller backpack
  • Lightweight, easy to carry
  • Lightweight carbon fiber hybrid paddle
  • Not ideal for heavier/beginner riders (this is a fast, fitness/racing focused board)

The Nixy Manhattan is one of the narrower boards on our list, at 12’6 long, 28” wide and just 22 lbs. It’s super speedy on the water and easily picks up momentum to help you leave your friends in the dust, as long as you have your balance in check. Being a narrower, single-fin board, it’s no surprise that the Manhattan is has a steeper learning curve than others on this list. That’s not to say it’s impossible, but this board is definitely more suited to smaller beginners or more intermediate to advanced paddlers within the 170 lb range. That being said, it does have a weight capacity listed at 350 lbs, so you do have the ability to bring along some gear, though again, this would test your balance even more.

The Nixy Manhattan boasts an impressive array of features. It has 3 carry handles at the nose, tail, and center as well as a 6 point cargo area at the front of the board. There’s also 2 D-rings on either side of the deck and 2 action mounts placed towards the tail. The grooved deck-pack is a nice balance between comfort and traction and I love that it extends all the way to the tail to give you some grip during a step-back turn. My one complaint is that I’d prefer action mounts to be in front of me when I’m standing on the board to make it easier to reach whatever I have screwed in.

As far as accessories go, Nixy typically hits it out of the park and the Manhattan is no exception. Included with this SUP is a double chamber triple action pump, a 3-piece carbon hybrid paddle, a FCS center fin, a coiled ankle leash, and a high quality roller backpack. I want to note here that Nixy’s backpack is one of our favorites. It’s super roomy and makes it much easier to fit the board when you’re packing up. It also has tons of compartments to keep you well-organized down to the smaller accessories.

To summarize, the Nixy 12’6 Manhattan is a great option for smaller or more confident beginners that are looking for a challenge to develop their skills as well as advanced riders that want to eventually progress into racing or serious fitness paddling.

RedPaddleCo 12’6 Voyager (See Full Review)

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  • Premium-level and comfortable for long-range explorations
  • V-hull design that cuts through the water offering a nice smooth glide, even in mildly choppy conditions
  • Super rigid due to the RSS fiberglass batten system, MSL construction, and reinforced rail tape
  • Not much. As long as your budget can afford it, this is one of the best boards on this list

The RedPaddleCo 12’6 Voyager is one of the top touring/adventure SUPs. It’s different than a lot of other options because it has what is called a ‘V-hull,’ which is a specific design that helps the board slice through the water. At first, we weren’t too sure about this design, but after hours of testing it, we have come to find that we can truly see its benefits and we find that it improves the overall feeling the board produces as you move through the water.

This is one of the more expensive boards on our best touring SUPs list, but you get what you pay for. And you’ll be able to see that within the first few minutes of paddling this SUP, especially if you’re coming from something more entry-level priced..

RedPaddleCo uses what they call MSL technology, which is a specific way of constructing the board that involves an x-woven drop stitch, fusion, and reinforced taped rails. Also, this board has RSS batten rods that are quick and easy to install and increase the board’s rigidity. This year, they are more flexible than the previous versions so you don’t have to worry about snapping them if you are cleaning up the board in a hurry.

The quality that stood out to us the most on this board is its ability to balance stability, comfortability, and speed so well. It’s a big board, 12’6×33, with a 240 lb weight capacity, but it doesn’t feel sluggish on the water at all. When I tested it out, I remember going back and forth trying to figure out why I was moving so smoothly even though I was on such a big board.

We think this is a great board for going on day-long adventures, or even overnight trips. It’s also stable enough to support novice paddlers, and fast enough to impress the more advanced!

Hyrdus Paradise Touring (Full Review Coming Soon)

Hydrus Paradise

Let’s cut to the chase: this board is meant to last. Hydrus uses ‘aramid fiber’ in its construction process, which allows it to be more abrasion resistant than a lot of SUPs on the market today. That means it’s an extremely tough and durable SUP that is also high-performance! It’s overall a great board and we think a lot of people are really going to enjoy it which is why it’s worth a look amongst the best touring SUPs..

Aramid fibers are more commonly known as Kevlar. This is a material that you see being used in a lot of other outdoor sports gear, especially in the climbing world. Kevlar is an extremely strong material that can withstand more pounds than you could even imagine. In this case, the Kevlar is built straight into the board’s deck and hull materials to make them tougher and ready to bump into rocks, if that’s how you roll. Additionally, this material is unable to stretch, which makes it a great choice for upgrading the board’s rigidity. There is basically zero flex when you paddle this SUP, which makes it a great choice for larger/taller paddlers who like a board with a little extra oomph in terms of durability. It comes in two lengths, 12’6×30 or 13’3×28. Both of these sizes are great for larger people and have higher weight capacities.

The Paradise comes with a durable wheeled SUP backpack that is deemed, by Hydrus, as the Mothership iSUP bag. We think the name is fitting because it is a big bag that you can zip the SUP in and out of without getting frustrated that it won’t fit. And just like my mom and her purse, the Mothership can magically hold everybody’s items with room left over for snacks!

Sea Gods Ketos (See Full Review)

sup tour amper

  • Lightweight especially for a 14’ board
  • Narrow width makes it ultra fast
  • Great tracking capabilities with single center fin
  • US fin with Kumano system is customizable/ convenient
  • Array of features despite being more fitness/racing focused
  • We’d like to see a double chamber pump included

The main reason the Ketos was left out of our main list is because we think this board would fit more into the racing/fitness category than a more casual touring board. However, we were undeniably stoked about this SUP. It is an absolute rocket on the water at 14’ long, 28” wide, and just 22 lbs. Stability does tend to go by the wayside with a board this narrow and tapered, especially when it utilizes a single fin set-up, but the Ketos has a reasonably high weight capacity of 300 lbs and was surprisingly manageable when it came to balancing.

We were impressed with the features on the Ketos as well. It has front and rear cargo areas, as well as a sturdy center handle. I would normally like to see nose and tail handles on a 14’ SUP but because Sea Gods was able to keep the Ketos a light 22 lbs, the center handle does just fine. The Ketos also has two D-ring integrated action mounts at the front of the board to help you get the best angle if you’re documenting your SUP adventures. Our favorite feature on the Ketos is a beautifully designed diamond grooved deck-pad. We don’t normally talk about aesthetics here at SupBoardGuide, but it’s worth noting that Sea Gods locally sources all of the art seen on their boards and we love it when companies put in the extra effort to support their community. Our one suggestion for the Ketos would be to add a raised stomp-pad to make step-back turns a bit easier.

As with the Carta Marina that we discussed above, we have very few complaints when it comes to the Ketos paddle kit. With this board you receive a 3-piece carbon paddle, single chamber double action pump, US fin-box with Kumano system center fin, 11’ coiled leash, repair kit, and durable roller backpack. Of course, we’d love to see a double chamber pump for a 14’ board.

If you couldn’t tell already, I am a huge fan of the Ketos. This board would be great for someone willing to give their balance a small challenge in exchange for speed and performance.

Hala Carbon Nass-T 14×28 Inflatable Touring SUP (See Full Review)

Hala Carbon Nass-T 14x28 Inflatable Touring SUP

  • Fast, performance focused iSUP
  • Raised stomp pad
  • Included carbon paddle
  • 4.5” tracking fin included for added tracking capability
  • Integrated carbon stringer adds rigidity
  • 4.5” central tracking makes it hard to casually turn this board (this is a non-issue if you can do a stepback turn)
  • Heavier board at 27.5 lbs

Although the Nass-T does sport a bit cleaner of a look, there are still several features that had us loving this board. There are 3 carry handles on the nose, tail, and center, making carrying this board around much more manageable. I also love the 10 soft rigging points located towards the rear of the Nass-T that give you the option to attach another cargo area or bring along more gear. What truly stands out on this board is the 4.5” center tracking fin. If your paddle technique is already honed in, this little fin can give you a little ‘oomph’ when it comes to holding a straight path on the water. A downside to the center tracking fin is that it makes it a bit more difficult to turn this board without making a step-back turn to lift the nose out of the water. Hala mitigated this by adding a raised kick-pad to make step-back turns way less challenging.

Hala recently upgraded this kit by including a 3-piece carbon paddle, though we have yet to try it out. It is still a lighter kit, but does supply the necessities to get started, including a coiled leash, single chamber pump, center fin, 4.5” tracking fin, and a roller backpack. Each of these accessories is good quality, though I would appreciate an extra zipper compartment on the backpack.

The Hala Carbon Nass-T is a high quality, performance focused board. This would be a great choice for a paddler that is focused on fitness paddling or even training to get into SUP racing.

Best Hard Touring SUPs

We understand that inflatable paddle boards are not everyone’s cup of tea and for some environments, they just aren’t the most practical. Below we’ll go through a few of our favorite hard touring SUPs.

  • BOTE Traveller
  • Starboard Waterline Carbon
  • Pau Hana 12’ Endurance VFT

1. BOTE Traveller

BOTE Traveller Review

  • Tons of features to make for a versatile touring board
  • Displacement hull slices through flat water
  • Tracking fin enables this board to keep a steady path without much effort
  • Customizable US fin box
  • Slightly recessed standing area lowers center of gravity and helps with balance
  • Narrow board + displacement hull can make for a stability challenge for beginners
  • Heavier board

The BOTE Traveller comes in as 12’6 and 14’ option. Heavier or taller paddlers would probably enjoy the 14’ option for some added stability as its 29.5” wide, while smaller or more advanced paddlers would likely enjoy the 28” width on the 12’6. Either option will be quick in the water due to its displacement hull and single fin set-up. The long touring fin will also help the Traveller keep straight on its path as you paddle. Though on the thinner side, you do still have some room to bring along gear with the Traveller’s 315 lb weight capacity. The only downside of both the 14’ and 12’6 Traveller is that they are moderately heavy at 42 lbs for the 14’ and 34 lbs for the 12’6.

The variety of features is what made the Traveller stand out to take the top spot on our list of best hard touring SUPs. Both Traveller sizes have a front and rear cargo area as well as a series of mounts that are compatible with kayak seats, BOTE’s fishing ‘RAC’ system, and cooler tie-down straps. There’s also a paddle sheath at the nose of this board to allow you to quickly stow your paddle if you’re fishing, swimming, or just simply don’t want to hold it. The BOTE Magnepod ‘cup-holder’ that keeps your drink still as long as it’s in BOTE’s ‘magnepod’ compatible cup is a nice touch as well. The slightly recessed deck pad makes balancing a narrower displacement hull board a bit less challenging, while the grooved deck pad keeps you comfortable for the whole ride.

Hard SUPs will typically have a less involved kit than inflatables, simply because they don’t need a lot of extra parts like pumps and backpacks. With this board you’ll receive a 2-piece paddle and a 10’ removable center-fin. I know at first glance it seems like a light list, but many hard SUPs won’t even include a paddle, so I’m pretty satisfied that BOTE gives you everything you need right out of the box.

The BOTE Traveller hard SUP would be a great option for paddlers looking to tour for long hours in flat-water conditions. The displacement hull will make this board slice through the water, while it’d width will help it effortlessly pick up speed

2. StarBoard Waterline Carbon

StarBoard Waterline Carbon Review

  • Narrow width + displacement hull + square tail makes this board super fast
  • Recessed standing area helps with balance
  • Wide single center fin maintains a straight path
  • Still space for gear even though it’s more of a racing SUP
  • No included paddle

The StarBoard Waterline Carbon also comes in a 12’6 and 14’ option. Both are the same width, so I’d expect the 14’ Waterline to be a bit more stable than the 12’6 due to it’s added length but without paddling that board, I can’t say with certainty. Regardless, 28” is still on the narrower end of the spectrum so the Waterline Carbon series would present a bit of a challenge to beginners that don’t quite have their balance yet, especially given how tapered the displacement hull is. However, the recessed deck and square tail take some of the edge off when it comes to instability. What this board truly excels in is speed and tracking. There’s no better way to describe it than saying this board easily just eats up miles and miles on the water.

The Waterline Carbon is almost broaching the racing board category, so it’s not super surprising that it’s a bit light in the feature list. However I like that the front cargo area is recessed into the deck pad. This makes it easier to balance and access any gear you’ve brought with you. I also love the recessed handle as it won’t trip you up as you move into a step-back turn. Looking at the bottom of the board, the included fin is a large tracking fin that will keep this board heading straight in the water. The US fin-box allows for some customization as well, if you want to experiment with longer or shorter fins depending on your environment and conditions.

Unsurprisingly, this racing/fitness geared SUP comes with no added accessories. Though we’d love to see an included paddle, Starboard gives you the ability to find a well-suited paddle to pair with this SUP.

As I’ve said, the Starboard Waterline Carbon is ideal for more advanced or confident beginner paddlers looking to get their feet wet in the racing/fitness world.

3. Pau Hana 12’ Endurance VFT

Pau Hana 12’ Endurance VFT Review

  • Shortest of the hard SUPs on this list = easier to store and maneuver
  • 30” width makes it more stable than the others
  • Displacement hull adds speed in flatter conditions
  • Multiple rigging points to attach bungees or action mounts if you choose to
  • Recessed handle won’t get in the way if you move your feet around
  • No included paddle.

The 12’ Pau Hana Endurance VFT is one of the shorter and wider boards out of our hard SUPs list at 30” wide. Given that information, The Endurance VFT will be slightly more stable and maneuverable than the previous two boards. That’s not to say it won’t still be fast, as I’d expect the displacement hull and single-fin set-up to help this board glide through the water with ease. The reason it’s towards the bottom of this list is because it’s somewhat lacking in features and is a heavier 34lbs.

Features wise, the Endurance VFT has a ton of rigging points to give you the option to set up bungee cargo areas, though none are set-up prior. It does have a nose, tail, and center grab handle to make moving this heavier board pretty easy. The grooved portion of the deck pad should keep your feet comfortable and dry, while the diamond pattern tail section will add some traction during a step-back turn. Usually, we’d love to see action mounts or extra D-rings for kayak compatibility, but the Pau Hana would be a great option for someone who likes a less cluttered deck but doesn’t want to entirely give up the ability to bring gear.

Like the Starboard Waterline Carbon, the Pau Hana 12’ Endurance VFT does not come with any included accessories. Again, this is typical of hard SUPs, especially ones that are almost in the racing category

The Pau Hana 12’ Endurance VFT would be ideal for a more entry level fitness or racing focused paddler, as it still has plenty of speed but a bit more stability than a true racing SUP.

What Makes a Great Touring Stand Up Paddle Board (SUP)?

The short answer to this question is that a great touring SUP is one that allows you to put in a lot of miles and a lot of hours on the water with less effort than an all-around would require. As simple as that seems, there is some nuance to this depending on water conditions, paddler skills and preferences.

To get in this nuance let’s first talk about nose shape. Many touring SUPs will feature a displacement hull. The definition of a displacement hull gets kind of clouded in the industry due to marketing efforts, but what characterizes a true displacement hull is that it’s pointed shape slices through the water (thereby ‘displacing’ it onto either side of the SUP) much like the bow of a boat does. This type of hull does great in flat-water conditions as it minimizes friction on the board and allows you to go faster, but it struggles in choppy or ‘bumpy’ water as it hits each bump head-on instead of gliding over. If you’ll need to be able to glide over bumps and chop, you’ll want a touring board with a planing hull, A planing hull is typically easy to spot because most have a slight rocker to push the nose upwards out of the water.

In short, a touring board with the displacement hull might be great for a paddler that’s frequently in lakes, bays, or overall flat-water, but it would be less than ideal for a paddler that’s frequently in bumpy or choppy waters. The same applies in the opposite direction; a flat-water paddler would find a planing hull touring board to create more friction on the water and not be as efficient as a SUP with a displacement hull.

When it comes to paddler skills, what I’m generally referring to is the paddler’s balance. Touring boards tend to be on the thinner side, which means a bit less stability than a beginner level all-around. However, there are plenty of touring board options on this list that are on the wider end of the touring spectrum and will provide more stability, but won’t be as fast as their thinner counterparts. So, while a wider touring SUP would make a great board for a more beginner level paddler, it would likely be too slow for a more advanced paddler looking for performance. Likewise, a beginner paddler would probably not enjoy a board that is too thin for them to stand comfortably, while an advanced paddler would appreciate the extra speed.

At this point, you’re probably noticing a theme here; the answer to what makes a great touring SUP is less objective than it seems. It truly comes down to paddler preferences, especially when considering features such as D-rings, extra handles, action mounts, etc. Some paddlers love the ability to stow gear along for the ride and will love a board that’s got plenty of d-rings, and bungee areas, while others would prefer to forgo all the extras for more standing room. Some prefer a smother, more cushy deck pad, while others like a traction focused deeply grooved variation.

What I’m really trying to make clear here is that what makes a great touring board is really dependent on you as a paddler. My best advice for matching yourself to a great board would be to start by analyzing your most frequent water condition to determine what nose shape you’ll look for. Then assess your balance skills to give yourself a width range. Once you have the shape of the board you need, start evaluating features that best fit your lifestyle.

Touring SUP Buying Guide

Although we are more than confident that all of the boards listed above will fit a wide variety of paddler needs and preferences, we understand that there are circumstances that will lead you to a board that we have not yet reviewed. Whether it be an opportunity to purchase a used board for a great price or a board from a local shaper and surf shop, we want you to feel informed on your purchase to make the best decision possible and improve your SUP experience.

Below we’ll list some key factors to consider before swiping your card and loading a new SUP into (or onto) the car.

  • Stability Despite touring boards being generally less stable than all-around board options, stability is still the most important factor when finding the right board for you. Sure, a thinner board will go faster in the water, but falling in every few strokes will undoubtedly slow you down. I’m not saying not to push your limits when it comes to balancing a narrower board, but don’t push to the point that paddling is no longer enjoyable or feasible.
  • Tracking Tracking refers to how well the board keeps a straight path in the water without the paddler switching sides. A good touring board will keep straight in the water without having to switch sides as frequently. Part of this is because constantly switching sides gets pretty tiring after hours on the water. It also slows you down by causing your board to lose some of its momentum, which plays into our speed conversation above.
  • Features As we touched on at the beginning of this post, features really depend on personal preference. If you like to load a lot of gear, look for a board with D-rings and cargo areas, consider what kind of deck pad you like, or if you want to utilize action mounts for cup holders or camera set-ups.
  • Maneuverability I put maneuverability last as a consideration on our touring SUP buying guide because these SUPs are built to go in a straight line fast. They’re generally longer and thinner than an all-around board and are therefore slightly more challenging to turn, but by no means impossible. If maneuverability is still important to you on a touring board, go for the shorter options or keep an eye out for a raised kick pad that will help with step-back turns.

Inflatable Touring Board or Hard Touring Board?

One of the more frequent questions that we receive is how to decide between an inflatable paddleboard (iSUP) and a hard SUP. There’s a great selection of boards on the market in both categories that could suit anyone’s needs and preferences. However there are some major differences that may make one or the other a better option for you.

Benefits of an Inflatable Touring Board

  • Weight capacity/Stability Inflatable SUPs generally have a higher weight capacity, and therefore more stability, than similarly sized hard boards.
  • Durability iSUPs hold up better against drops, scrapes, and crashes than hardboards do.
  • Weight Inflatable boards typically weigh less than similarly sized hardboards. However, as you get into more durable/rigid dual and triple layer boards, the weight difference is less significant.
  • Cost iSUPs are usually less expensive than similarly sized hard boards and are easier to ship.
  • Easier Storage/Transport One of the best parts of iSUPs is that they can be deflated, rolled up and packed away into a bag to fit in the trunk of a small car or be stored in a closet.

Benefits of a Hard Touring Board

  • Hull Options Hard SUPs have the ability to have a true displacement hull that cuts through the water instead of gliding over top like most iSUPs.
  • Tracking Hard boards sit lower in the water and have greater tracking capabilities than iSUPs.
  • Speed Due to their tracking capabilities and ability to cut through the water, hard SUPs are usually faster than inflatables.
  • Ease of Repair Although hard SUPs don’t hold up as well to drops, scrapes, and crashes as iSUPs, they’re much easier to repair either by yourself or at a local shop. Damage to an iSUPs usually means sending it out for repair or a totaled board.
  • No Extra Parts Hard boards don’t require any additional pumps or hoses. You’ll be ready to go with just your board and paddle (and life-jacket of course).
  • Better Performance in Non-ideal Conditions Hard SUPs handle wind, chop, and waves much better than similarly shaped inflatable paddle boards.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Touring Board

Once you have your touring board you’ll notice right away how much faster and straighter it glides through the water, especially if you’re transitioning from an entry level or all-around board. While it doesn’t take much to have a great time on a quality touring board, we’ll set you up with a few tips below to help you have the best experience possible.

  • Hone in your paddle technique If you feel as if your touring board is not tracking as well as you expected, it could be an indication that your paddle technique needs improvement. Focus on stacking your arms and shoulders to have your paddle enter the water more vertically, as well as using your core and legs to pull yourself through the water.
  • Practice step-back turns As we’ve said, touring boards are slightly more challenging to turn than a shorter all-around board. One way to mitigate this and still be able to pivot your board quickly is to master a step-back turn. Walk your feet back towards the tail of the board (it’s easiest if you keep your paddle submerged while you do this), then place one foot on the tail over top of where the center fin would be. This will lift the nose of your board out of the water and you can use your paddle to quickly pivot your board in any direction.
  • Prepare for a day on the water A great touring board gives you the ability to spend your whole day out paddling. As fun as that is, it can quickly turn sour without the right preparations. Apply sunscreen before heading out and be sure to reapply (every 2 hours, or more if you’re doing a lot of swimming). Wear comfortable clothes or swimwear and make sure to bring a lifejacket and plenty of water.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve read this far, I hope you’ve enjoyed our list of the Best Touring SUPs of 2024! I also hope you’ve learned some valuable information about how to determine which SUP would be the right match for you and how to make the most out of a great board.

We feel confident that any of the boards discussed above would suit a wide range of water conditions, paddler skills, and lifestyle preferences and have loved paddling each one ourselves. If a touring board seems a bit too specialized for you, check out our list of the Best Inflatable Paddle Boards of 2024 where we go over an array of more all-around options.

As always, practice water safety, have fun, and enjoy paddling!

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5 thoughts on “Best Touring SUPs 2024”

I love all the reviews your team takes the time to write and the videos!. It truly helped me purchase my first SUP – the Blackfin Model V. I love it as a casual touring iSUP and it easily accommodates by twin 8 year old boys. I am a beginner to paddling but not at all a beginner to fitness, so I’ve picked it up pretty quick. I’m loving my board and want another one that is more performance based just for me – no kids on board haha! Here’s the catch – I’m 5’2, 130 lbs and female. Everything I read recommends shorter boards but those are not designed for speed. I badly want another inflatable that suits my stature but doesn’t sacrifice performance. What would you recommend? I’m sure there are short female racers out there – how do they deal with long boards?

If you are looking for speed, then you are going to want to reduce the board width – especially at 5’2″. I personally would say that you don’t want to go to a shorter board. Something 12’+ is ideal for racing/touring and will be faster in the water even at your height and weight.

Your challenge right now might be inventory. I would recommend something from Red Paddle Co, either their 12’6 Sport or even one of their 12’6 x 28″ Elite SUP if you are looking for something that is extra fast…but I am not sure where you could find one right now. Hopefully they get more inventory in soon, but you might need to check a local REI or Paddle Board shop to see if they have inventory.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Awesome work, great details on function and performance with very user friendly language. You helped me make a very expensive choice much calmer. Thanks

Thanks for all the comprehensive reviews, you all do a great job. I am curious about your opinion. Currently, I have an Isle Explorer. I have enjoyed it over the years. However, my husband now wants to start joining me. His idea was to let me get an “upgrade” and he could take out the Explorer. Now, I live in Middle TN and am surrounded by lakes and rivers so I only paddle on flat water. I paddle about a 10km every weekend during the warmer months. I would like to have a board that would help me push my mileage and speed. In an ideal world I would love a Carta Marina but don’t like the idea of spending over $1000 on my board. So, I have been back and forth between the iRocker Sport and the Gili Adventure. But, after reading your reviews both were labeled as sort of entry level touring boards which is what I feel like I already have in the Explorer. So, in your opinion is either one of those true “upgrades” to what I currently have? If not do you have any recommendations for a more mid-priced touring board?

I do think either of those SUPs would be an upgrade from your Isle Explorer, however, there are some areas where the two differ. The Gili Adventure will have a little more stability because it’s 32″ wide, though it won’t be capable of quite as much speed as the 31″ wide iROCKER Sport . The iROCKER Sport will also be a bit more rigid due to an extra layer of PVC, and will come with a carbon matte paddle rather than the Gili Adventure’s fiberglass paddle.

Personally, I’d opt for the Sport right now, as it’s currently at a better price than the Gili Adventure, but both are great options depending on your own preferences.

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The Seasoned Surfer

sup touring stand up paddle board exploring

What is SUP Touring?

What is sup touring.

SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) touring is simply exploring a waterway or coastline with a stand up paddle board.

sup touring can be done solo or with a group of friends.

Who can go sup touring?

Paddlers of all ability levels can SUP tour. Beginner to advanced paddlers can sup tour. However it’s important to match your ability level to the water conditions you want to tour.

You can tour solo or with a group. You can also hire an outfitter to take you on guided tour.

How long does sup touring take?

SUP touring can be a short one hour ride or a long multi-day expedition. SUP touring has nothing to do with the time you spend on the water.

sup touring is exploring with a paddle board

Where can I go sup touring?

You can tour any waterway. Lakes, rivers, sea, estuary, ocean bays, canals. Any coastline or waterway you can imagine can be explored.

Video: SUP Touring Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

What is a touring paddle board?

A touring paddle board is designed for paddling longer distances (2+ miles). These boards are longer then all-around paddle boards and tend to have a more steam-lined profile. Thus they glide easier and move farther with each stroke.

Most touring boards will have a large deck and extra tie-downs for storing gear. And a good touring board will have plenty of float to carry that extra gear.

Read: Best inflatable touring paddle boards.

Touring paddle boards work fine for typical all-around paddling. Many people prefer a touring paddle board because they are faster than all-arounder paddle board.

Big, tall or heavy riders will feel more comfortable paddling a touring paddle board

Do I need a touring paddle board?

No. Any all-around paddle board will work fine for sup touring. If you ever get serious about paddling long distance tours you will want to consider a touring paddle board. But you don’t need one.

What equipment do I need to begin?

  • A paddleboard and paddle of course
  • Board leash (mandatory any time you paddle)
  • Cell phone in waterproof bag
  • Map or Google Earth print out and a compass
  • Plenty of water
  • Extra clothes
  • PFD personal flotation device
  • Cash or credit card

Do I have to go camping and sleep in a tent?

No. A sup tour can be one hour long. The most popular type of touring is the day trip. Packing light gear and spending the day exploring a coastline or waterway with your paddle board.

Printable day trip gear checklist

With an inflatable paddle board you can paddle all day and return on a bus, taxi, uber or train. You can paddle to a restaurant for lunch or dinner. Or pack a lunch to eat on a remote part of the coastline or an island. You can paddle back the way you came. But remember to mind the wind. A return trip paddling into the wind can turn into trouble.

There are also water trails where you can paddle from hotel to hotel to hotel and spend the night eating and sleeping in luxury.

How do I get started sup touring?

1. Start small. Start out with short day trips and work your way into longer paddles.

2. Get out on the water and paddle. You need to get your body paddling fit. The main challenge of touring is physical. So get in paddling shape.

3. Always plan your trips. It’s best if you have a map of the waterway. If you can’t get a map then go to Google Earth and zoom in on the coastline you want to explore. Spend time studying it looking in particular for good landing spots in case you want to rest. Print out a copy and take with you in a plastic zip-lock bag. And let someone know where you are going and when you plan on getting back.

4. Get a weather and wind forecast. Very important : find out the forecast for wind speed and direction. This is critical. Wind can be very dangerous to paddle boarders. Remember you will fly downwind but paddling upwind can be hard if not impossible. The wind can quickly take you where you don’t want to go and you may need to be rescued.

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  • SUP Buying Guides

Best Touring Paddle Boards | 2021 SUPs Compared

  • July 7, 2021

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2021's best touring paddle board reviews

Ideal for long-distance paddles and multi-day SUP tours, today’s best touring paddle boards offer a blend of speed, stability, and maximum glide performance…

While the majority of people are still opting for the added stability and versatility of an all-around paddle board, inflatable touring SUPs have increased in popularity over the last few seasons as more paddlers are discovering the exciting world of SUP tours, camping, and overnight expeditions.

In this freshly-updated 2021 inflatable touring SUP buyer’s guide, we’ll compare our top-picks for this year, share some tips on exactly what to look for in a touring iSUP, and answer some commonly asked questions.

Best Touring Paddle Boards Comparison Chart

Top-rated touring sup reviews, nixy monterey g4.

11’6″ x 34″ x 6″ Availability: US, Canada

Newly introduced in 2021, the NIXY Monterey G4 is designed with long distance paddling, multi-day adventures and serious fishing in mind. At 34 inches wide the Monterey is the widest board on this list, giving it an extra dose of stability for those who prefer it, but thanks to its light weight, straight tracking, and stiff design it doesn’t sacrifice any performance.

NIY Monterey G4 paddle board review - 2021 touring SUP

The Monterey is also serious about handling whatever gear you may throw at it with, we think, the most functional combined bungee cargo area square footage of the boards listed. It also has a unique toggle on the bungees allowing you to adjust the tension or remove them completely. The board also includes 18x D-rings, 10x action mounts (M8 thread), and 2x Scotty mounts for attaching even more equipment.

Like all of NIXY’s G4 boards, the Monterey features fusion laminated woven drop-stitch construction. In short this makes for a lighter paddle board that is stronger and stiffer when inflated and easier to roll up when deflated. Both side rails feature carbon fiber reinforcement for additional longitudinal stiffness and abrasion resistance. Finally, the Monterey is also the first NIXY board to feature a dual air chamber for added safety and rigidity.

Included with the NIXY Monterey is one of our favorite sets of accessories comprised of a top-rated rugged rolling SUP backpack, a carbon hybrid travel paddle, three-stage pump, 10 foot coiled leash, and repair kit.

Bottom Line: The NIXY Monterey G4 is ideal for those who want maximum storage and attachment options, prefer some extra stability, and place a premium on NIXY’s advanced, lightweight construction and top-notch accessories.

Blackfin Model V

12’6″ x 32″ x 6″ Availability: US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia

The Blackfin Model V from iROCKER has been around for several years now and has become a popular model for touring and adventure paddlers. With the addition of Scotty mounts for the BLACKFIN fishing rack in 2020, the BLACKFIN paddle boards have also become popular fishing SUPs.

Carrying the Model V on a beach.

At a foot longer than the NIXY Monterey and 2 inches narrower, the Model V provides a nice medium ground of stability between the ultra-stable Monterey and the narrower SUPs on this list. Put another way, the Model V is as wide as the average 32 inch all-around paddle board. In terms of storage, the Model V has two well-sized bungee cargo areas, if not quite as big as the Monterey’s. It also comes with 20x D-rings, 8x action mounts (M8 thread) and 2 Scotty mounts for attaching all your gear.

In terms of construction, iROCKER still uses a less advanced glued, three-layer, drop stitch construction which is reflected in it being the heaviest board on this list. However, once on the water the weight is less noticeable – maneuvering well and tracking straight. It does feature carbon fiber reinforced side rails for added stiffness and abrasion protection.

The Model V is includes BLACKFIN’s premium accessories including a nice roller backpack, carbon fiber shaft paddle (although with nylon blade), three-stage pump, 10 foot coiled leash, and repair kit.

Bottom Line:   The Blackfin Model V is a nice balance of length and width – speed and stability – along with a good compliment of features and solid accessories. It also has the benefit of being nearly universally available.

THURSO Expedition 138

11’6” x 30″ x 6″ Availability: US, Canada, UK, Europe

The THURSO Expedition 138 is another touring paddle board that has been on our top pick list for quite a while. At 11’6” long and only 30 inches wide, it’s the smallest board on this list, so it’s best suited for lighter paddlers who prefer a nimbler board or who don’t plan on carrying a large amount of cargo.

Thurso Expedition SUP being carried to ocean by a man.

The updated 2021 version now incorporates woven drop-stitch construction, like the NIXY, trimming the Expedition’s weight down to 26 pounds. It also incorporates carbon fiber reinforced siderails for longitudinal stiffness and abrasion protection.

For cargo, the Expedition sports a massive front cargo bungee area, although the rear cargo area is quite small, and like the Model V neither are adjustable or removable. The THURSO also includes 15x D-rings for attaching gear, but no Scotty mounts. It does include handy Velcro paddle mounts on both sides of the board, something we wish the NIXY and the BLACKFIN included.

As far as accessories go, THURSO is right up there with NIXY, including our favorite carbon fiber paddle, the exact same three-stage pump as the NIXY, a high quality wheeled backpack, a 10 foot coiled leash, and repair kit.

Bottom Line: THURSO’s iconic woodgrain appearance Expedition 138 provides a great option for those looking for a smaller touring paddle board.

GILI Meno 12’6”

12’6″ x 31″ x 6″ Availability: US

A new addition to our list for 2021, the GILI Meno 12’6 ” is very comparable to the BLACKFIN Model V. Both are 12’6″ long while the GILI is only an inch narrower at 31 inches wide. This gives the GILI a slight edge over the Model V on pure straight line speed while being a touch less stable – you’ll have to decide which is more important to you. It’s also worth noting that the Meno comes with a single center fin versus the Model V’s 3-fin thruster design.

Side view of paddling the Meno on a lake.

In terms of features, the Meno has 4x action mounts, and 14x D-rings, but no Scotty mounts (unlike the Model V). While the Meno’s rear cargo bungee is slightly smaller, it is removable, which we appreciate. The Meno also has Velcro paddle holders similar to the THURSO Expedition, a feature we love, although only on one side.

In terms of construction, GILI uses a similar fusion woven drop-stitch construction to NIXY, with all of the same durability, rigidity, and weight benefits you would expect. Weighing in at 24 pounds, the Meno 12’6” is the lightest board on this list.

GILI’s included accessories for the Meno 12’6 are slightly different than some its competitors. They include a choice of two different carbon fiber paddles, a set of three different center fins, a high quality rolling backpack, a three-stage pump, a 10 foot coiled leash, and a repair kit.

Bottom Line: GILI’s Meno 12’6 provides a less costly alternative to the BLACKFIN Model V, especially for paddlers who aren’t interested in Scotty mounts for accessories like fishing racks. It may even be preferred by those who would rather trade off some of the Model V’s stability for the Meno’s slightly faster speed.

Other Touring SUPs To Consider

There are a few touring paddle boards that are either new enough that we’ve not yet had a chance to try them out (but think they look promising) or which didn’t make our main list but may be a good fit for you despite the caveats.

Honu Sorrento

12’6” x 30″ x 6 “ Availability: US, Australia

We’ve not yet had the chance to test the Honu Sorrento hands-on, but based on our experience with other Honu SUPs we would expect it to be a high quality option. Honu has been selling both hard and inflatable paddle boards in Australia for nearly 20 years. They recently made the decision to go all-in on inflatable and revamped their construction and designs. In the summer of 2021 they made the leap to bring their SUPs to the US market for the first time.

Carrying the HONU Sorrento paddle board to ocean

Like several of the other top touring boards on this list, the Honu Sorrento uses fused woven drop stitch construction. This ensures the boards are strong and stiff when inflated and soft and easy to roll when deflated while keeping them as light as possible. Somewhat differently, they incorporate a carbon fiber stringer on the top and bottom of the board, rather than the side rails, for additional stiffness.

Features-wise Honu prides itself in its minimalist approach. It provides front and rear cargo bungee areas, but otherwise there are no action mounts, scotty mounts, or paddle holders. Generally their goal is to minimize the amount of hardware and clutter on the board to reduce weight and clutter, instead leaving it to you to decide if you want to add anything after you buy the board.

Bottom Line: Minimalists and ultralight enthusiasts will want to check out Honu’s Sorrento ultralight touring paddle board.

Bluefin Sprint 14

14′ x 30″ x 6″ Availability: US, UK, Europe

The Bluefin Sprint 14′ presented a bit of conundrum that kept it off our touring SUPs top pick list for 2021, but has enough positives that we still wanted to mention it for those paddlers for whom it might be a good fit.

Bluefin Sprint SUP paddle board review

First off, at 14 feet it’s quite a bit longer than any of the other boards on this list. Meanwhile being only 30 inches wide it’s fairly narrow making it less stable than we think is ideal for many touring paddlers. If you look at Bluefin’s marketing materials you’ll see right away that sometimes they list it as a touring board while at other times they pitch it as a racing board. That’s the catch – it’s something of hybrid of the two niches and honestly it is closer to an entry level racing board.

Second, the cargo storage is only average and there’s only one action mount and no paddle holder. Third, the included accessories are decidedly lower-end: fiberglass paddle, basic backpack, two-stage pump, 10 foot coiled leash, repair kit.

On the plus side, the Sprint’s dimensions means it tracks straight and goes fast. It’s also the cheapest board on this list by several hundred dollars. While we think you would be better off spending more for one of our top-rated boards for multi-day touring or cargo-heavy trips, the Bluefin Sprint could be a good budget option if you’re looking for a low-cost SUP for single-day distance trips.

Bottom Line: The Bluefin Sprint 14′ may be a worthy budget touring option if you’re primary taking day trips for distance or speed as long as you’re comfortable with a narrower board and no-frills accessories.

SUP Touring FAQs

What is a touring paddle board.

A touring SUP board is designed for paddling efficiency, carrying capacity, and stability. Faster than all-around SUPs and ideal for paddling longer distances and multi-day SUP tours, touring SUPs allow you to paddle faster without sacrificing stability as seen with boards designed for SUP racing .

Touring vs. All-Around SUP — Which is Better?

Both of these popular SUP board categories have their place and it’s impossible to say that one is better than the other in every circumstance. If you’re specifically looking to buy a SUP for touring and have no interest in other paddling activities like SUP fitness, fishing, etc., then a touring iSUP is what we’d recommend. For those who want a more versatile option and don’t mind some sacrifices in the performance department, an all-arounder makes the most sense.

What to Look for in an Inflatable Touring SUP Board?

In our touring SUP board reviews, there are several important things that we look for. First of all, the boards that we recommend the most are well-built and backed by rock-solid 2-year warranties. SUP touring can place significant demands on a board, so reliability is at the top of the list when it comes to priorities. Secondly, while there are plenty of touring iSUPs with minimalist designs, we prefer boards that come loaded with features such as bungee storage areas, plenty of D-ring tie-down points, and a variety of grab handles. Lastly, overall value is an important consideration, and all of our favorite touring paddle boards are affordably priced and include a high-quality SUP accessory bundle.

What Size Touring SUP is Best?

When it comes to SUP touring, paddling speed and tracking are far more important than maneuverability which is why we recommend longer boards. The sweet spot for touring SUP board length is 11’6” to 12’6” and the best width is 30” to 32”.

How Much Front Rocker Should a Touring SUP Have?

The question of what’s best for a touring SUP rocker depends largely on what type of conditions you’re going to be paddling in. If you’re going to be dealing with chop, wind, and waves, you’ll want a board with a larger rocker profile. For better flat water performance, a flatter rocker profile will provide more water surface contact, making it faster and delivering improved straight-line tracking.

What is SUP Camping?

SUP camping is an enjoyable activity that allows you to explore large coastlines and bodies of water over a multi-day period. A fun alternative to hiking, SUP camping trips give you the ability to access interesting new places and set up camp in breathtaking, off-the-beaten-path locations.

Who Has Touring Paddle Boards for Sale?

To find the best deal on an inflatable touring SUP, be sure to bookmark our constantly updated page of paddle board sales .

Recommended SUP Touring Gear

When it comes to SUP touring, it’s critical to understand that having the right gear is also important. While this is by no means an exhaustive list of SUP touring gear, the following accessories are a great starting point if you’re just getting involved with this exciting aspect of the sport:

  • SUP Cooler – Capable of keeping food and drinks cold for extended periods, a good cooler is one of the first things we recommend to SUP touring newcomers.
  • Waterproof Belt Pack – A piece of gear that’s worth its weight in gold, a waterproof fanny pack will keep your electronics and valuables bone dry and conveniently within arms reach at all times.
  • Dry Bag – A high-quality waterproof backpack or dry bag duffel will keep changes of clothes, towels, and other gear safe and dry, regardless of the conditions. We highly recommend YETI’s Panga waterproof backpack with its easy-to-access zipper design and airtight seal.
  • PFD – When it comes to paddleboarding in general, it should go without saying that a SUP PFD or life jacket is always a must-have accessory. Whether you’re embarking on a challenging SUP tour or just going out for a quick paddle, don’t leave shore without it.

Final Thoughts

While most people who are looking to buy an inflatable paddle board will continue to choose an all-around SUP because of the increased stability and overall versatility, touring SUPs are becoming more popular as our sport continues to evolve. Preferred for long-distance paddles and multi-day SUP tours, inflatable touring paddle boards are fast, fun, and can transport a ton of gear. If you’re serious about taking your paddling adventures to the next level, each of this year’s recommended touring boards will help you to do just that.

More Inflatable SUP Buying Guides

Get our top pick recommendations for the best inflatable paddle boards in our buyers guides based on our own hands-on testing and reader feedback.

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The definitive guide to sup camping/touring.

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Choosing A Destination

Where do you want to go?  We suggest planning a location and time that fits with your experience level.  If you are an unexperienced camper or paddler, consider destinations that are closer to civilization.  Consider water conditions (chop, currents, etc), weather (precipitation, heat/cold), etc, and be realistic in how much water you can cover in a day.  Plan ahead and according to conditions and your skill level.

Once you decide on the location of your trip be sure to get a good map for the area. If using a GPS - print out a backup of your route.  Map out locations of interest, distances, put-in and take-out points, camping spots and safety check points. Consider adding extra time just in case something happens or you want to explore in one spot a little longer.

sup tour amper

Choosing a Board

Any board will work for touring, but some work way better then others.  Here's some basic rules:

1. Longer boards are better (track straighter, go faster)

2. Single long fins are better then fixed, multi-fin set ups (for better tracking)

3. Tie downs - the more the better with sturdy bungie cords or ropes

4. Thickness - the longer and thicker the higher the volume of cargo the board can handle.  

Our favourite touring boards are the Red Paddle 13'2 Voyager+  and the Red Paddle 12'6 Voyager .  The 13'2 has more tie down points and bungie cord to hold things down and is a little faster due it's shorter width and extra length.

Pack and Test Your Gear

Once you've gotten a board and gear - test them out ahead of time.  Set up your hammock or tent in your yard.  Try packing your gear into your dry bags (grouping items together that will be used together) and attaching them to your board securely.  If a storm comes up, you want everything to stay together on your board if you capsize. Put small, often used items like water, cameras, GPS, etc in an easy to access place.   You never know when bad weather will pop up so keep your rain gear out and ready where it’s easy to grab.  Test out your stove and cooking supplies.  

For flat water, distribute the weight of your gear evenly between back and front.  If you expect a lot of whitewater, many people like putting the weight in the front - something you experiment with to see what works best for you.

Plan your Meals and Hydration

Food and water are items that are heavy and take up a lot of your limited cargo space so planning ahead and making sure you have enough food (and little extra)for every day that you’re away is very important.

Depending on location it’s possible that you can get away with bringing a water filter (which saves a ton of space and weight on your board). But if you’re on the ocean, bringing water might be a better option. Always bring more water than you think you will need if you go open sea or off the grid.   On the ocean you cannot find drinking water,  so bring more than you think you will need, in multiple containers which are all connected to your grab line. 

We suggest creating a meal plan for each day of your trip and carry the proper water filtration. To save space, learn from your hiking friends ( or backpacking communities ) the secrets of nutritious and delicious meal planning.

sup tour amper

Safety Considerations

Your safety and the safety of others on your SUP expeditions is your number one priority. Having safety gear such as leashes, PFD’s, first aid kits, etc. are all necessary items to ensure your safety when on the water.  You may also wish to consider a satellite phone or tracker if you are going into very remote areas.

Also, consider carefully the idea of SUP camping solo.  While solo camping can be exciting and deeply fulfilling - it is best considered for veteran SUP campers who plan accordingly for the increased dangers of being on one's own in deep water.

Make sure you go on the water or any kind of adventure - make sure you have  a good safety plan (aka “Float Plan”) and leave it with family or friends.  This plan lets them know your departure and return times, your trip route, where your vehicle will be, and when to contact search and rescue if you do not return by your end time.

sup tour amper

SUP Camping: What to Bring

Obviously you can't carry nearly as much gear on a SUP as you can with a canoe or even a kayak so choosing light and essential gear is important.  Overnight and multi-night SUP trips require you to strap all your gear to your board so it is important to pack light and invest in some good dry bags to keep your equipment and supplies dry.  The following is the complete list of stuff we bring with us.  This list isn't everything you could take but covers all the basics and a few wise extras - we've also included an example or two of our favourites in each category. 

Bags & Packs

  • Main dry bag – Overboard 60 liter duffel
  • Smaller dry bags, 30 litre for sleeping bag and hammock, 10 litre for clothes  Red Paddle Co 30L Dry Bag , SealLine Baja 20 Liter Dry Bag
  • Day Pack – Thule Enroute Daypack

Sleep System

  • Camping Hammock – Hennessy Hammock Explorer Assym Zip
  • Sleeping Bag or Quilt – KSB 20 DOWN SLEEPING BAG
  • Water Filter – Platypus GravityWorks Filter System, 4-Liter
  • Water Bottle – Nalgene BPA Free Tritan Wide Mouth Water Bottle, 32 Oz
  • Water bladder for day pack – Platypus  BIG ZIP LP 3L

Camp Kitchen

  • Cook Stove – Optimus Elektra Fe Cook Sytstem
  • Camp Kitchen – GSI Destination Kitchen Set 24, GSI Fairshare Mug, Vargo Titanium Cuttlery Set, GSI Infinity 4 Person Compact Tableset
  • Soap for cleanup – Campsuds
  • Hiking Boots – 
  • Underwear x 3
  • Socks – 2x lightweight hiking socks
  • Shirts x 3 (short sleeve,long sleeve, rash guard)
  • Printed maps


  • Lantern – Black Diamond Apollo Lantern
  • Headlamp – Black Diamond Storm Head Lamp
  • PFD or Inflatable PFD Belt: MTI Fluid 2.0
  • Extra Break Down Paddle
  • Waterproof Sunscreen
  • Insect Repellant
  • Extra 3 piece paddle (backup)
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Best Touring Paddle Boards of 2023

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12'6" Quetico

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14'0" Quetico

THE 10 BEST Moscow Tours & Excursions

Moscow tours.

  • Private Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3rd Transport Ring (TTK)
  • District Central (TsAO)
  • Garden Ring
  • Boulevard Ring
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Couples
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Kids
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Hidden Gems
  • Adventurous
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

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1. Moscow Private Tours


2. Mosstreets


3. Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer


4. Flotilla Radisson Royal


5. Moscow Free Tour


6. Bridge to Moscow


7. Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours


8. Go Russia Travel Company


10. City Pub Crawl Moscow


11. Privilege Tour


13. Moscow Navigator


14. Trans-Siberian Railway Network


15. Put-in Tours


16. Moscow River Boat Tours


17. Walks With Folks


18. Moskovskiye Gulyaki

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19. Moscow Bike Tours


20. Real Russia


22. Happy Moscow Tours


23. Tour of Moscow - Day Tours


24. Kremlin Tour


25. Three Whales


26. Guia de Moscú


27. Sup-Club

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28. Tsar Visit


29. Excursions in Russia


30. IdeaGuide - Your Personal Guide in Moscow


What travelers are saying


  • The Red Arrow
  • Put-in Tours
  • Spanish Guide Moscow - Day Tours
  • Walks With Folks
  • Happy Moscow Tours
  • IdeaGuide - Your Personal Guide in Moscow
  • Moscow Private Tours
  • Moscow Bike Tours
  • Tour Gratis Moscu
  • Moscow Free Tour
  • YourLocalGuide Moscow
  • Moscow Navigator
  • Moscow through the Eyes of an Engineer
  • Angel Taxi - Day Tour
  • Your Moscow Guide & Driver
  • Gulyayem po Moskve
  • Tanksdriving
  • PandaPark Fili
  • Excursions in Russia
  • Vadim Pavlov Guide and Driver in Moscow

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Our 20 Best Moscow Day Tours of 2022

See all that Moscow has to offer by choosing one or more of our incredible Moscow day tours. Visit Red Square , St. Basil’s , the Kremlin or perhaps a vodka museum and the fantastic Moscow metro system , we have it all. Our expert, informative and fun guides will help you get to know Europe’s largest city. Please click on the day tour details to learn more or contact us for more information about our Moscow tours using the form at the side of the page.  You can also schedule a call with one of our Russian travel specialists to learn more.

City Tour of Moscow

Head to the heart of Moscow with a professional guide on a 4-hour private walk through the city center. See Tverskaya and Old Arbat streets, Theatre Square with the world-famous Bolshoi Theatre, and the former KGB headquarters...

  • Schedule Daily 09:00 - 20:00
  • Languages English-speaking guide is guaranteed. Other languages are on request.
  • Walking tours Transportation is not included
  • PRIVATE TOUR This is a private tour, there won't be other people in your group

City Tour with Visit to St. Basils & Red Sq. with transport

Panoramic City Tour. This Moscow tour is a great start to your trip and the best way to get acquainted with many of the city’s major highlights. Our professional guide will escort you on a route that includes Vorobyevi...

  • Schedule Daily 09:00 - 18:00
  • Tours by car Transportation by private car/minivan is included

Jewish Heritage of Moscow Tour

This tour offers a detailed look into the history and present-day life of the Jewish community of Moscow. On the tour, you will visit sites connected with the cultural and religious life of different Jewish families, as well...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday 11:00 - 20:00 Friday 10:00 - 14:00 Saturday not available

Soviet and Post-Soviet Moscow Tour

The tour begins with a drive or walk down Tverskaya Street – a Soviet masterpiece. In the years of Soviet power, Tverskaya began to undergo a transformation: it was widened to two and a half times its original size,...

KGB Tour with transport

This is a very interesting and insightful tour. You will visit places connected with Stalin’s terror - a time of great repression and fear. You will be shown monuments to the victims of the repression. You will then...

Old Arbat walking tour

You will be told of the street’s interesting history and view the street’s artisan culture. You will also have the opportunity to view and purchase souvenirs from the street’s many craftsmen....

Kremlin, Red Square and Cathedrals Tour

The Kremlin is truly a fascinating structure, at the same time it is an ancient tower, the city’s former military fortification, a palace, an armory, the sovereign treasury and the workplace of the Russian President....

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00 Thursday not available

Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Diamond Fund Tour

This world-famous gallery contains masterpieces of Russian art beginning in the 10th century up until today. You will view exquisite Russian icons and paintings from the 18th and 19th century including works by Rublyov, Karavak,...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00 Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10:00 - 20:00

Novodevichy Convent Tour with transport

Tour of the Novodevichy Monastery. Founded in 1524 by Grand Prince VasiliIoanovich, the original convent was enclosed by fortified walls and contained 12 towers. The structure served as a convent for women of noble birth...

  • Schedule Daily 09:00 - 17:00

Moscow Metro walking tour

The Moscow Metro is one of the largest and most grandly built metro systems in the world. It was meant to be a showcase of the Soviet Union’s achievements for both the Russians themselves and for visitors from abroad....

  • Schedule Daily 10:00 - 17:00

Kolomenskoye Tour with transport

The history of Kolomenskoye stretches back for centuries. In 1380, Dmitri Donskoi’s army passed through Kolomenskoye on their way to the Kulikovo battlefield, and it was here that Donskoi celebrated his victory over...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00 Saturday 11:00 - 18:00

Tour to Sergiev Posad with transport

Considered by some to be the Russian Vatican, Sergiev Posad is the temporary residence of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Trinity St. Sergius Monastery (Lavra) was built in the first half of the 1340s by...

Tour to Tsaritsyno with transport

The Tsaritsyno Estate is located in the southern part of Moscow. The estate was constructed for Catherine the Great by the Russian architects Bazhenov and Kazakov in a romantic gothic style. The complex includes a landscape...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 11:00 - 17:00 Saturday 11:00 - 19:00 Sunday 11:00 - 18:00

Tour to Kuskovo with transport

The Kuskovo Estate often called the Moscow Versailles due to its perfectly preserved French park, is an example of an 18th century, luxurious Moscow summer residence. Its history dates back to 1715, when the village of Kuskovo...

  • Schedule Monday, Tuesday not available Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

Moscow Metro and Old Arbat Tour

Vodka is an important component of Russian life, an element of national identity and everyday culture. We invite you to visit the Vodka Museum and feel the atmosphere of long-gone centuries. You will get to know the story...

  • Schedule Daily 10:00 - 19:00

Vodka Museum Tour with transport (excursion and vodka tasting)

Take this opportunity to learn more about the Russian writer Lev Tolstoy. During the visit to the museum you will see part of a vast collection of exhibits connected to Tolstoy and his family including books and personal...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00 Thursday 12:00 - 19:00

Mikhail Bulgakov Apartment Museum

This apartment museum located close to Patriarch Ponds became the prototype of the "bad apartment" described in the novel "The Master and Margarita." Currently the museum's collection includes more than three thousand...

  • Schedule Monday not available Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 12:00 - 19:00 Thursday 14:00 - 21:00

Express to Russia specializes in Moscow city excursions, an essential part of your Moscow travel itinerary. We offer a large variety of day excursions throughout Moscow and its suburbs. From  Red Square  and the  Kremlin  to a city tour of Moscow’s  Old Arbat Street  or the  Moscow metro , an excursion specializing in Stalin and the KGB and much more. No travel to Moscow is complete without taking a few of our day tours that most meet your interest in Russia.

Moscow City Tours

Our Moscow day excursions can be organized on foot or with transport. All of our excursions are led by an experienced guide, specializing in the subject matter of the tour. Excursions are privately run and can be booked for 1 traveler all the way up to large groups of travelers. We run our Moscow city tours in every season. This is because travel to Moscow is excellent in any season. In the summer take a stroll through  Gorky Park  or take a riverboat tour along the Moskva River. In the winter, see Moscow’s winter wonderland of ice and snow and then settle in for a cozy lunch or dinner with a hot bowl of borsht. In winter, spring and fall, you can beat the crowds at all of Moscow’s main attractions and museums. Regardless of when you come, Express to Russia will make sure that your trip is one of your best vacations ever.

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Guided paddleboarding (SUP) mangrove ECO tour for beginners


Taxes and fees will be calculated at checkout

Join us on a easy padlleboarding tour along the Spanish water mangroves. The mangroves are a nursery for many species of birds and sea live. This tour includes instruction so it's suitable for beginners as well as fun for advanced paddleboarders. Your guide will take pictures you will get for free. During the break we provide a snack and some water. In total it takes about 2 hours.

Ticket Options

2 Options Available

Without pickup: $64

Including pickup: $85

Pickup: Includes transportation from and to hotel / cruise terminal Pickup included

Ticket Information

  • Mobile or paper ticket accepted
  • One per booking

What's Included

  • All taxes, fees and handling charges
  • Driver/guide
  • Pictures of the tour

What's not Included

  • Food and drinks, unless specified

Cancellation Policy

  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.

Additional Info

  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Service animals allowed
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • All participants must be able to swim
  • May be operated by a multi-lingual guide
  • A minimum of 2 people per booking is required
  • Children under 11 can go with adult for free, however pickup/dropoff fee will have to be charged if applicable.
  • Pickup ONLY available in Jan Thiel Area, Seaquarium Area, Punda Area, Otrabanda Area, Salina Area, Piscadera Area

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sup tour amper

Moscow Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025

Our 60 most popular moscow trips. compare tour itineraries from 45 tour companies. 308 reviews. 4.7/5 avg rating., popular moscow tours.

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Winter

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Winter

  • Explore the majestic St Petersburg & Moscow on private city tours
  • Admire the rich Russian history, art and architecture
  • Travel to Moscow on a highspeed train
  • Enjoy the local cuisine in stylish restaurants

Lower Volga Voyage

Lower Volga Voyage

  • Visit magnificent Red Square and Kremlin and examine the collection at theKremlin’s State Armory.
  • Experience Russia’s diverse musical traditions at lively folk music performances
  • Explore Volgograd, the site of the decisive battle of World War II’s eastern front

Volga Dream Russian River Cruise

Volga Dream Russian River Cruise

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Summer

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Summer

White Russian - 7 days

White Russian - 7 days

  • Discover Moscow's UNESCO-listed Red Square, home to spectacular St Basil’s Cathedral, Lenin's Mausoleum and the historic GUM Department store
  • Explore the grounds of Moscow's mighty Kremlin, with its numerous governmentbuildings, gold-domed cathedrals and the giant tsar bell
  • Celebrate New Year's Eve in Moscow!
  • Take in the highlights of St Petersburg including a guided tour of the exquisite Church on Spilled Blood, Peter & Paul Fortress and Cathedral
  • Take a guided tour of the remarkable Hermitage Museum at the Winter Palace

Vodka Shot - 6 days

Vodka Shot - 6 days

  • Explore the beautiful city of St Petersburg, including the exquisite Church on Spilled Blood, Peter & Paul Fortress and Nevsky Prospekt
  • Marvel at the dazzling array of art and exhibits in the world-famous Hermitage Museum, at the Winter Palace in St Petersburg
  • Discover a lavish residence of the tsars on a day trip to Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo (winter: mid-October to April) or Peterhof Palace and gardens (summer: May to mid-October)
  • Take in the highlights of the capital on a walking tour, visiting Moscow's famous Red Square, home to the historic GUM Department Store, Lenin’s Mausoleum and spectacular St Basil’s Cathedral
  • Take a guided tour of the Moscow Kremlin, Russia’s political power house. Stroll around the grounds of this fortified complex, visit the Kremlin's cathedrals and see the mighty Tsar Bell

Route of the Romanovs - 10 days

Route of the Romanovs - 10 days

  • Learn about the last days of the Romanovs in Yekaterinburg, visiting the sites where Tsar Nicolas II and his family were assassinated and buried
  • Straddle two continents at the famous obelisk Europe/Asia border marker in Yekaterinburg
  • Experience the Trans-Siberian railway on an overnight train journey from Moscow to Yekaterinburg

New Year's in Moscow - 9 days

New Year's in Moscow - 9 days

  • Visit Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo on Christmas Day and marvel at the incredible Amber Room
  • Spend a night in Novgorod, an ancient city by the Volkhov River - explore the kremlin, cathedral and other sights and enjoy a traditional Russian banya (sauna)

All Moscow , expedition cruises, self guided adventures and vacation packages. Find the best guided and expert planned vacation and holiday packages. Read more about Moscow

sup tour amper

Small Group Moscow Tours

Small Group Moscow Tours

Back in the USSR - 7 days

Russian Revolution - 9 days

Russian Revolution - 9 days

  • Visit historic Novgorod, an ancient city which straddles the Volkhov River. Explore the attractive riverside kremlin and experience a traditional Russian banya (sauna)

The Snowball - 6 days

The Snowball - 6 days

  • Visit Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo and marvel at the incredible Amber Room

Mood for Moscow - 4 days

Mood for Moscow - 4 days

  • Head underground to visit a Stalinist-era Soviet Bunker on an optional excursion
  • Stroll to the vibrant Izmailovo Market, which lies behind the walls of an ancient Kremlin, and shop for an array of souvenirs

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Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

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Moscow reviews & ratings, capitals of the north.

some hotels could have been better

It was jam packed with every place I wanted to go and see. I especially love my photo of us setting out on the night time river cruise in St Petersburg and the Peter...

I really did not buy much and what I did buy was small gifts for others .


Good hotels, some better than others. Interesting itinerary

Too rushed. Optional tour rather too short

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  1. SUP-Tour vom Ammersee auf die Amper

    sup tour amper

  2. SUP-Tour vom Ammersee auf die Amper

    sup tour amper

  3. SUP-Tour vom Ammersee auf die Amper

    sup tour amper

  4. SUP Tour auf der Amper bei München

    sup tour amper

  5. SUP-Tour vom Ammersee auf die Amper

    sup tour amper

  6. SUP-Tour vom Ammersee auf die Amper

    sup tour amper


  1. SUP-Tour vom Ammersee auf die Amper

    Die Tour mit Start in Eching am Ammersee und Ende in Grafrath hat dann eine Länge von etwas weniger als 10 Kilometern, was mit der Strömung auf der Amper ab Stegen problemlos machbar ist. Wer unberührte Natur in vollkommener Stille auf dem SUP erleben möchte, der sollte nächsten Sommer eine SUP-Tour auf der Amper einplanen.

  2. SUP Tour: Auf der Amper von Schöngeising nach Dachau

    Das kommt billiger. Detaillierte Infos zur Strecke findet Ihr in den Bildern von der Tour. Unbedingt beachten: Während der Brutzeit der Vögel vom 1. März bis zum 15. Juli ist das Befahren der Amper zwischen Stegen am Ammersee und Grafrath und zwischen Schöngeising und Fürstenfeldbruck streng verboten. Strecke (26,9 km 6:00 Std)

  3. SUP Ammersee: Die 6 besten SUP Touren + SUP Stationen

    #2 SUP-Tour vom Ammersee auf die Amper. Edelmauswaldgeist, Amper Ammersee, Scaling by, CC BY-SA 4.0. Länge: ca. 13 Kilometer; ... Zeitraum: Mai bis Oktober; Befahrungsverbot vom 1.3.-15.7. auf der Amper wegen Naturschutz beachten! Auf dieser SUP Tour kann man gleich zwei Gewässer erkunden. Gestartet wird auf dem Ammersee ...

  4. SUP Tour Sohlrampenrodeo auf der Amper

    Eine sehr abwechslungsreiche Fluss und Wildwasser SUP Tour . Mitten in Fürstenfeldbruck startet die Fahrt und geht mit zügiger Strömung durch eine schöne Wal...

  5. SUP-Flusstour auf der Amper / Ammersee / Herrsching / WikiWakiWu

    Beschreibung. Wir fahren gemeinsam die Amper ab! Dieses Highlight wird Dir noch lange ein dickes Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern! Wie läuft alles ab!? Wir fahren mit einer Gruppe von 4 - 10x Personen. Treffpunkt ist entweder an unserer Station, oder eben am Einstieg bei Stegen, Inning am Ammersee oder sogar beim Ziel der AmperOase in ...

  6. SUP Tour Amper Dachau

    White Water Übungstour auf der Amper

  7. SUP Tour Ammersee und Amper

    20 herrliche Kilometer von Eching bis Fürstenfeld - Bruck , über den Ammersee in die Amper , durch das Ampermoos und weiter. Schwierigkeit WW 1 Sohlrampen WW...

  8. The Ultimate Glide Experience: Touring SUP Unveiled

    February 2022. Embark on a journey of discovery with your SUP, where every stroke through the water promises a new horizon to explore. Glide's touring paddle boards are your steadfast companions on this voyage, engineered for the adventurers who find solace in the rhythm of paddling and the allure of uncharted waters.

  9. Best Touring Stand Up Paddle Boards 2022

    Overall, the Touring is a great option for paddlers looking for a touring SUP that sits in the mid-tier price point, uses quality materials, is stable AND is eco-friendly so it's a no brainer to award the Touring with Supconnect's A-grade. See our full review HERE. Price: $1,499. Build: Non-Inflatable.

  10. Best Touring SUPs 2024

    Sitting near the top of our list of best touring SUPs for 2024 is the BLACKFIN Model V. This 12'6 long, 32" wide, 2+1 fin set-up SUP is super stable on the water without sacrificing that classic touring board speed. It is a heavier board at 29 lbs, but that's due to its durable triple layer PVC construction.

  11. What Is SUP Touring?

    No. A sup tour can be one hour long. The most popular type of touring is the day trip. Packing light gear and spending the day exploring a coastline or waterway with your paddle board. Printable day trip gear checklist. With an inflatable paddle board you can paddle all day and return on a bus, taxi, uber or train. You can paddle to a ...

  12. Best Touring Paddle Boards

    Top-Rated Touring SUP Reviews NIXY Monterey G4. 11'6″ x 34″ x 6″ Availability: US, Canada Newly introduced in 2021, the NIXY Monterey G4 is designed with long distance paddling, multi-day adventures and serious fishing in mind. At 34 inches wide the Monterey is the widest board on this list, giving it an extra dose of stability for those who prefer it, but thanks to its light weight ...

  13. SUP Tour Amper Kranzberg bis Zolling

    Durch die vielen Videos vom Hans #maratokambo inspiriert , stand die Amper und speziell die deftige Sohlrampe von Allershausen schon lange auf der Wunschlist...

  14. The Definitive Guide to SUP Camping/Touring

    3. Tie downs - the more the better with sturdy bungie cords or ropes. 4. Thickness - the longer and thicker the higher the volume of cargo the board can handle. Our favourite touring boards are the Red Paddle 13'2 Voyager+ and the Red Paddle 12'6 Voyager. The 13'2 has more tie down points and bungie cord to hold things down and is a little ...

  15. Best Touring Paddle Boards of 2023

    11'6" Journey by Grey Duck. Tao Tour Air-Glide Inflatable 11'0" x 32" by SIC Maui. NRS Escape 12'6" Inflatable SUP Board by NRS. NeedleNose™ 126 iSUP by Sea Eagle Inflatables. Traveller 12'6" by BOTE Boards. 12'6" x 31" Touring by Starboard SUP. 13'2" Voyager+ MSL by Red Paddle Co. 14'0" x 30" Touring Inflatable by Starboard SUP.

  16. SUP Camping: A Paddle Board Camping Guide

    You can use your SUP paddle as a pole for the tarp and even prop up your board on its side to form extra shelter at ground level. For more information read our tarp camping article and our guide to bivvying. Hammock camping is a superb choice if you are exploring forested shorelines or riversides.

  17. THE 10 BEST Moscow Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    1. Moscow Private Tours. 1,301. City Tours • Historical & Heritage Tours. Red Square & Kitay-gorod. By youonec. I would highly recommend this company; the guides and services they offer an excellent one-on-one tours around Moscow. 2. Mosstreets.

  18. The 20 Best Moscow Day Tours of 2022

    Kremlin, Red Sq., Cathedrals & Armory Tour. 4 hours. The Kremlin is truly a fascinating structure, at the same time it is an ancient tower, the city's former military fortification, a palace, an armory, the sovereign treasury and the workplace of the Russian President.... $ 112 From/Per person. Details.

  19. SUP Tour auf Amper und Isar

    Eine Flusstour von Zolling an der Amper bis Schapolterau an der Isar .Auf der Tour sind einige Sohlrampen , die aber bei geringen Pegelstand nur schlecht zu ...

  20. Guided paddleboarding (SUP) mangrove ECO tour for beginners

    Join us on a easy padlleboarding tour along the Spanish water mangroves. The mangroves are a nursery for many species of birds and sea live. This tour includes instruction so it's suitable for beginners as well as fun for advanced paddleboarders. Your guide will take pictures you will get for free. During the break we provide a snack and some ...

  21. Top Moscow Tours & Vacations 2024/2025 [reviews & photos]

    Moscow Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025. Our 60 most popular Moscow trips. Compare tour itineraries from 45 tour companies. 308 reviews. 4.7/5 avg rating. Choose your trip style:

  22. SUP Flusswandern mit Übernachtung

    Wir haben unsere SUPs zum Kajak umgebaut, um 2 Tage auf einem kleinen Fluss in Mitteldeutschland zu paddeln und unter freiem Himmel zu übernachten.Urig-roman...

  23. Walking Tour: Central Moscow from the Arbat to the Kremlin

    This tour of Moscow's center takes you from one of Moscow's oldest streets to its newest park through both real and fictional history, hitting the Kremlin, some illustrious shopping centers, architectural curiosities, and some of the city's finest snacks. Start on the Arbat, Moscow's mile-long pedestrianized shopping and eating artery ...