Come attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone: La guida completa

Vuoi attivare travel mondo vodafone per poter viaggiare tranquillamente all’estero senza preoccuparti dei costi delle chiamate e dei dati sei nel posto giusto in questa guida completa ti spiegheremo passo dopo passo come attivare questo servizio e rispondiamo alle domande più frequenti..

Come attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone: La guida completa

Come funziona Travel Mondo Vodafone?

Travel Mondo Vodafone è un servizio che ti permette di utilizzare il tuo numero Vodafone all’estero senza costi aggiuntivi. In pratica, potrai chiamare, inviare messaggi e utilizzare i dati, proprio come se fossi nel tuo paese di residenza. Per attivarlo, segui questi semplici passaggi:

Come attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone?

  • Accedi all’app MyVodafone oppure visita il sito ufficiale di Vodafone.
  • Naviga fino alla sezione “Opzioni e servizi” o “Gestisci i tuoi servizi”.
  • Cerca l’opzione “Travel Mondo” o “Opzioni per l’estero”.
  • Seleziona l’opzione per attivarla e conferma la tua scelta.
  • Riceverai un messaggio di conferma dell’attivazione del servizio.

Travel Mondo Vodafone: Quali sono i paesi coperti?

Con Travel Mondo Vodafone puoi viaggiare senza pensieri in più di 100 paesi in tutto il mondo. Alcuni dei paesi coperti includono:

  • Regno Unito
  • Stati Uniti
  • …e molti altri!

Travel Mondo Vodafone: Quali sono i costi?

Attivando Travel Mondo Vodafone, potrai utilizzare il tuo numero senza costi aggiuntivi nei paesi coperti. Ciò significa che le chiamate, i messaggi e l’utilizzo dei dati saranno addebitati come se fossi nel tuo paese di residenza. Tuttavia, è sempre consigliabile verificare la tariffa per ogni paese prima di partire.

Travel Mondo Vodafone: Quali sono i vantaggi?

I vantaggi di attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone sono molteplici. Alcuni di essi includono:

  • Utilizzare il tuo numero Vodafone senza costi aggiuntivi all’estero
  • Chiamare, inviare messaggi e utilizzare i dati senza preoccupazioni
  • Evitare le sorprese delle bollette telefoniche dopo il viaggio
  • Poter restare connesso con amici, famiglia e colleghi durante i tuoi viaggi

Attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone è facile e comodo, ed è la soluzione ideale per coloro che amano viaggiare senza doversi preoccupare dei costi delle comunicazioni. Ricorda sempre di verificare i dettagli e le tariffe specifiche per ogni paese prima di partire.

Alla prossima avventura internazionale con Travel Mondo Vodafone!

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Vodafone Travel Mondo: tutte le nuove modifiche tariffarie

Redazione Tariffando

Vodafone modifica l’offerta Travel Mondo e i Paesi inclusi nelle diverse zone: ecco tutti i dettagli


È news recente quella di Vodafone, che continua sulla scia delle rimodulazioni e questa volta colpisce l’offerta per l’estero  Travel Mondo , comunicando i nuovi prezzi e le modifiche effettuate ai Paesi inclusi nell’offerta.

Nello specifico, a partire dal 21 ottobre ,  zona 1, 2 e 3 subiranno una variazione da 24,99€ a 29,99€ , ad esclusione però di USA e Canada , che mantengono invece l’attuale tariffa da 24,99€.

Le modifiche  footprint  – cioè le zone dei diversi Paesi – verranno così riprogrammate:

  • Passano dalla zona 2 (3 GB di dati) alla zona 1 (1 GB di dati) i seguenti Paesi: Argentina, Australia, Cile, Vietnam, Taiwan, Costa Rica, Porto Rico e Malesia;
  • Passano  dalla zona 3 (5 GB di dati) alla zona 2 (3 GB di dati)  i seguenti Paesi: India e Cambogia.

Le modifiche apportate alla promo si applicheranno a partire dal primo rinnovo utile dopo il 21 ottobre per coloro che l’avessero attivata prima di questa data; al contrario, se si attiva Travel Mondo dopo il 21 ottobre il prezzo base sarà di 29,99€. Infine, ricordiamo che l’offerta ha una validità di 10 giorni. Per ulteriori dettagli e informazioni, si rimanda alla pagina dedicata sul sito ufficiale di Vodafone.

Vodafone Travel Mondo

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Vodafone Travel Mondo: tutte le nuove modifiche tariffarie

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travel mondo vodafone 2023

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Viaggio nel mondo con Vodafone: scopri come attivare l’offerta Travel!

Se stai cercando di attivare il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone per la tua prossima avventura all’estero, sei nel posto giusto. Questa guida ti fornirà tutte le informazioni che ti servono per attivare e utilizzare Travel Mondo Vodafone, il servizio che ti permette di utilizzare il tuo telefono all’estero senza fretta, con tariffe molto convenienti. Viene fornito con tre diverse opzioni tra cui scegliere per i tuoi bisogni di viaggio. Scopri tutto quello che c’è da sapere su come attivare il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone e inizia a viaggiare senza preoccupazioni.

  • Ottenere una SIM Vodafone – Per attivare il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone, è necessario avere una SIM Vodafone attiva sul proprio dispositivo. Se non si ha ancora una SIM Vodafone, sarà necessario ottenerne una presso un centro Vodafone.
  • Attivare il servizio – Per attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone, è possibile chiamare il servizio clienti Vodafone, effettuare l’attivazione online tramite il sito web Vodafone o recarsi presso un centro Vodafone per richiedere l’attivazione del servizio.
  • Selezionare il piano tariffario – Vodafone offre due piani tariffari per Travel Mondo: Travel Day o Travel Week. Il primo consente l’utilizzo illimitato del servizio in un singolo giorno, mentre il secondo offre lo stesso servizio per un’intera settimana. È possibile selezionare il piano tariffario in base alle proprie esigenze di viaggio.
  • Verificare la copertura – Prima di utilizzare il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone, è importante verificare la copertura del servizio nel paese di destinazione. Vodafone offre una mappa di copertura online che mostra i paesi coperti dal servizio. In caso di domande o dubbi, è possibile contattare il servizio clienti Vodafone per assistenza.
  • Accesso a servizi esclusivi: Attivando Travel Mondo Vodafone è possibile accedere a una vasta gamma di servizi esclusivi, come chiamate, messaggi e navigazione internet senza alcun costo aggiuntivo nei Paesi in cui è attivo il servizio.
  • Risparmio sui costi di roaming: Grazie ad Travel Mondo Vodafone, i clienti possono beneficiare di una riduzione significativa dei costi di roaming internazionale, evitando così di dover pagare tariffazioni elevate per l’utilizzo dei propri device all’estero.
  • Copertura in numerosi Paesi: Travel Mondo Vodafone è attivo in un gran numero di Paesi in tutto il mondo, il che significa che i clienti Vodafone possono avere accesso alle tariffe vantaggiose anche quando si trovano in destinazioni più esotiche.
  • Facile attivazione: L’attivazione di Travel Mondo Vodafone è facile e veloce. I clienti possono attivare il servizio direttamente online, inserendo i propri dati personali e selezionando il paese o i paesi in cui intendono utilizzarlo. Non è richiesta nessuna modifica alla SIM o al dispositivo, il che rende l’attivazione estremamente semplice e alla portata di tutti.
  • Costo elevato: L’attivazione di Travel Mondo Vodafone può essere costosa e potrebbe avere un impatto significativo sul budget di viaggio.
  • Limitazioni geografiche: Travel Mondo Vodafone è disponibile solo in determinati paesi, il che significa che non potrebbero esserci opzioni per l’uso dell’abbonamento quando si viaggia in alcune destinazioni al di fuori di queste zone.
  • Dati limitati: L’abbonamento a Travel Mondo Vodafone può offrire solo un quantitativo limitato di dati, il che potrebbe essere insufficiente per soddisfare le esigenze dei viaggiatori che utilizzano regolarmente servizi di streaming, conversazioni video e attività simili.
  • Problemi di connettività: Potrebbe esserci una ridotta efficienza della connessione in alcune zone, con conseguente riduzione della qualità dell’esperienza di utilizzo dell’abbonamento a Travel Mondo Vodafone. ciò potrebbe essere un problema in particolare quando si utilizza servizi di navigazione o e-mail, oppure quando si cerca di utilizzare le funzionalità di ricerca per trovare posizioni o altre informazioni relative al viaggio.

Quali sono le procedure per attivare Vodafone all’estero?

La procedura per attivare Vodafone all’estero dipende dal fatto che siate già clienti o meno. Se avete già un’offerta Vodafone, potete attivarne una specifica per le chiamate all’estero tramite i Vodafone Store o direttamente sul sito Fai da te di Se, invece, non siete ancora clienti Vodafone, potete attivare le offerte per chiamare all’estero presso tutti i Vodafone Store o sul sito ufficiale di Vodafone. È facile da fare e ti permette di parlare con familiari e amici all’estero in modo conveniente e senza problemi.

Per attivare Vodafone all’estero è possibile scegliere tra l’attivazione di un’offerta specifica per le chiamate all’estero se già clienti, o l’attivazione di un’offerta dedicata per i nuovi clienti. L’operazione può essere svolta presso i Vodafone Store o sul sito dell’operatore e permette di comunicare a basso costo con i propri cari all’estero.

In che modo funziona la Vodafone all’estero?

La Vodafone permette ai propri clienti di utilizzare la propria offerta nazionale anche nei Paesi dell’Unione Europea senza costi aggiuntivi, a partire dal 15 giugno 2017. Questo significa che è possibile effettuare chiamate, inviare SMS e navigare in Internet come se si fosse in Italia, sempre nel rispetto delle condizioni di utilizzo previste dal Regolamento 2016/2286. Grazie a questa iniziativa, i clienti Vodafone possono viaggiare all’estero senza doversi preoccupare di costi aggiuntivi per l’utilizzo del loro telefono e possono mantenere la loro offerta senza doverla modificare.

La Vodafone ha consolidato la propria posizione competitiva nel settore delle telecomunicazioni grazie all’introduzione della nuova offerta UE, che consente ai propri clienti di utilizzare l’offerta nazionale anche nei Paesi europei senza costi aggiuntivi. Questo significa che i clienti possono rimanere connessi con i loro device durante i viaggi all’estero senza doversi preoccupare dei costi aggiuntivi. La mossa della Vodafone mostra una forte attenzione alle esigenze dei propri clienti rispetto ai competitor di settore, consolidando una solida base di fedeltà.

Qual è il funzionamento di Vodafone Passport?

Vodafone Passport è un servizio che permette ai clienti di usare il proprio telefono cellulare all’estero senza sostenere costi eccessivi. In USA, ad esempio, è possibile utilizzare 60 minuti (30 in entrata e 30 in uscita), 60 SMS e 500 Mega al giorno, solo in caso di utilizzo. Nel resto del mondo, invece, si ha diritto a un massimo di 30 minuti (15 in entrata e 15 in uscita), 30 SMS e 500 Mega al giorno. Nel caso si superino i limiti di navigazione giornalieri, si può continuare a navigare a 3 euro ogni 200 Mega fino a 1 Giga al giorno.

Il servizio Vodafone Passport offre ai clienti l’opportunità di utilizzare il proprio cellulare all’estero senza incorrere in costi eccessivi. In USA, si possono utilizzare fino a 60 minuti, 60 SMS e 500 Mega al giorno, mentre nel resto del mondo i limiti sono ridotti a un massimo di 30 minuti, 30 SMS e 500 Mega al giorno. In caso di superamento dei limiti di navigazione, si può continuare a navigare a un costo aggiuntivo.

Naviga senza frontiere: Scopri come attivare il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone

Il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone consente ai clienti di utilizzare il proprio telefono in tutto il mondo senza alcun limite di frontiera. Per attivare il servizio, bisogna contattare l’assistenza clienti Vodafone e richiedere l’attivazione. Una volta attivato, è possibile utilizzare il proprio pacchetto di dati e di chiamate anche fuori dall’Unione Europea, senza avere la sgradevole sorpresa di costi eccessivi sulla propria bolletta. Inoltre, grazie a Travel Mondo è possibile restare sempre connessi con il proprio smartphone anche in viaggio, per non perdere mai una chiamata importante o l’accesso alle proprie applicazioni preferite.

Il servizio Travel Mondo di Vodafone offre ai clienti la possibilità di utilizzare il proprio telefono in tutto il mondo senza limiti di frontiera, grazie all’attivazione del pacchetto di dati e chiamate. Questo evita costi eccessivi e permette di restare connessi anche in viaggio per non perdere chiamate e applicazioni importanti.

Esplora il mondo senza limiti: Guida pratica alla configurazione del servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone

Il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone è la soluzione ideale per chi desidera utilizzare il proprio smartphone durante i viaggi all’estero senza preoccuparsi dei costi. Grazie alla sua applicazione, è possibile configurare il servizio in pochi semplici passaggi e continuare ad utilizzare il proprio smartphone senza perdere alcuna funzionalità. Inoltre, Travel Mondo Vodafone offre un servizio di assistenza 24 ore su 24 per rispondere a qualsiasi domanda o problematica. Con questo servizio, quindi, il mondo è davvero a portata di mano, senza limiti di costi o di connettività.

Il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone è la soluzione perfetta per gestire le spese di roaming durante i viaggi all’estero. Grazie alla sua facile configurazione, l’applicazione consente di utilizzare il proprio smartphone senza alcuna limitazione e di ricevere assistenza in ogni momento. In questo modo, si può godere di un’esperienza senza limiti di connettività e senza preoccuparsi dei costi elevati del traffico dati internazionale.

Seguire i passaggi indicati per attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone è semplice e conveniente per chi desidera viaggiare all’estero senza doversi preoccupare dei costi aggiuntivi del roaming. Grazie a questo servizio, è possibile mantenere la connessione internet ovunque si vada a tariffe vantaggiose, permettendo di rimanere sempre aggiornati e connessi con amici, parenti o colleghi di lavoro. Inoltre, attraverso l’app My Vodafone è possibile monitorare il proprio traffico internet e tenere sotto controllo i costi, rendendo il servizio ancora più conveniente ed efficiente. Con Travel Mondo Vodafone, i viaggiatori possono godere di un’esperienza di viaggio senza problemi e godere di tutti i vantaggi di un servizio di telecomunicazioni d’avanguardia.


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Vodafone Smart Passport conviene? Costo e Come Disattivarlo

Cassandra Testa

Da Cassandra Testa

Internet & Cyber Security Expert

Vodafone Smart Passport

Vodafone Smart Passport ti consente di utilizzare il tuo piano cellulare anche nei Paesi Extra UE, offrendoti un pacchetto giornaliero di minuti, SMS e dati per la navigazione Internet.

  • Vodafone Smart Passport in Breve:
  • Il servizio viene addebitato in automatico sulla tua SIM al momento del primo utilizzo.
  • Vodafone Smart Passport + si rinnova di giorno in giorno scalando il costo dal tuo credito residuo.
  • Se esaurisci i Mega inclusi nel pacchetto, puoi continuare navigare a un costo di 2 o 3 euro ogni volta che che superi una certa quantità di dati, che varia a seconda del Paese in cui ti trovi.

Che Cos'è Vodafone Smart Passport?

Vodafone Smart Passport + è il servizio aggiuntivo che l'operatore rosso mette a disposizione dei propri clienti per comunicare e utilizzare internet quando si trovano in un Paese al di fuori dell'Unione Europea.

Per non incorrere negli elevati costi tariffari legati al roaming nei Paesi Extra UE, Vodafone permette di sottoscrivere dei pacchetti con un canone giornaliero che comprendono un certo quantitativo di minuti (in entrata e in uscita), di messaggi e di dati per navigare in Internet.

Nel caso in cui dovessi terminare i Mega inclusi all'interno di Vodafone Smart Passport , hai la possibilità di continuare a connetterti online pagando una tariffa di 2 o 3 euro ogni volta che raggiungi una determinata soglia di dati , la quale può essere di 25, 50, 100 o 200 Mega, fino a un limite massimo di 250 o 500 Mega, oppure fino a 1 Giga al giorno, a seconda della Nazione in cui ti trovi.

Afghanistan, Albania, Antigua e Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrein, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bermuda, Botswana, Isole Vergini Britanniche, Brasile, Cambogia, Canada, Isole Cayman, Cile, Cina, Colombia, Isole Cook, Costa Rica, Repubblica Dominicana, Ecuador, Egitto, El Salvador, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israele, Giamaica, Giappone, Giordania, Kenya, Repubblica di Corea, Kuwait, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Malaysia, Messico, Moldavia, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nuova Zelanda, Nicaragua, Panama, Papua Nuova Guinea, Paraguay, Perù, Filippine, Porto Rico, Qatar, Saint Kitts e Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent e Grenadine, Samoa, Serbia, Singapore, Isole Salomone, Sud Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Svizzera, Taiwan, Thailandia, Tonga, Trinidad e Tobago, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Stati Uniti, Uruguay, Vietnam.

Quali Paesi sono inclusi in Vodafone Smart Passport?

Come si Attiva Vodafone Smart Passport?

Prima di poter usufruire di Vodafone Smart Passport, è necessario attivare il servizio gratuitamente tramite il supporto clienti di Vodafone o attraverso l' area Fai Da Te .

Inoltre, è fondamentale avere un saldo sufficiente sul tuo credito residuo : quindi è consigliabile effettuare una ricarica prima di partire, considerando almeno un costo di 3 euro al giorno.

Quando conviene Vodafone Smart Passport? Il pacchetto di Vodafone è molto utile per viaggi brevi all'interno dei Paesi Extra UE o per chi fa poco utilizzo della propria offerta mobile mentre è in viaggio.

L' addebito per l'attivazione del pacchetto avverrà al momento della prima chiamata, dell'invio di SMS o della connessione dati effettuati nel corso della giornata in modo automatico. Se non utilizzi alcuna di queste opzioni, non ti sarà addebitato nessun costo.

I minuti, gli SMS e i dati inclusi in Vodafone Smart Passport avranno validità a partire dal momento del primo utilizzo nel corso della giornata e rimarranno utilizzabili fino alle 24:00 ora italiana dello stesso giorno.

Vodafone Smart Passport

Questo significa che, se ti trovi negli USA ed effettui una telefonata con la tua SIM Vodafone, ti verranno scalati immediatamente i 3 euro relativi alla tariffa Smart Passport e il pacchetto sarà attivo fino alle 24:00 italiane. Se, il giorno seguente, continuerai ad utilizzare il tuo piano cellulare, Vodafone ti addebiterà ulteriori 3 euro per il rinnovo di Vodafone Smart Passport.

Se vuoi controllare la quantità di Giga, minuti e SMS disponibili , puoi accedere all'app My Vodafone o al portale Fai Da Te. In alternativa, puoi contattare il numero del servizio Clienti Vodafone al 414 .

Quali sono le Altre Tariffe Vodafone Estero?

Oltre al servizio Vodafone Smart Passport, che potrebbe risultare costoso nel caso di un utilizzo prolungato o per un viaggio più lungo di qualche giorno, l'operatore mette a disposizione anche il pacchetto Vodafone Travel Mondo .

A differenza delle classiche offerte Vodafone mobile , questo piano è pensato appositamente per chi è spesso in viaggio ed infatti offre 200 minuti (100 in entrata e 100 in uscita), 10 SMS e un certo quantitativo di Giga per la navigazione dati Extra UE validi per 10 giorni dal momento del primo utilizzo.

Puoi consultare la tabella che segue per scoprire in quale zona rientra il Paese di tuo interesse, in questo modo puoi sapere quale versione dell'offerta Vodafone Travel Mondo puoi attivare .

🌎 In quale Zona rientra il Paese Extra UE in cui mi trovo?

Puoi effettuare la richiesta di attivazione accedendo direttamente alla tua area Fai Da Te prima della partenza del viaggio. In questo modo, una volta arrivato a destinazione, invece della Vodafone Smart Passport, ti verrà attivato in modo automatico il pacchetto Vodafone Travel Mondo al momento della prima chiamata, dell'invio del primo messaggio o della prima connessione dati.

In alternativa, puoi scegliere una delle offerte Vodafone estero che riservano alcuni GB per il roaming internazionale .

Le Domande Frequenti su Vodafone Smart Passport

Quanto costa vodafone passport.

Vodafone Passport ha un costo variabile di 3 o 6 euro a seconda del Paese di destinazione.

Come si attiva Passport di Vodafone?

Vodafone Smart Passport si attiva automaticamente al momento del primo utilizzo del piano cellulare nel Paese di destinazione.

Come funziona Smart Passport di Vodafone?

Vodafone Smart Passport è un pacchetto giornaliero che offre un certo quantitativo di minuti, SMS e dati per la navigazione online utilizzabili all'interno di un Paese Extra Europeo. Si attiva in automatico al momento del primo utilizzo e sarà utilizzabile fino alle 24:00 italiane dello stesso giorno.

Come si disattiva Vodafone Passport?

Se desideri disattivare il servizio Smart Passport di Vodafone , puoi chiamare il numero 42070 e seguire le istruzioni fornite dalla voce preregistrata allo scopo di completare la disattivazione.

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Vodafone roaming charges explained: All of your questions answered

  • Ben Johnston

travel mondo vodafone 2023

We dig into the changes that Vodafone is making to its roaming policy in 2022

Vodafone is one of several mobile networks that have announced the reintroduction of roaming charges in 2022. Since 2017, roaming in European countries has been protected by the EU’s Roam Like at Home initiative, which banned mobile networks from charging users for roaming in member states. With Brexit removing the UK’s status as an EU member, this initiative is negated, leaving networks free to reinstate roaming charges.

Currently, only a select few networks have reintroduced roaming charges, and relatively low ones at that. Still, if you plan to use your phone abroad, it’s important to know exactly what you’re in for, so we’re going to break down the new charges, and in which circumstances they will be relevant to you.

READ NEXT: Vodafone network review

Vodafone roaming charges: When is it changing?

The new charges are being implemented as of 6 January 2022, so any roaming before this date will be under the old rules. Additionally, existing contracts taken out before 11 August 2021 will not be subject to these changes until the next upgrade. Full details of the updated roaming policy can be read here .

Vodafone roaming charges: What countries does it affect?

Vodafone groups roaming destinations into four categories: Zone A , Zone B , Zone C and Zone D . The first two zones contain the European countries that Vodafone covers, while the latter two encompass the rest of the world. The full list of countries covered can be found here .

Zone A consists only of the Republic of Ireland and the Isle of Man, both of which are included in standard pay monthly plans at no additional cost. The other 49 eligible European countries can be found in Zone B , which is covered by certain plans but incurs charges on others (more on that below).

Zone C covers 32 destinations worldwide, including popular choices like the USA, Canada and Australia. As with Zone B , roaming in Zone C is covered by a select few pay monthly plans but will otherwise need to be paid for.

Zone D covers an additional 75 worldwide destinations, including the Dominican Republic, Japan and Saudi Arabia. None of Vodafone’s pay monthly plans cover roaming in this zone, so you will need to pay a daily charge if you plan to roam in any of these countries.

Vodafone roaming charges: Pay monthly contracts

As mentioned above, there are a select few pay monthly plans that include roaming to several of the zones at no additional cost. Specifically, the Limited data Xtra Airtime Plan with 4 Xtra Benefits covers you roaming in 51 countries across Zones A and B, while the Unlimited data Xtra Airtime Plan with 4 Xtra Benefits covers 83 destinations in Zones A, B and C.

For all other plans, the standard rates apply to Zones B, C and D. Roaming in any of the 49 European countries covered by Zone B will cost you a flat rate of £2 per day. Alternatively, if you’re spending more than a few days in roaming countries, you may be better off purchasing either an 8- or 15-day Roaming Pass, both of which work out to just £1 per day of use.

Zones C and D are a bit more simple, if also more expensive. Roaming in destinations from either zone will incur a daily charge of £6. As things stand, there is no Roaming Pass option for worldwide destinations, so £6 per day is the best deal you can currently get from Vodafone.

Regardless of which zone you’re roaming in, fair usage applies to all of these rates. Minutes and texts work the same as they do at home, so if your plan includes unlimited of each, you won’t be restricted when roaming. Similarly with data, if your agreed limit is 25GB or less, you can use all your allowance without any further charges. If your data cap is usually more than that, however, you will be held to the roaming limit of 25GB. Any use that exceeds these limits will incur a surcharge of £3.13 per GB.

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Vodafone roaming charges: Pay As You Go plans

Vodafone has confirmed that current Pay As You Go plans face no changes under these new rules. As such, you can use your standard plan in any of the 51 European destinations just like you would at home, without garnering any additional costs.

If you’re going further afield, you can also opt for one of Vodafone’s Around the World Extra packages. The 8-day pass affords you 2GB of data, 100 minutes and 100 texts in any of 73 listed countries worldwide for £15, while the 15-day option gives you 4GB of data, 200 minutes and 200 texts in any of those same 73 destinations for £25.

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Connect your customers across the globe

People need to stay connected in today's world – wherever they may roam. Whether travelling for business or pleasure, your customers rely on seamless travel mobility solutions. With Vodafone Travel Mobility, you can deliver unmatched customer experience across our global footprint. We enable mobile operators, travel SIM and travel mobility providers to offer white-labelled, instant, short-term connectivity for smartphones, MiFi and other devices. Even without a physical SIM, your customers can enjoy quality coverage and high data speeds via our eSIM solution. If you’re an application, e-commerce, or device player intending to upgrade your core product or travel portfolio with connectivity, we also help boost your segment performance results. Ready to get started?

Explore Europe with Vodafone Travel eSIM

Find out how you can stay connected when you travel in 45+ countries with one eSIM - without swapping your SIM or changing your number.

*Currently available for US and Canada customers only

Expand your global roaming services with our white-labelled travel mobility solutions and tailor your offers through the following benefits.

How travel mobility works for you

Our travel mobility solution is based on an API integration – it allows you to review and provision your bundles, manage your customer notifications, offer top-up options and monitor your reports with ease.

Enhance your business with our new technologies in roaming and device connectivity

Roaming data will grow up to 25% by 2026.*Future travel mobility services need to be ‘digital first’ to meet growing data and changing consumer demands. 5G networks and eSIMs are just some of the solutions that can enable ‘always on’ connectivity and real-time management of roaming partners. Download our whitepaper if you’re interested in what emerging technologies and services shape the future of travel mobility.

*Juniper Research’s survey, December 2021

What key trends will shape travel mobility over the next five years?

In a recent webinar, hosted by Juniper Research and Vodafone Voice and Roaming Services, we explored the results of a global survey of 180+ mobile operators and discussed the exciting opportunities that lie ahead for the sector. Catch up on the highlights of the webinar.

Reach out if you would like to watch the full webinar.

Together we make international voice and roaming services easy

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After contacting us and filling out our business enquiry form, we arrange a conversation to understand your needs and priorities.

The next step is to assess your traffic, priority destinations and the required technical infrastructure to achieve your business goals.

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Roaming and voice services.

Get instant access to Vodafone’s leading global outbound roaming footprint to gain a competitive edge for your business.

Enhance your inbound and outbound roaming footprint with other hub member with only one contract to request service openings.

Implement worldwide, commercially sustainable internetworking and roaming services with our reliable and secure IPX solutions.

Near-shore 4G connectivity creates intelligent communication solutions for your vessels, passengers, crews and IoT devices.

Leverage our expertise via tailored consultancy to improve your roaming capabilities and end-to-end management of your roaming platforms.

Benefit from the highest quality international voice solutions with streamlined management processes at home or while roaming.

Roam at no extra cost in 83 worldwide destinations on Vodafone Xtra Global Roaming plans.

How does roaming with Vodafone work?

If you're on Pay monthly, we've split the world into Zones A, B, C, D and 'Rest of the World'.

If you're on Pay as you go, we've split the world into Zones A, B, 'Around the World' and 'Rest of the World'.

Roaming in Zone A is included in all plans. Roaming outside of Zone A will depend on where you're travelling to and what plan you're on.

Roaming in Rest of the World destinations

If you purchased your plan on or after 21 February 2024, you'll need to buy a Rest of the World Data Roaming pass.

If you bought your plan before 21 February 2024, you can either purchase a Rest of the World Data Roaming pass or pay for each megabyte of data.

To find out how much it'll cost to roam in a specific destination, use our Charge Checker

Roaming on Pay monthly plans

You can use your UK allowance of data, minutes and texts when you roam with our Pay monthly plans.

Roaming in Zone A is included in all our Pay monthly plans at no extra cost

With selected Xtra Plans, you can roam in our other zones as well

Roaming charges depend on what plan you have with us. Log in or register for My Vodafone to check your plan charges  

If your Xtra Plan has the benefit of inclusive roaming in 51 European destinations, you can use your UK allowance at no extra cost in Zone A and B . If your plan doesn't include this, it will cost you £2.42 a day or you can roam for cheaper with one of our European Roaming Passes

If your Xtra Plan has the benefit of inclusive roaming in 83 worldwide destinations, you can use your UK allowance at no extra cost in Zone A, B and C. If your plan doesn't include this, it'll cost you £7.39 a day to roam

Roaming in Zone D will cost you £7.39 a day.

If your plan started before 11 August 2021, this information doesn't apply. If you want to find out where you can roam, or you're not sure what plan you're on, log in or register for My Vodafone

Vodafone customers who purchased a Vodafone Basics plan before 22 July 2022 do not have roaming services included. These plans are for UK use only .

You can also chat to TOBi to find out about your plan's charges.

What are European Roaming passes?

If your plan doesn't have inclusive roaming in our Europe Zone (Zone B), then it will cost you £2.42 a day to roam in our  European destinations . You can reduce this cost with one of our European Roaming passes, available as £12 for 8 days or £17 for 15 days.

To add one of these Extras to your plan, just text 8DAYEUROPE or 15DAYEUROPE to 40506 free from your Vodafone mobile. This does not include picture messages, premium calls or texts.

Pay monthly roaming destinations

Zone a (republic of ireland, isle of man, iceland and norway).

Republic of Ireland

Isle of Man

Zone B (47 European destinations)

Aland Islands

Balearic Islands

Canary Islands

Cyprus except Northern Cyprus

Czech Republic

Faroe Islands

France (including Corsica)

French Guiana



St. Barthelemy


Vatican City

Zone C (32 worldwide destinations)

Antigua and Barbuda

Bosnia and Herzegovina

British Virgin Islands

Cayman Islands

New Zealand

Sint Eustatius

Sint Maarten

South Africa

St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Vincent

Trinidad and Tobago

Turkey and North Cyprus

Turks and Caicos

United States of America

Zone D (73 worldwide destinations)


Congo, Democratic Republic of

Dominican Republic

El Salvador

Papua New Guinea


Puerto Rico

Saudi Arabia

South Korea

South Sudan

United Arab Emirates

US Virgin Islands

Rest of the World destinations

Roaming on pay as you go plans.

With all our Pay as you go plans, you can use your data, minutes and texts in the UK and while roaming in Zone A (Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man, Iceland and Norway).

If you're roaming in Zone B (our Europe Zone) and want to make calls, send texts or use data, you'll need to purchase one of our 8-day Europe Extras. Pay as you go Plus customers will also need to purchase an Extra in order to receive calls.

If you're going further afield, your options depend on what Pay as you go plan you have:

Pay as you go Plus plans: You will need to add our Around the World Extra or Rest of the World Extra, depending on your destination. To check which Extra you'll need, visit our Charge checker page

You won't be able to make/receive calls, send texts or use data until you've bought your Extra - this is to help avoid any unexpected roaming charges.

Big Value Bundle or Pay as you go 1 plans: Our Around the World Roaming Extras give you an allowance of texts, minutes and data to use in 74 additional destinations , making it far more affordable to roam.

If you choose to roam without an Extra, standard roaming charges will apply - you'll be charged per call, text or MB of data, and it will be taken from your account credit.

Pay as you go roaming destinations

Around the world extra (74 additional destinations).

Sint Maarten​

Rest of the World Extra (62 additional destinations)

To roam in these destinations, Pay as you go and Pay as you go Plus customers will need to buy a Rest of the World Extra.  


Burkina Faso​

Central African Republic​

Congo (Peoples Republic)​

French Polynesia​

Ivory Coast​



Solomon Islands​



Bosnia and Herzegovina​

British Virgin Islands​

Saudi Arabia​

Sint Eustatius​

South Korea​

South Sudan​

United Arab Emirates​


Additional roaming destinations for Pay as you go (39 destinations)

Pay as you go customers can roam in these destinations. Your credit will be used to pay for the minutes, texts, and data you use in these countries. 

Cook Islands

Equatorial Guinea

Falkland Islands


New Caledonia

Saint Helena

Sao Tome and Principe​

Sierra Leone

Timor Leste

5G Roaming at no extra cost

We offer 5G coverage at no extra cost in more locations across Europe than any other UK network. Join us on 5G in 318 places across the UK, and 344 across Europe.

Want to know more about 5G? Visit our  5G hub

Frequently asked questions

How much will it cost to use my device abroad.

Roaming charges will depend on what plan you're on.

If you're not sure, please chat to TOBi about your roaming charges.

How does Spend Manager work?

Vodafone Spend Manager helps you keep in control of any out-of-plan charges, such as roaming charges and international calls, by setting a limit on how much extra you can spend each month. That means no nasty bill shocks. This will help you manage your roaming, or you can even disable it altogether.

Any spending limits you set will work when you're roaming, however, if you've set your out-of-plan charges spend limit to £0, this means you won't be able to roam. We recommend reviewing your limit before you travel to make sure you get the most out of your phone when travelling abroad by setting your out-of-plan charges limit to £0.

You can add, change or remove your spending limit at any time for free in the My Vodafone app , in My Vodafone account or by calling us on 41156 , free from your Vodafone mobile.  Find out more on our dedicated  Spend manager page

How do I get inclusive roaming in 83 destinations included in my plan?

Move to any of our Unlimited Xtra plans , plus an additional fee, to get the full 83 worldwide inclusive destinations.

How do Pay monthly European Roaming Extras work?

European Roaming Passes allow you to use your monthly UK allowance of calls, texts and data in a Zone B destination.

A pass can be purchased at any time. It will remain on your account and will become active when you start roaming.

Your pass will last for either 8 or 15 days, depending on what pass you purchased.

You cannot purchase two passes at once so if your first pass runs out, you will have to purchase an additional pass.

You cannot roll over the Pass if you are roaming for less than 8 days.

Is there a limit on how long I can roam for?

Use of our services while in Zone A, Zone B (excluding the UK) and Zone C (for customers using their inclusive roaming that is included in their monthly charge) is intended for temporary, periodic travel such as holidays and short breaks.

We will monitor and check your roaming use. If, during any 4 month period, you roam in Zone A, B or C for 62 days or more AND your corresponding roaming usage exceeds your usage within the UK, you may incur additional roaming charges. We will send you notification two weeks prior to charging you any additional roaming charges, to allow you time to adjust your usage accordingly.

These additional roaming charges will be: £0.033 a minute for calls £0.01p a SMS £3.37 a 1GB of data (£0.33 per MB of data)

You will still be able to receive calls and texts from friends and relatives at no extra cost

Read more about our acceptable use policy

How much will I be charged if I go over my UK data allowance when roaming?

If you exceed your UK data allowance when you're abroad, you will be charged as you would be in the UK. The charges will last until your next billing date or until you return to the UK, whichever comes first.

If your UK allowance is greater than 25GB, then a fair usage policy of 25GB applies i.e. once you have exceeded 25GB data use, then you will be charged £3.37 a GB used. The charges will last until your next billing date or until you return to the UK, whichever comes first.

What's a roaming fair usage policy?

All our pay monthly plans are subject to a 25GB roaming fair use policy. This means that if your UK allowance is greater than 25GB, you can use up to 25GB data a month while roaming.

If your UK data allowance is less than 25GB, you can use your UK data allowance when abroad, but if you exceed it you'll be charged as you would be in the UK.

Where can I get 5G abroad?

From 26 July 2019, if you're on a 5G-ready plan and have a 5G device, you can also use 5G in Germany, Italy, Spain and Republic of Ireland where it's available. In addition, you can also benefit from Vodafone Unlimited on 4G in 83 destinations worldwide - the largest roaming footprint of any UK provider.

Germany (177 towns and cities)

Bad Hersfeld

Bad Münder am Deister

Bad Oeynhausen

Bad Wünnenberg

Bergisch Gladbach

Bernau bei Berlin



Boizenburg/ Elbe



Frankfurt am Main

Freiburg im Breisgau

Gdefr. Geb. (Lkr Roth)


Gronau (Westf.)

Groß Godems

Grünheide (Mark)

Halle (Saale)

Haren (Ems)





Königs Wusterhausen



Ludwigshafen am Rhein


Nienburg (Weser)

Offenbach am Main

Oldenburg (Oldenburg)









Seehausen a.Staffelsee





Italy (33 towns and cities)

Cassina de' Pecchi

Cinisello Balsamo

Cologno Monzese

Cusano Milanino

Garbagnate Milanese

Novate Milanese

Pessano con Bornago

San Donato Milanese

San Giorgio su Legnano

San Giuliano Milanese

Sesto San Giovanni

Trezzano sul Naviglio

Spain (21 towns and cities)

Palma de Mallorca

San Sebastián

Republic of Ireland (8 towns and cities)

Why do I need a Roaming Extra for my Pay as you go Plus plan?

We have 8-day Roaming Extras available for our Europe destinations and Rest of the World destinations, and either 8-day or 15-day Roaming Extras available for our Around the World destinations.

See a full list of our roaming destinations

Make sure you're connected to Wi-Fi before purchasing, and note that any Extras will begin from the moment of purchase. If you run out of data, minutes or texts, you can always purchase another Extra.

If you have bought a SIM in the UK with the intention of travelling abroad and roaming, you must first activate the SIM in the UK for you to be allowed to add the roaming Extra on which you intend to apply. Your SIM cannot be activated abroad.

See roaming Extras and charges

Legal terms

Legal small print.

Saving claims verification:  see details on the relevant product page.

VAT:  All pricing inclusive unless stated otherwise. For prices stated exclusive of VAT, the VAT rate payable is 20%.

Gift with Purchase:  See details on product page including any additional terms.

*Annual Price Rise

Pay Monthly Plans (excluding Home Broadband):  From 2025, the monthly price and all out of bundle charges will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate published in January of that year + plus an additional 3.9%. If you have a Device Plan, this will not affect your monthly Device Plan payments:

Home Broadband:  From 2025, the monthly price will increase each April by the Consumer Price Index rate of inflation published in January that year, plus an additional 3.9%. See for details.

Pay Monthly

Minimum term agreement, eligibility, credit check and terms apply.

  • Vodafone EVO

Representative example for Device Plans:

Figures used in the above (other than the representative APR) are for illustrative purposes only.

Device Plan:  means devices purchased from Vodafone under a Consumer Credit Agreement such as phones (Phone Plan), smartwatches (Watch Plan), tablets (Tablet Plan) and laptops (Laptop Plan).

Vodafone EVO:

For Mobile: lets you select a monthly Device Plan Credit Agreement (3-36 months) with a monthly Airtime Plan. Phone Plans over 12 months require a 24-month Monthly Airtime Plan. You can pay off your Device Plan early, and if you do, you can then keep your Airtime Plan on a 30-day contract or leave. If your Airtime Plan ends for any reason, you will need to keep on paying your monthly Device Plan (either in full or monthly)

For Smartwatches: lets you select a monthly Device Plan Credit Agreement (over 3-36 months) with a monthly Connectivity Plan. Watch Plans over 12 months require a 24 month Connectivity Plan. You can pay off your Device Plan early, and if you do, you can keep your Connectivity Plan on a 30-day contract or leave. If your Connectivity Plan ends, the Device Plan is still payable (either in full or monthly). Watch Plans require a Vodafone pay monthly airtime plan and a Connectivity Plan (via Vodafone OneNumber)

For Laptops / Tablets: lets you select a monthly Device Plan Credit Agreement (3-48 months) with a 24 month Data Plan. You can pay off your Device Plan early, and if you do, you can then keep your Data Plan on a 30-day contract or leave. If your Data Plan ends for any reason, you will need to keep on paying your monthly Device Plan (either in full or monthly)

Upgrade from month 3:  means a) buying a new Device Plan (which is a credit agreement) and an Airtime/Data/Connectivity Plan (as applicable) and b) either (i) paying off the remaining amount on your current Device Plan prior to upgrading, or (ii) paying for your current Device Plan along with your new Device Plan. Subject to credit check, eligibility and terms.

Trade-in Guarantee:  Available when you trade-in an eligible device using our Trade-in Tool, and purchase a new Vodafone Pay Monthly Airtime Plan. Your Trade-in value is guaranteed for 7 days from the date of your Trade-in Quote. Device must be returned within 14 days of the start of your new Airtime Plan and meet our requirements. You can select to receive your Trade-in value via a monthly airtime saving, a credit to your Vodafone account, or a bank transfer. Please see our  Trade-in Guarantee terms and conditions , which also details the eligibility criteria.

Trade-in Bonus:  Available when we're running a Trade-in Bonus promotion, where you could get an additional bonus on top of the trade-in value for the phone you're trading in, when you buy a new phone. Eligibility for the bonus and the bonus value may vary depending on which phone you're trading in and which new phone you're buying. Please see our  Trade-in Bonus terms and conditions , for more information.

Unlimited data:  available on Unlimited Lite Plan (max download and upload speed of 2Mbps), Unlimited Plan (max download and upload speeds of 10Mbps) and Unlimited Max Plan. Speed may vary by a number of factors.

5G:  You must have a 5G enabled device on the Vodafone 5G network, a Vodafone 5G plan and 5G coverage in the area that you are in. Coverage may be affected by a number of factors. Find out more about our  5G network

5G Ultra: You must have a 5G Ultra enabled device on a Vodafone Pay Monthly plan purchased after 24 February 2023, and be in an area covered by our 5G Ultra network. Coverage may be affected by a number of factors. Find out more about our 5G Ultra network

Buy-Back Price Guarantee: Customers who bought an eligible phone from Vodafone and trade that phone in via our Trade-in Tool (in a good working condition), whilst upgrading to a new phone and Airtime Plan within the required timeframe, will be entitled to receive a guaranteed buy-back price. Buy-back price varies depending on model variant. Terms apply

iPhone 14 - trade in between 1 September 2023 and 31 October 2023

Samsung Galaxy S23 - trade in between 10 January 2024 and 1 April 2024

iPhone 15 - trade in between 1 September 2024 and 31 October 2024

The UK's Best Phone Buy-Back Price Guarantee: 'UK's Best' because we:

i) guarantee future buy-back price

ii) offer flexible payment options

iii) don't charge extra

iv) offer flexibility to trade in and upgrade from month 3; and

v) boost the trade-in value by £50 vs major competitors.

Details and verification:

Roaming:  using your home data plan to roam in Zone A is included in all of our Pay Monthly plans. For roaming in other destinations, charges will apply depending on which plan you are on.

Roaming Passes:  For Pay Monthly customers without European roaming included in their plan, you can purchase an 8 or 15 day European roaming pass to use your monthly UK allowance of calls, texts and data in our Zone B destinations. The 8 day pass is £12 and the 15 day pass is £17. Out of bundle charges such as picture messages, premium calls or premium texts are not covered by this charge. These passes are subject to a 25GB roam fair use policy. Passes become active when you start roaming and only one pass can be used at a time. For more information and terms, visit our  roaming page

Information on roaming with Vodafone

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Mobile Specific Small Print

Lifetime Service Promise:  means a) Lifetime warranty covering manufacturer's defects, provided you have an active pay monthly Airtime plan + b) Battery refresh replacing your phone's battery (for 2-3 years) if it fails one of the Battery refresh tool tests. On phones purchased directly from Vodafone.

Lifetime Warranty:  is an extended warranty covering manufacturer's defects (on phones purchased via Vodafone directly), provided you have an active pay monthly Airtime plan. Excludes damaged and tampered phones. Terms apply

Battery Refresh:  replaces your phone's battery if it fails one of the Battery Refresh Tool tests. Available for up to three years depending on your plan. On phones purchased via Vodafone directly. Excludes damaged and tampered phones. Terms apply

UK's Only Lifetime Service Promise:  Vodafone is the only network that offers both i) Lifetime Warranty which covers your phone for manufacturer defects provided you have an active pay monthly Airtime plan, and ii) Battery Refresh which offers phone battery health checks and required replacements for up to 3 years. Terms apply

Smartwatch Specific Small Print

Smartwatch:  requires a) Vodafone pay monthly Airtime plan, and b) 12 or 24 month Connectivity Plan (via Vodafone OneNumber). Watch Plans over 12 months require a 24 month Connectivity Plan. Terms apply

Vodafone OneNumber Connectivity Plan ('Connectivity Plan'): uses your minutes, texts and data allowance from your Airtime Plan using Vodafone OneNumber. You must have an Airtime Plan with us in order to purchase a Connectivity Plan. Smartwatch Connectivity plans can be bought for a smartwatch you already own, or for a new smartwatch you purchase through us. Tablet Connectivity plans can only be bought for a tablet you already own.

Two-Year Warranty  (formerly called Total Care Warranty) is a 24-month warranty that starts from the date your device (purchased from Vodafone), is dispatched. This covers manufacturer's defects in the materials and workmanship of the device through normal use. Excludes damaged and tampered devices. Not applicable with Laptops. Terms apply

Tablet Specific Small Print

Pay as you go.

Unlimited Bundle:  An Unlimited Pay as you go Bundle lasts for 30 days. Your bundle will automatically renew every 30 days if you have enough credit. To opt out call  2345 . Includes unlimited data and unlimited minutes and texts: minutes to standard mobiles and landlines (UK: 01, 02, 03) and standard texts (excluding MMS) to use in the UK and Zone A.  Unlimited Bundle terms, exclusions and destinations

Pay as you go Bundles (Big Value Bundle) excluding Unlimited Bundle:  Unlimited minutes to standard mobiles and landlines (UK: 01, 02, 03), standard texts and a set allowance of data (excluding Extras) to use in the UK and Zone A. Last 30 days. Automatically renews every 30 days if you have enough credit. Opt out by calling  2345 . Pay as you go Bundles are also known as Big Value Bundles. For more information, please visit our  Pay as you go Bundles terms and conditions page

Total Rollover:  Any unused allowance from your current Pay as you go Bundle will only rollover from one bundle to the next, for use in the next 30-day period, if your Pay as you go Bundle renews automatically.

Pay as you go 1:  You'll pay just £1 each day you use your phone, which gives you: Unlimited minutes, Unlimited texts, 50MB of data to use until midnight. For more information, please visit our  Pay as you go 1 terms and conditions page

Roaming:  Your data usage is for use in the UK and Zone A destinations only, unless you purchase one of our roaming extras. For more info and destinations beyond Zone A, visit our  extras page . For terms visit our  terms and conditions pages

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Pay as you go Plus plan: My Vodafone app required. UK and Zone A use only unless Roaming Extra purchased. Minutes to standard mobiles and landlines (UK: 01, 02, 03), standard texts and plan data allowance (excluding Extras). Auto-Renews every 30 days if opted in via My Vodafone app and payment card added. Purchase Extras and manage payments through My Vodafone app. Plan stops after 30 days if paused or cancelled (by opting out of Auto-Renew). If opted out and you do not choose another plan, you can only receive inbound calls and texts once your 30-day plan ends. You must opt back in and re-purchase a new plan to use data, minutes, send texts or buy Extras. For terms and more information see the Pay as you go Plus terms and conditions

Roaming: Your data usage is for the UK and Zone A destinations only, unless you purchase one of our roaming extras in the My Vodafone app . Your extra will run until the day it expires (at 11:59pm UK time) or when it is used up, whichever is sooner. For more information on roaming destinations, see our roaming page or the My Vodafone app. For Extras terms, see the terms and conditions page

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Vodafone, nuovo scaglione rimodulato dal 29 Luglio 2023: aumenti fino a 2,99 euro al mese

Vodafone Silver winback

In queste ultime ore, a un nuovo scaglione di clienti Vodafone sta venendo comunicata la rimodulazione sulle cosiddette “offerte metalliche” , ovvero Bronze, Bronze Plus, Silver, Gold Start e Gold.

In seguito ai primi aumenti annunciati ad Aprile 2023 (con rimodulazione entrata in vigore dai primi di Maggio 2023), come raccontato da MondoMobileWeb, questa nuova rimodulazione era stata comunicata   a nuovi gruppi di clienti anche nel mese successivo .

Nei giorni scorsi, in particolare dal 15 Giugno 2023, era partita anche una nuova campagna SMS con rimodulazione che entrerà in vigore a partire dal 15 Luglio 2023 .

Questa volta, invece, per il nuovo scaglione che sta venendo informato da oggi, 28 Giugno 2023, gli aumenti entreranno in vigore a partire dal 29 Luglio 2023 .

Come funziona questa rimodulazione Vodafone

In generale, con questa rimodulazione sulle offerte Bronze, Bronze Plus, Silver, Gold Start e Gold sono previsti aumenti pari a 1,99 euro al mese o 2,99 euro al mese .

Di seguito si riporta un esempio di SMS con aumento pari a 2,99 euro al mese e con offerta Silver, che sarà coinvolto dal 29 Luglio 2023 :

Vodafone: Gentile Cliente, la informiamo che il suo contratto sta per cambiare. A causa dell’eccezionale aumento dei costi dovuti all’inflazione e dei crescenti e continui investimenti necessari a gestire il traffico dati sempre in aumento, a partire dal primo rinnovo successivo al 29/07/2023, la sua offerta Silver costerà 2.99 euro in più. Le ricordiamo che può recedere senza penali o costi aggiuntivi entro il 28/08/2023 tramite, via PEC, in negozio o chiamando il 42590. In alternativa, può scegliere di attivare Silver Light con gli stessi Giga, minuti e 100 SMS a 0.99 euro in più al mese rispetto al prezzo attuale della sua offerta e senza costi di attivazione. Per avere maggiori informazioni su questa offerta visiti e per attivarla risponda “Si” a questo sms entro il 29/07/2023.

Come anche indicato nel messaggio, i clienti che non accennato la modifica possono comunque esercitare il diritto di recesso gratuito entro un periodo minimo di 60 giorni .

In alternativa, coloro che ne ricevono indicazione dell’SMS informativo, possono anche scegliere di attivare un’offerta in versione Light, con gli stessi Giga e minuti della propria offerta attuale, ma con 100 SMS mensili invece che illimitati .

Come indicato anche nell’informativa dedicata sul sito ufficiale dell’operatore, nella sezione Vodafone Informa , per queste offerte può essere previsto un costo maggiorato di 0,99 euro al mese , oppure lo stesso costo mensile dell’offerta attuale .

In questo SMS sopra riportato, l’offerta in versione Light prevede 0,99 euro in più al mese , ma non è escluso che ad alcuni clienti venga proposta con lo stesso prezzo dell’offerta attiva.

In ogni caso, per richiedere il passaggio, è possibile rispondere con il testo  “SI” allo stesso messaggio, entro la data indicata dall’operatore (come ad esempio il 29 Luglio 2023) .

Cosa includono le offerte Light

Con le offerte alternative in versione Light, denominate appunto Bronze Light, Bronze Plus Light, Silver Light, Gold Start Light e Gold Light , in sintesi sono inclusi i seguenti bundle:

  • Vodafone Bronze Light  prevede ogni mese  minuti illimitati  verso tutti i numeri nazionali,  100 SMS  verso tutti i numeri nazionali,  50 Giga  di traffico internet mobile in 4G e servizi standard inclusi;
  • Vodafone Bronze Plus Light  prevede ogni mese  minuti illimitati  verso tutti i numeri nazionali,  100 SMS  verso tutti i numeri nazionali,  70 Giga  di traffico internet mobile in 4G e servizi standard inclusi;
  • Vodafone Silver Light  prevede ogni mese  minuti illimitati  verso tutti i numeri nazionali,  bundle di chiamate internazionali ,  100 SMS  verso tutti i numeri nazionali,  100 Giga  di traffico internet mobile in 4G e servizi standard inclusi;
  • Vodafone Gold Start Light  prevede ogni mese  minuti illimitati  verso tutti i numeri nazionali,  bundle di chiamate internazionali ,  100 SMS  verso tutti i numeri nazionali e  Giga illimitati  di traffico dati  con qualsiasi tecnologia disponibile  con limite di velocità  fino a 10 Mbps in download ;
  • Vodafone Gold Light  prevede ogni mese  minuti illimitati  verso tutti i numeri nazionali,  bundle di chiamate internazionali ,  100 SMS  verso tutti i numeri nazionali e  Giga illimitati  di traffico dati  con qualsiasi tecnologia disponibile  ( anche 5G se c’è copertura e dispositivo compatibile ) senza limiti di velocità.

Sono previsti anche 100 minuti internazionali  verso i numeri mobile e fisso di Bolivia, Cile, Ecuador, Egitto, Filippine, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Turchia, Venezuela e verso i numeri fissi di Brasile,  1000 minuti  verso Vodafone Albania e  minuti illimitati  verso i numeri di rete mobile Vodafone Romania.

Inoltre, ci sono anche 300 minuti con Silver e  1000 minuti con Gold Start e Gold verso i numeri mobile e fisso di Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgio, Bulgaria, Canada, Cina, Colombia, Repubblica Ceca, Danimarca, Repubblica Dominicana, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, India, Irlanda, Malta, Messico, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Pakistan, Peru, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, Regno Unito, USA e numeri fissi di Australia, Brasile, Israele e Marocco.

In generale, al superamento degli SMS mensili inclusi in queste offerte, vengono applicate le condizioni del piano tariffario base, il quale resterà invece invariato .

Si segnala infine che, senza costi aggiuntivi, sono inclusi anche i servizi standard come ad esempio Chiamami & Recall ,  l’ascolto della Segreteria Telefonica , l’IVR diretto 414 per conoscere il proprio credito residuo, l’azzeramento dell’eventuale costo del piano della SIM  e la  detariffazione del servizio di continuità (per un massimo di 48 ore) quando il credito residuo diventa negativo .

Il diritto di recesso gratuito con Vodafone

Come già accennato, in alternativa al cambio offerta verso la rispettiva versione Light, i clienti coinvolti da questa modifica unilaterale possono sempre esercitare il diritto di recesso gratuito entro un periodo minimo di 60 giorni, come previsto dal Codice delle Comunicazioni Elettroniche.

Ciò è possibile entro la data indicata nel messaggio informativo (come ad esempio il 28 Agosto 2023 per l’ultimo scaglione coinvolto nelle ultime ore), specificando come causale “ modifica delle condizioni contrattuali “ .

Il recesso gratuito, in caso di disdetta e/o passaggio ad un altro operatore, va effettuato via PEC all’indirizzo [email protected] , con  raccomandata A/R  a  Servizio Clienti Vodafone, casella postale 190 10015 Ivrea, Torino , chiamando il  Servizio Clienti Vodafone al 190, compilando il modulo dedicato nei negozi Vodafone  o tramite la pagina dedicata del sito ufficiale dell’operatore  (ecco il link diretto) .

Se il cliente Vodafone coinvolto non è soddisfatto delle nuove rimodulazioni tariffarie, l’operatore del Servizio Clienti, in alcuni casi, può richiedere di farlo contattare per ricevere un’altra eventuale promozione di caring per non perdere il cliente.

Qualora sia inclusa nell’offerta la rateizzazione di un device  e/o dei costi di attivazione, il cliente potrà continuare a pagare le rate residue con la stessa cadenza e con lo stesso metodo di pagamento scelto, oppure si potrà indicare nel modulo di recesso il pagamento delle rate in un’unica soluzione.

Infine, nel caso in cui il cliente Vodafone abbia acquistato un prodotto tramite finanziamento di una società terza dall’operatore, il piano di rimborso del finanziamento stesso, previsto dal contratto, non subirà alcuna variazione in caso di recesso, cessazione della linea o di passaggio ad altro operatore.

Altri dettagli sulla modifica e sulle offerte coinvolte

Nel messaggio informativo, anche questa volta Vodafone giustifica la modifica contrattuale citando fra le cause “l’eccezionale aumento dei costi dovuti all’inflazione” e i “crescenti e continui investimenti necessari a gestire il traffico dati sempre in aumento” .

Si ricorda inoltre che i clienti privati e ricaricabili Vodafone possono comunque verificare se sono coinvolti da nuove modifiche unilaterali contattando il 42590 dalla propria SIM. Non è detto che tutti i clienti che possiedono una di queste offerte saranno coinvolti da questa operazione, ma si consiglia di riprovare periodicamente perché queste rimodulazioni coinvolgono sempre più clienti a scaglioni.

Si ricorda che dall’anno scorso 2022,  Vodafone Italia  sta continuando il suo processo di  semplificazione tariffaria  di tante sue precedenti offerte non più in commercio, rimodulate in questo modo nelle offerte “ metalliche ” Bronze,  Bronze Plus ,  Silver , Gold Start  e  Gold .

Se diverse volte  la modifica unilaterale è stata positiva ,  in tanti altri casi il consumatore ha subito un aumento della propria spesa mensile .

Si ringrazia Alex per la segnalazione.

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Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow: The Best of Moscow!

I just got back from one week in Moscow. And, as you might have already guessed, it was a mind-boggling experience. It was not my first trip to the Russian capital. But I hardly ever got enough time to explore this sprawling city. Visiting places for business rarely leaves enough time for sightseeing. I think that if you’ve got one week in Russia, you can also consider splitting your time between its largest cities (i.e. Saint Petersburg ) to get the most out of your trip. Seven days will let you see the majority of the main sights and go beyond just scratching the surface. In this post, I’m going to share with you my idea of the perfect travel itinerary for one week in Moscow.

Moscow is perhaps both the business and cultural hub of Russia. There is a lot more to see here than just the Kremlin and Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Centuries-old churches with onion-shaped domes dotted around the city are in stark contrast with newly completed impressive skyscrapers of Moscow City dominating the skyline. I spent a lot of time thinking about my Moscow itinerary before I left. And this city lived up to all of my expectations.

7-day Moscow itinerary

Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow

Day 1 – red square and the kremlin.

Metro Station: Okhotny Ryad on Red Line.

No trip to Moscow would be complete without seeing its main attraction. The Red Square is just a stone’s throw away from several metro stations. It is home to some of the most impressive architectural masterpieces in the city. The first thing you’ll probably notice after entering it and passing vendors selling weird fur hats is the fairytale-like looking Saint Basil’s Cathedral. It was built to commemorate one of the major victories of Ivan the Terrible. I once spent 20 minutes gazing at it, trying to find the perfect angle to snap it. It was easier said than done because of the hordes of locals and tourists.

As you continue strolling around Red Square, there’s no way you can miss Gum. It was widely known as the main department store during the Soviet Era. Now this large (yet historic) shopping mall is filled with expensive boutiques, pricey eateries, etc. During my trip to Moscow, I was on a tight budget. So I only took a retro-style stroll in Gum to get a rare glimpse of a place where Soviet leaders used to grocery shop and buy their stuff. In case you want some modern shopping experience, head to the Okhotny Ryad Shopping Center with stores like New Yorker, Zara, and Adidas.

things to do in Moscow in one week

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To continue this Moscow itinerary, next you may want to go inside the Kremlin walls. This is the center of Russian political power and the president’s official residence. If you’re planning to pay Kremlin a visit do your best to visit Ivan the Great Bell Tower as well. Go there as early as possible to avoid crowds and get an incredible bird’s-eye view. There are a couple of museums that are available during designated visiting hours. Make sure to book your ticket online and avoid lines.

Day 2 – Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Tretyakov Gallery, and the Arbat Street

Metro Station: Kropotkinskaya on Red Line

As soon as you start creating a Moscow itinerary for your second day, you’ll discover that there are plenty of metro stations that are much closer to certain sites. Depending on your route, take a closer look at the metro map to pick the closest.

The white marble walls of Christ the Saviour Cathedral are awe-inspiring. As you approach this tallest Orthodox Christian church, you may notice the bronze sculptures, magnificent arches, and cupolas that were created to commemorate Russia’s victory against Napoleon.

travel itinerary for one week in Moscow

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Unfortunately, the current Cathedral is a replica, since original was blown to bits in 1931 by the Soviet government. The new cathedral basically follows the original design, but they have added some new elements such as marble high reliefs.

Home to some precious collection of artworks, in Tretyakov Gallery you can find more than 150,000 of works spanning centuries of artistic endeavor. Originally a privately owned gallery, it now has become one of the largest museums in Russia. The Gallery is often considered essential to visit. But I have encountered a lot of locals who have never been there.

Famous for its souvenirs, musicians, and theaters, Arbat street is among the few in Moscow that were turned into pedestrian zones. Arbat street is usually very busy with tourists and locals alike. My local friend once called it the oldest street in Moscow dating back to 1493. It is a kilometer long walking street filled with fancy gift shops, small cozy restaurants, lots of cute cafes, and street artists. It is closed to any vehicular traffic, so you can easily stroll it with kids.

Day 3 – Moscow River Boat Ride, Poklonnaya Hill Victory Park, the Moscow City

Metro Station: Kievskaya and Park Pobedy on Dark Blue Line / Vystavochnaya on Light Blue Line

Voyaging along the Moscow River is definitely one of the best ways to catch a glimpse of the city and see the attractions from a bit different perspective. Depending on your Moscow itinerary, travel budget and the time of the year, there are various types of boats available. In the summer there is no shortage of boats, and you’ll be spoiled for choice.

exploring Moscow

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If you find yourself in Moscow during the winter months, I’d recommend going with Radisson boat cruise. These are often more expensive (yet comfy). They offer refreshments like tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and, of course, alcoholic drinks. Prices may vary but mostly depend on your food and drink selection. Find their main pier near the opulent Ukraine hotel . The hotel is one of the “Seven Sisters”, so if you’re into the charm of Stalinist architecture don’t miss a chance to stay there.

The area near Poklonnaya Hill has the closest relation to the country’s recent past. The memorial complex was completed in the mid-1990s to commemorate the Victory and WW2 casualties. Also known as the Great Patriotic War Museum, activities here include indoor attractions while the grounds around host an open-air museum with old tanks and other vehicles used on the battlefield.

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The hallmark of the memorial complex and the first thing you see as you exit metro is the statue of Nike mounted to its column. This is a very impressive Obelisk with a statue of Saint George slaying the dragon at its base.

Maybe not as impressive as Shanghai’s Oriental Pearl Tower , the skyscrapers of the Moscow City (otherwise known as Moscow International Business Center) are so drastically different from dull Soviet architecture. With 239 meters and 60 floors, the Empire Tower is the seventh highest building in the business district.

The observation deck occupies 56 floor from where you have some panoramic views of the city. I loved the view in the direction of Moscow State University and Luzhniki stadium as well to the other side with residential quarters. The entrance fee is pricey, but if you’re want to get a bird’s eye view, the skyscraper is one of the best places for doing just that.

Day 4 – VDNKh, Worker and Collective Farm Woman Monument, The Ostankino TV Tower

Metro Station: VDNKh on Orange Line

VDNKh is one of my favorite attractions in Moscow. The weird abbreviation actually stands for Russian vystavka dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva (Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy). With more than 200 buildings and 30 pavilions on the grounds, VDNKh serves as an open-air museum. You can easily spend a full day here since the park occupies a very large area.

Moscow sights

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First, there are pavilions that used to showcase different cultures the USSR was made of. Additionally, there is a number of shopping pavilions, as well as Moskvarium (an Oceanarium) that features a variety of marine species. VDNKh is a popular venue for events and fairs. There is always something going on, so I’d recommend checking their website if you want to see some particular exhibition.

A stone’s throw away from VDNKh there is a very distinctive 25-meters high monument. Originally built in 1937 for the world fair in Paris, the hulking figures of men and women holding a hammer and a sickle represent the Soviet idea of united workers and farmers. It doesn’t take much time to see the monument, but visiting it gives some idea of the Soviet Union’s grandiose aspirations.

I have a thing for tall buildings. So to continue my travel itinerary for one week in Moscow I decided to climb the fourth highest TV tower in the world. This iconic 540m tower is a fixture of the skyline. You can see it virtually from everywhere in Moscow, and this is where you can get the best panoramic views (yep, even better than Empire skyscraper).

top things to do in Moscow

Parts of the floor are made of tempered glass, so it can be quite scary to exit the elevator. But trust me, as you start observing buildings and cars below, you won’t want to leave. There is only a limited number of tickets per day, so you may want to book online. Insider tip: the first tour is cheaper, you can save up to $10 if go there early.

Day 5 – A Tour To Moscow Manor Houses

Metro Station: Kolomenskoye, Tsaritsyno on Dark Green Line / Kuskovo on Purple Line

I love visiting the manor houses and palaces in Moscow. These opulent buildings were generally built to house Russian aristocratic families and monarchs. Houses tend to be rather grand affairs with impressive architecture. And, depending on the whims of the owners, some form of a landscaped garden.

During the early part of the 20th century though, many of Russia’s aristocratic families (including the family of the last emperor) ended up being killed or moving abroad . Their manor houses were nationalized. Some time later (after the fall of the USSR) these were open to the public. It means that today a great many of Moscow’s finest manor houses and palaces are open for touring.

one week Moscow itinerary

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There are 20 manor houses scattered throughout the city and more than 25 in the area around. But not all of them easily accessible and exploring them often takes a lot of time. I’d recommend focusing on three most popular estates in Moscow that are some 30-minute metro ride away from Kremlin.

Sandwiched between the Moscow River and the Andropov Avenue, Kolomenskoye is a UNESCO site that became a public park in the 1920’s. Once a former royal estate, now it is one of the most tranquil parks in the city with gorgeous views. The Ascension Church, The White Column, and the grounds are a truly grand place to visit.

You could easily spend a full day here, exploring a traditional Russian village (that is, in fact, a market), picnicking by the river, enjoying the Eastern Orthodox church architecture, hiking the grounds as well as and wandering the park and gardens with wildflower meadows, apple orchards, and birch and maple groves. The estate museum showcases Russian nature at its finest year-round.

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If my travel itinerary for one week in Moscow was a family tree, Tsaritsyno Park would probably be the crazy uncle that no-one talks about. It’s a large park in the south of the city of mind-boggling proportions, unbelievable in so many ways, and yet most travelers have never heard of it.

The palace was supposed to be a summer home for Empress Catherine the Great. But since the construction didn’t meet with her approval the palace was abandoned. Since the early 1990’s the palace, the pond, and the grounds have been undergoing renovations. The entire complex is now looking brighter and more elaborately decorated than at possibly any other time during its history. Like most parks in Moscow, you can visit Tsaritsyno free of charge, but there is a small fee if you want to visit the palace.

Moscow itinerary

How To Stop Procrastinating When Trip Planning

Last, but by no means least on my Moscow itinerary is Kuskovo Park . This is definitely an off-the-beaten-path place. While it is not easily accessible, you will be rewarded with a lack of crowds. This 18th-century summer country house of the Sheremetev family was one of the first summer country estates of the Russian nobility. And when you visit you’ll quickly realize why locals love this park.

Like many other estates, Kuskovo has just been renovated. So there are lovely French formal garden, a grotto, and the Dutch house to explore. Make sure to plan your itinerary well because the estate is some way from a metro station.

Day 6 – Explore the Golden Ring

Creating the Moscow itinerary may keep you busy for days with the seemingly endless amount of things to do. Visiting the so-called Golden Ring is like stepping back in time. Golden Ring is a “theme route” devised by promotion-minded journalist and writer Yuri Bychkov.

Having started in Moscow the route will take you through a number of historical cities. It now includes Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Sergiev Posad. All these awe-inspiring towns have their own smaller kremlins and feature dramatic churches with onion-shaped domes, tranquil residential areas, and other architectural landmarks.

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I only visited two out of eight cities included on the route. It is a no-brainer that Sergiev Posad is the nearest and the easiest city to see on a day trip from Moscow. That being said, you can explore its main attractions in just one day. Located some 70 km north-east of the Russian capital, this tiny and overlooked town is home to Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, UNESCO Site.

things to do in Moscow in seven days

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Sergiev Posad is often described as being at the heart of Russian spiritual life. So it is uncommon to see the crowds of Russian pilgrims showing a deep reverence for their religion. If you’re traveling independently and using public transport, you can reach Sergiev Posad by bus (departs from VDNKh) or by suburban commuter train from Yaroslavskaya Railway Station (Bahnhof). It takes about one and a half hours to reach the town.

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is a great place to get a glimpse of filling and warming Russian lunch, specifically at the “ Gostevaya Izba ” restaurant. Try the duck breast, hearty potato and vegetables, and the awesome Napoleon cake.

Day 7 – Gorky Park, Izmailovo Kremlin, Patriarch’s Ponds

Metro Station: Park Kultury or Oktyabrskaya on Circle Line / Partizanskaya on Dark Blue Line / Pushkinskaya on Dark Green Line

Gorky Park is in the heart of Moscow. It offers many different types of outdoor activities, such as dancing, cycling, skateboarding, walking, jogging, and anything else you can do in a park. Named after Maxim Gorky, this sprawling and lovely park is where locals go on a picnic, relax and enjoy free yoga classes. It’s a popular place to bike around, and there is a Muzeon Art Park not far from here. A dynamic location with a younger vibe. There is also a pier, so you can take a cruise along the river too.

Random Russian guy

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The Kremlin in Izmailovo is by no means like the one you can find near the Red Square. Originally built for decorative purposes, it now features the Vernissage flea market and a number of frequent fairs, exhibitions, and conferences. Every weekend, there’s a giant flea market in Izmailovo, where dozens of stalls sell Soviet propaganda crap, Russian nesting dolls, vinyl records, jewelry and just about any object you can imagine. Go early in the morning if you want to beat the crowds.

All the Bulgakov’s fans should pay a visit to Patriarch’s Ponds (yup, that is plural). With a lovely small city park and the only one (!) pond in the middle, the location is where the opening scene of Bulgakov’s novel Master and Margarita was set. The novel is centered around a visit by Devil to the atheistic Soviet Union is considered by many critics to be one of the best novels of the 20th century. I spent great two hours strolling the nearby streets and having lunch in the hipster cafe.

Conclusion and Recommendations

To conclude, Moscow is a safe city to visit. I have never had a problem with getting around and most locals are really friendly once they know you’re a foreigner. Moscow has undergone some serious reconstruction over the last few years. So you can expect some places to be completely different. I hope my one week Moscow itinerary was helpful! If you have less time, say 4 days or 5 days, I would cut out day 6 and day 7. You could save the Golden Ring for a separate trip entirely as there’s lots to see!

What are your thoughts on this one week Moscow itinerary? Are you excited about your first time in the city? Let me know in the comments below!


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Ann Snook-Moreau

Moscow looks so beautiful and historic! Thanks for including public transit information for those of us who don’t like to rent cars.

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Yup, that is me 🙂 Rarely rent + stick to the metro = Full wallet!

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Mariella Blago

Looks like you had loads of fun! Well done. Also great value post for travel lovers.

Thanks, Mariella!

travel mondo vodafone 2023

I have always wanted to go to Russia, especially Moscow. These sights look absolutely beautiful to see and there is so much history there!

Agree! Moscow is a thousand-year-old city and there is definitely something for everyone.

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Tara Pittman

Those are amazing buildings. Looks like a place that would be amazing to visit.

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Adriana Lopez

Never been to Moscow or Russia but my family has. Many great spots and a lot of culture. Your itinerary sounds fantastic and covers a lot despite it is only a short period of time.

What was their favourite thing about Russia?

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Gladys Parker

I know very little about Moscow or Russia for the\at matter. I do know I would have to see the Red Square and all of its exquisite architectural masterpieces. Also the CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE SAVIOUR. Thanks for shedding some light on visiting Moscow.

Thanks for swinging by! The Red Square is a great starting point, but there way too many places and things to discover aside from it!

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Ruthy @ Percolate Kitchen

You are making me so jealous!! I’ve always wanted to see Russia.

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Moscow is in my bucket list, I don’t know when I can visit there, your post is really useful. As a culture rich place we need to spend at least week.

travel mondo vodafone 2023


Looks like you had a great trip! Thanks for all the great info! I’ve never been in to Russia, but this post makes me wanna go now!

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Wow this is amazing! Moscow is on my bucket list – such an amazing place to visit I can imagine! I can’t wait to go there one day!

travel mondo vodafone 2023

The building on the second picture looks familiar. I keep seeing that on TV.

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Reesa Lewandowski

What beautiful moments! I always wish I had the personality to travel more like this!

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Perfect itinerary for spending a week in Moscow! So many places to visit and it looks like you had a wonderful time. I would love to climb that tower. The views I am sure must have been amazing!

I was lucky enough to see the skyline of Moscow from this TV Tower and it is definitely mind-blowing.

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Chelsea Pearl

Moscow is definitely up there on my travel bucket list. So much history and iconic architecture!

Thumbs up! 🙂

travel mondo vodafone 2023

Blair Villanueva

OMG I dream to visit Moscow someday! Hope the visa processing would be okay (and become more affordable) so I could pursue my dream trip!

Yup, visa processing is the major downside! Agree! Time and the money consuming process…

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The Present Perspective

Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

· everything to know about visiting moscow, including the best things to do and how to get around. ·.

the red st basils church in moscow on a white winters day

Moscow is Russia’s vibrant capital city, and it also happens to be the largest city in all of Europe. The city’s long and infamous history makes it one of the most unique places we have ever visited.

The architecture ranges from centuries-old palaces to uniform, gray concrete buildings. The people range from cold and private to warm and welcoming. Moscow is a city is strong juxtapositions, and we learned a lot during our time there.

This post will break down all you need to know about visiting Moscow, including the best things to do, how to get there, how to get around, and more.

man and woman standing in front of main church in moscow

The Best Things to Do in Moscow

1. explore the red square.

The Red Square is the heart of Moscow. Most of the city’s top attractions can be found here, including just about everything on this list. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and Lenin’s Mausoleum are all located here, and the State Historical Museum and GUM are not far from here, either.

The Red Square is a common home for parades, protests, and seasonal celebrations. There are massive Christmas celebrations here, with food vendors and carnival rides set up in numbers.

red orthodox church in moscow russia red square on a winter day

2. Check Out the Ziferblat

The Ziferblat is a café in Moscow that is unlike any café we have ever been to. While most cafes charge you for your drinks and food, the Ziferblat charges you for your time.

Upon arrival, you are given a clock. When you leave, the barista calculates how much time you spent in the café and charges you accordingly. This concept was created to help visitors to be more intentional with their time, and the cafe itself is incredibly charming.

For a detailed look at everything you need to know before you visit, make sure you read my post about visiting the Ziferblat Cafe in Moscow .

white lcocks on a table

3. Marvel at St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil’s Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style. The church is of the Russian Orthodox faith, and the inside is just as wondrous as the outside.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is located on the edge of the Red Square, making it incredibly convenient to visit. Entrance for non-worshippers costs 800 rubles, and tickets can be bought at the church

woman in winter jacket standing in front of St Basils Russian Orthodox in moscow on a winter day

4. Explore the Kremlin

The Kremlin is the largest active fortress in Europe, and it is the site of most of Russia’s government affairs. In addition to government buildings, the Kremlin Complex is filled with courtyards, towers, and museums that are open to the public. If you have the time, you could spend a couple of days fully exploring all that there is to see in the Kremlin.

selfie of man and woman pointing to the Kremlin in Moscow

5. Walk Through Lenin’s Mausoleum

Vladimir Lenin is one of the most important figures in Russian history, and his body is located perfectly embalmed in a mausoleum in the Red Square. The Mausoleum is open to the public to visit, and as long as you are willing to go through a few security checks, it is easily one of the best things to do in Moscow. Its convenient location in the Red Square makes it a can’t miss attraction.

There is absolutely no photography allowed inside the Mausoleum. Do not test this rule.

red exterior of lenins mausoleum in moscow russia

6. Wander Along Arbat Street

The Arbat is a very popular street in Moscow that is lined with stores, cafes, and other touristy attractions. It is one of the oldest streets in the city, dating back to the 1400s. This street is both quaint and trendy, and there are many walking tours that introduce tourists to the neighborhood’s wonders and highlights.

man in sinter jacket standing in arbat street moscow at night with glistening white lights strung from the buildings

7. Catch a Show at the Bolshoi Theatre

As a lover of the arts, it is hard to think of Moscow and not think of ballet. Russia has always been a top dog in the world of fine arts, and Bolshoi Theater is one of the best places to catch a performance. We were lucky enough to attend an Opera here, and it is a venue that you don’t want to miss out on if you enjoy opera, ballet, or orchestral performances.

8. Visit the State Historical Museum

The State Historical Museum is one of the most respected museums in Moscow. Despite its name, it is not really focused on the history of Russia as a nation. Rather, it contains a collection of artifacts from all throughout Russia’s history.

The museum’s collection is very broad in nature. It houses some items from indigenous tribes that used to occupy the region, pieces collected by the Romanov family, and more.

9. Wander Around GUM

GUM is an absolutely massive mall within walking distance of the Red Square. It isn’t just the size that draws visitors here; it’s the sense of luxury. The mall is so beautiful inside, much like the metro stations.

While visiting a mall might not sound like it belongs on a bucket list, this mall does. You will not want to miss out on visiting GUM while in Moscow.

people walking inside GUM mall in russia with christmas lights

10. Admire the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

While St. Basil’s Cathedral is the most iconic church in Moscow, it isn’t the only one. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is absolutely stunning, with massive golden domes. It is the tallest Orthodox church in the world, and it is the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.

It is located just about a mile from the Red Square, just south of the Kremlin Complex. You can walk to it from the Red Square in about 20 minutes.

How to Get to Moscow

Flying to moscow.

Moscow has three major international airports: Sheremetyevo (SVO) , Domodedovo (DMO) , and Vnukovo (VKO) . All three of them are directly connected to downtown Moscow by the Aeroexpress trains, which leave every 30 minutes throughout the day. By Aeroexpress train, you can expect to get to the city center in 25-45 minutes depending on the airport that you fly into.

Sheremetyevo is the biggest and busiest of the three airports, and it is the one you are most likely to fly into – especially if you are coming from outside of Europe or the Caucus region. We flew into Sheremetyevo on a direct flight from New York City.

I usually provide backup airport options, because flying right into the city isn’t always the cheapest way to get where you’re going. Unfortunately, when it comes to Moscow, don’t really have a choice other than to fly right into Moscow. It is a very remote city, and it is usually the cheapest place to fly into in Russia as a whole.

Since Sheremetyevo is so busy, you will probably find a great flight option anyway. I wrote in  my post about finding cheap flights  that using hub airports will lead to more affordable airfare, and the same logic applies here. Even though Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot, is no longer a member of the SkyTeam Alliance, Moscow is still a major hub connecting passengers from all over the world.

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Train or Bus to Moscow

Trains and buses are one of the most popular ways to get around Europe. However, they’re of very little use when you’re trying to get to Moscow.

Moscow is hundreds of miles from the nearest major cities. The only major European city that can even be reached within 8 hours on the ground is St. Petersburg, and even the Baltic capitals of Riga, Vilnius, and Tallinn are over 12 hours away.

If you want to get to Moscow, the best option is almost always to fly. While the train routes to Moscow are scenic, they simply take forever.

How to Get Around Moscow


Moscow has one of the most memorable metro systems in the world. Its metro lines are very deep underground, and the stations are absolutely stunning. Each station has its own unique style, but all of them contain escalators that seem to go on forever.

turned-on chandelier on ceiling of moscow metro

The system was built in an effort to showcase the power of the Soviet Union and its bright future. The plans were a form of propaganda, but they resulted in what is still one of the most visually appealing subway systems on earth.

Moscow’s metro system isn’t just pretty. It is also very useful and accessible. The system has 17 lines that connect the city and its surrounding area.

But wait; there’s more!

The Moscow metro system is also incredibly affordable, with each ride costing less than a dollar. The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow, as it is almost impossible to beat the connection times and the low cost to ride.

Tickets can be bought at electronic, English-speaking kiosks in stations, or directly from ticket counters at certain larger stations. There are also day passes available, which are a very solid option if you plan on riding the metro several times per day.

long gray escalator in moscow russia

The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow.

In addition to the metro system, Moscow also has a network of buses, trams, and trolleys. This system is nowhere near as convenient or well-connected as the metro, though, and is likely of little use to you during your trip. There is no Uber in Moscow, but a similar app named Yandex is available if you need a ride in a pinch.

How Many Days Do You Need in Moscow?

Moscow is the biggest city in all of Europe, and it is absolutely loaded with things to do. You could spend weeks in Moscow and still find new things to do. Of course, most travelers don’t have that kind of time to spend in one place!

I recommend spending no less than three full days in Moscow, and ideally closer to five or seven.

Moscow is very spread out, and it can take some time to get from one major point to another. There are also so many places that are nice to just sit back and relax, which is hard to do when you’re in a hurry trying to cram activities into just a few days.

If you only have a week to visit Russia, I’d advise spending all of the time in one city. If you decide to split your time between Moscow and St. Petersburg, I recommend not trying to squeeze in any day trips beyond those two cities.

moscow bridge at night with lights

When Is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Moscow?

There are two different ways to approach this question. Personally, I think the best time to visit Moscow is around Christmas and New Year’s Day. While the weather will be absolutely freezing, Moscow is a surreal winter wonderland in December and January.

We were in Moscow right before Christmas. While it was very cold, you can always bundle up. Exploring the Christmas markets and pop-up ice skating rinks throughout Moscow is one of my favorite memories from anywhere I’ve traveled, and I dream of going back to do it again.

If you aren’t fond of the cold, Moscow is beautiful in the summer. It tends to get pretty cold in the shoulder seasons, so if you want warm weather, you should plan to visit in the summer. Moscow actually gets pretty warm in July and August, and there are a bunch of fantastic places to soak up the sun within the city.

The best time to visit Moscow is either around Christmas or from late May to August.

group of people walking in moscow red square at night with christmas lights everywhere

Is Moscow Safe to Visit?

While Moscow is a truly wonderful city, there’s no denying that visiting Russia comes with risks. As the country is run by an infamous communist dictator, concerns about visiting are valid. While we didn’t experience any sort of threat or negative treatment during our time in Moscow, we visited in a peaceful time.

In our experience, Russia doesn’t seem to detain normal Americans or Westerners to use as pawns. As a regular person, as long as you don’t commit any crimes, there is a slim chance you will run into any issues. However, Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

To make matters worse, Russia has a bad reputation for gang violence. While the Russian mafia has very little interest in normal Western tourists, they won’t hesitate to pick a fight with anyone who ventures into their sphere of influence. If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

Finally, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, things are all very different. Russia is currently at war, and there are battles raging within 8 hours of Moscow. While it is still relatively safe to visit, that could change at any time as the war with Ukraine continues.

Is Moscow Worth Visiting?

Without a doubt, Moscow is worth visiting. It is one of the most unique major cities we have ever visited, and we hope to make it back one day. The Russian Orthodox churches are stunning, the city’s history is unlike any other, and the food is to die for.

While many visitors prefer St. Petersburg to Moscow, I think Moscow deserves a lot of hype of its own. Moscow is the beating heart of Russian culture and history, and it’s a place I highly recommend checking out if you have the chance.

woman in head scarf hugging bronze statue of angry bear

That’s all we have for you about Moscow! I hope this post was helpful as you plan your trip to Russia’s capital.

Have you been to Moscow? Or is this your first time visiting? Comment below if you have anything to add to our travel guide!

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.

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Travel Daily

Business tourist flow from India to Moscow on the rise: Evgeny Kozlov

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Business + Leisure Travel and MICE 2023 opened on 29 th of September with a keynote speech from the Chairman of The Moscow City Tourism Committee, Evgeny Kozlov. In his speech, the Chairman spoke about the potential for MICE and business tourism in Moscow and the growing number of Indian businessmen who are choosing Moscow as their preferred destination for business events.

Evgeny Kozlov highlighted that the number of business tourists is expected to grow in the coming years. One of the factors supporting the growth of interest from Indian businessmen was the launch of electronic visa program. From August 1, 2023, it has become easier for Indian citizens to organize a trip to Moscow – they can come simply by applying for an electronic visa. The validity period of an e-visa is 60 days from the date of its issuance. You can stay with it in Russia for 16 days. An e-visa has several advantages over a traditional visa. To obtain it, you do not need to go to consulates or embassies, and the only documents required are a digital photograph of your face and a scan of the page with your passport data.

“Before the pandemic, the tourist flow from India grew by 12-15 percent annually. Now we are on the road to recovery – all the conditions have been created for this. Every year hundreds of international exhibitions, forums, congresses and conferences are held in Moscow. Over the past year, about 3.5 million people visited the capital for business purposes and a significant share of them are from India” – he said.

Evgeny Kozlov emphasized that Moscow is a growing hub for international business events and Indian businessmen could benefit from attending these events to expand their network and explore potential business opportunities. The Moscow MICE Ambassadors program, which also premiered at the exhibition, aims to promote Moscow as a preferred destination for business tourism, and Indian businessmen who have completed the program can serve as valuable resources for organizing conferences and events in Moscow. Furthermore, Moscow offers a range of world-class facilities and services for business travelers, including conference centers, hotels, transportation, and sightseeing. He also mentioned that Moscow’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant nightlife could provide Indian businessmen with unique experiences that could enhance their overall business trip.

In conclusion, Evgeny Kozlov expressed his optimism for the future of MICE and business tourism in Moscow. Thus, in October 2023, Moscow will host the largest MICE Congress in Russia. Among the participants are 14 countries, including Indians. The event will provide a platform for businesses in the travel and tourism industry to showcase their products and services.

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    Scopri le migliori offerte telefoniche all'estero Vodafone: il roaming, le chiamate internazionali e tutte le tariffe. Quando sei in viaggio. Seleziona la tua destinazione e scopri tutte le offerte per chiamare dall'estero. Cerca la tua destinazione. Paese. CERCA PAESE.

  3. Come attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone: La guida completa

    Come attivare Travel Mondo Vodafone by Neuralword 27 Giugno, 2023 Travel Mondo Vodafone è un pacchetto di roaming internazionale disponibile per i clienti Vodafone che desiderano utilizzare il proprio telefono all'estero, senza dover pagare costi extra ad ogni chiamata, SMS o utilizzo dei dati. Attivare il servizio è semplice e può essere ...

  4. PDF Sintesi contrattuale Nome dell'offerta Travel Mondo Data 04 ottobre 2021 ... Offerta Travel Mondo che prevede 200 minuti (100 in entrata e 100 in uscita), 10 SMS e fino a 10GB in base al Paese di destinazione. Nello specifico, Travel Mondo prevede: ... Vodafone Created Date: 8/22/2023 10:16:23 AM ...

  5. Vodafone Travel Mondo: tutte le nuove modifiche tariffarie

    Vodafone modifica l'offerta Travel Mondo e i Paesi inclusi nelle diverse zone: ecco tutti i dettagli [wp_ad_camp_1] È news recente quella di Vodafone, che continua sulla scia delle rimodulazioni e questa volta colpisce l'offerta per l'estero Travel Mondo, comunicando i nuovi prezzi e le modifiche effettuate ai Paesi inclusi nell'offerta.

  6. Scopri l'opzione Smart Passport per l'estero

    Smart Passport +. Smart Passport + ti dà fino a 60 minuti (30 in entrata e 30 in uscita), 60 SMS e 500 Mega a 3 o 6 euro al giorno nei Paesi extra UE e in USA, solo in caso di utilizzo. Con Smart Passport + in Albania, Turchia, Canada, Svizzera e Principato di Monaco con 3 Euro hai 60 minuti (30 in entrata e 30 in uscita), 60 SMS e 200 Mega al ...

  7. Viaggio nel mondo con Vodafone: scopri come attivare l'offerta Travel

    Se stai cercando di attivare il servizio Travel Mondo Vodafone per la tua prossima avventura all'estero, sei nel posto giusto. Questa guida ti fornirà tutte le informazioni che ti servono per attivare e utilizzare Travel Mondo Vodafone, il servizio che ti permette di utilizzare il tuo telefono all'estero senza fretta, con tariffe molto convenienti.

  8. Costi e Offerte da e Verso l'Estero

    In caso di roaming involontario contatta il 190 (Servizio Clienti Vodafone). Entra e scopri le informazioni sui costi e le offerte da e verso l'estero, con la guida aggiornata Vodafone.

  9. Vodafone Smart Passport conviene? Costo e Come Disattivarlo

    Vodafone Smart Passport in Breve: Il servizio viene addebitato in automatico sulla tua SIM al momento del primo utilizzo.; Vodafone Smart Passport + si rinnova di giorno in giorno scalando il costo dal tuo credito residuo.; Se esaurisci i Mega inclusi nel pacchetto, puoi continuare navigare a un costo di 2 o 3 euro ogni volta che che superi una certa quantità di dati, che varia a seconda del ...

  10. Vodafone Travel eSIM Europe

    Buy your Vodafone Travel eSIM, install it quickly and enjoy our fast internet in Europe. Buy your Vodafone Travel eSIM, install it quickly and enjoy our fast internet in Europe. ... Vodafone Roaming Services S.à r.l. is registered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. R.C.S Luxembourg No. B125883. Registered Office: 15 rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 ...

  11. Vodafone World Stay in Touch Abroad

    Contract customers. Activate Vodafone World at least seven days BEFORE you leave South Africa. Call Customer Care on 082 135, FREE from a Vodacom cellphone or SMS 'IRM' to 31050. You may be required to pay a deposit.

  12. Vodafone estero: le migliori tariffe per viaggiare a Luglio 2021

    Per chi intende viaggiare verso Paesi al di fuori dall'Unione Europea sono disponibili ulteriori tariffe Vodafone estero: 1. Travel Mondo. 1 GB nei Paesi in Zona 1. 3 GB nei Paesi in Zona 2. 5 ...

  13. Vodafone roaming charges explained: All of your questions answered

    Zones C and D are a bit more simple, if also more expensive. Roaming in destinations from either zone will incur a daily charge of £6. As things stand, there is no Roaming Pass option for ...

  14. Travel Mobility

    With Vodafone Travel Mobility, you can deliver unmatched customer experience across our global footprint. We enable mobile operators, travel SIM and travel mobility providers to offer white-labelled, instant, short-term connectivity for smartphones, MiFi and other devices. Even without a physical SIM, your customers can enjoy quality coverage ...

  15. Roaming with Vodafone in 2023: Everything you need to know

    This includes destinations such as Belize, Nepal and Angola. While roaming in these Zones, data usage is charged for each megabyte (MB) used. In Belize, Nepal and Angola, for example, the cost is now £1.20 a MB. This is down from £7.20 a MB at the beginning of 2023. Calls and texts are also charged for in these zones.

  16. Estero

    Estero. Nome commerciale dell'offerta. Velocità massime stimate della connessione per le diverse tecnologie (2G, 4G, 5G, sia Upload che Download) Copertura per le diverse tecnologie. Eventuali misure applicate in rete con impatti sulla velocità di connessione ad Internet. Disponibilità di meccanismi di QoS.

  17. Global Roaming

    If your Xtra Plan has the benefit of inclusive roaming in 83 worldwide destinations, you can use your UK allowance at no extra cost in Zone A, B and C. If your plan doesn't include this, it'll cost you £7.39 a day to roam. Roaming in Zone D will cost you £7.39 a day. If your plan started before 11 August 2021, this information doesn't apply.

  18. Vodafone, nuovo scaglione rimodulato dal 29 Luglio 2023: aumenti fino a

    Nei giorni scorsi, in particolare dal 15 Giugno 2023, era partita anche una nuova campagna SMS con rimodulazione che entrerà in vigore a partire dal 15 Luglio 2023. Questa volta, invece, per il nuovo scaglione che sta venendo informato da oggi, 28 Giugno 2023, gli aumenti entreranno in vigore a partire dal 29 Luglio 2023. Come funziona questa rimodulazione Vodafone

  19. The Best & Worst Times to Visit Moscow in 2024

    The best months to visit Moscow are from May to September, when the weather is warm and the city hosts numerous festivals. May and September are less crowded, offering a more relaxed experience, while the summer months are ideal for enjoying long days and a lively atmosphere. To make the most of Moscow's festive events and beautiful outdoor ...

  20. Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow

    Day 6 - Explore the Golden Ring. Creating the Moscow itinerary may keep you busy for days with the seemingly endless amount of things to do. Visiting the so-called Golden Ring is like stepping back in time. Golden Ring is a "theme route" devised by promotion-minded journalist and writer Yuri Bychkov.

  21. Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

    3. Marvel at St. Basil's Cathedral. St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil's Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style.

  22. Business tourist flow from India to Moscow on the rise: Evgeny Kozlov

    Business + Leisure Travel and MICE 2023 opened on 29 th of September with a keynote speech from the Chairman of The Moscow City Tourism Committee, Evgeny Kozlov. In his speech, the Chairman spoke ...