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Ho trovato per caso. Mi hanno portato in Giappone!

Ho trovato per caso. Stavo prenotando per il Giappone, una follia, di quelle da prenotarsi all'ultimo: costo super vantaggioso, servizio eccellente: mi hanno fornito l'assistenza telefonica, via e-mail e pec (!!!), mandandomi tutto quanto ciò di cui avevo bisogno, non solo: hanno anche aggiornato la mia pratica col nr. di passaporto, una volta ottenuto in urgenza, direttamente con la Compagnia aerea. Naturalmente, considerati i molteplici commenti negativi che ho letto, non posso che essere sicuro del fatto che l'utente medio - il quale in qualche modo deve sfogare la propria frustrazione - non ha capito che è un mero procuratore di biglietti! C'è anche scritto! In ogni caso mi ritengo completamente soddisfatto e ci tenevo a pubblicare tale commento, affinché, chi davvero capisce, possa essere sicuro di affidarsi ad un'agenzia affidabile e collaborativa. 10/10!

Data dell'esperienza : 10 aprile 2024

Risposta di

Gentile Francesco, grazie per la sua valutazione e per la condivisione della sua esperienza. I nostri team lavorano costantemente per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza possibile. Siamo molto felici che lei sia soddisfatto della sua esperienza con noi e del servizio offerto. Speriamo di vederla presto su per il suo prossimo viaggio! Non esiti a contattarci per qualsiasi necessità. Grazie

La più brutta esperienza da quando…

La più brutta esperienza da quando viaggio. assistenza telefonica INESISTENTE. Ho rischiato di non partire. Mi spiace che per poter fare una recensione bisogna mettere almeno una stella, metterla è fargli i complimenti!!! Dire che è sconsigliata e dire poco. Statene alla larga. Hanno avuto anche il coraggio di rispondere a questa recensione dicendomi che hanno risposto tempestivamente al mio problema quando sono stato io a contattare l'altra agenzia affiliata la "Easy market" che hanno poi provveduto.

Data dell'esperienza : 05 aprile 2024

Gentile Giuseppe, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Ci risulta da storico ticket aver ricevuto tempestivamente assistenza da parte dei nostri operatori quando ne ha fatto richiesta. A disposizione, grazie!!

Disonesti. Bisogna avvisare l'associazione per i consumatori. Poi se ne vengono con il "ci dispiace". Io per la fretta ho spesso €400 euro in piu. Perche dicono di essere i piu económici. Il bagaglio da stiva te lo fanno pagare letteralmente 3 volte. Non solo, al check out per il pagamento aumentano il prezzo "all'improvviso". Poi andando a vedere altro...dopo aver pagato, ho realizzato di aver avuto "la sola". Avete perso dei clienti. Siete vergognosi, fuorvianti, furbi, truffaldini. 1 stella è troppo.

Gentile cliente, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. Siamo spiacenti che la tariffa selezionata al momento della ricerca non sia stata più disponibile in fase di booking, tuttavia, per chiarezza ogni variazione di prezzo viene sempre e comunque segnalata in un momento precedente alla conferma dell'autorizzazione del pagamento, perseguendo la massima tutela del consumatore. A disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento necessario, grazie!

Non mi sono trovato bene i prezzi cambiano nel momento in cui clicchi l'offerta, sia se lo fai con Sky Scanner sia se lo fai da loro sito! Lasciate stare.

Non mi sono trovato bene, monitoravo un volo da alcuni giorni e volevo prenderlo da loro, alla fine ieri di Martedi sera, (giornata migliore per prendere i biglietti aerei) su Sky Scanner usciva il prezzo del biglietti a 721€ per persona quindi, 1442€ per due persone, alla fine quando ci cliccavi e ti indirizzava sul loro sito magicamente il prezzo diventava 1670, in alcuni casi anche 1720€. Ho provato in incognito cambiando Vpn, le ho provate tutte ma alla fine con loro c'era sempre questo gioco. Cliccavi da Sky Scanner e aumentava subito dopo il prezzo, andavi in incognito sul loro sito senza passare per Sky Scanner e avevi un altro prezzo. Alla fine l'ho preso con un altro partner che mi proponeva il biglietto a 730€ a persona in due 1460€ e cosi è stato! Purtroppo volevo provali nonostante le recensioni poco positive, ma volevo tentare con loro perché mi serviva la fattura, dato che era un viaggio che dovevo fare con la mia azienda e loro sembra la facessero, ma ci ho rinunciato! Non sono seri, andate se potete su altri siti! L'ho prontamente segnalato anche a SkyScanner. Se dovranno rivedermi minimo dovranno propormi uno sconto, altrimenti questa è l'amara verità. Utente con mail registrata sul loro sito! Metto due stelle nel rispetto magari di quelle persone brave che lavoreranno per loro, ma purtroppo la mia esperienza è stata molto negativa. Non è serio cosi!

Data dell'esperienza : 19 marzo 2024

Gentile Tiziano, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. Siamo spiacenti che la tariffa selezionata al momento della ricerca non sia stata più disponibile in fase di booking, tuttavia, per chiarezza ogni variazione di prezzo viene sempre e comunque segnalata in un momento precedente alla conferma dell'autorizzazione del pagamento, perseguendo la massima tutela del consumatore. A disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento necessario, grazie!

impossibile contattare l'assistenza

impossibile contattare l'assistenza : motivazione Errore Imprevisto per via telefonica: operatori occupati quando finalmente sono riuscito a contattare un operatore (gentilissimo)mi comunica che il cambio data a 130 giorni di distanza costa di più del biglietto.... inutile dire quali sono le conclusioni...

Data dell'esperienza : 21 marzo 2024

Gentile Edoardo, ci scusiamo per il disagio tecnico di queste ore, ne siamo al corrente ed i nostri tecnici stanno lavorando alla risoluzione del problema in area riservata. Intanto le suggerisco di aprire un ticket dal form della pagina contatti: Con riferimento al tema modifiche vengono seguite le regole tariffarie del biglietto acquistato e ricerchiamo sempre la migliore alternativa disponibile, ci spiace se nel suo caso non vi siano disponibilità e tariffe favorevoli. Siamo a sua completa disposizione, grazie!


Pessimi! A distanza di 10 mesi dalla cancellazione dei voli noi non abbiamo mai avuto indietro i soldi! Loro tutto questo tempo ci raccontano che è la colpa di compagnia aerea che trattiene i soldi - bugia, perché i nostri amici hanno prenotato stessi voli direttamente dal sito ufficiale ed entro 3 mesi hanno avuto il rimborso completo. Solo noi che ci siamo affidati ai ladri dopo quasi 1 anno non abbiamo visto nulla indietro. Che non vi venisse in mente di comprare qualsiasi servizio tramite loro! TRUFFA GARANTITA!

Data dell'esperienza : 12 maggio 2023

Gentile cliente, come riferitole dal nostro reparto operativo siamo a riferirle che siamo in attesa di avere istruzioni al riguardo per via della attuale non operatività della compagnia in oggetto. Non appena avremo aggiornamenti riceverà nostra comunicazione. A sua completa disposizione, Grazie!

Disonesti e truffaldini:

Disonesti e truffaldini: Prima il loro prezzo è il migliore, alla fine appena prima di confermare il pagamento, stranamente il prezzo è aumentato! Ma non sugli altri siti! DISONESTI!! E pare proprio che io non sia stato l'unica vittima!! Per fortuna ho bloccato l'acquisto cercato con altri operatori e voilà con solo 1 euro in più ho evitato di spendere al momento del conto 200 euro in più a sorpresa con risparmio di 199 euro! Stavano comprando 3 biglietti ed esattamente alla fine ci hanno aumentato il prezzo, perdendo solo tempo.

Data dell'esperienza : 17 marzo 2024

Ragazzi , io ho fatto uno sbaglio, prima ho pagato 2000€ di volo per addis ababa in ethiopia e poi ho guardato le recensioni . Leggendo le recensioni ero in paranoia per niente ,tutto è andato alla grande , conferma del volo , arrivata subito, biglietti dopo qualche giorno , ho avuto modo di chattare con loro e mi hanno risposto subito quando chiedevo informazioni, ero in ritardo per fare i check in online, li ho richiesti il giorno prima della partenza ,dopo 20 minuti dalla mia email tutto fatto . Servizio perfetto , nessun problema , ottimo !

Data dell'esperienza : 22 dicembre 2023

Gentile Giuseppe buongiorno, grazie per la sua valutazione, è molto importante per noi! Speriamo di vederla presto su per il suo prossimo viaggio! Cordiali saluti

Pessimi stavano comprando 4 biglietti ed esattamente alla fine ci hanno aumentato il prezzo ... abbiamo perso tempo e ci hanno fatto arrabbiare ... Non ci è mai successo abbiamo acquistato centinaia di biglietti aerei in vita nostra ...

Data dell'esperienza : 08 marzo 2024

Gentile Nadia, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. Siamo spiacenti che la tariffa selezionata al momento della ricerca non sia stata più disponibile in fase di booking, tuttavia, per chiarezza ogni variazione di prezzo viene sempre e comunque segnalata in un momento precedente alla conferma dell'autorizzazione del pagamento, perseguendo la massima tutela del consumatore. A disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento necessario, grazie!

Ho acquistato una camera d'albergo in Grecia. Al momento è andato tutto bene, prezzo confermato. Mi riservo di rettificare il giudizio dopo la vacanza. Di certo non comprerei un biglietto aereo fuori dal sito del vettore.

Data dell'esperienza : 10 febbraio 2024

Gentile Maurizio, grazie per la tua valutazione, è molto importante per noi! Speriamo di vederti presto su per il tuo prossimo viaggio!

Ho la mail con conferma di prenotazione…

. RISOLTO CON L'ASSISTENZA LOLTRAVEL BUSINESS TRAMITE FB Trovato I BIGLIETTI, MA IL SITO ANDREBBE RIVISTO COMPLETAMENTE Ho la mail con conferma di prenotazione del 13 Dicembre,ma non è arrivata la mail con i biglietti e nell'area personale non risulta nulla.assistenza non risponde

Data dell'esperienza : 16 gennaio 2024

Gentile Simona, grazie per la sua valutazione, tuttavia la informiamo che una volta effettuato l'acquisto si riceve una prima conferma d'ordine all'indirizzo email inserito in fase di prenotazione. Il nostro sistema invia automaticamente per email il documento del biglietto entro qualche giorno, nel suo caso sono già stati emessi ed inviati all'indirizzo e-mail utilizzato per effettuare la prenotazione. Può accedere alla sua area personale in ogni momento per visualizzare e disporre della sua prenotazione. Siamo a disposizione, grazie!

Mancato Riferimento Prenotazione Compagnia Aerea

Dopo aver pagato c'è arrivata una prima mail di conferma prenotazione, ed in seguito una seconda mail con i biglietti aerei, privi di qualsiasi riferimento alla compagnia aerea. Dovendo utilizzare dei servizi strettamente relativi alla compagnia aerea (dobbiamo portare un cane e quindi pagare un servizio extra) ci serve necessariamente un numero di prenotazione riconoscibile dalla compagnia Volotea e non dunque da loltravels. Tutti i riferimenti forniti da loltravels non sono riconoscibili da Volotea, pertanto chiedo a loltravels di inviare al più presto il numero di prenotazione Volotea per non correre il rischio di non riuscire a pagare il servizio extra per il cane.

Data dell'esperienza : 09 marzo 2024

Gentile cliente, da controllo effettuato ci risulta che sui suoi biglietti sia presente il pnr compagnia della sua prenotazione. Lo può visualizzare in alto alla voce PNR compagnia. Rimaniamo a sua completa disposizione per ulteriori chiarimenti se necessari, grazie!

Non rispondono al telefono

Non rispondono al telefono. Ho bisogno di assistenza per un cambio volo. La compagnia aerea non risponde in questo caso, perché tutto è gestito da voi. Ma se non vi degnate nemmeno di rispondere al telefono una persona che deve fare?! Esiste il vostro call center H24?! Sul sito è impossibile inviare la richiesta,risulta sempre errore improvviso durante l invio. Nella gestione delle prenotazioni se si richiede il dettaglio dei voli risulta ancora errore o non sono aggiornati i nuovi orari. Quindi?!

Data dell'esperienza : 05 marzo 2024

Gentile cliente, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Talvolta le linee telefoniche risultano essere occupate per via delle tante richieste, per questo consigliamo l'apertura di un ticket tramite area riservata. Vediamo che in seguito alla richiesta inoltrata le è stata fornita assistenza in un tempo che rientra nel range delle 24-48 ore segnalate sul nostro sito. Sul nostro sito al momento non ci risultano anomalie di funzionamento, se dovesse riscontrare problemi la preghiamo di segnalarcelo in modo dettagliato e saremo lieti di effettuare un controllo e risolvere il problema che riscontra. Speriamo lei possa ricredersi sul nostro operato e rimaniamo a sua completa disposizione. Grazie!

Ho pagato per il pasto dei bimbi e non…

Il prezzo era 1865 e al momento di pagamento non era più quel prezzo ma di 2000€ e qualcosina in più ,non potevo fare altro che accettare o cancellare il Booking, ingenua io ho continuato a fare il Booking…mia madre nel frattempo ha fatto la stessa cosa però lei è stata furba a tornare indietro e il prezzo era tornato alla norma. Vedo che nel commento precedente avete già commentatoal riguardo e non zecca propio niente ora vorrei spiegazioni… perché sono soldi in più,cioè 230€ dove potevo benissimo aver fatto altro, la cosa puzza un poco.e come me credo sia successo ad altri.

Data dell'esperienza : 16 febbraio 2024

Gentile cliente, durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. A disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore chiarimento necessario,

Cercando su Trivago

Abbiamo trovato un'ottima offerta di soggiorno in villaggio in Calabria a fine agosto con LOL TRAVEL. Prenotare è stato facile e veloce, sito intuitivo, informazioni sulla struttura corrispondenti a quelle di altri operatori e della struttura stessa. A meno che non ci siano sosprese al check-in, è tutto perfetto, anche la tariffa!

Data dell'esperienza : 08 agosto 2023

Gentile Tiziana, ti ringraziamo di aver speso un po' del tuo tempo per condividere la tua esperienza. Siamo molto contenti che tu sia soddisfatta del nostro servizio, lavoriamo costantemente per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza possibile fornendo loro le migliori tariffe sul mercato, un sistema di prenotazione facile e veloce e un servizio di assistenza altamente qualificato. Ti auguriamo un buon viaggio e speriamo di rivederti presto su! Grazie,

Confermo le recensioni negative. Sito al limite della truffa

SITO AL LIMITE DELLA TRUFFA. FATE MOLTA ATTENZIONE. Confermo le recensioni negative. Ben due voli su due che cercavo di prenotare passando da Skyscanner. Inserisco i dati, arrivo al momento del pagamento, inserisco i dati della carta e magicamente il prezzo aumenta di oltre 300 €! Da quel momento il prezzo dei voli risulta più alto. Magari è davvero cambiato in tempo reale come dicono loro. Allora cambio browser e voilà, il prezzo originale è tornato. Inserisco nuovamentei dati (compilazione automatica del browser, meno di 1 minuto per arrivare al pagamento) e aumenta di nuovo di 300 € proprio quando si fa click per il pagamento. Rifatta la stessa prova in 3 giorni diversi, sempre lo stesso comportamento. STATENE ALLA LARGA.

Data dell'esperienza : 21 febbraio 2024

Gentile Nicola, ci spiace per la sua valutazione. Desideriamo fare necessaria premessa che non vi è alcuna correlazione tra l’inserimento dei dati personali in fase di ricerca e l’aggiornamento della tariffa: infatti durante il processo di prenotazione del volo è possibile che la tariffa subisca una variazione. Suddette variazioni sono applicate direttamente dal fornitore ed il sistema di prenotazione per questo motivo avverte l’utente del suddetto aggiornamento tariffario nella fase antecedente al perfezionamento dell’obbligazione di acquisto. Siamo spiacenti che la tariffa selezionata al momento della ricerca non sia stata più disponibile in fase di booking, tuttavia, per chiarezza ogni variazione di prezzo viene sempre e comunque segnalata in un momento precedente alla conferma dell'autorizzazione del pagamento, perseguendo la massima tutela del consumatore. A disposizione per qualsiasi chiarimento necessario, grazie!

Volo Positivo

Volo Milano-Addis Abeba-Zanzibar. Diversamente da quanto si legga nella maggior parte dei casi ci hanno aggiornati fin da subito e risposto celermente a tutte le richieste. Solo una piccola cosa: nell’acquistare i biglietti A/R abbiamo incluso il check in online (fatto da loro); per l’andata non c’è stato alcun problema, per il ritorno non abbiamo ricevuto le carte di imbarco ma ci siamo arrangiati con la compagnia aerea. Tutto sommato niente male.

Data dell'esperienza : 04 giugno 2023

Gentile Matteo, ti ringraziamo per aver speso un po del tuo tempo per condividere la tua esperienza. Siamo molto contenti che tu sia soddisfatto del nostro servizio, lavoriamo costantemente per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza possibile fornendo loro le migliori tariffe sul mercato, un sistema di prenotazione facile e veloce e un servizio di assistenza altamente qualificato. Ci spiace per l'inconviente che si hai segnalato, lo accogliamo ben volentieri per migliorarci ed offrire un servizio sempre migliore. Speriamo di rivederti presto su per pianificare il tuo prossimo viaggio! Grazie,

Affidabili e seri!

Ho prenotato spesso con loro ed ho trovato sempre piena soddisfazione, mai un problema. Ma l'episodio lodevole è stato che avevo un voucher per un rimborso già scaduto, ho scritto e con grande tempestività mi hanno risposto allungando la validità del voucher. Non mi era mai accaduto con nessun loro competitor. Quindi velocità, efficienza, comprensione, e soddisfazione del cliente. Consiglio la piattaforma senza dubbio!

Data dell'esperienza : 19 giugno 2023

Gentile Concetta, ti ringraziamo per aver speso un po del tuo tempo per condividere la tua esperienza. Siamo molto contenti che tu sia soddisfatta del nostro servizio, lavoriamo costantemente per offrire ai nostri clienti la migliore esperienza possibile fornendo loro le migliori tariffe sul mercato, un sistema di prenotazione facile e veloce e un servizio di assistenza altamente qualificato. Siamo a costante disposizione dei nostri clienti e ben felici di andargli incontro trovando soluzioni favorevoli ai nostri clienti. Speriamo di rivederti presto su per pianificare il tuo prossimo viaggio! Grazie,

prenotato e pagato hotel a Roma una notte

prenotato e pagato hotel a Roma per una notte per due persone per il 10 febbraio 2024.Sono due giorni che provo ad annullare prenotazione,tramite area personale,ma impossibile procedere a buon fine.Provato a contattare innumerevoli volte il numero telefonico 8958950895(a pagamento)e chiaramente le linee sono sempre occupate.oggi 5 febbraio e' l'ultimo giorno utile per l'annullamento. fatemi sapere Pierangelo Buongiorno, Confermo. Sono riuscito"magicamente "a parlare con il vostro operatore subito dopo che ho scritto la recensione. Faccio notare che soltanto chiamando, a pagamento, è stato possibile annullare. Coincidenza... Quando ho contattato l'operatore si è" magicamente"aperta la parte del programma dove c'era scritto ANNULLARE. Cordiali saluti Pierangelo

Data dell'esperienza : 05 febbraio 2024

Gentile Pierangelo, ci spiace per il suo commento, ci risulta che un nostro operatore le abbia spiegato telefonicamente come procedere alla cancellazione della sua prenotazione dalla sua area riservata e che abbia avuto esito positivo. Rimaniamo a sua disposizione per qualsiasi necessità, grazie!

esperienza con il sito pessima.

biglietto aereo passato da 1902 euro a 2067 euro all'ultimo step, senza neanche aver fatto alcun upgrade. naturalmente erano i più economici su skyscanner, ma così sono tutti capaci. il tutto dopo aver inserito tutti i miei dati personali, che naturalmente si sono salvati. risposta: ma se si lamentano tutti della stessa cosa. per favore. controllate la tariffa all'atterraggio sul sito, magari.

Data dell'esperienza : 31 gennaio 2024

Gentile Raffaele, ci dispiace per la sua valutazione. Le assicuriamo che lavoriamo con totale onestà, quando si verificano variazioni di prezzo è dovuto all'aggiornamento delle tariffe da parte dei nostri fornitori. In questi casi, la variazione di prezzo viene sempre comunicata nel processo di acquisto. Per qualsiasi dubbio circa le nostre Privacy Policy la invitiamo a consultare la pagina dedicata sul nostro sito. Restiamo a disposizione per qualsiasi domanda o necessità, grazie.

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We booked hotel came for check in and…

We booked hotel came for check in and hotel says no room available plz refund our amount as we are not able to contact customer care

Date of experience : January 31, 2023

Reply from

Dear Amir, We're sorry for the inconvenience. We suggest you to open a request through the reserved area of our website, in order to get in touch with our costumer service who will help you to solve the problem. Do not hesitate to contact us. At disposal, Thanks.

It was not great

It was not great. Lol travel charged me taxes after presenting me with a lower price on their site, so I feel that I was deceived about the real price they would charge. They advertised $381.67 and charged me an additional $108.96 for "sales tax". The legitimate VAT on hotel rooms in Spain is 10% so they effectively stole about $70 from me. ACTUALLY THE WHOLE $108.96 IS SHADY AS THEY NEVER SHOWED IT TO ME BEFORE MAKING THE CHARGE AGAINST MY CREDIT CARD.

Date of experience : February 22, 2023

Dear Robert, we are sorry that your experience hasn't been positive, we are constantly working to offer our customer the better experince possible. With reference to your specific case, we have checked the conversation held beetween you and our customer care and as they have said to you the sales taxes are added once you select the rate and room you prefer and is possibile to check the final amount in second step of the booking purchase, anyway before to finalize it. In the top right of the screen are reported all cost details including the sales taxes, it is not something that is added once you paid. We remain at your complete disposal for any further explanation, thank you,

Terrible Company

Charged my credit card, but never sent a confirmation email. Tried to "chat" but it was a computer on the other end. They kept asking me for my PNR number, but that was in the email they never sent!

Date of experience : March 29, 2023

Dear customer, We are sorry for your evalutaion about us, we always try to do our best to ensure our customers the better experience possible. With reference to your specific case we have forwarded the confirmation mail another time, check your e-mail box and you will find the confirmation mail in which there is your PNR code. We hope you will change your opinion about us, feel free to contact us for any problem or doubt you have. We remain at your complete disposal. Thank you,

Don't buy tickets through

Don't buy tickets through Don't buy tickets from them. They will charge extra money. Which is a scam. They charged me an extra AED 153 from the original price they show on their website, even though they have not confirmed with me or made approval for the payments, it is show something on the website and the bank deducts other amounts. Every other booking was simple with other third-party websites. All other websites show the amount they are going to charge you. but showed different prices and added extra. Without telling me. So be very careful, not a trustee website at all. Don't buy through them. I already tried to call them many times and emailed them and later on they answer my email with no appropriate answer.

Date of experience : November 13, 2022

Option useless

When I ordered the tickets (2), I chose the option for getting 2 sits next to each other. Well... the airline didn´t care and put us on 2 different rows :-(

Date of experience : May 31, 2023

Dear Matteo, we are sorry that you had a negative experience. We work everyday to offer our customers the better experience ever offering the better rates on market, a fast and easy to use booking system and an high-qualified customer care service. In this case you can ask for the refund of the service purchased opening an assistance request from our website. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you

Worst experience ever!

The flight (MXP-New Delhi) was delayed over 5 hours. Air India informed us on time, the same morning of the flight, which was expected to depart originally at 9.00 pm. Due to the delay, it was clearly not possible to board on the second leg of the flight (New Delhi-BKK)- We tried to contact the customer service of with no result (no operator available). We contacted Air India. After confirming the miss-connection in New Delhi, Air India confirmed that the reprotection had to be carried out by the travel agent We contacted again (email is the only way) and we were informed that, due to the fact that was Sunday and that the office of Air India was closed, they could contact the airline company only on Monday (but our flight was on Sunday evening). Despite the fact that we insisted that we had already talked to the airline, suggested us to go to the airport and change the flight at the check-in counter (not possible). Luckily we finally managed to move the flight ourselves, with the help of the airline. Worst service ever by this travel agent ( First and last time that i will use them.

Date of experience : July 02, 2023

Scam Booked 5 Star and got bad 4 Star

Booked a 5 Star Hotel, 2 days prior contacts me and tells me the booked hotel is not availabil. In exchange I got a 4 star with damaged furniture, mold in the bathroom and plastoc cups for breakfast.

Date of experience : August 08, 2022

Not good I do prenot. For malta hotel for 7 nights im sure 100% i doit breakfast incluse this the deal after doing the preno.i see its not incluse breakfast

Date of experience : June 10, 2023

Dear customer, we are sorry for your evaluation as we work everyday to offer our customers the better experience ever. With reference to your specif case we have made a double check about the type of treatment you selected during the booking process and from your booking process data is stated that you have selected the board type "Room only", if you would like you can write to us in private and we can forward you the data saved about your booking process and the option you selected. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you

Best price and easy online reservation

Best price and the online reservation was quick and easy with a fast confirmation. Thank you!

Date of experience : March 30, 2023

Dear Robbie, We would like to thank you for having spent a little bit your time to review us. We are glad to know that you are satisfied about your experience with us. Customers opinions are crucial to us as we work everyday to ensure you the better experience possible. We hope to see you soon on to plan your next adventure!


I want my money back please. I made a fligth reservation on and the booking was canceled you because i didnt agree to pay more for the ajustment of the flight that seens really wird and the agency informed me that they are going to send the money back. I still waiting utill now. SEND MY MONEY BACK.

Date of experience : June 05, 2023

Dear Assimina, we are sorry that your experience has not been positive, we are constantly working to ensure our customers the better experience possible. With reference to your specific case your booking attempt went unsuccessful, since the flights you have selected were no longer available, we carried out a new search and proposed to you the most suitable available option. Rates change according to the flight selected and availability so the alternative proposed could be confirmed at a certain rate. Once you rejected the option proposed we immediately proceed with cancellation of you booking and refund. As we have said to you the timing depends on your bank circuits agreement. We already provided to charge back all the amount and it will be available again in the same card used for the purchase according to the bank transfer schedules and according to the circuit agreement used. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you!

It was easy to make the reservations…

It was easy to make the reservations and greet information was given on your website

Date of experience : January 12, 2024

Dear Hector hello, thank you for your evaluation, it is very important to us! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip! Thank you

Charged more than shown

When I was booking, I was showed price of 692.51 EUR but then upon confirmation, 775 EUR were deducted from my card, scam

Date of experience : October 12, 2023

very satisfied

do not have the time - was satisfied with the prompt experience and rates thank you

Date of experience : June 01, 2023

Dear Greg, we are glad to know that you evaluated your experience as excellent and are satisfied about our service. Our aim is to provide our customers with a fast and user-friendly booking system, the best rates on the market and an highly qualified and prompt customer service. We hope to see you soon on to organise your next trip! We remain at your complete disposal, thank you

When I tried to pay the price raised up…

When I tried to pay the price raised up more than 100 €. I cancelled my booking inmediately. It is not the first time it arrives, for me is the modus operandi of this scam.

Date of experience : July 28, 2023

Best price and site is easy to use. It would be helpful to have a section for requests to the hotel

Date of experience : January 17, 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation, it is very important to us! As we are intermediaries all requests made for the hotel pass through us, we handle all requests for hotels for our customers. We hope to see you soon on for your next trip!

I booked a flight ticket with them

I booked a flight ticket with them. The flight was cancelled and I didn't get my money back yet. They always refer to the flight company and the flight company to them and nobody do anything. I have been in contact with Aurora and Francesco and the only thing they tell me is not to send them more emails. They are the responsible to request to the company the money and send a refund to me. What they are doing goes totally against the law. I have been already 4 months waiting for my refund and still not get an answer. The worst agency. I hope they give me my money back soon.

Date of experience : October 14, 2022

Dear client, We're sorry for your negative experience with us. We always try to improve our service and your review helps us to grow better. We suggest you to open a ticket through our reserved area and to get in contact with our costumer service. We will provide a sollecit your request in order to help you to assist properly. We remain at your disposal, Thanks,

a good solution

I found a good solution from economic point of view in comparison to other solutions available on the web

Date of experience : October 17, 2022

Dear Mariagiovanna, thank you very much for your positive review! We are happy to know that your experience has been enjoyable. We hope to see you soon on Thank you

Good price, booking easy to manage, quick response. Very efficient.

Date of experience : April 08, 2023

Dear customer, we would like to thank you for having spent a little bit of your time to leave your opinion about us. We are glad to know that you had a good experience with us. Thank you for having chosen our convenient rates and having appreciated our service evaluating it as easy for booking and managing reservations. Our goal is to ensure our customer the better experience they have ever tried providing them an easy and fast way to book and ensuring them a solution to all their needs, we think that everyday is the right day to travel and we are here to make it real. We hope to see you soon on to plan your next adventure! Thank you,

hotel booked successfully

I've booked a hotel in greece for a good price. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything worked as expected.

Date of experience : April 09, 2023

Dear customer, first of all we would like to thank you for taking a little bit of your time to give us your feedback. We are glad to hear that you had a good experience with us and happy that you haven chosen our convenient rates. Our goal is to ensure our customers the best experience they have ever had by providing them with a quick and easy way to book and offering them convenient rates. We work everyday to provide our customers a solution to all their travel needs, we think that every day is the right day to travel and we are here to make it happen. We hope to see you soon on to plan your next adventure! Thank you very much,

I have booked flight tickets with them. They change my flights which made me in troubles but they don't even apologizes they ask me more money to change my flight!!55€ for management fees!!! So first they change my flight and then ask more money for it.I have checked on my side the price of the new flight ticket directly with KLM and it is 63€ so actually they ask almost the full price of the ticket for management fees.I travel a lot and it is the first time a travel company ask me to pay for a change of flight which is not from me...real scam.First time i book with them and it will be the last time Run Away from

Date of experience : June 27, 2023

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lol travel trustpilot   Reviews

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Reviews 2.4.

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I would like to know why the refund of…

I would like to know why the refund of my money is not yet deposited in my account and I requested the reversal on 2nd Apr n today is 8th. What is not happening? Only responding with empty promises then on my bank side they told me they haven't received anything. I need a positive response Catherine

Date of experience : 02 April 2024

Reply from

Dear Chatherine, we are sorry for your evaluation. Refund has been processed on 2nd April and as said can takes few days to be available on credit card used. At your disposal, thank you

Avoid this website

Avoid this website. NEVER process large transactions as it may result into glitching. I booked a ticket from Malta to Shanghai and it costs FORTUNES. The payment didn’t process and I had to contact my bank to stop the card. In my opinion, it’s a scam

Date of experience : 03 April 2024

Dear customer, we are very sorry for your negative evaluation. We are a serious agency with twenty years of experience behind us. From what you report to us, it could be a payment error related to the medium used. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you!

Crooks! I was booking a flight for 3, as I entered all names and credit card info and click "confirm" button a pop-up appeared: "the price is no longer available, the new price is ..." - over 300€ higher. Of coure I refused to go on. Scammers!

Date of experience : 05 April 2024

Estimado cliente, lamentamos su valoración. Durante el proceso de reserva del vuelo es posible que la tarifa cambie. Dichos cambios son aplicados directamente por el proveedor, por lo que el sistema de reservas le avisa de esta actualización de tarifas en la fase previa al cumplimiento de la obligación de compra. Lamentamos que la tarifa seleccionada en el momento de la búsqueda ya no esté disponible en el momento de la reserva, sin embargo, en aras de la claridad, cualquier cambio de precio se notifica siempre en un momento anterior a la confirmación de la autorización de pago, en la búsqueda de la máxima protección de los consumidores. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para cualquier aclaración necesaria, Gracias.

Disastrous experience they make you pay 55e of management fees if the company makes any change and they don-t allow you to access your reservation to make any change in order to scam you. Avoid them

Date of experience : 20 March 2024

Dear customer, we are sorry for your evaluation as we work everyday to ensure our customer better experience possible. We would like to clarify that managment fees are noticed in term and conditions accepted when booking and they are appliee when no suitable alternative is given and our flight department search for an alternative for you. If you would like to give us your pnr we would be more than happy to check your specif case deeply. At your disposal, thank you

Good service and prompt refund

I made a booking for an eight night stay at at a hotel in Alanya, Turkey with price was hundreds of pounds cheaper than their closest competitor. Due to my becoming unwell I had to cancel ahead of leaving England. I had a partial refund per the booking terms and had great support from the customer service department. I had also checked with the hotel that my booking was valid. I would happily book again with lol ....and, hopefully, be able to avail of said booking.

Date of experience : 19 March 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation, we are very sorry that you had to cancel your trip, we hope you will be ok soon and be ready to leave for your trip! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip! Thank you

Follow up review

This is my second review of, actually more of a follow up to my original review as I had booked the hotel but had not actually stayed there at the time of writing so didn't really know the outcome. I'm very pleased to say that if I could give ten stars I would! The hotel is amazing and everything was booked and organised exactly as promised, all at an amazing price - far, far cheaper than any other booking agent could offer. Thank you for a job well done

Date of experience : 16 March 2024

Dear customer, thank you for your evaluation it is very important to us! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip! Thank you

Avoid this company at all costs

Avoid this company at all costs. They will charge you more than the ticket's price displayed. *The price of the ticket was unchanged *even after hours after purchasing)

Date of experience : 27 March 2024

Dear Irina, we are sorry for your evaluation. The amount charged corresponds exactly to the cost of the tickets shown and accepted at the time of booking. We remain at your complete disposal for any clarification needed, thank you

Don't buy with them

Their form in the website doesn't work. The telephone always says "all of our agents are busy" and then they hung up. Also, they will never give you back the money in case of illness.

Date of experience : 25 March 2024

Dear Sergio, we apologise for the technical inconvenience at this time, we are aware of it and our technicians are working to solve the problem in the reserved area. In the meantime, I suggest you open a ticket from the form on the contact page: If you have opened it and would like to give us a reference we could check your request and understand what type of issue you faced. We are at your complete disposal,

Check your currency before purchasing!!!

Clicked a link to a promotion which took me to When I was satisfied with the offer I moved to purchase the ticket. For some reason, and I'm not saying that it was's mistake, but the currency changed to euro without any request or clear indication! Needless to say I spent money I didn't have... I immediately e-mailed and requested a cancelation and a refund. Explaining my situation in detail. They then replied asking me to explain the situation in detail.... which I did again. I then later received an email which stated that I should confirm my decision and that I have till 7pm Italian time to do so... This was at 11 pm Italian time. I was very emotional and frustrated by how they could feel justified by giving such a small window which they claimed was 24hours for such a weighted decision. After nagging they agreed to: "We inform you that cancellation of your ticket outbound + inbound, before departure*, is possible with a penalty of € 92.00 for every adult passenger (2) + € 55.00 for our management fees) I know to some people this isn't much but my country that's almost a months rent....

Date of experience : 13 March 2024

Dear Customer, we are sorry that you had not a good experience with us. Regarding your request we inform you that on our site it is possible to select the currency with which you want to make the payment. If the preferred currency is not available, payment is made in Euros as showed. The email you received in the afternoon stated that you had to confirm your decision by 19:30pm Italian time, you answered the day after so we had to follow the rules of your ticket as it was written in the e-mail. Once you have confirmed the cancellation we immediately proceed with refund. At your disposal, thank you

Great experience.

Booked a hotel in tenerife through trivago as was the cheapest. Looked at reviews the next day and was quite concerned that we had been scammed so double checked with hotel to see if booking was active and it was. Went through to check in and everything was perfect, no issues whatsoever.

Date of experience : 06 February 2024

Dear Paul, thank you for your evaluation it is very important to us! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip!

Still waryNo information about our booking

No information about our booking; must book in to site🙁. Have enough to do without having to down load “another App”. Unless the site turns out to be wonderful. Cannot confirm we have been charged rightfully.

Date of experience : 26 February 2024

Dear customer, we invite you to contact us giving us booking references in order to identify your booking and assist you. At your disposal, thank you

Administration fees in the last step of booking appear!

I booked a plane ticket with them through scyscanner. They offered the best price. Second best price was 30€ costlier then At the very last step of booking confirmation an additional administration fee of 60€ was revealed. So in the end I payed 30€ more then I would have if I chose the second best price which was with kiwi. I do not appreciate hidden fees on the last step when you already put in all your private information ect.

Date of experience : 14 December 2023

Dear customer hello, we are sorry about your evaluation. We would like to clarify that all costs all clearly displayed during booking process in the summary of costs always visible to all customers according to the options selected. We remain at your complete disposal for any doubt you may have. Thank you!

Avoid, they add hidden fees at final step. Unfair and untrustable company.

Date of experience : 21 March 2024

Dear customer, we are sorry for your evaluation. We would like to clarify that there are no hidden costs, all costs all clearly displayed during booking process. We are at your disposal for any clarification needed. At disposal,

I booked a trip to Cairo (two transits)…

I booked a trip to Cairo (two transits) with this website. First flight, Air Canada, was delayed by 4 hours and the next flight would be missed. They tried to scam me by asking to pay 300 USD to give alternative flights. Air Canada did it all for me and gave a meal voucher on top.

Date of experience : 11 March 2024

Dear customer, we are sorry for your evaluation. Without a booking reference we are not able to identify your specific case and have a deeper look into it, if you give us a reference then we can check what occured. We remain at your complete disposal. Thank you

Avoid such blurry travel agents

Avoid such blurry travel agents. I booked through them. My travel schedule is adjusted 2 days before departure due to insufficient transfer time. While an acquaintance of ours was on the same flight to our final destination on a later flight, so with a short transfer time. Whether I want to transfer 55EURO, otherwise my booking will not be confirmed with the airline and I will therefore not fly! If you want to speak to someone, forget it, everything is done by email.

Date of experience : 04 January 2024

Dear Cicilia, we are sorry that you had not a good experience with us and for your evaluation. In your case due to the schedule change, there was not enough time to catch the coincidence requested from the airline and we immediately noticed it to you once we received the updating communication. Beacuse of this we proposed to you another alternative flight as reprotection. We hope you will change your mind about us and we remain at your complete disposal for any other doubt you may have. Thank you!

Scam on the rate used for booking ?

I just booked an hotel for 2 weeks with zenhotels. At the end of the booking process, I received a voucher with the terms and conditions with this hotel. It mentioned that the rate is applicable only for honeymooners, otherwise I will have to pay the full rate. During the reservation process, no information has been displayed on this condition. It's a scam

Date of experience : 01 January 2024

Dear customer, we are With reference to your request we inform you that all terms and conditions are displayed during booking process. At your disposal, thank you

Anyone cares

I tried to contact them for days because I needed info for my flight but anyone answered on the call center neither by emails. I still waiting for assistance in this moment after 2 weeks of continuing attempts to have attention

Date of experience : 09 February 2024

Dear Giulia, we are sorry for your evaluation, we work everyday to ensure our customers the better experience possible. We see only one request opened today and one of our colleagues has already replied to your question. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you

Very good I wish can have a contact of the hotel by mail or something to contact them about my preferences and details

Date of experience : 19 February 2024

Dear Vincenzo, thank you for your evaluation it is very important to us! We would like to inform you that as an agency we manage all requests between customers and hotels, for any question you have or need do not hesitate to write to us and we will be more thank happy to help you. We hope to see you soon on for your next trip!

I'm still waiting on my booking details…

My original review: I'm still waiting on my booking details from you. For some reasons, beside this rating email, I received nothing yet. Unfortunately I didn't write down the PNR. My name James Sa, just booked ihg hotel in Page AZ from 3/26-3/29 My updated review: I got the response in email in few hours, I got my travel details now. Thanks for the quick response.

Date of experience : 13 February 2023

Dear James, Thanks for contacting us. We will provide a sollecit your request and you will receive a feedback from us as soon as possible. In the meantime, we suggest you to open a ticket through our reserved area and get in touch with our costumer service. In order to proceed, we need to know your booking details. We remain at your disposal. Thanks.

I booked the Central Park West Hostel…

I booked the Central Park West Hostel just because of the very low price and was very surprised about some negative comments. Price/value relationship is excellent. Of course you should not expect luxury for $40!! I had everything I needed, the room was clean, my bathroom did not have a sink, but right next to my room I could use another bathroom. It suited perfectly to my needs. The staff were awesome and extremely helpful, the location with a few Metro lines around the corner, supermarkets very close, a few Restaurants, bus stops ver near. What else would you expect?

Date of experience : 20 February 2023

Dear Pedro, thank you for your positive review! We are glad to hear that your experience with us was pleasant. Your feedback is very important to us, we work costantly to ensure our customers the best experience possible. We look forward to seeing you soon on a new journey on! Thank you,

  • Articles   >

The Moscow Metro Museum of Art: 10 Must-See Stations

There are few times one can claim having been on the subway all afternoon and loving it, but the Moscow Metro provides just that opportunity.  While many cities boast famous public transport systems—New York’s subway, London’s underground, San Salvador’s chicken buses—few warrant hours of exploration.  Moscow is different: Take one ride on the Metro, and you’ll find out that this network of railways can be so much more than point A to B drudgery.

The Metro began operating in 1935 with just thirteen stations, covering less than seven miles, but it has since grown into the world’s third busiest transit system ( Tokyo is first ), spanning about 200 miles and offering over 180 stops along the way.  The construction of the Metro began under Joseph Stalin’s command, and being one of the USSR’s most ambitious building projects, the iron-fisted leader instructed designers to create a place full of svet (radiance) and svetloe budushchee (a radiant future), a palace for the people and a tribute to the Mother nation.

Consequently, the Metro is among the most memorable attractions in Moscow.  The stations provide a unique collection of public art, comparable to anything the city’s galleries have to offer and providing a sense of the Soviet era, which is absent from the State National History Museum.  Even better, touring the Metro delivers palpable, experiential moments, which many of us don’t get standing in front of painting or a case of coins.

Though tours are available , discovering the Moscow Metro on your own provides a much more comprehensive, truer experience, something much less sterile than following a guide.  What better place is there to see the “real” Moscow than on mass transit: A few hours will expose you to characters and caricatures you’ll be hard-pressed to find dining near the Bolshoi Theater.  You become part of the attraction, hear it in the screech of the train, feel it as hurried commuters brush by: The Metro sucks you beneath the city and churns you into the mix.

With the recommendations of our born-and-bred Muscovite students, my wife Emma and I have just taken a self-guided tour of what some locals consider the top ten stations of the Moscow Metro. What most satisfied me about our Metro tour was the sense of adventure .  I loved following our route on the maps of the wagon walls as we circled the city, plotting out the course to the subsequent stops; having the weird sensation of being underground for nearly four hours; and discovering the next cavern of treasures, playing Indiana Jones for the afternoon, piecing together fragments of Russia’s mysterious history.  It’s the ultimate interactive museum.

Top Ten Stations (In order of appearance)

Kievskaya station.

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Kievskaya Station went public in March of 1937, the rails between it and Park Kultury Station being the first to cross the Moscow River.  Kievskaya is full of mosaics depicting aristocratic scenes of Russian life, with great cameo appearances by Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.  Each work has a Cyrillic title/explanation etched in the marble beneath it; however, if your Russian is rusty, you can just appreciate seeing familiar revolutionary dates like 1905 ( the Russian Revolution ) and 1917 ( the October Revolution ).

Mayakovskaya Station

Mayakovskaya Station ranks in my top three most notable Metro stations. Mayakovskaya just feels right, done Art Deco but no sense of gaudiness or pretention.  The arches are adorned with rounded chrome piping and create feeling of being in a jukebox, but the roof’s expansive mosaics of the sky are the real showstopper.  Subjects cleverly range from looking up at a high jumper, workers atop a building, spires of Orthodox cathedrals, to nimble aircraft humming by, a fleet of prop planes spelling out CCCP in the bluest of skies.

Novoslobodskaya Station

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Novoslobodskaya is the Metro’s unique stained glass station.  Each column has its own distinctive panels of colorful glass, most of them with a floral theme, some of them capturing the odd sailor, musician, artist, gardener, or stenographer in action.  The glass is framed in Art Deco metalwork, and there is the lovely aspect of discovering panels in the less frequented haunches of the hall (on the trackside, between the incoming staircases).  Novosblod is, I’ve been told, the favorite amongst out-of-town visitors.

Komsomolskaya Station

Komsomolskaya Station is one of palatial grandeur.  It seems both magnificent and obligatory, like the presidential palace of a colonial city.  The yellow ceiling has leafy, white concrete garland and a series of golden military mosaics accenting the tile mosaics of glorified Russian life.  Switching lines here, the hallway has an Alice-in-Wonderland feel, impossibly long with decorative tile walls, culminating in a very old station left in a remarkable state of disrepair, offering a really tangible glimpse behind the palace walls.

Dostoevskaya Station

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Dostoevskaya is a tribute to the late, great hero of Russian literature .  The station at first glance seems bare and unimpressive, a stark marble platform without a whiff of reassembled chips of tile.  However, two columns have eerie stone inlay collages of scenes from Dostoevsky’s work, including The Idiot , The Brothers Karamazov , and Crime and Punishment.   Then, standing at the center of the platform, the marble creates a kaleidoscope of reflections.  At the entrance, there is a large, inlay portrait of the author.

Chkalovskaya Station

Chkalovskaya does space Art Deco style (yet again).  Chrome borders all.  Passageways with curvy overhangs create the illusion of walking through the belly of a chic, new-age spacecraft.  There are two (kos)mosaics, one at each end, with planetary subjects.  Transferring here brings you above ground, where some rather elaborate metalwork is on display.  By name similarity only, I’d expected Komsolskaya Station to deliver some kosmonaut décor; instead, it was Chkalovskaya that took us up to the space station.

Elektrozavodskaya Station

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Elektrozavodskaya is full of marble reliefs of workers, men and women, laboring through the different stages of industry.  The superhuman figures are round with muscles, Hollywood fit, and seemingly undeterred by each Herculean task they respectively perform.  The station is chocked with brass, from hammer and sickle light fixtures to beautiful, angular framework up the innards of the columns.  The station’s art pieces are less clever or extravagant than others, but identifying the different stages of industry is entertaining.

Baumanskaya Statio

Baumanskaya Station is the only stop that wasn’t suggested by the students.  Pulling in, the network of statues was just too enticing: Out of half-circle depressions in the platform’s columns, the USSR’s proud and powerful labor force again flaunts its success.  Pilots, blacksmiths, politicians, and artists have all congregated, posing amongst more Art Deco framing.  At the far end, a massive Soviet flag dons the face of Lenin and banners for ’05, ’17, and ‘45.  Standing in front of the flag, you can play with the echoing roof.

Ploshchad Revolutsii Station

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Novokuznetskaya Station

Novokuznetskaya Station finishes off this tour, more or less, where it started: beautiful mosaics.  This station recalls the skyward-facing pieces from Mayakovskaya (Station #2), only with a little larger pictures in a more cramped, very trafficked area.  Due to a line of street lamps in the center of the platform, it has the atmosphere of a bustling market.  The more inventive sky scenes include a man on a ladder, women picking fruit, and a tank-dozer being craned in.  The station’s also has a handsome black-and-white stone mural.

Here is a map and a brief description of our route:

Start at (1)Kievskaya on the “ring line” (look for the squares at the bottom of the platform signs to help you navigate—the ring line is #5, brown line) and go north to Belorusskaya, make a quick switch to the Dark Green/#2 line, and go south one stop to (2)Mayakovskaya.  Backtrack to the ring line—Brown/#5—and continue north, getting off at (3)Novosblodskaya and (4)Komsolskaya.  At Komsolskaya Station, transfer to the Red/#1 line, go south for two stops to Chistye Prudy, and get on the Light Green/#10 line going north.  Take a look at (5)Dostoevskaya Station on the northern segment of Light Green/#10 line then change directions and head south to (6)Chkalovskaya, which offers a transfer to the Dark Blue/#3 line, going west, away from the city center.  Have a look (7)Elektroskaya Station before backtracking into the center of Moscow, stopping off at (8)Baumskaya, getting off the Dark Blue/#3 line at (9)Ploschad Revolyutsii.  Change to the Dark Green/#2 line and go south one stop to see (10)Novokuznetskaya Station.

Check out our new Moscow Indie Travel Guide , book a flight to Moscow and read 10 Bars with Views Worth Blowing the Budget For

Jonathon Engels, formerly a patron saint of misadventure, has been stumbling his way across cultural borders since 2005 and is currently volunteering in the mountains outside of Antigua, Guatemala.  For more of his work, visit his website and blog .

lol travel trustpilot

Photo credits:   SergeyRod , all others courtesy of the author and may not be used without permission

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Please don't use this company

Please don't use this company. You can't reach out to them over the phone. Emergency assistance has no knowledge. They charged $600 to move tickets. Unreliable service. Avoid these people if you in Australia.

Date of experience : 17 September 2022

unresponsive but ultimately solved problem

I had a problem with a changed ticket and it was very hard to get them to reply and solve it. However, ultimately they did solve the problem and I got a new ticket and a due refund.

Date of experience : 21 November 2022

Reply from

Dear Christoffer, we are sorry to know that your experience has been negative. Our customer service team tries to solve at best every issue but sometimes unforseen situations can occur. However we are glad that your request has been solved in the best way possibile. We hope in the future that we will have a chance to change your mind.

Based on my worse experience with lol travel

Based on my experience with lol travel, I came to know that you do not have ample amount of inforamtion about hotels, which you listed on your webpage, the hotels showed on your website absolutely different inforamtion about the accommodations then the reality, which not onl harm the image of your plateform, but the local people. I have had a terrible experience and would never ask lol.travels to book any hotel for my in future.

Date of experience : 25 November 2022

Extremely unreliable

Extremely unreliable. They sent us confirmation of reservation and took the money from our bank account. Then the next day they cancelled the flight and claimed refunding the money but nothing was refunded and didn't give us the transaction number by which they refunded the money. I hope the problem is resolved or else I would request from Skyscanner to stop collaborating with this agency!

Date of experience : 27 July 2022

Scammers over charged 50 euro extra by saying price went up while you were paying the flight

Yesterday we purchesed a flight ticket from this company and we found out that they charged is €50 more 775 euro insted of 725. We contacted tham and they said that by the time we pressed pay the price went up by €50. I have insisted that before I pressed pay the amount showing was still 725 and the system did not advise us that the price went up. Funny enough I have checked again now and the price is still on 725 euro , so what the bloody hell they are talking about!!!! This is called cheating and steeling money never ever again I will use this site. scammers that's what you are !!!!! Lol, travel is a perfect name as this company is a bloody JOKE. Shame on you to steal money

Date of experience : 23 October 2023

spaming company

Although I did not mark the newsletter-option, I got within 20 min after the booking confirmation 3 commercial/advertising mails ..what a spaming company

Date of experience : 20 February 2024

Has been a good experience !

Has been a good experience. I was finding the best fare..., and finally I found the cheapest price, thanks to Kind Regards.

Date of experience : 18 December 2023

Dear customer hello, thank you for your evaluation, it is very important to us! We hope to see you soon on for your next trip! Best regards

I was really satisfied!

It was a very simple, quick experience that allowed me to get exactly what I was looking for. I was really satisfied!

Date of experience : 21 April 2023

Dear Fabio, thank you for having shared your experience with all of us, we are glad to know that you are satisfied of having booked your trip with us. Thank you for having spent a little bit of your time to leave us your opinion as it is crucial to us, customer's satisfaction is our main goal and we think that improvement is possibile only through our customer's feedbacks. We hope to see you soon on to plan your next trip! Thank you,

Not trustable at all

Its has been 14 days for now and they didnt refund my money, the reservation was done th 6th of Feb, they reply that the airlines is not confirming and I have to pay 700 euros more to confirm, and told them not interested and to refund the money, and no money refund until now. I tried other sites booking, they just from beginning doesn't accept the booking on the same flight, and doesn't take your money and then don't refund it. This is not profissional at all, and they are not recommended at all. Be a ware of booking anything with them, they are not serious trustable.

Date of experience : 05 February 2023

Dear customer, we are very sorry that your experience with hasn't been positive, we are constantly working to improve and satisfy our customers. Availability and fares are continuously updated by the airlines. As reported to you by our customer service centre, we have immediately proceeded to refund the value of your reservation once the available option has been declined and the refund has been requested, the credit to the card used depends on the timing of the bank transfer and according to the agreements of the circuit used. We remain at your complete disposal. Thank you,

Very poor experience

Very poor experience. This is an Italian company with no customer service support by phone. I called the helpline and just got a recording in Italian. We communicated by email and they provided no assistance.

Date of experience : 20 March 2023

Dear Eric, we are sorry that your experience has not been positive, we are working everyday to ensure our customer the better experience possibile and feedbacks are crucial to us as they enable us to improve. With reference to your specific case, we are sorry that we couldn't proceed with your request of changing dates but in this case the rate selected was a non-refundable and it doesn't allow any changes. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you.

No customer support

We have booked a flight and the company has change the flight, we are trying to connect with because the new flight dose not fit us. We have been calling everyday for one week and no answer, we have opened a ticket and no answer. 0 customer support.

Date of experience : 12 March 2023

Dear Pablo, we are sorry that your experience hasn't been positive, we are constantly working to offer our customer the better experince possible. We always try to give assistance in the shortest time possibile but sometimes waiting times for assistance could be longer due to the high number of requests. With reference to your specific case we have solicited your case to our customer care department and they are giving you assistance. We remain at your complete disposal, Thank you.

The cheap flight is a bait!

This is how it goes with this website; you think you have a confirmed flight ticket but you don’t.. Read below what will happen after you confirmed your payment: Hello Maria We thank you for your patience. Within 24 hours we shall to verify your reservation. DON'T WORRY: we are waiting for the airline to confirm the flight you have chosen. As soon as we receive the confirmation, we will send you an email containing your issued ticket. Then this; Dear customer, We received your reservation attempt. We inform you that the airline didn't confirm the reservation. If you are still interested in the reservation, we can rebook the flights for you. Flights are available, at the moment, at the following fare: € 1388.24 Now charging me double the price. I can even find a cheaper flight from that price they give. A huge waste of time! I hope to get my money back without a fight.

Date of experience : 14 March 2023

Dear Customer, we are sorry that your experience with was not positive, we always try to provide our customers with the best possible experience. Sometimes unforeseen events happen that are out of our control and we try to reprotect our customers in the best possible way. With reference to the problem that has arisen in your case, the company has not confirmed your reservation and as reported by our customer service we are have tryed to propose you the solution available. Once you have denied it and request the refund we immediately proceed to release the pre-authorized amount from our systems. We remain at your complete disposal. Thank you,

Biggest mistake to book ticket with Lol travel

Booking ticket with lol travel is the biggest mistake I have ever done in my life! I had to extend my holiday and so my flight date. I contacted their customer service which might be the worst customer service in the world. After days, they replied me with charges that I need to pay to extend my ticket. I replied my confirmation. But maybe 1/2 days later, they replied me saying the charge has increased by almost €180. And so on and so on. Very very very very slow and poor customer service. I had to book another ticket for $1300 in this December month. Biggest mistake man biggest mistake! You guys are true to your name! Laugh out loud!

Date of experience : 07 November 2022

Dear Nischal, We are sorry to know that your experience has been negative. Any feedback is important to us in order to always improve our service. Our customer service team tries to solve at best every issue but sometimes unforseen situations can occur, and they not always depend on us. We hope in the future that we will have a chance to change your mind.

Scam Warning - Worst travels LOL. travel

This is the worst experience we had ever. It not even worth a single star. We booked 3 rooms for the company executives in Park Inn Gurgaon, 282 civil lines the booking details below. 1. 7th of Dec Registration No 20221220453062 2. 7th and 8th of Dec Registration No 20221220453035 When the executives went to check-in on 7th Of December, the hotel desk people told that there is no booking form such a website(LOL.travels). We have prepaid the full amount of Rs.4383.42 and 22283.82 for this booking. There is no way to contact this lol travels except email that to they never reply. As last hope we are suing them in consumer court. Don't fall for this fake travels.

Date of experience : 06 December 2022

Dear Srividhya, we are sorry to know that your experience was negative. Any feedback is important to us in order to always improve our service. Our customer service team tries to solve at best every issue but sometimes unforseen situations can occur, and they not always depend on us as in this case. However we are happy that your problem has been solved after checking with our supplier. We hope in the future that we will have a chance to change your mind. Regards,


In my 20+ years as a travel agent, I have never ever come across an agency which charges 55 Euros in order to "update the reservation" for a flight which has been cancelled at the expense of the customer (supposedly by the airline; TK 1056), except a short-lived attempt by some agencies during the pandemic. Such practice is unlawful among reputable agencies, not to mention presenting extremely bad customer service. Additionally, is the only so-called travel agency in the world which provides absolutely no information as to their place of business, contact information, or any identifying data (my research shows that they are based in Rimini, Italy). There surely must be a reason why they are 1-star rated on several review sites. I intend to pursue this matter further, and contact my European partners and the EU supervisory agencies.

Date of experience : 16 May 2023

Dear Customer, we are sorry for your evaluation, as we work seriously and strive to satisfy our customers. With reference to management fees, these are indicated in the conditions of purchase and are legitimised by Article 41(6) of the Tourism Code ('appropriate management fees'). When booking, we always offer the Premium Service which exempts you from paying these costs. On our site there is a section called "Contacts" we you can find all ways to contact us. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you

Dont buy ticket through

Don't buy ticket from them. They will charge extra money showing European tax. Which is a scam. They charged me 245.00 euros for carrier imposed fee for Europe when my flight was direct from Canada to India. Every other booking was simple with other third party websites. All other websites show the amount they are going to charge you. but showed different price and added 245 euros extra. Without telling it to me. So be very careful. Don't buy through them.

Date of experience : 14 August 2022

Worst company ever

Worst company ever. Have searched for flight from Melbourne to Bali return Business Class. It was clearly advertised as business. After making the purchase the airline company sent me an economy class. Have raised the dispute with and this is what they reply was: “Dear customer, we are not responsible in this case for the error made form the Kayak webpage, you paid for the ECONOMY CLASS, not for business. However we are not able to provide you the full refund, if you need an upgrade you can double check with the airline directly.” They Claim that Kayak have made the mistake but is the one who is taking the money and misleading customers. 0/10 not happy. Transaction have been frozen on my end with the Bank.

Date of experience : 29 November 2022

Dear Gregory, we are sorry to know that your experience has been negative. Any feedback is important to us in order to always improve our service. Our customer service team tries to solve at best every issue but sometimes unforseen situations can occur, and they not always depend on us. We hope in the future that we will have a chance to change your mind.

This agency or this office, call it whatever you want, does not deserve even one star, so how can they give it more? Because when you book accommodation with them or through them in a hotel, they decorate this hotel for you and do not mention to you its disadvantages. For example, they do not tell you that this hotel is at night, and when you want to sleep, the hot water pipes start disconnecting. Or air heating devices, as if you hear the water of the swimming pool running over your head, and this only happens while you are sleeping during the best hours of sleep until the morning. As of writing these lines, I still hear water or air running through the air conditioning pipes above my head at 08.05am, and when you ask the officials in the hotel, you find The response is ready (this is a normal thing that happens sometimes to clean the air in the central heating ducts) and they do not care that you paid your money for this hotel to enjoy your vacation and not to sleep in the air conditioner and water pipes repair room. this is the worst hotel I have ever entered in my life. You book a double bed, they give you two single beds. They tell you there is cable satellite television. You find the television without satellite or cable, only two news channels for the same country. There's not enough hot water when you go to the shower before you finish your shower hot water cut you finish it with cold water, i don't know how this Coral hotel got 3 stars. After what I went through with them, they don't deserve more than a star. As the lol. travel agency which I booked this hotel with them, a quarter of a star is enough for it.

Date of experience : 06 December 2023

Worst agency ever- not worth it- worst customer service- you will waste your money if something does not go as scheduled

Worst agency ever, i usually book my trips through different operators such as edreams or and they both have work perfectly and have responded to me when i had a problem with my trip. on the other hand didnt help at all, we had a long flight with 2 stop connections in between and our first flight was delayed 1h(connections where made in different airports and we didnt even noticed when booking the flights, and with different airlines because they would not clearly warn you about it), i have tried to call customer service many many times and write to them to find possible solutions or to understand what happens when something like this happened. They would never answer the phone or respond emails. Finally they replayed my 5-6 emails 3h later just to say “ Dear customer please talk to the airline office to help you find new alternatives, thanks” and obviously when we asked the airline they would tell as to talk with our agency. To make the story short, now we filed a complain against asking them to refund for all these inconveniences, and… no reply. Please make yourself a favor and do not book anything through this agency (or whatever they are)

Date of experience : 26 February 2023

Dear customer, we are sorry that your experience hasn't been positive, we are constantly working to offer our customer the better experince possible. We always try to give assistance in the shortest time possibile but sometimes waiting times for assistance could be longer due to the high number of requests. With reference to your specific case, we would like to point out that both the airport, its abbreviation and the airline companies are noticed during the purchasing process. All the costs to make a change of airport are in charge of the passengers. Referring to the flight's delay our customer service said to you to talk with the airline beacuse if the flight is delayed by the airline and the customer is not able to take the following flight due to this, the airline has to give the customer an alternative flight to reach the final destination. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you,

lol travel left my 14 yr old stranded for a day

I paid lol travel for my 14 year old daughter to fly to south Africa. I paid extra money to get premium service and also $100 for the airline to look after her. She ended up getting stuck in Kenya for 14 hours and lol did NOTHING to ensure she reached South Africa safely. She ended up having to sleep in Joberg as the flight did not get in till 1am and all connecting domestic flights had finished for the day. Luckily I was able to get a friend to come and collect her so she has somewhere to sleep whilst waiting for the new domestic flight the next day, as lol travel did nothing to help push the airline to revise connecting flight tickets, arrange food for her (as she had been travelling by then for over 24 hours, nor provide accommodation, or protection, even though I paid an extra $100 to look after her as she is a minor). The company likes to take your money but when you actually want them to provide the service which you paid for, they go quiet. I contacted lol a number of times yesterday, but they said they can do nothing to help even though I paid them extra money to help in the event of travel issues. Will never use this travel company again.

Date of experience : 17 April 2023

Dear customer, we are very sorry that you had a negative experience, we always work to ensure our customer the better experience possibile. Sometimes unforeseen events arise that do not depend directly on us and on which we have no possibility of intervention being intermediaries. We are very sorry for your disappointment, but as a travel agency in this case we could not intervene. The ticket had already been partially used and the change was made by the airline at the airport, so it can only be handled by the airline at the airport. In addition, the airline had already reissued the ticket, so we could no longer physically open it. In this case, as our customer service said to you, it had to be dealt directly with the airline. We are aware that it is difficult to understand but these are the dynamics in cases like this. We remain at your complete disposal, thank you,

Claudia Looi

Touring the Top 10 Moscow Metro Stations

By Claudia Looi 2 Comments

Komsomolskaya metro station

Komsomolskaya metro station looks like a museum. It has vaulted ceilings and baroque decor.

Hidden underground, in the heart of Moscow, are historical and architectural treasures of Russia. These are Soviet-era creations – the metro stations of Moscow.

Our guide Maria introduced these elaborate metro stations as “the palaces for the people.” Built between 1937 and 1955, each station holds its own history and stories. Stalin had the idea of building beautiful underground spaces that the masses could enjoy. They would look like museums, art centers, concert halls, palaces and churches. Each would have a different theme. None would be alike.

The two-hour private tour was with a former Intourist tour guide named Maria. Maria lived in Moscow all her life and through the communist era of 60s to 90s. She has been a tour guide for more than 30 years. Being in her 60s, she moved rather quickly for her age. We traveled and crammed with Maria and other Muscovites on the metro to visit 10 different metro stations.

Arrow showing the direction of metro line 1 and 2

Arrow showing the direction of metro line 1 and 2

Moscow subways are very clean

Moscow subways are very clean

To Maria, every street, metro and building told a story. I couldn’t keep up with her stories. I don’t remember most of what she said because I was just thrilled being in Moscow.   Added to that, she spilled out so many Russian words and names, which to one who can’t read Cyrillic, sounded so foreign and could be easily forgotten.

The metro tour was the first part of our all day tour of Moscow with Maria. Here are the stations we visited:

1. Komsomolskaya Metro Station  is the most beautiful of them all. Painted yellow and decorated with chandeliers, gold leaves and semi precious stones, the station looks like a stately museum. And possibly decorated like a palace. I saw Komsomolskaya first, before the rest of the stations upon arrival in Moscow by train from St. Petersburg.

2. Revolution Square Metro Station (Ploshchad Revolyutsii) has marble arches and 72 bronze sculptures designed by Alexey Dushkin. The marble arches are flanked by the bronze sculptures. If you look closely you will see passersby touching the bronze dog's nose. Legend has it that good luck comes to those who touch the dog's nose.

Touch the dog's nose for good luck. At the Revolution Square station

Touch the dog's nose for good luck. At the Revolution Square station

Revolution Square Metro Station

Revolution Square Metro Station

3. Arbatskaya Metro Station served as a shelter during the Soviet-era. It is one of the largest and the deepest metro stations in Moscow.

Arbatskaya Metro Station

Arbatskaya Metro Station

4. Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station was built in 1935 and named after the Russian State Library. It is located near the library and has a big mosaic portrait of Lenin and yellow ceramic tiles on the track walls.

Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station

Lenin's portrait at the Biblioteka Imeni Lenina Metro Station


5. Kievskaya Metro Station was one of the first to be completed in Moscow. Named after the capital city of Ukraine by Kiev-born, Nikita Khruschev, Stalin's successor.


Kievskaya Metro Station

6. Novoslobodskaya Metro Station  was built in 1952. It has 32 stained glass murals with brass borders.

Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 5.17.53 PM

Novoslobodskaya metro station

7. Kurskaya Metro Station was one of the first few to be built in Moscow in 1938. It has ceiling panels and artwork showing Soviet leadership, Soviet lifestyle and political power. It has a dome with patriotic slogans decorated with red stars representing the Soviet's World War II Hall of Fame. Kurskaya Metro Station is a must-visit station in Moscow.

lol travel trustpilot

Ceiling panel and artworks at Kurskaya Metro Station


8. Mayakovskaya Metro Station built in 1938. It was named after Russian poet Vladmir Mayakovsky. This is one of the most beautiful metro stations in the world with 34 mosaics painted by Alexander Deyneka.

Mayakovskaya station

Mayakovskaya station

Mayakovskaya metro station

One of the over 30 ceiling mosaics in Mayakovskaya metro station

9. Belorusskaya Metro Station is named after the people of Belarus. In the picture below, there are statues of 3 members of the Partisan Resistance in Belarus during World War II. The statues were sculpted by Sergei Orlov, S. Rabinovich and I. Slonim.


10. Teatralnaya Metro Station (Theatre Metro Station) is located near the Bolshoi Theatre.

Teatralnaya Metro Station decorated with porcelain figures .

Teatralnaya Metro Station decorated with porcelain figures .

Taking the metro's escalator at the end of the tour with Maria the tour guide.

Taking the metro's escalator at the end of the tour with Maria the tour guide.

Have you visited the Moscow Metro? Leave your comment below.

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January 15, 2017 at 8:17 am

An excellent read! Thanks for much for sharing the Russian metro system with us. We're heading to Moscow in April and exploring the metro stations were on our list and after reading your post, I'm even more excited to go visit them. Thanks again 🙂

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December 6, 2017 at 10:45 pm

Hi, do you remember which tour company you contacted for this tour?

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  1. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    They offered the best price. Second best price was 30€ costlier then At the very last step of booking confirmation an additional administration fee of 60€ was revealed. So in the end I payed 30€ more then I would have if I chose the second best price which was with kiwi.

  2. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    Avoid this site at all cost. We use kayak which is the main host for travel bargains hunting. We were directed to loltravel and bought 4 tickets to osaka. To our horror, the reference PNR is not able to check in. We have to make a trip to the airport to do a manual check in a day before the travel.

  3. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    It was not great. Lol travel charged me taxes after presenting me with a lower price on their site, so I feel that I was deceived about the real price they would charge. They advertised $381.67 and charged me an additional $108.96 for "sales tax".


    Ho trovato per caso. Stavo prenotando per il Giappone, una follia, di quelle da prenotarsi all'ultimo: costo super vantaggioso, servizio eccellente: mi hanno fornito l'assistenza telefonica, via e-mail e pec (!!!), mandandomi tutto quanto ciò di cui avevo bisogno, non solo: hanno anche aggiornato la mia pratica col nr. di passaporto ...

  5. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    How many stars would you give Join the 1,863 people who've already contributed. Your experience matters. | Read 41-60 Reviews out of 673

  6. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    Reply from Jun 6, 2023. Dear Greg, we are glad to know that you evaluated your experience as excellent and are satisfied about our service. Our aim is to provide our customers with a fast and user-friendly booking system, the best rates on the market and an highly qualified and prompt customer service.

  7. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    The hotel is amazing and everything was booked and organised exactly as promised, all at an amazing price - far, far cheaper than any other booking agent could offer. Thank you for a job well done Date of experience: 16 March 2024. Useful. Share.

  8. The Moscow Metro Museum of Art: 10 Must-See Stations

    Have a look (7)Elektroskaya Station before backtracking into the center of Moscow, stopping off at (8)Baumskaya, getting off the Dark Blue/#3 line at (9)Ploschad Revolyutsii. Change to the Dark Green/#2 line and go south one stop to see (10)Novokuznetskaya Station. Check out our new Moscow Indie Travel Guide, book a flight to Moscow and read 10 ...

  9. Elektrostal to Moscow

    Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Elektrostal to Moscow right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can ...

  10. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    How many stars would you give Join the 1,529 people who've already contributed. Your experience matters. | Read 81-100 Reviews out of 582

  11. What to do with a few hours in Moscow?

    If you need to kill a little more time, head south across the Moscow River and pop onto the island made by the Moscow river and the canal just south of it. (Walking directions: Head south from St. Basil's, down the big street, cross the bridge over the river and the canal, take a right after the bridge. A few blocks down, you'll see a foot ...

  12. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    How many stars would you give Join the 1,695 people who've already contributed. Your experience matters. | Read 101-120 Reviews out of 623

  13. Touring the Top 10 Moscow Metro Stations

    6. Novoslobodskaya Metro Station was built in 1952. It has 32 stained glass murals with brass borders. Novoslobodskaya metro station. 7. Kurskaya Metro Station was one of the first few to be built in Moscow in 1938. It has ceiling panels and artwork showing Soviet leadership, Soviet lifestyle and political power.